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2011/04/19 Watts Bar 2 OL - 20110415 Open Item List Master TVA Update 04-19-11.docx
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/2011
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML11136A087 (60)


1 WBN2Public Resource From: Clark, Mark Steven []

Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 11:58 AM To: Crouch, William D; Hilmes, Steven A Cc: Poole, Justin


20110415 Open Item List Master TVA Update 04-19-11.docx Attachments:

20110415 Open Item List Master TVA Update 04-19-11.docxBill:

Please forward the attached update to Justin. Not much of an update this week.

Regards, Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.Control SystemsWatts Bar 2 Completion ProjectPhone: 423.365.3007e-mail: Hearing Identifier: Watts_Bar_2_Operating_LA_Public Email Number: 352 Mail Envelope Properties (7AB41F650F76BD44B5BCAB7C0CCABFAF1816A07E)


20110415 Open Item List Master TVA Update 04-19-11.docx Sent Date: 4/19/2011 11:57:32 AM Received Date: 4/19/2011 11:57:43 AM From: Clark, Mark Steven Created By: Recipients: "Poole, Justin" <>

Tracking Status: None "Crouch, William D" <> Tracking Status: None "Hilmes, Steven A" <> Tracking Status: None

Post Office: Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 321 4/19/2011 11:57:43 AM 20110415 Open Item List Master TVA Update 04-19-11.docx 500862

Options Priority: Standard Return Notification: No Reply Requested: No Sensitivity: Normal Expiration Date: Recipients Received:

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 001 All All B (A The Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line for Unit 2 (A g enc y 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides

1. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09:

The FSAR contains 002 All All B (A Are there I&C com p onents and s y stems that have chan g ed to a 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides

2. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09:

The FSAR contains 003 All All B (A Because a di gital I&C p latform can be confi g ured and p ro grammed 12/15/2009 Presentation Slides

3. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/2010 NNC 11/19/09:

The FSAR contains 004 All All B (APlease identif y the information that will be submitted for each Res p onder: Webb 1/13/10 Public Meetin g 4. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI Januar y 13 , 2010 NNC 11/19/09:

LIC-110 Rev. 1 Section 005 7.1.3. (G B y letter date Februar y 28 , 2008 (A g enc ywide Documents Access Res p onder: Crai g/Webb 5. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 006 (G A mendment 95 of the FSAR

, Cha p ter 7.3 , shows that chan g e 7.3-1 B y letter dated Februar y 5 , 2010: TVA p rovided the Unit 2

6. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC: WCAP-12096 Rev. 7 007 7.1.3. (G The set p oint methodolo gy has been reviewed and a pp roved b y the TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 7

7. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated TVA to p rovide Rev. 8 of the Unit 1 008 7.3 (G There are several staff positions that p rovide guidance on set point TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 8

8. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 009 7.3.2 5.6 , (D a Chan g e 7.3-2 , identified in Watts Bar Nuclear Plant FSAR red-line TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 9

9. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/10 , 010 7.3 7.3 (D a The ori g inal SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847

) documents that the TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 10

10. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 3/12/10 , 011 7.3.2 5.6 , (D aNUREG-0847 Su pplement No. 2 Section 7.3.2 includes an TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 11

11. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI ML101680598

, 012 7.4 7.4 (D a The ori g inal SER on Watts Bar (NUREG-0847

) documents that the TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 12

12. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 013 7.1.3. (G Cha p ter 7 and Cha p ter 16 of Amendment 95 to the FSAR do not TVA Letter Dated March 12

, 2010 (Enclosure 1

, Item No. 13

13. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated TS have been docketed.

014 All All B (A Provide the justification for an y hardware and software chan g es Date: 4/27/10

14. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 015 (G Verif y that the refurbishment of the p ower ran ge nuclear Date: 4/27/10
15. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 016 (CIdentify the precedents in license amendment requests (LARs), if Date: 4/27/10
16. Y Closed Closed NRC Meeting TVA Letter dated 017 7.3.1 7.3.1 , (D a Identif y precedents in LARs

, if an y, for the solid state p rotection Date: 4/27/10

17. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 018 (G Identif y an y chan g es made to an y instrumentation and control Date: 4/27/10
18. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 019 (G Verif y that the containment p ur ge isolation radiation monitor is the Date: 4/27/10
19. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 020 (GProvide environmental q ualification information p ursuant to Section Date: 4/27/10
20. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10:

SRP Section 7.0 states:

021 7.3 (GFor the Foxboro S p ec 200 p latform , identif y an y chan g es in Date: 5/25/10

21. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated The resolution of this item will be 022 7.3.2 5.6 , (D a Verif y the auxiliar y feedwater control refurbishment results in a like-Date: 4/27/10
22. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 023 (GProvide environmental q ualification (10 CFR 50.49

) information for Date: 4/27/10

23. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10:

SRP Section 7.0 states:

024 (CProvide a schedule b y the Januar y 13 , 2010 , meetin g for providin g Durin g the Januar y 13 , 2010 meetin g, TVA p resented a

24. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g N/A - Re q uest for NNC 4/30/10:

Carte to address 025 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i For the containment radiation hi g h radiation monitor

, verif y that the Date: 4/27/10

25. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g ML101230248

, 026 (GProvide environmental q ualification (10 CFR 50.49

) information for Date: 4/27/10

26. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated NNC 4/30/10:

SRP Section 7.0 states:

027 7.7.1. (CFor Foxboro I/A p rovide information re g ardin g safet y/non-safet y-Date: 4/27/10

27. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 028 (GFor the turbine control AEH s ystem , verif y that the refurbishment Res p onder: Mark Scansen
28. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 029 (CFor the rod control s y stem , verif y that the refurbishment results in a Date: 4/27/10
29. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 030 (G Re g ardin g the refurbishment of I&C e q ui p ment , identif y an y Res p onder: Clark
30. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated 031 (C For the rod position indication s y stem (CERPI), p rovide information Date: 4/27/10
31. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated CERPI is non-safet y related. 032 (C For the process com p uter , need to consider c yber securit y issues Date: 4/27/10
32. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated EICB will no lon g er consider c yber 033 (C For the loose p arts monitorin g s y stem , provide information Date: 4/27/10
33. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g TVA Letter dated The loose p arts monitorin g s ystem is 034 (G 2/4/2010 Res ponder: TVA
34. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 034. a r g Cha p ter 7.1 - Introduction
35. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 034. (G Cha pter 7.2 - Reactor Tri p S y stem 36. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 034.7.3 7.3 (D a Cha p ter 7.3 - ESFAS 37. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A (M a Cha pter 7.5 - Instrumentation S y stems Im p ortant to Safet y 38. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Closed r c u Cha p ter 7.6 -

A ll Other S ystems Re quired for Safet y 39. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Closed 034. n g h/ Cha pter 7.7 Control S ystems 40. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 035 (S i 2/18/2010 Res p onder: Clark

41. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 1 TVA Letter dated LIC-110 Section 6.2.2 states: "Desi g n 036 7.5.2 7.5.1 (CFebruar y 18 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
42. Y Closed Closed NRC Meetin g NNC: Unit 2 FSAR Section 7.5.1

, "Post 037 (M a 2/18/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10

43. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated FSAR Amendment 100 p rovides Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 038 (M a 2/18/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
44. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated The slides presented at the December 039 (G Januar y 13 , 2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
45. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI FSAR amendment The e quation for the calculation of the 040 (G Januar y 13 , 2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
46. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI EICB RAI FSAR amendment The e quation for the calculation of the 042 All All B (AFebruar y 25 , 2010: Telecom Date: 5/25/10
47. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated The drawin g provided did not have the 044 7.5.2 7.5.1 (CFebruar y 25 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
48. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 045 (CFebruar y 25 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
49. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 046 (CFebruar y 25 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
50. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re q uest for N/A 047 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C 4/8/2010 Res p onder: WEC/Hilmes Date: 5/25/10
51. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 048 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ap ril 8 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
52. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 049 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C 4/8/2010 Res ponder: WEC Date: 5/25/10
53. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 050 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C 4/8/2010 Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10
54. N Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC 11/18/10:

S y sRS Rev. 2 contains 051 (G Ap ril 15 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10

55. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Review addressed b y another O p en 052 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
56. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 12 053 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
57. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 13 054 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i 4/19/2010 Res ponder: Slifer/Clark Date: 5/25/10
58. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 14 TVA Letter dated 055 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i 4/19/2010 Res ponder: Slifer/Clark Date: 5/25/10
59. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 15 TVA Letter dated 056 (S i Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
60. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 16 TVA Letter dated Sorrento Radiation Monitorin g 057 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i 4/19/2010 Res ponder: TVA I&C Staff Date: 5/25/10
61. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 17 TVA Letter dated 058 7.5.0 7.5 (S i Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
62. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 18 TVA Letter dated 059 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 63. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 19 TVA Letter dated 060 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
64. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A A ddressed b y O p en Item No. 47 061 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
65. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A A ddressed b y O p en Item No. 48 062 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
66. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A A ddressed b y O p en Item No. 49 063 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ap ril 19 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
67. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A A ddressed b y O p en Item No. 50 064 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: Webb Date: 4/8/2010

68. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion TVA Letter dated 065 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res ponder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

69. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion TVA Letter dated 066 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

70. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion TVA Letter dated 070 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

71. N Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion TVA Letter dated NNC 11/23/10:

The dues date in this 071 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res ponder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

72. N Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A NNC 11/23/10:

The dues date in this 072 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

73. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A 073 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

74. N Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A 075 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res ponder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

75. N Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A 076 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10

76. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A 077 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C B y letter dated March 12

, 2010 TVA stated that the tar g et submittal Res p onder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

77. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion TVA Letter dated 078 (G 4/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
78. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 079 (G 4/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
79. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Reviewed under Item 154 080 (S i 4/26/2010 Res p onder: WEC
80. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 2 TVA Letter dated 082 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: WEC Date: 6/18/10
81. N Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC 11/18/10:

See also O p en Item No.

083 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C Ma y 6 , 2010 Date: 6/18/10

82. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 084 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C May 6, 2010 Date: 6/18/10
83. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 085 7.5.2 7.5.1 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: WEC
84. N Closed Closed EICB RAI 087 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i Ma y 6 , 2010 Date: 5/24/10
85. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 20 TVA Letter dated 088 7.5.2 7.5.1 (S i May 6, 2010 Date: 5/24/10
86. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 21 TVA Letter dated

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 089 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: Clark

87. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated NNC: Docketed res p onse states that 090 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
88. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 091 7.4 7.4 (D a Ma y 20 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
89. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated 093 (G Ma y 20 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10
90. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under item 154 094 (G 5/20/2010 Res p onder: Clark Date: 5/25/10
91. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was found in FSAR 095 7.8.1 , XX (D a Ma y 20 , 2010 Date: 92. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No. 2 TVA Letter dated 096 7.7.5 XX (D a 5/20/2010 Res p onder: 93. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.3 TVA Letter dated 097 7.4.2 7.4 (D a Ma y 20 , 2010 Date: 94. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.4 TVA Letter dated 098 7.4.2 7.4 (D a Ma y 25 , 2010 Date: 95. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.5 TVA Letter dated 099 (B a April 12, 2010 Date: 96. Y Closed Closed Closed to Item 129 100 (C 5/20/2010 Res p onder: WEC
97. Y Closed Closed N/A - No q uestion N/A 102 (C Ma y 24 , 2010 Date: 5/24/10
98. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated Re q uest for schedule not information.

103 7.4 7.4 (D a 5/27/2010 Res p onder: A y ala Date: 5/27/10

99. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current 104 7.4 7.4 (D a 5/27/2010 Res ponder: Merten Date: 5/27/10 100. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current 105 (G Ap ril 29 , 2010 Date: 101. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under item 154.

106 (S i May 6, 2010 Date: 5/25/10 102. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 9 TVA Letter dated 107 (S i May 6, 2010 Date: 5/28/10 103. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 22 TVA Letter dated 108 (G Ma y 6 , 2010 Date: 5/25/10 104. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Will be reviewed under OI#154 109. (C 5/6/2010 Res ponder: N/A 105. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Du plicate of another o p en Item. 109.7.8 XX (D a 5/6/2010 Res ponder: N/A 106. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 110 (G Ma y 6 , 2010 Date: 107. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was found.

111 (C May 6, 2010 Date: 5/28/10 108. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated Request to help find, not a request for 112 (G June 1, 2010 Date: 109. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Information was received 113 (G 6/1/2010 Res p onder: Clark 110. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 114 7.2 7.2 (G 6/1/2010 Res p onder: WEC 111. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 115 (C 2/25/2010 Res p onder: Clark 112. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 116 (G 6/3/2010 Res p onder: WEC 113. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Letter sent to Westin g house re q uestin g 117 7.1 7.1 (G 6/3/2010 Res p onder: Hilmes 114. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 118 7.4 7.4 (D a 6/8/2010 Res ponder: Merten 115. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.1 TVA Letter dated Submittal date is based on current 119 (S i June 10 , 2010 Date: 116. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 23 TVA Letter dated 120 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: Hilmes/Merten/Costle y 117. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 121 (C 5/6/2010 Res p onder: Webb/Webber 118. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 122 (C June 14 , 2010 Date: 119. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest for N/A 123 7.7.3 7.4.1 , (D a 6/14/2010 Res p onder: 120. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, TVA Letter dated 124 7.7.5 XX (D a 6/14/2010 Res p onder: 121. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 125 7.7.8 (D a 6/14/2010 Res p onder: 122. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 126 7.8 7.8 (D a June 14 , 2010 Date: 123. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 127 7.2 7.2 (G 6/16/2010 Res p onder: WEC/Clar k 124. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 128 7.2 7.2 (G 6/18/2010 Res p onder: WEC Drake /TVA Crai g 125. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Track throu gh SE o p en item 129 (P 6/12/2010 Res p onder: WEC 126. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 130 (P 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Clark 127. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 131 (P 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Clark 128. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated 132 (P 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Clark 129. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 133 (P 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Clark 130. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 134 (P 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Clark 131. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 135 7.3.1 7.3.1 (D a 6/30/2010 Res p onder: Clark 132. Y Closed Closed RAI not necessar y TVA Letter dated 136 7.3.2 , 7.4 , 5.6 , (D a 6/30/2010 Res p onder: Clark 133. Y Closed Closed RAI not necessar y TVA Letter dated 137 (CSeveral WBN2 PAMS documents contain a table titled

, "Document Res p onder: WEC 134. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item TVA Letter dated 139 (C The WBN2 PAMS S y stem Re q uirements S p ecification (WBN2 Res p onder: WEC 135. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item TVA Letter dated WBN2 PAMS S y stem Re q uirements 140 (C The first re quirement in the WBN2 PAMS S y sRS (i.e., R2.2-1) Res p onder: Clark 136. N Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item TVA Letter dated WBN2 PAMS S y stem Re q uirements 141 (C Deleted b y DORL Date: 137. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item WBN2 PAMS S y stem Re q uirements 146 (C 6/17/2010 Res p onder: 138. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item PAMS S ystem Re q uirements 147 (C 6/17/2010 Res p onder: 139. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item PAMS S ystem Re q uirements 148 (C 6/17/2010 Res p onder: 140. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item PAMS S ystem Re q uirements 149 7.2 7.2 (G FSAR Section (2), Overtem perature delta T and Res ponder: Tindell 141. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 150 7.2 7.2 (G Man y of the chan g es were based on the Westin ghouse document Res p onder: Clark 142. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 151 7.2 7.2 (G Provide the EDCR 52378 and 54504 which discusses the basis for Res p onder: Clark 143. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 152 7.2 7.2 (G Deleted portion of FSAR section and moved to FSAR Res ponder: Merten/Clark 144. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 153 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section added the reference to FSAR section Res p onder: Crai g/Webb 145. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 154 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section

, set p oints: NRC staff has issued RIS Res p onder: Crai g/Webb 146. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 155 7.2 7.2 (G Summar y of FSAR chan ge document section 7.2 states that Date: 147. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item 156 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section states that dashed lines in Fi g ure 15.1-Res p onder: WEC 148. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated Res p onse on hold p endin g 157 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section

, fifth p ara g ra p h was deleted exce p t for the Res ponder: Tindell 149. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 158 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section

, p ara g ra p h six was chan g ed to state that Res ponder: Tindell 150. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 159 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section discusses reactor coolant flow Res p onder: Crai g 151. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 160 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section (7) deleted text which has references 12 and Res ponder: Tindell 152. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 161 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section states that chan g es to the control function Res p onder: Clark 153. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 162 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section (14) states that b yp ass of a p rotection Res ponder: Tindell 154. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 163 7.2 7.2 (G Deleted b y DORL Date: 155. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item 164 7.2 7.2 a r glFSAR section (20) has been revised to include the p lant Res p onder: Perkins 156. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated Item No. 8 sent to DORL 165 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section

, last p ara g ra p h of this section has been Res p onder: Clark 157. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 166 7.2 7.2 (G Chan ges to FSAR section (20) are justified based on the Res p onder: Clark 158. Y Closed Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 167 7.2 7.2 (GFSAR section

, p rovide an anal y sis or reference to cha p ter Res p onder: Clark 159. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 168 7.2 7.2 (G FSAR table 7.2-4

, item 9 deleted loss of offsite p ower to station Res p onder: Clark 160. Y Close Closed ML101720589

, Item TVA Letter dated 169 (G 6/18/2010 Res p onder: Clark 161. Y Closed Closed 170 (G 6/17/2010 Res p onder: Clark 162. Y Closed Closed 171 7.2 7.2 (G 6/17/2010 Res p onder: Crai g 163. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Closed to SE O p en Item 172 (G 6/17/2010 Res p onder: Crai g 164. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 173 7.1 7.1 (G 6/17/2010 Res p onder: Crai g/Webb/Powers 165. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 174 (G 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Hilmes/Crai g 166. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 175 (G June 28 , 2010 Res p onder: 167. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 176 7.1 7.1 (G 6/28/2010 Res p onder: Crai g/Webb 168. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 177 (M a 7/15/2010 Res p onder: Clark 169. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated RAI not re q uired 178 (M a 7/15/2010 Res p onder: Clark 170. Y Closed Closed N/A TVA Letter dated RAI not re q uired 179 (C A n em p hasis is placed on traceabilit y in S ystem Re q uirements Res p onder: WEC 171. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA 180 (C The SRP , BTP 7-14 , Section B.3.3.1 states that Re g ulator y Guide Res p onder: WEC 172. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 181 (C A n em p hasis is placed on traceabilit y in S ystem Re q uirements Res p onder: WEC 173. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA 182 (CCharacteristics that the SRP states that a Software Re quirements Res p onder: WEC 174. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA 184 (C 7/15/2010 Res p onder: WEC 175. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to N/A 186 7.7.8 (D a 7/15/2010 Res p onder: Perkins/Clark 176. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.6 TVA Letter dated 187 (C B y letter dated June 18

, 2010 , TVA docketed res p onses to NRC Res ponder: Merten 177. N Closed Closed ML101970033

, Item TVA Letter dated A re these connections alread y 188 (C B y letter dated June 30

, 2010 , TVA docketed

, "Tennessee Valle y Res p onder: Clark 178. Y Closed Closed ML101970033

, Item TVA Letter dated 189 7.6.7 (S i 7/20/2010 Res p onder: Clark 179. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 3 TVA Letter dated 190 7.9 (S i FSAR Table 7.1-1 states: "Re g ulator y Guide 1.133

, Ma y 1981 Res p onder: Clark 180. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 4 TVA Letter dated Closed to OI-331.

191 7.9 (CNUREG-0800 Cha p ter 7 , Section 7.9

, "Data Communication Res p onder: Jimmie Perkins 181. Y Closed Closed ML10197016

, Item TVA Letter dated 192 (M a The NRC Staff is usin g SRP (NUREG-0800

) Cha p ter 7 Section Res p onder: Clark 182. Y Closed Closed Item No. 1 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 193 (M aThe WBU2 FSAR

, Section 7.5.2

, "Plant Com p uter S y stem ," Res p onder: Clark 183. Y Closed Closed Item No. 2 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 194 (M aThe WBU2 FSAR Section

, "Safet y Parameter Dis p la y Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 184. Y Closed Closed Item No. 3 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 195 (M a B ypassed and Ino p erable Status Indication (BISI) Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 185. Y Closed Closed Item No. 4 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 196 (M a B ypassed and Ino p erable Status Indication (BISI) Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 186. Y Closed Closed Item No. 5 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 197 X O pen Item 197 was never issued.

187. Y Closed Closed 198 (M a SRP Section 7.5

, Subsection III

, "Review Procedures" states:

Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 188. Y Closed Closed Item No. 6 sent to TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML1028618855 sent to 199 (M aThe WBU2 FSAR Section

, "Technical Su pport Center and Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 189. Y Closed Closed Item No. 7 sent to TVA Letter dated Related SE Section EICB RAI 200 7.2 7/21/2010 Res p onder: Clark 190. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 201 (C 7/21/2010 Res p onder: Webb 191. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 203 (M a 7/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark 192. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 204 (M a 7/26/2010 Res p onder: Costle y/Norman 193. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 205 (G 7/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark 194. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Question B related to prior NRC 206 (M a 7/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 195. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 207 (C Jul y 27 , 2010 Date: 196. Y Closed Closed 208 (M a 7/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 197. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 209 (M a 7/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 198. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 210 (M a 7/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 199. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 211 7.5.1. (C 7/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 200. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated Relates to SE Sections:

214 (C 7/27/2010 Res p onder: WEC 201. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 215 (P 7/29/2010 Res p onder: WEC 202. Y Closed Closed 216 (M a 7/29/2010 Res p onder: Clark 203. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 217 (G 7/6/2010 Res p onder: Clark 204. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 218 (G 7/6/2010 Res p onder: Clark 205. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 219 (G 8/4/2010 Res ponder: TVA Licensin g 206. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 220 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: A y ala 207. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 221 (M a 8/4/2010 Res ponder: Trelease 208. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 222 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 209. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 223 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 210. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 224 (M a 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Norman (TVA CEG) 211. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 225 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Scansen 212. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 226 (C 8/4/2010 Res ponder: TVA Licensin g 213. Y Closed Closed N/A - Information TVA Letter dated See also O p en Item Nos. 41 & 270.

227 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 214. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 228 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 215. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 229 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 216. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 230 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Webb 217. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 231 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 218. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 232 (S i 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 219. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 5 TVA Letter dated 233 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 220. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 234 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: 221. Y Closed Closed N/A - Du p licate N/A 235 (G 8/4/2010 Res ponder: TVA Licensin g 222. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 236 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 223. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 237 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 224. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 238 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Webb/Hilmes 225. Y Closed Closed N/A - Du p licate N/A 239 (C 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Hilmes 226. Y Closed Closed N/A - Meetin g N/A 240 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Clark 227. Y Close Closed Ml102910008 TVA Letter dated 241 (S i 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Davies 228. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 10 TVA Letter dated 242 (G 8/4/2010 Res p onder: Hilmes 229. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 243 (C 8/3/2010 Res p onder: WEC 230. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to N/A 247 (C 8/8/2010 Res p onder: WEC 231. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI Res p onse is LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4

, 248 (C 8/8/2010 Res p onder: WEC 232. Y Closed Closed Res p onse is LIC-101 Rev. 3 A ppendix B Section 4

, 249 (C 8/8/2010 Res p onder: WEC 233. Y Closed Closed LIC-101 Rev. 3 A ppendix B Section 4

, 253 (C 8/8/2010 Res p onder: Clark 234. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated Related to O pen Item no. 83.

254 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 235. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to TVA Letter dated 255 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 236. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to TVA Letter dated 256 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 237. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to TVA Letter dated 257 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 238. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to N/A 258 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 239. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to N/A 259 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 240. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to TVA Letter dated 260 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 241. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to N/A 261 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 242. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to TVA Letter dated LIC-110 Rev. 1 Section 6.2.2 states:

262 (C 8/10/2010 Res p onder: WEC 243. Y Closed Closed N/A - Re quest to N/A 263 (C 8/11/2010 Res p onder: WEC 244. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item 264 (C 8/11/2010 Res p onder: WEC 245. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item 265 (C 8/11/2010 Res p onder: WEC 246. Y Closed Closed ML101650255

, Item 266 (C 8/11/2010 Res p onder: Webb/Webber 247. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 267 (C 8/11/2010 Res p onder: WEC 248. Y Closed Closed 268 (C 8/19/2010 Res p onder: WEC 249. N Closed Closed 269 (P 8/20/2010 Res p onder: NRC 250. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A 270 (C 8/23/2010 Res p onder: Clark 251. Y Closed Closed See also O p en Item Nod. 41 & 245.

271 (C 8/23/2010 Res p onder: WEC 252. Y Closed Closed N/A - Closed to NA 272 (M a 8/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark 253. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 273 (M a 8/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark 254. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL (M a 8/26/2010 Res p onder: Clark 255. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 274. (S i 8/26/2010 Res p onder: Stockton 256. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 6 TVA Letter dated 275 (S i 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 257. Y Closed Closed Not Re q uired N/A 276 7.6 7.6 (G 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Webb 258. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 277 7.6 7.6.3 (G 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 259. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 278 7.6 7.6.6 (G 8/27/2010 Res ponder: Trelease 260. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 279 7.6 7.6.6 (G 8/27/2010 Res ponder: Mather 261. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 280 7.6 7.6.6 (G 8/27/2010 Res ponder: Trelease 262. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 281 7.6 7.6.8 (G 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Webb 263. Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 282 7.6 7.6.9 (G 8/27/2010 Res ponder: Trelease 264. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 283 7.7.5 XX (D a 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Clark 265. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.13 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-u p q uestion to item 284 7.7.3 7.4.1 (D a 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Webber 266. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.14 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-u p q uestion to item 285 7.3.3 7.3 (D a 8/27/2010 Res p onder: McNeil 267. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.15 TVA Letter dated This item is a follow-u p q uestion to item 286 7.7.3 (D a 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Webber 268. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.16 TVA Letter dated 287 7.3 7.3-1 (D a 8/27/2010 Res p onder: Elton 269. Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 288 7.3 (G 9/2/2010 Res p onder: McNeil 270. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI 289 (S i 9/2/2010 Res ponder: Faulkner 271. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 24 TVA Letter dated 290 7.7 (C 9/7/2010 Res p onder: Clark 272. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A This item is a du plicate of item 291.

291 7.7 (C 9/7/2010 Res p onder: Clark 273. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 292 7.2.5 7.2 (G 9/7/2010 Res p onder: Crai g 274. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 293 7.7.4 (M a 9/8/2010 Res p onder: Crai g 275. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 294 7.3 (D a 9/9/2010 Res p onder: Elton 276. Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 295 7.3 (D a 9/9/2010 Res p onder: Elton 277. Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 296 7.3 (D a 9/9/2010 Res p onder: Elton 278. Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 297 7.3 (D a 9/9/2010 Res p onder: Elton 279. Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 298 7.3 XX (D a 9/9/2010 Res p onder: Clark 280.Y Closed Closed ML102390538

, Item Res p onse 299 (CProvide Common Q Software Re q uirements S pecification Post A ttachment 41 of the 10/5 letter contains the Common Q 281. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 300 (S i Need Radiation Monitorin g S ystem Descri p tion/Desi g n Criteria Res p onder: Tem p les/Mather 282. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 25 TVA Letter 301 (S i 1.TVA is re q uested to address the conse q uences of software Res ponder: WEC/Davies/Clark 283. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 11 TVA Letter dated Note 1: 302 (M a 09/17/2010 Res ponder: Tindell 284. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 303 (M a 09/17/2010 Res ponder: Tindell 285. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 304 (M a 09/17/2010 Res ponder: Tindell 286. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 305 (M a 09/17/2010 Res ponder: Tindell 287. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated EICB RAI ML102861885 sent to DORL 306 7.1 7.1 (GFSAR amendment 100

, p a g e 7.1-12 p rovides the definition of Res p onder: Hilmes 288. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 307 7.1 7.1 (G (1) FSAR amendment 100

, Section 7.1

, p a g e 7.1-12 , definition of Res p onder: Hilmes 289. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 308 7.1 7.1 (G (1) FSAR Amendment 100

, Section 7.1

, p a g e 7.1-13 , definition of Res p onder: Hilmes 290. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 309 7.1 (G (1) FSAR amendment 100

, Pa g e 7.1-14 , Westin g house set p oint Res p onder: Hilmes 291. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 310 7.1 (G (1) FSAR amendment 100

, Pa g e 7.1-14 , TVA set p oint Res p onder: Hilmes 292. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 311 7.1 7.1 (G Both Westin ghouse and TVA set p oint methodolo gy do not have Res p onder: Hilmes 293. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 312 7.0 (G B y letter dated Se p tember 10 ,2010 , TVA p rovided the summar y Res p onder: Stockton 294. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 313 7.7.8 (D a EDCR 52408 (installation of AMSAC in Unit 2

) states that Desi g n Res p onder: A y ala 295. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.18 TVA Letter dated 314 7.3 7.3 (D a The followin g 50.59 chan ges were listed in the March 12 RAI Res p onder: Stockton 296. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No. 19 TVA Letter dated Related to OI 10 315 7.5.3 7.5.3 (GIE Bulletin 79-27 re quired that emer g enc y o p eratin g p rocedures to Res p onder: S. Smith (TVA O perations) 297. Y Close Closed EICB RAI TVA Letter dated 316 (S i TVA has provided various documents in su pport of RM-1000 hi g h Res p onder: Tem p les/Mather 298. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 26 317 (S i TVA has p rovided a p ro p rietar y and a non-p ro prietar y version of Res p onder: Tem ples 299. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 27 TVA Letter dated 319 (S i TVA p rovided S ystem Verification Test Results 04507007-1TR Res p onder: Tem ples 300. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 29 TVA Letter dated 320 E I Per Westin g house letter WBT-D-2340

, TENNESSEE VALLEY Res p onder: Clark 301. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Du plicate of item 156

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 321 E I For the p ur poses of measurin g reactor coolant flow for Reactor Res p onder: Clark 302. Y Closed Closed N/A N/A Du plicate of OI# 157 322 (CSection will be added to FSAR Amendment 101 to p rovide Res p onder: Clark 303. Y Closed Closed 324 (M aPer the NRC reviewer

, the BISI calculation is not re q uired to be 304. Y Closed Closed 325 B (G The Unit 2 loo ps in service for Unit 1 that are scheduled to be Res ponder: TVA Startu p Olson 305. Y Closed Closed Closed to o p en item ? 326 B (G TVA uses double-sided methodolo gy for as-found and as-left Res p onder: Webb 306. Y Closed Closed TVA Letter dated 328 (S iProvide the model number for the four containment hi g h ran g e Res p onder: Tem ples 307. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 30 TVA Letter dated 329 7.6.1 7.6.7 (S iSection 7.6.7 of the FSAR (Amendment 100

) states that

, "The Res p onder: Clark 308. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 1 TVA Letter dated 330 7.3 7.3 (D a Related to Item 298 Res p onder: Hilmes/Faulkner 309. Y Closed Closed EICB RAI No.20 Item 7 , TVA letter 331 7.6.1 7.6.7 (S i A s a follow u p of OI 190

, Staff has reviewed the p ro p rietar y version Res p onder: WEC/Harless/Clark 310. Y Closed Closed RAI No. 8 TVA Letter dated Follow-u p of OI-190.

332 (M a 10/26/2010 311. Y Closed Closed ML103000105 Item TBD EICB RAI ML103000105 sent to DORL 333 (M a 10/27/2010 312. Y Closed Closed ML103000105 Item TBD EICB RAI ML103000105 sent to DORL 334 7 7 (D a FSAR Fi gure 7A-3 "Mechanical Flow and Control Dia g ram Res p onder: Stockton 313. Y Closed Closed RAI not re quired. N/A RAI not re quired because the fi g ure is 335 7.6.1 7.6.7 (S i LPMS: Reference to OI-331

, sub item 2.

Res p onder: WEC 314. Y Closed Closed RAI# 1 , EICB letter TVA letter

, dated We need to confirm when MEEB when 336 (S iRe: RM-1000 Re p ort 04508905-QR Res ponder: GA 315. Y Closed Closed 337 (S iRe: RM-1000 Re p ort 04508905-QR Res ponder: GA 316. Y Closed Closed 338 (S i In p a g e 3-15 and a ppendix B of Qualification Test Re p ort 04508905-QR

, "Qualification Test Re port for RM-1000 317. Y Closed Closed RAI #4 letter dated FSAR amend 103 Note: Item to be added to Section 3.10 339 (S i In the Qualification Test Re port 04508905-QR

, the licensee A s a g reed to with the reviewer

, Attachment 1 contains the 318. Y Closed Closed RAI #5 letter dated FSAR amend 103 Note: Item to be added to Section 3.10 341 (S iFSAR Tables 3.10 list seismicall y q ualified e q ui p ment. However

, A review of WBN Unit 2 FSAR amendment 102 cha p ters 319. Y Closed Closed RAI #1 letter dated FSAR amend 103 342 (S iPlease confirm that RM-1000 monitors and the associated The RM-1000 containment hi g h ran g e radiation monitors are 320. Y Closed Closed 343 (S iSeismic RRS in the 04508905-QR re p ort Fi gures 3-2 and 3-3 (1) The cause of the difference between the RRS and TRS 321. Y Closed Closed 344 7.6.6 ? g (GUnit 1 SE discussed in Section 7.6.5

, "Valve Power Lockout".

(a) In accordance with0PDP-6

, "Locked Valve/Breaker 322. Y Close Closed Close based on TVA letter dated 345 (S i Provide the normal tem peratures and ex p ected p eriods of hi g h/low RM-1000 in a NIM Bin was Tested at 39°F for 72 Hrs and 323. Y Closed Closed Res p onse 347 (S i Qualification re port 04508905-1SP does not address EMI/RFI Qualification re port 04038903-7SP

, Qualification Basis for 324. Y Closed Closed 348 (S i Qualification re port 04508905-2SP does not address EMI/RFI Qualification re port 04038903-7SP

, Qualification Basis for 325. Y Closed Closed 350 (S iThe seismic re q uired res p onse s p ectra (RRS) is shown in Fi g ures The RM-1000 was seismicall y tested in a NIM Bin and the 326. Y Closed Closed RAI # 9 , letter FSAR amend 103 Note: Item to be added to Section 3.10 351 (S i The re placement schedule for the com ponents that have a The re placement schedules stated in 04508905-1SP

, 327. Y Closed Closed 352 (S i Please clarif y how man y RM-1000 radiation monitors are bein g The total number of RM-1000 units p rocured under MR 328. Y Closed Closed 354 (S i RG 1.180 endorsed the g uidance of IEEE-1050-1996 with (1) The WBN Unit 2 g roundin g s ystem desi gn is in 329. Y Closed Closed The g roundin g s pecification used b y 356 (S iThe attachment number refers to your Februar y 25 , 2011 letter. The loss of the RM-3 out p ut (current to fre q uenc y (I/F) 330. Y Closed Closed Closed b y TVA 041 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte) 2/19/2010

Please provide the following Westinghouse documents: (1) WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rev. 1, "PAMS System Requirements Specification" (2) WNA-DS-01667-WBT Rev. 0, "PAMS System Design

Specification" (3) WNA-CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, "CGD for QNX version 4.5g" Please provide the following Westinghouse documents or pointers to where the material was reviewed and approved in the CQ TR or

SPM: (4) WNA-PT-00058-GEN Rev. 0, "Testing Process for Common Q Safety systems" (5) WNA-TP-00357-GEN Rev. 4, "Element Software Test

Procedure" Responder: WEC

Items (1) and (2) were docketed by TVA letter dated April 8, 2010.

Item (3) will be addressed by Revision 2 of the Licensing

Technical Report. Due 12/3/10 Item (4) will be addressed by Westinghouse developing a WBN2 Specific Test Plan to compensate for the fact that the NRC disapproved WNA-PT-00058-GEN during the original Common Q review. Due 12/7/10

Item (5) Procedures that are listed in the SPM compliance table in the Licensing Technical Report revision 1 supersede that test procedure WNA-TP-00357-GEN.Due 10/22/10

For Item 3, Attachment 19 contains the Westinghouse

1. N Open Pending Submittal of the Test Summary Report due 3/29/11

Final Response included in

letter dated 12/3/10 Partial Response is included in

letter dated 10/5/10.

The SysRS and SRS incorporate requirements from many other documents by reference.

NNC 8/25/10: (3) An earlier version of this report was

docketed for the Common Q Open-NRC Review

Due 3/29/11 NNC 1/27/11:

Issues with the STP were discussed in the weekl y public meetings. Westinghouse to:

(1) perfrom STP self assessment., and (2) Augment Test Summary report to provide missing test

plan information NNC 2/3/11:

At next audit compare &

NRC Meeting Summary NRC

Meeting Summary ML093560019, Item No. 11 TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 See also Open Item Nos. 226 & 270.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments document "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," WNA-LI-00058-WBT, Revision 2, dated December 2010. Attachment 20 contains the Westinghouse Application for Withholding for the "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," WNA-LI-00058-WBT, Revision 2, dated December 2010.

For Item 4, Attachment 9 contains the Westinghouse document "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan," WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0, dated November 2010. Attachment 10 contains the Westinghouse Application for Withholding for the WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0 "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan," WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0, dated November 17, 2010.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

(1) WEC presented the results of the self assessment to the NRC on February 2, 2011.

(2) By agreement between TVA, WEC and the NRC, the Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan, WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0 will not be revised. Instead a non-proprietary Common Q PAMS Test Summary Report will be developed and submitted to address the issues with the STP. Attachment 1 contains non-proprietary WNA-TR-02451-WBT, Revision 0, "Test Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated March 2011.

topical report; therefore, there should be no problem to docket this version. (4) Per ML091560352, the testing process document does not address the test plan requirements of the SPM. Please provide a test plan that

implements the requirements of

the SPM. discuss: (1) WNA-PT-00058-GEN Rev. 0 (2) WNA-PT-00138-WBT Rev. 0

(3) AP1000 STP 043 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte) 2/19/2010 The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Enclosure 1 to TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first draft of the information

needed. The shortcomings of the firs t three lines in the matrix are:

Line 1: Section 11 of the Common Q topical report did include a commercial grade dedication program, but this program was not approved in the associated SE. Westinghouse stated that this was the program and it could now be reviewed. The NRC stated that TVA should identified what they believe was previously reviewed and approved.

Line 2: TVA stated the D3 analysis was not applicable to PAMS, but provided no justification. The NRC asked for justification since SRP Chapter 7.5 identified SRM to SECV-93-087 Item II.Q as being SRP acceptance criteria for PAMS.

Line 3: TVA identified that the Design report for computer integrity was completed as part of the common Q topical report. The NRC noted that this report is applicable for a system in a plant, and the CQ topical report did no specifically address this PAMS system at

Watts Bar Unit 2.

NRC then concluded that TVA should go through and provide a Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 The PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix supplied as Enclosure 1 to TVA letter dated February 5, 2010 is a first draft of the

information needed.

By letter dated April 8, 2010 TVA provided the PAMS Licensing Technical Report provided additional information.

contains the revised Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix, dated June 11, 2010, that addresses these items (Reference 13).

By letter Dated June 18, 2010 (see Attachment 3) TVA provided a table, "Watts Bar 2 - Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix."

It is TVA's understanding that this comment is focused on the fact that there are documents that NRC has requested that are currently listed as being available for audit at the Westinghouse offices. For those Common Q PAMS documents that are TVA deliverable documents from Westinghouse, TVA has agreed to provide those to NRC. Westinghouse documents that are not deliverable to TVA will

2. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Revised response included in letter dated 12/22/10.

Response is included in letter

dated 10/5/10.

Revised compliance matrix is unacceptable.

NNC 8/12/10:

It is not quite enough to provide all of the

documents requested. There are two possible routes to review that the NRC can undertake: (1) follow ISG6, and

(2) follow the CQ SPM. The

TVA response that was originally pursued was to follow ISG6, but some of the Open-NRC Review Due 3/29/11

NNC 2/2/11:

Issues with Common Q TR &

SPM compliance were discussed in the weekl y public meetings.

Westinghouse to perform Common Q TR & SPM compliance self assessment; his will be discussed in detail on the next audit.

EICB RAI ML102910002 Item No. 2 TVA Letter dated 2/5/10 TVA Letter dated


TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 TVA Letter dated

10/5/10 NNC 8/25/10:

A CQ PAMS ISG6 compliance matrix was docketed on: (1) February, 5 12010, (2) March 12, 2010, & (3) June 18, 2010. The staff has expressed issued with all of these compliance evaluations. The staff is still

waiting for a good compliance evaluation.

NNC 11/23/10: WNA-LI-00058-WT-P Rev. 1 Section 7 does not include the RSED documents, and it should. Table 6-1 Item No. 15 should also include the


Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments more complete and thorough compliance matrix. be available for audit as stated above. Requirements Traceability Matrix issues will be tracked under NRC RAI Matrix Items 142 (Software Requirements Specification) and 145 (System Design Specification). Commercial Item Dedication issues will be tracked under NRC RAI Matrix Item 138. This item is considered closed.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) contains the following changes to address the NRC


(1) While RSEDs are not specifically mentioned, Section 7 has been revised to be applicable to both hardware and

software which includes the RSEDs.

(2) Table 6-1 item 15 reference added for WNA-VR-00280-WBT (RESD)

TVA Response to Second Follow-up NRC Request:

The NRC audited the Westinghouse commercial item dedication process for both hardware and software during

the week of February 28 to March 4, 2011. The audif found the processes acceptable. Westinghouse and TVA previously agreed to provide additional information to address this item in Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report.

Attachment 2 contains WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary). contains WNA-LI-00058-WBT-NP, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3 dated March 2011 (non-proprietary). Attachment 4 contains CWA-11-311, Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 3 "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," dated March 14, 2011. compliance items for ISG6 were addressed by referencing the SPM. The NRC approved the CQ TR and associated SPM; it

may be more appropriate to

review the WBN2 PAMS application to for adherence to the SPM that to ISG6. In either path chosen, the applicant should provide documents and a justification for the acceptability of any deviation from the path

chosen. For example, it

appears that the Westinghouse's CDIs are commercial grade dedication

plans, but Westinghouse maintains that they are commercial grade dedication reports; this apparent deviation should be justified or explained.

067 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte)

By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Commercial Grade Dedication Instructions for AI687, AI688, Upgraded PC node box and flat panels." was September

28, 2010.

Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 The following status is from the revised WB2 Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix submitted in response to

Item 43:

a. AI687, AI688 - Scheduled for September 28, 2010
b. Upgraded PC node box and flat panel displays - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7

), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

c. Power supplies - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2035 (Reference 12), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
3. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Response included in letter

dated 12/22/10.

This item is addressed in Rev. 2 of the Licensing Technical Report Open-NRC Review Due: 3/29/11

NNC 2/2/11:

Section 7 of the WBN2 PAMS LTR should be updated to include:

(1) non-proprietary description of commercial grade dedication, and (2) Software example Commercial grade N/A - No question was asked. Item was opened to track comm8ittment made by applicant. TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments To be addressed during 9/20-9/21 audit TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) contains the following change to address the NRC request:

Section 7, "Commercial Grade Dedication Process," has been revised to describe the general commercial grade dedication process for both hardware and software and uses a description of the AI687 dedication process as an example of how the process is applied.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request dated 2/2/11:

The non-proprietary commercial grade dedication discussion

is included in Attachment 3, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-NP, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3 dated March 2011 (non-proprietary)

Section 7.

The software example is included in , WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary) Section 7.

dedication will also be addressed at the next audit. 068 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte)

By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Summary Report on acceptance of AI687, AI688, Upgraded PC node box, flat panels, and power supplies." was September 28, 2010.

Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10

The following status is from the revised WB2 Common Q PAMS ISG-6 Compliance Matrix submitted in response to Item 43:

a. AI687, AI688 - Scheduled for September 28, 2010
b. Upgraded PC node box - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7), this item is available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
c. Flat panel displays - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024 (Reference 7), this item is available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.
d. Power supplies - Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2035 (Reference 12), these items are available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

To be addressed during 9/20-9/21 audit

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

For the commercial grade dedication process, please see

the response to Request for Additional Information (RAI) item 3 in this letter, NRC Matrix Item 067.

The component level EQ/Seismic summary reports for the hardware listed above are available for NRC review/audit as described below:

4. N Open Response included in letter dated 12/22/10.

This item is addressed in Rev. 2 of the Licensing Technical Report Open-NRC Review

NNC 2/2/11:

Commercial grade dedication will be

addressed at the next

audit. Summary reports for AI687 &

AI688 were docketed one month late. N/A - No question was asked. Item

was opened to track comm8ittment made by applicant. TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments (1) AI687 and AI688, the following documents were submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated October 26, 2010, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 -

Instrumentation and Controls Staff Information Requests," (Reference 5):

a. EQ-EV-62-WBT, Revision 0, "Common Q PAMS Comparison of Tested Conditions for the AI687 and AI688 Common Q Modules and Supporting

Components to the Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBT)

Requirements," dated September 10, 2010

b. EQLR-171, Revision 0, "Environmental and Seismic Test Report, Analog Input (AI)687 &

AI688 Modules for use in Common Q PAMS,"

dated September 10, 2010

c. CN-EQT-10-44, Revision 0, "Dynamic Similarity Analysis for the Watts Bar Unit 2 Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)," dated September

28, 2010 (2) Upgraded PC Node Box - As stated in Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024, dated June 9, 2010 "NRC Access to Common Q Documents at the Westinghouse Rockville Office," (Reference 6), the following documents are available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office:

a. CDI-3722, Revision 7, "Next Generation PC Node Box Commercial Dedication Instruction"
b. LTR-EQ-10-50 "PC Node Box/Flat Panel Display System Components Qualification Summary"

(3) Flat Panel Displays - As stated in Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2024, dated June 9, 2010 "NRC Access to Common Q Documents at the Westinghouse Rockville Office," (Reference 6), the following documents are

available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office: a. CDI-3803, Revision 8, "Next Generation Flat Panel Display (FPD) Commercial Dedication Instruction"

b. LTR-EQ-10-50 "PC Node Box/Flat Panel Display System Components Qualification Summary" (4) Power supplies - As stated in Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2035 dated June 11, 2010 "NRC Access to Common Q Documents at the Westinghouse Rockville Office" (Reference 7), the following documents are

available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office: a. CDI- 4057, Revision 4, "Commercial Dedication Instruction"

b. EQ-TP-1 05-GEN, Revision 0, "Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Plan and Procedure for Quint Power Supplies and Safety System Line Filter"
c. Breakers," EQ-TP-114-GEN, Revision 0, "Seismic Qualification Test Procedure For Common Q Power Supplies, Quint Power Supplies, Line Filter Assemblies, and South Texas Units 3 & 4 Circuit"
d. EQ-TP-117-GEN, Revision 0, "Environmental Qualification Test Procedure For Common Q Pow eSupplies, Quint Power Supplies, and Line Filter Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Assemblies" 069 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte)

By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the "Watts Bar 2 PAMS Specific FAT Report" was October 2010.

As agreed, the Watts Bar 2 PAMS Specific FAT Report will not be submitted. Instead a non-proprietary PAMS Test Summary Report will be submitted.

Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 Attachment 1 contains non-proprietary WNA-TR-02451-WBT, Revision 0, "Test Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated March 2011.

5. N Open Pending Submittal of the Test Summary Report due 3/29/11

Awaiting for document to be docketed by TVA.

Open-NRC Review Due 3/29/11 NNC 2/3/11: The current due dated

above is 4 months later than planned. N/A - No question was asked. Item was opened to track comm8ittment made by applicant.

N/A 074 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte)

By letter dated March 12, 2010 TVA stated that the target submittal date for the Post FAT IV&V Phase Summary Report was November 30, 2010.

Responder: WEC Date: 5/25/10 contains WNA-VR-00283-WBT-P, "

I V&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," Revision 4, dated March 2011 (proprietary). Attachment 2 contains WNA-VR-00283-WBT-NP, "

I V&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," Revision 4, dated March 2011 (non-proprietary). Attachment 3 contains CWA-11-3121, Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, WNA-VR-00283-WBT-P, Revision 4 "Nuclear Automation IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (Proprietary)," dated March 3, 2011. 6. N Open Response in letter dated March 16, 2011 Open-NRC Review

Due TBD NNC 2/3/11:

At least 3 months later than planned. N/A - No question was asked. Item

was opened to track commitment made by applicant. N/A Rev. 4 will be available for the NRC audit on 2/28/11. This document will not be submitted. Rev. 5 will be submitted after resolution of the datastorm display issue. 081 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte) 5/6/2010 The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 7, lists codes and standards applicable to the Common Q PAMS. This list contains references to old revisions of several regulatory documents, for example:

(1) RG 1.29 - September 1978 vs. March 2007 (2) RG 1.53 - June 1973 vs. November 2003 (a) IEEE 379-1994 vs. -2000 (3) RG 1.75 - September 1975 vs. February 2005 (a) IEEE 384-1992 vs. -1992 (4) RG 1.100 - June 1988 vs. September 2009 (a) IEEE 344-1987 vs. -2004 (5) RG 1.152 - January 1996 vs. January 2006 (a) IEEE 7-4.33.2-1993 vs. -2003 (6) RG 1.168 - September 1997 vs. February 2004 (a) IEEE 1012-1986 vs. -1998 (b) IEEE 1028-1988 vs. -1997 (7) IEEE 279-1991 vs. 603-1991 (8) IEEE 323-1983 vs. -1974 (RG 1.89 Rev. 1 June 1984 endorses 323-1974)

However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review,"

states: "Design features and administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the current staff positions." Please identify all differences between the versions referenced and the current staff positions. Please provide a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these differences. Responder: Merten/WEC

The codes and standards documents listed in Section 7 of the Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report are the documents that the Common Q platform was licensed to when the NRC approved the original topical report and issued the approved SER. The WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS is designed in accordance with the approved Common Q topical report and approved SER and the codes and standards on which the SER was based. Since the current versions referenced are not applicable to WBN Unit

2, there is no basis for a comparison review.

Bechtel to develop a matrix and work with Westinghouse to provide justification.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

Attachment 4 contains the results of the TVA analysis of standards and regulatory guides applicable to the Common Q PAMS. Based on the results of the analysis, the Common

Q PAMS design meets the applicable requirements and is acceptable.

7. N Open ML101600092 Item No.1: There are three sets of regulatory

criteria that relate to a Common

Q application (e.g. WBN2


(a) Common Q platform components - Common Q TR (b) Application Development Processes - Common Q SPM (c) Application Specific - current regulatory criteria The Common Q Topical Report and associated appendices primarily addressed (a) and (b). The Common Q SER states:

'-Appendix 1, "Post Accident Monitoring Systems," provides the functional requirements and conceptual design approach for

upgrading an existing PAMS

based on Common Q components (page 58, Section, "Description")-On the basis of the above review, the staff concludes that Appendix 1 does not contain sufficient information to establish the generic acceptability of the

proposed PAMS design (page 56, Section, "PAMS Evaluation")-'

The NRC did not approve the Open-NRC Review

Due 2/25/11 TVA to provide

requested information.

NNC 2/3/11: The above due date has been missed by at least 2 months.

Please provide new due date.

EICB RAI ML102910002

Item No. 9 TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 NNC 1/5/11:

See Also Open Item No.

86 and 202.

NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.


Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments proposed PAMS design.

Section 6, "References," and Section 7, "Codes and Standards Applicable to the Common Q PAMS," of the PAMS Licensing Technical Report contain items that are not the current regulatory


Please provide an explanation of how the WBN2 PAMS

conforms with the application specific regulatory criteria applicable to the WBN2 PAMS design. For example IEEE Std.

603-1991 Clause 5.6.3, "Independence Between Safety Systems and Other Systems,"

and Clause 6.3, "Interaction

Between the Sense and Command Features and Other Systems," contain application specific requirements that must

be addressed by a PAMS system.

Awaiting TVA Response.

086 7.5.2 7.5.1 EICB (Carte) 5/6/2010 The PAMS Licensing Technical Report (WNA-LI-00058-WBT Rev. 0, Dated April 2010), in Section 6, lists references applicable to the Common Q PAMS. This list contains references to old revisions of several regulatory documents, for example:

(1) DI&C-ISG04 - Rev. 0 (ML072540138) vs. Rev. 1 (ML083310185) However, LIC-110, "Watts Bar Unit 2 License Application Review," states: "Design features and administrative programs that are unique to Unit 2 should then be reviewed in accordance with the current staff positions." Please identify all differences between the versions referenced and the current staff positions. Please provide a justification for the acceptability PAMS with respect to these differences.

Responder: WEC Date: 5/24/10

The regulatory documents listed in the Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report are the documents that the Common Q platform was licensed to when the NRC approved the original topical report and issued the approved SER. The WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS is designed in accordance with the approved Common Q topical report and approved SER and the regulatory documents on which the SER was based. Since the current versions referenced are not applicable to WBN Unit 2, there is no basis for a

comparison review.

Rev 0 of the Licensin g Technical Report references Rev. 1 of ISG4

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The analysis for compliance with DI&C-ISG04, Revision 0 to Revision 1 was previously submitted as part of the Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report Revision 2 on December 22, 2010. Attachment 4 contains the results of the TVA analysis of standards and regulatory guides applicable to the Common Q PAMS. Based on the results of the analysis, the Common Q PAMS design is acceptable.

8. N Open TVA to address with item OI
81. Open-NRC Review

Due 2/25/11 NNC 2/3/11: The above due date has

been missed by at least 2 months.

Please provide new due date.

EICB RAI ML102910002

Item No. 14 TVA Letter dated 6/18/10 NNC 1/6/11:

See Also Open Item No.81

& 202 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 101 DORL (Poole) 4/12/2010 The non-proprietary versions of the following RM-1000, Containment High Range Post Accident Radiation Monitor documents will be provided by June 30, 2010.

1. V&V Report 04508006A 2. System Description 04508100-1TM 3. Qualification Reports 04508905-QR, 04508905-1 SP, 04508905-

2SP, 04508905-3SP

4. Functional Testing Report 04507007-1TR Responder: Slifer The documents, and affidavits for withholding for the listed documents were submitted to the NRC on TVA letter to the

NRC dated July 15, 2010.

9. Y Open Documents provided in letter dated 07/15/10 Open-NRC Review Due 10/14/10

Confirm receipt. N/A TVA is working with the vendor to meet the 6/30 date, however there is the potential this will slip to 7/14.

138 EICB (Carte) By letter dated February 3, 2010, Westinghouse informed TVA that certain PAMS documentation has been completed.

(a) The draft ISG6 states that a commercial grade dedication plan should be provided with an application for a Tier 2 review.

By letter dated February 5, 2010, TVA stated that the commercial grade dedication plan was included in the Common Q Topical Report Section 11, "Commercial Grade Dedication Program." Section 11 includes a description of the Common Q Commercial Grade Dedication Program, and states: "A detailed review plan is developed for each Common Q hardware or software component that requires commercial grade dedication."

Please provide the commercial grade dedication plans for each Common Q hardware or software component that has not been previously reviewed and approved by the NRC.

(b) The draft ISG6 states that a commercial grade dedication report should be provided within 12 months of requested approval for a Tier 2 review.

(i) Please provide 00000-ICE-37722 Rev. 0, "Commercial Grade Dedication Report for the QNX Operating System for Common Q Applications."

(ii) Please provide WNA-CD-00018-GEN Rev. 3, "Commercial Dedication Report for QNX 4.25G for Common Q Applications."

Responder: WEC

This item is used to track all Commercial Grade Dedication issues.

a. WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitorin g S ystem (PAMS) Licensin g Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) contains the following changes to address the NRC request:

Section 7, "Commercial Grade Dedication Process" has been revised to describe the general commercial grade dedication process for both hardware and software and uses a description of the AI687 dedication process as an example of how the process is applied.

As listed in Table 6-3. "Westinghouse Watts Bar 2 Common Q PAMS Documents at Westinghouse Rockville Office, the following commercial grade dedication documents are available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office: (list included in letter)

b. It is TVA's understanding that the submittal of the documents listed in (b.i) and (b.ii) is no longer required.

Rather, it was agreed, that the inclusion of a description of the commercial grade dedication process in revision 2 of the Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)

Licensing Technical Report, WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, would be sufficient to address this request.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The non-proprietary commercial grade dedication discussion

is included in Attachment 3, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-NP, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3 dated March 2011 (non-proprietary)

Section 7.

The software example is included in , WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary) Section 7.

10. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Revised response included in

letter dated 12/22/10

TVA agreed to include a description of the generic Westinghouse hardware commercial grade dedication process in the PAMS licensing technical report. (see

ML102920031 Item No 1)

TVA agreed to include (in the PAMS licensin g technical report) an evaluation of WBN2 critical characteristics for commercial Westinghouse hardware components against the generic critical characteristics. (see

ML102920031 Item No 2)

TVA agreed to include a description of the generic

Westinghouse software commercial grade dedication process in the PAMS licensing

technical report. (see

ML102920031 Item No 3)

TVA agreed to include (in the PAMS licensin g technical report) an evaluation of WBN2 critical characteristics for commercial software components against the generic critical

characteristics. (see

ML102920031 Item No 4)

Open-NRC Review

NNC 2/2/11:

Commercial grade dedication will be addressed at the next audit.

NNC 2/17/11:

The description of the commercial grade dedication process in

the CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2 should be updated to include a non-proprietary description and to include a software example. ML101650255, Item No. 2 See also No. 82.

142 EICB (Carte) The applicable regulatory guidance for reviewing the WBN2 PAMS S ysRS would be IEEE 830 as endorsed b y Re g ulator y Guide 1.172 and BTP 7-14 Section B.3.3.1, Requirements Activities - Software Requirements Specifications." IEEE 830-1994 Section 4.3.8, Responder: WEC

This item is used to track all traceability issues with the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).

11. N Open

Revised response included in Open-NRC Review

Due 2/25/11 (document


ML101650255, Item No. 6 WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Specification

TVA docketed WNA-DS-01617-WBT Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments "Traceable," states: "A [requirements specification] is traceable of the origin of each of its requirements is clear-"

1. How did TVA ensure the traceability of each requirement in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS.
2. Explain the source(s) of the requirements present in the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements

Specification. To clarif y , man y documents have requirements that are incorporated by reference into the SRS, but what served to direct the author to include those various documents in the SRS or, if the requirement is based on the System Requirements Specification, what directed the author to include the requirement there?

3. Clarify whether the unnumbered paragraphs in the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements Specification, such as in the section headings, or are all such sections simply considered to be informative?

Does the same apply to documents referenced by the SRS?

Such as WCAP-16096-NP-A, Rev. 1A, "Software Program Manual for Common Q Systems," which is incorporated by reference in requirement R2.3-2 in the SRS.

R2.3-2 [The PAMS software shall comply with the requirements and guidelines defined in WCAP-16096-NP-A, "Software Program Manual for Common Q Systems" (reference 5).]

If any requirements are expressed in such unnumbered paragraph form instead of individually identified requirements, please list them, describe why they satisfy the fundamental requirement of unambiguity, and describe how they were verified.

4. Are there any sources of requirements in parallel with the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements TVA Response to 1:

Traceability of requirements for the WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS is ensured by:

a. Preparation of the TVA Contract Compliance Matrix contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing

Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1).

b. Engineering review/comment/status of each revision of: i. WNA-DS-01617-WBT, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification" ii. WNA-DS-01667-WBT, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification" (hardware) iii. WNA-SD-00239-WBT, "Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring

System" (software)

TVA Response to 2:

As documented in the RTM, some software requirements are taken from generic documents. The decision to include

generic software requirements was to reduce the overall scope for Common Q features that are unchanged across projects. Westinghouse reviewed the generic PAMS requirements and included those requirements that were applicable to WBN Unit 2 PAMS.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

TVA Response to 3:

Unnumbered paragraphs in the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements Specification, such as in the section headings, are informative and are not to be interpreted as requirements. All requirements are explicitly

numbered. It depends on the document type. The statement would be true for requirements documents (such as the SysRS or SDS) if they were incorporated by reference. However, for the specific item cited, WCAP-16096-NP-A, Rev. 1A, it does not contain numbered requirements. The requirements contained in this document are contained within the text of the various sections.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

TVA Response to 4:

The Westinghouse SRS, WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Revision 3 letter dated 02/25/11 Response included in letter dated 12/22/10

TVA/Westinghouse agreed to include the V&V evaluation of their reusable software element

development process in the V&V design phase summary report. This evaluation would include an evaluation against the development process requirements. This evaluation would also include an evaluation of how the WBN2 specific requirements were addressed by the reusable software elements. (see ML102920031 Item No 5)

NNC 2/2/11: Updated Specifications and RTMs to be provided b y TVA Tracability to be addressed during the next audit. Rev. 1, "RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System- System Requirements Specification," dated December 2009.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Specification? Meaning does the SRS contain, explicitly or by reference, all the requirements that were used in the design phase for the application specific software, or do software design phase activities use requirements found in

any other source or document? If so, what are these

sources or documents?

5. References 12, 27, 29, and 31-44 in the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements Specification are various types of "-Reusable Software Element-".

These references are used in the body of the SRS, for example:"

R5.3.14-2 [The Addressable Constants CRC error si g nal shall be TRUE when any CAL CRC's respective ERROR terminal = TRUE (WNA-DS-00315-GEN, "Reusable Software Element Document CRC for Calibration Data" [Reference 12]).]

They are also included via tables such as found in requirement R7.1.2-1

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS shall use the application-specific type circuits and custom PC elements listed in Table 7.1-1.]

Do the referenced reusable software element documents include requirements not explicitly stated in the SRS? If so what is their

origin? contains references to other Westinghouse software requirements documents. Specifically, 00000-ICE-3238, Revision 5, "Software Requirements Specification Post Accident Monitoring System"

00000-ICE-3239, Revision 13, "Software Requirements Specification for the Common Q Generic Flat Panel Display

Software" Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

TVA Response to 5:

Requirements for the reusable software elements (RSEDs) are evaluated in WNA-VR-00283-WBT-P, Revision 3, "IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System,"

dated December 2010 (Attachment 10).

RSED traceability is contained in WNA-VR-00280-WBT, Revision 2, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceabili ty Matrix for the Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Custom PC Elements." This document can be made available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

At the September 15 public meeting in Rockville, the following actions were agreed to. These items address the traceability concerns with the Software Requirements Specification.

1. Westinghouse will perform a review of the Requirements Traceability Matrix(RTM), using the issues identified at the 9/15 public meeting as a guide (documented below) and update the RTM as required.

TVA Response:

See response to letter Item 13 (NRC Matrix Item 145).

2. The next issue of the IV&V report will include the Requirements phase review of the RTM and a partial review for the Design phase.

TVA Response:

See response to letter Item 13 (NRC Matrix Item 145).

3. Westinghouse will add a comments column in the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) to address items not in the SRS or SysRS.

TVA Response:

A comments column has been added to WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Revision 3, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Post Accident Monitoring System." Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

4. IEEE 830 sa y s you shouldn't have planning information in the SRS. Westinghouse has agreed to remove this information.

TVA Response:

Westinghouse has confirmed that process requirements

have been removed from the SRS.

Source: E-mail from Westi nghouse (Andrew P. Drake) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: Common Q RAI concerns, dated December 8, 2010 (Reference 17)

5. IEEE 830 says you shouldn't have process requirements in the SRS. Westinghouse has agreed to remove these requirements.

TVA Response:

Westinghouse confirmed that process requirements

have been removed from the SRS.

Source: E-mail from Westi nghouse (Andrew P. Drake) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: Common Q RAI concerns, dated December 8, 2010 (Reference 17)

6. Westinghouse will perform and document an evaluation of the SRS to ensure compliance with Reg. Guide 1.172 and justify any deviations.

TVA Response:

WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitorin g S ystem (PAMS) Licensin g Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1):

Section 9, "Compliance Evaluation Of The Watts Bar 2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification To IEEE Standard 830-1998 And Regulatory Guide 1.172" has been added.

7. 25 issues identified by V&V where some requirements have not been included in the System Design Specification (SDS) (14) and SRS (11) at the revisions reviewed by V&V. Have these been addressed?

TVA Response:

The twenty-five (25) issues are captured in Exception Reports (ERs): V&V-769 and V&V-770. These ERs have all been addressed and the ERs have been closed satisfactorily by Westinghouse IV&V.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

8. Some hardware requirements are contained in the SRS instead of the System Design Specification (SDS). These will be removed from the SRS and Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments incorporated into the next revision of the SDS.

TVA Response:

The hardware requirements in the Software Requirements Specification have been deleted and moved to System Design Specification.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 16, 2010 (Reference 15)

9. RTM item R4.2-2 protection class software set to 0. Needs to be fixed internally. Write CAPs to revise the application restrictions document on AC160.

TVA Response:

Westinghouse CAPs IR# 10-259-M034 has been issued. This item will be addressed in revision 4 of the RTM. Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

10. Westinghouse to improve the traceability of the tests that are performed with the function enable (FE) switch in the "ENABLE" position.

TVA Response:

The tests that are performed with the FE keyswitch in the ENABLE position are defined in the SRS Sections:

6.2 "Manually Initiated Testing," 7.2.23 "Annunciator Test Display," 7.2.25 "Saturation Margin Test Display,"

and 7.2.26 "Analog Output Test Display."

11. Westinghouse to revise documents to be consistent with referring to the FE switch in the "ENABLE" position.

TVA Response:

Westinghouse has elected to standardize on the terms "FE keyswitch" and "ENABLE." A review of recent documents for compliance with this comment and commitment was performed with the following results:

a. Revision 3 of the SysRS, and SDS have been revised to use the terms "FE keyswitch." Revision 3 of the SDS is consistent in use of the term "ENABLE." b. SysRS Revision 3 is not consistent in use of the term "ENABLE" as noted below:
i. R2.5.2.1-2 uses the term "ENABLED" instead of "ENABLE" ii. R2., R2.6.3.3-1, R2.6.3.3-2, R2.6.3.3-3, and R2.6.3.3-7, use the term "Enable"

instead of "ENABLE"

c. Revision 3 of the SRS is not consistent in use of the terms "FE keyswitch" and "ENABLE" as noted

below: i. Tables 7.2-1 "Train A PAMS Data Transmitted to Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments the Plant Computer" and 7.2-2 "Train B PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer" items 101 and 102 in the SRS refer to the FE switch. All other items in the SRS refer to the FE


ii. Section 2.1, page 2-4, uses the term "Enable" instead of "ENABLE" iii. Requirements R7.2.14-6 and R7.2.16-7 use the term "active" instead of "ENABLE" iv. Requirements R7.2.23-2, R7.2.25-2, R7.2.26-2, R7.2.31-4, 7.2.56 FPDS Availability, and R7.2.57-4 use the term "enabled" instead of

"ENABLE" d. WNA-AR-00180-WBT-P, Revision 0, "Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated October 2010, submitted in TVA letter to NRC dated (Reference

12) is not consistent in use of the term "FE keyswitch" as noted below:
i. Section 2.2 "System Description" and Table 3-1 "WB2 PAMS FMEA" refer to the FE switch.

ii. Table 3-1 describes the switch as the "Functional Enable (FE) switch" and the "FE key-switch"

e. Revision 2 of the Licensing Technical Report is not consistent in use of the term "FE keyswitch" as

noted below:

i. Sections 2.2, 5.3 use the term (FE) keylock switch on pages 2-3 (2 places), page 5-3, page

5-6 (4 places)

The identified discrepancies in the use of the terms "FE keyswitch" and "ENABLE" in the SysRS, SRS, FMEA and Licensing Technical Report, will be corrected in the next revision of the documents.

12. The flow of information is from the SysRS to the SDS (hardware) and SRS (software). Describe how the documents are used. Describe in 1.1 of the SysRS. Need a good write up of how the process works.

TVA Response:

See response to letter item 13 (NRC Matrix Item 145).

13. Westinghouse and TVA will develop a revised schedule for document submittals and provide it to the NRC no later than 9/30/10 TVA Response:

The revised document submittal schedule was included

as item 3 NRC Request (Matrix Item Number 142, TVA Commitments Nos. 10 and 17) in TVA letter to NRC dated October 26, 2010 (Reference 5).

14. TVA will update the Procurement Requisition Resolution Matrix and submit it to show how the Common Q PAMS design meets the contract


Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments TVA Response:

The Procurement Requisition Resolution Matrix has been updated and is included in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1), as Section 11, "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix."

15. Westinghouse to add the Software Design Descriptions to the RTM TVA Response:

The Software Design Description documents were added to the RTM in WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Rev 2.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

16. Westinghouse to clarify how requirements or documents are incorporated by reference into the Common Q PAMS requirements.

TVA Response:

When a Common Q PAMS requirements document

references a section of another document, all requirements in that section are applicable.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A.

Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

17. Westinghouse to review the use of "shall" outside of numbered paragraphs in requirements documents to

ensure that all requirements are captured and clearly identified.

TVA Response:

See response in letter dated December 22, 2010, item 2 (NRC Matrix Item 050).

18. Westinghouse to resolve the following questions concerning Software Design Descriptions (SDDs)
a. Is the SDD a standalone document or will it incorporate the generic SDD by reference?
b. What are the SDDs?
c. PAMS is a delta document so how do we capture all the generic requirements for traceability.

TVA Response:

a. There are three SDDs prepared specifically for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS project. These are listed below in Item b. These documents and superior requirements documents refer to other generic SDDs also listed in Item b.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments

b. The SDDs developed for this project are:
i. WNA-SD-00248-WBT, Revision 1, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Software Design Description for the Post Accident Monitoring System Flat Panel Display" ii. WNA-SD-00250-WBT, Revision 1, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C

Projects Software Design Description for the Post Accident Monitoring System AC160 Software" iii. WNA-SD-00277-WBT, Revision 2, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C

Projects Software Design Description for the Post Accident Monitoring System Flat Panel Display System Screen Design Details"

iv. Other generic SDDs referenced by the PAMS project are: (a) 00000-ICE-20157, Revision 18, "Software Design Description for the Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Software" (b) 00000-ICE-30152, Revision 5, "Software Design Description Post Accident Monitoring System AC160" (c) 00000-ICE-30140, Revision 4, "Software Design Description for the Common Q Core Protection Calculator System Database and Utility Functions"

c. Refer to WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Revision 3.

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

19. For Reusable Software Elements, Westinghouse to describe as qualified libraries b y following the SPM and qualified using the Software Elements Test procedure under Appendix B program. Provide a summary of RSEDs generic WCAP. Westinghouse to determine if the WCAP was docketed under the AP1000. RSED concept is not in the SPM. WCAP-15927 AP-1000 does not discuss RCEDs. WCAP process was

acceptable. RSEDs are listed in the SDD References.

TVA Response:

Section of WCAP-15927 describes the RSED design process for custom PC elements and type circuits. The Glossary of Terms in the SPM defines custom PC elements and type circuits as modules.

Therefore, the relationship between WCAP-15927 describing the RSED process as circuits, is defined in the SPM requirements for software module development.

WCAP-15927 is on the AP1000 docket.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Revision 4, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS

Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability

Matrix for the Post Accident Monitoring System" is scheduled to be available for audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office February 21, 2011. The document will be available at the Westinghouse Cranberry offices to support the NRC Common Q PAMS audit.

Attachment 9 contains the proprietary version of WNA-DS-01617-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification," dated February 2011. Attachment 10 contains the non-proprietary version WNA-DS-01617-WBT-NP, Revision 4, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification," dated February, 2011. Attachment 11 contains the Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, WNA-DS-01617-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification" (Proprietary), dated February 10, 2011.

2 contains the proprietary version of WNA-DS-01667-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification," dated February 2011. Attachment 13 contains the non-proprietary version WNA-DS-01667-WBT-NP, Revision 4, "Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification," dated February 2011. Attachment 14 contains the Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, WNA-DS-01667-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification" (Proprietary), dated February 11, 2011.

5 contains the proprietary version of WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System,"

dated February 2011. Attachment 16 contains the non-proprietary version WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Revision 4, "Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated February 2011. Attachment 17 contains the Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Revision 4, "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (Proprietary), dated February 10, 2011.

143 EICB (Carte) The WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 PAMS SRS - ML101050202) contains a table (see page iii) titled, "Document Traceability & Compliance," which states that the Responder: WEC Addressed in the 9/15 public meeting and 9/20 - 9/21 audit.

12. N Open Response included in letter Open-NRC Review Due 2/25/11 (document ML101650255, Item No. 7 WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Specification

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments WBN2 PAMS SRS was created to support the three documents identified (one of which is the WBN2 PAMS SysRS). Section 1.1, "Overview," of the WBN2 PAMS SRS states: "This document describes requirements for the major software components -"

(a) Please list and describe each of the "major software components". Please include a description of any NRC review for each of these components.

(b) Please list and describe each of the other software components. Please include a description of any NRC review for each of these components.

(c) What other documents contain the requirements for the other software components?

The WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification (WBN2 PAMS SDS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, "Document Traceability & Compliance," which states that the WBN2 PAMS SysRS was created to support the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. Section 1.1, "Purpose," of the WBN2 PAMS SDS states: "The purpose of this document is to define the hardware design requirements -"

(c) Do the WBN2 PAMS SRS and SDS, together, implement all of the requirements in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS?

(e) Please briefly describe all of the documents that implement the WBN2 PAMS SysRS. A detailed explanation will be provided.

TVA Response:

(a) and (b) The requested information is provided in the following documents:

i. WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Table 6-1, "Document Requirements" which lists the software documentation requirements for the Common Q PAMS and Section 11 "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC, dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1).

ii. WNA-DS-01617-WBT-P, Revision 3, "Post Accident Monitoring System- System Requirements Specification," dated December

2010 (Attachment 1) iii. WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Revision 3, "Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated December 2010 (Attachment 7) iv. WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Revision 3, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office) To the best of TVA's knowledge, no prior NRC review of the software components has been performed. (c) WNA-VR-00280-WBT, Revision 2, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Custom PC Elements" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office) (d) No. Please see Item (e) below. (e) The documents that describe the requirements that implement the WBN Unit 2 SysRS are:

i. WNA-VR-00279-WBT, Revision 3, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office) ii. WNA-VR-00280-WBT, Revision 2, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Custom PC Elements" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office)

Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 13)

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

See Response to item 3 (Item number 142)

dated 12/22/10 submittals)

To be addressed by Revision of the RTM, SRS, SysRS, and SysDS. NNC 2/2/11: Updated Specifications and RTMs to be provided b y TVA

NNC 2/3/11: The above due date has been missed by at least 2 months.

Please provide new

due date. TVA docketed WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rev. 1, "RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System- System Requirements Specification," dated December 2009.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 144 EICB (Carte) The WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 PAMS SRS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, "Document Traceability & Compliance," which states that the WBN2 PAMS SRS was created to support the three documents identified (two of these documents have been provided on the docket).

(a) Please describe the third document (i.e., NABU-DP-00014-GEN Revision 2, "Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems").

(b) Please describe the flow of information between these three documents.

(c) Does the PAMS SRS implement the requirements in these

three documents?

(d) Please describe if and how these three documents are used in the development of the PAMS Software Design Description.

(e) Do the WBN2 V&V activities include verification that the requirements of these three documents have been incorporated

into the WBN2 PAMS SRS.

Responder: WEC (a) The purpose of NABU-DP-00014-GEN document is to define the process for system level design, software design

and implementation, and hardware design and implementation for Common Q safety system development. This document supplements the Common Q SPM, WCAP-16096-NP-A. The scope of NABU-DP-00014-GEN includes

the design and implementation processes for the application

development. For a fuller description of the design process described in NABU-DP-00014-GEN please refer to the Design Process for AP1000 Common Q Safety Systems, WCAP-15927 on the AP1000 docket. Since this is a Westinghouse process document that is not specifically referenced in the SRS, it will be removed in the next revision of the document.

(b) - Closed to items 142 and 145 (c) - Closed 142 (d) - Closed to Item 142 (e) WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification (WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1) refers to Document Traceability & Compliance table on page iii. This table has three entries; Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems (NABU-DP-00014-GEN, Rev. 2), RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification (WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1), and RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification (WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1).

IV&V performed a Requirements Traceability Assessment

during which it reviewed Software Requirements Specification (WBN2 PAMS SRS, WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Rev. 1) against System Requirements Specification (WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1) and System Design Specification (WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1). Requirements within Software Requirements Specification that are referring to NABU-DP-00014-GEN, Rev 2, Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems, have also been reviewed for traceability and compliance. During IV&V's RTA effort the anomaly reports V&V-769 and V&V- 770 have been initiated and reported in the IV&V Phase Summary Report for the System Definition Phase, WNA-VR-00283-WBT, Rev. 0.

IV&V has verified that the requirements in SRS are derived from the specified documents listed in the Document Traceability and Compliance Table of WBN2 PAMS SRS.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

(1) Item (a) in the original list, NABU-DP-00014-GEN Revision 2, "Design Process for Common Q Safety

13. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Revised response included in

letter dated 12/22/10

Response provided in letter dated 10/5/10

NRC Review and WEC to complete response.

b-d to be addressed at public

meeting and audit. Will require information to be docketed.

Open-NRC Review Due 3/29/11

Responses to items a

and e provided.

NNC 11/18/10:

(1) Items b-d closed to other Open Item nos. (2) The point of these questions was to

understand how the

origin of the requirements in the requirements specifications were

documented. TVA stated that the origin of the requirements would

be demonstrated in

Rev. 2 of the CQ PAMS LTR.

NNC 2/3/11:

CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2 Section 11 & 12 do not adequately

demonstrate the origin

of requirements in SysRS. TVA to describe how to

address concern.

ML101650255, Item No. 8 TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 WBN2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification By letter dated April 8, 2010 (ML10101050203), TVA docketed WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Revision 1, ""RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated February 2010 (ML101050202).

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Systems," is available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

(2) WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitorin g S ystem (PAMS) Licensin g Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) contains the following change to address the NRC request:

Section 11, "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" showing the origin of the requirements was added.

TVA Response to Second Follow-up NRC Request:

Section 13, Origin Tracing of WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Specification was added to the Licensing Technical Report Revision 3 to address this concern. contains WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary).

145 EICB (Carte) The WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification (WBN2 PAMS SDS) contains a table (see page iii) titled, "Document Traceability

& Compliance," which states that the WBN2 PAMS SDS was created to support the WBN2 PAMS SysRS.

(a) Does the WBN2 PAMS SDS implement all of the hardware requirements in the WBN2 PAMS SysRS?

(b) Please briefly describe all of the documents that implement the hardware requirements of the WBN2 PAMS SysRS.

This item is used to track all traceability issues with the System Design Specification (SDS).

At the September 15 public meeting in Rockville, the following actions were agreed to. These items partially address the traceability concerns with the System Design Specification. This item will be updated with the results of the September 20 and 21 Commercial Grade Dedication and SDS RTM audit.

1. Westinghouse will perform completed a review of the Requirements Traceability Matrix(RT), using the issues identified at the 9/15 public meeting as a guide (documented below) and update the RTM as required.
2. Some hardware requirements are contained in the SRS instead of the System Design Specification (SDS). These will be removed from the SRS and incorporated into the next revision of the SDS.
3. 25 issues identified by V&V where some requirements have not been included in the SDS (14) and SRS (11) at the revisions reviewed by V&V. Have these been addressed? Yes. The next revisions of the SDS and SRS address these issues.
4. TVA will update the Procurement Requisition Resolution Matrix and submit it to show how the Common Q PAMS Responder: WEC (1) The review and update of the RTM is complete. The revised RTM can be made available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse office in Rockville.

(2) Please see letter Item 10 (NRC Matrix Item 142, sub item 13).

(3) Please see letter Item 10 (NRC Matrix Item 142, sub item 12).

(4) Section 11 "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" was added to WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1).

(5) WNA-VR-00283-WBT, Revision 1, "IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," submitted in TVA to NRC letter dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1) includes the Requirements and Design phase reviews.

(6) Per Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2268 "NRC Access to Common Q Documents at the Westinghouse Rockville

Office" dated August 16, 2010 (Reference 9) "System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Generic Flat Panel Display," 00000-ICE-30155, Revision 9 is available for audit at the Westin ghouse Rockville office.

The generic AC160 specifications are contained in the documents listed below. The documents are available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office in accordance with the letter number referenced. List is contained in letter.

(7) A schedule was developed and is reviewed weekly by

14. N Open Response included in letter dated 12/22/10

During the September 20-21, 2010 audit at Westinghouse, it was acknowledged that TVA/Westinghouse had previously (in September 15, 2010 public meeting) stated:

TVA would provide the RSED RTM. (see ML102920031 Item

No 6) TVA would revise and resubmit the PAMS RTM to address all types of issues identified in the public meeting. (see ML102920031 Item No 7)

TVA would revise and resubmit

the Software Verification and Validation phase summary report for the requirements phase to document the completion of the requirements phase review. (see ML102920031 Item No 8)

Open-NRC Review

Due 2/25/11 To be addressed by Revision of the RTM, SRS, SysRS, and SysDS. ML101650255, Item No. 9 WBN2 PAMS System Design Specification

TVA docketed WNA-DS-01667-WBT Rev. 1, "RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System- System Design Specification," dated December 2009.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments design meets the contract requirements.

5. The next issue of the IV&V report will include the Requirements phase review of the RTM and a partial review

for the Design phase.

6. Westinghouse to provide the generic AC160 and flat panel specifications.
7. Westinghouse and TVA to develop a schedule of licensing document submittals that can be met by the project team.
8. The flow of information is from the SysRS to the SDS (hardware) and SRS (software). Describe how the documents are used. Describe in 1.1 of the SysRS. Need a good write up of how the process works. Westinghouse and TVA project management.

(8) The revised document submittal schedule was included as item 3 NRC Request (Matrix Item Number 142, TVA Commitments Nos. 10 and 17) in TVA letter to NRC dated October 26, 2010.

(9) The flow of documentation information was provided to the NRC inspector during the Common Q PAMS audit.

Source: E-mail from Westinghous e (Andrew P. Drake) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: RAI on SysRS, dated December 8, 2010

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

See Response to item 3 (Item number 142) 183 EICB (Carte) 7/15/2010 An emphasis is placed on traceability in System Requirements Specifications in the SRP, in the unmodified IEEE std 830-1993, and even more so given the modifications to the standard listed in

Regulatory Guide 1.172, which breaks with typical NRC use of the word "should" to sa y "Each identifiable requirement in an SRS must be traceable backwards to the s ystem requirements and the desi g n bases or regulatory requirements that is satisfies"

On page 1-2 of the Post Accident Monitoring System's Software Requirements Specification in the background section, is the sentence "Those sections of the above references that require modification from the generic PAMS are defined in the document" referring purely to the changes from WNA-DS-01617-WBT "Post Accident Monitoring System-System Requirements Specification" or is it saying that there are additional changes beyond those and that the SRS defines them?

If there are additional changes, what is their origin?

Responder: WEC The generic Software Requirements Specification applies except as modified b y the WBN Unit 2 S y stem Requirements Specification.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

Please see the response to RAI item 12 in letter dated 12/22/10, NRC Matrix Item 144.

TVA Response to Second Follow-up NRC Request:

This item was addressed by updating the Contract Compliance Matrix and adding Section 13, Origin Tracing of WBN2 PAMS System Requirements Specification to the Licensing Technical Report Revision 3 to address this

concern. Attachment 2 contains WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary).

15. Y Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Revised response included in

letter dated 12/22/10.

Response provided in letter

dated 10/21/10 Open-NRC Review Due 3/29/11

NNC 11/18/10: The point behind this open item was that TVA must demonstrate that the

origin of each

requirement in the WEC requirements specification is known

and documented. TVA

stated that this information would be in CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2.

NNC 2/3/11:

CQ PMS LTR Rev. 2 Sections 11

& 12 do not prove this

information. TVA to

proive a plan to

address requested information.

EICB RAI ML102980066 Item No. 9 TVA Letter dated 10/21/10 Enclosure 1 Item No. 4 185 EICB (Carte) 7/15/2010

An emphasis is placed on the traceability of requirements in Software Requirements Specifications in the SRP, in the unmodified IEEE std 830-1993, and even more so given the modifications to the standard listed in Regulatory Guide 1.172, which breaks with typical NRC use of the word "should" to say "Each identifiable requirement in an SRS must be traceable backwards to the system requirements and the design bases or

regulatory requirements that is satisfies" Also the NRC considers that the SRS is the complete set of requirements used for the

desi gn of the software, whether it is contained within one document or many. In order to evaluate an SRS against the guidance in the SRP the staff needs access to all the requirements.

References 12, 27, 29, and 31-44 in the Post Accident Monitoring S ystem's Software Requirements Specification are various t ypes of Responder: WEC

Steve Clark to look at how to combine traceability items.

Was addressed to during the 9/15 meeting and 9/20 - 9/21


TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

(1) See NRC Matrix Item 144 (2) There is no RTM for development of the individual reusable software elements. As listed in item 15 of Table 6-1 "Document Requirements" of WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC, dated December 3, 2010, a RTM for implementation of the RSEDs (WNA-VR-00280-WBT) for the WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS has been

16. N Open Response included in letter dated 12/22/10.

Open-NRC Review

NNC 11/18/10

(1)The point behind this open item was that TVA must

demonstrate that the

origin of each requirement in the WEC requirements specification is known

and documented. TVA

stated that this information would be in CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 2.

(2) TVA also said it would provide a RTM for the RSED EICB RAI ML102980066 Item

No. 17 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments "-Reusable Software Element-".

These references are used in the body of the SRS, for example:"

R5.3.14-2 [The Addressable Constants CRC error signal shall be TRUE when any CAL CRC's respective ERROR terminal = TRUE (WNA-DS-00315-GEN, "Reusable Software Element Document CRC for Calibration Data" [Reference 12]).]

They are also included via tables such as found in requirement R7.1.2-1

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS shall use the application-specific type circuits and custom PC elements listed in Table 7.1-1.]

Do the referenced reusable software element documents include requirements not explicitly stated in the SRS? If so what is their

origin? developed. This document is available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office.

NNC 2/3/11: To be addressed during next audit. 202 7.5.2 EICB (Carte) 7/22/2010 The letter (ML0003740165) which transmitted the Safety Evaluation for the Common Q topical report to Westinghouse stated: "Should our criteria or regulations change so that our conclusions as to the acceptability of the report are invalidated, CE Nuclear Power and/or the applicant referencing the topical report will be expected to revise and resubmit their respective documentation, or submit justification for continued applicability of the topical report without revision of the respective documentation." Question No 81 identified many criteria changes; please revise the respective documentation or submit justification for continued applicability of the topical report.

Responder: WEC Revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report will provide more detailed information on the changes to the platform.

Rev. 2 of the Licensing Technical Report will include the applicability of guidance.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" (LTR) submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, contains the following change to address the NRC request:

Section 9, "Compliance Evaluation of the Watts Bar 2 PAMS Software Requirements Specification to IEEE Standard 830-1998 and Regulatory Guide 1.172" to show the origin of the

requirements has been added.

The descriptions and commitments in the Topical Report (TR) still apply. The LTR provides compliance evidence to the new ISG-04 criteria. The statement in the SE means that the TR can be evaluated against later NRC criteria when it

appears. Source: E-mail from Westinghouse (Matthew A. Shakun) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: December 22 letter review, dated December 17, 2010 Partial TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

contains the results of the TVA analysis of standards and regulatory guides applicable to the Common Q PAMS. Based on the results of the analysis, the Common Q PAMS design is acceptable.

The final response is pending submittal of the Licensing Technical Report Revision 3 scheduled for March 29, 2011.

17. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Response included in letter

dated 12/22/10

Partial Response provided in letter dated 10/5/10

NNC 1/5/11:

Summary provided in Licensing Technical Report R2 has been reviewed and found to be unacceptable.

LTR Section 9 evaluates the compliance of the SRS to IEEE

830-1998. There are two issues with this evaluation:

(1) IEEE 830-1998 is not the current SRP acceptance criteria.

IEEE 830-1998 has not been

formally endorsed by a

regulatory guide.

(2) Westinghouse committed to evaluate the SRS against 830 when the NRC identified several inconsistencies.

Yes ISG-4 is one new criteria, and an evaluation against it has

been provided.

In addition, LTR Rev. 2 Section

13 states: "The applicable NRC

regulatory guides, IEEE and EPRI industry standards fo the common Q PAMS are shown Open-NRC Review Due 2/25/11 &

3/29/11 to provide information requested.

Due TBD EICB RAI ML102980066 Item No. 4 TVA Letter dated 10/5/10 NNC 1/5/11:

See Also Open Item No.

81 and 86.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

(1) As discussed on page 9-1 of the Licensing Technical Report (Attachment 2) a comparison of IEEE 830-1993

and IEEE 830-1998 was performed and it was determined that the 1998 version enveloped all the requirements of the 1993 version which is endorsed by

Regulatory Guide 1.172. Therefore the use of IEEE

830-1998 is acceptable.

(2) Table 9.1 "IEEE Std 830-1998 Compliance" of the Licensing Technical Report (Attachment 2) evaluates the Software Requirements Specification against the requirements of IEEE 830-1998.

(3) See TVA to NRC letter "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN)

Unit 2 - Instrumentation And Controls Staff Information Requests," dated February 25, 2011 Attachment 4 "Common Q PAMS Regulatory Guide and IEEE Standard Analysis

." (4) This section of the Licensing Technical Report (Attachment 2) has been relocated to section 15. The

comment has been addressed by adding Reference 40 to TVA to NRC letter dated February 25, 2011, which is the "

Common Q PAMS Regulatory Guide and IEEE Standard Analysis." below. Compliance to these codes and standards are stated in Section 4 of Reference 1."

Reference 1 is the common Q

topical report.

212 7.5.2 EICB (Carte) 7/27/2010

By letter dated June 18, 2010 (ML101940236) TVA stated (Enclosure 1, Attachment 3, Item No. 3) that the PAMS system design specification and software requirements specification

contain information to address the "Design Report on Computer

Integrity, Test and Calibration..." The staff has reviewed these documents, and it is not clear how this is the case.

(1) Please describe how the information provided demonstrates compliance with IEEE 603-1991 Clauses 5.5, 5.7, 5.10, & 6.5.

(2) Please describe how the information provided demonstrates conformance with IEEE 7-4.3.2-2003 Clauses 5.5 & 57.

Responder: WEC

Application specific requirements for testing. This cannot be addressed in a topical report. Evaluation of how the hardware meets the regulatory requirements.

WEC to provide the information and determine where the information will be located.

IEEE-603 1991:

5.5 System Integrity. The safety systems shall be desi gned to accomplish their safet y functions under the full range of applicable conditions enumerated in the design basis.

TVA Response: The applicable conditions and Common Q PAMS s ystem compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Rev. 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, Section 11, "Contract Compliance Matrix" items: 87 and 88 Seismic 89, 90, 91, 92 and 185 EMI/RFI 300, 301 and 302 Environmental Seismic qualification of the equipment to meet the design basis requirements 5.7 Capability for Test and Calibration. Capability for

18. N Open Partial Response included in letter dated 03/16/11

Final response due 3/29/11 Open-NRC Review

NNC 2/17/2011:

IEEE 603 Clause 5.5 basically states that conditions identified in

IEEE 603 Clauses 4.7

& 4.8 must be addressed in the design. Energy supply conditions have not been identified, or explicitly addressed.

NNC 2/18/11: Clause 5.7 is acceptably EICB RAI ML102980066 Item

No. 10 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments testing and calibration of safety system equipment shall be provided while retaining the capability of the safety systems to accomplish their safety functions. The capability for testing and calibration of safety system equipment shall be provided during power operation and shall duplicate, as closel y as practicable, performance of the safety function. Testing of Class 1E systems shall be in accordance with the requirements of IEEE Std 338-1987. Exceptions to testing and calibration during power operation are allowed where this capability cannot be provided without adversely affecting the safety or operability of the generating station. In this case:

(1) appropriate justification shall be provided (for example, demonstration that no practical design exists), (2) acceptable reliability of equipment operation shall be otherwise demonstrated, and (3) the capability shall be provided while the generating station is shut down.

TVA Response: The requirements for test and calibration and Common Q PAMS system compliance, are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Rev. 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing

Technical Report" Section 11, "TVA Contract

Compliance Matrix" items: 202 self test 350 Maintenance Bypass 351 Loop Tuning Parameters, 400 and 401 3.7.2 Testing, Calibration, and Verification 402, 403 and 404, 3.7.3 Channel Bypass or Removal from Operation 5.10 Repair. The safety systems shall be designed to facilitate timely recognition, location, replacement, repair, and adjustment of malfunctioning equipment.

TVA Response: The requirements for repair and Common Q PAMS s ystem compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Rev. 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" Section 11, "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" items: 179 Mean time to repair 202 self test 398 3.7 Maintenance 399 3.7.1 Troubleshooting 6.5 Capability for Testing and Calibration

6.5.1 Means shall be provided for checking, with a high degree of confidence, the operational availability of each sense and command feature input sensor required for a safety function during reactor operation.

This may be accomplished in various ways; for example: addressed.

NNC 2/18/2011:

WNA-AR-00189-WBT Rev. 0 Table 5-2 shows a MTTR of 7.2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. It is not clear how this satisfies the contractual item No.


The Contract Compliance Matrix Item 179 in Revision 3 of the LTR has been revised to show this item as a deviaition and to reflect TVA's acceptance of

the 7.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> MTTR value. Attachment 2 contains WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring

System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, dated March 2011 (proprietary).

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments (1) by perturbing the monitored variable, (2) within the constraints of 6.6, by introducing and varying, as appropriate, a substitute input to the sensor of the same nature as the measured

variable, or (3) by cross-checking between channels that bear a known relationship to each other and that have readouts available.

6.5.2 One of the following means shall be provided for assuring the operational availability of each sense and command feature required during the post-accident


(1) Checkin g the operational availabilit y of sensors b y use of the methods described in 6.5.1.

(2) Specifying equipment that is stable and retains its calibration during the post-accident time period.

TVA Response: The requirements for sense and command feature testing and Common Q PAMS system compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" Section 11 "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" items: 10, display of sensor diagnostic information 202 self test 205 self diagnostics and watchdog timer 264 through 271, system self checks 311 system status displays, 341 alarms, 344 on-line diagnostics IEEE 7-4.3.2-2003 5.5 System integrity In addition to the system integrity criteria provided by IEEE Std 603-1998, the following are necessary to achieve system integrity in digital equipment for use in safety systems:

- Design for computer integrity

- Design for test and calibration

- Fault detection and self-diagnostics 5.5.1 Design for computer integrity The computer shall be designed to perform its safety function when subjected to conditions, external or internal, that have significant potential for defeating the safety function. For example, input and output processing failures, precis ion or round off problems, improper recovery actions, electrical input voltage and frequency fluctuations, and maximum credible number of coincident signal changes.

If the system requirements identify a safety system

preferred failure mode, failures of the computer shall not preclude the safety system from being placed in

that mode. Performance of computer system restart operations shall not result in the safety system being inhibited from performing its function.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments TVA Response: Common Q PAMS system reliability and failure modes are described in: WNA-AR-00180-WBT, Revision 0, "Failure Modes and Effects Anal y sis (FMEA) for the Post Accident Monitoring System" WNA-AR-00189-WBT, Revision 0 "Post Accident Monitoring System Reliability Analysis" The requirements for mean time between failure and Common Q PAMS s ystem compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Section 11 "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix"

item 178.

5.5.2 Design for test and calibration Test and calibration functions shall not adversely affect the ability of the computer to perform its safety function. Appropriate bypass of one redundant channel is not considered an adverse effect in this context. It shall be verified that the test and calibration functions do not affect computer functions that are not included in a calibration change (e.g., setpoint change). V&V, configuration management, and QA shall be required for test and calibration functions on separate computers (e.g., test and calibration computer) that provide the sole verification of test and calibration data.

V&V, configuration management, and QA shall be required when the test and calibration function is inherent to the computer that is part of the safety system.

V&V, configuration management, and QA are not required when the test and calibration function is resident on a separate computer and does not provide the sole verification of test and calibration data for the computer that is part of the safety system.

TVA Response: The requirements for test and calibration and Common Q PAMS system compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" Section 11 "TVA Contract

Compliance Matrix" items: 202 self test 350 Maintenance Bypass 351 Loop Tuning Parameters, 400 and 401 3.7.2 Testing, Calibration, and Verification 402, 403 and 404, 3.7.3 Channel Bypass or Removal from Operation 5.5.3 Fault detection and self-diagnostics Computer systems can experience partial failures that can degrade the capabilities of the computer system, Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments but may not be immediately detectable by the system. Self-diagnostics are one means that can be used to assist in detecting these failures. Fault detection and self-diagnostics requirements are addressed in this sub-clause.

The reliability requirements of the safety system shall be used to establish the need for self-diagnostics. Self diagnostics are not required for systems in which failures can be detected by alternate means in a timely manner. If self-diagnostics are incorporated into the system requirements, these functions shall be subject to the same V&V processes as the safety system functions.

If reliability requirements warrant self-diagnostics, then computer programs shall incorporate functions to detect and report computer system faults and failures in a timely manner. Conversely, self-diagnostic functions shall not adversely affect the ability of the computer system to perform its safety function, or cause spurious actuations of the safety function. A typical set of self-diagnostic functions includes the following:

- Memory functionality and integrity tests (e.g., PROM checksum and RAM tests)

- Computer system instruction set (e.g., calculation tests) - Computer peripheral hardware tests (e.g., watchdog timers and keyboards)

- Computer architecture support hardware (e.g., address lines and shared memory interfaces)

- Communication link diagnostics (e.g., CRC checks) Infrequent communication link failures that do not result in a system failure or a lack of system functionality do not require reporting.

When self-diagnostics are applied, the following self-diagnostic features shall be incorporated into the system design:

a) Self-diagnostics during computer system startup b) Periodic self-diagnostics while the computer system is operating c) Self-diagnostic test failure reporting TVA Response: The requirements for fault detection and self diagnostics and Common Q PAMS system compliance are contained in WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Rev. 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)

Licensing Technical Report" Section 11 "TVA Contract Compliance Matrix" items: 107 error free download 202 self test 205 self diagnostics and watchdog timer 263 primary and backup communication 264 through 271, continuous on-line self checks Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 311 system status displays, 341 alarms, 344 on-line diagnostics 5.7 Capability for test and calibration No requirements beyond IEEE Std 603-1998 are necessary.

TVA Response: No response required.

Concurrence: E-mail from Westinghouse (Andrew P. Drake) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: RAI 212 Response - Errors in the Contract Compliance Matrix, dated December 17, 2010 (a) Energy Supply conditions are specified in WNA-DS-01617-WBT-P, System Requirements Specification Rev.

4, Requirement 4.1-1 which requires 120Vac +/-10% and 60+/-3Hz. Power to the Common Q PAMS is provided from the 120Vac vital power system. Per WBN Unit 2 FSAR section the vital 120 volt ac system specifications are 120Vac +/-2% and 60+/-0.5Hz. Based

on this, the power provided meets the system requirements.

Electromagnetic compatibility, seismic and environmental qualification of the equipment to meet the design basis requirements is documented in EQ-QR WBT-P, Revision 0 "Qualification Summary Report for Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)" (Proprietary)

(Attachment 4). Attachment 5 contains EQ-QR WBT-NP, Revision 0 "Qualification Summary Report for Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)" (non-proprietary). Attachment 6 contains CWA-11-3118, Application for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, EQ-QR-68-WBT-P, Revision 0 "Qualification Summary Report for Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)," (Proprietary), dated February 28, 2011.

(b) The Contract Compliance Matrix Item 179 in Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report will be revised to show this item as a deviation and to reflect TVA's acceptance of the 7.2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> MTTR value. WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report," Revision 3, (proprietary) dated March 2011, will be submitted no later than March 29, 2011.

213 7.5.2 EICB (Carte) 7/27/2010

By letter dated June 18, 2010 (ML101940236) TVA stated (Enclosure 1, Attachment 3, Item No. 3) that the PAMS system design specification and software requirements specification contain information to address the "Theory of Operation Description." The staff has reviewed these documents, and it is not clear how this is the case. The docketed material does not appear to contain the design basis information that is required to evaluate compliance with the Clause of IEEE 603.

(1) Please provide the design basis (as described in IEEE 604 Responder: WEC

Conformance with IEEE 603 is documented in the revised Common Q PAMS Licensing Technical Report and the Common Q PAMS System Design Specification.

contains the proprietary version of Westinghouse document "Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2), Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), Licensing Technical Report, Revision 1, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Dated October 2010"

19. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11.

Response is included in letter

dated 10/25/10 NNC to review and revise this

question after LTR R2 is Open-NRC Review

Due 3/29/11

NNC 2/3/11: The identified documentation does not include the design bases. Please provide schedule for providing

the requested EICB RAI ML102980066 Item

No. 18 Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Clause 4) of the Common Q PAMS. (2) Please provide a regulatory evaluation of how the PAMs complies with the applicable regulatory requirements for the theory of operation.

For example: Regarding IEEE 603 Clause 5.8.4 (1) What are the manually controlled protective actions? (2) How do the documents identified demonstrate compliance with this clause?

Attachment 8 contains the proprietary version of Westinghouse document "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification", WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 2 dated September 2010.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The Regulatory Guide 1.97 classification of the Common Q PAMS variables is documented in TVA Design Criteria WB-DC-30-7 "Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation" which was submitted as Attachment 5 on TVA to NRC letter "

Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 - Instrumentation And Controls Staff Information Requests" dated June 18, 2010 (Reference 1)

The hardware design bases for the Common Q PAMS is described in the WBN Unit 2 FSAR section "Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS)."

The Common Q PAMS indications are used to support operator response to events described in chapter 15 of the WBN Unit 2 FSAR such as:

RCCA/RCCA Bank dropped/misaligned Steam Generator Tube Rupture Inadvertent Loading of a Fuel Assembly Into an Improper Position Loss of Shutdown Power Major Reactor Coolant System Pipe Ruptures (Loss Of Coolant Accident) Major Secondary System Pipe Rupture received. information.

244 EICB (Carte) 8/3/2010 Section 8.2.2 of the Common Q SPM (ML050350234) states that the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) shall be developed using IEEE 830 and RE 1.172. Clause 4.8, "Embedding project requirements in the SRS," of the IEEE 830 states that an SRS should address the software product, not the process of producing the software. In addition Section of the SPM states "Any alternatives to the SPM processe s or additional project specific information for the ...SCMP...shall be specified in the PQP.

Contrary to these two statements in the SPM, the WBN2 PAMS SRS (ML101050202) contains many process related requirements, for example all seventeen requirements in Section 2.3.2, "Configuration Control," address process requirements for configuration control.

Please explain how the above meets the intent of the approved SPM. Responder: WEC The process related requirements have been removed from revision 2 of the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).

Attachment 3 of letter dated 10/25/10 contains the proprietary version of Westinghouse document "Nuclear

Automation, Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program, I&C Projects, Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System", WNA-SD-00239-WBT, Revision 2, Dated September 2010.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

As shown is the listed documents, process related requirements have been deleted from the SRS and S y sRS in Revision 3:

Attachment 1 contains proprietary version of WNA-DS-01617-WBT-P, Revision 3, "Post Accident Monitoring System-System Requirements Specification," dated December 2010.

contains the proprietary version of WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Revision 3, "Software Requirements

20. N Open Revised response is included in

letter dated 12/22/10

Response is provided in letter dated 10/25/10.

NNC 11/18/10: SysRS Rev. 2 also contains process requirements that are more

appropriately incorporated into process documentation.

Open-NRC Review Due 2/25/11 Document revisions NNC 2/2/11:

Issues with Common Q TR &

SPM compliance were discussed in the weekl y public meetings. Westinghouse to perform Common Q TR

& SPM compliance self assessment; this will be discussed in detail on the next audit.

EICB RAI ML102980066 Item No. 14 Response is provided in letter dated 10/25/10. LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the information relied upon in the SE must

be docketed correspondence."

LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability

of the proposal in terms of regulatory

requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System,"

dated December 2010.

Source: E-mail from Westinghous e (Andrew P. Drake) to Bechtel (Mark S. Clark), RE: Common Q RAI concerns, dated December 8, 2010 (Reference 17)

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The documents discussed in Item 3 have been revised to address compliance with the Topical Report (TR) and the Software Program Manual (SPM).

245 EICB (Carte) 8/3/2010 Section 5.8 of the Common Q SPM (ML050350234) identifies the required test documentation for systems developed using the Common Q SPM. Please provide sufficient information for the

NRC staff to independently assess whether the test plan for WBN2 PAMS, is as described in the SPM (e.g., Section 5.8.1).

Responder: WEC

Relates to the commitment to provide the test plan and the SPM compliance matrix

Attachment 9 contains the Westinghouse document "Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan," WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0, dated November 2010. Attachment 10 contains the Westinghouse Application for Withholding for the "Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan," WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0, dated November 2010.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The results of the self assessment were reviewed by Westinghouse with the NRC on February 2, 2011 and were further reviewed by TVA during the NRC Common Q PAMS

audit during the week of February 28 to March 4, 2011.

Corrections to WNA-TR-02451-WBT, "Test Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System

" and the self assessment were made as a result of the TVA review to ensure this comment was fully addressed.

By agreement between TVA, WEC and the NRC, the Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan, WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0 will not be revised.

Instead a non-proprietary Common Q PAMS Test Summary Report will be developed and submitted to address the issues with TR and SPM compliance. contains non-proprietary WNA-TR-02451-WBT, Revision 0, "Test Summar y Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated March 2011.

21. N Open Pending Submittal of the Test Summary Report due 3/29/11

Response included in letter

dated 12/3/10 Common Q PAMS Test

Summary Report scheduled to

be submitted March 29, 2011.

Open-NRC Review

Due 3/29/11 NNC 2/2/11:

Issues with the Common Q TR

& SPM were discussed in the weekly public meetings.

Westinghouse to perform Common Q TR & SPM compliance self assessment EICB RAI ML102980066 Item

No. 119 LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the

information relied upon in the SE must be docketed correspondence."

LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety." 246 EICB (Carte) 8/3/2010 Section, "Initiation Phase" of the Common Q SPM (ML050350234) requires that a Project Quality Plan (PQP) be developed. Many other section of the SPM identify that this PQP should contain information required by ISG6. Please provide the PQP. If "PQP" is not the name of the documentation produced, please describe the documentation produced and provide the information that the SPM states should be in the PQP.

Responder: WEC As agreed ISG6 does not apply to the Common Q PAMS

platform. The information required to address this question concerning the PQP and SPM has been added to compliance matrix in revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report.

of letter dated 10/25/10 contains the proprietary version of Westinghouse document "Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2 (WBN2), Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), Licensing Technical

Report, Revision 1, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Dated October 2010" 22. N Open Pending Submittal of Revision 3 of the Licensing Technical Report due 3/29/11. PQP provided for audit the week of 2/28/11.

Response is provided in letter

dated 10/25/10 NNC 11/18/10: PQP has not been provided and CQ PAMS LTR Rev. 1 does not contain comparable information.

Open-NRC Review Due 3/29/11

NNC 2/2/11:

Issues with the Common Q TR & SPM implementation

were discussed in the

weekl y public meetin g s. Westinghouse to perform Common Q TR & SPM compliance self assessment EICB RAI ML102980066 Item No. 15 Response is provided in letter dated 10/25/10 LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the information relied upon in the SE must

be docketed correspondence."

LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposal in terms of regulatory

requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The results of the Common Q TR and SPM self assessment were reviewed by Westinghouse with the NRC on February

2, 2011.

The Westinghouse Watts Bar Unit 2 NSSS Completion I&C Projects Project Quality Plan, WNA-PQ-00220-WBT, Revision 1 is available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville Office and was available for review during the NRC Common Q PAMS audit during the week of February 28 to March 4, 2011. During the audit, the Westinghouse Quality Assurance in process audit of the Common Q PAMS project

was reviewed by the NRC inspector with no issues identified.

250 EICB (Carte) 8/8/2010 The SPM describes the software and documents that will be

created and placed under configuration control. The SCMP (e.g.,

SPM Section 6, "Software Configuration Management Plan") describes the implementation tasks that are to be carried out. The acceptance criterion for software CM implementation is that the tasks in the SCMP have been carried out in their entirety.

Documentation should exist that shows that the configuration management tasks for that activity group have been successfully accomplished. Please provide information that shows that the CM tasks have been successfully accomplished for each life cycle activity group.

Responder: WEC Westinghouse develops Software Release Reports/Records

and a Configuration Management Release Report. Describe the documents and when they will be produced. Summarize guidance on how to produce these records, focus on project specific requirements in SPM etc.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The following documentation shows that the configuration management tasks for that activity group have been successfully accomplished.

2. WNA-LI-00058-WT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitorin g S ystem (PAMS) Licensin g Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) contains the following changes to address the NRC requests:
a. Section 2.2.1 Hardware/Software Change Process has been added to describe the process of how changes are evaluated.
b. Section 2.2.2, "Software" has been expanded to include a table detailing evolutionary software changes that have occurred since the initial submittal and the change evaluation of the life cycle. 3. WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0, "Nuclear Automation Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan,"

(Proprietary), dated November 2010 submitted in TVA Letter to NRC, dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1).

23. N Open Revised response included in

letter dated 12/22/10

Response included in letter dated 10/25/10.

Open-NRC Review NNC 2/2/11: To be addressed during the next audit. LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the information relied upon in the SE must

be docketed correspondence."

LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability

of the proposal in terms of regulatory

requirements and the protection of public health and safety." 251 EICB (Carte) 8/8/2010 The SPM describes the software testin g and documents that will be created. The SPM also describes the testing tasks that are to be carried out. The acceptance criterion for software test implementation is that the tasks in the SPM have been carried out in their entirety. Please provide information that shows that testing been successfully accomplished.

Responder: WEC

The software testing performed and documents created are addressed by the SPM Compliance matrix contained in Revision 1 of the Licensing Technical Report.

Attachment 1 of the letter dated 10/25/10 contains the Proprietary version of Westinghouse's document titled:

"Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Watts Bar Unit 2

24. N Open Pending Submittal of the Test

Summary Report due 3/29/11 Revised response included in

letter dated 12/22/10

Partial response is provided in Open-NRC Review

Due 3/29/11

NNC 2/2/11:

Issues with the Common Q TR

& SPM were discussed in the weekly public meetings. LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the

information relied upon in the SE must

be docketed correspondence." LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments (WBN2), Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS), Licensing Technical Report, Revision 1, WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Dated October 2010"

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

Please see the response to RAI item 21 in letter dated 12/22/10, NRC Matrix Item 250.

TVA Response to second Follow-up NRC Request:

The results of the Common Q TR and SPM self assessment were reviewed by Westinghouse with the NRC on February

2, 2011.

By agreement between TVA, WEC and the NRC, the Post Accident Monitoring System Test Plan, WNA-PT-00138-WBT, Revision 0 will not be revised.

Instead a non-proprietary Common Q PAMS Test Summary Report will be developed and submitted to address the issues with TR and

SPM compliance. contains non-proprietary WNA-TR-02451-WBT, Revision 0, "Test Summar y Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," dated March 2011. letter dated 10/25/10 Westinghouse to perform Common Q TR & SPM compliance self assessment the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety." 252 EICB (Carte) 8/8/2010 The SPM contain requirements for software requirements traceability analysis and associated documentation (see Section, "Requirements Traceability Analysis"). Please provide information that demonstrates that requirements traceability analysis has been successfully accomplished.

Responder: WEC

Explain response to AP1000 audit report.

RTM docketed NRC awaiting V&V evaluation of RTM.

The following responses are based on WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS traceability:

Software requirements traceability analysis is described in the following documents:

1. WNA-LI-00058-WBT-P, Revision 2, "Post-Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Licensing Technical Report" submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010, (Reference 1) Section 11, "TVA

Contract Compliance Matrix"

2. WNA-VR-00279-WBT, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability

Matrix for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office) 3. WNA-VR-00280-WBT, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Requirements Traceability Matrix for the Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) Custom PC Elements" (available for NRC audit at the Westinghouse Rockville office) This

document addresses the RSEDs used in the WBN Unit 2 Common Q PAMS.

The V&V evaluation of the RTM is documented in section 2.2.2 of the following documents:

1. The Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V)
25. N Open Response included in letter

dated 12/22/10 Read ML091560352 Open-NRC Review

Due 2/25/11 (document submittals)

NNC 2/2/11: Updated RTMs and specifications to be provided.

Requirements traceability to be addressed during he next audit. LIC-101 Rev. 3 Appendix B Section 4, "Safety Evaluation" states: "the

information relied upon in the SE must

be docketed correspondence." LIC-101 Rev. 3 states: "The safety analysis that supports the change requested should include technical information in sufficient detail to enable the NRC staff to make an independent assessment regarding the acceptability

of the proposal in terms of regulatory requirements and the protection of public health and safety."

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments report covering the Concept and Definition phases

("Nuclear Automation Watts Bar Unit 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System,"

(Proprietary), WNA-VR-00283-WBT, Revision 1, dated

November 2010), submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1).

2. The Independent Verification &Validation (IV&V) report covering the Design and Implementation phases

("Nuclear Automation Watts Bar Unit 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System,"

(Proprietary), WNA-VR-00283-WBT, Revision 2, dated November 2010), submitted in TVA Letter to NRC dated December 3, 2010 (Reference 1).

3. The integration phase is covered in Attachment 10, the proprietary version of "IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," WNA-VR-00283-

WBT-P, Revision 3, dated December 2010.

1 contains the non-proprietary version of "IV&V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System," WNA-VR-00283-WBT-NP, Revision 3, dated December 2010. Attachment 12 contains the "Application For Withholding Proprietary Information From Public Disclosure WNA-VR-00283- WBT-P, Revision 3, "IV &V Summary Report for the Post Accident Monitoring System" (Proprietary)," dated December 2010.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

See Response to item 3 (Matrix Item Number 142) 318 7.5 EICB (Singh) TVA has provided the following documents for RM-1000 equipment qualification:

(i) Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter 04508905-QR (January 2001) (ii) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades 04508905-1SP (June 2006) (iii) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades 04508905-2SP (June 2008) (iv) Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades 04508905-3SP (May 2008)

Please clarify whether all of thes e are fully applicable to WBN2 or are they applicable with exceptions? If with exceptions, then please clarify what those are.

Supplement 3 was issued one month prior to supplement 2. Please explain the reason for the same. Responder: Temples (i) Applicable to WBN Unit 2.

04508905-1QR is applicable only in regards to the RM-1000, with the exception of re-qualification of certain RM-1000 equipment differences covered in the -1SP report.

The Current-to-Frequency (I-F) converter module qualifications in the base report and the -1SP report are not applicable to the RM-1000s, and will be used later as references in the WBN Unit 2 specific qualification reports.

(ii) Applicable to WBN Unit 2. (iii) Not applicable to WBN Unit 2 (iv) Not applicable to WBN Unit 2 The 04508905-3SP report was prepared for another TVA plant, as a monitor system-level report, where the system included equipment mostly based on the base report equipment items. These two -2SP and -3SP supplement

26. Y Open Revised response is included in

letter dated 12/22/10.

Note check 04508905-1QR or QR. Staff version is QR only.

Response is included in letter dated 10/29/10 Open-NRC Review Due 2/25/11

Response update required. It is clear that 04508903-2SP and -

3SP are not applicable.

The response for applicability of 04508905-QR and -

1SP to RM-1000 and IF

converter is not clear.

Check pa g e numbers of Appendix F (missing/duplicate

pages). Check applicability of Appendix C to RM1000

instead of RM2300?

See items 336 and 337.

All equipment RAI No. 28 ML102980005 10/26/2010 TVA Letter dated 10/29/10, Encl 1 Item 34, and TVA

letter 11/24/10, Att. 2.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments reports were essentially worked concurrently, but the -2SP document review/release process resulted in the release

time difference. TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

NOTE: The response for the current to frequency (I to F) converter in item 1 below is a reversal of the response previously provided in TVA to NRC letter dated October 29, 2010 (Reference 22). General Atomics Electronic Systems Inc. (GA-ESI) notified TVA of this change on December 8, 2010 (Reference 20).

(1) The applicability of the qualification reports from GA-ESI e-mail dated December 10, 2010 (Reference 19) is as follows:

a. 04508905-QR "Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-to-Frequency Converter" is applicable to the WBN Unit 2 RM-1000 and I to F converter modules.
b. 04508905-1SP "Supplement to Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-to-Frequency Converter" is applicable to the WBN Unit 2 RM-1000 module.
c. 04508905-1SP is not applicable to the WBN Unit 2 I to F converter module.
d. 04508905-2SP "Qualification Test Report Supplement, I-F Converter Upgrades" is applicable to the WBN Unit 2 I to F converter module.

GA-ESI provided two other reports required to support qualification of the containment high range radiation monitors. The report descriptions are from GA-ESI e-mail on December 8, 2010 (Reference 20). The reports are:

e. GA-ESI report 04038903-QSR, "Qualification Summary Report for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Replacement Radiation Monitors:" The report is the principle report and the starting point for all

the radiation monitors provided as part of the replacement contract. The report describes each monitor; referenced to the technical manual for the physical and functional description and lists

the major components of the monitor system.

Report section 3 identifies the TVA Watts Bar Unit 2 Environmental, Seismic, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), and software requirements for each monitor. In section 4 a brief description of GA-ESI generic qualification programs for all radiation monitoring equipment in each of the four above areas is provided. The qualification basis for each monitor is provided in a separate supplement to the principle report and is identified qualification reports including supplements 2SP and 3SP have been reviewed as

vendor drawings for

WBN-2. Please explain the reason for applicability of one report and not the

other. Further all TVA/Bechtel reviews seems to be dispositioned as Code 4, "Review not required.

Work may proceed."

The applicable reports should have been reviewed prior to dispositioning them.

Please explain the apparent lack of review of WBN-2 applicable documents. Was

appropriate review guidance used?

Further update required

Provide model number/part number for the RM-1000 and I/F converter used for

WBN-2. This information is needed to verify that the model or part number used is

the equipment that has been qualified for WBN-


Provide qualification reports 04038903-QSR and 04038903-7SP by the dues date of


Submit a copy of any other relevant reviewed

versions of the qualification reports.

Submit copies of the reviewed reports for

04508905-QR, 04508905-1SP, 04508905-2SP.

Clarification of Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments in section 5.

f. GA-ESI report 04038903-7SP, "Qualification Basis for 04034101-001 (2-RE-90-271, -272, -273, & -274) [TVA Note: These are the containment post accident high range radiation monitors.]:" GA-ESI report 04038903-7SP is divided into subsections to address the Environmental, Seismic, EMC, and Software qualification basis for the High Range Area Monitors. Within each subsection, the HRAM is compared to a tested or analyzed article to demonstrate similarity and/or evaluate differences, the tests that were performed, and evaluation to demonstrate qualification. In most

cases, the qualification basis references other documents. In addition to qualification, a section is provided that lists the life of those replaceable components that have life expectancy less than 40 years.

(2) This is addressed by response to RAI Question 336 in TVA to NRC letter dated November 24, 2010 (Reference 8)

(3) This is addressed by response to RAI Question 337 in TVA to NRC letter dated November 24, 2010 (Reference 8)

(4) The 04508905-3SP Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrades" is not applicable to WBN Unit 2 (Reference 19).

Please see Item 1, above, for applicability of the other reports.

(5) TVA provided the proprietary versions of the reports by letter dated March 12, 2010 (Reference 10). By letter dated July 15, 2010 (Reference 23), TVA provided the non-proprietary version of the reports and included a copy of the proprietary report which had been erroneously marked as having not been reviewed. 04508905-QR report has been reviewed by TVA. The review of the remaining reports is ongoing.

(6) See item 5. TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The following documents are the qualification documents associated with the RM-1000 radiation monitors: Attachment 5 contains the approved proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-1SP, "Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrade." Attachment 6 contains the approved proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-2SP, "Qualification Test Report Supplement, applicability of existing reports is acceptable.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments I-F Converter Upgrades." Attachment 7 contains the approved proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04038903-7SP, "Qualification Basis for 04034101 (2-RE-90-271, 272, 273 & 274)." Attachment 8 contains the proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04038903-QSR, "Qualification Summary Report for Watts Bar Nuclear

Plant Unit 2 Replacement Radiation Monitors." In order to meet the NRC submittal schedule, the engineering review of this document was limited to the RM-1000. The document has been accepted for the RM-1000 monitors. Engineering approval will not occur until full review for all covered monitors is


Attachment 23 contains the approved proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-QR, "Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter."

327 DORL (Poole) Attachment 36 contains Foxboro proprietary drawings 08F802403-SC-2001 sheets 1 through 6. An affidavit for withholding and non-proprietary versions of the drawings will be submitted by January 31, 2011.

Responder: Webber In accordance with correspondence from Foxboro, there is no proprietary information contained in the 08F802403-SC-2001 drawings. Based on this, no affidavit for withholding is required. Attachment 1 contains versions of the drawings with the proprietary information block removed.

27. Y Open Response Included in letter dated 11/24/10 Open-NRC Review Due 11/24/10 346 7.5 EICB (Singh) TVA has previously stated in response to open item 319 that RM-1000 System Verification Test Results report, 04507007-1TR is not applicable to WBN-2. However, TVA has not provided a WBN-2 specific test results report. Please identify and provide the appropriate test results reports to complete the review. Document 04507007-1TR is the RM-1000 System Verification Test Results. 04038903-QSR, "Qualification Summary Report for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Replacement Radiation Monitors" (Attachment 8) and and 04038903-7SP, "Qualification Basis for 04034101 (2-RE-90-271, 272, 273 & 274) (Attachment 7) are the Watts Bar Unit 2 equipment specific qualification reports.

TVA Response to Follow up NRC Request:

Report 04507007-1TR "RM-1000 System Verification Test Results" is applicable to the WBN Unit 2 monitors. The applicability is that 04507007-1TR includes all test cases called out in the 04507006 "RM-1000 System Test Procedure Specification" and contains evidence that the V&V tests were performed with version 1.0 software code. The verification report for version 1.1 software is document 04508005 "RM-1000 Software Version 1.1 Software Verification Report." Document 04508006 "RM-1000 Version 1.2 Software Verification and Validation Report" shows that the required test was completed to validated version 1.2 code for the RM-1000.

The Engineering reviewed and approved proprietary versions of 04507007-1TR, 04508005 and 04508006 will be submitted within two weeks of receipt from GA-ESI. The unreviewed proprietary versions, non-proprietary versions and affidavit for withholding were submitted on TVA to NRC

28. N Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review

Due: 2/25/11

The proposed response appears to be conflicting with the

proposed response for OI-351 regarding not submitting the 04508905-QR report.

TVA to re-assess proposed response for both OIs.

TVA to re-evaluate

previous responses to OI-316 and OI-319 which have conflicting

responses regarding the applicability of 04507007-1TR.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments letter July 15, 2010 (Reference 3).

353 7.5 EICB (Singh) Please provide a summary of the [manufacturer's] commercial dedication plan for radiation monitors with references to the guidance document that it follows. Also please include different facets (e.g. receiving, inspection, testing etc.) of the plan.

GA-ESI submitted their commercial grade dedication procedure (OP-7.3-240, "Safety-Related Commercial Grade Item Parts Acceptance," Revision H) to engineering for review. Engineering review of the procedure found that the procedure, Section 5, did not require multiple dedication methods for complex CGI or CGI used in digital safety systems. As a result, it was determined that the GA-ESI program did not meet the requirements of NUREG-800, Section 7.0A, Revision 5.

A discussion with GA-ESI found that while not required by procedure, GA-ESI does perform vendor surve y s as required by Method 2 of NP-5652. The surveys are done based on prudent business practices. Based on this discussion, GA-ESI agreed to review the CGI used in the WBN Unit 2 digital safety-related monitors to determine if they had been dedicated by more than one method.

The review of the CGI used in the WBN Unit 2 digital safety-related monitors determined that all CGI had been dedicated using Method 1 of EPRI guideline NP-5652. However, in the sample of items reviewed, there were CGI that were dedicated using a single method. Based on the results of the engineering procedure review and the results of the GA-ESI CGI review, Service Request 346896 was initiated to document the condition and to place the monitors in "Conditional Release" status.

Based on the results of the previous reviews, GA-ESI a g reed to the following plan of action to resolve the CGD issue:

1. GA-ESI shall revise its commercial grade dedication procedure (OP-7.3-240) to require multiple dedication methods be utilized for complex commercial grade items and commercial grade items for digital safety class systems. The evidence that this has been completed will be provided to TVA by April 15, 2011.

Specifically, Method 1 and at least one additional method from the list below will be used to ensure that the CGD procedure complies with the current SRP.

Method 1 - Special Tests and Inspections Method 2 - Commercial Grade Survey of Supplier Method 3 - Source Verification Method 4 - Acceptable Supplier/Item Performance Record 2. GA-ESI shall take actions consistent with the revised operating procedure to address the CGls used in the WBN Unit 2 safety-related digital monitors. Evidence that those actions have been completed will be provided no later than September 1, 2011.

Based on the above action plan, TVA will resolve the issues with the GA-ESI CGD of CGI used in the WBN Unit 2 monitors and submit documentation of the resolution to the

29. N Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review

TVA to note that staff has written a safety

evaluation and accepted EPRI TR-106439 (1996) as an acceptable method of addressing commercial dedication. EPRI NP-5652 must be used in conjunction with the additional guidance in EPRI TR-106439 for commercial dedication processes e.g. EPRI NP-6404, EPRI TR-

102260, GL 89-02, and GL-91-05 per Section 3.3 of EPRI TR-


Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments NRC by: GA-ESI procedure OP-7.3-240 revision: April 30, 2011 Resolution of CGD of CGI used in WBN Unit 2 RM-1000 monitors: September 15, 2011 357 7.5 EICB (Singh) In Attachment 5, Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 (04508905-1SP), Attachment 6, Qualification Test Report Supplement, I-F Converter Upgrade (04508905-2SP), and Attachment 23, Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter (04508905-QR), t he applicant made a statement that the results for these tests are provided in SE document 04508903-1TR. Please provide SE document 04508903-1TR for the staff to review. IF this report has been submitted earlier then please advise us the letter number and date by which it was submitted. Attachment 8 contains GA-ESI qualification report 04508903-1TR "Seismic Qualification Test Results RM-1000 and Current-to Frequency (I/F) Converter" original release, dated April 1999.

30. N Open-NRC Review 358 7.5 EICB (Singh) The attachment numbers refer to your February 25, 2011 letter. In , "Wyle Test Report 41991 Safety Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) Test Response Spectra (TRS) Plots" all five (5) pages, in Attachment 5, "General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-1SP", page 5-5, Figure 5-2, and in Attachment 23, Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Conver ter (04508905-QR)", page 4-25, Figure 4-5 X-Axis SSE Test Response Spectra (TRS) versus

Required Response Spectra (RRS), it show s that the TRS were below the RRS at various frequenc y (5% Dampin g). Please provide an explanation regarding why this is acceptable

. An incomplete response was inadvertentl y submitted in TVA to NRC letter dated March 31, 2011 (Reference 1

). The following response supersedes the previous response in its entiret y. 1. Attachment 2, "Wyle Test Report 41991 Safety Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) Test Response Spectra (TRS) Plots" all five (5) pages. These five Test Response Spectra (TRS) Plots versus Required Response Spectra (RRS) show that the TRS were below the RRS at various frequency (5% Damping).

Please provide an explanation regarding why this is acceptable.

Attachment 2 of this letter provides five pages from the first seismic test (Wyle Test report 41991) from GA-ESI report 04508903-1TR, submitted in response to OI-357 on TVA to NRC letter dated March 31, 2011 (Reference 1). The following discussion refers to these pages.

Wyle test report 41991 provided the seismic test results for two RM-1000 monitors (one area monitor and one process monitor) and one I/F converter. During the test, the RM-1000 monitor confi g ured as an area monitor was damaged due to the test table impacting its mechanical

stop (see page 4 of Wyle Test Report 41991 attached). This first test was completed for the RM-1000 monitor configured as a process monitor and the I/F converter.

A second seismic test for the RM-1000 monitor configured as an area monitor and two I/F converters (Wyle Test Report 41991-1) is also included in 04508903-1TR. The RM-1000 monitor used in this second test was the same RM-1000 process monitor used in the first seismic test reconfigured (switch in application t ype 1 mode) as an area monitor. One of the I/F converters tested was the same I/F converter tested in the first seismic test. This second test was performed to complete the testing which could not be performed during the first seismic test due to the damage to the RM-1000 area monitor and the loss of the high voltage

power supply to the I/F converter that occurred during the first seismic test. None of the TRS plots in this

1. N Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments second seismic test report 41991-1 were below the RRS. General Atomics "Qualification Test Report for RM-1000

Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter" (04508905-QR) refers to both Wyle Reports 41991 and 41991-1 included in report 04508903-1TR. It is recognized that the five TRS Plots versus the RRS

where the TRS were below the RRS is an exceedance that must be justified. From Wyle report 41991 it can be determined that these five TRS versus RRS plots are for the seismic response in the front to back panel direction.

The RRS used in the Wyle test reports envelopes the

TVA standard RRS shown in Fig 3.1 of TVA Standard Specification CEB-SS-5.10, "For Seismic Qualification of Electrical, Mechanical and I&C Devices," submitted on TVA to NRC letter dated February 25, 2011, (Reference

2) below 33 Hz. This TVA standard RRS conservatively envelopes the in panel seismic demand for most TVA applications. For specific cases when required the actual in panel RRS can be developed. Calculation WCG-ACQ-0766, "In-Cabinet Required Response Spectra for RM-1000 Radiation Monitors in MCR Panel 2-M-30," Revision 0, (Attachment 3) has been issued to generate the 5% RRS for these safety related RM-1000 monitors, I/F converters and NIM bins for the WBN2 panel (2-M-30) where they will be installed. As can be seen from the RRS plots in calculation WCG-ACQ-0766 the front to back 5% RRS broad band peak is 9.76 g which is lower than the front to back 5% TRS shown in

the subject five (5) plots.

2. Attachment 5, "General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-1SP," page 5-5, Figure 5-2. The Figure 5-2 Test Response Spectra (TRS) Plots versus Required Response Spectra (RRS) shows the TRS to be below the RRS at various frequency (5% Damping).

Please provide an explanation regarding why this is acceptable

. The display module for the RM-1000 monitors procured for WBN2 differs from that used in previous RM-1000 qualification tests. The seismic qualification basis for the WBN2 display module is established by similarity to the display module used in RM-2000 monitor qualification tests shown on page 5-4 and 5-5 of

04508905-1SP (pages attached). The basis for the similarity discussion is provided on pages 5-2 and 5-3 of 04508905-1SP. The TRS non-exceedance at approximately 6-7 Hz shown on page 5-5 is not applicable to WBN2 since the RRS shown on that figure is not used for WBN2 qualification. The correct comparison for WBN2 would be the TVA standard RRS shown in Fig 3.1 of CEB-SS-5.10 for 5% damping. The TRS shown on page 5-5 meets or exceeds all points of the TVA standard RRS. Therefore, the seismic qualification of the WBN2 display module is provided by pages 5-4 and 5-5 for which the TRS completely envelopes the TVA standard RRS shown in Fig 3.1 of CEB-SS-5.10. Additionally, as previously stated, Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Calculation WCG-ACQ-0766 was issued to generate the 5% RRS for the WBN2 panel (2-M-30) where the safety related RM-1000 monitors will be installed. The vertical 5% RRS plot in calculation WCG-ACQ-0766 broad band peak is 4.2 g which is lower than the 5% TRS shown in 04508905-1SP", page 5-5, Figure 5-2. 3. Attachment 23, Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter (04508905-QR)", page 4-25, Figure 4-5 X-Axis SSE Test Response Spectra (TRS) versus Required Response Spectra (RRS) shows the TRS to be below the RRS at various frequency (5% Damping). Please provide an explanation regarding why this is acceptable.

This Figure 4-5 is one of the same figures identified in item 1. See item 1. for the appropriate discussion.

359 EICB (Carte) Was the CERPI system developed under a 10 CFR 50 Appendix B compliant program?

CERPI is a non-safety related system. Therefore, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B is not applicable.

31. Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review 360 EICB (Garg) In order for staff to review the acceptability of the Incore Instrumentation System (IIS): (a) Provide a brief system description of IIS and its regulatory compliance. In your discussion include the discussion of WINCISE and BEACON system which are part of the IIS.

Also provide the differences between the system used at

WBN Unit vs. at Unit 2, e.g. Movable vs. fixed IIS. For WINCISE provide the basis for acceptance. (b) If this system has been accepted by the staff previously at some other plant then provide the reference to that SE.

Identify the document that describes the functionally of the IIS that is identical to the IIS used in the Westinghouse AP1000

reactor design. (c) If this has not been evaluated by the staff previously, then provide the effect of CCF of this system and its effect on safety system or chapter 15 analysis. (d) Does this have any interconnection with safety system? (e) For BEACON provide the acceptability of this system. I believe that this system was accepted at WBN Unit 1. If that is the case then provide the reference to that review. Also provide any differences of this system to the one at WBN Unit 1 system.

(f) Please provide detailed information about the In-core Instrumentation System (IIS) to be installed in Watts Bar Unit 2. This information should indicate how the system meets the requirements established in the Standard Review Plan, including system concept, system requirements, system design, and system development, as well as the regulatory requirements identified for Watts Bar Unit 2.

(a) The Watts Bar Unit 2 In-core Instrumentation System (IIS) replaces all of the functionality provided by the Movable Incore Detector System (MIDS) used at Watts Bar Unit 1. The IIS to be used at Watts Bar Unit 2 is a Westinghouse IN-Core Information, Surveillance, and Engineering (WINCISE) System that is functionally described in Section of the Watts Bar Unit 2 Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The WINCISE-

st yle IIS used at Watts Bar Unit 2 is essentiall y the same as the in-core power distribution measurement systems used at most Combustion Engineering style of operating reactors that use a type of in-core neutron sensors commonly called "Fixed In-core Detectors (FID)." The Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS is functionally identical to the IIS used in the Westinghouse 1 AP1000Ž reactor design. The Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS includes the FIDs, Core Exit Thermocouples (CET), FID and CET signal cables, the FID signal processing hardware, and the FID signal processing software. This hardware and software is required to provide the measured signals to the associated BEACON System to periodically determine whether the reactor is operating within design core peaking factor limits. A detailed description of the Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS hardware is provided in the document titled, "Westinghouse Incore Information Surveillance &

Engineering (WINCISE) System Technical Manual," NO-WBT-002, Revision 0 supplied by Westinghouse to TVA in September of 2010.

The qualification for the BEACON S y stem to perform the core power distribution measurement function using the Watts Bar Unit 2 WINCISE style IIS instrumentation is documented in the generic NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SER) provided with WCAP-12472-P-A, 32. Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review 1 AP-1000 is a registered trademark of the Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments (g) Please provide a description on how the system will meet the regulatory requirements identified in Table 7.1-1 of the SRP, applicable to the IIS.

(h) Provide detailed description about the connection and communication for the signals to be transmitted from the Core Exit Thermocouples to the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS). Also, describe how this communication will meet the NRC communications regulatory requirements.

(i) Please provide the following Westinghouse document: NO-WBT-002, "Westinghouse Incore Information Surveillance & Engineering (WINCISEŽ) System Technical Manual."

(j) Provide the failure modes and effects analyses for the IIS, documented in calculation WBNOSG4220 "WB Incore Instrumentation System Failure Modes and Effects Analyses," and demonstrate how these potential failures do not adversel y affect reactor safety. "BEACON Core Monitoring and Operations Support System", Addendum I-A and Addendum 2-A.

(b) The WINCISE style IIS used at Watts Bar Unit 2 is essentially the same as the in-core power distribution measurement systems used at all Combustion Engineering style of operating reactors that use a type of in-core neutron sensors commonly called "Fixed In-core Detectors (FID)." The Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS is functionally identical to the IIS described in the Westin g house AP1000 desi gn documents and approved in the Westinghouse AP1000 SER section 7.5.7 as documented in Westinghouse Letter WBT-D-____ ,

"title," dated April 14, 2011 (Attachment 7)

(c) The digital in-core flux monitoring portion of the IIS is non-safety-related. As such, CCF analysis is not required by NUREG-800 section 7.0-A. The IIS has no impact on any Safety Analysis documented in Chapter 15 of the Watts Bar Unit 2 FSAR.

(d) The IIS includes the 1E qualified CET and CET analog signal cables required to allow the CETs to be directly connected to the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring

System (PAMS). There is no other interface to safety systems. The CET signals are electrically isolated from signals output from the non-1E FID signals and signal processing electronics.

(e) The qualification for the BEACON S y stem to perform the core power distribution measurement function using the Watts Bar Unit 2 WINCISE style IIS instrumentation is documented in the generic NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SER) provided with WCAP-12472-P-A. This WCAP generically approves the BEACON System for use at PWR reactors including those using Movable In-core Detector Systems (MIDS) like Watts Bar Unit 1 and, through Addendum I-A and 2-A, those like Watts

Bar Unit 2 using a WINCISE type fixed in-core instrumentation system.

The specific differences between the Unit 1 and Unit 2 core power distribution measurement systems are too numerous to simply list. A detailed description of the Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS hardware is provided in section 2 of the WINCISE System Technical Manual NO-WBT-002 (Attachment 5).

(f) NUREG-800 section 7.0-A, Table 7.0-A-1. Review Topics for Various Systems, requires only a limited review for non-safety related system discussed in NUREG-800 section 7.7 Control. WINCISE is a non-

safety-related, indication onl y s y stem within the scope of NUREG-800 section 7.7. The limited review required is: "Control systems receive a limited review as necessary to confirm that control system failures cannot have an adverse effect on safety system functions and will not pose frequent challenges to the safety systems." The Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments only WINCISE interface with a safety-related system is the CET in the IITA which is hardwired to the Common Q PAMS system. See item (g) below for a description of the qualification process that demonstrates that failures in the balance of the WINCISE s ystem do not impact the performance of the safety-related CET function.

(g) With the exception of the IITA hardware, WINCISE is a non-safety-related indication system. The IITA assemblies meet the following criteria:

i. R.G. 1.26 Rev. 3 Quality Group Classification and Standards for Water, Steam and Radioactive

Waste Components of Nuclear Power Plants ii. R.G. 1.38 Rev. 2 Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage and

Handling of Items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants iii. R.G. 1.71 Rev. 0 Welder Qualification for Areas of Limited Accessibility iv. R.G. 8.8 Rev. 3 Information Relevant to Ensuring that Occupational Radiation Exposure at Nuclear Power Stations will be As Low As Reasonably Achievable

v. R.G. 8.19 Rev. 1 Occupational Radiation Dose Assessment in Light-Water Reactor Plants Design State Man-Rem Estimates vi. R.G. 1.84 Rev. 27 Design and Fabrication Code Case Acceptability - ASME Section III, Division 1R.G. 1.85 Rev. 27 Material Code Case Acceptability - ASME Section III, Division 1 1.1.4 The design, materials, fabrication, inspection, and testing of the IITA shall be

in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III Class 3, and all applicable Code Cases as proposed by the supplier and approved by Westinghouse. Materials shall be in accordance with this specification.

1.1.5 Component Classification - The IITA is classified as an instrument tube, so it is not under the jurisdiction of the ASME per NCA-1130(c). However, the design, primary pressure boundary materials, and NDE Requirements are per ASME Section III, Class 3 and the IITA is classified as Safety Class 2.

The non-safety-related WINCISE Signal Processing System Cabinets are located inside containment and are therefore required to not impact the function of any safety-related equipment. To meet this requirement the cabinets were Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments tested and passed based on the following criteria:

i. In accordance with WB-DC-40-31.2, "Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Seismic Qualification of Category 1 Fluid System Components and Electrical or Mechanical Equipment," Revision 8, November 2000 and U.S. N.R.C. Regulatory Guide 1.100, "Seismic Qualification of Electrical and Mechanical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 2, June 1988, the

equipment must withstand five OBEs and one SSE without creating missiles. Testing was done in accordance with:

(1) IEEE Std 344-1975, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1975 (2) IEEE Std 344-1987, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations," Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1987 ii. In accordance with U.S NRC Regulatory Guide 1.180 "Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and

Radio-Frequency Interference in Safety-Related Instrumentation and Control Systems," Revision 1, October 2003 and IEEE 323-1983 "IEEE Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generator Stations," Institute of Electrical and

Electronics En g ineers, Inc., 1983, the equipment must not generate spurious elec tromagnetic emissions or suffer some common mode failure due to its operatin g environment that could directl y or indirectl y impact the operation of safety-related equipment (1) IEC 61000-6-2, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic Standards. Immunity for Industrial Environments," 2005 (2) MIL-STD-461E, "Requirements for the control of Electromagnetic interference Characteristics of Subsystems and

Equipment," August 1999 (3) IEC 61000-4-4, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-4: Testing and Measurement

Techniques - Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Test," 1995 (4) IEC 61000-4-12, "Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and Measurement Techniques, Section 12:

Oscillatory Waves Immunity Tests," 1996 iii. In order to demonstrate that a maximum expected surge of 600 volts on the power input to the cabinets Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments would not propagate and damage the CET cables in the IITA, the cabinets were surge tested in accordance with IEC 61000-4-5, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-5: Testing and

Measurement Techniques - Surge Immunity Test,"

1995. (h) The cables for the CETs separate from the FID cables at the seal table. The CETs are connected directly to the Common Q PAMS cabinet. The FIDs are connected directly to the in-containment signal processing system cabinets.

(i) Attachment 5 is the proprietary section 2 "Equipment Description" of NO-WBT-002, "Westinghouse Incore Information Surveillance & Engineering (WINCISEŽ)

System Technical Manual." This is strictly a proprietary document and a non-proprietary version will not be submitted. An affidavit for withholding will be submitted within two weeks of receipt from Westinghouse.

(j) Attachment 6 is the proprietary WINCISE FMEA. A non-proprietary version and affidavit for withholding will be provided within two weeks of receipt from Westinghouse.

Westinghouse is available to discuss any specific questions on the methodolo gy and hardware used in the Watts Bar Unit 2 IIS that the NRC believes are not well defined in the documents listed above.

361 EICB (Carte) Was the Foxboro IA system developed under a 10 CFR 50 Appendix B compliant program?

Foxboro I/A is a non-safety related system. Therefore, 10 CFR 50 Appendix B is not applicable.

33. Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Review 355 7.5 EICB (Singh) Staff has not found the stated exclusion zone for EMI/RFI interfering devices (e.g. hand-held radio devices) in the submitted documents. TVA to provide the distance for the exclusion zones if not provided already. If it is already a submitted information then please point the source of the information.

Cautions and distance limitations for WBN Unit 1 legacy equipment are documented in TVA procedure TI-134, Revision 0, "Control of Portable Two-Way Radios," (Attachment 7) Appendix B. Where WBN Unit 2 uses the same legacy equipment, the same cautions and distance limitations apply.

New equipment is procured and tested to TVA Standard Specification SS E18.14.01, Revision 3, "Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Testing Requirements for Electronic Devices" (Attachment 6). The TVA specification is conservative with respect to Regulatory Guide 1.180, Revision 1. The specification requires that equipment not be susceptible to external interference or create external interference. New equipment is either tested by the manufacturer or tested in the TVA EMI test facility to ensure it meets the specification. If issues are found, the equipment is modified and installation documents are revised to eliminate the issue(s). This is true for the RM-1000 radiation monitors which were tested prior to installation in Brown's Ferry at 10v/meter ("Browns Ferry High Range Radiation

Monitor dated December 8, 2006). Based on this, no exclusion zone for radio use is required for the RM-1000 radiation monitors in WBN Unit 2.

34. Y Open Due 4/15/11 Open-NRC Reviewl

TVA to provide commitment that an

EMI/RFI survey will be

conducted after the installation of the equipment to confirm the non-susceptibility

when using portable radio-frequency sources such as hand-

held radios or other

authorized devices that may be used in the control room.

Summary of the results

to be submitted to NRC to close this item.

Surve y results are to be available for audit by NRC.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

TVA will perform an EMI survey of the containment high range radiation monitors after installation in WBN Unit 2 and submit the results to the NRC within two weeks of the survey being completed.

323 EICB(Garg) WCAP-13869 revision 1 was previously reviewed under WBN Unit 1 SER SSER 13 (Reference 8). Unit 2 references revision 2. An analysis of the differences and their acceptability will be submitted

to the NRC by November 15, 2010 Responder: Hilmes/Unit 1 2 contains the WCAP 13869 Revision 1 to Revision 2 Change Analysis.

TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request A FSAR change will be submitted in a future FSAR amendment to change the revision level back to 1.

TVA Response to Second Follow-up NRC Request

The differences between the Revision 1 and Revision 2 WCAPs is documented in Attachment 12, "WCAP 13869 Revision 1 to Revision 2 Change Analysis", to TVA to NRC letter dated October 29, 2010 (Reference 2). The design

bases for the response to feedwater break inside containment, as documented in Chapter 15 of the WBN Unit 2 FSAR, is the same for WBN Unit 1. Since WBN Unit 2 is

required to match the WBN Unit 1 licensing basis to the extent practical, the decision was made to revise the WBN Unit 2 FSAR to agree with the WBN Unit 1 FSAR which uses Revision 1.

2. Y Open Due 3/29/11 Revised Response is included in letter dated 10/29/10

The staff is confused with the response since both units have reference leg not insulated Rev 2 should apply to Unit 1 also

and there should be no difference between Unit 1 and 2 Open-TVA/Bechtel


Need to provide additional info on why Rev. 1 is acceptable for both units.

3/10/11 Staff does not agree

with the statement that there is no technical differences between WCAP-13869 rev.1 and

rev2., but staff agree that rev1 and change analysis could be basis for acceptance for both Watts Bar units.

4/6/11 TVA response is acceptable, however this item remains open until TVA makes

changes to FSAR. TVA Letter dated 10/29/10 Item

No. 36 340 7.5 EICB (Singh) Provide test result curves for all EMI/RFI tests listed in Table 3.2.3 (page 3-8) of the Qualification Test Report 04508905-QR. In addition, please provide the standards or the guidance documents used as the source for ENV 50140, ENV 55011 Class A, and EN 55022 Class B. Responder: GA The following responses are based on e-mail: GA-ESI to Bechtel, dated December 8, 2010 (Reference 20),

(1) The EMI/RFI tests described in Table 3-2 are based on GA-ESI report 04509050 and are summarized in GA-ESI report 04508905-QR. The independent laboratory report, with curves, is part of GA-ESI report 04509050.

Subsequent to issuing GA-ESI report 04508905-QR additional EMC testing was performed in accordance with TVA specific requirements. The results of the subsequent EMC testing are reported in GA-ESI report 04038800. GA-ESI report 04038800 includes the test curves and the report is used as the basis for EMC qualification of the Upper and Lower Inside

Containment Post Accident Radiation Monitors (2-RE-90-271 through -274). The results of the testing and the acceptability of the RM-1000 monitors for use at WBN Unit 2 are addressed in GA-ESI report 04038903-7SP. This report will be submitted no later

than January 28, 2010.

(2) ENV 50140, EN 55011, and EN 55022 are British

35. N Open Due 4/30/11 Response included in letter

dated 12/22/10.


Provide the qual reports by 1/28/11 per TVA letter of 12/22/10.

Due: 2/25/11 Clarification Needed:

Per 2/25/11 response

TVA document SS-E18.14.01, Rev. 3 is the source document

for all testing. Please

provide this document for staff review. In addition British

Standards (e.g. ENV

50140) have been cited in testing which are not per RG 1.180, R1. TVA to describe compliance of SS-E18-14.01 to RG

1.180 with justification for deviations. No test Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments Standard Institution (BSI) publications concerning equipment electromagnetic and radio frequency performance. The standard titles are shown below:

a. ENV 50140 - Electromagnetic Compatibility - Basic Immunity Standard - Radiated Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field - Immunity Test
b. EN 55011 - Industrial, scientific and medical equipment - Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of


c. EN 55022 - Information technology equipment -

Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and

methods of measurement TVA Response to Follow-up NRC Request:

The total EMI/RFI testing of the RM-1000 and current-to-frequency converter is documented in the following reports:

Attachment 5 contains the proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-1SP, "Qualification Test Report Supplement, RM-1000 Upgrade." See sections 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.4 for EMI/RFI. Attachment 7 contains the proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04038903-7SP, "Qualification Basis for 04034101 (2-RE-90-271, 272, 273 & 274)." See section 5 for EMC qualification basis.

Attachment 8 contains the proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04038903-QSR, "Qualification Summary Report for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Replacement Radiation Monitors." See section 3.4 for electromagnetic compatibility qualification requirements. Attachment 23 contains the proprietary version of General Atomics Electronic Systems 04508905-QR, "Qualification Test Report for RM-1000 Processor Module and Current-To-Frequency Converter." See sections 3.2.1 through 3.2.5 and 6.2 for EMI/RFI.

Attachments 7 and 8 document the EMI/RFI testing specific to the WBN Unit 2 RM-1000 monitors and current-to-frequency converters.

TVA Response to Second Follow-up NRC Request:

GA-ESI qualification report 04038903-7SP, "Qualification Basis for 04034101 (2-RE-90-271, 272, 273 & 274)"

Revision C dated February 22, 2011(Proprietary), submitted on TVA to NRC letter dated February 25, 2011 (Reference 2), section 5.1 states:

"GA-ESI has performed the tests on a 2 channel RM-1000 radiation monitoring system the configuration of which is shown in GA-ESI drawing 04509000 System Installation Configuration, RFI/EMI Test, RM-1000 the results of which are issued in GA-ESI report 04038800, RM-1000 EMC Test Report, TVA and 04509050, RM-1000 EMC Test Report. curves have been provided in any of the reports. As a minimum TVA to provide a few

sample test curves or justify not supplying them.

No EMI/RFI curves

have been provided as yet. TVA to provide representative curves.

NRC review proceedin g in parallel.

NRC current review guidance is based on compliance with RG 1.180 or equal with justification for variations. TVA is requested to provide the roadmap for compliance to RG

1.180 with justifications for any deviations. Simply following TVA standard specification

SS E18.14.01, Rev. 3 is not sufficient.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments The equipment tested used an RM-1000 microprocessor radiation monitor Display/Control NIM Bin Assembly, an I-F Converter, line filter, and an RD-23 detector. The monitor system being qualified is the same as the monitor system tested and includes ECO-17656 modifications to ensure

EMC compliance."

Attachment 1 contains the TVA "Browns Ferry High Range Radiation Monitor" which contains the requested EMI test curves. We have confirmed that the GA-ESI reports (04509050, "RM-1000 EMC Test Report," dated 4/22/03 and 04038800, RM-1000 EMC Test Report," dated 11/11/99) included in the TVA report are applicable to the WBN Unit 2 RM-1000 monitors. The non-proprietary versions and affidavit for withholding of GA-ESI reports (04509050 and 04038800) will be submitted within two weeks of receipt from GA-ESI.

GA-ESI qualification report 04038903-7SP, section 5, provides a detailed discussion of the test results in GA-ESi report 04509050.

362 7.6.1 7.6.7 EICB ( Kemper & Singh) OI #331 requested TVA to provide information regarding how the Loose Parts Monitoring System (LPMS) in-containment components (e.g., Accelerometer ( including the integral insulated hardline cable), Softline cable, and Remote Charge Preamplifiers)

were qualified for vibration as addressed in regulatory position C.1.g of RG 1.133, Rev. 1. TVA responded by stating that "TVA has reviewed the information provided b y Westin ghouse describin g how the Loose Part Monitoring System (LPMS) sensor is qualified for normal operating conditions provided in Westinghouse letter WBT-D-2782, dated December 17, 2010 (Reference 11) as addressed in regulatory position C.1.g of Reg. Guide 1.133 and found it acceptable. Vibration qualification is not applicable to the softline cable. Due to the installation location (junction boxes mounted to the shield or fan room walls) and previous seismic qualification, vibration qualification of the charge converter/preamplifier is not required. This completes the response to this item."

However, the staff still desires further clarification on this response. Specifically, please provide a documented basis that demonstrates the LPMS in-containment equipment is qualified for normal operating conditions (e.g., test results compared to the equipment qualification specification), including vibration qualification. Also, provide justification for why vibration qualification if the Remote Charge Preamplifier is not required.

TVA committed to provide a letter on the docket (targeted is for 4/30/2011) stating why the the in-containment equipment has been qualified for vibration per RG 1.133, Rev. 1.

3. Open-TVA Open-TVA/Bechtel 363 and 7.9.1 7.5.2 EICB (Rahn and Mossman) OI#199 requested TVA to provide information concernin g how TVA plans to meet regulatory criteria for Quality (10 CFR 50.55a(a)(1)) associated with the Technical Support Center and Nuclear Data Link. TVA responded in Letter Dated October 5, 2010, Item 63; however, TVA's response does not address the quality aspects of these system features. A similar question had been asked for Quality Criteria adherence for the SPDS and the BISI functions of the Integrated Computer System. In response to that request (same letter) TVA provided a description of TVA procedures, BISI software development procedures, and various management measures that will be taken to assure high quality in the design, operation, and maintenance of the SPDS and BISI functions of the
4. Due 4/30/11 Open-TVA/Bechtel Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments ICS. Since the TSC and Nuclear Data Link information originates in the SPDS function of the ICS, are there any aspects of the quality measures that apply to the TSC and NDL features developed as part of quality processes for the ICS that are applicable to the data communications features?

Specifically, what is the scope of TVA Procedure SPP-2.6 "Computer Software Control"? How does it apply to the ICS

functions of a) SPDS, b) BISI, and c) TSC and NDL functions?

Wouldn't there be aspects of the quality procedures that apply to the development, maintenance, and operations of the software needed to support the data communications features. Also, what quality measures will be applied to develop, maintain, and operate the hardware that accomplishes the TSC and NDL functions to ensure that these features will be reliable and available when needed? 349 7.5 EICB (Singh) Radiation testing was not considered in any of the test reports as all the equipment has been assumed to be located in nuclear power plant areas with mild environments and radiation dosages less than 1 x 10 3 rads for total integrated dose (TID). However, the radiation monitors and the I/F converters are located in the main control room which is defined as mild environment. For WBN-2 mild environment is defined as room or building zone where (1) the temperature, pressure, or relative humidity resulting from the direct effects of a design basis event (DBE) (e.g.,

temperature rise due to steam release) are no more severe than

those which would occur during an abnormal plant operational condition, (2) the temperature will not exceed 130ºF due to indirect effects of a DBE, (3) the event radiation dose is less than or equal

to 1 x 10 4 rads, and (4) the total event plus the 40 year TID (total integrated dose) is less than or equal to 5 x 10 4 rads (reference WB-DC-40-54). TVA to address lack of radiation qualification for WBN-2. The design criteria provides the criteria for determining what is a mild environment at WBN Unit 2. Calculation

WBNAPS4004 "Summar y of Mild Environment Conditions for Watts Bar Nuclear Plant" provides the actual values for each area of the plant. In accordance with Table 1, the Control

Room has a 40 year maximum TID of 3.5x10 2 RAD and a maximum integrated accident dose of 710.5 RAD for a maximum TID of 1060.5 RAD.

The accident dose of 710.5 RAD is the dose for a 100 day

LOCA at the surface of the HEPA filter in the Mechanical Equipment Room. This is documented in TVA calculation WBNTSR-005, "Dose Due to the Control Building Emergency Air Cleanup Filters" Revision 3. However, on page 25 of WBNTSR-005, the shine from this source into the control room is negligible and is not considered in the dose calculation for the control room.

Calculation WBNAPS3-126, "EQ Dose in the U1/U2 Auxiliar y Instrument Rooms and the Computer Room in the Control Building" Revision 0 documents the environmental qualification (EQ) radiation dose in the control building. A review of this document by the TVA radiation protection engineer determined that the TID including the normal and accident dose values for the control room is less than 1x10 3 RAD. Calculation WBNAPS3-126, will be revised to include the control room b y Jul y 1, 2011. Since the control room TID has been determined to be less than 1x10 3 RAD, radiation qualification of the RM-1000.

1. Y Open Open-TVA/Licensing

Due: 2/25/11 TVA to provide the assessment document or a summary of the document with the reference to the

appropriate document/documents.

February 25, 2011

response is acceptable.

Item will be tracked as a confirmatory item in the SE. TVA to provide calculation or summary of calculation when complete. 092 DORL (Poole) 5/20/2010

TVA to review Licensee Open Item list and determine which items are proprietary.

Responder: Hilmes

This item will close when we are no longer using this document as a communications tool.

1. Y Open Due SER Issue Open-TVA/Oversight

Due: SER Issue Continuous review as items are added 364 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response: TVA performed an analysis and concluded that the Common Q PAMS equipment does not need to meet either IEEE 279-1971 or IEEE 603-1991 and so no analysis was performed or

1. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments provided.

However, SRP (NUREG-0800 Rev. 2 dated March 2007) Section 7.7, "Information System Important to Safety," specifically identifies IEEE Std 603-1991 as being applicable to accident monitoring instrumentation. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open items: 1 TVA to demonstrate that the Common Q PAMS meets the applicable regulatory requirements in IEEE Std 603-1991. 2 TVA to updated FSAR (Amendment 103) Table 7.1-1 to reference IEEE Std 603-1991 for WBN2 Common Q PAMS and Sorento Containment High Radiation Monitors.

365 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response: "that WBN2 is not committed in complying with Reg. Guide 1.75-Since WBN2 is not committed to RG 1.75 or IEEE-384, no comparison is required-"

However, WBN2 is committed to RG 1.75 Rev. 2, "Physical Independence of Electric Systems." RG 1.75 Rev. 3 and IEEE Std. 384-1992 are used, in part, to address IEEE Std 603-1991 Clause 5.6.1. The current NRC staff position for RG 1.75 is documented in Rev. 3. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 1 TVA to updated FSAR (Amendment 103) Table 7.1-1 to include RG 1.75 Rev. 3 for WBN2 Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor.

The Common Q PAMS was designed to meet the requirements of RG 1.75 Rev. 2. WBN2 did not perform an analysis to RG 1.75 Rev. 3. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 2 TVA to evaluate Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor for conformance with RG 1.75 Rev. 3.

2. Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.
81. 366 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response: TVA stated that the Common Q PAMS equipment fully meets the RG 1.100 Rev. 0 and is compliant with Rev. 3, with exception of testing above 33 Hz, which is not applicable to Watts Bar. The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) references Regulatory Guide 1.100 Rev. 1 "Seismic Qualification of Electrical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants." The Common Q PAMS was designed to meet the requirements of RG 1.100 Rev. 2. RG 1.100 Rev. 3 is the current revision of this guide and is endorsed by the NRC. RG 1.100 Rev. 3 endorses IEEE 344-2004.

Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 1 TVA to updated FSAR (Amendment 103) Table 7.1-1 to

3. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments include RG 1.100 Rev. 3 for WBN2 Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor.

or 2 TVA to evaluate Common Q PAMS for conformance with RG 1.100 Rev. 1.

367 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) references RG 1.153 Rev. 0, "Criteria for Safety Systems." The Common Q PAMS is designed to meet the requirements of RG 1.153 Rev. 1. By letter dated February 25, 2010 (ML110620219), TVA stated: "The subject Regulatory Guides [RG 1.153 Rev. 0 & 1] endorse and reference other standards. Common Q PAMS has been evaluated to comply with the requirements of these other endorsed standards ([Comparison report in this letter titled IEEE-279-1971 to IEEE-603-1991 Comparison]). Therefore no additional analysis needs to be performed and no further action is necessary." However, the "Comparison report in this letter titled IEEE-279-1971 to IEEE-603-1991 Comparison," stated:

"The first of the two standards, IEEE-279, is part of the design basis of WBN2 but is not relevant to Common Q PAMS. The second standard, IEEE-603-1991 is not part of the design basis for the Common Q PAMS forWBN2." Based on the reasoning quoted above, WBN2 did not evaluate the Common Q PAMS against the criteria of RG 1.153 Rev. 1; therefore, the staff finds the following open item (see also Open Items No. 1 & 2 above.): 1 TVA to evaluate Common Q PAMS for conformance with RG 1.153 Rev. 1.

4. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.
81. 368 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) references RG 1.152 Rev. 0, "Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants." The Common Q PAMS was designed to meet the requirements of RG 1.152 Rev. 1. RG 1.152 Rev. 2 is the current revision of this guide and is endorsed by the NRC. By letter dated February 25, 2010 (ML110620219), TVA stated: "RG 1.152 rev 2 endorses ANSI/IEEE-ANS-7-4.3.2-2003, but also provides extra regulatory guidance concerning computer based cyber security. Since this revision was not part of the design basis of WBN2 or Common Q PAMS, the project makes no commitment to the compliance of RG 1.152 rev 2." Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item:

5. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments 1 TVA to evaluate Common Q PAMS for conformance with RG 1.152 Rev. 2.

369 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) references IEEE 7-4.3.2-1982, "IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations" as endorsed by Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.152, "Criteria for Use of Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," Revision 0 for the Eagle 21 system. The current regulatory position is documented in RG 1.152 Rev. 2 which endorses IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2003 as an acceptable method for using digital computers to meet IEEE Std 603-1991. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 1 WBN2 to updated FSAR Table 7.1-1 to reference IEEE 7-4.3.2-2003 as being applicable to WBN2 Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor.

6. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.
81. 370 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) does not reference RG 1.168, IEEE 1012, or IEEE 1028. IEEE Std 7-4.3.2-2003 indentifies IEEE Std 1012-1998 as normative. RG 1.168 Rev. 1 endorses, with clarifications, IEEE 1012-1998. The current staff positions are documented in RG 1.168 Rev. 1, IEEE 1012-1998, and IEEE 1020-1997. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 1 WBN2 to updated FSAR Table 7.1-1 to reference RG 1.168 Rev. 1, IEEE 1012-1998, and IEEE 1020-1997 as being applicable to WBN2 Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor.

7. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.
81. 371 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The WBN2 FSAR (Amendment 103) does not reference Regulatory Guide 1.209, "Guidelines for Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Computer-Based Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants." Based upon the

8. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.

Agenda for Weekly Telecom with TVA (I&C Chapter 7 only) radE4C39.docx Open Items to be Resolved for SER Approval No. SE Sec. FSAR Sec. NRC POC Issue TVA Response(s) Response Acceptable Y/N Status/ Current Actions Resolution Path RAI No. & Date RAI Resp. Date Comments review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 1 WBN2 to updated FSAR Table 7.1-1 to reference RG 1.209 and IEEE Std. 323-2003 as being applicable to WBN2 Common Q PAMS and the Sorento Containment High Radiation monitor. TVA did not docket an evaluation against the criteria in RG 1.209. Based upon the review of this item, the staff finds the following open item: 2 WBN2 to evaluate Common Q PAMS for conformance with RG 1.209 and IEEE Std. 323-2003.

372 7.5 EICB (Carte)

On 5/6/2010 (See Open Item No. 81) the NRC Staff requested an evaluation of the Common Q PAMS against the current staff position.

By letter dated 2/25/11 (ML110620219), TVA docketed a response.

The requirements in the SysRS and SRS are not traceable back to the design basis (e.g., IEEE Std 603-1991 Section 4) for the system. The SRS does not include any documented evidence that it was ever independently reviewed in accordance with the 10CFR50 Appendix B Criterion III, "Design Control." (Note: It appears that the only Common Q or WBN2 PAMS document that was independently reviewed in accordance with 10 CFR 50 Appendix B requirements is the SysRS.) Based upon the review of the SysRS and SRS, the staff finds that there is reasonable assurance that the s ystems full y conform to the applicable guidelines, except for the following open items: 1 TVA to produce an acceptable description of how the SysRS and SRS implement the design basis requirements of IEEE 603-1991 Clause 4. 2 TVA to produce a final SRS that is independently reviewed in accordance with 10CFR50Appendix B, "Criterion III Design Control," requirements.

9. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC NNC 4/125/2011: See Open Item No.
81. 373 7.5 EICB (Carte) The SDDs do not include an y documented evidence that the y were independently reviewed in accordance with the 10CFR50 Appendix B Criterion III, "Design Control." Based upon the review of the SDDs, the staff the following open item: 1 TVA to produce final SDDs that are independently reviewed in accordance with 10 CFR50 Appendix B Criterion III, "Design Control," requirements.
10. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC 374 7.5 EICB (Carte) By letter dated October 29, 2010 (ML103120711), TVA docketed a draft technical evaluation associated with an engineering design change (ML103120712) that states the Common Q PAMS will require changes in the technical specifications. The technical specifications (TS) have not be received yet for review. The TS will be reviewed once they are received. 1 Confirm/Verify Technical Specification changes associated with Common Q PAMS are acceptable.
11. N Open Due 5/15/11 Open-TVA/WEC