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TVA - Staff Exhibit 21 - Rec'D 05/01/02: TVA Oig Record of Interview of Ben Easley, October 25, 1993
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/25/1993
From: Bernard Thomas
Tennessee Valley Authority
Byrdsong A T
+adjud/ruledam200506, -RFPFR, 50-259-CIVP, 50-260-CIVP, 50-296-CIVP, 50-327-CIVP, 50-328-CIVP, 50-390-CIVP, ASLBP 01-791-01-CIVP, RAS 6138, TVA-Staff-21
Download: ML030900288 (3)


j6r 6139 5(O(-3 qO C i VPe.\\ -S%c(4 ExhIbft cI- IrecJ 51o/o'/DOCKETED USNRC 'TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORI1W3 MAR I I AM I1: 28 Office of the Inspector General^ , ccvele-w OFFICE '[1 fip sEur,s AiRY RECORD OF INTERVIEW RULEHAINGS AND a' ADJUDICATIONS STAFF N i A/Name: Position: Office: Work Tel.: Residence:

Home Tel.: SSN/DOB: I Ben G. Easley ,'Human Resource Officer Employee Relations and Development Generating Group Nuclear Power (615) 751-223.4 Easley, who is aware of the identity of the interviewing agent, was contacted at his office and advised that this interview would pertain to his knowledge of the events K> surrounding the surplusing of Gary Fiser on April 2, 1993. Easley provided the following information.

Easley advised that Fiser had been surplused from his position as the SON Chemistry Manager because that position had been revised and was not the same position Fiser originally held. Easley advised that the position went from a PG9 to a PGIO.Easley stated that Rob Beecken, Plant Manager, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) and Robert Fenech, Site Vice President, SQN, did not want Fiser to come back to SQN after his one year temporary assignment in Corporate and wanted Corporate Chemistry to find a position for him. However, either Corporate did not have a position for Fiser or did not want to put him in one.Easley stated that the process to put Fiser in the Employee Transition Program (ETP)began during the first couple of weeks in March.continued Investigation On: October 25, 1993 K> By: SA Beth Thomas: BBT 02EASLEY.DOC OIG.02 (10/93)l rn p Icep- ScCY0- 9 At: Chattanooga, Tennessee-

.File: 2D-135--7 EXHIBiT_<PAGE__( OF_ go9 PAGE(S)

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Intervenor REJECTED Other _ WITHDRAWN DATE 5/(/e Z Witness _Clerk Thai_C CC I I c C Continuation of Interview of Ben G. Easley 2 Since Fiser was being surplused from a SON position, Easley originally told the SQN Human Resource Office to surplus Fiser. However, Mike Pope, Easley's supervisor, told Easley to do it Easley stated that he told Pope that they (Corporate Human Resources) should not be doing this (handling the surplus of a SQN position) and Easley believes that Pope "knew we shouldn't" Easley stated that someone (name unknown) must have told Pope that Corporate needed to handle the surplus.Easley stated that Fiser's surplus should have been handled by Charles Kent, Chemistry and Radiological Control Manager, SQN, but instead everything went through Joe Bynum, former Vice President, Nuclear Operations.

Easley advised that Ron Eytchison signed the final letter in place of Bynum who had switched to a different position.Easley advised that he dealt with Wilson McArthur, Manager, Operation Services, on surplusing Fiser.Attached are copies of Eythchison's letter and Fiser's Notice of Transfer to ETP which\ Easley provided.PAGE _A OF 5. AGE(S)