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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML17341B24016 June 1982Forwards Revision 5 to Topical QA Rept FPL-NQA-100, QA Manual. Revision Includes Latest Organization Changes Submitted on 810928 & New Reg Guide & ANSI Std Commitments Requested & Approved in Facility SER
ML19210D38024 September 1979Responds to IE Bulletin 79-19.Operation Does Not Require Packaging Transport or Transfer of Low Level Radwaste.Matls Suspected of Contamination Are Transferred to Radiological Safety Ofc for Disposal
ML19270G96418 June 1979Forwards Amend 10 to Indemnity Agreement E-47
ML19274E24414 March 1979Informs That AGN-201M Reactor Has Been Shut Down,Pending Replacement of Instrumentation in Safety Channel 2.Proposes That Written Operation Re Qualification Examinations Be Deferred Until Resumption of Reactor Operations
ML20028A17529 October 1982Forwards Public Version of Revised Emergency Plan,State of Nm Emergency Response Plan & Procedures for Admission & Mgt of Radioactively Contaminated Patients at Bernalillo County Medical Ctr & Univ Cancer Ctr
ML20055J40424 July 1990Verifies Financial Responsibility for Decommissioning Univ Reactor,Per 10CFR50.33(k),Item 2
ML20058M89424 July 1990Provides Listed Info in Response to 10CFR50.33(K),Item 2 Request Re Decommissioning of PlantLicense Renewal
ML20064G9056 December 1978Forwards Amend 9 to Indemnity Agreement E-47
ML20065C56920 September 1982Forwards Rept on Facility License R-102 - Univ of Nm AGN-201M Reactor,Jul 1981-June 1982
ML20070C28830 June 1994Informs That Licensee Will Be in Full Compliance W/ Requirements by 940801 Re Response to Violations Involving Unreported Revs to Security Plan & Emergency Plan
ML20071M9601 August 1994Forwards Revised Security Plan,Reflecting Changes Made in University Structure,Upgrade to Electronic Surveillance Sys, Placement of Separate Sys in Reactor Room & Changes in Police Procedures.Encl Withheld
ML20078S67320 December 1994Informs of Changes Made to Reflect Upgrades in Electronics & Instrumentation & Reorganization of University Administration
ML20082K53116 August 1991Forwards Brief Statement on Status on Univ of New Mexico AGM-201M,serial 112,reactor Facility as Licensed Under Facility License Number R-102
ML20083A7651 May 1995Submits Response to Review of Emergency Plan
ML20090G64717 July 1984Requests 30-day Extension to Resubmit Revised Reactor Emergency Plan
ML20091L46624 August 1995Submits New Rev of TS W/Side Bars Indicating Changes to Original TS Approved W/Licensing in 1986
ML20096C8435 January 1996Forwards 1995 Annual Rept for Facility to Remedy Oversight That Annual Rept That Should Have Been Sent to NRC No Later than 950930 Not Submitted,Per TS Section 6.9.1
ML20106C3556 February 1985Requests 30-day Extension to Respond to 841211 Request for Addl Info Re Mods to Emergency Plan Due to Difficulty in Obtaining Written Responses from Outside Supporting Agencies
ML20112A62311 March 1985Forwards Emergency Plan,Univ of New Mexico AGN-201M Reactor Facilitity, Per NRC 841211 Request.State of Nm Emergency Response Plan Also Encl
ML20128N87528 June 1985Notifies That Fl Williams Will Replace Ga Whan as Chairman of Dept & Reactor Administrator Effective 850701 Due to Retirement of Ga Whan on 850630.New Administrative Structure Listed
ML20133H41811 October 1985Advises That Full Implementation of Approved Emergency Plan Completed at End of Sept.Implementation Included Training in New Procedures & Appropriate Posting of Procedures
ML20136H2617 March 1997Reports That Minutes from 2 Previous Rsac Mtgs Were Not Prepared & Distributed within 2 Month Time Frame & That Time Between Rsac Mtgs Was Longer than 7.5 Months Required. CA to Keep Events from Happening,Listed
ML20154J67816 May 1988Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-252/88-01 on 880328-31.Corrective actions:1987 Annual Rept Completed & Submitted on 880331 & Staff Made Aware That Rept Must Be Submitted Before Sept 30 of Each Yr
ML20195E1932 June 1986Forwards Application for Renewal of License R-102
ML20197A7651 December 1997Forwards Proprietary Revised Security Plan for AGN-201M Reactor at Univ of New Mexico.All Changes Since Last Submittal Are Marked by Update Bar on Right Margin.Encl Withheld
ML20198P8863 November 1997Responds to NRC Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp of License R-102 on 970915-18.Corrective Actions:For Each Calendar Quarter Starting W/Third Quarter 1997,chart Is Maintained on Reactor Console Which Documents Operational Hours
ML20198R61323 March 1986Notifies of Change in Administrative Personnel Supervising Reactor.Rd Busch Replaced D Woodall as Chief Reactor Supervisor
ML20199K37625 November 1997Submits Info to Assure Compliance W/Ts 3.2.b Which Requires That Total Scram Withdrawal Time for Both Safety Rods & Coarse Control Rod Be Less than One Second
ML20206A23110 November 1988Forwards Updated Security Plan,Reflecting Title Change Due to Reorganization within Univ.W/O Encl
ML20206N22518 August 1986Notifies of Administrative Changes in Personnel at Univ & College of Engineering,Including Gw May Designation as President of Univ & Rh Williams as Dean of College of Engineering
ML20206S40418 June 1986Forwards Corrected Ltr Re Changes in Administrative Personnel Responsible for Supervision of Reactor.Ltr Should Be 860523
ML20206S43623 May 1986Corrected Ltr Advising of Changes in Administrative Personnel Responsible for Supervising Reactor.Rd Busch Replaces D Woodall as Chief Reactor Supervisor
ML20207B30014 July 1986Forwards Annual Financial Statement for 1985 to Support Application for Renewal of License,Per 860613 Telcon
ML20211C75513 October 1986Forwards Responses to 860903 Review Visit Questions. Corrections to SAR & Revised Tech Specs EnclShutdown Margin
High Radiation Area
Power change
ML20212L95815 August 1986Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-252/86-01 on 860519-23.Corrective Actions:Operational Recertification Program Revised & Calibr Procedure & Schedule,Including Methods for Converting Cpm to M/H,DevelopedLicense Renewal
ML20212R22817 April 1987Forwards Nuclear Engineering Students Comments on Executive Summary of Advanced LWR Util Requirement Document,Per H Denton Request.Comments Represent Obvious Concerns That Moderately Informed Public Would Raise
ML20214R93710 March 1987Forwards Informal Rept EGG-NTA-7467, Technical Evaluation Rept Re Renewal of OL for Univ of New Mexico. Rept Considered Final Deliverable for Task 1
ML20214U99426 September 1986Forwards Revised Operator Requalification Program, Incorporating 860821 Suggestions Where Applicable.Rev Should Be Evaluated W/O Regard for Previous Submittals
ML20236A4446 October 1987Notifies That Substitute Parts Will Be Required to Correct Problem Re Nonfunction of Trip on Safety Channel 3.NRC Will Be Notified When New Circuit Has Been Tested & Operational