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Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2-2014-02-Final Written Exam
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Site: Arkansas Nuclear  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/2014
From: Vincent Gaddy
Operations Branch IV
Entergy Operations
Download: ML14104A841 (133)


Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1925Safety Function 1System Number E02System Title:Reactor Trip Recovery K/AEK1.3Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the (Reactor TripRecovery): - Annunciators and conditions indicating signals, and remedial actions associated with the(Reactor Trip Recovery)RO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 60% power - "A" MFP has been tagged out for bearing replacement - Annunciator 2K03 A-11 "FEED PUMP TRIP" is in alarm for "B" MFP - CRS directs tripping the Reactor - SPTAs have been completed - Control Room has been informed that "B" MFP was tripped inadvertently by maintenance personnel - OP-2202.002, Reactor Trip Recovery EOP, has been enteredUpon completion of OP-2202.002, S/G levels will be maintained at 60% by ______________________ . A. 2P-1B Main Feedwater Pump B. 2P-75 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump C. 2P-7B Emergency Feedwater Pump D. 2P-7A Emergency Feedwater PumpAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct. Based on OP-2202.002, Step 12.A (Contingency Actions), the operators are directed to start and commence SG feed with AFW pump 2P-75 using OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Attachment 46, EFW Flow.D. Incorrect. OP-2202.002 directs using AFW pump 2P-75 to feed the SGs. Plausible because EFAS is manually actuated during SPTAs, at Step 8.A (Contingency Actions), because FW will not be maintaining SG levels. However, during implementation of OP-2202.002, operators will secure 2P-7A/B and start 2P-75 to feed SGs.A. Incorrect. OP-2202.002 directs using AFW pump 2P-75 to feed the SGs. Plausible because OP- 2203.027, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump AOP, does direct attempting to restart tripped MFP (Step 3.B - Contingency Actions) and then if Reactor power greater than 4% and feedwater cannot be restored, then trip the Reactor and go to SPTAs. Since the stem indicates that the CRS has directed a Reactor trip, it can be assumed that MFP "B" was not able to be started and feedwater restored using a Main Feedwater Pump.C. Incorrect. OP-2202.002 directs using AFW pump 2P-75 to feed the SGs. Plausible because EFAS isSource:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 8:49:08Search00CE02K10310CFR55:41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ERTR OBJ1QID #:11Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 manually actuated during SPTAs, at step 8.A (Contingency Actions), because FW will not be maintaining SG levels. However, during implementation of OP-2202.002, operators will secure 2P-7A/B and start 2P- 75 to feed the SGs.


OP-2203.012C, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K03 window A-10, Rev 030, pages 134 and 135 of 176OP-2203.027, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump AOP, Rev 013, step 3, contingency 3.E.1) and 2) page 2 of 11OP-2202.002, Reactor Trip Recovery EOP, Rev 010, step 12.A, contingency A.1) page 6 of 17EOP-2202.002, Reactor Trip Recovery Tech Guide, Rev 010, step 12., page 19 of 33OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions EOP, Rev 014, step 8.A.1 page 10 of 19Historical Comments:Rev. 1: added entry into RTR to bullet list. Reworded question (based on validate comments) added explanation to notessection.Rev. 2, updated per NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 3: arranged answers from shortest to longest and changed the correct answer from 'C' to 'B' as directed by NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

2Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1926Safety Function 3System Number 008System Title:Pressurizer (PZR) Vapor Space Accident (Relief K/AAA2.30Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident: -Inadequate core coolingRO Imp:4.3SRO Imp:4.7Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has been taken off line due to indications of a LOCA inside Containment - SPTAs are complete and OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, has been entered - Pressurizer level 90% and trending up - Pressurizer pressure 1055 psia and trending up - Tc 468°F and lowering - Th 552°F and rising - Average CET temperature 558°F and rising - Containment pressure 25 psiaThe RCS leak is in the Pressurizer ___________ space and natural circulation ________ established. A. water; is B. water; is not C. steam; is D. steam; is notAnswer:D. Correct Notes:A steam space leak will cause PZR level to rise (venting off of the steam space) the insurge will cause PZR heaters to energize(colder water entering into the PZR from the RCS) Containment Spray will actuate and the RCPs will be secured (directed byprocedure, section 1, step 16, page 11) cooling flow is lost to the reactor vessel head region, combined with low RCS pressure,a void will form. Natural Circulation is not established [<30°F MTS and >50°F delta between Th and Tc]


OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Rev 014, section 3, step 7.A. contingency A.2) d), page 31 of 67EOP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident Tech Guide, Rev 014, section 3, step 7, page 90 of 140Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/28/2014 3:42:52Search000008A23010CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:New QuestionRev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/28/14)

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOCA OBJ17QID #:23Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1927Safety Function 3System Number 011System Title:Large Break LOCA K/A2.1.20Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps.RO Imp:4.6SRO Imp:4.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has experienced a LOCA - OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, is being implemented - Pressurizer pressure is 1450 psia - Pressurizer level is 32% and trending up - Margin to Saturation (MTS) is 32°F and stable - Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System (RVLMS) indicates level 01 - Containment temperature 210°F and trending down - Containment pressure is 22.3 psia and trending down - Emergency Feed Actuation Signal (EFAS) has actuated and "A" and "B" S/G levels are 25% - "A" and "B" Emergency Feedwater (EFW) pumps are running on recirculationTerminate/Throttle criteria has NOT been met for High Pressure Safety Injection [HPSI] due to _________________ . A. Pressurizer level is too low B. Containment pressure is too high C. Feedwater flow to the S/Gs is too low D. Margin To Saturation (MTS) is too lowAnswer:A. Correct Notes:Containment is in a "Harsh Environment" condition (>200°F) which changes the values used to determine HPSITerminate/Throttle criteria. (numbers to be used are bracketed) pressurizer level is required to be 50% or greater with thegiven conditions. Containment pressure is not included in the criteria to terminate HPSI. Steam Generator levels are adequatefor HPSI termination. Margin to Saturation is greater than 30 degrees F which meets HPSI termination criteria.


OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Rev 014, section 3, step 15, page 35 of 67EOP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident Tech Guide, Rev 014, section 3, step 15, page101 of 140STM 2-75, Reactor Vessel Monitoring System, Rev 6, section 2.1 page 3Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/28/2014 3:45:38Search000011212010CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments, added STM reference (mwf 1/28/14)

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOCA OBJQID #:34Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1928Safety Function 4System Number 015System Title:017 Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Malfunction K/AAK1.01Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Reactor Coolant PumpMalfunctions: - Natural circulation in a nuclear reactor power plantRO Imp:4.4SRO Imp:4.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has been tripped from 100% power - Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) have been secured due to a power issue - SPTAs are complete - OP-2203.013, Natural Circulation AOP, is being implementedOP-2203.013 directs maintaing Margin to Saturation (MTS) ______ or greater to minimize reactor vessel head voiding. TheReactor Coolant System (RCS) is determined to be void free if Pressurizer level ____________ with Pressurizer spray inservice. A. 30°F; goes up B. 30°F; is stable C. 50°F; goes up D. 50°F; is stableAnswer:D. Correct Notes:The Natural Circulation AOP requires a higher MTS [>50°F] step 5 and has the operator verify stable pressurizer level whenPzr spray is in service to check the RCS is void free. The Reactor Coolant Pumps malfunctioned due to a power issue and weresecured. The operational implication is that the operators must recognize that while in the Natural Circulation AOP, the MTSminimum value is 50 degrees F. The operators must also know that head voiding is a concern while on natural circulation. Sothe question asks the operator how to recognize if the RCS is void free during natural circulation conditions by monitoring thePressurizer level effects while Pressurizer spray is in service.


OP-2203.013, Natural Circulation AOP, Rev 014, step 5, page 3 of 32 and step 32 page18 of 32AOP-2203.013, Natural Circulation Tech Guide, Rev 014, step 5, page 2 of 32 and 18 of 32Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/29/2014 8:03:27Search000015K10110CFR55:41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CIRC OBJ4QID #:45Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1929Safety Function 2System Number 022System Title:Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup K/AAK1.03Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Loss of Reactor CoolantMakeup: - Relationship between charging flow and PZR levelRO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



HQuestion:(REFERENCE PROVIDED)Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K12 B-3 "HEADER FLOW LO" comes into alarm - Charging Header Flow (2FIS-4863) is reading 15 gpm - Letdown Flow (2FIS-4802) is reading 26 gpm - Pressurizer level is 60.0%Assuming no further changes in charging or letdown flow and NO operator action, the first backup Charging Pump (CCP)would reach its auto start setpoint in approximately ______ minutes. A. 7 B. 9.5 C. 11 D. 15Answer:C. Correct Notes:Student should know that Pzr level setpoint is 60% at 100% power. Pzr level would decrease by 15 gpm with the statedconditions. 15 gpm in [from charging] minus (26 gpm out [from letdown] plus 4 gpm out [from controlled Bleedoff] ) equals -15 gpm from the primary. Pzr level is 53.5 gallons per percent. 53.5 gal/% x 3.1% = 165.85 gallons required to be lost fromthe system to reach the 1st CCP auto start setpoint. [165.85 gals / 15 gpm = 11.06 minutes]A. Incorrect: Number is based on using the VCT gallons per percent and accounting for RCP controlled Bleedoff flow: 15 gpm in [form charging] minus [(26 gpm out [from letdown] plus 4 gpm out [from controlled Bleedoff] )] = -15 gpm from the primary. VCT level is 33.8 gallons per percent. 33.8 gal/% x 3.1% = 104.78 gallons required to be lost from the system to reach the 1st CCP auto start setpoint. [104.78 gals / 15 gpm = 6.98 minutesB. Incorrect: Number is based on using the VCT gallons per percent and not accounting for RCP controlled Bleedoff flow: 15 gpm in [form charging] minus [(26 gpm out [from letdown] ] = -11 gpm from the primary. VCT level is 33.8 gallons per percent. 33.8 gal/% x 3.1% = 104.78 gallons required to be lost from the system to reach the 1st CCP auto start setpoint. [104.78 gals / 11 gpm = 9.5 minutesD. Incorrect: Number is based on using the Pzr gallons per percent and not accounting for RCP controlled Bleedoff flow: 15 gpm in [form charging] minus (26 gpm out [from letdown] = -11 gpm from the primary.Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/29/2014 7:13:54Search000022K10310CFR55:41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RP-ACCP OBJ2QID #:56Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 Pzr level is 53.5 gallons per percent. 53.5 gal/% x 3.1% = 165.85 gallons required to be lost from the system to reach the 1st CCP auto start setpoint. [165.85 gals / 11 gpm = 15.07 minutes


OP-2305.002, Reactor Coolant Leak Detection, Rev 024, exhibit 1, page 39 of 54 [PROVIDED to STUDENT]OP-2203.012L, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K12 window B-3, Rev 044, page 36 of 116STM 2-04, Chemical and Volume Control System, Rev 29, PZR level control program diagram, page 78STM 2-03-1, Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control, Rev 16, section 3.1 page 15Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments, added STM references (mwf 1/29/14) 7Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1931Safety Function 8System Number 026System Title:Loss of Component Cooling Water (CCW)

K/AAK3.02Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Component CoolingWater: - The automatic actions (alignments) within the CCWS resulting from the actuation of the ESFASRO Imp:3.6SRO Imp:3.9Lic Level:



FQuestion:The PURPOSE for the CCW/ACW Return Isolation Valves (2CV-1543-1/2CV-1542-2) isto automatically _________________. A. open on a Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) to ensure cooling to the RCP seals is maintained B. open on a Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) to cross-tie Loop 1 and Loop 2 Service Water returns C. close on a Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) to separate Loop 1 and Loop 2 Service Water returns D. close on a Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) to isolate seismic Category 1 piping from seismic Category 2 pipingAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: MSIS and SIAS will CLOSE the inlets and outlets to CCW system to separate it from the Service Water system. SW provides cooling to components that are not safety related and therefore not seismic category 1. MSIS separates the seismic category 1 piping from the seismic category 2 piping.A. Incorrect: MSIS will close 2CV-1543-1 and 2CV-1542-2. These valves are normally open to provide SW return flow from the CCW Heat Exchangers and the Main Chiller condensers to the SW return header. SW provides cooling to the CCW Heat Exchangers which provides cooling to the RCP seals.B. Incorrect: MSIS will close 2CV-1543-1 and 2CV-1542-2. Loop 1 and Loop 2 Service Water returns are crosstied during an MSIS actuation via the Emergency Cooling Pond return valves.C. Incorrect: MSIS will close 2CV-1543-1 and 2CV-1542-2, so the first half of the answer is correct. But Loop 1 and 2 Service Water return headers will still be crossed tied with these return valves closed via the Emergency Cooling Pond return valves.


System Training Manual (STM) 2-42, Rev 36, section 3.5.12, pages 36 and 37, and section, page 46, SimplifiedService Water drawing, page 61Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:20:33Search000026K30210CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed to incorporate NRC editorial comments (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SWACW OBJ11QID #:710Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1932Safety Function 3System Number 027System Title:Pressurizer Pressure Control (PZR PCS) Malfun K/AAK2.03Description:Knowledge of the interrelations between the Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions and the following: -Controllers and positionersRO Imp:2.6SRO Imp:2.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:If AC power is lost to the SELECTED Pressurizer Pressure Controller and then restored, the Pressurizer Pressure Controllerwould return in the ___________ Mode of operation with a _______ output demand. A. Manual; 0% B. Auto; 0% C. Manual; 100% D. Auto; 100%Answer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct: The controller will regain power with a manual signal and no output demand on the controllerB. Incorrect: The controller will not come back in AUTOC. Incorrect: The controller will have no output demand when power is restoredD. Incorrect: The controller will not come back in AUTO


STM 2-03-1, Pressurizer Pressure & Level Control Systems, Rev 16, section 2.2.2, pages 5 and 6Source:Modified NRC BANK QID #1497Rev:0Rev Date:

9/27/2013Search000027K20310CFR55:41.7 / 45.7Historical Comments:NRC BANK QID #1497 used on 2008 NRC Exam

. Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-PZR OBJ5QID #:811Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1933Safety Function 1System Number 029System Title:Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS)

K/AEA1.12Description:Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to a ATWS: - M/G set power supply and reactortrip breakersRO Imp:4.1SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Pressurizer Transmitters 2PT-4600-2 AND 2PT-4600-4 that supply signals to the Diverse Scram System (DSS) have failed HIGHThe direct effects of these conditions would cause ________________________. A. four Reactor trip circuit breakers to open AND a Reactor trip B. two Reactor trip circuit breakers to open AND NO Reactor trip C. only #1 CEA MG Set output contactor to open AND NO Reactor trip D. #1 and #2 CEA MG Set output contactors to open AND a Reactor tripAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: These conditions would cause the 'A' and 'B' CEA MG Set output contactors to open AND a Reactor Trip.A. Incorrect: Same reason as belowB. Incorrect: These pressure transmitters are independent of the pressure transmitters that feed RPS and Reactor trip breakers would not open initially but all 8 circuit breakers eventually would trip open due to LPD and DNBR trips.C. Incorrect 2 out of 4 ATWS pressure transmitters failing high will give a full output opening both disconnect contactors causing a Reactor trip


STM 2-63-1, Diverse Scram System, section 2.1, pages 3 and 4Source:NRC Bank QID #1495Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:00:08Search000029A11210CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 / 45.6Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1495 used on 2008 NRC ExamRev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: minor editorial change per NRC comment (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: swapped 'A' and 'B' distracters and LOD from '2' to '3' as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-DSS OBJ4QID #:912Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1934Safety Function 3System Number 038System Title:Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR)

K/AEA1.44Description:Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to a SGTR: - Level operating limits for S/GsRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is off line due to an 80 gpm tube rupture in the "B" Steam Generator (S/G) - OP-2202.004, Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) EOP, is being implemented - "B" S/G has been isolated - CRS has directed the ATC to cooldown and depressurize the "B" S/G by backflowing to the RCSPer OP-2202.004, what is the S/G level band allowed during backflow? A. 10% to 38% B. 10% to 90% C. 22% to 25% D. 45% to 90%Answer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct: The allowable band in the procedure during backflow is 10% to 38%.B. Incorrect: 10% to 90% is the acceptance criteria for HPSI Termination during a SGTRC. Incorrect: 22% to 25% is the band that EFW automatically maintains during an EFAS actuationD. Incorrect: 45% to 90% is the allowable band during SGTR except when performing backflow operations.


OP-2202.004, Steam Generator Tube Rupture EOP, Rev 014, step 50. A. 1) page 31 of 48EOP-2202.004, Steam Generator Tube Rupture Tech Guide, Rev 013, step 50, page 69 of 81Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:04:41Search000038A14410CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 / 45.6Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Changed from levels to level bands based on validation comments. (mwf1/29/14)Rev 2: changed 'leak' to 'rupture' in bullet 1 based on NRC comments [mwf 2/21/2014]Rev 3: arranged answersfrom A-B-C-D- to D-B-C-A and made correct answer 'A' as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESGTR OBJ15QID #:1013Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1935Safety Function 4System Number E05System Title:Excess Steam Demand K/AEA2.2Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the (Excess Steam Demand): - Adherence toappropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facility's license and amendmentsRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following:During an ESD event, you were assigned by the CRS to complete step 14 of OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP, whichstates "WHEN RCS Tcold less than 510°F, THEN reduce the number of RCPs as follows."The procedural action taken is to "Verify a maximum of one RCP is running in each loop" but the actual concern is to addresscore lift problems with greater than _________________. A. two RCPs running below 500°F B. two RCPs running below 505°F C. three RCPs running below 500°F D. three RCPs running below 505°FAnswer:C. Correct Notes:Per the ESD EOP basis document, the concern with running greater than three RCP's below 500 degrees F is core lift.


OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP, Rev. 014, step 14 page 6 of 41EOP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand Basis Document, Rev. 013, page 25 of 762102.010, Plant CooldownANO-2 EOP Setpoint Document, setpoint B.5ANO-2 Final Safety Analysis ReportSource:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:08:10Search00CE05A20210CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Corrected notes to include explanation that the Steam break is outside of theContainment Building. Added Thot to stem and changed Tcold to 398 degrees. Added Reference Provided to allow use of OP-2202.010 Attachment 1. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: changed question to one recommended by NRC. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: made changes to question based on NRC comments [mwf 2/21/2014]Rev 4: arranged answers from A-B-C-D to D-C-B-A and changed correct answer from 'B' to 'C' as directed by NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EESD OBJ8QID #:1114Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1936Safety Function 4System Number E06System Title:Loss of Feedwater K/AEK2.1Description:Knowledge of the interrelations between the (Loss of Feedwater) and the following: - Components, andfunctions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, andautomatic and manual featuresRO Imp:3.3SRO Imp:3.7Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to high Containment Building pressure - Containment Building pressure is 24 psia and trending up - Annunciator 2K01 B-7 "LO RELAY TRIP" for 2A1 is in alarm - Neither Emergency Feedwater (EFW) pump is available - "A" Steam Generator (S/G) Level is 200" (WR) and trending down - "B" Steam Generator (S/G) Level is 21% (NR) and trending down slowly - SPTAs have been completed - CRS has entered OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOPRCS heat removal would be accomplished from the Control Room by starting ______ Condensate pump because_______________. A. 2P-2A; there is no control power for the "B" pump B. 2P-2B; the MFWIS signal cannot be overridden for the "A" pump C. 2P-2C; the MFWIS signal cannot be overridden for the "D" pump D. 2P-2D; there is no control power for the "B" pumpAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: For the given conditions, a SIAS, CCAS, EFAS, CSAS, and a MSIS are all present. The CSAS and MSIS signals, along with the MFWIS, will isolate feed and steam to/from the containment to minimize the energy release into containment. OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOP, would be entered due to 2 events in progress (ESD and Loss of Feedwater) Normally the EFW pumps would supply feedwater for RCS heat removal but they are unavailable. AFW pump is powered from 2A1 is unavailable. The Functional would direct over riding the MFWIS signal on either the "B" or "C" condensate pumps by opening the control power breakers. This action makes the "B" and "C" Condensate Pumps unavailable to be started from the Control Room. "A" Condensate Pump is not available due to 2A1 being locked out. So the only remaining option is to start "D" Condensate pump from the Control Room.A. Incorrect: "A" Condensate pump is unavailable because 2A1 is locked out. Second half of the answer is correct.B. Incorrect: "B" Condensate pump is unavailable because it has not control power. The action in the EOP to open "B" and "C" Condensate Pump control power breakers made "B" unavailable for start fromSource:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/21/2014 8:01:00Search00CE06K20110CFR55:41.7 / 45.7 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOSF OBJ3QID #:1215Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 the Control Room.C. Incorrect: "C" Condensate Pump is unavailable because 2A1 is locked out.


OP-2203.012A, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K01 window B-7, Rev 045, page 98 of 179OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOP, Rev 016, HR-2 step 38.E page 60 of 95OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Attachment 57 step 2 page 176 of 204OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Attachment 50 step 3 page 146 of 204EOP-2202.009, Functional Recovery Tech Guide, Rev 017, HR-2 step 38 page 260 of 341STM 2-20, Condensate System, Rev 14 section 2.3.4 page 15STM 2-70, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System, Rev 18, section pages 5 and 6, MFWIS table page 55Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Corrected notes to include explanation. Updated references. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: Changed per NRC recommendations. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev.3: Changed based on Kelly's phone comments. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 4: Made changes to questions as directed by NRC comments [2/21/2014]

16Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1937Safety Function 6System Number 055System Title:Loss of Offsite and Onsite Power (Station Black K/AEK3.02Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Station Blackout: - Actionscontained in EOP for loss of offsite and onsite powerRO Imp:4.3SRO Imp:4.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:OP-2202.008, Station Blackout EOP, directs securing the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) inverter (2Y26) if theBlackout conditions exceed _______ minutes, and this action is performed to _________________________________ . A. 60; reduce load on the vital battery bank B. 60; reduce load on the non-vital battery bank C. 90; reduce load on the vital battery bank D. 90; reduce load on the non-vital battery bankAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: EOP step 18. SPDS [Safety Parameter Display System] is used by operators and the EOF organization to monitor the plant during e-plan situations. The inverter is powered by non vital AC and DC sources. Direction is given in the EOP to secure the SPDS inverter within 90 minutes to preserve battery life.A. Incorrect: 60 minutes is the time the PMS [plant monitoring system] inverter is secured. SPDS inverter is non vital poweredB. Incorrect: 60 minutes is the time the PMS [plant monitoring system] inverter is secured.C. Incorrect: 90 minutes is the correct time to secure the SPDS inverter but the SPDS inverter is non vital powered


OP-2202.008, Station Blackout EOP, Rev 012, section 1 step 18, page 20 of 79EOP-2202.008, Station Blackout Tech Guide, Rev 012, section 1 step 18, page 24 of 103STM 2-76, Safety Parameter Diplay System (SPDS), Rev 11, section 1.0, pages 3 and 4Source:NEWRev:0Rev Date:10/1/2013 8:39:42Search000055K30210CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45Historical Comments:

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESBO OBJ11.bQID #:1317Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1938Safety Function 6System Number 056System Title:Loss of Offsite Power K/AAA2.47Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Offsite Power: - Proper operationof the ED/G load sequencerRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:3.9Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power due to a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) concurrent with a Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS)Which of the following list the major pump starts on the safety busses in the correct order beginning with the first pump startAND the reason why they sequence onto the vital buses at various times? A. Service Water Pumps, HPSI Pumps, LPSI Pumps, Charging Pumps; to ensure RCS inventory and cooling are provided in the correct order B. Service Water Pumps, HPSI Pumps, LPSI Pumps, Charging Pumps; to limit the amount of current drawn from the EDGs during pump starts C. HPSI Pumps, Service Water Pumps, Charging Pumps, LPSI Pumps; to ensure RCS inventory and cooling are provided in the correct order D. HPSI Pumps, Service Water Pumps, Charging Pumps, LPSI Pumps; to limit the amount of current drawn from the EDGs during pump startsAnswer:B. Correct Notes:The Service Water pumps supplies cooling for the EDG, HPSI and LPSI pumps so it is the first motor to start. The HPSI thenLPSI then Charging are next to address the RCS inventory concerns. The large amount of counter EMF exhibited during largemotor starts will be seen as a large current draw on the EDG degrading voltage and frequencies so the motors are sequencedonto the diesel to limit the current generated if all the motors started at once.


STM 2-31, Emergency Diesel Generator, Rev 34, section 3.2 page 55Unit 2 FSAR, EDG System Description, Diesel Load Table 8.3-1Source:NRC Bank QID #1537Rev:1Rev Date:2/21/2014 8:05:35Search000056A24710CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:NRC Bank QIDs were used on the 2008 (#1537) and the 2002 (0382) NRC ExamsRev 1: updated reference section and deleted 'ONE (1)' from stem based on NRC comments [mwf 2/21/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EDG OBJ2QID #:1418Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1939Safety Function 6System Number 057System Title:Loss of Vital AC Electrical Instrument Bus K/AAA2.04Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Vital AC Instrument Bus: - ESFsystem panel alarm annunciators and channel status indicatorsRO Imp:3.7SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is at 100% power - Annunciator 2K01-F10, "2RS1 INVERTER TROUBLE" comes into alarm - Annunciator 2K01-J10, "DIST PNLS 2RS1/2RS3 GROUND" comes into alarm - 2RS-1, 120 Vital AC Bus, voltage is reading 0 volts on SPDSAs the RO you are asked by the CRS to verify status of ESFAS channels at Panel 2C03. Based on the above plant status, youexpect _______________. A. only Trip Path-1 status light to be out B. only Trip Path-2 status light to be out C. Trip Path-1 and Trip Path-3 status lights to be out D. Trip Path-2 and Trip Path-4 status lights to be outAnswer:C. Correct Notes:2RS-1 powers the RED train (channel 1) components. Each Logic Matrix has 2 individual 12v power supply, powered by adifferent vital bus. A failure of 2RS-1 would cause one side of the AB Logic Matrix ladder, which would cause the AB1 andAB3 Logic Matrix relays to de-energized. This causes the AB1 contact in the Trip Path-1 circuit to open which de-energizesthe Trip Path-1 circuit and makes the indication light on 2C03 go out. The AB3 contact will also open in the Trip Path-3circuit, which causes the Trip Path-3 circuit to de-energized and the status light on 2C03 will go out.


STM 2-70, Engineered Safety Features Actuation system, Rev 18, section 2.0 pages 2-4, section 3.2.8 pages 20-21STM 2-70, Engineered Safety Features Actuation system, Rev 18, Drawing on page 68 and 78OP-2107.008, 120 VAC and 125 VDC Bus Outage, Attachment A, 2RS1 Loads, Page 1 of 3Source:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:09:57Search000057A20410CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Kept K/A and wrote another question. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: changed to incorporate Kelly's suggested question. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: made changes to detractors base on NRC comments [mwf 2/21/2014]Rev 4: changed LOD from 2 to 3 as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESFAS OBJ6QID #:1519Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1940Safety Function 6System Number 058System Title:Loss of DC Power K/AAK3.02Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of DC Power: - Actionscontained in EOP for loss of dc powerRO Imp:4.0SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - The RED battery (2D11) disconnect, 2D-51, has been tagged OPEN in preparations for a battery cell change out - Battery Charger, 2D31A, is supplying 2D01 - 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> later - Annunciator 2K01 A-10 "CONT CENTER 2D01 UNDER VOLT" comes into alarm - The IAO reports Battery Charger 2D31A has 0 VDC output - All other systems and components operate as designed - The CRS has entered OP-2203.037, Loss of 125 VDC AOPIn accordance with OP-2203.037, the CRS would direct placing ALL points on EITHER _________________________ inbypass to prevent ________________________. A. channel 1 (2C23-1) OR channel 2 (2C23-2); inadvertent Reactor trip B. channel 1 (2C23-1) OR channel 3 (2C23-3); inadvertent Reactor trip C. channel 1 (2C23-1) OR channel 2 (2C23-2); inadvertent actuations if the Reactor were to trip D. channel 1 (2C23-1) OR channel 3 (2C23-3); inadvertent actuations if the Reactor were to tripAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: The loss of 125VDC AOP will direct bypassing all points in either Channel 1 or Channel 3 to prevent inadvertent actuations of Green train components. If this action were not performed and the Reactor were to trip, both red train Vital AC buses would be de-energized causing actuations on the ESFAS actuations that come in when the parameter is low.A. Incorrect: The Reactor will not inadvertently trip because the Inverters swap to Alternate Source when the Charger trips.B. Incorrect: The Reactor will not inadvertently trip because the Inverters swap to Alternate Source when the Charger trips.C. Incorrect: The Loss of 125V DC AOP instructs the operators to bypass all point on Channel 1 or Channel 3. Channel 2 is powered from the DC train that still has power.Source:Modified NRC Bank QID #0462Rev:1Rev Date:1/30/2014 3:27:23Search000058K30210CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-A125V OBJ3QID #:1620Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14


OP-2203.012A, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K01 window A-10, Rev 045, page 125 of 179OP-2203.037, Loss of 125 V DC AOP, Rev 009, section 2, step 5 page 6 of 57AOP-2203.037, Loss of 125 V DC Tech Guide, Rev 009, section 2, step 5 page 6 of 57STM 2-32-5, 125 Vdc Electrical Distribution, Rev 19, section 2.7.2 page 15, and simplified drawing page 24Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #0462 used on the 2005 NRC ExamRev. 1, corrected based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14) 21Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1941Safety Function 8System Number 065System Title:Loss of Instrument Air K/AAK3.03Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Instrument Air: - Knowingeffects on plant operation of isolating certain equipment from instrument airRO Imp:2.9SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



FQuestion:During a Loss of Instrument Air, CEDM coil temperatures will be monitored.This is due to a loss of air to _____________________________. A. CEDM Cooling Fan Dampers D. Containment Cooling Fan Dampers B. Containment Chilled Water Isolation Valves C. CEDM Cooling Water Temperature Control ValvesAnswer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct: The Containment Chilled Water Isolation Valves fail closed on Instrument Air, which isolates chilled water to the CEDM Cooling Fans.A. Incorrect: The CEDM Cooling Fan Dampers are Motor Operated not Air Operated.B. Incorrect: The CEDM Coolers do not have temperature control valvesD. Incorrect: The Containment Cooler Dampers are motor operated.


STM 2-45, Main Chill Water System, Rev. 18, pages 1 and 23. (mwf 1/30/14)Source:ANO BANK QID ANO-OpsUnit2-09557Rev:3Rev Date:2/22/2014 12:03:0Search000065K30310CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45Historical Comments:Rev. 1: Used ANO Bank question ANO-OpsUnit2-09557 per NRC suggestion. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: changed taxonomy to 'F' and LOD to '3' based on NRC comments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ALIA OBJ3QID #:1722Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1942Safety Function 6System Number 077System Title:Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbanc K/AAK1.03Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Generator Voltage andElectric Grid Disturbances: - Under-excitationRO Imp:3.3SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Main Generator output is 1044 MWe - Main Generator MVARS are 0 - A Grid disturbance causes Grid Voltage to Rise - No operator actions are takenAs Grid Voltage goes UP, Main Generator MVARs would become more ______________ and Main Generator Exciter isprotected by the _______________________ . A. negative (IN); Generator Maximum Excitation relay B. positive (OUT); Generator Maximum Excitation relay C. negative (IN); Under-Excitation Amperage Limit (URAL) circuit D. positive (OUT); Under-Excitation Amperage Limit (URAL) circuitAnswer:C. Correct Notes:With no operator action, the MTG exciter field voltage is normally controlled in Automatic to hold MTG output voltageconstant. As grid voltage goes up, the reactive load (MVARs) on the Grid would be transferred to the MTG (capacitive loador IN). With MVARs starting at zero, the overall effect would be MVARs becoming more negative (capacitive load or IN)when Generator field voltage lowers, the URAL sets a minimum voltage to ensure there will be no pole slipage. TheMaximum excitation limit is used to prevent field overheating.


General Physics Corporation, Rev 4, chapter 5, Motors and Generators, pages 113 and 114 of 170STM 2-30, Main Generator Constrction and Controls, Rev 9, section 2.7 page 27, section 3.2.13 page 31, and section 4.2 page 34Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/22/2014 12:04:2Search000077K10310CFR55:41.4 / 41.5 / 41.7 / 41.Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from shortest to longest based on NRC comments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-CMP05 OBJ17QID #:1823Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1943Safety Function 1System Number 003System Title:Dropped Control Rod K/AAA1.05Description:Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to the Dropped Control Rod: - Reactor power -turbine powerRO Imp:4.1SRO Imp:4.1Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Main Turbine Generator (MTG) output 1040 MW - CEA 22 drops to the bottom of the core - NO operator actions are taken - 10 minutes have elapsedCompared to before the CEA dropped into the core, reactor power would be ___________ and MTG output would be_________________ . A. lower; the same B. the same; the same C. lower; slightly lower D. the same; slightly lowerAnswer:C. Correct Notes:The rod worth (negative reactivity) of the inserted CEA will cause overall reactor power and RCS temperature to go down,which will lower steam pressure, lower Main Steam header, less energy to turn the turbine, less megawatts


ASLP-RO-RXT14, Reactor Operational Physics, Chapter 8, Rev 4, General Physics Corp.Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/22/2014 12:05:5Search000003A10510CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 / 45.6Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from shortest to longest, changed answer from 'B' to 'C' based on NRC comments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-RXT14 OBJ21QID #:1924Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1944Safety Function 1System Number 024System Title:Emergency Boration K/AAK2.04Description:Knowledge of the interrelations between the Emergency Boration and the following: - PumpsRO Imp:2.6SRO Imp:2.5Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a Loss of Offsite power - #2 EDG failed upon starting - ATC reports CEA 12 is not fully inserted as indicated by CEAC 1 and 2 reading 112" withdrawn - SPTAs have been enteredDuring SPTAs, the ATC would commence emergency boration by aligning__________________________ to the chargingpump suction. A. the Refueling Water Tank B. 2P-39A, "A" Boric Acid Makeup Pump C. 2P-39B, "B" Boric Acid Makeup Pump D. gravity feed from the Boric Acid Makeup TanksAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: with a LOOP and #2 EDG failing to start, there is no Green train vital power. The BAM pumps and the RWT outlet valve are green vital powered therefore not available for emergency boration.A. Incorrect: RWT outlet has no power to openB. Incorrect: "A" BAM pump has no powerC. Incorrect: "B" BAM pump has no power


OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments exhibit 1, Emergency Boration, Rev 12-22-10, page 161 of 186STM 2-04, Chemical and Volume Control System, Rev 29, pages 23, 28 and 32Source:NRC Bank QID #0231Rev:1Rev Date:2/22/2014 12:13:4Search000024K20410CFR55:41.7 / 45.7Historical Comments:NRC Bank question 0231, not used on any previous examsRev 1: arranged answers from shortest to longest based on NRC comments [2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-BORON OBJ7QID #:2025Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1945Safety Function 7System Number 032System Title:Loss of Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation K/AAK3.01Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Source Range NuclearInstrumentation: - Startup termination on source-range lossRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 2 and subcritical - OP-2102.016, Reactor Startup, is in progress - Annunciator 2K10 K-4 "STARTUP CHANNEL 1 TROUBLE" comes in alarm - CRS declares Startup Channel #1 INOPERABLEOP-2102.016 would _________________________________________. A. allow the startup to continue because Startup Channels are not required B. allow the startup to continue because only ONE Startup Channel is required C. NOT allow the startup to continue because TWO Startup Channels are required D. NOT allow the startup to continue because FOUR Startup Channels are requiredAnswer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct: OP-2102.016 limit and precaution 5.9 that states if unexpected conditions arise the reactor should be place in a safe condition, this is also covered during the pre-job brief, also step 7.38A. Incorrect: Both Startup Channels are required (step 7.36)B. Incorrect: Both Startup Channels are required (step 7.36)D. Incorrect: there are only 2 Startup Channels not 4, plausable due to log safety related excores have 4 channels.


OP-2102.016, Reactor Startup, Rev 021 section 5.0, step 5.9 page 5 of 31 and Attachment C section 1.0 page 28 of 31OP-2203.012J, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K10 window K-4, rev 039 page 54 of 84Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/7/2014 2:13:11Search000032K30110CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1728, used on 2011 NRC Exam. Original QID 121 was used on the 1998 NRC ExamRev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Updated notes to explain that Startup Channels serve the purpose ofIntermediate range instrumentation during a reactor startup. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: Rejected 033 AK3.01 K/A and replaced with 032 AK3.01 K/A. Replaced with new question and updated notes andreferences. (cms 2-7-14)

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-NI OBJ3QID #:2126Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1946Safety Function 8System Number 036System Title:Fuel Handling Incidents K/AAK1.02Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Fuel HandlingIncidents: - SDMRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



FQuestion:During normal operations (Mode 1) a MINIMUM Boron concentration in the Spent Fuel Pool (SFP) of greater than_________________ is to assure the fuel assemblies will maintain a subcritical array in the event of a postulated accident. A. 1600 ppm B. 1800 ppm C. 2000 ppm D. 2500 ppmAnswer:C. Correct Notes:T.S.3.9.12 bases


T.S.3.9.12.c and basesSource:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:21:15Search000036K10210CFR55:41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3Historical Comments:Rev 1: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-FH OBJ8QID #:2227Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1947Safety Function 3System Number 037System Title:Steam Generator (S/G) Tube Leak K/AAA2.11Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Steam Generator Tube Leak: - When toisolate one or more S/GsRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has shutdown due to a 1 gpm tube leak in the "A" Steam Generator (S/G) - SPTAs are complete - A natural circulation cooldown is in progress due to a common problem with the RCPs - OP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage AOP, is being implemented - "A" S/G hot leg temperature is 537°F - "A" S/G cold leg temperature is 508°F"A" S/G ______________ isolation criteria of OP-2203.038, based on _______ leg temperature. A. meets; hot B. does not meet; hot C. meets; cold D. does not meet; coldAnswer:B. Correct Notes:OP-2203.038 AOP directs isolating the leaking S/G when Thot is <535°F. The given conditions place the plant in naturalcirculation which will have a large loop temperature differential. Student has to know both isolation critieria is based on Thot,not Tcold and <535°F.


OP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage AOP, Rev 014, step 25, page 17 of 32AOP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage Tech Guide, Rev 014, step 25, page 25 of 81Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/29/2014 11:30:0Search000037A21110CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-APSEC OBJ3QID #:2328Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1948Safety Function 9System Number 067System Title:Plant Fire on Site K/A2.4.31Description:Emergency Procedures/Plan - Knowledge of annunciator alarms, indications, or response procedures.RO Imp:4.2SRO Imp:4.1Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Control Room gets a report of a fire at the Cooling Tower - OP-2203.034, Fire and Explosion AOP, has been enteredFor this event, the ____________________ would respond to the fire and, at a MINIMUM, a(n)________________________ must be dispatched to the scene as a communicator to coordinate with the Control Room. A. ANO Fire Brigade; knowledgeable member of plant staff B. ANO Fire Brigade; operator qualified Waste Control Operator (WCO) C. London Fire Department; knowledgeable member of plant staff D. London Fire Department; operator qualified Waste Control Operator (WCO)Answer:C. Correct Notes:IAW OP-2203.034, Fire and Explosion AOP section 4


OP-2203.034, Fire and Explosion AOP, Rev 015, section 4, steps 2 and 5, page 24 of 36AOP-2203.034, Fire and Explosion Tech Guide, Rev 015, section 4, steps 2, page 37 of 44, and step 5, page 39 of 42Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/22/2014 12:19:0Search000067243110CFR55:41.10 / 45.3Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. Changed distractor to say "operator qualified as WCO". (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed second bullet and stem as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO AFIRE OBJ2QID #:2429Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1949Safety Function 8System Number 068System Title:Control Room Evacuation K/AAK3.18Description:Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Control Room Evacuation: - Actionscontained in EOP for control room evacuation emergency taskRO Imp:4.2SRO Imp:4.5Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Unit 1 Halon system is inadvertently discharging into the Control Room envelope - Unit 2 Shift Manager directs the Unit 2 Control Room to be evacuated - OP-2203.030, Remote Shutdown AOP, has been enteredPrior to exiting the Control Room, OP-2203.030 verifies both ______________________ to prevent__________________________________ . A. Main Feedwater pumps tripped; overcooling the RCS B. Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) closed; overcooling the RCS C. Main Feedwater pumps tripped; overpressurizing the Main Condenser D. Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) closed; overpressurizing the Main CondenserAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct: The Remote Shutdown AOP verifies both MFPs are tripped prior to exiting the Control Room [step 7] to minimize the possibility of overcooling the RCS due to over feeding.B. Incorrect: Closing the Main Steam isolation Valves (MSIVs) prior to exiting the control room would prevent prevent overcooling of the RCS, but is not directed in Remote Shutdown AOP [it is an action specified by the Alternate Shutdown AOP].C. Incorrect: Both MFWPs are tripped prior to exiting the Control Room, but not to prevent overpressurizing the Main Condenser. The MFWP Turbines do exhaust to the Main Condenser, but in a Remote Shutdown scenario the Main Condenser is available.D. Incorrect: Closing the Main Steam isolation Valves (MSIVs) prior to exiting the control room would prevent feeding the S/Gs with the MFPs [no steam to drive them] but is not directed in Remote Shutdown AOP [it is an action specified by the Alternate Shutdown AOP].


OP-2203.030, Remote Shutdown AOP, Rev 014, step 7 page 2 of 49AOP-2203.030, Remote Shutdown Tech Guide, Rev 014, step 7 page 9 of 26Source:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:13:08Search000068K31810CFR55:41.5 / 41.10 / 45.6 / 45Historical Comments:Rev 1 changed question to ask a reason for actions based on NRC comments. Notes and References changed. (mwf 1/22/14)

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ARS OBJ1&2QID #:2530Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Rev 2: Changed distractors and notes [ 1/29/2014]Rev 3: removed the word 'the' from third bullet. Clarification on rev 2 distracters - distracters were arranged from longest toshortest and correct answer was changed from 'C' to 'D' [mwf 2/22/2014]Rev 4: Arranged answers from shortest to longest, changed correct answer from D to A as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

31Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1950Safety Function 4System Number 074System Title:Inadequate Core Cooling K/AEA1.27Description:Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to an Inadequate Core Cooling: - ECCS valvecontrol switches and indicatorsRO Imp:4.2SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power due to loss of all feedwater - OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP, is being implemented - CRS has directed to commence Once Through Cooling (OTC)The ATC would open the ________________ vent valve(s) using the control switches on panel __________________ . A. ECCS; 2C09 B. ECCS; 2C336-1 C. RCS High Point; 2C09 D. RCS High Point; 2C336-1Answer:A. Correct Notes:The Loss of Feed EOP direct opening the ECCS vents to commence OTC not the RCS High Point Vents. The handswitchesfor the ECCS vents are located on panel 2C09. Control Board panel 2C336-1 is plausible due to RCS High Point Venthandswitches are located there and the RCS High Point Vents are operated from there.


OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP, Rev 011, step 15. H and I. pages 7 and 8 of 25EOP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater Tech Guide, Rev 009, step 20, page 32 of 62STM 2-03, Reactor Coolant System, Rev 22, section 2.2.4 pages 16 and 17, section 2.4 pages 25 and 26, simplified drawing page 47Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:14:41Search000074A12710CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 / 45.6Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from shortest to longest, added STM 2-03 to referencesRev 2: removed words for ECCS and RCS from distracters and arranged from shortest to longest as directed by NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOSF OBJ5QID #:2632Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1951Safety Function 0System Number E09System Title:Functional Recovery K/AEK1.2Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the (FunctionalRecover): - Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures associated with (Functional Recovery)RO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power - "A" Steam Generator has a 75 gpm tube rupture - Containment pressure, temperature and humidity are trending up - Containment Low Range Rad Monitors are trending up - SPTAs are completeBased on current plant conditions the __________________ EOP would be entered. A. OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery B. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand C. OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Acident D. OP-2202.004, Steam Generator Tube RuptureAnswer:A. Correct Notes:Conditions given indicate 2 events in progress (SGTR and LOCA) which is an entry condition for the FRP.


OP-1015.001, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev 011, section 5.1.9 page 16 of 73, section 5.7.1 page 20 of 73OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, exhibit 8 page 193 of 204Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:13:18Search00CE09K10210CFR55:41.8 / 41.10 / 45.3Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed question based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: changed LOD from '3' to '2', changed second bullet leakrate from .12 gpm to 75 gpm and the word 'leak' to 'rupture',third bullet changed containment parameter words to lower case, forth bullet capitalize the word 'Monitor' changed stem toask only which EOP should be entered, changed distracters as suggested. Updated notes and references. Arranged answersshortest to longest, changed correct answer from 'C' to 'A' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EFRP OBJ1&4QID #:2733Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1952Safety Function 4System Number 003System Title:Reactor Coolant Pump System (RCPS)

K/AK3.02Description:Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the RCPS will have on the following: - S/GRO Imp:3.5SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - "D" Reactor Coolant Pump shaft shearsA Reactor trip would occur due to _________________________ . A. Low Steam Generator level B. Low Steam Generator pressure C. Asymmetric Steam Generator Trip D. High Reactor Coolant System pressureAnswer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct: The "D" RCP shaft shear will cause RCS flow to lower in the affected loop, heat transfer will also lower in that loop causing the power output of "B" S/G to lower and S/G differential temperature to get larger. The "A" S/G power output will rise to compensate for the loss output of "B" S/G causing a larger differential in steam pressures and temperature. With less flow to the "B" S/G correlates to a colder RCS temperature compared to "A" S/G. This differential in Tc between the loops will cause a reactor trip on ASGT.A. Incorrect: S/G level will lower due to shrinkage from the lower output but will not lower to trip setpoint.B. Incorrect: S/G pressure will go down but the RCS cold leg temperature will cause an ASGT prior to S/G pressure lowering enough to cause a trip.D. Incorrect: RCS pressure will go up due to Tave going up but will be maintained less than reactor trip setpoint by normal control systems (spray).


OP-2105.001, CPC/CEAC Operations, Rev 043 section 6.1 page 9 of 97Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 3:47:43Search003000K30210CFR55:41.7 / 45.6Historical Comments:Rev 1: replaced question and references and updated notes as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CPC OBJ19QID #:2834Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1953Safety Function 1System Number 004System Title:Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS)

K/AK5.30Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the CVCS: -Relationship between temperature and pressure in CVCS components during solid plant operationRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is tripped due to a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) - OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, is being implemented - Reactor Coolant System (RCS) is water solidDuring water solid operations, placing letdown in service would cause _______________ to RAPIDLY lower. Void formationin SG U-tubes is minimized by maintaining BOTH SGs pressure _______ than RCS pressure. A. Pressurizer level; less B. Pressurizer level; greater C. Pressurizer pressure; less D. Pressurizer pressure; greaterAnswer:C. Correct Notes:Per OP-2202.010 Standard Attachment 34, in a solid plant condition small changes in either temperature or level will cause alarge change in pressure and to minimize void formation in SG U-tubes by maintaining BOTH SGs less than RCS pressure.


OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Rev 014, section 2 page 14 of 67OP-2202.010, Standard Attachment, Rev. 022, Attachment 34, RCS Water Solid Operations, Step 2, page 109 of 205Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:19:40Search004000K53010CFR55:41.5 / 45.7Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed based on NRC feedback. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: changed LOD from '2' to '3', deleted 'the' from third bullet. [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CVCS OBJ2QID #:2935Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1954Safety Function 4System Number 005System Title:Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS)

K/AK2.01Description:Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: - RHR pumpsRO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 6 - Startup #3 Transformer is supplying plant 'in-house' loads - Startup #2 Transformer handswitches are OUT of Pull-to-Lock (PTL) for 2A1 and 2A2 - Alternate AC Diesel Generator (AACDG) is Available - #2 EDG is OOS for maintenance - "A" Spray pump (2P-35A) is aligned for Shutdown Cooling and is in service - Annunciator 2K01 A-3 "L.O. RELAY TRIP" for Startup #3 comes into alarm - NO operator actions have been takenOP-2203.029, Loss of Shutdown Cooling AOP, entry conditions ____________ and the "A" Spray pump (2P-35A) ________running. A. have been met; is B. have not been met; is C. have been met; is not D. have not been met; is notAnswer:B. Correct Notes:The "A" Spray Pump is powered off of the RED vital AC train (2A3) which is supplied by 2A1 non vital switchgear. Offsitepower to the site during an outage is supplied by the Startup #3 transformer with the Startup #2 transformer in standby(available for fast transfer) to both RED and GREEN buses. A Startup #3 Lockout will initiate a fast transfer of 2A1 toStartup #2. The safety bus will not see a loss of power and the Spray pump will continue to run. The Loss of SDC Entryconditions are not met and the control room staff would respond to the Startup #3 Lock out per the ACA.


OP-2107.001, electrical System Operations, Rev. 104, Note before section 7.0 step 7.2 page 26 of 311STM 2-14, Shutdown Cooling System, Rev 11, section 2.2.2 page 12Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:21:51Search005000K20110CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:Rev 1 changed question based on NRC comment to capitalize annunciator name. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: deleted the word 'the' from fourth bullet, clarification of rev 2, no changes were made. [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ECCS OBJ12QID #:3036Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1955Safety Function 2System Number 006System Title:Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS)

K/AK4.09Description:Knowledge of ECCS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: - Valve positioningon safety injection signalRO Imp:3.9SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power due to a LOCA 15 minutes ago - RCS pressure is 1400 psia and slowly trending downLow Pressure Safety Injection system (LPSI) injection MOVs are ________ and the LPSI pumprecirculation valves to the Refueling Water Tank (RWT) would be ____________ . A. open; open B. open; closed C. closed; open D. closed; closedAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A Safety Injection Actuation (SIAS) occurs when RCS pressure drops below 1650#. The SIAS will start the LPSI pumps andopen the injection MOVs to the RCS. The LPSI pump recirc flowpath is aligned to the RWT, if a Recirc Actuation Signal(RAS) occurred the LPSI pump is tripped and the recirc flowpath valves would go closed, isolating the LPSI recirc flowpathfrom the RWT. A RAS is not actuated based on the time given [15 minutes] the RWT holds enough inventory to supply theECCS pumps for 30 minutes during a DBA. The given conditions does not indicate a DBA in progress [RCS pressure 1400#and slowly trending down] therefore the LPSI recirc flowpath valves to the RWT are open.


STM 2-05, Emergency Core Cooling System, Rev 27, section 4.4.2, pages 36 and 37STM 2-08, Containment Spray System, Rev 22, section 3.1.1 pages 7 and 8Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/29/2014 12:30:2Search006000K40910CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:Rev 1 based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ECCS OBJ13QID #:3137Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1956Safety Function 2System Number 006System Title:Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS)

K/AA2.13Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ECCS and (b) based onthose predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions oroperations: - Inadvertent SIS actuationRO Imp:3.9SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K07 A-1 "SIAS ACT" is in alarm - Reactor did not trip - RCS pressure 2200 psia and steady - Containment press is 14.8 psia and steady - Containment temperature is 111°F and steadyBased on the above conditions a(n)________________ Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) hasoccurred and the CBOT would override and ___________________ . A. valid: open Service Water (SW) to Aux Cooling Water (ACW) supply isolation valves B. inadvertent: open Service Water (SW) to Aux Cooling Water (ACW) supply isolation valves C. valid: open the Component Cooling Water (CCW) isolation valves to the Containment Building D. inadvertent: open the Component Cooling Water (CCW) isolation valves to the Containment BuildingAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B: Correct. An Inadvertent SIAS will cause the SW to ACW Supply Isolation Valves to close. These valves have to be overridden and opened to prevent a Turbine Runback and is directed early in the AOP.A. Incorrect: With RCS and Containment parameters steady, a valid SIAS is not indicated.C. Incorrect: With RCS and Containment parameters steady, a valid SIAS is not indicated.D: Incorrect: Component Cooling Water (CCW) isolation valves receive an CIAS not a SIAS


OP-2203.012G, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K07 window A-1, Rev 030, page 4 of 70OP-2203.018, Inadvertent SIAS AOP, Rev 010, entry section, page 3 of 52AOP-2203.018, Inadvertent SIAS Tech Guide, Rev 009, page 6 of 60Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:25:10Search006000A21310CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-INAD OBJ1&2QID #:3238Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Historical Comments:Rev 1 added notes to explain incorrect answers and their credibility. Changed D distracter to secure Spray Pump. (mwf1/29/14)Rev 2: split fifth bullet into two bullets to define containment parameters, added to stem and changed answers to create a 2X2question as directed by NRC comments. [mwf 2/24/2014]

39Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1957Safety Function 5System Number 007System Title:Pressurizer Relief Tank/Quench Tank System (

K/AA1.02Description:Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated withoperating the PRTS controls including: - Maintaining quench tank pressureRO Imp:2.7SRO Imp:2.9Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K10 D-4 "QUENCH TANK PRESSURE HI" is in alarm - 2PIS-4694, Quench Tank pressure, is 42 psig and slowly trending up - 2LIS-4694, Quench Tank level, is 78% and slowly trending upA possible source of inleakage to the Quench Tank is from ________________________and in accordance with OP-2103.007, Quench Tank and Reactor Drain Tank OPS,the Quench Tank would be drained to the __________________ to clear the alarm. A. RCS High Point Vents; Containment Sump B. RCS High Point Vents; Reactor Drain Tank C. Pressurizer Spray Valve Stem leakoff; Reactor Drain Tank D. Pressurizer Spray Valve Stem leakoff; Containment SumpAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct: RCS high point vents discharge into the quench tank and the quench tank is drained to the Reactor Drain Tank per OP-2103.007.A. Incorrect: RCS high points vents do go to the Quench Tank but draining to the containment sump is not an option in the OP-2103.007.C. Incorrect: Pressurizer Spray Valve Stem leakoff is not directed to the Quench tank but the Reactor Drain Tank.D. Incorrect: Pressurizer Spray Valve Stem leakoff is not directed to the Quench tank but the Reactor Drain Tank.


OP- 2203.012J, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K10 window D-4, Rev 039, page 48 of 84STM 2-52, Liquid Radwaste/Boron Management system, Rev 17, section 3.1, page 13STM 2-03, Reactor Coolant System, Rev 22, section 2.3, pages 23 and 24OP-2103.007, Quench Tank and Reactor Drain Tank OPS, Rev 023, section 7.0, page 6 of 31Source:NRC Bank QID #1742Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 10:39:1Search007000A10210CFR55:41.5 / 45.5Historical Comments:used on 2011 NRC Exam Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RCS OBJ25QID #:3340Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Rev 1, based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/22/14)Rev 2: changed wording in bullets to lower case, change 'drained' to 'vented' in stemRev 3: changed 'vented' to 'drained' in stem and in notes after phone conversation with NRC (mwf 2/26/14) 41Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1958Safety Function 8System Number 008System Title:Component Cooling Water System (CCWS)

K/AK1.05Description:Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the CCWS and the followingsystems: - Sources of makeup waterRO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.1Lic Level:



FQuestion:The _______________ system supplies normal makeup to the Component Cooling Water (CCW) surge tanks and the levelcontrol valves will fail ______________ on a loss of power. A. Domestic Water; open B. Domestic Water; closed C. Condensate Transfer; open D. Condensate Transfer; closedAnswer:D. Correct Notes:Makeup is supplied by the condensate transfer system and the makeup valve is an air actuated to open by energizing the airsupply solenoid


STM 2-43, Component Cooling Water System, Rev 13, section 2.8, pages 9 and 10Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:17:22Search008000K10510CFR55:41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 4Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from A-B-C-D to B-A-D-C and changed answer from C to D as directed by the NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CCW OBJ4QID #:3442Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1960Safety Function 3System Number 010System Title:Pressurizer Pressure Control System (PZR PCS)

K/AK6.01Description:Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the PZR PCS: - Pressuredetection systemsRO Imp:2.7SRO Imp:3.1Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - "A" Pressurizer Pressure Control Channel is in service - Annunciator 2K12 E-6 "CNTRL CH 1 PRESSURE HI/LO" comes into alarm - "A" Pressurizer pressure instrument (2PS-4626A) reads 1400 psia - "B" Pressurizer pressure instrument (2PS-4626B) reads 2200 psia - No Operator action has been takenThe Pressurizer Backup Heater breakers would _______________ and the Proportional Heaters would go to a______________ firing rate. A. open; maximum B. close; maximum C. open; minimum D. close; minimumAnswer:B. Correct Notes:The pressure control system would see the false low pressure and with the control channel indicating <25 psia below setpoint(2200 psia @ 100% power) the backup heaters breakers will close and energize all Backup Heaters and send a maximum firecommand to the proportional heaters.


OP- 2203.012J, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K10 window E-6, Rev 039, page 68 of 84STM 2-03-01, Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control, Rev 16, section 2.0 pages 8, 11 and 12Source:Modified NRC Bank QID #1523Rev:3Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:40:07Search010000K60110CFR55:41.7 / 45.7Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1523 used on 2008 NRC ExamRev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: deleted the word 'the' from second bullet, capitalized 'heater' in stem, changed LOD from '2' to '3' as directed by NRCcomments [mwf 2/22/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-PZR OBJ4&5QID #:3644Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1961Safety Function 7System Number 012System Title:Reactor Protection System K/AA4.03Description:Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: - Channel blocks and bypassesRO Imp:3.6SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is performing a plant cooldownAs the RCS is cooled down, the Low RWT Level/Low PZR Pressure Bypasses are ____________ bypassed and the HI/LowS/G Level Bypasses are ____________ bypassed. A. manually; manually B. manually; automatically C. automatically; manually D. automatically; automaticallyAnswer:A. Correct Notes:There is no automatic function to go into bypass for both but either will automatically come out of bypass. The Low RWTLevel/Low PZR Pressure Operating Bypass will come out of bypass when RCS pressure is >436 psia and the HI/Low S/GLevel Operating Bypass will automatically come out of bypass when RCS Th is >195F


OP-2102.010, Plant Cooldown, Rev 049, section 9.6 page 23 of 54 and section 9.18 page 30 of 54STM 2-63, Reactor Protection system, Rev 11, section and section page 44Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:42:18Search012000A40310CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: arranged answers from shortest to longest, change answer from 'C' to 'A' as directed by NRC comments [mwf2/22/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RPS OBJ10QID #:3745Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1962Safety Function 2System Number 013System Title:Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (

K/AK3.01Description:Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the ESFAS will have on the following: - FuelRO Imp:4.4SRO Imp:4.7Lic Level:



FQuestion:Which ESFAS signal, if NOT generated, would have the effect of more extensive core damage? A. Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) B. Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) C. Containment Isolation Actuation Signal (CIAS) D. Containment Cooling Actuation Signal (CCAS)Answer:B. Correct Notes:SIAS provides cooling to limit core damage.


STM 2-70, Engineerd Safety Features Actuation system, Rev 18, section 2.2.1 page 5Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/22/2014 1:45:06Search013000K30110CFR55:41.7 / 45.6Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments to make B and D distractors sound more plausible. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: changed question based on NRC comments [mwf 1/31/14]Rev 3: arranged answers from shortest to longest, changed answer from 'A' to 'B' as directed by NRC comments [mwf2/22/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESFAS OBJ4QID #:3846Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1963Safety Function 5System Number 026System Title:Containment Spray System (CSS)

K/AK4.08Description:Knowledge of CSS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: - Automaticswapover to containment sump suction for recirculation phase after LOCA (RWST low-low level alarm)RO Imp:4.1SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a Design Based Accident (DBA) LOCA - One (1) hour has elapsedThe suction source for the running Emergency Core Cooling Systems (ECCS) pumps is aligned to ____________________and adequate core heat removal would be verified using _______________ . A. Containment sump; Exhibit 2, HPSI Flow Curve B. Containment sump; Exhibit 3, LPSI Flow Curve C. Refueling Water Tank (RWT); Exhibit 2, HPSI Flow Curve D. Refueling Water Tank (RWT); Exhibit 3, LPSI Flow CurveAnswer:A. Correct Notes:The RWT inventory will be transferred into the containment building in approximately 30 minutes following the DesignBased Accident (DBA) LOCA. When RWT level reaches 6% (RAS actuation setpoint) the ECCS suction header automaticallyswaps to the containment sump. The LPSI pumps will trip on the RAS to prevent pump damage and cavitation of the HPSIand Spray pumps due to the LPSI high flowrate. LPSI pumps cannot be restarted unless RAS is reset or leads are lifted.Exhibit 2 shows the expected flow for given RCS pressure that is required for Inventory and Heat Removal.


EOP 2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, exhibit 2, page 181 of 204STM 2-05, Emergency Core Cooling System, Rev 27 , section 1.3, pages 2 and 3STM 2-08, Containment Spray System, Rev 22, section 3.1.1, pages 7 and 8Source:NRC Bank QID #1749Rev:2Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:19:34Search026000K40810CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #749 used on the 2006 NRC ExamRev 1 verified that nothing else would start the pump during this time frame. Clarified question statement. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: arranged distracters from A-B-C-D to C-D-A-B and changed correct answer from C to A as directed by the NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SPRAY OBJ4QID #:3947Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1964Safety Function 5System Number 022System Title:Containment Cooling System (CCS)

K/AK4.04Description:Knowledge of CCS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: - Cooling of controlrod drive motorsRO Imp:2.8SRO Imp:3.1Lic Level:



HQuestion:Cooling Water to the CEDM Coolers is normally supplied by _____________ and if Containment Building pressure rose to20.0 psia the CEDM cooling would be ________________ . A. Main Chilled Water; isolated B. Main Chilled Water; supplied by Service Water C. Component Cooling Water; isolated D. Component Cooling Water; supplied by Service WaterAnswer:A. Correct Notes:Normal supply is Main Chilled Water. It comes into containment and flows through the Containment Coolers (for preheat)and then to the CEDM coolers. With Containment building pressure >18.3 psia, a Containment Isolation Actuation Signal(CIAS) will occur. The CIAS will isolate chill water to the containment. This pressure will also cause an ContainmentCooling Actuation Signal (CCAS) which will align SW to the Containment cooler. also, the distractor of CCW is valid due tothe CCW system supplying loads inside the reactor building.


STM 2-09, Containmnet Cooling and Purge Systems, Rev 18, section 2.2 pages 4 and 5, section 2.5 pages 6 and 7, section 2.7 page 10Source:NEWRev:0Rev Date:10/11/2013 7:55:4Search022000K40410CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CVENT OBJ3&10QID #:4048Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1965Safety Function 5System Number 026System Title:Containment Spray System (CSS)

K/AK1.02Description:Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the CSS and the followingsystems: - Cooling waterRO Imp:4.1SRO Imp:4.1Lic Level:



FQuestion:For a Containment Spray pump to be considered OPERABLE, Service Water _________ required to be aligned to the sealcooler and the Auto Start feature of the ESF room coolers ______ required. A. is; is B. is; is not C. is not; is D. is not; is notAnswer:B. Correct Notes:Pump seal water cooling is required but the Auto start feature is not. 2 room coolers have to be operable with SW aligned andcapable of either auto starting or manually started from the Control room. The requirement for seal water cooling is plausablebased on the LPSI pumps only required when RCS temperature is >160°F and it is not required for the HPSI pumps.


STM 2-08, Containment Spray System, Rev 22, section 10.0 page 33OP-2104.005, Containment Spray, Rev 069, section 5.0 page 7 of 192Source:NEWRev:0Rev Date:10/9/2013 12:14:5Search026000K10210CFR55:41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 4Historical Comments:

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-WCO-SPRAY OBJ7QID #:4149Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1966Safety Function 4System Number 039System Title:Main and Reheat Steam System (MRSS)

K/AA4.04Description:Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: - Emergency feedwater pump turbinesRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:3.9Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is recovering from a complete loss of feedwater event - 2P-7B is out of service for maintenance - "A" S/G level 12% trending down - "B" S/G level 19% trending down - The WCO just reported she has reset 2P-7A and it is ready for startOP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP directs controlling the initial feed rate to the Steam Generators to prevent____________________ and this would be accomplished by ________________________ . A. overcooling the RCS; controlling pump speed B. damaging the feed ring; controlling pump speed C. overcooling the RCS; throttling the injection valves D. damaging the feed ring; throttling the injection valvesAnswer:B. Correct Notes:With S/G level <49%, the feed ring is uncovered and the water will flash to steam. There is a possibility of collapsing thefeed ring when cold feed water is restored. The EOP direct controlling feedwater flow to <150 gpm to minimize the chance offeed ring damage. 2P-7A is the steam driven EFW pump and its S/G feed injection valves are not throttlable. The EOP directscontrolling pump speed to control feed rate. This scenario also assumes 2P-7B is out of service and not available to start. 2P-7B is normally the first choice when restoring feedwater in a loss of feedwater event.


OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP, Rev 011, step 12 page 5 of 25OP-2202.010, Standard Attachment, Rev 022, Att. 54 step 3 page 1 of 3, step 9 page 3 of 3EOP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater Tech Guide, Rev 009, step 12 pages 19 and 20 of 62Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:22:19Search039000A40410CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8Historical Comments:Rev 1 added 2P-7B OOS in stem. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: arranged answers from shortest to longest as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOSF OBJ3&4QID #:4250Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1967Safety Function 4System Number 059System Title:Main Feedwater (MFW) System K/AK3.03Description:Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the MFW System will have on the following: - S/GsRO Imp:3.5SRO Imp:3.7Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 80% power - "A" Feed Water Control System (FWCS) Master Controller, 2FIC-1029, has been placed in MANUAL due to a malfunction - Unit now trips - No Operator actions are takenThe "A" Steam Generator level would ________________ rise and operator action _________ required to prevent High LevelOverride from occurring. A. continuously; is B. continuously; is not C. initially shrink then slowly; is D. initially shrink then slowly; is notAnswer:C. Correct Notes:With the Master controller in manual the response to a reactor trip are unaffected allowing Steam Generator levels to bemaintained by the RTO signal. When the RTO condition has cleared [level >55% after 60 seconds] operator action would berequired to prevent S/G levels from continually rising as set by the manual demand on the master controller pre trip. With theMain Feed Regulating Valve going back to the manual demand on the controller, SG levels would continue to rise becausefeed flow demand is much lower post-trip than at 80% power. With no operator action, SG levels would continue to rise untilthe High Level Override setpoint of 82% level was reached. At that point, the HLO signal goes around the Master controllerand straight to the individual component controllers, which would cause the associated Main Feed Reg Valve and BypassValve to go closed and the MFWP to go to minimum speed.


STM 2-69, Feedwater Control System, Rev 13, section 2.1 page 3, section 2.7 page 31, section 3.3 page 39, and section 3.4 page 41OP-2106.007, Main Feedwater Pump and FWCS Operation, Rev. 052, Description section, page 5 of 113Source:NRC BANK QID #0669Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:25:40Search059000K30310CFR55:41.7 / 45.6Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #0669 used on the 2003 NRC ExamRev. 2: incorporated NRC comments to add references and description to notes. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: changed LOD from 2 to 3 and deleted the word 'the' from the second and the third bullets as directed by the NRC [mwf Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-FWCD OBJ14QID #:4351Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-142/25/2014]

52Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1968Safety Function 4System Number 059System Title:Main Feedwater (MFW) System K/AA2.07Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the MFW System and (b)based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of thosemalfunctions or operations: - Tripping of MFW pump turbineRO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has completed a plant startup and is raising power - Current power is 5% and trending up - "A" and "C" Condensate Pumps (2P-2A and 2P-2C) are running - "A" Main Feed Pump (2P-1A) is in operation - "B" Main Feed Pump (2P-1B) is idling for oxygen control - Auxiliary Feedwater Pump (2P-75) is running - 2P-75 Discharge to MFW Flow Control valve (2CV-0762) is open - Both Emergency Feedwater Pumps (2P-7A and 2P-7B) are in standby - Annunciator 2K03-A8 "FEED PUMP TRIP" is in alarm for "A" MFP - OP-2203.027, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump AOP has been enteredThe Main Feedwater Control System will _________________. In accordance with OP-2203.027,the first action to take to address the Main Feedwater Pump trip is to _____________. A. automatically maintain Steam Generator levels at setpoint; verify "B" Main Feedwater pump (2P-1B) in service B. automatically maintain Steam Generator levels at setpoint; attempt to restart "A" Main Feedwater Pump (2P-1A) C. require manual operator action to restore Steam Generator levels to setpoint; verify "B" Main Feedwater Pump (2P-1B) in service D. require manual operator action to restore Steam Generator levels to setpoint; attempt to restart "A" Main Feedwater Pump (2P-1A)Answer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct. The FWCS will open the MFRV's to try and restore level, but 2P-75 will not provide enough flow to restore SG level at 5% power. Per the Contingency Actions in OP-2203.027, it will only provide enough flow for 4% power. Therefore, manual operator action is required to restore levels to setpoint. In OP-2203.027, the Contingency Actions for "Check at least ONE MFW pump operating," the steps are lettered, not bulleted. Therefore, the actions have to be performed in order. The first action is to attempt to place the standby MFW pump in service. Therefore, "B" Main Feedwater pump (2P-1B) would be placed in service.Source:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/24/2014 12:40:2Search059000A20710CFR55:41.5 Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP_RO-AMFP OBJ3QID #:4453Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14A. Incorrect. Although OP-2203.027 requires placing 2P-1B in service first, the FWCS, with the feedwater supply from 2P-75, would not be able to automatically control level.B. Incorrect. The FWCS, with 2P-75, would not be able to automatically control level. In addition, attempting to start the tripped MFP is the second prioritized action in OP-2203.027, Contingency Action 3.D. Incorrect. Although manual operator action is required, the action cited from OP-2203.027 is the secondary action.


OP-2203.027, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump, Rev. 014, page 2 of 11, Step 3.A and Step 3.CSTM 2-19-2, EFW & AFW Systems STM, page 27, Section 3.2OP-2106.007, Main Feedwater Pump and FWCS Operation, Rev. 052, page 36 of 113, Step 9.6OP-2203.012C, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K03 Window A-8, Rev. 029, page 87 of 176AOP-2203.027, Loss of Main Feedwater Pump Tech Guide, Rev. 013, Step 3, Page 5 of 18Historical Comments:Rev. 1, reworded stem and distractors to address NRC comments on K/A match. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: modified to incorporate NRC comments. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 4: reworded distracter 'A' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

54Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1969Safety Function 4System Number 061System Title:Auxiliary / Emergency Feedwater (AFW) Syste K/AK5.02Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the AFW System: -Decay heat sources and magnitudeRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power - EFAS has actuated to both Steam Generators - 'A' Steam Generator level is 5% - 'B' Steam Generator level is 7%15 minutes post trip, the required flow of greater than __________________________ from theEmergency Feed Water (EFW) system is required to adequately remove decay heat from theReactor Coolant System (RCS). A. 150 gpm to each Steam Generator B. 485 gpm to each Steam Generator C. 150 gpm total flow to the Steam Generators D. 485 gpm total flow to the Steam GeneratorsAnswer:D. Correct Notes:Total required EFW flow post trip is greater than or equal to 485 gpm total flow to the Steam Generators is required toremove decay heat.


OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions, Rev. 14, step 8 contingency A.2, page 10 of 17EOP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions Tech Guide, Rev. 014, step 8, page 19 of 42EOP Setpoint Document Setpoint F.3, Rev 13, section F.3, page 111Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 3:41:00Search061000K50210CFR55:41.5 / 45.7Historical Comments:Rev. 1, added the word "heat" after decay, rewrote question to raise the difficulty level per NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: removed "equal to" from stem. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ11QID #:4555Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1970Safety Function 4System Number 005System Title:Residual Heat Removal System (RHRS)

K/AA1.01Description:Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated withoperating the RHRS controls including: - Heatup/cooldown ratesRO Imp:3.5SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 5 - A loss of Shutdown Cooling (SDC) has occurred with an initial Reactor Coolant System (RCS) temperature at 1402 is 174°F - At 1404, RCS temperature has risen to 177°FIf NO operator actions are taken, at what time will the RCS first reach the temperaturerequirement to enter Mode 4? A. 1412 B. 1413 C. 1420 D. 1422Answer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct: With a Loss of SDC a Heatup will occur. the heatup rate for above conditions is 1.5°F/minute (177°F - 174°F = 3°F divided by 2 minutes = 1.5°F) The lower temperature for entry into mode 4 is 200°F. time difference, 201°F - 177°F = 24°F divided by 1.5°F/min = 16 minutes. 1404 + 16 minutes = 1420A. Incorrect: number based on the difference between 177°F but dividing by 3°F/minute (if they did not take into account for the 2 minutes between temperature readings)B. Incorrect: number based on 174°F vs. 177°F and dividing by 3°F/minD. Incorrect: number based on 174°F vs. 177°F


T.S. Table 1.1Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:22:55Search005000A10110CFR55:41.5 / 45.5Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed anwsers to match stem. Old answers were calculated off of 174°F instead of 177°F changed caluations from200F to 201F per NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: added "first" to stem per NRC comments. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-TS OBJ1QID #:4656Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1971Safety Function 6System Number 062System Title:A.C. Electrical Distribution System K/AK2.01Description:Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: - Major system loadsRO Imp:3.3SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



FQuestion:The power supply to 2P-32A Reactor Coolant Pump is _______________bus. A. 2H-1 B. 2A-1 C. 2H-2 D. 2A-2Answer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct: 2P-32A RCP is powered from 2H-1. The other choices are plausible because there are major electrical system loads that are powered from 2A-1/2A-2 (condensate pumps, heater drain pumps, main chillers) and 2H-2 (reactor coolant pumps, circulating water pumps).


STM 2-32-1, High Voltage Electrical Distribution STM, Rev. 26, System Drawing, page 86STM 2-03-2, RCPs and RCP Vibration Monitoring System STM, Rev. 17, Section 1.6, page 7Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/24/2014 9:44:04Search062000K20110CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed question to match K/A. (mwf 2/6/14)Rev 2: deleted bus voltages from distracters, move the word 'bus' from distracters to end of stem as directed by NRC comments[mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ED125 OBJ4QID #:4757Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1972Safety Function 6System Number 062System Title:A.C. Electrical Distribution System K/AA2.12Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the A.C. Distribution Systemand (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of thosemalfunctions or operations: - Restoration of power to a system with a fault on itRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power due to a large break LOCA - Annunciator 2K09 B-3 "2A4 L.O. RELAY TRIP" is in alarm - Containment pressure is 25 psia and trending up - Annunciator 2K06 A-1 "2P-35A FAILURE ON ESFAS" is in alarmOP-2203.012F, Annunciator Corrective Actions for 2K06 A-1 _______________ starting "A" Containment Spray Pump (2P-35A) without assessment because __________________. A. directs; safety function is not met B. prohibits; safety function is not met C. directs; #1 EDG is supplying power to its safety bus D. prohibits; #1 EDG is supplying power to its safety busAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct. To determine the correct answer, the applicant has to determine the effects of 2A4 bus lockout during LOCA.With LOCA, ESFAS would start both EDGs. The 2A4 bus lockout prevents EDG #2 and offsite power from supplying thisbus. EDG #1 has started, but with offsite power available, offsite power will continue to supply power to bus 2A3. ProcedureOP-2203.012F, ACA for 2K06 A-1, Step 2.3.1, directs the start of 2P-35A without assessment. The basis for this is providedin procedure COPD-032, Section 9.3. With offsite power to a bus supplying a component that failed to automatically actuate,it directs that one attempt to start the component be attempted. This is because safety function that component is addressing isnot being fulfilled.B. Incorrect. Due to the situation, an attempted start of 2P-35A is directed. It is plausible that an assessment could be requiredprior to meeting the safety function. For example, if EDG #1 was supplying its safety bus, even with the safety function notmet, an assessment would be required per COPD-032, section 9.3, second bullet.C. Incorrect. It is true that starting 2P-35A is directed, but it is not because EDG #1 is supplying power to its safety bus.Offsite power is being supplied to the safety bus.D. Incorrect. Due to the situation, an attempted start of 2P-35A is directed. In addition, the electrical supply to the red trainsafety bus is offsite power.Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/24/2014 9:47:50Search062000A21210CFR55:41.5 Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SPRAY OBJ8&13QID #:4858Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14


OP-2203.012F, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K06 window A-1, Rev 037, page 4 of 79COPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations, Rev 003, section 9.3 page 18 of 41Historical Comments:Rev. 1, swapped distracters A and D for symmetry (mwf 1/22/14)Rev. 2: incorporated NRC comments. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: change LOD from '4' to '3' and Taxonomy from 'F' to 'H' as directed by NRC comments [2/24/2014]

59Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1973Safety Function 6System Number 063System Title:D.C. Electrical Distribution System K/AK4.02Description:Knowledge of D.C. Electrical System design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: -Breaker interlocks, permissives, bypasses and cross-tiesRO Imp:2.9SRO Imp:3.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - DC control power has been lost to the 2A2 non-vital 4160 V busWhich of the following would describe the operation of the breakers on 2A2? A. Breakers would trip open and operation would only be possible by local manual means B. Breakers would be able to be operated remotely but automatic trip functions would not be functional C. Automatic breaker trips would remain functional but remote operation of breakers would not be possible D. Breakers will remain in their "as is" condition and operation would only be possible by local manual meansAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: 125 VDC power provides the motive power for remote breaker operations and permissives, and breaker bypass interlocks. This would prevent any remote manual operations and automatic breaker cycles.A. Incorrect: Tripping breakers open requires 125 VDC powerB. Incorrect: There are no remote operations without DC control powerC. Incorrect: For both reasons above


STM 2.32-2, High Voltage Electrical Distribution, Revision 26, Section 6.2.2, page 63Source:NRC BANK QID #1758Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:27:46Search063000K40210CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:NRC BANK QID #1758 used on 2009 NRC ExamRev. 1, reworded distractor B to make more clear based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: arranged answers from shortest to longest as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]Rev 3: corrected comment in historical notes for arranging answers from longest to shortest when answers were in factarranged shortest to longest as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ED125 OBJ1QID #:4960Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1974Safety Function 6System Number 064System Title:Emergency Diesel Generator (ED/G) System K/AK6.08Description:Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the ED/G System: - Fuel oilstorage tanksRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - #2 EDG monthly surveillance, OP-2104.036, Emergency Diesel Generator Operations, Supp. 2B, is in progress - #2 EDG is currently tied to the grid and is consuming 2.4 gallons of fuel oil each minute - #2 EDG fuel oil transfer pump (2P-16B) is running and filling #2 EDG fuel oil day tank (2T-30B) - Annunciator 2K08 K-1, "FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLE" comes into alarm - The EDG watch reports 2K128 "FUEL X-FER PUMP INOPERABLE" is in alarm - Both indicating lights are out on the local panel for 2P-16B - #2 EDG fuel oil day tank (2T-30B) level is 480 gallons - NO operator action is takenBased on these conditions, approximately how long can #2 EDG continue to operate at the current load until Tech SpecMinimum Day Tank Volume is reached? A. 37 minutes B. 75 minutes C. 125 minutes D. 200 minutesAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct: T.S. Minimum Day Tank Volume is 300 gallons. 480 - 300 gallons divided by 2.4 gpm is equal to 75 minutesA. Incorrect: number based on current level to the low level alarm value 391.3 gallons (480-391.3 = 88.7 gallons divided by 2.4gpm = 36.95 min, rounded up to 37 minutes)C. Incorrect: based on T.S. min 300 gallons divided by 2.4 gpm = 125 minD. Incorrect: based on 480 gallons divided by 2.4 gpm = 200 minutes


OP-2203.012H, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K08 window K-1, Rev 037, page 12 of 50OP-2203.012U, Annunciator Corrective Actions 2K128, Rev 020, page 25 of 33T.S part bSource:Modified NRC BANK QID #1659Rev:1Rev Date:1/21/2014 9:08:19Search064000K60810CFR55:41.7 / 45.7 Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EDG OBJ11&12QID #:5061Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Historical Comments:NRC BANK QID #1659 used on 2009 NRC Exam.REV. 1: Question has been modified by changing which EDG (B vs. A), changed volume of day tank (from 500 gallons to480 gallons), and changed fuel oil consumption rate (2.4 gpm vs. 2.2 gpm) 62Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1975Safety Function 4System Number 039System Title:Main and Reheat Steam System (MRSS)

K/AA2.05Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the MRSS and (b) based onthose predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions oroperations: - Increasing steam demand,RO Imp:3.3SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is at 20% power and rising after an outage - 2CV-0402, "A" MSR Reheat Steam Low Load Valve (RSLLV), controller is in automatic IAW OP-2106.009, Turbine Generator Operations - 2PIT-0407, 'A' MSR Shell pressure input into RSLLV controller 2PDI-0402, fails and causes the RSLLV for the 'A' MSR to fail openBased on the above conditions, 'A' MSR outlet temperature would ____________ andOP-2106.009 Attachment F, 2nd Stage Low Load Control, would be used to ____________RSLLV to prevent large temperature mismatches on the Low Pressure Turbine inlet. A. rise; manually throttle B. rise, manually close C. lower, manually throttle D. lower, manually closeAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct. Second stage heating comes from Main Steam. When the RSLLV fails full open, it causes more Main Steam flowto go to the second stage heating coil, which causes MSR outlet temperature to go up. Attachment F contains instructions tothrottle the RSLLV to prevent large temperature mismatches on the Low Pressure Turbine inlets.B. Incorrect. Fully closing the RSLLV will isolate steam to the 2nd stage heating coil for the MSR causing Low PressureTurbine inlet temperature to go to low and would cause a temperature mismatch.C. Incorrect. Low pressure turbine inlet temperature would go up, not go down.D. Incorrect. Low pressure turbine inlet temperature would go up, not go down.


OP-2106.009, Turbine Generator Operations, Rev 071, Att. F step 4.0 page 86 of 143STM 2-16, Reheat Steam, Rev 8 section pages 5 and 6, simplified drawing page 17Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:23:37Search039000A20510CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.

Tier:2Group:1Author:SimpsonL. Plan:OBJQID #:5163Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed distractors to better match K/A per NRC comments. (mwf 1/21/14)Rev. 2: Updated notes. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 3: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

64Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1976Safety Function 7System Number 073System Title:Process Radiation Monitoring (PRM) System K/AK1.01Description:Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRM System and thefollowing systems: - Those systems served by PRMsRO Imp:3.6SRO Imp:3.9Lic Level:



FQuestion:In accordance with OP-2104.014, Supplement 1, Unit 2 Liquid Radwaste Release Permit, placing the selector switch forProcess Liquid radiation monitoring instrument 2RITS-2330 in ___________ would cause its meter output to exceed thedump permit high alarm setpoint and close the 2T-69B tank isolation valves, 2CV-2330A and /or 2CV-2330B. A. LEVEL CAL B. PULSE CAL C. CHECK SOURCE D. HV (High Voltage)Answer:B. Correct Notes:The LRW/BMS Process Radiation Monitor, 2RITS-2330, provides an automatic closure of 2CV-2330A and/or 2CV-2330B.This automatic feature occurs on a high alarm that is determined by the Unit 2 Liquid Radwaste Release Permit (OP-2104.014, Supp 1). Going to PULSE Cal will raise the detector radiation output above the alarm setpoint causing the valves togo closed. Testing of this interlock will prevent discharging liquid waste above the design limits.


OP-2104.014, LRW and BMS Operations, Rev 054, supplement 1 section 7.0 steps 7.3 and 7.4STM 2-62, Radiation Monitoring System, Rev 20, section page 20STM 2-52, Liquid Radwaste / Boron management System, Rev 17, simplified LRW/BMS drawing page 35Source:NRC Bank QID #1538Rev:2Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:01:3Search073000K10110CFR55:41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 4Historical Comments:QID #1538 used on the 2008 NRC ExamRev 1: changed to incorporate NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed Taxonomy from 'F' to 'H' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]Rev 3: arranged answers from A-B-C-D to D-B-C-A as directed by NRC as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RMON OBJ9QID #:5265Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1977Safety Function 4System Number 076System Title:Service Water System (SWS)

K/AA3.02Description:Ability to monitor automatic operation of the SWS, including: - Emergency heat loadsRO Imp:3.7SRO Imp:3.7Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power due to a LOCA - Pressurizer pressure has lowered to 1400 psiaService Water ______________ be aligned to Containment Coolers and _______________ bealigned to the Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchanger. A. would; would B. would; would not C. would not; would D. would not; would notAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct. Pressurizer pressure of 1400 psia causes SIAS and CCAS. CCAS aligns Service Water to the Containment Coolers and SIAS isolates Service Water to the SFP Heat Exchanger.A. Incorrect. Service Water is isolated to SFP Heat Exchanger during a SIAS.C. Incorrect. Service Water is aligned to Containment Coolers during a CCAS and isolated to the SFP Heat Exchanger during a SIAS.D. Incorrect. Service Water is aligned to the Containment Coolers during a CCAS.


STM 2-42, Service Water & Auxiliary Cooling Water System Training Manual, Rev. 36, pages 76 and 77Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:06:0Search076000A30210CFR55:41.7 / 45.5Historical Comments:Rev 1: changed to better align with K/A per NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed LOD fro '4' to '3' added the word 'the' to stem as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ11QID #:5366Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1978Safety Function 8System Number 078System Title:Instrument Air System (IAS)

K/A2.1.30Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to locate and operate components, including local controls.RO Imp:4.4SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Instrument Air is being isolated to 2CV-1460, Cooling Tower Basin Level Control Valve (Squeeze valve) for maintenanceThe Squeeze valve is located in the Auxiliary Building, 335' elevation, on the _________end.To allow for local manual operation of the Squeeze valve, the handwheel would be rotated to____________________________________ . A. south; align the disengaging lever with the keyway and rotate locking lever into the keyway B. north; align the disengaging lever with the keyway and rotate locking lever into the keyway C. south; engage the jacking sleeve with the valve stem and inserting a pin into the alignment hole D. north; engage the jacking sleeve with the valve stem and inserting a pin into the alignment holeAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct: The squeeze valve is located on the 335' Auxiliary Building south end by the WCO work area. A handwheel is provided for manual operation but is normally disengaged. A "L" shaped lever is provided to engage or "lock" the handwheel to the valve stem for manual operations by pulling a pin out of the lever (hold it up and out of the way during normal operations) rotating the handwheel until the "slot" is aligned, then inserting the lever.B. Incorrect: The squeeze valve is located on the 335' Auxiliary Building south end by the WCO work area.C. Incorrect: The method described to take manual control is used for manually controlling the Main Feed Reg Bypass Valves.D. Incorrect: The squeeze valve is located on the 335' Auxiliary Building south end by the WCO work area. The method described to take manual control is used for manually controlling the Main Feed Reg Bypass Valves.


STM 2-42, Service Water & Auxiliary Cooling Water Systems, Rev 36, section, page 47, and simplified drawing, page 67Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:35:08Search078000213010CFR55:41.7 / 45.7 Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-AO-SWACW OBJ16QID #:5467Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14OP-2104.029, Service Water System Operations, Rev 095, Ehibit 2, section 2.0, page 186 of 314OP-2203.021, Loss of instrument Air AOP, Rev 015, Attachment "A", page 18 of 108Historical Comments:Rev 1: fixed formatting [mwf 2/19/2014]Rev 2: arranged answers from A-B-C-D- to C-D-A-B , changed correct answer from C to A as directed by the NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

68Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1979Safety Function 5System Number 103System Title:Containment System K/AA1.01Description:Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated withoperating the Containment System controls including: - Containment pressure, temperature, and humidityRO Imp:3.7SRO Imp:4.1Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a large break LOCATo prevent exceeding Containment Building design limits for pressure, temperature and humidity,a MINIMUM Containment Spray header flow of __________ gpm is required prior to theRecirc Actuation Signal (RAS) and greater than_________ gpm post RAS. A. 1650; 2200 B. 1875; 2000 C. 2200; 1650 D. 2000; 1875Answer:B. Correct Notes:Minimum spray flow [flow to the containment] pre RAS requirements are lower due to the spray pump recirc flowpath isaligned to the RWT. Post RAS, the recirc flowpath is isolated, requiring a higher pump flowrate to accommodate the loss ofthe recirc flow.


OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Rev 014, section 1 step 18 contiengency 18.E. page 8 of 67 and section 3 step22.CEOP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident Tech Guide, Rev 014, section 1 step 18 page 32 of 140 and section 3 step 22.CANO-2 EOP Setpoint Bases Document, Rev 13, Attachment 1 page 10Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 1:02:32Search103000A10110CFR55:41.5 / 45.5Historical Comments:Rev 1: added greater than to stem as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOCA OBJ1QID #:5569Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1980Safety Function 2System Number 002System Title:Reactor Coolant System (RCS)

K/A2.4.11Description:Emergency Procedures/Plan - Knowledge of abnormal condition procedures.RO Imp:4.0SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:In accordance with OP-2203.025, RCP Emergencies AOP, which one of the following sets of conditions for a single ReactorCoolant Pump (RCP) would require an immediate reactor trip and securing the affected RCP? A. RCP upper thrust bearing 200°F B. Failure of the lower and upper seals C. RCP motor vibrations 21 mils and rising D. RCP controlled bleedoff flow 3.5 gpm and risingAnswer:C Correct Notes:Attachment "D" requirements


OP-2203.025, RCP Emergencies AOP, Rev 015, Attachment D page 28 of 30Source:Modified ANO Bank QID# ANO-OPS2-7851Rev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:12:1Search002000241110CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13Historical Comments:Modified ANO Bank QID# ANO-OPS2-7851 not used on any previous NRC ExamRev 1: changed taxonomy from 'H' to 'F' , added the letter 's' to set in stem, arranged answers from shortest to longest,changed correct answer from 'B' to 'C' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RCP OBJ8QID #:5670Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1981Safety Function 2System Number 011System Title:Pressurizer Level Control System (PZR LCS)

K/AK2.02Description:Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: - PZR heatersRO Imp:3.1SRO Imp:3.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Pressurizer proportional heaters are powered from_______________________ and the Pressurizer backup heaters arepowered from_______________________________________ . A. Vital Buses 2B5/6; Vital Buses 2B5/6 B. Non-Vital buses 2B9/10; Vital Buses 2B5/6 C. Vital Buses 2B5/6; Non-Vital buses 2B9/10 D. Non-Vital buses 2B9/10; Non-Vital buses 2B9/10Answer:C. Correct Notes:The PZR Proportional are required by Tech Spec and are vital powered (2B5 and 6). The backup heaters are not Tech Specrelated and are powered from non vital load centers (2B9 and 10)


STM 2-03, Reactor Coolant System, Rev 22, section 2.2.2 pages 13 and 14Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:21:5Search011000K20210CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from shortest to longest as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RCS OBJ10&12QID #:5771Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1982Safety Function 7System Number 015System Title:Nuclear Instrumentation System K/AK5.19Description:Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the NIS: - Heat balanceRO Imp:2.9SRO Imp:3.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% powerDuring an NI calibration, which of the following inputs in the secondary heat balance, if recorded lower than actual value,would cause indicated power to read higher than actual power? A. Steam flow B. Feedwater flow C. Feedwater temperature D. RCS hot leg temperatureAnswer:C. Correct Notes:Based on basic heat balance equation


General Physics Corporation, Rev 4, chapter 4, Thermodynamis processes, page 12 of 70Source: ANO Bank QID# ANO-OPS2-378Rev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:23:5Search015000K51910CFR55:41.5 / 45.7Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID# ANO-OPS2-378 not used on any previous NRC ExamRev 1: changed taxonomy from 'H' to 'F' and arranged answers from shortest to longest as directed by NRC comments [mwf2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-COLSS OBJ16QID #:5872Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1983Safety Function 7System Number 016System Title:Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System (NNIS)

K/AK3.02Description:Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the NNIS will have on the following: - PZR LCSRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.5Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K10 F-7 "LEVEL CH 1 LO/LO" is in alarm - Channel 1 Pressurizer level, 2LI-4627-1, is reading 0 % - Channel 2 Pressurizer level, 2LI-4627-2, is reading 60% - Pressurizer Level Control Channel Selector switch, 2HS-4626, is selected to the "A" position - Low Level Cutoff switch, 2HS-4624, is selected to the "A/B" position - NO operator actions are takenThe Pressurizer Backup Heater breakers would be _________ and Letdown flow controller output would go to ____________. A. open; maximum B. open; minimum C. closed; maximum D. closed; minimumAnswer:B. Correct Notes:With the Level Channel Select switch selected to "A/B", either Pzr Level indicating <29% will deenergize all of thepressurizer heaters by opening their breakers and Letdown would go to minimum flow (band is 26 to 32 gpm)


OP-2203.012J, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K10 window F-7, Rev 039, page 80 of 84OP-2103.005, Pressurizer Operations, Rev 033, section 6.0 page7 and 8 of 37STM 2-03-01, Pressurizer Pressure and Level Control, Rev 16, section3.2.1 page 16, section 3.2.2 pages 16 and 17, section3.2.3 pages 17 and 18, section 3.2.6 pages 18 and 19, section 3.2.7 pages 19 and 20, section page 20Source:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OpsUnit2-11211Rev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:27:5Search016000K30210CFR55:41.7 / 45.6Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OpsUnit2-11211 not used on any previous NRC ExamRev 1: de-capitalized the word level in third and fourth bullets as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-PRZ OBJ3&10QID #:5973Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1984Safety Function 5System Number 028System Title:Hydrogen Recombiner and Purge Control Syste K/AA2.03Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the HRPS and (b) based onthose predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions oroperations: - The hydrogen air concentration I excessof limit flame propagation or detonation with resultingequipment damage in containmentRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



HQuestion:In accordance with OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Hydrogen Analyzers are placed in service within _______minutes of the beginning of an accident to ensure a representative sample is obtained. A DETONATION inside theContainment Building is likely to occur if Hydrogen concentration reaches ____ % A. 70; 4 B. 70; 18 C. 90; 4 D. 90; 18Answer:B. Correct Notes:The Hydrogen analyzers are required to be placed in service within 90 minutes of the diagnoses of LOCA. Hydrogen analyzershave a 20 minute transport time from when started to when an representative air stream is being sampled. Actions in theEOPs (LOCA, ESD, Functional Recovery) required the start of the analyzers within 70 minutes for this reason. 4% hydrogenconcentration is right at the flammability limit inside containment. At 18% hydrogen concentration a detonation would occur.


STM-2-06, Containment Combustible Gas Control System, Rev 12, section 1.5 pages 5 and 6 and section 4.2 page 24OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, Rev 014, section 2, step 9 page 15 of 67OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident Tech Guide, Rev 014 section 2 step 9 page 50 of 140OP-2104.044, Containment Hydrogenn Control Operations, Rev 036 section 4.3.1 page 4 of 54Source:NRC BANK QID #1487Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:36:48Search028000A20310CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.Historical Comments:NRC BANK QID #1487 not used on any previous NRC ExamRev. 1, replaced Violent with detonation (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: Added LOCA procedure to stem and reference section as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]Rev 3: capitialize words in the stem as directed by the NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CONH2 OBJ2&4QID #:6074Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1985Safety Function 8System Number 029System Title:Containment Purge System (CPS)

K/AK4.03Description:Knowledge of Containment Purge System design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for thefollowing: - Automatic purge isolationRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.5Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 6 - Refueling is in progress - Containment Building Purge System is in service - An inadvertent CIAS has occurredWhat is the status of the Containment Building Purge System? A. Only two purge isolation valves close; supply fan tripped due to HIGH pressure in the supply duct; exhaust fan tripped 10 seconds later B. Only two purge isolation valves close; exhaust fan tripped due to LOW pressure in the exhaust duct; supply fan tripped 10 seconds later C. All six purge isolation valves close; supply fan tripped due to HIGH pressure in the supply duct; exhaust fan tripped 10 seconds later D. All six purge isolation valves close; exhaust fan tripped due to LOW pressure in the exhaust duct; supply fan tripped 10 seconds laterAnswer:D. Correct Notes:If an SIAS or a CIAS is received, all six purge isolation valves automatically close compared to only 2 isolation valves on ahigh radiation signal. When this happens, the exhaust fan draws down the pressure in the exhaust duct to less than -5.0 incheswater gauge tripping the exhaust fan. Ten seconds later the supply fan trips.


STM 2-09, Containment Cooling and purge Systems, Rev 16, section 7.8 pages 41 and 42simplified drawing pageSource:NRC BANK QID #1546Rev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:34:5Search029000K40310CFR55:41.7Historical Comments:Modified NRC BANK QID #1546 used on 2008 NRC ExamRev 1: changed taxonomy from 'F' to 'H' changed question classification from modified to Bank [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CVENT OBJ13QID #:6175Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1986Safety Function 8System Number 034System Title:Fuel Handling Equipment System (FHES)

K/AA4.01Description:Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: - Radiation levelsRO Imp:3.3SRO Imp:3.7Lic Level:



FQuestion:The Spent Fuel Pool Area Radiation Monitors are _______________ type detectors and are verified Operable prior tocommencing fuel movement in the SFP area from Control Room panel ___________ . A. Scintillation; 2C14 B. Scintillation; 2C25 C. Geiger-Mueller; 2C14 D. Geiger-Mueller; 2C25Answer:D. Correct Notes:Area radiation detectors utilize Geiger-Mueller tubes for sensitivity and the operator interface (meter read out) is locatedbehind the back panels in the control room (2C25)


OP-2105.016, Radiation Monitoring and Evacuation System, Rev 029, section 3.0 page 2 of 36STM 2-07, Spent Fuel Systems, Rev 22, section 2.1.5 page 7Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:36:4Search034000A40110CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8Historical Comments:Rev 1: capitalized monitor and control room in stem, arranged answers from shortest to longest as directed by NRC comments[mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RMON OBJ7QID #:6276Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1987Safety Function 4System Number 041System Title:Steam Dump System (SDS) and Turbine Bypass K/AA3.01Description:Ability to monitor automatic operation of the SDS, including: - RCS T-ave. meter (cooldown rate)RO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.2Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a loss of Condenser vacuum - A consistent 55°F/hour cooldown has been established over the last hour on the Atmosphere Dump Valves with SDBCS in automatic - SDBCS is in its normal at-power alignment - MSIVs are open - Annunciator 2K12 A-8 "IA PRESSURE HI/LO" comes into alarm - Instrument Air header pressure is reading 10 psig and trending down - NO operator actions are takenThe RCS cooldown limit ____________ be exceeded due to ________________________________ . A. would; the upstream atmosphere dump valves failing open B. would; the downstream atmosphere dump valves failing open C. would not; the upstream atmosphere dump valves failing closed D. would not; the downstream atmosphere dump valves failing closedAnswer:D. Correct Notes:The downstream atmosphere dump valves fail closed on a loss of Instrument Air stopping the cooldown and the upstreamatmosphere dump valves do fail open on a loss of Instrument Air but are normally manually isolated from the Main Steamheader, therefore would not affect the RCS.


Tech Spec 3.4.9, Pressure/Temperature LimitsSTM 2-23, Steam Dump & Bypass Control System, Rev 16, section 1.2 pages 1 and 2 , section 1.2.2 pages 4 and 5, section4.0 page 31OP-2203.021, Loss of instrument Air AOP, Rev 015, Attachment "A", page 18 of 108OP-2203.012L, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K12 window A-8, Rev 036, page 85 of 116Source:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:38:22Search041000A30110CFR55:41.7 / 45.5Historical Comments:Rev. 1, reworded per NRC comments (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2, changed wording based on NRC comments [mwf 1/30/14]Rev 3: capitalize condenser in fires bullet, atmosphere dump valves in second bullet, deleted the word 'the' in fourth bullet asdirected by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SDBCS OBJ20QID #:6377Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Rev 4: arranged answers from A-B-C-D to B-A-D-C and changed correct answer from C to D as directed by NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

78Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1988Safety Function 4System Number 045System Title:Main Turbine Generator (MT/G) System K/AK1.06Description:Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the MT/G System and thefollowing systems: - RCS, during steam valve testRO Imp:2.6SRO Imp:2.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 97% power - OP-2106.009, Supplement 3, Turbine Generator Valve Stroke Test surveillance is in progressOP-2106.009 directs placing first stage pressure feedback in service because first stagepressure feedback ______________. If first stage pressure feedback is NOT placed in service,when stroking a high pressure turbine control valve CLOSED the RCS temperatureinitially _____________. A. will open the other high pressure turbine control valves to compensate for the closure of the tested high pressure turbine control valve; increases B. will open the other high pressure turbine control valves to compensate for the closure of the tested high pressure turbine control valve; remains the same C. will lock the other high pressure turbine control valves in place and uses steam bypass valves to compensate for closure of the tested high pressure turbine control valve; increases D. will lock the other high pressure turbine control valves in place and uses steam bypass valves to compensate for closure of the tested high pressure turbine control valve; remains the sameAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct. Per procedure OP-2106.009, first stage pressure feedback opens the other high pressure turbine control valves tomaintain turbine load NEAR pre-test values. Due to stroke time, the opening of the other high pressure turbine control valvesis slightly delayed. Therefore the RCS temperature will initially increase due to the lower steam demand versus steam supply,resulting in less heat transfer in the steam generators and a high RCS temperature.B. Incorrect. Plausible if the candidate does not take into account the delayed response of the other high pressure turbinecontrol valves.C. Incorrect. First stage pressure feedback opens the other control valves, not steam dumps but is plausible because theprocedure has instructions for using steam dumps to maintain the power level constant while reducing turbine load.


Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/30/2014 4:29:11Search045000K10610CFR55:41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 4 Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-TURBC OBJ32QID #:6479Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14OP-2106.009, Turbine Generator Operations, Rev 071, Supplement 3 pages 110, 112, 115, 116, and 119 of 143Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed question based on NRC feedback. (mwf 1/30/14) 80Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1989Safety Function 8System Number 086System Title:Fire Protection System (FPS)

K/AA4.05Description:Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: - Deluge valvesRO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.5Lic Level:



FQuestion:The #1 EDG room is protected by a Firewater ______________ Sprinkler System which ___________ be remotely actuatedfrom Fire Protection Panel 2C343. A. Deluge; can B. Deluge; can not C. Preaction; can D. Preaction; can notAnswer:C. Correct Notes:The #1 EDG room is supplied by a Preaction Sprinkler valve triggered by smoke and flame detectors and the Control roomdoes has the ability to manually actuate the Preaction Sprinkler valve from the Fire Protection Panel 2C343.


STM 2-60, Fire Protection System, Rev 012, section 8.0 page 18, and Table 3 page 27Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:40:33Search086000A40510CFR55:41.7 / 45.5 to 45.8Historical Comments:Rev 1: arranged answers from A-B-C-D to C-D-A-B and changed correct answer from A to C as directed by NRC [mwf2/25/2014]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-FPROT OBJQID #:6581Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1991Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.1.21Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to verify the controlled procedure copy.RO Imp:3.5SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:Per EN-HU-102, Human Performance Traps & Tools, procedure users are responsible for verifyingthe current approved procedure revision ____________. A. before each use B. each shift C. once a day D. every 7 daysAnswer:A. Correct Notes:Per, EN-HU-102, procedures are verified to be the current approved revision before use.


EN-HU-102, Human Performance Traps and Tools, Rev. 13, Attachement 9.2, page 16 of 44Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 2:27:27Search194001212110CFR55:41.10 / 45.10 / 45.13Historical Comments:Rev. 1: changed based on NRCcomments [mwf 1/22/13]Rev. 2: changed K/A to 2.1.21 as recommended by NRC. Replaced question with a different question that the one suggestedby the NRC due to that question being out of date. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-PRCON OBJ8QID #:6783Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1992Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.1.44Description:Conduct of Operations - Knowledge of RO duties in the control room during fuel handling, such asresponding to alarms from the fuel handling area, communication with the fuel storage facility, systemsoperated from the control room in support of fueling operations, and supporting instrumentation.RO Imp:3.9SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 6 - "A" SDC Train is in operation - Fuel handling is in progress - An event has occurred requiring Containment closureThe Control Room would alert personnel in the Containment building by actuating theContainment Evacuation alarm from control panel _______ and Containment closure isrequired to be set within _____ minutes. A. 2C14; 30 B. 2C14; 60 C. 2C22; 30 D. 2C22; 60Answer:C. Correct Notes:The Containment Evacuation alarm is actuated by a handswitch on control panel 2C22 and per OP-1015. 008, Attachment F,Containment closure is required to be set within 30 minutes


OP-2203.029, Loss of Shutdown Cooling AOP, Rev 016, step 4 page 3 of 18 and step 21 contingency G page 15 of 18AOP-2203.029, Loss of Shutdown Cooling Tech Guide, Rev 016, step 21 page 18 of 19OP-2202.011, Lower Mode Functional Recovery EOP, Rev 011 step 3.A page 3 of 46EOP-2202.011, Lower Mode Functional Recovery Tech guide, Rev 010 step 3 page 9 of 384OP-1015.008, Unit 2 SDC Control, Rev 044, Attachment F pages 65 and 66 of 102OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Attachment 32 step 5.F page 106 of 204Source:NRC Bank QID #1776Rev:1Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:23:57Search194001214410CFR55:41.10 / 43.6 / 45.6Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #0496 used on 2005 NRC ExamNRC Bank QID #1776 used on 2011 NRC ExamRev 1: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SDC OBJ4QID #:6884Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1993Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.2.6Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of the process for making changes to procedures.RO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:Which one of the following is an example of a procedure INTENT change? A. Correcting a typo in a component ID number B. Minor alterations to the purpose for clarification C. Changing the scope to apply to a new component D. Dividing a step into two substeps for improvementAnswer:C. Correct Notes:OP-1000.006, Procedure Control step 4.9.1 minor changes to the purpose section of a procedure is permitted as long as it doesnot allow the procedure to accomplish a function. A, B, and D are NOT procedure INTENT changes. Changing the scope of aprocedure to apply the procedure to a new component is an intent change per OP-1000.006 step 4.9.2 page 5 of 52.


OP-1000.006, Procedure Control, Rev 065, step 4.9, page 5 of 52Source:NRC Bank QID #40Rev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 5:21:30Search194001220610CFR55:41.10 / 43.3 / 45.13Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #40 used on 1998 NRC ExamRev. 1: added procedure noun name to notesRev. 2: changed to more closely match parent bank question to get rid of reverse logic and NOT in stem. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-PRCON OBJ1QID #:6985Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1994Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.2.7Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of the process for conducting special or infrequent tests.RO Imp:2.9SRO Imp:3.6Lic Level:



FQuestion:You have been assigned a task that has been classified as an IPTE (Infrequently PerformedTests or Evolutions).IAW EN-OP-116, Infrequently Performed Tests or Evolutions procedure, during an IPTE brief,ALL of the items on the IPTE Pre Job Checklist (i.e. Tech. Specs., TRM, ODCM, Fire Protection,FME, etc...) should be discussed _____________ they are applicable to the evolution.Likewise, an IPTE Post Job Brief Checklist ________ required to be performed for ALLinfrequently performed tasks and evolutions. A. only if; is B. whether or not; is C. only if; is not D. whether or not; is notAnswer:A. Correct Notes:As described in procedure which makes B, C, and D incorrect.


EN-OP-116, Infrequently Preformed Tests or Evolutions, Rev 012, section 5.3, page 16 of 35 and section 5.2.5, page 14 of 35Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:59:5Search194001220710CFR55:41.10 / 43.3 / 45.13Historical Comments:Rev. 1, reworded stem to include the work 'should' to more closely align with the procedure wording. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed LOD from '2' to '3' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-PRCON OBJ16QID #:7086Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1995Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.2.43Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of the process used to track inoperable alarms.RO Imp:3.0SRO Imp:3.3Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - An annunciator is coming in and out of alarm, causing a distraction to the Control Room staff - CRS has declared it a Nuisance Alarm - Shift Manager has given permission to pull the annunciator card - OP-1015.001, Conduct of Operations, section 10.0 is being implementedConcurrence from the _________________ must be obtained to ensure that pulling theannunciator card has no effect on continued system operability and a(n) _____________________is required to be installed on the pulled annunciator card stored inside the annunciator panel. A. System Engineer; Equipment Out of Service or Caution tag B. System Engineer; Work Incomplete or Temporary Services and Equipment tag C. Shift Technical Advisor; Equipment Out of Service or Caution tag D. Shift Technical Advisor; Work Incomplete or Temporary Services and Equipment tagAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: Shift Technical Advisor; Work Incomplete or Temporary Services and Equipment tagA and B are incorrect because the Shift Technical Advisor (STA) performs the system operability not the system engineer.The system engineers technical knowledge may be relied upon to make the appropriate operability call- but the finaldetermination will be made by the STA.A and C are incorrect because there are no Equipment Out of Service Tags, and a Caution Tag is a specific tag, not a generictag as called for in the procedure. According to OPS expectations, Temporary Services and Equipment (TSE) Tags should beused but the procedure still calls for Work Incomplete Tags or other generic identification tag.


OP-1015.001, Conduct of Operations, Rev 100, steps 10.1.1 (B) and 10.1.4 (A)Source:NRC BANK QID #1706Rev:3Rev Date:2/24/2014 10:45:0Search194001224310CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1706 used on the 2009 NRC ExamRev. 1, replaced K/A and replaced question. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2, corrected spelling, made changes based on NRC comments [mwf 1/30/14]Rev 3: changed LOD from '2' to '3', deleted the word 'the' form the second and third bullets as directed by NRC comments[mwf 2/24/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-OPSPR OBJ4QID #:7187Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1996Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.3.11Description:Radiological Controls - Ability to control radiation releases.RO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power - A 20 gpm tube leak in "B" Steam Generator occurs upon the trip - OP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage AOP, is being implemented - CRS has directed the IAO to perform OP-2202.010, Standard Attachment 19, Control of Secondary ContaminationTo prevent an inadvertent radiological release, the initial actions of Standard Attachment 19would direct _______________________________________ . A. aligning Condensate flow to 2T-94B DI B. starting all available Auxiliary Building Exhaust fans (2VEF-8A/B) C. securing Turbine Building Sump pumps to Unit 1 Oily Water Separator D. isolating discharge flowpath from Unit 1 Oily Water Separator to LakeAnswer:C Correct Notes:Att. 19 directs securing the Turbine building sump pumps to prevent an inadvertent release and to monitor a release throughthis flowpath


OP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage AOP, Rev 014, step 7 page 4 of 32EOP-2203.038, Primary to Secondary Leakage Tech guide, Rev 014, step 7 page 10 of 33OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Attachment 19 pages 61 thru 64 of 204Source:Modified NRC Bank QID #1681Rev:3Rev Date:2/26/2014 9:45:46Search194001231110CFR55:41.11 / 43.4 / 45.10Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1681 used on the 2009 NRC ExamRev. 1, reworded distractor A to make incorrect. Reworded questions stem based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev 2: changed taxonomy form 'H' to 'F', changed question status from bank to modified, deleted the word 'the' form bulletsand distracters as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/24/2014]Rev 3: capitalized words in distracters C and D as directed by the NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-APSEC OBJ5&9QID #:7288Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1997Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.3.13Description:Radiological Controls - Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties,such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities,access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.RO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



FQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 6 - "A" SDC train is in service - RCS cleanup is in progress following Hydrogen Peroxide addition - General area dose rate in "A" ESF pump room is 700 mr/hour - WCO is investigating a noise in the room and calls for assistance - CBOT is knowledgeable about the dose rates in "A" ESF pump room"A" ESF pump room would be posted as a __________________ and, due to the postingfor this area, Radiation Protection (RP) personnel CONTINUOUS coverage _______ requiredfor the CBOT. A. High Radiation Area; is B. High Radiation Area; is not C. Locked High Radiation Area; is D. Locked High Radiation Area; is notAnswer:B. Correct Notes:The room should be posted as a High Radiation Area due to the dose rate is <1000 mrem. A High Radiation area has a doserate >100 to <1 rem. Access to a High Radiation area does not required continuous RP coverage


Tech Spec 6.7.1, Administration ControlsEN-RP-100, Radiation Worker Expectations, Rev 8, section 5.3 [18] page 12 of 38EN-RP-101, Access Control for Radiologically Controlled Areas, Rev 8, section 3.0 [16] and [17] page 8 of 43Source:Modified NRC Bank QID #1782Rev:3Rev Date:2/24/2014 11:00:5Search194001231310CFR55:41.12 / 43.4 / 45.9 / 45Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1782 used on 2011 NRC ExamRev. 1; removed the word "Area" from the stem after the first blank (repeated word). Addedinformation to stem as suggested by NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/2014)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: changed LOD from '2' to '3', changed capitalization in bullets and stem, deleted sixth bullet and the word 'the' Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-RADP OBJ7QID #:7389Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14throughout bullets and stem as directed by NRC notes [mwf 2/24/2014]

90Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:1998Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.4.5Description:Emergency Procedures/Plan - Knowledge of the organization of the operating procedures network for normal,abnormal, and emergency evolutions.RO Imp:3.7SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



FQuestion:Abnormal Operating Procedures (AOPs), and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) willgive direction to "GO TO" another AOP, EOP or Normal Operating Procedure (NOP).Which of the following describes the term "GO TO?" A. Complete the controlling procedure and then enter the procedure that you were directed to "GO TO" B. Immediately exit the controlling procedure and then enter the procedure that you were directed to "GO TO" C. Continue with the controlling procedure and perform the procedure that you are directed to "GO TO" in conjunction with it D. Immediately enter and complete the procedure you were directed to "GO TO" then return and complete the controlling procedureAnswer:B. Correct Notes:ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide uses the term "GO TO" to depart from the current procedure or step in the procedure and entereither another step in the current procedure or a different procedure altogether. It is used when the current procedure or step isnot working and will help the implementer with plant conditions and direct entry into a procedure that will help.


OP-1015.021, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev 011, section 4.4 page 3 of 73 , and section 4.40.10 page 11 of 73Source:Modified ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-13018Rev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 2:17:51Search194001240510CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.13Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-13018Rev. 1, reworded D distractor to make more credible based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/29/14)Rev. 2: reworded D distractor to make more credible based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ3QID #:7491Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2000Safety Function 3System Number 009System Title:Small Break LOCA K/AEA2.06Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to a small break LOCA: - Whether PZR waterinventory loss is imminentRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:(REFERENCE PROVIDED)Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - "C" CCP (2P-36C) is aligned to Green - ATC reports Containment parameters are trending up (pressure, temperature, radiation, and humidity) - Pressurizer level is 60% - Volume Control Tank (VCT) level is 72%3 minutes later: - Pressurizer level is 59% - VCT level is 71%Unit 2 now trips due to a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) - Annunciator 2K08 C-2 "ENGINE/EXCITER SHUTDOWN" for #1 EDG is in alarm - RCS Leakrate does not change post tripBased on conditions above, the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) inventory(Pressurizer level) ________ recover (trend up) and after performing SPTAs, the CRSwould diagnose entry into _________________________________. A. would; OP-2203.016, Excess RCS Leakage B. would; OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident C. would not; OP-2203.016, Excess RCS Leakage D. would not; OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant AccidentAnswer:B. Correct Notes:With a RCS leak in progress, Letdown will respond by reducing flow to 28 gpm (minimum design flow). 40 gpm is beingadded to the RCS by the lead CCP (44 gpm capicity - 4 gpm RCP controlled bleedoff) and based on the leakrate (29.1 gpm)PZR level will be lowering by 17 gpm (40 gpm going in minus 28 gpm that is being taken out by letdown minus 29 gpm leak= -17 gpm) The leakrate is based on 53.5 gallons per percent in the pressurizer x 1% change in level = 53.5 gallons and 33.8gallons per percent in the VCT x 1% change in level = 33.8 gallons. 53.5 + 33.8 = 87.3 gallons / 3 minutes (time frame theSource:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/20/2014 7:23:06Search000009A20610CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOCA OBJ6QID #:7694Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14leakrate data was taken) = 29.1 gallon/minutes RCS leakage. Due to the calculated RCS leakrate the CRS would direct entryinto Excess RCS Leakage AOP. The Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) will cause a Reactor trip and the CRS, after completingSPTAs, would direct entry into the LOCA EOP (Excess RCS leakrate plus LOOP). With the #1 EDG not supplying its Safetybus (exciter shutdown) only the Green Train components will be available for makeup sources. 2 CCPs (with a capacity of 44gpm each) would be available for makeup to the Pressurizer. (RCS makeup > RSC leakage) therefore Pressurizer level wouldtrend up at approximately 1% / minute. With a leakrate of 29.1 gpm entry conditions for OP-2203.016, Excess RCS Leakage.Exhibit 8 will direct the CRS to diagnose LOCA due to a RCS leak with a LOOP.A. Incorrect. Pressurizer level would be trending up, but it is incorrect to diagnose Excess RCS leakage AOP. Per Exhibit 8 of Standard Attachments, when an AOP is combined with a LOOP, the associated EOP is diagnosed, which is the LOCA EOP. Plausible because the Excess RCS Leakage AOP could be diagnosed coming out of Standard Post Trip Actions.B. Correct. Pressurizer level would be recovering and per Standard Attachments Exhibit 8, Excess RCS Leakage AOP plus a LOOP EOP results in a diagnosis of the LOCA EOP.C. Incorrect. Per the calculation above, Pressurizer level would be recovering not going down. Plausible because the candidate may not recognize Excess RCS Leakage AOP plus Loss Of Offsite Power EOP would require entry into Loss of Coolant Accident EOP (LOCA).D. Incorrect. Per the calculation above, Pressurizer level would be recovering not going down. Plausible because the candidate could calculate the wrong leakrate.


[PROVIDED] OP-2305.002, Reactor Coolant System Leak Detection, Rev 024 Exhibit 1 page 39 of 54OP-2203.012H, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K08 window C-2, Rev 037, page 15 of 50OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Exhibit 8 page 193 of 204Historical Comments:Rev. 1; changed second bullet pump noun name to match pump number (when from "A" to "C") fourth bullet, added radiation to the list of parameters trending up (based on validator comments), corrected leakrate number in notes from 89.2 to 89.1 (calculation iwas correct) and added CCP capicity of 44 gpm. Updated notes to show why each distractor is plausible but incorrect. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: expanded note section and incorporated NRC comments [mwf 2/20/2014]

95Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2001Safety Function 4System Number 040System Title:Steam Line Rupture K/A2.4.2Description:Emergency Procedures/Plan - Knowledge of system set points, interlocks and automatic actions associatedwith EOP entry conditions.RO Imp:4.5SRO Imp:4.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped from 100% power - RCS pressure is 1800 psia and lowering - Containment pressure is trending up - Containment High Range Radiation Monitors are in alarm and rising - Containment Low Range Radiation Monitors are reading 10 mr/hr and stable - 'A' SG level is 18% - 'B' SG level is 20% - 'A' SG pressure is 730 psia and lowering - 'B' SG pressure is 900 psia and slowly lowering - Assume no operator actions have been takenThe CRS would diagnose _________________ and EFW would be aligned to ____________. A. OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, 'B' SG only B. OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP, 'A' and 'B' SGs C. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP, 'B' SG only D. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP, 'A' and 'B' SGsAnswer:C. Correct Notes:A. Incorrect. LOCA EOP would not be diagnosed in this scenario because the Containment Low Range Radiation Monitors are reading normal and stable and 'A' SG pressure is lowering. The Containment High Range Radiation Monitors are in alarm and rising, which could distract the applicant, but the coaxial cables for these radiation monitors have been susceptible to thermally induced currents which make them read false high during an ESD. Plausible because all the other indications are consistent with a LOCA.B. Incorrect. LOCA EOP would not be diagnosed in this scenario because the Containment Low Range Radiation Monitors are reading normal and stable and 'A' SG pressure is lowering. The Containment High Range Radiation Monitors are in alarm and rising, which could distract the applicant, but the coaxial cables for these radiation monitors have been susceptible to thermally induced currents which make them read false high during an ESD. Plausible because all the other indications are consistent with a LOCA.Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/18/2014 7:42:27Search000040240210CFR55:41.7 / 45.7 / 45.8 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-COLSS OBJ17QID #:7796Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14C. Correct. ESD EOP diagnosis is correct based on lowering RCS pressure, Containment Low Range Radiation Monitors stable, and 'A' SG pressure trending down. MSIS actuates at 751 psia. Both Steam Generators will be fed by EFW until 751 psia is reached. At that point, the EFAS initiation logic would isolate EFW flow to the affected SG 'A'. SG 'B' would continue to be fed by EFW.D. Incorrect. ESD EOP diagnosis is correct based on lowering RCS pressure, Containment Low Range Radiation Monitors stable, and 'A' SG pressure trending down. MSIS actuates at 751 psia. Both Steam Generators will be fed by EFW until 751 psia is reached. At that point, the EFAS initiation logic would isolate EFW flow to the affected SG 'A'. SG 'B' would continue to be fed by EFW. So what makes this distractor incorrect is that 'A' SG would not be fed with pressure less than 751 psia. Plausible because 'A' SG would be fed until 751 psia is reached and then it would be isolated by the EFAS initiation logic.


STM 2-19-2, EFW & AFW Systems, Rev. 35, Section, page 22STM 2-62, Radiation Monitoring System, Rev. 21, Section 2.1.2, page 11OP-2202.005, ESD EOP, Rev. 014, Entry Conditions, page 1 of 41OP-2202.003, LOCA EOP, Rev. 014, Entry Conditions, page 1 of 67Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1566, used on the 2008 NRC ExamRev. 1: Rewrote questions to change from Overcooling AOP to ESD EOP per NRC comments to better match K/A. (mwf1/30/14)Rev 2: based on NRC comments, this question has been classified as NEW [mwf 2/18/2014]

97Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2002Safety Function 6System Number 055System Title:Loss of Offsite and Onsite Power (Station Black K/AEA2.01Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to a Station Blackout: - Existing valvepositioning on a loss of instrument air systemRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.7Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Alternate AC Diesel Generator (AACDG) is OOS for maintenance - A Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) now occurs - Upon the trip neither Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) is running - IAO is unable to start either EDG - SPTAs are completeCRS would diagnose entry into ___________________________ and Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Controlled Bleedoff(CBO) Flow would be aligned to the _________________________. A. OP-2202.007, Loss of Offsite Power EOP; Quench Tank (QT) B. OP-2202.007, Loss of Offsite Power EOP; Volume Control Tank (VCT) C. OP-2202.008, Station Blackout EOP; Quench Tank (QT) D. OP-2202.008, Station Blackout EOP; Volume Control Tank (VCT)Answer:C. Correct Notes:The student should recognize a Station Blackout is in progress (due to the LOOP, AACDG OOS and neither EDG starting)The CRS would diagnose the Station Blackout EOP using Standard Attachments Exhibit 8, Diagnosis Flow Chart. Withoutpower to the non-vital buses, there would be no Instrument Air pressure and the CBO flowpath to the VCT would isolate(valves fail close) which will align CBO to the QT through the CBO relief valve.A. Incorrect. Because neither EDG could be started during SPTAs and the AAC DG is unavailable, both 2A3 and 2A4 are de-energized. This meets the entry conditions for the SBO EOP. Plausible because a LOOP does exist in the stem of the question.B. Incorrect. Because neither EDG could be started during SPTAs and the AAC DG is unavailable, both 2A3 and 2A4 are de-energized. This meets the entry conditions for the SBO EOP. Plausible because a LOOP does exist in the stem of the question.C. Correct. Because neither EDG could be started during SPTAs and the AAC DG is unavailable, both 2A3 and 2A4 are de-energized. This meets the entry conditions for the SBO EOP. Without power to the non- vital buses, there would be no Instrument Air pressure and the CBO flowpath to the VCT would isolate (valves fail close) which will align CBO to the QT through the CBO relief valve.D. Incorrect. Without power to the non-vital buses, there would be no Instrument Air pressure and the CBOSource:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:01:38Search000055A20110CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ17QID #:7898Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 flowpath to the VCT would isolate (valves fail close) which will align CBO to the QT through the CBO relief valve. Plausible because CBO is aligned to the VCT prior to the power failure and the power failure results in CBO being realigned to the QT.


STM 2-04, Chemical and Volume Control System, Rev 29, section 2.1 page 21 and simplified drawing page 62OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Exhibit 8 page 193 of 204Historical Comments:Rev 1: Changed Taxonomy from "F" to "H", swapped order of question/answers, added relief valve to flowpath of CBO to theQT. [mwf 1/30/14]Rev 2: Notes were expanded for clarification [mwf 2/18/2014]Rev 3: deleted semi colon in distracter 'C' as directed by NRC comments [mwf 2/25/2014]

99Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2003Safety Function 6System Number 058System Title:Loss of DC Power K/AAA2.03Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of DC Power: - DC loads lost;impact on ability to operate and monitor plant systemsRO Imp:3.5SRO Imp:3.9Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - 2D02 Green Battery disconnect has been opened for maintenance - Battery charger, 2D-32B, is in service - Now 2D-32B output breaker trips openThe CRS would diagnose entry into ______________________________ and Pressurizerlevel would be maintained by cycling a Coolant Charging Pump (CCP) due to ______________letdown isolation valve failing closed. A. OP-2203.037, Loss of 125V DC AOP; 2CV-4820-2, inside containment B. OP-2203.037, Loss of 125V DC AOP; 2CV-4823-2, outside containment C. OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Action EOP; 2CV-4820-2, inside containment D. OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Action EOP; 2CV-4823-2 outside containmentAnswer:B. Correct Notes:With the Green Battery disconnected from its bus [2D02] the battery charger is supplying all green DC loads. When thechargers breaker trips open, a loss of green DC will occur. The unit will stay on line and the Loss of DC AOP would beentered. The outside containment letdown isolation valve [2CV-4823-2] is air operated and the air supply is controlled by agreen DC solenoid. When green DC is lost, the valve will fail closed isolating letdown and cause Pzr level to be maintained bycycling CCPs.B. Correct: With the Green Battery disconnected from its bus [2D02] the battery charger is supplying all green DC loads. When the chargers breaker trips open, a loss of green DC will occur. The unit will stay on line and the Loss of DC AOP would be entered. The outside containment letdown isolation valve [2CV-4823-2] is air operated and the air supply is controlled by a green DC solenoid. When green DC is lost, the valve will fail closed isolating letdown and cause Pzr level to be maintained by cycling CCPs.A. Incorrect: The Loss of DC AOP is entered but the Letdown Isolation valve inside containment does not automatically close upon a loss of Green DC. Plausible because letdown does isolate on a loss of Green DC, but it is the Letdown Isolation valve outside containment that closes not the valve inside containment.C. Incorrect. The Unit does not trip automatically nor is it an action required by the AOP to trip the Reactor and go to SPTAs upon a loss of Green DC. Plausible because a loss of Green DC does automaticallySource:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:07:11Search000058A20310CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45 Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ED125 OBJ11QID #:79100Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 open 2 trip circuit breakers but this does not cause a Reactor trip.D. Incorrect. The Unit does not trip automatically nor is it an action required by the AOP to trip the Reactor and go to SPTAs upon a loss of Green DC. Plausible because a loss of Green DC does automatically open 2 trip circuit breakers but this does not cause a Reactor trip.


OP-2203.037, Loss of 125V DC AOP, Rev 009, entry page 1 of 57, section 3 step 2.A. page 33 of 57OP-2203.037, Loss of 125V DC Tech Guide, Rev 009, section 3 step 2entry page 45 of 75STM 2-04, Chemical and Volume Control System, Rev 29, section 2.1.5 page 6 and simplified drawing on page 62STM 2-32-5, 125Vdc Electrical Distribution, Rev 19, section 2.7.2 page 15Historical Comments:Rev. 1; changed wording of stem. Added clarification in note section. Added STM 2-04 to the references for 2CV-4823-2 andSTM 2-32-5 for modifications to the DC bus. Updated notes. [wmf 1/27/14]Rev. 2: minor editorial change per NRC comment. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: changed correct answer from 'D' to 'B' and arranged answers IAW NRC directions [mwf 2/25/2014]

101Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2004Safety Function 4System Number 062System Title:Loss of Nuclear Service Water K/A2.1.32Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to explain and apply system limits and precautions.RO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.0Lic Level:



HQuestion:Service Water Systems Operations procedure, OP-2104.029, has Limits and Precautionsassociated with the Emergency Cooling Pond (ECP) Level and Temperature Tech Spec Spec Bases, a MINIMUM indicated ECP level of ____ feet, based on soundingsand includes measurement, calculation and other uncertainties (equivalent to 0.15 ft), ensuresan adequate heat sink based on worst case initial conditions during a simultaneous shutdownof Unit 1 and emergency shutdown of Unit 2 following a Unit 2 LOCA.Also, Operator action ________ credited to initiate makeup to ECP upon a loss of DardanelleReservoir to maintain the minimum water volume required for a 30 day supply of cooling waterto safety related components without exceeding their design basis temperature. A. 5.2; is B. 5.2; is not C. 5.5; is D. 5.5; is notAnswer:A. Correct Notes:Aligns with T.S. bases for the minimum indicated ECP level of 5.2 feet. This requirement is based on soundings andincludes measurement, calculation and other uncertainties (equivalent to 0.15 ft) to ensure a minimum contained watervolume of 70 area-feet crediting operator action to initiate makeup to ECP upon loss of Dardanelle Reservoir. The additionalwater added to the ECP during the time between first swapping the returns to the ECP and then later swapping the suctions tothe ECP will maintain the ECP >70 area-feet and provide adequate supply of water for a 30 day supply of cooling water toECCS components to operate without exceeding their design base temperature.


OP-2104.029, Service Water Systems Operations, Rev 096, section 5.0 step 5.25 and 5.26 page 8 of 312Tech Spec, ECP Level and Temperature requirementsTech Spec Bases B3.7.4.1, ECP Level and Temperature requirementsOPS-B31, Unit 2 outside AO Logs, Rev 46, ECP Level reading, page 9Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/14/2014 9:25:49Search000062213210CFR55:41.10 / 43.2 / 45.12Historical Comments:Rev. 1; changed rev number for OP-2104.029, verified no impct on question [mwf 1/27/14]Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-SWACW OBJ13&15QID #:80102Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2005Safety Function 6System Number 077System Title:Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbanc K/A2.2.36Description:Equipment Control - Ability to analyze the effect of maintenance activities, such as degraded power sources,on the status of limiting conditions for operations.RO Imp:3.1SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



HQuestion:[REFERENCE PROVIDED]Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - #2 EDG is out of service for its 18 month overhaul - Unit 2 Control Room has just been informed that Startup #2 (SU2) Transformer is InoperableWhat action, listed below, is required FIRST? A. Place the Unit in HOT STANDBY B. Demonstrate operability of #1 EDG C. Demostrate operability of remaining offsite AC circuits D. Restore at least one inoperable source to OPERABLE statusAnswer:C. Correct Notes:T.S. covers a variety of combinations of loss of power sources. Action 'c' covers a loss of an offsite source (SU2) alongwith the #2 EDG being unavailable due to planned maintenance. required performance of OP-2107.001, ElectricalSystem Operation, Supp. 4 within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and at least every 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> thereafter.D. Incorrect: The stated condition is not outside T.S. LCOB. Incorrect: If an offsite power source was inoperable first, then EDG became unavailable, then within 8 hours operability of the remaining EDG would have to be demonstrated.A. Incorrect: No requirements to place the Unit in HOT STANDBY within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.


T.S., Electrical Systems Modes 1-4 [PROVIDED TO STUDENT]Source:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-7035Rev:4Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:12:55Search000077223610CFR55:41.10 / 43.2 / 45.13Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-7035Rev. 1: Changed the wording of the distractors to match Tech Spec action statement wording. Incorporated NRC commentsand reworded distractor C per NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev. 2: incorporated initial comments made on 1/26/14. Incorporated recommended changes based on Revision 1 commentsfrom NRC. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:1Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EDHVD OBJ9QID #:81103Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Rev 3: added 's' to circuit in distracter "B" [mwf 2/18/2014]Rev 4: arranged answers shortest to longest and changed correct answer from 'B' to 'C' , also deleted the word 'the' from 'B','C', 'D' distracters directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

104Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2006Safety Function 1System Number 005System Title:Inoperable/Stuck Control Rod K/A2.2.22Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.RO Imp:4.0SRO Imp:4.7Lic Level:



FQuestion:After realignment of an Inoperable Control Element Assembly (CEA), OP-2203.003, CEAMalfunction AOP, directs maintaining Reactor power constant for at least one hour priorto performing a power escalation.Per the CEA Malfunction Tech Guide, the reason for this one hour hold is _______________________ . A. to allow ASI to stabilize prior to performing the power escalation after realignment of the CEA B. to prevent pellet-cladding interactions caused by the redistribution of core power from the misaligned CEA C. to prevent exceeding the COLSS ASI operational limit of +/- 0.27 when performing the power escalation after realignment of the CEA D. to prevent exceeding the Tech Spec limits on Azimuthal Tilt (Az Tilt) caused by the redistribution of core power from the misaligned CEAAnswer:B. Correct Notes:Per the AOP tech guide, reactor power is maintained constant for at least one hour to prevent pellet-clad interactions causedby the redistribution of core power from the misaligned Control Element Assembly (CEA). Per STM 2-02 page 66, duringwithdrawal of the misaligned CEA, reactor power must be maintained within the acceptable level required per the AOP/TechSpec The power limit is to protect fuel from damage due to Pellet-cladding interaction during the withdrawal of themisaligned CEA in dense regions of neutron flux.


OP-2203.003, CEA Malfunction AOP, Rev 020, step 33 page 13 of 27AOP-2203.003, CEA Malfunction Tech Guide, Rev 020, step 33 page 27 of 34STM 2-02, Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System, Rev. 21, page 66 and 67Unit 2 Technical Specifications, Rev. 39, Section 2.1.1 Reactor Core Bases, page B 2-1SOER 84-02, Control Rod MispositioningSource:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-6094Rev:2Rev Date:

1/31/2014Search000005222210CFR55:41.5 / 43.2 / 45.2Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-6094Rev. 1; changed order of answers per NRC comment and corrected other wording per NRC comments. [mwf 1/30/14]Rev. 2: Added references to explanation to notes to justify tie to K/A. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ACEA OBJ2QID #:82105Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2007Safety Function 1System Number 024System Title:Emergency Boration K/AAA2.01Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Emergency Boration: - Whether boronflow and/or MOVs are malfunctioning, from plant conditionsRO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.1Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K12 B-2 "HEADER PRESS LO" for the Coolant Charging Pumps (CCPs) comes into alarm - Annunciator 2K12 B-3 "HEADER FLOW LO" for the CCPs comes into alarm - Volume Control Tank (VCT) level is 58% and lowering - The WCO reports a rupture in the CCP suction header downstream of the RWT supply valve, 2CV-4950-2 and check valve - OP-2203.036, Loss of Charging AOP, has been entered and the CRS directs tripping the Unit - The ATC reports 3 CEAs did not fully insert on the trip and reactor power is 0.2% and steady - SPTAs have been completedThe CRS would diagnose _____________________________ and Emergency Borationwould be accomplished by ______________________________________________ . A. OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOP; aligning CCP discharge to the #1 HPSI header B. OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOP; lowering RCS pressure and starting a HPSI pump C. OP-2203.032, Emergency Boration AOP; aligning CCP discharge to the #1 HPSI header D. OP-2203.032, Emergency Boration AOP; lowering RCS pressure and starting a HPSI pumpAnswer:B. Correct Notes:With the given conditions entering Functional Recovery and depressurizing the RCS to allow using HPSI to emergency borateis correct. The location of the charging suction header rupture is unisoable from the rest of the system rendering all CCPsincapable of adding inventory to the RCS. With >1 CEA not fully inserted and reactor power >.1% and stable requires theaddition of boron to meet shutdown margin. The Emergency Boration AOP does contain direction to depressurize and use aHPSI pump but it is not addressed on the exhibit 8 as an option to enter post SPTAs with the reactivity safety function notmet. Standard Attachment Exhibit 1, Emergency Boration, would have been attempted during SPTA's, but would have nothave been successful. Emergency Boration AOP is not one of the procedures that can be diagnosed coming out of SPTAs.Source:NRC Bank QID #1569Rev:1Rev Date:1/30/2014 9:55:36Search000024A20110CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45 Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EFRP OBJ4QID #:83106Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14


OP-2203.012L, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K12 window B-2, Rev 044 page 18 of 116OP-2203.012L, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K12 window B-3, Rev 044, page 36 of 116OP-2203.036, Loss of Charging AOP, Rev 011, step 8, contingency 8.2) page 7 of 24OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, Exhibit 8 page 193 of 204OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery, Rev 017, entry section step 11.A page 10 of 45OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery, Rev 017, section RC, Reactivity Control Decision Tree page 1 of 11 and section RC-3step 4 contingency columeOP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions EOP, Rev. 014, Step 3.C (Contingency), page 3 of 19OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Exhibit 1, Emergency Boration, Rev. 022, page 179 of 204Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1569 used on the 2008 NRC ExamRev. 1: changed RWT to CCP suction from 2CV-4850-2 to 4950-2, added check valve to location, added simiplified drawingof CVCS to show location of break. Incorported NRC comments into notes and references. [mwf 1/27/14]

107Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2009Safety Function 4System Number A11System Title:RCS Overcooling K/AEA2.1Description:Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the (RCS Overcooling): - Facility conditionsand selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operationsRO Imp:2.9SRO Imp:3.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a rupture in the EH system - SPTAs have been completed - IAO reports steam in the Turbine building basement - "A" S/G pressure is 900 psia and slowly trending down - "B" S/G pressure is 890 psia and slowly trending downThe CRS would diagnose entry into ______________________ and direct ________________________ . A. OP-2203.011, RCS Overcooling AOP; actuating Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) B. OP-2203.011, RCS Overcooling AOP; closing the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) C. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP; actuating Main Steam Isolation Signal (MSIS) D. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP; closing the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs)Answer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct: OP- 2202.010, Standard Attachment diagnostics will direct entry into RCS Overcooling AOP unless the overcooling is excessive causing a Main Steam Isolation signal, then the Excess Steam demand EOP would be entered.A. Incorrect: Entry conditions are met and actuating MSIS is directed in step 2 if S/G pressure is below the MSIS setpoint, but S/G pressures are above the MSIS setpoint.C. Incorrect: the entry conditions for ESD are not met per the dianositic flow chart (exhibit 8) due to the MSIS setpoint has not been reached (<751 psia) actuating MSIS is directed in step 5.D. Incorrect: the entry conditions for ESD are not met per the dianositic flow chart (exhibit 8) due to the MSIS setpoint has not been reached (<751 psia) closing the MSIVs is not directed


OP-2202.010, Standard Attachments, Rev 022, exhibit 8 page 193 of 204OP-2203.011, RCS Overcooling AOP, Rev 005, Entry Conditions page 1 of 9 and step 3 page 2 of 9AOP-2203.011, RCS Overcooling Tech Guide, Rev 005 Entry Conditions page 3 of 15 and step 3 page 6 of 15Source:Modified NRC BANK QID #0522Rev:3Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:20:15Search00CA11A20110CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45 Tier:1Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ACOOL OBJ1&3QID #:85109Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #0522 used on 2005 NRC ExamRev. 1: NRC editorial comments (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: reformatted answers to fit page [mwf 2/18/14]Rev 3: arranges distracters and changed correct answer from 'A' to 'B' as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

110Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2011Safety Function 2System Number 013System Title:Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (

K/A2.2.22Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.RO Imp:4.0SRO Imp:4.7Lic Level:



FQuestion:Pressurizer Code Safety Tech Spec 3.4.3 LCO is based on preventing the RCS from beingpressurized above its Safety Limit of _____________ psia with a loss of Main Turbine Generatorand no reactor trip until the first Reactor Protection System (RPS) setpoint is reached and theSteam Dump Bypass Control System (SDBCS) _______ operation. A. 2500; in B. 2750; in C. 2500; not in D. 2750; not inAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: During operations, the combine relief capacity of the code safeties is sufficient to limit RCS pressure to within its safety limit of 2750 psia assuming the reactor does not trip before the first RPS reactor trip setpoint is reached and without the SDBCS in operations (T.S. 3.4.3 bases)A. Incorrect: 2500 psia is the code safety setpoint not the safety limit setpoint and the setpoint is based on the assumption the reactor does not trip before the first RPS reactor trip setpoint is reached and SDBCS is not in operation.B. Incorrect: 2750 psia is the safety limit setpoint but assumes the reactor does not trip before the first RPS reactor trip setpoint is reached and SDBCS is not in operation.C. Incorrect: 2500 psia is the code safety setpoint not the safety limit setpoint


T.S 3.4.3, Safety Valves Operating and basesSource:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/30/2014 10:18:5Search013000222210CFR55:41.5 / 43.2 / 45.2Historical Comments:Rev. 1: NRC editorial comments, added explanation to the notes section (mwf 1/30/14)

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-RCS OBJ16QID #:87113Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2012Safety Function 5System Number 026System Title:Containment Spray System (CSS)

K/A2.1.20Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps.RO Imp:4.6SRO Imp:4.6Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - I&C is performing maintenance in 2C-39, the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS) actuation cabinet - Annunciator 2K07 D-1 "CSAS ACT" alarms - Containment pressure 14.7 psia - Containment temperature 112°FThe CRS would enter _______________________________ and would direct _____________________ . A. OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions EOP; securing all Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) B. OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions EOP; placing the "A" Spray Pump (2P-35A) in Pull to Lock (PTL) C. OP-2203.041, Inadvertent CSAS AOP; secure all Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) D. OP-2203.041, Inadvertent CSAS AOP; place the "A" Spray Pump (2P-35A) in Pull to Lock (PTL)Answer:B. Correct Notes:Given the alarm is in on the RED annunciator panel, coupled with I&C work being performed in the RED ESFAS cabinet, theapplicant would determine CSAS is on the RED train only. SPTAs will assess RCS inventory and Containment parametersand determine a Inadvertent Spray actuation has occurred on the RED side. The Inadvertent Spray Actuation will cause areactor trip and SPTAs will verify spray is not required for current plant conditions and the CRS would direct placing the "A"Spray pump (not both to prevent entry into TS 3.0.3 un-necessarily) in PTL. Pre power uprate, an Inadvertent CSAS wouldhave the operators trip the unit and secure the RCPs. Only the 'A' Spray pump inadvertently starts in this scenario. 'B' Spraypump is not running. The inadvertent Spray AOP has been deleted.


OP2202.001, Standard Post Trip Action EOP, Rev 014, step 9.B page 16 of 19Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:23:17Search026000212010CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12Historical Comments:Rev. 1: NRC editorial comments. Changed Difficulty from 3 to 2. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: expanded notes section and incorporated NRC comments [mwf 2/20/2014]Rev 3: corrected spelling in the distracters and added that the inadvertent Spray AOP has been deleted as directed by NRC Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ELOCA OBJ6QID #:88114Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14[mwf 2/25/2014]

115Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2013Safety Function 4System Number 061System Title:Auxiliary / Emergency Feedwater (AFW) Syste K/AA2.04Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the AFW System and (b)based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of thosemalfunctions or operations: - pump failure or improper operationRO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 has tripped due to a disturbance on the Grid - 500kV and the 161kV lines are de-energized - Both Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) are running - Annunciator 2K08 B-3 "2A3 L.O. RELAY TRIP" is in alarm - #1 EDG feeder to 2A3 (2A308) is open - Annunciator 2K05 A-9 "2P7A TURB OVERSPEED TRIP" is in alarm - "A" Steam Generator (S/G) level is 223" (WR) and trending down - "B" Steam Generator (S/G) level is 123" (WR) and trending down - "A" S/G pressure is 1020 psia and slowly lowering - "B" S/G pressure is 1010 psia and slowly lowering - RCS pressure is 2100 psia and slowly rising - SPTAs are completeThe CRS would diagnose entry into __________________________ EOP and the firstmitigation strategy directed by the chosen procedure to remove Reactor Coolant System (RCS)heat is ___________________________ . A. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP; resetting "A" EFW pump (2P-7A) and feeding S/Gs B. OP-2202.005, Excess Steam Demand EOP; energizing 2A3 with the #1 EDG and feeding S/Gs with the "B" EFW pump (2P-7B) C. OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP; resetting "A" EFW pump (2P-7A) and feeding S/Gs B. OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP; energizing 2A3 with the #1 EDG and feeding S/Gs with the "B" EFW pump (2P-7B)Answer:C. Correct Notes:C. Correct: The Loss of Feedwater EOP would be diagnosed after completion of SPTAs, not ESD EOP, because there is not an ESD in progress. Step 12 in the LOF EOP will direct restoring feedwater and the feedwater sources are listed in the preferred order ("B" EFW, "A" EFW, AFW, MFP, COND, Once Through Cooling) Step 12.B. directs establishing feed with "A" EFW pump using StandardSource:NEWRev:4Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:30:47Search061000A20410CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EFW OBJ10QID #:89116Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 Attachment 54 which will direct re-setting the overspeed trip device and restoring feed at <150 gpm.A. Incorrect: The Loss of Feedwater EOP would be diagnosed after completion of SPTAs, not ESD, because a LOF event in progress.B. Incorrect: Incorrect: The Loss of Feedwater EOP would be diagnosed after completion of SPTAs, not ESD, because a LOF event in progress.D. Incorrect: The Loss of Feedwater EOP would be diagnosed after completion of SPTAs, not ESD, because there is only one event in progress. Energizing 2A3 with the #1 EDG and feeding S/Gs with "B" EFW pump (2P-7B) but the "B" EFW pump is unavailable because 2A3 is locked out.


OP-2203.012H, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K08 window B-3, Rev 037, page 26 of 50OP-2203.012E, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K05 window E-9, Rev 039, page 77 of 86OP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater EOP, Rev 010, step 12 page 5 of 25OP-2202.010, Standard Attachment, Rev 022, Att. 54 step 6.A page 2 of 3 and step 9 page 3 of 3EOP-2202.006, Loss of Feedwater Tech Guide, Rev 009, step 12 page 19 of 62Historical Comments:Rev. 1: Changed wording of question and added notes based on NRC comments. [mwf 1/30/14]Rev. 2: Changed distractors based on NRC comments via telephone conversation with Kelly. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 4: arranges distracters and changed correct answer from 'A' to 'C' as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

117Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2014Safety Function 6System Number 064System Title:Emergency Diesel Generator (ED/G) System K/AA2.01Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ED/G System and (b)based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of thosemalfunctions or operations: - Failure modes of water, oil, and air valvesRO Imp:3.1SRO Imp:3.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - A 3 gpm RCS leak has been detected - A Loss of Offsite Power now occurs - SPTAs have been entered - Annunciator 2K09 D-1 "POTENTIAL ENGINE FAILURE" comes into alarm for #2 Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) - IAO has been dispatched and reports local alarm is "SERVICE WATER PRESSURE LO" - IAO reports Scavenging Air Temperature is 160°F and rising - ATC reports both lights above the #2 EDG Service Water supply, 2CV-1504-2, are outThe CRS would direct securing #2 EDG due to the Service Water supply _______________.The CRS would diagnose entry into __________________. A. MOV failing AS-IS; OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP B. AOV failing CLOSED; OP-2202.003, Loss of Coolant Accident EOP C. MOV failing AS-IS; OP-2203.016, Excess RCS Leakage AOP in conjunction with OP-2202.007, Loss of Offsite Power EOP D. AOV failing CLOSED; OP-2203.016, Excess RCS Leakage AOP in conjunction with OP-2202.007, Loss of Offsite Power EOPAnswer:A. Correct Notes:With both lights above the #2 EDG Service Water supply, 2CV-1504-2, out coupled with Scavenging Air Temperature is160°F and rising and low Service Water pressure, indicates the EDG cooling water supply valve has failed to fully open (2CV-1504-2 is a MOV and fails AS-IS). #2 EDG would be secured during SPTAs due to indications of no service water available.The Excess RCS Leakage AOP entry conditions are meet prior to the plant trip but it is not design to handle a Loss of OffsitePower. Per the EOP/AOP User guide, if in the Excess RCS Leakage AOP with a LOOP, then go to the LOCA EOP.B. Incorrect: plausable due to AOV do fail CLOSED and if the solonoid to the AOV loss power the indicating lights would go out.C. Incorrect: EDG cooling water supply valve is an MOV which fails AS-IS; LOCA would be entered not Excess RCS Leakage AOP in conjunction with LOOP EOPD. Incorrect: plausable due to AOV do fail CLOSED and if the solonoid to the AOV loss power theSource:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 8:12:56Search064000A20110CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.3 / 45.

Tier:2Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ2&11QID #:90118Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14 indicating lights would go out. LOCA would be entered not Excess RCS Leakage AOP in conjunction with LOOP EOP


OP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions EOP, Rev 014, step 4.G page 5 of 19EOP-2202.001, Standard Post Trip Actions Tech Guide, Rev 012, step 4.G page 11 of 42OP-1015.021, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev 011, section 5.1.2, page 14 of 73STM 2-42, Service Water & Auxiliary Cooling Water Systems, Rev 36, section 3.5.8 page 35Historical Comments:Rev. 1: Rev. 1: NRC editorial comments. Deleted information from notes section. Aded STM 2-42 to references. (mwf1/30/14)Rev. 2: Incorporated NRC comments based on phone conversation. Changed first half of question and changed distractors.(mwf 1/31/14) 119Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2015Safety Function 1System Number 001System Title:Control Rod Drive System K/AA2.18Description:Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CRDS and (b) based onthose predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions oroperations: - Incorrect rod stepping sequenceRO Imp:3.2SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is in Mode 2 with a Reactor startup in progress - "A" and "B" Shutdown Banks are fully withdrawn - CEA Reg Groups are being withdrawn in Manual Sequential modeWhile the ATC is withdrawing CEAs by holding the Shim switch in "WITHDRAW" position he notes: - Reg Groups 1 and 2 have reached the fully withdrawn position - Reg Group 3 is at 102" and withdrawing - Reg Group 4 is at 10" and withdrawing - Reg Group 5 is at 10" and withdrawing - Annunciator 2K10 E-1 "REG GROUP OUT OF SEQUENCE" comes into alarm - Reactor is subcriticalCEA motion would be stopped _____________ and the CRS would use procedure ____________to correct the condition. A. manually; OP-2203.003, CEA Malfunctions AOP B. automatically; OP-2203.003, CEA Malfunctions AOP C. manually; OP-2203.012J, 2K10 Annunciator Corrective Actions D. automatically; OP-2203.012J, 2K10 Annunciator Corrective ActionsAnswer:D. Correct Notes:D. Correct: CEAs are monitored for proper overlap during rod withdrawal. If proper overlap is not maintained, the alarm [Reg Group Out of Sequence] would alert the operations staff and CEA motion is automatically stopped [system interlock when withdrawing CEAs in Manual Sequential Mode] The CRS would use the ACA for direction on realigning the CEAs to proper configuration.A. Incorrect: CEA motion is stopped automatically.B. Incorrect: This is not an entry condition for the AOP.C. Incorrect: CEA motion is stopped automatically not manually.


Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 5:55:18Search001000A21810CFR55:43.6 Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CEDM OBJ14&15QID #:91120Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14OP-2203.012J, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K10 window E-1 Rev 039, pages 9 and 10 of 84STM 2-02, Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System, Rev 21, section page 27Historical Comments:Rev. 1: Updated based on NRC comments. Changed 10CFR55 reference to 43.6. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: Changed to match b) part of K/A for CRS to identify the procedure to use to correct the condition. (1/31/14 mwf) 121Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2016Safety Function 7System Number 016System Title:Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System (NNIS)

K/A2.1.7Description:Conduct of Operations - Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based onoperating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.RO Imp:4.4SRO Imp:4.7Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit-2 is operating at 100% power - Annunciator 2K12 G-5 "VCT 2T4 LEVEL LO LO" comes into alarm - 2LIS-4857, VCT level on 2C09 reads 68% - 2LR-4857, VCT chart recorder on 2C09 reads 68% and steady - It has been determined 2LT-4861 has failed low - RCS Tave 578°F and trending down - Pressurizer level is 59% and trending down slowlyThe Control Room staff would determine there is a ______________________ event in progressand the CRS would initiate actions referencing ____________________________________ . A. dilution; EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations B. boration; EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations C. dilution; EN-OP-111, Operational Decision Making Issue (ODMI) Process D. boration; EN-OP-111, Operational Decision Making Issue (ODMI) ProcessAnswer:B. Correct Notes:Due to the false low VCT level signal, CV-4873-1, VCT outlet, would automatically close and 2CV-4950-2, CCP suctionsource from the RWT would automatically open aligning an Emergency Boration flowpath to the RCS. Once aligned, reactortemperature will trend down, reactor power will maintain somewhat constant due to steam demand not changing (MTG iscontrolled in manual). The CRS should recognize this and secure CCPs (or take manual control of the VCT and RWT valvesand realign CCP suction to the VCT) referencing EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations, Section 5.4, Manual Control ofAutomatic Systems.A. Incorrect. Based on the above note, there is a boration in progress, not a dilution.B. Correct. Based on the above note, there is a boration in progress and the CRS would use the guidance in EN-OP-115 tomanual control of the failed automatic system and restore the proper suction source to the Charging Pumps.C. Incorrect. Based on the above note, there is a boration in progress, not a dilution.D. Incorrect. There is a boration in progress, but EN-OP-111 does not contain the guidance to take manual control of anautomatic system that is malfunctioning. Plausible because the operators will use the guidance in EN-OP-111 to create anODMI for this malfunction, but that will be performed at a later time.Source:NEWRev:1Rev Date:1/30/2014 1:27:33Search016000210710CFR55:41.5 / 43.5 / 45.12 / 45 Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-CVCS OBJ4&8QID #:92122Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14


OP-2203.012L, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K12 window G-5, Rev 044, page 58 of 116STM 2-04, Chemical and Volume Control system, Rev 29, section page 19 and simplified drawing page 63EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operations, Rev. 014, Section 5.4, page 23 of 89Historical Comments:Rev. 1: NRC editorial comments. Changed Difficulty from 3 to 2. Changed distractors based on NRC comments. (mwf1/30/14)123Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2017Safety Function 8System Number 034System Title:Fuel Handling Equipment System (FHES)

K/AK4.01Description:Knowledge of Fuel Handling System design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: -Fuel protection from binding and droppingRO Imp:2.6SRO Imp:3.4Lic Level:



FQuestion:Technical Specification (TS) 3.9.6, Refueling Machine Operability requires the Refueling Machine (Main Bridge) to have aMINIMUM lifting capacity of ______________ pounds and have overload cut offs.Per TS 3.9.6, the bases for these requirements is to ensure that the machine hassufficient load capacity to lift a fuel assembly, and the overloads ensure that the _________________is(are) protected from excessive forces. A. 2000; core internals B. 3750; core internals C. 2000; refueling machine D. 3750; refueling machineAnswer:B. Correct Notes:B. Correct: T.S. 3.9.6 limit and bases require the Refueling Machine to have a minimum lifting capacity of 3750 pounds andthe overloads protect the core internals from excessive lifting forces.A. Incorrect: 2000 pounds is T.S. 3.9.7, Crane Travel-Spent Fuel Pool Building, limit for loads carried over irradiated fuel in the SFPC. Incorrect: 2000 pounds is T.S. 3.9.7, Crane Travel-Spent Fuel Pool Building, limit for loads carried over irradiated fuel in the SFPD. Incorrect: 3750 pounds is the correct max weight per T.S. 3.9.6 but the limit is not based on protecting the refueling machine. T.S. bases states max limit is designed to protect the core internals.


T.S 3.9.6, Refueling Machine and basesSTM 2-51-1, Main Refueling Bridge & Reactor Bldg. Fuel Handling Equip., Rev 11, section 1.1 pages 1 and 2, section 2.2.6pages 18 and 19Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/18/2014 1:02:37Search034000K40110CFR55:43.2Historical Comments:Rev 1: Replaced with SRO only question based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: Changes made to stem based on NRC comments [2/18/14]

Tier:2Group:2Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-SRO-TS OBJ5QID #:93124Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2018Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.1.39Description:Conduct of Operations - Knowledge of conservative decision making practices.RO Imp:3.6SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



HQuestion:In accordance with EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operation, which of the following would be considered aNON-conservative decision making practice? A. Reducing Reactor power after a loss of the plant computer B. Validating available information prior to taking any time critical actions C. Re-energizing a vital switchgear during an EOP after a potential fire on the bus D. Consulting an off-shift system engineer before taking action in response to an unexpected system responseAnswer:C. Correct Notes:Based on EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operation, section 5.3 which describes the thought process utilized for making conservativedecisions. Re-energizing a deranged electrical bus, even during implementation of an EOP, would not be a prudent actionwithout having the bus inspected first.


EN-OP-115, Conduct of Operation, Rev 014, section 5.3 page 22 of 89Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 2:49:38Search194001213910CFR55:41.10 / 43.5 / 45.12Historical Comments:Rev. 1: corrected editorial NRC comments. This is an SRO topic that is taught in ASLP-SRO-OC. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev. 2: incorporated NRC comments that included changing distractor D to be more plausible. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-SRO-OC OBJ3QID #:94125Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2019Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.1.1Description:Conduct of Operations - Knowledge of conduct of operations requirements.RO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.2Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - A Loss of Stator Water Cooling has occurred - Main Turbine Generator (MTG) runback is in progressThe CRS would perform the Reactivity Brief as directed by _____________________________and the brief __________________________ commencement of boration or CEA insertion. A. COPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations; can be performed after B. COPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations; must be performed prior to C. COPD-030, ANO Reactivity Management Program; can be performed after D. COPD-030, ANO Reactivity Management Program; must be performed prior toAnswer:A. Correct Notes:COPD-032 contains guidance for briefs requirements during transients [section 19.0 states COPD-032 supersedesrequirements of COPD-030 and the turbine runback is listed as an implementation standard for COPD-032 (section 6.0).COPD-030, ANO Reactivity Management Program, Section 5.0, Step 5.5 states that the required controls for plannedreactivity evolutions are not applicable during AOP conditions (plant runback at 100% power is entry criteria for the Loss ofTurbine Load AOP)


COPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations, Rev 003 section 6.0 page 10 of 41, section 19.0 step 19.1 page 27 of 41, section20.0 step 20.3 page 28 of 41COPD-030, ANO Reactivity Management Program, Rev. 006, Section 5.0, Step 5.5Source:NRC Bank QID #1711Rev:4Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:35:29Search194001210110CFR55:41.10 / 45.13Historical Comments:NRC Bank QID #1711 not used on a NRC ExamRev. 1: Added COPD-030 as a reference. Added clarifying info in the notes. Clarified stem and distracters to ensure only oneanswer correct per NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: expanded note section to explain why COPD -032 is used during transient conditions. [mwf 2/20/2014]Rev 4: arranges distracters and changed correct answer from 'D' to 'A' as directed by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EAOP OBJ36QID #:95126Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2020Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.2.14Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of the process for controlling equipment configuration or status.RO Imp:3.9SRO Imp:4.3Lic Level:



FQuestion:During an off-normal event involving the use of AOP(s) and/or EOP(s), plant configuration controlis not required to be maintained by use of the normal eSOMS program. However, according toCOPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations, a review of the AOP(s) and/or EOP(s) is requiredto be performed ____________ exiting the AOP(s) and/or EOP(s) to ensure correct plantconfiguration. A. prior to B. immediately after C. within one shift of D. within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ofAnswer:A. Correct Notes:A. Correct. COPD-032 step 12.1, Prior to exiting the AOP or EOP, a review of the procedure is required to be performed toensure correct plant configuration.


OP-1015.021, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev. 011, Step 9.1.6, page 47 of 73COPD-032, Transient Conduct of Operations, Rev. 003, Step 12.1, page 22 of 41Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:1/31/2014 11:10:1Search194001221410CFR55:41.10 / 43.3 / 45.13Historical Comments:ANO Bank QID #ANO-OPS2-11280Rev. 1: reworded stem and distractors to make all plausible.Rev. 2: rewrote question as suggested by Steve, but changed stem to say COPD-032 rather than OP-1015.021. (mwf 1/31/14)

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-ESPTA OBJ3QID #:96127Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2021Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.2.17Description:Equipment Control - Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance activities during power operations,such as risk assessments, work prioritization, and coordination with the transmission system operator.RO Imp:2.6SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



HQuestion:[REFERENCE PROVIDED]Consider the following: - Unit 2 is operating at 100% power - 2P-35A, "A" Spray pump, is OOS for maintenance - Annunciator 2K04 K-2 "ESF PROCESS SYSTEM INOP" is in alarm - Lights are OUT for 2CV-1510-2, Service Water to Containment Fan Coolers 2VSF-1C/D - IAO reports 2B63-E5, 480 VAC vital breaker for 2CV-1510-2, Service Water inlet to Containment Coolers is tripped - EOOS computer program has been taken out of service by Safety Analysis GroupWhich of the following Risk Categories would apply to these conditions? A. Green - Minimal Risk B. Yellow - Acceptable Risk C. Orange - High Risk D. Red - Unacceptably High RiskAnswer:C. Correct Notes:COPD-024 Attachment 2 Table 7 on page 33 of 101 designates this configuration (1 containment spray train and onecontainment cooling train) as a ORANGE risk level.


COPD 24, Risk Assessment Guidelines, Rev. 048, Attachment 2, Table 7 page 33 of 101COPD 24, Risk Assessment Guidelines, Rev. 048, Section 9.2, page 19 of 101OP-2203.012D, Annunciator Corrective Actions, 2K04 window K-2, Rev 036, page 23 of 94Provide COPD 24 Attachment 2 [PROVIDED to STUDENT]Source:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/25/2014 2:38:35Search194001221710CFR55:41.7 / 41.10 / 43.5 / 45Historical Comments:Rev. 1: clarified notes and references based on NRC comments. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: deleted the word 'the' from the second and the last bullet, deleted the ';' in the distracters and replaced with '-' asdirected by NRC [mwf 2/25/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:ASLP-RO-MNTC OBJ13QID #:97128Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2022Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.3.14Description:Radiological Controls - Knowledge of radiation or contamination hazards that may arise during normal,abnormal, or emergency conditions or activities.RO Imp:3.4SRO Imp:3.8Lic Level:



FQuestion:___________________ radiation from Kr-85 gas is a significant hazard in an accidentinvolving spent fuel. A. Alpha B. Beta C. Gamma D. NeutronAnswer:B. Correct Notes:OP-2501.001, Refueling Shuffle and OP-1905.001, Emergency Radiological Controls, Kr-85 is a Beta emitter


OP-1905.001, Emergency Radiological Controls, Rev 19, step 6.1.6OP-2501.001, Refueling Shuffle, Rev 49, Limit and Precaution 6.37Source:NEWRev:3Rev Date:2/20/2014 8:59:34Search194001231410CFR55:43.4Historical Comments:Rev. 1: replaced question due to overlap with A8 administrative JPM. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev. 2: Replaced per NRC suggestion. (mwf 1/31/14)Rev 3: undated note section based on NRC comments [2/20/2014]

Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-FH OBJ4QID #:98129Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Bank:2023Safety FunctionSystem NumberGENERICSystem Title:GenericK/A2.4.14Description:Emergency Procedures/Plan - Knowledge of general guidelines for EOP usage.RO Imp:3.8SRO Imp:4.5Lic Level:



HQuestion:Consider the following: - An event has occurred on Unit 2 - OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery EOP, entry section has been completed with the following status: - Reactivity - SATISFIED - Maintenance of Vital Aux (DC) - SATISFIED - Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC) - SATISFIED - RCS Inventory Control - CHALLENGED - RCS Pressure Control - CHALLENGED - RCS/Core Heat Removal - SATISFIED - Containment Isolation - JEOPARDIZED - Containment Temp/Press Control - JEOPARDIZEDWhich list is the correct order the CRS would address each safety function? A. Reactivity, Maintenance of Vital Aux (DC), Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC), RCS/Core Heat Removal, RCS Inventory Control, RCS Pressure Control, Containment Isolation, Containment Temp/Press Control B. RCS Inventory Control, RCS Pressure Control, Containment Isolation, Containment Temp/Press Control, Reactivity, Maintenance of Vital Aux (DC), Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC), RCS/Core Heat Removal C. Reactivity, Maintenance of Vital Aux (DC), Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC), RCS/Core Heat Removal, Containment Isolation, Containment Temp/Press Control, RCS Inventory Control, RCS Pressure Control D. Containment Isolation, Containment Temp/Press Control, RCS Inventory Control, RCS Pressure Control, Reactivity, Maintenance of Vital Aux (DC), Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC), RCS/Core Heat RemovalAnswer:D. Correct Notes:After completing the entry section, the Functional Recovery procedure will prioritize safety functions in an order of mostendangered (jeopardized) With the above conditions the student should determine: Reactivity is SAT; Maintenance of VitalAux (DC) SAT; Maintenance of Vital Aux (AC) SAT; RCS Inventory Control CHALLENGED; RCS Pressure ControlCHALLENGED; RCS/Core Heat Removal SAT; Containment Isolation JEPORIDIZED; Containment Temp/Press ControlSource:NEWRev:2Rev Date:2/20/2014 9:01:13Search194001241410CFR55:41.10 / 45.13 Tier:3Group:1Author:fosterL. Plan:A2LP-RO-EFRP OBJ3QID #:99130Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet

Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14JEPORIDIZED.


OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery, Rev 015, entry section step 13.C., page 15 of 43OP-2202.009, Functional Recovery, Rev 015, Success Path Tracking Page, page 28 of 28EOP-2202.009, Functional Recovery Tech Guide, Rev 014, step 13.C., page 20 of 372OP-1015.021, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev 011, section 5.7, pages 20 and 21 of 73OP-1015.021, ANO-2 EOP/AOP User Guide, Rev 011, Attachment A, page 50 of 73Historical Comments:Rev. 1: Rejected K/A 2.4.23 and replaced with K/A 2.4.14. (mwf 1/30/14)Rev 2: changed difficulty rating from 2 to 3 based on NRC input [2/20/2014]

131Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet Data for 2014 NRC RO/SRO Exam 26-Feb-14Rev 2: corrected formatting of question [mwf 2/14/14]Rev 3: second bullet change 'owners' to 'owner' based on NRC comments [2/20/2014]

133Form ES-401-5 Written Exam Question Worksheet