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{{#Wiki_filter:REt'ULAtTORY I FOR~ATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (RIDS)ACCESSIOVl NBR:8110230383(DOC',DATEi:" 81/10/20 NOTARIZED NO DOCVEn e FACILCSO: 2'44 Rbbek'tI Etnmp't", Ginnac Nucl e'ac i Pl antiUnl t 1 i, Roch'ester 1 G.05000244 AUTHI,NAMEI AU THOR'F F IL I ATlI ON SINISI~~Jt.&4.Marsh 8 McLennianp Inc,~, MI L M Nuclear 1 Consul tents'iIncs Dlv.RECIPD VAMEI RECXPZENT'FFILKAiTIONI'ALATZMAIVig J~D Antitrust 8 Economic analys3s Branch)(Utdlgty Finance)SUBJKCITi:
For wards Ehdor sements 60ibi 8 6>>D', to MAELUPol-icy MF 47~DlISTRISUTEON CODES MODIS COPIES'ECEEVED:LiTR 3 ENCL(-SIZES: '''='tITLK4:
GinnacNucle'aciPlantiUnlt1i,Roch'ester 1G.05000244AUTHI,NAMEI AUTHOR'FFILIATlIONSINISI~~Jt.&4.Marsh8McLennianp Inc,~,MILMNuclear1Consultents'iIncs Dlv.RECIPDVAMEIRECXPZENT'FFILKAiTIONI'ALATZMAIVig J~DAntitrust 8Economicanalys3sBranch)(UtdlgtyFinance)SUBJKCITi:
Indempity/EndorsemehtI AgrelementsNOTES':1=
Indempi ty/EndorsemehtI Agr elements NOTES':1=copy)SKP Sects Ltfrs 05090244 RECIPXENTl IOI CODE/NAMKI COPIES'tl'7R EN C Lt RECIPIENT~
A/Oi LANCE NSNG 07.SOULES p Jl,.-'6>>-SP: 01>>KXTKRNALe LPDR NSIC-03<04., 1 1 1>>1 NRCl PDR>>NTII 8 02'1 1 OCI 80 l93)TOiTAL".NUMSERi OF COPIES'EQUIRED::
'I e V I f I One Financial Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 0~03 Telephone 203 278-14(Telex 99308 October 20, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman;Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 0'!.Re: Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation MAELU Policy No.MF-47 Endorsements No.60, 61 and 62
'IeVIfI OneFinancial PlazaHartford, Connecticut 0~03Telephone 203278-14(Telex99308October20,1981Mr.JeromeSaltzman; ChiefOfficeofAntitrust
&Indemnity NuclearReactorRegulation NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC205550'!.Re:Rochester Gas&ElectricCorporation MAELUPolicyNo.MF-47Endorsements No.60,61and62

==Dear Mr.Saltzman:==
On behalf of Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation, we enclose eight certified copies each of the captioned endorsements to MAELU Policy No.MF-47.Very tru~y yours, M.zni i sistant Vice President JMS/efk enclosures (24)cc: R.Kussie-RG&E DE J.Barrett-M&M Rochester gIIIIl 8gi0230383 8500024 PDR ADGCK 0500 J PDR of Marsh h McLennan, Incorporated NUCLEAR ENERGY L" BILITY INSURANCE e MUTUAL ATOMXC ENERGY.'AMIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1 AKZD41ENT OF MVANCE PR92iIUM ENDOBSEMENI'.
STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PBHGUM KKOHSENENZ 3.HEIUHN PRWIUM DUE~l.Advance Pre'ilium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the caTIpanies for the calendar year 1981 is$121,159.61 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Bating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium$121,159.61 Reserve Premium$91,406.30 3.Return Premium$11,652.26!Ef.fective Date of ttu.s Endorserrent Janu 1, 1981 To form a part of Policy No.MF-47 Issued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Date of Issue SeptaTiber 21, 1981 For the Subscribing Canpanies YiULUAL ATOi41XC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER~ZEHS Wdorsemmt No.60 Countersigned by Authorized Representative T:"S"-'"".-T-Y:-i<<T T<<IiS IS A'I":.0 Y.""""ll.,'.!;'.lT
<<0 I~:.';",'.lT O.''i.'-AR EgR"Y PDEICY (FAC, l'i'I Y F-A'<<.',I)
a g*I Huclear Energy I.L bility Insurance tt Mutual Atanic Energy Liability Underwriters j Restoration of Limit of Liabilit Endorsement lt is agreed that: 1.Payttants made and expenses incurred by the co~~ies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies'iability stated in item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.
2.The limit of, liability stated in Endorsement Nos~8 which has 8~9 restored limit applies only with respect to oblrgatrons assnsmd or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorscrnent.
3: The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative.
Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement.
for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the annunt of such payment every limit of.liability, regardless of'which limit of.liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property datIIage out of which such loss or expense arises.Effective Date of this Endorsement Jul~1 1981'I'o form a part'Policy.No.MF-47"Issued to Rochester Gas and Electric"Corporation Sept~21, 1981 THIS IS TO CEPTIFY THAT THIS IS A TIIUE COPY OF EIICOBSEI.IEIIT HO.X~thAOE I AIIT OF tt"CLEA!I EHEBGY POLICY (F.".C'LAY FOEH)YO]hF..Q HO l"S'J I~!ICE IS AFFOPiu 0 Ut'I THIS NJ-O"Y a For thc Subscribing Companies C MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY I~IABILI I Y UNDERWRITERS I3y Endorscmcnt No.61 Countersigned by, AUTlloRIXKD REPRe5CNTATiys

OnbehalfofRochester Gas&ElectricCorporation, weencloseeightcertified copieseachofthecaptioned endorsements toMAELUPolicyNo.MF-47.Verytru~yyours,M.zniisistantVicePresident JMS/efkenclosures (24)cc:R.Kussie-RG&EDEJ.Barrett-M&MRochester gIIIIl8gi0230383 8500024PDRADGCK0500JPDRofMarshhMcLennan, Incorporated NUCLEARENERGYL"BILITYINSURANCE eMUTUALATOMXCENERGY.'AMIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1AKZD41ENT OFMVANCEPR92iIUMENDOBSEMENI'.
4;NUCLEAR ENERGY J,(ABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY KIABILITY UNDERWRITERS l.Amendment of-Advance Preniium Endorsement I m 4 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsem'ent 4 I 3.Additional Premium Due 1..Advance Premium 4'I It is agreed that, the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calen'dar year$121,182.11 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserv'e Pr'emium for the calendar year designated above are;Standard d Premium$121,182.11 Reserve Premium$91,423.40 3.Additional Premium Effective Date of this endorsement January 1, 1981 To form a part of Policy No.Is sued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Date of Is'sue 9~etember 21,.1981 I"o r the Sub s c rib ing Companie s MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 4~Endorsement No, TllQ TnlS lS TlllS OSSp(g)T 4lp.S lS Tp OPATIFY (0 T'RUE, COPY'NSllPY PPtlP (p'O'UTY POSE)pgl)HlS pc lS AF~PllQEP TPPP, PPPY.Countersigned-by Authorized Representative}}
STANDARDPREMIUMANDRESERVEPBHGUMKKOHSENENZ 3.HEIUHNPRWIUMDUE~l.AdvancePre'ilium ItisagreedthattheAmendedAdvancePremiumduethecaTIpanies forthecalendaryear1981is$121,159.61 2.StandardPremiumandReservePremiumSubjecttotheprovisions oftheIndustryCreditBatingPlan,itisagreedthattheStandardPremiumandReservePremiumforthecalendaryeardesignated aboveare:StandardPremium$121,159.61ReservePremium$91,406.303.ReturnPremium$11,652.26!Ef.fective Dateofttu.sEndorserrent Janu1,1981ToformapartofPolicyNo.MF-47IssuedtoRochester GasandElectricCorporation DateofIssueSeptaTiber 21,1981FortheSubscribing Canpanies YiULUALATOi41XCENERGYLIABILITY UNDER~ZEHS Wdorsemmt No.60Countersigned byAuthorized Representative T:"S"-'"".-T-Y:-i<<TT<<IiSISA'I":.0Y.""""ll.,'.!;'.lT
ag*I HuclearEnergyI.LbilityInsurance ttMutualAtanicEnergyLiability Underwriters jRestoration ofLimitofLiabilitEndorsement ltisagreedthat:1.Payttants madeandexpensesincurredbytheco~~iesunderthispolicyhavereduced,inaccordance withCondition 3ofthepolicy,thelimitsofthecompanies'iability statedinitem4oftheDeclarations andinallIncreaseofLimitofLiability Endorsements.
2.Thelimitof,liability statedinEndorsement Nos~8whichhas8~9restoredlimitappliesonlywithrespecttooblrgatrons assnsmdorexpensesincurredbecauseofbodilyinjuryorpropertydamagecausedbythenuclearenergyhazardaftertheeffective dateofthisendorscrnent.
3:Thelimitsofliability statedinthepolicyshallnotbecumulative.
Eachpaymentmadebythecompanies aftertheeffective dateofthisendorsement.
foranylossorexpensecoveredbythepolicyshallreducedbytheannuntofsuchpaymenteverylimitof.liability, regardless of'whichlimitof.liability applieswithrespecttothebodilyinjuryorpropertydatIIageoutofwhichsuchlossorexpensearises.Effective DateofthisEndorsement Jul~11981'I'oformapart'Policy.No.MF-47"IssuedtoRochester GasandElectric"Corporation Sept~21,1981THISISTOCEPTIFYTHATTHISISATIIUECOPYOFEIICOBSEI.IEIIT HO.X~thAOEIAIITOFtt"CLEA!I EHEBGYPOLICY(F.".C'LAY FOEH)YO]hF..QHOl"S'JI~!ICEISAFFOPiu0Ut'ITHISNJ-O"YaForthcSubscribing Companies CMUTUALATOMICENERGYI~IABILIIYUNDERWRITERS I3yEndorscmcnt No.61Countersigned by,AUTlloRIXKD REPRe5CNTATiys
4;NUCLEARENERGYJ,(ABILITY INSURANCE MUTUALATOMICENERGYKIABILITY UNDERWRITERS l.Amendment of-Advance PreniiumEndorsement Im42.StandardPremiumandReservePremiumEndorsem'ent 4I3.Additional PremiumDue1..AdvancePremium4'IItisagreedthat,theAmendedAdvancePremiumduethecompanies forthecalen'dar$121,182.11 2.StandardPremiumandReservePremiumSubjecttotheprovisions oftheIndustryCreditRatingPlan,itisagreedthattheStandardPremiumandReserv'ePr'emiumforthecalendaryeardesignated aboveare;StandarddPremium$121,182.11 ReservePremium$91,423.40 3.Additional PremiumEffective Dateofthisendorsement January1,1981ToformapartofPolicyNo.IssuedtoRochester GasandElectricCorporation DateofIs'sue9~etember 21,.1981I"ortheSubscribingCompaniesMUTUALATOMICENERGYLIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 4~Endorsement No,TllQTnlSlSTlllSOSSp(g)T4lp.SlSTpOPATIFY(0T'RUE,COPY'NSllPYPPtlP(p'O'UTYPOSE)pgl)HlSpclSAF~PllQEP TPPP,PPPY.Countersigned-by Authorized Representative}}

Revision as of 14:47, 7 July 2018

Forwards Endorsements 60,61 & 62 to Maelu Policy MF-47
Person / Time
Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/20/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8110230383
Download: ML17258A252 (8)


REt'ULAtTORY I FOR~ATION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (RIDS)ACCESSIOVl NBR:8110230383(DOC',DATEi:" 81/10/20 NOTARIZED NO DOCVEn e FACILCSO: 2'44 Rbbek'tI Etnmp't", Ginnac Nucl e'ac i Pl antiUnl t 1 i, Roch'ester 1 G.05000244 AUTHI,NAMEI AU THOR'F F IL I ATlI ON SINISI~~Jt.&4.Marsh 8 McLennianp Inc,~, MI L M Nuclear 1 Consul tents'iIncs Dlv.RECIPD VAMEI RECXPZENT'FFILKAiTIONI'ALATZMAIVig J~D Antitrust 8 Economic analys3s Branch)(Utdlgty Finance)SUBJKCITi:

For wards Ehdor sements 60ibi 8 6>>D', to MAELUPol-icy MF 47~DlISTRISUTEON CODES MODIS COPIES'ECEEVED:LiTR 3 ENCL(-SIZES: ='tITLK4:


Indempi ty/EndorsemehtI Agr elements NOTES':1=copy)SKP Sects Ltfrs 05090244 RECIPXENTl IOI CODE/NAMKI COPIES'tl'7R EN C Lt RECIPIENT~


A/Oi LANCE NSNG 07.SOULES p Jl,.-'6>>-SP: 01>>KXTKRNALe LPDR NSIC-03<04., 1 1 1>>1 NRCl PDR>>NTII 8 02'1 1 OCI 80 l93)TOiTAL".NUMSERi OF COPIES'EQUIRED::


'I e V I f I One Financial Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 0~03 Telephone 203 278-14(Telex 99308 October 20, 1981 Mr.Jerome Saltzman;Chief Office of Antitrust&Indemnity Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 0'!.Re: Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation MAELU Policy No.MF-47 Endorsements No.60, 61 and 62

Dear Mr.Saltzman:

On behalf of Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation, we enclose eight certified copies each of the captioned endorsements to MAELU Policy No.MF-47.Very tru~y yours, M.zni i sistant Vice President JMS/efk enclosures (24)cc: R.Kussie-RG&E DE J.Barrett-M&M Rochester gIIIIl 8gi0230383 8500024 PDR ADGCK 0500 J PDR of Marsh h McLennan, Incorporated NUCLEAR ENERGY L" BILITY INSURANCE e MUTUAL ATOMXC ENERGY.'AMIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 1 AKZD41ENT OF MVANCE PR92iIUM ENDOBSEMENI'.

STANDARD PREMIUM AND RESERVE PBHGUM KKOHSENENZ 3.HEIUHN PRWIUM DUE~l.Advance Pre'ilium It is agreed that the Amended Advance Premium due the caTIpanies for the calendar year 1981 is$121,159.61 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Bating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserve Premium for the calendar year designated above are: Standard Premium$121,159.61 Reserve Premium$91,406.30 3.Return Premium$11,652.26!Ef.fective Date of ttu.s Endorserrent Janu 1, 1981 To form a part of Policy No.MF-47 Issued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Date of Issue SeptaTiber 21, 1981 For the Subscribing Canpanies YiULUAL ATOi41XC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDER~ZEHS Wdorsemmt No.60 Countersigned by Authorized Representative T:"S"-'"".-T-Y:-i<<T T<<IiS IS A'I":.0 Y.""""ll.,'.!;'.lT

<<0 I~:.';",'.lT O.i.'-AR EgR"Y PDEICY (FAC, l'i'I Y F-A'<<.',I)


a g*I Huclear Energy I.L bility Insurance tt Mutual Atanic Energy Liability Underwriters j Restoration of Limit of Liabilit Endorsement lt is agreed that: 1.Payttants made and expenses incurred by the co~~ies under this policy have reduced, in accordance with Condition 3 of the policy, the limits of the companies'iability stated in item 4 of the Declarations and in all Increase of Limit of Liability Endorsements.

2.The limit of, liability stated in Endorsement Nos~8 which has 8~9 restored limit applies only with respect to oblrgatrons assnsmd or expenses incurred because of bodily injury or property damage caused by the nuclear energy hazard after the effective date of this endorscrnent.

3: The limits of liability stated in the policy shall not be cumulative.

Each payment made by the companies after the effective date of this endorsement.

for any loss or expense covered by the policy shall reduced by the annunt of such payment every limit of.liability, regardless of'which limit of.liability applies with respect to the bodily injury or property datIIage out of which such loss or expense arises.Effective Date of this Endorsement Jul~1 1981'I'o form a part'Policy.No.MF-47"Issued to Rochester Gas and Electric"Corporation Sept~21, 1981 THIS IS TO CEPTIFY THAT THIS IS A TIIUE COPY OF EIICOBSEI.IEIIT HO.X~thAOE I AIIT OF tt"CLEA!I EHEBGY POLICY (F.".C'LAY FOEH)YO]hF..Q HO l"S'J I~!ICE IS AFFOPiu 0 Ut'I THIS NJ-O"Y a For thc Subscribing Companies C MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY I~IABILI I Y UNDERWRITERS I3y Endorscmcnt No.61 Countersigned by, AUTlloRIXKD REPRe5CNTATiys

4;NUCLEAR ENERGY J,(ABILITY INSURANCE MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY KIABILITY UNDERWRITERS l.Amendment of-Advance Preniium Endorsement I m 4 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Endorsem'ent 4 I 3.Additional Premium Due 1..Advance Premium 4'I It is agreed that, the Amended Advance Premium due the companies for the calen'dar year$121,182.11 2.Standard Premium and Reserve Premium Subject to the provisions of the Industry Credit Rating Plan, it is agreed that the Standard Premium and Reserv'e Pr'emium for the calendar year designated above are;Standard d Premium$121,182.11 Reserve Premium$91,423.40 3.Additional Premium Effective Date of this endorsement January 1, 1981 To form a part of Policy No.Is sued to Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Date of Is'sue 9~etember 21,.1981 I"o r the Sub s c rib ing Companie s MUTUAL ATOMIC ENERGY LIABILITY UNDERWRITERS 4~Endorsement No, TllQ TnlS lS TlllS OSSp(g)T 4lp.S lS Tp OPATIFY (0 T'RUE, COPY'NSllPY PPtlP (p'O'UTY POSE)pgl)HlS pc lS AF~PllQEP TPPP, PPPY.Countersigned-by Authorized Representative