ML20233A919 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Arkansas Nuclear |
Issue date: | 06/05/2020 |
From: | Greg Werner Operations Branch IV |
To: | Entergy Operations |
References | |
ES-401-9 | |
Download: ML20233A919 (51) | |
The pages immediately following this page separator are the draft written comments as submitted.
The Licensee came to the regional office on Feb 11, 2020 to resolve most of these comments (their comments are noted in red font in the final resolution comments pages).
The pages after the final resolution page separator contain the final resolution to Satisfactory for all written exam comments.
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. LOK 2. LOD 6
7 Ans Letter CFR 8
(1-5) stem focus cueing T/F cred dist partial job link minutia
- /
units back-ward K/A SRO-only B/M/N U/E/S A/B/C/
D 55.41 55.43 Explanation 1
H 3
D 7
2002 NRC Exam Edit-distracters are imbalanced.
A and D use a procedure while B and C do not. Place per 1202.001 Rx Trip after action statement in B and C and put per floating step after procedure change in A and then you will have action and procedure in all four choices.
2 H
3 B
7 2013 NRC Exam 3
F 3
D 5
4 F
3 N
10 Put at end of stem "per the USAR" to make it legally defendable. Answer D should be shortened to "Limit DNB Ratio" and because there are too many D's in a row that are correct answers, move this up to A or B as the correct answer.
- 3. Psychometric Flaws
- 4. Job Content Flaws
- 5. Other a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 5
H 3
B 8
2016 NRC C is never credible. The caution statement is where the question focus should be. Here is what I would recommend: Given HPI pump that tripped in stem.
A. Close BWST outlet valve xxx prior to opening CV-1207 to prevent overborating the RCS.
B....Open CV-1207 at a rate of 8-12 gpm over two minutes then increase to normal flow rate to prevent.......
C. Open CV-1207 at a rate of 32-40 gpm over 30 minutes to reestablish normal flow to prevent...................
D. Batch in 600 gallons of RCS concentration water to the makeup tank in order to provide adequate NPSH to start the stby HPI pump.
6 H
3 N
7 This might meet the KA but is not the spirit of the KA. It is intending for a lowering level that causes a loss of ICW (hence the level alarm and level control aspects),
or if it goes high due to intersystem LOCA or the cross connect valves fail to properly reposition, or level changes because of an inter-system leak and then the rad alarm comes into play then. You have 4 mechanistic failures in this stem to get to this condition which really isn't fair or allowed.
Somehow you need to incorprate level into the question 7
F 2
D 7
2014 NRC 8
H 2
C 8
2011 NRC 9
H 3
C 5
put reason for action in Notes section to solidify KA match. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 10 H
3 N
7 KA mismatch-doesn't test loss of main feedwater (they are already out of the picture in mode 3).
11 H
3 B
10 2016 NRC 12 F
2 N
10 What does A-306 mean just prior to P-36A in stem? Otherwise question is good. Looks like a cut/paste legacy item but not sure?? Legacy issue-will remove.
13 F
3 B
7 2014 NRC this question is an edit because was previously approved and it is reverse logic. The stem should have the loss of the vital inst AC bus in it and then the applicant should select from choices that demonstrate ability to operate (ie a manual swap) to get out of the event or to shift power. Licensee staes the procedure is written better for not allowing a loss so would like to add into notes section this discussion and keep question as is.
14 H
4 N
5 CUEING-can't ask them what DC bus lost power-this cues them and KA is to determine that a loss of dc occurred.
15 F
2 B
10 2014 NRC stem typo and should be
",which of the following is the MAXIMUM" 16 F
3 B
5 2016 NRC 17 H
3 N
10 2018 NRC KA mismatch-does not test for reasons for the actions.
Unsat because you tried to apply a different KA to a previous bank question and it needed modification to meet the KA selected for this exam. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 18 H
3 M
7 Stem should clarify that you are in overheating by why/how did you get here? These are pieces of the stem needed. Also, where do the pumps like to control at if left in auto (what level) or is it manual control only to the band in the procedure?
19 F
2 B
8 2002 NRC The stem needs to be cleaned up to give any credibility to distracter D. A good stem would be "An I and C tech over adjusts the voltage (over compensated) for IR detector C.
If you are currently at 5e4 cps in the source range during a reactor startup, what would the effect be on Intermediate Range C indication? Of course with this stem the distracter B would be correct. Distracter D should be worded similar to C "be erratic due to low power level" 20 H
2 B
10 2016 NRC This question has minor explanation errors in the notes section. It is when you are less than 43% power that you don't trip both with these conditions (in two places stated incorrectly).
Also, to interpret the step as written, it is given as MWe not percent power so it is more operationally valid to provide MWe (say 250 MWe) and see if they know what the step means as written.
21 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC 22 F
2 B
8 2005 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 23 F
3 N
4 needs notes section comments that this question is specific for RO duties in control room during refueling and change CFR link to 41.11 24 H
2 N
10 25 H
2 B
8 2005 NRC 26 H
2 N
7 CFR link should be 41.10 for this topic. Please update worksheet.
27 F
2 N
5 Do you need to clarify the boron ppt lineup will be required later (in the stem somewhere) in order for question and answer to always be true per the NOTE?
Affects the answer and ability to be challenged on appeal.
28 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC 29 F
2 N
7 You could capitalize "minimum" in the stem to emphasize it. Your reference also doesn't support that 1214 and 1216 do not get a close signal on high temperature.
30 H
3 N
3 C and D are not credible enough to make this an LOD = 4 question. I put it at LOD=3 31 F
2 N
7 32 H
4 B
7 2005 NRC This has the look of an SRO-only question because the details of the pressure limit are explained in the TSB, which is SRO-only. It is not applying the TS so if you can find this material in the STMs or USAR then it will be okay. It seems like a systems question but we have to tie it to something other than TSB to be legally defendable as RO only.
33 H
3 N
5 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 34 F
3 N
5 D distracter is not credible. Also have minor spelling errors and balance issues with distracters.
Here is what I recommend:
A. Ensure adequate NPSH for P-44 (noun name)
B. Ensure sufficient pressure to prevent a collapse of the quench tank C.
Ensure sufficient gas volume to prevent hydrogen buildup D. Ensure sufficient pressure for sampling and degas operations 35 H
3 N
7 Partial KA mismatch -
This is a two part KA-predict the impact (the a part of the KA) would be something like "with no operator action high pressure rx trip occurs" or "with no operator action a runback occurs." The b part of the KA for an RO question is "use procedures" which is a little different than an SRO where in these two part KAs the intention for the b part of the KA is "select procedures." The actions you have listed in the a part are fine, but those are things you would do based on your "prediction of the impact" in part a of the KA to mitigate the consequences of the malfunction.
If you use your 1) items as your
- 2) items and then use two possible impacts for your 1) items you will have the question fixed.
36 F
2 N
7 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 37 H
3 N
7 Edit - A design feature of this system is RC-4, which is put in the system and throttled to 1gpm and is always at this amount. The largest thermal shock aspect is indirect for the KA and I would not ask the question this way because it appears more like an abnormal/eop type question. You could ask it like this: One design feature to prevent thermal stresses during spray valve warmup is: A.
throttling the bypass valve RC-4 to 1gpm prior to startup B. throttling the bypass valve RC-4 to 5gpm C.
installing a 4 inch thermal sleeve on the spray line D.
Interlock on CV-1416 to ensure it is closed when RCPs are running (I just made up all of these above except 'A' which is correct). Do you see the difference? Either way several distracters aren't credible so this one needs some work.
38 H
2 N
7 39 H
4 B
7 2016 NRC Edit-Need a period after the B and space after all four letters. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 40 F
2 N
7 Edit - This is really a subset question even though you have the ONLY after each one because answer D is all of the channels or all of the above. You could use 6psig for RB pressure in the stem and use A. Ch 1-4 ONLY B. Ch 1-6 ONLY C. Ch 7-10 D.
Ch 6-10 Only This question has overlap with Q80 on the SRO Exam. Also, there are several questions with ESAS channel info in them. We need to look at all of them for overlap to make sure one question doesn't help answering another one or change the question(s).
41 H
3 N
7 Edit - You need to work the containment cooling words into the Notes section of the worksheet to show the tie to the KA. It is a legal thing but loss of chill water causes a loss of all containment cooling so you are in 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 but you have the more urgent 3.6.4 which is good.
42 H
3 B
7 2007 NRC 43 H
3 B
5 2014 NRC 44 F
3 B
2 2014 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 45 F
1 N
9 REFERENCE NEEDED Unsat since two of the choices (A and C) can be eliminated by direct lookup from the reference.
LOD = 1. You don't have to interpret anything to get the 1.85 value. Change reference to graph that you have to interpret the values from and this should fix the question LOD.
46 H
3 M
7 47 H
3 B
7 2007 NRC To make the second aspect of the Vector isolation credible remove the "due to >100psig" part and put "on high deltaP" for distracters 'A' and 'B.'
48 H
3 B
10 2010 NRC Edit - This question has several flaws. It looks like a 2 X 2 bt is not balanced so you can throw out distracters with knowledge of one item. Item D2 does not answer the question in the stem. This one needs work.
49 F
2 N
7 50 F
2 B
2 2007 NRC Edit for Cueing (if not a previous submittal this would be unsat for Cueing). This has cueing frrom stem to answer. Switchyard mentioned twice in stem and switchyard in answer A, This is not the spirit of the KA-it is for safety related battery chargers and their associated batteries and how they are connected to the DC electrical dist. system. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 51 H
3 N
5 This has negative cueing from stem to answer. The stem has low load run in it of 400KW and then you have distracters A and B with a choice of 550KW to burn out carbon fouling, which is practically the same as 400KW.
This makes these two not credible. If you picked a higher value such as 2800KW (full load) or you put two different times in the answers (the KA wants the time limit anyway) then you would have a better question.
Also, the first part of the stem is not necessary for this question.
You could just say that a 400KW run was secured after 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to shorten the stem. Agreeed to change it to 2800kw and clean up first part.
52 H
3 M
5 I think this KA is used when you are moving something like a spent fuel bundle or removing the internals of the vessel and a PRM catches it. We may need a new KA if you guys can't write to this one but Failed fuel is not the spirit of this KA for the PRM system. It has its own KA.
Change KA to 5.01 and question works. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 53 F
3 B
7 A and C seem not credible. A because you couldn't swap power to a running P-4B pump and C because if you stop P-4B then you effectively secure all SW pumps at full power. Also, per your procedure (step 5) it states that you have to be done in five minutes or else trip the reactor. Can this Attachment be completed in 5 minutes or is the real answer to trip the reactor for this SW pump lineup?
54 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC This is a reasonable question with good distracters but the one aspect of the KA's that you guys are not considering is monitoring the parameter.Where do you read IA header pressure in the control room? If there is a panel that has this instrument and if yes then you could ask that aspect as well (what board or panel is it read on). a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 55 F
2 B
5 Stem needs to state what indicator (ex RI-9999). This is an activity meter but what about the temp and humidy meters. These are part of the KA so they should be included in the stem. Also, what is the design limit that you are protecting? That could be part of the answer choices (for example the limit in the RB for temp and/or humidity). Pressure is covered well in other KAs. For your distracter discussions you need to explain why something is plausible for someone to select.
With no mention of H2 in the stem and no mention of rising pressure this makes distracter 'B' not credible. A building purge seems not credible now because you have activity in the building (affects credibility of distracter
56 F
3 N
5 57 H
3 N
10 Need "per EOP/AOP users guide" in the stem to lock in the legally defendable answer as the exclusive answer. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 58 H
4 N
7 What defines valid? You need to have a valid definition in the stem such as valid means that all CETS have GOOD signal quality). Then remove valid from the two choices. If you monitor this from control room, is in on SPDS? You could also toggle what colors you see on the screen for GOOD, HIGH, SUSPECT CETs. Minor edits to the stem and the question is fine but you see the point of monitoring from the control room on each KA involves actually reading out at a panel or display or instrument the parameter. You guys are not taking advantage of that aspect of these KAs. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 59 F
3 B
3 2004 NRC You need more specifics in the stem of the question to be legally defendable instead of stating "closed at one point during these evolutions." That is too generic. It should be something like "During preparations for plant shutdown, in procedure1102.010 and prior to placing decay Heat removal system in service..." This KA is not a "reason for the actions" KA which is how you wrote the question. It is a physical connection or cause effect. For example, do you guys get any ESAS alarms on the status panel if during a CS start during a LOCA that NAOH is not getting into the suction of the CSS pump (ie a valve that is not open or does not stroke open). This is a good cause-effect aspect between these two systems.
What you have is fine but you need to clean up the generic verbiage in the stem.
60 H
5 N
7 You have this as an H4 but I believe it is too hard and LOD =
- 5. From the explanation you wrte, the text that is highlighted to support the answer at two different times in the event makes this question really challenging, in my opinion.
61 H
3 B
7 2004 NRC 62 H
3 M
5 63 F
2 N
7 64 F
2 B
7 65 H
3 N
5 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 66 F
3 N
10 The Answer in the Answer section needs to have ONLY at the end to match its text above in the question section.
67 F
2 N
10 You need a different KA to make this a generic (Tier 3) question.
The PSV values are system item questions and not allowed for Tier 3.
68 F
2 B
10 2014 NRC 69 F
2 B
10 2016 NRC 70 F
3 N
10 This is a Sat question but it is not higher order and is not LOD = 4.
It is F3. Update the worksheet for these values of LOK and LOD.
71 H
3 N
11 Not a Tier 3 question. Too system specific and these must be generic questions.
72 F
3 B
12 2013 NRC Minor edits. LOD = 0?? This question needs some items completed for it. The CFR liink field is 41.12 while the LOD field should be 3. You also need a space after the letters in the notes section.
73 F
2 B
10 2010 NRC 74 F
2 B
10 Not a Tier 3 question. Too system specific and these must be generic questions.
75 F
2 B
6 2016 NRC 76 H
3 N
5 77 H
3 N
5 CFR link is 43.2 since you tied it to TSB. Update worksheet for this item. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 78 H
3 N
5 You have cueing from stem to choices C and D with the noun names after the sections. During the free review I left those out on purpose so there would be no cueing. If the station does not want to do that then we would have to come up with something else to prevent cueing as we discussed on the phone.
79 H
3 N
5 80 H
3 N
5 This question is sat but has overlap with Q40 on the RO Exam. Also, there are several questions with ESAS channel info in them. We need to look at all of them for overlap to make sure one question doesn't help answering another one or change the question(s).
81 H
3 N
5 Unsat because question is not a Tier 1 question. The outline should have been with system topic 056 (Loss OSP) but it appears in the worksheet as a Tier 3 system topic.
82 H
3 N
3 N
5 84 H
3 N
3 N
5 86 H
4 N
3 B
2 N
2 89 H
3 B
5 The question is sat but we already have an EAL question on SGTR with Q79, which is too much overlap. Too many PRM questions on this exam.
Resample at system level in T2G1 with Containment Spray and update outline and write new or find bank question. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 90 H
3 M
5 The question is sat but we already have too much on ESAS channel verification on this exam (Q40 and others). Licensee want to change Q40 instead of this question.
91 H
3 N
5 92 H
3 N
5 Unsat for non credible distracters C and D. You either need to build more info in the stem to add credibility, remove the section names for each procedure to make the procedure choice not a direct entry knowledge piece (RO knowledge) or try a different KA within A2 for this system. During the free review I did not put the section or attachment names in to separate SRO level knowledge. If you guys don't do allow that on an exam then we have to be careful that we don't cue to the answer by building enough into the stem so that either procedure choice/section/attachment is not cued from stem. If we can't fix the cueing issue, then I recommend something different, such as put the stem in a situation requiring Aux spray and have applicant determine where those actions are located. This is the A2.12 KA.
93 F
3 N
7 94 H
2 N
2 95 F
2 N
6 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 96 F
1 B
3 This is too easy as written (LOD
= 1) but marked as an Edit since it was previously approved. It doesn't require any process knowledge to answer this question.Writing a new question.
97 F
3 N
2 98 F
3 N
4 99 F
2 N
5 100 H
2 B
5 question is sat but has been repeated too much and there is too much op experience on failure to report with violations, such as felonies, medical changes, taking too long to report a temp disability (>90 days this is reportable) etc. Writing a new question on medical reporting.
Results Table RO LOK -H 37 49.33 Avg RO LOD 2.65 Flaws 10 CFR Distribution RO LOK-F 38 AVG SRO LOD 2.76 Stem focus 0
41(b)1 0
43(b)1 1 SRO LOK - H 18 Overall LOD 2.68 Cues 0
41(b)2 2
43(b)2 4 SRO LOK - F 7
T/F 0
41(b)3 2
43(b)3 1 Cred Dist 0
41(b)4 1
43(b)4 1 RO Bank 34 45.33 SRO Bank 4
16 Partial 0
41(b)5 14 43(b)5 16 RO Mod 4
5.333 SRO Mod 1
4 job link 0
41(b)6 1
43(b)6 1 RO New 37 49.33 SRO New 20 80 units 0
41(b)7 31 43(b)7 1 minutia 0
41(b)8 5
Total Bank 38 38 backward 0
41(b)9 1
Total Mod 5
5 KA 0
41(b)10 16 Total New 57 57 SRO-only 0
41(b)11 1
LOD = 1 2
41(b)12 1
RO Sat 33 44 SRO Sat 17 68 41(b)13 0
12 Answer Dist ( in %)
41(b)14 0
20 RO-A 17 SRO-A 3 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 RO-B 21 SRO-B 7
Total Sat 50 50 Total Unsat 15 15 RO-C 15 SRO-C 9
Total Edit 35 35 RO-D 22 SRO-D 6 a Rev 3
Question Overlap with the Previous Two NRC Exams QA form ES-401-6 item 4 requires 4 or less questions on RO exam from previous two NRC exams, SRO portion two or less questions from previous two NRC exams*
- if this is exceeded, the region shall call NRR to explain why/reasons.
RO overlap from previous two NRC exams (2018-02 Initial AND 2017-06 Retake EXAMS)
Q17 2018 Q21 2018 Q28 2018 Q54 2018 SRO overlap from the previous two NRC exams Q96 2017-06 Note: the previous two exams considered for written overlap are the 2018-02 Initial and 2017-06 Retake Exams
Questions Requiring References to Answer 6-10 questions rule of thumb on SRO portion of exam are allowed to be open reference, while the RO exam is generally none RO Questions that require hand-outs Q45 1203.045 Exhibit 4 only SRO Questions that require hand-outs Q82 TS3.1.4, TS 3.1.7, TS 3.4.4, AND COLR page 30 Q84 TS 3.4.13 Q86 TS 3.4.9 Q87 TS 3.3.5, TS 3.3.7
The pages after this final resolution page separator contain the final resolution to Satisfactory for all written exam comments.
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. LOK 2. LOD 6
7 Ans Letter CFR 8
(1-5) stem focus cueing T/F cred dist partial job link minutia
- /
units back-ward K/A SRO-only B/M/N U/E/S A/B/C/
D 55.41 55.43 Explanation 1
H 3
D 7
2002 NRC Exam Edit-distracters are imbalanced.
A and D use a procedure while B and C do not. Place per 1202.001 Rx Trip after action statement in B and C and put per floating step after procedure change in A and then you will have action and procedure in all four choices.
- Added "floating step" in distractor A
- Added "per 1202.001 reactor trip" in B and C NRC agrees with changes, question is now Sat.
2 H
3 B
7 2013 NRC Exam 3
F 3
D 5
4 F
3 N
10 Answer D should be shortened to "Limit DNB Ratio" and because there are too many D's in a row that are correct answers, move this up to A or B as the correct answer.
Reworded D to "To limit the DNB ratio". Alternated choices to make correct answer A Licensee made requested changes and question is now Sat.
- 3. Psychometric Flaws
- 4. Job Content Flaws
- 5. Other a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 5
H 3
B 8
2016 NRC C is never credible. The caution statement is where the question focus should be. Here is what I would recommend: Given HPI pump that tripped in stem.
A. Close BWST outlet valve xxx prior to opening CV-1207 to prevent overborating the RCS.
B....Open CV-1207 at a rate of 8-12 gpm over two minutes then increase to normal flow rate to prevent.......
C. Open CV-1207 at a rate of 32-40 gpm over 30 minutes to reestablish normal flow to prevent...................
D. Batch in 600 gallons of RCS concentration water to the makeup tank in order to provide adequate NPSH to start the stby HPI pump.
Licensee updated question with NRC recommended edits above and question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 6
H 3
D 7
This might meet the KA but is not the spirit of the KA. It is intending for a lowering level that causes a loss of ICW (hence the level alarm and level control aspects),
or if it goes high due to intersystem LOCA or the cross connect valves fail to properly reposition, or level changes because of an inter-system leak and then the rad alarm comes into play then. You have 4 mechanistic failures in this stem to get to this condition which really isn't fair or allowed.
Somehow you need to incorprate level into the question.
Added that there is no ICW level or alarm indication in the control room. After discussion with NRC while in regional office the KA doesn't really apply for this design because there is no indication of level in control room for the ICW surge tank so licensee is going to try with a different KA (A1.02). New question on new KA is Sat (rev 3).
7 F
2 B
7 2014 NRC 8
H 2
C 8
2011 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 9
H 3
C 5
Doesn't look like a match for KA for the "reason". Licensee added note that the reason for ESAS initiation is the initiation logic.
While in the region the licensee discussed this question and it is good as written because the reason for logic initiation is embedded in the logic that they must figure out. Note for clarity added in the notes section of the pedigree also. Question is Sat as rev 2.
10 H
3 N
7 KA mismatch-doesn't test loss of main feedwater (they are already out of the picture in mode 3).
Changed power level to 10%
power with P-1A inservice created loss of MFW based on these conditions.
NRC reviewed the updated changes (rev 2) and question is now Sat.
11 H
3 B
10 2016 NRC 12 F
2 N
10 What does A-306 mean just prior to P-36A in stem? Otherwise question is good. Looks like a cut/paste legacy item but not sure??
Licensee deleted A-306.
Question is (rev 2) Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 13 F
3 B
7 2014 NRC this question is an edit because was previously approved and it is reverse logic. The stem should have the loss of the vital inst AC bus in it and then the applicant should select from choices that demonstrate ability to operate (ie a manual swap) to get out of the event or to shift power. Updated KA justification to discuss why question was chosen.
Still needs repair. Try asking what would cause a loss of 8F bus? RS-2 or RS-4. Licensee updated question as suggested and question is now Sat as rev 3.
14 H
4 N
5 CUEING-can't ask them what DC bus lost power-this cues them and KA is to determine that a loss of dc occurred. Licensee edited stem to remove cueing.
Could ask for alarm panel number instead of voltage value where alarm clears (K01 or K10).
After BC requested changes and licensee revised a third time question is Sat as rev 3.
15 F
2 B
10 2014 NRC stem typo and should be
",which of the following is the MAXIMUM" Fixed typo.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 16 F
3 B
5 2016 NRC I dont understand why C isn't correct based on conduct of operations. If IA is already at 35psig that means you have dropped below 60 psig and should have started a downpower. It seems like you could argue that this step needs to be done before the other steps to place the reactor in a safe condition before valves that need air cannot be moved. Licensee capitalized conserve to empasize the answer.
Question is now Sat.
17 H
3 N
10 2018 NRC KA mismatch-does not test for reasons for the actions.
Unsat because you tried to apply a different KA to a previous bank question and it needed modification to meet the KA selected for this exam.Created new QID 1308 which is modified 1173 to include reasons for output breaker tripping.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 18 H
3 M
7 Stem should clarify that you are in overheating by why/how did you get here? These are pieces of the stem needed. Also, where do the pumps like to control at if left in auto (what level) or is it manual control only to the band in the procedure?Updated KA justification. Added bullet in stem that OH EOP was entered. Still needs work. You are in RT-16 starting P-75, you need to place SU control valves in manual and close control valves first-add manual vs automatic. Licensee made corrections and updates with rev 3 and question is now Sat.
19 F
2 B
8 2002 NRC The stem needs to be cleaned up to give any credibility to distracter D. A good stem would be "An I and C tech over adjusts the voltage (over compensated) for IR detector C.
If you are currently at 5e4 cps in the source range during a reactor startup, what would the effect be on Intermediate Range C indication? Of course with this stem the distracter B would be correct. Distracter D should be worded similar to C "be erratic due to low power level" Licensee made the above changes.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 20 H
2 B
10 2016 NRC This question has minor explanation errors in the notes section. It is when you are less than 43% power that you don't trip both with these conditions (in two places stated incorrectly).
Also, to interpret the step as written, it is given as MWe not percent power so it is more operationally valid to provide MWe (say 250 MWe) and see if they know what the step means as written. Licensee made the requested changes. Question is now Sat.
21 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC 22 F
2 B
8 2005 NRC 23 F
3 N
4 Seems like SRO only to me since it is refueling and the answer involves a TRM call? This is below the line info also. CFR reference is also 43.5 only.
Please explain. Licensee updated KA justification for RO in notes section, and CFR.
Question is Sat.
24 H
2 N
10 25 H
2 B
8 2005 NRC 26 H
2 N
10 CFR link should be 41.10 for this topic. Please update worksheet.
Updated CFR.
Question is Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 27 F
2 N
5 Do you need to clarify the boron ppt lineup will be required later (in the stem somewhere) in order for question and answer to always be true per the NOTE?
Affects the answer and ability to be challenged on appeal. Added BPML required in stem.
Question is Sat as rev 2.
28 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC 29 F
2 N
7 You could capitalize "minimum" in the stem to emphasize it. Your reference also doesn't support that 1214 and 1216 do not get a close signal on high temperature.
Licensee added reference for MOV logic and capitalized minimum and added ONLY to answer "C." Question is now Sat.
30 H
3 N
3 C and D are not credible enough to make this an LOD = 4 question. I put it at LOD=3.
Licensee changed LOD to 3.
Question is now Sat.
31 F
2 N
7 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 32 H
4 B
7 2005 NRC This has the look of an SRO-only question because the details of the pressure limit are explained in the TSB, which is SRO-only. It is not applying the TS so if you can find this material in the STMs or USAR then it will be okay. It seems like a systems question but we have to tie it to something other than TSB to be legally defendable as RO only. Station re-stated that it is RO knowledge and referenced the STM instead of TSB.
Question is now Sat.
33 H
3 N
5 34 F
3 N
5 D distracter is not credible. Also have minor spelling errors and balance issues with distracters.
Here is what I recommend:
A. Ensure adequate NPSH for P-44 (noun name)
B. Ensure sufficient pressure to prevent a collapse of the quench tank C.
Ensure sufficient gas volume to prevent hydrogen buildup D. Ensure sufficient pressure for sampling and degas operations Made the above changes.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 35 H
3 N
7 Partial KA mismatch -
This is a two part KA-predict the impact (the a part of the KA) would be something like "with no operator action high pressure rx trip occurs" or "with no operator action a runback occurs." The b part of the KA for an RO question is "use procedures" which is a little different than an SRO where in these two part KAs the intention for the b part of the KA is "select procedures." The actions you have listed in the a part are fine, but those are things you would do based on your "prediction of the impact" in part a of the KA to mitigate the consequences of the malfunction.
If you use your 1) items as your
- 2) items and then use two possible impacts for your 1) items you will have the question fixed. Changed the 2nd part to be a reason for the action, updated KA justification, added Tave in stem. Still needs work.
Licensee needs to swap 1 and 2 so both parts of KA are met.
What would happen would be the part 1 such as high pressure tip b/c of spray valve. Licensee made additional corrections as suggested. Question is Sat as rev 3.
36 F
2 N
7 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 37 H
3 N
7 Edit - A design feature of this system is RC-4, which is put in the system and throttled to 1gpm and is always at this amount. The largest thermal shock aspect is indirect for the KA and I would not ask the question this way because it appears more like an abnormal/eop type question. You could ask it like this: One design feature to prevent thermal stresses during spray valve warmup is: A.
throttling the bypass valve RC-4 to 1gpm prior to startup B. throttling the bypass valve RC-4 to 5gpm C.
installing a 4 inch thermal sleeve on the spray line D.
Interlock on CV-1416 to ensure it is closed when RCPs are running Either way several distracters aren't credible so this one needs some work. Licensee updated with above recommendations except B since would be true.
Made B throttle CV-1008 to 5 gpm.
Question is now Sat.
38 H
2 N
7 39 H
4 B
7 2016 NRC Edit-Need a period after the B and space after all four letters.
Licensee corrected with rev 2.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 40 F
2 N
7 Edit - This is really a subset question even though you have the ONLY after each one because answer D is all of the channels or all of the above. You could use 6psig for RB pressure in the stem and use A. Ch 1-4 ONLY B. Ch 1-6 ONLY C. Ch 7-10 D.
Ch 6-10 Only This question has overlap with Q80 on the SRO Exam. Also, there are several questions with ESAS channel info in them. We need to look at all of them for overlap to make sure one question doesn't help answering another one or change the question(s).
Rewrote question to list actuated components on low RCS pressure. Question is now Sat.
41 H
3 N
7 Edit - You need to work the containment cooling words into the Notes section of the worksheet to show the tie to the KA. It is a legal thing but loss of chill water causes a loss of all containment cooling so you are in 3.6.4 and 3.6.5 but you have the more urgent 3.6.4 which is good.
Added containment cooling to notes section for clarity.
Question is now Sat.
42 H
3 B
7 2007 NRC 43 H
3 B
5 2014 NRC 44 F
3 B
2 2014 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 45 F
1 N
9 REFERENCE NEEDED Unsat since two of the choices (A and C) can be eliminated by direct lookup from the reference.
LOD = 1. You don't have to interpret anything to get the 1.85 value. Removed first part and changed reference to 1102.004 att. I. Question is now Sat.
46 H
3 M
7 47 H
3 B
7 2007 NRC To make the second aspect of the Vector isolation credible remove the "due to >100psig" part and put "on high deltaP" for distracters 'A' and 'B.' made the above changes.
Question is now Sat.
48 H
3 B
10 2010 NRC Edit - This question has several flaws. It looks like a 2 X 2 bt is not balanced so you can throw out distracters with knowledge of one item. Item D2 does not answer the question in the stem. This one needs work.
Made a true 2x2 by editing C and D. Still needs minor edit (comma versus period for "D").
After edits Question is now Sat.
49 F
2 N
7 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 50 F
2 B
2 2007 NRC Edit for Cueing (if not a previous submittal this would be unsat for Cueing). This has cueing frrom stem to answer. Switchyard mentioned twice in stem and switchyard in answer A, This is not the spirit of the KA-it is for safety related battery chargers and their associated batteries and how they are connected to the DC electrical dist. system.
Changed question to be if 22kv power was lost to remove queing.
Also need to add note that loss of DC power affects U1 and U2 support (can't operate switchyard breakers for either unit without it)
Status lights offf on breakers on C10. Licensee made corrections and added notes to question.
Question is Sat as rev 3. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 51 H
3 N
5 This has negative cueing from stem to answer. The stem has low load run in it of 400KW and then you have distracters A and B with a choice of 550KW to burn out carbon fouling, which is practically the same as 400KW.
This makes these two not credible. If you picked a higher value such as 2800KW (full load) or you put two different times in the answers (the KA wants the time limit anyway) then you would have a better question.
Also, the first part of the stem is not necessary for this question.
You could just say that a 400KW run was secured after 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to shorten the stem. Cleaned up stem. Changed from 550kw to 2800kw.
Question is now Sat.
52 H
3 M
5 I think this KA is used when you are moving something like a spent fuel bundle or removing the internals of the vessel and a PRM catches it. We may need a new KA if you guys can't write to this one but Failed fuel is not the spirit of this KA for the PRM system. It has its own KA.
Changed KA from K5.02 to K5.01.
Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 53 F
3 B
7 A and C seem not credible. A because you couldn't swap power to a running P-4B pump and C because if you stop P-4B then you effectively secure all SW pumps at full power. Also, per your procedure (step 5) it states that you have to be done in five minutes or else trip the reactor. Can this Attachment be completed in 5 minutes or is the real answer to trip the reactor for this SW pump lineup?
Wrote new question asking where MOD switch is.
Distracter C and D should be A3 and A4 for balance. Licensee updated question for rev3.
Question is now Sat.
54 F
2 B
7 2018 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 55 F
2 B
5 Stem needs to state what indicator (ex RI-9999). Also, what is the design limit that you are protecting? That could be part of the answer choices (for example the limit in the RB forpressure).For your distracter discussions you need to explain why something is plausible for someone to select. With no mention of H2 in the stem and no mention of rising pressure this makes distracter 'B' not credible.
A building purge seems not credible now because you have activity in the building (affects credibility of distracter 'A'). New question 1309 on DB RB Temp and Press. Still need to add panel on SPDS and get rid of temperature (missing monitoring piece). Licensee made suggested rev3 changes.
Question is now Sat.
56 F
3 N
5 57 H
3 N
10 Need "per EOP/AOP users guide" in the stem to lock in the legally defendable answer as the exclusive answer. Made the above changes. Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 58 H
4 N
7 What defines valid? You need to have a valid definition in the stem such as valid means that all CETS have GOOD signal quality). Then remove valid from the two choices. If you monitor this from control room, is in on SPDS? You could also toggle what colors you see on the screen for GOOD, HIGH, SUSPECT CETs. Minor edits to the stem and the question is fine but you see the point of monitoring from the control room on each KA involves actually reading out at a panel or display or instrument the parameter. Did not validate well so Licensee modified the distracters and Question is Sat as rev 3. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 59 F
3 B
3 2004 NRC You need more specifics in the stem of the question to be legally defendable instead of stating "closed at one point during these evolutions." That is too generic. It should be something like "During preparations for plant shutdown, in procedure 1102.010 and prior to placing decay Heat removal system in service..." This KA is not a "reason for the actions" KA which is how you wrote the question. It is a physical connection or cause effect. For example, do you guys get any ESAS alarms on the status panel if during a CS start during a LOCA that NAOH is not getting into the suction of the CSS pump (ie a valve that is not open or does not stroke open). This is a good cause-effect aspect between these two systems.
What you have is fine but you need to clean up the generic verbiage in the stem. Stated prior to placing DH in service.
Updated KA justification Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 60 H
3 N
7 You have this as an H4 but I believe it is too hard and LOD =
- 5. From the explanation you wrte, the text that is highlighted to support the answer at two different times in the event makes this question really challenging, in my opinion.
Reworded stem, condensed information together. Only asked what would happen 20 min after trip. Make 999 psig instead of 985 psig (affects credibility of distracters). Licensee made rev3 corrections. Question is now Sat.
61 H
3 B
7 2004 NRC 62 H
3 M
5 63 F
2 N
7 64 F
2 B
7 65 H
3 N
5 66 F
3 N
10 The Answer in the Answer section needs to have ONLY at the end to match its text above in the question section. Updated answer section. Edit: AOP ONLY after ALL. With rev3 changes Question is now Sat.
67 F
2 N
10 You need a different KA to make this a generic (Tier 3) question.
The PSV values are system item questions and not allowed for Tier 3. Replaced with generic SL QID651. Edit: Put within Limits.
Licensee made suggested changes and question is Sat as rev3.
68 F
2 B
10 2014 NRC a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 69 F
2 B
10 2016 NRC 70 F
3 N
10 This is a Sat question but it is not higher order and is not LOD = 4.
It is F3. Update the worksheet for these values of LOK and LOD.
Changed to L3. Question is now Sat.
71 H
3 N
11 Not a Tier 3 question. Too system specific and these must be generic questions. New QID 1310 on EAD alarm. Edit: Update objective rev date. Question is Sat.
72 F
3 B
12 2013 NRC Minor edits. LOD = 0?? This question needs some items completed for it. The CFR liink field is 41.12 while the LOD field should be 3. You also need a space after the letters in the notes section. Made the above changes. Question is now Sat.
73 F
2 B
10 2010 NRC 74 F
2 B
10 Not a Tier 3 question. Too system specific and these must be generic questions. Used generic verbage in 1000.120.
Question is now Sat.
75 F
2 B
6 2016 NRC 76 H
3 N
5 77 H
3 N
5 CFR link is 43.2 since you tied it to TSB. Update worksheet for this item. Updated CFR reference. Question is now Sat. a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 78 H
2 N
5 You have cueing from stem to choices C and D with the noun names after the sections. During the free review I left those out on purpose so there would be no cueing. If the station does not want to do that then we would have to come up with something else to prevent cueing as we discussed on the phone. Added info about tail pipe temp in stem and justification. Change to LOD = 2 and add quench tank temp 90F and stable to stem (affects cred of distracters).
Licensee made the above changes. Question is now Sat.
79 H
3 N
5 80 H
3 N
5 This question is sat but has overlap with Q40 on the RO Exam. Also, there are several questions with ESAS channel info in them. We need to look at all of them for overlap to make sure one question doesn't help answering another one or change the question(s). No change made, changed Q40. Question is Sat.
81 H
3 N
5 Unsat because question is not a Tier 1 question. The outline should have been with system topic 056 (Loss OSP) but it appears in the worksheet as a Tier 3 system topic. Made the above change.
Question is now Sat.
82 H
3 N
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 83 H
3 N
5 84 H
3 N
3 N
5 86 H
4 N
3 B
2 N
2 89 H
3 B
5 The question is sat but we already have an EAL question on SGTR with Q79, which is too much overlap. Use the category C rad monitors (which are PRM and so it meets the KA) to assess the barriers. There is enough to even make this a 1 X 4 on that alone with no procedure selection needed. New KA and question 1311.
Question is now Sat.
90 H
3 M
5 There are too many topics on ESAS channel verification on this exam (Q40, 80, 90) so we need to come up with something else.
Separate question 1) describes the ESAS? And 2) Appropriate RT. Per 1202.005 ICC what is the appropriate RT to be performed. Licensee made suggested changes. Question is Sat as rev3.
91 H
3 N
5 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 92 H
3 N
5 Unsat for non credible distracters C and D. You either need to build more info in the stem to add credibility, remove the section names for each procedure to make the procedure choice not a direct entry knowledge piece (RO knowledge) or try a different KA within A2 for this system. We have to be careful that we don't cue to the answer by building enough into the stem so that either procedure choice/section/attachment is not cued from stem. Added bullet MU tank level alarm is in to make 1203.026 entry more plausible.
Still needs work-I would make it a 1 X 4 for procedure selection.
Some ideas are 1) an EOP 2)
LODHR, 3) Excess RCS leakage, and 4) find another one but don't use procedure sections on this or it will cue to the answer.
Licensee made corrections as suggested. Question is Sat as rev3.
93 F
3 N
7 94 H
2 N
2 95 F
2 N
6 96 F
3 B
3 This is too easy as written (LOD
= 1) but marked as an Edit since it was previously approved. It doesn't require any process knowledge to answer this question. I can help write a different question if needed. QID 409 about PAD and 50.59 used.
New Question is Sat.
97 F
3 N
2 a Rev 3
ES-401 AN1-2020-03 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9 98 F
3 N
4 99 F
2 N
5 100 H
2 B
5 question is sat but has been repeated too much and there is too much op experience on failure to report with violations, such as felonies, medical changes, taking too long to report a temp disability (>90 days this is reportable) etc. Any one of those will work. Licensee wrote new question on Reporting prescription. Question is now Sat.
Results Table RO LOK -H 37 49.33 Avg RO LOD 2.63 Flaws 10 CFR Distribution RO LOK-F 38 AVG SRO LOD 2.8 Stem focus 0
41(b)1 0
43(b)1 1 SRO LOK - H 18 Overall LOD 2.67 Cues 0
41(b)2 2
43(b)2 4 SRO LOK - F 7
T/F 0
41(b)3 2
43(b)3 1 Cred Dist 0
41(b)4 1
43(b)4 1 RO Bank 34 45.33 SRO Bank 4
16 Partial 0
41(b)5 14 43(b)5 16 RO Mod 4
5.333 SRO Mod 1
4 job link 0
41(b)6 1
43(b)6 1 RO New 37 49.33 SRO New 20 80 units 0
41(b)7 30 43(b)7 1 minutia 0
41(b)8 5
Total Bank 38 38 backward 0
41(b)9 1
Total Mod 5
5 KA 0
41(b)10 17 Total New 57 57 SRO-only 0
41(b)11 1
LOD = 1 1
41(b)12 1
RO Sat 75 100 SRO Sat 25 100 41(b)13 0
RO Unsat 0
0 SRO Unsat 0
0 Answer Dist ( in %)
41(b)14 0
RO Edit 0
0 SRO Edit 0
0 RO-A 17 SRO-A 3
RO-B 21 SRO-B 7
Total Sat 100 100 Total Unsat 0
0 RO-C 15 SRO-C 9
Total Edit 0
0 RO-D 22 SRO-D 6 a Rev 3
Question Overlap with the Previous Two NRC Exams QA form ES-401-6 item 4 requires 4 or less questions on RO exam from previous two NRC exams, SRO portion two or less questions from previous two NRC exams*
- if this is exceeded, the region shall call NRR to explain why/reasons.
RO overlap from previous two NRC exams (2018-02 Initial AND 2017-06 Retake EXAMS)
Q17 2018 Q21 2018 Q28 2018 Q54 2018 SRO overlap from the previous two NRC exams Note: the previous two exams considered for written overlap are the 2018-02 Initial and 2017-06 Retake Exams
Questions Requiring References to Answer 6-10 questions rule of thumb on SRO portion of exam are allowed to be open reference, while the RO exam is generally none RO Questions that require hand-outs Q45 1203.045 Exhibit 4 only SRO Questions that require hand-outs Q82 TS3.1.4, TS 3.1.7, TS 3.4.4, AND COLR page 30 Q84 TS 3.4.13 Q86 TS 3.4.9 Q87 TS 3.3.5, TS 3.3.7