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Lab Rept,Battery Section,Ieee 323 Qualification.
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/15/1981
From: Boden D, Schaetzle H, Walker G
Shared Package
ML18046B157 List:
NUDOCS 8112220612
Download: ML18046B159 (146)


{{#Wiki_filter:r-" Work Request No._.......___._,_.*__....;,_ __ Laboratocy*Test No~ ..*.* Various B. E. No.*---------------- R. M.A. No.__.,..._,___ _ _ ____,;_.._ LAB 0 RA T.O'R Y. BEP*D*B*T. BATTERY s:E.Cll 0 N IEEE ;2; QUALIFICATION Prepared for: Purchase Order No. CD BATTERIES. OIVISICN CF EL.TRA CCFIPCFIATICN Distribution:

    **-**-~--REGULATORY .DOCKET .ijl[ ~         Prepared by -===:...===------.-----...;......~

Reviewed by -::.:..~_,::;.=;;.;...;=.;._-......,.._,_----

 ****                  8112220612 811215 Approved by - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDR ADOCK 05000255 p PDR

(:;i!if:~, BATTERIES DIVISION (1\8\'lA) Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE; 215-828*9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436 1
  • 0 OBJECTIVE 1.1 Twenty year seismic and electrical qualification of the LO and LCY type battery cell.

1.2 Seismic qualification of' the two-step battery rack for LC and LCY type batteries. 2.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.1 The battery and battery rack, when erected and maintained i?l accordance with approved drawings and the C & D BATTERIES Installation and Operating Instructions, shall maintain electrical and structural integrity as*epecified, before, during and after a seismic event, and shall maintain this integrity for a period of twenty years from the date of shipment. 2.1.1 Applicable drawings 2.1.2 Applicable specification ( s)

          ,.o   TEST PLAN
                ,.1     Battery cells
                        !l.1.1  Fil°l, soak, form, condition cycle, and obtain the initial capacity as follows on the following battery cells *
  • an (*Eltra Jcompany _,_

BATTERIES DIVISION (l\8VIA) MfllllER lndustr1al Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON R'OAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215-828-9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436
                      ;.1.1 Continued Cell Type              Qty.         Discharge Rate LC-15                  2                8 Hour LC-21                  2                8 Hour LC-25                  2                8 Hour LC-29                  2                1 Hour LCY-;9                 2                 1 Hour 4LCY-11                1                1 Hour
                          **    OF-1440                2                8 Hour
                          **    In 1951 a 60 cell lead calcium battery, type RCT-1680, was manufactured and sold to the Bell System and used for emergency power at their Pennypacker Exchange Office for 17 trouble-free years. The battery was rated. at 1680 ampere-1hours and as dictated by the state of the art at the time of manufacture, was encased in hard rubber containers.

In 1968, when the Exchange was being enlarged, the battery was re-aquired by C & D. It went into storage fore. year until-the Plymot.;th Meeting Headquarters Building was completed and, in the Spring of 1970, it was installed there for use as an emergency lighting system. For the purpose of this test and for future visual observation, the elememts of t~o cells were removed from their original containers and placed in present day plastic jars using plastic covers and a bottom element support system. These cells now employ all the features of our present day manufactured batteries. In order to facilitate the jar transfer, two positive plates and two negative plates were removed, derating the cells to 1440 ampere hours. The CF plate di~eneions compare favorably to the present day LC and LCY plates as follows: Plate Height Width Thickn~ss OP' 1;.25 11 11.5 11 .266 11 (Pos.) .* 180" (Neg.) LC 15.00 11 12.0 11 .;12 11 (Pos.) .21on (Neg.) LCY 15.00 11 12.0 11 .25on (Pos.) .180 11 (Neg.) an ( Eltra Jcompany

 "'!!13_        BATTERIES DIVISION lndustrral Batteries and Chargers (l\B'AA) 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE:   215**828-9000
  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436
                      ;.1.2    After initial capacity testing, hold all cells except the LC-21 cells which are to be placed in the 160°F life testing room for thermal aging.
                               ;.1.2.1      Thermal aging was accomplished per the requirements of' IEEE-5;5 Draft 8 whereby the test cells are float charged in a 160°F ambient for a period not less than 200 days. The Life Equivalency Formula is Tdm 10.C Ty; where Td is the.

number of test days a~ the stated cell temperature and float voltage required to age the positive plates to an equivalent life, Ty specified in years to which a cell is to be aged. Two hundred days at 1 160°F is equal to 20 years equivalent life {( at 77°F. The Life Equivalency Formula has been substantiated through field surveys and actual testing of hundreds of cells at temperatures of' 100°, 115 , 1;0°, 145° and 160°F. For the field survey, laboratory personnel visited actual installations; studied records, measured the acid gravity, _the cell voltage, the positive and negative plate potentiale, e.nd inspected the external appearance of the batteries. The survey covered more than 15% of the cells manufactured in 19; 1

  • Cells tested in the thermal test rooms were brought to temperature and floated at various voltages. Frequent readings )lere taken; capacity tests periodically per-formed; and plate growth measured. Figure 1 ehows the efrect of temperature on battery life. 'lh.e coordinates are chosen so that a straight line is obtained for data which fit the Arrhenius equation, T1 - 'T'1
  • K log !12 wh ere I represents t h e 1 2 1 rate of any specific chemical process.

The points obviously fall on a straiSht line and indicate that 1 year0 at 160 F is equivalent to 36 years at 77 F. Table I shows the laboratory results at various teat temperatures. an ( Eltra ]company

(1\8\'lA) BATTERIES DIVISION Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215-828-9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436 P'!GURE 1 500 400 300 200 so 55 so 15 10 15 ao a:i 90 95 ioo 1os no 115 120 OPERATING TEMPERATURE FIG. I ArrtAni11s cltart al&1111** tf/~~t of tt11111t>rot11rt ~ltant1*'* ,,11 battl'rits.

TABLE ! Life test results t.lfe, measured Life, calcu-Temperature Potential of at temp lated @ 77"F of test test 100 0.58 21.2 160 0.56 20.4 160 100 0.53 19.3 160 50 0.55 20.1 160 50 0.76 14.5 145 100 0.79 15.8 145 100 0.94 19.3 145 50 1.02 21.0 145 so 2.18 22.6 130 100 1.94 20.0 130 100 2-33 24.1 i30 50 2.30 23.B 130 50 4.08 24.0 115 100 4.08 2-1.0 115 100

  • an ( Eltra )company

(:!~~~- BATTERIES DIVISION (l\BV1A) Mf:MIEI lndustrral Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215-828-9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436
                      ;.1.; After thermal aging of the LC-21 cells, conduct a capacity test identical to that prior to aging.

Capacity must be greater than 80% of the nominal rating.

               ;.2    Battery rack
                      ;.2.1   Manufacture and construct the test rack per 0 & D drawing M-670;-1.
               ;.;    Battery cells and battery rack
                      ;.;.1 Pack and ship to the test facility for seismic testing.
                      ;.;.2    The cells shall be mounted on the two-step rack and connected in series using standard lead plated copper connectors between the cells and standard neoprene ineulated copper cable connectors between the rack steps. At least one terminal of the battery shall have a standard lead plated copper terminal plate. The cells and the rack shall be subjected to simulated seismic testing as outlined in Wyle Test Report No. 4;450-1.
                               ;.;.2.1     Throughout seismic testing the series connected cells shall be connected to a small resistive load (10 to ;o amps).

The cells need not be discharged at rated amperages or at high rates individual load banks would be required for each cell type, and high current densities do not increase mechanical stress. The small load insures that voltages will not drop precipitously during the seismic test (giving a false indication of failure); and allows the test facility to monitor the .battery output for circuit continuity.

                      ;.;.;   Upon return trom. the te9t facility, discharge all cells at the identical rate as that prior to seismic testing. Capacity of the thermally aged cells must be greater than 80% of their nominal rating; capacity of the 25 year old OF-1440 cells must be greater than 80% of their nominal rating; capacity of the non-aged cells an ( Eltra Jco~pany c:c~i          BATTERIES CIVIBICN                                              (N3VIA)

Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215*828*9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436
                      ;.;.; Continued must be greater than 95% ot the initial capacity test. All electrical testing shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 450-1975 requirements.
                      ;.;.4   Visually inspect the battery rack tor cracked welds, bolt elongation or other structural anomalies. If cracked welds or other structural faults that did not result in seismic test failure are discovered, investigate to determine where the fault originates. It workmanship, closely monitor construction of the actual customer units; if materials, they shall be corrected or replaced.

4.0 TEST RESULTS 4.1 It is demonstrated that the LC and LCY type single and multiple cell construction, and the two-step battery rack possess sufficient electrical and structural integrity to withstand without compromise of design or function, the Wyle Test Response Spectrum. Refer to Wyle Report No. 4;450-1 for seismic test data and results. Upon ihspection, the battery rack exhibited no structural anomalies; and upon test, the battery cells met a.ll capacity requirements.


S AND COMMENTS The LC and LCY line of battery cells, 5 plates through

                     ;9 plates are shown to have a qualified life of twenty years. The two-step battery rack, being constructed of non-aging components is similarly qualified.

Battery cells of the LC and LOY type other than those actually tested are qualified by similarity since all cell sizes employ identical construction features; and in actual application, all cell types are mounted and connected in an identical manner. The thermally.aged*LC-21 cells developed cracks and subsiquent electrolyte leakage at the plate support rib area on the bottom of the container after 5 OBE and 1 DBE seismic tests in the side-to-side/vertical direction and were removed from the rack for the remainder to the seismic test. Replacement cells were unaged

  • an ( Eltra Jcompany 6 -


                                                                                      .llEMIEi Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE;   215-828-9000    TELETYPE:   510-660-8436 5.'   Continued 5.).1    Post seismic analysis of the cracked containers yielded a single cause. That being the temperature employed during thermal aging.

5.;.2 Data.rrom our polycarbonate plastic suppliers and our own testing program show conclusively that heat aging at elevated temperatures pro-gressively reduces the tensile and impact strength of the plastic and ttul,t in a high temperature and acid environment, this reduction is even more dramatic. 5.;.; Since the plastic suppliers' Life Chart and our own test data indicates only a minute reduction in plastic strength after 20 yeara at room temperature, we conclude that the method employed to age a lead acid battery cell is applicable only to the cell element (positive and negative plates). 5.4 Our conclusion that tho LC and LOY cell types are electrically and seismically qualified for 20 years is supported as follows.

a. The 25 year old (actual life) cells in non-thermally aged containers succeasf'ully met seismic and electrical requirements.
b. All non-aged cells types in polycarbonate containers successfully met seismic and electrical requirements.
c. The thermally aged LC-21 cells on which seismic testing was aborted after 5 OBE's and 1 DBE successfully met post seismic capacity requirements after being re-jarred.
d. Although seismic shock resulted in container cracks in the thermally aged cells, the cause is shown to be the reduction in tensile and impact integrity of the plastic caused by the high temperature/acid environment employed in accelerated aging of the cell *
  • an [ Eltra Jcompany BATTERIES DIVISION (l\SVIA)

Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215**828*9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660*8436
1. Test specimen per drawing M-670j-1
2. Assembly features of the 4LCY-11 per drawing M-6441-7
                ,. Aesembly features of the LC-1' thru LC-25 per drawing M-4007-;
4. Assembly features of the L0-27 thru Le-;; per drawing M-6;18-3
5. Assembly features of the LCY-35 thru LCY-'9 per drawing M-6115-;. This drawing also applies to the CF-1440.
6. Thermal testing log for the LC-21
7. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-15 prior to seismic testing
8. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-15 after seismic testing
9. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-21 after thermal aging and prior to seismic testing
10. Voltage profile and discharge record o!' the Lc:-21 after seismic testing (5 OBE 1 s and 1 DBE)
11. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-25 prior to seismic testing
12. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-25 after seismic testing
13. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-29 prior to seismic testing
14. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LC-29 after seismic testing
15. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LCY-'9 prior to seismic testing
16. Voltage profile and discharge record of the LCY-j9 after seismic testing
  • an ( Eltra )company BATTERIES CIVIBION (l\8\t1A)

MfMBU. Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE; 215-828-9000

  • TELETYPE: 510-660-8436 6.0 Continued
17. Voltage profile and discharge record of the 4LCY-11 prior to seismic testing
18. Voltage profile and discharge record of the 4LCY-11 after seismic testing
19. Volt~ge profile and discharge record of the 25 year old CF-1440 prior to seismic testing
20. Voltage profile and discharge recora of the 25 year old CF-1440 after seismic testing
21. C & D Battery Testing Lab instrumentation log
22. Suppliers' Polycarbonate Performance'Data, 8 pages 2,. C & D Test P-218, Polycarbonate test results, 4 pages


IEEE Std ,23-1974: IEEE Standard for Qualifying IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE Std '44-1975: IEEE Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations IEEE Std 450-1975: IEEE Recommended Practice for !l.aint-enance, Testing, and Replacement of Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations IEEE P5)5  : IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class IE Lead Acid Storage Batteries for Nuclear Power Generating Stations ACCELERATED LIFE TESTING OF STATIONARY BATTERIES, by E. Willihnganz, PhD Electrochemical Technology, Vol. 6, No. 0-10, Sept-Oct 1968

  • an [ Eltra Jcompany BATTERIES DIVISION (l\EMA)

Industrial Batteries and Chargers 3043 WALTON ROAD, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PENNSYLVANIA 19462 TELEPHONE: 215-828-9000

    • an ( Eltra Jcompany

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                                                                                                          =*rmiE':ST't:EL )"";; J dlsdosDd lo *11J"llN *lthout dlrKl wrlllen permission from C&D B11lt.11kt1, ON.            2     16    RAIL,STF.EL 1-5/8 SQ.                 79"LG.                                                       RD-200 J   _IL_ -~I_!,,~_T_g_L__t:1Ll!_ __sq_._l!!'.'.~\l;,-----*                                                     Ro-200 4      16    COVER,PLASTIC: 1-5{6 SQ.                   79 LG.                                               -iif::"i468-5      8    COVER,PLASTIC 1-5/8 SQ.                   14 11 1.G.                                               RE-1468 6 _1_6      !IMc~s_,_~J:f,_~l,__!=Jn_ !!_)l!~__IL~.0.:5/J~                                                     RE-1994 7    106 CAPSCR,HE)( J/8-16 x l"LG. GRAOE 5                                                                 -PH-i4if__ _

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  • Jl I. D. TUBE x 14-l/2"LG. RE-2092 18 8 SPACER,F.XFANnABLE POLYSTYREllE 6-J/~ x 14 x 1/2 THK. RF.-Z090 Ll?_ 7 SPj\CF.R:,J;l_q~__.;!ID1'IlL.L!'JlLXliD'.R~!lL19-llL_'Ll4.. 1'_1J2_I!IK l\F;=.J64L_

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                                                                                            ~- - - - - -                  44.S                               *I NOTES:-

1:-rAlNT - ACID RESISTANT GRAY. RACK PART IDIMRER - RD-661 I 7-/*7~ £l COl1f/E'CTED Qn'.s rn I (i'/j

2. FLOOR MOITNTltlG 1101.ES Altt: 9/16 OIA.


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ND. 34DA*20 DIETZOEN GRAPH PAPER l:UOENE DllCTll:OEN DD, 20 )( :ID PER INCH MADI: IN U. a. A. lllllllllllllllllllll:<ccE~tra ) .. an [ BATTERIES.\ company ** _, l BATTERY LABORATORY i DISCHARGE RECORD 1t+1+++1++-1+1-1tlfil1Hffi+/-mtlliffmOOJmE!mOO TEST No. \/L 1 '=-'S.-o '3 LC.-\'5

                                                                                            .*TYPE - - - - - - - - - - 1
                                                                                           ' DATE _"2..=..;l;__:;S~1tci-F-~~1-~---f


                                            ..                                                              FINAL VOLTS H+l-1->>HH I* :
                                        . *..:. -.-~: . .~_*:~.~::.~~~_<!._.";l_; r;~ ~~,:~~F~.:-~.-~. : .* :._:_.*_ :_ ,._* ~- ~:~_,_.: ~_*.;_* ,_.* *_: .:;~-=;t . . *; .,*~...I"*'.~ - .:*~. -~ .-....: *_..*-.-*                 ~ _:*-_                                     ~~A-;7"7; ~.f;...rl;,;~~*~- .

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CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT TYPE _ _:_,, _L=Cl...__-.... l ....,.S-: __ ' '_*:. _ ___*_,i....__. RAT~*- ~an[ Eltra )~ompany DATE _ _ *'l----'2;;;..:J'-.-..._.Z_..?.._'.. BATTERY LABORATORY DIS.


NO*---~**.._.:;...._ _ _ _*._.,_ AMPS. TO FINAL VOLTS . ..

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                                                                  *H+Hl+H+H-H-lo**-- .*    an [ Eltra )company                    *- --..i BATTERY LABORATORY .
                                                                                               .*TY PE           LC:..-\5
                                                                                                         ---'-;.__..:.='-------1 DATE         B 1:>~ 1lo TYPE OF DISCHARGE CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT B         HR. RATE Mt!+.
                                                                                                  \ °?)\. '2. s       AMPS. TO
                                                                                                     \*'lS            FINAL VOLTS
                                        ~ . *t:1:t:t.1+1--i.1nm j'




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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -                 TEST NO. _ _,_
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            *TYPE _ _ _ _


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                  ., ~                **        '.                                                                                      BATTERY LABORATORY
                 *~AMPS. TO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    DIS. No. _ _                    4_.________

50 .. '. *'-.~:**, tDS. ~?~ DISCHARGE RECORD .. .,..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..:'.'_;~_,..; CIRCUITNO. /$ i:/f-FINAL VOL.TS                                                                                                                                       -~*               *~:~">**                 **-*
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  • ACTUAL. HRS. TO FV* ,.
                                                        .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TESTED BY:~

fl 11.IJ PERCENT RATED .. :~ ,:> foC:,_ ~/oft, CAPACITY ! 77'F

 .RS_. I b-(3MI - 9* 72 (S)

NO, 340A-20 DIETZOEH DRAPH PAPER [UD[N[ Dll:TZDEN ca. 20 X 20 PER INCH MADE IN U. 8. A. tt-t+H-t+tt+t+Htt*t+l+tttt+ttt+H-tttH-HI

                                                                                           ~[&;2) ra A TT E R1Es an[ Eltra }company.           ** -** 1;
                                                         ..                              "    BATTERY LABORATORY .                 1 CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT:


                                                                                                     \Bl. CS. AMPS, TO tr---\,_1_~-- FINAL VOLTS
 ~ :


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                 . J!!t. RA TE                                   .

an [ Elt ra lcompany

                                                                                                                    * - . . -* . . -**-- _ _ _     TY.PE DA TE

1J 1UUJ 7~

            <        AMPS. TO BATTERY LABORATORY DIS. NO..

l"'l....J '

           ,.,,-                                                                     DISCHARGE RECORD
    \.,,             FINALVOLTS                                                                                                                    CIRCUITNO           '2..\""

CELL NO.- ~ ~ i<~ ( 1.1oi. '2.,(p~'° p - ~ c:: ~~4-M ~C.- I i'6>~1~ l Vl.o4'

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                                                                                                           ,.                                                                  AVER.

TEMP. FACTOR TEi~~~1. PERCENT RATED CAPACITY @ 77"F ~~-1 tol,<<o ....

l:UIJENE DIETZllEH DD. I: I NC, 34!lA*2C DllTZllllH CiRAPH PAPER MADS IN U, I, A. ..~-: '_..')

 '..':*             za x 20 PER INCH                                                                        .,   .

CDeATTERiEs an [ Eltra )company BATTERY LABORATORY *" U.l.l.:LU..U

                                                                                                * ,. DISCHARGE RECORD                                        ; ..
                                                                                                            -TEST NO.:        \94b*-*

Ll .1.l ( A~t,"\

                                                                                                           .JYPE~-=c=;..--=...._:::.;...;.=..;;-==-,.'-:1 DATE          \\  ..\At-Si CC           .. _


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                                                .*..  **                                        . an [    Eltra Jcompany                            OA TE-----"--'-'-(_J.....:,A_N_._7,__*

BATTERY LABORATORY AMPS. TO OIS. N0. _ __,\'--4.'------

                                                                           .. * . DISCHARGE RECORD I

l .'150 FINAL. VOL.TS CEl.l. NO.'.'" I c:. l A t-l "'\l *

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TIME STARTED 11 9t>5"* "1Cf7t.l . o~e

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I ff S'"t. * (81.~. J/O 8 ~

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                                       ' 12. "7 LOd~~


  • ii~
 . SP.CR.


                                                                                               *-----      -* -  *~  -
       **             NC. 3-40A-2D DIETZDEN llRAPH PAPER 20 X :IC PER INCH EUDENC DIETZDEN MADE IN U, I. A, ca.

f-tttt-tTtttHI- ~~ 18 A TT E R*. Es an [ Eltra )company . BATTERY LABORATORY . 1 1111111111111111111111111111*1*1rlffl:lifff~llm:HIE~DmlS~:~:~~-~-EC_E_-~_-~_._-2.o~"~- -*--t 9 ttt:t:ttt:1mlitt:ttttttt:t:ttt:1mt:1tt:i:t:i:t..rv PE ___ w_c._. . cs=----- _2__ HJ1mlJlfllfll. ff ~ DATE --~-"O_S_C..-_"7_~-----t, TYPE OF DISCHARGE CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANTj

                                                                                                                                                &    HR. RATE
2. "2.$ AMPS. TO FINAL VOLTS 14-1-1-H+l-l-H+H-H-H-l-H-l
   ~ .

--=------------..,..----------------------------*--** *- TYPE OF DISCHARGE CD BATTERIES TEST NO. _.;;;2'---0_4_'1..__ ___ CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT TY PE _ _ _,,/,.=C=----=2~~'-*- - HR. RATE MIN. an [ Eltra ]company AMPS. TO BATTERY LABORATORY DISCHARGE RECORD FINAL VOLTS CELI. NO.-

                           /. '1S I /.9 fo
                             , /'l   . 19   '2. :2.S-ACTUAL HRS. TO FV PERCENT RATED CAPACITY @ 77"F RS*416 (3M - 6*71)
     ,.             ND. 3"40A*2D DI tTZIJ[N DRAPH PAPER 20 X 20 PER INCH ll:UlltNC DICTZIHN DD.

MA.DI: IN U. 81. A. an ( Eltra Jcompany . BATTERY LABORATORY .. DISCHARGE RECORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~fl~~~~~~::::N0.~~~=*_~.:~4.5~g~**_*-_*--~*~~~ ~ *DATE \0 jh,~ "11

                                                                                                           .... ~~ *--- --


                                                                                                     ~RATE                 IIi 2.Z.5"   AMPS. TO t-7S      FINAL VOLTS
                                                                                                                               ..... j

CELL NO.- r. .., Ci..

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  . CAPACITY ~ ~F ,* .:. *                                                                                                     , *:. *,-: .. 7: ;'*   r
                                                                                      =~BATTERIES; m+/-Ef+/-Hffm:t=m!t..... - ** *
  • an { E~tra )company *- -* *!


  • 1!ciS o~


                                                                                                       . DATE _ _    'Z_S_c!:.~.OT~7~°=----t TYPE OF DISCHARGE CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT lc:>O ~- RA TE IOO'O AMPS. TO
                                                                                                             \ *1':) FINAL VOLTS
"-. r
  • l' ffi.
                                                                                                                                                    . I


                                                                                                                ~.'-~-,. ***  I    'f_'.*  i.**~:...  * - - "" --




                                      ==          an (

8ATTEF11ES Eltra ]company TesTNo. W-z&{=-t>J TY PE --llLa..C=---"2-.2,____ DATE _ ___.__9,___-=2:_-_n~'--*_ ~~:~S.TO BATTERY LABORATORY DISCHARGE RECORD DIS. N0. _ _....,,3~----

  "1S()     FINAL VOLTS                                                                          CIRCUIT NO.     /'}              .   /ZODA~

t ff'-1 I f9-o



                                      ....        *:.-:. *. . ;_ ....... :'* :.~.; ..**--* .
                                                                                                                          ..* ~ --~:~~~~.~: :}' :.~:

CAPACITY ~ 77"F .:.. :.. ~-. *. ~ .


ca. er~:> BATTERIES\

                                                                                                      ... .- -**1 i

an ( Eltra )company I BATTERY LABORATORY DISCHARGE RECORD TEST NO. \ll-- lfoS- O~ Lt.-29

~.. {.


                                                                                                                   .     \
                                                                                                                    '.   ~*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~-T* :, * *                :   4-
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ;~s; *~             o. li L-"* 7~S"~ aa**.

CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT TY PE _L_C,;_~....:.._-_2.=9..1-_.*_:_-- t HR *. RATE lll'IM. BATTERY

                                                                                                                                                                                        ~( Eltra Com~~

LABORATORY I DATE _..;:;;;<o_.:S=--~..:....U-=-.i.:_/....:...__ Q AMPS. TO . . . DIS. NO.* tr_; .... -~;-.. DISCHARGE RECORD

       \.:\_so                     FINAL VOLTS
                                                                                                                                                              - ....                                                                 .:::;* .... *:;:,..                          , ..i-        '.ci~curT No. 12.0o A,
                   . ::* .CELL NO.-                                          I ....                     *: "Z.* : .",: . . . :                         s ..
                                                                                                                                                       *** . *:.:-*."'*                                         .*.*                                                                  :**.~-*                                '      I . **
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TEMP. ((1',;;} 1.1r~0 FACTOR IM,?.<:. ACTUAL HRS. TO FV : 1.\3  :'.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .*. *:.                .  ...            . . ~~

PERCENT RATED &;;t=ij; I ()0.3 . . CAPACITY I! 7.,.F ll ~.'Ii .

  ,. ( ..

NO. 3'40A*20 DIET%01CN l:JRAPH PAPl:R 30 X 30 PCR INCH ICUDENIC DICTZDICN CC, MADI: IH U. ** A. D --~.' **- *-,,,.~:---~:.!* -*---- ..... _.__ ' * =---=-i

                                                                                       *~~BATTERIES I
                                                                                         --- - -
  • an[ Eltra )company. * * .. -*1
                                                                                     . ~


                                                                                                                 ..TY PE - - - -l...C..~
                                                                                                                                    ' l - - ---'2,9
                                                                                                                ' DATE    _...;;;3_~_'c!:'ll-"-~-r_b_ _- t TYPE OF DISCHARGE i

CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT* t HR, RATE Ml#. AMPS. TO FINAL VOLTS i-i+i:1+i:+:r:m:im II n11ct-t-t-t-t*

  • 1/1

It~- -L!. I,-- t_..,i \. - \:...' TYPE OF DISCHARGE CD BATTE Fi I ES TEST NO. //(_ . 7( c...o J CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT TYPE l_C.V-°39' Eltra Jcompany -~.~::* an ( DA TE _ __..;._f_-.....;S_-....,:)L':..=__ _ BATTERY LABORATORY DIS.NO. 3 DISCHARGE RECORD __/.1_ SZ2 FINAL VOLTS Cl RCUIT NO.-~"+/-~._..,.='-'-- CELL NO.- Z-AVER. TEMP. FACTOR


(. . .. ND. 34DA*:ZD DIET.ZIU:N GRAPH PAPER EUIJENIC Dl[TZD[N MADE IN U. 8. A. ca. 20 )( 20 PER INCH C[a:i) BATTE RI.ES an ( Eltra }company . I BATTERY LABORATORY **. TYPE OF DISCHARGE CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT'. lll~~~tmmi~~~I-~::'~- ..:°3:..:~~- lttttti:ttftttttt:!:l+/-l:!:l+/-i:!:l+/-l:-..'..f HR. RATE



                                                                                                                                  . I I.

[ . tYPE OF DISCHARGE TEsTNo. VL -reos . . oa

         . CONrANT CURRENT, RE'SISTANT                                                                                                         TY PE        (., C  '(   39


                                                                          .                             *. an { Eltra ]company                 DATE      l  0     J~'-Jlf BATTERY LABORATORY
30 AMPS. TO DIS. NO. '5"
                                                                                                                                                           . 20 ° t zoo A, DISCHARGE RECORD 1-:t~ Q                  FINAL VOLTS                                                                                            CIRCUIT NO {

CELL NO.- L '2. fd~'-l1 I Z:{Z!o '2-:(4'Z... n9'4o ':Z :\-1 Z41 I.. S/oc LYe .. 1'23 ~I ta. \1- I :7.,t..:t T

                                                                   '[O OC\\~ \.1..'40                             ...-zJsl TIME sTARTED c1Q1~.

IUfo+* .~7 t L.Z._r/

                                                                               * "" -, f"
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oq'l) j 1.S 't l l.S'C~ fo3oA.

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     /~30IJ'                           /ooS :11':\<o(                            *'2."3 l !\sc        .
                                        /0 (0             \,'2.~I            1:1~1           '

i I

   -                          .                         I'        Q(                 i\-{                                                                           AVER.

ZP.GR*. ~ FV . r.\4C L\50 TEMP. FACTOR 1 n I l;. ACTUAL HRS. TO FV ~ t.Oo O.C)1 BY: TESTED~



       ."'t<:'  litlL ("'! U*  !"!' "'1""1 fC::\

NO. 3"40A*20 DIETZIJEN llRAPH PAPER EUUCNE DllTZOlN ca. 20 X :m PER INCH MADI lt4 U . * . A. c~ 18ATTi:ii:i1:cs I H+H++i-1--- - -

  • an [ Eltra ]company _ * * -- -* 1 Ht+++HH BATTERY LABORATORY I I

_j DISCHARGE RECORD TEST NO. \IL:7bS--::o3, t(. LC~-\\

                                                                                       .XYPE~--:.~~+-~~~~-f TYPE OF DISCHARGE
                                                                                                                   --  \


                                                                                                      -Mftf, Ii
                                                                                     -:      33o I


                                                                                            \,cs       FINAL VOLTS mmm~mm--*~**1111tt1*----*-H~-H+l-l-I-_.
       . ,,.-k:'
    -~    ( .* *-=.;


           .   /      ~RATE                         an [ Eltra Jcompany . DATE     9-23-7b BATTERY LABORATORY AMPS. TO DISCHARGE RECORD FIN.AL VOLTS CELL NO.-

3' °30 If 4' s'

    ) '-/2t!J            'IJ  I l

14 ~{i' 43- 2s-' .

       '4'-ltJ           3o 1 I                  "JS-'


  . .ACTUAL HRS., TO FV                                                                  BY:


                                                                                                    *.. ~


    .RS... 16-(3MI
  • 9.72 (5) .. -~

I .

                                          -  --*~**::-  -_*;*-.:.... ,*:.-*.:. -;.=.-7:.-::-~---. *-*    -**   . ---- -- .     -      . -     - - *-. -------     --
j . .,, I . ~;*
       ..,.YPE OF DISCHARGE C D SATTEFZIES DiV.                                                                       TEST NO. J(iJ. 7t5"7- 0 3
  • ~RATE an{ Eltra )company DATE 9-2 3-1{
                                                                                                                                                                .(fiZ)          DIS. NO.       .....~


                              . /.Q)1 /~l/'f !/92.f' 1320 l<?tc6 -:37o
, I M~IJA ../S11J /~£' !£7.?4.f L79q                                                               -. .             J..79t;
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                                   /r'J7           J.777
  • 2..,f.) rJ.7CO' TIME STARTED
                                             ..                             -'l~*- -

1(750~) - IQ.o /:7tl I.. ,12.S" 1~ .72.c "- 12.< -

                               .;r-21~              ,Z<f                  J,709 J10C Ln7
                                                                                                                                                                                      *I              ..
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TEMP. 7.(C-/

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                                                    !_JI ,./_/?                                  I /)              .I. J7              ~"~ \,\~{


      --  ... 4  __ , . , -    .........,

J JfSJ. J /2.SL Jt2Sl,


20 )( 20 PER INCH MA.DI: IN U. II, A.

                                                             *c~ BATTER1*es an (  Eltra }company .


                                                                        ~-EST NO:* \1t.-1i;;i"- o~
4. L.C.y- l l
                                                                      ..TYPE ----~-----1
                                                                      'DATE~-1~j_4_N~l_l~~~--t TYPE OF DISCHARGE          .




              .; .l

i l~* . . ::~. :*- \ ~--:::;

             *- *,-*** --- *-;-------* *--***** .....                       *------*-*-**-------~- -*-*** -*-***-


  -                   l          . ttR.        RATE                                                                    an( Eltra )company                DATE         '1 .:r.f\')..) :-z,


                                                                                                                                                                                                "r1 DISCHARGE RECORD

, . FINAL VOL TS CIRcuiT NQ._*z:r CELL NO.- l '2. "3 4-

 .        ~l~t..l ~                                     i,;(,7.:Z7 1-<.7~                2-.7'1"/' ;!_7J/
 .      .     /'TO 0                                      :?.P'/-' ,tZ 9'~ ~ {;'7 .:1.(./.f"
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93:3~ 33A l./.!'2/.V /:::?/?. /~/..? ./~~

                                                                               '\5                                'l4
 ..                                 ,n o,cc                     l~lS            l:U'1            t-?rr...         ,:z.1Q                                                                  ..

TIMESTARTED J.909 (~01 ~9al.. /.foll ., .. C> 9o I .~t/

                                                         '*'J?,I /
                                                                          * .21.
                                                                           .~; * ~4'
                                                                                           * ..Zt
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  .                                     .                   l.'?'72 ~f')'I .. ~f-)C

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   .                                                      /f3) /.f:J.7.. "f2.2. /,f<l.r                                         .             l*    lL~

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mtmm:f:ft-1ttmt1=11ua+1:t-tm Ct~) ISATT RI.ES E f:jjJjJ:tttttttl:tJ. * --** *** **

  • an { Eltra Jcompany .


                                                                             .*.~*1ff-fmttmtmDmlBW                    TEST NO. _...;...\g:j.:__-_~_*-- - - - ;

t-ttt001JtfftlfEHff!WmEFEmm ti: c,.:: -tl\LJ, o

                                                                                                                    ..TY PE ---~------i
                                                                                                                   'DATE~_l_S_~_~_::-&-'--c-~--~-t TYPE OF DISCHARGE
                                                                                                                   '     CONSTANT CURRENT, RESISTANT!

8  ! HR. RATE



                                                                                                                                                                \    '
  ~ ....


.                          ()
                                       ...... RATE an [ Eltra Jcompany BATTERY LABORATORY
*                                 . AMPS. TO                                                              DIS. NO. _ _ _ _ _ _ __


           /. 7 ~                                       J    ,..SB FINAL VOL TS CELLNO.-      ,,,'2_   /]/!9 CIRCUIT NO.

2.7 ' ;;/.7'f JD 2*¥7 ':/.. CfC AVER. TEMP. FACTOR ACTUAL HRs. ro Fv cr.03 Y, "3 3 TESTED BY:

    -. PERCENT RATED                               /00, Cf /O'-l   l CAPACITY @ rrF                                 -,    -I.1 p
         . . . . . . . . , * *,A\   ft~IC"'


        ~~~------------------~-                    .                             t-Htttttiicru= ISATTER*-==s
   *                                               . --tttHii-t-t+++                          ---- **  an[   Eltra )company.


                                                                                                                                        * * ** -**1 l
                                                     . *!+H-tt-H+H-1 TEST NO.     \ 9~~---

C. F. \4-4-o

                                                                                                           ..TYPE  ----------1 ffi11Efl:fl:ElfftmtEB**oATE~~'-b-~-~-~_1_1~~~-1


                                                                                                                 \.'lS       FINAL VOLTS "HTl-ttt-t*H1-t-I


                                       -*       *** "*o * ***-   *
  • Ao* - ** * * ** ** ** : pa*** * * .... -** ... - --* ..
                                                                                                                                                                                 ~.            .  ..
           .a_HR. RATE

an { Elna Jcompany D ..MPS. TO . BATTERY LABORATORY ors. No. _ _ _ _ _ __ DISCHARGE RECORD l 'JSQ FINAL VOLTS CIRCUIT NO. "'2. $ +*~

                                      . t '1 l5 Hoe'Zl .


                                        *ti                1'.lt\                   .

7;r14}/fJ. )7 ;J.."'j"l,/(J 2.7 7t. ..... lit!.. n2A !l ?'J ;2.~J


12..J~ /.J /{) '. . 1 J Jt~ sJ/.gn:o 170- .. l of..eJ n 1.2 "7,l'J .!1. I c. (.'iG:,~ /~f.o ( 0910 .17.

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_)Soft (soo I \~1(o LiC#f, __...... ____

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                      *'"~ \ J \~~                           r:r~4-                              /Ola          .2411
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(\?ct~ (~~~ !I \-:t B"1 1

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(~e>A. no't ,t:tso

  • 2..S r.S8~


                                             '(~                     * (!)                                                                                                    A VER.

TEMP. r;-z.. ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                         -*~       .
                                       '-' ~£::            I.\ ~o

. SP.GR. FACTOR l UL*.f.~ TESTE~ ACTUAL HRS. TO FV ~.0.3 r"/.'{5 I BY: ~

  • PEi!C~NT RATED l.APAl.ITY IOI 7i"F (o'Z.,Co qq_, I I I ..

INSTRUMENT LOG Instrument Mfr. Model Serial# Range . Accuracy Calibration u\U.\\ht-l\J..l LLI Jt>L'TM!>"\t '2.. 1H~l"\i: l. D -toO U,\J +/-. .srb L. uo 1-.\Tl'~ 1J1~c..1(i:.,Q._b(;. ~\.\t-CHlo.ulll ~1N\l.) i\.terM~r-.>AM\C..~ l1) 1/l.. p \DZ> - \'l.r. o - <Lao A.u\'S i .1. 0, µ,J>,.. l, M. 0 )..)"\'i.£. ~ M.l°(£JL Stt0..i< \nl.~1"o..J So Ml) d~nP u1u-,*ni..L-UDL"( rv.l.<t.-IL V16,nc. '1..Sl- l B\1& b- l 0 \loL."'{c) +/-.. $ ~t:> bMot-nJ.c,.

      \\tJ..~                     \°)uMl.D -   Ge..t...Y     ll I                       6 - <on M n ..L        +/-..1..l i n ~ct llo t.. t1'..{µ_

. I .WoNWlUdl \ 9\'2.. 1....5 t\l-=t: +/-...4.?o i,, N.. oµ'C".\-l ~ I l



IMPACT STRENGTH The ~ost spectacular advantage of LEXAN over The lowered impact required to break a notched the other engineering quality thermoplastics is its bar suggests care be exercised in designing molded high impact resistance. Izod impact strength on Ys- parts. Sharp inside or stress concentratmg corners inch ASTM standard bars is 12-16 foot-pounds per should be avoided. inch of notch. On *7-4-inch and M-inch bars the value is between 2 and 3 foot-pounds per inch of notch. Tensile Slre119th of LEXAN vs rempercture Unnotched bars show impact resistance greater than **.coo 60 foot-pounds per inch. Polycarbonate's strength ... ~ IZ.000 compares very favorably with SOJX.le metals.

                                                                                                                                    ~~         17~

Comparison of Typical Properties * .- z..1o LEXAN Polycarbonate and Two Common Metals 11'r-.. u.o* 2.Z.. 72,:.Q ..,,;:;;, : ~)


LEX AH Dl ..cast Die-cast Paly- tl.l)CO

                                                                                                                                                             . I

Zinc Aluminum carbonate Density, lb/~ in. 0.043 0.24 0.98 Modulus of elasticity, psi 34a 1()I 1ill07 40a10' 40,000 30,000 0 Tensile strength, i;.;I 8..SOO -100 ~ 0 ~ ICICJ I~ 2DO 2:IO TeM,er*ture. Utt** ' Ratio of tensile strength to density 198,000 160,000 204,000 1.03 DIMENSIONAL STABILITY Strength/Weight ratio 1 .81 The low and uniform shrinkage from mold dimen-sions allows design and production of precision parts On the 78-inch thick bars the break is ductile. On at tolerances unmatched with other thermoplastic the thicker bars, it is the brittle type. With LEXAN materials. Many LEXAJ.~ parts have been molded resiris there is a limiting thickness above which brittle with tolerances of :!::.002 inches per inch and some breaks result on notched samples. The transition have been produced with tolerances within :!::.001 region lies between C.140 inches and 0.160 inches at inches per inch. The only requirements are proper room temperature. Lowering the temperature shifts molding conditions. the region. At approximately -18 F brittle breaks The maintenance of thes.e close dimensions is ex-result on .Vs-inch bars. Impact values drop to 1.62 cellent. Varied environments of temperature and per inch of notch and 1.52 per inch of notch at -35 F humidity have minor effect because of the high tem-and - 65 F respectively. perature stability and low moisture absorption of

~          Heat aging at elevated temnerature~~i::~siveJy.                                            this truly engineering material.

reduces the thickness at which ductile breaks on High precision molded parts and films are ideal notched bars result. Immersion in water at elevated LEXAN resin applications.. tCriiPeratures similarly reduces- the tbicknes~ of tbe ductile break region. .

                                                . _ . Slrwftgtlo ... r* .._,_ ~.;,o IZOD SpOci'"""'


11 16 I ~



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  • I
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                                           '                                                          Cast aluminum was ;eplaced by glos,..,einiorced LEXAN resin for t....                                 I  I                       fin* tolerances under S Ions of compressive force, 0 F to 165 F '""'"

I I I peratures, and 100% humidity. W*ight ;,, rh... l LoS-inch d;omoler 0 I I ls.*i. ...... I I I I nel was reduced 28%. The dimensional stability of LEXAN ollow1

                --1111                                                                                the designer to work to tolerances as close os 1 mil ond port dearance af &era.
  • I :* ... i. " ,_ ~ 2..


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PRODUCTS GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, ONE PLASTICS AVENUE, PITTSFIELD, MASS. 01201 D E'PA RT MEN T Phone (413) 494-1110, TELEX 926430 January 24, 1978 Mr. Chet Sinnk C&D Batteries 30 43 Wal*r:on Rd. Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462

Dear Mr. Sinnk:

Earlier this month, we discussed an aging program which you are undertaking in regard to the performance of LEXAN polycarbonate in your battery case applications. During that conversation, I agreed r:o supply you wir:h 200 tensile bars (ASTM D638 type 1) and 200 standard Izod bars (ASTM D256) molded from LEXAN 141-112. These are enroute to your attention under separate coyer. In addition, you asked that I send you any pertinent data we may have developed. Enclosed, therefore, is a tabular:ion of the results of a study just recently completed on the effects of immersion in 3-0% sulfuric acid at R.T. As you will note the;e was no significant effecc on any of the properties of LEXAN which were tested. Along with the above, I am enclosing some typical data on the effects of aging in air at elevated temperatures. It shows the effecr:s of aging ac 13o 0 c. and 14o 0 c. on Tensile Impact Strength (S-type) and Tensile Yield Strength. In addicion co the actual data points, I have also actached an Arrhenius ploc of Time to 50% Reduction in Tensile Impact Strength vs. Temperature. This may be of use in prediccing performance over extended periods at various temperatures, particularly if the temper-ature in which you are interested is lower than the aging temperatures for which data are attached. As you are probably aware, U.L. has assigned a Temperature Index of 115°c. with impact and 125°c. without impact for these grades. This is based on a *40,000 hour expected life (50% reduction in Tensile Impact Strength) . I hope chis is of help. If chere are questions or if I can be of help in other ways, let me know. We look forward to learning the results of your program. Very tr~rs,

       ~t#.                .

R.O. Carhart-Supervisor-Product Performance, LEXAN Tech. Mktg. Recommendations on the fabrication end *ppllcatlon of our materials ere based on best *vailable technical datJt and are ottered u

  • 111aestion only, Each uaer of the material should make his o"'n tests to determine the material's suitability for his o"'n particular use.
  • Table 1 Effects of Immersion In 30% Sulfuric Acid(2)

Total Light Surf ace Yellowness Change Falling Ball Notched Izod Immersion Haze, Transmittance, Gloss, Index, in Weight, Impact Strength, Impact Strength Time, Mo.  %  % Gardner 60° ASTM 01925  % ft-lbs. ft-lbs/in. 0 1.1 86.8 162-174 3.2 >100 16.8 2 1.5 86.9 159-171 3.1 +0.14 16.0 4 1.8 87.7 173-185(?) 3.2 +0.15 16.5 6 2.0 87.7 150-179 3.1 +0.17 17.3 8 2.0 87.8 161-168 3. 2. +0.17 16.4 10 2.3 87.8 152-174 3.1 +0.03 16.0 12 1. 7 86.4 150-174 3.2 +0.10 16.3 14 1. 9 88.0

  • 152-176 3.1 +0.09 16 16.9
1. 7 88.1 151-176 +0.13 17.2 18 20
1. 7 2.0 88.1 88.0 147-169 152-172 1.3 (l)
                                                              +0.11                         17.3
                                                              +0.10                         16.7 22       2.4        87.9        148-176          1.3        +0.15 24                                                                                        16.5 2.4        88.0        146-174          1.4        +0.09                         16.9 Materials:

LEXAN 103-111 in form of 4" diameter 1/8" thick discs was used for all tests except notched Izod Impact Strength. LEXAN 101-112 in form of standard Izod bars was used for the latter. Notes: (1) New and different instrument used for this and subsequent measurements of this property. (2) Immersed ac room temperature.

                                                                                                      *' -~


  ~aterial:    LEXAN 141-111 Aging Temperature:    l30°c.
  • Tensile Impact Tensile Yield Aging *~Strength . Str.eng'):h,.

Time, ft~lbs/in2 psi 0 227 9050 504 248 11610 1512 134 11960 2592' 188

  • 3528 104 12250 4704 153 12000 5784 163 12220 6792 133 12300 7800 140 12290 8784 101 12250 9792 102 10510

10800 94 12190 12072 94 9710 13200 45 12390 15600 33 23856 3290

A-"\ I~ \ .. .. i\. *-: *-t .-

                                                                          '-'i '- * . *
  • Material: LEXAN 141-111 Aging Temperature: 14o 0 c Tensile Impac;:t Tensile Yield Aging Strength Strength, Time, - ft-lbs/in2 . psi 0 227 .-9050 288 235 10160 864 188 10420 1464 226 10330
    • 2040 3168 3744 215 190 199 10230 10200 10500 4032 182 8200 4320 126 10600 4656 134 7990 4992 126 10200 5568 152 10210 6168 . 26 10660 6744 9 6900 7200 5010
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ti\ 2:. ~ ~ ~ ~9 i* 0


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1. Exposure Medium Tested Battery acid (40% sulfuric acid) and water a) Source with Merlan M-50 2.. Test Conditions
3. Critical Strain %
4. Data Reference 265831
                                                       % Flexural       % Ultimate Critical Strain Curve                       Strain       Tensile Strain 0
                                                           .4              1140
                                                           .6              1710
                                                           .8              2280 1.0              2840 1.2              3410 1.4              3980 1.6              4550
    .2    .4     .6    .8    1.0    1.2   1.4    !.6
               % Flexural Strain
5. Comments & Observations We did not see any crazing or cracking at 72°F and 100°F throughout the strain le~els. The specimens at 130°F and 160°F exhibited stress cracking-and significant reductions in tensile elongation
6. Recommendations at 1.2-1.6% strains. As the graph indicates, plain water behaves quite similarly.

~ .. ....:~ *~~~l~L:J POLYCARBONATE RESINS Performance Data


PRODUCT SOURCE Lubricating Oils SF-46 GE Silicone Prod. Dept., Waterford, H. Y. Hydrotherm Oil C Atlantic Refining Co., Philadelphia, Pa. A90 NR-Esso Humble Oil & Refining Co., Houston, Te.xas Teresso 56--Esso H.umble Oil &. Refining Co., Houston, Te.xos MMM Fluorochemicol FC43 MiMesota Mining &. Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn. Security Oil 2.SO Gulf Oil Corp., 439 7th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mil*L 1410 7A oil Gulf Oil Corp., 439 7th Ave., Pittsburgh, Po. MMM FC.43 MiMesota Mining & Mfg. Ca., 2501 Hudson Rd., St. Paul, MiM. Amberex 830 Mobil Oil Co., Hew York, N. Y. Vocuoline JJ Mobil Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Spirox 9CEP Shell Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Octoil 107 Mil*L*14107A Shell Oil Co., New York, N. Y. Caution: Many oils contain ~mponents which may be harmful to LEXAN oolycarbonate resins; therefore, it is advisable that oils be checked before use *** especially high temperature, hydraulic: and cutting type oils which may contain incompatible additives such as fire retarders. FOODS AND PERSPIRATION designed so that no section will be stressed in tension Staining beyond .2% (strain) X 340,000 (modulus of elas-ticity)=700 psi for carbon tetrachloride or about In addition to being chemically resistant to various 1100 psi for acetone. foodstuffs and beverages, LEXAN also shows ex-Hexane at room temperature can be tolerated be-cellent resistance to staining by many of the com-low tensile strains of 0.008-inch per inch or below mon materials which frequently discolor other plas-2560 psi tensile stress. Above this limit, it crazes tics. After six days' immersion at room temperature, LEXAN resin. . molded parts showed no stains from the following: Crazing of LEXAN parts can also be caused by a Orange juice Tomato juice Beer combination of tensile stress, heat and/or moisture. Lemon juice Catsup Mustard Wine vinegar Cod liver oil Whiskey * 'Where heat and moist\!re will be encountered, ten-Mayonnaise Wine Iodine tincture sile loads should not exceed the 1500-2000 psi range. A 'leat treatment at 125 C for approximately 1 Immersion at 176 F for 6 days in the following hour per 100 mils of thickness will increase the re* resulted in no stains: sistance of LEXAN resin parts to stress cracking. Unless the part contains molded-in inserts, such heat Coffee Tea Cocoa (aqueous) treatment may be advisable if use in a stress cracking Bacon fat Oleo (yellow) Sardine oil environment is anticipated. Perspiration Resistance Portiol Stress- Strain Curves, Immersion of LEXAN at 54 C in a synthetic per. LEXAN in Tension 15,000 spiration preparation showed no significant effect I I I I 14,000 ._ Elostic Oeformotion ' - *6Lr after four weeks. Absorption and retention of odor is very low.

  • 13,000 12,000 3ZO,OOO psi Modulus
                                                                                                                ' \.              /v          - ',

STRESSES AND LOADS I I I Environmental stress cracking, better known as ~

                                                                                      .. 11,000 1/       /

crazing and observed in polystyrene, methylmetha- ~ 10,000 J Room Temoeratur* - - crylate, polyethylene, polypropylene and most rigid ~ r/ ... thermoplastics, will oc;cur when LEXAN resin sur- "... 9000 I

                                                                                   "'::     8000                6v / L~60"
     .faces stressed in tension to some limiting point ( crit*

ic:al elongation) are exposed to certain environments. ....

                                                                                   ...      1000
                                                                                                            ,7// -- '
                                                                                                             .f  1 F

The critical elongation is that* elongation at which g" crazing is first observed while exposing the surface .

a. 6000
                                                                                                          /,~rJ to the environment while applying an increasing stress. As critical elongation varies with environment, it is important it$ effects be known and the LEXAN
                                                                                  ..;       5000 4000 l/j I 'I 3000 part designed so that the tensile stresses developed will not exceed the critical elongation. For carbon                                   2COO
                                                                                                    /J tetrachloride and acetone, two oi the most active                                      1000 , I crazing liquids, the values are 0.20 and 0.30 percent respectively. Parts which may come in contact with                                         OO .01 .02 .03 .04 .O:l .06 .OT .08 .09 JO or operate in these liquids or their vapors should be                                                      Stral11, l11el\es  ~r l11ch A-13
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i' SEISMIC SIMULATION TEST PROG?A\1 J---:-~-.'*--~-~---*. ~-~ ON A *------------------ BATTERY P.).CK

]--------~                                                                          AND BATTERIES I i I I i

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SEISMIC SIMULATION Test Report 43450-1 REPORT NO. 43450 WYLE JOB NO. CUSTOMER P.O. NO. 6-1800 PAGE 1 OF 61 PAGE REPORT DATE December 7, 1976 SPECIFICATION (S) See References in Section 7.0 1.0 CUSTOMER .

                    ---~C:.::&~D::_....:.B~a=..t:::.t:::.e=.r:!:..:::i.:::e~s:...._ _____________________________

ADDRESS -------=-3~0~4~3-.W.!!!:a:l~to~n:.!-.;Ro~a~d~,~P~l~ym~o~u~t~h~M~e~e~t~i~n~gu,-=.P~e~n~n~s*y=liv~a~n=i~a--=-14 94"'-><-6~2_ _ _ __ 2.0 TEST SPECIMEN;.t.:;.e:;.::r::.:i::.:e::.:s:........:C.::.l:.=i:.=s.::.t:.=e.::::d-=in:.:._T::..:a=b::..:l::..:e::.-..=I:.<.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3.0 MANUFACTURER ____C.;:. .&. . :D;. . . .:;B. . :a. . :t_t_e.. :. ri. .:. *e.;:...s,:.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4.0


A Battery Rack and Batteries, hereinafter called the specimens, were subjected to a Seismic Simulation Test Program as required by the C&D Batteries Purchase Order Number 6-1800, and Wyle Laboratories' Seismic Test Plan 541/4212/ES, dated September 2, 1975, Revision A. The Battery Rack and Batteries (except Battery No. 5) demonstrated sufficient integrity to withstand, without compromise of structures or electrical functions, the prescribed simulated seismic environments. Battery No. 5 (Type LC-21) cracked and leaked acid during the Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) test in the side-to-side/ vertical test orientation, which was the first orientation of test. Battery Nos. 1, 4 and 5 were removed from the Battery Rack (and the Test Table) and Battery Nos. 14 and 15 were installed prior to Test 9 as described in Notice of Anomaly No. 1. Battery Nos. 1, 4 and 5 were not tested in the front-to-back/vertical orientation, and Battery Nos. 14 and 15 were not tested in the side-to-side/vertical orientation. Ala. Professional Eng. STATE OF ALABAMA COUNTY OF MADISON } SS. License No. 7112 c in and for the County of Madison, State of Alabama. WYLE l.ABCRAlORIES My Commission expires~ IS , 19 2£_ SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA

PAGE NO. _ _ _2_ _ _ _ _ __ WYLE LABORATORtES . SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT N0. __ 4--3_4._5_0_-_l_ _ _ __ 4.0 SUM.1'1.~RY (Continued) Notice of Anomaly No. 1 describes the failure of Battery No. 5 (~ype LC-21) that occurred during a Design Basis Earthquake (DBE) test in the side-to-side/ vertical test orientation, and the subsequent interchange of ~atteries. Table I identifies the Batteries tested. Table I! gives a description of the tests, including test nunbers, axes, and input accelerations. Fig-~res 1 and 2 show the DEE Required Response Spectra (R.~£) used for test purposes. Photograph 1 shows the ~ounting of the speciffie~s for side-to-side/vertica~ biaxial testing on the ~iyle Multiaxis Seismic Si::nulatc:::- Ta;:le. Photographs 2 and 3 show the locations of the specLuen-mcunted accelero-meters. The horizontal accelerometers (lE, 3H, and 5H) were oriented in the side-to_-side direction for side-to-side,h:ertical testing and re-orier:.ted to the front-to-back direction fer front-to-back/vertical Appendix I contains the transrnissibility plots of the specimen response ac-celerometers (diviaed by the control accelero=neters) from the resonance search tests.

 .                 Appendix : I contains Test Response Spectra (T?.S) plots of the centre~ and specimen respo~se accelerometers from the DBE test in ea~~ ~est orienta.:ion.

Append.:..x III cc:itai::.s -:.he Log Sheets a::d the I~st~i..l!!'ler:-=:.atio:i Equipment Sheets. Appendix IV contains the Wyle Test Plan 541/4212/ES, =atad Se_F~e:r:tl::e:::- 2, 1975, Revision A.

PAGE N0. _ _ _ _-.:3_ _ _ _ __ WYLE LABORA"JORJES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP IREPORT NO. _ _43450-1 5.0 TEST P..EQUIREMENTS 5.1 Specimen Mounting and Orientation The Battery Rack shall be placed on the Wyle Multiaxis Seismic Simulator Table such that the base of the Battery Rack shall be =lush with the top of the test table. The ~ounting hole pattern in ~he base of the Battery Rack shall be transferred to the test table. These holes s~all be drilled and the Battery Rack attached to the test table using standard bolts. Tte thirteen Batteries, listed as Nos. l through 13 in Table !, shall be installed in the Battery P4ck as directed by the C&D Batteries Tech~ical Representative. The mounting of the specimens shall simulate as closely as practical the actual in-service configuration. The specimens shall be initially nounted on the test table such that one of their :najor horizontal axes is colinear with the longitudinal axis of the table. Upon completion of the specified sequence of tests, the specimens shall be rota<-ed 90 degrees in the horizontal plane a:::.d tte specified test sequence repeated. 5.2 Resonant Search A low-level (approximately 0.2 g horizontally and 0.1 g 'Tertically) t:iaxial sine sweep shall be performed to determine major resonances in both the front-to-back/vertical and the side-to-side/vertical orienta~ions. The sweep rate shall be one-half octave per minute over tbe freq'..lency range of l Hz to 40 Hz. 5.3 Randcr:t Multifreq'..lency Tests The speci:rr:ens shall be si:.::,jected to 30-second duration si::r.'..lltanecus hcrizor.tal and vertical inputs of ra~Com ~otion consist~~; of freq~e~cy bandwidths spaced or.e-third octa,:e apart over the f::equency ra:-,ge cf 1 Hz to 40 Hz. The a.'!tpliti;.de of each one-third o.::tave ba::dwidtn sha:.1 be independently adjusted in each axis until the T?~ envelope the ?E£. The horizontal and vertical control accelerometers shall be reccrde~ on oscillograph and F~! tape recorders. The resulting < me tic:' s::-,al."'.. te analyzed at one percent dampi:::.g, and plotted at one-third o.::tave frecr,;.ency intervals over the frequency range of interest. Five (5) o:-ie-half-level DBE tests, followed by a fl:ll-le*.rel ;::BE test, shall be performed in both the side-~o-side/ver~ical ana the front-~o back/vertical orientations of t~e specimens. T~e ~BE ~~ shewn i~ =igures 1 and 2 shall be used fer test purposes. These R.~ are CQ~pcsites of the several R.'C\S shown in Fiqures 2 and 3 of the Wyle Test Plan, Appendix :::v. 5.4 Specimen Response Six (6) uniaxial piezo-electric acce."'..erometers shall be ~ounted on the specir:ie:.s to monitor ::-esponse to the seismic excitati::m. The ::_:>:.ace?::".er.t of these accelerometers shall be at the discretion cf the C&D Batteries Technical Representative. FM tape and oscillograph recorders sha:l provide a record of each accelerometer response during the test pro~r~~.

4 _ _ _ _ _....___ PAGE NO. _ _ _ WYLE LAJ30RATI)Rj8 SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP __3_ 4_ 5_o_-_l_ _ ____ REPORT NO. __.:t 5.0 TEST REQUI?.SMENTS (Continued) 5.4 Speci~en Response (Continued) Transmissibility plots of the specimen-mounted accelerometers divided by the control accelerometers shall be provided from the resonant search tests. TRS plots of the specimen-mounted accelerometers analyzed at one perce!1t damping from the DEE test in each orientation shall be provided in the test report. 5.5 Electrical !.oading and Monitoring

               ~he  Batteries shall be connected in series to an approximately twenty-amoere resistive load during the seismic tests to simulate an in-se~vice operating condit.ion. The output voltage' of t:ie Batteries (in series) shall be monitored on an oscillograph recorder to ascertain abnormal voltage/cu?:"rent levels, spurious operation, etc. before, duri:lg and after the seismic excitation.

PAGE NO. _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ _ __ V't1'Yt.E LABORA"fO:RiES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT N0. _ _4_3_4_5_0_-_l_ _ __ 6.0 TEST PROCEDURES AND ?.ESULTS 6.1 Specimen Mounting and Orientation Procedures The Battery Rack was placed on the Wyle Multiaxis Seismic Si~ulator Table such that the base of the Battery Rack was flush with the top of the tes'C table. The mounting hole pattern in the base of the Battery Rack was transferred to the test table. These holes were drilled and tte Battery Rack attached to the test table using twelve (12) l/2"-13 SAE Grade 5 bolts with n:echanical properties of 120,000 psi minimum tensile st=ength and 92,000 psi minimt:m yield S'Crength. The thirteen Batteries, listed as Nos. 1 through 13 in Table I, were installed in the Battery Rae~ as directed by the C&D Batteries Technical Represe::tative.

  • The mounting ~f the Battery Rack and Batteries simulated as closely as practical the actual in-service configuration. The speci~ens were initially mounted on the test table in the side-to-side/vertical orientation as shown in Photograph 1. Upon completion of the specified sequence of ~=sts, the specimens were rotated 90 degrees in the horizontal plane to the front-to-back/vertical orientation. Prior to testing i:l the front-to-back/

vertical orien-cation, Battery Nos. 1, 4 and 5 were re!T'.oved from the Battery Rack and Battery Nos. 14 and 15 installed as desc=ibed in ~otice of Anomaly No. 1 6.2 Resonant Search Procedures A low-level (approxi.":1.ately 0.2 g horizcntally ar:C. 0.1 g vertically) sine sweep was perfor.ned to determine major resona:lces in both t:l-.e front-to-back/vertical and the side-to-side/vertical orientations. sweep rate was one-ha2.f oct:.*1e per minute 0~1er the rancre Ez to 40 P.z. 6.2.l Resonant Search Results A desc::iption of the resonant search tests incl'..:.ding tast n:.::rt~ers, axes, and input accelerations is contained in Table II. Transmissibility plots of the speciraen respor:se accelerc~.eters frcn tl:e resonant search tes~s are presented in Appendix ~.

6 I P.C.GE NC. ___________ _ V\IYLE LABORATOmES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT N0. _ _4_3_4_5_o_-_l_ _ __ 6.0 TES'!' PROCEDURES AND RESULTS (Continue~) 6.3 Random :.1ul tifrequency Test Procedures The specL~ens were subjected to 30-second duration simultaneous horizontal a!'ld vertical inputs of random motion consisting of freq1.iency bandwidths spaced one-third octave apart over the frequency range of l Hz to 40 P.z. The amplitude of each one-third octave bandwidth was i!'ldependently adjusted in each axis until the TRS enveloped the RP£. The horizo!'lt&l and vertical control accelerometers were recorded on oscillograph and I'~1 tape recorcers.

               '!'he resulting table moti*::in was analyzed at one percent damping and 9lotted at one-third octave frequency intervals over tte frequency range of interest.

Five (5) one-half-level DBE tests, followed by a full-level DBE test, were performed i:i both the side-to-side/vertical ar:C. the fror.t-to-back/ vertical orientations of the speci~ens. The DBE R.':\S shewn in Fig'..l..~es l and 2 were used for test purposes. T:~ese RRS are composites of t~e several RRS shown in Figures 2 and 3 of the Wyle Test Pla.r-., .:::..ppendix !V. 6.3.l Random Multifrequency Test Results

               !t was demo:istrated that the specimens possessed suf~icient integrity to withstand, without compromise of structures, the prescribed simula~ed seismic environ.'Ttent, with the exception of Battery No. 5 (LC-21).

Battery No. 5, which had been previously thermally ageC., was f~unC. cracked (anC. ~eaking acid) following Test 8. Prior to Test 9, ~attery Nos. 1, 4 and 5 were removed from the Battery Rack and Battery ~cs. 15 a::d 15 i:istalled, as described in ~Totice of Ar.crnaly :'~O. 1. A description of the random multifrequency tests is contained in ~able II, including test numbers, axes, and input accelerations. TRS plots of the control accelerometers, analyzed at cne percent da~pi::g for each DSE test, are presented in Appendix !I. 6.4 SpecL"Tien Respcnse Procedures Six (6) uniaxial piezo-electric accelerometers were ~cunted on tte specL"!lens to monitor response to the seisrr.ic excitation. The p2.ace:.-.ent of these accelerometers, sho*,...-;: in Photographs 2 and 3, was at the cis::retior: of the C&D Batteries Technical ?-epresentative. F~ tape and oscillogra~h recorders provided a record cf each accelerometer response d~ring tte test program. 6.4.l Specimen Response Results Trans::nissibility plots of the specimen-r!!c~::.ted accelero::le::ers dividec by the control accelerometers are presented in Appe:-:.C.ix T

PAGE N0._.....__7_.....__..........____ WYLE LABORATOmES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT N0. _ _ o_-_1_ _ _ __ 4_3_4_::.... 6.0 TEST PROCEDU:RES AND RESULTS (Continued) 6.4.l Specimen Response Results (Continued) TRS plots of the specimen-mounted accelerometers analyzed at one percent damping from the DEE test in each test orientation are contained in Appendix II

  • 6.5 Electrical Loading and Monitoring Procedures The Batteries were connected in series to an approximately twenty-ampere resistive load during the seismic tests to simulate a!'1 in-se:?:..1ice operating condition. The output voltage of the Batteries (in series) was monitored on an oscillograph recorder to as,::ertai:-1 abnormal voltage/c~rrent levels, spurious operation, etc. (had any occ~rred) before, during or after the seismic excitation.

6.5.l Electrical Loading and Monitoring Results It was demonstrated that the speci.~en possessed suf!icier.t integrity to withstand, without compromise of electrical functions, the prescribed si.~ulated seismic environment.

               ~o deviations of the Batteries' output 11cltage were cbser*.;ed from the oscillograph records cf the seismic tests.

PAGE N0. _ _8 = - - - - - - - - - WYLE LABOOAT'OfaES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT N0. ___4_3_4_5_0_-_1_ __

  • 7.0 7.1


The C&D Batteries Company Purchase Order Number 6-1800. Nyle Laboratories' Seismic Test Plan 541/4212/ES, dated September 2, 1975, Revision A. 7.3 IEEE Standard 344-19i5 Specification entitled "Recommended Practices for Seismic Qualification of Class 1 El.ectrical Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations".

NOTICE OF ANOMALY NOTICE No._l_P. o. NUMBER:_6 _s_ _ -1 0_0_ _ _ _ WYLE JOB No._4_ 3_4_';,_-_ 0 _ _ _ PAGE NO. _____ 9_ _ __ CONTRACTNUMBER: _ _ _N_/A _ _..____..__.______..____________ REPORTNO. 4345 0-l CATEGORY: 4J{ SPEC!MEN ~:>>ROCEDURE 0 TEST EQUIPMENT DATE: 16 Nov 76 TO: --~c ___&_D_*__B_a_t_t_e_r_ie_s______________________ ATTN: Graham Walker PA RT NAME :___B_a_t_te_r_.Y_________...._______ Type LC-21 PART NO. TEST: Seismic Simulation I. D. NO. N/A SPECIF !CATION: _T_e_st_._P_la_n_S_4_1/_4_2_1_2_/E_s___ 4.0 PARA. NO. NOTIFICATION MADE TO: __C_h_a_r_l_e_s_A_d_am_s_ __._.__...__ _ _ _ ___ DATE: 16 Nov 76 NOTI Fl CATION MADE BY: __G_r_a_.h_a_m_W...._a_lk_e_r_ _ _ _ _ _ __ VIA: Verbal REQUIREMENTS: Specimen shall withstand prescribed simulated seismic environment without compromise of structure. DESCRIPTION OF ANOMALY: Following Test No. 8, which was a DBE test in the side-to-side/ vertical orientation, a crack {and leaking acid) was found in the jar of Battery No. 5 {LC-21). DISPOSITION -C OM)AENTS-REC OMMENDA TIONS:. Prior to Test No. 9, Battery Nos. 1 {LC-15), 4 {LC-21), and 5 {LC-21) were =emoved from the Battery Rack and were replaced with Battery Nos. 14 (LCU-27) and 15 (LC-25) as directed by the C &D Batteries Technical Representafrre. Note that Battery Nos, 1 and 4 were removed from the Battery Rack in order that the Rack be properly filled with the indicated replacements. DISTRIBUTION: Original: Dept . TEST WITNESS ENGINEER __1.£:q_J~~~....a:i--1-~"il~.:!::~ I ) Copies: Customer 2 Copies: Q. C. #)jALITY CONTRO 2 Copies Project Office 1 Copy: Con tracts REPRESENTING-------------- PROJECT M ~.NAG E -.,.."<'°'=~-!o.l.->..a.~~L-- 1 Copy: Operations Director wv'Le LABORATORIES - SCIENTIFIC SERVICES ANO SYSTEMS GROUP - HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA 205-837-441,

Page Ne. 10 Report No. 43450-1

  • TABLE I DESCRIPTION OF SPEC!~NS NO. BATTERY TY?E l* LC-15 2 LC-15 3 4LCY-ll 4* LC-21 (The:::mally .11.ged) 5* LC-21 <Thermally Aged) 6 LC-29 7 LC-29 8 CF-1440 (25 Years Old) 9 CF-1440 (25 Years Old) 10 LCY-39 11 LCY-39 12 LC-25 13 LC-25 14* LCw-27 15* LC-25
 *After Test N\:!r~er 8, when Battery Nu.'nber 5 was found to be cracked and leaking, Battery ~umbers l, 4 a.~d 5 were removed from the rack and replaced with Numbers 14 and 15 .

Page No. 11 Report ~:o. 43450-1

  • TF>.BLE I:i:

DESCRIPTION OF TESTS INPUT ACCELERATION TEST TYPE NCMI:N'Ai.. (G'Sl I NO. OF TEST AXES LEVE!. HZPA VZPA RE&.RKS I l Sine Sweep SS/V - 0.2 0.1 I 2 Rl'.!F SS/V <1/2 DBE 0.56 0.46 3  :<\!-IF SS/V 1/2 DBE 1.9 l. 5 I 4  ?.MF SS/V 1/2 DBE 1.9 l. 7 I 5 RMF SS/V 1/2 DBE 1.8 1.8 I 6 p_.\IF SS/V 1/2 DBE 2.4 1.8 7 R.1'!F SS/V 1/2 DEE 2.9 1. 9 I 8 R.,M.F SS/V DBE 4.4 2.5 ..n. . fter ~est No. 0 Bat-cery !!c.

                                                                                                    ~,            !

5 was found cracked (anc leak-ing) at bottom of jar. Bat-I te~ No. 's .i., 4 and 5 were II remcved from rack and Ne.' s 14 and _:i installed.


I I I 9 Sine Sweep FB/V - 0.2 O.l I I 10 FB/V 1/2 DBE 2.0 I Rlw'f..F 1. 6 11 .R.MF FB/V 1/2 DBE l.9 1. 6 I 12 F..'1F FB/V 1/2 DBE 2.0 l. 6 13 ~'1F FB/V 1/2 iJEE 2.0 1.6

  • I I

14 P.1*1F FB/'l 1/2 DBE 1.8 1.6 15 R..'1F FB/V DSE* 4.2 3.0 l Legend: R!-IF Random Multifrequency SS/V Side-to-Side/Ver"t:ical F3/V Front-to-Back/Vertical

>BE = Design Basis Earthqua~e HZPA = Horizontal Zero Period Acceleration VZPA Vertical Zero Period Acceleration
     *Note that the TRS plot of the vertical control acceleronete.!:' fal:;.s slig:-.tly below the ?.RS at 1.6 Hz. The C&D Technical Representa-cive chose not to re?eat the test at a higher acceleration level at that frequency .

fage.~,,o. l.::. Report :*Io. 4~50-1 FULL SCALE SF.:JC!< S?ECTRCK DA!-PING 1% 10 II 11* I), 10 lit! ' d1* i*'I I 1 l 1 tlll I t 1111 Iii!,* 1! 1

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                                                                                                                                                                                                       ?age          l~o.          13 Report :~o. 43450-1 llil1li I              :I '                                                                                                  !ii~~                                                                                                                                            ]

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Page No. 15 Report No. 43450-1 PHOTOGRAPH 2 LOCATIONS OF ACCELEROMETERS 1, 2, 3 AND 4

Page No. 16 Report No. 43450-1

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PAGE N0. _ _ _--=1_ 7 _ _ _ _ __ WYLE LABORATORIES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES AND SYSTEMS GROUP REPORT No. _ _~ ... 1 .... o=-..-1_ _ __ s .... APPENDIX I

                                       'i'Rlu~SMISSIEIL!TY PLOTS TEST NO.                    AXES l                       SS/V 9                       FB/V

Page No. 18 Repor~ No. 43450-l FULL SCALE TRANSMISSIBILITY 0.1 0 l.O D 10 0 100~ 1000 0 10 :i:::::+=+-l 9 8


7 I I 1 r ! i ~ -1 : : I 1 ; rq l: , 1 ! I 1 i r iT:~-, *I l - I- -~ l 6


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Page No. 19 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SC.ALE TR.ANSMISSIBILITY 0.1 D l.o D 10 0 100 lZl 1000 0 10 9 B 7 l'ti* I'; 1 I: I: *j' I'!' 6 4 3 ('t') 2 0 q-r....

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Page No. 20 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE TRANSMISSIBILITY 0.1 0 1.0 0 10 0 1000 0 10 9



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Page No. 27 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE TRANSMISSIBILITY

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Page No. 28 Repc~t No. 42450-1 FULL SCALE TRANSMISSIBILITY

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Page No. 29 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE TRANSMISSIBILITY 0.1 D l.o D 10 0 100 r8I 1000 0 10 9 8


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Page No. 31 Report No. 43450-1 FU LL SCALE SHOCK SPEC TR UM (g Peak)

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Page No. 35 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak) 1.00 100 lOOl;n 10000 DAMPING illJ 10 9

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Page No. 36 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak) 1.0 D 10 D 100 ~ 1000 D DAMPING~ 4

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Page No. 37

                                                                                                                    ~eport No. 43450-1 FULLSCALESHOCKSPECTRUM(gPeak) 1.0 0       10  0        100 18,J           1000    0 DAMPING          ill!


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Page No. 38 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak)

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Page No. 39 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak) 1.0 0 10 D l 00 kil 1000 D DAMPING LJ3] 10


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Page No. 40 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak) 1.0 0 10 0 100 ~ 1000 0 DAMPING llij



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Page No. 41 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak) 1.0 0 10 D 100 [I 1000 0 DAMPING D3:J 10 9


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Page No. 42 Report No. 43450-1 FULL SCALE SHOCK SPECTRUM (g Peak)

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Page No. 46 Report No. 43450-1 FULLSCALESHOCKSPECTRUM(gPeak)

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Page* No. 55 Report No. 43450-1 TEST PROCEDURE TEST PROCEDURE No.541 1 4212 /ES VtlYLE LABORAlOR!ES September 2, 1975 SCIENTIFIC SERVICES 'IND SYSTEMS GROUP DATE: P.O. BOX 1008 o HUNTSV:LLE. ALABAMA 35807 TWX 1810I 726-2225 *TELEPHONE 12051837.4411 SEISMIC TEST PLAN FOR BATTERY RF.CK AND BAT'!'ERIES FOR C&D BATTERIES PLY~OUTE 1'!ZETING, PENNSYLVAmA APPROVED BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ AP.PROVED 9Y FOR: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PROJECT MANAGER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPROVED BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPROVED BY FOR:~~ QUALlTY ENGINEER=----------~----- APPROVED BY:~ ~ PREPARED BY (J J?. // J /') ;J 4,*£.~ 7 PROJECT ENGINEER: _,~....,tlt~~="'-=-'o(=-'-.___,L£~,.=~=><-<=~=--- 7 FOR: REVISIONS  ;.QP.M :054.1 Rev. 4174 i I I REV. NO. DATE i ?AGES AFFoCTEO I BY iI APP'L. DESCRiPT!ON OF CnANGC:.S I A !11/16/7 2 CA I -d£ Para. 2.2 - Sweeo rate c!':.a:-,ced from I

                 !              I                                                                                                                        I i              !                                                        or..e to one-l':alf octa-rre per mir..ute.                      I A         ll/16/7d        2                              !  CA  i -tf,f         Para. 2.3      -  DBE !<F.S s:11bsti tuted fer                  l I

I I I I SSE. i A 111/16/76 8 CA ti! .!l.dded Fi.q" 3. i l A il/16/7 CA -/1.-fZ Pa.::-a. 1.1 Deleted ~er:.ticn of I I r.~*n.ber ~f batteries




Page No. 56 Report No. 43450-l TEST PROCEDURE No?41/4212/:C:S PAGE NO. ___2_ _ _ _ _ __ WYLE LABORA"TORIES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES ANO SYSTEMS GROUP Revision A 1.0 MOUNTING 1.1 Specimen Orientation A A Battecy* Rack and Batteries, as shown in Figure 1, hereinafter called the specimen, will be placed on the Wyle Multiaxis Simulator Table. The specimen will be oriented such that its longitudinal axis will be co-linear with the longitudinal axis of the tes~ table. For the second axis of test, the specimen will be rotated 90 degrees in the horizontal plane and the specified sequence of tests repeated. 1.2 Specimen Tie-Down The mounting hole pattern in the base of the Battery Rack will be trans-ferred to the test table. These holes will then be drilled in the test table and the specimen will be attached using commercially-available bolts, nuts and washers. A description of the mounting bolts will be included in the test report. The tests will be conducted with the specimen sitting in its actual gravitational orientation. The mounting will simulate as closely as possible the actual in-service mounting. 2.0 EXCITATION 2.1 Simultaneous Biaxial Excitation Sach horizontal axis will be excited separately but each one will be excited SL~ultaneously with the vertical axis (longitudinal simultaneous Nith ver~ical, then lateral simultaneous with vertical). The horizontal and vertical input acceleration levels will be phase incoherent during the multi-frequency tests. 2.2 Exploratory Search A A low-level (approximately 0.2 g horizontally and 0.1 g vertically) biaxial sine sweep from 1 Hz to 40 Hz will be performed to establish major resona~ces. The sweep rate will be one-half octave per minute. 2.3 Mµlti-Frequency Tests The specimen will be subjected to simultaneous horizontal and vertical input of random motion consisting of freq-...!encies spaced one-third octave apart over the frequency range of 1 Hz to 40 Hz. The amplit~de cf each o~e-thir~ octave frequency will be independently adjusted in each axis until the ~est Response Spectra (TRS) envelope the Required aesponse Spectra (RRS). The composite spectra as shown in Figures 2 and 3 will be used as the DBE RRS .

  • Form 1054-Z Rev. 4174

Page No. 57

                                       * ..                                     Report No. 43450-1
~1/J. 21? /"C'~

TEST PROCEDURE NO~..,, - -, -"' WYlE LABORATORIES SCIENTJF;C SERVICES ANO SYSTEMS GROUP Revision A 2.3.1 one-Half-Level DBE (OEE) Tests A Five (5) one-half-level DBE (OBE) tests will be performed in each test axis to simulate seismic aging. Duration of t~e one-half-level DBE (OBE) tests will be 30 sec nds. The one-half-level tests will be one-half the level of Figure 2. 2.3.2 DBE Tests A One (l) DBE test will be performed in each test axis. Duration of the DBE tests w;ii be 30 seconds. The DBE RP£ are shown in Figures 2 and 3. 3.0 INS TRl'~_ENTAT!ON 3.1 Excitation Control Control accelerometers will be mounted on the table at locations near the driving point for the horizontal and each vertical actuator. Additionally, one vertically-oriented accelerometer will be located at the center of the table for verification purposes. 3.2 Specimen Response

  • Six specimen-mol!Ilted uniaxial piezo-electric accelerometers will be located on the specimen under test. The placement of the accelerometers will be at the discretion of the C&D Ba~teries Technical ~epresentacive. An FM tape and oscillograph recorder will provide a record cf each accelerometer response. A response spectr'.lm plot from each specir:ien response accelerometer from the f~ll-level test in each orientation *,;ill be ana2.yzed at a dar:ipin*;

of 1%. Trans:nissibility plots of the exploratory search will be provided in the test report. 3.3 Electrical Load A 20 ampere resistive load will be provided for the Batteries prier to, duri~g and after the seismic test. 3.4 Electrical :--roni toring One ::hannel of electrical monitoring for _the specimen will be recorc!ed on an oscillograph recorder during the Seismic Si~ulation Test ?rogram. ~his cha.!1:1el will be used to rnonicor the nomina2. 32 VDC ::::attery "Jcl::age. 3.5 Assembly and Disassembly of Specimen The Battery Rack will be assembled by Wyle personnel a~d the Batteries inscalled in the assembled rack for the test. s*ubseque!"Lt to com:;::letion of tests, the Batteries and rack will be disasse~~led and packed for shipment. Form 1054-2 Rev. 4,74

Page No. 58 Report No. 43450-l TEST PROCEDURE N0.?41/4212/ES PAG NO. ___4____....;.._ __ WYl.E LABORATORtES SCIENTIFIC SERVICES ANO SYSTEMS GROUP 4.0 IN-PROCESS INSPECTION The records will be checked for equality cf performance after each test. The specimen will be examined for possible damage following all violent tests such as at a severe structural resonance. A physical tightening of hardware will be performed after such tests. All important vibration effects will be logged. Photographs will be taken of any noticeable physical damage that may occur and of all mounted accelerometers. 5.0 REPORT Ten copies of a certification-type report *..:ill be issued subsequent to com-pletion of testing. This report will be signed by a Registered Professional Engineer and will s~mmarize the rnaxi..~um g levels, nat~ral frequencies, response spectrum plots of the control and spe*=iraen accele:::orneters, details and recommend.ations conce:::ning deficienc'ies and repairs, photographs of test setups, accelerometers, failures, etc. *rhe report will also contain a list of test equipment used, calibrations, and instrumentation log sheets .

  • Form 1054*2 Rev. 40~


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I L SEISMIC EVALUATION OF THE ESSENTIAL SERVICE WATER PUl1P I PALISADES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT J. l L Prepared by: EDS Nuclear, Inc. Mel vi*11e, New York Prepared for: Bechtel Power Cor,poration l l. Ann Arbor, Michigan Report No. 02-0660-1089 Revision 0 November, 1981 ' EDS Nuclear I.

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Revision 0 Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS Report Approval Cover Sheet iii


l FIGURES 4 rI* 2.0 ANALYSIS APPROACH 5 I 2.1 General 5 2.2 Exterior Fluid Effects 6 j* 2.3 Loads Due To Attached Piping 8 2.4 Flange Qualification 9 2.5 Stresses In The Shaft 10 2.6 Bearing Loads And Impeller 11 Clearances FIGURES/TABLES 12 3.0 PUMP MODEL DESCRIPTION 17 3.1 General 17 3.2 Motor Unit 18 3.3 Discharge Head Assembly 19 3.4 Pump Column 21 3.5 Lower Bowl Assembly 23 FIGURES/TABLES 25 4.0 SOLE PLATE SUPPORT MODEL 33 DESCRIPTION 4.1 General 33 4.2 Geometry and Mathematical 33 Model 4.3 Loadings and Boundary 34 Conditions 4.4 Stiffness Results 36 FIGURES/TABLES 37 EDS Nuclear

p.iN&Mi'W' *** Mi& 02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page i i TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) S.O ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA AND RESULTS 46 FOR THE .5% DAMPING EVALUATION 5.1 Pump Column 46 5.2 Pump Shaft 47 5.3 Column Flanges 48 I S.4 Column Vibration 49 1* 5.5 Motor Vibration 49 5.6 Discharge Head to Sole 50 Plate Bolts !,. . 5. 7 Sole *Plate so I 5.8 Sole Plate to Concrete 51 Anchor Bolts 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA AND RESULTS 52 FOR THE 2% DAMPING EVALUATION 6.1 Pump Column 52 6.2 Pump Shaft 52 6.3 Column Flanges 52 6.4 Column Vibration 53 6.5 Motor Vibration 53 6.6 Discharge Head to Sole 54 Plate Bolts

l. 6.7 608 Sole Plate Sole Plate to Concrete 54 55 Anchor Bolts 7.0




  • 1ient: Bechtel Power Corporation, Ann Arbor. Michigan rroject: Tank and Pump Analysis Job Number:__,;0_,6_,6_0-.-.,.,00"""5=--_.6....4.,..3,__~



Seismic Evaluation of the Essential Service Water Pump L----------------------- IReport Number: 02-0660-1089


Rev. 0


and its Date: MM Date: If- Z-St Date /{4~ Date: Nhk


REVISION RECORD 'r II. Rev. Approval No. Prepared Reviewed Approved Concurrence Date Revision I. I i I

f. i i

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02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 1 L


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is conducting the Systematic Evalu.a-tion Program (SEP) which in part, consists of a plant-by-plant reassessment of the seismic adequacy of operating nuclear re-actors that received construction permits between 1956 and 1967. The Palisades r Nuclear Power Plant falls into the scope of this program. The purpose of the SEP is to I develop a current documented evaluation of the safety of these older facilities be-cause many safety criteria have changed since these plants were initially licensed. A detailed seismic evaluation of the Palisades Plant's structures and components was not performed. The NRC's seismic eval-uations were based on limited analysis of selected structures and representative components from generic groups of equip-ment. The component sample was augmented by a walk-through inspection of the Palisades facility by a Senior Seismic Review Team (SSRT}, to select additional components based upon their poten~ial seismic fragility. One of the components selected by the team on the basis of its plant walk-through was the Essential Service Water Pump. Due to an unavailability of certain seismic design and qualification data, the NRC staff was unable to completely confirm the capability of Service Water Pumps to withstand an SSE earthquake without a loss of structural integrity. In addition the NRC obtained insufficient information to evaluate the functional adequacy of the pumps. It was the need for further documentation of the seismic resistance capacity of the EDS Nuclear

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .!illlll~~-';O'~

02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 2 l. !. Essential Service Water Pumps which prompted the investigations discussed in this report.

  • There are three Essential Service Water Pumps located in the Intake Structure at the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant (Refer-ence 1). These pumps are two stage, open j

line shaft pumps oriented vertically 1* I (Figure l.l) and supported by base plates I. anchored to the concrete floor . . Above the base plate is attached the discharge head assembly and the motor unit. Below the base plate the intake portion of the Ser-vice Water Pump extends approximately thirty-eight feet downward into a concrete basin filled to varying levels by the waters of Lake Michigan. This lower por-tion of the Service Water Pump consists primarily of the discharge column which is essentially a 16 inch diameter, standard carbon steel pipe. At the extreme end of this column is the suction nozzle and in-termediate bowls which house the two impellers. The lower pump column is addi-tionally restrained against lateral trans-lation approximately seven feet beneath the base plate elevation (Reference 2). In accordance with the Systematic Evalua-tion Program, the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) is the only earthquake level consid-ered in the Service Water Pump evaluations discussed in this report because it repre-sents the limiting seismic loading to which the plant must respond safely. Computer I* response spectra analyses were performed to determine the dynamic loads acting on the I pump in the event of ground acceleration associated with this earthquake. In addi-i tion, deadweight, thermal and maximum

  • EDS Nuclear thrust loads experienced during normal
r. ~** :.! -*.-

02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 3 I. i operation as well as seismic loads from ( . piping attached to the pump's discharge I nozzle were determined . These loads were then used to compute stresses and evaluate the acceptability of the Essential Service Water Pump. Two evaluations of the Essential Service Water Pump are discussed in this report. These evaluations differ in only one I aspect, that being the percent- of critical I damping used in the response spectra analy-I sis. Due to the nature of the ~iec~ of equipment under investigation, the appli-cable structural damping ratio was not readily apparent from the categorization of types of construction specified in Appendix A of the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The first evaluation therefore employed a damp-ing ratio of .5% in accordance with the Palisades FSAR specification for steel piping subjected to an SSE Earthquake event (Reference 3). The second pump investiga-tion ~tilized a damping ratio of 2% which corresponds to the Palisades FSAR specifi-cation for bolted steel framed structures subjected to an SSE Earthquake event. In each case, the basic acceptance criteria to which the Essential Service Water Pump was evaluated is given in the Palisades FSAR for Class I Systems and Equipment. Stresses due to normal operation and to the SSE Earthquake event were added and com-pared to allowable stress levels. EDS Nuc lear

02-0660-1089 FIGURE 1.1 Pevision O Essential Service Water Pw:ip Page 4 L I. OlitllAfGI llSAO Asscw~.,. ., f. e I CHOIA*t:~I COLUMll 5f'* ,11; C>>!.cll.l"4:tt IJOJJ L

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M'5¥k'11¥ .. 02-0660-1089 Revision 0 I i Page 5 l ~ L 1* 2.0 ANALYSIS APPROACH 2.1 General I I The analysis of the Essential Service Water Pump was performed using mainly computer I techniques. With the exception of the pump l shaft, the pump was analyzed using either the EDS computer program 11 SUPERPIPE 11 or the computer program 11 ANSYS 11 maintained by L Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc. 'These pro-grams, and hand calculations in the case of the pump shaft, were used to predict r stresses and reaction loads -for the Service l Water Pump. This information was then used to evaluate the structual integrity of the 1 pump in accordance with the original Palisades Plant FSAR. In accordance with the plant FSAR the original seismic spectral curves were used in the dynamic analysis. Figures 2.1 through 2.3 show the OBE spectra. For use in the first pump evaluation, the .5% damp-ing horizontal and vertical curves were doubled to obtain the SSE response (Refer-i ence 30). An equipment damping ratio of

i. .5% was used in this instance, as is speci-fied for steel piping in Appendix A of the Palisades FSAR. For use in the second pump It . evaluation, the 2% damping horizontal and vertical curves were doubled to obtain the SSE response (Reference 31). An equipment I. damping ratio of 2% was used in this in-stance, which corresponds to the specifica-tion for bolted steel framed structures in Appendix A of the Palisades FSAR.


  • EDS Nuclear
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02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 6 l. f The original seismic design spectra used in the pump evaluations ar*e based on a peak ground acceleration of .20 g for a Safe I Sfi.utdown Earthquake.

  • The vertical compon-ent of acceleration was taken as two-thirds the horizontal ground acceleration (Refer-

! ence 3)*. In the analysis of the pump, the most severe combination of a horizontal and

r. vertical earthquake component was consid-ered. In other words, a vertical earth-quake was considered to occur at the same I

t ' time as any one horizontal earthquake component. 1 The stresses due to the selected hprizontal and the vertical earth-quake were then combined by means of absolute addition in accordance with the original plant design. Since the acceptance criteria requires that normal operating loads be added to the,SSE earthquake loads prior to comparison to the allowable stresses, these loads were calcu-lated. The normal operating loads calcu-lated were thermal nozzle loads, dead-weight and loads due to impeller thrust. All other normal operating loads including those derived from pump temperature were I considered negligible and were not calcu- !. lated. 2.2 Exterior Fluid L Effects When a structure is submerged in a fluid, this fluid can have a significant effect on both the natural frequencies of the struc-ture and the inertia forces acting on th~ structure. In the analysis of the Servi6e Water Pumps the method used to account for these external fluid effects EDS Nuclear

              . . . ~... ~

02-0660-1089 Revision 0

                                                         .Page 7 was to add the distributed of a column of external fluid to the distributed mass o*f the submerged portion of the pump column (Reference 4). The column of fluid had a diameter equal to that of the pump column and was equal in length to the length of the pump beneath the water level in the concrete basin in which the Service Water Pumps are located.

r Sloshing of the water in the concrete basin was not found to be a significant facto~.

i. This is due to the geometry of the basin and to the shape of the Res.ponse* Spectra I Curves (Figures 2.1 through 2.3) which are such that the spectral acceleration used in computing convective (sloshing) forces is low compared to the spectral acceleration associated with the fundamental pump mode.

Therefore in allowing the external fluid to move with the pump column greater inertia forces are realized. For the Service Water Pump, the high water level in the concrete basin causes the pump fundamental frequency to be its lowest and the low water level causes the pump funqa-I. mental frequency to be its highest. With respect to the floor to which the Service Water Pump sole plate is anchored at eleva-tion 590.5', the high water level is taken as elevation 583.0' and the low water level I is taken as elevation 577.l' (Reference

l. 17). Although the high water level corre-sponds to the greatest structural mass, this water level does not necessarily lead

[ to the highest inertia forces on the pump because spectral accelerations associated with lower water levels may be significantly higher than those associated with the high water level. Therefore lower water level investigations were necessitated. EDS Nuclear

02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 8 L The computer analysis of the pump model at the high water level (Reference 16} indi-cates that the fundamental pump frequency is.1.462 Hz. On Figures 2.1 and 2.3 th~s frequency is seen to correspond to a plateau of the Response Spectrum curve I' preceeding a sharp rise to the peak region. It was found that the decrease in total mass of the pump model in going from the high water level to the low water level is small (less than 4%} such that the funda-mental frequency increases only slightly I (Reference 18) and remains on the plateau l of the spectrum curve. -I Therefore, since the high and low water levels have the same fundamental spectral acceleration, it is the high water level, with the greatest structural mass, which will cause the largest inertia forces. Thus, the high water l~vel was found to lead to the highest stresses and def lec-tions in the pump. 2.3 Loads Due To I Attached Piping i In addition to the loads predicted in the pump's deadweight and inertial analyses, i there are also loads acting on the pump due to piping attached to the discharge flange. Deadweight and thermal nozzle loads were

r. incorporated into the math model in the appropriate load case. For the seismic loads, the forces and moments acting at the nozzle were input separately in individual static load cases. Three point forces (Fx, Fy and Fz} and three point moments (Mx, My and Mz) were input.

Then to assure that these loads acted in the worst combination, the six load cases were summed absolutely. EDS Nuclear

1* I ..&r.

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02-0660-1089 Revision O Page 9 As previously noted, there are three Essential Service Water Pumps located in the Intake Structure at the Palisades Nuclear Plant. The orientation of the pumps in the concrete basin in which they sit is shown in Figure 2.4. Each pump has a unique set of nozzle loads determined during the analysis of their respective attached piping. These loads are tabulated in Table 2.1. In terms of loads due to

1. attached piping, each of the three nozzle I orientations were investigated *.
  • For the purposes of the actual pump evaluations, I the results of these investigations were f

I enveloped to insure that the worst possible loads and stresses developed in the Service Water Pump were examined. Flange Qualification I l The intake portion of the Essential Service l Water Pump consists primarily of sections of 16 11 , standard schedule pipe joined to-gether by flanged connections. The flanges used to accomplish these connections were evaluated based on the guidelines of the I 1980 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code i (ASME CODE), Section III, Subsection I. NC-3658. Specifically subparagraph NC-3658.l was used in conjunction with Appendix XI and Appendix L of the ASME Code, as the basis of the flange qualifica-tion. The pump column flanges fall into the cat-egory of Class FF flanges which are defined r as circular £langes having flat taces which are either bolted directly together or are I seperated by a metal spacer such that there is metal to metal contact betwe~n the flange faces and the metal spacer initially or after the flanges have been bolted up. In the flange evaluations discussed in this EDS Nuclear

02-0660-1089 Revision 0 Page 10 report, the areas of investigation included the maximum stress in the flange, and the maximum bolt stress induced by the applied bending moment. In evaluating t'.r~e sixteen l" diameter column flange bolts, the moment acting on the most severely loaded connection was applied to the circular bolting pattern to determine the axial force in each bolt. Four of the bolts in the flanged joint at I* elevation 583'-l 3/8", have in addition to this axial force, a shear force *caused by their connection to the lower lateral support. Therefore, the bolt evaluation was performed assuming the combined effects of the maximum tensile force and the maximum shear force found in any one bolt. 2.s Stresses In The Shaft The stresses in the shaft were predicted using hand calculations in which the shaft  ! was broken down into two beams. One beam was from the lower column support to the lower tip of the suction nozzle and the other beam was between the lower column support and the center of the stuffing box bearing. The first beam was analyzed as a canti-lever, imposing at the end, the movements I of the suction nozzle obtained from the i seismic analysis. The moment was predicted I. as follows: I 3 EI!l I M= R..2 EDS Nuclear

r* ..I).


i-02-0660-1089 'I Revision O Page 11 I: Where E I


Young Modulus moment of inertia o.f the shaft I  !::..

                                                 £' =
                                                      = imposed deflection length of shaft from the lower column support to the lower tip of the column For the portion of the shaft between the lower column support and the stuffing box, the shaft was treated as a fixed-fixed beam lI*

with ari imposed center deflection. The moment was predicted as follows:* 24EI!::.. M = i2

  • where all terms are as previously defined, except that i = the length of shaft between the lower column support and the stuffing box. _

2.6 Bearing Loads And Impeller Clearances Based on discussions with the pump manufac-turer (Reference 5), shaft bearing loads and impeller clearances were determined not to be critical. Therefore, in the mathe-matical model of the pump, the shaft was not modelled independently from the column and bearing loads and impeller clearances were not calculated. f

  • EDS Nuclear


                   .5% DAMPING 2 .175
- Ill bO

.._, 1.800 i:: 0

  • r-1
µ Ill Q)    1.425 cU u

u <( 1.050 0.675 0.300 'U :no Pl ID N lQ <: I (1) t-'*O 0.000 (I) °' t-'*m I-' 0 0

                                                                                                      "'::s    I 0 .1 0.2      0.4     0.6 1.0        2.0      4.0  6.0   10.      .20. 40. 60. . 100.

os 00 l.D Frequency (cycles per second)

02-0660- 1089 Revision o Page 13 I I: .. L r I ( . 1* I 1* I_ PERIOD FIGURE 2.2



- ti) bl) 0.930 i::::


  • rl
µ C\I h

Q) 0.780 ..-i Q) u u 0.630 0.480 0.330 tU ~ 0 PJ CD N 0.180 .0 <: I ro I-'* o mm I-' I-'* m

                                                                                                    ~o        a
S I 0.030 o~

00 0.000 c.o 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 10. 20. 40. 60. 100. Frequency (cycles per second)

02-0660-1089 I* Revision O


Page 15 Jt II

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r r Pump Discharge Nozzle (Typical) Lower Lateral *1 Support (Typical); l r. Concrete Basin 1N I L .. ~ ' Figure 2.4 Orientation of the Essential Service Water Pumps L_


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02-0660-1089 r*, Revision 0 Page 16 L r TABLE 2.1 I" SERVICE WATER PUMP NOZZLE LOADS I The c0ordinate axes are oriented as follows: +X = South

                                                      +Y = Vertically      Upward
l. +Z = West I

l* PUMP .7A Load Case Fx(lb) Fy(lb) Fz(lb) Mx(ft-lb) My( ft-lb) Mz(ft-lb) Thermal -2 52 -128 -13 -217 -101 Deadweight -10 -136 -237 -67 -400 25 SSE + 1808 144 494 528 5068 384 PUMP 7B Load Case Fx(lb) Fy(lb) Fz(lb) Mx(ft-lb) My( Mz(ft-lb) Thermal 8 -97 -69 253 230 -270 Deadweight -17 -2398 -174 5416 280 119 SSE + 2144 2240 952 9610 7848 2090 PUMP 7C [. Load Case Fx(lb) Fy(lb) Fz(lb) Mx(ft-lb) !1y(ft-lb) Mz(ft-lb) Thermal -64 -162 -186 489 233 114 Deadweight -30 -1403 185 1048 -307 -1793 fl SSE + 2244 74 618 488 6462 _842 1; r! EDS Nuclear}}