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Referring Letters of 9/7 & 10/5/1975 Which Submitted Proposed Changes to Environmental Tech Spec, Based on Preliminary Review, Letter Requesting Additional Information
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/05/1977
From: Lear G
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Robert E. Uhrig
Florida Power & Light Co
Download: ML18227C730 (15)


dAN 5 Distribution ORB g3 Local PDR NRC PDR VStello KRGoller Dockets Nos. 50~ TJCarter and 50-251 Attorney, OELD OISE (3)

GLear DElliott Florida Power 5 Light Company CParrish ATTN: Dr. Robert E. Uhrig DEisenhut Vice President TBAbernathy P. 0. Gox 013100 JRGuchanan Hiami,. Florida 33101 ACRS (16)

E.. A4c.n+~~


By letters dated September 7, and October 5, 1976, you submitted proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications for Turkey Point Units Hos. 3 and 4. Based on our preliminary review of your submittal, we have determined that we need additional information.


Please provide the items of additional information listed in the enclosure as soon as possible in order that we can continue our review in a timely manner. If you have any questions regarding our request, please contact us.

Sincerely, pflgtM) stmllG6 George Lear, Chief Operating Reactors Branch 83 Division of Operating Reactors


Request for Additiohal Info pYiQtl on cc: Hr. Jack R. Newman, Esquire Lowenstein, Hmnoan, Reis 8 Avelrad 1025 Connecticut Avenue, H. H.

Suite 1214 Mashington, D. C. 20036 Environmental 5 Urban Affairs Library Florida'International University OffIC4~







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form hEC.51$ (RST. 9.55) hKCM 0240 4 U, 4, OOVSRNMSNT IIRINTINO Of fICSI IOTA S20 ISO


  • Redefine "Closed Mode of Operations". Present definition is unclear as to what is meant by " intake and discharge of water through canals".

2.0 Environmental Protection Limits A. General Indicate whether "open mode of operations" would be used in situations other than those listed in A.2. If other situations are contemplated than those described in A.2, indicate the estimated time period, discharge flow ra>, temperature, salinity and suspended solids for open mode of operations.

2.C Bases: Indicate why chlorine was omitted in last paragraph, page 4, of the proposed technical specifications where temp-erature, turbidity, salinity and velocity were mentioned, as discussions on chlorine are included in the ETS.

3.0.A.3 (p.5) Monitoring Unit Operability. This technical specification should include a statement to the effect that a weekly calibration frequency will be maintained.

+ Item numbers refer to paragraph numbers in proposed Environmental Technical Specifications.

P..'lOXzAQXVX:l~UB ZA3XNHQ'ix GV5, BZQWDZO CUc,OUGH% HG 8gQXTBKJQ 3.A.2.a Your comments on proposed changes'o this tecTinical apecfgication indi'cate tFie.'OD values Gave leveled'ff in tFie'ange of 400 ~.

500 ~/1. What is responsiBle for tFie increase to those values?


What were the levels at the time the increase started'? When did the increase start and over what time scale did tFie increase occur? To what do you attriGute the increase in CO/,as the usual contributors to COD Q.e,, BOD, ammonia and Guild ~p of organically bound nitrogen) are reportedly at low levels?

Was the BOD measurement a five-day BOD? Was TKN measured to verify the assertion that there is no build. up of organically bound nitrogen? Provide reports of nitrate and nitrite levels in the cooling canal system.

3.B.2 Insert the word "often" so that this reads "Not less often than at intervals..."

Closed Mode The results obtained in the sampling program should be correlated with condenser cooling water data. The word "compared" as now used is misleading.

Purnish. a map showing station locations and a Grief station

'description for the 12 existing and 8 proposed plankton sampling locations.

4.A.l. (2}.C Give a more specific submittal schedule for these xeports, (We suggest yearly witFi. annual environmental monitoring reports rather than "periodically". }.

4.A.2 Open 1fode Since open mode operation is an "emergency." measure, we envision it as temporary. Sampling should begin two weeks after open mode operation begins. Sampling frequency should 'reflect the temporary nature of this short-term, emergency operating mode (i.e., weekly or biweekly rather than monthly or quarterly). Reports should be submitted six weeks after open mode operations begin (i.e., after one month of sampling).

4.A.2. (1).a Furnish a map showing the 12 existing stations and the 4 proposed stations along with a brief station description for each, What is meant by "epibenthic" fishy Identification to the species level rather than to family should be maintained.

4.A.2.(1).b Identification to genus rather than family with the exception of annelid polychaetes is necessary to provide the proper level of information to assess the plant impact, 4.A.2.(1}.c 're the 4 proposed stations to be located at the'ame stations as 4.A,2, g},a and 4,A,2,(1},57 If not, furnish. a map showing the locations of the existing and proposed stations as well as a brief station description of each

4.A.2. (1) .e Provide justification for changes proposed to this section.

4.A.2.(1).f Provide justification -for changes proposed to this section.

Change paragraph between 4.A.2.(1).f and 4.A.2.(1).g to incorporate the following: "Monthly environmental reports shall be submitted during operation in the open mode. The NRC shall be notified within 24 hours of commencement of operation in the open mode."

4.A.2.(2).c Include the groundwater reports in the annual environmental reports.

4.A.2.(2).d Provide the specific depths where temperature measurements will be IQade e 4.B.3 %3 Furnish justification for the proposed change from quarterly to semi-annual soil and biological studies which evaluate kinds and rates of change actually occurring.

4.B Bases: Justify deletion of paragraph 5 in your proposed technical specifications.

4.B.4.a Why is there a discrepancy between map scales for aerial infared photography? The proposed ETS is for 1:24,000 rather than 1:25,000 as in the current ETS.

Entire Section: Wherever the word "should" appears, replace it with "shall"..




Dockets Nos..50-250 and 50-251 Florida Power & Light Company ATTN: Dr. Robert E. Uhrig Vice President P. 0. Box 013100 Miami, Florida 33101 Gentlemen:

By letters dated September 7, and October 5, 1976, you sUbmitted proposed changes to the Environmental Technical Specifications for Turkey Point Units Nos. 3 and 4. Based on our preliminary review of your submittal, we have determined that we need additional information.

Please provide the items of additional information listed in the enclosure as soon's possible 'in order that we can continue our review in a timely manner. If you have any questions regarding our request, please contact us.

Sincerely, George Le , Chief Operating Reactors Branch 0'3 Division of Operating Reactors


Request for Additional Information cc: Mr. Jack R. Newman, Esquire Lowenstein, Newman, Reis. & Axelrad 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N. W.

Suite 1214

'ashington, D. C. 20036 Environmental & Urban Affairs Library Florida International University Miami, Florida 33199


  • Redefine "Closed Mode of Operations". Present definition is unclear as to what is meant by " intake and discharge of water through canals".

2.0 Environmental Protection Limits A. General Indicate whether "open mode of operations" would be used in situations other than those listed in A.2. If other situations are contemplated than those described in A.2, indicate the estimated time period, discharge flow rata, temperature, salinity and suspended solids for open mode of operations.

2.C Bases: Indicate why chlorine was omitted in last paragraph, page 4, of the proposed technical specifications where temp-erature, turbidity, salinity and velocity were mentioned, as discussions on chlorine are included in the ETS.

3.0.A.3 (p.5) Monitoring Unit Operability. This technical specification should include a statement to the effect that a weekly calibration frequency will be maintained.

  • Item numbers refer to paragiaph numbers in proposed Environmental Technical Specifications.

3.A.2.a Your comments on proposed'hanges'o this tecTinical specification indicate tFie COD values Gave leveled'ff in tIie'ange of 400 ~

500 ~/1. What is responsible for tBe increase to those values?

What were the levels at t1ie time the increase started? When did the increase start and over what time scale did the increase occur? To what do you attriBute the increase in CO/.as the usual contributors to COD ('i.e,, BOD, ammonia and build up of organically

'bound nitrogen) are reportedly at low levels?

Was the BOD measurement a five-day BOD? Was TKN measured to verify the assertion that there is no build up of organically bound nitrogen? Provide reports of nitrate and nitrite levels in the cooling canal. system.

3.B.2 Insert"the'ord "often" so that this reads "Not less often than at intervals..."

4.A.l Closed Mode 4.A.1.(1) The results obtained in the sampling program should be correlated with condenser cooling water data. The word "compared" as now used is misleading.

4.A.1. g) a t Furnish a map shoving station locations and a Brief station description for tFie 12 existing and 8 proposed plankton sampling locations.

4.A.l. (2}.C Give a more, specific subbed:ttal schedule for these reports, (pe suggest yearly wit% annual environmental ~onitoring reports rather than "periodically".3.

4.A.2 Open %Lode Since open mode operation is an "emergency" measure, we envision it as temporary. Sampling should begin two weeks after open mode operation begins. Sampling frequency should 'reflect the temporary nature of this short-term, emergency operating mode (i.e., weekly or biweekly rather than monthly or quarterly) ~ Reports should be submitted six weeks after open mode operations begin (i.e., after one month of sampling).

4.A.2. (1) .6 Purnish a map showing the 12 existing stations and the 4 proposed stations along with a brief station description for each, What is meant by "epibenthic" fish7 Identification to the species level rather than to family should be maintained.

4.A.2.0.) .b Identification to genus rather than family with the exception of annelid polychaetes is necessary to provide the proper level of information to assess the plant impact.

4.A.2.(1}.c 're the 4 proposed stations to he located at the same stations as 4,A,2. Q},a and 4,A,2, Q},M Tf not, furnish. a map showing the locations of the existing and proposed stations as we11 as a brief station description of each

4.A.2.(l).e Provide Justification for changes proposed to this section.

4.A.2.(1).f Provide justification for changes proposed to this section.

Change paragraph between 4.A.2.(1) .f and 4.A.2.(1) .g to incorporate the following: "Monthly environmental reports shall be submitted during operation in the open mode. The NRC shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of commencement of operation in the open mode."

4.A.2.(2).c Include the gr'oundwater reports in the annual environmental reports.

4.A.2.(2).d Provide the specific depths where temperature measurements will be made.

4.B.3 %3 Furnish 5ustification for the proposed change from quarterly to semi-annual soil and biological studies which evaluate kinds and rates of change actually occurring.

4.B Bases: Justify de1etion of paragraph 5 in your proposed technica1 specifications.

4.B.4.a Why is there a discrepancy between map scales for aerial infared photography? The proposed ETS is for 1:24,000 rather than 1:25,000 as in the current ETS.

Entire Section: Wherever the word "should" appears, replace it with "shall".,