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LER 80-036/03L-0:on 800815 & 16,stack Releases Were Not Continuously Monitored Due to Failure of Stack Gas Sample Sys.Caused by Loose Motor Cooling Fan on Sample Pump B. Sample Pump Filter Replaced & Motor Cooling Fan Tightened
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/15/1980
From: Ross D
Shared Package
ML19338D578 List:
LER-80-036-03L, LER-80-36-3L, NUDOCS 8009230488
Download: ML19338D580 (3)



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EVEN T CESCRIPTION AND PRCSA8LE CONSEQUENCES h t o I:l l On August 15, 1980 and again on August 16, 1980, a limitine condition l t o tal l  ?

for operation as per T.S.3.6.A.3 was exceeded when stack releases were l g o i4; ; not continuously monitored due to failure of the stack gas sample system. I c, lo 1s1 ; 'In both incidents, stack gas sample pump "B" tripped on thermal overload. I t C r,7 i Sample pump "B" was returned to service af ter the first trio but af ter I


i gg ;_ the second trip, system operation was restored bv olacine oumo "A" in I i06aii


si service. Gaseous releases to the stack were normal durine the event. I sc


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litol l The cause of this event was a loose motor cooling fnn nn enm1, m - un" l Ii t i i l The stack eas samole eumo filter was ren1ntnd nnd cha m em- re n1 %. cm I gl was tightened.

Thie installation of a new Radioactive Caseous Effluents I i,i3i l Monitoring System, to be comoleted bv January 1981 is expected to sub- I ii i4 3 l- stantially improve the raliability of the Stack Gas Monitorine Svs tem. I 7 ss ,


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NAME OF *CE8ARER Donald A. Ross PwcNE:


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o dOOkb EO0 Jersey Central Power & Ught Company Madison Avenue at Punch Bowl Road Momstown, New Jersey 07960 (201)455-8200 OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Forked River, New Jersey 08731 Licensee Event Report Reportable Occurrence No. 50-219/80-36/3L p ort Date l l

Septed er 15, 1980 Occurrence Date l

August 15, 1980 l Identification of Occurrence


Exceeding a limiting condition for operations as per the Technical Specifications, paragraph 3.6.A.3, failure of the stack gas sample system to continuously monitor stack releases.

This event is considered to be a reportable occurrence as defined in the Technical Specifications, paragraph 6.9.2.b. (2) .

Conditions Prior to Occurrence The plant was operating at steady state power.

Plant parameters at the time of occurrence were:

Power: Reactor,1820 Wt


Electrical, 590 W e Flow: Recirculation 15.1 x 10" gpm 6.64 x 106 lb/hr Stack Gas Activity: 696 pCi/sec Description of Occurrence On Friday, August 15, 1980, at approximately 1730 hours0.02 days <br />0.481 hours <br />0.00286 weeks <br />6.58265e-4 months <br /> a Stack Gas Sample Line Low Flow alarm was received in the control room. An operator was sent to investi-gate the problem. Subsequently, the "B" stack gas sample pump tripped at which time a reactor shutdown was commenced. The pump thermal overload protection was reset but the sample flow was still low. At 1834 hours0.0212 days <br />0.509 hours <br />0.00303 weeks <br />6.97837e-4 months <br />, the pump filter was changed and the "B" pump returned to service at which time the sample flow returned on August to 16,normal.

the "B"Atstack that time the reactor shutdown was terminated. At 0030 gas sample pump tripped again on thermal overload.

Upon investigation the "B" pump motor was found to be very hot. Subsequently, "A" stack gas sample pump was placed in service and system operation returned to normal.


Jersey Central Power & Ught Company is a Member of the General Public Utihties System

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y s> Repo'rtable Occurrence 18o.! 50-219/80-36/3L - Page 2

-4 iseptember 15, 1980


fif Subsequent investigation revealed that the "B" pump motor cooling fan had become t

loose which was causing the motor to overheat due to insufficient cooling air i


Apparent Cause of Occurrence The appahent hause o'f this occurrence was a' loose cooling fan on the motor of sample pump "B'.'. Overheating caused the pump to trip on thermal overload.



Analysis of Occurrence.


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A review of the stack gas radiation monitor recorder. traces showed the levels in both monitor channels to be constant (at 200 cys) befora and after this event.

In a further effort to determine if excessive ' stack releases might have occurred during the time that both ' stack gas sample pumps were not operating, recorder traces of radiation monitoring systems associated with two gaseous streams released through the stack were reviewed. The. reactor building ventilation exhaust radiation monitor recorder traces showed that the levels in both channels were relatively constaat,with no spiking during the time of this event. Also, the recorder trac 6 for the Augmented Off Gas System effluent monitor showed that radiation. levels were' constant during the period involved. Based on these con-siderations,f the safety significance of this event is considered minimal.

Corrective Action The stack gas sample pump filter was replaced and the motor cooling fan was retightened. The installation of a new Radioactive Gaseaus Effluents Monitor-ing System, to be complete by January 1981, is expected to substantially improve


the accuracy and reliability of the Stack Gas Monitoring System.


Failure Data i

. Gast Manufacturing Company

  • Model 2-065-V2 '

Serial (167-154906 i y e


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