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{{#Wiki_filter:REGULATI-'JFORHA I'IOlTIDISTRIBUT IO'ISTEI(RIDS)ACCESSIO'I NOR'8010070086 DOC~DATE'0/09/29 iIOTARIZEO'uO DOCKET¹FACIL;Susquehanna SteamElectricStationpUnitlpPennsylva 05000387"38Susquehanna SteamElectricStationEJnit2iPennsylva 05000388AUT~AUTHOR4FFILIATIONCURTIS',8
{{#Wiki_filter:REGULA T I-'JFORHA I'IOlTI DISTRIBUT IO'I STE I (RIDS)ACCESSIO'I NOR'8010070086 DOC~DATE'0/09/29 iIOTARIZEO'uO DOCKET¹FACIL;Susquehanna Steam Electric Stationp Unit lp Pennsylva 05000387"38 Susquehanna Steam Electric StationE Jnit 2i Pennsylva 05000388 AUT~AUTHOR 4FF ILI ATION CURTIS',8~Pennsylvania Power It Light Co.~P[l RE C I P~u 4'4E RECIPIE'JT AFF ILIAT IO'J GR IER E B,n.Regi on 1 i Phi 1 adel phi ai Of f i ce of the Director
~Pennsylvania PowerItLightCo.~P[lRECIP~u4'4ERECIPIE'JT AFFILIATIO'JGRIEREB,n.Region1iPhi1adelphiaiOfficeoftheDirector

Finaldeficiency reptrepowergeneration controlcomplex/advancedcontrolroomcableconnector, Insoprogramnearlycomplete.A11 Unit1cablereoairswillbecompleted orio,rtofuelloadsUnit2cableswillbeinstalled 5reoaried.
Final deficiency rept re power generation control complex/advanced control room cable connector, Inso program nearly complete.A11 Unit 1 cable reoairs will be completed orio,r to fuel loads Unit 2 cables will be installed 5 reoaried.DISTRIBUTION CODE: B019S COPIES RECEIVED:LTR g ENCL g SIZE:M TITLE: Construction Deficiency Report (10CFR50~55E)NOTES:Send IEE 3 copies FSAR 4 all amends'5000387 05000388 REC IP IETTIT ID CODE/.'PATE ACTIOI': A/0 LICEuSNG 04 RUSHBROOKP'DID 06 INTERNAL: AD/RC I/IE 17 ASLBP/J~HARD EDO 4 STAFF 19 IiYD/GEO BR 22 LIC QUAL BR 12'JRC PDR 02 REV 13 EG F I!-E 0 l 7 ORDS DEV 21 I COPIES L.rTR ENCL 1 1, 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REC IP IETVT ID CODE/'VANE YOUNGBLOODEB 05 STARKPR~07 AEOO 18 D/DIH HUM FAC15 EQUIP QUAL BR11 ICE 09!DIP A 20 OELD 21 QA BR 14 RUTHERFORDEH
~IE COPIES LTTR ETJCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTERiuaL:
ACRS EIS I C 16 16 16 08 1 1 1PDR 03 TOT AL'IU'LIBE JJ OF COPIES cl EQV IRED: LT TR 40 E VCL 40 I P"L.TWO NORTH N1NTM STREEt, ALLENTOWN, PA.1810)PHONE;(215)821~5151 September 29, 1980.'!r.Boyce H.Grier Director, Region I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 SUSQUEPANNA STEP~M ELECTRIC STATION FINAL REPORT OF A DEFICIENCY ON PGCC/ACR CABLE CONNECTORS ERs 100450/100508 FILE 840-4/900-10 PLA-545  
ACRSEISIC16161608111PDR03TOTAL'IU'LIBEJJOFCOPIESclEQVIRED:LTTR40EVCL40I P"L.TWONORTHN1NTMSTREEt,ALLENTOWN, PA.1810)PHONE;(215)821~5151September 29,1980.'!r.BoyceH.GrierDirector, RegionIU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 631ParkAvenueKingofPrussia,Pennsylvania 19406SUSQUEPANNA STEP~MELECTRICSTATIONFINALREPORTOFADEFICIENCY ONPGCC/ACRCABLECONNECTORS ERs100450/100508 FILE840-4/900-10 PLA-545


PLA-437 dated January 8, 1980 PLA-301 dated November 14, 1978  

==Dear i!r.Grier:==
ThisletterservestoprovidetheCommission withafinalreportofa'deficiency onPowerGeneration ControlComp1.ex/Advanced ControlRoom(PGCC/ACR) cableconnector deficiencies originally reportedinPLA-301.Theinformation isfurnished pursuanttoPP&L'sobligations underthe'rovisions of10CFR50.55(e).
This letter serves to provide the Commission with a final report of a'deficiency on Power Generation Control Comp1.ex/Advanced Control Room (PGCC/ACR) cable connector deficiencies originally reported in PLA-301.The information is furnished pursuant to PP&L's obligations under the'rovisions of 10CFR50.55(e).
Theattachment tothisletterdescribes thedeficient condition alongwithitssafetyimplications andthecorrective actionbeingtakentoachieveresolution.
The attachment to this letter describes the deficient condition along with its safety implications and the corrective action being taken to achieve resolution.
HetrusttheCommission willfindtheinformation forwarded bythislettertobesatisfactory.
He trust the Commission will find the information forwarded by this letter to be satisfactory.
'ery truly yours, N,''.Curtis Vice President-Engineering
&Construction-Nuclear Attachment FLU'.jmk//IPENNSYLVANlA POWER8,LIGHTCOMPANY0XOopnpqg i'fr.BoyceH.GrierSeptember 19,1980':ello(15)D'".=.ctor-~'fiice ofInspection
&Construction-Nuclear Attachment FLU'.j mk//I PENNSYLVANlA POWER 8, LIGHT COMPANY 0XOopn pqg i'fr.Boyce H.Grier September 19, 1980': ello (15)D'".=.ctor-~'fiice of Inspection
:uclearRegulatory Commission DC20555;.YcDonald, DirectorOf='.'eof!!anagement information
: uclear Regulatory Commission D C 20555;.YcDonald, Director Of='.'e of!!anagement information
&ProgramControlL'.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission 4'asnington, D.C.20555Nr.Robert.'f.GalloU.S.nuclearRegulatory Commission P,Q.Box52Shc!:.sninny, Pennsylvania 18655 ATTACHbKNT TOPLA545Page1of3PGCC/ACRCABLEPROBLEh/S FINALREPORTC/ACRCab'cP:oblemsDESCRIPTION InlettersfromBechtelConstruction datedOctober3,1978,PP5Lwasinformedthatduringimplementation ofGeneralElectric's FDDR-KR1-521, Rev.0(GeneralCableRetrofit) rework,itwasnotedthatnumerouscasesof-'nsulation damageswerefoundandthatonecablewasfoundtohavefour(4)conductors pulledfromtheirpinconnectors.
&Program Control L'.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4'asnington, D.C.20555 Nr.Robert.'f.Gallo U.S.nuclear Regulatory Commission P, Q.Box 52 Sh c!:.sninny, Pennsylvania 18655 ATTACHbKNT TO PLA 545 Page 1 of 3 PGCC/ACR CABLE PROBLEh/S FINAL REPORT C/ACR Cab'c P:oblems DESCRIPTION In letters from Bechtel Construction dated October 3, 1978, PP5L was informed that during implementation of General Electric's FDDR-KR1-521, Rev.0 (General Cable Retrofit)rework, it was noted that numerous cases of-'nsulation damages were found and that one cable was found to have four (4)conductors pulled from their pin connectors.
Duetothehighpercentage ofdamagedcable,thequalityofallterminations wasrenderedindeterminate.
Due to the high percentage of damaged cable, the quality of all terminations was rendered indeterminate.
NCR-3231wasgenerated todocumenttheproblemswithinthePGCC/ACRcomplex.t,wasagreedtobyPP5L,BechtelandGeneralElectric, thatGE>>ouldpreparanFDIwhichshouldhavedetailsofacompleteinspection planandanapprovedrepairprocedure.
NCR-3231 was generated to document the problems within the PGCC/ACR complex.t, was agreed to by PP5L, Bechtel and General Electric, that GE>>ould prepar an FDI which should have details of a complete inspection plan and an approved repair procedure.
InFebruarv, 1979,GEissuedFDI-NJGORev.0toperforma100'oinspection ofallGEsuppliedSITS/FITS cablesusedintheSusquehanna 1ACRcontrolroom,upperrelayroomandlowerrelayroomfordamagedinsulation andsuspectpincrimps.ApprovedmethodsofrepairfordamagedPGCC/ACRcableconnectors identified duringtheinspections performed underFDI-t'fJGO wereaccomplished inaccordance withGEFDDR-KRl-526.
In Februarv, 1979, GE issued FDI-NJGO Rev.0 to perform a 100'o inspection of all GE supplied SITS/FITS cables used in the Susquehanna 1 ACR control room, upper relay room and lower relay room for damaged insulation and suspect pin crimps.Approved methods of repair for damaged PGCC/ACR cable connectors identified during the inspections performed under FDI-t'fJGO were accomplished in accordance with GE FDDR-KRl-526.
ThisFDDRwasoriginally issuedonSept.6,1978tocontroltherepairofPGCC/ACRpanelconnectors.
This FDDR was originally issued on Sept.6, 1978 to control the repair of PGCC/ACR panel connectors.
ThePanelCcnnector problemswereexplained inourPLA-506datedJuly8,1980.Theinspections, repair/rework andtestsforthecablesunderFDI-ÃJGO, FDDR-KR1-526, theirrevisions and'ddendums arenearlycomplete.
The Panel Ccnnector problems were explained in our PLA-506 dated July 8, 1980.The inspections, repair/rework and tests for the cables under FDI-ÃJGO, FDDR-KR1-526, their revisions and'ddendums are nearly complete.A total of 1762 cables have been inspected.
The results of the inspection are as follows:~Dame e guuant it 1.Nicks to conductor insulation 264 Cuts to conductor insulation Damaged or no shrink tubing 346 265 Pins pulled off during pull test or fell off during depinning 58."ot pinned in accordance with wire list or ass."..bly method 78 V~F!iled continuity 21 CAUSE{a}and", nicks and cuts to conductor insulation; after having inves-=!~'..";~'.:,"-'arced con"uctor insulation within the T-'.lOD wiring"o a conne." sr,:.'~;e".."..ired by GE that during reassembly (i.e., pin insertion and ez-trac"icn u ing the standard Amphenol tooling for the termination modules)continual difficulty was experienced.
Theresultsoftheinspection areasfollows:~Dameeguuantit1.Nickstoconductor insulation 264Cutstoconductor insulation Damagedornoshrinktubing346265Pinspulledoffduringpulltestorfelloffduringdepinning 58."otpinnedinaccordance withwirelistorass."..blymethod78V~F!iledcontinuity 21 CAUSE{a}and",nicksandcutstoconductor insulation; afterhavinginves-=!~'..";~'.:,"-'arced con"uctor insulation withintheT-'.lODwiring"oaconne."sr,:.'~;e".."..ired byGEthatduringreassembly (i.e.,pininsertion andez-trac"icnuingthestandardAmphenoltoolingforthetermination modules)continual difficulty wasexperienced.
The ferrule edge during extraction and the sharp insertion tool edge during assembly impacted on the densely packed w res at the connector area causing nicks, cuts and abrasions.(b)It~..3, damaged or no shrink tubing, can be broken into two (2)parts: (1)the damaged shrink tubing could have been caused at the factory during asse...bly of the cable or at the construction site during installation; and (2)the lack of shrink tubing was due to an oversight in manufacturing.(c)Item 4, pins pulled off during pull test or which fell off during depinning; it was determined that a combination of manufacturing personnel error and cr-'mping tool malfunction, due to inadequate QA coverage, was responsible for defective cr mps.This would account for pins failing pull tests or falling off during depinning.(d)Item 5, not pinned in accordance with wire list or assembly method, is a manufacturing error;i.e., the conductor might be pinned in hole A in a connector but in hole B in the connector on the opposite end of the cable.(e)Item 6, failed continuity, is a direct resul't of the conductor not pinned in accordance with the wire list or assembly method (Item 5).ANALYSIS OF SAFETY DPLICATIONS As the various problems are of a random nature and there are a number of Class 1E cables involved, the Safety Analysis is presented on an item by item basis as follows: (a)In items 1, 2 and 3, nicks and cuts to conductor insulation and damaged or no heat shrink tubing, if bare copper wire is exposed and left uncorrected, i'ould permit shorting of wires or introduction of external voltages into safety related circuits.Any of these conditions could prevent the circuits from performing the designed safety function.(b)Items 4, 5 and 6, pins pulled off during pull test or fell off during depinning, not pinned in accordance with wire list or assembly method and failed continuity, could affect the designed safety functions.
Theferruleedgeduringextraction andthesharpinsertion tooledgeduringassemblyimpactedonthedenselypackedwresattheconnector areacausingnicks,cutsandabrasions.
If during a seismic event, the conductor vibrates loosely in the pin so that there is sporadic or no continuity between the pin and conductor, or if the conductor is not pinned correctly such that there is no continuity between the proper connector pins at each end of the table, the operation of the circuit could be adversely affected.Project Engineering has determined that the above items are reportable under 10CF?5C.55(e).,  
(b)It~..3,damagedornoshrinktubing,canbebrokenintotwo(2)parts:(1)thedamagedshrinktubingcouldhavebeencausedatthefactoryduringasse...bly ofthecableorattheconstruction siteduringinstallation; and(2)thelackofshrinktubingwasduetoanoversight inmanufacturing.
-3>>CORRECTIVE ACTIONS The 100%inspection program for PGCC cable connectors and repair/rework for the problems listed in NCR-3231 is nearly complete....."='.o prevent recur'rences of like p oh's~".:t.~;e i'GCC couche connectors', and which are also applicable to the Susquehanna PGCC/ACR Unit 2 cables, are indicated by GE to be: t (1)Appropriate training of personnel involved.(2)'Revision of fabrication techniques.
(c)Item4,pinspulledoffduringpulltestorwhichfelloffduringdepinning; itwasdetermined thatacombination ofmanufacturing personnel errorandcr-'mping toolmalfunction, duetoinadequate QAcoverage, wasresponsible fordefective crmps.Thiswouldaccountforpinsfailingpulltestsorfallingoffduringdepinning.
(d)Item5,notpinnedinaccordance withwirelistorassemblymethod,isamanufacturing error;i.e.,theconductor mightbepinnedinholeAinaconnector butinholeBintheconnector ontheoppositeendofthecable.(e)Item6,failedcontinuity, isadirectresul'toftheconductor notpinnedinaccordance withthewirelistorassemblymethod(Item5).ANALYSISOFSAFETYDPLICATIONS AsthevariousproblemsareofarandomnatureandthereareanumberofClass1Ecablesinvolved, theSafetyAnalysisispresented onanitembyitembasisasfollows:(a)Initems1,2and3,nicksandcutstoconductor insulation anddamagedornoheatshrinktubing,ifbarecopperwireisexposedandleftuncorrected, i'ouldpermitshortingofwiresorintroduction ofexternalvoltagesintosafetyrelatedcircuits.
Anyoftheseconditions couldpreventthecircuitsfromperforming thedesignedsafetyfunction.
(b)Items4,5and6,pinspulledoffduringpulltestorfelloffduringdepinning, notpinnedinaccordance withwirelistorassemblymethodandfailedcontinuity, couldaffectthedesignedsafetyfunctions.
Ifduringaseismicevent,theconductor vibrateslooselyinthepinsothatthereissporadicornocontinuity betweenthepinandconductor, oriftheconductor isnotpinnedcorrectly suchthatthereisnocontinuity betweentheproperconnector pinsateachendofthetable,theoperation ofthecircuitcouldbeadversely affected.
ProjectEngineering hasdetermined thattheaboveitemsarereportable under10CF?5C.55(e).,  
-3>>CORRECTIVE ACTIONSThe100%inspection programforPGCCcableconnectors andrepair/rework fortheproblemslistedinNCR-3231isnearlycomplete.
...."='.opreventrecur'rences oflikepoh's~".:t.~;ei'GCCcoucheconnectors',
andwhicharealsoapplicable totheSusquehanna PGCC/ACRUnit2cables,areindicated byGEtobe:t(1)Appropriate trainingofpersonnel involved.
(2)'Revision offabrication techniques.
(3)Increased/revised inspection activities.
(3)Increased/revised inspection activities.
(4)GEhasdeveloped asupplemental reinspection instruction (GEInspection Instruction CA-006)toidentifydamagedornonconforming connectors priortoshipment.
(4)GE has developed a supplemental reinspection instruction (GE Inspection Instruction CA-006)to identify damaged or nonconforming connectors prior to shipment.Satisfactory completion of this cable reinspection on Susquehanna Unit 2 cables was reverified by PPRL audit on Sept.9-11, 1980 at the GE manufacturing facility in San Jose, CA.In addition, faulty crimping tools were repaired or replaced and periodic testing of crimping tools was increased.
Satisfactory completion ofthiscablereinspection onSusquehanna Unit2cableswasreverified byPPRLauditonSept.9-11,1980attheGEmanufacturing facilityinSanJose,CA.Inaddition, faultycrimpingtoolswererepairedorreplacedandperiodictestingofcrimpingtoolswasincreased.
Construction site personnel have been given further instructions in the handling and installation of cables.The site electricians have been instructed to use a steady pull (not a yank)when making pull tests and the spring testers are calibrated every 30 days or sooner if deemed necessary.
Construction sitepersonnel havebeengivenfurtherinstructions inthehandlingandinstallation ofcables.Thesiteelectricians havebeeninstructed touseasteadypull(notayank)whenmakingpulltestsandthespringtestersarecalibrated every30daysorsoonerifdeemednecessary.
CONCLUSIONS The repair/rework and testing of the Unit 1 PGCC/ACR cables is nearly complete.All Unit 1 PGCC/ACR cables will be completed prior to fuel load.The Unit 2 PGCC/ACR cables will be installed and repaired or reworked as necessary.
CONCLUSIONS Therepair/rework andtestingoftheUnit1PGCC/ACRcablesisnearlycomplete.
Discrepancies will be documented on an NCR.For Unit 2 PGCC/ACR cables, field inspections of the equipment and additional GE fabrication personnel training, inspection and revised fabrication techniques should preclude recurrence of similar problems.}}
AllUnit1PGCC/ACRcableswillbecompleted priortofuelload.TheUnit2PGCC/ACRcableswillbeinstalled andrepairedorreworkedasnecessary.
Discrepancies willbedocumented onanNCR.ForUnit2PGCC/ACRcables,fieldinspections oftheequipment andadditional GEfabrication personnel
: training, inspection andrevisedfabrication techniques shouldprecluderecurrence ofsimilarproblems.}}

Revision as of 04:27, 6 July 2018

Final Deficiency Rept Re Power Generation Control Complex/ Advanced Control Room Cable Connector.Insp Program Nearly Complete.All Unit 1 Cable Repairs Will Be Completed Prior to Fuel Load.Unit 2 Cables Will Be Installed & Repaired
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/29/1980
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, PLA-545, NUDOCS 8010070086
Download: ML18030A013 (6)


REGULA T I-'JFORHA I'IOlTI DISTRIBUT IO'I STE I (RIDS)ACCESSIO'I NOR'8010070086 DOC~DATE'0/09/29 iIOTARIZEO'uO DOCKET¹FACIL;Susquehanna Steam Electric Stationp Unit lp Pennsylva 05000387"38 Susquehanna Steam Electric StationE Jnit 2i Pennsylva 05000388 AUT~AUTHOR 4FF ILI ATION CURTIS',8~Pennsylvania Power It Light Co.~P[l RE C I P~u 4'4E RECIPIE'JT AFF ILIAT IO'J GR IER E B,n.Regi on 1 i Phi 1 adel phi ai Of f i ce of the Director


Final deficiency rept re power generation control complex/advanced control room cable connector, Inso program nearly complete.A11 Unit 1 cable reoairs will be completed orio,r to fuel loads Unit 2 cables will be installed 5 reoaried.DISTRIBUTION CODE: B019S COPIES RECEIVED:LTR g ENCL g SIZE:M TITLE: Construction Deficiency Report (10CFR50~55E)NOTES:Send IEE 3 copies FSAR 4 all amends'5000387 05000388 REC IP IETTIT ID CODE/.'PATE ACTIOI': A/0 LICEuSNG 04 RUSHBROOKP'DID 06 INTERNAL: AD/RC I/IE 17 ASLBP/J~HARD EDO 4 STAFF 19 IiYD/GEO BR 22 LIC QUAL BR 12'JRC PDR 02 REV 13 EG F I!-E 0 l 7 ORDS DEV 21 I COPIES L.rTR ENCL 1 1, 1 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REC IP IETVT ID CODE/'VANE YOUNGBLOODEB 05 STARKPR~07 AEOO 18 D/DIH HUM FAC15 EQUIP QUAL BR11 ICE 09!DIP A 20 OELD 21 QA BR 14 RUTHERFORDEH

~IE COPIES LTTR ETJCL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EXTERiuaL:

ACRS EIS I C 16 16 16 08 1 1 1PDR 03 TOT AL'IU'LIBE JJ OF COPIES cl EQV IRED: LT TR 40 E VCL 40 I P"L.TWO NORTH N1NTM STREEt, ALLENTOWN, PA.1810)PHONE;(215)821~5151 September 29, 1980.'!r.Boyce H.Grier Director, Region I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 SUSQUEPANNA STEP~M ELECTRIC STATION FINAL REPORT OF A DEFICIENCY ON PGCC/ACR CABLE CONNECTORS ERs 100450/100508 FILE 840-4/900-10 PLA-545


PLA-437 dated January 8, 1980 PLA-301 dated November 14, 1978

Dear i!r.Grier:

This letter serves to provide the Commission with a final report of a'deficiency on Power Generation Control Comp1.ex/Advanced Control Room (PGCC/ACR) cable connector deficiencies originally reported in PLA-301.The information is furnished pursuant to PP&L's obligations under the'rovisions of 10CFR50.55(e).

The attachment to this letter describes the deficient condition along with its safety implications and the corrective action being taken to achieve resolution.

He trust the Commission will find the information forwarded by this letter to be satisfactory.

'ery truly yours, N,.Curtis Vice President-Engineering

&Construction-Nuclear Attachment FLU'.j mk//I PENNSYLVANlA POWER 8, LIGHT COMPANY 0XOopn pqg i'fr.Boyce H.Grier September 19, 1980': ello (15)D'".=.ctor-~'fiice of Inspection


uclear Regulatory Commission D C 20555;.YcDonald, Director Of='.'e of!!anagement information

&Program Control L'.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4'asnington, D.C.20555 Nr.Robert.'f.Gallo U.S.nuclear Regulatory Commission P, Q.Box 52 Sh c!:.sninny, Pennsylvania 18655 ATTACHbKNT TO PLA 545 Page 1 of 3 PGCC/ACR CABLE PROBLEh/S FINAL REPORT C/ACR Cab'c P:oblems DESCRIPTION In letters from Bechtel Construction dated October 3, 1978, PP5L was informed that during implementation of General Electric's FDDR-KR1-521, Rev.0 (General Cable Retrofit)rework, it was noted that numerous cases of-'nsulation damages were found and that one cable was found to have four (4)conductors pulled from their pin connectors.

Due to the high percentage of damaged cable, the quality of all terminations was rendered indeterminate.

NCR-3231 was generated to document the problems within the PGCC/ACR complex.t, was agreed to by PP5L, Bechtel and General Electric, that GE>>ould prepar an FDI which should have details of a complete inspection plan and an approved repair procedure.

In Februarv, 1979, GE issued FDI-NJGO Rev.0 to perform a 100'o inspection of all GE supplied SITS/FITS cables used in the Susquehanna 1 ACR control room, upper relay room and lower relay room for damaged insulation and suspect pin crimps.Approved methods of repair for damaged PGCC/ACR cable connectors identified during the inspections performed under FDI-t'fJGO were accomplished in accordance with GE FDDR-KRl-526.

This FDDR was originally issued on Sept.6, 1978 to control the repair of PGCC/ACR panel connectors.

The Panel Ccnnector problems were explained in our PLA-506 dated July 8, 1980.The inspections, repair/rework and tests for the cables under FDI-ÃJGO, FDDR-KR1-526, their revisions and'ddendums are nearly complete.A total of 1762 cables have been inspected.

The results of the inspection are as follows:~Dame e guuant it 1.Nicks to conductor insulation 264 Cuts to conductor insulation Damaged or no shrink tubing 346 265 Pins pulled off during pull test or fell off during depinning 58."ot pinned in accordance with wire list or ass."..bly method 78 V~F!iled continuity 21 CAUSE{a}and", nicks and cuts to conductor insulation; after having inves-=!~'..";~'.:,"-'arced con"uctor insulation within the T-'.lOD wiring"o a conne." sr,:.'~;e".."..ired by GE that during reassembly (i.e., pin insertion and ez-trac"icn u ing the standard Amphenol tooling for the termination modules)continual difficulty was experienced.

The ferrule edge during extraction and the sharp insertion tool edge during assembly impacted on the densely packed w res at the connector area causing nicks, cuts and abrasions.(b)It~..3, damaged or no shrink tubing, can be broken into two (2)parts: (1)the damaged shrink tubing could have been caused at the factory during asse...bly of the cable or at the construction site during installation; and (2)the lack of shrink tubing was due to an oversight in manufacturing.(c)Item 4, pins pulled off during pull test or which fell off during depinning; it was determined that a combination of manufacturing personnel error and cr-'mping tool malfunction, due to inadequate QA coverage, was responsible for defective cr mps.This would account for pins failing pull tests or falling off during depinning.(d)Item 5, not pinned in accordance with wire list or assembly method, is a manufacturing error;i.e., the conductor might be pinned in hole A in a connector but in hole B in the connector on the opposite end of the cable.(e)Item 6, failed continuity, is a direct resul't of the conductor not pinned in accordance with the wire list or assembly method (Item 5).ANALYSIS OF SAFETY DPLICATIONS As the various problems are of a random nature and there are a number of Class 1E cables involved, the Safety Analysis is presented on an item by item basis as follows: (a)In items 1, 2 and 3, nicks and cuts to conductor insulation and damaged or no heat shrink tubing, if bare copper wire is exposed and left uncorrected, i'ould permit shorting of wires or introduction of external voltages into safety related circuits.Any of these conditions could prevent the circuits from performing the designed safety function.(b)Items 4, 5 and 6, pins pulled off during pull test or fell off during depinning, not pinned in accordance with wire list or assembly method and failed continuity, could affect the designed safety functions.

If during a seismic event, the conductor vibrates loosely in the pin so that there is sporadic or no continuity between the pin and conductor, or if the conductor is not pinned correctly such that there is no continuity between the proper connector pins at each end of the table, the operation of the circuit could be adversely affected.Project Engineering has determined that the above items are reportable under 10CF?5C.55(e).,

-3>>CORRECTIVE ACTIONS The 100%inspection program for PGCC cable connectors and repair/rework for the problems listed in NCR-3231 is nearly complete....."='.o prevent recur'rences of like p oh's~".:t.~;e i'GCC couche connectors', and which are also applicable to the Susquehanna PGCC/ACR Unit 2 cables, are indicated by GE to be: t (1)Appropriate training of personnel involved.(2)'Revision of fabrication techniques.

(3)Increased/revised inspection activities.

(4)GE has developed a supplemental reinspection instruction (GE Inspection Instruction CA-006)to identify damaged or nonconforming connectors prior to shipment.Satisfactory completion of this cable reinspection on Susquehanna Unit 2 cables was reverified by PPRL audit on Sept.9-11, 1980 at the GE manufacturing facility in San Jose, CA.In addition, faulty crimping tools were repaired or replaced and periodic testing of crimping tools was increased.

Construction site personnel have been given further instructions in the handling and installation of cables.The site electricians have been instructed to use a steady pull (not a yank)when making pull tests and the spring testers are calibrated every 30 days or sooner if deemed necessary.

CONCLUSIONS The repair/rework and testing of the Unit 1 PGCC/ACR cables is nearly complete.All Unit 1 PGCC/ACR cables will be completed prior to fuel load.The Unit 2 PGCC/ACR cables will be installed and repaired or reworked as necessary.

Discrepancies will be documented on an NCR.For Unit 2 PGCC/ACR cables, field inspections of the equipment and additional GE fabrication personnel training, inspection and revised fabrication techniques should preclude recurrence of similar problems.