NUREG-0782, Responds to 821026 Request for Info on Low Level Waste Disposal & 10CFR61.NUREG-0782, Des for 10CFR61, Will Be Forwarded

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Responds to 821026 Request for Info on Low Level Waste Disposal & 10CFR61.NUREG-0782, Des for 10CFR61, Will Be Forwarded
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/17/1982
From: Scarano R
To: Ferrara W
REF-WM-3, RTR-NUREG-0782, RTR-NUREG-0945, RTR-NUREG-782, RTR-NUREG-945 WMLL:411.4, NUDOCS 8212230388
Download: ML20023B161 (1)


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(Return to WM 623-83 Distribution:

411.4/GCP/82/LL/17 tit 1SS r/f

-1 WM s/f WMLL r/f NOV 171982 GCPangburn RAScarano WMLL:

411.4 JBMartin REBrowning PDR Mr. William R. Ferrara fiW 13 252, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering Cambridge, MA 02139

Dear Mr. Ferrara:

This letter is in response to your request of October 26, 1982 regarding information on low-level waste disposal in general and 10 CFR PART 61 in particular.

NllREG-0782, Draft Environmental Impact Statement for 10 CFR Part 61, contains considerable background information on low-level waste disposal, including a history of disposal practices and problem areas.

I have requested that a copy of this document be sent to you.

The final environmental impact statement will be issued shortly as NUREG-0945 and will contain the version of 10 Part 61 sent to the Commission for approval. This document will be available through NRC's Publications Sales Program at 301/492-9530.

With respect to your inquiry for further information on employment at flRC, we must suggest that you contact NRC's Personnel Office at 301/492-4635 in this regard.

If you have additional questions in the area of low _ level waste disposal, feel free to contact this office.

Sincerely, Original Signed By Ross A. Scarano, Chief low-level Waste Licensing Branch Division of Waste Management


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