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 Issue dateTitleTopic
CP-200901052, Permit Renewal Application for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Auxiliary Boiler19 February 2004Permit Renewal Application for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Auxiliary Boiler
IR 05000382/200501030 September 2005IR 05000382-05-010, on 06/20/2005 - 06/24/2005, Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3; Special Team InspectionBoric Acid
Condition Adverse to Quality
Significance Determination Process
Integrated leak rate test
IR 05000382/201701120 December 2017NRC Special Inspection Report 05000382/2017011High winds
Time to boil
Internal Flooding
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Significance Determination Process
Large early release frequency
Maintenance Rule Program
IR 05000482/200800724 April 2008IR 05000482-08-007, on 01/15/2008 - 03/13/2008, Wolf Creek Generating Station, NRC Special Inspection
M080430, SRM-M080430B - Affirmation Session - SECY-08-0052 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 & 3, License Renewal Dkt Nos. 50-247-LR & 50-286-LR; Westcan and SECY-08-0054 - Pg&E, (Slomfp) for Reconsideration of CLI-08-05 & (Slomfp)30 April 2008SRM-M080430B - Affirmation Session - SECY-08-0052 - Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 & 3, License Renewal Dkt Nos. 50-247-LR & 50-286-LR; Westcan and SECY-08-0054 - Pg&E, (Slomfp) for Reconsideration of CLI-08-05 & (Slomfp)
ML00372440315 June 2000Attachment to Memorandum, Proposed License Change for Cycle 14 Risk-Informed Operation, MA8418
ML02017012517 January 2002Re Entergy Operations Inc., Presentation of the Mnsa 2 Clamps - ML020170125
ML02022033317 January 2002Draft NUREG-XXXX, Technical Assessment, Generic Issue 186: Potential Risk and Consequences of Heavy Load Drops in Nuclear Power PlantsSafe Shutdown
Tornado Missile
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
Operating Basis Earthquake
Control of Heavy Loads
ML02029015531 January 2002Response to Request for Additional Information for Open Equipment Hatch License Amendment Request Dated November 8, 2001(TAC Nos. MB3371 and MB3372)
ML0203101934 February 2002Draft Environmental Assessment of Power Uprate for Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2
ML0203505931 February 2002Memo to C. L. Miller from: T. J. Kobetz Subject: Summary of the January 24, 2002, Meeting Between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff and Pacific Gas and Electric, Co. Enclosures: 1.) Attendance List; and 2) PG&E Project Slides
ML0206301996 March 2002Responses to Questions on License Amendment Request to Use Zirlo Cladding Fuel for Palo Verde Units 1, 2 & 3
ML02077046220 March 2002Attachment Draft Information for March 1 to March 15, 2002 Requests for Additional LnformationShutdown Margin
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Exemption Request
Power Uprate
Loss of condenser vacuum
ML02078045620 March 2002Memo, Draft Information for March 1 to March 15, 2002
ML02079034725 March 2002Memo, Addition of Footnote to Proposed Fort Calhoun Technical Specificatin 2.8.2(1)
ML02098040811 April 2002Memo, Conference Call with Wolf Creek Generating Station on RPV Head Inspection Plan to Meet with NRC Bulletin 2001-01Boric Acid
ML02104000125 April 2002Conference Calls on Rv Head Inspection Plan to Meet NRC Bulletins 2001-01 & 2002-01
ML0210902482 May 2002Memo, Conference Call on April 10, 2002, Txu Generation Company LP Post-Inspection Results of Comanche Peak Electric Station (CPSES) Unit 2 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head (Tac No. MB4538)Boric Acid
ML02109070122 April 2002Meeting Notice with Palo Verde to Discuss the Status of Its Plans for the Spent Fuel Dry Cask Storage at the the Site for the Three Units
ML02114025729 April 2002Meeting Notice with PG&E and the NRC to Discuss It'S Proposed Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation 10 CFR Part 50 License Amendment for Diablo Canyon
ML02116007429 April 2002Comanche Peak Meeting W/Txu Generation Co. LP the Topical Report ERX-2001-005-P, Zirlo Cladding and Boron Coating Models for Txu Electric'S Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis Methodologies
ML0212200128 May 2002Memo to File, Response to Questions on Decommissioning Status Report for Wolf Creek Generating Station
ML0212200258 May 2002Memo-Tac. MB3693- Response to Questions on Ventilation Filter Test Program License Amendment Request for Palo Verde Units 1, 2, and 3 (Tac Nos. MB3693, MB3694, and MB3695
ML02122023928 April 2002Results of the Columbia Generating Station SDP Phase 2 Notebook Benchmarking VisitInternal Flooding
Significance Determination Process
ML02122067929 April 2002Result of the River Bend Station SDP Phase 2, Notebook Benchmarking VisitSignificance Determination Process
ML02122069129 April 2002Results of the Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2, SDP Phase 2 Notebook BenchmarkingSignificance Determination Process
ML0212800717 May 2002End-of-Cycle Meeting Unreviewed TranscriptContraband
Significance Determination Process
ML02136042029 May 2002Conference Call with the Licensee on the Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Inspection Plans and Results Arkansas Unit One, Units 1 and 2 (TAC MB4524 and MB4525)Boric Acid
Nondestructive Examination
Stress corrosion cracking
Through-Wall Leak
ML02164024213 June 2002Region IV Observations from Arkansas Nuclear One Exercise on March 27 & 28, 2002Potassium iodide
ML0217100196 June 2002Energy Northwest, Plant Procedures Manual - Volume Swp Package No. 2002-316Fitness for Duty
ML02199040518 July 2002Supplemental Fire Modeling for Fire Zone 98-J, Emergency Diesel Generator Corridor & Fire Zone 99-M, North Electrical Switchgear Room, Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1Safe Shutdown
Fire Barrier
Significance Determination Process
ML02207004631 July 2002Safety Evaluation Regarding Unit Staff Qualification Requirements for Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station
ML0223405644 September 2002Draft Information Inputs, Memo, from July 8, 2002 to July 25, 2002
ML02234070827 August 2002Response to Request for Information on Loose Parts Found in Steam Generator at Wolf Creek Generating Station
ML02242023129 August 2002Draft Memo from Samuel Collins Re Issuance of Order Re Responses to Bulletin 2001-01
ML0224602293 September 2002Wolf Creek, Licensee Agreement to Referencing Antitrust Condition 6 in License Amendment Request Dated June 27, 2000
ML0224703774 September 2002Forthcoming Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. Decommissioning Funding Issues
ML02260029217 September 2002Memorandum Regarding Report on the Status of Open TIAs Assigned to NRR
ML02260058419 September 2002Meeting Between NRC and Nebraska Public Power District, Potential Transfer of Cooper Nuclear Station License
ML02263019223 September 2002Meeting Canceled Between NRC & Entergy Operations, Inc. River Bend Alternative Source Term License Amendment Application
ML02267050825 September 2002Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. Alternate Source Term License Amendment Application
ML0227604973 October 2002Meeting with Entergy Operations, Inc. Extended Power Uprate at Waterford, Unit 3
ML02277023430 October 2002Savety Evaluation Regarding License Amendment Request Proposed Amendment to the South Texas Project Technical Specifications to Revise Administrative Control Requirements
ML02288023315 October 2002Meeting with Entergy Operations to Discuss Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1 Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Weld Repairs
ML02290072416 October 2002Letter to C. Lance Terry, Txu Energy Re Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Public Radiation Safety Cornerstone White FindingSignificance Determination Process
ML02290074010 October 2002Response to Comanche Peak'S White Finding AppealSignificance Determination Process
ML02297036323 October 2002Meeting with NEI, Surry & North Anna Units 1 & 2, McGuire & Catawba Units 1 & 2, Peach Bottom Units 2 & 3, St. Lucie Units 1 & 2, Fort Calhoun, H. B. Robinson Unit 2, R.E. Ginna, and Virgil C. Summer. the Proposed Agenda Is Attached
ML02303058125 October 2002Summary of 10/16/2002 Meeting Re. Extended Power Uprate
ML02310003911 November 2002Examples of Risk-Informed Licensing Actions for Acrs/AcnwProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Large early release frequency
Integrated leak rate test
Power Uprate
ML02310013113 November 2002Memo Draft Documents for June 26, 2002 Through October 28, 2002