ML101320046 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Crystal River ![]() |
Issue date: | 05/12/2010 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | Progress Energy Florida |
Shared Package | |
ML101320026 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML101320046 (23) | |
Crystal River Unit 3AnnualAssessment Annual Assessment Open HouseReactor Oversight Program -2009Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region II Atlanta GA 1 May 3, 2010 Pur p ose of Toda y's Meetin gpygAbliftdid A pu bli c f orum t o di scuss an d answer questions about the NRC's tfftft assessmen t o f sa f e t y per f ormance a t Crystal River Unit 3 during 2009 2
A g enda g*Introduction
- Introduction
- Review of Reactor Oversight ProcessNtilSfPlt*N a ti ona l S ummary o f Pl an t PerformanceDiifPltPf*Di scuss i on o f Pl an t P er f ormance ResultsNRCilbltddbli
- NRC ava il a bl e t o a dd ress pu bli c questions 3
Re g ion II Or g anization gg Luis ReyesRilAdiitt R eg i ona l Ad m i n i s t ra t o r Victor McCreeDeputy Regional AdministratorLen Wert Director Division of Reactor Projects Joel Munday Deputy Director John Lubinski Acting Director Division of Reactor Safety Harold Christensen Deputy Director Marvin Sykes Branch Chief Regional SpecialistsCrystal River Unit 3 Resident InspectorsThomas MorrisseyRiR Project Engineers Son Ninh Pat Higgins 4 R oger i o R eyes Our Mission
- Tolicenseandregulate
- To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensureadequate ensure adequate protection of public
health and safety, promotethecommon promote the common defense and security, and protect the 5 environment.
Some Nuclear Facts
- 104nuclearpowerplants
- 104 nuclear power plants supply about 20 percent of the electricity in the U.S.*Nuclear materials are used in medicine for diagnosis
and cancer treatment.*Nuclear materials are widely used in industry, suchasindensitygauges such as in density gauges , flow measurement devices, radiography devices, and
6 How We Re g ulate g*Establishrulesandregulations
- Establish rules and regulations*Issue licensesPidihtthhiti
- P rov id e overs i g ht th roug h i nspec ti on, enforcement, and evaluation of operationalexperience operational experience*Conduct research to provide support forregulatorydecisions for regulatory decisions*Respond to events and emergencies 7
Assurance of Plant Safet y yRi"df idth"*R equ i re "d e f ense-i n-d ep th"*Require long-term maintenance of equipment*Re q uire continual trainin g of qg operators*Verifycompliancewithregulations Verify compliance with regulations 8
NRC Performance GoalsSftEdtttif
- S a f e t y: E nsure a d equa t e pro t ec ti on o f public health and safety and the it env i ronmen t.*Security: Ensure adequate protection in the secure use and mana g ement of g radioactive materials.
9 Reactor Oversi g ht Process gStrategicPerformance AreasStrategicPerformance AreasSafetyCornerstonesPerformanceIndicatorSafetyCornerstonesPerformanceIndicatorBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance S i gnifi ca n ce Performance IndicatorResultsBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance S i gnifi ca n ce Performance IndicatorResultsSignificance Threshold Action MatrixSgcaceThresholdSignificance Threshold Action MatrixSgcaceThreshold 10Regulatory Response Regulatory Response Exam p les of Baseline Ins p ections pp*E q ui p ment Ali g nment ~80 hrs/y r qpg y*Triennial Fire Protection ~250 hrs every 3 yrs*Operator Response
~125 hrs/yr*Emergency Preparedness ~80 hrs/yr
- RadReleaseControls110hrs*Rad Release Controls ~110 hrs every 2 yrs*Worker Radiation Protection ~95 hrs/
y r y*Corrective Action Program ~250 hrs every 2 yrs 11*Corrective Action Case Reviews ~60 hrs/yr Si g nificance Threshold gPerformanceIndicators Performance Indicators Green:Only Baseline InspectionWhite:Increases NRC oversightYllINRCiht Y e ll ow: I ncreases NRC overs i g ht Red:Increases NRC oversight Inspection Findings Green:Very low safety issue White:Lowtomoderatesafetyissue White: Low to moderate safety issue Yellow:Substantial safety issue Red:High safety issue 12 Action Matrix Conce p t pLicenseeRegulatoryDegradedMultiple/RepUnacceptableLicenseeResponseRegulatoryResponseDegradedCornerstoneMultiple/Rep
.DegradedCornerstoneUnacceptablePerformanceIncreasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection EffortsIncreasing NRC/Licensee Management InvolvementIncreasingRegulatoryActions 13 Increasing Regulatory Actions National Summary of Plant Performance PerformanceStatusasof12/31/2009 Status as of 12/31/2009Licensee Response 79RegulatoryResponse 24 Regulatory Response 24 Degraded Cornerstone 1Mltil/RtitiDCt 0 M u lti p l e/R epe titi ve D eg. C orners t one 0 Unacceptable 0Ttl 104 T o t a l 104 14 National Summar y y*PerformanceIndicatorResults(totalforCY
- Performance Indicator Results (total for CY 2009)-Green 7039 Whit 18-Whit e 18-Yellow 0-Red 0*Total Inspection Findings (total for CY 2009)-Green 879 White 7-White 7-Yellow 0-Red 0 15 Crystal River Assessment ResultsJanuary1-December31,2009 January 1 December 31, 2009*The NRC found that the Crystal River plant's 2009 performance met all the agency's safety objectives and was tllthtltidditilNRCit a t a l eve l th a t resu lt s in no a dditi ona l NRC overs it e.*Last fall the plant was shut down for a planned refueling outage and to replace the steam generators (SGs) inside the reactor building. When an opening was created in the titlltllSGlt con t a i nmen t wa ll t o a ll ow SG rep l acemen t, a gap was discovered near the outer porti on of the reactor building. This prompted the NRC to launch a special inspection that is
still ongoing.
16 Crystal River Inspection ActivitiesJanuary1December312009 January 1 -December 31 , 2009*Baseline inspection hours: > 3400 Inspectionsconductedbyresident Inspections conducted by resident inspectors, regional security , operations, and radiation protection itSifidifl i nspec tors. Si x fi n di ngs o f very l ow significance findings were identified. Fourofwhichweredeterminedtobe Four of which were determined to be violations.*Containment S p ecial Ins p ection: 17 ppInspection is ongoing. > 2900 hours0.0336 days <br />0.806 hours <br />0.00479 weeks <br />0.0011 months <br />
of inspection to date.
Cr y stal River Ins p ection Activities ypJanuary1December312009 January 1 -December 31 , 2009InDecember2008theLicensee
- In December 2008 the Licensee submitted an application to the NRC toextendthetermoftheiroperating to extend the term of their operating license for an additional 20 years. The NRCreviewofthisapplicationwhich NRC review of this application which includes onsite inspections started in 2009 and is ongoing.
18 Crystal River AnnualAssessmentSummary Annual Assessment SummaryJanuary1-December31,2009 January 1 December 31, 2009*Progress Energy operated Crystal RiverUnit3inamannerthat River Unit 3 in a manner that preserved public health and safety
- Allcornerstoneobjectivesweremet All cornerstone objectives were met 19 Crystal RiverAnnualAssessmentSummary Januar y 1 -December 31
, 2009 Annual Assessment Summary y , NRC 2010 Inspections: NRC baseline inspections Steam generator replacement Containment S p ecial Ins p ection ppLicense Renewal Inspections 20 O p en to the Public p*TheNRCplacesahighpriorityonkeeping
- The NRC places a high priority on keeping the public and stakeholders informed of its activities. *At, you can:-Find public meeting dates and transcripts;-Read NRC testimony, speeches, press releases, andpolicydecisions;and and policy decisions; and -Access the agency's Electronic Reading Room to find NRC publications and documents.
21 Contactin g the NR C g Rt*R epor t an emergency-(301) 816-5100 (call collect)*Report a safety concern -(800) 695-7403
- Generalinformationorquestions General information or
-Select"WhatWeDo"forPublicAffairs 22 Select What We Do for Public Affairs Reference SourcesReactorOersightProcess
- Reactor O v ersight Process- dex.html dex.html*PublicElectronicReadingRoom Public Electronic Reading Room-*Public Document Room 800-397-4209(TollFree) 23 1 800 397 4209 (Toll Free)