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 Issue dateTitleTopic
L-2017-025, Request for Additional Information - Turkey Point 3 and 4 LAR 248 (CAC No. MF9907 and MF9908; EPID L-2017-0252)25 January 2018Request for Additional Information - Turkey Point 3 and 4 LAR 248 (CAC No. MF9907 and MF9908; EPID L-2017-0252)Surveillance Frequency Control Program
L-2017-042, 2018/02/05 NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information - Turkey Point 3 LAR 256 (EPID L-2017-0423)5 February 20182018/02/05 NRR E-mail Capture - Request for Additional Information - Turkey Point 3 LAR 256 (EPID L-2017-0423)Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
L-2018-018, St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Reduce the Number of Control Element Assemblies (EPID L-2018-0181)22 October 2018St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 2, Request for Additional Information Regarding License Amendment Request to Reduce the Number of Control Element Assemblies (EPID L-2018-0181)
L-2019-204, Request for Use and Approval of Vapor Infusion Technology 90-Day Trial - Notification25 November 2019Request for Use and Approval of Vapor Infusion Technology 90-Day Trial - NotificationHydrostatic
Moisture barrier
ML02240077410 January 2002E-mail from Jacob Zimmerman, Bulletin 2001-01 Status ReportEddy Current Testing
ML02240078118 January 2002E-mail from Jacob Zimmerman, Bulletin 2001-01 Status ReportStress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML0224007981 February 2002E-mail from Beth Wetzel Bulletin 2001-01 Status ReportStress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
ML02266053220 September 2002Operating Plant Issue at St. Lucie Units 1 & 2Safe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
ML02274029115 May 2002E-mail from C. Ogle to Various Addressees; Additional Name-Interview Literary - Tp Site Secy
ML02274053522 May 2002E-mail from C. Ogle to L. Williamson; Dpv
ML02329007721 November 2002Operating Plant Issue at St. Lucie - Paper Trail Closing Out Issue of Control Room HabitabilitySafe Shutdown
Anticipated operational occurrence
Aging Management
License Renewal
Control Room Habitability
ML0313204971 August 2002E-mail K. Frehafer, Fp&L, to B. Moroney, NRR, St. Lucie Letter from NMFS
ML0313204991 August 2002E-mail J. Wilson, NRR, to T. Abbatiello, Fp&L, St. Lucie Letter from NMFS
ML03132050812 November 2002E-mail G. Madden, Fp&L, to E. Brown, NRR, October 2002 Turtle Captures
ML0313206857 January 2003E-mail G. Madden, Fp&L, to E. Brown, NRR, 2002 Turtle Captures
ML0313206923 March 2003E-mail G. Madden, Fp&L, to E. Brown, NRR, NRC Letter to NMFSLicense Renewal
ML03132072318 February 2002E-mail G. Madden, Fp&L, to B. Moroney, NRR, January 2002 Turtle Captures
ML0313501528 January 2002E-mail from C. Grimes, NRR, to A. Kugler, NRR and S. Gagner, OPA, Reporter'S RequestLicense Renewal
ML0318204416 March 2003Email Dated March 6, 2003, from Dr. Ed Siegel to A. Hiser, W. Bateman, and T. Chan, Fwd: Fyi: Questions? Comments?Boric Acid
Weld Overlay
Stress corrosion cracking
ML0324505678 January 2002E-mail NRR Inforeview to W. Oliu, Cio, Release of NUREG 1437, Suppl 5License Renewal
ML03246032829 January 2002E-mail C. Konzman, NRR, to NRR Inforeview, Fwd Turkey Point SEIS W/Att 01/23/02 e-mail C. Konzman, NRR, to Nrcweb
ML03246035429 January 2002E-mail Nrcweb to NRR Inforeview, Fwd Turkey Point SEIS
ML03246144824 April 2002E-mail J. Medoff, NRR, to NRR Inforeview, Fwd NUREG-1759License Renewal
ML0330202318 October 2003Information on 10/09 Conference Call with NEI on Emerging FP IssuesSafe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML04009023425 April 2003E-mail from Charles Casto Regarding Current Events Notes
ML0400902371 May 2003E-mail from M. Thomas Regarding St. Lucie Tfpi Report 03-02
ML0400902396 May 2003E-mail from C. Payne Regarding St. Lucie Tfpi ReportOperator Manual Action
ML0400902427 May 2003E-mail from C. Payne Regarding St. Lucie Tfpi ReportHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
ML04009024612 May 2003E-mail from M. Thomas Regarding St. Lucie Tfpi Report 2003-002Hot Short
Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
Fire Watch
ML04009029321 January 2003E-mail from C. Casto Regarding Draft Program Office Guidance for Manual Actions
ML04009036228 January 2003E-mail to D. Coe Regarding Draft Inspection Procedure on Manual ActionsEnforcement Discretion
ML0403501969 April 2003E-mail from Christensen to DRS Branch Chiefs, Open Item StatusHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Fire Protection Program
ML04035020225 April 2003E-mail from Ogle to Christensen, Action ItemsSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
Operability Determination
ML04035020630 April 2003E-mail from Ogle to Christensen, Open Items/Sdp Tracking SheetSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
ML04035020919 May 2003E-mail from Ogle to Fillion Etc. All Regarding Open Item StatusSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
ML04110063423 January 2002E-Mail from Carl Konzman to Nrcweb Turkey Point SEIS Posting to the Web
ML0414100992 April 2004E-mail on 04/02/04 - Fanp Attendance for 04/01 Telecon - CRDM Repair Analysis - with NRC
ML04238028922 December 2003E-mail, C. Ogle to Caswell Smith, Fire Protection ExampleHot Short
Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Operator Manual Action
Significance Determination Process
Fire Protection Program
ML05003023029 January 2004E-mail S. Weerakkody, NRR, to E. Brown, NRR, Information on Associated Circuits NUREG Public Comment Period
ML05004004731 March 2004E-mail E. Brown, NRR, to S. Weerakkody, NRR, Reply Requested: NEI Questions
ML0503803754 February 2004E-mail from P. Fillion to C. Payne, K. O'Donohue - Analysis of Two ValvesSafe Shutdown
Grace period
ML0503803795 February 2004E-mail from P. Fillion to C. Payne, K. O'Donohue - Analysis of ValvesSafe Shutdown
ML0503803815 February 2004E-mail from G. Wiseman to P. Fillion, K. O'Donohue, C. Payne - Analysis of ValvesSafe Shutdown
Grace period
ML0503803836 February 2004E-mail from P. Fillion to C. Payne, K. O'Donohue - Evaluation of Valves - RevisionSafe Shutdown
Grace period
ML05038038525 March 2004E-mail from K. O'Donohue to C. Payne - All 7 SummariesSafe Shutdown
Operator Manual Action
ML0503803945 March 2004E-mail from P. Fillion to C. Payne - Turkey Point Report InputSafe Shutdown
Boric Acid
Fire Barrier
ML05049039728 October 2003Internal Meeting to Discuss 3-Hr Barriers and Manual Action Feasibility Criteria
ML0506702742 February 2004E-mail Turkey Point ConcernSafe Shutdown
ML05067027522 March 2004E-mail My Proposed Revision to AllegationSafe Shutdown
ML05067027723 March 2004E-mail Final RevSafe Shutdown