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| issue date = 12/22/1983
| issue date = 12/22/1983
| title = Forwards Endorsements 58 & 59 to Nelia Policy NF-206, Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-79,Endorsement 6 to Nelia Certificates N-45 & N-64 & Endorsement 6 to Maelu Certificates M-45 & M-64
| title = Forwards Endorsements 58 & 59 to Nelia Policy NF-206, Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-79,Endorsement 6 to Nelia Certificates N-45 & N-64 & Endorsement 6 to Maelu Certificates M-45 & M-64
| author name = BUCKLES J A
| author name = Buckles J
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| author affiliation = MARSH & MCLENNAN, INC.
| addressee name = SALTZMAN J
| addressee name = Saltzman J
| addressee affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS (OSP)
| addressee affiliation = NRC OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS (OSP)
| docket = 05000315, 05000316
| docket = 05000315, 05000316
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{{#Wiki_filter:Marsh 8c McLennan, Incorporated 222 South Riverside Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60606 Telephone 312 648-6000 December 22, 1983 Hr. Jerome        Sa 1 tzman Assistant Director State 8 Licensee Relations Off ice of State Programs U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 RE:             NUCLEAR    LIABILITY INSURANCE INDIANA 8 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT

==Dear Hr. Sal tzman:==
On behalf of Indiana 6 Michigan Electric Company, enclosed please find the certified copies of the following endorse" ments:
~~8I'1'4II~W NuclearEnergyLlabllltyinsuranceNUCLEAREHEAQYLIAOILtTYINSUAANCEASSOClATIONANENDNENTOFDEFINITIONOFINSUREDTennesseeValleyAuthority)ItisagreedthatregardlessoftheprovisionsofthesecondparagraphofInsuringAgreementXX,part(b)oftheDefinitionofInsuredincludesasaninsuredtheTennesseeValleyAuthoritysrithrespecttoitslegalresponsibilityfordamagesbecauseofbodilyinjuryorpropertydamagecausedbythenuclearenergyhazard.ThisistocertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberanlbeingmadepartoftheNuclearEnergyLiabilityPolicy(FacilityForm)as'des-ignated,hereon.NoInsuranoeisaffordelhereunder,JohnL.Quattrocchi,Vicepretident-L~UdAeA'ud~1~Ettect>~eDate'oltnisEneorsemontJanuar1198412:01h.M,StanaaraTtmeIndiana8Nichi.ITofarmapartolPolicyHoDateclIssueecember1418ForthesucriblnpcorpantesFnccrsernentNo59ByCounterstpnodbyNE-63  
                        ~Po1 i  c  No.               Endorsement  No.
NF-206                        58 8 59 HF-79                          47 s 48 N-45, 64                        6 H-45, 64                        6 Very    truly yours, Joseph A. Buckles Nuclear Consultant JAB/sp Enc.
cc:   Mr. D. Payne - AEP Mr. S. G. Amerman -           H6M Columbus 840i060044- 83i222                    ";
~Jd-4gaIIhwfpi,f11h41k~1 NUCLEAR,ENERGYLIABILlTYlNSURANCEMUTUALATOMlCENERGYLlABlLlTYUNDERWRITERSlQfENDMENTOFDEFINITIONOFINSultEDTennesseeVallevAuthoritv)ItisagreedthatregardlessoftheprovisionsofthesecondparagraphofInsuringAgreementXX,part(b)oftheDefinitionofInsuredincludesasaninsured'theTennesseeValleyAuthoritywithrespect,toitslegalresponsibilityfordamagesbecauseofbodilyinjuryorpropertydamagecausedbythenuclearenergyhazard.Thisistooertil.'ythatthisisatruecopyoXtheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberandbeingmadepartoCtheHuolearEnergyL5.abilityPolioy(FaoilltyForm)asdes-ignated,hereon.HoInsuranoeisaffordedhereunder.SobnL.Qnattrocchi,UicsPrcidentLiaMlityUnderwritingAmericanNuclearIruarersEffectiveDateofthisEndorsementIssuetoJanuary1,1984ToformnpartgF7gofPolicyHo.MichianElectricCompanyDataofIssuDecember14,1983FortheSuhscrii>int;CompaniesMQI'UALATQhilCENEhGYLIAu1LITYU'DEBtVl<l'l'ERSEndorscrncntNo.i~iE-63CountersignedbyAIITIIunI'IVIIIItin'ass'VrArirn 4-cRvy0%<''IIIyAfV>>1"lfh,"L4I''it NuclearEnergyLlnblfltyInevrenceNUCLEARENERGYLIABILITYINSURANCEASSOCIATIONANNUALPREHIUHENDORSEHENTCalendarYear1984ANNUALPREMIUM:ItisagreedthattheAnnualPremiumduethecompaniesfortheperioddesignatedaboveis:$4,650.00tiftttatthisisatrueoopyofthe.o'riginalorsemonthavingtheendorsementnumborandbeingmadepartbilit'Polioy{FacilityForm)asdes-oftheHuolearEnergyLia.yoignatedhereon.oIInsuranceisaffordedhereunder..cE.JohnL.Quattrocchi,YicePresident.LiabilityUnderwritingAmericanlfuciearlnsurersEffectiveOateoftn>sEndorsementJanuarI,1984tg:OlA.MStandardTimeissuedtoIndiana8MichiganEfectricCompanyDateofissueDecember14,1983N-45ToformapartofCertificateNo.ForthesucribingcopanieaGanecafManagerEndorsementNoCountersignedby ill<P''~.Il.I1HL NuclearEnergyLlebllllyInsuranceNUCLEARENERQYLIABILITYINSURANCEASSOCIATIONANNUALPREMIUMENDORSEMENTCalendarYear1984ANNUALPREMIUM:ItisagreedthattheAnnualPremiumduethecompaniesfortheperioddesignatedaboveis:$4,650.00rrueaveryoftheoriginalsetnentnttlllherand.heingmadepartEdrsementhagPli(FoilityPom),ident.i.iabilityUnderwritingJohnI.Quattrocchi,VicePresicn~American,NuclearInsurersEffectiveDateoftnisEnaorsementJanuary1,198412:OlA.M.StandardTimeissuedtoIndiana6MichiganElectricCompanyN-64TaformapartofGer+tftcateNoDateofissuember1418FofthesunpcopaniesEndorsementNoSyCountersignedbyGeneralManager IrE~eII'rNr'I1,~1~jlr~r't NUCLEARENERGYLlABILITYINSURANCEMUTUALATOMICENERGYLIABII.ITYUNDERWRITERSANNUALPREMIUMENDORSEMENTCalendarYearl984ANNUALPREMIUM:ItisagreedthattheAnnualPremiumduethecompaniesfortheperioddesignatedaboveis:$1,350.00ThisistocertithatthisisatruecopyoItheoriginalEndorsementhavingthcendorsementnumberandbeingmadepartoi'heNuolearEnergyLiabilityPolicy(FacilityForm)asdes-ignatedhereon.MoInsuranceis~ordedhereunder.JohnIa.Qttrocchi,VicePresidentLiabilityUnderwritingAmericanNuclearInsurersEffectiveDateofJanuaryI,1984thisEndorsementToformnpartofCertificateNo.M-45IssuetoIndiana&MichiganElectricComPanyDecember14,1983DateofIssuFortheSuliscrihingCompaniesEndorsementNo.MUALATOMIC'NERGYLIABILITYU'ERiVRITERSI3y,,r.VQCountersigneclhyhlrrllomxsnItsrnMnt4TATlvn i~I,(\,/fanN(J NUCLEARENERGYLlABlLITYINSURANCEMUTUALATOMiCENERGYLlABlLlTYUNDERWRITERSANNUALPREMIUMENDORSEMENTCa!endarYear!984ANNUALPREMIUM:ItisagreedthattheAnnualPremiumduethecompaniestortheperioddesignatedaboveis:$!,350.00'I'hisistooertifythatthisisatruecopyoftheoriginalEndorsementhavingtheendorsementnumberandbeingmadepartoftheHuolearEnergyLiabilityPolioy(PaoilityForm)asdes-ignatedhereon.HoInsuranoeisaffordedhereunder.JohnLtrocchi,VicePresidentLiabII!tyUndenvritlngAmericangtuclearInsurersEHmtiveDaeofJanuary1,1984thisEndorsementToformnpartofCertificateNo.M-64Indiana&MichiganElectricCompanyDecember14,1983DateofIssuFortheSul>scribinI,CompaniesMUAI.ATOMICENERGYLIABILITYUi&#x17d;I'REVRITERS,.r.'/U'gEndorsementNo.Countersigne<lI)yhllrllonlzsnInn'IB'HsNTATlrs  
ADOCW      O5000SiS,,           ',
: f.       PDRa=,   aq
: 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:
8  455 479.13
              .2  STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium'and the Reserve Premium is:
g  343 839.14 Th1s 1s ro verdi~'cnat ~his 1s a c~u~ ttvyy or Thee or1ginal              1 1 1 Endorsement having the endorsement number anC bein                  e ng ma e part ot the guolear Energy LiabilityPolioy (Raoilkty Rorm) as tIqs-ignatov hereon. No Znsuranoe is afforded. hereunder.
John L. Quattrocchi, Vice President.LiaMIity Uii3'erwriting American Nuciear Insurera Effective Date of, January 1, 1984                                    To form a part of Policy No.
NF-206 This Endorsement 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued  to                          Electric    Com an December 14, 1983 Date of Issue                                                              For the    s  cribing corn anies General Manager Endorsement  No.                                             Countersigned by I
                ~ ~
1 8
      '4 I'
II ~
Nuclear Energy Llablllty insurance NUCLEAR EHEAQY LIAOILtTYINSUAANCE ASSOClATION ANENDNENT OF    DEFINITION        OF INSURED Tennessee    Valley Authority)
It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement XX, part (b) of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority srith respect to its legal responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard.
This  is to certify that this is a truenumber      copy of the original Endorsement    having  the  endorsement                  anl being made part of the Nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy                (Facility Form) as'des-ignated, hereon. No Insuranoe is affordel hereunder, John L. Quattrocchi, Vice pretident-L~
A  eA'ud~1~                               U d Ettect>~e Date'ol tnis Eneorsemont            Januar    1 1984                              To farm a part ol Policy Ho 12:01 h.M, Stanaara Ttme Indiana    8 Nichi                  . I Date cl Issue      ecember 14      1 8                                    For the su  criblnp cor pantes By Fnccrsernent No      59 Counterstpnod by NE-63
                                                . ENDORSEMENT
: 1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:
: 2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating ban, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is:
g  99,824.27                        I This  is to oertify that this is a true            voyy'oX one origina~
Endorsement having the endorsement              number    and being made yart of the Nuolear Energy LiabilityPolloy                fFaoility    Form) as des-ignated, hereqn, Ho Insuranoe        is afforded      hereunder.
John I,. pe
                                                                            , Vio'presMent-I.iabtS F Under  ti n erwri<<ng American Nnciz  I~
Effective Date of This Endorsement        January 1, 1984                                To form  a part of Policy No.
12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued<<   Indiana 8  Hichi  an Ele    tr December, 14. 1983                              For the      cribing corn anies Date of Issue                                                                      s GenerallVlanager Endorsement No.                                             Countersigned by
                              ~ J d
i,f 1 w fp  1 h
  -4  g a II h 4
~1 k
It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement XX, part (b) of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured 'the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect,to its legal responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard.
This is to oertil.'y that this is a true copy oX the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part oC the Huolear Energy L5.ability Polioy (Faoillty Form) as des-ignated,hereon. Ho  Insuranoe      is afforded      hereunder.
Sobn L. Qnattrocchi, Uics Prc ident LiaMlityUnderwriting American Nuclear Iruarers Effective Date of                                          To form n part        gF 7g this Endorsement        January 1, 1984                    of Policy Ho.
Issue to                  Michi  an Electric      Company Data of Issu      December 14, 1983 For the Suhscrii>int; Companies MQI'UAL ATQhilC ENEhGY LIAu1LITY U'DEB tVl<l'l'ERS Endorscrncnt No.                         Countersigned by A IITIIunI'IVIIIItin'ass'VrArirn i~iE-63
c I
R 4
v y 0 %<''   yAfV>> 1 " lf h,
                                  "   L4 I' II 'it
Nuclear Energy Llnblflty Inevrence NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREHIUH ENDORSEHENT Calendar Year              1984 ANNUAL PREMIUM:         It  is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the        period      designated above is: $ 4,650.00 tif tttat    this is a true oopy and      of the.o'riginal the endorsement numbor                  being made pa rt orsemont having                                        {Facility Form)     as des-of the Huolear Energy            Liability 'Polioy o
ignated hereon.         Io  Insurance is afforded hereunder.
                                          . cE.
John L. Quattrocchi, Yice President.Liability Underwriting American lfuciear lnsurers Effective Oate of                                                                                                          N-45 tn>s Endorsement Januar      I, 1984                            To form a part of  Cert i f i cate  No.
tg:Ol A.M Standard Time issued to    Indiana  8  Michigan Efectric Company December    14, 1983                                            For the su  cribing co paniea Date of issue Ganecaf Manager Endorsement No                                                          Countersigned by
ill P''
  ~. I l . I 1 H L
Nuclear Energy LlebllllyInsurance NUCLEAR ENERQY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year              1984 ANNUAL PREMIUM:               It  is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies      for the period designated                    above is: $ 4,650.00 rrue        of the original avery setnent nttlllher and. heing made par t
En d o rsement ha oi the Nttolear Energy g
s P  li    (F oility Pom) s d
                  .ignate d hereon.         No lnsuranoe John      ua, American, Nuclear Vice Presiident.i.iability I . Quattrocchi,Insurers cn ~
Underwriting Effective Date of              January 1, 1984                                                                                  N-64 tnis Enaorsement 12:Ol A.M. Standard Time Ta form a part of  Ger+ t f t cate  No issued to      Indiana    6  Michigan        Electric        Company Date of issue        mber 14          1  8                                            Fof the su        np co  panies Sy General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by
~ e I  E II'r
        'I N 1                    ,
1 r
              ~ jl r
                        ~ r
NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABII.ITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year l984 ANNUAL PREMIUM:         It    is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies    for the period designated                above    is:   $ 1,350.00 This is to certi that this is a true copy oI the original Endorsement having thc endorsement number and being made part oi'he Nuolear Energy LiabilityPolicy (Facility Form) as des-ignated hereon.         Mo  Insurance      is ~orded hereunder.
John Ia. Q ttrocchi, Vice President Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of                                                  To form n part this Endorsement        January      I,   1984 f
of Cert i i cate No.             M-45 Issue to    Indiana    & Michigan      Electric      ComPany December      14, 1983 Date of Issu For the Suliscrihing Companies M    UAL ATOMIC'NERGY LIABILITYU'                         ERiVRITERS I3y
                                                                                            ,,r .
VQ Endorsement No.                                  Countersignecl hy hlrrllomxsn I tsrnMnt4TATlvn
i ~
          /fan I   ,( \,
(         J
NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABlLITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMiC ENERGY LlABlLlTY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Ca!endar Year !984 ANNUAL PREMIUM:           It  is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies    tor the period designated            above is: $ !,350.00
            'I'his is to oertify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Huolear Energy LiabilityPolioy (Paoility Form) as des-ignated hereon.       Ho  Insuranoe  is afforded hereunder.
John L trocchi, Vice President LiabII!ty Undenvritlng Americangtuclear Insurers EHmtive Da e of        January                                To form n part this Endorsement                    1, 1984                        Certificate      No.           M-64 of Indiana    & Michigan      Electric    Company December      14, 1983 Date of Issu For the Sul>scribinI, Companies M    UAI. ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITYUi ' I'REVRITERS
                                                                                          ,.r .           '/
U'g Endorsement No.                               Coun tersigne<l I)y h llrllonlzsn Inn'IB'HsNTATlrs
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Latest revision as of 00:58, 4 February 2020

Forwards Endorsements 58 & 59 to Nelia Policy NF-206, Endorsements 47 & 48 to Maelu Policy MF-79,Endorsement 6 to Nelia Certificates N-45 & N-64 & Endorsement 6 to Maelu Certificates M-45 & M-64
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/1983
From: Buckles J
To: Saltzman J
NUDOCS 8401060044
Download: ML17334A495 (17)


Marsh 8c McLennan, Incorporated 222 South Riverside Plaza Chicago, Illinois 60606 Telephone 312 648-6000 December 22, 1983 Hr. Jerome Sa 1 tzman Assistant Director State 8 Licensee Relations Off ice of State Programs U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 RE: NUCLEAR LIABILITY INSURANCE INDIANA 8 MICHIGAN ELECTRIC COMPANY D. C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT

Dear Hr. Sal tzman:

On behalf of Indiana 6 Michigan Electric Company, enclosed please find the certified copies of the following endorse" ments:

~Po1 i c No. Endorsement No.

NF-206 58 8 59 HF-79 47 s 48 N-45, 64 6 H-45, 64 6 Very truly yours, Joseph A. Buckles Nuclear Consultant JAB/sp Enc.

cc: Mr. D. Payne - AEP Mr. S. G. Amerman - H6M Columbus 840i060044- 83i222 ";

ADOCW O5000SiS,, ',


f. PDRa=, aq


1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:

8 455 479.13

.2 STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium'and the Reserve Premium is:

g 343 839.14 Th1s 1s ro verdi~'cnat ~his 1s a c~u~ ttvyy or Thee or1ginal 1 1 1 Endorsement having the endorsement number anC bein e ng ma e part ot the guolear Energy LiabilityPolioy (Raoilkty Rorm) as tIqs-ignatov hereon. No Znsuranoe is afforded. hereunder.

John L. Quattrocchi, Vice President.LiaMIity Uii3'erwriting American Nuciear Insurera Effective Date of, January 1, 1984 To form a part of Policy No.

NF-206 This Endorsement 12:01 A.M. Standard Time Issued to Electric Com an December 14, 1983 Date of Issue For the s cribing corn anies General Manager Endorsement No. Countersigned by I

~ ~

1 8

'4 I'

II ~



It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement XX, part (b) of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured the Tennessee Valley Authority srith respect to its legal responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard.

This is to certify that this is a truenumber copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement anl being made part of the Nuclear Energy LiabilityPolicy (Facility Form) as'des-ignated, hereon. No Insuranoe is affordel hereunder, John L. Quattrocchi, Vice pretident-L~

A eA'ud~1~ U d Ettect>~e Date'ol tnis Eneorsemont Januar 1 1984 To farm a part ol Policy Ho 12:01 h.M, Stanaara Ttme Indiana 8 Nichi . I Date cl Issue ecember 14 1 8 For the su criblnp cor pantes By Fnccrsernent No 59 Counterstpnod by NE-63





1. ADVANCE PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Advance Premium due the companies for the period designated above is:


2. STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PREMIUM: In the absence of a change in the Advance Premium indicated above, it is agreed that, subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating ban, the Standard Premium is said Advance Premium and the Reserve Premium is:

g 99,824.27 I This is to oertify that this is a true voyy'oX one origina~

Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made yart of the Nuolear Energy LiabilityPolloy fFaoility Form) as des-ignated, hereqn, Ho Insuranoe is afforded hereunder.

John I,. pe

, Vio'presMent-I.iabtS F Under ti n erwri<<ng American Nnciz I~

Effective Date of This Endorsement January 1, 1984 To form a part of Policy No.

12:01 A.M. Standard Time issued<< Indiana 8 Hichi an Ele tr December, 14. 1983 For the cribing corn anies Date of Issue s GenerallVlanager Endorsement No. Countersigned by

~ J d

i,f 1 w fp 1 h

-4 g a II h 4

1 ~1 k


It is agreed that regardless of the provisions of the second paragraph of Insuring Agreement XX, part (b) of the Definition of Insured includes as an insured 'the Tennessee Valley Authority with respect,to its legal responsibility for damages because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard.

This is to oertil.'y that this is a true copy oX the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part oC the Huolear Energy L5.ability Polioy (Faoillty Form) as des-ignated,hereon. Ho Insuranoe is afforded hereunder.

Sobn L. Qnattrocchi, Uics Prc ident LiaMlityUnderwriting American Nuclear Iruarers Effective Date of To form n part gF 7g this Endorsement January 1, 1984 of Policy Ho.

Issue to Michi an Electric Company Data of Issu December 14, 1983 For the Suhscrii>int; Companies MQI'UAL ATQhilC ENEhGY LIAu1LITY U'DEB tVl<l'l'ERS Endorscrncnt No. Countersigned by A IITIIunI'IVIIIItin'ass'VrArirn i~iE-63

c I

R 4

v y 0 %< yAfV>> 1 " lf h,

" L4 I' II 'it

Nuclear Energy Llnblflty Inevrence NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREHIUH ENDORSEHENT Calendar Year 1984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 4,650.00 tif tttat this is a true oopy and of the.o'riginal the endorsement numbor being made pa rt orsemont having {Facility Form) as des-of the Huolear Energy Liability 'Polioy o

ignated hereon. Io Insurance is afforded hereunder.

. cE.

John L. Quattrocchi, Yice President.Liability Underwriting American lfuciear lnsurers Effective Oate of N-45 tn>s Endorsement Januar I, 1984 To form a part of Cert i f i cate No.

tg:Ol A.M Standard Time issued to Indiana 8 Michigan Efectric Company December 14, 1983 For the su cribing co paniea Date of issue Ganecaf Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by

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Nuclear Energy LlebllllyInsurance NUCLEAR ENERQY LIABILITYINSURANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year 1984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 4,650.00 rrue of the original avery setnent nttlllher and. heing made par t

En d o rsement ha oi the Nttolear Energy g

s P li (F oility Pom) s d

.ignate d hereon. No lnsuranoe John ua, American, Nuclear Vice Presiident.i.iability I . Quattrocchi,Insurers cn ~

Underwriting Effective Date of January 1, 1984 N-64 tnis Enaorsement 12:Ol A.M. Standard Time Ta form a part of Ger+ t f t cate No issued to Indiana 6 Michigan Electric Company Date of issue mber 14 1 8 Fof the su np co panies Sy General Manager Endorsement No Countersigned by

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NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABII.ITY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Calendar Year l984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies for the period designated above is: $ 1,350.00 This is to certi that this is a true copy oI the original Endorsement having thc endorsement number and being made part oi'he Nuolear Energy LiabilityPolicy (Facility Form) as des-ignated hereon. Mo Insurance is ~orded hereunder.

John Ia. Q ttrocchi, Vice President Liability Underwriting American Nuclear Insurers Effective Date of To form n part this Endorsement January I, 1984 f

of Cert i i cate No. M-45 Issue to Indiana & Michigan Electric ComPany December 14, 1983 Date of Issu For the Suliscrihing Companies M UAL ATOMIC'NERGY LIABILITYU' ERiVRITERS I3y

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VQ Endorsement No. Countersignecl hy hlrrllomxsn I tsrnMnt4TATlvn

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NUCLEAR ENERGY LlABlLITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMiC ENERGY LlABlLlTY UNDERWRITERS ANNUAL PREMIUM ENDORSEMENT Ca!endar Year !984 ANNUAL PREMIUM: It is agreed that the Annual Premium due the companies tor the period designated above is: $ !,350.00

'I'his is to oertify that this is a true copy of the original Endorsement having the endorsement number and being made part of the Huolear Energy LiabilityPolioy (Paoility Form) as des-ignated hereon. Ho Insuranoe is afforded hereunder.

John L trocchi, Vice President LiabII!ty Undenvritlng Americangtuclear Insurers EHmtive Da e of January To form n part this Endorsement 1, 1984 Certificate No. M-64 of Indiana & Michigan Electric Company December 14, 1983 Date of Issu For the Sul>scribinI, Companies M UAI. ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITYUi ' I'REVRITERS

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U'g Endorsement No. Coun tersigne<l I)y h llrllonlzsn Inn'IB'HsNTATlrs



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