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Objects to Delays in Const Due to Numerous Hearings.Sees Need for Greater Electrical Power in Area.Suggests Governmental Interference Is Causing Unnecessary Delays in Energy Development
Person / Time
Site: Black Fox
Issue date: 02/18/1978
From: Ken Brooks
To: Hendrie J
Shared Package
ML19282B787 List:
NUDOCS 7903160193
Download: ML19282B786 (1)




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N 1153 N. Hickory Pl.

f g Broken Arrow, Okla. 74012 February 18, 1979 'u Mr. Joseph M. Hendrie, chair =an . . go) Y Nuclear Regulatory Co==ission 1717 H Street, NW Q b UA-g A g,,

Washington, D. C. 20555 NRC plTLIC DOCUMENT noog ~

Dear Sir:

% , ,g I am greatly concerned about the delay in the constructicn of the Black Fox Nuclear Plant in Oklaho:rt.. Le plans for this facility were completed several years ago, and the requests for construction were filed with numerous governmental agencies as required by law.

Over the past several years numerous public hearings have been held by the NRC, as well as by other agencies, and according to published reports the plans as submitted by Public Service Company meets all federal and state regulations. Howver, your Comittee continues to request additional hearings, going over the same problems time after time, even though no irregularities are found. The latest scheduled hearin6:, are slated for the period from February 19, to March 5, 1979 Bese frequent hearings are costing our taxpayers huge amounts of money, ye*, limited progress, if any is being =ade. The celay in co=pletion of the facility is costing Public Service Co=pany multidlions of dollars, a cost that must eventually be pa . sed on to the consumer in the form of higher utility rates.

The continual interference in the building of nuclear power plants by professional agitators is nothing but a group of troublemakers seeking publicity. Bey use their scare tactics to inh local citizens about img%wy hazards that do not exist.

Le unfortunate part is they are causing many people to spend all of their savings, and even sell their assets in order to finance the agitators c & i i s.

This section of the country is expanding rapidly, and within the next five years will reqaire a substantial increase in the amount of electrical power, over the amount that is currently available. Due to governmental interference, the necessary facilities to generate this additional power is already behind schedule. It is interesting to note that in foreign countries a nuclear plant can be built in fcur to five years. In our country the time table is 12 to 15 years, the extra time due to bureaucratic red tape.

The ability of our energy companies to supply abundant amcunts of all types of energy, without excessive governmental controls, enabled our country to become the greatest nation in the world. During the past 20 years, since the Federal Government has imposed rigid controls over these companies, it has brought our nation to the brink of disaster.

Also, this governmental contrived fuel shortage has caused severe hardships to our citizens on the low r rungs of the economic ladder.

In my opinion, it is high time the hearings on the Black Fox Plant were concluded, and Public Service Ccmpany given the greer light to co=plete this plant at tne earliest possible moment. Le welfare of our nation is totally dependent on an adequate fuel supply, and unnecessary delays are inexcusable.

cc: Henry L. Bellmon Very tmly Wurs ,

David L. Beren James R. Jones ^

. _ :-; ..

E. V. Brooks 7903160TO