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Tech Spec Change Request 60A,revising Sections 3.5,4.1, 4.5 & 4.6 Re Instruments Operation Conditions,Engineered Safeguards Protection Sys Actuation Setpoints,Emergency Power Sys Periodic Testing & Channel Description
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1980
Shared Package
ML19343A900 List:
NUDOCS 8011240158
Download: ML19343A901 (8)



O Three Mile Island Nuc1 car Station, Unit 1


Operating License No. DPR-50 e Docket No. 50-289 Technical Specification Change Reauest No. 60A The licensee requests that the attached revised pages replace pages 3-37, 4-7, 4-39, 4-40, and 4-46 of the existing Technical Specifications, Appendix A.

Reasons for Amended Change Request The original request was to comply with the NRC's June 3, 1977 memo requesting a comparison of our design to the Staff position. This amendment to TSCR 60 is being submitted to reficct the changes in design resulting from the new criteria in the May 2, 1979 and August 8, 1979 letter.from the NRC.

Safety Analysis Justifying fAulge The Nuclear Regulatory Commissi;n requires a second level of voltage protection for the onsite power system be provided in order to prevent a sustained degradation of the offsite power system's voltage from causing the failure of redundant safety-related electrical equipment.

These Technical Specifications assure that the undervoltage relays adequately protect the safety related equipment from loss of capability as a result of sustained degraded voltage from the offsite electrical grid system.

The equipment remains operable on offsite power during normal and degraded grid conditions and transfers to the onsite source with minimal time delay upon loss of offsite power.

The setpoints for the undervoltage relays and timers have been selected to prevent spurious transfers to the onsite source during normal system fluctuations or short time transient conditions.

A detailed analysis has been conducted and submitted under TDR 114 Rev. 1.

The added test requirements assure the functional operability of the loss of voltage relays and demonstrate block loading on loss of offsite power and upon tripping and reclosing the diesel generator breaker.

Implementation In order to provide the necessary procedures and training, an implementation period of 90 days following the issuance of this amendment is requested.

Licensee Amendment Fee (10 CFR 170.22)

Because this is a modification to a previously submitted change, no fee is required.

,l30 3 3 2 4 0 /di8"

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TABLE 3.5-1 (Continued)


Minimum Operable Minimum degree Operator Action if Conditions Channels of redundancy of Column A and B Cannot be Met

5. 4.16KV ES Bus Undervoltage ,


1. Degraded Grid Voltage 2 1 (a) '


2. Loss of Voltage relay 2 1 (a)

(a) If a relay fails in the untripped state, it shall be placed in a tripped state within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to obtain a degree of redundancy of 1. The relay may be removed from the tripped state for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for functional testing pursus - to Table 4.1-1.




This specificatioa applies to the engineered safeguards protection system actuation setpoints.

Obj ective :

To provide for automatic initiation of the engineered safeguards protection system in the event of a breach of Reactor Coolant System integrity.

Specificatio The engineered safeguards protection system actuation setpoints and permissible bypasses shall be as follows:

Initiating Signal Function Setpoint High Reactor. Building Reactor Building Spray -< 30 psig Pressere (1)

High-Pressure Injection j[ 4 psig Low-Pressure Injection j[ 4 psig Start Reactor Building Cooling & Reactor Building Isolation j[ 4 psig Low Reactor Co lant High Pressure Injection 3; 1500(2) and 2; 500(3) psig System Pressure Low Pressure Injection 2; 1500(2) and

> 500(3) psig 4.16 kv E.S. Buses Undervoltage Relays Degraded Voltage (5) Switch to Onsite Power Source and load shedding 3595 volts (4)

Degraded ertd tiner 10 sec (5)

Loss of voltage Switch to Onsite Power Source and load shedding 2400 Volts (6)

Ioss of voltage timer 1.5 sec (7)

(1) May be bypassed for reactor building leak rate test.

(2) thy be bypassed below 1650 psig and is automatically reinstated above 1650 psig.



, (S) May be bypassed below 900 psig and is automatically reinstated above 900 psig.

(4) Minimum allowed setting is 3560 v. Maximum allowed setting is 3650 v.

(5) Minimum allowed time is 8 sec. maximum allowed time is 12 sec.

(6) Minimum allowhd setting is 2200 volts, maximum allowed setting is 2860 volts.

(7) Minimum allowed time is (2.0) second, maximum allowed time is (2.0) seconds.

Bases High Reactor Building pressure The basis for the 30 psig and 4 psig setpoints for the high pressure signal is to establish a setting which would be reached in adequate time such that protection is provided for the entire spectrum of break sizes and is far enough above normal containment internal pressures to prevent spurious initiation.

Low Reactor Coolant System pressure The basis for the 1500 and 500 psig low reactor coolant pressure setpoint for high and low pressure injection initiation is to establish a value which is high enough such that protection is provided for the entire spectrum to break sizes and is far enough below normal operating pressure to prevent spurious initiation.

4.16 KV ES Bus Undervoltage Relays The basis for the degraded grid voltage relay setpoint is to protect the safety related electrical equipment from loss of function in the event of a sustained degraded voltage condition on the offsite power system. The timer setting prevents spurious transfer to the onsite source for transient conditions.

The loss of voltage relay and timers detect loss of offsite power condition and initiate transfer to the onsite source with minimal time delay.

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1 3-37a l

TABLE 4.1-1 (Continued)


38. Steam Generator Water Level W NA R
39. Turbine Overspeed Trip NA R NA
40. Sodium Thiosulfate Tank Level NA NA R Indicator
41. Sodium Hydroxide Tank Level NA NA R Indicator
42. Diesel Generator Protective NA NA R Relaying
43. 4 KV ES Bus Undervoltage Relays (Diesel Start)
a. Degraded Grid NA M(1) R (1) Relay operation will be checked 7 by local test pushbuttons
b. Loss of Vcitage NA M(1) R (1) Relay operation will be checked by local test pushbuttons
44. Reactor Coolant Pressure S(l) M R (1) When reactor coolant system is DH Valve Interlock Bistable pressurized above 300 psig or Taves is greater than 200 F.

S - Each Shift T/W - Twice per week R - Each Refueling Period D - Daily B/M - Every 2 months NA - Not Applicable W - Weekly Q - Ouarterly B/W - Every two weeks M - Monthly P - Prior to each startup if not donc previous week


Applies to periodic testing requirements for safety actuation systems.

Obj ective :

To verify that the emergency loading sequence and automatic ver transfer is operable.

Specificat i ons: Sequence and Power Transfer Test

a. During each refueling interval, a test shall be conducted to demonstrate that the emergency loading sequence and power transfer is operable.
b. The test will be considered satisfactory if the following pumps and fans have been successfully started and the following valves have completed their travel on preferred power and transferred to the emergency power as evidenced by the control board component operating lights, and either the station computer or pressure / flow indication.

-M. U. Pump

-D. H. Pump and D. H. Injection Valves and D. H. Supply Valves

-R. B. Cooling Pump

-R. B. Ventilators

-D. H. Closed Cycle Cooling Pump


-N S. Closed Cycle Cooling Pump

-D. H. River Cooling Pump

-N. S. River Cooling Pump

-D. H. and N. S. Pump Area Cooling Fan

-Screen House Area Cooling Fan

-Spray Pump. (Initiated in coincidence with a 2 out of 3 R. B. 30 psig Pressure Test Signal.)

c. Following successful transfer to the emergency diesel, the diesel generator breaker will be opened to simulate trip of the generator then reclose to verify block load on the reclosure. Sequence Test

a. At intervals not to exceed 3 months, a test shall be conducted to demon-strate that the emergency loading sequence is operable, this test shall be performed on either preferred power or emergency power.
b. The test will be considered satisfactory if the pumps and fans listed in have been successfully started and the valves listed in have completed their travel as evidenced by the control board component operating lights, and either the station computer or pressure / flow indi-cation.

Bases The Emergency loading sequence and automatic power transfer test verifies the operation 4-39 s

of the pumps associated with the emergency core cooling system and reactor building cooling system. In addition, it performs a functional verification of the loss of voltage relays, the block loading circuits, and the emergency diesel generators.

REFERENCES (1) FSAR Section 7 (2) FSAR Section 1.4 (3) Specification i


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' Applicability:

Applies to periodic testing and surveillance requirement of the emergency power system.

Objective: -

To verify that the emergency power system will respond promptly and properly ,

when required.


The following tests and surveillance shall be performed as stated:

4.6.1- Diesel Generators

a. Manually-initiated start of'the diesel generator, followed by manual synchronization with other power sources and '

assumption of load by the diesel generator up to the name-plate rating (3000 kw). This test will be conducted every month on each diesel generator. Normal plant operacion will not be affected,

b. Automatically start and loading the emergency diesel generator in accordance with specification including the following:

(1) Verify that the diesel generator starts from ambient condition upon receipt.of the ES signal and is ready to load in i 10 seconds. ,

(2) Verify that the diesel block loads upon simulated loss of offsite power in 1 30 seconds.

(3) The diesel operates with the permanently connected and auto connected load for > 5 minutes.

(4) The diesel engine does not trip when the generator breaker is opened while carrying emergency loads.

(5) The diesel generator block loads and operates for > 5 minutes upon reclosure of the diesel generator breaker.

c. Each diesel generator shall be given an inspection at least annually in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for this class of stand-by service.

i 4.6.2 Station Batteries

a. The voltage, specific gravity, and liquid level of each cell will be measured and recorded monthly.
b. The voltage and specific gravity of a pilot cell will be measured and recorded weekly.
c. Each time data are recorded, new data shall be compared with old to detect signs of abuse or deterioration.

4-46 J