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LER 82-021/01P:on 820416,primary Containment Atmosphere Not Reduced to Less than 5% Oxygen within 24-h After Reactor Mode Selector Switch Placed in Run Position.Caused by Insufficient Nitrogen & Blown Rupture Disc
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 04/16/1982
From: Fiedler P
To: Haynes R
LER-82-021-01P, LER-82-21-1P, NUDOCS 8205140223
Download: ML20052G001 (3)


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. . Cert Ried By '

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.t. R:::am C. Fyns,id:n.estntcr -

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l U.S. Ibclear Peg:lat::rf h ie* W 631 Park k.m:e

.Gg of Pn:ssia, PA 19406 J

GPO }bclear .-

Oyster Creek nelear Generating Str.icn Docket !b. W219 i Rried River, New "ersava C8731

.4 Beputah!en - _u aspc:t !b. 5C-219/22-21/01?

L.EP tie &llodng is a p1Mwy :grt. hei.c -

submitted in a:::alianca with t!:e Wm1 WW, pW 6.9,2.s. (3) .

27.: )(ril 16,. ISS2

P.m1Mv.rf Mm'11:

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Peter B. Fiailer Vi::e .*% ?. x! Dir.or

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.Teek h2 ear G2:P. di .9 St:$n . .

.ti'.U, M3# hf C6731 8205140223 820416 PDR ADOCK 05000219 8 S1 5 -



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. i teseristica of Cee=.r-em Co Triday, April 16, 1952 at 1409 heurs (24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after placing the reactor sode switch in ".an), the Tryvell erygen concentration was greater than 52.

l contai=nent inertirt was in progress at the time and had been since 1650 hours0.0191 days <br />0.458 hours <br />0.00273 weeks <br />6.27825e-4 months <br /> the day before. At 17)0 on 4/15/82, the Torts see inerted; therefers, inerti=g of the Or7wil,neede .,it C4M os,4,/16/82 ,igrtitts,of the,Dryval,1,ves,,,,,,

' stopped because a level of W was rt4Ched it the titroget supply taalL3.

I (Mini:=2 of 50" level is required by procedars.) At 0345, the nitregen system was restarted which i=ediately blev s rupture disc. The rupture disc ves At 1407 replaced by 1045 a:d the inerties process cemenced again at 1050.

l hours, the crygen r-sdieg was greater than 5: (5.5%) a~i the tryvell/Terus pressere diffe:ectial was 0.54 psi. Les, a reacter shutdwa was commenced l

vi:ile the i=erti:g ce:tissed. At 1521, the ?ryvell crygen concentratica sus 4.5% and the Oryw11/7 crus ; differential was 1.31 psi shich are within the ac:eptable raege; therefore, the s'esti:vt was terminated.

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i Licensee Event Zerort Page 2 leportable Ceeurre:ce 3o. 50-219/62-21/012

.harent Cane of Cearrence ne major contrihating factors in this evest vere the loss of enr six honi ir.erting time due to itssificient nitreges in the supply taak and a bicva rupture disc. The cause of the b1cva rupture disc and the sequence of eve:

leading up to the plant shutdcvs due to a limiting conditica for opention still n: der inestigatien and will be incloded in the follcamsp report.

Azalesis af Oc:urreree The cestain:ent atzsphere control system is designed to asistain an inert atmesphere within the primary to preclude energy releeses from possible hydrogen-oxyges reaction followi=g a postulated less of coolant accident stich eculd jeopardize the integrity of the contan: ment. Conserva 1 estimates of the hydrogen pros:ced is11eving the postulated loss of coolam:

! accident with the operatics of either e re spray system show that the hydre i produced from the ietal-water reaction voald result in a hydregen concentre of 0.4% in de pri:ary contaitzent. Bis concentration is significantly be

, - de ec::e:tratics at shich hydroges ess he igsita/ cia-sin--Ecverar,--icertj of the pri-ary contai= eat was included in the p.eposed design and operati:  ;

preelede the pessibility of as energy release within the prisery ecutrimse:

frem a hydrogen myges resetic: n: der more severe conditions thas could be l foreseen. l In addities, censideri:g that the hyvell Oyzges concentration van only slightly above 5% for a relatively short time the safety significance is

, censidered =ici:al.

  • ! Corrective ktien In:ediate c rrective actions tahes vere to ecmence a reactor shutdown and continue irerting the contai::ent. He shstdeva was teminted when the

'i contai::me:t oxygen concentration was reduced to less than 51 and the requir

! Drgell to Torts differe:tial pressure had been established.

i Tutere cerrective setic:s, if any, will be datermined after a full inv=stipties of the event is cc:pleted.
