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{{#Wiki_filter:ES-301 Adminis trative To pics Outline Form E S-301-1 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 Facility: Cooper Nucl ear Station Date of Examin ation: 6/6/2005 Exami natio n Lev el (ci rcle o ne):     RO Operati ng Test N umber: Administrativ e Topic (*)
{{#Wiki_filter:ES-301                             Administrative Topics Outline                         Form ES-301-1 Facility:       Cooper Nuclear Station                     Date of Examination:             6/6/2005 Examination Level (circle one):         RO                 Operating Test Number:
Type Code(s)Describe Ac tivity to be Performed Conduct of Operatio ns N Verify Valv e Position (perform on > 1 mockup valve either at main tenance traini ng building o r stage d in the tr aining bu ilding; at least o ne valve verified ope n and close , one val ve to be found not in the expec ted posit ion, SKL0 34xxxx)Conduct of Operatio ns D S Perform RO Revie w of Dail y Logs, SKL0 345019 (collection of a variety of inform ation from panels and the simul ator PCIS usi ng procedure 2.0.2, Operations Logs an d Reports)
Administrative Topic (*)           Type                   Describe Activity to be Performed Code(s)
Equipment Control D Develop, Verify, and Impl ement Tagouts, SKL0345034 Radiation Control M S Perform Dose Assess ment, #2, SKL034 5037 (Perform a dose calcu latio n usi ng CNS Dose with data o btain ed from p anel indi catio n and PCIS), NRC deve loped Radiation Control D Evaluate an RWP and identify the minimum radiolog ical pro tection r equirem ents.Emergency Pla n Not Tested NOTE: All i tem s (5 total) are required for SRO
Conduct of Operations          N                 Verify Valve Position (perform on > 1 mockup valve either at maintenance training building or staged in the training building; at least one valve verified open and close, one valve to be found not in the expected position, SKL034xxxx)
's. RO app li cants require only 4 it em s unless they are reta king onl y t he administ rati ve top ics, when al l 5 a re requi red.* Ty pe Co de s & Crite ria: (C) Contr ol Room (D) Dir ect fr om Bank (#3 for RO's, # 4 for SRO's and RO retakes)(N) New or (M) Modi fi ed f rom Bank ($1 requi red)(P) Prev ious 2 exams (#1, r andomly sel ected)(S) Si mulator ES-301 Control Room /
Conduct of Operations          D S               Perform RO Review of Daily Logs, SKL0345019 (collection of a variety of information from panels and the simulator PCIS using procedure 2.0.2, Operations Logs and Reports)
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 Facility: Cooper Nucl ear Station Date of Examin ation: 6/62005 Exam Leve l (ci rcle o ne):         RO Operati ng Test N umber: Contro l Roo m Sys tems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Upd ate)System / JPM Title Type Codes
Equipment Control             D                 Develop, Verify, and Implement Tagouts, SKL0345034 Radiation Control             M S               Perform Dose Assessment, #2, SKL0345037 (Perform a dose calculation using CNS Dose with data obtained from panel indication and PCIS),
(*)Safety Functio n a. Recirc Flow Co ntrol Syste m, SKL0342123, Respo nd to Tr ip of R eactor Reci rc Pump D  S Reactivi ty Control
NRC developed Radiation Control             D                 Evaluate an RWP and identify the minimum radiological protection requirements.
: b. Co ndens ate Sy stem, S KL034 2121, Perform Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig D  L  S Reacto r Inve ntory Control c. ADS, SK L03420xx , Perform ADS M anual Valve A ctuation Surv eillance (valve does not close wh en demanded)
Emergency Plan                Not Tested NOTE: All item s (5 total) are required for SRO s. RO app licants require only 4 item s unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.
M  A  S Reacto r Press ure Control d. RHR Shutd own Cooling Mode, SKL034 xxxx, Shutdown Cooling Coo ldown R ate Adjustment L N S Core Heat Re moval e. Primary Containment &
* Type Co des & Criteria:         (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank (#3 for RO s, # 4 for SROs and RO retakes)
Auxil iaries, SKL0342025, Primary Con tainment Venti ng for PCPL M  S Contai nment In tegrity f. Reac tor Equi pment C ooli ng Sys tem, SKL0342144, Separation o f REC Critica l Loops (REC pump trip
(N) New or (M) Modified from Bank ($1 required)
)D  S  A Plant Serv ice Syste ms g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain Adjustment for Single Loop Operation s (potentiometer mal function)D  S  A Instrumentation
(P) Previous 2 exams (#1, randomly selected)
: h. Plant V entilation Systems, SK L0342075, Respond to S ustained Co mbustion in Offgas System D  S Radiologica l Release In Pla nt Sy stems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Upd ate)i. Uninterru ptible Pow er Supplie s, SKL034109 5, Respo nd to N o-Brea k Powe r Pane l Fai lure D A E Electrical
(S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9
: j. RPS , SKL0 34xx xx, 5.1AS D Fai lure t o SCRAM; NRC deve loped N A C Reactivi ty Control
: k. Rea ctor Co re Isol ation Cool ing Sy stem, SKL034xx xx, M anual Start o f the RCIC Turbine per 5.3AL T Str ategy R  N Reacto r Inve ntory Control ES-301 Control Room /
ES-301                   Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline           Form ES-301-2 Facility:       Cooper Nuclear Station             Date of Examination:         6/62005 Exam Level (circle one):       RO                 Operating Test Number:
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 (@)All Control Room and In-Plant syst ems m ust be di ffer ent and se rve di ffer ent saf ety funct ions;in-plant syst ems and functi ons may overl ap those t ested i n the Cont rol Room* Type Codes Crit eri a for RO / SRO-Inst ant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lterna te Pa th (C) Contr ol Room (D) Dir ect f rom Bank (E) Emergency or Abnormal i n plan t (L) Low Power (N) New o r (M) Modi fi ed fr om bank inc lu di ng 1(A)(P) Prev ious 2 exams (R) RC A Entry (S) Si mulator 4 - 6 / 4 - 6 /
Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)
2 - 3# 9 /  # 8  /  # 4$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1$ 2 /  $ 2  /  $ 2# 3 /  # 3 /  # 2 (ran domly sel ected)$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1 ES-301 Adminis trative To pics Outline Form E S-301-1 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 Facility: Cooper Nucl ear Station Date of Examin ation: 6/6/2005 Exami natio n Lev el (ci rcle o ne):            SRO Operati ng Test N umber: Administrativ e Topic (*)
System / JPM Title                 Type Codes (*)       Safety Function
Type Code(s)Describe Ac tivity to be Performed Conduct of Operatio ns D  S Report abil ity D etermi natio n per p rocedu re 2.0.5 (4 hours, given an event that should have resulted in ECCS disc harge into the R eactor Coola nt System as a result o f a valid signal, SKL 0343028, Reportable Occu rrence to the N RC, #3)Conduct of Operatio ns N Shift S taffing De termin ation per pr ocedu re 2.0.3 section 10 (giv en a mode and a partial crew complement, determi ne what a dditional crew positions a re required); NRC develop ed Equipment Control N Risk Assessment a nd Mock Safety Function Determi natio n usi ng proce dure 0.26 pe r proce dure 0.49, step 3.5 (e valuatio n of the schedul e, includin g risk assessment, duri ng periods outsi de normal office hours, for i mpact of emergent equipment problems including missed TS/TRM surve illa nces o n sche duled activ ities & ens ure mock safet y funct ion d etermi natio n is p erformed to assess the impact of m issed TS/TRM surve illa nces o n safety-relat ed equi pment)Radiation Control M Revi ew a nd App rove Liqui d Radi oacti ve Waste Disch arge pe r proce dure 8.8.11, Attach ment 1 (complete sections 1-3, pr ovide information for SM to complete sec tion 4, faulted - SM shou ld not approve, SKL03450 xx, Approve Ra dioactive Disch arge Re lease Permi t)Emergency Pla n M Protective Action Reco mmendation determi nation per procedure 5
: a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123,         D S              Reactivity Control Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
.7.20 and compl ete the appropriate se ction(s) of the offsite noti fication form (CNS Dose is no t ava ilab le; pr ovid e data to use Attachments 1 and 2, SKL03430xx, PAR Tabletop)NOTE: All i tem s (5 total) are required for SRO
: b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform         D L S            Reactor Inventory Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig                                 Control
's. RO app li cants require only 4 it em s unless they are reta king onl y t he administ rati ve top ics, when al l 5 a re requi red.
: c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual            M A S            Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not                         Control close when demanded)
ES-301 Adminis trative To pics Outline Form E S-301-1 NUREG-1021, R evision 9* Ty pe Co de s & Crite ria: (C) Contr ol Room (D) Dir ect fr om Bank (#3 for RO's, # 4 for SRO's and RO retakes)(N) New or (M) Modi fi ed f rom Bank ($1 requi red)(P) Prev ious 2 exams (#1, r andomly sel ected)(S) Si mulator ES-301 Control Room /
: d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx,         L N S             Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 Facility: Cooper Nucl ear Station Date of Examin ation: 6/62005 Exam Leve l (ci rcle o ne):     SRO-U Operati ng Test N umber: Contro l Roo m Sys tems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Upd ate)System / JPM Title Type Codes
: e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries,             M S              Containment Integrity SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
(*)Safety Functio n a. Recirc Flow Co ntrol Syste m, SKL0342123, Respo nd to Tr ip of R eactor Reci rc Pump    Not Tested
: f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System,               D S A            Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops                         Systems (REC pump trip)
: b. Co ndens ate Sy stem, S KL034 2121, Perform Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig Not Tested
: g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain             D S A            Instrumentation Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
: c. ADS, SK L03420xx , Perform ADS M anual Valve A ctuation Surv eillance (valve does not close wh en demanded)
: h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075,         D S              Radiological Release Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
M  A Reacto r Press ure Control d. RHR Shutd own Cooling Mode, SKL034 xxxx, Shutdown Cooling Coo ldown R ate Adjustment L  N Core Heat Re moval e. Primary Containment &
: i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095,     D A E             Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
Auxil iaries, SKL0342025, Primary Con tainment Venti ng for PCPL    Not Tested
: j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to              N A C             Reactivity Control SCRAM; NRC developed
: f. Reac tor Equi pment C ooli ng Sys tem, SKL0342144, Separation o f REC Critica l Loops (REC pump trip
: k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System,         R N              Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine                         Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9
)D  S  A Plant Serv ice Syste ms g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain Adjustment for Single Loop Operation s (potentiometer mal function)     Not Tested
: h. Plant V entilation Systems, SK L0342075, Respond to S ustained Co mbustion in Offgas System    Not Tested In Pla nt Sy stems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Upd ate)i. Uninterru ptible Pow er Supplie s, SKL034109 5, Respo nd to N o-Brea k Powe r Pane l Fai lure D A  E Electrical
ES-301                       Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline                   Form ES-301-2
: j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM Not Tested
(@ )     All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room
: k. Rea ctor Co re Isol ation Cool ing Sy stem, SKL034xx xx, M anual Start o f the RCIC Turbine per 5.3AL T Str ategy R  N Reacto r Inve ntory Control ES-301 Control Room /
* Type Codes                       Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th                                                   4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank                                                     #9/  #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant                                        $1 /  $1 / $1 (L) Low Power                                                             $1 /  $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A)                         $2 /  $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams                                           #3/ #3/ #2      (randomly selected)
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 (@)All Control Room and In-Plant syst ems m ust be di ffer ent and se rve di ffer ent saf ety funct ions;in-plant syst ems and functi ons may overl ap those t ested i n the Cont rol Room* Type Codes Crit eri a for RO / SRO-Inst ant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lterna te Pa th (C) Contr ol Room (D) Dir ect f rom Bank (E) Emergency or Abnormal i n plan t (L) Low Power (N) New o r (M) Modi fi ed fr om bank inc lu di ng 1(A)(P) Prev ious 2 exams (R) RC A Entry (S) Si mulator 4 - 6  /  4 - /
(R) RC A Entry                                                           $1 /  $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9
2 - 3# 9 / # 8 /  # 4$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1$ 2 / $ 2  /  $ 2# 3 /  # 3 /  # 2 (ran domly sel ected)$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1 ES-301 Control Room /
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 Facility: Cooper Nucl ear Station Date of Examin ation: 6/62005 Exam Leve l (ci rcle o ne):     SRO-U Operati ng Test N umber: Contro l Roo m Sys tems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Upd ate)System / JPM Title Type Codes
ES-301                            Administrative Topics Outline                          Form ES-301-1 Facility:        Cooper Nuclear Station                    Date of Examination:            6/6/2005 Examination Level (circle one):              SRO          Operating Test Number:
(*)Safety Functio n a. Recirc Flow Co ntrol Syste m, SKL0342123, Respo nd to Tr ip of R eactor Reci rc Pump    Not Tested
Administrative Topic (*)            Type                    Describe Activity to be Performed Code(s)
: b. Co ndens ate Sy stem, S KL034 2121, Perform Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig Not Tested
Conduct of Operations          D S                Reportability Determination per procedure 2.0.5 (4 hours, given an event that should have resulted in ECCS discharge into the Reactor Coolant System as a result of a valid signal, SKL0343028, Reportable Occurrence to the NRC, #3)
: c. ADS, SK L03420xx , Perform ADS M anual Valve A ctuation Surv eillance (valve does not close wh en demanded)
Conduct of Operations          N                  Shift Staffing Determination per procedure 2.0.3 section 10 (given a mode and a partial crew complement, determine what additional crew positions are required); NRC developed Equipment Control              N                 Risk Assessment and Mock Safety Function Determination using procedure 0.26 per procedure 0.49, step 3.5 (evaluation of the schedule, including risk assessment, during periods outside normal office hours, for impact of emergent equipment problems including missed TS/TRM surveillances on scheduled activities & ensure mock safety function determination is performed to assess the impact of missed TS/TRM surveillances on safety-related equipment)
M  A Reacto r Press ure Control d. RHR Shutd own Cooling Mode, SKL034 xxxx, Shutdown Cooling Coo ldown R ate Adjustment L  N Core Heat Re moval e. Primary Containment &
Radiation Control              M                  Review and Approve Liquid Radioactive Waste Discharge per procedure 8.8.11, Attachment 1 (complete sections 1-3, provide information for SM to complete section 4, faulted - SM should not approve, SKL03450xx, Approve Radioactive Discharge Release Permit)
Auxil iaries, SKL0342025, Primary Con tainment Venti ng for PCPL    Not Tested
Emergency Plan                M                  Protective Action Recommendation determination per procedure 5.7.20 and complete the appropriate section(s) of the offsite notification form (CNS Dose is not available; provide data to use Attachments 1 and 2, SKL03430xx, PAR Tabletop)
: f. Reac tor Equi pment C ooli ng Sys tem, SKL0342144, Separation o f REC Critica l Loops (REC pump trip
NOTE: All item s (5 total) are required for SRO s. RO app licants require only 4 item s unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.
)D  S  A Plant Serv ice Syste ms g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain Adjustment for Single Loop Operation s (potentiometer mal function)     Not Tested
NUREG-1021, Revision 9
: h. Plant V entilation Systems, SK L0342075, Respond to S ustained Co mbustion in Offgas System    Not Tested In Pla nt Sy stems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Upd ate)i. Uninterru ptible Pow er Supplie s, SKL034109 5, Respo nd to N o-Brea k Powe r Pane l Fai lure D A  E Electrical
: j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM Not Tested
ES-301                    Administrative Topics Outline                      Form ES-301-1
: k. Rea ctor Co re Isol ation Cool ing Sy stem, SKL034xx xx, M anual Start o f the RCIC Turbine per 5.3AL T Str ategy R  N Reacto r Inve ntory Control ES-301 Control Room /
* Type Co des & Criteria: (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank (#3 for RO s, # 4 for SROs and RO retakes)
In-Plant Sy stems Outline Form E S-301-2 NUREG-1021, R evision 9 (@)All Control Room and In-Plant syst ems m ust be di ffer ent and se rve di ffer ent saf ety funct ions;in-plant syst ems and functi ons may overl ap those t ested i n the Cont rol Room* Type Codes Crit eri a for RO / SRO-Inst ant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lterna te Pa th (C) Contr ol Room (D) Dir ect f rom Bank (E) Emergency or Abnormal i n plan t (L) Low Power (N) New o r (M) Modi fi ed fr om bank inc lu di ng 1(A)(P) Prev ious 2 exams (R) RC A Entry (S) Si mulator 4 - 6  /  4 - 6  /
(N) New or (M) Modified from Bank ($1 required)
2 - 3# 9 /  # 8  /  # 4$ 1 / $ 1 / $ 1$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1$ 2  /  $ 2  /  $ 2# 3 /  # 3 /  # 2 (ran domly sel ected)$ 1  /  $ 1  /  $ 1 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Facil it y:   Cooper Nucl ear Sta ti on Date of Exam:   June 13, 2005 Tier Group RO K/A Ca tego ry Points SR O O nly K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G*Total A2 G*Total 1.1 2 3 3 N/A 4 3 N/A 5 20 4 3 7 2 1 3 0 1 1 1 7 1 2 3 T ota ls 3 6 3 5 4 6 27 5 5 10 2.1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 26 2 3 5 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 3 T ota ls 5 2 3 4 2 4 5 3 5 2 3 38 3 5 8 3. Generi c Knowledge and Abil it ies Cat egori es 1 3 10 1 1 7 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 Note: 1.Ensure that at least 2 topics fr om every ap plicable KA categ ory are sampled within each tier o f the RO and SRO-o nly o utline s (i.e. exce pt for Categ ory 1 in Tie r 3 of the SR O-onl y out line, the Ti er To tals in each K A category shall not be less than 2).
(P) Previous 2 exams (#1, randomly selected)
2.The point to tal for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that sp ecified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/- 1 from that spec ified in the table based on NRC revis ions. The fi nal R O ex am must tot al 75 poin ts and the SR O-onl y ex am must tot al 25 poin ts.3.Systems/evolutions w ithin each gr oup are i dentified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions th at do not apply at the facility should be d eleted and justified; oper ationally i mportant, site-specific systems that are not in cluded on th e outline sho uld be add ed. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2 , for guida nce regard ing the elimina tion o f inap propr iate KA statemen ts.4.Select topics from as many systems and evol utions as possible
(S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9
; sample every system or evolu tion in the group befo re selecting a second topic fo r any system or evolution.
5.Absent a plant-specific priority only those KA's having an importance rati ng of 2.5 o r higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
ES-301                   Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline           Form ES-301-2 Facility:       Cooper Nuclear Station            Date of Examination:        6/62005 Exam Level (circle one): SRO-U                    Operating Test Number:
6.Select SRO top ics for Tiers 1 and 2 fro m the sha ded sy stems and KA cate gorie s.7.(*) T he ge neric (G) KA's in T iers 1 and 2 shall be sel ected f rom Secti on 2 o f KA Cat alog but th e topi cs must be rel ev ant to the ap pli cab le ev olu tio n o r sy ste m.8.On the follo wing page s enter the KA number s, a br ief de scripti on of each to pic, th e topi c's impor tance ratings for th e applicable license leve l and the p oint totals for each system and ca tegory. Ente r the grou p and ti er tot als for each c atego ry in the ta ble a bove. Use dupli cate pa ges for RO an d SRO-only exa ms.9.For Tier 3 select topics from Section 2 of the KA C atalog and enter the KA n umbers, description s, IR's and point totals on Form ES 401-3.
Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)
Limit SRO selections to KA's that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
System / JPM Title                  Type Codes (*)     Safety Function
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Emergency and Abnormal Pl ant Evolu tions - Tier 1  
: a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123,             Not Tested Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
/ Group 1 (RO)E/APE#/Name/Safety Functi on K 1 K 2 K 3 A 1 A 2 G KA T opic(s)IR#295001 Part ial or Complet e Loss of Forced Core Fl ow Circu lat ion 1 1 Relation be tween loss o f forced core flow circulation an d the reacto r or turb ine pressure re gulating system Reasons for r educed loop operating requirements as applies to lo ss of forced core flow circulation 3.3 3.2 AK2.04 AK3.05 295 003 Par ti al or Compl et e Lo ss of AC 1 Opera tiona l implica tions o f fails afe component design applied to partial or complete loss of AC p ower 2.6 AK1.05 295004 Part ial or Total Loss of DC Pwr 1 Determine or interpret th e cause of pa rtial or complete loss of DC powe r 3.2 AA2.01 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip 1 Monitor o r operate RPS as applies to main turbine ge nerator tr ip 3.6 AA1.02 295 006 SCRAM 1 Ability to pr ioritize an d interpre t the significance of each annunc iator and alarm 3.3 2.4.45 295016 Contr ol Room Abandonment 1 Ability to de termine or inte rpret rea ctor power a s applies to C R abandon ment 4.1 AA2.01 295 018 Par ti al or Tot al Los s o f CCW 1 Reasons for r eactor pow er reduction as applied to partial or total loss of CCW 3.3 AK3.02 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir 1 Ability to ev aluate plan t performance a nd make operationa l judgements based on operating characteristic s, reactor behavior, and instrument in terpretation 3.7 2.1.07 295021 Loss of Shut down Cooli ng 1 Knowledge of the pur pose and fun ction of major sy stem compon ents an d contr ols.3.9 2.1.28 295023 Refuel ing Acci dent 1 Monitor o r operate radiation monito ring equip ment as a pplie s to re fuelin g accid ents 3.4 AA1.04 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re 1 Operate or monitor RPS as ap plies to high drywell pressure 3.9 EA1.05 295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure 1 Relationship with Safety Relief Valv es 4.1 EK2.05 295026 Suppre ssion Pool Hig h W ater Te m pera ture 1 Relationship between suppression po ol cooling and high water temperature 3.9 EK2.01 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture Not Applicable to Cooper 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture 1 Verify alar m setpoints and op erate contro ls as identified in the alar m response manual 3.3 2.4.50 295030 Low Suppr essio n Pool Water Level 1 Monitor o r operate RCIC as appl ies 3.4 EA1.02 Conti nued o n the n ext p age...
: b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform              Not Tested Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Conti nued fro m the pr evio us page...Emergency and Abnormal Pl ant Evolu tions - Tier 1  
: c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual            M A              Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not                        Control close when demanded)
/ Group 1 (RO)E/APE#/Name/Safety Functi on K 1 K 2 K 3 A 1 A 2 G KA T opic(s)IR#295031 React or Low Water Level 1 Ability to loca ted CR sw itches and indications and determine they reflect the desired pla nt line up 4.2 2.1.31 295037 SCRAM C ondit ion Pr esent and Power Ab ove APRM Downsca le or Unkn own 1 Determine or interpret r eactor wa ter level as applied to SCRAM w/ATWS condition 4.1 EA2.02 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate 1 Knowledge of the rea sons for contro l room ventilation isolation dur ing condition s of high offsite r elease rate.
: d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx,          L N               Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
3.7 EK3.03 600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite 1 Operational implications of fire fighting as appli es to p lant f ire o n site 2.9 AK1.02 KA Category Totals 2 3 3 4 3 5 Group Point T otal: 20 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Emergency and A bnormal Plant Ev olutions - Tie r 1 / Group 2 (RO)E/APE#/Name/Safety Function K 1 K 2 K 3 A 1 A 2 G KA T opic(s)IR#295002 Lo ss of Main Co ndenser Vacuum 295007 High Reactor Pressure 1 Determine or interpret r eactor wa ter level as applies to high reactor pressure 3.7 AA2.03 295008 Hig h Reactor Water Lev el 1 Monitor o r operate HPCI as applie s to high reactor w ater level 3.1 AA1.04 295009 Lo w Reactor Water Level 1 Relations betw een reactor water l evel control and low rea ctor water level 3.9 AK2.02 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 Hig h Containment Te mp.Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 Hig h Suppression Pool Temp.
: e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries,                  Not Tested SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
1 Relation of suppression po ol cooling 3.6 AK2.01 295014 Ina dvertent R eactivity Addi tion 1 Ability to pe rform pre-star tup procedu res for th e facil ity in cludin g ope ratin g those controls associated with pla nt equipment that co uld a ffect r eactiv ity 3.7 2.2.01 29501 5 Incomp lete SC RAM 1 Knowledge of the ope rational implicati ons of the follo wing concep ts as th ey ap ply to incomple te scra m: Reacti vity affects 3.8 AK1.03 29501 7 Hig h Offsi te Rel ease R ate Not Applicable to the RO Po sition 295020 Ina dvertent C ontainment Isol 295022 Lo ss of CRD Pumps 295029 Hig h Suppression Pool Level 295032 Hig h Secondary Containment Area Temperature 1 Relation between CNMT area temperature and l eak de tection system co ncepts 3.6 EK2.07 295033 Hig h Secondary Containment Area Radiati on Levels 295034 Secon dary Con tainment Ventilation Hi gh Radiatio n 295035 Secon dary Con tainment High Differential Pressure 295036 Secon dary Con tainment High Sump / Area Water Level 50000 0 Hig h CTM T Hyd rogen Conc.KA Category Point Total 1 3 0 1 1 1 G ro up Po int T ota l: 7 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 1 (RO)Sys tem # / Nam e K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G KA Topi cs IR#203000 RHR LPCI: I nject ion Mode 1 Effect of malfunction on water l vl.4.3 K3.01 205000 Shutd own Cooli ng 1 Design & Interlocks providing for reacto r cool dow n rate 3.6 K4.05 206 000 HPCI 1 Conne ctions with Keep Fill sy stm 4.0 K1.09 207000 I solat ion Condens er Not applicabl e to Coope r 209 001 LPCS 1 Predict/monitor System Lin eup 3.3 A1.08 209 002 HPCS Not applicabl e to Coope r 211000 SLC 1 1 Rel ati on wi th p lan t ai r sy ste ms Ability to ap ply Te ch Spec s 2.5 2.9 K1.03 2.1.12 212 000 RPS 1 1 Knowledge of electrical power systems to RPS M/G sets RPS Bus Voltage 3.2 2.8 K2.01 A1.04 215 003 I RM 1 Operational implications of changing de tector positions 3.0 K5.03 215 004 So urce Ra nge Mon itors 1 Electrical power supplies to SRM channels or detectors 2.6 K2.01 215 005 ARPM / LPRM 1 Monitor a utomatic operation s of max. disagree ment of flow comparator chann els 3.3 A3.06 21 70 00 RC IC 1 Predict/monitor Supp. Pool Leve l 3.3 A1.07 218 000 ADS 1 1 Effect of mal function on ADS valve air supply Predict impact of small br eak LOCA o n ADS a nd mitig ate[Deleted]Ability to monitor automatic operations o f the ADS includ ing ADS valve o peration 3.8 4.2 K6.04 A3.01 223002 PCIS /
: f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System,               D S A            Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops                        Systems (REC pump trip)
Nuclear Steam Su pply S huto ff 1 Predi ct / Mo nitor chang es assoc.with indi vidual re lay status 2.6 A1.04 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 239002 Safet y Rel ief Valves 1 1 Connections w ith nuclear boiler instrumentation syste m Monit or SRV and a coustica l mnt.[Deleted]Lig hts an d Al arm s 3.5 3.6 K1.03 A3.08 259002 React or Water Level Contro l 1 Monitor a uto operati ons and changes in main steam flow 3.2 A3.03 26 10 00 Sta nd by G as Tre atm en t Sys 1 Moritor o r operate fans from the Con tro l R oom 3.0 A4.03 262001 AC Elect ri cal Di str ibut ion 1 Physica l conn ection s with offsite power 3.4 K1.03 Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 1 (RO)Sys tem # / Nam e K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G KA Topi cs IR#262 002 UPS (AC-D C)1 Design & inte rlocks w hich provide fo r transfer fr om preferred to alterna te power Predi ct/monito r chan ges asso c.with motor g enera tor ou tputs[Delete]3.1 2.5 K4.01 A1.02 263000 DC Elect ri cal Di str ibut ion 1 Eff ect of malf unc tio n o n sy ste ms with DC co mponen ts 3.4 K3.03 26 40 00 ED G's 1 1 Operations implicati ons of paralleling AC powe r sources Predict conseque nces of over/unde r-excited operation and mitigate 3.4 2.9 K5.05 A2.04 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air 1 Predict effect of a ir dryer and filter malfunc tions a nd mitig ate 2.9 A2.01 400 000 CCW 1 Effect of loss or malfun ction of pumps will have on CCW 3.0 K6.05 KA Cate gory Point Totals: 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 Group Point Total: 26 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 2 (RO)Sys tem # / Nam e K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G KA Topi cs IR#201001 CR D Hydrau lic 201002 RMCS 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mecha nism 201004 RSCS Not Applicable to Cooper 20100 5 RCIS Not Applicable to Cooper 20 10 06 RW M 202001 Re circulation 202002 Re circ Flow C ontrol 204000 RWCU 21400 0 RPIS 1 Monitor o r operate control rod pos iti on fro m th e co ntr ol roo m 3.8 A4.02 215001 Traversing In-Core Probe 215002 Ro d Block Monitor 216 000 Nu cle ar Boi ler Ins tru m.21900 0 RHR LPCI: Torus /Pool Cooling Mode 1 Ability to pr edict and/or monitor change s in pa rameter s , including supp ression pool level.3.2 A1.04 22300 1 Pri mar y CNMT & Aux.1 Monitor a utomatic operation and Drywell pressure 4.3 A3.05 22600 1 RHR LPCI: Containment Spra y Mode 1 Knowledge of the bases for prioritizin g safety functio ns 3.0 2.4.22 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus /
: g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain                Not Tested Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
Pool Spray Mod e 233000 Fue l Pool Cooli ng &Cleanup 1 Knowledge of physical connec tions a nd cau se/effe ct with RHR 2.9 K1.02 234000 Fue l Handling Equip.239001 M ain & Rehea t Steam 1 Design & inte rlocks p ertai ning to equalization of MSIV pressure prior to o pening 3.3 K4.09 239003 M SIV Leakage Co ntrol Not Applicable to Cooper Conti nued o n Nex t page...
: h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075,             Not Tested Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Conti nued fro m prev ious page...Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 2 (RO)Sys tem # / Nam e K 1 K 2 K 3 K 4 K 5 K 6 A 1 A 2 A 3 A 4 G KA Topi cs IR#241000 Re actor / Turbi ne Pressure Regu lator 245000 M ain Turbine Generator
: i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095,     D A E            Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
& Auxiliar ies 25600 0 Rea ctor C onden sate 1 Effect of main steam system loss or malfunction on condensate system [De lete]Effect of main steam system loss or malfunction on the reactor feed water syste m 3.3 K6.10 K6.06 259001 Re actor Feedw ater 26800 0 Rad waste 271000 Offga s 1 Monitor a uto operati on of ind ica tin g l igh ts a nd ala rms 2.9 A3.05 272000 Ra diation Mo nitoring 1 Operator r esponsibilities d uring all modes of ope ration 3.0 2.1.2 286000 Fir e Protection 1 Effect of loss or malfun ction on personnel p rotection 3.2 K3.02 288000 Plan t Ventilation 290001 Secondary Containment 29000 3 Con trol R oom HVAC 1 Predict impact of ini tiation or recon figur ation and mit igate abnormal conditi ons 3.1 A2.01 290002 Re actor Vessel Internals 1 Design & inter locks provide for natural circul ation 3.3 K4.05 KA Category Point Totals 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 Group Point Total 12 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1 3.52 Tier Total 20 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2 3.63 Tier Total 07 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1 3.12 Tier Total 26 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2 2.91 Tier Total 12 Avera ge IR for Tier 3 3.06 Tier Total 10 Average IR for RO E xam 3.23 Exam Total 75 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-3 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Generic Know ledge and Abilities Outline (T ier 3)Category KA #Topic RO SRO Only IR#IR#1. Conduct of Operations 2..1.10 Know ledge of con dition s and l imitatio ns in t he faci lity license 2.7 1 2..1.28 Knowledge of the pur pose and fun ction of major syste m compone nts and contr ols.3.2 1 2..1.33 Ability to re cognize ind ications for syste m operating parameters w hich are en try condition s for technical specifi cation s.2.7 1 Subtotal 3 2. Equipment Control 2..2.22 Know ledge of limit ing co nditio ns for oper ation s and s afety limits 3.4 1 2..2.30 Knowledge of RO dutie s in the CR during fue l handling 3.5 1 2..2.34 Knowledge of the pro cess for determinin g the inter nal and exte rnal effects on cor e rea ctivity 2.8 1 Subtotal 3 3. Radiation Control 2..3.01 Knowledge of 10 CFR 20 and re lated facility radiation contro l req uireme nts 2..6 1 2..3.10 Ability to pe rform procedur es to reduce excessive l evels of radiation and guard against personnel exposure 2..9 1 Subtotal 2 4. Emerg ency Procedures and Plan 2..4.46 Ability to ve rify that al arms are consistent with plan t conditions 3.5 1 2..4.49 Ability to pe rform w ithou t refe rence to pr ocedur es thos e actions which require i mmediate operations of system components and con trols 3.3 1 Subtotal 2 Tier 3 Point Total 10 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Emergency and Abnormal Pl ant Evolu tions - Tier 1
: j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM            Not Tested
/ Group 1 (SRO)E/APE#/Name/Safety Functi on A 2 G KA T opic(s)IR#295 001 Pa rtial or Co m plete L oss of Forc ed C ore Flow Cir culat ion 1 Knowledge of limiting condi tions for ope rations and safety limits 4.1 2.2.22 295 003 Par ti al or Compl et e Lo ss of AC 295004 Part ial or Total Loss of DC Pwr 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip 1 Ability to de termine or inte rpret feedw ater temperature as applied to a main turbine generator trip 2.7 AA2.06 295 006 SCRAM 295016 Contr ol Room Abandonment 295 018 Par ti al or Tot al Los s o f CCW 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir 1 Know ledge of an nuncia tors, a larms, a nd in dicati ons, and use of th e response i nstructions 3.4 2.4.31 295021 Loss of Shut down Cooli ng 295023 Refuel ing Acci dent 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re Ability to de termine or inte rpret suppr ession pool level as ap plied to hig h dryw ell pressure
: k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System,         R N              Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine                        Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9
ES-301                      Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline                    Form ES-301-2
(@ )     All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room
* Type Codes                      Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th                                                    4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank                                                      #9/  #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant                                        $1 /  $1 / $1 (L) Low Power                                                            $1 /   $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A)                         $2 /  $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams                                           #3/ #3/ #2      (randomly selected)
(R) RC A Entry                                                           $1 /  $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9
ES-301                  Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline            Form ES-301-2 Facility:      Cooper Nuclear Station            Date of Examination:        6/62005 Exam Level (circle one): SRO-U                    Operating Test Number:
Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)
System / JPM Title                  Type Codes (*)     Safety Function
: a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123,             Not Tested Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
: b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform              Not Tested Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig
: c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual            M A              Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not                        Control close when demanded)
: d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx,          L N               Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
: e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries,                  Not Tested SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
: f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System,              D S A            Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops                        Systems (REC pump trip)
: g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain                Not Tested Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
: h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075,             Not Tested Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
: i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095,     D A E            Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
: j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM            Not Tested
: k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System,         R N              Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine                        Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9
ES-301                      Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline                    Form ES-301-2
(@ )     All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room
* Type Codes                      Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th                                                    4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank                                                      #9/  #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant                                        $1 /  $1 / $1 (L) Low Power                                                            $1 /   $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A)                         $2 /  $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams                                           #3/ #3/ #2      (randomly selected)
(R) RC A Entry                                                           $1 /   $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9
ES-401                                 BWR Examination Outline                                             Form ES-401-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station                                        Date of Exam: June 13, 2005 Tier   Group                                 RO K/A Catego ry Points                                             SR O Only K1     K2       K3     K4     K5     K6     A1     A2     A3   A4   G*     Total   A2     G*   Total
: 1.     1         2       3       3                             4       3                 5     20       4       3   7 N/A                            N/A 2        1      3       0                             1       1                 1     7       1       2   3 Tota ls   3       6       3                             5       4                 6     27       5       5   10
: 2.     1         4       2       2       2     2       2     4       2     4     1     1     26       2       3   5 2         1       0       1       2     0       2     1       1     1     1     2     12       1       2   3 Tota ls   5       2       3       4     2       4     5       3     5     2     3     38       3       5   8
: 3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities Categories                                        1     3               1       1 10                    7 2     3               2       2 3     2               3       2 4     2               4       2 Note:   1. Ensure that at least 2 topics from every applicable KA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e. except for Category 1 in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the Tier Totals in each KA category shall not be less than 2).
: 2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/- 1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
: 3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2, for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate KA statements.
: 4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
: 5. Absent a plant-specific priority only those KAs having an importance rating of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
: 6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KA categories.
: 7.     (*) The generic (G) KAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of KA Catalog but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system.
: 8. On the following pages enter the KA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics importance ratings for the applicable license level and the point totals for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
: 9. For Tier 3 select topics from Section 2 of the KA Catalog and enter the KA numbers, descriptions, IRs and point totals on Form ES 401-3. Limit SRO selections to KAs that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.
ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                                  BWR Examination Outline                                 Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (RO)
E/APE#/Name/Safety Function                              K K K A A G                     KA T opic(s)             IR     #
1  2 3  1 2 295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced                   1 1       Relation between loss of forced core flow   3.3  AK2.04 Core Flow Circulation                                                  circulation and the reactor or turbine pressure regulating system Reasons for reduced loop operating           3.2  AK3.05 requirements as applies to loss of forced core flow circulation 2 9 50 0 3 P a rt ia l o r C o m p le te L os s o f A C  1            Operational implications of failsafe        2.6  AK1.05 component design applied to partial or complete loss of AC power 2 9 5 0 0 4 P a rti a l or Total Loss of DC Pwr                   1   Determine or interpret the cause of partial  3.2 AA2.01 or complete loss of DC power 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip                       1     Monitor or operate RPS as applies to main   3.6 AA1.02 turbine generator trip 2 9 50 0 6 S C R A M                                                1 Ability to prioritize and interpret the     3.3 2.4.45 significance of each annunciator and alarm 295016 Control Room Abandonment                                   1   Ability to determine or interpret reactor    4.1 AA2.01 power as applies to CR abandonment 2 9 50 1 8 P a rt ia l o r T o ta l L o ss of C C W          1       Reasons for reactor power reduction as       3.3  AK3.02 applied to partial or total loss of CCW 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir                     1 Ability to evaluate plant performance and    3.7  2.1.07 make operational judgements based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling                                      1 Knowledge of the purpose and function of     3.9 2.1.28 major system components and controls.
295023 Refueling Accident                                        1     Monitor or operate radiation monitoring      3.4 AA1.04 equipment as applies to refueling accidents 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re                                 1     Operate or monitor RPS as applies to high   3.9 EA1.05 drywell pressure 295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure                           1         Relationship with Safety Relief Valves      4.1 EK2.05 295026 Suppression Pool High W ater                         1         Relationship between suppression pool        3.9 EK2.01 Te m pera ture                                                        cooling and high water temperature 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture                             Not Applicable to Cooper 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture                                 1 Verify alarm setpoints and operate controls  3.3 2.4.50 as identified in the alarm response manual 295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level                         1     Monitor or operate RCIC as applies          3.4 EA1.02 Continued on the next page...
ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                      BWR Examination Outline                                   Form ES-401-1 Continued from the previous page...
Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (RO)
E/APE#/Name/Safety Function                  K K K A A G                   KA T opic(s)               IR     #
1  2 3  1 2 295031 Reactor Low Water Level                           1 Ability to located CR switches and           4.2  2.1.31 indications and determine they reflect the desired plant line up 295037 SCRAM C ondition Present and                     1   Determine or interpret reactor water level    4.1  EA2.02 P o w e r A bo ve A PRM Downscale or Unknown                as applied to SCRAM w/ATWS condition 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate               1       Knowledge of the reasons for control room     3.7  EK3.03 ventilation isolation during conditions of high offsite release rate.
600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite                 1             Operational implications of fire fighting as 2.9 AK1.02 applies to plant fire on site KA Category Totals                           2 3 3 4 3 5 Group Point Total:                                   20 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                BWR Examination Outline                                     Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 (RO)
E/APE#/Name/Safety Function             K K K A A G                     KA T opic(s)               IR     #
1  2 3  1  2 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 295007 High Reactor Pressure                       1     Determine or interpret reactor water level   3.7  AA2.03 as applies to high reactor pressure 295008 High Reactor Water Level                1       Monitor or operate HPCI as applies to high   3.1 AA1.04 reactor water level 295009 Low Reactor Water Level             1             Relations between reactor water level        3.9 AK2.02 control and low reactor water level 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 High Containment Temp.                           Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 High Suppression Pool Temp.         1             Relation of suppression pool cooling         3.6 AK2.01 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition                1 Ability to perform pre-startup procedures    3.7 2.2.01 for the facility including operating those controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity 295015 Incomplete SCRAM                1               Knowledge of the operational implications    3.8  AK1.03 of the following concepts as they apply to incomplete scram: Reactivity affects 295017 High Offsite Release Rate                        Not Applicable to the RO Position 295020 Inadvertent Containment Isol 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps 295029 High Suppression Pool Level 295032 High Secondary Containment         1             Relation between CNMT area temperature       3.6 EK2.07 Area Temperature                                        and leak detection system concepts 295033 High Secondary Containment Area Radiation Levels 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation 295035 Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump / Area Water Level 500000 High CTMT Hydrogen Conc.
KA Category Point Total                 1 3 0 1 1 1 Group Point T ota l:                                   7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                              BWR Examination Outline                                      Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (RO)
System # / Name                  K K K K K K A   A A   A G               KA Topics              IR #
1 2  3  4  5  6  1  2  3    4 203000 RHR LPCI: Injection Mode       1                             Effect of malfunction on water lvl. 4.3 K3.01 205000 Shutdown Cooling                  1                         Design & Interlocks providing for   3.6 K4.05 reactor cool down rate 2 0 60 0 0 H P C I              1                                 Connections with Keep Fill systm    4.0 K1.09 207000 Isolation Condenser                                          Not applicable to Cooper 2 0 90 0 1 L P C S                                1                 Predict/monitor System Lineup      3.3 A1.08 2 0 90 0 2 H P C S                                                  Not applicable to Cooper 211000 SLC                       1                               1 Relation with plant air systems    2.5 K1.03 Ability to apply Tech Specs        2.9 2.1.12 2 1 20 0 0 R P S                  1                               Knowledge of electrical power       3.2 K2.01 systems to RPS M/G sets 1                RPS Bus Voltage                     2.8 A1.04 2 1 50 0 3 IR M                            1                       Operational implications of         3.0 K5.03 changing detector positions 215 004 So urce Ra nge Mon itors   1                               Electrical power supplies to SRM   2.6 K2.01 channels or detectors 2 1 50 0 5 A R P M / L P R M                            1          Monitor automatic operations of     3.3 A3.06 max. disagreement of flow comparator channels 21 70 00 RC IC                                   1                 Predict/monitor Supp. Pool Level    3.3 A1.07 2 1 80 0 0 A D S                              1         1         Effect of malfunction on ADS       3.8 K6.04 valve air supply Predict impact of small break LOCA on ADS and mitigate
295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure 1 Ability to de termine or inte rpret suppr ession pool temperature as applied to high reactor press ure 4.1 EA2.03 295 026 Su ppre ssion Po ol Hig h W ater T em pera ture 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture 1 Ability to re cognize ind ications for syste m operating parameters w hich are en try-level conditions for technical specificatio ns 4.0 2.1.33 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture 1 Ability to de termine and/or interpret the follow ing as they apply to high dr ywell te mperature: Rea ctor Water Level.
Ability to monitor automatic        4.2 A3.01 operations of the ADS including ADS valve operation 223002 PCIS / Nuclear Steam                      1                 Predict / Monitor changes assoc. 2.6 A1.04 Su pply S huto ff                                                   with individual relay status ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
3.9 EA2.03 295030 Low Suppr essio n Pool Water Level 1 Ability to de termine or inte rpret dry well /suppr ession pool diffe renti al pr essure as app lied t o low suppr ession pool w ater level 3.7 EA2.04 295031 React or Low Water Level 295037 SCRAM C ondit ion Pr esent and Power Above APRM Downsca le or Unkn own 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate 600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite KA Category Totals 4 3 Group Point T otal: 7 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Emergency and Abnormal Pl ant Evolu tions - Tier 1  
/ Group 2 (SRO)E/APE#/Name/Safety Function A 2 G KA T opic(s)IR#295002 Lo ss of Main Co ndenser Vacuu m 295007 High Reactor Pressure 1 Knowledge of surveill ance procedu res 3.4 2.2.12 295008 Hig h Reactor Water Lev el 295009 Lo w Reactor Water Level 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 Hig h Containment Te mp.Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 Hig h Suppression Pool Temp.
295014 Ina dvertent R eactivity Addi tion 29501 5 Incomp lete SC RAM 29501 7 Hig h Offsi te Rel ease R ate 1 Knowledge of symptom-based EOP mitiga tion strategies 4.0 2.4.6 295020 Ina dvertent C ontainment Isol 295022 Lo ss of CRD Pumps 295029 Hig h Suppression Pool Level 295032 Hig h Secondary Containment Are a Temperature 295033 Hig h Secondary Containment Are a Radiation L evels 295034 Secon dary Con tainment Ventilation High Radia tion 1 Ability to de termine or inte rpret ven tilation rad iation levels 4.2 EA2.01 295035 Secon dary Con tainment High Differential Pressure 295 036 Sec ond ary Co nta inme nt H igh Sum p/ Area Water Level 50000 0 Hig h CTM T Hyd rogen Conc.KA Category Point Total 1 2 G ro up Po int T ota l: 3 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 1 (SRO)Sys tem # / Nam e A 2 G KA Topi cs IR#203000 RHR LPCI: I nject ion Mode 1 Know ledge of the proce ss for ma nagin g mainte nance activities duri ng shutdow n operatio ns 3.5 2.2.18 205000 Shutd own Cooli ng 206 000 HPCI 1 Ability to ex ecute procedu re steps 4.2 2.1.20 207000 I solat ion Condens er Not Applicable to Cooper 209 001 LPCS 209 002 HPCS Not Applicable to Cooper 211000 SLC 212 000 RPS 215 003 I RM 1 Ability to de termine Mode of Operation 3.3 2.1.22 215004 Sourc e Range Monit or 215 005 ARPM / LPRM 21 70 00 RC IC 218 000 ADS 223 002 PC IS / Nu clea r Stea m Su pply S huto ff 23 90 02 SR V's 259002 React or Water Level Contro l 261000 Stand by Gas Tre atment Sy stem 262001 AC Elect ri cal Di str ibut ion 1 Ability to pr edict t he impa ct of op ening a disc onnect under loa d and....corre ct, control or mitigate the consequences 3.6 A2.08 262 002 UPS (AC-D C)263000 DC Elect ri cal Di str ibut ion 264 000 Em erge ncy D iese l Ge nera tors 1 Ability to pr edict the impacts of sy nchronizatio n of the emerge ncy ge nerat or w ith ot her e lectri cal sup plies, and....correct, con trol or mitigate the conseque nces 3.6 A2.05 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air 400 000 CCW KA Cate gory Point Totals: 2 3 Group Point Total: 5 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 2 (SRO)Sys tem # / Nam e A 2 G KA Topi cs IR#201001 CR D Hydrau lic 201002 RMCS 20100 3 Con trol R od an d Dri ve Me chanis m Ability to pe rform specific system and integrated plant proced ures during different modes of plant operations [D eleted]4.0 2.1.23 201004 RSCS Not Applicable to Cooper 20100 5 RCIS Not Applicable to Cooper 20 10 06 RW M 202001 Re circulation 1 Ability to pr edict the impacts of r ecirculation scoo p tube lockup on the recircul ation system and o n the basis o f the p redict ion u se pro cedur es to co rrect, control, or mitiga te the consequ ences of the abnor mal cond itions or op erati ons.3.4 A2.09 202002 Re circ Flow C ontrol 204000 RWCU 21400 0 RPIS 215001 Tra versing In-Core Probe 215002 Ro d Block Monitor 216000 Nu clear Boiler Instrumentation 219000 RH R LPCI: Torus
/ Pool Coolin g Mode 22300 1 Pri mar y CNMT & Aux.226001 RH R LPCI: Conta inment Spray Mode 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus /
Pool Spray Mode 233000 Fue l Pool Cooli ng & Cleanu p 1 Ability to ob tain a nd in terpr et stati on re feren ce materia ls...w hich co ntain perfo rmance data 3.1 2.1.25 234000 Fue l Handling Equip.1 Ability to tra ck limiting conditions for operati ons 3.8 2.2.23 239001 M ain & Rehea t Steam 239003 M SIV Leakage Co ntrol 241000 Reactor / Turbine Pressure Regulator 245000 Main Turbine Generator &
Auxiliari es ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 25600 0 Rea ctor C onden sate...cont inued on Ne xt pa ge......cont inued from Pre viou s page...Plant Systems-Tier 2 / G roup 2 (RO
/ SRO)Sys tem # / Nam e A 2 G KA Topi cs IR#259001 Re actor Feedw ater 26800 0 Rad waste 271000 Offga s 272000 Ra diation Mo nitoring 286000 Fir e Protection 288000 Plan t Ventilation 290001 Secon dary Con tainment 29000 3 Con trol R oom HVAC 290002 Re actor Vessel Inter nals Deleted KA Category Point Totals 1 2 Group Point Total 3 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-1 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1 3.69 Tier Total 7 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2 3.87 Tier Total 3 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1 3.64 Tier Total 5 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2 3.76 Tier Total 3 Avera ge IR for Tier 3 3.43 Tier Total 7 Average IR for SR O Exam 3.64 Exam Total 25 ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form E S-401-3 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 Generic Know ledge and Ab ilities Outline (Tier 3)
Category KA #Topic RO SRO Only IR#IR#1. Conduct of Operations 2.1.14 Knowledge of system status cri teria which require notification of pla nt personnel 3.3 1 Subtotal 1 2. Equipment Control 2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for making configuration changes 3.0 1 2.2.26 Knowledge of refueling administr ative requireme nts 3.7 1 Subtotal 2 3. Radiation Control 2.3.3 Knowledge of SRO responsib ilities for aux iliary systems outside the control room (w aste disposal and handling syste ms)2.9 1 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation ex posure limits and contamination control , including permissible levels in excess of those authorize d 3.1 1 Subtotal 2 4.Emergency Procedures and Plan 2.4.22 Knowledge of the bases for pr ioritizing safet y functions during ab normal or emergency operations 4.0 1 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective acti on recommendations 4.0 1 Subtotal 2 Tier 3 Point Total 7 Facility:
COOPER    Scenario No.: 4Op-Test No.:1 Examiners:
_Paul Gage
_Steve Garchow
___________                  __________________________
_Kelly Clayton
____________                  __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a norma l configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a norma l configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:              The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.
Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam

isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
ES-401                                      BWR Examination Outline                                        Form ES-401-1 239002 Safety Relief Valves              1                                  Connections with nuclear boiler    3.5  K1.03 instrumentation system Monitor SRV and acoustical mnt.
Event No.Malf. No.Event Type*Event Description 1.Trigger 1N (SRO, RO)Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 2.Trigger 2C, T (BOP, Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open)
1          Lights and Alarms                  3.6  A3.08 259002 Reactor Water Level Control                              1          Monitor auto operations and         3.2 A3.03 changes in main steam flow 26 10 00 Sta nd by G as Tre atm en t Sys                              1    Moritor or operate fans from the   3.0  A4.03 Control Room 262001 AC Electrical Distribution        1                                  Physical connections with offsite  3.4  K1.03 power Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (RO)
COOPER    Scenario No.: 2Op-Test No.:1 Examiners:
System # / Name                          K K  K  K  K  K  A  A  A    A  G              KA Topics              IR  #
_Paul Gage
1 2  3  4  5  6  1  2  3    4 2 6 20 0 2 U P S (A C - DC )                     1                          Design & interlocks which          3.1  K4.01 provide for transfer from preferred to alternate power Predict/monitor changes assoc.      2.5 A1.02 with motor generator outputs
263000 DC Electrical Distribution            1                            Effect of malfunction on systems    3.4  K3.03 with DC components 26 40 00 ED Gs                                    1        1            Operations implications of          3.4  K5.05 paralleling AC power sources Predict consequences of            2.9 A2.04 over/under-excited operation and mitigate 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air                                    1            Predict effect of air dryer and     2.9  A2.01 filter malfunctions and mitigate 4 0 00 0 0 C C W                                      1                    Effect of loss or malfunction of    3.0  K6.05 pumps will have on CCW KA Category Point Totals:                4 2  2  2  2  2  4  3  3    1  1  Group Point Total:                  26 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
_Steve Garchow
___________                      __________________________
_Kelly Clayton
____________                      __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to a motor failure. The Sentinal Status is Green.
Turnover: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to motor failures. The Sentinal Status is Green. Reactor engineering is working on the computer program used to calculate AGAFs. Assume all AGAFs

are in specification unless otherwise notified by the STA.
ES-401                            BWR Examination Outline                                      Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO)
Scenario:             The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The crew will raise power greater than 70% before the first event is called in. The "A1" Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump and Sump Pump D1 are tagged out for maintenance. Following the power ascension, an accumulator fault due to low N2 pressure is received. Following the Tech Spec assessments, an inadvertent initiation of HPCI
System # / Name                K K  K  K  K  K  A  A  A  A G                  KA Topics            IR  #
1 2  3  4  5  6  1  2  3  4 201001 CRD Hydraulic 201002 RMCS 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism 201004 RSCS                                                      Not Applicable to Cooper 201005 RCIS                                                      Not Applicable to Cooper 201006 RWM 202001 Recirculation 202002 Recirc Flow Control 204000 RWCU 214000 RPIS                                                1    Monitor or operate control rod    3.8  A4.02 position from the control room 215001 Traversing In-Core Probe 215002 Rod Block Monitor 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrum.
219000 RHR LPCI: Torus /                        1                Ability to predict and/or monitor  3.2  A1.04 Pool Cooling Mode                                                changes in parameters ,
including suppression pool level.
223001 Primary CNMT & Aux.                   1                    Monitor automatic operation and   4.3  A3.05 Drywell pressure 226001 RHR LPCI:                                              1  Knowledge of the bases for         3.0  2.4.22 Containment Spray Mode                                            prioritizing safety functions 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Spray Mode 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling &    1                                  Knowledge of physical              2.9  K1.02 Cleanup                                                          connections and cause/effect with RHR 234000 Fuel Handling Equip.
239001 Main & Reheat Steam            1                          Design & interlocks pertaining to 3.3  K4.09 equalization of MSIV pressure prior to opening 239003 MSIV Leakage Control                                      Not Applicable to Cooper Continued on Next page...
ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

occurs. The crew should respond per 2.4CSCS and the Technical Specifications. After the Tech Spec assessment is complete, a tube rupture occurs in feedwater heater A5. This will require a diagnosis since the alarm clears. Eventually the crew will have to commence a plant shutdown. Once the shutdown is underway, an unisolable steam line leak will develop on the HPCI steam line. The automatic isolation for the steam supply valves will not function and the valves cannot be closed from the control room. The crew is expected to take action EOP-05, Secondary Containment Control and scram the plant before one area reaches a Maximum Safe Operating Temperature (MSOT). Due to a hydraulic lock, many control rods will fail to insert. The crew should respond to the ATWS per EOP-06A, 7A and 5.8.3. Power level should be ~ 10%
ES-401                            BWR Examination Outline                                        Form ES-401-1 Continued from previous page...
after the Recirculation pump trip, so RPV water level will have to be lowered. 
Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO)
System # / Name              K K  K  K  K  K  A  A  A    A  G              KA Topics              IR  #
1 2 3  4  5  6  1  2  3    4 241000 Reactor / Turbine Pressure Regulator 245000 Main Turbine Generator
& Auxiliaries 256000 Reactor Condensate                                        Effect of main steam system              K6.10 loss or malfunction on condensate system [Delete]
1                    Effect of main steam system        3.3  K6.06 loss or malfunction on the reactor feedwater system 259001 Reactor Feedwater 268000 Radwaste 271000 Offgas                                        1          Monitor auto operation of          2.9  A3.05 indicating lights and alarms 272000 Radiation Monitoring                                  1  Operator responsibilities during    3.0  2.1.2 all modes of operation 286000 Fire Protection            1                            Effect of loss or malfunction on   3.2 K3.02 personnel protection 288000 Plant Ventilation 290001 Secondary Containment 290003 Control Room HVAC                          1            Predict impact of initiation or    3.1  A2.01 reconfiguration and mitigate abnormal conditions 290002 Reactor Vessel                1                          Design & interlocks provide for    3.3 K4.05 Internals                                                        natural circulation KA Category Point Totals      1 0  1  2  0  2  1  1  1    1  2  Group Point Total                  12 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Control rods can be inserted via RMCS.The secondary containment temperatures will continue to rise, resulting in MSOT in 2 areas. The crew is expected to take action iaw EOP-6B and perform an Emergency Depressurization. After the Emergency Depressurization is complete and RPV water level is being controlled, the control rods will insert the next time the scram is reset and scrammed again.The scenario will terminate when the RPV has been depressurized, control rods have been inserted. and RPV water level has been restored to +15 to +40".
ES-401                        BWR Examination Outline          Form ES-401-1 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1      3.52        Tier Total    20 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2      3.63        Tier Total    07 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1      3.12        Tier Total    26 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2      2.91        Tier Total    12 Average IR for Tier 3              3.06        Tier Total    10 Average IR for RO Exam              3.23        Exam Total    75 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
EventMalfNo EventEventDescription Facility:
COOPER   Scenario No.: 3Op-Test No.:1 Examiners:
ES-401                            BWR Examination Outline                                        Form ES-401-3 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
_Paul Gage
Category                KA #                              Topic                              RO      SRO Only IR      # IR    #
: 1.                2..1.10    Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility    2.7    1 Conduct of                    license Operations 2..1.28    Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system      3.2    1 components and controls.
2..1.33    Ability to recognize indications for system operating      2.7    1 parameters which are entry conditions for technical specifications.
Subtotal                                                                      3
_Steve Garchow
: 2.                2..2.22    Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety  3.4    1 Equipment                    limits Control 2..2.30    Knowledge of RO duties in the CR during fuel handling      3.5    1 2..2.34    Knowledge of the process for determining the internal and  2.8    1 external effects on core reactivity Subtotal                                                                      3
___________                  __________________________
: 3. Radiation      2..3.01    Knowledge of 10 CFR 20 and related facility radiation      2..6    1 Control                      control requirements 2..3.10    Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive levels of 2..9    1 radiation and guard against personnel exposure Subtotal                                                                      2
_Kelly Clayton
: 4. Emergency      2..4.46    Ability to verify that alarms are consistent with plant    3.5    1 Procedures                    conditions and Plan 2..4.49    Ability to perform without reference to procedures those    3.3    1 actions which require immediate operations of system components and controls Subtotal                                                                      2 Tier 3 Point Total                                                                                10 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
____________                   __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
ES-401                                                  BWR Examination Outline                                        Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (SRO)
E/APE#/Name/Safety Function                                  A  G                        KA T opic(s)                    IR    #
2 295 001 Pa rtial or Co m plete L oss of Forc ed C ore            1 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and    4.1  2.2.22 Flow Circulation                                                  safety limits 2 9 50 0 3 P a rt ia l o r C o m p le te L os s o f A C 2 9 5 0 0 4 P a rti a l or Total Loss of DC Pwr 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip                  1    Ability to determine or interpret feedwater            2.7  AA2.06 temperature as applied to a main turbine generator trip 2 9 50 0 6 S C R A M 295016 Control Room Abandonment 2 9 50 1 8 P a rt ia l o r T o ta l L o ss of C C W 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir                1 Knowledge of annunciators, alarms, and indications,    3.4  2.4.31 and use of the response instructions 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling 295023 Refueling Accident 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re                                  Ability to determine or interpret suppression pool level as applied to high drywell pressure [Deleted]
295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure                            1    Ability to determine or interpret suppression pool    4.1  EA2.03 temperature as applied to high reactor pressure 295 026 Su ppre ssion Po ol Hig h W ater T em pera ture 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture                        1 Ability to recognize indications for system operating  4.0  2.1.33 parameters which are entry-level conditions for technical specifications 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture                        1    Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as 3.9  EA2.03 they apply to high drywell temperature: Reactor Water Level.
295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level                      1    Ability to determine or interpret drywell /            3.7  EA2.04 suppression pool differential pressure as applied to low suppression pool water level 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 295037 SCRAM C ondition Present and Power A b o ve A P RM D ownscale or Unknown 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate 600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite KA Category Totals                                          4  3 Group Point Total:                                          7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                BWR Examination Outline                                          Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 (SRO)
E/APE#/Name/Safety Function                A    G                      KA T opic(s)                        IR    #
2 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 295007 High Reactor Pressure                    1 Knowledge of surveillance procedures                    3.4  2.2.12 295008 High Reactor Water Level 295009 Low Reactor Water Level 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 High Containment Temp.                    Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 High Suppression Pool Temp.
295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition 295015 Incomplete SCRAM 295017 High Offsite Release Rate                1 Knowledge of symptom-based EOP mitigation                4.0  2.4.6 strategies 295020 Inadvertent Containment Isol 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps 295029 High Suppression Pool Level 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature 295033 High Secondary Containment Area Radiation Levels 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation  1      Ability to determine or interpret ventilation radiation  4.2  EA2.01 High Radiation                                    levels 295035 Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump
/ Area Water Level 500000 High CTMT Hydrogen Conc.
KA Category Point Total                    1    2 Group Point T ota l:                                          3 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                            BWR Examination Outline                                          Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (SRO)
System # / Name                                      A  G                            KA Topics                        IR  #
2 203000 RHR LPCI: Injection Mode                          1  Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance          3.5  2.2.18 activities during shutdown operations 205000 Shutdown Cooling 2 0 60 0 0 H P C I                                      1  Ability to execute procedure steps                        4.2  2.1.20 207000 Isolation Condenser                                  Not Applicable to Cooper 2 0 90 0 1 L P C S 2 0 90 0 2 H P C S                                          Not Applicable to Cooper 211000 SLC 2 1 20 0 0 R P S 2 1 50 0 3 IR M                                          1  Ability to determine Mode of Operation                    3.3  2.1.22 215004 Source Range Monitor 2 1 50 0 5 A R P M / L P R M 21 70 00 RC IC 2 1 80 0 0 A D S 223 002 PC IS / Nu clea r Stea m Su pply S huto ff 23 90 02 SR Vs 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System 262001 AC Electrical Distribution                    1      Ability to predict the impact of opening a disconnect      3.6  A2.08 under load and....correct, control or mitigate the consequences 2 6 20 0 2 U P S (A C - DC )
263000 DC Electrical Distribution 264 000 Em erge ncy D iese l Ge nera tors            1      Ability to predict the impacts of synchronization of the  3.6  A2.05 emergency generator with other electrical supplies, and....correct, control or mitigate the consequences 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air 4 0 00 0 0 C C W KA Category Point Totals:                            2  3  Group Point Total:                                        5 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                                BWR Examination Outline                                          Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (SRO)
System # / Name                            A  G                          KA Topics                      IR  #
2 201001 CRD Hydraulic 201002 RMCS 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism            Ability to perform specific system and integrated      4.0  2.1.23 plant procedures during different modes of plant operations [Deleted]
201004 RSCS                                        Not Applicable to Cooper 201005 RCIS                                        Not Applicable to Cooper 201006 RWM 202001 Recirculation                      1      Ability to predict the impacts of recirculation scoop  3.4  A2.09 tube lockup on the recirculation system and on the basis of the prediction use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of the abnormal conditions or operations.
202002 Recirc Flow Control 204000 RWCU 214000 RPIS 215001 Traversing In-Core Probe 215002 Rod Block Monitor 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation 219000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Cooling Mode 223001 Primary CNMT & Aux.
226001 RHR LPCI: Containment Spray Mode 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Spray Mode 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup              1  Ability to obtain and interpret station reference      3.1  2.1.25 materials...which contain performance data 234000 Fuel Handling Equip.                    1  Ability to track limiting conditions for operations    3.8  2.2.23 239001 Main & Reheat Steam 239003 MSIV Leakage Control 241000 Reactor / Turbine Pressure Regulator 245000 Main Turbine Generator &
Auxiliaries ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                          BWR Examination Outline                    Form ES-401-1 256000 Reactor Condensate
...continued on Next page...
...continued from Previous page...
Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO / SRO)
System # / Name                        A  G                      KA Topics    IR  #
2 259001 Reactor Feedwater 268000 Radwaste 271000 Offgas 272000 Radiation Monitoring 286000 Fire Protection 288000 Plant Ventilation 290001 Secondary Containment 290003 Control Room HVAC 290002 Reactor Vessel Internals                Deleted KA Category Point Totals              1  2    Group Point Total              3 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                        BWR Examination Outline          Form ES-401-1 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1      3.69        Tier Total    7 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2      3.87        Tier Total    3 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1      3.64        Tier Total    5 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2      3.76        Tier Total    3 Average IR for Tier 3              3.43        Tier Total    7 Average IR for SRO Exam            3.64        Exam Total    25 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
ES-401                          BWR Examination Outline                              Form ES-401-3 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)
Category            KA #                              Topic                        RO    SRO Only IR    #    IR  #
: 1.              2.1.14      Knowledge of system status criteria which require            3.3 1 Conduct of                  notification of plant personnel Operations Subtotal                                                                      1
: 2.              2.2.14      Knowledge of the process for making configuration            3.0 1 Equipment                    changes Control 2.2.26      Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements            3.7 1 Subtotal                                                                      2
: 3. Radiation    2.3.3      Knowledge of SRO responsibilities for auxiliary              2.9 1 Control                      systems outside the control room (waste disposal and handling systems) 2.3.4      Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and                    3.1 1 contamination control, including permissible levels in excess of those authorized Subtotal                                                                      2
: 4.              2.4.22      Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing safety                4.0 1 Emergency                    functions during abnormal or emergency operations Procedures and Plan        2.4.44      Knowledge of emergency plan protective action                4.0 1 recommendations Subtotal                                                                      2 Tier 3 Point Total                                                                            7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
Facility: COOPER                              Scenario No.: 4                              Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________
_Steve Garchow___________                    __________________________
_Kelly Clayton____________                  __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover:      The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:            The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.
Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
Event    Malf. No.      Event                                Event Description No.                    Type*
Trigger 1    N (SRO, Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 1.
Trigger 2      C, T      Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open) 2.
Facility: COOPER                            Scenario No.: 2                              Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________
_Steve Garchow___________                    __________________________
_Kelly Clayton____________                  __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to a motor failure. The Sentinal Status is Green.
Turnover:    The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to motor failures. The Sentinal Status is Green. Reactor engineering is working on the computer program used to calculate AGAFs. Assume all AGAFs are in specification unless otherwise notified by the STA.
Scenario:            The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The crew will raise power greater than 70% before the first event is called in. The A1 Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump and Sump Pump D1 are tagged out for maintenance.
Following the power ascension, an accumulator fault due to low N2 pressure is received. Following the Tech Spec assessments, an inadvertent initiation of HPCI occurs. The crew should respond per 2.4CSCS and the Technical Specifications.
After the Tech Spec assessment is complete, a tube rupture occurs in feedwater heater A5. This will require a diagnosis since the alarm clears. Eventually the crew will have to commence a plant shutdown. Once the shutdown is underway, an unisolable steam line leak will develop on the HPCI steam line. The automatic isolation for the steam supply valves will not function and the valves cannot be closed from the control room. The crew is expected to take action EOP-05, Secondary Containment Control and scram the plant before one area reaches a Maximum Safe Operating Temperature (MSOT).
Due to a hydraulic lock, many control rods will fail to insert. The crew should respond to the ATWS per EOP-06A, 7A and 5.8.3. Power level should be ~ 10%
after the Recirculation pump trip, so RPV water level will have to be lowered.
Control rods can be inserted via RMCS.
The secondary containment temperatures will continue to rise, resulting in MSOT in 2 areas. The crew is expected to take action iaw EOP-6B and perform an Emergency Depressurization. After the Emergency Depressurization is complete and RPV water level is being controlled, the control rods will insert the next time the scram is reset and scrammed again.
The scenario will terminate when the RPV has been depressurized, control rods have been inserted. and RPV water level has been restored to +15 to +40.
Facility: COOPER                               Scenario No.: 3                              Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________
_Steve Garchow___________                    __________________________
_Kelly Clayton____________                   __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover:       The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:              The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:              The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in  
When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in a loss of MCC F. The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP B vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.
When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
Event    Malf. No.      Event                                Event Description No.                      Type*
Initiated by  N (RO)    Power reduction of 100 MWe 1.
turnover Trigger 1        T, I    Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC (PC-PS-12C) 2.

a loss of MCC "F". The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP "B" vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.
Facility: COOPER                              Scenario No.: 3                              Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________
_Steve Garchow___________                    __________________________
_Kelly Clayton____________                  __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover:      The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:              The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in a loss of MCC F. The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP B vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.
When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
Event No.Malf. No.Event Type*Event Description 1.Initiated by turnoverN (RO)Power reduction of 100 MWe 2.Trigger 1T, I (RO, BOP, SRO)Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC (PC-PS-12C)Trigger2C(All)LossofMCCF/LossofRFPT
Event     Malf. No.       Event                                 Event Description No.                     Type*
Initiated by   N (RO)     Power reduction of 100 MWe 1.
turnover Trigger 1        T, I   Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC (PC-PS-12C) 2.

Facility: COOPER                             Scenario No.: 4                              Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________
COOPER   Scenario No.: 3Op-Test No.:1 Examiners:
_Steve Garchow___________                    __________________________
_Paul Gage
_Kelly Clayton____________                   __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover:     The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:             The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.
Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
_Steve Garchow
Event    Malf. No.      Event                                Event Description No.                    Type*
___________                  __________________________
Trigger 1    N (SRO, Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 1.
_Kelly Clayton
____________                   __________________________
Trigger 2      C, T      Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open) 2.
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:             The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in  

a loss of MCC "F". The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP "B" vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.
ES-401                            Record of Rejected KAs                              Form ES-401-4 For the RO Examination:
When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
Tier  Group      Randomly Selected KA                            Reason for Rejection 1      1      295028 High Drywell                Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Temperature, 2.1.6, Ability to    knowledge supervise and assume a management role during plant transients and upset conditions 1      1      295031 Reactor Low Water          Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Level, 2.4.41, Knowledge of the   knowledge emergency action level thresholds and classifications 1      1      295031 Reactor Low Water          IR for RO is less than 2.5 Level, 2.2.8, Knowledge of the process for determining if the proposed change ( Involves an unreviewed safety question 1      1      295019 Partial or Total Loss of    IR for RO is less than 2.5 Instrument Air, 2.2.18, Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance activities during shutdown operations 1      1      2.4.02 Knowledge of system        There are no EOP entry conditions associated with loss setpoints, interlocks, and         of shutdown cooling, therefore another KA was selected automatic actions associated with  at random.
Event No.Malf. No.Event Type*Event Description 1.Initiated by turnoverN (RO)Power reduction of 100 MWe 2.Trigger 1T, I (RO, BOP, SRO)Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC  (PC-PS-12C)Trigger2C(All)LossofMCCF/LossofRFPT
EOP entry conditions, as applied to 295021, Loss of Shutdown Cooling 1      2      295014 Inadvertent Reactivity      IR for RO is less than 2.5 Addition, 2.2.31, Knowledge of the effects of alterations on core configuration 1      2      295014 Inadvertent Reactivity      Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Addition, 2.4.41, Knowledge of    knowledge the emergency action level thresholds and classifications 1      2      295017 High Offsite Release        Not applicable to the RO position (per M. Barton, Rate, AK1.02, Operational          1/19/05); replaced by EK3.03, Knowledge of the reasons Implications of high offsite      for Control Room isolation as pertains to High Offsite release rate as affects protection Release Rate of the general public 2     1      262002 UPS, K2                    No KAs in catalog for category K2 2      2      239003 MSIV Leakage Control        Not Applicable to Cooper (per M. Barton, 1/19/05) ;
replaced by 233000 K1.02 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401                    Record of Rejected KAs                                    Form ES-401-4 2   2 272000 Radiation Monitoring            No applicable reporting requirements System, 2.4.30, Knowledge of which events related to system operation/status which should be reported to outside agencies 2    2 256000, K6.10, Knowledge of the        This KA was replace due to there being no relationship effect that a loss or malfunction of  between main steam and the condensate system.
COOPER   Scenario No.: 4Op-Test No.:1 Examiners:
the main steam system will have        Another KA was chosen from the same KA category.
_Paul Gage
on the condensate feedwater system.
2    2 219000 RHR LPCI: Suppression          There is no automatic operation or repositioning of valves Pool Cooling Mode, A3.01,              associated with RHR LPCI Suppression Pool Cooling Monitor automatic operation as        Mode. Replaced by A1.04, Ability to predict and/or applied to valves                      monitor changes in parameters associated with RHR LPCI Suppression Pool Cooling Mode controls, including suppression pool level.
2    2 214000 Rod Position Indication        Temperature indication is limited to PMIS (computer System, A4.03, Ability to              system) with effectively no control over CR drive manually operate or monitor            temperature. Rejected because no discriminating control rod drive temperature          question can be written. Replaced by A4.02, Ability to from the control room                  manually operate or monitor control position from the control room.
3    0 2.1.26, Knowledge of non-nuclear      IR for RO is less than 2.5 safety procedures 3    0 2.1.13, Knowledge of facility          IR for RO is less than 2.5 requirements for controlling vital and controlled areas 3    0 2.2.19, Knowledge of                   IR for RO is less than 2.5 maintenance work order requirements 3    0 2.2.17, Knowledge of the process      IR for RO is less than 2.5 for managing maintenance activities during power operations 3    0 2.2.4, Ability to explain variations  Cooper is a single unit facility between units at a facility 3    0 2.215, Ability to identify and utilize IR for RO is less than 2.5 as-built design and configuration change documentation...
_Steve Garchow
3    0 2.3.7, Knowledge of the process        IR for RO is less than 2.5 for preparing a radiation work permit ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9
___________                  __________________________
_Kelly Clayton
____________                  __________________________
Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a norma l configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a norma l configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.
Scenario:              The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.
Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam

isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.
ES-401                           Record of Rejected KAs                                  Form ES-401-4 For the SRO Examination:
Event No.Malf. No.Event Type*Event Description 1.Trigger 1N (SRO, RO)Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 2.Trigger 2C, T (BOP, Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open)
Tier   Group     Randomly Selected KA                             Reason for Rejection 2     1     Predict/monitor changes assoc.     There are no MG sets associated with the UPS at with motor generator outputs        Cooper. Another KA was randomly selected.
ES-401 Recor d of R eject ed KA's Form E S-401-4 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 For the RO Ex amination:
2     1     Monitor SRV and acoustical         There are no SRV acoustical monitors at Cooper.
Tier Group Randomly Selected KA Reason for Rejecti on 1 1 295028 High Dr ywell Temperature, 2.1.6, Ability to supervise and assume a management role dur ing plant transients and upset conditions Not applicable to the RO positio n; represents SR O-level knowledge 1 1 295031 Reactor L ow Water Level, 2.4.41, Knowledge of the emergency action level thresholds and classifi cations Not applicable to the RO positio n; represents SR O-level knowledge 1 1 295031 Reactor L ow Water Level, 2.2.8, Knowledge of the process for deter mining if the proposed change ( Involv es an unreview ed safety questi on IR for RO is less than 2.5 1 1 295019 Partial or Total Loss of Instrument Air, 2.2.18, Know ledge of the process for managing maintenance activit ies during shutdown oper ations IR for RO is less than 2.5 1 1 2.4.02  Know ledge of system setpoints, interlocks, and automatic actions associa ted with EOP entry conditions, as applie d to 29 5021 , Los s of S hutd own Cooling There are n o EOP entry conditions associated with loss of shutdown cooling, therefor e another KA w as selected at ran dom.1 2 295014 Inadver tent Reactivit y Addition, 2.2.31 , Knowledge of the effects of alt erations on core configuration IR for RO is less than 2.5 1 2 295014 Inadver tent Reactivit y Addition, 2.4.41 , Knowledge of the emergency act ion level thresholds and classifi cations Not applicable to the RO positio n; represents SR O-level knowledge 1 2 295017 High Of fsite Release Rate, AK1.02, Operational Implications of high offsite release rate as af fects protection of the general p ublic Not applicable to the RO positio n (per M. Barton, 1/19/05); replace d by EK3.03, Knowledge of the reasons for Control R oom isolation as pert ains to High O ffsite Release Rate 2 1 262002 UPS, K2 No KA's in catalog for catego ry K2 2 2 239003 MSI V Leakage Contr ol Not Applicable t o Cooper (per M. Bar ton, 1/19/05) ;
monitors                            Another KA was randomly selected from the same KA category.
replaced by 2330 00 K1.02 ES-401 Recor d of R eject ed KA's Form E S-401-4 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 2 2 272000 Radiation Monitoring System, 2.4.30 , Knowledge of which event s related to sy stem operation/status w hich should be reported to out side agencies No applicable repo rting requirement s 2 2 256000, K6.10, K nowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the mai n steam system wil l have on the condensate f eedwater system.This KA w as replace due to there being no r elationship between main steam and the condensa te system.
2     1     Ability to predict the impacts of a A small break LOCA has no impact on the operation of small break LOCA on ADS, and       the ADS. Another KA was randomly selected.
Anothe r KA was chos en from the sam e KA cate gory.2 2 219000 RHR LP CI: Suppression Pool Cooling M ode, A3.01, Monitor au tomatic operation a s applied to valv es There is no a utomatic operation or repositioning o f valves associated with RHR LPCI Suppression Pool Cooling Mode. Replaced by A1.04, Ability to predict and/o r monitor changes in parameters associ ated with RHR LPCI Suppressio n Pool Cooling M ode controls, includi ng suppression pool lev el.2 2 214000 Rod Posit ion Indication System, A4.03 , Ability to manually operate or monitor control rod driv e temperature from the control room Temperature i ndication is limited t o PMIS (computer system) with effe ctively n o contr ol over CR d rive temperature. R ejected because no discr iminating question can be w ritten. Repla ced by A4.02, Ability to manually operate or monitor contr ol position from t he contro l room.3 0 2.1.26, Know ledge of non-nuclea r safety procedur es IR for RO is less than 2.5 3 0 2.1.13, Know ledge of facility requirements for controlling vita l and controlled are as IR for RO is less than 2.5 3 0 2.2.19, Know ledge of maintenance wor k order requirements IR for RO is less than 2.5 3 0 2.2.17, Know ledge of the pro cess for managing mainten ance activities during power oper ations IR for RO is less than 2.5 3 0 2.2.4, Ability to explain variations between unit s at a facility Cooper is a single unit facility 3 0 2.215, Ability t o ident ify and ut ilize as-built design and configuration change documentation..
based on those predictions use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations.
.IR for RO is less than 2.5 3 0 2.3.7, Know ledge of the pro cess for preparing a radiation w ork permit IR for RO is less than 2.5 ES-401 Recor d of R eject ed KA's Form E S-401-4 ES-401 , NUR EG 1021 Rev ision 9 For the SRO Ex amination:
1     1     Ability to determine or interpret  Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.
Tier Group Randomly Selected KA Reason for Rejecti on 2 1 Predict/monitor ch anges assoc.
suppression pool level as applied  Another KA was randomly selected.
with motor generator output s There are n o MG set s associated wit h the UPS at Cooper. Anot her KA w as randomly select ed.2 1 Monitor S RV and acoustical monitors There are n o SRV acoustical monitors at Coope
to high drywell pressure 2     2     Ability to perform specific system  Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.
: r. Another KA was randomly selected from the same KA catego ry.2 1 Ability to pr edict the impacts of a small break LOCA on ADS, and based on those pred ictions use procedures to corr ect, control, or mitigate the conseque nces of those abnormal condit ions or operations.
and integrated plant procedures     Another KA was randomly selected.
A small break LO CA has no impact on the operation of the ADS. A nother KA w as randomly select ed.1 1 Ability to de termine or inter pret suppression pool lev el as applied to high dryw ell pressure Unable to constru ct an SRO on ly question for this KA.
during different modes of plant operations, as applied to 201003, Control Rod and Drive Mechanism.
Another KA w as randomly select ed.2 2 Ability to pe rform specific sy stem and integrated pl ant procedures during different modes of plant operations, as appl ied to 201003, Control Rod and Dri ve Mechanism.
2      1      Ability to execute procedure steps  Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.
Unable to constru ct an SRO on ly question for this KA.
as applied to 206000, High         Another KA was randomly selected.
Another KA w as randomly select ed.2 1 Ability to ex ecute procedure ste ps as applied to 206000 , High Pressure Coolant Injection.
Pressure Coolant Injection.
Unable to constru ct an SRO on ly question for this KA.
2     2     290002 Reactor Vessel Internals,   Rejected because operators have very limited direct A2.05, Ability to predict the       knowledge of reactor vessel internals and because they impacts of exceeding thermal        are static components have little ability to operate the limits on reactor vessel internals  components. Replaced by 202001 A2.09, Ability to and on the basis of the prediction  predict the impacts of recirculation scoop tube lockup on use procedures to correct,          the recirculation system and on the basis of the control, or mitigate the            prediction use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate consequences of the abnormal        the consequences of the abnormal conditions or conditions or operations.          operations.
Another KA w as randomly select ed.2 2 290002 Reactor V essel Internals, A2.05, Ability to predict the impacts of ex ceeding thermal limits on reactor v essel internals and on the basis of the prediction use procedures to co rrect, control, or mitiga te the consequences of the ab normal conditions or opera tions.Rejected because ope rators have v ery limited dir ect knowledge of reactor vessel i nternals and because they are static components have little abi lity to opera te the components. Replace d by 202001 A 2.09, Ability to predict the impacts of recirculation sco op tube lockup on the recirculation system and on the basis of the prediction use proce dures to correct, control, or miti gate the consequences of t he abnormal condition s or operations.}}
ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9}}

Latest revision as of 00:47, 24 November 2019

CNS - 06-2005 - Initial Final Admin Outline
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/27/2005
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ES-301, ES-301-1
Download: ML053330026 (36)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/6/2005 Examination Level (circle one): RO Operating Test Number:

Administrative Topic (*) Type Describe Activity to be Performed Code(s)

Conduct of Operations N Verify Valve Position (perform on > 1 mockup valve either at maintenance training building or staged in the training building; at least one valve verified open and close, one valve to be found not in the expected position, SKL034xxxx)

Conduct of Operations D S Perform RO Review of Daily Logs, SKL0345019 (collection of a variety of information from panels and the simulator PCIS using procedure 2.0.2, Operations Logs and Reports)

Equipment Control D Develop, Verify, and Implement Tagouts, SKL0345034 Radiation Control M S Perform Dose Assessment, #2, SKL0345037 (Perform a dose calculation using CNS Dose with data obtained from panel indication and PCIS),

NRC developed Radiation Control D Evaluate an RWP and identify the minimum radiological protection requirements.

Emergency Plan Not Tested NOTE: All item s (5 total) are required for SRO s. RO app licants require only 4 item s unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

  • Type Co des & Criteria: (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank (#3 for RO s, # 4 for SROs and RO retakes)

(N) New or (M) Modified from Bank ($1 required)

(P) Previous 2 exams (#1, randomly selected)

(S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/62005 Exam Level (circle one): RO Operating Test Number:

Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)

System / JPM Title Type Codes (*) Safety Function

a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123, D S Reactivity Control Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform D L S Reactor Inventory Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig Control
c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual M A S Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not Control close when demanded)
d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx, L N S Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries, M S Containment Integrity SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System, D S A Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops Systems (REC pump trip)
g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain D S A Instrumentation Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075, D S Radiological Release Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095, D A E Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to N A C Reactivity Control SCRAM; NRC developed
k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, R N Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2

(@ ) All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank #9/ #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant $1 / $1 / $1 (L) Low Power $1 / $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A) $2 / $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams #3/ #3/ #2 (randomly selected)

(R) RC A Entry $1 / $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/6/2005 Examination Level (circle one): SRO Operating Test Number:

Administrative Topic (*) Type Describe Activity to be Performed Code(s)

Conduct of Operations D S Reportability Determination per procedure 2.0.5 (4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, given an event that should have resulted in ECCS discharge into the Reactor Coolant System as a result of a valid signal, SKL0343028, Reportable Occurrence to the NRC, #3)

Conduct of Operations N Shift Staffing Determination per procedure 2.0.3 section 10 (given a mode and a partial crew complement, determine what additional crew positions are required); NRC developed Equipment Control N Risk Assessment and Mock Safety Function Determination using procedure 0.26 per procedure 0.49, step 3.5 (evaluation of the schedule, including risk assessment, during periods outside normal office hours, for impact of emergent equipment problems including missed TS/TRM surveillances on scheduled activities & ensure mock safety function determination is performed to assess the impact of missed TS/TRM surveillances on safety-related equipment)

Radiation Control M Review and Approve Liquid Radioactive Waste Discharge per procedure 8.8.11, Attachment 1 (complete sections 1-3, provide information for SM to complete section 4, faulted - SM should not approve, SKL03450xx, Approve Radioactive Discharge Release Permit)

Emergency Plan M Protective Action Recommendation determination per procedure 5.7.20 and complete the appropriate section(s) of the offsite notification form (CNS Dose is not available; provide data to use Attachments 1 and 2, SKL03430xx, PAR Tabletop)

NOTE: All item s (5 total) are required for SRO s. RO app licants require only 4 item s unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when all 5 are required.

NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1

  • Type Co des & Criteria: (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank (#3 for RO s, # 4 for SROs and RO retakes)

(N) New or (M) Modified from Bank ($1 required)

(P) Previous 2 exams (#1, randomly selected)

(S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/62005 Exam Level (circle one): SRO-U Operating Test Number:

Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)

System / JPM Title Type Codes (*) Safety Function

a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123, Not Tested Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform Not Tested Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig
c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual M A Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not Control close when demanded)
d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx, L N Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries, Not Tested SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System, D S A Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops Systems (REC pump trip)
g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain Not Tested Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075, Not Tested Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095, D A E Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM Not Tested
k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, R N Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2

(@ ) All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank #9/ #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant $1 / $1 / $1 (L) Low Power $1 / $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A) $2 / $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams #3/ #3/ #2 (randomly selected)

(R) RC A Entry $1 / $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/62005 Exam Level (circle one): SRO-U Operating Test Number:

Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO; 7 for SRO-Instant; 2 or 3 for SRO-Update)

System / JPM Title Type Codes (*) Safety Function

a. Recirc Flow Control System, SKL0342123, Not Tested Respond to Trip of Reactor Recirc Pump
b. Condensate System, SKL0342121, Perform Not Tested Feedwater Startup from 0 to 350 psig
c. ADS, SKL03420xx, Perform ADS Manual M A Reactor Pressure Valve Actuation Surveillance (valve does not Control close when demanded)
d. RHR Shutdown Cooling Mode, SKL034xxxx, L N Core Heat Removal Shutdown Cooling Cooldown Rate Adjustment
e. Primary Containment & Auxiliaries, Not Tested SKL0342025, Primary Containment Venting for PCPL
f. Reactor Equipment Cooling System, D S A Plant Service SKL0342144, Separation of REC Critical Loops Systems (REC pump trip)
g. APRM, SKL0342019, Perform APRM Gain Not Tested Adjustment for Single Loop Operations (potentiometer malfunction)
h. Plant Ventilation Systems, SKL0342075, Not Tested Respond to Sustained Combustion in Offgas System In Plant Systems@ (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-Instant; 3 or 2 for SRO-Update)
i. Uninterruptible Power Supplies, SKL0341095, D A E Electrical Respond to No-Break Power Panel Failure
j. RPS, SKL034xxxx, 5.1ASD Failure to SCRAM Not Tested
k. Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, R N Reactor Inventory SKL034xxxx, Manual Start of the RCIC Turbine Control per 5.3ALT Strategy NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room / In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2

(@ ) All Control Room and In-Plant systems m ust be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the Control Room

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-Instant / SRO-Upgrade (A) A lternate Pa th 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C) Control Room (D) Direct from Bank #9/ #8 / #4 (E) Emergency or Abnormal in plant $1 / $1 / $1 (L) Low Power $1 / $1 / $1 (N) New or (M) Modified from bank including 1(A) $2 / $2 / $2 (P) Previous 2 exams #3/ #3/ #2 (randomly selected)

(R) RC A Entry $1 / $1 / $1 (S) Simulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Exam: June 13, 2005 Tier Group RO K/A Catego ry Points SR O Only K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 A1 A2 A3 A4 G* Total A2 G* Total

1. 1 2 3 3 4 3 5 20 4 3 7 N/A N/A 2 1 3 0 1 1 1 7 1 2 3 Tota ls 3 6 3 5 4 6 27 5 5 10
2. 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 1 26 2 3 5 2 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 3 Tota ls 5 2 3 4 2 4 5 3 5 2 3 38 3 5 8
3. Generic Knowledge and Abilities Categories 1 3 1 1 10 7 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 4 2 4 2 Note: 1. Ensure that at least 2 topics from every applicable KA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e. except for Category 1 in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the Tier Totals in each KA category shall not be less than 2).
2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +/- 1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2, for guidance regarding the elimination of inappropriate KA statements.
4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
5. Absent a plant-specific priority only those KAs having an importance rating of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.
6. Select SRO topics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded systems and KA categories.
7. (*) The generic (G) KAs in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of KA Catalog but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system.
8. On the following pages enter the KA numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics importance ratings for the applicable license level and the point totals for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. Use duplicate pages for RO and SRO-only exams.
9. For Tier 3 select topics from Section 2 of the KA Catalog and enter the KA numbers, descriptions, IRs and point totals on Form ES 401-3. Limit SRO selections to KAs that are linked to 10 CFR 55.43.

ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (RO)

E/APE#/Name/Safety Function K K K A A G KA T opic(s) IR #

1 2 3 1 2 295001 Partial or Complete Loss of Forced 1 1 Relation between loss of forced core flow 3.3 AK2.04 Core Flow Circulation circulation and the reactor or turbine pressure regulating system Reasons for reduced loop operating 3.2 AK3.05 requirements as applies to loss of forced core flow circulation 2 9 50 0 3 P a rt ia l o r C o m p le te L os s o f A C 1 Operational implications of failsafe 2.6 AK1.05 component design applied to partial or complete loss of AC power 2 9 5 0 0 4 P a rti a l or Total Loss of DC Pwr 1 Determine or interpret the cause of partial 3.2 AA2.01 or complete loss of DC power 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip 1 Monitor or operate RPS as applies to main 3.6 AA1.02 turbine generator trip 2 9 50 0 6 S C R A M 1 Ability to prioritize and interpret the 3.3 2.4.45 significance of each annunciator and alarm 295016 Control Room Abandonment 1 Ability to determine or interpret reactor 4.1 AA2.01 power as applies to CR abandonment 2 9 50 1 8 P a rt ia l o r T o ta l L o ss of C C W 1 Reasons for reactor power reduction as 3.3 AK3.02 applied to partial or total loss of CCW 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir 1 Ability to evaluate plant performance and 3.7 2.1.07 make operational judgements based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling 1 Knowledge of the purpose and function of 3.9 2.1.28 major system components and controls.

295023 Refueling Accident 1 Monitor or operate radiation monitoring 3.4 AA1.04 equipment as applies to refueling accidents 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re 1 Operate or monitor RPS as applies to high 3.9 EA1.05 drywell pressure 295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure 1 Relationship with Safety Relief Valves 4.1 EK2.05 295026 Suppression Pool High W ater 1 Relationship between suppression pool 3.9 EK2.01 Te m pera ture cooling and high water temperature 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture Not Applicable to Cooper 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture 1 Verify alarm setpoints and operate controls 3.3 2.4.50 as identified in the alarm response manual 295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level 1 Monitor or operate RCIC as applies 3.4 EA1.02 Continued on the next page...

ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Continued from the previous page...

Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (RO)

E/APE#/Name/Safety Function K K K A A G KA T opic(s) IR #

1 2 3 1 2 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 1 Ability to located CR switches and 4.2 2.1.31 indications and determine they reflect the desired plant line up 295037 SCRAM C ondition Present and 1 Determine or interpret reactor water level 4.1 EA2.02 P o w e r A bo ve A PRM Downscale or Unknown as applied to SCRAM w/ATWS condition 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate 1 Knowledge of the reasons for control room 3.7 EK3.03 ventilation isolation during conditions of high offsite release rate.

600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite 1 Operational implications of fire fighting as 2.9 AK1.02 applies to plant fire on site KA Category Totals 2 3 3 4 3 5 Group Point Total: 20 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 (RO)

E/APE#/Name/Safety Function K K K A A G KA T opic(s) IR #

1 2 3 1 2 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 295007 High Reactor Pressure 1 Determine or interpret reactor water level 3.7 AA2.03 as applies to high reactor pressure 295008 High Reactor Water Level 1 Monitor or operate HPCI as applies to high 3.1 AA1.04 reactor water level 295009 Low Reactor Water Level 1 Relations between reactor water level 3.9 AK2.02 control and low reactor water level 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 High Containment Temp. Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 High Suppression Pool Temp. 1 Relation of suppression pool cooling 3.6 AK2.01 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition 1 Ability to perform pre-startup procedures 3.7 2.2.01 for the facility including operating those controls associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity 295015 Incomplete SCRAM 1 Knowledge of the operational implications 3.8 AK1.03 of the following concepts as they apply to incomplete scram: Reactivity affects 295017 High Offsite Release Rate Not Applicable to the RO Position 295020 Inadvertent Containment Isol 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps 295029 High Suppression Pool Level 295032 High Secondary Containment 1 Relation between CNMT area temperature 3.6 EK2.07 Area Temperature and leak detection system concepts 295033 High Secondary Containment Area Radiation Levels 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation High Radiation 295035 Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump / Area Water Level 500000 High CTMT Hydrogen Conc.

KA Category Point Total 1 3 0 1 1 1 Group Point T ota l: 7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (RO)

System # / Name K K K K K K A A A A G KA Topics IR #

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 203000 RHR LPCI: Injection Mode 1 Effect of malfunction on water lvl. 4.3 K3.01 205000 Shutdown Cooling 1 Design & Interlocks providing for 3.6 K4.05 reactor cool down rate 2 0 60 0 0 H P C I 1 Connections with Keep Fill systm 4.0 K1.09 207000 Isolation Condenser Not applicable to Cooper 2 0 90 0 1 L P C S 1 Predict/monitor System Lineup 3.3 A1.08 2 0 90 0 2 H P C S Not applicable to Cooper 211000 SLC 1 1 Relation with plant air systems 2.5 K1.03 Ability to apply Tech Specs 2.9 2.1.12 2 1 20 0 0 R P S 1 Knowledge of electrical power 3.2 K2.01 systems to RPS M/G sets 1 RPS Bus Voltage 2.8 A1.04 2 1 50 0 3 IR M 1 Operational implications of 3.0 K5.03 changing detector positions 215 004 So urce Ra nge Mon itors 1 Electrical power supplies to SRM 2.6 K2.01 channels or detectors 2 1 50 0 5 A R P M / L P R M 1 Monitor automatic operations of 3.3 A3.06 max. disagreement of flow comparator channels 21 70 00 RC IC 1 Predict/monitor Supp. Pool Level 3.3 A1.07 2 1 80 0 0 A D S 1 1 Effect of malfunction on ADS 3.8 K6.04 valve air supply Predict impact of small break LOCA on ADS and mitigate


Ability to monitor automatic 4.2 A3.01 operations of the ADS including ADS valve operation 223002 PCIS / Nuclear Steam 1 Predict / Monitor changes assoc. 2.6 A1.04 Su pply S huto ff with individual relay status ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 239002 Safety Relief Valves 1 Connections with nuclear boiler 3.5 K1.03 instrumentation system Monitor SRV and acoustical mnt.


1 Lights and Alarms 3.6 A3.08 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 1 Monitor auto operations and 3.2 A3.03 changes in main steam flow 26 10 00 Sta nd by G as Tre atm en t Sys 1 Moritor or operate fans from the 3.0 A4.03 Control Room 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 1 Physical connections with offsite 3.4 K1.03 power Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (RO)

System # / Name K K K K K K A A A A G KA Topics IR #

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 2 6 20 0 2 U P S (A C - DC ) 1 Design & interlocks which 3.1 K4.01 provide for transfer from preferred to alternate power Predict/monitor changes assoc. 2.5 A1.02 with motor generator outputs


263000 DC Electrical Distribution 1 Effect of malfunction on systems 3.4 K3.03 with DC components 26 40 00 ED Gs 1 1 Operations implications of 3.4 K5.05 paralleling AC power sources Predict consequences of 2.9 A2.04 over/under-excited operation and mitigate 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air 1 Predict effect of air dryer and 2.9 A2.01 filter malfunctions and mitigate 4 0 00 0 0 C C W 1 Effect of loss or malfunction of 3.0 K6.05 pumps will have on CCW KA Category Point Totals: 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 Group Point Total: 26 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO)

System # / Name K K K K K K A A A A G KA Topics IR #

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 201001 CRD Hydraulic 201002 RMCS 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism 201004 RSCS Not Applicable to Cooper 201005 RCIS Not Applicable to Cooper 201006 RWM 202001 Recirculation 202002 Recirc Flow Control 204000 RWCU 214000 RPIS 1 Monitor or operate control rod 3.8 A4.02 position from the control room 215001 Traversing In-Core Probe 215002 Rod Block Monitor 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrum.

219000 RHR LPCI: Torus / 1 Ability to predict and/or monitor 3.2 A1.04 Pool Cooling Mode changes in parameters ,

including suppression pool level.

223001 Primary CNMT & Aux. 1 Monitor automatic operation and 4.3 A3.05 Drywell pressure 226001 RHR LPCI: 1 Knowledge of the bases for 3.0 2.4.22 Containment Spray Mode prioritizing safety functions 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Spray Mode 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling & 1 Knowledge of physical 2.9 K1.02 Cleanup connections and cause/effect with RHR 234000 Fuel Handling Equip.

239001 Main & Reheat Steam 1 Design & interlocks pertaining to 3.3 K4.09 equalization of MSIV pressure prior to opening 239003 MSIV Leakage Control Not Applicable to Cooper Continued on Next page...

ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Continued from previous page...

Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO)

System # / Name K K K K K K A A A A G KA Topics IR #

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 241000 Reactor / Turbine Pressure Regulator 245000 Main Turbine Generator

& Auxiliaries 256000 Reactor Condensate Effect of main steam system K6.10 loss or malfunction on condensate system [Delete]

1 Effect of main steam system 3.3 K6.06 loss or malfunction on the reactor feedwater system 259001 Reactor Feedwater 268000 Radwaste 271000 Offgas 1 Monitor auto operation of 2.9 A3.05 indicating lights and alarms 272000 Radiation Monitoring 1 Operator responsibilities during 3.0 2.1.2 all modes of operation 286000 Fire Protection 1 Effect of loss or malfunction on 3.2 K3.02 personnel protection 288000 Plant Ventilation 290001 Secondary Containment 290003 Control Room HVAC 1 Predict impact of initiation or 3.1 A2.01 reconfiguration and mitigate abnormal conditions 290002 Reactor Vessel 1 Design & interlocks provide for 3.3 K4.05 Internals natural circulation KA Category Point Totals 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 1 1 1 2 Group Point Total 12 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1 3.52 Tier Total 20 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2 3.63 Tier Total 07 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1 3.12 Tier Total 26 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2 2.91 Tier Total 12 Average IR for Tier 3 3.06 Tier Total 10 Average IR for RO Exam 3.23 Exam Total 75 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-3 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Category KA # Topic RO SRO Only IR # IR #

1. 2..1.10 Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility 2.7 1 Conduct of license Operations 2..1.28 Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system 3.2 1 components and controls.

2..1.33 Ability to recognize indications for system operating 2.7 1 parameters which are entry conditions for technical specifications.

Subtotal 3

2. 2..2.22 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and safety 3.4 1 Equipment limits Control 2..2.30 Knowledge of RO duties in the CR during fuel handling 3.5 1 2..2.34 Knowledge of the process for determining the internal and 2.8 1 external effects on core reactivity Subtotal 3
3. Radiation 2..3.01 Knowledge of 10 CFR 20 and related facility radiation 2..6 1 Control control requirements 2..3.10 Ability to perform procedures to reduce excessive levels of 2..9 1 radiation and guard against personnel exposure Subtotal 2
4. Emergency 2..4.46 Ability to verify that alarms are consistent with plant 3.5 1 Procedures conditions and Plan 2..4.49 Ability to perform without reference to procedures those 3.3 1 actions which require immediate operations of system components and controls Subtotal 2 Tier 3 Point Total 10 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 1 (SRO)

E/APE#/Name/Safety Function A G KA T opic(s) IR #

2 295 001 Pa rtial or Co m plete L oss of Forc ed C ore 1 Knowledge of limiting conditions for operations and 4.1 2.2.22 Flow Circulation safety limits 2 9 50 0 3 P a rt ia l o r C o m p le te L os s o f A C 2 9 5 0 0 4 P a rti a l or Total Loss of DC Pwr 29 50 05 Ma in T urb ine Ge ne rato r Trip 1 Ability to determine or interpret feedwater 2.7 AA2.06 temperature as applied to a main turbine generator trip 2 9 50 0 6 S C R A M 295016 Control Room Abandonment 2 9 50 1 8 P a rt ia l o r T o ta l L o ss of C C W 29 50 19 Pa rtial o r To tal Lo ss o f Inst A ir 1 Knowledge of annunciators, alarms, and indications, 3.4 2.4.31 and use of the response instructions 295021 Loss of Shutdown Cooling 295023 Refueling Accident 295 024 High Dryw ell Pre ssu re Ability to determine or interpret suppression pool level as applied to high drywell pressure [Deleted]

295 025 High Re acto r Pres sure 1 Ability to determine or interpret suppression pool 4.1 EA2.03 temperature as applied to high reactor pressure 295 026 Su ppre ssion Po ol Hig h W ater T em pera ture 295 027 High Co ntainm ent T em pera ture 1 Ability to recognize indications for system operating 4.0 2.1.33 parameters which are entry-level conditions for technical specifications 295 028 High Dryw ell Te m pera ture 1 Ability to determine and/or interpret the following as 3.9 EA2.03 they apply to high drywell temperature: Reactor Water Level.

295030 Low Suppression Pool Water Level 1 Ability to determine or interpret drywell / 3.7 EA2.04 suppression pool differential pressure as applied to low suppression pool water level 295031 Reactor Low Water Level 295037 SCRAM C ondition Present and Power A b o ve A P RM D ownscale or Unknown 295 038 High Offsite Re leas e R ate 600 000 Plan t Fire O n S ite KA Category Totals 4 3 Group Point Total: 7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 1 / Group 2 (SRO)

E/APE#/Name/Safety Function A G KA T opic(s) IR #

2 295002 Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum 295007 High Reactor Pressure 1 Knowledge of surveillance procedures 3.4 2.2.12 295008 High Reactor Water Level 295009 Low Reactor Water Level 295010 High Drywell Pressure 295011 High Containment Temp. Not Applicable to Cooper 295012 High Drywell Temperature 295013 High Suppression Pool Temp.

295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Addition 295015 Incomplete SCRAM 295017 High Offsite Release Rate 1 Knowledge of symptom-based EOP mitigation 4.0 2.4.6 strategies 295020 Inadvertent Containment Isol 295022 Loss of CRD Pumps 295029 High Suppression Pool Level 295032 High Secondary Containment Area Temperature 295033 High Secondary Containment Area Radiation Levels 295034 Secondary Containment Ventilation 1 Ability to determine or interpret ventilation radiation 4.2 EA2.01 High Radiation levels 295035 Secondary Containment High Differential Pressure 295036 Secondary Containment High Sump

/ Area Water Level 500000 High CTMT Hydrogen Conc.

KA Category Point Total 1 2 Group Point T ota l: 3 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 1 (SRO)

System # / Name A G KA Topics IR #

2 203000 RHR LPCI: Injection Mode 1 Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance 3.5 2.2.18 activities during shutdown operations 205000 Shutdown Cooling 2 0 60 0 0 H P C I 1 Ability to execute procedure steps 4.2 2.1.20 207000 Isolation Condenser Not Applicable to Cooper 2 0 90 0 1 L P C S 2 0 90 0 2 H P C S Not Applicable to Cooper 211000 SLC 2 1 20 0 0 R P S 2 1 50 0 3 IR M 1 Ability to determine Mode of Operation 3.3 2.1.22 215004 Source Range Monitor 2 1 50 0 5 A R P M / L P R M 21 70 00 RC IC 2 1 80 0 0 A D S 223 002 PC IS / Nu clea r Stea m Su pply S huto ff 23 90 02 SR Vs 259002 Reactor Water Level Control 261000 Standby Gas Treatment System 262001 AC Electrical Distribution 1 Ability to predict the impact of opening a disconnect 3.6 A2.08 under load and....correct, control or mitigate the consequences 2 6 20 0 2 U P S (A C - DC )

263000 DC Electrical Distribution 264 000 Em erge ncy D iese l Ge nera tors 1 Ability to predict the impacts of synchronization of the 3.6 A2.05 emergency generator with other electrical supplies, and....correct, control or mitigate the consequences 30 00 00 Instru m en t Air 4 0 00 0 0 C C W KA Category Point Totals: 2 3 Group Point Total: 5 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (SRO)

System # / Name A G KA Topics IR #

2 201001 CRD Hydraulic 201002 RMCS 201003 Control Rod and Drive Mechanism Ability to perform specific system and integrated 4.0 2.1.23 plant procedures during different modes of plant operations [Deleted]

201004 RSCS Not Applicable to Cooper 201005 RCIS Not Applicable to Cooper 201006 RWM 202001 Recirculation 1 Ability to predict the impacts of recirculation scoop 3.4 A2.09 tube lockup on the recirculation system and on the basis of the prediction use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of the abnormal conditions or operations.

202002 Recirc Flow Control 204000 RWCU 214000 RPIS 215001 Traversing In-Core Probe 215002 Rod Block Monitor 216000 Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation 219000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Cooling Mode 223001 Primary CNMT & Aux.

226001 RHR LPCI: Containment Spray Mode 23000 RHR LPCI: Torus / Pool Spray Mode 233000 Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup 1 Ability to obtain and interpret station reference 3.1 2.1.25 materials...which contain performance data 234000 Fuel Handling Equip. 1 Ability to track limiting conditions for operations 3.8 2.2.23 239001 Main & Reheat Steam 239003 MSIV Leakage Control 241000 Reactor / Turbine Pressure Regulator 245000 Main Turbine Generator &

Auxiliaries ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 256000 Reactor Condensate

...continued on Next page...

...continued from Previous page...

Plant Systems- Tier 2 / Group 2 (RO / SRO)

System # / Name A G KA Topics IR #

2 259001 Reactor Feedwater 268000 Radwaste 271000 Offgas 272000 Radiation Monitoring 286000 Fire Protection 288000 Plant Ventilation 290001 Secondary Containment 290003 Control Room HVAC 290002 Reactor Vessel Internals Deleted KA Category Point Totals 1 2 Group Point Total 3 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-1 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 1 3.69 Tier Total 7 Average IR for Tier 1, Group 2 3.87 Tier Total 3 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 1 3.64 Tier Total 5 Average IR for Tier 2, Group 2 3.76 Tier Total 3 Average IR for Tier 3 3.43 Tier Total 7 Average IR for SRO Exam 3.64 Exam Total 25 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 BWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-3 Generic Knowledge and Abilities Outline (Tier 3)

Category KA # Topic RO SRO Only IR # IR #

1. 2.1.14 Knowledge of system status criteria which require 3.3 1 Conduct of notification of plant personnel Operations Subtotal 1
2. 2.2.14 Knowledge of the process for making configuration 3.0 1 Equipment changes Control 2.2.26 Knowledge of refueling administrative requirements 3.7 1 Subtotal 2
3. Radiation 2.3.3 Knowledge of SRO responsibilities for auxiliary 2.9 1 Control systems outside the control room (waste disposal and handling systems) 2.3.4 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits and 3.1 1 contamination control, including permissible levels in excess of those authorized Subtotal 2
4. 2.4.22 Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing safety 4.0 1 Emergency functions during abnormal or emergency operations Procedures and Plan 2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action 4.0 1 recommendations Subtotal 2 Tier 3 Point Total 7 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

Facility: COOPER Scenario No.: 4 Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________

_Steve Garchow___________ __________________________

_Kelly Clayton____________ __________________________

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

Scenario: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.

Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type*

Trigger 1 N (SRO, Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 1.


Trigger 2 C, T Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open) 2.


Facility: COOPER Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________

_Steve Garchow___________ __________________________

_Kelly Clayton____________ __________________________

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to a motor failure. The Sentinal Status is Green.

Turnover: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The A1 Reactor Feedpump LO Pump and D1 Sump Pump are both tagged out due to motor failures. The Sentinal Status is Green. Reactor engineering is working on the computer program used to calculate AGAFs. Assume all AGAFs are in specification unless otherwise notified by the STA.

Scenario: The plant is operating at 60% power with instructions to continue the power ascension to 100%. The crew will raise power greater than 70% before the first event is called in. The A1 Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump and Sump Pump D1 are tagged out for maintenance.

Following the power ascension, an accumulator fault due to low N2 pressure is received. Following the Tech Spec assessments, an inadvertent initiation of HPCI occurs. The crew should respond per 2.4CSCS and the Technical Specifications.

After the Tech Spec assessment is complete, a tube rupture occurs in feedwater heater A5. This will require a diagnosis since the alarm clears. Eventually the crew will have to commence a plant shutdown. Once the shutdown is underway, an unisolable steam line leak will develop on the HPCI steam line. The automatic isolation for the steam supply valves will not function and the valves cannot be closed from the control room. The crew is expected to take action EOP-05, Secondary Containment Control and scram the plant before one area reaches a Maximum Safe Operating Temperature (MSOT).

Due to a hydraulic lock, many control rods will fail to insert. The crew should respond to the ATWS per EOP-06A, 7A and 5.8.3. Power level should be ~ 10%

after the Recirculation pump trip, so RPV water level will have to be lowered.

Control rods can be inserted via RMCS.

The secondary containment temperatures will continue to rise, resulting in MSOT in 2 areas. The crew is expected to take action iaw EOP-6B and perform an Emergency Depressurization. After the Emergency Depressurization is complete and RPV water level is being controlled, the control rods will insert the next time the scram is reset and scrammed again.

The scenario will terminate when the RPV has been depressurized, control rods have been inserted. and RPV water level has been restored to +15 to +40.

Facility: COOPER Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________

_Steve Garchow___________ __________________________

_Kelly Clayton____________ __________________________

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

Scenario: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in a loss of MCC F. The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP B vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.

When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type*

Initiated by N (RO) Power reduction of 100 MWe 1.

turnover Trigger 1 T, I Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC (PC-PS-12C) 2.


Facility: COOPER Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________

_Steve Garchow___________ __________________________

_Kelly Clayton____________ __________________________

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

Scenario: The plant is operating at 100% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a bus ground results in a loss of MCC F. The loss of MCC F causes a trip of RFPT A due to low lube oil pressure, A1 pump tagged out, requiring a power reduction to maintain reactor water level and to reduce heat load to the capacity of the remaining pump. When conditions have stabilized, RFP B vibrations increase to the point that the pump must be tripped. The crew will scram the reactor and trip the last remaining RFP.

When RCIC initiates, a break develops on the "A" feedwater line inside the drywell. HPCI fails to automatically start, but may be manually started. RCIC will not inject due to the location of the leak. The feedwater line check valve leaks, and the leak continues. HPCI can maintain RPV water level for the selected leak size. Containment sprays will be required by the EOPs. Drywell sprays will be initiated. Drywell sprays will fail to isolate on low containment pressure. The operator must either maintain pressure by controlling spray flowrate or manally isolate drywell sprays when containment becomes negative before air is drawn into the primary containment. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type*

Initiated by N (RO) Power reduction of 100 MWe 1.

turnover Trigger 1 T, I Drywell Pressure Instrument Fails UPSC (PC-PS-12C) 2.


Facility: COOPER Scenario No.: 4 Op-Test No.:1 Examiners: _Paul Gage_______________ Operators: __________________________

_Steve Garchow___________ __________________________

_Kelly Clayton____________ __________________________

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity Turnover: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service. Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity.

Scenario: The plant is operating at 75% power near the end of the current fuel cycle when the crew takes the shift. The plant is in a normal configuration with the exception of Rx Feed Pump Lube Oil Pump A1 and Sump Pump D1 are out of service.

Southeast Nebraska is in a severe thunderstorm warning, which includes intense electrical storm activity. A surveillance testing the operability of main steam isolation valve 80A fails resulting in one MSL being isolated. A lightning strike on the grid results in the loss of the 69kV OPPD Nebraska City Line and requires performing a tech spec surveillance. When the Technical Specification assessment is complete, a MSL radiation monitor fails upscale. When the assessment of this is complete, APRM Channel B fails INOP. When the actions for the APRM are complete, a loss of off-site power, reactor scram, and a steam leak into primary containment occur. Later in the scenario EDG-2 fails. The scenario ends when RPV water level is being restored to the normal band, drywell pressure is being controlled and classifications have been made.

Event Malf. No. Event Event Description No. Type*

Trigger 1 N (SRO, Power reduction to < 70% using control rods and recirc flow 1.


Trigger 2 C, T Surveillance 6.MS.201 Section 5 (Failure of MSIV MOV-80A to open) 2.


ES-401 Record of Rejected KAs Form ES-401-4 For the RO Examination:

Tier Group Randomly Selected KA Reason for Rejection 1 1 295028 High Drywell Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Temperature, 2.1.6, Ability to knowledge supervise and assume a management role during plant transients and upset conditions 1 1 295031 Reactor Low Water Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Level, 2.4.41, Knowledge of the knowledge emergency action level thresholds and classifications 1 1 295031 Reactor Low Water IR for RO is less than 2.5 Level, 2.2.8, Knowledge of the process for determining if the proposed change ( Involves an unreviewed safety question 1 1 295019 Partial or Total Loss of IR for RO is less than 2.5 Instrument Air, 2.2.18, Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance activities during shutdown operations 1 1 2.4.02 Knowledge of system There are no EOP entry conditions associated with loss setpoints, interlocks, and of shutdown cooling, therefore another KA was selected automatic actions associated with at random.

EOP entry conditions, as applied to 295021, Loss of Shutdown Cooling 1 2 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity IR for RO is less than 2.5 Addition, 2.2.31, Knowledge of the effects of alterations on core configuration 1 2 295014 Inadvertent Reactivity Not applicable to the RO position; represents SRO-level Addition, 2.4.41, Knowledge of knowledge the emergency action level thresholds and classifications 1 2 295017 High Offsite Release Not applicable to the RO position (per M. Barton, Rate, AK1.02, Operational 1/19/05); replaced by EK3.03, Knowledge of the reasons Implications of high offsite for Control Room isolation as pertains to High Offsite release rate as affects protection Release Rate of the general public 2 1 262002 UPS, K2 No KAs in catalog for category K2 2 2 239003 MSIV Leakage Control Not Applicable to Cooper (per M. Barton, 1/19/05) ;

replaced by 233000 K1.02 ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected KAs Form ES-401-4 2 2 272000 Radiation Monitoring No applicable reporting requirements System, 2.4.30, Knowledge of which events related to system operation/status which should be reported to outside agencies 2 2 256000, K6.10, Knowledge of the This KA was replace due to there being no relationship effect that a loss or malfunction of between main steam and the condensate system.

the main steam system will have Another KA was chosen from the same KA category.

on the condensate feedwater system.

2 2 219000 RHR LPCI: Suppression There is no automatic operation or repositioning of valves Pool Cooling Mode, A3.01, associated with RHR LPCI Suppression Pool Cooling Monitor automatic operation as Mode. Replaced by A1.04, Ability to predict and/or applied to valves monitor changes in parameters associated with RHR LPCI Suppression Pool Cooling Mode controls, including suppression pool level.

2 2 214000 Rod Position Indication Temperature indication is limited to PMIS (computer System, A4.03, Ability to system) with effectively no control over CR drive manually operate or monitor temperature. Rejected because no discriminating control rod drive temperature question can be written. Replaced by A4.02, Ability to from the control room manually operate or monitor control position from the control room.

3 0 2.1.26, Knowledge of non-nuclear IR for RO is less than 2.5 safety procedures 3 0 2.1.13, Knowledge of facility IR for RO is less than 2.5 requirements for controlling vital and controlled areas 3 0 2.2.19, Knowledge of IR for RO is less than 2.5 maintenance work order requirements 3 0 2.2.17, Knowledge of the process IR for RO is less than 2.5 for managing maintenance activities during power operations 3 0 2.2.4, Ability to explain variations Cooper is a single unit facility between units at a facility 3 0 2.215, Ability to identify and utilize IR for RO is less than 2.5 as-built design and configuration change documentation...

3 0 2.3.7, Knowledge of the process IR for RO is less than 2.5 for preparing a radiation work permit ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9

ES-401 Record of Rejected KAs Form ES-401-4 For the SRO Examination:

Tier Group Randomly Selected KA Reason for Rejection 2 1 Predict/monitor changes assoc. There are no MG sets associated with the UPS at with motor generator outputs Cooper. Another KA was randomly selected.

2 1 Monitor SRV and acoustical There are no SRV acoustical monitors at Cooper.

monitors Another KA was randomly selected from the same KA category.

2 1 Ability to predict the impacts of a A small break LOCA has no impact on the operation of small break LOCA on ADS, and the ADS. Another KA was randomly selected.

based on those predictions use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations.

1 1 Ability to determine or interpret Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.

suppression pool level as applied Another KA was randomly selected.

to high drywell pressure 2 2 Ability to perform specific system Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.

and integrated plant procedures Another KA was randomly selected.

during different modes of plant operations, as applied to 201003, Control Rod and Drive Mechanism.

2 1 Ability to execute procedure steps Unable to construct an SRO only question for this KA.

as applied to 206000, High Another KA was randomly selected.

Pressure Coolant Injection.

2 2 290002 Reactor Vessel Internals, Rejected because operators have very limited direct A2.05, Ability to predict the knowledge of reactor vessel internals and because they impacts of exceeding thermal are static components have little ability to operate the limits on reactor vessel internals components. Replaced by 202001 A2.09, Ability to and on the basis of the prediction predict the impacts of recirculation scoop tube lockup on use procedures to correct, the recirculation system and on the basis of the control, or mitigate the prediction use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate consequences of the abnormal the consequences of the abnormal conditions or conditions or operations. operations.

ES-401 , NUREG 1021 Revision 9