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NRC-2018-000496 - Resp 1 - Final, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed, ACRS Working Group Records - Released Set
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/16/2019
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ML19109A073/ML19109A079 List:
FOIA, NRC-2018-000493, NRC-2018-000496
Download: ML19109A074 (475)


4/17/2018 Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: 1/8/2018 11:12:39 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb)(6) I To: ~1 Cb_X6_) __________________

_ Cc: I'll plan to do all of the appendices

-at least, the first cut at each. I'm now pretty familiar with what the submittals contain and where some of the warts are. So it's probably easiest for me to tell the rail and highway stories. I need to reserve most of next week for subcommittee homework.

I think that the scope of railway analyses is pretty limi t ed , but everyone analyzes highway accidents. I doubt that I'll finish the highways before subcommittee week , but I'll get a s t art on them. If you have some time , could you work with Derek to fix up the text t hat he wrote (e.g., make it flow better , reduce repetition, etc.)? John In a me s sage dated 1/8/2018 9: 21 :46 AM Central Standard Tim e, r~)<6_) __________________

.... I write s: Planned t o hi t them thi s week; s till fini s hing th e Members Handho o k. Go a he a d and let m e kn o w what r e m a in s. On Jan 8, 2018 , at 7: 13 AM , j CbX6) I wrote: Have you done anything with t he rai l and highway accident appendices

? If not , plea s e le t me ta ck l e th e m. I'm Ju s t about fini s h e d with the other four appendices , and I have some momentum built up. If you've started on the appendices , which one? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards


Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: 1/11/2018 2:14:43 PM Central Standard Time From: l (b X 6) I To: l (b)(6) No special treatment.

They are following our law. (b)(6) On Jan 11, 2018, at 6:36 AM ,._r_)<6_) ____ __,!wrote: (b)(6) Almost done with railroads

-saving highways to la st, since it's probably the most convoluted. -Original Message From: Dennis Bley )(b X 6) To: John Stetkar <!~(b.!:)(:::;: 6)======;1-----

Cc: John.Stetka r ~John.Stetka r@nrc.g ov> Sent: Wed, Jan 10, 2018 9: 50 pm


Re: Man-Made Haza rds Will do. Dodged a bullet earlier this week (b X 6) (b)(6) On Jan 8, 2018, at 10:12 AM, ._!(b_)C 6_) ____ _.!wrote: If you have some t ime, could you work with Derek to fix up the text that he wrote (e.g., make it flow better , reduce repetition , etc.)? 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazard Appen di ce s


Re: Man-Made Hazard Appendices 1/19/2018 1: 1 O:JI PM Centra l Standard Time Date: From: l (b)(6) I To: !(b X 6) Assume what you s ent t o da y replace s/includes previou s draft s. On Jan 19, 2 018, at 9: 20 AM , l ._(b_X 6_) ____ _,!w rote: The attached file contains drafts of m y concepts fo r the append i ces (actually , pretty much final, unless you balk at how they're organ f zed). I'm sending them so you have copies , just in case m i ne disappear.

I do not want to go through this exercise again ..... Comments are welcome , but I think we first need to dec i de how we're go i ng to tie everything together in the main r eport, including c onclus i ons , e t c. Dennis -Are you coming to the mee ti ngs next week? I'm arriving Monday n i ght , leaving Friday morning. John <Ha z ard Analy s i s Ap p endice s 19-2018.z ip> Not e: The attached 1 2 1 pages o f draft append i ces are wi thhe l d i n t h e i r e nt i r et y u nd e r FOIA exe m pt i on 5. P o rti ons o f the dr a f t appendi ce s c o ntaining CEil ar c al so w ithheld un de r F OIA exe m p t i o n 3, i n c onjunct i on wi th 1 6 USC 8 2 40-l(d)(l), and FO I A exempt i on 7 (F). 1/1 4/1712018 Re: Re. Man-Made Hazard Appendices


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazard Appendices Date: 1/ 19/2 01 8 1 :39: 02 PM Central Standard Time F rom: 1;:I Cb=X=6)=====::::!....-----, To: =!Cb=X6=)==========::::-~~.....1 Cc: .... !Cb_X6_> _____ ___. Tuesday or Wednesday morning works for me. And yes , the stuff I sent today re places anything sent ptevlously , I'm staying Thursday, because I didn't want to risk paying fees for multiple flight changes. The APR1400 meet i ng agenda was also bouncing around until some time last we ek, so I kept my Friday flight. I can work on man--made hazard text on Thursday. tn a message dated 1/19/20 18 I : 09: 24 PM C entral Stan d ar d Time , p L,._>c 6_> ________ ___.! write s; I am arriving Monday ni ght and le a ving W ednesday afte rno o n. Since NuScale #2 i s cance lled , J am tree to talk about this stuff Tuesday or Wedne sday morning. I' II have a redo o n Derek's s tuff and , at lea st , plugins jdentified for yo ur analyses. On Jan 19 , 201 8 , at 9:20 AM,!Cb X6) !wrote: The attached file contains drafts of my concepts for the appendices (actually , pretty much final , unless you balk at how they'r e organized).

I'm sending tt,em so you have copies. just in case mine disappear. I do not want to go through this exercise again ..... Comments are welcome, but I think we first need t o decide how we're going to tie everyth i ng together in the main report, includ i ng con c lus i ons , etc. Dennis -Are you coming to the meetings next week? I'm arriving Monday hight, leav in g Friday morning. John <Ha za rd AnaJysis Appendices 19-2 018.z ip> 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Mao-made hazards


Re: Man-made hazards Date: 1/22/2018 7:33:06 AM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) I To: l (b)(6) OK -Wednesday morning. -Or i ginal Messag1~8=-=

.._ ________ ....., From
Dennis B1ey~~.!=(b==X=6)=====~-----'

To: John Stetkar <jCb X 6) Sent: Sun, Jan 21 i.:... 2,..0,.:,.1

... 8 .... 1 ... 0: ..... 49-pm __ _,


Re: Man-made hazards Sounded good two days ago. It now seems Ill the morning for homework.

Can we do Wednesday morning-either at the offic.e or the hotel-I'm staying across the street this time. On Jan 21, 2018, at 10: 03 AM, ,_l (b_X 6_) ___ _.! wrote: L et's get together Tuesday morning, unless you'll need that time for homework.

Happy travels tomorrow.

G 1/1 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Draft Man-made Report Draft Man-made Report 1/23/2018 11: 16: 41 PM Central Standard Time 1 Cb>c 6> I !Cb)(6) See you at 8:30.

111 4/17/2018 R E: Man-M a de H az ards Report


RE: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 1/25/2018 8:1 8: 4 7 AM Central Standard Time From: Derek.Widmayer

@nr c.g ov To: ... 1 Cb_>c_6> _________________

........, A ckn ow l edge d !! From:!CbX6) I [mailto:i l ... Cb_X_6> ____ ...., Sent: Wednesday, January 24 , 2018 8:34 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <De r e k.W i dm a y er@n rc.g ov>; ... !Cb_>c_6> _________

__, Cc: S t etkar , John <J o hn.Stet k ar@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards Report Hi Derek, Dennis and I are working to get a draft of the report ready for distribution to the other working group members some time in February. That's the good news. The bad news is that we'll need to pull together a complete list of all references that we've cited in the main part of the report and the append i ces. Since you have already compiled much of that list , we'd like you to finish it. r,Ne're working on an edit to the text in the ma i n report , wh i ch should be done i n the next few days. It might contain a couple additional references , but I'm not sure about that right now. I'll get it to you when we have it reasonably stable.) I originally thought about listing references at the end of each appendix , but that leads to a lot of repetition. So it's best to have Just one References section in the main report that covers everything in the main text and the appendices. In some cases , I dredged up additional references f or th e detailed mater i al In the appendices , including a few RAI re s ponses. I tr i ed to document them as I wrote the material , but I probably d i d not catch all of them. So please read through the appendices for citations that you might not already have on your list. Off the top of my head , I know that I also referred to a mor e recent Revision 3 of the NWMI PSAR than you originally sent us. We're not yet quite sure what we're going to do with the final report , but we should assume that it will be available to the public. So we need to be very careful about not c i ting proprietary information. For the most part , I think that we're OK on that account, since we use docketed submittals, SERs , and references cited in the SRP and Regulatory Guides. I'm not completely sure that the SHINE and NWMI PSAR mater i al is publicly available, but I think that it is -please check i t. I'm much less confident about the Indian Point material that I cited i n Pipellne Appendix D. I got some of that material at least third-hand, so I am not su r e about its original categorization. Please take a very close look at it , considering the history of that issue. Anyway , please compile your first shot at the References section , and then we'll compare notes to see if anything needs tweaking.

Thanks! John 1/1 From: To: /@~} I Widma yer Derek: Stetkar. John


Date: [Externa l_Sender]

Man-Made Hazard s Report~-_Re~v~.

S unday , January 28, 2018 5:08:20 PM T h e 22-p age r ed lin ed d r aft i s wi t hh e ld in i ts ent ir et y un de r Attachments:

Main Report Rey 2 -JWS docx FO IA e x empt i on 5. Dennis and Derek. Attached for your review and comments i s Draft Revision 2 of the main body of the report. Dennis -For maximum annoyance. I turned on Track Changes so you can see what I did through Section 4.4. Derek -I don't expect feedback from Dennis until some time after February 7. I don't expect significant changes (if any) to the references in this part of the report. There are no changes to the appendices. John 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 1/29/2018 7:45:33 AM Ce ntral Standard Time From: I"~ I To: Already there; arrived Sunday. Get h o me ne xt Sunday, but go ahead and se nd i t when you're done. Only so much s urf and s un o ne can take. Dennis On Jan 27 , 2018, at 9:03 PM, ... r_x 6_) ____ ...,!wrote: As usual, coming up with the words for the last section has proved more challenging than expected. I pretty confident that I'll have something margin ally coherent by Sunday afternoon (maybe earlier , if I'm lucky, but no bets on that). Two questions: 1 -When are you leaving? 2 -Should I se nd it to you wheneve r I fini s h , or wait until you get ba c k from the sun and sand? John 1/1 4/17/201 8


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Rev. 2 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Rev. 2 1/29/20 18 8:38:10 AM Central Standard Time Date: From: !CbX6) I To: !Cb)(6) At first l oo k , it hangs together quit e well. Ju st got a pl ea from Milce---s i g h. On Jan 28 , 2018, at 6:08 PM , ... r_x 6_) ____ ___.!wrote: Denn i s and Derek, Attached fo r your review and comments is Draft Rev i s i on 2 of the main body of the report. Dennis -For maximum annoyance, I turned on Track Changes so you can see what I d i d through Section 4.4. Derek-I don't expect feedback from Dennis until some time after February 7. I don't expect significant changes (If any) to the references in this part of the report. There are no changes to the appendices.

John <Main Report Rev 2 -JWS.docx> 1/1 From: To: Cc:


Date: Attachments:

De nn is Bley John Stetkar Widmayer Derek: Stetkar J o h n; B l ey Peo o is [External_Sender]

Re: Man-Made Ha za rd s R epo rt -Rev. 2 T uesday, February 06 , 2018 3:58:32 PM Ma i n Report Rev 3 -dcb.doc x ATT00001 htm No te: The 22-page draft report (w ith marginal co mment s) is w ithheld in its entiret y under FOIA exemption

5. Seems like a fine report to me. The new Section 4.5 beg s for a committee letter on this topic and is the so rt of thing staff s hould have done long ago. In the attache Rev 3 , I accepted all your changes and ask a number of questions.

Denni s 4/17/2018 RE: Man-Made External H azards Worlk i ng Group -Draft Report


R E: Man-Mad e Ex ternal H aza rd s Working Group -Draft Repor t Date: 2/11/2018 4:18:28 PM Central Standard Time From: !(b)(6) ,l;=(b"!"!)(=;;, 6)-----1..., To: (b)(6) ' ~(b"!"!)(6'!'!") _____ -.;.. _____ ";"'J o""l'hn---:. S~t-e':"l" tk-a""".r@:,,,:-ru-*c-.g-o-v-,-;, D::-'ere~ ........ .....--__,...---___, Well-I've been loosing sleep over this for the past year in anticipation. Ron From: !(b X 6) !(mailto: j Cb)(6) D Sent: Sunda Februar 11 2018 5: 14 P..,M.,..,.,,,.

_____ __, To: Cb)(6) !(b X 6) !: Ronald G Ballinger

<1._Cb_)<_6) ____ _.!>; (b)(6) ;


Man-Made External Hazards Workin g Group -Draft Report Ron, Pete , and Dick, I'm sure that you all recall that you sig n ed on to be members of our working group on man-made extema l ha zards. I'm also sure that you think about it da il y, and wonder what is happening. Well, wonder no more .... Derek first did a really he r oic job compi l ing a ton of reference material , including source documents , applicant submittals, SERs, e tc. There is simply too much of that "stuff" to send imme diately. I t would require numerous emails with large f il e attachments, and much of it may be of marginal interest. (Derek i s cu rr en tly working on the citations for the Referernces section of the report, which is a monumen t al task in itself.) I suggest that you read through the draft a nd note areas where we need more material (I h ope n ot), l ess material, or better justification for our observations and r ecomme ndati o n s. Of co ur se, if you think that we need addi t ional recommendations , or if you disagree with any of the main items in Section 4.5, we'll need to work on that. If you want specific re ferences, I can se nd them , but be careful what you ask for ... I hope that you can read through the report and compile your major commen t s and suggestions before our March full committee meeting. We won't hav e much time to caucus that week, considering the 4-letter workload.

How ever, we should t ry to get together some time to i r on out any major wrink l es. If we can't find time that week , we shou l d perhaps shoot for t he mid-March subcomm i ttee week (depending on who is p l anning t o be in the office). I'd really l ik e to finish the working group report before I l eave on May 5. Th e full commi tt ee can then decide what is to be done with it. I do not think tha t the report conta in s any proprieta ry information (Derek is check in g), and it has been writ t en fo r possib l e public release (e.g., as an attachment to an ACRS letter). Thanks , John 1/1 Fr om: To: S ubj ec t: D ate: A tt ac hm e nt s: Note: The 164-page draft report , in cl ud i ng appendices , is w i t hh e l d i n its entiret y under FOIA exempt i o n 5. Port i ons of the report con t aining CEII are also wi t hheld un d er FOIA exempt i on 3, i n con j unct i on with 1 6 USC 824 0-l(d XI). The pages o f Append ix F aren't i n proper order an d some pages are missing. ... I Cb .... X 6_) ______ _.! ._!Cb_)C6_) ___ _,U._Cb_X 6_) __ ....,!_!Cb_X 6_) ____ __.! J.Qhn; Widmayer Derek [Externa l_Sender] Man-Made Extern a l Hazards Work i ng Group -Dr a ft Report S und a y , F e br ua ry 1 1 , 2 01 8 5:1 4: 0 5 PM Wo r ki n a Grouo R eoort -D r a f t R ev 4.d oc x Ron , Pete , and Dick, I'm sure that you all recall that you signed on to be members of our working group on man-made external hazards. I'm also sure that you think about it daily, and wonder what is happening.

Well , wonder no more .... Derek first did a really hero i c job compiling a ton of refe r ence materia l , including source documents , applicant submittals , SERs , etc. There is simp l y too much of that "stuff" to send immediately.

I t wou l d require numerous emai l s with large multi-file attachments, and much of it may be of marginal interest. (Derek is currently working on the citations for the References section of the report , which is a monumental task in i tself.) I suggest that you read through the draft and note areas where we need more mate r ial (I hope not), less materia l , or better justification for our observations and recommendat i ons. Of course, if you thi n k that we need addit i onal recommendation s , or i f you disagree with any of the main i tems in S e ction 4.5 , we'll need to work on tha t. If you want specif i c references, I can send them, but be carefu l what you ask for ... I hope that you can read through the report and compile your major comments and suggestions before our March full committee meeting. We won't have much time to caucus that wee k , considering the 4-letter work l oad. However , we should try to get together some time to iron out any major wrinkle s. I f we can't find time that week , we should perhaps shoot for the mid-March subcomm i ttee week (depending on who is planning to be in the office). I'd really l ike to finish the worki n g group report before I l eave on May 5. The full committee can then dec i de what is to be done w i th i t. I do not think that the report contains any proprietary information (Derek is checking), and it has been written for poss i ble public re l ease (e.g., as an attachment to an ACAS letter). Thanks , John 4/17/20 18 R e: Ma~Made External Hazards Worldng Gr oup. Draft Report


Re: Man-Made External Hazards Working Group -Draft Report Date: 2/14/2 018 11 :40:36 AM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) To: ... l (b_X 6_) _____ ____,! John.Stetkar Dick, Thanks for the thoughtful comments (and for taking at least one pass through all 166 pages!). I'll wait to hear from the others, and then we can caucus to decide on a path forward. John -Original Message-From: Skillman Technical Resources Inc. <f Cb}C§2 I To: 6 Widma er Derek <Derek.Widma er nrc. ov> Cc: Dennis Ble (b)(6) ; ronald ballinger

6) ; Riccardella, Pete (b X 6) John.Stetkar

<John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov>; Skillman , Gordon <Gordon.Skillman

@nrc ,g ov>; Gordon Skillman 1.,..Cb..,.}C ,..6}....,...,,......,...,,.....,,...,,.---

...... t Sent: Wed, Feb 14, 2018 10:53 am


Re: Man-Made External Hazards Working Group -Draft Report John, Derek, this i s an impressive work product. Thank you for making the effort to lay th is out so logically so that we can h a v e further di sc us sion on it. My initial comments below from a quick read and spontaneous reaction to all 166 pages: (b)(5) 1/2 Thank you. dick On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 5: 13 PM , 4,_(b_>c 6_> ____ _,~ wrote: Ron, Pete, and Dick, I'm sure that you all recall that you signed on to be members of our working group on man-made external hazards. I'm also sure that you think about it daily, and wonder what is happening. Well, wonder no more .... Derek first did a really heroic job compiling a ton of reference material , including source documents , applicant submittals , SERs , etc. There i s simply too much of that "stuff' to send immediately. It would require numerous emails with large multi-file attachments , and much of it may be of marginal interest. (Derek is currently working on the citat i ons for the References section of the report, which is a monumental task in itse l f.) I suggest that you read through the draft and note areas where we need more material (I hope not), less mater i al, or better justification for our observations and recommendations.

Of course , if you think that we need additional recommendations , or if you disagree with any of the main items in Section 4.5, we'll need to work on that. If you want specific references, I can send them , but be careful what you ask for ... I hope that you can read through the report and compile your majo r comments and suggestions before our March full committee meeting. We won't have much time to caucus that week , consider i ng the 4-letter workload. However, we should try to get together some time to iron out any major wrinkles.

I f we can't find time that week, we should perhaps shoot for the mid-March subcommittee week (depending on who is planning to be in the office). I'd really like to finish the working group report before I leave on May 5. The full committee can then decide what is to be done with i t. I do not think that the report contains any proprietary information (Derek is checking), and it has been written for poss i ble publ i c release (e.g., as an attachment to an ACRS letter). Thanks , John 2/2 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Re: Derek's Appendices Re: Derek's Appendices 2/25/2018 7: 55: 50 AM Central Standard T ime !CbX6) I L.!Cb_)<6_) _________

__,! Got it -I'll look at it some t i me this week. First need to prepare two sets of slides for March dry run of April Commission meeti n g , since Commiss i on as not yet decided what they want us to tal k about. ---Or i gina l Messag~fj};;;;;;;;;

....----------, From
Dennis Bley 4 Cb)(6) To
John Stetkar ,f Cb)(6) ...... _____ ___. Cc: dcb1 <> S e nt: Sat, Feb 24 , 2018 2: 06 pm


Derek's Appendices A few additions and corrections and the attached Supplemental Report is ready for your considerat i on. 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Supplement


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Supplement Date: 2/27/2018 2:15:31 PM Central Standard Time From: !CbX6) ! To: ~!Cb_X6_)~~~~~ Cc: Why don't you wait until I lo ok thr o u g h it , but then, yea h , i t sho uld go to th e 'team'. T h oug ht you didn't think it worth edit in g; that's why I just did eno u g h to s h ow h ow it was put toge ther. Probably better that you did it. It will save nitpicking l ater. Maybe ... On Fe b 27, 2018, at 1 2: 46 PM, L-!Cb_)<6_) ___ ___,!wro t e: I decided to read through the supp l ement before I tackle the Commission briefing slides. As usua l , I spent too much time noodling with the report -mostly on mind-numbing formatting.

If you wish, please take a l ook at the attached Rev. 2. It's in T r ack C hange s, except for changes tha t were only forma tting. Before you blindly accep t all the changes, take a look at areas that contain a lot of red and mar gin com ments. There were a couple of places where I alte r ed the origina l text enough that you might be in terested .... or not. When you're OK with this , I guess we should also send it to the others -right? John <Supplement

-Draft Rev. 2.docx> Note: The accompanying 47-page redlined draft of "Supplementa l Info r mation" i s w i thheld in its entirety under FO IA exempt i on 5. 1/1 4/1712018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Supplement


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Supplement 2/28/2 018 12:53: 46 PM Centra l Standard Tune Date: From: !Cb X6) I To: !Cb)(6) Cc: deb 1@n Read it carefullv and all looks good. I (b)(5) I'd send it to the group now. (b)(5) D On Feb 27, 2018, at 12:46 PM, ... r_x 6_) ____ __.f ote: I decided to read through the supplement before I ta ck le the Commission briefing slides. As usual, I spent too much time noodling with the report -mostly on mind-numbing formatting.

If you wish, please take a look at the attached Rev. 2. It's in Track Changes, except for changes that were only formatting.

Before you blindly accept all the changes, take a look at areas that contain a lot of red and margin comments.

The re were a couple of places where I altered the original text enough that you might be interested

.... or not. When you're*OK with this, I guess we should a l so send it to the others -right? John 111 4/17/2018 Re: Re: Man-Made Haz.wds Working Group Supplemental Report


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Supplemental Report Date: 3/1/2018 8:30:20 AM Central Standard Time From: !CbX6) ';:::::::;::::::===::::::!...-----, To: ~!Cb_)<6_> __________________ Cc: John.Stetkar@nrc

.gov Derek has not yet communicated anything about the references. If we want to give the report to the full committee , we should have all of the references included and the citations in the text stra i ghtened out. I doubt very highly that we will accomplish that by next Friday. Any ideas about how I can light a fire under Derek? John In a me ssage dated 2/28/2018 7: 15:53 PM Central Standard T ime, ... !Cb_><_6> ___________________

!writes: Colleagues, So, if we do n ot need to caucus, I thin k it would be u seful to report the Working Group re s ult s to the full committee during P&P next week. The o nly presentati o n material needed could be the results table from the main report and , maybe , one sl ide on our conclusions.

We could ask members to look through the report during March and decide i f the ACRS wants to write a l e tt er, attaching the report, to s upp o rt our previou s recommendations. If so, it would be really nice to do tha t by the Ma y meetin g, before John depart s. Dennis On Feb 28, 2018, at 3 :39 PM , ... r_x 6_> _____ !wrote: Colleagues, Attached Is a supplement to our report on man-made hazards. It organizes information that Derek compiled when we began th is , adven tu re. (Most of it was i n the append ices to Rev. O of the report , which has changed substantially since then.) That information helped to provide context for our reviews and to decide how we were go i ng to structure the main .report and the curre nt appendices.

Denn i s and I decided that we should arch i ve it , because It Is usefu l supporting informat io n. Hence, the supplemental report. I'm not yet sure whether we should attach th is report to our main report , or just keep It separate.

That may depend on what the full committee decides to do with our work product. In any event , here it is for your edification and comments .. Dennis -No substantive changes from Rev. 2 , only a couple of very minor last-minute formatting changes. Derek -I highlighted some refe rences called out in the text in bold red , so they're obvious. But I'm pretty sure they're not complete. We'll need to figure out how to cite references in this one. According to current plans , I will be in the office March 8-10 , Ap ri l 3-7 , April 17-19, and May 2-5. I will then become a pumpkin. So i'f we need to caucus , those are my windows of opportunity. John <Working Group Report Supplement

-Draft Rev. 3.d ocx> 1/1 (b)(6) ~1~~aye r De r ek;"lil!lrnm:r::::;ii:mrr


.. !(b_)<_5) _____ __.! ... l<b_)(_5_) -----F r o m: T o: S ubjec t: [E x t ern al_Se nd er] Ma n-M ad e Hazards Wor k i ng G ro u p Su ppl eme nt a l Re p ort D ate: W edne s day , Febr u a ry 2 8, 20 1 8 5:3 9 :4 7 PM ~N-o-t e-: Th-e -.,-,o-ci-a t-e d_4_4--p-ag_e_cl_ean-dr-aft-.-of_YJ __ r-" S-u-pp-l em_en_t_al_ln_fo_rm_a_ti-on_"_i,-~ Attachme nt s: Worki.n.aJkouo R eoocLSuoo l filOeot.c...Qraft_Re.ll....3.doc x w i thh e ld in it s en tiret y und e r FOIA exe mpt ion 5. Colleagues, Attached is a supplemen t to our report on man-made hazards. It organ i zes i nformation that Derek compiled when we began this adventure. (Most of it was in the append i ces to Rev. O of the report , which has changed substantially since then.) That i nformation he l ped to provide con t ext for our reviews and to decide how we were going to structure the main report and the current appendices.

Denn i s and I decided that we should archive it , because it i s useful supporting information.

Hence , the supplemental r eport. I'm not ye t sure whether we should attach this report to our main report , or just keep it separate.

That may depend on what the full committee decides to do with our work product. In any event, here it i s for your ed i fication and comments. Dennis -No substantive changes from Rev. 2, only a coup l e of very minor last-minute formatting changes. Derek -I highlighted some references called out in the text in bo l d red, so they're obvious. Bu t I'm pretty sure they're not comp l ete. We'll need to figure out how to cite references in this one. According to current p l ans , I will be in the office March 8-10 , April 3-7, April 17-1 9 , and May 2-5. I will then become a pumpk i n. So i f we need to caucus , those are my windows of opportun i ty. John 4/1 7/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Supplemental Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Supplemental Report 3/1/2018 3:06:28 PM C entral Standard Time Date: Fr o m: !CbX6) I To: l (bX 6) Cc: deb I t hink he is coming to the FC mee t ing. Ask him to bring the final with him and be ready to discuss the whole package with us. On Mar 1, 2018, at 7:30 AM, ... r_><6_> ____ ____, jwrote: Derek has not yet communicated anything about the references.

If we want to give the report to the full committee , we should have all of the references i ncluded and the citations in the text straightened out. I doubt very highly that we will accomplish that by next Friday. Any ideas about how I can light a fire under Derek? 1/1 4/17/2018


Date: F rom: T o: Cc: Derek , Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Report a nd Suppleme n t Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Report and Supplement 3/2/2018 1:29: 21 PM C e ntral Standard Time !CbX6) J o hn.Stetkar@nrc

.gov Good news. I won't be in the office until Thu r sday morning. See you then. John In a m ess a ge dated 3/2/2018 12: 54:3 6 PM Central St a nd a rd Tim e, D e r e k.Widm ay er@n r writ es: Hi J o hn: I w ill be at t he*meeting n ext wee k. I h ave t he Re f e r e n ces a ll ready to go -I was just waiting to pull the trigger when we w e re more or l ess s u re there wou l d no big revisions-wh i ch it looks li ke we have reached. So that will be easy. I will do i t by COB next Monday so it is " clean n to prese n t to the Comm i ttee at your discretion.

BTW -the report has come out great, i n my h u mble op i nion. I t is s till a wo n der m ent to me that the re a r e " me t rics n upo n which safety decisio n s are being made (and yes they might be conservative when es t ablished) t hat the bas e s for are a "mystery?" I was i nvo l ved i n a project wi t h NMSS at NRG where we we r e trying to establ i sh a sol i d bases for ONE metr i c , t he number of years we could be " r easo n ably assured" that a cement waste form wou l d l ast afte r it was d i s p osed (p r ovided it met a ll assumptions r egarding QA on i ts prepa r ation, recipe , etc.). We spen t mill i ons of do ll ars and our record is complete ove r a t hree year period of end l ess meet i ngs w i th i n dus t ry a nd o th er sta k eho l de r s. While anyone can d i sagree w i t h whether we were u l t i mately co r rect , t h e r e i s no d o ub t we sup p orted the number (500 years). And this was a ll i n an effort to pro t ect someo n e fr om a r adion u clide t hat almos t everyone expected would do very li tt l e harm in the end to anyone even i f i t go t o ut o f th e was t e form! We ll , e n o u g h o f that -I am r i led up after watch i ng the G-D news this morning. (A l so e veryone e lse a t N RC has the " day off' due to weather. I do not h ave that l uxury , however , it i s brig h t sunsh i ne h ere wi th temps expec t ed t o r each 70 , so no compla i nts) Derek 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Report and Supplement From:r X 6) J mailto:!(b X 6) Sent: hursday , March 01 , 2018 5:44 PM Joi Wjdmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmaver

@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar>;

l (b X 6) I


[External_Sen der] Man-Made Ha za rd s Report and Supplement Hi Derek , We're hoping to have a final version of the main report , appendices , and supplement ready to submit to the Full Committee during the March meet ing next week. We'll need the references and their citations in the text for that product. I have not re ceived any substantive comments on the main report or the appendices , so I'm assuming that they are good to go. Can you get all of the references into the report by Friday of next week? Are you p lan ning to attend the meeting? John 212 4/17/2018 Re: Rev. 4 version of DOC with References Added


Date: Re: Rev. 4 version of DOC with References Added 3/5/2018 5:32:15 PM Central Standard Time From: To: l (b)(6) Derek.Widmayer , John.Stetkar, .... r_)<6_) ----------

Hi Derek, Many , many thankslll I'm not sure when I'll have time to read through the changes -I hope before Thursday. I'm t i ed up with personal "stuff" the next couple of days. I hope to see you Thursday morning , provided that I surv i ve a drive down from Philadelphia on Wednesday. The concept of weather Is rather annoying. John --Original Message---

<~:eek W j ma y er@nrc.g ov> Sent: Mon, Mar , 1: pm


Rev. 4 vers i on of DOC with References Added As discussed.

References added. A "reference" from a "Reference" has not been cited* -I think we all agreed this is kosher. Redline/SO.

If you accept all changes, it should be good. I was using Rev. 4 -that was the latest version I had. I hope that was right I I did make one minor substantive change -the letter which described the ACRS plans to respond to the UCS letter was actually an answer from the Chairman -so it needed minor rewording.

Derek A. Widmayer ACRS/Technlcal Support Branch !Cb)(6) I (cell) d e r ek.wi d rna y e r@n rc.g ov 1/1 From: To:


Date: Attachments:

Widma y e r De r ek l (b)(6) Rev. 4 versio n of DOC wit h Re f erences A dded Mo nd ay , Ma r c h 05 , 20 1 8 2: 1 2: 00 P M Worki n g Grouci..Baport

-Draft R e v cx Note: Th e 171-page draft repon is w i thheld in it s entiret y un d er FO I A exemption

5. P on i o n s of the repon co ntainin g CEIi are also w ithheld under FOIA exempt i on 3, i n con j unct i on w it h 16 USC 8240-l(d)(l), and F OIA exemp t io n 7(F). Th e pages of Append ix F aren't in proper order and some pages are m issi ng. As discussed. References added. A " reference" from a " Reference" has not been cited -I think we all agreed t h i s is kosher. Red li ne/SO. I f you accept all changes , i t should be good. I was using Rev. 4 -that was the latest ve r sion I had. I hope that was right ! I did make one minor substantive change -the letter which described the ACRS plans to respond to the UCS letter was actually an answer from the Chairman -so i t needed m i nor rewording. 7JcJr.cA cA-. w~ ACRS/Tec hni cal Sup p o rt B r a n c h !Cb)C 6) eel I) 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Caucus


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Caucus 3/6/2018 7:57:03 AM Central Standard Time Date: From: !Cb X 6) I To: !Cb X 6) Cc: !CbX6) ! !Cb)(6) ! ._!Cb_)C6_) ______ ___, Derek., Lord willing, and if the creek don't rise , and the snow does not get too deep-I'll be there. Any time is OK for me-hopefully.

Ron Sent from my iPad On Mar 6, 2018, at 8:50 AM, Skillman Technical Resources Inc .... r_x_6) _______ f wrote: Hi John -Will support either day. dick On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 8:38 AM, <f Cb X 6) r wrote: Derek added the references to our draft report, so we now have a "finished" version. It is substantively the same as Revis ion 4 that was distr i buted for your input. I know it's late , but can you all support a group meeting at noon on Thursday?

If not Thursday, how about Friday? Derek -is t he caucus room open either day? If not , perhaps we can meet in Andrea's office or t he other big meeting room. John 1/1 4/17/2018 RE: Re: RE: Man-Mede Hazards Working Group Caucus


RE: Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Caucus Date: 3/6/2018 2:26:34 PM Central Standard Time From: Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov To: r (b X 6) ! ... !Cb-)(6-) ---------.11 (b)(6) !Cb)(6) ll (b X 6) ,__ _________

_, John.Stetkar

@n Cc: I have reserved the ACRS Caucus Room for Friday , March 9 at Noon. Derek From:!CbX6) ![mailto J Cb)C 6) h Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 9:58 AM To:!Cb)(6) l ""!Cb.,..,.X 6""'")----------.!!

... Cb_)C 6_> _____ _.t ! .... Cb>_C 6_) ___ _.~ Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Caucus Thanks Pete , I forgot about Thursday P&P. Let's do Friday at noon. Derek -can you snare the caucus room? John In a message dated 3/6/2018 8:48:54 AM Central Standard Time, ... !Cb_)C 6_) _______ ..... !writes: John , P&P SC i s at noontime on Thur s day this week. Friday would be better for me. Pete From: r Cb)C6) !> Sent: 1'uesday, Marc h 6, 20 1 8 6:38 AM To: !Cb)C 6) ti "" Cb""")C 6""') --------., , Cb X 6) Riccardella , Pete !Cb)C 6) I Derek.Widmayer@nrc,aov

Cc: John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov


Man*Made Hazards Working Group Caucus Derek added the references to our draft report, so we now have a "finished" version. It Is substantively the same as Revision 4 that was distributed for your input. I know it's late, but can you all support a group meeting at noon on Thursday?

If not Thursday, how about Friday? Derek -is the caucus room open either day? If not, perhaps we can meet in Andrea's office or the other big meeting room. John nic Privacy Notice: The information contained in this e-mail, including any att , intended sole y o addressee(s).

If e recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notifie 10n, in , or action taken in relation to the an attachments to this e*mail is strictly prohibited and may e u ve 1/2 4117/2018

're c and any co RE: Re: RE: Man-Made Hazards Wortdng Group Caucus 212 From: To: Cc:


Date: Andrea: Widmayer.

Derek Veil Andrea Banks. Mark External Manmade Hazards Working Group Tuesday, March 06, 2018 3:32:00 PM I don't know how much either John or Dennis has been keeping you up-to-speed, but the Working Group has a finished Draft Final Report on this work, which we have spent almost 2.5 years generating.

It is quite a piece of work. We are meetin on Frida in the Caucus cid what the Grou wants to do with the Report (b)(5)

cA-. w~ ACRS/Technical Support Branch i Cb)C6) !(cell) derek w j d ma y e From: To:


Date: Yes-Will Do. Widmayer Derek Nguyen. Quvob RE: QUERY: Manmade Hazards Thursday.

March 08, 2018 5:19:00 PM From: Nguyen, Q uynh Sent: Thu r s day, M arch 08, 2018 1:57 PM To: Widmayer, De r ek <>


QUERY: Manmade Hazards Importance:

High After the meeting on Fr i day, you gotta let me know ASAP i f and how it should be placed in the May FC Agenda.

4/17/2018 Re: Re: Wor1clng Group Report on Man-Made Haza r ds


Re: Re: Working Group Report on Man-Made Hazards 3/10/2018 1 :21 :28 PM C entral Standard Time Date: F rom: l (b)(6) I To: Cc: J Yes, and to gauge general sentiment of the members. ln a message dated 3/10/2018 I: 11 :37 PM Central Standard Time l .... ~_)<6_) ________ !writes: John , Excellent backgrounder document.

I suppose we are going to discuss the "so what.." at the retreat. Matt On Mar 10, 20 I 8, at 8:21 AM~ .... (b-)(6_) ____ ___.!wrote: Colleagues, . . Attached is a copy of our working group report on man-made external hazards that I mentioned briefly during P&P Friday. We plan to discuss the report in an internal ACRS retreat session during the April Full Committee meeting. The purpose of that sessio n is to famil i arize everyone with the report and our conclusions and recommendations , and to discuss a path forward for possible act i on by the Committee. During our working group meeting on Friday, we tentatively decided to formally present the report at the May Full Comm i ttee meeting , inviting the NRC staff and interested members of the public to attend. Our hope is for an ACRS letter transm i tting the report to the Commiss io n and endorsing some or all of the working group recommendations.

John <Working Group Report -Draft Rev 6.docx> 1/1 From: To: Cc:


Date: Attachments

Colleagues , [E x terna l_Sen d er) W o r k i n g Group R e p ort o n Ma n-Made Ha z ar d s Sa t u rd a y , Ma r c h 1 0 , 20 18 8 :2 1 : 39 A M Work i n g Group R epo rt -Dra ft R ev 6.d ocx (b X 6) (b)(6) No te: The e nt ir e 15 0-p age clean draft re p ort (w it h a p p e n d i ces) i s w it hh e l d in i ts e nt ir e t y under FO I A exe m p t i o n 5. P ort i o n s of t h e repo rt cont aining C EII are al so e x empt un d er F O I A e x e mp t i on 3 , i n conj un c t i o n w i t h 16 U.S.C. 8240-l(d)(l), an d F OIA exempt i o n 7 (F). Attached is a copy of our work i ng group report on man-made external hazards that I mentioned br i efly during P&P Friday. We plan to discuss the report i n an internal ACRS r etreat session during the April Full Committee meeting. The purpose of that session is to famil i arize everyone with the report and our conclusions and recommendations , and to discuss a path forward for possible action by the Comm i ttee. Dur i ng our working group meet i ng on Friday , we tentatively decided to formally present the report at the May Full Committee meeting , inviting the NRC staff and interested members of the public to attend. Our hope is for an ACRS letter transmitting t he report to the Commiss i on and endorsing some o r all of the work i ng group recommendations.

John 4/17/2018 Re: Working Group Report on Mall-Made Hazards


Re: Working Group Report on Mao-Made Hazards 3/10/2018 7: 32: 52 AM C entral Standard T ime Date: From: l (b)(6) I T o: l (b X6) John:. Thanks. Good r eading while huddled in my no-power house (in front o f the fi r eplce). Ron Sent from my iPad On Mar IO , 2018, at 8: 26 AM, ... r_)<6_) _____________

!wrote: Colleagues , Attached is a copy of our working group report on man-made external hazards that I mentioned br ie fly during P&P Fr i day. We plan to discus.s the report i n an internal ACRS ret r eat session during the April Full Committee meeting. The purpo s e of that session is to familiarize ev e ryone with the report and our conclusions and recommendat i ons , and to discuss a *path forward for possible action by the Committee. During our working g r oup meeting on Friday , we tentatively de c ided to formally present the report at the May Full Committee meeting , inviting the NRC staff and interested members of the public to attend. Our hope is for an ACRS letter transmitting the report to the Commiss i on and endorsing some or all of the working group recommendations. John <Working Group Report -Draft Rev 6.docx> 1/1 From: To: Cc:


Date: HiQ: Wk!rnayer.

Derek Nguyen. Duynh Ban ks Mark RE: Manmade Hazards Monday , March 12, 2018 11:58:00 AM Nope Wrong Kemosabel The subject will be discussed as a topic in the April " retreat" items. Nothing more specific needs to be lis ted there on the April Agenda. But there needs to be 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> session scheduled within the May Full Committee.

The "Anticipated Workload" for May is correct -just take TENTATIVE off of the Work i ng Group item. Nothing in June or any other subsequent meeting. yet. But, depending on decis io ns yet to be made, the re might be Lett e r Report that gets written sometime and that might take more than one meeting -like the " research reports , and will have to be included repeated l y on the Letter Wr it ing topics, but that decision is all forthcoming.

D From: Nguyen, Quynh Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 11:10 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <>


Manmade Hazards I gotta start making May Agenda. I'm guessing there won't be a formal sess ion and whatever S te tkar wants to do can be done during "ret r eat time"?

From: To: ec,


Date: Attachme n ts: Colleagues, .,.,~r.;:;~:;;i 6;;-mr,=-:=;;;-;l:;:-;;;;::---l'L!(b_)c_6) ___ ___J!Ronald G ean;ooer:

l~Cb-X 6_) ____ ....., OeceR.wlamavei@nrc

.aoy Man-Made Hazards Working Group Slides Monday, Mardi 19, 2018 2:27:18 PM Man-Made Hazards.opt No te: 3 9 a dditional s li de s. refle c ting co ntent in the d ra ft r e p o rt. ha ve been w it hh el d i n t h eir e n t ir e t y und er FO I A exem pt io n 5. I know that you are immersed in all things NuScale this week , so this Is probably pretty damed low on your immediate radar. I assembled the attached draft slides for the discussion of our report during an internal retreat session at the April Full Committee meeting. Don't worry about the number of slides -ha l f are backup, and I can get through the front part pretty fast. Please send me any comments or suggestions at your convenience. T ha n ks, John

  • J u.S.NRC United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Man-Made External Hazards Working Group Report John W. Stetkar ' 1 Working Group
  • Ron Ballinger
  • Pete Riccardella
  • Dick Skilln,an
  • Derek Widn,ayer 2


  • ACRS engagement with staff during COL application reviews and post-Fukushima activities for operating reactors
  • ACRS contacted by member of the public regarding review of Indian Point natural gas pipeline (2014 -2016)
  • NRC response to UCS noted formation of ACRS working group to gather and review information on risks from external man-made hazards, including gas pipelines 3


  • ACRS December 13, 2016 letter: .. The scope of external hazards to be assessed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise should be expanded to include man-made hazards, except for intentional acts ...
  • Recommendation rejected, based on existing practices and staff conclusion regarding proposed Generic Issue 4 Backup Slides Regulatory Guidance Code of Federal Regulations
  • 10 CFR Part 50 -10 CFR 50.34 -General Design Criterion 3 .. Fire Protection

.. -General Design Criterion 4 .. Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design Bases ..

  • Section 2.2.1-2.2.2
    • identification of Potential Hazards in Site Vicinity (March 2007)
  • Section 2.2.3 **Evaluation of Potential Accidents (March 2007)
  • Section Site Proximity Missiles (Except Aircraft) (March 2007)
  • Section Aircraft Hazards (March 2010) 31 Regulatory Guidance Regulatory Guides
  • RG 1. 70 .. Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition .. (November 1978)
  • RG 1. 78 .. Evaluating the Habitability of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room during a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release .. (December 2001)
  • RG 1.91 .. Evaluations of Explosions Postulated to Occur at Nearby Facilities and on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plants" (April 2013) 32 Regulatory Guidance Regulatory Guides (contd.)
  • RG 1.117 .. Protection Against Extreme Wind Events and Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants .. (July 2016)
  • RG 1.206 .. Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)" (June 2007)
  • Additional references and supplemental guidance are cited in the SRP and RGs 33 Proposed Generic Issue
  • Sub111itted by Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate in Septe111ber 2013
  • Potential risk increase due to changes in 111an-111ade activities in site environs
  • Need for periodic assess111ents and FSAR updates 34 Proposed Generic Issue (contd.)
  • Rejected in January 2014 -Issues not amenable to risk quantification using standard tools and methods (e.g., SPAR models); qualitative conclusion that they do not represent a .. credible threat to the NRC's strategic and performance goals and measures .. -Issue can be addressed through other regulatory programs -Information to determine risk significance is not available without requests to licensees or collecting it onsite 35 From: To: Cc:


Date: '-: j "°'" aL 11 nge,j""'(b.,..)C"" 6)--------.l; ~~@ia r@nrc,ijov Re: Man-Made Hazards Woridng Group Sfldes Tuesday, Mardi 20 , 2018 10: 51:08 AM Quick responses

-Slide 3 -The Chairman responded to UCS. We crafted suggested words for his response.

The Chairman's letter is Reference 3 in our report. Slide 4-Yes Slides 14-19 -Availability of more data is implied by the dates. We discuss details of sources in the append i ces. I'll just say it orally. I'll hold off on circulating Rev. 1 of the slides until I hear from others. John In a message dated 3/19/2018 6:00: 51 PM Central Stan d ard Tim e, !(b)C 6) !writes: First cut looks good-well organized. A few preliminary questions

& comments:

Slide 3 * " NRC response to UCS noted formation of ACRS working group*. Did the Commission respond? SECY? EDO? Or ACRS? Slide 4

  • is really the key to the depth of our response:

assume you agree !(b)(S) I Slides 14-19

  • Should we sav lmavbe iust verballv) that more recent data are available?

r b)(S) I ko m: To: C c: S u b ject: Date: Hi John, Banks Mart "Mk:lmt CQIWJQ.t;l (b)(6) Stctkai.....Jgbo

.... ____ .... RE: Re: April Full Committee Internal discussion of man-made hazards Tuesday, M arch 20, 2018 12:53:00 PM Mike is correct. in ad d ition to the standard letter wr i ting item on Saturday morning, we a l so have a retreat item Which is for the man-made hazards discussion.

T h anks, Mark Banks -Chief Tec h nica l Su p port B ranch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Reg ul a t ory Co m mission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fox 301-4 1 5-5589 Fr o m: Michael Corradini

[mai l to: ... l (b_)<_6) _______ _, S e nt: Tuesday , March 20, 2018 11:07 AM T o:!(b)(6) I Ban ks, Mark <>

C c: Stetkar, John <>

S ubj ect: [External_Sender] Re: April Full Committee interna l discussion of man made hazards yes it planned fo r Saturday -Mark?? From:! ... (b_X_6) ____________

__. Sen t: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 10:04:47 AM T o: Michae l Co r radini; C c: John.Stctka, S ub ject: Apr i l F ull Co mmitt ee intern al d iscuss ion of m a n-made h azard s Mike and Mark, At our March meeting, we discussed having an internal discussion of the man-made hazards working group report in a "retreat" setting to familiari z e member s with wha t we've d o ne and el i cit commen t s on a path forward before the public meeting in May. I don't recall if we s how those kinds of th i r:,gs on our committee workload.

Are you sUII plannlng for that session (probably Saturday morning)?

John 4/17/2018 Man-Made Hazards Report Stuff


Man"Made Hazards Report Stuff Date: 3/20/2018 2: 13: 1 6 PM Centra l Standard Time From: !(b)C 6) I To: Derek. Widmayer@nrc.go v Cc: Since I have a little time today, I created a title page and table of contents for the report. I think that the material in the supplementa l report is really useful -especially if the report will be pub l icly available. It provides a context for our evaluations and a convenient compilation of references. At the moment , I've attached it to the report as Appendix G. We can always cut it out i f the others feel differently. After you insert the references into the stand-alon~

supplement, I'll refo rmat them (if necessary).

I think that it makes sense to keep them in the appendix. John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards


Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: 3/2 0/2018 9:35:22 AM Central Standard Time From: T o: Cc: Derek , r)(6) I Thanks for the feedback. John In a message dated 3/20/2018 9:34:15 AM Central Standard Time , Derek.Widma yer@nrc ,fiOY writes: John: Yes I have, but I am not yet done. I will finish by the end of the week, if no t before. I will let you know. Thanks for the work on the s li des. Th ey l ook good to me. Derek From: !(bX 6) [.,.,.m=a=ilt=o"-l (b_x_6) ____ ----J Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 10:20 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nr>; Stetkar , John <Jo hn.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards H i Derek, Have you made any progress on the references for the supplemental report? Don't worry about slides for the retreat d i scuss i on dur i ng the April full committee meeting. I'm just about done with a draft set. I'll circulate them to the working group for comments when they're ready -one less thing on your l ist... .. John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/20/2018 7:40:14 PM CentraJ Standard Tune Date: From: !CbX6) I To: !Cb X 6) Cc: .._!Cb_)(6_) ______ _,! John.Stetkar , deb Mike, If you look at the letters we sent earlier on behalf of the Committee, we promised to alert both when the results of the working group were to be discussed by the committee.

Your call on inviting them to participate , but I think we must alert them about the meeting. Dennis On Mar 20, 2018, at 4:29 PM, ... f_)<6_) ____ _.!wrote: Mike -Please look at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a letter from you, formally alerting them to the May meeting and inviting their participation?

1/1 RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 4/17/2018


Date: From: RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/21/2018 7:29:46 AM Central Standard Time To:, "'l (b.,..,)(6"'"> ____ _ Cc: John.Stetkar@nrc.go v I am On the Job! Sunny and 50 on the shore of NC ! From: Banks, Mark Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:12 AM To:!(bX6) !Widmayer, Derek <>

Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar@nr>


RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Hi John , The Federal Govt is closed today. Also, !(b)(6) I Let's see what tomorrow (Thursday}

brings. It is forecast to snow t i ll midnight , so w h o k nows a b out tomorrow ..... We'll get back to you. r)(6) Thanks , Mark Banks -Chief Techn i cal Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5 589 From:!(b X 6) h.:..:..m=a=ilt=o.:1.: l (b_)_<6> ____ __, Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 3:19 PM To: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>; Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer

@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <.John.Stetkar>



Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Thanks Mark, Is Andrea back in the office today? If not, will she be in tomorrow?

It might be useful if you, Andrea , Mike Corradini , and I chat by phone , just to make sure there are no surprises.

John In a message dated 3/20/2018 1: 57:46 PM Central Standard Time, Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov writes: 1/3 4/17/2018 RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do I have no problem with the approach outlined by both of you -very reasonable and appears to be doable. Mark Banks -Chief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 From: !Cb)(6) I [!!!.filltQj

._Cb_)C_6) ____ __, Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 2:53 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma v>;

Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.go v> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g oy>


[External_Se nder] Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do De rek, Thanks very much. Your thoughts on Item 3 seem like a good plan, provided that Mike Corradini, Mark, and Andrea agree. John In a mes sage dated 3/20/2018 12:53:00 PM Central Standard Time, Dcrck.Widma yer@nrc.iNY writes: John: I have answered below in RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From: !Cb)(6) l [~ .... (b .... )(6.,....,) ,...,......

___ _. Sent: Tuesday, March 20 , 2018 11: 44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <>;

Banks, Mark <>

Cc: Stetkar, John <>



Man-Made Hazards* Stuff Left To Do Derek, I've copied Mark on this to get his input on the logistics.

So here's my current understanding of what will transpire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. Acknowledged.

2 -We discuss the report with the members during an in ternal session at the April full committee meeting (currently s lotted for Saturday morning}. No further changes to the report are planned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agreed. 3 -We make t he report available publicly (I think). This is a key i tem , since we're planning to have a public discuss ion during the May fu ll committee meeting , with perhaps an ACRS lette r. We certainly 2/3 4/17/2018 RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Ha zar ds. Stuff Left To Do need to a!ert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting , so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think that it would be a good i dea for them (and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they have time to p r epare comments. I don't know any other way to get the report to them , without making it available publicly in ADAMS. If we're going to do that , we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Pe r haps we make this decision at the April meeting, but that gives us only 4 weeks until the public discussion in May. We would need to very busy, very early during the week of April 9. In two recent examples, Hossein has finalized detailed technical documents and we have internally called them "White Papers." We have a folder in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 2018 FULL COMMITIEE MEETING" and make it a public document.

We can do th is as soon as needed to make it available to the public, I suggest this be the path desired by the Working Group to be discussed at April FC. In the meantime, we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I suppose we should contact the two interested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think it is the right thing to do -I suppose we should get at least Dennis and the Leadersh ip to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early notification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal letter that goes out under Mike would probably be desirable (as part of the record of the FINAL responses to the incomings).

4 -Discussion dur i ng May full cormmittee meeting, with poss i ble ACRS letter or working group letter. I think i t is appropriate for the Committee , if it so chooses , to send a letter to the Commission, and attach the Final Report -I would leave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS, not attach it. think it is okay to refer to it as "The Working Group Report" when it would be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a "working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we shou l d allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May Fu ll Committee meeting, more than 5 minutes? OR would it be better to tell them the ACRS report is final, they have 5 minutes at the meeting , and they should send any commen ts to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss this in April. Did I mi ss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I think these logistics will work. If there was a desire to go to a NUREG report, that would substa n tia ll y delay things , to include a technical editor and other "QA" steps required.

What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In particu l ar , what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logis tics seem impossible , we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. T he paperwork is in pr og ress t o t erminate me, effective May 5. I f th e ACRS mee ting on thi s topic is pushed to June or July, either Den n is will need to ta ke th e lead , or perhaps I co ul d present th e report as an " Invited expert". I'm (b)(6) 3/3 From: To:


Date: !CbX6) l Widmayer.

Derek: Stetkar John [Extemal_sender]

Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Wednesday, March 21, 2018 3:49: 25 PM Sounds like a plan. However , regarding the staff, I'm not sure if there is a contact person for the EHCOE -it seems somewhat amorphous.

I'll do some digging, unless you have a specific name In mind. John ----Original Message-----

From: Widma er, Derek <>

To: jwstetkar CbX6) corradini

""l Cb'"")(~6)---------.

Cc: bley CbX6) Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks@nrc

.gov>; Stetkar, John <>

Sent: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 2:35 pm


RE: Man-Made Hazards* Stuff Left To Do Feedback from me in GREEN Derek From:t)(6) Sent:ednesday, March 1, 2018 3:08 PM To:!Cb)(6) !; Widmayer, Derek <D e rek.Widmayer@nrq;i ov> Cc:!CbX6) !Banks, Mark <Mar k Banks@nrc,gov>;

Stet k ar, John <John,stetkar@nrc



[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do My recollection about our outreach to UCS for the December 2015 societa l risk subcommittee meeting is a bit fuzzy. I'm pretty sure that we did that through an email from John Lai to Dave L ochbaum o r Ed Lyman. (I think that we a l so contacted severa l others the same way.) We certainly did not send a formal l etter Invitation.

However, this situation Is different , considering the ACRS correspondence with Paul Blanch and the NRC Chairman correspondence with Dave Lochbaum.

I agree -a lette r from ACRS , Mike is probably appropriate.

I think that Derek shou ld contact each of them very soon by email, a l erting them to the May 3 meeting and its topic -the working group report on eva l uation and review of man-made externa l hazards. Mike shou l d follow up with confirma t ory letters, so we and they have a record of the correspondence.

We shou ld a l so alert them that our work i ng group report will be ava ilable in ADAMS, and l et them know when i t is. I will draft up an email with the Informat io n that is kn ow n at this t i me, with the Ideas expressed in the next parag r aph, and clrculate.

Need to have feedback from Mark and Andrea (If she Is going to be around). Gov't offices closed today. I think that we shou ld afford them more than a nominal 5 minutes presentation time. If we have 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> slotted for the topic , then about 15 minutes each seems reasonab l e. or perhaps 20-25 minutes total if they want to consolidate their commen t s. We sho uld also st re ss that more comprehensive written comments are always appreciated and will be made part of the meeting record. H owever, I don't want to get mired in de t a il s of the Indian Point analysis and review. That i s not the purpose of o ur work i ng group report or the ACRS briefing. Of course, that being said, we can't dictate what the y present, except to ind ica te that we will focus on a range of man-made ha zards, technical basis for eva l ua t ion and r eview guidance, and consistency of applications of the guidance. Tha t might forestall too much discussion about that one particular analysis.

We should also alert the staff (not sure who , considering the history), but indicate that we do not expect any presentations from them. At this point, maybe the contact person for the Natural Hazards COE , who can inform others? Your thoughts?

John Ina message dated 3/21/20181

02:35 PM Central Standard Time , ... !(b_)<6_) ______ .... writes: Derek: An informal email alerting them seems reasonable.

As for a letter invite, how did Former Chairman Stetkai handle it for the Dec. 1st SC meeting on Societal Risk? UCS presented there and how did they get invited? Was it Ed or John that sent a note to them? I am unsure of that process. A s for the date , Mark has the draft agenda for May (I saw) and this topic i s tentativ e ly on the afternoon of May 3rd at 2pm. But that may change. Mike On*Mar 21, 2018, at 12:49 PM, Widmayer, Derek <DerekWidmayer@nrc.~ov

> wrote: Gentlemen:

I have contact information for Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum, including address, phone and emails, when ( IF?) you decide to inform them about the May FC session (email) and formally inv i te (letter) them to address the Committee (or whatever is decided).

I can formulate some sort of draft email that provides the "informing" step -I guess we need to decide what should be in the email -the time slot for the session has not yet been dec i ded, but the dates can be Identified.

-but are they going to be prov i ded an opportunity to speak (for the usual 5 minutes or more?) and to submit written comments (they can do whatever they want, but did not know whether they would be specifically invited to submit comments)?

Also, decide who the " informing" email should come from. (perhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then letter from Dr. Corradini as chairman?)

We can also tell them in the email they will be getting w r itten inv i tes. Derek From: l (b)(6) ![mailto~(b)(6) Sent: Wedne s day , March 21, 2018 12: 30 PM To:~)(6) I Cc: §)<6) j Widmayer, Derek <

>; Stetkar , John <



[Extemal_Sender] Re: Man-Mad e Ha z ards -Stuff Left To Do Hi Mike, As Dennis noted , we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meeting. I th i nk that we should e l icit comments from the members during the April retreat. Unless there are egregiou s error s, we don't plan any major c hanges to the report. My primary objective for the April discuss i on Is to answer questions about techn i cal detalls (If any) and ga in a sen s e of member support for the recommendat i ons. John -----Original Message--.....,.,,....------, From: Mlchael Corrad i n i < (b)(6) ;::,;:;,-,;a.-.__ ____ "T"'"" _ __, To: John St e tkar (b)(6) ..-.-----=--

Cc: Dennis Bley (bX 6) Widmayer , Derek <Der e k Widmayer@nrc iov> Sent: Tue , Mar 20 , 2018 9: 00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK w i th the game p l an and a l erting B l anch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent its note to the Commission and the Chairman told them of our intentions. Do you want comments from the members before April -or -at the mini-retreat?

Mike On Mar 20, 2018, at 5: 29 PM, r ... _)<6_) ____ ... wrote: Dennis and Mike , FYI -Try i ng to firm up logistics leading to the May meeting. Mark has agreed with Derek's approach.

Mike -Please look at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a letter from you, formally alerting them to the May meeting and i nviting their participation?

I think we should -very soon -but It's your call. So ... l hear that they are predicting nasty weather In DC tomorrow -are we all having just tons of fun? John From: Derek.Widma y To:!Cb X 6) I Ma r k.Banks (@nrc.g ov Sent: 3/20/2018 12:5 3:00 PM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below in RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page. we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From: ... !Cb_)<_6) ____ __.! [ ... ro ... a ... il....,to

.... !Cb_)_<6_) _____ _J Sent: Tuesday , March 20 , 2018 11:44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widm ay er (g)nrc.~ov>; Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks> Cc: Stetkar , John <John Stetka r@nrc g~>


[Extemal_Sender] Man-Made Hazards

-Stuff Left To Do Derek. I've copied Mark on th i s to get his i nput on the logistics.

So here's my current understand i ng of what will transpire over the next 6-1 /2 weeks: 1 -We fina l ize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. Ackno wl edg e d. 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an Internal session at the April full committee meeting (currently s!otted for Saturday morn i ng). No further changes to the report are p l anned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agr ee d.

3 -We make the report available publicly (I think}. This Is a key Item, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting, with perhaps an ACRS l etter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting, so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I tbink that it would be a good idea for them (and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they have time to prepare comments.

I don't know any other way to get the report to them , without making It available publicly in ADAMS. If we're going to do that , we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Perhaps we make this decision at the Aprll meeting , but that gives us only 4 weeks until the public discussion In May. We would need to very busy , very early during the week of April 9. In two recent examples , Hossein has finalized detailed technical documents and we have internally called them "White Papers." We have a folder in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FO R DISCUSSION AT MAY 2018 FULL COMM ITT EE MEETING" and make it a pub l ic document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it availab l e to the public , I suggest this be the path desired by the Working Group to be d iscussed at Apri l FC. In the meantime, we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I suppose we should contact the two interested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think it is the right thing to do -I suppose we should get at leas t Denni s and the Leadersh i p to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early n otification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal letter that goes out under Mike wou ld probably be desirable (as part of the record of the FINAL responses to the incomings).

4 -Discussion during May full committee meeting, with possible ACRS letter or working group letter. I think it is appropriate for the Committee , if it so chooses, to send a letter to the Commission, and attach the Final Report -I would leave the (b)(6) Supplemental Report in ADAMS, not attach it. I think it is okay to refer to it as "The Working Group Report" when it would be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a " working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we should allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May Full Committee meeting , more than 5 minutes? OR would it be better to tell them the ACRS report is final , they have 5 minutes at the meeting. and they should send any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss this in April. Did I m i ss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I th ink these logistics will work. If there was a desire to go to a NUREG report, that would substantially delay things. to include a technical editor and other "QA" steps requ i red. What are your thoughts on how we get th i ngs done? In particular, what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logistics seem I mpossible, we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate me, effective May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed to June or July , either Denn i s will need to take the lead, or I Id re n the r ort a n "invited ex ert" Cb X 6) 4/17/2018


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/21/2018 11 :31: 12 AM Central Standard Time Date: From: l (b)(6) I To: l (b)(6) That makes sense -I'm reading now From: ,_!Cb_X_6) ____________

_ Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 11:29:51 AM To: Michael Corradini Cc:!Cb)C6) I D ere k.Widma y John.S


Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do Hi Mike, As Dennis noted, we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meet i ng. I think that we should elicit comments from the members during the April retreat. Unless there are egregious errors, we don't plan any major changes to the report. My primary objective for the April discussion is to answer questions about technical details (if any) and gain a sense of member support for the recommendations.


Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with the game plan and alert i ng Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent i ts note to the Comm i ssion and the Chairman told them of our intentions.

Do you want comments from the members before April -or -at t he min i-re tr eat? Mike On Mar 20, 2018, at 5:29 PM , ... !Cb_X-6) ____ __.!wrote: Dennis and M i ke , FYI -Trying to firm up logis tics leading to the May meet ing. Mark has agreed w it h Derek's approach. Mike -Please l ook at I t em 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a letter from you, fom1ally alerting them to the May meeting and inviting their participation?

I think we should -very soon -but it's your call. So ... l hear that they are pred ic ting nasty weather i n O'c tomorrow -are we all having just tons of fun? John I From: Derek Widm a er nr c. ov To: Cb X 6) Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov 1/3 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Sent: 3/20/2018 12: 53: 00 PM Cen t ral Standard Time Subject RE: Man-Made Haza l!'ds -Stuff Le ft To Do John: I have answered below i n RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From: !(b)(6) ![ ..... m .... a=i l t..,.o~J (b;;.:.)<:.;.: 6) ____ ___J Sent: Tuesday, March 20 , 2018 11:44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <>;

Banks , Mark <>

Cc: Stetkar, John <>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff left To Do Derek , I've copied Mark on this to get h is input on the l og i stics. So here's my curren t understand i ng of what will transpire over the next 6-1 /2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. Ackno wledg ed. 2 -We d i scuss the report w i th the members dur i ng an interna l session at the April full comm i ttee meeting (c urrentl y slotted for Saturday morn in g). No further changes to the report are planned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agr ee d. 3 -We make the report a v a i lable publ ic l y (I think). This is a key item, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the Ma y full committee meeting , with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting , so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think that it wou ld be a good idea for them (and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they have time to prepare comments. I don't know any other way to get the r eport to them , without making i t ava i lable publ ic ly i n ADAMS. If we're going to do that , we'll need to at leas t slap a cover on it. Perhaps we make this decis i on at the April meeting , but that g i ves us only 4 weeks until the public discuss i on in May. We wou ld need to very busy , very early during the week o f April 9. In two recent examples , Hossein has fina l ized detailed technical documents and we have in t erna ll y called them "White Papers." We have a fo ld er in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Wo r king Group rnports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 20 1 8 FULL COMMITTEE MEET IN G" and make it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it available to the public, I suggest this be the path des i red by the Wo rkin g Grou*p to be discussed at April FC. In the m ean tim e, we can get them ready w i th the Covers and TOCs. I s uppo se we shou l d contact the two in terested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think it is the right thing to do -I suppose we should get at l east Dennis and the Lea dership to agree -I can contact them (B l anc h and UCS) to provide an early n otification that the subject will be in May. Then a forma l letter that goes out under M i ke would probably be desirable (as part of the r ecord of the FINAL responses to the incomings). 4 -Discuss i on dur i ng May full committee meet i ng , w i th poss i ble ACRS l etter or working group letter. I think it is appropriate for the Committee , i f i t so chooses, to send a letter to the Commission , and attach the Final Report -I would l eave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS, not attach i t. I think it is okay to refe r to i t as " Tine Working Group Report" when it 2/3 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do wou l d be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Comm i ssion or EDO from a "working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we should allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May Full Committee meeting, more than 5 minutes? OR would it be bette r to tell them the ACRS report is final , they have 5 minutes at the meeting, and they should send any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss th i s in Apr i l. Did I miss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I think these logistics will work. I f there was a desire to go to a NUREG report, that would substantially delay things, to include a technical editor and other " QA" steps required.

What are your though t s on how we get th i ngs done? In particular, what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS before the May meet i ng? John P.S., If the logistics seem impossible, we need to settle on a clear P lan B ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate me, effective May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic i s pushed to June or Ju ly , either Dennis will need to take the lead , or erha s I could resent the re ort as an "invited ex ert". CbX6) Cb X 6) 3/3 4/17/2018 RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do


Date: From: RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/2 1/2018 12:03:41 PM Central Standard Time To: !CbX6) I Hi John , I'm cozy and warm -it's an easy snowstorm, relatively warm (32 degrees) and l i ttle wind; we've had about 4-5 wet inches here at the marina so far; Kathy texted me an hour ago that she has 18 inches so far. I told her to go on Amazon and order a sled and team of dogs ..... M ark B anks -Chief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 F rom:!CbX 6) ! (m=a i=l t~o ... !Cb_)(6_) ____ __, Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:34 PM To: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar@nr c.g ov> S ub jec t: [Externa l_Sender] Re: Man-Made H azards -Stuff L eft To Do Hi Mark, Hope you're hunkered down in your cocoon. f A ah let's Plav n by ear reaard j na a c o nference ca ll !Cb)<5) )(5) John --Origina l Message-From: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks nrc. ov> To: jwstetkar Cb)C 6) ; Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, Joh n <John , Stetkar@nrc.g ov> Sent: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 4: 12 am


RE: Re: Re: Ma n-Made Hazards -Stuff L eft To Do Hi John , The Federal Govt is clos ed t o day. A l so, !Cb X 6) I Let's see what tomo r row (Thursday) br i ngs. It i s forecas t to snow till mid ni ght , so who knows about tomorrow ..... We'll get back to you. 1/4 411 7/2 018 Thanks , Mark Banks -Ch i ef Tecnn i cal Support Branch Adv i so r y Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do From i (b)(6) !l.,_,_m,.,,a.scilt

,.,,, o cs.l (b .... )( .... 6) ____ ____, Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 3: 19 PM To: Banks, Mark ; Widmayer, Derek <Derek,W j dma y e r@nrc.g oy> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov>



Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Thanks Mark, Is Andrea back in the office today? If not , will she be in tomorrow?

It might be useful if you, Andrea , Mike Corradini. and I chat by phone, just to make sure there are no surprises. John In a mes s age dated 3/20/2018 1 : 57:46 PM Central Standard Time , M a rk.Bank s r@nrc.go v write s: C I ha v e no p r o bl em wi t h t he a p proach o u t li ned by b o t h of you -very reasonab l e and a pp ea r s to be do abl e. Mark Banks -Ch ief Tec h n i ca l Su p port B r an ch Ad viso r y Co mmi t t ee o n Reac t or Sa f eg u ards N uclear Reg u la t o r y Co m m i ss i o n Te l. 301-41 5-37 1 8 Fax 3 0 1-41 5-5589 From:!(b)(6) ![.'"" m""'a=il t=o-'L j (b_X_6) ____ ____, Sent: Tuesday, Mar c h 20 , 2018 2:53 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@n rc.g ov>; Banks, Mark <Mar k.Banks@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <Jo hn.S t e tka r@nr c.g ov>


[External_Sender] Re: Man-Made Ha z ards -Stuff Left To Do Derek, 214 4/17/2018 RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff L eft To Do Thanks very much. Your thoughts on Item 3 seem like a good plan, provided that Mike Corradini, Mark , and Andrea agree. John In a message dated 3/20/2018 12:53:00 PM Central Standard Time , D e rek.Widma y er@n rc.g ov writes: John: I have answered below in RE D. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page , we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From: !Cb X 6) I [mailto:!Cb X 6) p Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2018 11: 44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.e ov>; Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks@nr c.e ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_SenderJ Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Derek, I've copied Mark on this to get his input on the logistics. So here's my current understanding of what will transpire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. A cknowledge

d. 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an internal session at the April full committee meeting (currently slotted for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agreed. 3 -We make the report available publicly (I think). This is a key i tem, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting, with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting, so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think that it would be a good idea for them (and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting, so they have time to prepare comments.

I don't know any other way to get the report to them, w~hout making it available publicly in ADAMS. If we're going to do that, we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Perhaps we make this decision at the April meeting, but that gives us only 4 weeks until the public discussion in May. We would need to very busy, very early during the week of Apr i l 9. In tw o r ece n t exa mpl es, Hossein ha s fin a li ze d deta il ed t ech ni ca l doc u me nts a nd w e hav e in t e rn a ll y ca ll ed t hem "White Pa p e r s." W e h a ve a f o ld e r in ADAMS wh ere th ey are k ep t as r eco rd s. I sugges t we do t hi s t o th e tw o Wo rking G roup r epo rts -w e can ju st u se th e sa m e 3/4 4117/2018 RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do cover and format he used -we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 2018 FULL COMMITTEE MEETING" and make it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it available to the public, I suggest this be the path desired by the Working Group to be discussed at April FC. In the meantime, we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I suppose we should contact the two interested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think it is the right thing to do -I suppose we should get at least Dennis and the Leadership to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early notification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal letter that goes out under Mike would probably be desirable (as part of the record of the F INAL responses to t he incomings).


  • Discussion during May full committee meeting, with possible ACRS letter or working group letter. I think it is appropriate for the Committee, if it so chooses, to send a letter to the Commission, and attach the Final Report -I would leave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS , not attach it. think it is okay to refer to it as "The Working Group Report" when it would be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO f rom a "working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we should allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May F ull Committee meeting, more than 5 minutes? OR would i t be better to tell them the ACRS report is final, they have 5 minutes at the meeting, and they should send any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss this in April. Did I miss anything?

CbX6) I don't think so. As for your PS -I think these logist ics will work. If there was a desire to go to a NUREG report , that would s ub stantia lly delay things, to i nc lud e a technical editor and other "QA" steps required.

What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In particular, what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS b efore the May meeting? John P.S., If the log istics seem impossible, we need to settle on a clear Pla n 8 ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate m e, effec tive May 5. If the AC RS meeting on this topi c is pu s hed to June or~ ei ther Dennis will need to t ake the lead, or perhaps I could present th e report as an "invited expert'~ 4/4 Fr o m: To: Q.ln !ii "1*1~


FW: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Wednesday, Mardl 21, 2018 2:22:00 PM Date: Hi Andrea, FYI -There is a thread o f emails below regarding the man-made hazards subject and m usings of how to proceed between now and J ohn's leaving the Committee.

Thanks, M a r k B anks -Chief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 From: Michael Corradini

_!Cb_X_6) ________ _ Sen t: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 2:03 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <>

C c: John Stetkar !Cb X 6) I Denni s B l ey l ... (b-)(6 __ ) ____ I Bank~, Mark <>

Subj ect: !External_Sender l Re: Man-Made Hazards-Stuff Left To Do Derek: An informal email alerting them seems reasonable.

As for a l etter invite, how did Former Chairman Stetkar handle it ror the Dec. 1 st SC meeting on Societal Risk? UCS presented there and how did they get invited? Was it Ed or Jolm that sent a note to them? 1 am uosure of that process. As for the date, Mark has the draft agenda for May (I saw) and this topic is tentatively on the aftemoon of May 3rd at 2pm. But that may change. Mike O n Mar 21 , 2018, a t 12: 4 9 P M , W i dmay e r , D e rek <D erck

> w ro t e: Gentlemen:

I have contact information for Mr Blanch and Mr lochbaum, including address , phone and emails, when ( IF?) you decide lo Inform them about the May FC session (email) and formally invite (letter) them to address the Committee (or wha t ever is decided).

I can formulate some sort of draft email that provides the "inform i ng" step-I guess we need to decide what should be in the email -the time slot for the session has not yet been decided, but the dates can be identified.

-but are they going to be provided an opportunity to speak (for the usual 5 minutes or more?) and to submit written comments (they can do whatever they want, but did not know whether they would be specifically invited to submit comments)?

Also, decide who the "informing" email should come from. (perhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then letter from Dr. Corradini as chairman?)

We can also tell them in the email they will be getting written invites. Derek From;!Cb)(6) H .... !Cb_)<6_) ____ _, S ent: Wedne s day, March 21, 2018 12: 3 0 PM To: , Cb X 6) I Cc: _Cb X 6) I Widmayer, Derek <De r ek Wjdm a yer@nrc gov>; Stetkar, John <J ohn Stetkar@nrc g o v> S u bject: [External_S ender] Re: Man-Made Ha za rd s -S tuff L eft To Do Hi Mike, As Dennis noted, we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meeting. I think that we should elicit comments from the members during the April retreat. Unless there are egregious errors, we don't plan any major changes to the report. My primary objective for the April discussion is to answer questions about technical details (if any) and gain a sense of member support for the recommendations.

John ---Original Message----From: Michael Corradini Cb)(6) ;.;,;;.;;.;.;.;;

.i... _______ ____. To
John Stetkar CbX6) ~~-----,.,.....-!

Cc: Dennis Bley Cb X 6) Widmayer.

Derek <D e rek.W!dmayer@nr> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 2018 9:00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards-Stuff Left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with the game plan and alerting Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent its note to the Commission and the Chairman told them of our intentions.

Do you want comments from the members before April

  • or -at the mini-retreat?

M i ke On Mar 20, 2018, at 5:29 PM~ ... (b-)(-6) ____ __,! wrote: Dennis and Mike, FYI -Trying to fi rm up logistics leading to the May meeting. Mar11. has agreed with Derek's approach. Mike -Pl ease look at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a letter from you, formally alerting them to the May meeting and inviting their participation?

I think we should -very soon -but it's your ca ll. So ... l hear that they a r e predicting nasty weather in DC tomorrow -are we a ll having just tons of fun? John , Mark,Banks@nrc

.gov Sen.,_,: ,....,,..,.,...,,.,.....,...,,......,.....,.....,....,:00 PM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below in RED Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From l (b X 6) I [mailtQ ... !(b_X 6_) -----Sent: I uesday, Mar c h 20, 2018 1 1:44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wjdma y e r@o rc.g ov>; Banks, Mark <Ma r> Cc: Stetkar, John <J ohn.Ste tka c@nr>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Haz ar ds -Stuff Left T o Do Derek, I've copied Mark on this to get his input on the logistics.

So here's my current understanding of what will transpire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. Acknowledge

d. 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an internal session at the April full committee meeting (currently slotted for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS le tter in May. Agreed. 3 -We make the report available p u blicly (I think). Th is is a key item, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meet i ng , with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting, so they can plan to attend. (It's a lrea dy pretty late for that.) I think that i t would be a good idea for them (and the s t aff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they h ave time to prepare comments.

I don't know any other way to get the report to them, without making it available publicly in ADAMS. If we're going to d o that, we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Perhap s we make this decision at the April meeting , but that gives us only 4 weeks until t he public discussion in M ay. We would need to very busy , very early dur i ng the week of April 9. In two recent examples, Hossein has finalized detailed technical documents and we have internally called them "Wh i te Papers." We have a folder in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover a n d format he used-we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS i n that fo l der as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 2018 FULL COMMITIEE MEETING" and riake it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it available to the public, I suggest this be the path desired by the Working Group to be discussed at April FC. In the meantime, we can get them ready with the Covers and roes. I suppose we should contact the two interested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think It is the right thing to do -I suppose we should get at least Dennis and the Leadership to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early notification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal letter that goes out under Mike would probably be desirable (as part of the record of the FINAL responses to the incomings). 4 -Discuss ion during May full committee meeting, with possib le ACRS letter or working group letter. I think it is appropriate for the Committee if it so chooses, to send a letter to the Commission , and attach the Final Report -I would leave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS, not attach it. I think it is okay to refer to it as "The Working Group Report" when it would be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a "working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we should allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May Full Committee meeting, more than 5 minutes? OR would It be better to tell them the ACRS report is final , they have 5 minutes at the meeting , and they should send any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss this in April. Did I miss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I think these logistics will work. If there was a desire to go to a NUREG report, that would substantially delay things, to include a technical editor and other " QA" steps required. What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In particular, what are your thoughts about making the re port available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logi st ics seem i mpossible, we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate me, effective May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed to June or July, either Denn i s will need to take the lead , or perhaps I could present the report as an "invited expert" j (b)(6) r)(6) 4/17/2018 RE: Staff Contact for EHCOE


RE: Staff Contact for EH COE Date: 3/21/2018 3:40:26 PM Central Standard Time From: To: !Cb)C 6) I John: I was literally getting ready to type when your email came into my inbox. Yes, the COE is stood-up within NRO/DSEA.

I went and got that Division's roster, and it looks like an email to FOUR of the Branch Chiefs -who are indicated as being in the COE -would work. Daniel Barnhurst is listed as just a Hydrologist, so he is probably the "contact" for that self-assessment memo. We could also include Robert Taylor and Andy Campbell {DSEA Division and Deputy Division Directors) for completeness.

Derek From:!Cb)C 6) ~[mallto~ Sent: Wednesday, March To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.S tetkar@nrc.g ov>


[External_Senderj Staff Contact for EHCOE Derek, I found an EHCOE one-year self-assessment memo dated October 2, 2017 (ML17243A361

-not attached, since it is not publicly available

-haven't read it yet). It indicates that the EHCOE lives in NRO/DSEA and lists Daniel Barnhurst as a point of contact. That's probably a good place to start. (Silly me, I thought the EH COE was going to be under RES .... ) John 1/1 4/17/2018


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/21/2018 4:56:48 PM Central Standard Time Date: From: !CbX6) ! To: !Cb X 6) Cc: , !Cb)(6) I deb,, John.Stctkar@nrc

.gov It's not at all clear to me to whom such an invitation s h ould be addressed.

Vic , I guess? On Mar 21, 2018, at 3:48 PM, Michael Corradini 4._Cb_)(_6) ______ __,f wrote: Sounds reasonable to me .... John? From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek Wjdma y> Sent: Wednesday , March 21, 2018 4:06 PM To: Michael Corradini Ct: John Stetkar; Dennis Bley; Banks, Mark; Stetkar, John


RE: Re: Man-Made Haza rds -Stuff left To Do All: I f we ask/allow the staff to make a presentation

-it so und s like maybe 10 minutes per group/individual

? Maybe we shou ld also "coach" em up on what to use the 10 minutes for? (e.g., f eedback to ACRS on the conclus i ons/recomme nda t ion s i n the report -Provide corrections, additions to facts, and other things that sho uld have been cove r ed i n submi tt ed written comments for the record?) An in t ro9uc t ory email cou ld te ll th em they will have 10 minutes on and to provide written correc ti ons , e t c. for the record. A follow-up email t ha t informs th em the Report is i n ADAMS and is reviewable could suggest what to use their 10 minutes for. Dere k From: Michael Corradini

[~(bX6) Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 201"'8""'4"": 5"'2"" P""'M.,......---__.

To: Widmayer, Dere k <Derek.Widma-&r

@n r c,goy> Ct: John Stetkar ,t Cb X 6) *; De nn ls Bley <I._Cb_)( __ 6) ___ _.l; Banks , Mark <Mark.Ba nk s@n>; Stetka r, John <J o hn.Stetka>



_Sender) Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Leh To Do SEE RED COMMENTS On Mar 21, 2018, at 2: 35 PM, Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Wjdma yer@nrc.g ov> wrote: Feedback from me in GREE N Derek From~Cb X6) 1-m=a-i lt-o.._!Cb_)_(6_) -----' Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 3:08 PM To:!(b)(6) I Widmayer , Derek <Derek.W>

Cc l (b)(6) l Banks , Mark <Mark.Banks@nr>; Stetkar, Jo hn <John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov>



Man-Made Hazard s -Stuff Left To Do 1/5 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do My recoUectlon about our outreach to UCS for the December 2015 societa l risk subcommittee meeting Is a bi t fuzzy. I'm pretty sure that we did that through an emai l from John Lai to Dave Lochbaum or Ed Lyman. (I think that we al so contacted several others t he same way.) We certainly did not send a formal letter invitation.

However, this situation is differe nt, considering the ACRS correspondence wit h Paul Blanch and the NRC Chairman correspon d ence with Dave Lo chbaum. I agree -a l etter from ACRS , Mike is probably appropriate.

OK -sounds fine I th i nk that Derek should contact each of them very soon by email , alerting them to the May 3 meeting and Its t opic -th e working group report on evaluat io n and review of man-made external hazards. Mike shou ld follow up with confirmatory l etters , so we and they have a reco r d of the correspondence. We should also a l ert them that our working group repo rt w ill be available In ADAMS, and let them know when I t Is. I will draft up an emai l with th e information that i s known at this t ime. with the ideas expressed in the next paragraph, and circulate.

Ne ed to have feedback from Mark a n d Andrea (if she i s going t o be around). Gov't offices c lo sed toda y. OK -sounds fine I t hi nk that we should afford them more than a nominal 5 minutes pre sen tation time. If we have 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> s lott ed for t he t opic , the n about 15 m inu tes each seems reasonable , or perhaps 20-25 minutes total if they want to consolidate their comme nt s. We shou ld a l so stress that more comprehensive writte n comments are always appreciated and wi ll be made part of th e meet in g record. However , I don't want t o get mired in details of the Indian Point analysis and review. That Is not the purpose of our work i ng group report or the ACRS briefing. Of course , that belng said , we can't dictate what they present, except t o i ndicate that we will focus on a range of man-made hazards , technical basis f or eva l uation and rev i e w guidance, and consistency of app l ications of the guidance. T ha t might forestall too much d iscussion about that one particu lar analysis.

OK -I would suggest 20-25 min combined We should also alert the staff (not sure who , considering the history), b ut indicate that we do not expect any prese nta tio n s fr om them. At this point, maybe t he contact person for the Natural Hazards COE , who can i n form o th ers? OK -sounds fine Your t h oughts? I do th i nk If staff wants to rnako a prosentation

  • that would be fine -t e ll them whe r e the report is found too John In a message dated 3/21/2018 1:0 2:35 PM Central Standa r d Time, ._l Cb_)(_6) ______ _,t,v rites: Derek: A n informal email alerting them se e ms r ea sonable. A s for a l etter invite, how d id Former Chairman Stetkar han d le it for the Dec. 1st SC meeting on Societal R isk? U CS presented there and how did they get i nvi ted? W as it Ed or J ohn that sent a note to them? I am unsure of that process. As for the date, Ma r k ha s the draft agenda for May (I sa w) and thi s topic is tentative ly on the afternoon of May 3 rd at 2pm. But that may c h ange. M i k e On Mar 21, 2018, at 12: 49 P M , Widmayer , De r ek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.goy>

wrote: Ge n tlemen: I have con t ac t information for Mr B l anch and M r Lochbaum, including address, phone and emails , when ( I F?) you decide to infonn them about the May FC session (ema i l) and formally i nvite (lette r) them to address the Committee (or whatever is decided). 2/5 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do I can formulate some sort o f draft email that prov id es the "i nforming" step -I guess we need to decide what sho uld be in the email -th e t ime slot for the session has not yet been decided, but th e da t es can be identified. -but are they going to be provided an opportunity to speak (for the usual 5 minutes or more?) an d to submit written comments (they can do whatever they want, but did not know whether they would be specifica ll y invited to su bmit comments)?

Also , decide who t h e "informing

  • email should come from. (p erhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then letter from Dr. Corradini as chairman?)

We can also tell them in the email t hey will be getting written invites. Derek From: i Cb)(6) I (mailto .. l (b_X_6) ____ __. Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:30 PM To: 6 Cc: (b X 6) Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wjdmayer@nrc gov>; Stetkar, John



Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do HI Mike, As Dennis noted , we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meeting. I think that we should elicit comments from the members during tll'te April retreat. Unless there are egregious errors , we don't plan any major changes to the report. My primary objective for the April discussion is to answe r questions about technical details (if any) and gain a sense of member support for the recommendations.

John -Original Message-.,,.,..,.,,..-------.

From: Michael Corradini 4 (b)(6) To: John Stetkar <;;,;!(b""'X.;, 6),...... ____ ..-_ __. Cc: Dennis Bley !(b)(6) I Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma yer@nrc.go v> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 201.8 9:00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with the game plan and alerting Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent its note to the Commission and the Chairman told them of our i ntentions. Do you want comments from the members before April -or -at the minketreat?

Mike On Mar 20, 2018 , at 5: 29 PM , ...,!(b.._X._6) ___ __.! wrote: Dennis and Mike, FYI -Trying to firm up log istics leading to the May meeting. Mark has agreed with Derek's approach. Mike -Please look at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch end UCS a letter from you, formally ale r 1ing the m to th e May mee1ing and inviti 1 i9 the ir partlclpallon?

I think we should -very soon -but it's your call. 3/5 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do So .. .l hear that they are predicting nasty weather In DC tomorrow -are we all having just tons of fun? John Fr1rn* De eek Wdrnavy cnrc.goy To: Cb X 6) M Sent: 3/20/2018 12: 53:00 PM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below in RED. Copying Mark. O nce we seem to be on the same page , we should probably let Andrea i n 011 the game plan. Derek From:!Cb)(6) U .... ro .... a i ... lt .... 0'4.l;l (b_.).(6"-) ____ __. Sent: T uesday, March 20, 2018 11:44 AM To: W i dmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma y>; Banks , Mark <>

Ct: Stetkar, John <John.Stet k ar@nrc.goV>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Derek , I've copied Mark on thi s to get h is input on the logist i cs. So here's my current understanding of what will tra nspire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1

  • We finalize the report and the supplemen t -to be done thi s week. Acknowledged.

2 -We discuss the report with the members during an interna l session at the April full committee meeting (currently s lott ed for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. Th e inte nt is to make sure the members ha ve time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS l etter in May. Ag reed. 3 -We make the report available publicly (I think). This is a key item, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting. with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting, so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think tha t It would be a good i dea for t hem (and t h e staff) to see the report before the May meeting, so th ey have t i me to prepare comments.

I don't know any other way to get the report to them. without maklng It available publicly In ADAMS. I f we're going to do that, we'll need to at l east s lap a cover on i t. Perhaps we make this decision at the April meeting, but tha t gives us only 4 weeks until t he public discussion In May. We would need to very busy , very early during the week of April 9. In two recent examples, Hossai n has finalized detailed technica l documents and we have interna ll y called them 'White Papers." We have a folder in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do t h is to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Tab l e of Contents -b ut that i s easy. We can put it into ADAMS in t h at fo ld er as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR D I SCUSS I O N AT MAY 2018 FULL COMM I TIEE MEE T IN G" and make it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it available t o the public , I 4/5 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff left To Do s u ggest th i s b e the path desired by the Working G r o u p to be disc u ssed a! A pri l FC. I n th e meantime , we can get them ready with the Covers and T OCs. I sup p ose we shou l d contact the t wo i nterested parties ASAP with a heads up and then n o t ify them as soon as t h e draft report is up in A D AMS. If you t h ink i t is the right thing t o do -I suppose we shou l d get at least Den n is and the l eadership to agree -I can contact t hem (Bla n ch and UCS) to provide an early no t ification that the subject w ill be in May. T h en a fo r mal letter t hat goes out under M i ke wou l d probab l y be desirable (as part of the r ecord of the F I NAL responses to the incomings). 4 -Discussion during May full c ommitte e meeting, with pos s ibl e ACR S letter or working group letter. I think It Is appropriate for t he Committee, if I t so chooses , to send a l etter to the Commiss i on, and attach the Fina l Repo rt -I wou l d leave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS, not at t ac h it. I thi n k i t is okay to refer to it as "The Working Gro u p Report when it would be tiresome to keep providing the f u ll Ti tl e. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a " working group of the ACRS." I wo n der if we sho u ld allow the two stakeholders me n tioned above added time at the May Fu ll Committee meeting, more than 5 minutes? OR wou ld i t be better to tell them the AC R S report is final, they have 5 min u tes at t he meeting, and t h ey sho u ld send any comments to t h e Commission?

P erhaps discuss t his in April. D i d I miss anyth i ng? I don't thin k so. As for your PS -I t h ink these logistics wi ll work. I f t here w as a desire to go to a NU REG report, t hat wo u ld substan ti ally delay things, to include a technical edi t o r a n d other 'QA* steps r equired. What are you r th oughts on how we get thing s done? In part i cu l ar, what are your thoughts about m aking t h e report available I n ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logistics seem i mpossible , we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. Th e paperwork I s in progres s to tenn l nate m e, effect i ve May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed t o June or July, either Dennis wil need to take the lead, or perhaps I could present the report as an "Invited expert". I'm CbX6) 5/5 4/17/20 1 8 S u bject: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Re: Man-Made Hazards -S t uff Left To Do 3/21/2018 8:09:32 PM Central Standard Time Date: From: r X6) I To: Cc: !Cb)(6) I , .... !Cb_X 6_) __ ___.! Mark.Banks , I'm OK with this. On Mar 21 , 2018, at 4: 41 PM, Michael Corradini 4 ... ~_><_6> ______ ___.~ wrote: John: I like your suggestion and I think staff needs to be given an opportunity and I agree with your time budget: 75 min from working group 20 min from staff 20 min from UCS et al 5 min for public comments If you feel we need to talk in person, then Apr i l is best for that. If you are OK with this time budget then contacting the fellow in EHCOE is fine with me. Mike From: ... I Cb .... )(..., 6) ___________

___, Sent: Wednesday, March 21 , 2018 5: 19: 59 PM To* Mirbael Coua~ini; Derek.Widma y er@nr c.g ov c d (bX 6) j Mark.Bank s@nrc.g ov; John.Stetkar@nr c.g o v


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do All , Derek has i dentified staff names for the EHCOE (in NRO/DSEA , not RES!). He should c ontact them , alert them to the May meeting , and tell them we w i ll get back to them with deta i ls. Regarding p r esentations by the staff , I don't know what purpose they would serve. We don't need to hear why they refused to include man-made hazards in the EHCOE -they already told us in writing. T h e only possible purpose would be to hear their rea c tions to the observations and recommendations in our report -on the public reco r d. That might be useful , but if we have only 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, the staff should have a maximum of about 20-25 minutes. That would provide 75 minutes for our presentation , 20-25 minutes for UCS, and 20-25 minutes for the staff. ' My inclination is to vote "no staff presentation

", but I admit they might be offended by not having an opportunity to state the ir v i ews on the record. What are others' opinions? Should we leave this particular issue until the April meeting? John In a messa g e dated 3/21/2018 4: 48: 4 3 PM Central Standard Tim e, j._Cb_)<6_> ______ _,!write s: 1/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made H azards -Stuff L e ft To Do Sounds r easo nable to me .... John? From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer

@nrc.g ov> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:06 PM To: Michael Corradini Cc: John Stetkar; Dennis Bley; Banks, Mark; Stetkar, Joh n


RE: Re: Man-Made H azards -Stuff Left To Do All: If we ask/allow the staff to make a presentation

-i t sounds l ike maybe 10 minutes per group/ind i v id ual? Maybe we shou ld a l so "coach" em up on w h at to use the 10 m i nutes for ? (e.g., feedback to ACRS o n the conc lu sions/re com mendations in the report -Provide correct i ons, additions to facts, and other things that should have been co vered in submitted written comments for the reco r d?) An introductory emai l cou l d tell them they wi ll have 10 minutes on and to provide written corrections, etc. for the record. A follow-up emai l that in fo rms them the Report is i n ADAMS and is reviewab l e cou l d suggest what to use their 1 O m i nutes for. Derek From: Michael Corradini

._!Cb_X_6) ________ ___, Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:52 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer

@nr> Cc:!Cb)(6) ~; Dennis Bley !Cb)(6) I Bank s, Mar k <Mark.Ba nk s@nr>; Stetkar, John <John.S tetkar@nrc.g ov>


[External_Se nder) Re: Man-Made Ha zards -Stuff Left To Do SEE RED COMMENTS On Mar 21 , 2018, at 2:35 PM , Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma ye r@nr c.g ov> wrote: Feedback from me in GREEN Derek From:~(6) ~mailto J CbX6) Sent:ednesday , M arc 21 , 2018 3:08 PM To: r (6) !Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wjdmaye r@nrc, g oy> Cc:~X 6) !Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks>;

S t etkar, John <Jo hn.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[Ext e rn a l_Sender] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 2/9 4/17/2 018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do My recollection about our out r each to UCS for the December 2015 societal risk subcommittee meeting is a bit fuzzy. I'm pretty sure that we did that through an email from John Lai to Dave Lochbaum or Ed Lyman. (I think that we also contacted several others the same way.) We certainly did not send a formal letter invitation. However , this situat i on is different , considering the ACRS correspondence with Paul Blanch and the NRC Chairman cor r espondence with Dave Lochbaum. I ag r ee -a l etter f r om ACRS , Mike is probab l y appropr i ate. OK -so unds fine I think that Derek should contact each of them very soon by email , alerting them to the May 3 meeting and its topic -the wor1<ing group report on evaluation and review of man-made external hazards. Mike should follow up with confirmatory letters, so we and t hey have a record of the correspondence. We should also alert them that our wor1<ing group report will be a v ailable in ADAMS , and let them know when it is. I will draft up an email with th~ informat i on that is known at this time , with the ideas expressed i n the next paragraph , and circulate. Need to have feedback from Mark and Andrea (if she is going to be around). Gov't offices closed today. OK -sounds fine I thin k that we should afford them more than a nominal 5 minute s presentation time. If we have 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> slotted for the top i c. then about 1 5 minutes each seems reasonable, or perhaps 20-25 minutes tota l if they want to consolidate their comments. We should also s tress that mor e comprehen s ive written comment s are alway s appre c iated and will be made part of the meeting record. However , I do n't want to get mired in details of the Indian Point ana l ysis and review. That is not t he purpose of our working group report or the ACRS briefing.

Of course , that being sa i d, we can't di c tate what they present , except to i ndicate tha t we will focus on a range of man-made hazards , technical basis for evaluation and review guidance , and consistency of applications of the guidance.

That might forestall too much discussion about that one particular ana lysis. OK -I wo ul d sugges t 2 0-25 min comb i ned We should also alert the staff (not sure who, consider i ng the history), but Indicate that we do not expect any presentations from them. At this point, maybe t h e contact person f or the Natu r a l Hazards COE, who ca n inform o th e r s? OK -sou n ds f i ne Your t houg h ts? I do think if s taff wants to make a p r esentation

-t hat wo ul d be fin e -t ell th em w h ere th e r epo rt is fo u nd t oo John In a me ss age da t ed 3/21/20181:02:35 PM Central Standard Time , J Cb X 6) !writes: I Derek: 3/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do An informal email alerting them s eems rea s onable. As for a letter invite , how did Former Chairman Stetkar handle it for the Dec. 1st SC meeting on Societal Ri s k? UCS presented there and how did they get invited? Wa s it Ed or John that s ent a note to them? I am unsure o f that proce ss. As for the date, Mark ha s the draft agenda for May (I saw) and thi s topic is tentatively on the afternoon of M 9 y 3rd at 2pm. But that may change. Mike On Mar 21 , 2018 , at 12: 49 PM , Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W idma>

wrote: Gent l emen: I have contact informat i on fo r Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum, including address, phone and emails , when ( I F?) you decide to inform them about the May FC session (email) and formally invite (letter) them to address the Committee (or whatever is decided).

I can formulate some sort of draft email that provides the "informing" step -I guess we need to decide what should be in the emai l -the time slot for the session has not yet been decided, but the dates can be identified.

-but are they going to be provided an opportunity to speak (for the usual 5 minutes or more?) and to subm i t written com me nts (they can do whatever they want, but did not k now whether they wou l d be specifically invited to submit comments)?

Also , dec i de who the " informing" email should come from. (perhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then l etter from Dr. Corradini as c ha irman?) We can also te ll them in the emai l they wi ll be getting written i nvites. Derek From!Cb)C 6) I [!D.fil.!1QJ

.... Cb_X6_) ____ ___. Sent: Wednesday , March 21, 2018 12:30 PM To* CbX6) Widmayer , Derek <D"" er"""T .... ...,...,---

..... _ r . v>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar>


[E xternal_Se nder] Re: M a n-M a d e Hazard s -Stuff Left To Do 4/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Hi Mike , As Dennis noted , we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meeting. I think that we should el i cit comments from the members during the Apr i l retreat. Un le ss there are egregious errors , we don't plan any major changes to the report. My primary objective for the April discussion is to answer quest io n s about technical details (if any) and ga in a sense of member support for the recommendations. John ----Orig i nal Message-From: Michael Corradini CbX 6) __ ........ _____ ,--_ __, To: John Stetkar Cb X 6) ~'!"'"----"I'""'.'~

Cc: Denni s B l ey Cb)C 6) Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma yer@nr c.g ov> Sent: Tue , Mar 20 , 2018 9: 00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards -St uff left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with t he game plan and alerting Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent it s note to the Commission and the Chairman to ld them of our intent i ons. Do you want comments f ro m the members before April -or -at the mini-retrea t? Mike On Mar 20 , 2018, at 5:29 PM , r)C 6) I wrote: Dennis and Mike , FYI -Trying to firm up logistics leading to the May meeting. Mark has agreed with Derek's approach.

Mike -Please l ook at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a l ette r from you, formally alerting them to the Ma y meet i ng and inviting their partic i pation? I th i nk we should -very soon -but i t's your call. 5/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do So .. .I hear that they are predicting nasty weather in DC tomorrow -are we all having just tons of fun? John Frf m; Derek.Wjdma, To _Cb)<6) _ Mark.Banks

@ nrc.goy Sent: 3/20/2018 12:53:00 PM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below in RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea i n on the game plan. Derek r;;_Fr"'o~m

... : ... l (b __ X __ 6)_,_ __ ...JI [ma i lto: j (b)<6) I l (b)(6) Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 201811:44 AM To: W i dmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov>; Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks@n r c.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] ManMade Hazard s -Stuff Left To Do Derek , I've copied Mark on this to get his Input on the logistics. So here's my current understanding of what will transpire ove r the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supp l ement -to be done this week. Ac kn ow l e d ged. 619 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff L eft To Do 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an internal session at the April full committee meeting (currently slotted for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. The intent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agreed. 3

  • We make the report available publicly (I think). This is a key item , since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting, with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting , so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think that it would be a good idea for th~m (and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they have t i me to prepare comments.

I don't know any other way to get the report to them, without making it available publicly in ADAMS. If we're going to do that , we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Perhaps we make this decision at the April meeting , but that g i ves us only 4 weeks until the public discussion in May. We would need to very busy , very early during the week of April 9. In two recent examp l es, Hossein has fina l ized detailed technical documents and we have internally called them "White Papers." We have a folder in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says "FOR DISCUSSION AT MAY 2018 FULL COMMITTEE MEETING" and make it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it available to the public, I suggest this be the path desired by the Work ing 7/9 4/17/2018 R e: Man-Made Ha zards -S tuff Left To Do Group to be discussed at April FC. In the meantime, we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I suppose we s hould contact the two intere s ted parties ASAP with a heads up and t hen not ify them as soon as the draft report is up i n ADAMS. If you think it i s the r ig ht thing to do -I suppose we s hould get at least Denn i s and the Leadership to ag ree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early notification tha t the subject will be in May. Then a formal le tter that goes out under Mike would probably be desirab l e (as part of the r eco r d of the FINAL responses to the incomi ngs). 4 -D i scussion dur i ng Ma y full committee meeting, with possible ACRS letter or working group lette r. I think it is appropriate for the Committee, if it so chooses, to send a l etter t o the Commission , and attach the F i nal Report -I would leave the Supplementa l Report i n ADAMS, not attach it. I think i t is okay to refer t o it as "The Work in g Gro up Report" when i t would be tir esome to keep p r oviding the full T itle. I am not aware of anything going t o the Co mmission or EDO from a "wo rk i ng group of the ACRS." I wonder if we shou l d allow the two stakeholders mentioned above ad ded time at t he May Full Committee meet i ng , more than 5 minutes? OR would it be better to tell them the ACRS report is fina l , they hav e 5 m in ut es at the meeting , and they sho ul d send any comments to the Commiss i on? Perhaps discuss this in Apri l. Did I miss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I think t h ese logist ics will work. If there 8/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do was a desire to go to a NUREG report, that would substantially delay th ings, to include a technical editor and other "QA" steps required. What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In part i cular, what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logistics seem impossible , we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate me, effective May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed to June or July, either Dennis will need to take the lead, or perhaps I could present the reoort as an "invited exoert". I'm CbX6) 9/9 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do


Re: Mao-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Date: 3/22/2018 8:46:56 AM Central Standard Time Froin: ._!Cb_X6_) ____________

__, To: Mark.Banks Cc: !Cb)(6) I, ... !Cb_X6_) ______ _.! Let us know if she wants to talk more about this? I am free at 11-1 pm or 2-4pm today On Mar 22, 2018, at 8:36 AM, Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks> wrote: Everyone, Andrea is back in the office today -I've provided her an overview and forwarded the email chain to bring her up-to-date.

Mark Banks -Chief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 From:!(b)(6) ![~ Sent: Thursda , March 22 , 2018 9:26 AM To: (b)(6) Widmayer, Derek <De r>

Cc: (b)(6) Banks , Ma rk <Ma rk.B>;

Stetka r, John <J o hn.Stetka>



Re: Re: Man-Mad e Hazards -Stuff Left To Do I'm OK with this. Derek , can you please i nitiate the contacts early next week, after we have the supplemental report references in hand? Many thanks to all for muddling through thi s annoyance. J oh n In a me ssage dated 3/21/2018 5:4 1:50 PM Central Standard Time, ._!Cb_)<6_) ____________

__,!writes: John: I like your suggestion and I think staff need s to be given an opportunity and I agree w i th your time budget: 75 min from working group 20 min from s taff 20 min from UCS et al 5 m i n for pub lic comments If you feel we need to talk i n p e r so n, th en April is be st for tha t. I f you are OK wit h th i s time budget then c ontacting the fellow in EHCOE is fine with me. 1/12 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Mike From 1 Cb X 6) Sent: """ w .... e""'d-ne_s_d-ay-, ... M-a-rc""'h"'" 2 ... 1-, ... 20-1 .. a .... s-:..., 19-:-59 ..... PM ,....... To: Michael Corradini; Derek.Widma y Cc:!Cb)C 6) ! Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov: John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do All, Derek has identified staff names for the EHCOE (in NRO/DSEA , not RES!). He should contact them, alert them to the May meeting, and tell them we will get back to them with deta i ls. Regarding presentations by the staff, I don't know what purpose they would serve. We don't need to hear why they ref used to include man-made hazards in the EHCOE -they already told us in writing. The on ly possible purpose would be to hear their reactions to the observations and recommendations in our report -on the public record. That might be useful, but if we have only 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />, the staff should have a maximum of about 20-25 minutes. That would provide 75 minutes fo r our presentation, 20-25 minutes for UCS, and 20-25 minutes for the staff. My inclination is to vote "no staff presentation", but I admit they might be offended by not having an opportunity to state their views on the record. What are others' opin i ons? Should we leave this particular issue until the April meeting? John In~ message dated 3/21/2018 4:48:43 PM Central Standard Time,!CbX 6) write s: .__ _______ ___, Sounds rea sona ble to me .... John? From: Widmayer, Derek <De r ek.Widmayer

@nr c.g ov> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:06 PM To: Michael Corradini Cc: Jo hn Stetkar; Dennis Bley; Banks, Mark; Stetkar , John


RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do A ll: l fwe ask/a llo w the staff to make a presentation

-it sounds lik e maybe 10 m inu tes per group/ind ividu al? Maybe we shou ld a l so "co ach" em up on what to use the 10 m i nutes for? (e.g., feedback t o ACRS o n the conclus i ons/recommendations in the report -Provide corrections, additions to fa cts, and other things that s h ou ld have b een cove r ed i n s ubmitt ed wr itt e n commen t s for the reco rd?) 2/12 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Ma de Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do An introductory email could tell them they will have 10 minutes on and to provide written corrections, etc. for the record. A follow-up email that informs them the Report is in ADAMS and is reviewable could suggest what to use their 10 minutes fo~ ' Derek From: Michael Corradini


.., Cb...,, X...,, 6).....-...------'

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:52 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wldma y er@nrc.g ov> Cc: John Stetkar ~(bX6) ~; Dennis Bley ~(b)(6) t; Banks, Mark <Mar k.B a nk s@n>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar>



Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do SEE RED COMMENTS On Mar 21, 2018, at 2:35 PM , Widmayer, Derek <>

wrote: Feedback from me in GREEN Derek From: l (bX6) ~mailto: p X6) Sent: Wednesday, Marc 21, 2018 3: 08 PM To:!CbX 6) Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma er nrc. ov> Cc CbX 6) Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks>;

Stetkar, John <John .S tetka r@n re. g ov>



Man-Made Hazards -Stuff left To Do My recollection about our outreach to UCS fo r the December 2015 societal risk subcommittee meet ing is a bit fuzzy. I'm pretty sure that we did that through an email from John La i to Da v e Lochbaum or Ed Lyman. (I think that we also contacted several others the same way.) We certainly did not send a 3/12 4/17/201S Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do formal letter invitation. However , th is s it uation is d ifferen t , considering the ACRS correspondence with Paul Blanch and the NRC Cha i rman correspondence with Dave Lochbaum.

I agree -a lette r from ACRS , Mike is probably appropriate.

OK -sounds fine I think that De re k should contact each of them very soon by email, alerting them to the May 3 meeting and its topic -the working group report on evaluation and review of man-made external hazards. Mike should follow up with confirmatory letters , so we and they have a record of the correspondence.

We shou ld also alert them that our work i ng group report will be available in ADAMS , and let them know when it is. I will d r aft up an email with the i nformation that is known at this time, with th e id eas expressed in the next paragraph , and circulate.

Need to have feedback from Mark and A n drea (i f she is going to be around). Gov't offices closed today. OK -sounds fine I think that we should afford them more than a nom i nal 5 m i nutes presentation time. If we have 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> s l otted for the topic, then about 15 minutes each seems reasonable , or perhaps 20-25 m i nutes total if they want to consolidate thei r comments.

We shou ld a l so stress that more comprehensive written comments are always appreciated and will be made part of the meeting record. However , I don't want to get mired in details of the Indian Po i nt analysis and review. That is not the purpose of our working group report or the ACRS briefing. Of course, that be i ng said , we can't dictate what they present , except to i ndicate that we will focus on a range of man-made hazards, technica l bas i s for evaluation and rev i ew guidance , and consistency of applications of the guidance. That m i ght forestall too much dis c uss ion about that one particular analys i s. OK -I would suggest 20-25 min combi ned We should also alert t he staff (not sure who , considening the history), but indicate that we do not expect any prese ntations from them. At this point , maybe the contact person for the Na t ural Hazards COE , who can info rm others? OK -sou nd s fine Your thoughts?

I do think if staff wants to make a presentation

  • that would be fine -tell them where the r eport is found too 4/12 4/17/2018 Re: Man-M ade Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John In a message dated 3/21/2018 1: 02: 35 PM C e ntral Standard Tlme, r X 6) 'wr i te s: Derek: An informal email alerting them seems reasonable.

As for a letter invite, how did Former Chairman Stetkar handle it for the Dec. 1st SC meeting on Socie t al Ri s k? UCS pre s ented there and how did they get invited? Wa s it Ed or John that sent a note to them? I am un s ure of that process. As fo r the d a te , Mark ha s the draft agenda for May (I s aw) and this topic is tentatively on t he afternoon of May 3rd at 2pm. But that may change. Mike On Mar 21 , 2018 , at 12:49 PM, Widmayer, Derek <D e r e k.W i dma ye r@n r c.go v> wrote: Gentlemen: I have contact information for Mr B l anch and Mr Lochbaum , i nc l uding add r ess, phone and emai l s, when ( I F?) you decide to i n form them about the May FC session (email) and forma ll y inv i te (l etter) them to address the Comm i ttee (or whatever is decided).

5/1 2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do I can formulate some sort of draft email that provides the "informing" step -I guess we need to decide what should be in the email -the time slot for the session has not yet been decided , but the dates can be identified.

-but are they go i ng to be provided an opportunity to speak (for the usual 5 minutes or more?) and to submit written comments (they can do whatever they want, but did not know whether they would be specifically invited to submit comments)?

Also, decide who the "informing" email should come from. (perhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then letter from Dr. Corradin i as chairman?)

We can also tell them i n the email they will be getting written i nvites. Derek From~(b)(6) I '-'-'[m=a:..:..: il.,_, to<-1.!(b_)<_6) ____ ..J m] Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:3 0 PM To: (b X 6) Cc: (bX 6) Widmayer, De rek <Dere . 1 ma er nrc. ov>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar>



Re: Man-M ade Hazard s -Stuff Left To Do Hi M ike, As Dennis noted, we should contact Paul Blanch and Dave Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the May meeting. I think that we should elicit comments from the members during the April retreat. Unless there are egregious errors, we don't plan any major changes to the report. My primary objective for the April discussion is to answer questions about technical details (if any) and gain a sense of member support for the recommendations.

John 6/12 4/17/20 1 8 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do -Original Message-,.,,.,..,.,,....---------.

From: Michael Corradini CbX 6) To: John Stetkar "" Cb"""')(""'6) ........ ____ """'T" __ _. Cc: Dennis Bley Cb)(6) Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 2018 9: 00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with the game plan and alerting Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent its note to the Commission and the Chairman told them of our i ntentions. Do you want comments from the members before April -o r -at the mini-retreat?

Mi k e On Mar 20, 201 8, at 5: 29 PM r)C 6) !wrote: Den n i s and M i k e, FYI -Try i ng to firm up logistics lead i ng to the May meeting. Mark has agreed with Dere k's approach. Mike -Plea s e look at It em 3 -Sh o uld we send Paul Blanch and UCS a l e tter from you , formally alert i ng th e m to the May meeting and inv i ting their p a rti c ipatio n? I 71 1 2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff L eft To Do think we should -very soon -but it's your call. So ... l hear that they are predicting nasty weather in DC tomorrow -are we all having just tons of fun? John From: Dere k.Wi dma ye r@n ~av To: {b)(6) B a nk s@nrc.go v Sent: 3/20/2018 12: 53: 00 PM Centra l Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Haz ards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below in RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. Derek From: l (b)(6) I (.mgil t_Qj (b X 6) Sent: Tuesday , March 20, 2018 11: 44 AM To: W i dm a yer , D erek <Derek.Widma v>; Banks , Mark <Mark.Banks> Cc: Stetkar, John <Joh n.S tet> 8 1 12 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do



Man-Made Hazards -Stuff left To Do Derek , I've copied Mark on t his to get his input on the logistics.

So here's my current understanding of what will transpire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the report and the supplement

-to be done this week. Acknowle dged. 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an interna l session at the April full committee meet i ng {currently slotted for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. The Intent is to ma ke sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agreed. 3 -We make the report available publicly {I think). Th i s is a key item, since we're planning to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting , with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certa i nly need to alert at least Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting , so they can plan to attend. {I t's already pretty late for that.) I think t ha t it would be a good idea for them {and the staff) to see the report before the May meeting , so they have time 9/12 4/1 7/201 8 R e: M a n-M ad e H aza rd s -Stuff Left To D o t o prepare c omme n ts. I d o n't know any other way to get the report to t h em , w i thout maki n g it available public l y i n ADAMS. I f we're going t o d o that , we'll need to at least slap a cove r on i t. Perhaps we make this d ecis io n at the April mee ti ng , but that gives us only 4 weeks until t he public discuss i on i n May. We would need to ve ry busy , very early during the wee k of April 9. In two recent examp l es, Hossein has final i zed deta il ed technical documents and we have internally ca ll ed them "White Papers." We have a f ol d er in ADAMS where they are kept as records. I suggest we do this to the two Working Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format he used -we will need to make a Tab l e of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it into ADAMS in that folder as a Committee Working Draft with a header that says " FOR DISCUSS I ON AT MAY 2018 FULL COMMITIE E MEET I NG" and make it a public document.

We can do this as soon as needed to make it avai l able to t he public , I suggest this be the path desired by the Working Group to be discussed at April F C. In t h e meantime , we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I s u ppose we should contact the two interested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft report is up in ADAMS. If you think it is t h e right thing to do -I suppose 10/1 2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • S tuff Left To Do we should get at least Dennis and the Leadership to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to provide an early notification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal lette r that goes out under Mike would probably be desirable (as part of the reco rd of the FINAL responses to the i ncomings).

4 -Discussion during May full committee meeting , with possible ACRS letter or working group letter. I think it is appropriate for the Committee, if it so chooses, to send a letter to the

  • Commission , and attach the Final Report -I would leave the Supplemental Report in ADAMS , not attach it. I think it is okay to refer to it as "T he Working Group Report" when it wou l d be tiresome to keep providing the fu ll Tit l e. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a "working group of the ACRS." I wonder if we should allow the two stakeho l ders mentioned above added time at the May Full Committee meeting , more than 5 minutes? OR would it be better to te ll them the ACRS report is final , they have 5 minutes at the meeting , and they should send any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps discuss this in Apr il. 11/12 4/17/2018 CbX5) Re: Man-Made Hazards* Stuff Left To Do Diel I miss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I think these logistics wi ll work. I f there was a desire to go to a NUREG report , that wou ld substa nt ia ll y de l ay things , to i nclude a t echnical editor and other <<QA" steps required.

What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In particular , what are your thoughts about making the report available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John P.S., If the logistics seem impossible , we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. The paperwork i s i n progress to term i nate me , effect i ve May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed to June or July , either Dennis will need to take the lead , or perhaps I could present the report as an " invited expert". 1 2/12 4/17/2018 R e: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do 3/22/2 018 8:59:07 AM Central Standard T ime l (b)(6) Date: F rom: To: !(b)(6) I Mark.B anks@n Cc: , !(b)(6) I John.Stetkar

@nrc.go v I have a couple of errands to run today , but I can work around any time, if Andrea thinks that it is worthwhile to talk. John In a message dated 3/22/2018 8:46:56 AM Central Standard Time, ... !(b_)<5_) _______ !writes: Let us know if she wants to talk m o re about this? I am free at 11-1 pm or 2-4pm today On Mar 22 , 2018, at 8:36 AM, Banks, Mark <Ma rk.B anks@nr> wrote: Everyone, Andrea is back in the office today -I've provided her an overview and forwarded the email chain t o bring her up-to-date.

Mark Banks -C h ief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuc l ear Regulatory Commission Te l. 301-415-3718 fax 301-415-55 89 From:!(b)(6) ![~(bX6) Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 9:*2s_....A.., M.------To:/CbX 6) ~idmayer, Derek <>

Cc: (bX6) !Banks, Mark <>;

Stetkar, John <>


(External_Sender) Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do I'm OK with this. 1/15 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Derek, can you please initiate the contacts early next week, after we have the supplemental report references in hand? Many thanks to all for muddling through th i s annoyance. John In~ message dated 3/21/2018 5: 41 :50 PM Central Standard Time , r X 6) wnte s: *'-----------'

John: I like your suggestion and I think staff needs to be given an opportunity and I agree with your time budget: 75 min from working group 20 min from staff 20 min from UCS et al 5 m i n for public comment s If you feel we need to talk in person, then April is best for that. If you are OK with this time budget then contacting the fellow in EHCOE is fine with me. Mike From!._(b_)<6...,)-,-....,...---,--------------'

Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 5:19: 59 PM To: Michael Corradini; Derek.Wldma y er@nr c.g ov Cc~(b)(6) t Mar k.B a nk s@nrc.g oy: John.S t e tkar@nr c.go v


Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do All, Derek has identified staff names for the EHCOE (i n NRO/DSEA, not RES!). He should contact them, alert them to the May meeting , and tell them we will get back to them with deta i ls. Regarding presentations by the staff , I don't know what purpose they would serve. We don't need to hear why they refused to include man-made hazards In the EHCOE -they a l ready told us in writing. The only possible purpose would be to hear their reactions to the observations and recommendat i ons in our report -on the public record. That might be useful, but i f we have only 2 hou r s, the staff should have a maximum of about 20-25 2/15 4/17/20 18 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do minutes. That would provide 75 minutes for our presentation, 20-25 m i nutes for UCS, and 20-25 minutes for the staff. My inclination is to vote "no staff presentation", but I adm i t they might be offended by not having an opportunity to state the ir views on the record. What are others' opinions?

Should we leave this particular issue until the April meeting? John In a me ssage d ated 3/21/2018 4:48:43 PM Cent ral Standard Time , !(b)(6) !writes: Sounds reasonable to me .... John? From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Sent: Wednesday, M a rch 21, 2018 4:06 PM To: Michael Co rradini Cc: John Ste tkar; Denni s Bley; Bank s, Mark; Stetka r, John


RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do All: If we ask/a ll ow the staff to make a presentation

-it sounds lik e maybe 10 min ut es per group/individua l ? Maybe we should also "coach" em up on what to use the 10 minutes for? (e.g., feedback to ACRS on the conclusions/

r ecommendations in the report -Provide corrections , additions to facts, and other things that should have been covered in s ubm itted written comments for the record?) An introductory email cou l d tell them they will have 10 minutes on and to provide written corrections , etc. for the r ecord. A follow-up email that informs them the Report is in ADAMS an d is reviewab le co ul d sugges t what to use the ir 10 minutes for. Derek 3/15 4/17120 18 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do From: Michael Corradini


,.,,, o_..J Cb_X_6) ______ _ Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 4:5 2 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.

g ov> Cc: John Stetkar <J Cb X 6) !; Dennis Bley !CbX 6) !: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <Jo hn.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>



Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Le ft To Do SEE RED COMMENTS On Mar 21, 2018 , at 2:35 PM, Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer> wrote: Feedback from me in GREEN Dere k From:!Cb X 6) !mailto j,_Cb_)<6_) ____ ___. Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 3:08 PM To:!CbX6) Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer> Cc:!CbX 6) I Banks , Mark <Ma rk.Banks@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do My recolle ction about our outreach to UCS for the December 2015 societal risk subcommittee meeting is a bit fuzzy. I'm pretty sure that we did that through an email from John La i to Dave Lochbaum or Ed Lyman. (I think that we also contacted several others the same way.) We certainly did not send a fomial letter invitation.

However , this situation is different , considering the ACRS correspondence with Paul Blanch and the NRC Chaim,an correspondence w it h Dave Lochbaum.

I agree -a letter from ACRS , Mike is probably appropriate.

OK -sou nds fine 4/15 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do I think that Derek should contact each of them very soon by email, alert i ng them to the May 3 meeting and its to pic -the working group report on evaluation and rev i ew of man-made external hazards. M i ke should follow up with confirmatory letters , so we and they have a record of the correspondence. We should also alert them that our working group report w ill be available in ADAMS , and let them know when it is. I will draft up an email with the information that is known at this time , with the ideas expressed in the next paragraph, and circu lat e. Need to have feedback from Mar k and Andrea (if she is going to be around). Gov't offices closed today. OK -sounds fine I think that we should afford them more th*an a nominal 5 minutes presentation time. If we have 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> slotted for the topic , then about 15 minutes each seems reasonable , or perhaps 20-25 minutes total if they want to consolidate their comments.

We should also stress that more comprehensive wr itte n comments are always appreciated and will be made part of the meeting record. However , I don't want to get mired in details of the Indian Point analysis and review. That is not the purpose of our working group report or the ACRS briefing. Of course , that being said , we can't dictate what they present, except to indicate that we will focus on a range of made hazards, technical basis for evaluation and review guidance, and consistency of applications of the guidance. That might forestall too much discussion about that one particular analysis. OK -1 would suggest 20-25 min combined We should also alert the staff (not sure who , considering the history), but indicate that we do not expect any presentat io ns from them. At this point , maybe the contact person for the Natural Hazards COE, who can inform others? OK -sounds fine Your thoughts?

I do think if staff wants to make a presentation

-that would be fine -tell them where the report is found too John 5/15 4/17/2018 R e: Man-Ma de Ha z ard s

  • St uff Left To Do In a me s sage dated 3/21/2018 1: 02: 3 5 PM Central Standard Time,!CbX6) !write s: Derek: An informal email alerting them seems reasonable.

As for a letter inv i te, how did Former Chairman Stetkar handl e it for the Dec. 1 s t SC m ee ting on Societ a l Ri s k? UCS pre s ented there and how did t hey get invited? Was it Ed or John that se nt a note to them? I am un s ure of that proce ss. As for the date, Mark has the draft agenda for May (I saw) and this topic i s tentatively on t he afternoon o f May 3rd at 2pm. But that may change. Mike On Mar 21, 2018, at 12:49 PM, Widmayer, Derek <D e r ek.Widm aye r@n r c.g ov> wrote: Ge n tlemen: i have contact informat i on for Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum. including address , phone and emails, when ( IF?) you decide to inform them about the May FC sess i on (ema il) and formally i nv i te (l etter) t hem to address t he Committee (or whatever is decided) 6/15 4/17/2018 Re: M a n-M a de Haza rds -Stuff Left To Do I can formulate some sort of draft email that provides the " informing" step -I guess we need to decide what should be in the email -the time slot for the session has not yet been decided, but the dates can be identified.

-but are they going to be provided an opportunity to speak (for the usua l 5 minutes or more?) and to submit written comments (th ey can do whatever t hey want , but did not know whether they would be specifically invited to submit comments)?

Also, decide who the " informing" email should come from. (perhaps Andrea would be appropriate?

-then letter from Dr. Corradini as chairman?)

We can also tell them i n the emai l they will be getting written invites. Derek ..;.F.,., ro:;,..m~: !Cb=X=6=) .-----... 1 [~ I CbX 6) I Sent: Wednesday , March 21 , 201812:30 PM To: Cb X 6) Widmayer , Derek -,....,.,..,,....---!

<Dere .Wi ma y er@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <John.S>



Re: Man-Made Hazard s -Stuff Left T o Do HI Mike , As Denni s noted , we should contact Paul Blanch and Da ve Lochbaum ASAP to alert them to the Ma y me eting. I think that we should elicit comments fr o m the member s during the April r e trea t. Unle ss there are egreg io us er rors, we don't plan any major changes to the rep o rt. My primary obje ctiv e for the April discussion is to answer questions about techn i cal d et ails (if any) and gain a sense of member support for the 7/15 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do l (bX6) John --Original From: Michael Corradini

!(b X 6) To: John Stetkar !(b)(6) Cc: Dennis Bley ~l (b::;::;)(6;;::)====::::;--

Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W i dma

> Sent: Tue, Mar 20, 2018 9:00 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do

Dear John:

ITEM #3: I am OK with the game plan and alerting Blanch and UCS. As I remember UCS sent Its note to the Commission and the Chairman told them of our intentions. Do you want comments from the members before April -or -at the mini-retreat?

M i ke On Mar 20 , 2018 , at 5:29 PM , !(bX6) I wrote: Denn is and Mike, FYI -Try i ng t o fi rm up logistics leading to the May meeting. 8/15 4/17/2018 Re: Ma~Made Hazards -stuff Left To Do Mark has agreed with Derek's approach.

Mike -Please look at Item 3 -Should we send Paul Blanch and UCS a letter from you , formally alerting them to the May meeting and inviting their participation?

I think we should -very soon -but it's your call. So ... l hear that they are predicting nasty weather in DC tomorrow -are we all having j ust tons of fun? John From: Derek.Widm To f)<6) m, Mark.Banks

@nrc. gov Sent: 3/20/2018 12:53:00 PM Central Standard Time


RE: Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do John: I have answered below i n RED. Copying Mark. Once we seem to be on the same page, we should probably let Andrea in on the game plan. 9115 4/1 7/2018 Re: Man-Mede Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do Derek From :f(b )(6) ..._.....,.

___ _ m r rna ilt o: l (bX 6) 1 (bX6) 1----Sent: Tuesd ay, March 20, 2018 11:44 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmaver@n

~>; Banks , Mark <M ark.Banks@nrc.go y> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.St et k ar@nrc.g QY> .


[E x ternal_Se nder] Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do Derek , I've c opied Mark on this to get his i nput on t he logis tic s. So here's my current understanding of what will transpire over the next 6-1/2 weeks: 1 -We finalize the repo rt and the s upplem e nt -to be done this week. Acknowledged. 2 -We discuss the report with the members during an internal session at the April full committee 10/15 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do meeting (currently slotted for Saturday morning).

No further changes to the report are planned. The i ntent is to make sure the members have time to ask questions and to develop a sense of support for an ACRS letter in May. Agreed. 3 -We make the report available publicly (I think). This is a key i tem, since we're plannlng to have a public discussion during the May full committee meeting , with perhaps an ACRS letter. We certainly need to alert at le ast Paul Blanch and UCS to that meeting, so they can plan to attend. (It's already pretty late for that.) I think that it would be a good idea for them (and the staff) to see the r eport before the May meeting , so they have time to prepare comments. I don't know any other way to get the report to them, without making it available pub l icly in ADAMS. If we're going to do that, we'll need to at least slap a cover on it. Perhaps we make this decision at the April meeting , butthat gives us only 4 weeks until the public discussion in May. We would need to very busy , very early during the week of April 9. 11/15 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do In two recent examp l es, Ho ssein has fina li zed detai led technical documents a n d we have in te rn a lly called them "W h i te Papers." We have a folder i n ADAMS where they are kept as records. suggest we do t hi s t o the two Wor king Group reports -we can just use the same cover and format h e used -we wi ll need to make a Table of Contents -but that is easy. We can put it int o ADAMS in tha t fo ld er as a Co mm i ttee Working Draft w i th a h eader that says "FOR D I SC U SS I ON AT MAY 20 1 8 FULL COMM IT TEE MEETIN G" and make it a pub li c document.

We ca n do this as soo n as n ee ded to make it avai l ab l e to th e public, I sugges t this be the path desired by the Working Group to be d iscussed at A p ril FC. I n the mean ti me , we can get them ready with the Covers and TOCs. I suppose we shou l d co nta ct th e two i nterested parties ASAP with a heads up and then notify them as soon as the draft r eport i s up in ADAMS. I f you think it i s the r i ght thing t o 12/16 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards -Stuff Left To Do do -I suppose we should get at least Dennis and the Leadership to agree -I can contact them (Blanch and UCS) to prov ide an early no tification that the subject will be in May. Then a formal letter that goes out under Mike would probably be desirable (as part of the record of the FINAL responses to the incomings).

4 -Discussion during May full committee meeti n g , with possible ACRS letter or working group letter. I th i nk it is appropriate for the Committee, i f it so chooses, to send a letter to the Commission, and attach the Final Report -I would l eave the Supplemental Report i n ADAMS, not attach it. I think it is okay to refer to it as "The Working Group Report" when it would be tiresome to keep providing the full Title. I am not aware of anything going to the Commission or EDO from a "working group of the ACRS." 13/15 4117 1 2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards

  • Stuff Left To Do I wonder i f we should allow the two stakeholders mentioned above added time at the May Full Committee meeting , more than 5 minutes? OR would it be better to tell them the ACRS report is final , they have 5 minutes at the meeting, and they should se nd any comments to the Commission?

Perhaps di scuss this in April. Did I m iss anything?

I don't think so. As for your PS -I th ink these logistic s will work. If there was a desire to go to a NUREG report , that would substantia ll y de lay things, to includ e a technical ed i tor and other "QA" steps required.

What are your thoughts on how we get things done? In particular, what are your thoughts about mak in g the report available in ADAMS before the May meeting? John 14115 4/17/2018 Cb X 6) Re: Man-Made Hazards -stuff Left To Do P.S., If the logistics seem impossible , we need to settle on a clear Plan B ASAP. The paperwork is in progress to terminate me, effective May 5. If the ACRS meeting on this topic is pushed to June or July , either Dennis will need to take the lead , or perhaps I could present the report as an " invited expert". 1 5/15 4/17/2018 Re: Draft Supplemental Report with References Incl u ded. S ubject: Date: Re: Draft Supplemental Report with References Included.

3/22/20 18 1:12:58 PM Ce ntr a l Standard Time F r om: To: Cc: Got it. Thanks!!!!! John !Cb X 6) I Derek. Widmayer@nr John.Stetkar In a message da te d 3/22/2018 1 :11 : 14 PM Central Standard T ime , Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov writes: I added references

-did not change the version number. Everything is the same except I replaced all the Xs where they referred to a reference. Derek A. Widmay e r ACRSffechnical Support Branch i.;..!Cb;.;.)C 6.;...) __ _.I ( ce ll) derek.widma v er@nrc.~ov 1/1 From: T o: Subj e ct: Date: Atta c hm e n ts: W l dmaver, Derek !(b)(6) Draft Supp l ementa l Report with References Induded. Thursday, Ma r ch 22, 2018 2:11:00 PM Working Group Report suppJeroent

  • Draft Rey, J,docx Note: The ent i re 48-page draft of the Supp l emental I nformat i on i s w i thheld i n i ts ent i rety u nde r FO I A exemption
5. I a d ded r e f e r ences -di d n ot cha ng e th e ve r s i o n numb e r. Every thing i s th e same except I r ep l aced a ll t h e Xs whe re t h ey r efe rr ed to a r e f e r e n ce. Deha.Jt. ell-. w~ ACRS(Technical Support Branch i (b)(6) I (ce ll) derek.widma ye r@o r c.go v Fn1m: To: CC:


Date: Attachments:

Colleagues, ;; I t Ronald G BaHlnaer.

"!""!' ________________________

.., John.St!!tkar@nrc.goy Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report -Supplemental Information Friday, March 23 , 2018 9: 48: 01 AM Working Groua Report supplement

-Draft Rey. 1 , dOQ{ Note: T he e n t ir e 48-page d r aft S up p l e m e n ta l I n fo r mat i o n i s w i t hh e l d in i ts e n t ir ety u nde r FO IA e x empt i o n 5. Attached for your information is a compilation of supplemental infonnation that will be added as Appendix G of our working group report. Derek collected and summarized this infomtation when we formed the working group. It prov i des usefu l context , especially for readers who are not familiar with the SRP. regulatory guides, etc. This material does not contain any working group techn i cal evaluations , and we will not discuss It during the Aprll retreat session. It's being distributed later than the main report and the other appendices because Derek has been rather busy during the last few weeks, and he needed to do some final formatting for the references.

This is all of it ... I promise. John From: To:


Date: Attachments:

John: Widmaver.

Derek l (b)(6) I Report covers Friday, March 23 , 2018 1 0:42:00 AM MaioReporteoyer.docx SuoplementaJReoorteover docx If you are Interested

-I made these Report Covers using the Template from Hossein"s "White Papers." M i ght be good to be consistent?


cl/-. ~clMCa11c~

ACRS/T echnical Support Branch !Cb X 6) I (cell) derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov Evaluation of External Man-Made Hazards Main Report Prepared By Working Group on External Man-Made Hazards Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards March 2018 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Evaluation of External Man-Made Hazards Supplemental Report Prepared By Working Group on External Man-Made Hazards Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards March 2018 Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 From: To: Michael Corradini W i dma ye r. Der e k


[Extemal_Sender] Re: Draft email for Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum Friday, March 23, 2018 1:45:08 PM D ate: Looks good to me On Mar 23 , 2018, at 10:52 AM , Widmayer , Derek <Derek,Widmayer

@nrc.~oy> wrote: All: I cranked out a DRAFT EMAIL FOR BLANCH I LOCHBAUM, UC$, below._ Please provide any comments, changes, feedback.

I wi ll consolidate the comments if I receive any and provide a 2nd draft before I send it out. De rek

Dear Mr. Blanch/Lochbaum:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made Externa l Hazards has completed its work and produced two draft reports, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2018 , starting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject , the Committee is Inviting you to provide a 10-minute presentation in response to the draft reports. The draft reports will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Acces s and Management System (ADAMS) shortly. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information. I also will be provid i ng addit i onal information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number(s) for the reports and details on where you should send your presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to tlhis email to confirm your part i cipat i on at the Committee's meeting on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. 1Jeh.e.k ell-. w~ A CRS/T ec hn ical Support B r a n ch i Cb)C 6) I (c ell) derek, 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc:

Dear John:

Re: Oran email f or Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum Re: Draft email for Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum 3/24/2018 9:03:18 AM Central Standard Time l (b)(6) I t X 6) ! Derek.Widrnayer@nrc.g ov , , , !Cb X 6) I Your suggestions sound fine to me. I guess I assumed they would provide written comments, but explicitly asking them is smart. Mike From:!Cb)(6) Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2018 9:00:35 AM To: Dere k.Widma y er@n rc.g ov: andre ai.veil@nr c.g o v: Mark.Ban ks@nr c.g ov: Michael Cor r adini; j (b)(6) Cc: John.St e t k ar@n rc.g ov ....._ ___ __.


Re: Draft email for Mr Blanch and Mr Lochbaum Looks good. I have only three comme*nts. (1) I think that it makes sense to i nclude the supplemental information as Appendix G of the working group report. That provides background and context for tlhe report , and it is useful information for many readers. We can discuss that i n April. For these emails , it's less confusing i f we c ite only one working group r eport. If we later dec i de to keep t he supplemental information separate, we can always tell fo l ks where to find that report. (2) We should encourage Mr. Blanch and Mr. Lochbaum to prov i de written comments to the Committee and note that those comments will be i ncluded in the meeting record. That reduces the time pressure for a 1 0-minute oral presentation.

(3) As for timing of filing the report in ADAMS , we should probably wait until after the April ret r eat session, i n case some of that discussion prompts last-minute tweaks. Rather than say the report will be available

" shortly", it might be better to say "in early April". We shou l d shoot for early in the week of April 9. John In a message dated 3/23/2018 10: 52: 43 AM Central Standard Ti me , D erek.Wi dm ay er@nrc.go v writes: All: I cranked out a DRAFT EMAIL FOR BLANCH/ LOCHBAUM. UCS. below._ Please provide any comments , changes , feedback.

I will consolidate the comments if I receive any and provide a 2nd draft before I send it out. Derek D e ar Mr. Blan c h/Lo c hbaum: Th e Adv iso ry C ommitt ee o n Re a ct o r S af e gu a rd s (AC R S) Working G roup on Man-Mad e External Ha z a r d s ha s c o mpleted it s wo r k and produ c ed two draft rep o rt s, the re sult s of whi c h 1 12 4/17/2018 Re: Draft email for M r Blanch and M r Lochbaum w ill be presented to the Full ACRS at the 653 rd (May 20 1 8) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently sch e duled for Thu r sday , May 3 , 2018 , starting at 2: 00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject , the Committee i s i nviting you to provide a 10-minute presentation in response to the draft reports. The draft r eports will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document A ccess and Management System (ADAMS) shortly. T his email will be followed by a formal i nvitat i on letter w i th additional information.

I also will be providing additional information via a fut u re email with the AD A MS accession number(s) for the reports and deta i ls on where you should send yo ur presentation slides when they are ready. P l ease respond to this ema i l to confirm your partic i pation at the Co m mittee's meeting on May 3 r d. Thank you in advance. Derek A. Widma ye r ACRS/T e chni cal Sup po r t Br anc h !Cb)C6) I ( ce ll) dere k.w idm a y er@nrc.g ov 2/2 From: To:


~:~av:r Recek I :na are you? Date: Monday, March 26, 2018 8:31:00 AM I am "Senior Staff Sc i ent i st" (sort of l eftover from ACNW&M). From:!(bX6) ![m ailto l ... (b_X 6_) ____ __. Sent: Fr iday, March 23, 2018 5: 33 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Dere k.Wi dmayer@nrc

.gov> Cc: Stetkar, John <>


[Ex t ernal_Sender)

What are you? Hey, Are you officially a "Senior Staff Engineer" or a "Senior Staff Scientist"?

Wou l dn't want to i nadvertently disparage your pos i tion -I've added a list of names up front , and Section 3 of th e report currently mentions a " senior s t a ff engineer".

I'm pressed for time this afternoon/

evening. I'll read the dr aft Blanch / Lochbaum e-ma il tomor ro w morning. John 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: RE: Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum RE: Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blancb/Lochbaum 3/26/2018 8:44:24 AM Central Standard Time r X 6) I Oh yeah -Thanks. From~Cb X 6) I (=m=a=ilt=o_j Cb_)<6_) ____ _. Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:35 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wldmayer

@nrc.g ov>;!Cb)(6) l!Cb X 6) <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>; Veil, Andrea <andrea.veU

@nrc.g ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <>


(External_Sender] Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum Derek, l Banks, Mark Looks fine to me, except only one ADAMS accession number and one report in the paragraph that starts w i th "This email will be followed .... " Thanks, John In a message dated 3/26/2018 8:27: 47 AM Central Standard Time , Derek.W i dma y er@nrc ,1N V writes: All: I have incorporated comments from John in a revised draft -redline/strikeout version below. If I don't received any additional comments I will send out this version (clean) at Noon today. Derek

Dear Mr. Blanch/Lochbaum:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

'(ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produceci twe a draft r eports-, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the a53rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3 , 2018 , starting at 2: 00 PM. Because of your i nterest in this sub j ect , the C ommittee is inviting you to provide written c omments as well as a 10-m i nute presentati o n at the m ee ting in respon s e to the draft r e ports. The written comments will become part o f the Transcript of the meeting. The draft re p orts will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document A c cess and Management System (ADAMS} 9 l=lertly in e arly April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information.

I also will be providing additional information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number(s}

for the reports and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. 1/2 4/17/2018 RE: Re: REVISED Draft Email to B l anch/Lochbaum Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Committee's meet i ng on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. Derek A. Widmayer ACRS/Technical Support Branch !Cb)C 6) I( eel I) derek.wjdma y er@nrc. fj OV Derek A. Widmayer ACRS/Teclmical S u pport Branch !Cb)C 6) I ( ce ll) derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov 2/2 Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum 4/17/2018


Date: Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum 3/26/2018 9:02:21 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb X 6) I To: Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov, ._!Cb_X 6_> ____ ____.! ._!Cb_X 6_> ___ _.l , Looks good to me. From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Sent: MondaY, March 26, 2018 8:27:44 AM To~Cb)(6) I Michael Corradini; DENNIS BLEY (J._Cb_><_6> ____ ~; Banks , Mark; Veil, Andrea


REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum All: I have incorporated comments from John in a revised draft-redline/strikeout version below. If I don't received any additional comments I will send out this version (clean) at Noon today. Derek

Dear Mr. Blanch/Lochbaum:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has comp l eted its work and produced tw9 a draft reports. the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553 r d (May 2018) meet i ng of the Committee.

The presentation i s currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3, 2018, starting at 2: 00 PM. Because o f you r interest in this subject , the Committee i s invit i ng you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentat i on at the meeting in re s ponse to the draft reports. The written comments will become part of the Transcr i pt of the meeting. The draft reports will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) SRefUy in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information. I also will be providing additional information via a future email w i th the ADAMS access i on number(s) for the reports and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation sl i de s when they are ready. Please respond to th i s email to confi r m your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3 r d. Thank you in advance. D e r ek A. Widm aye r ACR S/T ec hn ica l S upp o rt B ra n c h I CbX6) I ( cell) derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov Derek A. Widmayer 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: REVISED Draft Email to Blanch/Lochbaum ACRS/Technlcal Support Branch i lb)C6) I (cell) derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov 2/2 4/17/2018 Fwd: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM)


Fwd: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) Date: 3/26/2018 3:12:04 PM Central Standard Time From: !(b)(6) I To: !(b)C 6) ::;::::::::::::===::::::;----:----:--

Cc: ... I (b_) ( 6_) ____ ____,! DENNIS -DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE ON MAY 3r d -or -POSTPONE.

I AM FINE EITHER WAY. SEE DEREK's NOTE. MIKE Begin forwarded message: From: !(bX 6) I


Invitation email's sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) Date: March 26, 2018 at 1 : 44:45 PM CDT To: I -1 (b-X 6-) --------.L r x 6) Cc: <>

.__ ____ _, Dere k, Mike, and Dennis, That's unfortunate , considering his long involvement with t he pipeline issue. I don't think that we have any flexibility on the date, unless Mike and Dennis decide otherwise.

We're trying to get this wrapped up before I leave the Committee, which will be effective May 5. If we postpone the Full Committee briefing, Dennis would need to take the lead, or I would need to be called in as an "inv i ted expert" or something similar. That's certainly feasible, if we collectively t hink that it is important for Mr. Blanch to attend the meeting. I'm sensitive to the relatively short notice for the meeting. W ri tten comments are often better than short oral presentations, so we would not necessarily lose the benefit of his technical input. However , speaking on the record at the meet i ng is important to some people. I'm on the fence regarding postponement until a date when Mr. Blanch can attend, leaning slightly in favor of postponement.

Mike and Dennis -What do you think? John In a message dated 3/26/2018 1:24:04 PM Central Standard Time, writes: Gentlemen:

I already heard back (emall) from Paul Blanch that he wlll be unavallable (out of the country) on May 3rd. Do we have any flexibility in changing the date or should I tell him to submit written co mments for the record and see if he has anyone he works with that could present for him (I see he cc'd the email from me to several folks).? Any oth e r ideas ? Derek 1/2 4/17/20 18 Fwd: Invitation emails sent to PB lanch and O Loch baum today at 1 : 30 PM (EOM) 212 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Thanks! John Re: Invitation emails sent to PB1anch and DLochbaum today at 1 : 30 PM (EOM) Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) 3/26/2018 12:49: 09 PM Central Standard Time !CbX6) I Derek. Widmayer@nrc.g o v John.Stetkar

@n In a message dated 3/26/2018 1 2:45: 40 PM Central Standard Time , Derek.Widma y er@nrc.~o y writes: 1/1 From: To: Cc:


Date: Wldmaw. Derek Mike Corradini

~(b )(6) l; !(b )(6) ! DENN I S BLEY d (b )(6) Yell, Andrea: Banks Mads Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dl.ochbalXtl today att 1:30 PM (EOM) M onday, March 26, 2018 1:45:00 PM 4/17/2018 FW: Re: Invi t ation to revi ew ACRS Report and presen t comments at upcom i ng meeting.


FW: Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. Date: 3/26/201 8 3:09:39 PM Central Standard Time From: To: Derek. i (b)(6) I "'"l (b ,..;:)(6""") ------... ullii'." (b)v,;(6') ---, From: Dave Lochbaum lochbaum@u csusa.o r g Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:25 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wid ma y e r@nr c.g ov>


[E xte rnal_Se nder] Re: Invitation to review ACR S Rep o rt and present comments at upcoming meeting.

Dear Mr. Widmayer:

I appreciate the invitation and am plea sed to accept it. I ha ve been monitoring this topic and lo o k forward t o reviewing the d r aft Working Gro up report to add to my awa re ness. I intend on s ubmittin g a written report as well as making the 10-minute pr ese n tatio n durin g the May 3rd meeting. T hank s, D ave Lochb a um ucs From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Sent: Monday, Mar c h 26, 2018 1:42: 17 PM To: Dave Lochbaum


Inv itatio n to revi e w ACRS R eport and present comme n ts at up coming me eting.

Dear Mr. Lochbaum:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report , the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3 , 2018, starting at 2: 00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be.followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information.

I also will be p ro viding additional information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. Derek A. Widmayer Senior S t a ff Scientist ACRS/Technical S upport Branch I CbX 6) I (cell) derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov 1/1 4/17/2018 FW: Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting.


FW: Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. Date: 3/26/2018 3: 11 :04 PM Central Standard Time From: To: l (b)(6) 11-(b-)(6'"") ------....... 11 ... (b-)(6_) ___ ....... I t looks li ke we can keep t he sess i on i n the meet i ng in May (unless you really want t o have Paul there). From: Paul [mailto l (bX 6) Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:38 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <>;

Dave A Lochbaum <!(b)(6) Cc: Paul Blanch (b)(6) ; Haagensen, Brian <>;

Lawrence Criscione (b)(6) ; Amy Rosmarin <!(b X 6) * ~; Susan Babdolden

<l (bX6) h susan van dolsen (b)(6) ; Richard Webster <>;

Maggie Coulter <>;

Paul Gallay <>;

Ellen Weininger


Bill Corcoran <>;

Michael Quinn <>;

Suzannah Glidden <>


[Ex ternal_Sender)

Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. Derek: I am going to attempt to rearrange my schedule but not overly optimistic I can d o so. I just talked to Dave Lochbaum who is also invited to speak before the ACRS. Dave bas agreed to present my position on the gas lines as related to Indian Point and Turkey Point. His views are similar to mine. Our presentations will be somewhat independent of the other. My preference for the full ACRS meeting would be the June dates but I am also available in July. Pau l Blanch (b)(6) On M a r 26, 2 018, a t 2:57 P M, Wi dmaye r , D e r ek <D e r e k.W i dmayer@n rc.g ov> wrot e: Paul: The Committee is sensitive to the short notice for the meeting -they are juggling a lot or work and one of th~ key members of this Working Group is leaving the Committee shortly. It might be he l pful to know the answers to a couple of questions concerning your request: (1) The Committee would consider any written comments submitted to be more beneficial that whatever you can "sq ueeze" into a 10 minute presentation

-so the question is , "Is there anyone you work with that you would trust to provide your 1 O minute presentation for you ?" 1/3 4/17/20 18 FW: Re: In vitat ion to rev iew ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. (2) The following are the dates for the fo ll owing two (2) Full Committee meetings of the ACRS, which of these are you availab l e for (the specific time will have to be decided l ater)? The Committee does not meet in August. a. June 6 thru 8 b. July 11 thru 13 I have a l ready started a conversat i on of the ACRS l eadership on whether this session can be postponed. Derek From: Paul Blanch ~!m~a=ilt=o-1..l (b_X_6) _____ ___. Sent: Monday, March 26 , 2018 1 :54 PM To: Amy Rosmarin 1(b)(6) l>; Haagensen, Brian <Br ian.Haa ensen Dave Lochbaum

; Lawrence Criscione ._(b_X 6_) ______ ___. Maggie Co~ter < r_g>; Richard Webst e r <rwe b ste r@riv erkeepe r.or g>; Susan Babdolden ~(b)(6) ~; Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er (@nrc.g ov>; susan van dol se n <l{bX 6) J> 0



_S en der] Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and pre se nt comments at upcomin g meeting. Derek Can we di sc u ss this and p oss ibly change th e date as I will b e o ut of the country? Pos s ibly we could t a lk sometime later today. I will call you l ate r. Paul On Mon , Mar 26, 2018 at 1 : 41 PM Widmayer , Derek <Derek.W idma y e r@nrc.g ov> wrote:

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made 1 External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the a53rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3, 2018 , starting at 2: 00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information. I also will be providing additional information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3rd_ Thank you in advance. Derek A. Widmayer Senior Staff Scien t i s t 2/3 4/17/2018 FW. Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. ACRSffechnical Support Bran c h !Cb X 6) I( cell) d e rek.widma y er@n rc. ~ov 3/3 From: To:


Date: W i dma y er. Derek Veil Andrea FW: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcom i ng meeti n g. Monday, Ma rch 26, 2018 4:44:00 PM From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Monday, M arch 26, 2018 1:42 PM To: 'dloch

' <dloch ba u>


Invi t a ti on to review ACRS Report a nd p r esent comments a t upcoming meet i ng. D ear Mr. Lochb aum: The Advi sory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report , the re s ults of which will be pres ented to the Full ACRS at the e53rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

Th e pres e ntation is currently sc heduled for T hur sday, May 3, 2018, starting at 2:00 PM. Be ca u se of your interest in thi s subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute pr ese nt at ion at the me e ting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Acces s and Manag e m e nt System (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional infomnation.

I also will be providing additional info rma tion via a future email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you shou l d send your wrUten comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3 r d. Thank you in advance. 1Jch.cA of-. w~ Senio r Staff Sc i entis t ACRS/fech nic al S u pport B ranch i Cb)(6) I (cell) de r ek widmaver@nrc gov From: To:


Date: Widmayer.

Derek Yell Andrea FW: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meet i ng. Monday, Marett 26, 201 8 4: 44:00 PM From: Wi dmayer, Der e k Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:41 PM To: l (bX6)


I nvitati on to r evie w ACRS Report and present c omme nts at upcom ing meeting.

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2018, starting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentat i on at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information.

I also will be providing additional information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Comm i ttee's meeting on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. De.he.It.

t:11-. W~ Senior Staff Scientist ACRS/Technical Support Branch j(bX 6) I (cell) 4/17/2018 Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1 : 30 PM (EOM)


Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) 3/26/2018 5:43:51 PM Central Standard Time Date: From: !Cb X6) I To: !CbX6) !l .... Cb_X6_) ___ ..... Cc: Derek. , John.Stetkar Works for me. John In a message dated 3/26/2 018 4: 35: 45 PM Central Standard Time~ .... :_)<6_) ______ ____, Ftes: Dennis: OK , we will go ahead and do it as planned in May FC. Mike On Mar 26 , 2018, at 4:10 PM , DENNIS BLEY 4 Cb X 6) ! wrote: It should go ahead , as planned. He can s ubmit written comments. (He could also make a statement at the May full committee meeting, if the committee decides to write a letter at that time.) On Mar 26 , 2018 , a t 1 2:44 PM , ... !Cb_)<6_) ____ _.! wrote: Derek, Mike, and Dennis , That's unfortunate , considering h i s long involvement with the pipeline issue. I don't th i nk that we have any flex i bility on t he date, unless Mike and Dennis decide otherwise.

We're trying to get this wrapped up before I lea v e the Committee, which will be effective May 5. If we postpone the Full Committee briefing , Dennis would need to take the lead , or I would need to be called I n as an "invited expert" or something similar. That's certainly feasible , if we collectively think that it is important for Mr. Blanch to attend the meeting. I'm sensitive to the relatively short notice for the meeting. Written comments are often better than short oral presentations , so we would not necessarily lose the benefit of his technical input. However , speaking on the record at the meeting is important to some people. I'm on the fence regarding postponement until a date when Mr. Blanch can attend, leaning slightly in favor of postponement.

Mike and Denn i s -What do you think? John In a message dated 3/26/2018 l :24 :04 PM Central Standard Time, D erek.W i dm a v e r@n rc.~oy write s: Ge ntl eme n: I a l ready h ea r d bac k (ema il) from Pau l B l anch that h e wi ll be u navailab l e (o ut of the c oun t ry) on May 3 rd. Do we have any fl ex ib i l ity in c h anging t he da t e or s h ould I te ll h im to submi t written comments fo r 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1 : 30 PM (EOM) the record and see if he has anyone he works with that could present for him (I see he cc'd the email from me to several folks).? Any other ideas? Derek 2/2 From: To: Cc:


Date: De rek , Snodderly.

Michael Widmayer Derek Banks. Mark; Yen. Andrea FW: Re: Invitat i on to r eview ACRS Report and present comments at upcomi n g meeting. M onda y , March 26, 201B 5:56:27 PM Please see B r ian's comment below. Looks l ike you have shown up on Br i an's radar. Ha ve you o r your working group made anyone in NRR awa r e of your u pcomi n g report? Thanks , Mike From: Holian, B r ian Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 4:51 PM To: Lund, Lou i se <L ou i>;

Lors on, Raymond <Raymond.L o r son@nr>; Ev an s, M i chele <>

Cc: Wertz, T rent <>;

Snodder l y, Michae l <Michael.Snodderly@nrc



FW: Re: In v itation to rev i ew ACRS Report and pre se nt co mm ents at upcoming meeting. Louise et al I s NRR working th i s r e port with ACRS ... see be l ow " man made hazards" Just want some background Thx Brian H From: Paul [_m_a_i!t_o

..,, J (b_)_<6_) --------'

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:38 PM To: Widmayer , Derek <>;

Dave A L ochbaum < (bX6) Cc: Paul Blanch (bX 6) >* H aagensen, Brian <Brja n.Haag ensen@nrc gov>; L-_r,:o=-------......., Lawrence Cr i scio n e (bX 6) >; Amy Rosmarin (b)(6) ; S u san Babdo l den )(5) ; susan van do l sen < (bX 5) ; Richard Webster <r>;

M a ggie Coulter <mcoulter@r lve rkeeoer.oqp; Pau l Ga ll ay <ogal!ay@r jyerkeeper,org

>; Ellen Weininger


Bi l l Corcoran <w i ll i amcorcorao@sbcg l obal net>; Mi chael Quinn <m dq@scw e net>; Suzannah Glidden <suzaooahg liddeo@op ton I ine. net>



Re: Invitation to r eview ACRS Report and present commen t s at upcoming meeting. Derek: I am going to attem pt to rearrange my sche dule but not overly optimistic I can do so.

I just talked to Dave Lochbaum who is also invited to speak before the ACRS. Dave has agreed to present my position on the gas lines as related to Indian Point and Turkey Point. His views are similar to mine. Our presentations will be somewhat independent of the other. My preference for the full ACRS meeting would be the June dates but I am also available in July. Paul Blanch (bX6) On Mar 26, 2018, at 2:57 PM, Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrq~oy

> wrote: Paul: The Committee is sensitive to the short notice for the meeting -they are Juggling a lot or work and one of the key members of this Working Group is le av ing th e Committee shortly. It might be helpfu l to know the answers to a couple of questions concerning your request: (1) The Committee would consider any written comments s ubmitted to be more beneficia l that whatever you can "squeeze" into a 10 minute presentation

-so the question is, "Is there anyone you work w i th that you would tru s t to provide your 10 minute presentation f o r you ?" (2) The following are the dates for the follow i ng two (2) Full Committee meetings of the ACRS, which of these are you available for (the specific time will have to be decided later)? The Committee does not meet In August. a. June 6 thru 8 b. July 11 thru 13 I have already started a conversation of the ACRS l eadership on whether this session can be postponed. Derek From: Paul Blan c h [!N4._(b_)<6_) _____ _. Sent: Monday, March 26, 2 018 1:54 PM To: Amy Rosmarin 1 ... (b_)<6_) ______ _,~; H aagensen , Brian

<Brian.Haa g ensen@nrc.g oV>; Dave Lochbaum <dlochbaum

@ucsusa.or g>; La wre n ce Criscione l (b X6) !>; Maggie Coulter <mco u lter@rjver k eepe r ors>; Richard Webster <rwebster@rjyerkeeper org>; Susan Babdolden 4(b X 6) ~; Widmaye r , Derek <Derek>;

susan van dol sen ~(bX 6)


[Ex t e rn al_Sender]

Re: Invitation t o r eview ACRS Report and prese n t comments at upcoming meeting. D e r e k C an w e d isc u ss thi s an d poss i b l y c han ge th e d a t e as I w ill be ou t o f t h e co un try? Poss ib ly we cou ld t a lk some tim e l a t er t oday. I will call y ou l a ter. Paul On M o n , M ar 2 6 , 20 1 8 at 1 : 41 PM W i dmaye r , Dere k <Derek.Wjdmaye r@n r c g o v> w r o t e:

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made E x ternal H a zards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently schedu l ed for Thursday, May 3, 2018, starting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for y ou to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management S y stem (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information. I also will be providing additional information via a future email w i th the ADAMS acces s ion number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to c onfirm your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3 r d. Thank you in advance. '"Deh.e.h.

cA-. w~ S e nior St a ff S c i e nti s t A C R Sff ec hni c al S upp o rt Bran c h !(b)C 6) I ( c ell) derek.w i dma y er@nrc.~ov From: To: Cc: Michael Corradini DENNIS BLEY Jo hn stetkar; Widma y er , Derek; stetkar, John: Bley, Dennis



Re: Invitation emalls sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) Monday, March 26, 2018 5:35: 46 PM Date: Dennis: OK, we will go ahead and do it as planned in May FC. Mike On Mar 26, 2018, at 4:10 PM, DENNIS BLEY <f .... (b_)<6_) ____ !> wrote: It should go ahead, as planned. He can submi t written comments. (He could also make a sta tement at the May full committee meeting, if the committee decides to write a letter at that time.) On Mar 26, 2018, at 12:44 PM, l._(b_)<6_) ____ _.!wrote: Derek, Mike, and Dennis, That's unfortunate, considering his l ong invo lvemen t with the pipellne issue. I don't think that we have any flex i bil i ty on the date, un le ss Mike and Dennis decide otherw ise. We're trying to get this wrapped up before I lea ve the Committee, which will be effective May 5. If we postpone the Full Committee briefing, Dennis wou ld need to take the l ead, or I wou l d need to be called In as an "invited expert" or something simi lar. That's certain ly feasible, if we collectively think that i t is important for Mr. Blanch to attend the meeting. I'm sensitive to the relatively short notice for the meeting. Written comments are often better than s hort oral presentations , so we wou ld not necessarily lose the benefit of his technical I nput. However, speaking on the record at the meeting is important to some people. I'm on the fence regarding postponement until a date when Mr. Blanch can attend, leaning s l ightly i n favor of postponement.

Mike and Dennis -What do you th i nk? John In a message dated 3/26/2018 1 :24:04 PM Central Standard Time, Derek writes: Gentlemen: I a lr eady heard back (emai l} from Paul Blanch that he will be unavailable (out of the co un try) o n May 3rd. D o we have any flex i bility in changing the date or should I te ll h i m to submit written comments for the record and see if he has anyone he works with that cou l d present for him {I see he cc'd the email from me to several folks).? Any other ideas ? Derek From: To: Cc:


Date: yen Andrea Banks. Mart< Widmayer Derek FW: Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present mmments at upcoming meeting. Monday, March 26, 2018 5: 06:40 PM FYI. Th is is on Brian Holian's radar and he cc'ed Mike Snod d erly (who sen t it to me). Thanks, Andrea From: Snodderly, M ichae l Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 5:03 PM To: Veil, Andrea <andrea.v e i l@n>


FW: Re: Invitat i on to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meet in g. FYI From: Holian, B ri an Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 4:51 PM To: Lund, Lo u ise <>;

Lorson, Raymond <>

Evans, Michele <Michele.Evaos

@orc g ov> Cc: Wertz, Trent <Trent.Wertz

@orc.g ov>; Snodderly, Michael <Mjchael,Snoddecly@nrc 1:ov>


FW: Re: Inv ita tion to rev iew ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. Louis e e t al I s NRR working this report with ACRS ... see below " man made hazards" Just want some background Thx Bri an H From: Paul (~._Cb_)<_6) ______ _, Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 3:38 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek Widmayer@nrc gov>; Dave A Lochbaum <l Cb)(6) I> Cc: Paul Blanch ~(b)(6) i>; Haagensen, Brian <Brlan.Haagenseo@orc gov>; Lawrence Cr i scio"" n-e""'~(b'!"')~<6!"') -----L.:..---.~

Amy Rosmarin ~(bX 6) l>; Susan Babdolden

<j (b)(6) ~>; susan van dolsen 1(bX6} ~; Richard Webster <>;

Maggie Coulter <mcou!>;

Pau l Gallay <>;

El l en Weininger

<eew g>;

Bil l Corcora n <wjlljamcorcoran@sbcglobal net>; Michael Quinn <mdo@scwe net>; Suzannah Glidden <suzannahglidden@opton!>



Re: Invitation to r eview ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting.

Derek: I am going to attempt to rearrange my schedule but not overly optimistic I can do so. I just talked to Dave Lochbaum who is also invited to speak before the ACRS. Dave has agreed to present my position on the gas line s as related to Indian Point and Turkey Point. His views are simi lar to mine. Our presentations will be somewhat independent of the other. My preference for the full ACRS meeting would be the June dates but I am also available in July. Paul Blanch (b)(6) On Mar 26, 2018, at 2:57 PM , Widmayer , Derek <Derek

> wrote: Paul: The Committee is sensitive to the short notice for the meeting -they are juggling a l ot or work and one of the key members of this Working Group is leaving the Committee shortly. It might be helpful to know the answers to a couple of questions concerning your re quest: (1) The Committee would cons i der any written comments submitted to be more beneficial that whatever you can "squeeze" into a 1 O minute presentation

-s o the quest i on i s , " I s there anyone you work with that you would trust to provide your 1 O m i nute presentation for you ?" (2) The following are the dates f or the following two (2) Full Committee meetings of the ACRS , which of these are you availab l e for (the specific time will have to be decided later)? The Committee does not meet in August. a. June 6 thru 8 b. July 11 thru 13 I have already started a conversation of the ACRS leadership on whether this session can be postponed.

Derek From: Pa u l Blanc h [ ..... m-ai~lt-o:

'L.l (b_)<6_) _____ __, Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1: 54 PM To: Amy Rosmarin 1._Cb_X 6_) _____ _,!>; Haagensen, Brian <Brian>;

Dave Lochbaum <dlochbaum@ucsus a org>; L awrence Crisc i one ~(b)(6) ~; Maggie Coulter <mcoulter@civerkeeper om>; Ri chard Webster <rwebster@riverkee p>; Susan Babdolden

<f (b X 6) ~; Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer

@nrc.g o v>; susan van dolsen ~(b)(6) !>


[Externa l_Sender] Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meeting. Der e k Can we discuss this and possibl y change the date as I will be out of the country? Pos s ibly we could talk som etime later today. I will call you later. Paul On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 1: 41 PM Widmayer, D erek <Derek Widmayer@nrc gov> wrote:

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of wh i ch will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is currently scheduled for Thur sday, May 3, 2018, s tarting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywlde Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. This email will be followed by a formal invitation letter with additional information.

I a l so will be providing additional information via a future email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm you r participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. Deh.e.Jt.

el/-; WUUH.a.ffC!'L Senior Staff Scientist ACRS/f echnical Support Branch !(b X6) I ( cell) derek,widmayer

@nrc, INY 4/17/2018 Re: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM)


Re: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLocbbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) 3/27/2018 7:50:58 AM Central Standard Time Date: From: l (b)(6) I To: Cc: !(b)(6) !, ... !(b_X 6_) _____ ! OK From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W idma y> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:49:16 AM To: Michael Corradini Cc: DENNIS BLEY; John Stetkar; Bley, Dennis


RE: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) OK-I will let Paul know that this is the path forward. It sounded like in his email that he is satisfied with this approach.

From: Michael Corradini

... (m""" a""'i ,...lto=: 1.:.l (b..;.)<;..;6) ______ ....J Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 8:42 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer> Cc: DENNIS BLEY ~(bX 6) ~; John Stetkar <l ... (b-X 6_) ____ ..., b; Bley, Dennis <Dennis,B!ey@nrc.goy>



Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) I would propose we go with the latter approach On Mar 27, 2018, at 7:40 AM, Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> wrote: Will Do. I am suggest ing that the Committee could offer him a chance to come i n June and make a statement as any Letter based on the r e port would still be worked on (probab ly) then? If this Is not a legit idea, I will inform Paul he should do Plan B -submit written comments , prepare statement , and have Lochbaum present his statement.

(There is still a chance that Blanch can re-arrange his travel and be there in May). Derek From: Michael Corradini l=m=a=il ..... to..,.~_(bX_6_) ______ _, Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 8:37 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov>; DENNIS BLEY <l._(b_X6_) ___ .., h John Stetkar i (bX6) I> Cc: Bley , Dennis <>


[External_SenderJ Re: Re: Invitation emails s ent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) Let us go forward with the May FC for this topic as John and Dennis suggest. From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.go v> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:31:57 AM 1/3 4/1 7/2018 R e: Re: In vitation emalls s ent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today a t 1 : 30 PM (EOM) To: DENNIS BLEY; John Stetk a r Cc: Michael C orradini; Ble y, Denni s


RE: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) H i De n n i s: I n yo u r response be l ow, d i d you mea n th at h e cou l d make a state m en t a t the JUNE f ull commit t ee meet i ng (it i s M ay t hat h e h as a co n f li ct w i th). He has sol i cited t h e assista n ce o f Dave Loc h baum to p r esen t hi s sta t ement i n May (if he cannot arra n ge h i s t rave l sche dul e). If yo u mea nt J un e -I wi ll o ff e r th a t op t ion to him. D e r ek From: DENNIS B L EY (m a jlto:!Cb X 6) I Sent: Monday, March 26 , 2018 5: 10 PM To: John S t etkar <]Cb)(6) f> Cc: Widmayer, Derek <Dere k.Wid m a yer@nr c.g o v>; Michael Corradini

!Cb)(6) I Stetkar, John <Jo hn,S tetk a r@nrc.g ov>; Bley , Denni s <Denn i>


[Extemal_S e nder] Re: Invitation emails sent to PB!anch and DLochbaum today at I :30 PM(EOM) It sh o uld go ahead, as planned. He can s ubmit written comments. (He could also make a statement at the May full comm ittee m ee tin g, if the committee decides to write a letter at that tim e.) On Mar 26 , 2018 , at 12: 44 PM~ ... Cb-)<6_) ____ _,!wrote: Derek , Mike , and Dennis , That's unfortunate , consider i ng h i s long i nvolve m e nt w i t h the pipeline issue. I don't think that we have any fle x ibility o n the date , u n less Mike and Denn i s decide otherwise.

We're trying to get this wrapped up be fore I leave t he Co m m i ttee , which will be effective May 5. If we postpone the Full Committee b r iefing , De n n is w o u l d need to t a k e the lead , or I would need to be called in as an ~i nvited e x pert" or s ome t h i ng sim i lar. That's certa i nly feasible , if we collectively th i nk that it is i mp o rtant f or M r. Bl a nch to atternd t he m eet i ng. I'm sensitive to the relati v el y short no t ice for t h e meeting. Written comments are often better than short oral presenta t ions , so we would no t ne c e s sarily l o se the benefit of his techn i cal input. Howe v er , speaking on the r eco r d at the meeti n g is important t o s o me people. I'm on the fence regarding postponement unt il a da t e when M r. Bla nc h can attend , lean i ng slightly in favor of postponement.

Mike and Dennis -What do you thin k? John In a m es s ag e dated 3/26/2 018 1:2 4: 0 4 PM C entral Standar d T ime , Der e k.Wjd m ayer@n rc.~oy write s: 2/3 4/17/2018 Re: Re: Invitation emals sent to PBlanch and Dlodlbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) Gentlemen: I already heard back (email) from Pau l Blanch that he will be unavailable (out of the country) on May 3rd. Do we have any flexibility in changing the date or shou ld I tell him to submit written comments for the record and see if he has anyone he works with that could present for him (I see he cc'd the email from me to several folks).? Any other ideas? Derek 3/3 4/17/2018 Re: DRAFT Email for the EHCOE


Re: D RAFT E m a il fo r t he E H C O E Da t e: 3/27/20 1 8 8:34:3 4 AM Central Standard Time From: !CbX 6) I To:, ... !Cb_)<6_) _______ ! .... !Cb_X 6_) ___ _ Cc: Jo L o oks good t o m e. J o hn In a me ss a ge d a ted 3/27/2 0 18 8: 2 6: 40 AM C entral S t a nd a rd T i me, Derek.Wi d ma yer@nrc.go v wr i tes: Gentlemen: I prepared the following DRAFT Email for the EHCOE. Word is already spreading among the staff (Pau l Blanch let someone in NRR know about our invite), so I need to ge t this out!! Let me know of any changes per our previous e x e r cise I DSEA Branch Chiefs in the External Hazards Center of Excellence (EHCOE): The Advisory Committee on Reacto r Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report , the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 653rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3, 2018, starting at 2: 00 PM. The draft report-will be available for review i n the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. A future email will be sent that prov i des the ADAMS accession number for the report and the final Agenda for the meeting. De rek A. W i dm ayer ACRS/Technical Support Branch .... I Cb ..... )(6 __ ) __ ___,! (ce ll) derek. w i d m a v e r@nrc.g ov 1/1 4/17/20 1 8 Re: DRAFT E ma i l for the EH COE S ub j ect: R e: DRAFT Email for the EH C OE 3/2 7/201 8 8: 39:29 AM Central S t an d ard T im e Da te: Fro m: l (b)(6) I To: Cc: D e re k. W i d ma y er@nrc.go v r X 6) l L...!(b_)<6_) -------' Lo o ks g o o d to me On M a r 2 7 , 2 0 1 8, a t 8:26 AM, Wi d maye r , De r ek <D erek.W i dma y er@nrc.g ov> wrote: Gentlemen: I prepared the following DRAFT Email for the EHCOE. Word is already spreading among the staff (Paul Blanch let someone in NRR know about our invite), so I need to get this out !! Let me know of any changes per our previous exercise!

DSEA Branch Chiefs in the External Hazards Center of Excellence (EHCOE): The Adv i sory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External H azards has comp l eted its work and p r oduced a draft report, the results of wh i ch will be presented to the Full A C RS at the 553 r d (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is current l y scheduled for Thursday , May 3 , 2018 , starting at 2:00 PM. The draft report-will be avai l able for review in the NRC's Agencywide Documen t Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. A future email will be sent that provides the ADAMS accession number for the report and the fina l Agenda for the meeting. Derek A. Widm a ye r ACRS/Te c hni ca l S upport Br an c h i CbX6) !{cell) derek. w i d ma v e r@n re.g ov 1 1 1 Fr om: To: Cc: S ubj ec t: D ate: A ttac hm e nt s: Andrea: Widmayer Derek Veil And rea Banks Mark R E: Re: I n v ita t i on t o rev i e w AC R S Re p ort and present comments a t upcomi n g m ee t in g. Tuesday, March 27, 20 1 8 1 2:45: 00 PM Wo r ki n g Group R eport -D r aft R ev 4 WIP docx Not e: Th i s att a chment i s i dent i c al to t h e draft re p o rt attached to Mr. Wld m a y er's March 5 , 2 016 2: 1 2 PM e m ail. I t is w i thhe l d i n i ts e ntiret y under FO I A e xe mpt i o n 5. P o rt i o ns of t he r epo rt co nt ai ning C E!! ar e also w i thh eld un d er FOIA ex empti o n 3, i n co njun ct i o n w ith 16 USC 8240-l(d X I), and F OIA e x em pt i o n 7 (F). I h ave attach e d R ev 4 tha t includes redline from me -I added r eferences and made minor corrections on citations to the references

-J ohn Stetkar took t his -accepted all changes a n d made R ev. 5. T hen he re-ordered the re f erences and made a coup l e of other minor ed i ts a n d slapped a co v er and table o f contents on i t -so the cur r ent version i s Rev. 6. Rev. 6 has N O substantive differences from this attached version. I am only tell i ng you this because I don't h ave Rev. 6 -John is the "keeper" un t il we are ready to put into ADAMS. I can get it from him and send that to you if you want, but this wi l l g i ve you a start. Derek From: Veil, Andrea S e nt: T uesday, M arch 27, 2018 12:37 PM To: W i dmaye r , De r ek <De r ek.W i dmayer@n rc.go v>


RE: Re: I n vi t at i on to rev i ew ACRS Repo r t and presen t commen t s at u pcom in g meet i ng. T hanks D ere k. I haven't see it, so p l ease send it t o me. Andrea From: W i dmayer, Dere k Sent: T ues d ay, M arch 27, 2 0 18 12:22 PM T o: Veil, A nd rea <

> Subj e ct: RE: Re: I n vitat i on to rev i ew ACRS Report and pre s ent comments at u pcom i ng meet i ng. (b)(5) From: Veil, Andrea Sent: Tuesday, M arch 2 7, 2018 1 2: 16 P M To: W i dmayer, D e rek <Derek W i

> S ubj e ct: R e: R e: I n vit a t i on to revi e w ACRS Report and pre se nt c omm e nts a t u p co m i n g m ee t i ng.

No worries. I know that ACRS gets lot s of s crutiny s o I try to be careful, Andrea On: 27 March 2018 11 :57, "W i dmayer, Derek" <Derek.

> wrote: Andrea: From: V e il, A nd r ea Sent: Tuesda y, M a r ch 27, 2018 11:55 A M To: Widm a y er , De r ek <Derek.Wid m aye r@nr q~o v> Cc: B ank s, M ar k <M a rk.B ank>; S n o dderly, Mi c h ae l <M ichae L S n od d erly@nrc g o v>


R E: Re: In vi ta ti o n to re v iew A CRS R eport a nd p r ese n t com m ents a t u p coming mee tin g. 1~)(5) Thanks , Andrea From: W i dm a y er , Derek Sent: Tu es d a y, March 2 7 , 2018 11:49 AM To: W e r tz, Tre n t <T r ent,We r tz@nrc.g ov>; Bo wm an, E ri c <E r i c.Bo w man@nrc,eoy> Cc: B a nk s, M a rk <Mar k.B a nks@nr qov>; V eil , And rea <an d re jl@nr c iPY>; S n odderl y, M ic h ae l <M i c h ael.Sno d der l y@nre.g ov>


R E: Re: I n vit at i o n to r e vi e w AC R S R eport and pr ese n t co mm en ts at u pcomi n g m eeting. Trent and Eric: I have se nt a not i fication that the Working Group report ha s been c ompleted and that it will be presented to the Full Committee at the May ACRS FC meeting to the fou r Bran c h Chiefs in NRO (C ook, Harvey , Bauer , Dud e k) that are in the EHCOE -but a s ingle point of c o nt a ct ha s not ye t been identified.

I can forward that not i fic a tion to you if you would like. Also, the report is comp l eted, but i t has not been finalized yet in ADAMS -the Work i ng Group w i ll be taking that s tep as s oon as th e ACRS L e ad e rship gives them approv a l. This will be done e a r l y in April; at the latest. at the conclusion of the upcoming April ACRS FC meeting (April 5 th r u 7).

I wil l be keeping everyone notified as to when it is availab l e for review. Defte.A c:A-. lnCUH.a.ffC'L ACRS/f ech ni ca l S u ppo rt B ra nch !(b X6) I (ce l l) derek.w id ma ye r@nrc.g ov F r om: Snodder l y, Michael Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 9:33 AM To: Widm a y e r, Derek <Derek Wjdmayer@nrc gov> Cc: Banks, Mark ;

Veil, Andrea <an d rea>;

Wert z, Trent <Trent.Wertz

@nrc.*ov>; Bowman, Eric <Eric.Bowman

@nr q~o v> Sub je ct: RE: Re: Invi tation to review ACR S Report and present comments at up comi ng meeting. Derek, Cou l d you p l ease provide your EHCOE contact to Trent Wertz and a copy of the draft report t h at was sent to Mr. Bl anc h to T rent and Eric Bowman? T hanks, Mike From: Veil, And r ea Sent: Tuesday, Ma r ch 27, 2018 9:01 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma ver@nrc.g ov>; Snodder l y, Michael <Michael.Snodderlv

@nrc.go v> Cc: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks> Subj e ct: RE: Re: Invitation to review ACRS R epor t and present comments at upcoming meeting. Yes, B r i an is p ul sing hi s staff so they w ill need i nfo in o r der to brief him. Th an k s, An d rea From: W i dmaye r , Derek Sent: Tu esday, March 27, 2018 8:59 AM To: Snodder l y, Michael <Michael Snodder!

> Cc: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrqov>; Veil, Andrea <andrea veil@orc *PY> Subj e ct: RE: Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present comments at upcoming meet i ng. M i ke:

Thanks for this. The Working Group , and Chairman Corradini , agreed to reac h out t o the External Ha za r ds Center of Ex ce llence (EHCOE) wh ic h is housed within NRO as an in it ial contact. T o the extent they m ig ht r each out t o NRR, the Committee was sa ti sfied. Th e staff will h ave over a month to dec id e if and how they might want to respo nd to the report. Andrea -based on the fact that NRR get wind of thi s on the i r own, s h o uld I take any steps t o inform them of t he above plan ? D erek From: Snodderly, Mi chae l Sent: Monday, Mar ch 26, 2018 5:56 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W jdmayer@nrc ijlov> Cc: Banks, Mar k ; Vei l , Andrea <andrea,vejl@nrc,gov>

Su b j e ct: FW: Re: Inv i tat i on to review ACRS Report and present comments at up com ing meeting. D erek, Please see Brian's comment below. Looks like you have s how n up on Brian's radar. Have you o r your working group made anyo n e in NRR awa r e of your up com in g r epo rt? Thanks, Mik e From: Holian, Brian Sent: M on day, Ma r ch 26, 2018 4:51 PM To: Lund, Louise <Lou j se.Luod@nrc gov>; Lorson, Raymond <Raymond Lorson@nrc gov>; Eva ns, Miche l e <Micbele.Evaos@orc.eov>

Cc: Wertz, Trent <Trent,>;

Snod derly, Michael <MichaeLSnodderiy@nrc eov>


FW: Re: Invitation to rev i ew A CRS Report and present commen ts at upcoming meeting. Louise et al Is NRR work i ng th is report with ACRS ... see below " man made hazards" Just want some background Thx Bri an H From: Pau l [-CbX 6) U Sent: Mond a y, March 26 , *20 1 8 3:38 PM To: Widmay e r , De r ek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc,gov>;

Dave A Lochba um <l CbX6) !> Cc: P aul Blanch ~Cb X 6) !>; Haagensen, Brian <Brian Haa~ensen@nrc eov>; '-;:;:::::;:;:;;======-


Lawrence Criscione l CbX6) ~>; Amy Rosmarin ~(b)(6) h Susan Babdolden 1 (b)(6) r Susan van d o l sen 1 (b)(6) F; Ri c hard Webs ter

<rwebste r@r iv>;

Maggie Coul t er <mcou l>;

Pa ul Ga ll ay <>;

E ll en We in inger <eewgrassroots@aol com>; Bill Corcoran <williamco rc o r an@sbcg!obal net>; M ichael Quinn <mdq@scwe net>; Suzanna h Gl i dden <suzanoabgli>



Re: I nvitation to review ACRS Report and prese nt comme nts at upcoming meeting. Derek: I am going to attempt to rearrange my sc hedule but not overly optimistic I can do so. I just ta lke d to Dave Lochbaum who is also invited to speak before the ACRS. Dave }la s agreed to present my position on the gas lin es as related to Indian Point and Turkey Point. His views are simi lar to mine. Our pre sentations will be somewhat independent of the other. My preference for the full ACRS meeting would be the June dates but I am also a va ilable in July. Paul Blanch (bX6) On Mar 26, 2018, at 2:57 PM, Widmayer, Derek <Derek

> wrote: Paul: The Committee is sensitive to the short notice for the meeting -they are juggling a lot or work and one of the key members of this Working Group is l eav ing the Committee shortly. It might be helpful to know the answers to a couple of questions concern i ng your request: (1) The Committee would co nside r any written comments submitted t o be more beneficial that whatever you can " squeeze" into a 1 O minute presentation

-so the question is , " Is there anyone you work with that you would t rus t to provide your 10 minute pre sentation for you ?" (2) The fo llowing are the dates for the fo llowing two (2) Full Committee meetings of the ACRS, which of these are you available for (the specific time will ha ve to be decided later)? The Committee does not meet in August. a. Jun e 6 thru 8

b. Jul y 11 thru 13 I have already started a conversa ti o n of the ACRS leadership on whether t his session can be postponed.

Derek From: Paul Blanch [m.aill.cJ

._~_)c 6_) _____ __. Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 1:54 PM To: Amy Rosmarin <!._Cb_)C6_) _____ __,l>; Haagensen, Brian <Brjan,Haagenseo@occ gov>; Dave Lochba u m <dloc h baum@ucsusa ocg>; Lawrence Criscione 1 Cb)C6) ~; Maggie Coulter <mcou l>;

Richard Webster <>;

Susan Babdolden

~(b)(6) l>; Widmayer, Dere k <>;

susan van dolsen <!CbX6) l>



Re: Invitation to review ACRS Report and present commen t s at upcoming meeting. Derek Can we discus s thi s and po ssi bly c hang e the date as I will b e out of the co untry? Possibl y we could talk sometime l ater t o day. I will call you late r. Paul On M o n , Mar 26, 2018 at 1: 41 PM Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma v er (@nrc. ~ov> wrote:

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Comm i ttee on Re ac tor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report , the resu l ts of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 653rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday , May 3, 2018 , starting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee i s inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the dr a ft r eport. The wr i tten comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review i n the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS} in early April. This email will be followed by a forma l invitation letter with additional information.

I also will be providing additiona l information v ia a future email with the ADAMS accession n umber for the report and details on where you shou ld se n d your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Please respond to this email to confirm your participation at the Committee's meeting on May 3rd. Thank you in advance. DeJuJL o4-. W~ Senior Staff Scientist ACRSfreclmical Su pport Branch !CbX6) I ( cell) dcrck.widmayer@nrc gov 4/17/2018


Re: Re: I n vitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) Re: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlancb and DLochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) 3/27/2018 3:03:32 PM Central Standard Time Date: From: To: Cc: !CbX6) I Derek.Widmayer@nrc.go v John.S And aga i n .... THANKS!l John In a message dated 3/27/2018 2:44:54 PM Central Standard Time , Derek.Widma v writes: OK -Contacted Paul Blanch -h e is good wi th Plan B. Still try ing to c hange hi s travel plans to come in May but if he canno t , Lochbaum wi ll present. Also, NRO and NRR sta ff notified -NRO th roug h the EHCOE , NRR separately as an FYI. From: Michael Corradini

[ma i lto j Cb)(6) D Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 8:42 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma er nrc. ov> Cc: DENNIS BLEY CbX 6) ; J ohn Stetkar .. !Cb ... )(,..,.6)-------.1 Bley , Dennis <Dennis.Ble y@nr c.g ov>



Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) I would propose we go with the latter approach On Mar 27, 2018, at 7:40 AM, Widmayer, Derek <De r ek.Widmayer@nrc,~oy

> wrote: Will Do. I am suggesting that the Committee cou ld offer him a chance to come in June and make a s tatement as any Letter based on t h e report wo u ld still be worked on (pro b ably) then? If this is not a legit idea , I will inform Paul he should do Plan B -submit written comments , prepare statement , and have Lochbaum present his*statement. (There Is still a chance that Blanch can re-arrange his travel and be there in May). 1/4 4/17/2018 Re: Re: ln vltaUon emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1: 30 PM (EOM) Derek From: Michael Corradini

[mailto f Cb)(6) b Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 8:37 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov>; DENNIS BLEY <J1., Cb_)<6_> ___ _.~; John Stetkar ~(b X 6) Cc: Bley, Dennis <Dennis.B l>


[External_Sende r] Re: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1:30 PM (EOM) Let us go forward with the May FC for this topic as John and Dennis suggest. From: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer> Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:31:57 AM To: DENNIS BLEY; John Stetkar Cc: Michael Corradini; Bley, Dennis


RE: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at l :30 PM (EOM) Hi Dennis: I n your response below, d i d you mean tha t he could make a statement at the full commit t ee meeting (it i s May t hat he has a con fl ict with). He h as so li c it ed th e ass i stance of Dave Lochbaum to present h is s tat e men t in May (i f he can not re-arrange h is tr ave l sched ule). If you meant June -I w ill offer that op t ion t o him. De r ek From: DENNIS BLEY[~ Sent: Monday, March 26 1~ To: John Stetkar ~Cb)(6) I Cc: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@n>; Michael Corradini

<l Cb)<6) LT t>; Stetkar , John <Joh>; Bley , Dennis <Denni s.Bl ey@nrc.go v>


[Extemal_Sender] Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and DLochbaum today at 1 : 30 PM (EOM) 2/4 4/17/2018 Re: Re: Invitation emails sent to PBlanch and D.Lochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) It should go ahead, as planned. He can s ubmit written comments. (He could also make a s tat eme nt at the May full committee meeting, if th e committee decides to write a letter at that time.) On Mar 26 , 2018 , at 12:44PM~ ... Cb-)<6_) _____ !wrote: Derek , M i ke , and Dennis, That's unfortunate , considering his long involvement with the pipe l ine issue. I don't think that we have any flexib i lity on the date, unless M i ke and Dennis decide otherwise.

We're trying to get this wrapped up before I leave the Committee, which will be effective May 5. If we postpone the Full Committee briefing , Dennis would need to take the lead, or I would need to be called in as an "invited expert" or something similar. That's certainly feasible , if we collectively think that it is im portant for Mr. Blanch to attend the meeting. I'm sensitive to the relatively short notice for the meeting. Written co mments are often better than short oral presentations, so we would not necessarily lose the benefit of his technical i nput. However , speaking on the record at the meet i ng is i mportant to some people. I'm on the fence regarding postponement until a date when Mr. Blanch can attend, leaning slightly in favor of postponement.

Mike and Denn is -What do you think? John In a message date d 3/26/2 018 I :2 4 :0 4 PM Central Standard Time , Derek.W id mayer@nrc.~oy writes: Gentlemen:

3/.4 4/17/2018 Re: Re: I nvitation emails sent to PBlanch and Dlochbaum today at 1 :30 PM (EOM) I a lr eady heard back (email) from Paul Blanch that he will be unavailable (out of the country) on May 3rd_ Do we have any flexibility in changing the date or should I tell him to subm i t written comments for the record and see if he has anyone he works w i th that could present for him (I see he cc'd the emai l from me to several folks).? Any other ideas? Derek 4/4 From: Sent To:



M i chael Corradini

<!Cb)C 6) !> Thursday , March 29 , 2018 1: 59 PM Ve il, Andrea; Matt Sunser i; Pete Riccardella

[Extema l_Sende rJ CORRESPONDENCE from NRC CHAIRMAN Ext l_Event.MU5258A242

.pdf Note: The attached l ette r i s ava il ab l e i n pub li c ADAMS as ML15258A242. Here is the letter from then Chairman B u rn s From: Widmayer, Derek Derek.Wldmayer@nrc

.gov #


Preliminary Research on Man-Made Hazards Date: March 31, 2016 at 3:46 PM To: DENNIS BLEY l!b}C6} j , (b)(6) , Pete Rlccardella

.. I Cb .. )C .. 6._) ______ _.l Ron Ballinger

!(b)(6) t (b)(6) , (bX6) _________

.. Members of Working Group: Well, it took a little bit longer than I was expecting f X6) l , but I am enclosing the "compendiums*

that we agreed would be the first step in the research of N C evaluations of man-made haz ar d s. They consist of: A list of man-made hazards (compiled Independent l y of "NRC documents") A list of NRC guidance documents that require evaluation of man-made hazards at certain NRC licensed facllltles A l ist of IAEA safety series documents that recommend evaluation of man-made hazards ~t nuclear faci l ities A list of NRC safety evaluation reports in which man-made hazards are evaluated A vory DRAFT outline of a report I have copies of the "pertinent sections" (i.e., not the FULL document) from ALL of the documents listed in the compendiums (except for the resources on the man-made hazard list, we should decide if there is more information we need there (descriptions of hazards and why they merit considera1ion or whatever?

or is a "l i st" enough?) I can pu1 CDs 1ogether 1hat contain all of the documents.

Two things to think about: (b)(:,) So that Is It for now. Let me know if you all want to respond by email and form a consensus, or shall we meet during April FC meeting at some point ? Derek Extemal.Hazards.Guidan ce.docx I U Made.Haza

... s.Llst.docx l D NRC.Ucensing.Docume nts.docx [U.

Man-Made Hazards The following is a comprehensive list of man-made "hazards ," comprised from internet searches, newspaper and magazine articles, and other various sources. Many sources are "lists" of the "worst" disastrous events or instances of a " hazard," compiled by the authors of the lists using various "metrics>> for the measure of why the event is considered one of the " worst." Most of these "metrics," are some variant of the impacts of the event on loss of human life and/or casualties, costs of property damage (or loss of revenue}, environmental loss (some measure of land/water/air rendered " harmful" to humans) or ecological loss (some measure of land/water/air rendered "harmful" to plants and animals), or a combinat 1 i on of more than one of these. There are several ways these events are " grouped" to compile these lists, so the organization of the following list could be done in several ways. Further evaluation of some kind could probably be performed to result in a l i st of man-made " hazards" that " likely" could impact a nuclear facility, or which should be considered in evaluating a nuclear facility for impacts from such hazards. One " evaluation" of the list has already been completed: any man-made hazard that was evaluated in the NRC safety evaluation documents compiled for this effort i s included in this l i st. War World War II (1939 -1 945) Terrorist Attack Attack on World Trade Center, New York, NY (09/11/2001)

Riot/Civil Disorder La Violencia, Colombia (1948-1960)

Industrial Facility Accident

  • Explosion
  • Texas City, TX (04/16/1947)
  • Fire
  • AI-Mishraq Fire (06/24/2003)
  • Radiation Release
  • Chemical Release
  • Bhopa l , India (12/02/1984)
  • Land/Mud Slide
  • Kingston Fuel Plant (2008) Trans12ortation Accident
  • Air
  • Sao Paulo, Brazil Airbus A320 (07/17/2007)
  • Maritime
  • MV Dona Paz, Phillipiries


  • Road
  • Los Alfaques, Spain (07/11/1978)
  • Railway
  • Ufa Train Disaster, Soviet Union (06/04/1989)
  • Tunnel
  • Mont Blanc Tunnel, France/Italy (03/24/1999)
  • Bridge Collapse
  • 1-35 Miss i ssippi River Bridge , MN (08/01/2007)

Pi p eline Accident 1

  • Explos i on
  • San Bruno, CA (09/09/2010)
  • Puncture
  • Walnut Creek, CA {11/09/2004)
  • Leak
  • Pump Station 1, Alyeska Pipeline, AK (01/15/2009)


  • Air
  • London "Fog" (1952)
  • Maritime
  • Deepwater Horizon (2010)
  • land
  • Times Beach, MO (1983) Minin g Accident
  • Collapse
  • Twin Shaft, Pittston, PA (06/28/1896)
  • Explosion
  • Mount Mulligan, Australia (09/19/1921)
  • P e r s istent Fire
  • Centralia, PA (1962 -Present)
  • Mud Volcano
  • Sidoarjo, Indonesia (May 2006 -Present)
  • Slurry Spill
  • Martin County, KY (10/11/2000)


  • Forest
  • Build i ng
  • Cocoanut Grove , Boston, MA (11/28/1942)
  • Rural
  • Cloquet, MN F i re (October 1918)

Dam Colla pse 11

  • Tailings lmpoundment
  • Buffalo Creek Flood, WV (07/14/1999)
  • Concrete
  • Hauser Dam Failure , MT (04/14/1908)

Construction Accident

  • Equ ipment Failure
  • Miller Park Crane Collapse, Milwaukee WI (07/14/1999)
  • Partial Bldg. Collapse
  • Savar Building , Bangladesh (04/24/2013)

Sinkhole 111

  • Groundwater wells
  • St. Petersburg, FL, 4 GW well fields (1960 -1991)
  • Fracking/lnjection wells
  • Bayou Corne, LA (2012) Note: Other "Hazards" also make "worst" lists, related to whether the authors or compilers have a specific " agenda ," or did not (or could not) identify a specific measure to rank the hazard. An example of these is global warming. Also, many " worst" man-made disaster lists which use human casualties as a metric have many listings under the following categories which have not been included here since they do not (or could only remotely) involve the possibility of impacts to a facility:

Genocide, Mass Murder/Suicide, Politicide, Illness/Plagues, Famine). 1 Pipeline incidents include acute ruptures (explosions) and massive lea ks (without explosions) found to be caused by pipeline corrosion or wea k ness, as well as ruptures, tears, and fires caused by equ i pment working on the pipeline or on nearby facilities.

11 Not caused by severe weather event 111 Not formed by natural activities US NRC Guidance Documents Standard Review Plans 1. NUREG-0800 , "Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition." 2. NUREG-1520, "S tandard Review Plan for Fuel Cycle Facilities License Applications

." 3. NUREG-1536, "S tandard Review Plan for Dry Cask Storage Systems." 4. NUREG-1537, " Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Applications for the Licensing of NonPower Reactors;" Part 2, "S tandard Review Plan and Acceptance Criteria." 5. NUREG-1 567, "Sta ndard Review Plan for Spent Fue l Dry Storage Facilities." 6. NUREG-1702 , "Standard Review Plan for the Review of a License Application for the Tank Waste Remediation System Privatization

{TWRS-P) Project." 7. NUREG-1718 , "Sta ndard Re v iew Plan for the Review of an Application for a Mixed Oxide {MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility." 8. NUREG-1727, " NMSS Decommiss io ning Standard Review Plan." 9. NUREG-1804 , "Y ucca Mountain Review Plan." 10. NUREG-2126, "Standard Review Plan for Conventional Uranium Mill and Heap Leach Facilities." Special Review Plans 1. NUREG-1407 , "Procedura l and Submittal Guidance for the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) for Severe Accident Vulnerabi l ities." Regulatory Guides 1. Regulatory Guide -1.91, "Exp losi ons on Transportation Routes." 2. Regulatory Guide -4.7, "General S it e Sui t ability for Nuclear Power Plants."

IAEA Safety Series Documents General Safety Standards

1. GSR Part 4, " Safety Assessment for Facilities and Activities." 2009 (Publication 1714) Nuclear Power Plants Safety Standards
2. SSR-2/1, " Safety of Nuclear Power P l ants: Design." 2012 (Publication 1715) 3. NS-R-3, "S i te Evaluat i on for Nuclear Installat i ons." 2003 (Publication 1709) Safety Guides 4. GS-G-4.1, "Format and Content of the Safety A n alysis report for Nuclear Power Plants." 2004 (Publication 1185) 5. NS-G-1.5, "External Events E x cluding Earthquakes in the Design of Nuclear Power Plants." 2003 (Publication 1159) 6. NS-G-3.1 , "External Human Induced Events in Site Eva l uation for Nuclear Power Plants." 2002 (Publication 1126) 7. SSG-35, "Site Survey and Site Selection for Nuclear Installations." 2015 (Publication1690)
8. SSG-2, "Deterministic Safety Analysis for Nuclear Power Plant s." 2002 (Publication 1428) 9. SSG-3, "Development and Application of Leve l 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants." 2010 (Publicat i on 1430) 10. SSG-4, "Development and Application of Level 2 Probabilistic Safety As s essment for Nuclear Power Plants." 2010 {Publication 1443) Research Reactors Safety Standards
11. NS-R-4, "Safety of Research Reactors." 2005 (Publication 1220) Safety Guides
12. SSG-20, "Safety Assessment for Research Reactors and Preparation of the Safety Analysis Report." 2012 (Publi ca tion 1508) Fuel Cycle Facilities Safety Standards
13. NS-R-5 , Rev. 1, " Safety of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities

." 2014 (Publication 1641) Safety Guides 14. SSG-5, "Safety of Conversion Facilities and Uranium Enrichment Facilities." 2010 (Publication 1404) 15. SSG-6, "Safety of Uran i um Fuel Fabrication Facilities." 2010 (Publication 1402) 16. SSG-7, "Safety of Uran iu m and Plutonium Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facilities." 2010 (Publication 1403) Transportation

17. SSR-6, "Regulations for the Safe Tran s port of R a dioa ctive Material." 201 2 (Publication 1570)

US NRC Licensing Documents Nuclear Power Plants -Operating Licenses 1. NUREG-0847, "Final Safety Evaluation Report for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2." Feb 2011 2. NUREG-2124, "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to Combined Operating license for Vogtle Units 3 and 4." Sept 2012 3. NUREG-2153, "Final Safety Evaluation Related to Combined Operating License for Summer Units 2 and 3." Sept 2013 4. "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to Fermi, Unit 3." NUREG still under development, Nov 2014 5. "Final Safety Evaluation Related to Combined Operating License for Comanche Peak Units 3 and 4. NUREG never published.

XXXX 200X 6. "Final Safety Evaluation Related to Combined Operating License for Levy Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2." NUREG still under development, XXXX 201X 7. "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to North Anna, Unit 3." NUREG never published, XXXX 20XX 8. "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to Combined Operating License for South Texas Plant, Units 3 and 4." NUREG still under development, XXXX 20XX Nuclear Power Plants -Early Site Permits 9. NUREG-1844, "Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Exelon Generation Company, LLC (EGC) ESP Site." May 2006 10. NUREG-1840, "Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Grand Gulf Site." April2006

11. NUREG-1835, "Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the North Anna ESP Site." Sept 2005 12. "Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the PSEG Site." NUREG still under development.

Feb 2015

13. NUREG-1923, "Safety Evaluation Report for an Early Site Permit (ESP) at the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) ESP Site." July 2009 Fuel Cycle Facilities
14. NUREG-2120, "Safety Evaluation Report for the General Electric-Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment LLC Laser-Based Uranium Enrichment Plant in Wilmington, North Carolina" Feb 2012 15. NUREG-1827, "Safety Evaluation Report for the National Enrichment Facility in Lea County, New Mexico, Louisiana Energy Services." June 2005 Materials

/ Disposal Facilities

16. NUREG-1949, "Safety Evaluation Report Related to Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain , Nevada: Volume 2, Repository Safety Before Permanent Closure." January 2015 17. "Final Safety Evaluation Report Related to the SHINE Facility." NU REG still under development, XXXX 20XX MAN-MADE HAZARDS I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUND III. MAN-MADE HAZARDS IV. GUIDANCE FOR EVALUATING MAN-MADE HAZARDS A. NRC Guidance B. IAEA International Guidance C. DOE Guidance D. Other Agencies/

Organizations Guidance V. SAFETY EVALUATIONS INCLUDING MAN-MADE HAZARDS A. NRC B. Other Countries (Use of IEAE Guidance)

C. DOE D. Other Agencies/ Organizations VI. CONCLUSIONS VII. REFERENCES From: To: Cc:


D1te 1 John et al, Rl ccardella, Pete '! , I "8lev Oeooisq (b)(6) Ronald G Ballinger; Rlccardefla Pete: Derek,Widmayer@nrc,gpy:

__ rdeba ~*l!"'r"""""'----

... Rf: Working Group Report on Man-Made Hazard s Monday, April 2, 2018 10:15:56 AM I've reviewed the subject report and associated documents in preparation for our disc u ssions next week. The r eport is thorough an d obviously represents a g r eat deal of effort by Dere k. I have the fo ll owing observations on i t. (b)(5) I look forward to discussing these points dur i ng our r e t reat session next week. Regards, Pete From: l (bX 6) t .... ___________

....,r Sent: Saturday, Mar c h 10, 2018 6:21 AM To: ~(bX6) tl .... (b-)(6-) -----.!; l (b)(6) l (b)(6) t~~~-~_> _____ ~t ~==::::::::::::::!...l,,rn

~~x ... 6"'):~~~~~~~~~~:-',...!

=!==--..... ==,i."l'r.; R1 cca r della, P ete > ...........

_______ _. Cc: Derek; John


Working Gr oup Report on Man-Made Hazards Colleagues, Attached is a copy of our work i ng group report on man-made external hazards that I mentioned briefly during P&P Friday. We plan to discuss the report in an internal ACRS retreat session during the April Full Comm i ttee meeting. The purpose of lhat session is to familiarize everyone with the report and our conclusions and recommendations, and to discuss a path forward for possible action by the Committee.

During our working group meet i ng on F riday , we tentatively decided to formally present the report at the May Full Committee meeting, inviting the NRC staff and interested members of the public to attend. Our hope is for an ACRS letter transmitting the report to the Comm i ss i on and endorsing some or all of the working group recommendations.

John ___ o""_nic Privacy Notice: The information contained in this e-mail, including any attachmen s, *

  • ded solely for use by the named addressee(s).

If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you otified that any dissemination, distribution, copyin or action taken in relation to the contents o an ents to this e-m * *

  • ited and may be unlawful.

If you have received this -the sender immediately and penna e onginal and any copy of this e-mail an n""?t ffl,lo AC1 nto your cooperation.

4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Haza r ds


Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: 4/2/2018 1 :54:28 PM Central Standard Time From: !CbX6) I To: ... !Cb_)C 6_) _______ _.! Thanks Pete, I'll guard this one more carefully.

Sorry for the bother. John In a message dated 4/2/2018 1 :39:05 PM Centra l Standard Time , ... l (b_)c 6_) _______ _,! writes: Here you go. Pete Hey Pete , Could you please re-send your note to me? I was just starting to read it , my screen flashed , it disappeared, and I can't find it anywhere!

Thanks , John i.Y vac Notice: The infonnation contained in this e-m ail, including any attachmen t (s), is intended solely for us ed addres s ee(s). If you are not the intended recipient o *1 , you are hereby notified that any di s semm

  • ution , co en in relation to the contents of and attachments to thi s e-mail i 1 1 e unlawful.

If y ou have received thi s e-mai * , e no t ify the sender immediately and permanen original opy of this e-mail and any printout Thank you for y o ur co o peration. [Attached Message From Riccardela , Pete (b)(6) To (b X6) Cc

...,,.. ___ .....,..,...., 1ccardeila, Pete r Subject 1/3 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards I Da1e Mon , 2 Apr 201814: 15: 48 +0000 John et al , I've reviewed the subject report and associated documents in preparation for our discussions next week. The report is thorough and obvious l y represents a great deal of effort by Derek. I have the following observations on it. (b)(5) I look forward to di sc u ss ing the s e point s during our r etreat sessi.on next week. Regard s, P ete 2/3 4/17/2 018 Re: Man-Made Hazards From: ""!(b""")C""" 6) ____________

____J Sent: Saturday , March 10, 2018 6:21 AM To: l (bX6) I; l (b)(6) I; I Cb X 6) Cb)C6) I; 1 1b!16) 1;l (b)(6) Cb)(6) l (b X 6) t l CbX 6) CbX6) I Riccardella, Pete 1 Cb)C 6) L.....::---:--

--:----------J Cc: Derek. Widma ye r@nrc.go v; Jo hn.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov U Cb)(6) I


Working Group Report on Man-Made Hazard s Colleagues, I l (bX6) t l; !Cb)(6) I; Attached is a copy of our working group report on man-made external hazards that I mentioned briefly during P&P Friday. We plan to discuss the report in an i nternal ACRS retreat session during the April Full Committee meeting. The purpose of that session is to familiarize everyone with the report and our conclusions and recommendations, and to discuss a path forward for possible action by the Committee. During our working group meeting on Friday, we tentatively decided to formally present the report at the May Full Committee meeting, inviting the NRC staff and i nterested members of the public to attend. Our hope is for an ACRS letter transmitting the report to the Commission and endors i ng some or all of the working group recommendations. John 3/3 From: Widmayer.

Derek To: !(bX6) !


RE: EHCOE Program Plan Date: Monday , April 02, 2018 3:21:00 PM 1*11 try! From: !(b X6) I [m a i l to 1 (b X6) Sent: M o nd a y , A p r il 02, 2018 3:20* ... P"" M ____ __. To: Widmayer, D erek <D ere k.Widm a yer@nrc.g ov> Cc: St e tk a r, J ohn <Joh n.Stetkar@n r>


(Ex te rn a l_S en d e r) E H CO E Pr o gr a m P l an Hi Derek, I'm in transit to DC. On the p l ane , I read the Externa l Hazard Center of Expertise (EHCOE) "1-Year Assessment", dated October 2, 2017, wh i ch I stumbled across some time In the l ast couple of weeks (ML17243A361

). It briefly mentions "manmade hazards" , but without much elaboration. It also mentions a Program Plan. which apparently describes the EHCOE scope, objectives, etc., but does not seem to be publicly available.

My C i trix certificates expired last week, so I can"t access our files or non-public ADAMS documents.

hope to get the certificates reinstated tomorrow , when l"m in the office. (Of course. 1"11 then also have full access to ADAMS.) The self-assessment refers to a couple of enabl i ng documents with ML numbers, but I'm not sure if t hey are the Program Plan. Can you find the Program Plan? Thanks, John From: To: @1c'£i!Yec Derek !


Date: R E; EHCOE Prog r am P la n N ote: The EH COE Program Plan is publicl y a v ailable in ADAMS as Monday , April 02 , 20 18 3:3 9: 00 PM MLl6 232 A631. Attachments

E HCO E.PCog@m Plan.pd f Here you go! I t is a pub li cly available document , so you can view and use a t your convenience. From:!(b)(6) ![m a llto: p)(6) Sent: M o nd a y , Apr il 02, 2 01 8 3:2 0"'P""" M.--------'

To: W idma y e r, De r ek <D e r ek.Wid m ay er@nrc.go v> Cc: Stet k ar, J ohn <John.Ste t kar@nrc.go v>


lExterna l_S e nder] E HCO E P rogr am P l an Hi Derek , I'm In transi t to DC. On the plane , I read the External Ha z ard Center of Expert i se (EHCOE) "1-Year Self* A s sessment", dated October 2 , 20 1 7, wh i ch I stumbled across some time i n the las t couple of weeks (Ml 1 7243A361 ). It briefly men t ions "manmade haza r ds", but without much elaboration. It also me nti ons a Program Plan , which apparently describes the EHCOE scope, ob j ect i ves , etc., but does not seem to be publicly availabl e. My Cl t r i x cert i fica t es expired last week , so I c an't access our files or non-public ADAMS documents. hope to get the certifica t es re i nstated tomorrow , when I'm in the office. (Of course , I'll t hen a l so have full access to ADAMS.) The self-assessment refers lo a couple of enabling documents with ML numbers, but I'm not sure if they are the Program Plan. Can you find the Program P l an? Thanks , John From: To:


Date: John: Widmaver Derek I Cb)(6) RE: EHCOE Program Plan Tuesday, April 03, 2018 8:12: 00 AM Don't get me started on ADAMS. The system was invented with all good intentions, but I don't think it functions the way that most people "think." Anyway. The Program Plan is within an ML " package." This allows one to create several documents and work on them separately , and then pile them together when one is ready to distribute. This mechanism is not supposed to make the i ndividual documents "invisible" but anyway. ML16229A350 is the "package." See i f you can bring that up. The Plan is one of the documents in that package. I did not write down the ML number for the Program Plan. will get it i f this i s not successful for you. Derek From: !CbX6) I [mailto ... !Cb_)<6_) ____ _, Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 10:07 PM To: W i dmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov> Cc: Stetkar, John <>



EHCOE P rogram Plan OK, I'm not over it -I'm at the hotel, and I tri ed again to find the EHCOE Program Plan via Google searches -no success. Where d i d you find it? If you have an Ml number, what is i t? I'm mostly interested because we may want to cite the plan in a Comm ittee letter on the working group report. If so, I'll need the citation.

Thanks , John From: To:


Date: Attachments:

M i ke: W i dmayer Derek M i ke Corrad i n i [l(b)(6) p Invitation Letters to Blanch and Lochbaum Thursday , April 05, 2018 9:10: 00 AM Blanch Invite Letter dooc Lochbaum Invite Letter docx Let me know of any revisions you would like to make to these and I will get somebody to birddog them for your signature before the FC meeting is over. D~cA-.W~ ACRS/Technica l Suppo r t Branch !Cb X 6) I (cell) d e r ek.w i dma y er@n rc.g o v Mr. Paul Blanch 135 Hyde Road West Hartford, CT 06117

Dear Mr. Blanch:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553r d (May 2018) meeting of the Committee. The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2018 , starting at 2:00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the T ra nscript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review i n the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS).

He can be.reached at derek.widma y er@nrc.g ov or at (301) 221-1448.

He will be providing additional information via email with the ADAMS accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Thank you in advance for your participation on this important issue. Sincerely , Dr. Mi c hael Corradini Chairman Mr. David A. Lochbaum Director, Nuclear Safety Project Union of Concerned Scientists P.O. Box 15316 Chattanooga, TN 37 415

Dear Mr. Lochbaum:

The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Man-Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 653rd (May 2018) meeting of the Comm i ttee. The presentation is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2018, starting at 2: 00 PM. Because of your interest in this subject, the Committee is inviting you to provide written comments as well as a 10-minute presentation at the meeting in response to the draft report. The written comments will become part of the Transcript of the meeting. The draft report will be available for you to review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS). Our ACRS staff contact for this issue is Derek Widmayer.

He can be reached at or at (301) 221-1448.

He will be providing additional information via email with the ADAMS-accession number for the report and details on where you should send your written comments and presentation slides when they are ready. Thank you in advance for your participation on this important issue. Sincerely, Dr. Michael Corradini Chairman From: To:


Date: Guys: Widmayer.

Derek Banks Mart; Yell. Andrea Inv itatio n Letters to Blanch and Lochbaum Thursday, April 05, 2018 9:14: 00 AM Mike Corradini has draft letters of invite for Pau l Blanch and David Lochbaum to provide the i r reviews of the Man-Made Ha zards working group report. I have asked him to provide me any revisions so they can be ready before the FC meeting is over on Saturday. Do you want to add these to P&P , or is it OKAY to work outside of that system? Let me know. ( I had not focused on these until I saw the Roberts letter in the P&P papers) DaAe.Jt. of-. w~ ACRS/Technical Support Branch j (b)(6) I (cell) derek.widma v er@nrc.g ov 4/17/2 018


Date: From: To: RE: Names in Man-Made Hazards Report RE: Names in Man-Made Hazards Report 4/6/2018 6:55:41 AM Central Standard Time Der ek.Widmaye r@nrc.g ov !Cb X 6) I Yes and Yes. From: !Cb X 6) I [mailto 1._Cb_X 6_) ____ _, Sent: Friday , April 06, 2018 7:4 6 AM To: Widmaye r, Derek <Derek.Widma ye r@nrc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <.John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>*


[External_S ender] Names in Man-Made Hazards Report Derek , Sorry to bug you with this -I'm trying to tie up some minor items before our discussion tomorrow.

Given the plan to make the report publicly available in ADAMS , two questions:

(1) Should we list the names of the working group members in the report? (2) If we do list the names, do you want your name included?

Thanks , John 1/1 4/1712018 Re: Issue for discussion at tomorrow's

  • retreat"


Re: Issue for discussion at tomorrow's "retreat" Date: 4/6/201 8 11:01:32 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb X 6) I To: Cc: !Cb X 6) I Derek: Yes, we will discuss it. While staff may not want to present , I t hink we need to offer them the same opportunity that we do to Blanch and Lochbaum.

Mike On Apr 6, 2018, at 10:42 AM, Widmayer , Derek <Derek.W i d maver@nrc.g ov> wrote: John: In an email Mike Corradini sent to me yesterday letting me know that the invite letters to Blanch and Lochbaum were OK, he said, "I want to make sure NRC staff are presenting at the session." In my emails to the EHCOE alerting them to the working group's finishing its work, I did not invite them to present. I thought perhaps from earlier comments that you were not necessarily in favor of this, so I thought it needed to be discussed tomorrow.

Derek A. Widmayer ACRS/Technical Support Branch I Cb)(6) !{cell) derek. widma y er@nre.g ov 1/1 From: To:


Date: Hi Paul: Widmayer.

Derek, Pav! Blanch RE: Draft re port from the ACR rash Friday, April 06, 20 1 8 11:48:00 AM The ACRS Fu ll Committee is having a discussion on the report tomorrow morning (all members have now had a chance to review and comment on the report). At the conclusion of the discussion, I believe the Working Group will get "permission" from the full membership to make the report available for you and others to review. I would expect, therefore, it will become publicly available short ly thereafter, maybe on Tuesday, ifit goes to the ADAMS processors on Monday. l will ask pennission tomorrow to email the report to you (and David Lochbaum) at the conclusion of the discussion if the full committee says the report can go public, then you will have it early to begin your review. Look for something from me tomorrow one way or another. Derek -----Or iginal Message-----

From: Paul Blanch [mai.J.1Q;J

"" Cb-X-6) _____ ....., Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 11 :37 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <

> Cc: Dave Lochbaum <




Draft report from the ACR rash Derek when can we expect to see the draft report R Sent from my iPhonee Sent from my iPhone From: To:


Date: Widmayer Der ek Veil. Andre a FW: May Meeting on External Hazards Wor1cing Group Re port Fr iday, April 0 6, 2018 4:22: 00 PM Here is what I sent o ut a moment ago. From: Widmay er, Derek Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 4:22 PM To: 'Paul Blanch' Cb)(6) >; 'd loc hbaum@ucs usa.o r g' <dloc hbaum@u>


May Meet i ng on Externa Hazar s Working Group Report Gentlemen:

The ACRS Full Committee just delayed the reporting of the E x ternal Hazards Working Group Report i n May -it is postponed for now , it is not canceled. I wanted to l et you know as soon as possible.

The Committee plans on continuing t hei r discussion tomorrow as reported earlier, but the schedule is now stretched out and t he discussion and prese n tation of the report will be re-sc h e dul e d fo r a future FC me e ting. I will se nd more details ear l y next week after tomorrow's discussion.

Derek -Oc.luJt.

ell-. w~ ACR S/T echn i ca l S upport Branch i CbX6) I (cel l) derek, From: To: Cc: Paul Blanch Widmayer Derek



Re: May Meeting on Exte rnal Hazards Working Group Report F riday, April 06, 2018 4: 38:53 PM Date: Thank youFor the update Sent from my iPhone On Apr 6, 2018 , at 1 :2 1 PM, Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Wjdmayer@nrc.g o v> wrote: Gentlemen:

The ACRS Full Co mmittee just delayed the reporting of the External Hazards Working Group Report in May -it is postponed for now, it i s not canceled. I wanted to let you know as soon as possible.

The Committee plans on continuing their di scuss ion tomorrow as reported earlier, but the schedule is now stretched out and the discussion and presentation of the report will be scheduled for a future FC meeting. I will send more details early next week after tomorrow*s discussion. Derek 1Je1r.e1t.

di. w~ ACRS/r ech n ical Support Branc h !Cb)(6) I (cell) derek.widmaver

@nrc.g ov 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Wor1<ing Group Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Date: 4/6/2018 6:44:34 PM Central Standard Time From: !(b)C 6) I To: ... !(b_X 6_)-------------

Cc: Thanks Dick , Hope you're having more fun than we are. As of this afternoon , the full committee dec i ded to not schedule the man-made hazards report for the May meeting. !I nstead, we are {I think) going to first have a closed subcommittee meeting with the staff , and then a full committee meeting that is open to the public. Not yet sure about the logistics or schedules for those meetings.

Drive safely and enjoy the spring colors. John In a message dated 4/6/2018 8:08: 14 AM Central Standard Time , ... !(b_)<6_) _______ !writes: HiJohn-... (b_)C_6)----...-..---



asking. Best regards there. Dick Get Out l ook for Andro id Yes , and Yes. Thank you for On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 7:41 AM-0400 , ... (b_)c 6_) ____ __,~ wrote: Hi Dick, Sorry to bother you with this at the l ast minute. Pending discussions during our retreat ses s ion on Saturday morning, we plan to make our report available publicly in ADAMS early next week. Two questions: ( 1) Should we list the name s of the working group members in the report? (2) If we do list the names , do you want your name included? Thanks, John 1/1

~U.S.NRC Un i ted States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Protecting People and the Environment Man-Made External Hazards Working Group Report John W. Stetkar 1 Working Group

  • Ron Ballinger
  • Pete Riccardella
  • Dick Skill111an
  • Derek Widn,ayer 2


  • ACRS engagement with staff during COL application reviews and post-Fukushima activities for operating reactors
  • ACRS contacted by member of the public regarding review of Indian Point natural gas pipeline (2014 -2016)
  • NRC Chairman response to UCS noted formation of ACRS working group to gather and review information on risks from external man-made hazards, including gas pipelines 3


  • ACRS December 13, 2016 letter: .. The scope of external hazards to be assessed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise should be expanded to include man-made hazards, except for intentional acts ...
  • Recommendation rejected, based on existing practices and staff conclusion regarding proposed Generic Issue 4 Backup Slides Regulatory Guidance Code of Federal Regulations
  • 10 CFR Part 50 -10 CFR 50.34 -General Design Criterion 3 **Fire Protection

.. -General Design Criterion 4 .. Environmental and Dynamic Effects Design Bases ..

  • Section 2.2.1-2.2.2

Identification of Potential Hazards in Site Vicinity (March 2007)

  • Section 2.2.3 Evaluation of Potential Accidents (March 2007)
  • Section Site Proximity Missiles (Except Aircraft) (March 2007)
  • Section Aircraft Hazards (March 2010) 31 Regulatory Guidance Regulatory Guides
  • RG 1. 70 .. Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition" (November 1978)
  • RG 1. 78 .. Evaluating the Habitability of a Nuclear Power Plant Control Room during a Postulated Hazardous Chemical Release" (December 2001)
  • RG 1.91 .. Evaluations of Explosions Postulated to Occur at Nearby Facilities and on Transportation Routes Near Nuclear Power Plants" (April 2013) 32 Regulatory Guidance Regulatory Guides (contd.)
  • RG 1.117 .. Protection Against Extreme Wind Events and Missiles for Nuclear Power Plants .. (July 2016)
  • RG 1.206 .. Combined License Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (LWR Edition)" (June 2007)
  • Additional references and supplemental guidance are cited in the SRP and RGs 33 Proposed Generic Issue
  • Subn,itted by Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate in Septen,ber 2013
  • Potential risk increase due to changes in n,an-n,ade activities in site environs
  • Need for periodic assessn,ents and FSAR updates 34 Proposed Generic Issue {contd.)
  • Rejected in January 2014 -Issues not amenable to risk quantification using standard tools and methods (e.g., SPAR models); qualitative conclusion that they do not represent a "credible threat to the NRC's strategic and performance goals and measures" -Issue can be addressed through other regulatory programs -Information to determine risk significance is not available without requests to licensees or collecting it onsite 35 From: To:


. Date: Widmayer Derek Stetkar John RE: Man-Mad e Hazar ds This Morning Saturday, April 07, 2018 7:58:00 AM I will call in. Tell Theron to open the "Maitri" te l econference line and I will hook into that at some point before 9:00. [I guess we will have to rename it the " Derek" line] Thanks From: Stetkar, J ohn Sent: Satu rday, Ap ri l 07, 2018 7:57 A M To: Widmayer, Derek <De r e k.W idmayer@nrc



Man-Made Hazards This M orn i ng Hi Derek , We're first going to do final edits on a letter, which should not take much time. I expect that we'll start the man-made hazards discussion around 9: 00, i f you want to call in. John From: To: CbX6)


n a:za s O ng Group Report Note: The 203-p a ge cl ean draft report, with appe n d i ces, i s withheld in its e nt iret y under FOIA Date: Saturday, Apri 7, 201812:48:19 PM exemption

5. Port i o n s of t he re port cont ain ing C E!! are also wi thheld underFOIA exempt i on 3, Attachments:

Worjtjng Grou p Report -Rey 7.docx in con jun ct i o n w i th 16 USC 8 2 40-l(d)(l), and FOIA exempt i o n 7 (F). Sorry for the delay -all ta lk. no action .... Here's the version with the cover pages. For those of you who were not here this morning , if you have any comments on the report , please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the latest , p l ease). Thanks to all for your patience this morning. It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns. John From: Ve il. Andrea Widmayer, Derek Banks. Mark To: Cc: Subject Date: Re: DRAFT -Agreement on Man-Made Hazards Worl<lng Group Report path forward 5aturday, April 07, 2018 9:03:42 AM Hi Dere k, I plan to give the AO a h eads up on this a t my periodic meeting w it h him on T u esday. That will g i ve the EDO's office a h eads up before the proposed closed SC meeting. If the EDO's office wants a copy when the staff ge t s it , l a l so think that i s appropriate an d 1 will k eep yo u informed.

Andrea ---------------------On: 07 April 20 1 8 08:20 , "Widmayer, Derek" <Derek.Widma v eru!1 nrc.f.!OV> wrote: Does this all sound good? I will send i t to everyone that needs to get it after you check on it. On Friday. April 6. 2018. during the 652nd Full Committee meeting, the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the External Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committee sess i on schedu l ed for May 2nd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmaye r) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by email (done). ACRS Staff (Widmayer}

will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meet i ng cancellation.

NRO and NRR Management wlrl be notified by Mi k e Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other notifications will be sent as needed.

  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit i t to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to i s yet to be decided).

At a minimum. the Working Group wou l d like the report to be reviewed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE}. This invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meeting on the report if the staff desires, at which they can present their review of the report.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establlsh a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at whi c h the s taff will be invited to provide a presentation of their review of the report (if they desire). The ti me of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after d is cus si ons with NRC staff.
  • Because the report will rema in a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time, ACRS staff w i ll plan on the meeting being clo s ed and will check with OGC to ensure this Is allowed.
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meeting, th e Working Group w i ll make the report publicly available (incorpo r ating revisions agreed to after t he staff review , If needed).
  • The Full Committe*e will hear from the staff (i f they desire) and the member s of the public who have an intere s t in thi s work and who will be invited to presen t (Paul Blan c h and David l ochbaum) after the Subcommittee meeting at a future Furl Committee meeting and after the report is made publicly available.

The Full Committee w i ll decide at thi s futur e Full Committee mee ti ng whether to send a l etter attaching the report with conclusions and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO. De.11.cA cA-. W~ A CRS/T ec h n ical Su p po r t Br a nch i Cb)(6) I (ce ll) derek,w i dmayer@nrc,!lov From: Widmayer Derek Yell, Andrea To:


RE: DRAFT -Agreement on Ma n-Made H mrds Work ing G r oup R eport path forward Saturday, April 07, 2018 9:27:00 AM Date: I am on -wai t i ng for your end. From: Veil, Andrea Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2018 9:26 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derel<.W i dmaye r@n r>


Re: DRAFT -Agreement on Man-Made H azards Wo rk i n g Group Report path forward We are ready for you to call b ack in. On: 07 Ap ril 20 1 8 08:20, "Widmayer , D e rek" <Derek,>

wrote: Does this all sound good? I will send it to everyone that needs to get it after you check on i t. On Friday, April 6, 2018, during the 652nd Full Commi t tee meeting, the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the Externa l Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committee session scheduled for May 2nd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by email (done). ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meeting cancellation. NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other not i fications will be sent as needed.
  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to is yet to be decided).

At a minimum, the Working Group would like the report to be reviewed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE). This invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meeting on the report if the staff desires , at which they can present their review of the report.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff will be invited to provide a presentation of their review of the r eport (If they desire). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after discussions with NRC staff.
  • Because the report will remain a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time, ACRS staff will p l an on the meeting being closed and will check w i th OGC to ensure this is allowed.
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcomm i ttee meeting , the Working Group will make the report publicly available (incorporating revisions agreed to after the staff review, if needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (i f they desire) and the members of the pub l ic who have an interest in this work and who will be invited to present (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcommittee meeting at a future Full Committee meeting and after the report is made publicly availab le. The Full Committee will decide at this future Full Committee meeting whether to send a le tter attaching the report with conclusions and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO. DeJr.eA J. w~ ACRS/Technical S upp or t Branch i (b)C62 I (cell) derek w j dmayer@nrc gov From: To: Cc:


Date: Widmayer, Derek. Ba ue r. Laurel; Cook Christopher; Dudek. Michael; Harvey, Brad Tavtor. Robert; Campbell, Andy RE: Notification ofWor1dng Grou p Report completion a nd up comi ng A CRS meeting Saturday, Ap r il 07, 2018 10:33: 00 AM The presentat i on discussed below for the May ACRS Full Committee meeti ng has been postponed.

The Full Committee dec i ded to fo llow its normal process of conven i ng a Subcommittee Meeting followed by a Full Committee session. More details will pe forthcoming. From: Widmayer, Dere k Sent: Tu es day , March 27, 2018 1 1: 39 AM To: Bauer, Laurel <Lau r e>;

Cook, Chris t opher <C h>;

Dudek, M ichael <Michael.Dudek@nrc.goV>;

Harvey, Br a d <Bra d.Harvey@n r> Cc: Tay lor, Robert <>;

Campbell , Andy <>


N otification of Working Gro up Report comp le t i on a nd upcoming ACRS meeting Branch Chiefs in External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE): The Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Working Group on Made External Hazards has completed its work and produced a draft report, the results of which will be presented to the Full ACRS at the 553rd (May 2018) meeting of the Committee.

The presentat i on is currently scheduled for Thursday, May 3, 2018, starting at 2:00 PM. The draft report-will be available for review in the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System (ADAMS) in early April. A future email will be sent that provides the ADAMS accession number for the report and the final Agenda for the meeting. 'De.JrRJt..

o4-. lt'ldHt.<<ffC!.'L ACRS/Techn i cal Support Branch j Cb)(6) I (cell) derek.widma v er@nrc.g o v

From: Yell, Andrea W i d ma ye r Derek To:


RE: Agreeme n t on Path F orward for Externa l H a zar ds W o rk i ng Group Report Saturday, Apri l 07, 2 0 1 8 11:34: 16 AM Date: Thanks for getting us all on the same page Derek. Andrea From: W i dm a y e r, D e rek Sent: Sat ur da y, A pr il 0 7 , 2 0 18 11:26 AM To: M i k e Co r radi.;.,: n~i!:;:: (b=)(6=) ======::::;l.!:l (b=)(=6)========1!..!:l (b;;,.;).:..<6);...._ _____ ....... ;_P:,: e t:.: e..:.R::.:,:r.: de::l.:.: l a 2:!Cb=)=(6)====:::::;--;:;;:;:;;::='='(b=X=6)=::::::;i--------

DE NN IS B LEY !(b)(6) ~; !i.;.(b.;..;.X 6.;..) ____ _, Cc: V eil , And r ea <a nd rea.v e i l@n rc.go v>; B an ks, M ark <M ar k.Ba nk s@n r c.go v>; S n o dder l y, M ic h ae l <M ichae l.S n odde rly@nrc.go v>; W a n g, W eidong <W el d ong.W ang@nrc.go v>


A g r ee m e nt on P a th F orw a rd fo r Ext ernal Hazards W or king G r oup Report On Friday, April 6, 2018, during the 652nd Full Committee meeting, the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the External Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committee session scheduled for May 2nd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this I mmed i ately by email (done). ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meet i ng cancellation (done). NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Me e tings for NRO and NRR. Other not i fications wlll be sent as needed. ACRS Executive Director (Andrea Ve i l) will notify the EDO's Ass i stant for Operations (AO) at her next periodic meeting (Tuesday , April 10th) of this agreed process.
  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to is yet to be decided).

Th i s will be done as soon as possible.

At a minimum, the Working Group would like the report to be reviewed by the Externa l Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE). This invitat i on will indicate that the ACRS will ho l d a Subcommittee meeting on the report if the staff desires, at which they can present their review of the report.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff wlll be inv i ted t o provide a presentation of their review of the report (if they desire). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after discussions with NRC staff.
  • Because the report will remain a Draft ACRS Working Product during this t i me, ACRS staff will plan on the meeting being closed and will check with OGC to ensure this is allowed.
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meeting, the Working Group will make the report publicly available (Incorporating revisions agreed to after the staff review, if needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (if they desire) and the members of the publ i c who have an interest in this work and who will be invited to present (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcomm i ttee meeting at a future Full Committee meeting and after the report is made publicly available. The Full Committee w i ll decide at this future Full Committee meeting whether to send a letter attaching the report with concluslons and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO. DekeA of-. W~ A CRS/T ech ni ca l S up por t Branch !(b)(6) I (cel l) derek,wjdmayer@nrc gov From: To:


Date: Attachments:

yeu Andrea Widmayer.

Derek Re: DRAFT* Agreement on Man-Mad e Haza rd s Working Gro up R e port path forwa r d Sat urd ay, April 07, 2018 11:20:04 AM PSEA Roster.docx Where are John's s lides? Can you se nd them to me? Andrea On: 07 April 2018 10:24, "Widm ayer, Derek" <Derek. Widma) en y nr q~ov> wrote: Andrea: The E HCOE resi d es in NRO DSEA. Th eir roster is attached.

The way i t "works" is th ru program plan and other programmatic documents which are availab le. Derek From: Veil, A ndrea Sent: Satur day, April 07, 2018 10:22 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <De r ek.W id maye r@n r>


Re: DRAFT* Agreement on Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report path forward D erek, I've lost track of where the center of expertise resides and who are th e managers?

Thanks, Andrea On: 07 April 2018 08:20, "Widmayer, Derek" <Derek.Widma ye r w)nrc.go v> wrote: Does this all sound good? I will send it t o everyone that needs to get it after you check on it. On Friday, April 6, 2018, during the 652nd Full Committee meeting, the ACRS dec i ded on the following path forward for processing the E xterna l Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committe , e session scheduled for May 2nd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by em a ll (d o n e). ACRS Staff (W i dmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meeting cancellation.

NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other notifications will be sent as needed.

  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to is yet to be decided).

At a min i mum, the Working Group would like the report to be reviewed by the External Hazards Cente r of Expertise (EHCOE). This Invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meeting on the report If the staff deskes, at which they can present their review of the r eport.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff will be invited to provide a presentation of the i r review of the r eport (if they des i re). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after discuss i ons with NRC staff.
  • Because the report will remain a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time, ACRS staff will plan on the meeting being closed and wlll check with OGC to ensure this is allowed.
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meet i ng, the Working Group will make the report publicly available (incorporating revi s ions agreed to after the staff rev i ew, if needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (if they desire) and the members of the public who have an interest in this work and who will be I nvited to pre s ent (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcommittee meeting at a future Full Comm i ttee meeting and after the report is made publicly available.

The Full Comm i ttee will decide at this future Full Committee meeting whether to send a letter attaching the report with conc l usions and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO. Deh.elt. cA-. W~ A CR S/Te chnical Sup p o r t B ra n c h !Cb X 6) I (c e ll) derek.wjdmayer@nrc

!i:OY DIVISION OF SITE SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS {DSEA) (U5220) (MS 0-7H04) Robert M. Taylor Andy C. Campbell Jane Spence (c) Director 0-7H01 x1634 (RMTl) Deputy Director 0-7H03 x1634 (ACC) Division AA (A) 0-7H04 x1634 (JMS20) HYDROLOGY AND METEOROLOGY BRANCH (RHM) (MS 0-7021m) (US224) *Cook, Christopher Branch Chief 0-7D18 415-6397 Mills , Vivian {c) Admin. Asst. o-7023 415-3592 *Ahn, Hosung Hydrologist 0-7 E 14 415-1398 *.,ar i~1 , Dil I fiyd-c10g t "7C'l .. 4l ',653 *Breithaupt, Steve Consu l tant-Hydrolog ist W@H 425-299-2443 *01eng, Yuan Hydrologist 0-7F10 415-1212 *Hibler , Lyle Consultant-Hydro l ogist W@H 360-504-2018

  • Lee, Michael Sr. Hydro logist 0-7C06 415-6887 *Rive ra-Lugo , R ichard P roject Manager 0-7013 415-7190 *See, K enneth Sr. Hydrologist 0-7H13 415-1508 *ll runeh, Neblyu Hydrologist 0-7F02 415-2080 METEOROLOGY TEAM (RMET/RHM) (MS 0-7D21m) (U5224) *Harvey , R. Brad Team Leader 0-7020 415-4118 MIiis , Viv ian (c) Adm l n. Asst. 0*7023 415-3592 *Mazalka, M ic hael Physical Scientist 0*7G07 415-6282 *Quinlan, Kevin P hysical Scientist 0*7F06 415-6809 *White, Jason Physlcal Scientist 0-7005 415-3212 {CBC1) {VXMl) (HXAl) (C... r, (SA811) (YXC 1) (LFHl) (MPL) (RRL2} (KRS2) (NDT1) (RBH) (VXM1) (MDM3) (KRQl) (JDW3) ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICAL REVIEW BRANCH (RENY) (MS 0-7D21m) (U5227) Erw i n , Kenneth Branch Chief 0-7E22 415-7559 (KTE) Spence, Jane (c) Admin. Asst. 0-7H04 415-4717 (lMS20) ba nrru -st, uaniel ~yr.lrologi"" 0-7015 4.5-6653 (0061) Cushing, Jack S r. Project Manager 0-7Hl5 4 15-1424 (JXC9) Davis, Jennifer Sr. Project Manager 0-7014 415-3835 (JXDlO) Doub, Peyton Environ. Scientist 0-7F04 415-6703 (JPD5) Haque, Mohammad Sr. Hydrologist 0-7H21 415-4041 (MWH3) H ickey, Eva Consu lta nt -NEPA W@H S09-43CH46S Kratchman, Jessica Project Manager 0-7G01 4 15-5112 (JAK3) Kugler, Andrew Sr. Project Manager 0*7H 11 415-2828 (AJK1) Mussatti, Dan i el C Eco nomist 0-7016 415-2394 {DCM2) *Quinn-Willingham, Laura Project Manager 0-7C18 415-2220 (LM Q l) Clifford Munson Sr. Level Advisor Stephanie Devlin-Gill Technical Assistant
  • Thompso n, Jenise (A) Technical Assistant 0-7D06 0-7 H 10 0-7D01 x694 7 x 530 1 x 1 811 (CGM 1) (SXD8) (JMT 4) RADIATION PROTECTION AND ACODENT CONSEQUENCES BRANCH (RPAC) (MS 0-7021m) (US223) *Dudek, Michael B ranch Chief 0-7022 415-6500 Spence , Jane (c) Admln. Asst. 0-7 H04 415-4717 C l ement, Richard Sr. Health Phys icist 0-7E08 415-1988 *Ghosh, Amitava Geotechnlcal Engineer 0-7021 415-3268 Gran, Zachary Health Physicist 0-7F08 415-5520 Hart, Michelle Sr. Reactor Engineer 0-7E24 415-1265 Lavera, Ronald Health Physldst 0*7801 415-5306 Pa l mrose, Donald E. Sr. Reactor Engineer 0-7Dl0 415-3803 stutzcage, Edward E. Health Physicist 0*7 H18 415-5345 *Tammara, Seshag lrl Physical Scientist 0-7El5 415-2734 William, Stephen Health Physicist 0-7F12 41 5-6498 GEOSCIENCE AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING BRANCH (RGS) (MS 0-7D21m) (U5225) *Bauer , Laurel Branch Chief/Geo!. 0*7E10 MIiis, Vivian (c) Admin. Asst. 0-7D23 ~ndelario, Lulssette Geotechnlcal Engineer 0-7C04 *Giacinto, Joseph Geologist 0-7A03 *Heeszel, David Geophysicist W O H *Stirewalt, Gerry Sr. Geologist 0-7E12 *Thompson, ,enise-Mane Project Manager o-~001 *Wang, Weijun *Xi, Zuhan A-ActlnQ L-L eav e Sr. Geotechnical Eng. 0-7H19 Geotechnlcal Engineer 0*7H23 RO/Rim Rotatinq Out or I n of DSEA (C)=C o ntra cto r 415-3210 415-3592 415-8 1 89 415*0714 4 15-0890 415-3698 415 18 I 415-1175 415-1306 (O T)=D eta il * "'EHCOE ADAMS Accession No. ML12339A355 (Last updated on 02/20/1 8 JMS) (MID) (JMS20) (RSC4) (AXG15) (ZXGl} (M LH3) {RXL3) (DEPl) (EES1) (SRT) (SEW2) (LMBl} (VXM1) {l.XC4) (JFG2) {DSH4) (GLS3) (1t If 4) (WXW2) {ZXXl) 4/17/2018 Subject Date: Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Re: Mao-Made Hazards Working Group Report 4/7/2018 12: 40:15 PM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) To: John: Thanks for all the work on this. I know you well enough to realize how much effort you put into this and it clearly shows. I know the staff will benefit from this, even if they will not directly admit it. My only major comment is ... r_)c-5) ___________________

__,, (b)(5) Mike p.s. see you SC week (b)(5) On Apr 7 , 2018_, at 11 :48 AM , j ._Cb_)C 6_) ___ ___,! wrote: Sorry for the delay -all talk, no action .... Here's the version with the cover pages. For those of you who were not here thi s morn i ng , if y o u have any comment s on the r eport , please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the latest , please). Thanks to all for your patience this morn i ng. It was very usefu1 for me to get a sense of everyone's c o ncerns. 112 4/17/20 18 Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report John <Working Group Report -Rev 7 .docx> 212 4/17/2018


Re: A greement on Path Forwa rd for External H aza rds Working Group Report Re: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report 4/7/2018 1:3 1:32 PM Ce ntr a l Standard Time Date: Fro m: l (bX6) I To: !(bX6) Derek. Widmayer@nr c.go v Cc: Denni s Is correct. John Tn a message dat e d 4/7/20 18 11 : 53:22 AM Central S tandard Time ,! ... (b_)<6_) ___ _,!writes: J bel ieve that John wanted a ch a nc e to update the report , if h e ge t s comments, say, by M o nda y. Please s pe ak with Joh n once more before posting the r eport for NRC staff. Sent fro m my JP h on e O n Apr 7 , 2 018 , at '11: 25 , Widmayer , Derek <O c r ck.W1dma\crft1nrc.i: ov> wrote: On Friday , April 6 , 2018 ,. during the 652nd Full Committee meet i ng , the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the External Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • Th e Full Committee session scheduled for May 2nd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by email (done). ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meeting cancellation (done). NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and We l dong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other notifications will be sent as needed. ACRS Executive Director (Andrea Veil) will notify the EDO's Assistant for Operations (AO) at her next per i odic meeting (Tuesday, April 1 oth) of this agreed process.
  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to is yet to be decided).

This will be done as soon as possible.

At a minimum, the Working Group would like the report to be reviewed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE). This invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meeting on the report if the staff desires , at which they can present their review of the report. 1/2 4/17/2 018 Re: Agreement on Path Forward for Extern al H azar d s Working G r oup Report

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff will be invited. to provide a presentation of their r eview of the report (if they desire). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after discussions with NRC staff.
  • Because the report will remain a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time , ACRS staff will plan on the meeting being closed and will check with OGC to ensure this Is allowed.
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meeting , the Working Group will make the report publicly available (incorporating revisions agreed to after the staff review , if needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (if they desire) and the members of the public who have an interest in this work and who will be invited to present (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcommittee meet i ng at a future Full Committee meeting and after the report is made publicly available.

Th e Full Committee will decide at th i s future Full Committee m e eting whether to send a letter attaching the report with c onclusions and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO. D e rek A. Widmay e r A C RS/Technical Support Branch ._I Cb .... X 6 __ ) __ _,I (c ell) dcrek.wjdmn

>eri ,,*nrc.~ov 2/2 4(17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Wortdng G roup Report Sub ject: Date: Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report 4/7/2018 J :36: 1 5 PM Centra l Stan dard Time From: l (b)(6) I To: l (b)(6) Cc: J o hn.Stetkar@nr Harold , Thank you very , very much. John In a me s sage dated 4/7/2 018 12: 16:41 PM Central Standard Time,_!(b_X 6_) _______ !write s: John: I will do mv best. l (b)C 6) (b)C 6) I So, "" 1 _w_a_n_t -to_r_e--s-t-at_e_w-.,h-a..,.t.,.l _w_a_s-tr-y""" in_g_t_o_c_om_m_u_n.,.ic_a..,..te-.-be.., ii"""o-re_w_e "'" b-ro..,.k_e_u_p-. "'"'it _ __, goe s like this, and I want to make clear that I have not yet fully re-read the material group report to validate what I am about to say. (b)(S) 1/2 4/17/2018 (b)(5) Re: Ma n-Made H azards Woriung Group Report (b XS) !Hope this helps explain my comments earlier. Harold F r o m~(b X 6) H~ Sent: Saturdav.

Aorll 07 2018 9:48~ To: l (b)(6) 1 (b X 6) !(b)(6) (b X 6) t 1 (b X 6) I; l (b)(6) (b)(6) 1; l (b)(6) t l (b)(6) ll (b)(6) (b)(6)


Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Sorry for the delay -all talk , no action .... Here's the version with the cover pages. I: l (b)(6) t l (b X 6) l; !(b)(6) For those of you who were not here this morning, if you have any comments on the report , please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the latest, please). Thanks to all for your patience this morning. I t was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John I 2/2 Cable One Webmail t message?id=285639&tr-America/Denver 1 of3 Cable One Webmail Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report From : Joy Rempe <I.._Cb_)(_6) _____ ..... t> Subject : Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report To : Skillman Technica l Resources Inc. "'!Cb.,..., X""'6)-------. Cc : John Stetkar <John.Stetl<>, Derek Widmayer <>, Gordon Skillman <>, l (b)(6) Sun, Apr OBr 2018 11:22 AM Thanks for the qui ck response back. It helps me prioritize o n what to request from your group. I just wanted to make sure that I was aware of opinions from the entire working group before I sent i n my remarks. I'll be sending them in soon. _r x_6) _________

1. Joy From: "Skillman Technical Resourrces Inc." !._Cb_X_6) ______ _ To: "Joy Rempe" ~(b)(6) t> Cc: "John Stetkar" <John.Stetkar@nrc

.gov>, " Derek \/Vidmayer" <Derek.\/Vidmayer@nrc

.gov>, "Gordon Skillman" !Cb)(6) I "Gordon Skillman" <Gordon.Skillman@nrc

.gov> Sent: Sunday , April 8, 201811: 15: 27 AM


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report The report* (bX5) * * * *

  • Thank you Joy. Best regards. Dick 4/16/2 018, 4:34 PM Cable One Webmail https://mail.cob leo ssage?id'"2 8 5639&tz=Ameri ca/De nver 2 of3 On Sun , Apr 8, 2018 at 11:16 AM, Joy Rempe <L.!Cb_)(_6) _____ _.!> wrote: Dick, If ou have an CbX5) Joy From: Cb)(6) To: Cb)(6) CbX6) , J Cb)(6) !. !Cb X 6) (b)(6) !CbX6) ! ._Cb_)< ... 6)-.............


"J ohn Stetkar" <John,Stetkar@nrc.go v>, " Derek Widmayer

<Dere . maver@nrc.qoV>

Sent: Saturday , April 7 , 2018 10: 48:0 6 AM


Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Son)'fll<llledel~-a11ta1k.

no action. .. Here's the version with the rover pages. ? For those of yo u who were not here this morning, If you have any comments on tt,e report, please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the l atest, please). Thanks to all for your patience this m orning. It was very usefu l for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John Dr. Joy L Rempe. Principal Rempe Ind Anoclato,, LLC CbX6) 4/16/2 018 , 4:3 4 PM Cable One WebmaiJ

i d=285639&tz=America/Denver Or. Jc1f L R empe, 1'11ncipal 3of3 4/16/2018, 4:34 PM 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Grou p Report


Re: Man.Made Hazards Working Group Report Date: 4/8/2018 J:25:I2PM Ce ntral Standard Time From: !Cb)(6) I To: ~'Cb-)<_6)------~ Cc: Thanks Walt , Hope you got home OK .... !Cb_X_6) ______ _. John Jn a mes s age dated 4/8/2018 1 2: 4 3: 10 PM Cen tral Standard Time, ... !Cb_)<6_) _____ __.!writes: John , Looks like a very u sefu l and complete co mpilation

-as di sc u ss ed at airport , I hav e no further comments on dr aft. Walt -Original Mes'"'s"'"'a ,._e,:-_-____ _ From: jwstetkar Cb X 6) To: ble CbX6) ; CbX6) >; DanaPow ers (b)(6) ; (b )(6) , (b )(6) _____ ........, .............

John.S t etkar <John.Stetkar@nrc-

"':.g::': o~v:,:::o>:,; rir-:~TKT.:==:::-::>1


ent: a , pr , : 48 pm


Man-Made Hazards Wor1<ing Group Report Sorry for the delay -all talk , no a c tion .... Here's the version with the cover pages. For those of you who were not here this moming , i f you have an y co mments on the report , please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the l atest , p l ease). Thanks t o all for your patience this morning. It was very usefu l for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns. John 1/1 From: J oy Rempe f X 6) !> Sent: Sunday , April 08 , 2018 4: 42 PM To: Veil , Andrea Cc: Rempe , Joy



] Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report I noticed that Harold copied you. response ... !CbX 5) Perhaps I also should have copied you? Anyhow, here's my Joy From: "Jo To: CbX 6) ..............

, Cc: Cb X 6) (b)(6) (b)(6) CbX6) (b)(6) > Cb X 6) I < Cb)C 6) , "John Stetkar

<>, "Derek Widmayer" <>, Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2018 12:5,9:42 PM


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report

Dear John (and other members of the Working Group),

I appreciate the hard work that you have done to research this topic. It helped to discuss this document on Saturday and hear your proposed approach on future ACRS recommendations I re ardin the a roach that staff mi ht ado t for addressln issues raised within this document.

I (b)(5) 1 (b)(5) From: Cb)<6) To: Cb)<6) !CbX6) I CbX6) < ere . 1 mayer> CbX6) Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2018 10: 48:06 AM


Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Sorry for the delay -all talk, no action .... Here's the vers io n with the cover pages. CbX6) For those of you who were not here this morning, if you have any comments on the report, please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the latest, please). Thanks to all for your patience this morning. It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John 2 Dr. Joy L. Rempe, Principal Rempe and Associates, LLC (b)(6) Website: www.r em p Dr. Joy L. Rempe, Principal 3

Cable One Webm a il http s://mai bl eo n ssage?i d-285838&tz=America/Dcnve1 cable One Webmall l (b)(6) Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report From : Joy Rempe 1._Cb_)<6_) _____ _. Sun, Apr 08, 2018 07:05 PM Subject : Re: Man-Made Hazards Worlcing Group Report To : Harold Ray <j CbX6) Cc : Harold, (b)(S) 1 of4 4/18/2018, ll:20AM Cab l e One Webmail https://mai l ri ntmessage?id=2&5&3&&tz=Amer i ca/De nver 2 of 4 (b)(S) I'd be int erested In any addit i ona l co mments that you send to them. Take care, Joy From:!CbX 6) I To: r (6) I Cc: 'Cb)C6) l Sent: Sunday , Apnl 8 , 2018 5: 02: 44 P


RE: Man-Made H azards Wo r king Group Report From: Joy Rempe [mailto!Cb)(6) b Sent: S unday , April 08, 2018 12:00 PM To: i Cb X6) I Cc: !CbX6) U Cb X 6) U._Cb_)(6_) ____ _,M ..... (b_X6_) ____ _,t""'h..i.2(6::.) _____ _. 4/18/2018, 11:2 0 AM C a ble One Webmail http s://mail.cable o n ess a g e?id=2 858 3 8&tz=A meri c a/Denv e r 3 of 4 j(b X6) l;I Cb X 6) p (b)(6) I ... I Cb.._X.,.6) ____ _ l<b X 6) j;j$}(6) I; ilb)(6) H CbX6} p; J ohn S t etka r <John.Stetk a r@nrc.go v>; Derek Widm a y er <D ere k.W i d ma y e r@nr"" c.g'"" o""'V>*;-.jlr .. 3...,,@-n-r c-.g-o v ____ _.


Re: Man-Made Hazards W orki ng Gr o up R epo rt

Dear John (and other members of the Working Group),

I aooreciate the hard work that vou have done t o research this too i c. It he l oed to discuss this document on Saturdav Cb X 5) From: Cb X 6) To: Cb)(6) (b)(6) !Cb)(6) !CbX6) I* (b)(6) <



1 r.: m~a=-:-y~er" <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.go v> Sent: Saturday, April 7 , 201810: 4!6: 06 AM


Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Sorry for the delay -all , no action .... H e r e's the ver si on with th e cov e r page s. i !Cb X 6) For those of you who were not here this morning , if you have any co m ments on the report , please send them to me 4/18/20 18 , 11: 2 0 AM Cab l e One Webmail https://mai l ntrne ssage?id=285838&tz=A m erica/Oenvcr 4of4 ASAP (Monday at the latest , please). Thanks to all for your patience th i s morn i ng. It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John Dr. Joy L. Rempe. Principal Rempe and Associates , LLC (b)(6) Website: www.rempellc

.com Or. J<Yf L Rempe, Principll Rempe and Aa tociales , LLC Web sle: WWW,rempeJIC,COffi 4/18/2018 , t 1 :20 AM 4/17/20 18 Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Wor!<lng Group Report


Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report Date: 4/9/2018 5:18:44 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb X 6) To: ~1 (b~)~C 6)----------..--___, You were no t copied Begin forwarded mes sage: From: "Banks, Mark" <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g o v>


RE: Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report Date: April 9, 2018 at 4:40: 48 AM CDT To: Michael Corradini

!Cb)C 6) ! "Widmayer , Derek" <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov> Cc: Veil, Andrea" <andrea.veil@nrc.

g ov> Hi Derek, We do not need to check with OGC to close an ACRS subcommittee meeting -FACA is clear regarding subcommittees not being held to FACA. The newly revised and approved ACRS Bylaws are in line with the FACA requirements regarding subcommittee me e ting s Thanks, Mork Banks -Chtd Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission ie.l. 301-415-3718 Fox 301-415-5589 From: Michael Corradini (mailto: l (b)(6) U Sent: Saturday, April 07, 20181:18 PM To: Widmayer; Derek <Derek.Wldmayer@nrc go V> Cc: Veil, Andrea <aodrea.veil@nrc g01,>; John Stetkar <j<h X 6) !>; Banks , Mark <Mark.Banks@nrc.

g ov>



Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward fo r External Hazards Working Group Report Derek: Couple of e dit s in BOLD BELOW. Mike Begin forwarded mes s age: From: "Widmayer, Derek" <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.goy



Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report Date: April 7, 2018 at 10: 25: 31 AM CDT 1/3 4/17/2018 Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report T o: "Mike Corradini t (b X 6) (b)(6) I>, "Pete Riccardella

~---------_,....., ________ ......_;......;..;;.;;.., t;:;: (b~)C6~) ________ .... ll (b_X_6)--,"""'1'!"'!"'!'!""-----.,....l "DENN1S BLEY (b)(6) t' 1 (b X6) I ""'\O~)\O)-------r--1-------'

Cc: "Veil, Andrea" <andrea.veil@nrc

, gov>, "Banks, Mark" <

>, "Snodderly.

Michael" <

>, "Wang, Weidong" <

> On Friday , April 6 , 20 1 8, during the 652nd Full Committee meeting, the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the External Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committee session scheduled for May 3,c:' will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by email (ac , '). ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meeting cancellation (done). NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other notifications will be sent as needed. ACRS Executive Director (Andrea Veil) will notify the EDO's Assistant for Operations (AO) at her next periodic meeting (Tuesday, April 1 oth) of this agreed process.
  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for review and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send it to is yet to be decided).

This will be done as soon as possible EARLY NEXT WEEK AFTER ACRS MEMBER FEEDBACK.

At a minimum, the Working Group would like the report to be reviewed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE). This invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meet i ng on the report if the staff desires , at which they can present their review of the report.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommitte~

meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff will be invited to provide a presentation of their review of the report (if they desire). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after discussions with NRC staff. POSSIBLE TIMES COULD BE JUNE 4th or JUNE SC week GIVING THE STAFF AT LEAST 6 WEEKS TO REVIEW ??

  • Because the report will rema in a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time , ACRS staff will plan on the meeting being closed and will check with OGC to ensure this is allowed
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meeting, the Working Group will make the report publicly available (incorporating revisions agreed to after the staff review, if needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (if they desire) and the members o f the public who have an interest in this work and who will be invited to present (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcommittee meeting at a future Full Committee meeting and after the report is made publicly available. The Full Committee will decide at this future Full Committee meeting whether to 2/3 4/17/2018 Fwd: Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report send a letter attaching the report with conclusions and recommendations to the Commission or the EOO. Derek A. Widmayer ACRS/Technical Support Branch i CbX6) I (cell) derek.w1dm y er@nrc.g m, 313 From: To: Cc: Michael Corradini Banks Mark Yell Andrea; Widmayer Derek



Re: Agree ment on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report Monday, April 09, 2018 6:19:38 AM Date: Thanks Mark On Apr 9, 2018, at 4: 40 AM, Banks, Mark <Marlc Banks@nrc,ioy

> wrote: Hi Derek, We do not need t o check with OGC to close an ACRS subcommittee meeting -FACA is clear regarding subcomm ittees not be i ng he ld to FACA. The new l y revised and a pprov ed ACRS Bylaws a r e in lin e with th e FACA requirement s regardi n g subcommittee meetings.

Thank s, Mark Banks -Chief Te c hnical Sup port Bran c h Adv isory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regu lat ory Commission Te l. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 From: Michael Corrad i ni (maiJm.t .... Cb_>C_6> ______ __. Sent: Saturday, Apri l 07, 2018 1:18 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek Widma yer@nrc go v> Cc: V e il, Andrea <andr ea.vei l@nrqov>; John S tetkar 1 ... Cb_)C6_> ____ _.!>; Bank s, Mark


[Externa l_Sender] Fwd: Agreement on Path Fo rw ard for Externa l Hazards Working Group Report Derek: Couple of edits in BOLD BELOW. Mike Begin forwarded message: From: "Widmayer, D ere k" <D e r ek,W idma ye r@nrc.g ov>


Agreement on Path Forward for External Hazards Working Group Report Date: April 7 , 2018 at 10: 25:31 AM CDT To: "Mike Corradini Cb X6) CbX6) CbX6) II "

l (b)(6) I ... l (b_)(6_) ______ _, Cc: Veil, Andrea" <andrea veil@nrc gov>, "Banks, Mark" <>, "Snodderly, Michael" <MichaeLSnodderly@nrc gov>, "Wang, Weidong" <>

On Friday, April 6, 2018 , during the 652nd Full Committee meeting, the ACRS decided on the following path forward for processing the External Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report:

  • The Full Committee session scheduled for May 3rd will be cancelled.
  • ACRS Staff (Derek Widmayer) will notify Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum of this immediately by email (done). ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will also send an email to the EHCOE regarding the meeting cancellat i on (done). NRO and NRR Management will be notified by Mike Snodderly and Weidong Wang at the Monday AM Management Meetings for NRO and NRR. Other notifications will be sent as needed. ACRS Executive D i rector (Andrea Veil) will notify the EDO's Assistant for Operations (AO) at her next periodic meeting (Tuesday, April 1 o th) of this agreed process.
  • The Working Group will prepare the Report for rev i ew and transmit it to the NRC staff (exactly who to formally send It to is yet to be decided).

This will b e done as soon as possible EARLY NEXT WEEK AFTER ACRS MEMBER FEEDBACK.

At a minimum, the Working Group would like the report to be r e viewed by the External Hazards Center of Expertise (EHCOE). Th i s invitation will indicate that the ACRS will hold a Subcommittee meeting on the report if the staff desires , at which they can present their r e view of the report.

  • ACRS Staff (Widmayer) will establish a time for this Subcommittee meeting on the ACRS SC schedule at which the staff will be invited to prov i de a presentation of their review of the report (if they desire). The time of the SC meeting will be confirmed later after d i scussions with NRC staff. POSSIBLE TIMES COULD BE JUNE 4th or JUNE SC week GIVING THE STAFF AT LEAST 6 WEEKS TO REVIEW??
  • Because the report will remain a Draft ACRS Working Product during this time, ACRS staff will plan on the meeting being closed and will check with OGC to ensure this is allowed
  • After NRC staff review and the Subcommittee meeting, the Working Group will make the report publicly available (incorporating revisions agreed to after the staff review , i f needed).
  • The Full Committee will hear from the staff (if they desire) and the members of the public who have an interest in this work and who will be inv i ted to pre se nt (Paul Blanch and David Lochbaum) after the Subcommittee meeting at a future Full Committee meeting and after the report Is made publicly available.

The Full Committee wlll decide at this future Full Committee meeting whether to send a letter attach i ng the report w i th conclusions and recommendations to the Commission or the EDO.

of-. W~ ACRS/Techn i ca l S uppo rt Bran c h i Cb)(6) I {c~II) derek.widmayer@nrc

~ov Cable One Webmail 1 o f 2 cable One Webmail l (b)(6) RE: Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report From : Andrea Veil <>

Mon, Apr 09, 2018 06:06 AM Subject : RE: Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report To : Joy Rempe ~Cb)C 6) I Cc :Joy Rempe <>, Derek Widmayer <>, Mark Banks <>

Thanks for your comme n ts J o y. I will also get a copy of the report from Derek since I w lll be starting my discussions tomorrow with the EDO's Office (Dere k, plea s e send Mark and I t h e latest copy of the report w i th the cover page etc). Please also keep Mark and I i n the lo o p on f uture rev i s i ons of this report , and the s upporting deliberations leading up to meetings go i ng forwa r d. As I stated on Friday before you we r e o n the catl.r)(S) l (b XS) I .... -----------

Andrea From: "Jo To: Cb X 6) Cc: Cb)(6) (b)(6) Cb X 6) (b)(6) <Derek.Wjdma y er@nrc.go v>, Sent: Sunday, April 8 , 2018 12:59:42 PM


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report

Dear John (and other members of the Working Group),

(b)(6) I appreciate the hard work that you have done to research this topic. It helped to discuss this document on Saturday and hear your proposed approach on future ACRS recommendations regarding the aooroach that staff might adopt for addressing issues raised within this document.

l Cb)(S) I (bXS) 4/16/2 018 , 4: 2 8 P M Cable One Webmail

=2 85929&tz=America/Denver 2of2 (b)(5) From: (b)(6) To: (b)(6) (b)(6) l (b)(6) ~~----"l"'"'r-~:'--------

... ~~-.,...,..,...,......,.,J (b)(6) ,_Cb_X_6)_-,,:,o_.,..--____, , (b )(6) etkar" <John .Stetl<ar@nrc.go V>, "Derek .._ _____ _. Widmayer" <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.goy

> Sent: Saturday, April 7 , 201810:48:06 AM SUbject: Man-Made Hazards Working G r oup Report Sorry for the delay

  • all talk , no action .... Here's the ver sio n with th e cover pages. For those of you who were not here this morning, if you have any comments on the report , please send them to me ASAP (Mon day at the latest , please). Thanks to all for your patience th is morning. It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John Dr. Joy L. Rempe , Principal Rempe and Associates , LLC (b)(6) Website: Dr. Joy L. Rempe , Principa l Remoe and Associates LLC (b)(6) Website: www.r 4/16/20 18 , 4:2 8 PM From: Sent: To: Cc:


Hi Derek, CbX5) Thanks, Mark Banks -Chief Technical Support Branch Banks, Mark Monday, April 09, 2018 6:39 AM Widmayer, Derek Veil, Andrea Man-Made Hazards -Missing Data, Documents, etc ... Advisory Committee on Reactor Sof eguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 1

4/1712018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Su~ject: Re: Man-Made Haza rds Working Group Report 4/9/2018 8:46:35 AM Central Standard Time Date: From: l (b)(6) I To: L..!(b_)<6_) ______ ___.! Thanks Matt. John (b)(6) ; Michael 1~(b J X~6)~:::::::::::::::,r::ioi~~:§!i::J&y§l[3:~!i:::::::=::::;;::::;::~~~~~~]Qj~~

Vesna Dimitr fevi~ Dick Skillman (b)(6) >; Joy Rempe 1ii;)C6} 1>; Charles Brown (b)(6) ; Stetkar, John <

>; Derek Widmayer <~er!..5!e=~===~=*

Sent: Mon, Apr 9, 2018 8: 31 am


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report John , (b XS) Thanks, Matt On Apr 7, 2018 , at 11:48AM, i..;.!Cb..;.X..;.6) ____ _.!w rot e: Sorry for the d~lay -all talk , no action .... Here's the version with the cover pages. For those of you who were not here this morning , if you have any comments on the report, please send them to me ASAP (Mon day a t the latest., please). Thanks to all for your patience th i s morning. It was very usefu l for me to get a sense of everyo ne's concerns.

John <Working Group Report-Rev 7.docx> 1/1 Cable One Webmail https://mai l.cabl eo n


... 1 of 3 Cllble One Webmall R.e: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report From :._!(b_)C_6) ____ _. Mon, Apr 09, 2018 10:53 AM Subjec.t : Re: Man-Made Hazards Wor1<lng Group Report To : l (b X 6) L John Stetkar <>

Got It, understood.

Thanks again. -Original Messag.,.,.e:;::;-

.,,,....-----, From: Joy Rempe~(b)(6) To: jwstetkar 1 (ht(~ f Cc: Malt Sunse ... r+11 l-..(6"'") _____ ...,i jlr3 <jl>

Sent: Mon , Apr 9 , .. 2 ... 0 ... 18-9-: 4..,.8_a_m ___ _. Subject Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report (b)(5) From: !Cb)C 6) I To: l (b X 6) Cc: "John Stetkar

<J ohn.Stetkar<&n r c.q ov> Sent: Monday, April 9 , 2018 8:35: 25 AM


Re; Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Got it. Thanks. In a message dated 4/9/2018 9:34: 14 AM Central Standard Tlme,! .... (b_)C6_) ____ ___,! writes: Hi, My email ended up with the 'indentation

' m i ssing during transm i ttal and I put in a 'to' when I meant to have a 'from' So, let me try again (with some changes to darify). Thanks, Joy 4/16/2018, 4:31 PM Cable One Webmail https://mail



... 2of3 f r"' .... 11 lnu R"'ffl""" J (b)(6) I> T o: (bX 6) I Cc: (b X 6) I , !(b)(6) ! i Cb X 6) I.. !(b)C 6) I (bX6) I. l (b)(6) I , "jose march-leuba" i (b)(6) I i (b)(6) U Cb)(6) I , l (b)(6) l !(bX6) I !(b)(6) t i (b X 6) t , "John Stetkar


g o y>, "Derek W i d maye r' <Dere

>, jlr3@nrc.go" Se nt: Sun d ay, April 8, 2018 12:59:42 PM Sub ject: Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report

Dear John (and other members of the Working Group),

I appreciate the hard work that you have done to research this top i c. It helped to discuss this document on Saturday and hear your proposed approach on future ACRS recommendations rPnardlna the annroach that staff might adopt for addressing issues raised within this document.

j(b)C 5) I (b)(5) 4/1 6/20 1 8.4:31 P M Cable One Wcbmail http s://mail.c t/h/p rintmess a ge?i d=286026&tz=Amer i ca/Denv ... 3 of3 -From: l (b)C 6) I l (b)(6) l l (b)(6) To: l (bX6) I , l (b)(6) (b)(6) I , I Cb X 6) I "jose march-leuba" <j (b)(6) 1 1221 6 2 ~, l (bX6) Ll (bX6) L l (bX6) I (b)(6) j;, 1 CbX6) 1 Cb)(6) l "John Stetkar


>, "Derek Widmayer


> Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2018 10:48: 06 AM


Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report SOtJY f oc the delay. a1 talk. no acuon. ... Here's the version with the oover pages. For those of you who were not he re this morning, if you have any comments on the report, please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the latest, please). Thanks to all for your patience th i s morning. concerns.

John -Or. J<1t L Rempe, F'rtnclpal r:::-.. , w-11e

--Or. Jf1t L Rempe, Pl1r.clp,I Rim£!! rd Aa1oclu, LLC 1~X 6) w11>&11a. Of . .kif L Rempe. Plh:lpal Rem£!! nl MIIOdllN.

LLC 1~X 6) Webslla; WWW .r eni pi;lic.eom I I It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's I ,. 4/16/2018, 4:31 PM From: l (b)(6) Sent: To: M onday , April 23, 2018 9:16 AM A ll en, Linda


[E xternal_Sender]

F wd: Re: May FC Meeting -Thursday/Friday?

Forwarded using cloudHQ's free email forwarding too l: Multi Email Fornard For Gmail You might b e also interested to try cloud HQ's Auto DCC for Gmail: Setup automatic blind copies of specific emails that you send


Re: May FC Meeting -Thurs d ay/F rid ay? From: Ski llman Technical Resources Inc." <j""" (b.,..,.)(6"'")-------..... 1.> To: Michael Corradini

<j(b)(6) !> Cc: Gordon Ski llm an <j (b)(6) ~. Gordon Skillman at NRC <

> Date: 2018-04-09 T16:57: 1 7.000Z Mike , thank you for the head's up. dick From: Mi c ha e l Corra dini ~(b)(6) Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 12:41 PM To: Harold Ray; Dennis Bley; CHarles Brown; J ohn Stetka r; Joy Rempe; D ick S killma n; Margaret Chu; Walt Kirchner; Dana P owers; Pete Riccardella; Jose Ma rc h-1!.euba; Matt S un seri; Ron Ba llin ger; Ves n a Dimitrijevlc Cc: Veil, Andrea; B anks, Mark; Be llin ger, Alesha


Fwd: May FC Me eti ng -Th ursday/Friday?

Folk s, As noted below, the Man-made Hazards to pic an d the APR1400, Long-term Core-coo lin g top ic has been eliminated from the May 653 Full committee agenda. r on Respons i v e Re c ord So we will definitely not have a Saturday ses sion in Ma y and will likely fini s h on Friday afternoon.

M i ke Be g in forwarded me ssage: On Apr 9, 20 18 , at 10:18 AM, Banks, Mark <M> wrote: Hi M i ke, 1 The May FC meeting now has on l y 1 le tter (APR1400 LB LOCA) since APR1400 LTCC and Man-Made Hazards items ha ve been delayed. Th e APR1400 LB LOCA l etter shou l d not be comp li cated or long , so , would you like to eliminate Saturday?

Thanks, Mark Banks -Ch i ef Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 2 4/17/20'18 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/9/2018 2:45:44 PM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) I To: !(b X 6) Dates OK. Tonight OK for redline/strikeout (I hope). On Apr 9, 2018 , at 1: 19 PM, .... !(b_)<6_) ____ _,! wrote: This Is just a qu i ck update and some process questions

-I forgot tha~(b)(6) !ttiis aftemoon, which interrupts continuity. I haven't received any new comments In the last hour , so perhaps interest is waning. However , I don't want to be blind-sided by a last-minute tirade , so I'll hold onto the report for a few more hours. (b)(S) (b)(S) If yo u disagree with this plan, please let me know. ...._ ______ ___, Regarding the subcommittee meeting, based on the current meeting schedule, it seems that the morning of June 19 is the best option, with the afternoon of June 4 a less desirable poss i bility. Ju ly looks bad , un l ess the H meeting on July 10 disappears.

Either way , that would mean a September Full Committee meeting on th i s topic .. Any thoughts about the schedule?

I wou l d really like to get this thing into ADAMS on Wednesday.

So if I send it to you this evening , can you tum it around and send me your input by mid-day o r early afternoon Tuesday? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/9/2018 3:04:17 PM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) I To: !Cb X 6) Hi John, will return comments prompty. dick On Mon, Apr 9, 2018 at 3:19 PM, ~CbX 6) wr ote: This is just a quick update and some process questions

-I fo r got that ""!Cb""" X"" 6)--------,l this afternoon, which interrupts continuity.

I haven't received any new comments in the last hour, so perhaps interest is waning. However, I don't want to be blind-sided by a last-minute tirade , so I'll hold onto the report for a few mor e hours. (b)(S) (b)(S) I 1r you a1sagree w1m m rs p1an , please let ._m_e--k:n_o_w-.-------------------------

Regarding the subcommittee mee ting, based on the current meeting sc hedule , it seems that the morning of June 19 is the best option , with the afternoon of June 4 a less des i rable possibility.

July looks bad , unless the T-H meeting on July 1 O disappear s. Either way , that would mean a September Full Committee meeting on this topic. Any thoughts about the schedule?

I would really like to get this thing i nto ADAMS on Wednesday. So if I send it to you th i s evening, can you turn It around and send me your input by mid-da y or early afternoon Tu esday? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Sub j ect: Date: From: To: RE: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revis i on 8 RE: Man-Made Hazard s Report -Draft Revision 8 4/9/2018 8: 1 3:39 PM C entral Standard Time I (b)(6) l ... (b...,)(6 ,,...)--,----,,,,.....-------'

.__ _______ .... Derek. , J L oo k s goo d. R o n From:i (b)(6) Sent: Monday, April 9, 2018 6:55 PM To: Ronald G Ballinger (b X 6) ; !(b)(6) !; ... l (b_)C6_) _______ (b)(6) D ere .Wi m a y e r@n rc.g o v; J oh n.Ste tk ar@nr c.g o v


Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 No further comments in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> , so here it is. It's in track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the main report, with a few stragglers in the appendices for consistency).

Please send comments, suggestions , edits, etc. -and pl e ase let me know if you have none , so I know everyone has weighed in. Thanks , John 1/1 From: T o: Subjec t: Date: Attachme nt s: [E x t ern al_Se nd er] Ma n-M ad e Hazards Re p o rt -D ra ft Rev i sio n 8 M o nda y , A pr i l 0 9 , 20 18 7: 06:04 P M WorkinaJkouo Reooct -DJatLRev 8 .. d.ocx No t e: Th e att a che d 2 03-p age red lin e d dra f t repo rt i s w it hheld in it s e nt ir e t y un d er F O I A e x e m p i o n 5. P o rti o n s co nt ai ni ng C E!! are al so exe m p t un d er F O I A exe m p t i o n 3. in co n junc t i o n w i t h 16 USC 8240-l (d)(l). an d F O I A ex e m p t i o n 7 (F). No furthe r comments in the l ast 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> , so here it is. It's in track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the main report , with a few stragglers in the appendices for consistency).

Please send comments , suggestions, edits , etc. -and please l et me know if you have none , so I know everyone has weighed in. Thanks , John 4117/2018


Date: From: To: Vesna, Re: Man-Made Hazards W ork ing G r o up Rep o rt Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report 4/10/2018 8: 02: 04 AM Central Standard Time !Cb)(6) I !._Cb_)<6_) _____ .....,!, John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov l (b)(S) Thanks very much for your though t s. (b)(S) John H i John, (b)(S) 1/2 4/1 712018 Vesna Re: Man-Made Hazard s Working G r oup Report On Sat , Apr 7 , 2018 at 12: 48 PM , <!Cb)C 6) wrote: 1 Sorry for the delay -all ta l k , no actlon .... Here's the ver si on with the c over pages. For those of you who were not he r e this morning, If you have any comment s on the report , please send them to me A S AP I (Monday at the latest , plea s e). T h anks to all for you r pat i ence this morning. It was very useful for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns. Jo h n 212 4/17/2018 Re: M an-Ma d e Haz a rds Re.port

  • D raft R evi s i o n 8


Date: Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 4/10/2018 8:05:16 AM Central Standard T ime From: !Cb X 6) To: L..!Cb_)C6_) ________ __.! John.Stet k T hanks for the quic k tum-around.

--Original Messag~-----------.

From: Denn i s Ble Cb X 6) To: John Stetkar '.'i:: (b~)(~6):------,-___ _, Cc: Ron Ballin er Cb)(6) >; Pete R i ccardella

~(b)(6) ~; Dick Skillman (b)(6) ; ere 1dmayer <Derek.Wid m a y e r@nr c.g ov>; John.Stetkar <John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov> Sen t: Mon , Apr 9 , 2018 8: 11 pm


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 It's OK. Thanks , John. : On Apr 9 , 20 1 8 , at 4: 55 PM. r X 6) I wrote: > <Working Group Report -Draft Re v 8.d ocx> 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Ma d e Ha z a rd s R eport -Dr aft Re vi s ion 8


Date: Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 4/10/2018 8:06:09 AM Central Standard Time From: !CbX6) I To: ._!Cb_X6_) ___ ___,! John.Stetkar@nr c.g o v Thanks for the quick tum-around. --Original From: Ronald G Ballin er To: CbX6) o n. e ar nrc. ov Sen t: Mon , Apr 9 , 2018 8: 13 pm >


RE: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revis i on 8 Look s good. Ron from~._Cb_X_6> ___________

_.. Sent: Monday , April 9 , 2018 6: 55 PM To: Ronald G Ballin g e r <f(b X 6) b !(b)(6) !; ~Cb X 6> !CbX6) l De r ek.W id ma y e r@nr c.g ov; J o hn.S tet k ar@n rc.g ov ---------


Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 No further comments in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, so here it is. It's i n track changes mode, so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the ma i n r eport , with a few stragglers in the appendices for cons i stency). Please send comments , suggestions, ed i ts , etc. -and please let me know if you have none, so I know everyone has weighed in. Thanks , John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report-Draft Revis i on 8


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report-Draft Revision 8 Date: 4/10/2018 8:14:45 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb)(6) 'I==------"--

.... To: ~!Cb_)<6_) __________

____. Dick , Than ks for the quick turn-around.

" Wankegan" Is a direct quote from the reference c i tation in SRP That's why I stuck the [sic] in the c i tation. That testimony Is one of the few "e lusive references" that we could not find -even with help from the NRC reference librarians. Good catch -you really did read this beast! --Original Message-Fro *

  • To: Cb)(6) Cc: ronald ballin er Riccardella, Pe te Cb)(6) , 1 mayer , Derek <Dere . 1 ma er nrc. ov ; o n. e ar <John.Stetkar@nrc.g ov>; Gordon Skillman 1 Cb X6~ r: Skillman , Gordon <G ordon.Sk illman@nr c.g ov> Sent: Tue , Apr 10 , 20 a 6: 38 am


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 l (b)(5) Looks good John. !Cb)(5) i See page G-175. Should be Waukegan -not sure whre Wankegan came from. Good to go. dick On Mon , Apr 9 , 2018 at 6: 55 PM , ~Cb X 6) wrote: No further comments in the las t 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> , so here it 1s. It's In track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the main report , with a few stragglers in the appendices for consistency).

Please send comments, suggestions , edits, etc. -and please let me know i f you have none, so I know everyone has we i ghed in. Thanks, John 1/1 From: Widmayer. Derek To: Vei l. Andrea; Banks , Mark


Date: Attachments:

FW; Man-Made Hazards Report* Draft Revision !'--,-~~---,--------,-....,....,.---,--=------,---,----,---,----::-:,-----, Tuesday, April 10, 2018 8:46:00 AM No te: Thi s is the s~e v~rsi?n of t he draf t report attached t o the Apri l 9 , working Group Report. Draft Rey 8.docx 2 018 7:0 6 P M email earlier m package. Revision 8 sent to The Working Group by John last night at 6:55 PM. He is still open to comments for now, from the Working Group according to is emai l , I will let you know when he states it is "finished." From:!Cb)(6) I [mallto ... !Cb_)<6_) ____ _, Sent: Monday , April 09, 2018 6:55 PM To: !Cb X 6) ! ... !Cb-)(6.,..)----------,!

._!Cb_)(_6) _______ _,

  • Widm a y er, Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov>; Stetkar, John ....................

..,..,.,.-.,.....,...,.,...,...,.., < o n. e ar>


[External_SenderJ Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 No further comments in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, so here It i s. It's In track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the main report , with a few stragglers in the appendices for consistency).

Please send comments, suggestions, edits, etc. -and please let me know if you have none, so I know everyone has weighed in. Thanks, John From: Sent: To:


Ve il, Andrea Tuesday, April 10, 2018 9: 07 AM S nodderly , Michael RE: NRR Monday Morn i ng Meeting on April 9, 2018 l (b XS) Thanks Mike. I just got a copy of the latest draft and'--------------------'

Thanks, Andrea From: Snodderly, Michael Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 5:55 PM To: Veil, Andrea <andrea.vei l@nr>; Banks , Mark <>; Bellinger, Alesha <>

Cc: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W i dmayer@nrc



NRR Monday Morning Meeting on April 9, 2018 I attended the NRR Monday Morning Meeting on April 9 , 2018. The following are items of potential interest:

!N o n R es p o n s i ve R eco rd ACRS External Man-Made H azards Working Group Report I provided the status of the ACRS external man-made hazards working group report as directed by Derek's April 7, 2018 ema i l. I mentioned that the full Committee session scheduled for May 2 , 2018 was cancelled.

will forward the draft report to my N I RR contacts when I receive it. Please let me know if there are any items you want me to lo ok out for. Mike 1 from: T o: SUbJect: Date: Ron Baoald G aa m ooec l (b)(6) I RE: Man-Made Hazards R epo rt* Dra ft: Re visi on 8 Tuesday , April 10 , 2018 9:21:00 A M From: _!(b_X_6) _____ ! _!Cb_X_6) _____ _ Sent: Tue s day , Ap r il 1 0, 2018 9: 1 7 AM To: R on a ld G Ba ll in g e rl_(b_)<6_) ____


R e: M a n-M ade H aza rd s Re p ort -D r a ft Rev i sion 8 Thanks very much. Much of my rants , antics, and theat r ics (rats) are not so in s piring ..... --Original Me s sage-Fr o m: Ronald G Ballin er (b)(6) T o: (b X 6) Sen : ue , pr am


RE: Man-Mad e Haza r d s Report -Draft R e vi si on 8 John: I wou l d l ike to acknowledge my de b t t o yo u dur in g my t i me on ACRS. You a r e a pr i me exa m p l e of t h e dep th of know l edge and comm i tment tha t all of u s ne ed to asp ire to. This i s espec i ally true for me. I ta ke it as an h onor t o tiave served w i th yo u. H umb li ng a l so. Ro n From:!._(b_)<6_) ____________

_, Sent: Tuesday, Ap r il 10, 2018 9:06 A M To: Rona ld G Ba lli nge r!(bX 6) !John.Stetkar@nr c gov


R e: M a n-M ade Hazards Report -Draft R ev i sion 8 Th a n ks f o r the qui ck t u rn-around. (b)(6) ; (b)(6) ..__ _____________

_ <De rek W id ma y er@nr c gov>; Jo hn.S t e t ka r <J o h n S t e tk a r@nrc g ov> Sent: Mon , Apr 9, 2 0 18 8:13 p m Subj e ct: RE: M a n-M a de Hazards R ep o rt -Dra ft Rev is i on 8 L ooks goo d. R o n * (b)(6) .__ __________


Derek.Widmayer@nrc 20v; John. Stetkar@nrc.



Man-Made Ha zar ds R epo rt -Draft Revision 8 No further comments in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. so here it is. lt" s i n track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the ma in report , with a few stragglers i n tihe appendices fo r consistency).

P l ease send comments.

suggestions , edits, etc. -and please let me know i f you have none , so I know everyone has weighed in. Thanks, John From: Sent: To: Subject Veil , Andrea Tuesday , April 10, 2018 9:47 AM W i dmayer , Derek; Banks , Mark RE: Man-Made Haza rd s -Missing Data , Documents , etc ... FYI. I updated the AO (Rob Lewis) yesterday and he planned to discuss the report with Mike Johnson. From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Tuesday, April 10 , 2018 9:37 AM To: Banks, Mark <>

Cc: Veil, Andrea <andrea.v eil@nrc.goV>


RE: Man-Made Hazards* Missing Data, Documents, etc ... Mark: Cb X5) Derek From: Banks, Mark Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 6:39 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <

> Cc: Veil, Andrea <



Man-Made Hazards -Missing Data, Documents, etc ... Hi Derek , (b)(5)

Thanks , Mork Banks -Chief Technical Support Branch Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Nuclear Regulatory Commission Tel. 301-415-3718 Fax 301-415-5589 2

Cable One Webmail cable One Webmall Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report From : Joy Rempe ~(b)(6)


Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report To : Harold Ray ~(b)(6) !> From: "Joy Rempe" ~(b)(6) To: "Harold Ray" <f=(b~)(6:) :::::::::::::i Sent: Tuesday, April 10 , 2018 3: 03: 08 PM


Fwd: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report FYI ,,, Pid you send aovtbioa else to John? !(b)<5) Joy From: "Joy Rempe" 4 (bX 6) To: !(b X 6) I Cc: "Matt Sunseri" ._!(b_)(_6) ______ __.! Sent: Monday, April 9 , 2018 8:48: 13 AM


Re: Man--Made Hazards Work i ng Group Report (bX S) From: !(b X 6) I To:!(b)(6) I Cc: "John Stetkar" <>

Sent: Monday, April 9 , 2018 8: 35: 25 AM


Re: Man-Made Hazards Working Group Report Got It. Thanks. http s://mail.c abl e ss a g c?id=286273&tz=America/Dcnve1 r X 6) Tue, Apr 10, 2018 03:08 PM In a message dated 4/9/2018 9:34: 14 AM Central Standard T i me, .... !(b_x 6_) ____ ___,!writes: I Hi, I of 4 4/18/2 0 l 8 , It: 16 AM Cab le One Webmail

=286273&t z=Amerlca/Denver 2 of4 My email ended up with the 'indentatio n' missing during transm i ttal and I put in a 'to' when I meant to have a 'from' So, let me try aga i n (with some changes to dartfy). l (b)(5) Thanks, Joy Fro m: "Jov Rempe" ~(b)(6) To: (bX6) I Cc: (b)C 6) l (b X6 ll (b )(6) l l (b)(6) 1.l (b)(6) I ~(b X 6) 1. l fh l/6) I. 1/h V6) L11 h\fn\ *, l (b)(6) I !(b X 6) 11.,_(b....,,.)(...,...6) _______ -. .........

_--__,h "John Stetkar <lohn, , n*r .... r<aJ nrc.n o v>, " Derek Widmayer

<D erek. Widma y er@nrc.g o v>. Sent: Sunday, April 8, 201812:59: 42 PM Subject Re: Man-Made Hazards Wor1':ing Group Report

Dear John (and othe r members of the Working Group),

I appreciate the hard work that you have done to r esearch this topic. It helped to d i scuss this document on saturday and hear your proposed approach on future ACRS reco mmendat io ns reaard l na the annroach that staff mtght adopt fo r addressing I ssues raised within th is document.

l (b XS) I (b X5) 4/18/2018, 11: 16 AM Cable One Webmail 3 of4 (b)(S) J Cb)(6) <John,Stetkar@nrc.

g ov>, ere , maye Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2018 10: 48: 06 AM


Man-Made Haz ards Working Group Report l !(b)(6) 6 SOR'Y for the delay-au talk. no act1on. .. .Here's the version with the aNer pages. (b)(6) >, ov> For those of you who were not here th is morn i ng, if you have any comments on the report, please send them to me ASAP (Monday at the l atest , please). Thanks to all for your patience this morning. It was very usefu l for me to get a sense of everyone's concerns.

John Dr. Jay L Rllfllpe, PrincJpal Rem Ind As1oclales. LLC (b)(6) websk www Or. JfYf L R1111pe , P<lnclp,I R1m pu ndA HoclllM , U.C I""' Wtbllte: WWW,rempe il C,COffi Or. Jf>y L Rempe. Pltlclptl R em pe and Assoclabls, LLC we, 1e: 4/18/20 18 , 11: 16AM Cable One Webma il 4of4 DI'. Jc1f L R_,,f' Pmcipal Rem pe and ~uocfato1. ll.C I.,., Websle: WWW. rempellc,com Df. Jay L Rempe,, Principal Rem pe Ind Aosoei.tes , LL C I" Website: WWW.rempetlC.COffi https://mail


=2 86273&tr-America/Denver 4/18/20 18 , 11: 16AM Fr o m: Sen t To: C c: Subj e d: Thanks Derek, Ve i l, Andrea Wednesday , April 11, 2018 11:39 AM Widmayer, Derek Banks , Mark; Snodderly , Michael RE: Man-Made Hazards Report and MOU I alerted Rob that the report was coming, so the EDO's Office is aware and it sho u ld go to them. Remember, )(5) On t h e MOU topic, I'm fine with OCIO seeing it. They can see the whole th i ng if they want fo r contex t. Thanks! Andrea From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Wednesday , April 11, 2018 11:1.2 AM To: Veil, Andrea <>

Cc: Banks, Mark <>;

Snodder l y, Michael <M ic>


Man-Made Hazards Report and MOU Andrea: Reporting on the subject subjects

  • Repo , rt-Joe Sebrosky from NRR called me this morning along wi t h his BC-they wanted a big picture on where the Man-Made Hazards report came from and what was happening next. I gave them the details on the background and summarized the next steps as agreed to at the April Full Committee meeting. During these discussions, it seemed that sending the report to the EDO and asking for review (as suggested by Mike Snodderly) is the way to go. They indicated that it was probably not clear to anyone in NRR who might all should be involved in the review, so It would be best for the NRO Director lo decide. They also pointed out that RES might be interested in commenting. I also told them I had not scheduled a SC meeting yet , but consider i ng all of the staff interest, I suggested it might be in 2 or 3 months in order for all parties to do a thorough review and prepare for the meeting. So I will find a time and put it In webACTS as tentative for now. MOU -As you know, I asked OCIO about the CUI issue -they have made a suggested revision and also asked if I wanted them to look at th e SUNSI section and see i f their suggestion makes sense -so I told them I would ask you if that was OK. I wi ll make sure them comment on l y on that section and only in response to the question posed by Larry in the EDO's Office. DAW Dch..c.A t:A-. W<<dH<<OflP'L ACRS/Technical Support Branch !(b X 6) I (cell) oe r ek..wldmayer@nrc

.gov 4/17/2018 Re: Mao-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/11/2018 12:26:58 PM Central Stand a rd Time From: l (b)(6) I To:, Thanks for the feedback. Works are in p r ogress for me to participate as an "inv ited e x pert" , or something similar, for the subcommittee and full committee meetings, but no firm conclusions yet. I'm going to lobby for a June 4 afternoon sub c ommittee meeting , even though it's on a Monday , and a July Full Committee br i efing. That gives the staff about 7 weeks to digest the report, and the public about 4 to 5 weeks, assum i ng there are no major changes after the sub c ommittee meeting. John ---Original Message-From: Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.g ov> To:!(b X 6) I Sent: Wed , A pr 11, 2018 11 :57 am


RE: Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards Report I don't have any i ssues wi t h the changes to the report. Do you th i nk you will be asked to return as a subject matter expert (consultant)?

O r a r e we going to have to deal with the really painful part of the process without you? From:!(b)(6) I [=m=ai=lt=, o lL.(b-)(6_l ____ ...J Sent: Wednes d ay, Apri l 11, 2018 10: 44 AM To: Widmay e r, Derek <De re k.Widm aye r@nrc.g ov>


[External_Sender] Re: Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Pete seem s to be among the missing -abso l utely no communications from him -so you're not directly on the bubble. I Cb X 6) John In a me ssag e dat ed 4/11/2018 9:36: 13 AM Ce ntral Standard T ime , Der ek.Wi dm a y er@nrc.~ov write s: Hi John:g,, (b)(6) Derek From!(b)(5) ![~ Sent: Wedne s day, April 11, 2018 9:49 AM 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Haza rds Report To: Widmayer, Derek <De rek.Widmayer@nrc,gov>


[Externa l_Se nder) Re: Man-Mad e Hazards R e port r X 6) -Original Message--F r om: Widma er Derek <Derek.Widma er c nrc. ov> To: (b)(6) Sent: Wed , Apr 11 , 2018 7:47 am


RE: Man-Made Haza r ds Report John: I will be l ook in g at it this morning. r X 6) r)(6) I ....._ _______________

___, Derek From: !(b)(6) ! ...... [n....,1a=i l=to""": Ll (b_X6_) ____ _, Sent: Tue s day, April 10, 2018 4:21 PM To:!Cb)(6) I Widmayer, Derek <Derek,Widma y er@nrc ,~ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar



[E x terna l_Sender) Man-Made Hazards Re po rt Pete and Derek, Did you have a chance to loo k at the changes in Rev. 8? If not, when do you think you'll have some time to look through it? If you're still working on comments, no rush -I'm going to wait for input from all members of the working group before we go final with this revision and file it in ADAMS for t he staff. John 2/2 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Thanks , Will do. Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Re: Man-Made Hazards Report 4/11/2018 1 :41 :00 PM Central Standard Time l (b)(6) I l (b)(6) In a message dated 4/11/2018 1:10:26 PM Central Standard Time, ... !Cb_x 6_) ________ !writes: Absolutely. They are essentially the same as my earlier email that I sent to the entire WO. Sent from my iPhone , Pete From: ... !Cb_)<_6) ___________

__ Sent: Wednesday , April 11; 201811: 43: 58 AM To: Rlccardella , Pete Cc: John.S tetkar@nrc.g ov


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Pete, John j However , to start a In a message dated 4/11/2018 1 1: 14:20 AM Central Standard Time ,!._Cb_x 6_) ________ !writes: John, I've reviewed *the revised report , CbX 5) (b)(5) 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report I've highlighted and commented on both of the se in applicable sections of the attachment. (b)(5) Regards, Pete From:._!Cb_)C_6) ____________

_,~ Sent: Tuesday, April l 0, 2018 2:21 PM To: Riccardella, Pete ... Cb_)c_6) _______ __,,~; Derek.Wjdma y er@nrc.g ov Cc:


Man-Made Hazards Report Pete and Derek, Did you have a chance to look at t i he changes in Rev. 8? If not , when do you think you'll have some t i me to look th rough it? If you're still working on comments , no rush -I'm going to wait for input from all members of the working group before we go final w ith this revision and file it in ADAMS for the staff. John .,..,.., no..i.L u*c Privacy Notice: The information contained in this e-mail, including any attachmen

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If you a re not the intended recipient of this e-ou are hereby n o tified that any dissemination , distribution, co , or action taken in relation to ontents of and attachments to this e-mail is strict o ibited and may be unlawful.

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2/2 From: To: Cc:


Date: Attachments

I Cb)(6) I f$1~f G eamnge[i .. , (b ... )(""'6)-,-------, i.:.I Cb-')(._6"'-) --::;:;==:::=~I D~er:'.::e~k

==.W~l d:m:ay~c~r@=n~rc~.g~oy~


John stelkar@n'rc gov Note: The entire 203-page draft report is withheld in Ma n-Made Haz.ards Repo rt its enti r ety under FO IA exempt i on 5. Portions o f the Wednesday, Apr1111, 201s 2: 56:50 PM report contain i ng C E Ii a r e also withheld under FO I A Working Group Report -Draft Rey 8-PCR Comments,docx exemption 3 , i n conjunct i on w i th 16 USC 8240-1 ( d) 1 and FO I A exem t ion 7 F . Colleagues.

Attached are Pete's comments and recomme nd a tion s for the reoort. A s I mentioned Saturdav.

l<o>C 5) (b)(5) John P.S., My email has been a c ting snarky today, so please l et me know if you do not re ceive the attachment with Pete's co mment s. From: l (b)(6) To:!(b>C6) I Derek.W l Cc:,, Pet e r.Rlccarde lla@nr Sent: 4/11/2018 11: 14: 20 AM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards Rep o rt John, I've reviewed the revised report, j Cb)(S)

(b)(5) l've highlighted and commented on both of the se in applicable sections of the attachment.

CbX 5) Regards, Pete From:._!Cb_><6_> ____________

...... Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 2:21 PM To: Riccardella, Pete <J L.Cb_><_s> _______ ___,J f>; Derek Wjdmayer@nrc,2ov Cc: John


Man-Made Hazards Report Pete and Derek. Did you have a chance to look at the c hanges in Rev. 6? If not. when do you think you'll have some time to look through it? If you're still working on comments, no rush -I'm going to wait for I nput from all m embers of the working group before we go final with this revision and file It In ADAMS for the staff. John

From: Skillman Techn i cal Resourtes Inc. To: Cc:


!(bX6) 1 Ron a ld G 8aihoger;t[(b~)(~6):...,... ______ J~Ji.1ccai.<Wat11o1elw;

Widmayer Derek; John.stetlsac@orc gov Re
Man-M ade H azar d s Re po rt Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:38:03 PM Hi John, r)cs) dick On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at4:16 PM, i._(b_x 6_> ____ __,~ wrote: D ic k. -Thanks for the quick input. I"" (b X5) John In~ message dated 4/11/2018 2:34:47 PM Central Standard Time i (b)(6) wntes: '-* ----------'

John. Colleai:i ue s -l (b)(5) Cb X5) Best regards. di ck On Wed , Apr J 1 , 2018 at 2:56 PM , ~Cb)<6> Colleagues, ~wrote: Attached are Pete's comments and recommendations for the reoort. As I mentioned Satu r day, l (b)(5) I (b X5)

(b)(S) I John I P.S., My email has been acting snarky today , so please let me know If you do not receive the attachment with Pete's comments.

From J Cb)C 6) To: !Cb)C6) J Cc: John.Stetkar@nrcov , MichaeLCorradioi@nrc

.gov, Peter R i ccardella@nrc gov Sent: 4/11/2018 11 : 14:20 AM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards Report John, * * , l (b)(S) I've reviewed the revised reoort. and l (b)(S) I (b)(5) R e gards , Pete From: ... l (b_X_6) _____________

_. Sent: Tue s d ay, April 1 0, 2 01 8 2: 21 PM To: Ri cc ard e ll a, Pe te ... l (b_X_6) ________ __. Der e k.Wi dmay er@nr c gov Cc: John.Stetka r@nrc.g o v


Man-Mad e H az ard s Report Pete and Derek , Did you have a chance to look at the changes in R ev. 8? I f not , when do you think you'll have some time to l ook through It? If you're still working on comments, no rush -I'm going to wa i t for i nput fr o m all members of the working group befo r e we go final with this rev i sion and file it in ADAMS for the staff. John From: Sent: To:


(bX 5) From: Veil, Andrea Widmayer , Derek Thursday , April 1 2 , 2018 11:19 AM V eil , Andrea; Banks, Mark RE: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 Sent: Thursday , April 12 , 2018 11:09 AM To: Widmayer , Derek <>;

Bank s, Mark <Mark.Ba>


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 Thanks Derek. Tomorrow is fine since I will be checking e-mails. Thanks, Andrea On: 12 April 2018 10:49, "Widmayer, Derek" <Derek.Widma y er (w, nrc.g ov> wrote: Andrea: l(b)(6) I am on t his now -probably can provide some good background by to mo r row , but i t looks like you are off? Is that OK? De re k (I do want to re mind you that this was one of my projects that I discussed wit h you in our " introductory" meeting -I know that was a whi l e ago and it has only been recently that it became visible since we finished all of our groundwork.)

1 From: Veil, Andrea Sent: Wedne s day , April 11 , 2018 4:34 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov>; Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>


RE: Man-Made Hazard s Report -Draft Revision 8 Hi Derek , Cb X5) Thanks , Andrea From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Tuesday, April 10 , 2018 8:47 AM To: Veil, Andrea <andrea.veil

@nrc.g ov>; Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov>


FW: Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 Revis ion 8 sent to The Working Group by John la s t night at 6: 55 PM. He is still open to comments for now, from the Working Group according to is email , I will let you know when he states i t is "finis hed." From:!Co)(6) l [mailto J CbX 6) !j Sent: Monday , April 09, 2018 6:55 PM To: !Cb X 6) ! .... !Cb.,..X 6..,..)----------.U CbX6) U~Cb~X 6..;,.) _____ _, Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@mc.g ov>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>


[External_Se nder] Man-Made Hazards Report -Draft Revision 8 No further comments in the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />, so here it is. It's In track changes mode , so you can see every edit I made (mostly in the main report , with a few stragglers i n the appendices for consistency).

Please send comments, suggestions, edits, etc. -and please let me know If you have none, so I know everyone ha s weighed in. Thanks, John 2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/11/2018 6:06:24 PM Central Standard Time From: !CbX 6) I To: !_Cb_X6_> ________ ___, Deep breaths ... On Apr 11, 2018 , at 2: 16 PM~-(b-)(6_) _____ ! wrote: Dick , Thanks for the Quick input. Just so I better understand your second paragraph

-I Cb)CS) (b XS) John In a me ss age dated 4/11/2018 2: 3 4:47 PM Central Standard Time, _!Cb_)C 6_> _____ __,! writes: Joh n , Colleagues

-I recommend tha t )CS) (b XS) Best reg a r ds. d ick On Wed , Apr 11 , 2018 at 2:56 PM, 1 ... (b_)c 6_> _______ I wrote: Colleagues, _ . 1/3 4117/20 18 l (b)(5) Be* Ma0:Made Hazacds Beonrt John P.S., My email has been acting snarky today, so please let me know if you do not receive the attachment with Pete's comments.

Fro~Cb)(6) ! To: w 6 5 I Derek.Widma v er@nrc.aov Cc: John.Stetkar, Michael.Corradioi, Peter.Riccardella Sent: 4/11/2018 11: 14: 20 AM Central Standard Time


RE: Man-Made Hazards Repo.rt John, I've reviewed the revised report, and!Cb)(S) (b)(S) Regards, 213 From: Veil , Andrea Sent: Thursday , April 12 , 2018 12: 19 PM To: Cc: l (b)(6) I !(b X6) I; ._!(b_)(6_) ______ __.l ... l (b_)(6_) _____ ___,! Banks, Mark; Widmayer , Derek; Stetkar , Joh n Subject. Re: Re: WG Report Status Thanks John, An estimate is all I need and can pas s that on. The interest is wide and far reaching.

Andrea On: 12 April 2018 12: 13 , l ... (b_X 6_) _____________

_.f wrote: Hi Andrea , At the moment , all I can say is that we've hit a bit of a speed bump with our working group members' concurrence on the recommendations in our report. I'm trying very hard to get consensus.

I hope that we can release it today or tomorrow.

I know this is frustrating, but we have to work through it. John In a message dated 4/12/2018 10: 00:26 AM Central Standard Time, writes: Good Morning John , I'm in a Commission Meeting this morning, and I j ust had a conversation with Commissioner Burns Chief of Staff. I plan to talk to the o ther offices as well regarding the pending WG report. Do you have an estimate of when it will be done and ready to issue to the EDO's office? !(b)(S) I (b)(5) Thanks, Andrea 1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Meetings


Re: Mao-Made Hazards Meetings 4/12/2018 1: 10:29 PM Central Standard Time !CbX6) Date: From: To: !Cb)(6) Cc: !Cb)(6) ! !Cb)(6) I,, Derek., John: OK , I accept your judgment on this. Derek/Mark:

Can you ask what members can attend a SC mtg prior to the June FC (6-4) or a SC mtg on SC week (6-21)? Mike On Apr 12 , 2018 , at 12:37 PM , I._Cb_><6_> ____ ..,!wrote: If we held the subcommittee meeting on June 21, there would be 3 weeks between the subcommittee meeting and the July Full Committee meeting. That seems rather short for public reading and preparation of comments , especially since the July 4 holiday is in that period (folks might have already planned a whole week away, since the 4th Is in the middle of the week). Also, based on my experience from trying to get the report :'done" this week, if there are any changes at all as a result of the subcommittee meeting, we need to plan at least a week's delay before the report is publicly available.

So, no, I don't think that a mid-June subcommittee meeting and a July Full Committee briefing would work. John In a message dated 4/12/2018 12:15:05 PM Central Standard Time, ... 1 Cb_X 6_> ______ _.! writes: John: I suggest that Derek/Mark pulse the members to see who can make either date. I would also note that since the July meeting is in mid-month with the 4th of July on Wednesday

--can we not still plan for a July FC with a mid-June SC meeting? Mike From:!Cb)(6) Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:12:10 PM To: Michael Corradini;

!Cb)(6) ! ._!Cb __ )( __ 6) ______ .....,! andrea.veil@nrc.g ov: mark.banks

@nrc.g ov; Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov Cc: John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov


Man-Made Hazards Meetings Colleagues, This morning, Mark sent out the meeting schedules for the next few months. The man-made hazards line item has correctly disappeared from the May Full Committee meeting list. Members make travel plans based on the published schedule, especially for the next 60-90 days. We seem to have two options for the path forward on the man-made hazards topic. (1) Closed subcommittee meeting on June 4, Full Committee briefing i n July 1/2 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Meetings (2) Closed subcommittee meeting on June 21 , Full Committee briefing in September There are , of course, other possible comb i nations , but this suffices for now. I thought that Mark or Derek was going to pulse members about their availability for June 4. That hasn't happened.

Since it's now mid-Thursday, I think that we should do that ASAP. Should I take the initiative and list the options shown above? I'm really sorry to bother you with this , but I'm gett i ng rather frustrated by this whole process. John 2/2 4/17/20 18


Date: From: To: Cc: Derek, (b)(S) John Re: Fwd: WG Report Status Re: Fwd: WG Report Status 4/12/2018 1:30:17 PM Central Standard Time l (b)(6) Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov , andrea.veil In a message dated 4/12/2018 I :06:56 PM Central Standard Time, Derek.Wjdma y writes: John I Andr e a: (b)(5) I) ~) 3) l) 1/3 4/17/20 18 (bXS) Derek Re: Fwd: WG Report Status From: !(b)C6) I [m a il to:!(1:,)(6) h Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 12: 24 PM To:!(b X 6) !(b X 6) I "'"!(b""")(6"'") ______ ___,!._!(b_)C6_) ______ ! Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nr c.g oy> Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nr c.goy>


[Externa l_Sender) Fwd: WG Report Status Colleagues , Please see the email from Andrea below. We need to get this thing tied up and out to the EDO. Please, please send me your thoughts about Pete's comments soon. Basically , I think !(b)(S) ! (b)(5) Please send me you r thoughts. 2/3 4/17/2018 Re: Fwd: WG Report Status John Good Morning John, I'm in a Commission Meeting this morning, and I just had a conversation with Commissioner Bums Chief of Staff. I plan to talk to the other offices as well regarding the pending WG re ort. Do you have an.estimate of when it will be done and read to issue to the EDO's office? Cb)(S) (b)(5) Thanks, Andrea 3/3 From: W i dmayer , Derek Sent: Th ursday, April 12 , 2018 2:27 PM To: Char les Brown (!(b)(6) D; Denn is Bley (b X 6) ,:;..,i,-----------

Dick Sk illman; Harold Ra ; Jose March-Leuba (b)(6) ; Joy Rempe (b)(6) ; Margaret Chu""?.!(b~)("!!" 6)-----~; M:-:-at:":": th_e_, w Sunseri (bX6) Michael Corrad ini (b)(6) ; Pete Riccardella (b)(6) Ron Ballinger (b)(6) Vesna Dimitrijevic

Walter Kirchner C (b)(6) t Bank s, Mark; John Ste tkar._j (b_)(6_) ____ __. Cc


RE: Information

-ACR S Schedule 4-12-18 ACRS Members: The Ex te rn a l Man-Made Hazards Working Group is trying to set up a Subcommittee Meeting on the Draft Report as discussed during the Ap ri l FC Meeting: We have identified two dates for which we would l ike to ask whether you are availab l e to attend a SC m eetin g:

  • June4 , 2018
  • June 21, 2018 Please respond to le t me k now your availability for these two dates. Please ind i ca t e afternoon or morning only if that i s app r opriate. We will l et you know what the response i s before sche duling the SC meet i ng. Derek uch.clt. cA-. w~ ACRS/Technica l Support Branch !(b)(6) I ( ce ll) d e r e k.w idm a y er@nrc.g ov 1 4/17/20 1 8


Date: From: To: C c: Ron ,, (b)(S) John Re: WG Report Stalus Re: WG Report Status 4/12/2018 3:18:52 PM Central Standard Time l (b)(6) I !Cb)(6) ! !CbX6) .,,.!Cb..,.)<6_) ...,,,.......,.........,,,,__

___ _.! ._!Cb_X 6_) _____ ____,! Der, John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov In a message dated 4/12/2018 3:01:23 PM Central Standard Time , ... !Cb_X 6_) ___ _.!writes: Fo l k s: I voiced my issues regarding the report during our d i scuss ion s. !Cb X 5) (bXS) Ron From: Dennis Bley ~(bX6) l> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 3:42 PM To: i Cb}C 6} 1 Cc: Ronald G BallingerCb X 6) l>; Pete Ricca rd ella d CbX 6) b; Dick Skillman <!Cb)(6) ~; Derek Widmayer <Dere k.W id ma y er@nr>; Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@nrc.g ov>;


Re: WG Report Status Apologies.

Mi sse d that yo u were waiting on Pete's concerns.

1/4 4/17/2018 Re: WG Report Status Cb X5) r X5J I Dennis On Apr 12, 2018, at 10:24 !Cb)(6) !wrote: Colleagues , Please see the email from Andrea below. We need to get this thing tied up and out to the EDO. Please , please send me your thoughts about Pete's comments soo n. Basically , I think !Cb)(5) I l (b)(S) I (b)(5) 2/4 4/17/2 01 8 Re: WG Report Stat u s l (b)(5) Please send me your thoughts. John From: andrea.veil

@nrc.g ov To: !(bX 6) I Cc: (b )(6) !(b X 6) I, ark.Banks@nr c.g ov , Derek.Widma y er@n rc.goy en : : 6 AM Central Standard Time


WG Report Status Good Mornin g John , I'm in a Co mmi ssion M ee tin g thi s m o rnin g , an d I ju st h a d a co n v er sat i o n with Co mmi ss i o n e r Bums C hie f of S ta ff. I p l an t o ta lk t o the o ther o ffi c e s a s w e ll regarding the pendi n g WG rep o rt. Do y ou ha v e an e s timate o f wh e n it will bed ne and re ad t o i ss u e to the E DO's office? (b)(S) (b)(S) Thanks , Andre a 3/4 4/17/2018 Re: WG Report Status 4/4 4/17/2018 Re: 1/1/G Report Status


Re: WG Report Status Date: 4/12/2018 4:24:54 PM Central Standard Time From: !Cb)(6) ::;:;::;====:::::;----....1 To: !CbX6) ';:::::::::::::::::===~--------

Cc: !Cb)(6) ! !Cb)(6) ! ._!Cb_X 6_) ---------'

Derek. Widmaye r@nr,, deb I agree. !(b XS) On Apr 12 , 2018 , at 2:07 PM , ... !Cb_X 6_) ____ ....,!wrote: Dennis, Thanks for the feed b ac k !Cb)<5) (b)(5) John In a me ssag e dated 4/12/2 018 2:41 :4 0 PM Central Standard Time, !Cb)(6) !writes: Ap o logies. Mis se d that you were waiting on Pete's concerns. (bX 5) 1/3 4/17/2018 Re: WG Report Status (b)(S) Dennis On Apr 12, 2018 , at 10:24 AM, .... !(b_X 6_) ____ _,!wrote: Co ll eagues , Please see the email f,rom Andrea below. We need to get this thin g tied up and out to the EDO. Please, please send me y our thoughts about Pete's comments soon. Basically, I think!(b)(S) I (b)(S) Please send me your thoughts. John From: andrea.veil

@nrc.g ov To t (b)(6) I Cc: !(bX6) I 1<6)<6) I I...-..,.!::::=====::;:-:-'

!(b X 6) I Mark.Banks

@nrc.g ov , Derek.Widma y er@nr c.g ov Sent: 4/12/2018 10: 00:26 AM Central Standard Time


WG Report S t atus Good Morning John , I'm in a C o mmi ss i o n Meeting thi s m o rning , and I ju s t had a conversation with Comm is sioner Bums Chief of Staff. I plan to talk to the other offices as well regarding th e pend i n g WO report. Do you have an estimate of when it will be d o ne and ready to is s ue to the EDO's office? l (b)(5) 2/3 4/17/20 18 (b)(S) Than.ks , Andrea Re: WG Reoort Status 3/3 4/17/2018


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/12/2018 6:44:00 PM Central Standard Time From: l (b)(6) I To: !(b X 6) Cc: !(b X 6) !!(b)(6) ! .... !(b_)<6_) ------Derek. , John , Yes, include my name. Dennis On Apr 12, 2018, at 5:23 PM, r X6) !wrote: If we release the report as-is for the closed subcommittee meeting (Revision 8, with all track-changes accepted), do you want your name included as a member of the Working Group? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/12/2 018 7:32:40 PM Central Standard Time From: !(b)(6) I To: !(b)(6) =====:;--'

..... -----------, Cc: !(b)(6) I (b X 6) (b)(6) Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.. go v, John.St etka r@nrc.go v , ._(b_X_6) ______ __. Please include my n ame. dic k On Thu, Apr 12 , 2018 at 7:23 PM , ~(b)(6) (bX 5) wrote: If we release the report as-is for the closed subcommittee meet i ng (Revision 8, with all t r ack-changes accepted), do you want your name included as a member of the Working Group? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 4/13/2 018 7:58:35 AM Central Standard Time From: !Cb X 6) I To: ._!Cb_)<6_) _______ _. Cc: Thanks Pete. I really apprec i ate this. John In a message dated 4/12/2018 9:01 :23 PM Central Standard Time , .... !Cb_X6_) _______ ..,!writes: OK to inc lu de m y name. Pete From: .._!Cb_)<6_) ____________

_,~ Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 5:23 PM To: !Cb)(6) I Cb)(6) Riccardella, Pete Cb)(6) ; Cb)<6) Derek.Widma v er@nrc.eov c: a rm re. ov ..._ _______ _..


Man-Made Hazards Report If we release the report as-is for the closed subcommittee meeting (Revision 8 , with all track-changes accepted), do you want your name included as a member of the Working Group? John 1/1 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Names


Re: Man-Made Hazards Report Names Date: 4/13/2018 11:40:57 AM Central Standard Time From: !(b)(6) I To: r X6) I Cc: John.Stetkar@nrc

.gov Thanks Ron. I really appreciate this. John In a message dated 4/13/201811:30:18 AM Central Standard Time , l ... (b_)<6_) ___ __, Fite s: John: Cb X5) I thought that I had responded.

Sorry. Ron Sent from my iPhone On Apr 13, 2018, at 12:1 3 PM, '1 .. (b_)<6_> ___________

!> wrote: Ron and Derek , You two are still hold-outs.

lfi you're wori<ing on revised text , no rush. If not, I'd appreciate a response.

John 1/1 From: Widmayer, Derek To: H b)(6) I RonaJd G eantngec Cc:


Date: J ohn: l (bXS) SJ:etkar John RE: Man-Made Hazards Report Names Friday, April 1!3, 2018 1 :48:03 PM !! From:!(bX6) I [ma i lto f(b,_)<6_) ____ _. Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 12:1 4 PM To: !(b)(6) I Widmayer, De r ek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.g

_ov> Cc: Stetkar, John <>


[External_Se nder] Man-Made Hazards Report Names Ron and Derek, You two are still hold-outs.

If you're working on revised text, no rush. If not, I'd appreciate a response.

John 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Hi Derek, Mao-Made Hazards Report, Revision 8, for ADAMS Man-Made Hazards Repol"4 Revision 8, for ADAMS 4/13/2018 1 : 49:25 PM Ce ntral Standard Time l (bX6) I Derek. The 204-p a ge clean draft rep o rt is w i thheld i n i ts en t i ret y u nder FOIA exe mpt ion 5. Portions of t h e report co ntaining CEII ar e al so exempt under FO I A exempt i on 3 , i n con j uction w i th 16 USC 8240-l(d)(I), and FOIA exempt i on 7(F). Attached at long last is a clean copy of Rev i sion 8 of the report. Please keep i1 marked "D raft", because some members are sensitive about that term until we hold the subcommittee meeting. Please alert Mari<, Mike Snodderly , and Andrea that it is ready , then please file it i n the restricted part of ADAMS, and alert the staff to its locat i on. Please send me the ML number when you have it. Considering how the report is marked, can I transmit it t o the ACRS members via my personal e-mail , or do we now need to refer them to ADAMS? John 1/1 From: To: Cc:


Gordon Skillman Rogajd G:noer; !Cb)(6) 1 l (b)(6) I Widma y er, Dere k !Cb)(6) !Gordon Skmmao* Slo1Jmao Gordon _____ __, RE: Man-Hazards -Ooslng t h e Loop Date: Tuesday, Aprtl 17, 2018 12:53:02 PM Am OK. dick Get O utlook for Android From: Widmayer, Dere k <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov> Sent:Tuesday, April 17, 201812:06:35 PM To: !Cb)(6) l !CbX6) I a..;.l Cb.;.;)<..;.6) ______ ___. l Cb X 6) I Cc:!Cb X6) I


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Closing the Loop Gentlemen:

I am getting ready to send the Working Group Report to the EDO's Office -who will be making it available in a "lim ited access" environment for NRC Staff to review. Mike Corradini asked me to check with each of you one more time to ensure you are OK with this next step. John Stetkar and I have already g i1 ven our nods of approval for this to take place. He asked me to tell you if you had any issues or needed to discuss this, to please call his cell phone. I will provide that to you if you don't already have it by response to this email. Derek De11.cA o4-. w~ ACRS/Technical S u pport Branc h !Cb)(6) I (cell) ~P.k..w~rnrc,eov From: To: Cc:


Date: OK R o n ~~~~~"'"'~v:

..... .... : ..... ::...,:!)~(6) ____ .....11 ..... , (b)_<6) __ ____.l ..... l (b)_<6) __ ........ !Cb X 6) J RE: Man-Made Har.ards

  • Closing the Loop Tuesday, April l 1 7, 2018 1:15:00 PM From: Widmayer, D erek <>

Sent: Tuesday, Apr i l 17, 2018 12: 07 PM To: Ronald G Ballinger

!Cb)(6) ! !Cb)(6) !Cb X6) !._!Cb_)(6_) _____ _. Cc:!CbX6)


RE: Man-Made Hazards -C l osing the Loop Gentlemen:

I am getting ready to send the Working Group Report to the EDO's Office -who will be making it available in a "limited access" environment for NRC Staff to review. M ike Corradini asked me to check with each of you one more time to ensure you a r e OK with this next step. John Stetkar and I have already given our nods of approval for this t o take place. He asked me to tell you it you had any issues or needed to discuss this, to please call his cell phone. I will provide that to you if you don't already have it by response to this email. Derek Dc!u?A cA-. W~ A CRS/Techn i cal Support B ra nc h i CbX 6) I (cell) de r e k widma ye r@nrc !$PY Fro m: To: Sub j ect: D a te: Ronald G sau;nger Blccardena, eete RE: Man-Mad e Hazard s

  • Ooslng the Loop Tuesday , April 17, 2018 2:39:00 P M We a re i n the st aff's pr e s ent ati on of t he p ro pr ie tary LBLOCA stuff. R on From: Riccardella, Pete ._!Cb __ X __ 6) ________ _, Sent: Tuesday, Apri l 17, 2018 2:38 PM To: Ronald G Ballinger

!._Cb_X6_) ____ __,


RE: Man-Made Hazards -C lo sing th e Loop Standing by. What's the status? Pe te Fr o m: Rona l d G Ballinger 1 ,..<b.,,.)(.,.6).,...,,.,,,....,.,,..,....____.t Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 11:39 AM To: Riccardel l a, Pete <._!<b_l<_6 l _______ _.!> Cc: Brown, Christop h er <Ch rist o o h e r.Br o wn@or c.eo v>


R E: Man-M ade Hazards -Closing the Loop M os t l ik e ly a b o u t 3PM o ur t ime b ut I'll k n ow b e tt e r i n a n hour. R o n From: Riccardella, Pete ~(b)(6) Sent: Tuesday, Apr il 17, 2018 1:37 PM To: Ron a ld G Ballinger

____ _.


RE: M a n-M a de H aza rds -C l os i n g th e L oo p Y ep. Just se n d me a note w i t h t he t ime. I ass u me the bridge l ine i s the same. Pete From: Ronald G Ba ll inger <J Cb)C 6) Sent: T u esday, A p ri l 17, 20 1 811:24 AM To: Riccardella, Pete i Cb>C 6) Cc: Brown, Ch ri stopher <Chri s top her Brown@nrc gov>


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Clos i ng the Loop P ete:

There is a chance that we could ge t to some o f tomorrow's stuff (Chapter 3) th i s afternoon. Are yo u OK wit h thi s? Ron From: R i ccardel l a, Pete ~(b)(6) ~. Sent: T ues d ay, April 17, 2018 1:21 PM To: Widma y er , Derek <D erek.W id~avec@occ e ov>* Booalq G Ballinger

~(b)(6) b 1~ J ~---~ Cc:!(b)(6) I Riccardella, Peter <Pet e r Rjcc a rde ll a@nrc.go v>


RE: Man-Made I l azards -Closing the Loop OK Pete From: Widmayer, De r ek <De r ek Widmayer@nr> Sent: Tuesday, April 17 ,.i,.;;;,.

20;.;;1;.;:;8;..;;1;.;;;0.;.;;:0;.;..7..;..A;;..: M.;....._ ____ ..., To: (b)(6) (b)(6) Ri ccardella, Pete . (b X 6) , ......, _______ ____. L--------..J Cc (b)(6)


RE: Man-Made H azards -Closing the Lo op Gentlemen:

I am getting ready to send the Working Group Report to the EDO's Office -who will be making it available in a " limited access" env i ronment for NRC Staff to review. Mike Corradini asked me to check with each of you one more time to ensure you are OK with this next step. John Stetkar and I have already given our nods of approva l to r this to take place. He asked me to tell you if you had any i ssues or needed to discuss this. to please ca ll his cell phone. I will provide that to you if you don't already have it by response to this ema il. Derek Dc.'1.c.h.

c4-. W~ A C R S(rechn i ca l Support Bra nc h !(bX6) I (ce ll) d erek.w i d m a v er 1a 1 nrc p ov E l ectromc nvac attachment(s), is int e nded solel f; essee s . you -a1 , yo u are hereby n otified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is strictly prohibited and be unlawful.

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From: TOI


Date: Ronald G ean;ooer Rk;car:dena.

Pete RE: Man+1ade Hazards -Ooslng the Loo p Tu esday, April 17, 2018 2:56:00 PM Well-n ow more like l y closer to 3:30. Ron From: Rlccardella, Pete ... !Cb_X_6) ________ ... Sent: T uesday, April 17, 2018 2:38 PM To: Ron ald G Ballinger

~Cb)C 6) p


RE: Man-Made Hazards -C l osing th e L oop Standing by. What's the status? Pete From: Ronald G Ballinger .... (b_)c_6) ____ ....,~ Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 11:39 AM To: Riccardella, Pete .... Cb_)C 6_) _______ ....,~ Cc: Brown, Ch r istophe r <Chr i sto o he>


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Closing the Loop M ost like ly about 3PM our t i me but I'll know better in an hour. Ron From: R icca rd e ll a, Pete <!Cb)C 6) Sent: Tuesday, April 1 7, 2018 1:37 P M To: Ronald G Ballinger i (b X6)


RE: Man-M a de H aza rds -Cl osing t h e Loop Yep. J u st send me a note with the tim e. I assume the bridge line is the s am e. Pete From: Ronald G Ballinger ... Cb_>c_6) ____ .... Sent: Tu esday, Aprll 17 , 2018 11:24 AM To: R i cca rdella, Pete I ... Cb_)C 6_) _______ ....... Cc: Brown, C hristopher

<Chr j sto p her.Brown@nrcJ?.QY>


RE: M an-Made H azards -Clos i ng the Loop P ete:

T he r e is a chance that we co uld get to some o f tomorrow's stuff (Chapt er 3) th is afternoon.

A re you OK wi t h t hi s? R o n From: Riccardella, Pete 1!-, Cb ,....,.X6..,,.)....,......,,,...,.....,,,..,....,....----...J Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 1:21 PM To: W id may er, Derek <D.artl. Wjd m a ver@nr c.e ov>; Ronald G Ballinger

~Cb X 6) h l (b X6) l !CbX6) I ,__ ____ _, c d Cb)<6) I Riccardella, Peter <Peter Riccardel i>


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Closing the Loop OK Pete From: Widmayer, Derek <D erek Widmayer@n rc gov> Sent: Tuesday, Apr i l 17, 2018 10:07 AM ,;.._ _________

_ To Cb)(6) Cb)(6) Riccardella, Pete CbX6) . CbX6) .....,,......

______ _, ,...._ ______ ...J Cc CbX6)


RE: Man-Made Hazards -Clos in g the Loop Gentlemen:

I am getting ready to send the Working Group Report to the EDO"s Office -who will be making it available in a " l im ited access" environment for NRC Staff to review. Mike Corradini asked me to check with each of you one more time to ensure you are OK with this next step. John Stetkar and I have a l ready given our nods of approval for th is to take place. He asked me to tell you if you had any issues or needed to discuss th is, to please ca ll his cell phone. I will provide that to you if you don't already have it by response to this email. Derek 7J~ e4-.

ACRS/f echnica l Support Branch !Cb)(6) I (ce ll) d erek widmayer@nrc gov action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this e-mail is strictly prohibited an be unlawful.

If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immedia and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-mail and any

  • tout. Thank you fo ur cooperation.

Electronic Privacy tice: The information contained in this e-mail, inclu

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u are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you hereby notified that any disse

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  • the sender y and permanently delete the original and any copy of this e-m
  • any printout.

you for your cooperation.

4117/20'18 Re: Externa l Hazards Report* INITIAL DRAFT


Date: Re: External Hazards Report -INITIAL DRAFT 7/6/2017 8:43:28 AM Central Standard Time From: To: Cc: !CbX6) I Derek. John.Stetkar Thanks Derek! I'm looking forward to reading it. Johrn In a message dated 7/5/2017 2:36:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time, Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov writes: John and Dennis. Th e long-awaited subject report is attached. I was close to being done a while ago when I realized I was typing some information for the thi r d time I Finally got my thoughts around what was wro n g and was able to get i t restructured. Note , there are no Conclusions and Recommendations (yet). I thought the Working Group needs to agree on the analyses and the discussions before it comes to agreement on Conclusions and Recommendations.

Also , I am not sure there aren't sti ll so me mistake s -I am continuing to brush it. Derek 1/1 4/17/2018


Re: External Hazards Report* INITIAL DRAFT 1 Re: External Hazards Report -INITIAL DRAFf 7/5/2017 4: 15: 44 PM Ce ntral Standard Time Date: From: l (bX6) I To: Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov Cc: !CbX6) I Thanks, Derek. 1 look forward to reading i t. On Jul 5 , 2017, a t 1:36 PM , Widma ye r , Derek <Derek.Widma~cr" nrc *ov> wrote: John and Dennis. The long-awaited subject report Is attached. I was close to being done a while ago when I realized I was typing some Information for the third time I Finally got my thoughts around what was wrong and was able to get it re s tructured. Note , there are no Conclusions and Recommendations (yet). I thought the Work i ng Group need s to agree on the analyses and the d isc ussions before it comes to agreement on Conclusions and Recommendations. Also, I am not s ure there aren't still some mistakes -I am co ntinuing to bruslh It. Derek <REPORT.Appendices.docx

><REPORT.RevO.d ocx> Note: The 95-page (partial) draft report is withheld in its entirety under FOIA exemption

5. 1/1 4/17/2018


Date: F r om: To: RE. External Hazlllds Report* IN IT IAL DRAFT

  • NEW VERSION RE: External Hazards Report -INITIAL DRAFf -NEW VERSION 7/6/20 1 7 12:3 6: 40 PM Ce ntral Standard Time Derck.Widmaycr@nr j<h X6) l """l (b ,..,;, X6 ,-) -----, As I figured , I found where a pa r agraph was l eft out of the version I sent to you yesterday.

This Is stil l marked as Revision 0 , but dispose of th e one I sent yesterday. I hav e not made any substantial c h anges to the Appendices for now From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Wednesda Ju l 05, 2017 3: 37 PM To CbX6) DENNIS BLEY t .. Cb .... X-6)----------.

azaras Report -INITIAL DRAFT John and Dennis. The long-awa ited subject report is attached. I was close to being done a while ago when I realized I was typing so me I nformati on for the third time I Finally got my thoughts around what was wrong and was able to get It restructured. Note , there a re n o Conclusio ns and Recommendations (yet). I thought the Working Group needs t o agree on the analyses and the discus sio n s before It comes to agreement o n Conclus ion s and Recommendations. Also, I am not sure there aren't still some mi s t a k es -I am con tinuing to bru sh I t. Derek 1/1 From: To: Cc: l (b X 6) I Wldma w:c Pecck p X 6> Stet,kar Joh n ... ---------... Subj ect: [ExtemaLSender

] A Curious Item Date: Tuesday , July 11 , 2017 9: 22: 08 AM HI Derek , I wa s taking my fir st read-through of the man-made hazards reoort on the olane vesterdav (summa r ilv interruoted bv a canceled fliahO. l(b X 5) (b)(5) John From: To: CC: I M 6 l I Wklmayer Qer:ek;p X 6> Stetka r John L---------....1 Subj ect: Data: [Ext:ema1_5ender]

One M ore lld bit on Alraalt Crashes N o t e: The att ache d tab le i s wi thheld i n i ts entiret y un d er FO I A Tu esda y , Ju ly 11 , 20 17 9: 57: 11 PM e xemption 5. Attachments

Ai rport SCreeo l a o Cdteda , doc H I D erek , Cb X5) John 4117/20 1 8 Re: One More Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes S u b j ect: R e: O ne Mor e Ti dbit on A ircr a ft C rash es Da t e: 7/1 8/20 1 7 2:23:12 PM Centra l Standar d Time From: !Cb X 6) I To: Derek.Widmaye Cc: !Cb X6) I OK, It's on my ca l e n dar, On Jul 18 , 20 1 7, at I :04 P M, Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma) er0 nrc.~oy> wrote: OK I wi ll p u t i t on the Caucus Room schedu l e f or l unchtime (12 Noon-1PM) on Wed , August 23 -wi th c a veat t h at I am s till wa i ting to h ear from Dennis ~m:p~ l 1-m_a_ilt=o~f_X_6_) ____ Sent: T ues d ay , Jul y 18 , 2oi7 11: 14 AM .--..-----------, To: Widmayer , De r ek <Dere k.Wi d mayer@nrc.g ov>; !CbX6) Cc: Stetka r , John <Jo h n,St etkar@nrc goV> ----------



Re: One More Tidb i t on Aircraft Crashes Noon on August 22 or 23 i s good for me. The August 24 SC meeting is currently schedu l ed to end at noon. I don't know if we'll need more than an hour t o d i s.cuss the path forward for our report. If so , we m i ght consider doing that in the afternoon on August 24. I have not yet made my travel arrangements for that week , so my return time i s still open -but I'll need to do that in the next week , or so. John In a message dated 7118/2017 8: 39: 49 A.M. Central Daylight Time , Derek,Widma yer@nr writes: Dennis and Joh n: I wi ll set up a meeting for t h e SC week (August 21 -2 4) -1s there a particu l ar time tha t w ou l d b e " good," or "bad"? Dere k From: Dennis Bley [~CbX 6) Sent: Monday , Jul y 17 , 201'""?'""1""'0 .. : s ... 3-p""'M.--------To: John Stetkar i CbX 6) ! Cc: Widmayer , Dere k <D ere k.Wi d m a x e r@nrc.g oy>; Stetkar, John <Jo h n.Stetkar@

n>; B l ey, Denni s <D e nnis.B l ey@n r c.g ov>



] Re: One More Tidbit on A i rcraft Cra s hes Agree with J o hn o n caucus in Augu s t. On Ju l 17 , 2017 , at I J : 01 AM , .... r_x 6) ____ __.I wr o te: 1/3 4/17/2018 Re One M Ot'e Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes Cb X5) John In a message dated 7/17/2017 8: 13: 09 A.M. Central Daylight Time , DerekW1dmayer@nrc

.gov writes. Denni s and John. X5) Derek Fr o m~CbX6) !~ Sent: Tuesday , July 11 , 2017 9:57 PM T o: Widmayer, Derek <>

f._X_6) __________

_. 2/3 4/1 7/2018 Re: One More Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes Cc: S t etkar , Jo hn <J ohn.S t et ka r@nr c.fov>


[Exte rna l_Sender]

One More Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes H i Derek , (b X5) J o hn 313

.. ,1112018


Re: DRAFT Man-Mede Hazards Report Re: DRAFT Man-Made Hazards Report Date: 7 /19/20 I 7 l I : 06: I 5 PM Centra l Standard Time From: l (b X 6) I To: !(b X6) Cc:, J o hn.S I'll be available on the 24th , as well. On Jul 19 , 2017,at 11:3 1 AM l ... (b_X 6_) ____ ... !wrote: Derek , I have August 23 noon on my calendar. To deal with limited travel options , I just arranged fl ights home In the morning on August 25. So I'll be around in the afternoo n on August 24 if we need more time. J ohn In a message dated 7/19/2017 11 : 26: 45 A.M. Central Daylight lime , Derek.Widmayer

@nrc.g ov writes: From: Denn is B ley !._(b_X_6) ___________

__. Sent: Monda y, July 17 , 2017 10: 53 PM To: John St etkar !(b X 6) I Cc: Widmayer , Derek <De r ek.Wi dma ve r@nr>; Stetkar, John <Jo hn.Stetkar@nrc.g oV>; Bley , Dennis <Pennis.B l>



Re: One Mo re Ti dblt on Aircraft Crashes Agree with Jo hn o n caucus in August. On Jul 17 , 2017, at 11: 01 AM , f ... _X 6_) ____ ... !wr o te: (bX 5) 1/3 4117/2018 Re: DRAFT Man-Made Hazards Report (bXS) John In a message dated 7/17/2017 8: 13: 09 A.M. Central Daylight Time , Q~c~~.Wi!:!m~!U@a~.gQ v writes: Dennis and John: Cb XS) De r ek From: l (bX6) 1 1mi!il12 e x 6) I Sent: Tuesday, July 11 , 2017 9: 57 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W id mi)ver@nrc.gQv>;!(bX6) I Cc: Stetka r , John <Joha , Stetkar@arc ,g oy>


[E xtemal_Sender)

One More Tidbit on Ai r cra ft C ra sh es Hi Derek , Cb X5) John 2/3

-4/17/2018 Re: DRAFT Man-Made Hazard s Report 313 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Derek , Re: One More Tidbit on Ai<<::raft Crashes Re: One More Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes 8/2/2 017 9:57: 25 AM Central Standard Time l (b X 6) I Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov , !._Cb_X 6_> ________ ____, John.Stetkar Good comments for our cons i deration. 1,,;,!(b.;..X.;..S) __________________

___,h'II need to rev iew my notes on i t. I'm now burled in reading a ton ot*stuff" for the August NWMI meeting. It looks like we should probably plan to meet i n the afternoon on August 24 -seems to be a lot to discuss for a path forward , possible SC meetings , etc. John In a message dated 8/2/2017 8: 39:45 A.M. Central Day li ght Time , Derek, writes: Dennis and John: (b)(6) I I am Just now responding to older emails from you guys: (b X 5) Derek From:!(b X6) I~ Sent: Monday, July 17, 2017 12:02 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.W i dmaver@nrc.g oy>~ ... (b-X-6)----------

1/3 4/17/20 18 Re: One More Tidbit on Aircraft Cr ashes C c: Ste t kar, John <>

S ubj e ct: [External_Sender]

Re: One More Tidbit on Air c raft Crashes (b)(S) John In a message dated 7/17/2017 8: 13: 09 A.M. Central Daylight Time. Derek.Widmayer@nrc gov writes: Dennis and John: 2/3 4/17/2018 Re: One More lldblt on Aircraft Crashes r ....... x,-) -----------------, Derek From:!Cb X 6) ![~ Sent: Tuesday , July 11 , 201~ To: Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Wldma y>; ,.,!Cb"'" X"" 6)----------.

Cc: Stetkar, John <Jo hn.S tetkar@nrc.g ov>


[Externa l_Se nder) One More Tidbit on Aircraft Crashes H i Derek , (b XS) John 3/3 From: To: SUbject D*t e: Gibson. Lauren Wldmava: Pmt RE; White Paper Wednesdly , August 02 , 20 17 11: 44: '18 AM T he i nformation wa s discussed publi cl y at a RIC sess i on I n 2012-h~:fl www.ruc..gQW_ub li c.--i ov~nf.ere o ce-sy m p o sja/dc/past/2012/ag e nd a b t m J Session W14. You can hear my presentat io n th e re! Lauren From: W i d m ay er, D e r ek Sent: W e d nesda y , Augus t 02, 2 0 1 7 9:54 AM To: Gibson, L a ur e n <Laure>


R E: Wh i t e Paper Hi Lauren: I am only in the first draft of my report for the ACRS, I don't k now If I will be limited to only p u blic l y availab l e information, but I am assuming so right now. I have suggested to the two ACRS membe r s In charge of the e fr ort that a SC meeting might be needed (we are a l ong way from t his deci~1on), so probably any informat i on that would be needed on top of the source documents you cite could come from that meeting -let's see where we go. (in other words, we won't have to revisit the decision 011 your paper 1 f we have a SC meeting) (I don't know if you are a "h i story" buff or not-bu t I found your paper through one of my favorite activ i ties -ADAMS searches.

They can be a l ot of fun). From: G ib son, L auren Sent: W ednesday, August 02, 20 1 7 9:48 AM To: Widma y er, Derek <Derek.Wjdmaver

~*.DKJ.QY> Cc: K ana t as, Ca t he ri ne <Catherjne.Kanatas. nrc,f ov>


RE: Wh ite Paper Hi, T he paper i s not publicly availab l e. I would support rev i s i t ing that decision If there is a need. but I am not sure it would change. Are you limited to just citi n g publidy available papers? I am glad y o u are find i ng it u s eful! Thanks. Lauren From: W i dm ay er, D e rek Sent: We d n esda y , Augus t 0 2 , 2017 9: 4 2 A M To: Gibson, Lauren <Lauren Gibso>


Wh i te Paper Lauren: No te: This white papet is publicly available in ADAMS as MI.112 7 30055. I got a copy of the 'tv'hite Paper you authored entitled , MNRC and Licensee Actions In Response to New Information from a Third Party: I am using some of the information In the paper fo r a paper I am writing for an ACRS Wo r king Group and I was wondering if your paper has become or will become publicly avai l able? At the present time , I am citi n g th e sou r ce documents you r efere n ce I n the paper, but you r paper is an excellent source on i t s ow n , and I wo u l d ll ke to cite it if appropriate. Le t me know -and if you want to d i scuss further , respond by email. (I am a permanent telew o r ker -if you want to discuss on the phone , let me know and I will call you with my number} T hanks Derek Widmayer DEREK WIDMAYER , S l'NIOR STAFF ENG I Nl:l:R 30 1-4 1 5-5375 I TW FN-2D31 I Derek W!dmayer@nrq:o y Technlcol Support Branch /ldvi.~ory Comm,ttl"I" on Rroctor So{tguords 4/17/2018 FW SERS for Man-Made Extemal Hazards Research*

Chapter 3 evaluations for ESP SERs


FW: SERs for Man-Made External Hazards Research -Chapter 3 evaluations for ESPSERs Date: 9/12/2017 12:3 0: 1 5 PM Central Standard Ttmc From: John.Stetkar@n To: !CbX 6) I From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Monday , September 11, 2017 3:54 PM To: D E NNIS BLEY r X6) h Stetkar, John <.Joh n.S t etk ar , ~n rc.go v>


RE: SERs for Man-Made External Hazards Research* Chapter 3 evaluations for ESP SERs Den ni s an d Joh n: A fo ll o w-up t o my e m a tl fr om l as t F r i da y (see b e l ow) CbX5) Derek From> Widmayer, Derek Sent: Friday , Sep t ember 08 , 2017 2: 25 PM To: DENNIS BLEY (f(b X6) ~; Stetkar , John <.1oh n.S t et k an ru nrc&9v>


SERs for Man-Made External Hazards Researc h Dennis and John: CbX5) Derek 111 FW. MalHMde Hazard Slt)m i ttal Reference s 4/17/2018 Subje c t: Date: Fr o m: FW: Man-Made Hazard Submittal References 9/12/20 1 7 12: 29:22 PM Ce ntral Standard Time John.Stctkar@nrc.go v T o: !Cb X 6) I From: W i dmayer , Derek Sent: Friday , September 08 , 2017 12: 5 5 PM To: Stetkar, John <.!Qb.n, Stetk ar...@_o rc..,g_ov> Cc: CbX6)


RE: Man-Made Hazard S ubmittal Referen c e s Hi John: I was on t h e p hone f or mos t of the meeting -but (as usual) the agenda-following was " skewe d" and I was not li sten i ng w h e n you d isc u ssed our progress. I will ge t a ll o f t h e m ateria l s to you p ost has t e. I wi ll aim fo r the end of the day (I a m c h as i ng so m ething fo r Mike Cor r adini right now). Derek From: Stetkar , John Sent: Friday , September 08 , 2017 12: 50 PM To: Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widma y er*w nrc , ov> Cc: !CbX6)


Man-Made Hazard Subm i ttal References Hi Derek , This morning , Denn i s and I gave a quick overview of we've been do i ng and where we are. We're In the process of making notes on t h e staff guidance (SRP and RGs) and chasing references from those documents

{NUREGs , reports , obscure citations , e t c.). So far , we've had varying success in trying to find some of the references that pre-date the mld-70's. That's probably been you r experience , too. Aft e r we've finished our initial searches , we'll need to compare notes on what the three of us have , and what we're missing. Dennis and I plan to do that during the Sep t ember subcommittee week. A coup l e of weeks ago , you said t h at you had compiled many of the submitta l s for man-made hazards (e.g., Chapter 2 of COL applications , SHINE , NWM I , and whatever else we had on our 11st). You mentioned that you had sent that stuff to us , bu t neither Dennis nor I can find i t i n ou r flies. Do you have that mater i al? If so , can yo u get it to us? Thanks , John 1/1 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Re: DRAFT Man-Made Hazards Report Re: DRAFT Man-Made Hazards Report 8/14/2017 5:54: 07 PM Central Standard Tune l (b X 6) I !(b X 6) Derek., John.Stetkar, d eb I just got around to reading Derek's draft. Very nicely done. I o nly have a few comments on style/s tructure, but agree with the issues John raises. Also, 'comprehensive

' se em s to be mis s ing from the important attribu te s. See you next week. It seems we shou ld have a 'retreat' item on thi s in Septembe r. Dennis On Jul 19 , 2017, at 1:31 PM , ... r_x 6_> _____ l wrote: r X5) 1/1 4/17/2018 Sub j ec t: RE: Re: Man-M a d e Hazard s RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: From: 9/18/20 1 7 9:4 1 : 26 AM Central Standard Time De r ek.W i dma y e r@n rc.g o v To: !CbX6) I Cc: John.Stetka r@nrc.g ov , !._Cb_X 6_) ________ __ Of c o u r se!! From: r X 6) I lrnAll12J

... Cb_X6_) ____ __. Sent: M o nd ay, Se p tember 18 , 2017 10: 10 AM To: Wi d maye r , Derek <D ere k.W i d ma yen@n rc.goV> Cc: S t etkar, John <John,Stetkar@nrc,cov>;

F._b_l(_6) _________




Re: Man-Made Hazards Thanks Derek , I'm fly i ng today and Denn i s I s fly i ng tomorrow. We p l an to d i scuss t he plan tomorrow evening or some time Wednesday , so you probably won't hear anyth i ng from us until then. In the mean Ume , it's j ust exhilarating wort<, isn't it??? John In a message dated 9/18/2017 8: 57: 36 A.M. Central Dayl i ght Time , Derek.Wdma yer@n rc,qoy writes: J o h n: So r ry abou t the m ixup. I nee d to be carefu l when I ass i g n those e m ai l addresses. I w is h 1 h e nrc.g ov add ress d id not come up on t he d r o p down , I am un f amil i a r with a method to erase t hose u n w an ted I t ems fr om one o f t h ose drop downs. Collect i ng the ap pl icant subm i tta l info r mation is " t i me cons u mi n g* but no t d i fficu l t. The i n f or m ation h as a l rea d y been ce nt ra ll y l oca t ed by NRR and NRO on the i r webpages a n d 1t Is j u st a matter of k ee p i n g e v ery thi ng st r aig h t as I com p ile it. I wi ll re p eat t h e SER documentation b u t using t he a p plicant I n for m a t ion. I h ave a l ready s t a rt ed , so I guess I would ask if you or De n nis or t h e bo t h of you decide yo u DO N" T want t o do th is , just le t me kn ow so I can S T OP!!!! De rek From: !CbX6) t~CbX6) Sent: Sat urda y, Septembe r 16,Wl? 11: 52 AM To: Widmayer , Derek <Derel~.,.W l d m a v er@n ,,, r.., c . .,,.e o ... v_> _______ ---. Cc: SteUcar, John <Jo hn.S tetka na., n r c.go v>;._f_x_6) ________ __.



Man-Made Hazards H i Derek, Thanks for the SER material.

I just logged into NRC to look for something in ADAMS and found your notes from last week. Unless it's proprietary , please send stuff to my AOL address , since I check NRC email very sporadically when I'm not i n DC. Also, i f you send something proprietary to the NRC address , please alert me. 1/2 4/17/2018 RE: Re: Man-Made Hazards I haven't ooened the files vet. 1 Cb X5) CbX5) That's probably a lot of work. Denn i s and I plan to discuss a path forward some time next week (Tuesday -Thursday). What are your initial thoughts about retriev i ng the applicant analyses?

John 2/2 From: To: Cc:


Date: Attachments:

HI Derek , j ibY6} Stdlsar John;!1' X 6) [Elctema t Sendef!--o-J """ Mc1n"""""-Macle ,....,...,., Hmrds ,--.,.....-__.

Thursday , September 21 , 201 7 7: 12: 32 PM Elum Bc:fi:n:OCJ'$.doc Haz.ard Aoofvsis Appendm doc Dennis and I finally found some time to d i scuss th i ngs this aflemoon. l Cb XS) (bXS) The second attached Item is a list of obscure or very old references that are cited in the SRP or RGs. I could not find these references in my searches. Dennis suggested that we ask the NRC library to try to find them. Before we do that , did you find any of them during your searches?

Do you have any others to add to t he list? John Elusive References September 21, 2017 1. Eisenhut, D.G., "Reactor Siting in the Vicinity of Air Fields," American Nu c lear Society, June 1973 2. Eisenhut, D.G., "Testimony on Zion/ Waukegan Airport Interaction" (Docket No. 50-295) 3. Vallance , J.M., "A Study of the Probability of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Me mo rial Airport H i tting the Zion Station", Pickard , Lowe , & Associates, In c., April 7 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on Docket 50-295) 4. Vallance , J.M., "Supplement to a Study of the Probability of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Memorial Airport Hitting the Zion Station" , P ic kard , Lowe , & Associates, Inc., August 2 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on Docket 50-295) 5. Project 485, Aircraft Considerations, Pre-applica tion Site Review, Boardman Nuc lear Plant , October 1973 6. WASH-1238, "Environmental Survey of Transportat io n of Radioactive Materia l s To and From Nu clear Power Plants", D ecembe r 1972 JWS Note 08/29/17:

I found Supplement 1 to WASH-1238, dated April 1975, but i t is not r e lev an t to the accide nt data cited in NUREG/CR-6624.

7. SLA-74-0001, "Severities of Transportation Accidents" , Sandia National Laboratory, July 1976 8. Safety Evaluation of the Beaver Valley Power Station , Unit No. 2, November 9, 1976, and Supp lement s , Docket 50-4 12 JWS Note 08/29117:

The Beaver Valley Unit 2 operating li cense SER is NUREG-1057. I cou ld not find the original version o f that report. Sec tion of the Beaver Valley Uni t 2 FSAR indi cates that the risk from a gasoline barge accident was evaluated in PSAR Amendment 12, dated December 1973 , and PSAR Amendment 13 , dated February 1974. I cou ld not find tho se r eports. 9. NUREG-0014 , "Safety Evaluation Report, Ha rtsv ill e Nuclear Plants A1, A2, B1 , and B2 ," April 1976, Docket STN 50-518 10. NRC Staff Safety Evaluation Report (July 1987), i n E l ect ri c Power R esea r ch In stitute Report NP-528 3-S R-A , "Guidel ines for Permanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Inst a llation -1987 Revision" 11. Section 2 , Supplement 2 to the Floating Nucl ea r Plant Safety Evaluation Report , September 19 76 , Docket STN 50-437 JWS Note 08/30117:

I could not fi nd this reference. I found SECY 76-501 , which transmits a draft version of NUREG-0140 for Commission i nformati on. NUREG-0140 compares risks from accidents at fl oating nuclear plants and land-b ased plants. However , it focuses primarily on liqu i d pathway releases and does not expl i citly address external hazards such as ship collisions. 12. Affidavit of Jacques B.J. Read before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board i n the Matter of Skagit Nuclear Power Project , Units 1 and 2, July 15 , 1976 , Dockets STN 50-522 and STN 50-523 Hazard Analysis Appendices A. Aircraft Crash Accidents B. Highway Accidents C. Pipeline Accidents D. Railway Accidents E. Ship Accidents F. Storage Facility Accidents In each appendix:

  • Guidance for Methods
  • Technica l Basis for Methods
  • Applied Methods in Licensing Submittals
  • Staff Reviews of Applications
  • ACRS Working Group Comments and Recommendations 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards


R e: Ma n-Made Hazards Date: 9/22/2 017 11 : 00: 17 AM Central Standard Time From: To: Cc: !CbX6) I John.S tetkar@n , l"" Cb..,.X6"'")----------.

Tha n ks Derek , Priority #1 is dogging the applicant submitta l s. Thanks , Joh n In a message dated 9/2212017 8: 19: 26 A.M. Centra l Daylight Time , writes: John and Dennis: I am co lle cting the SARs / License Apphcation information and not " packaging* them. Some (as you might predict) are a little harder to do to ensure I am getting the " correct" versions , i.e., the versions that a re cited in the SERs. vis an earlier vers i on Your li s t of references encompasses the "few" that I found to be elusive , you have gone into the RGs in greater detail than I had a chance to do. I will enlist the NRC library for help. for sure. They are usually pretty good. The NRC a l so has a " l aw library ," which many (most?) staff does not even know about , separa t e from the technical lib rary. Testimony and items submitted on Dockets can usually be found there, OR can b e pu ll ed from s t orage. So I hope they can find some of those items wh i ch are l abe l ed as " testimony" or " affi davit." T hey a ls o might have an " easy" way of searching on Dockets to see if those items which a r e suspec t ed of being submitted with Dockets are in fact i ncluded. I will get back to you as soon as possible on the answer on those inquiries. Derek Fro m: r (bX 6) I~ Se nt: +lii urs d ay, Septem b er 21, 2017 7: 12 PM T o: W i dmayer, Derek <De rek.Wldma ye>

Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar>;J(b

,__X 6.,..) _________

_. S ub ject: [External_S ender] Man-Made Hazards Hi Derek , 1 12 4/17/2018 Re: M~Made Haza._r ds ,,,,.....-------------.

I Dennis and I flnallv found some time to d i scuss thinas th i s afternoon. fb X 5> I (b)(5) The second attached i tem is a list of obscure or very old references that are cited i n the SRP or RGs. I could not find these references in my searches. Dennis suggested that we ask the NRC library to try to find them. Before we do t hat , did you find any of them during your sea f'IC hes? Do you have any others to add to the li st? John 212 From: To:


Date; Attachmentl


Pm's t CbX 6> I RE:

~ic:ation SAAS * &na il Sa of S F rlday , September 29, 20 17 11.5 5: 00 AM This 43 9-page attachment is a v ailable in public A D AMS as Natfs]rjdfagbtyJSA5wD(Dary,LE5 gdf ML060600!53

_ I t h i nk t h i s worked. D erek From: To: Subject Date: Attachments:

John: Wl dm ave w Derek !(b X 6) ! License Application SAAS

  • Email Sa of S Friday, September 29, 201? 1l:S 2:00 AM No te: The first 3 a tt achm en t s ar e publi cl y a v ailable in AD A MS as ML11229Al 74, GJobalL,aserEnrichlSASummary GEH pdf ML12256A682, and ML060680653 , respect i v el y. The 4th attachment , cons i s t i n g of 3 pages , is m:'~TaJi:'11..ALA:ss
.'cidr w it hh el d in full und e r FO I A exem pti o n 5. APPlicaot.SARs.Documents dooc I saw this morning that my email #5 to you was rejected.

I am pret1y sure it was because of its size -NRC and AOL do not communicate items passing some arbitrary size constraint that is undefi nable in " normal" numerical terms. So I have broken i t up just for you into two emails, lets see if this works. The WORD file showing the references used is included in this email. The second one contains only one file -the b igge st one. As usual, let me know if something does not work. Derek From: To: Cc: Su bject: Datt: Wldmayer Derek Nguyen Ouvnh Banks M a rt RE: Refereoces for External Har.ants Report Tuesday, September 26 , 2017 1:58:00 PM I'll le t you k n ow when t hey are done. So far, the entire library staff has helped on parts of It, so I will clarify who you need to talk to. From: Nguyen , Quynh Sent: Tuesday, Se pt ember 26, 201 / 1:48 PM To: Widmayer , Derek <Dere k.W idmayer@nrc.goV>

Cc: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks@nrc.goV>


RE: References for Exte rnal Hazards Report 1 laha ... I've done this stuff before ... I'll do my best Oust let me who to find at the Library to get me started).

Hopefully this is not "History of the World Vol II" epic-ness!

Fr om: Widmayer, Derek Sen t: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:39 PM 'To: Nguyen, Quynh <Ouynh Neuyeo@orr LlPY> Cc: Banks, Mark <Mark.Banks, ~> S u bject: References for External Hazards Report Hi Quynh: I am cc'lng Mark on this so he knows I have asked you and In case he wants someone else to help me. I am working on the " External Man-Made Hazards" report (currently w i th John and Dennis), and they have asked me to locate and make avallable to them about a dozen references from the Standard Review Plan and a couple of Reg Guides. These references are, for the most part , very old, and such have never been added to ADAMS In electronic form. Most of them are , however , showing up in the ADAMS "Legacy Library* or in anciml1 Docket Files (for example, an affidavit from an NRC employee on the Skagit Nuclear Power Plant license!)

The Technical Library is running them down for me, and is nearly finished. Of the dozen, It turns out three of them have been located in electronic format, so I have downloaded those. What will probably be needed for the other Nine is a hard copy will need to be made, and that is where I will need your help. Have you ever used a NUDOCS station? These old references will be found in microfiche form. When the Tech Library is done, they will provide the microfiche addresses for them all, and then somebody has to sit at a NUDOCS station and make the hard copy. it Is very tedious, but I found it very fun (in the old daysl). I think there wlll be a couple of microfiche that will be found in the NUDOCS station in the Technical Library , and then the rest will be in the NUDOCS station in the public document room. I will le t you know when the Library is done with the research. Let me know if this sounds like (also you Mark) some th ing somebody else m ight like to (or shoul d) do. I would do it myself but teleworking ha s Its down sides! Dch.A!.A <A-. W~ ACRS/Technical Support Branch !Cb X 6) I (cell) dcrek wjdrn;iyer@nrc eov 4/17/2018 Re: Ma n-Mad e Hazards Subje ct: Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: I 0/2/2 017 1 2:2 0: 48 PM C entral Standard TI me From: To: Cc: Thanks! John l (b)(6) I Derek. Widmayc John.S In a message dated 10/2/2017 12: 17: 24 P.M. Central Daylight Time, Der ek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov writes: 6. WASH-1238

7. SLA-74-0001 1 0. N RC SER in EPRI NP-5238-SR-A From:!(bX6) I~ Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 11:40 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Qerek,>

Cc: Stetkar, John <John ,S tetkar@nrc.goy>;._V,_X6_> ________ __.



Re: Man-Made Hazards Wow! Just oul of curiosity , wh ic h three did you find? John In a message dated 10/2/2017 10: 20: 43 AM. Central Dayl i gh t Time , Oerek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov writes: J ohn and Dennis: Update on REFERENCES.

I was ab l e to find of the Elusive References on available technical document resources that are available to the NRC Technica l Library , and l ibrary staff was able to find one other. 1/3 4/17/2018 Re: Man-Made Hazards In the meantime , the remaining ruM documents are being chased by the Technical Library and the Public Document Room , and I hope to hear from them soon. It has been my experience with the NRC document system that EVERY document that I have looked for has been availab l e on microfiche. Sometimes it is just a matter of knowing where and how to look , so I am hoping that the PDR folks retain those skills! (I had an amazingly fun project when I was in NMSS he lp ing solve a legal case for a Decommissioning project -where a major contamination had taken place in the 60s and a " partial" cleanup had been done. The current owner was doing a " final" decommissioning and was trying not to pay for any of the added cleanup that was needed to bring the " partially" c l eaned up areas up to current standards. Fascinating stuff-I had to run down licens i ng documents clear back to the 50s.) So hopefully everything should still be there someplace. Derek From:!(b)(6) ! ._!(b_X6_) ______ __. Sent: Thursday , September 21, 2017 7:12 PM To: Widmayer , Der ek <Derek.Wldmayer@

nr> Cc: S t et k ar, J oh n <John.Ste>;

l"" (b.,.;X ,,,.6)----------,



Man-Made Hazard s Hi Derek , Dennis and I finally fou nd some time to discuss t h i ngs this afternoon. l(b X5) (bX5) 2/3

<4/1712018 Re: Man-Made Hazards CbX5) The second attached item is a list of obscure or very old references that are cited in the SRP or RGs. I could not find these references in my searches.

Dennis suggested that we ask the NRC library to try to find them. Before we do that , did you find any of them during your searches?

Do you have any others to add to the list? John 3/3 Ft-om: To i CC: Su b ject: Date: A ttach m ents: W,Om ilYEX , Qergk !(b X 6) !(bX6) Ul>OAT!:.

i:)temal M.Jo.+lldr

.---::S Report Note: Th e attached table is withhel d in i ts ent i ret y un d er FO I A Thursday, Octobef OS, 2017 1;45:00 PM exemption

5. (bJ(sJ I John and Dennis: Updates: ( 1) (b)(5) [2) Six of the elusive references have been located and are available That's half. The Public Document Room is continuing to look for the other six. At some point I probably will need to tel1 them to cease. we should think about that, But that would be quite a weird development does the SRP actually reference documentation that cannot even be obtained at NRC? -(I doubt an " affidavit on a ASLBP ruling would be available anywhere else) Derek Da.11..cJt. Wui.-Ho~r lL ACRS/Technical S u ppo rt Bra n ch !(bX6) !(c ell) derek,wjdma:xer@orc gov From: To: C c Subj e ct! Da te: Derek, zut>eti Sardar Wlqnaycr Pccck Wineostelo.

Lee RE: REFERENCl:S need for ACRS Thursday, October 19 , 2017 9: 11:0 7 AM I looked fo r remain i ng documents in our docket files , some other places , and in Adams. No documents were found. My recommendation is to fill out form 499 and send an e-mail to docum e nt,reso urc e@nrc.g ov , and David Pinckney or Sunny Kim to request these documents. I am not sure how they ca n find these documents , they might have more resou r ces t han us. T hanks Sardar From: W idmaye r, Derek Sent: Tuesday, October 1 7, 2017 9:40 A M To: Zuberi, Sardar <Sardar.Zuberi@nrc.goV>

Cc: Wittenstein, Lee <Lee.Witte>


RE: RErERENCES need for ACRS H i Sardar: Any more news on finding the references that still need to be l ocated? D erek Dc."-ch. ell-. m~ ACRS/1 echnical Support B r anch !(bX6) I (cell) derck widmayer@occ BPY From: Zub eri, Sardar Sent: Tu esday, October 03, 2017 9:40 AM To: Widmayer , Derek <DereK Widmayec@!lcc eoV> Cc: Wittenstein, L ee <Lee w;tten,1ejn,.

ore, oy>


RE: REFERENCES need for ACRS D erek, This is Sarda r , work at the lib r ary and P DR. I w as able to find fe w mo r e references, I also found similar t it le with different document da tes. These findings may prov ide more information on th e subject. I noted on the same document, originally Anne worked on. My notes are i n green color. P lea s e le t us know how useful th e se in format ion 1 s for you?

Thanks Sardar #9 NUREG-0014, " Safety Evaluation Report, Hartsv i lle Nuclear P la nts Al, A2, Bl, and 82," Apri l 1976, Docket STN 50-518 N UREG-0014 is available from PDR; 599 pages_. supplement 199 pages. #10 NRC Staff Safety Evalua ti on Report (July 1987), in Electric Power Research Inst i tut e Report NP-5283-SR A, "G uidelin es for Permanent BWR Hydr ogen Water Chemistry Installat ion -F ound document i n Legacy library A cc ession 8602030159 Number: Document Forward s,fo r concurrence

, BWR Owners Group for IGSCC Re sea rch T it l e: "G u ide line s for Permanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installations

," incorporating ACRS & NRC comments. Document Mon Jan 27 00:00: 00 EST 19 86 Date: Estimated P age Count: Document CORRES POND ENCE-LETTERS, INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE, Type: UTILITY TO NRC D oc ument R e p ort Number: Author Affiliation


Phy sica l Fil e Location: Package Number: 34443:253-34443:329 PDR:TOPRP-EMVGE NE-C-86 0 127 , PDR: TOPRP/EMV GENFJC 860127,CF:SUB J//RD-1 0-l BWR 860127 8602030159*

A ccess ion 8602030162 N umb er: D ocument Titl e: "G u idelines for Perm a n ent BWR H ydrogen Water Chemistry Installations." Do c ument D ate: Estimated Pa ge Count: Tue Dec 31 00: 00:00 EST 19 85 76 D ocume nt TECHN I CA L SPECIFICATIONS


Type: D ocumen l Report Numbe r: Author Affiliatio n: TEST/INS P ECT I ON/O PER ATING PROCEDURES PROC-851231 BWR OWNERS GROUP Microfonn Addres s es: 34443: 254-34443: 329 Physical File Loca ti on: Pa c kage Nu mbe r: POR: TOPRP-EMVGENE-C-860127

, PDR: TOPRP/EMVGENFJC 860127 , CF:SUB J//RD-10-IBWR 860127 8602030 1 59A From: li b r ary Reso ur ce Sent: T uesda y , Septem b e r 76, 20 1 7 1 0: 4 1 A M To: Wid ma y e r , De r e k <0~1ctmaxer.~

nrc,rov> Cc: Zub er!, Sa r da r <SardarZuberl 1 n r u~V>


RC: R t i-1: R E N CES n eed for A C R S H i Derek , I've been working on a f ew of the references on your list that look like they might be availab l e th r ough the Library collection. Reference

  1. 1 by D.G. E i senhut I s avallable in our periodical print c olle c tion: Transa c tions of the Amer ic an Nu c lear S o ciety; Vol.16, 1973, Pages 2 1 0-211 As fa r as I can tell th is only appea rs i n print. so you'd have to make a copy of it in our Library. The other reference I discovered , #7, Is avai l ab l e online In full text through NTRL a t h tt p s:/JntrLntis ,g oy/NTRU Enter Accession number S LA 740001VS14 in the search box on the uppe,r left hand side o f the screen and you should bring up a downloadable file o f the Severities of Transportation Accidents. M ost o f the other references on your list appear to be microfiche and one of my colleagues is l ooking into them and will be i n contact soon. T hank you for contacting the Library a nd have a great day. Sincerely, LeeW. L ee Wlttcnstcln T e c hnical U br.iria n , Use r Services Branch U.S. N ucle ar R egulatory Co m m i ssion Washington, DC 20555 (301)415-6436 Lee.Wj ttenstejnnrc.goy From: Widmayer, Derek S e nt: Friday, September 22, 2017 4:46 PM To: Library Resource <Library Resource@nrc eov> Subj e ct: RC: REFERENCES need for ACRS Anne: Wow -Thanks. I look forward to hearing from you again. Just off the top of my head, I will probably solicit the assistance of someone who still works at TWFN to do what needs lo be done on the Docket File information assuming your colleaguies find them. Thanks Again Derek From: Library Resource S e nt: Friday, September 22, 2017 '1:36 PM T o: Widmayer, Derek <Dete.l< ... .W i drna~~r l'nr~ ov> Cc: Zuberi, Sardar <Sardar.Lubfill.

1~v>; Wlttensteln, Lee <Lee Wjttenstejn@occ,11ov>

S ub ject: RI:: Rl:H:Rl:NCES need for ACRS Hello Derek, We re ceived your 11 st of referen ces. I have mad e a first pass through them and, as you noted, many seem to be related to docket mes. The Public Document Room at NRC headquarters does have a docke t microfiche collection and I'm going to enlist the help of my colleagues, Sardar and Lee (copied on this email-they also work In the Technical Library) to search through the docket microfiche on Monday to see if they can loca te any of these references there. The only reference I've located 1n electronic format so far is #10 and I found it on the EPRI Web site for download at https:/lwww.eprLcom/#/pages/producUNP-5283-sRA %20%20%20%20%20%20%20/

If we do locate the other references only on m ic rofiche or print here at he adquarters, you m ig ht want to consider asking an ACRS colleague to come to the Te chnical Library or Public Document Room to view the items on your behalf as we cannot make electronic copies of microfiche or print documents for you. Also , please note that for any NRG documents we locate for which we may have on microfiche, if you need an " offic i al agency record" copy of the document or if you would like the document to be made electronically ava i lab l e in ADAMS , you would need to go th ro ug h r:eGO!.d.s..resource

@nc.c ,.g, ov for that service. We can assist with verify i ng the references you have and obtain i ng microfiche add re sses , but then you would need to work with the Records team to get the m digitized/put i nto ADAMS. H owever , you can have an ACRS colleague view the documents and save electron i c " reference" copies if that's all you need. Lee and/or Sardar w i ll be in touch next week wi t h further search results. Thank you, Anne P errera Goel A nne Per r e r a Goe l T echn i ca l Librarian User Services Team In fo r ma t ion Services B r anch Of f ice of th e Ch i ef Informat i on Offi c e r U.S. Nu clear Regu l ato r y Commission 30 1-415-2819 I'm working from an a ltern ate location and can be r eac h e d at ... !Cb_x 6_> __ ___, O n e Whi te I-l in t , 1s t floor F-25 If you found the help you received I n the Technical Library useful plea s e send us a note regarding the value of the service you received.

From: W i dmayer , D e r c k Sent: F r id a y, S eptember 22 , 201 7 7: 3 0 PM To: li br ary Resource <Ub rar y.fte~vr r~ .,.Sfi>


REF E RENC ES ne e d for ACRS H ello I am working on a project for the ACRS and I have a list of about a dozen r eferences that I cou ld use some help r unning down. I have attached the list whi c h contains as complete a reference as possible. (one is crossed out because I did find thi s one on my own). These references all are cited In the Standard Review Pl ans and Reg G u ides used by NRO and NRR for reactor reviews , however , they were first cited In the early 70s and 80s and have not been replaced or removed from any revisions of the documents.

Since they are old , they don't appear i n ADAMS as referenced. I th i n k some of them might be in the legacy library o f ADAMs but I have not successfully found them (and even if I did, I work permanent te lework and am not nea r any NUD0Cs mach i nes anymore). Also , as noted and w i th emphas i s added , most of them mighVshould be included i n Dockets. It Is a l so poss i b l e (I guess) tha t some of them m ig ht be available at the Law Library?

Please advise on how I should continue?

If you can help run these down , do you need a CAC number or are you covered for any work you do? (Time recording is changing i n one week , so I thought I would ask in case there Is a change to how you are to do business).


o4-. WubHafJ r 'a. ACRS/Technical Suppo rt B r anch r)(6) I (cell) derek Derek A Widmayer Elusiv e References S e ptember 21 , 2017 1. Eise n hut , D.G., " R eactor S i t i ng in the Vic i n ity o f Air Fi e l ds ," American N uc l ear Society, June 1 973 c h eck T ec hn c ia l Lib r ary p ri n t co ll ect i on of T ra n sact i o n s of t h e American Nu clea r Socie t y f o r 1 973. D id n o t fi n d i n ADAMS o r on t he A N S Web si t e. 2. Eise n hu t , D.G., "Testimony on Zion/ W a ukegan A i rport Int eraction" (Docket No. 50-295) Did not find in ADAMS. Check docket fiche in P D R, but may need t o di r ect user to Reco r ds for the O ffi cia l Age n c~ R ecord. N o res ul ts in Google. 3. Va ll ance , J.M., "A St u dy of the Probab ilit y of an Aircraft U s i ng Waukegan M emorial Ai r port H i tt ing t h e Zion Station", Pickard , L owe, & Assoc i ates , I nc., April 7 , 1972 (perhaps s u b m itted o n Docket 50-295) did not find i n A D A M S. C h eck doc k et fiche in P DR. 4. Va ll a n ce , J.M., "Supp l emen t to a Study of the P ro b abili ty o f an A i rc r a ft U sing Wau k egan Memoria l Air p o rt H itting t he Zion S t ation" , Pickard , L owe, & Assoc i ates, I nc., A u gust 2 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on Docket 50-295) did not fi nd in A D A M S. C h eck docke t fi c h e in PD R. 5. Project 485, Airc r aft Considerations, Pre-appl ic at i on S i te Review, Boardman Nu clear Plant, October 1 9 7 3 could n ot l oca t e doc k et numbe r for "Board m an N uclear P l a n t" &.-WASH 1238, "Environmental Survey of Transportation of Rad i oactive Materials To and From N uclear Power P l ants" , December 1 Q72 JWS-N&le-OB/29

/17: ~fw.AG-Supplemont 4-te-WASH 1238, datea-~4-Q.?a,9Yt-it-is-Ret relevant to the accident data cited i n N U REG/C R 6624. 7. S L A-7 4-0001 , "Seve r ities of T ransportat i on Acciden t s" , Sandia Nat i onal L abo r atory, J u l y 1976 c h ec k T ec h nica l Li bra r y repo rt r oo m and t echnical r epo rt mi crofiche co ll ect i on. Co u ld n ot l ocate i n Sc iT ech Con n ect or N TR L , b u t it i s r efe r enced in anot h e r Sa n d i a Re p ort at h tt ps ://www. ost i. gov /scitech/bi bl i o/68543 77 -seve rities-tra n sporta ti on-acc i de n ts-i nvolv i ng-l a rge-p ac k ages 8. Sa f ety Eva l uat i on o f th e Beaver Valley Powe r S t at i on , Un it N o. 2, N ovembe r 9, 19 7 6, and Su p p l ements , Docke t 50-412 did n ot fin d in A D AMS. Check P DR docke t fic h e. JWS Note 08/29/17: T he B eave r Va ll ey Unit 2 o p e r ating li cense SER i s N U REG-1057. cou l d not fin d t he o r ig i nal versio n of t hat re p ort. Sec ti on of t h e Beave r Va ll ey Unit 2 F SAR i nd i cates t hat the risk from a gaso li ne barge accident was evaluated i n PSAR Amendment 12, dated D ecember 1 973 , and PSA R Ame n d m ent 13 , dated F e b ruary 1974. I cou l d no t find th ose r epo rt s. D id no t find i n A D AMS. Check P D R doc k et fic h e. 9. NU R E G-0014, "Sa f ety Evaluation R eport, H artsv ill e N uc l ear Pl a n ts A 1 , A2 , B1 , a n d B2 ," April 1 976 , Docke t STN 50-518 F ound in L egacy ADA M S at 8001 1 00808. Did n o t find i n Main A D AMS , Sc iT ech Co nn ect , N T RL, or H a th iTrus t.

10. NRC Staff Safety Evaluation Report (July 1987), in El l ectric Power Research Institute Report NP-5283-SR-A , "Guidel i nes fo r Permanent BWR H 7,drogen Water Chem i stry Installation

-1987 Revis i on" avai l able for download f rom the EPR I Web site at https://www.epri


1 O cont inue found few non-public documen , Accession Number 8606250157 Document Date 6/9/1986 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 1 Document Type CORRESPONDENCE

-LETIERS OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE Title Forwards minutes of 860416 meeting w/BWR Owners Group for IGSCC Research in Bethesda.MD re guidelines for permanent BWR hydrogen water chem i stry installation

, per 860522 request.W/o encl. Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULAT I ON (NRR) Author Name HULMAN L G Availability Non-Publicly Available Microform Addresses 68448: 079-68448:079 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8606250157 Accession Number 8507020589 Document Date 6/25/1985 12:00: 00AM Estimated Page Count 14 Document Type MEETING MINUTES & NOTES--CORRESPONDENCE MEETING SUMMARIES-INTERNAL (NON-TRANSCRIPT) Title Summary of 850619 meeting w/BWR Owners Group for IGSCC re production of gener i c document prov i ding guidance for design ,i nstallation

& operations of pe rmanent hydrogen water chemistry s y s.Propo s ed schedule & draft outline provid e d. Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name WITT F J Availability Non-Publicly Avai l able Microform Addresses 67934:318-67934

331 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8507020589 Accession Number 8606110861 Document Date 6/2/1986 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 2 Document Type MEETING M I NUTES & NOTES--CORRESPONDENCE MEETING SUMMAR IE S-INTERNAL (NON-TRANSCRIPT)

Title Summary of 860522 meeting w/BWR Owners Group for I GSCC Resea r ch in Allentown.PA re 860508 reque s t for addl info on hydrogen water chemistry install a tion guide l ines.Response to Bernero 860207 ltr expected by 860605. Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULAT I ON (NRR) Author Name WITT F J Availability Non-Pu b l icly Available Microform Addresses 68427:096-68427:097 Document Sensitivity N on-Sensitive Package Number 8606110861 -h Sec tion 2, Supplement 2 to the Flo a ting Nu clea r Pl a nt Safety Ev aluatio n Report , September 1976 , Docket STN 50-437 c ould n ot lo c ate in Lega cy ADAM S. C h ec k P DR d oc ke t fic he. Access i on N umb er: 400 6000253 Document Titl e: N R C SAFE TY EVALUA TIO N REPORT SU PP LEMEN T 2 Document Date: Fri Oct 08 00:00:00 E DT 1976 Estimated P age Co unt: 52 M i crofor m Add r esses: 50437-278 JWS Note 08/30/17:

I cou ld not fin d thi s reference. I f o und SECY 76-50 1 , whic h tr ansmits a draft version of NUREG-0140 fo r Commission i nformation. NUREG-014 0 compares risks from accidents at fl oa ting nuclear plants and land-based p l ants. H owever, it focuses primari l y o n liquid pathway releases and does n ot exp li c itl y add re ss externa l hazards suc h as s hi p collisions.

1 2. Affidavit of J acq u es B.J. Read before t h e Atomic Safety and Lic ensing B oa rd i n the M atter of Skagit Nuclear Power Project, Units 1 and 2, July 1 5, 1 976 , Docke ts STN 50-522 and STN 50-523 c h ec k P D R docket fi c h e and/or P DR AS L B P fi c he (if t h at collect i o n exists) OUND in Adam s Ac cess ion Number: Doc u ment Tit l e: D oc u ment Dat e: Estimated P age Co unt: 79 11 050075 Affidav it of JB R ead on 790913 re recent A6 aircraft crash experience.Crash rat e was conservative

.A ir craft ha zar d s need to be conside r ed as basi s for d es i g n. Thu Sep 1 3 00:00:00 E DT 1979 3 Docum e nt Type: AFFIDAV I TS , LEGAL TRANSCRIPT S & ORDERS & PLEADINGS Document Report Number: A u thor Affiliation:

Microform Addre sses: Phy s ical F il e Lo cation: Packa ge AFF ILI A TI ON NOT ASS I GNED 01268:293-0126 8:295 PDR:ADO C K-05000522-G-7 9092 l , PDR:ADOCK/05000522

/G 790921 791105006 9A Number: Accession Number 791 1 050075 Document Date 9/13/1979 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 3 Document Type AFFIDAVITS LE GA L TRAN SCR IPT S & ORDERS & PLEADIN GS Title Affidavit of JB Read on 790913 re r ece nt A6 aircraft crash experience.Crash rate was conservative.A ir craft hazards need t o be considered as basis fo r desig n. Author Affiliation AFFILIATION N OT ASSIGNED Author Name READ J B J Availability Pu blicly Available Microform Addresses 01268:293-01268:295 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 7911050069A Accession Number 7910250409 Document Date 10/3/1979 12:00: 00A M Estimated Page Count 2 Document Type INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL MEMORANDUM MEM ORA NDUM S-CORRESPO NDEN CE Title Comments on B&W 32-11 0392-00 rept re site boundary doses assoc i ated w/postu l ated RCS release to a u xil i ary bldg: ca l cu l at i ons are co r rect.i f RCS inv entory is as sumed strongly acidic o r very hot. Author Affiliation NRG OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name READ J B J Availability N on-Pub l icly Avai l ab l e Microform Addresses 00883:087-00883:088 Document Sensitivity Non-S ensitive Package Number 7910250409 Accession Number 7910290094 Document Date 10/3/1979 12:00:00AM Estimated Page Count 3 Document Type INT ERNA L OR EXTERNAL MEMORANDUM MEM O RANDUM S-CORRESPONDENCE Title F orwards equa ti o n derivation samp l e to be transm itt ed to app l icant r e F SAR , Amend 7,Page 2.2-32.App li cant states t h at base area of liquid spi ll inc r eases linear l y w/time.Enc l de r iva t ion shows area i s actually quad r atic in ti m e. Author Affiliation N RG OFF I CE OF NU C LEA R REAC T OR REGULAT I O N (NRR) Author Name READ J B J Availability N o n-P ub l icly Avai l ab l e Microform Addresses 00886:352-00886:354 Document Sensitivity N on-Sensitive Package Number 7910290094 Accession Number 7912050299 Document Date 11/15/1979 12: 00:00AM Estimated Page Count 1 Document Type CORRESPONDENCE-LETIERS OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE Title Requests accident rate data re C-141 & CSA aircraft & level of traffic of planes at Harrisburg Intl Airport for updating evidence TMl-2 Appeal Board will reconvene i n Feb 1980. Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name READ J B J Availability Non-Publicly Available Microform Addresses 02128:360-02128:360 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 7912050299 Accession Number 8002120308 Document Date 2/4/1980 12: 00: 00AM Estimated Page Count 13 Document Type AFFIDAVITS LEGAL TRANSCRIPTS

& ORDERS & PLEADINGS Title Affidavit presenting analysis of 1978 a i r traffic & accident rates.Contains revisions to 1976 & 1977 estimates to NRC testimony re air carrier.military accident & traffi c data & aircraft crash po t ent i al evaluation.

Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name READ J B J Availability Pu b licly Available Microform Addresses 05064:297-05064:317 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8002120300A Accession Number 8005300663 Document Date 2/20/1980 12:00: 00AM Estimated Page Count 2 Document Type INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUMS-CORRESPONDENCE Title Suggests representative be sent to Natl Research Council Committee on High Temp Science & Technology to acqu i re add l info & better understand i ng of d e velopm ents in high temp research.

Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name READ J B J Availability Non-Publicly Available Microform Addresses 02665:087-02665:088 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8005300663 Accession Number 8010070588 Document Date 10/2/1980 12: 00: 00AM Estimated Page Count 14 Document Type AFFIDAVITS LEGAL TRANSCRIPTS

& ORDERS & PLEADINGS Title Affidavit re TX PIRG motion for summary disposition of Addi Contention 50.Dose rate & total dose of accidental airborne radioactivity are sufficient to cause electro nic malfunction.Prof qualifications encl. Author Affiliation NRC OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION (NRR) Author Name FERRELL C READ J BJ SINISGALLI A A Availability Publicly Available Microform Addresses 07028:250-07028:263 Document Sensitivity Non-Sensitive Package Number 8010070576B 4/17/2018


Date: From: To: JW: RE: Re: Update* on Buslve Refe<ence s: Man-Made Hazards RE: Re: Update on E lu sive


Man-Made Hazards 10/2 4/2 017 10:3 7:3 7 AM Central Standar d Tune Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov !CbX6) I Tw o of the documents , from the P DR , will be " blown-up" from Microfiche.

A "goo d" sca nned version of th ose will be a cha ll e ng e , but we will d o our be st! DW From~Cb)(Q) l Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 11: 35 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widma y er@nrc.g ov>;,.!(b_X_6) _________

_. Cc: Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar

@n rc.g ov>


(External_Sender) Re: Update on Elusive Reference s: Man-Made Hazard s Thanks. I f those 3 reference s are only available in paper form , please be sure that we get good scanned electronic versions. I hale paper cuts , and my old eyes don't do well with fuzz .... John In a message dated 10/24/2017 10: 28: 15 A.M. Central Daylight Time , Derek,Widma yer@nrc , goy writes: Acknowledged. I have made a version of the " l isr that is just those that we were not ab l e to attain , if you (o r Committee) decides this needs to be po i nted out. In th e meantim e , Quynh will be getting/obtaining the 3 Re f erences from the library/PDR t hat were located -probably i n Hard Copy I assume. From: i (bX 6) I lmru!1QI._Cb_X_6> ____ _. Sent: Friday , October 20, 2017 10:56 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <D erek.Wid m a y> Cc~CbX6) t Stetkar, John <John.S>



Re: Update on Elus iv e References

Man-Made Hazards Hi Derek, I think that we shou l d declare a truce for the "Elusive References" (not a victory , but a draw). I'm p retty confident that missing References 2 , 3 , and 4 are backups fo r Reference
1. I know that 3 and 4 are consultant reports , which were likely never filed on the docket. Reference 2 i s cited in the guidance , but it is always pa i red w ith Reference
1. So I think that Reference 1 should be adequate for tha t group (I hope). Missing Referen ce 5 apparently pertains to military a i rcraft crashes. I think that recent submlttals rely on guidance in a DOE standard that we have. Reference 5 I s cited I n SRP 2.2.1-2.2.2 , so that's why i t Is on the list. Mi ssing Referen ce 8 apparently perta i ns to gasoline barge accidents. I think that the PSEG ESP probably contains more recent methods. Reference 8 is cited in SRP 2.2.1-2.2.2 , so that's why it is on the list. 1/'4 4/171201 8 R E: R e: Update on Elusi ve Reference s. M e n-Made Hazard s Missing Refe r ence 1 2 i s a mystery. It I s ci t e d i n SRP 2.2.3 , but I have no i dea what types o f haza r ds I t might ad d ress. It's too o l d and too nebulous to J ustify mor e effort. So , I th i nk we now have enough. Call off the ca v a l ry. John In a message dated 1 0/19/2017 9: 5 8: 09 A.M. Centra l Daylight Time , Derek.W id maye r@n rc,qoy writes: Joh n and Dennis* So the library and PDR staff have *exhausted" their resources fo r finding the 12 documents listed in t he " Elusive References
  • list. The results are* 3 available electronically which I have downloaded; 3 availab l e thru the " legacy" library system (NUDOCS) on microfiche in the PDR o r in print a t the Technical Library , 6 un..ible to find (I). T he next step is for me to request a document search into the " retired" files of the N RC. I know th at since the NRC has existed since 1975 that there are tons and tons of pieces of paper tha t are in storage in a warehouse here in Rockville. Not knowing how they are stored , using wha t recording system , e t c., I don't know what the chances of *success" are -or whe t her this is a resource-wary effort. The NRC Records Management website indicates that it will be 2 -10 days from when they receive the request (It is an official Form 499) until I " get my documents" (they wor d it t his way as if " success" is guaranteed

!). I assume they would say that they "cou l d no t find something" after the same amount of time. So the list is attached showing the "status" of the documents at this time. I am proceeding wit h t his document request un l ess I hear that you do not want me to. Derek D e r e k A. W i d m aye r ACRS/Technical Support Branch i g~~~k.w1 d roa~;~1~rc.goy From: Wi d maye r, De r ek Sent: Monda y, October 0 2, 20171: 1 7 PM To: l (b X6) c c: I Cb X 6) Subj e ct: RE: Re: Ma n-Made Hazards 6. WASH-1 238 7. SLA-74-0001

10. NRC SER in EPRI NP-5238-SR-A 2/4 4/17/2 01 8 RE: Re: Upda t e on Elus ive Re femlces. Ma,H,l ade H azard s From!Cb X 6) H m allto: J CbX6) J S ent: Monday , October 02 , 2017 11: 40 AM T o: Widmayer , Derek <D er ek.W l dm ayer@nr> cc: Stetkar , John <John.Stetkar@nrc.g oy>; i.;.f:1,-x....;.6) ________ ___,J S u bj ect: [External_Sender] Re: Man-Made Hazard s Wowl Just out of cur i osity , which three d i d yo u find? John In a message dated 1012120111 0: 2 0: 4 3 A.M Central Da yli ght lime , Derek,Wjdmayer@nrc.goy writes: John and Dennis: U pd ate on RErERENCES.

I was ab l e t o fin d !Yt.Q of the Elusive References on availab l e technical document resources that are availab l e to t he NRC Technica l Library , and li b rary s t aff was able to fin d o t her. In the meantime, the remai n ing~ documents are being chased by the Technica l Li b rary a n d the Pub l ic Document Room , and I hope t o hear from t hem soon. I t h as been my expe r ience w i th the NRC document system that EVERY doc u ment t hat I have l ooked for has been avai l able on micr , ofiche. Somet im es it is just a matter of know i ng wh ere and how to l ook , so l am hop i ng that the PDR fo l ks retain t hose ski ll s! (I had an amazingly fun project when I was in NMSS helping solve a l egal case for a D eco m mission i ng project -wh ere a major contamination h a d taken place in the 60s a nd a " partial" cleanu p had been done. The current owner was doing a " final" decomm i ssioning a n d was trying not to pay for any of the added cleanup that was nee d ed to bring t he " p a rt ia ll y" cleaned up a r eas u p to current standar d s. Fascinating stuff -I had to ru n down l icensi n g documen ts c l ear back to the 50s.) So h opefu ll y everything should still be there somep l ace. De r ek From =!Cb X 6) l.!n..ruJ14 Cb X6) S e nt: T h urs d ay , S eptem b er 21 , 20 L;-1.;,;7..;.7...,.: 1~2 """ PM ,....,....--..J To: W i dmayer, De r ek <De r e k.Widmayer@nrc.g o y> Cc: Stetka r , John <.Joh n.S t et kar@n rc.g ov>; ._!Cb_X_6) ________ ___,J Subj e ct: [Externa l_Sender] Man-Made Hazard s H i Derek , Denn i s and I finany found some t i me t o discuss things th i s aftemoon. l(b XS) (b X5) 3/4 4117/2018 RE: Re: Update on Elusive References

Man-Made Hazards (bXS) The second attached item I s a list of obscure o r very old references that are cited i n the SRP or RGs. I could not find these references in my searches. Dennis suggested that we ask the NRC library to try to find them. Before we do that, did you find any of t hem during your searches?

Do you have any others to add to the list? Joh n 4/4 Derek A Widmayer Elusive References Status -October 19, 2017 i 1. Eisenhut, D.G., "Reactor Siting in the Vicinity of Air Fields," American Nuclear Society, June 1973 Found in print in Technical Library: Transactions of the Amer ic an Nuclear Society; Vol.16 , 1973 , Pages 210-211 2. Eisenhut, D.G., "Testimony on Zion/ Waukegan Airport Interaction" (Docket No. 50-295) 3. Vallance , J.M., "A Study of the Probability of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Memorial Airport Hitting the Zion Station" , Pickard , Lowe , & Associates , Inc., April 7 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on Docket 50-295) 4. Vallance , J.M., "Supplement to a Study of the Probability of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Memorial Airport Hitting the Zion Station" , Pickard , Lowe , & Associates , Inc., August 2 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on Docket 50-295) 5. Project 485 , Aircraft Considerations , Pre-application Site Review , Boardman Nuclear Plant , October 1973 6. WASH-1238 , "Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials To and From Nuclear Power Plants" , December 1972 Found electronic file -downloaded

7. SLA-74-0001, "Severities of Transportation Accidents", Sandia National Laboratory , July 1976 Found electronic file -downloaded
8. Safety Evaluation of the Beaver Valley Power Station , Unit No. 2 , November 9 , 1976 , and Supplements , Docket 50-412 9. NUREG-0014 , "Safety Evaluation Report , Hartsville Nuclear Plants A1 , A2 , B1 , and 82," April 1976 , Docket STN 50-518. Found in Legacy ADAMS at 8001100808
Microform Address: 04029: 001 to 04030: 119
10. NRC Staff Safety Evaluation Report (July 1987), in Electric Power Research Institute Report NP-5283-SR-A, "Guidelines for Permanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installation*

1987 Revision" Found e l ectronic fi l e -down l oaded 11. Section 2 , Supplement 2 to the Floating Nuclear Plant Safety Evaluation Report, September 1976, Docket STN 50-437 Found in Legacy ADAMS at 4006000253

Microform Addresse: 50437-2 7 8 12. Affidavit of Jacques B.J. Read before the Atomic Safety and Licens i ng Board in the Matter of Skagit Nuclear Power P roject , U nits 1 and 2 , July 15 , 1976 , Dockets STN 50-522 and STN 50-523 1 (detailed "s earch" notes redacted from this version) 2 From: To: Subject Date: Attachm e nts: Q: Wl<tJJavec Pccek Nauveo Auvob RE: References fOf External Hazards Report Tuesday, October 24 , 2017 2: 23: 00 PM EIYSIYC Re{ergncgs.NONot,:s Wldmay,:r.dgoc I am now ready for your help. Attached is the complete list of references I was trying to find for Dennis and John Stetkar Of the 12, we were able to locate 6 in the " ons1te NRC resources.

3 of those were found in electronic versions.

3 were found In either print or on microfiche

-those are the three I need you to get for me. On the list, they are #1, #9, and #11. #1 was found in print in the Technical Library -Lee Wittenstein of the Tech Library staff found this for me , so he should be able to get this readily for you. Of the two on microfiche

-the microfiche addresses are included on the list. If you need help for some reason, Sardar Zuberi of the PDR found those for me So, what Dennis and John need are electronic versions of these. I guess a two-step process Is required, copying and/or downloading the hard copies available, and then scanning those into an e-version. The members have asked for this as they are trying to work In a paperless environment.

If you think you will need some help as the scanning might be labor intensive, please ask Mark and Alesha who you could solicit for aid. As far as timing -I think having these available within the next 2 weeks should be good. Send them to me when they are ready e-versions as I will package all of the documents we found into one email , to minimize confusion.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Derek From: Ng uyen, Quynh Sent: Fr iday, October 06, 2017 2:10 PM To: Widmayer, De rek <>


RE: References for External Hazards Report I can look for some next week. Just give me specifics as it comes i n. From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Friday, October 06, 20171:46 PM To: Nguyen, Quynh <Ouyn,,Nauyen@nrc 11ov> Cc: Banks, Ma rk


RE: References for External Hazards R eport Update: So far the Library and the PDR have found 3 documents t hat I will need you to obtain some version (probably a printed vers i on). (two from microfiche and one from a reference document in the Library) They are s ti ll trying to l ocate several more (6 to be e x act), s o I will wa i t until they te ll me they are done before I let you know the resu l ts and who to ta l k to. Derek From: Widma yer, D er ek Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:58 P M To: N guyen, Quynh <.Quynh Nguyen@nrc

, soy> Cc: Ba nk s, M ark <M...a.i:Li3arlks~



RC: Referenc e s for brternal Hala rd s Re p ort I'll let you know when they are d o n e. So far , the entire li brary s taff has help e d o n part s of It , so I will clarify who you need to ta lk to. From: N guyen, Qu y nh Sent: T u esda y , Septembe r 26, 2017 1:48 P M To: W id m a y er, Derek <Derek Widmayer@n r c ,s ov> Cc: Danks, M ark


R C: R efere n ces for F x t ernal H az ar ds Report Haha ... I've done this stuff before ... I'll do my best Oust l et me who to find at t he Library to get me s t arted). Hopefu ll y this Is not "History of the World Vol II" epic-nessl From: W idmayer , De r ek Sent: T uesda y , Se p temb er 26, 7017 1:39 P M To: N gu y en, Quynh <Ouynh Nsuveo@nrc 11ov> Cc: Ba n ks, Mar k


Re f e r ences fo r Ex t ern al H aza r ds R ep ort Hi Quynh: I a m c c'ing Mark on this so he knows I have asked you and in case he wants someone else to help me. I am work i ng on the " External Man-Made Hazards" report (currently with John and Dennis), and they have asked me to locate and make ava i lable to them about a dozen refer ences from the Standard Review Plan and a couple of Reg Gu i des. The se references are, for the most part, very old, and such have never been added to ADAMS In e l ectronic form. Most of them are, however , showing up In the ADAMS " Legacy Library" or In ancjent Docket Files (for example , an affidavit from an NRC employee on the Skag i t Nuclear Power Plant license I) The Technical Library is running them down for me , and i s nearly fin i shed. Of the dozen, it turns out three of them have been located In e l ectronic format , so I have down l oaded those. What will probab l y be needed for the other Nine is a hard copy will need to be made , and that Is where I will need your help. Have you ever used a NUDOCS station? These old references will be found i n microfiche form. When the Tech Library is done, t hey will provide the microfiche addresses for them all , and then somebody has to sit at a NUDOCS station and make the hard copy. It i s very tedio u s , b ut I found it v ery fun (in the old daysl). I think there will be a couple of microfiche that will be found in the NUDOCS station In the Technical Library , and then the re s t will be in the NUDOCS s tation In the public document room. I will let you kn o w when the Library I s done with the resear c h. Let m e know if t h i s sounds like (a lso y ou Mark) something somebody else m i ght like to (or shou l d) do. I would do it myself but teleworking has Its down sides l D~ cf-. Wul.was,a.'I..

A C R S e c h n lc a l Support B ra n c h (b X 6) (c ell) derek w1dmaye r@nrc ,aov Flnal List Eluslve References October 24 , 201 rt 1. Eisenhut, O.G., "Reacto r S i t i ng i n the Vicinity of A i r Fi elds ," Amorican Nuclear Society, June 1973 Found f n print in Technical Library: Transactions of the American Nuclear Society; Vol 1 6 , 1973 , Pages 210-211 2. Elsenhut, D.G., "Testimony on Zion I Waukegan Airport Interaction*

(' ~ket No. 50-' 3. Vallance, J.M .* *A Study of the Probabil i ty of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Memorial Airport Hitt ing the Zion Station" , Pickard , Lowe , & Associates. Inc., April 7 , 1972 (perhaps submitted on C' "') 4. Vallance , J.M., *supplement to a Study of the Probability of an Aircraft Using Waukegan Memorial A i rport H i tting the Zion Station" , Pickard , Lowe , & Associates , Inc., August 2, 1972 (perhaps s ubmitted on o~c t ) 5. Project 485 , A i rcraft Considerations , Pre-appl i cation Si te Review , Boardman Nuclear Plant , October 1973 6. WASH-1238, "Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials To and From Nuclear Power Plants" , December 1972 Found electronic file -downloaded

7. SLA-74-0001 , "Severities of Transportation Accidents" , Sandia National Laboratory , July 1976 I Found electronic file -downloaded
8. Safety Evaluation of the Beaver Valley Power Station , Unit No. 2, November 9, 1976, and Supplements r:1 c,-1 9. NUREG-0014 , "Safety Evaluation Report, Hartsville Nuclear Plants A1 , A2, 81 , and 82," April 1976 , Docket STN 50-518. Found in Legacy ADAMS at 8001100808
M i croform Address: 04029: 001 to 04030: 119 1
10. NRC Staff Safety Evaluation Report (July 1987), in Electric Power Research Institute Report NP-528J.SR-A , " Guidelines for Permanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installation
  • 1987 Revision" Found electronic file -downloaded
11. Section 2, Supplement 2 to the Floating Nuclear Plan t Safety Evaluat i on Report, September 1976 , Docket STN 50-437 Found in L egacy ADAM S at 4 006000253:

Mlc r oform Addresse: 50437-278

12. Affidavit o f Jacques B.J. Read befo r e the A t omic Safety and Licensing Board In t he Matter of S k agit Nuclear P ower P ro j ect , Units 1 and 2 , Ju l y 15 , 1976 , Dockets ... r :> ti 1 (detailed

" search" notes redacted from th i s version) 2 From: T oi subj ect Da te: Wjdmayec.

Derek Ngyyen. Ouvob RE: Library Run!

  • lliANKS !! Monday, Od.obe" 30 , 2017 2: 17: 00 PM !! Sounds good. From: Nguyen, Quynh S e nt: Monday, October 30, 2017 1:58 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc.goV>


RE: Library Run!* THANKS ! ! Yeah, Lee pulled the microfilm s l id esheet. I went to H278" which i s the correct address-slide number where the SE is s up posed to start. I d i d a qu i ck sca n of the slides h eet. o,dn't see anything related to th e title. I can email her. From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 1:50 PM To: Nguyen, Quynh <Ouynh.N suven@nr c iPY> .Subj ect: RE: Library Run! -THANKS II Q: Thanks for you r hard work on this! Yes. tedious is not the word. And also you are correct that Ref 11 was an incorrect address? Here is the information that Sardar Zuberi sent to me -it looks like I gave you t he correct microform address -at least from the Accession Number provided. Maybe you could check with her again? Maybe the address is only off by a digit or so? The Properties indicates that the document is about 52 pages , which sounds about right. I know we are in F C week, so maybe you could try for a li ttle while longer on Monday -T uesday of next week? [ Info from Sardar J +.--section 2, Supplement 2 t o the Floating Nu cl ear Plant Safety Evaluation Report, Sep tember 1976, Docket ST N 50-437 eot:1ld not loeete il"I Legee, ADAMS. Cheek PDR doeket fiehe. Accession Number: 4006000253 Document Ti t le: NRC SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT SUPPLEMENT 2 Documen t Date: Fri Oct 08 00:00:00 EDT 1976 Estimated Page Count: 52 Microform Addresses: 50437-278 From: N guyen, Quynh Sent: Friday, October 27, 2017 8:27 AM To: Widmayer, Derek <De r e k W idmayer lore. *ov>


Library Run I Importance

High Derek, The documents are In G: Derek Library Met Lee. REF 1 /\ have a hardcopy at my desk and scanned for you. RCF 9 This was tedious/challenging

-I th i nk I got all of It.

  • I got s c ans from the original scans. It's really blurry but I think they can figure out th i ngs via context. We aren't gonna get much better quallty.
  • The loader of the film ... the wheels had some drift at points so I may have repea t ed slldes but I think my system of captures was the best tradeoff of speed and accuracy.

Sorry In advan ce I

  • On the a l bum of the microfilm, I have to save each individua l page. Also, each page was NOT ID'd. Rcr 11-I think I captured a Livermore page. This address was not correct! TL; DR-Ug l y, but I got done what was possible given physical const r aints.

From: To: Cc:


D ata: A ttachments:

Sardar, Nguyen PYmb ZUbcrJ SardM WJdmMr~ Mlcrolllm Re~ Monday , Qaober 30 , 2017 2: 22: 48 PM W 11 SQ43Z-278 PDF Greetings!

Lee pulled 50437 and I went to Slide 278 and I belie ve I saw a Livermore report (see attached). Perhaps , there was a mistake when it was originally scanned and cataloged?

Please advise. Th anks, Quynh " Quin" -------------------------

And a l so you are correct that Ref 11 was an incorrect address? Here is the information that Sardar Zuberi sent to me -it looks like I gave you the correct microform address -at least from the Accession Number provided.

Maybe you cou l d check with her again? Maybe the address is only off by a digit or so? The Properties indicates that the document is about 52 pages , which sounds about right. I know we are in FC week, so maybe you could try for a l ittle while longer on Monday -Tuesday of next week? [ In fo from Sardar] ~-Section 2, Supplement 2 to the Float i ng N uclear Plant Safety Evaluation Report, September 1976, Docket STN 50-437 eotild not loc11t! in l:!geey ADAMS. Cheek PDR dock!t fkh!. Accession Number: 4006000253 D oc um e n t Tit l e: NRC SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT SUPPLEMENT 2 Do cument Da te: Fri Oct 08 00:00:00 E DT 1 976 Estimated Page Count: 52 Mi croform Addresses:


,, . ' .... .. ;: ,. ~***. : ,

  • I "'* : :...:~ .. '* 6 ~:;. ,_ .... *~:-.*.\ , : .,. *' -u--,~. u..,.c_lo

__ ,_ l., , la:11---.* ' --U.lUA . .. 'I ., ~!. I :" ,t . *--*** . ac* ... :,. ... .. . ~:*.; . .*,.: ---... ,.,. :, -11:ruaua.-. *

  • cc-e, .............

ntM *. l.Nillaa 111 "~.~*1' *-,.-* t _,_ t .-.11 ,--ca --* -------' : . .. . . * .. -~ , .. . ' *, J T t t * ,.

  • _, .. ------*-:, ,-. ... -.-.---""6 t T -*101:
    • L _,., ,_.,.. *-.. -,.1 .. u '""""' ** ..,._ .... u .... ,., flOIC Mil 1 ... 111 I J 4/17/2018


Re: Pipeine Probabiistic Fracture Analysis Re: Pipeline Probabi l istic Fracture Analysis 1 0/29/2017 8: 41:2 4 PM Central Standard Ttme Date: F rom: !CbX6) I T o: Cc: L...'(b-X6_) ____ ___.~r L--X6_) ____ _, 1 ... 1 Cb_X6) _____ ..... T hanks , Pete. I'll read it o n th e plane tom o rr ow. O n Oct 20, 2017, al 11 : 22 AM , Riccardella, Pete ... Cb_x 6_) -------~ wr ote: Dennis and John , r on Respons i ve Record I'll see you all In November. Pete R iccardella, PhD Membe r, USNR C Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Structural Integrity Associates, Inc. Experti In the prevention and c<<Jtrol of slnlctural and m<<hanlu,/

fl/luru 333 Adam s St. Denver , CO 802 0 6 Ce ll: l (b X 6) H ome: ..._ ___ .... cte~mic Privacy Notice: The information co ntained in thi s e-mail , in c luding any attachrnent(s), i s intended so e the named addressee(s). If you are n ot the inte n ded r ecipient of this -mail , yo u are hereby n o tific

  • cmination , distribution , copyin en in relat i on to the co nt e nt s of a nd attachments to p ro hib i t e d and ma y be unlawful.

If you have received thi s e-mai l* , e notify the sen

  • tcl y and permanently delete the y copy of thi s e-mai l and an y print o ut. Th a nk you rati o n. ews and Views 4 3 8.2 4.1 7 PG 16-17 Final.pdf.>

111 4/17/2018


Re: Man-Made Hazards Re: Man-Made Hazards Date: l 2/24/2017 5 :23: 19 PM Ce ntral Standard 'lime From: l (b X 6) I To: !(bX6) Have n o t hit the Man-made yet , because I am unpa cking boxe s (delayed a week and a half by !_(b_X 6_) ___ ..... !> and I'm editing/fixing the Members Handbook , while still "in charge"! Merry Christmas!

D On Dec 23, 2017, at 7:07 AM , ... !(b_X 6_) ____ _,j wrote: (b X5) John <Appendix A -Aircraft Crash Analyses.doc>

1/1 4117/2018


Date: From: To: Cc: Re: RE: Re: The Infamous BuslYe References email 1 or 3 Re: RE: Re: The Infamous Elusive References email 1 of 3 12/29/2 017 10:33: 20 AM Central S tandard Time !Cb X 6) I Derek.Widmaycr

@nr, ._!Cb_X_6) _________

__. John.S The only potentially relevan t sections of the Hart sville SER would be those that address pipe lin e failures (ex plos i ons , fires , and tox i c c hemical relea ses). That seems to be the top ic for which the SRP cites that reference (SRP 2.2.1-2.2.2 , Section Ill , Item 3 , if you're really curious). But don't do anyth i ng now about printing th e report. If you can find where It addresses pipe l ine fai l ures , I'll take a look at it du rin g January sub c ommittee week .. John In a me ssage d ated 12/29/20 17 8:20: 42 AM Ce ntral Standard Time , Derek.Wjdma)erunrc,eov wri t es: John: Yes , it i s easy enough to print out a ll (or better -the relevant sections) of the Hartsville SER if that is t h e p l an. It Is sti ll difficult t o read In many places due to poor microfiche repro. Dennis: I believe you had some format and other changes you thought would be good for the report -I don't know If those are still re l evant or not? If yes , send them as this is a good time to be working on them Derek From: !CbX6) [mailt o j (b X 6) Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2017 10:2 8 AM To: Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Wldmayer@nrc.goV>

~(b X 6) I Stetkar , John <John.Stetkar

@n r> .__ _________

_..... S ubj ect: [External_Sender]

Re: The Infamou s Elusive Reference s email 1 o f 3 De r ek, Got all four -Thanks! R egarding the Hart sville SER -just hold onto it for n<M. Perhaps Quynh can get it t o us when we're there i n January. M y notes I ndicate that it was referenced In the SRP for pipeline accidents. I t hink that we have enough other p i peline material for the time be in g. I don't expect that it will add much. Reference 11 was the SER fo r the Floating Nuclear Planl It is just a ge n eral reference In the SRP , and I suspect 1/3 4/17/2018 Re: RE: Re: The I nfamous Elusive Reference s emaR 1 of 3 it won't add much t o our library. fuggedaboudit.

John -Original M essage-From: Widmayer , Derek <Derek.Widmayer@nrc

.gov> To: !CbX6) I: !Cb X 6) Sent: Thu , Dec 28 , 2017 7: 59 am -------------

Subjec t: RE: The I nfamous Elus ive References email 1 of 3 John: I am sending FOUR of the elusive references wh i ch are " easy" and " clean n for sending to you and Dennis. It will be in three emails. I need to come up with another plan for the other one -the SER for Hartsville NPP is both " messy" (poor reproduction from microfiche) and HUGE (really huge). It turned out that we thought we had found Reference No. 11 , but the information about i t was incorrect

-the associated microfiche Address did not contain the paper we were looking for. I'll get back to you with some ideas for Hartsville

-let me know if you have any in the meantime. (Perhaps I can excerpt the parts you are interested in?) Derek From:!CbX6) I [-m-a_ilt~o .... : l Cb'""'X""" 6) ____ __,, Se nt: Tuesday, December 19, 2 017 4:50 PM To: W i dmayer , Derek <Derek.Widmayer" nrc.~oy>1 CbX6) Stctkar, John <John.Stetkar

~(> ,__ __________

__, S u b j ect: [Exte rnal_S ender] The Infam o u s Elusive Reference s Hi Derek , Cb X 6) I'm finally getting around to digg in g back Into the man-made hazards stuff. ------------

1 'm firs t start i ng to d i gest what people have done with aircraft crashes. In late October , you said that you had tracked down 6 of th e 12 "e lusive references".

At that po in t , we decided to 2/3 4/17/2018 Re: RE: Re: The Infamous 8usive References emal 1 of 3 declare v i ctory. I thought you said that Quynh was actually procuring them from the library. Do we now have them? Can you please send them to us? Thanks , John P.S., I suspect that folks are rapidly wind i ng down for the ho l idays , so we might not get them for a couple of weeks -but I thought I'd try ... 313 From: To i


Date: Attachments

John: wqnaru DerJ!!s !(b X6) U (b X6) Rf:Them~mous~



..,....--ema....,,..1-1m..,..,.3__, Thursdl't, Otcembef 2 8 , 2017 8: 59: 00 AM Ejznhut NfSartjde pdt EPBJ NP-S'283* SRA.p df Note: The 2nd anachment , EPRI Report , NR-5283-SR-A, "Gu i de li n es for Permanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installations

-1 987 Revision" is publicly anilable at hnps:// product?N P-5 28 3-SRA.1ang=US. I am sending FOUR of the elusive references which are *easy" and *clea n" for sending to you and Denn is. It will be in three emails. I need to come up with another plan for the other one -the SER for Hart sville NPP is both " messy" (poor reproduction from microfiche) and HUGE (really huge). It turned out that we thought we had found Reference No. 11 , but the information about it was incorrect

-the associated microfiche Address did not co ntain the paper we were looking for. I'll get back to you with some Ideas for Hartsvllle

-let me know if you have any in the meantime. (Perhaps I can excerpt the parts you are interes ted in?) Derek From:!(bX6) H mailto!<h X 6> t Sent: TLesday, December 19, 2017 4: 50 PM To: Widmayer, Derek <>;

._!(b_X_6) _________

_,! Stetkar, John <J ohn .Stetka r@nr> .


[External Sender) The Inf amous E lusive Re ferences H I Derek , !CbX6) l I'm finally getting around to digging back Into the man-made hazards stuff. I'm first starting t o d igest what people have done with aircraft crashes. In late October, you said that you had tracked down 6 of the 12 " elusive references". At that point, we decided to declare victory. I thought you said that Quynh was actually procuring them from th e library. Do we now have them? Can you please send them t o us? Thanks , John P.S., I suspect tha t fo lk s are rapidly winding down for the hol idays, so we might not get them for a couple of weeks

  • but I thought I'd try ...

210 Gen e ral Reactor Safet y l()*l --...----,er* ~* IO'"--KT--* ,q* rY'" t, p .. -Kr~* 8 10 io** APPfl(W;II oas ------*-* t.WiET ' ,. *2 ... 4 standard d1vl11.tlon ui to accommodate dtvlattona lrom the Ideal path, both In 1n1le and lat eral dlaplacernn t a}*ai*(~)'

  • h*r* "O and r, x character1u tht dl1lr1butlona of &nl\llar Uld la.t1r11l dtvlallon, retptctlvtly.

Normallullon commodates lhe auumptlo n that all fUpta termlaate cu t h, target. Further mor,, wo u1um1 th* t th, p r obability ol cruhet lrom crU lcal cnall1mclloN1 and/or pilot error may be related to the dl1tance lrom the tariet by rr/ a M . *x+t(a~)'J ThtH relatlona provldt 1omt J u.t.Ulcatlon fo r coznputln1 lhe atandl.rd dev\allon lrom I N "i.l

  • N E r~ n*I whtro rn are the coordln1t11 ol N recorded cruhH. The IMual probablllty ot a eruh on lht 11le follow, 11: P, .. m*l*J 111 (py*P t,1)dA m*l*py(r 0 ,l 0)
  • P,.1(ro) A, , where m malfunct10111/1pproacb, I
  • appr~chu/ytu r 0 , rlo
  • plant coordina te,. /11
  • projecllon or crlUcal 1tructurt1, lncludln1 1llowancn for wln1 1pan u well u plant-1hadow a.nd sldddln& co mmensurate wllh typical co ndltlona o r lncldtnct.

Th* p r oduct (p 'F J>t,t) tut,s the p r obabUUy of a (tvtn crub occurrlnc wllbln a unit area at (r 0 , B 0). It 11 plOltld In Fis. l for a typ1n.l aet of param1\er1.

Slmllarly, a model It e11abllahed for t h e prolMJ>lllty of :i.n o.irplane collldl ni: wlth cr1tlcal strvcturta while ap* proachln1 at low 11 l tltudt Pa~ wa~~~r 0 e~["l(~)'

  • (":~0))']
  • where o H 1, lht 1t.a11d.lrd deviation rroni the prucrl~d o l tltude H , and At 111 the vertical cross HCtlon of crlllcaJ 1t ru ctur11 lncludlns aUowancu 1naJoeou1 to thoH made for A 1* ,\ppllcatlon ol 1h11 analyala to the case In reference yields probability valuea ol 1.5 x 10*11 and 7.4 x 1 0**1o r p, tlnd Pa, re11pcct1vely, ualn1 a con,uvatln let ol ranuters.

Additional lnsllftt la 11tned Crom an &Hoct-11.ted 111111,lvlty 1tudy ad m 11 t In i 1everal 1mportani:


I. I. 8. WALL and R. C AUG&NST&tN, "Proba~llaUc ANn1ment or Air craft Ht.urd to a NuclNr Power Plant* I, Tran.s ** Im Jh,cl Soc., 13, 217 (1970). 2. Shoreham Nuclear Power Station, Oockat No. 50*S22, Amendment No. 3, Loos Island Llshtlnr Company (F ebruary 5, 1989). 3. "Stctloo vn and Vlll, Rome Point Prellnnn:sry su, £n1uatlon," Yankee /\tom1c Electric Company ('Peb* ruary 18, 1971). RICHARD J CAMP, "Bayahore Temporary Route s-sz,rs-111 Riak Analy111," Memorandum , Oepl. ot the Air Force, Communication with Conaumers Power Co. on 811 Roc:k Jlolnt (April 28, 1911). 5 P B1EN1ARZ.

Private Communication, Potomac tri c Power Company (DousJa* Point Nuclnr Oennat-1111 Station) (March 12, 1013). e. ThrH Milt l1land, F6AR, Am,ndmtnt No. 10, Dodttt No. 50-280, Metropolitan Edlton Company. 7. Zion Stallon, FSAR , Amendment No. 18, Oocktl No. 50-295, Commonwnlth Edi100 Co. (D ecember t971). 8. PreUm1nary Site lvaluatlon, Doerdman Sitt, Portland Gtotral f:lectrlc, Porlland, OR (to be fllod April 101n. 5. Reactor Sitings In the Vicinity o f Alrflelds-1 , D. G. Etsen hut (USAEC) An evaluation of th* probabUlly or an urcrart crub at a nuclear Caclllcy 1n tbt v1clnltJ ol an airport hH beea performed.

Thle naJuatlon, toeether with Olhtr 1tudte1, may ua11t In the developm111t of 1*neral crite r ia for the .11tt n1 of reactors near airport,.

In det1rml111n1 thl probability or 1lrcra11 ,ruh .. u a tuncUon ol dl1tance from an urport rWlway, tht h.Lttory ol cr11he1 or air ca r rier and m1lllary alrcralt wu IUD'!* .uied. Our analy1u con,ldt rtd thoa1 accident, that oc* curred within a few mllH ot a runway and 1110 occurred wit.Jun a 80-dec rdannc, tllcht path aymm*trlc about l ht extmdtd cenlc rllne of the runway. Only :iccldenc, that reaal ttd 1n human l1talltl11 wen COll.lldertd.

Thi alr carrier 1naly111 wa1 baaed on 80,000,000 mov1mentt while the Navy/Mar l M Corpt and Air Force analy, .. wtre bl11d on !1!1,000,000 and 39,000,000 movementa, TABLE I Compar i aon of Probability or an Aircraft Cruh tor Varlout Type, or Alrcrall _..... Dmanc* Probability (X t o") o f a Fatal Crash from End pu SquaN Mlle p er Aircraft M ovement or Runway (mile) U.S. A ir Carr11r USN/USMC USAF .__ I 15.1 8.3 5.1 1-2 4.0 1.1 a.3 2-3 0,98 0.33 l.l 3-4 0.58 0.31 0 42 4. 5 0.27 0.20 o.~O 5-e 0.0 1 NAb ~/\ e-, 0.0 NA M A ,_ 8 0.0 NA HA 8-9 0.14 NA NA 9-lO 0.1 2 N A ~A --*No cr:uihu occurred iU these dlat.1.11ces 11tthin 1 !O-de& fllcht pelb. b0a1a nol available.


  • I 111110 (moven ~Ir Carri* S.ry :,111c1llae1
  • , Locacton /pw I dl11&ne1 In m TltJtl Area ( probabil i ty an I Probl.bll lly of dama(lnr c ra *rh* tao lllt1 I l llwH aove,u bAlr*carrh1r 1 *TM Cacll11y f n.Goo mo**m rupectlvely.

rabl 11. !h t lnlor1 tht probablll IIIH. Thetc 10 :o *O u i g 2 .., lO I.) ;: l) tQ Q lO >, ,J l1 lO

  • J01 .o l .0 "-t-


  • Power 0). 50*322, ompany iry Sitt y (Peb* Y Route Dept. of s Power I IC Elec* ltnorat* I , D ocket cket No. I 19,tl. Porlle.nd I *ll 19?3). >f Air-I craah at haa been I 11tudlu, .1 for tho l hOI HI I e hl.1lori* 11 exam* that oc* occurred about lh* I lente that Th e ur ovement1 analyaea ,vomcn11 , It :~ 1vement USAF 5,7 2.3 1.1 0.42 0.40 NA NA NA NA NA a 60-dtg General Reador Safety 211 TABLE: II Cruh Probab1ltllea 11 arloua S11H -uu,;, tmo..-meni*lyurl A i r C arrlera Ila")' )h~cellane o u LoG&llon tpla.o1-1trport dii1.1nc:r 1 n mlle*I Ta"at Arn ruaed tn probablllt, 1111aly111)

Prob&bllliy of a potent\all

)' damap~ cruh (per veal') Thrff M ilt leland Shoreham 12 unit&) ll unll) 11<1,000* 8 ,000 s.ooob 2.& 4 ,$ 0.02 ml 1 II 01 m l 1 &w10*' I . 2>< 10-l Rom* Point Cl unl1a l a.oo o 87,000C ll 5 11.02 m l 1 . 10* J *Thi lacllll)I 11 deal med IO wllh11and IIIP crub of all but i.ot , of 1ha1e m~vtmenll bAlr*c&rrlor 11all1Uc1 were uMd for tlleH movemt'llt*

C'l"h<< facllll y It dHtped ID wlthoULDCI the cnah of a ll o f th*** 91,000 m o vamaata reaptcllvcly. Tht rHulla o! theet 1nalyae1 are 1tated 1n Table l. Th t Information In Table l hu been u11d t o dtterallne th~ probability of an al rcr&ll craab at HVtraJ oucltar sllea. Tht1e are identified In Table 0 SD 2 3 10 70 .o Generally spealuni;, past practice hu been that if the probability of an alrcra!t cr:uh Into I nu c l ear fa c i lity wu <1 x 10 ... per year, U1e situation was not eumlned further. U the probability was on the order of or >1 x 10**, the atru ctu.r al details of the faclllty w~re en.mined to determl.oe If a facility bad enoul!h Inhere n t atructural apabWty to mit ig ate the consequence, of an aircraft crub and thereb) to 1ub1tantlally reduce lhl, probability o( a damagill&

atrlke U lnbercnl atructu.ra l capabUltlt*

were not found to adequdely reduce ihe "target a.rea" of a,ng atrlke , then enouah additiona l prulecllon waa included t o reduce the J)Tobablllty to s1gnl.!le.1ntly

<I x 10 ... per yea.r. 6. Probabilistic Assessment of Flooding Hazard tor Nuclear Power Plants, Ian B. Wall (GE-San Jose) Proba.blllstl c app.roa cbea to I.he de11lgn , siting, and aalety anal7ala nf nuclear power planle havf' brf'n pro* pond bJ Farmer' and WIJl 1 who Hlabllahed llmll*llne o to delineate between a c ceptable and unaccepta bl e riaka A limit *line, 1 compleme ntary cumu lativ e dJ11 trl bullon lunctlon for f,.1IOt1 product releue mapllude, hu been utabllabed for alte1 by I atallallcal 1naJy1l1 of orolol)I.

  • ,* To Implement the method,

all accident chalna muat be 1y1tematlcall7 anolyzed to determine their probability and aa1octated fiaalon product releau mai;nthldo; the combl.nllllon la compared to the llmll *llne. 10 0 100 0 10000 / / ~11.dl,, r,u1<\mun, ll~*ll* ,uc, ronlldo nc , ~0 v ood e11lmator ,n rf'r\"ll -.:! " 0 /,% ~v 8 lol C) ~o :i: w u l!l 0 j / V 30 I ~t ... V' 10 0 1 1 ~v .OOJ .001 .01

  • I .: 3
  • 4 S 7 I ' 99 C c mlll at l** .P, ob.l>llUy 999 9999 0 Redoced \*an&l.c Fig. 1. Ext.re10e value plo l of Oood uta lbotnn& control curves.

UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 Mr. G. H. Neils Chaini,an, Regulatory Advisory CoJ1H11ittee BWR Owner's Group II for Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking Research 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 JUL 13 1987


Acceptance for Referencing of Licensing Topical Report Titled, "Guidelines for Pennanent BWR Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installations," 1987 Revision

Dear Mr. Neils:

We have completed our review of the topical report submitted by your letter dated December 5, 1986, We find the report acceptable for referencing in licensee requests for approval of permanent hydrogen water chemistry installation to the extent and under t~e limitations delineated in the repC'rt and the associated NRC evaluation, which is enclosed.

The evaluation defines the basis for acceptance of the report. We do not intend to repeat our review of the matters described in the report and found acceptable when the report is referenced in licensee requests for approval of a permanent hydrogen water chemistry installation, except to ensure that the material presented is applicable to the specific plant involved.

Our acceptance applies only to the matters described in the report. In accordance with procedures established in NUREG-0390, we request that EPRI publish accepted versions of this report within three months of receipt of this letter. The accepted versions should incorporate this letter and the enclosed evaluation between the title page and the abstract.

The accepted version should include an -A (designating accepted}

following the report identification number. Hydrogen water chemistry in combination with high water quality has demonstrated that mitigation and possibly complete suppression of intergranular stress corrosion cracking can be achieved in 280°C water at an electrochemical potential of less than -230 mV {Standard Hydrogen Electrode).

This can be achieved with a dissolved oxygen content below 20 ppb and the conductivity maintained below 0.3 µS/cm. Consequently, the staff is developing criteria to give credit for effective hydrogen water chemistry in reducing frequency of inservice inspection of recirculation piping. There have been a number of recent potentially hazardous hydrogen concentrations and/or deflagrations resulting from hydrogen leaks (NRC Infonnation Notice No. 87-20: Hydrogen Leak in Auxiliary Building).

When this topical report is revised to.incorporate our evaluation, it may also be useful in providing industry guidance for the design, operation, maintenance.

surveillance, and G. Neils testing of hydrogen supply systems (1) for providing a cover gas in the PWR volume control tank and (2) for cooling the generator (in addition to hydrogen water chemi~try).

We recommend that you consider providing such guidance in the final version. Sincerely.

~1:~~~~ctor Engineering Division of Engineering

& Systems Technology Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation From: To: subject: Date: AttAic:hmentl

John* RE: Toe Infamous Busive Refe rences en., J 2 o( j Not e: The attachment, " Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials To and From Nucle ar Po w er P l ants", A t o mi c Energ y Commission (Dec. 19 72), is pub licl y available at https://www.o s t i.go v/serlets/pur L'456 9 ! 34. I am sending FOUR of the elusive references which are "easy" and "clean* for sending to you and Dennis. It will be In three emails. I need 10 come up with another plan for the other one -the SER for Hartsville NPP is both "messy" (poor roproductlon from microfiche) and HUGE (really huge). It turned out that we thought we had found Reference No. 11. but the Information about It was incorrect

-tho associated microfiche Address did not contain the paper wo were looking for. I'll get back to you with some ideas for Hartsville

-let me know if you have any In the meantime (Perhaps I can excerpt the parts you are In t erested In?) Derek From:!(bX6) I [!.llaili.o.

~~=====] Sent: i liesday, December 19, 2017 4 ~O PM To: WidTlaycr, Derek <DffPts.W1dmaver@nrc,cov>;

... !(b_X_6) _________

__,,! Stetkar, John <John.Stetkar@nrc 8PY> S u bject: [Exte rnal_Send erj T he Infamou s Elu sive References HI Derek , !(bX 6) I 1*m fina ll y getting around to digging back Into th e man-m ade hazards s t uff. l"m first starting to digest wha t people have done with aircraft crashes. In late October, you said that you had tracked down 6 of the 12 "elusiv e references*. At that point , we decided to declare v ic t ory. I thought you said that Quynh was actually procuring them from the library. Do we now hav e them? Can you please send them t o us? Than ks. John P.S .* I suspect that folks a re rap i dly winding down for the holidays. so we might not get them for a cou pl e of weeks -but I thought I'd try ...

From: To: Subj ect: Date: Attachments:

John: ~ma 1 er Derek !(b X6) k\i X§} ; I h e :famous L s1ve Referen~ eniail 3 of 3 Thunday, Oecttnber 28, 2017 9: 0'l:00 AM Sl,AZ40Q01Y$11 Qdf Note: The attachments , " S ev erities of T ransportat i on Accidents , Vo l I-Summary," Vol. II-Cargo Aircraft" , and "Vo l. 3-Moto r C arri e rs ," Sandia Labs , SLA-74-000IVS14, are publicly availa b l e throug h the National Technical Infonnation Service (NTIS) at https J/n trl.ntis.go v/N TRL/da sh bo air d/searchResults

/t i t l eDetai l/SLA 74000 1VS1 4.xhtml. I am sending FOUR of th e elusive refere nces which are *easy" and "cle an" for sending to you and Dennis. I t will be I n thr ee em ail s. I need to come up w i th another plan for the other one -the SER for H artsville NPP is both "mess y' (poor reproduction from m icrofiche) and HUGE (reall y huge). II turned out tha t we thought we had found Reference No 11 , but the i nformation about i t was incorrect

-th e associated m i crofiche Address did not contain th e paper we w e re looking for. I'll get back to you with some Ide a s for Hartsville

-l et me know if you have any in the meantime. (Perhaps I ca n excerpt the parts you are in tere s ted In?) Derek I From~(b X 6) ! l .... rn .... i .... 11 .... o[:'L,._x 6_) ____ _, Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 4:50 PM To: Widmayer , Derek <OCJ:fk Widl:na. er , n!L.Q v>j (bX6) !S tetkar, Joh n <Jcno.Stetk ar@occ,iov>

.__ __________



[External_Sende r j The Infamous E l usive References Hi Derek , !Cb X 6) l l'm finally getting around to digging back i n to the man-made haza rds stu ff. I'm fi rst starting to digest what peop l e have done w ith aircraft crashes. I n la te October , you sa i d that you had tracked down 6 of the 12 "elusive re ferences". At tha t point , we decided t o dec l are v ictory. I thought you said that Quynh wa s actually pr ocuring them from the library. Do we now have them? Can you p l ease send 1hem to us? Th anks, John P.S., I suspect that folks are rapidly winding down for the hol i days , so we m i ght n ot get them for a couple of weeks* but I thought I'd t ry ...

Fc,,m: To: Svbjett: Date: SnoddedY Michael WJdmayq Pcm FW: Status d Man-Made External HaWds War1ong Group Wednescay , November 04, 2015 ll: 28*56 N'4 Note: ML14016Al96 is availab l e i n p u b li c Attachments:

Slaff Ey§uatign gt f"lmb!e Man Made H,mnis Gl EoclPSlt Non PubOc MU4016Al96.pdf ADAMS. I understand you are going to be the lead staff engineer for th is issue. Please see below. From: Sno dderly , M ichae l Sent: Friday, Octobe r 30, 2 01 5 5:45 PM To: Jo hn Stetkar; Dennis B ley; Peter Riccardella

Ron Ballinger; Gordon Skillman Cc
Lu i , Chr ist iana; Weaver, Ka th y, Lai, J o h n; Stephen Schultz; Banks, Marie


Status of Man-Made Externa l Hazards Working Group During the reporting of the Planning and Procedures Subcommittee (P&P) at the 628 1 h full Committee Meeting I took an action Item to be the staff engineer for a working group on man-made external hazards. l noted that the Members of this working group are the addresses of this email. We discussed during the P&P that consideration of man-made external hazards was specifically excluded by the NRC staff during their consideration for resolving open Fukushima Tier 2 and 3 recommendations. More specifically.

the NRC staff stated In the draft Tier 2 and 3 SECY that , " Because man-made hazards do not have a direct nexus to the Fukushima Oai-ichi accident, the staff concluded that they should be treated outs i de the scope of Fukushima lesson-learned activities. As such , the NRC staff submitted the consideration of man-made hazards to the NRC's Generic Issue (GI) program by memorandum dated September 9 , 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. Ml12328A180). By memorandum dated January 17 , 2014 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13298A782), the NRC staff concluded that the proposed GI does not satisfy at least three criteria for acceptance as a GI. Therefore , the NRC staff did not undertake possible regulatory requirements or infonnation collection related to man-made hazards and will continue to address i ssues i n that area as they arise on a case-by-case basis, as has been the NRC's historica l pract i ce.* Attached please find the staffs evaluation of the proposed GI. Please note it is not publlcally available and treat it accordingly. The s1aff ooncludes in its evaluation that several regulations are potentially gennane to the issue of Increased risk due to man-made external hazards. Accordingly, NRC may inspect in this area, and may prompt further evaluations (either by Individual plants or generically

), as appropriate. Slmllarly, regulatory processes are available to address FSAR updates of new information. So the staff is say i ng that If they are made aware of information that would potentially negate a licensee screening out a man-made hazard they could pursue IL I think the next step is to determine if we have sufficient Information to question the screening of certain man-made hazards and then determine how best to communicate this with the NRC staff (What is the most germane regulation or regulatory process for this issue. Perhaps enhanced guidance on consideration of the new data in the RG). Finally , please note that the Paul Blanch letter of October 1 , 2015 that was shared with the Committee at P&P on this issue is noo-pubUcaUy available. It should not be shared outside the Committee. I look forward to further direct i on from the working group. Sincerely , Mike From: Sent To: Cc: Subject Hi Derek , l\bX 6> Friday, November 27 , 201S 6:54 PM Widmayer , Derek; !CbX6) I Ll.!Cb;.:.;X.;.: 6) ______ .....1 !CbX6) ! Stetkar , John (External_Sender] Re: Preliminary Research on Natural Gas Pipeline Explosions So r ry th is Is so late, but all notes on this topic went only to my NRC emall address. I check that mall very, very sporadically when I'm not In town (especially this week). Please send a ll future notes to my AOL address: jws tetkar@a Dennis Is right. The scope of the working group should cover all man-made hazards

  • land transportation accidents (rail, highway), nearby Indus tria l/ military facllltles, aircraft crashes (not deliberate), water transportation accidents, pipelines, others?? (I think that dam failures are supposed to be covered under the staff's work on external flooding , but I'm still not sure Just how.) I th i nk that a good start would be to compile all of the current NRC guidance (SAP sections , Reg. Guides, ISGs) on th ese topics. It would also be useful to look at recent applications of the guidance , since that w ill show us what folks are doing In practice.

Those applications are mostly assoc i ated w i th the following completed and In-progress COLAs and a couple of other relevant items: Vogtle COLA !'.'.) Summer COLA £S r-.s So ut h Texas COLA Fe r mlCOLA /"n ... Com1;1nche Peak COLA ( 1 '\ --' LeeCOLA ) G r-~~ Calvert Cllffs COLA (?) , *

  • _ U SHINE PSAA N~ ,4,.,..,~

Indian Point Gas P ip eline , /~ Others(?) 8.-J.. V1 *~ 1-,"\"'C.

p 5 E:° t.o It Is a good Idea to get the gr oup t ogether before we get too deep Into any particular area. Unfortunately, I have a p r eviously-scheduled meeting at noon ne xt Thursday (12/03), so that time slot doesn't work for me. We also Just received another letter requesting ACAS attention to the Ind ian Point gas pipelfne , which I'm In t he process o f resp onding t o

  • I'll discuss it at Decembe r P&P. John In a message dated 11/27/2015 4:39:0 1 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes: From: Widmayer, Derek Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 3:09 PM To: Ste t kar , John; DENNIS BLEY 0 CbX6) p; Pete Ria:ardeHa

._!Cb_X6_) ______ ....,! Ron Ballinger

!CbX6) !


Prellm l nary Research on Natural Gas Pipeline Explosions From: To:


R k:a rdtla , Ptte W!dovvcc Peta; %me JsttJ* QfNNIS w l: 6) ;J Boo nonmgcr!(b X 6) [Extemal_Sender]

RE: Prel lmnary Researdl on ra l Gas ne Exp4osions Dat t: Fndly, December 04, 2015 1*09:14 PM Attachments

Bi l y,wey PA Badcgrosol Jmnra100 pdf Some info on PHMSA pipel i ne failure reporting.

Pete From: Widmayer, Derek

Sent: Friday, November 20, 2015 1:09 PM To: Stetkar, John ; O[NNIS BLEY r X6) !) , R1ccardella, Pete ; Ron Ballinger

!(bX6) ! ____ ....


Preliminary Research on Natural Gas P ipeline Explosions I am sending this to you because I :hlnk you are the members interested in the White Paper the Committee wants to develop on natural gas pipeline Incidents. (Remind me 1 f there are others and I will send to t hem!) I have done some preliminary r esearch on natural gas pipeline explosions and vetted some of the i nf orma t ion that is available.

The Internet yields websites and sources where there Is Da t a, and where there is anecdotal information.

The most comprehensive data on pipeline explosions 1s kept by the Pipeline and Hazardous Mate r ial Sa fety Administration (PHMSA), part of the Department of Transportation.

The data he re seems fairly comprehensive back to 1994 and individualized reports can be made sorting o n pipeline types, allowing one to remove gasoline and crude oil pipel i ne incidents from natural gas Incidents, for example. Maybe some other playing around would result i n even more specialized reports. As one would expect, the data concentra t es on deaths and Injuries from the inci d ents, as well as proper ty damages. I don't have an understand i ng yet of when and/or why an incident would or would not be reportable to the PHMSA, although i t appears as if ALL incidents must be r eported If there is either death or i njury. The N a t ional Transportation Sa f ety Board (NTSB) 1s called In on many occasions (I had not pa id attention to this before) to investigate the causes of pipeline incidents. I h ave not done enough discovery to learn w hen and/or why they would be asked to investigate (versus not asked). But a q uick search yielded so me 120 indivi dua l reports on pipeline Incidents of all k ind s. I did not d ig deeper to see how many are natural gas reports, but a quick look seems t o indicate there are several. T he San Bruno 2010 incident ,s one that NTSB Inves t igated and I downloaded that report to r ead. Anecdotal information, mo stly in the form of Newspaper art i cles, Is readily available from several sou r ces, Including Wlklpedla, as well as "WatchdogN groups (e.g., Natural Gas Watch) w hich can be used to supplemen t data sources, if desired. As I said, not understand i ng yet when and/or why a n incident wou l d or w ould not be reportable to a government agency, I figure not all pipeline I nciden t s are reported, I don't know how many of the anecdo t al discussions are "repeats" of the data until more work is completed

-if we go that route. So th at is a fast 10,000-foot l evel look. T echnl ca/ Su p port B ran c h Public Awareness Program Topics PHMSA 2013 Data Update Public Awareness Regulations Review Public Awareness Inspection Review Gathering Line Overview What We Regulate Pipeline Miles by System Types -end of CY 2012, as-of 3/7/2014 System Type Miles o/oTotal # Operators Hazardous Liquid 185,629 7o/o 410 Gas Transmission 303,308 11% 953 Gas Gathering 16,728 1°/o 342 Gas Distribution 2,138,676 s1°1o 1,356 (Mains & Services ) Some Operators Total 2,644,341 ha ve multiple System Types Liquefied Natural Gas 130 Plants 203 Tanks 82 Categories of Incident Reports All Reported -everything operators report Serious -fatality or injury requiring in-patient hospitalization, but Fire First excluded.

Fire First are gas distribution incidents with a cause of "Other Outside Force Damage" and sub-cause of "Nearby Industrial, Man-made, or Other Fire/Explosion" Significant include any of the following, but Fire First excluded:

1. Fatality or injury requiring in-patient hospitalization
2. $50,000 or more in total costs, measured in 1984 dollars 3. Highly volatile liquid (HVL) releases of 5 barrels or more 4. Non-HVL liquid releases of 50 barrels or more 5. Liquid releases resulting in an unintentional fire or explosion 4

V, r: CJ .,, *o c:: -Ill :::, 0 *t: CP {I.I Serious Incidents All System Types downward trend continues in 2013 'b() roO r,;.O '},() National, All Pipeline Systems, Serious Incidents:

Count 1994-2013 84°/o Gas Distribution 12°/o Hazardous Liquid 4°/o Gas Transmission Source PHlt SA S gtHFcant 1 ric ctet1ts Files Feb 04 20" 4 5 atalities and Injuries Fatality count continuously down since 2010 N,lln, .. , ..... 11 Pipel11,e y::, ""'"'* Seriou .. ; .. ,uents. FatnlitlP.S 1994 .LU.I.> .1 II .:>'JL "C~ S, ' ' Injury count down from 2012 Nation a l. All Pipeline S y stem s Serious Incidents. lnJuries 1994 201) 111 II 6 2013 Gas Distribution Incidents Top Causes

  • Excavation Damage
  • Other Outside Force Damage Serious Top Causes
  • Excavation Damage
  • INCORRECT OPERATION MATERIAL/WELD/EQUIP FAILU flll NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE Serious Incidents All System Types downward trend continues in 2013 .. *-° .., 'D C : ,.o :, 0 'C : ~o N11llon11I , An Plpellnu Systems, Senou~ In c idents* Count 1994 2013 I II Gas Distribution downward trend continues in 2013 National, G11s Distribution, Serious Incidents:

Count 1994-2013 Ill --;; 'J,,a "O *.:; ::: .... Ill ::, 0 '£: QI <I) 8 Significant Incidents All System Types slight rise in 2013 N11tion11I, All P i peline Syst e ms. Slgnifi c ent Incidents: C ount 1994-1013 C cf> .. 'O u .: if) .. C .. " ;: c c§) 0 iii 0 Pi" of§) '\) Gas Distribution slight rise in 2013 National , Gas Distribution, Significant Incidents: Count 1994-2013 ... .., o,O C 41 "Cl *u C -rc,O .., C I'll u C ,f' .~ II) 0 ~' ~<§) '\-~ '\. p.., S * ~* 1nc1den1s

,=,,*e~. 9 20 15 10 5 0 Gas Distribution Significant Incidents by Cause 2010 2011 20:2 2013 -CORROSION FAILURE -EQUIPMEN, FAILURE -EXCAVATION DAMAGE NCORRECT OPERA-'ON -MA*ERIAL FA'LURE OF P" PE OR WELD NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER I NC:DENT CAUSE 01liER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE data as-of 3-3-2014 2013 Gas Gathering Incidents Top Causes

  • Corrosion
  • Other No Serious Incidents since 2006 h ncldent Cause Type ALL REPORTED SIGNIFICANT SERIOUS ALL OTHER CAUSES 2 1 0 --CORROSION 4 4 0 --EXCAVATION DAMAGE 0 INCORRECT OP E RATION 0 I MAT E RIAUWELD IE QUIP FAILURE 0 -] NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE 0 I OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE I 0 1 6 s 0 Grand Total 33% a ALL OTHER CAUSES a CORROSION a EXCA V ATION DAMAGE a INCORRECT OPERATION MATERIAL/WELD/EQUIP FAILU FIII NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE Significant Incidents All System Types slight rise in 2013 Nation*! All Pipeline Svstems. Siqnllicant Jnddenl!h Count 1994 2013 -c .,<:f' .. .... 'C .!: # i: .. " !5 6 # Ill Pt .. ..,,# i' ~o "' ..,,o
  • Gas Gathering slight decline in 2013 National , Gas Gatherino, Sionificant Incidents: Co unt 1994 101 3 "' ... .... " C: CII "O *o ::: -..,o .. C .,, V .1 111 !i5 C " 0 "Iii ** 0 9" r::,O ~" ~o ,..o; '\,(j '\,(j 12 6 5 4 3 2 1 Gas Gathering Significant Incidents by Cause ..,._CORROSION FA LURE -4t-EQUIPMENT FAtLURE -EXCAVATION DAMAGE -INCORRECT OPERATION


  • Material/Weld/


/EQU IP F AILURE 47 27 0 ,

  • Corrosion NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE 6 3. 0!
  • Excavation Damage Serious Incident caused by Corrosion OTHER OUTS I DE FORCE DAMAGE Grand Total 7% 5% 16% AU. REPORlED-GT 7 106 7% 6% 3 9% 3% GNFICANT l

Serious Incidents All System Types downward trend continues in 2013 Notional.

All Ph>eline Systems, Serious Jncide.nts:

Count 199**2013 Gas Transmission dips down to one aqain in 2013 National.

Gas Transmission.-'-

_Js Incidents:

Cc... II " Pl-IMS:. 2014 15 Significant Incidents All System Types slight rise in 2013 N 11tlona l , All Pl~ll n P Systems. Siqnlfi c en t t ncldents:

Count 1994*2013 .. ,.,(§) c ., ... ti .: .,, (§) c * " t .._(/) "' oii () A<, ., Gas Transmission slight rise in 2013 National , Ga s Tran s mi ss i o n. Si g nificant In ci dents: C ount 1994-2 01 3 "' :: o,c::, QI -,::, u C -foe::, -C II: u 11 s C ,.,c::, 0 Cl) c::, 9" r:,c::, ...,o; "l,(S '*~~ :c -16 25 20 15 10 5 0 Gas Transmission Significant Incidents by Cause 2010 2011 2012 2013 CORROSION FAILURE -+-EQUIPMENT FAILURE EXCAVATION DAMAGE -INCORRECT OPERATION MATERIAL FAILURE Of PIPE OR WELD NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER INCiOEN. CAUSE -OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE data as-of 3-3-2014 I nt er s t a te Rate Less Than Significant lncldenlS per 10.000 HCA MIies from Incident Reports ! cc 2 oc 0 0 *o 0 L 00 00 00 GT Significant Incidents in HCA per HCA Mile Intrastate Rate Significant Incidents per 10.000 HCA Mile s from Incident Reports 2 50 2CIC :?011 2C12 201~

2013 Hazardous Liquid Incidents Top Causes

  • Material/Weld I Equip Failure
  • Corrosion
  • Incorrect Operation Serious Incidents I Incident Cause Type -----ALL REPORTED SIGNIFICANT SERIOUS ----+----All OTHER CAUSES CORROSION EXCAVAT ION DAMAGE INCORRECT OPERATION MATERIAUWELO/EQUIP FAILURE NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE Grand Total -3'11, 15% 27 67 14 59 211 15 9 402 38'11, 15 2 33 0 11 0 22 0 60 0 10 0 6 : 1 167 6'11, 4% 10'1(, 21~ 7% 14~
  • Other and ALLREPORTED-Hl.

stG CANT-H 0 utsi de Force

  • CORROSION EXCAVATION DAMAGE a 1NCORRECT OPERATION MATER I AL/WELD/EQUIP FAILU Fa NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE Serious Incidents em Types downward trend continues in 2013 lwtlon~I. All Pi.,.llnte S ystem\, Seriou s lnt l d e nts: C ount 19 9 4 201 3 ,f> : ; .,,o "O 0 I .!; '>-0 II .. I ::, 0 1 11 'C :; "'o 0 Fl~ ..,# !)., I?() ._Oi -.,cs o ... -,S.:. ~.., !,c~f'f -r,a*~-r: *: °" Hazardous Liquid rises to three in 2013 National, Hazardous Liquid, Serious Incidents:

Count 1994-2013 ,.J I: Q,I *v b C: -"' :J 0 *c '?, Q,I U) () p_,'> ...._q I 11 20 Significant Incidents All System Types slight rise in 2013 Natlonal, All Pi~nne Systen1s.

S~lflcant tn ddenls: Coun.!.!_994

  • 2013 __ = C: cf>" ..., .. ... I 1J ,#'" I :, "' c cf>" I !Z '> "' 0 A'> '>o cf>" ~o .... Cj 'II ,,,o Hazardous Liquid rises to the highest level since 1997 National , Hazardous Liquid, Sionificant Incidents:

Count 1994-2013

... ., "() C ., "O *u C -">(§> .. C Ill u ;.: *c o* 0 <, in () ~, "'t,Oj Sourc:e* -s,g /n a der..z; o 21 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 .:.o 5 0 Hazardous Liquid Significant Incidents by Cause CORROSION FAILURE EQUIPMENT FAILURE EXCAVAT I ON DAMAGE 'NCORREC-OPERATION MATERIAL FAILURE OF PIPE OR WELD 2010 2011 20::..2 2013 NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE -OTHER NCIOENT CAUSE 0-niER OUiSIOE FORCE DAMAGE data as-of 3-3-2104 accidents including one or more of these consequences:

  • death or personal injury requiring hospitalization
  • property damage greater than $50,000 in 1984 dollars
  • more than 5 barrels released
  • fire or explosion
  • pollution of water ---* Large Spins per 10,000 HCA Miles 12 lC ... ,, ... , ... ... , , ... ..,--... , .. -----...... , ... .-----*-*' ----..... ---8
  • 4 2 O'----~ 2004 2005 20Cc 2CC7 200& Year --.~-200& 2010 _,,,.. ____ .., __ 2C11 2012 23 Public Awareness Program Regulations Review Background
  • Regulatory Background

-Ga s 1970: 192.615 (Emergenc y plans) 1983, 1995: 192.61 4 (Damage prevention ) 1995: 19 2.616 (Public a w areness) -Liquid 1980: 195.440 (Public a w areness) 1995: 195.44 2 (Damage prevention)

  • ---* -

Why Public Awareness?

It's the Law

  • Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 -Each pipeline facility operator "shall carry out a continuing program to educate the public ... " -"The Secretary may issue standards prescribing elements of an effective public education program
  • Final Rule in May 2005 (Docket RSPA-03-15852)
effective June 20 , 2005 -192.616 for Natural Gas Pipelines

-195.440 for Ha z ardous Liquids P i pelines -Incorporated by reference the guidelines in API RP 1162 , Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators , 1 s t Edition Where are Public Awareness Rules? I Parts 186 to 199 -----0 Plpellr.a Safety ~-Reguletlona


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TITLE 49 Subtitle B Chapter I Subchapter D (Pipeline Safety) Subpart L -Operations 192.616 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Subpart F -O&M Part 195.440 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline _ 27 _

Public Awareness Regulations


§195.440 Public Awareness a)

  • M ust dev elop and implement a written continuing public ed ucation p r og r am that follo ws the guidance pro v ided in the AP I RP 1162. b)
  • M ust follo w gene r al program recommendations of A PI RP 1 1 62 and asses s the unique attributes a nd characteristics of operator's pipeline and facilities.


  • M ust follo w general program recommendations, including baseline and supplemental requirements of API RP 116 2 , unless operator pro v ides w ritten justification w hy compliance w ith all or certain pro v isions of the recommended practice is not practicable and not necessary for safety.
  • Master meter & petroleum gas operators exem p t (un l ess transports gas as primary a c tivity).

Public Awareness Regulations

§ 192.616/ §195.440 Public Awareness d)* Program must specifically include provisions to educate the public, appropriate government organizations, and persons engaged in excavation related activities on: ( 1 ) Use of a one-call notification system prior to excavation and other damage prevention activities; (2) Possible hazards associated with unintended releases from a pipeline facility; (3) Physical indications that such a release may have occurred; (4) Steps that should be taken for public safety in the event of a pipeline release; and (5) Procedures for reporting such an event.

  • Master meter & petroleum gas operators exempt (unless transports gas as primary activity).

Public Awareness Regulations

§ 192.616/ §195.440 Public Awareness e)

  • Program must include activities to advise affected municipalities, school districts, businesses, and residents of pipeline facility locations.


  • Program and the media used must be as comprehensive as necessary to reach all areas in which the operator transports gas. g)
  • Program must be conducted in English and in other languages commonly understood by a significant number and concentration of the non-English speaking population in the operator's area.
  • Master meter & petroleum gas operators exempt (unless transports gas as primary activity).

Public Awareness Regulations


§195.440 Public Awareness h) Operators in existence on June 20, 2005, must have completed their written programs no later than June 20, 2006 (June 13, 2008 for master meter or petroleum gas system operators}.

i) Program documentation and evaluation results must be available for periodic review by appropriate regulatory agencies.

  • Master meter & petroleum gas operators exempt (unless transports gas as primary activity).

Public Awareness Regulations

§ 192.616/ §195.440 Public Awareness j) Unless the operator transports gas as a primary activity, master meter or petroleum gas system operators are not required to develop a public awareness program as prescribed in paragraphs (a) through (g). Instead must develop and implement a written procedure to provide its customers public awareness messages twice annually.

The message must include: 1) A description of the purpose and reliability of the pipeline 2) An overview of the hazards of the pipeline and prevention measures used; 3) Information about damage prevention;

4) How to recognize and respond to a leak; and 5) How to get additional information.

Other Relevant Sections

  • Public Awarene ss interact s other s ection s of co de -Damage Prevention
  • §192.614 and §195.442 -Emergency Re s ponse * §192.615 and §195.402 (e)(8) -Integrity Management

-Subpart 0 -Alternative MAOP -§192.620 -Special Permit s 0 Plpetine Safety Regu l ations -,.......,...,.,.......,., .... ,40 == ........... , .... . ~---~,....,a OI....,,.,.~~

,_,.. ....,_..,._.,.,., . .........

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API RP 1162, 1st Edition, Dec 2003

  • Contains additional requirement s -Message Frequencie s -Message Content -Supplemental Enhancement s -Program Evaluation Public Awareness Programs for Plpellne Operators APIIUCOMM£HOE:>

l'R.4Cl\CE 11 12 F'l~S':" E:>n'!Oh ~!UR 20QJ ...... -----.......-

Related Advisory Bulletins

  • PHMSA-2010-0307:

Pipeline Safety: Emergency Preparedness Communications

  • ADB-05-03:

Planning for Coordination of Emergency Response to Pipeline Emergencies

  • ADB-03-04:

Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Industry Implementation of Effective Public Awareness Programs

  • ADB-03-08:

Self-Assessment of Pipeline Operator Public Education Programs

  • ADB-93-02:

Advisory to Owners and Operators of Gas Distribution and Gas Transmission Facilities; Continuing Educational Program for Gas Customers and the Public

  • ALN-91-04:

NTSB recommendations S P-91-3/P-91-4, 03/15/90 NY leak/explosion:

Requiring operators to extend their public education/emergency preparedness programs Additional Guidance

  • The intent of the regulation is that messages should provide "enough information so that in the event of a pipeline emergency, the intended audience will know how to identify a potential hazard, protect themselves, notify emergency response personnel, and notify the pipeline operator" (API RP 1162, Section 4)
  • Generic messages do not meet the intent of the PAP regulations because they do not necessarily provide "awareness"
  • Message content must be pipeline system and product specific Public Awareness:

NOT One Size Fits All Resources

  • Regulatory Req ui reme nts
  • Pub lic Aware ness Pr o gr am W o rk s h ops
  • I ns pe c t i on an d Enfor ce m ent D ocuments
  • FAQs q. .. .... ,.,..., ....... Publlc Awareness Programs ~-...... ...,-...................................

--..cll' ... ~fll ...........



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......._ i cAwareness.htm?nocache=8605 Public Awareness Program Inspection Status PAP Inspection Updates

  • PAP Inspection timeline: -Federal PAP In s pection s completed b y end of 2012 -Inter s tate agent inspections completed by end of 2012 -State s are al s o incorporating PAP insp e ctions into their normal inspection cycle b y end of 2013


-PAP Enforcement Guidance Document e ading-room PAP Contpleted Inspections:

-Total PAP Inspections end of 2012 >>313 -PHMSA lead Inspections end of 2012 >>135 -States Lead PAP inspec~ions end of 2012 >>178 PAP Inspection Updates PAPEE Completed Inspections Total Inspections PHMSA Lead State Lead End of 2012 End of 2013 313 135 178 614 135 477 18.00% 16.00% 14.00% 12.00% Public A"1areness Inspections Section One (2012) Section One Questions 15.86~o--_1_6_.~4_s_oA_o_ 12.100/o 11.Z60/a_

10.00% 8.530/o 6.76°/o 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.0 5 1.06 40.~ 35.00<<MI 30.00<<M. 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Public Awareness Inspections Section One (2013) 36.8~0/o 29;63°0 -0 18.52°/o 14.810/016.30

~Q---10A.SOA 1-/ 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 2012 S E CTION A GENCY Not No t H EAD E R S atisfactory U nsat i sfactory Applicable Checke d t otal % Unsat 1.01 PH MS A Written Publ i c Education 56 1 53 3 4 621 8.53°/o Program 1.02 PHMSA Management S u pport 535 75 4 6 620 12.10°/o 1.03 PHMSA Uniq u e Attributes and 533 73 1 0 5 621 11.76°/o C h aracteristics 1.04 PHMSA stakeholder Audience 512 98 3 5 618 15.86°/o Identification 1.0 5 PHMSA Message Frequency and 574 42 0 5 621 6.76°/o Message Delivery 1.06 PHMSA Written Evaluation 508 102 4 5 619 16.48°/o Plan 2013 SECTION AGENCY Not HEADER SAT UNSAT N/A Checked total % Unsat 1.01 PHMSA Written Public Education Program 112 20 2 1 135 14.81°/o 1.02 PHMSA Management Support 108 22 2 3 135 16.30°/o 1.03 PHMSA Un i que Attributes and Characteristics 106 25 2 2 135 18.52°/o Stakeholder 1.04 PHMSA Audience Identification 81 49 1 2 133 36.84°/o 1.05 PHMSA Message Frequency and Message Delivery 118 14 0 2 134 10.45°/o 1.06 PHMSA Written Evaluation Plan 91 40 2 2 135 29.63°/o Section One 1.04 -Stakeholder Audience Identification

  • Missed Audiences/

Parts of Audiences

  • Didn't include other information in audience ID (IMP) to Establish distance either side of pipeline 1.06 -Written Evaluation Plan
  • Written plan to conduct and evaluate
  • Correct Frequencies
  • Statistical Sample Size, Confidence Level and M.O.E., by Stakeholder Audience Written PAP Written program described who, what, when, where, how, why
  • Cross referenced to other company procedures such as: -Emergency response plans -Integrity management plans
  • Unique attributes not listed or specific, missing: -System type Pttbtic:Aw~*Pro~

PfPelir,e F~lea -Types of products -Lines and/or facilities covered -All company assets/facilities cover~ ~--

25.oo<<MI Public A-wareness Inspections Section T-wo (2012) Section Two Questions 20.77°/o 20.00CM. 18. 6!>>/o 16.08°/o 15-.~80/o 16.0S 0 A_o_ 15.00% 13.85°/o 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 35.00CM. 30.~ 25.00CM. 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% Public A"Wareness Inspections Section T"Wo (2013) 39.260/o 28.890/o 23.Z0°/o --19.26°/o 1 ____ 1_7_.0_4°/o _ 1 __ , 11.11 O:V, .. .;:o...._

0.00% £ 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 .. 49 ..

SECTION 2.01 PHMSA English and other L anguages 508 86 24 3 621 13.85°/o 2.02 PHMSA Message Type and Content 487 129 1 4 621 20.77°/o 2.03 PHMSA Messages on Pipeline Faclllty 488 100 30 4 622 16.08°/o Locat i ons 2.04 PHMSA Baseline Message Delivery Frequency 498 113 4 4 619 18.26°/o 2.05 PHMSA Considerations for Supplementa l Program 511 96 9 4 620 15.48°/o Enhancements 2.06 PHMSA Mainta in ing Liaison with 509 99 5 4 617 16.05°/o Emergency Response Officials 2013 2.01 PH MSA English and other 92 39 2 2 -135 28.89°/o Languages 2.02 PH MSA Me ssage Type and 79 53 1 2 135 39.26°/o Content 2.03 PHMSA 114 15 4 2 135 11.11% Messages on Pipeline Facility Locations 2.04 PHMSA 108 23 2 2 13 5 17.04% Baseline Message Delivery F requency 2.05 PHMSA Cons i derations for 103 26 4 2 135 19.26% Supp l emental Program Enhancements 2.06 M aintaining Liaison PH MSA with Emergenc y 97 32 3 3 135 23.70°/o Response Officials Section Two 2.01 -English and Other Languages Process,Frequency,Source 2.02 -Message Type and Content Message Mapping (1162 /PAP/Brochures) 2.04 -Delivery of materials and messages Meet or exceed the baseline frequencies specified 2.06 -Maintaining Liaison with Emergency Responders ERP Available, Sharing Capabilities Non-Attendees (Closing the Loop) every three yrs_52_

I01ple01entation Lan ua es

  • Defined process with thresholds for actions
  • Commonly provided in Spanish (as default)
  • Emergency Response & Public Official (English only) * (800) Translation number on print material
  • TDD/TYY (speech -hearing impaired #on print material)

Implementation lemental Enhancements

  • Increased message delivery frequency
  • Messages in multiple languages
  • Emergency
  1. translates to other languages (Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, etc)
  • 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> public awareness phone #
  • Agricultural mailings
  • Scratch and sniff NG cards
  • ER website portal to get operator specific information (capabilities across the state)


? . I01ple01entation Messa es Operator I I * ,,. -Specific i I Educating Stakeholders Implementation Maintaining Liaison w / ER Officials

  • Collaborative operator public meetings {limited specific operator interaction)
  • Tracked who attended meetings and followed up
  • Verified ER lists for accurate contact information
  • Generic information sent may not motivate to attend
  • Inconsistent information shared from ER plan
  • Difficult getting ER official s engaged 30.004Mt 25.~ 20.00<<M, 15.00% 10.00% 5.000/o 0.00% Public A\Vareness Inspections Section Three (2012) Section Three Questions 28.92°/o 3.01 3.02 3.03 Sect i o n Th r ee Public A-wareness Inspections Section Three (2013) :ss.ootM.

31.11 °/o 30.00CMt 25.00tM. 20-;90°/o 20.00% 15.00% 9.63°/o 10.000/o 5.000/o 0.000/o 3.01 3.02 3.03 2012 3.01 PHMSA Measuring Program Implementation 3.02 P H MSA Acceptable Methods for Pro g ram Impleme n tation Audits 3.03 PHMSA Program Changes and Improvements 427 179 520 83 480 117 9 4 619 28.92°/o 13 4 620 13.39°/o 16 4 617 18.96°/o 2013 3.01 PH M S A 3.02 PHMSA M easuring Program Implementation Acceptable Methods for Program Implementation Audits Program Changes 87 42 116 13 3.03 PH M S A and 101 28 Impro v ements Averages 101 28 4 2 135 31.11 0/o 4 2 135 9.63% 3 2 134 20.90 0/o 4 2 135 21%

Section Three 3.01 -Measuring Program Implementation

  • Documents that Verify Annual Review
  • Guide a Consistent Process. 3.03 -Program Changes and Improvements (Document what was reviewed, Considered, Decisions, implementation, by whom and by Date Due)

Evaluations (Annual Audits) Some operators:

  • Documented meeting s , date s, participant s , agenda
  • Meeting with cro ss-functional review teams (or prevent silos)
  • Defined/monitored metric s
  • Combined annual audit & effectivene ss evaluation in year4
  • Linked timing and review with other program s:
  • Integrity management
  • Emergency respon s e Program Changes and I01provements
  • Changes/documented tracked?
  • Implemented changes during next year
  • Verified adequate resources were available
  • Updated written plan
  • Obtained current management support
  • Reviewed supplemental enhancements
  • Changes to print material

-Public Awareness Inspections Section Four 2012 Section Four Questions 35.00tM. 32.36°/o 26.66°/o 26...5._4.!Vo

__ 24.760/o 24.56°/o 30.00tM. 25.00tM. 24.SSO/o 20.00% Section Four 15.00% L 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% --.----,---,-4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 Public Awareness Inspections Section Four 2013 40.004Mt 34.81°/o 36*3001~4.590/o ------32.590/o 30.37°/o 35.004Mt 30.0o<<M. 25.0~ 20.90~~Vo_ 20.00% I 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% L 0.00% 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.0CS 4.07 2012 4.01 Evaluating Program PH M SA Effectiveness 386 200 25 7 618 32.360/o 4.02 PHMSA M easure Program Outreach 424 152 35 8 619 24.56°/o 4.03 PH M SA M easure Percentage Stakeholders Reached 421 153 36 8 618 24.76°/o Measure 4.04 PH M SA Understandability of M essage Content 413 165 33 8 619 26.660/o 4.05 PH M SA Measure Desired Stakeholder Behavior 421 151 33 10 615 24.55°/o 4.06 PH M SA M easure Bottom-Line Results 412 164 33 9 618 26.540/o

  • 4.07 PH M SA Program Changes 429 140 36 10 615 22.760/o 2013 Evaluating Program 74 47 11 3 135 34.81°/o 4.01 PHMSA Effectiveness 4.02 PHMSA Measure Program 81 41 10 3 135 30.37°/o Outreach Measure Percentage 4.03 PHMSA Stakeholders 77 44 11 3 135 32.59°/o Reached Measure 4.04 PHMSA Understandability of 73 49 10 3 135 36.30°/o Message Content Measure Desired 4.05 PHMSA Stakeholder 73 46 9 5 133 34.59°/o Behavior 4 06 PHMSA Measure Bottom-Line
  • Results 93 28 9 4 134 20.90°/o 4.07 PHMSA Program Changes 82 37 10 3 132 28.03°/o Section Four 4.01 -Evaluating Program Effectivene ss 4 years from Implementation, Sample Size , MOE , Confidence Level 4.02 -Measure Outreach Actual Number by Stakeholder Audience 4.03 -Percentage of Stakeholder s Reached 4.04 -Under s tandability of Me ss age Content 4.05 -De s ired Stakeholder Behavior 4.06 -Bottom Line Results Considered other Bottom Line Measure s 4.07 -Program Change s Document Change s -

Section Four How effective is the operator's public awareness program?

  • Collecting data is not the o*nly component to completing an effectiveness evaluation.
  • Operator effectiveness evaluations should:
  • Identify program metrics
  • Describe evaluation methodology
  • Summarize findings or conclusions
  • Identify changes in written plan and/or implementation Conclusion
  • Most operators putting forth effort and improving programs with creative approaches
  • Process/methodology improvements are needed with annual audits/effectiveness evaluations
  • Motivating stakeholders to stop, listen, and change
  • Balancing information overload with specific messages Gathering Pipelines
  • What is a gathering pipeline?

>>,, transport ga s e s and liquid s from the commodity' s source -to a proce ss ing facility , refinery or a transmis s ion line.

  • Gathering lines are defined as: }> For natural ga s, a pipeline that transp o rts ga s from a current productior:i facility to a transmi ss ion line o r main (49 CFR 192.3) a s determined using an indu s try s tandard (49 CFR 192.8). F o r hazardous liquid s, a pipeline 219.1 mm (8 5/8 in) o r le ss in nominal o utside diameter that tran s p o rt s petroleum from a production facility (49 CFR 19 5.2).

Gas Gathering

  • §192.8 How are onshore gathering lines and regulated onshore gathering lines determined?

> An operator must use API RP 80 (incorporated by reference, s ee §192. 7), to determine if an on s hore pipeline (or part of a connected s erie s of pipeline s) is an on s hore gathering line. The determination is s ubje c t to the limitations listed below. After making this determination, an operat o r mu s t determine if the on s hore gathering line i s a regulated onshore gathering line under paragraph (b) o f thi s s ection. (Type A or B)

Gas Gathering

  • §192.9 What requirements apply to gathering lines? , Off s hore ga s gathering pipeline s and highpre ss ure on s hore line s (Type A) must meet all requirement s of 49 CFR192 applicable to ga s transmi ss ion pipeline s. On s h o re gas gathering pipeline s that o pe r ate at lower pre ss ures (Type B) mu s t c omply with a s ubset of the s e requirements s pecified in 49 CFR 192.9.

... U.S D~t of TransoortaLon Pipe~ and Hazaroous Malertals Safety Adm,nrstr~

,. Liquids Gathering

  • §195.11 What is a regulated rural gathering line & what requirements apply? A regulated rural gathering line means an onshore gathering line in a rural area that ha s: a nominal diameter from 6 5/8 inche s (168 mm) to 8 5/8 inche s (219.1 mm); is located in or within one-quarter mile (.40 km) of an unu s ually s en s itive area a s defined in §195.6; and operate s at a maximum pre ss ure corre s ponding to a s tre ss level greater than 20-percent of the s pecified minimum yield strength of the line pipe; or if the s tre ss level i s unknown or the pipeline i s not constructed with s teel pipe, a pre ss ure of more than 125 p s i (861 kPa) gage.

Liquids Gathering

  • §195.11 What is a regulated rural gathering line & what requirements apply? ;ii,i-Prepare, follow, and maintain written procedures Identify all segments of pipeline meeting the criteria. , Design, install, construct, inspect, and test the in compliance with this part. For non-steel pipelines constructed, notification requirement.

>, Reporting requirements in subpart B.

Liquids Gathering

  • §195.11 What is a regulated rural gathering line & what requirements apply? Establish maximum operating pressure. Install and maintain line markers. Continuing public education program. Damage prevention program. External corrosion control for steel pipelines. Internal corrosion prevention and mitigation for steel pipelines. Operator Qualification.

-7 6-Gathering Pipelines

  • If regulation is eventually extended to all onshore gathering pipelines, who will be in charge of regulating them? Mo s t onshore gathering pipelines begin and end in the s ame s tate. While PHMSA i s resp o n s ible for conducting in s pections o n pipeline s that c ro ss s tate boundarie s, individual s tate s' w/c ertified pipeline s afety agencie s govern line s that do not. Intra s tate pipeline s are regulated by the s e agencie s through adoption and enforcement of PHMSA Federal s afet y s tandards. PHMSA's r o le i s to o versee s tate agen cy performance. The State maintains direct regulatory authority , but must maintain Federal Regulations.

Links to PHMSA Gathering Pipeline Information http://www.

phmsa .dot. gov/ http : // p h m sa. pel in e/g u id a nee Questions Contact: Williant (Bill) Lo"Wry Community Assistance

& Technical Services Thank you!

From: To: CC: SUb~ Dalia: Attachments, Slclllman TedmiCII ResQrc!s Inc. W lda>AYCC Pcrck $k0nao GQrdon (ectemalSendlr)


  • Min Hide HIDrds Friday , December 04 , 20lS 5: 15;31 PH fubll$9 wrl> Qdf Note: This attachment is IAEA Safety Standards Series , Pub 1159 (Safety Guide No. NS-G-1.5), which i s publicly a v a i l ab l e at https://wwwpub.i aea.or g/MTCD/Publicat i ons/PDF/Pub1159_web.pdf. Hi Derek -here i s the file for man made hazards Steve Schultz communicates that this I s the m ost recent vers i on. Thanks. dick From: To: Sub.le¢ D1te: Hello Derek, GettYs Eyetyn WJdromr Pmk S1m1M1Y of things I have been woodng on that )'OU may not know Friday , December 18 , 2015 2: 15: 23 PM OK -so for external man-made hazards; s i nk holes , flooding and climate changes are things that are being considered by the staff for the level 3 PRAs. I ta l ked to Anders GIibertson who is working on the Vogtle Level 3 PRA. Just what Is In the L3 PRAs R i sk Metric I s still being determ i ned by the staff , and when that determinat io n Is made, the n they will present it to the ACRS. The geologica l area Is taken into consideration , so f or Vogtle coal seams running under the plant is not a consideration nor is sink holes, but fl oodin g Is and climate changes Is an 'uncertain factor' that has yet to be determine but is being addressed. Paul Blanch received response letters , concern the IP's proposed gas pipeline , fll'om RI Michael Dudek, June 29, 2015 (Ml 15082a420), and NRR/DlR Chris Miller November 6, 2015 (ML15287a257). Hope this is helpful , Evelyn From: To:


D1t e: Attldlments

Good Morning , Gettys. Eyetyn W ld ma:tec Pccck FW: Ref: Question on gas pjpeines a rou nd IP Tuesday , 08 , 2015 9: 24: 38 AM Poe:faoe c J n cHan pojn t Natura l Gas Pipe noe pro ject docx Shall I setup a meeting for us to discuss with Doug? He i s in DORL we could meet over coffee. H e seems to u nderstand what we are looking for EG From: Picke tt, Do u g l as Sent: Tu esda y , Dece m be r 0 8 , 2015 8:5 1 A M To: G etty s , Eve l yn


RE: R ef: qu estion on gas pi pe l in es around IP E velyn -We have a ton of Information on natural gas p i pelines at Indian Point. Two gas pipelines have been on the owner controlled property s i nce before l i censing of I ndian Point 2 & 3 plus there are plans to bu il d another pipel i ne that will also cross the owner controlled prope rty. I've attached a one-pager for general information but there i s lots more. I am aware of the Lochba u m letter that orig i nated your effort but I don" t know how much i nformation you wi ll need. Also , there are na t ural gas pipelines near other nuclea r power plants. I can drop by and we can discuss. Doug Dougl a s V. P ic k ett. Se n io r Project Manager Indian Point N uclear Generating Un i t Nos. 2 & 3 James A FitzPatri c k Nuclear Power Plant 301-415-1364 From: H aa g e n se n , Bri a n Sent: Mo n d a y , Decembe r 07, 2015 6:2 4 P M To: Gett y s, E v elyn Cc: De n te l , Glenn; Pickett, Dougl a s


RE: R ef: question on gas pipelines around IP Evelyn. U n fortunately. we are in the m i ddle of a reactor startup and vis i t by the Cha i rman tomorrow. I w on't be able to get to answering you until this i s over. Could you check w i th Glenn De nt a l , ou r Branch Chief , i n Reg i on 1 or Doug Pickett , our PM in HQ for a prompt response?

Th anks , B rian From: Gett y s, Evel y n Sent: M on day , December 07, 2015 3:37 P M To: Haa g ensen, Br i an ; Ric h , Sa r ah <Sarah Rjch@nrc iPY>; N e w m a n, Garrett <Garrett.NewmaQ{<

me, Pv>


Ref: q ues t ion on gas pipelines around IP Hell o Br ian, Sarah and Garrett , I am he lp ing the ACRS staff gather informat i on on man-made hazards at nuclear plants ,

with particular Interest In gas p i pelines that are existing or being purposed In the vicin i ty of a nuclear facility. It is my understanding that Indian Po i nt has had this Issue and came to some conclusion.

If you could verify this for me and direct me to any analysis they produced to support the i r posit i on would be greatly app r eciated. Sincerely, Ev elyn Gettys Project Manager ACRS (R) 301-415-4029 TWF-D41 Natural Gas Pipeline Project Proposed Near Indian Point Key Messages

  • On March 3 , 2015 , the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the proposed Spectra Energy expansion to natural gas pipelines In the New England area. If constructed, a new 42-inch diameter p i peline will traverse a portion of the controlled property at the Ind ian Point site.
  • Entergy Nuc lea r Operations, Inc. performed a site hazards analysis of the new pipeline pursuant to 1 O CFR 50.59 and concluded that the project poses no additional risks and that prior NRC review and approval Is not required.
  • NRC staff from Region I , NRO , and NRR reviewed Entergy's 50.59 evaluation, performed an Independent blast analysis, and concluded that the proposed natural gas pipeline will not pose additional risks to radiological safety at the Indian Point site. Facts
  • Natural gas pipelines have existed on the Indian Point owner-controlled property prior to plant construction. A 26-inch diameter natural gas pipeline was built In 1952, followed by a 30-lnch diame te r pipeline In 1965. Operating licenses were granted to Indian Point Units 1 , 2, and 3 in 1962, 1973, and 1975 , respectively. The existing pipelines are located approximately 640 feet from the Un it 3 containment.

The AEC/NRC performed confirmatory analysis to determine the impact of a rupture of the existing natural gas pipelines at the Indian Point facility in 1973 , 2003 and 2008.

  • NRC regulations require that the licensee perform a site hazards analysis to determine the Impact of a rupture of the proposed natural gas pipeline on the safe operation and shutdown of nu clear power plants. Entergy submitted their analysis concluding that a rup , ture of the 42-inch natural gas pipeline would not represent an increased risk of rad iolog ical safety at the site and that prior NRC review and approval was not requi red.
  • While the new pipeline is larger than the existing pipelines, it will be routed significantly further away from safety-related systems , structures, and components (SSCs) than the existing gas pipelines at the Indian Point site. The c losest distance from the underground piping to the security owner controlled area fence is 1580 ft. As a result , the blast analys i s performed by the licensee and the confirmatory analysis performed by the NRC concluded tha t resultant pressure waves and critical heat flux from a pipeline rupture would not adversely impact SSCs at the site.
  • Both the licensee and the NRC used the ALOHA computer code for the blast analysis.

ALOHA , which was developed by EPA and NOAA, is designed to model chemical releases and Is widely accepted by numerous industries. Release rates determined by ALOHA have been compared with release rates calculated manually based upon equations available in reference li terature and reports. The ALOHA model predicts maximum and average release rates that are h i gher than the ones calculated by hand and, therefore, is considered rea sonable and conservative for this application.

From: To: Cc;: DE.NN1S 111.EY Wldmaw:r, Puck Blc:t PeooJs; lobo SJ:etlw Sub jectl Ollte: r&temal_Sender]

R.e: Man-Made Hazard s An,lysls -lntormal meeting Friday , July 01, 2016 12: 16:2 4 PM Let's go with Plan B I-September.

See yo u n ext week. O n Jul 1, 2016, al 8:25 AM, Widm aye r , Derek <Derek Wjdmayer@nrc iov> wrote: Dennis I should have f i gured, but a couple of my fellow-ACRS staff members have reserved members f or Informal meetings on both days of next week's FC meeting (Thurs and Fri). I am not available on Wednesday for a meeting (if you wanted to try to muster everyone for then). So Plan B options are (1) wa it until September -I can reserve one of the days right away so we w ill not miss it; (2) try to ho ld a teleconferen ce -that is something i have never tr ied with a group of membe r s before; (3) both; (4) try to arrange for I nformal meeting during August SC week If SC (of a majority of) SC members are in town a certain time. White we are deciding, I will hold the Caucus Room for a day i n September.

Let me know what d irection you wou ld like me to pursue. Derek <II 'Wlt/nuwat Se nior Staff Scie nti s t ACRS/fechnica l Support Branch Email: de re k,widmayer@nrc, goy Phone: 301-4 1 5-5375