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| issue date = 06/08/1994
| issue date = 06/08/1994
| title = Rev 0 to Technical Rept NE-987, Surry Unit 1,Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept.
| title = Rev 0 to Technical Rept NE-987, Surry Unit 1,Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept.
| author name = LAROE C B, MEYERS G L, PAUL M E
| author name = Laroe C, Meyers G, Paul M
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  

Revision as of 04:54, 17 June 2019

Rev 0 to Technical Rept NE-987, Surry Unit 1,Cycle 13 Startup Physics Tests Rept.
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/08/1994
From: Laroe C, Meyers G, Paul M
Shared Package
ML18151A675 List:
NE-987, NUDOCS 9406280243
Download: ML18151A674 (63)



Date REVIEWED BY: M~~~/Jl.d

~6.!¢y Date APPROVED BY: D /J._.t_......../ .d!}:!..;

D.~ Date QA Category:

Nuclear Safety Related Keywords:

SPSl, S1Cl3, Startup e CLASSIFICATION/DISCLAIMER The data, techniques, information, and conclusions in this report have been prepared solely for use by Virginia Electric and Power Company (the Company), and they may not be appropriate for use in situations other than those for which they have been specifically prepared.

The Company therefore makes no claim or warranty whatsoever, express or implied, as to their accuracy, usefulness, or applicability.

In particular, THE COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR SHALL ANY WARRANTY BE DEEMED TO ARISE FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, with respect to this report or any of the data, techniques, information, or conclusions in it. By making this report available, the Company does not authorize its use by others, and any such use is expressly forbidden except with the prior written approval of the Company. Any such written approval shall itself be deemed to incorporate the disclaimers of liability and disclaimers of warranties provided herein. In no event shall the Company be liable, under any legal theory whatsoever (whether contract, tort, warranty, or strict or absolute liability), for any property damage, mental or physical injury or death, loss of use of property, or other damage resulting from or arising out of the use, authorized or unauthorized, of this report or the data, techniques, information, or conclusions in it. NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report . Page 1 of 61 _J e TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Classification/Disclaimer...............................

1 Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 List of Figures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Preface.................................................

5 Section 1 Introduction and Summary...................

7 Section 2 Control Rod Drop Time Measurements.........

17 Section 3 Control Rod Bank Worth Measurements........

23 Section 4 Boron Endpoint and Worth Measurements......

29 Section 5 Temperature Coefficient Measurement........

33 Section 6 Power Distribution Measurements............

35 Section 7 References.................................

43 APPENDIX Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheets........................

45 NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 2 of 61

  • LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 1.1 Chronology of Tests...................................

10 2.1 Hot Rod Drop Time Summary.............................

19 3.1 Control Rod Bank Worth Summary........................

26 4.1 Boron Endpoints Summary...............................

31 5.1 Isothermal Temperature Coefficient Summary............

34 6.1 Incore Flux Map Summary...............................

37 6.2 Comparison of Measured Power Distribution Parameters With Their Technical Specification Limits.............

38 NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 3 of 61 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE 1. 1 Core Loading Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2 Beginning of Cycle Fuel Assembly Burnups.................

12 1. 3 Incore Thimble Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1.4 Burnable Poison, Flux Suppression Insert, 1.5 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 6.1 6.2 6.3 and Source Assembly Locations............................

14 Control Rod Locations

................................... . Typical Rod Drop Trace .................................. . Rod Drop Time -Hot Full Flow Conditions

................ . Bank B Integral Rod Worth -HZP ......................... . Bank B Differential Rod Worth -HZP ..................... . Boron Worth Coefficient

................................. . Assemblywise Power Distribution

-28% Power ............. . Assemblywise Power Distribution

-70% Power ............. . Assemblywise Power Distribution

-100% Power ............. . 15 20 21 27 28 32 39 40 41 NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 4 of 61 i..J. '-

PREFACE This report presents the analysis and evaluation of the physics tests which were performed to verify that the Surry 1, Cycle 13 core could be operated safely, and makes an initial evaluation of the performance of the core. It is not the intent of this report to discuss the particular methods of testing or to present the detailed data taken. Standard test techniques and methods of data analysis were used. The test data, results, and evaluations, coupled with the detailed startup procedures, are on file at the Surry Power Station. Therefore, only a cursory discussion of these items* is included in this report. The analyses presented include a brief summary of each test, a comparison of the test results with design predictions, and an evaluation of the results. The Surry 1, Cycle 13 Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheets are included as an appendix to provide additional information on. the startup test results. Each data sheet provides the following information:

1) test identification, 2) test conditions (design), 3) test conditions (actual), 4) test results, 5) acceptance criteria, and 6) comments concerning the test. These sheets provide a compact summary of the startup test results in a consistent format. The design test conditions and design values at these design conditions for the measured parameters were completed prior to the startup physics testing. The entries for the design values were based on the calculations performed by Virginia Electric and Power Company's Nuclear Analysis and Fuel Group 1* During the tests, the data sheets were used as guidelines both to verify that the proper test conditions were met and to facilitate the NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 5 of 61 _J preliminary comparison between measured and predicted test results, thus enabling a quick identification of possible problems occuring during the tests. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report . Page 6 of 61 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION AND


On January 22, 1994 Surry Unit 1 shut down for its twelfth refueling.

During this shutdown, 61 of the 157 fuel assemblies in the core were replaced with 60 fresh assemblies and one twice-burned assembly.

The Cycle 13 core consists of eight sub-batches of fuel: two fresh batches (batches 15A and 15B); two once-burned batches from Cycle 12 (batches 14A and 14B); three twice-burned batches, two from Cycles 11 and 12 (batches 13A and 13B), and one from cycles 10 and 12 (batch 12B); and one thrice-burned batch from cycles 10, lOA and 11 (batch 12A). The core loading pattern and the design parameters for each sub-batch are shown in Figure 1.1. Beginning-of-cycle (BOC) fuel assembly burnups are given in Figure 1. 2. The incore thimble locations available during startup physics testing are identified in Figure 1.3. Figure 1.4 identifies the location and number of burnable poison rods, flux suppression inserts, and secondary source locations for Cycle 13, while Figure 1.5 identifies the control rod locations.

Cycle 13 is the first cycle which uses Flux Suppression Insert(FSI) assemblies.

The purpose of the FSis is to suppress the neutron leakage flux in the radial and axial vicinity of critical reactor vessel weld locations.

Each FSI contains twenty neutron absorber rods which are inserted into the fuel assembly guide thimble tubes. The active absorber length contains a hafnium bar or stack of bars 27 inches long or 54 inches long for the short and long FSI designs, respectively.

The top of the NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 7 of 61 absorber material is loaded approximately 9 inches below the active fuel midplane for both designs. The Cycle 13 core achieved initial criticality at 2023 on March 24, 1994. Following criticality, startup physics tests were performed as outlined in Table 1.1. A summary of the physics test results follows. 1. The measured drop time of each control rod was within the 2. 4 second limit of Technical Specification 3.12.C.l.

2. The reference control rod bank was measured with the dilution method, and the result was within 1.9% of the design prediction.

Individual control rod bank worths were measured using the rod swap technique 2 , 3 and all but one of the results were within 12.0% of the design predictions.

Control bank C was within 15.1% of the design prediction.

The acceptability of this deviation is discussed in Section 3. The sum of the individual measured control rod bank worths was within 6.2% of the design prediction.

All results, with the exception of Control Bank C, were within the design tolerance of +/-15% for individual bank worths (+/-10% for the rod swap reference bank worth) and the design tolerance of +/-10% for the sum of the individual control rod bank worths. 3. Measured critical boron concentrations for two control bank configurations were within 38 ppm of the design predictions.

The all-rods-out (ARO) result was within the 50 ppm design tolerance, and met the Technical Specification 4.10 .A criterion that the overall core reactivity balance sh'all be within +/-1% ~k/k of the NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 8 of 61 I' . ' W.

e design prediction.

The reference bank in critical boron concentration was within its design tolerance.

4. The boron worth coefficient measurement was within 1.0% of the design prediction, which is within the design tolerance of +/-10%. 5. The measured isothermal temperature coefficient ( ITC) for the all-rods-out configuration was within 0.71 pcm/°F of the design prediction.

This result is within the design tolerance of +/-3 pcm/°F. The measured ITC was -2.78 pcm/°F. When the Doppler temperature coefficient

(-1.70 pcm/°F) and a* 0.5 pcm/°F uncertainty are accounted for in the +3.0 pcm/°F MTC limit of Technical Specification 3.1.E.1, the MTC requirement is satisfied as long as the ITC is less positive than 0.80 pcm/°F. 6. Measured core power distributions were within established acceptance criteria and Technical Specification limits. The average relative assembly power distribution measured/predicted percent difference was 2.3% or less for the three initial power ascension flux maps. The heat flux hot channel factors, F-Q(Z), and enthalpy rise hot channel factors, F-DH(N), were within the limits of Technical Specification Section 3.12.B.1.

In summary, all startup physics test results, with the exception of one measured rod swap bank worth, were acceptable.

A discussion of the rod swap results is provided in Section 3. Detailed results, specific design tolerances and acceptance criteria for each measurement are presented in the following sections of this report. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 9 of 61 Table 1.1 SURRY 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS CHRONOLOGY OF TESTS Test Date Time Power Hot Rod Drop -Hot Full Flow 3/23/94 2247 HSD Zero Power Testing Range 3/24/94 2225 HZP Reactivity Computer Checkout 3/24/94 2314 HZP Boron Endpoint -ARO 3/25/94 0132 HZP Boron Worth Coefficient

-ARO 3/25/94 0132 HZP Temperature Coefficient

-ARO 3/25/94 0152 HZP Bank B Worth 3/25/94 0255 HZP Boron Endpoint -B in 3/25/94 0255 HZP Bank D Worth -Rod Swap 3/25/94 0730 HZP Bank C Worth -Rod Swap 3/25/94 0811 HZP Bank A Worth -Rod Swap 3/25/94 0840 HZP Bank SB Worth -Rod Swap 3/25/94 0920 HZP Bank SA Worth -Rod Swap 3/25/94 0950 HZP Flux Map -28% Power 3/26/94 0522 28.1% Peaking Factor Verification

& Power Range Calibration Flux Map -70% Power 3/27/94 2341 70.3% Peaking Factor Verification

& Power Range Calibration Flux Map -100% Power 4/22/94 1344 99.9% Peaking Factor Verification

& Power Range Calibration NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page Reference Procedure 1-NPT-RX-007 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-008 1-NPT-RX-002 1-NPT-RX-005 1-NPT-RX-002 1-NPT-RX-005 1-NPT-RX-002 1-NPT-RX-005 10 of 61 R p N H Figure 1.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 CORE LOADING HAP K J H G I 138 I 138 I 13B I 2H9 I 5H2 I 3H3 F E I BA I 14A I 158 I 148 I 158 I 14A I BA I OH9 I 2J6 I 3K3 I 6Jl I 5K6 I 2J4 I lHO D I BA I 14B I 158 I 14B I 1511 I 148 I 158 I 148 I 13A I 1H7 I 3J9 I 3KB I 5J9 I 4K9 I 5J2 I 5K4 I 5J8 I OHS C I BA I 14A I 158 I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I l4B I 158 I 14A I BA I 2Hl I 2Jl I 4K6 I 6J2 I 2K4 I OJ3 I 21(9 I 5J3 I 3K9 I lJZ I OHl 8 I 13A I 148 I 158 I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 158 I 148 I 13A I ZHO I 5JO I 5K2 I 3J5 I OKZ I 3J2 I lKZ I 2JO I 1K6 I OJ8 I 4K8 I 3J6 I OH4 I 14A I 158 I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 138 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 148 I 158 I 14A I OJ5 I 3K7 I 4Jl I lKl I OJ9 I 2K3 I 3H2 I lKS I 3Jl I 2K8 I 4J3 I 6KO I OJ2 A I 138 I 158 I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 148 I 158 I 138 3 4 5 6 I 4H6 I 4K5 I SJS I 2K6 I lJS I OKS I 2J3 I OKl I 2J5 I OK8 I OJ7 I 2KO I 4J4 I 4Kl I 4HO 7 I 138 I 148 I 158 I 14A I 15A I 138 I 15A I 12A I 15A I 138 I 15A I 14A I 158 I 148 I 138 I 2H8 I 4JO I 3K6 I 3JO I lKO I 4H2 I OK6 I lGO I 3KO I 5Hl I OK7 I 1J9 I 3K5 I 5J7 I 4H7 8 I 138 I 158 I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 148 I 158 I 138 I 5HO I 5K5 I 4J5 I 2K2 I lJl I 1K7 I l.J3 I 1K4 I 2J2 I OK4 I 2J9 I 2Kl I 3J7 I 5K3 I 4H5 9 I 14A I 158 I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 13B I 15A I 14A I 15A I 148 I 15B I 14A I 1J4 I 4K7 I 4J6 I 3KL, I lJO I OK9 I 3Hll I 1K3 I OJ6 I 2K7 I 5Jl I 4KO I 2J8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I BA I 14B I 158 I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 15A I 14A I 158 I 148 I I OH2 I 3J8 I 4K2 I 3J3 I 1K8 I 1J3 I OK3 I 1J7 I 1K9 I OJl I 5K9 I 6JO I I BA I 14A I l5B I 148 I 15A I 14A I 15A I 148 I l5B I 14A I 13A I I 1H4 I OJ4 I 4K3 I 4J8 I 2K5 I 3J4 I 3K2 I 5J4 I 3K4 I 1J6 I 2H3 I I BA I 148 I 15B I 14B I 15B I 148 I 15B I 148 I 13A I 1H3 I 4J9 I 5K7 I 6J3 I SKO I 4J2 I 5K8 I 5J6 I 1H6 I 1--> BATCH I 1--> ASSEMBLY ID I __ I INITIAL ENRICHMENT (W/0 U-235! BURNUP AT BOC 13 CHWD/MTUJ I 13A I 12B I 15B I 14B I 15B I 14A I 13A I 1H2 I 4G7 I 5Kl I 4J7 I 4K4 I 2J7 I OH7 12A 3.80 37131 I 138 I 138 I 13B I 2H5 I 2H7 I 4H9 Fl.EL ASSEHIILY DESIGN PARAMETERS SUB-BATCH 128 13A 1311 14A 148 3.99 3.80 4.01 3.81 4.02 22921 40478 34:Sl7 24053 23215 15A 3.82 15B 3.99 0 0 ASSEHBLY TYPE 15xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 15Xl5 NUHBER OF ASSEMBLIES l l 16 16 35 28 32 -23 FUEL RODS PER ASSEMBLY 204 203* 204 204 204 204 204 204

  • One fuel rod was replaced with a solid stainless steal rod during a reconstitution progr""' prior to irradiation in Surry Unit 1, Cycle 11. 13A 2H2 NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 11 of 61 10 11 12 13 14 15 R p Figure 1. 2 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 BEGINNING OF CYCLE FUEL ASSEMBLY BURNUPS H K K J H G I 2H9 I 5H2 I 3H3 I I 32.091 35.461 32.061 F E I OH9 I 2J6 I 3K3 I 6Jl I 5K6 I 2J4 I lHO I I 40.031 21.741 0.001 23.401 0.001 21.131 39.171 D I 1H7 I 3J9 I 3Ka I 5J9 I 4K9 I 5J2 I SIC4 I 5J8 I OHS I I 41.931 19.881 o.OOI 24.341 O.OOI 24.951 O.OOI 20.741 41.651 C I 2Hl I 2Jl I 4K6 I 6J2 I ZK4 I OJ3 I 2K9 I 5J3 I 3K9 I 1J2 I DHl I I 42.0ll 25.211 o.ool 24.281 0.001 24.921 O.OOI 24.491 0.001 24.971 41.461 B I 2HO I SJO I 5K2 I 3J5 I OK2 I 3J2 I 1K2 I 2JO I 1K6 I OJ8 I 4K8 I 3J6 I DH4 I I 39.391 20.731 0.001 24.801 o.ool 23.a21 0.001 24.591 0.001 24.901 0.001 20.741 38.941 I OJ5 I 3K7 I 4Jl I lKl I OJ9 I 2K3 I 3H2 I lKS I 3Jl I 2K8 I 4J3 I 6KO I OJ2 I I 21.121 0.001 24.021 0.001 25.601 0.001 38.00I 0.001 26.121 0.001 23.901 0.001 21.301 A 2 3 4 5 6 I 4H6 I 4K5 I 5J5 I 2K6 I lJ5 I OKS I 2J3 I OKl I 2J5 I oKa I OJ7 I 2KO I 4J4
  • 1 4Kl I 4HO I 7 I 32.041 D.OOI 24.601 o.OOI 24.221 0.001 25.721 O.OOI 25.481 O.OOI 23.921 o.ool 24.241 0.001 31.651 I 2H8 I 4JO I 3K6 I 3JO I lKO I 4H2 I DK6 I lGO I 3KO I 5Hl I OK7 I 1J9 I 3K5 I 5J7 I 4H7 I 8 I 35.141 23.551 0.001 24.251 o.ool 38.551 0.001 37.131 0.001 38.521 0.001 24.151 0.001 24.181 34.381 I 5HO I 5K5 I 4J5 I 2K2 I lJl I 1K7 I 1J8 I 1K4 I 2J2 I OK4 I 2J9 I 2Kl I 3J7 I SK3 I 4H5 I 9 I 31.751 o.ool 24.941 O.OOI 24.101 0.001 25.751 O.ODI 25.841 o.OOI 23.641 o.ool 24.981 o.ool 32.671 I 1J4 I 4K7 I 4J6 I 3Kl I lJO I OK9 I 3H8 I lK3 I O.J6 I 2K7 I 5Jl I 4KO I 2J8 I I 20.821 0.001 23.83L. 0.001 25.431 o.ool 38.571 o.ool 25.601 O.OOI 24.211 o.OOI 21.321 I OH2 I 3J8 I 4KZ I 3J3 I lKII I 1J3 I OK3 I 1J7 I lK9 I OJl I 5K9 I 6JO I 2H2 I I 39.641 20.051 O.OOI 24.931 O.OOI 23.Bll O.OOI 23.541 O.OOI 24.201 O.OOI 20.821 39.451 I 1H4 I OJ4 I 4K3 I 4JII I 2K5 I 3J4 I 3K2 I 5Jft I 3K4 I 1J6 I 2H3 I I 41.511 24.311 0.001 24.271 0.001 24.241 0.001 23.261 0.001 24.631 41.321 I 1H3 I 4J9 I 5K7 I 6J3 I SKO I 4J2 I SK8 I 5J6 I 1H6 I I 41.44 I 21. 011 o. oo I 24.90 I o. oo I 24.60 I o .oo I 21.04 I 41.581 I 1H2 I 467 I SKI I 4J7 I 4K4 I 2J7 I OH7 I I 38.791 22.921 O.OOI 24.041 O.OOI 21.701 39.331 I 2H5 I 2H7 I 4H9 I I 32.651 34.451 31.101 1--> ASSEK8l Y ID I 1--> ASSEMBLY BURHUP (GWD/KTU)

I __ I NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 12 of 61 10 11 12 13 14 15 R p e N " Figure 1.3 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 INCORE THIMBLE LOCATIONS K J H G I

  • I I I IT I I F E _____ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 ____ _ I I I I I I I I I I IT I I D __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I
  • I I I I I I I I I IITI I IITIITI I I IITI C __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I
  • I I I I I I I IT I I I IT I I IT I I I I B __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IITI IITI IITI I I IITIITI IITI 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1~_1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I
  • I
  • I I I I I I I I I IT I I I IT I I IT I I I I I A __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IITI I I IITI IITI I IITI IITI I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I IITI IITI IIT*I I I I IITI I IITIITI I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT I I I I IT I IT I I I I I IT I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1~_1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IITI I I IITI I I I IITI IITI 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1~_1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IITI I IITI IITIITI I I I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I IITI I I IITI I I I IITIITI 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IT I I IT I I I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I IT I I I I IT I I I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 . I I I I IT -Incore Thi11ble I IT I I I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 --Unavailable location NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report .Page 13 of 61 l z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lZ 13 "1 I 14 *:I 15 R e Figure 1.4 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 BURNABLE POISON, FLUX SUPPRESSION INSERT, AND SOURCE ASSEMBLY LOCATIONS p N " K J H G F E D C I FSIS I (FS004 I I ---~'--'--'--'--~~

I I 3P I I 3P I I I IBPZ90 I IBPZ91 I I I ~-'--'--'--'--'--'~-'~-'~-

' FSIL I I 15P I I ZOP I I 15P I I FSIL I (FS013 I IBP309 I IBPZ70 I (BP310 I IFSOlZ I --'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--

' FSIL I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 15P I I FSIL I (FSOU I IBP308 I IBPZBZ I (BPZ83 I (BP311 I IFSOlO I B --'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--

' I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 15P I I I I I I BP307 I I BPZ911 I I BPZ66 I I BPZ99 I I BP31Z I SS7 I I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZDP I I ZDP I I ZDP I I 15P I I A I I BP3D6 I I BP305 I I BPZ74 I I BPZ75 I I BP3DD I I BP313 I I __ , __ , __ , __ , __ ,_._, __ , __ ,_. __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ I I 3P I I ZDP I I ZDP I I lZP I I ZDP I I ZDP I I 3P I I I I BPZ97 I I BPZ89 I I BPZBl I I BPZ6Z I I BPZ76 I I BPZ84 I I BPZ9Z I SSZ I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I FSIS I I ZDP I I ZDP I I lZP I I lZP I I ZDP I I ZOP I I FSIS I I FSDD3 I I BP273 I I BPZ69 I I BPZ65 I I BPZ63 I I BPZ67 I I BPZ71 I I FSDDZ I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I I 3P I I ZDP I I ZDP I I lZP I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 3P I I I SSI (BPZ96 I IBPZBB I IBPZBD I IBPZ64 I (BPZ77 I (BPZll5 I (BPZ93 I I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZDP I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 15P I I I (BP3Zl I IBP304 I IBPZ79 I (BPZ78 I IBP301 I IBP314 I I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 15P I I I I I I BP3ZO I I BP303 I I BPZ68 I I BP30Z I I BP315 I I I '--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'--'

I FSIL I I 15P I I ZOP I I ZOP I I 15P I I FSIL I IFS009 I (BP319 I IBPZ87 I (BPZ86 I (BP316 I (FSOOB I , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ I I FSIL I I 15P I I ZDP I I 15P I I FSIL I IFSD07 I IBP318 I IBPZ7Z I (BP317 I (FSOD6 I , __ , __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ , __ , __ 1 I I I 3P I I 3P I I I I I (IIPZ95 I IBPZ94 I I I 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ ,~-'~-1 3P -3 BURNABLE POISON ROD CLUSTER lZP -lZ BURNABLE POISON ROD CLUSTER 15P -15 BURNABLE POISON ROD CLUSTER ZDP -20 BURNABLE POISON ROD CLUSTER SSx -SECONDARY SOURCE FSIL -FLUX SUPPRESSION INSERT (LONG! FSIS -FLUX SUPPRESSION INSERT (SHORT) I I FSIS I I I IFSDOl I I 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 xxP or FSlx -I OF BP RODS or FLUX SUPPRESSION INSERT TYPE BPIII, SSI, -BP ASSE"BLY ID, SECONDARY SOURCE ID or FSI Ill or FLUX SUPPRESSION INSERT IC NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 14 of 61 l z 3 -4 5 6 7 8 L 10 11 lZ n 14 15 R p N H Figure 1.5 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 CONTROL ROD LOCATIONS L K J H 180° I G F -E D C Loop c I I I I Loop B Outlet "-. I . I I I Inlet "I I A I_I_D_I_I A I I / _1_1_1_1_1_1_1_~_*

__ N-41 I I I I SA I I SA I I SP I I N-43 __ 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1

__ I I c I I B I I I I B I I c I I B _1 __ 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1

__ 1_ I I SP I I SB I I SP I I I I SB I I I I 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1_1 __ 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1 __ 1 IAI IBI IDI ICI IDI IBI IAI A Loop C __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I_. _I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I__ Loop B Inlet I I I SA I I I I SB I I SB I I SP I I SA I I I Outlet \. 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1_1 __ 1_1_1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 ?f 90°-I I D I I I I c I I I I c I I I I D I 1/-210° 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1

__ 1_1 __ 1 I I ISAI ISPI ISBI ISBI I I ISAI I I 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1

__ 1 __ 1_1 IAI IBI IDI ICI IDI IBI IAI 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1 __ 1_1_1 __ 1_1_1_1_1_1 I I I I SB I I I I SP I I SB I I SP I I 1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 I I c I I B I I I I B I I c I I 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1_1_1 __ 1_1 __ 1 I I SP I I SA I I SA I I I I N-44 I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I __ I N-42 Absorber Haterial Ag-In-Cd Function Control Bank D Control Bank C Control Bank B Control Bank A Shutdown Bank SB Shutdown Bank SA I I A I I D I I A I I 1 __ 1 __ 1_1_1_1 __ 1_1 k" I I I I I\ Loop A I I I I Loop A Outlet ------Inlet I 00 Nwnber of Clusters SP (Spare Rod Locations) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 15 of 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 This page intentionally blank. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 16 of 61 e SECTION 2 CONTROL ROD DROP TIME MEASUREMENTS The drop time of each control rod was measured at hot full-flow reactor coolant system (RCS) conditioqs

_(Tavg of 547+/-5°F) in order to verify that the time from initiation of the rod drop to the entry of the rod into the dashpot was less than or equal to the maximum allowed by Technical Specification 3.12.C.1.

approximately 2210 psig. This test . was performed at The r.od drop times were measured by withdrawing a bank to its fully withdrawn position, and removing the movable and stationary gripper coil fuses for the particular rod to be dropped. This allowed the rod to drop into the core as it would during a plant trip. The stationary gripper coil voltage and the Individual Rod Position In~ication (IRPI) primary coil voltage signals were recorded to determine the rod drop time. This procedure was repeated for each control rod. As shown on the sample rod drop trace in Figure 2.1, the initiation of the rod drop is indicated by the decay of the stationary gripper coil voltage when the stationary gripper coil fuse is removed. As the rod drops, a voltage is induced in the IRPI primary coil. The magnitude of* this voltage is a function of control rod velocity.

As the rod enters the dashpot region of the guide tube, its velocity slows causing a voltage decrease in the IRPI coil. This voltage reaches a minimum when the rod reaches the bottom of the dashpot. Subsequent variations in the trace are caused by rod bouncing.

NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 17 of 61 The measured drop times for each control rod are recorded on Figure 2.2. The slowest, fastest, and*average drop times are summarized in Table 2.1. ~echnical Specification 3.12.C.1 specifies a maximum rod drop time from loss of stationary gripper coil voltage to dashpot entry of 2.4 seconds with the RCS at hot, full flow conditions.

The test results satisfied this limit. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report .Page 18 of 61 '

Table 2.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS HOT ROD DROP TIME SUHKARY ROD DROP TIME TO DASHPOT ENTRY SLOWEST ROD FASTEST RODS AVERAGE TIME B-06 D-12 1.34 sec. M-06 1.22 sec. 1.28 sec. NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 19 of 61 Figure 2.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS TYPICAL ROD DROP TRACE u**, nCIAad OIDD-Mmk I n : aca*r-m cf 7ZauaFnr C emDmn \ ....

5 nCIDlllm (BN a40aFm ._ .. , ... I DIIIRPI Pch&;CGI 'iDbU r ... ~~.,..,~;w.w,w~°""'~,..,..~t.i..i....w-"'IIMliilMiW.~.w.ailMiWMilWil"'-l~"""'w-t Dt1 Tmm ,aw RCC CROP TIME MEASUREMENT NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 20 of 61 l' , \ Li ,-

R Figure 2.2 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS ROD DROP TIME -HOT FULL FLOW CONDITIONS p N " K J H G F E I D C B A I I I I 1 ---,---1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ -,-__ I I I I I I 1.24 I I 1.27 I I 1.29 I I 2 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 26 I I 1. 30 I I I I 3 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.29 I I 1.24 I I I I 1.26 I I 1.31 I I 4 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.30 I I I I I I 1.21 I I I I 5 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ll.271 11.221 11.251 ll.271 ll.291 11.301 ll.341 6 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I l. 28 I I I I 1. 32 I I l. 28 I I I I 1. 29 I I I 7 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.21 I I I I 1.30 I I I I 1.32 I I I I 1.29 I I 8 , __ , __ , __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 27 I I I . I 1. 29 I I l. 32 I I I I 1. 29 I I I 9 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.24 I I 1.30 I I 1.28 I I 1.33 I I 1.29 I I 1.29 I I 1.31 I 10 , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ , __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.26 I I I I I I 1.32 I I I I 11 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l. 26 I I 1. 24 I I I I l. 28 I I 1.34 I I 12 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ , __ , __ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. 31 I I l. 31 I I I I 13 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ , I I I I I I I I I I 1.29 I I 1.25 I I 1.31 I I 14 , __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 __ , __ 1 __ 1 I I I I I I I I 15 , __ 1 __ 1 __ , I I I X.XX 1--> ROD DROP Tl"E TO DASHPOT ENTRY (SEC) '--' NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 21 of 61

,, 'L The page intentionally blank. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 22 of 61 SECTION 3 CONTROL ROD BANK WORTH MEASUREMENTS Control rod bank worths were measured for the control and shutdown banks using the rod swap technique 2 , 3* The initial step of the rod swap method diluted the predicted most reactive control rod bank (hereafter referred to as the reference bank) into the core and measured its reactivity worth using conventional test techniques.

The reactivity changes resulting from the reference bank movements were recorded continuously by the reactivity computer and were used to determine the differential and integral worth of the reference bank. Control Bank B was used as the reference bank. For Cycle 13, After the completion of the reference bank reactivity worth measurement, the reactor coolant system temperature and boron concentration were stabilized with the reactor just critical and the reference bank near full insertion.

Initial statepoint data for the rod swap maneuver were obtained by moving the reference bank to its fully inserted position with all other banks fully withdrawn and recording the core reactivity and moderator temperature.

From this point, a rod swap maneuver was performed by withdrawing the reference bank several steps and then one of the other control rod banks (i.e. a test bank) was inserted to balance the reactivity of the reference bank withdrawal.

This sequence was repeated until the test bank was fully inserted and the reference bank was positioned*such that the core was just critical or near the initial statepoint reactivity.

This measured critical position (HCP) of the reference bank with the test bank fully inserted was used to NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 23 of 61 determine the integral reactivity worth of the test bank. The core reactivity, moderator temperature, and the differential worth of the reference bank were recorded with the reference bank at the MCP. The rod swap maneuver then was repeated in reverse such that the reference bank again was fully inserted with the test bank fully withdrawn from the core. This rod swap process was then repeated for each of the other control and shutdown banks. A summary of the test results is given in Table 3.1. As shown in . this table and the Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheets given in the Appendix, all but one (Control Bank C) of the individual measured bank worths for the control and shutdown banks were within the design tolerance

(+/-10% for the reference bank, +/-15% for test banks worth greater than 600 pcm, and +/-100 pcm for test banks worth less than or equal to 600 pcm). The sum of the individual measured rod bank worths was* within 6.2% of the design prediction.

This is well within the design tolerance of +/-10% for the sum of the individual control rod bank worths. The control bank C rod swap bank worth exceeded the 15% design tolerance with a 15.1% deviation.

A second bank C rod swap measurement yielded a similar result. The amount of the bank worth deviation is not excessive, considering the relatively low worth of C-bank. An evaluation of the impact of this deviation on the Cycle 13 safety analysis was performed in Reference

4. The total control and shutdown bank worth was noted to be well within the 10% acceptance criteria built into the reload safety analysis.

The evaluation concluded that the Cycle 13 safety analysis was still valid. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 24 of 61 LI.

e The initial low power flux map verified that no power distribution anomalies were present in the Cycle 13 core. Subsequent power escalation flux maps also confirmed this conclusion.

The integral and differential reactivity worths of the reference bank (Control Bank B) are shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2, respectively.

The design predictions and the measured data are plotted together in order to illustrate their agreement.

In summary, the* measured rod worth values were satisfactory.

NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report 25 of 61 Table 3.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS CONTROL ROD BANK WORTH


MEASURED PREDICTED PERCENT DIFFERENCE WORTH WORTH (%) BANK (PCM) (PCM) (M-P)/P X 100 B-Reference Bank 1402.0 1429.0 -1. 9 D 1033 .1 1093.5 -5.5 C 644.2 758.6 -15 .1 A 295.9 291.8 +1.4* SB 985.9 1120 .9 -12.0 SA 1048 .8 1073.8 -2.3 Total Worth 5409.9 5767.6 -6.2 *The difference is less than 100 pcm. NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 26 of 61 \ . L r < .

.. 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 Figure 3.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS BANK B INTEGRAL ROD WORTH -HZP -I -"" ' ' ** ' I '

  • i ' ,, ' i\a I I V I ,. . \ I I \I I I \ I :, ,-I ' I I I ! I I I ' I ' I I I ' I I I ' I I ' ' I I I ' I 0 I ' I , I ' I ; I I I I I I I I i I I : I I I I I I '
  • I I j I , I I\ I ,\ ' Predicted Measured I I I I i ' I ' i I I I I I I l I J I I I ' I ' I I i I I I I ' I I I I
  • 1, I ' . ' ' ' I I ., ' " ,, I I I I i I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I ' I
  • I * --... . , ... I I I
  • I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I ' I -I >,,. I
  • I I I I I I I I I ! *I I I -, 50 75 1()() 125 150 175 BANK POSITION (STEPS) NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page I I ! ' I : I ' I ' 1 l ' ' I I I ' I i ' I I I 1 1 I I ' I ; I I I I j I I I I I i l i ..... , 200 225 27 of 61

1 16 j I 0 I/ 0 e Figure 3.2 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS BANK B DIFFERENTIAL ROD WORTH -HZP ALL OTHER RODS WITHDRAWN Predicted Measured * ,. I I I I I I ! I , !\ i ! I I I \ I I I ' . ' I I I i ' / ! I I I I ' I I '. i I ! ' I i I I I I I ; I . i ; I i I \ i i I ; I I I I I I" i i : I I ! r I I\ I I ; I I i ,_ I*' I I I ! * ! I I I I * ! I I I I I I I\J I I I ! I I I I I II I . I I I I I I I 1 ' I 1 I I\ -I ; I i I ! I I I I\ .

  • I i I I ! I I\
  • I ! . I I ! I I
  • I i i\
  • I ! I i ... , ,-* i I I I ", I i r II I ~i.....i.

' I I,,..-I I I I I I /I I ! i I I ! I I i 1 I I I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I I I I ! I ! : I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ' ' I i I I ,., I I\. \ 1 1\ I I I I 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 BANK POSITION (S'fEPS) NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 28 of 61 ! r-I ll I I .. L .

SECTION 4 BORON ENDPOINT AND WORTH MEASUREMENTS Boron Endpoint With the reactor critical at hot zero power, reactor coolant system (RCS) boron concentrations were measured at selected rod bank configurations to enable a direct comparison of measured boron endpoints with design predictions.

For each critical boron concentration measurement, the RCS conditions were stabilized with the control banks at or very near a selected e~dpoint position.

Adjustments to the measured critical boron concentration values were made to account for off-nominal control rod position and moderator temperature, if necessary.

The results of these measurements are given in Table 4.1. As shown in this table and in the Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheets given in the Appendix, the measured all-rods-out (ARO) critical boron endpoint values were within their respective design tolerances, and met the requirements of Technical Specification

4. 10. A regarding core reactivity balance. satisfactory.

In summary, the boron endpoint results were Boron Worth Coefffcient The measured boron endpoint values provide stable*statepoint data from which the boron worth coefficient or differential boron worth (DBW) was determined.

By relating each endpoint concentration to the integrated rod worth present in the core at the time of the endpoint measurement, NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 29 of 61 the value of the DBW over the range of boron endpoint concentrations was obtained.

A plot of the boron concentration versus inserted control rod worth is shown in Figure 4.1. As indicated in this figure and in the Appendix, the measured DBW was -7.26 pcm/ppm. This is within 1.0% of the predicted value of -7.33 pcm/ppm and is well within the design tolerance of +/-10%. In summary, the measured boron worth coefficient was satisfactory.

NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report .Page 30 of 61 e Table 4.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS BORON ENDPOINTS SUKKARY Measured Predicted Control Rod Endpoint Endpoint Configuration (ppm) (ppm) ARO 1752 1790 B Bank In 1559 1557* Difference M-P (ppm) -38 +2

  • The predicted endpoint for the B Bank In configuration was adjusted for the difference between the measured and predicted values of the endpoint taken at the ARO configuration as shown in the boron endpoint Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheet in the Appendix.

NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 31 of 61 i' u ._ > 1,500 1,400 1,300 ; I I 1,200 I I I 1,100 , ; I 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Figure 4.1 SURRY UNIT 1 -CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS BORON WORTH COEFFICIENT , I I I i I I I ! I I I I I ! I I / i I ' I I ' '\ I I I I \ ! I ' ! , I , ! : I I ' ;\ i ' i I I I ' ; i I I I l I ! I '\ I I I I i I ,\ I , I ; ; I ' ; , '\ I l I I I I i I ' I I I ' I ' i I ' I I I I I '\ I I i \ I I I I I ' I'\ I I '\ I I I I I '\ I t I '\ I ' I I ! I I I '\ I I \ I I I I '\ I I ' I ' ' I I I '\ I I ' I I I I I i I I 1 l \ I I ' ; I ' \ ; ' ' I I I \ I I I I ; ' \ I \ I ' I I I T I I \ I I I I I I I I I '\ I l I '\ I ' I I I I l '\ I ' ' '\ I I I I I 1 I I'\ I I I '\ ' I I I I l l I I I i ' I ; I I I I I I ! I l ' I I I I ' ; ' i I I I I l I I I I ' ' I'\ '\ ['.. J 1,500 1,550 1,600 1,650 1,700 1,750 BORON CONCENTRATION (PPM) I ' I -1 1,800 NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 32 of 61 SECTION 5 TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT MEASUREMENT The isothermal temperature coefficient ( ITC) at the all-rods-out condition is measured by controlling the reactor coolant system (RCS) temperature through varying the steam generator blowdown flow, establishing a constant heatup or cooldown rate, and monitoring the resulting reactivity changes on the reactivity computer.

sequence includes a cooldown followed by a heatup. This test Reactivity was measured during an RCS cooldown of 2.7°F and an RCS heatup of 2. 9 °F. Reactivity and temperature data was taken from the reactivity computer and strip chart recorders.

Using the statepoint method, the temperature coefficient was determined by dividing the change in reactivity by the change in RCS temperature.

An X-Y plotter, which plotted reactivity versus temperature, confirmed the statepoint method in calculating the measured ITC. The predicted and measured isothermal temperature coefficient values are compared in Table 5.1. As can be seen from this summary and from the Startup Physics Test Results and Evaluation Sheet given in the Appendix, the measured isothermal temperature coefficient value was within the design tolerance of +/-3 pcm/°F. Accounting for the Doppler temperature coefficient

(-1.70 pcm/°F) and a 0.5 pcm/°F uncertainty, the moderator temperature coefficient was -0.58 pcm/°F, which meets the requirements of Technical Specification 3.1.E.l. In summary, the measured result was satisfactory.



GORE CONDITIONS ISOTHERMAL TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT (PCM/ F) TEMPERATURE BORON RANGE CONCENTRATION C/D H/U AVE. DIFFER. ( F) (ppm) MEAS. PRED. (M-P) 544.8 to 1746 -3.15 -2.41 -2.78 -3.49 0. 71 547.7 NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 34 of 61 L

  • SECTION 6 POWER DISTRIBUTION MEASUREMENTS The core power distributions were measured using the movable incore detector flux mapping system. This system consists of five fission chamber detectors which traverse fuel asse~bly instrumentation thimbles depicted in Figure 1.3. For each traverse, the detector voltage output is continuously monitored on a strip chart recorder, and scanned for 61 discrete axial points by the PRODAC P-250 process computer.

Full core, three-dimensional power distributions are determined from this data using the CECOR code 5* CECOR couples the measured voltages with predetermined analytic .signal-to-power

  • conversions, pin-to-box factors, and average coupling coefficients in order to determine the power distribution for the whole core. A list of th_e full-core flux maps taken during the startup test program and the measured values of the important power distribution parameters are given in Table 6.1. A comparison of these measured values with their Technical Specification limits is given in Table 6.2. Flux map 1 was taken at approximately 28% power to verify the radial power distribution (RPD) predictions at low power. Figure 6 .1 shows the measured RPDs from this flux map. Flux maps 2 through 3 were taken near 70% and 100% configurations.

power, respectively, with different control rod These flux maps were taken to check at-power design predictions and to measure core power distributions at various operating conditions.

The radial power distributions for these maps are given in Figures 6. 2 through 6. 3. These figures show that the average relative assembly power distribution measure/predicted percent difference was 2.3% NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 35 of 61 or less for the three maps. The measured F-Q(Z) and F-DH(N) peaking factor values for all flux maps were within the limits of Technical Specification 3.12.B.1.

All maps were used to recalibrate the power range excore detectors.

Prior to the initial startup of Cycle 13, an analysis was performed to analytically verify that the single-point power range detector ca_libration methodology would remain valid for a cycle with part-length Flux Suppression Inserts(FSis) 7* Following the ascension to full power, a multi-point calibration was performed using three quarter-core flux *maps. The results of that calibration additionally verified that the single-point methodology remains valid for Cycle 13 and future cycles with FSis 8* In conclusion, the power distribution measurement results were considered to be acceptable with respect to the design tolerances, the accident analysis acceptance criteria, and the Technical Specification limits. It is therefore anticipated that the core will continue to designed throughout Cycle 13. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 36 of 61 ~-[,* ~Li.




I I I l I 2 I I I 3 I I BURNI I F-QCZJ HOT F-DHCNJ HOT I CORE FCZJ POWER I I I HAP IHAPI I* UP I IBAII{ CHANNEL FACTOR C191L.FACTOR I II.AX TILT I AXIAL I NO.I DESCRIPTION IND.I DATE I IIWD/IPWRI D I I I I OFF I OF I I I I HTU llZllSTEPSIASSY I AXIAL I ASSY I F-DHCNllAXIALI FCZll HAX ILOCI SET ITHIHI I I I I I I I POINT I F-Q!Zl I I IPOINTI I I I <Zl IBLESI _______ I_I ___ I __ I_I __ I __ I ___ I ___ I __ I ___ I __ I __ I _I_I __ I_I LESS THN 307. PWR I l I 3-26-941 l I za1 173 I Hl3 I 30 I Z.157 I Jl2 I 1.559 I 30 ll.29911.0081 SWI -5.0ZI 39 I BTWN 657. AND 757. I Z I 3-27-941 19 I 701 196 I K 3 I 30 I 1.937 I K 3 I l.498 I 30 ll.18Zll.0071 NWI -3.681 39 I GRT THAN 957. PWR I 3 I 4-22-941 853 llOOI 219 I ElZ I 32 I 1.817 I J 4 I 1.454 I 31 ll.14911.0041 NWI -4.581 44 I _______ 1_1 ___ 1 __ 1_1 __ 1 __ 1 ___ 1 ___ 1 __ 1 ___ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1_1 __ 1_1 NOTES: HOT SPOT LOCATIONS ARE SPECIFIED BY GIVING ASSEMBLY LOCATIOHS


NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report . Page 37 of 61 MAP NO. 1 2 3

  • The Technical Specification'~

limit for the heat flux hot channel factor, F-Q(Z), is a function of core height and power level. The values for F-Q(Z) listed are the maximum value of F-Q(Z) in the core. The Technical Specification's limit listed above is evaluated at the plane of maximum F-Q(Z). ** The value for F-Q(Z) listed above is the value at the plane of minimum margin. The minimum margin values listed are the minimum percent difference between the measured values of F-Q(Z) and the Technical Specification's limit at that node for each map. The measured F-Q(Z) hot channel factors include 8% total uncertainty.

NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 38 of 61 . .



28% POWER K J H G 0.299 0.281 0.299

  • 0.297
  • 0.274
  • 0.299 * -0.6. -2.2. -0.l
  • F E 0.255 0.643 1.123. 0.915 1.123 0.643 0.255
  • 0.262. 0.653. 1.123. 0.1185. 1.132. 0.675. 0.264
  • 2.7. 1.5. 0.0. -3.3. 0.8. 4.9. 3.7. D C PREDICTED

0.226 0.791 1.289 1.266 1.355 1.266 1.289 0.791 0.226

  • 0.254
  • 0.816. 1.314. 1.276. 1.347. 1.277
  • 1.317
  • 0.810
  • 0.244. 12.1
  • 3.1
  • 1.9
  • o.8. -o.6
  • o.9
  • 2.1
  • 2.4
  • 8.o
  • 0.225 0.725 1.297. 1.312 1.386 1.304 1.386 1.312 1.297 0.725 0.225
  • 0.235. 0.753
  • 1.323. 1.337. 1.407. 1.318. 1.400
  • 1.326. 1.309. 0.723. 0.222. 4.3
  • 3.9
  • 2.0
  • 1.9
  • 1.5
  • 1.0
  • 1.0
  • 1.1
  • 0.9 * -0.2 * -1.4
  • B 0.255 0.791 1.298 1.235 1.310 1.253 1.279 1.253 1.310 1.235 1.298 0.791 0.255 . 0.264
  • 0.820
  • 1.342
  • 1.280
  • 1.325. 1.272. 1.297. 1.258. 1.303. 1.230
  • 1.258 . 0.769. 0.243. 3.5
  • 3.7
  • 3.4
  • 3.6
  • 1.1
  • 1.6
  • 1.4
  • 0.4 * -0.5 * -0.4 * -3.l * -2.7 * -4.6
  • 0.643 1.290 1.313 1.310. 1.168. 1.244. 0.984. 1.244. 1.168. 1.310. 1.313 1.290 0.643 * . 0.661
  • 1.331
  • 1.341
  • 1.312. 1.127. 1.235. 1.006. 1.237. 1.118
  • 1.280
  • 1.277. l.25~. 0.627. 2.7
  • 3.2
  • 2.2
  • 0.2 * -3.6 * -0.8 . 2.2 * -0.6 * -4.3 * -2.3 * -2.7 * -2.8 * -2.5
  • A 0.299 1.123 1.266 1.386 1.253 1.244 1.138 1.239 1.138 1.244 1.253 1.386 1.266 1.123 0.299 ,l .2 *:s *6
  • 0.304. 1.140. 1.311. 1.399. 1.234. 1.213. 1.092. 1.227. 1.123. 1.215. 1.220. 1.338. 1.219. 1.098. 0.289. 7 1.7. 1.5. 3.5. 0.9. -1.5. -2.5. -4.0. -0.9. -1.3. -2.3. -2.6. -3.5. -3.7. -2.2. -3.4. 0.281 o.915 1.355 1.304 1.280 o.985 1.240 o.935 1.240 o.985 1.280 1.304 1.355 o.915 0.281 . 0.292 . 0.881
  • 1.323. 1.288. 1~~16. 0.963. 1.218. 0.926. 1.226. 0.965. 1.247. 1.257. 1.270. 0.846. 0.262 . 3.9. -3.7. -2.4. -1.3. -4.9. -2.3. -1.8. -1.0. -1.l. -2.0. -2.6. -3.6. -6.3. -7.6. -6.6. 0.299 1.123 1.266 1.386 1.253. 1.244 1.138 1.239 1.138 1.244 1.253 1.386 1.266 1.123 0.299 . 0.297 . 1.105. 1.252. 1.389. 1.278. 1.238. 1.130. 1.233. 1.125
  • 1.209. 1.222
  • 1.347. 1.219. 1.011. 0.280 * -0.6 * -1.4 * -1.1
  • 0.2
  • 2.0 * -0.5 * -0.6 . -0.4 * -1.1 * -2.9 * -2.4 * -2.9 * -3.7 * -4.1 * -6.4 . o.643 1.290 1.313 1.310 1.168 1.244 0.984 1.244 1.168 1.310 1.313 1.290 o.643
  • 0.638. 1.273. 1.320
  • 1.319. 1.139. 1.245. 0.987. 1.239. 1.126. 1.287. 1.281
  • 1.265*. 0.639. -0.9. -1.3. 0.6. 0.7. -2.5. O.l. 0.3. -0.4. -3.6. -1.8. -2.4. -1.9. -0.7. 0.255 0.791 1.298 1.235 1.310 1.253 1.279 1.253 1.310 1.235 1.298 0.791 0.255 . 0.256
  • 0.801
  • 1.321
  • 1.256. 1.329. 1.278. 1.294
  • 1.273
  • 1.351
  • 1.241
  • 1.307. 0.790. 0.254
  • 0.5 . 1.2
  • 1.7
  • 1.7 . 1.4
  • 2.0
  • 1.1
  • 1.6 . 3.2
  • 0.5
  • 0.7 * -0.l * -0.2
  • 0.225 0.725 1.297 1.312 1.386 1.304 1.386 1.312 1.297 0.725 0.225
  • 0.248. 0.749. 1.337. 1.357. 1.453. 1.337. 1.417
  • 1.348. 1.335
  • 0.770
  • 0.231
  • 10.l
  • 3.3
  • 3.1
  • 3.4
  • 4.8 . 2.5
  • 2.2
  • 2.7
  • 2.9
  • 6.3
  • 2.7
  • 0.226 0.791 1.289 1.266 1.355 1.266 1.289 0.791 0.226
  • 0.234
  • 0.816. 1.331
  • 1.301
  • 1.367. 1.284
  • 1.310
  • 0.812
  • 0.235. 3.7. 3.2. 3.2. 2.8. 0.8. 1.5. 1.6. 2.7. 4.2. STANDARD DEVIATION . =l.857 HAP NO: Sl-13-01 CONTROL ROD POSITIONS:

D BANK AT 173 STEPS 0.255 0.643 1.123 0.915 1.123 0.643 0.255

  • 0.255. 0.659. 1.139. D.893. 1.130
  • 0.653. 0.261
  • 0.2
  • 2.5 . 1.5 * -2.4
  • 0.6
  • 1.5
  • 2.4
  • o.299 0.281 0.299
  • 0.303. 0.277. 0.299. 1.3. -1.3. -0.0
  • SUHNARY DATE: 3/26/94 F-Q(ZJ = 2.157 F-DHINJ = 1.559 F(ZJ = 1.299 POWER: 28.lY. QPTR: NW 1.0077 SW 1.0081 NE 0.9885 SE 0.9957 BURNUP = l NWD/KTU A.O.= -5.020Y. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page AVERAGE .PCT DIFFERENCE
  • = 2.3 39 of 61 8 9 . 11 . .1;,



707. POWER K J H C 0.322 0.305 0.322 . 0.327. 0.303. 0.321. 1.1. -o.a. -0.2

  • F E 0 .271 0. 663 1.139 0 .951 1.139 O .663 0.271 . 0.282. 0.687. 1.169. 0.937. 1.142. 0.686. 0.276. 4.1
  • 3.6
  • 2.7 * -1.5
  • 0.3
  • 3.5
  • D C PREDICTED HEASURED .PCT DIFFERENCE-0.238 0.802 1.273 1.254 1.335 1.254 1.273 0.1102 0.238 . 0.265. o.837 . 1.325 . 1.315
  • 1.294
  • 1.248. 1.2a1
  • 0.806. 0.237. 11.4
  • 4.4
  • 4.1
  • 4.8 * -3.1 * -0.6
  • 0.6
  • 0.4 * -0.2 . 0.237 0.737 1.278 1.291 1.354 1.2S4 1.354 1.291 1.278 0.737 0.237
  • 0.242. 0.759. 1.317. 1.332. 1.396. 1.290. 1.355. 1.292. 1.275. 0.732. 0.234. 1.9
  • 3.0 . 3.1
  • 3.2
  • 3.1
  • 0.5
  • 0.1
  • 0.1 * -0.2 * -0.7 . -1.4
  • B 0.271 0.802 1.278 1.222 1.291 1.243 1.262 1.243 1.291 1.222 1.278 0.802 0.271 . 0.271
  • 0.808
  • 1.295
  • 1.245
  • 1.318 . 1.292 . 1.280
  • 1.245 . 1.285 . 1.212 . l.260
  • 0.787 . 0.253 . o.z
  • 0.7 . 1.3 . 1.9
  • 2.1 . 4.0 . 1.4
  • 0.2 . -0.5 . -0.8 * -1.4 * -1.9 * -6.4 . o.663 1.273 1.291 1.291 1.188 1.244 o.999 1.244 1.188 1.291 1.291 1.213 o.663
  • 0.660. 1.269. 1.291. 1.286. 1.174. 1.246. l.004. 1.239. 1.167. l.27S. 1.276. 1.251. 0.648. -0.5 * -0.3
  • 0.0 * -0.4 . -1.2 . 0.2
  • 0.6 * -0.4 * -1.8 * -1.0 . -1.2 * -1.8 * -2.3 . A ' 'f' i.,. * *** * ** ** **** ** ************************
          • *** ***** ** *****************
  • ** * * ** * ******* * *** *
  • L 0.322 1.139 1.254 1.354 1.243 1.244 1.153 1.249 1.153 1.244 1.243 1.354 1.254 1.139 0.322 . 0.323. 1.126. 1.237. 1.340. 1.226. 1.222. 1.114. 1.233. 1.140. 1.239. 1.235. 1.341 . 1.227. 1.114 . 0.312. o.3 * -1.1 * -1.4 * -1.1 * -1.4 * -1.8 * -3.4 * -1.2 * -1.1 * -o.4 * -o.6 * -o.9 * -2.2 * -2.2 * -2.9 . 0.305 0.951 1.335 1.284. 1.263 0.999 1.250 0.960 1.250 0.999 1.263 1.284 1.335 0.951 0.305 . 0.325. 0.92S. 1.300. 1.262 ~l.232. 0.982. 1.227. 0.949. 1.243. 1.015. 1.258. 1.264. 1.278. 0.909. 0.291. 6.3 . -2.4 * -2.6 . -1.7 . -2.4 * -1.8 * -1.8 . -1.2 * -0.5. 1.6 . -o.4 * -1.5 . -4.3 * -4.3 * -4.6 . 0.322 1.139 1.254 1.354 1.243 1.244 1.153 1.249 1.153. 1.244 1.243 1.354 1.254 1.139 0.322 . 0.322. 1.125. 1.236. 1.341. 1.232. 1.229. 1.138. 1.235. 1.134. 1-235. 1.236. 1.340. 1.232. 1.116. 0.303. 0.2 * -1.2 * -1.5 * -LO . -0.9 * -1.2 * -1.3 * -1.1 * -1.6 * -0.8 * -0.6 * -1.D * -1.8 * -2.0 * -5.8
  • 0.663 1.273 ** 1.291 1.291 1.188 1.244 D.999 1.244 1.188 1.291 1.291 1.273 D.663 . D.657 . 1.258. 1.289
  • 1.291
  • 1.169
  • 1.230
  • D.993. 1.234. 1.168. 1.287. 1.287 . 1.271
  • 0.676 . -1.0 * -1.2 * -D.2
  • D.O . -1.6 * -1.1 * -0.6 . -0.7 . -1.7 * -0.4 * -0.3 . -O.l
  • 2.0 . 0.271 0.1102 1.2711 1.222 1.291 1.243 1.262 1.243 1.291 1.222 1.278 0.802 0.271
  • 0.271 . 0.1108. 1.293. 1.249. 1.300. 1.2411. 1.266. 1.247. 1.296. 1.230. 1.290. 0.808. 0.274. 0.1
  • 0.7
  • 1.2
  • 2.1
  • 0.7
  • 0.4
  • 0.3. 0.3 . 0.3
  • 0.6 . 1.0
  • 0.7
  • 1.3 . 0.237 0.737 1.278 1.291 1.354 1.2114 1.354 1.291 l.27S 0.737 0.237 . 0.255. 0.753. 1.300. 1.308. 1.373. 1.2')4. 1.369. 1.311. 1.302. 0.764. 0.241
  • 7.5
  • 2.1
  • 1.8
  • l.4
  • 1.4
  • o.a . 1.1
  • 1.6
  • 1.9 . 3.6
  • 1.6
  • STANDARD DEVIATION . =1.566 o.238 o.802 1.213 1.254 1.335 1.254 1.213 o.aoz 0.238 . 0.242. 0.813
  • 1.288
  • 1.265
  • 1.335. 1.274 . 1.305. 0.822. 0.244
  • 1.8. 1.3. 1.2. 0.9. 0.0. 1.5. 2.5. 2.4. 2.6. 0.271 0.663 1.139 0.951 1.139 0.663 0.271
  • 0.265. 0.6611. 1.146 . 0.946
  • 1.168. 0.681
  • 0.27S. -1.9
  • 0.1
  • o.6 * -o.5
  • 2.6
  • 2.6
  • 2.6
  • 0.322 0.305 0.322 . 0.323. 0.305. 0.32S. 0.3. -0.l. 1.7. AVERAGE .PCT DIFFERENCE.



DATE: 3/27/94 F-QCZ) = 1.937 F-DHCN) = 1.498 POWER: 70.3% QPTR: D BANK AT 196 STEPS NW l. 0071 NE 0.9919 FIZ) = 1.182 SW 0.9997 SE 1.0013 BURNUP = 19 HWD/HTU A.O.= -3.680% NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 40 of 61 R p Figure 6.3 SURRY UNIT 1..; CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TESTS ASSEHBLYWISE POWER DISTRIBUTION N " PREDICTED


100 7. POWER K J H G 0.327 0.314 0.327

  • 0.330. 0.314. 0.329. o.8. o.o. o.8
  • F E 0.276 0.660 1.119 0.955 1.119 0.660 0.276
  • 0.280
  • 0.668. 1.132. 0.952
  • 1.130. 0.692. 0.285. 1.2 . 1.2
  • 1.1 * -0.3
  • 1.0
  • 4.8 . 3.3

0.243 0.798 1.254 1.229 1.326 1.229 1.254 0.798 0.243

  • 0.271
  • 0.808. 1.271
  • 1.254. 1.290
  • 1.228. 1.272. 0.814
  • 0.266. 11.8
  • 1.2
  • 1.4 * *2.0 * -2.1 * -0.1
  • 1.4
  • 1.9
  • 9.6
  • 0.242 0.738 1.266 1.269 1.352. 1.269 1.352 1.269 1.266 0.738 0.242
  • 0.247. 0.748. 1.252. 1.279. 1.370. 1.270
  • 1.355. 1.277. 1.273. 0.742. 0.240
  • 2.1
  • 1.4 * -1.1
  • 0.7
  • 1.3
  • 0.0
  • 0.3
  • 0.6
  • 0.6
  • 0.4 * -0.9
  • B 0.276 0.798 1.266 1.212 1.304 1.244
  • 1.278 1.244
  • 1.504 1.212 1.266 0.798 0.276
  • 0.282
  • 0.825. 1.287. 1.238. 1.322. 1.277. 1.294
  • 1.251
  • 1.507. 1.209. 1.249. 0.785. 0.265. 2.0
  • 3.3
  • 1.6
  • 2.2
  • 1.4
  • 2.7
  • 1.3 . 0.6
  • 0.2 . -0.3 * -1.3 * -1.7 * -4.2
  • D.660 1.255 1.270 1.304 1.217 1.274 1.017 1.274 1.217 1.304 1.270 1.255 0.660 ,. l 2 4 5
  • 0.664
  • 1.263. 1.270. 1.289. 1.215. 1.281
  • 1.036. 1.282. 1.218. 1.295. 1.250
  • 1.234
  • 0.652. 6 0.6
  • 0.7
  • 0.0 * -1.1 * -0.2. 0.6. 1.8
  • 0.7 . 0.1 * *0.7 * -1.5 * -1.7 * -1.2 * *
  • 0:321 * *
  • i :ii9 * *
  • i:229 * *
  • i:3sz * *
  • i:z44 *:
  • i :z,s *:
  • i: i,ci * :* i:z,:i *:
  • i: i,ii *:
  • i:i,s *:
  • i:z44 * *
  • i ::isz * *
  • i:zi9 *:
  • i:ii9 * *
  • a:32, * * . o.331. 1.121. 1.223. 1.339. 1.220. 1.256. 1.147. 1.211. 1.113. 1.276. 1.232. 1.320. 1.202. 1.120. o.326. 7 1.3. 0.2. -0.5. -1.0. -1.9. -1.5. -2.0. -0.l. 0.2. 0.1. -0.9. -2.3. -2.2. 0.1. -0.3. 0.314 0.955 1.326 1.269 1.279 1.018. 1.274. 0.990 1.274 1.018 1.279 1.269 1.326 0.955 0.514
  • 0.331
  • 0.957. 1.316. 1.249. 1.226. 0.998. 1.256. 0.985. 1.278. l.D29. 1.269. 1.242. 1.268. 0.948. D.310. 8 5.7
  • 0.1 * -0.8 * -1.6. -4.1 . -2.0 * -1.4 * -0.5
  • 0.3
  • 1.1 * -0.8 * -2.1 * -4.3 . -0.8 . -1.3
  • 0.327 1.119 1.229 1.352 1.244. 1.275. 1.170. 1.273 1.170 1.275. 1.244 1.352 1.229 1.119 0.327
  • 0.330. 1.115. 1.217. 1.343. 1.249. 1.265. 1.156. 1.266. 1.171. 1.258. 1.235. 1.538. 1.211
  • 1.113. 0.320. 9 o.9 * -0.4 * -o.9 * -o.6. o.4 * -o.8. -1.2. -o.5
  • 0.1 * -1.3 * -0.1 * -1.0 * -1.5 * -o.5 * -2.1
  • 0.660 1.255. 1.270 1.304
  • 1.217. 1.274. 1.017. 1.274 1.217. 1.304 1.270 1.255 0.660
  • 0.653. 1.231
  • 1.263. 1.305. 1.209. 1.249. 1.010. 1.276. 1.220. 1.305. 1.273. 1.258
  • 0.673 * -1.1. -1.9. -0.5. 0.1. -0.7. -2.0. -0.7. 0.1. 0.2. 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 1.9. 0.276 0.798 1.266 1.212 1.304. 1.244. 1.278 1.244 1.304 1.212 1.266 0.798 0.276
  • 0.275. 0.799. 1.271
  • 1.225. 1.303. 1.236. 1.277 . 1.251
  • 1.329. 1.218. 1.285. 0.810
  • 0.281 * -0.5
  • 0.1
  • 0.4
  • 1.0 * -0.1 * -0.6 . -0.l
  • 0.5
  • 1.9
  • 0.5
  • 1.5
  • 1.5
  • 1.6
  • 0.242 0.738 1.266 1.269. 1.352. 1.269 1.352 1.269 1.266 0.738 0.242 . 0.265
  • 0.747. 1.273. 1.268. 1.349. 1.260
  • 1.555. 1.283. 1.287. 0.774. 0.261
  • 9.1
  • 1.2
  • 0.5
  • o.o * -0.2 * -0.7
  • 0.2
  • 1.1
  • 1.7
  • 4.8 . 7.8 . 0.245 0.798 1.254 1.229 1.326 1.229 1.254 0.798 0.243
  • 0.243. 0.798. 1.250
  • 1.217. 1.290
  • 1.229. 1.262. 0.808. 0.248. 0.2. 0.0 * -0.4. -1.0. -2.7. o.o
  • 0.6. 1.3. 2.2. STANDARD DEVIATION
  • =1.691 0.276 0.660 1.119 0.955 1.119 0.660 D.276 . 0.213. o.657. 1.114. o.951
  • 1.145. o.669. 0.280. -1.l . -0.5. -0.5. -0.4
  • 2.3. 1.4. 1.2. 0.327 0.314 0.327 . 0.329. 0.314
  • 0.333. 0.5
  • o.o
  • 1. 7 *


SUHHARY DATE: 4/22/94 F-QCZJ = 1.817 F-DHCNJ = 1.4.54 POWER: 99.9% QPTR: D BANK AT 219 STEPS NW 1.0035 NE 0.9982 FIZJ = 1.149 SW 0.9955 SE 1.0028 BURNUP = 858 11WD/NTU A.O.= -4.582% NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 41 of 61 10 11 12 13 14 15 This page intentionally blank. r NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 42 of 61 e SECTION 7 REFERENCES

1. C. B. LaRoe, "Surry Unit 1, Cycle 13 Design Report", Technical Report NE-975, Revision O, Virginia Power, March, 1994. 2. T. K. Ross, W. C. Beck, "Control Rod Reactivity Worth Determination By The Rod Swap Technique," VEP-FRD-36A, December, 1980. 3. Letter from W. L. Stewart (Virginia Power) to the U.S.N.R.C, "Surry Power Station Units 1 and 2, North Anna Power Station Units 1 and 2: Modification of Startup Physics Test Program -Inspector Followup Item 280, 281/88-29-01", Serial No.89-541, December 8, 1989. 4. "Impact of C-Bank Reactivity Worth Anomaly Surry Power Station, Unit l", Engineering Transmittal from R.M. Berryman to Mr. J.A. Price, NAF-94009, dated March 25, 1994. 5. T. W. Schleicher, "Reactor Power Distribution Analysis Using a Moveable In-Core Detector System and the TIP/CECOR Computer Code Package", VEP-NAF-2, November, 1991. 6. Surry Unit 1 and 2 Technical Specifications, Sections 3.1.E.1, 3.12.B.1, 3.12.C.1, and 4.10.A. 7. C. B. LaRoe, "Operational Impact of the Surry 1, Cycle 13 Reload Including Flux Suppression Inserts and Power Range Excore Nuclear Instumentation Modifications", Technical Report NE-973, Rev. 0, February, 1994. 8. "Verification of Single-Point Calibration Methodology", Memorandum from C. B. LaRoe to J. W. Henderson, dated May 12, 1994. NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 43 of 61 e This page intentionally blank. NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 44 of 61 , . ......

APPENDIX STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEETS NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 45 of 61 I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test Description*

Zero Power Testing Range Determination Pree No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

..i., t.Jt.\( CB: 225 CC:

  • CD: ..,,,: Below Nuclear Heating "J {7.. Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 5"LfS", Power Level(% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB: 225 CC:1-Z5 CD: zoo.t Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

?, f2.q /c,&J "2.'Z:'2.c;;-

Reactivity Computer Initial Flux -9 Background Reading s-":\ l!'.! 12 amps Flux Reading At Point of Nuclear fn -7 Heating _. Q 1t'IO amps Zero Power I .o v,o-i Testing Range to Io. ol'co amps Reference Not Applicable FSAR/Tech Spec Not Applicable Reference Not Applicable Design Tolerance is met** : / YES _NO Acceptance Criteria is met** : 7YES --NO

  • At The Just Critical Position ** Desigu Tolerance and Acceptance Criteria are met if ZPTR is below Point of Nuclear Heating and above background.

Prep~red By: f,) JD~ \~ Reviewed By: NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 46 of 61 I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Reactivity Computer Checkout Proc ~o /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: ~25 SJB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB: 225 CC:

  • CD:
  • Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature ( 0 F): 54(o.':) Power Level (% F. P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB: 225 CC: :l 'ls CD: .;.C"3 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

I 3/J4 Jql.\ .'.;23: IY Measured Parameter Pc = Meas. Reactivity using p-compute (Description)

Pt = Predicted Reactivity Pc = t-41c,. 0 -:>.~.o Measured Value Pt = + ~Co. 5Co -l'b.OCo %0 = -l.:}. -o.9. Design \"alue i..D = {(pc-pt)/pt}

X 100% 4.0% Reference WCAP 7905, Rev. 1, Table 3.6 FSAR/Tech Spec Not Applicable Reference Not Applicable Design Tolerance is met : JvEs -NO Acceptance Criteria is met : 7YES --NO

  • At The Just Critical Position The allowable range will be set based on the above results, as well as the results from the bench test. Allowable Range= + Yit>.0, -).~. 0 r Reviewed By: t.JJb fl\~ NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 47 of 61 SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET I Test Description*

Critical Boron Concentration

-ARO Reference Proc So /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: II Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (OF): 547 Test Power Level (% F.P.): 0 Conditions SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify): (Design) CB: 225 CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating III Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (OF): 5'17 .f Test Power Level (% F.P.): 0 Conditions SDA: 225 SOB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify): (Actual) CB: 225 CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

J/L-;-I~'( IJ/Jt.-Heas Parameter H IV (Description) (CB) ARO; Critical Boron Cone -ARO Measured Value M 1'7,2.. Test (Design Cond) (CB) ARO = Results Design Value (Design Cond) CB = 1790 +/- 50 ppm Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0 D V FSAR/Tech Spec aCs X CB 1000 pcm Acceptance Criteria Reference Technical Specification 4.10.A Design Tolerance is met : ~ES -NO Acceptance Criteria is met : ES -NO VI Comments aC 8 = -7.31 pcm/ppm D H CB I; CB= I cc 8) ARO -CB is design value. Prep~red By: ~,,?I ~"'7/ // Reviewed By(. 4 0::::fy 7, "'Ad:/ NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 48 of 61 ' t* i.i.

I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments Prep~red e SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Isothermal Temperature Coefficient

-ARO Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F. p.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB: 225 CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): SY'J. Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB: 225 CC: 225 CD:;o 2-Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

3/.)51 y<( o JS;J.... ! Meas Parameter ISO (Description) (a T )ARO Isothermal Temp Coeff -ARO Measured Value ISO (a T )ARO = -.,;J, '7 g pcm/°F (CB = /7Y(ppm) Design Value ISO = /7'/C:,ppm) (Actual Cond) (a T )ARO = -?>,'-19 pcm/°F (CB ISO pcm/°F Design Value (a T )ARO = -3.07 +/- 3.0 (Design Cond) (CB= 1790 ppm) Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0 ISO Dop FSAR/Tech Spec a T*pcm/°F a T = -1. 70 pcm/ °F Reference TS 3.1.E, Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0 Design Tolerance is met : ~YES _NO Acceptance Criteria is met : _YES _NO

  • Uncertainty on aTMOD = 0.5 pcm/°F (


memorandum from C. T. Snow to E. J. Lozito dated June 27, 1980). Reviewed By: NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report . Page 49 of 61 7 ,;,,,/la:./

I Reference II Test Conditions I (Des ig:i) III Test Conditions (Actual) I I I\' Test Results I V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Cntl Bank B Worth Heas.,Rod Swap Ref. Bank Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No:, Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): S-(7-i Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

3µ~9r.; i.;-, REF Measured Parameter I B ; Integral Worth of Cntl Bank B, (Description)

All Other Rods Out REF ;</11/.> ~easured Value I B = Design Value REF (Design Conditions)

I B = 1429 +/- 143 pcm Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0 If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result FSAR/Tech Spec on safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that additional testing be performed.

Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met : _iLYES _NO Acceptance Criteria is met : ~ES --NO Prep~red By: Reviewed

~E-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page SO of 61

/ I Reference II Test . Conditions[ (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments I e SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Critical Boron Concentration

-B Bank In Proc No /Section:

l-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level Ct F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SOB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB: 0 CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature ( 0 F): 5'f7.8" Power Level Ct F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB: 0 CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:


/'7<t 01. ss ' l1eas Parameter M (Description) (CB)B; Critical Boron Cone -B Bank In M /5~9 Measured Value (CB)B = (Design Cond) Prev 142. 9 / I aC 8 I )ppm Design Value CB = 1595 + ACB +/- (10 + (Design Cond) CB = /~S7 ppm Reference I Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0 FSAR/Tech Spec Sot Applicable Reference Not Applicable Design Tolerance is met : ...::...YES

_NO Acceptance Criteria is met : ~YES -NO aCB = -7.33 pcm/ppm ,, Prev ACB = H (CB)ARO -1790 I 7 5 z_-t 7 90 -=--38' Prepared By: Reviewed By:~C7~ ~E-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 51 of 61 I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVr\LUATION SHEET Test


HZP Boron Worth Coefficent Measurement Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (OF): 547 Pm;er Level (% F.Po): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (OF): SL/-7. Pm;er Level (l. F.Po): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

I 3/1..5 /., </ Cl(':;)7--

I I Measured Parameter (Description) aC 8 , Boron worth Coefficient

~easured Value aCB = -7. 2 4-. Design Value (Design Conditions) aCB = -7033 +/- Oo73 pcm/ppm Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev" 0 FSAR/Tech Spec Not Applicable Reference Not Applicable Design Tolerance is met : ./ YES -NO Acceptance Criteria is met : ./ YES _NO "l...... Prep4:1red By: 7:;f; :c:2., Reviewed By:~(2:/~

NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 52 of 61 c ,. LI*

I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions ( Actua 1) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Cntl Bank D Worth Measurement-Rod Swap Pree No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (OF): 547 Power Leve 1 ( % F . P . ) : 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 Other (specify):

CB :Hoving CC: 225 CD:Moving Below Nuclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (on: '5Lt'1. Power Level(% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225. CA: 225 Other (Specify):

CB:Hoving CC: 225 CD:Hoving Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed: I ;i.,; I 'l '-+ C.,.3'0 Meas Parameter RS (Description)

Io ; Int Worth of Cntl Bank D-Rod S\o'ap RS (Adj. Meas. Crit. Ref Bank Measured Value Io = IC33. I Position = l~1.9steps)

Design Value RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank (Actual Cond) Io = ,oq~.s Pas it ion = 1-3'7. <\ steps) RS Design Value Io = 1093 +/- 164 pcm (Critical Ref Bank (Design Cond) Position=

141 steps) Reference Technical Report ~E-975, Rev. 0, VEP-FR0-36A If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on FSAR/Tech Spec safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that additional testing be performed.

Reference VEP-FR0-36A Design Tolerance is met : _!'._YES -NO Acceptance Criteria is met : ~YES -NO r ;1 Prep~red By:~~ D.~ Reviewed By: t/ ff~ Jl-(JJ v~ { """' NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 53 of 61 I Reference II e SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test Description*

Cntl Bank C Worth Measurement-Rod Swap Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) ! Test ~,

RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level(% F.P.): 0 Other (specify):

Conditions I (Design) I SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 CB:Hoving CC:MovingCD:

225 Below Nuclear Heating III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature ( °F): '3'+7. 2. Power Level(% F.P.): 0 Other (Specify):

SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA: 225 CB:Moving CC:MovingCD:

225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

5/;25)9't C:'b1I Meas Parameter (Description)

Measured Value Design Value (Actual Cond) RS le , Int Worth of Cntl Bank C-Rod Swap RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank le = (,"'¥+ . .2. Position = 17.3 steps) RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank Ic = '15,g.

  • Position = 1'1. 3 steps) Design Value j (Design Cond) RS Ic = 761 +/- 114 pcm (Critical Ref Bank Position=

79 steps) I I Reference

  • Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0, VEP-FRD-36A V FSAR/Tech Spec If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that additional testing be performed.

Acceptance Criteria VI Comments Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met Acceptance Criteria is met Prep~red By,~ 'D NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report _YES ~NO _YES ~NO Reviewed By: Page 54 of 61 --1 I Reference II Test Conditions (Design)



Cntl Bank A Worth Measurement-Rod Swap Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA:Moving Other (specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating III Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 5'"i'1 . ..,. Test Power Level (% F.P.): 0 Conditions SDA: 225 SDB: 225 CA:Moving Other (Specify): (Actual) CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:


oi40 Meas Parameter RS (Description)

IA ; Int Worth of Cntl Bank A-Rod Swap IV RS , (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank Test Measured Value IA = 2.9'5"."\

Position =J.44.'& steps) Results Design Value RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank (Actual Cond) IA = o\91.9 Position =~.'&steps)

RS Design Value IA = 292 +/- 100 pcm (Critical Ref Bank (Design Cond) Position=

39 steps) Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0' VEP-FRD-36 A If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on V FSAR/Tech Spec safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that Acceptance additional testing be performed.

Criteria Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met : .:!.._YES

-NO VI Acceptance Criteria is met : ....!':_YES

_NO Comments 1/J /1~ Prep~red By:~*:)~ Reviewed By: ljjjftfd w I I J NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 55 of 61 I Reference II I Test Conditions (Design) III Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results V Acceptance Criteria VI Comments SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Shutdown Bank B Worth Meas. -Rod Swap Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB:MovingCA:

225 Other (specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Ilea ting Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 5~,.1 Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA: 225 SDB:MovingCA:

225 Other (Specify):

CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

-=":Jj z.5/q4 CJ Ci '2.C Meas Parameter RS (Description)

IsB; Int Worth of Shutdown Bank B-Rod Swap RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank Measured Value 1 sB = Cf85. 9 Position = 12.1.0 steps) Design Value RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank (Actual Cond) IsB = '12.0 ,9 Position = 1'2-'l,osteps)

RS .Design Value IsB = 1105 +/- 166 pcm (Critical Ref Bank (Design Cond) Position = 144 step Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0, VEP-FRD-36 If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on FSAR/Tech Spec safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that additional testing be performed.

Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met : " YES NO ----Acceptance Criteria is met : ~YES _NO .. */1 /l ,,....,/1 Prep~red By: +t~:V-~ Reviewed By: t'~ (ffcldd/ NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 56 of 61 s) A ' 1 [.<

  • Li.



Shutdown Bank A ~orth Meas. -Rod Swap Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: II Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature

(°F): 547 Power Level(% F.P.): O Other (specify):

Test Conditions!


225 CA: 225 (Design) CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 I Below Nuclear Heating i I III Bank Positions (Steps) I RCS Temperature

(°F): 54-1.'+ Test I Power Level(% F.P.): 0 Conditions SDA:MovingSDB:

225 CA: 225 Other (Specify): (Actual) CB:Moving CC: 225 CD: 225 Below Nuclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

I i 3 J ;i..rsjq'i o<=tso I I Meas Parameter RS (Description)

ISA; Int Worth of Shutdown Bank A-Rod Swap IV RS (Adj. Meas. Crit. Ref Bank Test Measured Value ISA = iOLt~.'b Position = l"tl steps) Results Design Value RS (Adj. Meas. Grit. Ref Bank (Actual Cond) 1 sA = /01~.~ Position = 141 steps) RS Design Value IsA = 1067 +/- 160 pcm (Critical Ref Bank (Design Cond) Position = 135 step Reference Technical Report NE-975, Rev. 0' VEP-FRD-36 If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on V FSAR/Tech Spec safety analysis.

SNSOC may specify that Acceptance additional testing be performed.

Criteria Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met : ~YES -NO VI Acceptance Criteria is met : _LYES NO -Comments ,.,/) I} /1/1 Prep1;1red By:Q~ Reviewed By: t(J117iW I './ NE-987 SlC13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 57 of 61 s) A I Reference II Test Conditions (Design) I II Test Conditions (Actual) IV Test Results e e SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS TEST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET Test


Total Rod Worth -Rod Swap Proc No /Section:

1-NPT-RX-008 Sequence Step No: Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (on: 547 Power Level (%F.P.): 0 SDA:Moving SDB:Moving CA:~oving Other (specify):

CB:Moving CC:Moving CD: ~loving Below ~uclear Heating Bank Positions (Steps) RCS Temperature (0 F): 6"-11.~ Power Level (% F.P.): 0 SDA:Moving SDB:Hoving CA:Moving Other (Specify):

CB:Moving CC:Moving CD:Moving Below ~uclear Heating Date/Time Test Performed:

3/ :l5 /9~ c, Meas Parameter (Description) 1 Tota l; Int Worth of All Banks -Rod S.:ap Measured Value 1 Total = 5.1..fOq.

9 pu-n Design Value (Actual Cond) 1 Total = 5'1~7. p-.¥V) Design Value 1 Total = 5747 +/- 575 pcm (Design Cond) Reference Technical Report ~E-975, Rev. 0' A VEP-FRO-36; If Design Tolerance is exceeded, SNSOC shall evaluate impact of test result on V FSAR/Tech Spec safety analysis.

Additional testing Acceptance must be performed.

Criteria Reference VEP-FRD-36A Design Tolerance is met : ~YES --NO VI Acceptance Criteria is met : ~YES --NO Comments /) /)/)/1 Prep~red By:9~J)Or~

Reviewed By: Iii W1}:{d! // {I NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 58 of 61


-=-=St ::~nait~ons 1 : DesignJ -=-=St :::ona1t~ons1




~!D Flux Mao-Ac Power ?roe ~o 1 ~ect1on: ~-~PT-RX-008.002 Seauence Step No: 3ank Pos1c~ons 1Steps1 :3:JA: '.::B : :3DB: ~c : .., ... -'. ~r\. Bank Positions lSteps~ ~DA: ::B : ..,..,==-___ --,: ~DB: ,.., . '-'*""'* ::ate1L~=.e

~=St ?er:ormea:

-iAX. ;E.L 1eas P~ramecer1

~SSY PWR (Descr1?t~anJ

~IFF (~-P)/P ~easureci.

i Design Value 1 : 1* c. *~ & ,., I l IA-t, C 0.1 (Design Conds) (P, * ..... *,-.1 :=:cference FSAR/Tecn Spec, Reference WCAP-7905

.:.V. l ~;ONE ~ONE 2:5 2:s -r, -RCS Temperature , *in :TREF +/-1 ?ower Levei (: F.?.): ~O Jther (specify):

~use have~ 38 thimbles**

RCS Temperacuret 0 F'): NOM, c1S'"' ?ower Level (: F. P. ) : .*.2 f:i I % Jther tSpecify):

~me DlTHALi TOTAL HEAT! ~AXIHUH POS. :USE HOT ; FLUX IIOT : :::emu: CHAN FACT : ClIAN FACT '. QUADRANT :-dH(N) F-Q(Z) ?OWER TILT --. 1 -.. ' -.-) I \ONE . r&Ma .. 16U*.JI l*Pll TS :3.12.B -~. /5 7 *.J~E I r~<II .11 .....

  • uu I ! TS 3.12.BI O"-::? I I. l..' ,.., 1.0200 ',."CAP-7905
\EV .1 ~ONE '.'-lONE Desi~n Tolerance is mec Accepcance Criteria is mec X YES _-;o .'< YES _\O ** As Required ~use ':ave at lease 16 thimbles far quarcer core maps ~or muiti-point calibrations

.. ? repareci.

By: Reviewed By: .-* NE-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 59 of 61

/ :(eference

esc Gonciicions1 ( DesignJ III :esc *:onciitions 1 'Accual i : IV Test Resu.i.cs SURRY POWER STATION UNIT 1 CYCLE 13 STARTUP PHYSICS 7EST RESULTS AND EVALUATION SHEET 7esc Sescr1~c1on:

~!D Flux ctap-At Power ?roe ~o t ~ecc::..c~:


~equence 5tep No: .SDA: :.:.s :B : ::..s SJB: ::.s C *. ...... CD: Bank ?~sitions 1S:epsi SDA: .:.:.s '.:B : .:.:.s SiJB: CA: ,... ..... ~.J. ~eas f:iramecer1 ( Descr::..pcion J ~AX. REL .\SSY PWR '; :JIFF (:1-P)/P : If. l! '7c .fo,-~easureci V * . ~? C.Gc a.luei 11:'+"lo -fut" I ? .( .,..,~ __ _. ::s RCS Te~per~cu:-e 1 :F) :TREF ~l Power Leve1 (. F .*. ): 65~7.SX Other l s-pec1.iy):

~ust have~ 38 thimbles**

RCS Temperacuret 0 r): non-,. 70"1,,,/ Power .Level (";, F .P.): "'1C, 3 IIJo"' Other t Speciiy):


  • 111-*, a*** . ':IA-*;* e.w I (Design Canas) I c,,. --*-** ~A SA 1.0200 ~eference
  • ,.CAP-7905 -=.:.v .1 \ONE *:.JNE i *..;cAP-7905

~EV. l . : V I FSAR/Tech S;:,ec I ~;ONE r ua.M(a*.xa

.. u I r~1iaz.=r

  • 1111 I Accepcancer---~--~--------~----~--~--------~~~~--~----------~

NONE Criceria i I *;r Reference

~ONE Design Tolerance is mec Accepcance Criceria is mec TS :3 .12.B TS 3.12.BI .,..£'(ES

_':O _LYES _:;o ~ONE :ommencs 1 ** As iequired ** '1usb J-,ave ac leas~ 16 chimbles for quarcer core maps :or muici-poinc caiibra~ions.

Reviewed By: NE-987 S1Cl3 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 60 of 61 f.. r, ~-



~/D Flux Ma?-At Power ~eference

Pree ~a/ Section: :-~PT-RX-008.002 Sequence Ste? No: :r ~est :.::maitions 1 *DesignJ :rr ~est Conditions 1 . Actual) :v 7est :tesults 3ank Positions (StepsJ SDA: 225 SDB: 215 CA: CB : 215 c:: : 215 C:D: Bank Positions (Steps) SDA: 225 SDB: 215 CA: CB : 215 c:: : :.25 :o: 8ate1Time Test Performed:

~eas Parameter 1 (Description; MAX. ~EL ASSY PWR : DIFF (M-P)/P 1u.3~fc.c . . p.,. e qo ~easurecf' Value, . ;,.,, ' 1 ,1,-c ,c. ! -<..o.~o 2Z5 RCS Temperature l 0:):TRE +/-1 Power Level C: F.P.): 95~100t Other (specify):

.. ~ust have~ 38 thimbles**

RCS Temperature( 0 r"): ~Cffiif\G l Power Level ('.';. F. P.): ('.\C\ .C\ '.:\:. 225 Other (Specify): l\*u....;41-I ~UC ESTHALlTOTAL HEATl~AXIHUH POS. RISE HOT j FLUX HOT IISCORE CHAN FACT !CHAN FACT :QUADRANT F-dH(N) I F-Q(Z) i POWER TILT I *I.\ 54 1,. '8 i 1 I I \,QO~ i ~\' 6E:. Design Value :

  • 1n -,. * ,., j I I LS,_ ft C Cl.9 (Design Cands) t*1 * -* *,-., I 1.0200 Reference

'WCAP-7905 REV.l SONE ~A ~ONE 'WCAP-7905 REV. l I I j I ,, rl.a.-1*.,u

.. n I rqtlJGJIII'

  • 11111 1
  • FSAR/Tech Spec1 ~ONE Acceptance..-------------------_..;.-----------

NONI Criteria I Reference NONE TS 3.12.B TS 3.12.B VI Design Tolerance is mec Acceptance Criteria is mac :omaencs 1

  • As Required ** Must have at lease 16 thimbles far quarter for rt1ulti-point calibrations.

Reviewed By: I ~E-987 S1C13 Startup Physics Tests Report Page 61 of 61