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| {{#Wiki_filter:Near-term Task Force Recommendation21SeismicRecommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard EvaluationSouthern June 26, 2014 ReferencesforMeetingReferences for Meeting*Licensee Presentation Slides -ML14176B239*NRC Presentation Slides -ML14177A086*Public Meeting Agenda -ML14169A437MtiFdbkF(tffb@)*Meeting Feedback Form (request from mfb@nrc.gov) *May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees(ML14111A147)*May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff groundmotionresponsespectraforcentralandground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees(ML14136A126)*Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day MeetingIntroductionMeeting IntroductionPurpose: support information exchange and begin dialog to have ddifhfhidiffcommon understanding of the causes of the primary differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard results | | {{#Wiki_filter:Near-term Task Force Recommendation21Seismic Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Evaluation Southern June 26, 2014 ReferencesforMeetingReferences for Meeting*Licensee Presentation Slides |
| | -ML14176B239 |
| | *NRC Presentation Slides -ML14177A086 |
| | *Public Meeting Agenda -ML14169A437MtiFdbkF(tffb@) |
| | *Meeting Feedback Form (request from mfb@nrc.gov) *May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees(ML14111A147) |
| | *May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff groundmotionresponsespectraforcentralandground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees(ML14136A126) |
| | *Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day MeetingIntroductionMeeting Introduction Purpose: support information exchange and begin dialog to have ddifhfhidiffcommon un derstanding of the causes o f the primary differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard resultsBackground |
| | :NRCandlicenseeseismichazardrequireresolutionBackground |
| | : NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittalsOutcomes: |
| | *Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisionsanddevelopmentofseismicriskevaluations,as decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate |
| | *Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs Look-ahead: |
| | lPotential Next Steps |
| | *NRCwillconsiderthemeetinginformationNRC will consider the meeting information |
| | *Potential paths:Libitltliftibd |
| | -Licensee su bmits supplemental information based on public meeting dialogNRCstaffissuesarequestforinformation |
| | -NRC staff issues a request for information |
| | -Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismichazardreport seismic hazard report*NRC completes screening review and issues thfilidtitiltt the final screening determination letter HatchUnitsNuclearPlantHatch Units Nuclear PlantSarah TabatabaiOfficeofResearchOffice of ResearchJune 26, 2014 |
| |
| ==Background:== | | Screening*Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP EvaluationsPiititiG2 |
| NRCandlicenseeseismichazardrequireresolution
| | *Prioritization Group: 20.6Licensee SSE (Unit 1) |
| | Licensee SSE (Unit 2)0.40.5tion (g)()Licensee GMRSNRC GMRS (Updated) 020.3ctral Accelera 0.10.2Spec00.1110100Frequency (Hz) |
| | StratigraphySite Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19) |
| | ControlPointControl PointNRCSSE Control Point El. 12 9 ftSubmittal SSE Control Point El. 12 9 ftSSCooo9SSCooo9 VsProfileDevelopment VsProfile Development NRCTemplatevelocityprofilefor SubmittalISFSIdatausedtodevelopnearTemplate velocity profile for Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from |
| | |
| | SPID used for entire profile. |
| | Template velocity profile supported ISFSI data used to develop near surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of 229 ft). Deeper portions of the profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data Epistemic Uncertainty in VsProfilesProfilesNRCApplied a scale factor of 1.2 to the Submittal Applied a scale factor of 1.57 to the ppedascaeacoooebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profilesppedascaeacoo5oebase case profile for development |
| | |
| | of the upper and lower case profiles Vs ProfilesShear-Wave Velocit y (ft/sec)0500020004000600080001000012000y()05002000400060008000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) |
| | NRC-BCNRC-LBC10001500t)50100150NRC-UBCLicensee-BC Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC 150020002500ontrol Point (f t150200ntrol Point (ft) 25003000epth Below C o250300pth Below Co n35004000DeNRC-BCNRC-LBCNRC-UBC350400Dep45005000NRCUBCLicensee-BC Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC 450500 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)Hawthorn Fm. |
| | TFVs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper 50-100 ft(FSAR)Information from other sites:Saxena(2008) Vs=1500 - |
| | 1900ft/s(HawthornFm |
| | )5001000Tampa Fm.Undifferentiated OligoceneOcala Fm. VogtleCOL: Vs=2650 ft/s Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s (Ocala Fm. |
| | )1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. TallahataFm. Wilcox GroupClayton Fm. |
| | at 149 ft(Lisbon Fm. |
| | )Odumet al (2003): Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft (WilcoxGroup |
| | )20002500w Control Poi nPost Tuscaloosa Deposits (Wilcox Group)30003500Depth Belo wTuscaloosa Fm.Odumet al (2003): Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft 35004000NRC-BCUndifferentiated Early Cretaceous Deposits (Tuscaloosa Fm. |
| | )45005000NRC-LBCNRC-UBCLicensee-BCPre-Cretaceous Basement Rock 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 5001000An average Poisson's ratio of 1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. |
| | g0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the Farley site 20002500w Control Poi NRC-BCNRC-LBC3000 3500Depth Belo NRC-UBCLicensee-BC (v=0.25)Licensee-BC (v=0.33) 4000Licensee-BC (v=0.45) 45005000 Aleatory Uncertainty in VsProfiles NRCSbittlNRC60 Randomizations Using USGS "B"SiteConditions Submittal30 Randomizations Using USGS "B""C"and"D"SiteConditionsfor "B" Site Conditions "B", "C", and "D" Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln= 0.25 Upper 50 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 50 ft.ln= 0.25 Upper 90 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 90 ft. |
| | Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear ModulusandDampingCurves Modulus and Damping CurvesNRCM1Submittal M1M1EPRI Soil: 0 -276 ftEPRI Rock: 276 -500 ft Linear & No Dam ping: > 500 ft M1Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft& 120-250 ft: |
| | 0 -129 ft Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft& 250-500 ft: |
| | pgM2Peninsular: 0 -276 ftLinear&1%Damping:276 500ft129 -279 ft Idriss& Boulanger Weathered Rock |
| |
| ==Background:==
| | Curves: 279 to 509 ftLinear&KappaBasedDamping:> |
| NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittalsOutcomes: *Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisionsanddevelopmentofseismicriskevaluations,asdecisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate*Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs Look-ahead:lPotential Next Steps*NRCwillconsiderthemeetinginformationNRC will consider the meeting information*Potential paths:Libitltliftibd-Licensee submits supplemental information based on public meeting dialogNRCstaffissuesarequestforinformation-NRC staff issues a request for information-Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismichazardreportseismic hazard report*NRC completes screening review and issues thfilidtitilttthe final screening determination letter HatchUnitsNuclearPlantHatch Units Nuclear PlantSarah TabatabaiOfficeofResearchOffice of ResearchJune 26, 2014
| | Linear & 1% Damping: 276 -500 ftLinear & No Damping: > 500 ft Linear & Kappa-Based Damping: > 500 ft Kappa and Epistemic Uncertainty NRCKappawascalculatedforeach SubmittalCalculatedakappadistribution 2forKappa was calculated for each base case profile using Q values from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2 was applied to determine the range Calculated a kappa distribution 2for each base case Vs profile based on |
| |
| Screening*Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP EvaluationsPiititiG2*Prioritization Group: 20.6Licensee SSE (Unit 1)Licensee SSE (Unit 2)0.40.5tion (g)()Licensee GMRSNRC GMRS (Updated)020.3ctral Accelera0.10.2Spec00.1110100Frequency (Hz)
| | a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a deep soil site) and a ln=0.4 of kappasfor each base case profile.Base Case KappasLBC:00571Kappa Distribution kL:0024LBC: 0.057BC: 0.040 UBC: 0.030 kL: 0.024kM: 0.040 kU: 0.067 1Imposed an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance 2Clarification needed Amplification Functions p56NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 34ficationLicensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 23AmplifLicensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 010.1110100Frequency (Hz) |
| StratigraphySite Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19)
| | GMRS Comparison 10.1tion (g)ectral Accelera tNRC GMRS0.01SpeLicensee GMRSHatch Unit 2 SSEHatch Unit 1 SSE 0.0010.1110100Frequency (Hz)Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.) |
| ControlPointControl PointNRCSSE Control Point El. 129 ftSubmittalSSE Control Point El. 129 ftSSCooo9SSCooo9 VsProfileDevelopmentVsProfile DevelopmentNRCTemplatevelocityprofileforSubmittalISFSIdatausedtodevelopnearTemplate velocity profile for Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from SPID used for entire profile.
| | PrimaryDifferencesPrimary Differences |
| Template velocity profile supported ISFSI data used to develop near surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of 229 ft). Deeper portions of the profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data Epistemic Uncertainty in VsProfilesProfilesNRCApplied a scale factor of 1.2 to the SubmittalApplied a scale factor of 1.57 to the ppedascaeacoooebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profilesppedascaeacoo5oebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profiles Vs ProfilesShear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)0500020004000600080001000012000y()05002000400060008000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)NRC-BCNRC-LBC10001500t)50100150NRC-UBCLicensee-BCLicensee-LBCLicensee-UBC150020002500ontrol Point (ft150200ntrol Point (ft)25003000epth Below Co250300pth Below Con35004000DeNRC-BCNRC-LBCNRC-UBC350400Dep45005000NRCUBCLicensee-BCLicensee-LBCLicensee-UBC450500 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)Hawthorn Fm.TFVs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper 50-100 ft(FSAR)Information from other sites:Saxena(2008) Vs=1500 -1900ft/s(HawthornFm)5001000Tampa Fm.Undifferentiated OligoceneOcala Fm. VogtleCOL: Vs=2650 ft/s Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s (Ocala Fm.)1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. TallahataFm. Wilcox GroupClayton Fm.at 149 ft(Lisbon Fm.)Odumet al (2003): Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft(WilcoxGroup)20002500w Control PoinPost Tuscaloosa Deposits(Wilcox Group)30003500Depth BelowTuscaloosa Fm.Odumet al (2003): Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft35004000NRC-BCUndifferentiated Early Cretaceous Deposits(Tuscaloosa Fm.)45005000NRC-LBCNRC-UBCLicensee-BCPre-Cretaceous Basement Rock 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)5001000An average Poisson's ratio of 1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. g0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the Farley site20002500w Control PoiNRC-BCNRC-LBC3000 3500Depth BeloNRC-UBCLicensee-BC (v=0.25)Licensee-BC (v=0.33)4000Licensee-BC (v=0.45)45005000 Aleatory Uncertainty in VsProfilesNRCSbittlNRC60 Randomizations Using USGS "B"SiteConditionsSubmittal30 Randomizations Using USGS "B""C"and"D"SiteConditionsfor"B" Site Conditions "B", "C", and "D" Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln= 0.25 Upper 50 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 50 ft.ln= 0.25 Upper 90 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 90 ft.
| | *Kappa-Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappaClassificationasadeepsoilsiteinconsistentwithVs |
| Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear ModulusandDampingCurvesModulus and Damping CurvesNRCM1SubmittalM1M1EPRI Soil: 0 -276 ftEPRI Rock: 276 -500 ft Linear & No Damping: > 500 ftM1Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft& 120-250 ft:
| | -Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases |
| 0 -129 ft Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft& 250-500 ft: pgM2Peninsular: 0 -276 ftLinear&1%Damping:276500ft129 -279 ft Idriss& Boulanger Weathered Rock Curves: 279 to 509 ftLinear&KappaBasedDamping:>Linear & 1% Damping: 276 -500 ftLinear & No Damping: > 500 ftLinear & Kappa-Based Damping: > 500 ft Kappa and Epistemic UncertaintyNRCKappawascalculatedforeachSubmittalCalculatedakappadistribution2forKappa was calculated for each base case profile using Q values from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2 was applied to determine the range Calculated a kappa distribution2for each base case Vs profile based on a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a deep soil site) and a ln=0.4 of kappasfor each base case profile.Base Case KappasLBC:00571Kappa DistributionkL:0024LBC: 0.057BC: 0.040UBC: 0.030kL: 0.024kM: 0.040kU: 0.0671Imposed an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance2Clarification needed Amplification Functionsp56NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g)34ficationLicensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)23AmplifLicensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)010.1110100Frequency (Hz)
| | *Largedifferencesinshear |
| GMRS Comparison10.1tion (g)ectral AcceleratNRC GMRS0.01SpeLicensee GMRSHatch Unit 2 SSEHatch Unit 1 SSE0.0010.1110100Frequency (Hz)Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.) | | -wavevelocitiesLarge differences in shearwave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ftdue toanassumedPoisson |
| PrimaryDifferencesPrimary Differences*Kappa-Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappaClassificationasadeepsoilsiteinconsistentwithVs-Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases*Largedifferencesinshear-wavevelocitiesLarge differences in shearwave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ftdue toanassumedPoisson'sratioto an assumed Poissons ratio}} | | 'sratioto an assumed Poissons ratio}} |
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ML24295A1842024-10-16016 October 2024 SNC Slides - Hatch Public Pre-Submittal Meeting on Oct 30, 2024 - Change EDG SRs & Load Bands ML24278A0012024-09-19019 September 2024 SLR Environmental Pre-Application Meeting - Southern Nuclear Corporation Presentation Slides ML24263A0822024-09-19019 September 2024 SLR Pre-Application Meeting - NRC Presentation Slides ML24123A0502024-05-0202 May 2024 2023 Annual Assessment Public Meeting Summary Meeting Number 20240479 ML23361A0812024-01-0808 January 2024 SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Public Meeting on January 8, 2024 Related to Fleet QATR ML23361A1092024-01-0808 January 2024 SNC Slides for Public Meeting on 1-8-24 to Discuss Hatch LAR - Revise TS Table 1.1-1 (Modes) to Relax Required No. of Fully Tensioned RPV Head Closure Studs ML23206A0412023-08-0202 August 2023 SNC Slides - Public Pre-Submittal Meeting on Aug 02, 2023 - Request for 45-Day Limited Extension of Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program Backstop for TS 3.7.1 & 3.7.2 ML23088A2362023-03-28028 March 2023 SNC Presentation - Public Meeting - 03-28-2023 - Page from ML22231B055 ML23079A2362023-03-20020 March 2023 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation Slides ML22209A1872022-07-28028 July 2022 Pre-Submittal Meeting on August 1, 2022 Re Plant Hatch LAR: Relaxation of Required Number of Fully Tensioned Reactor Pressure Vessel Head Closure Studs (EPID L-2022-LRM-0052) (Slides) ML22167A1402022-06-22022 June 2022 Pre-Submittal Public Meeting Slides for Rewrite TS-3.7.2 License Amendment ML22080A0192022-03-18018 March 2022 Annual Assessment Meeting Presentation ML21271A2022021-10-0505 October 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting on October 5, 2021 - Hatch NFPA 805 Supplement LAR (SNC Slides) ML21225A0312021-08-31031 August 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Request to Eliminate the Requirement for Automatic Main Steam Isolation on High Turbine Building Area Temperature ML21222A0342021-08-16016 August 2021 SNC Slides - Hatch TSTF-505 LAR - Pre-Submittal Meeting - 08-16-2021 ML21083A2872021-03-24024 March 2021 Pre-Submittal Meeting - Quality Assurance Topical Report Revision to Allow Application of Remote Assessment Techniques During Exigent Conditions ML21021A2462021-01-21021 January 2021 Slides - SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting on January 26, 2021 - Hatch NFPA-805 LAR ML20318A1032020-11-12012 November 2020 SNC ERO Staffing LAR RAI Responses ML20156A0012020-06-0404 June 2020 Slides - SNC Slides - Pre-Submittal Meeting on June 10, 2020 - Hatch EDG AOT Extension ML20101K6582020-04-10010 April 2020 Annual Assessment ML19123A3542019-05-0202 May 2019 Public Meeting Summary - Hatch Nuclear Plant, Docket Nos. 50-321 and 50-366 ML19025A0242019-01-25025 January 2019 SNC License Amendment Request for Proposed Changes to Emergency Response Organization Staffing and Augmentation ML18124A0052018-05-0404 May 2018 Summary of Public Meeting - Hatch Nuclear Plant Docket Nos. 50-321, 50-366 ML18066A0302018-03-0101 March 2018 Slides for March 1, 2018 Public Meeting ML17324A3462017-11-15015 November 2017 Meeting Slides for 11/15/2017, Public Meeting Between NRC and SNC Regarding Hatch License Amendment Request - Application of TSTF-423 to Drywell Spray Function Technical Specification End State ML16174A0272016-06-21021 June 2016 Revised NRC-SNC Hatch NFPA 805 Extension 06212016 ML16169A0612016-06-20020 June 2016 SNC Slides for 6-21-16 Public Meeting on Hatch NFPA 805 Extension ML16169A0602016-06-17017 June 2016 SNC Draft Letter to NRC Regarding Hatch NFPA 805 Extension ML15191A4872015-07-13013 July 2015 Unit 2: Plant Service Water Piping Replacement Using High Density Polyethylene (Hdpe) Piping Nrc/Snc Meeting July 13, 2015 ML15106A2042015-04-22022 April 2015 April 22, 2015, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company, Slide Presentation ML14177A0862014-06-26026 June 2014 NRC Presentation Slides for Public Meeting with Southern on Seismic Reevaluation (GMRS) ML14176B2392014-06-26026 June 2014 Southern Nuclear Operating Company Seismic Reevaluation - GMRS NTTF 2.1 Presentation Slides ML13112A2552013-04-22022 April 2013 Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant with the Public for the Period of January 1, 2012, - December 31, 2012 ML12115A2572012-04-24024 April 2012 Summary of with Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for 2011 ML1111900612011-04-28028 April 2011 Summary of Public Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., to Discuss the Nrc'S Reactor Oversight Process and the Nrc'S Annual Assessment of Plant Safety Performance at Hatch for the Period of 01/01/210 - 12/31/2010 ML1011304442010-04-23023 April 2010 Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of January 1, 2009 Through December 31, 2009 ML1020105352009-10-29029 October 2009 Tritium Meeting, Southern Nuclear, Hatch ML0910607322009-04-16016 April 2009 Summary of Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co, Inc., to Provide Opportunities to Discuss Annual Assessment of Edwin I. Hatch for the Period of 01/01/2008 - 12/31/08 ML0810704462008-04-0909 April 2008 Annual Assessment Public Meeting, Slides ML0723505462007-08-23023 August 2007 08/15/2007 Public Meeting Summary - Enclosure 2 ML0717004662007-05-31031 May 2007 05/2007 Generation Planning Overview. ML0632800652006-11-14014 November 2006 Meeting Summary Handouts, Enclosure 2 (Tac Nos. MD2934 and MD2935) ML0622804942006-08-0909 August 2006 Hatch Tritium Public Meeting Power Point Slide Attachment ML0611505512006-04-12012 April 2006 Slides for Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2005 ML0610704022006-04-12012 April 2006 Edwin I. Hatch Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2005- Slides ML0535403442005-12-12012 December 2005 Submittal of Power Point Presentation Proposed Solutions to Part 21 on Safety Limit, NUREG-1433/34 ML0511501332005-04-13013 April 2005 Annual Assessment Meeting Cy 2004, Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant - NRC Region II, Vidalia, Ga, April 13, 2005 ML0410406802004-04-0606 April 2004 Meeting Presentation for Edwin I. Hatch Annual Assessment Meeting, Reactor Oversight Program - Cy 2003 2024-09-19
[Table view] |
Near-term Task Force Recommendation21Seismic Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Hazard Evaluation Southern June 26, 2014 ReferencesforMeetingReferences for Meeting*Licensee Presentation Slides
- NRC Presentation Slides -ML14177A086
- Public Meeting Agenda -ML14169A437MtiFdbkF(tffb@)
- Meeting Feedback Form (request from mfb@nrc.gov) *May 9, 2014, NRC letter regarding Seismic Screening and Prioritization Results for central and eastern US Licensees(ML14111A147)
- May 21, 2014, NRC memo providing preliminary staff groundmotionresponsespectraforcentralandground motion response spectra for central and eastern Licensees(ML14136A126)
- Meeting Summary to be issued within 30-day MeetingIntroductionMeeting Introduction Purpose: support information exchange and begin dialog to have ddifhfhidiffcommon un derstanding of the causes o f the primary differences between the preliminary NRC and licensee seismic hazard resultsBackground
- NRCandlicenseeseismichazardrequireresolutionBackground
- NRC and licensee seismic hazard require resolution to support a final seismic screening decision and to support related follow-on submittalsOutcomes:
- Begin NRC and licensee resolution to support regulatory decisionsanddevelopmentofseismicriskevaluations,as decisions and development of seismic risk evaluations, as appropriate
- Establish resolution path, including timelines and identification of potential information needs Look-ahead:
lPotential Next Steps
- NRCwillconsiderthemeetinginformationNRC will consider the meeting information
- Potential paths:Libitltliftibd
-Licensee su bmits supplemental information based on public meeting dialogNRCstaffissuesarequestforinformation
-NRC staff issues a request for information
-Licensee sends a revision or supplement to the seismichazardreport seismic hazard report*NRC completes screening review and issues thfilidtitiltt the final screening determination letter HatchUnitsNuclearPlantHatch Units Nuclear PlantSarah TabatabaiOfficeofResearchOffice of ResearchJune 26, 2014
Screening*Screens in: Expedited Approach, Seismic Risk, High Frequency, SFP EvaluationsPiititiG2
- Prioritization Group: 20.6Licensee SSE (Unit 1)
Licensee SSE (Unit 2)0.40.5tion (g)()Licensee GMRSNRC GMRS (Updated) 020.3ctral Accelera 0.10.2Spec00.1110100Frequency (Hz)
StratigraphySite Geologic Column (Source: FSAR Figure 2.5-8, Rev. 19)
ControlPointControl PointNRCSSE Control Point El. 12 9 ftSubmittal SSE Control Point El. 12 9 ftSSCooo9SSCooo9 VsProfileDevelopment VsProfile Development NRCTemplatevelocityprofilefor SubmittalISFSIdatausedtodevelopnearTemplate velocity profile for Vs=400 m/s (1312 ft/sec) from
SPID used for entire profile.
Template velocity profile supported ISFSI data used to develop near surface Vs profile (i.e. to a depth of 229 ft). Deeper portions of the profile (i.e. below a depth of 509 ft) by Vs data found in the literature were developed with nearby oil well exploration (Vp) data Epistemic Uncertainty in VsProfilesProfilesNRCApplied a scale factor of 1.2 to the Submittal Applied a scale factor of 1.57 to the ppedascaeacoooebase case profile for development of the upper and lower case profilesppedascaeacoo5oebase case profile for development
of the upper and lower case profiles Vs ProfilesShear-Wave Velocit y (ft/sec)0500020004000600080001000012000y()05002000400060008000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)
NRC-BCNRC-LBC10001500t)50100150NRC-UBCLicensee-BC Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC 150020002500ontrol Point (f t150200ntrol Point (ft) 25003000epth Below C o250300pth Below Co n35004000DeNRC-BCNRC-LBCNRC-UBC350400Dep45005000NRCUBCLicensee-BC Licensee-LBC Licensee-UBC 450500 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec)Hawthorn Fm.
TFVs=2450 +/-200 ft/s in upper 50-100 ft(FSAR)Information from other sites:Saxena(2008) Vs=1500 -
)5001000Tampa Fm.Undifferentiated OligoceneOcala Fm. VogtleCOL: Vs=2650 ft/s Parker (2008) Vs=2296 ft/s (Ocala Fm.
)1900 ft/s (Hawthorn Fm.)1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm. TallahataFm. Wilcox GroupClayton Fm.
at 149 ft(Lisbon Fm.
)Odumet al (2003): Vs=2805 ft/s at 98 ft (WilcoxGroup
)20002500w Control Poi nPost Tuscaloosa Deposits (Wilcox Group)30003500Depth Belo wTuscaloosa Fm.Odumet al (2003): Vs=2840 ft/s at 98 ft 35004000NRC-BCUndifferentiated Early Cretaceous Deposits (Tuscaloosa Fm.
)45005000NRC-LBCNRC-UBCLicensee-BCPre-Cretaceous Basement Rock 00200040006000800010000Shear-Wave Velocity (ft/sec) 5001000An average Poisson's ratio of 1500nt (ft)Lisbon Fm.
g0.43 is reported for the Lisbon Formation at the Farley site 20002500w Control Poi NRC-BCNRC-LBC3000 3500Depth Belo NRC-UBCLicensee-BC (v=0.25)Licensee-BC (v=0.33) 4000Licensee-BC (v=0.45) 45005000 Aleatory Uncertainty in VsProfiles NRCSbittlNRC60 Randomizations Using USGS "B"SiteConditions Submittal30 Randomizations Using USGS "B""C"and"D"SiteConditionsfor "B" Site Conditions "B", "C", and "D" Site Conditions for the Upper-Range, Median, and Lower-Range Profiles, Respectively ln= 0.25 Upper 50 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 50 ft.ln= 0.25 Upper 90 ft.ln= 0.15 Below 90 ft.
Epistemic Uncertainty in Shear ModulusandDampingCurves Modulus and Damping CurvesNRCM1Submittal M1M1EPRI Soil: 0 -276 ftEPRI Rock: 276 -500 ft Linear & No Dam ping: > 500 ft M1Av. of EPRI 50-120 ft& 120-250 ft:
0 -129 ft Av. of EPRI 120-250 ft& 250-500 ft:
pgM2Peninsular: 0 -276 ftLinear&1%Damping:276 500ft129 -279 ft Idriss& Boulanger Weathered Rock
Curves: 279 to 509 ftLinear&KappaBasedDamping:>
Linear & 1% Damping: 276 -500 ftLinear & No Damping: > 500 ft Linear & Kappa-Based Damping: > 500 ft Kappa and Epistemic Uncertainty NRCKappawascalculatedforeach SubmittalCalculatedakappadistribution 2forKappa was calculated for each base case profile using Q values from Campbell (2009). A ln=0.2 was applied to determine the range Calculated a kappa distribution 2for each base case Vs profile based on
a median kappa of 0.04 sec (i.e. a deep soil site) and a ln=0.4 of kappasfor each base case profile.Base Case KappasLBC:00571Kappa Distribution kL:0024LBC: 0.057BC: 0.040 UBC: 0.030 kL: 0.024kM: 0.040 kU: 0.067 1Imposed an upper limit of 0.04 sec based on the SPID Guidance 2Clarification needed Amplification Functions p56NRC (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 34ficationLicensee (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee (Input PGA = 0.5 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)NRC Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.01 g) 23AmplifLicensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.2 g)Licensee Sigma (Input PGA = 0.5 g) 010.1110100Frequency (Hz)
GMRS Comparison 10.1tion (g)ectral Accelera tNRC GMRS0.01SpeLicensee GMRSHatch Unit 2 SSEHatch Unit 1 SSE 0.0010.1110100Frequency (Hz)Licensee GMRS (NRC Calc.)
PrimaryDifferencesPrimary Differences
- Kappa-Southern considered Hatch to be a deep soil site and used a median kappa of 0.04 sec, while the NRC placed an upper limit of 0.04 sec on kappaClassificationasadeepsoilsiteinconsistentwithVs
-Classification as a deep soil site inconsistent with Vs base cases
-wavevelocitiesLarge differences in shearwave velocities below a depth of approximately 500 ftdue toanassumedPoisson
'sratioto an assumed Poissons ratio