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Rev 3 to PVNGS Unit 2 Cycle 7 Colr.
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 07/30/1997
Shared Package
ML17312B598 List:
NUDOCS 9708050256
Download: ML17312B601 (6)


Revision 3 Pages Unit 2 COLR 9708050256 970730 PDR ADQCK 05000528 P.,PD>>

1 CORK OPERATING LIMITS REPORT PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION (PVNGS)UNIT 2 CYCLE 7 Revision 3 Page 1 of 23 Revision 3 PVNGS UNIT 2 YCLE 7 CORE OPERATING LIMI S REPORT Table of Contents~Descri rion Revision 4 Pa~e Cover Page Table of Contents Affected Technical Specifications CORE Operating Limits Shutdown Margin-Reactor Trip Breakers Open Shutdown Margin-Reactor Trip Breakers Closed Moderator Temperature Coefficient Boron Dilution Alarms Movable Control Assemblies

-CEA Position Regulating CEA Insertion Limits Part Length CEA Insertion Limits 3.2.1 Linear Heat Rate 3.2.3 Azimuthal Power Tilt-Tq 3.2.4 DNBR Margin 3.2.7 Axial Shape Index 3.9.1 Boron Concentration (Mode 6)List of Figures Figure Shutdown Margin Versus Cold Leg Temperature Reactor Trip Breakers Open ja Figure Shutdown Margin Versus Cold Leg Temperature Reactor Trip Breakers Closed Figure MTC Acceptable Operation, Modes 1 and 2 Figure Core Power Limit After CEA Deviation 10 Figure CEA Insertion Limits Versus Thermal Power (COLSS in Service)0 Figure CEA Insertion Limits Versus Thermal Power (COLSS Out of Service)Figure Part Length CEA Insertion Limits Versus Thermal Power 0 13 Page 2 of 23 t t Revision 3~PViiGS UNIT 2 CYCLE 7 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT Table of Contents (Continued)

~Descri sion Revision 0 Pa~e Figure 3.2.3-1 Azimuthal Power Tilt Versus Thermal Power (COLSS in Service)Figure 3.2.4-1 COLSS DNBR Operating Limit Allowance for Both CEAC's Inoperable 15 Figure 3.2.4-2 DNBR Margin Operating Limit Based on the Core Protection Calculators (COLSS Out of Service, CEAC's Operable)16 Figure 3.2.4-3 DNBR Margin Operating Limit Based on the Core Protection Calculators (COLSS Out of Service, CEAC's Inoperable) 17 List of Tables 18 Table Required Monitoring Frequencies for Backup Boron Dilution Detection as a Function of Operating Charging Pumps and Plant Operational Modes for Keff>0.98 19 Table Required Monitoring Frequencies for Backup Boron Dilution Detection as a Function of Operating Charging Pumps and Plant Operational Modes for 0.98>Keff)0.97')0 Table 3.1.'2.7-3 Required Monitoring Frequencies for Backup Boron Dilution Detection as a Function of Operating Charging Pumps and Plant Operational Modes for 0.97)Keff>0.96 21 Table Required Monitoring Frequencies for Backup Boron Dilution Detection as a Function of Operating Charging Pumps and Plant Operational Modes for 0.96>Keff>0.95 22 Table Required Monitoring Frequericies for Backup Boron Dilution Detection as a Function of Operating Charging Pumps and Plant Operational Modes for Keff<0.95 7 I Page 3 of'23 Revision 3 PVNGS UNIT 2 CYCLE 7 CORE OPERATING LIMITS REPORT RE P RATIN I'vIIT-NTIN>ED.2.3-Azimuthal Power Tilt-T The AZIMUTHAL POWER TILT (Tq)shall be less than or equal to the limit in Figure 3.2.3-1 with COLSS IN SERVICE.3.2.4-DNBR Mar n COLSS IN SERVICE and Both CEAC's INOPERABLE

-Maintaining COLSS calculated core p'ower less than or equal to COLSS calculated core power operation limit based on DNBR decreased by the allowance shown in Figure 3.2.4-1~COLSS OUT OF SERVICE and Either One or Both CEAC's are OPERABLE-Operating within the region of acceptable operation of Figure 3.2.4-2 using any operable CPC channel.COLSS OUT OF SERVICE and CEAC's INOPERABLE

-Operating within the region of acceptable operation of Figure 3.2.4-3 using any operable CPC channel.3.2.7-Axial Sha e Index The core average AXLES SHAPE INDEX (ASI)shall be maintained within the following limits: COLSS OPERABLE-0.188<ASI<0.169 for power>50 lo-0.288<ASI<0.169 for power<50 lo COLSS OUT OF SERVICE (CPC)-0.10<ASI<0.10 LI T FFI o o o centration ode 6)The boron concentration of all filled portions of the Reactor Coolant System and the refueling canal shall be maintained at a uniform concentration

>2500 ppm.Page 6 of 23