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Revised Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1979
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1979
From: Berger C, Stolz J
Shared Package
ML19210C484 List:
NUDOCS 7911140329
Download: ML19210C485 (2)


k., Rev. 1 - 11/9/79


.DOCKET NO. 50-346 DATE vetocer 0, 1979 CO.\tPLETED BY J Sto::/C. Berger TELEP110NE 410-233-5000, Er.t.

243 OPERATING STATUS Notes Davis-Besse Unit 1

1. Unit Name:

Seo tember . 1979

2. Reporting Period:

2772 3. Licensed Thermal Power t\.1Wt):

925 4. Nameplate Rating (Gross \1We):

906 5. Design Electrical Rating INet .1We):

\to be determined

6. 31aximtm Dependable Capacity (Gross . tWe):

5 7. 5!axiraum Dependable Capacity (Net 51We):

_8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Repert. Gise Reasons:

" 9. Power Level To which Restricte '. If Any (Net .\1We):

10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This 51onth Yr to.Date Cumulatise 720 6,551 18,316 11. Hours In Reporting Period 634.95 3,624.4 10.256.2 12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 85.05 1,943.3 2,733.6 13. Reactor Resene Shutdown Hours 604.1 3,503 9,236.2 14. Ilours Generator On.Line 0 1,728.2 1,723.2 15. Unit Resene Shutdown Hours

, 1 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated 15tWH) 1.519.486 8.651.148 18,93g_713 503,791 ,_, 2.381.lES 6.264.943 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated i5thit) 477,780 2,714,007 5.755.467 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (51WH)

19. Unit Senice Factor 83.9 53.5 50.4 83.9 79.9 59.9 20. Unit Availability Factor to be determined
21. Unit Capacity Factor tUsin; .\lDC Net) 73.2 45.7 34.7 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 8.8 3.9 19.0 23. Unit Forced Outage Rate
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Nest 6.\lonths (Type. Date,and Duration of Each):

, Refueling outace to start March 15. 1980

-25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup:

26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operationi:



..1321 g o3 M' " ' " ',7g

.Rey. 1 - 11/9/79 i ,*1 50-346 DOCKET NO.

UNIT SilUTDOWNS AND IOW!:. t REDUCllONS UNIT N AME Dav is-Hesse JJnit 1 j DAIE Octolmr 8-1979 COMPl.E1 ED itY.lan St at 7/fC;1LL Berger REPORT MON ill September, 979 ll:t.l.PilONE 419-259-5000. Ext. 243 1.3-.!"E 3.h h Licensec 5 t,$.%Cause & Corrective g 3 Action to N e.Date 9 3g g ,g g 5 Ev::nt aT$E ld js 5, c Report a N0 5'Pievent itecurrence

  • o g-o.1l11 79 09 07 S 58.0 B 1 NA NA NA Maintenance outage to find steam leak in containment.

12 79 09 18-F 17.2 A 3 NA NA NA Sticking, pump pressure controller on No. 2 electro-hydraulic control pump.

Controller to be disassembled and

..cleaned at earliest convenience.

'13 79 09 23 S 0.0 B 4 NA NA NA Reactor power reduced to 75% to allow maintenance to adjust blowdown on

'.SPl7A2..1 14 79 09 26 F 40.7 A 3 tIA NA NA Faulty capacitor on turbine throttle pressure transmitter power supply.

..-3 4 l r0-Method: Exhibit G. Instructions F: Forced Reason: 1-Manual for l' reparation of Data

.S: Schedu!ed A. Equipment Failure (Explain)

~ll. Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram.

Entry Sheets for 1.icensee.I Automatic Scram.

livent Iteport (1. lilt) File (NUREG-U C.Hefueling O D 1(cgul.itory itestriction i Othes (lisplain) 0161)Ul Operator Training & License Examination 5 1 Admomtrative lAlabit I Same Source

  • .G Opciational I nor (thplain)

(9/77)11 Othen 11 splam)
