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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20055E3454 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting Re Status of Util Effluents & Water Mgt Program & 1988 Annual Radiation Environ Operating Rept.Supporting Info Encl
ML20057D16827 September 1993Summary of 930805 Meeting W/Util Re Methods of Providing Control Room Operators W/Optimal Info on Instrument Accuracies Under Harsh Environ Conditions.List of Attendees & Util Slides Encl
ML20058N48515 December 1993Summary of 931119 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Decommissioning Plan for SONGS 1.List of Attendees Encl
ML20126D45231 July 1970Summary of Div of Reactor Licensing 700728-29 Meeting in Los Angeles,Ca Re Exposed Fractures of Christiantos FaultEarthquake
ML20126D4564 November 1970Notes of Div of Reactor Licensing 701103 Meeting in Bethesda MD Re GeologyEarthquake
ML20126D47524 February 1971Minutes of Div of Reactor Licensing 710224 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re geology-seismologyDesign basis earthquake
ML20126D51510 February 1972Notes of Div of Reactor Licensing 720210 Meeting in Houston, Tx Re geology-seismology
ML20126D51917 May 1972Summary of Div of Reactor Licensing 720517 Meeting in Menlo Park,Ca Re SeismicitySafe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20126D5255 October 1978Summary of 780928-29 Meeting in Bethesda,Md Re New Seismic Info Concerning FacilityEarthquake
ML20126D52619 November 1979Summary of 791116 Meeting W/Applicant in Washington,Dc Re seismology.Woodward-Clyde Consultants Rept EnclDesign basis earthquake
ML20126D56320 November 1979Summary of 791116 Meeting W/Applicant Re SeismologyEarthquake
ML20126E75214 December 1992Summary of 921119 Meeting W/Bg&E & SCE Re Document Retrieval Sys Development & Programs.List of Attendees Also Encl
ML20126H01922 October 1984Summary of 841019 Meeting W/Util Re Seismic Design Capability.Related Info EnclSafe Shutdown
Safe Shutdown Earthquake
ML20126L2331 May 1981Summary of 810429 Meeting W/Pwr Owners Group Re Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels.All Parties Agree That Thermal Shock W/Subsequent Repressurization Is Safety Concern Needing Prompt Evaluation
ML20127A86312 July 1988Trip Rept of 880210-11 Visit to Conax Buffalo Works to Obtain Info for Info Notice Re Problems W/Kapton Insulated Wire
ML20127C17912 October 1984Summary of 841005 Meeting W/Util Re Restart Before Completion of Seismic UpgradeEarthquake
ML20127C18312 October 1984Summary of 841010 Meeting W/Util Re Legal Issues Associated W/Restart
ML20127D63615 April 1985Trip Rept of 850402-03 Meetings W/Util,Eg&G,Nct Engineering, Lll & Impell Re Proposed long-term Svc Criteria & Methodology.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20128F3482 February 1993Summary of 920113 Meeting W/Util Re Commercial Grade Dedication at PlantCommercial Grade Dedication
ML20133E4631 October 1985Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 85-17 on 850923.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclScram Discharge Volume
Overspeed trip
ML20133G99710 July 1985Summary of ACRS SEP Subcommittee on San Onofre in Washington,Dc Re Integrated Plant Safety Analysis ReptProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Tornado Missile Protection
ML20136G59528 February 1985Summary of 841004 Meeting W/Util Re RestartSafe Shutdown
ML20136G68328 February 1985Summary of 841106 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Technical & Legal Reviews & Activities Concerning Investigation.W/O Stated EnclsSafe Shutdown Earthquake
Enforcement Discretion
ML20136H0482 October 1984Summary of 840919 Meeting W/Util Re Util Organizational Changes
ML20137X50929 November 1985Summary of Operator Reactor Events Meeting 85-24 on 851125 Re Briefing of Ofc Directors & Div Directors & Representatives on Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 851118.List of Attendees EnclFeedwater Heater
Thermal fatigue
Water hammer
ML20138M92812 December 1985Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 85-25 on 851202 Re Listed Events.Attendee List,Summary of Events Discussed & Viewgraphs EnclGrab sample
ML20141F40910 April 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 86-10 W/Ofc Director,Div Directors & Representatives Re Events Since 860324.Viewgraphs & Supporting Documentation Encl
ML20148A25916 October 1978Summary of 781006 Meeting W/Util to Discuss SSE Program. Summary of Util/Tera Presentation & Attendee List EnclEarthquake
ML20148G77818 January 1978Summary of 780105 Meeting W/Util Re SEP Review of Environ Qualification of Electrical Equipment
ML20149L49812 February 1988Summary of 871207 Meeting W/Utils in Bethesda,Md Re Licensees Revised Proposal to Comply W/Nrc Requirement for Simulation Facilities Under 10CFR55.45(b).List of Attendees & Util Simulation Facility Group Guideline Encl
ML20151N05226 July 1988Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 88-30 on 880726.List of Attendees & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20196F99524 February 1988Partially Withheld Trip Rept of 880209-11 Mgt Team Visit to Region V & San Onofre & Trojan Sites Re Integrated Assessment of Mgt Effectiveness Associated W/Regionalized NRR & NMSS Programs
ML20196H32529 June 1976Summary of 760525 Meeting W/Util & Westinghouse Re Proposed Approach to Solution of Reactor Vessel Lateral Loading Question.List of Attendees,Agenda & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20196H3985 July 1978Summary of 780622 Meeting W/Westinghouse Owners Group to Discuss Results of Phase a of three-phase Plan & Current Schedule for Resolution of Asymmetric LOCA Loads Isssue.List of Attendees Encl
ML20197F1698 May 1986Summary of Operating Reactors Events 860428 Meeting W/Listed Divs Re Chernobyl Nuclear Accident & Events at Us ReactorsShutdown Margin
Half scram
ML20199G7126 November 1997Summary of 971023 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Steam Generator Tube Degradation & Run Time Analysis for SONGS Unit 2.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
ML20203A35329 January 1998Summary of 971223 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md to Discuss Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly Relief Request.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
ML20203F17122 April 1986Summary of 860407 Meeting W/Westinghouse,Ge,B&W & C-E NSSS Owners Groups in Bethesda,Md Re Actions in Response to 851121 Check Valve/Water Hammer Event
ML20205J74128 February 1986Summary of ACRS 310th Meeting on 860213-15 in Washington,Dc Re Review Studies Done & Procedures Proposed by Gpu Nuclear to Protect Against Inadvertent Criticality During Defueling of TMI-2 CoreEarthquake
ML20206L90811 August 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-27 on 860804 W/Ofc Director,Div Directors & Representatives Re Briefing on Events Which Occurred Since Last Meeting on 860728.List of Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclFeedwater Heater
ML20206S73613 August 1986Summary of ACRS Subcommittee on Westinghouse Reactor Plants 860730 Meeting in Washington,Dc Re Review of Loss of All in- Plant Ac Power & 851121 Water Hammer Event.Presentation Schedule & Sequence of Events EnclPower Operated Valves
Water hammer
ML20207H35314 June 1999Summary of 990317 Meeting with SCE Re Issues Staff Identified in Review of 980910 License Amend Application & Exemption Request to Remove Hydrogen Monitoring & Control Sys from SONGS Licensing Basis.Meeting Attendee List EnclExemption Request
Fuel cladding
ML20211G77813 June 1986Summary of Operating Reactor Events Meeting 86-19 on 860609. List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Status of Previous Assignments Encl
ML20211L05830 June 1986Summary of 860521 Meeting W/Nsss Owners Group,Numarc & INPO in Bethesda,Md Re Planned Industry Actions in Response to Check Valve & Water Hammer Event at Facility.List of Attendees,Agenda & Viewgraphs Encl
ML20214J49915 May 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-09 on 870330 Re Events Which Occurred Since 870316 Meeting.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Events Presented Encl
ML20215H52524 August 1984Partially Deleted Summary of 870822 Meeting at Region V Ofc Re Allegation RV-84-0092 Concerning Alcohol & Drug Abuse at Plant.Members of Panel Listed.Action Plan Developed to Deal W/Allegations Encl.W/O Encl
ML20216B8557 May 1998Summary of 980429 Meeting W/Southern California Edison in Rockville,Maryland Re Proposed Amend to TS to Allow Operation of Plant at Reduced Tcold in Reactor Coolant Sys. W/Meeting Slides & List of Meeting Attendees
ML20235M16717 February 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-07 on 890215.List of Attendees,List of Events Discussed,Summary of Events for Long Term Followup or Input to NRC Performance Indicator Program & Summary of Reactor Scrams Encl
ML20235Z40816 October 1987Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 87-35 on 871013.List of Attendees,Events Discussed,Significant Elements of Events & Summary of Reactor Scrams & Comparison of Wk Statistics W/Industry Averages EnclBoric Acid
ML20236A97313 October 1987Summary of 870915-16 Meetings W/Four Facility Licensees in Bethesda,Md Re Proposal to Apply for NRC Approval for Simulation Facilities.Viewgraphs & Related Documents Encl