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Petitions ASLB to Grant Limited Appearances,To Order Public Disclosure of Reed Rept & Open Hearings to Public
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 08/06/1979
From: Barlow E
To: Wolfe S
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML19209B098 List:
NUDOCS 7910090171
Download: ML19209B100 (1)



August 6, 1979 Mr. Sheldon J. Wolfe Ata=ic Safety and Licensing Board Panel United States Nuclear Regulatory Cc=rission Washingtcn, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Ucife,

It is the und:rstanding of the Sunbelt Alliance that the AS6LB Hearings regarding the Blach Fcx Station till be re-opening in the future. There-fore, the Sunbelt Alliance fcr= ally pctitions the AS&LE to grant the following requests...

First, to permit licited appearence statements en the part of the public.

Although many Oklahe=ans have previcusly = ale such an appearance, the Three Mile Island accident has substantially altered the conteart of any opiniens previcusly expre ssed. Additionally, =any persons who had no concretc cpinions concerning Black Fen befere the TMI accident cv bear specific o'-jucticns te the construction cf Black Fon.

Secend?y, to order a full and open public disclcsure cf the Ree d Report.

Ue arc both a"are that the "public interest" is cercl-y an appaultion of

proccss unices t'e governs nt relcases all pertincnt inforcatior as it affects the pu lic health and safcty. That tkc federa? govern =: nt , through its agen:7, t e AS*,LL, uculd participatt in the suppression of this crit-ical decurrnt " hic' bears such lethal significance to the peopl e of Okla-Scra 's c horrifying cffront to ary concept cf liber:y.

Finally, ve denand that all sessions cf the hcarings be conduct cd in the

" suns"ine' No government tha- deliberates rattcrs of public saufety in secreej can represent the public's interest.

One last it.:n. Public Service Co. has ar cunced that th :-; ar r eque s tin g that t'ese hearirps Sc re-opened. Sinp]:., since PSO nade that crreuncement en T:arsday,- Aug. 2,did the T'.C decisier to rc-epen the hearing s pr ceed PSO's recuest? Or,if : 1. ccisir is rc.  :: f ermally issued, - s t'

C't censideration of re-opening those hearings initiatcd subs tar.ticily before : P30 announcement? ~..e vould appreciate any supporting decurent-a:icr cf he" the decision te re-cpen the sc hearinEs "a s cade (o r '.ill be nade).

Ycurs, for the a!.clition of all nuc1 car e naces, b*1 j h &b V '

Ili a?ct' 7a"n Earle", Feaffperson Sur':lt /71iene 15 ? ?- 2. 3 St.

hfhh i 8tlullijllL u lsa, 7 laSens 74129

(?!?) 5' -?332 1115 541 791009017/

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