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Replacement Page to Proposed Tech Specs Re Organization Charts in Section 6.2
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1988
Shared Package
ML17304A675 List:
TAC-69270, TAC-69271, TAC-69272, NUDOCS 8811030215
Download: ML17304A683 (2)


TNEERT 6.2.1 OFFSITE AND ONSITE ORGANIZATIONS An offsite and an onsite organization shall be established for unit operation and corporate management.

The offsite and onsite organization shall include the positions for activities affecting the safety of the nuclear power plant.a~Lines of authority, responsibility and communication shall be established and defined from the highest management levels through intermediate levels to and including all operating organization positions.

Those relationships shall be documented and updated, as appropriate, in the form of organizational charts.These organizational charts will be documented in the FSAR and updated in accordance with lOCFR50.71(e).

There shall be an individual executive position (Executive Vice President ANPP)in the offsite organization having corporate responsibility for overall plant nuclear safety.This individual shall take any measures needed to ensure acceptable performance of the staff in operating, maintaining and providing technical support in the plant so that continued nuclear safety is assured.C~There shall be individual management positions (Plant Managers)in the onsite organization having responsibility for overall unit safe operation and having control over those onsite resources necessary for safe operation and maintenance of the plant.d.Although the individuals who train the operating staff and those who carry out health physics and quality assurance functions may report to the appropriate manager onsite, they shall have sufficient organizational freedom to be independent from operating pressures.

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