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ML20045G7881 July 1993LER 93-004-00:on 930602,discovered Potential Torus Condition Outside Design Basis.Caused by Inadequate Design Info. Documentation Procedures Revised.Torus Calculations to Include Peak Pressure info.W/930701 Ltr
ML20028H69121 January 1991LER 90-016-00:on 901220,senior Reactor Operator Licensed Group Shift Supervisor Left Control Room W/O Replacement, Resulting in Lack of Operator in Control Room for 4 Minutes. Both Operators Returned to Control room.W/910121 Ltr
ML20044B38312 July 1990LER 90-007-00:on 900614,discovered That Numerous Fire Detection Instruments Exceeded Max Allowable Interval for 6-month Operability Test.Caused by Personnel Error. Procedures for Surveillance Tests changed.W/900712 LtrFire Protection Program
ML20043G0938 June 1990LER 90-006-00:on 900511,average Power Level Exceeded Licensed Limit by Approx 1.64 MW When Cleanup Sys Placed in Svc W/O 7.84 MW Loss Added Into Heat Balance Calculation. Caused by Personnel Error.Procedures changed.W/900608 Ltr
ML20043B11818 May 1990LER 89-023-01:on 891209,four of Six Low Vacuum Scram Setpoints Found Out of Spec Due to Drift of Sensing Element & Lack of Margin for Drift in as-left Setpoint in Calibr Procedure.Instrument Setpoint adjusted.W/900518 LtrVT-2
ML20043A42815 May 1990LER 90-025-01:on 891216,operator Inadvertently Selected Incorrect Control Rod,Then Selected Correct Rod When Error Realized.Second Control Room Operator Will Be Used to Assure That No Signal Failure Will Move Two rods.W/900515 Ltr
ML20012D94421 March 1990LER 90-004-00:on 900220,operation of hand-held Radio Near Analog Trip Units Caused Sys to Actuate & Air Operated Valves Repositioned.Caused by Personnel Error.Use of Radios Must Be Approved by Supervisor of technicians.W/900321 LtrReactor Vessel Water Level
ML20012D16014 March 1990LER 90-003-00:on 900215,seven Control Rods Withdrawn During Reactor Startup While Rod Minimizer Was Bypassed.Caused by Personnel Error.Withdrawal Stopped & Keylock Switch Placed in Normal position.W/900314 Ltr
ML20012D15814 March 1990LER 89-017-01:on 890711,main Generator Tripped Due to Phase Differential Condition Caused by Fault in Operating Maint Output Transformer.Caused by Equipment Failure.Oil Boxes on Transformers repaired.W/900314 LtrMain transformer failure
ML20012A17327 February 1990LER-89-023-00:on 891209,four Out of Six Condenser Low Vacuum Setpoints Found at Values Less Conservative than Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Sensing Element Drift & Lack of Margin for Drift in Calibr Procedure.Setpoint changed.W/900227 LtrVT-2
ML20011F44022 February 1990LER 90-001-00:on 900123,fire Alarm Received for Fire Zone in Cable Spreading Room,Resulting in Operability of Deluge Sys. Continuous Fire Watch Not Established.Caused by Inadequate Procedural Guidance.Detectors disabled.W/900222 LtrFire Barrier
Continuous fire watch
Fire Watch
Hourly Fire Watch
ML19354D83412 January 1990LER 89-021-01:on 890922,ref Leg of Level Instrument Vented to Test Equipment,Causing False High Reactor Pressure Vessel Signal.Caused by Trip of Turbine Generator Resulting in Scram.Excess Flow Check Valve depressurized.W/900112 Ltr
ML19327C0666 November 1989LER 89-022-00:on 891005,Tech Spec Violation Occurred When Licensed Group Shift Supervisor Left Control Room W/O Informing Operating Supervisor.Caused by Personnel Error. Individual Involved counseled.W/891106 Ltr
ML19351A41613 October 1989LER 89-020-00:on 890915,operator Trainee Identified That Knife Switch Used to Select Dc Control Power Source for 480 Volt Ac Unit Substation 1B2 Was Selected.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Lineup Sheet used.W/891013 LtrSafe Shutdown
ML19327A80811 October 1989LER 89-019-00:on 890911,emergency Diesel Generator Became Inoperable.Caused by Dirt on Wiper of Motorized Potentiometer in Peaking Load Control Circuit & Latent Heat Expansion of Engine.Fuel Injectors replaced.W/891011 Ltr
ML19327B49623 September 1989LER 89-021-00:on 890922,false High Reactor Pressure Vessel Water Level Caused Turbine Generator Trip & Reactor Scram. Caused by Personnel Not Following Surveillance Procedure.All Involved Instruments Calibr checked.W/891023 Ltr
ML20028G44328 January 1983LER 82-063/03L-0:on 821227,operability of Control Rod Drive Pump a Not Demonstrated During 1-month Period.Caused by Breakdown in Administrative Controls for Surveillance Test Program.Surveillance Completed
ML20028G23628 January 1983LER 82-064/03L-0:on 821230,containment Spray Sys 1 Declared Inoperable Due to High Baffle Plate Differential Pressure Readings on 1-2 Hx.Caused by HX Fouling.Hx Inspected & Cleaned & Chlorination Sys for Emergency Svc Water Repaired
ML20028E77420 January 1983LER 82-061/03L-0:on 821216,offgas Isolation Valve Failed to Close Fully on Independent Closure Signal.Caused by Defective Pilot Solenoid Valves Due to Foreign Matter on Solenoid Valve Seat Prohibiting Termination of Air Supply
ML20028C79929 December 1982LER 82-058/03L-0:on 821128,main Steam Line Drain Valves V-1-106 & V-1-110 Failed to Close Fully.Cause Unknown. Investigation Will Continue During Next Outage
ML20028C75427 December 1982LER 82-059/03L-0:on 821124,reactor Circulation Pump a Taken Out of Svc.Caused by Indications of Leaking Seals.Seal Confirmed to Be Leaking During Subsequent Shutdown. Cartridge Assembly Replaced
ML20027B91516 September 1982LER 82-046/03L-0:on 820815,controls Keeping Main Line Drain Valves Deactivated in Isolation Position Were Defeated Prior to Temp Dropping Below 212 F.Caused by Personnel Error.Personnel Reinstructed
ML20052E6543 May 1982LER 82-021/01T-0:on 820416,containment Oxygen Concentration Not Reduced within 24-h After Run Mode & Drywell to Torus Differential Pressure Greater than 1 Psi.Caused by Loss of 6-h Inerting Time Due to Insufficient Nitrogen
ML20052E21628 April 1982LER 82-017/03L-0:on 820325,normal Auxiliary Power Bus 1C Relay Failed Totally & Svc Water Pump Trip Time Delay Relay SK8A Failed to Operate within Tech Spec Limits.Power Bus Failure Caused by Normal End of Life
ML20052B09416 April 1982LER 82-020/01T-0:on 820328,MSIV Leak Rate Testing Disclosed Deterioration of Valve Internals on NS03-A & Packing Leak on Outboard Valve NS04-A.Caused Not stated.NS03-A Disassembled & repaired.NS04-A RepackedPacking leak
ML20052G00116 April 1982LER 82-021/01P:on 820416,primary Containment Atmosphere Not Reduced to Less than 5% Oxygen within 24-h After Reactor Mode Selector Switch Placed in Run Position.Caused by Insufficient Nitrogen & Blown Rupture Disc
ML20050D90929 March 1982LER 82-013/03L-0:on 820128,low Voltage Annunciator Relay Setting for Main Station Batteries B & C & Diesel Generator 2 Battery Relay & Setting Found Below Tech Specs Limit. Caused by Annunciation Setpoints Out of Spec
ML20050A50519 March 1982LER 82-008/03L-0:on 820210,monthly Channel Check of Secondary (Thermocouples) Safety & Relief Valve Position Monitoring Sys Not Performed as Required by Tech Spec. Caused by Lack of Administrative & Procedural Controls
ML20042B29515 March 1982LER 82-012/01P-0:on 820226,air Operated Vacuum Breaker V-26-18 Exceeded Allowable Leak Rate.Caused by Improper Alignment of Valve Shaft & Operator Due to Inadequate Maint Instructions.Valve Realigned & Procedures Will Be Revised
ML20042B31412 March 1982LER 82-009/03L-0:on 820210,overload Trip Occurred on Standby Gas Treatment Sys Exhaust Fan 1-8.Apparently Caused by Change in Breaker Trip Setpoint.Further Testing Underway
ML20042A62810 March 1982LER 82-011/03L-0:on 820208,three Hydraulic Snubbers Were Inoperable & Accelerated Surveillance of Tech Spec Was Not Performed.Caused by Component Failure.Snubbers Replaced W/Certified Operable Snubbers
ML20042A2945 March 1982LER 81-071/01T-0:on 811231,radwaste Liquid Effluent Monitor Found Inoperable.Proper Surveillance Not Performed.Caused by Personnel Error & Lack of Administrative & Procedural Controls.Control Procedures Written & Parts Replaced
ML20042A1134 March 1982LER 82-010/01T-0:on 820218,deluge Sys for Reactor Bldg Elevation 51 Ft Actuated Due to Smoke from Overheated Bearing in Cleanup Sys Auxiliary Pump Motor.Caused by Inadequate Electrical Sealing Techniques
ML20052G0281 March 1982LER 82-012/01P:on 820226,reactor Bldg to Suppression Chamber Vacuum Breaker Valve V-26-18 Found Improperly Installed. Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Valve Shaft Realigned
ML20041D80726 February 1982LER 82-006/01T-0:on 811203,one Trip Sys in Automatic Depressurization Sys Rendered Inoperable by Removal of Dc Control Power Fuses.Caused by Nonrating of Microswitches Inside IA83-A Replacement.All EMRV Switches Replaced
ML20041D80225 February 1982LER 82-007/03L-0:on 820126,main Steam Line High Flow Sensor RE-22H Tripped at Greater Value than Given in Tech Specs. Caused by Instrument Repeatability & Drift.Sensor Reset & Setpoints Lowered
ML20041D78225 February 1982LER 82-005/03L-0:on 820125,during Load Surveillance Test, Diesel Generator 1-1 Tripped on Engine Fault.Caused by Reduction of Water Inventory in Cooling Sys as Result of Radiator Tube Leak.Leaky Tubes Plugged
ML20041D46822 February 1982LER 82-004/03L-0:on 820121,reactor Bldg Closed Cooling Water Drywell Isolation Valve V-5-167 Failed to Fully Close.Caused by Lack of Stem/Stem Nut Lubrication &/Or Packing Problem. Stem,Stem Nut & Bearing Lubricated & Valve Repacked
ML20041D58019 February 1982LER 82-002/03L-0:on 820118,installation of Mod Could Have Led to Possible Failure to Maintain Primary Containment Integrity.Change Defeated Automatic Withdrawal Function 3 & 4 TIP Detectors.Caused by Inadequate Safety Review
ML20041D37919 February 1982LER 82-003/03L-0:on 820122,containment Spray High Drywell Pressure Indicating Switch IP25B Found to Trip at Value Greater than Tech Spec Limits.Caused by Instrument Repeatability.Switch Reset
ML20041A2235 February 1982LER 81-061/03L-0:on 811223,nine Snubbers on Core Spray, Containment Spray,Isolation Condenser & Shutdown Cooling Sys Determined Inoperable Due to Oil Leakage.Cause to Be Determined.Snubbers Replaced W/Operable Spares
ML20040F5301 February 1982LER 82-001/03L-0:on 820128,during Testing,Containment Spray High Drywell Pressure Indicating Switches IP15A,IP15B & IP15C Found to Trip at Values Greater than Tech Spec Limits. Caused by Instrument Repeatability.Switches Reset
ML20040F48328 January 1982LER 81-070/03L-0:on 811231,isolation Condenser Isolation Pipe Break Sensor IB11A1 Tripped Above Tech Spec Limit. Caused by Instrument Repeatability.Setpoint Lowered.Switches Will Be Replaced During Future Refueling Outage
ML20040F52028 January 1982LER 81-072/03L-0:on 811229,core Spray Sys I Parallel Isolation Valve V-20-15 Became Inoperable in Partially Open Position.Caused by High Motor Current Drawn When Valve Close Signal Inadvertently Intiated During Valve Stroking
ML20040E42826 January 1982LER 81-069/03L-0:on 811230,during Surveillance Testing,Core Spray High Drywell Pressure Switches RV-46A,RV-46B & RV-46D Tripped.Caused by Instrument Repeatability.Switches Reset. Setpoint Changed to Reflect Inherent Design Error
ML20040D75520 January 1982LER 81-067/03L-0:on 811220,during Maint Testing,Scram Pilot Solenoid Valve 118 (for Control Rod Drive 14-23) Failed When Rod Was Individually Scrammed.No Plausible Cause Could Be Postulated.All Scram Solenoids Will Be Verified Operable
ML20040C66318 January 1982LER 81-068/03L-0:on 811218,reactor Triple Low Water Level Indicator Switch RE18A Tripped at Monometer Reading Exceeding Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Instrument Drift.Switch Reset.Setpoint Sensors Will Be Replaced
ML20040B15031 December 1981LER 81-066/03L-0:on 811201,during Surveillance Testing,Main Steam Line High Flow Sensors RE22C,RE22E & RE22F Tripped at Values Greater than Tech Specs Limit.Caused by Instrument Repeatability & Drift.Sensors Reset
ML20039G09823 December 1981LER 81-065/01T-0:on 811209,shutdown Commenced to Investigate a Isolation Condenser Isolation Valve V-14-30 811203 & 04 Failure to Operate Properly.Caused by Excessive Stress on Valve Backseat & Damage to Stem Nut
ML20039G18923 December 1981LER 81-062/03L-0:on 811125,core Spray Hi Drywell Pressure Switch RV46C Tripped in Excess of Tech Spec Limit.Caused by Sensor Repeatability.Sensor Recalibr