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{{#Wiki_filter:IA Telephone No. (609) 971- 4652 RM Dept.
An Exelon/Bnitish Energy Company DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL September 4, 2003 To:
SIGN AND RETURN TO: RECORDS MANAGEMENT, OCABA1 NAME:_                                                  DATE:
AG5942 (08/02)
  -4 i    -A
                                                              'OYSTER    CREEK            Number PUBLIC INFORNPATION An Exelon/Brltish EneTgy Company EMERGENCY PROCEDURE                1920-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                          Usage Level          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information                                                            5 IMplementing Procedure                                          2 Prior Revision                  4      incorporated the        This Revision  5  incorporates the following Temporary Changes:                                    following Temporary Changes:
N/A List of Paaes 1.0 to 9.0 El-l E2-1 E3-1 E4-1 to E4-2 E5-1 E6-1 E7-1 to E7-5 ES-1 E9-1 to E9-10 i't5AATION ONLY
(172001)                                                    1.0
OYSTER CREEK              Number AmerGen.
An Exelon/Brittsh Energy Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                      :Revision                      No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 PROCEDURE HISTORY REV          DATE                ORIGINATOR                       
OF CHANGE 1          DOS            S. DAmbrosio    Remove COMEC from cover page. Change references from GPU or GPUN to OCGS.
2        11/00              A. Smith        Clarify duties of JIC Admin position.      Clarify Notes 2 & 3 on Page 10 pertaining to press release approvals.
3        04/01              D. Larsen        Change Note 2 page 10 - approval to review after
                                                        'State of Emergency" is declared.
4        09/01              D. Larsen        Change all OCGS to OCGS Change NOTE 1 page El-1 Approval to Review Change NOTE 1 page E4-1 Approval to Review Change all Boiler Plate news releases from Thelma L.
Wiggins to Communications Representative &
609-971-4048 to 609-971-xxxx Change Approval to Review next to bottom block of press release flow chart on page E9-1 5        08/03            M.--Chanda      - Revise Boiler -plate news releases.    -Remove signatures from cover page.
( 172 001 )                                                2.0
AmerGen.                              OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number I820-IMP-1720.01
          . .... I....            I;  . EMERGENCY    PROCEDURE  .-
Title                                                                Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 1.0    PURPOSE The purpose of this implementing procedure is to describe the manner in which OCGS will furnish public information in the event of a formal emergency declaration at its Oyster Creek Generating Station.          A premium is placed on providing information promptly and accurately to the media, public officials, employees, members of the public, public agencies and OCGS senior officers through appropriate means.
2.0    APPLICABILITY/SCOPE 2.1          Upon declaration of an emergency condition, the Emergency Response Organization is responsible for the dissemination of information. These emergency conditions are: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency.
3.0    DEFINITIONS 3.1          Emergency Classifications  4) 3.1.1  Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.
3.1.2  Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S.
commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.
(172001)                                        3 .0
_____mer_      Amer~en_-                  OYSTER PUBLIC        CREEK INFORMATION              Number An Ensh  EnrgyCompany          EMERGENCY PROCEDURE                  1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                                      Revision No.
-,          Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 3.1.3        Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry.        It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.
3.1.4      General Emergency  - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry.        It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.    Protective Actions      - once  a General-Emergency has been declared, OCGS Management consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety.        OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.
(172001)                                          4.0
4 _ emerGen.
An Exelon/Brttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 3.2          EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ROLES 3.2.1            PI TECH  EPIEOFs  Serves as the technical advisor from the EOF.
Will be responsible for gathering all approved and final information regarding the plant event. This person will interact with the PI Technical Rep in the JIC and provide that person with the most up to date information, as it becomes available. The PI Tech Rep in the EOF will be responsible for attending all ESD briefings at the EOF. This position will also be responsible for calling the JIC in advance of all briefings, and establish a phone call so that JIC staff know that new information could be developing.                        I 3.2.2            PI TECH REPIJIC:  This position will be responsible for providing all technical information associated-with the plant event. This single point of reference will assure that those    I--  -
writing the press releases and presiding over the briefings have a full and consistent understanding of the events happening at the plant; this person would be retrieving information from both written and verbal communications, all information that goes out to the public would be coordinated and correct. The PI Tech Rep at the JIC would be in constant contact with the PI Tech Rep at the EOF. This position will also help with the staffing needs of the JIC, by assuring that the communication lines in the JIC are constantly manned.
3.2.3            KEDIA CENTER LEAD:    This position will have command and control over the center's activities. The Media Center Lead will assure that all procedures are being followed by others in the center I
and would review press releases prior to their approval by the ESD.
(172001)                                                  5.0
.  .. Amen          :- Bergs~,m-                  OYSTER PUBLIC      CREEK INFORMATION          Number An Exedon/Bftsh Energy Company          EMERGENCY PROCEDURE              1820 -IMP-1720.01 Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 The Media Center Lead will be the individual in the JIC with the responsibility to interface with and coordinate the activities of the State and Local Government communications personnel responding to the JIC. It is important that this position frequently meet with these individuals for the purpose of coordinating the information used in media briefings and when the briefings are to be held.
Another responsibility of the Media Center Lead is to serve as a moderator during press briefings. During these briefings, he or she would provide a brief synopsis of the emergency and its classification; give an overview of JIC logistics; introduce representatives on the panel; field questions and directs them to the proper representative. He or she may also answer non-technical questions from the media regarding the event.
3.2.4            MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR:    This position will serve as the technical spokesperson on the panel during press conferences.
At the Media Center Lead's discretion following press conferences, this person will stay back in the auditorium for a short time to answer technical questions from the media.
3.2.5            PRESS RELEASE WRITER:    The Press Release Writer will receive information from the PI Tech Rep in the JIC, which will coincide with the information given to the Media Center Advisor and the Media Center Lead. The press release must be reviewed for grammar and writing style by the Media Center Lead prior to turnover for ESV approval and its release to the public.
(172001)                                                6.0
:  AmerGen.                            OYSTER  CREEK          Number m--Ene          Cma              PUBLIC INFORMATION An EAceloish Eifnv~y        @    EMERGENCY  PROCEDURE          1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 3.2.6    JIC ADMIN:  This position will assure that the JIC auditorium is set up and that all work room equipment is operable. This person will also be responsible to fax approved press releases and posting the event classification when they occur in the auditorium.
4.0    PROCEDURE 4.1      JIC Operations 4.1.1    Event is declared.    All emergency response personnel respond to their assigned locations at the JIC and the EOF.
4.1.2    Responders arrive at JIC.    Press Release Writer  PRW) begins writing press release, based on information received from the PI Tech Rep at the JIC or EOF, or information received from the Control Room depending on whom is first available (see Exhibit 1).    Media Center Lead assesses plant event and establishes a staffing plan and watchbill for 24-hour coverage.
Retains essential emergency staff and sends others home for later shifts if necessary (see Exhibit 4).    JIC Admin assures auditorium setup, work room equipment operability, etc. (see Exhibit 6). This is confirmed by Media Center Lead.    PI Tech Rep/JIC contacts PI Tech Rep/EOF to obtain plant status (see Exhibit 3).
(172001)                                        7.0
A-            Wer                      OYSTER CREEK              Number A            e      n              PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exeonshflw    parly                DEMERGENCY PROCEDURE1820            IMP 1720.01 Title                                                                    Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 4.1.3        Upon arrival at EOF, PI Tech Rep/EOF obtains plant status and notifies PI Tech Rep at the JIC (see Exhibit 2).      This information would be acquired from the leads in the EOF and/or through the engineering communications line to the Emergency Control Center and TSC.      Any conflicting or incomplete information should be resolved prior to communicating it to the JIC.
4.1.4      The PI Tech Rep/JIC briefs the PRW, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor (see Exhibit 5) of plant status.
NOTE 1 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a State of Emergency".
NOTE 3 Security related event press releases are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator to ensure the release does not contain any Safeguards Information.
4.1.5      The PRW completes first press release, which is reviewed by Media Center Lead.
4.1.6      Approved press release is      issued by JIC Admin/Com.
4.1.7      Concurrent with press release writing, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor review plant events with PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefing.
4.1.8      Media Center Lead holds pre-brief meeting with Media Center Advisor and state, county and federal Public Information Representatives.      The group shares information and plans what each organization will discuss during briefing.
(172001)                                              8.0
    ; AmerGen.
An Exelon/Brtitsh Energy Gompany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 4.1.9            Media Briefing is held, moderated by Media Center Lead. Media Center Lead introduces panel, provides brief overview of plant event and one-by-one, turns over to others on panel who will also provide brief information. Following panel encapsulations, Media Center Lead fields questions from the media and refers them to the proper panel representative.
4.1.10          At conclusion of media briefing, all leave the auditorium, except Media Center Advisor, who remains and takes questions from the media on plant-related questions only at the discretion of the MCL.
4.1.11          During briefing, PI Tech Rep/JIC continues to gather new information in coordination with PI Tech Rep/EOF.
4.1.12          Process recycles at 4.1.4.
4.1.13          In New Jersey, the State Police Office of Emergency Management is responsible for Rumor Control.
==5.0    REFERENCES==
5.1        10 CFR 50.47 (b)(7) 5.2        OCGS Emergency Plan 2000-PLN-1300.01 5.3        Emergency Preparedness Training Program 6200-PGD-2685 6.0    EXHIBITS 6.1        Exhibit 1, Press Release Writer (PRW) Checklist 6.2        Exhibit 2, Public Information Technical Representativie/EOF (PI Tech Rep/EOF) Checklist 6.3        Exhibit 3            Public Information Technical Representativi e/JIC (PI Tech Rep/JIC) Checklist 6.4        Exhibit 4, Media Center Lead Checklist 6.5        Exhibit 5, Media Center Advisor/Communications Checklist 6.6          Exhibit 6, JIC Administrator/Communications Checklist 7.0  ATTACHMENTS 7.1          IMP-1720.01-1, Boiler.Plate News Releases 7.2          IMP-1720.01-2, Press Release Flow Chart 7.3          IMP-1720.01-3, Emergency Preparedness Terminology/Definitions for Oyster Creek (172001)                                                  9.0
I , Amer~en. OYSTER        CREEK                Number
        ;                      -I          PUBLIC CEnl1nOn INFORMATION            I      0tIOfM            ni Title                                                                          I Revision            No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                        5 EXHIBIT 1 PRESS RELEASE WRITER          PRW)
Initials 1.0            Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC                      (or the Control Room prior to EOF activation) 2.0            Write press release with information gathered from the PI Tech Rep/JIC lit      (or information received from MCR) 2~      3  rd    4 th    5t      68h                        t      oth      (initials) 3.0            Give press releases to the Media Center Lead for review lot                              _      _                                            (initials) 2'd    3 rd      4 th    5 th    6 th      7 th  8th    9 th  loth NOTE    2 Provide the ESD with press releases issued by the ED NOE 2 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
4.0            Assure press releases are delivered to the ESD for review and approval lotl (initials) 2nd    3  rd    4 th    5 th    6 th    .        8th    9    ' loth NOTE 1 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a EState of Emergency".
NOTE 2 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator prior to release.
NOTE 3 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S3)                                            E1-1
;          AmerGen.
F-*n rla/R-ts
                    -      Fn  rbt    -V OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION                                              IR20-TMP-1720.01 I            EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                                                                    Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                                          5 EXHIBIT 2 PUBLIC INFORMATION TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE/EOF (PI TECH REP/EOF)
Initials 1.0              Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC 2.0              Call JIC in advance of all ESD briefings lot
__  __    __    __    __                _____        __    __                  loth    (initials) 2  nd          3 rd      4  th          5 th      6 th        7 th        8  th    gth          1 0 th 3.0            Attend all ESD briefings lit
_ _ _______  _ __    __    __    ___    ___    __  ___  __        ___  _  initials) 2 nd          3 rd      4 th          5 th      6 th        7  i        8th      9 th          loth 4.0            Call PI Tech Rep/JIC and provide new information from ESD briefings lit i____
_ ______(initials    ___                                  )
d-      -3 r        4  th          5 th                                8th      9 th    -lot w2 .5.0              Fax the ESD turnover checklist to the PI tech Rep/JIC.
6.0            Establish phone link with PI tech Rep/JIC during EOF briefings.
_____    _____        _____        _____        _____            -          -        ___t_    (initials) 2 nd          3 rd      4  th          5 th      6  th        7 th        8  tb    gth          1  t NOTE 1 Report Communications System problems to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S4)                                                                E2-1
.;    oAmerGen.
An Exelon/Grytfsh Energy CoMDanv OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720  .01
              -                            ~+/-~.~i'ic I                        k'PRUU ~J UCEDUREh :
Title                                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                  5 EXHIBIT 3 PUBLIC INFORMATION TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE/JIC (PI TECH REP/JIC)
Initials 1.0                  Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/EOF 2.0                  Assure communications lines in JIC are manned constantly 3.0  _    _          From discussions with the PI Tech Rep,                            provide information associated with the plant event to the Media Center Lead, the PRW and the Media lat        Center Advisor.
(initials) 2nd          3 rd    4  th 5 th    6 th      7 th      8  th    9 th  loth NOTE 1 Assure information is coordinated and accurate as it will be used for both written and verbal communications to the public.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S5)                                                      E3 -1
-          A:
An ExelolVBfltsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1;1:> otqV        D"Dnr4"7nT Number 1820-IMP-1720 .01 I                          rxu'fuLnr4 x1XVfiWrjjj Title                                                                                                Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                    5 EXHIBIT 4 MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 1.0                  Assess plant event and establish staffing plan and watch-bill for 24-hour coverage (Retain essential emergency staff and send others home for later shifts if necessary) 2.0                    Confirm auditorium setup and work room equipment operability with JIC Admin                                                  -
NOTE Ensure that all JIC personnel use the Name Tag Board.
3.0                  Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC (w/PRW and Media Center                                    I 1    t          Advisor)
___    _            -          X____-____              _____  _____  (initials) 2'd          3 rd  4 th 5 th        6 h      7i            8 th    9 th    iot 4.0  __              Review press releases from PRW                                                                        I 1 st                                                          _____          __
i____      _____  _ ___
_(initials) 2 nd        3 rd  4 th 5 th        6 th  - 7 th            8 th    9 th  1 oth The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
: 5. 0                  Verify press releases are delivered to the ESD for approval                                            I 1st (initials) 2nd          3 rd  4 th 5 th        6 th      7  th          8 th    9 th  1 oth NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a "State of Emergency".
NOTE 3 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security coordinator prior to release.
(172001/S6)                                                        E4-1
;    , AmerGen.
An Exelon/rftsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1:RltllTflvtF                i- Til5  TO 1t              1820-IMP-1720. 01
                                .__      -  I      ;EK1inr              Y rSAK. OVJUM Title                                        .Revision                                                            No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                      5 EXHIBIT 4 (continued)
MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 6.0                  Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the l"S            Media Center Advisor and the PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings
:____ ______ _(initials) 2 nd        3 rd 4 th    5 th          6 th      7 th        8th        9th  loth 7.0                  Hold pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Advisor and state, county, l1t            and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief)
(initials) 2 nd          rd    th  5  th          6 th        h        8th        9 th  1 oth 8.0                  Moderate media briefings lot                                                                                                      (initials) 2 nd        3  rd 4  th  5  th          6 th      7 th      8 th      9  th loth NOTE 1 Maintain command and control for JIC activities and assure procedures are being followed by others in the center.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S6)                                                          E4-2
OYSTER CREEK                          Number W    i- AmerGen-An PIntMrfttih flwnv    hrmnan.
                  .,. ....                        I....
                                                -.....-        MECY                                    _ _________________
Oit l:                                                                                                Revision No.-
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                        5 EXHIBIT 5 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR Initials 1.0  ______            Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC about plant status (with lot            Media Center Lead and PRW)                                                                          I 5th__  6___      7_    8'    ___    _            _ (initials) 2 nd        3 rd    4 th      5 th    6 th      7 t  8 th ~  5  h  'lth 1
2.0  ______              Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the let              Media Center Lead and PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings d_____-_____
                                          - d__  ____                6    _  7    8th    _      _ _ -        _ (initials) 2 nd        3 rd    4 th      5 th    6 th      7 th  8h      9th      loth 3.0  ____Attend                        pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Lead and state, county, lot              and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2 nd        3  d  4  th      5 th      th                              lo          (initials) 4.0  ______            Attend the media briefings as the technical spokesperson lit              _                                                                                      (initials) 2 d        3 rd    4 th      5 th    6th      7th  8 th    9 th    1 oth NOTE 1 Stay in auditorium after media briefings to answer plant-related questions only.              Outside of formal media briefings, do not answer questions about actions taken regarding the event.
INOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S7)                                                            E5_1
mee An xon/Btsh Enegy Compay OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC  INFORMATION MERGENCY PROCEDURE Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                            Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                5 EXHIBIT 6 JIC ADMINISTRATOR                              I Initials 1.0              Assure auditorium is set up and work room equipment is operable 2.0              Issue approved press releases and place copies in the back of the JIC auditorium.
NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S8)                                    E6-1
-    = AmerGen.                                  OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An ExeionfBrihsh Energy Company                                  1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                              j Revision  No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                    5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES INITIAL PRESS RELEASES (172001/S9)                                :12019  E7-1
* AmerGen-An Exelon/BTltish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK-PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 DtT'flfDml;'nT      Innne.Tt"rDn0 I                          rout  Uvula Title                                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                          5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
  ..                                                  News Release.
An Exelon/Btish Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further Information:                    Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                            Immediately Release Number:
Unusual Event Declared at OVt:er Creek Forked River, NJ - An unusual event was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of unusual event)                          period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of unusual event).
All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event and there were no injuries to workers An Unusual Event is the lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. There was no danger to the public during the event and no special action by the public was needed.
All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Unusual Event.
THIS XS A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                        E7-2      ,
0    v  4AerGen                                          OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1Rfl-TMD-1  V72 of
                        ....n.. ...              II      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                  5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES                              I
                                                            .News Release.
An Exelon/British Energy Crnpary Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further Information:                      Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                              Immediately Release Number:
An Alert Declared at Oyster Creek
=    Forked River, NJ                -  An alert was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at
'i..  (time of Alert)                (period of the day or night - e: today,      this  afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the alert).
All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event.
An Alert is the second lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Alert.
THIS IS      A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                E7-3
    +          -^AmerGen.                                              OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number
                    * - waH.        C r -n
                                - -----                                                              18D-TMP-179n          01 An    ny'.-J.-I              EMERGENCY PROCEDURE      a    ____v_-______a,____.___
Title                                                                                    Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                          5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
      ..................................                            News Release .
An Exelon/eritish EneTgyCompany Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Route 9          Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further            nformation:                    Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                                        Immediately Release Number:
                                            -  Site Area Emergency Declared at Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - A site area emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating K.w  Station at (tme of Site Area Emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when                                (cause of the site area emergency).
There has been a [mall, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary.                              Plant operators and technicians are insert what they are doing to correct the situation].
Residents within 10 miles of the plant - known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.
AmerGen Energy is working closely with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and has notified federal, state and local authorities about the Site Area Emergency.
A Site Area Emergency is the second highest level of federal emergency classification established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for nuclear plants.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands-Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
THIS    IS    A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                          E7-4
Number A
AmerGen.                                        OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION                      1 0a5n-I ¶    or.¶n no Al  an ownsn..r  ~ y        y    I      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE :                              - a Title                                                                                  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                          5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
                                                      .News Release.
An Exelon/British Enrgy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:                                  February 27, 1999 - 2:01 PM Further Information:                    Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                            Immediately
- RelaseNumer General Emerrency Declared at                  Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - An general emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of general emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the general emergency).
There has been a [small, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are [insert what they are doing to correct the situation).
State officials will advise residents near the plant to take protective actions if necessary via the Emergency Alert System. People living within 10 miles of the plant -
known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.
A General Emergency is the highest of four emergency classifications at a nuclear power plant and indicates imminent or actual damage to the fuel core and possible radiation releases to the public. AmerGen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the General Emergency.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020..
                                                        .  .        .V7-r  . -
OYSTER CREEK          Number
    - AmerGen-                                      PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exelndmftsh Eneoy Campany
                        .._....    ..-  I        rxmAur-,.LJx  rULILJ T    1UK1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                    :
JIC ADMIN ISSUES APPROVED PRESS RELEASE AND PUTS COPIES IN THE BACK OF THE JIC AUDITORIUM (172001/Sll)                                                E8-1
AmjwmiBergen                                OYSTER CREEK              Number Amer3              ion.                  PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exe1/BltMsh Enetgy Company                                          I1820-IMP-1720.01 I                Y J.        v Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK nEmergency Classifications                (4):
Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant.                It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health-of the general public.
Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.
Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S.
commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core
  -or releases of radioactivity that-are detectable-at the site                boundary.          If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.
W, General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.
Protective Actions - once a General Emergency has been declared, OCGS consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety.                  OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.
Rumor Control/Public                    nfoxnation Xumbers:
For General Public Only During declared emergencies at Oyster Creek, member of the general public should be directed to call the toll-free rumor control" number established by the State of New Jersey:          1(800) 792-8314 For Public Officials/News edla/Regulatory and ndustry Representatives Public officials, members of federal and state regulatory agencies, industry representatives and members of the news media should be instructed to call or be transferred to the following internal number:                  1(609) 971-4020 (172001/S12)                                            E9-1
Amarf~enu,              lOYSTER              CREEK            Number
    "  Am B            e    en                PUBLIC  INFORMATION An Exelon/Britsh EneWg Comparly          EMERGENCY PROCEDURE              1820-IMP- 1720.01 Title                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Contamination - any radioactive material in                an undesired location Dose - the amount of radiation a person receives from exposure to radiation.                    The average dose a person receives from a chest x-ray is about 10 millirems.
Radiation - energy released in the form of particles or waves (alpha, beta or neutron particles, gamma rays or waves).                It occurs naturally all  around us as well as in our bodies.              Radioactive material is any substance that emits radiation.        The release of radioactivity from the plant is tracked and reported annually.
Radiological Controlled Area (RCA)              - areas-of the plant that have been designated for radiological control due to the presence of radiation or contamination.
rem - an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent-Man, which is the measurement of the potential impact of radiation dose on human cells.                A chest x-ray is about 10 millirem, and one-thousand millirem equals one rem.
Reuters-Stokes Monitor - a real-time radiation monitor which displays background radiation.        One can walk up to a monitor and see exactly what the background radiation is at that moment.                At various locations around Oyster Creek, there are 19 Reuters-Stokes Monitors which feed radiological information to environmental scientists at the plant and to the NJ department of Environmental Protection in Trenton.
Spent Fel - used nuclear fuel, which is high level radioactive waste.
Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) - a radiation measuring device that must be read in the laboratory.              It is used to measure and record doses to people and areas of the plant or environment.              TLDs are collected and read every quarter.
tritium - a radioactive isotope that occurs naturally in the environment wherever there is water.            Radiation from tritium is so weak that most radiation monitors do not detect it.            However, tritium levels are measured through laboratory analyses.
Tritium is routinely measured by Oyster Creek personnel.                It and all radioactivity releases from the plant are required to be tracked and reported annually.
(172001/S12)                                          E9-2
      , AmerGen                                        OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An Exelon/British EneWCompanyIERGENCY                    PROCEDURE        1820-IMP-1720.01
_P__          OCED__U____E Title                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                              5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Auxiliary Emergency Transfer - part of Oyster Creek's Station Blackout system, which provides an alternate source of emergency electrical power to plant safety systems.
Condenser/Condenser Vacuum - cools the steam from the turbine back into water, which is cycled back to the reactor. The vacuum maintains the ability to condense the steam back into water.
Control Rod Blades - x-shaped blades made of neutron absorbing material                      (Boron) that control the fission process in of the reactor.
Control Room Annunciators - alarm lights in the control room which alert operators of
--  changing plant conditions.
Drill - an exercise consisting of a series of simulated events and emergency conditions that would require implementation of the plant's emergency plan.
Drywell/Prazry Containment - an engineered safety system, which contains the reactor and acts as one of the barriers to radioactive release. It is made of a carbon steel shell encased in high-density reinforced concrete.
Electromatic Relief Valve (ENRV) - Oyster Creek has five EMRVs that serve a dual purpose. They act as pressure relief valves to discharge steam to the torus when a high pressure condition is sensed in the main steam lines. They also serve to relieve reactor pressure as part of the automatic depressurization system (ADS).
Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ -                    the area within a 10-mile radius of the plant, which includes 17 municipalities.
Fuel Rods/Assemblies - an eight by eight configuration that contains 62 fuel rods and 2 water rods that provide fuel for the reactor.
Eydrogen Storage Tank - located outside the plant's protected area a few hundred yards southeast of the reactor building.                      Hydrogen is used to cool the main generator and to improve water chemistry in the reactor coolant.
Ineake/Discharge Canals - the man-made water passageway that forms a horse-shoe shape around Oyster Creek to provide cooling for plant systems.
(172001/S12)                                                E9-3
    -AmerGen                                -OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number
_______________ny An xeln/dfsh EiemComv
_. I_ ,  >  E    L rGN ux  'Y L.iUkDUK I      1820-IMP-1120.01 Title                                                              'Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Joint Information Center- the facility where OCGS, along with federal, state, county and local government officials, assemble to provide information to the public through news media about an emergency at Oyster Creek. The JIC is located at the GPU Energy Office Building, 55 River Ave. (Route 9), at the intersection of Hurley Ave., about 20 miles north of Oyster Creek. Aside from company and government representatives, only members of the news media with appropriate credentials will be admitted to the center. All others can call the rumor control number operated by the state for official information on the emergency.
Loss of Coolant Accident (OCA) - an accident scenario involving the loss of water from the primary system, which requires Oyster Creek to shut down the reactor.
Main team Xsolation Valve          (OSZV) - containment isolation valves designed to minimize coolant loss from        the vessel and to limit off site does in the event of a main steam line accident.          Testing (closure test) is done--on the MSIVs-once every three months at 40 percent        power.
Owner Controlled Area (OCA) - any areas outside the Protected Area under the control of the utility owner, OCGS.
Protected Area (PA) - the area of the plant encompassed by physical barriers into which access is controlled.
Reactor Building/Secondary Containment - the building that houses the plant's reactor and provides an additional barrier to the release of radioactive materials during periods when primary containment has been established. The reactor building, which is made of reinforced concrete and steel frame, serves as the primary containment when the drywell is open for refueling and maintenance.                It completely encloses the drywell and reactor auxiliary systems. The barriers are the reactor building, the standby gas treatment system and the reactor building ventilation supply and exhaust dampers.
Reactor Core - nuclear fuel assemblies that are the source of heat for sustaining the fission process in a reactor to produce electricity.
Reactor Vessel - the structure that houses the nuclear fuel.
SCRAM - a rapid insertion of control rods shutting down the reactor, which can be initiated manually or automatically.
site Accountability - a process that is normally initiated during a Site Area Emergency, but can be performed at any time, to account for plant employees.
Spent Fuel Pool - a 38-feet deep pool of circulating water which provides temporary, safe storage of irradiated core components, including depleted or spent fuel assemblies.
(172001/S12)                                    - E9-4
0 0        AmerGen.
___,      ,,___,__        -PUBLIC Iv      EM OYSTER CREEK R E INFORMATION C  PR  C D R    X. I Number Number u- grr-~    .. X0)_rn_'-
                      .o iis~eynpr eotunshEew ----
LDTmpary    I      EMERGENCY    PROCEDURE      I.      .          I      -
Title                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Station Blackout Transformer - provides back-up power to the plant should all sources of off site power be lost.
Torus - a large donut-shaped suppression chamber at the base of the drywell or primary containment,-which houses the reactor vessel. The torus is about half-filled with water and used for containment pressure control and cooling.
Vital Area (VA) - areas that contain equipment, systems, devices, etc., the failure, destruction or release of which could directly or indirectly endanger public health and safety by exposure to radiation.
Plant Building/Facilities:
Access Center - located in Building 14 on the Forked River site. The center provides General Employee Training, medical examinations, respirator, whole body counts and plant access badging for all employees and contractors coming to Oyster Creek.
Chemirtzy Labs - located within the Turbine Building. This facility provides all the analyses of plant system fluids and gases to ensure safe and efficient operation of the plant.
Control Room (CR) - located on the third floor of the Turbine Building.                        The facility contains all the controls and instrumentation used to operate and monitor the reactor, turbine, generator, Electrical Distribution system, and Cooling Systems.
Dosimetry - located in Building 14.                  This facility maintains the TLD system and provides periodic reports of all employee's radiation exposures.
Nuclear Education Center - located on the Forked River site in Buildings 1, 2, 12 and 14. This center provides training to all employees at Oyster Creek to maintain qualifications that are necessary to operate a federally regulated nuclear facility.
Hydrogen Storage Tank - located near the Oyster Creek Administration building parking lot just southeast of the Main Gate.                  This tank stores hydrogen that is used in various plant systems.
Main Gate (MG) Access Center - located west of the main entrance from Route 9. The purpose of this facility is to maintain security of the site as well as provide a monitored access point for plant entry.,
Main Office Building (MOB) - located west of the Main Gate Access Center. This facility contains administrative offices for the various departments at Oyster Creek such as Operations, Chemistry, etc.
(172001/S12)                                            E9-5
    . AmerGen-                            OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An E].n/dt1h Eirwrvrmmnv I                                  I  1820-IMP-1720-01 Title                                          7                7  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Materials arehouse - located at the northeast corner of the Protected Area. This facility stores equipment and supplies needed to maintain the plant. It also serves as a Secondary Emergency Assembly Area for all employees in the event of an emergency at the site.
New Machine Shop - located south of the Turbine Building and east of the Emergency Generator Building. This facility is used for fabricating equipment to help the plant maintain operational status.
Mew Maintenance Building (MM) - located on the north side of the Protected Area and provides office and work space for electrical-and mechanical maintenance personnel.
North Gate (G) Access Center - located on the north side of the Protected Area next to the large North parking lot. This facility is used as a backup access point into the plant during outage periods.                      -                          -
Old Machine Shop - located on the south end of the Turbine Building. This facility houses all the Station Services, Fire Protection and Instrument and Controls personnel offices and locker rooms.
Oyster Creek Administration Building (OCAB) - located just southeast of the Main Gate. This facility houses the plant cafeteria and provides office space for plant personnel.
Reactor Building (RzB - located just northwest of the Main Gate. This facility serves as secondary containment for the reactor and all of its support systems and equipment.
Site Emergency Building (SEB) - located with the Protected Area south of the Main Gate. This facility provides administrative office space for plant departmental personnel as well as the resident NRC inspectors, and the plant's main computer systems. The Technical Support Center for Oyster Creek is also located on the first floor of this facility.
Tool Room - located adjacent to the maintenance shops just inside the North Gate.
This facility stores and issues tools used by the Maintenance Dept.
Turbine Building (TB) - located west of the Reactor Building.          This facility houses the turbine generator and all its support systems.
(172001/S12)                                    E9 -6
OYSTER CREEK                Number
              *n  Finnase~rmen                    PUBLIC -INFORMATION              1820-IMP-1720.01 n TMPO17D0_R Anlu            ll1A 1.... .I                EMERGENCY PROCEDURE---
Title                                                  -                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 Ti:                                                                            Reiioo ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - a safety system designed to automatically reduce pressure in the reactor vessel under certain accident conditions, to allow the core spray system to be effective in adding coolant to the core under those conditions (small break LOCAs). ADS, which consists of five electromatic relief valves that discharge to the torus, is one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System.
Augmented Off-Gas AOG) System - reduces the amount of radioactive gas released to the environment by serving as a holding station to allow the radioactive materials to decay, and also filtering out radioactive particles.
Combustion Turbines (CTs)                -  gas-fired turbine generators which supply backup power for Oyster Creek.
Condensate/Feedwater System                  -  returns condensed steam to the reactor and maintains reactor vessel water level.
Condensate Transfer System - supplies water for the condensate demineralizer resin replacement, providing cooling for various pumps, and flushing and makeup water to various plant systems.
Control Rod Drive (CRD) ydraulic System - supplies and controls the pressure and flow requirements of the control rod drives.                        It also can be used to add makeup water to the reactor.
Containment pray/Mmergency Service Water CS/ESW) System - safety systems designed to reduce-primary containment temperature and pressure following a design basis loss-of-coolant-accident.                  These systems also limit the offsite doses by reducing the driving force of containment leakage.
Core Spray System (CSS) - one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System.              It is a low pressure, engineered safety system which supplies cooling water to the reactor after large or intermediate pipe breaks to prevent fuel damage.
Dem4neralized Water System                -  supplies pure water for initial fill and makeup to various water systems.
Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - a required emergency safety system used to provide effective core cooling to prevent damage to nuclear fuel cladding and to limit damage to equipment/components during a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA).
ECCS consists of three separate subsystems: the isolation condenser system, the core spray system (CSS) and ADS.
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AmerGen.        mer~~~~~ I          PTOYSTER PUBLI    I CREEK ORMATION      I Number I ' A-r"nl7      Al Anltxelonlrmus n eW LOIpaply I      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE        .1        .rx  -LI~  *V Title                                            -Revision                          No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Diesel Generator (G)              - two diesel generators which provide electrical power to ensure safe shut down of Oyster Creek at the loss of off-site power. The EDG Building is located on the southwest side of the Protected Area.
Zsolation Condenser System - one of three subsystems of ECCS and serves as large heat exchangers, which are used to reduce pressure and remove heat in the plant's reactor in the event that the turbine generator and main condenser are unavailable to remove heat. It is a standby, high-pressure system that can be activated manually or automatically to prevent overheating of the reactor fuel, to control reactor pressure, and to limit the loss of reactor coolant through the relief valves.
Radwaste System - supports plant operation by providing for backwash and precoat of the fuel pool filter, replacing demineralizer resin and disposing of spent resin and filter media, and purification of contaminated waste water for recycling back to the reactor.
Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) System - supplies cooling water to selected reactor building, drywell and old radwaste facility auxiliary equipment subject to radioactive contamination during all-modes of plant operation.
Reactor Protection System (RPS) - a safety system which provides automatic reactor protection by rapidly inserting all control rods or automatically shutting down the plant if certain limits are exceeded during any mode of plant operation. No single failure can prevent the RPS from performing its protective function, which is to protect the core against fuel cladding damage and the reactor vessel from overpressure, and minimizing the release of radioactive materials. This system can also be tested on-line without initiating a reactor shutdown.
Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System - a closed-loop system which constantly removes impurities from reactor coolant by recirculating it through filters and a demineralizer for continuous cleanup.
Shutdown Cooling System - cools the reactor after shutdown to permit vessel head removal for refueling and also removes decay heat while the reactor is in cold shutdown.
(172001/S12)                                      E9-8
* AmerGen.                                OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An PenR/,Rtdsh PneavCmman.I                                              1820-IMP-1720.01
            ---------      =                    R---i----    kUURUE PRE      _      _  ---  I Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Standby Liquid Control System - a backup safety system containing a boron solution designed to stop the fission process in the reactor.
Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (TBCCW) System - a closed-loop system which supplies cooling water to selected turbine and office building components not subject to radioactive contamination, and to reactor recirculation pump motor-generator sets.
It also supplies a backup source of cooling water to the augmented fuel pool cooling heat exchanger, which is potentially contaminated.
VRC - the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FEZA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency BPU - the New Jersey (or any state) Board of Public Utilities -
RERP - the Radiological Emergency Response and Safety Unit of the New Jersey State Police SP/OM - the New Jersey State Police and Office of Emergency Management DEP - the New Jersey (or any state) Department of Environmental Protection BnE - the New Jersey (or any state) Bureau of Nuclear Engineering ERPAS - Emergency Response Planning Areas designated by the State of New Jersey Area 1 --              consists of a portion of Lacey Township.        It is bounded on the north by Deer Head Lake, Lake Barnegat, Lower Lake and the Forked River.
Barnegat Bay is the eastern boundary and lower Oyster Creek is the southern boundary. The Garden State Parkway forms the western boundary.
Area 2 - -            consists of a portion of Ocean Township.        It is bounded on the north by the Oyster Creek. The boundary to the east is Barnegat Bay. The southern boundary is Barnegat Beach Drive, Route 9, Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road).      The Garden State Parkway is the western border.
Area 3 --              consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a portion of Barnegat Township. Its northern boundary is Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road) to Route 9, Route 9 southward to Barnegat Beach Drive and Barnegat Beach Drive eastward to the Bay. Barnegat Bay forms its eastern boundary. Route 554 (Bay Avenue) forms the boundary to the south. The Garden State Parkway is the western boundary.
Area 4 --              consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a small portion of Barnegat Township. It is bounded on the north by the Lacey/Ocean Township line and a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road).
The Garden State Parkway forms the eastern boundary. Route 554 (Straight Road) is the southern boundary. The western boundary is a small portion of Brookville Road and the Ocean/Barnegat Township line.
(172001/S12)                                            E9-9
OYSTER CREEK                      Number
    . AmerGen.                                PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 iAn ftelon/11"Ush Ergyv Comprvw
                            ,,    ,    I  EMECi1SCLX PUt..                      ____  _ _ __ _______
Title                                                                              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure .                                    5 1820-IMP-1720.01-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS              FOR OYSTER CREEK Area 5          - -      consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The northern boundary is Route 614 (Lacey Road). The Garden State Parkway is the eastern boundary. The southern border is a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road) and the Lacey/Ocean Township line. The Factory Branch River forms the western boundary.
Area        6 -  -      consists of a portion of Lacey Township.          The Cedar Creek is its northern border, with arnegat Bay its eastern boundary. The Forked River, Lower Lake, Lake Barnegat and Deer Head Lake make up the southern boundary. The western border is the Garden State Parkway.
Area 10          --    consists of a portion of Berkeley Township, the boroughs of Ocean Gate and Pine Beach, and portions of Beachwood and South Toms River.
The Toms River is the northern boundary. Barnegat Bay is the eastern border. The Cedar Creek is its southern boundary and the Garden State'Parkway-is the'-western border.-                  '-        -
Area 16 --              consists of a portion of the Seaside Peninsula south of Seaside Park Borough.
Area 18 --              consists of a portion of Barnegat Bay south of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It consists of all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Long Beach Island Causeway (Manahawkin Bay Bridge).
Area 19 --              consists of that portion of Barnegat Bay north of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It contains all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Seaside Causeway - Route 37 (the Tunney and Mathis Bridge).
Area 20 --              consists of that portion of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Island Beach State Park and the part of Long Beach Island north of Surf City and off shore for a distance of three miles.
d (172001/S12)                                        . E9-10
.    -.. AmerGen.-                                        OYSTER CRE PUBLIC INFOMMTION Number 1820-ZNP-1720.01 An ExelonfBrftish Energy Company EMIERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                          Usage Level          Revision No.
Emergency Public Iformation                                                          5 Implementing Procedure                                        2 This Revision  5  incorporates the Prior Revision                  4      incorporated the      This Revision  5  incorporates the following Temporary Changes:                                  following Temporary Changes:
N/A                                            N/A List of Paaes 1.0 to 9.0 El-l E2 -1 E3-1 E4-1 to E4-2 E5-1 E6-1 E7-1 to E7-5 E8-1 E9-1 to E9-10 WIFORMATION OLY (172001)                                                    1.0
v    AmerGen.
An ExelonBritish ETergy Cofpany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title1                                                                    Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure PROCEDURE HISTORY REV        DATE                ORIGINATOR                   
OF CHANGE 1          DOS            S. D'Ambrosio  Remove COMEC from cover page. Change references from GPU or GPUN to OCGS.
2        11/00            A. Smith      Clarify duties of JIC Admin position. Clarify Notes 2 & 3 on Page 10 pertaining to press release approvals.
3        04/01            D. Larsen      Change Note 2 page 10 - approval to review after "State of Emergency" is declared.
09/01            D. Larsen      Change all OCGS to OCGS Change NOTE 1 page E-l Approval to Review Change NOTE 1 page E4-1 Approval to Review Change all Boiler Plate news releases from Thelma L.
Wiggins to Communications Representative &
609-971-4048 to 609-971-xxxx Change Approval to Review next to bottom block of press release flow chart on page E9-1 5        08/03            M. Chanda      Revise-Boiler plate news--releases--Remove-signatures from cover page.
(172001)                              2~~~.0 (172001)                                              2.0
v AmerGen.
UExelrEryCma OYSTER  CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number AExioBfltshEnergyConipa1ny          EMERGENCY PROCEDURE                0IMP 1720.01 Title                                                                    Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                      5 1.0    PURPOSE The purpose of this implementing procedure is to describe the manner in which OCGS will furnish public information in the event of a formal emergency declaration at its Oyster Creek Generating Station.            A premium is placed on providing information promptly and accurately to the media, public officials, employees, members of the public, public agencies and OCGS senior officers through appropriate means.
2.0  APPLICABILITY/SCOPE 2.1        Upon declaration of an emergency condition, the Emergency Response Organization is responsible for the dissemination of information.        These emergency conditions are: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency.
3.0    DEFINITIONS 3.1        Emergency Classifications (4) 3.1.1        Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.
3.1.2        Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S.
commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.
(172001)                                            3.0
* AmerGen.
An Exelon/Bftsb Energy Compary OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 3.1.3          Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.
3.1.4          General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.    Protective Actions  - once a General Emeraency has      . .
been declared, OCGS Management consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.
(172001)                                                  4.0
.        AmerGen-An Exelonlrftsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01
_I mJvthwiy'VD I A-I    = 1 rP1 vJv-n eT  TR 'w Title                                                                                  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                      5 3.2          EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ROLES 3.2.1          PI TECH REP/EOF:      Serves as the technical advisor from the EOF.
Will be responsible for gathering all approved and final information regarding the plant event.            This person will interact with the PI Technical Rep in the JIC and provide that person with the most up to date information, as it becomes available. The PI Tech Rep in the EOF will be responsible for attending all ESD briefings at the EOF.              This position will also be responsible for calling the JIC in advance of all briefings, and establish a phone call so that JIC staff know that new information could be developing.
3.2.2          PI TECH REPIJIC:        This position will be responsible for providing all technical information associated with the plant-event. This single point of reference will assure that those writing the press releases and presiding over the briefings have a full and consistent understanding of the events happening at the plant; this person would be retrieving information from both written and verbal communications, all information that goes out to the public would be coordinated and correct. The PI Tech Rep at the JIC would be in constant contact with the PI Tech Rep at the EOF.              This position will also help with the staffing needs of the JIC, by assuring that the communication lines in the JIC are constantly manned.
3.2.3          MEDIA CENTER LEAD:        This position will have command and control over the center's activities.            The Media Center Lead will assure that all procedures are being followed by others in the center and would review press releases prior to their approval by the ESD.
(172001)                                                    5.0
_    AmerGen.
Anumlmsh  Energy mpany    I OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number i a n .. TUDmp-1 7,)on n Title                                                                  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                        5 The Media Center Lead will be the individual in the JIC with the responsibility to interface with and coordinate the activities of the State and Local Government communications personnel responding to the JIC. It is important that this position frequently meet with these individuals for the purpose of coordinating the information used in media briefings and when the briefings are to be held.
Another responsibility of the Media Center Lead is to serve as a moderator during press briefings. During these briefings, he or she would provide a brief synopsis of the emergency and its classification; give an overview of JIC logistics; introduce representatives on the panel; field questions and directs them to the proper representative. He or she may also answer non-technical questions from the media regarding the event.
3.2.4        MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR:  This position will serve as the technical spokesperson on the panel during press conferences.
At the Media Center Lead's discretion following press conferences, this person will stay back in the auditorium for a short time to answer technical questions from the media.
3.2.5      PRESS RELEASE WRITER:    The Press Release Writer will receive information from the PI Tech Rep in the JIC, which will coincide with the information given to the Media Center Advisor and the Media Center Lead. The press release must be reviewed for grammar and writing style by the Media Center Lead prior to turnover for ESD approval and its release to the public.
(172001)                                          6.0
Number AmerGen.
An ExelonIBrftlsh EnergyCompany
{        OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 3.2.6          JIC ADMIN:  This position will assure that the JIC auditorium is set up and that all work room equipment is operable. This person will also be responsible to fax approved press releases and posting the event classification when they occur in the auditorium.
4.0    PROCEE)URE 4.1          JIC Operations 4.1.1            Event is declared.    All emergency response personnel respond to their assigned locations at the JIC and the EOF.
4.1.2            Responders arrive at JIC.    Press Release Writer  PRW) begins writing press release, based on information received from the PI Tech Rep at the JIC or EOF, or information received from the Control Room depending on whom is first available  see Exhibit 1).    Media Center Lead assesses plant event and establishes a staffing-plan and watchbill for 24-hour coverage.
Retains essential emergency staff and sends others home for later shifts if necessary (see Exhibit 4).    JIC Admin assures auditorium setup, work room equipment operability, etc.  (see Exhibit 6). This is confirmed by Media Center Lead.    PI Tech Rep/JIC contacts PI Tech Rep/EOF to obtain plant status (see Exhibit 3).
(172001)                                                  7.0
AlerGen An EetiBtsh EyCory OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC  INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 4.1.3    Upon arrival at EOF, PI Tech Rep/EOF obtains plant status and notifies PI Tech Rep at the JIC (see Exhibit 2). This information would be acquired from the leads in the EOF and/or through the engineering communications line to the Emergency Control Center and TSC. Any conflicting or incomplete information should be resolved prior to communicating it to the JIC.
4.1.4    The PI Tech Rep/JIC briefs the PRW, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor (see Exhibit 5) of plant status.
NOTE 1 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a "State of Emergency".
NOTE 3 Security related event press releases are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator to ensure the release does not contain any Safeguards Information.
4.1.5    The PRW completes first press release, which is reviewed by Media Center Lead.
4.1.6    Approved press release is issued by JIC Admin/Com.
4.1.7    Concurrent with press release writing, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor review plant events with PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefing.
4.1.8    Media Center Lead holds pre-brief meeting with Media Center Advisor and state, county and federal Public Information Representatives. The group shares information and plans what each organization will discuss during briefing.
(172001)                                        8.0
.        AmerGen.
An Exeon8ritish Energy Conpany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                          5 4.1.9            Media Briefing is held, moderated by Media Center Lead. Media Center Lead introduces panel, provides brief overview of plant event and one-by-one, turns over to others on panel who will also provide brief information. Following panel encapsulations, Media Center Lead fields questions from the media and refers them to the proper panel representative.
4.1.10          At conclusion of media briefing, all leave the auditorium, except Media Center Advisor, who remains and takes questions from the media on plant-related questions only at the discretion of the MCL.
4.1.11            During briefing, PI Tech Rep/JIC continues to gather new information in coordination with PI Tech Rep/EOF.
4.1.12            Process recycles at 4.1.4.
4.1.13            In New Jersey, the State Police Office of Emergency Management is responsible for Rumor Control.
==5.0    REFERENCES==
5.1        10 CFR 50.47 (b)(7) 5.2        OCGS Emergency Plan 2000-PLN-1300.01 5.3        Emergency Preparedness Training Program 6200-PGD-2685 6.0    EXHIBITS 6.1        Exhibit 1, Press Release Writer (PRW) Checklist 6.2        Exhibit 2, Public Information Technical RepresentativoB/EOF (PI Tech Rep/EOF) Checklist 6.3        Exhibit 3, Public Information Technical Representative/JIC (PI Tech Rep/JIC) Checklist 6.4        Exhibit 4, Media Center Lead Checklist 6.5        Exhibit 5, Media Center Advisor/Communications Checklist 6.6        Exhibit 6, JIC Administrator/Communications Checklist 7.0  ATTACHMENTS 7.1        IMP-1720.01-1, Boiler Plate News Releases 7.2        IMP-1720.01-2, Press Release Flow Chart 7.3        IMP-1720.01-3, Emergency Preparedness Terminology/Definitions for Oyster Creek (172001)                                                9.0
* AmerGen.
An Exelon/BTttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMTION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                        5 EXHIBIT 1 PRESS RELEASE WRITER (PRW)                                  I Initials 1.0                      Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC (or the Control Room prior to EOF activation) 2.0  ___          . Write press release with information gathered from the PI Tech Rep/JIC st          (or information received from MCR)
_____          _____                                        (initials) 2 nd        3 rd    4 th    5 th  6 th      7 th    8th 9 th 1 oth 3.0                    Give press releases to the Media Center Lead for review ist (initials) 2d          3 rd    4 th    5 th  6 th      7 th    8th  9 th loth NOTE 1 Provide the ESD with press releases issued by the ED I
NOTE 2 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
4.0                    Assure press releases are delivered to the ESD for review and approval it I
______  ______                (initials) 2n          3 rd    4th    5 th  6 th      7 th    8lo    th 1 0 th NOTE 1 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a State of Emergency".
NOTE 2 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator prior to release.
NOTE 3 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S3)                                                        El-l
.        AmerGen.
An ExelonlBritish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720 .01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                                              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                  5 EXHIBIT 2 PUBLIC INFORMATION TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE/EOF (PI TECH REP/EOF)
Init ials 1.0                  Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC 2.0                  Call JIC in advance of all ESD briefings lot
_ _ _ __ __ _ __      _      _ (initials) 2'          ~3 rd  4 th    5 th    6th      7 th      8 th      9 th      loth 3.0                  Attend all ESD briefings 1st 2 8thr 4    7 9th      '0th      (initials) 2ndy        Tr-        8'h 5thl 4.0                  Call PI Tech Rep/JIC and provide new information from ESD briefings ist (initials) 2 nd        3 rd  4 th    5 th    6 th      7 th      8th      9th      loth 5.0                  Fax the ESD turnover checklist to the PI tech Rep/JIC.
6.0                  Establish phone link with PI tech Rep/JIC during EOF briefings.
_(initials)      ___    _  _
2T          3 rd  4 th    5 th    6 th      7 th      8t        9 th      loth NOTE 1 Report Communications System problems to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S4)                                                      E2-1
    <    AmerGen.
hn vednnf/rmffsh Fnemas Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1R20-IMP-1720.01 I  , EERUENCY PRUCEDURE Title                                                    :                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 EXHIBIT 3 PUBLIC INFORMATION TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE/JIC (PI TECH REP/JIC)
Initials 1.0                  Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/EOF 2.0                  Assure communications lines in JIC are manned constantly 3.0  ____From                discussions with the P          Tech Rep, provide information associated with the plant event to the Media Center Lead, the PRW and the Media lot      Center Advisor.                            -      -
_____                        _____      _____  (initials) 2 nd        3 rd    4 th  5 th    6th    7t    8th gth  loth NOTE 1 Assure information is coordinated and accurate as it will be used for both written and verbal communications to the public.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S5)                                                E3-1    :
I Number a AmerGen.                                          OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An belon/BrItIsh EneTgyCompany                                                    - 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title                                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                            5 EXHIBIT 4 MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 1.0                    Assess plant event and establish staffing plan and watch-bill for 24-hour coverage (Retain essential emergency staff and send others home for later shifts if necessary) 2.0  _        _        Confirm auditorium setup and work room equipment operability with JIC Admin NOTE Ensure that all JIC personnel use the Name Tag Board.
3.0                    Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC                  (w/PRW and Media Center    I lst          Advisor) 2 nd        3 rd 4 th  5 th    6 th      7 th    8~t      gth    1  t    (initials) 4.0                    Review press releases from PRW                            -              --              1- --
lst                                                                                        (initials) 2 nd        3 rd 4 th 5 th    6th      7th    8 th    9 th  loth NOTE The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.
5.0  _____            Verify press releases are delivered to the ESD for approval                              I lt 2nd___      3rd_ 4th_ 5th_    6        7          _                    (initials) 2 nd        3 rd 4 th 5- th    6 th      7 th    st      9 th  loth NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the                OF Communications Coordinator.                      /
NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a                    State of Emergency".
NOTE 3 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security coordinator prior to release.
(172001/S6)                                                  E4-1
OYSTER CREEK                      Number a AmerGen.                                              PUBLIC INFORMATION                        1820-IMP-1720.01 An Fr.Innffit-ich er--  flm  nV I      k M....  .UNUY      1jxUU+/-(V          4                  _ _-__
Title                                                                                            Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                  5
:~~~~~~~~XII                                    4 EXHIBIT 4 (continued)
MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 6.0  ______            Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the Media Center Advisor and the PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings (initials) 2 nd        3 rd      4 th    5  th  6      :  7  h    8 th gth    loth 7.0                    Hold pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Advisor and state, county, lSt              and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2 nd        3 rd      4 th    5  th  6 tlh      7  th    8tb  9 th -  loth  (initials) 8.0                    Moderate media briefings ist                                  -_____    :_____
______    _____                            ______ (in    itia  ls )
2 nd        3 rd      4 th    5 tl    6 th      7 th    8th    th    loh NOTE 1 Maintain command and control for JIC activities and assure procedures are being followed by others in the center.
Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
{172001/S6)                                                            E4-2
    . AmerGen.                                                    OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMPD-1720  01
          *n  Cwlon rRr&sect;HeIsChars Onnnnw I          EMERGENCY PROCEDURE                                          X___eve______a      ____._v Title                                                                                                          Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                                            5 EXHIBIT 5 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR Initials 1.0                      Receive briefings from the P                        Tech Rep/JIC about plant status (with liSt Media Center Lead and PRW)                                                                                              I
_    __    __            _ __    ___ ____    _  __  ___  (initials) 2nd        3 rd 4  th      5  th        6 th      7          8 th    9 tb      loth 2.0                      Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the
      'st Media Center Lead and PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings
__________      _              _ ___    __ _  ____(in              itials )
2 nd        3 rd 4  th      5  tb        6 th      7 th        8 th    9 th      loth 3.0                    Attend pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Lead and state, county, 1st and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2nd___    ______ 4th___ ______            6th___    7th___      5th___ _        _  _      _ (initials) 2 nd      3 rd  4 th      5  th        6~        7 h        8:t      9 th      i 4.0  _                  Attend the media briefings as the technical spokesperson 1at                                                                                                              (initials) 2n        3  rd 4 th      5  th        6 th      7t          8t      9        1 O NOTE 1 Stay in auditorium after media briefings to answer plant-related questions only. Outside of formal media briefings, do not answer questions about actions taken regarding the event.
NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.
(172001/S7)                                                                ES-1
OYSTER CREEK        Number
    . AmerGen.
An F1on/Rritish Enerv Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01
                                      -- ------- _tItER1NUY  kVXUC lUUt Title                                                                  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                      5 EXHIBIT 6 JIC ADMINISTRATOR                          I Initials 1.0                Assure auditorium is set up and work room equipment is operable 2.0                Issue approved press releases and place copies in the back of the JIC auditorium.
NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.                        :
(172001/S8)E                                            E6-1          4
OYSTER CREEK          Number
  . AmerGen.              I        PUBLIC INFORMATION          -1 Qn1A- Tlls- 1 " 1n n Title AnFltonlshEneT Company  I      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure
j  Jo.U.L Revision No.
Eu 5
ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES                              I INITIAL PRESS RELEASES (172001/S9)                                  E7 -1 E7-1
*      . AmerGen.
An Exelonl/Bttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I      E'7'DI21G'TN.T' M      _      =
                                                                                  ---    W.v      I Title                                                                                            Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                              5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES                                          I
                                          ............        News Release .
AmerGen-An Exelon/Brtsh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further Information:                        Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                                Immediately Release Number:
Unusual Event Declared at Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - An unusual event was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of unusual event) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this eening) when (cause of unusual event).
All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event and there were no injuries to workers An Unusual Event is the lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. There was no danger to the public during the event and no special action by the public was needed.
All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Unusual Event.
THIS          S A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                          E7-2
OYSTER CREEK              Number
An Exelon/BTttisb Energy Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I  - rW1M'X%%3r..X    r1ur__
Title                                                                            Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                              5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
    ..                                                    News Release.
An Exelon/Brtislh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further        nformation:                Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                              Immediately Release Number:
An Alert Declared at Oyster Creek-Forked River, NJ - An alert was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at whs (time of Alert) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the alert).
All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event.
An Alert is the second lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Alert.
THIS        S A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                    E7-3
            . AmerGen.
An Exelan/lotlsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 V-fR.0irVs Pro&r1nTTTr-Title                                                                            I Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                          5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES                              I
    ..................................                            Release .        .News AmerGen.
An ExelonlBritish Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:
Further Information:                          Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                                  Immediately Release Number:
Site    lea Emerkencv Declared at Ovater Creek Forked River, NJ - A site area emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating
\.2 Station at (time of Site Area Emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the site area emergency).
There has been a amll,                          moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are insert what they are doing to correct the                  ituation).
Residents within 10 miles of the plant - known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.
AmerGen Energy is working closely with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and has notified federal, state and local authorities about the Site Area Emergency.
A Site Area Emergency is the second highest level of federal emergency classification established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for nuclear plants.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.
THIS IS        A DRILL (172001/S9)                                                    E7-4
OYSTER CREEK                            Number
* _. AmerGen.                                    PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exelon8lttIsh EnergyCompany                      qr7Df~l1rV        l>~pT~            -1820-IMP-1720.01 I  ~  r102 rj W~1ZSr."L          J.
LV.X';5              J Title                                                                                            Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                              5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)
BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES                                                I
              ..                                          News Release.
An Exen/Byi sh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel.-(609) 971-4020 Date:                                    February 27, 1999                  -  2:01 PM Further Information:                    Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release:                            Immediately Release Number:
General Enerrency Declared at                          Ouster Creek Forked River, NJ - An general emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of general emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the general emergency).
There has been a                  small, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are Linsert what they are doing to correct the situation).
State officials will advise residents near the plant to take protective actions if necessary via the Emergency Alert System. People living within 10 miles of the plant -
known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.
A General Emergency is the highest of four emergency classifications at a nuclear power plant and indicates imminent or actual damage to the fuel core and possible radiation
  -releases to the public. AmerGen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the General Emergency.
Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020..
THIS IS                      A DRILL
_                        1 i  7    -
(1-7.2M0    S-9~--9        -      .:-
OYSTER CREEK        Number
* AmerGen.
An Exelon/Sriftsh Energy Cpany                E PUBRLIC    INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE        ___________
Title                                                                            Revision No.
                              -I            REQUIRED)
COMMUNICATE CHANGES TO THE                        10 ESD I
JIC AD1IN ISSUES APPROVED PRESS RELEASE AND PUTS COPIES IN THE BACK OF THE JIC AUDITORIUM (172001/Sll)                                                      E8-1
                                          -. Amr~n.OYSTER        CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An Exelon/~tsh Energy Company          =x'?17f51MWTrlm    ~rnrT0 D  1820-IMP-1720.01 Title      Emerenc      Public Inorato        Imleting Proceure      Revision No.
IEmergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                      5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Classifications (4):
Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry.            It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.
Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.
Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S.
commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core
----or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary.              If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.
General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry.            It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.
Protective Actions - once a General Emergency has been declared, OCGS consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.
Rumor Control/Public Information Numbers:
For General Public Only During declared emergencies at Oyster Creek, member of the general public should be directed to call the toll-free rumor control" number established by the State of New Jersey: 1(800) 792-8314 For Public Offcialsl/News Kedia/Regulatory and Industry Representatives Public officials, members of federal and state regulatory agencies, industry representatives and members of the news media should be instructed to call or be transferred to the following internal number: 1(609) 971-4020 (172001/S12)                                            E9-1
a AmerGenm.
An xeon/nnn ne~nna Imer At I
                                    ~~~~UBIC-INORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number I1I-r loZv-lrr wp._1 7.n n1 Title r                                        -P              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Contamination - any radioactive material in an undesired location Dose - the amount of radiation a person receives from exposure to radiation.            The average dose a person receives from a chest x-ray is about 10 millirems.
Radiation - energy released in the form of particles or waves (alpha, beta or neutron particles, gamma rays or waves).      It occurs naturally all around us as well as in our bodies. Radioactive material is any substance that emits radiation. The release of radioactivity from the plant is tracked and reported annually.
Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) - areas of the plant that have been designated for radiological control due to the presence of radiation or contamination.
rem - an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man, which is the measurement of the potential impact of radiation dose on human cells. A chest x-ray is about 10 millirem, and one-thousand millirem equals one rem.
Reuters-Stokes Monitor - a real-time radiation monitor which displays background radiation. One can walk up to a monitor and see exactly what the background radiation is at that moment. At various locations around Oyster Creek, there are 19 Reuters-Stokes Monitors which feed radiological information to environmental scientists at the plant and to the NJ department of Environmental Protection-in Trenton.
Spent Fuel  - used nuclear fuel, which is  high level radioactive waste.
Therzoluminescent Dosimeter (WLD) - a radiation measuring device that must be read in the laboratory. It is used to measure and-record doses to people and areas of the plant or environment. TLDs are collected and read every quarter.
Tritium - a radioactive isotope that occurs naturally in the environment wherever there is water. Radiation from tritium is so weak that most radiation monitors do not detect it. However, tritium levels are measured through laboratory analyses.
Tritium is routinely measured by Oyster Creek personnel. It and all radioactivity releases from the plant are required to be tracked and reported annually.
(172001/S12)                              E9-2
AmBergns.-            IOYSTER I
CREEK PUBLIC INFORM1ATION        I Number 1    T    7  ni
        -.- I.."."... .... I      EMERGENCY PROCEDURE            ag  -
Title                                                              Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Auxiliary Emergency Transfer - part of Oyster Creek's Station Blackout system, which provides an alternate source of emergency electrical power to plant safety systems.
CondenserlCondenser Vacuum - cools the steam from the turbine back into water, which is cycled back to the reactor. The vacuum maintains the ability to condense the steam back into water.
Control Rod lades - x-shaped blades made of neutron absorbing material          (Boron) that control the fission process in of the reactor.
Control Room Annunciators - alarm lights -in the control room which alert operators of changing plant conditions.                -
Drill - an exercise consisting of a series of simulated events and emergency conditions that would require implementation of the plant's emergency plan.
DrywellFPrimary Containment - an engineered safety system, which contains the reactor and acts as one of the barriers to-radioactive release.          It is made of a carbon steel shell encased in high-density reinforced concrete.
Electromatic Relief Valve (MV)        - Oyster Creek has five EMRVs that serve a dual purpose. They act as pressure relief valves to discharge steam to the torus when a high pressure condition is sensed in the main steam lines. They also serve to relieve reactor pressure as part of the automatic depressurization system (ADS).
Emergency Planning Zone EPZ) -        the area within a 10-mile radius of the plant, which includes 17 municipalities.
Fuel Rods/Assemblles - an eight by eight configuration that contains 62 fuel rods and 2 water rods that provide fuel for the reactor.
Hydrogen Storage Tank      - located outside the plant's protected area a few hundred yards southeast of the reactor building.        Hydrogen is used to cool the main generator and to improve water chemistry in the reactor coolant.
Intake/Discharge Canals - the man-made water passageway that forms a horse-shoe shape around Oyster Creek to provide cooling for plant systems.
(172001/S12)                                  E9-3
B, Amer~en-A-lnRh
                    +      "
CREEK Number 1A98-TMP-1720 01 I
J EMERGENCY PROCEDURE                    ______        _  __ _
Title                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                          5 Title~~                                                      Reiio.o ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Joint Information Center- the facility where OCGS, along with federal, state, county and local government officials, assemble to provide information to the public through news media about an emergency at Oyster Creek. The JIC is located at the GPU Energy Office Building, 55 River Ave. (Route 9), at the intersection of Hurley Ave., about 20 miles north of Oyster Creek. Aside from company and government representatives, only members of the news media with appropriate credentials will be admitted to the center. All others can call the rumor control number operated by the state for official information on the emergency.
Loss of Coolant Accident (OCA) - an accident scenario involving the loss of water from the primary system, which requires Oyster Creek to shut down the reactor.
Min Steam Isolation Valve (IV)          - containment isolation valves designed to minimize coolant loss from the vessel and to limit off site does in the event of a main -steam line accident. -- Testing    (closure--test)      is -done- on -the MSIVs once every-three months at 40 percent power.
Owner Controlled Area (OCA) - any areas outside the Protected Area under the control of the utility owner, OCGS.
Protected Area (PA) - the area of the plant encompassed by physical barriers into which access is controlled.
Reactor Building/Seconday Containment - the building that houses the plant's reactor and provides an additional barrier to the release of radioactive materials during periods when primary containment has been established. The reactor building, which is made of reinforced concrete and steel frame, serves as the primary containment when the drywell is open for refueling and maintenance.                    It completely encloses the drywell and reactor auxiliary systems. The barriers are the reactor building, the standby gas treatment system and the reactor building ventilation supply and exhaust dampers.
Reactor Core - nuclear fuel assemblies that are the source of heat for sustaining the fission process in a reactor to produce electricity.
Reactor Vessel    -  the structure that houses the nuclear fuel.
SCRA - a rapid insertion of control rods shutting down the reactor, which can be initiated manually or automatically.
Site Accountability - a process that is normally initiated during a Site Area Emergency, but can be performed at any time, to account for plant employees.
Spent Fuel Pool - a 38-feet deep pool of circulating water which provides temporary, safe storage of irradiated core components, including depleted or spent fuel assemblies.
(172001/S12)                                        E9-4
    . Amerie-                  IOYSTER I                    CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An        AI/Btsh                  Evy        Conv      Ad    1R20-IMP-1720-01
              -- 1 -------- --  I      EZ[ERUENCY P~ROCEDURE                        --
Title                        7                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                  5 ATTACHMEN T 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Station Blackout ransforer - provides back-up power to the plant should all sources of off site power be lost.
Torus - a large donut-shaped suppression chamber at the base of the drywell or primary containment, which houses the reactor vessel. The torus is about half-filled with water and used for containment pressure control and cooling.
Vital Aea (VA) - areas that contain equipment, systems, devices, etc., the failure, destruction or release of which could directly or indirectly endanger public health and safety by exposure to radiation.
Plant Building/Facilities:
Access Center - located in Building 14 on the Forked River site. The center provides General Employee Training, medical examinations, respirator, whole body counts and plant access badging for all employees and contractors coming to Oyster Creek.
Chemistry abs - located within the Turbine Building. This facility provides all the analyses of plant system fluids and gases to ensure safe and efficient operation of the plant.
Control Room (CR) - located on the third floor of the Turbine Building. The facility contains all the controls and instrumentation used to operate and monitor the reactor, turbine, generator, Electrical Distribution system, and Cooling Systems.
Dosimetry - located in Building 14. This facility maintains the TLD system and provides periodic reports of all employee's radiation exposures.
Nuclear Education Center - located on the Forked River site in Buildings 1, 2, 12 and 14. This center provides training to all employees at Oyster Creek to maintain qualifications that are necessary to operate a federally regulated nuclear facility.
Eydrogen Storage Tank - located near the Oyster Creek Administration building parking lot just southeast of the Main Gate.          This tank stores hydrogen that is used in various plant systems.
Main Gate ()        Access Center - located west of the main entrance from Route 9. The purpose of this facility is to maintain security of the site as well as provide a monitored access point for plant entry.
Main Office Building (MOB) - located west of the Main Gate Access Center. This facility contains administrative offices for the various departments at Oyster Creek such as Operations, Chemistry, etc.
(172001/S12)                                    E9-5
  .      AmerGen.                                    OYSTER CREEK PTTLTC INFORMATTON Number An Enlon/Brtsh E-ergCo mPany I?1ar~ I      EMERGENCY    PROCEDURE        1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                                  Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                                5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Naterials Warehouse - located at the northeast corner of the Protected Area. This facility stores equipment and supplies needed to maintain the plant.                          It also serves as a Secondary Emergency Assembly Area for all employees in the event of an emergency at the site.
New Machine Shop - located south of the Turbine Building and east of the Emergency Generator Building. This facility is used for fabricating equipment to help the plant maintain operational status.
New Maintenance Building (mm) - located on the north side of the Protected Area and provides office and work space for electrical and mechanical maintenance personnel.
North Gate (NG) Access Center - located on the north side of the Protected Area next to the large North parking lot. This facility is used as a backup access point into the plant during outage periods.                        -
Old Machine Shop - located on the south end of the Turbine Building. This facility
' houses all the Station Services, Fire Protection and Instrument and Controls personnel offices and locker rooms.
Oyster Creek Administration Building (OCAB - located just southeast of the Main Gate. This facility houses the plant cafeteria and provides office space for plant personnel.
Reactor Building (fRB)- located just northwest of the Main Gate. This facility serves as secondary containment for the reactor and all of its support systems and equipment.
Site Ernergency Building (SEB) - located with the Protected Area south of the Main Gate. This facility provides administrative office space for plant departmental personnel as well as the resident NRC inspectors, and the plant's main computer systems. The Technical Support Center for Oyster Creek is also located on the first floor of this facility.
Tool Room - located adjacent to the maintenance shops just inside the North Gate.
This facility stores and issues tools used by the Maintenance Dept.
Turbine Building (TB) - located west of the Reactor Building.                This facility houses the turbine generator and all its support systems.
(172001/Sl2)                                            E9-6
IOYSTER CREEK                Number AmerGen.                                PUBLIC IOR        TION An Exelon/Bfflsh Energy Company        EMERGENCY PROCEDUE              1820-IMP-1720.01 Title                                                                        Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                          5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - a safety system designed to automatically reduce pressure in the reactor vessel under certain accident conditions, to allow the core spray system to be effective in adding coolant to the core under those conditions (small break LOCAs). ADS, which consists of five electromatic relief valves that discharge to the torus, is one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System.
Augmented Off-Gas (AOG) System - reduces the amount of radioactive gas released to the environment by serving as a holding station to allow the radioactive materials to decay, and also filtering out radioactive particles.
Combustion Turbines (CTs)              -  gas-fired turbine generators which supply backup power for Oyster Creek.
Condensate/Feedwater System - returns condensed steam to the reactor and maintains reactor vessel water level.
Condensate Transfer System - supplies water for the condensate demineralizer resin replacement, providing cooling for various pumps, and flushing and makeup water to various plant systems.
Control Rod Drive CRD) ydraulic System - supplies and controls the pressure and flow requirements of the control rod drives.                  It also can be used to add makeup water to the reactor.
containment Spray/Emergency Service Water (/ESW)                    System - safety systems designed to reduce primary containment temperature and pressure following a design basis loss-of-coolant-accident.                These systems also limit the offsite doses by reducing the driving force of containment leakage.
Core Spray System (CSS) - one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System. It is a low pressure, engineered safety system which supplies cooling water to the reactor after large or intermediate pipe breaks to prevent fuel damage.
Demineralized Water System - supplies pure water for initial fill and makeup to various water systems.
Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - a required emergency safety system used to provide effective core cooling to prevent damage to nuclear fuel cladding and to limit damage to equipment/components during a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA).
ECCS consists of three separate subsystems: the isolation condenser system, the core spray system (CSS) and ADS.
(172001/S12)                                          IE9-7
AmeairI~o~ui OYSTER CREEK              Number An mer Eelon/Uritish Ene e
Company PUBLIC INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE            1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 1_Revision
_ 5No.
ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Diesel              enerator (EDG) - two diesel generators which provide electrical power to ensure safe shut down of Oyster Creek at the loss of off-site power.                The EDG Building is located on the southwest side of the Protected Area.
Isolation Condenser System - one of three subsystems of ECCS and serves as large heat exchangers, which are used to reduce pressure and remove heat in the plant's reactor in the event that the turbine generator and main condenser are unavailable to remove heat. It is a standby, high-pressure system that can be activated manually or automatically to prevent overheating of the reactor fuel, to control reactor pressure, and to limit the loss of-reactor coolant through the relief valves.
Radwaste System - supports plant operation by providing for backwash and precoat of the fuel pool filter, replacing demineralizer resin and disposing of spent resin and filter media, and purification of contaminated waste water for recycling back to the reactor.                                  -
Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RECCW) System - supplies cooling water to selected reactor building, drywell and old radwaste facility auxiliary equipment subject to radioactive contamination during all modes of plant operation.
Reactor Protection System RPS) - a safety system which provides automatic reactor protection by rapidly inserting all control rods or automatically shutting down the plant if certain limits are exceeded during any mode of plant operation. No single failure can prevent the RPS from performing its protective function, which is to protect the core against fuel cladding damage and the reactor vessel from overpressure, and minimizing the release of radioactive materials. This system can also be tested on-line without initiating a reactor shutdown.
Reactor Water Cleanup (WCU) System - a closed-loop system which constantly removes impurities from reactor coolant by recirculating it through filters and a demineralizer for continuous cleanup.
Shutdown Cooling System - cools the reactor after shutdown to permit vessel head removal for refueling and also removes decay heat while the reactor is in cold shutdown.
(172001/Sl2)                                        E9-8
.    <  AmerGen.
An Exelon/Britlsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC -INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Em                c PRevision                                                    No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                            5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Standby Liquid Control System - a backup safety system containing a boron solution designed to stop the fission process in the reactor.
Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (CCW)                    System - a closed-loop system which supplies cooling water to selected turbine and office building components not subject to radioactive contamination, and to reactor recirculation pump motor-generator sets.
It also supplies a backup source of cooling water to the augmented fuel pool cooling heat exchanger, which is potentially contaminated.
NEC - the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FENA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency BPU - the New Jersey (or any state) Board of Public Utilities RERP - the Radiological Emergency Response and Safety Unit of the New Jersey State Police SP/OEM - the New Jersey State Police and Office of Emergency Management DEP - the New Jersey (or any state) Department of Environmental Protection BE - the New Jersey (or any state) Bureau of Nuclear Engineering EMPAS - Emergency Response Planning Areas designated by the State of New Jersey Area 1 --                  consists of a portion of Lacey Township. It is bounded on the north by Deer Head Lake, Lake Barnegat, Lower Lake and the Forked River.
Barnegat Bay is the eastern boundary and lower Oyster Creek is the southern boundary. The Garden State Parkway forms the western boundary.
Area 2 --                  consists of a portion of Ocean Township. It is bounded on the north by the Oyster Creek. The boundary to the east is Barnegat Bay.      The southern boundary is Barnegat Beach Drive, Route 9, Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road). The Garden State Parkway is the western border.
Area 3 - -                consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a portion of Barnegat Township. Its northern boundary is Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road) to Route 9, Route 9 southward to arnegat Beach Drive and Barnegat Beach Drive eastward to the Bay. Barnegat Bay forms its eastern boundary. Route 554 (Bay Avenue) forms the boundary to the south. The Garden State Parkway is the western boundary.
Area 4 --                  consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a small portion of Barnegat Township. It is bounded on the north by the Lacey/Ocean Township line and a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road).
The Garden State Parkway forms the eastern boundary. Route 554 (Straight Road) is the southern boundary. The western boundary is a small portion of Brookville Road and the Ocean/Barnegat Township line.
(172001/S12)                                            E9-9
-  J    AmerGen.
                                                                                - 1820-IMP-1720.01 I    Fxh          -VUUEut 1        _____  _.__.________
Title                                                                      Revision No.
Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure                              5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS          FOR OYSTER CREEK Area 5 - -              consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The northern boundary is Route 614 (Lacey Road). The Garden State Parkway is the eastern boundary. The southern border is a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road) and the Lacey/Ocean Township line. The Factory Branch River forms the western boundary.
Area 6 - -              consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The Cedar Creek is its northern border, with Barnegat Bay its eastern boundary. The Forked River, Lower Lake, Lake Barnegat and Deer Head Lake make up the southern boundary. The western border is the Garden State Parkway.
Area 10 --              consists of a portion of Berkeley Township, the boroughs of Ocean Gate and Pine Beach, and portions of Beachwood and South Toms River.
The Toms River is the northern boundary. Barnegat Bay is the eastern border. The Cedar Creek is its southern boundary and the Garden State Parkway is the western borderY Area 16 --              consists of a portion of- the Seaside Peninsula south of Seaside Park Borough.
Area 18 --              consists of a portion of Barnegat Bay south of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It consists of all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Long Beach Island Causeway (Manahawkin Bay Bridge).
Area 19 --              consists of that portion of Barnegat Bay north of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It contains all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Seaside Causeway - Route 37 (the Tunney and Mathis Bridge).
Area 20 --              consists of that portion of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Island Beach State Park and the part of Long Beach Island north of Surf City and off shore for a distance of three miles.
d (172001/S12)                                        E9-i0}}

Latest revision as of 11:34, 25 March 2020

Revision 5 to 1820-IMP-1720.01, Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure.
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 09/04/2003
AmerGen Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
1820-IMP-1720.01, Rev 5
Download: ML032600009 (65)


IA Telephone No. (609) 971- 4652 RM Dept.


An Exelon/Bnitish Energy Company DOCUMENT TRANSMITTAL September 4, 2003 To:







AG5942 (08/02)

-4 i -A

'OYSTER CREEK Number PUBLIC INFORNPATION An Exelon/Brltish EneTgy Company EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1920-IMP-1720.01 Title Usage Level Revision No.

Emergency Public Information 5 IMplementing Procedure 2 Prior Revision 4 incorporated the This Revision 5 incorporates the following Temporary Changes: following Temporary Changes:

N/A List of Paaes 1.0 to 9.0 El-l E2-1 E3-1 E4-1 to E4-2 E5-1 E6-1 E7-1 to E7-5 ES-1 E9-1 to E9-10 i't5AATION ONLY


(172001) 1.0

OYSTER CREEK Number AmerGen.

An Exelon/Brittsh Energy Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title :Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 PROCEDURE HISTORY REV DATE ORIGINATOR


OF CHANGE 1 DOS S. DAmbrosio Remove COMEC from cover page. Change references from GPU or GPUN to OCGS.

2 11/00 A. Smith Clarify duties of JIC Admin position. Clarify Notes 2 & 3 on Page 10 pertaining to press release approvals.

3 04/01 D. Larsen Change Note 2 page 10 - approval to review after

'State of Emergency" is declared.

4 09/01 D. Larsen Change all OCGS to OCGS Change NOTE 1 page El-1 Approval to Review Change NOTE 1 page E4-1 Approval to Review Change all Boiler Plate news releases from Thelma L.

Wiggins to Communications Representative &

609-971-4048 to 609-971-xxxx Change Approval to Review next to bottom block of press release flow chart on page E9-1 5 08/03 M.--Chanda - Revise Boiler -plate news releases. -Remove signatures from cover page.

( 172 001 ) 2.0


. .... I.... I; . EMERGENCY PROCEDURE .-

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this implementing procedure is to describe the manner in which OCGS will furnish public information in the event of a formal emergency declaration at its Oyster Creek Generating Station. A premium is placed on providing information promptly and accurately to the media, public officials, employees, members of the public, public agencies and OCGS senior officers through appropriate means.

2.0 APPLICABILITY/SCOPE 2.1 Upon declaration of an emergency condition, the Emergency Response Organization is responsible for the dissemination of information. These emergency conditions are: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency.

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Emergency Classifications 4) 3.1.1 Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.

3.1.2 Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S.

commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.

(172001) 3 .0

_____mer_ Amer~en_- OYSTER PUBLIC CREEK INFORMATION Number An Ensh EnrgyCompany EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

-, Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.1.3 Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.

3.1.4 General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary. Protective Actions - once a General-Emergency has been declared, OCGS Management consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.

(172001) 4.0

4 _ emerGen.

An Exelon/Brttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.2 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ROLES 3.2.1 PI TECH EPIEOFs Serves as the technical advisor from the EOF.

Will be responsible for gathering all approved and final information regarding the plant event. This person will interact with the PI Technical Rep in the JIC and provide that person with the most up to date information, as it becomes available. The PI Tech Rep in the EOF will be responsible for attending all ESD briefings at the EOF. This position will also be responsible for calling the JIC in advance of all briefings, and establish a phone call so that JIC staff know that new information could be developing. I 3.2.2 PI TECH REPIJIC: This position will be responsible for providing all technical information associated-with the plant event. This single point of reference will assure that those I-- -

writing the press releases and presiding over the briefings have a full and consistent understanding of the events happening at the plant; this person would be retrieving information from both written and verbal communications, all information that goes out to the public would be coordinated and correct. The PI Tech Rep at the JIC would be in constant contact with the PI Tech Rep at the EOF. This position will also help with the staffing needs of the JIC, by assuring that the communication lines in the JIC are constantly manned.

3.2.3 KEDIA CENTER LEAD: This position will have command and control over the center's activities. The Media Center Lead will assure that all procedures are being followed by others in the center I

and would review press releases prior to their approval by the ESD.

(172001) 5.0

. .. Amen  :- Bergs~,m- OYSTER PUBLIC CREEK INFORMATION Number An Exedon/Bftsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820 -IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 The Media Center Lead will be the individual in the JIC with the responsibility to interface with and coordinate the activities of the State and Local Government communications personnel responding to the JIC. It is important that this position frequently meet with these individuals for the purpose of coordinating the information used in media briefings and when the briefings are to be held.

Another responsibility of the Media Center Lead is to serve as a moderator during press briefings. During these briefings, he or she would provide a brief synopsis of the emergency and its classification; give an overview of JIC logistics; introduce representatives on the panel; field questions and directs them to the proper representative. He or she may also answer non-technical questions from the media regarding the event.

3.2.4 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR: This position will serve as the technical spokesperson on the panel during press conferences.

At the Media Center Lead's discretion following press conferences, this person will stay back in the auditorium for a short time to answer technical questions from the media.

3.2.5 PRESS RELEASE WRITER: The Press Release Writer will receive information from the PI Tech Rep in the JIC, which will coincide with the information given to the Media Center Advisor and the Media Center Lead. The press release must be reviewed for grammar and writing style by the Media Center Lead prior to turnover for ESV approval and its release to the public.

(172001) 6.0

AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK Number m--Ene Cma PUBLIC INFORMATION An EAceloish Eifnv~y @ EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.2.6 JIC ADMIN: This position will assure that the JIC auditorium is set up and that all work room equipment is operable. This person will also be responsible to fax approved press releases and posting the event classification when they occur in the auditorium.

4.0 PROCEDURE 4.1 JIC Operations 4.1.1 Event is declared. All emergency response personnel respond to their assigned locations at the JIC and the EOF.

4.1.2 Responders arrive at JIC. Press Release Writer PRW) begins writing press release, based on information received from the PI Tech Rep at the JIC or EOF, or information received from the Control Room depending on whom is first available (see Exhibit 1). Media Center Lead assesses plant event and establishes a staffing plan and watchbill for 24-hour coverage.

Retains essential emergency staff and sends others home for later shifts if necessary (see Exhibit 4). JIC Admin assures auditorium setup, work room equipment operability, etc. (see Exhibit 6). This is confirmed by Media Center Lead. PI Tech Rep/JIC contacts PI Tech Rep/EOF to obtain plant status (see Exhibit 3).

(172001) 7.0

A- Wer OYSTER CREEK Number A e n PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exeonshflw parly DEMERGENCY PROCEDURE1820 IMP 1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 4.1.3 Upon arrival at EOF, PI Tech Rep/EOF obtains plant status and notifies PI Tech Rep at the JIC (see Exhibit 2). This information would be acquired from the leads in the EOF and/or through the engineering communications line to the Emergency Control Center and TSC. Any conflicting or incomplete information should be resolved prior to communicating it to the JIC.

4.1.4 The PI Tech Rep/JIC briefs the PRW, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor (see Exhibit 5) of plant status.

NOTE 1 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a State of Emergency".

NOTE 3 Security related event press releases are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator to ensure the release does not contain any Safeguards Information.

4.1.5 The PRW completes first press release, which is reviewed by Media Center Lead.

4.1.6 Approved press release is issued by JIC Admin/Com.

4.1.7 Concurrent with press release writing, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor review plant events with PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefing.

4.1.8 Media Center Lead holds pre-brief meeting with Media Center Advisor and state, county and federal Public Information Representatives. The group shares information and plans what each organization will discuss during briefing.

(172001) 8.0


An Exelon/Brtitsh Energy Gompany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 4.1.9 Media Briefing is held, moderated by Media Center Lead. Media Center Lead introduces panel, provides brief overview of plant event and one-by-one, turns over to others on panel who will also provide brief information. Following panel encapsulations, Media Center Lead fields questions from the media and refers them to the proper panel representative.

4.1.10 At conclusion of media briefing, all leave the auditorium, except Media Center Advisor, who remains and takes questions from the media on plant-related questions only at the discretion of the MCL.

4.1.11 During briefing, PI Tech Rep/JIC continues to gather new information in coordination with PI Tech Rep/EOF.

4.1.12 Process recycles at 4.1.4.

4.1.13 In New Jersey, the State Police Office of Emergency Management is responsible for Rumor Control.


5.1 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(7) 5.2 OCGS Emergency Plan 2000-PLN-1300.01 5.3 Emergency Preparedness Training Program 6200-PGD-2685 6.0 EXHIBITS 6.1 Exhibit 1, Press Release Writer (PRW) Checklist 6.2 Exhibit 2, Public Information Technical Representativie/EOF (PI Tech Rep/EOF) Checklist 6.3 Exhibit 3 Public Information Technical Representativi e/JIC (PI Tech Rep/JIC) Checklist 6.4 Exhibit 4, Media Center Lead Checklist 6.5 Exhibit 5, Media Center Advisor/Communications Checklist 6.6 Exhibit 6, JIC Administrator/Communications Checklist 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 IMP-1720.01-1, Boiler.Plate News Releases 7.2 IMP-1720.01-2, Press Release Flow Chart 7.3 IMP-1720.01-3, Emergency Preparedness Terminology/Definitions for Oyster Creek (172001) 9.0

I , Amer~en. OYSTER CREEK Number

-I PUBLIC CEnl1nOn INFORMATION I 0tIOfM ni Title I Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 1 PRESS RELEASE WRITER PRW)

Initials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC (or the Control Room prior to EOF activation) 2.0 Write press release with information gathered from the PI Tech Rep/JIC lit (or information received from MCR) 2~ 3 rd 4 th 5t 68h t oth (initials) 3.0 Give press releases to the Media Center Lead for review lot _ _ (initials) 2'd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8th 9 th loth NOTE 2 Provide the ESD with press releases issued by the ED NOE 2 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

4.0 Assure press releases are delivered to the ESD for review and approval lotl (initials) 2nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th . 8th 9 ' loth NOTE 1 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a EState of Emergency".

NOTE 2 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator prior to release.

NOTE 3 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S3) E1-1



F-*n rla/R-ts



Initials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC 2.0 Call JIC in advance of all ESD briefings lot

__ __ __ __ __ _____ __ __ loth (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th gth 1 0 th 3.0 Attend all ESD briefings lit

_ _ _______ _ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 i 8th 9 th loth 4.0 Call PI Tech Rep/JIC and provide new information from ESD briefings lit i____

_ ______(initials ___ )

d- -3 r 4 th 5 th 8th 9 th -lot w2 .5.0 Fax the ESD turnover checklist to the PI tech Rep/JIC.

6.0 Establish phone link with PI tech Rep/JIC during EOF briefings.


_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ - - ___t_ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 tb gth 1 t NOTE 1 Report Communications System problems to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S4) E2-1


.; oAmerGen.

An Exelon/Grytfsh Energy CoMDanv OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720 .01

- ~+/-~.~i'ic I k'PRUU ~J UCEDUREh :

Title Revision No.


Initials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/EOF 2.0 Assure communications lines in JIC are manned constantly 3.0 _ _ From discussions with the PI Tech Rep, provide information associated with the plant event to the Media Center Lead, the PRW and the Media lat Center Advisor.

(initials) 2nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th loth NOTE 1 Assure information is coordinated and accurate as it will be used for both written and verbal communications to the public.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S5) E3 -1

- A:


An ExelolVBfltsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1;1:> otqV D"Dnr4"7nT Number 1820-IMP-1720 .01 I rxu'fuLnr4 x1XVfiWrjjj Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 4 MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 1.0 Assess plant event and establish staffing plan and watch-bill for 24-hour coverage (Retain essential emergency staff and send others home for later shifts if necessary) 2.0 Confirm auditorium setup and work room equipment operability with JIC Admin -

NOTE Ensure that all JIC personnel use the Name Tag Board.

3.0 Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC (w/PRW and Media Center I 1 t Advisor)

___ _ - X____-____ _____ _____ (initials) 2'd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 h 7i 8 th 9 th iot 4.0 __ Review press releases from PRW I 1 st _____ __

i____ _____ _ ___

_(initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th - 7 th 8 th 9 th 1 oth The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

5. 0 Verify press releases are delivered to the ESD for approval I 1st (initials) 2nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 1 oth NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a "State of Emergency".

NOTE 3 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security coordinator prior to release.

(172001/S6) E4-1


, AmerGen.

An Exelon/rftsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1:RltllTflvtF i- Til5 TO 1t 1820-IMP-1720. 01

.__ - I ;EK1inr Y rSAK. OVJUM Title .Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 4 (continued)

MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 6.0 Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the l"S Media Center Advisor and the PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings

____ ______ _(initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8th 9th loth 7.0 Hold pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Advisor and state, county, l1t and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief)

(initials) 2 nd rd th 5 th 6 th h 8th 9 th 1 oth 8.0 Moderate media briefings lot (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th loth NOTE 1 Maintain command and control for JIC activities and assure procedures are being followed by others in the center.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S6) E4-2

OYSTER CREEK Number W i- AmerGen-An PIntMrfttih flwnv hrmnan.


.,. .... I....

-.....- MECY _ _________________

Oit l: Revision No.-

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 5 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR Initials 1.0 ______ Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC about plant status (with lot Media Center Lead and PRW) I 5th__ 6___ 7_ 8' ___ _ _ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 t 8 th ~ 5 h 'lth 1

2.0 ______ Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the let Media Center Lead and PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings d_____-_____

- d__ ____ 6 _ 7 8th _ _ _ - _ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8h 9th loth 3.0 ____Attend pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Lead and state, county, lot and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2 nd 3 d 4 th 5 th th lo (initials) 4.0 ______ Attend the media briefings as the technical spokesperson lit _ (initials) 2 d 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6th 7th 8 th 9 th 1 oth NOTE 1 Stay in auditorium after media briefings to answer plant-related questions only. Outside of formal media briefings, do not answer questions about actions taken regarding the event.

INOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S7) E5_1

mee An xon/Btsh Enegy Compay OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION MERGENCY PROCEDURE Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 6 JIC ADMINISTRATOR I Initials 1.0 Assure auditorium is set up and work room equipment is operable 2.0 Issue approved press releases and place copies in the back of the JIC auditorium.

NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S8) E6-1


- = AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An ExeionfBrihsh Energy Company 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title j Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 BOILER PLATE NEWS RELEASES INITIAL PRESS RELEASES (172001/S9) :12019 E7-1


  • AmerGen-An Exelon/BTltish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK-PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 DtT'flfDml;'nT Innne.Tt"rDn0 I rout Uvula Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.. News Release.


An Exelon/Btish Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

Unusual Event Declared at OVt:er Creek Forked River, NJ - An unusual event was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of unusual event) period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of unusual event).

All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event and there were no injuries to workers An Unusual Event is the lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. There was no danger to the public during the event and no special action by the public was needed.

All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Unusual Event.

THIS XS A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-2 ,


....n.. ... II EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.News Release.


An Exelon/British Energy Crnpary Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

An Alert Declared at Oyster Creek

= Forked River, NJ - An alert was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at

'i.. (time of Alert) (period of the day or night - e: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the alert).

All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event.

An Alert is the second lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Alert.

THIS IS A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-3


  • - waH. C r -n

- ----- 18D-TMP-179n 01 An ny'.-J.-I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE a ____v_-______a,____.___

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.................................. News Release .


An Exelon/eritish EneTgyCompany Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Route 9 Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further nformation: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

- Site Area Emergency Declared at Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - A site area emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating K.w Station at (tme of Site Area Emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the site area emergency).

There has been a [mall, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are insert what they are doing to correct the situation].

Residents within 10 miles of the plant - known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.

AmerGen Energy is working closely with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and has notified federal, state and local authorities about the Site Area Emergency.

A Site Area Emergency is the second highest level of federal emergency classification established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for nuclear plants.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands-Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

THIS IS A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-4

Number A

AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1 0a5n-I ¶ or.¶n no Al an ownsn..r ~ y y I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE : - a Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.News Release.


An Exelon/British Enrgy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date: February 27, 1999 - 2:01 PM Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately

- RelaseNumer General Emerrency Declared at Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - An general emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of general emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the general emergency).

There has been a [small, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are [insert what they are doing to correct the situation).

State officials will advise residents near the plant to take protective actions if necessary via the Emergency Alert System. People living within 10 miles of the plant -

known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.

A General Emergency is the highest of four emergency classifications at a nuclear power plant and indicates imminent or actual damage to the fuel core and possible radiation releases to the public. AmerGen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the General Emergency.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020..


. . .V7-r . -



- AmerGen- PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exelndmftsh Eneoy Campany

.._.... ..- I rxmAur-,.LJx rULILJ T 1UK1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure  :







AmjwmiBergen OYSTER CREEK Number Amer3 ion. PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exe1/BltMsh Enetgy Company I1820-IMP-1720.01 I Y J. v Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK nEmergency Classifications (4):

Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health-of the general public.

Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.

Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S.

commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core

-or releases of radioactivity that-are detectable-at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.

W, General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.

Protective Actions - once a General Emergency has been declared, OCGS consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.

Rumor Control/Public nfoxnation Xumbers:

For General Public Only During declared emergencies at Oyster Creek, member of the general public should be directed to call the toll-free rumor control" number established by the State of New Jersey: 1(800) 792-8314 For Public Officials/News edla/Regulatory and ndustry Representatives Public officials, members of federal and state regulatory agencies, industry representatives and members of the news media should be instructed to call or be transferred to the following internal number: 1(609) 971-4020 (172001/S12) E9-1

Amarf~enu, lOYSTER CREEK Number

" Am B e en PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exelon/Britsh EneWg Comparly EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820-IMP- 1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Contamination - any radioactive material in an undesired location Dose - the amount of radiation a person receives from exposure to radiation. The average dose a person receives from a chest x-ray is about 10 millirems.

Radiation - energy released in the form of particles or waves (alpha, beta or neutron particles, gamma rays or waves). It occurs naturally all around us as well as in our bodies. Radioactive material is any substance that emits radiation. The release of radioactivity from the plant is tracked and reported annually.

Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) - areas-of the plant that have been designated for radiological control due to the presence of radiation or contamination.

rem - an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent-Man, which is the measurement of the potential impact of radiation dose on human cells. A chest x-ray is about 10 millirem, and one-thousand millirem equals one rem.

Reuters-Stokes Monitor - a real-time radiation monitor which displays background radiation. One can walk up to a monitor and see exactly what the background radiation is at that moment. At various locations around Oyster Creek, there are 19 Reuters-Stokes Monitors which feed radiological information to environmental scientists at the plant and to the NJ department of Environmental Protection in Trenton.

Spent Fel - used nuclear fuel, which is high level radioactive waste.

Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) - a radiation measuring device that must be read in the laboratory. It is used to measure and record doses to people and areas of the plant or environment. TLDs are collected and read every quarter.

tritium - a radioactive isotope that occurs naturally in the environment wherever there is water. Radiation from tritium is so weak that most radiation monitors do not detect it. However, tritium levels are measured through laboratory analyses.

Tritium is routinely measured by Oyster Creek personnel. It and all radioactivity releases from the plant are required to be tracked and reported annually.

(172001/S12) E9-2



_P__ OCED__U____E Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Auxiliary Emergency Transfer - part of Oyster Creek's Station Blackout system, which provides an alternate source of emergency electrical power to plant safety systems.

Condenser/Condenser Vacuum - cools the steam from the turbine back into water, which is cycled back to the reactor. The vacuum maintains the ability to condense the steam back into water.

Control Rod Blades - x-shaped blades made of neutron absorbing material (Boron) that control the fission process in of the reactor.

Control Room Annunciators - alarm lights in the control room which alert operators of

-- changing plant conditions.

Drill - an exercise consisting of a series of simulated events and emergency conditions that would require implementation of the plant's emergency plan.

Drywell/Prazry Containment - an engineered safety system, which contains the reactor and acts as one of the barriers to radioactive release. It is made of a carbon steel shell encased in high-density reinforced concrete.

Electromatic Relief Valve (ENRV) - Oyster Creek has five EMRVs that serve a dual purpose. They act as pressure relief valves to discharge steam to the torus when a high pressure condition is sensed in the main steam lines. They also serve to relieve reactor pressure as part of the automatic depressurization system (ADS).

Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ - the area within a 10-mile radius of the plant, which includes 17 municipalities.

Fuel Rods/Assemblies - an eight by eight configuration that contains 62 fuel rods and 2 water rods that provide fuel for the reactor.

Eydrogen Storage Tank - located outside the plant's protected area a few hundred yards southeast of the reactor building. Hydrogen is used to cool the main generator and to improve water chemistry in the reactor coolant.

Ineake/Discharge Canals - the man-made water passageway that forms a horse-shoe shape around Oyster Creek to provide cooling for plant systems.

(172001/S12) E9-3


_______________ny An xeln/dfsh EiemComv

_. I_ , > E L rGN ux 'Y L.iUkDUK I 1820-IMP-1120.01 Title 'Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Joint Information Center- the facility where OCGS, along with federal, state, county and local government officials, assemble to provide information to the public through news media about an emergency at Oyster Creek. The JIC is located at the GPU Energy Office Building, 55 River Ave. (Route 9), at the intersection of Hurley Ave., about 20 miles north of Oyster Creek. Aside from company and government representatives, only members of the news media with appropriate credentials will be admitted to the center. All others can call the rumor control number operated by the state for official information on the emergency.

Loss of Coolant Accident (OCA) - an accident scenario involving the loss of water from the primary system, which requires Oyster Creek to shut down the reactor.

Main team Xsolation Valve (OSZV) - containment isolation valves designed to minimize coolant loss from the vessel and to limit off site does in the event of a main steam line accident. Testing (closure test) is done--on the MSIVs-once every three months at 40 percent power.

Owner Controlled Area (OCA) - any areas outside the Protected Area under the control of the utility owner, OCGS.

Protected Area (PA) - the area of the plant encompassed by physical barriers into which access is controlled.

Reactor Building/Secondary Containment - the building that houses the plant's reactor and provides an additional barrier to the release of radioactive materials during periods when primary containment has been established. The reactor building, which is made of reinforced concrete and steel frame, serves as the primary containment when the drywell is open for refueling and maintenance. It completely encloses the drywell and reactor auxiliary systems. The barriers are the reactor building, the standby gas treatment system and the reactor building ventilation supply and exhaust dampers.

Reactor Core - nuclear fuel assemblies that are the source of heat for sustaining the fission process in a reactor to produce electricity.

Reactor Vessel - the structure that houses the nuclear fuel.

SCRAM - a rapid insertion of control rods shutting down the reactor, which can be initiated manually or automatically.

site Accountability - a process that is normally initiated during a Site Area Emergency, but can be performed at any time, to account for plant employees.

Spent Fuel Pool - a 38-feet deep pool of circulating water which provides temporary, safe storage of irradiated core components, including depleted or spent fuel assemblies.

(172001/S12) - E9-4

0 0 AmerGen.

___, ,,___,__ -PUBLIC Iv EM OYSTER CREEK R E INFORMATION C PR C D R X. I Number Number u- grr-~ .. X0)_rn_'-


.o iis~eynpr eotunshEew ----


Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Station Blackout Transformer - provides back-up power to the plant should all sources of off site power be lost.

Torus - a large donut-shaped suppression chamber at the base of the drywell or primary containment,-which houses the reactor vessel. The torus is about half-filled with water and used for containment pressure control and cooling.

Vital Area (VA) - areas that contain equipment, systems, devices, etc., the failure, destruction or release of which could directly or indirectly endanger public health and safety by exposure to radiation.

Plant Building/Facilities:

Access Center - located in Building 14 on the Forked River site. The center provides General Employee Training, medical examinations, respirator, whole body counts and plant access badging for all employees and contractors coming to Oyster Creek.

Chemirtzy Labs - located within the Turbine Building. This facility provides all the analyses of plant system fluids and gases to ensure safe and efficient operation of the plant.

Control Room (CR) - located on the third floor of the Turbine Building. The facility contains all the controls and instrumentation used to operate and monitor the reactor, turbine, generator, Electrical Distribution system, and Cooling Systems.

Dosimetry - located in Building 14. This facility maintains the TLD system and provides periodic reports of all employee's radiation exposures.

Nuclear Education Center - located on the Forked River site in Buildings 1, 2, 12 and 14. This center provides training to all employees at Oyster Creek to maintain qualifications that are necessary to operate a federally regulated nuclear facility.

Hydrogen Storage Tank - located near the Oyster Creek Administration building parking lot just southeast of the Main Gate. This tank stores hydrogen that is used in various plant systems.

Main Gate (MG) Access Center - located west of the main entrance from Route 9. The purpose of this facility is to maintain security of the site as well as provide a monitored access point for plant entry.,

Main Office Building (MOB) - located west of the Main Gate Access Center. This facility contains administrative offices for the various departments at Oyster Creek such as Operations, Chemistry, etc.

(172001/S12) E9-5

. AmerGen- OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An E].n/dt1h Eirwrvrmmnv I I 1820-IMP-1720-01 Title 7 7 Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Materials arehouse - located at the northeast corner of the Protected Area. This facility stores equipment and supplies needed to maintain the plant. It also serves as a Secondary Emergency Assembly Area for all employees in the event of an emergency at the site.

New Machine Shop - located south of the Turbine Building and east of the Emergency Generator Building. This facility is used for fabricating equipment to help the plant maintain operational status.

Mew Maintenance Building (MM) - located on the north side of the Protected Area and provides office and work space for electrical-and mechanical maintenance personnel.

North Gate (G) Access Center - located on the north side of the Protected Area next to the large North parking lot. This facility is used as a backup access point into the plant during outage periods. - -

Old Machine Shop - located on the south end of the Turbine Building. This facility houses all the Station Services, Fire Protection and Instrument and Controls personnel offices and locker rooms.

Oyster Creek Administration Building (OCAB) - located just southeast of the Main Gate. This facility houses the plant cafeteria and provides office space for plant personnel.

Reactor Building (RzB - located just northwest of the Main Gate. This facility serves as secondary containment for the reactor and all of its support systems and equipment.

Site Emergency Building (SEB) - located with the Protected Area south of the Main Gate. This facility provides administrative office space for plant departmental personnel as well as the resident NRC inspectors, and the plant's main computer systems. The Technical Support Center for Oyster Creek is also located on the first floor of this facility.

Tool Room - located adjacent to the maintenance shops just inside the North Gate.

This facility stores and issues tools used by the Maintenance Dept.

Turbine Building (TB) - located west of the Reactor Building. This facility houses the turbine generator and all its support systems.

(172001/S12) E9 -6


  • n Finnase~rmen PUBLIC -INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 n TMPO17D0_R Anlu ll1A 1.... .I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE---

Title - Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 Ti: Reiioo ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - a safety system designed to automatically reduce pressure in the reactor vessel under certain accident conditions, to allow the core spray system to be effective in adding coolant to the core under those conditions (small break LOCAs). ADS, which consists of five electromatic relief valves that discharge to the torus, is one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System.

Augmented Off-Gas AOG) System - reduces the amount of radioactive gas released to the environment by serving as a holding station to allow the radioactive materials to decay, and also filtering out radioactive particles.

Combustion Turbines (CTs) - gas-fired turbine generators which supply backup power for Oyster Creek.

Condensate/Feedwater System - returns condensed steam to the reactor and maintains reactor vessel water level.

Condensate Transfer System - supplies water for the condensate demineralizer resin replacement, providing cooling for various pumps, and flushing and makeup water to various plant systems.

Control Rod Drive (CRD) ydraulic System - supplies and controls the pressure and flow requirements of the control rod drives. It also can be used to add makeup water to the reactor.

Containment pray/Mmergency Service Water CS/ESW) System - safety systems designed to reduce-primary containment temperature and pressure following a design basis loss-of-coolant-accident. These systems also limit the offsite doses by reducing the driving force of containment leakage.

Core Spray System (CSS) - one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System. It is a low pressure, engineered safety system which supplies cooling water to the reactor after large or intermediate pipe breaks to prevent fuel damage.

Dem4neralized Water System - supplies pure water for initial fill and makeup to various water systems.

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - a required emergency safety system used to provide effective core cooling to prevent damage to nuclear fuel cladding and to limit damage to equipment/components during a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA).

ECCS consists of three separate subsystems: the isolation condenser system, the core spray system (CSS) and ADS.

k J. U S.V1J4.~ .a.L&,

t 1 { ovv - J l s I - .w - ,

AmerGen. mer~~~~~ I PTOYSTER PUBLI I CREEK ORMATION I Number I ' A-r"nl7 Al Anltxelonlrmus n eW LOIpaply I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE .1 .rx -LI~ *V Title -Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Diesel Generator (G) - two diesel generators which provide electrical power to ensure safe shut down of Oyster Creek at the loss of off-site power. The EDG Building is located on the southwest side of the Protected Area.

Zsolation Condenser System - one of three subsystems of ECCS and serves as large heat exchangers, which are used to reduce pressure and remove heat in the plant's reactor in the event that the turbine generator and main condenser are unavailable to remove heat. It is a standby, high-pressure system that can be activated manually or automatically to prevent overheating of the reactor fuel, to control reactor pressure, and to limit the loss of reactor coolant through the relief valves.

Radwaste System - supports plant operation by providing for backwash and precoat of the fuel pool filter, replacing demineralizer resin and disposing of spent resin and filter media, and purification of contaminated waste water for recycling back to the reactor.

Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RBCCW) System - supplies cooling water to selected reactor building, drywell and old radwaste facility auxiliary equipment subject to radioactive contamination during all-modes of plant operation.

Reactor Protection System (RPS) - a safety system which provides automatic reactor protection by rapidly inserting all control rods or automatically shutting down the plant if certain limits are exceeded during any mode of plant operation. No single failure can prevent the RPS from performing its protective function, which is to protect the core against fuel cladding damage and the reactor vessel from overpressure, and minimizing the release of radioactive materials. This system can also be tested on-line without initiating a reactor shutdown.

Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System - a closed-loop system which constantly removes impurities from reactor coolant by recirculating it through filters and a demineralizer for continuous cleanup.

Shutdown Cooling System - cools the reactor after shutdown to permit vessel head removal for refueling and also removes decay heat while the reactor is in cold shutdown.

(172001/S12) E9-8


  • AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An PenR/,Rtdsh PneavCmman.I 1820-IMP-1720.01

= R---i---- kUURUE PRE _ _ --- I Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Standby Liquid Control System - a backup safety system containing a boron solution designed to stop the fission process in the reactor.

Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (TBCCW) System - a closed-loop system which supplies cooling water to selected turbine and office building components not subject to radioactive contamination, and to reactor recirculation pump motor-generator sets.

It also supplies a backup source of cooling water to the augmented fuel pool cooling heat exchanger, which is potentially contaminated.


VRC - the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FEZA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency BPU - the New Jersey (or any state) Board of Public Utilities -

RERP - the Radiological Emergency Response and Safety Unit of the New Jersey State Police SP/OM - the New Jersey State Police and Office of Emergency Management DEP - the New Jersey (or any state) Department of Environmental Protection BnE - the New Jersey (or any state) Bureau of Nuclear Engineering ERPAS - Emergency Response Planning Areas designated by the State of New Jersey Area 1 -- consists of a portion of Lacey Township. It is bounded on the north by Deer Head Lake, Lake Barnegat, Lower Lake and the Forked River.

Barnegat Bay is the eastern boundary and lower Oyster Creek is the southern boundary. The Garden State Parkway forms the western boundary.

Area 2 - - consists of a portion of Ocean Township. It is bounded on the north by the Oyster Creek. The boundary to the east is Barnegat Bay. The southern boundary is Barnegat Beach Drive, Route 9, Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road). The Garden State Parkway is the western border.

Area 3 -- consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a portion of Barnegat Township. Its northern boundary is Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road) to Route 9, Route 9 southward to Barnegat Beach Drive and Barnegat Beach Drive eastward to the Bay. Barnegat Bay forms its eastern boundary. Route 554 (Bay Avenue) forms the boundary to the south. The Garden State Parkway is the western boundary.

Area 4 -- consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a small portion of Barnegat Township. It is bounded on the north by the Lacey/Ocean Township line and a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road).

The Garden State Parkway forms the eastern boundary. Route 554 (Straight Road) is the southern boundary. The western boundary is a small portion of Brookville Road and the Ocean/Barnegat Township line.

(172001/S12) E9-9


. AmerGen. PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 iAn ftelon/11"Ush Ergyv Comprvw

,, , I EMECi1SCLX PUt.. ____ _ _ __ _______

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure . 5 1820-IMP-1720.01-3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Area 5 - - consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The northern boundary is Route 614 (Lacey Road). The Garden State Parkway is the eastern boundary. The southern border is a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road) and the Lacey/Ocean Township line. The Factory Branch River forms the western boundary.

Area 6 - - consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The Cedar Creek is its northern border, with arnegat Bay its eastern boundary. The Forked River, Lower Lake, Lake Barnegat and Deer Head Lake make up the southern boundary. The western border is the Garden State Parkway.

Area 10 -- consists of a portion of Berkeley Township, the boroughs of Ocean Gate and Pine Beach, and portions of Beachwood and South Toms River.

The Toms River is the northern boundary. Barnegat Bay is the eastern border. The Cedar Creek is its southern boundary and the Garden State'Parkway-is the'-western border.- '- -

Area 16 -- consists of a portion of the Seaside Peninsula south of Seaside Park Borough.

Area 18 -- consists of a portion of Barnegat Bay south of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It consists of all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Long Beach Island Causeway (Manahawkin Bay Bridge).

Area 19 -- consists of that portion of Barnegat Bay north of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It contains all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Seaside Causeway - Route 37 (the Tunney and Mathis Bridge).

Area 20 -- consists of that portion of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Island Beach State Park and the part of Long Beach Island north of Surf City and off shore for a distance of three miles.

d (172001/S12) . E9-10

. -.. AmerGen.- OYSTER CRE PUBLIC INFOMMTION Number 1820-ZNP-1720.01 An ExelonfBrftish Energy Company EMIERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Usage Level Revision No.

Emergency Public Iformation 5 Implementing Procedure 2 This Revision 5 incorporates the Prior Revision 4 incorporated the This Revision 5 incorporates the following Temporary Changes: following Temporary Changes:

N/A N/A List of Paaes 1.0 to 9.0 El-l E2 -1 E3-1 E4-1 to E4-2 E5-1 E6-1 E7-1 to E7-5 E8-1 E9-1 to E9-10 WIFORMATION OLY (172001) 1.0

v AmerGen.

An ExelonBritish ETergy Cofpany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title1 Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure PROCEDURE HISTORY REV DATE ORIGINATOR


OF CHANGE 1 DOS S. D'Ambrosio Remove COMEC from cover page. Change references from GPU or GPUN to OCGS.

2 11/00 A. Smith Clarify duties of JIC Admin position. Clarify Notes 2 & 3 on Page 10 pertaining to press release approvals.

3 04/01 D. Larsen Change Note 2 page 10 - approval to review after "State of Emergency" is declared.

09/01 D. Larsen Change all OCGS to OCGS Change NOTE 1 page E-l Approval to Review Change NOTE 1 page E4-1 Approval to Review Change all Boiler Plate news releases from Thelma L.

Wiggins to Communications Representative &

609-971-4048 to 609-971-xxxx Change Approval to Review next to bottom block of press release flow chart on page E9-1 5 08/03 M. Chanda Revise-Boiler plate news--releases--Remove-signatures from cover page.

(172001) 2~~~.0 (172001) 2.0

v AmerGen.

UExelrEryCma OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number AExioBfltshEnergyConipa1ny EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 0IMP 1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this implementing procedure is to describe the manner in which OCGS will furnish public information in the event of a formal emergency declaration at its Oyster Creek Generating Station. A premium is placed on providing information promptly and accurately to the media, public officials, employees, members of the public, public agencies and OCGS senior officers through appropriate means.

2.0 APPLICABILITY/SCOPE 2.1 Upon declaration of an emergency condition, the Emergency Response Organization is responsible for the dissemination of information. These emergency conditions are: Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency.

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Emergency Classifications (4) 3.1.1 Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.

3.1.2 Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S.

commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.

(172001) 3.0

  • AmerGen.

An Exelon/Bftsb Energy Compary OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.1.3 Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.

3.1.4 General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary. Protective Actions - once a General Emeraency has . .

been declared, OCGS Management consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.

(172001) 4.0

. AmerGen-An Exelonlrftsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01

_I mJvthwiy'VD I A-I = 1 rP1 vJv-n eT TR 'w Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.2 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS ROLES 3.2.1 PI TECH REP/EOF: Serves as the technical advisor from the EOF.

Will be responsible for gathering all approved and final information regarding the plant event. This person will interact with the PI Technical Rep in the JIC and provide that person with the most up to date information, as it becomes available. The PI Tech Rep in the EOF will be responsible for attending all ESD briefings at the EOF. This position will also be responsible for calling the JIC in advance of all briefings, and establish a phone call so that JIC staff know that new information could be developing.

3.2.2 PI TECH REPIJIC: This position will be responsible for providing all technical information associated with the plant-event. This single point of reference will assure that those writing the press releases and presiding over the briefings have a full and consistent understanding of the events happening at the plant; this person would be retrieving information from both written and verbal communications, all information that goes out to the public would be coordinated and correct. The PI Tech Rep at the JIC would be in constant contact with the PI Tech Rep at the EOF. This position will also help with the staffing needs of the JIC, by assuring that the communication lines in the JIC are constantly manned.

3.2.3 MEDIA CENTER LEAD: This position will have command and control over the center's activities. The Media Center Lead will assure that all procedures are being followed by others in the center and would review press releases prior to their approval by the ESD.

(172001) 5.0

_ AmerGen.

Anumlmsh Energy mpany I OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number i a n .. TUDmp-1 7,)on n Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 The Media Center Lead will be the individual in the JIC with the responsibility to interface with and coordinate the activities of the State and Local Government communications personnel responding to the JIC. It is important that this position frequently meet with these individuals for the purpose of coordinating the information used in media briefings and when the briefings are to be held.

Another responsibility of the Media Center Lead is to serve as a moderator during press briefings. During these briefings, he or she would provide a brief synopsis of the emergency and its classification; give an overview of JIC logistics; introduce representatives on the panel; field questions and directs them to the proper representative. He or she may also answer non-technical questions from the media regarding the event.

3.2.4 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR: This position will serve as the technical spokesperson on the panel during press conferences.

At the Media Center Lead's discretion following press conferences, this person will stay back in the auditorium for a short time to answer technical questions from the media.

3.2.5 PRESS RELEASE WRITER: The Press Release Writer will receive information from the PI Tech Rep in the JIC, which will coincide with the information given to the Media Center Advisor and the Media Center Lead. The press release must be reviewed for grammar and writing style by the Media Center Lead prior to turnover for ESD approval and its release to the public.

(172001) 6.0

Number AmerGen.

An ExelonIBrftlsh EnergyCompany


Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 3.2.6 JIC ADMIN: This position will assure that the JIC auditorium is set up and that all work room equipment is operable. This person will also be responsible to fax approved press releases and posting the event classification when they occur in the auditorium.

4.0 PROCEE)URE 4.1 JIC Operations 4.1.1 Event is declared. All emergency response personnel respond to their assigned locations at the JIC and the EOF.

4.1.2 Responders arrive at JIC. Press Release Writer PRW) begins writing press release, based on information received from the PI Tech Rep at the JIC or EOF, or information received from the Control Room depending on whom is first available see Exhibit 1). Media Center Lead assesses plant event and establishes a staffing-plan and watchbill for 24-hour coverage.

Retains essential emergency staff and sends others home for later shifts if necessary (see Exhibit 4). JIC Admin assures auditorium setup, work room equipment operability, etc. (see Exhibit 6). This is confirmed by Media Center Lead. PI Tech Rep/JIC contacts PI Tech Rep/EOF to obtain plant status (see Exhibit 3).

(172001) 7.0

AlerGen An EetiBtsh EyCory OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 4.1.3 Upon arrival at EOF, PI Tech Rep/EOF obtains plant status and notifies PI Tech Rep at the JIC (see Exhibit 2). This information would be acquired from the leads in the EOF and/or through the engineering communications line to the Emergency Control Center and TSC. Any conflicting or incomplete information should be resolved prior to communicating it to the JIC.

4.1.4 The PI Tech Rep/JIC briefs the PRW, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor (see Exhibit 5) of plant status.

NOTE 1 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a "State of Emergency".

NOTE 3 Security related event press releases are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator to ensure the release does not contain any Safeguards Information.

4.1.5 The PRW completes first press release, which is reviewed by Media Center Lead.

4.1.6 Approved press release is issued by JIC Admin/Com.

4.1.7 Concurrent with press release writing, Media Center Lead and Media Center Advisor review plant events with PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefing.

4.1.8 Media Center Lead holds pre-brief meeting with Media Center Advisor and state, county and federal Public Information Representatives. The group shares information and plans what each organization will discuss during briefing.

(172001) 8.0


. AmerGen.

An Exeon8ritish Energy Conpany OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 4.1.9 Media Briefing is held, moderated by Media Center Lead. Media Center Lead introduces panel, provides brief overview of plant event and one-by-one, turns over to others on panel who will also provide brief information. Following panel encapsulations, Media Center Lead fields questions from the media and refers them to the proper panel representative.

4.1.10 At conclusion of media briefing, all leave the auditorium, except Media Center Advisor, who remains and takes questions from the media on plant-related questions only at the discretion of the MCL.

4.1.11 During briefing, PI Tech Rep/JIC continues to gather new information in coordination with PI Tech Rep/EOF.

4.1.12 Process recycles at 4.1.4.

4.1.13 In New Jersey, the State Police Office of Emergency Management is responsible for Rumor Control.


5.1 10 CFR 50.47 (b)(7) 5.2 OCGS Emergency Plan 2000-PLN-1300.01 5.3 Emergency Preparedness Training Program 6200-PGD-2685 6.0 EXHIBITS 6.1 Exhibit 1, Press Release Writer (PRW) Checklist 6.2 Exhibit 2, Public Information Technical RepresentativoB/EOF (PI Tech Rep/EOF) Checklist 6.3 Exhibit 3, Public Information Technical Representative/JIC (PI Tech Rep/JIC) Checklist 6.4 Exhibit 4, Media Center Lead Checklist 6.5 Exhibit 5, Media Center Advisor/Communications Checklist 6.6 Exhibit 6, JIC Administrator/Communications Checklist 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 IMP-1720.01-1, Boiler Plate News Releases 7.2 IMP-1720.01-2, Press Release Flow Chart 7.3 IMP-1720.01-3, Emergency Preparedness Terminology/Definitions for Oyster Creek (172001) 9.0

  • AmerGen.

An Exelon/BTttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMTION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 1 PRESS RELEASE WRITER (PRW) I Initials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC (or the Control Room prior to EOF activation) 2.0 ___ . Write press release with information gathered from the PI Tech Rep/JIC st (or information received from MCR)

_____ _____ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8th 9 th 1 oth 3.0 Give press releases to the Media Center Lead for review ist (initials) 2d 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8th 9 th loth NOTE 1 Provide the ESD with press releases issued by the ED I

NOTE 2 The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

4.0 Assure press releases are delivered to the ESD for review and approval it I

______ ______ (initials) 2n 3 rd 4th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8lo th 1 0 th NOTE 1 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a State of Emergency".

NOTE 2 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security Coordinator prior to release.

NOTE 3 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S3) El-l


. AmerGen.

An ExelonlBritish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720 .01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.


Init ials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/JIC 2.0 Call JIC in advance of all ESD briefings lot

_ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ (initials) 2' ~3 rd 4 th 5 th 6th 7 th 8 th 9 th loth 3.0 Attend all ESD briefings 1st 2 8thr 4 7 9th '0th (initials) 2ndy Tr- 8'h 5thl 4.0 Call PI Tech Rep/JIC and provide new information from ESD briefings ist (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8th 9th loth 5.0 Fax the ESD turnover checklist to the PI tech Rep/JIC.

6.0 Establish phone link with PI tech Rep/JIC during EOF briefings.


_(initials) ___ _ _

2T 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8t 9 th loth NOTE 1 Report Communications System problems to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S4) E2-1


< AmerGen.

hn vednnf/rmffsh Fnemas Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1R20-IMP-1720.01 I , EERUENCY PRUCEDURE Title  : Revision No.


Initials 1.0 Establish communications with the PI Tech Rep/EOF 2.0 Assure communications lines in JIC are manned constantly 3.0 ____From discussions with the P Tech Rep, provide information associated with the plant event to the Media Center Lead, the PRW and the Media lot Center Advisor. - -

_____ _____ _____ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6th 7t 8th gth loth NOTE 1 Assure information is coordinated and accurate as it will be used for both written and verbal communications to the public.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S5) E3-1  :

I Number a AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION An belon/BrItIsh EneTgyCompany - 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 4 MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 1.0 Assess plant event and establish staffing plan and watch-bill for 24-hour coverage (Retain essential emergency staff and send others home for later shifts if necessary) 2.0 _ _ Confirm auditorium setup and work room equipment operability with JIC Admin NOTE Ensure that all JIC personnel use the Name Tag Board.

3.0 Receive briefings from the PI Tech Rep/JIC (w/PRW and Media Center I lst Advisor) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8~t gth 1 t (initials) 4.0 Review press releases from PRW - -- 1- --

lst (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6th 7th 8 th 9 th loth NOTE The press release for JIC activation and the press release describing the initial classification requiring JIC activation only require MCL approval for issuance.

5.0 _____ Verify press releases are delivered to the ESD for approval I lt 2nd___ 3rd_ 4th_ 5th_ 6 7 _ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5- th 6 th 7 th st 9 th loth NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the OF Communications Coordinator. /

NOTE 2 The State Police Rep. in the JIC gives the final review for press releases once the Governor has declared a State of Emergency".

NOTE 3 For security related events, press releases containing Safeguards information are to be reviewed by the Security coordinator prior to release.

(172001/S6) E4-1

OYSTER CREEK Number a AmerGen. PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 An Fr.Innffit-ich er-- flm nV I k M.... .UNUY 1jxUU+/-(V 4 _ _-__

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5

~~~~~~~~XII 4 EXHIBIT 4 (continued)

MEDIA CENTER LEAD Initials 6.0 ______ Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the Media Center Advisor and the PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6  : 7 h 8 th gth loth 7.0 Hold pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Advisor and state, county, lSt and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 tlh 7 th 8tb 9 th - loth (initials) 8.0 Moderate media briefings ist -_____ :_____

______ _____ ______ (in itia ls )

2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 tl 6 th 7 th 8th th loh NOTE 1 Maintain command and control for JIC activities and assure procedures are being followed by others in the center.

Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

{172001/S6) E4-2



  • n Cwlon rRr§HeIsChars Onnnnw I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE X___eve______a ____._v Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 5 MEDIA CENTER ADVISOR Initials 1.0 Receive briefings from the P Tech Rep/JIC about plant status (with liSt Media Center Lead and PRW) I

_ __ __ _ __ ___ ____ _ __ ___ (initials) 2nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 8 th 9 tb loth 2.0 Concurrent with press release writing, review plant events with the

'st Media Center Lead and PI Tech Rep/JIC to prepare for media briefings

__________ _ _ ___ __ _ ____(in itials )

2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 tb 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th loth 3.0 Attend pre-brief meetings with the Media Center Lead and state, county, 1st and federal Public Information Reps. (Share information and plan what each organization will discuss during the media brief) 2nd___ ______ 4th___ ______ 6th___ 7th___ 5th___ _ _ _ _ (initials) 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6~ 7 h 8:t 9 th i 4.0 _ Attend the media briefings as the technical spokesperson 1at (initials) 2n 3 rd 4 th 5 th 6 th 7t 8t 9 1 O NOTE 1 Stay in auditorium after media briefings to answer plant-related questions only. Outside of formal media briefings, do not answer questions about actions taken regarding the event.

NOTE 2 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.

(172001/S7) ES-1


. AmerGen.

An F1on/Rritish Enerv Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01

-- ------- _tItER1NUY kVXUC lUUt Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 EXHIBIT 6 JIC ADMINISTRATOR I Initials 1.0 Assure auditorium is set up and work room equipment is operable 2.0 Issue approved press releases and place copies in the back of the JIC auditorium.

NOTE 1 Forward all completed checklists to the EOF Communications Coordinator.  :

(172001/S8)E E6-1 4


. AmerGen. I PUBLIC INFORMATION -1 Qn1A- Tlls- 1 " 1n n Title AnFltonlshEneT Company I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure


j Jo.U.L Revision No.

Eu 5



  • . AmerGen.

An Exelonl/Bttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I E'7'DI21G'TN.T' M _ =


--- W.v I Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


............ News Release .

AmerGen-An Exelon/Brtsh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

Unusual Event Declared at Oyster Creek Forked River, NJ - An unusual event was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of unusual event) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this eening) when (cause of unusual event).

All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event and there were no injuries to workers An Unusual Event is the lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. There was no danger to the public during the event and no special action by the public was needed.

All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Unusual Event.

THIS S A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-2



An Exelon/BTttisb Energy Company PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I - rW1M'X%%3r..X r1ur__

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.. News Release.


An Exelon/Brtislh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further nformation: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

An Alert Declared at Oyster Creek-Forked River, NJ - An alert was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at whs (time of Alert) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the alert).

All plant personnel and safety equipment responded as expected. There was no release of radiation associated with the event.

An Alert is the second lowest of four emergency classifications established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

Amergen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the Alert.

THIS S A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-3


. AmerGen.

An Exelan/lotlsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 V-fR.0irVs Pro&r1nTTTr-Title I Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.................................. Release . .News AmerGen.

An ExelonlBritish Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel. (609) 971-4020 Date:

Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

Site lea Emerkencv Declared at Ovater Creek Forked River, NJ - A site area emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating

\.2 Station at (time of Site Area Emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the site area emergency).

There has been a amll, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are insert what they are doing to correct the ituation).

Residents within 10 miles of the plant - known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.

AmerGen Energy is working closely with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and has notified federal, state and local authorities about the Site Area Emergency.

A Site Area Emergency is the second highest level of federal emergency classification established by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for nuclear plants.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020.

THIS IS A DRILL (172001/S9) E7-4


  • _. AmerGen. PUBLIC INFORMATION An Exelon8lttIsh EnergyCompany qr7Df~l1rV l>~pT~ -1820-IMP-1720.01 I ~ r102 rj W~1ZSr."L J.

LV.X';5 J Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-1 (continued)


.. News Release.


An Exen/Byi sh Energy Company Oyster Creek Generating Station Post Office Box 388 Route 9 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 Tel.-(609) 971-4020 Date: February 27, 1999 - 2:01 PM Further Information: Communications Representative (609) 971-2180 For Release: Immediately Release Number:

General Enerrency Declared at Ouster Creek Forked River, NJ - An general emergency was declared at the Oyster Creek Generating Station at (time of general emergency) (period of the day or night - ex: today, this afternoon, this evening) when (cause of the general emergency).

There has been a small, moderate, high] release of radiation detected by monitors at the site boundary. Plant operators and technicians are Linsert what they are doing to correct the situation).

State officials will advise residents near the plant to take protective actions if necessary via the Emergency Alert System. People living within 10 miles of the plant -

known as the Emergency Planning Zone - should tune to the Emergency Broadcast System radio stations or other local news stations for updated information.

A General Emergency is the highest of four emergency classifications at a nuclear power plant and indicates imminent or actual damage to the fuel core and possible radiation

-releases to the public. AmerGen Energy has notified all appropriate federal, state and local emergency response officials of the General Emergency.

Further information will be provided at the Joint Information Center (JIC), located at Jersey Central Power & Light's Pinelands Regional Division Office, 55 River Road (Route 9) Lakewood, as it becomes available. All media calls should be directed to (609)-971-4020..


_ 1 i 7 -

(1-7.2M0 S-9~--9 - .:-


  • AmerGen.

An Exelon/Sriftsh Energy Cpany E PUBRLIC INFORMATION 1820-IMP-1720.01 I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE ___________

Title Revision No.








-. Amr~n.OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An Exelon/~tsh Energy Company =x'?17f51MWTrlm ~rnrT0 D 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Emerenc Public Inorato Imleting Proceure Revision No.

IEmergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Classifications (4):

Unusual Event - the least serious level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a potential reduction in the level of safety at the plant. It is not expected to cause a release of radioactivity or to have any effort on the safety or health of the general public.

Alert - the next to lowest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is an actual or potentially substantial degradation in the level of plant safety. An alert usually does not involve releases of radioactivity from the plant or have an effect on the safety or health of the general public.

Site Area Emergency - the next-to-highest level of emergency used in the U.S.

commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is a substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant, with possible damage to the plant's nuclear core

or releases of radioactivity that are detectable at the site boundary. If releases of radioactivity were to occur, the effects on the general public would be minimal.

General Emergency - the highest level of emergency used in the U.S. commercial nuclear power industry. It means there is actual or imminent damage to the plant's reactor core with releases of radioactivity that are measurable at the site boundary.

Protective Actions - once a General Emergency has been declared, OCGS consults with state officials who are responsible for making recommendations concerning public safety. OCGS makes recommendations to the state, but it is up to the governor to take those recommendations or take another course of action. OCGS does not release its recommendations to the public to avoid confusion should the governor order a different action.

Rumor Control/Public Information Numbers:

For General Public Only During declared emergencies at Oyster Creek, member of the general public should be directed to call the toll-free rumor control" number established by the State of New Jersey: 1(800) 792-8314 For Public Offcialsl/News Kedia/Regulatory and Industry Representatives Public officials, members of federal and state regulatory agencies, industry representatives and members of the news media should be instructed to call or be transferred to the following internal number: 1(609) 971-4020 (172001/S12) E9-1

a AmerGenm.

An xeon/nnn ne~nna Imer At I


~~~~UBIC-INORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Number I1I-r loZv-lrr wp._1 7.n n1 Title r -P Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Contamination - any radioactive material in an undesired location Dose - the amount of radiation a person receives from exposure to radiation. The average dose a person receives from a chest x-ray is about 10 millirems.

Radiation - energy released in the form of particles or waves (alpha, beta or neutron particles, gamma rays or waves). It occurs naturally all around us as well as in our bodies. Radioactive material is any substance that emits radiation. The release of radioactivity from the plant is tracked and reported annually.

Radiological Controlled Area (RCA) - areas of the plant that have been designated for radiological control due to the presence of radiation or contamination.

rem - an acronym for Roentgen Equivalent Man, which is the measurement of the potential impact of radiation dose on human cells. A chest x-ray is about 10 millirem, and one-thousand millirem equals one rem.

Reuters-Stokes Monitor - a real-time radiation monitor which displays background radiation. One can walk up to a monitor and see exactly what the background radiation is at that moment. At various locations around Oyster Creek, there are 19 Reuters-Stokes Monitors which feed radiological information to environmental scientists at the plant and to the NJ department of Environmental Protection-in Trenton.

Spent Fuel - used nuclear fuel, which is high level radioactive waste.

Therzoluminescent Dosimeter (WLD) - a radiation measuring device that must be read in the laboratory. It is used to measure and-record doses to people and areas of the plant or environment. TLDs are collected and read every quarter.

Tritium - a radioactive isotope that occurs naturally in the environment wherever there is water. Radiation from tritium is so weak that most radiation monitors do not detect it. However, tritium levels are measured through laboratory analyses.

Tritium is routinely measured by Oyster Creek personnel. It and all radioactivity releases from the plant are required to be tracked and reported annually.

(172001/S12) E9-2


AmBergns.- IOYSTER I


-.- I.."."... .... I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE ag -

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Auxiliary Emergency Transfer - part of Oyster Creek's Station Blackout system, which provides an alternate source of emergency electrical power to plant safety systems.

CondenserlCondenser Vacuum - cools the steam from the turbine back into water, which is cycled back to the reactor. The vacuum maintains the ability to condense the steam back into water.

Control Rod lades - x-shaped blades made of neutron absorbing material (Boron) that control the fission process in of the reactor.

Control Room Annunciators - alarm lights -in the control room which alert operators of changing plant conditions. -

Drill - an exercise consisting of a series of simulated events and emergency conditions that would require implementation of the plant's emergency plan.

DrywellFPrimary Containment - an engineered safety system, which contains the reactor and acts as one of the barriers to-radioactive release. It is made of a carbon steel shell encased in high-density reinforced concrete.

Electromatic Relief Valve (MV) - Oyster Creek has five EMRVs that serve a dual purpose. They act as pressure relief valves to discharge steam to the torus when a high pressure condition is sensed in the main steam lines. They also serve to relieve reactor pressure as part of the automatic depressurization system (ADS).

Emergency Planning Zone EPZ) - the area within a 10-mile radius of the plant, which includes 17 municipalities.

Fuel Rods/Assemblles - an eight by eight configuration that contains 62 fuel rods and 2 water rods that provide fuel for the reactor.

Hydrogen Storage Tank - located outside the plant's protected area a few hundred yards southeast of the reactor building. Hydrogen is used to cool the main generator and to improve water chemistry in the reactor coolant.

Intake/Discharge Canals - the man-made water passageway that forms a horse-shoe shape around Oyster Creek to provide cooling for plant systems.

(172001/S12) E9-3

B, Amer~en-A-lnRh

+ "


CREEK Number 1A98-TMP-1720 01 I


Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 Title~~ Reiio.o ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Joint Information Center- the facility where OCGS, along with federal, state, county and local government officials, assemble to provide information to the public through news media about an emergency at Oyster Creek. The JIC is located at the GPU Energy Office Building, 55 River Ave. (Route 9), at the intersection of Hurley Ave., about 20 miles north of Oyster Creek. Aside from company and government representatives, only members of the news media with appropriate credentials will be admitted to the center. All others can call the rumor control number operated by the state for official information on the emergency.

Loss of Coolant Accident (OCA) - an accident scenario involving the loss of water from the primary system, which requires Oyster Creek to shut down the reactor.

Min Steam Isolation Valve (IV) - containment isolation valves designed to minimize coolant loss from the vessel and to limit off site does in the event of a main -steam line accident. -- Testing (closure--test) is -done- on -the MSIVs once every-three months at 40 percent power.

Owner Controlled Area (OCA) - any areas outside the Protected Area under the control of the utility owner, OCGS.

Protected Area (PA) - the area of the plant encompassed by physical barriers into which access is controlled.

Reactor Building/Seconday Containment - the building that houses the plant's reactor and provides an additional barrier to the release of radioactive materials during periods when primary containment has been established. The reactor building, which is made of reinforced concrete and steel frame, serves as the primary containment when the drywell is open for refueling and maintenance. It completely encloses the drywell and reactor auxiliary systems. The barriers are the reactor building, the standby gas treatment system and the reactor building ventilation supply and exhaust dampers.

Reactor Core - nuclear fuel assemblies that are the source of heat for sustaining the fission process in a reactor to produce electricity.

Reactor Vessel - the structure that houses the nuclear fuel.

SCRA - a rapid insertion of control rods shutting down the reactor, which can be initiated manually or automatically.

Site Accountability - a process that is normally initiated during a Site Area Emergency, but can be performed at any time, to account for plant employees.

Spent Fuel Pool - a 38-feet deep pool of circulating water which provides temporary, safe storage of irradiated core components, including depleted or spent fuel assemblies.

(172001/S12) E9-4


. Amerie- IOYSTER I CREEK PUBLIC INFORMATION Number An AI/Btsh Evy Conv Ad 1R20-IMP-1720-01

-- 1 -------- -- I EZ[ERUENCY P~ROCEDURE --

Title 7 Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMEN T 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Station Blackout ransforer - provides back-up power to the plant should all sources of off site power be lost.

Torus - a large donut-shaped suppression chamber at the base of the drywell or primary containment, which houses the reactor vessel. The torus is about half-filled with water and used for containment pressure control and cooling.

Vital Aea (VA) - areas that contain equipment, systems, devices, etc., the failure, destruction or release of which could directly or indirectly endanger public health and safety by exposure to radiation.

Plant Building/Facilities:

Access Center - located in Building 14 on the Forked River site. The center provides General Employee Training, medical examinations, respirator, whole body counts and plant access badging for all employees and contractors coming to Oyster Creek.

Chemistry abs - located within the Turbine Building. This facility provides all the analyses of plant system fluids and gases to ensure safe and efficient operation of the plant.

Control Room (CR) - located on the third floor of the Turbine Building. The facility contains all the controls and instrumentation used to operate and monitor the reactor, turbine, generator, Electrical Distribution system, and Cooling Systems.

Dosimetry - located in Building 14. This facility maintains the TLD system and provides periodic reports of all employee's radiation exposures.

Nuclear Education Center - located on the Forked River site in Buildings 1, 2, 12 and 14. This center provides training to all employees at Oyster Creek to maintain qualifications that are necessary to operate a federally regulated nuclear facility.

Eydrogen Storage Tank - located near the Oyster Creek Administration building parking lot just southeast of the Main Gate. This tank stores hydrogen that is used in various plant systems.

Main Gate () Access Center - located west of the main entrance from Route 9. The purpose of this facility is to maintain security of the site as well as provide a monitored access point for plant entry.

Main Office Building (MOB) - located west of the Main Gate Access Center. This facility contains administrative offices for the various departments at Oyster Creek such as Operations, Chemistry, etc.

(172001/S12) E9-5

. AmerGen. OYSTER CREEK PTTLTC INFORMATTON Number An Enlon/Brtsh E-ergCo mPany I?1ar~ I EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Naterials Warehouse - located at the northeast corner of the Protected Area. This facility stores equipment and supplies needed to maintain the plant. It also serves as a Secondary Emergency Assembly Area for all employees in the event of an emergency at the site.

New Machine Shop - located south of the Turbine Building and east of the Emergency Generator Building. This facility is used for fabricating equipment to help the plant maintain operational status.

New Maintenance Building (mm) - located on the north side of the Protected Area and provides office and work space for electrical and mechanical maintenance personnel.

North Gate (NG) Access Center - located on the north side of the Protected Area next to the large North parking lot. This facility is used as a backup access point into the plant during outage periods. -

Old Machine Shop - located on the south end of the Turbine Building. This facility

' houses all the Station Services, Fire Protection and Instrument and Controls personnel offices and locker rooms.

Oyster Creek Administration Building (OCAB - located just southeast of the Main Gate. This facility houses the plant cafeteria and provides office space for plant personnel.

Reactor Building (fRB)- located just northwest of the Main Gate. This facility serves as secondary containment for the reactor and all of its support systems and equipment.

Site Ernergency Building (SEB) - located with the Protected Area south of the Main Gate. This facility provides administrative office space for plant departmental personnel as well as the resident NRC inspectors, and the plant's main computer systems. The Technical Support Center for Oyster Creek is also located on the first floor of this facility.

Tool Room - located adjacent to the maintenance shops just inside the North Gate.

This facility stores and issues tools used by the Maintenance Dept.

Turbine Building (TB) - located west of the Reactor Building. This facility houses the turbine generator and all its support systems.

(172001/Sl2) E9-6

IOYSTER CREEK Number AmerGen. PUBLIC IOR TION An Exelon/Bfflsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PROCEDUE 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)


Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) - a safety system designed to automatically reduce pressure in the reactor vessel under certain accident conditions, to allow the core spray system to be effective in adding coolant to the core under those conditions (small break LOCAs). ADS, which consists of five electromatic relief valves that discharge to the torus, is one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System.

Augmented Off-Gas (AOG) System - reduces the amount of radioactive gas released to the environment by serving as a holding station to allow the radioactive materials to decay, and also filtering out radioactive particles.

Combustion Turbines (CTs) - gas-fired turbine generators which supply backup power for Oyster Creek.

Condensate/Feedwater System - returns condensed steam to the reactor and maintains reactor vessel water level.

Condensate Transfer System - supplies water for the condensate demineralizer resin replacement, providing cooling for various pumps, and flushing and makeup water to various plant systems.

Control Rod Drive CRD) ydraulic System - supplies and controls the pressure and flow requirements of the control rod drives. It also can be used to add makeup water to the reactor.

containment Spray/Emergency Service Water (/ESW) System - safety systems designed to reduce primary containment temperature and pressure following a design basis loss-of-coolant-accident. These systems also limit the offsite doses by reducing the driving force of containment leakage.

Core Spray System (CSS) - one of three subsystems of the Emergency Core Cooling System. It is a low pressure, engineered safety system which supplies cooling water to the reactor after large or intermediate pipe breaks to prevent fuel damage.

Demineralized Water System - supplies pure water for initial fill and makeup to various water systems.

Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) - a required emergency safety system used to provide effective core cooling to prevent damage to nuclear fuel cladding and to limit damage to equipment/components during a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA).

ECCS consists of three separate subsystems: the isolation condenser system, the core spray system (CSS) and ADS.

(172001/S12) IE9-7

AmeairI~o~ui OYSTER CREEK Number An mer Eelon/Uritish Ene e

Company PUBLIC INFORMATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURE 1820-IMP-1720.01 Title Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 1_Revision

_ 5No.

ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Emergency Diesel enerator (EDG) - two diesel generators which provide electrical power to ensure safe shut down of Oyster Creek at the loss of off-site power. The EDG Building is located on the southwest side of the Protected Area.

Isolation Condenser System - one of three subsystems of ECCS and serves as large heat exchangers, which are used to reduce pressure and remove heat in the plant's reactor in the event that the turbine generator and main condenser are unavailable to remove heat. It is a standby, high-pressure system that can be activated manually or automatically to prevent overheating of the reactor fuel, to control reactor pressure, and to limit the loss of-reactor coolant through the relief valves.

Radwaste System - supports plant operation by providing for backwash and precoat of the fuel pool filter, replacing demineralizer resin and disposing of spent resin and filter media, and purification of contaminated waste water for recycling back to the reactor. -

Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water (RECCW) System - supplies cooling water to selected reactor building, drywell and old radwaste facility auxiliary equipment subject to radioactive contamination during all modes of plant operation.

Reactor Protection System RPS) - a safety system which provides automatic reactor protection by rapidly inserting all control rods or automatically shutting down the plant if certain limits are exceeded during any mode of plant operation. No single failure can prevent the RPS from performing its protective function, which is to protect the core against fuel cladding damage and the reactor vessel from overpressure, and minimizing the release of radioactive materials. This system can also be tested on-line without initiating a reactor shutdown.

Reactor Water Cleanup (WCU) System - a closed-loop system which constantly removes impurities from reactor coolant by recirculating it through filters and a demineralizer for continuous cleanup.

Shutdown Cooling System - cools the reactor after shutdown to permit vessel head removal for refueling and also removes decay heat while the reactor is in cold shutdown.

(172001/Sl2) E9-8

. < AmerGen.

An Exelon/Britlsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK PUBLIC -INFORMATION Number 1820-IMP-1720.01 EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Title Em c PRevision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Standby Liquid Control System - a backup safety system containing a boron solution designed to stop the fission process in the reactor.

Turbine Building Closed Cooling Water (CCW) System - a closed-loop system which supplies cooling water to selected turbine and office building components not subject to radioactive contamination, and to reactor recirculation pump motor-generator sets.

It also supplies a backup source of cooling water to the augmented fuel pool cooling heat exchanger, which is potentially contaminated.


NEC - the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FENA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency BPU - the New Jersey (or any state) Board of Public Utilities RERP - the Radiological Emergency Response and Safety Unit of the New Jersey State Police SP/OEM - the New Jersey State Police and Office of Emergency Management DEP - the New Jersey (or any state) Department of Environmental Protection BE - the New Jersey (or any state) Bureau of Nuclear Engineering EMPAS - Emergency Response Planning Areas designated by the State of New Jersey Area 1 -- consists of a portion of Lacey Township. It is bounded on the north by Deer Head Lake, Lake Barnegat, Lower Lake and the Forked River.

Barnegat Bay is the eastern boundary and lower Oyster Creek is the southern boundary. The Garden State Parkway forms the western boundary.

Area 2 -- consists of a portion of Ocean Township. It is bounded on the north by the Oyster Creek. The boundary to the east is Barnegat Bay. The southern boundary is Barnegat Beach Drive, Route 9, Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road). The Garden State Parkway is the western border.

Area 3 - - consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a portion of Barnegat Township. Its northern boundary is Route 532 (Waretown Brookville Road) to Route 9, Route 9 southward to arnegat Beach Drive and Barnegat Beach Drive eastward to the Bay. Barnegat Bay forms its eastern boundary. Route 554 (Bay Avenue) forms the boundary to the south. The Garden State Parkway is the western boundary.

Area 4 -- consists of a portion of Ocean Township and a small portion of Barnegat Township. It is bounded on the north by the Lacey/Ocean Township line and a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road).

The Garden State Parkway forms the eastern boundary. Route 554 (Straight Road) is the southern boundary. The western boundary is a small portion of Brookville Road and the Ocean/Barnegat Township line.

(172001/S12) E9-9


- J AmerGen.


- 1820-IMP-1720.01 I Fxh -VUUEut 1 _____ _.__.________

Title Revision No.

Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure 5 ATTACHMENT 1820-IMP-1720.01-3 (continued)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS TERMINOLOGY/DEFINITIONS FOR OYSTER CREEK Area 5 - - consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The northern boundary is Route 614 (Lacey Road). The Garden State Parkway is the eastern boundary. The southern border is a small portion of Route 532 (Wells Mills Road) and the Lacey/Ocean Township line. The Factory Branch River forms the western boundary.

Area 6 - - consists of a portion of Lacey Township. The Cedar Creek is its northern border, with Barnegat Bay its eastern boundary. The Forked River, Lower Lake, Lake Barnegat and Deer Head Lake make up the southern boundary. The western border is the Garden State Parkway.

Area 10 -- consists of a portion of Berkeley Township, the boroughs of Ocean Gate and Pine Beach, and portions of Beachwood and South Toms River.

The Toms River is the northern boundary. Barnegat Bay is the eastern border. The Cedar Creek is its southern boundary and the Garden State Parkway is the western borderY Area 16 -- consists of a portion of- the Seaside Peninsula south of Seaside Park Borough.

Area 18 -- consists of a portion of Barnegat Bay south of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It consists of all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Long Beach Island Causeway (Manahawkin Bay Bridge).

Area 19 -- consists of that portion of Barnegat Bay north of an imaginary line drawn from the Oyster Creek Generating Station stack to the Barnegat Lighthouse. It contains all the water and uninhabited islands of the Bay between this line and the Seaside Causeway - Route 37 (the Tunney and Mathis Bridge).

Area 20 -- consists of that portion of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to Island Beach State Park and the part of Long Beach Island north of Surf City and off shore for a distance of three miles.

d (172001/S12) E9-i0