IR 05000456/1998010

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Insp Repts 50-456/98-10 & 50-457/98-10 on 980615-19.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Physical Security Program.Details Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21)
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/02/1998
Shared Package
ML20236L346 List:
50-456-98-10, 50-457-98-10, NUDOCS 9807100331
Download: ML20236L375 (4)


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50-456;50-457 License Nos:

NPF-72; NPF-77 Report Nos:

50-456/98010(DRS); 50-457/98010(DRS)


Commonwealth Edison Company l


Braidwood Generating Station, Units 1 and 2




RR #1, Box 84 Braceville,IL 60407 l

l Inspection Dates:

June 15-19,1998 Inspector:

J. Belanger, Senior Physical Security inspector Approved by:

J. Creed, Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety

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9807100331 980702


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Braidwood Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 NRC Inspection Reports 50-456/98010; 50-457/98010 l

This inspection included an announced review of the physical security program. Specifically, the inspection focused on Security and Safeguards Staff Knowledge and Performance, Security and Safeguards Staff Training and Qualification, and Security Organization and Administration.

The licensee increased their detection capability in the search process for hand carried e

articles and small packages through the procurement of new x-ray equipment. (Section S2.01)

The inspector identified that twenty-five action requests relating to the material e

condition of the vehicle barrier system were open and no corrective action was taken to date. The licensee identified some of these issues in 1996. This is an inspection followup item. (Section S2.02)

The inspector identified that a security force member failed to adequately conduct a e

personnel search of two individuals who alarmed a portal metal detector. This is a violation of ingress search procedures. (Section S4.1)

The performance of a security force member upon the detection of the odor of alcohol e

on a contractor employee in the main access control facility on June 18,1998, was commendable. The security force's timely actions prevented a individual, who was later determined by testing to be unfit for duty from entering the protected area. (Section S4.2)

y The licensee was making major changes in the staff support of the contract security I

e organization. The eliminated staff positions were not required by the security plan, j

l however, consolidation of activities relating to regulated activities was planned. The effect of the staff reduction in relation to security performance could not be evaluated because the changes had not yet occurred. (Section S6.1)

j The licensee's recent root-cause analysis investigation and corrective actions pertaining




to a negative trend in human performance errors within the security force were comprehensive and insightful. Errors had increased. The investigation identified factors that caused the errors to occur including that security force personnel were not consistently ihinking about their assigned tasks due to overtime, inadequate training, and inadequate communications. This is an Inspection followup item. (Section S7)

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50-456;50-457 License Nos:

NPF-72; NPF-77 Report Nos:

50-456/98010(DRS); 50-457/98010(DRS)


Commonwealth Edison Company i


Braidwood Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Location:

RR #1, Box 84 Braceville,IL 60407 i

Inspection Dates:

June 15-19,1998 l


J. Belanger, Senior Physical Security Inspector l



l Approved by:

J Creed, Plant Support Branch 1


Division of Reactor Safety




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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Braldwood Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 NRC Inspection Reports 50-456/98010; 50-457/98010 This inspection included an announced review of the physical security program. Specifically,


the inspection focused on Security and Safeguards Staff Knowledge and Performance, Security I

and Safeguards Staff Training and Qualification, and Security Organization and Administration.

The licensee increased their detection capability in the search process for hand carried

articles and small packages through the procurement of new x-ray equipment. (Section S2.01)

The inspector identified that twenty-five action requests relating to the material e

condition of the vehicle barrier system were open and no corrective action was taken to date. The licensee identified some of these issues in 1996. This is an inspection followup item. (Section S2.02)

The inspector identified that a security force member failed to adequately conduct a e

personnel search of two individuals who alarmed a portal metal detector. This is a violation of ingress search procedures. (Section S4.1)

l The performance of a security force member upon the. detection of the odor of alcohol e

on a contractor employee in the main access control facility on June 18,1998, was

commendable. The security force's timely actions prevented a individual, w".o was later determined by testing to be unfit for duty from entering the protected area. (Section S4.2)


The licensee was making major changes in the staff support of the contract security

organization. The eliminated staff positions were not required by the security plan, however, consolidation of activities relating to regulated activities was planned. The


effect of the staff reduction in relation to security performance could not be evaluated because the changes had not yet occurred. (Section S6.1)

The licensee's recent root-cause analysis investigation and corrective actions pertaining


to a negative trend in human performance errors within the security force were comprehensive and insightful. Errors had increased. The investigation identified factors l

that caused the errors to occur including that security force personnel were not consistently th;nking about their assigned tasks due to overtime, inadequate training,

and inadequate communications. This is an Inspcction followup item. (Section S7)


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