LR-N14-0224, License Amendment Request to Update Appendix B to the Renewed Facility Operating License

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License Amendment Request to Update Appendix B to the Renewed Facility Operating License
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/2014
From: Sindoni J
Public Service Enterprise Group
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
LAR H14-02, LAR S14-05, LR-N14-0224
Download: ML14343A926 (32)


{{#Wiki_filter:PSEG Nuclear LLC P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038-0236 l>sE-.,<*I*., h-. -..A DEC 09 2014 Nudmr!LC 1 0 CFR 50.90 LR-N 1 4-0224 LAR S 1 4-05 LAR H1 4-02 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Salem Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-70 and DPR-75 NRC Docket Nos. 50-272 and 50-31 1 Hope Creek Generating Station Renewed Facility Operating License No . NPF-57 NRC Docket No. 50-354


License Amendment Request to Update Appendix 8 to the Renewed Facility Operating Licenses Pursuant to 1 0 CFR 50.90, PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) requests an amendment to the renewed facility operating licenses listed above. In accordance with 1 0 CFR 50.9 1 (b)(1), a copy of this submittal has been sent to the State of New Jersey. The proposed changes revise the PSEG Environmental Protection Plans (Non-Radiological), Appendix B to the renewed facility operating license (FOL) numbers DPR-70 and DPR-75 for Salem Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, and the renewed FOL number NPF-57 for Hope Creek Generating Station. The proposed changes wil l simplify the Aquatic Monitoring section of Appendix B, and will clarify that PSEG Nuclear must adhere to the currently applicable Biological Opinion. of this submittal provides an evaluation supporting the proposed changes. provides the marked-up Appendix B pages, with the proposed changes indicated . No regulatory commitments are contained in this submittal. To reduce unnecessary trash raking as soon as possible, PSEG requests approval of these LARs by June 1 , 20 1 5. Once approved, the amendment will be implemented within 60 days from the date of issuance.

LR-N 1 4-0224 Page 2 If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Ms. Tanya Timberman at 856-339-1 426. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on _..:.12._.. -+-{ -- {,_I_._----- ( Date) Respectfully, ij*A/f\-- Ks :p . Sindoni Director- Regulatory Affairs Attachments:

1. Evaluation of Proposed Changes
2. Mark-up of Proposed Appendix B Pages cc: Mr. D. Dorman, Administrator, Reg ion I, NRC Ms. C. Sanders-Parker, Project Manager, NRC NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Salem NRC Senior Resident Inspector, Hope Creek Mr. P. Mulligan, Manager IV, NJBNE PSEG Corporate Commitment Tracking Coordinator Salem Commitment Tracking Coordinator Hope Creek Commitment Tracking Coordinator

LR-N14-0224 LAR 514-05 LAR H14-02 Attachment 1 Evaluation of Proposed Changes

LR-N 14*0224 LAR 514*05 LAR H14-02 License Amendment Request to Update Appendix B to the Renewed Facility Operating Licenses Table of Contents 1 .0 DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . ....................................... ...... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 2


S .. ............................... . . ............ ................... .... . .................... ...... 2


       ... ........................ ................................ ............. . . .. . . ... . . . . . ........... . . . ..........                        3


                   ..... ........................................... . . ........................... . . . ..................                           4


                        . . . . . ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ........................ 6 5.1 No Significant Hazards Consideration                                     ..................... . . . . . . ...................... . . ... ........ .......             7 5.2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Criteria                                                    . . . ....... ; . . . ..... . . ...................... . ............. 8


                                       ............ ...............................................................                            8


    ............ . . . . . . ................ ............................. .................. . .. . . .................... . . . . . .                        8 1

LR-N14-0224 LAR S14-05 LAR H14-02


In accordance with the provisions of 1 0 CFR 50.90, PSEG Nuclear LLC (PSEG) requests an amendment to renewed facility operating license (FOL) numbers DPR-70 and DPR-75 for Salem Generating Station (Salem), Units 1 and 2, and the renewed FOL number NPF-57 for Hope Creek Generating Station (Hope Creek). The proposed changes would simplify the Aquatic Monitoring section of Appendix B, and would clarify that PSEG must adhere to the currently applicable Incidental Take Statement (ITS), of the Biological Opinion. The proposed changes to revise Appendix B also remove outdated program information and relieve the burden of submitting unnecessary or duplicative information to the NRC.


S The proposed changes detailed below apply to Salem Unit 1 , Salem Unit 2, and Hope Creek unless stated otherwise.

  • The proposed change to Section 2.0, Environmental Protection Issues, deletes statements 1 through 4. This proposed change does not apply to Hope Creek.
  • The proposed change to Section 3. 1 , Plant Design and Operation , deletes the reference to the Annua l Environmental Operating Report.
  • The proposed change to Section 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification, revises reporting requirements for changes to NJPDES Permits and State Certifications. The first and second parag raphs would be deleted and replaced with the following statements:

The NRC shall be provided with a copy of the current NJPDES permit or State certification within 30 days of approval. Changes to the NJPDES permit or State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days of the date the change is approved.

  • The proposed change to Section 4. 1 , Unusual or Important Environmental Events, eliminates duplicate reports. The last sentence in the first paragraph would be deleted and replaced with the following:

If an event is reportable under 1 0 CFR 50. 72, then a duplicate immediate report under this Subsection is not required. However, a written report is required in accordance with Section 5.4.2.

  • The proposed changes to Section 4.2.1 , Aquatic Monitoring, remove unnecessary detail.

In the first paragraph, "sea turtles and shortnose sturgeon" would be replaced by "threatened or endangered species." The second parag raph would be amended to delete the second sentence and revise the first sentence as follows, "In accordance with Section ?(a) of the Endangered Species Act, the National Marine Fisheries Service has issued multiple Section 7 Consultation 2

LR-N14-0224 LAR 514-05 LAR H14-02 Biological Opinions related to the operation of Salem Units 1 and 2 concluding that' . . . continued operation is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species."' This proposed change does not apply to Hope Creek. The first sentence in the third paragraph would be amended to read, "PSEG Nuclear LLC shall adhere to the specific requirements within the currently applicable Incidental Take Statement, to the Biological Opinion." This proposed change does not apply to Hope Creek. The first sentence in the fourth paragraph requiring PSEG to implement the conservation requirements for Salem would be deleted. This proposed change does not apply to Hope Creek.

  • The proposed change to Section 5.4.1 , Routine Reports, deletes the entire section i ncluding the requirement to submit an Annual Environmental Operating Report.

The NRC has approved similar changes to the following Environmental Protection Plans (Non Radiological): D. C. Cook (Reference 3), Limerick (Reference 4), and Quad Cities (Reference 5).


The Biological Opinion for Salem and Hope Creek is issued by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1 973, as amended, on the effects of the continued o peration of Salem and Hope Creek. Since 1 979, Consultation (pursuant to Section 7 of the ESA between NRC and N MFS) on the effects of the operation of these facilities has been ongoing. The following summarizes the latest issued Biolog ical Opinion and NRC transmittal letter:

  • Biological Opinion issued to NRC July 1 7, 201 4.
  • Concluded continued operation through duration of extended operating licenses may adversely affect but not likely to jeopardize continued existence of any listed species.
  • Incidental Take Statement (ITS) includes terms and conditions and specifies reasonable and prudent measures.
  • NRC transmitted Biological Opinion to PSEG by letter dated September 22, 20 1 4.
  • NRC transmittal included request that PSEG propose appropriate changes to the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP). It also states these proposed changes should reference the ITS and provide that the Reasonable and Prudent Measures (RPMs) and Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) applicable to both PSEG and the NRC will be implemented.


PSEG proposes to make changes to a number of EPP sections. The individual changes are discussed below with a technical evaluation of each proposed change. 3

LR*N14*0224 LAR 514-05 LAR H14-02 Section 2.0: Environmental Protection Issues PSEG proposes deletion of the listed environmental issues which, at the time of issuance of the original Final Environmental Statement (FES), required study or license conditions to resolve and to assure adequate protection of the environment. As subsequently stated in Section 2. 1 of the EPP, these issues are now addressed by the effluent limitations and monitoring req uirements contained in the Salem NJPDES Permit No. NJ0005622 issued by the State of New Jersey. Further study of these issues is no longer required, and provisions contained within the NJPDES Permit minimize the potential impact of plant operations on the biotic environment. Because the NRC relies on the State for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota, listing of these e nvironmental issues in the EPP is no longer necessary and this outdated program information can be removed. The NRC has approved similar changes to the D. C. Cook Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (Non-Radiolog ical) (Reference 3). Section 3. 1 : Plant Design and Operation The proposed change to this section deletes the reference to the Annual Environmental Operating Report because PSEG proposes to delete the Annual Environmental Operating Report requirement in Section 5.4. 1 ; thus, this reference would no longer be required. The NRC has approved similar changes to the D. C. Cook (Reference 3) and Limerick (Reference 4) Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (Non-Radiological). Section 3.2: Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification PSEG proposes changes to this section regarding NRC reporting relating to the NJPDES Permit to provide clarification and consistency within the EPP. As ind icated in Section 2. 1 of the EPP, NRC relies on the State of New Jersey for regulation of matters involving water quality and aquatic biota. PSEG would continue to report to the NRC the NJDEP approved changes to the NJPDES Permit within 30 days of approval. Copies of proposed changes to or renewals of NJPDES Permits would no longer be required to be submitted to the NRC. All reporting requirements specified in this section, and all the reporting requirements specified in NRC regulations (e. g . , 1 0 CFR 50. 72(b)(2)(xi)) or other sections of the EPP, would remain in effect. The proposed changes would reduce unnecessary duplication of reports and are consistent with approved precedent. The NRC has approved similar changes to the Grand Gulf, River Bend and Waterford (Reference 6), LaSalle (Reference 7), D.C. Cook (Reference 3), Limerick (Reference 4), and Quad Cities (Reference 5) Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (Non-Radiological). Section 4. 1 : Unusual or Important Environmental Events This section requires PSEG to record or report any unusual or important environmental event to the NRC within 24 hours of occurrence and to follow-up with a written report of the occurrence 4

LR-N14-0224 LAR 814-05 LAR H14-02 per Section 5.4.2. PSEG proposes to add clarifying text that would eliminate the submittal of duplicate reports when the event is also reportable under 1 0 CFR 50.72. The proposed change relieves the administrative burden of making duplicate reports for the same event, and PSEG would continue to submit any required written reports in accordance with Section 5.4.2. These proposed changes do not substantially alter the existing requirements and PSEG would continue to report unusual or important environmental events to the NRC as required. The NRC has approved similar changes to the D. C. Cook ( Reference 3), Limerick ( Reference 4), and Quad Cities (Reference 5) Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (Non Radiological). PSEG further proposes to eliminate examples of unusual events that may be reportable since the listed examples may conflict with other regulatory guidance. NRC regulations and Event Report Guidelines ( N UREG-1 022) define the type of events that may be reportable and provide examples to provide further clarification. Section 4.2: Environmental Monitoring The NRC relies on the decisions made by the State of New Jersey for any aquatic monitoring required by the Clean Water Act. For any monitoring requirements related to endangered species, the NRC relies on NMFS guidance issued under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Section 4.2 of the Salem EPPs reiterates these principles and references the Biological Opinion issued by the NMFS under Section 7 of the ESA. PSEG proposes changes to the language in this section to reflect the April 201 2 listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the ESA and the issuance of a new Biological Opinion by the NMFS. NRC requested re-initiation of the Section 7 Consultation with the N MFS in 2010 and the Consultation process was completed in July 201 4. Rather than specifically reference the July 201 4 Biological Opinion issued under Section 7 of the ESA, PSEG proposes referencing to the currently applicable Biological Opinion and Incidental Take Statement (ITS). This would avoid the need for future changes to the EPP whenever there are changes to the Biological Opinion. The EPP states the Conservation Recommendations included in the 1 993 Biological Opinion shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the NRC and NMFS. This requirement is inconsistent with the latest Biological Opinion which recommends the NRC consider the Conservation Recommendations. The NRC transmittal letter to PSEG, dated September 22, 201 4, states the Biological Opinion (201 4) includes six Conservation Recommendations, which the NRC recommends PSEG review and consider implementing in ongoing or future aquatic monitoring studies. Previous conservation recommendations which the NRC required PSEG to implement were primarily related to sea turtles. PSEG responded to the conservation recommendations and subsequently completed a tracking study1 of loggerhead sea turtles in the Delaware estuary. 1 "Evaluation of macrohabitat utilization by loggerhead sea turtles in Delaware Estuary using sonic and satellite tracking techniques:" Final Report prepared by the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Nuclear Business Unit, June 1997. Submitted to the NRC on July 30, 1997. 5

LR-N14-0224 LAR S14-05 LAR H14-02 PSEG would continue to implement any biological monitoring required by the State of New Jersey under the Clean Water Act, or the NMFS under the ESA. Section 5.4.1: Routine Reports Section 5.4.1 of the EEP requires PSEG to submit an Annual Environmental Operating Report (AEOR) prior to May 1 of each year that describes the implementation of the EPP during the previous year. The AEOR was primarily intended to include summaries and analyses of any monitoring required under Section 4.2 of this EPP. The original EPP included some biological monitoring requirements, however, these monitoring requirements were completed, and the EPP was amended in December 1 998 to delete specific reference to these studies. There are no longer any specific monitoring requirements in Section 4.2. PSEG proposes to remove this section in its entirety. Non-routine reports would continue to be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of the occurrence under Section 5.4.2, " Non-routine Reports." Deleting the AEOR requirement would not alter how the reports are submitted. Approved changes to the NJPDES permits would continue to be reported to the NRC under Section 3.2. Elimination of the AEOR would reduce the paperwork and regulatory burden involved in preparing and submitting a report. The information previously contained in the AEOR would continue to be gathered and available through other reporting and/or inspection mechanisms. Information pertinent to compliance with State and Federal laws, such as compliance with NPDES requirements under the Clean Water Act, would continue to be submitted to the NRC within 30 days under Section 5.4.2, Non-routine Reports. The N RC has approved similar changes to the D. C. Cook (Reference 3), LaSalle (Reference 7), and Limerick ( Reference 4) Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan ( Non-Radiological).


5.1 No Significant Hazards Consideration PSEG requests a license amendment to renewed FOL for Salem, Units 1 and 2, and the renewed FOL for Hope Creek. The proposed changes would simplify the Aquatic Monitoring section of Appendix B, and would clarify that PSEG Nuclear must adhere to the currently applicable Incidental Take Statement, of the Biological Opinion. The proposed changes would prevent a license change from being required each time there is a change to the Biological Opinion. The proposed changes to revise Appendix B also remove outdated program information and relieve the burden of submitting unnecessary or duplicative information to the NRC. PSEG has evaluated the proposed changes to the TS and renewed FOL, using the criteria in 1 0 CFR 50.92, and determined that the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration. The following information is provided to support a finding of no significant hazards consideration. 6

LR-N14-0224 LAR 814-05 LAR H14-02 1 . Do the proposed changes involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated? Response: No The EPP provides for protection of non-radiological environmental values during operation of the nuclear facility. The proposed changes do not have any impact on structures, systems and components (SS Cs) of the plant, and no effect on plant operations. The proposed changes do not impact any accident initiators, or analyzed events, or assumed mitigation of accident or transient events. The proposed changes do not result in the addition or removal of any equipment. Therefore, these proposed changes do not represent a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.

2. Do the proposed changes create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated?

Response: No The proposed changes are administrative in nature and do not involve a modification to the physical configuration of the plant (i.e., no new equipment will be installed) or change in the methods governing normal plant operation. The proposed changes will not impose any new or different requirements or introduce a new accident initiator, accident precursor, or malfunction mechanism. Therefore, the proposed changes do not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.

3. Do the proposed changes involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety?

Response: No The proposed changes are administrative in nature. There is no change to any design basis, licensing basis or safety limit, and no change to any parameters; consequently no safety margins are affected. Therefore, the proposed changes do not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. Based upon the above, PSEG concludes that the proposed amendment presents no significant hazards consideration under the standards set forth in 1 0 CF R 50.92(c), and, accordingly, a finding of no significant hazards consideration is justified. 5.2 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Criteria The proposed changes have been evaluated to determine whether applicable regulations and requirements continue to be met. The regulatory basis for the establishment of the EPP was 1 0 CF R 50.36b, "Environmental conditions." This regulation requires that any obligations in the environmental area identified by the NRC during their operating license review be included in an attachment to the license. These conditions are derived from information contained in the 7

LR-N14-0224 LAR S14-05 LAR H14-02 environmental report and any supplements to the environmental report submitted, as required by 10 CFR 51.50 and 51 .53. There are no environmental protection requirements established by other Federal, State, or local agencies that are being reduced by this license amendment request. In conclusion, based on the considerations discussed above, (1) there is a reasonable assurance that the health and safety of the public will not be endangered by operation in the proposed manner, (2) such activities will be conducted in compliance with the NRC's regulations, and (3) the issuance of the amendment will not be inimical to the common defense and security or to th'e health and safety of the public.


A review has determined that the proposed amendment would change recordkeeping, reporting, or administrative procedures or requirements, or would change the format of the license or make editorial, corrective, or other minor revisions. Accordingly, the proposed amendment meets the eligibility criterion for categorical exclusion set forth in 10 CFR 51 .22(c)(1 0). Therefore, pursuant to 1 0 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared in connection with the proposed amendment.


1. Biological Opinion, date issued: July 17, 201 4 (ML14202A146)
2. Macroha bitat Utilization study prepared by the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Nuclear Business Unit, June 1 997
3. Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendment to Revise Operating Licenses DPR-58 and DPR-74, Appendix B, Environmental Technical Specifications, Part II, Non-Radiological Environmental Protection Plan (ML093080441, dated June 24, 201 0)
4. Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendment re: Revision of the Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (M L053400260, dated February 1 7, 2006)
5. Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendments re:

Revision of the Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan (Non-Radiological), (ML053350041 , dated February 2, 2006)

6. Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, Unit 1 , River Bend Station, Unit 1, Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3, Issuance of Amendment re: Revision of the Respective Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plans (Non-Radiological) (M L041040152, dated April 12, 2004)
7. LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendments re: Revision of the Appendix B, Environmental Protection Pan ( Non-Radiological) (ML053620247, dated March 8, 2006) 8

LR-N14-0189 Attachment 2 Mark-up of Proposed Technical Specification Pages

LR-N14-0224 LAR 514-05 LAR H14-02 Mark-up of Proposed Technical Specification Pages The following Technical Specifications pages for the Salem Generating Station, Unit 1 Renewed Facility Operating License DPR-70 are affected by this change request: Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan Pages 2.0, Environmental Protection Issues 2-1 3.1 , Plant Design and Operation 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-3 4.1 , Unusual or Important Environmental Events 4-1 4.2.1 , Aquatic Monitoring 4-1 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-2 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-3 1

2 o

  • Envi.:ro:nmental Protection Issues In the FES, dated. April 1973, the staff c:onsidered the envirornnental inp:J.cts associated with the q,era.tion of Salem Generating station Unit Nos. 1 am 2. Certain environmental j ssnes were identified which required S'b..xiy or license corditions to resolve am to_ assure adeqUate protection of the environment. 'Ihe B Envirot'l10011tal Tec:hnical Specifications (ETS) issued with the cperating license in::luded discharge restrictions an:i m:mitorirq programs related to aquatic an:l terrestr ial resources.
h P.r
etest.ion of the aquatic enviror!BX!nt by- limiting the 1:henra1 ist::ies of the disd'larqe.

2-. ien of the aquatic em"ixonoorrt:o f:rcm biocide used in plamt. operations .

}.. Proteetion of the aquatie env Ht.m solids arxl'ges in Fil in . releases fran the oactive liquid vlaSte

+. sur..*eiJJanee pre<J;i!aua for disselved gases, solids , chemical releases, ani the general aquatic eeslcqioal surveys to est:aelish iirp!ct of plant operatia:Kln the biotic env. 2-1 Amendment No. 100

A proposed dlarx:Je, test or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed env question if it concerns: (l) a ma:tter which may result in a significant W::rease in any adverse environmental impact previOJSly evaluated in the FES-oL, environmental impact awraisals, or in any decisions of the Atanic Safety arxi Licensirq Board; or (2) as significant cha:t'qe in effluents or level or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed an:i evaluated in the dOC'l'DMnt.S specified in (1) of this SUbsection, whid:l may have a significant adverse environtoontal inl?act.

 'Ule licensee shall maintain             records  of d'.larqes in facility design or cperatioo and of tests and experiments carried Olt                  p.trSUant to this su.bsec;tioo.       'Ihese records shall include written evaluations which provide' bases for the determinatioo that the dlan:Je, test, or experiment does oot involve         an  Ul'l:tWi envirorunental questioo           or  CXltlStitute a ctecrease in the effectiveness              of this EPP to meet the oojectives specified in Section 1. o.             !lb.& licensee shall   i.rx:llule as part of the Al:IJ:;tua, Env&l            eperatirfg Report     1-}

desariptions, analyses, int;erpretations , ani es, t-est:s ani . 3.2 Rep:lrt.irq RelatEd to the MJPDES or the state Certification Changes to, certification shall be :t:eported te the }IRC within 30 days followirq the

 -aate   the ctwr§fe     or  renewal is      awroved. If a  per:mit or    sertificatic:m,
 .ift part or in its enti:Fety, is appealed ani stay<<!, the NRC shall be notified. within 30 days foll the date the stay is 


   -t he NRC shal l be p rovided with a cop y of the current NJPDES perm it or State certification withi n 30 days of a pprova l . Changes           Amendment No. 100 to the NJPDES permit o r State certification shall be reported to the NRC withi n 30 days of the date the change is approved.

!llle licensee shall tae miG

  • chai¥;Jes ta tAe effective N:JmQ)

Pel;mit by the lirx:nsee et provid.i.n;J NFIG with a espy of the ea. a :t;;Ae satae' *time it. is suba.ittsd te :t;;Ae permitting'

  • '!he licensee shall pt'O\"ide the NRC a cc:v.r* of at:Plication Wl! renewal
  • Pel1nit at. the same time the application is sutmitted ta parmi *
  • 3.3 Charqes Required for catplicm:::e with other Envi..rorln'ental Regulations O'larges in plant design or operation an:l perfo of tests or expar.iments which are requin!d to achieve cc.ttpliance with other Federal, state, ard local env .regulations are not subject to the requ.irarrent.s of Section 3 .1.

3-3 Amendment No. 100

If a n event is reportable under 1 0 CFR 50. 72, then a dup licate immediate report under this Subsectio n is not required. However, a written report is required i n accorda nce with Sectio n 5.4.2. 4.0 Environmental Conditions 4.1 Unusual or Events Any occurrence of an unusual o important event that indicates or could result in significant environmental 'mpact causally related to plant operation shall be recorded and reported to e NRC w i t hin 24 hours followed by a written report per subsection 5.4.2. The following are examples. excessive bird impaction events; onsit e plant or animal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endangered Species Act of fish kills or impingement events on the intake screens, increase in nuisance organisms or conditions, unanticipated or emergency discharge of waste water or chemical substances. No routine monitoring programs are required to implement this condition. 4.2 Environmental Monitoring thre atened or 4.2.1 Aquatic Monitoring -endangered s pecies The certifications and permits req1ired under the C l ean Water Act provide mechanisms for protecting water qulity and, indirectly, aquatic biota. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC will rely on the decisions made by the State of New Jersey under the autprity of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea turtles and shortnose sturgeon , decisions made by the National Marine Fisheries service (NMFS) under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, for any requirements pertainin to aquatic monit s In accordance with Section 7(a) Hay 14, the National Mari Consultation Biological Opinion related to the operation of 1 and 2 Generating Stations-: This Section 7 Consultation entitled, "Reinitiation of a consultation in acco rdance >>ith Section 7(a) of the Endangered Species Aet regarding continued operation of tho Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations on the eastern shore of the Delaware River in New Jersey, " concludecl that " * . . continued operation is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of listed species." ..------,--_._-...., PSEG Nuclear LLC shall adhere to the specific requirements within th e Incidental Take Statement, to the Biological Opinion. Changes to the inciden t al take statement must be proceeded*by consultation between the NRC, as the authorizing agency, and NMFS. currently The Conservation Reeo!'flfflendation, to the Biological Opinion suggests a ppl icable conservation rccofflft flenda ions for implementation by Salem Generating station. The Station shall implement these recommendations to the satisfaction of the NRC and National Harine Fisheries So-vice. SALEM UNIT 1 4-1 Amendment No. .233

5. 3 in Envi.ronmental Protection Plan Requests for c::harges in the El?P shall inclme an assessment of the environmental inpaot of the proposed char:qe an:l a Sllpp:)rt justification. Il'l1plementation of sud:l.;Jes in the EPP shall not o:mnence prior to NRC Bf:Proval. of the proposed dlan:Jes. in the form of a license amen:lioont :in:x:>:rporati:rg the apprcpriate revision to the EPP.

5.4 Plant Reportirq Requirements

Repsrts .
5. 4.1 Rsutine Erts.*konmental Cpe:r:atirq rt d&!sGribin;, in1ilement:ation of this EPP for t:ae pre."icus yea:;E. sA.a:l-1 suSa.itted :te NRC pciel" te

!!'he- ItlJOrt shall ir¥lluae ies ar.d analyses of the results of the eRV-ironmental proteetioo activities by oo 4-.2 f* MlY) :the ;perlc:d, inciUdinq a paritsen with related prespe!'a-tional studies, operational oontrols (as appropriate), am pre.*ials :nt:madioleqieal envin::naental nx:nitor...nq :r;epo am. &:1 assessnent ef the abserJed plant epemtim on th& ernri:riOI" U- effeots or eo.*idena'a of trenils damage 1;e tae- effll a:r;e. d:eerYcd, licensee shall provide a detailed analysis of the data am- a prqoosed COUl'S&I Gt mitiqat:in;;J actioo . 5-2 Amendment N0.100

The Annual Snvironmental operatinq Report shal aso include: H-7 A list of EPP noncompiances and the corrective actions taken to remedy them. A list of all changes in station design operation, tests, ancl e*f)eriments made in accordance with bseetion 3.1 which invelved a potentially significant unreviewed environmental question. A list ef nanroutine reports submitted in accordance with Subsection 5.4.2. In the event that some resuts not available by the report due date, the report shall be submitted noting and explai:rdnq the missing results. The missing results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report. 5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event. The report shall: (a) describe, analyze, ana evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact, and plant operating characteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event= (d} indicate the corrective action taken to 5-3 Amendment No. 100

LR-N14*0224 LAR 514-05 LAR H14-02 Mark-up of Proposed Technical Specification Pages The following Technical Specifications pages for the Salem Generating Station, Unit 2 Renewed Facility Operating License DPR-75 are affected by this change request: Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan Pages 2.0, Environmental Protection Issues 2-1 3.1, Plant Design and Operation 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-3 4.1, Unusual or Important Environmental Events 4-1 4.2.1 , Aquatic Monitoring 4-1 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-2 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-3 2

In the FES, dated April 1973, the staff considered the environmental i.Irpacts associated with the operation of Salem Gene.rat:i.n; Station Unit Nos. 1 an:i 2

  • Certain envi.rol'll1'e1t:al issues were identified which required study or license corditions to resolve ani to_ assure adequate protection of the environment. 'Ihe Apperxiix B Enviro:nmental Technical Specifications (EI'S) issued with the operatirq license i.ooluded discharge restrictions an:i natitorirq prcqrams related to aquatic ani terrestrial .
  • --" Preteotion-e:! t:ae aquatic C\ll"+'il:enment
  • lllaitin:f the t.helTna1 c.haractoeristies of the d:isdw:ge .


  • "- Protestion of the aquatic envil;oru:oont Han- solids a:AG
i:ft Foil in releases fran ta.e non-radioactive liquid waste
4. surveillan.oe pzogzams for dissolved gases, suspended se*-

chemical releases, ard the general aquatic ecological sur-reys to inpaot of plant tion--efl the biotis erw 2-1 Amendment No. 77

A prop::lSEd. dl.arqe, test or iment shall te deemed to involve an unreviewed envirorunental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant in::::rease in any adverse envi:rornnental

iltlpact previa.LSly evaluated in the FES-oL, environmental ct appraisals, or in any dec:isions of the Atanic Safety arrl Licensin;J Board; or (2) as significant cl'l.arqe in effluents or level; or

( 3) a matter, not previously reviE!Wii!!d arx:1 evaluated in the docu:ments specified in (1) of this SUbsection, which may have a significant adverse environmental ct.

 'Ihe licensee shall maintain             records    of chan:;es in facility design or operation ani of tests arrl experiments carried out p.rrsuant to this subsection.             '1bese records shall    irx::ll.rle written evaluations which provide bases for the dete:rin:i.nation that the chan:Je, test, or experilnent does not         involve     an unreviGWE!d envirorunental      question or constitute     a decrease in the             effectiveness of this       EPP to meet the      cbjectives specified in Section l.O.               !!he  licensee shall include        as  part of the l'.."lnUal Envll'onmental        Ope:ratir"tj  ( Subsesti. 4 .1) deseriptions f anal)"SE!S 1 int.ei:'pretations 1 aFS eYa:WatiOJ'lS of 6\ieh
3. 2 Reportirq Related to the :tUPDES Permit or the State certification es :ta-; or renewals of, the IDI Pa'1nit or tl=l& State certification shall be reported ta tl=le NRC within 30 days falo;.r:ing thliil the ehal"ge or :renewal If a permit or oortification,
i:n part or in its et;y, is appealed. aa:i s:t:ayed, t1:1e NRC shaJ:l te notified within 30 days the late the stay is

'---T ---1 he NRC shall be provided with a copy of the current NJPDES permit or State certification within 30 days of a pp roval. Chan ges Amendment No. 77 to the NJPDES permit o r State certification shall be reported to the NRC within 30 days of the date the change is approved.

'!be licensee shall DJt.ify the NRC of es te the effeeti:w UJWES Pemit by the licensee ey iclin;' NRC with a CQP¥ of the Chan:Je at. the;:a tin'e it is sutraitted to the p.emittin:; agcrx;:!)'* licensee shall prm*ide the NRC a of the awlicatien fuE ef. the NJ:POES Pel::mit at tae tiJne the application is --i;e the pemittirq agen:y.

3. 3 Charxjes Required for liarce with other Env:ironroontal Regulations Cl'la.rlges in plant design or cperation ani per.fonnan:::e of tests or experiments which are required to achieve cc:Jl1:')liat¥:1e with other Federal, state, ani local enviramlental.regulatioos are not subject to the requ.i.rements of Section 3 .1.

3-3 Amendment No. 77

If an event is reportable under 1 0 CFR 50.72, then a duplicate immediate report under this Subsection is not required. However, a written report is requi red in 4.0 Environmental Conditions accordance with Section 5 . 4.2. 4.1 Unusual or Events Any occurrence of an unusual o ev e nt that indicates or could result in significant environmental inpact causally related to plant op e ration shall be recorded and reported to t e NRC w i t hin 24 hours followed by a writ t en report per S ubsection 5. 4. 2. . mcoessive bird itRpactiea eveats, ofisite plafit or aaimal disease outbreaks, mortality or unusual occurrence of any species protected by the Endaagcred Speoies Act of

              '1.-9-!:f-3-.:  fish leills or impingement eveats               oa  the intalee screens;    inoreasa in nuisance organisms                     o conditions,   unaaticipated or emergency discharge-&£ waste water or chemical substances.

No routine monitoring programs arc required to implement this condition. 4.2 Environmental Monitoring threatened or 4.2.1 Aquatic Monitoring endangered s pecies The certifications and permits re ired under the Clean Water Act provide mechanisms for protecting water ality and, indirec tly , aquatic biota. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NR ) will rely on the de c i s i ons made by the State of New Jersey under the au rity of the Clean Water Act and, in the case of sea turtles and shortnose sturea, decisions made by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the authority of the Endangered Species Act, for any requirements pe rtainin to aquatic monit*uu s has In accordance with Section 7(a) the Endang e r ed s Hay 14, +/--9-9-3-, the National Mari e Fisheries Service issued Consul tation Biological Opinion related to the operation of Salem Unit 1 and 2 Generating S t at i o ns This Sectien 7 Consultation entitled, HReinitiation of a consultation in accordance ;;ith Section ?(a) of the Endangered Species Act regaZ"ding continued operation of the Salem and Hope Creclc Nuclear Gener Stations on the eastern shore of the Delaware River in NeH Jersey, " conclnaed that " ... continued operation is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of l i st e d species." ...-----'---. PSEG Nuclear LLC shall adhere to the specific requirements within the Incidental Take Statement, to the Biological Opinion. Changes to the incidental take statement must be proceeded by consultation between the NRC, as the authorizing agency, and NMFS. currently The Censervation Recommendations, to the Biological Opinion suggests a p p l icable conservation recommeaclations for implementation *by Salem Generating Station The Station shall plement these recommendations to the satisfaotion of ths NRC and National Harine Fisheries Service. SALEM UNIT 2 4-1 Amendment No. 214

5. 3 O:langes* in Errvironne.ntal Protection Plan Requests for d:larqes in the EPP shall include an assessment of the environmental :i.npact of the p cha.n:Je an:i a SIJRX)rt.i.!'q justification. Implementation of
  • sud:!. chan;es in the EPP shall not cx:.mnence prior to NRC a_wroval of the proposed c:ha.rq in the fonn of a lic.:ense arrer.dment inco:rpc>] the awl::'q)riate revision to the EPP.
  • s. 4 Plant Report:i.r:q
5. 4.1 'RG\Itine Reports AA Ani'lUa1 Erwironmem:al- Cpe dess;:ibin;J ii!p!Ea'I'Sntatioo of this EPP :the pt:e\'ia.iS year shall su£mitted te the NRC t.e

!Ihe: report shall inolude ies ani analyses of the results et' tRe env pnl'teoticn activities required by SUb:lection 4-.-2 fit awr) of this EPP the :r;eport period, irel1:X!i:rq a pttison rel:atai ional, tional ls (as iate), ani pre."ioos rx:m:adiologioal em.*irontlKmtal m:nitsrin:f repsrts, arrl an

*t of the                       iEptets  of tA.e plant ope:Eation     on the envi.ronment. U- hamful effects       or evidence of  ta..1a.:td
-ersible aamge te the environment             SEe  c:t:ser.."Eld, the licensee shall   provide  a  detailed   analysis of the data ani a p               can:se ot:

mitigating aetion. 5-2 Amendment No. 77

he Annual Evl Operating Report sha l l also include (-3::7 A list of EPP nencompliances and the corrective actions tal<en to remedy them. A list of all chanqes in station desiqn r operation1 tests, and experiments made in accordance with Subsection 3.1 'rt'hich invelved a potentially siqnificant unrcviewed environmental question. A list of nonroutine reports submitted in accordance with SUbsection 5.4.2. In the event that some results not available &y the report due date, the report shall be submitted notinq and explaininq the missing result The missinq results shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report. 5.4. 2 Nonroutine Reports A written report shall be submitted to the NRC within 30 days of occurrence of a nonroutine event. The report shall; (a) describe, analyze, and evaluate the event, including extent and magnitude of the impact, and plant operating c haracteristics; (b) describe the probable cause of the event; (c) indicate the action taken to correct the reported event; (d) indicate the corrective action taken to 5-3 Amendment No, 7 7

LR-N14*0224 LAR 814*05 LAR H14-02 Mark-up of Proposed Technical Specification Pages The following Technical Specifications pages for the Hope Creek Generating Station Renewed Facility Operating License NPF-57 are affected by this change request: Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan Pages 3.1, Plant Design and Operation 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-2 3.2, Reporting Related to the NJPDES Permit or the State Certification 3-3 4.1 , Unusual or Important Environmental Events 4-1 4.2.1, Aquatic Monitoring 4-1 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-2 5.4.1 Routine Reports 5-3 3

A p ro p o s ed c h a n F . t r s t G r t X p r i me n t s h a l l be deeffid to i n vo l v e a n un re v i ewe d - t: t lv i n.Jt tnle r, ta l -q u e s t ion i f i t c u n c t:rr: s : (l) a m a tte r wh i ch may re s u l t i n a s i g n i f i c r. n t i n c n ct s e i n a ny adv e r s e en v i ronMr, t c: l i mp a c t p re v i ou s l y E vc. l u o t t' t i n t h e F E S

  • O L , e n v i ronr:1c n ta l i Mra c t a pp ra i s a l s . o r i n ary de c i s i on s of the Atof11 i c S c'l fe ty a n d L i c e n s i n g Boa rd ; or (Z) a s 1 gn i f i cant c r, a 1*. g i n e f f l u e n t s o r pow e r l v e l ; (J r (3) c. m e t t e r , not p rev i ou s l y r e v i 21 1 d bn l V a l tlaed i n t h e d o c ume n t s s pe c i f i ed i n ( l ) of t h i s S u b s e c t i on , wh 1 c h Oiil} h a v e a s i g n i f i ca n t o c.J \o t rs e e r: v i rcnme n t a l i mp a c t .

The l i c e n s e e s h l l l"l& n to i tl r c o r d s o f c h a n g e s i n f a L i l i ty d e s i g n o r op e r d t i o n a t : c u f tt s t s a n d e x pe r i me n t s c a r ri ed u lit p u r s u a n t t o th i s S u b

  • s e c t i on . T h e s e rec c rc 5 h c. l l i r, c l u d e w r i tten e v a l u a t i <.: n s \>lh i c h p ro v i d e ba s e s fL:r tlie d t: H : rn: i n d t i on th a t t h e c l 1 a n e . t e s t , c r e x p e r i me n t doe s n o t i t l vo l ve a n u n re v i ewed e n v i ronffi£ ta 1 q e s t i on or con s t i tu t e a o c r a s e i n t h e c f f t: C t l v e ne s s o f t h i s E P P t o mee t t h ( c b j e c t i v e s s pe c i f i e d i n S e c t i on 1 . 0 .
 +he 1 i ct:: Y1 see 5-l+al l i ncl ude as part cf .t.P-e--Anr, uel En*Ji ronmental Operatir.§ 1\E!vr t ( per Subsectiu11                 5 .4 .1)       de sc r i ptions , ana lyses , i nt&rprtat ions ,

end ev l uati ons of such chan;; , tests a-M imen ts .

3. k po r t i n g Re l a ted to th N J PC E S P e r i t a nd S ta t e C e rt i f i c a t i o n Changes to , o r rene*l'lal s .o-f, th' NJPDEE Penuits or the State certification
 +l+e-l-1 be reported to thE:! NRC w ith i n 30 ce.ys foll owi ng the date the chang:

or renewal is approved . I f a permit or certifi cati on , i n part or in i ts enti rety , .:i.+ appeal ed and stayed , the N-RC be notified witt:l i n ..30. G&;y-s W l owing the date the stay i s grante6 . '-----t T he NRC s ha l l be p rovided with a copy of the current NJPDES permit o r State certificatio n with i n 30 days of a pprova l. Changes to the N JPDES permit or State certification shall be reported to the NRC with i n 30 days of the date the change is a p proved.

ThP 1 iHT£H notify the IRC of changes to :he effect i ve NJPDES PerFRit proposfd -bythe-n6tTns-ee-LT-0'CJii ic i ng RC witn a copy of thf: prcpcsed change at the S ?FRC Ur;,c it i s submi tted tCJ the peru:i"'... t i r,g 6gency . The l i censee sha l l prov i de the tiPC t: HrH ot the: appl i cation for rEme*,:e l of thr NJPDES Permit at the sarw tiH1:: the appl i cation i s s:Lr,;i tted to the pernitting agency .

3. 3 C h a n g e s Requ i r f o r C om p l i a n c e w i t h O t h e r E n v i r o n P n t a l R e g u l a t i on s C h a n g e s i n p l a n t d e s i g r. r r r p e r a t *; on a n d p e r f orma n c e of t e s t s u r e: x e r i me n t s vth i cr. d rt: t t: C., u i red t o a c h i e v e c uTilfi l i o n c e: :i t h e th e r Fed e ra l , S t a t e , M e l cc c:.. 1 e n v H v r . rJI(: t ; t c. l re n u l a t i on s a re not s u b j P. c t t c t h e rE-q u i reme n t s o f S e c t i on 3 . 1 .


If an event is reportable u n der 1 0 C F R 50.72, then a

.0              E nv i ronme n t a l C o n d i t i o n s d u plicate immediate report u n der this Subsectio n is not
                  .  ... -...:: -*                                     req ui red . H owever, a written report is requ ired i n accord a n ce with Sectio n 5.4.2.

. 1 U nu su a l o r I mp o r t a n t E n v ronme n t a l E v e n t s A ny o c c u r re n c e o f a n u u s u a l i n d i c a t e s o r cou l d resu l t i n s i g n i f i c a n t e n v i r o n me n ta l to p l a n t opera t i o n s h a l l b e r e c o r d e d a n d r e p o r t e d to th w i t h i n 2 4 h ou r s f o l l owed by a w r i t ten report p e r Sub sect i on : . 4 . 2 . excessive b i rd impact i on events ; ons i te p l ant or anima l d i sease outbrea k s ; morta l i ty or u nu sual occurrence of any spec i es protcted by the Endangered Species Act of fi sh k i l l s ; i n crease i n nu i sance organi sms or cond i t i on s ; and u nant i ci pated or emergency d i scharge of waste water or chemi ca l substances . No r ou t i n e m o n i t o r i n g p ro g r a m s a re re q u i re d to i mp l eme n t th i s c o nd i t i o n . 4.2 E nv i ronme n ta l M o n i to r i ng 4.2.1 Aq u a t i c Mon i to r i ng threatened or r- endangered species T h e c e r t i f i ca t i o n s and pe rm i t s requ i re d u n d e r the C l ea n W a t e r A c t p rov i d e me c h a n i sm s f o r p r o te c t i ng w a t e r qu a l i ty a n d , i nd i re c t ly , aqu a t i c b i o t a . The N R C w i 1 1 r e ly on t h e d e c i s i o n s n,a d e b y t h e S t a t e of New J r s ey u n der t h e

                                                                                                      \II a u t h o r i ty o f t h e C l ea n W a t e r A c t a n d ,             i n t h e c a s e o f sea turt les a n d shortnose

.s-turgeon , d e c i s i o n s ma d e by t h e N a t i o n a l M a r i n e F i s h e r i e s S e rv i ce ( NMFS ) u nd e r t h e a u t h o r i ty o f t h e E n d a n g e r e d S p e c i e s A c t f o r a ny requ i reme n t s p e r ta i n i n g t o a q u a t i c nn i tor i ng . 4 - 1 Ame n dm e n t N o . 43

5.3 C h a n r E' i r. E r. \ i r onmenta 1 P ro te c t i o n l- 1 c.r , R e qu e s t s fo r c h d n g e s i n t h e H F s ha 1 1 i n c l u d e a n a s s e s. sr.u. t o f t h e e n v i ronn,e r t c 1 nrJo l ' o r c h t: p ro p o s ed c h a n g e a n d a s u p p o r t i n g j u s t i f i c a t i on . I m p l emen t a t i on c f s u c h c h a n e s i n the E P P s h d l l n o t c ur t r c E p r i o r t o N R C a p p r 0 V ? 1 c f t h e: p n> J o s e d c h a nyes i n the t o n" u f c1 1 i c t:n s e ame ndment i n c o r p o ra t i n g the p rop r 1 a t re i s i o n to t h e E P P .

f. . ll P l a n t Rep o r t i n 9 RE> q u i r<:r .E::r i t S 5.4.1 P- o V. 1 1 1 E: k t o r t s An Annual [nv i l' Oprrating Report describing ir.ipl ementation of th i s EPP for the pr6 year sha ll b e submitted to the IPC pri &r tu !loY 1 e-f.

each yea r . Th£:: i rd t i a l report shall be submi tted pri er t o hay 1 o f the year foll owing issuance of the. operatillY l i cense , Th rpbrt shal l i ncl ude sumRaries and analyses of the resul ts of the envi ronmental protecti on acti vities requi red by Subsection 4 . £ of W e rGport peri od , i nc l udB with rela ted preoperativ stud i es . optriltional control s (as a-pfH"epriate) , prev i ou-s-n-onrad i ol og i ca env i ronmental raon itoring reports , and an assessment of the observed impacts of the plant operatior. or, th;; envi ronment . 1f harmful effects or evidence of tr:ncls to\'.'arc! i rreversi bl e damage to the env i ronn1ent are observed , the 1 i censee shal l prov ioe a diis il ed analys'i-s- of the data and a proposed course of mi tigatinq GR.

The AnPUfl 1 frvi rcr.nitta1 Opt rctting Report sha11 al so incl ude : {+} A--4 4-5-t- of EPP nonccll,l'l i ar,ct:s a-M th e correct i ve act i or.s W efl-te remedy them . tr1 f:., l i st vf ei 'i ch en ge s i n -s-ta-t.on des i gt; Ut'---O p e.ratien , tests , and experime11t ,;cc0rdunce wi th Subsection 3 . 1 .*hi ch i nvolved a potenti a lly s i gnifi car1t un rev i cwed env i runr,*,e:r;tt;1 Gl:f'f t i on . {-31 A--4 t of r.onrouti nti! F-C-P-B rts submi t-te-tl-i-n ac.cordanc £.u.9.s.ection 5.4-ob-I n the evert thd:t some results are not avail able: b* the re*pert due date , the report shall b-e subrnitttd Fictins ancl E:: Xpl ai ning :t.-Re rii ssi t,g results . T-he miss ing results + be submitted as e-s- pos5 ible in a suppl ementary \t-. 0 nrou ti n e Repo rts A wri tttn rrrrrt sh a l l be submi tted to t h e NRC w i th i n 30 d ay s o f o c c u r rence of a n U 1 1 ru u t i ne e v e n t . The rep{lrt sh a l l : ( a ) d e sc r i be , a n a l y z e , a n d e v a l u n t& the e v e n t , i n c l u d i n g e x t e n t a n d ma g n i tude of the i mpac t , and p l a n t o pe ra t i n g c h a ra c t r i st i c s ; ( b ) d e sc r i b e the proba b l c a u se o f t h e e v en t ; ( c ) i n d i ca te the a c t i o n t a k e n to c o r re c t the r e p o r t e d e v e n t ; ( d ) i nd i c&tc te c r rrect i ve 5-3}}