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Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)
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Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)
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Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily?                    Yes                No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be:                    Satisfactory      Unsatisfactory Comments:
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)
Evaluators Name:                                                            (Print)

Latest revision as of 21:30, 10 March 2020

2010 Byron Nuclear Station Initial License Examination as Administered In-Plant JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Byron  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/21/2009
From: Meyer R
Exelon Nuclear
Download: ML11145A024 (26)


Exelon Nuclear Job Performance Measure LOCAL Control of the _AF005A-D at the Remote Shutdown Panel JPM Number: IP i (N127)

Revision Number: 2 Date: 9/21/2009 Revised By: Lynn Sanders

  • 9/21/09 Instructor Date Validated By: Lynn Sanders
  • 9/25/09 SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By: W. Kouba
  • 10/21/09 Operations Representative Date Approved By: Robert Meyer
  • 10/20/09 Training Department Date
  • Signature on File SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP i - rev 2 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

See File Copy

2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
4. Initial setup conditions are identified.
5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.
7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure BOA PRI-5 Rev: 106(U1), 109(U2)

Procedure BAR _-3-D7 Rev: 4 (U1, 2 (U2)

Procedure Rev:

9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
10. Verify performance time is accurate
11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

Lynn Sanders (Signature on file) 9/25/09 SME / Instructor Date Brian Clark (Signature on file) 9/25/09 SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP i - rev 2 Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 2 Applied new template TQ-JA-150-02 Rev.1 Verified/ updated KAs and TPOs to current revision Changed Non Licensed Operator to Equipment Operator SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. You are the opposite Unit Assist NSO
2. A Unit _ Reactor Trip has just occurred
3. The _B Aux Feedwater Pump is OOS
4. 120 VAC Instrument Bus _11 de-energized concurrent with the Reactor Trip
5. The _A Aux Feedwater Pump has started on Lo-2 Steam Generator level, but the

_AF005A, B, C, and D all went closed.

INITIATING CUE You have been directed by the Unit Supervisor to take LOCAL control of _AF005A, B, C, and D ONLY, from the Unit _ Remote Shutdown Panel and establish flow to the Unit _ steam generators at approximately 170 gpm each per Step 1 of Attachment A of _BOA PRI-5 and BAR _ D7.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



1. Refer to _BOA PRI-5 and BAR _ - ° LOCATE and OPEN _BOA 3-D7. PRI-5 and BAR _ D7 Note: Step 1 may be performed at any time.

NOTE A copy of _BOA PRI-5 is available at the associated Remote Shutdown Panel. Provide a copy of _BOA PRI-5 Attachment A to the candidate for placekeeping.

2. Proceed to Unit _ Remote ° Locate Unit _ Remote Shutdown Panel. (383 Elev. Shutdown Panel.

Auxiliary Building)

3. Identify local controls for _AF005 ° Locate _PL04J controls for A-D on _PL04J. _AF005 A-D.

NOTE The next step is directed by the footnote on page 1 of 1BOA Pri-5 Attachment A.

CUE: (if asked): The MCR controllers for _AF005A-D on _PM06J indicate 0.

4. Adjust the controller setting to 0 ° Reduce the controller for _AF005A-D on _PL04J. settings to zero for _AF005 A-D on _PL04J.

Cue: (If asked) individual controllers for _AF005A thru D indicate zero.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP i - rev 2 Comment ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Number

  • 5. Select LOCAL control for

_AF005A, B, C, D at _PL04J. switches in LOCAL at

_PL04J for _AF005A, B, C Cue: REMOTE LOCAL switches on & D.

_PL04J for _AF005A thru D are in the LOCAL (RSP) position.

Cue: (If asked and if step 4 was performed) _AF005A thru D left GREEN lights are LIT, with 0 GPM flow indicated.

Cue: (If asked and if step 4 was NOT performed) _AF005A thru D left and right GREEN lights are LIT, with 90 GPM flow indicated.

NOTE The normal setting at the Remote Shutdown Panel is 15%, this should equate to a flow less than 100 gpm, the candidate will have to increase the setting to obtain 170 gpm. A setting of 50% should equate to approximately 170 gpm. Cue the candidate as appropriate for increasing flow as the setting is increased.

  • 6. Increase control setpoint on
  • Adjust _AF005 A thru D

_PL04J for _AF005 A thru D. controller setpoints on

_PL04J to obtain approx.

Cue: (If asked) controller setpoints 170 gpm AF flow to each on _PL04J for _AF005A-D are set to steam generator.

(setting described by candidate)

7. Verify _A train AF flow to steam ° Verify _A train AF flow generators indicated on _PL04J. established to Unit _ steam generators, _PL04J Cue: _PL04J _FI-AF011B, 013B, indications or contact unit.

015B, and 017B indicate approximately 170 gpm (same as values in computer)

Cue: This JPM is completed.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP i - rev 2 JPM


Operators Name: Job




LOCAL Control of the _AF005A-D at the Remote Shutdown Panel JPM Number: N127 Revision Number: 2 Task Number and


4C.AF-01 PERFORM lineups of the Auxiliary Feed System.

K/A Number and Importance: 061 2.1.30 4.4/4.0 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Alternate Path: Yes No SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Reference(s):


BAR _-3-D7, AF FLOW CONT SETTING LOW, rev. 4(U1), rev. 2(U2)

CRITICAL STEPS (*) 5 & 6 Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method: Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete: 20 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. You are the opposite Unit Assist NSO
2. A Unit _ Reactor Trip has just occurred
3. The _B Aux Feedwater Pump is OOS
4. 120 VAC Instrument Bus _11 de-energized concurrent with the Reactor Trip
5. The _A Aux Feedwater Pump has started on Lo-2 Steam Generator level, but the

_AF005A, B, C, and D all went closed.

INITIATING CUE You have been directed by the Unit Supervisor to take LOCAL control of _AF005A, B, C, and D ONLY, from the Unit _ Remote Shutdown Panel and establish flow to the Unit _ steam generators at approximately 170 gpm each per Step 1 of Attachment A of _BOA PRI-5 and BAR _ D7.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Exelon Nuclear Job Performance Measure Cross-tie DC Bus 211/111 JPM Number: IP j (N114)

Revision Number: 4 Date: 9/23/2009 Revised By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP j - rev 4 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

See File Copy

2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
4. Initial setup conditions are identified.
5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.
7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure BOP DC-7 Rev: 13 Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
10. Verify performance time is accurate
11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP j - rev 4 Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 3 Applied new template TQ-JA-150-02 Rev.1 Verified/ updated KAs and TPOs to current revision Changed Non Licensed Operator to Equipment Operator Revision 4

- Made the JPM specific for a 211/111 crosstie.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. You are an EO.
2. Battery Charger 211 tripped and a Clearance Order is being created.
3. Both Units are in Mode 1.


1. The WEC directs you to crosstie DC Bus 211 to DC Bus 111 per BOP DC-7.
2. A second EO will be available for Operations required on Unit 1.
3. The US has reviewed Tech Specs and the SM has approved the crosstie.
4. All required keys have been obtained.

Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps.

Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)



1. Refer to BOP DC-7, 125V DC ° LOCATE and OPEN BOP ESF Bus Crosstie/Restoration DC-7 Note: Provide the examinee with a copy of BOP DC-7 Cue: (if asked) Tech Specs have been reviewed.

NOTE For any cue, use/refer to actual plant conditions where possible and cue: as is.

ALL control manipulations are to be SIMULATED.

2. Ensure both battery chargers are At Battery Charger 211:

not on equalize

  • Float/Equalize Switch in Cue: The Float/Equalize switch is Float Position in the LEFT (float) position
  • Equalize Timer is OFF Cue: The timer is pointing to ZERO
  • Contact EO at other unit battery charger to ensure Cue: The other EO reports that DC B.C. is not in equalize Bus 111 is on FLOAT and the timer is OFF
3. Check DC Bus 211 voltage At _DC05E, Ensure voltage difference is < 20 volts:

NOTE: The meter will read the same voltage in either the Bus or Battery position.

° Check DC Bus 211 voltage Cue: DC Bus 211 voltage is 128 V

° Check Opposite DC Bus Cue: (if asked) B.C. voltage is 0 V 111 voltage Cue: The other EO reports DC Bus 111 voltage is 129 V SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP j - rev 4 Comment ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Number NOTE Checking the grounds will cause a MCB alarm.

4. Check grounds At 2DC05E, Check grounds <

100 volts:

Cue: Negative ground reading is 7 volts ° Check negative ground:

Press pushbutton, take Cue: Positive ground reading is 5 Reading and Release volts pushbutton Cue: The other EO reports DC Bus ° Check positive ground:

111 ground readings are positive 10 Press pushbutton, take volts and negative 6 volts Reading and Release pushbutton

° Check grounds on the opposite DC Bus

5. Notify the Control Room ° Notify the Control Room of impending crosstie breaker Cue: U2 NSO (or US) closure.

acknowledges that the crosstie breaker will be closed.

6. Notify the SM. ° Notify the SM to INITIATE 2BOL 8.4 Cue: The SM reports that 2BOL 8.4 has been initiated
  • 7. Unlock and close breaker DF1 at At DC Bus 111:

DC Bus 111

  • Unlock and close Breaker Cue: The other EO reports that on DF1 DC Bus 111, breaker DF1 is closed.

Cue: The U1 NSO reports that ° Check annunciator 1 annunciator 1-21-D7 DC Bus 111 D7 is in alarm Tie Brkr to Bus 211 Close/Trip' is in alarm SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP j - rev 4 Comment ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Number

  • 8. Unlock and close breaker DF1 at At DC Bus 211:

DC Bus 211

  • Unlock and close Breaker Cue: DC Bus 211, breaker DF1 is DF1 in the UP position Cue: The U2 NSO reports that ° Check annunciator 2 D7 annunciator 2-21-D7 DC Bus 211 is in alarm Tie Brkr to Bus 111 Close/Trip' is in alarm Cue (if required): This JPM is completed RECORD STOP TIME:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

IP j - rev 4 JPM


Operators Name: Job




Cross-tie DC Bus _11/_11 JPM Number: N114 Revision Number: 4 Task Number and


4D.OA-23 RESPOND to a Loss of DC Power.

K/A Number and Importance: 058 AA1.01 3.4/3.5 Suggested Testing Environment: Plant Alternate Path: Yes No SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Reference(s):

BOP DC-7, 125V DC ESF Bus Crosstie/Restoration (Rev 13)

CRITICAL STEPS (*) 7 & 8 Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method: Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete: 17 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)


1. You are an EO.
2. Battery Charger 211 tripped and a Clearance Order is being created.
3. Both Units are in Mode 1.


1. The WEC directs you to crosstie DC Bus 211 to DC Bus 111 per BOP DC-7.
2. A second EO will be available for Operations required on Unit 1.
3. The US has reviewed Tech Specs and the SM has approved the crosstie.
4. All required keys have been obtained.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training)

Exelon Nuclear Job Performance Measure Local Operation of PZR PORV Block Valve (1RY8000B failure)

JPM Number: IP k Revision Number: 4 Date: 7/13/2010 Revised By:

Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 1 of 8

IP k - rev 3 JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

See File Copy

2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.
3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)
4. Initial setup conditions are identified.
5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.
6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.
7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk (*).
8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure 1BOA Pri-5 Rev: 106 Procedure 2BOA Pri-5 Rev: 109 Procedure Rev:

9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.
10. Verify performance time is accurate
11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.
12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 2 of 8

IP k - rev 3 Revision Record (Summary)

Revision 3 Revised to current format Revision 4 Made Unit 1 specific.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 3 of 8


1. You are the Aux Building EO.
2. The Main Control Room has been declared uninhabitable due to smoke.
3. 1BOA PRI-5 has been entered and the RSP has been activated.


1. PZR pressure is 2200# and lowering
2. The 1C and 1D RCPs are secured
3. The U-1 US directs you to locally close the U-1 PZR PORV Block valves per 1BOA PRI-5, step 15.


Fill in the JPM Start Time when the student acknowledges the Initiating Cue.

Information For Evaluators Use:

UNSAT requires written comments on respective step.

  • Denotes critical steps Number any comments in the Comment Number column on the following pages. Then annotate that comment in the Comments section. The comment section should be used to document: the reason that a step is marked as unsatisfactory, marginal performance relating to management expectations, or problems the examinee had while performing the JPM.

Comments relating to procedural or equipment issues should be entered and tracked using the sites appropriate tracking system.

Some operations that are performed from outside of the control room may require multiple steps. These items may be listed as individual steps in this JPM. It is acceptable for the candidate to direct the local operator to perform groups of procedure steps instead of calling for each individual item to be performed.

The timeclock starts when the candidate acknowledges the initiating cue.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 4 of 8



1. Refer 1BOA PRI-5, step 15 o LOCATE and OPEN 1BOA PRI-5 Note: Provide the examinee with a copy of 1BOA PRI-5, step 15. o Utilize plant knowledge, operator aid, or contact Cue (if asked): MCC locations are in WEC/MCR for MCC the units electrical penetration location.


131X2B - AB 414, S-11 132X2 - AB 426, S-11 NOTE In JPM steps 2 & 3, read the Closing Cues in sequence

  • 2. Locally isolate 1RY455A At MCC 131X2B, cub A5:

Cue: The Local/Remote switch

  • Place LOCAL/REMOTE for 1RY8000A is to the LEFT switch to LOCAL.


  • CLOSE 1RY8000A Cue: Both lights are lit for 1RY8000A Cue: The RED light is lit for 1RY8000A NOTE Alternate path initiated in the following step.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 5 of 8

IP k - rev 3 Comment ELEMENT STANDARD SAT UNSAT Number

3. Locally isolate 1RY456 At MCC 132X2, cub C4:

Cue: The Local/Remote switch

  • Place LOCAL/REMOTE for 1RY8000B is to the LEFT switch to LOCAL.


  • CLOSE the 1RY8000B Cue: Both lights are lit for 1RY8000B Cue: Both lights are now out for 1RY8000B and the breaker has tripped Cue (if asked): The breaker will NOT reset
  • 4. Remove Control Power fuses for At 1DC11J, REMOVE control 1RY456 power to fail close 1RY456:

Cue: Fuse 46 has been removed

  • Remove FU-46 Cue: Fuse 47 has been removed
  • Remove FU-47 Cue: (if asked) PZR Pressure is 2221 psig and rising slowly Cue: This JPM is completed.


SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 6 of 8

IP k - rev 3 JPM


Operators Name: Job




Local Operation of PZR PORV Block Valve (1RY8000B failure)

JPM Number: IP k (N-113a) Revision Number: 4 Task Number and


4D.OA-27 Respond to Control Room Evacuation.

K/A Number and Importance: 068 AA1.28 3.8 / 4.0 Suggested Testing Environment: In Plant Alternate Path: Yes No SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Reference(s):

1BOA Pri-5, Rev 106, Control Room Inaccessibility CRITICAL STEPS (*) 2 & 4 Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Control Room In-Plant Other Testing Method: Simulate Perform Estimated Time to Complete: 30 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against standards contained within this JPM and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 7 of 8


1. You are the Aux Building EO.
2. The Main Control Room has been declared uninhabitable due to smoke.
3. _BOA PRI-5 has been entered and the RSP has been activated.


1. PZR pressure is 2200# and lowering
2. The _C and _D RCPs are secured
3. The U-_ US directs you to locally close the U-_ PZR PORV Block valves per

_BOA PRI-5, step 15.

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 8 of 8