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{{#Wiki_filter:r LIMITING CONDITION BOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.6.H Shock Suppressors (3nubbers) 4.6.H Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) 1.
During all modes of operation The following surveillance require-except Cold Shutdown and Refuel, ments apply to all snubbers listed all safety related snubbers shall in Tables 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3.
be operable except as noted in 3.6.H.2 through 3.6.H.5 below.
All snubbers shall be visually inspected in accordance with 2.
The snubbers listed in Tables the following schedule:
I 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 are re-quired to protect the primary Number of Snubbers Next Required coolant system or other safety Found Inoperable Ins pection related systems or components.
During Inspection Interval All others are therefore exempt or During Inspection f rom these specifications.
Interval 3.
With one or more snubbers in-0 18 months + 25%
operabic, within 72 hours re-1 12 months [25%
placa or restore the inoper-2 6 months j; 25%
abla snubber (s) to OPERABLE 3, 4 124 days j;25%
status and perform an engi-5,6,7 62 days j;25%
neering evaluation per 8 or more 31 days j;25%
1 Specification 4.6.H.4 on the supported component or The required inspection interval declare the supported system or shall not be lengthened more subsystem inoperable and follow than one step at a tine.
the appropriate ACTION state-ment for that system.
Snubbers may be categorized in groups, " accessible" or "inac-4.
If a snubber is determined to be cessible" based on their acces-inoperable while the reactor is sibility for inspection during in the shutdown or refuel mode, reactor operation and by type, the snubber shall be made oper-hydraulic or mechanical. These able or replaced prior to reactor four groups may be inspected startup.
independently according te the above schedule.
Snubbers may be added to, removed, or substituted for, by analysis, 2.
Visual Inspection Acceptance f rom safety related systems with-Criteria out prior License Amendment to Tab les 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3, Visual inspections shall verify provided that a revision to these (1) that there are no visible tables is included with a subse-indications of damage or impair-quent License Amendment request.
ed OPERABILITY, (2) attachmente to the foundation or supporting l
8107220098 810715 PDR ADOCK 05000298 P
: PDR,
(cont'd) structure are secure. Snubbers I
wnicn appear inoperaole as a result of vlaual inspections may oe aetermined OPERABLE for tne purpose of establisning the next visual inspection interval, providing that (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly estao-lisned and remedied for that particular snubber and for otner snub ~oers tnat may oe generically susceptible; or (2) tne affected snub'er is functionally tested o
in tne as found condition and determined OPERABLE per Specifi-cations or 4.6.d.7 as applica'le.
ilowever, wnen tne o
fluid port of a nydraulic snuober is found to be uncovered, the snuicer shall oe determined in-operaole and cannot be determined OPERABLE via functional testing for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection inter-val.
All snubbers connected to an inoperable common hydraulic fluid reservoir snall oe counted as inoperable snubbers.
At least once per 18 months dur-ing snutdown, a representative sample, 107. of the total of eacn type of snubber in use in tne plant, shall oe functionally tested either in place or in a benen test.
For eacn snubber tnat does not meet the func-tional test acceptance criteria of Specification or 4. 6.11. b, an additional 10% of that type of snubber shall oe function-ally tested.
The representative sample select-ed for functional testing shall include various configuration, operating er.viromnents and the range of size and capacity of raubbers. Tables 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 4ad 3.6.3 may be used jointly or separa:ely as the basis for tne sampling plan.
r LillIT[;;G COUDITIO:1 FOR OPEiMTIOJ SURVEILLANCE REOdIRDICIT 4. 6. 11 Snock Suppressors (S uuboe rs)
In addition to tne regular sam-ple, snubbers wnien failed tne p revious funct ional test shall be retested curing tne next test period.
If a spare snubber has been installed in place of a f ailed snubber, then outn the faileu snubber (if it is repaired and installea in anotner position) and tne spare snubber sna11 oe retested.
Test results of tnese snubbers may not be included for tne resampling.
Pe rmanent or otner exemptions f rom functional testing for individual snuobers, in hign radiation cones or that are dif ficult to remove may be granted by the Commission only if a justifiable basis for exemption is presented and/or snubber life destructive test-ing was performed to qualify snubber operability for all design conditions at eitner tne completion of their tab-rication or at a subsequent date.
If any snubber selected for functional testing eitner fails to lockup or f ails to move, i.e.,
frozen in place, the cause will be evaluated and if caused by manufacturer or design deficiency all snubbers of tne same uesign and subject to the'same defect shall be tested or inspected to detensine if tne defect is pre-sent.
Tnis testing requirement snall oe independent of tne re-quirements stated above for snubbers not meeting t ae func-tional test acceptance criteria.
For the snubber (s) found inoper-aole, an engineering evaluation snall be perf o rmed to determine tne need for furtner action or testing on affected components.
1 LD1IT[IiG thlDITIdil FOR OPERATIO11 SUILVEILLAliCE RdQUIRDIEIII 4.6.H Snock Suppressors (Snubbers)
(cont'd) 5.
Ilydraulie Snuobers Functional Test Acceptance Criteria l
Tne hydraulic snubber functional
tast snall verify tuat:
Activation (restraining act-ion) is acnieved wl':.hin the specified range of ve. 9 city or acceleration in botn tension and compression.
l 2.
Snubber bleed, or release rate, wnere required, is within the specified range in compression or tension.
Mecnanical Snubbers Functional Test Acceptance Criteria The mechanical snubber func-tional test shall verify tnat:
Tne force tnat initiates free movement of tne snub-ber rod in eitner tension or compression is less than tne specified maximum drag force.
Activation (restraining act-1 ion) is achieved witnin the 1
l specified range of velocity or acceleration in botn l
tensi)n and compression.
l 3.
Snubber release rate, wnere l
required, is within the specified range in com-pression or tension.
Snubber Service Life !!onitoring l
A record of the service life of eaca snubber, tne date at waien cne designated service life j
commences and tne installation and maintenance records un wnicn tne designated service j
life is based shall oe main-
tained as required oy Specif1-t cation 6.6.2.J.
i l
: 4. o. II Snock Suppressors (Snuobers) l (cont'd)
Concurrent with tne first in-service visual inspection and at it...t once per 13 montns thereafter, Ine installation and maintenance records of eaca snuboer listea in Tables 1
3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 shall be reviewed to verify that the indicated service life has not been exceeded or will not be exceeded prior to the next seneduled snubber service lire review.
If tne indicated ser-vice life will be exceeded
prior to the next scheduled snubber service life rev iew, tue snubber service life snall be reevaluated or the snubber snall be replaced or recondi-tionea so as to extend its service life oeyond the date of tne next scheduled service life review. This reevaluation, replacement or reconattioning shall be indicated in tne records.
l l
i t
f I
Location Elevation i
BS-S-1 Torus Area 870' BS-S-2 Torus Area 889' BS-S-3 Torus Area 890' BS-S-ll3A Torus Area 890' BS-S-ll3B Torus Area 891' BS-S-116A Torus Area d89' BS-S-116B Torus Area 889' BS-S-125A Torus Area 892' BS-S-125B Torus Area 891' CS-S-1 S.E. Quad 918' CS-S-2 S.E. Quad 929' CS-S-3 S.E. Quad 946' CS-S-o S.E. Quad 918' CS-S-7 S.E. Quad 929' CS-VE-7 S.E. Quad 694' CS-S-10 Rx Bldg, 931' 946' CS-S-11 Rx Bldg, 931' 940' CU-S-39 S.E. Torus Area 893' ilP-S-4 S.W. Quad 872' dP-S-11 S.W. Quad d69' JP-S-15 S.W. Quad 874' HP-S-ISA HPCI Rm 865' HP-S-22A HPCI Rm 865' MS-S-1 S.W. Quad 864' MS-S-2 S.W. Quad 868' MS-S-3 S.W. Quad 880' MS-S-4 S.W. Quad 873' MS-S-7A S.W. Quad 874' MS-S-7B S.W. Quad 874' MS-S-8 Torus Area 885' l
MS-S-lO Torus Area 899' MS-S-ll Torus Area 897' MS-S-llA Torus Area 897' MS-S-12 Torus Area 888' MS-S-12A Torus Area d89' MS-S-13 "B" Ri[R Hx Ro 904' MS-S-13A "B" RilR Hx Rm 905' MS-S-13B "B" tulR lix Rm 911' MS-S-14 "B" RIIR Hx Rm 923' MS-S-15 "B" Rilk lix Rm 934' MS-S-15A "B"
krin 4x Ro 934' MS-S-16 Torus Area 885' MS-S-16A Torus Area 881' MS-S-16B Torus Area 88l'
Snubbe r No.
Location Elevation MS-S-17 "A" R11R IIx Rm 904' MS-S-18 "A" RilR lix Rm 905' MS-S-19 "A" RilR Hx Rm 923' dS-S-20 "A" RHR Hx Rs 934' MS-S-20A "A" RdR IIx Ra 934' MS-S-23 Torus Area d98' MS-S-24 Torus Area 898' MS-S-25 N.E. Quad 877' MS-S-26 N.E. Quaa d79' Ms-s-75 "A" RilR lix Rm 932' As-S-70 "B" RilR Rx Rm 932' MS-S-111A "A" R11R IIx Rm 923' RCC-S-3 Rx Bldg, 931' 945' RCC-S-4 Rx Bldg, 931' 943' RCC-S-20 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RCC-S-21 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RCC-S-22 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RF-S-1 N.E. Quad S98' R F-S-la N.E. Quad 896' RF-S-2 N.E. Torus Area 896' R F-S-3 11PCI Rm 870' RF-S-4 S.U. Torus Area 894' RF-S-5 S.U. Torus Area 897' RF-S-6 S.U. Torus Area 891' RF-S-45C N.E. Quad 882' RF-S-4SD N.T..
Quad 882' RF-S-4 6A N.E. Quad 882' RF-S-51A N.E. Torus 897' RF-S-51B N.2. Torus 897' r
l l
Ril-S-20 Rx Bldg, 903' 912' l
R11-S-21 Rx Bldg, 903' 911'
R11-S-22 Torus Area 695' l
Ril-S-23 Torus Area 892' Rd-S-24 Torus Area 897' Ril-S-25 N. RHR Hx Rm 927' Ril-S-25A Rx Bldg, 903' 922' Ril-S-26 N. RilR lix Rm 929' Rll-S-27A "A" Rilk Hx Rm 933' RH-S-29 Rx Bldg, 903' 904' RH-S-30A Torus area 898' Rd-S-30B Torus Area 89d' i
Rd-S-32 Torus Area 894' Ril-S-33D To rus 892'
Snubbe r No.
Location Clevation Ril-S-34 Rx Bldg, 903' 919' RJ-S-35 S. RifR ilx lua 912' Ril-S-36 S. luiR lix Rm 914' Ril-S-37 S. Rdk.1x Rm 916' Ril-S-38 S. RilR tlx Rm 930' Kil-S-39 S. RdR dx Rm 927' R11-S-40 S. RdR Hx lua 915' Rd-S-41 S.W. Quad 873' Ril-S-42 S.W. Quad 674' RH-S-43 Torus Area 897' RH-S-44 S.W. Quad 884' Ril-S-45 S.W. Quad 684' Rh-S-48 N.W. Quaa 884' RH-S-49 N.W. Quad d85' Ril-S-51 N. RilR 3x Rm 914' Rd-S-52 N. R!!R iix Rm 915' Ril-S-54 N.W. Quad 873' Ril-S-55 d.W. Quad 874' RH-S-56 N. RNR ilx Rm 927' Ril-S-5 7 N. RilR dx Rm 927' Ril-S-59 Torus Area 896' Ril-S-6 5 S.W. Quad 887' RH-S-60 Rx Bldg, 903' 907' Ril-S-7 6A Torus area 898' kli-S-70B Torus Area 898' Ril-S-7 7 Torus Area d90' RH-S-78A Torus Area 897' Ril-S-78B Torus Area 897' Rll-S-80 N.W. Quad 889' Ril-S-96A Rx Bldg, 903' 920' kil-S-98 N.W. Quad 691' RH-S-103A S.W. Quad
* 876' Ril-S-10 7A N.W. Quad 876' SW-H-23A Intake Str.
904' SW-H-23D Intake Str.
904' SW-H-23 E Intake btr.
904' SW-it-23 tl
. Intake Str.
Snuboer 30.
Location Elevation CS-S-4 Drywelt 947' CS-S-5 Drywell 951' CS-S-8 Drywell 947' CS-S-9 Drywell 951' CU-S-3A Drywell 925' CU-S-3B Drywell 925' MS-S-21 Drywell 920' MS-S-22 Drywell 919' MS-S-63 Drywell 921' MS-S-149A Steam Tunnel, Rx Bldg 918' RF-S-8 Drywell 924' R F-S-9 Drywell 924' RF-S-10 Drywell 928' RF-S-Il Drywell 924' RS-S-12 Drywell 924' RF-S-13 Drywell 928' RF-S-14 Drywell 925' RF-S-15 Drywell 922' RF-S-16 Drywell 923' RF-S-17 Drywell 927' RF-S-13 Drywell 924' RF-S-19 Drywell 924' RH-S-3 Rx Under Snield Plug 972' ttil-S-4 Rx Cavity 972' Ril-S-5 Drywell 921' Ril-S-6 Drywell 920' RH-S-7 Drywell 921' Rll-S-8A Drywell 918' Ril-S-8B Drywell 910' RAI-S-9 Drywell 915' Ril-S-10 Drywell 91l' Ril-S-11 Drywell 916' Ril-S-13 Drywe11 922' RH-S-14 Drywell 921' Ril-S-15 Drywell 922' Ril-S-16 Drywell 917' RH-S-17 Drywe11 917' Rii-S-18 Drywel1 416' RLI-S-19 Drywell 916' RH-S-67 Drywell 917' Ril-S-68 Drywell 917' RH-S-69A Drywell 915' Ril-S-69 B Drywell 915' Rll-S-70 Drywell 916'
-137j -
Snubber No.
Location Elevation kil-S-71 Drywell 914' R11-S-72 Drywell 914' R'I-S-7 2 A Drywell 914' Rll-S-73 Drywell 910' SS-A2 Drywell 923' SS-A3 Drywell 922' SS-B2 Drywell 924' SS-B3 Drywell 922' SS-C2 Drywell 924' SS-C3 Drywell 922' SS-D2 Drywell 923' SS-D3 Drywell 923' SS-7Al Drywell 914' SS-7A2 Drywell 914' SS-7B1 Drywell 914' SS-7B2 Drywell 914' SS-8Al Drywell 917' SS-8A2 Drywell 917' SS-1A Drywell 891' SS-2A Drywell 898' SS-3Al Drywell 904' SS-3A2 Drywell 904' SS-4A Drywell 909' SS-5A Drywell 898' SS-1B Drywell 891' SS-2B Drywell d98' SS-331 Drywell 904' SS-3B2 Drywell 904' SS-4B Drywell 909' SS-5B Drywell 898' VR-S-1 Drywell 902' VR-S-2 Drywell 919' VR-S-3 Drywell 899' VR-S-4 Drywell 918' VR-S-5A Drywell 903' VR-S-5B Drywell 903' VR-S-6 Drywell 905' VR-S-7A Drywell 893' VR-S-7B Drywell d98' VR-S-8 Drywell 899'
Snu'o' e r No.
Location Elevation o
VR-H-blD Drywell d97' VR-H-62C Drywell 899' VR-H-63B Drywell 897'
VR-H-63C Dryvell 898' VR-55-9-Y Drywell 919' VR-55-9-Z Drywell 919' VR-55-23-X Drywell 906' VR-55-23-Y Drywell 907' VR-55-26-Z Drywell 906' VR-56-12-Y Drywell 913' VR-50-26-Y Dryvell 916' VR-56-24-X Drywell 907' VR-56-24-Z Drywell 910' VR-57-12-Y Drywell 922' VR-58-12-Y Drywell 924' VR-59-7-X Drywell 920' VR-59-7-Z Drywell 920' VR-60-7-X Drywell 920' y
VR-60-7-Z Drysell 920' V R-61-8-X Drywell 919' VR-61-8-Y Drywell 919' VR-61-8-Z Drywell 919' VR-61-17-X Drywell 915' VR-61-17-Z Drywell 915' VR-62-8-X Drywell 922' VR-62-8-Y Drywell 915' VR-62-8-Z Drywell 915' VR-62-17-X Drywell 915' VR-62-17-Z Drywell 915' VR-S-14 Drywell 896' VR-S-32 Drywell 897' VR-S-43 Drywell d94' VR-S-51 Drywell 896' VR-S-87A Drywell 894' VR-S-87B Drywell 894' VR-S-38 Drywell 894' VR-H-62B Drywell 899' VR-d-64D Drywell 399'
3.6.H and 4.6.H Snubbe rs Snubbers are designed to prevent unrestrained pipe motion under dynamic loads as might occur during an earthquake or severe trans-ient, while allowing normal thermal motion during startup and shutdown. The consequence of an inoperable snubber is an increase in the probability of structural damage to piping as a result of a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.
It is therefore required that all snubbers required to protect the primary coolant system or any other safety system or component be operable during reactor operation e Because the snubber protection is required only during relatively low probability events, a period of 72 hours is allowed for repairs or replacement.
Since plant startup should not commence with knowingly defective safety related equipment, Specification 3.6.H.4 prohibits startup with inoperable snubbers.
All safety related snubbers are visually inspected for overall integrity and operability.
The inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection. Thus the required inspection interval varies inversely with the observed snubber failures.
The number of inoperable snubbers found during a required inspection detennines the time interval for the next required inspection.
Inspections performed before that interval has elapsed may be used as a new reference point to detennine the next inspection. However, the results of such early inspections performed before the original required time interval has elapsed (nominal time less 25%) may not be used to lengthen the required inspection interval. Any inspection whose results require a shorter inspection interval will override the previous schedule.
When the cause of the rejection of a snubber is clearly established l
and remedied for that snubber and for any other snubbers that may be generically susceptible, and/or verified by functional testing, that snubber may be exempted from being counted as inoperable.
Generically susceptible snubbers are those which are of a specific make or model and have the same design features directly related to rejection of the snubber by visual inspection, or are similarly located or exposed to the same environmental conditions, such as temperature, radiation and vibration.
BASES (cont'd)
When a snubber is found inoperable, an engineering evaluation is per-f ormed, in addition to the detecnination of the snubber mode of failure, in order to determine if any safety related component or system has been adversely af fected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shnll detecnine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported com-ponent or system.
In cases where the cause of failure has been '.dentified, additional snubbers, having a high probability for the same type of failure or that are being used in the cime application that caused the failure, shall be t es ted. This requirement increases the probability of locating inoper-able snubbers without testing 100% of the snubbers.
Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers may each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs.
To further increase the assurance of snubber reliability, functional I
tests should be performed once each ref~ eling cycle. Ten percent of u
each type of snubber represents an adequate sample for such tests.
Observed failures on these samples should require testing of additional vaits.
Snubbers in high radiation areas or those especially dif ficult to remove need not be selected for functional tests provided operability was previously verified.
The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manuf acturer input and consideration of the snubber service conditions. The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life.
6.6.2.G (cont'd) usage evaluation per the pSME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III was performed for the conditions defined in tne design specifica tion. The locations to be monitored shall be:
The feedwater nozzles b.
The shell at or near the waterline c.
Tne flange studs 2.
Monitoring, Recording, Evaluating, and Reporting a.
Operational transients that occur during plant operations will, at least annually, be reviewed and compared to the transient-conditions defined in the component stress report fcr the locations listed in 1 above, and used as a basis for the existing fatigue
: analysis, b.
The. number of transients wuien are comparable to or more severe tnan the transient evaluated in the stress report Code fatigue usage calculations will be recorded in an operating log book.
For tnose transients unich are more severe, available data, such as the metal and fluid temperatures, pressures, flow rates, and other conditions will be recorded in the log book.
The number of transient events that exceed the design specification quantity and the number of transient events with a severity greater than that included in tne existing Code f atigue usage calculations shall be added. When this sum exceeds the predicated number of 2
design condition events by twenty-five, a fatigue usage evaluation of such events will be performed for the af fected portion of tne RCPB.
Records of individual plant staf f members showing qualifications,
training and retraining.
Records for Environmental Qualification wnich are covered under the pro-visions of paragrapn 6.8.
Records of tne service lives of all nydraulic and mecnanical snubbers, listed on Taoles 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3 including the date at which tne ser-vice life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.
6.6.3 Records and logs relating to the following items shall be kept tor two ye ars.
The test results, in unite of mierscuries, for leak tests of sources i
performed pursuant to Specification 3.8. A.
Records of annual pnysical inventories verifying accountability of tne sources on record.
See paragrapn N-415.2, ASME Section III,1965 Edition.
The Code rules permit exclusion of twenty-five (25) stress cycles from secondary stress and fatigue usage evaluation.
(See paragraphs U-412(t)(3) and N-417.10(f) of 'tne Sammer 1968 Addenda to ASME Section III, 1968 Edition.)

Latest revision as of 00:35, 23 December 2024

Tech Specs 3.6.H,4.6.H,6.6.2.G,6.6.3 & Tables 3.6.1 & 3.6.3 for safety-related & Inaccessible Hydraulic Shock Suppressors (Snubbers)
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/1981
Shared Package
ML20009C881 List:
NUDOCS 8107220098
Download: ML20009C882 (14)


r LIMITING CONDITION BOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENT 3.6.H Shock Suppressors (3nubbers) 4.6.H Shock Suppressors (Snubbers) 1.

During all modes of operation The following surveillance require-except Cold Shutdown and Refuel, ments apply to all snubbers listed all safety related snubbers shall in Tables 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3.

be operable except as noted in 3.6.H.2 through 3.6.H.5 below.


All snubbers shall be visually inspected in accordance with 2.

The snubbers listed in Tables the following schedule:

I 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 are re-quired to protect the primary Number of Snubbers Next Required coolant system or other safety Found Inoperable Ins pection related systems or components.

During Inspection Interval All others are therefore exempt or During Inspection f rom these specifications.

Interval 3.

With one or more snubbers in-0 18 months + 25%

operabic, within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> re-1 12 months [25%

placa or restore the inoper-2 6 months j; 25%

abla snubber (s) to OPERABLE 3, 4 124 days j;25%

status and perform an engi-5,6,7 62 days j;25%

neering evaluation per 8 or more 31 days j;25%

1 Specification 4.6.H.4 on the supported component or The required inspection interval declare the supported system or shall not be lengthened more subsystem inoperable and follow than one step at a tine.

the appropriate ACTION state-ment for that system.

Snubbers may be categorized in groups, " accessible" or "inac-4.

If a snubber is determined to be cessible" based on their acces-inoperable while the reactor is sibility for inspection during in the shutdown or refuel mode, reactor operation and by type, the snubber shall be made oper-hydraulic or mechanical. These able or replaced prior to reactor four groups may be inspected startup.

independently according te the above schedule.


Snubbers may be added to, removed, or substituted for, by analysis, 2.

Visual Inspection Acceptance f rom safety related systems with-Criteria out prior License Amendment to Tab les 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3, Visual inspections shall verify provided that a revision to these (1) that there are no visible tables is included with a subse-indications of damage or impair-quent License Amendment request.

ed OPERABILITY, (2) attachmente to the foundation or supporting l

8107220098 810715 PDR ADOCK 05000298 P




(cont'd) structure are secure. Snubbers I

wnicn appear inoperaole as a result of vlaual inspections may oe aetermined OPERABLE for tne purpose of establisning the next visual inspection interval, providing that (1) the cause of the rejection is clearly estao-lisned and remedied for that particular snubber and for otner snub ~oers tnat may oe generically susceptible; or (2) tne affected snub'er is functionally tested o

in tne as found condition and determined OPERABLE per Specifi-cations or 4.6.d.7 as applica'le.

ilowever, wnen tne o

fluid port of a nydraulic snuober is found to be uncovered, the snuicer shall oe determined in-operaole and cannot be determined OPERABLE via functional testing for the purpose of establishing the next visual inspection inter-val.

All snubbers connected to an inoperable common hydraulic fluid reservoir snall oe counted as inoperable snubbers.


At least once per 18 months dur-ing snutdown, a representative sample, 107. of the total of eacn type of snubber in use in tne plant, shall oe functionally tested either in place or in a benen test.

For eacn snubber tnat does not meet the func-tional test acceptance criteria of Specification or 4. 6.11. b, an additional 10% of that type of snubber shall oe function-ally tested.


The representative sample select-ed for functional testing shall include various configuration, operating er.viromnents and the range of size and capacity of raubbers. Tables 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 4ad 3.6.3 may be used jointly or separa:ely as the basis for tne sampling plan.


r LillIT[;;G COUDITIO:1 FOR OPEiMTIOJ SURVEILLANCE REOdIRDICIT 4. 6. 11 Snock Suppressors (S uuboe rs)


In addition to tne regular sam-ple, snubbers wnien failed tne p revious funct ional test shall be retested curing tne next test period.

If a spare snubber has been installed in place of a f ailed snubber, then outn the faileu snubber (if it is repaired and installea in anotner position) and tne spare snubber sna11 oe retested.

Test results of tnese snubbers may not be included for tne resampling.

Pe rmanent or otner exemptions f rom functional testing for individual snuobers, in hign radiation cones or that are dif ficult to remove may be granted by the Commission only if a justifiable basis for exemption is presented and/or snubber life destructive test-ing was performed to qualify snubber operability for all design conditions at eitner tne completion of their tab-rication or at a subsequent date.

If any snubber selected for functional testing eitner fails to lockup or f ails to move, i.e.,

frozen in place, the cause will be evaluated and if caused by manufacturer or design deficiency all snubbers of tne same uesign and subject to the'same defect shall be tested or inspected to detensine if tne defect is pre-sent.

Tnis testing requirement snall oe independent of tne re-quirements stated above for snubbers not meeting t ae func-tional test acceptance criteria.

For the snubber (s) found inoper-aole, an engineering evaluation snall be perf o rmed to determine tne need for furtner action or testing on affected components.


1 LD1IT[IiG thlDITIdil FOR OPERATIO11 SUILVEILLAliCE RdQUIRDIEIII 4.6.H Snock Suppressors (Snubbers)

(cont'd) 5.

Ilydraulie Snuobers Functional Test Acceptance Criteria l

Tne hydraulic snubber functional


tast snall verify tuat:


Activation (restraining act-ion) is acnieved wl':.hin the specified range of ve. 9 city or acceleration in botn tension and compression.

l 2.

Snubber bleed, or release rate, wnere required, is within the specified range in compression or tension.


Mecnanical Snubbers Functional Test Acceptance Criteria The mechanical snubber func-tional test shall verify tnat:


Tne force tnat initiates free movement of tne snub-ber rod in eitner tension or compression is less than tne specified maximum drag force.


Activation (restraining act-1 ion) is achieved witnin the 1

l specified range of velocity or acceleration in botn l

tensi)n and compression.

l 3.

Snubber release rate, wnere l

required, is within the specified range in com-pression or tension.


Snubber Service Life !!onitoring l

A record of the service life of eaca snubber, tne date at waien cne designated service life j

commences and tne installation and maintenance records un wnicn tne designated service j

life is based shall oe main-


tained as required oy Specif1-t cation 6.6.2.J.

i l



4. o. II Snock Suppressors (Snuobers) l (cont'd)

Concurrent with tne first in-service visual inspection and at it...t once per 13 montns thereafter, Ine installation and maintenance records of eaca snuboer listea in Tables 1

3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 shall be reviewed to verify that the indicated service life has not been exceeded or will not be exceeded prior to the next seneduled snubber service lire review.

If tne indicated ser-vice life will be exceeded


prior to the next scheduled snubber service life rev iew, tue snubber service life snall be reevaluated or the snubber snall be replaced or recondi-tionea so as to extend its service life oeyond the date of tne next scheduled service life review. This reevaluation, replacement or reconattioning shall be indicated in tne records.

l l

i t

f I



Location Elevation i

BS-S-1 Torus Area 870' BS-S-2 Torus Area 889' BS-S-3 Torus Area 890' BS-S-ll3A Torus Area 890' BS-S-ll3B Torus Area 891' BS-S-116A Torus Area d89' BS-S-116B Torus Area 889' BS-S-125A Torus Area 892' BS-S-125B Torus Area 891' CS-S-1 S.E. Quad 918' CS-S-2 S.E. Quad 929' CS-S-3 S.E. Quad 946' CS-S-o S.E. Quad 918' CS-S-7 S.E. Quad 929' CS-VE-7 S.E. Quad 694' CS-S-10 Rx Bldg, 931' 946' CS-S-11 Rx Bldg, 931' 940' CU-S-39 S.E. Torus Area 893' ilP-S-4 S.W. Quad 872' dP-S-11 S.W. Quad d69' JP-S-15 S.W. Quad 874' HP-S-ISA HPCI Rm 865' HP-S-22A HPCI Rm 865' MS-S-1 S.W. Quad 864' MS-S-2 S.W. Quad 868' MS-S-3 S.W. Quad 880' MS-S-4 S.W. Quad 873' MS-S-7A S.W. Quad 874' MS-S-7B S.W. Quad 874' MS-S-8 Torus Area 885' l

MS-S-lO Torus Area 899' MS-S-ll Torus Area 897' MS-S-llA Torus Area 897' MS-S-12 Torus Area 888' MS-S-12A Torus Area d89' MS-S-13 "B" Ri[R Hx Ro 904' MS-S-13A "B" RilR Hx Rm 905' MS-S-13B "B" tulR lix Rm 911' MS-S-14 "B" RIIR Hx Rm 923' MS-S-15 "B" Rilk lix Rm 934' MS-S-15A "B"

krin 4x Ro 934' MS-S-16 Torus Area 885' MS-S-16A Torus Area 881' MS-S-16B Torus Area 88l'



Snubbe r No.

Location Elevation MS-S-17 "A" R11R IIx Rm 904' MS-S-18 "A" RilR lix Rm 905' MS-S-19 "A" RilR Hx Rm 923' dS-S-20 "A" RHR Hx Rs 934' MS-S-20A "A" RdR IIx Ra 934' MS-S-23 Torus Area d98' MS-S-24 Torus Area 898' MS-S-25 N.E. Quad 877' MS-S-26 N.E. Quaa d79' Ms-s-75 "A" RilR lix Rm 932' As-S-70 "B" RilR Rx Rm 932' MS-S-111A "A" R11R IIx Rm 923' RCC-S-3 Rx Bldg, 931' 945' RCC-S-4 Rx Bldg, 931' 943' RCC-S-20 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RCC-S-21 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RCC-S-22 Rx Bldg, 931' 953' RF-S-1 N.E. Quad S98' R F-S-la N.E. Quad 896' RF-S-2 N.E. Torus Area 896' R F-S-3 11PCI Rm 870' RF-S-4 S.U. Torus Area 894' RF-S-5 S.U. Torus Area 897' RF-S-6 S.U. Torus Area 891' RF-S-45C N.E. Quad 882' RF-S-4SD N.T..

Quad 882' RF-S-4 6A N.E. Quad 882' RF-S-51A N.E. Torus 897' RF-S-51B N.2. Torus 897' r

l l

Ril-S-20 Rx Bldg, 903' 912' l

R11-S-21 Rx Bldg, 903' 911'


R11-S-22 Torus Area 695' l

Ril-S-23 Torus Area 892' Rd-S-24 Torus Area 897' Ril-S-25 N. RHR Hx Rm 927' Ril-S-25A Rx Bldg, 903' 922' Ril-S-26 N. RilR lix Rm 929' Rll-S-27A "A" Rilk Hx Rm 933' RH-S-29 Rx Bldg, 903' 904' RH-S-30A Torus area 898' Rd-S-30B Torus Area 89d' i

Rd-S-32 Torus Area 894' Ril-S-33D To rus 892'



Snubbe r No.

Location Clevation Ril-S-34 Rx Bldg, 903' 919' RJ-S-35 S. RifR ilx lua 912' Ril-S-36 S. luiR lix Rm 914' Ril-S-37 S. Rdk.1x Rm 916' Ril-S-38 S. RilR tlx Rm 930' Kil-S-39 S. RdR dx Rm 927' R11-S-40 S. RdR Hx lua 915' Rd-S-41 S.W. Quad 873' Ril-S-42 S.W. Quad 674' RH-S-43 Torus Area 897' RH-S-44 S.W. Quad 884' Ril-S-45 S.W. Quad 684' Rh-S-48 N.W. Quaa 884' RH-S-49 N.W. Quad d85' Ril-S-51 N. RilR 3x Rm 914' Rd-S-52 N. R!!R iix Rm 915' Ril-S-54 N.W. Quad 873' Ril-S-55 d.W. Quad 874' RH-S-56 N. RNR ilx Rm 927' Ril-S-5 7 N. RilR dx Rm 927' Ril-S-59 Torus Area 896' Ril-S-6 5 S.W. Quad 887' RH-S-60 Rx Bldg, 903' 907' Ril-S-7 6A Torus area 898' kli-S-70B Torus Area 898' Ril-S-7 7 Torus Area d90' RH-S-78A Torus Area 897' Ril-S-78B Torus Area 897' Rll-S-80 N.W. Quad 889' Ril-S-96A Rx Bldg, 903' 920' kil-S-98 N.W. Quad 691' RH-S-103A S.W. Quad

  • 876' Ril-S-10 7A N.W. Quad 876' SW-H-23A Intake Str.

904' SW-H-23D Intake Str.

904' SW-H-23 E Intake btr.

904' SW-it-23 tl

. Intake Str.




Snuboer 30.

Location Elevation CS-S-4 Drywelt 947' CS-S-5 Drywell 951' CS-S-8 Drywell 947' CS-S-9 Drywell 951' CU-S-3A Drywell 925' CU-S-3B Drywell 925' MS-S-21 Drywell 920' MS-S-22 Drywell 919' MS-S-63 Drywell 921' MS-S-149A Steam Tunnel, Rx Bldg 918' RF-S-8 Drywell 924' R F-S-9 Drywell 924' RF-S-10 Drywell 928' RF-S-Il Drywell 924' RS-S-12 Drywell 924' RF-S-13 Drywell 928' RF-S-14 Drywell 925' RF-S-15 Drywell 922' RF-S-16 Drywell 923' RF-S-17 Drywell 927' RF-S-13 Drywell 924' RF-S-19 Drywell 924' RH-S-3 Rx Under Snield Plug 972' ttil-S-4 Rx Cavity 972' Ril-S-5 Drywell 921' Ril-S-6 Drywell 920' RH-S-7 Drywell 921' Rll-S-8A Drywell 918' Ril-S-8B Drywell 910' RAI-S-9 Drywell 915' Ril-S-10 Drywell 91l' Ril-S-11 Drywell 916' Ril-S-13 Drywe11 922' RH-S-14 Drywell 921' Ril-S-15 Drywell 922' Ril-S-16 Drywell 917' RH-S-17 Drywe11 917' Rii-S-18 Drywel1 416' RLI-S-19 Drywell 916' RH-S-67 Drywell 917' Ril-S-68 Drywell 917' RH-S-69A Drywell 915' Ril-S-69 B Drywell 915' Rll-S-70 Drywell 916'

-137j -



Snubber No.

Location Elevation kil-S-71 Drywell 914' R11-S-72 Drywell 914' R'I-S-7 2 A Drywell 914' Rll-S-73 Drywell 910' SS-A2 Drywell 923' SS-A3 Drywell 922' SS-B2 Drywell 924' SS-B3 Drywell 922' SS-C2 Drywell 924' SS-C3 Drywell 922' SS-D2 Drywell 923' SS-D3 Drywell 923' SS-7Al Drywell 914' SS-7A2 Drywell 914' SS-7B1 Drywell 914' SS-7B2 Drywell 914' SS-8Al Drywell 917' SS-8A2 Drywell 917' SS-1A Drywell 891' SS-2A Drywell 898' SS-3Al Drywell 904' SS-3A2 Drywell 904' SS-4A Drywell 909' SS-5A Drywell 898' SS-1B Drywell 891' SS-2B Drywell d98' SS-331 Drywell 904' SS-3B2 Drywell 904' SS-4B Drywell 909' SS-5B Drywell 898' VR-S-1 Drywell 902' VR-S-2 Drywell 919' VR-S-3 Drywell 899' VR-S-4 Drywell 918' VR-S-5A Drywell 903' VR-S-5B Drywell 903' VR-S-6 Drywell 905' VR-S-7A Drywell 893' VR-S-7B Drywell d98' VR-S-8 Drywell 899'




Snu'o' e r No.

Location Elevation o

VR-H-blD Drywell d97' VR-H-62C Drywell 899' VR-H-63B Drywell 897'


VR-H-63C Dryvell 898' VR-55-9-Y Drywell 919' VR-55-9-Z Drywell 919' VR-55-23-X Drywell 906' VR-55-23-Y Drywell 907' VR-55-26-Z Drywell 906' VR-56-12-Y Drywell 913' VR-50-26-Y Dryvell 916' VR-56-24-X Drywell 907' VR-56-24-Z Drywell 910' VR-57-12-Y Drywell 922' VR-58-12-Y Drywell 924' VR-59-7-X Drywell 920' VR-59-7-Z Drywell 920' VR-60-7-X Drywell 920' y

VR-60-7-Z Drysell 920' V R-61-8-X Drywell 919' VR-61-8-Y Drywell 919' VR-61-8-Z Drywell 919' VR-61-17-X Drywell 915' VR-61-17-Z Drywell 915' VR-62-8-X Drywell 922' VR-62-8-Y Drywell 915' VR-62-8-Z Drywell 915' VR-62-17-X Drywell 915' VR-62-17-Z Drywell 915' VR-S-14 Drywell 896' VR-S-32 Drywell 897' VR-S-43 Drywell d94' VR-S-51 Drywell 896' VR-S-87A Drywell 894' VR-S-87B Drywell 894' VR-S-38 Drywell 894' VR-H-62B Drywell 899' VR-d-64D Drywell 399'



3.6.H and 4.6.H Snubbe rs Snubbers are designed to prevent unrestrained pipe motion under dynamic loads as might occur during an earthquake or severe trans-ient, while allowing normal thermal motion during startup and shutdown. The consequence of an inoperable snubber is an increase in the probability of structural damage to piping as a result of a seismic or other event initiating dynamic loads.

It is therefore required that all snubbers required to protect the primary coolant system or any other safety system or component be operable during reactor operation e Because the snubber protection is required only during relatively low probability events, a period of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> is allowed for repairs or replacement.

Since plant startup should not commence with knowingly defective safety related equipment, Specification 3.6.H.4 prohibits startup with inoperable snubbers.

All safety related snubbers are visually inspected for overall integrity and operability.

The inspection frequency is based upon maintaining a constant level of snubber protection. Thus the required inspection interval varies inversely with the observed snubber failures.

The number of inoperable snubbers found during a required inspection detennines the time interval for the next required inspection.

Inspections performed before that interval has elapsed may be used as a new reference point to detennine the next inspection. However, the results of such early inspections performed before the original required time interval has elapsed (nominal time less 25%) may not be used to lengthen the required inspection interval. Any inspection whose results require a shorter inspection interval will override the previous schedule.

When the cause of the rejection of a snubber is clearly established l

and remedied for that snubber and for any other snubbers that may be generically susceptible, and/or verified by functional testing, that snubber may be exempted from being counted as inoperable.

Generically susceptible snubbers are those which are of a specific make or model and have the same design features directly related to rejection of the snubber by visual inspection, or are similarly located or exposed to the same environmental conditions, such as temperature, radiation and vibration.


BASES (cont'd)

When a snubber is found inoperable, an engineering evaluation is per-f ormed, in addition to the detecnination of the snubber mode of failure, in order to determine if any safety related component or system has been adversely af fected by the inoperability of the snubber. The engineering evaluation shnll detecnine whether or not the snubber mode of failure has imparted a significant effect or degradation on the supported com-ponent or system.

In cases where the cause of failure has been '.dentified, additional snubbers, having a high probability for the same type of failure or that are being used in the cime application that caused the failure, shall be t es ted. This requirement increases the probability of locating inoper-able snubbers without testing 100% of the snubbers.

Hydraulic snubbers and mechanical snubbers may each be treated as a different entity for the above surveillance programs.

To further increase the assurance of snubber reliability, functional I

tests should be performed once each ref~ eling cycle. Ten percent of u

each type of snubber represents an adequate sample for such tests.

Observed failures on these samples should require testing of additional vaits.

Snubbers in high radiation areas or those especially dif ficult to remove need not be selected for functional tests provided operability was previously verified.

The service life of a snubber is evaluated via manuf acturer input and consideration of the snubber service conditions. The requirement to monitor the snubber service life is included to ensure that the snubbers periodically undergo a performance evaluation in view of their age and operating conditions. These records will provide statistical bases for future consideration of snubber service life.



6.6.2.G (cont'd) usage evaluation per the pSME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III was performed for the conditions defined in tne design specifica tion. The locations to be monitored shall be:


The feedwater nozzles b.

The shell at or near the waterline c.

Tne flange studs 2.

Monitoring, Recording, Evaluating, and Reporting a.

Operational transients that occur during plant operations will, at least annually, be reviewed and compared to the transient-conditions defined in the component stress report fcr the locations listed in 1 above, and used as a basis for the existing fatigue

analysis, b.

The. number of transients wuien are comparable to or more severe tnan the transient evaluated in the stress report Code fatigue usage calculations will be recorded in an operating log book.

For tnose transients unich are more severe, available data, such as the metal and fluid temperatures, pressures, flow rates, and other conditions will be recorded in the log book.


The number of transient events that exceed the design specification quantity and the number of transient events with a severity greater than that included in tne existing Code f atigue usage calculations shall be added. When this sum exceeds the predicated number of 2

design condition events by twenty-five, a fatigue usage evaluation of such events will be performed for the af fected portion of tne RCPB.


Records of individual plant staf f members showing qualifications,

training and retraining.


Records for Environmental Qualification wnich are covered under the pro-visions of paragrapn 6.8.


Records of tne service lives of all nydraulic and mecnanical snubbers, listed on Taoles 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3 including the date at which tne ser-vice life commences and associated installation and maintenance records.

6.6.3 Records and logs relating to the following items shall be kept tor two ye ars.


The test results, in unite of mierscuries, for leak tests of sources i

performed pursuant to Specification 3.8. A.


Records of annual pnysical inventories verifying accountability of tne sources on record.


See paragrapn N-415.2, ASME Section III,1965 Edition.


The Code rules permit exclusion of twenty-five (25) stress cycles from secondary stress and fatigue usage evaluation.

(See paragraphs U-412(t)(3) and N-417.10(f) of 'tne Sammer 1968 Addenda to ASME Section III, 1968 Edition.)
