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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML0205800416 March 2002Issuance of Amendments Revising Surveillance Requirement 3.0.3 (Tac Nos. MB3662 and MB3663)Enforcement Discretion
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Missed surveillance
Large early release frequency
ML02078031122 April 2002License Amendment, Revise TS Surveillance Requirement 3.4.14-1 to Clarify the Frequency of Performance with Regard to Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves in the Heat Removal System Flow Path
ML0210203514 April 2002Issuance of Amendments 154 & 146, Changing & Revising Sections of Chapter 15 of the UFSAR Associated with the Main Steamline Break & Steam Generator Tube Rupture AccidentsPower Uprate
ML02155048422 May 2002Issuance of Amendments 156 & 148, Deleting TS Section 5.5.3, Eliminating the Requirements to Have & Maintain the Post-Accident Sampling SystemGrab sample
ML02234074620 September 2002License Amendment, Allow a 40-month Inspection Interval After Its First (Post-replacement) Inservice Inspection, Rather than After Two Consecutive Inspections Resulting in C-1 ClassificationStress corrosion cracking
ML03080032621 March 2003License Amendment Nos. 159 & 150 Containment Leakage Rate Testing ProgramProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Local Leak Rate Testing
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
ML03168063513 June 2003License Amendment 151, Modify Surveillance Requirements (SR) by Adding Note, Not Required to Be Performed for Unit 2 for Remainder of Operating Cycle 16 for Q2B31MOV800BPacking leak
Power-Operated Valves
Power Operated Valves
ML03195055114 July 2003Amendment Nos. 160 and 152 Revising Technical Specification Section 5.5.1, Offsite Dose Calculation ManualOffsite Dose Calculation Manual
ML03195057414 July 2003Amendment No. 153, Revising Technical Specification, Steam Generator Tube Surveillance Program, Inspection Frequencies.Stress corrosion cracking
ML03234052522 August 2003Issuance of Amendment Nos 161and 154, Respectively, Revising TS 3.7.10 and TS 3.7.12Pressure boundary leak
ML03323000718 November 2003Issuance of License Amendments Emergency Core Cooling System AccumulatorsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
ML04257041810 September 2004Issuance of Amendment Nos. 163 and 156 to Facilitate Implementation of Industry Initiative NEI 97-08 Steam Generator Program Guidelines.Non-Destructive Examination
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Flow Induced Vibration
Operational leakage
ML04273061530 September 2004License Amendment, Revised Technical Specifications Limiting Conditions for Operation 3.8.4, DC Sources - Operating, for the Remainder of Operating Cycle 19.Safe Shutdown
High winds
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
License Renewal
Maintenance Rule Program
ML04278042430 September 2004Issuance of Amendments Re Control Room Habitability Guidance of Rg 1.196Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
ML04282036830 September 2004License Amendment, Revised Technical Specifications Limiting Condition of Operation 3.9.3, Containment PenetrationsPotassium iodide
ML04312002329 October 2004Administrative Change to Facility Operating License in Conjunction with the Commission Order EA-03-086 Regarding.Safe Shutdown
Aging Management
Fire Protection Program
ML0504502588 March 2005Amendments 168 & 160, Elimination Requirements to Provide Monthly Operating Reports and Annual Occupational Radiation Exposure Reports
ML0506900458 March 2005Amendment, Elimination of Requirement for Hydrogen Recombiners and Monitors (Tac No. MC3224, MC3225)Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fuel cladding
ML05094019729 March 2005Attachment 2, Memo, Correction to License Authority FilesPower change
Overspeed trip
ML05094020029 March 2005Attachment 1, Memo, Correction to License Authority FilesPower change
ML05129012012 May 2005Southern Nuclear Operating Company Alabama Power Company Docket No. 50-348, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-2Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML05129013812 May 2005Southern Nuclear Operating Company Alabama Power Company Docket No. 50-364, Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 2 Renewed Facility Operating License No. NPF-8Safe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML05186020028 June 2005License Amendment Nos. 169 & 161, TS Revisions to Establish Cask Storage Boron Concentration Limits and Restrict Minimum Burnup of Spent Fuel Assemblies
ML05319038127 February 2006License Amendments, Eliminate Power Range Neutron High-Flux Negative Rate Reactor Trip FunctionProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML06027001113 February 2006Amd MC5719, Revision to UFSAR to Reflect the Utilization of Fire Rated Electrical Mineral Insulated CablesSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML06031020722 February 2006License Amendment, Increasing Flexibility in Mode RestraintsSafe Shutdown
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Missed surveillance
Significance Determination Process
Large early release frequency
Power change
ML06083036814 April 2006License Amendment, Pre-stressed Concrete Containment Tendon Surveillance ProgramIncorporated by reference
ML06163024529 June 2006License Amendment, Issuance of Amendments Regarding Inoperability of Snubbers (TAC Nos. MD0256 & MD0257)Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Water hammer
ML06181030611 July 2006License Amendment, Issuance of Amendments Best Estimate Loss-of-Coolant Analyses Using Astrum (Tac Nos. MC8588 and MC8589)
ML07156026916 July 2007Issuance of License Amendments 175 and 168 Regarding Technical Specification Changes to Reflect Change in Organizational Structure
ML0721408862 August 2007Revised Pages of Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8
ML0816304792 September 2008License Amendments, Issuance of Amendments to Change TS Section 5.5.7 Dates to Resolve Timing Conflict Between Fnp, Unit 2 R20 Refueling Outage Schedule & 15-Year Test Date for Type a Containment Integrated Leak Rate TestLarge early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
ML08273000729 September 2008Issuance of Amendment Nos. 178 and 171 Revised TS for Limiting Condition for Operation 3.9.3, Containment Penetrations.
ML0828000167 October 2008Edwin I,. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Vogtle Generating Station, Units 1 & 2, Issuance of Amendment Nos. 179 & 171; 260 & 204; and 153 & 134 Respectively Shift Manager SRO Qualifications
ML08345058815 January 2009Issuance of Amendments 180 & 173 Revised Technical Specification to Extend Reactor Trip System and Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Completion Times, Bypass Test Times, and Surveillance Test..High winds
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
ML09043040720 February 2009License Amendments 181 and 174 Revise the TS for the Diesel Fuel Oil Testing Program
ML0917706644 September 2009Southern Nuclear Operating Company Plants, License Amendments, Regarding Elimination of Working Hour Restrictions from Technical SpecificationsFire Protection Program
ML09222002218 September 2009Issuance of Amendments Revised Technical Specification for Deletion of the Reactor Coolant Pump Breaker Position Reactor TripAnticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML0928104439 October 2009License Amendment 177, Issuance of Emergency Amendment Regarding One-Time Extension to Allowed Outage Time for Technical Specification 3.7.8
ML10057003511 March 2010Issuance of Amendments 184 & 178 to Clarify Technical Specification for P-11 and P-12 InterlocksAnticipated operational occurrence
Post Accident Monitoring
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
ML10110066810 May 2010Issuance of Amendment Regarding Change of Implementation Date for Amendment No. 176 for Unit 2Anticipated operational occurrence
Post Accident Monitoring
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML11167A22618 July 2011Issuance of Amendments Regarding Relocation of Specific Surveillance Frequency RequirementsShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Ultimate heat sink
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Large early release frequency
Offsite Circuit
Power change
Overspeed trip
Operational leakage
ML11178A01828 July 2011Issuance of Amendments Regarding Cyber Security PlanSafe Shutdown
Cyber Security
Safeguards Contingency Plan
Fire Protection Program
Cyber attack
ML12059A32320 March 2012Issuance of Amendments Regarding Request to Adopt TSTF-513 Revision 3, Revise PWR Operability Requirements and Actions for RCS Leakage InstrumentationGrab sample
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
ML12073061024 March 2012Issuance of Amendment Regarding Water Storage TankSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Shutdown Margin
Grab sample
Internal Flooding
Manual Operator Action
ML12166A3397 August 2012Issuance of Amendments on Surveillance Requirement for Power Range Neutron Flux High Positive Rate TripAnticipated operational occurrence
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
ML12321A4345 December 2012Issuance of Amendments on Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheel Surveillance IntervalProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Incorporated by reference
Liquid penetrant
Overspeed trip
ML13149A35417 July 2013Issuance of Amendments Regarding Changes to Nuclear Methodology References (TAC ME9244 and ME9245) (NL-12-1226)Boric Acid
Post Accident Monitoring
Nondestructive Examination
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
ML13218B27426 September 2013Issuance of Amendments Regarding Steam Generator Tube Inspection ProgramPost Accident Monitoring
Nondestructive Examination
Surveillance Frequency Control Program
Stress corrosion cracking
Liquid penetrant
Operational leakage
ML13249A3862 October 2013Issuance of Amendments Regarding Technical Specifications Revisions Associated with the Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System and the Pressure and Temperature Limits Report (TAC Nos. ME9256 And.Shutdown Margin
Incorporated by reference
Pressure and Temperature Limits Report
Surveillance Frequency Control Program