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{{#Wiki_filter:5d-'~r~<gC'8y0iuse<~>>7~UNITEDSTATESOFAMERICANUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION BeforetheCommission
{{#Wiki_filter:5d-'~r~<g C'8 y 0 i use<~>>7~UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Commission
))FloridaPower&LightCompany)(St.LuciePlant,UnitNo.1)))FloridaPower&LightCompany)'TurkeyPointPlant,Units3)and4))'4DocketNo.50-335ADocketNo.50-250A50-251ARESPONSEOFFLORIDAPORTER6LIGHTCOMPANYTOCITIESMOTIONTOLODGEOnAugust9,1979,-theCitiesmovedto"lodge"adecisionoftheFERCinFERCDocketNo.78-19whichconcernsFloridaPower6LightCompany(FPL)..-FPLopposesthemotion.2/Section105aoftheAtomicEnergyActauthorizes the.Commission Ntoactonthebasisofafinding"byacourtofcompetent juris-diction"thatalicenseehasviolatedtheantitrust laws"intheconductofthelicensedactivity."
))Florida Power&Light Company)(St.Lucie Plant, Unit No.1)))Florida Power&Light Company)'Turkey Point Plant, Units 3)and 4))'4 Docket No.50-335A Docket No.50-250A 50-251A RESPONSE OF FLORIDA PORTER 6 LIGHT COMPANY TO CITIES MOTION TO LODGE On August 9, 1979,-the Cities moved to"lodge" a decision of the FERC in FERC Docket No.78-19 which concerns Florida Power 6 Light Company (FPL)..-FPL opposes the motion.2/Section 105a of the Atomic Energy Act authorizes the.Commission N to act on the basis of a finding"by a court of competent juris-diction" that a licensee has violated the antitrust laws" in the conduct of the licensed activity." The FERC is not a court of competent jurisdiction, and it did not, by the terms of its decision, determine the existence of any violation of the anti-trust laws.Moreover, a decision concerning the justness and reasonableness of a tariff provision submitted in 1977 (and which never took effect)cannot conceivably have any relevance to the 1/Due to a'lerical error, counsel for FPL was not served with the Motion and did not receive it until August 24-Counsel for the Cities has authorized FPL's counsel to represent that the Cities have no objection to filing of this response out of time.2/The decision of the FERC is subject to reconsideration and judicial'review.FPL intends to request reconsideration.
TheFERCisnotacourtofcompetent jurisdiction, anditdidnot,bythetermsofitsdecision, determine theexistence ofanyviolation oftheanti-trustlaws.Moreover, adecisionconcerning thejustnessandreasonableness ofatariffprovision submitted in1977(andwhichnevertookeffect)cannotconceivably haveanyrelevance tothe1/Duetoa'lerical error,counselforFPLwasnotservedwiththeMotionanddidnotreceiveituntilAugust24-CounselfortheCitieshasauthorized FPL'scounseltorepresent thattheCitieshavenoobjection tofilingofthisresponseoutoftime.2/ThedecisionoftheFERCissubjecttoreconsideration andjudicial'review.FPLintendstorequestreconsideration.
question before this Commission
-whether-certain findings by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit con cerning events which took place before 1970 establish a violation of the antitrust laws"in the conduct of the licensed activity which warrants initiation of proceedings by this Commission The FERC decision, which was issued on the basis of an expedited hearing schedule which did not permit adequate discovery into or consideration of the truth or falsity of antitrust allegations, does not purport to determine antitrust issues The decision is subject to reconsideration by the FERC and to judicial review, and is, therefore, by no,means final.Moreover, it is not relevant to any of the issues pending here.The Motion seeks only to prejudice the Commission's consideration of the matters properly before it.FPL requests that it be denied Respectfully Submitted Dana.el M.Grzbbon Herbert Dym Covington 6 Burling 888 16th Street, N.W Washington, D~C~20006 J.A.Bouknight, Jr Lowenstein, Newman, Reis, Axelrad Toll 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W Washington, D~C~20036 August 24I 1979 John ED Mathews, Jr Mathews, Osborne, Ehrlich, McNatt Gobelman&Cobb 1500 American Heritage Life Bldg ll East Forsyth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202!.Bp:~//J.A.Bouknxght, Jr i Counsel for Florida Power 6 Light Company UNITED STATES OF AY%RICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Commission In the Matter of: Florida Power 6 Light Company (St.Lucie Plant, Unit No.1)Florida Power&Light Company (Turkey Point Plant, Units 3 and 4))')))))).)Docket No.50-335A Docket No.50-250A 50-251A CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that copies of the following:
-whether-certainfindingsbytheUnitedStatesCourtofAppealsfortheFifthCircuitconcerningeventswhichtookplacebefore1970establish aviolation oftheantitrust laws"intheconductofthelicensedactivitywhichwarrantsinitiation ofproceedings bythisCommission TheFERCdecision, whichwasissuedonthebasisofanexpedited hearingschedulewhichdidnotpermitadequatediscovery intoorconsideration ofthetruthorfalsityofantitrust allegations, doesnotpurporttodetermine antitrust issuesThedecisionissubjecttoreconsideration bytheFERCandtojudicialreview,andis,therefore, byno,meansfinal.Moreover, itisnotrelevanttoanyoftheissuespendinghere.TheMotionseeksonlytoprejudice theCommission's consideration ofthemattersproperlybeforeit.FPLrequeststhatitbedeniedRespectfully Submitted Dana.elM.GrzbbonHerbertDymCovington 6Burling88816thStreet,N.WWashington, D~C~20006J.A.Bouknight, JrLowenstein, Newman,Reis,AxelradToll1025Connecticut Avenue,N.WWashington, D~C~20036August24I1979JohnEDMathews,JrMathews,Osborne,Ehrlich,McNattGobelman&Cobb1500AmericanHeritageLifeBldgllEastForsythStreetJacksonville, Florida32202!.Bp:~//J.A.Bouknxght, JriCounselforFloridaPower6LightCompany UNITEDSTATESOFAY%RICANUCLEARREGULATORY COMMISSION BeforetheCommission IntheMatterof:FloridaPower6LightCompany(St.LuciePlant,UnitNo.1)FloridaPower&LightCompany(TurkeyPointPlant,Units3and4))')))))).)DocketNo.50-335ADocketNo.50-250A50-251ACERTIFICATE OFSERVICEIHEREBYCERTIFYthatcopiesofthefollowing:
RESPONSE OF FLORIDA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY TO CITIES MOTION TO LODGE have been served on the persons shown on the attached list by deposit in the United States Mail, properly stamped and addressed on August 24, 1979.'b'+%I qQ 9 yg~~go~hg+
RESPONSEOFFLORIDAPOWER6LIGHTCOMPANYTOCITIESMOTIONTOLODGEhavebeenservedonthepersonsshownontheattachedlistbydepositintheUnitedStatesMail,properlystampedandaddressed onAugust24,1979.'b'+%IqQ9yg~~go~hg+
'b B y: p:5--(AY.L~Lowenstein, Newman, Reis, Axelrad 6 Toll 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.N.Washington, D.C.20036 Counsel for Florida Power G Light Company/
'bBy:p:5--(AY.L~Lowenstein, Newman,Reis,Axelrad6Toll1025Connecticut Avenue,N.N.Washington, D.C.20036CounselforFloridaPowerGLightCompany/
Chairman Joseph M.Hendrie Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Victor Gilinsky Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Richard Kennedy Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Peter Bradford Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner John F.Ahearne Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Alan S.Rosenthal, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Jerome E.Shar fman, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Richard S.Salzman, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Robert M.Lazo,.;.Esquire'.".Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Robert A.ablon, Spiegel 6 McDiarmid 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C.20037 Melvin G.Berger, Esquire Antitrust Division U.S.Department of Justice P.O.Box 14141 Washington, D.C.20044 Lee Scott Dewey, Esquire Counsel for the Staff U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 r'I C.R.Stephens, Supervisor (20)Docketing and Service Station Office of the Secretary of the Commission I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 William C.Wise, Esquire Suite 200 1019 19th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.20036 William H.Chandler, Esquire Chandler, O'Neal, Avera, Gray, Lang&Stripling P.O.Drawer 0 Gainesville, Florida 32602 Jerome Saltzman Chief, Antitrust and Indemnity Group U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555/Samuel J.Chilk Secretary U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Ivan W.Smith, Esquire Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Valentine B.Deale, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555}}
ChairmanJosephM.HendrieOfficeoftheCommissioners U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Commissioner VictorGilinskyOfficeoftheCommissioners U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Commissioner RichardKennedyOfficeoftheCommissioners U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Commissioner PeterBradfordOfficeoftheCommissioners U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Commissioner JohnF.AhearneOfficeoftheCommissioners U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555AlanS.Rosenthal, EsquireAtomicSafetyandLicensing AppealBoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555JeromeE.Sharfman,EsquireAtomicSafetyandLicensing AppealBoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555RichardS.Salzman,EsquireAtomicSafetyandLicensing AppealBoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555RobertM.Lazo,.;.Esquire'."
.AtomicSafetyandLicensing BoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555RobertA.ablon,Esauz.reSpiegel6McDiarmid 2600VirginiaAvenue,N.W.Washington, D.C.20037MelvinG.Berger,EsquireAntitrust DivisionU.S.Department ofJusticeP.O.Box14141Washington, D.C.20044LeeScottDewey,EsquireCounselfortheStaffU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555r'IC.R.Stephens, Supervisor (20)Docketing andServiceStationOfficeoftheSecretary oftheCommission IU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555WilliamC.Wise,EsquireSuite200101919thStreet,N.W.Washington, D.C.20036WilliamH.Chandler, EsquireChandler, O'Neal,Avera,Gray,Lang&Stripling P.O.Drawer0Gainesville, Florida32602JeromeSaltzmanChief,Antitrust andIndemnity GroupU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555/SamuelJ.ChilkSecretary U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555IvanW.Smith,EsquireChairman, AtomicSafetyandLicensing BoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555Valentine B.Deale,EsquireAtomicSafetyandLicensing BoardPanelU.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555}}

Revision as of 19:37, 7 July 2018

Opposition to Fl Cities 790809 Motion to Lodge FERC Decision Concerning Util.Decision Was Not Issued by Agency of Competent Jurisdiction;Therefore,Motion Will Prejudice Proper Consideration of Matters.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point, 05000355  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 08/24/1979
NUDOCS 7909260009
Download: ML17207A406 (5)


5d-'~r~<g C'8 y 0 i use<~>>7~UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Commission

))Florida Power&Light Company)(St.Lucie Plant, Unit No.1)))Florida Power&Light Company)'Turkey Point Plant, Units 3)and 4))'4 Docket No.50-335A Docket No.50-250A 50-251A RESPONSE OF FLORIDA PORTER 6 LIGHT COMPANY TO CITIES MOTION TO LODGE On August 9, 1979,-the Cities moved to"lodge" a decision of the FERC in FERC Docket No.78-19 which concerns Florida Power 6 Light Company (FPL)..-FPL opposes the motion.2/Section 105a of the Atomic Energy Act authorizes the.Commission N to act on the basis of a finding"by a court of competent juris-diction" that a licensee has violated the antitrust laws" in the conduct of the licensed activity." The FERC is not a court of competent jurisdiction, and it did not, by the terms of its decision, determine the existence of any violation of the anti-trust laws.Moreover, a decision concerning the justness and reasonableness of a tariff provision submitted in 1977 (and which never took effect)cannot conceivably have any relevance to the 1/Due to a'lerical error, counsel for FPL was not served with the Motion and did not receive it until August 24-Counsel for the Cities has authorized FPL's counsel to represent that the Cities have no objection to filing of this response out of time.2/The decision of the FERC is subject to reconsideration and judicial'review.FPL intends to request reconsideration.

question before this Commission

-whether-certain findings by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit con cerning events which took place before 1970 establish a violation of the antitrust laws"in the conduct of the licensed activity which warrants initiation of proceedings by this Commission The FERC decision, which was issued on the basis of an expedited hearing schedule which did not permit adequate discovery into or consideration of the truth or falsity of antitrust allegations, does not purport to determine antitrust issues The decision is subject to reconsideration by the FERC and to judicial review, and is, therefore, by no,means final.Moreover, it is not relevant to any of the issues pending here.The Motion seeks only to prejudice the Commission's consideration of the matters properly before it.FPL requests that it be denied Respectfully Submitted Dana.el M.Grzbbon Herbert Dym Covington 6 Burling 888 16th Street, N.W Washington, D~C~20006 J.A.Bouknight, Jr Lowenstein, Newman, Reis, Axelrad Toll 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W Washington, D~C~20036 August 24I 1979 John ED Mathews, Jr Mathews, Osborne, Ehrlich, McNatt Gobelman&Cobb 1500 American Heritage Life Bldg ll East Forsyth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202!.Bp:~//J.A.Bouknxght, Jr i Counsel for Florida Power 6 Light Company UNITED STATES OF AY%RICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Commission In the Matter of: Florida Power 6 Light Company (St.Lucie Plant, Unit No.1)Florida Power&Light Company (Turkey Point Plant, Units 3 and 4))')))))).)Docket No.50-335A Docket No.50-250A 50-251A CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that copies of the following:

RESPONSE OF FLORIDA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY TO CITIES MOTION TO LODGE have been served on the persons shown on the attached list by deposit in the United States Mail, properly stamped and addressed on August 24, 1979.'b'+%I qQ 9 yg~~go~hg+

'b B y: p:5--(AY.L~Lowenstein, Newman, Reis, Axelrad 6 Toll 1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.N.Washington, D.C.20036 Counsel for Florida Power G Light Company/

Chairman Joseph M.Hendrie Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Victor Gilinsky Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Richard Kennedy Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner Peter Bradford Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Commissioner John F.Ahearne Office of the Commissioners U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Alan S.Rosenthal, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Jerome E.Shar fman, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Richard S.Salzman, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Robert M.Lazo,.;.Esquire'.".Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Robert A.ablon, Spiegel 6 McDiarmid 2600 Virginia Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C.20037 Melvin G.Berger, Esquire Antitrust Division U.S.Department of Justice P.O.Box 14141 Washington, D.C.20044 Lee Scott Dewey, Esquire Counsel for the Staff U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 r'I C.R.Stephens, Supervisor (20)Docketing and Service Station Office of the Secretary of the Commission I U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 William C.Wise, Esquire Suite 200 1019 19th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C.20036 William H.Chandler, Esquire Chandler, O'Neal, Avera, Gray, Lang&Stripling P.O.Drawer 0 Gainesville, Florida 32602 Jerome Saltzman Chief, Antitrust and Indemnity Group U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555/Samuel J.Chilk Secretary U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Ivan W.Smith, Esquire Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555 Valentine B.Deale, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555