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PSEG Nuclear, Hope Creek Generating Station, License Renewal Application, Volume 3, Appendix B
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 08/18/2009
Public Service Enterprise Group
Division of License Renewal
Robinson, J NRR/DLR/RPB1 415-2878
Shared Package
ml092430376 List:
TAC ME1831, TAC ME1832, FOIA/PA-2011-0113
Download: ML092430386 (74)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix B NPDES Permit Hope Creek Generating Station Environmental Report This Appendix contains a copy of Hope Creek Generating Stations New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit NJ 0025411, which authorizes the discharge of wastewater to the Delaware River and stipulates the conditions of the permit.

This Page Intentionally Left Blank Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Table of Contents Letter Page Final Consolidated Renewal Permit Action for Industrial Wastewater and Stormwater, NJPDES Permit No. NJ0025411, dated January 15, 2003 B-1 NJDEP Acknowledgment of Receipt and Request for Additional Information B-67 PSEG Transmittal of Additional Information B-68 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-iii License Renewal Application

This Page Intentionally Left Blank Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER The full The full text text of of certain certain NPDES NPDES permits permits andand the the associated associated factfact sheets sheets has has been been made made available available to to provide online access provide online access to to this this public public infonnation. infonnation. EPA EPA is is making making permits permits and and fact fact sheets sheets available available electronically to electronically to provide provide convenient convenient access access for for interested interested public public parties parties and and asas aa reference reference for for permit writers. permit writers. The The ownership ownership of of these these documents documents lies lies with with the the permitting permitting authority, authority, typically typically aa State with State with anan authorized authorized NPDES NPDES program. program. While EPA makes While EPA makes every every effort effort to to ensure ensure that that this this web web site site remains remains current current and and contains contains thethe final final version of version of the the active active permit, permit, we we cannot cannot guarantee guarantee it it is is so. so. For For example, example, there there may may be be some some delay delay in posting in posting modifications modifications made made after after aa permit permit isis issued. issued. AlsoAlso note note that that not not all all active active permits permits are are currently available currently available electronically. electronically. Only Only permits permits and and fact fact sheets sheets for for which which the the full full text text has has been been provided to provided to Headquarters Headquarters by by the the permitting permitting authority authority may may bebe made made available. available. Headquarters Headquarters has has requested the requested the full full text text only only for for permits permits as as they they are are issued issued oror reissued, reissued, beginning beginning November November I, I, 2002. 2002. Please contact the Please contact the appropriate appropriate permitting permitting authority authority (either (either aa State State or or EPA EPA Regional Regional office) office) prior prior toto acting on acting on this this information information to to ensure ensure you you have have the the most most up-to-date up-to-date permit permit and/or and/or fact fact sheet. sheet. EPA EPA recognizes the recognizes the official official version version of of aa permit permit oror fact fact sheet sheet toto be be the the version version designated designated as as such such and and appropriately stored appropriately stored byby the the respective respective permitting permitting authority. authority. The documents are The documents are gathered gathered from from all all permitting permitting authorities, authorities, andand all all documents documents thus thus obtained obtained are are made available made available electronically, electronically, with with no no screening screening for for completeness completeness or or quality. quality. Thus, Thus, availability availability on the on the website website does not constitute does not constitute endorsement endorsement by by EPA. EPA. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-1 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit

                                                                        ~tate           lif ~efu lif       efu 'IDersejJ
                                                                                                         'IDersejJ James E.

E. McGreevey McGreevey Ilt'I~:~~......_~==~1

                                                                                                                                    "'"                                  Bradley M.       M. Campbell Campbell James                                                           Department of Department        of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection             "'"                                  Bradley Governor Governor                                                                                                                                                                Commissioner Commissioner Division of Division     of Water Water Quality Quality P.O. Box P.O. Box 029    Trenton, NJ 029 Trenton,    NJ 08625*0029 08625*0029 Phone: (609)

Phone: (609) 292*4860 292*4860 Fax: (609) Fax: (609) 984-7938 984-7938 CERTIFIED CERTIFIED MAIL MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED REQUESTED JAN 15 JAN 15 2003 2003 Gabor Salamon, Gabor Salamon, Manager Manager -- Nuclear Nuclear Safety Safety and and Licensing Licensing PSEG Nuclear LLC PSEG Nuclear LLC P.o. BoxBox 236236


P.o. Hancocks Bridge, Hancocks Bridge, NJ NJ 0803808038 .- Re: Final Re: Consolidated Renewal Final Consolidated Renewal Permit Permit Action Action ~ .~.

                                                                                                                                                                        ',.::-:l Category(s}: B Category(s}:        B -Industrial
                                              -Industrial Wastewater Wastewater RF -Stonnwater RF    -Stonnwater NJPDES Permit NJPDES         Permit No. No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 HOPE CREEK HOPE        CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION     STATION

(( ....,, Lower Alloways Lower Alloways Creek, Creek, Salem Salem County County *.*. ,J


Dear Permitte:

Dear Permitte:

Enclosed Enclosed is is aa final final New New Jersey Jersey Pollutant Pollutant Discharge Discharge Elimination Elimination System System (NJPDES) (NJPDES) permit permit action action identified identified above above which has which has been been issued issued inin accordance accordance with with NJA.C. NJA.C. 7: 7: 14A. 14A. This This permit permit action action authorizes authorizes discharge discharge activity{ies) activity{ies) applicable to applicable to the the discharge discharge category(ies} category(ies} identified identified above. above. This This permit permit action action authorizes authorizes the the permitteepermittee toto discharge discharge cooling tower cooling tower blowdown blowdown with with internal internal monitoring monitoring points,points, andand stonnwater stonnwater with with tidal tidal influx influx .. A summary A summary of of the the significant significant and and relevant relevant comments comments received received on on the draft action the draft action during during the the public public comment comment period, period, the the Department's Department's responses, responses, and and anan explanation explanation of of any any changes changes from from the draft action the draft action have have been been included included in in the Response the Response to to Comments Comments document document attached attached hereto hereto as as per per N.JA.C. N.JA.C. 7: 7: 14A-15.16. 14A-15.16. Any requests Any requests for for anan adjudicatory adjudicatory hearing hearing shall shall bebe submitted submitted in in writing writing byby certified certified maiI;' maiI;' or or by by other other means means which which provide verification of provide verification of the the date date ofof delivery delivery to the Department, to the Department, withinwithin 3030 days days ofof receipt receipt of of this this Consolidated Consolidated Renewal Permit Renewal Permit Action Action in in accordance accordance withwith NJNJ A.C. A.C. 7: 7: 14A-17.2. 14A-17.2. YouYou may may also also request request aa stay stay of of any any contested contested permit permit condition as condition as per per N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7:14A-17.6 7:14A-17.6 tl~. The The adjudicatory adjudicatory hearing hearing request request must must bebe accompanied accompanied by by aa completed completed Adjudicatory Hearing Adjudicatory Hearing Request Request Fonn; Fonn; thethe stay stay request request must must be be accompanied accompanied by by aa completed completed Stay Stay Request Request Fonn Fonn (folTI'..5 enclosed). (folTI'..5 enclosed). As per NJA.C. As per NJA.C. 7: 7: 14A-4.2(e}3, 14A-4.2(e}3, any any person person planning planning to to continue continue discharging discharging after after the the expiration expiration date date of of an an existing existing NJPDES permit NJPDES permit shallshall file file an an application application for for renewal renewal at at least least 180 180 calendar calendar days days prior prior to the expiration to the expiration ofof the the existing existing permit. permit. All monitoring shall All monitoring shall be be conducted conducted in in accordance accordance with with 1}1} the the Department's Department's "Field "Field Sampling Sampling Procedures Procedures Manual" Manual" applicable at applicable at the the time time ofof sampling sampling (N.JA.c. (N.JA.c. 7: 7: 14A-6.5(b)4), 14A-6.5(b)4), andlorandlor 2} 2} the the method method approved approved by by the the Department Department in in Part IV Part IV ofof the the permit. permit. The The Field Field Sampling Sampling Procedures Procedures Manual Manual is is available available through through Maps Maps and and Publications Publications Sales Sales Office; Bureau Office; Bureau of of Revenue, Revenue, PO PO Box Box 417, 417, Trenton, Trenton, New New Jersey Jersey 08625, 08625, atat (609) (609) 777-1038. 777-1038. New Jersey New Jersey is is an an Equal Equal Opportunity Opportunity Employer Employer Recycled Paper Recycled Paper Page B-2 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit As aa result As result of of this this pennit pennit action, action, your your monitoring monitoring report report forms forms have have been been changed changed Enclosed Enclosed with with this this pennit pennit are are the new monitoring the new monitoring report report forms forms (MRFs). (MRFs). Beginning Beginning the the effective effective date date of of the the pennit, pennit, please please use use the the new new MRFs. MRFs. Questions regarding Questions regarding the the new new fonns fonns shall shall be be directed directed to to this this Bureau Bureau for fwther claJ~dicacion. for fwther Questions or Questions or comments comments regarding regarding the the final final action action should should be be addressed addressed to to Susan Susan Rosenwinkel Rosenwinkel atat (609) (609) 292-4860. 292-4860.

                                                                          ~~~        Bureau of Bureau   of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting Region Region 22 Enclosures Enclosures cc:

cc: Pennit Distribution Pennit Distribution List List Masterfile #: Masterfile #: 15647; 15647; PI #: 46815 PI #: 46815 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-3 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit

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u 1Y (pJ ,.".=::-J WJUlI02003 G G 'J!J Lr;

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James E. James E. McGreevey McGreevey Governor Governor W JUlI02003 U U

                                                                                                                                                                      ~ radley radley M.M. Campbell Campbell Commissioner Commissioner By:::

By::: PR (J(J 11 ZUUJ PR ZUUJ CERTIFIED CERTIFIED MAIL MAIL RETIJRN RECEIPT RETIJRN RECEIPT REQUESTED REQUESTED Gabor Salaman, Gabor Salaman, Manager Manager -- Nuclear Nuclear Safety Safety PSEG Nuclear llC PSEG Nuclear llC PO Box PO Box 236/N21 236/N21 Alloway Creek Neck Alloway Creek Neck Road Road Bridge, NJ Hancocks Bridge, Hancocks NJ 08038 08038 Re: Final Re: Surface Water Final Surface Water Administrative Administrative Mod Mod Permit Permit ActionAction -- Oarification Oarification of Stormwatei" of Requirements Stormwatei" Requirements Category: B-Industrial Category: B-Industrial WasteWater, WasteWater, NJPDES NJPDES Permit Permit No. No. NJOO25411 NJOO25411 Hope Creek Generating Hope Creek Generating Station, Station, Lower Lower AIloways AIloways Creek Creek Twp., Twp., Salem Salem County County

Dear Permittee:

Dear Permittee:

The Department issued The Department your final issued your final New New Jersey Jersey Pollutant Pollutant Discharge Discharge Elimination Elimination System System (NJPDES) (NJPDES) permit permit renewal on renewal on December December 31, 31, 2002. 2002. As you know, As you know, aa clarification clarification was issued on was issued on FebruaryFebruary 24, 24, 2003 2003 to change the to change the expiration date expiration date from from February February 31, 31, 2008 to February 2008 to February 29, 29, 2008. 2008. It It has has come come to to our our attention attention that that certain certain other other permit conditions permit conditions need need clarification. clarification. Therefore, Therefore, this this administrative administrative modification modification serves serves to to change change the the following permit following permit conditions: conditions:

                 --     Delete  the storrnwater Delete the     storrnwater monitoring monitoring requirements requirements indicated indicated on   on page page 1 1 of of 16  16 of  of Part Part III.III. Although Although these these requirements were requirements       were included included in in the  draft permit the draft   permit issued issued on  on November November 7,2002, 7,2002, it        it was was clearly clearly the the Department's intent Department's        intent to    delete these to delete  these requirements requirements in       in any any final   permit action final permit    action and     and thethe inclusion inclusion ofof these these requirements was requirements       was clearly clearly an an error. This is error. This    is discussed discussed on     on page page 88 of of the the Response Response to               Comments document to Comments          document included in included     in the the December December 31,   31, 2002   final permit 2002 final   permit action.


                  --    Delete Attachment Delete  Attachment 1.           Specific stonnwater
1. Specific stonnwater requirements requirements are are included included in in PartPart N where the N where the language language in in Part :rv isis either Part :rv either identicai identicai to Attachment jj or, to Attachment or, in instances where in instances where the the language language is is slighdy reworded, the slighdy reworded, the intent is intent is the the same.

same. It It is is redundant redundant to include both to include both the the stonnwater stonnwater conditions conditions of of Part Part N N andand Attachment Attachment and serves 1 and 1 serves to to complicate complicate the the permit. permit. As As aa result, result, Attachment Attachment 1 has been 1 has been deleted. deleted. Please replace Please replace Pllrt Pllrt III, III, 11 of of 16 16 and and Attachment Attachment 11 with with the the enclosed enclosed "placeholder" "placeholder" sheets. sheets. Questions Questions or or comments regarding the comments regarding final action the final action should should be be addressed addressed to to Susan Susan Rosenwinkel Rosenwinkel at (609) 292-4860. at (609) 292-4860. Sincerely, Sincerely, .- -- ---- -.-.

                                                                                                                    .-                   c-::-:-~

Pilar Patterson, Chief Pilar Patterson, Chief Bureau of Bureau of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting Region Region 22 Enclosures Enclosures cc: cc: Permit Distribution Permit Distribution List List Masterfile #: Masterfile #: 15647; 15647; PI PI #:#: 46815 46815 New Jersey New Jersey is is all Eqll(11 Opportunity all Eqll(11 Opportunity Employer Employer Recycled Pilper Recycled Pilper Page B-4 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Na=w JFR~a=y POLLUTANT Na=w POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM SYSTEM The New Jersey The New Jersey Department Department of of Environmentat Environmentat Protection Protection hereby hereby grants grants you you a a NJPDES NJPDES perm~ for for the the facit~/activity named named inin this this document. document. This This permij is permij is the the regulatory regulatory mechanism mechanism used by the used by the Department Department to to help help ensure ensure your your discharge discharge will will not not harm harm the the environment. environment. By By complying complying with with the the terms terms and conditions and conditions specified, specified, you you are are assuming assuming anan important important role role in in protecting protecting New New Jersey's Jersey's valuable valuable water water resources. resources. Your Your acceptance acceptance of of this this permit permit is is an an agreement to agreement to conform conform with with all of its all of its provisions provisions when when constructing, constructing, installing, installing, modifying, modifying, or or operating operating any any facil~ for for the the collection,treatment, collection,treatment, or or discharge of discharge of pOllutants pOllutants to to waters waters of of the the state. state. If If you you have have any any questions questions about about this this document, document, please please feel feel free free to to contact contact the the Department Department representative representative listed in listed in the the permit permit cover cover letter. letter. Your Your cooperation cooperation inin helping helping us us protect protect and and safeguard our state's safeguard our state's environment environment is is appreciated. appreciated. Permit Number: Permit Number: NJ0025411 NJ0025411 Final: Consolidated Final: Consolidated Minor Minor Modification Modification Permittee: Permittee: Co-Permittee: Co-Permittee: PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PSEG NUCLEAR LLC PO BOX PO 236/N21 BOX 236/N21 ALLOWAY CREEK ALLOWAY CREEK NECK NECK RD RD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ NJ 0803808038 Property Owner: Property Owner: Location Of Location Activity: Of Activity: PUBLIC PUBLIC SERVICESERVICE ELECTRIC ELECTRIC AND AND GAS GAS CO. CO. HOPE CREEK GENERATING HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION STATION 80 PARK 80 PARK PLAZAPLAZA ARTIFICIAL iSLAND ARTIFICIAL iSLAND PO BOX PO BOX 570 570 FOOT OF FOOT OF BUTTONWOOD BUTTONWOOD RD RD NEWARK, NJ NEWARK, NJ 07102 07102 LOWER ALLOWA LOWER ALLOWAYS YS CREEK, CREEK, NJ NJ 0803808038 Authorization(s) Authorization(s) Covered Covered Under Under This This Approval Approval issuance issuance Date Date Effective Date Effective Date Expiration Date Expiration Date B -Industrial B -Industrial Wastewater Wastewater 12/31/03 12/31/03 311103 311103 2/29108 2/29108 RF -- Stormwater RF Stormwater Authorization(s) Authorization(s) Covered Covered Under Under This This Approval Approval Issuance Date Issuance Date Effective Date Effective Date Clarification of Clarification of Permit Permit Conditions Conditions 3/12/03 3/12/03 3/1103 3/1103 By Authority By Authority of: Commissioners Commissioners Office of: Office

                                                                                   ~)e~-             DEP AUiHORiZA DEP    AUiHORiZATiON       TiON Pilar   Patterson Pilar Patterson Bureau of Bureau      of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting -- Region  Region 2    2 Division of Division     of Water Water Quality Quality (Terms, conditions (Terms,      conditions and and provisions provisions attached attached hereto) hereto)

Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-5 License Renewal Application

Page B-6 Environmental Report HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Alloways Alloways Creek Creek Permit Permit No. No. NJ00254 NJ002541111 PER030001 PER030001 Consolidated Consolidated Minor Minor MOld MOld Permit Permit Action Action PART PART HI HI L][MITS L][MITS AND AND MONITORING MONITORING REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS Appendix B NPDES Permit A. A. STORMWATERDISCHARGE STORMWATERDISCHARGE Monitored Monitored Location Location GlrOup GlrOup Members Members 463A 463A Stormwater, Stormwater, 464A 464A Stormwater, Stormwater, 465A 465A Stormwater Stormwater Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application Limas Limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page Page 1 1 of of 16 16

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit ATTACHMENT 1: ATTACHMENT 1: CONTENTS CONTENTS OF THE OF THE STORMWATER STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PLAN and 1 Pages ii and Pages 1 -- 8 8 have have been been deleted deleted via via this this minor minor permit permit modification modification effective effective March March 1,1, 2003. 2003. AUAU requirements requirements as as contained contained in in Attachment Attachment 1 1 of of the the final final permit permit renewal renewal issued issued on on December 31,2002 December are either 31,2002 are either identical identical in in wording wording oror in intent to in intent to those those conditions conditions contained contained in item in item HH of Part IV-Stormwater of Part IV-Stormwater thereby thereby making making Attachment Attachment 1 1 redundant. redundant. As As aa result result Attachment 1 Attachment is being 1 is being deleted. deleted. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-7 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STA STAnON nON NJPDES Permit Number: NJPDES Permit Number: NJ00254 NJ00254 II II Surface Water Renewal Surface Water Renewal Permit Permit Action Action Program Interest Program Interest Number: Number: 46815 46815 Table of Table of Contents Contents This permit This permit package package contains contains thethe items items listed listed below: below:

1. Cover
1. Cover Letter Letter
2. Table
2. Table ofof Contents Contents
3. Response
3. Response to to Comments Comments
4. NJPDES Permit Permit Authorization Authorization Page Page
5. Part
5. Part II -- General General Requirements:

Requirements: NJPDESNJPDES

6. Part
6. Part II II -- General General Requirements:

Requirements: Discharge Discharge Categories Categories

7. Part
7. Part III III -- Limits Limits andand Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Part IV
8. Part
8. IV -- Specific Specific Requirements:

Requirements: Narrative Narrative

9. Attachment
9. Attachment 1 1 -- Contents Contents of of the the Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan (SPPP)


10. Attachment
10. Attachment 2 2 -- SPPP Preparation Certification SPPP Preparation Certification
11. Attachment
11. Attachment 3 3 -- SPPP SPPP Implementation Implementation and and Inspection Inspection Certification Certification Page B-8 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application


1. Pennit Containing Pennit Containing Condition{s)

Condition{s) to to Be Stayed: Be Stayed: HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION STATION Issuance Date of Issuance Date Final Pennit of Final Pennit Decision Decision Pennit Number Pennit Number 12/31/02 12/31/02 NJOO25411 NJOO25411 II. II. Person Requesting Person Requesting the the Stay(s): Stay(s): Name/Organization Name/Organization Name of Name of Attorney Attorney (If (If applicable) applicable) Address Address Address of Address of Attorney Attorney Telephone Number Telephone Number Telephone Number Telephone Number of of Attorney Attorney N.]AC. 7:14A-17.6 N.]AC. 7:14A-17.6 provides provides for for stays stays of of contested contested pennit pennit conditions. conditions. In order for In order for the the Departtnent Departtnent to consider aa to consider request for stay, request for the person stay, the person making making the the request request must must submit submit aa written written request request toto the the Department Department by by certified certified mail mail or or other means other means which which provides provides verification verification ofof the the date date of of delivery. delivery. In the request In the request for for aa stay stay of of each each permit permit condition, condition, aa written evaluation written evaluation must must bebe submitted submitted which which addresses addresses each of the each of the factors factors at at NJA.C. NJA.C. 7:14A-17.6(c). 7:14A-17.6(c). Briefly Briefly stated, stated, these factors these factors include: 1) the include: 1) the permittee's permittee's ability ability to to comply comply with with the the permit permit condition condition using using existing existing treatment treatment facilities, facilities,

2) the
2) the permittee's permittee's ability ability to to comply comply with with the the permit permit condition condition byby implementing implementing low low cost cost short-term short-term modifications modifications to to the existing the existing treatment treatment facility, facility, 3)3) the the level level of of pollutant pollutant control control actually actually achieved achieved using using short short term term modifications, modifications, 4) 4) the cost the cost to comply with to comply with thethe condition condition and and 5)5) the the environmental environmental impacts impacts granting granting aa stay will have stay will have on on the the receiving receiving waterbody.

waterbody. This completed stay This completed stay request request form, form, along along with with thethe evaluations evaluations mentioned mentioned above, above, shall shall be be submitted submitted toto both both Pilar Pilar Patterson, Chief, Patterson, Chief, Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting -- Region Region 2, 2, Division Division of of Water Water Quality, Quality, Department Department of of Environmental Protection, Environmental Protection, PO PO BoxBox 029, 029, Trenton, Trenton, New New Jersey, Jersey, 08625-0029 08625-0029 and and thethe Office Office ofof Legal Legal Affairs, Affairs, Department of Department of Environmental Environmental Protection, Protection, PO PO Box Box 402, 402, Trenton, Trenton, NewNew Jersey Jersey 08625-0402. 08625-0402. A A person person seeking seeking consideration as consideration as party party to the action to the action who who has has requested requested an an adjudicatory adjudicatory hearing hearing inin accordance accordance with with N.JA.C. N.JA.C. 7:14A-7:14A-17.2 may 17.2 may also also request request aa stay stay provided provided notice notice ofof the the request request is is also also provided provided toto the the permittee(s). permittee(s). Signature: Signature: Date: Date:

          *For    NJPDES permits,
          *For NJPDES          permits, the  the procedures procedures for   for requesting requesting aa stay stay of of aa final final permit permit condition condition andand forfor the the Department's evaluation Department's      evaluation and   and processing processing of  of such such requests requests are are set set forth forth in   N.JA.G 7:

in N.JA.G 7: 14A-17. 14A-17. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-9 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit ADJUDICATORY HEARING ADJUDICATORY HEARING REQUEST REQUEST CHECKLISTCHECKLIST AND AND TRACKING TRACKING FORM FORM FOR lNDIVIDUAL FOR lNDIVIDUAL NJPDES NJPDES PERMITS* PERMITS* I. I. Permit Being Permit Being Appealed: Appealed: HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION STATION Issuance Date Issuance Date of of Final Final Permit Permit Decision Decision Permit Number Permit Number 12/31102 12/31102 NJOO25411 NJOO25411 II. II. Person Requesting Person Requesting Hearing: Hearing: Name/Organization Name/Organization Name of Name of Attorney Attorney (If (If applicable) applicable) Address Address Address of Address of Attorney Attorney Telephone Number Telephone Number Telephone Number Telephone Number of of Attorney Attorney III. III. Status of Status of Person Person Requesting Requesting Hearing Hearing (Check (Check One): One): Permittee under Permittee under thethe permit permit number number identified identified above. above. 0:mJ:lete A. 0:mJ:lete ond C A. ond t1nuugp LL of C t1nuugp ofSection below. IV. below. Section IV. Person seeking Person seeking consideration consideration as as aa party party to to the the action. action. 0:mJ:lete B. 0:mJ:lete t1nuugp LL of B. t1nuugp ofSection belnw. IV. belnw. Section IV. IV. IV. Include the Include the following following information information as as part part ofof your your request: request: A. If A. you are If you are aa permittee permittee under under the the permit permit number number identified identified above: above:

1. For
1. For the the Office Office of of Legal Legal Affairs Affairs only, only, aa copy copy of of the the permit permit clearly clearly indicating indicating the the permit permit number number and and issuance date; issuance date;
2. A
2. A list list of of the the specific specific contested contested permitpermit condition(s) condition(s) and and the the legal legal oror factual factual question(s) question(s) at at issue issue for for each each condition, including condition, including the the basis basis of of any any objection; objection;
3. The
3. The relevance relevance of of the the legal legal and!

and!or or factual factual issues issues toto the the permit permit decision; decision;

4. Suggested
4. Suggested revised revised or or alternative alternative permitpermit conditions conditions and and how how theythey meet meet thethe requirements requirements ofof the the State State oror Federal Act; Federal and Act; and
5. Information
5. supporting the Information supporting the request request or or other other written written documents documents relied relied upon upon toto support support thethe request, request, unless this unless this information information is is already already in in the the administrative administrative record record (m (m which which case, case, such such information information shall shall be be specifically referenced specifically referenced in in the the request).

request). B. B. vou are If vou If are aa oerson oerson seekinl? seekinl? consideration::1~::1 n::1rtvtnn::1rtvtn the the ::IIct1on~ 1.' A 1.' A statement statement setting setting fo"rth fo"rth each legal o~f~~ q~estion alleged each legal alleged to to be be at at issue; issue;

         *For  NjPDES permits,
         *For NjPDES       permits, thethe procedures procedures forrequesting forrequesting an      an adjudicatory adjudicatory hearing hearing on  on aa fmal fmal permit permit decision decision and and for for the the Department's evaluation Department's     evaluation and and processing processing of    of such such requests requests are are set set forth forth inin NJA.C.

NJA.C. 7: 7: 14A-17. 14A-17.

2. A
2. A statement statement setting setting forth forth thethe relevance relevance of of the the legal legal Or Or factual factual issue issue to to the the permit permit decision, decision, together together with with aa designation designation of of the the specific specific factual factual areas areas toto be be adjudicated; adjudicated;
3. A
3. A clear clear and and concise concise factual factual statement statement of of the the nature nature and and scope scope of of your your interest interest which which meets meets the the criteria criteria set forth set forth at at N.J.A.C.

N.J.A.C. 7:14A-17.3(c)4; 7:14A-17.3(c)4;

4. A
4. A statement statement that, that, upon upon motion motion by by any any party party granted granted by by the the administrative administrative law law judge, judge, or or upon upon order order of of the administrative the administrative law law judge's judge's initiative, initiative, you you shall shall make make yourself, yourself, all all persons persons you you represent, represent, and and all all of of Page B-10 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit your officers, your officers, directors, directors, employees, employees, consultants, consultants, and and agents agents available available toto appear appear and and testify testify at at the the administrative hearing, if administrative hearing, if granted; granted;

5. Specific
5. Specific references references toto the the contested contested permit permit conditions, conditions, as as well well as as suggested suggested revised revised oror alternative alternative permit permit conditions, including conditions, including permit permit denials, denials, which, which, in in your your judgment, judgment, would would be be required required to implement the to implement the purposes of purposes of the the State State Act; Act;
6. Identification
6. Identification of of the the basis basis for for any any objection objection to to the the application application ofof control control oror treatment treatment technologies, technologies, if if identified in identified in the the basis basis or or fact fact sheets, sheets, and and the the alternative alternative technologies technologies or or combination combination of of technologies technologies which, in which, in your your judgment, judgment, are are necessary necessary to satisfy the to satisfy the requirements requirements of of the the State State Act; Act; C. The C. date you The date you received received notification notification of of the the final final permit permit decision; decision; The names D. The D. and addresses names and addresses of all persons of all persons whom whom youyou represent; represent; E. A E. A statement statement as as to to whether whether youyou raised raised each each legal legal and and factual factual issue issue during during the the public public comment comment period period inin accordance with accordance with N.JA.C.

N.JA.C. 7:14A-15.13 7:14A-15.13 [add if necessary: [add if anlinaa:rm:lana!with repep}e1 necessary: anlinaa:rm:lana!with repep}e1 NJA.C NJA.C 7:14A-B.4, 7:14A-B.4, ifif public cmunmt the public the period began cmunmt period began orenda:! before May orenda:! before May 5,5, 1997)]; 1997)]; F. An F. An estimate estimate ofof the the amount amount of of time time required required forfor the the hearing; hearing; G. A G. A request, request, ifif necessary, necessary, forfor aa barrier-free barrier-free hearing hearing location location forfor disabled disabled persons; persons; H. A H. A clear clear indication indication of of any any willingness willingness to to negotiate negotiate aa settlement settlement withwith the the Department Department priorprior toto the the Department's processing Department's processing of of your your hearing hearing request request toto the the Office Office ofof Administrative Administrative Law; Law; and and This fonn, I. This I. fonn, completed, completed, signed signed and and dated dated with all of with all of the the information information listed listed above, above, including including attachments, attachments, to:to: 1.

1. Office of Office of Legal Legal Affairs Affairs ATTENTION: Adjudicatory ATTENTION: Adjudicatory Hearing Hearing Requests Requests Department of Department of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection 401 East 401 East State State Street Street PO Box PO Box 402, 402, Trenton, Trenton, New New Jersey Jersey 08625-0402 08625-0402 2.
2. Pilar Patterson, Pilar Patterson, Chief, Chief, Bureau Bureau of of Pomt Pomt Source Source Pennitting Pennitting -- Region Region 2 2 Bureau of Bureau of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting Department of Department of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection 401 East 401 East State State Street Street PO Box PO Box 029, 029, Trenton, Trenton, New New Jersey Jersey 08625-0029 08625-0029 3.
3. Any other Any other person person named named on on the the permit (if you permit (if you are are aa permittee permittee under under that that permit).

permit). 4.

4. The permittee(s)

The permittee(s) ~f you you are are aa person person seeking seeking consideration consideration asas aa party party to the action). to the action). v.

v. Signature:

Signature: Date: _ Date: __ __ __ __ __ _ WOlking Cost WOlking Cost Center Center 4_;4_; Susan Rosenwinkel, Susan Rosenwinkel, Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permittinr. Permittinr. -- Region Region 22 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-11 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit


Response to to Comments Comments Page 11 of8 Page of8 Permit No. Permit No. NJ00254 NJ00254 11 11 New jersey New jersey Department Department of of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection Division of Division of Water Water Quality Quality Bureau of Bureau of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting -- Region Region 22 RESPONSE TO RESPONSE TO COMMENTS COMMENTS Comments Comments were were received received on on the the draft draft NJPDES NJPDES PermitPermit Renewal Renewal No. No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 issued issued onon November November 7, 7, 2002. The 2002. The thirty thirty (30)(30) day day public public comment comment period period began began on on November November 19, 19, 2002, 2002, when when thethe Public Public Notice Notice was published was published in in the Today's Sunbeam. the Today's Sunbeam. It was also It was also published published in in the the DEP DEP Bulletin Bulletin on on November November 13, 13, 2002. It 2002. ended on It ended on December December 19,2002. 19,2002. The The following following person[s] person[s] commented commented during during thethe public public comment comment period: period: I. I. Gabor Salamon, Gabor Salamon, Manager-Nuclear Manager-Nuclear Safety Safety andand Licensing, Licensing, PSE PSE Nuclear Nuclear LLC LLC in in aa letter letter dated dated December December 24, 24, 2002. 2002. A summary of A summary of thethe timely timely and and significant significant comments comments received, received, the the New New Jersey Jersey Department Department of of Environmental Protection'S Environmental Protection'S (Department) (Department) responsesresponses to to these these comments, comments, and' and' anan explanation explanation of of any any changes from changes from the the draft draft action action have have been been included included below: below: Comments on Comments on Chemical-Specific Chemical-Specific Conditions Conditions (orOut(alls (orOut(alls DSNs DSNs 461A, 461A, 461C, 461C, and and 462B 462B Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section 5, 5, page 0(28 -- Station page 55 0(28 Station Outfalls Outfalls and and Discharge Discharge Components Components Comment Comment 1: 1: The The draft draft permit permit states states that that "[While]

                                                                        "[While] thethe permittee's permittee's storm storm water water discharges discharges are are currently currently regulated under regulated   under StormStorm water water Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan requirements, requirements, the  the Department Department has    has determined determined it  it appropriate to appropriate     to regulate regulate the  the stormwater stormwater discharges discharges under under thethe General General Stormwater Stormwater Permit Permit NJ0088315 NJ0088315 which will which   will bebe issued issued uponupon finalization finalization of  of this this draft draft renewal renewal permit.".

permit.". PSEG PSEG Nuclear Nuclear LLC LLC ("hereafter ("hereafter PSEG") believes PSEG") believes it it is is not not appropriate appropriate to to regulate regulate the the stormwater stormwater discharges discharges under under thethe General General Stormwater Permit Stormwater Permit concurrent concurrent with with the the stormwater stormwater requirements requirements contained contained in in this this individual individual NJPDES NJPDES permit. The permit. The permit permit application application requested requested continued continued regulation regulation under under the the Storm Storm water water Pollution Pollution Prevention Plan Prevention Plan requirements requirements and and those those requirements requirements appearappear to to be be continued, continued, though though modified, modified, in in the the Draft permit. Draft permit. PSEG PSEG requests requests the the sentence sentence quoted quoted above above be be deleted. deleted.


Response 1: 1: The The Department Department agrees agrees that that the the inclusion inclusion of of this this sentence sentence waswas made made in in error. error. The The permittee permittee is correct is correct in in that that this this subject subject permit permit contains contains individual individual stormwater stormwater requirements requirements as as noted noted throughout throughout the the rest of rest of the the permit permit.... This This clarification clarification is is hereby hereby noted noted for for the the Administrative Administrative Record. Record. Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section 5, 5, page page 77 ofof 2828 -- Yard Yard Drains Drains (DSN's (DSN's 463A, 463A, 464A, 464A, 465A) 465A) Comment Comment 2: 2: The The Department Department has has renamed renamed outfall outfall DSN DSN 462A 462A as as outfall outfall DSN DSN 465 465 because because thethe NJEMS NJEMS database will database will notnot accept accept bothboth DSN DSN 462A462A and and DSN DSN 462B. 462B. DSN DSN 462B 462B has has been been retained retained because because it it has has aa regulatory history regulatory history wherewhere limits limits and and monitoring monitoring conditions conditions havehave been been set set and and data data have have been been collected. collected. PSEG reminds PSEG reminds the the Department Department that that DSN DSN 462A 462A also also has has aa regulatory regulatory history history where where limits limits and and monitoring monitoring conditions were conditions were set set and and data data have have been been collected collected forfor the the period period October October 1985 1985 through through March March 1997. 1997.


Response 2: 2: The The Department Department agrees agrees that that DSN DSN 462A 462A has has aa regulatory regulatory history history although although the the Department Department maintains that maintains that it is appropriate it is appropriate to to rename rename DSN DSN 462A462A as as outfall outfall DSN DSN 465465 in in this this subject subject permit permit action action due due Page B-12 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

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Response to to Comments Comments Page 22 of8 Page of8 Permit No. Permit No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 to the to the reason reason noted noted above. above. Therefore, Therefore, no no changes changes to to the the final final permit permit have have been been made made as as aa result result ofof this this

           .. comment, comment, although although the the Department Department notes notes this this information information for   for the the Administrative Administrative Record.Record.

Fact Sheet. Fact Sheet. Section Section 8.B. page 10 8.B. page 10 oi28 DSN 461A oi28 -- DSN 461A Comment 3: Comment 3: The The Department Department has has changed changed the the frequency frequency for for monitoring monitoring Chlorine Chlorine Produced Produced Oxidants Oxidants (CPO) from three (CPO) from three times times perper week week to to continuous continuous monitoring. monitoring. The The data data collected collected during during thethe three three times times perper week monitoring week monitoring conducted conducted by by PSEG PSEG during during the the term term ofof the the existing existing permit permit demonstrates demonstrates that that CPO CPO is is not normally not normally present present in in the the discharge discharge as as indicated indicated in in the the Permit Permit Summary Summary Table Table at at page page 1818 of of 28.

28. PSEG PSEG believes continuous believes continuous monitoring monitoring is is not not warranted warranted and and periodic periodic grabgrab sampling sampling is is more more appropriate.

appropriate. PSEG PSEG hashas responsibly responsibly performed performed an an evaluation evaluation to to determine determine the the CPO CPO concentration concentration when when there there was was aa reason to reason to believe believe unmonitored unmonitored CPO CPO may may havehave been been discharged. discharged. In In June June 2000, 2000, aa discharge discharge occurred occurred thatthat contained sodium contained sodium hypochlorite hypochlorite at at aa time time that that no no eftluent eftluent monitoring monitoring was was in in progress. progress. PSGEGPSGEG notified notified the Department, the Department, conducted conducted an an internal internal investigation, investigation, and and performed performed calculations calculations to to determine determine the the concentration of concentration of CPO CPO in in the the eftluent. eftluent. CPOCPO was was determined determined to to bebe within within the the limitations limitations of of the the NJPDES NJPDES Permit. Although Permit. Although aa continuous continuous monitoring monitoring device device would would havehave precluded precluded the the need need forfor PSEG PSEG to to calculate calculate the effluent the effluent CPOCPO concentrations, concentrations, aa continuous continuous monitoring monitoring devicedevice would would notnot have have changed changed the the eftluent eftluent concentration. concentration. Continuous chlorine analyzers Continuous chlorine analyzers were were installed installed to to monitor monitor thethe cooling cooling tower tower blowdown blowdown (DSN (DSN 461 461 A) A) until until 1997, when 1997, when the the Department Department modified modified the the requirement requirement for for CPO CPO monitoring monitoring to to three three times times perper week. week. The The inherent difficulty inherent difficulty of of maintaining maintaining analyzer analyzer operations operations in in this this region region of of the the Estuary Estuary waswas demonstrated demonstrated during this during this period period ofof continuous continuous monitoring. monitoring. The The two two primary primary methods methods for for continuous continuous chlorine chlorine analysis analysis are amerometric are amerometric and and specific-ion specific-ion electrode. electrode. The The high high suspended suspended solidssolids and and silt silt concentrations concentrations present present inin the Estuary the Estuary tend tend toto clog clog instrument instrument flowflow pats pats and and specific specific ionion electrode electrode membranes. membranes. The The abrasiveness abrasiveness of of the silt the silt also also causes causes excessive excessive wearwear on on moving moving components components such such asas pumps pumps and and valves. valves. These These factors factors limit limit the effectiveness the effectiveness of of continuous continuous chlorine chlorine analyzers analyzers because because of of the the extensive extensive routine routine andand corrective corrective maintenance. maintenance. PSEG requests PSEG requests thethe continuous continuous monitoring monitoring requirement requirement be be deleted. deleted. If If the the three three times times per per week week current current sampling program is sampling program is inadequate, inadequate, PSEG PSEG recommends recommends modifyingmodifying the the sample sample frequency frequency to to daily daily (seven (seven days per days per week). week). Response 3: Response 3: The The Department Department maintains maintains that that aa continuous continuous sampling sampling frequency frequency is is appropriate appropriate for for DS1'J DS1'J 461 A. This 461 A. This discharge discharge is is continuously continuously chlorinated chlorinated and and isis of of aa significant significant volume. volume. In In addition, addition, the the Department notes Department notes that that there there was was aa unanticipated unanticipated discharge discharge of of chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants oxidants in in June June 2000. 2000. Although the Although the Department Department agreesagrees that that the the installation installation of of continuous continuous chlorine chlorine monitors monitors may may not not have have prevented this prevented this discharge. discharge. the the presence presence of of continuous continuous chlorine chlorine monitors monitors could could have have better better evaluated evaluated the the amount of amount of chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants oxidants in in the the discharge discharge in in comparison comparison to to an an evaluation evaluation by by calculations. calculations. No changes No changes to to the the permit permit havehave been been mademade as as aa result result ofof this this comment. comment. Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section 8.B, page 11 8.B, page 11 of28 of28 -- DSNDSN 461A461A Comment 4: Comment 4: The The last last paragraph paragraph indicates indicates thatthat effluent effluent limitations limitations for for oil oil and and grease grease have have been been included included at DSN 461A. at DSN 461A. For For clarification, clarification, thethe parameter parameter limited limited atat DSN DSN 46lC46lC equivalent equivalent to to oil oil and and grease grease is is total total petroleum hydrocarbons. petroleum hydrocarbons. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-13 License Renewal Application

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Response to to Comments Comments Page 33 of8 Page of8 Permit No. Permit No. NJ002S411 NJ002S411 Response 4: Response 4: The The permittee permittee is is correct correct in in noting noting that that total total petroleum petroleum hydrocarbons hydrocarbons is is limited limited at at DSN DSN 461 461 C;C; therefore, therefore, this this sentence sentence on on page page 1111 erroneously erroneously identifies identifies oil oil and and grease grease as as opposed opposed to to total total petroleum hydrocarbons. petroleum hydrocarbons. The The Department Department has has correctly correctly notednoted that that total total petroleum petroleum hydrocarbons hydrocarbons is is limited at limited at DSN DSN 461 461 C C as as indicated indicated on on page page 55 of of Part Part III III as as well well as as on on pages pages 12 12 and and 1919 ofthe ofthe Fact Fact Sheet. Sheet. TIle Department TIle Department hereby hereby notes notes this this clarification clarification pertaining pertaining to to page page II II for for the the Administrative Administrative Record. Record. Because the Because the correct correct parameter parameter is is included included on on page page 55 ofof Part Part III, III, no no changes changes to to the the final final permit permit areare necessary as necessary as aa result result of of this this comment. comment. Fact Sheet. Fact Sheet. Section Section S.h.,S.h., page page 13 13 of28 of28 -- DSN DSN 462B 462B Comment Comment 5: 5: The The Department Department has has incorporated incorporated aa monthlymonthly averageaverage concentration concentration limit limit forfor BODS BODS of of 30 30 mgIL and mgIL and aa weekly weekly limitlimit ofof 45 45 mgIL mgIL as as DSN DSN 4628.4628. PSEGPSEG believes believes these these newnew limitations limitations are are not not appropriate for appropriate for this this discharge. discharge. The The reference reference to to N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 114A-12.2(b) 4A-12.2(b) is is not not appropriate appropriate since since DSNDSN 462B discharges 462B discharges to to DSN DSN 461A461A and, and, therefore, therefore, DSN DSN 462B 462B is is not not aa "direct "direct discharge". discharge". NJ.A.C.7:14A-NJ.A.C.7:14A-12.2 is 12.2 is only only applicable applicable to to aa direct direct discharge. discharge. Upon Upon completion completion of of the the rerouting rerouting of of the the DSN DSN 462B462B discharge to discharge to DSN DSN 461A,461A, thisthis isis an an internal internal monitoring monitoring point point and and not not aa direct direct discharge discharge (1997 (1997 Permit Permit Fact Fact Sheet, page Sheet, page 60 60 ofof 86). 86). The Department The Department indicatesindicates these these limitations limitations are are particularly particularly appropriate appropriate where where the the flow flow volumes volumes fluctuate fluctuate over time. The over time. The effluent effluent flowflow from from DSNDSN 462B 462B for for January January 2001 2001 through through February February 2002 2002 was was anan average average of 0.01 of 0.01 MGD MGD and and aa maximum maximum of of 0.03 0.03 MGD, MGD, and and for for the the period period of of April April 1997 1997 through through MarchMarch 2001 2001 the the effluent flow effluent flow waswas an an average average of of 0.02 0.02 MGDMGD and and aa maximum maximum of of 0.07 0.07 MGD MGD (Permit (Permit Summary Summary Table, Table, page page 200f28). The 200f28). The maximum maximum effluent effluent flowflow during during thatthat five five year year period period waswas only only 25%25% of of the the design design flow flow of of the sewage the sewage treatment treatment plant plant (0.28MGD) (0.28MGD) and and thethe range range of of values values does does not not indicate indicate aa highly highly variable variable flow flow that would that would warrant warrant imposition imposition of of additional additional limitations. limitations. The The monthly monthly minimum minimum PercentPercent Removal Removal of of BODS limitation BODS limitation of of 87.5% 87.5% (more (more stringent stringent than than NJ.A.C. NJ.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-12.2(b) 14A-12.2(b) and and the the monthly monthly average average loadingloading limitation for limitation for BODS BODS of8 of8 kg/day kg/day (based (based on on the the DRBC DRBC allocation) allocation) have have beenbeen adequate adequate since since the the 1985 1985 NJPDES Permit NJPDES Permit and and new new limitations limitations are are not not warranted warranted at at this this time. time.


Response 5: 5: The The Department Department has has determined determined that that the the intent ofNJ.A.C. 7: intent ofNJ.A.C. 7: 14A-12.2(b) 14A-12.2(b) is is that that the the limitations contained limitations contained in in this this regulation regulation pertain pertain to to direct direct discharges discharges to to surface surface water water as as opposed opposed to to discharges to discharges to aa municipal municipal utilities utilities authority authority which which then then discharge discharge to to surface surface waters. waters. Therefore, Therefore, the the Department does Department does not not agree agree that that N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-12.2(b) 14A-12.2(b) should should be be interpreted interpreted to to mean mean thatthat these these limitations are limitations are not not appropriate appropriate for. for. this this internal internal monitoring monitoring point. point. These These secondlY)' secondlY)' treatment treatment limitations limitations set t.~e standard set standard for for the the level level ofof treatment treatment appropriate appropriate for for sanitary sanitary discharges discharges and the Department and the Department maintains that maintains that they they areare appropriate appropriate for for DSN DSN 461 461 CC since since it it is is aa sanitary sanitary discharge. discharge. .. The Department also The Department also maintains maintains that that concentration concentration limits limits areare particularly particularly appropriate appropriate for for this this discharge discharge given the given the variable variable flow flow rates rates ofof influent influent sanitary sanitary wastewater. wastewater. It It is is the the Department's Department's understanding understanding that that the amount the amount of of personnel personnel present present at at the the plant plant cancan widely widely fluctuate fluctuate during during refueling refueling outages outages given given the the fact fact that the that the facility facility makes makes use use ofof this this time time to to maintain maintain Station Station operations operations which which result result in in the the presence presence of of additional Station additional Station personnel. personnel. Therefore, Therefore, the the Department Department has has determined determined that that both both concentration concentration and and mass limitations mass limitations are are appropriate appropriate for for this this discharge. discharge. The Department recognizes The Department recognizes that that the the permittee permittee typically typically discharges discharges well well below below the the design design flowflow rate; rate; however, N.J.A.C. however, N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-12.2 14A-12.2 does does notnot make make exception exception for for this this circumstance. circumstance. The The Department Department also also recognizes that recognizes that the the mass mass limit limit of of 88 kg/day kg/day for for BODS BODS may may be be more more stringent stringent than than the the concentration concentration limits limits at N.l.A.C. at N.l.A.C. 7: 7: 14A*12.2 14A*12.2 given given certain certain flowflow circumstances; circumstances; however, however, the the Department Department has has determined determined that that it is it is required required to to apply apply these these concentration concentration limits. limits. Page B-14 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

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Response to to Comments Comments Page4of8 Page4of8 Permit No. Permit No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 No changes No changes to to the the permit permit have have been been made made as as aa resuit resuit ofof this this comment. comment. Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section S.b, S.b, page page 13 13 or28 or28 -- DSN DSN 462B 462B Comment 6: Comment 6: The The Fact Fact Sheet Sheet states states that that there there is is aa weekly weekly average average TSS TSS limitations limitations of of 45 45 mg/L mg/L at at DSN DSN 4628 4628 inin the the current current permit permit and and thus thus this this limitation limitation was was retained. retained. The The weekly weekly average average TSSTSS limitation limitation was was deleted from deleted from DSNDSN 462B462B upon upon rerouting rerouting DSN DSN 462B 462B to to discharge discharge to to DSN DSN 461A 461A (see (see 1997 1997 NJPDES NJPDES Permit, Part Permit, Part HI-B/C, Section I.C.2). HI-B/C, Section I.C.2). TheThe Fact Fact sheet sheet for for the the 1997 1997 NJPDES NJPDES Permit Permit states states that that "the "the seven-seven-day average day average limitation limitation of of 45 45 mg/L mg/L will will bebe deleted deleted since since this this will will bebe anan internal internal monitoring monitoring point point and and there will there will not not bebe aa direct direct discharge". discharge". Since Since the the limitation limitation is is not not retained retained from from the the current current Permit Permit andand DSN 462B DSN 462B is is not not aa direct direct discharge, discharge, PSEGPSEG requests requests thethe weekly weekly average average limitation limitation for for TSS TSS be be deleted. deleted. Response 6: Response 6: The The Department Department recognizes recognizes that that itit has has incorrectly incorrectly stated stated that that thethe weekly weekly average average limitation limitation for TSS has for TSS has been been retained retained from from the the existing existing permit. permit. Nonetheless, Nonetheless, based based on on the the rationale rationale indicated indicated in in Response 55 above, Response above, the the Department Department maintains maintains that that inclusion inclusion of of this this limit limit is is appropriate appropriate basedbased onon the the secondary treatment secondary treatment standards. standards. No changes No changes to to the the permit permit have have been been made made as as aa result result of of this this comment. comment. Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section 8.K, 8.K, page page 16 16 or28 or28 -- DSNDSN 461A 461A Comment Comment 7: 7: Consistent Consistent withwith the the comments comments above above regarding regarding continuous continuous CPO CPO monitoring, monitoring, if if the the Department determines Department determines that that continuous continuous CPO CPO monitoring monitoring is is not not required, required, the the schedule schedule of of compliance compliance would not would not be be required. required. Response 7: Response 7: Please Please refer refer to to Response Response 3. 3. Fact Sheet, Fact Sheet, Section Section 13, 13, page page 20 20 ofof 28 28 Comment 8: Comment 8: The The pennit pennit summary summary tabletable for for DSN DSN 462B462B indicates indicates thatthat there there is is aa 45 45 mg/L mg/L TSS TSS weekly weekly average limitation. As average limitation. As discussed discussed above, above, the the current current permit permit does does notnot contain contain aa weekly weekly average average limitation limitation of reporting of reporting requirement requirement for for TSS. TSS.


Response 8: 8: The The Department Department agrees agrees thatthat the the 4545 mg/L mg/L TSS TSS weekly weekly average average limitation limitation waswas deleted deleted inin the the February 14, February 14, 1997 1997 NJPDES NJPDES Permit Permit as as noted noted in in Section Section I.C.2, I.C.2, Part III-B/C. Nonetheless, Part III-B/C. Nonetheless, the the Department Department has determined has determined it it appropriate appropriate to to include include this this limitation limitation at at this this time time forfor the the reasons reasons discussed discussed in in Response


6. 6. Permit, Part Permit, Part III. III. Section Section A.A. Table Table ill-B-l, ill-B-l, page page 22 ofof 16 16 Comment 9: Comment 9: As As discussed discussed above, above, PSEG PSEG believes believes continuous continuous monitoring monitoring is is not not warranted warranted andand periodic periodic grab sampling is grab sampling is more more appropriate. appropriate. The The continuous continuous monitoring monitoring requirement requirement identified identified as as "final" "final" should should be deleted be deleted and and thethe three three times times per per week week grabgrab sample sample identified identified as as "initial" "initial" should should be be retained retained forfor the the term term of the of the Permit. Permit. Response 9: Response 9: Please Please refer refer to to Response Response 3. 3. Permit, Part Permit, Part ill, Section A, ill, Section A, Table Table III-C-2, III-C-2, pagepage 66 ofof 16 16 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-15 License Renewal Application

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Response to to Comments Comments Page 55 of8 Page of8 Pennit No. Pennit No. NJ00254 NJ00254 II 11 Comment Comment 10: 10: The The Quantification Quantification Limit Limit of20 of20 micrograms micrograms per per iiter iiter for for Ammonia Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrogen (as:N) (as:N) isis not not achievable using achievable using approved approved analytical analytical methodologies methodologies by by the New Jersey the New Jersey Certified Certified Laboratories Laboratories contacted. contacted. The Department The Department has has recognized recognized the the challenge challenge of of meeting meeting the the Recommended Recommended Quantitation Quantitation -Levels

                                                                                                                                             -Levels (hereafter "RQLs")

(hereafter "RQLs") at at the the Fact Fact Sheet, Sheet, Section Section 8.E., 8.E., page page 14 14 of28 of28 in in stating stating that that "the "the quantitation quantitation levels levels listed therein listed therein cancan bebe reliably reliably and and consistently consistently achieved achieved by by most most state state certified certified laboratories laboratories for for most most ofof the the pollutants" (emphasis pollutants" (emphasis added). added). AmmoniaAmmonia Nitrogen Nitrogen appears appears to to be be one one of of the the exceptions. exceptions. The The Delaware Delaware Estuary in Estuary in the the vicinity vicinity of of the the Station Station has has aa background background ammonia ammonia nitrogen nitrogen concentration concentration of of approximately approximately five to five to .ten

                     .ten times times thethe proposed proposed RQL. RQL. PSEG PSEG recommends recommends the    the RQL RQL for for Ammonia Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrogen be  be changed changed to  to 100 micrograms 100   micrograms per    per liter.

liter. Additionally, Additionally, PSEG PSEG requests requests clarification clarification that that the tenn Recommended the tenn Recommended Quantitation Level Quantitation Level as as used used in in this this section section has has the the same same meaning meaning as as the tenn QuantificationLimit the tenn QuantificationLimit as as used used in Part in Part III of the III of the Penn Penn it,it, or or the the Department Department provideprovide aa description description of of the the difference difference and and how how these these would would be applied. be applied.


Response 10: 10: TheThe Department Department agrees agrees that that inclusion inclusion of of the the RQL RQL of of 20 20 ug/L ug/L waswas made made in in error error in in this this section which section which pertains pertains toto the the Wastewater Wastewater Characterization Characterization Requirements Requirements for for DSN DSN 461 461 C. C. The The Department has Department has deleted deleted the the RQL RQL for for DSN DSN 461C461C inin this this fmal fmal penn penn itit action action andand has has not not specified specified an an RQL RQL for ammonia. for ammonia. For purposes of For purposes of clarification, clarification, the the tenn tenn "quantification "quantification limit", limit", asas used used on on page page 14 14 of28 of28 ofof the the Fact Fact Sheet, Sheet, is used is used interchangeably interchangeably with with the the term term "recommended "recommended quantitation quantitation level'; level'; asas used used onon page page 66 ofof 16 16 of of Part Part III as III as well well asas in in other other areas areas of of the the permit. permit. Permit. Part Permit. ill, Section Part ill, Section A, A, Table m-D-l. page Table m-D-l. page 77 ofof 16 16 Comment Comment 11: 11: As As discussed discussed above above (see (see comments comments regarding regarding Fact Fact Sheet, Sheet, Section Section 8.B., 8.B., page page 13 13 of29), of29), PSEG believes PSEG believes imposition imposition of of these these newnew BODS BODS limitations limitations are are not not appropriate appropriate for for this this discharge. discharge. Response 11: Response 11: Please Please refer refer to to Response Response 5. 5. Permit, Part Permit, III, Section Part III, Section A, A, Table m-D-l. page Table m-D-l. page 88 ofof 16 16 Comment Comment 12: 12: AsAs discussed discussed above above (see (see comments comments regarding regarding Fact Fact Sheet, Sheet, Section Section S.b., S.b., page page 13 13 of of 28), 28), PSEG believes PSEG believes imposition imposition of of this this new new TSSTSS limitation limitation is is not not appropriate appropriate for for this this ,gischarge.


Response 12: Response 12: Please Please refer refer to to Response Response 6. 6. Permit, Part Permit, Part IV,IV, Section Section E.l.e, E.l.e, pagepage 33 of of 12 12 Comment Comment 13: 13: PSEG PSEG believes believes the the parenthetical parenthetical limitation limitation following following the the authorization authorization to to utilize utilize sodium sodium hypochlorite is hypochlorite is inappropriate. inappropriate. The The parenthetical parenthetical limits limits sodium sodium hypochlorite hypochlorite usage usage by by stating stating "although "although not in not in excess excess of of two two houl'S houl'S perper day". day". Sodium Sodium hypochlorite hypochlorite is is normally normally continuously continuously added added to the to the systems. PSEG systems. PSEG is is limited limited to to discharging discharging chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants oxidants to to two two hours hours per per day day from from the the addition of addition of sodium sodium hypochlorite hypochlorite and and meets meets this this requirement requirement by by dechlorinating dechlorinating the the effluent effluent of of the the cooling cooling tower blowdown tower blowdown using using ammonium ammonium bisulfite bisulfite before before discharge. discharge. This This limitation limitation is is contained contained in in Part Part IV, IV, G.l. PSEG Section G.l. Section PSEG request request deletion deletion of of the the parenthetical parenthetical following following the the words words "sodium "sodium hypochlorite". hypochlorite".


Response 13: 13: The The Department Department has has reviewed reviewed the the condition condition in in Section Section B.t.e. B.t.e. and and agrees agrees that that the the parenthetical reference parenthetical reference to to "although "although not not in in excess excess ofof two two hours hours per per day" day" is is unnecessary unnecessary given given the the Page B-16 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Response to Response to Comments Comments Page Page 6 6 of8 of8 Permit No. Permit No. NJ00254 NJ00254 1111 referenced in referenced in this this same same condition condition to to item item G.1. G.1. This This parenthetical parenthetical phrase phrase hashas been been deleted deleted inin the the final final permit action. This permit action. This change change affects affects itemitem E.i.e, E.i.e, page page 33 of of 12 12 in in Part Part IV. IV. Clarification to Clarification to Final Final Permit Permit Initiated Initiated by by thethe Department Department Item 9.b.o Item Part IV 9.b.o Part IV Please note that Please note that as as per per aa request request from from the the Delaware Delaware River River Basin Basin Commission, Commission, the the Department Department has has slightly modified slightly modified the the language language in in item item 9.b. 9.b. ofof Part Part IV IV inin this this fmal fmal permit permit action action where where this this language language pertains to pertains to the the applicable applicable DRBC DRBC dOcument. dOcument. Conditions Related Conditions Related to to Part Part IV. Section Stormwater IV. Section Stormwater

            .. Permit Permit effluent effluent limitations, limitations, non-numeric non-numeric effluenteffluent limitations, limitations, monitoring monitoring requirements, requirements, Best  Best Management Practices Management         Practices (BMPs)

(BMPs) and and other other conditions conditions are are authorized authorized by by the the Federal Federal Water Water Pollution Pollution Act (33 Control Act Control (33 U.S.C. U.S.C. 12511251 ~ ~.), and and the the New New Jersey Jersey State State Water Water PoI\ution PoI\ution Control Control Act Act (N.J.S.A. (N.J.S.A. 58: lOA-I 58: lOA-I ~ ~.). These These statutes statutes areare implemented implemented by by the the National National Po\lutant Po\lutant Discharge Discharge Elimination Elimination System (NJPDES) System (NJPDES) (40 (40 CFRCFR 122)122) andand thethe New New Jersey Jersey PoI\utant PoI\utant Discharge Discharge Elimination Elimination System System (NJPDES) (NJPDES) 7:14A) permit (N.l.A.C. 7:14A) (N.l.A.C. permit program. program. Concerning Concerning the the permit permit renewal, renewal, the the NJDEP NJDEP is is authorized authorized underunder the the federal federal regulations regulations (40 (40 CFR CFR 122.4) 122.4) and under and under NJPDES NJPDES rules rules (N.J.A.C. (N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-6.2(b>> 14A-6.2(b>> to to impose impose BMPs BMPs to control and to control and abate abate thethe discharge discharge of of pollutants. The pollutants. The NJDEP NJDEP may may impose impose BMPs BMPs whenwhen BMPs BMPs are are reasonably reasonably necessary necessary to to achieve achieve effluent effluent limitations and limitations and standards standards to to carry carry out out the the purposes purposes and and intent of the intent of the State State and and Federal Federal Acts. Acts. Additionally, the Additionally, the NJDEP NJDEP believes believes that that it it is is not not feasible feasible at at this this time time toto establish establish water water quality quality based based effluent limits effluent limits (WQBEL) (WQBEL) for for this this stormwater stormwater discharge. discharge. The The proposed proposed limitations limitations incorporated incorporated in in the the SPPP are SPPP are consistent consistent with with the the NJDEP's NJDEP's and and USEPA's USEPA's Stormwater Stormwater permitting permitting philosophy philosophy of of reducing reducing the the amount of amount of pollution pollution created created and and toto prevent prevent pollution pollution from from occurring occurring in in the the first first place place (see (see 24 24 N.J.R N.J.R 2352). 2352). The primary method The primary method used used in in NJPDES NJPDES Stormwater Stormwater Permits, Permits, since since the the formation formation of of the the Stormwater Stormwater Permit Permit Program, has Program, has been been thethe Stormwater Stormwater PollutionPollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan (SPPP). (SPPP). Since Since thethe inception inception ofNJDEP's ofNJDEP's Stormwater Permit Stormwater Permit Program Program the the approach approach to to the the abatement abatement ofpoI\utants ofpoI\utants in in sto11Dwater sto11Dwater has has focused focused on on po\lution prevention po\lution prevention ratherrather thanthan end end of of pipe pipe treatment. treatment. The The SPPP SPPP requirements requirements and and monitoring monitoring requirements operate requirements operate as as limitations limitations and and control control on on stormwater stormwater effluent effluent discharges discharges to to prevent prevent stormwater stormwater contamination and contamination and are are intended intended to to achieve achieve BestBest Available Available Technology Technology Economically Economically Achievable Achievable (BAT)(BAT) and Best and Best Conventional Conventional PollutantPollutant Control Control Technology Technology (BCT). (BCT). The The SPPP SPPP focuses focuses on on several several areas areas ofof control, such control, such as as inventory, inventory, mapping, mapping, inspections, inspections, schedules schedules and and very very importantly importantly BestBest Management Management Practices (BMPs). Practices (BMPs). The BMPs incorporated The BMPs incorporated in in any any facility's facility's SPPP SPPP are are the the primary primary mechanism mechanism used used in in stormwater stormwater management to management to eliminate eliminate the the discharge discharge ofpo\lutants ofpo\lutants into into the the State's State's receiving receiving waters. waters. It It has has been been the the position of position of the the NJDEP NJDEP that that inin the the circumstance circumstance when when the the elimination elimination of of contact contact with with source source material material is is not an not an economically economically viable viable option option for for aa facility facility thethe NJDEP NJDEP may may require require the the reduction reduction of of the the pollutant pollutant load using load using BMPs. BMPs. This This is is done done through through an an individual individual facility facility permit permit and and would would also also include include aa determination that determination that the the receiving receiving waterwater quality quality is is not not being being adversely adversely impacted. impacted. This This difference difference between between the elimination the elimination of of pollutants pollutants and and thethe reduction reduction of of pollutants pollutants entering entering aa facility's facility's stormwater stormwater runoff runoff isis how how the NJDEP the NJDEP approaches approaches permitting permitting aa facility. facility. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-17 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit


Response to to Comments Comments Page 7 Page ofS 7 ofS Permit No. Permit No. NJ00254 NJ00254 1 111 The State's Basic The State's Basic industriai industriai Stormwater Stormwater Discharge Discharge Generai Generai Permit Permit ("the ("the General General Permit" Permit" NJ00883 NJ00883 is) is) regulates aa facility regulates facility towards towards achieving achieving the the goal goal ofof eliminating eliminating contact contact of of source source material material withwith stormwater stormwater runoff, which runoff, which hashas been been informally informally referred referred to to as as the the "no "no exposure" exposure" requirement. requirement. The The belief belief being being thatthat the greatest the greatest environmental environmental benefitbenefit would would be be derived derived fromfrom the the complete complete elimination elimination of of exposure exposure of of source source material. Therefore, material. Therefore, the the NJDEP NJDEP Stormwater Stormwater Permitting Permitting Program Program has has structured structured permits, permits, which which are are available to available to the the regulated regulated community, community, with with anan incentive incentive to to apply apply for for the the General General Permit Permit by by having having reduced fees reduced fees and and administrative administrative costs, costs, and and byby eliminating eliminating requirements requirements for for monitoring/sampling. monitoring/sampling. The The reason behind reason behind eliminating eliminating monitoring monitoring in in the the general general permit permit goes goes toto the the premise premise that that if if you you eliminate eliminate the the you eliminate source you source eliminate the the need need to to monitor. monitor. Those facilities Those facilities for for various various economic economic reasons reasons who who can can not not comply comply with with thethe "no "no exposure" exposure" performance performance standard standard inin the the general general permit permit must must apply apply forfor an an individual individual permit. permit. Individual Individual permits permits require require sampling sampling and monitoring. and monitoring. The The mainmain purpose purpose for for including including sampling sampling and and monitoring monitoring requirements requirements in in an an individual individual stormwater permit stormwater permit is is to to verify verify that that BMPs BMPs are effective in are effective in controlling controlling and and abating abating pollutants pollutants in in the the facility's stormwater facility's stormwater runoff,runoff, andand toto evaluate evaluate whether whether the the discharge discharge is is negatively negatively impacting impacting the the receiving receiving water. water. After review After review of of the the facility's facility's SPPP SPPP and and prior prior toto drafting drafting today's today's final final permit permit NJDEP NJDEP contacted contacted the the Permittee, PSEG Nuclear Permittee, PSEG Nuclear LLC LLC ("PSEG"), ("PSEG"), regarding regarding the the option option of of applying applying for for an an authorization authorization under under thethe General Permit. General Permit. PSEGPSEG declined declined to to apply apply forfor the the General General Permit Permit Authorization Authorization and and requested requested that that storm water storm water continue continue to to be be permitted permitted underunder its its individual individual permit. permit. BasedBased on PSEG's request on PSEG's request NJDEP NJDEP concluded that concluded that the the Hope Hope Creek Creek facility facility still still has has exposed exposed source source material material that that contacts contacts its its stormwater stormwater runoff and runoff and therefore therefore mustmust bebe regulated regulated based based on on the the policies policies outlined outlined above. above. This This would would include include sampling and sampling and monitoring monitoring of of its its stormwater stormwater discharge, discharge, which which isis why why thisthis was was included included in in the the proposed proposed permit. permit. PSEG, has PSEG, has commented commented that, that, "The Department reviewed "The Department reviewed the the stormwater stormwater study study in in the the October October 31, 31, 1996 1996 Draft Draft NJPDES NJPDES Permit Permit Fact Fact Sheet ("1996 Sheet ("1996 Fact Fact Sheet") Sheet") and and stated stated that that the the "stormwater "stormwater study study demonstrated demonstrated that that representative representative monitoring of monitoring of stormwater stormwater could could not not be be achieved achieved with with thethe existing existing conveyance conveyance system system elevations elevations due due to to tidal intrusion tidal intrusion inin the the system system by by Delaware Delaware RiverRiver water" water" (1996 (1996 Fact Fact Sheet, Sheet, Page Page 6S 6S of of 86). 86). TheThe Department Department further determined further determined that that modifications modifications to to the the existing existing conveyance conveyance system system elevatigns elevatigns were were notnot practical practical (1996 Fact (1996 Fact Sheet, Sheet, page page 65 65 of86)." of86)." This statement This statement made made in in the the 1996 1996 FactFact Sheet Sheet was was aa summary summary of of the the conclusions conclusions made made by by PSEG PSEG in in its its stormwater study dated stormwater study dated July 13, 1990 July 13, 1990 and and diddid not not represent represent thethe opinion opinion of of the the NJDEP. NJDEP. The The opinions opinions expressed by expressed by NJDEP NJDEP regarding regarding the the stormwater stormwater study study andand the the implementation implementation of of capital capital projects projects by by PSEG PSEG actually began actually began with with thethe final final paragraph paragraph of of page page 66 66 ofof 86 86 Pages Pages andand stated, stated, "As aa result "As result ofof the the implementation implementation of of the the capital capital projects projects andand the the BMP BMP required required underunder thethe ACO, ACO, the the average TSS values average TSS values reported reported on on Hope Hope Creek Creek Generating Generating Station's Station's DMRsDMRs since since 1992 1992 have have consistently consistently been iower been iower than than the the vaiues vaiues reported reported priorprior toto the the instaiiation instaiiation of of the the capital capital projects projects andand the the BMP. BMP. The The NJDEP's Bureau NJDEP's Bureau of of Stormwater Stormwater Permitting Permitting and and thethe Bureau Bureau of of Standard Standard Permitting Permitting have have inspected inspected the the site and site and have have determined determined that that the the continued continued use ofBMPs instead use ofBMPs instead of of numeric numeric limits limits isis the the most most appropriate means appropriate means of of regulating regulating the the discharge discharge of of pollutants pollutants fromfrom this this site site in in stormwater stormwater runoff'runoff' (Page(Page 6767 of86 Pages)." of86 Pages)." Page B-18 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit


Response to to Comments Comments 80fR Page 80fR Page Pennit No. Pennit No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411

              .s the
              .s      NJDEP's position the NJDEP's        position that that the the DMR DMR data data was was representative representative since  since the the decision decision to  to remove remove the  the numeric     limitations was numeric limitations          was inin part part based based onon the the evaluation evaluation of    of the the perfonnance perfonnance of    of the the BMPs BMPs using   using the the DMK DMK data as data   as stated stated in in the the aforementioned aforementioned paragraph.

paragraph. As As indicated indicated by by PSEG, PSEG, the the NJDEP NJDEP did did replace replace the the numeric effluent numeric effluent limitations limitations and and monitoring monitoring conditions conditions in in the the existing pennit for existing pennit for the the stonriwater stonriwater outfalls outfalls with BMPs with BMPs and and Page Page 67 of 86 67 of 86 ofof the the fact fact sheet sheet stated stated this; this; "The Department finds "The Department finds that that thethe continuance continuance of of the the numeric numeric effiuent effiuent limitations limitations and and monitoring monitoring conditions is conditions is unwarranted unwarranted and and infeasible infeasible based based on on the the following: following: 1) 1) the the tidal tidal intrusion intrusion of of the the Delaware Delaware River into River into the the stonnwater stonnwater conveyance conveyance system system reported reported in in the the stonnwater stonnwater study study submitted submitted by by the the pennittee in pennittee in 1990; 1990; andand 2)2) the the material material andand substantial substantial changes changes at at the the facility facility implemented implemented between between 1989 1989 and 1992 and 1992 through through its its capital capital improvement improvement projectsprojects andand implementation implementation of of the the BMPs BMPs suchsuch as as minimization and minimization and elimination elimination of of contact contact of of source source materials materials with with stonnwater stonnwater runoffrunoff.... "" As PSEG noted As PSEG noted in in its its comments, comments, this this paragraph paragraph does does state state and and confinn confinn PSEG's PSEG's conclusion conclusion that that the the numeric limitations numeric limitations are are unwarranted unwarranted and and infeasible infeasible based based in in part part on on the the tidal tidal intrusion intrusion of of the the Delaware Delaware River in River in the the stonnwater stonnwater conveyance conveyance system.system. However, However, it it does does not not specifically specifically identify identify representative representative sampling as sampling as the the basis basis for for itit being being unwarranted unwarranted and and infeasible. infeasible. The The statement statement doesdoes notnot go go into into detail detail as as to to how the how the writer writer arrived arrived atat this this decision. decision. Notwithstanding, Notwithstanding, the the NJDEP's NJDEP's position position rs rs that that thethe samples samples collected must collected must have have been been representative representative if if the the numeric numeric limitations limitations were were in in part part removed removed and and replaced replaced with BMPs with BMPs using "DMR data. using "DMR data. In In retrospect retrospect the the NJDEP NJDEP believes believes thatthat the the statement statement should should have have been been documented further. documented further. In addition, due In addition, due toto the the capital capital project project instituted instituted at at the the facility, facility, which which resulted resulted in in changes in changes in the the management management of of stonnwater stonnwater runoff, runoff, newnew representative representative sample sample locations locations and and continuous continuous monitoring could monitoring could have have been been included included in in the the 1997 1997 final final pennit, pennit, as as per per the the January January II, II, 1990 1990 Administrative Consent Administrative Consent OrderOrder (ACO)(ACO) thatthat states states inin paragraph paragraph 23: 23:

           "" PSE&G PSE&G shall shall develop develop and and implement implement aa Best  Best Management Management Practices Practices Plan Plan ('BMPP")

('BMPP") to to control control thethe discharge of discharge of suspended suspended solids solids in in stonnwater stonnwater runoffrunoff from from the the site site and and aa plan plan of of study study ("the ("the Study") Study") to to detennine the detennine the most most feasible feasible method method by by which which representative representative monitoring monitoring of of stonnwater stonnwater outfalls outfalls 462A, 462A, 463A and 463A and 464 464 maymay bebe perfonned perfonned to to account account for for all all applicable applicable sources sources of of stonnwater stonnwater originating originating from from the the site in site in accordance accordance with with the the enforcement enforcement compliance compliance scheduleschedule in in paragraph paragraph twenty twenty -five

                                                                                                                                   -five (25)."

(25)." Additionally, Additionally, the the Draft Draft Fact Fact Sheet Sheet noticed noticed on on November November 19,2002,19,2002, did did state state that that the the stonnwater stonnwater drainagedrainage systems may systems may contain contain Delaware Delaware River River water. water. In In consideration consideration of of the the above above mentiened mentiened facts, facts, and and based based on the on the comments comments received received by by PSEG, PSEG, NJDEP NJDEP is is renewing renewing today's today's pennit pennit with with t\Ij) stonnwater t\Ij) stonnwater requirements contained requirements contained in in the the 1997 1997 fmal fmal permit. permit. TheThe NJDEP NJDEP wi!! wi!! re-evaluate re-evaluate the the infonnation infonnation submitted submitted by PSEG by PSEG regarding regarding the the intrusion intrusion of of water water from from thethe Delaware Delaware River River andand representative representative samplingsampling of of the the conveyance system; conveyance system; and and will will inspect inspect the the site site with with PSEG PSEG to to specifically specifically identify identify new new representative representative sample locations sample locations for for the the stonnwater stonnwater discharge discharge from from thethe areas areas ofof industrial industrial activity. activity. The The pennit pennit will will then then be modified be modified to to include include thethe appropriate appropriate sampling sampling and and monitoring monitoring requirements requirements used used for for individual individual pennits pennits to verifY to verifY the the perfonnance perfonnance of of the the BMPs BMPs based based on on the the current current NJDEPNJDEP policies policies outlined outlined in in the the statements statements above. above. Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-19 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit DISCHARGE ELIMINATION DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM SYSTEM The New The New Jersey Jersey Department Department of of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection hereby hereby grants grants you you a a NJPDES NJPDES permit permit for for the the facility/activity facility/activity named named in in this this document. document. This This permn permn is is the the regulatory regulatory mechanism mechanism used by the used by the Department Department toto help help ensure ensure your your discharge will not discharge will not harm harm the the environment environment By By complying complying with with the the terms terms and conditions and conditions specified, specified, you you are are assuming assuming an an important important role role in in protecting protecting New New Jersey's Jersey's valuable valuable water water resources. resources. YourYour acceptance acceptance ofof this this permit permit is is anan agreement to agreement to conform conform with with all all of its provisions of its provisions when when constructing, constructing, installing, installing, modifying, modifying, or or operating operating any any facilijy facilijy for for the the collection, collection, treatment, treatment, or or discharge of discharge of pollutants pollutants to to walers walers ofof the the .state. If you

                                                     .state. If you have have any any questions questions about about this this documen~ please please feel feel free free to to contact contact thethe Department Department representative representative In the tisted In tisted     the permn permn cover cover letter.

letter. Your Your cooperation cooperation inin helping helping us us protect protect and and safeguard safeguard our our state's state's environment environment is is appreciated. appreciated. Permit Number: Permit Number: NJ0025411 NJ0025411 Consolidated Renewal Final: Consolidated Final: Renewal Permit Permit Action Action Permittee: Permittee: Co-Permittee: Co-Permittee: PSEG NUCLEAR PSEG NUCLEAR LLC LLC PO.BOX23 PO.BOX23 ALLOWAY CREEK ALLOWAY CREEK NECK NECK ROAD ROAD HANCOCKS BRIDGE, HANCOCKS BRIDGE, NJ NJ 0803808038 Property Owner: Property Owner: location Of location Of Activity: Activity: PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC & & GAS GAS COMPANY COMPANY HOPE HOPE CREEKCREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION STATION 80 PARK 80 PARK PLAZA PLAZA ARTIFICIAL ISLAND ARTIFICIAL ISLAND PO BOX PO BOX 570570 FOOT OF FOOT OF BUTTONWOOD BUTTONWOOD RD RD NEWARK, NJ NEWARK, NJ 07101 07101 LOWER ALLOWAYS LOWER ALLOWAYS CREEK, CREEK, SALEM SALEM COUNTY, NJ COUNTY, NJ 08038-0000 08038-0000 Authorization(s) Covered Authorization(s) Covered Under Under This This Approval Approval Expiration Datu. Datu. .. II Expiration B -Industrial Wastewater B -Industrial Wastewater 2/3112008 2/3112008 ..

                                                                                                                                                                             . .

II RF RF -Storrnwater

                 -Storrnwater                                                                                                                    II                         ---1
                                                                                                                                                                            ---1 By Authority By    Authority of:    of:

Commissioner's Commissioner's Office Office DEP AUTHORIZATION DEP AUTHORIZATION Pilar Patterson Pilar Patterson Bureau of Bureau of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting -Region -Region 2 2 Division Division of of Water Water Quality Quality (Terms, conditions (Terms, conditions and and provisions provisions attached attached hereto) hereto) Page B-20 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK GENERATING HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION STATION No. NJOO25411 Permit No. Permit NJOO25411 Lower Alloways Lower Alloways Creek Creek Discharge to Discharge to Surface Surface Water Water Surface Water Surface Water Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action PART II PART GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: NJPDES NJPDES A. A. General Requirements of General Requirements of all all NJPDES NJPDES Permits Permits

1. Requirements
1. Requirements Incorporated Incorporated by by Reference Reference a.
a. The pennittee shall The pennittee shall comply comply with with all all conditions conditions set set forth forth in this pennit in this pennit and and with with all all the the applicable applicable requirements incorporated requirements incorporated into into this this pennit by reference.

pennit by reference. The The pennittee pennittee is is required required toto comply comply with with the regulations, the regulations, including including those those cited cited in in paragraphs paragraphs b.

b. through through e.e. following, following, which which are are in in effect as of effect as of the effective the effective date date ofof the the fmal fmal pennit.

pennit. b.

b. General Conditions General Conditions Penalties for Penalties for Violations Violations N.J.A.C. 7:14-8.1 ~~

N.J.A.C. 7:14-8.1 Incorporation by Incorporation by Reference Reference N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.3 N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.3 Toxic Pollutants Toxic Pollutants N.J.A.C. 7: N.J.A.C. 7: 14A=t;.2(a)4i 14A=t;.2(a)4i Duty to Duty to Comply Comply N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)1 N.J.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)1 & & 44 Duty to Duty to Mitigate Mitigate NJ.A.C. 7:l4A-6.2(a)5 NJ.A.C. 7:l4A-6.2(a)5 & 11

                                                                                                                               & 11 Inspection and Inspection  and Entry Entry                                                  N.J.A.C. 7:

N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-2.11(e) 14A-2.11(e) Enforcement Action Enforcement Action N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.9 N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.9 Duty to Duty to Reapply Reapply N.J.A.C.7:l4A-4.2(e)3 N.J.A.C.7:l4A-4.2(e)3 Signatory Requirements Signatory Requirements for for Applications Applications and and Reports Reports N.J.A.C.7:l4A-4.9 N.J.A.C.7:l4A-4.9 Effect of PennitlOther Effect of PennitlOther LawsLaws N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-6.2(a)6 N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-6.2(a)6 & 7&

                                                                                                                               & 7    2.9(c)
                                                                                                                                    & 2.9(c)

Severability Severability N.l.A.C.7:14A-2.2 N.l.A.C.7:14A-2.2 Administrative Continuation Administrative Continuation of of Pennits Pennits N.l.A.C.7:14A-2.8 N.l.A.C.7:14A-2.8 Pennit Actions Pennit Actions N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.7(c) N.J.A.C.7:14A-2.7(c) Reopener Clause Reopener Clause N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.2(a)IO N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.2(a)IO Permit Duration Permit Duration and and Renewal Renewal N.l.A.C. 7: N.l.A.C. 7: 14A-2.7(a) 14A-2.7(a) & (b)

                                                                                                                             & (b)

Consolidation of Consolidation of Permit Permit Process Process N.J.A.C.7:14A-15.5 N.J.A.C.7:14A-15.5 Confidentiality Confidentiality NJ.A.C. 7:14A-18.2 NJ.A.C. 7:14A-18.2 & & 2.II(g) 2.II(g) Fee Schedule Fee Schedule N.J.A.C.7:l4A-3.l N.J.A.C.7:l4A-3.l Treatment Works Treatment Works Approval Approval N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-2;2 N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-2;2 & 23

                                                                                                                        & 23 c.
c. Operation And Operation And Maintenance Maintenance Need to Halt Need to Halt or or Reduce Reduce not not aa Defense Defense N.JAC.7:14A-2.9(b)

N.JAC.7:14A-2.9(b) Proper Operation Proper Operation and and Maintenance Maintenance N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.12 N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.12 d.

d. Monitoring And Records Monitoring And Records Monitoring Monitoring N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.5 N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.5 Recordkeeping Recordkeeping N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.6 N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.6 Signatory Requirements Signatory Requirements for for Monitoring Monitoring Reports Reports N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.9 N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.9 e.
e. Reporting Requirements Reporting Requirements Planned Changes Planned Changes N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.7 N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.7 Reporting of Reporting of Monitoring Monitoring Results Results N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.8 N.J.A.C.7:l4A-6.8 Noncompliance Reporting Noncompliance Reporting 7: 14A-6.

N.J.A.C. 7: N.J.A.C. 14A-6. 10 10 & 6.8(b)

                                                                                                                          & 6.8(b)

Hotline/Two Hour Hotline/Two Hour & Twenty-four Hour

                                                   & Twenty-four      Hour Reporting Reporting            N.1.A.C. 7:14A-6.10(c)

N.1.A.C. 7:14A-6.10(c) & & (d) (d) Written Reporting Written Reporting N.J.A.C. 7: N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-6.1O(e) 14A-6.1O(e) &(f)&(f) & 6.8(h)

                                                                                                                                    & 6.8(h)

Duty to Duty to Provide Provide Information Information N.J.A.C. 7: N.J.A.C. 7: 14A-2.lJ, 14A-2.lJ, 6.2(a)14 6.2(a)14 & 18.1

                                                                                                                                     & 18.1 Schedules of Schedules   of Compliance Compliance                                                N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.4 N.J.A.C.7:14A-6.4 Transfer Transfer                                                                           7: 14A-6.2(a)8 N.J.A.C. 7:

N.J.A.C. 14A-6.2(a)8 & 16.2

                                                                                                                              & 16.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL    REQUIREMENTS                                                                                                         Page 1 Page  1 of of 1 1

Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-21 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, lower Alloway. Creek lower Alloway. Creek Permit NO.NJOO25411 Permit NO.NJOO25411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Pennit Action Renewal Pennit Action PART II PART II GENERAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: REQUIREMENTS: DISCHARGE CATEGORIES DISCHARGE CATEGORIES A. A. Additional Requirements Additional Requirements Incorporated Incorporated By Reference By Reference 1.

1. Requirements for Requirements for Discharges Discharges to to Snrface Snrface Waters Waters
a. In
a. addition to In addition to conditions conditions in in Part Part II of of this this pennit, pennit, the the conditions conditions in in this section are this section are applicable applicable toto activities at activities at the the pennitted pennitted location location and and are are incorporated incorporated by by reference.

reference. TheThe pennittee pennittee is is required required to to comply with comply with thethe regulatioos regulatioos which which areare in in effect effect as as of of the the effective effective date date of of the the final final pennit. pennit. i.

i. Surface Water Surface Water Quality Quality Standards Standards N.lA.C.

N.lA.C. 7:9B-l 7:9B-l ii. ii. Water Quality Water Quality Management Management Planning Planning Regulations Regulations N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7:15 7:15 B. B. General Conditions General Conditions 1.

1. Scope Scope
a. The
a. issuance of The issuance of this this pennit pennit shall shall not not be be coosidered coosidered as as aa waiver waiver of of any any applicable applicable federal, federal, state, state, and and local rules, local rules, regulations regulations and and ordinances.

ordinances. 2.

2. Permit Renewal Permit Renewal Requirement Requirement
a. Penn
a. Penn itit conditions conditions remain remain in in effect effect and and enforceable enforceable until until and and unless unless the the pennit pennit isis modified, modified, renewed or renewed or revoked revoked by by the the Department.


b. Submit
b. Submit aa complete complete pennit pennit renewal renewal application:

application: 180 180 days days before before the the Expiration Expiration Date. Date. 3.

3. Notification of Notification of Non-Compliance Non-Compliance
a. The
a. permittee shall The permittee shall notify notify the the Department Department of of all all non-compliance non-compliance when when required required inin accordance accordance with N.J.A.C.

with N.J.A.C. 7: 7: l4A-6. l4A-6. 10 10 by by contacting contacting thethe DEP DEP HOTLINE HOTLINE at at 1-877-WARNDEP 1-877-WARNDEP (1-877-927-6337). (1-877-927-6337).

b. The
b. The pennittee pennittee shallshall submit submit aa written written report report as as required required by by NJ.A.C.

NJ.A.C. 7:l4A-6.10 7:l4A-6.10 within within five five days. days. 4: 4: Notification of Notification of Change.s Change.s

a. The
a. pennittee shall The pennittee shall give give written written notification notification toto the the Department Department of of any any planned planned physical physical or or operational alteratioos operational alteratioos oror additions additions toto the the pennitted pennitted facility facility when when thethe alteration alteration is is expected expected toto result in result in aa significant significant change change in in the the pennittee's pennittee's discharge discharge and/or and/or residuals residuals use use or or disposal disposal practices practices including the including the cessation cessation ofof discharge discharge inin accordance accordance with with N.J.A.C.

N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-6.7. 7:l4A-6.7.

b. Prior
b. to any Prior to any change change in in ownership, ownership, the the current current permittee permittee shall shall comply comply with with the the requirements requirements of of N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-16.2, N.J.A.C. 7:l4A-16.2, pertaining pertaining to to the the notification notification of of change change in in ownership.

ownership. S. S. Access to Access Information to Information

a. Tne
a. pennittee shaH Tne pennittee shaH aHow aHow an an aumorized aumorized representative representative of of me me Department, Department, uponupon meme presentation presentation of of credentials, to credentials, to enter enter upon upon aa person's person's premises, premises, forfor purposes purposes ofof inspection, inspection, and and to access II copy to access copy any any records that records that must must be be kept kept under under the the conditions conditions of of this this permit.

permit. 6.

6. Operator Certification Operator Certification General Discharge General Discharge Requirements Requirements Page 1 Page 1 of3 of3 Page B-22 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATlON,Lower STATlON,Lower Alloways Alloways Creek Creek Perrntt NO.NJ0025411 Perrntt NO.NJ0025411 PER020Q01 Consolidated PER020Q01 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action

a. Pursuant
a. Pursuant to to N.1.A.C.

N.1.A.C. 7:IOA-I.l 7:IOA-I.l et et seq. seq. every every wastewater wastewater systemsystem not not exempt exempt pursuant pursuant to to NJ.A.C. NJ.A.C. 7:IOA-1.10(b) requires 7:IOA-1.10(b) requires aa licensed licensed operator. operator. The The operator operator ofa ofa system system shall shall meet meet the the Department's Department's requirements pursuant requirements pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7: to N.J.A.C. 7: lOA-I. lOA-I. 1 1 and and any any amendments. amendments. The The name name of of the the proposed proposed operator, where operator, where required required shall shall be be submitted submitted to the Department to the Department at at the the address address below, below, in in order order that that hislher qualifications hislher qualifications may may be be determined determined prior prior toto initiating initiating operation operation of of the the treatment treatment works. works. i.i. Notifcations shall Notifcations shall bebe submitted submitted to: to: NJDEP NJDEP Examination and Examination and Licensing Licensing Unit Unit P.O. Box P.O. Box 417 417 Trenton, New Trenton, New Jersey Jersey 08625 08625 (609)777-1012 (609)777-1012

b. The
b. permittee shall The permittee shall notifY notifY thethe Department Department of of any any changes changes in in licensed licensed operator operator within within twotwo weeks weeks of the of the change.

change. 7.

7. Operation Restrictions Operation Restrictions
a. The
a. operation of The operation of aa waste waste treatment treatment or or disposal disposal facility facility shall shall atat no no time time create:

create: (a)(a) aa discharge, discharge, except as except as authorized authorized by by the the Department Department in in the the manner manner and and location location specified specified in in Part III of Part III of this this permit; (b) permit; (b) any any discharge discharge to to the the waters waters of of the the state state or or any any standing standing or or ponded ponded condtion condtion for for water water or waste, or waste, except except asas specifically specifically authorized authorized by by aa valid valid NJPDES NJPDES permit.permit. 8.

8. Management Residuals Management Residuals
a. The
a. permittee shall The permittee shall comply comply with with land-based land-based sludge sludge management management criteriacriteria and and shall shall conform conform with with the requirements the requirements for for the the management management of of residuals residuals andand grit grit and and screenings screenings underunder N.1.A.C.

N.1.A.C. 7: 14A-6. 7: 14A-6. II 5(a), 5(a), which which includes: includes: i.i. Standards for Standards for the the Use Use or or Disposal Disposal of of Residual, Residual, N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-20; 14A-20; ii. ii. Section 405 Section 405 ofof the the Federal Federal Act Act governing governing the the disposal disposal of of sludge sludge from from treatment treatment works works treating treating domestic sewage; domestic sewage; iii. The iii. Solid Waste The Solid Waste Management Management Act, Act, N.J.S.A. N.J.S.A. 13: 13: lE-l lE-l et et seq., seq., and and the the Solid Solid Waste Waste Management Management Rules, N.1.A.C. Rules, N.1.A.C. 7:26; 7:26; iv. iv. The Sludge The Sludge Quality Quality Assurance Assurance Regulations, Regulations, N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14C; 14C; v.

v. The Statewide The Statewide Sludge Sludge Management Management Plan Plan promulgated promulgated pursuant pursuant to to the the Water Water Quality Quality Planning Planning Act, N.J.S.A. 58:1 Act, N.J.S.A. lA-l et 58:1 lA-l et seq.,

seq., and and the the Solid Solid Waste Waste Management Management Act, Act, N.J.S.A. N.J.S.A. I3:IE-l I3:IE-l et et seq.; seq.; and and vi. The vi. provisions concerning The provisions concerning disposal disposal of of sewage sewage sludge sludge andand septage septage in in sanitary sanitary landfills landfills set set forth forth at at N.1.S.A. 13:IE-42 N.1.S.A. 13:IE-42 and and thethe Statewide Statewide Sludge Sludge Management Management Plan. Plan. vii. Residuai vii. Residuai that that isis disposed disposed in a municipai in a municipai solid solid waste waste iandfiii iandfiii unit unit shaH shaH meet meet the the requirements requirements in in 40 CFR 40 CFR Part Part 258 258 and/or and/or N.l.A.C. N.l.A.C. 7:26 7:26 concerning concerning the the quality quality ofof residual residual disposed disposed in in aa municipal municipal solid waste landfill solid waste landfill unit. unit. (That (That is, is, passes passes the the Toxicity Toxicity Characteristic Characteristic Leaching Leaching Procedure Procedure and and does not does not contain contain "free "free liquids" liquids" asas defined defined at at N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-1.2.) 14A-1.2.)

b. If
b. any applicable If any applicable standard standard for for residual residual useuse or or disposal disposal is is promulgated promulgated under under section section 405(d)of 405(d)of the the Federal Act Federal Act and and Sections Sections 4 4 and and 6 6 of of the the State State Act Act and and that that standard standard is is more more stringent stringent than than any any limitation on limitation on the the pollutant pollutant or or practice practice in in the the permit, permit, thethe Department Department may may modifY modifY or or revoke revoke andand reissue the reissue the permit permit toto conform conform to to the the standard standard for for residual residual useuse oror disposal.

disposal. General Discharge General Discharge Requirements Requirements Page 2 Page of3 2 of3 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-23 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STAll0N.lower STAll0N.lower Alloway. Creek Alloway. Creek Permit No. Permit No. NJOO25411 NJOO25411 PER020D01 Consolidated PER020D01 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Penni! Penni! Action Action

c. The
c. permittee shall The permittee shall make make provisions provisions for for storage, storage, or or some some other other approved approved alternative alternative management management strategy, for strategy, for anticipated anticipated downtimes downtimes at at aa primary primary residual residual management management alternative.

alternative. The The p'ermittee p'ermittee shall not shall not be be permitted permitted to to store store residual residual beyond beyond the the capacity capacity of of the the structural structural treatment treatment and and storage storage components of components of the the treatment treatment works. works. N.l.A.C. N.l.A.C. 7:l4A-20.8(a) 7:l4A-20.8(a) and and N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7:26 7:26 provide provide for for the the temporary storage temporary storage of of residuals residuals for for periods periods not not exceeding exceeding six six months, months, provided provided such such storage storage doesdoes not cause not cause pollutants pollutants to. to. enter enter surface surface or or ground ground waters waters of of the the State. State. The The storage storage of of residual residual for for more than more than six six months months is is not not authorized authorized under under thisthis permit. permit. However, However, this this prohibition prohibition does does not not apply to apply to residual residual thatthat remains remains on on the the land land forfor longer longer thanthan six six months months when when the the person person whowho prepares the prepares the residual residual demonstrates demonstrates that that the the land land on on which which thethe residual residual remains remains is is not not aa surface surface disposal site disposal site or or landfill. landfill. The The demonstration demonstration shall shall explain explain why why residual residual mustmust remain remain on on the the land land for for than six longer than longer six months months prior prior toto final final use use or or disposal, disposal, discuss discuss the the approximate approximate time time period period during during which the which the residual residual shall shall bebe used used or or disposed disposed and and provide provide documentation documentation of of ultimate ultimate residual residual management arrangements. management arrangements. Said Said demonstration demonstration shall be in shall be in writing, writing, be be kept kept on on file file by by the the person person who prepares who prepares residual, residual, andand submitted submitted to to the the Department Department upon upon request. request.

d. The
d. permittee shall The permittee shall comply comply with with the the appropriate appropriate adopted adopted District District Solid Solid Waste Waste or or Sludge Sludge Management Plan Management Plan (which (which by by definition definition in in N.l.A.C.

N.l.A.C. 7:14A-1.2 7:14A-1.2 includes includes Generator Generator Sludge Sludge Management Plans), Management Plans), unless unless otherwise otherwise specifically specifically exempted exempted by by the the Department. Department.

e. The
e. preparer must The preparer must noti!>>

noti!>> andand provide provide information information necessary necessary to to comply comply with with the the N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7:14A-20 land 7:14A-20 land application application requirements requirements to to the the person person whowho applies applies bulk bulk residual residual to to the the land. land. This This shall include, shall include, butbut not not be be limited limited to, to, the the applicable applicable recordkeeping recordkeeping requirementS requirementS and and certification certification statements of statements of 40 40 CFR CFR 503.17 503.17 as as referenced referenced at at N.J.A.C N.J.A.C 7:14A-20.7G). 7:14A-20.7G). f.

f. The preparer The preparer who who provides provides biosolids biosolids to to another another person person whowho further further prepares prepares the the biosolids biosolids for for application to application to the the land land must must provide provide thisthis person person withwith notification notification and and information information necessary necessary to to comply comply withwith the the N.l.A.C.

N.l.A.C. 7:14A-20 7:14A-20 land land application application requirements. requirements.

g. Any
g. person who Any person who prepares prepares bulkbulk residual residual in in New New Jersey Jersey that that is is applied applied to to land land in in aa State State other other than than New Jersey New Jersey shall shall comply comply withwith thethe requirement requirement at at N.J.A.C.

N.J.A.C. 7: 7: II 4A-20.7(b)l.ix 4A-20.7(b)l.ix and/or and/or 20.7(b)l.x, 20.7(b)l.x, as as applicable, to applicable, to provide provide written written notice notice to to the the Department Department and and toto the the permitting permitting authority authority for for the the State in State in which which the the bulk bulk residual residual is is proposed proposed to to be be applied. applied. General Discharge General Discharge Requirements Requirements Page 3 Page of3 3 of3 Page B-24 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATlON,towe, STATlON,towe, Allowayo Allowayo Creek Creek Permil Permil No. No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated Renewall PER020001 Consolidated Renewall PermitAct.lon PermitAct.lon PART PART III III LIMITS LIMITS AND AND MONITORING MONITORING REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS License Renewal Application A. A. STORMWATERDISCHARGE STORMWATERDISCHARGE Monitored Monitored Location Location Group Group Members Members 463A 463A Stonnwater, Stonnwater, 464A 464A Stonnwater, 46SA Stonnwat.:r Stonnwater, 46SA Stonnwat.:r Consolidated Consolidated DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit Submit aa Semi*Annual Semi-Annual DMR: DMR: within within twenty* five days twenty-five days after after the the end end of of every every 66 month month monitoring monitoring period period beginning beginning from from the the effective effective date date of the orthe pennit pennit (EDP). (EDP). Taille Taille III III *- A A -- 1: 1: Consolidated Consolidated DMR. DMR. Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Parameter Parameter S,:'mple S,:tmple LimIt LimIt Statlstlea Statlstleal ~ampung Mmple Mmple MODltormg lVlomtormg Phase Phase Quantificat~ Quantification Point Point Base Base Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit pH pH Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily 1/6Months 1/6Months Grab Grab January thru December January thru December mal mal Gross Gross Value Value SU SU Maximum Maximum Petrol Petrol Hydrocarbons, Hydrocarbons, Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily 1/6 Months 1/6 Months Grab Grab January thru December January thru December Il"inal ina! I Total Total Recoverable Recoverable Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily 1/6 Months 1/6 Months Grab Grab January January thru thru December December IFinai ina! (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum

                                                                                                                                                                           -----         -    ----   -   - - - - - - , --        ----

Environmental Report Page B-25 Appendix B NPDES Permit Limits And LImits And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page Page 1 1 of16 of16

Page B-26 Environmental Report HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION, lowerAiloways lowerAlioways Creek Creek Permit Permit No. No. NJ002541 NJ00254111 PER020QQ1 PER020a01 Corlsolidaled Corlsolidaled Renew Renew.. 1Permit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..1       Action PennltAction B. 461A 461A DSN DSN 461A 461A -- DSW Appendix B    NPDES Permit B.                      DSW Location Location Description Description Samples Samples shall shall be be collected collected at at aa point point after after combination combination wilb with all all wastewater wastewater components components andand after after dechlorination dechlorination but but prior prior to to discharge discharge to to the the Delaware Delaware River.

River, DSN DSN 461A 461A is is located located at at latitude latitude 39 39 degrees, degrees, 28'.,14" 28'" 14" and and long. long, 75 7S degrees degrees 32' 32' :34".

34". DSN DSN 461A 461A discharges discharges to to Zone Zone 55 of of the the Delaware Delaware River.

River, The The initial initial period period is is effective effective from from Ibe the effective effective date date oflbe of the permit permit (EDP) (EDP) to EDP + to EDP + II year year whereas whereas the the final final period period becomes becomes effective effective on EDP + on EDP + II year. year. The The permittee permittee shall shall install install aa continuous continuous sampler sampler for for CPO CPO by EDP + by EDP + II year. year, Discharge Discharge Categories Categories Industrial Industrial Wastewater Wastewater Surface Surface Water Water DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: ReqUirements: Submit Submit aa Monthly Monthly DMR: DMR: within within twen~l*five days days after after the end of the end of every every month month beginning beginning from from the the effective effective date date of of the the permit permit (EDP). (EDP). Table Table 01* III- B

  • 1: Surface B-1: Surface Water Water DMR DMIR Limits Limits and Monitoring Requirements and Monitoring Requirements l'arameter rarameter IS_ample
                                                                      >:I.ample        Lllntt Lllntt           :>tatlstlcal
statistical .:;ampllng
                                                                                                                               ~amp"ng                  lS!,mple
S!1 mple 1VJ.~Rltormg 1VJ.~DltorlDg l'nase rnase Quantdicaliiiil-QuantificatIOn Point Point Base Base Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit Flow.

Flow, In In Conduit Conduit or or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru December January thru December inal inal Thru Treatment Thru Treatment Plant Plant Gross Gross Value Value MGD MGD Average Average Flow, Flow, In In Conduit Conduit or or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru December January thru December inal inal Thru Thru Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Gross Gross Value Value MGD MGD Maximum Maximum Flow, Flow, In In Conduit Conduit or or Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thru December December inal inal Thru Thru Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Stream Stream MGD MGD Average Average Flow, In Conduit Flow, In Conduit or or Intake From Intake From REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thru December DecemDer Final Final Tbru Thru Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Stream Stream MGD MGD Maximum Maximum pH pH Effluent Effluent 6.0 6.0 Daily Daily IIII Week Week Grab Grab January thru December January thru December Final Final Gross Gross Value Value SU SU Minimum Minimum pH pH Effluent Effluent 9.0 9,0 Daily Daily II II Week Week Grab Grab January thru December January thru December Final Final Gross Gross Value Value SU SU Maximum Maximum Chlorine Chlorine Produced Produced Effluent Effluent 0.2 0.2 Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Grab Grab January January thru thru December December ina! inal 0.1 0,1 Oxidants Gross Gross Value MGIL Average Rec Rec Quant Quant Level


Oxidants Value MGIL Average Level Chlorine Produced Chlorine Produced Effluent Effluent 0.5 0.5 Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Grab Grab January January thru Ihru December December ina! inal 0.1 0,1 Oxidants Oxidants Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Rec Rec Quant Quant Level Level Hope Creek Generating Station Temperature, Temperature, Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru December January thru December Final Final oC oC Gross Gross Value Value DEG.C DEG.C Average Average Temperature, Temperature, Effluent Effluent 36.2 36.2 Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru December January thru December inal inal oC oC Gross Value Gross Value DEG.C DEG.C Maximum Maximum Temperature, Temperature, Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru December thru December inal inal oC oC Stream Stream DEG.C DEG.C Average Average Temperature, Temperature, Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thm December December Final Final oC oC Stream Stream DEG.C DEG.C Maximum Maximum License Renewal Application Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly IIII Month Month Grab Grab January January thru thru December mal December Final (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Average Average Limits Limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page20flS Page2of16

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Allowayo Allowayo Creek Creek Permltl~o. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 ConSOlidated ConSOlidated Renew,,1 Renew,,1 Permit Permit Action Action License Renewal Application Table Table III III -- B-1: B-1: Surfa,ee Surfa,ee Water Water DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Parameter Limit litotlslleal M.oDltormg rnase Quantmcal:J II Parameter IIj~mple Ij~mple Limit litotlslleal ~ompllng :s~mple M?Dltormg rnase Quantmcal:J Point Base Frequency Type Period Limit I I Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic I Point Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Base Daily Daily Frequency II II Month Month Type Grab Grab Period January thru January thru December December inal inal Limit


(TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic EmuentNet EmuentNet REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Month Month Calculated Calculated January thru January thm December December ina! ina! (TOC) (TOC) Value Value MGIL MGIL Avemge Avemge Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic EmuentNet EmuentNet REPORT REPORT Daily Daily II II Month Month Calculated Calculated January furu January fum December December ina! ina! (TOC) (TOC) Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Month Month Grab Grab January thru January thru December December Final Final (TOC) (TOC) Stream Stream MOIL MOIL Avemge Avemge Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic Imake Imake From From REPORT REPORT Daily Daily II II Month Month Grab Grab January January thru thru December December inal inal (TOC) (TOC) Stream Stream MOIL MOIL Maximum Maximum Heat Heat (summer) (summer) Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Day Day Calculated Calculated .June

                                                                                                                                                 .June thru thm August August      inal inal (per (per Hr.)

Hr.) Oross Oross Value Value I\IIBTUIHR I\IIBTUIHR Avemge Avemge Heat Heat (summer) (summer) Emuent Emuent 534 534 Daily Daily II II Day Day Calculated Calculated June thru June thm August August Final Final (per (per Hr.) Hr.) Gross Gross Value Value I\IIBTUIHR I\IIBTUIHR Maximum Maximum Heat Heat (winter) (winter) Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Day Day Calculated Calculated September thru May September thru May inal inal (per (per Hr.) Hr.) Gross Gross Value Value I\IIBTUIHR I\IIBTUIHR Average Average Heat (winter) Heat (winter) Ettluent Ettluent 662 662 Daily Daily IlDay IlDay Calculated Calculated September thru May September thru May inal inal (perHr,) (perHr,) Gross Gross Value Value I\IIBTUIHR I\IIBTUIHR Maximum Maximum Flow, In Flow, In Conduit Conduit or or Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January thru December December Initial Initial Thru Thru Treatment Treatment Plant Plant Gross Gross Value Value MGD MGD Avemge Avemge Flow, Flow, In In Conduit Conduit or or Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thm December December Imttal Imttal Thru Treatment Thru Treatment Plant Plant Gross Value Gross Value MGD MOD Maximum Maximum pH pH Emuent Emuent 6.0 6.0 Daily Daily 1I II Week Week Grab Grab January January thru thru December December Initial Initial Gross Gross Value Value SU SU Minimum Minimum pH pH Emuent Emuent 9.0 9.0 Daily Daily II Week II Week Grab Grab January thru January thm December December Initial Initial Gross Gross Value Value SU SU Maximum Maximum Chlorine Chlorine Produced Produced Emuent Emuent 0,2 0.2 Monthly Monthly 33 II Week Week Grab Grab January January thru thru December December Initial Initial 0,1 0,1 Environmental Report Oxidants Oxidants Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Avemge Avemge Rec Rec Quant Quant Level Level Chlorine Chlorine Produced Produced Emuent Emuent 0.5 0.5 Daily Daily 33 II Week Week Grab Grab January January thru fum December December Initial initial 0,1 0,1 Oxidants Oxidants Gross Gross Value Value MOIL MOIL Maximum Maximum Rec Rec Quant Quant Level Level Temperature, Temperature, Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thm December December Initial Initial oC oC Gross Gross Value Value DEG,C DEG,C Average Average Temperature, Temperature, Emuent Emuent 36.2 36.2 Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January January thru thm December December Initial Initial oC oC Gross Gross Value Value DEG,C DEG,C Maximum Maximum Temperature, Temperature, Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January thru December December Initial Initial oC oC Stream Stream DEO.C DEG.C Average Average Appendix B NPDES Permit Temperature, Temperature, Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January December Initial thru December Initial oC oC Stream Stream DEG.C DEG.C Maximum Maximum Page B-27 Limits Limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page30f Page30f 16 16

Page B-28 Environmental Report HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATIONI, lower Lower Alloway. Alloways Creek Creek Penni! Penni! No. No. NJOC25411 NJ0025411 PERC2aOOl PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Rene Rene...

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ...1 1Pennlt Pennll Action Action Table Table III III*- B-1:

B-1: Surfnce Surfnee Water Water DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Appendix B NPDES Permit Requirements rarame!er rarameler ~~mple Limit LImIt  ;:;tatIstIcal Mall.llcal ~ampllng

                                                                                                                  ~.mpllng       Ij~mple
s~mple MOnitorIng Momtormg rnase rnase l,luantlllcatlOn lJuantnatatlOn Point Point Base Base, Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit I

Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1I II Month Month Grab Grab January January thru thru December Initial December Initial I (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Average Average Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tol Organic Organic Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily II II Month Month Grab Grab January January thru December Initial thru December nitial (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic EmuentNet EmuenlNet REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1I II Month Month Calculated Calculated January thru December January thru December Initial IDltial (TOC) (TOC) Value Value MGIL MGIL Average Avemge Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic Emu.ntNe! EmuenlNet REPORT REPORT Daily Daily II II Month Month Calculated Calculated January thru January thru December Initial December Initial (TOC) (TOC) Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Organic Tot Organic Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1I I{Month Month Grab Grab January December Initial thru December January tnru Initial (TOC) (TOC) Stream Stream MGIL MGIL Average Average Carbon, Carbon, Tot Organic TolOrganic Intake Intake From From REPORT REPORT Daily Daily II {Month I Month Grab Grab January thru December January thru December Initial Initial (TOC) (TOC) Stream Stream MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum

  • Heat Heat (summer)

(summer) Emuent Emuent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Day Day Calculated Calculated June thru August June thru August Initial Initial (per (per Hr.) Hr,) Gross Gross Value Value MBTUIlffi. MBTUIHR Average Average Heat Heat (summer) (summer) Emuent Emuent 534 534 Daily Daily l/Day l/Day Calculated Calculated June June thru thru August Augusl Initial Initial (per (per Hr.) Hr.) Gross Gross Value Value MBTUIlffi. MBTUIHR Maximum Maximum Heat Heat (winter) (winter) Emuent Ettluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1) II Day Day Calculated Calculated September thru May September thru May Initial Initial (per (per Hr.) Hr.) Gross Gross Value Value MBTUIlffi. MBTUIHR Average Avemge Heat Heat (winter) (winter) Emuent Emuent 662 662 Daily Daily l/Day I/Day Calculated Calculated September September thru May thru May Initial Initial (per (per Hr.) Hr,) Gross Gross Value Value MBTUIlffi.

                                                                                    ~,ffiTUIHR    'Maximum
                                                   ._----           '------------             -

Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application Limits And Limits And MonItoring MonItoring Requirements Requirements Page Page 44 of of 16 16

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Allowa)'. Allowa)', Creek Creek Pennlt No. Permit NJ0025411 No. NJ002S411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Permit Action Renewal Permit Action License Renewal Application C. 461C DSN C. 461C DSN 461C 461C -- DSW INTERNAL DSW INTERNAL Location Description Location Description Samples for this Samples for this internal monitoring point internal monitoring point shall be collected shall be collected after after all all treatment treatment has has been performed and been performed and prior prior to to mixing mixing with with cooling cooling tower tower blowdown. blowdown. This This internal discharge point internal discharge point discharges through discharges through DSN DSN 461A where DSN 461A wh,'re DSN 461A 461A discharges discharges at at latitude 39 degrees, latitude 39 degrees, 28', 14" and 28',14" and long. long. 75 75 degrees degrees 32' 34". 32' 34". Discbarge Discharge Categories Categories Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Surface Water Surface Water DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit aa Monthly Submit Monthly DMR: DMR: within within twenty-five twenty-five days IUter the days after end of the end every month of every month beginning beginning from from the the effective effective date of the date of the permit permit (EDP). (BDP). Table III -- C Table ill C -- 1: 1: Surface SUlrface Water Water DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Parameter Yarameter s."mple

s.ample Lim,t Lim.t stat,st,cal
statIStical §ampling
                                                                                                                         ~ampling                Sample
s.ample lYJonotonng Monotormg rnase Yhase QuantificatIOn QuantificatIOn Point Point Base Base Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit Flow, Flow, In Conduit or In Conduit or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January December thru December inal inal Thru Treatment Thru Plant Treatment Plant Gross Value Gross Value MGD MGD Average Average Flow, In Conduit Flow, In or Conduit or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January December 'inal thru December inal Thru Treatment Thru Plant Treatment Plant Gross Value Gross Value MGD MGD Maximum Maximum Solids, Total Solids, Total Effluent Effluent 30 30 Monthly
                                                                                                     ~onthly              11 II Month Month          Composite Composite         January thru January      December 'inal thru December  ina!

Suspended Suspended Gross Value Gross Value MGIL MGIL Average Average

                                         ~olids, Total Solids, Total                  Effluent Effluent              100 100     Daily Daily               111I Month Month           Composite Composite         January January thru December 'inal thru December 'inal Suspended Suspended                     Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Maximum Maximum Petrol Hydrocarbons, Petrol_Hydrocarbons,           Emuent Effluent               10 10    Monthly Monthly              22 II Month Month             Grab urab           January January thru December 'mal thru December  inal Total Recoverable Total  Recoverable            Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Average Average Petrol Petrol Hydrocarbons, Hydrocarbons,           Effluent Effluent              15 15      Daily Daily               22 II Month Month             Grab Grab            January thru January thru December December 'inal mal Total Recoverable Total  Recoverable            Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic          Effluent Effluent            REPORT REPORT   Monthly Monthly              1I II Month Month          Composite Composite         January January thru          'ina!

December 'inal thru December (TOC) (TOC) Gross Value Gross Value MGIL MGIL Average Average Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic Effluent :1 50 50 DaIly Daoly 111I Month Month Composite Composite January thru January December thru December inal inal Environmental Report Effluent (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum

                                           ---                                          -

Page B-29 Appendix B NPDES Permit Limits. ,,:"d Limits Monitoring Requirements

                                       ~d Monitoring    Requirements                                                                                                                                                                 Page 5 Page 5 of 16 of 16

Page B-30 Environmental Report HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Allowa)'. Allowa)', Creek Creek Pennlt No. Permit NJ0025411 No. NJ002S411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Permit Action Renewal Permit Action Appendix B NPDES Permit C. 461C DSN C. 461C DSN 461C 461C -- DSW INTERNAL DSW INTERNAL Location Description Location Description Samples for this Samples for this internal monitoring point internal monitoring point shall be collected shall be collected after after all all treatment treatment has has been performed and been performed and prior prior to to mixing mixing with with cooling cooling tower tower blowdown. blowdown. This This internal discharge point internal discharge point discharges through discharges through DSN DSN 461A where DSN 461A wh,'re DSN 461A 461A discharges discharges at at latitude 39 degrees, latitude 39 degrees, 28', 14" and 28',14" and long. long. 75 75 degrees degrees 32' 34". 32' 34". Discbarge Discharge Categories Categories Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Surface Water Surface Water DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit aa Monthly Submit Monthly DMR: DMR: within within twenty-five twenty-five days IUter the days after end of the end every month of every month beginning beginning from from the the effective effective date of the date of the permit permit (EDP). (BDP). Table III -- C Table ill C -- 1: 1: Surface SUlrface Water Water DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Parameter Yarameter s."mple

s.ample Lim,t Lim.t stat,st,cal
statIStical §ampling
                                                                                                                         ~ampling                Sample
s.ample lYJonotonng Monotormg rnase Yhase QuantificatIOn QuantificatIOn Point Point Base Base Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit Flow, Flow, In Conduit or In Conduit or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January December thru December inal inal Thru Treatment Thru Plant Treatment Plant Gross Value Gross Value MGD MGD Average Average Flow, In Conduit Flow, In or Conduit or Effluent Effluent REPORT REPORT Daily Daily Continuous Continuous Metered Metered January thru January December 'inal thru December inal Thru Treatment Thru Plant Treatment Plant Gross Value Gross Value MGD MGD Maximum Maximum Solids, Total Solids, Total Effluent Effluent 30 30 Monthly
                                                                                                     ~onthly              11 II Month Month          Composite Composite         January thru January      December 'inal thru December  ina!

Suspended Suspended Gross Value Gross Value MGIL MGIL Average Average

                                         ~olids, Total Solids, Total                  Effluent Effluent              100 100     Daily Daily               111I Month Month           Composite Composite         January January thru December 'inal thru December 'inal Suspended Suspended                     Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Maximum Maximum Petrol Hydrocarbons, Petrol_Hydrocarbons,           Emuent Effluent               10 10    Monthly Monthly              22 II Month Month             Grab urab           January January thru December 'mal thru December  inal Total Recoverable Total  Recoverable            Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Average Average Petrol Petrol Hydrocarbons, Hydrocarbons,           Effluent Effluent              15 15      Daily Daily               22 II Month Month             Grab Grab            January thru January thru December December 'inal mal Total Recoverable Total  Recoverable            Gross Value Gross Value           MGIL MGIL    Maximum Maximum Carbon, Carbon, Tot Tot Organic Organic          Effluent Effluent            REPORT REPORT   Monthly Monthly              1I II Month Month          Composite Composite         January January thru          'ina!

December 'inal thru December (TOC) (TOC) Gross Value Gross Value MGIL MGIL Average Average Carbon, Tot Carbon, Tot Organic Organic Effluent Effluent :1 50 50 DaIly Daoly 111I Month Month Composite Composite January thru January December thru December inal inal Hope Creek Generating Station (TOC) (TOC) Gross Gross Value Value MGIL MGIL Maximum Maximum

                                           ---                                          -

License Renewal Application Limits. ,,:"d Limits Monitoring Requirements

                                       ~d Monitoring    Requirements                                                                                                                                                                 Page 5 Page 5 of 16 of 16

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE CREEK GENERATING HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION, Lower Allowayo STATION, Lower Allowayo Creek Creek Permit Permit No, No, NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action License Renewal Application E. E. 81M SI6A OILIWATER OILIWATER SEPARATOR SEPARATOR Location Location Description Description A A representative representative sample sample of of residuals residuals gmerated by the ge,nerated by OillWater Separator the Oil/Water Separator shall shall be be analyzed analyzed pursuant pursuant to to the the Sludge Sludge Quality Quality Assurance Assurance Regulations Regulations (SQAR, (SQAR, NJ,A,C, N.J,Ac' 7: 7: 14C), 14C), Discharge Discharge Categories Categories Industrial Industrial Wastewater Wastewater Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit Submit an Annual DMR: an Annual DMR: due due 60 60 calendar calendar days days after after the the end end of of each each calendar year, calendar year, Table m*- EE -1: Table III - 1: Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Requirements MOl~itoring Requirements Parameter I LimIt  :;tatlsllcal iSampling  :;ample MODltormg Quant.t1catron-I l'arameter  :;~mple 1l_ample LimIt 1ltatlstlcal 1lampling 1lample MODltorlDg Phase l'hase Quanllflcatlon Point Point Ba.e Ba.e Frequency Frequency Type Type Period Period Limit Limit Nitrate Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final inal Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Nitrogen, NItrogen, Kjeldahl Kjeldahl Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 11 Year Year Composite Composite January thru January thru December December Final Final Total, Total, Dry Dry Wt Wt Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Styrene Styrene Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 11 Year Year ComposIte Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Ammonia Ammonia Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January thru January thru December December inal inal Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Sulfide, Sulfide, Total Total Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 11 Year Year Composite CompOsite January thru January thru December inal December Final (as S) (as S) Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average MagneSium Magnesium Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal inal Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Barium, Barium, Total Total Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly IIII Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal inal (as Ba) (as Ba) Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Boron, Boron, Total (as (as B) B) Total Industrial Industrial Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT MGIKG MGIKG Monthly Monthly Ave,:,ge Ave~ge II Year II Year Composite Composite


January January thru thru December December Final Final Environmental Report Manganese, Manganese, Total Total I:ndustrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final (as (as Mn) Mn) Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Titanium, Titanium, Total Total Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year 1/ Year Composite Composite January thru January thru December December inal inal (as (as Ti) Ti) Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Molybdenum Molybdenum Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December mal mal Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Phosphorus Phosphorus Industrial II~dustrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Arsenic, Dry Arsenic, Dry Weight Industrial Monthly Appendix B NPDES Permit Weight Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January thru January thru December December Final Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Page B-31 Limits And limIts And Monitoring Monitoring RequIrements Requirements Page Page 90/16 90f16

Page B-32 Environmental Report HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, LowerAllow.ys Lower Allowayo Creek Creek PermitiNo. PemlitiNo. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Peffilit Actlon Action Appendix B NPDES Permit Table Table III* III - E E *-1: 1: Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Parameter I Limit :statIStical :Sampling :S!,mple Momtormg Phase II Parameter :Sample

Sample Limit :statistical :Sampling :Sample Momtormg Phase l.luant,lII~atlOn lJuant,lII~atlOn ICobalt, Point Base Base Frequency Type Period Period Limit Limit Cobalt, Total Total I Industrial Point Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly Frequency II 1/ Year Year Type Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final (as (as Co)

Co) Residuals Residuals MGIKO MGIKO Average Average Silver, Silver, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 1/ Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December inal December Final Residuals Residuals MOIKO MOIKO Average Average Antimony, Antimony, Dry Dry Weight Industrial Weight Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru Ihru December December inal inal Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKO Average Average Aluminum, Aluminum, Total Total Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year 11 Year Composite Composite January January thru furu December December inal inal (as (as AI) AI) Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Selenium, Selenium, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru furu December December inal inal Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKO Average Average Copper, Copper, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January thru December January thru December Final Final Residuals Residuals MOIKO MOIKO Average Average Cadmium, Cadmium, DryDry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal mal Residuals Residuals MOIKO MOIKO Average Average Zinc, Zinc, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 1/ Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December inal December Final Residuals Residuals MOIKG MOIKG Average Average Lead, Lead, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thm December December inal inal Residuals Residuals MOIKG MOIKG Average Average Nickel, Nickel, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal inal Residuals Residuals MGIKO MGIKO Average Average Mercury, Dry Weight Mercury, Dry Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKO Average Average Chromium, Chromium, DryDry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Residuals Residuals MGIKO MOIKO Average Average Iron, Iron, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Benzene, Benzene, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite JJMUary 8IIUary thru thru December December inal inal Hope Creek Generating Station Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Avel'llge Avel1lge Bis(2-chloroethyl) Bis(2-chloroethyl) Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal inal ether, Dry Wt ether, Dry Wt Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKO Average Average Butyl Butyl benzyl-benzyl- Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year 11 Year Composite Composite January January thru fum December December Final Final phthalate, phthalate, Dry Dry Wt Wt Residuals Residuals MGIKO MOIKO Average Average Dimethyl Dimethyl phthalate, phthalate, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly IIII Year Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKO Average Average Naphthalene Naphthalene Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 1/ Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal inal I I Dry Dry Weight Residuals MGIKO Average License Renewal Application Weight Residuals MOIKO Average 2-Chloronaphthalene, 2-Chloronaphthalene, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 1/ Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thm December December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKO __.L__ Average Average

                                                                                                                          -          -~~-.     --_._-

Limits Limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page 100f 16 Page100f 16

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING STATION, LowerAlioways GENERATING STATION, LowerAlioways Creek Creek Pennil Penni! No, No, NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated RenewEl1 Permit Consolidated RenewEl1 Permit Action Action License Renewal Application Table Table III III -- E E -1:

                                                      - 1: Residuals Resid,mls DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements l'srameter I'arameter               :s_ample
                                                                        ~,!lmple          LimIt LimIt   :stattstlcal I>tattstlcal   ~ampllng
                                                                                                                 ~amplmg      ::i.ample
                                                                                                                              ~!,mple          IVl?D1tormg IVl~D1tormg                l'nase I'nase            Quantlftcatton
                                                                                                                                                                                            \,luant.llleabon Point Point                      Base Ba**        Frequency Frequency      Type Type             Period Period                                          Limit Limit Di-n-butyl Di-n-butyl phthalate phthalate            Industrial Industrial       REPORT REPORT    Monthly Monthly        11 Year 11 Year    Composite Composite    January January thru thru December December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight                     Residuals Residuals        MGIKG MGIKG     Average Average Hexachlorobenzene, Hexachlorobenzene,              Industrial Industrial       ~EPORT REPORT    Monthly Monthly        I I Year 11  Year   Composite Composite    January January thru December Final thru December Final Dry Dry Weight Weight                     Residoals Residuals        MGIKG MGIKG     Average Average Carbon Carbon Tetrachloride Tetrachloride           Industrial Industrial       REPORT REPORT    Monthly Monthly        II Year II Year    Composite Composite    January January thru thru December December    inal inal Dry Dry Weight Weight                     Residuals Residuals        MGIKG MGIKG    .Average
                                                                                                  .Average Chlorobenzene, Chlorobenzene,                  Industrial Industrial       REPORT REPORT    Monthly Monthly        11 Year 1/ Year    Composite Composite    January January thru December Final thru December  ina!

Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Chloroform Chloroform IndustrIal Industrtal REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year 1/Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKG Average Average Ethylbenzene Ethylbenzene Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKO Average Average Methylene Methylene Chloride, Chloride, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly I/Year 1/ Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December inal Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MOIKG Average Average Tetrachloroethylene, Tetrachloroethylene, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Toluene, Toluene, Dry Dry Weight Weight Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Trichloroethylene, Trichloroethylene, Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal ina! Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average 1,1,I-Trichloro-I,I,I-Trichloro- Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December inal ethane, ethane, Dry Dry Wt Wt Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Carbon Carbon disulfide disulfide Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year 1/ Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Fmal Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Vinyl acetate Vinyl acetate Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year 11 Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December inal ina! Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Xylene Xylene Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite Jl\l1uary January Ihru thru December December Final Final Environmental Report Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Acetone Acetone Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Phenol, Phenol, Single Single Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Compound, Dry Wt Compound, Dry Residuals MGIKG Average I I Wt Residuals MGIKG Average 2,4-D 2,4-D Industrial Industrial REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 11 II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru December Final thru December Final Residuals Residuals MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Page B-33 Appendix B NPDES Permit Limits limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page Page 11 11 0116 of 16

Page B-34 Environmental Report HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING STATION, Lower GENERATING STATION, Lower Alloways Creek Allowayo Creek Permit Permit No. No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action Residuals Residuals WCR WCR -- Monthly Monthly Reportinl: Reportinl~ Requirements: Appendix B NPDES Permit Requirements: Submit Submit aa Monthly Monthly WCR: WCR: due due 60 60 calendar calendar days days after the end after the end of of each each calendar calendar month. month. Table Table III III -- E E -- 2: 2: Residuals WCR -- Monthly Residuals WCR Monthly Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Parameter Parameter Lumpuanee L~mpllance umts URlts 1i!'mple 1i~mpl. M?nltormg MORltormg Ynase rnase Quantlhcabon

                                                                                                                                                                                                      \.luant.lileallon IISludge Sludge Landfilled Landfilled Quantity Quantity REPORT REPORT           DMT/MO DMT/MO         Calculated Calculated Type Type January thru January Period Period thru December December Final inal Limit Limit Sludge Sludge Land Land Applied Applied                               REPORT REPORT           DMT/MO DMT/MO         Calculated Calculated              January thru December January thru December Final Final Sludge Sludge Disposed Disposed                                  REPORT REPORT           DMT/MO DMT/MO         Calculated Calculated              January January thru thru December December Final Final Out-or-State Out-of-State AmI Sludge Ami   Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd,                               REPORT REPORT           WCY/MO WCY/MO         Calculated Calculated              January thru December January thru           inal December Final Wet Wet Cubic   Yards Cubic Yacds Amt Sludge Amt   Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd,                               REPORT REPORT           WMTIMO WMTIMO         Calculated Calculated              January January thru December Final thru December Final Wet Wet Metric Metric Tons Tons Amt Amt Sludge Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd,                               REPORT REPORT           GALIMON GALIMON        Calculated Calculated              January January thru thru December December      inal inal Gallons Gallons Sludge Sludge Bene Bene Use Use                                 REPORT REPORT           DMTIMO DMTIMO         Calculated Calculated              January January thru thru December December Final inal Out-or* State Out-of-State Sludge Sludge Surface Surface                                   REPORT REPORT           DMTIMO DMTIMO         Calculated Calculated              January January thru thru December December Final inal Disposed.

Disposed Total Total Amount Amount ofof REPORT REPORT DMT/MO DMT/MO Calculated Calculated January January thru December Final thru December Final Sludge Sludge Removed Removed Sludge Sludge lncinerated Incinerated REPORT REPORT DMT/MO DMT/MO Calculated Calculated January thru January thru December December Final inal Sludge Sludge Disposed-Disposed- REPORT REPORT DMT/MO DMT/MO Calculated Calculated January thru January thru December December Final Final Other Other Methods Methods Sludge/Septage Sludge/Septage Rcvd Offsit. Offsite Srces Rcvd Srces Wet Wet MT MT REPORT REPORT I

  • WMTIMO WMTIMO Calculated Calculated
                                                                                                                                                  .. January thru December January thru December   inal inal Hope Creek Generating Station Sludge/Septage Sludge/Septage Rcvd Rcvd                              REPORT REPORT           GALlMaN GALIMON        Calculated Calculated              January January thru thru December December Final Final Offsite Offsite Srces Srces Gals Gals Sludge/Septage Rcvd Sludge/Septage  Rcvd                              REPORT REPORT           WCY/MO WCY/MO         Calculated Calculated              January thru January      December Final thru December  inal Offsite Srces Offsite Srces Wt Wt Y Yd3 d3 Solids, Total Solids, Total                                     REPORT REPORT             %TS
                                                                                                             %TS          Composite Composite               January thru January tbru December December      inal inal License Renewal Application limits Limits And Monitoring Requirements And Monitoring Requirements                                                                                                                                                    Page 12 12 of of 16 18

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Alloway. Alloway. Creek Creek Permit Permit No. No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Renew,,1 Renew,,1 Permit Permit Action Action License Renewal Application Residuals Residuals Transfer Transfer Reportiug Reportiug Requiremeuts: Requiremeuts: Submit Submit aa Monthly Monthly RTR: RTR: due due 60 60 calendar calendar days days after !hI' end after !hI' end of of each each calendar calendar month. month. Environmental Report Page B-35 Appendix B NPDES Permit Limits limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page Page 13 13 of of 16 16

Page B-36 Environmental Report HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING STATION, Lower GENERATING STATION, lower Alloway. Alloways Creek Creek Permil No. Permil No. NJ0025411 NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Coc;solidaled COMolidaled Renew"l Renew,,1 Permit Permit AcUon Action Appendix B NPDES Permit F. F. SLIA SLIA STP STP SYSTEM SYSTEM Location Location Description Description A A representative representative sampl.: samplo: of of residuals residuals generated by the generated by the STP STP System System shall shall be be analyzed analyzed pursuant pursuant to to the the Sludge Sludge Quality Quality Assurance Assurance Regulations Regulations (SQAR, (SQAR, N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14C). l4C). Discharge Categories Discharge Categories Industrial Industrial Wastewater Wastewater Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit Submit an an Annual Annual DMR: DMR: due due 60 60 calendar calendar days days after after the the end end of of each each calendar calendar year. year. Table III Table III -- F F -- 1: 1: Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Parameter Sample Llm,t  :>tattstlca, :l!,mp,e MODltormg Phase Qu.nt,bcal~ II REPORT Parameter Sample LImIt  ;)tatl.tlcal ~amp 109

                                                                                                                      ~ampnng               Ii!,mple              Momtormg                   Phase              Quanttltcatton Limit II Residuals Point                        Base              Frequency               Type                 Period IISolids, Point                        Base              Frequency               Type                 Period                                            Limit Solids, Total Total                 Residuals    REPORT        Monthly Monthly              11 Year II Year             Composite Composite        January thru December January thru December Final Final
                                                                                         %TS      Average Average Nitrate Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrogen,            Residuals Residuals         REPORT REPORT     Monthly Monthly               II Year 11 Year            Composite Composite        January thru December January thru December Finall Finall Dry Dry Weight Weight                                    MGIKG MGIKG      Average Average Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Kjeldahl Kjeldahl           Residuals Residuals         REPORT REPORT     Monthly Monthly               II Year II Year            Composite Composite        January thru December January thru December Final Final Total, Total, Dry Dry Wt Wt                                 MGIKG MGIKG      Average Average Potassium Potassium                    Residuals Residuals         REPORT REPORT     Monthly Monthly               11 Year II Year            Composite Composite         January thru December January thru December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight                                    MGIKG MGIKG      Average Average Nitrogen, Nitrogen, Ammonia Ammonia             Residuals Residuals        REPORT REPORT     Monthly Monthly               II II Year Year         Composite Composite         January January thru thru December December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight                                    MGIKG MGIKG      Average Average Calcium Calcium                      Residuals*

Residuals* REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ 11 Year Year Composite Composite January thru December January thru December inal inal Dry Dry Weight Weight MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Molybdenum Molybdenum Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January thru December January thru December Final Final Dry Weight Dry Weight MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Phosphorus Phosphorus Residuals Residuals HEPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II 11 Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Dry Weight MGIKO Aver~ge Ave~ge Hope Creek Generating Station Dry Weight MGIKG Arsenic, Dry Weight Arsenic, Dry Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ II Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final I MGIKO MGIKG Average Average Selenium, Selenium, Dry Weight Dry Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year II Year Composite Composite January thru December January thru December Final Final II MGIKO MGIKG Average Average Copper, Copper, Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ 11 Year Year Composite Composite January January Ihm thru December December Fmal Final Beryllium Beryllium Residuals Residuals I MOIKO MGIKG REPORT REPORT Average Average Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December December Final Final Dry Dry Weight Weight I MOIKO MGIKG Average Average License Renewal Application Cadmium, Cadmium, Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ 1/ Year Year Composite Composite January January thru thru December Deceinber Final Final MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Limits And Limits And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Page 14 of 16

Hope Creek Generating Station HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Alloways Alloways Cree~ Permit Permit No. No. NJ0025411 NJaa25411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Consolidated Renewal Renewal PermIt Permit Action Action License Renewal Application Table Table III* III - F* F - 1: 1: Residuals Residuals DMR DMR Limits Limits and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Parameter I ~:S,:tmple

                                                                          . mple      LImIt                                               MODltormg                      Phase             QuantlhcatlOn II                                                                                                                                            II Parameter                              LImIt   :statIstical
                                                                                              ~tatlstJc.1     ~amplmg
                                                                                                              ~ampHng      :sample
                                                                                                                           ~!,mple        MODltormg                      Phase             l..!uanUllcatlOn Point                   Base Base         Frequency Frequency      Type Type          Period Period                                                Limit Limit Zinc, Zinc, Dry Dry Weight Weight I Residuals Residuals I    REPORT REPORT    Monthly Monthly         II Year II Year    Composite Composite   January thru December January thru December       inal inal MGIKG     Average Lead, Lead, Dry Dry Weight Weight              Residuals Residuals I   MGIKG REPORT REPORT Average Monthly Monthly         II Year II Year    Composite Composite   January January thm  December Final, thru December  ina] ,

MGIKG MGIKG Average Average Nickel, Nickel, Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thm thm December December Final Final MGIKO MGIKO Average Average Mercury, Mercury, Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly 1/ Year II Year Composite Composite January January thm thm December December Final inal MGIKO MGIKO Average Average Chromium, Chromium, Dry Dry Weight Weight Residuals Residuals REPORT REPORT Monthly Monthly II Year II Year Composite Composite January January thm thm December December Final inal MGIKO MGIKO Average Average

                                                                                                             ---            --_._-             - -   -----    -

Environmental Report Page B-37 Appendix B NPDES Permit Umits Limits And And Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements PagelS Page 15 0116 of 16

Page B-38 Environmental Report HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION, LowerAlioways Lower Allowayo Creek Creek Permit No. NJ0025411 PER020001 PER020001 Consolidated Corlsolidated Renewall Renewall Permit Action PermitAct!on Residuals Residuals WCR WCR -- Annual Annual Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Appendix B NPDES Permit Submit Submit an Annual WCR: an Annual WCR: due due 60 60 calendar calendar days days after after the the end end of of each each calendar calendar year. year. Table Table III III -- F F -- 2: 2: Residuals Residuals WCR WCR -- Annual Annual Limits LimUs and and Monitoring Monitoring Requirements Requirements Paramot"r Paramet'~r LOmplJlance Phase l,!uantillcatlOn II l,;omplJlance Units ~~mple

                                                                                                                                             ~:,mpe        M~nltormg M~nltorlDg                Phase              \JuantillcatlOn Quantity Quantity                                         Type Type           Period Period                                          Limit Limit Sludge LandfiUed Sludge Landfilled                                  REPORT REPORT            DMTfYR DMTfYR             Calculated Calculated            January January thru thru December December   inal inal Sludge Sludge Land Land Applied Applied                                REPORT REPORT            DMTfYR DMTfYR             Calculated Calculated            January thru December January thru December Final Final Sludge Sludge Disposed Disposed                                    REPORT REPORT            DMTfYR DMTfYR             Calculated Calculated            January January thru thru December December   ina!

ina! Out-of-State Out*of*State Amt Sludge Amt Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd, REPORT REPORT WCYfYR WCYfYR Calculated Calculated January thru December January thru December inal inal Wet Wet Cubic Cubic Yards Yards Amt Sludge Amt Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd, REPORT REPORT WMTfYR WMTfYR Calculated Calculated January January thru thru December December Final ina! Wet Wet Metric Metric Tons Tons Amt Amt Sludge Sludge Rmvd, Rmvd, REPORT REPORT GALIYEAR GALIYEAR Calculated Calculated January thru January thru December December iml! inal Gallons Gallons Sludge Bene Use Sludge Bene Use REPORT REPORT DMTIYR DMTIYR Calculated Calculated January January thru thru December December Final Final Out-of-State Out-of*State Sludge Sludge Surface Surface REPORT REPORT DMTIYR DMTIYR Calculated Calculated January January thru December Final thru December Final Disposed Disposed Total Amount Total Amount ofof REPORT REPORT DMTfYR DMTfYR Calculated alculated January thru December January thru December Final Fmal Sludge Sludge Removed Removed Sludge Sludge Incinerated Incinerated REPORT REPORT DMTfYR DMTfYR Calculated Calculated January January thru thru December December inal inal Sludge Sludge Disposed-Disposed. REPORT REPORT DMTfYR DMTIYR Calculated Calculated January January thru thru December December inal inal Other Other Methods Methods Solids, Solids, Total Total REPORT REPORT

                                                                                                               %TS "loTS            Composite Composite

January January thru thru December December Final Final Hope Creek Generating Station Residuals Residuals Transfer Transfer Reporting Reporting Requirements: Requirements: Submit Submit an an Annual Annual RTR.: RTR: due due 60 60 calendar calendlar days days after after the the end end of each calendar of each calendar year. year. License Renewal Application Limits Limits And And Monitoring Requirements Monitoring Requirements Page 16 of of 16

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, lower lower Alloway. Alloway. Creek Creek PennK NO.NJ0025411 PennK NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal PennK PennK Action Action PART IV PART IV SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: NARRATIVE NARRATIVE Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater A. A. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS 1.

1. Standard Monitoring Standard Monitoring Requirements Requirements
a. Each
a. analysis required Each analysis required by by this this permit permit shall shall bebe performed performed by by aa New New Jersey Jersey Certified Certified Laboratory Laboratory that is that is certified certified to to perform perform that that analysis.

analysis. b, The b, The Permittee Permittee shallshall perform perform all all water/wastewater water/wastewater analyses analyses in in accordance accordance with with the the analytical analytical test test procedures specified procedures specified in in 40 40 CFR CFR 136 136 unless unless other other test test procedures procedures havehave been been approved approved by by the the Department in Department in writing writing or or as as otherwise otherwise specified specified in in the the permit permit c, The c, The permittee permittee shallshall utilize utilize analytical analytical methods methods that that will will ensure ensure compliance compliance wit!!wit!! the the Quantification Quantification Levels (QLs) Levels (QLs) listed listed in in PART PART III. III. IfIf the the permittee permittee andlorandlor contract contract laboratory laboratory determines determines that that the the QLs achieved QLs achieved for for any any pollutant(s) pollutant(s) generally generally will will notnot bebe as as sensitive sensitive as as the the QLs QLs specified specified in in PART PART III, the III, the permittee permittee must must submit submit aa justification justification of of such such to to the the Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting Region 2. Region 2. Failure Failure to to submit submit aa justification justification is is aa permit permit violation. violation.

d. All
d. sampling shall All sampling shall bebe conducted conducted in in accordance accordance with with the the Department's Department's FieldField Sampling Sampling Procedures Procedures Manual; or Manual; or an an alternate alternate method method approved approved by by the the Department Department in in writing.


e. All
e. All monitoring monitoring shall shall be be conducted conducted as as specified specified in in Part Part III.

III. f.f. All sample frequencies All sample frequencies expressed expressed in in Part Part III III are are minimum minimum requirements. requirements. However, However, if if additional additional samples are samples are taken, taken, analytical analytical results results shall shall bebe reported reported as as appropriate. appropriate.

g. The
g. permittee shall The permittee shall perform perform all all residual residual analyses analyses in in accordance accordance with with the the analytical analytical test test procedures procedures specified in specified in 40 40 CFRCFR 503.8 503.8 and and thethe Sludge Sludge Quality Quality Assurance Assurance Regulations Regulations (N-J.A.C.

(N-J.A.C. 7: 7: l4C) l4C) unless unless other test other test procedures procedures have have beenbeen approved approved by by the the Department Department in in writing writing oror as as otherwise otherwise specified specified in the in the permit. permit.

h. Flow
h. Flow shall shall be be measured measured using using aa flow flow meter meter at at DSN's DSN's 461A, 461A, 46lC 46lC and and 462B.

462B. i.i. The net amount The net amount of of heat heat petpet unit unit time time shall shall bebe calculated calculated by by multiplying multiplying heatheat capacity, capacity, discharge discharge flow, and flow, and discharge-intake discharge-intake temperature temperature difference. difference. j.

j. Net limitation shall Net limitation shall be be calculated calculated by by multiplying multiplying [(gross[(gross effluent effluent concentratiOR)*(gross concentratiOR)*(gross effluent effluent flow) -- (intake flow) (intake concentration)*(intake concentration)*(intake flow)}/(grossflow)}/(gross effluent effluent flow).


1. Standard Recordkeeping Standard Recordkeeping Requirements Requirements
a. The
a. Dermittee shall The Dermittee shall retain retain records records of of all all monitoring monitoring information information including including all all calibration calibration and and maintenance records, maintenance records, allall original original stripstrip chart chart recordings recordings for for continuous continuous monitoring monitoring instrumentation, instrumentation, copies of copies of all all reports, reports, andand all all data data used used to to complete complete the the application application for for this this permit.


b. Records
b. Records of of monitoring monitoring information information shall shall include include the the date, date, locations locations andand time time ofof sampling sampling or or measurements, the measurements, the individual individual who who performed performed the the sampling sampling or or measurements, measurements, the the date date the the samples samples were collected.

were collected. the the date date thethe samoles samoles were were analyzed, analyzed, the the individual individual who who oerformed oerformed the the analysis. analysis. the the analytical method analytical method used,used, andand thethe *results.

                                                                             *results.             --                                 --                         -- ..
c. The
c. permittee shall The permittee shall retain retain copies copies of of all all reports reports required required by by aa NJPDES NJPDES permitpermit andand records records of of all all data used data used to to complete complete the the application application for for aa NJPDES NJPDES permit permit for for aa period period of of at at least least 55 years years unless unless otherwise required otherwise required by by 4040 CFR CFR PartPart 503.

503. Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Page 1 Page 1 of of 13 13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-39 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERA GENERAllNGllNG STASTAllON. llON. Lower Alloway. Creek Lower Alloway. Creek Permit NO.NJ0025411 Permit NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal PennH PennH Action Action

d. The
d. permittee shall The permittee shall allow allow anan authorized authorized representative representative of of the the Department, Department, upon upon the the presentation presentation of of credentials, to credentials, to enter enter upon upon aa person's person's premises, premises, for for purposes purposes ofof inspection, inspection, andand to access II copy to access copy any any records that records that must must be be kept kept under under thethe conditions conditions ofof this this permit.


1. Standard Reporting Standard Reporting Requirements Requirements
a. The
a. permittee shall The permittee shall submit submit allall required required monitoring monitoring results results to the DEP to the DEP on on the the forms forms provided provided to to the the following addresses:

following addresses: i.i. NJDEP NJDEP Division of Division of Water Water Quality Quality Bureau of Bureau of Permit Permit Management Management P.O. Box P.O. Box 029 029 Trenton, New Trenton, New Jersey Jersey 08625 08625 ii. ii. DRBC DRBC P. O. P. O. Box Box 7360 7360 West Trenton, West Trenton, NewNew Jersey Jersey 08628 08628

b. If
b. requested by If requested by the the Water Water Compliance Compliance and and Enforcement Enforcement Bureau, Bureau, please please send send the the information information requested to requested to the the following following address:

address: i.i. Southern Bureau Southern Bureau of of Water Water Compliance Compliance and and Enforcement Enforcement One Port One Port Center Center 22 Riverside Riverside Drive, Drive, Suite Suite 2020 II Camden, NJ Camden, NJ 08103. 08103.

c. For
c. For submittal submittal of of paper paper monitoring monitoring reportreport forms:

forms: i.i. All monitoring reports All monitoring reports shall shall bebe signed signed byby the the highest highest ranking ranking official official having having day-to-day day-to-day managerial and managerial and operational operational responsibilities responsibilities for for the the discharging discharging facility facility in in accordance accordance with with N.lA.C.7:14A-6.9. N.lA.C.7:14A-6.9. ii. ii. The highest ranking The highest ranking official official maymay delegate delegate responsibility responsibility toto sign sign in in accordance accordance with with NJAC NJAC 7:14A-6.9(c). 7:14A-6.9(c).

d. Monitoring
d. Monitoring reportsreports shall shall bebe completed completed in in accordance accordance withwith the the current current Discharge Discharge Monitoring Monitoring Report Manual Report Manual and and any any updates.


e. Wben
e. quantification levels Wben quantification levels (QL)

(QL) andand effluent effluent limits limits are are both both specified specified for for aa given given parameter parameter in in Part III, Part III, and and the the QL QL isis less less stringent stringent than than the the effluent effluent limit, limit, effluent effluent compliance compliance will will be be determined determined by comparing by comparing the the reported reported value value against against the the QL. QL. [[ If monitoring If monitoring for for aa parameter parameter is is not required for not required for that that m_onitoring m_onitoring period. period. the the permittee permittee is is required required to report to report "CODE=N" "CODE=N" on on that that Monitoring Monitoring Report Report Form. Form.

g. For
g. intermittent discharges, For intermittent discharges, the the permittee permittee shall shall obtain obtain aa sample sample during during atat least least one of the one of the discharge discharge events occurring events occurring during during aa monitoring monitoring period.

period. Place Place aa check check mark mark inin the the "No "No Discharge Discharge this this Monitoring Period" Monitoring Period" boxbox on on the the monitoring monitoring report report submittal submittal form form only only ifif there there are are no no discharge discharge events during events during the the entire entire monitQrLng monitQrLng period. period. D. D. SUBMITTALS SUBMITTALS 1.

1. Standard Snbmittal Standard Snbmittal Requirements Requirements a.
a. The permittee shall The permittee shall amend amend the the Operation Operation & Maintenance Manual
                                                                                       & Maintenance      Manual whenever whenever there       is aa change there is     change inin the treatment the   treatment works works design, design, construction, construction, operations operations oror maintenance maintenance which which substantially substantially changes changes the treatment the   treatment works works operations operations and and maintenance maintenance procedures.

procedures. E. E. FACILITY MANAGEMENT FACILITY MANAGEMENT Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Page 20f Page 20f 13 13 Page B-40 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. Lower Lower Alloway. Alloway. Creek Creek Permit No.NJ0025411 Permit No.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Permit Action Renewal Permit Action 1.

1. Discharge Requirements Discharge Requirements
a. The
a. The pennittee pennittee shall shall discharge discharge at at the the location(s) location(s) specified specified inin PART PART IIIIII of of this this pennil pennil
b. The
b. The 'p~nnittee shallshall notnot discharge discharge foam, foam, or or cause cause objectionable objectionable deposits, deposits, oror foaming foaming of of the the recelVmg water.

recelVmg water.

c. The
c. The pennittee's pennittee's discharge discharge shaH shaH not not produce produce objectionable objectionable color color oror odor odor inin the the receiving receiving stream.


d. The
d. The discharge discharge shall shall not not exhibit exhibit aa visible visible sheen.


e. The
e. The Pennittee Pennittee is is authorized authorized to use the to use the foHowing foHowing additives:

additives: OSN 461A: OSN 461A: sodium sodium hypochlorite, hypochlorite, ammonium ammonium bisulfite bisulfite and and sodium sodium hydroxide. hydroxide. Refer Refer to to item item 0.1. 0.1. for more infonnation for more infonnation concerning concerning chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants. oxidants. There There shaH shaH be be no no detectable detectable amount of amount of the the 126 126 priority priority poHutaots poHutaots contained contained in in chemicals chemicals added added for for cooling cooling tower tower maintenance maintenance in the in the discharge discharge fromfrom OSNOSN 461A. 461A. OSN 461C: OSN 461C: Carbohydrazide, Carbohydrazide, AmmoniumAmmonium Hydroxide,Hydroxide, Hydrazine. Hydrazine. All outfaIls: If All outfaIls: If the the pennitee pennitee decides decides to to begin begin using using additional additional agents agents or or replace replace the the above above agents agents inin the future, the future, the the pennitee pennitee must must notify notify thethe Department Department at at least least 180 180 days days prior prior to to use use so so that that the the pennit may pennit may be be reopened, reopened, if if necessary, necessary, to to incorporate incorporate any any additional additional limitations limitations deemed deemed necessary. necessary. 2.

2. Applicability of Applicability of Discharge Discharge Limitations Limitations and and Effective Effective Dates Dates a.
a. This This pennpenn it it includes includes aa schedule schedule forfor compliance compliance for for the the following following parameters:

parameters: An alternate An alternate sample sample typetype for for chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants oxidants at at OSN OSN 461A. 461A. TheThe initial initial phase phase limits limits are effective are effective from from EOPEOP until until EOP EOP + + II year. year. TheThe fmal fmal phase phase will will become become effective effective onon EOP EOP + +II year year 3.

3. Operation, Maintenance Operation, Maintenance and and Emergency Emergency conditions conditions a.
a. The pennittee The pennittee shall shall operate operate and and maintain maintain treatment treatment works works andand facilities facilities which which areare installed installed or or used used by the pennittee by the pennittee to to achieve achieve compliance compliance with with thethe tenns tenns and and conditions conditions of of the the pennit pennit asas specified specified inin the Operation the Operation & Maintenance Manual.
                                                   & Maintenance         Manual.
b. The
b. pennittee shall The pennittee shall develop develop emergency emergency procedures procedures to to ensure ensure effective effective operation operation of of the the treatment treatment works under works under emergency emergency conditions conditions in in accordance accordance with with NJAC NJAC 7: 7: 14A-6.12(d).


1. Causes for Causes for modification modification
a. Pursuantto
a. N.1.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)(IO)(iii),

Pursuantto N.1.A.C. 7:14A-6.2(a)(IO)(iii), the the Department Department may may modify modify or or revoke revoke andand reissue reissue any any pennit to pennit to incorporate incorporate limitations limitations or or requirements requirements to control the to control the discharge discharge of of toxic toxic pollutaots, pollutaots, including whole including whole effluent, effluent, chronic chronic andand acute acute toxicity toxicity requirements, requirements, chemical chemical specific specific limitations limitations or or toxicity reduction toxicity reduction requirements, requirements, as as applicable. applicable.

h. The
h. DepalUilent may The DepalUilent may incorporate incorporate requirements requirements to file monitoring to file monitoring data data required required byby this this pennit pennit electronically through electronically through aa minor minor modification modification in in accordance accordance with with N.J.A.C.

N.J.A.C. 7: 7: 14A-16.5(a)1. 14A-16.5(a)1.

c. The
c. pennittee may The pennittee may request request aa minor minor modification modification to to eliminate eliminate thethe monitoring monitoring requirements requirements associated with associated with aa discharge discharge authorized authorized by by this this pennit pennit when when the the discharge discharge ceases ceases due due to to changes changes at at the facility.

the facility. G. G. Custom Requirement Custom Requirement 1.

1. Chlorine Produced Chlorine Produced Oxidants Oxidants at at DSN DSN 461A:

461A: Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Page30f13 Page30f13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-41 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. lower lower A1loways A1loways Creek Creek Permit No.NJ0025411 Permit No.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action

a. Chlorine
a. produced oxidants Chlorine produced oxidants maymay notnot bebe discharged discharged fromfrom anyany unit unit for for more more then then two two hours hours in in any any one day one day and and not not more more than than one one unit in any unit in any plant plant may may discharge discharge chlorine chlorine produced produced oxidants oxidants at at any any one time.

one time. Both Both these these conditions conditions remain remain in in effect effect unless unless the the permittee permittee can can demonstrate demonstrate to to the the Department that Department that the the units units in in aa particular particular location location cannot cannot operate operate at at or or below below this this level level ofof chlorination. Any chlorination. Any alternate alternate condition condition would would be be subject subject to to aa permit permit modification. modification. 2.

2. Effluent Temperature Effluent Temperature at at DSN DSN 461A461A
a. Effluent
a. temperature shall Effluent temperature be measured shall be measured at at DSN DSN 461A 461A on on aa continuous continuous basis.

basis. The The effluent effluent temperature values temperature values measured measured over over thethe course course of of aa calendar calendar day day shall shall be be averaged averaged on on aa daily daily basis basis consistent with consistent with thethe definition definition of of daily daily discharge discharge pursuant pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1.2. to N.J.A.C. 7:14A-1.2. TheseThese daily daily discharge points discharge points shall shall be be utilized utilized forfor the the purposes purposes of of completing completing discharge discharge monitoring monitoring reports reports asas well as well as for for calculation calculation purposes. purposes. 3.

3. Discharge of Discharge of FCR's FCR's at at all all Outfalls Outfalls
a. There
a. shall be There shall be nono discharge discharge of of polychlorinated polychlorinated biphenyl biphenyl compounds compounds (PCB's)(PCB's) suchsuch as as those those which which are commonly are commonly used used forfor transformer transformer fluid.

fluid. 4.

4. Continuous Monitoring Continuous Monitoring
a. As
a. indicated in As indicated in Part III, continuous Part III, continuous monitoring monitoring is required for is required for certain certain parameters parameters at at DSNs DSNs 461A,461A, 461 C, 461 C, and and 4628.

4628. In In the the event event the the continuous continuous monitors monitors are are temporarily temporarily unavailable unavailable due due toto maintenance, calibration, maintenance, calibration, or or inoperability inoperability of of the the continuous continuous monitor, monitor, thethe permitee permitee may may useuse one one of of the following the following methods methods for for reporting reporting during during such such interim interim periods:. periods:. i.

i. DSN 461A Effluent DSN 461A Effluent Temperature-Temperature- temperature temperature detector detector located located atat the the dechlorination dechlorination system,system, aa temporary continuous temporary continuous temperature temperature monitor, monitor, or or manual manual sampling sampling onceonce perper twelve twelve hourhour shift.

shift. ii. ii. DSN 461A DSN 461A Intake Intake Temperature Temperature -- aa temporary temporary continuous continuous temperature temperature monitor, monitor, intake intake temperature temperature at at the the adjacent adjacent Salem Salem Generating Generating Station, Station, or or manual manual sampling sampling once once perper twelve twelve hourhour shift. shift. iii. DSN iii. 46lA Effluent DSN 46lA Effluent Flow-Flow- an an installed installed float float meter, meter, manual manual measurement measurement of of the the height height over over the the effluent weir effluent weir once once per per shift, shift, or or aa calculation calculation based based on on the the difference difference between between intake intake flow flow and and estimated evaporative estimated evaporative losses. losses. iv. DSN iv. DSN 46lA 46lA Intake Intake Flow Flow -- calculations calculations based based on on pump pump run run hours. hours. v.

v. DSN 46lA DSN 46lA Effluent Effluent CPO CPO -- manual manual sampling sampling onceonce perper twelve twelve hour hour shift.

shift. vi. DSN vi. DSN 461461 C C Effluent Effluent Flow-Flow- calculations calculations basedbased onon lift lift station station pump pump operating operating hourshours or or pumping pumping events. events. vii. DSN vii. 462B Effluent DSN 462B Effluent Flow Flow -- manual manual measurement measurement of of the the height height ofthe ofthe effluent effluent over over aa V-notched V-notched weir. weir.

b. Any
b. results from Any results from thethe alternative alternative monitoring monitoring methodologies methodologies shall shall not not be be reported reported forfor periods periods whenwhen the primary the primary monitoring monitoring devicedevice isis correctly correctly operating.

operating. This This authorization authorization to to use use alternative alternative monitoring methodologies monitoring methodologies does does not not alleviate alleviate permittee's permittee's obligation obligation to to maintain maintain the the primary primary monitoring instru_rnentation monitoring instru_rnentation and and devices devices andand toto ensure ensure their proper operability their proper operability and and availability availability to to the maximum the maximum extent extent practicable practicable consistent consistent with with the the applicable applicable requirements requirements ofN.J.A.C. ofN.J.A.C. 7: 7: l4A-l l4A-l et. seq. et. seq. S. S. Service Water Service Water Bypass Bypass

a. To
a. facilitate necessarY To facilitate necessarY Station Station maintenance.

maintenance. the the nermitee nermitee is is authorized authorized to to temnorarilv temnorarilv redirect redirect service water service water to to discharge discharge through through DSN DSN 463A, 463A, bypassing bypassing DSN DSN 461A. 461A. The The addii:i~n'of ~~di';~ hypochlorite (or hypochlorite any other (or any other chemical chemical biocide biocide authorized authorized by by the the Department) Department) shall shall bebe terminated terminated during the during the bypass bypass discharge. discharge. The The following following conditions conditions shall shall bebe met met by by the the permittee permittee when when service service water is water is discharged discharged through through DSNDSN 463A:. 463A:. Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Page 4 Page 4 of of 13 13 Page B-42 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Allowayo Allowayo Creek Creek Permil NO.NJ00254 Permil NO.NJ00254 1 11 1 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Pennit Pennit Action Action i.i. Provide written Provide written notification notification to to the the Chief, Chief, Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting-Region Permitting-Region 22 and and the the Southern Bureau of Southern Bureau of Compliance Compliance Water Water Enforcement Enforcement prior prior toto the the bypass bypass discharge. discharge. This This notification shall notification shall include include the the expected expected datesdates ofof the the bypass, bypass, confmnation confmnation that that sodium sodium hypochlorite addition hypochlorite addition to to the the service service water water willwill be be terminated terminated during during the the bypass, bypass, and and aa brief brief description of description of the the reason reason the the bypass bypass is is necessary. necessary. ii. ii. Provide oral Provide oral notification notification to to the the Southern Southern Bureau Bureau ofof Compliance Compliance and and Water Water Enforcement Enforcement at at least least 24 hours prior 24 hours prior toto commencing commencing the the bypass bypass discharge. discharge. 6.

6. 'Flow Measurements
                        'Flow      Measurements using  using Rhodamine Rhodamine WT        WT Dye  Dye a,

a, The permitee is The permitee is authorized authorized to to perform perform periodic periodic flowflow measurement measurement testing testing of of the the cooling cooling tower tower related systems related systems using using Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT Dye Dye as as aa tracer. tracer. This This dyedye will will discharge discharge to to the the Delaware Delaware River through River through outfall outfall DSNDSN 461A.461A. The The following following conditions conditions must must be be met met by by the the permittee:. permittee:. i.i. Provide written Provide written notification notification to to the the Chief, Chief, Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting-Permitting- Region Region 22 andand the the Southern Bureau of Southern Bureau of Compliance Compliance Water Water Enforcement Enforcement prior prior toto the the use use of of Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT dye. dye. This notification This notification shall shall include include the the expected expected datesdates of of the the discharge, discharge, the the expected expected concentration concentration of of Rhodamine WT Rhodamine WT dye dye inin the the emuent, emuent, and and thethe anticipated anticipated concentration concentration of of Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT duedue toto be added. be added. ** ii. ii. Provide oral Provide oral notification notification to to the the Southern Southern Bureau Bureau ofof Compliance Compliance and and Water Water Enforcement Enforcement at at least least 24 hours prior 24 hours prior toto commencing commencing the the discharge discharge of of Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT dye.dye. iii. iii. Within thirty Within thirty (30) (30) days days of of completion completion of of the the flow flow measurement measurement testing,testing, provide provide writtenwritten notification of notification of completion completion to to the the Chief, Chief, Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting-Region Permitting-Region 22 and and the the Southern Bureau of Southern Bureau of Compliance Compliance and and Water Water Enforcement. Enforcement. This This notification notification shaIl shaIl include include the the actual dates actual dates of of the the discharge, discharge, the the actual actual concentration concentration of of Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT dye dye in in the the emuent emuent at at DSN 461A, DSN 461A, andand the the total total quantity quantity of of Rhodamine Rhodamine WT WT dye dye added. added. 7.

7. Other Regulatory Other Regulatory Requirements Requirements
a. The
a. permittee shall The permittee shall comply comply with with all all regulations regulations set set forth forth in N.l.S.A. 26:2D-l in N.l.S.A. 26:2D-l et et seq.

seq. regarding regarding Radiation Protection. Radiation Protection. All All radioactive radioactive wastes wastes shall shall be be collected, collected, removed, removed, and and disposed disposed of of in in accordance with accordance with N.1.S.A. N.1.S.A. 7:28-1l.l 7:28-1l.l et et seq. seq.

b. The
b. permittee is The permittee is licensed licensed by by thethe U.S.

U.S. Nuclear Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission Commission (USNRC) (USNRC) and and responsible responsible to that to that agency agency for for compliance compliance with with radiological radiological emuent emuent limitations, limitations, monitoring monitoring requirements, requirements, and and other licensing other licensing conditions. conditions. 8.

8. Section 316 Section Determination Upon 316 Determination Upon PermitPermit Issuance Issuance a.
a. With respect With respect to to Section Section 316 (b), the 316 (b), the Department Department will will make make aa determination determination at at th~ timetime ofof permit permit renewal which renewal which will will include, include, but but will will not not be be limited limited to, to, an an evaluation evaluation of of whether whether technologies, technologies, their their costs costs and and benefits, benefits, and and potential potential for for application application at at the the Station Station have have changed.

changed. 9.

9. Compliance with Compliance with DRBC DRBC Requirements Requirements a.
a. The permittee The permittee shall shall discharge discharge so so asas not not toto violate violate the the Delaware Delaware River River Basin Basin Commission Commission Water Water Quality Regulations as Quality Regulations as amended amended for for Zone Zone 55 waters.

waters. This This includes includes thethe stream stream quality quality objectives objectives for radioactivity for radioactivity namely: namely: alpha alpha emitters emitters -- maximum maximum 33 pclL pclL (picocuries (picocuries per per liter) liter) and and beta beta emitters emitters

                            -- maximum maximum 1000 1000 pclL:

pclL: .. .. -- .. ..

b. The
b. permittee shall The permittee shall ensure ensure that that any any thermal thermal discharge discharge complies complies with with the the temperature temperature and and heat heat dissipation requirements dissipation requirements imposed imposed in any current in any current DRBC DRBC docketdocket D-73-193 D-73-193 CP CP and and any any revisions revisions thereto.


10. Alternate
10. Alternate Temperature Temperature Condition Condition Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater Page 5 Page 5 of of 13 13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-43 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, Lower Lower Alloways Alloways Creek Creek Pennit NO.NJ0025411 Pennit NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Pennit Pennit Action Action

a. Given
a. Given aa coincident coincident occurrence occurrence of of aa wet wet bulb bulb temperature temperature thatthat exceeds exceeds 7676 degrees degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit and and aa relative humidity relative humidity below below 60 60 percent percent during during aa given given day day for for aa period period equal equal to to or or greater greater than than 60 60 minutes, the minutes, the daily daily maximum maximum temperature temperature limit limit does does not not apply apply andand monitoring monitoring only only isis required.

required. If If these two these two conditions conditions for for wet wet bulb bulb temperature temperature andand relative relative humidity humidity occur, occur, asas weH weH as as an an exceedance of exceedance of the the temperature temperature limitlimit of of 97.1 97.1 degrees degrees Fahrenheit Fahrenheit at at DSN DSN 461A, 461A, thethe permittee permittee is is required to required to submit submit aa chart chart with with columns columns for for the the foHowing foHowing datadata for for each each hour hour ofof that that day: day: (1) (1) Cooling Tower Cooling Tower Blowdown Blowdown Flow Flow (gpm); (gpm); (2) (2) Intake Intake Temperature Temperature (degrees (degrees Fahrenheit); Fahrenheit); (3) (3) Blowdown Temperature Blowdown Temperature (degrees (degrees Fahrenheit); Fahrenheit); (4) (4) Change Change in in Temperature Temperature (degrees (degrees Fahrenheit); Fahrenheit); (5) MBTUlHour; (5) MBTUlHour; (6) (6) Dry Dry BulbBulb Temperature Temperature (degrees (degrees Fahrenheit); Fahrenheit); (7) (7) Dew Dew Point Point Temperature Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit); (degrees Fahrenheit); (8) (8) Wet Wet Bulb Bulb Temperature Temperature (degrees (degrees Fahrenheit); Fahrenheit); andand (9) (9) Relative Relative Humidity Humidity (percent). (percent).

b. Dry
b. Dry bulb bulb temperature, temperature, dew dew point, point, barometric barometric pressure pressure and and wind wind speed speed and and direction direction areare measured measured at IS-minute at IS-minute intervals intervals at at Hope Hope Creek's Creek's meteorological meteorological Station.

Station. WetWet bulb bulb temperature temperature and and relative relative humidity are humidity are computed computed using using measurements measurements of of dry bulb temperature dry bulb temperature and and dew dew point point with with aa numerical algorithm numerical algorithm thatthat relates relates the the dependence dependence of of wet wet bulb bulb temperature temperature andand relative relative humidity humidity on on dew point, dew point, dry dry bulb bulb temperature, temperature, and and atmospheric atmospheric pressure. pressure. In the event In the event that that data data are are not not available from available from thethe Hope Hope Creek Creek meteorological meteorological Tower, Tower, then then PSEG PSEG may may utilize utilize data data coHected coHected at at the the Wilmington meteorological Wilmington meteorological Station Station (Wilmington). (Wilmington). The The use of another use of another alternative alternative source source (other (other than Hope than Hope Creek Creek meteorological meteorological Tower Tower data data or or Wilmington Wilmington metorological metorological Station) Station) must must bebe approved in approved in advance advance by by the the Department Department and and duly duly noted noted onon the the monitoring monitoring report report form. form. TheThe permittee must permittee must retain retain records records of of the the Wilmington Wilmington datadata or or any any other other data data in in its its monitoring monitoring report report form back form back upup file file for for the the term term specified specified byby the the applicable applicable provisions provisions of of the the NJPDES NJPDES regulations. regulations. Proper Operation

11. Proper
11. Operation and and Maintenance Maintenance of of Cooling Cooling Tower Tower
a. The
a. Department reserves The Department reserves the the right right to to revoke revoke the the alternate alternate temperature temperature condition condition at at DSN DSN 461A, 461A, which is which is conditional conditional on on the the occurence occurence of of extreme extreme meteorological meteorological conditions, conditions, if if it it is is determined determined that the that the cooling cooling tower tower isis not not being being properly properly operated operated andand maintained.

maintained. Industrial Wastewater Industrial Wastewater PageS of13 PageS of13 Page B-44 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. Lower Lower Alloway. Alloway. Creek Creek Permn NO.NJ0025411 Permn NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Permit Action Renewal Permit Action Stormwater Stormwater A. A. Monitoring Monitoring 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) B. B. Reporting Reporting 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) C. C. Record Keeping Record Keeping 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) D. D. Submittals Submittals 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) E. E. Operations and Operations and Maintenance Maintenance 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) F. F. Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) G. G. Site Specific Site Specific Best Best Management Management Practices Practices 1.

1. (Reserved)

(Reserved) H. H. Custom Requirement Custom Requirement 1.

1. Storm water Storm water Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan The following outline The following outline provides provides the the key key elements elements of of an an acceptable acceptable Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Plan Prevention Plan (SPPP).

(SPPP). The purpose or The purpose or the the SPPP SPPP is to meet is to meet the the following following objectives: objectives:

a. to
a. identify potential to identify potential sources sources of of pollutants pollutants and and source source materials materials onsite onsite which which may may reasonably reasonably bebe expected to expected to affect affect the the quality quality of of stormwater stormwater discharges discharges associated associated with with industrial industrial activity.


b. to
b. describe and to describe and ensure ensure that that practices practices are are implemented implemented to to eliminate eliminate andlor andlor reduce reduce pollutants pollutants from from source materials source materials in in stormwater stormwater discharges discharges associated associated with with industrial industrial activity.


c. to
c. to ensure ensure compliance compliance with with the the terms terms and and conditions conditions ofof this this permit.

permit. Note: Source materials Note: Source materials areare defmed defmed as as any any material material or or machinery, machinery, located located at at the the facility facility and and directly or directly or indirectly indirectly related related toto process process or or other other industrial industrial activities, activities, which which could could bebe aa source source of of pollutants in pollutants in aa stormwater stormwater discharge discharge associated associated with with industrial industrial activity activity that that is is subject subject to to the the Clean Clean Water Act Water Act andlor andlor 4040 CFR CFR 122.26. 122.26. Source Source materials materials include, include, but but are are not not limited limited to, to, raw raw materials;intermediate products; materials;intermediate products; fmalfmal products; products; waste waste materials; materials; by-products; by-products; industrial industrial machinery and machinery and fueis; fueis; and and iubricants, iubricants, soivents, soivents, and and detergents detergents that that are are reiated reiated to to process process oror other other industrial activities. industrial activities. Material Material or or machinery machinery thatthat are are not not exposed exposed toto storm storm water water or or that that are are not not located at located at the the facility facility are are not not source source materials. materials. Stormwater Stormwater Page 7 Page 7 of of 13 13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-45 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. Lower Alloway. STATION. Lower Alloway. Creek Creek Permit No.NJOO25411 Permit No.NJOO25411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Action Penn~ Action 2.

2. Storm water Storm water Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Team Team The permittee The permittee shall shall continue continue to to identify identify aa Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Team Team in in the the SPPP.

SPPP. The SPPP The SPPP shallshall bebe updated updated to to name name specific specific individuals individuals or or positions positions within within thethe facility facility organization organization if if members members oUhe oUhe team team change. change. The The team team is is responsible responsible for for implementing implementing the the SPPP in SPPP in accordance accordance with with good good engineering engineering practices, practices, and and for for the the plan's plan's implementation implementation and and maintenance. The maintenance. The plan plan shall shall clearly clearly identify identify the the responsibilities responsibilities of of each each team team member. member. The The activities and activities and responsibilities responsibilities of of the the team team shall shall address address all all aspects aspects of of the the facility's facility's SPPPSPPP whichwhich are provided are provided below. below. 3.

3. Description of Description of Existing Existing Environmental Environmental Management Management Plans Plans The The teamteam shall shall evaluate evaluate the the facility's facility's exisiting exisiting environmental environmental management management plans plans and and programs for programs for consistency consistency with with this permit and this permit and determine determine whichwhich provisions, provisions, if if any, any, from from these these other plans other plans cancan be be incorporated incorporated by by reference reference into into the the SPPP.

SPPP. Examples Examples of of plans plans which which may may be be referred to referred to when when applicable applicable to to the the site site include: include: the current BMP the current BMP Plan, Plan, Discharge Discharge Prevention Prevention Containment and Containment and Countermeasures Countermeasures (DPPC), (DPPC), Discharge Discharge Cleanup Cleanup and and Removal Removal (DCR). (DCR). Preparedness Prevention Preparedness Prevention and and Contingency Contingency Plan Plan (pPCP, (pPCP, 40 40 CFR CFR Parts Parts 264264 andand 265), 265), thethe Spill Spill Prevention Control Prevention Control and and Countermeasures Countermeasures (SPPC) (SPPC) requirements requirements (40 (40 CFR CFR PaftPaft 112). 112). thethe National Pollutant National Pollutant Discharge Discharge Elimiuation Elimiuation SystemSystem Toxic Toxic Organic Organic Management Management Plan Plan (NPDESTOMP, 40 (NPDESTOMP, 40 CFR CFR PartsParts 413,433, 413,433, and and 469), 469), and and the the Occupational Occupational SafetySafety and and Health Health Administration (OSHA) Administration (OSHA) Emergency Emergency Action Action PlanPlan (29 (29 CFR CFR Part Part 1910). 1910). A A copy copy of of any any plans plans referred to referred to in in the SPPP should the SPPP should be be kept kept on-site on-site with with thethe SPPP. SPPP. 4.

4. Site Assessmen Site Assessmen tt The The SiteSite Assessment Assessment shall shall describe describe the the physical physical facility facility and and the the potential potential pollutant pollutant sourcessources (materials, activities (materials, activities andand areas) areas) which which may may be be reasonably reasonably expected expected to to affect affect thethe quality quality of of stormwater discharges.

stormwater discharges. The The keykey elements elements of of the the site site assesssment assesssment shall shall include, include, at at aa minimnm, minimnm, the following the following requirements: requirements:

a. Inventory
a. Inventory Requirements Requirements The facility must The facility must update update annuaJly annuaJly (more(more frequently frequently if if considered considered appropriate) appropriate) an an inventory, inventory, which includes, which includes, at at aa minimum, minimum, the the following:.

following:. i.i. listlist ofof the the general general categories categories of of source source materials materials that that have have been been used, used, loaded/unloaded, loaded/unloaded, stored, stored, treated, spilled, treated, spilled, leaked leaked and/or and/or disposed disposed onsite onsite inin aa manner manner toto allow allow exposure exposure to to stonnwater. stonnwater. ii. list ii. list of of any any domestic domestic watewater, watewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, treated treated groundwater groundwater or or process process was1ewater that was1ewater that isis generated generated at at the the facility facility andand discharged discharged throughseperate' throughseperate' storm storm sewers sewers toto surface waters. surface waters. ListList any any current current NJPDES NJPDES permitspermits oror permit permit applications applications that that the the facility facility may may have for have for such such discharges. discharges. --

b. Mapping
b. Mapping Requirements Requirements A site map A site map drawn drawn to to an an appropriate appropriate scale scale that that clearly clearly shows shows thethe following:.

following:. buildings and i.i. buildings and other other permanent permanent structures. structures. ii. ii. paved areas paved areas and and roadways. roadways. iii. Surface iii. water bodies Surface water bodies (e.g., (e.g., rivers, rivers, lakes, lakes, streams, streams, bays, bays, estuaries) estuaries) that that are are located located on on oror about about the the property which property which receive receive or or may may receive receive stormwater stormwater from from the the site. site. IV. IV. location of location of aU aU stonnwater stonnwater discharge discharge pOLrlts and outfaHs. pOLrlts and outfaHs. v.

v. location location of of each each point point oror sewer sewer segment, segment, wherewhere domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, treated treated groundwater, groundwater, process wastewater process wastewater or or non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water water generated generated byby the the facility facility enters enters stann stann sewers sewers that discharge that discharge to to surface surface waters.

waters. Stormwater Stormwater Page B Page B of of 13 13 Page B-46 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION, STATION, lower lower Alloway. Alloway. Creek Creek Permtt NO,NJ0025411 Permtt NO,NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action vi. outline vi. outline of of the the drainage drainage area area within within thethe facility facility boundaries boundaries for for each each storrnwater storrnwater outfall outfall and and aa depiction of depiction of the the flow flow direction direction (e.g., (e.g., arrowhead arrowhead of of storm stormwater water inin each each drainage drainage area). area). vii. locations vii. where source locations where source materials materials are are likely likely toto be be exposed exposed to to stormwater, stormwater, and and the the following following activities andlor activities andlor areas, areas, at at aa minimum; minimum; storagestorage areas, areas, palleted palleted materials, materials, outdoor outdoor handling, handling, treatment or treatment or disposal disposal areas, areas, loading loading andlor andlor unloading unloading areas, areas, manufacturing manufacturing andlor andlor processing processing areas, waste areas, waste storage storage areas, areas, vehicles/equipment vehicles/equipment maintenance maintenance areas,areas, vehicle/equipment vehicle/equipment fueling fueling areas, hazardous areas, hazardous waste waste storage storage oror disposal disposal areas, areas, areas areas of of spills spills andlor andlor leaks leaks ofof source source materials, materials, and access and access routes. routes. viii. locations viii. locations of of existing existing stormwater stormwater structural structural control control measures measures (e.g., (e.g., containment, containment, berms, berms, dententionlretention basins, dententionlretention basins, grassed grassed swales). swales). ix. areas ix. areas of of exisiting exisiting andand potentential potentential soil soil erosion. erosion.

c. Narrative
c. Narrative Description Description ofExisiting ofExisiting Conditions Conditions The SPPP The SPPP shallshall continue continue to to include include aa narrative narrative description description concerning concerning the the existing existing management management of of all source materials all source materials at at the the facility facility which which areare handled, handled, treated, treated, stored, stored, disposed, disposed, or or which which otherwise otherwise exist in exist in aa manner manner allowing allowing contact contact with with stormwater.

stormwater. The The narrative narrative descriptiorrshall descriptiorrshall be be updated updated toto reflect current reflect current practices practices and and address address thethe following following where where appropriate:. appropriate:. i.i. any discharges any discharges of of domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, treated treated groundwater groundwater or or process waste that process waste that are are listed listed inin accordance accordance with with Item Item H.4.aji H.4.aji above above (unless (unless such such discharges discharges have have been authorized been authorized by by this this oror other other NJPDES NJPDES permitspermits or or identified identified in in applications applications or or requests requests for for authorization submitted authorization submitted for for other other NJPDES NJPDES permits). permits). ii. ii. description description of of types types of of industrial industrial activities activities andlor andlor areas areas (e.g. (e.g. fueling fueling material material handling, handling, manufacturing or manufacturing or processing processing areas) areas) at at the the site. site. iii. the iii. the actual actual oror potential potential pollutant pollutant categories categories associated associated withwith each each industrial industrial area area andlor andlor activity activity where source where source materials materials are are likely likely toto be exposed to be exposed to stormwater stormwater including, including, but but not not limited limited to: to: fueling stations, fueling stations, loading/unloading loading/unloading areas, areas, maintenance maintenance shops,shops, areas areas where where spills spills andlor andlor leaks leaks of of source materials source materials frequently frequently occur, occur, equipment equipment or or vehicle vehicle cleaning cleaning areas, areas, outdoor outdoor storage storage areas,outdoor manufacturing areas,outdoor manufacturing or or processing processing areas,areas, onsite onsite waste waste disposal disposal areas, areas, aboveground aboveground liquid storage liquid storage tanks, tanks, outside outside storage storage of of raw raw materials, materials, by-products, by-products, or or fmished fmished products, products, (e.g., (e.g., fueling area fueling area -- diesel diesel fuels, fuels, gasoline, gasoline, petroleum petroleum hydrocarbons). hydrocarbons). iv. aa description iv. description of of existing existing management management practices practices employed employed to: to: eliminate eliminate contact contact of of source source materials with materials with stormwater; stormwater; minimize minimize or or reduce reduce pollutants pollutants from from source source materials materials through through structural or structural or non-structural non-structural measures; measures; divertdivert stormwater stormwater to to specific specific areas areas on on oror off-site, off-site, including including diversions to diversions to containment containment areas, areas, holding holding tanks, tanks, treatment treatment facilities, facilities, Or Or sanitary sanitary oror combined combined sewers; treat sewers; treat storrnwater storrnwater discharging discharging from from the the site; site; and and prevent prevent or or permit permit anyany discharges discharges of of domestic wastewater, domestic wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, treated treated groundwater groundwater orjlrocess orjlrocess wastewater wastewater to to surface water. surface water. 5.

5. Best Management Best Management PracticesPractices (BMP)(BMP) Selection Selection and and Plan Plan Design Design The permittee shall The permittee shall continue continue to to evaluate evaluate the the information information from from thethe site site assessment assessment phase phase of of this plan this plan to to identify identify potential potential and and existing existing sources sources of of storm storm water water containment containment by by source source material. All material. All discharges discharges to to surface surface water water of of domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, nOii-eontact nOii-eontact cooling cooling water, water, treated groundwater and treated groundwater and process process waste waste water water mustmust be be eliminated eliminated or or permitteed permitteed by by this this or or another NJPDES another NJPDES permit. permit. BasedBased upon upon thethe site site assessment assessment performed, performed, the the permittee permittee shallshall develop BMPs develop BMPs that that will will effectively effectively eliminate eliminate or or reduce reduce pollutant pollutant loadings loadings in in stormwater stormwater discharges from discharges from the the facility facility in in accordance accordance with with thethe following following sections.

sections. BMPs BMPs are are measures measures used to used prevent or to prevent or mitil!ate mitil!ate pollution pollution fromfrom any any type type ofof activity. activity. The The evaluation evaluation and and selection selection of the of the BMPs BMPs addressing addressing each each area, area, and/or and/or act-ivitY act-ivitY where where source source materials materials are are exposed exposed to to storm water storm water discharging discharging to to surface surface water, water, shall shall bebe documented documented in in the the SPPP SPPP and and shall shall include include at aa minimum at minimum the the following following BMPs:BMPs: Stormwater Stormwater Page 9 Page 9 of13 of13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-47 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. Lower Lower Alloways Alloways Creek Creek Permit No.NJ0025411 Permit No.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action

a. Non-Stonnwater
a. Non-Stonnwater Discharges Discharges into into Stonn Stonn Sewers Sewers The facility The facility shall shall ensure ensure that that itit does does notnot generate generate andand discharge, discharge, through through stonn stonn sewers sewers to to surface surface waters, waters, any any domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, treated treated groundwater groundwater or or process process wastewaters unless wastewaters unless that that discharge discharge is is authorized authorized by by this this or or another another NJPDES NJPDES pennit pennit oror identified identified in in an application an application or or request request for for authorization authorization submitted submitted for for another another NJPDES NJPDES pennit.


b. Removal,
b. Removal, Cover Cover or or Control Control of of Industrial Industrial Activities Activities Except as Except as specified specified and and required required herein herein forfor certain, certain, specific specific exposures exposures of of source source materials, materials, all all other source materials other source materials shallshall be be moved moved indoors, indoors, covered, covered, used, used, handled, handled, andlor andlor stored stored inin aa manner manner so as so as to to minimize minimize contact contact with with stonnwater stonnwater that that is is discharged discharged to to surface surface water.

water. Each Each BMP BMP that that prevents such prevents such contact contact shall shall bebe identified identified and and discussed discussed in in the the SPPP. SPPP.

c. Diverting
c. Diverting Stonnwater Stonnwater Approved diversion of Approved diversion of contaiminated contaiminated stonnwater stonnwater to to either either aa domestic domestic or or industrial industrial wastewater wastewater treatment plant treatment plant maymay also also bebe considered considered when when choosing choosing an an appropriate appropriate BMP BMP where where feasible.

feasible. (Diversion to (Diversion to groundwater groundwater may may require require aa seperate seperate NJPDES NJPDES permit. permit. Consult Consult thethe Department's Department's Groundwater Permitting Groundwater Permitting Unit Unit at at (609) (609) 292-0407). 292-0407).

d. Spill
d. Spill Prevention Prevention and and Response


Identify in Identify in the the SPPP SPPP areas areas where where actual actual or or potential potential spills spills of of source source materials materials areare exposed exposed to to stonnwater stonnwater and and maymay bebe discharged discharged with with stonnwater. stonnwater. Include Include their their accompanying accompanying drainage drainage points. points. Where appropriate, Where appropriate, specific specific material material handling handling procedures, procedures, storage storage requirements requirements and and use use ofof equipment such equipment such as as diversion diversion valves valves shall shall be be developed developed and and practiced practiced toto prevent prevent andlor andlor eliminate eliminate spills andlor spills andlor leaks leaks of of source source materials materials fromfrom being being exposed exposed to to stonnwater. stonnwater. Procedures Procedures for for cleaning cleaning up spills up spills shall shall bebe specifically specifically included included in in the the plan plan and and made made available available toto the the appropriate appropriate personnel personnel through scheduled through scheduled employee employee training. training. In addition, the In addition, the facility facility shall shall provide provide and and otherwise otherwise makemake available to available to its its personnel personnel the the appropriate appropriate and and neccessary neccessary small small cleanup cleanup equipment equipment to to effect effect anan immediate and immediate and thorough thorough spillspill cleanup. cleanup.

e. Good
e. Good Housekeeping Housekeeping The The SPPPSPPP must must continue continue to to include include aa good good housekeeping housekeeping program program to to help help maintain maintain aa clean clean and and orderly work orderly work place.

place. For For certain certain activities activities oror areas, areas, the the discharge discharge of of stonnwater stonnwater exposed exposed to to source source materials may materials may be be prevented prevented merely merely by by using using good good housekeeping housekeeping methods. methods. The The following following are are some simple some simple procedures procedures that that aa facility facility can can consider consider incorporating incorporating intointo an an effective effective good good housekeeping program:. housekeeping program:. i.i. conduct cleanup conduct cleanup immediately immediately after after discovery discovery of of leaks leaks and and spills,. spills,. ii. ii. implement careful implement careful material material storage storage practices,. practices,. iii. improve iii. improve operation operation and and maintenance maintenance of of industrial industrial machinery machinery and and processes,. processes,. iv. maintain iv. maintain an an up-to-date up-to-date material material inventory,. inventory,. v.

v. maintain well maintain well organized organized work work areas,.

areas,. vi. provide vi. provide regular regular pickup pickup and and disposal disposal of of waste waste materials,. materials,. vii. maintain vii. maintain cleanclean and and dry floors and dry floors and ground ground surfaces surfaces by by using using brooms, brooms, shovels, shovels, vacum vacum cleaners, cleaners, Of Of cleaning machines, cleaning machines, and. and. viii. train viii. train employees employees about about good good housekeeping housekeeping practices. practices. Stormwater Stormwater Page 10 Page 10 of13 of13 Page B-48 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. Lower Lower Alloway. Creek Alloway. Creek Permit No.NJ0025411 Permit No.NJ0025411 Consolidated Renewal PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Renewal Permit Permit Action Action f.

f. Preventative Maintenace Preventative Maintenace The The SPPP SPPP shall shall continue continue to to include include aa Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance ProgramProgram to to include include timely timely andand regular inspections regular inspections and and maintenance maintenance of of stormwater stormwater management management devices devices (e.g.,

(e.g., cleaning cleaning oiVwater oiVwater separators, catch separators, catch basins, basins, drip drip pans, pans, detention detention basins, basins, covers, covers, treatment treatment units) units) and and routine routine inspections of inspections of facility facility equipment equipment and and operations operations to to detect detect faulty faulty equipment. equipment. Equipment Equipment (such (such as as tanks, piping, tanks, piping, containers, containers, and and drums) drums) should should bebe checked checked regularly regularly for for signs signs ofof deterioration. deterioration.

g. Inspections
g. Inspections and and Evaluation Evaluation Process.

Process. i.

i. Regular Inspections Regular Inspections The SPPP The SPPP shall shall require require regular regular inspections inspections of of the the facility's facility's equipment, equipment, exposed exposed source source materials materials and industrial areas and industrial areas toto provide provide that that all all elements elements of of the the SPPP SPPP areare inin place place and and working working properly.

properly. Inspections shall Inspections shall be be conducted conducted by by qualified, qualified, trained trained pIant pIant personnel. personnel. Records Records of of these these inspections shall inspections shall be be kept kept onsite onsite and and shall shall contain, contain, at at aa minimum: minimum: date, date, locations locations of of any any identified identified problems, steps problems, steps taken taken toto correct correct problem problem and and prevent prevent reoccurence, reoccurence, and and the the inspectors' inspectors' names names and and titles. These titles. These reports reports shall shall also also record record anyany incidents incidents such such as as leaks, leaks, accidental accidental discharges, discharges, and and failures Or failures Or breakdowns breakdowns of of structual structual BMPs. BMPs. ** ii. ii. Annual Inspections Annual Inspections The SPPP The SPPP shall shall require require anan annual annual inspection inspection of of the the entire entire facility facility inin accordance accordance with with Item Item H.9.b. H.9.b. below. below. iii. iii. Evaluation Process Evaluation Process The SPPP shall The SPPP shall include include aa system system to to routinely routinely andand continually continually evaluate evaluate thethe SPPPSPPP for for effectiveness, flaws effectiveness, flaws that that have have developed, developed, and and required required maintenance. maintenance. The The routine routine evaluation evaluation must include, must include, butbut not not bebe limited limited to,to, regular regular annual annual inspections, inspections, inspection inspection logs logs andand records, records, internal reporting, internal reporting, planplan revisions revisions to to correct correct flaws flaws detected detected in in the the SPPP SPPP or or toto reflect reflect changes, changes, additions at additions at the the facility, facility, and and logs of preventive logs of preventive maintenance maintenance performed performed at at the the facility. facility. InIn addition, the addition, the Annual Annual Reports Reports andand Certifications Certifications required required under under Item Item H.9.b H.9.b below,. below,. are are integral integral to to the evaluation the evaluation process. process. 6.

6. Implementation Schednle Implementation Schednle The The SPPPSPPP shall shall continue continue to to include include an an implementation implementation scheduleschedule for for all all new new or or retrofitted retrofitted structural and structural and non-structural non-structural BMPs. BMPs. ThisThis shall shall include include aa schedule(s) schedule(s) for for the the removal, removal, coverage, and coverage, and minimization minimization of of exposure exposure of of source source materials materials to to stormwater stormwater and{or and{or stormwater stormwater diversion ot diversion ot treatment.

treatment. 7.

7. General Plan General Plan Requirements Requirements This section provides This section provides additional additional requirements requirements to to the the administrative administrative requirements requirements related related to to the finalized the finalized SPPP.SPPP. It covers required It covers required signatnres signatnres and and requirements requirements for for plan plan location location and and access.


a. Required
a. Required Signatures Signatures for for the the SPPP SPPP andand Stormwater Stormwater Certifications Certifications The SPPP The SPPP andand Stormwater Stormwater Certifications Certifications shall shall be be signed signed as as follows.

follows. i.i. for aa corporation, for corporation, by by aa priocipal priocipal executive executive officer officer ofof aa least least the the level level of of vice vice president. president. ii. ii. for aa partnership for partnership or or sale sale proprietorship, proprietorship, by by aa general general partner partner of of the the proprietor proprietor respectively. respectively. iii. for iii. for aa municipality, municipality, State, State, Federal Federal or or other other agency, agency, by by either either aa principal principal executive executive officer officer or or aa ranking officer. ranking officer. Stormwater Stormwater Page 11 Page 11 of of 13 13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-49 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. LowerLower A1loways A1loways Creek Creek Permit NO.NJ0025411 Permit NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Permn Action Renewal Permn Action iv. for iv. i., ii., for i., ii., or or iii. iii. above, above, by by aa duly duly authorized authorized representative, representative, provided provided that: that: the the representative representative is is authorized by authorized by aa person person described described in t, ii., in t, ii., or or iii. iii. above; above; this this authorization authorization specifies specifies either either anan individual or individual or aa position position responsible responsible for for the the overall overall operation operation of of the the regulated regulated facility facility or or activity activity (e.g., plant (e.g., plant manager, manager, superintendent); superintendent); and and the the written written authorization authorization was was submitted submitted to to the the Department. Department.

b. Plan
b. Plan Location Location and and Public Public Access.

Access. i.

i. The SPPP The SPPP and and inspection inspection and and preventative preventative maintenance maintenance records records or or logs logs shall shall bebe maintained maintained onsite onsite at at all all times.

times. These These documents documents must must be be made made available, available, upon upon request, request, to to aa representative representative of the of the Department Department and and toto the the owner owner andand operator operator of of any any municipal municipal separate separate storm storm seWer seWer receiving the receiving the stormwater stormwater discharge. discharge. ii. ii. Updates Updates of of the the facility's facility's SPPP SPPP shall shall be be submitted submitted annually annually to to the the Regional Regional WaterWater Compliance Compliance and Enforcement and Enforcement Offices, Offices, the the Bureau Bureau of of Point Point Source Source Permitting-Region Permitting-Region 2, 2, Bureau Bureau of of Non Nonpoint point Pollution Control Pollution Control and and toto the the Department's Department's CentralCentral File File Room. Room. 8.

8. Special Requirements Special Requirements a.
a. Facilities Subject Facilities Subject to to Emergency Emergency PlanningPlanning and and Community Community Right-to-Know Right-to-Know Statute Statute For facilities subject For facilities subject to to the the Emergency Emergency Planning Planning and and Community Community Right-to Right-to KnowKnow Act Act (EPCRA)

(EPCRA) Section 313, Section 313, thethe SPPP SPPP shaHshaH include, include, oror cite cite the the location location of of any any spill spill reports reports prepared prepared underunder that that Act. Act.

b. Facilities
b. Facilities with with SPCCSPCC Plans, Plans, DPCC DPCC Plans, Plans, oror DCR DCR Plans Plans The SPPP The SPPP shall shall include, include, or or cite cite the the location(s) location(s) of, of, any any Spill Spill Prevention Prevention Control Control and and Countermeasures Countermeasures Plan Plan (SPCC (SPCC Plan) Plan) prepared prepared underunder 40 40 CFR CFR 112 112 and and Section Section 3.1 3.1 ofof the the Clean Clean Water Act, Water Act, 3333 U.S.C.

U.S.C. S1321; S1321; and and any any Discharge Discharge Prevention, Prevention, Containment Containment and and Countermeasures Countermeasures Plan (DPCC Plan (DPCC plan) plan) andand Discharge Discharge Cleanup Cleanup and and Removal Removal Plan Plan (OCR (OCR plan) plan) prepared prepared underunder N.J.A.C N.J.A.C E. 7.1 E. 7.1

c. Facilities
c. Facilities Undergoing Undergoing Construction Construction Activities Activities Whenever construction Whenever construction activities activities are are undertaken undertaken at at the the facility, facility, the the SPPP SPPP shall shall bebe amended, amended, if if neccessary, neccessary, so so that that the the SPPP SPPP continues continues to to be be accurate accurate andand to to meet meet thethe requirements requirements of of this this permit.

permit. 9.

9. Compliance -- Inspections Compliance Inspections and and Reports Reports
a. Submit
a. Submit an an SPPP SPPP Implementation Implementation and and Inspection Inspection Recertification:

Recertification: annually annually fromfrom !he

                                                                                                                                         !he effective effective date date of the of the permit permit (BDP)

(BDP) whichwhich is is consistent consistent with with thethe schedule schedule thatthat was was established established in in the the former former permit, (e.g., permit, (e.g., ifif the the recertification recertification was was due due toto be be submitted submitted by by July July 1 1 of of each each swbsequent swbsequent year year then then under the under the renewed renewed permit permit thethe recertification recertification shall shall continue continue to to be be submitted submitted on on July July 1 of any 1 of any given given year). year).

b. The
b. pennittee shall The pennittee shall submit submit the the following following recertification recertification to to the the Bureau Bureau of of Permit Permit Management Management on on the Monitoring the Monitoring Report Report -- Transmittal Transmittal Sheet Sheet annually:


                         "I certify that "I certify   that the the facility facility has has been been inspected inspected to  to identify identify areas areas contributing contributing to   to the the stormwater stormwater discharge(s) authorized-under discharge(s)      authorized-under NJPDES/DSW NJPDES/DSW pennit     pennit No.No. NJ00254 NJ00254 II II and and to to evaluate evaluate whether whether the the stormwater pollution stormwater      pollution prevention prevention plan  plan (SPPP)

(SPPP) prepared prepared under under thethe permit permit complies complies with with the the permit permit and is and is properly properly implemented.". implemented.".

c. The
c. permittee shall The permittee shall continue continue to to conduct conduct annual annual inspections inspections of of the the facility facility toto assess assess alIalI areas areas contributing to contributing to the the stormwater stormwater discharge discharge authorized authorized by by this this permit permit andand to to evaluate evaluate whether whether thethe SPPP compjies SPPP compjies with, with, and and isis implemented implemented in in accordance accordance williwilli this this permit, permit, and and whether whether additional additional measures are measures are needed needed to to meet meet thethe conditions conditions of of this this permit.

permit. A A summary summary of of each each inspection inspection shall shall bebe included in included in the the SPPP. SPPP. Stormwater Stormwater Page 120f Page 120f 13 13 Page B-50 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit HOPE CREEK HOPE CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION. STATION. lower lower Alloways Alloways Creek Creek Permij NO.NJ0025411 Permij NO.NJ0025411 PER020001 Consolidated PER020001 Consolidated Renewal Renewal Permit Permit Action Action

d. The
d. permittee shall The permittee shall prepare prepare aa report report annually annually summarizing summarizing the the inspection.

inspection. This This report report shall shall the date include the include date ofof inspection inspection and and narne(s) narne(s) and and titles(s) titles(s) of of the the inspector(s) inspector(s) and and shall shall accompany accompany the certification the certification above above that that the the facility facility is is in in compliance compliance withwith its its SPPP SPPP and and this this permit, permit, except except that that if there if there are are any any incidents incidents of of non-compliance, non-compliance, thosethose incidents incidents shall shall be be identified identified inin the the certification. certification. If there If there are are incidents incidents of of non-compliance, non-compliance, the the report report shall shall identiJY identiJY the the steps steps being being taken taken to to remedy remedy the noncompliance the noncompliance and and to to prevent prevent such such inicidents inicidents fromfrom reocuning. reocuning. The The report report and and certification certification shall be shall be signed signed in accordance with in accordance with Item Item H. 7.a. H. 7 .a. of of this this pennit, pennit, and and aa copy copy shall shall be maintained be maintained onsite for onsite for aa period period ofof five five years. years. This This period period may may be be extended extended by by written written request request by by the the Department at Department at any any time. time. Stormwater Stormwater Page 13 Page 13 of13 of13 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-51 License Renewal Application


Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Table of Table of Contents Contents I. Stormwater Pollution I. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan .........................................................................

                                                                       ......................................................................... 11 II. Stormwater II. Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Team   Team ......................................................................
                                                                          ...................................................................... 11 III. Description III. Description of of Existing Existing Environmental Environmental Management Management Plans        Plans ......................................
                                                                                                            ...................................... 11 IV. Site IV. Site Assessment Assessment ..............................................
                                       ..............................................:: ..........................................................
                                                                                        .......................................................... 11 A. Inventory A. Inventory Requirements Requirements ..................................................................................
                                                              ..................................................................................22 B. Mapping B. Mapping Requirements Requirements ...................................................................................
                                                             ...................................................................................22 C. Narrative C. Narrative Description Description of      of Existing Existing Conditions Conditions .................................................
                                                                                                 ................................................. 33 V. Best V. Best Management Management Practices Practices (BMP)(BMP) Selection Selection and  and Plan Plan Design Design .................................
                                                                                                                 ................................. 33 A. Non-Stormwater A. Non-Stormwater Discharges Discharges into    into Storm Storm Sewers Sewers..........................*..................
                                                                                                     ..........................*..................44 B. Removal, B. Removal, CoverCover or   or Control Control ofIndustrial ofIndustrial Activities Activities .......................................      .4
                                                                                                          ....................................... .4 C. Diverting C. Diverting Stormwater Stormwater ......................................................................................
                                                          ...................................................................................... 44 D. Spill D. Spill Prevention Prevention and     and Response Response .......................................................................
                                                                        ....................................................................... .4.4 E. Good E. Good Housekeeping Housekeeping .......................................................................................
                                                        ....................................................................................... .4.4 F. Preventative F. Preventative Maintenance Maintenance ....................................................
                                                                                                                      ............................ 55 G. Inspections G. Inspections and  and Evaluation Evaluation ProcessProcess ................................................................
                                                                                ................................................................ 55 VI. Implementation VI. Implementation Schedule Schedule ..........................................................................................
                                                      .......................................................................................... 66 VII. General VII. General Plan Plan Requirements Requirements ......................................................................................
                                                          ...................................................................................... 66 Required Signatures A. Required A.              Signatures for     for SPPP SPPP and  and Attachments Attachments 22 and        and 33 ................................
                                                                                                                  ................................ 66 B. Plan B. Plan Location Location and   and Public Public Access Access ....................................................................
                                                                            .................................................................... 77 C. Certification C. Certification of   of Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan     Plan ...................................
                                                                                                               ................................... 77 VIII. Special VIII. Special Requirements Requirements ..............................................................................................
                                                  .............................................................................................. 77 A. Facilities A. Facilities Subject Subject to    to Emergency Emergency Planning Planning and     and Community Community Right-to-Know Right-to-Know Statute .................................................................................................

Statute ................................................................................................. ,, ................

                                                                                                                                   ................ 77 B. Facilities B.              with SPCC Facilities with       SPCC Plans;Plans; DPCC DPCC Plans, Plans, or   or DCR DCR PlansPlans ...............................
                                                                                                                   ............................... 77 C. Facilities C. Facilities Undergoing Undergoing Construction Construction Activities                ............................ ~ ..................

Activities ............................ .................. 88 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-53 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit I. Stormwater I. Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan The following outline The following outline provides provides thethe key key elements elements of of an an acceptable acceptable Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Plan Prevention Plan (SPPP). (SPPP). The The purpose purpose of of the the SPPP SPPP is is to to meet meet the the following following objectives: objectives: A. A. to identify to identify potential potential sources sources of of pollution pollution and and source source materials materials onsite onsite which which may may reasonably reasonably be expected to be expected to affect affect the the quality quality of of stormwater stormwater discharges discharges associated associated with with industrial industrial activity; activity; B. B. to describe to describe andand ensure ensure that that practices practices areare implemented implemented to to eliminate eliminate and/or and/or reduce reduce pollutants pollutants from source materials from source materials in in stormwater stormwater discharges discharges associated associated with with industrial industrial activity; activity; and and C. C. to ensure to ensure compliance compliance with with thethe terms terms and and conditions conditions of of this this permit. permit. II. Stormwater II. Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Team Team The permittee shall The permittee shall form form and and identify identify aa Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Team Team in in the the SPPP. SPPP. TheThe SPPP shall SPPP shall name name aa specific specific individual individual or or individuals individuals within within the the facility facility organization organization who who are are members of members of the the team. team. The The team team is is responsible responsible for for developing developing the the SPPP SPPP inin accordance accordance with with good good engineering practices, engineering practices, andand in in the the plan's plan's implementation, implementation, and and maintenance. maintenance. The The plan plan shall shall clearly clearly identify the identify the responsibilities responsibilities of of each each team team member. member. The The activities activities and and responsibilities responsibilities of of the the team team shall address shall address all all aspects aspects ofof the the facility's facility's SPPP SPPP which which areare provided provided below. below. III. Description III. Description of of Existing Existing Environmental Environmental ManagementManagement Plans Plans The SPPP The SPPP team team shall shall evaluate evaluate the the facility's facility's existing existing environmental environmental management management plans plans andand programs programs for for consistency consistency withwith this this permit permit and and determine determine which which provisions, provisions, ifif any, any, from from these these other plans other plans can can be be incorporated incorporated by by reference reference into into the the SPPP. SPPP. .. Examples Examples of of plans plans which which maymay be be referred referred toto when when applicable applicable toto the the site site inciude: inciude: Discharge Discharge Prevention Containment Prevention Containment and and Countermeasure Countermeasure (DPCC), (DPCC), Discharge Discharge Cleanup Cleanup andand Removal Removal (DCR),(DCR), Preparedness Prevention Preparedness Prevention and and Contingency Contingency Plan Plan (PPCP, (PPCP, 40 CFR Parts 40 CFR Parts 264 264 and and 265), 265), thethe Spill Spill Prevention Control Prevention Control and and Countermeasures Countermeasures (SPCC) (SPCC) requirements requirements (40 CFR Part (40 CFR Part 112), 112), thethe National National Pollutant Discharge Pollutant Discharge Elimination Elimination System System Toxic Toxic Organic Organic Management Management Plan Plan (NPDESTOMP, (NPDESTOMP, 40 40 CFR Parts CFR Parts 413, 413, 433, 433, andand 469), 469), and and the the Occupational Occupational SafetySafety and and Health Health Administration Administration (OSHA) (OSHA) Emergency Action Emergency Action Plan Plan (29 (29 CFR CFR PartPart 1910). 1910). A A copy copy ofof any any plans plans referred referred to to in in the the SPPP SPPP should should be kept be kept on-site on-site with with the the SPPP. SPPP. IV. Site Assessment IV. Site Assessment The Site The Site Assessment Assessment shall shall describe describe the the physical physical facility facility and and the the potential potential pollutant pollutant sources sources (materials, activities (materials, activities and and areas) areas) which which may may bebe reasonably reasonably expected expected to to affect affect the the quality quality of of Page B-54 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit stonnwater discharges. The stonnwater discharges. The key key elements elements of of the the site site assessment assessment shall shall include, include, at at aa minimum, minimum, the the following requirements: following requirements: A. Inventory A. Inventory Requirements Requirements Each facility Each facility must must develop develop and and update update annually, annually, as as appropriate, appropriate, an an inventory inventory which which includes, includes, at at aa minimum, minimum, the the following: following:

1. list
1. list of of the the general general categories categories ofof source source materials materials thatthat have have been been used, used, loaded/unloaded, loaded/unloaded, stored, stored, treated, spilled, leaked treated, spilled, leaked andlor andlor disposed disposed onsite onsite in in aa manner manner to to allow allow exposure exposure to to stonnwater; stonnwater; and and
2. list
2. list of of any any domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, or or process process waste waste water water (see(see
           .. definitions definitions in in Part Part IV IV of of permit),

permit), that that is is generated generated at at the the facility facility and and discharged discharged through through separate separate stonn sewers stonn sewers (see (see definition definition inin Part Part IV IV of of pennit) pennit) to to surface surface waters. waters. List List any any current current NJPDES NJPDES (New Jersey (New Jersey Pollutant Pollutant Discharge Discharge Elimination Elimination System) System) permits permits or or permit permit application application thatthat the the facility may facility may have have for for such such discharges. discharges. B. Mapping B. Mapping Requirements Requirements A site A site map map drawn drawn to to an an appropriate appropriate scale scale that that clearly clearly shows shows thethe following: following:

1. buildings
1. buildings andand other other pennanent pennanent structures; structures;
2. paved
2. paved areas areas and and roadways; roadways;
3. surface
3. surface water water bodies bodies (e.g.,

(e.g., rivers, rivers, lakes, lakes, streams, streams, bays, bays, estuaries) estuaries) that that are are located located on on or or abut abut the property which the property which receive receive or or may may receive receive stonnwater stonnwater from from the the site; site;

4. all
4. all stonnwater stonnwater discharge discharge locations; locations;
5. location
5. location ofof each each point point or or sewer sewer segment, segment, wherewhere domestic domestic sewage, sewage, process process waste waste water, water, or or non-contact cooling water non-contact cooling water generated generated by by the the facility facility enters enters storm storm sewers sewers that that discharge discharge to to surface surface waters; waters;
6. outline of
6. outline of each each dr~inage area area within within thethe facility facility boundaries boundaries and and aa depiction depiction of of flow flow direction direction (e.g., arrow (e.g., arrow head) head) of of stonnwater stonnwater in in each each drainage drainage area; area;
7. locations
7. locations where where source source materials materials are are likely likely toto be be exposed exposed to to stonnwater, stonnwater, and and the the following following activities a..~d/or areas, activities areas, at at a a minimum; minimum; storage storage areas, areas, palleted palleted materials;;

materials;; outdoor outdoor handling, handling, treatment treatment or or disposal disposal areas, areas, loading loading andlor andlor unloading unloading areas, areas, manufacturing manufacturing andlor andlor processing processing areas, waste areas, waste storage storage areas, areas, vehicle/equipment vehicle/equipment maintenance maintenance areas, areas, vehicle/equipment vehicle/equipment fuelingfueling areas, hazardous areas, hazardous wastewaste storage storage oror disposal disposal areas, areas, areas areas of of spills spills andlor andlor leaks leaks ofof source source materials, and materials, and access access routes; routes; 2 2 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-55 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit

8. location
8. location of of existing existing stormwater stormwater structural structural control control measures measures (e.g.,

(e.g., containment, containment, berms, berms, detention/retention basins, grassed detention/retention basins, grassed swales, swales, oil/water oil/water separators); separators); and and

9. areas
9. areas of of existing existing and and potential potential soil soil erosion.


c. Narrative
c. Narrative Description Description of of Existing Existing Conditions Conditions The SPPP The SPPP shall shall include include aa narrative narrative description description concerning concerning the the existing existing management management of of all all source source materials materials atat the the facility facility which which areare handled, handled, treated, treated, stored.

stored. disposed, disposed, or or which which otherwise otherwise existexist in in aa manner allowing manner allowing contact contact with with stormwater. stormwater. The The narrative narrative description description shall shall address address the the following following where appropriate: where appropriate: II

1. any
1. any discharges discharges of of domestic domestic sewage, sewage, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, or or process process water water that that are are listed listed in accordance with in accordance with A.2 A.2 above above (unless (unless such such discharges discharges havehave been been authorized authorized by by other other NJPDES NJPDES permits or permits or identified identified in in applications applications or or requests requests forfor authorization authorization submitted submitted for for other other NJPDES NJPDES permits);

permits); **

2. description
2. description of of type type ofof industrial industrial activities activities and/or and/or areas areas (e.g.,

(e.g., fueling, fueling, material material handling, handling, manufacturing manufacturing or or processing processing areas) areas) atat the the site; site;

3. the actual
3. the actual oror potential potential pollutant pollutant categories categories associated associated with with each each industrial industrial area area and/or and/or activity activity where source where source materials materials areare likely likely to to be be exposed exposed to to stormwater stormwater including, including, but but not not limited limited to:to:

fueling stations, fueling stations, loading/unloading loading/unloading areas,areas, maintenance maintenance shops,shops, areas areas wherewhere spills spills and/or and/or leaks leaks ofof source materials source materials frequently frequently occur, occur, equipment equipment or or vehicle vehicle cleaning cleaning areas, areas, outdoor outdoor storage storage areas, areas, outdoor manufacturing outdoor manufacturing or or processing processing areas, areas, onsite onsite waste waste disposal disposal areas,areas, above above ground ground liquid liquid storage tanks, storage tanks, outside outside storage storage of of raw raw materials, materials, by-products, by-products, or or finished finished products, products, (e.g., (e.g., fueling fueling area -- diesel area diesel fuels, fuels, gasoline, gasoline, petroleum petroleum hydrocarbons); hydrocarbons); and and

4. aa description
4. description of of existing existing management management practices practices employed employed to to :: a)a) eliminate eliminate contact contact ofof source source materials with materials with stormwater; stormwater; b) minimize or b) minimize or reduce reduce pollutants pollutants from from sourcesource materials materials through through structural or structural or non-structural non-structural measures; measures; c) c) divert divert stormwater stormwater to to specific specific areal; areal; on on or or off-site, off-site, including diversion including diversion to to containment containment areas, areas, holding holding tanks, tanks, treatment treatment facilities, facilities, oror sanitary sanitary or or combined sewers; combined sewers; d) d) treat treat stormwater stormwater discharging discharging from from the the site; site; andand e)e) prevent prevent or or permit permit any any discharges of discharges of domestic domestic wastewater, wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, or or process process wastewater wastewater to to surface surface water.


v. Best
v. Best Management Management PracticesPractices (BMP) (BMP) Selection Selection and and PlanPlan DesignDesign The permittee shall The permittee shall evaluate evaluate the the information information from from the the site site assessment assessment phase phase of of this this plan plan toto identifY potential identifY potential and and existing existing sources sources ofof stormwater stormwater contaminated contaminated by by source source material.

material. All All discharges to discharges to surface surface water water ofof domestic domestic sewage, sewage, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, andand process process waste water waste water must must be be eliminated eliminated or or permitted. permitted. Based Based upon upon the the site site assessment assessment performed, performed, the the permittee shall permittee shall develop develop BMP's BMP's thatthat will will effectively effectively eliminate eliminate or or reduce reduce pollutant pollutant loadings loadings in in stormwater discharges stormwater discharges fromfrom the the facility facility in in accordance accordance withwith thethe following following sections. sections. BMPs BMPs are are 33 Page B-56 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit measures used measures used toto prevent prevent or or mitigate mitigate pollution pollution from from anyany type type of of activity. activity. The The evaluation evaluation and and seiection seiection of of the the BMP's BMP's addressing addressing each each area, area, and/or and/or activity activity where where source source materials materials areare exposed exposed to stormwater to stormwater discharging discharging to to surface surface water, water, shall shall bebe documented documented in in the the SPPP SPPP andand shall shall include include atat aa minimum minimum the the following following BMPs: BMPs: A. Non-Stormwater A. Non-Stormwater Discharges Discharges into into Storm Storm Sewers Sewers The facility shall The facility shall ensure ensure that that itit does does not not generate generate and and discharge, discharge, through through storm storm sewers sewers to to surface surface waters, any waters, any domestic domestic sewage, sewage, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, oror process process wastewaters, wastewaters, unless unless that that discharge is discharge is authorized authorized by by another another NJPDES NJPDES permitpermit or or identified identified in in an an application application or or request request for for authorization submitted authorization submitted for for another another NJPDES NJPDES permit. permit. B. Removal, B. Removal, Cover Cover or or Control Control of of Industrial Industrial Activities Activities Except Except as as specified specified and and required required in in Part Part IVIV of of the the permit permit forfor certain, certain, specinc specinc exposures exposures of of source source materials, all materials, all other other source source materials materials shall shall bebe moved moved indoors, indoors, covered, covered, used, used, handled, handled, and/or and/or stored in stored in aa manner manner so so as as to to prevent prevent contact contact with with stormwater stormwater that that is is discharged discharged to to surface surface water. water. BMP that Each BMP Each that prevents prevents suchsuch contact contact shall shall be be identified identified andand discussed discussed in in the the SPPP. SPPP. C. Diverting C. Diverting Stormwater Stormwater Approved diversion of Approved diversion of contaminated contaminated stormwater stormwater to to either either aa domestic domestic or or industrial industrial wastewater wastewater treatment plant treatment plant may may also be considered also be considered when when choosing choosing an an appropriate appropriate BMP BMP where where feasible. feasible. (Diversion to (Diversion to groundwater groundwater may may require require aa separate separate NJPDES NJPDES permit. permit. Consult Consult thethe Bureau Bureau of of Nonpoint Pollution Nonpoint Pollution Control.) Control.) D. Spill D. Spill Prevention Prevention and and Response


Areas where Areas where actual actual oror potential potential spills spills of of source source materials materials areare exposed exposed to to stormwater stormwater discharges discharges can occur, and can occur, and their their accompanying accompanying drainagedrainage points points shall shall be be identified identified clea";ly clea";ly in in the the SPPP. SPPP. Where appropriate, Where appropriate, specific specific material material handling handling procedures, procedures, storage storage requirements requirements and and use use of of equipment such equipment such as as diversion diversion valves valves shall shall be be developed developed and and practiced practiced to to prevent prevent and/or and/or eliminate eliminate spills and/or spills and/or leaks leaks ofof source source materials materials from from being being exposed exposed to to stormwater. stormwater. Procedures Procedures for for cleaning up cleaning up spills spills shall shall be be specifically specifically included included inin the the plan plan and and made made available available to to the the appropriate appropriate personnel through personnel through scheduled scheduled employee employee training. training. InIn addition, addition, thethe facility facility shall shall provide provide or or otherwise make otherwise make available available to to its its personnel personnel the the appropriate appropriate and and necessary necessary spillspill cleanup cleanup equipment equipment to effect to effect an an immediate immediate and and thorough thorough spill spill cleanup. cleanup. E. Good E. Good Housekeeping Housekeeping The SPPP must The SPPP must include include aa good good housekeeping housekeeping program program to to help help maintain maintain aa cleanclean and and orderly orderly work work place. For place. For certain certain activities activities or or areas, areas, the the discharge discharge of of stormwater stormwater exposed exposed to to source source materials materials 44 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-57 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit may be may be prevented prevented merely merely by by using using good good housekeeping housekeeping methods. methods. The The following following are are some some simple simple procedures procedures that tacility can that aa tacility can consider consider incorporating incorporating intointo an an effective effective good good housekeeping housekeeping program: program: I. conduct I. conduct cleanup cleanup immediately immediately afterafter discovery discovery of of leaks leaks and and spills; spills;

2. implement
2. implement careful careful material material storage storage practices; practices;
3. improve
3. improve operation operation and and maintenance maintenance of of industrial industrial machinery machinery andand processes; processes;
4. maintain
4. maintain up-to-date up-to-date material material inventory; inventory; s.s. maintain well maintain well organized organized workwork areas; areas;
6. provide
6. provide regular regular pickup pickup andand disposal disposal of of waste waste materials; materials;
7. maintain dry
7. maintain and clean dry and clean floors floors and and ground ground surfaces surfaces byby using using brooms, brooms, shovels, shovels, vacuum vacuum cleaners, or cleaners, or cleaning cleaning machines; machines; and and
8. train
8. train employees employees aboutabout good good housekeeping housekeeping practices.

practices. F. Preventative F. Preventative Maintenance Maintenance The SPPP The SPPP shall shall include include aa Preventative Preventative Maintenance Maintenance Program Program to to include include timely timely andand regular regular inspections inspections and and maintenance maintenance of of stormwater stormwater management management devices devices (e.g., (e.g., cleaning cleaning oil/water oil/water separators, catch separators, catch basins, basins, drip drip pans, pans, catch catch basins, basins, detention detention basins, basins, covers, covers, treatment treatment units) units) and and routine inspections routine inspections offacility offacility equipment equipment and and operations operations toto detect detect faulty faulty equipment. equipment. Equipment Equipment (such as (such as tanks, tanks, piping, piping, containers, containers, andand drums) drums) should should bebe checked checked regularly regularly forfor signs signs ofof deterioration. deterioration. Inspections and G. Inspections G. and Evaluation Evaluation ProcessProcess I. I. Regular Inspections Regular Inspections The SPPP The SPPP shall shall require require regular regular inspections inspections of of the the facility's facility's equipment, equipment, exposed exposed source source materials materials and industrial areas and industrial areas to to provide provide that that all all elements elements of of the the SPPP SPPP are are in in place place and and working working properly. properly. Inspections shall Inspections shall be be conducted conducted by by qualified, qualified, trained trained plant plant personnel. personnel. Records Records of of these these inspections shall inspections shall be be kept kept onsite onsite with with the the SPPP. SPPP. These These inspection inspection records records shall shall consist consist ofthe ofthe following, at following, at aa minimllm; minimllm; date date of of inspection; inspection; location location ofof and and problem(s) problem(s) identified; identified; steps steps taken taken to correct to correct problem(s) problem(s) and and prevent prevent recurrence; recurrence; andand inspector's inspector's names names andand title. In addition title. In addition these these inspection records inspection records shall shall record record any any incidents incidents such such asas leaks leaks or or accidental accidental discharges, discharges, and and any any failures or failures or breakdowns breakdowns of of structural structural BMPs. BMPs. 5 5 Page B-58 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit 2.

2. Annual Inspections Annual Inspections The SPPP shall The SPPP shall also also require require an an annual annual inspection inspection andand shall shall include include an an annual annual report report of of the the entire entire facility in facility in accordance accordance with with Part Part IV IV ofof this this pennit.

pennit. 3.

3. Evaluation Process Evaluation Process The SPPP shall The SPPP shall include include aa systemsystem to to routinely routinely andand continually continually evaluate evaluate thethe SPPP SPPP for for effectiveness, any effectiveness, any flaws flaws that that maymay havehave developed, developed, and and maintenance maintenance that that may may be be required.

required. TheThe routine evaluation routine evaluation must must include, include, but but not not be be limited limited to,to, regular regular and and annual annual inspections, inspections, inspection inspection logs and logs and records, records, internal internal reporting, reporting, plan plan revisions revisions to to correct correct anyany flaws flaws detected detected in in the the SPPP SPPP or or to to reflect changes/additions reflect changes/additions at at the the facility, facility, andand logs logs of of preventative preventative maintenance maintenance performed performed at at the the facility. In facility. In addition, addition, thethe AnnualAnnual Reports Reports and and Certifications Certifications required required under under Part Part IV IV are are integral integral to to

           .. the the evaluation evaluation process.

process. Implementation Schedule VI. Implementation VI. Schedule The SPPP shall The SPPP shall include include an an implementation implementation schedule schedule for for all all structural structural andand non-structural non-structural BMP's BMP's including aa schedule( including schedule(s) s) for for removal, removal, coverage, coverage, minimization minimization of of exposure exposure of of source source material material toto stormwater, andlor stormwater, andlor stormwater stormwater diversion diversion or or treatment. treatment. The The schedule schedule shall shall meet meet the the deadlines deadlines established in established in the the permit permit in in accordance accordance with with Part Part IV. IV. Upon completion of Upon completion of the the initial initial SPPP, SPPP, thosethose BMP's BMP's (e.g., (e.g., spill spill response, response, good good housekeeping) housekeeping) that that may readily may readily bebe implemented implemented shall shall be be done done so so within within 30 30 days, days, ifif not not already already practiced. practiced. VII. General VII. General Plan Plan Requirements Requirements This section This section provides provides additional additional requirements requirements on on the the administrative administrative requirements requirements related related to to finalizing your SPPP. finalizing your SPPP. It covers (I) It covers (I) required required signatures, signatures, (2) (2) requirements requirements for for plan plan location location and and access, and access, and (3) (3) required required certifications. certifications. A. Required A. Required Signatures Signatures for for SPPP SPPP and and Attachments Attachments 2 2 and and 3 3 The sppp The sppp andand i1~ttac~.. ..~ents

                                             ..          22 a.7Jd a.7Jd 33 shall shall be be signed signed as as fol!o\vs:

fol!o\vs: FOR A FOR A CORPORATION: CORPORATION: aa "responsible "responsible corporate corporate officer" officer" oror duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. A A "responsible corporate officer" "responsible corporate officer" is is (i) (i) aa president, president, secretary, secretary, treasurer, treasurer, oror vice-president vice-president of of the the corporation in corporation in charge charge of of aa principal busineSS function, principal busineSS function, or or any any other other person person who who performs performs similar similar policy or policy or decision-making decision-making functions functions for for the the corporation; corporation; or or (ii) (ii) the the manager manager of of one one oror more more manufacturing, production, manufacturing, production, or or operating operating facilities facilities employing employing more more than than 250 250 persons persons or or having having gross annual gross annual sales sales or or expenditures expenditures exceedingexceeding $25 $25 million million (in (in second-quarter second-quarter 1980 1980 dollars), dollars), ifif 66 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-59 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit authority authority toto sign sign documents documents has has been been assigned assigned or or delegated delegated to to the the manager manager in in accordance accordance with with corporate procedures. corporate procedures. FOR FOR A A PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP OR OR SOLE SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: PROPRIETORSHIP: aa general general partner partner or or the the proprietor, proprietor, respectively, or respectively, or duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. FOR A FOR A MUNICIPALITY, MUNICIPALITY, STATE, STATE, FEDERAL FEDERAL OR OR OTHER OTHER PUBLIC PUBLIC AGENCY:AGENCY: either either aa principal executive officer principal executive officer or or ranking ranking elected elected official, official, oror duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. A "responsible corporate A "responsible corporate officer", officer", general general partner, partner, proprietor, proprietor, principal principal executive executive officer officer of of aa public agency, public agency, or or ranking ranking elected elected official official may may assign assign his his oror her her signatory signatory authority authority for for this this Certification to Certification to aa duly duly authorized authorized representative, representative, which which is is aa named named person person or or generic generic position position (e.g., plant (e.g., plant manager, manager, superintendent, superintendent, plantplant engineer, engineer, operations operations manager, manager, etc.)etc.) having having overall overall responsibility for responsibility for facility facility operation operation or or the the permittee's permittee's environmental environmental matters, matters, by by submitting submitting aa letter to letter to the the Bureau Bureau of of Nonpoint Nonpoint Pollution Pollution Control Control stating stating said said authority authority and and naming naming the the person person or position. or position. Whenever there Whenever there are are two two or or more more permittees permittees for for the the facility, facility, all all of of those those permittees permittees shall shall jointly jointly submit this Certification, submit this Certification, unless unless permittees permittees received received authorization authorization on on different different dates dates and and this this Certification is Certification is therefore therefore duedue from from them them at at different different dates. dates. B. Plan B. Plan Location Location and and Public Public Access Access

1. The
1. The SPPP SPPP andand inspection inspection andand preventative preventative maintenance maintenance records records or or logs logs shall shall be be maintained maintained onon site at all site at all times.

times. These These documents documents must must bebe made made available, available, upon upon request, request, toto aa representative representative ofof the Department the Department and and toto the the owner owner andand operator operator of of any any municipal municipal separate separate storm storm sewer sewer receiving receiving the stormwater the stormwater discharge. discharge.

2. The
2. The SPPP SPPP shall shall be made available be made available toto the the public public uponupon request.

request. TheThe facility facility may may claim claim any any portion portion ofof the the SPPP SPPP as as confidential confidential inin accordance accordance with with the the provisions provisions set set forth forth inin N.J.A.C. N.J.A.C. 7:14A-18.2. 7:14A-18.2. 3.

3. AA copy copy ofof the the SPPP SPPP shall shall be be submitted submitted to to the the appropriate appropriate Regional Regional Bureau Bureau of of Water Water Compliance and Compliance and Enforcement Enforcement and and to to the the Bureau Bureau of of Non Nonpoint point Pollution Pollution Control.

Control. Revisions Revisions made made to the to the facility's facility's SPPP SPPP shall shall be be submitted submitted also. also. C. Certification C. Certification of of Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan

1. Attachment
1. Attachment 2 2 shall shall be be signed signed and and submitted submitted by by the the permittee permittee to to the the Department's Department's Bureau Bureau of of Nonpoint Pollution Control Nonpoint Pollution Control asas required required by by Part Part IV IV of of the the permit.


2. Attachment
2. Attachment 3 3 shall shall be be signed signed and and submitted submitted by by the the permittee permittee to to the the Department's Department's Bureau Bureau ofof Nonpoint Pollution Control Nonpoint Pollution Control asas required required by by Part Part IV IV of of the the permit, permit, and and annually annually thereafter thereafter in in accordance with accordance with the the permit.

permit. 77 Page B-60 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit VIII. Special VIII. Special Requirements Requirements A. Facilities A. Subject to Facilities Subject to Emergency Emergency Planning Planning and and Community Community Right-to-Know Right-to-Know Statute Statute For facilities For facilities subject subject to to the the Emergency Emergency Planning Planning and and Community Community Right-to-Know Right-to-Know Act Act (EPCRA) (EPCRA) Section 313, the Section 313, the SPPP SPPP shall shall include, include, or or cite cite the the location location of, of, any any spill spill reports reports prepared prepared under under that that Act. Act. B. Facilities B. Facilities withwith SPCC SPCC Plans, Plans, OPCC OPCC Plans, Plans, oror DCR DCR Plans Plans The SPPP The SPPP shall shall include, include, or or cite cite the the location(s) location(s) of, of, any any Spill Spill Prevention Prevention Control Control and and Countermeasure Countermeasure Plan Plan (SPCC (SPCC Plan) Plan) prepared prepared under under 40 CFR 112 40 CFR 112 and and section section 311 311 of of the the Clean Clean Water Act, Water Act, 33 33 U.S.C.§1321; U.S.C.§1321; andand any any discharge discharge prevention, prevention, containment containment andand countermeasure countermeasure planplan (DPCC plan) (DPCC plan) and and discharge discharge cleanup cleanup and and removal removal plan plan (DCR (DCR plan) under N.lA.C. plan) prepar~ under N.lA.C. 7: 7: IE. IE. C. Facilities C. Facilities Undergoing Undergoing Construction Construction Activities Activities Whenever construction Whenever construction activities activities are are undertaken undertaken at at the the facility, facility, the the SPPP SPPP shall shall be be amended, amended, if if necessary, necessary, soso that that the the SPPP SPPP continues continues to to be be accurate accurate and and to to meet meet the the requirements requirements ofof Part Part II of of this this permit. permit. 8 8 Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-61 License Renewal Application


                      "" II certify certify under under penalty penalty ofof law law that that the the Stormwater Stormwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention PlanPlan (SPPP),

(SPPP), this Preparation Certification, this Preparation Certification, andand all all attached attached documents documents were were prepared prepared byby qualified qualified personnel personnel under my under my direction direction or or supervision supervision in in accordance accordance with with aa system system designed designed toto assure assure that that this this information was information was properly properly gathered gathered andand evaluated. evaluated. BasedBased on on mymy inquiry inquiry of of those those individuals individuals immediately responsible immediately responsible for for obtaining obtaining this this information, information, II believe believe andand certify certify that that the the information information in the in the SPPP SPPP and and all all attached attached documents documents is is true, true, accurate, accurate, and and complete. complete.

                     "" II further further certify certify that that aa copy copy ofof the the SPPP SPPP and  and all all applicable applicable attachments attachments for for this this permitted       facility have permitted facility        have been been submitted submitted to  to NJDEP's NJDEP's Regional Regional Water Water Enforcement Enforcement and   and Compliance Office Compliance          Office and and to to NJDEP's NJDEP's Bureau Bureau of   of Non Nonpoint point Pollution Pollution Control Control inin accordance accordance with with Attachment 1 Attachment         1 and and the the deadlines deadlines of of the the permit.

permit. II am am aware aware that that pursuant pursuant to-the to-the Water Water Pollution Pollution Control Act, Control Act, ~~.J.S.A. 58:10A-l 58:10A-l et et seq., seq., there there are are significant civil and significant civil and criminal criminal penalties penalties forfor making aa false making false statement, statement, representation, representation, or or certification certification any any application, application, record, record, oror other other document filed document filed oror required required toto be be maintained maintained underunder that that Act, Act, including including fmes fmes and/or and/or imprisonment. imprisonment.

                     "I certifj "I    certifj that that the the SPPP SPPP referred referred toto in in ttds ttds SPPP SPPP Preparation Preparation Certification Certification hashas been been signed signed and  the original and the    original is  is retained retained atat the the facility facility inin accordance accordance with with the the permit, permit, and and that that it it will will bebe fully fully implemented at implemented          at the the facility   in accordance facility in   accordance withwith thethe terms terms and and conditions conditions oror the the permit.

permit. II further further certify that certify that if if any any part part of of this this stormwater stormwater pollution pollution prevention prevention plan plan requires requires the the consent consent of of the the owner(s) of owner(s) of or or another another operating operating entity entity for for the the facility*, facility*, that that consent consent has has been been obiained." obiained." Page B-62 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit WHO MUST WHO MUST SIGN? SIGN? FOR A FOR A CORPORATION: CORPORATION: a a Bresponsible Bresponsible corporate corporate officer officer nn oror dulv dulv authorized authorized representative representative R R A responsible A 1/11 1/11 corpoiate officer responsible corpoiate officer nn is en aa president, is en secretary, president, secretary, treasurer, treasurer, or or vice-president vice-president of of the the corporation corporation in in charge charge of of a a principal principal business business function. or function. or any any other other person person who who performs performs similar similar policy policy or or decision-making decision-making functions for functions for the the corporation; corporation; or or (iiI (iiI the the manager manager of of one one or or more more manufacturing, manufacturing, production, or production, or operating operating facilities facilities employing employing more more than than 250 250 persons persons or or having having grossgross annual sales annual sales or or expenditures expenditures exceeding exceeding $$ 25 25 million million (in(in second-quarter second-quarter 1980 1980 dollars), if dollars), if authority authority to to sign sign documents documents has has been been assigned assigned or or delegated delegated to to the the manager in manager in accordance accordance with with corporate corporate procedures. procedures. FOR A FOR A PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP OR OR SOLE SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: PROPRIETORSHIP: a a general general partner partner or or thethe proprietor, respectively, proprietor, respectively, or or duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. FOR A FOR A MUNICIPALITY, MUNICIPALITY, STATE, STATE, FEDERAL FEDERAL OR OR OTHER OTHER PUBLIC PUBLIC AGENCY: AGENCY: either either a a principal executive principal executive officer officer or or ranking ranking elected elected official, official, or or duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. (if applicable. (if applicable. print print name name of of corporation. corporation. partnership, partnership, or or public public agency agency submitting submitting this this Certification) Certification) (signaturel (signaturel (datel (datel (print namel (print namel 0/17 fOO 10/17 Att2~ 1 fOO Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-63 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit New Jersey New Department of Jersey Department of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection Bureau of Bureau of Nonpoint Nonpoint Pollution Pollution ControlControl ATTACHMENT THREE ATTACHMENT THREE Stormwater Pollution Stormwater Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan (SPPP) (SPPP) Initial Implementation and Initial Implementation and Inspection Inspection Certification Certification Individual Industrial Individual Industrial Stormwater Stormwater Permit Permit SUBMIT SUBMIT THIS THIS FORM FORM ONCE,ONCE, AFTER AFTER SPPP SPPP IS IS IMPLEMENTED. IMPLEMENTED. FOR FOR EXISTING EXISTING FACILITIES, THE FACILITIES, THE SPPPSPPP MUST MUST BE BE IMPLEMENTED IMPLEMENTED WITHIN WITHIN 18 18 MONTHS MONTHS FROM FROM THE EFFECTIVE THE EFFECTIVE DATE DATE OF OF THE THE PERMIT PERMIT UNLESS UNLESS THE THE DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT GRANTS GRANTS AN EXTENSION. AN EXTENSION. Facility Facility Name:,_~~~~~~_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ NJPDES No. NJPDES No.

                     "I certify "I  certify under under penalty penalty of of law law that that this    Stonnwater Pollution this Stonnwater        Pollution Prevention Prevention PlanPlan (SPPP)

(SPPP) Implementation Implementation and and Inspection Inspection Certification Certification and and all all attached attached documents documents were were prepared prepared underunder mymy direction or direction or supervision supervision in in accordance accordance with with aa system system designed designed to to assure assure that that qualified qualified personnel personnel properly gather properly gather and and evaluate evaluate this this infonnation. infonnation. BasedBased on on mymy inquiry inquiry ofof the the person person or or persons persons who manage who manage the the system, system, oror those those persons persons directly directly responsible responsible for for gathering gathering this this infonnation, infonnation, the the infonnation in infonnation in this this Stonnwater Stonnwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention Plan Plan (SPPP) (SPPP) Implementation Implementation and and Inspection Inspection Certification and Certification and all all attached attached documents documents is is to to the the best best of of mymy knowledge knowledge and and belief belief true, true, accurate, and accurate, and complete. complete.

                     "I certify "I certify thatthat the the facility facility has has been been inspected inspected to  to identify identify areas areas contributing contributing to to the the stonnwater       discharge(s) authorized stonnwater discharge(s)           authorized under under thethe permit permit andand toto evaluate evaluate whether whether the the SPPP SPPP prepared prepared complies with complies     with thethe permit permit requirements requirements for  for stonnwater stonnwater discharge discharge of of the the peI1l1it peI1l1it and and isis being being properly implemented.

properly implemented.

                     "I certify "I certify that that the the SPPP SPPP referred referred toto in in this this Stonnwater Stonnwater Pollution Pollution Prevention Prevention PlanPlan Implementation Implementation and     and Inspection Inspection Certification Certification has  has been been and and will will continue continue to to be be fully fully implemented implemented at this at this facility facility in in accordance accordance with with the the tenns tenns and and conditions conditions of  of the the permit.

permit. II also also specifically specifically certify that certify that this this facility facility does does notnot generate generate and and discharge, discharge, through through stonn stonn sewers sewers to to surface surface waters, waters, any domestic any domestic wastewater, wastewater, non-contact non-contact cooling cooling water, water, or or process process waste waste water water (including (including leachate leachate and contact and contact cooling cooling water) water) other other than than stonnwater, stonnwater, unlessunless that that discharge discharge is is authorized authorized by by another another NJPDES pennit, NJPDES pennit, identified identified inin an an application application (or (or request request forfor authorization) authorization) submitted submitted for for another another NJPDES pennit NJPDES pennit or, or, proof proof that that aa detennination detennination has has been been made made byby the the NJDEP NJDEP thatthat no no pennit pennit isis necessary. necessary.

                    "I also "I  also certify certify that that this this facility facility is is not not inin violation violation of of any any condition condition ofof the the pennit pennit for for preparation preparation and  and implementation implementation of    of aa SPPP, SPPP, except except forfor any any incidents incidents ofof noncompliance noncompliance (which  (which are noted are noted in in the the attached attached report).

report). ForFor any any incidents incidents of of noncompliance noncompliance identified identified inin the the annual annual Page B-64 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit inspection inspection (or (or made made known known to to me me during during the the course course of of the the past past year), year), II have have attached attached aa reportreport identifying these identifying these incidents, incidents, and and identifying identifying steps steps taken taken or or during during the the past past year), year), II have have attached attached aa report identifying report identifying these these incidents, incidents, and and identifying identifying steps steps taken taken or or being being taken taken to remedy the to remedy the noncompliance and noncompliance and to to prevent prevent such such incidents incidents from from recurring. recurring. If If the the attached attached report report identifies identifies any any incidents of incidents of noncompliance, noncompliance, II certify certify thatthat anyany remedial remedial or or preventative preventative steps steps identified identified therein therein were or were or will will bebe taken taken in in compliance compliance with with the the schedule schedule set set forth forth in in the the attachment attachment to to this this certification. II am certification. am aware aware that that pursuant pursuant to to the the Water Water Pollution Pollution Control Control Act, Act, N.J.S.A. N.J.S.A. 58:10A-l 58:10A-l et et seq., there seq., there areare significant significant civil civil and and criminal criminal penalties penalties for for making making aa falsefalse statement, statement, representation, or representation, or certification certification any any application, application, record, record, or or other other document document filed filed or or required required to to bebe maintained under maintained under that that Act, Act, including including fines fines and/or and/or imprisonment." imprisonment." WHO MUST WHO MUST SIGN?SIGN? FOR FOR A A CORPORATION: CORPORATION: a a "responsible "responsible corporate corporate officer'" officer'" or or duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. A A "responsible "responsible corporate corporate officer'" officer'" is is m m preSident, secretary~ treasurer, 151 preSident, 151 treasurer, oror vice-president vice-president of the corporation of the corporation in in charge charge ofof a a principal principal business business function, function, or or any any other person other person who who performs performs similar similar policy policy oror decision-making decision-making functions functions for for the the corporation; corporation; or or (iU (iU the the manager manager of of one one oror more more manufacturing, production,

           ..manufacturing,         production, or    or operating operating facilities facilities employing employing more more thanthan 250250 persons persons or or having having gross gross annual annual sales sales oror expenditures exceeding expenditures       exceeding $25  $25 million     (in second-quarter million (in   second-quarter 1980          dollars). if 1980 dollars).      if authority authority toto sign sign documents documents has   has been     assigned or been assigned       or delegated to delegated      to the the manager manager in   in accordance accordance withwith corporate corporate procedures_

procedures_ FOR A FOR A PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP OR OR SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: aa general SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP: general partner partner or or the the proprietor. proprietor. respectively. respectively. or or duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. FOR A FOR A MUNICIPALITY. MUNICIPALITY. STATE. STATE. FEDERAL FEDERAL OR OR OTHER OTHER PUBLIC PUBLIC AGENCY: AGENCY: eithereither aa principal principal executive executive officer officer or or ranking ranking elected elected official, or official, or duly duly authorized representative. authorized representative. A "responsible A corporate officer".

                "responsible corporate                      general partner.

officer". general partner. proprietor. proprietor. principal principal executive executive officer of a officer of a public public agency agency.... or or ranking ranking elected elected official may official may assign assign his his or or her her signatory signatory authority authority forfor this this Certification Certification to to aa duly duly authorized authorized representative. representative. whichwhich is is a a named named person or person or generic generic position position (e.g(e.g .*

                                                         .* plant plant manager.

manager. superintendent. superintendent. plant plant engineer. engineer. operations operations manager. manager. etc.) etc.) having having overall overall responsibility for responsibility facility operation for facility operation or or the the pennittee's pennittee's environmental environmental matters. matters. byby submitting submitting a a letter letter to to the the Bureau Bureau of Nonpoint of Nonpoint Pollution Control Pollution Control stating stating said said authority authority and and naming naming the the person person or or position. position. Whenever there Whenever there are two or are two or more more permittees permittees for for the the faCility. all of faCility. all those permittees of those permittees shall shall jointly jointly submit submit this this Certification. Certification. unless pennittees unless pennittees received received authorization authorization on on different different dates dates Bnd this Certification Bnd this Certification isis therefore therefore due due from from them them at at different different dates. dates. applicable. print (if applicable. (if print name name of of corporation. corporation. partnership. partnership. or or public public agency agency submitting submitting this this Certification) Certification) (signature) (signature) (date' (date' (print namel (print namel Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-65 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Please attach all Please attach all reports reports and and plan plan revisions revisions to to this this certification certification and and submit submit it it to to the the Bureau of Bureau of Nonpoint Nonpoint Source Source Control Control and and submit submit aa copy copy to to the the appropriate appropriate Regional Regional Bureau of Bureau of Water Water Compliance Compliance and and Enforcement. Enforcement. TheThe original original SPPP SPPP and and a a copy copy of of this certification this certification are are to to remain remain ON ON SiTE SiTE avaiiabie avaiiabie for for inspection. inspection. Att3-10/18/00 Att3-10/18/00 Page B-66 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit CERTIFIED CERTIFIED MAILMAIL RETURN RECEIPT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED REQUESTED DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT or .ENVIRONMENTAL or .ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTiON PROTECTiON JON JON S. S. CORZINE CORZINE USA P. USA P. JA('KSOI, JA('KSOI, Governor Governor Division Division ofof Water Water Quality Quality Commissiol'lfl' Commissiol'lfl' PO Box PO 029 Trelllon, Box 029 Trelllon, NJNJ 08625-0029 08625-0029 FAX: (609) FAX: 777-0432 (609) 777-0432 NJPDJ<:S Permit NJPDJ<:S Permit Application Application Request For Request For Additional Additional Administrative Administrative Information Information 09/20/2007 Date: 09/20/2007 Date: George P. George P. Barnes, Barnes, VP VP PSE&G Nuclear LLC PSE&G Nuclear LLC PO Box PO Box 236-N21 236-N21 -- Alloway Alloway Creek Creek Neck Neck Rd Rd Hancocks Bridge, Hancocks Bridge, NJNJ 08038 08038 Re: Consolidated Re: Pemnt Action Renewal Pemnt Consolidated Renewal Action NJPDES NJ00254 NJPDES NJ00254 11 11 Hope Creek Hope Creek Generating Generating Station Station Lower Alloways Lower Alloways Creek Creek T",1', T",1', Salem Salem County County Dear Mr.

Dear Mr. Barnes:

Barnes: Your application Your application dated 8/30/07 and dated 8/30/07 and received received on 08/3112007 is on 08/3112007 is adnnnistratively adnnnistratively incomplete. incomplete. The The following following ilrformation is needed ilrformation is needed to to complete complete thethe adnllnistrative adnllnistrative review: review:

1. Form
1. Form RFRF is is required required for for this this pemnt.

pemnt. I've I've enclosed enclosed thethe form. form. The above noted The above noted infonnation infonnation should should bebe subnntted subnntted to to my my attention attention within within 30 30 days days of of receipt receipt ofof this this letter letter to to maintain an maintain an active active review review status. status. Yom Yom application application will no! continuc will no! continuc to to be be processed processed until until the the ahove ahove noted noted wonn.lion is wonn.lion is received received by by the the Department. If110 response Department. If110 response is is received received within within 30 30 days, days, the the application application maymay bebe adnnnistratively closed. adnnnistratively closed. Should you have Should you have any any qnestions qnestions regardinglhe regardinglhe reqnestcd reqnestcd information, information, you you may may contact contact me me atat (609) (609) 984-4428. 984-4428. Please refer Please refer to to the the NJPDES NJPDES numbernumber andand subject subject matter matter when when makingmaking inqniries. inqniries. Annette DeBlois, Annette DeBlois, Program Program Technician Technician Bureau ofPemnt Bureau ofPemnt Management Management cc: cc: Bureau of Bureau of Point Point Source Source Permitting Permitting Rcgion Rcgion 22 Bureau Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution of Nonpoint Pollution Control Control Southenl Bureau Southenl Bureau ofvVal~r Curnpliaucc Curnpliaucc amI amI Enfun;crnenl Enfun;crnenl BPMFile-Pl: 468l5/.MF: BPMFile-Pl: 468l5/.MF: 15647 15647 Central File-Administrative Central File-Administrative RecordRecord adnllncom.rtf adnllncom.rtf New Jersey New Jersey Is Is An An Equal Equal Opportunity Opportunity Emp/(~vet' f'rinf<i1d on f'rinf<i1d on ReG}'deJ Paper ReG}'deJ Paper und und Re(,ydobl1' Re(,ydobl1' Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-67 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit PSEG Nu,ciear L[.C PSEG Nu,ciear L[.C P.O. Box P.O. Box 236. 236. Hancocks Hancocks Bridge, Bridge, New New Jersey Jersey 08038-0236 08038-0236 OCT 18 OCT 18 ZOU? ZOU? HCH-2007 -107 HCH-2007 -107 OPSEG OPSEG Nuclea:r LLC Nuclea:r LLC CERTIFIED CERTIFIED MAIL MAIL RETURN RECEIPT RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED REQUESTED ARTICLE NUMBER: ARTICLE NUMBER: 7003 7003 0500 0500 000344693860 000344693860 Ms. Annette DeBlois, Ms. Annette DeBlois, Program Program Technician Technician Bureau of Bureau of Permit Permit Management Management Division of Division of Water Water Quality Quality New Jersey New Jersey Department Department of of Environmental Environmental Protection Protection PO Box PO Box 029, 029, 401 401 East East State State Street Street Trenton, New Trenton, New jersey jersey 08625-0029 08625-0029 HOPE HOPE CREEK CREEK GENERATING GENERATING STATION STATION NJPDES PERMIT NJPDES PERMIT NJ0025411 NJ0025411 APPLICATION FOR APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL RENEWAL COMPLETED FORM COMPLETED FORM RF RF Dear Ms.

Dear Ms. DeBlois:

DeBlois: II am am in in receipt receipt of of your your letter letter dated dated September September 20, 20, 2007, 2007, inin which which youyou request request that that PSEG PSEG Nuclear LLC Nuclear LLC (PSEG (PSEG Nuclear) Nuclear) submit submit a a Form Form RF RF in in supplement supplement to to the the Hope Hope Creek Creek Generating Station Generating Station (Hope (Hope Creek), Creek), NJPDES NJPDES RenewalRenewal Application Application dateddated August August 30,30, 2007 2007 (Application). (Application). PSEG Nuclear PSEG Nuclear believes believes that that it it was was appropriate appropriate not not to to include include thethe Form Form RF RF as as part part ofof the the Application because stormwater Application because stormwater discharges discharges at at Hope Hope Creek Creek are are mixed mixed with with industrial industrial nonstormwater discharges nonstormwater discharges that that require require a a NJPDES-DSW NJPDES-DSW permit. permit. The The Hope Hope Creek Creek NJPDES Permit NJPDES Permit has has always always allowed allowed certain certain combined combined stormwater stormwater and and industrial industrial nonstormwater discharges. nonstormwater discharges. Based Based uponupon the the Instructions Instructions for for Form Form RF, RF, that that form form is is not not required to required to be be submitted submitted withwith the the Application, Application, instead instead submit submit Form Form C. C. The The stormwater stormwater outfaiis are outfaiis are identified identified in in the the initial initial renewal renewal application application as as Tab Tab uYard uYard Drainsll. Drainsll. The The information provided information provided demonstrates demonstrates that that there there is is a a potential potential for for industrial industrial nonstormwater nonstormwater to mix to mix with with the the discharge discharge and and that that the the primary primary contributor contributor to to the the discharge discharge is is river water river water which enters which enters the the drainage drainage system system through through tidal tidal action. action. Based Based on on the the predominance predominance of of the tidal the tidal influence influence on on the the discharge discharge as as discussed discussed in in the the preapplication preapplication for for thi~ renev,/al renev,/al application, analytical application, analytical requirements requirements on on the the discharge discharge werewere notnot required. required. Without limiting the Without limiting the foregoing, foregoing, in in order order to to continue continue processing processing the the Application Application in in a a timely timely manner, PSEG manner, PSEG Nuclear Nuclear has has subrrlltted subrrlltted thethe enclosed enclosed FormForm RF,RF, v'v'hich v'v'hich continues continues to to identify combined identify combined discharges discharges of of both both stormwater stormwater and and industrial industrial nonstormater. nonstormater. The The submission of submission of this this Form Form RF RF should should not not inin any any way way bebe read read toto limit limit or or amend amend PSEG PSEG Nuclear's request, Nuclear's request, as as stated stated inin the the Application, Application, to to renew renew thethe Hope Hope Creek Creek NJPDES NJPDES 95*2166 REV. 95*2166 REV. 7199 7199 Page B-68 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit Permit to Permit to continue continue all all discharges discharges including, including, but but not not limited limited to, to, combined combined discharges discharges of of stormwater stormwater andand industrial industrial nonstormwater. nonstormwater. If you have If you have any any further further questions questions or or require require additional additional information, information, please please contact contact Ed Ed Keating at Keating at 856-339-7902 856-339-7902 or or Erin Erin West West at at 856-339-5411. 856-339-5411. Thank Thank you you for for your your assistance. assistance. Very Truly Very Truly Yours, Yours,

                                                        .t~~;? gJ/VVl~

George George P.P. Barnes Barnes Site Vice Site Vice President President -- Hope Hope Creek Creek Enclosure Enclosure C C Ms. Ms. S S Rosenwinkle, Rosenwinkle, NJDEP NJDEP US Nuclear US Nuclear Regulatory Regulatory Commission, Commission, Document Document Control Control Desk, Desk, Washington, DC Washington, DC 20555 20555 (Docket (Docket 50-354) 50-354) Hope Creek Generating Station Page B-69 License Renewal Application

Environmental Report Appendix B NPDES Permit BC BC Vice President -- EH&S Vice President EH&S (T17A) (T17A) Plant Manager Plant Manager -- Hope Hope Creek Creek Director -- Regulatory Director Regulatory Affairs Affairs (N21) (N21) J. G. J. G. Valeri, Valeri, Esq. Esq. (T5C) (T5C) Chemistry/Environmental Manager Chemistry/Environmental Manager (H15) (H15) Environmental/Radwaste Supervisor Environmental/Radwaste Supervisor (H15) (H15) C. E. C. E. White White (H15) (H15) E. J. E. J. Keating Keating (N21) (N21) Page B-70 Hope Creek Generating Station License Renewal Application}}