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TVA - Staff Exhibit 44 - Rec'D 04/30/02: TVA Employee Appraisal for Manager and Specialist Employees for Gary Fiser, November 7, 1990
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry, Watts Bar, Sequoyah  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 11/13/1990
From: Lagergren W R, Vondra C A
Tennessee Valley Authority
Byrdsong A T
+adjud/ruledam200506, -RFPFR, 50-259-CIVP, 50-260-CIVP, 50-296-CIVP, 50-327-CIVP, 50-328-CIVP, 50-390-CIVP, ASLBP 01-791-01-CIVP, RAS 6152, TVA-Staff-44
Download: ML030900390 (11)


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.EMTLO YEE APPRAISAL FOR MNGERA SPECIALIST EMLOYEE , .g *for Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1990 frt;: .... ME C. ary L. Fis r ORGANIZAvTION LEVEL ,<,:' -^ -t SN

  • 4 GROUP NP>@t- -TITLE/PG Chemnistry L E~nvironmental Supt. OPERATIONI NGP-4r;f*TYPE POSITION (sl or s) M DIVISION SQN'M,.:: ANAGER William R. Lagergren DEPARTMENa Plant Suncary Statem~ent of esployee's performance potential:

t C ary's management performance has been very good. Ee can succeed into a c .orporate chemistrvy management position.

Would need to Rain detailed systems D~r>; ' -_knowledge to go further at plant but has the ability to do so.USNRC j! IISkt~RII M1: 38 ts, ~AnRJUDATIntO~NGS SAFF SIGATUES J' .C.LFse xw :a '- p;PR (typed nae DATE r .< *-,0388u,-

r." s,£.P', ...! -C B-ww' C a 9-- N'C.--v- .n-Sw Jettt b 0%--9tz 0 B *¢ss waSEv ,_ _ < 1 bb -O;a- x:s oS _$---=-w os-*tw} 5.-b- @-b X -P:^dJ*:v:F.-u-e*,@t,-.;3w.

  • _. .V-,_>e;.., t s,,P, 'S.t_ tX .l.,..tI;.^/ ;7.>.,-t'>-; ..9 .Xaw*.. J _,:,t o't , * ' ;-'- S.z-wflt 'M 6 'Sh io>;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7 , .... .-_. ,, .,7....,,,.;7.#,


_Ap___ _ -RECEIVED IntV

  • ___ _ .REJECTED Mmo NITHDRAWN DATE _ ___ __ vnnes _Clerm ___,/Ir I/()/

EMPLOYEE APPRAISAL pag~e 2*,.* .. NAME C. L. Fise TITLE/PG Chemistry

& Env. Supt. DATE____ .1 PART I.A Performance Standards

-(To be completed at the beginning of the-~ -.fiscal year) State the major accountabilities, specific projects and/or assignments on which tbe employee will be evaluated throughout the fiscal year.PELFORMAONCE STANDARDTAGTDE 4.Chemistry Control Performance:

1. Chemistryv index c0.22. End of F?2. Time auxiliary cooling water out of End of FY spec <0.10%. J 3. Dissolved oxygen level (ppb) <2.5. End of F?4. Conductivity (mns/cm) 0.18~l. End of FY.3 1I, Regulatory Performance:

.1. Personnel error LER <ml. End of FY 2. No NRC violations.

End of FY 3. God SAL reviw. En-of,.3. Good SAL? review. End of FY S~ : .Open CAQRs reduced by 50%. End of FY 6. )~90% of CAQRs closed within 90 days. End of F?7. lOOZ of NRC corruitments met. End of F?S1~. .No missed surveillanees.

End of FY~ SIGNATURES (indication of understanding the performance standards for the next-:z 12 nt and that they may be amended at anytime):* ~~W. R. La ergren i I~ ..GR(typed name) DATE:A.kC. A. Vondra -7 (typedname)DATE,~ ** -* .. ¶a4 * ~ .f** ... I ..-.'; * ~ '. .. --.3- .g pIC T.-¶1.1 V...P':*_ _ , .*- *l.-*'* -- i;. -:.. -e D{P2LOYEE APPRAIA~I

-. page la.. '. , .Fe. u D T,-.LHA G. t. Fiser '

  • TITLE/PG Chemistry

& Env. SuPt. DATE ______,-,, SSN 3:v-X5, e i i n of *t h.-PART I.A Performance Standards

-(To be completed at the beginning of the fiscal year) State the major accountabilities, specific projects and/or.'* assignments on which the employee will be evaluated throughout the fiscal year. .;. -*1't r: i A?PERFORPANCE STANDARD TARGET DATE ,.Other Performance:

End of FY 1. Overtime hours worked <l15. End of FY 2. Overall daily schedule performance 85S. End of Fn 3. No lost-time injuries.

End of FY 4. Collective radiation exposure <1.0 manrem. End of FY.47;--SIGAT5. Personnel contamination rePOrts <5. End of pt 4;i W. R.La r -,e lo C. .Vo-.*; --:-C7LF. *ser 4-.t* 1.4.-i'<tRtt -SIGNATURES (ir dication of understanding the performance standardc for the next

  • e S , ~12 mo thsn nd .bat they may be amended at anytime):
_,;, ,~~. __U.R. Laertren { 111-0 ->'-n 0 tAGE.Rl (typed name) DATE.t .t z^__C. A. Vondra z-Z -R NEXTI 4GBE M NGER (typed name) DATE -.. s L AG .F~e if7CJ L- PP Y£E~t (typed name) DATE ;,>;.z i,. ."~ .'. .2 ; , '..,A~* f *. -* * .* 7 t % * * ***9 0 -.a; ..i .* .34 -.,t -> .O -x~_< .^~-;-., t>- --'3 -? I -

MLYE APRASL'2pg 2b'-e f EL',: K n-X r2'{.- L";', F, Fer-'; t' ITLEIPCG Chens tr n1 Ut -;, DAT Xt-s-MT ;B~rfoce Stiadards'Aanual S-ry;--(To be'coopleted at, the.,: of -the f scal year). State 'the'erployeei'accomplishaie't tsrelative-to tho--i:accountabilities'.'specific"poet an~rasgmnti';listed iiDa Pr'I" a;X ?"e>:4 :ACCOMILISNT


ACTUAL PMORWOCitC£ mistr <o i ' 't' '"OW5{3*e .Tneauxiliary cooling water out oft 4 .Yestriv'>Sn fS-~sX pe _ C_';,3. Dissolved oxvgen' level (P'pb) < 2.5 .; '-- fYes :' -End of fyr 6,.-4. Conductivity (Mg/cm) '40.8. _---Yes '" :~ ;wEnd of FY fs.. euao Promnce:6 V lyl-> *w e-tew-t+*-*-

4f*>4t.--: .' Personnel error LER Cult ~,,^e..2. No NRC violations.

r;*+^B- 3. Goocl SALP reviev.->9FxR~st 4. ood Ih70 review.,.;7;,5.Open CAQRs reduced by 50%.*;F~'+~*6;

>90S of CAQRs closed within 90 days.(4f;v83 .7;IOO of NRC commitments met. *;-B; No missed surveillances.,i- *-%eu 02;Ut.F.^t¢ Sa...*.^ ,Yes ;-_.. c .End of rY .t. ' .' j_ %: :2-. ., I~ of -I .l f-,--_ _ , .. _ _Ye..f:,s End of :1;':48e Yes "--- End'of Hl:Yes -: End'of ry.~i P .k-';* -Yes End of tY"-;YeBs JA End of FY1-Yes : ^ End of FY"!-.. -, --'J, -.-.-..'. .'. 0 .4e. -I.: -.4.. , ...I ....".: , -1. .. I'.- .. .. .-.... -.-'. .. --. .. -:-.: %-.- .'%, '.. .. I .2 -",F ..,-;.1 t;4. ', ._, ; ,, ,,> w ,_vz * .",F". , S: b 36 XV90 ----I--- 7-.- -I -_. _. -I_=%_ -8^M Jki 8,; aR JW fg.F! a.

t -.f>:E~. EHPLOYEE APPRAISAL -page 2c.vs -Wr..,- NAME C. L. Figer TITLE/PG Chemistry Env. Supt. DATE S S S ~PART T.B Performance Standards Annual Summary -(To be completed at the end -; >-wr of the f iscal year) State the employees accomplishments relative to the =ajor S accountabilities, specific projects and/or assignments listed in Part I.A.'ACCOMPLISHMENT/PERFORMANCE ACTUAL PERFORM. COMP. DATE' W ,- Other Performance:_

W -1. Overtime hours worked c15%. Yes End of FY 2. Overall daily schedule performance 85S. Yes End of FY^ls; 3. No lost-time injuries.

Yes End of FY pt;4. Collective radiation exposure cl.0 manrem. Yes End of nY S. Personnel contamination reports <5. iecs End of nY Jr.I;.-'. .-1J'; .. tI-1 ,,..Z.,C. A. ..dr NEXAR s (tpe name DATE SS;_,L _F_ er4 EPJE (type name).. .D.TE-' -- ';,.. Ss ..Z_ _MM &E.


page 3 ls-r _, , 4s@ft¢;c,;


--K&ME t.Fier -'g ~ TITLE/PG Chemistry

& Env. Supt. DTE '*',->SSM E , .P'- ART r -Behav-1oral Standardc

-(T6 be revised at th'e beginning of the fiscal'^;t;,-Zyear and evaluated at the end of the fiscal ye-ar) The following liit ths ';"_behavioral standads against which each employee should be evaluated.

Te ;:-;..'extent to which tbey are used will vary depending on~the nature of tbe : m s-' position of the employee and the type of organization.

Others may be added as @;; appropriate.

-: -x', ,; .FLEXIBILITY low I _ /% Jhieh : ' ~~Comments

, t DECISION-ffI~NG Comments low _ ,X /_ .... ;7_. ., high ; `e_-..,2W It-- .4 .< -I DEPENDABILITY Comments low _ X /Itg -,.f e 4.SELF-MOTIVATION low /_//X / high Comments INFLUENCING OIBERS low X /high Com<znts PROBLEM SOLVING AND ANALYSIS low _ high Comments_TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE low /_ / J_ /X /high Comments INN0VATING low / igh Concments ORAL COYMUNICATIONS low /_ / / /X /bigh, Comments..-.~ , ..r I ._J w. z.e... ,:l,>:. el*, **! ,,;,:. v 1., .i;..1 .I:._ -.:.) ni.:: .::,o -1..7 : .'!' r- -..., .*-.C., '*.?: ';t-wX' '.;

__ -__ ---___ -.t-jiT 's AM )C. L.Fisei r%4 +:t TITLE/PG.-Chemistry

& Envt. Supt. , E :-<;S IF5 , rXO. WiIITEN COMMTUNICATIONS

.. .' lov _ high.^-#,=StCommett

  • s Y. A;.,..11. SUPERVISING

........low J -X/high ,et't%yR* << *.-Commnts

  • <' 12. TEAMWORK low J / / /X/high -;l~st-* Commnts ~. e*'-'.13. PLNING ADORGAIZING low ////X/high.'

S~g.' .-;Co~mnts,.

.t; 14. SUPE:RVISOB.Y IMPARTIALITY low _ high ';<-- ~Commnts_

._.iv,.. *,-, 15. SUBORDIKATE1 DEVE:LOPMENT low / / _/X/h£6h ^S Co :rnts ,->..16. ORGANIZATION{AL

}:NOWLEXGE low / / /X Jhlpg , a~w,> .Commnts?+. 17. EDSPLOYEE COnlUNICATION low /_/ /X / high .*<*, ~Co nts* .'.. 18. RESOURCE MANAGEMT low /_/_/ /X high ;,'r.Sf; ;t.Commnts

,.,, r 19 .low /_h / /aigh :*2F;>:0 i* Commnts, rtwt" 2,0. low / / / / /hgh ,t*4 ,S'#.! ' Commnts _X* ,.(, -.0388u , .i~~ _ -*VW-w-owwvrw-w AFRAISAL -page4 < ---.,. , ,!W-* -C.' s *TITLE/PG Chemistry

& Env. Supt. DATE P ART III Epoyee Appraisal

-(To be completed at the end of each quarter)ij>S;4 A St-ryr statement of the employee's performance during each quarter of the , e W -- fiscal year as noted by tbe --nager and discussed witb the employee.s ,t.FIRST QUARTER Preparation for INPO good. Handled several personnel issues ,well and Manaed a down sizing effort well. Chemistry performance good..4~SIGNA HANG R DATE tf &S1-I'3 9I-tO E DATE.SECOND QUARTER SAL? period ended no weaknesses noted in Chemistry

.other than slowness to incorporate equipment upgrades.

Gary has Pushed* , upgrade effort well. -pt L.'r.g , , SIGKAPwES L ;G L YEt DATE.-]-,.

U EMPLOIME APPRAISAL -page 4a NAME C. L. Fiser TITLE/PG Chemistry&

Env. Supt. DATE ____SSN PART III Employee Appraisal- (To be completed at the en~d of each quarter)Summary statement of the employee's performance during each quarter of the fiscal year as noted by the ma.nager and discussed with the employee.THIRD QUARTER Special NRC audit and INPO audits went very vell. Chemistry prog ram has done very vell. -XAYJG4RDATE rEKPLOYEE DATE FOURTH QUARTER Continued good performance up to and including start of U2C4 refueling outage.P-SI SIGMA IAG R DATE K1 .. M.LOYEE IDATE 7A V*--

MLOYE.E ,.PPWra ,- Paso Sa Ms CtEG .Yse TITLE/Pt; Chemistry

& Envt. Sr. ,-A b' ;SX ,'> -~~~(TO BE COMPLE TED BY KAXACER) --S ,*:..^, DEVE4PMNT PINS conid'ered the needs of both current and potential futurc.::-

.-Aea To Be Developed

.f,,.Actions Z-v.. ,.; >,S-X;>2 LBF~~~~~ ~ ~~ Urses... *s i nm n s ':;t, * ............

.).*,.r-Leadership skills INPO worksho.s EPRr conferenqe.*;'-"f;A;v-7 Systems knowledge

.........system courses. NP C licensi;R proxrame ,s ...r_. x.._410 .g. 1rz...-..\ , I I ,.,,';1: -...tC'm>';e'>,_ ._, .i;4@ '<';: R tS ._ ...s'S'*,;'..F^P t, _.,'t; '-v .r_.4 * -, .., .: s ..l-_' * ' ., m_., :-.;,,_; ' .';'!Z ' .WN.;'s: s.F ti; -.* ..,_,, .' oS>'o'"'_b;*t ;,_tri__S ,, t3>_ .^, .W s! , ,= ¢s 1; .;7 # r r'S ;;'0388u , ^, /- Po-9 DATE 41 rL""-1.7-39d DATE_CT HIGEE11 M4NGER-0w.P~-f k