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Semiannual Rept,Jan-June 1974.
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/30/1974
NUDOCS 7912180879
Download: ML19322B932 (350)




AUG 3 31974 EMh*3d w;Ltt :t:4  !



           ,                             OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION                                                                i
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                        -;                 SEMI-ANNUst REPORT




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1. INTRODUCTION This section of the Semi-Annual Report is submitted pursuant to the Non-Radiological-Environmental Technical Specifications, Appendix B, to Operating Licenses DPR-38 and DPR-47. This section summarizes the Non-Radiological Environmental Surv'elllance Jrogram for Oconee Nuclear Station from January 1 through June 30, 1974. .



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1.1 STATION COOLING WATER SYSTEMS THERMAL LIMITS Specification A. The cooling water effluent temperature at the discharge shall not exceed 100 F for a time period in excess of two hours. In the event of the once-in-20 years combination of extreme natural conditions the station's generating capacity shall be limited as necessasy to keep the discharge temperature from exceeding 100 F unless there is a serious need for the lost power. A serious need for lost power is defined here as a condition which would result in voltage reductions or load shedding'(except con-tracted interruptable loads). Under these circumstances, the licensee shall notify AEC/ DOL immediately by telephone and the discharge tem-perature shall not be allowed to exceed 103 F.


B. Temperature rise from the condenser intake to the discharge shall not exceed 28 F. Further, the temperature rise should not exceed 22 F when the inlet temperature is greater than 68 F. C. Normal station operations shall be programmed so that effluent temgeratures shall not decrease more than 6 F per hour during the winter and 10 F per hour during the spring, summer, and fall. 1~ I. INTRODUCTION The noted specifications were established to evaluate the effects of thermal discharges on aquatic life in the vicinity of Oconee Nuclear Station. The , limits on station discharge temperature, temperature rise across the condensers and rate of decrease of the discharge temperature. permit sufficient operational flexibility to allow for the starting or shutdown of a circulating water pump during unit load changes. Under normal operation, station pro,cedures in-corporate the programming of load changes to minimize the resulting transient thermal change. , II. RESULTS The daily average condenser intake and discharge temperatures and flow rates for the period January 1 through June 30, 1974 are shown in Figure 1.1-1

  • III. CONCLUSIONS All Condenser Cooling Water Parameters were well within the limits imposed by Specification-'A, 3, and C.

4 1.1-1 - - 4



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1.2 CHEMICAL DISCHARGE LIMITS ^ Soecification A. Chemical Wastes and the resulting chemical concentrations in the Keowee River shall not exceed the maximum concentrations given in Table 1.2-1,

       " Chemical Wastes from Oconee Station".
3. All water discharged f rom the waste water collection basin shall have a pH between 6.0 and 9.5.

C. Chlorine or other chemical bior ides will not be used for condenser clean-ing. I. INTRODUCTION The noted specifications were established to insure that chemical concentra-tions in the' river resulting from station discharges are not toxic to aquatic organisms. A chemical 1-ventory is maintained to determine what quantities of environmentally significant chemicals are used and thus to estimate the quantities which are discharged over the period of interest. In addition, the pH of the waste water collection basin discharge is determined and recorded' daily, and corrective measures are initiated as necessary. II. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS A chemical inventory for the first'six months of 1974 is presented in Table 1.2-2. Individual comments indicate the methodlof disposal of the chemicals, where applicable. The maximum possible concentration of boric acid resulting in the Keowee River as specifi d in Section 1.2 of thg Oconce Non-Radiological Environmental Tech-nical Spec.:ications is 8.8 x 10 ppm,. c factor of 10 less than.the naturally occurring c ncentration of boron in the river. This specification, as written, cannot be successfully implemented. A request for a change of this technical specification limit was forwarded to the Directorate of Licensing on December 13, 197.3. Technical Specification 1.2B now states that all water discharged from the waste water collection basin shall have a pH between 6.0 and 8.5. The pH of the effluent from the basin is not always representative of the actual dis-charge to the Keowce River because of the influence of other local drainage waste streams. Although the specification has not been met on many occasions when measuring pH at the basin discharge, the pH of effluent entering the Keowcc River has been between 6.0 and 8.5 except for two instances. Since the specifications should apply to the actual effluent entering the river, it has been proposed to the Directorate of Licensing that the specification be revised such that the actual discharge to the Keowee River shall have a pH-between 6.0 and 8.5. If the revision is approved, the pH would be determined daily, when discharges are made from the waste water' collection basin, from a representative sample collected from the combined effluent stream before it *


discharges to the river. - 1.2-1

                                          .      .

In addition to.this request for a change to the Technical Specification, a work order has been issued for an additional waste water handling and col-lection facility to double present capacity. The two basins will provide separated capability for collection and discharge, plus increased capability


for recirculation to allow cn eight-hour turnover of volume. This will permit better control of chemistry prior to discharge. Table 1.2-3 lists the dates on-which discharges occurred from the waste water collection basin while ;he pH of the basin was outside the specified limits. The cause and corrective action are also shown, where applicable.




1.2-2 )

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Table 1.21. Chemscal weases from Omn e Nuciana Station Resulting concentration in Founds per year (3 wists) Kcowec River water tppml II

                                                              ,"         I Average
  • Maximum pomble'
  • Reator suolant 8.8 x 10" 60.000 (startup) 2.4 x 10~5' Boris acid d Lithium hydroxide 180 d 300 e e Hydrazine Steam senerator feedwater e 1.800-13.000 e 11ydradine Regeneration of deboratar g demineralizers Sodium hydroxide 4,100 / /

Regeneration of water treatment demineralizers 440,000 0.12' 4.48 Sodsum hydroxide 150.500 0.068* 2.5^ Sulfuric acid , Laundry and sicaning detergents , I loor 61canaris (liquid) 10.000 0.0046' O.Id . 4.760 0.0022' O.081' Laundry (solid) 8 3

    ' Total per year diluted by' average tailrac flow of 1100 cfs (9.523 x 10 ' cm / year).
  • Total per year diluted by nunimum tailrace flow of 30 sfs.
    # 53 lblyear from evaporator overheadt
    #Most will probably be removed by the demineraltters and evaporators.

Normally. hydrazine is reacted chemically and is not dtwharged.

 ,IMost of this material will be sent to tac waste drumming fasility as evaporator bottoms.
    ' Sodium released. Keowee Roer normal concentration is 1.2 2.5 ppm (G. A. Billingdey. "Chernical Character of Surf 4se waters of South Caroima. 1945-1955." Bunctm No.163, South Carolina Developtrent Board,1956).
     " Sulfate rele4 sed; Keowee Rrver normal conc. is 0.7-2.5 ppm (G. A. Bdlingsicy. " Chemical Character of Surface Waters of South Carolma, 1945-1955." Bulletin No.163. South Carolina Developtrent Board,1956).
     ' Pro 6essing of these wistes through the sarutary waste system rnay sqnificantly reduce this value '

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1.2-3 1 1


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Table 1.2-2

                            -Chemical Inventory, January-June, 1974                          1 Ammonium Hydroxide, (Quantities in pounds)

Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 , 212 2-1-74 576. 120 668 3-1-74 108 560 4-3-74 220 340 5-1-74 240 48 532 6-1-74 212 320 6-30-74 500 320 500


Comments: 40% used for pH control during wet layup of units one, two, and three, then drained to waste water collection basin; 60% used for operating pH control and not discharged. Barium Chloride (Quantities in pounds) . Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 180 2-1-74 '180' j 3-1-74. 2 178 4-3-74 178 5-1-74 4 174 6-1-74 100 274 6-30-74 20 254 Comments: Used to precipitate Cr0 - None discharged. 4 Boric Acid (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survev Received Used On Site Inventory

            'l-1-74                                                       106,795 2-1-74                                        15,795          91,000 3-1-74   .                                    13,175          77,825 i            4-3-74_                                         4,500          73,325 5-1-74                    .         .

9,175 64,150 6-1-74 109,375 25,225 148,300

           .6-30-74                                        13,225         135,075

! Comments: Majority shipped of f site for. disposal.


I 1.2-4

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Table 1.2-2 (Cont'd)


Chemical Inventory,~ January-June , 1974 Chlorine Cylinders (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 . 150 2-1 750 150 750 3-1-74 1500 300 1950 4-3-74 250 1700 5-1-74 100 1600 6-1-74 50 1550 6-30-74 100 1450 Comments: Consumed in drinking water and sanitary. waste system. Dipotassium Phosphate (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 125 2-1-74 2 123 3-1-74 123 4-3-74 ,4 119 5-1-74 119 6-1-74 500 , ' 619 6-30-74 5 614 . Comments: Used in component cooling system, held in system or shipped off site for disposal; none discharged to river.


Tripotassium Phosphate (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 100 2-1-74 100 3-1-74 100 4-3-74 7 93 5-1-74 5 88 6-1-74 500 4 584 6-30-74 5 579 Comments: Used in component cooling system, held in system or shipped off' site for disposal; r e river.





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                                          .     .

Table 1.2-2-(Cont'd)


Chemical Inventory,' January-June, 1974 Organic Corrosion Inhibitor ., (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 840 2-1-74 1840 460 2220 3-1-74 870 1350 4-3-74 2250 3600 5-1-74 - 900 2700 6-1-74 1100 1600 6-30-74 400 1200 Comments: Used in recirculating cooling water system, not discharged. Hydrazine Hydrate (85%) (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory


1-1-74 3080 2-1-74 2640 145 5575 3-1-74 393 5182 4-3-74 510 4672 I 5-1-74 1032 3640 6-1-74 800 2840 6-30-74 880 1960 Comments: 20% used for pH control during wet layup o f Units one, two, and . three, then drained to waste water collection basin; 80% tsed as oxygen scavenger in operatica and not discharged. Lithium Hydroxide (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used iht Site Inventory 1-1-74 180 2-1-74 10 170-3-1-74 170 4-3-74. ' 170 5-1-/4 - 170 . 6-1-74 130 <

                                                                    ,  300 6-30-74                                         55                   245 Comments: Used for pli control in primary system, removed in dcmineralizers,.

resin drummed for off site,' disposal.

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                                                            .                       .
                                                                                          .1 Table 1.2-2 (Cont'd)

Chemical Inventory,' January-June, 1974 Potassium Chromate (Quantities in pourds) Date of Survey Received Uced on Site Inventory 1-1-74 70 2-1-74 2 68 3-1-74 4 64 4-3-74 500 , 34 '530 5-1-74 530


6-1-74 6-30-74 10 Comments: Used in component cooling syste'm, held in system or shipped off site for disposal; none discharged to river. Sodium Hydroxide (50%) Liquid (Quantities in gallons)


Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory . 1-1-74 1470 2-1-74 3500 1970 3000 3-1-74 3250 2950 3300 4-3-74 700 2600 5-1-74 2700 500 4800 6-1-74 600 4200 6-30-74 500 3700 Comments: Used in demineralizer regeneration (drained' to basin) and for pH adjustment of waste water collection basin.

           .                  Sodium Hydroxide Solid (Quantities . in pounds)

Date of Surver Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 5500. 2-1-74 5500 3-1-74 5500


4-3-74 5500 5-1-74 5500


6- 1-74 - 5500


6-30-74 5500


Comments: Not used except-in.cmcrgency. 1.2-7 h- .



                                         .     .

Table 1.2-2 (Cont'd) Chemical Inventory, January-Junit, 1974


Sulfuric Acid (Quantities in gsllons) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 4700 ' 2-1-74 450 4250 1000 3250 3-1-74 4-3-74 250 3000 375 2625 5-1-74 6-1-74 300 2325 325 2000 6-30-74 Comments: Used in demineralizer regeneration (drained to basin) sad for pH adjustment of waste water collection basin. Trisodium Phosphate (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory d 1-1-74 14,300 2-1-74 13,900 400 3-1-74 20 380 ) 4-3-74 380 5-1-74 400 780


l 6-1-74 780 6-30-74 50 50 Comments: Bulk of chemicals used for condenser caustic flush and discharged to settling basin for neutralization prior to release. o~ Citric Acid (Quantities in pounds)

Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory. 1-1 12,500 2-1-74 12,500 3-1-74 12,500 4-3-74 12,500 5-1-74 12,500' 6-1-74 12,500 12,500 6-30-74' Comments: Not normally used. 1.2-8 _)

                       .                                                            .
                      . .
                                             .     .

Table .1,2-2 (Cont'd) Chemical Inventory, January-June, 1974

                  .                                                             .

Hydrogen Peroxide (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used 'On Site Inventory 1-1-74 . 825 2-1-74 825

.. 3-1-74
  • 825 l 4-3-74 180 645 5-1-74 645 i- 6-1-74 -

645-6-30-74 645 Comments : Used in Chemical Neutralliation and not released from system.

  • j OB Hibit (Organic)

(Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory i 1-1-74 ' 500 2-1-74 500 3-1-74 500 4-3-74 500 5-1-74 500 6-1-74 500 6-30-74 500 Comments: Not normally used. Commercial Liquid Cleaning' Solution ( gallons) , Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory 1-1-74 115 2-1-74 60 43 132 3-1-74 42- 61 113 3-74 55 64 104 5-1-74 -30 20 114 6-1-74 30 53 91-


[ 6-30-74 55- 25 [121 , Comments: ' Naste processed through sanitary waste system. i


1.2-9' , -


I r.

                                             .     .

Table 1.2-2 (Cont'd) Chemical Inventory, January-June, 1974 Industrial Liquid Cleaning Solution


(Quantities in Gallons) , Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventorv 1-1-74 55 2-1-74 55 3-1-74 55 4-3-74 55 5-1-74 - 55 6-1-74 55 6-30-74 55 Coments : None Laundry Detergent (Quantities in pounds) Date of Survey Received Used On Site Inventory

  • 1-1-74 725 2-1-74 725 0 3-1-74 1250 150 1100 4-3-74 525 675 )

5-1-74 375 300 i 6-1-74 18 309 9 6-30-74 375 384 Coments : None




i, y - - . , ,


January 1, 1974 - June 30, 1974


Settling Basin and Yard Drains Combined Date Basin pH @ 25 C Cause Corr. Action Disch. pH @ 25 C 1-1-74 2.60 H o 4Overflow Add 1 Tank NaOH 3.50 1-2-74 2.50 H o gOverflow Add 2 Tanks NaOH 3.4 1-3-74 2.80 H o 4Overflow Add 2 Tanks NaOH 3.9 1-4-74 3.04 H Overflow Add 2 Tanks NaOH 4.7 4 1-5-74 3.50 H o Overflow Add 1 Tank NaOH 6.6 4 1-6-74 4.70 H o gOverflow No Action 6.8 1-7-74 4.60 H o gOverflow Add Tank NaOH 6.7 1-8-74 9.0 Too much Caustic Add Tank Acid 7.2

   --  1-9-74    915           Too much Caustic      No Action                7.3 1-10-74   5.8          Too much Acid          Add    Tank Caus~ic      6.9 1-16-74   9.0          Regeneration           Add k Tank Acid          7.5 1-23-74   8.7~          Regeneration          Add k Tank Acid          7.2 1-28-74  10.5          Na P     Flush         Add 2 Tanks Acid         7.3 1-29-74   8.6          Na3Po 4 Flush
  • Add Tank Acid 7.0 2-9-74 11.6 CadstkeSpill Add k Tank Acid 10.9 2-10-74 11.8 Caustic Spill Add 3 Tanks Acid 7.7 2-11-74 11.2 Caustic Spill Add 10 Tanks Acid 10.1 2-12-74

10.4 Caustic Spill Add 4 Tanks Acid 8.3 2-13-74 6.7 In Spec. No Action 6.9 2-24-74 5.5 Too much acid Add k Tank Base 7.7 2-25-74 9.5 Reg. & Too Much Base Add 1/3 Tank Acid 7.0 2-26-74 5.6 Too much acid No Action 7.3 3-2-74 5.6 Too much acid Add k Tank Base 6.9 3-11-74 4.6 Maint on Acid Tank Add 1 Tank Base 6.8 3-12-74 5.6 Maint on Acid Tank No Action 6.5 3-22-74 8.7 Regeneration Add Tank Acid 7.0 3-23-74 4.1 Too much acid Add 1 Tank Base 6.7 3-24-74 10.5 Too much acid Add 1 Tank Acid 7.2 3-31-74 4.1 Too much acid No action 3 A S/G 6.5 4-1-74 4.8 To be drained 6.8 4-2-74 5.2 To be drained 6.6 4-3-74 5.7 To be drained 6.9 4-8-74 9.0- 3 A S/G Drain No action due to 6.5 4-11-74 9.1 3 A S/G Drain Fond in Recire. 7.2 4-12-74 8.9 3 A S/G Drain Add Tank Acid 7.4 4-19-74 8.95 3 A S/G Drain 7.3 4-20-74 8.6 3 A S/G Drain 7.3 5-15-74 3.4 Unknown Add 1 Tank Base 8.0 5-16-74 3.7 Unknown No Action /in Recire. 6.6 5-17-74 9.8 Too Much Base Add Tank Acid- 7.6 , 5-18-74 9' Too Much Base Add h Tank Acid 7.5 5-19 '4 4.5 ^ Too Much Acid No Action 7.0 ' 5-22-74 4.4 Unknown No Action 6.7 5-23-74 4.2 Unknown No Action 6.6' 1.2-11

                      .                                                                     .
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                                                .    .

& , 1.3 CENERAL AQUATIC SURVEILLANCE Specification: Surveillance programs shall be conducted to detect and quantify

                      ,0conee's effects on water quality, fish, periphyton, plankton, and benthos.

. . ' I. INTRODUCTION The objective of the aquatic surveillance program is to determine tac effects of Oconee Nuclear Station's operation on the aquatic ecosystem of Lake Keowee and the area of Lake Hartwell influenced by the thermal and chemical dis-charges. The current environmental monitoring programs on Lake Keowee and Lake Hartwell are summarized in Table 1.3-1. Sampling stations are noted in Figures 1.3-1 and 1.3-2. This report is the second to cover a full six-month period, January 1-June 30, 1974. All three generating units have not yet become operational; thus, unalterable conclusions regarding long term effects upon the aquatic environ-ment resulting from the operation of Oconee Nuclear Station are not yet possible. However, some of the conclusions presented in the body of this report are as follows: '

l. Oconee Nuclear Station's use of hypolimnetic water for condenser cooling has no major effect on water quality. Consistent with the data presented in the two previous Semi-Annual Reports, a distinct pattern of increased a=monia concentrations in the Little River arm was evident apparently, caused by decompositica of plant material and organic waste of sanitary origin not associated with Oconee Nuclear Station.

I. As seen in the weekly dissolved oxygen monitoring program the lowest DO concentrations recorded for the Oconee intake and discharge were 5.6 and 6.0 mg/1, respectively; while, the lowest values recorded for the Keowee Hydro intake and discharge were 7.3 and 7.5 mg/1, respectively. >

    . 3.      Fish population -dynamics and reproduction studies are continuing to be carried out by the Southeast Reservoirs Investigations group, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.      Progress reports of their studies are appended.


4. A trend may be developing when comparing the periphyton data; production rates were increasing for Stations 501, 504, and 506 and decreasing at Station 508.
5. Studies of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the receiving waters indicate that tne standing crops of both were relatively low in Lake Keowee. Dia-
            . toms were numerically the primary contributors to the planktonic algal
conmunity throughout the study period; while, cladocera doninated the January zooplankton samples and copepods were dominant in March and May.

Apparently slightly lower algal pigment concentrations in the -proximity of Oconee Nuclear Station were mainly influenced by the initial intake chlorophyll a concentrations and not directly attributable to entrain-ment in the cooling water system. The small differences reported spatially for zooplankton on a' collecting date may be partially attri-butable to natural and/or sampling variability; consistent dif ferences in standing crop data were not evident between stations in the discharge - area and control stations. 1.3-1 .ONS 6/74



m. - i. - . ,
6. Divaraity of th2 b:nthic community wra gratezr in tha littoral .zena than in the sublittoral and profundal zones in Lake Keowee. The discharge stations had a lower density and diversity of benthic organisms apparently due to localized turbulence and its effect upon the substrace, but not due to either temperature or dissolved oxygen conditions. The Asiatic clam (Cerbicula manilensis) was collected in Lake Hartwell for the first time and is expected to proliferate.
7. While the fish impingement program has noted some impingement upon the intake screens a number of factors suggest that impingement has not occurred to an extent which could be considered detrimental to the fishery of Lake Keowee. No fish eggs or larv.'e have been found in any ichthyoplankton samples indicating that entrainment has not had a significant detrimental impact on the fish community.
8. No definite changes in the number of phytoplankton taxa, units / liter or biovolume were evidenced in water entrained through Oconee Nuclear Station; chlorophyll a was found to remain at constant levels as it passed through the cooling water system. Exposure of intake water to the upper MIT appeared to produce consistent stimulation of carbon assimilation rates over the rates recorded at intake temperatures.

Studies of multiple effects of entrainment indicated no consistent pattern with relative rate dif ferences ranging from -28% to +52%. The corrected percen motiltiy for copepods', cladocerans, and rocifers, entrained ranged from approximately 50% to greater than 100% for counts

  • taken in less than one hour and at six hours. In January copepods were affected more by entrainment than were cladocerans, but in March and June this condition was reversed. A general trend for decreased corrected percent motility af ter 24 hours was attributed to unnatural .

conditions in the holding bottle.

9. A plume study in February indicated very rapid dilution and mixing of the discha ge water with a consequent rapid decrease in temperature.

The plume did apparently alter the isotherms of the . ambient lake waters approxi=ately 1-2 C to distances greater than 1,982 m and depths of 24 m. 10.. Oconee Nuclear Station did not cause or contribute to nitrogen or oxygen supersaturation nor was any gas-bubble disease observed in Lake < Keowee fishes. More detailed dracriptions of the programs, their materials and methods, results and discussion, and summaries and conclusions, are presented in the pertinent sections.


N 4 1.3-2 ONS 6/74

                  - - - - - - - . _ -            __ _ ___ - _                    _ _ . _





Pre- fen - Intake Discharge SV1'L!KC 601 602 601 604 605 606 ParrAA*f 500 501 507_501 504 505 506 50. 508 508.5 509 510 Sil 549 Condenser Condenser Structure Structure L'il t h f rifat.11Y M-M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M .M

1er;.e rat us e g, M M M M M M Dimmulved oxygen M M M .M M M .M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M- M M M M Conductivity 'M- 'M M .M M M M N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M
       . pH .                                                                                                                                                                                          M   M     M   M M        M      M'    M    M      M      M      M               M      M barf ace Light                                        .M        M                                                                                                                            M   M     M   M M,      H        M      M     M    M      M      M      M               M      M 14 hurfate Light                                        M M      M      M    M M   M. M   M     M Albalinity-                                             M       M       M      .M       M     M    M      M      M      M M   M     M   M-    M M        M      M     M     M     M      M      M        M      M      M    M
         .1 e r*> id i t y                                        M       M                                                                                                                            M   M     M   M     M M      M     M   .M      M      M      M         M     M      M    M Chloride                                               'M       M       M                                                                                                                    M   M     M   M     M
                                                                                                            .M      M      M                M     M      M 4t>D                                                    M.                       M      M                                                                                                    M   M     M   M     M M

_ M M M- M M M M Wg51trugen -M M M M M .M M M M M M

                                                                                                 ,M     M     M     M      M      M'        M     M     -M    M NH3 N it rogen                                          M       M        M-       M                                                                                                           M. M     M   M    M' M    M     M   ..M      M      M         M      M     M    M Or ti.o P                                               M      .M        M      .M                                                                                                            M   M     M   M    M
                                                                         -M        M        M      M    M     M     M      M     .M         M      M      M    M luta! P                                                 M                                                                                                                                     M   M     M   M    M
  • M M M M M M M M M M M Silicon M M M M M M M M
                                                                                          .M       M    M     M      M     M       M        M      M      M    M trun                                                   M'       M         M                                                                                                                  M   M     M   M     M      .
                                                                                          'M       M    M     M      M     M_      M        M      M      M    M
        . .*t.au4 anew                                           .M       M          M                                                                                                                  M   M     M-  M    M M      M     M    M'     M      M      M        M      M      M    M
 - E-      Calc ium                                                M       M         N M      M    M                                        M    M    M   M     M M    'M       M     M    M      M      M      M        M
 ' "Y.          gnesium                                            M       M Q      Q     Q   'Q       Q     Q      Q        Q      Q      Q    Q Aluminum                                                Q       Q      .Q                                                                                                                                                e Q'     Q     Q    Q      Q    -Q       Q        Q      Q      Q    Q Cadmiun                                                 Q.      Q         Q Q

y Q- Q Q Q Q Q Q Q- 4 4 Q Q Chroelua. Q Q Q Copper Q Q -Q Q Q 4 Q 4 Q Q Q sitbel Q Q Q -4 Q .Q Q Q Q- Q Q Q Q .Q Q..Q Q Q Q Q Q -Q Q Q Q Pot = slum Q Q' Q Q Q Q Q Sod isem Q Q Q 'Q Q Q Q. Q Q Q y Q Q -Q Q ~Q. Q Q Q Q Q 4 Q Zir.c Q Pi tM's STUD!!S C. .C C' Cunt Inuotes Tear. Q Lpping U Q .Q Q Q Q

  • Pjj,4 Kite; Entrairment BM BM Zooplankton BM BM BM .BM Phytoplankton M M M .M M M' M M M M 52rveillance-M .M M M M I4 R I?'HY'iO*; M. .M M Q -Q Q Q Q Q 9 QQ st3Tuos '~ Q Q N "

W W W W W 'W'

          .pessot.viD CASES
    ~g - tig!EsO)

Ci E ' (1) See Section 1.3.1,

  • 7 .(2) Appromin.n cly 25 additional stations will t,e sampled.

(3) See Suutheast Reservoir. Investigations Report For Period January 1973 to June W.1974. Kept M J M.mthly (Minimum of 10 times per year with a period not to exceed 45 days' t.etween samples); C - Continuously; Q - Quarterly; tM . Bi-monthly (6 times per year);-W - Winter period monthly (Movember-April). t - ' ____ __

_ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _


9 6 #

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  • FIGURE 1.3-2 l




                             /g                                                                  MONITORING STATION S 1.3-5                              o      ,   e   .      ..           ONS 6/74.

E'~IdYtYs ,



                                                    . . . -                   ,_     -.       . _        -

1.3.1 ~ WATER QUALITY , Specification: A. Synoptic water quality surveys:at nine,(9) sampling

  • stations on Lake Keowee, four (4) stations on Lake Hartwell, and a station on the Keowee River between 2 the lakes shall be conducted. Sampling locations are

shown on Fig. 1.3-1 and Fig. 1.3-2, and required 1 sampling parameters are listed in Table 1.0-1. , Temperature and dissolved oxygen measurements shall be. rade at ten (10) foot intervals from a one (1) foot depth to the bottom for all lake samples. BOD measure-

                         .ments on Lake Keowce shall be taken at one (1) foot, ten (10) feet, and bottom depths. BOD measurements on Lake Hartwell chall be made on samples which are a composite of water from one (1) foot depth, mid-depen, and bottom depths. All other specified parameters shall be measured at a minimum of three (3) depths for each lake sampling station. At sampling station 605 (Fig.                    .

1.3-2), the Keowee River shall be sampled trom mid-depth. a. I. INTRODUCTION A discussion of the importance of a synoptic water quality program has been presented (Duke Power Company, 1973a).




Analytical methodologies used in obtaining data for Lake Keowee and Lake Hartwell have been presented (Duke-Power Company, 1973b). Additional sampling stations (508.5, 510.0, and 511.0) were added during 4- this six-month period for future water quality characterization of. Lake Keewee (Figure 1.3-1). Additional parameters (cadmium, nic.kel, and zine) were added during this six-month period. These analyses were performed quarterly on station composite samples. . III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Tabulated water chemistry data is presented in Appendix A. Negative values

        -1.0 ~ through -3.0 were used in depth columns for parameters that would - not correspond by depth with other parameters. Composites taken from 0.3 m, mid-depth, and bottom were represented by -1.0.       Composites taken from.cach depth sampled were represented by -2.0. . Composites taken at 0.3 m, mid-depth euphotic zone, and at depths of 1% incident light were represented by*-3.0.

Figures 1.3.1-1 through 1~.3.1-29 'were generated by computer contouring pro-grams. The Littic River Arm of Lake Keowce is plotted through~the' intake canal (Station 502) to the discharge cove (Station 508) ~and linked to the Keowce River Arm of Lake Kcowee. ,


l . 3'.1- 1

                                           .                                            ONS 6/74
                                                                ..                                       i

_ _w


Temperature - Lake Keowee Temperature isopleths for January through June are shown in Figures 1.3.1-1 through 1.3.1-6. Near-isothermal conditions existed in January and February, but in March thermal stratification began to develop. A surface to bottom dif ferential of 2 C existed in January and increased to a 10 C differential in June. Influences of ONS were observed only in the =onths of Jrnuary and February. A constriction of isotherms around Station 504 during these months may be observed (Figures 1.3.1-1 and 1.3.1-2) . 1 I , Temperature - Lake Hartwell [ i Temperature profiles are shown in. Figures 1.3.1-7 through 1.3.1-10. The [ mean monthly temperatures of Stations 601 through 604 from 1965 to 1972 are i shown in Figure 1.3.1-11. The same annual thermal cycle occurred in 1974. I The exceptionally warm winter of 1973-74 may be responsible for the slightly warmer water temperatures found at Stations 601 through 604 compared with , the mean monthly temperatures of the same stations from 1965 to 1972 (Figure l 1.3.1-11). The average monthly air temperatures of 1971 to 1973 and the [


average monthly air temperature of 1974 are given in Table 1.3.1-1. The 1974 average air te=perature was higher for each month. Orieen - Lake Keowee




Dissolved oxygen isopleths for January through June are shown in Figures I l.3.1-12 through 1.3.1-17. Stratification of dissolved oxygen increased through the six month period. Increased mixing was evident at Station 504 l


1 (Figures 1. 3.1-15 through 1.3.1-17) . Supersaturation . occurred in May at Stations 500 and 501 (Appendix A) . This supersaturation was the result of photosynthetic assimilation and its accompanying oxygen release. This con-3 clusion is supported by the increased pH at these stations in May (Figure i 1.3.1-22). l. t , t Oxygen - Lake Hartwell i I: " The concentration of dissolved oxygen in Lake Hartwell varied slightly be- [ tween stations (Figures 1.3.1-7 through 1. 3.1-10) . The mean monthly dissolved , oxygen profiles of Stations 601 through 604 f rom 1965 to 1972 are similar to those which developed this six month period (Figure 1.3.1-11) . Holomictic conditicas existed frem January to March until summer stratification began. In April a typical clinograde distribution began to develop, but anoxic con-ditions never existed. The lowest concentration of dissolved oxygen entering Lake Hartwell was 7.5 mg/1, and the average was 9.4 mg/l (Table 1.3.1-2). i EH . 9

    ' Isopleths for pH (Figures 1. 3.1-18 through 1. 3.1-23) indicare Lake Keowee is slightly acidic. The pH ranged from 5.2 to S.3 over this six month period.

The pH was generally lower in the Keowee arm of the lake. High values, 7.8 to S.2, occurred at Stations 500 and 50.1 during May. These higher valucs

were due to photosynthetic assimilation. This conclusion is supported by the supersaturation of dissolved oxygen and slightly higher alkalinities (Appendix A). The pH at Station 508 was generally similar to the pH in the


i 1.3.1-2 ONS' 6 /74




hypolimnion of Station SC2, but in most cases the pH of the entire Keowee River arm was similar. Ammonia Ammonia isopleths are shown in Figures 1.3.1-24 through- 1.3.1-29. Consistent with the data presented in the two previous Semi-Annual Reports (Duke Power Company,1973a and b) a distinct pattern of increased ammonia concentrations in the Little River ~ arm was evident during 'each raonth. -In January through March each station was mixed, but showed the gradient toward Stations 500 and 501. In May a=monia was suppressed in all surface waters. This could have bea- caused by biological uptake. Also, in May there was a buildup of amm- + in the hypolimnion of the Little River arm apparently caused by decompt ; ion of plant material and organic waste of sanitary origin (Duke Power Company, 1973a, Appendix B). Increased ammonia was not evident at SEation 508. ONS has had no apparent effect on ammonia concentrations in Lake Keowee. Cations a Lake Keowee can be classified as a soft water lake with dissolved solids less than 50 mg/1. Together, calcium and magnesium constitute the most abundant ions in fresh water (Reid,1951) . Calcium and magnesium averages . of depth and time at each station are shown in Figures 1.3.1-30 and 1.3.1-31. No seasonal changes or ' stratification of calcium or magnesium were observed. The seasonal concentrations of aluminum, cadmium,, copper, nickel, and zine are shown in Figures i.3.1-32 through 1.3.1-36, respectively. All had very little variation except for a few concentrations. No trend could be seen with regard to station or season. The concentrations of most heavy metals

        'in unpolluted surface. water is generally below 0.1 mg/l (Hem,1959) . This was found to be true in Lake Keowee.



AND CONCLUSIONS Water chemistry data from January through June are compiled in Appendix A. Higher pH and ammonia concentrations were observed in the Little River arm. In May, supersaturation of dissolved oxygen, high pH, and higher alkalinity occurred-at Stations 500 and 501. Mixing through ONS tends to depress concentrations of ammonia and pH in the forebay area. In conclusion, 0NS use of hypolimnetic water for condenser cooling had no major effect _ on - water quality. l




l [ . ! L.3.1-3 ONS 6/74 L , _=a



LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending June 30, 1973.


Duke Power Company. 1973b. Oconee Nuclear Station Semi-Annual- Report, Period Ending December 31, 1973. Hem, J. D. 1959. Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristic of natural water, U. S.- Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1473. U. S. Government Printing Of fice, Washington, D. C.


Reid, C. K. 1961. Ecolo'gy of Inland Waters and Estuaries, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, pp. 145-156.





                                   -l.3.1-4'                                 .
 ',                                      '

ONS 6/74-

                                                                                     . .\

Table 1.3.1-1 Average Monthly Air Temperature, C *


1971-1973 1974 Month Temperature Temperature January 6.0 10.8 . February 5.2 . 6.7 March 10.3 11.1 April 14.8- 15.0 May 18.4 20.1 l


4 Data was taken from Local Climatological Data, U.S. , Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric, Administration, Greenville - Spartanburg area.- e

                                                           ,     e

t O I 1.3.1-5 ONS 6/74

                                      .               .



TEt1PERATURE 'C RIVER K!L0t'.ETERS A80VE KE0'JEE Cart - LAKE KE0 VEE 1/22. .'4 5 TAT!CH- 507 506 505 504 508 502 501 500




SURFACE 2.5 . / 43 7, to


10.0 O { 12.5 y

   ,.,    15.0 0                                                                                                               .

U 17.5 W


5 c. 20.0 ! g ' 2

                                                                           %                                         .

22.5 ,,, 25.0 27.5

  • 30.0 32.5

35.0 37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 - 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER K!L0t.ETERS Figure 1.3.1-1. Temrerature ( c),'take Keowee, January 22, 1974 l i.3.i-s oss em. , ! .. l


TEMPERATURE 'C , RIVER KILCMETERS ABOVE KE0 VEE DRM - LAKE KE0 VEE 2/25/74 606 505 504 508 502 501 500 5TA7ICH- 507 _ .

                                                                                                           '    '

SIM ACE j 2.5 ' 4




7.5 l 11.0 10.0 I

                                    ,                                    e9                 f I

12.5 g I f.

 ,      15.0 - 10.0

d 17 .5 k s 5 20.0 ) -




o 22.5 c5

                                                                     ~            }

_ 25.0 27.5 E 30.0 32.5 N 35.0 37.5 40.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 10.1 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5

                            *                                                                                         -

RIVER KILOMETERS Figure 1.3.1-2. Temperature ( C), Lake Keowee, February 26, 1974 1.3.1-7 oss (,/74 , I l

_ TEMPERATURE 'C RIVER KILO."ETERS ABOVE XE0 VEE Cart - LAKE KE0 VEE 3/20/74 3rarles. 5a7 ses scs sc+ sca 502 501 500 4 suPIAct 14.0

                                                 /                   '

2.5 5.0 _ g,5



                 ,                                                                                       .

10.0; i 3.0

                                                                                      '                  _


  -   .5                                                                            9 0                                   11*g                                                                                ;

s  !. E 20.0 e ,



      .2.5 !

l 3 25.0 , 27.5  :

                                                        \                                    b 30.0 32.: '                                                          j                                   ,

i - 35.0


37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 .7. 5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER K!LCr'.ETERS fleure 1.3.1-3. Temperature ( C), l.ake Keowee. ?! arch 20. 1974 I.l.1-8 ONS 6/74




TEMPERATURE 'C RIVER KILCMETERS A80VE KE0 VEE CAM - LAKE KE0 VEE 4/16/74 5iAT10N- 507 506 505 $04 508 502 501 500

  • *
   .                                                                                                    _

f V

                                                      \ s./

2.5 ,

  • 5.0 ,
                                            ,                   _
                                                                                  \6 7.5                  L                _f                                                    _

10.0 12.5 y

 -      15.0                                                                             --

e { / 17.5 . h20.0 \ NT

c. -

d 22.5 } 25.0


27.5 g


30.0 , 32.5 -




37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0


RIVER KILCMETERS Figure 1.3.1-4 Temperature .( C). I.ake Keowee. April 16. 1974 . I.1.1-9 ONS 6/74


_ . ---_


_ _ TEt1PERATURE 'C RIVER KIL0t'.ETERS F60VE KE0 VEE OCiM - LRKE KE0 VEE 5/20/74 500 swiew. sc7 ses ses 504 50s sc2 501


l 23 2.5 ,

                                                                      ^                                                   gy

5.0 j


x ,. -. _ 7.5  % q7 10.0 12.5

                               ,.,   15.0                                                          A                  -_.

g - N 17.5 16 . . ilv 5 20.0 _

                                                                                         ^ 13 -       -

m _ W 22.5 25.0 27.5 s L' 30.0 32.5 4 35.0 , i


37.5 i 0 40'20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 i

                                                                                                                                  ,                                     i l

RIVER XILOMETERS Figure 1.3.1-5. Temperature ( C) . Lake Keowee, stay 20, 1974. 1.3.1-10 0:4S 6/ 7!.


P _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _ - _ _ .


TEMPERATURE 'C . RIVER XIL0t'.ETERS RBOVE KE0 VEE DAM - LAKE KE0 VEE 6/17/74 STAT!ON- 507 506 505 504 508 502 501 500


l S w act 2.5 5.0 f  %

               -                                                                           h 10.



E 15.0 [ - 17.5 \6 ug


20.0 Q 22.5 25.0 p 27.5 E 30.0 /2 [ 32.5

                                                                                                  "    '

35.0 37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER KILCMETERS Figure 1.3.1-6. Temperature (#C). Lake Keowee. June 17, 1974 1.3.1-11 ONS 6/74 i ! -

                                                                                                                         - ____


                      +.     --                                                                                                   c 2-26-74 5.0                            3-20-74       4-16-74 1- 2 2- 7t.

10.0 m 5-20-74 0

  • 6-17-74 5'J 15.0 Y. /

<- 3 20.0

                  ;                                                                             Lake Ibrtwell Tor ;)c:::u re 25.0               -

J Station 601 30.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 Te:p. ('C)

  • 0 '



10.0 -


7 0 3 3 15.0 5


o 20.0 2-M-74

  • Lake llartwell 25.0 5-20-74 -

Dissolved Oxygen 5-1 7- 74 3-20-74


Statioti 601 4-16-74 '

                                                                             ]-22-74 30.0 ,                                                               I

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12 . f, M . '. D3 gj: Figure 1.3.1-7 LAKE llARTWELL TEMPERATURE AND DISSOLVED OXYGEN, STATION - 601, J A.MJARt' TilROUCil JUNE, 1974 t


1.3.1-12 ONS 6/74 i


_- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


O. 5.0

e. . .

2-26-74 10.0 7 3-20-74


J d" 15.0 5-20-74 /6-17-74

    ,                 i 4-16-74 1            1-22-74 5                                                                                                                                                 s.

20.0 Lake '!artwell Temperature 25.0 S,tation 602 30.0 ,

                              ,        ,         ,           ,        ,                     ,                                            ,         ,

10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 . Temp. ('C) ,





                                                         -                 /

10.0 3-20-74 2 74 7 0 4-16-74 U 5-20-74 8 15.0 1-22-74

   .=         U-17-74 1

5 20.0 . 1.oke Hartwell Dist.olved Oxygen 25.0 . Station 602


30.0- , , , , , , , 0 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.C 12.0 ,1~;.C Do n;/1 Figure 1.3.1-S LAKE HARTt1 ELL TDIPERATURE AND DISSOLVED OXYCEN, STATION 602, JANUARY TliROUCil JUNE, 1974 , 1.3.1-13 ONS 6/74 l 1 l


O. ,

        . 5.0
                                     .          4 74 10.0           1. ;.7x-7*               2-26-74             3-2> 74
  • 6-17-74 v
     .,                                                        5-20-74 S         15.0 5m.


  • 20.0 Lake !!artwell Ter.ipern ure 25.0-
  • Station 603 30.0 ,

10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 '22.0 24.0 26.0


Te=p. ('0) O ,




5.0 { 1-22-74 10.0 6-17-74 2 74 3-20-74i

 ,                                                               4-16-74 0


  ;j                                5-20-74 5        15.0 5c.

20.0 .


Lake !!artstell 25.0 Dissolved Station 603


30.0 $- ,--.3- ,


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 .',... " 20 ts/1 . Figure 1. 3.1-9 LAKE HART 4 ELL TEMPERAC'~.E AND DISSOLVED OXYGEM, STATION- ' 603, JANUARY TIIROUGli JUNE, 1974 1.3.1-14 ONS 6/74



  • 0 I t t

5.0 - 10.2 l ,

                                          /        4-16-74 7'                    1-22-74        3-20-74                    5-20-74       6-17-74

U d 15.0 2-26-74


e .

  • E 70.0 Lake HartwcL1 25.0 I' *2 * #" '" "



Station 604 30.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0


Te:p. (*C)


O f f 5.0 4-16 ,74 , , ,, 5-20-74 10.0 "~ 1-22-74/ j 2-26-74 6-17-74 3-20-74 w u - 6 15.0 s


7. 8 20.0 Lake Hartwell 25.0 Dissolved Oxygen Station 604 30.0 , . . - . -


0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 1 -i. ' D0 mg/l Figure 1.3.1-10 LAKE !! ART. JELL TEMPEP.\TURE AND DISSOLVED OXYCEN STATION 604, JANUARY THROUCil . TUNE, 1974.


1.3.1-15 'ONS 6/74

                              ,                                                                  _           _ . _ _ _         _ ____ - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _


                       /                                                          .                                               *
          $.0            ""1 bruary



March , May 10.0 Juna 7 ' 5 J? 15.0-5c. ' E < 20.0

        '5'0'                                                                            A 10N3 601- M 1965-1972 30.0              ,
                                     /                                         ,
  • 5.0 8.,0 ' li.o 14,.0 17 0 20.0 23,.0 26.0 L :p. ('c)

Jcquary 5.0


m  ; Februar 6j April 3 e 3 15.0


March (* ,;.


20.0 } y LAKE HARTUELL . ftEAN 01550! VT'J OXYGEN 25.0 ' STATIONS 601-60L i

                                                                                      "                                   '

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


7.0 b.0

                                                                              / \ -1965-1972
                                                                             's . 0 10.0           *..c
                                                                                                   .        12.0          13.0 D0 eg/l Figure 1.3.1-11 LAKE HARWELL MEAN TEMPERATURE AND MEAN DISSOLVED 0:CiCE :,

STATIONS 601 - 604, 1965 - 1972. l


1.3.1-16 ONS 6/74



                                                                                                           . -_ _ _ _ _







504 SC8 502 501 500 STATIct4 507 506 SCS a SURFACE


l 2.5

  • 9 O

5.0 7.5 ^ 9.5 @ 10.0





   ,       15.0 E

w i g 17.5 c3 5 c6 e 9 5 a_ 20.0 , 8 @ *Q 22.5 25.0 27.5 a f 30.0 3 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 RIVER K!LC9ETERS Figure 1.3.1-12. Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in3./11ter), Lake Keowee. January 22. 1974 1.3.1-17 ONS 6/74





suRr ms 3 _ 2.5 5.0 10.0 - k 10.0

                         *                                                    .


                                 @*                      g 15'0                       S G          - 9. 5 5                                                                                                  -

0 17.5

5 W


5 20.0 *


o b 5 i


22.5 25.0 27.5 1 & 30.0




35.0 37.5 40.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 RIVER KILC.".ETERS Figure 1.3.1-13. Dissolved Oxygen Cancen: ration (.2/ liter). Lake Keowee. February 26, 147a ONS h/74 1.l.I-IH '




l t e:




2.5 - 5.0 _ 7.5 10.0 - 10.5 12.5 __ 10.5 m 15.0 0 j 17.5 I C

                                                                                         \o.O 20.0 O

a 22.5 25.0


j 9. 0 9 { 27'5 V 30.0 I 32.5


35.0 37.5 l 40.0 l 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0

  • RIVER KILOMETERS Figure 1.3.1-11.. Dissolved oxygen Concentration (ng/ liter), Lake Keowee , .'ta rch 20, 1974 1.3.1-19 ONS 6/74 l



       .f!Cte-     507              SC6       505                   504 508 502             501        5(X)

I i i SUPIACE 2.5 #9 5.0 7.5 10.0 9



 ,,    15.0                                                                                       ,

! g 17.5 f

 ,    20.0                                                           -

8 6

1. 5 25.0 27.5 m __

7 30.0


32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 l RIVER K!LO.wiTERS Figure 1.3.1-15. Dissolved oxygen Concentration (ng/ liter). Lake Keowee, April 16, 1974 ONS 6/74

                                             ' ..l.1-20 c.


                                                  . _ . , _                                                 ---._.._--_--.-.-.__.__a

DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION (ti!LL3GRArts/ LIVER) RIVER XIL0t'.ETERS ABOVE KE0 VEE CAM - LAKE KE0 VEE 5/20/74 STATIN- 507 506 505 504 50s 502 501 500 i I supscE 10 2.5 C g Q l 5.0 7.5 9 10.0 q 8 l 12.5

  ,.,   15.0  -                                                                          ,

E { 17.5 f

  ,._   20.0 8                                                                               6 22.5                                                     ,.

25.0 - 0 5 27.5 W 1 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 1 dQ,Q 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER KILOMETEPS Figure 1.3.1-16. Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/ liter). Lake Keowee. Stay 20. 19 74. 1.3.1-21 ONS 6/g o I i



                                                                                                       - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION j. i (MILL! GAR 15/L!TER1 RIVER K!LcnETERS AB0t.'E KECVEE CAM - LAKE KE0 VEE 6/17/74 50s 505 504 sce 502 San 500 57AT!cN- 507 , i

            -9 2.5  -

5.0 g

       .5                                                                    7 10.0                                (

8 12.5 15.0 7 5 g 17.5 20.0 5 0 22.5 ,


25.0 M h N _ . _ 27.5 - 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 RIVER KILCNETERS Figure 1.3.1-17. Dissolved oxygen Concentration (=g/ liter), Lake Keowee, June 17, 1974 l.3.1-22 ONS 6/74 t

                               .                                                                                                         -!


                                                                                                                                       = *i


____ _- . _ - _ PH RIVER K!LcrETERS R&.NE KE0 VEE ORI - LAKE KE0 VEE 1/22/74 504 508 502 501 500 5 FAT!DN- 507 506 505 SUPI KE

          ?-               y 5.0              g                                               C                         p 7.5 10.0             ,
                                               %(l1 12.5               g.
                             <b g                         O (O'              t
  ,.,    15.0                    [                                                  f
                                                    \                                  o 5


 .5 20.0 9

w 22.5 , , ti 25.0 [ ~ I 27.5 30.0


32.5 35.0 37.5 w 40.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 RIVER KIL0rfiERS Ficure 1.3.1-18. pH, 1.ake ;"cowee. January 22, 1974 l ONS 6/75 l.3.1-23


l l l ,

i PH RIVER KILOMETERS ABOVE KEOUEE CAN - LRKE KEOSEE 2/25/74 CN- 507 506 505 504 500 502 501 500 SUPIACE 2.5 I 5.0 7.5


10.0 12.5 1 n 15.0 j E d 17.5 l If f

 -                                                                      ='

{ 20.0 8

        !. 5 ,  ,                                                     _

25.0 t 27.5 2 30.0 ,, l 32.5 i 35.0 i I 37.5 40.0 20.0 1.7. 5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5. 0 - 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER KIL0r.ETERS Figure 1.3.1-19. pH, Lake Keowee. February 26, 1974

1. 3.1 - 2 '. ONS 6/74 l

1 i e



  • l
    $TRT!D4-      507               506        505           504 508 502               501     500
                                                             -     -

SURFrCE 2.5 m 5.0 r 6.6 6.5 6.8 ' - 10.0 6.7 12.5 )

 ,,   15.0                                                                                    S       t

6.3 5 20.0 6.5


g 6 *g a { 6.4s 27.5 /


30.0 , 32.5 35.0


37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER KILOMETERS .- Figure 1.3.1-20. {l La'y Keowec, ?tarch 20, 197t., _ !


PH l RIVER KILOMETERS ABOVE KE0 VEE CRM - LRKE KE0 VEE i 4/16/74 STn?!cN- 507 506 505 504 508 502 501 500


l l

      ""                                                                           i
               /                             g l

l l 6.6 e.e 7.5

e. ,
6. 0 (6.4 6.2 w

10.0 '



5. 8 m 15.0
   <n 5


               - 5.4                                                                     r-l                          l

6.o  ; F 20.01 j


22.5 25.0 to 4 27.5 g 30.0 A 32.5


35.0 37.5 N 3 1 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0

                                                                                               ,                        i i

RIVER KILOMETERS Figure 1.2.1-21. p!!. Ke. wee. April 16 1971.. i l . l . I'-lf> ONS n/7'.


{'_ .; _ b

                                                                                     . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

PH RIVER KIL0t1ETERS RBOVE KE0 VEE Cart - LAKE KEC'.EE 5/20/74 . 50+ Ece 502 501 500 sus ses srnrias- sc7 _ v

   $URFACE                                                       '

2.e - x - q 3

                                                                         '     ,Y  -

5.0 _


_ ' e 7.O ' 7.5 '# {

  • h 6.2 %

10.0 / 12.5

 -    15.0 E                                                                                                                                   #

d 17.5

 -    20.0
  • b '

22.5 3 60 25.0 27.5 i 30.0 32.5 l 35.0 37.5 40.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 RlVER KlL0nETERS Figure 1.3.1-22. pit. Lake Keowee , 'tav 20, 1974. 1.1 - N ONS 6/ia


l A

1 o

PH RIVER X!LO.*'.ETERS A80VE XE0 VEE CAM - LAKE XE0 VEE 6/17/74 1 1 5rAfIcN- 507 506 SOS 504 50s 502 501 500 SC91GCE ,

                                                                   -\\ \
2. 5 l" f - 6. S 6.6
  • 64 -



6.4 50 ,


A a2 7.5 l 10.0 . 6.0 _ i 12.5 - 15.0 en f 17 5 f

 - 20.0                                                                           C(          l 22.5 25.0                                         5.8

27.5 E . 30.0 32.5 4 1 35.0 1 37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 RIVER XILOMETERS Figure 1.3.1-23. pH.. Lake Keowee, June'17 1974. 1.1.1-28 ONS 6/74 i



            -                      f                        (            \                            J t   [                                       0.06                     '~

5.0 t 7.5 l 10.0 I a 12.5 6

 ,.,   15.0 E                                                  k Q                                  }

fc 17.5 o& o \ o



 = 20.0                                         4 o -      8, O      o 3

22.5 -

                                                      \                        07 25.0                                       1 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5
  • 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0

. . RIVER KIL0t'ETERS Figure 1.3.1-24 Ammonia Concentration (mg/ liter), I.ake Keovec, January 22. 1974. 1.1.1-29 ONS 6/,7s l 1

                                                                                                              'l i


2. 5
  • 5.0 ,

i 7.5 , t 10.0 O-12.5

 ,.,    15.0 E

O b.$ g h,22.5 $ O'


25.0 e

                                                                               /     l 27.5

, 30.0 32.5

  • 35.0 37.5 40.0 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5

RIVER KILOFETERS Figure 1.3.1-25. Ammonia Concentration (=g/ liter), Lake Keowee, February 26 1974. f .1.1 - 30 ONS 6/74



AMMONIA CONCENTRATION CMILLIGA#tS/t.1TER1 RIVER K!LONETERS ABOVE XE0 VEE Dart - LAKE XECVEE 3/20/74 504 50s 502 502 503 startcN- 507 sas 505


SUPfACE 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0

                                                                                                                                        / )

12.5 15.0 d  ;


E \ N 17.5 W to E - o



20.0 f
                       $                                                                                                              1 22.5                                                             q     q'        \

25.0 , 16 27.5 30.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 40.0 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5


RIVER XILCMETERS Figure 1.3.1-26. Ammonia Concentration (ng/ liter), Lake Keovee, 'tarch 20, 1974. 1.3.1-31 .ONS 6/74


S I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _' ._ _ . - _ _ _ _ . .__ _ _ - . _-_-_ - -__-_-_ s



                               ~ RIVER K!L0 DETERS ABOVE XE0 VEE CRM - LRKE KE0 VEE 4/16/74 STAT!CN.         507                 506       505             509 508 502         -         501             500 I

suppAct 2.5

         -                                                                                                     I
         '2. o                                                                                               -
  • 7.5 j oN ', .

1U-g' o.oi 12.5 i

 ,.,    15.0 E

d U 17.5 [


m l0o


y [

                                                                                            . .

! 7 20.0 o, g O a *, 22.5 . 25.0 ' -

27. F , l t

30.0 l 32.5, 35.0


37.5 40.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2.5

                                                  ' river XILOME.ERS                                        -

Figure 1.2.1-27. Annoaia Concentration (ng/ liter?. I.ake Kresee. April 10, 1971.. i,, ,g DNS n/74

                                 =                                                                      =      re       t

AMMONIA CONCENTRATION (MILLIGNm5AITU 3 RIVER K!LOMETERS ABOVE KE0 VEE Dart - LAKE KE0 VEE < 5/21W74 5iATICN- 507 506 505 504 508 502 501 500 SUPIACE 2.5 5.0 - 7.5 10.0 12.5

 -    15.0 E                                                                                                      *
 $ 17.5 5                                                            A, e

20.0 $ o O.o3 [I k / l 8 22.5 , O'o@ 0.06 o' 07 - 25.0 C'

  • 27.5 ,

c 30.0

                                                                       /                              I 32.5                                                       *

35.0 37.5 40.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0.0 2. 5 5,. 0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0

  • RIVER KILOMETERS Figure 1.3.1-2S. Amonia Concentration (mg/ liter), Lake Kcowee, May 20, 197t..

ONS 6/74


AMMONIA CONCENTRAT10N ' (ft!LLl'JisittS/tIVER) i RIVER KILCMETERS A80VE KE0 VEE CAM - LAKE KE0 VEE 6/17/7+ 504 508 502 501 500

   $7GfICN-          507                506     5C5 I

SUPIGCE 2.5 I 5.0 0  ; . l 7.5 - 10.0 l 0.05 12.5 Qf 15.0 Q

r. 17.5 .

E O o l l 20.0 ; N l 22.5l 25.0 N 27.5 so O' 3 3C.0 32.5 35.0 37.5 1 40.0 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 ,


s RIVER K!LCF.ETERS Figure t 3.1-29. Ammonta Concentration 'ne/ liter). Lake Keawee. .hme !7 19 7 '. . ONS '*/74

                                                         ; , 3, ;,33

! t' ., ab-


,, - ._ _ . _ r, -n 0 - ocone< uclear st> tion o m (549.0) 0.20 1 = Inteke I D = Disc:a.trge g 8 0.86 (507.0) 0.18- l 0.56 ' -'


1.24 (506.0) 0.13 1.25 (510.0) 0.82 0.72

                                                                                                                                     's 's                                ,'

1.26 (505.0) 0.20 's '


O.75 '

                                                                                                                     's                                      -

U l 1.07 (508.5) o,55 F 0.93 7 w s i w t s


1.12 (503.0) 0.22 s

                                                                                                                                                          ,' 1 04  .

0.7,7 t 1.10 (511.0) o,97 s i

                                                                             's                %
                                                                                'g              4


                                                                              'kh ('S s' e1 D'


                                         '                               /        I               '.                         's
                                          '                            '          '                 ',                            N                                                   ,
                         /                  s                        -                                                               s,  '
                                                                   '                                                                       '
                                             '                   '                i                      's                                   ~

l 0.80 0775 1.02 'g 0.'d 5 6 1.60 (500.0) 0.29


g 1,34(502.0) 0.22 e 1.19 (503.0) 0.22 1.17 (504.0)O m I }tAY . (Station) yr7, t 1.07 0.'82 pgzz7; o

        'N                           1.58 (501.0) 0.34               1.20 (509.0) 0.24 cs
         %                                                                                                                                                                                   .

5 . Figure 1.3.1-30 Averages of January Through June of All Depths


L '__ _.


M: - -/ l O = Oconee !.uclear Station 0. 56 (549.0) o _ -no

  • I = Intake 0.,48 D = Discharge 4

s 0.63 (507.0) 0.3R O.4J

                                                                                                                                                              's   %

0.74 (506.0)'0.38 0.78 (510_.0)0.63 0.58 D.68

                                                                                                                                            's 's                                       e'
                                                                                                                                                  '                                  e' O.75 (505.0) 0.42                     '                          /
  • 0.60 e'
                                                                                                                                's %                                .*

e' s p I 0.70 (508.5) 0.67 ' F 0.68

 -                                                                                                  i 0

u  % es i, .. 0.76 (503.0) 0.52


1 , ' . 0. 7_2 t

0. 6 ( t 0.?6 (511.0) 0.67 <

s, t

                                                                                          's                'g N                    '

1 s l- s k R  % 9, ~,

                                       ,'            \
                                                      \                                s'     s1             s                  '


f. \ /
                                                                                     /        8 g.
                                                                                                              \                     's *
                                                                                                                %                        r p                   1                        /            g                  %                          's '

l s s' e '. ~, 0.85 's 0.'69 e 0.66 0759_ 0.99(500.0) 0.74 4 s 0.90 (502.0) 0.60 0.74 (508.0) 0.53 0.76 (504.0) 0.44 4 l KAY. (S ation) Mrs*

 @                                                        0.84                             0.69 g,.y.

0.93 (501.0) 0.64 0.77(509.0) 0.63




I Fir;ure 1.3.1-31 Averages of January Through June of All Depths


. . , . , ,=em..--O-********+


1 '




0 0 ,e 1 0 5 (

                                                               'e                                                   1                                                              b 6                                                                                                     0
             )                                                                                                                                                                     O -

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W 6DS 1.3'.1-38

       . _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ __- _ --..__ _ _ _                                      .
                                                                                   . - .                                                                -      _ ..            ,.                             . . .

Cu up/1 0 - eccaee Nuclear statioa 0.5 (549.0) i50.0 I = Intake 8

                                                                                                                                                                          .                             s D = Discharge                                                                                                                           .          ',

s 0.7 (507.0) 0.5 e N I


0.8 (506.0) 0.5 -- (510.0) 0.5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,' '
                                                                                                                                                                    %                                       /

s 2.4 (505.0) 0.5 'N '

                                                                                                                                             's                                                 e'
                                                                                                                                                  %                                           /
                                                                                                                                                    %                                      #

7- 1

                                                                                                       --- (503.5) 0.5                                     '

u . u t c \ i ., 0.6 (503.0) 0.5 t

                                                                                                 's  ,                  's                                                                  --- (511.0) 0.5             '

f , t,

                                                                                                              's_                 _
  • i: ,'s
                                                    ,-    .       *                                    ,
                                                                                                         ,'sI\ O o\-


                                                                                                                                                 's '

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                                                                    '                              '

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                                              ,                         s
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                                                                                                              ,                      's s
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                                                                                                              ,                                                                     _ _ . . _
1. 's 5';9. 9) 0.5 \

1.1 (502.0) 0.5 i 0.5 (50:1. 0) 0.7 0.7 (504.0) r s s


March (Station) Jime

                                                                             \                                !                                                                                     ;
                                                            - 0. 5 (501.0) 0.5                     0.5 (50').0) 0.5 z                                                                                                                                                                          .

en . cs N m .

  • Figure 1.3.1-34 Quarterly Station Composites
                                                                         ..z . :u 1 O = Cconce Station                                                                                                                      .03               ( 5 *.9. 0) .01 I = Intake l
                                                                       *D = Disciurge                                                                                                                                                         .


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                                                                                      .14 (591. . o) .01                   . 01 (509.0) .01


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s- Figure 1.3.1-35 Quarterly Station Composites -


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1.3.1-41 ONS 6/74

                                                                  -. ,

1.3.1 WATER QUALITY ! Specification: A (continued) 4 Dissolved oxygen will also be measured weekly from May through November at three locations: (1) the Oconee dis-charge , (2)thelakesurface(one{1}footdeep)at the Keowee intake sturcture and (3) the Keowee tailrace during hydroelectric plant operation. I. INTRODUCTION Oconee Nuclear Station is equipped with a skimmer wall at the mouth of the intaka canal extending to a depth of 70 feet, which allows the Station to withdraw condenser cooling water from the cool bottom strata (hypolimnion) during periods of thermal stratification (May to November) . The dissolved oxygen (DO) content of hypolimnetic water in lakes of this region is char- , acteristically low, and at times non-existent. From December to April Lake Keowee is well nixed (essentially isothermal and uniform in oxygen saturation from top to bottom); thus the ski =mer wall has little or no effect on the temperature and D0 concentration of water passing beneath the wall into the intake canal. Therefore, we need only be concerned with the intake and sub-sequent discharge of water low in D0 during lake stratification in evaluating its impact upon the growth and abundance of aquatic organisms. Do and tem-perature were monitored, weekly, at the Oconee intake and discharge, Keowee Hydro intake and tailrace, and Station 605 (Lake Hartwell, S. C. Hwy. (/183 Bridge) . Two stations, the Oconec intake and Station 605, were added during this reporting period. The monthly synoptic water quality surveys on both Lakes Keowee and Hartwell (Section 1.3.1, Specification A) and the continuous temperature monitoring stations (Section 1.3.1, Specification B) compicment the weekly D0 measurements. II. METHODS AND MATERIALS The azide modification of the "Winkler" D0 titration as described in previous reports (Duke Power Company, 1973a; 1973b) was employed for D0 analysis. Week-ly DO measurements are now being performed by the following ONS personnel: J. J. Sevic, Station Biologist M. R. Killough, Associate Station Biologist III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Weekly D0 measurements for the reporting period are presented in Tables 1.3.1-2 and 1. 3.1- 3. Figure 1.3.1-37 graphically portrays D0 levels for the five mon-itoring stations. D0 levels, as well as, the percent of dissolved oxygen satur-ation always generally increased as it progresses from the ONS intake to the ONS discharge, Keowee Hydro intake, Keowee Hydro tailrace and Station 605, respectively. The lowest D0 concentrations recorded for the Oconee Intake and Discharge were 5.6 and 6.0 mg/1., respectively. The lowest values recorded Do for the Keowee Hydro intake and discharge were 7.3 and 7.5 mg/1, respectively. saturation values for the Oconee Discharge ranged from 72 to 100%. s


ONS 6/74 l.3.1-42 m

                                                                                   >   -
                                                        ,                ..

a n






AND CONCLUSIONS Reaeration can be attributed to the operation of both ONS and the Keowee Hydro Station.

2. DO concentrations at all five monitoring stations remained reasonably high for the entire reporting period. Therefore, no detrimental effects with respect to DO concentrations could be attributed to the operation  !



Duke Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report,  ! I ' Period Ending June 30, 1973. Duke Power Company. 1973b. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report, 4 Period Ending December 31, 1973. ! !


s I


, J r b , *





  • I
                                                                                            .i l

1.3.1-43 ONS 6/74 ' i

                      -    -                    .  .  .     .
                                                                               - -     -. ,

TABLE 1.3.1-2 Weekly DO Monitoring Program Oconee Nuclear Station-Lake Keowee Date Station

  • Temp. C D0 mg/l** DO ' Sat.

Oconee Intake 13.4 8.3 79.8 4/18/74

               -Oconee Discharge                  19.3        8.4           91.8 Keowee Hydro Intake               17.4        8.9           93.5 Keowee Hydro Tailrace             16.1        9.0           91.9 Station 605 (Lake Hartwell)      No Measurements Taken 4/25/74     Oconee Intake                     13.6        8.2           79.2 Oconee Discharge                  16.2        8.7           89.0 Keowee Hydro Intake                18.8       9.2           99.5

Keowee Hydro Tailrace 16.7 9.6 99.3

  • Station 605 No Measurements Taken 5/02/74 Oconee Intake 15.0 8.0 79.8-Oconee Discharge- 17.3 8.8 92.2 Keowee Hydro Intake 20.2 8.6 95.8 Keowee Hydro Tailrace 19.6 9.1 100.0 Station 605 No Measurements Taken 5/09/74 Oconee Intake 15.0 7.6 75.8 Oconee Discharge 18.7 8.6. 92.8 Keowee Hydro Intake 20.2 8.9 99.1 Keowee Hydro Tailrace 16.9 9.0 93.5 Station 605 16.6' 9.2 - 94.9
  • Measurements were taken from the facility structuret.
    ** Average of 2 replicates
            .                       .
                                                                                     .e 1.3.1-44                         ONS A/74-




                             -TABLE'1.3.1-2 (Cont.)

i Weekly DO Monitoring Program

                    . Oconee Nuclear Station-Lake Keowee 4

Date Station Temp. C DO mg/l* DO % Sat. 5/16/74 Oconee Intake 14.4 7.2 70.8 , Oconee Discharge' 22.4 8.6 100.0 Keowee Hydro Intake 23.9 8.6 103.0


Keowee Hydro Tailrace 19.2 8.8 96.0 Station 605 19.4 9.0 98.6 > 5/23/74 Oconee Intake 16.5 7.0 72.1 Oconee Discharge 23.5 8.2 97.4 Keowee Hydro Intake 25.0 8.4 102.7 Keowee Hydro Tailrace 19.0 9.6 104.2 4 Station 605 19.0 8.7 94.5 E 5/30/74 Oconee Intake 16.5 7.2 74.2 i Oconee Discharge 19.0 7.4 81.7 Keowee Hydro Intake 23.8 8.5 101.6 , Keowee Hydro Tailrace 20.8 8.3 93.5 Station 605' 21.0 8.3 93.9 6/06/74 Oconee Intake .16.8 '6.6- 68.4 Oconee Discharge 21.5 7.2 82.3 Keowee Hydro Intake 25.0 8.4 102.7 j Keowee Hydro Tailrace 19.8 8.7 96.0 Station 605 21.0 8.6 97.3 h 1 6/13/74 Oconee Intake 18.0- 6.7 -71 3 Oconee Discharge 23.8 7.1 84,8 , i Keowee Hydro Intake 25.0 8.0 97.8 j i: Keowee Hydro Tailrace 23.4 '9.2 109.1 t Station 605 24.0 9.4 112.8 -[



  • Average of-2 replicates

1.3.1-45 ONS 6/74 , F

 ,                                                             -

4 e- .e+* --,,> w

                                                                    . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,



TABLE 1.3.1-2 (Cont.) Weekly DO Monitoring Program Oconee Nuclear Station-Lake Keowee Date Station Temp. C DO mg/l* DO % Sat. Oconee Intake 18.0 5.9 62.8 6/20/74 Oconee Discharge 24.0 6.0 72.0' Keowee Hydro Intake 27.0 7.4 94.0 Keowee Hydro Tailrace 23.6 8.1 -96.4 Station 605 24.0 8.2 98.4 d

6/27/74 Oconee Intake 17.8 5.6 59.3 Oconee Discharge 22.8 6.5 76.2 Keowee Hydro Intake 23.2 7.3 36.3 Keowee Hydro Tailrace 22.8 7.5 87.9 Station 605 23.1 7.8 92.0 , i

  • Average of 2 replicates

1.3.1-46 ,

  -                                                                                                           .

TABLE 1.3.1-3 Comparison of Data From Selected Weekly and Monthly-Di:; solved Oxygen (mg/1) Measurements, Lake Keowee.


Selected Weekly Data Monthly Data Sampling Sampling Station Oconee Keowee Station 508.0* 504.0 Date Discharge Intake Date "(Oconee Discharge) (Keowee. Intake) DO mg/l DO % Sat. DO mg/l DO % Sat. DO mg/l DO % Sat. D0 mg/l DO % Sat. 1-22-74 9.5 91.5 9.0 84,7 2-26-74 10.4 99.0 11.0 104 ^. 6 3-20-74 9.8 94.6 10.2 98.9 7


o g .4-18-74 8.4 91.8 8.9 93.5 4-16-74 8.2 84.6 8.6 88.4 5-23-74 8.2 97.4 8.4 102.7 5-20-74 8.2 97$ 8.3 99.6

        '6-20-74        6.0-         72.0        7.4         94.0             6-17-74         5.5          62.2       7.2         84.7

8 co R y .

  • Station 508.0 located approximately 50' m from the ONS discharge structure.

a 4

u. -

_ Station 605

                                              ........                   Keowee Hydro Tailrace Keowee Hydro Intake
                                                     .                   Oconee Discharge

_ ._ Oconee Intake 9.8 , 9.6 g e,


9.4 e* e e. m

                           .                                 .e    .
9. 2, ,# . / *
                                *                        *            *
                 *                                      .                                        /
9. 0. 8 .G'*e . NN /
                                                                        .                            .

8.8 K t.  %

  • 8.6 [  %. '
                                                                             .          , e*              *

8.4 .

               /                                      \.                       .
  • 8 8.2 . 'N n

U 8. 0' g'N b'\ y


g ., y

  • 7.8 .

Ns ,




S 7.6 . gs .,

                                                                                                                            'O y  7. 4, s



7.2 , g  % /

                                                                                      *g, p

m 7.0 -

                                                          'sg                      s

m 6. 8e \ a \

6. 6., 4A, \
6. 4.. g
6. 2, , s .
6. 0, , \

5 . 8. . A

5. 6. , s O
5. 4. .

5 . 2. . 5.0 , , , , , , 4/18 4/25 5/02 5/09 5/16 5/23 5/30 6/06 6/13 6/20 6/27 t l 1




Figure 1.3.1-37 Weekly DO Monitoring Oconce Nucicar Station 1.3.1-48 ONS 6/74

                           -1.3.1                 WATER QUALITY Specification:             B. Water temperature recording stations shall be established at Stations 502, 503, and 504. Temperature shall be monitored in a multi-point vertical profile, accurate to 1*F. Sensors shall be placed at a depth of ~ one (1) foot.

below the surface, on the bottom, and at a minimum of six (6) intervals to describe the temperature profile. A fourth temperature recording station shall be established to monitor the waters discharged from Lake Keowee through the Keowee Hydro Plant. I. INTRODUCTION , Discussion of the significance of continuous temperature monitoring has been pres,ented (Duke Power ..mpany, 1973a). II. METHODS AND MATERIALS . Station 502, 503 The methods and materials used in monitoring the water temperature profile at these stations has been described (Duke Power Company,1973a) . Station 504 The methods and materials used in monitoring the water temperature profile at this station has been described (Duke Power Company,1973b) . Keowee Tailrace The methods and materials used in monitoring the water temperature at this station has been described (Duke Power Company,1973b). Data Reduction Strip charts are collected weekly from Stations 502, 503, and 504. Readings are later made from the strip charts for each sensor depth for the times 0600 and 1800 hours. These readings are then computer stored for future analysis. The strip charts are filed for possible future reference. Hourly computer printouts of Keowee tailrace temperatures are collected weekly. Tabulation of data was made for.tailrace temperatures for the times 0600 and 1800 hours. Included in this tabulat' ion is the tailrace temperature which was the maximum temperature recorded (during a twenty-

                                       -four hour period) while the hydro plant was generating.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION For.the data from. Stations 502, 503, and 504, a computer program was written to perform the following:_ 1) select maximum and minimum readings,

2) calculate average and standard deviation, 3) list number of variables
                                        ~1n calculations. The above manipulations can be performed for separate i

1.3.1-49 ONS 6/74

 . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ -_-:_

_ > calendar months and depths. The program has the option of combining years and stations or listing stations and years separately. The tabulated data of results Erom the above program are listed in Appendix A, Section V. C (The tabulation of data collected for Keowee Tailrace is presented in Appendix A, Section V.) t LETERATURE CITED Duke Power Company, 1973a. Oconee Semi-Annual Report for the period _ending June 30, 1973. Duke Power Company, 1973b. Oconee Semi-Annual Report for the period ending December 31, 1973. I


f r f 1 6 k j


t t l i i


J l ! i e $ _ l.3.1-50 ONS 6/74

1.3.2 FISH - POPULATION DYNAMICS AND REPRODUCTION Specification: A. Comparisons shall be made of the data obtained by systematic sampling of fishes using nets, electr9 fishing, and rotenone at suitable locations both within and essentially out of the influence of the effluent. . Significant changes in the composition, abundance, and growth of the major fishes in various areas of Lake Keowee shall be identified and the factors which cause change defined, especially those relating to the effluent from Oconee Nuclear - Station. I. INTRODUCTION A discussion of the effects of power plant operation on the population dynamics of fishes was presented in the Oconee Nuclear Station Semi-Annual Report for the period ending June 30,1973 (Duke Power Company,1973a) . These studies are being perforred by the Southeast Reservoir Investigations (SERI), Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, located in Clemson, South Carolina. SERI reports which include data pertaining to the first six month period ' of 1974 are included in Appendices B and C. .

; II.       METHODS AND MATERIALS Me'thods and materials used for fisheries research in connection with the operation of Oconee Nuclear Station have been summarised in- the previous semi-annual report for the period ending December 31, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 19 73b) . This program has been continued with the following

, changes: Shoreline sampling with the electroshocker for relative abun-


dance is now being done once each quarter instead of monthly in'Keowee j Reservoir. Larval fish sampling has been conducted with a 0.79.mm_(1/32 in) mesh frame trawl beginning on March 4. Samples were collected at the same 2 four stations sampled in 1973 (Duke Power Company,1973a) plus one station which was added in 1974. ) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Data necessary to characterize the dynamics of fish populations of Lake . Keowee.have been collected using seines, frame trawls, gill. nets and electrofishing gear. A discussion of these data is provided in SERI Quarterly Report for the period January 1 - March 30,1974 and the SERI , Report for period January 1,1973 - June 30,1974 ~ (Appendices B and C). Oconee has not yet reached full capacity. Unit 3 has not gone on line and Units 1 and 2 have been subject to occasional shut downs. Effects of Oconce on fish populations'have not betn apparent ; significant changes in the composition abundance, and growta of the major fishes in Lake Keowcc have not been indicate'd. 4 e e-


1.3.2 ONS'6/74. .

                                                       '                                          '


       .r -

_. , .m,

            .     .-                                              .-

Effects of thermal effluents into Lake Keowee are likely to be subtle. There are several factors which come into play which may mask any real effects or make their evaluation difficult. First, sufficient data over an extended period of time must be available. At this point, it is not. Secondly, natural seasonal variations in distributions, abundance, growth, etc. must be well established and accounted for in all evaluations. Also, the effects of Oconee may not be realized until it becomes fully and consistently operational. This has not been the case to date. In addition, it must be realized that Lake Keowee is an artificial body of water in early stages of development. Many changes, independent of external stimuli, will take place in dynamics of fish populations before a situation is reached that can be considered " stable". Spacification: B. The reproduction of four (4) indicator species (large-mouth bass, bJack crappie, yellow perch, and bluegill) representative of the fish species in Lake Keovee shall be characterized by determining the environmental require-ments for reproduction. Pertinent data collected from other studies shall be utilized and results and observa-tions obtained for Lake Keowee shall be compared to those previously published. Spawning data for Lake Keowee shall be , collected by direct observation and the use of ichthyoplankton trawls.


The sampling procedures, periods, and intensity related to specification's A and B above will be based on those established by the Southeast Reservoir Investigations team of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of the Interior. I. INTRODUCTION A discussion of the effects of power plant operation ~on the population dynamics of fishes was presented in the Oconee Nuclear Station Semi-Annual Report for the period ending June 30, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 19 73 a) . This research is being conducted by the Southeast. Reservoir Investi-gations (SERI). This report is a summarization of the SERI quarterly report (Appendix B ) and a report covering the period f rom January 1,1973 to June 30,1974 (Appendix C ) . II. METHODS AND MATERIALS The methods and materials used in studying the reproduction of Lake Keowee fishes have been previously described (Duke Power Company.1973b). This , program has been continued with the following changes: Shoreline sampling

     -with the electroshocker for relative abundance is now being done once each quarter instead of monthly in Keowee Reservoir.       Beginning in March   larval fish -sampling has been conducted with a 0. 79 mm (1/32 in) mesh f rame trawl.

Samples were collected at the same four stations sampled in 1973 (Duke Power Company,1973 a) plus one station which was added in 1974.


1.3.2-2 ONS 6/74

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Life history studies were continued on four indicator species representative

         'of the fishes in the reservoir. These are:      largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, and yellow perch.

Life history studies have been divided into three distinct parameters far each species. These are: (1) Age and growth, (2) Reproduction and fecundity and (3) Food habits. Three study areas on Lake Keowee have been selected as sampling locations for life history. data. These areas are: (1) Pump back, (2) ONS discharge, and (3) A control located near Watergate Marina. Collection of data on largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill and yellow perch, before and af ter heated af fluent discharge into Keowee Reservoir is being continued. Gonads have been collected and preserved from specimens since the 1973 field season began. These will be used to determine fecundity of females and seasonal naturity index changes in males and females. Four larval trawling stations were established on Keowee _ Reservoir in 1973 and another station was added in 1974. These stations are as follows: (1) Pump back below Jocassee Reservoir, (2) Area af fec:ed by heated water discharge, (3) Area near skimmer wall, (4) Control area in upper reservoir, and (3) Control area in lower reservoir. A small meshed (0.79 mm,1/32 in) square frame trawl - measuring 51.5 inches on a side was used. Frame trawl. sampling for larval fish has been conducted during the day. Samples are taken once a week through September and every other week 1a October and November. Standard paired hauls 4 of 10 minutes duration at 1300 RPM were made at depths of 0-4 and 16-20 feet. Results of the 1974 sampling period are not yet available. LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending June 30, 1973. Duke Power Company. 1973b. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending December 31, 1973. l l i


1.3.2-3 ONS 6/74-


1.3.3 PERIPHYTON Specification: Duplicate artificial substrates (plexiglass slides) shall be held in racks and submerged at a depth of five feet at three general locations in the lake (Stations 502, 504, and a station in the discharge area) that may be influenced by the plant dis-charge, and at two control locations in the lake (Stations 501 and 506) that shall be essentially out of the influence of the plant discharge. Dry and ash-free weights of each sample shall be determiacd so that comparisons can be made of the relative productivity values between the different stations. I. INTRODUCTION Periphyton is presently being studied as an indicator of water quality. Organic accumulation is being measured in this study at Stations 500, 501, 502, 508, 504, and 506. A general discussion of the concepts involved in this study may be found in OGS Semi-Annual Report for the period ending


June 30, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 1973). II. METHODS AND MATERIALS A discussion of the methods and materials used in this study may be found in the ONS Semi-Annual Report for the period ending June 30, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 1973). One addition to these procedures has been made as , - of the June, 1974, sampling period. At that time the periphyton was scraped off the slides in the field. The scrapings were put in preweighed sample bottles with 10 ml of 99.5% acetone. These were wrapped in aluminum foil and placed in a freezer for storage. The bottles were weighed to determine the approximate weight of the periphyton. The acetone concentration was then corrected to 90% according to the weight of the periphyton and the total volume of the acetone and periphyton solution was brought to 30 mi by ths. addition of 90% acetone. Samples were analyzed for chlorophyll con-tent on a Coleman Model 124 double beam spectrophotometer. The data was then treated using the following equations:


(663b-663a) (Volume of Sample) Chlorophyll a (mg/m ) = 26.73


2 Area of Sample (APHA, 1971) (1.7(663a) - 663 b] [ Volume of Sample) Pheophytin a (mg/m ) 2 = 26.73


Area of Sample (APRA, 1971) Ash-Free Wgt (mg/m2 ) Autotrophic Index = Chlorophyll a_ (mg/m2 ) (Weber,_1973)


J l 1.3.3-1 ~0NS 6/74 l l

                                 .y      -                                   - , , - .

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Production data for the period between January 1 and June 30, 1974 are listed in Table 1.3.i-1. Examination of this data reveals that the pro-duction remained relatively low until the exposure period ending June 27, 1974. The production rate increased at Stations 500, 501, 504 and 506 when compared to the exposure period ending May 30, 1974. Data for Station 508 indicates that the production rate increased during the period ending May 30, 1974 and decreased from that value in the exposure period ending June 27, 1974. ' It becomes clear that a trend may be developing upon comparing the previous year's data (Duke Power Company, 1973). Production rates at Stations 501, 504 and 506 have increased from one year's data to the next. However, the production rate at Station 508 is lower for sample periods ending May 3, May 30 and June 27, 1974. When compared to the previous year, the produc-

!        tion rate at Station 502 was lower for the sampling period ending June 27, 1974, but data prior to this sample period is necessary for a good compar-

ison. Table 1.3.3-2 lists ash-free weights. tycopigment concentrations and autotrophic indices for stations samp ad on June 27, 1974. These are the only phytopigment values listed in this report; therefore the only valid comparisons that may be made are spacial comparisons. All measured values are treated as periphyton standing crop values and are listed as milligrams per square meter.


i LITERATURE CITED American Public Health Association. 1971. Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 13th Ed. 1971. Washington: American Public Health Association. pp. 748-749. Duke Power Company. 1973. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report,, Period Ending June 30, 1973. Weber, C. I. 1973. Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of surface waters and effluents. National Environmental Research Center, U.S.E.P.A., Cincinnati. EPA 670/4-73-001. j C


l.3.3-2 ONS 6/74


Table 1.3.3-1 Periphyton Production (mg/m2 / day) 500 501 502 508 504 506 Station Elapsed Time Date (days) 9.4 2.2

  • 7.1 11.0 11.3 01-10-74 58 10.2 2.4
  • 5.0 11.9 13.2 7.8 4.0 ***


  • 2.7 02-07-74 64 11.7
  • 3.1 8.2 6.9 3.9 19.4 2.8
  • 16.8
  • 6.9 03-07-74 56 21.4 4.3
  • 20.1
  • 7.4 6.5 2.1
  • 13.9 13.3 28.1 04-05-74 57 6.8 2.1
  • 15.0- 13.7 31.4 20.4 4.4 ** 9.7 *** 24.0 05-03-74 57 22.4 4.8 ** 14.5 33.5 24.5 81.6 18.8 **' 7-3. 9 39.5 '47.6 05-30-74 55 82.8 20.5 ** 65.6 36.5 41.0 143.2 133.3 30.2 48.3 88.6 119.5 06-27-74 55 147.5 129.7 38.1 82.0 69.6 96.3
  • Equipment lost due to vandalism
  '** . Data lost due to equipment-failure
   *** Data ' lost due to laboratory accident

1.3.3-3 ONS 6/74


                                                   -                                         .             _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

? g


Table 1.3.3-2 , Ash-Free Weicht, Phytopigment, and Autotrophic Index Data for Duplicate Samples-


for Oconee Nuclear Station

                                                   .              June 27, 1974 Station           Ash-Free Wgt.               Chlorophyll a_    Pheophytin a_  Autotrophic Index (mg/m2 )               (mg/m2 )          (mg/m2 )

7877 45.82 9.58 172 500 8111 43.04 13.33 188-7332 20,83 5.03 352 ! 501 7133 18.53 3.56 385 i ' 1662 3.97 1.11 418 502 , 2095 4.17 1.74 503 a 2657 13.33 4.17 199 508 '. , 4510 17.35 3.26 260


4874 1.74 2.15 2778 504 , 3826 4.17 2.15 917 6570 26.73 2.08 276 506 , , 5298 '28.11 4.93 188 , ' I 4 f i

                                                      .                                                                                                   ..
                                                                '1.3.3-4                                :ONS 6/74 r

__-- _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ - :__-----____-______-__-______


  ' Specification:      Bimonthly sampling (6 times /yr) shall be done at Stations
                       ~500,-503, 505, 506, intake, and at two points along the     The centerline of the Keovee River arm of~ Lake Keowee.

geographical location of these latter two stations shall be determined at each sampling period and shall represent the points at which the plume surface temperature is 0.9 and 0.5 of the temperature excess of the discharge over ambient surface temperature. .For the purpose of this study, " ambient surface temperature" shall be defined as the surface temperature at Station 500 as measured on the > day of the plankton sampling. Both whole water samples and samples concentrated using a

                       . plankton net will be collected. The sampling at stations affected by the discharge shall consist of samples taken at water depths, both affected and not affected by the plume.

At the control stations, samples will also be taken at these corresponding depths. I. INTRODUCTION A discussion of the importance of phytoplankton and zooplankton with re-spect to thermal effects has been presented (Duke Power Company, 1973a). l II. METHODS AND MATERIALS The methods and materials have been described previously (Duke Power Com-pany, 1973a; 1973b). Revisions and changes are listed below. Chlorochvil Measurements Procedures follow the previously reported methods with exception of the May chlorophyll a measurements. These measurements were obtained after-the Turner fluorometer (Model 111) had been equipped with a narrow emis-sion range lamp (CE # F4TSB, wavelength range -400-520 nm). Determination The original primary of new conversion factors followed this alteration. and secondary filters were retained in this modification. January and March collections were processed using.a-broader emission range lamp (GE

          # F4T4BL, wavelength range -360 nm to higher wavelengths).

Phytoplankton Standing Croos A' change in the method of concentration and enumeration of phytoplankton was necessitated by the dif ficulty encountered in identifying millipore- { filtered organisms (Duke Power Company, 1973b). G Samples were processed as follows: f 3 l-A 950 ml whole water sample was preserved with'15 ml of "M " preservative These samples were allowed to (Meyer, 1971) at the time of collection. settle in subdued light at the rate of 4 hrs /cm of container height. (Weber, i i 1973). The original samples were allowed to settle'for '96 hours; then c ! -890 ml was aspirated from this. sample and the remainder was transferred 1.3.4-1 ONS 6/74 _ _ _ _ ._ _ , __ _ _ - ,,

to a smaller container followed by 3 rinses of the original container. This concentrate was resettled as prescribed above until the sample had been concentrated to 5 ml. The concentrate was then examined at 500X At least 100 using a Palmer-Maloney nannoplankton counting chamber. organisms were counted per sample in one or two transects, depending on the cell concentration, across the diameter of the counting chamber. To f acilitate processiag, counting units have been revised since the previous report (Duke Power Company, 1973b) and are presented as follows: TYPE UNITS / LITER I. Non-diatoms A. Uni-cellular each cell B. Colonial colony (number of cells per colony is recorded also and averaged monthly to obtain volume measurements) C. Filamentous 18 a lengths or filaments Diatoms Counted as single cells even if found in II. colonies Sampling Procedure As recommended in the previous semi-annual report (Duke Power Company, This 1973b), Station 502 has been added to the plankton sampling staticas. station will provide information on the ef fect of the ski ==er wall with - respect to the types of planktonic organisms allowed to enter the intake canal. Because of the extreme dif ficulty encountered in locating those points in the discharge where the effluent temperature is 0.9 and 0.5 in excess over the ambient surface temperature, Stations 508 and 508.5 were established at fixed points in the discharge and plankton samples were collected f rom these new sampling points. In May, two additional stations (510, 511) were added to "he plankton sam-pling program. These are noted in Figure 1.3-1 and are 1 cated in the Crow Creek and Mile Creek arms of Keowee Reservoir. 1974, samples will be Beginning with the next reporting period, July 1, collected monthly at all stations. This increased sampling effort should provide data which will further aid in assessing population changes in Lake Keowee. The effects of entrainment will continue to be evaluated at bimonthly intervals (see Table 1.3-1). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phytoplankton During thi study period of January through June, 1974, whole water samples obtained f rom cuphotic zone composites (EZC), i.e. upper, middle, and lower were e tone aliquots mixed together, and at a lower sampling depth (LSD) analyzed for phytoplankton as described in Methods and Materials. 1.3.4-2 ONS 6/74

The scudy period yielded 80 additional phytoplankton species to the pre-vious list of species through December (Duke Power Company,1973b). Five of the seven algal classes represented to date had new species reported since the December list (Table 1.3.4-1). These new algal species included 11 species of the Bacillariophyceae (diatoms), 36 species in the Chloro-phyceae (green algae) and 19 species in the Chrysophyceae (yellow-brown algae). Lake Keowee phytoplankton assemblages may be sue:marized on the basis of their concentrations (units / liter) and cell biovolume (mm3 /1) as well as the variety of species observed. The variety of phytoplankton species reached a maximum in May, averaging 26 and 17 taxa in the EZC and LSD samples, respectively (Table 1.3.4-2). No definite horizontal differences (station to station) existed in the abundance of species observed for the study area but a higher average number of species were sampled in the E?.C collections than the LSD samples at most all stations. This depth dif-ference in species variety was especially pronounced at the deep water stations (>20m, i.e. , 502, 505, 506, 508.5 and 510) . Algal counts and biovolume estimates reveal wide spatial fluctuations in phytoplankton standing crops (Table 1.3.4-2). This variation may be caused by patchiness, however the lack of replication reduces the capacity of estimating a mean for a population parameter such as counts or biovolume. Average algal units / liter from January corresponded reasonsoly well with bot.h September and November,1973, concentrations (Duke Power Cocipany, 1973b). Average biovolume levels reached slightly higher levels in January compared to fall biovolumes of 1973. March and May phytoplankton from Lake Keowee exhibited higher counts than January levels with the probability that proliferation would reach those levels reported for July,1973, collec-tions. Biovolume trends also indicate increasing cell concentrations to a summer maximum for the year. The Bacillariophyceae (diatoms) appeared to remain the most consistently represented algal class, percentage-wise, at nearly all stations for each . of the three collection dates (Tables 1.3.4-3 through 1.3.4-27) . The most i frequently occurring species of this class were Melesira distans var. A, Meiosira italica var. alpigena, and Cyclotella stelligera. Other species of the Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae and Chlorophyceae contributed occasionally siz s '.ficant portions to the total biovolumes at irregular intervals. The Myxsphyceae (blue-green algae) occurred most consistently at Stations 500, 502 and 503 in March and May collections, but total numbers of blue-green algae seldom composed more than 3 percent of the total numbers among all r stations. One uncommonly high percentage was observed in January at Station ,


500 (17.3%) but that species count was not- observed at the other stations.


Samples retrieved in the EZC - LSD design illustrated definite depth dif- i ferences in chlorophyll a content cf those whole water samples. Average - concentrations of chlorophyll a ranged from a March LSD minimum of 0.62 mg/m3 to a maximum in May EZC samples of 3.66 mg/m3 (Table 1. 3.4-28) .


Slightly lower pigment concentrations were observed from stations in the vicinity of the plant, i.e. , 509 (intake canal), 508 (discharge cove) and L 508.5, than at the main open lake channel stations but'these lower levels  ;


2 I i 1 3 4-3 onS 6/74  ; 7


appear to be directly related'to the initial chlorophyll a concentrations present in the LSD samples at 3tation 502 (outside of the intake skimmer wall). Highest point estimates of chlorophyll jt were obtained in the May EZC collections at recently added Stations 510 and 511. This may be in-fluenced by the remoteness of these stations from the main channel. Mean January and March pigment levels approached those of mean November, 1973, records. Average May chlorophyll gt concentrations approximated the pre-viously reported September concentrations (Duke Power Company,1973b).

   , Zooplankton The study period yielded 21 additional zooplankton species to the previous list of species (Table 1.3.4-29). Total zooplankton standing crops were relatively low throughout the sampling period (Tables 1.3.4-30 through 1.3.4-33). Total standing crop data indicate little difference between the intake (Station 509), discharge (Station 508), and Station 508.5. -

Twenty-four species were present in the January samples; however, dominance by a few individual species was more pronounced at this time than in the , following month's collections. This trend of decreasing dominance as  ; spring approached is shown by the increased E values (Tables 1.3.4-33 l through 1.3.4-36). Cladocera contributed the majority of the total zoo- j plankton standing crops in January (Figure 1.3.4-1) with Bosmina coregoni  : the primary representative. Rotifers were conspicuously scarce in the I January samples, with standing crops less than 5/11ter at all stations and  ! tow depths. March samples displayed a substantial increase in th'e number of species (32) and genera (21) over the January samples. Diaptomus mississiociensis was the dominant adult copepod as it had been in January., The standing crops and relative abundance of the major groups for March are presented in Figure 1.3.4-2. Standing crops in May had increased four to five-fold over January and March (Figure 1.3.4-3). This standing crop increase was accompanied by relatively high diversities compared to previous months. Copepods still dominated the zooplankton community with D. mississipoiensis continuing to be the major adult representative; however, nauplii larvae were the most common zooplankter. Standing crops in the intake (Station 509) were greater

   .than the immediate lake-side of the skimmer wall (Station 502).

Diversity values (E) were generally lower in January than in March and May (Tables 1.3.4-34, 1.3.4-35, and 1.3.4-36). There were no obvious differences in diversity values between the intake canal (Station 509) and discharge area (Station 508) in March or May; however, January diversity data.indi-cate an increase in species diversity at Stations SOS and 508.5 when com-pared to the intake c nal (Station 509). Total standing crops in the in-- take canal (Station 5.^) ranged from a low of 3.5/ liter in January to 4.0/ liter and 25.0/ liter in March and May, respectively. IV.




Lake Keowce was sampled in January, > Larch, and1May to assess natural and man-induced variati'on in the pnytoplankton communities. As has been noted C 1.3.4-4' ONS 6/74

                           .        . - .             .-                    _                  -

I previously (Duke Power Company, 1973b) total numbers, biovolume,,and  ; chlorophyll a data all indicate that the phytoplankton standing crop in Lake Keovee was relatively low. Eighty algal species were added to the i


species list of December, 1973. Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) were numer-


ically the primary contributors to the planktonic algal community for i

         ~ che study period. Three species of diatoms comprised a notable portion of the algal counts, i.e. Melosirs distans var. A, M. italica var.

alpigena and Cyclotella stelligera. Chlorophyll a trends generally do not

vary with observed fluctuations of the biovolume estimates. A probable reduction in phorosynthetic activity at the lower sampling depths (LSD-) compared to the upper water column samples (EZC) may have caused the chloro- ,

'         phyll a concentrations to diminish with depth. Apparently lower algal pig-ment concentrations in the proximity of the ONS are mainly influenced by the initial intake chlorophyll a concentrations and not directly attrib-utable to entrainment in the ONS cooling water system.

1 I Zooplankton Total zooplankton standing crops were relatively low throughout the sampling

  1. period, particularly in January; however, an obvious vernal pulse was ob-served in >by. Cladocera dominated the January zooplankton samples and copepods were dominant in March and May. The small differences reported spatially on a collecting date may be partially attributed to natural and/or sampling variability. Consistent differences in standing crop data were not evident between stations in the discharge area and control

stations. Water temperature data, recorded the same week as the zooplankton , samples, revealed little or no (<2.0 C) thermal plume during this study (Station 508); therefore, any changes in the zooplankton community structure l j and/or populations in the receiving water would probably have resulted from i parameters other than thermal effluent. l 1 i LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report, j Period Ending June 30, 1973. .


Duke Power Company. 1973b. Oconce Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report,


Period Ending December 31, 1973.


Meyer, R. L. 1971. A study of phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Fayetteville as ~ a means of. assessing water quality. Publ. 10. Arkansas Water Res. Ctr. Univ. of Arkansas. 58 p.

I Shannon, C. E. and W. Weaver'. 1963. The mathematical theory of communication, Urbana: . University of Illinois Press.

  • i I

Weber, C. I. '1973. Biological field and laboratory methods for-measuring the l quality of surface waters and effluents. National Environmental -j Research Ctr, U.S.E.P. A. , Cincinnati. EPA 670/4-73-001, i l 1 , l'.3.4-5 ONS 6/74' L

     -                        _                  -                   ..          ___ _

Table 1.1.4-1 Phytoplankton Species List for Lake Keowee Through June, 1974 Division: Chrysophyta Class: Bacillariophyceae . Achnanthes inflata Kutz. , , A,. minutissima Kutz.

  • A. sp. Bory
  • Asterionella formosa Hass. *

' Cocconeis sp. Ehr. Cyclotella kutzingiana Thwaites C,. meneghiniana Kutz.

  • C'. michiganiana Skvortzow **

stelligera C1. & Grun. *

C,. spp. Kutz.
  • Cymbella ef. affinis Kut:.

C,. turgida (Greg.) Cl.

  • C. spp. Ag.
  • Diploneis sp. Ehr. **

Fragilaria crotonensis Kitt.

  • F,. sp. Lyngb.

i  ? Frustulia sp. Ag. , Gomphonema sp. Ag. * . Gyrosigma sp. Hass. . Cf. Hannaea arcus (Ehr.) Patr. Melosira distans (Ehr.) Kuts. Var. A

  • M. granulata var. angustissima Mull.

_M. italica (Ehr. ) Kutz. ** M. italica var alpigena (Grun.) C1. *

5. italica var. tenuissima (Grun.) O. Mull.
  • Savicula exigua (Greg.) O. Mull.
  • N. gysingensis Foged.

Navicula notha _Wallace

  • N. cf. notha Wallace
            }[. pupula Kutz.
  • N,. cf. puoula Kut:. *
            }[. subtilissima Cl.
  • N. virida var. linearis Hast.
            }[. s p . Bory
  • Nitzschia acicularis W. Smith **
            }[. dissipata (Kut:.) Grun.

N. cf. filiformis W. Smith

5. kutzingiana- Hilse **

N. linearis W. . Smith

            }[. sp. Mass.
  • Pinnularia sp. Ehr. **

Rhizosolenia eriensis H..L. Smith **

  • R. longiseta - Zacharias **

Rhoicosphenia curvata (Kutz.) Grun. Stauroneis sp. Ehr. **' , 1.3.4-6 ONS 6/74

  . . . _                                                           .

Tablo 1.3.4 'l (Cont.) ,


Clase: Bacillariophyceae (cont.) Synedra acus Kutz.

  • S. rumpens Kutz.
                   .S. ulna. (Nitzsch.) Ehr.
  • S. spp. Ehr. **

Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kutz. *


T. flocculosa (Roth) Kucz.

  • Terpsince americana (Bail.) Ralfs **

Division: Chrysophyta Class: Chrysophyceae Dinobryon bavaricum Omhof.

  • D,. cylindricum Lahof **

D. pediforme (Lemm.) 3reinecks **

19. sertularia Ehr. **

D. sp. Ehr. *

                     ? Epipyxis sp.            Ehr. **

Mallomenas caudata Conrad. ** M. pseudocoronata Prescott **

                    ]$. sp.         Perty **
                     ? Ochromonas sp. Wyssotzki             **

Unidentified species: 0374-2-02 ** 0374-2-03 ** . 0374-2-04 ** 0374-2-06 ** 0374-2-07 ** 0374-2-08 ** 0574-2-02 ** 0574-2-04 ** 0574-2-07 ** - 0574-2-10 ** 0574-2-11 ** Class: Xanthophyceae

  • ? Chlorobotrys regularis (West) Bohlin

_ Division: Chlorophyta Class: Chlorophyceae Ankistrodesmus convolutus Corda ** A. falcatus (Corda) Ralfs

  • A. falcatus var. acicularis (A. Braun) G. S. West

[.A. falcatus var mirabilis (Wes t & Wes t) G. S. Wes t f usifo rmis Corda sensu Korsch

  • A. nannoselene Skuja **

Arthrodesmus sp. Ehr. ** Asterococcus limnet icus G. M. Smith ** A. sp. Scherffel ** . Chlamydomonas ef. mucicola Schmidle ** C. spp.



  • Chlorella spp. Beyer **

Closterium ef. venus var. incurvum (Breb.) Krieg. C. sp. Nitzsch.

  • l Coelastrum cambricum Archer I o i-i 1.3.4-7 ONS 6/74

1 l

                                                                                     -,   , . .

Tcbis 1.3.4-1 (Cont.) Class: Chlorophyceae (cont.) C. microsporum Naeg. **


C. sphaericum Naeg. Cosmarium spp. Corda ** Crucigenia fenestrata Schmidle *

     'C . irregularis Wille **
13. quadrata Morren
  • jf. tetrapedia (Kirch.) West & West *
      ? C. sp. Morren Desmatractum indutum (Geitler) Pascher **

Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum Naeg.

  • D. pulchellum Wood
  • Dysmurphococcus variabilis Takeda **
      ? D. variabilis Takeda **

D. sp. Takeda Elakatothrix gelatinosa Wille ** E. sp. Wille* Colenkinia radiata Chod. ** Gonatozygon aculeatum Hast. **

      ? Kirchneriella sp. Schmidle
  • Lagerheimia sp. Chod. **

Cf. Micractinium sp. Fres. ** Nannochloris spp. Naumann ** Occystis ef. borgei Snov * *

0. lacustris Chod. *
     ]i. parva West & West **
0. pusilla Hansgirg
  • I
0. sp. Nageli
  • Planktosphaeria gelatinosa G. M. Smith **

Quadrigula closterioides (Bohlin) Printz **

2. sp. Printz
  • Scenedessus acuminatus (Lag.) Chod.

S. armatus (Chod. ) G. M. Smith ** S. bij uga (Turp. ) Lag.

  • S. denticulatus Lag. **

S. ef. ecornis (Ralfs) Chod. **

      ][. spp. Meyer *
       ? Selenastrum vestii G. M. Smith Sphaerocystis schroeteri Chod. **

Staurastrum ? arctison (Ehr.) Lundell S. ophiura var. cambricum (Lund) West & West li. pentaccrum (Wolle) G. M. Smith Tetraedron minimum (A. Braun) Hansgirg

  • Coccoid greens Unidentified species:

0375-2-05 ** 0574-2-01 ** 0574-2-03 ** 0574-2-05 ** 0574-2-06 ** 0574-2-08 ** 0574-2-09 ** 0574-2-13 ** < 0574-2-14*** 1.3.4-8 ONS 6/74 .

_ _ _ _

                                -Tthis 1.3.4-1-(Cant.)

Division: Cryptophyta Class: Cryptophyceae 4 caudata Celti ** Cf. Chr IoEonas reflexa Kiss. ** Chroomo s spp. Hansgrig

  • Cryptoreonas marsonii Skuj a
  • C[. ovata Ehr. **

C. phaseolus_ Skuj a **


C,. reflexa Skuja ** Ci. spp. Ehr. ** Cyanomonas sp. Oltmanns Division: Cyanophyta' Class: Myxophyceae Agmenellum quadriduplicatum (Menegh.) Breb.

  • A. cf. thermale (Kutz.) Drouet e Daily Anabaena catenula (Kucz.) Barnet & Flahault **

A. sp. Bory ** , Anacystis firma (Kutz.) Drouet & Daily ** A. incerta Drouet & Daily

  • A. cf. marina Drouet & Daily A. spp. Menegh.
  • Coccochloris sp. Sprengel **

Coelosphaerium kutzingianum Naeg. ** Cylindrospermum sp. Ku t z .

  • 7 Dactylococcopsis spp. Hansgrig Gomphosphaeria lacustris Chod.
  • G. sp. Kutz. **

Oscillatoria sp. Vaucher ** Cf. Oscillatoria sp. Vaucher ** Division: Euglenophyta ' Class: Euglenophyceae Euglena sp. Ehr.

  • Trachelomonas ef. superba (Swir.) Deflandre **

Trachelomonas sp. Ehr.

  • Division: Pyrrhophyta Class: Dinophyceae Glenodinium sp. Stein
  • Gymnodinium sp. (Stein) Kofold & Swezy
  • Peridinium inconspicuum Lemm.
  • P,. visconsinense Eddy
  • P,. sp. Ehr. *
  • Observed during the sampling period of January through. June,1974.
   ** Observed for'the=first time during the above sampling period.
1. 3.' 4-9.

ONS 6/74


l_ _

Table 1.3.4-2. Summary of Phytoplankton Community Composition (Number Taxa, , 3 Units / Liter and Biovolume-mm /1) for Various Stations of Lake Keowee in the Vicinity of ONS (January, March, and May, 1974). Jcnuary 22, 1974 Station Number Taxa Units Liter Biovolume E.Z.C. L.S.D. E.Z.C. L.S.D. E.Z.C. L.S.D. 500 11 18 104,500 217,260 0.057 0.094 503 9 13 91,960 183,920 0.029 0.132 505 7 9 87,780 125,400 0.082 0.038 506 13 6 121,220 45,980 0.085 0.054 508 9 7 37,620 91,960 0.017 0.081 508.5 9 7 117,040 104,500 0.032 0.045 509 10 7 87,780 154,660 0.070 0.065

  'taan         10           10          92,551     131,954            0.053       0.073

, March 19, 1974 1 ,' 500 19 17 340,670 229.900 0.091 0.083 j $02 17 17 497,420 211,090 0.134 0.108 . 503 15 12 227,810 181,830 0.126 0.057 ' 505 13 .14 221,540 175,560 0.124 0.090 ' 506 23 11 624,910 144,873 0.174 0.054' 508 17 15 206,910 206,910 0.077 0.079 508.5 15 10 380,380 158,840 0.065 0.054 509 '17- 12 225,720' 213,130 0.101 0.062 Maan 17 14 340,679 190,273 '.112 O .0.073


1.3.4-10' 'ONS 6/74-

                                                                                                =" 'i t f   f
                                                                        . - _

Table 1.3.4-2 Summary (continued)

 *1sy 21,1974 Units Liter         Biovolume Station       Number Taxa E.Z.C. L.S.D.         E.Z.C.      L.S.D. E.Z.C. L.S.D.

16 179,740 334,400 0.049 0.162 500 18 11 409,640 397,100 0.225 0.224 502 20 26 18 643,700 455,620 0.281 0.197 503 25 18 585,200 413,820 0.124 0.275 505 24 11 489,060 252,890 0.187 0.026 506 28 15 319,770 409,640 0.042 0.066 508 22 414.720 186,668 0.098 0.045 508.5 28 509 21 15 288,420 225,720 0.075 0.143 510 33 17 618,640 447,260 0.118 0.302 511 33 24 685,520 710,600 0.201 0.548 Mean 26 17. 465,441 332,614 0.140 0.199 E.Z.C. - Euphotic Zone Composite L.S.D. '- Lower Sample Depth


b 1.3.4 ONS 6/74 o


                                                                      ;;y&g' qt

l l o a v 33 55285 t o ,221 8 8 2 2 o i 6816794921 4 88 33935 T t B . 018 1 1 4 n 1 233212133 1 11 11 f e l 4 1 1 o cf a rot . t e o n P T e h c t r p e 33835 a e m) 18 2 2 4 4 77 001 10 P D u1 9233222223 3 101000001 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 00 00090 l/ T00 0 0 0 d e o3 0000000000 00000 n l vm om 0000000000 00 0 0 0 0 00 a p l( m *

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                                                  .o t ss ic u                           s u        m   t       a    s   k                         t p                 c : . u :i          s        / -

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sn . h l l, a l c osh A a? aP P ( T hi c sY N NNP ACcEOPSC aC c U aA PB e aCCMM aA - l .l' l C .C l 1 p l l

                                                                                                                                       .C                    C S        C'                                   ,C          :


                                                                                                                                                                              . @v T,y r C b L. "


                                            *                                                            , *                      ,:          ;'

Table 1.3.4-4 Phytopicnkton' Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (em /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Station 503 during January, 1974, in Lake Keowee. Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./1 Percent Biovolume Percect of (mm3 /1) or or (,m 3ft) or Sphcies Total No. Total'Biovol. Total No. Total Biovol. Class: Baci11ariophyceae 71,060 77.3 0.015 52.3 121,220 65 9 0.114 86.1 Achnanthes sp. 4,180 4.6 T 0.7 8,360 4.6 T 0.3 Cyclotella menenhiniana 4,180 4.6 0.001 5.0 25,080 13.6 0.009 6.7 Es 7 C. stelligera 8,360 9.1 0.003 9.8 16,720 9.1 0.006- 4.4 t; P Frac,ilaria crotonensis 4,180 2.3 0.005 3.6  ;! 7 PM1ocira distans var. A 12,540 13.6 0.003 8.6 8,360 4.6 0.002 1.3 & L Melostra italica alpigena 41,800 45.5 0.008 28.2 50,160 27.3 0.010 7.5 S


Navicula cf. notha 4,180 2.3 0.002 1.4 Synedra ulna 4,180 2.3 0.080 60.9 Class: Chrysophyceae 8,360 9.1 0.009 30.2 . 25,080 13.6 0.003 2.5

   ? Er,1 pyxes sp.                                                            25,080     13.6        0.003          2.5 Mallecanas caudata             8,360    9.1         0.009         30.2 Class: Chlorophyceae             8,360    9.1         0.002          6.4      29,260     15.9        0.004          2.8 Anhistrodestus convolutus      4,180    4.6           T            0.7      12,540      6.8        0.001          0.5 Asterococcus lienetiens                                                     16,720      9.1        0.003          2.3 Oceyst12 Sc" :t ria            4,180    4.6         0.002          5.7 Class:   Cry p tcehyceae                                                       4,180      2.3        0.004          3.0 Cryptoconas sp.                                                              4,180      2.3        0.004          3.0 Clacc: Eug1cnophyceae            4,180    4.6         0.003         11.2       4,180      2.3        0.007          5.6 Fan 19 2 cp.                   4,180    4.6         0.003         11.2 sp.                                                           4,180      2.3        0.007          5.6        N.



X - T - Trace .- _ _ . ._. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Table 1.3.4-5 3

       ,Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Blovolume (em /1) and Percent of Total
               .               -
       ; Biovolume at Station 505 during January,1974, in lake Keowee.

Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./l Percent Biovolume Percent of (mm3/1) of of (mm3ft) of

       . Species                                   Total No.                Total Biovol.                 Total No.              Total Blovol.
        ' Class:         Baci1Iariophyceae. 71,060  l81.0        0.069            '83.2    87,780           70.0         0.022        58.6
    ,       fCyclotella meneghiniana
                                            -4,180     4.8       0.001                1.8   4,180             3.3        0.001         3.7

_y & stel1igera 20,900 23.8 0.007 8.8 20,900 ,16.7 0.007 18.3 e- Cymbel la turgida 4,180 3.3 0.002 4.2 m k~ 'Melostra dist A var. A' 16,720 13.3 0.003 8.5 S. Melostra italica alpigena 33,440 I38.1 0.007 7.6 37,620 30.0 0.007 '18.8 4

              ~ Navicula cf.'pupula                                                         4,180             3.3        0.002.        5.2       7 Tabellaria, fenestrata        12.540    14.3       0.054              65.1                                                         o'-

Class: Chrysophyceae 12,540 14.3 0.009 11.5 20,900 16.7 0.013 31.9 5

              ?.0chromonas sp.               8,360     9.5       0.005                6.1 Mallomonas sp.                 4,180     4.8       0.004                5.4. 20,900           16.7         0.013        31.9 Class: Chlorophyceae;                                                           16,720           13.3         0.003         9.5 Ankistrodesmus convolutus                                                     8,360             6.7           T          1.1 Occystis 1acustris

8,360 6.7 0.003 8.4

  • Class: Cryptophyceae 4,180 4.8 0.004 4.8 Cryptomonas sp. 4,180 4.8 0.004 4.8 O -


 , .y
              "I - Trace                                                                                                                     ,
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Table 1.3.4-6 Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Station 506 during January, 1974, in I.ake Keowee. Euphotic Zone 1.ower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./l Percent Biovolume Percent of (mm3/1) of of (mm3/1) of

        ' Species                                                    Total No.              Total Biovol.              Total No.               Total Biovol.

Class: 'Bacillariophyceae. ,79,420 65.5 0.019 2,3. 4 20,900 45.5 0.004 7.8

   .         cvelotella meneghiniana                           4,180    3.5       0.001            1.7 P'         C.'stelligera                                   16,720   13.8       0.006            6.8
   -7 '     Sielosira distans var. A_                         41,800   34.5       0.008           9.8         8,360'     18.2           0.002        3.1 C.        :le los i ra italica alpinena                    12,540   10.3       0.002           2.9       12,540       27.3           0.002        4.6 Navicula cf. notha                                4,180    3.5       0.002            2.1                                                        g class:                           Chrysophyceae       4,180    3.5       0.003            3.0                                                        g
              ? Ochromonas sp.                                 4,180    3.5       0.003            3.0                                                        y*

Class: Chlorophyceae 16,720 13.8 0.023 26.7 4,180 9.1 0.022 41.4 3, LChlorella sp. 4,180 3.5 T 0.1 ~ g,

           .Cosmarlun sp.'                                     4,180    3.5       0.022          26.0          4,180       9.1          0.022       41.4      w
            .Crucigenla,tetrapedla                             8,360    6.9       0.001            0.6                                                      .

Class: Cryptophyceae 4,180 3.5 0.004 4.6 8,360 18.2 0.008 14.7 CLvptomonas sp. , 4,180 3.5 0.004 4.6 8,360 18.2 0.008 14.7-

        ' Class:                           Euglenophyceae      8,360    6.9       0.010          12.5          8,360      18.2          0.007      .12.3 Englena sp.                                      4,180    3.5       0.003            3.9         8,360      18.2          0.007       12.3 Trachelomonas sp.                                 4,1g0    3.5       0.007            8.7
        ~ Class: Dinophyceae
  • 8,360 6.9 0.026 29.9 4,180 9.1 0.013 23.9
  • Peridinium inconspicuum 8,360 6.9 0.026 29.9 4,180 9.1 0.013 23.9
 ?                                                                                                                                                        .

' T - Trace e-

Table 1.3.4-7 Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (em /1) and Percent of Total Blovolume at Station 508 during January, 1974, in Lake Keowee. , Euphotic Zone f.ower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent

                                   ~50./l    Percent     Biovolume  Percent og                      or

(mm 3 ft) og of (mm3 /1) Total No. Total Biovol. Total No. Total Biovol. Species 20,900 55.6 0.006 34.4 79,420 86.4 0.062 77.2 7 Class: Bacillariophyceae w .Cyclotella meneghiniana 8,360 22.2 0.003 18.6 12,540 13.6 0.004 . 5.5 6 C. st elli; era 4,180 4.6 0.001 1.8 ^

   'g    Fragilaria crotonensis                                                       8,360      9.1        0.009          11.5 6.2 ky Melostra distans var. A     12,540     33.3       0.003          15.8      25,080     27.3         0.005 20,900     22.7         0.004            5.1  4 Melosira italica alpigena 4,180      4.6        0.002            1.9  o Tabellarla flocculosa 4,180      4.6    -

0.037 45.3 O

Terpsinne americana 3.1 4,180 4.6 0.003 Class: _Chrysophyceae 0.003 3.1 4,180 4.6 Mattomonas sp.

Chlorophyceae b,360 22.2 0.004 24.4

      . Class:

Cosnarium sp. 4,180 11.1 0.001 4.5 Tetraedron sp. 4,180 11.1 0.003 20.0 8,360 22.2 0.007 41.2 4,180 4.6 0.003 4.0 Class: Eugle.nophyceae 4,180 4.6 0.003 4.0 8,360 22.2 0.007 41.2 Euglena sp. 4,180 4.6 0.013 15.7 Class: Dinophyceae 4,180 4.6 0.013 15.7 Peridinium inconspicuum O.


-. 's T - Trace

                                                                                                                                   . . ~ . ,


                    - -

! ! l


Table 1.3.4-8

         -Phytoplankton Species and~ Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Nuidber, Biovolume (em /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Station 508.5 during January, 1974, in Lake Keowee.

. Euphotic Zone 1.ower Sample Depth No . /1 - Percent Biovolume Percent No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent l. of (un3/1) o f- of (mm3/1) of !.. - Species Total No. Total Biovol._ Total No. Total Biovol. Class: Baci11ariophyceae 91,960 78.6 0.019 62.4 83,600 80.0 0.034 '75.5 l F Achnanthes sp. 4,180 3.6 T 0.6 . l P Cyclotella meneghiniana


4,180 3.6 0.001 4.7 8,360 8.0 0.003 6.7 m ' l !

              .C. s t e l 1 igersi             8,360        7.1        0.003             9.2                                                 S C          Fragilaria crotonensis                                                          16,720     16.0        0.019         42.6    D Melosira distans var. A      25,080        21.4        0.005            16.1     8,360       8.0       0.002           3.8    7
               !!elos t ra italica alpigena  50,160        42.9        0.010            31.7    50.160     48.0        0.010         22.5     $C" i          ' Class: Chlorophyceae             12,540        10.7        0.003             7.1     8.360       8.0       0.001         -2.4

' Aukistrodesmus ennvolutus


4,180 4.0 T 0.7 $ , Asterococcus liEeticus '8,360 7.1 0.002 4.8 '

              'Cosmarium'sp.                   4,180         3.6       0.001   .         2.3 Tetra.dron missiinun                                                             4,180       4.0       0.001           1.7   ,

Class: 11yxophyceae 4,180 3.6 0.003 9.6

               .Anacystis sp.             . 4,180         3.6       0.003             9.6 Class:        Euglenophyceae      8,360         7.1       0.007            21.0    12,540      12.0        0.010         22.3 Engiena sp.                    8,360         7.1       0.007            21.0    12,540      12.0        0.010         22.3 6}
      ' *A .

5 . l . T - Trace



                        -'                                                                                                                     w

m W


Table 1.3.4-9 Phytoplankton Species and Class' Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total


Biovolume at Station 509 during January, 1974, in 1.ake Keowee. Euphotic ?

  • Lower Sample Depth me Percent No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./1 Percent Bic of (nr t of of (mm3 /1) of
            ' Species                                  Total No.                Total Biovol.            Total No.                                  Total Biovol.

54,340 '619 0 0.013 18.5 133,760 86.5 0.048 73.5

            ~ Class:    Bacillariophyceae                                                        25,080     16.2                    .0.009               13.8
                .Cyclotella meneghiniana         8,360      9.5       u.003           4.3

4,180 4.8 0.001 2.1 8,360 5.4 0.003 4.5 F. .C. stel1igera 29.3

        "                                                                                        16,720     10.8                     0.019 Fragilaria crotonensis                                                                                              0.008               11.8  o
        .                                    _ _

16,720 19.1 0.003 4.9 37,620 24.3

     -$          Melostra distans. var. A Melosira italica alpigena     25,080     28.6       0.005            7.2        45,980    29.7                      0.009               14.2  D Chrysophyceae            8,360     9.5~      0.009           12.9                            .                                         f Class:
               .Ma1lomonas caudata               8,360     9.5       0.009           12.9                                                                      $

12,540- 14.3 0.029 41.5 12,540 8.1 0.002 3.5 $ Class: Chlorophyceae Arthrodesmos sp. 4,180 4.8 0.027 38.6

               'Elakatothrix sp.                 4,180     4.8          T             0.5 Docystis lacustris              4,180     4.8       0.002            2.4 12,540       8.1                    0.002                3.5 letraedron minimum
            . Class: Cryptophyceae               4,180     4.8        0.004           5.7 Cryptomonas sp.                 4,180     4.8        0.004           5.7 8,360     9.5        0.015          21.5          8,360      5.4                    0.015               23.0 Class:    Euglenophyceae                                                                                                                   23.0 8,360     9.5        0.015          21.5          8,360      5.4                     0.015 Trachelomonas sp.
 - -

, o


' 2' T_- Trace.

                       *'          , . _ .                                                    _                   -. _ _ . . _ _        . . _ ..    -




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i i ! Table 1.3.4-15 Phytoplankton Species and Class Cornposition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total

      .Iliovolume at Station 508.during March, 1974, in 1.ake Keowee.

Euphotic__2one lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent lilovolume Percent No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent of (nun3 /1) of of (mm3/1) of Spscles Total No. Total Biovol.

  • Total No. ' Total Biovol.

Class: Bacillariophyceae 183,920 84.6 0.069 80.5 186,010 89.9 0.071 89.7 Achnanthes sp 2,090 1.0 0.001 0.9 Asterionella formosa 2,090 1.0 0.004 4.9 Cyyc lot ella treneghinlana 12,540 5.8 0.003 2.9 14,630 7.1 0.003 3.8 C. mic h i gan iana 2,090 1.0 0.001 1.1 C..stel1inera 14,630 7.1 0.012 15.0 Ih lost ra distans var. A 37,620 17.3 0.009 10.9 45,980 22.2 0.012 14.8 Melosira Italica alpigena 114,950 52.3 0.035 40.8 83,600 40.4 0.026 33.1 'o Navicula notha 4,180 2.0 0.001 1.0 U L E. sp. 2,090 1.0 T 0.4 f Stimronels sp. 2,090 1.0 0.007 9.1 g "3 el Synedra sp. 2,090 1.0 0.001 1.0 14,630 7.1 . 0.006 8.0 3-


Tabellaria fenestrata. 4,180 2.0 0.003 4.0 T. floccIlosa 8,360 3.9 0.015 17.3 inidentified pennate diatom 2,090 1.0 0.001 1.2 Class: Chrysophyceae 2,090 1.0 0.003 3.6 4,180 2.0 0.006 6.5 Ma1tononas caudata 2,090 1.0 0.004 4.6 M. sp. 2,090 1.0 0.002 1.9

          ? Ochromonas'sp.                   2,090      1.0         0.003               3.6 Class:      Chlorophyceae            14,630      6.7         0.003                1.6        10,450            5.1            0.001            1.8 Ankistrodesmus convolutus           2,090      1.0            T                0.1 A. falcatus                                                                               2,090             1.0             T              0.4
h. fusiformis 2,090 1.0 T 0.3
        - A. nannoselene                     2,090      1.0            T                0.2          2,090             1.0             T              0.2 Asterococcus limneticus            2,090      1.0          0.002               2.2 Crucinenia tetrapedia                                                                      6,270             3.0           0.001           .1. 2
   @      Colenkinia radiata                .6,270      2.9          0.001              0.8
  • Class: Cryptophyceae 4,180 1.9 0.001 1.0 6,270 3.0 0.001 1.8 R Chroononas caudata 4,180 1.9 0.001 1.0 6,270 3.0 . 0.001 1.8' s Class: Euglenophyceae 2,090 1.0 0.001 1.5 kglena sp. 2,090 1.0 0.001 1.5 T - Trace e

l Table 1.3.4-16 Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Blovolume (em /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Station 508.5 (turing March, 1974, in Lake Keowee. Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./l Percent Biovolume Percent of (mm3/1) of of (mm3 /1) of Total No. Total Biovol, Total No. Total Blovol. Species 171,380 45.1 0.043 65.0 140,030 87.0 0.049 89.6 Class: Bacillariophyceae

        'Cyclotella mn eghiniana                                                           10,450      6.5              0.002                    3.9 C. stelIIger"                                                                    18,810     11.5              0.015                   27.6 146,300     38.5        0.037         56.0        60,610     37.7              0.015                   28.0 Melosira distans var. A_                                                         43,890                       0.014                   24.a 8,360      2.2       0.003          3.9                   27.3 Me1osira ha1ica a1oieena                                                           4,180      2.6             0.002                    3.3 7         fiynedra sp.

0.003 5.1 'M Unidentified centrate diatom 16,720 4.4 2,090

  • 1.3 0.001 1.9 c 7 Unident ified pennate diatom
'g    Class: Chrysophyceae                 41.800     11.0       0.001          1.8                                                                                           {'

25,080 6.6 T 0.5 y Unknown: 0374-2-03 g Unknown: 0374-2-06 12,540 3.3 0.001 1.1 0.2 ,a 4,180 1.1 T Unknown: 0374-2-07 10,450 6.5 0.003 5.8 u Chlorophyceae 154,660 40.7 0.013 21.0 Class: 2,090 1.3 T 0.6

         'Ankistrodesmus fusiformis 4,180     1.1          T            0.5 A. nannoselene                                                                    2,090       1.3             0.002                    3.5 Asterococcus 1imnetfeas                                                 ,

0.4 Chlamydomonas sp. 4,180 1.1 T 6,270 3.9 0.001 1.7 Cruc inenla t et riuledia 0.001 1.4 Golenkinig radiata 8,360 2.2 29,260 7. 7' T 0.3

           ?:annochloris sp.

8.360 2.2 0.001 1.4 Oocystis sp. . Planktosphaeria gelatinosa 4,180 1.1 T 0.4 96,140 25.3 0.011 16.6 Coccoid greens 0.008 12.0 8,360 5.2 0.002 3.5 Class: Cryptophyceae 12.540 3.3 0.002 8,360 2.2 0.002 2.9 8,360 5.2 3.5

   @'      Chrooir.oig caudata                                                   9.1 7-      Cryptomonas ovat a                4,180      1.1       0.006 m                                                                                                                                 -



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,_ _. - -_ ____ _ _ Tal>1e 1. .-18 Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total . Biovolume at Station 500 during Hay, 1974, in 1.ake Keowee. l.ower Sample Depth Euptptic zone _ _ No./1 Percent Biovoltime Percent Biovolume Percent (mm3/1) of No./1 Percent of Total Hiovol. of (mm3 /1) of Total No. Total No. Total Biovol._ 0.115 71.2 Species 137,940 41.4 0.026 52.7 0.001 0.8 45,980 26.4 4,180 1.3 Baci11ariophyceae 0.113 69.3 Class: 38.4 121,220 36.3 Cyclotella_meneghiniana 20,900 11.5 0.019 2.5 0.001 0.8 2.5- 8,360 0.3 C. stelligera 4.6 0.001 1.3 T A 8.360 3.8 4,180 Melosira distans var. 16,720 9.2 -0.002 Melosira italica alpigena 0.004 8.0 0.003 1.9 2,090 1.1 16.8 45,980 13.8

           'lih i zoso le n ia longiseta                                    4.6             0.008                                                                                        m Class: Chrysophyceae 8,360 8,360          4.6              0.008             16.8 45,980            13.8             0.003             1.9    8 tai lomonas pseudocoror.ata                                                                                                      25.2              0.014            8.3    b 22.7          83,600                                                       7 Unknown:             0574-2-04                108,680         59.8              0.012 Class: Chlorophyceae                                                                  T                0.4                                             0.001            0,5    g

4,180 2.3 4,180 1.3 S

   ,.        Ank!strodesmus nannusolene                                                                          0.2                                                              5.5 1.1                 T 33,440            10.0             0.009
   /a 'Asterococcus limneticus                                2,090 0.002            0.9
     '       Chlanydomonas sp.

1.5 16,720 5.0 - 0.1 thlorella sp. 8,360 4.6 0.001 4,180 1.3 T 0.2 Crucigenia tetrapedia 4,180 2.3 T 0.003 6.2 Dictvosphaerium ehrenbergianum 10,450 5.7 T 0.1 D. p2ch71 lum 2,090 1.1 0.5 0.1 E!akatothrix gelatinosa 4,180 2.3 T 4,180 1.3 T 0.002 1.0 Colenkinia radiata 1.3 16,720 5.0 0.2 Kirchneriella sp. 6,270 3.7 0.001 4,180 1.3 T


oocvstis parva-Planktosyhaeria gelatinosa 0.006 11.2 50,160 27.5 1.1 5.8 Sphaeroevstis schroecert 16,720 9.2 0.001 58,520 17.5 0.010 0.003 7.5 0.003 1.7 Coccoid greens 14,.'230 8.0 0.8 41,800 12.5 4.1 Cryptophyceae 3.4 T 16,720 5.0 0.007 Class: 6,270 6.7 5.8 Ch r oo:<.ona s caudata 8,360- 4.6 0.003 4,180 1.3 0.009 T 0.1 Cryptomoaas ovata 2,090 1.' l 0.1 5.8 O C12s: Myxophyceae 1.1 T 4,180 1.3 0.009 2,090 7.0

  • Coccochloris sp. 4,180 1.3 0.011 0.011 7.0
    'R           coelo M aerium kutzingianum                                                                                          4,180         1.3 7 Class:                 1:uglenophyceae t rache lon:enas sp.

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_ __ ._ _ q Table 1.3.4-20 Phytoplankton Species and Class Compostilon by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Station 503 during hay, 1974, in Lake Keowee. Euphotic Zone 1.ower Sample Depth ' No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent 3 /1) of (mm3 /1) of of (mm of Species Total No. Total Biovol. Total No. Total Biovel., Class: Baci11ariophyceae 280,060 43.3 0.192 68.3 271.700 59.8 0.150 76.4 Cyclotella stelligera 150,480 23.4 0.140 49.6 117,040 25.7 0.109 55.2

           !!elosira distans var. A          71,060    11.0        0.011          3.9      50,160     11.0        0.008            3.9 Melostra italica alpigena         37,620     5.8        0.004            1.5    71,060     15.6        0.008            4.1 Rhizosolenia longiseta           12,540     1.9        0.024           8.6     12,540       2.8       0.024           12.4 Svnedra sp.                                                                      4,180       1.0       0.001            0.7 Unidentifled pennate diatom a      4,180    0.6        0.012           4.3 7        Unidentiffed pennate diatom b      4,180    0.6        0.001           2.2 Unidentified pennate diatoms                                                   16,720       3.7          T             0.1  g

{ Class: Chrysophyceae 16,720 2.5 0.052 18.5 4,180 1.0 0.007 3.6 R 8 Ifinobryon havaricum 12,540 1.9 0.043 15.4 y 4,180 1.0 0.007 3.6 6, jfallemonas caudata Unknown: 0574-2-04 4,180 0.6 0.009 3.1

  • 8 Chlorophyceae 284,220 43.9 0.018 6.2 71,060 15.6 0.009 4.8 Class; Ankistrodesmos convolutus 4,180 0.6 T 0.1 A. falcatus 4,180 0.6 T 0.1 Chlamydoaonas sp. 4,180 1.0 T 0.1 Crucipenia fenestrata 4,180 0.6 T 0.0 41,800 6.5 0.004' i.3 12,540 2.8 T 0.1 ftetratedp
  • Dictyosphaerium chrenbergianum 16,720 2.6 0.1 D. pulchellum 4,180 0.6 0. t. 31 0.4 Elakatothrix gelatinos'a 8,360 1.8 T 0.0 E. sp. 4,180 0.6 T 0.0 Kirchneriella sp. 4,180 0.6 T 0.1 8,360 1.3 T 0.1 8,360 1.8 T 0.0
           '00 cystis parva Planktosphaeria gelatinosa        8,360     1.3        0.001           0.2

quadricula closterioides 16,700 2.6 0.008 2.7 R Scenedesmus cf. ecornis 20,900 3.3 0.001 0.3 w


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                                                                        ' NRU aDUU e 'a ih n sinns                         aAAgCDCOOSt n       .          .i       oou             saC_h QvC

T yo e a C [t S l


l l hi p l l C PB S C C C _ I(go EJ S R $ 4 l .

  • 7

3v. iU @.

                      .                                                  n l

o f v - o i t B n e l cf a rot e o P T h e t p u1 m) el/ D o3 vm e om . l l ( p B'


m a S . o r t N e n w e l o cf a L rot e o P T 1


o . N


l o v o i 010911 t B .

   )           n                100066 t

e l n cf a o rot C e o ( P T 2 e 2


m) 2 21 1 4 e u1 0 01 1 , n l/ 3 o o3 Z vm 0.T7000 1 om 0 000 c i( B i e t l b o a h . p o T u t N E n' 976677 e l cf a 612211 rot e o P T 000000 1 464466


4,3,5,5,3 3 ' , , o 382288 N 3 1 1 m u t a _

                                     .ci m

u l u . p u


i c . d p ei a es ar t .an ed r peo . ca e scc yn yu c h q n a hi ~ p i om i r p o 'm e xu sot iinu c yl a i r Ml t a Dn i T e s l s n y l :i d - e  : e c i i sn a cs sr se T c sn n e aA A O aP p l S l C C .

                                                                  . rg        .
                                                                              .   #

- - - - _ _ _ _ - -

                                            . . . _
                                                               ,        . _ _ . _              ..     -      -     -         -          ..  .-            - - -

Table 1. 3.4-2 3 Phytoplankton-Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Blovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total Biovolume at Statton 508 during May, 1974, in Lake Keowee. Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./l Percent Biovolume Percent of (mm3 /1) of of (mm3 /1) of Total No. Total Biovol. Total No. Total Biovol. S pe c ie s -- Bac111ariophyceae 39,710 12.4 0.023 50.6 204,820 50.0 0.035 83.1 Class: 4,180 1.3 0.001 2.9 20,900 5.1 0.007 4.0 Cyclotell_a_ meneghiniana 70.0 10,450 3.3 0.010 21.8 121,220 29.6 0.013

c. stel1igera.

C. sp. 4,180 1.3 0.001 1.9 12,540 3.9 0.002 4.3 16,720 4.1 0.003 1.6 lelostra distans var. A

               !!e l os i ra italica alpigena                                                                     37,620          9.2          0.004            2.6 1:hizosolenia longiseta.                 4,180        1.3              0.008             18.3         4,180         1.0         0.003            4.9

_ Unident i f led cent ret t e d latom 4,180 1.3 0.001 1.4 - 8

  • Y 4,180 1.0 T 0.0 Unidentified pennate diat'om Chrysophyceae 35,530 11.2 0.006 15.5 33,440 8.2 0.002 1.3

[ Class: T 0.6 7 Dinohrvon pediforme 4,180 '1.3 8 Unl:nou2: tifi4-2-01 6,270 2.0 T 0.2 22,990 7.2 0.006 14.2 3 Unknown: 05/4- 2-02 0.002 1.3 33,440 8.2

              . Unknown: 0574-2-04 0574-2-10           2,090       0.7                 T                0.5
              -- Unknown :                                                                                                                                      15.7' 231,990       72.6              0.014              32.4    142,120          34.6         0.025 Class: Chlorophyceae                                                                                                                                  0.2 58,520       18.3              0.003               6.2        8,360         2.0            T Ank ist nannoselene
               .Chlanvdomonap sp.                        4.180       1.3                 T                0.4 75,240          18.4          0.020           12.2 Chlorella sp.                                                                                                                                     1.6 16,720       5.2               0.002               3.4    29,260            7.1         0.003 Crucigenia tetrapedia                                                                                                                            0.1 6,270        2.0                T                 0.4        4,180         1.0           T Dictyosphaerium ehrenhernianum Sannochlori k sp.                        4,180        1.3                T                 0.1 3.9              0.001               2.8     20,900         '5.1          0.002             1.3 00 cystis parva


9. pnsi11a 8,360 2.6 0.001 2.2
o. sp. 2,090 0.7 T 0.6 2,090 0.* T 0.3 c' Planktosphaeria gelatinosa 4,180 1.0 T 0.3
       .$        Scenedesmus bi}uga 8,360       2.6                 T                0.8             .

es - S. cf. ecornis Y~


T. - Trace .


a' l


8Ry 3 o v o 000 i t B 211 n e l cf a r ot _ e o P T e h m t u) 422 . p l1 000 e o/ 000 _ D v3 om 000 _ e im lp B( m a S . o r t N 110 e n . w e l 761 1

o. cf rot a

_ e o ' P T _ _ 000 1 688 2, 0,1,

                /.                                       954                                                           '

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v _ i o 615099 61 05 _


t B 0000 n 060800 .

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    -         e n um/                           0       0 TTTT 4           o l3 Z om                        T 0. T 0. T T

. 3 vm 0 0 . 1

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a ut N 1777 T En 780500 . . e l . 042622 2000 _ cf a 2 . r o t ._ e o P T 000000 0000 . 927077 7999 1


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6222 o 2960662 N 7

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i r c l t . ( p s 35 e u u - e d c a 00 aa aei a la e - - et ar t cy . 22 ca

                                                     - - yd t

a ed r h ps44h u v ca e a . psn77 pa o yu c i r o oc sp hq n e rous_ee00r 55 t psa om i a e c - l m g : : r ya n xu s h_ p a h s n o yl i r t s T C e d nnC o n mo Ml e o d l wu o t n s y h s e ooo

n c nn: o p: e c p ' -

e y s m, a m T i se ckk sr r sy n o c sc onnsh C_ a A ~ A C e aS CUU aCl l p l C C C ' S C:2;r. N% I (i$ -

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      )              r    t        N                                                                                             0          28                   52            8 1               e n                   750408                                    280                     0
      /               w e          l                                                                                             1          20                   12            0 61 96 30                                  509                     9 a            1
o. cfrot a

3 1 2 m i e o ( P T e 93 60 3 1 30 0 6 m 7666 23 2 0 79 88 9 u 1 581 4 79 592 7, 3, 7, 7, 0, 1, 3, 7,1 3, l o


2,7, 7, 6, 5, 3, 9 41 24


1 o 8260 51 916 6 v 1 3 1 1 3 o N 6* i H

           ,                           .

r l e o b v 2 1 m o 192 3 849 95151 1 811 1 0 . u l 5 . . . . . . N t B


64072O3001 1 0 0 n 8 92 0 6 604 2 l e l 4 2 1 1 a cf a t r ot o e o 4 T P T 2



       'o e)                           9'    l 6               7       5            75           62          4               1 1                                 .

t e ml 8 20 1 0 00 20' 0 00


n . n u/ 4 1 T T 1 ee ce o l3 Z om 0 00 T 0 0. T 0 0 0.T 0 0. T 0. 0 T T 00 00 e vm 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 r w l b eo c o( i i P e a ,K t B T o 1 e h .

        /k             p               o N
            . a.       u t                                                                                           89591 560594                                          0          9 E n                      9          23           5         9               145 o1 N                  e        l                      . .                                    .

21 0 53091 091032 1 1 n cf a 3 74 0 1 1 61 yi r ot 1 b e .o

                 ,          P~        T n4 o7                                                                                    000                  00000000000                                          0           0 i9                                   0          000                    0                                    82957908925                                          8           6 1                   1         51 9                   6               57 9                                                                                  3 t 1 i

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                                                                                                                   - - - - ea pa p e la ta   .                                 n e e i o                                                                                                                                                                     t ci                                    og               s_ al n

nnnc o 2222 c n

                                                                                                                   - - - - y                sr          m   ei                 a s           .


                                                                        'c    u     o e e yf u gd         a              o f et r e. _ a i c l                                                                                                         i c ihi                   4444h s                          t p a                                                                                                                                                      v         r l c S t S

aeat r l mr sgi l i a c addees l oe pd a7 i3555 om 7 7 7 pus a t r i e i xgr a e c a s pr0000 r s n e n l a yd I_ t ai n il y a oe o a a r a p h au e i p m ot s' c l a e f f r n_ l l d m i h hi us t a cl l. o n p t in i s a


a ai l iih o u  :  :  :  : h o 9 k n e 1 5 al l e l r r h ot t C y e i. f c s nn t r r wwww nnnnC r t d es y go o t k t .t o id2e r T am s t o t is s o e e : b e oooo s m iy a n s pk r e n l u e l s po z z dd o s nnnn:i a c t k e y sna d a e - pl  : se l l i iis n kkkk sk l u ic a l c . l u c o o i c sv ee t t nnsi . nn nn s n h r l o 0 T i D EC00PQS


t v DUUUU aA CC y o e a C C ". M. S iiUU aD l l l


h p l i S C C' _ C . P B 7P7$ -

                                                                                                                                                                             @'-#R$                    _

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786409 o 25 46 i t B 10 01 0781 02 1 n 3 e l cf a r ot e o P T h e t p u1 m) 1 1 133 41 e l/ 0 0 100 00 D o3 vm 0. T T0 0 0 0. T 0 0 e om 0 0 000 00 l i( p B m a

  • S .

o r t N e n 50 82 665285 w e l 344201 o cf a 73 02 L rot 32 e o P T 02 30 598936 1 37 98 865798

           /.                   9, 5,         3,1    ,   6,9,3,1, 3 , 7,

_ o 35 14 25841 2 _ N 1 64


l o v o 434 9322688 i 43 6 . t B 0000522 n 22 3 010


e l 1 t cf a rot n e o o


P T C ( e 4 m) 1 633 2 e u1 12 4 1 0 000

   -     n l/                01           0               0

- 4 Z o o3 vm 00 0 T 0.T 0.TTT000 3 om 00 0 0 0 000 1


c i( B i t e o l h . b p o a u t N T E n 80 8 494 5505055 e l 0110100 cf a 45 . 4 311 rot 2 e o P T 00 0 000 0000000 l 08 0 367 9789899


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e o 35934 e d i p ar 0001 1 aa a ei l es eh - - - - - et a an c c 22222 ca t s ar y s - - - - - yd a u ed i eo h s44444h u a v l ca r cc p s n77777 pa x o o yu e y,


oi e55555 oc e e h q a ht r t e00000 t l s s p h p os r ps f a a o 'm p om e l y g ya e n h xu s iinu c h c  : : : : : r n r o p yl o a C o d nnnnnC o m

                                                                                .Mle       h   D n                           r  >

r iwwwww m .o . p i . T s e oooooo o Ct p f p n m d p e  : a cnnnnn: o cs: e o :i s - i sh ckkkkk sr .y sm C sr c s p onnnnnsh f r . . sg se . T e aS CUUUUU aC CC 'C'C la A  ? aP P p l l l S C C C C FiU o5 m -


l a o 3*b$ . v o 0 , 3 7 3 1 23012 00 . i 41 02731 . t B . . 2 0 0 1 09108 44 , l n 4447404 00 _ a e l 8 5 1 _


t cg a o r ot T e o P T f o h e t t p ut m) 16807 0 3 1 2 31 2 66 00 n 2071 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 e e lf 2 00 c D o3 1 0 0 0 0. T 0 TT 0 0 T 0 T 0 0.T 0 r vm . 0 00 0 00 e e om 00000 0 0 0 P l i( p B d m n a a S . o

      )            r t         N                                                                   9             6         9                 5         91399                        99 1           e n                1309496                                    99                                                                         .
      /            w e        l          . .

00 3 4 1 6 02901 00 o cf a 287091 4 1 1 m L r ot 7 3 1 m e o ( P T e 0000000 00 0 0 0 0 00000 00 99 m 21 09985 99 5 5 8 3 97098 u 1 0, 0, 3, 1 6, 0,1,9,0,1 0, 0, l o /. 0,8,6,0,8,1, 4, 4, , 4 27024


22 3832340 22 1 0 4 v o 618 3 1 1 22 o N 1 4 1 i - B

          ,                        .

r l e o b v m o 7492990121 609912 6 u i 204 69671 N t B . . 7 n 565 9101 5 04900201 00030902 l e l 7 4 1 . a cf a t r ot o e o 5 T P T 2

  -    f 4       o               e                                                                                                                                                                            )

m) 1 36 2 1 1 218 2 6 u 3 t e u1 755 71 81 4 000 0 0 0000 0 0

    . n           n l /             303                 00000                                                                                                                0

1 e c . Z o o3 vnu 000 00000 0 0 0. T T 0.T 00. T T 0000 0 0 0 0.T 0 0 0 e re on 000 00000 000 0 l ee c i( b P w i B a o t T , e o 1 K h . p o ,

        /.oke        u   t      N 84571 759775251 95                                                                   7 N a.

E n e cf a l 610 353


74592 641 25 0460581 2001 31521

                                                                                                                                                         . .



_ y I 4 1 1 4 2 r ot ., b n e o i P T n o , 000 00000 0000000000000000 0 i4 9 , t7 1 032 74863 94693 88699888368 0,


i9 / 4, 6, 6, 0, 5,1 3, 6, , 0,5,7,0,6,0,1 3 , 0, 0,1, 8,1, 6, 3,1

                                                                                                                          ,                                             ,                                  ,

s1 . 2232454822464484 2 o o 547 82484 12 1 2 6 1 m p , N 21 3 41 1 1


my 1 oa CM m , sg s u sn m n ai o a l r t i a a a a s g s C u n i u r o i b d e n s r r d ea .A e d t e e n9 an g a u b .i i p a0 ea .i t e l a n .t n t eu 5 ci r p e t o i e a r e as s yn al s ae7 24 ev d r l o o 5 e va r a000 an e h ec r 0 aa e en hi ph i gt e- - - eo pe ge h - et a_ c . io a c 2 ca t yf ci og s a nnc222 c c a n c o ey - - - y r m a . s - yd h e et i e rn a ch444h s e t u a i f s4h u a v p pa ae a i l p7 7 7 pu n e i v r csi n7 pa x o os S t l m r psa

                                                          . t     l ad o1 55 om                          e t r r e                              e5 oc            e               na S

e sit es000 r s l e a a s t e0 t ps l s en n l g i n iy oe es ia a ph p u s r f a a_ l o e n x gm i a di a E ot h m yg y a k t a cl al 1 1 l s a a l e f ih r

: :

l d h o o n ps n eg si s o s c e od nC o

r n r o e m l El u o r

r L


ne B e 1 e r r o t C nnnC r o e am t e n i i s n _www t s n a ot s t d ri w e e oo m o Ct

                                                                                                                                                                          .       f e       h    T I

s o t o s s o e ooo iy k yr l u pl e  : l s l o o z d : nnn .i n c t - n n a cn: o y

sa c -

                                                                                                                                                                                                  -           -

oo i sc p l l l i 'skkk sk u c c a e h ck sr . f r . sr


t v c sy . i e e h nsnnnsn . r i o l c ponsh T - yo e aCCDMMPU aUUU aA AC D DPS SCU aCCCC aT l l


hi p l l l C S C' C C C PB . r L Lj, g-ngy

                                                                                                                                                                        ;               I:,!    l l

3Ry&5" ~ a v 13 3 o 7333 31 1 0 1 i 092 . . . . t B . . 0 1 0 00 0 l n 001 1410


00 a e l 7 6 - t cf a - o rot o


T e P T f o h e t t p m) 336 5341 1 2 1 0 1 0 n u1 01 00 0 0 T0 0 e e l / 108 0000 T 0 T c D o3 vm 201 .

0. T 0 0 r 0 0 e e om i(

000 0000 P l p B d m n a a S o

   )            r    t      N                                                                                    9         3       9                         98             9 e                                         9749                                99 1                 n              699 0
   /            w    e      l 00                0         8        0                        12 o    cf a           614                   0880 1 m         L     rot             7        . 4 m               e       o

( P T e 0 0 0 00 0 000 0000 00 8 64 8 m 8028 88 8 2 u 1 664 1 1 1 6, 1 3, 5, 1, l o /. 7, 3, 6, 1,6,6,1 , , , , 7 4


82 4 280 4674 44 4 v o 83 3 1 o N 4 0 l 3 2 B

       ,                        .

r l e o b v ' m o 5 084 9741708. . 8788 2282 u i 5 35 N t B 503 1180160 0100 4000 n 8 92 7 2 e l 4 1 1 21 l a cf a r r, t t 6 o e a 2 T P T


4 f o e 3 m) 33 9 616 640 201 1 21 1 51 1 t e u1 8 0 001 21 1 03 0 0000 000 n l/ 20 1 n e o o3 5 0 00 0 000 000.T000 0000 0 0 0.T e c . Z vm 000 000 0000 000 l r e c i( om 0 00 0 000 b ee B a P w i T o t

        ,e        o 1 K         h               .
    /             p            o
        .e        u t         N                                 5              444                   8770424                               7177                     1474 ok         E n                  8          14                                                                                          . .           .           .         .

N a. e l . 9


1 11 40021 11 0604 81 01 1 cf a 9 41 7 y rot 1 b n e o i P T n - o , 00 0 000 0000000 0000 0000 i4 0 6884606 82 86 6686 2 666 t7 i9 1


2 2, 84 0, 5, 5, 333,

                                                                                   , ,

2,1, ,1 5,3,9,3, 1

                                                                                                                                              , 6,1, 2,              1
                                                                                                                                                                        , 3, 1 3,,

s1 . 888 9442888 4749 0848 o o 1 52 8 5 2 1 3 3 2 5 p , N 2 21 4 my 1 oa CM sg sn m ai o m l r a t s u C u n a u l a d ea Ae g i t s l d a d u u e s n0 an l c a h o a1 ea rp

                                                                    .i s

t e e o i t m c n u l i


5 ci 22 ev t i s yn al i s t em e r t u t en hi va r i aau 00 a n n u p a i o ph a g nec - - eo m ps

                                                                                                                                                             .t d         l ci                                og                        s    a       l            n    nci               22 cc
                                                                                                                      - - y                                se              n m e n    c          u         o    eyr                                               i g

et i e a a c a ph a 44h s e l n i u pa rn i n l pv a 77 pu s n s e u i S t ae a t l h i e s a f t m r x a t c ia ia 35 om i S l m r .s d oa i s m u n d u e i e o a esb r 00 r s l n l g pi t n v n iy a oe tu r e c o a e t a r e ot i a sd I o s c m pc hh cl 1 a n e f r n l .l d o o i o n aa c t a

  • a a a la i i l ih o u :: h o a f r r pt s o a 7 k al 1 r r h z o t C y t nnC r c i n c d e r ne B e 1 l u c s n r r ww t l s n o yg t t o t T am t e . l i i t b e oo s a u a r mi e a y a l u s o t pe s s c s u o e n e a c t n t k pl e  : l s sb o o i z k z d  : o s nn: i f f u s c a -

v t i sn sk t l oo t v i c sc sy . . m ye l l ea i .h i nsi .kk DUU aA nnsn . . . AAfACCCDDE s h r . e i l T yo e aC C_C_C M liN pit t I U aD l p l l hi C C PB S C 7ij$# ' 3 1* Ry 2


Table 1.3.4-26 (Cont.) Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./1 Percent lume Percent of of Biovg/1) (mm of-of (mm3/1) Total No. Total Biovol. Total No. Total Biovol.

    -Species Class: 'Chlorophyceae (cont.)

Golenkinia. radiata 12,540 2.0 0.001 0.8

      'Oncystis parva                4,180      0.7           T-         0.3 0, pusilla-                  16,720      2.7        0.002         1.7 0,   sp.                     12,540      2.0        0.001         0.8 4,180     0.9           T           0.1 Planktosphaeria gelatinosa.

4,180 0.7 0.002 1.7 Quadrinula closterioides Scenedesmus_ g.-ecornis 16,720- 2.7 0.001 0.8 4,180 0.9 T 0.1

     - Sphaerocystis schroeteri                                           3.4

ef. S. schroeteri 33,440 5.4 0.004 ( i Coccoid greens Unknown: 0574-2-01 150,480 16,720 24.3 2.7 0.005 T 4.2 0.3 r$ tinknown: 0574-2-0I 4,180 0.7 T 0.1 m 4,180 0.7 0.001 0.8 -8 Unknown: 0574-2-05 D 0574-2-0(> 8,360 1.4 T 0.2 Unk'nown: 16,720 2.7 0.002 1.7 62,700 14.0 0.087 29.0 7 Class: Cryptophyceae 0.002 0.6 - $ 25,080 5.6 Chroomonas caudata


25,080 5.6- 0.080 26.7 S Crvptemonas reflexa 12,540 2.8 0.005 1.7 C. osata 16,720 2.7 0.002 1.7 [.phaseolus; 0.002 1.7 Class: - Myxophyceae 12,540 2.0 Osc'illatoria sp. 12,540 2.0 0.002 1.7


m -2 T - Trace

               -n   _

l o


3RfI05* v a o 7333 31 1 0 1 13 i 092 . . t B 1410






1 0 00 l l n 001 a e l 7 6 t cf a o rot T e o P T f o h e t t m) 336 5341 1 2 1 1 n p u1 0100 0 0 0 0 e e l/ 108 T 0 T T0 0 c D o3 201 0000 0. T r vm . 0 0 0 e e om 000 0000 0 P l i( p B d m n a a S . o

       )           r t        N                                                             99             9        3        9                      98              9 1           e n               699                 9749
       /           w e        l 0880                               00             0        8        0                      12              0 o cf a           614 1

m L r ot 7 4 m e o ( P T e 000 0000 00 0 0 0 00 0 m 8 2 8 64 8 u 664 8028 88 l 1 7, 3, 6, 1,6,6,1, 1

                                                                                              ,  1,         1

6, 1


3, 5, 1, o /. 4 7 4 82 4 v o 280 4674 44 3 1 o N 4 0 83 i 3 2 B

           ,                      .

r l e o b v m o 9741708 . 8788 2282 u l 5 35 5 084 N t B 1180160 0100 4000 n 8 92 7 503 2 l e l 4 1 1 21 a cf a t rot 6 o e o 2 T P T


4 f o e 3 e u1 m) 8 33 9 616 640 201 1 21 1 51 1 t 001 21 1 030 0000 000 n n l/ 5 20 0 1 e o o3 0 00 0 000 000.T000 0000 0 0 0. T e c . Z vm 000 0000 000 l re om 0 00 0 000 000 b ee c i( B a P w i T o t

            ,e       o 1K          h              .
        /            p           o
           .e        u  t       N                                                                8770424                             7 177                  1474 ok        E    n             8         14           5              444                                                       . . .                  .

N a e l . 111


400211 1 0604 8101 L cf a 9 41 9 7 y rot 1 b n e o i P T n o , 00 0 000 0000000 0000 0000 i4 0 6884606 8286 6686 1 2 84 2 666 t 7 i9 / 2, 0, 5, 5, 3 , 3,3, 2,1 1,5,3,9,3,



                                                                                                                                        , 6,1, 2,           1
                                                                                                                                                               , 3,1, 3, s1              .

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Table 1.3.4-27 Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, Biovolume (mm /1) and Petcent of Total Biovolume at Station 511 during May, 1974, in Lake Keowee. Euphotic Zone Lower Sample Depth No./1 Percent Biovolume Percent No./l Percent Blovolume Percent 3 of (mm3/1) of of (mm /1) of Total No. Total Biovol. Total No. Total Blovol. Species

  • Bacillariophyceae 125.400 18.2 0.087 43.8 342,760 48.3 0.271 49.3 Class:

20,900 2.9 0.007 1.2

             ,Cyclotella meneghiniana                                                                                                     0.167        30.4 C. stellinera                                   16,720             2.4        0.016           7.9    179,740     25.3 C. sp.                                          45,980             6.7        0.009          4.7 37,620             5.5        0.006           2.9     33,440       4.7      0.005         0.9 lielosira distans var. A                                                                    25.9 Melosira ita1ica                                  8,360             1.2       0.051 8,360             1.2       0.001           0.5     45,980       6.5      0.005          1.0 y              *!. galica alpigena                                                                                                                             -

4,180 0.6 0.003 1.5 s.> Nitzschia acicularis 0.001 8 h h N. kutzi$giana Rhizosolei g longiseta 4,180 0.6 0.4 41,800 8,360 5.9 1.2 0.081 0.004 14.8

                                                                                                                                                       - 0.6

f, Synedra spp. 12,540 1.8 0.002 0.4 - Unidentified pennate diatoms 17.5 100,320 14.1 0.014 2.8 U Class: Chrysophyceae 58,520 8.4 0.033 8,360 1.2 T 0.1 Dinobryon ey1indricum 20,900 2.9 T 0.1 D. divergens

k. pediforme 12,540 1.8 0.001 0.4 8,360 1.2 0.020 10.0 4,180 0.6 0.010 1.8 1]. sertularia 4,180 0.6 0.004 2.2 Mallomona,y pseudocoronata 66,880 9.4 0.004 0.8 Unidentifed.chrysophyte Unknown: 0574-2-04 25,080 3.6 0.007 3.4 l'nknown: -0574-2-10 8,360 1.2 0.001 0.5 409,640 62.9 0.023 10.9 183,920 26.0 0.032 5.7 Class: Chlorophyceae 0.1 4,180 0.6 T Ankintroilesmus convolutus ,

A. nannoselene 54,340 7.9 0.003 1.3 Ch et. mucicola 20,900 3.0 0.001 0.3 sy. 37,620 5.5 0.002 0.8 h [.~la:wdomonas 108,680 15.3 0.026 4.7 Chlorella sp. T 0.0

               -Crucioenia irregularis 8,360       1.2 50,160              7.3       0.005           2.3      20,900       2.9      0.002         0.3
>                 C..tetrapedia T - T race n-                            _ _ _ .

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Table 1.3.4-28. Lake Keowee Phytoplankton Chlorophyll a Concentrations (mg/m3 ) in Water Collected between January and June, 1974. Station January 22 March 19 May 21 E.Z.C. L.S.D. E.Z.C. L.S.D. E.Z.C. L.S.D 500 3.93 1.62 1.90 0.98 3.78 2.18 502 N.S. N.S. 1.79 0.96 3.38 0.73 503 1.28 1.16 0.92 0.39 4.37 0.81 505 1.52 0.89 1.79 0.43 3.19 0.57 506 2.22 1.47 2.41 C.B. 3.19 0.81 508 1.06 1.06 0.68 0.46 1.57 1.39-508.5 0.96 0.92 0.90 C.B. 1.99 0.71 509 0.84 1.23 0.50 0.48 0.55 0.73 510 N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. 6.13 1.52 511 N.S. N.S. N.S. N.S. 8.48 6.13 Mean 1.69 1.19 1.36 0.62 3.66- 1.56 E.Z.C. .Euphotic Zone Composite 1.S.D. - Lower Sample Depth h.S. - No sample taken C.B. - Centrifuge tube broken - i


l 1.3.-4-45 ?ONS-6/74 .x -


Table 1=.3.4-29 I Zooplankton Taxa of Lake Keowee Collected Through June, 1974 PHYLUM: Arthropoda CLASS: Crustacea


ORDER: Copepoda SUBORDER: Calanoida GENUS SPECIES: Diaptomus mississippiensis Marsh

  • l Cyclopoida Cyclops thomasi Forbes*

Eucyclops agilis (Koch)


Mesocyclops edax Forbes* l Orthocyclops modestus (Herrick) - ! Tropocyclops prasinus Fischer* . 1 l Cladocera - Daphnia ambigua Scourfield* , D. laevis Birge* l Ceriodaphnia reticulata (Jurine)* Bosmina coregoni Baird* Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum Fischer* Leptodora kindtii (Focke). Holopedium gibberum Zaddach* Alona rectangula Sars** Chydorus sp.** , Rotifera  ! Hexarthra mira (Hudson) Keratella americana Carlin** K. crassa Ahlstrom**

                       }'. cochlearis (Co ss e) **

Kellicottia bostoniensis (Roussele t)

  • Polyarthra vulgaris Ca rlin*
  • P. major Burckhardt**

P. euryptera Wie r:ej s ki** ,

                      -Synchaeta oblonga Ehrenberg**
                      ' S. -- pect ina ta Ehrenberg**

Asplanchna. amphora Western ** A. priodonta Cosse** ,

                       -Ploesoma truncatum (Levander)*
                      = Conochilus unicornis Rousselet*


1.3.4-46 ONS?6/74

l: 4 4.. Table'1,3,4-29 (Cont.)


Rocifera (cont.) Collotheca libera (Zacharias)** , C. balatonica Varga** C. mutabilis Hudson ** Trichocerca porcellus_ (Gosse)** l T. _similis_ (Wierzej ski) ** T. cylindrica (Imhof)**


Monostyla sp.* Conochiloides natans_ (Seligo)**

'                       Lecane sp.**

Ptygura libera Myers** Gastropus.stylifer Imhof* Lipadella sp.* Brachionus_sp.*

  • Observed during this reporting period time during this sampling period
        ** Observed for the first e

I i


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ONS: 6/74 s :1.3.4-47

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Table 1.3.4-33 Diversity Calculations Zooplankton Dates: 1-22-74 Lake Keowee 3-20-74 5-22-74 i


s = number ~of taxa N = total number of organisms (individuals) per liter

  • s-1
     --d = C71ogi 5 II = -E PilogPi**

i=1 H-H" '" Evenness = ------ ' P -H . max min H -H Redundancy = -- **E---- = l-Evenness H -H max min

  • Diversity calculations performed on raw data count to the log e.
  ** Shannon and Weaver, 1963

w 1.3.4 56 -ONS6f,74_,

r } Table 1.3.4-34 Species Diversity Method Clarke-Bumpus

 -Lake Keowee Zo0Pi ankton Date: 1-22-74 l       R    l     s     l       N Station IDepth m l         71     l       5    l Hmin. l Hmax.              l       E 1.17 I         0.35 l        1.81  I       0.55 1        0.45 l     14    l 13.4 1

6-S i 1.20 1 300 0.51 l 0.50 l 12 5.0 25-S 1.19 l 1.08 l 0.38 l 1.75


I I I i I I 502 l l 1  ! I I l l 3.1


6-S 1 1.07 l 1.03 1 0.31 1 1.74 l 0.51 O.50 l 13 303 25-S I 1.02 l 0.66 l 0.30 l 1.68 l 0.26 i 0.74 13 l 5.7 .

                   -          .            036 l 0.31 l                 1.50    l     0.21 l        0.79 l     11      } 2.8 509                                                                                                   l           l 1                        I           I               I            I              l 6-S       0.94 l         0.74 1          0.46         1.42    l      0.36 l       0.64 l      12      l 5.6 508                                                                                                                i          i
                        ;              I                                         I             I           I 6-S   I       .35    l      .35 !        0.80 1        1.97    I     0.49 f       0.51 l      11      l 5.6      l 508.5                                                                                           0.58 l             l 5.3      l 26-S l      0.86 l         0.81 l         0.31 l        1.50    l     0.43 !                   10 l   6-S   l    1.24           1.17 l         0.35 l        1.86    1     0.53 !        0.46 l     14       l9.6         .

505 0.61 l  ! 2.2 34-S l 1.29 0.95 l 0.41 i 1.86 l 0.39 l 15 0.44 l 0.56 l 6.3 ( 6-S l 1.20 0.97 l 0.24 l 1.92  ! 19 306 0.58 l 1 8.9 38-S ! 1.17 l 0.93 l 0.25 l 1.89 l 0.42 l 15


i l l l l 510 l l l l l

                         !               i i            i l                           !              I             i             l                         '

511 l l l l  ! l


1 l l


9 l l 1.3.4-57 ONS 6/74

Table 1.3.4-35 Species Diversity Method Clarke-Bumous Lake Keowee I 3-19-74 Zooplankton

l R I s l N station IDeoth n l 71 l il l Hmin. l Hmax. l E 1

                     -s      2.15l         1.64I            0.57 1      2.35 1      0.601        0.40l         23    l       10.9 500                                                                                 I            i            i 1               I               I          I
                                                              .31 l     2.05         0.67I       0.33          20            13.2
                     -s       .39             .47 502                                                                                       0.41                 I        7.4 25-s      1.39          1.32             0.43 l      1.94         0.601               '


                                                              .33 I      .95 I       0.66         0.49          17    l      12.6
                     -s  I     .33I           .37 I 503                                                                                        0.421                        3.8 2.03 I                                  19     I

25-s i 1.64-l 1.43 O.56 1 0.59 1 0.39l 4.4


10-s l 1.47 I 1.39 I 0.77 l 1.74 l 0.62 I 14 1 509 i I I I  ! I I i

                                               .26 1        0.69 1      1.73 1       0.541        0.46          14     l       4.4 l     -S  I      '

308 l I  ! I 1 l l l 1 10-s i 1.49 I 1.27 l 0.90 1 1.62 \ 0.521 0.48I 12 1 1.4 1 3,3 1.43 l 0.81 l 1.79 l 0.66 I 0.34l 16 l 2.7

    .              21-s   l  1.54 l 0.33l                        6.5


                      -S  I     3' I           .39 I           .5    I    .82    1    0.671                      13     1             .
    ;   505 I

4.3 i l 27-s l 1.45l 1.47 l 0.54 ! 1.90 l 0.69l 0.31l 16 l 10-s l 1.61 1 1.47 1 0.37 1 2.14 1 0.631 0.371 21 l 13.4 - 30, 0.50 1 2.16 1 0.671 0.331 18 I 15.3 25-s i 1.76l 1.62 1

                           !             I             l              !           l           I             i
                 !         I             I              l             l           l            1            I i             l                        i             l            i i

511 l l l l l' l , I

                                     .                                                                                                      .A l

1.3.4-58 ONs 6/74 ,

F Table 1.3.4-36 Species Diversity Method . Clarke-Bumous ake Keowee 5-22-74 Zooplankton

 . ate:

l Hmin. l Hmax. l E l R  ! s l N

 .S.tation IDepth m l        2      l   E                                                              t._        ..

0.70 l 2.13 l 0.49l 0.51l 21 l 31.6 10-S 1.89 l 1.40 l 500 0.69 l 2.29 l 0.59l 0.41 l 23  ! 24.4 21-S i 2.13l 1.61 l


2.10 0.61l 0.39 22 9.8 10-S 1.88I 1.55 O.69 l 502 14.0 25-S 1.77 l 1.67 0.71 2.04 0.73I 0.27 20 10-S l 2.05 1.91 ! 0.61 l 2.29 l 078l 0.22l 22 30.6 503 0.25l 11.0 l 24-S 1.83 I 1.75 l 0.63 l 2.14 l 0.75l 18 l 10-S/BS 1.73 1.54 l 0.54 1.97 l 0.66l 0.35l 19 l 24.9 l 509 i l l l 1 l

                      -S l   1.89 l     1.62 l     0.65 l    2.13 l       0.66l      0.34l       18      l 64.0 508 15-S l   1.82 l     1.59 l     0.66 l    2.07    l    0.65l      0.35l       20      l 30.2

0.62 2.15 0.53l 0./.7 l 21 33.6 l 10-S l 1.94 l 1.47 - l 508.5 0.72l 0.28 l 21  ! 19.9

              !     31-S l   2.12 l     1.80 l     0.81 !    2.19
                      -S      2.21       1.94 l     0.88 l    2.23 l       0.78l      0.22        20      I 60.2       ,

l 505 0.20j  ! 27.7 l 38-S l 2.53 l 2.04 l 1.00 l 2.34 l 0.80l 23 10-S l 2.31 1.91 l 0.75 l 2.37 l 0.72 ! 0.29l 22 l 67.1 0.79 l 2.17 0.33l 0.67l 21 36.7 i 30-S l 2.03l 1.48 l l 1 l 10-S 1.66 1.54 l 0.64 i 1.98 0.66l 0.34l 16 l135.6 3,0 0.62 I 2.16 0.S3 ! 0.17 l 17 l 18.7

               !    23-S      l'.91      1.91 l 1.53 !     0.46      1.98         0.70       0.30l        17      !  79.8 8-S/ss      1.49 311 I                                                                    I BS = Sottom to the surface tow

1.3.4-59 ONS 6/74

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Figure 1.3.4-1 Standing crops of zooplankton at selected stations. Itajor taxa expressed as per cent of total zooplankton, for Lake Keowee, January 22, 1974.

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1.3.5 BENTHOS The benthic macroinvertebrate populations of Lake Keowee four and Specification _: the Keowee River shall be sampled on a seasonal bas

                          '(4) times per year.

lake side of the skimmer wall (502), in the vicinity of the

                          -. discharge (discharge canal and 504), at contro Deep water stations shall be sampled using Dam (604 and 605).

a dredge, while river stations shall be sampled using anon-quan e suitable stream sampling technique. sweep netting) shall be done alon sampling (for example, shore nearest each'of the stations listed above. Benthic organisms collected shall be identified to the genus level where practicable. as well as data on the standing crop of benthic organisms, such as number per square meter and/or grams per square meter. I. INTRODUCTION A general discussion of the value of benthic macroinv 30,1973 (Duke Power Company,1973a). for the period ending June II. METHODS AND MATERIALS The methods and materials employed during this study period were the same as described in the ONS Semi-Annual Reports (Duke Power Company, 1973a; 1973b) except as indicated in this text. 510, and 511) were established Three additional c ations (508 shallow, on Lake Keowee in May, 19 74 (Fig . 1. 3-1) . Dredge sampling Stations 501, 504, and 505 on Lake Keowee were shallower water in May, 1974, due to the paucity of benthic macroinvertebrates in' deep water; and because the shallower areas would be more directly affected by the thermal plume. Duplicate artificial substrate (Hester-Dendy) samples wereThe collected a Stations 501, 502, 304, 508, and 604 in February and May, 1974. duplicate Hester-Dendy samples replaced the single sample previous collected. Only aquatic or semi-aquatic organisms were identified and enumera Terrestrial, aerial, and planktonic organisms will no longer be. reported as components of the benthic community. Ill. 'RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Benthic organisms were sampled'on February 4, and May 6,'1974. pertinent data describing the winter (February) and spring (May) s ONS'6/74 1.3.5-1

                                                                         '-      +



1 l The data details periods is presented in Tables 1.3.5-1, 2 and 3. numbers and types of samples collected, station characteristics, total taxa, numbers of benthic organisms, and diversity. A total of 64 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates were Petersen Modified collected for the winter and spring sampling periods (Table 1.3.5-4). dredge samples yielded 33 taxa and a total of 1732 organisms frcm 71 A total of 52 caxa and 9566 organisms were dredge grabs (Table 1.3.5-5).in 18 two-minute " sweeps" (Table 1.3.5-6). collected with a sweep net Fourteen Hester-Dendy artificial substrate samplers yielded only 13This taxa and 32 organisms and appear to be of little value in this study. 1974. sampling method will, therefore, be discontinued in August, The winter (February) and spring (May) sample periods yielded the total number of ' benthic organisms (11,330) compared to the two greatest that Stations 508 shallow, 510, previous reporting periods. The fact , 511 were added to the study in May, should be considered upon examination of the total number. Twenty additional taxa were collected during this sample period (Table 1.3.5-4). Density of benthic organisms in dredge samples was similar for winter The mean number of or.ganisms (per station and spring sample periods. per square meter) in the winter and spring samples was 380 and 370, - respectively. Sweep net samples yielded conaiderably larger numbers of chironomid larvae at all stations in May than February Furthermore, oligochaetes were noticeably more (Table 1.3.5-6). abundant in sweep net samples at Stations 604 and 606 (Lake Hartwell) in May than February (Table 1.3.5-6) . . Diversity indices (Table 1.3.5-1 and 2) indicate that the littoral zone had a more diverse benthic community than the sublittoral and profundal zones in February and May, 1974. Oligochaetes, chironomid larvae, and abundant ceratopogonid larvae (Palpomyia complex) were the most organisms in the littoral zone; while oligochaetes, Chaoborus_ larvae, and chironomid larvae were numerically predominant in the sublittoral and profundal zones. Crow Creek (510) and Mile Creek (511) coves had a very diverse benthic fauna in May compared to other stations (Tables 1.3.5-1 and 2). The fact that Stations 510 and 511 are-located in cove areas wherefor thethere was more greater organic detritus and less turbulence could account variety. Chironomid larvae were the predominant organisms in these coves. Dredge data indicates that density (organisms /m ) and diversity of benthic' organisms in the sublittoral and profundal zones was characteristically low at the discharge (Stations 508 shallow and'508 deep) compared to . control stations (Table 1.3.5-1) . . Dissolved-oxygen limiting factors at and substrate temperature were apparently notDischarge turbulence and its effect Stations 508 shallow and 508 deep. Sweep on substrate characteristics was possibly the limiting factor. ~

    -net data at Station 508 (discharge) indicates that diversity valocs
                                                                                .ONS 6/74 1.3.5-2
                               . ~

in the littoral zone were similar to other stations in Feb May, 1974. not affected by the turbulcoce of the discharge. The Asiatic clam (Corbicula_ manilensis) time in February, was collected and is expected to at (Lake Hartwell) for the first proliferate in Lakes Hartwell and Keowee. Dredge sampling was attempted at Station 605, but no samples could collected. V.


AND CONCLUSIONS. Benthic macroinvertebrate cocaunities of Lakes Keowee an sampled in winter (February) and spring (May),1974, in accordance This sampling period with the Technical Specifications for ONS. yielded the greacest number of benthic organisms (11,330) collected for any sample period thus far. Oligochaetes, chironocid larvae, and ceratopogonid larvae (Palpomvia complex) were most abundant'in the littoral zone; whereas oligochaetes, Chaoborus larvae, and chironomid larvae were numerically dominant in the sublittoral and > Diversity of the benthic community was greater in profundal zones.the littoral zone than in the sublittoral and profundal zones. The discharge stations (508 shallowThis and was 508 apparently deep) haddue a low to density and diversity of benthic organis=s.


localized turbulence and its effect upon the substrate, but not due to either temperature or dissolved oxygen conditions. The Asiatic clam (Corbicula man 11ensis) was collected for the - time in February, and is expected to proliferate.


LITERATURE CITED Semi-Annual Report, Duke' Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station. l Period Ending June 30, 1973. Semi-Annual Report,

       . Duke Power Company.       1973b. Oconee '!uelear Station.

Period Ending December 31, 973.




I ONS 6/74 s 1.3.5-3

Table 1.3.5-1 1974 (ModifieJ Petersen Dredge Samples). 1.ak e ita r twei1 Quantitative Benthic Sampling Data for February and May. 1 511 604 i ' 606 I Lake Ke.swee 510


SOS 508 505 7 506 (Stallow) _

  • _

502 Y $04 { (Deep)

                                                                           !     501

3 3 4.9 3 ieb r y 3 to St Ss,St 3 3 22

  • bredge Samples 3 3

32.6 31.1 , 26.2 17.7 si,Cl ON Sa.St.C1, J 10.5

cher un grabs 14.3 S.s ,51, Sa.51, UH 12.5 Sa , S t .0's 9.4 Depth (=) l Sa,St.0M C1.0M Cl.0M 11.5 Buttaa t'ype 10.5 10.8 38 337 11.5 12 9.3 8.8 4341 12 8.9 8.3 92 749 Bottwn tenperature ("C) 10.3 9.5 12 104 7 11 30 27 357 51 Di:. olved (mg/L) 113 155 1344 4

83 349


659 Total nur: 5er of ottanisms 1461 383 7 4 4 101 1072 1.72

                                           .uch t of organtsrs/m'                   14 5                              6            165                                                                                 1.48 40              12 2132               391 1.54            0.32 Total nurh r ut taxa                       27                              155               78 0.65             0.66                                                                           0.95 Total wt seight (eg)   2                  349               517 1.82           1.21                              0.53                                                          0.28 tee t w i ght (og)/m                        2.75               1.18                           0.84             0.30 1.35            1.51                            0.89             0.71 2                                    1. c,2 0.43            1.00 il3                                  O.52               0.25
           -                                      k' 3              3 Y                                                                                                                                                                                3               3               3 4.5             3 y                          Ma;<                                                                                                                                10                               9               8                            St.0M 3                                8                                            St.0H r-                                                                                                         3               3                               19                           Sa,St.Cl.       Sa,S1,OH De crdge Samples                               3                  3                               8              32                           Sa,St.C1, 7                                           Sa,Si,0M                           ON                                              19.9
                                             !;e:rber of grabs                          8                24 Sa,Si,CI,         Sa.S1,OM Sa,St.OM                                       UM                             19.0          20.0 Sa.St.C1,                                                                                 19.0           12.0                             7.9 both (m)                            Sa,St.C1,                                 OM                                              15.8                             8.3             7.3                         559 Barto.n type                              OM OM 19.0             12.5                              7.0                            33          127 13.5            17.0                             6.0              6.4                           25                                          7222 20.0                                7.8             8.2                             23 18                             426         1641 7

Sot toa ter perat ure ('C) 6.0

  • 12 310 to 10.6 39 89 233 14 (mg/L) 35 155 13 80 34 Di m tved Oxygen 83 504 u5 3 4

12 23 439 Tutal nurber of orgaalsos 452 4 4 3 1034 2 1072 8 4 17 155 297 0.95 m.nber of or gaufsres/o 10 7 2 39 3.72 1.86 39 20 52 66 1.04 3.46 1.37 0.22 Tosat nu.ber of taxa 23 258 26 1.21 0.96 2.30 2.54 0.92 j Total vet wsght (mg) 297 504 1,91 1.66 0.98 0.97 0.10 0.50 2 1.69 ; 0.84 0.55 0.26 J J Vat yyight (e.g) /a 2.04 1.80 1.33 0.48 l I J 1.78 1.31 J 1.00 1.00 j i 0.54 I 0.22 il 0.31 . i i i Rb = Rubble Mi = iica R 1 Vg = Vegetation Sa - Sand Pb = Pebbles r,3 i OM = Organic Matter **E *

                              *2 851 - Silt C1 = Clay                                               M = (if           - !!) / (!!        - li min 3          N1/N log N1/N os                                              11 =J g 2d - (S-1)/In N
                              ]   4-

___ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -- -

_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7 Table 1.3.5-2


1974 (Sweep Net Samples Qualitative Benthic Sampling Data for FebruaryLake andKeowee May, Lake Martwell 511 604 606 508 510 505 506 501 502 504 . STATIONS e a February

  • 2 2 3_ veep Net Samples ~ 2 2 2 2 0.1-1.0 0.1-1 2 2 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 Sa.St.C1 C1.ON
       . Nratica (min.)                       'O.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 Sa.St.C1,  0.1-1.0                                    St.C1.Rb.

Depth (m) Sa,0H, Sa.C1.ON. St.C1 ON. ' Gortom type 8 Sa.St.C1 Wter ter perature' ('C) 28 148 402 10 6-DiAsulved Oxygen (ag/L) 9' 95 169 9 40 to 18 3 8 88 Total nus.t,er of organisms 3 9 10 220 2 2.40 1.00 Total n chor of. taxa- 73 3 27 51 2.67 1.74 0.86 Tor dt vet weight (eg) 1.76 1.75 1.73 2.44 0.91 2.05 1.47 0.45 0.58


0.68 s,70 1.99 d_ 2 1.93 0.31 0.36


il 3 1.00 u.29 0.16 - 'O.30

  • g .R*

. Yvi M2F 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 0.1-1 gen %t S rples 2 2 2 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 Sa.St. Durattaa (ntn.) 3.1-1.0 Sa.St.C1 Sa.St.0H. 0.1-1.0 0.1-1.0 Sa.C1.0M Sa.St.C1 St.C1.Rb Sa.St.C1

         - D pth (a)

Sa.St.C1 Sa.St.C1 . Sa.St.C1 Ectros typa Water te:npe'rature ( C) . 611 2788 .3892 188 167 15' Dissolved Oxygen (og/L) 238 502 I20 18 15 21 25 74 15 488 Total nut,er of organisms 6 9 9 18 14 33 68 31s 70 30 137 2.00 2.52 1.49 Total nucber'of taxa 13 30 35 2.72 2.67 3.32 1.58 Tota _1 vet weight (sg)- 1.46 2.73 2.23 2.22 2.03


1.55 1.86 '2.31 2.02 0.34 0.42

                 .4                                               1.44           2.04       '2.60                                              0.29       0.12 1.41                                    0.11        'O.16          0.30 E                                'O.40         0.46            0.08
                 .R                                                   .   ,
. O, tn                                                                  Vg = Vegetation. Sa = Sand               Pb = Pebbles Et= Rubble M1 = Mica HP = Nard Pas
              '8 51  = Silt C1 = Clay      OM = Organic Matter
                                                                                                                              *Not Sampled

(~ u "A = (l! - It)/B - H,g,) e 2d*=(S-1)/InNf 3 H-gN1/Nlog,N1/N


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e3 w _, ONS 6/7t. 1.3.5-6

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e Table 1.3.5-4 Checklist of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa, Collected from Lakes Keowee and Hartwell from January, 1973 to June, 1974 (page 1 of 4). COLLECTION METHOD IDredge lSweep Net iHester-Dendyj TAXA .__ Phylum Ectoprocca Class Phylactolaemata Order Plumatellina Fam. Lophopodidae X X X

                *Pectinatella magnifica (statoblasts)

Phylum Porifera Class.Desmospongea Fam. Spongillidae Phylum Coelenterata Class Hydrozoa X X

  • Phylum Ne=atoda Phylum Annelida X X X
  • Class Oligochaeta Phylum Mollusca Class Gastropoda Order Pulmonata Fam. Physidae Physa Fam. Planorbidae X
                   ,Er.. Ancy11dae Ferrissis                                             X Class Pelecypoda Order Heterodonta Fam. Corbiculidae                                      X
                 **Corbicula manilensis Phylum Arthropoda Class Arachnoidea                                           X
                 **0rder Hydracarina Class lasecta Order Collembola Fam. Isotomidae Isocoma                                     X
                    *0rder Thysanoptera Order Hemiptera Fam. Veliidae                                         X
                  **Microvelia Order Coleoptera Fam. Hydrophilidae                                     X
                   **Berosus                                      X
                   **Fam. Hydroptilidae                                      X
                     *0rder Coleoptera 1974 Sample Periods 1Colleccion Method For February And 'My,
    *Present This Sample Period
   **New This Sampic l'eriod                                                            ONS 6/74 1.3.5-7

r Table 1.3.5-4 (cont. ) Checklist of Senthic Itacroinvertebrate Taxa, Collected from Lakes Keovee and artwell f rom January,1973 to June,1474 (page 2 of 4), COLLECTION METHOD


Dredge Sweep Net iHester-Dendy TAXA


Ofder Ephemeroptera Fam. Ephemeridae Hexamenia_recurvata X X 1

               *Mexamenia Fam. Baecidae Sub-fam. Baetinae Fam. Caenidae Caenis diminata                                      X
               *Caenis Fam. Ephemerellidae                                 X
              **Echemerella Order Odonata Sub-order Anisoptera                                                            l Fam. Gomphidae                                                  -

l Dromocomphus

              **Comphus                                               X Fam. Libellulidae                                                               j Macromia_

Sub-order Zygoptera Fam. Coenagrionidae X - t

                 *Argia Enallaama Order Megaloptera Fam. Sialidae Sialis_                                    X
                  *0rder Trichoptera Fam. Polycentropodidae                                           X X
                  *cyrnnitus                                            X
                **Nyce4echv1,v                                X         X           X
                  *Pnivroar*nnut Fam. Leptoceridae                                   X X
                  *noroe 4 m Tr4 nomedoe Fam. Phryganeidae Order Diptera                                        X X
                 ** Unidentified. pupae                                  X
                 ** Unidentified larvae                                                           ,

Fam. Chaoboridae X X X

                   *Chaoborus_(larvae)                         X         X
                   *Chaeborus_ (pupse) .                                 X           X X
                   *Fam. Chironomidae (pupae)

Fam. Chironomidae (larvae) 1 Collection :tothod For February And :tay,1974 Sample Periods Present This Sampic Feriod New This Sample Period 055 6/74



                                , .

Table 1.3.5-4 (cont.) Checklist of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Taxa, Collected from Lakes Keo Hartwell from January,1973 to June,1974 (page 3 of 4). I COLLECTION METHOD

                                                               ' Dredge iSween Net       Hester-Dendy]

TAVA i Sub-fam. Chironominae Tribe Chironomini X X


_ X X

                    *Crvetochironomus                                X
                    *Cryptotendices                                  X           X            X
                    *Dierotendices 4

X 4

                    *Endochironomus_                                             X
                    *Givototendices                                  X
                    *Harnischia l

kiefferulus  ; i Lauterborniella_ X X ,

                   **Micot end ices _

Nilothauma bicornis X

                      *Nilothauma                                                 X

.3 Paralauterborniella nigrohalterale X

                    **Paraciadopelma                                               X
                       *[Phaenoesectra                                 X


                        *Paesstiella                                   X           X            X
                        *Polvoedilum                                               X
                        *Pseudochironomus Stenochironomus                                         X


                        *Stietochironomus Tribelas i                            Tribo Tanytarsini                           X
                          ,                                                         X
                         *Microosectra                                  X           X
                         *Rhectanvtarsus                                            X
                         *Stencellina                                    X          X            X
                         *Tanvtarsus                                                 X
                       **Zavrelia Sub-fam. Diamesinae Potthatsia longimenum Sub fam. Tanypodinae Tribe Pentaneurini Ablabesmyia ornata                           X            X          X
                            *Ablabesmyia                                               X
                            *Anatopvnia Conchapelopia
                             ~ Tribe Coelotanypodini                      .X X
                            *Coclotanypus_                                                l 1 Collection tiethod For. February And May,1974 Sample Periods
          *Present This Sample Period
         **-New This Sampic. Period Ot;SL 6/74 1.3.5-9
  .    .                                          .               -.

_ ,

                                        .-. -    .                                      .       -



(cont.) Table 1.3.5-4 Collected from Lakes Keowee and Checklist of Benthic !!acroinvertebrate Taxa, f 4). furtwell from January,1973 to June,1974 (page 4 o 1 _ COLLECTION METHOD Sweep Net IHester-Dendy , Dredge ' I TAXA Tr;be Macropelopiini



                                                                  -          X     ,

Tanyous Sub-fam. Orthocladiinae X X

                    **Cricotopus                                                          X
                    **Metrioenemus_                                          X            X
                      *Psectrocladius                                                     X
                    **Smittta_                                                            X
                      *Fam. Ceratopogonidae                                               X
                      *A11uaudomvia                                                        X
                     ** Culicoides _                                          X            X
                       *Paloomvia_ complex (Paloonvia, Bezzia, Probezzia_, Johannsenomyia)                            X           X
                     **Fam. Dolichopodidae                                                 X
  • Fan. Tabanidae i' Tabanus _

Faa. Tipulidae Tipul_a_




1 Collection Method For February And May,1974 Sample Periods

          *Present This Sample Period

' ** New This Sampic Period 035.6/74 1.3.5 . _ . - . _ . . __. . . . _ _ , , . . . - - .....


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ONS 6/7t. l


1.3.5-11 4



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Table 1.1.5-6 (cont.) l Each Station Collected wit!n a two Minute Sweep Met Sample. l hehers and Type of Benthic 'ttictoinvertebrates Collett J at l ate thrtvell 2.a n Le Dita:


I ike Ecow. e 604 606 thv. 1974 (II) 510 511 rebruarv. 1974 (I) 504 505 506 503 ! SOS 501 502 (Deep) (Shallow)

                                            -$1ATIONS                                                              ,

11 I 11 1 11 1 II


11 1 11 1 11 1 32 152 SMtPLE 1 11 1  !! 1 11 13 1  !! 1 11 PEk!OD 18 10 TAXA 32 112

                                                       .I                                                 9                                               4           28 at ! 31.v s .v i a -                                                                                                                                                         32                 152 9           14                                                                                                  ;
r. e_r+.nts 5 l 25 26 18 372
              ?: .. . ; . t . u 4                                                                                                                                                       156

41 ! cr. sm 6 2 17 1

  • r t .. u ..q 55 18 4 l 3 1

39 5 20 '

               !*e t'racidius                            3              1           11                                                                     1                                                         8

' F-ittfi < 2 Cerat.po/.onida'e pupae 4 2 46 70 56 I 22 Ai 1 :. .eu.v i. 34 16 23 1 12 1 36 2 11 10 i C -. t L._ s.%s 2 12 21 1 l1 [ ._; - w .3


cocplex 9 9 f. ' M !tc..opW idae '

              . Tabar.idae 21       6              15 18            I4         9 M 11.3                                                                                  to 18      17      14     4     15 9     9     9                                                                             f                      148           3892 10       6       3                                                                                             670       28      2788                              I 167
                'So. of Taxa                                                                                   401     120    10    188                        ,

1 . l 9 74 95 238 169 502 l l 1 40 25 No. of Orgaatsas



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1.4 FISH IMPINGEMENT ON INTAKE SCREENS AND ENTRAINMENT O LARVAE Specification: A. Fish impinged upon the intake screens of Oconee' Nuclear Station shall be identified to species when possible, counted, and the length estimated once each week A by detailed visual inspection from the intake structure. analysis of the fish impinged upon the intake screens shall be conducted by species, size, and quantity each time a set of screens is pulled. An underwater visual inspection shall be carried out quarterly to determine the species and quantity of fish impinged upon the intake screens. The data collected from these studies shall be recorded in tabular form. Any significant mortalities of fish and in all cases, any mortalities that involve 100 or more fish, shall be reported to the responsible representatives of the South and to Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department Region II, Directorate of Regulatory A writtenOperations within report concerning 24 hours of its discovery. any significant fish mortalities shall be submitted to AEC/ DOL within 10 days. .


I. INTRODUCTION Fish impingement at ONS has been discussed in the Oconee Nuclear Station Semi-Annual Report for the period ending June 30, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 1973). II. METHODS AND MATERIALS 1 Weekly inspection of intake screens

Weekly visual inspections from the intake structure are currently being conducted by one or both of the following personnel at Oconee Nuclear Station: Jim J. Sevic, Plant Biologist Milo R. Killough, Associate Plant Biologist Underwater visual inspection At Oconee, direct observation using SCUBA has proven to be an efficient method for evaluating fish impingement. Quarterly inspections of intake-screens have been conducted by certified divers from The Duke Power Company environmental test group. All fish observed are counted, lengths estimated,

  • and each fish identified to species when possible.

Inspection of screens after beine pulled that pumping efficiency When debris builds up on intuke screens to a point is reduced, the screens are removed and cleaned. Arrangements have been made with plant personnel to insure that Duke biologists are notified Impinged fishes are on cach occasion that screens are-removed.

                                       -1.4-1                                    'ONS 6/74 1

I - t


counted, identified, and assigned to length classes; data are recorded separately for each" screen pulled. ONS biologists are conducting an additional impingement study which is designed to provide data concerning the races at which fish are impinged.  ! This study involves the pulling and inspection of representative intake Six screens, numbers lA1, 1A2, 2A1, 2A2, screens at two-week intervals. , 3A1, and 3A2, were cleaned initially on May 2,1974. On May 16, 1974, these screens were again pulled and the following information recorded: i number of fish impinged, identification of each fish (when possible), length of each . fish, degree of decomposition, and position of each fish on the intake screen. The position of each fish on the intake screen is described by first indicating the panel on which the fish was found (panel 1-6). The position of each fish on the individual screen panel is also If a fish had fallen described (UL= upper lef c, UM= upper middle, etc.) . of f of a screen and was found on the screens icwer lip, it was reported as such (i.e. RL=right lip). Screens were pulled, inspected, and data recorded in the manner described on the following dates: May 16, May 30, J . .a 13, and June 27. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Week 1v insoection of intake screens 27,_1974, Weekly inspections continued from January 2,1974, through June and included 26 observations. During this period a total of only nine fish were observed (Table 1.4-1) . The entire intake screen area is not visible when standing on the intake structure. In the past, it has been assumed that these weekly inspections were adequate for the detection of fishes in the event that a relatively large number were impinged. It is now apparent that fishes are only rarely observed from the intake structure, regardless of the actual numbers impinged. It is suggested that weekly inspections be discontinued and that in the future impingement data be collected when screens are pulled and quarterly during underwater visual inspections. Underwater visual insoection Underwater visual inspections using SCUBA' were conducted on two occasions. The maximum number of screens possible were inspected, taking intoScreens con-sideration the number of personnel available and safety f actors. inspected were always those ahead of operating pumps. An underwater visual inspection was carried out on March 28, 1974 (Table 1.4-2). Six screens were inspected '(IAl, lA2,131,132,1D1, and 1D2) on which a total of 3330 fish, representing three species, were impinged. The number of fish per screen ranged from 142 to 1497. No live fish were observed impinged or swimming in the intake area. An underwater visual inspection was also unducted'on June 7,19 74 -(Table 1.4- 3) . During this dive, a total of twelve screens were inspected (131, A total of 1B2, ICL, 1C2, 231, 232, 2C1, 2C2, 3A1, 3A2, 3D1, and 3D2). 1.4-2 ONS 6/74

P 1529 fish were found impinged; four species were represented. 'The number of fish per screen ranged from 13 to 321. No live fish were seen impinged or swimming in the intake area. Inspection of screens after being pulled On January.29, 1974, intake screens 1D1 and 1D2 were pulled for cleaning. A biologist from the Duke Power environmental group observed the operation and recorded the numbers and lengths of all identifiable species (Table 1.4-4). A total of 1674 fish were,found impinged on the two screens. Of this total, 1360 fish were decomposed beyond recognition, indicating that these fish were impinged over an extended period of time. The 314 that were identified included bluegill, redbreast, warmouth, yellow perch, and threadfin shad. . On Februay 9, 1974, screens lAl and 1A2 were removed for cleaning and inspected. A total of 271 fish were found (Table 1.4-5). There were 73 unidentifiable fish, the remaining fish included only yellow perch and bluegill. Tables 1.4-6 through 1.4-9 summarice data collected during scheduled inspections of screens lAl, lA2, 2A1, 2A2, 3A1, and 3A2.


Screens were inspected on four dates. The number of fish per screen ranged from 0 to 785; the number of fish collected per date ranged from 61 to 995. Five species of fish have been reported during the course of this study; large-mouth bass, Micropterus salmoides; bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus; warmouth, Lepomis gulosus; yellow perch, Perca flavescens; gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum. As indicated in the appropriate tables, species other than bluegill and yellow perch were infrequently observed. IV.


AND CONCLUSIONS Weekly observations of the intake area made while standing on the intake structure have revealed only nine dead fish. But, actual mortalities of fishes resulting from impingement have been* greater, as indicated by data collected when screens are pulled and during underwater visual inspections. Only those data collected during scheduled screen inspec-tions at two-week intervals, Tables 1.4-6 through~1.4-9, can'be considered of value for the determination of actual rates of impingement. The actual length of time over which impingement occurred is not known for other data presented. The following factors suggest that impingement at Oconee has not occurred to an extent which could be considered detrimental to the fishery of Lake Keowee:

1) -The intake cove is small relative to the area of Lake Keowee.
2) The skimmer wall serves as, at least, a deterrent to free movement of fishes from lake to intake tove.
3) Fishes most commonly impinget are not considered highly valuable species-(yell.ow perch and bluagill, 4-8 cm in, length).

1.4-3 ONS 6/ 74 ' . .

F Specification: B. The entrainment of fish eggs and larvae in the cooling water system shall be monitored biweekly (every other week) during the major spawning period of April through July and an estimate made of the total number of fish < eggs and larvae entrained and their survival. t Specification: C. If the quantity or type of fish, or their eggs or larvae, is determined to be of significance or to have a signifi- f


cant detrimental impact on the propagation of fish of ' recreational importance, then plans for corrective action ' will be developed. I. INTRODUCTION The effects.of entrainment of fish has been discussed in the Oconee Nu'elear Station, Semi-Annual Report for the period ending June 30, 1973 (Duke Power Company, 1973). II. METHODS AND MATERIALS


Ichthyoplankton samples were taken from the cooling water system at Oconee Nuclear Station on eleven occasions beginning April 12, 1974, and continuing through June 27,1974 (Table 1.4-10) . Methodology used in entrainment sampling has been discussed (Duke Power Company, 1973). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the ichthyoplankton survey are summarized in Table 1.4-10. No fish eggs or larvae were found in any samples, suggesting that entrain-ment of ichthyoplankton has been minimal during the period in which samples have been collected. IV. SUFO'ARY AND CONCLUSIONS The absence of fish eggs and larvaa in the cooling water samples indicate that entrainment has not had a significant detrimental impact on the fish community of Lake Keowee. LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. 1973. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi-Annual Report, Period Ending June 30, 1973.


1.4-4 ONS 6/74

                 - -

Table 1.4-1 Results of Weekly Visual Inspections of 24 Intake 27, Screens 1974. (1Al thru 3D2) at Oconee Nuclear Station from January 2,1974 thru June Species Lengths Screen No. No. Fish (Total) Date Time f r ---

                                                ---                   0 3

1-02-74 1600 ---

                                                                                                       ---           !.
                                                ---                   0 1-09 74       1015 0
                                                                                     ---                 ,--         f 1330
                                                ---                                                                  '

1-17-74 ---

                                                ---                    0 1-23-74       0915                                                                ---
                                                                                      - - -
                                                 ---                   0 1-30-74       1100                                                      '
                                                                                                        -- .
                                                 ---                   0 2-08-74       140'O Yellow perch            100 mm 2D1                  1 2-13-74       0830                                                                 ---
                                                  ---                  0                         ,

2-20-74 1300 --

                                                  ---                   0 2-27-74        0830                                                                 75 mm 1      Yellow perch 3-07-74       1535          IB1 Largemouth bass            85 mm 182                  1 i                                                                              Largemouth bass           80 mm IC2                   1 Largemouth bass           80 mm IC2                  1-Largemouth bass            65 mm 3Al                  1 Largemouth bass            75 mm 3C2                  1 3-14-74        1030 Yellow perch               95 mm 1A1                  1 3-21-74       1245                                                                  ---
                                                     ---                  0 3-28-74       1100                                                                  ---
                                                     ---                  0 4-04-74       1400                                                                   ---
                                                     ---                   0 4-11-74        1000                                                                  ---
,                                                                                         ---
                                                      ---                  0 4-18-74        1000 Bluegill                    60 mm 1C1                  1 4-25-74       1100                                                                   ---
                                                      ---                  0 5-02-74       1100                                                                   ---
                                                       ---                 0

' 5-08-74 1430 ---

                                                       ---                  0 5-16-74        1400                                                                   ---

! ---

                                                       ---                  0 5-23-74        1545                                                                   ---

0 5-30-74 '0900 ---

 .                                                                                          ---
                                                        ---                 0 6-06      1030                                                                    ---
                                                        ---                  0 6-13-74'      1430                                                                    ---
                                                         ----                0 6-20-74        1500                                                                   ---
                                                         ---                 0
6-27-74 1000 ONS 6/74 1.4-5

___ _ _ = . -


Table 1.4-2 9p2cies, Number and Lengths'of Impinged Fishes Observed on Six Intake Screens During a Dive at O March 28, 1974. Screen 1A1 Section 5 Section 6 Section 3 Section 4 lS:ction 1 Section 2 100 BG 4-8 cm 20 BC 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 320 BC 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 150 BG 4-8 cm 180 BG 25 YP 4-8 cm 15 YP 15 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 100 YP 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 200 YP 4-8 cm 50 YP 95 UN 4-8 cm 40 UN 2 YP 4-8 cm 25 UN 4-8 cm 60 UN 4-8 cm 100 UN 4-8 cm Screen IA2 Section 5 Section 6 Section 3 Section 4 S:ction 1 Section 2 25 BG 4-8 cm 3 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 30 BC 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 210 BC 4-8 cm 50 BC 10 YP 4-8 cm 14 YP 12 BC 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 15 YP 4-8 cm 50 YP 4-8 cm 22 YP 4 YP 4-8 cm

     ~ 1 TR - 4 5-50 cm                                                                                                        .

Screen IB1 Section 5 Section 6 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 2 4-8 cm 26 BC 4-8 cm 14 BG 4-8 cm 95 BG 4-8 cm 2 YP 4-8 cm 110 BG 4-8 cm 90 BG 4 YP 4-8 cm 34 BG 4-8 cm 20 YP 4-8 cm 14 YP 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 26 YP 4-8 cm 50 UN 4-8 cm 130'UN 4 YP 4-8 cm 200 UN 4-8 cm 95 UN 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 67 UN 4-8 cm 150 UN TH = Trout (probably brown trout) , BG = Bluegill, . Lepomis macrochirus UN = Unidentified YP = Yellow perch, Perca flavescens




Table 1.4-2 (cont.) Oconee Nuclear Station on Species, Number and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Six Intake Screens During a Dive at Ma rcle ' 28, 1974. Screen IB2

  • Section 5 Section b Section 3 Section 4
 -Section 1              .Section 2                                                                                         4-8 cm 8 YP       4-8 cm       2 BG 4 BC    4-8 cm          2 BC    4-8 cm                                7 UN    4-8 en 4-8 cm      12 BG    4-8 cm                                     4-8 cm      10 UN       4-8 cm 14 BC                                      2 YP    4-8 cm           2 YP 4-8 cm.      5 YP    4-8 cm                                     4-8 cm
     'e Y P                                   25 UN    4-8 cm         22 UN 3 UN     4-8 cm      20 UN    4-8 cm Screen IDI Section 5               Section 6 Section 3               Section 4
  'Section 1              Section 2                                                                                           4-8 cm 17 BG       4-8 cm        3 BG 6                                                        4-8 cm         40 BG    4-8 cm                                7 UN    4-8 cm 40 BG    4-8 cm    32 BG                                         5 YP       4-8 cm 20 BC      4-8 cm                                  4-8 cm           7 YP   4-8 cm 15 YP    4-8 cm     6 YP                            4-8 cm       8 UN       4-8 cm 4 YP      '4-8 cm                        53 UN    4-8 cm         28 UN 4-8 cm     21 UN    4-8 cm 60 UN-Screen ID2 Section 5               Section 6 Section 3               Section 4 Section 1              Section 2                                                                                   1 BG    4-8 ca 4-8 cm      15 BG       4-8 cm 8 BG    4-8 cm         18 BC                                          1 YP    4-8 cm
                 .4-8 cm     15 BC    4-8 cm                              3 YP   4-8 cm       2 YP       4-8 cm 5 BG                                     1 YP    4-8 cm                                                        6 UN    4-8 cm 4-8 cm      3 YP    4-8 cm                            27 UN    4-8 cm      21 UN       4-8 cm 1 YP                                    39 UN    4-8 cm 4-8 cm     52 UN    4-8 cm 30 UN 8

.m 2 TR = Trout (probably brown trout) 5 BG = Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus UN = Unidentified YP = Yellow perch, Perca. flavescens


_ _ _ _ _ _ . ._ _. _ _ _ __ .. .- _ _ Table 1.4-3

   . Spccles,13 umber and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Twelve Intake Screens During a Dive at Oconee Nuclear Station cn June 7, 1974.

Screen 1B1 Section 3 Section 4 - Section 5 Section 6 Section'l 'Section 2 4-8 cm 28 BC 4-8 cm 8 BC 4-8 cm 3 BG 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 27 BG 4-8 cm 28 BG 4-8 cm 7 YP 4-8 cm 10 YP 4-8 cm 3 YP 4-8 cm 1 BC 10-15 ca

           '2 YP 1 CR     4-8 cm                              1 1}iB 15-20 cm 1 -IJIB 10-15 cm Screen IB2 F                                                                                    Section 4               Section 5                Section 6 Section 2           Section 3

{ 'Section 1 4-8 cm 9 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 40'BC 4-8 cm 65 BG 4-8 cm 63 BG 21 BG 4-8 cm 37 BG 6 YP 18 YP 4-8 cm 5 YP 4-8 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm

            . 6 YP    4-8 cm                 4-8 cm 1 Ilta 10-15 cm             47 UN     4-8 cm 2 LMB-10-15 cm-Screen ICL Section 3                       Section 4                Section 5               Section 6 Srction 1                Section 2 42 BG        4-8 cm           50 BG      4-8 cm          69 BG     4-8 cm      26 BG       4-8 ca
             '8 BC-    4-8 cm      25 BG'     4-8 cm                                                                                      1 YP     4-8 cm 4-8 cm       8 YP      4-8 cm             1 YP     4-8 cm             2 YP   4-8 cm 5 YP     4-8 cm       5 YP 40 UN      4-8 cm

vs LMB = Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides YP = Yellow perch, Perca flavescens .R UN = Unidentified l' CR = Crappie, Pomoxis sp. . BG = Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus t we e m> e 990 *- _***

     . _                         . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ,                                                            . .          .              .

Table 1.4-3 (cont.) Oconee Nuclear Station Species,, Number.and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Twelve Intake Screens During a Dive at on June 7, 1974. Screen IC2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 1 Section 2 Sectica 3 4-8 cm 5 BG 4-8 cm 8 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 7 BG 4-8 cm 21 BG 6 BC 4-8 cm- 7 BG 4-8 cm 2 YP 4-8 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm 2 YP 4-8 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm 15 UN 1 LMB 4-8 cm


Screen 231 Y Section 4 Section.5 Section 6 Section 2 .Section 3 [ Section 1 10 BG 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 24 BG 4-8 cm 11 BG 4-8 cm 0 3 YP 4-8 cm 6 YP 4-8 cm 5 YP 4-8 cm 7 YP 4-8 cm 2 BC 4-8 cm


Screen 2B2 .


Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 1 Section 2 Section'3 4-8 cm 14 BC 4-8 ca 0 4-8 cm 40 BG 16 BG 5 UN 4'-8 cm- 28 YP 4 YP . 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 18 YP 4-8 cm 1 CR 10-15 cm 16 BG 4-8 cm 5 YP 8 vi YP = Yellow perch, Perca flavescens

     ,g ' LMB = Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides UN = Unidentified M CR = Crappie, Pomoxis sp.                                                                                                                                                       .

BG --Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus


J - - - - - _ . - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _

                                                          '^                                       .. _

Table 1.4-3 (cont.) l i Oconee Nuclear Station Species, Number and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Twelve Intake Screens During a Dive at on June 7, 1974. Screen 2C1 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 S ction 1 Section 2 Section 3 24 BC 4-8 cm 3 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 40 BG 4-8 cm 30 BG 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 20 BG 1 LHs 10-15 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm 13 YP 4-8 cm Screen 2C2 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Sect' ion 2 Section 3 r Section 1 4-8 cm 0 8 BC 4-8 cm 3 BG T 4-8 cm 8 BG 4-8 cm 8 BG 4-8 cm _g 2 BG 1 YP 4-8 cm Screen 3Al


Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 S ction 1 Section 2 Section 3 4-8 cm 5 BG 4-8 cm 2 YP 4-8 co' 4-8 cm 15 BG 4-8 cm 11 BC 4-8 cm 6 BC- 4-8 cm 8 BG 1 YP 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 4 YP ' 4-8 cm 1 LMB 10-15 cm

7. YP 4-8 cm 5 YP
 .g                          .

un O YP = Yellow perch, Perca flasescens 3 LMB = Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides UN = Unidentified CR = Crappie, Pomoxis sp. BG = Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus




                                                                                       - - ~                      - _. .          .

Table 1.4-3 (cont.) , i Species, Number and' Lengths of. Impinged Fi$ sher Observed on Twelve Intake Screens During a Dive at Oc on June 7, 1974. Screen 3A2 Section 5 Section 6 Section 3 Section 4 Section 1 Section 2 1 YP 4-8 ca 0 1 YP 4-8 cm 2 BG 4-8 cm 3 BG 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 0.. 3 BC 4-8 cm 2 YP 4-8 cm


Screen 3D1 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 32 BG 4-8 cm 1 BC 4-8 cm 19 BC 4-8 cm 15 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 1 BG 4-8 cm 8 BG 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm 1 YP ,' 38 UN 4-8 cm 6 UN

  • 1 YP 4-8 cm 1 YP 4-8 cm 15 UN 4-8 cm 1 CR 10-15 cm

Screen 3D2 . Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 2 Section 3 Srction 1 8 BC 4-8 cm 28 BG 4-8 cm 35 BG 4-E cm 6 BG 4-8 cm 17 BC 4-8 cm 4-8 cm 0- 4-8 cm 15 UN 4-8 cm 1 YP 1 YP 4-8 cm 10 UN 10 UN 4-8 cm YP = Yellow perch, Perca flavescens

    ' LMB = Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides UN = Unidentified

_ CR = Crappie, Pocioxis sp.


y BG = Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus 8

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .


Table 1.4-4 Species, Number and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Two Screens Pulled on January 29, 1974. No./ Species Total Length (mm) Screen 3 Yellow perch 40-60 1D1 'lt 150 Yellow perch 60-80 ,


81 Yellow perch 80-100 25 Bluegill 40-60 4 Bluegill 60-30 1 Bluegill


92 1 Bluegill 120 1 Redbreact 88 i


558 Unidentifiable Total 824 1 Yellow perch 57 1D2 28 Yellow perch 60-80 13 Yellow perch 80-100 1 Yellow perch 101-3 Bluegill 40-60 1 Warmouth 40-60 1 Threadfin shad 40-60


802 Unidentifiabic Total 850


1.4 . oss 6/74-

{ .

                                              -     -
                                                         .            .. _.
                                                  ,                       .
                          .                                                        '

i Table 1.4-5 Species, Number and Lengths of Impinged Fishes Observed on Two Scre on February 9,1974. Total Length (mm) No./ Species Screen 60-100 . 91 Yellow Perch 1A1 70 1 Bluegill 24 Unidentifiable , Total 116 106 Yellow perch 60-100 1A2 49 Unidentifiable Total 155 9 9 ONS 6/74-



                                           .:                           _

I' , ,.


Tcblo 1.4-6 1A1, Species, number, and lengths of impinged fishes observed on intake 16, 1974 lA2,.2A1, 2A2, 3A1, and 3A2 after screens were pulled on May Carface 14.3C, 5 Ft. 14 . 2C , Temperature Profile: Screen No. M . 10 Ft. M , 20 Ft. 14.0C, Bottom Dissolved oxygen - 7.2 mg/l 5-16-74 Length Decomposition Position No./ Species Panel No. 3 M Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 1 M 2 4-6 cm 1 ,1 Bluegill LM 2 , 1 1 Yellow Perch 2 LM Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 1 UR 2 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 1 1 UR 4-6 cm 3 2 1 Bluegill 1 UR Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 1 LR 4-6 cm 3 2 1 Bluegill 3 UR Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 1 3 M 2 Bluegill 6-8 cm -


2 M 4-6 cm 3 2 2 Yellow Perch M 4-6 cm 3 2 1 Yellow Perch R. Lip 2-4 cm 3 3 i Bluegill 2- M. Lip Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 1 3 M Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 i 3 UL Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 2 1 UL Yellow Perch 4-6 cm

              .3'          1 3                LM Bluegill                   4-6 cm 3          1 3

L. _ Lip Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 1 R. Lip 6-8 cm 2 4 1 Largemouth Bass 2 R.-Lip 4-6'em

               .4           1 . Yellow Perch                                                        LR
                                                         . 4-6 cm                  3 4          11 Yellow Perch              I                                          LR
                                                                                  ~3 Yellow Perch           ->~6-8 cm 4          1 Position on Screen Degrees of Decomoosition                                                         LM-lower middle UL-upper 1dft
1. No sign of decomposition UM-upper middle LR-lower rig,ht
2. Slightly decomposed _ _

UR-upper right L. Lip-left Lip

3. Badly-decomposed-Identiffable M-middle M. Lip-middle liit
l. . Bddly decomposed-unidentifiable LL-lower left 'R. Lip-right lip

ONS 6/74 1.4-14

                        -.          -                               -

_ Table'1.4-6 (Continued) ,


Screen No. JA1_ 5-16-74


Panel No. No,/ Species Length Decomposition Position , 4 1 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 3 M i 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 M 4 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M 4 4 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 4 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-E em 2 M-4 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 UM 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM 5 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 5 5 Bluegill' 4-6 cm 3 UL 5 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 LM 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM S 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 UM S 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM S 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UM S 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 5 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm , 2 UR S 7- Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 5 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm . 3 LR

          .5       1  Bluegill                2-4   cm         3          LR S_      1  Largemouth Bass         4-6   cm      . 3          M. Lip 5       1  Yellow Perch-           4-6   cm         3          M. Lip II.4-15                          ONS 6/74


                                                        '                  .

Table 1.4-6 (Continued) Screen No. E 5-16-74 Lenach Decomeosition Position No./ Species Panel No. 3 R. Lip Bluegill 2-4 cm 6 1 ' 3 UM 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 6 3 UL 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 6 I Screen 1A1, Total Fish = 74


e 4 h t S

                                                                                   .i l


                                                                        .ONS 6/74.


_ _ . - - . ._ _ Table 1.4-6 (Continued)


Screen No. LA2 5-16-74 Length Decomposition ' Position Panel No. No./ Species 6-8 cm 2 UR 1 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 LL 1 1 Yellow Perch


6-8 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LM 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LL 2 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UL 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LR 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LL 3 1 Bluegill 10-12 cm 3 UL 4 1 Yellow Perch 1 L. Lip 4 1 Bluegill 10-12 cm 8-10 cm 1 R. Lip 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 UL 6 1 Yellow Perch Scraen 1A2, Total Fish = 12 1 i


1.4-17 ONS 6/74


r - - - ' .



                                      , .. _       _

Table 1.4-6 (Continued) Screen No. 2A2 5-16-74 ,


Panel No. No./ Species Length . Decomposition Position 1 0 2 0-3 0 4 0 5 'O 6 0 Screen 2A2, Total Fish = 0 1




1.4-19 :ONS 6/74-J

 ._      _
                ~                          .

_ Table 1.4-6 (Continued) t Screen No. 31.1 5-16-74 f tenitth Decomposition Position Panel No. No./ Species 1 0 2 0 6-8 cm 2 UR - 3 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 UM 4 1 Yellow Perch 3 UM 4 1 Yellow Perch 3 L. Lip 4 1 Yellow Perch , l 4 0 4 5 0 6 0 Screen 3Al, Total Fish = 4

4 1.4-20 ONS 6/74

                                       , ,

Table 1.4-6 (Continued) 3A2 Screen No.


5-16-74 Length Decomposition Position Panel No. No./Soecies f


1 0 M 2 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 1 M 2 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 2 ,1 UL 6-8 cm 2 2 1 Yellow Perch UM 2 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 1 4 0 5 0 6 .0 Screen 3A2, Total Fish = 4 5-16-74, Screens 1A1 thru 3A2 Total Fish = 95


i ! l l

                                         * ^^^^                        ONS 6/74

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i .. e 3  ! 1.3.4-55 Oss 6/74

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *                                             .

Tabla 1,4-7 Species, number, and lengths of impinged fishes observed on intake screens 30, 1974 lAl, lA2,RIA1, 2A2, 3A1, and 3A2 after screens were pulled on May Screen No. jLil_ Temperature Profile: Surface 15.8 C, 5 Ft. 15.8 C, 10 Ft. 15.9 C, 20 Ft. 15.8 C, Bottom 15.8 C. Dissolved oxygen - 7.2 mg/l 5-30-74 Length Decomposition Position i No./ Species Panel No. 3 LM . 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 1 L. Lip 4-6 cm 3 1 1 Bluegill 3 M 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 3 M 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 3 LM 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 3 L. Lip 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 1 3 LM 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 3 M 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 ' 3 UR 1 1 Bluegill 10-12 cm 3 LR 1 Bluegill 4-6 c= 1 LR 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 1 , UR 1 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 RM 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 1 RM 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 1 UR 1 1 Bluegill 8-10 cm ~3 3 RM 1 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LR 1 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 LR 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 3 RM 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 2 RM 2 . Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 2 RM 1 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 2 UR 1 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 UR 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 . Decrees of Decomposition Position on Screen UL-upper left LM-lower middle

1. No sign of decomposition UM-upper middle LR-lower right
2. Slightly decomposed UR-upper rignt. L. Lip-left lip
3. Badly decomposed-identifiable M. Lip-middle : l ip Badly decomposed-unidentifiable M-middle 4 R. Lip-right lip LL-lower left ONS 6/74 1.4-22



F 4 Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No, E


5-30-74 i Length Decomposition Position Panel No. No./Soecies i* 4-6 cm 3 UR 2 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M 2 4 Yellow Perch Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LR 2 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LR 2 1 4-6 cm 2 LR 2 1 Yellow Perch Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LM 2 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM 2 4


Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UM 2 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LM 2 2 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 M 2 2 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 2 2 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M. Lip 2 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 .M. Lip 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 LM 2 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 UM 2 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UM 2 5 . Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 LL l 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LL l 3 6-8 cm 3 LL  ! 3 1 Bluegill l

                 -Bluegill                4-6    cm          3             LM 3  16 4-6 cm             3             LM 3  12     Yellow Perch Largemouth Bass        6-8 cm              1            UL 3    1 4-6                2             LM 3    6    Yellow Perch                  cm 11      Bluegill               4-6    cm           3           'UL 3

Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LM 3 5 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LM . 3 m um

Table 1.4-7 (Continued)


Screen No. lAl 5-30-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position, l 3 16 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM

3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 UM i


3 9 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 3 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 M' f f 3 1 Largemouth Bass 8-10 cm 2 R. Lip 1 3 18 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 2 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 1 UR . 3 13 Yellow Perch 4-6 c.m . 3 UR 3 11 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR ,  ! 3 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 UR 4 11 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 L. Lip 4 4 Yellow ?erch 4-6 cm 2 LM 4 11 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LM . 4 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 2 LM 4 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LM n l 4 14 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM


4 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M. Lip 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 M. Lip-4 49 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 4 2 Bluegill 8-10 cm, 3 M , 4 14 Yellow Perch 4-6 cml 2 UM


4 20 Yellow Perch 4-6 cml; 3 UM

        -4        2  Yellow Perch            8-10 ed             2
                                                                             .UR 4      13    Bluegill               4-6   cm             3           UR 4        ) -Yellow Perch            4-6' cm              3           UR         i

, 4- 8 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 l UR I 4 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3- UR i, i


1.4-24 ONS-6/74 i i


Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No. lAl 5-30-74


No./Soecies Length Decomposition Position Panel No. 4-6 cm 2 UR 4 4 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 R. Lip 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 R. Lip 4 1 Bluegill Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 5 7 Yellow Perch 4-6 em 3 UR 5 9 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 2 UR 5 1 4-6 cm 2 UL 5 13 Yellow Perch Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 5 16 12 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM 5 39 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UM 5 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 5 3 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 5 5 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M. Lip 5 2 Yellow Perch 5 -Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UR 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR S 15 5 1 Bluegill 8-10 cm 2- UR Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM 5 24 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LR 5 7 4-6 cm 2 R. Lip S 6 Yellow Perch 4 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LR 5 4-6 cm 3 LR 5 15 Yellow Perch Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LR 5 3 Largemouth Bass .6-8 cm 3 M 5 1 4-6 cm 3 UM 6 2 Y.ellow Perch

  • 4-6 cm 3 -M 6 6 Yellow Perch Bluegill 4-6 -cm 3 M. Lip 6 3 Yellow. Perch '2-4 cm 3 M. Lip -

6- 3 1 - - - _ _

Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen bo. lAl 5-30-74 Panel No. No./Soecies Length Decomoosition Position 6 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 6 9 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 R. Lip 6 1 Largemouth Bass 6-8 cm 2 R. Lip 6 l' Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 LR 6- 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 LR 6 1 Largemouth Bass 4-6 cm 3 M 6 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 LR 6 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M Screen lAl, Total Fish = 626 i i


i i 4



               .                                                             4 i

s 3 1.4-26 -ONs 6/74 _-

Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No. lA2 5-30-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position 1 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 LM 1 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 1 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M. Lip 1 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 ;M 1 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 1 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 1 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 1 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 1 LM 1 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 UR 2 7 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 UR-2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M 2 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 MR 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 MR 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 MR 2 4 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 2 1 Ye'. low Perch 2-4 cm 3 M 2 2 Yi. low Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 1 UM 2 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UM 2 3 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M 2 '4 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 M

     -2       3  ' Bluegill               2-4  cm          3          UM 2       1    Bluegill               2-4  cm          3          L. Lip 2       2- ' Yellow Perch           2-4  cm          2          UL 2      3    Yellow Perch            4-6 cm           2          UL 2       1   Yellow Perch            2-4  cm          2          LL 2       1   Yellow Perch            4-6 cm           2          LL     -
                                  ^ L 4-M/                          10GJY6VA

Table l.4-7 (Continued) < Screen No. lA2 5-30-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition l'o , i l i on 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 2 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM


2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 W. 3 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 I.I. 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 L. 1.ip 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 U7, 3 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 LL 3 1 Yellow Perch . 8-10 cm 2 UL 3 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 UL


3 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 3 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 1.M I 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cmi 3 UM


3 2 Bluegill, 4-6 cm -2 U t. 3 8 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UL 3 2 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UL 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 11


3 4 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 3 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 3 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 M 3 . 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3

  • UM i .

3 14 -Bluagill 4-6 cm ,- 3 M 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cmf 2 UR 3 5 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UR 3 1 Yellow Perch' 4-6 cmj 2 UM

  • 3~ 3 -Bluegill . 4-6 cm' 3 LR 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6. cn 3 LR 3 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm ,

3 UR 3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6. cm 3  ? LR


l1.4-28 ONS 6/74

                  .       <
              . -

W W Y " b W'



Table 1.'4-7 (Continued) Screen No. lA2 5-30-74 I:


No./ Species Length Decomposition Position Panel No. 2-4 cm 2 L. Lip 4 2 Yellow Perch-4-6 cm 2 UM 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 M. Lip 4 3 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 M 4 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 LM 4 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UM 4 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 LR 4 1 Yellow Perch' 2-4 cm 2 UR 4 1- Bluegill . 2-4 cm 3 UM

,            4      2     Bluegill

2-4 cm 2 R. Lip 5 2 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 R. Lip 5 2 Bluegill 2-4' cm 3 L. Lip 5 2- Bluegill 2-4 cm 1 L. Lip 5 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 L. Lip 6 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 L. Lip. 6 1 Bluegill 1 M. Lip 6 1 Yellow Perch 2-4' cm 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip 6 -2 Yellow Perch Screen 1A2,

  • Total Fish = 148.

an ',


Table 1.~4-7 (Continued) Screen No. 2A2 5- 30-74 Length Decom,. ,yition Position Panel No. No./ Species No fis2 on screen 2Al or 2A2 for two week period.


I ',

                                                      '                                   s
                                     =1'.4-30.                            !ONS 6/74

Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No. 3Al 5-30-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position 1 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 1 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 ,M 1 '2 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 3 UM 1 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 LL 2 3' Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 2 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LM 2 2 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UM 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 3 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 UL 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM 3 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM  : 3 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm -3 LM i 3 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 LM 3 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 3 l' Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 3 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 LM 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 1 3 1 l Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 UR ' i 3~ 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 3 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR j 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 3- 1 Yellow Perch 4 em 3 M. Lip J 1, Bluest'1-

                        .               4-6   cm          3          UR l

l 1.4-31 ONS 6/74 I


Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No. 3Al 4 5-30-74 No./ Species Length Decomposition Position Panel No. 2-4 cm 3 R. Lip 3 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LR 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 LR 4 1 Yellow Perch 3 R. Lip 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm


4-6 cm 2 LR 4 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LR 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 c2 3 UR 4 5 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 R. Lip 4 2 Yellow Perch , 2-4 cm 3 M. Lip 4 1 Bluegill


4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 4 1 Bluegill, 4-6 cm 3 LM 4 1 Bluegill  ! 4-6 cm 3 UL l 4 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm Live M. Lip 4 1- Bluegill Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 5 i Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M S 3 4-6 cm 3 UM S 3 Bluegill Screen 3A1, l Total Fish = 63 I

                                                                                           -l l

1.4-32 ONS 6'/74:

                                                                         . , ,

Table 1.4-7 (Continued) Screen No. 3A2 5-30-74


No./ Species Length Decomposition Position Panel No. i 2-4 cm 3 M 1 2 Yellow Perch , 4-6 cm 3 M . 1 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM 1 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 1 LM 1 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM 1 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch' Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 2 1 2-4 cm 3 UM 2 . 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M Yellow Perch


2 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm '3 UR 3 1 6-8 cm 3 M. Lip 3 1 Warmouth Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 3 2 2-4 cm 1 LM 3 1 Yellow Perch , Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M l 3 1 2-4 3 LM 3 3. Yellow Perch cm 2-4 cm 3 UL 3 1 Yellow Perch 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR . 4- 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M l 4 1 2-4 cm 3 M 4 2 . Yellow Perch 2 cm 3 LM 4 2 Yellow Perch 1 -Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 4 6-8 cm 3 LM 4: 1 Yellow Perch-2-4 cm 3 LM 4 1 Largemouth Bass 4 3. R. Lip 4 1 Largemouth Bass _cm 4-6 3 UR 5 l' Bluegill cm . t

Table 1.4-7 (Continued)

  • Screen No. 3A2 5-30-74

Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Pos it i~on 5 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 5 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 5 1 Largemouth Bass 4-6 cm 3 M 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M ., 5 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UL 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UL 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM S 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 5 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 6 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 M. Lip 6 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 L. Lip 6 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 L. Lip i Screen 3A2, Total Fish = 54 3-30-74, Screens lAl thru 3A2 Total Fish = 891


1.4-34' ONS 6/74

Table 1.4-8 Species, number, and lengths of impinged fishes observed on intake m eens lAl,-1A2, 2Al, 2A2, 3A1, and 3A2 after screens were pulled on June 13, 1974. Screen No. lAl Temperature Profile: Surface IB.5 C, 5 Ft. 18.5 C, 10 Ft. 18.0 C, 20 Ft . 17.0 C, Bottom 16.5 C. Dissolved Oxygen - 6.7 mg/l 6-13-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position No fish on screen lAl


Degrees of Decomposition Position on Screen

1. No sign of decomposition UL-upper le f t th - ;r iddle
2. 'Slightly decomposed UM-upper middle Lk- '. gh t -
3. Badly decomposed-identifiable UR-upper right I ,s tt lip 4 Badly decoc' posed-unidentifiable M-middle E Lip-middle lip ,.

LL-lower lef K. Lip-right lip M. [6R9L1M.% i

Table 1.4-8 (Continued) Screen No. lA2 6-13-74 Panel No. No./ Species i.ength Decomposition Position'


No Fish on screen lA2


1 I I I


i l l i i l l l  !  ! I i i i J 1.4-36 ONS 6/74 e


Table 1.4-8 (Continued)~


Screen No. ~2Al 6-13-74 .


Panel No. ' No.'/Soecies Length Decomposition Position No fish on screen 2Al


4 I


B h


L-W '


Table 1.4-8.(Continued)


Screen No. 2A2 l.


6-13-74 i'


Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position f No fish on screen 2A2 , B e ! ! l + i .


i . 4 ,




7 i








1 1 i i ,

                         -                                                                    m
  -    =                                    1.4-38 ~                           ;0NS'6/74.
                       ,         .
               -           . - .              -            -        - . ,       -

Table 1.4-8 (Continued) Screen No. 3Al 6-13-74 Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position 1 1 Yellow Perch' 6-8 cm 3 M 2 -2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 3 5 Bluegill 4-8 cm 3 M 3 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M

  • 3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 4 1 Bluegiil 2-4 cm 3 UL 4 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 5 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UL 5 1 Bluegill 6 cm 3 LR 5 2 Bluegill' 2-4 cm 3 UR 5 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 5 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M S 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 5 2- Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 5 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M. Lip.

6 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M Screen 3Al,- Total Fish = 32 I




Table 1.4-8 (Continued)- Screen No. 3A2-i


6-13-74 Position ,! Length Decomposition'

,     Panel No.               No./Soecies 6-8   cm                3                       UK 1       1       Yellow Perch 4-6   cm                3                       UR 2       1       Bluegill 4-6   cm                3         .               M 2       1       Bluegill

4-6 cm 1 M

2 1 Yellow Ferch 4-6 cm 3 LM 2 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 LM 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 2 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 L. Lip 3 1 Bluegill Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 LM 3 1 ,

Bluegill- 4-6 cm 3 M 3 1

                                                                                           !            LM I             4         1    Yellow Perch               6-8 cm j                3

Bluegill 4-6 cm l 3 M / 4 2 i I. 6-8 cm 3 i M 4 1 Yellow Perch Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 4 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm '3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 1


2-4 cm 3 LM 4 2 Bluegill 6-8 cm L. Lip 5 1 Yellow Perch 3 , Bluegill' 6-8 cm 3 M. Lip , S. '1


4-6 3 -LR 5 1- Yellow Perch cm { Yellow Pereh 4-6 cm I, 3-  !


M 5 1 3

                                                                    >                        r M

5 1 ' Bluegill .I 4-6 cm l .3

              ~5          Yellow Perch ~       :I 4-6 cm l                     3 4

R. Lip

             ~6         -11   -Bluegill'                 2-4   cm l                3

j .. M . Screen 3A2, <


Total Fish = 29 , , 1 i } ]: 1 1


6-13-74, Screens 1Al' ., thru 3A2-Total Jish = 61 . l'.4-40 ONS 1/74 5 , . - . 4 - - ~


Table 1.4-9 Species, number, and lengths of impinged fishes observed on intake screens 1A1, lA2, 2Al, 2A2, 3A1, and 3A2 af ter screens were pulled on June 27, 1974. Screen No. lAl Temperature Profile: Surface 17.9 C, 5 Ft. U.8 C, 10 Ft. 17.3 C, 20 Ft. 17.3 C, Bottom 17. 3 C. 6-27-74 Dissolved Oxygen - 5.6 mg/l Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position 1 2 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UL 1 1 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 2 LL 1 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LL 1 - 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR 1 1 Unidentified 6-8 cm 4 M 1 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 M 1 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 M 1 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 R. Lip 1 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR' 1 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR 1 1 Warmouth 8-10 cm 3 M 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UR 2 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 2 4 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR 2 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 LR 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LR 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LR 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LR 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 2 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 UM 2 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 UM 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM 2 1 ' Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 M Degrees of Decomposition Position on Screen

1. No sign of decomposition UL-upper left LM-lower middle
2. Slightly decomposed UM-upper-middle LR-lower right
3. Badly decomposed-identifiable UR-upper right L. Lip-1cft lip
4. . Badly decomposed-unidentifiable M-middle M. Lip-middle lip ,_

LL-lower icit R. Lip-right lip 1.4-41 ONS 6/74


Table 1.4-9 (Continued) ., Screen No. lAl 6-27-74


Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 M 2 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 In. 2 4 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UL 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UL

,         2       4   Unidentified              2-4 cm           4           LL 2       1   Yellow Perch             '6-8    cm        3           LL 2       2   Bluegill                  2-4    cm        3           L. Lip 2       1   Bluegill                  2-4 -cm           3          LL 3      4   Yellow Perch              6-8 cm            3          UL       ,

3 1 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 3 UL 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 3 3 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UL 3 4 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 3 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 UL 3 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm .3 UL 3 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UL 3 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 3 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL

>          3       1   Yellow Perch              8-10 cm           2          LL.

3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LL 3 1 Yellow Perch 8-10 cm 3 LL 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LL" 3 2 . Bluegill 2 cm 3 LL

          ~3       1-  Yellow Perch              6-8 cm            3,         L'.

3 1 Bluegill' 2-4 cm 3 ,'. 3 4' ' Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM

          '3       4^  Unidentified      -

2 em 4 UM 3 3 Bluegill 2-4; em 3 UM


1.4-42 ONS 6/74-

                -                                       '

Y f

Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. lAl 6-27-74 Panel No. No./Soecies Length Decomposition Position 3 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 UM 3 2 Bluegill 10-12 cm 3 M 3 'S Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M 3 3 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 LM 3 l' Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 LM 3 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 3 4 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 3 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UR 3 1 Yellow perch 6-8 cm 2 UR 3 7 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 3 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 28 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR 3 7 . Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 R. Lip 3- 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip 3 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip , 3 4 Yellow Perch 6-8. cm 3 LR 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M. Lip 4 15 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 .UL 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UL 4 33 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 4 4 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 LL

4. .14 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LL 4 1 Gizzard Shad- 6-8 cm 2 L. L'ip 4 35' Bluegill 2-4L-cm '3 UM 4- 7 Unidentified = 2-4 cm 4 UM 4' 15 -Bluegill 4 cm 2- M
                   .                                                               .
1.4-43 .ONS 6/74

_ _ _


Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. lAl


6-27-74 ,


Panel No. No./Soecies Length Decomposition Position gi 4 6 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 3 Yellow Perch - 4-6 cm 2 M '!i 4 24 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 4 4 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 4 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M 4 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M 4 4 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 M 4 3 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm - 3 UR

4 8 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR ,

4 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UR , ' 4 2 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR 4 3 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 M


4 5 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M 4 7 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LR 4-6 '! 4 8 Yellow Perch cm 3 R. Lip 4 1 Gizzard Shad 6-8 cm 3 R. Lip ,


4 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 R. Lip h ' 4 13 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip _ h ' 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 2 LR i-5 8 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UR 5 47 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UR j;


5 6 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UR 1 t: 5- 4 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 LR ,) , 5 1 Blue _ gill 6-8 cm 2', 'R. Lip-I 5 2 Yellow Perch I 6 cm 2 R. Lip.

  • 5 2 ' Yellow' Perch 6-8 cm 2 R. Lip 5 9_ , LBluegill ' 2-4 -cm 2 M. Lip

4-6 I 5 3 Yellow Perch cm 2 M. Lip- -




1.4-44 ONS 6/74

                                        -                                                             '
     ,                                                                        ,            .
                              .     .                             ..     -                           . _.
                                                                                                              . '

j, .

                                                                                                                'l l

l-l Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. 1Al , 6-27-74


No .' /Soe cies Length Decomposition Position Panel No. 6-8 cm 2 M. Lip 5 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip 5 2 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M. Lip 5 3 Bluegill t 2-4 cm 3 UM 5 80 Bluegill Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 UM 5 4 i 4-6 cm 3 UM l 5 3 Yellow Perch


4 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 UM I 5 44 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3' LM - S Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 5 7 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M , . 5 3 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 5 37


6-8 cm 3 UL 5 20 Yellow Perch

  • Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 5 6 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UL 5 7 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LL 5 3 2-4 3 'LL
             . 5        1     Yellow Perch                   cm Bluegill                 2-4    cm              3         UL 6      12 6-8 'em                3         UL l                  6        2     Yellow Perch l

Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 L. Lip 6 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 M. Lip 6 1 2-4 cm :3 UM j 6 5 Bluegill

                 -6         1- ' Yellow Per'ch            2-4 .cm                3         UM I'                                                                                                                  '

6 1 Yellow Perch 6- 8 cm 3 UM i Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 UR 6 2 l UR e  ; Yellow Perch , 6-8 cm 3 6 : Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 6 Bluegill 2-4 cm -2 ~ M. Lip

6. . 5
                                                                                                               - -:

Yellow Pereh 4-6 cm M.. Lip-I -6.- 1 -

  --                                                                                                '_-
     ._-            .          .        ..         . _ .            .            . .   .  .        .        . .

Table 1.4-9 (Continued)


Screen No. lAl 6-27-74 ,-.


4 Panel No. Nc./ Species Length Decomposition Position Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M. I.ip 6 1

 '                        Screen IA1, Total Fish = 785

1 s


, l T 4


I l


t 'l ., 1

                                  .                                                                                 i

1, k

                                                                                                                . i;
                                                         .. .
1. 4 J.6 - ONS 6/74~ f

. . - o


Table 1.4-9 (Continued)


Screen No. lA2 6-27-74 I No./ Species Length Decomposition Position ( Panel No. __ 2-4 cm UR i 1 Unidentified 3 4-6 cm 2 LM 1 1 Yellow Perch 1 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 M i 1 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 M 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LR i 2 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 UR 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm Live R. Lip 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM 2 1 . Unidentified 8-10 cm , 4 M 2 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 2 5 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 M 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 LM 2 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 LM 2 2 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 LM 2 l- Bluagill 4-6 cm 3 UM 2-4 cm 3 UM 2 2 Blues 111 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 UM 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UM 2 1 Bluegill , 4-6 cm 3 UM 2 3 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UL 6-8 cm 2 UL 2 2 Yell.ow Perch Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 2 2 l 3 . Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UL I 2 , Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UL

         '2-       2
                     *                                                                       .

1.4-47 ONS 6/74




_ _ .. Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. lA2 6-27-74


Panel No. No./ Species tensch Decomposition Position 2 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 2 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LL 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 3 . Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 3 3 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 UR 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 R. Lip 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm Live R. Lip 3 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 2 LL 3 7 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UM 3 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm 3 UM 3 3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UM 3 7 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M 3 6 Yellow Perch 4 cm 3 M 3 6 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 M 3 3 Yellow Perch 2-4 .cm 2 M 3 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LM 3 1 Unidenrified 2-4 cm 4 UM 3 1 Bluegill' 6-8 cm 3 UM 3 4 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4- =UL 3 10' Bluegil1~ 4-6 cm 3' UL 3 1 -Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 L. Lip 3 11 Yellow Perch


4-6 cm 3 UL 3 3- Yellow Perch 6 cm 3 UL 3? 1 Largemouth Bass 6-8 cm 2 UL 3 .1 'Largemouth 3 ass , 6-8 cm 2. L. Lip. 3 8 Bluegill _4-6 _cm 2- L. Lip 3 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 LL )


1.4-48. ONS 6/74


Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. lA2 6-27-74 , Panel No. No./ Species Length Decomposition Position i 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 L. Lip 3 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LL 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UR 4 2 Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 LR 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 LR 4 1 Bluegill 6-8 cm 3 UM 4 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 LL 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 M , 4 2 Unidentified 6-8 cm 4 LL 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 M. Lip 4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 ' em 3 M 4 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 L. Lip 4 2 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 L. Lip 4 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL


4 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 3 UL 4 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 UL 5 3 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 UL 5 2. Unidentified 4-6 cm 4 UR J 5 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4 LL 5 1 Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3- UR S 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 2 UL 5 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 2 M 5 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm 4* UM S 1 Yellow Perch 2-4 cm 3 UM S 4 Bluegill 4-6 cm -2. L. Lip


5 1 -Yellow Perch 6-8 cm 3 L. Lip

       -5       1    Unidentified            2-4    cm        4              M
                  .                                                                       .

1,4-49 ONS-6/74

                                                                                . - -.



Table 1.4-9 (Continued) , a ! ' Screen No. 1A2

6-27-74 Length Decomposition Position Panel No. No./ Species 2 L. Lip 5 1 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm 2 L. Lip 6 5 Bluegill 4-6 cm 4 L. Lip 6 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm


6-8 cm 4 LL 6 2 Unidentified I Screen 1A2, Total Fish = 191 4


[ 't



  &                                                                                             '

1.4-50 .ONS 6/74

                 - . _        .                    .          .

Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen .*.o . 2Al 6 74 Panel No. No./Soecies Length Deconoositien Position

                                            !           !               .

No fis a on screen 2A1 I i '




I i i


I .! i . I i .! .


I  !


I i . I i i  ! r



                                            .                           .

I ,


I. .


O I e l l k i i


I i l l l


l l

                                            .          l

l i


i I .

                                            .          .
                                            .          .

4 . I i . t i 6 3 i


i l . 4 i


1  ! i l I j i l l i

                                                       .                .
                                           ;-          e                .
                                           !           l

1.4-51 ONS 6/74

Table 1.4-9 (Continue ' Screen No. 2A2 6 74 Panel No. No./Soecies Length Decomposition Position


j i 1 i 0 l l


2 1 Largemouth Bass 6-3 c= 2  ; M 2 1 Bluegill  ; 2-4 cm 2 j L. Lip 3 1 Yellow Perch  ; 2-4 c= 2 l. LL


3 1 Yellow Perch  ! 2-4 c= 2 I LM i'


4 1 Bluegill 2-4 cm Live L. Lip i i 5 0 I .

                                      '            '                    '

6 0 l 4 i


l l 8 1 t ' Screen 2A2, I i

  • Total Fish = 5 i

I i i , D

I i, '

                                                     '                  '

s ,

                                        ,           I                    i i             I                   .

i l

                                        !            :
            .                           .            I                   i i                           i            .

I  ! l l t .

                                                     .                   ,

I I i


l i ' i


i i i  !

                                        .             ,                   ,
                                                     .                    .

e t i

                                         ;            i                   t
                                         .            ,

I l'

                                        .             l
                                         ,            .                    ,

4 1


l.4-52 ONS 6/74

                                                                             - _ - _ _ _ _ -               . _ _ _

_ Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Sc reen ' No.- 3Al 6-27-74 l Panel No. No./Soecies Length- Decomposition Pesition l 1 0 l 2 1 31degill 2-4 cm 3 l LM 2 'l Yellow Perch 3-10 cm 3 R. Lip 3 0 4 0  ! I i 5 2 Yellow Perch 4-6 cm i 3 i R. Lip 6 0 l  ;


Screen 3A1, .

                                                           ,                           l Total Fish = 4                           I                           i

i  :


I l  ! t u i



                                                         - i.                          !

l .I i l ,


i  :

6 t E
                                            ,                                          l I

l i Ic l-t

                                          . i:                                   '!                                  o

, e r 1.4 -oNS-6/74-


1 l Table 1.4-9 (Continued) Screen No. 3A2 6-27-74 Panel No. No./Soecies Leneth Decomoosition Position


l l-1 0 l I i l 2 0 I l  ! 3 1 Yellow Perch  ; 6-8 cm I 1 LL l 3 1 Unidentified , 4-6 c=' 4 M. Lip 3 1 Bluegill l 2-4 cm 3 . LR

                                          ;                                   I 3        1   Yellow Perch             '

4-6 cm i 3 i M. Lip l  !  ! 3 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm j 3  ; LL 6 1 Unidentified 4-6 cm l 4  ! R. Lip 6 1 Large=outh Bass 6-8 cm f 3 f M. Lip t i 6 1 Unidentified 2-4 cm : 4 l LM


6 1 Bluegill 4-6 cm 3 l LM 6 1 Bluegill , 2-4 cm I 3 . LM

i i

{ Screen.3A2, j I


Total Fish = 10 ,

                                        .               l



t 6-27-74, Screens lAl j thru 3A2 ' { Total Fish - 995 6

                                        )               r                  I
           !                                            i                  I i                           !                I                  i i                           i                                   i
                                       ?                                   l


                                                      +0 1                   1 8                   6 i                I
                                                       ,-                  ,
  • I i

1.4-54 m z.


                         .        ~+.

Table 1.4-10 Results of Ichthyoplankton Survey at Oconee Nuclear Station from April 12, ' 1974 thru June 27, 1974. Time Number Sample - at Intake Discharge Pumps Size Number Number " Date Start Temo (F) Tenp (F) Operating (Gallons) Eggs Larvae 4-12-74 0956 52.3 66.8 3 1000 0 0 4-19-74 1315 54.4 74.1 3 2000 0 0 ' 4-26-74 1045 54.8 56.9 3 1000 0 0 5-09 1429 56.0 55.0 3 2000 0 0 5-17-74 1011 57.9 56.3 3 1000 0 0 1 5-17-74 1045 57.9 56.8 3 1000 0 0  ; 1


5-31-74 1337 58.0 57.3 2 -2000 0 0 l I 6-06-74 1112 58.5 58.5 2 1000 0 0 l 6-12-74 1300 60.0 30.0 3 1000 0 0 6-20-74 1105 60.0 80.0 3 1000' 0 0 i

                                                                                    'i 6-27-74     1253     62.0       80.2           3        1000      -0       0 l

l l i 4 ' l 1 1.4-55' ONS 6/74-

1.5 PHYTOPLANKTON - ZOOPLANKTON ENTRAIN'4ENT MORTALITY ST**DY Specification: At least 6 times per year water samples will be collected by either plankton a . or pumps at the condenser coolina water systems intake .nd at the heated wa:er dischar;c before it enters the receiving water. Samples will be analy el for types, quantities and survival of the various plan >:onic groups. Sampling will be such to encompass the tan e ot temperature rises across the condenser (e.g., 16'- 3-F). l I. INTRODUCTION The effects of entrainmen: in ccadenser cooling water on planktonic crzan-iscs have been discussed previously (Duke Power Company, l9732). II. METHODS IND MATERIAL 3 Phytoplankton Entrainment: The procedures for phytoplankt:n entr:inment 2 . , , - . .. were the same as those viscussed previously (,suKe ,ower verganv. A n aa,


1973b) except for :he following cnanzes: A. Chlorophyll a Measure an_:s The entrainmen: calorepav;-. a reasurements followed :ne ms:hedology described in Section 1 3.a (Chlor: phyll "easurements, "ecreds and Materials, Receivinz %ater P.udy).

3. Carbon Assimila:icn Rates
1. The procecure for a/7:oplankton carbon-la assimila: ice 5:udies duplicated :hoce of previous reports. The ravised or+scrve:icn and processinz tecnnique was applied to the entrainten: wnoia water samples as explained in Section 1.3.; (Methods :.: "a:e::alsi.

This change was'initia:ed with the January collecti:ns.

2. Calcolattans of :0:al available inorganic carbon in :he incu:a:ec carbcn-14 bottles have been altered f rom the me:ned of 32undars, et al. (19o1) :: agree with : hose af 5tum: and M:r:an 10 7 b 2nd l Gurtz and Weiss (197') based on ini:ial alkalini::- and 7M measure-ments. This cocification crea:cd an increase in carbo". assimilatica rates of 3.33 times the previously re;or:ec calues (Lusc P wer Company, 1973b). Any further comparisons of resui:s shall in-corporate these changes.

Zooolankton Entrainmen:: The procedures for :coplank:cn entrainment were tne same as those discussed preyiously (Duke ?cwer Company, 1973a, 1973b). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phytoolankton Entrainment: Standin Crops. Phytoplankton Oc== unities were sampled on three dates in the January thrcugh June, 1974, period to evaluate possible altera:icns in the communities related to ::clinz water use, ia:- pling was performed in ;une ra:her :han ac :he time,oi receivinc water  ; collections in May because of G.3 fautdown. A sum. mary of cc =un i::. standing crop parameters is found in Tacle 1.5-1. Temporally, January collec:icns exhibited a lower average num:er of phytoplankton :axa than in either March ., 1 1.5-1 ONS 6/71 ) i

or June samples. This seasonal trend was also noted in the receiving water collections (Section 1.3.4, Phytoplankten Standing Crops). Average units per liter were less in January (109,i25) than June collections (231,731)


(Table 1.5-1). Average algal blovolume decreased slightly in March samples (0.057 mm 3/1) from January (0.089 mm /1) but markedly increased in June saeples (0.163 mm*/l) over both January and March biovolume averages (Table 1.5-l;. The high biovolume observed from the intake station during January was caused by a relatively high cell volume of Synedra ulna but this species was not observed at the other entrainment stations. Class volumetric domination within a study date varied spatially, bu: diatoms generally contributed an average of at least 30% of the total blevolune on all Jates (Tables 1.5-2 through 1.5-17). Nu=erically, :he ecs: :requen:ly occurring diatom species were Melosira distans var. A, " italica v:r.


alpigena, Cvelotella mene2hiniana and C. s:elligera. Three of these species commonly occurred in the receiving water collec: ions (See:1on A.3.0 ?hv:o-plankton Standing Crops). Two spenies of the Cryptophyceae (thracm:nas sp. and Crvotoconas sp.) contributed a notsble portion of the algal cun:s cn all dates. Alzal biovolume at the entrainment stations evidence: nc ::n-sistent trends because of the irregular occurrence of various large-voluti diatom such as Synedra sp. and Tabellaria fenestrata. 50 defini e effec: resulting from entrainment was orservec on either cell counts or biovalumes during the study period. Phytoplankton Entrainment: Chlorophyll a Ccacentratiens.  ?'v:cplank:ca pig-ment analysis of entrained water revealed no apparent shifts in :ne chiaro-phyll a content of the entrainec algal community (Table 1.5-15). The Tajor differences were temporally influenced as =cre averaze chlor:pnyl. 3 was re-corded f rom June entrained water than January or March collections. :51s higher June concentration coincided with the average increase in a; gal s:and-ing crops for the June entrained phy:oplankton cc pared to Marca s:andin; crops. Average intake pigment concentrations for t.te January - June 1974, period (0.62 mg/m;) were lower than the July - December 1973, stuay period (1.10 mg/ml y. Discharge concentrati,ns illustrated a sL=ilar trend. The grand mean for eaca station indicated : hat only slight changes in :hloro-phyll a content occurred as water was pumped througn :ne caoling water systen. The station differences were probably af.fected more by sample processina than any real cooling syste= alteration. Reliable replication aopears to have been achieved using the flueracetric method of chlorophyll a analysis  ; (Table 1.5-18).  ! Phytoplankton Entrainrent: Carbon Assimilation Studies. Ficure L.3-1 re-veals few consistent trends in carbon assimilatica rates of the entrained planktonic algal community anong all dates. The lower mean incuba: ion ten-


i perature (MIT) represents that temperature which approximates the intake  ! sample tempera:ure taren from the ;n:ake s:ructure. The higher ':I! approx-i=ates that :emperature recorded from the sample obtained off the aischaree structure. Prior to diter- c.S entrainment. near-surface intake wa:er .ncuba:ec a: the upper MIT for approximately 3 heurs exnibited a regular stimula: ion in car- , bon assimilation rates co pared to intake water up;ake rates recorded at a v , nna omo

 .                                                                                        _.

the lower MIT, i.e. ranging approximately 16 to 63% higher at the upper MIT. A temperature stratification appeared to exist in the intake uster column as near-surface temperatures (where sample water was collected) were slightly greater than pre-condenser water temperatures. This temperature difference is related_to the near-bottom intake design at ONS. Mechanical effects on phytoplankton entrainment occurred inconsistently between intake and pre-condenser sampl#s exposed to the lower MIT on each date. Multiple entrainment effects (heat, mechanical and pressure exposure) are explained by examining intake water at the lower MIT and the post-condenser water at the upper MIT. Temporally, no consistent pattern of either stimulation or inhibition of carbon assi=11ation rates resulted in that multiple effects comparison as indicated by the relative rate differences that ranged from

       -28% to +52%. Discharge water at the upper MIT for each date also illus-trated an inconsistent pattern of assimilation rates compared to the intake water at the lower MIT. Recovery from heat exposure, represented by intake water at the lower MIT versus discharge (or post-condenser > water at the lower MIT, was not regularly apparent among all dates.

Zooplankton Entrainment: Zooplankton entrain =ent studies were conducted on three dates; January 23, March 20, and June 12, 1974. The a cunt of water filtered to obtain a reasonably high number of observations (approxiestely 100) in the subsample, ranged from 2300 liters in January to elG0 liters in June. The taxa observed and the percent motile in the pre-condenser and post-condenser samples are shown Jn Tables 1.5-19 through 1.5-21. The ;T, calibration and filtering times, and the volume of water filtered are pre-sented in Table 1.5-22. Corrected percent =otility was calculated by the formula: (% motile) Pre-condeaser

                                                 , 100 = Corrected percent motility

(., motile) Post-condenser Data summarizing percent composition and corrected percent motility is presented in Tables 1.5-23 through 1.5-25. The corrected percent notility for copepods, cladocerans, and rotifers ranged from apprcxt:steli 50% to greater than 100% for counts taken in less than one hour and at six hours. The corrected percent motility vs. time lapse is plotted for rocifers, copepods, and cladocerans in Figures 1.5-2, 1.5-3, and 1.5-4 In January (AT = 3.4 C*), copepods were affected = ore by condenser passage than cladocerans in the i==ediate counts; however, in March (IT = 9.5 C*) and June (AT = 11.1 C*) this conditica was reversed. On all collecting dates, the dominant copepod was nauplii and the most co= mon cladoceran was Bosnina coregoni (Tables 1.5-23 through 1.5-25). Each experimenta1'date, there was a general trend for decreased corrected percent motility at the 24-nour tire lapse period. It is hypothesized that this is not due to latent effects of condenser passage but to the artificial conditions that exist in the holding bottles. Crowding, predation, light factors,' altered dissolved oxygen, and.other unnatural conditions may con-tribute to the observed decreased motility in the 24-hour detereinations as compared to the immediate counts. -IV. .


AND CONCLUSIONS Phvtoolankton Entrainment. Phytoplankton comeunity structure was examined , 1.5-3 ONS 6/74' _ _ _ __

f rom the ONS cooling water syste: and expressed in ter:s of taxa richness, cell counts, biovolu=es and chlorophyll a content. No definite changes in 3 the number of phytoplankton taxa, unics/ liter or biovolu=e were evidenced J in water entrained througn ONS. Algal standing crops fluctuated not unlike the variation detected at control staticas in Lake ebewee receiving water studies of January :nrough June, 1970. Chlorophyll a was f;und to re=ain at constant levels as it passed through tne DNS cooling water syste:. Experi=ents conducted to ceasure the response of phytoplankton carbon assimilation rates te entrain =ent at 0N5 were perforced en three study dates. Exposure of intake water to the upper MIT appeared :o produce con-sistent sti=ulation of caroon assimilation rates over :he rates recceded at intake temperatures (lower MIT). :ncuca:irn uaperi=en:s simulating re-covery and prolonged exposure :o T.ul:iple ef fects of cocling wa:er use de-lineated inconsistent trends in caraca assi:ilation ra:es. Zooplankton Entrainment: Zooolank:cn enersined curina this recorting period , were subjected to it's of 3. a C, 9. 5 C. anc 11.1 C across :he cendens ers on the three collec:ing dates. In January , copepods were af f ected =cre by entrainment than were cladocerans, but in March and June this concition was reversed. The corrected percent ectility for copepods, cladecerans and rocifers ranged fro: approximately 50l; :o greater than 1205 for counts taken in less than one hour and at six hours. On each experimental date, there was a general trend for decreased corrected percent notility at tna 2'-hour time lapse period but this was at:r:bu:ed to the unnatursi c:ndi:ians in the holding bottle. Clarke-Bu= pus sa:cles sere collected dur_n; :he sane periods in the intake (509) and Cischarge (503) and these sa: pics pec:uced little differences in the number c f species in the discharge and inta.<a collections. LITERATURE CITED Duke Power Company. 1973a. Oconee Nuclear Station. Semi- Annual Repe rt. Period Ending June 30. 1973. Duke Power Co:pany. 19735. Oconee Nuclear 3:stion. Semi- Annual Repo rt. Period Ending Decer:e r 31, 1973. Gurtz, M. E. and C. M. Weiss. 1972. Field investigations of the respcase of phytoplankton to cher al stress. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Envir:n= ental Sciences and Engineering Publ. No. 321. 152 pp. Saunde rs , G. M. , F. 3. Trama, and R. - 3ack=an. 1962. Evaluation of a odified I"C technique fer snipbcard estica: ion c: photosyntnesis in large lakes. University of "ichigan. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. Creat Lakes Res. Div. Publ. S. sl pp. Stumm, W. and J. J. Morgan. 1970. Aquatic chemistry: an in: reduction e=phasizing che:ical equilibri1 in waters. Wiley-Interscience, New York. 383 pu


l.5-4 CNS 6/74


_ 9


Table 1.5-1. Summary of Phytoplankton Community Composition (Number Taxa Per i t Sample, Unics/ Liter and Biovolume-mm /1) in Entrainment Water 3 i Collections, at 055 (January, March, and June 1974). January 22, 1974 Station Number Taxa Units / liter Biovolute


509 (Intake Structure) 11 87,780 0.200 ., Pre-Condenser 11 104,500 0.037 Post-Condenser 9 125,400 0.040 508 (Discharge Structure) 9 121,220 0.079

March 19, 1974 509 (Intake Structure) 15 170,125 0.355 Pre-Condenser 15 144,300 0.053 Post-Condenser 20 197,550 0.054 , 508 (Discharge Structure) 17 252,890 0.062 June 13, 1974 1 Station Replicate 509 R-1 16 94,050 0.051 l ~(Intake Structure) R-2 19 401,280 0.170 Mean 18 247,665 0.ill 1- " Pre-Condenser R 17 276,710 0.199 l R 16- 204,320 0.102 Mean. 16 240,765 0.131 Post-Condenser R-1 19 493,240 0.232 R-2 15 206,910 0.137 Mean 17 J350,075 0.184 508 _ _ _

     - (Discharge Structure) '    R-1        18              363,660           0.334
                                 .R-2        19              213,180         'O.094-

Mean' L6- 288,420 _.0.214

1. 5 .._0NSf 6/74

(01/74-Intake) a. c


G -.h 9 Cl

        %                                      >
        .y                                     a a                                          .       h        *h           h                 u*
4. ==. <. <. C. C. 2. C. 4 <




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Table 1.5-3

                                             'Phytoplankton Species anal Class Composition by No./1, Percent of Total Number, liiovolume (mm /1) and Percent of Total'Iliovolume at the Pre-Condenser Station, during .lanuary, 1974, Oconee Nuclear Station, S. C.

Euphotle Zone __ _No./l Percent Biovolume Percent of (mm 3 /l) of Siccles l l'otal No. Total Biovol. Class: 11ac i i lar iophyceae . 8 7, 7 tiO 11 4 . 0 0.025 69.9 Asterienel1. I orna sa 4 . I 11 0 4.0 0.001 fl . 9 e CycloteIla.meneghiniana 4 ,1110 4.0 0.001 4.0 $ II. ' '+;ie l l ige ra 12,540 12.0 0.004 11.7 D


iiompidi$n'ia' 'sii p.


4, I tiO 4.0 0.002 4.5- i' 11,360 H.0 0.002 H.e..I.o.n__i r.3 'ti i. s t.a n n va r . A.

                                                                                           -                                                                                    4.5       I, Helosira italica var. alpinena                       41,1100                   40.0                           0.008           22.3       g Heloraira italica var. tenutsdima                     11,360                          8.0                     0.001            9.1       g Navicula spp.                                         4, l tlO                        4.0                     0.002            4.9       g Class:           Chrysophyceae                            4 , 1110                        4.0                     0.001            6.8       g
                                                 ? Ochr6mo, nan sp.                                    4, liin                         4.0                     0.003            6.8
  • Class: Chlorophyceae 4,180 4.(6 0.001 2.0 v Asterococcus Iimneticus 4 , i 11 0 4.0 0.001 2.0 Class: Cryptophyceae 11,360 ti . 0 0.008 21.3

[ryge r o!!iopj!p ..pgi. ti , 'l60 H.0 0.0011 21.3

                                                                                                                             - - ~ - -               '----

, . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - - - - - - -

(01/74-Poc:-Condenser) w

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   .,     ,

t f Table 1.5-5 Phytoplankton Species and Class Composition ley No./1, Percent of Total Number, lin ovolume (mai /1) and Percent ol' Tot a l filovolume at the Discharge Starion, during .Jaiiuary, 1974, Oconee Nuclear Station, S. C.

                                                           . - . _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ Euphotic Zone _ No./I Percent 111ovol ume Pcreent or (nuu3 /l) of o w -Species Total No. Total lilovol. g s~ Class: Itac i i la r lophyceae M 7,7210 72.4 0.054 70.0 $> Cyf "8 "I.1 ! 'Lk'!!"li.h.inignji I 12,540 10.J 0.004 C.-stel1.igera ti , %U 0.00.1 5.6 h Gomphofifma sir. 6.9 3.7 g 4 , i 15 0 't. $ 0.002 2.I y

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