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Unf.ts 1 and 2)                              )              27 N
Unf.ts 1 and 2)                              )              27 N
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9                -i Nc APPLICANTS' SUBMITTAL ON                      4/              s\
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Mr. Tosetti was the supervisor of the Radiological Assessment Group which includes the Radiological Dose Assessment Group f                                  and the Radvaste System Design Group. In this capacity he j
Mr. Tosetti was the supervisor of the Radiological Assessment Group which includes the Radiological Dose Assessment Group f                                  and the Radvaste System Design Group. In this capacity he j
was responsible for the overall supervision and direction of all radioactive vaste treatment system desig'n for the des
was responsible for the overall supervision and direction of all radioactive vaste treatment system desig'n for the des
           -                                                                          Francisco Power D'. vision. His activities included studies of alternate liquid radwaste treatment methods, alternate solidification systems, available volume reduction processes
           -                                                                          Francisco Power D'. vision. His activities included studies of alternate liquid radwaste treatment methods, alternate solidification systems, available volume reduction processes
                       -                                                              including calcination and incineration, system capital and operating costs, vaste generation rates from operation and decommissioning, and design features to reduce operator exposure.          In addition, he was responsible for the review'of
                       -                                                              including calcination and incineration, system capital and operating costs, vaste generation rates from operation and decommissioning, and design features to reduce operator exposure.          In addition, he was responsible for the review'of
* project radwaste designs, exchange of information between
* project radwaste designs, exchange of information between projects and other Bechtel offices, and the application of government criteria for the design of radwaste systems and the transportation of radioactive waste.
projects and other Bechtel offices, and the application of government criteria for the design of radwaste systems and the transportation of radioactive waste.

    , '. ;  ,.
Page 2 RICHARD J. TOSETTI (Cont'd)
Page 2 RICHARD J. TOSETTI (Cont'd)
The Dose Assessment Group, which was under Mr. Tosetti's supervision, is responsible for all dose analysis work for nuclear power plant projects and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (including spent fuel storage facilities and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant). The group's work includes dose analyses and application of meteorological models for normal and accident conditions, design review of safety systems designed to mitigate activity releases, and development of criteria for radiological monitoring syste=s. Mr. Tosetti has served as chairman of Bechtel's 1
The Dose Assessment Group, which was under Mr. Tosetti's supervision, is responsible for all dose analysis work for nuclear power plant projects and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (including spent fuel storage facilities and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant). The group's work includes dose analyses and application of meteorological models for normal and accident conditions, design review of safety systems designed to mitigate activity releases, and development of criteria for radiological monitoring syste=s. Mr. Tosetti has served as chairman of Bechtel's 1
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Four Purple Hearts Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster                            '
Four Purple Hearts Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster                            '
Joint Services Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal with Cluster Pennsylvania Distinguished Service Medal Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry Vietnamese Medal of Merit i
Joint Services Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal with Cluster Pennsylvania Distinguished Service Medal Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry Vietnamese Medal of Merit i
9 i
9 i
l l
l l

Latest revision as of 10:13, 17 February 2020

Response to ASLB 810814 Memorandum & Order,Filing Qualifications,Identities,Subj Matter & Substance of Testimony of Expert Witnesses for Contentions 2,6,9,11,14,20 & 21.Certificate of Svc Encl.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/1981
From: Silberg J
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
NUDOCS 8109150539
Download: ML20010G298 (23)


September 8, 1981

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l In the Matter of )


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and ) Docket Nos. J0-387



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(Stsquehanna Steam Electric Station, ) \?.

Unf.ts 1 and 2) ) 27 N

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6 8P  ;-



The Licensing Board's August 14, 1981, Memorandum and Order on Prehearing Conference required the parties to file by September 8, 1981, the qualifications, identities, subject matter and substance of testimony of expert witnesses for Contentions 9, 11, 14, 2 (chlorine),

21, 6 and 20. Applicants respond as follows:

1. Contention 9: Applicants' presentation on this issue is divided in two parts: a description of the costs and impacts of decommissioning, and the financial qualifications associated with decommissioning. The testimony on the first part will be presented by .

Albert Weinstein, a copy of whose resume is attached thereto. The testimony on the second part will be presented by Mr. Geroge F. Vanderslice, who will de-scribe the Pennsylvania Pub 2ic Utility Commission 'D s

precedents allowing recovery and accumulation of de- f commissioning expenses and place those expenses in perspective by comparing them with PP&L depreciation 81 9

  • expenses. Mr. Vanderslice's resume is attached.

? ~158EPO s8:gg, PDR

2. Contention 11: The testimony on'the remaining portion of this contention, dealing with on-site storage of low level radioactive wastes, will be divided in two par ts . Mr. Harold W. Keiser will describe Applicants' arrangements for shipping low-level radioactive wastes off-site on a regular basis, without the need for long-term on-site storage. A copy of Mr. Keiser's resume is attached. Mr. Richard J. Tosetti, whose resume is attached, will testify about the safety of longer-term storage of low-level radioactive wastes in the Low-level Radioactive Waste Holding Facility at the Susque-hanna site, should such storage be neesssary.
3. Contention 14: Applicants' testimony on this contention will be presented by Mr. Robert Koppe, whose resume is attached. Mr. Koppe will present his analysis of the capacity factors projected for the Susquehanna facility, based on a composite year analysis of the capacity factors achieved by comparable boiling water reactors, as well as an analysis of the plant operation factors which have reduced capacity factor performar.ce.
4. Contention 2 (Chlorine) : Applicants' testimony on the remaining aspects of this issue will be presented by Mr. James Rios, a copy of whose resume was attached to his affidavit in support of Applicants' Motion for Sum-mary Disposition of Contention 2 (Chlorine), dated November 6, 1980. Mr. Rios' testimony will describe t

the chlorinating, dechlorinating and mechanical con-denser cleaning systems at Susquehanna, show the chlorine

residual levels remaining on the cooling tower blow-down, present data on existing trihalomethane and other halomethene levels in the Susquehanna River, and report on the levels of those compounds at the intake to the Danville water system which would be produced due to chlorination at the Susquehanna facility. Mr. Rios will also present information on an ethanol facility proposed by Synfuel Energy Corporation showing that discharges from that facility would not affect chlorina-tion requirements at Susquehanna.

5. Contention 21: Applicants' testimony on this contention will be presented by Mr. Thomas M. Crimmins, a copy of whose resume is attached. This testimony will describe the Scram Discharge Volume (SDV) and the components associated with it, the concerns expressed about the SDV in NUREG-0785, why a break in SDV piping is un-1 likely, how such a break would be detected, corrective actions, protection of ECCS equipment against the consequences of such a break, and alternate methods to establish and maintain core cooling if ECCS equipment i is disabled. .
6. Contantion 6(a): Testimony on this issue, dealing with evacuation, will be presented in two parts. Mr. Scott T. McCandless will testify on an evacuation time study for the Susquenhanna plume expositre Emergency Planning Zone, using the NETVAC compute model, and considering the specific road network at Susquehanna as well as adverse weather conditions. Mr. Oran K. Henderson will

testify on the availability of transportation resources needed to carry out an evacuation. Copies of the resumes of Messrs. McCandless and Henderson are attached.

7. Contention 6(b): Mr. Henderson will present Applicants' testimony on this issue, showing that the Bureau of Radiation Protection has the resources needed to carry out its functions.
8. Contention 6(c): Applicants' testimony on this issue will be presented in two parts. Mr. Henderson will testify as to training carried out by off-site agencies.

Mr. Steven H. Cantone will testify as to the training which Applicants are carrying out for off-site personnel.

A copy of Mr. Cantone's resume is attached.

9. Contention 20: Applicants' testimony on this issue will be presented by Mr. Henderson, showing how the Luzerne County and state emergency plans comply with NUREG-0654 (rev. 1).

Respectfully submitted, SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & TROWBRIDGE By V Jay g. $ 1 berg / ,

Matms F. Travieso-Didz Counsel for Applicants 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 822-1000



Mr. Weinstein is Manager of Engineering at SMSC responsible for the areas of reactor servicing and operations, mechanical systems design, and real-time systems applications.

As Manager of Engineering he provides consulting services to nuclear utili-ties on refueling systems analysis, plant operational and maintenance support, design review and quality assurance, and plant arrangement and system design. In this context, he is responsible for safety analysis and licensing support in special areas, such as cask drop, and fuel handling accidents, and leads SMSC efforts in support of f acilities de-ign review, including fuel storage pool arrangements and fuel inspection and i u.Mtitution facilities.

Mr. Weinstein also leads activities at SMSC related to nuclear power plant decommissioning. He served on the AIF task force assigned to monitor and review the preparation of AIF/NESP-0095R, "An Engineering Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactor Decommissioning Alternatives". He has reviewed LWR plant designs for ease of decommissioning, and has participated in the actual decommissioning of the BONUS nuclear plant in T erto Rico, where he served as the resident engineer, responsible for program de? nition, planning and scheduling. Mr. Weinstein has directed the preparation of decommissioning cost estimates for both PWR and BWR nuclear power plants.

He is presently also Project Manager for the D.C. Cook NPP combined RE&M/ Security System and as such, is responsible for system development and installation, client and subcontractor interface and other project related activities. Mr. Weinstein has been extensively involved in the design and application of the RE&M System since its' beginnings and continues in this capacity. He is also responsible for service administration after installations are complete.

Mr. Weinstein entered the nuclear business in 1957 at Combustion Engineer-ing Company, where he participated in the mechanical design and analysis of the SIC reactor core with responsibility for startup and testing procedures relating to mechanical safety of the core. He assisted in subsequent reactor disassembly and inspection of radioactive core components. In 1%0 he joined the United Nuclear Corporation, and, in 1967, Mr. Weinstein was named Manager of the Engineering Section of the Mechanical Design Department. Mr. Weinstein has directed the design of fuel inspection egiupment and supervised the on-site inspection of commercial irradiated fuel, utilizing underwater video equipment and measuring devices. While at UNC Mr. Weinstein served on the Technical Support Team under contract to the AEC to provide technical assistance for the Elk River, BONUS, and Lacrosse nuclear reactor plants. He was assigned lead responsibility for the technical support for the BONUS nuclear reactor in Puerto Rico.

Mr. Weinstein received a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1954, and an M.S. in Applied Mechanics from the University of Connecticut in 1959. He has performed additional graduate work in Engineering Mechanics and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Connecticut.

l. .-


of GEORGE F. VANDERSLICE Q. Please state your name and business address.

A. George F. anderslice, Two North Ninth Street, Allentown, Pennsylvania 18101.

Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity?

A. I am employed by Pennsylvania Power & Light Company (PP&L) as Vice President and Comptroller.

Q. What are your responsibilities as Vice President and Comptroller?

A. I am responsible for keeping the corporate books and records of the Company and for the preparation of financial and other reports of the Company.

Q. What is your educational background?

A. I am a Certified Public Accountant of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I attended the University of Pennsylvania and LaSalle College in Philadelphia. Over the course of my career, I have attended many specialized courses dealing l with such subjects a3 corporate finance, taxes, personnel l

relations, data processing, accounting, utility management and corporate systems.

Q. Please describe your professional experience.

A. I was employed by the Corn Exchange National Bank of Philadelphia in 1941 in various positions. In 1945 I was employed by Haskins & Sells, Certified Public Accountants, in Philadelphia, and remained there until 1958 in various positions: Junior Accountant, Senior Accountant, In-Charge


Accountant and finally as a Principal. During that period I was in charge of various audit, system and tax engagements and supervised other accountants in their work.

I commenced employment with PP&L in 1958 as Manager of Auditing and in 1963 I was advanced to Manager of Budgets.

I was elected Comptroller in 1965 and Vice President and Comptroller in 1975. My present activities at PP&L involve responsibility for federal and state income tax matters, including the filing of returns and the settlement of lia-bilities with the governmental agencies involved; keeping the general books of the Company and preparing financial reports filed with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commis-sion (PUC), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC),

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other govern-mental agencies, as well as preparation of all operating and financial reports for use within the Company. The Company's Plant Accounting Section, which keeps records of all prop-erty cwned by the Company in accordance with the regulatory requirementa, is under my direction.


TABLE 13.1-3 (Continued)

SUPERINTENDENT OF PIANT NAME: Harold William Keiser EDUCATION AND TRAINING: l 1972 University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Bachelor of Science Degree in Metallurgical Engineering 1973 University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois Master of Science Degree in Nuclear Engineering WORK EXPERIENCE:

1980-Present Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.

Superintendent of Plant - SSES 1979 - 1980 Consumers Power Company Operations / Maintenance Superintendent.

Palisades Nuclear Plant.

Duties: Responsible for operations and maintenance I

(Electrical, Mechanical, Instrument and Control) of the plant. Responsible for managing all outages activities including refueling outages.

Responsible for nine months for managing the Chemistry and Health Physics Department.

l 1976 - 1979 Operations Superintendent, Palisades l Nuclear Plant l

l Duties: Responsible for safe, efficient operation of the plant, chemistry control and plant training. Managed the Operations Department, Chemistry Department, and Plant Training Department.

1976 - 1976 Senior Engineer, Nuclear Frouuction bcpartment Duties: Responsible as Staff Assistant to the honager of Nuclear Power Plants for the coordination of nuclear power plant activities (Palisades, Big Rock, and REV. 18, 11/80 2 i i it__. g y _'~ -- : _ "-"-"i

'. i SSES-FSAR TABLE 13.1-3 (Continued)

Midland) with corpr rate activities.

Responsibilities included obtaining from the various corporate departments the support needed to maintain the plants in ,

operation and to shorten their outages.

Responsible for coordinating the plant's comments on corporate activities including representing the plants at corporate meetings and providing the necessary feedback. Responsible for coordination between all the nuclear plants ensuring that the administration functions uniformly.

1973 - 1976 Senior Engineer, Palisades Nuclear Plant Duties: Responsible as Project Engineer for overall planning, performance and scheduling of steam generator eddy current testing, tube plugging and tube removal.

_ Responsible as Project Engineer for C-~ turnover acceptance of r3dioactive waste processing facility. This major

  • modification included installation of systems necessary for eliminating radioactive waste releases including equipment for processing, recycling and solidification of all liquid and gaseous waste products. Responsibilities included design review, test witnessing, test acceptance and system acceptance after construction and start-up testing.

Responsible also for coordination of construction and start-up activities with plant activities.

Responsible as Project Engineer for plant design review of 300 gpm makeup water system and full flow condensate polishers. Responsibilities included design review, vendor selection, interfacing architect engineer's document control system with the plant's procurement of spare parts, and coordination of (onstruction activities with plant activities.

1973 - 1975 General Engineer, Palisades Nuclear Plant REV. 18, 11/80 3

. _ . . . . . . . . _ -- _ -_- _ -_ _ _ - =---------m_._.---- -


TABLE 13.1-3 (Continued)

Duties: Responsible for the overall planning, performance and scheduling of steam generator eddy current testing, tube plugging and tube removal.

Responsibilities included design, procurement, checkout and installation of equipment, procedure development, quality assurance, training of repairmen, and providing interface and coordination between the company and subcontractors.

Responsible as Project Engineer for various engineering modifications.

1968 - 1973 University of Illinois Duties: Responsible for operation and maintenance of Triga Reactor. Performed design installation and pre-operational t-sting of reactor.

1961 - 1969 U.S. Navy Electrical Operator in nuclear field.


Responsible for maintenance and operation of power generation / distribution equipment and electrical auxiliaries.

Served as qualified reactor operator and electrical operator on USS Tecumseh (SSBN 628) for two years. Served as Staff i

Instructor at SIC prototype. Qualified

! in all phases of plant operation.

Instructed and qualified. trainees in electrical operations, basic nuclear and electrical theory.


Senior Reactor Operator license, University of Illinois, Triga Reactor -

i Senior Reactor Operator license,

! Palisades Nuclear Plant l

l REV. 18, 11/80 4 c

f *M 1 40 "' *

  • Nd


. EDUCATION: B.S., Engineering Physics, University of Coli,fornia, 1971, su==a cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa  ;

- M.S., Mechanical En'gineering, University of California,1972 PROFESSIONAL Licensed Professional Mechanical and Nuclear Engineer, l

DATA: California; Member, American Nuclear Society (ANS); and l

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); lecturer at ASME-sponsored Radwaste Management course and at the g

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) course on safety analyses review; author of several papers related to radio-logical assassment and radwaste design.

SL%RY: 1 year: Project Engineer 3 years: Engineering Supervisor 1 year: Senior Engineer 4 years: Engineer EXPERIENCE: Mr. Tosetti is currently Chief Nuclear Engineer for Nuclear Fuel Operations, Bechtel National, Inc. In this capacity he is responsible for both personnel management for project and staff nuclear engineers and technical review of project nuclear work items such as studies, calculations, reports, and licensing documents.

Mr. Tosetti was Project Engineering Manager for the Replace-ment N-Reactor Study performed for UNC Nuclear Industries.

He was responsible for all engineering and scheduling of work related to the development of conceptual designs for a production reactor. The project scope included conceptual designs for safety systems, turbine plant layout, turbine cycle, containment building, electrical systems, radwaste treatment systems, and fuel handling.

Mr. Tosetti was the supervisor of the Radiological Assessment Group which includes the Radiological Dose Assessment Group f and the Radvaste System Design Group. In this capacity he j

was responsible for the overall supervision and direction of all radioactive vaste treatment system desig'n for the des

- Francisco Power D'. vision. His activities included studies of alternate liquid radwaste treatment methods, alternate solidification systems, available volume reduction processes

- including calcination and incineration, system capital and operating costs, vaste generation rates from operation and decommissioning, and design features to reduce operator exposure. In addition, he was responsible for the review'of

  • project radwaste designs, exchange of information between projects and other Bechtel offices, and the application of government criteria for the design of radwaste systems and the transportation of radioactive waste.


Page 2 RICHARD J. TOSETTI (Cont'd)

The Dose Assessment Group, which was under Mr. Tosetti's supervision, is responsible for all dose analysis work for nuclear power plant projects and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (including spent fuel storage facilities and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant). The group's work includes dose analyses and application of meteorological models for normal and accident conditions, design review of safety systems designed to mitigate activity releases, and development of criteria for radiological monitoring syste=s. Mr. Tosetti has served as chairman of Bechtel's 1

interoffice Dose Assessment Group, and was responsible for the development and maintenance of the computer codes used for dose assessment by all Becntel offices.

Mr. Tosetti has presented lectures on radwaste system design at 'ASME-sponsored courses on Radvaste Management held at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1978, the University of Virginia in 1979, and the University of Arizona in 1980. He has also lectured at the 1978 IAEA course on safety analysis review held at Argonne National Labcratories.

As an engineer in the radiological analysis group, Mr. Tosetti was engaged in engineering design nnd radio-logical assessment activities on various nuclear power plant projects. Radiological assessment work included preparation of safety analysis and environmental reports for sixteen nuclear f acilities and develop =ent of models used to predict releases of activity, atmospheric dis-persion, and resulting population exposures. Design assignments included system analysis engineering, develop-sent of specifications, and procurement of various rad-vaste and post-accident cleanup equip =ent. He has estab-lished design criteria for post-accident cleanup sys* ems, and was responsible for the design of off-gas syste and the review of systems designed by subcontractors.



'em e .

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RESUME of ROBERT H. KOPPE Mr. Koppe joined SMSC in 1974 as Manager of Reliability and Safety Projects. While e SMSC, Mr. Koppe has directed the Company's ongoing projeccs related to analyzing the performance and improving productivity of nuclear and fossil power generating units. This work as included:

  • Various studies for EPRI directed toward development of a NatiJnal Data System for unit and component reliability data for power plants. This work has i

led to detailed specificationt of data to be collected and analyses to be performed by the National Data System.

  • Development of SMSC's computer program and data base on causes of outages and deratings at U.S. nuclear units.
  • Analyses of nuclear and fossil plant operating experience
to determine problem areas, effects of problems on unit performance and variations of problems as a function of design, age, etc.


  • Applications of operating experience data to selection of equipment venders and to design improvement programs.

Mr. Koppe also directs a project which SMSC is undertaking for the Nuclear Safety Analysis Center. This involves analysis of operating experience at all U.S. nuclear units to identify and examine events with potential significant economic or safety implications. Mr. Koppe

' has also assisted other clients in the development of Safety Analysis Reports (SARs) and in reviewing the design of nuclear facilities relative to operability and ra '.ological safety.

i j Prior to joining SMSC, Mr. Koppe was Manager of the Nuclear Engineering Division and was responsible for licensing and

- safety analysis for Consolidated Edison's nuclear projects.

The design and engineering related to the safety of these projects was under his direction. This work included design l- review ar.d licensing for the Indian Point 2 and 3 turnkey cnits, l and design review of changes and retrofit modifications and i additions to the thr'ee Indian Point units. He also directed the efforts of engineers within his division to supply modi-fications, analysis, and engineering support for tne nuclear portion of the Indian Point 1 and 2 units during operation.

Mr. Koppe received his B.S. degree from the State University of New York at Syracuse in 1965 and his M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from Ohio State University in 1966. He completed course work toward a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.




EDUCATION B.S. - Physics, College of the Holy Cross (1965)

M.S. - Engineering Management, Newark College of Engineering (1974)

U.S.'May y Officer Nuclear Power School EXPERIENCE 1981-Present Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Manager-Nuc1 car Plant Engineering Directs engineering and design work as well as systems and safety analysis for the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station's Unit 1 and 2. Responsibility includes the control of external engineering contractor and consultants in support of Susquehanna


design and engineering. Technical staff of about 100 engineers covering all disciplines and systems engineering and analysis.

1980-1981 GPU Nuclear Company Manager-Engineering Projects Responsible for directing and controlling the engineering effort for all modifications and major repairs to GPU nuclear stations.

Responsibility for the control of external engineering, contractors, the corporate capital budget, and the technical interface between GPU Nuclear Company and the major Three Mile Island Unit 2 cleanup and restoration contractors. Authorized staff of approximately 85 with annual budget of more than $35 million. Long-range technical planning for nuclear units and coordination of offsite tochnical resources onsite are also responsibilities of this position.

~1977-1980 Jersey Central Power & Light Company Manager-Generation Engineering Responsible for all engineering support and modification projects for all JCP&L nuclear, fossil, and hydro stations. Primary activity involved electrical, mechanical, and structural iaodifications for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Station. Responsibility includes both j engineering and project management for $20 million worth of projects each year. Capital budget development responsibility, long-range project planning, and engineering support for day-to-day operations i

also included. ,

1972-1977 GPU Service Company Nuclear Safety and Licensing Manager Responsible for licensing.of all GPUSC power generation projects:

nuclear, fossil, and hydro. Operating License for Three Mile Island Unit 2, Construction Permit for Forked River Nuclear Station, as well as several fossil plant construction permits and licenses and numerous other regulatory approvals obtained while holding this position. Directed or conducted the nuclear safety analyses or j e, valuations of a large number of nuclear plant changes, core

reloads, and license changes.

l l .

L *

.f e .

I' .

1370-1972 GPU Service Company Project Engineer-Safety and Licensing .

Responsible for the nuclear safety and licensing activities for the Oyster Creek Nuclear Station. Project engineer for two J

upratin s in licensed power level, the application for a full-term operating license, and several core refueling analyses and licensing actions. Served as Secretary of the Offsite Nuclear Safety Review Board.

i Assigned to USS Daniel Webster (SSBN 626) and USS Danie) Boone 1968-1970 (SSBN 629) at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company while the ships underwent overhaul and refueling. Service as Main Propulsion Assistant and Assistant Engineer. Assigned to the Joint Decontamination Group, Joint Test Group, and Joint Refueling Group--cach responsibla for the safe functioning of the indicated operations.


1966-1968 Assigned to Engineering Department of USS Daniel Webster (SSBN 626)


as Electrical Officer and Main Propulsion Assistant. Qualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch on the shipboard nuclear propulsion plant. Also served as the Ship's Diving Officer and Communicator.

1965-1966 U. S. Navy Muclear Power Program Training. Qualified as Engineering Officer of the Watch on DIG Prototype Nuclear Plant, West Milton, I

New York. U. S. Navy Submarine School.

PROFESSIONAL CREDITS American Nuclear Society (former member)

Atomic Industrial Forum - Licensing & Safety Committee (former member)

Electric Power Research Institute - Nuclear Safety and Analysis Advisory Task Force (1973-1977)

Oyster Craek Nuclear Generating Station General Office Review Board (Offsite Nuclear Safety Committee) 1971-1980.

Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 General Office Review Board (Offsite Nuclear Safety Committee) 1980-Present.

Lecturer at Massachusettes Institute of Technology Summer Session on Nuclear Reactor Safety, 1979, 1980 and 1981. ,

Qualified as Senior Watchstander (equivalent to NRC Senior Reactor Operator License) in two Navy reactor plants.

Susquehanna Review Committee (Offsite Nuclear Safety Committee) 1981-present.

e 9

8 9



SCOTT T. McCANCLESS Education B.S. Civil Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1971 M.U.A. Urban Affairs, Boston University, 1973 Highway Capacity Workshop Certificate, The Traffic Institute Northwestern University 1974 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Environmental Planning, W.P.I., 1975 Summary of Experience Mr. McCandless has extensive experience in environmental and emergency planning and management. He has served as project manager or principal investigator for a wide variety of environmental studies and training programs. He has been directly involved in technical stuales for urban mixed use developments, transportation projects, and energy development projects. He has worked on emergency planning studies for eight nuclear power plants.

Professicnal Exoerience 1978 - HMM Associates; principal and project manager.

Present Performing environmental impact studies, emergency planning studies, and permitting analyses. Projects Pave included management of state EIRs and federal EISs for several urban developments in Boston, including the first to be performed under comprehensive new regulations, Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act and the largest urban commercial development ever proposed for New England. Mr. McCandless has also directed projects with emphasis on noise, air quality and transportation considerations.

Otner projects have included emergency planning for several nuclear power stations. For five major nuclear power stations, Mr. McCandless has been project manager for evacuation study reports compiled for submission to NRC.

1972-1978 Environmental Research & Technology, Inc. (ERT). In his most recent position he served as manager of the Environmenal Planning Division. In this position, he served as both a senior project manager and as administrative head of a multidisciplinary division of environmental professionals including specialists in accustics, air quality, archaeology, economics, geology, landscape architecture, planning, socio-economics and transportation planning. During his tenure at ERT, Mr. McCandless was project manager for more than twenty different environmental studies. .


SCOTT T. ficCANDLESS Among them were the EIS for the SHERCO coal-fired power plant in Minnesota the EIA for POD 3 of the New Town at Battery Park City in Manhattan, an Environmental Assessment for the Columbia Green Springs SNG plant feedstock allocation, Air Quality Studies for several Washington METRO System EIS efforts, and an Environmental Reconnaissance for an ethylene plant site for the Mobil Chemical Company.

1971-1972 Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, Staff Planner.

Prepareo the Route 2 EIS and the Land Use Plan for the Manchester, NH Airport Master Plan.

1969-1971 Robinson & Fox, Staff Planner. Prepared tenant selection and Management Plans for proposed MHFA funded housing development in Worcester, MA.

Professional Affiliations Member, American Society of Planning Officials

- ~


. I ORAN K. HENDERSON Business Address: Emergency Management Services, Inc.

111 State Street Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Education: B.S., Military Sciences, University of Maryland, 1962.

Graduate, Armed Forces Staff College, 1959.

Graduate, Naval War College, 1963.

Experience: Executive Vice President for Operations, Emergency Management Services, Inc.,

January 1981 to present.

Condeltant, Kline, Knopf & Wojdak Fall 1980. -

Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, 1976 - September 1980.

35 years of active Army service, including combat commands in World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

Professional Honors and Affiliations: President-elect, National Association of Stato Emergency Management Directors, 1979-80.

Member, Interorganizational Advisory l

Committee on Radiological Emergency Planning l and Preparedness (which assisted the FEMA /NRC l .

Steering Committee in the development and review of NUREG-0654) , 1979-80, l

Selected to represent the United States at an international meeting on radiological emergency planning in Stockholm, Sweden, October 1980.

Lectured on TMI-2 accident at conference of International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, February 1980.

Other Awards: Combat Infantry Badge .

Five Silver Stars Five Bronze Stars (two for valor) 1 e



2 t

Four Purple Hearts Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster '

Joint Services Commendation Medal Army Commendation Medal with Cluster Pennsylvania Distinguished Service Medal Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry Vietnamese Medal of Merit i

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  • Steven H. Cantone Education Bachelor of Engineering -- Stevens Institute of Technology (1963)

Experience 1979-present -- Pennsylvania Power & Light Company, Manager-Nuclear Support. Responsible for radiological and environmental services, operational and maintenance support services, and project management of Susquehanna retrofit program. Radiological and environmental services respon-sibilities include off-site dose projections, environmental monitoring and emergency planning activities.

1976-1979 -- Power Authority of the State of New York, Superintendent of Power. Responsible for the functional operation of the Indian Point III Nuclear Power Plant, a 3,025 MWt pressurized water reactor plant, through direction of all operations, maintenance, instrumentation and controls, health physics, chemistry, site engineering and regulatory reporting activities. Emergency planning, outage management and development and implementation of material procurement and budgetary controls were also responsibilities of this position.

1963-1976 -- Consolidated Edison Company of New York.

Positions of increasing responsibility starting from cadet l engineer and ending with chief operations engineer of the Indian l Point Nuclear Power Station. Responsibilities traversed the following functional areas: operator training, refueling supervision, power plant performance, procedure preparation, emergency planning, system chemistry and power plant operations.

Professional Credits

! American Nuclear Society i-Atomic Industrial Forum - Operations and Maintenance l Committee Electric Power Research Institute - Engineering and i

Operations Task Force (1979-1980) l Electric Poner Research Institute - Nuclear Division I Committee (1981- )

l Licensed as an NRC Senior Reactor Operator on three different commercial nuclear power plants.

l Chairman of the Susquehanna Review Committee (Off-site Nuclear Safety Committee) l







and ) Docket Nos. 50-387



(Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, )

Units 1 and 2) )


! This is to certify that copies of the foregoing " Applicants' Submittal On Testimony Of Expert Witnesses" were served by deposit in the U. S. Mail First Class, postage prepaid, this 8th day of September, 1981 to all those on the attached Service List.


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l Jay El Si erg Dated: September 8, 1981 l


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AND ) Docket Nos. 50-387



(Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, )

Units 1 and 2) )

SERVICE LIST Secretary of the Commission Dr. Judith H. Johnsrv?

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Co-Director Washington, D. C. 20555 Environmental Coalition on Nuclear Power Administrative Judge James P. Gleason 433 Orlando Avenue 513 Gilmoure Drive State College, Pennsylvania 16801 Silver Spring, Maryland 20901 Susquehanna Environmental Advocates Mr. Glenn O. Bright c/o Gerald Schultz, Esquire Atomic Safety and Licensing Post Office Box 1560 Board Panel Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18703 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Mr. Thomas J. Halligan, CorrespondenG The Citizens Against Nuclear Dangers Dr. Paul W. Purdom Post Office Box 5 245 Gulph Hills Road Scranton, Pennsylvania 18501 Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087 Ms. Colleen Marsh Atomic Safety and Licensing Box 558 A, R. D. #4 Board Panel Mt. Top, Pennsylvania 18707 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Jessica H. Laverty, Esquire

. Office of the Executive Legal Docketing and Service dection Director Office of the Secretary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D.C. 20555

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a e Rocart W. Adler, Esquire Mr. Thomas M. Gerusky, Director Department of Environmental Resources Bureau of Radiation Protection Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Environmental 505 Executive House Resources Post Office Box 2357 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Post Office Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Janea M. Cutchin, IV, Esquire Office of the Executive Legal Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Director Board Panel U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Coimission U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 DeWitt C. Smith

Director Pennsylvania Emergene, Management Agency Transportation and Safety Building Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 i

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