MONTHYEARML20153G4601998-09-30030 September 1998 USI A-46 Seismic Evaluation Rept, Vols 1-2 ML15112A2411998-08-31031 August 1998 License Renewal Flow Diagrams for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1,2 & 3, Vols II & Iii.With 161 Oversize Drawings ML15264A0061998-07-0101 July 1998 Vol 1 of OLRP-1002, License Renewal Flow Diagrams Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,2 & 3. W/79 Oversize Drawings ML20197J1431997-12-31031 December 1997 Supplemental IPEEE Submittal Rept ML15254A0611997-12-18018 December 1997 HPI Reliability Study, for Oconee Nuclear Station ML15118A4561996-12-30030 December 1996 DPC ONS USI A-46 Seismic Evaluation Rept (Partial Submittal) ML20077D0671991-11-15015 November 1991 Nonproprietary Version of Rev 0 to Boric Acid Corrosion of Oconee Unit 1 Upper Tubesheet ML19325D9831989-10-31031 October 1989 ISFSI Sar ML20154K2091988-09-0909 September 1988 Rev 0 to Response to NRC Bulletin 88-005,Nonconforming Matls Supplied by Piping Supplies,Inc at Folsom,Nj & West Jersey Mfg Co.... Proprietary Procedure 1404.1, Leeb Hardness Testing (Equotip).... Encl.Procedure Withheld ML15224A8031988-03-31031 March 1988 ISFSI Sar ML20151T2571985-12-20020 December 1985 Mechanical Maint Technical Rept, Unit 3 Containment Bldg Tendon Surveillance, Jul 1977 - Jul 1980 ML20135G5891985-09-0303 September 1985 Rev 0 to B&W Owners Group Emergency Operating Procedures Technical Bases Document. W/Three Oversize Drawings ML20151K2671984-03-31031 March 1984 Final Rept:Failure Modes & Effects Analysis of Integrated Control Sys/Non-Nuclear Instrumentation Electric Power Distribution Circuitry, Vol 1 - Main Rept & Vol 2 - App a ML20151K2491984-03-29029 March 1984 Draft Oconee-1 AC Electrical Distribution Control & Protection Design Features ML20151K2761983-10-28028 October 1983 Failure Modes & Effects Analysis for Oconee 1 Nuclear Power Station Makeup & Purification Sys ML20080E0101983-10-0303 October 1983 Failure Modes & Effects Analysis for Oconee 1 Nuclear Power Station Makeup & Purification Sys, Preliminary Draft ML20080E6061983-08-26026 August 1983 Failure Modes & Effects Analysis of Integrated Control Sys/ Non-Nuclear Instrumentation Electric Power Distribution Circuitry, Interim Rept ML20072B7961983-02-15015 February 1983 Control Room Review Plan for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations,Duke Power Co ML20117J3641983-01-31031 January 1983 Evaluation of Oconee Nuclear Station,Duke Power Co ML20033A8411981-09-30030 September 1981 Public Version of Emergency Telephone Numbers.Confidential Numbers Withheld from Public Disclosure ML20117J3571981-07-31031 July 1981 Evaluation of Oconee Nuclear Power Station ML20004B2301981-05-15015 May 1981 Ltr Rept on Reactor Vessel Brittle Fracture Concerns in B&W Operating Plants ML19323A1621980-03-26026 March 1980 TMI-Plus One:Toward a Safer Nuclear Power Program ML19332B2531979-11-30030 November 1979 Small Break Operating Guidelines. Related Correspondence ML19249D8631979-09-30030 September 1979 Description of Proposed Mod to Radiological Effluent Treatment Facility, Preliminary Rept.Oversize Drawings Encl ML19308A7471979-09-27027 September 1979 Jocassee Development Rept on 790825 Earthquake & Effects on Jocassee Structures ML19322B8741979-08-24024 August 1979 Addl Info to 790824 Response to IE Bulletin 79-05C Nuclear Incident at TMI Including Supplemental Small Break Analysis ML19312C1281979-08-16016 August 1979 Mgt & Technical Resources:Experience & Qualifications of Steam Production Dept General Office Staff ML19312C7981979-07-30030 July 1979 Response to IE Bulletin 79-05C, Nuclear Incident at Tmi ML19259C4821979-05-0909 May 1979 Effect of Closing Oconee Nuclear Plants on Ability to Meet Summer Peak Demands ML19224A8261979-04-10010 April 1979 B&W 177 Fuel Assembly Owners Group Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluation Program,Phase 2, ML19326D0781978-11-10010 November 1978 B&W 177 Fuel Assembly Owners Group Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluations Program ML19273A9921978-10-10010 October 1978 B&W 177 Fuel Assembly Owners Group Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluation Program,Phase 2. Evaluated Components Include Reactor Pressure Vessel,Fuel Assemblies,Control Rod Drives & Core Flooding Piping ML19316A1201978-07-14014 July 1978 Rept on Seismic Activity at Lake Jocassee,780301-0531 ML19312C5841978-07-14014 July 1978 Proposed Mod of Hpis ML19210C1821978-05-0808 May 1978 B&W 177 Fuel Assembly Owners Group,Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluations Programs ML19319E2521978-05-0505 May 1978 B&W 177 Fuel Assembly Owners Group Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluations Program ML19319D3951978-04-10010 April 1978 B&W 177FA Owners Group Asymmetric LOCA Loads Evaluations Programs ML19316A1351978-04-0404 April 1978 Rept on Seismic Activity at Lake Jocassee,771201-780228 ML19319A7261978-03-0101 March 1978 Info & Evaluation Re Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pumps Support Matls ML19354C2851978-02-28028 February 1978 Possible Geologic/Seismicity Relationships in Vicinity of Facility from Available Data & Repts. Oversize Maps Encl ML19354C2861978-01-19019 January 1978 Rept on Preliminary Investigation of Seismicity Near Lake Keowee,Oconee County,SC,771230-780115 ML19317E6991978-01-16016 January 1978 Fire Protection Program Comparison to NRC Nuclear Plant Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities, Administrative Controls & Qa ML19316A1231977-11-30030 November 1977 Rept on Seismic Activity at Lake Jocassee,770901-1130. Oversize Earthquake Charts Encl ML20024C7941977-11-15015 November 1977 Once-Through Steam Generator Tube Problems ML19317E7261977-10-14014 October 1977 Fuel Assembly 1D40 ML20024C6971977-10-14014 October 1977 Operating Plant Svc Bulletin,Vol 2,Number 41 ML20024C6931977-09-30030 September 1977 Operating Plant Svc Bulletin,Vol 2,Number 39 ML19312C5811977-09-24024 September 1977 Generator Tube Leak Status Rept ML19316A1301977-09-0202 September 1977 Jocassee Dam Northwestern Sc:Estimate of Existing Strain & Cracking Potential from Hypothetical Foundation Displacements 1998-09-30
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML16161A3111999-10-0101 October 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 307,307 & 307 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3071999-09-24024 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 306,306 & 306 to Licenses DPR-38-DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A7681999-09-20020 September 1999 SER Accepting Revision 25 of Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Third 10-year Interval for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A7541999-09-10010 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Proposed Alternative to Use Code Case 2142-1 & Code Case 2143-1 at Oconee Nuclear Station 05000269/LER-1999-006-01, :on 990818,Unit 1 Tripped.Caused by Equipment Malfunction of Rod Group 5 Programmer.Programmer Replaced. with1999-09-0909 September 1999
- on 990818,Unit 1 Tripped.Caused by Equipment Malfunction of Rod Group 5 Programmer.Programmer Replaced. with
ML15112A7641999-09-0909 September 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting USI A-46 Program Implementation for ONS Units 1,2 & 3 Including Keowee Hydro Station & Switchyard ML15113A7331999-08-0202 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Concluding That DPC Established Acceptable Program to Verify Periodically design-basis Capability of safety-related MOVs at Oconee & That DPC Adequately Addressed Actions Requested in GL 96-05 ML16161A3421999-07-19019 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 305,305 & 305 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15113A7121999-07-0101 July 1999 SER Accepting Request for Relief 98-03 from ASME Section XI Requirements for Plant,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15254A1731999-06-30030 June 1999 Biological Assessment for Endangered & Threatened Species Potentially Affected by Continued Operation of Oconee Nuclear Station & Associated Power Transmission Lines ML15261A5191999-06-16016 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Rept Related to Licensee Renewal of Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3.Staff Identified Open Items That Must Be Resolved Before NRC Can Make Determination on Application ML15112A4981999-06-0808 June 1999 Safety Evaluation of Topical Rept DPC-NE-2005P, Use of BWU-Z Critical Heat Flux Correlation for Mark-B11 Fuel. Rept Acceptable ML15112A4881999-05-25025 May 1999 Safety Evaluation of Rev 1 to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3005-P, UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient Analysis Methodology. Rev 1 to Topical Rept Approved & Found Acceptable for Performing UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient & Accident Analysis at Oconee ML16161A3351999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 303,303 & 303 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3381999-04-28028 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 304,304 & 304 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively 05000269/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990317,identified Problem Associated with Ability to Establish Flow Pressure LPI Discharge Headers within 15 Minutes.Caused by Inadequate Validation Process. Engineering Analysis Performed.With1999-04-15015 April 1999
- on 990317,identified Problem Associated with Ability to Establish Flow Pressure LPI Discharge Headers within 15 Minutes.Caused by Inadequate Validation Process. Engineering Analysis Performed.With
ML16161A3321999-03-30030 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 302,302 & 302 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML16161A3281999-03-26026 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 301,301 & 301 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A4101999-03-0404 March 1999 SER Approving Relief Request 98-GO-007 from ASME Section XI Requirements for McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2, Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 & Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A4161999-03-0101 March 1999 Safety Evaluation of Adoption of Topical Rept BAW-10186P-A, Extended Burnup Evaluation. Rept Acceptable for Reload Licensing Applications at Oconee ML15112A3971999-02-16016 February 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Alternative Proposed in Lieu of IWL-2421 of Subsection Iwl of Section XI of ASME Code ML15217A2001999-01-31031 January 1999 Environ Impact Statement Scoping Process, Summary Rept ML15239A1151999-01-31031 January 1999 Final Rept, Emergency Electrical Power Sys & Other Related Matters ML15261A5181999-01-28028 January 1999 Corrected Pages 13,20,24,29 & 32 for Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 300,300 & 300 to FOLs DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55 05000269/LER-1998-018, :on 981209,identified Potential for Loss of Essential Siphon Vacuum Sys.Caused by Design Oversight. Procedure Revised.With1999-01-0808 January 1999
- on 981209,identified Potential for Loss of Essential Siphon Vacuum Sys.Caused by Design Oversight. Procedure Revised.With
ML15218A2771999-01-0505 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 230 to License DPR-47 ML20206P1501999-01-0505 January 1999 LER 98-S03-00:on 981207,security Officer Discovered Uncontrolled Safeguards Info Drawing.Caused by Failure to Follow Established Procedures & Policies.Drawing Was Controlled by Site Security.With ML15112A3761999-01-0505 January 1999 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Alternative to frequency-based Review Requirement of ANSI N18.7-1976 Which Conforms with Staff Guidance 05000287/LER-1998-001-06, :on 981203,determined That LLRT Had Not Been Performed on Fittings.Caused by Inappropriate Action of Maint Field Planner & PMT Scheduler.Counseled Individuals Involved & Enhanced PMT Guidance.With1998-12-31031 December 1998
- on 981203,determined That LLRT Had Not Been Performed on Fittings.Caused by Inappropriate Action of Maint Field Planner & PMT Scheduler.Counseled Individuals Involved & Enhanced PMT Guidance.With
ML20216F9931998-12-31031 December 1998 Piedmont Municipal Power Agency 1998 Annual Rept ML20198E6381998-12-17017 December 1998 LER 98-S02-00:on 981130,security Access Was Revoked Due to Falsification of Criminal Record.Individual Was Escorted from Protected Area & Unescorted Access Was Restricted. with 05000269/LER-1998-017-01, :on 981128,missed Surveillance Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Work Planning.Operations Mgt Expectations for Performance of Qpt SR Were Communicated to Appropriate Operations Personnel1998-12-17017 December 1998
- on 981128,missed Surveillance Was Noted.Caused by Inadequate Work Planning.Operations Mgt Expectations for Performance of Qpt SR Were Communicated to Appropriate Operations Personnel
ML16161A3211998-12-0707 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 234,234 & 233 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A6971998-11-25025 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Relief Request Re Catawba Units 1 & 2,2nd 10-yr Interval,Mcguire Units 1 & 2,2nd 10-yr Interval & Oconee Units 1,2 & 3,3rd 10-yr Interval ML15112A7021998-11-24024 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Licensee Relief Request from Certain Requirements of ASME BPV Code,Section Xi,Subsection IWE,1992 Edition with 1992 Addenda for Listed Plants ML15112A3071998-11-17017 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Relief Request 98-01,Parts 1 & 2 Pursuant to 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(i) & Third 10-yr ISI Program Plan ML16161A3061998-11-12012 November 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 233,233 & 232 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A2741998-10-14014 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Accepting Rev 2 to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3000-PA, Thermal-Hydraulic Transient Analysis Methodology ML15112A2571998-10-0101 October 1998 Safety Evaluation Relating to Topical Rept DPC-NE-3005-P, UFSAR Chapter 15 Transient Analysis Methodology for Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 ML15112A6831998-10-0101 October 1998 SER Accepting Relief Request from ASME Code,Section XI Requirement for Catawba Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2,Oconee Nuclear Station,Units 1,2 & 3 & Mcquire Nuclear Station, Units 1 & 2 ML20153G4601998-09-30030 September 1998 USI A-46 Seismic Evaluation Rept, Vols 1-2 ML17354B0971998-09-0909 September 1998 Part 21 Rept Re Possible Machining Defect in Certain One Inch Stainless Steel Swagelok Front Ferrules,Part Number SS-1613-1.Caused by Tubing Slipping Out of Fitting at Three Times Working Pressure of Tubing.Notified Affected Utils ML15261A4681998-09-0404 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 232,232 & 231 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively ML15112A2381998-09-0303 September 1998 SER Accepting Relief Request from ASME Section XI Requestment as Endorsed by 10CFR50.55a for Containment Insp for Listed Plants & Units ML15112A2411998-08-31031 August 1998 License Renewal Flow Diagrams for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1,2 & 3, Vols II & Iii.With 161 Oversize Drawings ML15218A1711998-08-28028 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 230 to License DPR-55 ML16161A2981998-08-0707 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 231,231 & 228 to Licenses DPR-38,DPR-47 & DPR-55,respectively 05000269/LER-1998-009, :on 980617,LTOP Sys Was Technically Inoperable. Caused by Inadequate Design Configuration.Established Compensatory Guidelines1998-07-16016 July 1998
- on 980617,LTOP Sys Was Technically Inoperable. Caused by Inadequate Design Configuration.Established Compensatory Guidelines
ML16161A2911998-07-0101 July 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 230 & 227 to Licenses DPR-38 & DPR-55,respectively ML15264A0061998-07-0101 July 1998 Vol 1 of OLRP-1002, License Renewal Flow Diagrams Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,2 & 3. W/79 Oversize Drawings 1999-09-09
[Table view] |
. -. .-- . -. _ _ . ..
12-29-72 ,
- 1) INTRODUCTION in response to the AEC/ DOL's 12-15-72 letter and attached guidelines on the consequences of postulated Main, Steam and Feedwater piping failures in struc-tures other than the Reactor Building, Duke's current position is as outlined herein.
Although Duke is continuing to review the consequences of postulated pipe I ruptures,' such ruptures are not considered credible for the Oconee Nuclear
! Station based on the following:
- a. Oconee's Main Steam and Feedwater Systems are designed to preclude pipe
~" ruptures based on conservative engineering practices.
- b. 'The only basis for postulating a line rupture is stress criteria. The
. following describes representative stress conditions for the Main Steam >
and Main Feedwater Systems at Oconee.
Main Steam lines are 100 percent cold pulled so that as the line heats up, all thermal expansion stresses are essentially eliminated throughout the system. For example, at the Reactor Building penetration (terminal end), there is only 1100 psi maximum thermal stress du-ing normal .
operation; this is only about 4 percent of the ANSI B31.1.0 (1967) Code
- - allowable stress. This fact coupled with the safety factor built into
. Code allowable stress values indicates a tremendous amount of conserva-
- tism. The Main Feedwater System is not cold pulled since it operates at a lower temperature; however, similar to the Main Steam, there is only
- 3645 psi maximum thermal stress during norma ( operation at the Reactor Building penetration (terminal end). Agairt, this is only about 16 percent of the ANSI B3-1.1.0 (1967) Code allowable stress.
c.- Overpressure capability of the piping based on wall thicknesses actually used is as follows. It should be noted that these figures are extremely conservative as they are based on ANSI B31.1.0 (1967) Code equations.
Normal Operating Actual Code Pressure "
Percent Pressure Capability Margin j..
Main Steam 910 psig 1093 psig 20 Feedwater:- 1070 psig 1383 psig 29 c
9 01 0 90[
e a
- d. The safety related portions of these systems are Duke class F Indicating that the materials of construction were procured fabricated, tested and documented similar to a nuclear system as can be denoted from the following: .
- 1) Piping Materials----------Traceable
- - II) Velding Filler Metal------Traceable Ill) NDE ----------------------100 percent X-ray Iv) Piping ' Materials QA-------inspection at. fabricators plant and site receiving inspection .
v) Documentation ------------Required . . .,
vi) Support Design QA --------As outlined in FSAR IC.3 4.5
- 3) POSTULATED RUPTURES REVIEWED TO DATE By definition of the attached guidelines to the 12-15-72 AEC letter, Duke has reviewed double-ended ruptures of the two Main Steam and two Main
' Feedwater lines at the terminal ends of the Reactor Building penetration anchors. Other postulated rupture points are currently being defined; -
~ however; preliminary studies indicate that additional postulated break poidts will have very little effect on the ability to shut the unit down and. maintain it in the safe shutdown condition.
- a. Vest Steam Generator Main Steam Line. This line runs external to the Reactor and Auxiliary Buildings until it enters the Turbine Building and does not pass near any essential equipment necessary to shut dowr.
safely and maintain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.
- b. East Steam Generator Main Steam Line. This line leaves.the Reactor Building wall and passes through one corner of the East Penetration Room as shown on attached Sketch PO-222. Postulated pipe whip, jet Impingement or reaction forces resulting from failure of this line would not damage any equipment necessary to shut down safely and main-However, pressure effects tain the reactor in a safe shutdown condition.
and . steam concentrations might possibly pode a problem in the penetration T.oom. ,
- c. East and West Main Feedwater Lines. These lines enter the Reactor .
Building through the East Penetration Room as shown on attached '
Sketch'PO-222. Postulated failure of either of these lines could damage several auxiliary systems and related electrical components due to pipe whip, jet impingement and reaction forces. Feedwater for secondary side cooling is assured to the unaffected Steam Generator by either the steam-driven Emergency Feedwater System or the br.ckup Auxiliary Service Water System. P. essure ef fects andSince steam concentra-the
-tions could pose a problem in the penetration room.
postulated failure can occur on either the upstream or the downstream side of the Reactor Building isolation check valve, both cases are being analyzed.
6 i I, -
- .
- d. Control Room Intcarity. Review of the general arrangement of high energy systems relative to the control room Indicates that pipe whip, Jet Impingement and reaction forces would not affect the integrity of the control room. A structural reinforced concrete wall is located between the control room and the penetr& tion room.-
- 5) POSSIBLE MODIFICATIONS TO THE STATION At present, possible modifications to the station to reduce the effects of pressure and steam concentrations as described in 4)b. and 4)c. to accept-able limits are being analyzed.
- a. East Steam Generator Main Steam Line. As shown on the attached Sketch PO-222, the existing north penetration room wall may be modified to include low pressure blowout panels to relieve pressure and to provide a steam escape route for the postulated failure of this line. The additinn of a new wall to remove the main steam line from the penetra-q' tion room environment may be added along Column Line 65 as shown on I
Sketch PO-222.
.. .e . . - '
- b. East and West Main Feedwater Lines _. One way low pressure blowout panels may be added to the new wall along Column Line 65 to relieve pressure and provide a steam escape route for the postulated failure of these lines.
Based on preliminary studies and review of the postulated Main Steam and Main Feedwater line ruptures, Duke has confidence that the unit can oe _
shut down safely and maintained in a safe shutdown condition indefinitely with possible minor changes in design. Standby core cooling is assured during the safe shutdown condition. ,
As discussed with Mr Al Schwencer and Mr Irv Peltier on December 29, 1972 Duke is performing a detailed review necessary to confirm the above preliminary information and establish possible.needs for modifications.
Duke,wl,11 contact the AEC on 1-18-73 for another progress report on these matters.
Firm commitmedts for an application amendment and proposed station modifications will be made as appropriate. Unless detailed studies indicate otherwise, changes are expected to be the same for all three units.
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h 12-29 /2 PO-212