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Forwards Docket 71000865,requesting Registration as User of Models 660B,650L,680 & 771
Person / Time
Site: 071*****, 07100865
Issue date: 09/16/1996
From: Allanach J
External (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Jankovich J
NUDOCS 9609240385
Download: ML20134B990 (5)


7/WY iTi integrated rechnologies, inc.

316-1 Boston Post Road tel: (860) 447 2474 Waterford, CT 06385 fax: (860) 447-2404 September 16,1996 Mr. John Jankovich Section Chief Mail Stop 0-6F18 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Jankovich:

In accordance with 10 CFR 71 (c).(3), integrated Technologies, Inc., USNRC License No.

06-30317-01, requests to be registered as a user of the equipment listed below.

Package Manufacturer Model Number '

Identification Compliance Numkr Number Amersham 660B Exposure Device USA /9033/B(U) 9033 Amersham 650L Exposure Device USA /9269/B(U) 9269 Amersham 680 Exposure Device USA /9035/B(U) 9035 Amersham 771 Source Changer USA /9107/B(U) 9107 Enclosed is our check for $340.00 for this application. Also enclosed is a copy of our Quality Assurance Program (Appendix 1 to our Radiation Safety Procedures Manual).

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. David Orlosky, our Radiation Safety Officer, at (860)447-2474.

9609240385 960916 U

PDR ADOCK 071*****

C PDR Very truly yours, blA A go cl, a

g hv ha R. Allanach Nice President yb e


Radiation Safety Procedures Manual I

I Document No.: RSPM-001, Rev. O Page 11 of I4 ATTACHMENTI Shipping Container Quality Assurance Requirements i

Radiation Safety Procedures Manual I

I Document No.: RSPM-001, Rev. O Page 12 of 14 1.

SCOPE The scope of this appendix is limited to fulfilling the requirements of 10 CFR 71 for shipping containers used by ITi to transport sealed radioactive sources. Design and fabrication of shipping containers is not covered by the requirements in this appendix.


ORGANIZATION The Radiation Safety Officer is responsible for overall administration of these quality assurance requirements, training and certification, document control, and auditing. The senior Site Radiographers are responsible for handling, storing, shipping, inspection, test, operating status, and record keeping and are directly accountable to the Radiation Safety Officer on all radiation safety matters. Responsibilities are further defined in the Radiation Safety Procedures Manual, Section 3.


QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM This QA program, although limited in scope, is conducted in accordance with iTi's normal quality assurance policies. For this program, this requires that all procedures necessary for the safe use and control of shipping containers be written and defined by the Radiation Safety Procedures Manual and that only properly trained, competent personnel shall conduct the defined operations, inspections, or tests. Also, the RSO shall assure that all shipping containers are designed and manufactured in accordance with 10 CFR 71 by certification from the manufacturer.

i 4.

DOCUMENT CONTROL All documents pertaining to the radiation safety program are controlled by the RSO and are included in the Radiation Safety Procedures Manual. This manual is distributed to all company employees involved in working with radioactive materials. Distribution of the manual and revisions are controlled in a positive manner.


HANDLING, STORAGE, AND SHIPPING All operations involving the handling, storage, and shipping of packages for certain special form radioactive material will be done in accordance with our Radiation Safety Procedures Manual. No shipments will be made unless all test, certifications, acceptances, and final inspections have been completed.



The RSO shall assure radiography personnel conduct the following inspections and tests.

Inspections and tests shall be documented on the Shipping Container QA Checklist, Figure 1.

Radiation Safety Procedures Manual I

I Document No.: RSPM-001, Rev. O Page 13 of I4 6.1 The following inspections shall be conducted at receipt:

6.1.1 Survey 6.1.2 Visual inspection for correct marking and damage 6.1.3 Manufacturer's documentation 6.2 The following in-process inspections and tests shall be conducted as required:

6.2.1 Leak tests 6.2.2 Visual inspection and survey when damage is suspected 6.2.3 Daily, quarterly, and annual inspections and maintenance 6.3 The following final inspections shall be conducted immediately prior to shipping equipment off site:

6.3.1 Survey 6.3.2 Proper labeling 6.3.3 Proper preparation for shipping (bolts tightened, seals in place, source identification tag attached, etc.)

6.3.4 Shipping papers are complete and in order (shipper's certificate, bill of lading, etc.)


NONCONFORMANCES ON discovery of a nonconforming condition, the container will immediately be surveyed.

If the radiation level exceeds 200 mR/hr at the surface of 10 mR/hr at 1 meter, the restricted area shall be established and the RSO notified. He shall direct resolution of the nonconformance. Surveillance of the restricted area shall be maintained until the nonconformance is resolved. If the survey meets the above levels, the equipment shall be moved to a locked secure area. The RSO shall be notified of the nonconformance and he shall provide resolution, 8.

QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS All shipping container records will be maintained along with the other required radiation safety documents. All records are reviewed quarterly as part of the internal audit program.


AUDITS Audit of the QA program will be conducted on an annual basis.

Radiation Safety Procedures Manual I[I Document No.: RSPM-001, Rev. O Page 14 of I4 FIGURE 1 (Typical) integrated Technologies, snc.

I[I 316-1 Boston Post Road. Waterford. CT 06385 SHIPPING CONTAINER QA CHECKLIST 1.



a. Are radiation surveys conducted on receipt?
b. Are surveys conducted within allowable time limits?
c. Are visual inspections conducted on receipt?
d. Are current " Certificates of Conformance" on file?
e. Have received sources been leak tested within 6 months?
f. Were leak tests within allowable limits?




a. Are leak tests conducted within the last 6 months?
b. Are daily and quarterly maintenance inspections conducted?
c. Are inspections conducted when damage is suspected?




a. Are radiation surveys conducted?
b. Are surveys within allowable limits?
c. Are proper radioactive labels affixed?
d. Are shipments properly prepared (bolts tightened, seals in place, source ID tag attached, etc.)
e. Is the shipper's certificate properly prepared?
f. Are Bills of Lading properly prepared?


Are noticed of receipt received from the consignee?





Radiation Safety Omcer
