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Diesel Generator Cooling Water Flood Protection
Person / Time
Site: Dresden Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/20/1976
From: Silver R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Goller K
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML17252A046 (2)


' ,,_ "' ' *t!!.' . .J.* ,*" Li UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 July 20, 19 76 Docket No. 50-249 Karl R. Goller, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, DOR f;/!...y THRU: Dennis L. Ziemann, Chief, Operating Reactors Branch #2, DOR . DRESDEN UNIT 3 -DIESEL GENERATOR COOLING WATER FLOOD PROTECTION Introduction By letter of July 16, 1976, Commonwealth Edison Company (CE) informed us that the Dresden Unit 3 submersible diesel generator cooling water pwnp had failed and could not be repaired or replaced within the seven day period allowed for continued operation with one diesel generator out of service (Specification 3.9.B.2.).

The seven day period ends Tuesday, July 20, at 5:30 pm. The replacement pump, ordered about a year ago., as a spare, is not expected to be available until about August 30. CE stated that the cooling pwnp would be replaced temporarily, with the nonsubmersible pwnp which had been originally used. The original pump had been replaced by the submersible pump as part of a flood protection modification to assure co"oling of the Unit 3 diesel would be available if flooding of the cribhouse occurred.

CE has formed a review in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and has concluded that the temporary replacement does not involve a change in technical or an unreviewed safety question.

Discussion Prior to* replacement of the original Dresden 3 .and Dresden 2/3 diesel generator cooling water pumps with submersible pumps, the possibility existe.d that a flood in the cribhouse could fail these pumps and* therefore, fail the diesel generators.

As an interim fix, reported to the NRC by CE letter of August 23, 1973, CE committed to shutting down the reactor in the event of flooding in the cribhouse and connecting a manual hose type intertie from the fire water system to the cooling

  • water supply of the 2/3 diesel generator.

The temporary arrangement now planned by CE would be better than the interim fix previously reviewed

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  • j -. .. .:., .-*;. . . . ... _ ' *, 'Karl GoUer: .. _(' . . ..;_ -2 *.-. . July 20; t976 ..
  • l * ** *.-*-i' .:.. _.' . '. _ ... *.*. . ' in. that** an opetab1.e
  • subnie:rsible pump'*will":be avf.l.ilable to supply cooling . water to the 2/3 diesel.
  • in. :addition, the Unit 2 *diesel which is cooied 'by a submersible pump" could be crossti,ed
  • 'to the Unit 3 emergency .busses. _CE has also ccinllitltted . to*

Uiii t. 3 ff. crib4ou5e flooding occurred the new*

  • pum1> is ..

A level -alarm wo:uld-warn

.. of flooding before wate:f level' reached *tne 'pump° eievation. , * -* ' *

  • I* * ' * * * ' * -* -' _:. "ilased,*, on ab.ave conslder_atioj'is, I *hav$

that th6 meas.ures, -planne.d by CE are acceptable as an* interim actfo.n ,prior to installation

  • of a repaired or.replacement'sul>mersibie pWnp; that the actions

-*by CE are not in *conflic.t with the. tecllnical specifications and .that

  • the temporary

'measures wfll_ be sUbstantiaHy better than the measures previou5ly reviewed_

  • .. Therefore,**

I *conclude that* operation wiU1i/,*.

the on :a 'teiirp,*orary-basis does not .involve .. an _unrevfewed safety *question

    • and no-actJOn
  • iS required* . . cc:
  • V. Stello-.


NRC PDR . Local*PDR R_DSilver RMDiggs , . . :: .1_.. -::. _:** c,,. ' !_ ... __ . *. :_.<OrY*bi ntJ St

\0_ Richard D. Silver

  • Operating Reactors Branch-.#2 Divisio:n of Operating Reactors ; *.' .*. ;_ .. : . .. ' . .-. * .. . '.. l *. ,*..,, . ' #2 __ .. -.DM13_ #2.. ..: _ -.................... . RJ:? ver: ah . DLZi emann
  • _ . .



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