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 Issue dateTitleTopic
3F0999-05, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors & Draft NUREG-1022, Rev 2, Event Reporting Guidelines14 September 1999Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors & Draft NUREG-1022, Rev 2, Event Reporting Guidelines
L-99-201, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors.Fpl Followed Development of NEI Comments on Rulemaking & Endorse These Comments7 September 1999Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 72 Re Reporting Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors.Fpl Followed Development of NEI Comments on Rulemaking & Endorse These Comments
ML20206H4443 May 1999Comment Opposing Proposed Rules 10CFR170 & 10CFR171 Re Rev of Fy 1999 Fee Schedules
ML20205J0461 April 1999Comment Supporting Proposed Draft Std Review Plan on Foreign Ownership,Control & Domination.Util Supports Approach Set Forth in SRP Toward Reviewing Whether Applicant for NRC License Owned by Foreign Corp.Endorses NEI Comments
ML20205B37716 March 1999Comment Opposing PRM 50-64 Re Liability of Joint Owners of Npps.Util Endorses Comments of NEI & Urges Commission to Deny Petition for Rulemaking
ML17355A2519 March 1999Comment Supporting Amend to Policy & Procedure for NRC Enforcement Actions Re Treatment of Severity Level IV Violations at Power Reactors.Util Also Endorses Comments of NEI on Revs
L-98-306, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at NPP10 December 1998Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Requirements for Monitoring Effectiveness of Maint at NPP
L-98-272, Comment on Draft Reg Guide DG-4005, Preparation of Suppl Environ Repts for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses28 October 1998Comment on Draft Reg Guide DG-4005, Preparation of Suppl Environ Repts for Applications to Renew Nuclear Power Plant Operating LicensesEnvironmental Justice
L-98-252, Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2 & 51 Re Streamlined Hearing Process for NRC Approval of License Transfers.Fpl Also Endorses Comments of NEI on Proposed Rule6 October 1998Comment Supporting Proposed Rules 10CFR2 & 51 Re Streamlined Hearing Process for NRC Approval of License Transfers.Fpl Also Endorses Comments of NEI on Proposed Rule
L-98-248, Comment Supporting Statement of Policy on Conduct of Adjudicatory Proceedings.Fpl Also Endorses Comments of NEI on Policy Statement5 October 1998Comment Supporting Statement of Policy on Conduct of Adjudicatory Proceedings.Fpl Also Endorses Comments of NEI on Policy Statement
ML17229A75529 May 1998Comment Opposing Proposed Communication Re Augmented Insp of Pressurized Water Reactor Class 1 High Pressure Safety Injection Piping
ML20217P6692 April 1998Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Industry Codes & Standards,Amended RequirementsSafe Shutdown
Stroke time
Commercial Grade Dedication
Incorporated by reference
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
ML17354A87427 March 1998Comment Opposing Proposed Generic Communication,Lab Testing of nuclear-grade Activated Charcoal (M97978)Backfit
ML20216C1993 March 1998Comment on Proposed Generic Communication Re Yr 2000 Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps.Util Endorses Nuclear Energy Inst Comments.Comments Submitted on Behalf of Plant
ML17354B10626 February 1998Submits Listed Requests for NRC EA Per 10CFR2.206 to Modify OLs for All FPL NPPs Until Licensee Can Demonstrate Open Communication Channels Exist Between NRC & Licensee.Also Requests EA to Address Alleged Discriminatory Practices
L-97-269, Comment on Pr 10CFR55, Initial Licensed Operator Exam Requirements21 October 1997Comment on Pr 10CFR55, Initial Licensed Operator Exam Requirements
L-97-265, Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 73, Frequency of Reviews & Audits for Emergency Prepardness Programs Safeguards Contingency Plan & Security Programs for Np Reactors14 October 1997Comment on Proposed Rules 10CFR50 & 73, Frequency of Reviews & Audits for Emergency Prepardness Programs Safeguards Contingency Plan & Security Programs for Np Reactors
ML20217M07513 August 1997Licensee Response to Supplemental 10CFR2.206 Petitions Filed by Tj Saporito & National Litigation Consultants.Petition Provides No Basis for Extraordinary Relief Requested. Petition Should Be Denied.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20217J4327 August 1997Memorandum & Order.* Grants Staff Petition for Review & Reverses Presiding Officer Decision Requiring Staff to Issue Tetrick SRO License.Order Disapproved by Commissioner Diaz. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970807
ML20148P84625 June 1997Memorandum & Order (Determination of Remand Question).* Concludes That Presiding Officer Reaffirms Determination That Response of Rl Tetrick to Question 63 of Exam to Be SRO Was Incorrect.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970626
ML17354A55218 June 1997Comment Opposing Proposed NRC Bulletin 96-001,suppl 1, CR Insertion Problems.Shutdown Margin
ML20141F57113 June 1997Supplemental Affidavit of B Hughes & Ta Peebles.* Affidavit Re Tetrick Request for Reconsideration of Grading of Question 63 on SRO License Written Exam.W/Certificate of SvcFuel cladding
ML20141F54413 June 1997NRC Staff Response to Presiding Officer Memorandum & Order (Questions Relevant to Remand).* Staff Submits That Tetrick Request for Reconsideration of Grading of Question 63 on SRO License Written Exam Should Be Denied
ML20148G65327 May 1997Notice.* Forwards Documents Received & Read by Author from Rl Tetrick on 970317 W/O Being Served as Required Under Procedural Rules.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970527Backfit
ML20148G70727 May 1997Memorandum & Order (Questions Relevant to Remand).* Rl Tetrick May Respond to Questions W/Filing Served Pursuant to Procedural Regulations W/Notarized Statement to Be Received by 970617.Certificate of Svc Encl.Served on 970527
ML17354A51827 May 1997Licensee Response to 10CFR2.206 Petition Filed by Tj Saporito & National Litigation Consultants.Petition Should Be Denied,Based on Listed Info.W/Certificate of SvcBackfit
ML20148G75020 May 1997Memorandum & Order CLI-97-05.* Staff May Withhold Issuance of SRO License to Rl Tetrick Pending Further Order of Commission.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970520
ML17354A56317 May 1997Second Suppl to 970423 Petition Requesting Enforcement Against Listed Util Employees by Imposing Civil Penalties, Restricting Employees from Licensed Activities & Revoking Unescorted Access
ML20141C73316 May 1997Order Extending Until 970616,time within Which Commission May Rule on NRC Staff 970416 Petition for Review of Presiding Officer Initial Decision.W/Certificate of Svc. Served on 970516
ML17354A56111 May 1997Suppl to 970423 Petition Requesting Enforcement Action Against Util Former Executive Vice President,Site Vice President & Maint Superintendent by Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty
ML20138J2272 May 1997NRC Staff Response to Questions Posed in Commission Order of 970425.* Staff Respectfully Submits That Commission Should Undertake Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceedings LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6Affidavit
ML20138J2242 May 1997Line (Providing Omitted Citation).* Informs That Submitted Citation Inadvertently Omitted from Response to Questions Posed in Commission Order of 970425.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20138J2332 May 1997Affidavit.* Affidavit of B Hughes Re Denial of Application for SRO License for Rl Tetrick.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20138J24025 April 1997Scheduling Order.* Staff Instructed to File W/Commission,By COB 970502,response to Tetrick Argument Re Question 63 & Discussion of Legal Significance of Consistent Staff Practices.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970425
ML17354A56523 April 1997Requests That NRC Take EA to Modify,Suspend or Revoke FPL Operating Licenses for All Four Nuclear Reactors Until Licensee Can Sufficiently Demonstrate to NRC & Public That Employees Encouraged to Freely Raise Safety Concerns
ML20137X59216 April 1997NRC Staff Petition for Commission Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding (LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6).* Commission Should Undertake Review of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding.W/Certificate of SvcAffidavit
ML20137X55111 April 1997NRC Request for Issuance of Order Staying Effectiveness of Presiding Officer Decisions in Proceeding (LBP-97-2 & LBP-97-6).* Commission Should Stay Effectiveness of Decision in Subj Proceeding.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20137R35327 March 1997Correct Copy of Memorandum & Order (Denial of Reconsideration,Stay).* Denies NRC Staff Motion for Reconsideration.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970327
ML20137F55525 March 1997NRC Staff Response to Memorandum & Order of 970321.* Presiding Officer Should Grant Staff 970310 Motion for Reconsideration.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20137F82521 March 1997Memorandum & Order (Grant of Housekeeping Stay).* Orders That Effect of Initial Decision Postponed Until Close of Business on 970326.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970321
ML20137F50817 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Issuance of Stay.* Requests That Presiding Officer Deny NRC Staff Request for Issuance of Stay in Matter of Issuance of SRO License
ML20137F53717 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Reconsideration in Matter of Rl Tetrick.* Requests That Presiding Officer Deny NRC Staff Request for Reconsideration
ML20136F29812 March 1997Memorandum & Order (Grant of Housekeeping Stay).* Informs That Initial Decision Issued by Presiding Officer on 970228 Postponed Until 970321 & Rl Tetrick May File Response by 970318.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970312
ML20136F23510 March 1997NRC Staff Motion for Reconsideration Introduction.* Requests That Presiding Officer Reconsider Determination That Tetrick Passed Written Exam & Find,Instead,That Tetrick Failed Written ExamAffidavit
ML20136F34110 March 1997NRC Staff Request for Issuance of Order Staying Effectiveness of Presiding Officers Initial Decision LBP-97-2.* Staff Submits That Presiding Officer Should Stay Effectiveness of Initial Decision.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20136F2726 March 1997Supplemental Affidavit of B Hughes.* Supports Staff Motion for Reconsideration of Presiding Officer Initial Decision of 970228.W/Certificate of SvcJob Performance Measure
Generic Fundamentals Examination
License Renewal
ML20138Q01928 February 1997Initial Decision.* Concludes That Rl Tetrick Had Passing Score of 80% & Should Be Granted License as Sro. W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970228Shutdown Margin
ML20134A66623 January 1997Affidavit of B Hughes & Ta Peebles Re Denial of Application for SRO License.W/Certificate of Svc.Served on 970124Shutdown Margin
ML20134A65523 January 1997Written Presentation of NRC Staff.* Staff Concludes That SE Turk Failed Written Exam & Did Not Establish Sufficient Cause to Change Grading of Answers to Listed Questions. Denial of Application for SRO License Should Be SustainedShutdown Margin
Incorporated by reference
ML20137R46810 December 1996Transcript of 961210 Proceeding in Atlanta,Ga Re Predecisional EC Re Facility Activities.Pp 1-151.Supporting Documentation Encl