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Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-June 1990. W/900827 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/1990
L-90-305, NUDOCS 9008310222
Download: ML17348A516 (28)


~~P..Box 029100, Miami, FL, 33102-9100 AUg 2 7$990 L-90-305 10 CFR 50.36(a)(2)

Tech.Spec.6.9.4.U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.CD 20555 Gentlemen:

Re: Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 Docket Nos.50-250 and 50-251 Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Re ort Attached is the Radioactive Effluent Release Report for the period of January 1, 1990, through June 30, 1990, for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4, as required by Technical Specification 6.9.4.and 10 CFR 50.36(a)(2).Should there be any questions regarding this information, please contact us.Very truly yours, K.N Harris Vice resident Turkey Point Nuclear KNH/DPS/dps Attachment cc: Stewart D.Ebneter, Regional Administrator, Region II, USNRC Senior Resident Inspectorr USNRCr Turkey Point Plant 9008310222 900630 PDR ADOCK 05000250 R PDC an FPL Group company Qr (


!.~C INDEX PAGE 1.0 Regulatory Limits 1.1 Liquid Ef fluents.~~~.~~~~..............................

1 1.2 Gaseous Ef fluents......................................

1 2.0 Maximum Permissable Concentrations


1 3.0 Average Energy............................................

1 4.0 Measurements and Approximation of Total Radioactivity 4.1 Liquid Effluents-Discussion


2 a.Unit 3 Liquid Effluents Summation.....................

5 b.Unit 4 Liquid Effluents Summation....................

11 4.2 Gaseous Effluents-Discussion


2 a.Unit 3 Gaseous Effluent Summation.....................

8 b.Unit 4 Gaseous Effluent Summation....................

14 4.3 Estimate of Errors.....................................

3 5.0 Batch Releases 5~O~.1 Liquid~~~~~~i i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 5~2 Gaseous.............................................

3 6.0 Unplanned Releases.........................................

4 V.O Reactor Coolant Activity.....................................

4 8.0 Site Radiation Dose.........................................

4 9.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Revisions.........................

4 10.0 Solid Waste and Irradiated Puel Shipments.........................

4 11.0 Process Control Program Revisions..............................

4 FLORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT UNITS 3 AND 4 EFFI VENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL SEMIANNUAL REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 1.0 Re lato Limits 1.1 Li uid Effluents a)The concentration of radioactive material released in liquid effluents to unrestricted areas shall not exceed the concentrations specified in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases.For dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall not exceed 2 x 10-4 pCi/ml.b)The dose or dose commitment per reactor to a member of the public from any radioactive materials in liquid effluent released to unrestricted areas shall be limited, during any calendar quarter, to s1.5 mrem to the total body and to s 5 mrem to any organ, and, during any calendar year, to s3 mrem to the total body and s10 mrem to any organ.1.2 Gaseous Ef fluents a)The dose rate due to radioactive materials released in gaseous effluents from the site to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall be limited to the following.

Less than or equal to 500 mrem/yr to the total body and less than or equal to 3000 mrem/yr to the skin due to noble gases and less than or equal to 1500 mrem/yr to any organ due to I-131, I-133, tritium and for all radioactive materials in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days.b)The air dose per reactor to areas at and beyond the site boundary due to noble gases released in gaseous effluents shall be limited, during any calendar quarter, to s5 mrad for gamma radiation and s10 mrad for beta radiation and, during any calendar year, to s10 mrad for gamma radiation and s20 mrad for beta radiation.

c)The dose per reactor to a member of the public, due to I-131, I-133, tritium and to particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days in airborne effluents released to areas at and beyond the site boundary shall not exceed 7.5 mrem to any organ during any calendar quarter and shall not exceed 15 mrem to any organ during any calendar year.2.0 Maximum Permissible Concentrations Water: As per 10CFR20 Part 20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2, except for entrained or dissolved noble gases as described in 1.1.A of this report.Air: Release concentrations are limited to dose rate limits described in 1.2.A.3.0 The average energy of fission and activation gases in gaseous effluents is not applicable.

CHKll llew@:DAB 01/90-06/90~~~4.0~Measurements and roximations of Total Radioactivi All liquid and airborne discharges to the environment during this reporting period were analyzed in accordance with Technical Specification requirements.

The minimum frequency of analysis as required by Regulatory Guide 1.21 was met or exceeded.Where alpha, tritium and named nuclides are shown as----curies, this should be interpreted as"no activity was detected on the samples using the Plant Technical Specification analyses techniques to achieve required Lower Level of Detection (LLD)sensitivity for radioactive effluents".

4.1 Li uid Effluents Aliquots of representative pre-release samples were isotopically analyzed for gamma emitting isotopes on a multichannel analyzer.The above procedure was followed for all releases from the waste disposal system.Frequent periodic sampling and analysis were used to conservatively determine if any radioactivity was being released via the steam generator blowdown system and the storm drain system.Monthly and quarterly composite samples for the waste disposal system were prepared to give proportional weight to each liquid release made during the designated period of accumulation.

The monthly composite was analyzed for tritium and gross alpha activity.Tritium was determined by use of liquid scintillation techniques and gross alpha radioactivity was determined by use of a 2a gas flow proportional counter.The quarterly composite was analyzed for Sr-89/90 and Fe-55 by chemical separation.

All radioactivity concentrations determined from analysis of a pre-release composite were multiplied by the total represented volume of the liquid waste released to determine the total quantity of each isotope and of gross alpha activity released during the compositing period.Aliquots of representative pre-release samples from the waste disposal system were analyzed on a per release basis for dissolved fission and activation gases by use of gamma spectrum analysis.The resulting isotope concentrations were multiplied by the total volume released in order to estimate the total dissolved gases released.The liquid waste treatment system is shared by both units at the site and generally all liquid releases are allocated on a 50/50 basis to each unit.4.2 Gaseous Effluents Airborne releases to the atmosphere occurred from: release of gas decay tanks, the instrument bleedline, containment purges, and releases incidental to operation of the plant.The techniques employed in determining the radioactivity in airborne releases are: a)Gamma spectrum analysis for fission and activation gases, b)Removal of particulate material by filtration and subsequent gamma-spectrum analysis, Sr-89/90 determination and gross alpha analysis, c)Absorption of halogen radionuclides on a charcoal filter and subsequent gamma-spectrum analysis, and d)Analysis of water vapor in a gas sample for tritium using liquid scintillation techniques.

~~t 01/90-06/90 All gas releases from the plant which were not accounted for by the above methods were conservatively estimated as curies of Xe-133 by use of the SPING 4 Radiation Monitor and the plant vent process monitor recorder chart and the current calibration curve for the monitor.Portions of the gas waste treatment system are shared by both units and generally all gas releases from the shared system are allocated on a 50/50 basis to each unit.Meteorological data for the period January, 1990 to June, 1990, in the form of Joint Frequency Distribution Tables is maintained on-site.4.3 Estimate of'rrors a)Sampling Error The error associated with volume measurement devices, flow measuring devices, etc., based on calibration data and design tolerances has been conservatively estimated to be collectively less than 2 1096.b)Analytical Error Our quarterly Q.C.cross-check program involves counting unknown samples provided by an independent external lab.The errors associated with our analysis of these unknown samples, and reported to us by the independent lab, were used as the basis for deriving the following analytical error terms.Nuclide Maximum Error Liquid Gaseous k5 ill 211 212 5.0 BATCH RELEASES 5.1 Llhtuid Unit 3 Unit 4 a)b)c)d)e)f)Number of batch releases 2.35 E+02 2.35 E+02 E+04 1.92 E+04 Minutes E+02 1.60 E+02 Minutes E+01 8.1V E+01 Minutes E+00 6.00 E+00 Minutes E+06 1.15 E+06 GPM Total time period of batch releases 1.92 Maximum time period for a batch releases 1.60 Average time period for a batch release 8.1V Minimum time period for a batch release 6.00 Average stream flow during period of 1.15 release of effluent into a flowing stream 5.2 Gaseous a)Number of batch releases b)Total time period of batch releases c)Maximum time period for a batch release d)Average time period for a batch release e)Minimum time period for a batch release 3.50 E+01 3.10 E+01 2.93 E+03 1.9V E+03 Minutes 2.40 E+02 2.40 E+02 Minutes 8.3V E+01 6.36 E+01 Minutes 1.50 E+01 1.50 E+01 Minutes CHEM l 9QO: DiiJ 01/90-06/90 6.0.Un lanned Releases 6.1 Liciuid UNIT 3 UNIT 4 a)Number of releases b)Total activity released 0 0 Curies 6.2 Gaseous a)Number of releases b)Total activity released 0 0 Curies 6.3 See Attachment (if applicable) for: a)A description of the event and equipment involved.b)Cause(s)for the unplanned release.V.O Reactor Coolant Activi V.l Unit 3 Reactor Coolant Activity exceeded the 1.0 pCi/gm Dose Equivalent I-131 limit for 5.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> during February, 1990.The 100/E-Bar limit was not exceeded.See Attachment 1.7.2 Unit 4 Reactor Coolant Activity limits of 100/E and 1.0 pCi/gm Dose Equivalent I-131 were not exceeded.8.0 Site Radiation Dose The assessment of radiation dose from radioactive effluents to the general public due to their activities inside the site boundry is part of the Year Ending Semiannual Report.9.0 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ODCM There were no ODCM revisions during this reporting period.10.0 Solid Waste and Irradiated Fuel Shi ments No irradiated fuel shipments were made from the site.Common solid waste from Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 were shipped jointly.A sumation of these shipments is given in Table 5 of this report.11.0 Process Control P m Revisions See Attachment 2.CHEN t990:DAJ FIBIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2 A.Fission and Activation Products 1.Total Release (not including tritium, gases, al ha 2.Average diluted concentration during period Ci pCi/ml 5.07 E-02 5.11 E-10 4.15 E-02 6.10 E-10 B.Tritium 1.Total Release Ci 6.97 E+01 9.76 E+01 2.Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 7.03 E-07 1.44 E-06 C.Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1.Total Release 2.Average diluted concentration during period Ci pCi/ml 1 49 E-08 1.63 E-10 1.48 E+00 1.11 E-02 D.Gross Alpha Radioactivity 1.Total Release Ci<1.82 E-08*<1.87 E-08*E.Volume of Batch Waste Released (prior to dilution)Liters 2.79 E+06 2.37 E+06 F.Volume of Continuous Waste Released (prior to dilution)Liters 6.25 E+05 G.Volume of Dilution Water Used During Period Liters 9.92 E+10 6.80 E+10*MDA Value in pCi/ml CIIElf l990:VAJ t ORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPA~TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 2 LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Nuclides Released Units Continuous Mode Batch Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Na-24 Cr-51 Mn-54 Fe-55 Co-57 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 SR-89 Sr-90 Nb-95 Zr-95 Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 6.06 E-06 4.20 E-04 1.76 E-03 1.76 E-03 5.38 E-03 1.09 E-02 8.79 E-03 9.20 E-06 1.69 E-02 1.41 E-02 1.73 E-04 1.79 E-05 7.78 E-03 7.76 E-03 3.87 E-04 2.86 E-05 Zr-97 Mo-99 Ru-103 Ag-110 Sn-117m Sb-124 Sb-125 I-131 l-133 Cs-134 Cs-137 Unidentified Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 1.62 E-04 1.29 E-04 2.91 E-04 1.67 E-05 2.44 E-04 6.80 E-05 1.29 E-03 2.40 E-05 8.75 E-04 4.69 E-03 2.94 E-04 2.00 E-06 9.95 E-04 4.01 E-03 5.04 E-02 6.08 E-06 1.41 E-03 8.29 E-06 9.34 E-04 6.81 E-06 4.63 E-06 1.18 E-04 7.50 E-04 4.15 E-02 Cl(EM l 990: DAJ P~RIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 2 (Continued)

LIQUID EPFLUENTS Nuclides Released Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Liquid Dissolved Gas Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Batch Mode Kr-85 Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-133m Xe-135 Xe-135m Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 1.14 E-04 1.14 E-04 4.07 E-03 6.40 E-02 4.06 E-04 1.41 E+00 6.43 E-03 3.60 E-03 9.84 E-05 1.70 E-04 2.06 E-06 1.48 E+00 1.11 E-02 CHSN l990:DAd RIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPAN~TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 3 GAS EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2 A.Fission and Activation Products 1.Total Release Ci 4.27 E+02 9.55 E+01 2.Average Release Rate for Period pCi/sec 5.49*E+01 1.22 E+01 B.lodines 1.Total iodine-131 2.Average Release Rate for Period Ci pCi/sec 4.26 E-03 3.07 E-05 5.48 E-04 3.91 E-06 C.Particulates 1.Particulates T-1/2>8 Days 2.Average Release Rate for Period 3.Gross Alpha Radioactvity Ci pCi/sec Ci 4.47 E-05 5.75 E-06<4.65 E-16*4.90 E-05 6.23 E-06<6.94 E-16*D..Tritium 1.Total Release 2.Average Release Rate for Period Ci 1.72 E+01 pCi/sec 2.21 E+00 1.09 E+01 1.39 E+00*<MDA Values Expressed in pCi/ml CHEM lSlO:DAJ RIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPAN~TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 4 GASEOUS EFPLUENTS Nuclides Released 1.Fission Gases Units Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Batch Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Ar-41 Ci 1.38 E-01 4.41 E-02 1.26 E-01 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-133m Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 8.81 E-01 2.03 E-03 9.89 E-04 2.98 E-01 3.29 E+02 6.37 E-02 1.80 E+00 1.49 E-01 8.63 E+01 8.56 E+01 8.46 E+00 6.31 E-01 7.76 E-02 4.23 E+00 3.56 E-01 4.63 E-04 1.63 E-02 4.28 E-05 Xe-135 Xe-135m Ci Ci 3.55 E+00 2.35 E-03 7.01 E-03 3.17 E-01 3.30 E-02 1.06 E-02 Total for Period Above Ci 3.34 E+02 8.64 E+01 9.28 E+01 9.05 E+00 2.lodines l-131 1-133 Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci 4.24 E-03 1.29 E-04 4.37 E-03 3.07 E-05 2.30 E-05 5.37 E-05 P RIDA POWER 8 LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 3 TABLE 4 (Continued)

GASEOUS EPFLUENTS Nuclides Released Units Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 3.Particulates Co-58 Co-60 I-131 I-133 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 RU-103 Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 3.74 E-06 3.60 E-06 1.82 E-05 6.80 E-06 3.91 E-06 9.80 E-07 6.70 E-06 7.68 E-07 4.47 E-05 4.43 E-06 4.04 E-05 4.15 E-06 4.90 E-05 CHEM l 990:DAJ ORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMP TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 1 LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES A.Fission and Activation Products Units Quarter 1 Quarter 1.Total Release (not including tritium, gases, al ha 2.Average diluted concentration during period Ci pCi/ml 5.06 E-02 5.10 E-10 4.15 E-02 6.10 E-10 B.Tritium 1.Total Release Ci 6.97 E+01 9.76 E+01 2.Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 7.03 E-07 1.44 E-06 C.Dissolved and Entrained Gases 1.Total Release Ci 1.48 E+00 1.11 E-02 2.Average diluted concentration during period pCi/ml 1.49 E-08 1.63 E-10 D.Gross Alpha Radioactivity 1.Total Release Ci (1.82 E-08*(1.87 E-08*E.Volume of Batch Waste Released (prior to dilution)Liters 2.79 E+06 2.37 E+06 F.Volume of Continuous Waste Released (prior to dilution)Liters G.Volume of Dilution Water Used During Period Liters 9.92 E+10 6.80 E+10*MDA Value in pCi/ml CHEM f990:OAl i ORIDA POWER@LIGHT COMPAN~TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 2 LIQUID EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Nuclides Released Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Batch Mode Na-24 Cr-51 Mn-54 Fe-55 Co-57 Co-58 Fe-59 Co-60 Sr-89 Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 6.06 E-06 4.20 E-04 1.76 E-03 1.76 E-03 5.38 E-03 1.09 E-02 8.79 E-03 9.20 E-06 1.69 E-02 1.41 E-02 1.73 E-04 1.79 E-05 7.78 E-03 7.76 E-03 Sr-90 Nb-95 Zr-95 Zr-97 Mo-99 Ru-103 Ag-110 Sn-117m Sb-124 Sb-125 I-131 I-133 Cs-134 Cs-137 La-140 Np-239 Unidentified Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 1.67 E-05 2.44 E-04 6.80 E-05 1.29 E-03 2.40 E-05 8.75 E-04 4.69 E-03 2.94 E-04 2.00 E-06 9.95 E-04 4.01 E-03 4.64 E-05 5.60 E-05 5.06 E-02 3.87 E-04 2.86 E-05 6.08 E-06 1.41 E-03 8.29 E-06 9.34 E-04 6.81 E-06 4.63 E-06 1.18 E-04 7.50 E-04 4.15 E-02 CHf M 19%K'OAI ORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPAN~TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 2 (Continued)

LIQUID EFFLUENTS Liquid Dissolved Gas Kr-85 Ci Nuclides Released Units Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 4.07 E-03 Batch Mode Xe-131m Xe-133 Xe-133m Xe-135 Xe-135m Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 6.40 E-02 4.06 E-04 1.41 E+00 6.43 E-03 3.60 E-03 9.84 E-05 1.70 E-04 2.06 E-06 1.48 E+00 1.11 E-02 CHEM 1990: DAI A'FLORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 3 GAS EFFLUENTS-SUMMATION OF ALL RELEASES Units Quarter 1 Quarter 2 A.Fission and Activation Products 1.Total Release 2.Average Release Rate for Period Ci pCi/sec 3.57 E+02 4.59 E+01 6.65 E+01 8.46 E+00 B.lodines 1.Total iodine-131 2.Average Release Rate for Period Ci pCi%ec 1.55 E-03 1.99 E-04 1.35 E-05 1.72 E-06 C.Particulates 1.Particulates T-1/2)8 Days 2.Average Release Rate for Period 3.Gross Alpha Radioactvity Ci.pCi/sec Ci 2.51 E-05 3.23 E-06 (4.65 E-16*4.90 E-05 6.23 E-06 (6.94 E-16*D.Tritium 1.Total Release 2.Average Release Rate for Period Ci 1.31 E+01 pCi/sec 1.68 E+00 7.56 E+00 9.62 E-01*MDA Values Expressed in pCi/ml CHfM 1990:DAI

~(~~3?LORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 4-GASEOUS EFPLUENTS Nuclides Released 1~Fission Gases Units Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Batch Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Ar-41 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Xe-131m Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 2.46 E-01 2.06 E-03 1.78 E-01 1.53 E-01 5.52 E-03 9.91 E-04 8.57 E-02 1.04 E-01 2 74 E+00 6.98 E-04 9.69 E-01 7.22 E-02 3.56 E-01 4.28 E-05 1.91 E-01 Xe-133 Xe-133m Xe-135 Xe-135m Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 3.20 f+02 5.00 f+01 9.41 E-02 5.11 E-02 3.56 E+00 9.86 E-02 3.24 E+02 5.04 E+01 2 92 E+01 6.77 E-02 4.64 E-02 3.30 E-02 3.32 E+01 1.53 E+01 1.47 E-01 5.80 E-02 1.61 E+01 2.lodines I-131 l-133 Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci 1.54 E-03 1.21 E-04 1.66 E-03 1.35 E-05 2.30 E-05 3 65 f-05 CHEM f 990: OAI 1 S'FLORIDA POWER R LIGHT COMPANY J TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNIT 4 TABLE 4 (Continued)

GASEOUS EFFLUENTS Nuclides Released Units Continuous Mode Quarter 1 Quarter 2 3.Particulates Co-58 Co-60 l-131 Cs-134 Cs-136 Cs-137 Ru-103 Total for Period Above Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci Ci 3.29 E-06 3.60 E-06 6.09 E-06 3.91 E-06 9.80 E-07 6.70 E-06 5.35 E-07 2.51 E-05 4.43'E-06 4.04 E-05 4.15 E-06 4.90 E-05<MDA Values Expressed in pCi/ml CHEM f990: OAI FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNITS 3 AND 4 TABLE 5 SOLID WASTE AND IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS" A.SOLID WASTE SHIPPED OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL 1.TYPE OF WASTE UNIT 6 MONTH PERIOD~oERR Spent resin, filters m sludge, evaporator bottoms Ci 9.57 EO 2.96 E2 20 b.c~/i d Dry Compressible waste (note 1)Irradiated components Control rods, etc.Other non-compressible Waste (Note 2)m Ci m Ci 1.08 E2 7.15 E-1 0.00 EO 0.00 EO 1.75 E1 2.47 E-1 20 20 2~ESTIMATE OF MAJOR NUCLIDE COMPOSITION BY TYPE-OF WASTE a~Co-60 Ni-63 Cs-137 Fe-55 Co-58 Cs-134 69 20 4 3 2 1 b.Co-60 Co-58 Fe-55 Ni-63 Cr-51 I-131 Cs-137 44 27 13 8 4 2 2 c~d.Cs-137 Co-60 Ni-63 Fe-55 Co-58 Cs-134 0>o~O 0 9.51 37 6 4 1 1 Page 2 3.SOLID WASTE DISPOSITION NUMBER OF SHIPMENTS MODE OF TRANSPORT DESTINATION Sole use truck Sole use truck 13 (Note 3)2 B.IRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS Oak Ridge, TN Barnwell, SC None RKR/eb/055 FLORIDA POWER 8 LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNITS 3&4 TABLE 5 SOLID WASTE SUPPLEMENT Total Waste Volune Classification Ft3 (HOTE 4)(NOTE 5)Total Principal Curie Radionvclides Quantity (NOTE 6)Type of Waste (NOTE 7)R.G.1'1 Type of Solidification Category Container or Absorbent Agent Class A 4431.9 0.96 None Compactable and Non-Compactable Trash 1.b,d Strong, Tight Package H/A Class A 202.1 2.03 Hone Dewatered Bead 1.a Cask Resin>Type A LSA N/A Class B 135.8 294 Co-60, Cs-137 Dewatered Bead 1.a Cask Ni-63, Sr-90 Resin>Type A LSA N/A RKR/eb/056 FLORZDA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 UNITS 3 AND 4 TABLE 5 SOLID WASTE AND ZRRADIATED FUEL SHIPMENTS A.SOLID WASTE SHIPMENT OFFSITE FOR BURIAL OR DISPOSAL Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Dry compressible waste volume indicates volume shipped to burial site following reduction by a waste processing facility.Volume shipped to the waste processing facility was 906.2 m.Other noncompressible waste indicates volume shipped to burial site following decontamination and volume reduction by a waste processing facility.Volume shipped to the waste processing facility was 0.0 m.Material transported to Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was consigned to licensed processing facilities for volume reduction and decontamination activities.

The material remaining after processing was transported by the processor to Barnwell, South Carolina, for burial.The total curie quantity and radionuclide composition of solid waste shipped from the Turkey Point Plant Units 3 and 4 are determined using a combination of qualitative and quantitive techniques.

The Turkey Point Plant follows the guidelines in the Low Level Waste Licensing Branch Technical Position on Radioactive Waste Classification (5/11/83)for these determinations.

The most frequent used techniques for determining the total activity in a package are the dose to curie method and inference from specific activity and mass or activity concentration and volume.Activation analysis may be applied when it is appropriate.

The total activity determination by any of these methods is considered to be an estimate.

Page 2 The composition of radionuclides in the waste is determined by both on-site analysis for principle gamma emitters and periodic off-site analyses for difficult to measure isotopes.The on-site analyses are performed either on a batch basis or on a routine basis using representative samples appropriate for the waste type.Off-site analyses are used to establish scaling factors or other estimates for difficult to measure isotopes.Note 5: Principle radionuclide refers to those radionuclides contained in the waste in concentrations greater than 0.01 times the concentration of the nuclide listed in Table 1 or 0.01 times the smallest concentration of the nuclide listed in Table 2 of 10 CFR 61.Note 6: Type of waste is specified as described in NUREG 0782, Draft Environment Impact Statement on 10 CFR 61"Licensing Requirements for Land Disposal of Radioactive Waste".Note 7: Type of container refers to the transport package.RKR/eb/057 F ORIDA POWER k LIGHT COMPAN TURKEY POINT PLANT SEMIANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1990 THROUGH JUNE 1990 n ATTACHMENT 1 7.0 Reactor Coolant Activit 7.1 Unit 7.1.1 Power, Cleanup, and Dose Equivalent Iodine 48 Hr.History Date Time 1 FEB 0905 2 FEB 1130 3 FEB 0353 3 FEB 1325 3 FEB 2108 4 FEB 0030 4 FEB 0330 4 FEB 0600 4 FEB 0730 7.1.2 Degas History DE~Ci/ml)Not Performed 5.28 E-02 4.71 E-02 6.26 E-02 5.04 E-02 8.97 E-01 1.01 E+01 9.39 E-01 V.85 E-01 RX.Power%100 100 100 100 85 Cleanu PM 40 40 45 90 91 90 90 Unit 3 Reactor Coolant System was degassed from 1958, 2 FEB until 0145, 3 FEB 1990.7.1.3 Time Duration of Dose Equivalent Iodine>1pCi/gm.Unit 3 Dose Equivalent Iodine 131 exceeded 1.0 microcurie per gram for a period of 5.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.7.1.4 Batch Average Burnups PTP3, End of Cycle II (14537 MWD/MTU)Batch 10D 11A llB 12A-12B 13A 13B 13C 13D Burnup MWD MTU 27830 36102 36894 347V9 31079 19481 14851 19484 1896V RNSIDA J+CIIEhf DISK III(1990)



OF CHANGES TO THE PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM During this reporting period Turkey Point.Plant awarded a contract for resin dewatering equipment, and services to Westinghouse Electric Corporation.

Turkey Point Operating Procedure 11550.48, Process Control Program for Dewatering Radioactive Waste Liners, was substantially revised to eliminate all references to the previous vendor, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., and incorporate applicable requirements for the new vendor's equipment and procedures.

The new dewatering process is operated following procedures approved by the State of South Carolina, Department of Health and Environmental Control, Radioactive Waste Management Section, in applicable certificates of compliance for the vendor's disposal containers.

Therefore, this change does not reduce the overall conformance of the dewatered waste to existing disposal site criteria for waste form and stability.

The following is a detailed description of the revision.Section 3.1,"Discussion", was revised to delete all references to Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.procedures and replace them with the following Westinghouse Electric Corporation procedures:

Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-D-03-009, A User's Manual for Westinghouse RADLOK-200, RADLOK-500, RADLOK-100, RADLOK-179, and RADLOK-195.

2~Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-003, RADLOK Manway Assembly Closure and Sealing Procedure.

3.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-004, Closure of Hittman RADLOK High Integrity Container Fill Port Closure Assembly.4~Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-046, Transfer and Dewatering Ion Exchange Resin and/or Activated Charcoal Filter Media Using the Hittman Rapid Dewatering System.5.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-052, Transfer and Dewatering Ion Exchange Resin and/or Filter Media Using the Press Pak System.6.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-010, Transfer and Dewatering Bead Resin in Hittman RADLOK High Integrity Containers With a Single Layer Underdrain Assembly to Less Than 14 Drainable Liquid.

Page 2 7.8.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-020, RADLOK Inspection Procedure.

Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.Process Control Program STD-PCP-03-003, Westinghouse Hittman Mobile Incontainer Dewatering and Solidification Systems.Sections 4.6 through 4.8, which listed specific container model numbers allowable for disposal of each dewatered resin waste stream, were replaced with new Sections 4.6 through 4.10, which specify the minimum disposal container requirements for each waste stream.Section 6.1,"References", was revised to delete all references to Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.procedures and replace them with the following Westinghouse Electric Corporation procedures 1~Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-D-03-009, A User's Manual for Westinghouse RADLOK-200, RADLOK-500, RADLOK-100, RADLOK-179, and RADLOK-195.

2~Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-003, RADLOK Manway Assembly Closure and Sealing Procedure.

3~Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-004, Closure of Hittman RADLOK High Integrity Container Fill Port Closure Assembly.4~;Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-046, Transfer and Dewatering Ion Exchange Resin and/or Activated Charcoal Filter Media Using the Hittman Rapid Dewatering System.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-052, Transfer and Dewatering Ion Exchange Resin and/or Filter Media Using the Press Pak System.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-010, Transfer and Dewatering Bead Resin in Hittman RADLOK High Integrity Containers With a Single Layer Underdrain Assembly to Less Than 14 Drainable Liquid.Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.procedure STD-P-03-020, RADLOK Inspection Procedure.

Westinghouse Radiological Services, Inc.Process Control Program STD-PCP-03-003, Westinghouse Hittman Mobile Incontainer Dewatering and Solidification Systems.

Page 3 Section 7.3 was revised to eliminate records that are no longer applicable or are generated in the new vendor procedures.

Section 8.4 was revised to replace the requirements for use of Chem-Nuclear Systems, and procedures with Westinghouse Electric Corporation equipment and procedures.

Section 8.5 was deleted.Section 8.6 was renumbered to 8.5 Section 8.7 was deleted.Section 8.8 was renumbered to Section 8.6 and revised to replace the requirements for use of Chem-Nuclear Systems, and procedures with Westinghouse Electric Corporation equipment and procedures.
