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'i 5                                                    DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANT                                              Fig'.re 0.4 Beaver Valley Power Station
Training Manual
:                                                        Procedure Transmittal Date:                8/11/80 Transmittal No.:                    015 The attached procedure has controlled distribution. Please make the following changes. Procedures shall not be duplicated without prior approval of the Station Office Manager.
Operations Training Manual: Training Manual                                  Procedure No.:                                Rev. No.: 2 Piling Instructions                                                  Filina Instructions REMOVE            INSERT                                        REMOVE                          INSERT Section Pages Section' Pages                                  Section panes Section Pages 2      2.1-        2        2.1-2.55                2.55 E                    Distribution: From Training Supervisor, Beaver Valley Power Station                                                  l Control Control    -
No.                    Name                                No.                            Name 9
Superintendent, Personnel 1    Vice President, Operatiou                                    and Records 2    Director of Personnel                                  10    Superintendent, Nuclear Services                            __
General Superintendent -
Power Stations                                                Chief Engineer 4    Manager, Quality Assurance                              12    Station Operating Supervisor i            '                        13 5                                                                  Station Maintenance Supervisor rV Station Superintendent, 6                                                            14    Results Coordinator Shippingport Technical Assistant -
7  Nuclear (Licensing)                                    15    Training Supervisor Technical Assistant -                                  16 0  Nuclear (Training)                                            Office Manager Please sign, date, and return this transmittal to the Training Supervisor,                                                      l Beaver Valley Power Station to acknowledge the following:
: 1) Receipt of the above procedure
: 2) Superceded procedures have been removed from your manual and are attached to this transmittal.
: 3) New procedures have been inserted in the applicable manual.
Recipient                                                    Date 0.14                                        ISSUE 2 2/15 76 REVISION 1, 7 18/77 8 01 0280 443
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Stat ton
* Training Manual APPROVAL SHEET ISSUE 2 SECTION 2.0 - OPERATIONS TRAINING Rev.                                                                      Approval                            Efiective No.                Pages. Issued                        Simnature                        '
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ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
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l DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual 2.0'              OPERATIONS TRAINING j              2.1                LICENSED OPERATING PERSONNEL - OPTION I
;              2.1.1              Purpose Operating Group training is provided to familiarize operating personnel with (1) nuclear plant systems and components, (2) the proper and best method for operating j                                  these systems and components by use of procedures and (3) reactor and plant controls, and station parameters to the extent that operating personnel may take prompt, and correct action in the event of an unusual occurrence or eurgency. The operating group;is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the Station. The training I                                  program is designed to provide reasonable assurance that this requirement can be achieved.
2.1.2              Personnel to be Trained All operating personnel required to hold a license designated in 10 CFR 55 as reactor operators and senior reactor operators are provided the necessary training in order to qualify. At the Beaver Valley Power Station, these positions are identified as Nuclear Station Operating
* Supervisor, Nuclear Control Operator (RO), Nuclear Station Operating Foreman (SRO) and Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SRO). In addition, staff members including the Chief Engineer, and Training Supervisor are given appropriate training to license. To the extent required, Operating                              k and Maintenance Instructors hold SRO licenses.
i '
2.1.3 Scope of Training The training program for operating personnel is commensurate with their previous education, training and experience; however, the normal training sequence is as follows:
Dhase 1 - Academic Training consisting of approximately 440-550 hours of formal classroom study depending upon
:-                                job position, covers training in mathematics, physics, reactor principles, heat transfer, radiological fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, materials, safety analysis and
                                '-chemistry. The existing Shippingport-Atomic Power Station Training Program is used during this phase.
Phase 2 - A study of all plant systems including video tapes and training outlines for approximately 700 hours i
(                          of classroom instruction. A comparable period of time tracing out systems, identifying specific equipment
,                                    locations,. observation of plant evolutions end reviewing l                                    the station operating and equipment instruction manuals
!                                  :is also included in this phase.
ISSUE 2 2.1                        Rev. 2 i
        ~          .
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station
              +                                      Training Manual Phase 3 - Qualification Standards Check-offs for approximately 66 systems are performed during Phase 3. The check-offs require detailed knowledge of plant systems and the ability to perform certain operations using plant control devices or demonstrating knowledge by simulation. This period requires approximately seventeen weeks. A copy of the System Qualification Standards is included in Training Manual #2 (TM-2).
* Phase 4 - Offsite Training covers approximately a one-week period. Offsite training will be conducted in reactor start-ups and shut-downs to familiarize the operator with reactor operations when the Hot License Exam is required without start-up demonstration.
* Phase 5 - Plant manipulations training provides the operator with " hands-on" training in the area of reactivity control manipulations.
Phase 6 - Review lectures designed to sum up the entire program are given to prepare the candidate for the licensing exam.
2.1.4    Training Outline and Schedule  Phase 1 - Academic Training Approximate Hours Operator                            Supervisor Physics                                  85 hours                            85 hours Reactor Principles                        86                                  86 Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow                68                                  68 Radiation Fundamentals                    30                                  42 Electrical Theory                          36                                -
Mathematics                              15                                  15 Safety Analysis                            30                                  30 Chemistry                                -                                    52 Electrical Engineering                    -                                    79 Total Hours                    444                                  551 The Shippingprot Phase 1 Training Program is used and requires approximately 5 1/2 months.    Phase 2 - Svstem Training Lectures Approximate Hours Operator                            Supervisor System Lectures &
        -                          Familiarization                  700 hours                          700 hours k
* REFER TO FIGURE 2.1.0 2.2              ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 1
e s
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual System Training lectures are used which include four training manuals: NS - Nuclear Systems (TM-21), AS -
Auxiliary Systems (TM-22), OP - Operating Procedures (TM-23), and PCS - Power Generation Systems (TM-24). This program is specific to the Beaver Valley Power Station and includes training manuals, video tapes, and plant layouts for locating equipment and components. This program may require up to 7 1/2 months of training.      Phase 3 - System Qualification Standards Approximate Hours Operator                            Supervisor Check out of systems using checklists in Beaver Valley Training Manual Book #2.                      680 houta                            680 hours This check out includes knowledge of procedures and demonstration or performance of specific operations.      Phase 4 - Off-Site Training (if Required)
Approximate Hours Operator                            Supervisor
-                            Reactor Start-ups and Shutdowns at an approved facility.                                    56 hours                            56 hours      Phase 5 - Reactivity Control Manipulations Approximate Bours Operator                              Supervisor On-site training p.rforming manipulations of controls of the Beaver Valley Powey Station reactor during five (5) significant reactivity changes, which may or may not include reactor start-ups                  3 months                            3 months            l      Phase 6 - Review Lectures Approximate Hours Operator                            Supervisor A review of the entire training program and appropriate tests.                          120 hours                            120 hours ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 2.3
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual          Schedule for Training Operating Personnel A general schedule for training operating personnel is shown in Figure 2.1.1.
2.1.5            Administration of Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the administration of the Operations Group Training Program. Personnel utilized for instructing trainees are as follows:
Qualifications Phase 1 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or specifically knowledgeable in the field they are instructing and have passed required tests, examinations and quizzes on the subject they are teaching are considered qualified for this phase of instruction.
Phase 2 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed, or specifically knowledgeable on the systesa they are teaching are coasidered qualified for giving systems lectures.
'                            The instructor on any given system will have successfully completed the Qualification Standard check-off for that system prior to giving instruction on that system.
r Phase 3 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or previously checked out on the system (s) are considered qualified for checking-out others on the various systems.
Phase 4 - The manager or designated manager of an approved            '
off-site facility (simulator) is required to submit appropriate documentation indicating that the trainee has successfully completed his off-site training.
Phase 5 - Reactivity control manipulations for an individual are to be observed, documented, and signed by a licensed operations' supervisor.
Phase 6 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or knowledgeable in the areas of discussion as specified in Phases 1, 2 or 3 are considered qualified to conduct the review series of lectures.
2.1.6            Recurds (1) A Record of all results of quizzes and examination grades are maintained on the Test (Exam) Grade Report (Figure 2.1.2).
    ',(                      (2) In addition, the date, subject, and exam grade are entered into the Personnel Grade Summary (Figure 2.1.3).
ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 2.4
O DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPAh"I Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual (3) If counseling is required during Phase 1, a Report of Counseling is prepared (Figure 2.1.4).
(4) Lesson plans during Phase 1 may also be utilized by the instructor to insure that the objectives for the training session are achieved. A lesson plan outline is shown in Figure 2.1.5.
(5) A record of qualification standards checkoffs (Phase
: 3) is made for each system using " Training Checkoff Sheet (Systems)" Figure 2.1.6.
(6), On-the-Job training is noted on form 2.1.7.
2.1.7        Requirements, Regulations, Guides Reg. Guide - 1.8 (Safety Guide 8)
ANSI        - N18.1 CFR          - 10 CFR 55 FSAR        - 12.2.1 Other        - BVPS - Operating Manual 2.1.6        Summarv of Fiaures, Tables, Schedules, and References (a) Operations Training Schedule - Figure 2.1.1 (b) Test (Exam) Grade heport - Figure 2.1.2 (c) Personnel Grade Summary - Figure 2.1.3 (d) Report of Counseling - Figure 2.1.4 (e) Lesson Plan - Figure 2.1.5 (f) Trainee Checkoff Sheet - Figure 2.1.6 (g) On-the-Job Training Record - Figure 2.1.7
            -- - - (h) License Exam Requirements - 2.1.0      .
2.5                  ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY f                                            Beaver Valley Power Station 2                                                  Training Manual 2.2              OPERATIONS REQUALITICATION TRAINING 2.2.1            Purpose The Operator's retraining program provides a means for maintaining the proficiency of operating personnel in plant operations and identifying weak areas which may require special or additional training.
,              2.2.2            Personnel to be Trained All licensed operating personnel are required to participate in an'on-going requalification training program.
2.2.3'          Scope of Training The requalification program consists of lectures, a-==4a=tions, performance training by simulation, practical training, and individual study. It is conducted on a continuing basis for all licensed personnel over a two-year period.
An annual exam is used to verify that licensed operating
    ;                            personnel have maintained their proficiency and knowledge of plant operations. The total hours of retraining per year is 96 hours which includes lectures, performance by
                  ._.____ _ minnil ation_ training, practical. training _ and individual        . __
  ;                              study of systems and administrative requirements. The performance training includes walk through training exercises which demonstrate by simulation, knowledge of abnormal, casualty and emergency-procedures where possible.
All licensed operating personnel are required to manipulate plant controls to affect significant reactivity changes at least 10 times every two years..
4                                This training is included in the practical training
    ,                            portion of the requalification program. In addition, licensed operating personnel will review Beaver Valley abnormal occurrences and Incident Reports, design changes and procedure changes as reports or documents are issued.
The grades received on the annual ev==ination will determine the amount of retraining required. See Section
2.2.4 -          Training Outline and Schedule
;                                The requalification training program consists of four areas of instruction:
l (1) Lectures
:        (                        (2) Simulated /valk-through performance trrining                          l l
: 2. 6 -                      Rev. 2 l
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual (3) On-the-job training including reactivity control manipulations (4) Individual study        Lectures These training periods will normally be scheduled for 2 days during a normal 6 week operating schedule cycle. A total of six, 6-week cycles will be scheduled per year.
The training time will include lectures, group sessions,
                                .self-study, quizzes, exams, and practical training. This requirement is subject to some flexibility due to vacations, station conditions, etc. The lectures will include one or more, but not limited to the following topics:
(a) Principles of Reactor Operation (b) Features of Facility Design (c) General Operating Characteristics (d) Instruments and Control (e) Safety and Emergency Systems (f) Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures (g) Radiation Control and Safety (h) Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (1) Reactor Theory (j) Radioactive Materials, Handling, Disposal & Hazards (k) Specific Operating Characteristics (1) Fuel Handling and Core Parameters (Mitigating Core Damage)
(m) Administrative Procedures, Conditions & Limitations (n) Theory of Fluid and Thermodynamics (o) Changes in Equipment and Operating Procedur'es (p) Station Technical Specifications (q) The Operational Quality Assurance Program including f    (                                Station Administrative Directives (r) Applicable Portion ef Title 10, Chcpter I, CFR (s) Fuel Handling (SRO Only)
ISSUE 2 2.7                                        Rev. 2
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Other training techniques including films, video tapes or other training aids may be utilized to replace up to 50 percent of the live lectures. Emphasis will be placed on those areas where the annual examinations indicate weakness in overall competence or comprehension may be developing. Performance Training by Simulation                                    !
Simulated walk-through performance training is utilized to maintain proficiency and knowledge of abnormal, casualty and emergency procedures. Off-site training on an approved test reactor may also be used; however, normal training procedures will require the operator to review immediate action steps for casualties by walk-through (demonstration) type of training. OnThe . fob Training All licensed operators and Senior Operators shall participate, to the extent practical, in actual station control manipulation involving reactivity changes to demonstrate their skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systems. These manipulations shall involve any combination of the following evolutions:
(a) Reactor start-up from suberitical to the point of adding heat.
(b) Manual control of steam generator levels during
;                                reactor start-up or shutdown.
(c) -Placing reactor in hot standby condition from at power condition.
(d) Dilution of reactor coolant system boron concentration i                              to achieve a reduction of at least 100 ppm of boron.
(e) Boration of reactor coolant system to achieve an increase of at least 100 ppm of boron.
(f) Operation of EHC turbine governor controls during unit start-up.
(g) Manual rod control operation prior to and during generator synchronization.
(b) Control rod manipulation during reactor power level changes of greater than 10 percent.
(1) - Plant and reactor operation that involve emergency
(                            or transient procedures where reactivity is changing.
(j) Rod drop timing test.
2.8 .          ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual i                    Licensed operator Manipulations i
Each licensed operator shall manipulate the controls associated with the above listed " Control Maniuplations" a minimum of 10 times during the two-year requalification program. Any combination of the listed control manipulations may be utilized to attain the required number of 10. The Station Training Supervisor shall maintain a log of these manipulations. Every effort should be made to have a diversification of reactivity changes for each applicant, and to minimize boration arid dilution as a required manipulation.          Licensed Senior Operator Manipulations Each licensed Senior Operator shall manipulate the controls
'                                        or direct the activities of licensed operators during the
                                          " Control Manipulations" a minimum of 10 times during the course of the requalification program. The Station Training Supervisor shall maintain a log of these activities.          Simulator Training Some or all of the licensed operators and Senior Operators may participate in simulator training during their requelification programs. A simulator may be used to meet the requirements of Sections and 1
of the FSAR if the simulator reproduces the general operating characteristics'of the Beaver Valley Power Station and the arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of the simulator is similar to that of the J                                        Beaver Valley Power Station.            Individual Studv l                                      Reading assignments will be periodically made for licensed operators (Nuclear Control Operators) and Senior Operators (Shif t Operating Foreman and Shift Supervisors) to be completed while on shift. Oral and/or written quizzes may be given to evaluate the competence of the licensed operators in these areas. The subjects covered shall include, but will not be limited to, the following.
(a) Facility Design Changes (b) Yacility Procedure Changes (c) Technical Specifications Changes (d) Eniergency Preparedness Plan t
(e) Radiation Control Procedures (f) Temporary Facility Procedures ISSUE 2
                                                              '9 Rev. l'
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual r
(g) Station Industrial Security Procedures f
(h) All Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review              Schedule of Recualification The program shall be conducted for a continuous twenty-four months and upon conclusion shall be followed by successive, two year, requalification programs each of which shall begin promptly at the conclusion of the preceding program.
See Figure 2.2.9 for Reg ulification Training Program (Typical Yearly Cycle).              Evaluation            Annual Examination An annual comprehensive written examination shall be administered to all individuals who participate in the requalification program. The results of this examination will be evaluated by the Station Training Superksor, the Chief Engineer and the Station Superintendent to determine areas in which additional retraining is needed.              Periodic Examinations Periodic short-written examinations will be administered which determine licensed operators' or licensed Senior Operators' knowledge of subjects covered in the formal lectures or individual study portions of the requalification program. Remedial training will be given to those achieving a grade of less than 80%.              Observation and Evaluation The performance and competence of licensed operators and
  -                                  Senior Operators shall be evaluated at least annually by observation or a critique of the manner in which the-operators responded in recognizing and managing such events as abnormal occurrences and response to off normal operating conditions or simulated emergency or abnormal operating conditions. Final evaluation will be accomplished using the control panel of the Beaver Valley Power Station, or statien simulator control panel.
I            Accelerated Requalification Program A licensed operator or Senior Operator whose scoring is
i                                      less than 80 percent in any section of the-comprehensive annual aw==4n= tion shall be required to attend lectures
        ,.                            in those sections of the exam. Should the licensed
(                              operator or Senior Operator fail to attain an overall average of at least 80 percent overall, with a minimum of 70 percent in each category in the annual examination, he shall be removed from shift duties and shall participate l
2.10                                  ISSUE 2 l                                                                                                        Rev. 2 l-
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i DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station                            ,
Training Manual in accelerated requalification programs under the direction of the Station Training Supervisor. He will be returned to shift duties after retesting and achieving an overall average of 75 percent. Lectures will be scheduled in those areas in which a grade of less than 80 percent was achieved. The NRC will be notified of satisfactory completion of training prior to the individuals return to licensed duties.          Inactive Licenses
* Any licensed operator or Senior Operator who does not work at least one 8 hour shift in the Control Room for a three-month period shall not be permitted to perform licensed activities until he has completed an individual requalification program which shall include reviewing any design modifications and changes to operating procedures, af.ministrative procedures, technical specifications, and the emergency preparedness plan which have occurred since his last shift assignment. An oral examination will be given to ensure the operator or Senior Operator has maintained his proficiency. The results of the oral ensination will be documented and retained in the individual's file. An overall grade of 75 percent is required before the individual is assigned to licensed duties. Special instruction shall be scheduled in any area in which a grade.of_less than 80 percent was achieved.
* Inactive license provision does not apply to those licensed individuals who are assigned to the BVPS Staff; but, it directly applies to those who may have undergone a prolonged illness or an accident, or who may be assigned to the downtown office and hold a license in order to perform specific assignments during exigencies of the
.                    Replacement Training It is to be expected that through attrition, replacements will be required for the various positions in the station operating group. Each replacement employee will receive training commensurate with his previous education and experience and the duties he is to assume in the operating organization. The specific training received by replacements (operating personnel) is identified in Section 2.1 of this manual. The intent is to train the lower level Nuclear Operators (not licensed) in the same manner as the Nuclear Control Operators (licensed) so as to have a source of employees who can license in a reasonable period of-time.
2.2.5                Administration of Training Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the overall administration of the requalification training program.
2.11            ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual                  Lectures are to be gin n by Training Instructors, licensable or licensed personnel, or individuals who have specific training or experience in the lecture subject.                  Performance training by simulation should be observed and verified (signature) by a licensed training instructor.                  On-the-job training should also be observed by a licensed operating supervisor or by a licensed training instructor.                  Individual study and assignments should be administered by the training organization. Monthly training guides for individual study are to be issued and persons examined and checked off by a Senior Reactor Operator.
2.2.6                    Records (1) The annual exam grade results is recorded on Forms shown in Figure 2.2.1, "BVPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary."
(2) A record of attendance will be maintained by the lecturer. A copy of the form is shown in Figure 2.2.2 (3) Individual study monthly guide form is shown in
  >                                                  Figure 2.2.4.
(4) On-the-job training is recorded on Form 2.1.7.
(5) A record of performance evaluation of licensed personnel is recorded on Form 20.5.1 & 20.5.2.
(6) A master copy of all administered written examinations and the answers to the ermahations questions.
In addition, the records on each individual taking
* requalification training will include:
(a) A copy of all administered written examinations and the Licensee's answers to the examination questions.
(b) The number of hours attendance at the preplanned lecture series documenting date, time, and lecture subject.
(c) Copies of the individual study assignments and data on which assigned.
(d) The evaluation of the performance of the individual and the basis on which the evaluation was made.
,      (                                        (e) Any additional lecture hours assigned as a result of test scores or on-the-job evaluation.
l 2.12                      ISSUE 2 N    Rev. 1 j
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station e                                                                  Training Manual (f) A complete set of records of qualifications, experience, training, and retraining for each member of the i                                                    operating section will be maintained by the Station Training Supervisor. These records will include evaluations of the effectiveness of the requalification program.
(g) Documentation of procedure review is maintained in accordance with Operating Manual, Chapter 48 -
Conduct of Operations.
1 2.2 7          Requirements, Regulations Reg. Guide -
ANSI                - N18.1 ANS 3.1 CFR                  - Appendix A 10CFR55 FSAR                - 12.2.2 - 12.2.27 Other                - Wash. 1094 - Appendix F 2.2.8          Sununarv of Figures, Tables, Schedules and References (a) Checklist for Licensed Oper. Personnel Requal. -
Figure 2.2.1.
(b) Requalification Training Lecture Attendance - Figure 2.2.2.
(c) Individual Study Monthly Guide - Figure 2.2.4.
(d) Annual Evaluation Report - Figure 20.5.1 & 20.5.2.
(e) Flow Diagram-Retraining - Figure 2.2.6.
(f) Requalification Training Progrmn (Typical Yearly Cycle) -Figure 2.2.9.
I t
I i
(                                                                                                                ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 l
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual 2.3              LICENSED OPERATING PERSONNEL - OPTION II 2.3.1            Purpose Operating Group training is provided to familiarize operating personnel with (1) nuclear plant systems and components, (2) the proper and best method for operating these systems and components by use of procedures and (3) reactor and plant controls, and station parameters to the extent that' operating personnel may take prompt, and correct action in the event of an unusual occurrence of emergency. The operating group is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the Station. The training program is designed to provide reasonable assurance that this requirement can be achieved.
2.3.2            Personnel to be Trained All operating personnel required to hold a license designated in 10 CFR 55 as reactor operators and senior reactor operators are provided the necessary training in order to qualify. At the Beaver Valley Power Station, these positions are identified as Nuclear Station Operating Supervisor, Nuclear Control Operator (RO), Nuclear Station Operating Foreman (SRO), and Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SRO). In addition, staff members including the Chief Engineer, and Training Supervisor are given appropriate training to license. To the extent possible Operating and Maintenance Instructors may hold SRO licenses also.
2.3.3            Scope of Training The training program for operating personnel is commensurate with their previous education, training-ind experience;            -
however, the normal training sequence is as follows:
Phase 1 - Academic consisting of approximately 550-600 hours of formal classroom study covers training in mathematics, physics, . reactor principles, heat transfer, radiological fundamentals, electrical fundar,entals, safety analysis and chemistry.
Phase ~2 - A study of plant systems including video tapes-and training outlines for approximately 800-1000 hours of classroom instruction.
.                                          Phase 3 - Qualification Standards Check-offs for approximately 76 systems are performed during Phase 3. The check-offs require detailed knowledge of plant systems and the ability to perform certain operations using plant control devices or demonstrating knowledge by simulation. This
        ,                                  period requires approximately thirty-two weeks.
i b
2.14                            y l
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual
* Phase 4 - Offsite Training covers approximately a one week period. Offsite training will be conducted in reactor start-ups and shut-downs to familiarize the operator with reactor operations when the Hot License Exam is required without start-up demonstration.
* Phase 5 - Plant manipulations training provides the operator with " hands-on" training in the area of reactivity control manipulations.
Phase 6 - Review lectures designed to sum up the actire program are given to prepare the candidate for the licensing exam.                                                ,
2.3.4              Training Outline and Schedule            TIME STEP O - PRELIMINARY EVALUATION A. Individual Bids Job /New Hire
: 1. Pass station operator exam
: 2. Pass engineering and physical science test
: 3. Pass abstract reasoning test
: 4. Pass mechanical comprehension (Only if new
                . _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ .. . -- hire - Bargining -Unit 2 - Non-Ops)                  -
: 5. Pass NRC physical using NRC Form 396
: 6. Pass color perception exam
: 7. After satisfactory completion of items 1 - 6 above must have job interview with company supervision to discuss job and expected performance requirements.
: 8. Does employee want job? If yes, continue to - Time Step 1.            TIME STEP 1 - 4 MONTHS A. Individual Assigned to Beaver Vallev Power Station
: 1. Processed for station access
: 2. Training given first week
: a. Station Indoctrination
: b. Rad Con Indoctrination
: c. Radiation Worker Training            /
: d. First Aid
!                                          e. Breathing Apparatus
: f. Fire Fighting
(                                                                                    ISSUE ,
* REFER TO FIGURE 2.1.0                                Rev. 1 l                                                          2.15
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual
: 3.            Assigned to Control Room first week ist general plant familiarization. Day-light scheduJe
: 4.            Begins assigned shift work eecond week -
Nuclear Operator Helper - and System Qualifications as far as plant / system layout.
: 5.            Performance review / evaluation
: a.        Month cne        -    20% system quals
: b.        Month two        -
46: system quals
: c.        Month these      -    73 system quals
: d.        Month four        -    100% system quals Basic plant layout system quals complete Job interview with station supervision to discuss performance evaluation and future job / expected performance requirements.
If performance review / evaluation is satisfactorv continue on to - Time Step 2.            TIME STEP 2                  -  6 MONTES A. Academic Training                    (Phase 1A)
                            -                ~
SAPS Program or Equivalent
: 1.              Math                                                32 Brs.
Net [2-1] -
                    - - . -                        2.              Physics Basic Nuclear                                88 Hrs.
Net [2-5] -
: 3.              Heat Transfer Fluid Flow                            80 Brs.
Net - 4
: 4.              Electrical Theory                                    80 Brs.
: 5.              Chemistry                                            64 Ers.
Net - 6 Station System Training (Phase 2A)
: 1.              General systears and procedures                      6 Weeks
: 2.              Turbine plant specific systems                    10 Weeks Assigned to shift work after safisfactorv completion k,                                              of Academic Training. If satisfactory continue to - Time Step 3.
2.16                    ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
                                                                                "                              M
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual                  TIME STEP 3 - 4 MONTES A. Operations Work Assignments                              (Phase 3A)
: 1. Turbine Plant
: a.        Turbine Plant N. O. System Quals
: b.        Work Assignments as N. O.
Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 4.                  TIME STEP 4          -
3 MONTHS A.      Academic Training (Phase 1B)
: 1. Radiological fundamentals                                    88 Hrs.
Net - 5
, +
: 2. Rad Con instruments and surveys                                8 Hrs.
Net - 5
: 3. EPP monitoring team training Station Systems Training (Phase 2B)
            ~ ~ ~          '
: 1. Reactor Plant Systems - Specific 4 10 Weeks Assigned to shift work after satisfactory completion of Academic Training. If satisfactory continued to Step - Time Step 5.                  TIME STEP 5          -
4 MONTHS A.      Operations Work Assignments (Phase 3B)
: l. Reactor Plant - N.O. System Quals
: 2. Work assignments as N.O.
Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 6.                  TIME STEP 6          -
1.5 MONTHS A.      Academic Training (Phase IC)
: 1. Reactor Principles                                120 Ers.
Net - 3 Station Systems Training (Phase 2C) s
: 1. Reactor Control and Protecti,n ISSUE 2 2.17                                Rev. 1
      - - -      - _        . - . - - - _ . ~ . - - - - _                      . . - - . - . . - . ..-
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual
: 2. Reactor Excore and Incore
: 3. Instrumentation & Operational Analysis 128 Hrs.
Net - 7
: 4. Technicial Specifications                                                                                                    .
Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 7.                  TIME STEP 7      -    4 Months Minimum A. Operations Work Assignments (Phase 3C)
: 1. Reactor Control System Quals
: 2. Work AssiFmwnts - Reactor / Turbine Plants
: 3. Reactivity Manipulations (Phase 5) 3 Months (As extra man)
  ,                          TIME STEP 8        -    2 WEEKS A.      Out of Station Training (Phase 4)
: 1. Simulator Start-Up Qualifications                  TIME STEP 9        -
4 MONTHS A.      License Review Series (Phase 6) t
: 1. Systems review
: 2. Theory review
: 3. Mitigating core d aage
: 4. Onsite simulated NRC exam and oral
: 5. Review weak areas
: 6. Apply for license if applicant exhibits satisfactory performance.
j                                                        7. NRC license exam i
l s
2.18                                                              ISSUE 2 Rev. 2
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: m.                            7r                                ,y--                          p                      -    m
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual                TIME STEP 10            -
N/A A.          Operations Work Assignment
: 1. N.O. awaiting NRC exam results 2.. NCO position with issuance of license                                                    .
O 9
s B
2.19                                      -ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
                                                                                          *      -~n-
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Trcining Manual 2.3.5            Administration of Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the administration of the Operations Group Training Program. Personnel utilized for instructing trainess are as follows:
Qualifications Phase 1 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or specifically knowledgeable in the field they are instructing and have passed required tests, enmhations and quizzes on the subject they are teaching are considered qualified for this phase of instruction.
Phase 2 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed, or specifically knowledgeable on the systems they are teaching are considered qualified for giving systems lectures.
The instructor on any given system will have successfully completed the Qualification Standard check-off for that system prior to giving instruction on that system.
Phase 3 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or previously checked out on the system (s) are considered qualified for checking-out others on the various systems.
Phase 4 - The manager or designated manager of an approved off-site facility (simulator) is required to submit
                                  - apiropriate i              documentation indicating that the trainee has successfully completed his off-site training.
Phase 5 - Reactivity control manipulations for an individual are to be observed, documented, and signed by a licensed operations' supervisor.
Phase 6 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or knowledgeable in the areas of discussion as specified in Phases 1, 2, or 3 are censidered qualified to conduct the review series of lectures.
2.3.6            Records                                                                        j l
(1) A Record of all results of quizzes and examination grades are maintained on the Test (Exam) Grade Report (Figure 2.1.2).
(2) In addition, the date, subject, and exam grade are entered into the Personnel Grade Summary (Figure 2.1.3).
(3) If counseling is required during Phase 1, a Report                        l of Counsaling is prepared (Figure 2.2.4).
2.20                      ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Trainfng Manual (4) Lesson plans during Phase 1 may also be utilized by the instructor to insure that the objectives for the training session are achieved. A lesson plan outline is shown in Figure 2.1.5.
(5) A record of qualification standards checkoffs (Phase 3) is made for each system using " Training Checkoff
'                                                  Sheet (Systems)" Figure 2.1.6.
(6) On-the-job training is noted on form 2.1.7.
2.3.7                      Requirements, Regulations, Guides Reg. Guide        -    1.8 (Safety Guide 8)
ANSI              -    N18.1 CFR              -
10 CFR 55
          .                                  FSAR              -
12.2.1 Other            - BVPS - Operating Manual l
  ;                2.3.8                      Summary of Figures, Tables, Schedules, and Raierences a
(a) Operations Training Schedule - Figure 2.1.1 (b) Test (Exani) Grade Report - Figure 2.1.2
  .                                            (c) Personnel Grade Summary - Figure 2.1.3 (d) Report of Counseling - Figure 2.1.4
  ,              -                            (e) .Lasson Plan - Figure 2.1.5 (f) Trainee Checkoff Sheet - Figure 2.1.6 i                                            (g) On-the-Job Training Record - Figure 2.1.7 (h) License Exam Requirements - 2.1.0 i
a i                                                                                                                                                  1
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                                        Figure 2.1.0 Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual TRAINING REQUIFJ2ENTS FOR LICENSE EIAAINATION v
                              'WITH STARTUP                /                                                              \ WITHOUT STARTUP N                                                              /    DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION
,                                                                        PHASE I OR EQUIVALENT                                                                                            ,
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TWO (2) BVPS                                                                                  FIVE (5) REACTIVITY REACTOR                                                                                      MANIPULATIONS STARTUPS                                                                      ,
AT BVPS - PHASE 5 i                                        v ONE WEEK STARTUP
                                            -                                                                          (      TRAINING ON AN APPROVED SIMULATOR s.,
PHASE VI COMPLETED APPLICATION r                                                                            -s      CERTIFICATE OF TO NRC        \                                                                      #    MEDICAL HISTORY TO NRC k
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ISSUE 2                              -
2.22 _ '                                        Rev. I
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Figure 2.1.1
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        ,        Performance Evaluattan        4          >
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Beaver Valley Power Station
        -                                                            Training Manual TEST (EZAM) GRADE REPORT
!                              Course:                                            Date of Test:
Time Allotted for Test:                            Test No.:
(Sequentially From 1)
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Training Manual LESSON PLAN -
Course                                                                              Course Hours
!                              Instructor                                                                                    Date Approved By:                                                  Lesson Plan No. (Sequentially From 1) i References To Be Quoted:
i Items Issued: (Attach. copy of all passouts, quizzes, etc.)
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: l.
(Discuss objective of this lesson) s
: 2. Motivation: (Discuss how you plan to motivate students)
: 3. General Outline: (List areas to be covered) 1
: 4. Student Goals: (List items student should get out of lesson) l 4
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DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                            Figure 2.1.6 Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Trainee Checkoff Sheet System Oualification Standard System Title Student's Name A. Function                                                                        _
B. Flow Path.
C. System Components D. System Parameters E. Technical Specifications F. Principles of Operations G. Plant Tour H. Control Room Tour I. Response During Transient J. Normal, Abnormal, Emergency Procedures
  .                                              Written Exam Grade Instructor's Name                        Date Qualified to perform specific tasks involved in operation of this system and its associated equipment.
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5 DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station
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            .-          ... .~            . - . . . - .                            _ ..      . . . . . . .    ..                      . . . . - . _
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                          Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                        Page 1 of 18 Training Manual BVPS LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION
Name Training Cycle Dates License Type                                      License Number                                          Date issued I.      Requalification Program - Year 1 A.      Last NRC Simulated Written Exas Result                                    Date:
Grade                        Makeup i
A. Priciples of Reactor Operation B. Features of Facility Design C. General Operating Characteristics D. Instruments and Controls i
E. Safety and Emergency Systems F. Standard and EmerFency Op. Proc.
G. Rad. Control and Safety
                                                                                                                                      ' ' ' ~ -
H. Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics I. Reactor Theory (SRO)                                                                                                ,
J. Radioactive Materials (SRO)
K. Specific Operating Char. (SRO)
L. Fuel Handling (SRO)
M. Administrative Procedures (SRO)
N. Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO) s 2.30                                                  ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 4
                                                                        . . . ,    - . - . .    ~                                          ..
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANT                    Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                      Page 2 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                      Name B. Lecture Attendance Determination for Lectura Period I Lecture attendance requirements for Period I lecture series is in accordance with the following:
Required for            Topic                                              Hours
                            <801 Sec. A or H        I - Theory and Principles of Operation I or N
                            <801 Sec. C or K          II - Gen. and Spec. Op. Char.                      __
                            <801 Dec. D              III - Plant Instrumentation and Controls
                            <801 Sec. G or J          IV - Radiation Control and Safety
                            <801 Sec. B, E,          V - Plant Prot /Eng. Safety Systems or L VI - Administrative Controls VII - Abnormal & Emergency Proc. Review VIII - Plant Status Update Total lecture hours required, lecture Period I Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor s
2.31                            ISSUE 2 Rev. 2
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                                  Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                                Page 3 of 18
      '                                                                            Training Manual
                  . _ . Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                      Name C. Lecture Attendance Record
: 1. Theory and Principles of Operation Lecture                        Lesson Plan #                  Date            Lanzth i
4                                                          .
                        ._            Quiz Grade                                                      Date i
: 2. General and Specific Operating Characteristics Lecture                        Lesson Plan #                    Date          Lanath 4                                                                                    .
l Quiz Grade                                                      Date s
                                                                                        - 2'.32                      ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 9
                                ~                                      - - -                    - - -      .  ._,p                  , , , _                .,.,,y
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANT                                Figure 2.2.1
            -                                                                Beaver Valley Power Station                                  Page 4 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                  Name ~'          -'          ''
: 3.          Plant Instrt - tation and Control Lecture                Lesson Plan #                  Date      Length Quiz Grade                                              Date                                      ,_
: 4.          Radiat.idu Control and 3.I6Ly Lecture                Lesson Plan #                  Date        Length
_          _                    Quiz Grade                                              Date                                      _ _ _
t k
                                                                                                        .                    ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
d DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY            Pigure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station              Page 5 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Tear 1 (continued)                    Name
: 5. Plant Protection Systems / Engineered Safeguards Systema Lecture                  Lesson Plan #        Date  Length Quiz Gra*de                                    Date                    _ _ _ ,
: 6. AA=inistrative Controls Lecture                  Lesson Plan #      Date    Length 5
__                            Quiz Grade                                    Date t
2.3b            ISSUE 2 l
'                                                                                                Rev. 1
    =                                                                                                                              j DUQUESNE LIGHT CCHPANT                      Pigure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley 1%ar Station                    Page 6 of 32 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                      Name
: 7. Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review Lecture                  Lesson Plan #              Date        Length'
                .                  Quiz Grade                                        Date                          . - . . . - - -
: 8. Plant _ Status ypelate Lecture                Lesson Plan #              Date          Length TOTAL Lecture Hours Required TOTAL Lecture Hours Attended f 35                    ISSUE 2  .
Rev. 1 m--
                  . -                .            .=      . --                                                                  -    -.
                                                                                                                                    . m.
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                      Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                    Page 7 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (concinued)            Name D. Reading Assignment / Oral Exam Summary Signature. Nuclear Training Supervisor
: 1. First I                                              2. Second
: 3. Third 4.. Fourth
: 5. Fifth
: 6. Sixth
: 7. Seventh
: 8. Eighth
: 9. Ninth
: 10. Tenth 4
: 11. Eleventh
: 12. Twelfth E. Reactivity Manipulation Summarv                                  _.
Number of reactivity manipulations accomplished during year 1 e                    m    e-Date Reviewed                  Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor 1
2 3 6'                    ISSUE 2                      l Rev. 1 '                    l 1
m          'M s o ,. _n  mm . , osm-
1      .
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                      Figure 2.2.1
            -                                                                Beaver Valley Power Station                    Page 8 of 10 Training Manual f                Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                      Name F. Annual Evaluation Sununary
: 1.      Annual Written Exam Result                                              Date ____
Grade                Makeup
: a.      Principles of Reactor Operation
: b.      Features of Facility Design l            ,
: c.      General Operating Characteristics i
a                                  d.      Instruments and Controls i
: e.      Safety and Emergency Systems f.-      Standard and Emerg. Op. Procedures
: g.      Radiation Control and Safety
: h.      Principles of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
: 1.      Reactor Theory (SRO)
: j.      Radioactive Materials (SRO)
: k.      Specific Operating Char. (SRO)
: 1.      Fuel Handling (SRO)                                                                  _
  --                              m.      Administrative Procedures
: n.      Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO)
Ex==ination Results Reviewed Date                                            Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor Date                                            Signature, Chief Engineer
(  ,
Date                                            Signature, Station Superintendent ISSUE 2 2.37                                                    Rev. 2
_.- ._. _ ~____ _.-                      _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ .
l                        --
_ - _ - _ _ . .        .y          ._ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _.                                    .
      -                                                                      DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                                        Page 9 of 18                          l Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                Name
: 2. Overall Grade less than 80 % - 70% each category
: a.      Individual removed from licensed duties Date Removed from Duties                            Signature, Operations Supervisor
: b.      Accelerated training program assigned Date Assigned                                      Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
: c.      Accelerated training program approved
  '                                            Date Approved                                      Signature, Operations Supervisor
_ d. - Accelerated training program completed Date                                              Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
: e.      Makeup exam passed, licensee returned to licensed duties l
  .                                              Makeup Grado                    Date              Sigt.ature, Operations Supervisor
: 3. Observation and Evaluation
: 1.      Annual Observation and Evaluation Complete Date                        Grade                Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor i
b 2.38                                              ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 w                    -g-                                w m        e,-
                                                                                                                                                                  -- 4
      -                                                    DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                              Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                            Page 10 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                    Name G.        Lecture Attendance Determination for Le:ture Period I_
Lecture attendance requirements for Period 2 lecture series is in accordance with the following:
1 Required for                    Topic                                                      Hours
                    <80% Sec. A or H                I - Theary and Principles of Operation I or N
                    <80% Sec. C or K                II - Gen. and Spec. Op. Char.
                    <80% Dec. D                    III - Plant Instrumentation and Controls
                    <80: Sec. G or J                IV - Eadiation Control and Safety
                    <80% Sec. B, E,                V - Plant Prot /Eng. Safety Systems or L VI - Adafwistrative Controls VII - Abnormal & Emergency Proc. Review VIII - Plant Status Update Total lecture hours required, lecture Period Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
(                                                                              2.39                                    ISSUE 2 Rev. 2
                                        -=e        gse    e e.> 46 es    *.u-hpq w              -          e          w e      e-w-=    mm,.mws  . m N1        etw=--    .N    we*M=.
                                                                  ^-                                                    ..
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY              Pigure 2,.2.1                  .s
        -                                                              Beaver Valley Power Station            Page 11 of.18 Training Manual
                                                  .                                                Name II. Requalification Program - Year 2                                                    ,
A. Lecture Attendarce Record
: 1. Thaory and Principles of Operation Lecture              Lassan Plan #          Date    Length i
1 Quiz Grade                                  Date
: 2. General and Specific Operating Characteristics Lecture              Lesson Plan #          Date    Length Quiz Grade                                Date 2.40
                                                                                          .~.          ISSUE 2.
Rev. 1
                      ; g _ . . . . . . . ..                    .
                    .g    s-<    --
                      ~                  '..
                                ~                  #
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                Figure 2.2.1
        '                                              Beaver Valley Power Station                Page 12 of 18 Training Manual Name Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued) 3    Plant Instrumentation and Control Lecture          Lesson Plan #              Date      Lenath 4
Quiz Grade                                    Date                                _ _ _
                                          , ..;-.._      . .            ..
: 4. Radiation Control and Safety Lecture          Lesson Plan #              Date      Length J
  .. .      __                    Quiz Grade                                  Date, 4
I w
I5501' 2          .
Rev. 1
        ,                                                          DUQUESNE LIGHT CCMPANY                                Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                              Page 13 of 18 Training Manual Name Raqualification Program - Year 2 (continued)
: 5.      Plant Protection Systems / Engineered Safeguards System Lecture      Lesson Plan #                      Date              Length Quiz Grade                                      Date                                          .
    . - . . . - - - - . ~ - . . _ .                      .--
: 6. Administrative Controls Lecture      Lesson Plan #                        Date            Length 4
Quiz Grade                                      Date l
l i
l i
22.42'  .
ISSUE 2.          --
!                                                                                                                            Rev. 1
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                        Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                        Page 14 of 18 Training Manual Name kequalification Program - Year 2 (continued)
: 7.      Abnormal and Emergeon Procedure Review Lecture      Lesson Plan #                      Date        Length Quiz Grade                                      Date                                                .
: 8.      Plant Status Update Lecture      Lesson Plan #                      Date        Length 9
1 Total Lecture Hours Required Total Lecture Hours Attended 2f.3--
                                                                              .                      ISSUE 2. __-
Rev. 1 l_                                                                                          ,
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                    Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Jtation                Paga 15 of 18 Training Manual Name Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued)
: 3. Reading Assien=aat Completion Suzanarv Signature. Nuclear Training Supervisor
: 1.      First
: 2.      Second
: 3. . Third
: 4.      Fourth S.      Fifth
: 6.      Sixth
: 7.      Seventh
: 8.      Eighth
: 9.      Ninth f
: 10. Tanth
: 11. Eleventh
: 12.      Twelfth C. Reactivity Manipulation Summarv
                        ._._Nund ar of reactivity manipulations accomplished during year 2
                      .                                                                                                                  ~
Date Reviewed                  Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor -
L                                                                                                                _
h 2*d4 ;                  ISSUE 2, Rev. 1
s DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                                          Figure 2.2.1 Basver Valley Power Station                                      Page 16 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued)                                  Name D.. Annual Evalvation Sunsaarv l
: 1.      Annual Written Exam Result                                                      Date ,
Grade                      Makeup
: a.      Principles of Reactor Operation
: b.      Features of Facility Design
: c.      General Operating Characteristics
: d.      Instruments and Controls
: e.      Safety and Emergency Systems
: f.      Standard and Emerg. Op. Procedures                                                          _
: g.      Radiation Control and Safety                                                                    _
: h.      Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics                                                                                            -
: 1.      Reactor Theory (SRO)
: j.      Radioactive Materials (SRO)
: k.      Specific Operating Char. (SRO)
: 1.      Fuel Handling (SRO) s'                    m.      Administrative Procedures
: n. -    Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO)                                                                                                                    i Examination Results Reviewed Date                                              Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor Date                                              Signature, Chief Engineer Date                                              Signature, Station Superintendent 2.45                                                ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 l  .        .                          --- -            -              ,. -        :,                                  -          _.
DUQUESNE LICHT COMPANY                                Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                            Page 17 of 18 Training Manual Recualification Program - Year 2 (continued)                        Name
: 2. Ovsrall Grade less than 80 :: - 70* each category
: a. Individual removed from licensed duties Date Removed from Duties                    Signature, Operations Supervisor
: b. Accelerated training program assigned Date Assigned                                Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
: c. Accelerated training program approved Date Approved                                Signature, Operations Supervisor
: d. Accelerated training program completed i
Date                                          Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
: e. Makeup exam passed, licensee returned to licensed duties Makeup. Grade      Date                      Signature, Operations Supervisor
: 3. Observation and Evaluation
: 1. Annual Observation and Evaluation Complete Date            Grade                        Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor 2.46                                      ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 l
DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                              Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                          Page 18 of 18 Training Manual Name                                          ___
III. Requalification Program Summary A. Annual Written Exam Rasults Year I                                                                              .
Year II
: 3. Lecture Attendanem Year I Required                          hrs.                  Attended ___                hrs.
Year II Required                          hrs.                  Attended                    brs.
C. Reactivity Manipulations Year I                                                                                                              _
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Total Ragna14fication Program certified complete Date                                                          Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
Date                                                          Signature, Chief Engineer Date                                                        Signature, Superintendent I.47 .                ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
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Instructor                                                                Date A. _ Individuals b Attended Lecture I
i B. Individuals Assigned b Did Not Attend                                              Reasons
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!                                                                                                              ISSUE 2 Rev. 1
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Training Cycle Dates                                                                      License Number The following areas are to be reviewed by individual study. A quiz or oral will be given to determine your knowledge of the subject (s) on or about:
Date Review:
1 i
Individual study completed
Results of Quiz:                                                                                                                            Sat /Unsat Signature, Senior Reactor Operator Weak Areas:
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3g U                              Theory & Principles of Operation                                                                                              5E
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ISSUE 2 2.51                                              Rev. 2
19a              Oa 005.002 l l            ,  ,
l                              l                l Figure Z..s.Z
                                                                      ~DUQUESNE LIGHT C001PANY' Beaver Valley Power Station                                      Page 1 of 4 Training Manual i              s                                                CHECKLIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS
        .  -'                                                                    STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name                                                                              Date
                                                                                                        , Date                                    Sinnature N/A
: 1. Reactor Control & Protection                                    _
: 2. Basetor Excore Instrumentation N/A
: 3. Reactor Incore Instrumentation N/A
: 4. Plant Process Control                                                                      ,
5A. Unit computer - y.
5B. Unit Computer F &,P
: 6. Reactor Coolant System
: 7. Chemical & Volume Control
: 8. Baron Recovery & Primary Makaup
      ,    'J                9. Rarctor Plant Drains & Vents                                                                                                        .
: 10. Residual Heat Removal
: 11. Safety Injection
: 12. Coneminnant Vacuum & Le.tkage Monitoring                                                                                    -u
: 13. Contain= ant Depressurization 14A. Esaccor Plant Sampling' System
143. Turbina Plant Sampling System
_  _.15. RPCCW & Neutron Tank
: 16. Supplementary Leak Col'ection  l
                        .        & Release                                                                    -
: 17. Liquid Waste Disposal f                            18. Solid Waste Dis-    t1                                          _ , _ ,
l l                            19. Gaseous Waste Di. asal
                    -      20. Fuel Pool Cooling & Purific1 tion
ISSUE 2 2'.52                    Rev. 1
                                                                    --w-,-------,w            ,. --        p        - , - -                          ,-                  m,,      +--w,.
b DUQUESNE LICHT COMPANT            Figure 2.3.2 Beaver Valley Power Station          Page 2 of 4 Training Manual s.,
d                                      CHECELIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATCRS STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name                                            Data Date                Signature 21, Main Turbine & Condenser
: 22. Condensate 23A. Extraction Steam 23B. Heater Drain
: 24. Steam Gerarator Feedvater
  .                  25. Steam Generator Blowdown
: 26. Main Turbine & Condenser
: 27. A"v414 =7 Steam
    ,          S      28. Turbine Plant Component Cooling V                Water
: 29. Chilled Water
: 30. River Water                              .                    _
: 31. Circulating Water
: 32. Water Treatment
: 33. Fire Protection (Detail Qual)
: 34. Compressed Air l                      35. Main Generator & Transformer
                    . 36. 4KV Station Service
: 37. 4807 Station Service
: 38. 120VAC Distribution & Lighting
      ,                39. D.C. Control
              }.        40. Station Con ==tmications ISSUE 2 2.53            Rev. 1
                      -        -                                      Beaver Valley Power Station                                            ,Page 3 of 4 Training Manual
            )                                                    CHECELIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS STATION LAYOUI QUALS Name                                                                                  Date Date                              Signature 41A. Hot Water Heating 413. Glycol Heating 41C. Domestic Water 41D. Building & Yard Drains 41E. Warehouse Heating                                                                          _,
: 42. Sewage Treatment
: 43. Radiation Monitoring                                          _ _ _ _ _
44A. Control Room Ventilation
      - 3                    443. Main Office Ventilation
        ~)                                                                                                          .
44C. Conr=4n==nt Ventilation 44D. Ana14 =7 Building Ventilation                                                                                                _
44E. Air Conditioning 44T. Miscellaneous Ventilation
: 45. Miscellaneous Safety-Ralated Instrumentation                                                                                                                  ;
< .                  .        46. Poet DBA Hydrogen Control System l
;                              47. Contain==nt                                                                                                                      i
: 48. Conduct of Operations                                                                                                            j
: 49. Station Reactor Eng. Proced.                                                                                        N/A i
: 50. Station Startup
: 51. Station Shutdown
: 52. General Operating Procedures
s i                          53. Emergency Operations ISSUE 2 2.54                                  Rev. 1
s                                                                                                                    _.    ._
DUQCTESNE LIGHT COMPANT                  Figure 2.3.2 Beaver Valley Power Station                Page 4 of 4 Training Manual e
i          ,
N                                                CHECKLIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS v
STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name                                                      Date Name                        Sinnature
: 54.            Station Logs 55A. Periodic Checks - Oper. Surv.
55B. Periodic Checks
: 56. Pire, Injury & Casualty Control
: 57. Emergency Preparedness Plan a  j i
A. . Control Roon                                                                                          N/A
: 3.        Refueling System                                                                                  N/A C.        Accident Analysis                                                                                N/A D.        Technical Specifications                                                                          N/A N/A E.        Rasetor Physics N/A F.        Plant Chemistry N/A G.        Health Physics 3.*
ISSUE 2 2.55                  Rev. 1

Revision as of 12:54, 31 January 2020

Training Manual, Revision 2
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Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 08/11/1980
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ML19338G095 List:
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{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ ,. . . _ . 'i 5 DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANT Fig'.re 0.4 Beaver Valley Power Station

Training Manual

Procedure Transmittal Date: 8/11/80 Transmittal No.: 015 The attached procedure has controlled distribution. Please make the following changes. Procedures shall not be duplicated without prior approval of the Station Office Manager.


Operations Training Manual: Training Manual Procedure No.: Rev. No.: 2 Piling Instructions Filina Instructions REMOVE INSERT REMOVE INSERT Section Pages Section' Pages Section panes Section Pages 2 2.1- 2 2.1-2.55 2.55 E Distribution: From Training Supervisor, Beaver Valley Power Station l Control Control - No. Name No. Name 9 Superintendent, Personnel 1 Vice President, Operatiou and Records 2 Director of Personnel 10 Superintendent, Nuclear Services __ General Superintendent - Power Stations Chief Engineer 4 Manager, Quality Assurance 12 Station Operating Supervisor i ' 13 5 Station Maintenance Supervisor rV Station Superintendent, 6 14 Results Coordinator Shippingport Technical Assistant - 7 Nuclear (Licensing) 15 Training Supervisor Technical Assistant - 16 0 Nuclear (Training) Office Manager Please sign, date, and return this transmittal to the Training Supervisor, l Beaver Valley Power Station to acknowledge the following:

1) Receipt of the above procedure
2) Superceded procedures have been removed from your manual and are attached to this transmittal.
3) New procedures have been inserted in the applicable manual.

Recipient Date 0.14 ISSUE 2 2/15 76 REVISION 1, 7 18/77 8 01 0280 443

1 v  ? DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Stat ton

  • Training Manual APPROVAL SHEET ISSUE 2 SECTION 2.0 - OPERATIONS TRAINING Rev. Approval Efiective No. Pages. Issued Simnature '

Date Date z t - 1 st j 477/ - Approval Ig f c/p/76 Effective Rev. QA Review

  • No. Pages Issued Initials Date Signature Date Date 1 r.1 - =.a wn bin )tPlddk rHn 'h&'

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2.1.1 Purpose Operating Group training is provided to familiarize operating personnel with (1) nuclear plant systems and components, (2) the proper and best method for operating j these systems and components by use of procedures and (3) reactor and plant controls, and station parameters to the extent that operating personnel may take prompt, and correct action in the event of an unusual occurrence or eurgency. The operating group;is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the Station. The training I program is designed to provide reasonable assurance that this requirement can be achieved.

2.1.2 Personnel to be Trained All operating personnel required to hold a license designated in 10 CFR 55 as reactor operators and senior reactor operators are provided the necessary training in order to qualify. At the Beaver Valley Power Station, these positions are identified as Nuclear Station Operating

  • Supervisor, Nuclear Control Operator (RO), Nuclear Station Operating Foreman (SRO) and Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SRO). In addition, staff members including the Chief Engineer, and Training Supervisor are given appropriate training to license. To the extent required, Operating k and Maintenance Instructors hold SRO licenses.

i ' 2.1.3 Scope of Training The training program for operating personnel is commensurate with their previous education, training and experience; however, the normal training sequence is as follows: Dhase 1 - Academic Training consisting of approximately 440-550 hours of formal classroom study depending upon

- job position, covers training in mathematics, physics, reactor principles, heat transfer, radiological fundamentals, electrical fundamentals, materials, safety analysis and
                                '-chemistry. The existing Shippingport-Atomic Power Station Training Program is used during this phase.

Phase 2 - A study of all plant systems including video tapes and training outlines for approximately 700 hours i ( of classroom instruction. A comparable period of time tracing out systems, identifying specific equipment , locations,. observation of plant evolutions end reviewing l the station operating and equipment instruction manuals ! :is also included in this phase. ISSUE 2 2.1 Rev. 2 i

        ~           .

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station

             +                                      Training Manual Phase 3 - Qualification Standards Check-offs for approximately 66 systems are performed during Phase 3. The check-offs require detailed knowledge of plant systems and the ability to perform certain operations using plant control devices or demonstrating knowledge by simulation. This period requires approximately seventeen weeks. A copy of the System Qualification Standards is included in Training Manual #2 (TM-2).
  • Phase 4 - Offsite Training covers approximately a one-week period. Offsite training will be conducted in reactor start-ups and shut-downs to familiarize the operator with reactor operations when the Hot License Exam is required without start-up demonstration.
  • Phase 5 - Plant manipulations training provides the operator with " hands-on" training in the area of reactivity control manipulations.

Phase 6 - Review lectures designed to sum up the entire program are given to prepare the candidate for the licensing exam. 2.1.4 Training Outline and Schedule Phase 1 - Academic Training Approximate Hours Operator Supervisor Physics 85 hours 85 hours Reactor Principles 86 86 Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow 68 68 Radiation Fundamentals 30 42 Electrical Theory 36 - Mathematics 15 15 Safety Analysis 30 30 Chemistry - 52 Electrical Engineering - 79 Total Hours 444 551 The Shippingprot Phase 1 Training Program is used and requires approximately 5 1/2 months. Phase 2 - Svstem Training Lectures Approximate Hours Operator Supervisor System Lectures &

       -                          Familiarization                  700 hours                           700 hours k
  • REFER TO FIGURE 2.1.0 2.2 ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 1



e s DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual System Training lectures are used which include four training manuals: NS - Nuclear Systems (TM-21), AS - Auxiliary Systems (TM-22), OP - Operating Procedures (TM-23), and PCS - Power Generation Systems (TM-24). This program is specific to the Beaver Valley Power Station and includes training manuals, video tapes, and plant layouts for locating equipment and components. This program may require up to 7 1/2 months of training. Phase 3 - System Qualification Standards Approximate Hours Operator Supervisor Check out of systems using checklists in Beaver Valley Training Manual Book #2. 680 houta 680 hours This check out includes knowledge of procedures and demonstration or performance of specific operations. Phase 4 - Off-Site Training (if Required) Approximate Hours Operator Supervisor - Reactor Start-ups and Shutdowns at an approved facility. 56 hours 56 hours Phase 5 - Reactivity Control Manipulations Approximate Bours Operator Supervisor On-site training p.rforming manipulations of controls of the Beaver Valley Powey Station reactor during five (5) significant reactivity changes, which may or may not include reactor start-ups 3 months 3 months l Phase 6 - Review Lectures Approximate Hours Operator Supervisor A review of the entire training program and appropriate tests. 120 hours 120 hours ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 2.3

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Schedule for Training Operating Personnel A general schedule for training operating personnel is shown in Figure 2.1.1. 2.1.5 Administration of Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the administration of the Operations Group Training Program. Personnel utilized for instructing trainees are as follows: Qualifications Phase 1 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or specifically knowledgeable in the field they are instructing and have passed required tests, examinations and quizzes on the subject they are teaching are considered qualified for this phase of instruction. Phase 2 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed, or specifically knowledgeable on the systesa they are teaching are coasidered qualified for giving systems lectures. ' The instructor on any given system will have successfully completed the Qualification Standard check-off for that system prior to giving instruction on that system. r Phase 3 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or previously checked out on the system (s) are considered qualified for checking-out others on the various systems. Phase 4 - The manager or designated manager of an approved ' off-site facility (simulator) is required to submit appropriate documentation indicating that the trainee has successfully completed his off-site training. Phase 5 - Reactivity control manipulations for an individual are to be observed, documented, and signed by a licensed operations' supervisor. Phase 6 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or knowledgeable in the areas of discussion as specified in Phases 1, 2 or 3 are considered qualified to conduct the review series of lectures. 2.1.6 Recurds (1) A Record of all results of quizzes and examination grades are maintained on the Test (Exam) Grade Report (Figure 2.1.2).

    ',(                       (2) In addition, the date, subject, and exam grade are entered into the Personnel Grade Summary (Figure 2.1.3).

ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 2.4

O DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPAh"I Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual (3) If counseling is required during Phase 1, a Report of Counseling is prepared (Figure 2.1.4). (4) Lesson plans during Phase 1 may also be utilized by the instructor to insure that the objectives for the training session are achieved. A lesson plan outline is shown in Figure 2.1.5. (5) A record of qualification standards checkoffs (Phase

3) is made for each system using " Training Checkoff Sheet (Systems)" Figure 2.1.6.

(6), On-the-Job training is noted on form 2.1.7. 2.1.7 Requirements, Regulations, Guides Reg. Guide - 1.8 (Safety Guide 8) ANSI - N18.1 CFR - 10 CFR 55 FSAR - 12.2.1 Other - BVPS - Operating Manual 2.1.6 Summarv of Fiaures, Tables, Schedules, and References (a) Operations Training Schedule - Figure 2.1.1 (b) Test (Exam) Grade heport - Figure 2.1.2 (c) Personnel Grade Summary - Figure 2.1.3 (d) Report of Counseling - Figure 2.1.4 (e) Lesson Plan - Figure 2.1.5 (f) Trainee Checkoff Sheet - Figure 2.1.6 (g) On-the-Job Training Record - Figure 2.1.7

            -- - - (h) License Exam Requirements - 2.1.0      .

2.5 ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY f Beaver Valley Power Station 2 Training Manual 2.2 OPERATIONS REQUALITICATION TRAINING 2.2.1 Purpose The Operator's retraining program provides a means for maintaining the proficiency of operating personnel in plant operations and identifying weak areas which may require special or additional training. , 2.2.2 Personnel to be Trained All licensed operating personnel are required to participate in an'on-going requalification training program. 2.2.3' Scope of Training The requalification program consists of lectures, a-==4a=tions, performance training by simulation, practical training, and individual study. It is conducted on a continuing basis for all licensed personnel over a two-year period. An annual exam is used to verify that licensed operating

   ;                            personnel have maintained their proficiency and knowledge of plant operations. The total hours of retraining per year is 96 hours which includes lectures, performance by
                  ._.____ _ minnil ation_ training, practical. training _ and individual        . __
 ;                              study of systems and administrative requirements. The performance training includes walk through training exercises which demonstrate by simulation, knowledge of abnormal, casualty and emergency-procedures where possible.

All licensed operating personnel are required to manipulate plant controls to affect significant reactivity changes at least 10 times every two years.. 4 This training is included in the practical training

   ,                            portion of the requalification program. In addition, licensed operating personnel will review Beaver Valley abnormal occurrences and Incident Reports, design changes and procedure changes as reports or documents are issued.

The grades received on the annual ev==ination will determine the amount of retraining required. See Section 2.2.4 - Training Outline and Schedule

The requalification training program consists of four areas of instruction

l (1) Lectures

( (2) Simulated /valk-through performance trrining l l


2. 6 - Rev. 2 l

i I

      ~~ms   --         . - - -                 n  . . .          . - - - + - . - ~ ~ . - - - . ~ <        ~ ~ ~ ~

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual (3) On-the-job training including reactivity control manipulations (4) Individual study Lectures These training periods will normally be scheduled for 2 days during a normal 6 week operating schedule cycle. A total of six, 6-week cycles will be scheduled per year. The training time will include lectures, group sessions,

                                .self-study, quizzes, exams, and practical training. This requirement is subject to some flexibility due to vacations, station conditions, etc. The lectures will include one or more, but not limited to the following topics:

(a) Principles of Reactor Operation (b) Features of Facility Design (c) General Operating Characteristics (d) Instruments and Control (e) Safety and Emergency Systems (f) Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures (g) Radiation Control and Safety (h) Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics (1) Reactor Theory (j) Radioactive Materials, Handling, Disposal & Hazards (k) Specific Operating Characteristics (1) Fuel Handling and Core Parameters (Mitigating Core Damage) (m) Administrative Procedures, Conditions & Limitations (n) Theory of Fluid and Thermodynamics (o) Changes in Equipment and Operating Procedur'es (p) Station Technical Specifications (q) The Operational Quality Assurance Program including f ( Station Administrative Directives (r) Applicable Portion ef Title 10, Chcpter I, CFR (s) Fuel Handling (SRO Only) ISSUE 2 2.7 Rev. 2

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Other training techniques including films, video tapes or other training aids may be utilized to replace up to 50 percent of the live lectures. Emphasis will be placed on those areas where the annual examinations indicate weakness in overall competence or comprehension may be developing. Performance Training by Simulation  ! Simulated walk-through performance training is utilized to maintain proficiency and knowledge of abnormal, casualty and emergency procedures. Off-site training on an approved test reactor may also be used; however, normal training procedures will require the operator to review immediate action steps for casualties by walk-through (demonstration) type of training. OnThe . fob Training All licensed operators and Senior Operators shall participate, to the extent practical, in actual station control manipulation involving reactivity changes to demonstrate their skill and/or familiarity with reactivity control systems. These manipulations shall involve any combination of the following evolutions: (a) Reactor start-up from suberitical to the point of adding heat. (b) Manual control of steam generator levels during

;                                reactor start-up or shutdown.

(c) -Placing reactor in hot standby condition from at power condition. (d) Dilution of reactor coolant system boron concentration i to achieve a reduction of at least 100 ppm of boron. (e) Boration of reactor coolant system to achieve an increase of at least 100 ppm of boron. (f) Operation of EHC turbine governor controls during unit start-up. (g) Manual rod control operation prior to and during generator synchronization. (b) Control rod manipulation during reactor power level changes of greater than 10 percent. (1) - Plant and reactor operation that involve emergency ( or transient procedures where reactivity is changing. (j) Rod drop timing test. 2.8 . ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

m . DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual i Licensed operator Manipulations i Each licensed operator shall manipulate the controls associated with the above listed " Control Maniuplations" a minimum of 10 times during the two-year requalification program. Any combination of the listed control manipulations may be utilized to attain the required number of 10. The Station Training Supervisor shall maintain a log of these manipulations. Every effort should be made to have a diversification of reactivity changes for each applicant, and to minimize boration arid dilution as a required manipulation. Licensed Senior Operator Manipulations Each licensed Senior Operator shall manipulate the controls ' or direct the activities of licensed operators during the

                                         " Control Manipulations" a minimum of 10 times during the course of the requalification program. The Station Training Supervisor shall maintain a log of these activities. Simulator Training Some or all of the licensed operators and Senior Operators may participate in simulator training during their requelification programs. A simulator may be used to meet the requirements of Sections and 1 of the FSAR if the simulator reproduces the general operating characteristics'of the Beaver Valley Power Station and the arrangement of the instrumentation and controls of the simulator is similar to that of the J Beaver Valley Power Station. Individual Studv l Reading assignments will be periodically made for licensed operators (Nuclear Control Operators) and Senior Operators (Shif t Operating Foreman and Shift Supervisors) to be completed while on shift. Oral and/or written quizzes may be given to evaluate the competence of the licensed operators in these areas. The subjects covered shall include, but will not be limited to, the following. (a) Facility Design Changes (b) Yacility Procedure Changes (c) Technical Specifications Changes (d) Eniergency Preparedness Plan t (e) Radiation Control Procedures (f) Temporary Facility Procedures ISSUE 2

                                                              '9 Rev. l'

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual r (g) Station Industrial Security Procedures f (h) All Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review Schedule of Recualification The program shall be conducted for a continuous twenty-four months and upon conclusion shall be followed by successive, two year, requalification programs each of which shall begin promptly at the conclusion of the preceding program. See Figure 2.2.9 for Reg ulification Training Program (Typical Yearly Cycle). Evaluation Annual Examination An annual comprehensive written examination shall be administered to all individuals who participate in the requalification program. The results of this examination will be evaluated by the Station Training Superksor, the Chief Engineer and the Station Superintendent to determine areas in which additional retraining is needed. Periodic Examinations Periodic short-written examinations will be administered which determine licensed operators' or licensed Senior Operators' knowledge of subjects covered in the formal lectures or individual study portions of the requalification program. Remedial training will be given to those achieving a grade of less than 80%. Observation and Evaluation The performance and competence of licensed operators and

  -                                  Senior Operators shall be evaluated at least annually by observation or a critique of the manner in which the-operators responded in recognizing and managing such events as abnormal occurrences and response to off normal operating conditions or simulated emergency or abnormal operating conditions. Final evaluation will be accomplished using the control panel of the Beaver Valley Power Station, or statien simulator control panel.

I Accelerated Requalification Program A licensed operator or Senior Operator whose scoring is


i less than 80 percent in any section of the-comprehensive annual aw==4n= tion shall be required to attend lectures

       ,.                             in those sections of the exam. Should the licensed

( operator or Senior Operator fail to attain an overall average of at least 80 percent overall, with a minimum of 70 percent in each category in the annual examination, he shall be removed from shift duties and shall participate l 2.10 ISSUE 2 l Rev. 2 l-

                         . . - - -       y             e,                            - - . -          ,                 --.*-,

T 4 .m 3 3

i DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station , Training Manual in accelerated requalification programs under the direction of the Station Training Supervisor. He will be returned to shift duties after retesting and achieving an overall average of 75 percent. Lectures will be scheduled in those areas in which a grade of less than 80 percent was achieved. The NRC will be notified of satisfactory completion of training prior to the individuals return to licensed duties. Inactive Licenses

  • Any licensed operator or Senior Operator who does not work at least one 8 hour shift in the Control Room for a three-month period shall not be permitted to perform licensed activities until he has completed an individual requalification program which shall include reviewing any design modifications and changes to operating procedures, af.ministrative procedures, technical specifications, and the emergency preparedness plan which have occurred since his last shift assignment. An oral examination will be given to ensure the operator or Senior Operator has maintained his proficiency. The results of the oral ensination will be documented and retained in the individual's file. An overall grade of 75 percent is required before the individual is assigned to licensed duties. Special instruction shall be scheduled in any area in which a grade.of_less than 80 percent was achieved.
  • Inactive license provision does not apply to those licensed individuals who are assigned to the BVPS Staff; but, it directly applies to those who may have undergone a prolonged illness or an accident, or who may be assigned to the downtown office and hold a license in order to perform specific assignments during exigencies of the

plant. . Replacement Training It is to be expected that through attrition, replacements will be required for the various positions in the station operating group. Each replacement employee will receive training commensurate with his previous education and experience and the duties he is to assume in the operating organization. The specific training received by replacements (operating personnel) is identified in Section 2.1 of this manual. The intent is to train the lower level Nuclear Operators (not licensed) in the same manner as the Nuclear Control Operators (licensed) so as to have a source of employees who can license in a reasonable period of-time. 2.2.5 Administration of Training Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the overall administration of the requalification training program. 2.11 ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Lectures are to be gin n by Training Instructors, licensable or licensed personnel, or individuals who have specific training or experience in the lecture subject. Performance training by simulation should be observed and verified (signature) by a licensed training instructor. On-the-job training should also be observed by a licensed operating supervisor or by a licensed training instructor. Individual study and assignments should be administered by the training organization. Monthly training guides for individual study are to be issued and persons examined and checked off by a Senior Reactor Operator. 2.2.6 Records (1) The annual exam grade results is recorded on Forms shown in Figure 2.2.1, "BVPS Licensed Operator Requalification Summary." (2) A record of attendance will be maintained by the lecturer. A copy of the form is shown in Figure 2.2.2 (3) Individual study monthly guide form is shown in

 >                                                  Figure 2.2.4.

(4) On-the-job training is recorded on Form 2.1.7. (5) A record of performance evaluation of licensed personnel is recorded on Form 20.5.1 & 20.5.2. (6) A master copy of all administered written examinations and the answers to the ermahations questions. In addition, the records on each individual taking

  • requalification training will include:

(a) A copy of all administered written examinations and the Licensee's answers to the examination questions. (b) The number of hours attendance at the preplanned lecture series documenting date, time, and lecture subject. (c) Copies of the individual study assignments and data on which assigned. (d) The evaluation of the performance of the individual and the basis on which the evaluation was made. , ( (e) Any additional lecture hours assigned as a result of test scores or on-the-job evaluation. l 2.12 ISSUE 2 N Rev. 1 j

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station e Training Manual (f) A complete set of records of qualifications, experience, training, and retraining for each member of the i operating section will be maintained by the Station Training Supervisor. These records will include evaluations of the effectiveness of the requalification program. (g) Documentation of procedure review is maintained in accordance with Operating Manual, Chapter 48 - Conduct of Operations. 1 2.2 7 Requirements, Regulations Reg. Guide - ANSI - N18.1 ANS 3.1 CFR - Appendix A 10CFR55 FSAR - 12.2.2 - 12.2.27 Other - Wash. 1094 - Appendix F 2.2.8 Sununarv of Figures, Tables, Schedules and References (a) Checklist for Licensed Oper. Personnel Requal. - Figure 2.2.1. (b) Requalification Training Lecture Attendance - Figure 2.2.2. (c) Individual Study Monthly Guide - Figure 2.2.4. (d) Annual Evaluation Report - Figure 20.5.1 & 20.5.2. (e) Flow Diagram-Retraining - Figure 2.2.6. (f) Requalification Training Progrmn (Typical Yearly Cycle) -Figure 2.2.9. I t I i 2.13 ( ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 l



    ,_ _ m                            ..__                     - .-                 ...._.__..~m.                        . . - - .                 _
     '..__     . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .                  __Z...--_____.....__.      _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ .          . ._   _ ._ __

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual 2.3 LICENSED OPERATING PERSONNEL - OPTION II 2.3.1 Purpose Operating Group training is provided to familiarize operating personnel with (1) nuclear plant systems and components, (2) the proper and best method for operating these systems and components by use of procedures and (3) reactor and plant controls, and station parameters to the extent that' operating personnel may take prompt, and correct action in the event of an unusual occurrence of emergency. The operating group is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the Station. The training program is designed to provide reasonable assurance that this requirement can be achieved. 2.3.2 Personnel to be Trained All operating personnel required to hold a license designated in 10 CFR 55 as reactor operators and senior reactor operators are provided the necessary training in order to qualify. At the Beaver Valley Power Station, these positions are identified as Nuclear Station Operating Supervisor, Nuclear Control Operator (RO), Nuclear Station Operating Foreman (SRO), and Nuclear Shift Supervisor (SRO). In addition, staff members including the Chief Engineer, and Training Supervisor are given appropriate training to license. To the extent possible Operating and Maintenance Instructors may hold SRO licenses also. 2.3.3 Scope of Training The training program for operating personnel is commensurate with their previous education, training-ind experience; - however, the normal training sequence is as follows: Phase 1 - Academic consisting of approximately 550-600 hours of formal classroom study covers training in mathematics, physics, . reactor principles, heat transfer, radiological fundamentals, electrical fundar,entals, safety analysis and chemistry. Phase ~2 - A study of plant systems including video tapes-and training outlines for approximately 800-1000 hours of classroom instruction. . Phase 3 - Qualification Standards Check-offs for approximately 76 systems are performed during Phase 3. The check-offs require detailed knowledge of plant systems and the ability to perform certain operations using plant control devices or demonstrating knowledge by simulation. This

       ,                                   period requires approximately thirty-two weeks.

[ i b ISSUE 2. 2.14 y l l l l j ._ I L ,- ., . .- -

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual

  • Phase 4 - Offsite Training covers approximately a one week period. Offsite training will be conducted in reactor start-ups and shut-downs to familiarize the operator with reactor operations when the Hot License Exam is required without start-up demonstration.
  • Phase 5 - Plant manipulations training provides the operator with " hands-on" training in the area of reactivity control manipulations.

Phase 6 - Review lectures designed to sum up the actire program are given to prepare the candidate for the licensing exam. , 2.3.4 Training Outline and Schedule TIME STEP O - PRELIMINARY EVALUATION A. Individual Bids Job /New Hire

1. Pass station operator exam
2. Pass engineering and physical science test
3. Pass abstract reasoning test
4. Pass mechanical comprehension (Only if new
               . _ _ . _ _ _ __ _ .. . -- hire - Bargining -Unit 2 - Non-Ops)                   -
5. Pass NRC physical using NRC Form 396
6. Pass color perception exam
7. After satisfactory completion of items 1 - 6 above must have job interview with company supervision to discuss job and expected performance requirements.
8. Does employee want job? If yes, continue to - Time Step 1. TIME STEP 1 - 4 MONTHS A. Individual Assigned to Beaver Vallev Power Station

1. Processed for station access
2. Training given first week
a. Station Indoctrination
b. Rad Con Indoctrination
c. Radiation Worker Training /
d. First Aid

! e. Breathing Apparatus

f. Fire Fighting

( ISSUE , j

  • REFER TO FIGURE 2.1.0 Rev. 1 l 2.15

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual

3. Assigned to Control Room first week ist general plant familiarization. Day-light scheduJe
4. Begins assigned shift work eecond week -

Nuclear Operator Helper - and System Qualifications as far as plant / system layout.

5. Performance review / evaluation
a. Month cne - 20% system quals
b. Month two -

46: system quals

c. Month these - 73 system quals
d. Month four - 100% system quals Basic plant layout system quals complete Job interview with station supervision to discuss performance evaluation and future job / expected performance requirements.

If performance review / evaluation is satisfactorv continue on to - Time Step 2. TIME STEP 2 - 6 MONTES A. Academic Training (Phase 1A)

                           -                ~

SAPS Program or Equivalent

1. Math 32 Brs.

Net [2-1] - [2-4]

                   - - . -                         2.              Physics Basic Nuclear                                88 Hrs.

Net [2-5] - [2-16]

3. Heat Transfer Fluid Flow 80 Brs.

Net - 4

4. Electrical Theory 80 Brs.
5. Chemistry 64 Ers.

Net - 6 Station System Training (Phase 2A)

1. General systears and procedures 6 Weeks
2. Turbine plant specific systems 10 Weeks Assigned to shift work after safisfactorv completion k, of Academic Training. If satisfactory continue to - Time Step 3.

2.16 ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

                                                                               "                              M

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual TIME STEP 3 - 4 MONTES A. Operations Work Assignments (Phase 3A)

1. Turbine Plant
a. Turbine Plant N. O. System Quals
b. Work Assignments as N. O.

Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 4. TIME STEP 4 - 3 MONTHS A. Academic Training (Phase 1B)

1. Radiological fundamentals 88 Hrs.

Net - 5 , +

2. Rad Con instruments and surveys 8 Hrs.

Net - 5

3. EPP monitoring team training Station Systems Training (Phase 2B)
           ~ ~ ~           '
1. Reactor Plant Systems - Specific 4 10 Weeks Assigned to shift work after satisfactory completion of Academic Training. If satisfactory continued to Step - Time Step 5. TIME STEP 5 - 4 MONTHS A. Operations Work Assignments (Phase 3B)

l. Reactor Plant - N.O. System Quals
2. Work assignments as N.O.

Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 6. TIME STEP 6 - 1.5 MONTHS A. Academic Training (Phase IC)

1. Reactor Principles 120 Ers.

Net - 3 Station Systems Training (Phase 2C) s

1. Reactor Control and Protecti,n ISSUE 2 2.17 Rev. 1
      - - -      - _        . - . - - - _ . ~ . - - - - _                       . . - - . - . . - . ..-

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual

2. Reactor Excore and Incore
3. Instrumentation & Operational Analysis 128 Hrs.

Net - 7

4. Technicial Specifications .

Satisfactory completion a must prior to proceeding to Step - Time Step 7. TIME STEP 7 - 4 Months Minimum A. Operations Work Assignments (Phase 3C)

1. Reactor Control System Quals
2. Work AssiFmwnts - Reactor / Turbine Plants
3. Reactivity Manipulations (Phase 5) 3 Months (As extra man)


 ,                            TIME STEP 8        -    2 WEEKS A.      Out of Station Training (Phase 4)
1. Simulator Start-Up Qualifications TIME STEP 9 -

4 MONTHS A. License Review Series (Phase 6) t

1. Systems review
2. Theory review
3. Mitigating core d aage
4. Onsite simulated NRC exam and oral
5. Review weak areas
6. Apply for license if applicant exhibits satisfactory performance.

j 7. NRC license exam i l s 2.18 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2

       ~_ _            - _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . _     _                 _ . _ . _ _ - . . _                  . _ _ _ -
m. 7r ,y-- p - m

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual TIME STEP 10 - N/A A. Operations Work Assignment

1. N.O. awaiting NRC exam results 2.. NCO position with issuance of license .

O 9 I I s B

2.19 -ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

                                                                                         *      -~n-

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Trcining Manual 2.3.5 Administration of Program The Training Supervisor is responsible for the administration of the Operations Group Training Program. Personnel utilized for instructing trainess are as follows: Qualifications Phase 1 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or specifically knowledgeable in the field they are instructing and have passed required tests, enmhations and quizzes on the subject they are teaching are considered qualified for this phase of instruction. Phase 2 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed, or specifically knowledgeable on the systems they are teaching are considered qualified for giving systems lectures. The instructor on any given system will have successfully completed the Qualification Standard check-off for that system prior to giving instruction on that system. Phase 3 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or previously checked out on the system (s) are considered qualified for checking-out others on the various systems. Phase 4 - The manager or designated manager of an approved off-site facility (simulator) is required to submit

                                  - apiropriate i               documentation indicating that the trainee has successfully completed his off-site training.

Phase 5 - Reactivity control manipulations for an individual are to be observed, documented, and signed by a licensed operations' supervisor. Phase 6 - Personnel who are licensable, licensed or knowledgeable in the areas of discussion as specified in Phases 1, 2, or 3 are censidered qualified to conduct the review series of lectures. 2.3.6 Records j l (1) A Record of all results of quizzes and examination grades are maintained on the Test (Exam) Grade Report (Figure 2.1.2). (2) In addition, the date, subject, and exam grade are entered into the Personnel Grade Summary (Figure 2.1.3). (3) If counseling is required during Phase 1, a Report l of Counsaling is prepared (Figure 2.2.4). 2.20 ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station Trainfng Manual (4) Lesson plans during Phase 1 may also be utilized by the instructor to insure that the objectives for the training session are achieved. A lesson plan outline is shown in Figure 2.1.5. (5) A record of qualification standards checkoffs (Phase 3) is made for each system using " Training Checkoff ' Sheet (Systems)" Figure 2.1.6. (6) On-the-job training is noted on form 2.1.7. 2.3.7 Requirements, Regulations, Guides Reg. Guide - 1.8 (Safety Guide 8) ANSI - N18.1 CFR - 10 CFR 55

         .                                   FSAR               -

12.2.1 Other - BVPS - Operating Manual l

 ;                2.3.8                       Summary of Figures, Tables, Schedules, and Raierences a

(a) Operations Training Schedule - Figure 2.1.1 (b) Test (Exani) Grade Report - Figure 2.1.2

 .                                            (c) Personnel Grade Summary - Figure 2.1.3 (d) Report of Counseling - Figure 2.1.4
 ,              -                             (e) .Lasson Plan - Figure 2.1.5 (f) Trainee Checkoff Sheet - Figure 2.1.6 i                                            (g) On-the-Job Training Record - Figure 2.1.7 (h) License Exam Requirements - 2.1.0 i

a i 1

  !                                                                                                                                                  l s-2.21                              ISSUE 2 Rey, 1
l l l


                             'WITH STARTUP                /                                                               \ WITHOUT STARTUP N                                                               /    DEMONSTRATION DEMONSTRATION


                                                                                     %e PHASE II COMPLETED e                            PHASE III                                                         \




                                            -                                                                           (      TRAINING ON AN APPROVED SIMULATOR s.,


                                                                                     . :=-                                      . .           -            ;

ISSUE 2 - 2.22 _ ' Rev. I

                                       -        -   *                                                       ~       . . - -

y p

      .6-                                  4   4 4                                                                  ;

Figure 2.1.1

      $                                                  !suct. EAR OFFBATOS JOB FROCBESS10N/ TRAINING SCHEDUl_E - Ortl0N 11

Tfma i Steg lwacription 1. 2 3 4 5 6 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 12 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 22 28 29 30 11 12 I (on Shift Frobation/ Plant 1.nyout System (basle -

       ,         Performance Evaluattan        4           >

i 2 Acadente - ceneral Systems - Turbina Flant Specific Systema ( y 3 on Shift Turbine Flant t.

                                                                                                                                          "Y N.O. System Seela                                              (                             )                              i.           .                         l I

i _4 Acastemic - Bad con - Beactor Plant Specifte [E 4 > I Ag , l 5 on Shift Reactor Plant .)( N.O. System Qiala ,, }; g .g y f

  ,                                                                                          e it                                                                                    I 6 Acadente - Peactor                                                               PL Frfnciples                                                                      e$ I                                               afr >                             l e         V k           2 on Shift operettone                                                   1                                                                             e o        f'
 ,'i,'           M>sk Anstaneent s an N.D.                                                       '.lj,i                       ,
                                                                                                                                     .,                                               l Iteactat/ Turbine Pinata -                                                      ," i l t

N.C.O. Trainee 3 Honthe ,;

                                                                                               ; . .?

8 Out of Statton Simulator if licensa la needed  ;- , l Startup thiellfication , i

                                                                                               .g  . . ,

4 > 9 f.lcense Review Serien ] f

  • i i ;f,  !

ig .

                                                                                              - t                                                                                     '
                                                                                                .. . i i4                                                                                    l oi                                                                                     .

4 t l',

                                                                                                 .n s
T)V f'

i * '.Qp , n l . u 8.' M j 1

                                                                                               '5J i

I 2.23 ISSUE 2 { i Rev. 2 9

                                                                              ....     .ir
                                                                                           . . . . . , ._ ,, 3 .g, s

194 04,003,001 , , l ~ -~ DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.1.2~ Beaver Valley Power Station

        -                                                             Training Manual TEST (EZAM) GRADE REPORT

! Course: Date of Test: Time Allotted for Test: Test No.: (Sequentially From 1) Name Grade Name Grade

   - - * * ~ ~ ~     . -- - - --     --,_m,   . . _ , _    _                  _,

e 4 5


i l Class Average: ( Comnents: l t ISSUE 2 ' 2*24 Rev. 1 F o

o s i 194 04,003.0011 l , , l l l

                                                                                                                 -              ~

DUQUES1fE I~.1C2T CONFANY I'igura 2.1.3 Beaver Valley Power Statf on Training Manual PERSONNEL GRADE SUMMART


Name Job Title

          .                                      Training Program                                                                                                  Phase
                                         .Date                                                               Subieet                                                                            Grade                                 -


                                                                                                                                                                        .                                       .2......_

4 I 3 4

e. -o.em m po& - ,e-

ISSUE 2 2*25 - Rev. 1 l

m...z.. m. , v .. _ _ . . . . . ..m m .......-.

                                                                          ..x.                                          , . ; ...;, ; .4 194_04,003,003                             l        ,   ,     l         l
                                                                                                                                                    ~ ~ ~ Figure"2.1.4--~~
                                                                          *T uuyursNE LIGHT COMPANY.

' Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual REPORT OF COUNSELING Name Date I j Approximate Length of Time Raquest of (Instructor, Student) i Others Present Subjects or Topics discussed: P

                           .= ,

4 e . I Evaulation: d l Counselor 2.26

l. ISSUE 2- ~
                                                                                                                      .                Rev. l '

WKtpun vfyr ba : 7 WK_ Der -vyK  ; EET un' m a va maum[[ DLEY 4 4'. EuE EE 194 04,C03 00e 3 l , , l . DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPAMT Figure 2.1.5 Beaver Valley Power Station


Training Manual LESSON PLAN - Course Course Hours

!                              Instructor                                                                                     Date Approved By:                                                   Lesson Plan No. (Sequentially From 1) i References To Be Quoted:

i Items Issued: (Attach. copy of all passouts, quizzes, etc.) _In,tr_oduction:__ ___ _



(Discuss objective of this lesson) s

2. Motivation: (Discuss how you plan to motivate students)
3. General Outline: (List areas to be covered) 1
4. Student Goals: (List items student should get out of lesson) l 4

j s. l

    ,                                                                            ..b7 '.                                           ISSUE 2                  -

l 1 Rev. 1 , I

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.1.6 Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual Trainee Checkoff Sheet System Oualification Standard System Title Student's Name A. Function _ B. Flow Path. C. System Components D. System Parameters E. Technical Specifications F. Principles of Operations G. Plant Tour H. Control Room Tour I. Response During Transient J. Normal, Abnormal, Emergency Procedures

 .                                              Written Exam Grade Instructor's Name                        Date Qualified to perform specific tasks involved in operation of this system and its associated equipment.


                                                                           *O                                 Rev. 2
                                                                                                                               . ~ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ .                                       .

5 DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Beaver Valley Power Station

   -                                                                                              Training Manual (Monta)                                                                            gear)

(Name) OMTHI-JCI m!NT1C RECCC Figure 2.1.7 I b g i $ I  ! ii Rd 82 k! H k g! E- 5: !553 i  ! ! !! E! Si il !!! $$ !$ s!  !!

                  ! !!!!.!! i!!.!gs e si : i I! !! isa                                                                                                             !!           !a         !!            as I            i           l            I           !             I            I                   I l      11      I          I           I           I          k            i               I             I 1            !           l             !            l                   :

1 I I i t i t i i I :l l i l i I I i l i i i i l i i i . 31 i i I i l l I I 6 l i I I I I I i l i I I I I I I I I 31 l l l 1 l l k  !  ! 6i l l l 1  ! l  ! I I I I I I I I I 71 I I I i i i , I I f 8i I I I I l l k i i  ! l I i I l i I I I i l 91 I I I I I I i i i k I i k i k I k i  ! I 10I I k I I I I ul l I I I I i i l i 1  ! 1 I I I

                                                                                                                                                                                                       !            I                   i i
       -- l u t              I          L           i           i          l              i             I               i               I           i            i I                    k I                       I           I             I 13I                   I_ , I                  k          l              l             1               k                l                       I I              I                            I           k            k          k             I             I                   !

l 161 l I I k I  ! l I i l l I I I ul i I I I i i I I i l l l l l l k 16 k i I I l l 1 I l l 1 I  ! l  ! 17k i l l 1 l I I I i l i I I I I I I I i ul l I l i i l' ut I i i i I i I i i I I l 'l  ! i i l 20I- l l k I I  ! I I I I i i  ! I I I I ul l I I I I I I ni I i I iI i I I I I I I i  ! I  !  ! k  ! I I 23 k k  ! I I I I I I i 1 I 1 I I I lui i i 1 l l l i I i l l 1  ! i I I 1 ul i I I i i al i I I I I I I I I i l I- 1 J  !

                                                                                                                                                                                  !           l              !

17I h I I I I I  ! l  ! t I I I i i  ! I t i ul i t i I I

                                                                                                              !                               !           I            I           I          l               I           I                   !

l l 1 1 1 l f 29 ! I I I I I i i I  ! I 30l l 1 l I I l  ! l I I l i I  : ni l l l l l } } l 2.29 UU Signature, Operations SupervisoI ,*

       , .        .                                     -   -_.                        .. -_                 -           ..         .        =       . , _    _
           .-          ... .~            . - . . . - .                            _ ..       . . . . . . .     ..                      . . . . - . _

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 1 of 18 Training Manual BVPS LICENSED OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION


Name Training Cycle Dates License Type License Number Date issued I. Requalification Program - Year 1 A. Last NRC Simulated Written Exas Result Date: Grade Makeup i A. Priciples of Reactor Operation B. Features of Facility Design C. General Operating Characteristics D. Instruments and Controls i E. Safety and Emergency Systems F. Standard and EmerFency Op. Proc. G. Rad. Control and Safety

                                                                                                                                      ' ' ' ~ -

H. Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics I. Reactor Theory (SRO) , J. Radioactive Materials (SRO) K. Specific Operating Char. (SRO) L. Fuel Handling (SRO) M. Administrative Procedures (SRO) N. Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO) s 2.30 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 4 6



                                                                        . . . ,    - . - . .     ~                                           ..

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANT Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 2 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued) Name B. Lecture Attendance Determination for Lectura Period I Lecture attendance requirements for Period I lecture series is in accordance with the following: Required for Topic Hours

                           <801 Sec. A or H         I - Theory and Principles of Operation I or N
                           <801 Sec. C or K          II - Gen. and Spec. Op. Char.                       __
                           <801 Dec. D               III - Plant Instrumentation and Controls
                           <801 Sec. G or J          IV - Radiation Control and Safety
                           <801 Sec. B, E,          V - Plant Prot /Eng. Safety Systems or L VI - Administrative Controls VII - Abnormal & Emergency Proc. Review VIII - Plant Status Update Total lecture hours required, lecture Period I Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor s

2.31 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 3 of 18

     '                                                                            Training Manual
                  . _ . Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                       Name C. Lecture Attendance Record
1. Theory and Principles of Operation Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Lanzth i

4 . l

                        ._            Quiz Grade                                                      Date i
2. General and Specific Operating Characteristics Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Lanath 4 .

l Quiz Grade Date s

                                                                                       - 2'.32                      ISSUE 2 Rev. 1 9
                                ~                                       - - -                     - - -      .   ._,p                  , , , _                 .,.,,y


           -                                                                Beaver Valley Power Station                                   Page 4 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                  Name ~'          -'          
3. Plant Instrt - tation and Control Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length Quiz Grade Date ,_
4. Radiat.idu Control and 3.I6Ly Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length

_ _ Quiz Grade Date _ _ _ t k

                                                                                                       .                    ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

d DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Pigure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 5 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Tear 1 (continued) Name

5. Plant Protection Systems / Engineered Safeguards Systema Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length Quiz Gra*de Date _ _ _ ,
6. AA=inistrative Controls Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length 5

__ Quiz Grade Date t 2.3b ISSUE 2 l ' Rev. 1

    =                                                                                                                               j DUQUESNE LIGHT CCHPANT                      Pigure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley 1%ar Station                     Page 6 of 32 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                      Name
7. Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length'
               .                   Quiz Grade                                         Date                          . - . . . - - -
8. Plant _ Status ypelate Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length TOTAL Lecture Hours Required TOTAL Lecture Hours Attended f 35 ISSUE 2 .

Rev. 1 m--

                  . -                .            .=       . --                                                                   -    -.
                                                                                                                                    . m.

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 7 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (concinued) Name D. Reading Assignment / Oral Exam Summary Signature. Nuclear Training Supervisor

1. First I 2. Second
3. Third 4.. Fourth
5. Fifth
6. Sixth
7. Seventh
8. Eighth
9. Ninth
10. Tenth 4
11. Eleventh
12. Twelfth E. Reactivity Manipulation Summarv _.

Number of reactivity manipulations accomplished during year 1 e m e-Date Reviewed Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor 1 1


2 3 6' ISSUE 2 l Rev. 1 ' l 1


m 'M s o ,. _n mm . , osm-


           -                                                                 Beaver Valley Power Station                    Page 8 of 10 Training Manual f                 Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                      Name F. Annual Evaluation Sununary
1. Annual Written Exam Result Date ____

Grade Makeup

a. Principles of Reactor Operation
b. Features of Facility Design l ,
c. General Operating Characteristics i

a d. Instruments and Controls i

e. Safety and Emergency Systems f.- Standard and Emerg. Op. Procedures
g. Radiation Control and Safety
h. Principles of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics
1. Reactor Theory (SRO)
j. Radioactive Materials (SRO)
k. Specific Operating Char. (SRO)
1. Fuel Handling (SRO) _


  --                               m.       Administrative Procedures
n. Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO)

Ex==ination Results Reviewed Date Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor Date Signature, Chief Engineer ( , Date Signature, Station Superintendent ISSUE 2 2.37 Rev. 2 _.- ._. _ ~____ _.- _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . l --

_ - _ - _ _ . . .y ._ _ _ . . . . _ . _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _. .

      -                                                                      DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                                        Page 9 of 18                          l Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                 Name
2. Overall Grade less than 80 % - 70% each category
a. Individual removed from licensed duties Date Removed from Duties Signature, Operations Supervisor
b. Accelerated training program assigned Date Assigned Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
c. Accelerated training program approved
 '                                             Date Approved                                       Signature, Operations Supervisor

_ d. - Accelerated training program completed Date Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor

e. Makeup exam passed, licensee returned to licensed duties l
 .                                              Makeup Grado                     Date              Sigt.ature, Operations Supervisor
3. Observation and Evaluation
1. Annual Observation and Evaluation Complete Date Grade Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor i

b 2.38 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 w -g- w m e,-

                                                                                                                                                                 -- 4
      -                                                    DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY                              Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                            Page 10 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 1 (continued)                                     Name G.         Lecture Attendance Determination for Le:ture Period I_

Lecture attendance requirements for Period 2 lecture series is in accordance with the following: 1 Required for Topic Hours

                   <80% Sec. A or H                I - Theary and Principles of Operation I or N
                   <80% Sec. C or K                II - Gen. and Spec. Op. Char.
                   <80% Dec. D                     III - Plant Instrumentation and Controls
                   <80: Sec. G or J                IV - Eadiation Control and Safety
                   <80% Sec. B, E,                 V - Plant Prot /Eng. Safety Systems or L VI - Adafwistrative Controls VII - Abnormal & Emergency Proc. Review VIII - Plant Status Update Total lecture hours required, lecture Period Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor

( 2.39 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2

                                        -=e         gse    e e.> 46 es    *.u-hpq w              -           e          w e      e-w-=     mm,.mws   . m N1         etw=--    .N     we*M=.



                                                                  ^-                                                    ..


       -                                                              Beaver Valley Power Station            Page 11 of.18 Training Manual
                                                 .                                                Name II. Requalification Program - Year 2                                                    ,

A. Lecture Attendarce Record

1. Thaory and Principles of Operation Lecture Lassan Plan # Date Length i

1 Quiz Grade Date

2. General and Specific Operating Characteristics Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length Quiz Grade Date 2.40
                                                                                         .~.           ISSUE 2.

Rev. 1

                     ; g _ . . . . . . . ..                     .
                    .g     s-<    --
                      ~                   '..
                               ~                   #


        '                                               Beaver Valley Power Station                 Page 12 of 18 Training Manual Name Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued) 3     Plant Instrumentation and Control Lecture           Lesson Plan #               Date       Lenath 4

Quiz Grade Date _ _ _ l

                                         , ..;-.._       . .            ..


4. Radiation Control and Safety Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length J
  .. .       __                     Quiz Grade                                   Date, 4

I w




I5501' 2 . Rev. 1


        ,                                                           DUQUESNE LIGHT CCMPANY                                Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station                              Page 13 of 18 Training Manual Name Raqualification Program - Year 2 (continued)
5. Plant Protection Systems / Engineered Safeguards System Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length Quiz Grade Date .
    . - . . . - - - - . ~ - . . _ .                       .--
6. Administrative Controls Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length 4

Quiz Grade Date l l i l i 22.42' . ISSUE 2. -- ! Rev. 1

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 14 of 18 Training Manual Name kequalification Program - Year 2 (continued)

7. Abnormal and Emergeon Procedure Review Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length Quiz Grade Date .
8. Plant Status Update Lecture Lesson Plan # Date Length 9

1 Total Lecture Hours Required Total Lecture Hours Attended 2f.3--

                                                                             .                      ISSUE 2. __-

Rev. 1 l_ ,

DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Jtation Paga 15 of 18 Training Manual Name Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued)

3. Reading Assien=aat Completion Suzanarv Signature. Nuclear Training Supervisor
1. First
2. Second
3. . Third
4. Fourth S. Fifth
6. Sixth
7. Seventh
8. Eighth
9. Ninth f
10. Tanth
11. Eleventh
12. Twelfth C. Reactivity Manipulation Summarv
                        ._._Nund ar of reactivity manipulations accomplished during year 2
                      .                                                                                                                  ~

Date Reviewed Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor - L _ h 2*d4 ; ISSUE 2, Rev. 1

s DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Basver Valley Power Station Page 16 of 18 Training Manual Requalification Program - Year 2 (continued) Name D.. Annual Evalvation Sunsaarv l

1. Annual Written Exam Result Date ,

Grade Makeup

a. Principles of Reactor Operation
b. Features of Facility Design
c. General Operating Characteristics
d. Instruments and Controls
e. Safety and Emergency Systems
f. Standard and Emerg. Op. Procedures _
g. Radiation Control and Safety _
h. Principals of Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics -
1. Reactor Theory (SRO)
j. Radioactive Materials (SRO)
k. Specific Operating Char. (SRO)
1. Fuel Handling (SRO) s' m. Administrative Procedures
n. - Theory of Fluid & Thermodynamics Overall (RO/SRO) i Examination Results Reviewed Date Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor Date Signature, Chief Engineer Date Signature, Station Superintendent 2.45 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 l . . --- - - ,. -  :, - _.

DUQUESNE LICHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 17 of 18 Training Manual Recualification Program - Year 2 (continued) Name

2. Ovsrall Grade less than 80 :: - 70* each category
a. Individual removed from licensed duties Date Removed from Duties Signature, Operations Supervisor
b. Accelerated training program assigned Date Assigned Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor
c. Accelerated training program approved Date Approved Signature, Operations Supervisor
d. Accelerated training program completed i

Date Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor

e. Makeup exam passed, licensee returned to licensed duties Makeup. Grade Date Signature, Operations Supervisor
3. Observation and Evaluation
1. Annual Observation and Evaluation Complete Date Grade Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor 2.46 ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 l


DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.1 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 18 of 18 Training Manual Name ___ III. Requalification Program Summary A. Annual Written Exam Rasults Year I . Year II

3. Lecture Attendanem Year I Required hrs. Attended ___ hrs.

Year II Required hrs. Attended brs. C. Reactivity Manipulations Year I _


Year II . -.

Total Ragna14fication Program certified complete Date Signature, Nuclear Training Supervisor .; Reviewed: Date Signature, Chief Engineer Date Signature, Superintendent I.47 . ISSUE 2 Rev. 1


                                                       . . . . -     . . - , . .         m -
                                                                                                     ....-..,r,_   .

194 04,C04,002 l , , l l DUQUESNE LIGHT CMPANY Figure 2.2.2 , Beaver Valley Power Station Training Manual REQUALIFICATION TRAINING LECTURE ATrFNDANCE RECORD l Requalification Lecture Title Lesson No. w.gaentially) Instructor Date A. _ Individuals b Attended Lecture I i B. Individuals Assigned b Did Not Attend Reasons

                                                                                                                                 -m 1

<c . i I ._ i . l i l (Start) (Finish)

                                  . Signature of Instructor                                             Time of Lecture 2.48 _.  '

! ISSUE 2 Rev. 1

                    . = .                                              .                        - .- - . -                          - _. . _ _
                          . . . . . -          .. _ . -...      -,-        ..<..= ..-. , . . ,             . . . . .     .._,,:........

194 04.004,004 I , , h k Figure 2.2.4 7

                                                                           ~ Beaver Valley Power Station
                                       ~ - ~ ~ ~           -~

e Training Manual i INDIVIDUAL STUDY GUIDE Name Date

Training Cycle Dates License Number The following areas are to be reviewed by individual study. A quiz or oral will be given to determine your knowledge of the subject (s) on or about: Date Review: 1 i Individual study completed

(Signature) Results of Quiz: Sat /Unsat Signature, Senior Reactor Operator Weak Areas: i Disposition: t Date Training Supervisor ISSUE 2 2.49 Rev. 1 i L f. _. -_, _...- a. ._ .. _ _ _ _ . .

s k DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY Figure 2.2.8 Beaver Valley Power Station l. Training Manual 2 Year Requalification Program ist Year NRC Simulated <80% overall Removed from

                                                                       *          <70% Any
  • Exam Licensed Duties Section a

Accelerated D + + g Training o w

                            $                                                                                                                                                      S +

} E n

                                                                                                     .                                                                             a
                                                             <80%-on ar ' ..                                                                 Makeup Exam e                           ,Section .-                         .

j 4

                             $     .. -r, ,-.._ w --                      ,
                                                                                 .                :                                               s                     +
. . - . - -

! . g

                                                  ..'J:; ;
                                                                ' 7 '.(

e-8 -

                                                                                                                                         >75                     <75 u                                            e a
4 + 1 y. +

u a o Required Lectures wi - - ~ ' VI, VII, VIII o M


e s E. $ ! 4 4 + ,, Exam Sections - 1 - - A or E => Lecture I I or N .- C or K => Lecture II

                                                          D                  => Lecture III G or J => Lecture IV      '

B. E or L => -Lecture V

  • _e Readin[ A~ss_ignment,s/ '
                                                                                                                                                                 ' Reactivity

, Oral Frs==~- ~ '

                                                                                                                                                           -   'Mantpulations l                                                                                                                       7 2) ~~                      --
                                                                                                                                                             -      > 10 in 2 yrs.


                                                                         +                                                                        -

2nd Year f NRC Simulated Exam l Repeat Cycle with 1st Year 2.50 ~~ ISSUE 2 Rev. 2 1. I

Ja-- - - e.

  • A
                                                                                                                                                                              .      Figure 2.2.9 u

n m 3

  • Vacation Period n

8 5 Monthly Study

                                's                               Gu & Expanded                                                                                                           %             @
                                                                                                                                                                                                      .c m                                                                                                                                                                     <

e o

  • e z

e , M N M 3

                                                         ..                                     ..                      .                                                                              y a

3 o c m -

                                 > w                                                                                                                                                         e w         e d                                                                                                                                                     0%   o         @
                       .a z c>      :D -
                                                                                                                                                                                             -          e u                                               . . . . _ . . . _ . .                                                                                                 a p,

o = u Annaul Exam 3 - z M c a 3 Ou _ h . _ . . . . _ _ _

 !                                                                                                                                                                                           w          e a                     e 6

a, u o p < " E a $ Pmergency Drills E E d E# Abnormal & Em. Proc. Review 5 2 w ao E "e, - o x o

                                                                                                                                                                       a          w        c.

y e z a G

              .6 u uy w

m a. g 3 >. e c eoa 62

                                                                                                                                                                                  .c e

e - o e- g w .- --- - Radiation Control & Safety T- g 3 . j '* w g w a "* j {>

  • Plant Status Update

g38, @ o" Normal, Abnormal Em. Proc. Review Selected System Radev a 8 g m E 3 y e Syo -

                                                                                                                                                                                  ;            g         =

gge g e g e

                                                                                                                                 -                                                ~ c         z         a c

M e a z c s c o $ .. Plant inst. & Controls a o, g W g Bd

  • Plant Status Update Normal, Abnormal Em. Proc. Reviev S J g* e
                                                                                                                                                                                              *g        (,~


  • A 3 Selected System Review g
c. m a
                          <                                 ..           .             ...                      ..                                                                              e        o 5         ?

E o , u > Gen. & Specific Ops. Char. e i o w n m

  • aw a
  • Plant Status Update e i

c* Normal, Abnormal Em. Proc. Review a

                                            @                          Selected System Review                                                                                                            E c.

a .. n u e o . __._.. _ _ . . _ . . - 3g U Theory & Principles of Operation 5E

                                       . E*                            *Plsat Status Update
  • yy l

! E @ Normal, Abnormal Em. Proc. Review ,

                                   $                                        Selected System Review                                                                                                       j8     l
                                                                                                                                                                                    ,                    s, o   i r

r 1 l i ISSUE 2 2.51 Rev. 2

19a Oa 005.002 l l , , l l l Figure Z..s.Z

                                                                     ~DUQUESNE LIGHT C001PANY' Beaver Valley Power Station                                       Page 1 of 4 Training Manual i              s                                                CHECKLIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS
       .   -'                                                                     STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name                                                                               Date
                                                                                                       , Date                                    Sinnature N/A
1. Reactor Control & Protection _


2. Basetor Excore Instrumentation N/A
3. Reactor Incore Instrumentation N/A
4. Plant Process Control ,

5A. Unit computer - y. 5B. Unit Computer F &,P

6. Reactor Coolant System
7. Chemical & Volume Control
8. Baron Recovery & Primary Makaup
     ,     'J                 9. Rarctor Plant Drains & Vents                                                                                                         .
10. Residual Heat Removal
11. Safety Injection
12. Coneminnant Vacuum & Le.tkage Monitoring -u
13. Contain= ant Depressurization 14A. Esaccor Plant Sampling' System

143. Turbina Plant Sampling System _ _.15. RPCCW & Neutron Tank

16. Supplementary Leak Col'ection l
                        .         & Release                                                                     -
17. Liquid Waste Disposal f 18. Solid Waste Dis- t1 _ , _ ,

l l 19. Gaseous Waste Di. asal

                    -       20. Fuel Pool Cooling & Purific1 tion

ISSUE 2 2'.52 Rev. 1

                                                                   --w-,-------,w             ,. --         p        - , - -                           ,-                   m,,      +--w,.

b DUQUESNE LICHT COMPANT Figure 2.3.2 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 2 of 4 Training Manual s., d CHECELIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATCRS STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name Data Date Signature 21, Main Turbine & Condenser

22. Condensate 23A. Extraction Steam 23B. Heater Drain
24. Steam Gerarator Feedvater
  .                  25. Steam Generator Blowdown
26. Main Turbine & Condenser
27. A"v414 =7 Steam
   ,          S      28. Turbine Plant Component Cooling V                Water
29. Chilled Water
30. River Water . _
31. Circulating Water
32. Water Treatment
33. Fire Protection (Detail Qual)
34. Compressed Air l 35. Main Generator & Transformer
                   . 36. 4KV Station Service
37. 4807 Station Service
38. 120VAC Distribution & Lighting
     ,                 39. D.C. Control
             }.        40. Station Con ==tmications ISSUE 2 2.53            Rev. 1


                      -        -                                      Beaver Valley Power Station                                             ,Page 3 of 4 Training Manual
            )                                                    CHECELIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS STATION LAYOUI QUALS Name                                                                                   Date Date                              Signature 41A. Hot Water Heating 413. Glycol Heating 41C. Domestic Water 41D. Building & Yard Drains 41E. Warehouse Heating                                                                           _,
42. Sewage Treatment
43. Radiation Monitoring _ _ _ _ _

44A. Control Room Ventilation

      - 3                     443. Main Office Ventilation
        ~)                                                                                                          .

44C. Conr=4n==nt Ventilation 44D. Ana14 =7 Building Ventilation _ 44E. Air Conditioning 44T. Miscellaneous Ventilation

45. Miscellaneous Safety-Ralated Instrumentation  ;

< . . 46. Poet DBA Hydrogen Control System l

47. Contain==nt i
48. Conduct of Operations j
49. Station Reactor Eng. Proced. N/A i


50. Station Startup
51. Station Shutdown
52. General Operating Procedures

s i 53. Emergency Operations ISSUE 2 2.54 Rev. 1


s _. ._

DUQCTESNE LIGHT COMPANT Figure 2.3.2 Beaver Valley Power Station Page 4 of 4 Training Manual e i , N CHECKLIST FOR NUCLEAR OPERATORS v STATION LAYOUT QUALS Name Date Name Sinnature

54. Station Logs 55A. Periodic Checks - Oper. Surv.

55B. Periodic Checks

56. Pire, Injury & Casualty Control
57. Emergency Preparedness Plan a j i

A. . Control Roon N/A

3. Refueling System N/A C. Accident Analysis N/A D. Technical Specifications N/A N/A E. Rasetor Physics N/A F. Plant Chemistry N/A G. Health Physics 3.*

ISSUE 2 2.55 Rev. 1
