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{{#Wiki_filter:ES-301 Administrative T opics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:
SONGS 2 & 3 Date of Examination:
10/19/09 Examination Level RO  Operating Test Number:
NRC  Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Code* Describe Activity to be Performed Conduct of Operations N, R 2.1.23  Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation (4.3).
JPM:    Perform an RCS Inventory Balance (New).
Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.25    Ability to interpret reference materials such as graphs, curves, tables, etc. (3.9).
JPM:    Determine Time to Boil (J213A).
Equipment Control N, R 2.2.12 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures (3.7).
JPM: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks. (New)
Radiation Control M, S 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. (3.2).
JPM: Determine Dose for Maintenance Activities (J236A2).
Emergency Plan -  NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required. *Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs;  for 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1)  (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)
NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 1 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 RO ES-301-1 Rev 1 Administrative Topics Outline Task Summary NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 2 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 RO ES-301-1 Rev 1 RO A.1.a The candidate will perform a Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolan t System Inventory Balance
. The critical steps include correctly docum enting parameters and performing calculations within allowable tolerances. This is a new JPM. 
RO A.1.b The candidate will calculate Time-to-Boil per SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. The critical steps include correctly interpreting curves within tolerances and performing the final calculation within given tolerances. This is a
modified bank JPM.
RO A.2 The candidate will be provided with a set of Core Exit Thermocouple data and will determine if the requir ed OPERABILITY is met using SO23-3-3.35, PAMI / Safe Shutdown M onthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly
Channel Checks. The critical steps include identifying any out-of-service thermocouples and correctly determini ng OPERABILITY of the Core Exit Thermocouple System. This is a new JPM.
RO A.3 The candidate will be required to calculate stay time based on a maintenance activity. The critical steps require determining the optimum total dose using either time, distance or shielding for performing the task.
This is a modified bank JPM.
RO A.4 N/A
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA1 Task #185300 K/A #2.1.23          4.3/4.4 Title: Perform Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance Calculations Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:      READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. The Plant Computer System Wate r Inventory Balance Program is not available. The previous shift started a manual Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance at 1630 per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Atta chment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. Power change is NOT in progress.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to COMPLETE the Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation.
The following final data was obtained at 1835:  T AVG is 567.2°F. VCT level is 44.3%. Pressurizer level is 53.4%. Quench Tank Level is 74.4%. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.1% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-008 is 81.3% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.9% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-010 is 82.0% narrow range. There is no known RCS in-leakage.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-3.37, Attachment 3.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Required Materials: SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant Sy stem Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation, Rev. 29.
Validation Time:
20 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the Examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balan ce, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. INITIAL through Step 2.6. COMPLETE Initial Data Column on Table 1. MARK Step 3.2 with "Stop Here."  INFORM examinee that any independent review requirements (Procedure Steps 2.8 and 2.9.3) need NOT be completed.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc    - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and Record time calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 1835 as Final Time then SUBTRACT 1633 -1835 =
+122 minutes. RECORD +125 minutes.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Examiner Note:
The Table 1 data recording and calculations can be performed in any order.
Perform Step: 2 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record VCT calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 44.3% as Final VCT Level then SUBTRACT 44.3% -
46.0% and MULTIPLY 1.7% x 38.
5 gal/% = +65.45 gallons. RECORD +65.45 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 3 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record PZR calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 53.4% as Final PZR Level then SUBTRACT 53.4% -
53.5% and MULTIPLY 0.1% x 52.9 gal/% = +5.29 gallons. RECORD +5.29 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 4 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record TAVG calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 567.2°F as Final T AVG then SUBTRACT 567.2°F -
567.4°F and MULTIPLY 0.2°F x -87.07 gal/degree = -17.4 gallons. RECORD -17.4 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record SIT-008 calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 81.3% as Final SIT-008 level then SUBTRACT 81.3% - 81.3% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 6 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record SIT-007 calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 80.1% as Final SIT-007 level then SUBTRACT 80.1% - 80.1% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 7 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record SIT-009 calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 80.9% as Final SIT-009 level then SUBTRACT 80.9% - 80.9% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 8 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record SIT-010 calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 82.0% as Final SIT-010 level then SUBTRACT 82.0% - 82.0% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1:  Perform and record Quench Tank calculations.
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD 74.4% as Final Quench Tank level.
Examiner Cue:
Table 1 has been Independently Verified.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Total Leak Rate Calculation:  Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal VCT    (+) (-)  ____ gal Standard:
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD VCT change as 65.45 gallons and CIRCLE (+).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 11 Total Leak Rate Calculation:  Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal PZR    (+) (-)  ____ gal Standard:
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD PZR change as 5.29 gallons and CIRCLE (+).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 12 Total Leak Rate Calculation:  Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal T AVG    (+) (-)  ____ gal Standard:
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  RECORD T AVG change as 17.4 gallons and CIRCLE (-).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 13 Total Leak Rate Calculation:  Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal VCT    (+) (-)  ____ gal gal PZR    (+) (-)  ____ gal gal T AVG    (+) (-)  ____ gal        Subtotal  ____ gal Standard:
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  ADD (+65.45) + (+5.29) +
(-17.4) = +53.34 gallons. RECORD Total change as 53.34 gallons.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 14 Total Leak Rate Calculation:  Calculate (divide):  Subtotal                    ____ gal  Test Duration       
÷ ____ min  Calculated Total Leak Rate    ____ gpm
Identified In-leakage    + ____ gpm  TOTAL LEAK RATE  =  ____ gpm Standard:
RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations:  DIVIDE 53.34 gallons by 125 minutes =
0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm (to nearest 1/100 th). RECORD 0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm for Calculated Total Leak Rate. RECORD zero (0) fo r Identified In-leakage. RECORD 0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm for Total Leak Rate.
Examiner Cue:
Total Leak Rate Calculat ion has been Independently Verified.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT    Perform Step: 15 If Total Leak Rate, Step 2.9.2, is  1 gpm, then Mark N/A Sections 2.10 and 2.11, and Circle N/A for Identified Leak Rate and Unidentified Leak Rate in Step 3.1. (Mark N/A if Total Leak Rate > 1 gpm.)
RECORD final data:  DETERMINE leakrate to be less than 1 gpm.
MARK N/A Sections 2.10 and 2.11. CIRCLE N/A for Identified Leak Ra te and Unidentified Leak Rate in Step 3.1.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16 Acceptance Criteria Result.
Standard: RECORD total leakrate value, DETERMINE total leakrate  1gpm and CIRCLE YES for ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. The Plant Computer System Water Inventory Balance Program is not available. The previous shift started a manual Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance at 1630 per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment
3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. Power change is NOT in progress.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to COMPLETE the Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. The following final data was obtained at 1835:  TAVG is 567.2°F. VCT level is 44.3%. Pressurizer level is 53.4%. Quench Tank Level is 74.4%. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.1% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-008 is 81.3% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-009 is 80.9% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-010 is 82.0% narrow range. There is no known RCS in-leakage. 
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA2 Task #188898 K/A #2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Title: Determine Time to Boil Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on St eam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used as the RCS vent. Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment 9.
Required Materials: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS  Time-to-Boil Margin, Rev. 20.
Validation Time:
15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of the RCS Time-to-Boil Margin.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine BM ref Standard: REFERENCE BM ref  Table and INTERPOLATE between 20 and 30 days as follows:
[(39.09 - 32.4) X .2] + 32.4 =
33.74 minutes Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine L cf Standard: REFERENCE L cf Table and DETERMINE L cf to be 1.008 at 27 inches.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine T cf Standard:
SELECT T cf formula of T cf = (212 - T hot) / 92. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine T cf Standard:  CALCULATE T cf = (212 - 115.5) / 92 =
1.049 +/- 0.002 Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine N cf  where  N cf = 217 / (217- # new assemblies)
Standard:  CALCULATE N cf = 217 / (217-101) =
1.87 Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Standard:
BM act = (33.74 min) X (1.008)
X (1.049) X (1.87) =
66.7 +/- 2.5 minutes Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on Steam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used
as the RCS vent.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA3 Task #185785 K/A #2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Title: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:  X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.
Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks.
Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-3.35, Attachment 2.
Required Materials:
SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Rev. 22.
Validation Time:
25 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. INITIAL through Step 1.4. MARK "Stop Here" at Step 3.1. Qualified Safety Parameter Display Sy stem (QSPDS) pages 611, 622, and 721. Core Exit Thermocouple Data (part of JPM Cue Sheet).
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  COLD LEG 1A TEMP. COLD LEG 1B TEMP.
RECORD 541°F for Cold Leg 1A and Cold Leg 1B temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?
CHECK YES box for QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  COLD LEG 2A TEMP.
RECORD 540°F for Cold Leg 2A and Cold Leg 2B temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?
CHECK YES box for QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  REP CET TEMPERATURE (QSPDS A).
RECORD 611°F for REP CET (QSPDS A) and 612°F for REP CET (QSPDS B) temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  REP CET Temperatures within 9°F?
Standard: CHECK YES box for REP CET temperatures within 9°F.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7  Transfer the Highest operable Cold Leg Temperat ure of Step 2.1.1 into the "Low Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
RECORD 541°F in "Low Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8  Transfer the Lowest operable REP CET temperatur e of Step 2.1.1 into the "High Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
RECORD 611°F in "High Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "A" Page 731:  Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs. Write 'N/A" for G-20.
RECORD N/A for CET G-20 and RE CORD CET Temper atures from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermoc ouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Record the total number of CETs which are within "In-Range" limits for each column.
Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermocouple Map:  QUAD 1 = 5; QUAD 2 = 6; QUAD 3 = 8; QUAD 4 = 6.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for Channel "A" QSPDS:
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "B" Page 731:  Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs.
RECORD CET Temperatures from Q SPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 Record the total number of CETs wh ich are within the "In-Range" limits for each column.
Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map:  QUAD 1 = 6; QUAD 2 = 7; QUAD 3 = 1; QUAD 4 = 6.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for channel "B" QSPDS:
YES  NO Standard: CHECK NO box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15 If any CETs are not "In-Range", then ensure a Notification has been initiated, and record NEW Notification numbers in the comments section. Standard: ANNOTATE that a Notification for QSPDS B CET failure has been initiated in the COMMENTS Section.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 16 Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check  Record the differential temperatures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples (HJTCs) from QSPDS Page 721 on Table 2.
RECORD the differential temper atures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples from QSPD S Page 721 on Table 2.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 17 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel A fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 18 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel B fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel
Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached.
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc CHANNEL A CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP DATA (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 W6 583°F 1 T18 591°F 1 G9 582°F 1 T2 593°F 2 W13 590°F 2 L13 573°F 2 G13 576°F 2 R4 587°F 3 W18 558°F 3 L16 584°F 3 E6 589°F 3 R6 612°F 4 T13 582°F 4 G16 588°F 4 E9 588°F 4 L2 575°F 5 T16 589°F 5 G18 589°F 5 C4 560°F 5 L9 573°F 6 G20 84°F 6 C9 591°F 6 G2 606°F 7 E20 553°F 7 C16 590°F 7 E4 589°F 8 A8 572°F  9 A14 540°F CHANNEL B CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 Y8 541°F 1 T20 548°F 1 E13 583°F 1 T4 593°F 2 Y14 563°F 2 R16 585°F 2 E16 611°F 2 R2 585°F 3 W4 - 3 R18 584°F 3 C6 - 3 L4 600°F 4 W9 610°F 4 R20 601°F 4 C13 612°F 4 L6 592°F 5 W16 598°F 5 L18 594°F 5 C18 - 5 G4 589°F 6 T6 585°F 6 L20 576°F 6 G6 608°F 7 T9 614°F 7 E18 588°F 7 E2 540°F 8 R9 585°F 9 R13 588°F Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA4 Task #113888 K/A #2.3.12 3.2/3.7 Title: Determine Dose for Maintenance Activities Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions: A high dose maintenance acti vity is scheduled in the Unit 3 Penetration Building. The general dose rate in the area is 80 mrem/hour but can be reduced to 35 mrem/hour if lead shielding is installed. It will take Operators A & B 45 minut es to install the shielding if desired. Independent of the shielding, it will take Operator A two and a half (2.5) hours or Operators A & B an hour and one half (1.5) hours to perform the maintenance.
Initiating Cue:
The Work Pr ocess Supervisor directs you to SELECT the condition with the lowest total dose to perform the maintenance. ANNOTATE the total dose for each option.
: 1. Operator A without shielding total dose _________.
: 2. Operators A & B without shielding total dose ________.
: 3. Operator A with shielding total dose ________.
: 4. Operators A & B with shielding total dose ________. CIRCLE the lowest dose condition.
Task Standard: Choose the methodology that result in keeping total dose As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
Required Materials:
Calculator Validation Time:
8 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a Calculator.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Determine total dose to Operator A without shielding.
Standard:  DETERMINE total dose to Operator A without shielding as follows:  80 mrem/hr x 2.5 hours =
200 mrem total dose.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Determine total dose to Operators A & B without shielding.
Standard: DETERMINE total dose to Operators A & B without shielding as follows:
80 mrem/hr x 1.5 hours/oper ator x 2 operators =
240 mrem total dose.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Determine total dose to install shielding.
DETERMINE total dose to install shielding as follows:  80 mrem/hr x .75 hours/
operator x 2 operators =
120 mrem to install. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4  Determine total dose to Operator A with shielding.
Standard:  DETERMINE total dose to Operator A with shielding as follows:  35 mrem/hr x 2.5 hours + 120 mrem =
207.5 mrem total dose.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5  Determine total dose to Operators A & B with shielding.
Standard:  DETERMINE total dose to Operators A & B with shielding as follows:  35 mrem/hr x 1.5 hours/operator x 2 operators + 120 mrem =
225 mrem total dose.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Select the appropriate individual.
DETERMINE total dose to Operator A without shielding at a total dose of 200 mrem is the most desirable select ion and CIRCLE #1 on the Cue sheet. Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: A high dose maintenance activity is scheduled in the Unit 3 Penetration Building. The general dose rate in the area is 80 mrem/hour but can be reduced to 35 mrem/hour if lead shielding is installed. It will take Operators A & B 45 minutes to install the shielding if desired. Independent of the shielding, it will take Operator A two and a half (2.5) hours or Operators A & B an hour and one half (1.5) hours to pe rform the maintenance.
INITIATING CUE: The Work Process Supervisor directs you to SELECT the condition with the lowest total dose to perform the maintenance. ANNOTATE the total dose for each option.
: 1. Operator A without shielding total dose _____ mrem.
: 2. Operators A & B without shielding total dose _____ mrem.
: 3. Operator A with shielding total dose _____ mrem.
: 4. Operators A & B with shielding total dose _____ mrem. CIRCLE the lowest dose condition.
ES-301 Administrative T opics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:
SONGS 2 & 3 Date of Examination:
10/19/09 Examination Level SRO  Operating Test Number:
NRC  Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Code* Describe Activity to be Performed Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.23  Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation (4.4).
JPM:    Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (J250A).
Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.25    Ability to interpret reference materials such as graphs, curves, tables, etc. (4.2).
JPM:    Determine Time to Boil (J213A).
Equipment Control N, R 2.2.12 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures (4.1).
JPM: Review Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Check surveillance and verify Technical Specification Compliance. (New)
Radiation Control N, R 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. (3.7).
JPM: Determine Containment Access Requirements (New).
Emergency Plan M, R 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations
. (4.4). JPM: Determine Protective Actions (J126A). NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required. *Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs;  for 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1)  (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)
NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 1 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 SRO ES-301-1 Rev 1 Administrative Topics Outline Task Summary NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 2 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 SRO ES-301-1 Rev 1 SRO A.1.a The candidate will perform an Azimuthal Power Tilt calculation per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination
. The critical steps include correctly transposing data, accurately performing all calcul ations, correctly identifying out of tolerance conditions and identifying required actions. Additionally, a determination of actions for out-of-tolerance Azimuthal T ilt is required.
This is a modified bank JPM.
SRO A.1.b The candidate will calculate Time-to-Boil per SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. The critical steps include correctly interpreting curves within tolerances and performing the final calculation within given tolerances. This is a
modified bank JPM.
SRO A.2 The candidate will be provided with a set of Core Exit Thermocouple data and will determine if the requir ed OPERABILITY is met using SO23-3-3.35, PAMI / Safe Shutdown M onthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly
Channel Checks. The critical steps include identifying any out-of-service thermocouples, correctly determining OPERABILITY, and recording entry into any required Technical Specif ication LCOs for the Core Exit Thermocouple System. This is a new JPM.
SRO A.3 The candidate will determine the requirements for Containment access per SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. The critical steps include properly iden tifying all requirements on Attachment 1, Containment Access Requirements. This is a new JPM.
SRO A.4 The candidate will review given plant conditions and offsite dose information and determine required protective actions per
SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. The critical steps include determining the affected areas and the recommended protective actions. This is a modified bank JPM.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA1 Task #187652 K/A #2.1.23 4.3/4.4 Title: Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom: X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in Mode 1 at 99.98% power. Part-Length Control Element Assemblies (PLCEAs) are at 145 inches. Core Protection Calculator Chan nel B and Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COL SS) are INOPERABLE. COLSS out of service surveillances are in progress.
Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  CALCULATE Azimuthal Power Tilt per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachm ent 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination starting at Step 3.2. VERIFY Instrument data has been recorded at Steps 3.1 and 3.4. DOCUMENT any action(s) taken in the COMMENTS Section of  . DOCUMENT any Technical Specification REQUIRED ACTION(s) in the COMMENTS Section of Attachment 3. Another SRO will PERFORM Independent Verification when the surveillance is complete.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 3 and Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3.
Required Materials: SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Serv ice Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination, Rev. 12-2. Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3, Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq), Amendment #127.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Validation Time:
22 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination as follows:  ENTER data prior to Sect ion 1.0, Prerequisites:  Unit 2; MODE 1; RX POWER is 99.98%; DATE is Today; Time is Now  INITIAL Steps 1.1 and 1.2. ENTER the following data at Step 3.1 and INITIAL:  1.0299 for Channel A, C and D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.1 and INITIAL:  90.51 for Channel A, 92.115 for Channel C and 91.565 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.2 and INITIAL:  110.89 for Channel A, 112.59 for Channel C and 111.89 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.3 and INITIAL:  90.10 for Channel A, 91.95 for Channel C and 91.355 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Record the CPC AZ Tilt Allowance from each Operable CPC channel (CPC PID 063). (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not available.)
VERIFY data is recorded at Step 3.1.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Subtract 1 from each Azimuthal Tilt Allowance in Step 3.1 and record results. (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not available.)
RECORD 0.0299 for Channels A, C, and D. MARK Channel B as INOP.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Determine the applicable equation to be used based on the number of
Operable CPC channels.
Circle the equation to be used.
CIRCLE equation at Step 3.3.3:  CPC A, C, & D Operable (perform only if CPC channel B is Inoperable):
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Record Excore Neutron Flux Detect or values from each Operable CPC channel. (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not
available.)  Upper detector (PID 010:)  Middle detector (PID 011:)  Lower detector (PID 012:)
VERIFY data is reco rded at Step 3.4.1.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors using the following equati on: (Record the select ed equation from Step 3.3) Standard:
RECORD Step 3.3.3 Channel A, C and D detectors where appropriate.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors
using the follo wing equation:  Upper Detector Standard:
INSERT Upper Detector values in to equation and SOLVE with a result of 0.0148.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors
using the follo wing equation:  Middle Detector Standard: INSERT Middle Detector values into equation and SOLVE with a result
of 0.0124.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors
using the follo wing equation:  Lower Detector Standard: INSERT Lower Detector values into equation and SOLVE with a result
of 0.0173.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 Record the average (T CPC) of the tilts calculated in Step 3.5. If one of the values of Steps 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 is significantly different than the
other two it may be omitted from the average with permission from the Shift Manager and a Reactor Engineer. (Note in the Comments Section any tilt value not used, and use "0" in the applicable space below.)
CALCULATE and RECORD average T CPC :  ADD 0.0148 + 0.0124 +
0.0173 / 3 = 0.0148.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 10 Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq):  Tq = 2.5 X _____Tcpc (from Step 3.6)
Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq):  MULTIPLY 0.0148 x 2.5 =
0.037 +/- 0.001
= Tq Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 If Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq) from Step 3.8 is greater than 0.03, then INITIATE an AR, record the AR number in the Comments Section, then contact Reactor Engineering to evaluate core design and to establish operating restrictions and surveillance requirements within 72 hours.
Standard: DETERMINE that Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq) from Step 3.8 is greater than 0.03 and PERFORM the following:  INITIATE an AR and RECORD in the Comments Section. CONTACT Reactor Engineering and RECORD in the Comments Section.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 12 The calculated Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq)  (Step 3.8) is less than or equal to the Azimuthal Tilt Allowa nce used in the Core Protection Calculators (Step 3.2). Yes / No (circle one)
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 13 If NO is circled, then refer to Tech. Spec. LCO 3.2.3, INITIATE required actions and LCOAR/EDMR as applicable and record actions taken in the Comments Section.
RECORD these actions in the COMME NTS Section from TS LCO 3.2.3:  LCO 3.2.3.A.1 - RESTORE measured Tq to less than or equal to the allowance in the CPCs within two hours, and/or  LCO 3.2.3.B.1 - ADJUST the Tq allowance in the CPCs to greater than or equal to the measured Tq within two hours. LCO 3.2.3.B.2 - EVALUATE core design and safety analysis and determine that the core is acceptable for continued operation within 72 hours. LCO 3.2.3.B.3 - ESTABLISH appr opriate operating restrictions and SRs within 72 hours.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in Mode 1 at 99.98% power. Part-Length Control Element Assemblies (PLCEAs) are at 145 inches. Core Protection Calculator Channel B and Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COLSS) are INOPERABLE. COLSS out-of service-surveillances are in progress.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  CALCULATE Azimuthal Powe r Tilt per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determina tion starting at Step 3.2. VERIFY Instrument data has been recorded at Steps 3.1
and 3.4. DOCUMENT any action(s) taken in the COMMENTS Section of Attachment 3. DOCUMENT any Technical Specification REQUIRED ACTION(s) in the COMMENTS Sect ion of Attachment 3. Another SRO will PERFORM Independent Verification when the surveillance is complete.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA2 Task #188898 K/A #2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Title: Determine Time to Boil Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on St eam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used as the RCS vent. Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment 9.
Required Materials: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS  Time-to-Boil Margin, Rev. 20.
Validation Time:
15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of the RCS Time-to-Boil Margin.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine BM ref Standard: REFERENCE BM ref  Table and INTERPOLATE between 20 and 30 days as follows:
[(39.09 - 32.4) X .2] + 32.4 =
33.74 minutes Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine L cf Standard: REFERENCE L cf Table and DETERMINE L cf to be 1.008 at 27 inches.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine T cf Standard:
SELECT T cf formula of T cf = (212 - T hot) / 92. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine T cf Standard:  CALCULATE T cf = (212 - 115.5) / 92 =
1.049 +/- 0.002 Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf  Determine N cf  where  N cf = 217 / (217- # new assemblies)
Standard:  CALCULATE N cf = 217 / (217-101) =
1.87 Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:
BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Standard:
BM act = (33.74 min) X (1.008)
X (1.049) X (1.87) =
66.7 +/- 2.5 minutes Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on Steam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used
as the RCS vent.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA3 Task #185785 K/A #2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Title: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:  X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.
Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS in the Comments Sect ion of SO23-3-3.35.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-3.35, Attachment 2.
Required Materials:
SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Rev. 22. Unit 2 Technical Specifications.
Validation Time:
25 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. INITIAL through Step 1.4. MARK "Stop Here" at Step 3.3. Qualified Safety Parameter Display Sy stem (QSPDS) pages 611, 622, and 721. Core Exit Thermocouple Data (part of JPM Cue Sheet). Unit 2 Technical Specifications.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  COLD LEG 1A TEMP. COLD LEG 1B TEMP.
RECORD 541°F for Cold Leg 1A and Cold Leg 1B temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?
CHECK YES box for QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  COLD LEG 2A TEMP.
RECORD 540°F for Cold Leg 2A and Cold Leg 2B temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?
CHECK YES box for QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611)  REP CET TEMPERATURE (QSPDS A).
RECORD 611°F for REP CET (QSPDS A) and 612°F for REP CET (QSPDS B) temperatures.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Verify Acceptance Criteria:  REP CET Temperatures within 9°F?
Standard: CHECK YES box for REP CET temperatures within 9°F.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7  Transfer the Highest operable Cold Leg Temperat ure of Step 2.1.1 into the "Low Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
RECORD 541°F in "Low Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8  Transfer the Lowest operable REP CET temperatur e of Step 2.1.1 into the "High Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
RECORD 611°F in "High Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "A" Page 731:  Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs. Write 'N/A" for G-20.
RECORD N/A for CET G-20 and RE CORD CET Temper atures from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermoc ouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Record the total number of CETs which are within "In-Range" limits for each column.
Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermocouple Map:  QUAD 1 = 5; QUAD 2 = 6; QUAD 3 = 8; QUAD 4 = 6.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for Channel "A" QSPDS:
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "B" Page 731:  Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs.
RECORD CET Temperatures from Q SPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 Record the total number of CETs wh ich are within the "In-Range" limits for each column.
Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map:  QUAD 1 = 6; QUAD 2 = 7; QUAD 3 = 1; QUAD 4 = 6.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for channel "B" QSPDS:
YES  NO Standard: CHECK NO box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15 If any CETs are not "In-Range", then ensure a Notification has been initiated, and record NEW Notification numbers in the comments section. Standard: ANNOTATE that a Notification for QSPDS B CET failure has been initiated in the COMMENTS Section.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 16 Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check  Record the differential temperatures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples (HJTCs) from QSPDS Page 721 on Table 2.
RECORD the differential temper atures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples from QSPD S Page 721 on Table 2.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 17 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel A fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 18 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel B fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?
YES  NO Standard: CHECK YES box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 19 The Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Check is satisfactory by having selected YES in Step s 2.1.7 and 2.1.9.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 20 The Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check is
satisfactory by having selected YES in Steps 2.
2.2 and 2.2.3.
SAT  UNSAT Standard: CHECK SAT box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 21 If either Step 3.1 or 3.2 is UNSAT, then for each equipment deficiency, ensure a separate LCOAR /EDMR and/or Notification exists. Record new LCOAR /EDMR/Notification num bers in the COMMENTS section.
Standard: RECORD in the COMMENTS section that a LCOAR must be initiated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 22 RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS.
Standard: DETERMINE Technical Specification LCO 3.3.11 is applicable and record the following in the COMMENTS Section:  RECORD LCO 3.3.11.A; REQUIRED ACTION A.1 is applicable. One or more Functions with one required channel inoperable; restore required channel to OPERABLE status within 30 days Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel
Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS in the Comments Section of SO23-3-3.35.
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc CHANNEL A CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP DATA (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 W6 583°F 1 T18 591°F 1 G9 582°F 1 T2 593°F 2 W13 590°F 2 L13 573°F 2 G13 576°F 2 R4 587°F 3 W18 558°F 3 L16 584°F 3 E6 589°F 3 R6 612°F 4 T13 582°F 4 G16 588°F 4 E9 588°F 4 L2 575°F 5 T16 589°F 5 G18 589°F 5 C4 560°F 5 L9 573°F 6 G20 84°F 6 C9 591°F 6 G2 606°F 7 E20 553°F 7 C16 590°F 7 E4 589°F 8 A8 572°F  9 A14 540°F CHANNEL B CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 Y8 541°F 1 T20 548°F 1 E13 583°F 1 T4 593°F 2 Y14 563°F 2 R16 585°F 2 E16 611°F 2 R2 585°F 3 W4 - 3 R18 584°F 3 C6 - 3 L4 600°F 4 W9 610°F 4 R20 601°F 4 C13 612°F 4 L6 592°F 5 W16 598°F 5 L18 594°F 5 C18 - 5 G4 589°F 6 T6 585°F 6 L20 576°F 6 G6 608°F 7 T9 614°F 7 E18 588°F 7 E2 540°F 8 R9 585°F 9 R13 588°F Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA4 Task #192875 K/A #2.3.12 3.2/3.7 Title: Determine Containment Access Requirements Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 99.98% power. Maintenance is planning a Containm ent entry to repair a steam leak by tightening the packing on a ME-088 instrument valve on the 63 foot elevation near Safety Injection Tank SIT-010. Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere with the following results:  Oxygen levels are 19.3%. Combustible / Flammable Gas is 0.05%.
Initiating Cue:
The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  COMPLETE Attachment 1 of SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. DETERMINE any ventilation require ments prior to the entry and RECORD in the Comments Section of Attachment 1. DETERMINE the proper Cont ainment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete and RECORD in the COMMENTS Secti on of Attachment 1.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-2.34.
Required Materials:
SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation, Rev 22. Achieved 
Validation Time:
10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-2.34, Containment A ccess Control, Inspections a nd Airlocks Operation. INITIAL Attachment 1 through Step 1.1. PROVIDE entire procedure.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Note:
Examinee uses Section 6.8 as the reference for the following steps in Attachment 1.
Perform Step: 1 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.
Personnel Airlock Requirement(s):  Modes 1-4, ONE door and asso ciated equalizing valve shall always remain CLOSED with interlocks installed and Operable. ONE ramp is allowed.
REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the
condition applies, and CHE CK this condition box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.
Personnel Airlock Requirement:  Door operation will be:
Electrical Manual  N/A. Standard:
DETERMINE that Personnel Airlock Do or is fully functional and CHECK the ELECTRICAL or MANUAL box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.
Personnel Airlock Requirement:  Containment Airlock Operator (H atch Operator) is required, and posted at outer door.
REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the condition applies, and CHECK this condition box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 4 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.
Emergency  Airlock Requirement:  Emergency Airlock to remain unlocked and posted by Security.
Emergency use only.
Standard: REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that two egress paths are always required and CHECK this condition box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5  Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.
Equipment Hatch Requirement:  Equipment Hatch CLOSED Standard:
REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the condition applies, and CHE CK this condition box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
The examinee refers to Section 6.2, Containment Entry for the following step.
Perform Step: 6 Determine any ventilation requirements prior to the entry per Section 6.2, Containment Entry.
Standard: REFER to Section 6.2, Containment Entry:  DETERMINE that Chemistry sa mple results show an oxygen deficient atmosphere and PERFORM one (1) of the following:  DON Self-contained respirat ory protection prior to Containment entry, or  PERFORM a Containment Mini-Purge. RECORD this information in the Comments Section of  .
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:
The examinee refers to Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections for the following step.
Perform Step: 7 Determine the proper Containment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete per Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections.
Standard: REFER to Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections:  DETERMINE that when in MODE 1 or 2 an Inspection of < 7 work areas during or following a C ontainment entry and PERFORM  , Containment Work Area Loose Debris Inspection. RECORD this information in the Comments Section of  .
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 99.98% power. Maintenance is planning a Containment entry to repair a steam leak by tightening the packing on a ME-088 instrument valve on the 63 foot elevation near Safety Injection Tank SIT-010. Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere with the following results:  Oxygen levels are 19.3%. Combustible / Flammable Gas is 0.05%.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following:  COMPLETE Attachment 1 of SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. DETERMINE any ventilation re quirements prior to the entry and RECORD in the Comments Section of  . DETERMINE the proper Containment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete and RECORD in the COMMENTS Section of  .
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc        Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA5  Task #192840  K/A #2.4.44 2.4/4.4 Title: Determine Protective Actions Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:  Classroom:    X  Actual Performance: X  Simulator:
Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 has experienced a large break Loss of Coolant Accident with resultant fuel failure. A GENERAL EMERGENCY (Tab B4-1) was declared and the following Protective Actions were recommended:  Evacuate State Beach.
Evacuate PAZ 1 and 4. Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) in PAZ 1 and 4. There has been a breach in the Cont ainment Integrity resulting in a large airborne radioactive release. The projected dose at the Ex clusion Area Boundary is 5200 mR TEDE. The current wind direction is from 101 degrees at 20 mph. There are no known impediments to evacuation.
The release duration is unknown.
Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to EVALUATE conditions and determine if a new Protective Action Recommendation is required per SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. DOCUMENT the results in the Meteorological Data box on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO123-VIII-10.3.
Required Materials: SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations, Rev. 12.
EP(123)10, Event Notification Form, Rev. 12.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Validation Time:  10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time: ________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):  Date: 
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 If a PAR Upgrade is necessary, then obtain:  The 15-minute average wind directi on (From), if available (Refer to Section 1.1 of this Attachment). Information concerning KNOW N evacuation impediments (Refer to Section 1.2 of this Attachment). Radiological release parameters (Refer to Section 1.3 of this Attachment).
Standard: DETERMINE from the initial conditions that t he 15 min average wind direction is 101&deg;, no known evacua tion pediments exist, and that the projected dose at EAB is 5200 mR TEDE.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note: The next set of steps follows the progression through Attachment 2 of SO123-VIII-10.3.
Perform Step: 2 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade..
ENTER Attachment 2, GE PAR fl owchart at the General Emergency box. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attach ment 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Are there known evacuation pediments?
DETERMINE that there are no known evacuation pediments, ANSWER NO, and TAKE the right hand path.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 4 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Radiological Rel ease less than 1 hour?
DETERMINE that the release duration is unknown, ANSWER UNKNOWN, and TAKE the st raight through path.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Dose  5000 mR (measured or projected) TEDE at the EAB and the wind towards PAZ 5?
DETERMINE that dose is  5000 mR but wind direction at 101&deg; is NOT towards PAZ 5, ANSWER NO, and TAKE the path to the left.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade.
Standard:  DETERMINE PAR to be:  Evacuate the State Beach. Evacuate PAZ 1, 2, and 4 (affected downwind PAZs). Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) for the affected PAZs 1, 2, and 4.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:
CHECK the "is" box as there is a need for protective action beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 8 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:
CHECK the "Evacuate State Beach" box.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:  CHECK the "Evacuate PAZ(s)" box and CHECK boxes 1, 2, and 4.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:
CHECK the "Ingest KI PAZ(s)" box and CHECK boxes 1, 2, and 4. Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS: Given the following conditions:  Unit 3 has experienced a large break Loss of Coolant Accident with resultant fuel failure. A GENERAL EMERGENCY (Tab B4-1) was declared and the following Protective Actions were recommended:  Evacuate State Beach. Evacuate PAZ 1 and 4. Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) in PAZ 1 and 4. There has been a breach in the Containment Integrity resulting in a large airbor ne radioactive release. The projected dose at the Exclusion Area Boundary is 5200 mR TEDE. The current wind directi on is from 101 degrees at 20 mph. There are no known impediments to evacuation. The release duration is unknown.
INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to EVALUATE conditions and determine if a new Protect ive Action Recommendation is required per SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. DOCUMENT the results in the Meteorological Data box on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.
ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 1 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS Units 2 and 3 Date of Examination:
10/19/09 Exam Level:
RO      SRO(I)      SRO (U)    Operating Test No.:
NRC  Control Room Systems
@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function S-1 001 - Control Rod Drive System (New) Perform Immediate Actions for Control Room Evacuation A, N, S 1 S-2 004 - Chemical and Volume Control System (J083S) Secure Charging and Letdown D, S 2 S-3 006 - Emergency Core Cooling System (J073S) Align Simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection A, EN, M, S 3 S-4 003 - Reactor Coolant Pump System (J027FS) Start a Reactor Coolant Pump A, D, L, S 4-P S-5 022 - Containment Spray System (J049FS) Terminate Containment Spray A, D, EN, S 5 S-6 064 - Emergency Diesel Generator System (J054S) Restore 1E Bus 2A06 From Cross-Tie Operations D, S 6 C-7 073 - Process Radiation Monitoring System (J120S) (RO only) Reset and Restore Fuel Handling Isolation System C, M 7 C-8 029 - Containment Purge System (J147FS)  Place Containment Mini-Purge in Service A, C, M 8 In-Plant Systems
@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)
P-1 059 - Main Feedwater System (J109) Locally Operate Main Feedwater Regulating Valve D 4-S P-2 004 - Chemical and Volume Control System (New) Locally Align Charging Pump Suction to RWST E, N, R 2 P-3 012 - Reactor Protection System (J021F) Locally Open Reactor Trip Breakers (TIME CRITICAL)
D, E, R  7 ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 2 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
* Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank  9 /  8 /  4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant  1 /  1 /  1 (EN)gineered safety feature -  /  -  /  1 (control room system) (L)ow Power / Shutdown  1 /  1 /  1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A)  2 /  2 /  1 (P)revious 2 exams  3 /  3 /  2 (randomly selected) (R)CA  1 /  1 /  1 (S)imulator NRC JPM Examination Summary Description S-1 The candidate will perform the immediate operator actions for a Control Room Evacuation per Abnormal Operating Inst ruction SO23-13-02, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room. The alternate path is performed when a Reactor Coolant Pump breaker fails to open. This is a new JPM under the Control Rod Drive System - Reactivity Control safety f unction. This is a PRA significant action.
S-2 The candidate will secure Charging and Letdown as part of an RCS leak investigation per SO23-3-2.
1.02, Chemical and Volume Control System Outage Evolutions. This is a bank JPM under the Chemical and Volume Control System -
Reactor Coolant Inventory Control safety function.
S-3 The candidate will align simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection during a Loss of Coolant Accident per SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot / Cold Leg Injection. The alternate path requires the operator to perform actions with a High Pressure Safety Injection Pump out-of-service. This is a modified bank JPM under the Emergency Core Cooling
System - Reactor Pressure Control safety function. This is a PRA significant action.
S-4 The candidate will start t he fourth Reactor Coolant Pump during a Plant Startup per SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation. The alternate path occurs when Component Cooling Water flow is lost to the RCP and the operator trips the
Reactor Coolant Pump per the alarm re sponse procedure. This is a bank JPM ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 3 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc under the Reactor Coolant Pump System
- Heat Removal from Reactor Core safety function.
S-5 The candidate will be required to terminate Containment Spra y per SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps. The alternate path occurs when there is only one Containment Emergency Cooling Unit operating and the actions of the RNO path are requi red. This is a bank JPM under the Containment Spray System - Contai nment Integrity safety function.
S-6 The candidate will be required to restore from 1E 4160V unit cross-tie operations per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.9, Restoring from 1E 4kV Bus 3A06 to 2A06 Cross-Tie Operation. This is a bank JPM under the AC Electrical Distribution System - Electrical safety function. 
C-7 The candidate will reset and re-establish normal Fuel Building Ventilation after isolation due to a high radiation signal per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Systems Operation, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration. This is a modified bank JPM under the Area Radiation Monitoring System - Instrumentation safety function.
C-8 The candidate will place the Containm ent Mini-Purge System in operation to support a Containment entry per SO 23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. The al ternate path occurs when a Containment Radiation High alarm is received and the operator isolates mini-purge per the alarm response. This is a modified bank JPM under the Containment Purge System - Plant Service Systems safety function.
P-1 The candidate will perform the local actions to operate a Main Feedwater Regulating Valve per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control Syst em Operation, Section 6.4, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves
. This is a bank JPM under the Main Feedwater System -
Secondary System Heat Removal from Reactor Core safety function. 
P-2 The candidate will perform the actions to align Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23 2, Shutdown from Outside the Control
Room, Attachments 10 and 11. This is a new JPM under the Chemical and
Volume Control System - Reactor Cool ant System Inventory Control safety function. This is a PRA significant action.
P-3 The candidate will locally open Reacto r Trip breakers per SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions. This is a time critical, bank JPM under the Reactor Protection
System - Instrumentation safety functi on. This is a PRA significant action.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-1 Task #187757 K/A #001.A2.11  4.4 / 4.7  SF-1 Title: Immediate Actions for Control Room Evacuation Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The following condi tions exist in Units 2 and 3:  A spill of a liquid has occurred resulting in toxic fumes in both Control Rooms. The Shift Manager has directed that both Control Rooms be evacuated.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM the Unit 2 Immediate Actions for evacuating the Control Room per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-13-2. 
Required Materials: SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room, Rev. 11.
Validation Time:
4 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#231 or any MODE 1 Initial Condition and PERFORM the following:  INSERT Override 2HS-9163A-CR56-S02, STOP pushbutton stuck out on RCP P-002. 
EXAMINER: The immediate actions for SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside th e Control Room are located on a Bakelite Operat or Aid atop the QSPDS CRT.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Note: Only the Operator Aid atop the QSPDS CRT may be referenced.
Examiner Cue:
If examinee attempts to access a file copy of SO23-13-2 from the file, REPORT that it is not available.
Perform Step: 1 MANUALLY Trip the Reactor from either set of Manual Trip Pushbuttons.
DEPRESS 2HS-9132-1, Reactor Trip 1 and 2HS-9132-4, Reactor Trip 4 red pushbuttons (CR-52) or DEPRESS 2HS-9132-2, Reactor Trip 2 and 2HS-9132-3, Reactor Trip 3 red pushbuttons (CR-56).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2  VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted and Neutron Power lowering.
Standard: VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted by OBSERVING rod bottom lights illuminated on 2ZI-9131, CEA Bottom I ndication (Core Mimic) and/or OBSERVING CEAs fully inserted on 2ZI-9133, Secondary Rod Position (CEAC Display CRT).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3  VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted and Neutron Power lowering.
Standard: VERIFY Neutron Power lowering by OBSERVING any of the following:  2JI-0006B1 SU Channel 1 Percent Power indication LOWERING  2JI-0005B2 SU Channel 2 Percent Power indication LOWERING  2JI-9153-1 Startup Ra te Channel 1 NEGATIVE  2JI-9153-2 Startup Ra te Channel 2 NEGATIVE Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 MANUALLY Initiate MSIS from ei ther set of Manual Initiation Pushbuttons.
DEPRESS 2HS-9137-1 and 9137-2, MSIS Manual Initiation pushbuttons (CR-56) or DEPRESS 2HS-9137-3 and 9137-4, MSIS Manual Initiation pushbuttons (CR-53) and OBSERVE Annunciators 57A4(B4) - MSIS TRAIN A(B) ACTUATION.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note: Charging Pumps may be stopped in any order.
Perform Step: 5a STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.
Standard: DEPRESS 2P190, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5b STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.
Standard: DEPRESS 2P191, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5c STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.
Standard: DEPRESS 2P192, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
Reactor Coolant Pumps may be stopped in any order.
Perform Step: 6 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-001 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HS-9160A, RCP 2P001 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-003 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HS-9161A, RCP 2P003 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:
The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.
Perform Step: 8 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-004 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HS-9162A, RCP 2P004 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, RCP 2P002 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE red START light illuminated and DE TERMINE 2P002 will NOT trip.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
If the operator requests to have breaker opened from the field, REPORT that no one is available.
Perform Step: 10 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1610B, RES AUX XFMR 2XR3 FDR BKR 2A0202
MODE SELECTOR MANUAL pushbu tton and OBSERVE blue MANUAL light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1610A, RES AUX XFMR 2XR3 FDR BKR 2A0202 TRIP
pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIP light illuminated.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: The following conditions exist in Units 2 and 3:  A spill of a liquid has occurred resulting in toxic fumes in both Control Rooms. The Shift Manager has directed that both Control Rooms be evacuated.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM the Unit 2 Immediate Actions for evacuating the Control Room per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-2 Task #141241 K/A #004.A4.06  3.6 / 3.1  SF-2 Title: Secure Charging and Letdown Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
The following conditions exist on Unit 2:  Power is stable at 100%. The Reactor Coolant System leakrate is elevated but is not evident in the Containment. Steam Generator samples are less than Minimum Detectable Activity. A walkdown outside the Containment has not identified a leak source. Management has given permission to secure Charging and Letdown to perform an RCS Inventory Balance.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervi sor directs you to SECURE Charging and Letdown per SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Ou tage Evolutions, Section 6.2, Securing Charging and Letdown.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-2.1.2.
Required Materials: SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions, Rev 4.
Validation Time:
10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#232 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following:  ENSURE Pressurizer level is normal for 100% power. ENSURE 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control is in service. ENSURE 2PIC-0201A, Back Pressure Control is in service. ENSURE 2P-191, Charging Pump is the operating pump.
PERFORM the following after each JPM:  RESET the Simulator to ENSURE proper operation of 2TV-0224B, CVCS IX Bypass Valve.
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions. INITIAL Sections 6.1 and 6.3 N/
A and remove all Attachments.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 If at power, then ADJUST Pressurizer Level to 41%-54%.
DETERMINE that Pressurizer level is within the band of 41%-54% by OBSERVING 2LI-0110A1 and 2LI-0110A2, Hot Calibrated Pressurizer Level instruments.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 SELECT TV-0224B, CVCS IX Bypass, to MANUAL, then PLACE in BYPASS. Standard: DEPRESS 2TV-0224B, Ion Exchangers Bypass Valve MANUAL pushbutton and OBSERVE blue MANUAL and red BYPASS lights illuminated with green ION EXCH and white AUTO lights extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 CLOSE TV-0224A, Boronom eter Isolation.
DEPRESS 2TV-0224A, Boronometer Iso Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).
DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control Auto-Manual Selector Switch A/M pushbutton ONCE and OBSERVE "M" light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).
DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Cont rol SEL pushbutton until OUT is displayed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).
DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control LOWER pushbutton () until OUTPUT is zero (0).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note Only one of the following four sub-steps is considered critical. One Letdown Isolation Valve closed satisfies the required action.
Perform Step: 7a  CLOSE the following Letdown valves:  TV-0221, Letdown Tem perature Isolation.
Standard: DEPRESS 2TV-0221, Regen HX Inlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7b CLOSE the following Letdown valves:  HV-9204, Letdown to Regen He at Exchanger Isolation.
Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9204, Regen HX Inlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7c CLOSE the following Letdown valves:  TV-9267, Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet.
DEPRESS 2TV-9267, Regen HX Outlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 7d CLOSE the following Letdown valves:  HV-9205, Letdown Cont ainment Isolation.
DEPRESS 2HV-9205, Regen HX Outlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8a PLACE backup Charging Pump(s) to STOP.
Standard: DEPRESS 2P-190, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8b PLACE backup Charging Pump(s) to STOP.
Standard: DEPRESS 2P-192, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8c STOP operating Charging Pump(s).
Standard: DEPRESS 2P-191, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 LOWER PIC-0201A or B Setpoint for the in-service Letdown Backpressure Controller to < 165 psig.
DEPRESS 2PIC-0201A, Backpressure Control SEL pushbutton until OSP is observed then DEPRESS LOWER pushbutton () until setpoint is less than 165 psig as read on 2PIC-0201A.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: The following conditions exist on Unit 2:  Power is stable at 100%. The Reactor Coolant System leakrate is elevated but is not evident in the Containment. Steam Generator samples are less than Minimum Detectable Activity. A walkdown outside the Contai nment has not identified a leak source. Management has given permission to secure Charging and Letdown to perform an RCS Inventory Balance.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to SECURE Charging and Letdown per SO 23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions, Section 6.2, Securing Charging and Letdown.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-3 Task #192218 K/A #006.A4.07  4.4 / 4.4  SF-3 Title: Simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the fo llowing conditions on Unit 2:  The plant has experienced a Loss of Coolant Accident. Over two hours have elapsed since Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) initiation. Shutdown Cooling Syst em operation is not expected to occur within four (4) hours of SIAS actuation.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot/Cold Leg Injection.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11.
Required Materials: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Rev 6.
Validation Time:
20 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#233 or any 100% power Init ial Condition and PERFORM the following:  INSERT RC03, RCS Leak at 100%. INSERT RC01A, RCS Rupture at 20% unt il RCS pressure is < 500 psia then LOWER to 0.015%. INSERT malfunctions EC08C and EC08DA, HPSI Pump P-017 and P-018 (Train A) trips. ENSURE only Train B HPSI is operating. EXECUTE remote function EC79A, CLOSE 2HV-9434 breaker when directed.
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot /
Cold Leg Injection.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 VERIFY Entry Conditions:  ENSURE time elapsed from SIAS actuation -
greater than 2 hours. Standard: VERIFY greater than 2 hour s from SIAS actuation per Initial Conditions.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note: If requested, PROVIDE a copy of FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.
Perform Step: 2 VERIFY Entry Conditions:  VERIFY FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria -
NOT  satisfied Standard: DETERMINE SI Throttle/Stop Criteria not met due to Pressurizer level.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3  ENSURE SDC Valves Closed:  ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -
closed: HV-9337  Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9337, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4  ENSURE SDC Valves Closed:  ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -
closed: HV-9377  Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9377, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5  ENSURE SDC Valves Closed:  ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -
closed: HV-9339  Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9339, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6  ENSURE SDC Valves Closed:  ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -
closed: HV-9378  Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9378, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 VERIFY HPSI Operability:  VERIFY both trains of HPSI - operating Standard: DETERMINE only Train B of HPSI is operating and OBSERVE green STOP lights illuminated for the Trai n A HPSI Pumps 2P017 and 2P018.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.
Perform Step: 8 VERIFY PZR pressure -
greater than 500 PSI A (Low Range):  QSPDS page 611  CFMS page 311 Standard:
REFERENCE QSPDS page 611 and CFMS page 311 and OBSERVE Low Range Pressurizer pressure on both pages read less than 500 psig and ENTERS RNO column.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 ENSURE only one HPSI Pump -
operating AND GO TO step 15.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9394-2, HPSI Pump 2P019 red START light illuminated and ammeter reading ~ 55 amps and TRANSITION to Step 15.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 10 RECORD the HPSI Cold Leg Flow Rates:  FI-0321: _______ GPM  FI-0331: _______ GPM  FI-0311: _______ GPM  FI-0341: _______ GPM  SUM:    _______ GPM (Tot al flow to cold legs)
OBSERVE HPSI Cold Leg flow instruments and RECORD values:  2FI-0321-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1B at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0331-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2A at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0311-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1A at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0341-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2B at ~210 gpm. 210 gpm + 210 gpm + 210 gpm + 210 gpm = 840 gpm Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 HPSI train in service -
identified:  Train A ~~ Train B ~
IDENTIFY Train B HPSI as in-service.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 12  ENSURE key switches to associated RCS Hot Leg Isolation valves -
closed: Train B HV-9434 Standard: DETERMINE 2HV-9434, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Hot Leg ISO Valve keyswitch in CLOSE and green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 ENSURE associated breaker -
unlocked and closed: BZ-39 Standard:
DIRECT the PEO to unlock and CLOSE breaker 2BZ-39.
M.O. Cue: EXECUTE remote function EC79A and REPORT breaker 2BZ-39 is closed. Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note: Each of the following four sub-steps may be repeated as each header is throttled.
Examiner Cue: If asked, REPORT as CRS that permission is given to OVERRIDE valves. Perform Step: 14 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9323 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9323, HDR 2 to Loop 1A OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0321-1 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9326 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9326, HDR 2 to Loop 1B OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0331-1 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 16 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9329 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9329, HDR 2 to Loop 2A OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0311-2 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 17 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9332 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9332, HDR 2 to Loop 2B OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0341-2 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 18 ENSURE associated Hot Leg Injection valve -
open: Train B HV-9434 Standard: PLACE 2HV-9434, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Hot Leg ISO Valve keyswitch in OPEN and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and valve position indication at 100%.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 19  ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:
Train B HV-9323 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9323, HDR 2 to Loop 1A JOG OPEN pushbutton until
flow on 2FI-0321-1 is approximately the value of JPM Step 14.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 20 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:
Train B HV-9326 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9326, HDR 2 to Loop 1B JOG OPEN pushbutton until
flow on 2FI-0331-1 is approximately the value of JPM Step 15.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 21 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:
Train B HV-9329 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9329, HDR 2 to Loop 2A JOG OPEN pushbutton until
flow on 2FI-0311-2 is approximately the value of JPM Step 16.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 22 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:
Train B HV-9332 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9332, HDR 2 to Loop 2B JOG OPEN pushbutton until
flow on 2FI-0341-2 is approximately the value of JPM Step 17.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 23 ESTABLISH the following conditions:  Indicated flow sum of: FI-0321, FI-0331, FI-0311, FI-0341 and FI-9435 - less than or equal to 910 GPM.
OBSERVE HPSI Hot & Cold Leg flow instruments, RECORD values, and DETERMINE flow is less than 910 gpm:  2FI-0321-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1B at ~105 gpm. 2FI-0331-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2A at ~105 gpm.
2FI-0311-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1A at ~105 gpm. 2FI-0341-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2B at ~105 gpm. 2FI-9435, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Flow at ~440 gpm. 105 gpm + 105 gpm + 105 gpm
+ 105 gpm + 440 gpm = 860 gpm Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following c onditions on Unit 2:  The plant has experienced a Loss of Coolant Accident. Over two hours have elapsed since Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) initiation. Shutdown Cooling System operation is not expected to occur within four (4) hours of SIAS actuation.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Att achments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot/ Cold Leg Injection.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-4 Task #192368 K/A #003.A4.06  2.9 / 2.9  SF-4P Title: Start a Reactor Coolant Pump Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 3. A heat up is in progress to the point of starting the 4 th Reactor Coolant Pump P-002. All actions of SO23-3-1.7, R eactor Coolant Pump Operation, through Step 6.1.18 are complete. An Operator is stationed at the Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) in Containment.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Superviso r directs you to START Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 using SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Oper ation, starting at Step 6.1.19.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-1.7.
Required Materials: SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, Rev. 35. SO23-15-56.C, 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO, Rev. 17.
Validation Time:
15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#234 or any MODE 3 Initial Condition with RCS temperature > 400&#xba;F and PERFORM the following:
DISPLAY PCS Trend Group Data page for RCP P002 as follows:  ACCESS MAIN MENU on PCS. SELECT MAIN POINTS. SELECT POINT 1. Point Type Selected to SERVER GROUP. SELECT RCP 2 PARMS then SELECT ADD. INSERT Key #38, CPC A Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #42, CPC B Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #46, CPC C Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #50, CPC D Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT malfunction CC02B for Annunciato r 56C40 30 seconds after starting RCP P002.
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Cool ant Pump Operation. INITIAL through Step 6.1.18. INCLUDE Attachments 1, 2 and 16.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Note:
Ensure the setup page information for Plant Computer System Trend Group Data is complete.
Perform Step: 1 START one Oil Lift Pump by selecting the NORMAL mode.
Standard: DEPRESS the NORMAL pushbutton on either 2HS-9117A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262, or 2HS-9118A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P263 and OBSERVE amber NORMAL and red START lights illuminated.
Examiner Note: Annunciator alarm 56C39 wi ll come in and reset. This is an expected alarm.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2  ENSURE the second oil lift pump selected to STANDBY.
DEPRESS the STANDBY pushbutton on either 2HS-9117A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262 or 2HS-9118A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P263, whichever was not started in the previous step and VERIFY amber STANDBY and green STOP lights illuminated.
Examiner Cue: Two minutes has elapsed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 After the Oil Lift System has run approximately 2 minutes, then START the ARRD Lube Oil Pump by se lecting the NORMAL mode.
Standard: DEPRESS the NORMAL pushbutton on either 2HS-9196, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P401 or 2HS-9197, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P402 and OBSERVE amber NORMAL and red START lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4  ENSURE the second ARRD pump is available by selecting STANDBY
mode. Standard: DEPRESS the STANDBY pushbutton on either 2HS-9196, 2P002
ARRD Pump 2P401 or 2HS-9197, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P402, whichever was not started in the previous step and VERIFY amber STANDBY and green STOP lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 VERIFY the following alarms on Panel CR56 are reset prior to the start of the associated RCP:  RCP THRUST BEARINGS TEMP HI (56C03, 05, 07, and 09)  RCP LUBE OIL FLOW LO (56C13, 15, 17, and 19)  RCP REVERSE ROTATION (56C14, 16, 18, and 20)  RCP OIL LIFT FLOW  LO (56C23, 25, 27, and 29)  RCP OIL LIFT PRESS LO (56C33, 35, 37, and 39)  RCP CCW FLOW LO (56C34, 36, 38, and 40)  RCP ARRD LUBE OIL  FLOW LO (56C43, 45, 47, and 49)
Standard: OBSERVE alarms on Panel CR-56 are RESET prior to starting RCP:  56C09 - RCP P002 THRUST BRG TEMP HI  56C19 - RCP P002 LUBE OIL FLOW LO  56C20 - RCP P002 REVERSE ROTATION  56C29 - RCP P002 OIL LIFT FLOW LO  56C39 - RCP P002 OIL LIFT PRESS  LO  56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO  56C49 - RCP P002 ARRD LUBE OIL FLOW LO Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Verify PCS Points selected in Step 6.1.8 not in alarm.
Standard: OBSERVE RCP 2P-002 information on Plant Computer System.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7  Verify RCP CONTROLLED BLEED-OFF FLOW (PCS) is reset or proper RCP CBO flow for the existing RCS pressure.
VERIFY RCP Controlled Bleed-Off Flow on Plant Computer System is RESET (Point ID F-180) or proper RCP CBO flow for the existing RCS pressure (~1.5 gpm).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8 Verify CCW SEAL HEAT EXCHANGER TEMPERATURE HI (PCS) alarm is reset.
VERIFY CCW Seal Exchanger tem perature high alarm on Plant Computer System is RE SET (Point ID TE-9174).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9 VERIFY the following fi nal configuration:  One Oil Lift Pump selected to NORMAL  One Oil Lift Pump selected to Standby  One ARRD Pump selected to Normal  One ARRD Pump selected to Standby  Vibration Alarm reset Standard: PERFORM final configuration check:  VERIFY Oil Lift Pump, 2P262 or 2P263 amber NORMAL light illuminated. VERIFY Oil Lift Pump, 2P262 or 2P263 amber STANDBY light illuminated. VERIFY ARRD Pump, 2P401 or 2P402 amber NORMAL light illuminated. VERIFY ARRD Pump, 2P401 or 2P402 amber STANDBY light illuminated. VERIFY Vibration Alarm reset on 2HS-0181, 2P002 Vibration Monitor white RESET light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 If Backfeeding Unit Aux Transformer (UAT) when in Modes 4 or 5, and a UAT high temperature alarm is received, then ENSURE only one RCP is running on the associated bus.
DETERMINE Backfeeding via the Unit Auxiliary Transformer is not being performed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11  VERIFY RCP Zero Speed lamp illuminated.
Standard: OBSERVE 2SL-9116, Zero Speed Indication for RCP 2P002 white ZERO SPEED light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 If another RCP is already running, then ENSURE it has been in service for at least 5 minutes.
DETERMINE that all three running RCPs have been in service for greater than 5 minutes.
Examiner Cue:
All running RCPs ha ve run for more than 5 minutes.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 If this RCP start is associated with an idle loop, then COMMENCE monitoring Nuclear Instrumentation and continue for approximately the
first minute of pump operation.
DETERMINE that RCP 2P004 is runni ng and the loop is not idle.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14 ANNOUNCE pump start using local area page.
DIAL 429 on phone and ANNOUNCE Reactor Coolant Pump 2P002 start. Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note: Annunciator 50A51 - VIBRATION AND LOOSE PARTS MONITOR SYSTEM TROUBLE will come in and reset. This is an expected alarm when starting the RCP.
Perform Step: 15 START the Reactor Coolant Pump and PERFORM the following:  Verify motor amps stabilize between 470 and 800 amps.
Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, 2P002 START pushbutton and OBSERVE:  Red START light illuminated an d green STOP light extinguished. VERIFY motor amps stabilize between 470 and 800 amps on ammeter. Examiner Cue:
If examinee attempts to r esearch cause of alarm, state that another operator is at 2L-194 verifying alarm was due to starting the RCP.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16  START the Reactor Coolant Pump and PERFORM the following:  Closely MONITOR RCS pressure.
Standard: OBSERVE RCS pressure is satisfactory using any combination of Control Board, CFMS, QSPDS or PCS indicators.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 17 Verify the Oil Lift and ARRD Pumps automatically stop and Zero Speed lamp extinguishes.
Standard: OBSERVE:  Oil Lift Pump indicators for 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262 and 2P263, green STOP lights illuminated. ARRD Pump Indicators for 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P401 and 2P402, green STOP lights illuminated. 2SL-9116, 2P002 white ZERO SPEED light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 18 Check RCP Oil Reservoir levels SAT.
Standard: DIRECT an Operator to REPORT RCP 2P002 Oil Reservoir levels.
Examiner Cue:
Operator at the pump reports oil levels are satisfactory.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.
Perform Step: 19  Acknowledge annunciator 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO.
Standard: ACKNOWLEDGE annunciator 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO and REFER to 56C40 Annunciator Response Procedure.
Examiner Cue:
If examinee checks Plant Computer System trends for RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO, REPORT that CCW flow is 400 gpm and lowering.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:
The following guidance is provided in Annunciator Response Procedure for 56C40, Step 1.2.
Perform Step: 20 If in Modes 3-5, then stop 2(3)MP-002, RCP.
RECOGNIZE operation in MODE 3 and DETERMINE RCP 2P002 must be stopped.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 21  Trip RCP P002.
DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, 2P002 STOP pushbutton and VERIFY green STOP light illuminated, red START light extinguished, and ammeter at zero (0) amps.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 is in MODE 3. A heat up is in progress to the point of starting the 4 th Reactor Coolant Pump P-002. All actions of SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, through Step 6.1.18 are complete. An Operator is stationed at the Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) in Containment.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to START Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 using SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, starting at Step 6.1.19.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-5 Task #192294 K/A #026.A2.08  3.2 / 3.7  SF-5 Title: Terminate the Containment Spray System Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  A Loss of Coolant Accident inside Containment has occurred. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps, is being performed 105 minutes after the accident.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-11.
Required Materials: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Rev. 6.
Validation Time:
7 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#235 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following:
INSERT overrides for Containment ECUs E-400, E-401, and E-402 for the red START indicating lights off and the green STOP indicating lights on. INSERT malfunction RC03 @ 100%. INSERT malfunction MS03A and MS03B @ 1 to 5% to get Containment pressure to increase above 15 psig and then DELETE malfunctions.
NOTE: Do not place the Simulator in RUN until examinee is ready to begin to preserve RWST level.
PERFORM the following after each JPM:  ENSURE 2HV-6293B/A, Train A CCW to Letdown Heat Exchanger valve is OPEN.
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 2, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.
When Floating Step 14 is complete, PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 2, Floating Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc  - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Verify Containment pressure -
less than 14 psig, and -
stable or lowering.
Standard: OBSERVE 2PI-0351-1, 2, 3, & 4, Containment Pressure Narrow Range Indicators on CR-57 or 2PI-0352-1, 2, 3, & 4, Containment Pressure Wide Range Indicators on CR-57 and DETERMINE Containment pressure less than 14 psig, and stable or lowering.
Examiner Cue: Containment pressure is lowering.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2a Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9953-1, Containment ECU 2E399 red START light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2b Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9947-1, Containment ECU 2E401 green STOP light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2c Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9955-2, Containment ECU 2E402 green STOP light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2d Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9939-2, Containment ECU 2E400 green STOP light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:
The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.
Perform Step: 3  With only Containment Emergency Cooling Unit E399 operating the RNO must be entered.
Standard: RECOGNIZE that the AER column is not met and ENTER the RNO column due to only one Containment Emergency Cooling Unit operating.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4a Ensure CSAS -
Standard: VERIFY that CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE:  Annunciator 57A03 - CSAS TRAIN A ACTUATION illuminated. Annunciator 57B03 - CSAS TRAIN B ACTUATION illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4b Ensure CSAS -
Standard: VERIFY that Train A CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE:  2HS-9395-1, Containment Spra y Pump 2P012 red START light illuminated and ammeter at approximately 45 amps. 2HV-9367, CNTMT Spray HDR No 1 Control Valve red JOG OPEN illuminated with valve position indication 100% OPEN. Containment Spray flow > 1600 gpm as read on 2FI-0338-1.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4c Ensure CSAS -
Standard: VERIFY that Train B CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE:  2HS-9396-2, Containment Spra y Pump 2P013 red START light illuminated and ammeter at approximately 58 amps. 2HV-9368, CNTMT Spray HDR No 2 Control Valve red JOG OPEN illuminated with valve position indication 100% OPEN. Containment Spray flow > 1600 gpm as read on 2FI-0348-1.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Close CCW to/from Letdown H eat Exchanger Valves:  Train A - HV-6293B/A Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-6293B/A, CCW CLA LT DN HX 2E062 Supply/Return Valves CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Close CCW to/from Letdown H eat Exchanger Valves:  Train B - HV-6522B/A Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-6522B/A, CCW CLB LTDN HX 2E062 Supply/Return Valves green CLOSE light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 GO TO next applicable floating step.
GO TO next applicable floating step.
Examiner Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform Floating Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue: PROVIDE copy of Floa ting Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction. Perform Step: 8 VERIFY elapsed time from SIAS actuat ion - greater than 1-1/2 hours.
Standard: DETERMINE elapsed time from SIAS actuation greater than 1-1/2 hours from Initial Conditions.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 VERIFY elapsed time from SIAS ac tuation - less than 2 hours.
Standard: DETERMINE elapsed time from SI AS actuation less than 2 hours from Initial Conditions.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 10 VERIFY RWST level - greater than 6%.
OBSERVE 2LI-0305-1 through 4, RWT 2T006 Level, and DETERMINE level greater than 6%.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 ENSURE LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve -
open. Standard: OBSERVE 2LV-0227C, RWT 2T006 Gravity Feed Valve red OPEN and blue MANUAL lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 12 OVERRIDE and STOP BAMU Pumps.
DEPRESS 2P174, BAMU Pump OVERRIDE then STOP pushbuttons and OBSERVE green STOP and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13  OVERRIDE and STOP BAMU Pumps.
DEPRESS 2P175, BAMU Pump OVERRIDE then STOP pushbuttons and OBSERVE green STOP and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves:  Gravity Feed:  HV-9235 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HV-9235, BAMU TK 2T072 Gravity Feed Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSERVE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves:  Gravity Feed:  HV-9240 Standard:
DEPRESS 2HV-9240, BAMU TK 2T071 Gravity Feed Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSERVE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves:  Emergency Boration Isolation:  HV-9247 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9247, EMER Boration Block Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSER VE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 17 Ensure LV-0227B, Volume Control Tank Outlet valve - closed.
Standard: OBSERVE 2LV-0227B, Volume Control Tank Outlet Block Valve green CLOSE and blue MANUAL lights illuminated.
Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  A Loss of Coolant Accident inside Containment has occurred. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Atta chments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps, is being performed 105 minutes after the accident.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachme nts, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-6 Task #186551 K/A #062.A4.01  3.3 / 3.1  SF-6 Title: Restore Bus 2A06 From 1E Cross-Tie Operations Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:
Actual Performance: X  Simulator: X  Plant:    READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Bus 2A06 is cross-tied to Bus 3A06 due to planned maintenance.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE Bus 2A06 from 1E Cross-Tie operations to the Reserv e Auxiliary Transformer 2XR2 per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.5, Restoring from 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 to 3A06 Cross-tie Operation.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-6-2.
Required Materials: SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Rev. 14.
Validation Time:
9 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP
: INITIALIZE to IC#236 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following:  ALIGN (cross-tie) Bus 2A06 to Bus 3A06 using SO23-6-2, Section 6.4. ENSURE Bus 2A06 & Bus 3A06 AUTO/MANUAL Bus Tie Selector Switches are in MANUAL. NOTE: After each JPM, PLACE Sync Switch key in the Non-ESF Sync Master keylock on the vertical section of CR-63.
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-6-2, Transfe rring of 4 kV Buses.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc  - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Ensure the affected Switchgear Room is clear of all unnecessary personnel and maintain it clear until after 4kV bus transfer is complete Standard:
DIRECT a PEO to clear the Switc hgear Room and keep personnel clear until the bus transfer is complete.
M.O. Cue: All personnel are clear of the Switchgear Room.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2a Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  SELECT 2HS-1627-2, ESF B Sync. Master Control, to ON.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2b Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for the INCOMING Transformer breaker to energize the synchronizing circuit:  2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER
2A0618 SYNC pushbutton.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2c Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  Verify ILLUMINATED the INCOMING Transformer Breaker        SYNC pushbutton.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 white SYNC light illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 2d Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  VERIFY ILLUMINATED the SYNC IN MODE light.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1627-2 ESF B SYNC MASTER white SYNC IN MODE light illuminated on TRAIN B SYNC CKT CONTROL.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2e Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  VERIFY EXTINGUISHED the SYNC RELAYS TROUBLE light.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2f Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  VERIFY the Synchroscope moves to the straight up (12 o'clock)
Standard: VERIFY 2/3SI-1627A, SYNCHROSCOPE moves to straight up (12 o'clock) position.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2g Prepare to Close the I NCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  VERIFY matched Incoming and Running voltages.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2h Prepare to Close the I NCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows:  VERIFY MATCHED Incoming and Running Frequencies.
Standard: OBSERVE 2/3SI-1627C, RUNNING HERTZ and 2/3SI-1627D, INCOMING HERTZ frequency meters MATCHED.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 3a CLOSE the INCOMING Transformer breaker:  2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 CLOSE pushbutton and OBSER VE red CLOSE light illuminated and green TRIP light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3b VERIFY ANNUNCIATED 2UA63C58, 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.
OBSERVE and ACKNOWLEDGE annunciator 2UA63C58 - 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3c VERIFY 3UA63C58, 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED, REMAINS
Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 3UA63C58 - 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
The annunci ator is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4a DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for the INCOMING Transformer breaker to de-energize the synchronizing circuit:  2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER
2A0618 SYNC pushbutton.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4b VERIFY EXTINGUISHED the INCOMING Transformer breaker SYNC pushbutton.
Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 white SYNC li ght extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5a OPEN (TRIP) 2A0619, Bus Tie 2A06 to 3A06 Feeder Breaker.
DEPRESS 2HS-1639A2, BUS TIE 2A06 TO 3A06 FDR BKR 2A0619 TRIP pushbutton and OBSERVE green TR IP light illuminated and red CLOSE light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5b VERIFY RESET 2UA63C58, 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.
Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 2UA63C58 - 2A 06/3A06 PARALLELED is slow flashing/reset.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5c VERIFY RESET 3UA63C58, 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED.
Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 3UA63C58 - 3A 06/2A06 PARALLELED is slow flashing/reset.
Examiner Cue: The annunciator is reset.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 SELECT 2HS-1627-2, ESF B Sync.
Master Control, to OFF.
Standard: TURN key 2HS-1627-2, TRAIN B SYNC CKT CONTROL ESF B SYNC MASTER to the OFF position.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 Verify bus 2A06 voltage is stable.
Standard: OBSERVE 2EI-1641-2, 4.16 KV BUS 2A06 VOLTS voltmeter and VERIFY stable.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8 OPEN (TRIP) 3A0603, Bus Tie 3A06 to 2A06 Feeder Breaker.
Standard: DEPRESS 3HS-1639A2, BUS TIE 3A06 TO 2A06 FDR BREAKER 3A0603 TRIP pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIP light illuminated and red CLOSE light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9a Return Bus Tie Breakers transfer controls to automatic, as follows:  SELECT 3HS-1639B2, 3A06 to 2A06 Tie Breaker 3A0603 AUTO/MANUAL Transfer Switch, to AUTO.
DEPRESS 3HS-1639B2, BUS TIE 3A06 TO 2A06 FDR BKR 3A0603 SELECTOR AUTO pushbutton and OBSERVE white AUTO light illuminated and blue MANUAL light extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9b Return Bus Tie Breakers transfer controls to automatic, as follows:  SELECT 2HS-1639B2, 2A06 to 3A06 Tie Breaker 2A0619 AUTO/MANUAL Transfer Switch, to AUTO.
Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1639B2, 2A06 TO 3A06 FDR BKR 2A0619 SELECTOR AUTO pushbutton and OBSERVE white AUTO light illuminated and blue MANUAL light extinguished Terminating Cue:
This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Bus 2A06 is cross-tied to Bus 3A06 due to planned maintenance.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE Bus 2A06 from 1E Cross-Tie operations to the Reserve Auxiliary Transformer 2XR2 per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.5, Restoring from 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 to 3A06 Cross-tie Operation.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC C-7 Task #186190 K/A #073.A4.02  3.7 / 3.7  SF-7 Title: Reset and Restoration of Fuel Handling Isolation System Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:    X  Classroom:
Actual Performance:
Plant:    X  READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  An actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3)
Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System (FHIS) has occurred due to radiography in the area. Radiography has been stopped. Proper actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A FHIS has been verified. The Control Building Emergency Chiller will remain running for testing. Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE the Unit 2 (Unit 3)
Train A Fuel Handling Isolation S ystem per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System O peration, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-2.22, Attachment 23.
Required Materials: SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation, Rev. 17.
Validation Time:
19 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc CONTROL ROOM SETUP
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation. Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration. INITIAL through Step 2.1. Attachment 24, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Limitations and Specifics.
:  This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.
Panel 2(3)L-103 is located in the Control Room Hallway and Panel 2(3)L-154 is located in the Control Room Hallway past the Fire Door.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc  - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.
Perform Step: 1 MOMENTARILY DEPRESS RESET/TEST handswitch HS-7822H1 and/or HS-7823H2, as applicable to reset FHIS.
At 2(3)L-103, Train A Radiat ion Monitoring Panel DEPRESS  2(3)HS-7822H1 FHIS TR A RESET/TEST handswitch.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2  Verify handswitch backlight illuminates (L-103).
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HS-7822H1 FHIS TR A RESET/TEST white light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
The RESET/TEST light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 VERIFY 60A22, FHIS ACTUATION, has reset.
Standard: GO to Annunciator Panel 60A and OBSERVE annunciator 60A22 - FHIS
ACTUATION is extinguished.
Examiner Cue: Annunciator window 60A22 is extinguished.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  E-370 FHB Post-Accident Cleanup Unit - STOP.
DEPRESS 2(3)HS-9850-1, FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated.
Examiner Cue: The stop light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5  PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  HV-9850 FHB PACU E-370 Isolat ion Damper [1] - CLOSED Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9850, FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 ISO Damper green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
The damper is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
Heaters operate automatically with the associated cleanup unit.
Perform Step: 6  PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  E-464, FHB PACU E-370 Heaters ZL-9865 - OFF Standard: VERIFY FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 Heater 2(3)E464 is OFF and OBSERVE green OFF light illuminated on 2(3)ZL-9865A1.
Examiner Cue:
The heater is off.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7  PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  E-652, FHB PACU E-370 Heaters ZL-9865B1 - OFF Standard: VERIFY FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 Heater 2(3)E652 is OFF by OBSERVE green OFF light illuminated on 2(3)ZL-9865B1.
Examiner Cue:
The heater is off.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
The damper is closed.
Perform Step: 8 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  HV-9846 FHB Train A Air Supply Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9846, FHB Ai r Supply ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
The damper is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:
The damper is closed.
Perform Step: 9 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  HV-9847 FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard: DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
The damper is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
The damper is closed.
Perform Step: 10 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  HV-9847B FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847B, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
The damper is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
The damper is closed.
Perform Step: 11 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  HV-9847C FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847C, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
The damper is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:
The cooling unit is running.
Perform Step: 12 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  E-441 FHB Pump Room Cooling Unit STOP Standard:
DEPRESS 2(3)HS-9836-1, FHB Pump Room CLG Unit 2(3)E441 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
The cooling unit is off.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 RESTORE Train A loads that were placed in service by SO23-1-3.1, Section for Prevention of Low Load Recycle.
Standard: RESTORE Train A loads that were placed in service by SO23-1-3.1, Section for Prevention of Low Load Recycle.
Examiner Cue:
Train A load restoration is NOT required.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14  PERFORM the following alignment to continue restoration of FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60:  E-336 Control Building Emergency Chiller [2] - STOP Standard: DETERMINE the Control Building Emergency Chiller will continue to run for testing per the Initial Conditions.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
The next st eps are performed at L-154.
Examiner Cue: The CRS directs you to start the normal supply (A359) and normal exhaust (A317) fans.
Perform Step: 15  At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  A-359 FHB Ventilation Normal Supply Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9830A, FHB Ventilation Normal Supply Fan 2(3)A359 START switch and OBSERVE red START light illuminated and CIRCLE START. Examiner Cue:
The fan is running.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 16 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  A-360 FHB Ventilation Standby Supply Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: DETERMINE only one supply fan is required and OBSERVE 2(3)HS-9830B, FHB Ventilation St andby Supply Fan A360 green STOP light illuminated and CIRCLE STOP.
Examiner Cue:
The fan is off.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 17 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  A-316 FHB Ventilation Standby Exhaust Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: DETERMINE only one exhaust fan is required and OBSERVE 
2(3)HS-9848, FHB Ventilation Stan dby Exhaust Fan A316 green STOP light illuminated and CIRCLE STOP.
Examiner Cue:
The fan is off.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 18  At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  A-317 FHB Ventilation Normal Exhaust Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9849, FHB Ventilation Normal Exhaust Fan A317 START switch and OBSERVE red START lig ht illuminated and CIRCLE START.
Examiner Cue:
The fan is running.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 19 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  E-464 FHB PACU E-370 Heaters HS-9865 AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9865-1, FHB CLEANUP E370 INLET HEATER E464 is
selected to AUTO.
Examiner Cue: The switch is in AUTO.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 20 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  E-652 FHB PACU E-370 Heaters HS-9865B1  - AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9865B1, FHB CLEANUP E370 INLET HEATER E652 selected to AUTO.
Examiner Cue: The switch is in AUTO.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 21 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment:  E-465 FHB PACU E-371 Heaters HS-9866-2  - AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9866-2, FHB CLEANUP E371 INLET HEATER E465 selected to AUTO. Terminating Cue: The switch is in AUTO. This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9  SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  An actuation of Unit 2 (Uni t 3) Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System (FHIS) has occurred due to radiography in the area. Radiography has been stopped. Proper actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A FHIS has been verified. The Control Building Emergency Chiller will remain running for testing.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC C-8 Task #193205  K/A #029 A3.01    3.8/4.0    SF-8 Title: Place Containment Mini-Purge in Service Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:  X  Classroom:
Actual Performance:
Plant:  X  READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 (Unit 3) is operating at full power. A Containment entry must be made to investigate an abnormal noise in a Reactor Coolant Pump. Prior to the entry, a Containment Mi ni-Purge is to be performed.
2(3)RT-7828, Containm ent Purge Stack Radiation Monitor is out-of-service. Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor di rects you to INITIATE a Unit 2 (Unit 3)
Containment Mini-Purge per SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System has been completed through Step 2.4.3. 2(3)RT-7865, Plant Vent Stack/Containment Purge Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor is OPERABLE and aligned to the Containment Purge Stack.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-1-4.2 and 57C10.
Required Materials: SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System, Rev. 28. SO23-15-57.C, 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HI, Rev. 18.
Validation Time:
13 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc CONTROL ROOM SETUP
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System. INITIAL through Step 2.4.3. This will make Section 2.5, Start Mini-Purge, as the next step to be performed. Attachment 15, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration Limitations and Specifics. SO23-15-57.C, 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HI when requested.
: This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc        - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Cue:
Remind the examinee to simu late all actions. The examiner will act as Chemistry.
Examiner Cue:
The time limit associated with Steps 2.5.1 through 2.5.5 will be ignored for this JPM since two operators are normally required.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9825 is closed.
Perform Step: 1 ENSURE OPEN HV-9825, Cont ainment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 Isolation Valv e (Outside Containment).
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE red OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9825 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
HV-9824 is closed.
Perform Step: 2 ENSURE OPEN HV-9824, Cont ainment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 Isolation Valv e (Inside Containment).
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9824, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE red OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9824 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
HV-9823 is closed.
Perform Step: 3 ENSURE OPEN HV-9823, Containm ent Mini-Purge Supply 2(3)MA-379 Isolation Valve. (Inside Containment)
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9823, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9823 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:
HV-9821 is closed.
Perform Step: 4 ENSURE OPEN HV-9821, Containm ent Mini-Purge Supply 2(3)MA-379 Isolation Valve (Outside Containment).
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN lamp illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9821 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note:
Fan controls are at Panel 2(3)L-155 in the Control Room hallway.
Perform Step: 5 START 2(3)MA-059, Mini-Purge Exhaust Unit, by Positioning 2(3)HS-9804 to START.
Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9804, Cont Mini-Purge Exhaust Unit (Fan) 2(3)A059 switch to START and OBSERVE red 2(3)ZLH-9804 START light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
2(3)MA-059 red start light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 START 2(3)MA-379, Mini-Purge Supply Unit, by Positioning 2(3)HS-9803 to START.
Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9803, Cont Mini-Purge Supply Unit (Fan) 2(3)A379 switch to START and OBSERVE red 2(3)ZLH-9803 START light illuminated.
Examiner Cue:
2(3)MA-379 red start light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7  Notify Chemistry Division that Mini-Purge is in progress.
NOTIFY Chemistry Division that Mi ni-Purge is in progress and RECORD the chemist's name.
Examiner Cue: Chemistry Tech Jones acknowledges Containment Mini-Purge in service on Unit 2 (Unit 3). The release limit is 1800 SCFM.
Examiner Cue:
Steps 2.5.8, 2.5.9, and 2.5.10 have been completed by another operator.
Examiner Cue: Annunciator 57C10, CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH is alarming.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note: The following steps constitute the alternate path for this JPM.
Perform Step: 8  Acknowledge annunciator 57C10, CO NTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH.
Standard: DEPRESS Alarm Acknowledge button for Panel 57C and OBSERVE Annunciator 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH illuminated.
Examiner Cue: Annunciator 57C10 is solidly lit.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note: Examinee should refer to SO23-15-57.C, 57C10, CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH. If referenced, PROVIDE a copy.
Perform Step: 8a RT-7828, RT-7865-1: Check indicated activity and evaluate trend from DAS Trends Page and/or 2(3)RR-7865.
DETERMINE RT-7865-1 is in alarm and CHECK indicated activity and evaluate trend from DAS Trends Page and/or 2(3)RR-7865.
Examiner Cue: DAS Trends Page for RT-7865-1 is in alarm.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Note: Examinee may initiate a MANUAL Containment Purge Isolation Signal (CPIS). If performed, this will satisfy the Critical Steps for closing the mini-purge supply and exhaust valves.
Perform Step: 9 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)HV-9948, Containment Norm al Purge Isolation - CLOSED.
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9948, CNTMT PRG SPLY UNIT 2(3)A060 green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9948 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)HV-9951, Containment Norm al Purge Isolation - CLOSED.
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9951, CNTMT PRG EXH UNIT 2(3)A060 green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9951 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 11 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE -
CLOSED. Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9821 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 12  Ensure CLOSED 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE. Standard:
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9821 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)HV-9825, Containment Mi ni-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 -
CLOSED. Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MINI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9825 is open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 14  Ensure CLOSED 2(3)HV-9825, Containment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059.
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.
Examiner Cue:
HV-9825 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:
The Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust fan lights will not be illuminated if the Unit is in MODES 1 through 4.
Perform Step: 15a Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)MA-374, 2(3)MA-060, 2(3)MA-379, and 2(3)MA-059, Containment Normal and Mini-P urge Supply and Exhaust Fans are STOPPED.
At Panel 2(3)L-155, OBSERVE Containment Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust Fans green STOP lights are illuminated or extinguished:  2(3)HS-9952, CNTMT Pu rge Supply Fan 2(3)A374. 2(3)HS-9970, CNTMT Pu rge Exhaust Fan 2(3)A060.
Examiner Cue: The Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust fans are deenergized (or stopped).
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15b Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred:  2(3)MA-374, 2(3)MA-060, 2(3)MA-379, and 2(3)MA-059, Containment Normal and Mini-P urge Supply and Exhaust Fans are STOPPED.
Standard: At Panel 2(3)L-155, OBSERVE Containment Mini-Purge Supply and Exhaust Fans green STOP lights are illuminated:  CNTMT Mini-Purge Supply Fan 2(3)A379. CNTMT Mini-Purge Exhaust Fan 2(3)A059.
Terminating Cue: The Mini-Purge Supply and Exhaust fans are stopped. This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 (Unit 3) is operating at full power. A Containment entry must be made to investigate an abnormal noise in a Reactor Coolant Pump. Prior to the entry, a Containment Mini-Purge is to be
performed. 2(3)RT-7828, Containmen t Purge Stack Radiation Monitor is out-of-service.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to INITIATE a Unit 2 (Unit 3) Containment Mini-Purge per SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System has been completed through Step 2.4.3. 2(3)RT-7865, Plant Vent St ack/Containment Purge Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor is OPERABLE and aligned to the Containment Purge Stack.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-1 Task #151078 K/A #059 A2.12    3.1/3.4  SF-4S Title: Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valve Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:  X  Classroom:
Actual Performance:
Plant:  X  READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 (Unit 3) is at 100% power. Maintenance is to be performed on the Positioner Controller for the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. This will require Local-Manual operat ion of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. A Reactivity Brief has been performed.
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to take LOCAL-MANUAL Control of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) 2(3)FV
-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve, per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control S ystem Operation, Section 6.3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-9-6.
Required Materials: SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Rev. 22.
Validation Time:
7 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Section 6.3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.
: This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.
Perform Step: 1 Establish communications between CR and Operator at the MFW Control Valve.
Standard: ESTABLISH communications with the Control Room.
Examiner Cue:
Communications are established.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 TRANSFER 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Contro l Valve Controller, to LOCAL. (CR-52) Standard: DIRECT the Control Room to TRANSFER 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve Controller to LOCAL.
Examiner Cue:
2(3)FV-1111 is in LOCAL.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 TURN LARGE HANDWHEEL CLOCKWISE until snug at limit of travel. (At this point, the large lead screw contacts the mechanical actuating device and further move ment will cause actual valve movement.)
Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve large handwheel CLOCKWISE until snug at limit of travel.
Examiner Cue: The large handwheel is snug at the limit of travel.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 TURN SMALL HANDWHEEL COUNTERCLOCKWISE until tight against
hub of large handwheel.
Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve small handwheel
COUNTERCLOCKWISE until tight against hub of large handwheel.
Examiner Cue: The small handwheel is tight against hub of large handwheel.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5 OPEN the two (black knob handled) Operating Piston Air Bypass Valves. Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve both (black knob handled)
Operating Piston Air Bypass Valv es COUNTERCLOCKWISE to OPEN.
Examiner Cue: Both Operating Piston Air Bypass Valves are open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 CLOSE  Air Supply to FY-1111:
S2(3)2417MR239 Standard:
TURN S2(3)2417MR239, Air Supply to 2(3)FV-1111 CLOCKWISE to
CLOSE. Examiner Cue: The air supply to 2(3)FY-1111 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT        Perform Step: 7  CLOSE Air Supply to FY-1114:
S2(3)2417MR240 Standard:
TURN S2(3)2417MR240, Air Supply to I/P Converter 2(3)FY-1114 CLOCKWISE to CLOSE.
Examiner Cue: The air supply to 2(3)FY-1114 is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Examiner Cue:
The Control Room direct s you to open 2(3)FV-1111 one-half turn.
Perform Step: 8  OPERATE the large handwheel to repos ition valve as directed by the Control Room or CRS. Rotating handwheel clockwise Closes valve. Rotating handwheel counterclockwise Opens valve Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve Large handwheel one-half (1/2) turn in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction.
Terminating Cue:
2(3)FV-1111 is OPEN one-half turn. This JPM is complete.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      STOP TIME:
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  Unit 2 (Unit 3) is at 100% power. Maintenance is to be performed on the Positioner Controller for the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. This will require Local-Manua l operation of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater C ontrol Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. A Reactivity Brief has been performed.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to take LOCAL-MANUAL Control of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve, per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Section 6.
3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-2 Task #191625 K/A #004  A2.14  3.8/3.9  SF-2 Title: Locally Align Charging Pump Suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:  X  Classroom:
Actual Performance:
Plant:    X  READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  The Control Room has been evac uated per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room and a cooldown to Cold Shutdown is in progress. The Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Ta nks are aligned for gravity feed on Unit 2 (Unit 3).
Initiating Cue:
The Control Room Supervisor directs you to MONITOR BAMU Tank levels and when required, SHIFT Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room:  Attachment 10, Radwaste Op erator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Auxiliary Primary Operator Duties for Unit 3.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-13-2, Attachments 10 and 11.
Required Materials: SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room, Rev 12.
Validation Time:
14 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room. Attachment 10, Radwaste Operator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Primary Auxiliary Operator Duties for Unit 3. MARK UP BAMU Tank levels showing a trend towards 23% (9.2 psi = 25%)
for 2(3)TK-072 and a trend towards 20% (9.0 psi = 22%) for 2(3)TK-071 when the next reading is obtained. INITIAL all other Steps in the Attachment except for Step 11.0.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc          - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:
Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.
Examiner Cue:
Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Tank levels were last taken 15 minutes ago. Perform Step: 1 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.
Standard: DETERMINE that no flow exists past the BAMU Pump suction pressure gauges since Initial Conditions spec ify gravity feed in progress.
Examiner Cue: BAMU Pumps, P-174 and P-175 are not running.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.
OBSERVE 2(3)PI-9273, Bo ric Acid Makeup Pump 2(3)P175 Inlet
Pressure gauge.
Examiner Cue:
PI-9273 indicates 9.0 psi.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.
REFER to FIGURE LVL-BAMU and DETERMINE 2(3)T-072, BAMU Tank to be 23% with 9.0 psi suction pressure on 2(3)PI-9273.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 4 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.
OBSERVE 2(3)PI-9279, Bo ric Acid Makeup Pump 2(3)P174 Inlet
Pressure gauge.
Examiner Cue:
PI-9279 indicates 8.8 psi.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 5 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.
REFER to FIGURE LVL-BAMU and DETERMINE 2(3)T-071, BAMU Tank to be 20% with 8.8 psi suction pressure on 2(3)PI-9279.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 6 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:
Standard: DETERMINE that BAMU Tank , 2(3)T-071 is 20.0%.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 7 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.
DEPRESS 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to C harging Pump Suction Isolation Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction.
Examiner Cue:
The clutch is engaged.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pump Suction Isolation Valve outward stem motion and RELE ASE manual clutch lever when motion is observed.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is moving in the open direction.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.
ROTATE 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to C harging Pump Suction Isolation Valve manual handwheel in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction until local position indication is 100%.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is full open.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 10 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction.
Examiner Cue:
The clutch is engaged.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve for inward stem motion and RELEASE the manual clutch lever when motion is observed.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is mo ving in the close direction.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 12 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.
ROTATE 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction until loca l position indication is 0%.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is closed.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 13  WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.
DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction.
Examiner Cue:
The clutch is engaged.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 14 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.
8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.
Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve for inward stem motion and RELEASE manual clutch lever when motion is observed.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is mo ving in the close direction.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 15 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:  CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.
ROTATE 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction until loca l position indication is 0%.
Examiner Cue:
The valve is closed.
Perform Step: 16  Notify the Unit 2 CRS of transfer to RWST.
REPORT to the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Cont rol Room Supervisor that Charging Pump suctions are aligned to t he Refueling Water Storage Tank.
Terminating Cue: The Control Room Supervisor acknowledges that Charging Pump suctions are aligned to the Refueling Water Storage Tank. This JPM is complete.
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  The Control Room has been evacuated per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room and a cooldown to Cold Shutdown is in progress. The Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Tanks are aligned for gravity feed on Unit 2 (Unit 3).
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to MONITOR BAMU Tank levels and when required, SHIFT Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room:  Attachment 10, Radwaste Operator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Auxiliary Primary Operator Duties for
Unit 3.
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-3 Task #190621 K/A #012 A2.06  4.4/4.7  SF-7 Title: Locally Open the Reactor Trip Breakers Examinee (Print):
Testing Method:
Simulated Performance:  X  Classroom:
Actual Performance:
Plant:  X  READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.
Initial Conditions:
Given the following conditions:  The Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor has received a trip signal and the Reactor Trip Breakers failed to open.
Initiating Cue: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to:  PROCEED to the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor Trip Breaker Switchgear and locally OPEN Reactor Trip Cir cuit Breakers 1 through 8. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM.
Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-1.
Required Materials: SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions, Rev. 21.
Validation Time:
5 minutes Time Critical: 8 minutes Completion Time:
________ minutes Comments:  Result:  SAT  UNSAT  Examiner (Print / Sign):
Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP
EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of:  No procedural guidance is provided for this task. PROVIDE the JPM once inside the RCA (past the HP Checkpoint).
: This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet. The TIME CRITICAL portion of the JPM starts when the Cue Sheet has been read and understood by the examinee once inside the RCA.
Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:
The required actions are performed without reference to a procedure and can be performed in any order.
Examiner Note:
The TCBs can be opened in pairs using the Emergency Trip pushbuttons or individually using the Manual Trip pushbutton on each breaker. The first sequence of Steps (1-4) addresses use of the Emergency Trip pushbuttons. The second sequence of Steps (5-12) uses the individual Manual Trip pushbuttons.
Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.
  - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step CRITICAL START TIME:
Perform Step: 1 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-5 and TCB-1.
DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-5 and TCB-1 (on TCB-5 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and
mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-1 and TCB-5.
Examiner Cue: TCB-5 and TCB-1 green tripped lights are illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 2  Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-6 and TCB-2.
DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-6 and TCB-2 (on TCB-6 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and
mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-2 and 6 cubicles.
Examiner Cue: TCB-6 and TCB-2 green tripped lights are illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 3 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-3 and TCB-7.
DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-3 and TCB-7 (on TCB-3 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and
mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-3 and 7 cubicles.
Examiner Cue: TCB-3 and TCB-7 green tripped lights are illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 4 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-4 and TCB-8.
DEPRESS Emergency Trip push bu tton TCB-4 and TCB-8 (on TCB-4 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-4 and 8 cubicles.
Terminating Cue: TCB-4 and TCB-8 green tr ipped lights are illumi nated. This JPM is complete.
Examiner Note:
This stops the TIME CRITICAL clock if Sequence #1 was used.
Examiner Note: Sequence #2 using the i ndividual trip pushbutton on each breaker. The Breakers can be opened in any order.
Perform Step: 5 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-1.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-1 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-1.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-1 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 6 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-2.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-2 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and
mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-2.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-2 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 7 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-3.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-3 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-3.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-3 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 8 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-4.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-4 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and
mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-4.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-4 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 9 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-5.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-5 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and
mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-5.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-5 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 10 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-6.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-6 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and
mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-6.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-6 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT      Perform Step: 11 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-7.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-7 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and
mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-7.
Examiner Cue:
TCB-7 green tr ipped light is illuminated.
Comment: SAT      UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 12  Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-8.
Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-8 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-8.
Terminating Cue:
TCB-8 green tripped light is illuminated. This JPM is complete.
Examiner Note:
This stops the TIME CRITICAL clock if Sequence #2 was used.
Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS
: Given the following conditions:  The Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor has received a trip signal and the Reactor Trip Breakers failed to open.
INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to:  PROCEED to the Unit 2 (Uni t 3) Reactor Trip Breaker Switchgear and locally OPEN Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers 1 through 8.
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Facility:
SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:
1 Op Test No.:
October 2009 NRC Examiners:
Initial Conditions:  99% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1003 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Train A Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002) OOS for governor repair. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Maintain steady-state power conditions.
Critical Tasks:  Trip the Reactor followi ng multiple CEA drops.
Establish minimum design Safety Injection flow rate (SIAS component failure).
Event No.
Malf. No.
Event Type* Event Description 1 +10 min CH04D TS (CRS) Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter (PT-0352-4) fails high. 2 +20 min FC05B I (BOP, CRS) Steam Generator (E-088) Main Feedwater Master Controller setpoint fails to 50% level on 60 second ramp.
3 +30 min RD4403 C (BOP, CRS)  TS (CRS) Dropped CEA #44.
4 +45 min R (RO)
N (BOP, CRS) Power reduction for dropped CEA.
5 +45 min RD0303 C (RO, CRS) Dropped CEA #3. Manual Reactor trip required.
6 +50 min RC01A M (RO, BOP, CRS)
Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident upon Unit trip.
7 +50 min Bus 2A07 XFR LP I (BOP) Non-1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A07 auto transfer failure upon Unit trip.
8 +55 min RP01E C (RO) Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-016) fails to auto start. * (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,    (C)omponent,    (M)ajor,  (TS)Technical Specifications
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO
NRC #1 The crew will assume the watch and maintain steady-state conditions per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.
The first event is a Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter failure. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure/Loss of Vital Bus and Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protective System Operation. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
When Technical Specification actions are complete, Steam Generator E-088 Master Controller Setpoint fails to 50%. Entry into AOI SO23-13-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunction is required. The CRS will analyze the cause of the failure using Attachment 1 of SO23-13-24. Steam Generator level control is restored by placing the Master Controller in Manual. When Steam Generator level control is achieved the controller will be returned to automatic operation.
When level control is regained, Control Element Assembly #44 will drop into the core. Crew actions are per AOI SO23-13-13, Misaligned or Immovable Control Element Assembly and include a power reduction as required per procedure. The crew will restore RCS Cold Leg temperature per OI SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations and block any further load changes and then continue with a power reduction as required per SO23-13-13. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
When the crew commences recovery of CEA #44, a second Control Element Assembly will drop into the core necessitating a manual Reactor trip. 
When the Reactor is tripped, a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident will occur. The crew will enter Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions and then transition to EOI SO23-12-3, Loss of Coolant Accident. Post trip events include a Non-1E 4160 Volt Bus that fails to transfer as well as a Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump start failure. Both of these failures require actions on the part of the Reactor and Balance of Plant Operators.
The scenario is terminated when conditions for reactor coolant system cooldown is reached.
Risk Significance:
Risk important components out of service: LPSI Pump (P-015)
Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002)
Failure of risk important system prior to trip: Dropped Control Element Assembly Risk significant core damage sequence: Large Break LOCA Risk significant operator actions: Trip Reactor Following Multiple CEA Drop Trip RCPs Due to Loss of CCW Establish Minimum Safety Injection Flowrate
Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #221 and NRC Scenario #1 SETUP file to align components.
HANG Control Board Tags on P-015 and G-002.
CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario boron concentration.
VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.
PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:
-  Copy of SO32-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.1, Guidelines for Steady State Operation.
PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.
Control Room Annunciators in Alarm
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 4 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter  Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 1. - CH04D, Containment Pressure Transmitter (PT-0352-4) fails high.
Indications Available
+ 1 min RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO RECOGNIZE Containment Pressure Channel failure and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-18 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System
Failure/Loss of Vital Bus.
RO DETERMINE failure by observing instrumentation for the affected channel and alternate redundant indications monitoring the same parameter.
RO IDENTIFY Containment Pressure Channel PT-0352-4 failure.
CRS REFER to Attachment 5 and DETERMINE Functional Unit(s) affected.
CRS DIRECT the affected Functional Unit be placed in BYPASS per SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protection System.
M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following Remote Functions: RP51 = OPEN  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)
RP55S = BYPASS (Containment Pressure Channel D) Delete RP51  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)
RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarm.
RO LOG the BYPASS and reason in the Control Operator Log.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 5 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter  Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc CRS INITIATE a LCOAR or follow guidelines of SO123-0-A5.
+ 10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.3.5.A, ESFAS Instrumentation.
CONDITION A - One or more Functions with one automatic ESFAS trip channel inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Place Functional Unit in bypass or trip within one (1) hour. When Technical Specifications have been evaluated, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 6 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator E088 Master Controller Setpoint Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - FC05B, E088 Master Controller Setpoint failure to 50% level on 60  second ramp.
Indications available
SG E088 Feedwater Control Valve modulating closed then opens as SG level stabilizes at 50%
SG E088 level lowering
+30 sec BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedure.
BOP RECOGNIZE E088 Master Controller Setpoint lowering to 50% and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-24 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13
-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunctions.
BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 level is low.
BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 Master Controller output is lowering.
+5 min BOP PLACE SG E088 Master Controller in PREFERRED MANUAL and raise
output. Floor Cue:  If required, REPORT as Shift Manager to maintain SG level at 67%.
BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 Feed Control Valve is opening.
BOP DETERMINE that Main Feedwater Pumps K-005 and K-006 speed is rising.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 7 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator E088 Master Controller Setpoint Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue: DELETE malfunction and CONTACT the Control Room as I&C. REPORT the controller logic is fixed and the Master Controller may be returned to AUTO.
+10 min BOP VERIFY SG E088 level is stable at or near program level with SG E088 Master Controller in MANUAL.
When SG level is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 3 and 4.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 8 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Events 3 and 4. - RD4403, Dropped Control Element Assembly #44.
Indications Available
+30 sec RO RECOGNIZE that Regulating Group 5 CEA #44 has dropped and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-13 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-13, Misaligned or Immovable Control
Element Assembly.
RO VERIFY that no more than one CEA is misaligned > 7 inches.
RO ENSURE CEDMCS Mode Selector Switch in OFF.
BOP REDUCE Turbine load to restore RCS Tcold to the pre-CEA drop value and
BLOCK load changes.
M.O. Cue:  If sent as Radwaste or I&C to investigate CEDMCS, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that a tripped breaker was located. REQUEST permission to reclose one time.
RO VERIFY Reactor is critical.
CRS RECORD initial and stabilized reactor power for subsequent SDM calculation.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 9 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc CRS Within 15 minutes, DIRECT monitoring of DNBR and LPD per SO23-3-3.6, Attachment for DNBR Margin and Linear Heat Rate Limit Monitoring.
Floor Cue:  The Work Control Supervisor will complete the DNBR and LPD monitoring in accordance with SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 1.
CRS DIRECT performance of Attachment 3, Misaligned CEA Checklist.
Floor Cue:  The Work Control Supervisor will also complete SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 3.
CRS Within 15 minutes of discovery, DIRECT initiation of Reactor power reduction.
For Non Group 6 Full Length CEA, REDUCE power 10% within 60 minutes. Examiner Note:  CRS should recognize that power reduction due to dropped CEA (~3%) satisfies the 15 minute requirement to initiate a power reduction. The remaining power reduction must be accomplished within 60 minutes.
BOP COMMENCE lowering Turbine Generator load using CVOL while maintaining Tcold per SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.
CRS DIRECT initiation of boration of the RCS per SO23-3-2.2, Makeup
Operations to achieve target power level.
RO BORATE to the Charging Pump suction as follows:
SELECT Mode on FIC-0210Y, BAMU Flow Controller.
SET FQIS-0210Y, BAMU to VCT Borate Batching Counter to volume determined from Reactivity Brief.
VERIFY CLOSED FV-9253, Blended Makeup to VCT Isolation.
ENSURE HV-9257, BAMU to Charging Pump Suction Block in AUTO.
PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to BORATE.
RO COMMENCE attempting to control ASI near full power ESI.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 10 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Floor Cue:  As the Shift Manager, DIRECT the CRS to COMMENCE the downpower as required by SO23-13-13, then RESTORE the dropped CEA.
CRS REQUEST Reactor Engineering to report to the Control Room.
CRS INITIATE recovery of affected CEA per Attachment 1.
RO VERIFY CEA position indications agree:
COMPARE affected CEA PIDs from CEAC No. 1 and 2 at CPC Operator Console. COMPARE affected CEA PIDs from CEAC No. 1 and 2 at Secondary Rod Position CRT.
CHECK UEL and LEL lights.
RO/CRS VERIFY one CEA has not been misaligned >7 inches for an unknown duration.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-3-2.19, CEDMCS Operation to confirm that
the CEA is movable in the Manual Individual Mode.
RO WITHDRAW CEA #44 using the Manual Individual Mode per SO23-3-2.19.
CRS/RO REALIGN CEA #44 to the group per SO23-3-2.19, CEDMCS Operation.
+20 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.1.5.A, Control Element Assembly Alignment.
CONDITION A - One Regulating CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by >7 inches. ACTION A.1 - Initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with COLR requirements within 15 minutes. ACTION A.2 - Restore the misaligned CEA(s) to within 7 inches of its group within two (2) hours.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 11 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:  Event 5 can be performed at any time during CEA #44 recovery.
When a 3-5% power reduction is completed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.   
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 12 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Dropped Control Element Assembly #3 / Manual Reactor Trip Required Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 5. - RD0303, Dropped CEA #3.
Indications Available
+10 secs RO RECOGNIZE 2 nd dropped CEA #3 and manually INITIATE a Reactor trip.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Within five (5) minutes of a second CEA dropping into the Core, trip the Reactor. Elapsed Time: __________
+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
When the Reactor is tripped, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6, 7, and 8.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6, 7, and 8.
- RC01A, Large Break LOCA.
- Bus 2A07 LP, Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure.
- RP01E, LPSI Pump P016 fails to auto start.
Indications available
: Numerous Reactor and Turbine trip related alarms CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:
VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.
VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.
VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.
CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.
BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:
VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.
HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.
VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.
VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:
ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.
INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.
INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.
BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:
VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.
VERIFY both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 energized.
VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc BOP  DETERMINE one Non-1E 4 kV Bus deenergized.
  [RNO] TRANSFER Non-1E 4 kV Bus 2A07 to Reserve Auxiliary Transformer.
  [RNO]  SELECT 2/3HS-1627A, NON-1E Synchroscope to ON.
  [RNO] DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for Breaker 2A0703.
  [RNO] PLACE Breaker 2A0703 Mode Selector in MANUAL.
  [RNO] CLOSE INCOMING Breaker 2A0703.
BOP  VERIFY both CCW Trains operating and NOT aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.
  [RNO] If CIAS actuated, ENSURE all RCPs stopped.
BOP STOP all RCPs due to CIAS.
RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE PZR level NOT between 10% and 70% AND NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.
DETERMINE Core Exit Saturation Margin < 20&deg;F:
QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Within 15 minutes of SFSC Inventory Control completion following RCS pressure falling below 1400 psia, the crew establishes the required SI flow. Elapsed Time: __________
CRITICAL TASK RO ESTABLISH minimum design Safety Injection flowrate; START LPSI Pump P016. RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE PZR pressure (WR and NR) NOT between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA AND NOT trending to between 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA.
  [RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.
  [RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.
  [RNO] If PZR pressure (WR) is less than 1740 psia, ENSURE SIAS/CCAS/CRIS actuated.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc
  [RNO] If PZR pressure (WR) is less than 1430 psia, ENSURE one RCP and each loop stopped.
  [RNO] If RCP NPSH requirements of Attachment 3 NOT satisfied, THEN ENSURE all RCPs stopped.
RO DETERMINE Core Heat Removal criteria is NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE no RCPs operating.
DETERMINE Core Exit Saturation Margin < 20&deg;F.
QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:
VERIFY at least one SGs level between 21% and 80% NR AND Feedwater available.
  [RNO] ENSURE EFAS actuated.
DETERMINE T cold < 545&deg;F and NOT controlled.
  [RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.
E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053
  [RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed.
HV-2703 or HV-2704; HV-2721; HV-2751 VERIFY SG pressures > 740 PSIA.
RO DETERMINE Containment Isolation criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE Containment pressure > 1.5 PSIG.
  [RNO] DETERMINE Containment pressure > 3.4 PSIG.
  [RNO] ENSURE SIAS, CIAS, CCAS, and CRIS actuated.
RO/BOP  DETERMINE Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized AND alarming or trending to alarm.
VERIFY Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc alarming or trending to alarm.
RO DETERMINE Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE Containment average temperature > 120&deg;F.
DETERMINE Containment pressure > 1.5 PSIG.
  [RNO] ENSURE proper functioning of the Normal Containment Cooling.    [RNO] ENSURE at least one Containment Dome Air Circulator operating.
  [RNO] DETERMINE Containment pressure > 3.4 PSIG.
  [RNO] ENSURE all RCPs stopped.
  [RNO] ENSURE all available Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.
DETERMINE Containment pressure > 14 PSIG.
  [RNO] ENSURE CSAS actuated.
  [RNO] ENSURE all available Containment Spray Header flows greater than 1600 gpm.
+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE Event in Progress:
DETERMINE most Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.
  [RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.
  [RNO] DIAGNOSE Loss of Coolant Accident.
DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.
  [RNO] DETERMINE all RCPs stopped.
DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.
BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-3, LOCA.
RECORD time of EOI entry __________.
+15 min CRS VERIFY LOCA diagnosis:
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.
INITIATE Foldout Page.
DIRECT performance of FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.
DIRECT performance of FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.
DIRECT performance of Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration.
VERIFY LOCA diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.
INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron.
M.O. Cue:  If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and then REPORT that E088 and E089 both have activity near background, and normal boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT unable to establish sample flow.
CRS INITIATE Administrative actions:
NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader of SO23-12-3, Loss of Coolant Accident initiation.
ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.
IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.
RO VERIFY ESF actuation.
ENSURE the following actuated:
BOP STOP unloaded Train B Diesel Generator (SIAS Override STOP).
BOP INITIATE SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.
M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored Non-Qualified Loads.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 18 of 18 Event
== Description:==
Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:
ESTABLISH two train operation.
All Charging Pumps operating.
One Train B HPSI and one Train B LPSI operating.
One Train A HPSI operating.
All Cold leg flow paths aligned.
VERIFY SI flow required:
SI flow indicated.
RO VERIFY PZR pressure:
DETERMINE RCP NPSH requirements of Attachment 29 NOT satisfied.
  [RNO] INITIATE FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.
RO VERIFY Letdown isolated.
RO VERIFY outside Containment radiation alarms NOT alarming.
RO VERIFY outside Containment sump levels NOT abnormally rising.
RO VERIFY RCS sample valves, RCS and PZR head vents are closed.
RO VERIFY CCW parameters are normal.
CRS/RO VERIFY PZR Safety Valves are closed.
CRS/RO DETERMINE rate of RCS inventory and loss greater than Charging Pump capacity.
+30 min CRS DIRECT initiation of RCS cooldown.
When the RCS cooldown is initiated, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Facility:
SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:
2 Op Test No.:
October 2009 NRC Examiners:
Initial Conditions:  99% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1003 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Train A Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002) OOS for governor repair. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Maintain steady-state power conditions.
Critical Tasks:  Restore Component Cooling Water flow to the Non-Critical Loop. Restore power to at least one 1E 4 kV Bus (Station Blackout)
. Restore Feedwater flow to at least one Steam Generator (Loss of Feedwater).
Event No.
Malf. No.
Event Type* Event Description 1 +10 min ED11 TS (CRS) Loss of Control Room Annunciators.
2 +15 min FW08B C (BOP, CRS)
Main Feedwater Pump Turbine (P-063) loss of oil pressure.
3 +35 min R (RO)
N (CRS) Rapid Power Reduction for loss of one Main Feed Pump.
4 +50 min ED03A C (RO, BOP, CRS)
TS (CRS) Loss of 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A04.
5 +50  min TU08 PG24 M (RO, BOP, CRS)
Loss of Offsite Power.
6 +50 min EG08B M (RO, BOP, CRS)
Emergency Diesel Generator (G-003) fails to start.
Station Blackout.
7 +55 min FW25 C (BOP) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump (P-140) trips on overspeed (300 seconds post-trip). Loss of Feedwater.
8 +55 min CVCS LP I (RO)
Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open during boration. * (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,    (C)omponent,    (M)ajor,  (TS)Technical Specifications
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO
NRC #2 The crew will assume the watch and maintain steady-state conditions per Operating Instruction (OI)
SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.
The first event is a Loss of Control Room Annunciators. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-22, Loss of Control Room Annunciators. Actions include aligning an alternate power supply to the Control Room Annunciators. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
When the annunciators are restored, a loss of oil pressure to Main Feedwater Pump P-063 will occur. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) and AOI SO23-13-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunction and determine that a Main Feedwater Pump trip is warranted. This will necessitate entry into AOI SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction in order to low power below the threshold for one (1) Main Feedwater Pump operation.
When plant conditions are stable, a loss of 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A04 will occur. The crew will enter him the AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus. Crew actions include placing a Charging Pump in service as well as transferring to the Train B Component Cooling Water System. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
The major event is a Loss of Offsite Power that requires entry into Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions. During performance of the Standard Post Trip Actions, the Train B Emergency Diesel Generator fails to start. Additionally, five (5) minutes post-trip the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump will trip on overspeed. With a Station Blackout and Loss of Feedwater, the CRS will be required to enter Functional Recovery Procedure (FRP) SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery. Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open during boration and the Reactor Operator will be required to manually align the Refueling Water Storage Tank.
With Switchyard power unavailable, restoration of Unit 2 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A06 will be via a crosstie with Unit 3 1E 4160 Volt Bus 3A06. Once the crosstie is successful, Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-504 can be started to restore feedwater flow to Steam Generator E-088. 
The scenario is terminated when the 1E Bus is reenergized, feedwater flow is restored, and boration via the RWST is commenced.
Risk Significance:
Risk important components out of service:  LPSI Pump (P-015)
Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002)
Failure of risk important system prior to trip:  Loss of 4160 V Bus 2A04 Risk significant core damage sequence:  Station Blackout with Loss of Feedwater Risk significant operator actions:  Restore Flow to Non-Critical Loop Crosstie Bus 3A06 with Bus 2A06 Align Feedwater Flow to a Steam Generator 
Scenario Event Description NRC  Scenario #2 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #222 and NRC Scenario #2 SETUP file to align components.
HANG Control Board Tags on P-015 and G-002.
CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.
RESET CVCS Batch Counters to zero (0).
VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.
PLACE Channel X Pressurizer Pressure and Pressurizer Level in service.
PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:
- Copy of SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.1, Guidelines for Steady State Operation.
PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.
Control Room Annunciators in Alarm
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 4 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 1. - ED11, Loss of Control Room Annunciators.
Indications Available
+30 secs RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO RECOGNIZE Annunciator System Loss of Power alarm and INFORM CRS ARP SO23-15-50.A2, Annunciator UA20050C entry required.
CRS DIRECT testing of all Control Room Annunciator panels.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-22, Loss of Control Room Annunciators.
CRS/RO DETERMINE loss of all Control Room annunciators has occurred.
CRS INITIATE SO23-13-22, Attachment for Guidelines for Monitoring of Plant
CRS DETERMINE activities in progress which could potentially disrupt plant
CRS RECOGNIZE that if annunciators are lost for 15 minutes, an Unusual Event must be declared per Tab D1-2.
CRS INITIATE SO23-13-22, Attachment for Power Loss Determination and
Examiner Cue:  As long as the Plant Computer System (PCS) is OPERABLE, then Technical Specification LCOs 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, and SR are Not Applicable (N/A).
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 5 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc
+5 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.1.7.E, Regulating CEA Insertion Limits.
CONDITION E - PDIL Alarm Circuit INOPERABLE. ACTION E.1 - Within one (1) hour, PERFORM SO23-3-3.6, Attachment for PDIL Alarm Circuit INOPERABLE.
CRS REVIEW additional Technical Specifications as time permits.
CRS VERIFY Bus D5 energized.
CRS DISPATCH an Operator to Panel D5 and VERIFY Breaker 6, Panel D5P4 Supply Breaker, is closed.
M.O. Cue:  If directed to check breaker 2D5-06, WAIT 1 minute then REPORT Breaker 2D5-06 is closed.
CRS DIRECT an Operator to CHECK Panel D5P4 Breaker 74, Panel L-040 supply
breaker. M.O. Cue:  If directed to check Panel 2D5P4 breaker 74, REPORT 2D5P4 Breaker 74 is in a tripped condition, and no visible signs of distress.
CRS DIRECT Electrical Maintenance to assist in troubleshooting and restoration of loss of annunciators.
M.O. Cue:  If Maintenance is directed to investigate Panel 2D5P4, WAIT 1 minute then REPORT no apparent reason for tripped Breaker 74.
Floor Cue:  If operator is directed to inspect Panel 2L-040, REPORT no power indicated (all lights extinguished), and no visible sign of distress.
CRS DIRECT a PEO to PERFORM a RECLOSE attempt on D5P4 Breaker 74.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 6 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue:  If directed to close 2D5P4 Breaker 74, WAIT 1 minute, then DELETE ED11 and REPORT closure to Control Room.
CRS/RO RECOGNIZE that annunciator power is restored.
CRS DIRECT testing of all Control Room annunciators.
+10 min RO/BOP TEST all Control Room annunciators and INFORM CRS they are operational.
When annunciator power is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 2 and 3.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 7 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - FW08B, Main Feedwater Pump (K005/P063) loss of lube oil.
Indications Available
+30 secs BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
BOP RECOGNIZE Main Feedwater Pump loss of lube oil and INFORM the CRS ARP SO23-15-53.B.11 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-15-53.B.11, MFWP TURBINE K005 OIL PRESS LO PRETRIP.
CRS/BOP DISPATCH a PEO to investigate cause of low lube oil pressure.
M.O.Cue: After one (1) minute, REPORT an oil line pipe rupture on Main Feedwater Pump P-063. BOP VERIFY START of the standby AC Lube Oil Pump.
BOP VERIFY the DC lube oil pump is running.
CRS/BOP DETERMINE Main Feedwater Pump will eventually need to be tripped manually or will trip automatically due to a loss of lube oil.
CRS DIRECT tripping Main Feedwater Pump P063.
BOP TRIP Main Feedwater Pump P063 trip and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-28 entry required.
CRS DIRECT a Rapid Power Reduction using CEAs and/or boration per SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 8 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:  The following steps are from SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction.
CRS DIRECT EFAS initiation to restore SG level.
+5 min RO/BOP INITIATE EFAS by depressing all EFAS Actuation pushbuttons once.
RO BORATE as required using the Alternate Boration Flowpath through HV-9247. PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL.
START the selected BAMU Pump.
OPEN HV-9247, Emergency Boration Block Valve.
START a second Charging Pump as required.
BOP ENSURE all available Condensate Pumps running.
RO INSERT CEAs as required.
BOP INITIATE a Manual Runback for Turbine load change.
BOP ENSURE Feedwater Control Valves < 100% open and controlling level.
BOP ENSURE Steam Generator level(s) stable or rising.
BOP ENSURE Low Level Alarm(s) reset.
RO/BOP DEPRESS all EFAS Actuation Pushbuttons a second time to reset the cycling relays.
CRS CONTACT Chemistry and the GOC and inform them of the Rapid Power Reduction.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 9 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc RO IMPLEMENT Attachment 8 to determine the amount of boration and CEAs to be used to achieve the target power level.
+20 min RO FORCE Pressurizer Normal Spray flow.
When power level is stable, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 10 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - ED03A, Bus 2A04 overcurrent trip and lockout.
Indications Available
: 63B05 - 2A04 VOLTAGE LO 63B06 - 2B04 VOLTAGE LO 63B25 - 2A04 SUPPLY BREAKER 2A0418 OC
+30 sec RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO/BOP RECOGNIZE low Bus 2A04 voltage and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-26 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus, Attachment 1, Loss of 1E 4 kV Bus.
CRS DIRECT starting of Train B CCW.
BOP PLACE Train B CCW in service.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With loss of flow to the CCW Non-Critical Loop and prior to exceeding RCP operating limits, restore flow to the NCL from any available CCW train.
CRITICAL TASK BOP TRANSFER the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train B.
DEPRESS and MAINTAIN DEPRESSED the OPEN pushbuttons for  HV-6213 and HV-6219, Critical Loop B Supply and Return to NCL.
When HV-6212 and HV-6218, Critical Loop A Supply and Return to NCL indicate CLOSED, then RELEASE the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6213 and HV-6219.
BOP TRANSFER Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train B CCW.
CLOSE HV-6593B/A, CCW Critical Loop A Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.
OPEN HV-6522B/A, CCW Critical Loop B Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 11 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc CRS DETERMINE that loss of 2A04 is NOT due to fire.
M.O. Cue: When directed to investigate 2A0418 overcurrent, WAIT 3 minutes and REPORT an overcurrent flag on Phase B.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-6-9, 6.9 kV, 4 kV and 480 V Bus Feeder Faults. CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus,  , Equipment Actions for Loss of Bus A04.
BOP ENSURE Train B SWC Pump running.
BOP VERIFY 2G002 Maintenance Lockout Switch in LOCKOUT.
CRS Within 1 hour, DIRECT performance of SO23-3-3.23, Attachment for AC Sources Verification for both Units.
RO PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL and PLACE a
Caution Tag at the switch to prevent inadvertent dilution.
RO OPERATE Charging Pumps as required to maintain Pressurizer level.
+5 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.8.4.A, DC Sources - Operating.
CONDITION A - One battery or associated control equipment or cabling inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Restore DC electrical power subsystem to OPERABLE status within two (2) hours.
Examiner Note:  DNBR may or may not be bypassed.
CRS DIRECT Bypassing Channel A DNBR and LPD trips.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 12 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following remote functions: RP51 = OPEN  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46) RP52C = BYPASS (Channel A Hi Local Power) RP52D = BYPASS (Channel A Low DNBR) Delete RP51  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)
RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarms.
56A29 - PPS CHANNEL 1 TRIP BYPASSED CRS DIRECT setting CEAC 2 INOP Flags in all CPCs by changing each CPC Addressable Constant Point ID 062 to 2.
CRS DIRECT aligning Charging Pump P191 to Train B.
M.O. Cue: If asked, REPORT Unit 3 Train B Component Cooling Water is operating.
CRS DIRECT initiating Train B CRIS.
+15 min BOP ENSURE A-072 or A-073 Dome Air Circulating Fan running.
When Technical Specifications and major Attachment 3 actions have been addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 5, 6, 7, and 8. - TU08, Main Turbine trip. - PG24, Loss of Offsite Power.
- EG08B, Emergency Diesel Generator G-003 fails to start.
- FW25, TDAFW Pump overspeed trip (300 seconds post-trip). - CVCS LP, Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open.
Indications Available
: Numerous Loss of Offsite Power related alarms
+ 10 secs CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:
VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.
VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.
VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.
CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.
BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:
VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.
HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.
VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.
VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:
ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.
INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.
INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.
BOP DETERMINE Vital Auxiliaries criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 deenergized.
  [RNO] PLACE Train B EDG in Maintenance Lockout.
  [RNO] INITIATE Attachment 2, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-Up Actions for Bus 2A06.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc DETERMINE both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 deenergized.
VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.
DETERMINE all Non-1E 4 kV Buses deenergized.
  [RNO] ENSURE MSIVs closed.
  [RNO] OPERATE ADVs to maintain 1000 psia.
DETERMINE CCW Train NOT operating and NOT aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.
M.O. Cue:  If directed to investigate 2G003, WAIT 3 minutes then REPORT EDG governor is disconnected.
Examiner Note:  Depending on the speed at which SPTAs are performed and initial conditions at the time of trip, RCS Inventory and RCS Pressure Control may or may not be satisfied.
RO VERIFY RCS Inventory Control criteria satisfied:
VERIFY PZR level between 10% and 70% and trending to between 30%
and 60%. VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F:    QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
RO VERIFY RCS Pressure Control criteria satisfied:
VERIFY PZR pressure (WR and NR) between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA and controlled AND trending between 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA.
RO DETERMINE Core Heat Removal criteria is NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE no RCPs are operating.
VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F. QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:
VERIFY both SGs level > 21% NR.
VERIFY both SGs level < 80% NR.
DETERMINE Auxiliary feedwater NOT available to restore both SGs level between 40% NR and 80% NR.
  [RNO] ENSURE EFAS actuated.
VERIFY heat removal adequate:
T cold trending to between 545&deg;F and 555&deg;F.
SG pressures approximately 1000 PSIA.
Examiner Note: Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P140 will trip on overspeed 300 seconds after Reactor trip.
BOP RECOGNIZE Aux Feedwater Pump P-140 has tripped by observing alarm 52A53 - TURBINE AUX FW PUMP GOVERNOR OVERSPEED / OOS.
M.O. Cue: When contacted to investigate the status of 2P140, WAIT 3 minutes then REPORT that the linkage is in the trip position.
M.O. Cue: When directed to reset the trip linkage for 2P140, WAIT 3 minutes and REPORT that a linkage pin is broken.
RO VERIFY Containment Isolation criteria satisfied:
VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.
DETERMINE some Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.
DETERMINE some Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.
RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:
VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120&deg;F.
VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc
+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE Event in Progress:
DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.
  [RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.
  [RNO] DIAGNOSE Loss of Feedwater and Station Blackout.
DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.
  [RNO] DETERMINE all RCPs stopped.
DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.
BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.
M.O. Cue: If SCE GCC is contacted for grid status, REPORT that cause of grid loss is unknown and field crews are investigating. 8 hour estimate on time to restore.
M.O. Cue: If Unit 3 status is requested, REPORT that Bus 3A06 is energized from EDG 3G003 and Bus 3A04 is energized from EDG 3G002.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.
RECORD time of EOI entry __________.
M.O. Cue: When SO23-12-9 is initiated, CALL as SDG&E GCC and REPORT that SONGS Switchyard appears to have several faults and will not be available until a crew can be dispatched to determine the problem. 8 hour estimate on time to restore.
M.O. Cue: If asked, EXECUTE remote function ED81 and transfer Q0612 Instrument Bus #2 to Emergency.
CRS VERIFY Functional Recovery diagnosis:
INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.
INITIATE Foldout Page.
DIRECT performance of FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 19, Non-1E DC Load Reduction.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 20, Class 1E Battery Load Reduction.
DIRECT performance of FS-18, Secondary Plant Protection.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 24, Supply 1E  4 kV Bus with Opposite Unit Diesel.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 6, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-up Actions.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 8, Restoration of Offsite Power.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, FS-11, Reset P140 Overspeed Trip.
DIRECT Chemistry to sample both SGs for radioactivity and boron.
M.O. Cue:  If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that E088 and E089 sample lines were frisked, and both have activity near background. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.
M.O. Cue: When directed to initiate Non-1E DC Load Reduction, ACKNOWLEDGE and STATE you will report when complete.
M.O. Cue: When directed to initiate Class 1E Battery Load Reduction, ACKNOWLEDGE and STATE you will report when complete.
Examiner Note:  The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions.
CRS DETERMINE ESF actuation not required.
CRS EVALUATE Immediate Safety Function Recovery Actions.
CRS INITIATE Attachment FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success Path HR-1, Step 4.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 18 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:  The following steps are from Attachment 24, Supplying 1E 4 kV Bus with Opposite Unit Diesel. Attachment FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success steps are addressed later in the scenario.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 24, Supplying 1E 4 kV Bus
with Opposite Unit Diesel.
CRS DETERMINE Train B is available.
CRS OBTAIN approval of Shift Manager to cross connect Train B using 10 CFR 50.54(x) on both Units to supply 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 with the opposite unit Diesel Generator.
CRS/BOP REQUEST SM initiates NRC notification within one hour regarding actions per this attachment.
CRS/BOP NOTIFY opposite Unit SRO that automatic sequencing of ESF loads onto opposite Unit 1E 4 kV Bus 3A06 will be blocked.
BOP VERIFY Bus 3A06 energized by 3G003 Diesel Generator.
BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus Tie breaker AUTO/MANUAL transfer switches selected to MANUAL.
2A0619 (2HS-1639B2) and 3A0603 (3HS-1639B2).
BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus Tie breakers open.
2A0619 and 3A0603.
BOP ENSURE 2G003 Diesel Generator selected to MAINTENANCE LOCKOUT.
CRS DIRECT performance of Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.
BOP CONTACT the PPEO and INITIATE Unit 2 Train B Diesel Generator
Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 19 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc VERIFY feeder faults NOT indicated by relay flags on:
2A0616 - Unit Aux Transformer 2A0618 - Reserve Aux Transformer 2A0619 - 2A06 Bus Tie 2A0613 - 2G003 EDG M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT no feeder faults on breakers.
BOP DIRECT the PPEO to SELECT both Unit 2 Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switches on Fire Isolation Panel 2L-413 to 50.54X.
2HS-5054XA2 and 2HS-5054XB2 M.O. Cue: When directed, PERFORM remote functions EG62A and EG62B and REPORT that the Unit 2 50.54X switches have been aligned.
BOP CONTACT the PPEO and INITIATE Unit 3 Train B Diesel Generator
Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.
VERIFY feeder faults NOT indicated by relay flags on:
3A0603 - 3A06 Bus Tie M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT no feeder faults on breaker.
BOP DIRECT the PPEO to SELECT both Unit 3 Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switches on Fire Isolation Panel 3L-413 to 50.54X.
3HS-5054XA2 and 3HS-5054XB2 M.O. Cue: When directed, PERFORM remote functions EG62C and EG62D and REPORT that the Unit 3 50.54X switches have been aligned.
BOP VERIFY 3G003 Diesel Generator loading less than 3.4 MW.
BOP VERIFY Bus 2A06 NOT energized.
BOP VERIFY Unit 2 overcurrent/ground alarms reset.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 20 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc 63C15 - 2A06 SUPPLY BKR 2A0616 OC 63C25 - 2A06 SUPPLY BKR 2A0618 OC BOP VERIFY 1E DC Bus voltages 2D2 and 3D2 greater than 108 VDC.
M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT 3D2 voltage at 129 VDC.
BOP ESTABLISH final Train B configuration.
BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 supply breakers open.
2A0616 - Unit Aux Transformer 2A0618 - Reserve Aux Transformer 2A0613 - 2G003 EDG BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus A06 tie breakers open.
2A0619 - 2A06 Bus Tie 3A0603 - 3A06 Bus Tie BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 load breakers open.
Emergency Chillers Containment Spray Pumps HPSI Pumps LPSI Pumps AFW Pump CCW Pumps SWC Pumps BOP VERIFY Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive Switches on both Units are in the 50.54X position.
BOP CLOSE Unit 3 Bus Tie breaker 3A0603.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 21 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY Unit 3 Diesel Generator 3G003 output breaker remains closed.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With a loss of 1E power, energize at least one 4 kV and the associated 480 VAC 1E Bus before DC Bus D2 voltage drops to 107.3 VDC and DC Bus D4 drops to 106.5 VDC.
CRITICAL TASK BOP CLOSE Unit 2 Bus Tie breaker 2A0619.
BOP VERIFY Unit 2 1E buses 2A06 and 2B06 energized.
BOP START CCW Pump P026 on Train B.
RO VERIFY Charging Pump P192 starts on Train B.
RO VERIFY Saltwater Cooling Pump starts on Train B.
Examiner Note:  The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery, Attachment  FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success.
BOP DETERMINE TDAFW Pump tripped on overspeed.
BOP VERIFY AFW Pump P504 available.
BOP CLOSE AFW Pump P504 Discharge Valves.
HV-4712 and HV-4762 or MU533, P504 Manual Discharge Valve.
Examiner Note:  Throttling of Auxiliary Feedwater flow may or may not be required depending upon Steam Generator level.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 22 of 22 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP OVERRIDE and OPEN AFW Pump P504 Discharge Bypass Valve HV-4762 to 35% open.
  [RNO]  THROTTLE AFW Pump P-504 Discharge Valve HV-4712 to maintain flow between 130 GPM and 150 GPM.
M.O. Cue: If necessary, EXECUTE the following remote functions as directed by the Control Room: - FW86, P504 Discharge Valve HV-4712. - FW104, P140 Discharge Valve MU122. - FW105A, P141 Discharge Valve MU127. - FW102, P504 Manual Discharge Valve MU533.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Restore feedwater flow to at least one Steam Generator prior to complete loss of secondary inventory in both Steam Generators.
CRITICAL TASK BOP  RESTORE Feedwater flow to Steam Generator E088.
BOP RAISE total AFW flow to greater than 400 gpm.
Floor Cue: if necessary, REPORT as Shift Manager to continue actions in SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.
Examiner Note:  The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery, Step 6c.
CRS DIRECT initiation of boration greater than 40 GPM.
RO COMMENCE boration of the RCS using BAMU Tank Gravity Feed Valves.
+30 min RO DETERMINE BAMU Tank Gravity Feed Valves will NOT open and INITIATE boration of the RCS using LV-0227C, Refueling Water Storage Tank to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.
When power is restored to Bus 2A06, feedwater flow is restored, and a boration is commenced, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the scenario.
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Facility:
SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:
3 Op Test No.:
October 2009 NRC Examiners:
Initial Conditions:  31% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1243 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Dilution and power ascension in progress at 10% per hour.
Critical Tasks:  Establish Reactivity Control (Two Full Length CEAs Not Fully Inserted & No SIAS).
Manually Initiate Main Steam Isolation Signal (Auto Actuation failure).
Event No.
Malf. No.
Event Type* Event Description 1 +15 min  R (RO)  N (BOP, CRS) Dilution and power ascension at 10% per hour.
2 +25 min RC09A TS (CRS) Reactor Coolant Pump (P-002) Speed Sensor (SE-0143-1) failure.
3 +35 min CV16B I (RO, CRS)
Volume Control Tank Level Transmitter (LT-0227) fails low.
4 +50 min ED06D C (RO, BOP, CRS)
TS (CRS) Overcurrent trip of Feeder Breaker to 1E 480 Volt Bus 2B04.
5 +55 min FW LP RX LP C (BOP, CRS) Main Feedwater Pump trip.
Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons disabled.
6 +60 min MS04B M (RO, BOP, CRS)
Excess Steam Demand Event downstream of Main Steam Isolation Valves (300 second ramp).
7 +60 min RD1402 RD1502 C (RO)
Two CEAs fail to insert on the trip. Emergency boration via gravity feed due to loss of 1E Bus 2B04.
8 +65 min MSIS LP I (BOP)
Main Steam Isolation Signal fails to actuate; manual actuation required. * (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,    (C)omponent,    (M)ajor,  (TS)Technical Specifications
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO
NRC #3 The crew will assume the watch and resume a dilution and power ascension per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations at 10% per hour. 
The next event is a Reactor Coolant Pump speed sensor failure. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) and place the appropriate Reactor Protection System trips in Bypass per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure/Loss of Vital Bus and Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protective System Operation. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
When Technical Specifications have been addressed, a Volume Control Tank (VCT) level transmitter fails low and transfers Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank. The crew will align LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve and refer to Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.1, CVCS Operations and/or SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations. 
The next event is the overcurrent trip of the feeder breaker to 1E 480 Volt Bus 2B04. The crew will respond per AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus. Crew actions include restoring Charging flow as required and placing the Train A Emergency Diesel Generator in Maintenance Lockout. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
During the next event, the running of Main Feedwater Pump will trip. The crew will determine that a Reactor and Turbine trip are required. The Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons are disabled and the BOP will trip the Reactor.
When the Reactor and Turbine are tripped, an Excess Steam Demand Event (ESDE) downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves will occur. The crew should determine that an ESDE is occurring and
manually trip the Reactor and Turbine. Entry into Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions is required. A transition will then be made to EOI SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event. Two (2) Control Element Assemblies will fail to insert on the trip and an emergency boration using the Gravity Feed Valves is required. Additionally, a manual Main Steam Isolation Signal
must be generated. 
This scenario is terminated when the Main Steam Isolation Valves are closed and Reactor Coolant System temperature control is restored using the Atmospheric Dump Valves.
Risk Significance:
Risk important components out of service: Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015)
Failure of risk important system prior to trip:  Loss of 1E 480 V Bus 2B04 Risk significant core damage sequence:  ESDE with MSIS failure Risk significant operator actions:  Initiate Emergency Boration Manually Initiate MSIS Establish RCS Temperature Control
Scenario Event Description NRC  Scenario #3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc      SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #223 and NRC Scenario #3 SETUP file to align components.
HANG Control Board Tags on P-015.
CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.
VERIFY CVCS PMW Batch Counter indicates ~269 gallons to match  SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9.
VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.
ENSURE Main Turbine Load is set for 1.9 MWe/min.
VERIFY 2FV-9253 is in AUTO / CLOSE when stopping the dilution for turnover.
PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:
-  Copy of SO32-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.3, Turbine Load Change Using Setpoint Adjustment.
- MARKED UP copy of SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9. 
- MARKED UP copy of SO23-3-2.2 with Steps 6.5.1 through 6.5.8 checked off.  - Copy of SO23-3-1.10 open to Section 6.3, Forcing Pressurizer Sprays. 
- Copy of SO23-10-1, Turbine Startup and Normal Operation, Attachment 6, MSR Warmup.
VERIFY MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.
If Group Position(s) is (are) not correct, MOVE CEAs and then RETURN CEAs to Shift Turnover Sheet position (Group 6 @ 125 / PLCEAs @ 115).
Significant Control Room Annunciators in Alarm
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 4 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Dilution and Power Ascension at 10% per hour Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When Shift Turnover is complete, PLACE Simulator in RUN. 
+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations, SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations, and SO23-10-1, Turbine Startup and Normal Operation.
RO VERIFY Batch Counter and Makeup Integrator settings.
RO PERFORM dilution valve alignment.
PLACE FV-9253 in OPEN.
VERIFY FIC-0210X in AUTO at ~10.8 gpm.
RO VERIFY Tcold changing as dilution progresses.
RO ADJUST CEAs as required for ASI control.
+15 min BOP MAINTAIN Tcold within required band by raising Main Generator load using HS-2210, Main Turbine Speed Load Control to RAISE or as outlined in SO23-5-1.7, Section 6.3.
Floor Cue: If asked, REPORT as Shift Manager that the 2 nd Main Feedwater Pump will be started prior to transferring power to the Unit Auxiliary Transformer.
When power has been raised 3 to 5%, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 5 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Reactor Coolant Pump Speed Sensor Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - RC09A, Reactor Coolant Pump (P-002) Speed Sensor (SE-0143-1) failure.
Indications Available
+30 sec RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO RECOGNIZE CPC Channel 1 sensor failure and INFORM the CRS  SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure /
Loss of Vital Bus.
RO REFER to SO23-3-2.13, Core Protection / Control Element Assembly Calculator Operation and DETERMINE Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 has a failed speed sensor.
CRS REFER to Attachment 5 and DETERMINE Functional Unit affected is
Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 Speed.
RO PLACE the affected Functional Unit in BYPASS per SO23-3-2.12, Section for Bypass Operation of Trip Channels.
RO VERIFY that the same bistable is not in BYPASS on any other Channel.
M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following Remote Functions: RP51 = OPEN  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46) RP52C = BYPASS (High LPD Channel A) RP52D = BYPASS (Low DNBR Channel A)
Delete RP51  (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)
RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarm.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 6 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Reactor Coolant Pump Speed Sensor Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRS CONFIRM failure does NOT affect RPS/ESFAS Matrix Logic, RPS/ESFAS Initiation Logic, RTCBs, RPS/ESFAS Manual Trip, or ESFAS Actuation
Logic. CRS CONFIRM failure does NOT affect the Feedwater Digital Control System.
+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
3.3.1.A, Reactor Protection System Instrumentation - Operating.
CONDITION A - One or more Functions with one automatic RPS trip channel inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Place Channel in bypass or trip within one (1) hour.
When the RPS Channel 1 is bypassed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 3.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 7 of 17 Event
== Description:==
VCT Level Transmitter Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 3.
CV16B, LT-0227, VCT Level Transmitter fails low.
Indications Available
: 58A05 - VCT LEVEL LO/LO VCT Level Indicator LI-0227A lowering (on Plant Computer System)
VCT Outlet Valve LC-0227B closes 
RWST to Charging Pump Suction Valve LV-0227C opens
+1 min RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO DETERMINE that VCT suction has shifted from VCT to RWST and INFORM CRS that ARP SO23-15.58.A05 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of CRS that ARP SO23-15.58.A, Annunciator 58A05 - VCT LEVEL LO / LO.
RO CHECK VCT Level indicator LI-0226 and determine that level is normal.
RO RECOGNIZE that VCT level indicator LI-0227 has failed low.
RO PLACE LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve in MANUAL and OPEN.
BOP ADJUST Turbine load as necessary to restore T COLD per SO23-5-1.7.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations to ensure proper CVCS alignment is achieved.
+10 min CRS REQUEST I&C assistance.
M.O. Cue: When I&C is contacted, REMOVE malfunction CV16B and REPORT that I&C caused and has corrected the problem. REQUEST Operations restore the CVCS alignment to normal (ENSURE LV-0227B is OPEN and LV-0227C is CLOSED). This
verifies that LV-0227C is closed prior to Emergency Boration via Gravity Feed Valves later in the scenario.
When plant conditions are stable, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 8 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Bus 2B04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - ED06D, Loss of Bus 2B04.
Indications Available
+30 secs RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO/BOP RECOGNIZE low 2B04 Bus voltage and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-26 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus.
RO START Charging Pump P-192 as required.
CRS DISPATCH an operator to VERIFY loss of the 1E 480 V Bus is NOT due to a fire in the 1E Switchgear Room.
RO/BOP DETERMINE overcurrent annunciators are alarming on Bus 2B04.
CRS DIRECT initiation of SO23-6-9, 6.9 kV, 4 kV and 480V Bus and Feeder Faults to return Bus 2B04 to service.
CRS DIRECT initiation of Equipment Actions for Loss of the 1E 4 kV Bus 2B04.
+5 min BOP PLACE G002 Diesel Generator in MAINTENANCE LOCKOUT.
CRS Within 1 hour, DIRECT performance of SO23-3-3.23, Attachment for AC Sources Verification for both Units.
RO SELECT HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL and PLACE a
Caution Tag at the switch to prevent inadvertent dilution.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 9 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Loss of Bus 2B04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.8.4.A, DC Sources - Operating.
CONDITION A - One battery or associated control equipment or cabling INOPERABLE. ACTION A.1 - Restore DC electrical power subsystem to OPERABLE status within two hours.
CRS VERIFY Channel A DNBR and LPD trips bypassed.
RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarms.
56A29 - PPS CHANNEL 1 TRIP BYPASSED CRS DIRECT setting CEAC 2 INOP Flags in all CPCs by changing each CPC Addressable Constant Point ID 062 to 2.
CRS DIRECT aligning Charging Pump P191 to Train B.
M.O. Cue: If asked, REPORT Unit 3 Train B Component Cooling Water is operating.
RO/BOP START a Train B Containment Air Dome Circulator.
CRS DIRECT initiating Train B CRIS.
+15 min BOP INITIATE Train B CRIS.
When Technical Specifications have been addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 5 Page 10 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Main Feedwater Pump Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 5. - FW LP, Main Feedwater Pump trip.
Indications Available
+10 sec BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
BOP DETERMINE only available Main Feedwater Pump has tripped.
CRS DIRECT a Reactor and Turbine trip.
Examiner Note: The Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons have been disabled and the Reactor will be tripped by the BOP.
  +1 min BOP Manually TRIP the Reactor and Turbine.
When Reactor has been tripped, or at Lead Evaluator
's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6, 7, and 8.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 11 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6, 7, and 8. - MS04B, ESDE on SG E089 downstream of MSIV @ 30% on 300 second ramp.
- MSIS LP, Main Steam Isolation Signal fails to actuate.
- RD1402 & RD1502, Control Element Assemblies #14 & #15 fail to insert.
Indications Available
: Normal post-trip alarms Steam Generator E089 pressure lowering RCS temperature lowering CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:
VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.
VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.
DETERMINE two (2) full length CEAs NOT fully inserted.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With failure of 2 or more Full Length CEAs to fully insert, perform an emergency boration (or some other alignment which adds boric acid from either the BAMU Tanks or RWST at 40 gpm or more).
CRITICAL TASK RO  [RNO] COMMENCE emergency boration at greater than 40 gpm.
CLOSE HV-9247, Emergency Boration Block Valve (already done).
OPEN HV-9240, BAMU Tank T071 to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.
OPEN HV-9235, BAMU Tank T072 to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.
ENSURE in MANUAL and CLOSE LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve.
CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.
BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:
VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.
HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.
VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 12 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:
ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA system.
INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.
INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.
BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:
VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.
DETERMINE one 1E 480 V Bus B04 deenergized.
  [RNO] INITIATE Attachment 2, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-Up Actions for Bus 2B04.
VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.
VERIFY all Non-1E 4 kV Buses energized.
VERIFY one CCW Train operating AND aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.
M.O. Cue:  If directed to check Main Steam Safety Valve status, REPORT that all Safety Valves appear to be seated, with no steam coming from the MSIV roof, however, the Turbine Building is filling with steam.
RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE PZR level NOT between 10% and 70% AND NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.
  [RNO]  DETERMINE PZR Level Control System is NOT restoring PZR level.
VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F:    QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria is NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE Pressurizer pressure is less than 1740 PSIA and lowering.
  [RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc
  [RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE SIAS, CCAS, and CRIS actuated.
  [RNO] If PZR pressure is < 1430 PSIA, then ENSURE at least one RCP in each loop stopped.
RO  [RNO] If required, STOP one RCP in each loop.
  [RNO] If RCP NPSH requirements NOT satisfied, then ENSURE all RCPs stopped.
RO VERIFY Core Heat Removal criteria satisfied:
VERIFY at least one RCP operating.
VERIFY core loop T is less than 10&#xba;F.
VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F. QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:
VERIFY at least one SGs level between 21% and 80% NR and Auxiliary Feedwater available.
DETERMINE T C less than 545&deg;F and NOT controlled.
DETERMINE heat removal NOT adequate:
  [RNO] T cold less than 545&deg;F.
  [RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.
E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053
  [RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed:
HV-2703 or HV-2704, HV-2721, HV-2751.
DETERMINE SG pressures < 740 PSIA.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Actions are taken to isolate the SGs prior to either SG blowing dry. These actions may include either manual actuation of the MSIS signal, or manual closure of MSIS actuated components.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRITICAL TASK BOP Manually INITIATE MSIS.
RO VERIFY Containment Isolation criteria satisfied:
VERIFY Containment pressure <1.5 PSIG.
VERIFY Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT alarming or trending to alarm.
VERIFY Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT alarming or trending to alarm.
RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:
VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120&deg;F.
VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.
+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE event in progress:
DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.
  [RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.
  [RNO] DIAGNOSE event as ESDE outside Containment.
DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.
  [RNO] ENSURE at least one RCP stopped in each loop.
DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.
BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.
CRS DIRECT performance of EOI SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event.
RECORD time of EOI entry __________.
CRS VERIFY ESDE diagnosis:
INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.
INITIATE Foldout Page.
DIRECT performance of FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.
DIRECT performance of Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc DIRECT performance of FS-30, Stabilize RCS Temperature.
DIRECT performance of Attachment 28, Isolation of SG with ESDE. VERIFY ESDE diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.
INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron. M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 10 minutes and then REPORT that E088 and E089 both have activity near background, and normal boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:
NOTIFY Shift Manger/Operations Leader of entry into SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event.
ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.
IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.
RO VERIFY ESF actuation.
VERIFY SIAS actuation required.
PZR pressure less than SIAS setpoint.
ENSURE the following actuated:
SIAS / CCAS / CRIS /MSIS CRS RECORD time of SIAS __________.
BOP STOP Train B EDG (SIAS Override STOP).
BOP PERFORM EOI SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.
M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored non-qualified loads.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY MSIS actuation required and ENSURE MSIS actuated.
SG pressure < 740 PSIA.
RO DETERMINE CIAS actuation NOT required.
RO VERIFY SIAS actuated.
RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:
ESTABLISH two train operation:
All available Charging Pumps operating (P192).
One HPSI and one LPSI per Train B operating.
Train B Cold Leg flow paths aligned.
VERIFY SI flow required:
SI flow indicated OR RCS pressure >1250 psia.
OR    VERIFY FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop criteria satisfied.
CRS PREVENT Pressurize Thermal Shock.
DIRECT performance of FS-30, Stabilize RCS Temperature.
DIRECT performance of VERIFY FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.
RO VERIFY RCP NPSH requirements of EOI SO23-12-11,  9.
BOP  VERIFY both Steam Generator WR levels > 10%.
BOP  VERIFY both Steam Generator pressures rising.
RO  VERIFY RCS Tcold in each loop rising.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY least affected SG level > 22% narrow range.
+30 min BOP OPERATE ADV to stabilize RCS temperature.
When ESDE is verified isolated, TERMINATE the scenario.
Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Facility:
SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:
4 Op Test No.:
October 2009 NRC Examiners:
Initial Conditions:  Reactor Critical at 2x10
-3% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1466 ppm (by sample). Train B Component Cooling Water Pump (P-026) in service. Channel X Pressurizer Level and Pressure Control in service. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Power increase in progress to ~ 2% power.
Critical Tasks:  Restore Component Cooling Water flow due to Train B leakage.
Reduce Reactor Coolant System Thot to less than 530&deg;F (SGTR).
Isolate the most affected Steam Generator (SGTR).
Event No.
Malf. No.
Event Type* Event Description 1 +15 min  R (RO)  N (BOP, CRS) Rod withdrawal and power increase in progress to ~2% power.
2 +25 min CVCS LP I (RO, CRS)
Letdown Heat Exchanger Temperature Instrument power failure. TV-0224A and TV-0224B fail to reposition.
3 +35 min CC05B C (BOP, CRS)  TS (CRS) Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger (E-002) tube
leak. 4 +45 min RX08 C (BOP, CRS)  Steam Bypass Control Valves close. Transfer SBCS Master Controller (PIC-8431) to Local-Manual to open valves.
5 +50 min SG06B C (RO, CRS)
TS (CRS) Steam Generator Tube Leak (E-089) at 50 gpm.
6 +50 min SG06B M (RO, BOP, CRS)
Steam Generator Tube Rupture (E-089) at 300 gpm upon Unit trip.
7 +60 min CCAS LP I (RO) Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate. * (N)ormal,    (R)eactivity,    (I)nstrument,    (C)omponent,    (M)ajor,  (TS) Technical Specifications Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO
NRC #4 The crew will assume the watch with the Reactor critical at ~2x10
-3% power. The crew will raise power using CEA withdrawal per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standby to Minimum Load. 
The next event is a power failure of a Letdown Temperat ure Instrument that provides input to TIC-0223, Letdown Temperature Controller. Letdown temperature quickly rises, causing a high temperature alarm, with a failure of automatic actions to isolate the Boronometer and bypass the Letdown Demineralizers. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) to manually satisfy the automatic actions and restore Letdown temperature to normal
When Letdown conditions are normal, a tube leak will develop on the Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-7, Loss of Component Cooling Water/Salt Water Cooling. Crew actions include transferring to the Train A Component Cooling Water System as well is attempting to isolate Train B leakage. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.
When CCW flow is restored, the Steam Bypass Control System (SBCS) Valves will close. Crew actions are per OI SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation and include transferring the SBCS Master Controller to Local-Manual control or operating individual SBCS Valves and restoring Reactor Coolant System temperature and Reactor power level to normal.
When plant conditions are stable, a Steam Generator tube leak will occur. The crew will enter AOI SO23-13-4, RCS Leak and take actions to minimize tube leakage. The size of the leak will require an immediate plant trip and at that time the leak will escalate to a rupture. The crew will enter Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions and transition to EOI SO23-12-5, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.
Following the Safety Injection Actuation Signal, the Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate requiring manual actions by the crew.
The event is terminated when the affected Steam Generator is cooled down and the Reactor Coolant System is depressurized.
Risk Significance:
Risk important components out of service:  None
Failure of risk important system prior to trip:  Loss of Train B Component Cooling Water Risk significant core damage sequence:  SGTR with MSIV failure Risk significant operator actions:  Restore Non-Critical CCW Loop flow Isolate Ruptured Steam Generator                        Cooldown and Depressurize RCS Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #4 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #224 and NRC Scenario #4 SETUP file to align components.
VERIFY Control Board Tags removed on P-050, P-015, and G-002.
CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.
CHANGE Operator Aid Tag #005-9 (AFW T-120/121 alignment) to AUTO MAKEUP for both T-120 and T-121.
VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.
ENSURE two (2) Charging Pumps running.
ENSURE Train B Component Cooling Water in service.
MOVE Component Cooling Water OOS Tags to Train A components.
ENSURE Steam Generator level is controlled at 50% to 55%.
PLACE Channel X Pressurizer Pressure and Pressurizer Level in service.
PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:
- Copy of SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standby to Minimum Load INITIALED through Step 6.5.1.
- MARKED UP copy of SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9.
- MARKED UP copy of SO23-2-4, Auxiliary Feedwater System Operation Section 6.2.
PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.
If Group Position(s) is (are) not correct, MOVE CEAs and then RETURN CEAs to Shift Turnover Sheet position (Group 6 @ 80; PLCEAs @ 75).
Significant Control Room Annunciators in Alarm
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 1 Page 4 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Rod Withdrawal and Power Increase to ~2% Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: ENSURE all Simulator Scenario Setup actions are complete. 
+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standup to Minimum Load.
Floor Cue: The startup rate based on Attachment 9 data will be 0.3 to 0.5 DPM. In order to facilitate time requirements, REPORT as the Shift Manager to maintain this rate.
RO DISPLAY the PCS page for Regulating Group 6 per SO23-3-2.20.
RO VERIFY all CEA Regulating Group bottom lamps on the Core Mimic Panel are EXTINGUISHED.
RO POSITION Mode Select Switch to MS (Manual Sequential).
RO POSITION Group Select Switch to CEA Group 6.
RO/CRS When directed by CRS, WIT HDRAW Control Rods as required.
RO ESTABLISH a Startup Rate of  0.5 DPM.
BOP RAISE Auxiliary Feedwater flow as required to maintain Steam Generator
levels between 50% and 55%.
RO When CEA positioning is complete, PLACE Mode Select Switch to OFF.
BOP VERIFY proper operation of Steam Bypass Control System when the Point of Adding Heat is reached (~2E
-1%).  +15 min BOP MAINTAIN Tcold within band by monitoring SBCS operation.
When power has been raised to ~2%, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 2 Page 5 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Controller Power Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - CVCS Override TE-0223 Power Failure, Temperature Control Valves  (TV-0224A and TV-0224B) fail to respond on high temperature.
Indications Available
+30 secs RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
RO RECOGNIZE Letdown Heat Exchanger outlet high temperature alarm and INFORM CRS ARP SO23-15-58.A, Annunciator 58A32 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of ARP SO23-15-58.A, 58A32 - LETDOWN HX
RO DETERMINE that Demineralizer Temperature Control Valve failed to divert on high temperature and Manually POSITION TV-0224B to BYPASS.
RO DETERMINE that Boronometer Isolation Valve failed to Auto Close on high temperature and Manually POSITION TV-0224A to CLOSE.
RO If Letdown Heat Exchanger is > 130&deg;F take MANUAL control of TIC-0223 per SO23-2-17, CCW Operation.
CRS CONTACT I&C to investigate cause of problem.
M.O. Cue:  If contacted as I&C to investigate problem, REMOVE override to restore power to the instrument, WAIT one minute and REQUEST the RO PLACE TIC-0223 back in AUTO. REPORT that a loose lead between the field and temperature controller was tightened and that I&C is initiating a notification to evaluate.
+5 min RO MONITOR Letdown Heat Exchanger outlet temperature at least twice per shift. When plant control is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 3.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 3 Page 6 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator:  When directed, EXECUTE Event 3. - CC05B, Train B CCW Heat Exchanger tube leak @ 100% severity.
Indications Available
: 64A29 - CCW SURGE TANK TRAIN B LEVEL HI/LO (time delay of ~ 2 to 5 min)
+2 min BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
M.O. Cue: When the CCW Surge Tank level low alarms, LOWER malfunction CC05B to 50% severity to facilitate diagnosis of the event.
BOP RECOGNIZE lowering Surge Tank level and INFORM the CRS AOI  SO23-13-7 entry required.
CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-7, Loss of CCW/SWC.
BOP CLOSE 2HV-6465, 3HV-6465, 2HV-6217, and 3HV-6217 to ISOLATE
CRS/BOP DETERMINE that the leak is not isolated and DIRECT placing Train A CCW/SWC in service.
BOP START CCW Pump P024 or P025 and VERIFY that SWC P112 automatically starts.
+5 min CRS DIRECT transfer of the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train A.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With loss of flow to the CCW Non-Critical Loop and prior to exceeding RCP operating limits, restore flow to the NCL from any available CCW train.
CRITICAL TASK BOP TRANSFER the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train A.
DEPRESS and MAINTAIN DEPRESSED the OPEN pushbuttons for  HV-6212 and HV-6218, Critical Loop A Supply and Return to NCL.
When HV-6213 and HV-6219, Critical Loop B Supply and Return to NCL indicate CLOSED, then RELEASE the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6212 and HV-6218.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 3 Page 7 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc CRS DIRECT transfer of Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train A.
BOP TRANSFER Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train A.
CLOSE HV-6522B/A, CCW Critical Loop B Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.
OPEN HV-6593B/A, CCW Critical Loop A Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.
CRS DIRECT securing CCW Pump P026.
BOP STOP CCW Pump P026 and SWC Pump P114.
M.O. Cue: If directed to rack out breaker for CCW Pump P026, REPORT that it is in progress.
CRS ENSURE ECCS is not required.
CRS/BOP DISPATCH PEO to CLOSE Loop B CCW Surge Tank Outlet, HV-6505.
M.O. Cue: If directed to close 2HV-6505, Train B CCW Surge Tank Outlet Valve, WAIT 3 minutes and EXECUTE remote function CC61.
M.O. Cue: If contacted to report status of Unit 3 CCW Surge Tank Level, REPORT that Train A CCW Surge Tank level is stable and unchanged.
+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.7.7.A, Component Cooling Water System.
CONDITION A - One CCW Train inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Restore CCW Train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours. When Technical Specifications are addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 4 Page 8 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Bypass Control Valves Close Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - RX08, Steam Bypass Control Valves HV-8423 and HV-8425 close.
Indications Available
: 50A07 - SDCS DEMAND PRESENT (possible reflash) Reactor Coolant System temperature rising Reactor power slowly lowering
+ 1 min RO/BOP RECOGNIZE Reactor Coolant System temperature rising and power level lowering.
BOP DETERMINE both Steam Bypass Control Valves have closed.
CRS VERIFY proper operation of the SBCS System per SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation.
Examiner Note:  Any one of the methods listed is acceptable to regain control of the Steam Bypass Control Valves.
BOP PERFORM one of the following to regain control of the Steam Bypass
Control Valves:
TRANSFER Master Controller PIC-8431 to LOCAL MANUAL to open valves. PLACE SBCS Valve Controllers HV-8423 and HV-8425 in LOCAL to open valves.
BOP RESTORE Reactor Coolant System temperature and Reactor power to program. CRS REFER to SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation as required.
When RCS pressure and temperature control are restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 Page 9 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 5.  - SG06B @ 0.15%, Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 of ~50 gpm.
Indications Available
: 60A46 - SECONDARY RADIATION HI Auto Start of standby Charging Pump RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.
BOP RECOGNIZE increasing radiation levels and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-14 entry required.
+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-14, RCS Leak, Section for Primary to
Secondary leakage.
M.O. Cue: When contacted as Chemistry, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that a frisk of the SG sample indicates high activity in SG E089. WAIT another 5 minutes, and then REPORT that high activity in SG E089 is verified.
CRS/RO DETERMINE PZR level is lowering.
RO START Charging Pumps to maintain Pressurizer level.
CRS/RO DETERMINE VCT level is lowering.
RO OPERATE Makeup System to maintain VCT level as needed.
CRS/RO DETERMINE Steam Generator tube leak is greater than 75 gpd and rising at
greater than 30 gpd/hr.
Examiner Note:  When the Reactor is tripped, the leak will increase to 300 gpm.
CRS DIRECT a Reactor Trip and ENTRY into SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 Page 10 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc
+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.
LCO 3.4.13.B, RCS Operational Leakage.
CONDITION B - Primary to secondary LEAKAGE not within limits. ACTION B.1 - Be in MODE 3 in 6 hours. ACTION B.2 - Be in MODE 5 in 36 hours.
When Technical Specifications are addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6 and 7.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 11 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6 and 7. - SG06B @ 0.9%, Steam Generator E089 Tube Rupture @ ~300 gpm. - CCAS LP, Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate.
Indications Available
: 60A46 - SECONDARY RADIATION HI (reflash)
63B02 - UNIT 2 CRITICAL PARAMETER PROBLEM RO/BOP TRIP the Reactor and ENTER SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.
RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:
VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.
VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.
VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.
CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.
BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:
VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.
HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.
VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.
VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.
CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:
ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.
INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.
INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.
BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:
VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.
VERIFY both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 energized.
VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.
VERIFY all Non-1E 4 kV Buses energized.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 12 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc VERIFY one CCW Train operating AND aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.
RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE PZR level between 10% and 70% and NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.
  [RNO]  DETERMINE PZR Level Control System is NOT restoring PZR level.
VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F:    QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria NOT satisfied:
DETERMINE PZR pressure (WR and NR) between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA and NOT controlled AND NOT trending to 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA.    [RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.
  [RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE SIAS, CCAS, and CRIS actuated.
  [RNO] If PZR pressure is < 1430 PSIA, then ENSURE at least one RCP in each loop stopped.
RO VERIFY Core Heat Removal criteria satisfied:
VERIFY at least one RCP operating.
VERIFY Core Loop T < 10&deg;F.
VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin  20&deg;F. QSPDS page 611.
CFMS page 311.
Examiner Note:  RCS Heat Removal may or may not be satisfied depending upon RCS temperature as the Steam Bypass Control System may be in MANUAL.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 13 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:
VERIFY both SGs level > 21% NR.
VERIFY both SGs level < 80% NR.
VERIFY Auxiliary Feedwater available to restore both SGs level between 40% NR and 80% NR.
  [RNO] If required, manually INITIATE EFAS.
DETERMINE T cold < 545&deg;F and NOT controlled.
  [RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.
  [RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.
E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053
  [RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed.
HV-2703 or HV-2704; HV-2721; HV-2751 VERIFY SG pressures greater than 740 PSIA.
RO DETERMINE Containment Isolation criteria NOT satisfied:
VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.
VERIFY Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.
DETERMINE Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND alarming or trending to alarm.
RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:
VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120&deg;F.
VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.
+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE event in progress:
DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.
  [RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.
  [RNO] DIAGNOSE event as SGTR on SG E089.
DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 14 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc RO  [RNO] ENSURE one RCP in each loop stopped.
DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.
BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.
CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-4, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.
CRS RECORD time of EOI entry __________.
INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.
INITIATE Foldout Page.
DIRECT performance of FS-7, SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.
DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.
VERIFY SGTR diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.
INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron.
M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and then REPORT that E089 has elevated radiation levels and boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.
CRS INITIATE Administrative actions:
NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader of SO23-12-4, Steam Generator Tube Rupture initiation.
ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.
IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.
CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Reduce Reactor Coolant System Thot to less than 530&deg;F within 30 minutes of optimal EOI entry. Elapsed Time: ____________
CRITICAL TASK CRS DIRECT lowering RCS T HOT to less than 530&deg;F:
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 15 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc BOP  VERIFY both SGs available for cooldown.
ENSURE one RCP in each loop stopped.
INITIATE lowering T HOT to less than 530&deg;F using SBCS.
RO  RESET SG Low Pressure Setpoints during controlled cooldown.
RO VERIFY ESF Actuation:
DETERMINE SIAS actuation required.
DETERMINE PZR pressure trending to SIAS setpoint.
RO ENSURE the following actuated:
DETERMINE CCAS did NOT actuate and manually INITIATE CCAS.
CRS RECORD time of SIAS entry __________.
BOP STOP unloaded Diesel Generators (SIAS Override STOP).
BOP INITIATE SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.
M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored non-qualified loads.
RO ATTEMPT to OVERRIDE and OPEN Instrument Air to Containment.
M.O. Cue: When directed to isolate IA to Containment, REPORT as the ARO that you will restore IA. EXECUTE remote function IA52, to CLOSE MU060, RESET Excess Flow Check Valve, then EXECUTE remote function IA52 to OPEN MU060.
REPORT to the Control Room that Instrument Air to Containment is restored.
Examiner Note: The CRS may elect to secure Train B ECCS components due to loss of Train B Component Cooling Water.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 16 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:
ESTABLISH two train operation.
All Charging Pumps operating.
One HPSI and one LPSI per train operating.
All Cold leg flow paths aligned.
VERIFY SI flow required:
SI flow indicated.
RO  DETERMINE FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria NOT satisfied.
CREW IDENTIFY E089 as affected SG:
EVALUATE SG radioactive release indications - rising.
SG Blowdown monitors.
SG sample results.
Steam line monitors.
BOP  EVALUATE indications on E089 SG level rising when not feeding.
SG feedwater flowrate - signi ficantly mismatched between SGs.
Steam/feed flow prior to trip NOT normal.
BOP  OPERATE AFW to maintain Steam Generator E089 level > 40% AND RCS cooldown less than 100&deg;F.
CRS  NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader that E089 is affected SG.
BOP VERIFY Heat Removal by SG E088:
VERIFY AFW Pump P504 available and operating.
VERIFY SG E088 available for continued heat removal.
CREW ISOLATE the most affected Steam Generator (SGTR).
RO  ENSURE RCS T hot less than 530&deg;F.
Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 17 of 17 Event
== Description:==
Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Isolate the Most Affected Steam Generator (E089) within 30 minutes of optimal EOI entry. Elapsed Time: ____________
CRITICAL TASK BOP ISOLATE SG E089, CLOSE / STOP the following components:
MSIV  HV-8204  MSIV Bypass HV-8202  ADV  HV-8421  MFIV  HV-4052  AFW Valves HV-4731 and HV-4715 Steam to AFW P-140 HV-8200  SG Blowdown Isolation HV-4053  SG Water Sample Isolation HV-4057  Electric AFW Pump P-141  CRS  RECORD time of SG isolation ____________.
BOP  ENSURE ADV on SG E089 - selected to MANUAL.
+30 min BOP  CONTACT outside operator to CLOSE Main Steam Drain Isolation valves. When SG E089 is isolated, or at the Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the scenario.}}

Revision as of 09:35, 14 October 2018

San Onofre-2009-10-Final Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/2009
NRC Region 4
Southern California Edison Co
50-361/09-302, 50-362/09-302, ES-301, ES-301-1 50-361/09-302, 50-362/09-302
Download: ML093200606 (229)


ES-301 Administrative T opics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:

SONGS 2 & 3 Date of Examination:

10/19/09 Examination Level RO Operating Test Number:

NRC Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Code* Describe Activity to be Performed Conduct of Operations N, R 2.1.23 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation (4.3).

JPM: Perform an RCS Inventory Balance (New).

Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials such as graphs, curves, tables, etc. (3.9).

JPM: Determine Time to Boil (J213A).

Equipment Control N, R 2.2.12 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures (3.7).

JPM: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks. (New)

Radiation Control M, S 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. (3.2).

JPM: Determine Dose for Maintenance Activities (J236A2).

Emergency Plan - NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required. *Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1) (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 1 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 RO ES-301-1 Rev 1 Administrative Topics Outline Task Summary NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 2 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 RO ES-301-1 Rev 1 RO A.1.a The candidate will perform a Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolan t System Inventory Balance

. The critical steps include correctly docum enting parameters and performing calculations within allowable tolerances. This is a new JPM.

RO A.1.b The candidate will calculate Time-to-Boil per SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. The critical steps include correctly interpreting curves within tolerances and performing the final calculation within given tolerances. This is a

modified bank JPM.

RO A.2 The candidate will be provided with a set of Core Exit Thermocouple data and will determine if the requir ed OPERABILITY is met using SO23-3-3.35, PAMI / Safe Shutdown M onthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly

Channel Checks. The critical steps include identifying any out-of-service thermocouples and correctly determini ng OPERABILITY of the Core Exit Thermocouple System. This is a new JPM.

RO A.3 The candidate will be required to calculate stay time based on a maintenance activity. The critical steps require determining the optimum total dose using either time, distance or shielding for performing the task.

This is a modified bank JPM.

RO A.4 N/A

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA1 Task #185300 K/A #2.1.23 4.3/4.4 Title: Perform Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance Calculations Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. The Plant Computer System Wate r Inventory Balance Program is not available. The previous shift started a manual Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance at 1630 per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Atta chment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. Power change is NOT in progress.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to COMPLETE the Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation.

The following final data was obtained at 1835: T AVG is 567.2°F. VCT level is 44.3%. Pressurizer level is 53.4%. Quench Tank Level is 74.4%. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.1% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-008 is 81.3% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.9% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-010 is 82.0% narrow range. There is no known RCS in-leakage.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-3.37, Attachment 3.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Required Materials: SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant Sy stem Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation, Rev. 29.

Validation Time:

20 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the Examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balan ce, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. INITIAL through Step 2.6. COMPLETE Initial Data Column on Table 1. MARK Step 3.2 with "Stop Here." INFORM examinee that any independent review requirements (Procedure Steps 2.8 and 2.9.3) need NOT be completed.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and Record time calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 1835 as Final Time then SUBTRACT 1633 -1835 =

+122 minutes. RECORD +125 minutes.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

The Table 1 data recording and calculations can be performed in any order.

Perform Step: 2 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record VCT calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 44.3% as Final VCT Level then SUBTRACT 44.3% -

46.0% and MULTIPLY 1.7% x 38.

5 gal/% = +65.45 gallons. RECORD +65.45 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record PZR calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 53.4% as Final PZR Level then SUBTRACT 53.4% -

53.5% and MULTIPLY 0.1% x 52.9 gal/% = +5.29 gallons. RECORD +5.29 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record TAVG calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 567.2°F as Final T AVG then SUBTRACT 567.2°F -

567.4°F and MULTIPLY 0.2°F x -87.07 gal/degree = -17.4 gallons. RECORD -17.4 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record SIT-008 calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 81.3% as Final SIT-008 level then SUBTRACT 81.3% - 81.3% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record SIT-007 calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 80.1% as Final SIT-007 level then SUBTRACT 80.1% - 80.1% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record SIT-009 calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 80.9% as Final SIT-009 level then SUBTRACT 80.9% - 80.9% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record SIT-010 calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 82.0% as Final SIT-010 level then SUBTRACT 82.0% - 82.0% = 0 % and MULTIPLY 0% x 52.9 gal/% = 0 gallons. RECORD 0.0 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9 Record all final data and perfo rm calculations on Table 1: Perform and record Quench Tank calculations.


RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD 74.4% as Final Quench Tank level.

Examiner Cue:

Table 1 has been Independently Verified.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Total Leak Rate Calculation: Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal VCT (+) (-) ____ gal Standard:

RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD VCT change as 65.45 gallons and CIRCLE (+).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 Total Leak Rate Calculation: Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal PZR (+) (-) ____ gal Standard:

RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD PZR change as 5.29 gallons and CIRCLE (+).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 Total Leak Rate Calculation: Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal T AVG (+) (-) ____ gal Standard:

RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: RECORD T AVG change as 17.4 gallons and CIRCLE (-).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 13 Total Leak Rate Calculation: Add volume changes from Table 1: (Algebraic sum) (Circle sign) gal VCT (+) (-) ____ gal gal PZR (+) (-) ____ gal gal T AVG (+) (-) ____ gal Subtotal ____ gal Standard:

RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: ADD (+65.45) + (+5.29) +

(-17.4) = +53.34 gallons. RECORD Total change as 53.34 gallons.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 Total Leak Rate Calculation: Calculate (divide): Subtotal ____ gal Test Duration

÷ ____ min Calculated Total Leak Rate ____ gpm

Identified In-leakage + ____ gpm TOTAL LEAK RATE = ____ gpm Standard:

RECORD all final data and PERFORM calculations: DIVIDE 53.34 gallons by 125 minutes =

0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm (to nearest 1/100 th). RECORD 0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm for Calculated Total Leak Rate. RECORD zero (0) fo r Identified In-leakage. RECORD 0.43 +/- 0.03 gpm for Total Leak Rate.

Examiner Cue:

Total Leak Rate Calculat ion has been Independently Verified.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 If Total Leak Rate, Step 2.9.2, is 1 gpm, then Mark N/A Sections 2.10 and 2.11, and Circle N/A for Identified Leak Rate and Unidentified Leak Rate in Step 3.1. (Mark N/A if Total Leak Rate > 1 gpm.)


RECORD final data: DETERMINE leakrate to be less than 1 gpm.

MARK N/A Sections 2.10 and 2.11. CIRCLE N/A for Identified Leak Ra te and Unidentified Leak Rate in Step 3.1.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16 Acceptance Criteria Result.

Standard: RECORD total leakrate value, DETERMINE total leakrate 1gpm and CIRCLE YES for ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA1 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. The Plant Computer System Water Inventory Balance Program is not available. The previous shift started a manual Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance at 1630 per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment

3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. Power change is NOT in progress.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to COMPLETE the Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance per SO23-3-3.37, Reactor Coolant System Inventory Balance, Attachment 3, Manual Leak Rate Calculation. The following final data was obtained at 1835: TAVG is 567.2°F. VCT level is 44.3%. Pressurizer level is 53.4%. Quench Tank Level is 74.4%. Safety Injection Tank SIT-007 is 80.1% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-008 is 81.3% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-009 is 80.9% narrow range. Safety Injection Tank SIT-010 is 82.0% narrow range. There is no known RCS in-leakage.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA2 Task #188898 K/A #2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Title: Determine Time to Boil Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on St eam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used as the RCS vent. Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment 9.

Required Materials: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin, Rev. 20.

Validation Time:

15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments:

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of the RCS Time-to-Boil Margin.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine BM ref Standard: REFERENCE BM ref Table and INTERPOLATE between 20 and 30 days as follows:

[(39.09 - 32.4) X .2] + 32.4 =

33.74 minutes Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine L cf Standard: REFERENCE L cf Table and DETERMINE L cf to be 1.008 at 27 inches.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine T cf Standard:

SELECT T cf formula of T cf = (212 - T hot) / 92. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine T cf Standard: CALCULATE T cf = (212 - 115.5) / 92 =

1.049 +/- 0.002 Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine N cf where N cf = 217 / (217- # new assemblies)

Standard: CALCULATE N cf = 217 / (217-101) =

1.87 Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Standard:

BM act = (33.74 min) X (1.008)

X (1.049) X (1.87) =

66.7 +/- 2.5 minutes Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on Steam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used

as the RCS vent.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA3 Task #185785 K/A #2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Title: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.

Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks.

Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-3.35, Attachment 2.

Required Materials:

SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Rev. 22.

Validation Time:

25 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. INITIAL through Step 1.4. MARK "Stop Here" at Step 3.1. Qualified Safety Parameter Display Sy stem (QSPDS) pages 611, 622, and 721. Core Exit Thermocouple Data (part of JPM Cue Sheet).

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) COLD LEG 1A TEMP. COLD LEG 1B TEMP.


RECORD 541°F for Cold Leg 1A and Cold Leg 1B temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Verify Acceptance Criteria: QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?


CHECK YES box for QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) COLD LEG 2A TEMP.



RECORD 540°F for Cold Leg 2A and Cold Leg 2B temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Verify Acceptance Criteria: QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?


CHECK YES box for QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) REP CET TEMPERATURE (QSPDS A).



RECORD 611°F for REP CET (QSPDS A) and 612°F for REP CET (QSPDS B) temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Verify Acceptance Criteria: REP CET Temperatures within 9°F?

Standard: CHECK YES box for REP CET temperatures within 9°F.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Transfer the Highest operable Cold Leg Temperat ure of Step 2.1.1 into the "Low Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.


RECORD 541°F in "Low Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Transfer the Lowest operable REP CET temperatur e of Step 2.1.1 into the "High Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.


RECORD 611°F in "High Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "A" Page 731: Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs. Write 'N/A" for G-20.


RECORD N/A for CET G-20 and RE CORD CET Temper atures from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermoc ouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Record the total number of CETs which are within "In-Range" limits for each column.

Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermocouple Map: QUAD 1 = 5; QUAD 2 = 6; QUAD 3 = 8; QUAD 4 = 6.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for Channel "A" QSPDS:

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "B" Page 731: Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs.


RECORD CET Temperatures from Q SPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 Record the total number of CETs wh ich are within the "In-Range" limits for each column.

Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map: QUAD 1 = 6; QUAD 2 = 7; QUAD 3 = 1; QUAD 4 = 6.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for channel "B" QSPDS:

YES NO Standard: CHECK NO box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 If any CETs are not "In-Range", then ensure a Notification has been initiated, and record NEW Notification numbers in the comments section. Standard: ANNOTATE that a Notification for QSPDS B CET failure has been initiated in the COMMENTS Section.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 16 Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check Record the differential temperatures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples (HJTCs) from QSPDS Page 721 on Table 2.


RECORD the differential temper atures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples from QSPD S Page 721 on Table 2.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 17 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel A fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 18 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel B fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel

Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached.

Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA3 Rev 1.doc CHANNEL A CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP DATA (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 W6 583°F 1 T18 591°F 1 G9 582°F 1 T2 593°F 2 W13 590°F 2 L13 573°F 2 G13 576°F 2 R4 587°F 3 W18 558°F 3 L16 584°F 3 E6 589°F 3 R6 612°F 4 T13 582°F 4 G16 588°F 4 E9 588°F 4 L2 575°F 5 T16 589°F 5 G18 589°F 5 C4 560°F 5 L9 573°F 6 G20 84°F 6 C9 591°F 6 G2 606°F 7 E20 553°F 7 C16 590°F 7 E4 589°F 8 A8 572°F 9 A14 540°F CHANNEL B CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 Y8 541°F 1 T20 548°F 1 E13 583°F 1 T4 593°F 2 Y14 563°F 2 R16 585°F 2 E16 611°F 2 R2 585°F 3 W4 - 3 R18 584°F 3 C6 - 3 L4 600°F 4 W9 610°F 4 R20 601°F 4 C13 612°F 4 L6 592°F 5 W16 598°F 5 L18 594°F 5 C18 - 5 G4 589°F 6 T6 585°F 6 L20 576°F 6 G6 608°F 7 T9 614°F 7 E18 588°F 7 E2 540°F 8 R9 585°F 9 R13 588°F Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC RO RA4 Task #113888 K/A #2.3.12 3.2/3.7 Title: Determine Dose for Maintenance Activities Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: A high dose maintenance acti vity is scheduled in the Unit 3 Penetration Building. The general dose rate in the area is 80 mrem/hour but can be reduced to 35 mrem/hour if lead shielding is installed. It will take Operators A & B 45 minut es to install the shielding if desired. Independent of the shielding, it will take Operator A two and a half (2.5) hours or Operators A & B an hour and one half (1.5) hours to perform the maintenance.

Initiating Cue:

The Work Pr ocess Supervisor directs you to SELECT the condition with the lowest total dose to perform the maintenance. ANNOTATE the total dose for each option.

1. Operator A without shielding total dose _________.
2. Operators A & B without shielding total dose ________.
3. Operator A with shielding total dose ________.
4. Operators A & B with shielding total dose ________. CIRCLE the lowest dose condition.

Task Standard: Choose the methodology that result in keeping total dose As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).

Required Materials:

Calculator Validation Time:

8 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a Calculator.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Determine total dose to Operator A without shielding.

Standard: DETERMINE total dose to Operator A without shielding as follows: 80 mrem/hr x 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> =

200 mrem total dose.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Determine total dose to Operators A & B without shielding.

Standard: DETERMINE total dose to Operators A & B without shielding as follows:

80 mrem/hr x 1.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />s/oper ator x 2 operators =

240 mrem total dose.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Determine total dose to install shielding.


DETERMINE total dose to install shielding as follows: 80 mrem/hr x .75 hour8.680556e-4 days <br />0.0208 hours <br />1.240079e-4 weeks <br />2.85375e-5 months <br />s/

operator x 2 operators =

120 mrem to install. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Determine total dose to Operator A with shielding.

Standard: DETERMINE total dose to Operator A with shielding as follows: 35 mrem/hr x 2.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> + 120 mrem =

207.5 mrem total dose.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Determine total dose to Operators A & B with shielding.

Standard: DETERMINE total dose to Operators A & B with shielding as follows: 35 mrem/hr x 1.5 hour5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />s/operator x 2 operators + 120 mrem =

225 mrem total dose.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Select the appropriate individual.


DETERMINE total dose to Operator A without shielding at a total dose of 200 mrem is the most desirable select ion and CIRCLE #1 on the Cue sheet. Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC RO Admin JPM RA4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

A high dose maintenance activity is scheduled in the Unit 3 Penetration Building. The general dose rate in the area is 80 mrem/hour but can be reduced to 35 mrem/hour if lead shielding is installed. It will take Operators A & B 45 minutes to install the shielding if desired. Independent of the shielding, it will take Operator A two and a half (2.5) hours or Operators A & B an hour and one half (1.5) hours to pe rform the maintenance.

INITIATING CUE: The Work Process Supervisor directs you to SELECT the condition with the lowest total dose to perform the maintenance. ANNOTATE the total dose for each option.

1. Operator A without shielding total dose _____ mrem.
2. Operators A & B without shielding total dose _____ mrem.
3. Operator A with shielding total dose _____ mrem.
4. Operators A & B with shielding total dose _____ mrem. CIRCLE the lowest dose condition.

ES-301 Administrative T opics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility:

SONGS 2 & 3 Date of Examination:

10/19/09 Examination Level SRO Operating Test Number:

NRC Administrative Topic (see Note) Type Code* Describe Activity to be Performed Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.23 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation (4.4).

JPM: Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (J250A).

Conduct of Operations M, R 2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials such as graphs, curves, tables, etc. (4.2).

JPM: Determine Time to Boil (J213A).

Equipment Control N, R 2.2.12 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures (4.1).

JPM: Review Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Check surveillance and verify Technical Specification Compliance. (New)

Radiation Control N, R 2.3.12 Knowledge of radiological safety principles pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc. (3.7).

JPM: Determine Containment Access Requirements (New).

Emergency Plan M, R 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations

. (4.4). JPM: Determine Protective Actions (J126A). NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required. *Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank ( 3 for ROs; for 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank ( 1) (P)revious 2 exams ( 1; randomly selected)

NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 1 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 SRO ES-301-1 Rev 1 Administrative Topics Outline Task Summary NUREG-1021, Revision 9.1 2 of 2 SONGS Oct 2009 SRO ES-301-1 Rev 1 SRO A.1.a The candidate will perform an Azimuthal Power Tilt calculation per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination

. The critical steps include correctly transposing data, accurately performing all calcul ations, correctly identifying out of tolerance conditions and identifying required actions. Additionally, a determination of actions for out-of-tolerance Azimuthal T ilt is required.

This is a modified bank JPM.

SRO A.1.b The candidate will calculate Time-to-Boil per SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. The critical steps include correctly interpreting curves within tolerances and performing the final calculation within given tolerances. This is a

modified bank JPM.

SRO A.2 The candidate will be provided with a set of Core Exit Thermocouple data and will determine if the requir ed OPERABILITY is met using SO23-3-3.35, PAMI / Safe Shutdown M onthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly

Channel Checks. The critical steps include identifying any out-of-service thermocouples, correctly determining OPERABILITY, and recording entry into any required Technical Specif ication LCOs for the Core Exit Thermocouple System. This is a new JPM.

SRO A.3 The candidate will determine the requirements for Containment access per SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. The critical steps include properly iden tifying all requirements on Attachment 1, Containment Access Requirements. This is a new JPM.

SRO A.4 The candidate will review given plant conditions and offsite dose information and determine required protective actions per

SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. The critical steps include determining the affected areas and the recommended protective actions. This is a modified bank JPM.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA1 Task #187652 K/A #2.1.23 4.3/4.4 Title: Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in Mode 1 at 99.98% power. Part-Length Control Element Assemblies (PLCEAs) are at 145 inches. Core Protection Calculator Chan nel B and Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COL SS) are INOPERABLE. COLSS out of service surveillances are in progress.

Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: CALCULATE Azimuthal Power Tilt per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachm ent 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination starting at Step 3.2. VERIFY Instrument data has been recorded at Steps 3.1 and 3.4. DOCUMENT any action(s) taken in the COMMENTS Section of . DOCUMENT any Technical Specification REQUIRED ACTION(s) in the COMMENTS Section of Attachment 3. Another SRO will PERFORM Independent Verification when the surveillance is complete.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 3 and Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3.

Required Materials: SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Serv ice Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination, Rev. 12-2. Technical Specification LCO 3.2.3, Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq), Amendment #127.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Validation Time:

22 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determination as follows: ENTER data prior to Sect ion 1.0, Prerequisites: Unit 2; MODE 1; RX POWER is 99.98%; DATE is Today; Time is Now INITIAL Steps 1.1 and 1.2. ENTER the following data at Step 3.1 and INITIAL: 1.0299 for Channel A, C and D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.1 and INITIAL: 90.51 for Channel A, 92.115 for Channel C and 91.565 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.2 and INITIAL: 110.89 for Channel A, 112.59 for Channel C and 111.89 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B. ENTER the following data at Step 3.4.3 and INITIAL: 90.10 for Channel A, 91.95 for Channel C and 91.355 for Channel D. INOP for Channel B.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Record the CPC AZ Tilt Allowance from each Operable CPC channel (CPC PID 063). (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not available.)


VERIFY data is recorded at Step 3.1.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Subtract 1 from each Azimuthal Tilt Allowance in Step 3.1 and record results. (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not available.)


RECORD 0.0299 for Channels A, C, and D. MARK Channel B as INOP.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Determine the applicable equation to be used based on the number of

Operable CPC channels.

Circle the equation to be used.


CIRCLE equation at Step 3.3.3: CPC A, C, & D Operable (perform only if CPC channel B is Inoperable):

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Record Excore Neutron Flux Detect or values from each Operable CPC channel. (Mark INOP or TRIPPED as applicable for any channel not

available.) Upper detector (PID 010:) Middle detector (PID 011:) Lower detector (PID 012:)


VERIFY data is reco rded at Step 3.4.1.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors using the following equati on: (Record the select ed equation from Step 3.3) Standard:

RECORD Step 3.3.3 Channel A, C and D detectors where appropriate.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors

using the follo wing equation: Upper Detector Standard:

INSERT Upper Detector values in to equation and SOLVE with a result of 0.0148.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors

using the follo wing equation: Middle Detector Standard: INSERT Middle Detector values into equation and SOLVE with a result

of 0.0124.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Determine the CPC Azimuthal Power Tilt for each level of detectors

using the follo wing equation: Lower Detector Standard: INSERT Lower Detector values into equation and SOLVE with a result

of 0.0173.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 Record the average (T CPC) of the tilts calculated in Step 3.5. If one of the values of Steps 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 is significantly different than the

other two it may be omitted from the average with permission from the Shift Manager and a Reactor Engineer. (Note in the Comments Section any tilt value not used, and use "0" in the applicable space below.)


CALCULATE and RECORD average T CPC : ADD 0.0148 + 0.0124 +

0.0173 / 3 = 0.0148.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 10 Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq): Tq = 2.5 X _____Tcpc (from Step 3.6)


Determine Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq): MULTIPLY 0.0148 x 2.5 =

0.037 +/- 0.001

= Tq Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 If Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq) from Step 3.8 is greater than 0.03, then INITIATE an AR, record the AR number in the Comments Section, then contact Reactor Engineering to evaluate core design and to establish operating restrictions and surveillance requirements within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Standard: DETERMINE that Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq) from Step 3.8 is greater than 0.03 and PERFORM the following: INITIATE an AR and RECORD in the Comments Section. CONTACT Reactor Engineering and RECORD in the Comments Section.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 The calculated Azimuthal Power Tilt (Tq) (Step 3.8) is less than or equal to the Azimuthal Tilt Allowa nce used in the Core Protection Calculators (Step 3.2). Yes / No (circle one)



Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 13 If NO is circled, then refer to Tech. Spec. LCO 3.2.3, INITIATE required actions and LCOAR/EDMR as applicable and record actions taken in the Comments Section.


RECORD these actions in the COMME NTS Section from TS LCO 3.2.3: LCO 3.2.3.A.1 - RESTORE measured Tq to less than or equal to the allowance in the CPCs within two hours, and/or LCO 3.2.3.B.1 - ADJUST the Tq allowance in the CPCs to greater than or equal to the measured Tq within two hours. LCO 3.2.3.B.2 - EVALUATE core design and safety analysis and determine that the core is acceptable for continued operation within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. LCO 3.2.3.B.3 - ESTABLISH appr opriate operating restrictions and SRs within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in Mode 1 at 99.98% power. Part-Length Control Element Assemblies (PLCEAs) are at 145 inches. Core Protection Calculator Channel B and Core Operating Limits Supervisory System (COLSS) are INOPERABLE. COLSS out-of service-surveillances are in progress.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: CALCULATE Azimuthal Powe r Tilt per SO23-3-3.6, COLSS Out of Service Surveillance, Attachment 3, Azimuthal Power Tilt Determina tion starting at Step 3.2. VERIFY Instrument data has been recorded at Steps 3.1

and 3.4. DOCUMENT any action(s) taken in the COMMENTS Section of Attachment 3. DOCUMENT any Technical Specification REQUIRED ACTION(s) in the COMMENTS Sect ion of Attachment 3. Another SRO will PERFORM Independent Verification when the surveillance is complete.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA2 Task #188898 K/A #2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Title: Determine Time to Boil Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on St eam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used as the RCS vent. Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment 9.

Required Materials: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin, Rev. 20.

Validation Time:

15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments:

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of the RCS Time-to-Boil Margin.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine BM ref Standard: REFERENCE BM ref Table and INTERPOLATE between 20 and 30 days as follows:

[(39.09 - 32.4) X .2] + 32.4 =

33.74 minutes Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine L cf Standard: REFERENCE L cf Table and DETERMINE L cf to be 1.008 at 27 inches.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine T cf Standard:

SELECT T cf formula of T cf = (212 - T hot) / 92. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine T cf Standard: CALCULATE T cf = (212 - 115.5) / 92 =

1.049 +/- 0.002 Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Determine N cf where N cf = 217 / (217- # new assemblies)

Standard: CALCULATE N cf = 217 / (217-101) =

1.87 Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Determine Time-to-Boil margin temperature as follows:

BM act = BM ref x L cf x T cf x N cf Standard:

BM act = (33.74 min) X (1.008)

X (1.049) X (1.87) =

66.7 +/- 2.5 minutes Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 3 is in MODE 6 after a 420 day run. The core reload is complete with 101 new fuel assemblies. Reactor Coolant System level is at Midloop (27 inches) to remove the Nozzle Dams in place on Steam Generators E-088 and E-089. Shutdown Cooling Heat Exchanger inlet temperature is 115.5 °F. The Reactor has been shut down for 22 days. The Pressurizer Manway is removed and is being used

as the RCS vent.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-5-1.8.1, Shutdown Nuclear Safety, Attachment 9, Calculation of RCS Time-to-Boil Margin. Outage specific Time to Boil Data Transmittal has NOT been provided by Reactor Engineering.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA3 Task #185785 K/A #2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Title: Perform Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Checks Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.

Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS in the Comments Sect ion of SO23-3-3.35.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-3.35, Attachment 2.

Required Materials:

SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Rev. 22. Unit 2 Technical Specifications.

Validation Time:

25 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel Checks. INITIAL through Step 1.4. MARK "Stop Here" at Step 3.3. Qualified Safety Parameter Display Sy stem (QSPDS) pages 611, 622, and 721. Core Exit Thermocouple Data (part of JPM Cue Sheet). Unit 2 Technical Specifications.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) COLD LEG 1A TEMP. COLD LEG 1B TEMP.


RECORD 541°F for Cold Leg 1A and Cold Leg 1B temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Verify Acceptance Criteria: QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?


CHECK YES box for QSPDS 1A & 1B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) COLD LEG 2A TEMP.



RECORD 540°F for Cold Leg 2A and Cold Leg 2B temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Verify Acceptance Criteria: QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg Temps within 5°F?


CHECK YES box for QSPDS 2A & 2B Cold Leg temperatures within 5°F. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Record the following: (QSPDS page 611) REP CET TEMPERATURE (QSPDS A).



RECORD 611°F for REP CET (QSPDS A) and 612°F for REP CET (QSPDS B) temperatures.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 Verify Acceptance Criteria: REP CET Temperatures within 9°F?

Standard: CHECK YES box for REP CET temperatures within 9°F.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Transfer the Highest operable Cold Leg Temperat ure of Step 2.1.1 into the "Low Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.


RECORD 541°F in "Low Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Transfer the Lowest operable REP CET temperatur e of Step 2.1.1 into the "High Limit" of Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.


RECORD 611°F in "High Limit Temp." box for Steps 2.1.6 and 2.1.8.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "A" Page 731: Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs. Write 'N/A" for G-20.


RECORD N/A for CET G-20 and RE CORD CET Temper atures from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermoc ouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Record the total number of CETs which are within "In-Range" limits for each column.

Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS A Core Exit Thermocouple Map: QUAD 1 = 5; QUAD 2 = 6; QUAD 3 = 8; QUAD 4 = 6.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for Channel "A" QSPDS:

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 Record CET Temperatures from QSPDS "B" Page 731: Write "INOP" in data spaces for known inoperable CETs.


RECORD CET Temperatures from Q SPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map (JPM Cue Sheet).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 Record the total number of CETs wh ich are within the "In-Range" limits for each column.

Standard: RECORD the following from QSPDS B Core Exit Thermocouple Map: QUAD 1 = 6; QUAD 2 = 7; QUAD 3 = 1; QUAD 4 = 6.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 At least two CETs per Column are "In-Range" for channel "B" QSPDS:

YES NO Standard: CHECK NO box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 If any CETs are not "In-Range", then ensure a Notification has been initiated, and record NEW Notification numbers in the comments section. Standard: ANNOTATE that a Notification for QSPDS B CET failure has been initiated in the COMMENTS Section.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 16 Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check Record the differential temperatures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples (HJTCs) from QSPDS Page 721 on Table 2.


RECORD the differential temper atures of the Heated Junction Thermocouples from QSPD S Page 721 on Table 2.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 17 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel A fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 18 At least One Head differential temperature and at least Three Plenum differential temperatures for Channel B fall within the range of 40°F (lower limit) to 200°F (upper limit)?

YES NO Standard: CHECK YES box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 19 The Core Exit Thermocouple Channel Check is satisfactory by having selected YES in Step s 2.1.7 and 2.1.9.


Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 20 The Heated Junction Thermocouple System Channel Check is

satisfactory by having selected YES in Steps 2.

2.2 and 2.2.3.

SAT UNSAT Standard: CHECK SAT box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 21 If either Step 3.1 or 3.2 is UNSAT, then for each equipment deficiency, ensure a separate LCOAR /EDMR and/or Notification exists. Record new LCOAR /EDMR/Notification num bers in the COMMENTS section.

Standard: RECORD in the COMMENTS section that a LCOAR must be initiated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 22 RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS.

Standard: DETERMINE Technical Specification LCO 3.3.11 is applicable and record the following in the COMMENTS Section: RECORD LCO 3.3.11.A; REQUIRED ACTION A.1 is applicable. One or more Functions with one required channel inoperable; restore required channel to OPERABLE status within 30 days Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 100% power. The monthly surveillance for the Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple System is due.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: SO23-3-3.35, PAMI/Safe Shutdown Monthly Checks, Attachment 2, Core Exit Thermocouples and Heated Junction Thermocouple System Monthly Channel

Checks. Core Exit Thermocouple and Heated Junction Thermocouple data is attached. RECORD any Technical Specification LCO REQUIRED ACTIONS in the Comments Section of SO23-3-3.35.

Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA3 Rev 1.doc CHANNEL A CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP DATA (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 W6 583°F 1 T18 591°F 1 G9 582°F 1 T2 593°F 2 W13 590°F 2 L13 573°F 2 G13 576°F 2 R4 587°F 3 W18 558°F 3 L16 584°F 3 E6 589°F 3 R6 612°F 4 T13 582°F 4 G16 588°F 4 E9 588°F 4 L2 575°F 5 T16 589°F 5 G18 589°F 5 C4 560°F 5 L9 573°F 6 G20 84°F 6 C9 591°F 6 G2 606°F 7 E20 553°F 7 C16 590°F 7 E4 589°F 8 A8 572°F 9 A14 540°F CHANNEL B CORE EXIT THERMOCOUPLE MAP (PAGE 731) QUADRANT 1 QUADRANT 2 QUADRANT 3 QUADRANT 4 1 Y8 541°F 1 T20 548°F 1 E13 583°F 1 T4 593°F 2 Y14 563°F 2 R16 585°F 2 E16 611°F 2 R2 585°F 3 W4 - 3 R18 584°F 3 C6 - 3 L4 600°F 4 W9 610°F 4 R20 601°F 4 C13 612°F 4 L6 592°F 5 W16 598°F 5 L18 594°F 5 C18 - 5 G4 589°F 6 T6 585°F 6 L20 576°F 6 G6 608°F 7 T9 614°F 7 E18 588°F 7 E2 540°F 8 R9 585°F 9 R13 588°F Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA4 Task #192875 K/A #2.3.12 3.2/3.7 Title: Determine Containment Access Requirements Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:

Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 99.98% power. Maintenance is planning a Containm ent entry to repair a steam leak by tightening the packing on a ME-088 instrument valve on the 63 foot elevation near Safety Injection Tank SIT-010. Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere with the following results: Oxygen levels are 19.3%. Combustible / Flammable Gas is 0.05%.

Initiating Cue:

The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: COMPLETE Attachment 1 of SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. DETERMINE any ventilation require ments prior to the entry and RECORD in the Comments Section of Attachment 1. DETERMINE the proper Cont ainment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete and RECORD in the COMMENTS Secti on of Attachment 1.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO23-3-2.34.

Required Materials:

SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation, Rev 22. Achieved

Validation Time:

10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-2.34, Containment A ccess Control, Inspections a nd Airlocks Operation. INITIAL Attachment 1 through Step 1.1. PROVIDE entire procedure.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Note:

Examinee uses Section 6.8 as the reference for the following steps in Attachment 1.

Perform Step: 1 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.

Personnel Airlock Requirement(s): Modes 1-4, ONE door and asso ciated equalizing valve shall always remain CLOSED with interlocks installed and Operable. ONE ramp is allowed.


REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the

condition applies, and CHE CK this condition box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.

Personnel Airlock Requirement: Door operation will be:

Electrical Manual N/A. Standard:

DETERMINE that Personnel Airlock Do or is fully functional and CHECK the ELECTRICAL or MANUAL box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.

Personnel Airlock Requirement: Containment Airlock Operator (H atch Operator) is required, and posted at outer door.


REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the condition applies, and CHECK this condition box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 4 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.

Emergency Airlock Requirement: Emergency Airlock to remain unlocked and posted by Security.

Emergency use only.

Standard: REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that two egress paths are always required and CHECK this condition box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Check the appropriate conditions in the table per Main Body, Section 6.8.1 for Personnel and Emergency Airlocks or per SO23-5-1.8.1, Attachment for Shutdown Containment Closure Control for the Equipment Hatch.

Equipment Hatch Requirement: Equipment Hatch CLOSED Standard:

REFER to 6.8.1 and DETERMINE that the Unit is in Mode 1; the condition applies, and CHE CK this condition box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

The examinee refers to Section 6.2, Containment Entry for the following step.

Perform Step: 6 Determine any ventilation requirements prior to the entry per Section 6.2, Containment Entry.

Standard: REFER to Section 6.2, Containment Entry: DETERMINE that Chemistry sa mple results show an oxygen deficient atmosphere and PERFORM one (1) of the following: DON Self-contained respirat ory protection prior to Containment entry, or PERFORM a Containment Mini-Purge. RECORD this information in the Comments Section of .

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:

The examinee refers to Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections for the following step.

Perform Step: 7 Determine the proper Containment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete per Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections.

Standard: REFER to Section 6.9, Containment Loose Debris Inspections: DETERMINE that when in MODE 1 or 2 an Inspection of < 7 work areas during or following a C ontainment entry and PERFORM , Containment Work Area Loose Debris Inspection. RECORD this information in the Comments Section of .

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 1 at 99.98% power. Maintenance is planning a Containment entry to repair a steam leak by tightening the packing on a ME-088 instrument valve on the 63 foot elevation near Safety Injection Tank SIT-010. Chemistry has sampled the containment atmosphere with the following results: Oxygen levels are 19.3%. Combustible / Flammable Gas is 0.05%.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to PERFORM the following: COMPLETE Attachment 1 of SO23-3-2.34, Containment Access Control, Inspections and Airlocks Operation. DETERMINE any ventilation re quirements prior to the entry and RECORD in the Comments Section of . DETERMINE the proper Containment Closeout Inspection Attachment to be performed when work is complete and RECORD in the COMMENTS Section of .

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # NRC SRO SA5 Task #192840 K/A #2.4.44 2.4/4.4 Title: Determine Protective Actions Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: Classroom: X Actual Performance: X Simulator:

Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 3 has experienced a large break Loss of Coolant Accident with resultant fuel failure. A GENERAL EMERGENCY (Tab B4-1) was declared and the following Protective Actions were recommended: Evacuate State Beach.

Evacuate PAZ 1 and 4. Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) in PAZ 1 and 4. There has been a breach in the Cont ainment Integrity resulting in a large airborne radioactive release. The projected dose at the Ex clusion Area Boundary is 5200 mR TEDE. The current wind direction is from 101 degrees at 20 mph. There are no known impediments to evacuation.

The release duration is unknown.

Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager directs you to EVALUATE conditions and determine if a new Protective Action Recommendation is required per SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. DOCUMENT the results in the Meteorological Data box on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps SO123-VIII-10.3.

Required Materials: SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations, Rev. 12.

EP(123)10, Event Notification Form, Rev. 12.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Validation Time: 10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time: ________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign): Date:

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc CLASSROOM SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 If a PAR Upgrade is necessary, then obtain: The 15-minute average wind directi on (From), if available (Refer to Section 1.1 of this Attachment). Information concerning KNOW N evacuation impediments (Refer to Section 1.2 of this Attachment). Radiological release parameters (Refer to Section 1.3 of this Attachment).

Standard: DETERMINE from the initial conditions that t he 15 min average wind direction is 101°, no known evacua tion pediments exist, and that the projected dose at EAB is 5200 mR TEDE.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: The next set of steps follows the progression through Attachment 2 of SO123-VIII-10.3.

Perform Step: 2 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade..


ENTER Attachment 2, GE PAR fl owchart at the General Emergency box. Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attach ment 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Are there known evacuation pediments?


DETERMINE that there are no known evacuation pediments, ANSWER NO, and TAKE the right hand path.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 4 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Radiological Rel ease less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />?


DETERMINE that the release duration is unknown, ANSWER UNKNOWN, and TAKE the st raight through path.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade. Dose 5000 mR (measured or projected) TEDE at the EAB and the wind towards PAZ 5?


DETERMINE that dose is 5000 mR but wind direction at 101° is NOT towards PAZ 5, ANSWER NO, and TAKE the path to the left.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Utilize the table (General Emergency PAR Table) found on page 3 of this Attachment and/or Attachme nt 2 (GE Protective Action Recommendations Flowchart) to make the appropriate GE PAR or GE PAR Upgrade.

Standard: DETERMINE PAR to be: Evacuate the State Beach. Evacuate PAZ 1, 2, and 4 (affected downwind PAZs). Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) for the affected PAZs 1, 2, and 4.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:

CHECK the "is" box as there is a need for protective action beyond the Exclusion Area Boundary.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 8 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:

CHECK the "Evacuate State Beach" box.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard: CHECK the "Evacuate PAZ(s)" box and CHECK boxes 1, 2, and 4.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Document PAR results on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form Standard:

CHECK the "Ingest KI PAZ(s)" box and CHECK boxes 1, 2, and 4. Terminating Cue: This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC SRO Admin JPM SA5 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS: Given the following conditions: Unit 3 has experienced a large break Loss of Coolant Accident with resultant fuel failure. A GENERAL EMERGENCY (Tab B4-1) was declared and the following Protective Actions were recommended: Evacuate State Beach. Evacuate PAZ 1 and 4. Ingest Potassium Iodide (KI) in PAZ 1 and 4. There has been a breach in the Containment Integrity resulting in a large airbor ne radioactive release. The projected dose at the Exclusion Area Boundary is 5200 mR TEDE. The current wind directi on is from 101 degrees at 20 mph. There are no known impediments to evacuation. The release duration is unknown.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager directs you to EVALUATE conditions and determine if a new Protect ive Action Recommendation is required per SO123-VIII-10.3, Protective Action Recommendations. DOCUMENT the results in the Meteorological Data box on EP(123)10, Event Notification Form.

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 1 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS Units 2 and 3 Date of Examination:

10/19/09 Exam Level:

RO SRO(I) SRO (U) Operating Test No.:

NRC Control Room Systems

@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF) System / JPM Title Type Code* Safety Function S-1 001 - Control Rod Drive System (New) Perform Immediate Actions for Control Room Evacuation A, N, S 1 S-2 004 - Chemical and Volume Control System (J083S) Secure Charging and Letdown D, S 2 S-3 006 - Emergency Core Cooling System (J073S) Align Simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection A, EN, M, S 3 S-4 003 - Reactor Coolant Pump System (J027FS) Start a Reactor Coolant Pump A, D, L, S 4-P S-5 022 - Containment Spray System (J049FS) Terminate Containment Spray A, D, EN, S 5 S-6 064 - Emergency Diesel Generator System (J054S) Restore 1E Bus 2A06 From Cross-Tie Operations D, S 6 C-7 073 - Process Radiation Monitoring System (J120S) (RO only) Reset and Restore Fuel Handling Isolation System C, M 7 C-8 029 - Containment Purge System (J147FS) Place Containment Mini-Purge in Service A, C, M 8 In-Plant Systems

@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

P-1 059 - Main Feedwater System (J109) Locally Operate Main Feedwater Regulating Valve D 4-S P-2 004 - Chemical and Volume Control System (New) Locally Align Charging Pump Suction to RWST E, N, R 2 P-3 012 - Reactor Protection System (J021F) Locally Open Reactor Trip Breakers (TIME CRITICAL)

D, E, R 7 ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 2 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank 9 / 8 / 4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant 1 / 1 / 1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / 1 (control room system) (L)ow Power / Shutdown 1 / 1 / 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 2 / 2 / 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 / 3 / 2 (randomly selected) (R)CA 1 / 1 / 1 (S)imulator NRC JPM Examination Summary Description S-1 The candidate will perform the immediate operator actions for a Control Room Evacuation per Abnormal Operating Inst ruction SO23-13-02, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room. The alternate path is performed when a Reactor Coolant Pump breaker fails to open. This is a new JPM under the Control Rod Drive System - Reactivity Control safety f unction. This is a PRA significant action.

S-2 The candidate will secure Charging and Letdown as part of an RCS leak investigation per SO23-3-2.

1.02, Chemical and Volume Control System Outage Evolutions. This is a bank JPM under the Chemical and Volume Control System -

Reactor Coolant Inventory Control safety function.

S-3 The candidate will align simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection during a Loss of Coolant Accident per SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot / Cold Leg Injection. The alternate path requires the operator to perform actions with a High Pressure Safety Injection Pump out-of-service. This is a modified bank JPM under the Emergency Core Cooling

System - Reactor Pressure Control safety function. This is a PRA significant action.

S-4 The candidate will start t he fourth Reactor Coolant Pump during a Plant Startup per SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation. The alternate path occurs when Component Cooling Water flow is lost to the RCP and the operator trips the

Reactor Coolant Pump per the alarm re sponse procedure. This is a bank JPM ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 3 of 3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC ES-301-2 RO & SRO JPM Outline Rev 2.doc under the Reactor Coolant Pump System

- Heat Removal from Reactor Core safety function.

S-5 The candidate will be required to terminate Containment Spra y per SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps. The alternate path occurs when there is only one Containment Emergency Cooling Unit operating and the actions of the RNO path are requi red. This is a bank JPM under the Containment Spray System - Contai nment Integrity safety function.

S-6 The candidate will be required to restore from 1E 4160V unit cross-tie operations per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.9, Restoring from 1E 4kV Bus 3A06 to 2A06 Cross-Tie Operation. This is a bank JPM under the AC Electrical Distribution System - Electrical safety function.

C-7 The candidate will reset and re-establish normal Fuel Building Ventilation after isolation due to a high radiation signal per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation Systems Operation, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration. This is a modified bank JPM under the Area Radiation Monitoring System - Instrumentation safety function.

C-8 The candidate will place the Containm ent Mini-Purge System in operation to support a Containment entry per SO 23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. The al ternate path occurs when a Containment Radiation High alarm is received and the operator isolates mini-purge per the alarm response. This is a modified bank JPM under the Containment Purge System - Plant Service Systems safety function.

P-1 The candidate will perform the local actions to operate a Main Feedwater Regulating Valve per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control Syst em Operation, Section 6.4, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves

. This is a bank JPM under the Main Feedwater System -

Secondary System Heat Removal from Reactor Core safety function.

P-2 The candidate will perform the actions to align Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23 2, Shutdown from Outside the Control

Room, Attachments 10 and 11. This is a new JPM under the Chemical and

Volume Control System - Reactor Cool ant System Inventory Control safety function. This is a PRA significant action.

P-3 The candidate will locally open Reacto r Trip breakers per SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions. This is a time critical, bank JPM under the Reactor Protection

System - Instrumentation safety functi on. This is a PRA significant action.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-1 Task #187757 K/A #001.A2.11 4.4 / 4.7 SF-1 Title: Immediate Actions for Control Room Evacuation Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The following condi tions exist in Units 2 and 3: A spill of a liquid has occurred resulting in toxic fumes in both Control Rooms. The Shift Manager has directed that both Control Rooms be evacuated.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM the Unit 2 Immediate Actions for evacuating the Control Room per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-13-2.

Required Materials: SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room, Rev. 11.

Validation Time:

4 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#231 or any MODE 1 Initial Condition and PERFORM the following: INSERT Override 2HS-9163A-CR56-S02, STOP pushbutton stuck out on RCP P-002.

EXAMINER: The immediate actions for SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside th e Control Room are located on a Bakelite Operat or Aid atop the QSPDS CRT.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Note: Only the Operator Aid atop the QSPDS CRT may be referenced.

Examiner Cue:

If examinee attempts to access a file copy of SO23-13-2 from the file, REPORT that it is not available.

Perform Step: 1 MANUALLY Trip the Reactor from either set of Manual Trip Pushbuttons.


DEPRESS 2HS-9132-1, Reactor Trip 1 and 2HS-9132-4, Reactor Trip 4 red pushbuttons (CR-52) or DEPRESS 2HS-9132-2, Reactor Trip 2 and 2HS-9132-3, Reactor Trip 3 red pushbuttons (CR-56).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted and Neutron Power lowering.

Standard: VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted by OBSERVING rod bottom lights illuminated on 2ZI-9131, CEA Bottom I ndication (Core Mimic) and/or OBSERVING CEAs fully inserted on 2ZI-9133, Secondary Rod Position (CEAC Display CRT).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 VERIFY all CEAs fully inserted and Neutron Power lowering.

Standard: VERIFY Neutron Power lowering by OBSERVING any of the following: 2JI-0006B1 SU Channel 1 Percent Power indication LOWERING 2JI-0005B2 SU Channel 2 Percent Power indication LOWERING 2JI-9153-1 Startup Ra te Channel 1 NEGATIVE 2JI-9153-2 Startup Ra te Channel 2 NEGATIVE Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 MANUALLY Initiate MSIS from ei ther set of Manual Initiation Pushbuttons.


DEPRESS 2HS-9137-1 and 9137-2, MSIS Manual Initiation pushbuttons (CR-56) or DEPRESS 2HS-9137-3 and 9137-4, MSIS Manual Initiation pushbuttons (CR-53) and OBSERVE Annunciators 57A4(B4) - MSIS TRAIN A(B) ACTUATION.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note: Charging Pumps may be stopped in any order.

Perform Step: 5a STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.

Standard: DEPRESS 2P190, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5b STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.

Standard: DEPRESS 2P191, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5c STOP all Charging Pumps and REMOVE FROM AUTO.

Standard: DEPRESS 2P192, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

Reactor Coolant Pumps may be stopped in any order.

Perform Step: 6 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-001 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HS-9160A, RCP 2P001 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-003 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HS-9161A, RCP 2P003 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:

The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.

Perform Step: 8 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-004 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HS-9162A, RCP 2P004 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and ammeter at zero (0) amps.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, RCP 2P002 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE red START light illuminated and DE TERMINE 2P002 will NOT trip.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

If the operator requests to have breaker opened from the field, REPORT that no one is available.

Perform Step: 10 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1610B, RES AUX XFMR 2XR3 FDR BKR 2A0202

MODE SELECTOR MANUAL pushbu tton and OBSERVE blue MANUAL light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 STOP all RCPs from Control Handswitches OR by selecting the 6.9 kV Buses to MANUAL and Opening all Feeder Breakers. RCP P-002 Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1610A, RES AUX XFMR 2XR3 FDR BKR 2A0202 TRIP

pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIP light illuminated.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

The following conditions exist in Units 2 and 3: A spill of a liquid has occurred resulting in toxic fumes in both Control Rooms. The Shift Manager has directed that both Control Rooms be evacuated.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM the Unit 2 Immediate Actions for evacuating the Control Room per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-2 Task #141241 K/A #004.A4.06 3.6 / 3.1 SF-2 Title: Secure Charging and Letdown Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

The following conditions exist on Unit 2: Power is stable at 100%. The Reactor Coolant System leakrate is elevated but is not evident in the Containment. Steam Generator samples are less than Minimum Detectable Activity. A walkdown outside the Containment has not identified a leak source. Management has given permission to secure Charging and Letdown to perform an RCS Inventory Balance.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervi sor directs you to SECURE Charging and Letdown per SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Ou tage Evolutions, Section 6.2, Securing Charging and Letdown.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-2.1.2.

Required Materials: SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions, Rev 4.

Validation Time:

10 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#232 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following: ENSURE Pressurizer level is normal for 100% power. ENSURE 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control is in service. ENSURE 2PIC-0201A, Back Pressure Control is in service. ENSURE 2P-191, Charging Pump is the operating pump.

PERFORM the following after each JPM: RESET the Simulator to ENSURE proper operation of 2TV-0224B, CVCS IX Bypass Valve.

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions. INITIAL Sections 6.1 and 6.3 N/

A and remove all Attachments.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 If at power, then ADJUST Pressurizer Level to 41%-54%.


DETERMINE that Pressurizer level is within the band of 41%-54% by OBSERVING 2LI-0110A1 and 2LI-0110A2, Hot Calibrated Pressurizer Level instruments.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 SELECT TV-0224B, CVCS IX Bypass, to MANUAL, then PLACE in BYPASS. Standard: DEPRESS 2TV-0224B, Ion Exchangers Bypass Valve MANUAL pushbutton and OBSERVE blue MANUAL and red BYPASS lights illuminated with green ION EXCH and white AUTO lights extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 CLOSE TV-0224A, Boronom eter Isolation.


DEPRESS 2TV-0224A, Boronometer Iso Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).


DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control Auto-Manual Selector Switch A/M pushbutton ONCE and OBSERVE "M" light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).


DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Cont rol SEL pushbutton until OUT is displayed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 6 PLACE the in-service HIC-0110A and/or HIC-0110B Letdown Flow Controller to MANUAL and LOWER output to zero (valves full closed).


DEPRESS 2HIC-0110A, Flow Control LOWER pushbutton () until OUTPUT is zero (0).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note Only one of the following four sub-steps is considered critical. One Letdown Isolation Valve closed satisfies the required action.

Perform Step: 7a CLOSE the following Letdown valves: TV-0221, Letdown Tem perature Isolation.

Standard: DEPRESS 2TV-0221, Regen HX Inlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7b CLOSE the following Letdown valves: HV-9204, Letdown to Regen He at Exchanger Isolation.

Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9204, Regen HX Inlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7c CLOSE the following Letdown valves: TV-9267, Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet.


DEPRESS 2TV-9267, Regen HX Outlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 7d CLOSE the following Letdown valves: HV-9205, Letdown Cont ainment Isolation.


DEPRESS 2HV-9205, Regen HX Outlet ISO Valve CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8a PLACE backup Charging Pump(s) to STOP.

Standard: DEPRESS 2P-190, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8b PLACE backup Charging Pump(s) to STOP.

Standard: DEPRESS 2P-192, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8c STOP operating Charging Pump(s).

Standard: DEPRESS 2P-191, Charging Pump STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated and white AUTO light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 LOWER PIC-0201A or B Setpoint for the in-service Letdown Backpressure Controller to < 165 psig.


DEPRESS 2PIC-0201A, Backpressure Control SEL pushbutton until OSP is observed then DEPRESS LOWER pushbutton () until setpoint is less than 165 psig as read on 2PIC-0201A.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 6 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-2 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

The following conditions exist on Unit 2: Power is stable at 100%. The Reactor Coolant System leakrate is elevated but is not evident in the Containment. Steam Generator samples are less than Minimum Detectable Activity. A walkdown outside the Contai nment has not identified a leak source. Management has given permission to secure Charging and Letdown to perform an RCS Inventory Balance.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to SECURE Charging and Letdown per SO 23-3-2.1.2, CVCS Outage Evolutions, Section 6.2, Securing Charging and Letdown.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-3 Task #192218 K/A #006.A4.07 4.4 / 4.4 SF-3 Title: Simultaneous Hot Leg and Cold Leg Injection Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the fo llowing conditions on Unit 2: The plant has experienced a Loss of Coolant Accident. Over two hours have elapsed since Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) initiation. Shutdown Cooling Syst em operation is not expected to occur within four (4) hours of SIAS actuation.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot/Cold Leg Injection.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 11.

Required Materials: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Rev 6.

Validation Time:

20 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#233 or any 100% power Init ial Condition and PERFORM the following: INSERT RC03, RCS Leak at 100%. INSERT RC01A, RCS Rupture at 20% unt il RCS pressure is < 500 psia then LOWER to 0.015%. INSERT malfunctions EC08C and EC08DA, HPSI Pump P-017 and P-018 (Train A) trips. ENSURE only Train B HPSI is operating. EXECUTE remote function EC79A, CLOSE 2HV-9434 breaker when directed.

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot /

Cold Leg Injection.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 VERIFY Entry Conditions: ENSURE time elapsed from SIAS actuation -

greater than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Standard: VERIFY greater than 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> s from SIAS actuation per Initial Conditions.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: If requested, PROVIDE a copy of FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.

Perform Step: 2 VERIFY Entry Conditions: VERIFY FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria -

NOT satisfied Standard: DETERMINE SI Throttle/Stop Criteria not met due to Pressurizer level.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 ENSURE SDC Valves Closed: ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -

closed: HV-9337 Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9337, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 ENSURE SDC Valves Closed: ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -

closed: HV-9377 Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9377, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 ENSURE SDC Valves Closed: ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -

closed: HV-9339 Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9339, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 ENSURE SDC Valves Closed: ENSURE SDC To LPSI Pump Suction Isolation valves -

closed: HV-9378 Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-9378, SDC to LPSI Pumps Suction ISO Valve green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 VERIFY HPSI Operability: VERIFY both trains of HPSI - operating Standard: DETERMINE only Train B of HPSI is operating and OBSERVE green STOP lights illuminated for the Trai n A HPSI Pumps 2P017 and 2P018.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.

Perform Step: 8 VERIFY PZR pressure -

greater than 500 PSI A (Low Range): QSPDS page 611 CFMS page 311 Standard:

REFERENCE QSPDS page 611 and CFMS page 311 and OBSERVE Low Range Pressurizer pressure on both pages read less than 500 psig and ENTERS RNO column.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 ENSURE only one HPSI Pump -

operating AND GO TO step 15.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9394-2, HPSI Pump 2P019 red START light illuminated and ammeter reading ~ 55 amps and TRANSITION to Step 15.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 10 RECORD the HPSI Cold Leg Flow Rates: FI-0321: _______ GPM FI-0331: _______ GPM FI-0311: _______ GPM FI-0341: _______ GPM SUM: _______ GPM (Tot al flow to cold legs)


OBSERVE HPSI Cold Leg flow instruments and RECORD values: 2FI-0321-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1B at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0331-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2A at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0311-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1A at ~210 gpm. 2FI-0341-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2B at ~210 gpm. 210 gpm + 210 gpm + 210 gpm + 210 gpm = 840 gpm Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 HPSI train in service -

identified: Train A ~~ Train B ~


IDENTIFY Train B HPSI as in-service.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 ENSURE key switches to associated RCS Hot Leg Isolation valves -

closed: Train B HV-9434 Standard: DETERMINE 2HV-9434, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Hot Leg ISO Valve keyswitch in CLOSE and green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 ENSURE associated breaker -

unlocked and closed: BZ-39 Standard:

DIRECT the PEO to unlock and CLOSE breaker 2BZ-39.

M.O. Cue: EXECUTE remote function EC79A and REPORT breaker 2BZ-39 is closed. Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note: Each of the following four sub-steps may be repeated as each header is throttled.

Examiner Cue: If asked, REPORT as CRS that permission is given to OVERRIDE valves. Perform Step: 14 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9323 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9323, HDR 2 to Loop 1A OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0321-1 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9326 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9326, HDR 2 to Loop 1B OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0331-1 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 16 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9329 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9329, HDR 2 to Loop 2A OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0311-2 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 17 ADJUST the following valves on the associated train to reduce the indicated flow rates to approximatel y one half of those recorded in step 15: Train B HV-9332 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9332, HDR 2 to Loop 2B OVERRIDE then JOG CLOSE pushbuttons until flow on 2FI-0341-2 is approximately 1/2 recorded value.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 18 ENSURE associated Hot Leg Injection valve -

open: Train B HV-9434 Standard: PLACE 2HV-9434, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Hot Leg ISO Valve keyswitch in OPEN and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and valve position indication at 100%.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 19 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:

Train B HV-9323 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9323, HDR 2 to Loop 1A JOG OPEN pushbutton until

flow on 2FI-0321-1 is approximately the value of JPM Step 14.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 20 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:

Train B HV-9326 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9326, HDR 2 to Loop 1B JOG OPEN pushbutton until

flow on 2FI-0331-1 is approximately the value of JPM Step 15.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 21 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:

Train B HV-9329 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9329, HDR 2 to Loop 2A JOG OPEN pushbutton until

flow on 2FI-0311-2 is approximately the value of JPM Step 16.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 22 ADJUST associated RCS Cold Leg Inje ction valves on the operating train to values obtained in step 16d:

Train B HV-9332 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9332, HDR 2 to Loop 2B JOG OPEN pushbutton until

flow on 2FI-0341-2 is approximately the value of JPM Step 17.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 23 ESTABLISH the following conditions: Indicated flow sum of: FI-0321, FI-0331, FI-0311, FI-0341 and FI-9435 - less than or equal to 910 GPM.


OBSERVE HPSI Hot & Cold Leg flow instruments, RECORD values, and DETERMINE flow is less than 910 gpm: 2FI-0321-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1B at ~105 gpm. 2FI-0331-1, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2A at ~105 gpm.

2FI-0311-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 1A at ~105 gpm. 2FI-0341-2, HPSI Flow to Cold Leg Loop 2B at ~105 gpm. 2FI-9435, HPSI HDR 2 to Loop 1 Flow at ~440 gpm. 105 gpm + 105 gpm + 105 gpm

+ 105 gpm + 440 gpm = 860 gpm Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-3 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following c onditions on Unit 2: The plant has experienced a Loss of Coolant Accident. Over two hours have elapsed since Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS) initiation. Shutdown Cooling System operation is not expected to occur within four (4) hours of SIAS actuation.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Att achments, Attachment 11, Simultaneous Hot/ Cold Leg Injection.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-4 Task #192368 K/A #003.A4.06 2.9 / 2.9 SF-4P Title: Start a Reactor Coolant Pump Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 3. A heat up is in progress to the point of starting the 4 th Reactor Coolant Pump P-002. All actions of SO23-3-1.7, R eactor Coolant Pump Operation, through Step 6.1.18 are complete. An Operator is stationed at the Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) in Containment.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Superviso r directs you to START Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 using SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Oper ation, starting at Step 6.1.19.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-1.7.

Required Materials: SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, Rev. 35. SO23-15-56.C, 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO, Rev. 17.

Validation Time:

15 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#234 or any MODE 3 Initial Condition with RCS temperature > 400ºF and PERFORM the following:

DISPLAY PCS Trend Group Data page for RCP P002 as follows: ACCESS MAIN MENU on PCS. SELECT MAIN POINTS. SELECT POINT 1. Point Type Selected to SERVER GROUP. SELECT RCP 2 PARMS then SELECT ADD. INSERT Key #38, CPC A Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #42, CPC B Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #46, CPC C Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT Key #50, CPC D Trip Bypass and TURN to ON. INSERT malfunction CC02B for Annunciato r 56C40 30 seconds after starting RCP P002.

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Cool ant Pump Operation. INITIAL through Step 6.1.18. INCLUDE Attachments 1, 2 and 16.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Note:

Ensure the setup page information for Plant Computer System Trend Group Data is complete.

Perform Step: 1 START one Oil Lift Pump by selecting the NORMAL mode.

Standard: DEPRESS the NORMAL pushbutton on either 2HS-9117A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262, or 2HS-9118A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P263 and OBSERVE amber NORMAL and red START lights illuminated.

Examiner Note: Annunciator alarm 56C39 wi ll come in and reset. This is an expected alarm.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 ENSURE the second oil lift pump selected to STANDBY.


DEPRESS the STANDBY pushbutton on either 2HS-9117A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262 or 2HS-9118A, 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P263, whichever was not started in the previous step and VERIFY amber STANDBY and green STOP lights illuminated.

Examiner Cue: Two minutes has elapsed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 After the Oil Lift System has run approximately 2 minutes, then START the ARRD Lube Oil Pump by se lecting the NORMAL mode.

Standard: DEPRESS the NORMAL pushbutton on either 2HS-9196, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P401 or 2HS-9197, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P402 and OBSERVE amber NORMAL and red START lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 ENSURE the second ARRD pump is available by selecting STANDBY

mode. Standard: DEPRESS the STANDBY pushbutton on either 2HS-9196, 2P002

ARRD Pump 2P401 or 2HS-9197, 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P402, whichever was not started in the previous step and VERIFY amber STANDBY and green STOP lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 VERIFY the following alarms on Panel CR56 are reset prior to the start of the associated RCP: RCP THRUST BEARINGS TEMP HI (56C03, 05, 07, and 09) RCP LUBE OIL FLOW LO (56C13, 15, 17, and 19) RCP REVERSE ROTATION (56C14, 16, 18, and 20) RCP OIL LIFT FLOW LO (56C23, 25, 27, and 29) RCP OIL LIFT PRESS LO (56C33, 35, 37, and 39) RCP CCW FLOW LO (56C34, 36, 38, and 40) RCP ARRD LUBE OIL FLOW LO (56C43, 45, 47, and 49)

Standard: OBSERVE alarms on Panel CR-56 are RESET prior to starting RCP: 56C09 - RCP P002 THRUST BRG TEMP HI 56C19 - RCP P002 LUBE OIL FLOW LO 56C20 - RCP P002 REVERSE ROTATION 56C29 - RCP P002 OIL LIFT FLOW LO 56C39 - RCP P002 OIL LIFT PRESS LO 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO 56C49 - RCP P002 ARRD LUBE OIL FLOW LO Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Verify PCS Points selected in Step 6.1.8 not in alarm.

Standard: OBSERVE RCP 2P-002 information on Plant Computer System.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Verify RCP CONTROLLED BLEED-OFF FLOW (PCS) is reset or proper RCP CBO flow for the existing RCS pressure.


VERIFY RCP Controlled Bleed-Off Flow on Plant Computer System is RESET (Point ID F-180) or proper RCP CBO flow for the existing RCS pressure (~1.5 gpm).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Verify CCW SEAL HEAT EXCHANGER TEMPERATURE HI (PCS) alarm is reset.


VERIFY CCW Seal Exchanger tem perature high alarm on Plant Computer System is RE SET (Point ID TE-9174).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9 VERIFY the following fi nal configuration: One Oil Lift Pump selected to NORMAL One Oil Lift Pump selected to Standby One ARRD Pump selected to Normal One ARRD Pump selected to Standby Vibration Alarm reset Standard: PERFORM final configuration check: VERIFY Oil Lift Pump, 2P262 or 2P263 amber NORMAL light illuminated. VERIFY Oil Lift Pump, 2P262 or 2P263 amber STANDBY light illuminated. VERIFY ARRD Pump, 2P401 or 2P402 amber NORMAL light illuminated. VERIFY ARRD Pump, 2P401 or 2P402 amber STANDBY light illuminated. VERIFY Vibration Alarm reset on 2HS-0181, 2P002 Vibration Monitor white RESET light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 If Backfeeding Unit Aux Transformer (UAT) when in Modes 4 or 5, and a UAT high temperature alarm is received, then ENSURE only one RCP is running on the associated bus.


DETERMINE Backfeeding via the Unit Auxiliary Transformer is not being performed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 VERIFY RCP Zero Speed lamp illuminated.

Standard: OBSERVE 2SL-9116, Zero Speed Indication for RCP 2P002 white ZERO SPEED light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 12 If another RCP is already running, then ENSURE it has been in service for at least 5 minutes.


DETERMINE that all three running RCPs have been in service for greater than 5 minutes.

Examiner Cue:

All running RCPs ha ve run for more than 5 minutes.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 If this RCP start is associated with an idle loop, then COMMENCE monitoring Nuclear Instrumentation and continue for approximately the

first minute of pump operation.


DETERMINE that RCP 2P004 is runni ng and the loop is not idle.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 ANNOUNCE pump start using local area page.


DIAL 429 on phone and ANNOUNCE Reactor Coolant Pump 2P002 start. Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: Annunciator 50A51 - VIBRATION AND LOOSE PARTS MONITOR SYSTEM TROUBLE will come in and reset. This is an expected alarm when starting the RCP.

Perform Step: 15 START the Reactor Coolant Pump and PERFORM the following: Verify motor amps stabilize between 470 and 800 amps.

Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, 2P002 START pushbutton and OBSERVE: Red START light illuminated an d green STOP light extinguished. VERIFY motor amps stabilize between 470 and 800 amps on ammeter. Examiner Cue:

If examinee attempts to r esearch cause of alarm, state that another operator is at 2L-194 verifying alarm was due to starting the RCP.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16 START the Reactor Coolant Pump and PERFORM the following: Closely MONITOR RCS pressure.

Standard: OBSERVE RCS pressure is satisfactory using any combination of Control Board, CFMS, QSPDS or PCS indicators.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 17 Verify the Oil Lift and ARRD Pumps automatically stop and Zero Speed lamp extinguishes.

Standard: OBSERVE: Oil Lift Pump indicators for 2P002 Oil Lift Pump 2P262 and 2P263, green STOP lights illuminated. ARRD Pump Indicators for 2P002 ARRD Pump 2P401 and 2P402, green STOP lights illuminated. 2SL-9116, 2P002 white ZERO SPEED light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 18 Check RCP Oil Reservoir levels SAT.

Standard: DIRECT an Operator to REPORT RCP 2P002 Oil Reservoir levels.

Examiner Cue:

Operator at the pump reports oil levels are satisfactory.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.

Perform Step: 19 Acknowledge annunciator 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO.

Standard: ACKNOWLEDGE annunciator 56C40 - RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO and REFER to 56C40 Annunciator Response Procedure.

Examiner Cue:

If examinee checks Plant Computer System trends for RCP P002 CCW FLOW LO, REPORT that CCW flow is 400 gpm and lowering.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:

The following guidance is provided in Annunciator Response Procedure for 56C40, Step 1.2.

Perform Step: 20 If in Modes 3-5, then stop 2(3)MP-002, RCP.


RECOGNIZE operation in MODE 3 and DETERMINE RCP 2P002 must be stopped.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 21 Trip RCP P002.


DEPRESS 2HS-9163A, 2P002 STOP pushbutton and VERIFY green STOP light illuminated, red START light extinguished, and ammeter at zero (0) amps.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-4 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 is in MODE 3. A heat up is in progress to the point of starting the 4 th Reactor Coolant Pump P-002. All actions of SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, through Step 6.1.18 are complete. An Operator is stationed at the Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) in Containment.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to START Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 using SO23-3-1.7, Reactor Coolant Pump Operation, starting at Step 6.1.19.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-5 Task #192294 K/A #026.A2.08 3.2 / 3.7 SF-5 Title: Terminate the Containment Spray System Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: A Loss of Coolant Accident inside Containment has occurred. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps, is being performed 105 minutes after the accident.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-11.

Required Materials: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachments, Rev. 6.

Validation Time:

7 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#235 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following:

INSERT overrides for Containment ECUs E-400, E-401, and E-402 for the red START indicating lights off and the green STOP indicating lights on. INSERT malfunction RC03 @ 100%. INSERT malfunction MS03A and MS03B @ 1 to 5% to get Containment pressure to increase above 15 psig and then DELETE malfunctions.

NOTE: Do not place the Simulator in RUN until examinee is ready to begin to preserve RWST level.

PERFORM the following after each JPM: ENSURE 2HV-6293B/A, Train A CCW to Letdown Heat Exchanger valve is OPEN.

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 2, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.

When Floating Step 14 is complete, PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting At tachments, Attachment 2, Floating Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Verify Containment pressure -

less than 14 psig, and -

stable or lowering.

Standard: OBSERVE 2PI-0351-1, 2, 3, & 4, Containment Pressure Narrow Range Indicators on CR-57 or 2PI-0352-1, 2, 3, & 4, Containment Pressure Wide Range Indicators on CR-57 and DETERMINE Containment pressure less than 14 psig, and stable or lowering.

Examiner Cue: Containment pressure is lowering.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2a Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9953-1, Containment ECU 2E399 red START light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2b Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9947-1, Containment ECU 2E401 green STOP light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2c Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9955-2, Containment ECU 2E402 green STOP light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2d Verify at least 2 Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-9939-2, Containment ECU 2E400 green STOP light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note:

The following steps represen t the alternate path for this JPM.

Perform Step: 3 With only Containment Emergency Cooling Unit E399 operating the RNO must be entered.

Standard: RECOGNIZE that the AER column is not met and ENTER the RNO column due to only one Containment Emergency Cooling Unit operating.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4a Ensure CSAS -


Standard: VERIFY that CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE: Annunciator 57A03 - CSAS TRAIN A ACTUATION illuminated. Annunciator 57B03 - CSAS TRAIN B ACTUATION illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4b Ensure CSAS -


Standard: VERIFY that Train A CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE: 2HS-9395-1, Containment Spra y Pump 2P012 red START light illuminated and ammeter at approximately 45 amps. 2HV-9367, CNTMT Spray HDR No 1 Control Valve red JOG OPEN illuminated with valve position indication 100% OPEN. Containment Spray flow > 1600 gpm as read on 2FI-0338-1.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4c Ensure CSAS -


Standard: VERIFY that Train B CSAS is actuated and OBSERVE: 2HS-9396-2, Containment Spra y Pump 2P013 red START light illuminated and ammeter at approximately 58 amps. 2HV-9368, CNTMT Spray HDR No 2 Control Valve red JOG OPEN illuminated with valve position indication 100% OPEN. Containment Spray flow > 1600 gpm as read on 2FI-0348-1.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5 Close CCW to/from Letdown H eat Exchanger Valves: Train A - HV-6293B/A Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-6293B/A, CCW CLA LT DN HX 2E062 Supply/Return Valves CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Close CCW to/from Letdown H eat Exchanger Valves: Train B - HV-6522B/A Standard: OBSERVE 2HV-6522B/A, CCW CLB LTDN HX 2E062 Supply/Return Valves green CLOSE light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 GO TO next applicable floating step.


GO TO next applicable floating step.

Examiner Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform Floating Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue: PROVIDE copy of Floa ting Step 24, Transfer Charging Pump Suction. Perform Step: 8 VERIFY elapsed time from SIAS actuat ion - greater than 1-1/2 hours.

Standard: DETERMINE elapsed time from SIAS actuation greater than 1-1/2 hours from Initial Conditions.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 VERIFY elapsed time from SIAS ac tuation - less than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Standard: DETERMINE elapsed time from SI AS actuation less than 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> from Initial Conditions.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 10 VERIFY RWST level - greater than 6%.


OBSERVE 2LI-0305-1 through 4, RWT 2T006 Level, and DETERMINE level greater than 6%.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 ENSURE LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve -

open. Standard: OBSERVE 2LV-0227C, RWT 2T006 Gravity Feed Valve red OPEN and blue MANUAL lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 OVERRIDE and STOP BAMU Pumps.


DEPRESS 2P174, BAMU Pump OVERRIDE then STOP pushbuttons and OBSERVE green STOP and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 OVERRIDE and STOP BAMU Pumps.


DEPRESS 2P175, BAMU Pump OVERRIDE then STOP pushbuttons and OBSERVE green STOP and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves: Gravity Feed: HV-9235 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HV-9235, BAMU TK 2T072 Gravity Feed Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSERVE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves: Gravity Feed: HV-9240 Standard:

DEPRESS 2HV-9240, BAMU TK 2T071 Gravity Feed Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSERVE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 16 OVERRIDE and CLOSE boration valves: Emergency Boration Isolation: HV-9247 Standard: DEPRESS 2HV-9247, EMER Boration Block Valve OVERRIDE then CLOSE pushbuttons and OBSER VE green CLOSE and white OVERRIDE lights illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 17 Ensure LV-0227B, Volume Control Tank Outlet valve - closed.

Standard: OBSERVE 2LV-0227B, Volume Control Tank Outlet Block Valve green CLOSE and blue MANUAL lights illuminated.

Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-5 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: A Loss of Coolant Accident inside Containment has occurred. SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Atta chments, Attachment 2, Floating Steps, is being performed 105 minutes after the accident.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to PERFORM SO23-12-11, EOI Supporting Attachme nts, Floating Step 14, Terminate Containment Spray Operation.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC S-6 Task #186551 K/A #062.A4.01 3.3 / 3.1 SF-6 Title: Restore Bus 2A06 From 1E Cross-Tie Operations Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance:


Actual Performance: X Simulator: X Plant: READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Bus 2A06 is cross-tied to Bus 3A06 due to planned maintenance.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE Bus 2A06 from 1E Cross-Tie operations to the Reserv e Auxiliary Transformer 2XR2 per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.5, Restoring from 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 to 3A06 Cross-tie Operation.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-6-2.

Required Materials: SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Rev. 14.

Validation Time:

9 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc SIMULATOR SETUP


INITIALIZE to IC#236 or any 100% power In itial Condition and PERFORM the following: ALIGN (cross-tie) Bus 2A06 to Bus 3A06 using SO23-6-2, Section 6.4. ENSURE Bus 2A06 & Bus 3A06 AUTO/MANUAL Bus Tie Selector Switches are in MANUAL. NOTE: After each JPM, PLACE Sync Switch key in the Non-ESF Sync Master keylock on the vertical section of CR-63.

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-6-2, Transfe rring of 4 kV Buses.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Ensure the affected Switchgear Room is clear of all unnecessary personnel and maintain it clear until after 4kV bus transfer is complete Standard:

DIRECT a PEO to clear the Switc hgear Room and keep personnel clear until the bus transfer is complete.

M.O. Cue: All personnel are clear of the Switchgear Room.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2a Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: SELECT 2HS-1627-2, ESF B Sync. Master Control, to ON.



Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2b Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for the INCOMING Transformer breaker to energize the synchronizing circuit: 2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER

2A0618 SYNC pushbutton.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2c Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: Verify ILLUMINATED the INCOMING Transformer Breaker SYNC pushbutton.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 white SYNC light illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 2d Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: VERIFY ILLUMINATED the SYNC IN MODE light.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1627-2 ESF B SYNC MASTER white SYNC IN MODE light illuminated on TRAIN B SYNC CKT CONTROL.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2e Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: VERIFY EXTINGUISHED the SYNC RELAYS TROUBLE light.


Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2f Prepare to Close the INCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: VERIFY the Synchroscope moves to the straight up (12 o'clock)

Standard: VERIFY 2/3SI-1627A, SYNCHROSCOPE moves to straight up (12 o'clock) position.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2g Prepare to Close the I NCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: VERIFY matched Incoming and Running voltages.



Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2h Prepare to Close the I NCOMING Transformer breaker, as follows: VERIFY MATCHED Incoming and Running Frequencies.

Standard: OBSERVE 2/3SI-1627C, RUNNING HERTZ and 2/3SI-1627D, INCOMING HERTZ frequency meters MATCHED.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 3a CLOSE the INCOMING Transformer breaker: 2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 CLOSE pushbutton and OBSER VE red CLOSE light illuminated and green TRIP light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3b VERIFY ANNUNCIATED 2UA63C58, 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.


OBSERVE and ACKNOWLEDGE annunciator 2UA63C58 - 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3c VERIFY 3UA63C58, 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED, REMAINS


Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 3UA63C58 - 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

The annunci ator is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4a DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for the INCOMING Transformer breaker to de-energize the synchronizing circuit: 2A0618, 2XR2 Reserve Aux. Transformer Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER

2A0618 SYNC pushbutton.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4b VERIFY EXTINGUISHED the INCOMING Transformer breaker SYNC pushbutton.

Standard: OBSERVE 2HS-1637-2, RES AUX XFMR 2XR2 FDR BREAKER 2A0618 white SYNC li ght extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 5a OPEN (TRIP) 2A0619, Bus Tie 2A06 to 3A06 Feeder Breaker.


DEPRESS 2HS-1639A2, BUS TIE 2A06 TO 3A06 FDR BKR 2A0619 TRIP pushbutton and OBSERVE green TR IP light illuminated and red CLOSE light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5b VERIFY RESET 2UA63C58, 2A06/3A06 PARALLELED.

Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 2UA63C58 - 2A 06/3A06 PARALLELED is slow flashing/reset.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5c VERIFY RESET 3UA63C58, 3A06/2A06 PARALLELED.

Standard: OBSERVE annunciator 3UA63C58 - 3A 06/2A06 PARALLELED is slow flashing/reset.

Examiner Cue: The annunciator is reset.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 SELECT 2HS-1627-2, ESF B Sync.

Master Control, to OFF.

Standard: TURN key 2HS-1627-2, TRAIN B SYNC CKT CONTROL ESF B SYNC MASTER to the OFF position.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Verify bus 2A06 voltage is stable.

Standard: OBSERVE 2EI-1641-2, 4.16 KV BUS 2A06 VOLTS voltmeter and VERIFY stable.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 OPEN (TRIP) 3A0603, Bus Tie 3A06 to 2A06 Feeder Breaker.

Standard: DEPRESS 3HS-1639A2, BUS TIE 3A06 TO 2A06 FDR BREAKER 3A0603 TRIP pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIP light illuminated and red CLOSE light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc Perform Step: 9a Return Bus Tie Breakers transfer controls to automatic, as follows: SELECT 3HS-1639B2, 3A06 to 2A06 Tie Breaker 3A0603 AUTO/MANUAL Transfer Switch, to AUTO.


DEPRESS 3HS-1639B2, BUS TIE 3A06 TO 2A06 FDR BKR 3A0603 SELECTOR AUTO pushbutton and OBSERVE white AUTO light illuminated and blue MANUAL light extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9b Return Bus Tie Breakers transfer controls to automatic, as follows: SELECT 2HS-1639B2, 2A06 to 3A06 Tie Breaker 2A0619 AUTO/MANUAL Transfer Switch, to AUTO.

Standard: DEPRESS 2HS-1639B2, 2A06 TO 3A06 FDR BKR 2A0619 SELECTOR AUTO pushbutton and OBSERVE white AUTO light illuminated and blue MANUAL light extinguished Terminating Cue:

This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM S-6 Rev 1.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Bus 2A06 is cross-tied to Bus 3A06 due to planned maintenance.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE Bus 2A06 from 1E Cross-Tie operations to the Reserve Auxiliary Transformer 2XR2 per SO23-6-2, Transferring of 4 kV Buses, Section 6.5, Restoring from 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 to 3A06 Cross-tie Operation.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC C-7 Task #186190 K/A #073.A4.02 3.7 / 3.7 SF-7 Title: Reset and Restoration of Fuel Handling Isolation System Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: X Classroom:

Actual Performance:


Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: An actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3)

Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System (FHIS) has occurred due to radiography in the area. Radiography has been stopped. Proper actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A FHIS has been verified. The Control Building Emergency Chiller will remain running for testing. Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE the Unit 2 (Unit 3)

Train A Fuel Handling Isolation S ystem per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System O peration, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-3-2.22, Attachment 23.

Required Materials: SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation, Rev. 17.

Validation Time:

19 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc CONTROL ROOM SETUP

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation. Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration. INITIAL through Step 2.1. Attachment 24, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Limitations and Specifics.


This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.

Panel 2(3)L-103 is located in the Control Room Hallway and Panel 2(3)L-154 is located in the Control Room Hallway past the Fire Door.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.

Perform Step: 1 MOMENTARILY DEPRESS RESET/TEST handswitch HS-7822H1 and/or HS-7823H2, as applicable to reset FHIS.


At 2(3)L-103, Train A Radiat ion Monitoring Panel DEPRESS 2(3)HS-7822H1 FHIS TR A RESET/TEST handswitch.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Verify handswitch backlight illuminates (L-103).

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HS-7822H1 FHIS TR A RESET/TEST white light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

The RESET/TEST light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 VERIFY 60A22, FHIS ACTUATION, has reset.

Standard: GO to Annunciator Panel 60A and OBSERVE annunciator 60A22 - FHIS

ACTUATION is extinguished.

Examiner Cue: Annunciator window 60A22 is extinguished.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: E-370 FHB Post-Accident Cleanup Unit - STOP.


DEPRESS 2(3)HS-9850-1, FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated.

Examiner Cue: The stop light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: HV-9850 FHB PACU E-370 Isolat ion Damper [1] - CLOSED Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9850, FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 ISO Damper green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

The damper is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

Heaters operate automatically with the associated cleanup unit.

Perform Step: 6 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: E-464, FHB PACU E-370 Heaters ZL-9865 - OFF Standard: VERIFY FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 Heater 2(3)E464 is OFF and OBSERVE green OFF light illuminated on 2(3)ZL-9865A1.

Examiner Cue:

The heater is off.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: E-652, FHB PACU E-370 Heaters ZL-9865B1 - OFF Standard: VERIFY FHB Post ACDT Cleanup Unit 2(3)E370 Heater 2(3)E652 is OFF by OBSERVE green OFF light illuminated on 2(3)ZL-9865B1.

Examiner Cue:

The heater is off.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

The damper is closed.

Perform Step: 8 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: HV-9846 FHB Train A Air Supply Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:

DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9846, FHB Ai r Supply ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

The damper is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:

The damper is closed.

Perform Step: 9 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: HV-9847 FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard: DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

The damper is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

The damper is closed.

Perform Step: 10 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: HV-9847B FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:

DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847B, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

The damper is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

The damper is closed.

Perform Step: 11 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: HV-9847C FHB Train A Air Exhaust Isol Damper - OPEN Standard:

DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9847C, FHB Air Exhaust ISO Damper OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

The damper is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:

The cooling unit is running.

Perform Step: 12 PERFORM the following alignment to restore FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: E-441 FHB Pump Room Cooling Unit STOP Standard:

DEPRESS 2(3)HS-9836-1, FHB Pump Room CLG Unit 2(3)E441 STOP pushbutton and OBSERVE green STOP light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

The cooling unit is off.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 RESTORE Train A loads that were placed in service by SO23-1-3.1, Section for Prevention of Low Load Recycle.

Standard: RESTORE Train A loads that were placed in service by SO23-1-3.1, Section for Prevention of Low Load Recycle.

Examiner Cue:

Train A load restoration is NOT required.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 PERFORM the following alignment to continue restoration of FHIS Train A components to normal on CR-60: E-336 Control Building Emergency Chiller [2] - STOP Standard: DETERMINE the Control Building Emergency Chiller will continue to run for testing per the Initial Conditions.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

The next st eps are performed at L-154.

Examiner Cue: The CRS directs you to start the normal supply (A359) and normal exhaust (A317) fans.

Perform Step: 15 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: A-359 FHB Ventilation Normal Supply Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9830A, FHB Ventilation Normal Supply Fan 2(3)A359 START switch and OBSERVE red START light illuminated and CIRCLE START. Examiner Cue:

The fan is running.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 16 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: A-360 FHB Ventilation Standby Supply Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: DETERMINE only one supply fan is required and OBSERVE 2(3)HS-9830B, FHB Ventilation St andby Supply Fan A360 green STOP light illuminated and CIRCLE STOP.

Examiner Cue:

The fan is off.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 17 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: A-316 FHB Ventilation Standby Exhaust Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: DETERMINE only one exhaust fan is required and OBSERVE

2(3)HS-9848, FHB Ventilation Stan dby Exhaust Fan A316 green STOP light illuminated and CIRCLE STOP.

Examiner Cue:

The fan is off.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 18 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: A-317 FHB Ventilation Normal Exhaust Fan [3] - STOP/START Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9849, FHB Ventilation Normal Exhaust Fan A317 START switch and OBSERVE red START lig ht illuminated and CIRCLE START.

Examiner Cue:

The fan is running.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 19 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: E-464 FHB PACU E-370 Heaters HS-9865 AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9865-1, FHB CLEANUP E370 INLET HEATER E464 is

selected to AUTO.

Examiner Cue: The switch is in AUTO.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 20 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: E-652 FHB PACU E-370 Heaters HS-9865B1 - AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9865B1, FHB CLEANUP E370 INLET HEATER E652 selected to AUTO.

Examiner Cue: The switch is in AUTO.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 21 At HVAC Panel L-154 ENSURE the following alignment: E-465 FHB PACU E-371 Heaters HS-9866-2 - AUTO Standard: VERIFY 2(3)HS-9866-2, FHB CLEANUP E371 INLET HEATER E465 selected to AUTO. Terminating Cue: The switch is in AUTO. This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 9 of 9 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-7 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: An actuation of Unit 2 (Uni t 3) Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System (FHIS) has occurred due to radiography in the area. Radiography has been stopped. Proper actuation of Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A FHIS has been verified. The Control Building Emergency Chiller will remain running for testing.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to RESTORE the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Train A Fuel Handling Isolation System per SO23-3-2.22, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Operation, Attachment 23, FHIS Reset and Restoration.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC C-8 Task #193205 K/A #029 A3.01 3.8/4.0 SF-8 Title: Place Containment Mini-Purge in Service Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: X Classroom:

Actual Performance:


Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 (Unit 3) is operating at full power. A Containment entry must be made to investigate an abnormal noise in a Reactor Coolant Pump. Prior to the entry, a Containment Mi ni-Purge is to be performed.

2(3)RT-7828, Containm ent Purge Stack Radiation Monitor is out-of-service. Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor di rects you to INITIATE a Unit 2 (Unit 3)

Containment Mini-Purge per SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System has been completed through Step 2.4.3. 2(3)RT-7865, Plant Vent Stack/Containment Purge Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor is OPERABLE and aligned to the Containment Purge Stack.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-1-4.2 and 57C10.

Required Materials: SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System, Rev. 28. SO23-15-57.C, 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HI, Rev. 18.

Validation Time:

13 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc CONTROL ROOM SETUP

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System. INITIAL through Step 2.4.3. This will make Section 2.5, Start Mini-Purge, as the next step to be performed. Attachment 15, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration Limitations and Specifics. SO23-15-57.C, 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HI when requested.


This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Cue:

Remind the examinee to simu late all actions. The examiner will act as Chemistry.

Examiner Cue:

The time limit associated with Steps 2.5.1 through 2.5.5 will be ignored for this JPM since two operators are normally required.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9825 is closed.

Perform Step: 1 ENSURE OPEN HV-9825, Cont ainment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 Isolation Valv e (Outside Containment).


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE red OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated and green CLOSE light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9825 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

HV-9824 is closed.

Perform Step: 2 ENSURE OPEN HV-9824, Cont ainment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 Isolation Valv e (Inside Containment).


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9824, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE red OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9824 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

HV-9823 is closed.

Perform Step: 3 ENSURE OPEN HV-9823, Containm ent Mini-Purge Supply 2(3)MA-379 Isolation Valve. (Inside Containment)


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9823, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9823 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Cue:

HV-9821 is closed.

Perform Step: 4 ENSURE OPEN HV-9821, Containm ent Mini-Purge Supply 2(3)MA-379 Isolation Valve (Outside Containment).


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE red OPEN lamp illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9821 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note:

Fan controls are at Panel 2(3)L-155 in the Control Room hallway.

Perform Step: 5 START 2(3)MA-059, Mini-Purge Exhaust Unit, by Positioning 2(3)HS-9804 to START.

Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9804, Cont Mini-Purge Exhaust Unit (Fan) 2(3)A059 switch to START and OBSERVE red 2(3)ZLH-9804 START light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

2(3)MA-059 red start light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 START 2(3)MA-379, Mini-Purge Supply Unit, by Positioning 2(3)HS-9803 to START.

Standard: TURN 2(3)HS-9803, Cont Mini-Purge Supply Unit (Fan) 2(3)A379 switch to START and OBSERVE red 2(3)ZLH-9803 START light illuminated.

Examiner Cue:

2(3)MA-379 red start light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 Notify Chemistry Division that Mini-Purge is in progress.


NOTIFY Chemistry Division that Mi ni-Purge is in progress and RECORD the chemist's name.

Examiner Cue: Chemistry Tech Jones acknowledges Containment Mini-Purge in service on Unit 2 (Unit 3). The release limit is 1800 SCFM.

Examiner Cue:

Steps 2.5.8, 2.5.9, and 2.5.10 have been completed by another operator.

Examiner Cue: Annunciator 57C10, CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH is alarming.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note: The following steps constitute the alternate path for this JPM.

Perform Step: 8 Acknowledge annunciator 57C10, CO NTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH.

Standard: DEPRESS Alarm Acknowledge button for Panel 57C and OBSERVE Annunciator 57C10 - CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH illuminated.

Examiner Cue: Annunciator 57C10 is solidly lit.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: Examinee should refer to SO23-15-57.C, 57C10, CONTAINMENT RADIATION HIGH. If referenced, PROVIDE a copy.

Perform Step: 8a RT-7828, RT-7865-1: Check indicated activity and evaluate trend from DAS Trends Page and/or 2(3)RR-7865.


DETERMINE RT-7865-1 is in alarm and CHECK indicated activity and evaluate trend from DAS Trends Page and/or 2(3)RR-7865.

Examiner Cue: DAS Trends Page for RT-7865-1 is in alarm.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Note: Examinee may initiate a MANUAL Containment Purge Isolation Signal (CPIS). If performed, this will satisfy the Critical Steps for closing the mini-purge supply and exhaust valves.

Perform Step: 9 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)HV-9948, Containment Norm al Purge Isolation - CLOSED.

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9948, CNTMT PRG SPLY UNIT 2(3)A060 green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9948 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)HV-9951, Containment Norm al Purge Isolation - CLOSED.

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9951, CNTMT PRG EXH UNIT 2(3)A060 green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9951 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 11 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE -

CLOSED. Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9821 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 Ensure CLOSED 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE. Standard:

DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9821, CNTMT MINI PRG SPLY 2(3)A379 ISO VALVE CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9821 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)HV-9825, Containment Mi ni-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059 -

CLOSED. Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MINI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9825 is open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 14 Ensure CLOSED 2(3)HV-9825, Containment Mini-Purge Exhaust 2(3)MA-059.


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9825, CNTMT MI NI PRG EXH 2(3)A059 ISO VALVE CLOSE pushbutton and OBSERVE green CLOSE light illuminated and red OPEN light extinguished.

Examiner Cue:

HV-9825 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:

The Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust fan lights will not be illuminated if the Unit is in MODES 1 through 4.

Perform Step: 15a Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)MA-374, 2(3)MA-060, 2(3)MA-379, and 2(3)MA-059, Containment Normal and Mini-P urge Supply and Exhaust Fans are STOPPED.


At Panel 2(3)L-155, OBSERVE Containment Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust Fans green STOP lights are illuminated or extinguished: 2(3)HS-9952, CNTMT Pu rge Supply Fan 2(3)A374. 2(3)HS-9970, CNTMT Pu rge Exhaust Fan 2(3)A060.

Examiner Cue: The Normal Purge Supply and Exhaust fans are deenergized (or stopped).

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15b Containment Normal or Mini Purge in progress: If 2(3)RE-7828, or 2(3)RE-7865 (if aligned to the Containment Purge Stack) alarms High radiation, then ensure the following has occurred: 2(3)MA-374, 2(3)MA-060, 2(3)MA-379, and 2(3)MA-059, Containment Normal and Mini-P urge Supply and Exhaust Fans are STOPPED.

Standard: At Panel 2(3)L-155, OBSERVE Containment Mini-Purge Supply and Exhaust Fans green STOP lights are illuminated: CNTMT Mini-Purge Supply Fan 2(3)A379. CNTMT Mini-Purge Exhaust Fan 2(3)A059.

Terminating Cue: The Mini-Purge Supply and Exhaust fans are stopped. This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 8 of 8 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM C-8 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 (Unit 3) is operating at full power. A Containment entry must be made to investigate an abnormal noise in a Reactor Coolant Pump. Prior to the entry, a Containment Mini-Purge is to be

performed. 2(3)RT-7828, Containmen t Purge Stack Radiation Monitor is out-of-service.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to INITIATE a Unit 2 (Unit 3) Containment Mini-Purge per SO23-1-4.2, Containment Purge and Recirculation Filtration System. Attachment 6, Operation of the Containment Mini-Purge System has been completed through Step 2.4.3. 2(3)RT-7865, Plant Vent St ack/Containment Purge Stack Wide Range Gas Monitor is OPERABLE and aligned to the Containment Purge Stack.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-1 Task #151078 K/A #059 A2.12 3.1/3.4 SF-4S Title: Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valve Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: X Classroom:

Actual Performance:


Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 (Unit 3) is at 100% power. Maintenance is to be performed on the Positioner Controller for the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. This will require Local-Manual operat ion of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. A Reactivity Brief has been performed.

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to take LOCAL-MANUAL Control of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) 2(3)FV

-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve, per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control S ystem Operation, Section 6.3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-9-6.

Required Materials: SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Rev. 22.

Validation Time:

7 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Section 6.3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.


This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet.


Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.

Perform Step: 1 Establish communications between CR and Operator at the MFW Control Valve.

Standard: ESTABLISH communications with the Control Room.

Examiner Cue:

Communications are established.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 TRANSFER 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Contro l Valve Controller, to LOCAL. (CR-52) Standard: DIRECT the Control Room to TRANSFER 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve Controller to LOCAL.

Examiner Cue:

2(3)FV-1111 is in LOCAL.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 TURN LARGE HANDWHEEL CLOCKWISE until snug at limit of travel. (At this point, the large lead screw contacts the mechanical actuating device and further move ment will cause actual valve movement.)

Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve large handwheel CLOCKWISE until snug at limit of travel.

Examiner Cue: The large handwheel is snug at the limit of travel.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 TURN SMALL HANDWHEEL COUNTERCLOCKWISE until tight against

hub of large handwheel.

Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve small handwheel

COUNTERCLOCKWISE until tight against hub of large handwheel.

Examiner Cue: The small handwheel is tight against hub of large handwheel.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 5 OPEN the two (black knob handled) Operating Piston Air Bypass Valves. Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, MFW Control Valve both (black knob handled)

Operating Piston Air Bypass Valv es COUNTERCLOCKWISE to OPEN.

Examiner Cue: Both Operating Piston Air Bypass Valves are open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 CLOSE Air Supply to FY-1111:

S2(3)2417MR239 Standard:

TURN S2(3)2417MR239, Air Supply to 2(3)FV-1111 CLOCKWISE to

CLOSE. Examiner Cue: The air supply to 2(3)FY-1111 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 CLOSE Air Supply to FY-1114:

S2(3)2417MR240 Standard:

TURN S2(3)2417MR240, Air Supply to I/P Converter 2(3)FY-1114 CLOCKWISE to CLOSE.

Examiner Cue: The air supply to 2(3)FY-1114 is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Examiner Cue:

The Control Room direct s you to open 2(3)FV-1111 one-half turn.

Perform Step: 8 OPERATE the large handwheel to repos ition valve as directed by the Control Room or CRS. Rotating handwheel clockwise Closes valve. Rotating handwheel counterclockwise Opens valve Standard: TURN 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve Large handwheel one-half (1/2) turn in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction.

Terminating Cue:

2(3)FV-1111 is OPEN one-half turn. This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 5 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-1 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: Unit 2 (Unit 3) is at 100% power. Maintenance is to be performed on the Positioner Controller for the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater Control Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. This will require Local-Manua l operation of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Main Feedwater C ontrol Valve, 2(3)FV-1111. A Reactivity Brief has been performed.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to take LOCAL-MANUAL Control of the Unit 2 (Unit 3) 2(3)FV-1111, Main Feedwater Control Valve, per SO23-9-6, Feedwater Control System Operation, Section 6.

3, Local-Manual Operation of Main Feedwater Control Valves.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-2 Task #191625 K/A #004 A2.14 3.8/3.9 SF-2 Title: Locally Align Charging Pump Suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: X Classroom:

Actual Performance:


Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: The Control Room has been evac uated per SO23-13-2, Shutdown from Outside the Control Room and a cooldown to Cold Shutdown is in progress. The Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Ta nks are aligned for gravity feed on Unit 2 (Unit 3).

Initiating Cue:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to MONITOR BAMU Tank levels and when required, SHIFT Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room: Attachment 10, Radwaste Op erator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Auxiliary Primary Operator Duties for Unit 3.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-13-2, Attachments 10 and 11.

Required Materials: SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room, Rev 12.

Validation Time:

14 minutes Time Critical: N/A Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room. Attachment 10, Radwaste Operator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Primary Auxiliary Operator Duties for Unit 3. MARK UP BAMU Tank levels showing a trend towards 23% (9.2 psi = 25%)

for 2(3)TK-072 and a trend towards 20% (9.0 psi = 22%) for 2(3)TK-071 when the next reading is obtained. INITIAL all other Steps in the Attachment except for Step 11.0.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc - Check Mark Denotes Critical Step START TIME:

Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.

Examiner Cue:

Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Tank levels were last taken 15 minutes ago. Perform Step: 1 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.

Standard: DETERMINE that no flow exists past the BAMU Pump suction pressure gauges since Initial Conditions spec ify gravity feed in progress.

Examiner Cue: BAMU Pumps, P-174 and P-175 are not running.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.


OBSERVE 2(3)PI-9273, Bo ric Acid Makeup Pump 2(3)P175 Inlet

Pressure gauge.

Examiner Cue:

PI-9273 indicates 9.0 psi.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.


REFER to FIGURE LVL-BAMU and DETERMINE 2(3)T-072, BAMU Tank to be 23% with 9.0 psi suction pressure on 2(3)PI-9273.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 4 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.


OBSERVE 2(3)PI-9279, Bo ric Acid Makeup Pump 2(3)P174 Inlet

Pressure gauge.

Examiner Cue:

PI-9279 indicates 8.8 psi.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 5 Determine BAMU tank levels every 15 minutes.


REFER to FIGURE LVL-BAMU and DETERMINE 2(3)T-071, BAMU Tank to be 20% with 8.8 psi suction pressure on 2(3)PI-9279.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 6 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following:

Standard: DETERMINE that BAMU Tank , 2(3)T-071 is 20.0%.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 7 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.


DEPRESS 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to C harging Pump Suction Isolation Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction.

Examiner Cue:

The clutch is engaged.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pump Suction Isolation Valve outward stem motion and RELE ASE manual clutch lever when motion is observed.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is moving in the open direction.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: LOCALLY OPEN LV-0227C, RWST to Charging Pumps Gravity Feed Valve.


ROTATE 2(3)LV-0227C, RWST to C harging Pump Suction Isolation Valve manual handwheel in the COUNTERCLOCKWISE direction until local position indication is 100%.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is full open.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 10 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction.

Examiner Cue:

The clutch is engaged.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve for inward stem motion and RELEASE the manual clutch lever when motion is observed.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is mo ving in the close direction.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 12 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-072, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9235.


ROTATE 2(3)HV-9235, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T072 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction until loca l position indication is 0%.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is closed.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 13 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.


DEPRESS 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual clutch lever while turning to ENGAGE the handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction.

Examiner Cue:

The clutch is engaged.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 14 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.

8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.

Standard: OBSERVE 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve for inward stem motion and RELEASE manual clutch lever when motion is observed.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is mo ving in the close direction.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 15 WHEN the first BAMU Tank approaches 21.8% level, as seen on Figure LVL-BAMU, THEN perform the following: CLOSE BAMU Tank, 2MT-071, Gravity Feed Valve, 2HV-9240.


ROTATE 2(3)HV-9240, Boric Acid Makeup Tank 2(3)T071 Gravity Feed to Charging Pump Suction ISO Valve manual handwheel in the CLOCKWISE direction until loca l position indication is 0%.

Examiner Cue:

The valve is closed.

Perform Step: 16 Notify the Unit 2 CRS of transfer to RWST.


REPORT to the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Cont rol Room Supervisor that Charging Pump suctions are aligned to t he Refueling Water Storage Tank.

Terminating Cue: The Control Room Supervisor acknowledges that Charging Pump suctions are aligned to the Refueling Water Storage Tank. This JPM is complete.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-2 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: The Control Room has been evacuated per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room and a cooldown to Cold Shutdown is in progress. The Boric Acid Makeup (BAMU) Tanks are aligned for gravity feed on Unit 2 (Unit 3).

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor directs you to MONITOR BAMU Tank levels and when required, SHIFT Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank per SO23-13-2, Shutdown From Outside the Control Room: Attachment 10, Radwaste Operator Duties for Unit 2. Attachment 11, Auxiliary Primary Operator Duties for

Unit 3.

Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 1 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Facility: SONGS JPM # RO/SRO NRC P-3 Task #190621 K/A #012 A2.06 4.4/4.7 SF-7 Title: Locally Open the Reactor Trip Breakers Examinee (Print):

Testing Method:

Simulated Performance: X Classroom:

Actual Performance:


Plant: X READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the Initial Conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide an Initiating Cue. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this JPM will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions:

Given the following conditions: The Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor has received a trip signal and the Reactor Trip Breakers failed to open.

Initiating Cue: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to: PROCEED to the Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor Trip Breaker Switchgear and locally OPEN Reactor Trip Cir cuit Breakers 1 through 8. THIS IS A TIME CRITICAL JPM.

Task Standard: Locate and correctly perform Critical Steps of SO23-12-1.

Required Materials: SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions, Rev. 21.

Validation Time:

5 minutes Time Critical: 8 minutes Completion Time:

________ minutes Comments: Result: SAT UNSAT Examiner (Print / Sign):


Appendix C JPM WORKSHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 2 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc PLANT SETUP

EXAMINER: PROVIDE the examinee with a copy of: No procedural guidance is provided for this task. PROVIDE the JPM once inside the RCA (past the HP Checkpoint).


This JPM can be performed on either Unit. CIRCLE the Unit on which the JPM is to be performed on the JPM Worksheet and the JPM Cue Sheet. The TIME CRITICAL portion of the JPM starts when the Cue Sheet has been read and understood by the examinee once inside the RCA.

Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 3 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Examiner Note:

The required actions are performed without reference to a procedure and can be performed in any order.

Examiner Note:

The TCBs can be opened in pairs using the Emergency Trip pushbuttons or individually using the Manual Trip pushbutton on each breaker. The first sequence of Steps (1-4) addresses use of the Emergency Trip pushbuttons. The second sequence of Steps (5-12) uses the individual Manual Trip pushbuttons.

Examiner Cue: Remind the examinee to simulate all actions.

- Check Mark Denotes Critical Step CRITICAL START TIME:

Perform Step: 1 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-5 and TCB-1.


DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-5 and TCB-1 (on TCB-5 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and

mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-1 and TCB-5.

Examiner Cue: TCB-5 and TCB-1 green tripped lights are illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 2 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-6 and TCB-2.


DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-6 and TCB-2 (on TCB-6 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and

mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-2 and 6 cubicles.

Examiner Cue: TCB-6 and TCB-2 green tripped lights are illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 3 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-3 and TCB-7.


DEPRESS Emergency Trip pushbutton TCB-3 and TCB-7 (on TCB-3 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and

mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-3 and 7 cubicles.

Examiner Cue: TCB-3 and TCB-7 green tripped lights are illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 4 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 4 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers TCB-4 and TCB-8.


DEPRESS Emergency Trip push bu tton TCB-4 and TCB-8 (on TCB-4 cubicle) and OBSERVE green TRIPPED lights illuminate and mechanical indicators rotate to OPEN on TCB-4 and 8 cubicles.

Terminating Cue: TCB-4 and TCB-8 green tr ipped lights are illumi nated. This JPM is complete.

Examiner Note:

This stops the TIME CRITICAL clock if Sequence #1 was used.


Examiner Note: Sequence #2 using the i ndividual trip pushbutton on each breaker. The Breakers can be opened in any order.

Perform Step: 5 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-1.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-1 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-1.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-1 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 6 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-2.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-2 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and

mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-2.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-2 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 5 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 7 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-3.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-3 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-3.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-3 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 8 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-4.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-4 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and

mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-4.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-4 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 9 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-5.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-5 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and

mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-5.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-5 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 10 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-6.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-6 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and

mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-6.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-6 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Perform Step: 11 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-7.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-7 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and

mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-7.

Examiner Cue:

TCB-7 green tr ipped light is illuminated.

Comment: SAT UNSAT Appendix C JPM STEPS Form ES-C-1 Page 6 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc Perform Step: 12 Open Reactor Trip Circuit Breaker TCB-8.

Standard: PULL DOWN Plexiglas guard plat e and DEPRESS TC B-8 PUSH TO OPEN pushbutton and OBSERVE green TRIPPED light illuminated and mechanical indicator rotate s to OPEN on TCB-8.

Terminating Cue:

TCB-8 green tripped light is illuminated. This JPM is complete.

Examiner Note:

This stops the TIME CRITICAL clock if Sequence #2 was used.


Appendix C JPM CUE SHEET Form ES-C-1 Page 7 of 7 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC JPM P-3 Rev 2.doc INITIAL CONDITIONS

Given the following conditions: The Unit 2 (Unit 3) Reactor has received a trip signal and the Reactor Trip Breakers failed to open.

INITIATING CUE: The Control Room Supervisor DIRECTS you to: PROCEED to the Unit 2 (Uni t 3) Reactor Trip Breaker Switchgear and locally OPEN Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers 1 through 8.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Facility:

SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:

1 Op Test No.:

October 2009 NRC Examiners:


Initial Conditions: 99% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1003 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Train A Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002) OOS for governor repair. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Maintain steady-state power conditions.

Critical Tasks: Trip the Reactor followi ng multiple CEA drops.

Establish minimum design Safety Injection flow rate (SIAS component failure).

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type* Event Description 1 +10 min CH04D TS (CRS) Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter (PT-0352-4) fails high. 2 +20 min FC05B I (BOP, CRS) Steam Generator (E-088) Main Feedwater Master Controller setpoint fails to 50% level on 60 second ramp.

3 +30 min RD4403 C (BOP, CRS) TS (CRS) Dropped CEA #44.

4 +45 min R (RO)

N (BOP, CRS) Power reduction for dropped CEA.

5 +45 min RD0303 C (RO, CRS) Dropped CEA #3. Manual Reactor trip required.

6 +50 min RC01A M (RO, BOP, CRS)

Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident upon Unit trip.

7 +50 min Bus 2A07 XFR LP I (BOP) Non-1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A07 auto transfer failure upon Unit trip.

8 +55 min RP01E C (RO) Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-016) fails to auto start. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO


NRC #1 The crew will assume the watch and maintain steady-state conditions per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.

The first event is a Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter failure. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure/Loss of Vital Bus and Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protective System Operation. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

When Technical Specification actions are complete, Steam Generator E-088 Master Controller Setpoint fails to 50%. Entry into AOI SO23-13-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunction is required. The CRS will analyze the cause of the failure using Attachment 1 of SO23-13-24. Steam Generator level control is restored by placing the Master Controller in Manual. When Steam Generator level control is achieved the controller will be returned to automatic operation.

When level control is regained, Control Element Assembly #44 will drop into the core. Crew actions are per AOI SO23-13-13, Misaligned or Immovable Control Element Assembly and include a power reduction as required per procedure. The crew will restore RCS Cold Leg temperature per OI SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations and block any further load changes and then continue with a power reduction as required per SO23-13-13. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

When the crew commences recovery of CEA #44, a second Control Element Assembly will drop into the core necessitating a manual Reactor trip.

When the Reactor is tripped, a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident will occur. The crew will enter Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions and then transition to EOI SO23-12-3, Loss of Coolant Accident. Post trip events include a Non-1E 4160 Volt Bus that fails to transfer as well as a Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump start failure. Both of these failures require actions on the part of the Reactor and Balance of Plant Operators.

The scenario is terminated when conditions for reactor coolant system cooldown is reached.

Risk Significance:

Risk important components out of service: LPSI Pump (P-015)

Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002)

Failure of risk important system prior to trip: Dropped Control Element Assembly Risk significant core damage sequence: Large Break LOCA Risk significant operator actions: Trip Reactor Following Multiple CEA Drop Trip RCPs Due to Loss of CCW Establish Minimum Safety Injection Flowrate

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #221 and NRC Scenario #1 SETUP file to align components.

HANG Control Board Tags on P-015 and G-002.

CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario boron concentration.

VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.


PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:

- Copy of SO32-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.1, Guidelines for Steady State Operation.

PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.

Control Room Annunciators in Alarm


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 4 of 18 Event


Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 1. - CH04D, Containment Pressure Transmitter (PT-0352-4) fails high.

Indications Available


+ 1 min RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO RECOGNIZE Containment Pressure Channel failure and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-18 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System

Failure/Loss of Vital Bus.

RO DETERMINE failure by observing instrumentation for the affected channel and alternate redundant indications monitoring the same parameter.

RO IDENTIFY Containment Pressure Channel PT-0352-4 failure.

CRS REFER to Attachment 5 and DETERMINE Functional Unit(s) affected.

CRS DIRECT the affected Functional Unit be placed in BYPASS per SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protection System.

M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following Remote Functions: RP51 = OPEN (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)

RP55S = BYPASS (Containment Pressure Channel D) Delete RP51 (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)

RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarm.


RO LOG the BYPASS and reason in the Control Operator Log.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 1 Page 5 of 18 Event


Containment Wide Range Pressure Transmitter Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc CRS INITIATE a LCOAR or follow guidelines of SO123-0-A5.

+ 10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.3.5.A, ESFAS Instrumentation.

CONDITION A - One or more Functions with one automatic ESFAS trip channel inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Place Functional Unit in bypass or trip within one (1) hour. When Technical Specifications have been evaluated, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 6 of 18 Event


Steam Generator E088 Master Controller Setpoint Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - FC05B, E088 Master Controller Setpoint failure to 50% level on 60 second ramp.

Indications available


SG E088 Feedwater Control Valve modulating closed then opens as SG level stabilizes at 50%

SG E088 level lowering

+30 sec BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedure.

BOP RECOGNIZE E088 Master Controller Setpoint lowering to 50% and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-24 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13

-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunctions.

BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 level is low.

BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 Master Controller output is lowering.

+5 min BOP PLACE SG E088 Master Controller in PREFERRED MANUAL and raise

output. Floor Cue: If required, REPORT as Shift Manager to maintain SG level at 67%.

BOP DETERMINE that SG E088 Feed Control Valve is opening.

BOP DETERMINE that Main Feedwater Pumps K-005 and K-006 speed is rising.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 2 Page 7 of 18 Event


Steam Generator E088 Master Controller Setpoint Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue: DELETE malfunction and CONTACT the Control Room as I&C. REPORT the controller logic is fixed and the Master Controller may be returned to AUTO.

+10 min BOP VERIFY SG E088 level is stable at or near program level with SG E088 Master Controller in MANUAL.

When SG level is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 3 and 4.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 8 of 18 Event


Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 3 and 4. - RD4403, Dropped Control Element Assembly #44.

Indications Available


+30 sec RO RECOGNIZE that Regulating Group 5 CEA #44 has dropped and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-13 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-13, Misaligned or Immovable Control

Element Assembly.

RO VERIFY that no more than one CEA is misaligned > 7 inches.

RO ENSURE CEDMCS Mode Selector Switch in OFF.

BOP REDUCE Turbine load to restore RCS Tcold to the pre-CEA drop value and

BLOCK load changes.

M.O. Cue: If sent as Radwaste or I&C to investigate CEDMCS, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that a tripped breaker was located. REQUEST permission to reclose one time.

RO VERIFY Reactor is critical.

CRS RECORD initial and stabilized reactor power for subsequent SDM calculation.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 9 of 18 Event


Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc CRS Within 15 minutes, DIRECT monitoring of DNBR and LPD per SO23-3-3.6, Attachment for DNBR Margin and Linear Heat Rate Limit Monitoring.

Floor Cue: The Work Control Supervisor will complete the DNBR and LPD monitoring in accordance with SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 1.

CRS DIRECT performance of Attachment 3, Misaligned CEA Checklist.

Floor Cue: The Work Control Supervisor will also complete SO23-3-3.6, Attachment 3.

CRS Within 15 minutes of discovery, DIRECT initiation of Reactor power reduction.

For Non Group 6 Full Length CEA, REDUCE power 10% within 60 minutes. Examiner Note: CRS should recognize that power reduction due to dropped CEA (~3%) satisfies the 15 minute requirement to initiate a power reduction. The remaining power reduction must be accomplished within 60 minutes.

BOP COMMENCE lowering Turbine Generator load using CVOL while maintaining Tcold per SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.

CRS DIRECT initiation of boration of the RCS per SO23-3-2.2, Makeup

Operations to achieve target power level.

RO BORATE to the Charging Pump suction as follows:

SELECT Mode on FIC-0210Y, BAMU Flow Controller.

SET FQIS-0210Y, BAMU to VCT Borate Batching Counter to volume determined from Reactivity Brief.

VERIFY CLOSED FV-9253, Blended Makeup to VCT Isolation.

ENSURE HV-9257, BAMU to Charging Pump Suction Block in AUTO.

PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to BORATE.

RO COMMENCE attempting to control ASI near full power ESI.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 10 of 18 Event


Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Floor Cue: As the Shift Manager, DIRECT the CRS to COMMENCE the downpower as required by SO23-13-13, then RESTORE the dropped CEA.

CRS REQUEST Reactor Engineering to report to the Control Room.

CRS INITIATE recovery of affected CEA per Attachment 1.

RO VERIFY CEA position indications agree:

COMPARE affected CEA PIDs from CEAC No. 1 and 2 at CPC Operator Console. COMPARE affected CEA PIDs from CEAC No. 1 and 2 at Secondary Rod Position CRT.

CHECK UEL and LEL lights.

RO/CRS VERIFY one CEA has not been misaligned >7 inches for an unknown duration.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-3-2.19, CEDMCS Operation to confirm that

the CEA is movable in the Manual Individual Mode.

RO WITHDRAW CEA #44 using the Manual Individual Mode per SO23-3-2.19.

CRS/RO REALIGN CEA #44 to the group per SO23-3-2.19, CEDMCS Operation.

+20 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.1.5.A, Control Element Assembly Alignment.

CONDITION A - One Regulating CEA trippable and misaligned from its group by >7 inches. ACTION A.1 - Initiate THERMAL POWER reduction in accordance with COLR requirements within 15 minutes. ACTION A.2 - Restore the misaligned CEA(s) to within 7 inches of its group within two (2) hours.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 3 and 4 Page 11 of 18 Event


Dropped Control Element Assembly #44 / Downpower Due to Dropped CEA Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note: Event 5 can be performed at any time during CEA #44 recovery.

When a 3-5% power reduction is completed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 5 Page 12 of 18 Event


Dropped Control Element Assembly #3 / Manual Reactor Trip Required Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 5. - RD0303, Dropped CEA #3.

Indications Available


+10 secs RO RECOGNIZE 2 nd dropped CEA #3 and manually INITIATE a Reactor trip.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Within five (5) minutes of a second CEA dropping into the Core, trip the Reactor. Elapsed Time: __________


+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

When the Reactor is tripped, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6, 7, and 8.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6, 7, and 8.

- RC01A, Large Break LOCA.

- Bus 2A07 LP, Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure.

- RP01E, LPSI Pump P016 fails to auto start.

Indications available

Numerous Reactor and Turbine trip related alarms CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:

VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.

VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.

VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.

CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.

BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:

VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.

HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.

VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.

VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:

ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.

INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.

INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.

BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:

VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.

VERIFY both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 energized.

VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc BOP DETERMINE one Non-1E 4 kV Bus deenergized.

[RNO] TRANSFER Non-1E 4 kV Bus 2A07 to Reserve Auxiliary Transformer.

[RNO] SELECT 2/3HS-1627A, NON-1E Synchroscope to ON.

[RNO] DEPRESS the SYNC pushbutton for Breaker 2A0703.

[RNO] PLACE Breaker 2A0703 Mode Selector in MANUAL.

[RNO] CLOSE INCOMING Breaker 2A0703.

BOP VERIFY both CCW Trains operating and NOT aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.

[RNO] If CIAS actuated, ENSURE all RCPs stopped.

BOP STOP all RCPs due to CIAS.

RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE PZR level NOT between 10% and 70% AND NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.

DETERMINE Core Exit Saturation Margin < 20°F:

QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Within 15 minutes of SFSC Inventory Control completion following RCS pressure falling below 1400 psia, the crew establishes the required SI flow. Elapsed Time: __________

CRITICAL TASK RO ESTABLISH minimum design Safety Injection flowrate; START LPSI Pump P016. RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE PZR pressure (WR and NR) NOT between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA AND NOT trending to between 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA.

[RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.

[RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.

[RNO] If PZR pressure (WR) is less than 1740 psia, ENSURE SIAS/CCAS/CRIS actuated.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc

[RNO] If PZR pressure (WR) is less than 1430 psia, ENSURE one RCP and each loop stopped.

[RNO] If RCP NPSH requirements of Attachment 3 NOT satisfied, THEN ENSURE all RCPs stopped.

RO DETERMINE Core Heat Removal criteria is NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE no RCPs operating.

DETERMINE Core Exit Saturation Margin < 20°F.

QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:

VERIFY at least one SGs level between 21% and 80% NR AND Feedwater available.

[RNO] ENSURE EFAS actuated.

DETERMINE T cold < 545°F and NOT controlled.

[RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.

[RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.

[RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.

E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053

[RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed.

HV-2703 or HV-2704; HV-2721; HV-2751 VERIFY SG pressures > 740 PSIA.


RO DETERMINE Containment Isolation criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE Containment pressure > 1.5 PSIG.

[RNO] DETERMINE Containment pressure > 3.4 PSIG.


RO/BOP DETERMINE Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized AND alarming or trending to alarm.

VERIFY Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc alarming or trending to alarm.

RO DETERMINE Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE Containment average temperature > 120°F.

DETERMINE Containment pressure > 1.5 PSIG.

[RNO] ENSURE proper functioning of the Normal Containment Cooling. [RNO] ENSURE at least one Containment Dome Air Circulator operating.

[RNO] DETERMINE Containment pressure > 3.4 PSIG.

[RNO] ENSURE all RCPs stopped.

[RNO] ENSURE all available Containment Emergency Cooling Units operating.

DETERMINE Containment pressure > 14 PSIG.

[RNO] ENSURE CSAS actuated.

[RNO] ENSURE all available Containment Spray Header flows greater than 1600 gpm.

+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE Event in Progress:

DETERMINE most Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.

[RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.

[RNO] DIAGNOSE Loss of Coolant Accident.

DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.

[RNO] DETERMINE all RCPs stopped.

DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.

BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-3, LOCA.

RECORD time of EOI entry __________.

+15 min CRS VERIFY LOCA diagnosis:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.

INITIATE Foldout Page.

DIRECT performance of FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.

DIRECT performance of FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.

DIRECT performance of Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration.

VERIFY LOCA diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.

INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron.

M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and then REPORT that E088 and E089 both have activity near background, and normal boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT unable to establish sample flow.

CRS INITIATE Administrative actions:

NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader of SO23-12-3, Loss of Coolant Accident initiation.

ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.

IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.

RO VERIFY ESF actuation.

ENSURE the following actuated:


BOP STOP unloaded Train B Diesel Generator (SIAS Override STOP).

BOP INITIATE SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.

M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored Non-Qualified Loads.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 1 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 18 of 18 Event


Large Break LOCA / Bus 2A07 Transfer Failure / LPSI Pump Auto Start Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #1 Rev 1.doc RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:

ESTABLISH two train operation.

All Charging Pumps operating.

One Train B HPSI and one Train B LPSI operating.

One Train A HPSI operating.

All Cold leg flow paths aligned.

VERIFY SI flow required:

SI flow indicated.

RO VERIFY PZR pressure:

DETERMINE RCP NPSH requirements of Attachment 29 NOT satisfied.

[RNO] INITIATE FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.

RO VERIFY Letdown isolated.

RO VERIFY outside Containment radiation alarms NOT alarming.

RO VERIFY outside Containment sump levels NOT abnormally rising.

RO VERIFY RCS sample valves, RCS and PZR head vents are closed.

RO VERIFY CCW parameters are normal.

CRS/RO VERIFY PZR Safety Valves are closed.

CRS/RO DETERMINE rate of RCS inventory and loss greater than Charging Pump capacity.

+30 min CRS DIRECT initiation of RCS cooldown.

When the RCS cooldown is initiated, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Facility:

SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:

2 Op Test No.:

October 2009 NRC Examiners:


Initial Conditions: 99% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1003 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Train A Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002) OOS for governor repair. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Maintain steady-state power conditions.

Critical Tasks: Restore Component Cooling Water flow to the Non-Critical Loop. Restore power to at least one 1E 4 kV Bus (Station Blackout)

. Restore Feedwater flow to at least one Steam Generator (Loss of Feedwater).

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type* Event Description 1 +10 min ED11 TS (CRS) Loss of Control Room Annunciators.

2 +15 min FW08B C (BOP, CRS)

Main Feedwater Pump Turbine (P-063) loss of oil pressure.

3 +35 min R (RO)

N (CRS) Rapid Power Reduction for loss of one Main Feed Pump.

4 +50 min ED03A C (RO, BOP, CRS)

TS (CRS) Loss of 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A04.

5 +50 min TU08 PG24 M (RO, BOP, CRS)

Loss of Offsite Power.

6 +50 min EG08B M (RO, BOP, CRS)

Emergency Diesel Generator (G-003) fails to start.

Station Blackout.

7 +55 min FW25 C (BOP) Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump (P-140) trips on overspeed (300 seconds post-trip). Loss of Feedwater.

8 +55 min CVCS LP I (RO)

Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open during boration. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO


NRC #2 The crew will assume the watch and maintain steady-state conditions per Operating Instruction (OI)

SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations.

The first event is a Loss of Control Room Annunciators. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-22, Loss of Control Room Annunciators. Actions include aligning an alternate power supply to the Control Room Annunciators. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

When the annunciators are restored, a loss of oil pressure to Main Feedwater Pump P-063 will occur. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) and AOI SO23-13-24, Feedwater Control System Malfunction and determine that a Main Feedwater Pump trip is warranted. This will necessitate entry into AOI SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction in order to low power below the threshold for one (1) Main Feedwater Pump operation.

When plant conditions are stable, a loss of 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A04 will occur. The crew will enter him the AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus. Crew actions include placing a Charging Pump in service as well as transferring to the Train B Component Cooling Water System. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

The major event is a Loss of Offsite Power that requires entry into Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions. During performance of the Standard Post Trip Actions, the Train B Emergency Diesel Generator fails to start. Additionally, five (5) minutes post-trip the Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump will trip on overspeed. With a Station Blackout and Loss of Feedwater, the CRS will be required to enter Functional Recovery Procedure (FRP) SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery. Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open during boration and the Reactor Operator will be required to manually align the Refueling Water Storage Tank.

With Switchyard power unavailable, restoration of Unit 2 1E 4160 Volt Bus 2A06 will be via a crosstie with Unit 3 1E 4160 Volt Bus 3A06. Once the crosstie is successful, Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P-504 can be started to restore feedwater flow to Steam Generator E-088.

The scenario is terminated when the 1E Bus is reenergized, feedwater flow is restored, and boration via the RWST is commenced.

Risk Significance:

Risk important components out of service: LPSI Pump (P-015)

Emergency Diesel Generator (G-002)

Failure of risk important system prior to trip: Loss of 4160 V Bus 2A04 Risk significant core damage sequence: Station Blackout with Loss of Feedwater Risk significant operator actions: Restore Flow to Non-Critical Loop Crosstie Bus 3A06 with Bus 2A06 Align Feedwater Flow to a Steam Generator

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #2 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #222 and NRC Scenario #2 SETUP file to align components.

HANG Control Board Tags on P-015 and G-002.

CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.

RESET CVCS Batch Counters to zero (0).

VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.

PLACE Channel X Pressurizer Pressure and Pressurizer Level in service.

PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:

- Copy of SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.1, Guidelines for Steady State Operation.

PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.

Control Room Annunciators in Alarm


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 4 of 22 Event


Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 1. - ED11, Loss of Control Room Annunciators.

Indications Available


+30 secs RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO RECOGNIZE Annunciator System Loss of Power alarm and INFORM CRS ARP SO23-15-50.A2, Annunciator UA20050C entry required.


CRS DIRECT testing of all Control Room Annunciator panels.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-22, Loss of Control Room Annunciators.

CRS/RO DETERMINE loss of all Control Room annunciators has occurred.

CRS INITIATE SO23-13-22, Attachment for Guidelines for Monitoring of Plant


CRS DETERMINE activities in progress which could potentially disrupt plant


CRS RECOGNIZE that if annunciators are lost for 15 minutes, an Unusual Event must be declared per Tab D1-2.

CRS INITIATE SO23-13-22, Attachment for Power Loss Determination and


Examiner Cue: As long as the Plant Computer System (PCS) is OPERABLE, then Technical Specification LCOs 3.2.1, 3.2.3, 3.2.4, and SR are Not Applicable (N/A).

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 5 of 22 Event


Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc

+5 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.1.7.E, Regulating CEA Insertion Limits.

CONDITION E - PDIL Alarm Circuit INOPERABLE. ACTION E.1 - Within one (1) hour, PERFORM SO23-3-3.6, Attachment for PDIL Alarm Circuit INOPERABLE.

CRS REVIEW additional Technical Specifications as time permits.

CRS VERIFY Bus D5 energized.

CRS DISPATCH an Operator to Panel D5 and VERIFY Breaker 6, Panel D5P4 Supply Breaker, is closed.

M.O. Cue: If directed to check breaker 2D5-06, WAIT 1 minute then REPORT Breaker 2D5-06 is closed.

CRS DIRECT an Operator to CHECK Panel D5P4 Breaker 74, Panel L-040 supply

breaker. M.O. Cue: If directed to check Panel 2D5P4 breaker 74, REPORT 2D5P4 Breaker 74 is in a tripped condition, and no visible signs of distress.

CRS DIRECT Electrical Maintenance to assist in troubleshooting and restoration of loss of annunciators.

M.O. Cue: If Maintenance is directed to investigate Panel 2D5P4, WAIT 1 minute then REPORT no apparent reason for tripped Breaker 74.

Floor Cue: If operator is directed to inspect Panel 2L-040, REPORT no power indicated (all lights extinguished), and no visible sign of distress.

CRS DIRECT a PEO to PERFORM a RECLOSE attempt on D5P4 Breaker 74.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 1 Page 6 of 22 Event


Loss of Control Room Annunciators Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue: If directed to close 2D5P4 Breaker 74, WAIT 1 minute, then DELETE ED11 and REPORT closure to Control Room.

CRS/RO RECOGNIZE that annunciator power is restored.

CRS DIRECT testing of all Control Room annunciators.

+10 min RO/BOP TEST all Control Room annunciators and INFORM CRS they are operational.

When annunciator power is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 2 and 3.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 7 of 22 Event


Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - FW08B, Main Feedwater Pump (K005/P063) loss of lube oil.

Indications Available


+30 secs BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

BOP RECOGNIZE Main Feedwater Pump loss of lube oil and INFORM the CRS ARP SO23-15-53.B.11 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-15-53.B.11, MFWP TURBINE K005 OIL PRESS LO PRETRIP.

CRS/BOP DISPATCH a PEO to investigate cause of low lube oil pressure.

M.O.Cue: After one (1) minute, REPORT an oil line pipe rupture on Main Feedwater Pump P-063. BOP VERIFY START of the standby AC Lube Oil Pump.

BOP VERIFY the DC lube oil pump is running.

CRS/BOP DETERMINE Main Feedwater Pump will eventually need to be tripped manually or will trip automatically due to a loss of lube oil.

CRS DIRECT tripping Main Feedwater Pump P063.

BOP TRIP Main Feedwater Pump P063 trip and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-28 entry required.

CRS DIRECT a Rapid Power Reduction using CEAs and/or boration per SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 8 of 22 Event


Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note: The following steps are from SO23-13-28, Rapid Power Reduction.

CRS DIRECT EFAS initiation to restore SG level.

+5 min RO/BOP INITIATE EFAS by depressing all EFAS Actuation pushbuttons once.

RO BORATE as required using the Alternate Boration Flowpath through HV-9247. PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL.

START the selected BAMU Pump.

OPEN HV-9247, Emergency Boration Block Valve.

START a second Charging Pump as required.

BOP ENSURE all available Condensate Pumps running.

RO INSERT CEAs as required.

BOP INITIATE a Manual Runback for Turbine load change.

BOP ENSURE Feedwater Control Valves < 100% open and controlling level.

BOP ENSURE Steam Generator level(s) stable or rising.

BOP ENSURE Low Level Alarm(s) reset.

RO/BOP DEPRESS all EFAS Actuation Pushbuttons a second time to reset the cycling relays.

CRS CONTACT Chemistry and the GOC and inform them of the Rapid Power Reduction.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 2 & 3 Page 9 of 22 Event


Main Feedwater Pump Trip / Rapid Power Reduction Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc RO IMPLEMENT Attachment 8 to determine the amount of boration and CEAs to be used to achieve the target power level.

+20 min RO FORCE Pressurizer Normal Spray flow.

When power level is stable, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 10 of 22 Event


Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - ED03A, Bus 2A04 overcurrent trip and lockout.

Indications Available

63B05 - 2A04 VOLTAGE LO 63B06 - 2B04 VOLTAGE LO 63B25 - 2A04 SUPPLY BREAKER 2A0418 OC

+30 sec RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO/BOP RECOGNIZE low Bus 2A04 voltage and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-26 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus, Attachment 1, Loss of 1E 4 kV Bus.

CRS DIRECT starting of Train B CCW.

BOP PLACE Train B CCW in service.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With loss of flow to the CCW Non-Critical Loop and prior to exceeding RCP operating limits, restore flow to the NCL from any available CCW train.

CRITICAL TASK BOP TRANSFER the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train B.

DEPRESS and MAINTAIN DEPRESSED the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6213 and HV-6219, Critical Loop B Supply and Return to NCL.

When HV-6212 and HV-6218, Critical Loop A Supply and Return to NCL indicate CLOSED, then RELEASE the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6213 and HV-6219.

BOP TRANSFER Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train B CCW.

CLOSE HV-6593B/A, CCW Critical Loop A Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.

OPEN HV-6522B/A, CCW Critical Loop B Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 11 of 22 Event


Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc CRS DETERMINE that loss of 2A04 is NOT due to fire.

M.O. Cue: When directed to investigate 2A0418 overcurrent, WAIT 3 minutes and REPORT an overcurrent flag on Phase B.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-6-9, 6.9 kV, 4 kV and 480 V Bus Feeder Faults. CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus, , Equipment Actions for Loss of Bus A04.

BOP ENSURE Train B SWC Pump running.

BOP VERIFY 2G002 Maintenance Lockout Switch in LOCKOUT.

CRS Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, DIRECT performance of SO23-3-3.23, Attachment for AC Sources Verification for both Units.

RO PLACE HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL and PLACE a

Caution Tag at the switch to prevent inadvertent dilution.

RO OPERATE Charging Pumps as required to maintain Pressurizer level.

+5 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.8.4.A, DC Sources - Operating.

CONDITION A - One battery or associated control equipment or cabling inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Restore DC electrical power subsystem to OPERABLE status within two (2) hours.

Examiner Note: DNBR may or may not be bypassed.

CRS DIRECT Bypassing Channel A DNBR and LPD trips.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 4 Page 12 of 22 Event


Loss of Bus 2A04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following remote functions: RP51 = OPEN (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46) RP52C = BYPASS (Channel A Hi Local Power) RP52D = BYPASS (Channel A Low DNBR) Delete RP51 (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)

RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarms.

56A29 - PPS CHANNEL 1 TRIP BYPASSED CRS DIRECT setting CEAC 2 INOP Flags in all CPCs by changing each CPC Addressable Constant Point ID 062 to 2.

CRS DIRECT aligning Charging Pump P191 to Train B.

M.O. Cue: If asked, REPORT Unit 3 Train B Component Cooling Water is operating.

CRS DIRECT initiating Train B CRIS.


+15 min BOP ENSURE A-072 or A-073 Dome Air Circulating Fan running.

When Technical Specifications and major Attachment 3 actions have been addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 5, 6, 7, and 8.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 5, 6, 7, and 8. - TU08, Main Turbine trip. - PG24, Loss of Offsite Power.

- EG08B, Emergency Diesel Generator G-003 fails to start.

- FW25, TDAFW Pump overspeed trip (300 seconds post-trip). - CVCS LP, Boric Acid Makeup Tank Gravity Feed Valves fail to open.

Indications Available

Numerous Loss of Offsite Power related alarms

+ 10 secs CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:

VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.

VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.

VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.

CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.

BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:

VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.

HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.

VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.

VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:

ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.

INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.

INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.

BOP DETERMINE Vital Auxiliaries criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 deenergized.

[RNO] PLACE Train B EDG in Maintenance Lockout.

[RNO] INITIATE Attachment 2, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-Up Actions for Bus 2A06.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc DETERMINE both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 deenergized.

VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.

DETERMINE all Non-1E 4 kV Buses deenergized.

[RNO] ENSURE MSIVs closed.

[RNO] OPERATE ADVs to maintain 1000 psia.

DETERMINE CCW Train NOT operating and NOT aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.

M.O. Cue: If directed to investigate 2G003, WAIT 3 minutes then REPORT EDG governor is disconnected.

Examiner Note: Depending on the speed at which SPTAs are performed and initial conditions at the time of trip, RCS Inventory and RCS Pressure Control may or may not be satisfied.

RO VERIFY RCS Inventory Control criteria satisfied:

VERIFY PZR level between 10% and 70% and trending to between 30%

and 60%. VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F: QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

RO VERIFY RCS Pressure Control criteria satisfied:

VERIFY PZR pressure (WR and NR) between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA and controlled AND trending between 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA.

RO DETERMINE Core Heat Removal criteria is NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE no RCPs are operating.

VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F. QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:

VERIFY both SGs level > 21% NR.

VERIFY both SGs level < 80% NR.

DETERMINE Auxiliary feedwater NOT available to restore both SGs level between 40% NR and 80% NR.

[RNO] ENSURE EFAS actuated.

VERIFY heat removal adequate:

T cold trending to between 545°F and 555°F.

SG pressures approximately 1000 PSIA.

Examiner Note: Steam Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump P140 will trip on overspeed 300 seconds after Reactor trip.

BOP RECOGNIZE Aux Feedwater Pump P-140 has tripped by observing alarm 52A53 - TURBINE AUX FW PUMP GOVERNOR OVERSPEED / OOS.

M.O. Cue: When contacted to investigate the status of 2P140, WAIT 3 minutes then REPORT that the linkage is in the trip position.

M.O. Cue: When directed to reset the trip linkage for 2P140, WAIT 3 minutes and REPORT that a linkage pin is broken.

RO VERIFY Containment Isolation criteria satisfied:

VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.

DETERMINE some Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.

DETERMINE some Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.

RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:

VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120°F.

VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc

+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE Event in Progress:

DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.

[RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.

[RNO] DIAGNOSE Loss of Feedwater and Station Blackout.

DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.

[RNO] DETERMINE all RCPs stopped.

DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.

BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.

M.O. Cue: If SCE GCC is contacted for grid status, REPORT that cause of grid loss is unknown and field crews are investigating. 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> estimate on time to restore.

M.O. Cue: If Unit 3 status is requested, REPORT that Bus 3A06 is energized from EDG 3G003 and Bus 3A04 is energized from EDG 3G002.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.

RECORD time of EOI entry __________.

M.O. Cue: When SO23-12-9 is initiated, CALL as SDG&E GCC and REPORT that SONGS Switchyard appears to have several faults and will not be available until a crew can be dispatched to determine the problem. 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> estimate on time to restore.

M.O. Cue: If asked, EXECUTE remote function ED81 and transfer Q0612 Instrument Bus #2 to Emergency.

CRS VERIFY Functional Recovery diagnosis:

INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.

INITIATE Foldout Page.

DIRECT performance of FS-3, Monitor Natural Circulation.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 19, Non-1E DC Load Reduction.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 20, Class 1E Battery Load Reduction.

DIRECT performance of FS-18, Secondary Plant Protection.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 24, Supply 1E 4 kV Bus with Opposite Unit Diesel.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 6, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-up Actions.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 8, Restoration of Offsite Power.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, FS-11, Reset P140 Overspeed Trip.

DIRECT Chemistry to sample both SGs for radioactivity and boron.

M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that E088 and E089 sample lines were frisked, and both have activity near background. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.

M.O. Cue: When directed to initiate Non-1E DC Load Reduction, ACKNOWLEDGE and STATE you will report when complete.

M.O. Cue: When directed to initiate Class 1E Battery Load Reduction, ACKNOWLEDGE and STATE you will report when complete.

Examiner Note: The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions.

CRS DETERMINE ESF actuation not required.

CRS EVALUATE Immediate Safety Function Recovery Actions.

CRS INITIATE Attachment FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success Path HR-1, Step 4.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 18 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc Examiner Note: The following steps are from Attachment 24, Supplying 1E 4 kV Bus with Opposite Unit Diesel. Attachment FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success steps are addressed later in the scenario.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 24, Supplying 1E 4 kV Bus

with Opposite Unit Diesel.

CRS DETERMINE Train B is available.

CRS OBTAIN approval of Shift Manager to cross connect Train B using 10 CFR 50.54(x) on both Units to supply 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 with the opposite unit Diesel Generator.

CRS/BOP REQUEST SM initiates NRC notification within one hour regarding actions per this attachment.

CRS/BOP NOTIFY opposite Unit SRO that automatic sequencing of ESF loads onto opposite Unit 1E 4 kV Bus 3A06 will be blocked.

BOP VERIFY Bus 3A06 energized by 3G003 Diesel Generator.

BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus Tie breaker AUTO/MANUAL transfer switches selected to MANUAL.

2A0619 (2HS-1639B2) and 3A0603 (3HS-1639B2).

BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus Tie breakers open.

2A0619 and 3A0603.

BOP ENSURE 2G003 Diesel Generator selected to MAINTENANCE LOCKOUT.

CRS DIRECT performance of Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.

BOP CONTACT the PPEO and INITIATE Unit 2 Train B Diesel Generator

Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 19 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc VERIFY feeder faults NOT indicated by relay flags on:

2A0616 - Unit Aux Transformer 2A0618 - Reserve Aux Transformer 2A0619 - 2A06 Bus Tie 2A0613 - 2G003 EDG M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT no feeder faults on breakers.

BOP DIRECT the PPEO to SELECT both Unit 2 Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switches on Fire Isolation Panel 2L-413 to 50.54X.

2HS-5054XA2 and 2HS-5054XB2 M.O. Cue: When directed, PERFORM remote functions EG62A and EG62B and REPORT that the Unit 2 50.54X switches have been aligned.

BOP CONTACT the PPEO and INITIATE Unit 3 Train B Diesel Generator

Cross-Tie Permissive switch alignment on 50' Elevation.

VERIFY feeder faults NOT indicated by relay flags on:

3A0603 - 3A06 Bus Tie M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT no feeder faults on breaker.

BOP DIRECT the PPEO to SELECT both Unit 3 Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive switches on Fire Isolation Panel 3L-413 to 50.54X.

3HS-5054XA2 and 3HS-5054XB2 M.O. Cue: When directed, PERFORM remote functions EG62C and EG62D and REPORT that the Unit 3 50.54X switches have been aligned.

BOP VERIFY 3G003 Diesel Generator loading less than 3.4 MW.

BOP VERIFY Bus 2A06 NOT energized.

BOP VERIFY Unit 2 overcurrent/ground alarms reset.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 20 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc 63C15 - 2A06 SUPPLY BKR 2A0616 OC 63C25 - 2A06 SUPPLY BKR 2A0618 OC BOP VERIFY 1E DC Bus voltages 2D2 and 3D2 greater than 108 VDC.

M.O. Cue: When asked, REPORT 3D2 voltage at 129 VDC.

BOP ESTABLISH final Train B configuration.

BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 supply breakers open.

2A0616 - Unit Aux Transformer 2A0618 - Reserve Aux Transformer 2A0613 - 2G003 EDG BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus A06 tie breakers open.

2A0619 - 2A06 Bus Tie 3A0603 - 3A06 Bus Tie BOP ENSURE 1E 4 kV Bus 2A06 load breakers open.

Emergency Chillers Containment Spray Pumps HPSI Pumps LPSI Pumps AFW Pump CCW Pumps SWC Pumps BOP VERIFY Train B Diesel Generator Cross-Tie Permissive Switches on both Units are in the 50.54X position.

BOP CLOSE Unit 3 Bus Tie breaker 3A0603.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 21 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY Unit 3 Diesel Generator 3G003 output breaker remains closed.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With a loss of 1E power, energize at least one 4 kV and the associated 480 VAC 1E Bus before DC Bus D2 voltage drops to 107.3 VDC and DC Bus D4 drops to 106.5 VDC.

CRITICAL TASK BOP CLOSE Unit 2 Bus Tie breaker 2A0619.

BOP VERIFY Unit 2 1E buses 2A06 and 2B06 energized.

BOP START CCW Pump P026 on Train B.

RO VERIFY Charging Pump P192 starts on Train B.

RO VERIFY Saltwater Cooling Pump starts on Train B.

Examiner Note: The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery, Attachment FR-5, Recovery-Heat Removal Success.


BOP DETERMINE TDAFW Pump tripped on overspeed.

BOP VERIFY AFW Pump P504 available.

BOP CLOSE AFW Pump P504 Discharge Valves.

HV-4712 and HV-4762 or MU533, P504 Manual Discharge Valve.


Examiner Note: Throttling of Auxiliary Feedwater flow may or may not be required depending upon Steam Generator level.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 2 Event # 5, 6, 7, & 8 Page 22 of 22 Event


Loss of Offsite Power / EDG Fails to Start / TDAFW Pump Trip / Gravity Feed Valves Fail to Open Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #2 Rev 1.doc BOP OVERRIDE and OPEN AFW Pump P504 Discharge Bypass Valve HV-4762 to 35% open.

[RNO] THROTTLE AFW Pump P-504 Discharge Valve HV-4712 to maintain flow between 130 GPM and 150 GPM.

M.O. Cue: If necessary, EXECUTE the following remote functions as directed by the Control Room: - FW86, P504 Discharge Valve HV-4712. - FW104, P140 Discharge Valve MU122. - FW105A, P141 Discharge Valve MU127. - FW102, P504 Manual Discharge Valve MU533.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Restore feedwater flow to at least one Steam Generator prior to complete loss of secondary inventory in both Steam Generators.

CRITICAL TASK BOP RESTORE Feedwater flow to Steam Generator E088.

BOP RAISE total AFW flow to greater than 400 gpm.

Floor Cue: if necessary, REPORT as Shift Manager to continue actions in SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery.

Examiner Note: The following steps are from SO23-12-9, Functional Recovery, Step 6c.

CRS DIRECT initiation of boration greater than 40 GPM.

RO COMMENCE boration of the RCS using BAMU Tank Gravity Feed Valves.

+30 min RO DETERMINE BAMU Tank Gravity Feed Valves will NOT open and INITIATE boration of the RCS using LV-0227C, Refueling Water Storage Tank to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.

When power is restored to Bus 2A06, feedwater flow is restored, and a boration is commenced, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the scenario.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Facility:

SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:

3 Op Test No.:

October 2009 NRC Examiners:


Initial Conditions: 31% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1243 ppm (by sample). Train A Component Cooling Water Pump (P-025) in service. Train A Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015) OOS for oil change. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Dilution and power ascension in progress at 10% per hour.

Critical Tasks: Establish Reactivity Control (Two Full Length CEAs Not Fully Inserted & No SIAS).

Manually Initiate Main Steam Isolation Signal (Auto Actuation failure).

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type* Event Description 1 +15 min R (RO) N (BOP, CRS) Dilution and power ascension at 10% per hour.

2 +25 min RC09A TS (CRS) Reactor Coolant Pump (P-002) Speed Sensor (SE-0143-1) failure.

3 +35 min CV16B I (RO, CRS)

Volume Control Tank Level Transmitter (LT-0227) fails low.

4 +50 min ED06D C (RO, BOP, CRS)

TS (CRS) Overcurrent trip of Feeder Breaker to 1E 480 Volt Bus 2B04.

5 +55 min FW LP RX LP C (BOP, CRS) Main Feedwater Pump trip.

Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons disabled.

6 +60 min MS04B M (RO, BOP, CRS)

Excess Steam Demand Event downstream of Main Steam Isolation Valves (300 second ramp).

7 +60 min RD1402 RD1502 C (RO)

Two CEAs fail to insert on the trip. Emergency boration via gravity feed due to loss of 1E Bus 2B04.

8 +65 min MSIS LP I (BOP)

Main Steam Isolation Signal fails to actuate; manual actuation required. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS)Technical Specifications

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO


NRC #3 The crew will assume the watch and resume a dilution and power ascension per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations at 10% per hour.

The next event is a Reactor Coolant Pump speed sensor failure. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) and place the appropriate Reactor Protection System trips in Bypass per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure/Loss of Vital Bus and Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.12, Reactor Protective System Operation. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

When Technical Specifications have been addressed, a Volume Control Tank (VCT) level transmitter fails low and transfers Charging Pump suction to the Refueling Water Storage Tank. The crew will align LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve and refer to Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-3-2.1, CVCS Operations and/or SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations.

The next event is the overcurrent trip of the feeder breaker to 1E 480 Volt Bus 2B04. The crew will respond per AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus. Crew actions include restoring Charging flow as required and placing the Train A Emergency Diesel Generator in Maintenance Lockout. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

During the next event, the running of Main Feedwater Pump will trip. The crew will determine that a Reactor and Turbine trip are required. The Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons are disabled and the BOP will trip the Reactor.

When the Reactor and Turbine are tripped, an Excess Steam Demand Event (ESDE) downstream of the Main Steam Isolation Valves will occur. The crew should determine that an ESDE is occurring and

manually trip the Reactor and Turbine. Entry into Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions is required. A transition will then be made to EOI SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event. Two (2) Control Element Assemblies will fail to insert on the trip and an emergency boration using the Gravity Feed Valves is required. Additionally, a manual Main Steam Isolation Signal

must be generated.

This scenario is terminated when the Main Steam Isolation Valves are closed and Reactor Coolant System temperature control is restored using the Atmospheric Dump Valves.

Risk Significance:

Risk important components out of service: Low Pressure Safety Injection Pump (P-015)

Failure of risk important system prior to trip: Loss of 1E 480 V Bus 2B04 Risk significant core damage sequence: ESDE with MSIS failure Risk significant operator actions: Initiate Emergency Boration Manually Initiate MSIS Establish RCS Temperature Control

Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #3 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #223 and NRC Scenario #3 SETUP file to align components.

HANG Control Board Tags on P-015.

CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.

VERIFY CVCS PMW Batch Counter indicates ~269 gallons to match SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9.

VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.

ENSURE Main Turbine Load is set for 1.9 MWe/min.

VERIFY 2FV-9253 is in AUTO / CLOSE when stopping the dilution for turnover.

PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:

- Copy of SO32-5-1.7, Power Operations open to Section 6.3, Turbine Load Change Using Setpoint Adjustment.

- MARKED UP copy of SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9.

- MARKED UP copy of SO23-3-2.2 with Steps 6.5.1 through 6.5.8 checked off. - Copy of SO23-3-1.10 open to Section 6.3, Forcing Pressurizer Sprays.

- Copy of SO23-10-1, Turbine Startup and Normal Operation, Attachment 6, MSR Warmup.

VERIFY MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.

If Group Position(s) is (are) not correct, MOVE CEAs and then RETURN CEAs to Shift Turnover Sheet position (Group 6 @ 125 / PLCEAs @ 115).

Significant Control Room Annunciators in Alarm


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 1 Page 4 of 17 Event


Dilution and Power Ascension at 10% per hour Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When Shift Turnover is complete, PLACE Simulator in RUN.

+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-5-1.7, Power Operations, SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations, and SO23-10-1, Turbine Startup and Normal Operation.

RO VERIFY Batch Counter and Makeup Integrator settings.

RO PERFORM dilution valve alignment.

PLACE FV-9253 in OPEN.

VERIFY FIC-0210X in AUTO at ~10.8 gpm.


RO VERIFY Tcold changing as dilution progresses.

RO ADJUST CEAs as required for ASI control.

+15 min BOP MAINTAIN Tcold within required band by raising Main Generator load using HS-2210, Main Turbine Speed Load Control to RAISE or as outlined in SO23-5-1.7, Section 6.3.

Floor Cue: If asked, REPORT as Shift Manager that the 2 nd Main Feedwater Pump will be started prior to transferring power to the Unit Auxiliary Transformer.

When power has been raised 3 to 5%, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 5 of 17 Event


Reactor Coolant Pump Speed Sensor Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - RC09A, Reactor Coolant Pump (P-002) Speed Sensor (SE-0143-1) failure.

Indications Available



+30 sec RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO RECOGNIZE CPC Channel 1 sensor failure and INFORM the CRS SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-18, Reactor Protection System Failure /

Loss of Vital Bus.

RO REFER to SO23-3-2.13, Core Protection / Control Element Assembly Calculator Operation and DETERMINE Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 has a failed speed sensor.

CRS REFER to Attachment 5 and DETERMINE Functional Unit affected is

Reactor Coolant Pump P-002 Speed.

RO PLACE the affected Functional Unit in BYPASS per SO23-3-2.12, Section for Bypass Operation of Trip Channels.

RO VERIFY that the same bistable is not in BYPASS on any other Channel.

M.O. Cue: When directed, EXECUTE the following Remote Functions: RP51 = OPEN (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46) RP52C = BYPASS (High LPD Channel A) RP52D = BYPASS (Low DNBR Channel A)

Delete RP51 (PPS Door Open Annunciator 56B46)

RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarm.


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 2 Page 6 of 17 Event


Reactor Coolant Pump Speed Sensor Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRS CONFIRM failure does NOT affect RPS/ESFAS Matrix Logic, RPS/ESFAS Initiation Logic, RTCBs, RPS/ESFAS Manual Trip, or ESFAS Actuation

Logic. CRS CONFIRM failure does NOT affect the Feedwater Digital Control System.

+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

3.3.1.A, Reactor Protection System Instrumentation - Operating.

CONDITION A - One or more Functions with one automatic RPS trip channel inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Place Channel in bypass or trip within one (1) hour.

When the RPS Channel 1 is bypassed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 3.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 3 Page 7 of 17 Event


VCT Level Transmitter Fails Low Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 3.

CV16B, LT-0227, VCT Level Transmitter fails low.

Indications Available

58A05 - VCT LEVEL LO/LO VCT Level Indicator LI-0227A lowering (on Plant Computer System)

VCT Outlet Valve LC-0227B closes

RWST to Charging Pump Suction Valve LV-0227C opens

+1 min RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO DETERMINE that VCT suction has shifted from VCT to RWST and INFORM CRS that ARP SO23-15.58.A05 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of CRS that ARP SO23-15.58.A, Annunciator 58A05 - VCT LEVEL LO / LO.

RO CHECK VCT Level indicator LI-0226 and determine that level is normal.

RO RECOGNIZE that VCT level indicator LI-0227 has failed low.

RO PLACE LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve in MANUAL and OPEN.

BOP ADJUST Turbine load as necessary to restore T COLD per SO23-5-1.7.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-3-2.2, Makeup Operations to ensure proper CVCS alignment is achieved.

+10 min CRS REQUEST I&C assistance.

M.O. Cue: When I&C is contacted, REMOVE malfunction CV16B and REPORT that I&C caused and has corrected the problem. REQUEST Operations restore the CVCS alignment to normal (ENSURE LV-0227B is OPEN and LV-0227C is CLOSED). This

verifies that LV-0227C is closed prior to Emergency Boration via Gravity Feed Valves later in the scenario.

When plant conditions are stable, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 8 of 17 Event


Loss of Bus 2B04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - ED06D, Loss of Bus 2B04.

Indications Available


+30 secs RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO/BOP RECOGNIZE low 2B04 Bus voltage and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-26 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-26, Loss of Power to an AC Bus.

RO START Charging Pump P-192 as required.

CRS DISPATCH an operator to VERIFY loss of the 1E 480 V Bus is NOT due to a fire in the 1E Switchgear Room.

RO/BOP DETERMINE overcurrent annunciators are alarming on Bus 2B04.

CRS DIRECT initiation of SO23-6-9, 6.9 kV, 4 kV and 480V Bus and Feeder Faults to return Bus 2B04 to service.

CRS DIRECT initiation of Equipment Actions for Loss of the 1E 4 kV Bus 2B04.

+5 min BOP PLACE G002 Diesel Generator in MAINTENANCE LOCKOUT.

CRS Within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, DIRECT performance of SO23-3-3.23, Attachment for AC Sources Verification for both Units.

RO SELECT HS-0210, Makeup Mode Selector Switch to MANUAL and PLACE a

Caution Tag at the switch to prevent inadvertent dilution.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 4 Page 9 of 17 Event


Loss of Bus 2B04 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.8.4.A, DC Sources - Operating.

CONDITION A - One battery or associated control equipment or cabling INOPERABLE. ACTION A.1 - Restore DC electrical power subsystem to OPERABLE status within two hours.

CRS VERIFY Channel A DNBR and LPD trips bypassed.

RO VERIFY the Trip Channel Bypassed Annunciator alarms.

56A29 - PPS CHANNEL 1 TRIP BYPASSED CRS DIRECT setting CEAC 2 INOP Flags in all CPCs by changing each CPC Addressable Constant Point ID 062 to 2.

CRS DIRECT aligning Charging Pump P191 to Train B.

M.O. Cue: If asked, REPORT Unit 3 Train B Component Cooling Water is operating.

RO/BOP START a Train B Containment Air Dome Circulator.

CRS DIRECT initiating Train B CRIS.

+15 min BOP INITIATE Train B CRIS.

When Technical Specifications have been addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 5 Page 10 of 17 Event


Main Feedwater Pump Trip Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 5. - FW LP, Main Feedwater Pump trip.

Indications Available


+10 sec BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

BOP DETERMINE only available Main Feedwater Pump has tripped.

CRS DIRECT a Reactor and Turbine trip.

Examiner Note: The Primary Side Reactor Trip pushbuttons have been disabled and the Reactor will be tripped by the BOP.

+1 min BOP Manually TRIP the Reactor and Turbine.

When Reactor has been tripped, or at Lead Evaluator

's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6, 7, and 8.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 11 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6, 7, and 8. - MS04B, ESDE on SG E089 downstream of MSIV @ 30% on 300 second ramp.

- MSIS LP, Main Steam Isolation Signal fails to actuate.

- RD1402 & RD1502, Control Element Assemblies #14 & #15 fail to insert.

Indications Available

Normal post-trip alarms Steam Generator E089 pressure lowering RCS temperature lowering CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:

VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.

VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.

DETERMINE two (2) full length CEAs NOT fully inserted.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With failure of 2 or more Full Length CEAs to fully insert, perform an emergency boration (or some other alignment which adds boric acid from either the BAMU Tanks or RWST at 40 gpm or more).

CRITICAL TASK RO [RNO] COMMENCE emergency boration at greater than 40 gpm.

CLOSE HV-9247, Emergency Boration Block Valve (already done).

OPEN HV-9240, BAMU Tank T071 to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.

OPEN HV-9235, BAMU Tank T072 to Charging Pump Gravity Feed Valve.

ENSURE in MANUAL and CLOSE LV-0227B, VCT Outlet Valve.

CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.

BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:

VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.

HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.

VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 12 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:

ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA system.

INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.

INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.

BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:

VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.

DETERMINE one 1E 480 V Bus B04 deenergized.

[RNO] INITIATE Attachment 2, Diesel Generator Failure Follow-Up Actions for Bus 2B04.

VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.

VERIFY all Non-1E 4 kV Buses energized.

VERIFY one CCW Train operating AND aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.

M.O. Cue: If directed to check Main Steam Safety Valve status, REPORT that all Safety Valves appear to be seated, with no steam coming from the MSIV roof, however, the Turbine Building is filling with steam.

RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE PZR level NOT between 10% and 70% AND NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.

[RNO] DETERMINE PZR Level Control System is NOT restoring PZR level.

VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F: QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria is NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE Pressurizer pressure is less than 1740 PSIA and lowering.

[RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 13 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc

[RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.

[RNO] ENSURE SIAS, CCAS, and CRIS actuated.

[RNO] If PZR pressure is < 1430 PSIA, then ENSURE at least one RCP in each loop stopped.

RO [RNO] If required, STOP one RCP in each loop.

[RNO] If RCP NPSH requirements NOT satisfied, then ENSURE all RCPs stopped.

RO VERIFY Core Heat Removal criteria satisfied:

VERIFY at least one RCP operating.

VERIFY core loop T is less than 10ºF.

VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F. QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:

VERIFY at least one SGs level between 21% and 80% NR and Auxiliary Feedwater available.

DETERMINE T C less than 545°F and NOT controlled.

DETERMINE heat removal NOT adequate:

[RNO] T cold less than 545°F.

[RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.

[RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.

[RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.

E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053

[RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed:

HV-2703 or HV-2704, HV-2721, HV-2751.

DETERMINE SG pressures < 740 PSIA.


CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Actions are taken to isolate the SGs prior to either SG blowing dry. These actions may include either manual actuation of the MSIS signal, or manual closure of MSIS actuated components.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 14 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc CRITICAL TASK BOP Manually INITIATE MSIS.

RO VERIFY Containment Isolation criteria satisfied:

VERIFY Containment pressure <1.5 PSIG.

VERIFY Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT alarming or trending to alarm.

VERIFY Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND NOT alarming or trending to alarm.

RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:

VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120°F.

VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.

+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE event in progress:

DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.

[RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.

[RNO] DIAGNOSE event as ESDE outside Containment.

DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.

[RNO] ENSURE at least one RCP stopped in each loop.

DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.

BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.

CRS DIRECT performance of EOI SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event.

RECORD time of EOI entry __________.

CRS VERIFY ESDE diagnosis:

INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.

INITIATE Foldout Page.

DIRECT performance of FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.

DIRECT performance of Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 15 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc DIRECT performance of FS-30, Stabilize RCS Temperature.

DIRECT performance of Attachment 28, Isolation of SG with ESDE. VERIFY ESDE diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.

INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron. M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 10 minutes and then REPORT that E088 and E089 both have activity near background, and normal boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:

NOTIFY Shift Manger/Operations Leader of entry into SO23-12-5, Excess Steam Demand Event.

ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.

IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.

RO VERIFY ESF actuation.

VERIFY SIAS actuation required.

PZR pressure less than SIAS setpoint.

ENSURE the following actuated:

SIAS / CCAS / CRIS /MSIS CRS RECORD time of SIAS __________.

BOP STOP Train B EDG (SIAS Override STOP).

BOP PERFORM EOI SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.

M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored non-qualified loads.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 16 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY MSIS actuation required and ENSURE MSIS actuated.

SG pressure < 740 PSIA.

RO DETERMINE CIAS actuation NOT required.

RO VERIFY SIAS actuated.

RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:

ESTABLISH two train operation:

All available Charging Pumps operating (P192).

One HPSI and one LPSI per Train B operating.

Train B Cold Leg flow paths aligned.

VERIFY SI flow required:

SI flow indicated OR RCS pressure >1250 psia.

OR VERIFY FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop criteria satisfied.


CRS PREVENT Pressurize Thermal Shock.

DIRECT performance of FS-30, Stabilize RCS Temperature.

DIRECT performance of VERIFY FS-7, Verify SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.

RO VERIFY RCP NPSH requirements of EOI SO23-12-11, 9.


BOP VERIFY both Steam Generator WR levels > 10%.

BOP VERIFY both Steam Generator pressures rising.

RO VERIFY RCS Tcold in each loop rising.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 3 Event # 6, 7, & 8 Page 17 of 17 Event


Excess Steam Demand Event / Two CEAs Fail to Insert / MSIS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #3 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY least affected SG level > 22% narrow range.

+30 min BOP OPERATE ADV to stabilize RCS temperature.

When ESDE is verified isolated, TERMINATE the scenario.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Facility:

SONGS 2 and 3 Scenario No.:

4 Op Test No.:

October 2009 NRC Examiners:


Initial Conditions: Reactor Critical at 2x10

-3% power MOC - RCS Boron is 1466 ppm (by sample). Train B Component Cooling Water Pump (P-026) in service. Channel X Pressurizer Level and Pressure Control in service. Fire Computer is OOS. Turnover: Power increase in progress to ~ 2% power.

Critical Tasks: Restore Component Cooling Water flow due to Train B leakage.

Reduce Reactor Coolant System Thot to less than 530°F (SGTR).

Isolate the most affected Steam Generator (SGTR).

Event No.

Malf. No.

Event Type* Event Description 1 +15 min R (RO) N (BOP, CRS) Rod withdrawal and power increase in progress to ~2% power.

2 +25 min CVCS LP I (RO, CRS)

Letdown Heat Exchanger Temperature Instrument power failure. TV-0224A and TV-0224B fail to reposition.

3 +35 min CC05B C (BOP, CRS) TS (CRS) Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger (E-002) tube

leak. 4 +45 min RX08 C (BOP, CRS) Steam Bypass Control Valves close. Transfer SBCS Master Controller (PIC-8431) to Local-Manual to open valves.

5 +50 min SG06B C (RO, CRS)

TS (CRS) Steam Generator Tube Leak (E-089) at 50 gpm.

6 +50 min SG06B M (RO, BOP, CRS)

Steam Generator Tube Rupture (E-089) at 300 gpm upon Unit trip.

7 +60 min CCAS LP I (RO) Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate. * (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor, (TS) Technical Specifications Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc SCENARIO


NRC #4 The crew will assume the watch with the Reactor critical at ~2x10

-3% power. The crew will raise power using CEA withdrawal per Operating Instruction (OI) SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standby to Minimum Load.

The next event is a power failure of a Letdown Temperat ure Instrument that provides input to TIC-0223, Letdown Temperature Controller. Letdown temperature quickly rises, causing a high temperature alarm, with a failure of automatic actions to isolate the Boronometer and bypass the Letdown Demineralizers. The crew will respond per the Annunciator Response Procedures (ARP) to manually satisfy the automatic actions and restore Letdown temperature to normal

When Letdown conditions are normal, a tube leak will develop on the Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger. The crew will respond per Abnormal Operating Instruction (AOI) SO23-13-7, Loss of Component Cooling Water/Salt Water Cooling. Crew actions include transferring to the Train A Component Cooling Water System as well is attempting to isolate Train B leakage. The CRS will evaluate Technical Specifications.

When CCW flow is restored, the Steam Bypass Control System (SBCS) Valves will close. Crew actions are per OI SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation and include transferring the SBCS Master Controller to Local-Manual control or operating individual SBCS Valves and restoring Reactor Coolant System temperature and Reactor power level to normal.

When plant conditions are stable, a Steam Generator tube leak will occur. The crew will enter AOI SO23-13-4, RCS Leak and take actions to minimize tube leakage. The size of the leak will require an immediate plant trip and at that time the leak will escalate to a rupture. The crew will enter Emergency Operating Instruction (EOI) SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions and transition to EOI SO23-12-5, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.

Following the Safety Injection Actuation Signal, the Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate requiring manual actions by the crew.

The event is terminated when the affected Steam Generator is cooled down and the Reactor Coolant System is depressurized.

Risk Significance:

Risk important components out of service: None

Failure of risk important system prior to trip: Loss of Train B Component Cooling Water Risk significant core damage sequence: SGTR with MSIV failure Risk significant operator actions: Restore Non-Critical CCW Loop flow Isolate Ruptured Steam Generator Cooldown and Depressurize RCS Scenario Event Description NRC Scenario #4 SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc SONGS 2009 Facility NRC Initial License Examination Simulator Scenario Setup Machine Operator: EXECUTE IC #224 and NRC Scenario #4 SETUP file to align components.

VERIFY Control Board Tags removed on P-050, P-015, and G-002.

CHANGE Operator Aid Tags #029 (CVCS) and #005-4 (CVCS Ion Exchanger) to reflect the scenario born concentration.

CHANGE Operator Aid Tag #005-9 (AFW T-120/121 alignment) to AUTO MAKEUP for both T-120 and T-121.

VERIFY both Pressurizer Spray Valves in AUTO.

ENSURE two (2) Charging Pumps running.

ENSURE Train B Component Cooling Water in service.

MOVE Component Cooling Water OOS Tags to Train A components.

ENSURE Steam Generator level is controlled at 50% to 55%.

PLACE Channel X Pressurizer Pressure and Pressurizer Level in service.

PLACE procedures in progress on the RO desk:

- Copy of SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standby to Minimum Load INITIALED through Step 6.5.1.

- MARKED UP copy of SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 9.

- MARKED UP copy of SO23-2-4, Auxiliary Feedwater System Operation Section 6.2.

PLACE the MOC copies of OPS Physics Summary Book on RO Desk and SO23-5-1.7, Attachment 8 on Control Board.

If Group Position(s) is (are) not correct, MOVE CEAs and then RETURN CEAs to Shift Turnover Sheet position (Group 6 @ 80; PLCEAs @ 75).

Significant Control Room Annunciators in Alarm


Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 1 Page 4 of 17 Event


Rod Withdrawal and Power Increase to ~2% Power Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: ENSURE all Simulator Scenario Setup actions are complete.

+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-5-1.3.1, Plant Startup from Hot Standup to Minimum Load.

Floor Cue: The startup rate based on Attachment 9 data will be 0.3 to 0.5 DPM. In order to facilitate time requirements, REPORT as the Shift Manager to maintain this rate.

RO DISPLAY the PCS page for Regulating Group 6 per SO23-3-2.20.

RO VERIFY all CEA Regulating Group bottom lamps on the Core Mimic Panel are EXTINGUISHED.

RO POSITION Mode Select Switch to MS (Manual Sequential).

RO POSITION Group Select Switch to CEA Group 6.

RO/CRS When directed by CRS, WIT HDRAW Control Rods as required.

RO ESTABLISH a Startup Rate of 0.5 DPM.

BOP RAISE Auxiliary Feedwater flow as required to maintain Steam Generator

levels between 50% and 55%.

RO When CEA positioning is complete, PLACE Mode Select Switch to OFF.

BOP VERIFY proper operation of Steam Bypass Control System when the Point of Adding Heat is reached (~2E

-1%). +15 min BOP MAINTAIN Tcold within band by monitoring SBCS operation.

When power has been raised to ~2%, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 2.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 2 Page 5 of 17 Event


Letdown Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature Controller Power Failure Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 2. - CVCS Override TE-0223 Power Failure, Temperature Control Valves (TV-0224A and TV-0224B) fail to respond on high temperature.

Indications Available


+30 secs RO REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

RO RECOGNIZE Letdown Heat Exchanger outlet high temperature alarm and INFORM CRS ARP SO23-15-58.A, Annunciator 58A32 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of ARP SO23-15-58.A, 58A32 - LETDOWN HX


RO DETERMINE that Demineralizer Temperature Control Valve failed to divert on high temperature and Manually POSITION TV-0224B to BYPASS.

RO DETERMINE that Boronometer Isolation Valve failed to Auto Close on high temperature and Manually POSITION TV-0224A to CLOSE.

RO If Letdown Heat Exchanger is > 130°F take MANUAL control of TIC-0223 per SO23-2-17, CCW Operation.

CRS CONTACT I&C to investigate cause of problem.

M.O. Cue: If contacted as I&C to investigate problem, REMOVE override to restore power to the instrument, WAIT one minute and REQUEST the RO PLACE TIC-0223 back in AUTO. REPORT that a loose lead between the field and temperature controller was tightened and that I&C is initiating a notification to evaluate.

+5 min RO MONITOR Letdown Heat Exchanger outlet temperature at least twice per shift. When plant control is restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 3.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 3 Page 6 of 17 Event


Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 3. - CC05B, Train B CCW Heat Exchanger tube leak @ 100% severity.

Indications Available

64A29 - CCW SURGE TANK TRAIN B LEVEL HI/LO (time delay of ~ 2 to 5 min)

+2 min BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

M.O. Cue: When the CCW Surge Tank level low alarms, LOWER malfunction CC05B to 50% severity to facilitate diagnosis of the event.

BOP RECOGNIZE lowering Surge Tank level and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-7 entry required.

CRS DIRECT performance of AOI SO23-13-7, Loss of CCW/SWC.

BOP CLOSE 2HV-6465, 3HV-6465, 2HV-6217, and 3HV-6217 to ISOLATE


CRS/BOP DETERMINE that the leak is not isolated and DIRECT placing Train A CCW/SWC in service.

BOP START CCW Pump P024 or P025 and VERIFY that SWC P112 automatically starts.

+5 min CRS DIRECT transfer of the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train A.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT With loss of flow to the CCW Non-Critical Loop and prior to exceeding RCP operating limits, restore flow to the NCL from any available CCW train.

CRITICAL TASK BOP TRANSFER the CCW Non-Critical Loop to Train A.

DEPRESS and MAINTAIN DEPRESSED the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6212 and HV-6218, Critical Loop A Supply and Return to NCL.

When HV-6213 and HV-6219, Critical Loop B Supply and Return to NCL indicate CLOSED, then RELEASE the OPEN pushbuttons for HV-6212 and HV-6218.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 3 Page 7 of 17 Event


Train B Component Cooling Water Heat Exchanger Tube Leak Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc CRS DIRECT transfer of Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train A.

BOP TRANSFER Letdown Heat Exchanger to Train A.

CLOSE HV-6522B/A, CCW Critical Loop B Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.

OPEN HV-6593B/A, CCW Critical Loop A Letdown HX ME-062 Return/Supply Valves.

CRS DIRECT securing CCW Pump P026.

BOP STOP CCW Pump P026 and SWC Pump P114.

M.O. Cue: If directed to rack out breaker for CCW Pump P026, REPORT that it is in progress.

CRS ENSURE ECCS is not required.

CRS/BOP DISPATCH PEO to CLOSE Loop B CCW Surge Tank Outlet, HV-6505.

M.O. Cue: If directed to close 2HV-6505, Train B CCW Surge Tank Outlet Valve, WAIT 3 minutes and EXECUTE remote function CC61.

M.O. Cue: If contacted to report status of Unit 3 CCW Surge Tank Level, REPORT that Train A CCW Surge Tank level is stable and unchanged.

+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.7.7.A, Component Cooling Water System.

CONDITION A - One CCW Train inoperable. ACTION A.1 - Restore CCW Train to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. When Technical Specifications are addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 4.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 4 Page 8 of 17 Event


Steam Bypass Control Valves Close Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 4. - RX08, Steam Bypass Control Valves HV-8423 and HV-8425 close.

Indications Available

50A07 - SDCS DEMAND PRESENT (possible reflash) Reactor Coolant System temperature rising Reactor power slowly lowering

+ 1 min RO/BOP RECOGNIZE Reactor Coolant System temperature rising and power level lowering.

BOP DETERMINE both Steam Bypass Control Valves have closed.

CRS VERIFY proper operation of the SBCS System per SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation.

Examiner Note: Any one of the methods listed is acceptable to regain control of the Steam Bypass Control Valves.

BOP PERFORM one of the following to regain control of the Steam Bypass

Control Valves:

TRANSFER Master Controller PIC-8431 to LOCAL MANUAL to open valves. PLACE SBCS Valve Controllers HV-8423 and HV-8425 in LOCAL to open valves.

BOP RESTORE Reactor Coolant System temperature and Reactor power to program. CRS REFER to SO23-3-2.18, Steam Bypass System Operation as required.

When RCS pressure and temperature control are restored, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Event 5.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 Page 9 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Event 5. - SG06B @ 0.15%, Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 of ~50 gpm.

Indications Available

60A46 - SECONDARY RADIATION HI Auto Start of standby Charging Pump RO/BOP REFER to Annunciator Response Procedures.

BOP RECOGNIZE increasing radiation levels and INFORM the CRS AOI SO23-13-14 entry required.

+1 min CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-13-14, RCS Leak, Section for Primary to

Secondary leakage.

M.O. Cue: When contacted as Chemistry, WAIT 5 minutes and REPORT that a frisk of the SG sample indicates high activity in SG E089. WAIT another 5 minutes, and then REPORT that high activity in SG E089 is verified.

CRS/RO DETERMINE PZR level is lowering.

RO START Charging Pumps to maintain Pressurizer level.

CRS/RO DETERMINE VCT level is lowering.

RO OPERATE Makeup System to maintain VCT level as needed.

CRS/RO DETERMINE Steam Generator tube leak is greater than 75 gpd and rising at

greater than 30 gpd/hr.

Examiner Note: When the Reactor is tripped, the leak will increase to 300 gpm.

CRS DIRECT a Reactor Trip and ENTRY into SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 5 Page 10 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Leak on E089 Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc

+10 min CRS EVALUATE Technical Specifications.

LCO 3.4.13.B, RCS Operational Leakage.

CONDITION B - Primary to secondary LEAKAGE not within limits. ACTION B.1 - Be in MODE 3 in 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. ACTION B.2 - Be in MODE 5 in 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.

When Technical Specifications are addressed, or at Lead Evaluator's discretion, PROCEED to Events 6 and 7.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 11 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc Machine Operator: When directed, EXECUTE Events 6 and 7. - SG06B @ 0.9%, Steam Generator E089 Tube Rupture @ ~300 gpm. - CCAS LP, Containment Cooling Actuation Signal fails to actuate.

Indications Available


63B02 - UNIT 2 CRITICAL PARAMETER PROBLEM RO/BOP TRIP the Reactor and ENTER SO23-12-1, Standard Post Trip Actions.

RO VERIFY Reactor Trip:

VERIFY Reactor Trip Circuit Breakers (8) open.

VERIFY Reactor Power lowering and Startup Rate negative.

VERIFY maximum of one full length CEA NOT fully inserted.

CRS VERIFY Reactivity Control criteria satisfied.

BOP VERIFY Turbine Trip:

VERIFY Main Turbine tripped.

HP and LP Stop and Governor Valves closed.

VERIFY both Unit Output Breakers open.

VERIFY Main Turbine speed < 2000 RPM or lowering.

CRS INITIATE Administrative Actions:

ANNOUNCE Reactor trip via PA System.

INITIATE Attachment 4, Worksheet.

INITIATE Attachment 5, Administrative Actions.

BOP VERIFY Vital Auxiliaries criteria satisfied:

VERIFY both 1E 4 kV Buses A04 and A06 energized.

VERIFY both 1E 480 V Buses B04 and B06 energized.

VERIFY all 1E DC Buses energized.

VERIFY all Non-1E 4 kV Buses energized.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 12 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc VERIFY one CCW Train operating AND aligned to Non-Critical Loop and Letdown Heat Exchanger.

RO DETERMINE RCS Inventory Control criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE PZR level between 10% and 70% and NOT trending to between 30% and 60%.

[RNO] DETERMINE PZR Level Control System is NOT restoring PZR level.

VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F: QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

RO DETERMINE RCS Pressure Control criteria NOT satisfied:

DETERMINE PZR pressure (WR and NR) between 1740 PSIA and 2380 PSIA and NOT controlled AND NOT trending to 2025 PSIA and 2275 PSIA. [RNO] DETERMINE PZR Pressure Control System is NOT restoring PZR pressure.

[RNO] ENSURE Normal and Aux Spray valves closed.

[RNO] ENSURE SIAS, CCAS, and CRIS actuated.

[RNO] If PZR pressure is < 1430 PSIA, then ENSURE at least one RCP in each loop stopped.

RO VERIFY Core Heat Removal criteria satisfied:

VERIFY at least one RCP operating.

VERIFY Core Loop T < 10°F.

VERIFY Core Exit Saturation Margin 20°F. QSPDS page 611.

CFMS page 311.

Examiner Note: RCS Heat Removal may or may not be satisfied depending upon RCS temperature as the Steam Bypass Control System may be in MANUAL.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 13 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc BOP DETERMINE RCS Heat Removal criteria NOT satisfied:

VERIFY both SGs level > 21% NR.

VERIFY both SGs level < 80% NR.

VERIFY Auxiliary Feedwater available to restore both SGs level between 40% NR and 80% NR.

[RNO] If required, manually INITIATE EFAS.

DETERMINE T cold < 545°F and NOT controlled.

[RNO] ENSURE SBCS valves closed.

[RNO] ENSURE ADVs closed.

[RNO] ENSURE SG Blowdown valves closed.

E-088 - HV-4054 E-089 - HV-4053

[RNO] ENSURE Main Steam to Reheater Valves closed.

HV-2703 or HV-2704; HV-2721; HV-2751 VERIFY SG pressures greater than 740 PSIA.

RO DETERMINE Containment Isolation criteria NOT satisfied:

VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.

VERIFY Containment Area Radiation Monitors energized and NOT alarming or trending to alarm.

DETERMINE Secondary Plant Radiation Monitors energized AND alarming or trending to alarm.

RO VERIFY Containment Temperature and Pressure criteria satisfied:

VERIFY Containment average temperature < 120°F.

VERIFY Containment pressure < 1.5 PSIG.

+15 min CRS DIAGNOSE event in progress:

DETERMINE some Safety Function criteria are NOT met per Attachment 4, Worksheet.

[RNO] COMPLETE Attachment 1, Recovery Diagnostics.

[RNO] DIAGNOSE event as SGTR on SG E089.

DETERMINE that Reactor Trip Recovery is NOT diagnosed.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 14 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc RO [RNO] ENSURE one RCP in each loop stopped.

DIRECT initiating Steps 12 through 15.

BOP INITIATE Steps 12 through 15.

CRS DIRECT performance of SO23-12-4, Steam Generator Tube Rupture.

CRS RECORD time of EOI entry __________.


INITIATE SO23-12-10, Safety Function Status Checks.

INITIATE Foldout Page.

DIRECT performance of FS-7, SI Throttle/Stop Criteria.

DIRECT performance of SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.

VERIFY SGTR diagnosis using Figure 1, Break Identification Chart.

INITIATE sampling of both Steam Generators for radioactivity and boron.

M.O. Cue: If directed to sample SGs, WAIT 5 minutes and then REPORT that E089 has elevated radiation levels and boron levels. If the SG sample valves are closed, REPORT that you are unable to establish sample flow.

CRS INITIATE Administrative actions:

NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader of SO23-12-4, Steam Generator Tube Rupture initiation.

ENSURE Emergency Plan is initiated.

IMPLEMENT Placekeeper.

CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Reduce Reactor Coolant System Thot to less than 530°F within 30 minutes of optimal EOI entry. Elapsed Time: ____________

CRITICAL TASK CRS DIRECT lowering RCS T HOT to less than 530°F:

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 15 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc BOP VERIFY both SGs available for cooldown.

ENSURE one RCP in each loop stopped.

INITIATE lowering T HOT to less than 530°F using SBCS.

RO RESET SG Low Pressure Setpoints during controlled cooldown.

RO VERIFY ESF Actuation:

DETERMINE SIAS actuation required.

DETERMINE PZR pressure trending to SIAS setpoint.

RO ENSURE the following actuated:


DETERMINE CCAS did NOT actuate and manually INITIATE CCAS.

CRS RECORD time of SIAS entry __________.

BOP STOP unloaded Diesel Generators (SIAS Override STOP).

BOP INITIATE SO23-12-11, Attachment 22, Non-Qualified Load Restoration.

M.O. Cue: When directed to restore non-qualified loads, WAIT 2 minutes, then EXECUTE ED85, Non-Qualified Loads Restoration. INFORM the Control Room that you have restored non-qualified loads.

RO ATTEMPT to OVERRIDE and OPEN Instrument Air to Containment.

M.O. Cue: When directed to isolate IA to Containment, REPORT as the ARO that you will restore IA. EXECUTE remote function IA52, to CLOSE MU060, RESET Excess Flow Check Valve, then EXECUTE remote function IA52 to OPEN MU060.

REPORT to the Control Room that Instrument Air to Containment is restored.

Examiner Note: The CRS may elect to secure Train B ECCS components due to loss of Train B Component Cooling Water.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 16 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc RO ESTABLISH Optimum SI Alignment:

ESTABLISH two train operation.

All Charging Pumps operating.

One HPSI and one LPSI per train operating.

All Cold leg flow paths aligned.

VERIFY SI flow required:

SI flow indicated.

RO DETERMINE FS-7, VERIFY SI Throttle/Stop Criteria NOT satisfied.

CREW IDENTIFY E089 as affected SG:

EVALUATE SG radioactive release indications - rising.

SG Blowdown monitors.

SG sample results.

Steam line monitors.

BOP EVALUATE indications on E089 SG level rising when not feeding.

SG feedwater flowrate - signi ficantly mismatched between SGs.

Steam/feed flow prior to trip NOT normal.

BOP OPERATE AFW to maintain Steam Generator E089 level > 40% AND RCS cooldown less than 100°F.

CRS NOTIFY Shift Manager/Operations Leader that E089 is affected SG.

BOP VERIFY Heat Removal by SG E088:

VERIFY AFW Pump P504 available and operating.

VERIFY SG E088 available for continued heat removal.

CREW ISOLATE the most affected Steam Generator (SGTR).

RO ENSURE RCS T hot less than 530°F.

Appendix D Operator Action Form ES-D-2 Operating Test : NRC Scenario # 4 Event # 6 & 7 Page 17 of 17 Event


Steam Generator Tube Rupture on E089 / CCAS Fails to Actuate Time Position Applicant's Actions or Behavior SONGS Oct 2009 NRC Sim Scenario #4 Rev 1.doc CRITICAL TASK STATEMENT Isolate the Most Affected Steam Generator (E089) within 30 minutes of optimal EOI entry. Elapsed Time: ____________

CRITICAL TASK BOP ISOLATE SG E089, CLOSE / STOP the following components:

MSIV HV-8204 MSIV Bypass HV-8202 ADV HV-8421 MFIV HV-4052 AFW Valves HV-4731 and HV-4715 Steam to AFW P-140 HV-8200 SG Blowdown Isolation HV-4053 SG Water Sample Isolation HV-4057 Electric AFW Pump P-141 CRS RECORD time of SG isolation ____________.

BOP ENSURE ADV on SG E089 - selected to MANUAL.

+30 min BOP CONTACT outside operator to CLOSE Main Steam Drain Isolation valves. When SG E089 is isolated, or at the Lead Evaluator's discretion, TERMINATE the scenario.