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R Baur (Cuyahoga & Medina Counties Community Action Program Council) 701007 Certificate of Representation Authorizing Coalition for Safe Nuclear Power to Petition to Intervene in Proceeding.R Baur 701007 Memo Encl
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1970
From: Baur R
NUDOCS 8003090085
Download: ML19329D454 (3)



--s Doe weswan GARY D. DRA- WOODY JOHN 50r4 Rich J O.BAun Joe MAGN

. . . = = u ow va .o.- m ac an= , =. .e==n. n UNITED AUTOMDBIII- AEROSPACE- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORKERS of AM yga co#u6 &mmunthj c4cHan Pwgwm 6kndl USW 90 g@ Y CUYAHOGA AND MEDINA COUNTIES 2012 WEST 25TH STREET / ROOM 818 / CLEVELAND, OHIO 44113 / 621-5844

.q>. i u December 5, 1970 CCUN'lY OF Cl>YAHOOA ) 33 UTaTE OF 011I0 )

CE*lTIFIcaTE OF RE!HESE!,TATICI4 Richor1 Daur, Cecretary of Cuyahoga & Medina Counties Comunity Action Program Council (a non profit corporation) hereby certifies that a meeting of the Board of Dircctors of said asecciation, duly called, after reasonable notice, on the 7th day of Cetober,1970, that by resolution duly offered and passed (copy ettached), the Coalition for Safe I;uclear Power ons fornally authorized and directed to represent it before the atcmic Enorcv Connission in the notter of TCLE.Dv :.011h CO. nnd CLt. VEL 2.D ELECTRIC ILLTIMIhATIhG CO. (Davis-Basse Nuclear Fover Station) Decket ho. 50-346, and to petition for leave to intervene in the proceeding for the reason, inter elle, that the nroposed action of the t,tomic Energy Commission in said proceeding could adversely effect its rights and in-torcats. The purpose of our organization is the social and politlen1 arm of a I Labor 1.'nion and the activities included in such nurpose are civic involvonent.

The 3;y:cial interest of our organization: The nnmber individuals end our organ- i l

i ization hun by its ;*sst activities and conduct exhibited and now asserto a special I interest in the protection of he natural resources of the Lake Erie Area and in the .... mrvational, recreational, oct nomic , necthetic and connunity impact of nucleur povier plant developaent in tt e Lake Erie Area and are first a.nd foremost

  • l e concerned thnt such naclear neuer pinnts npt bo built or ornrated where to do so' O

CO tould be inimical to the canitn or safet:r of our nenbars or the general cublic. I w <

o '!he sitomic snorry CMnission's action will' affect our organi:'.ation's interests.

o 5 If t he Comnission per-tits const ructien of the nronosed racili ty, ao it has stated '

it irtends to do, and later Licenses its operation the environmental effects l

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i-ChHTIFICaT.T OF IElkhilt!.T,* TION 1%'.e 1:

I resulting therefrom will adversely affect the health, safoty, and economic in-terest of members of our organization and the general public.

' kduwk_ _Secretary now a'1T .ST:

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Pre 11r'.ent, Chairman or Director Gigned and sworn to aefore me this 7 ay of MdEMhd 1970.-

&<b Notary d

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BRITED AUTOMDBILE - AEROSPACE- AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WORERS of AMERICA Community ddion Tzog1am dow2df CUYAHOGA AND MEDINA GOUNTIE3 ONY@im 2012 WEST 25m STREET / ROOM 818 / CLEVELAND. OHIO 44113 / 621 51 at u meeting rield bednesday, October 7, 1970, the following resoluti6n was nuopted:

That our organization go on record in apposition to the condruction of an atomic i

pot er plant near l' ort Clint", und joli the Coalition of organizations opposing this plant ur.d participating in sll sais possible including legal action. .

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l I hereby certiff that the above is a true copy of a resolution passed by our organtzatlon.

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ITenident , 4 heir. tan or Utroctor Signed und aworn to tefore rie this 7 day of b M /fd 6 A , 1970.

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OR Reading p?R C, '$'/4 OCR~(2)

JCook Docket No. 50-346. : - Ti.x .. k haoy GErtter (dr-3074)

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Bonorable Thomas Ludlow Ashley House of A g- :-_tativesc w. d i N Da._ x 20 t I.s ' 'e ' IG (re.. u.a


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Dear Mr. Ashleyr; t,

,,j i., r This iagia reply to your letter dateil January;22,397 ,;which emeleeed a letter. fsem Miss Sandra ' ~

L. Zenaer concerning the Davis-Beses Neelear Power Statimei.

Ho.' mnv wa:wn will be expoced to more than With.reepest to. Miss.,Esamer.',e concem aboutetha.BariseI?aruihknit 1 meelear, power plant. there were ne unusualler vnp'1m==A releasse of s radiametivity from the plant during 1970 Radioactive gaseous releases were less .than 10% of; those;permittedibt. .the ; tech =4n=1 cepeciftestises7t/J of thm3EC license for the plant.: and the release of radioactivity la liquidteffluents,wes lees,than AZ ofagbeali=f ts: imposed Dy1AEc, the

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., Plant (Michigan) last year,=r, hat, hushed-up?

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leias femaer =[=auch?

= mentiene a report that gae ==4== ions from noelear power

. Plantayfinddheiri ay w intetthp; human. food-chsia'alsrunach' higher radie -

.1 octive ,n11**stimme them;puwviouslytheslbese thoughtheTbs tyrlasipah see,md**= isem ===1== wever plants susbreetthe naviedesse plant is ..

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  • Route //3 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

, January 12, 1971 Representative Thomas L. Ashley House Office Building Washington, D. C. 20515

Dear Representative Ashley:

v- - -

I live in the shadow of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power "lant (now under construction ran? Toledo, Ohio), and I'm

. .:-- :oncerned about it.  ?.-'"' .

. 'g..

re the people in the albw, .his nuclear plant to be.

used as guinea pigs? -

How many pregnant women will be exposed to more than ll rems of radiation, which could be enough for their f children to get cancer 'Jefore the age of ten?

How many people will be killed in case'of an accident?


' Was there a release of radioactive material at the Enrico Fermi Plant (Michigan) last year, that hushed-up? y ,

If so, how much? e5



. . . . - :- Did you know that uranig.h has a " half-life" of 4.5

. : billion years ard another 4.Sp'illion years be' fore half of .- -

....tbe remaining uranium decays;v.after nine billion years only a forth of the original Ulock will remain? To me, this nothing to play around with, it's unbelievable.  ;

4 Dr. Sternglass (U. of Pittsburgh), physics professor, stated his studies indicated that gas emissions from nuclear power plants find their way into the human food chain, in much higher radioactive concentratione, than

. previously had been *,houghv @ n

,s. .

i , .e .

Jo .,How can construction stidJ. . continue on these plants ,

with so many unanswered questions?

You as an elected official have the responsibility to protect the health.and welfare of the people;- are you -

prepared to do so?

Sincerely, c,


' g .t , b .c ( taw (Miss) Sandra . Zenser 1 1

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