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{{#Wiki_filter:10 CFR50.54(q) 10 CFR50,Appendix    E 102-08254 April 9, 2021 CS/lh                                                      [aj P.O.
vereenerating Box52034 station Phoenix,Az 85072 MailStation7868 Tel: 623-393-3525 ATTN      Document        Control  Desk U.S.Nuclear      Regulatory      Commission Washington,      DC20555-0001
PaloVerdeNuclear Generation                        Station  (PVNGS)
Units    1,2,and3 and Independent            SpentFuelStorage          Installation Docket      Nos.50-528,50-529,50-530              and72-44 License      Nos.NPF-41,NPF-51 andNPF-74 PVNGSEmergencyPlan, Revision                  69 Pursuant  to10CFR50.54(q)          and10CFR50Appendix E,Section          V,Arizona    Public Service Company(APS)          isforwarding  a copyofthePVNGS Emergency          Plan,  Revision  69,effective March  30,2021,andsummaries            ofthe10CFR50.54(q) analyses for          this plan    revisionAPS hasevaluated    thechanges        incorporated inthis  revision, and determined    thechanges    donot reduce  theeffectiveness        oftheEmergency      Plan andthePlan continues tocomply          with the standards  of10CFR50.47(b)          andtherequirements      ofAppendix E to10CFR50.
Inaccordance    with10CFR50.4(b),          copies arebeing  forwardedto the NRCRegion        IV Administrator    andtheResident        Inspector. No commitments    arebeing made totheNRCby this letter.Should      youhaveanyquestion      regarding  thissubmittal,  please  contact  me at (480)  737-5876.
Sincerely, Shields, Shields,    Charlotte            cD'93'r'@"esd89")
(            )                    Date:
Charlotte DN:cn=Shields,      (205896) 2021.04.0907:19:22
                                                      -07'00' Charlotte  Shields Emergency      Preparedness        Manager CS/Ih cc:S.A.MorrisNRCRegion IVRegional  Administrator M.S.HaireNRCBranch Chief ofResponse    Coordination C.A.PeabodyNRCSenior Resident  Inspector  forPVNGS  PVNGS Emergency  Plan,  Revision 69  Summaryofthe10CFR50.54(q)
Analysis ofEmergency      Plan Revision  69
Enclosure 1
PVNGS Emergency Plan,Revision 69
PVNGS  EMERGENCY  PlAN    REVISION        69                                    PAGEIOF383 Revision          69 signed Digitally      byAlvarado  Mayra (211332)
Alvarado, Origlilator:
  . .              Mayra (11332)          DN:cn Alvarado, Date:2021.03.25 Mayra 17:09:18 (211332) 07'00' byWilliams,    ToddB(205663)
Williams r Todd Digitally  signed DN:cn=Williams,      ToddB(205563)
Reason:    Ihave reviewed this    document iteViCWor:                        Date:  2021.03.25 19:38:45 -07'00' ds, Shields,CharlotteDziogit8""6')signed            by Shie      Charlotte DN:cn=Shields,        Charlotte  (z05896)
Approval:                          Date:    2021.03.25    21:20:52  -07'00' Effective Date: M
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION        69                            PAGE3OF383 Description    ofChanges Page(s)                                                Description AlI        ChangedRevision        68toRevision        69throughout 3        Updated Description        ofChanges 10      Added    definitionflar    Follow    UpNotification 11      Added    definition  II)r Initial  Notilleation 23        Capitalized    definedterm Initial Notification    andadded  "notifications  to"for clarity 35        Capitalized    defined  term Initial Notification    anddeleted  reference  tofollow for u> elarity 37        Replaced    "additional    information"      with    "Follow  UpNotifications"        clarity fl)r 38        Capitalized    defined term    -
Initial Notification    anddeleted  reference  tofollow u)for    clarity 38        Capitalized    defined  term  -
Initial Notification    anddeleted  reference  tofollow u)for    elarity 52        Rewritten    tocapitalize    Initial Notification(s)"      andreplace  "warning  points" with  "auencies" 52        Added    newparagraph        for  Follow    Up Notitleations 60        Added    clarity  ll>rShelter  recommendations        made bythe  state orthe  station.
75        Capitalized    defined  term Initial Notilleation I10      Changed    Raddose    toUnifled      RASCAIInterface (URI)
I10      Changed    Raddose    toURI I10-1  Il    Added    the  Dose  Assessment        model  descriptor  ilarURI 11I      Changed    Raddose    toURI I1I      Changed    60'  bullet from  expected    arrival  time atvariousdownwind distances toPlume    Ex osure    Duration      (Release  duration  + Plume  travel time) 11I      Changed    7d'  bullet from  Thyroid    Committed      Dose  Equivalent  to Child Thyroid    Committed      DoseEtuivalent III      Changed    80'  bullet from  calculate    deposition    estimates atvarious  downwind locations  tocalculate    deposition      dose  estimates  atvarious  downwind locations  at96hours.
11I      Changed    90'  bullet from  Report    maximum      integrated values andrates  atthe Site  Boundary,    2 miles,  5 miles,    and10miles      forTEDE,Thyroid      Committed DoseEquivalent,      external    EDE,andground        deposition toReport    maximum peak  exposure    rate andcommitted        dose    atthe SiteBoundary,    2 miles,  5miles, andI0miles        forT  EDE,  Child    Thyroid  Committed    DoseEquivalent,      external EDE,and      eround    de7osition
PVNGS    EMERGENCY    PIAN          REVISION 69              PAGE4 OF383 Page(s)                                Description I1I      ChangedIlthbullet    from    provides Raddose    Protective Action Recommendations    basedonradiological    Protective Actual data.          Action Recommendations    arederived from      Plan Imergency  Implementing Procedures toURIprovides  graphical representation    PAGsin ofexceeded given sectors  based          data.
onradiological    Protective Actual      Action Recommendations    arederived from      Plan 12.mergencyImplementing Procedures I13      Added                        reference Section l 1asanadditional  toE.3andE.4
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION    69                  PAGE5OF383 TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTION                                                                        PAGE Description of Changes.                                                            .3 INTRODUCTION                                                                        .8 1.0 DEFINITIONS        ANI) ABBREVTATIONS.                                        .8 2.0 SCOPE      AND APPl.ICABll.1TY.                                              .19 3.0
OFTllE PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl.AN.                                          .19 4.0 ORGANIzATIONAL CONTROL                OFEMERGENClES.                          .20 4.1 NORMALORGANIzATIONS.                                                        .20 4.2 TilE    EMERGENCY      RESPONSE    ORGANIzATION.                        .20 4.3 NON-1ICENSEE          SUPPORT                                              .34 4.4 COORDINATION          WITll  PARTICIPATING      GOVERNMENT      AGENCIES.  .34 4.5 INSTlTUTlf      OF NUCI.EAR    POWER OPliRATIONS      (lNPO).            .40 4.6 IETTERS      OFAGREEMENT        (LOAs).                                  .40 5.0 EMERGENCY          CONDIflONS    ANDCl.ASSlFICATIONS.                      .49 5.1 EMERGENCY          CONDITIONS.                                            .49 5.2 BASISFORPAI.0          VIRDENUCIEARGENERATING              STATION  (PVNGS)
CI.ASSl FICATION    CRITERIA.                                          .50 6.0 EMERGliNCY          Ml ASURES                                                .51 6.1 EVINTASSESSMENT                                                            .51 6.2 CIASSlFICATION          AND DECLARATION                                    .51 6.3 NOTlFICATION.                                                              .52 6.4 MOBll17ATION.                                                              .52 6.5 CONSEQUI        NCEASSISSMENT.                                            .53 6.6 CORRECTIVE          ACTIONS                                                .55 6.7 PROTECTIVE          ACTIONS                                                .55 6.8 AIDTO AFFICTEDPERSONNEl.                                                    .61 6.9 MEDIARElATIONS.                                                            .63 7.0 EMERGENCY          FACILITIES  AND EQUIPMENT.                              .67 7.1 EMERGENCY          CENTl?RS                                                .67 7.2 COMMUNICATIONS            SYSTEMS.                                        .71 7.3 ASSESSMENT          EQUlPMENT                                              .80 7.4 PROTECTIVE          FACILI  flES AND EQUIPMENT                              .84 7.5 FIRST    AIDMEDICAlFACll          ITIES                                    .84 7.6 DAMAGliCONTROLEQUIPMENT                  AND SUPPlIES.                    .84 7.7 PROMPTNOTIFICATION              SIRENSYSTEM                                .84 8.0 MAINTAINING          EMERGENCY      PREPAREDNESS                            .85 8.1 ORGANIzATIONAl.          PREPAREDNESS.                                    .85
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION    69                    PAGE6OF383 TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTION                                                                          PAGE 8.2  ORGANIzATION        FORMAINTAINING        EMERGENCY    PRl?PAR1iDNESS .94 8.3  REVll?W  AND UPDATING OFTilEEMl?RGENCY              PIAN                  .95 8.4  MAINTENANCE        AND INVENTORYOFliMERGENCY            EQUlPMENT    AND SUPPlIES.                                                                    .95 9.0 RECOVERY                                                                        .96 9.1 R1iCOVl?RY      ORGANIzATION                                                  .96 9.2 RECOVliRY      EXPOSURI      CONTROl                                          .97 9.3 RE-ENTRY                                                                      .97 10.0AGREEMENT        I.ETTERS.                                                      .98 10.1OFFSITE    EMERGENCY        RESPONSE    Pl.AN FORPAlO VERDENUCI.EAR GENERATING      STATION.                                                    .99 11.0REFERENCED        INTERFACING      EMERGENCY      PLANS.                      102 12.0MAPS                                                                            103 13.0EMERGENCY        PIAN IMPl.EMENTING        PROCEDURES.                        110 14.0lD1iNTIFICATION      OF EMERGl(NCY      KlTSBY GENERAl,    CATEGORY.        110 15.0ACClDENTDOSEPROJECTION                AND SOURCE      TERM ESTIMATION.        .110 15.1DOSEASSl?SSMENT          MODEI..                                            .110 16.0CROSSRIFERENCE          TONUREG0654.                                          .112 17.0CORPORATE        EMERGENCY        SUPPORT                                      118 18.0PUBlICINFORMATION                                                              118
.                                                                118 18.2ACTIVATION      ANDOPERATION                                                118 18.3STAFFING      AND 1OCATION.                                                  119 18.4PUBLICINFORMATION            AND EDUCATION.                                .119 19.0DEVElOPMENTAl.          RElliRiiNCl?S.                                          120 TABIESAND FIGURES TABIE 1        MINIMUMSlill    T STAlFINGFOREMERGENCIES                            .41 FIGURE1        ONSH1FT  EMERGENCY      ORGANl7ATION.                              .42 FIGURE2        TECIlNICAl  SUPPORT    CENTER    ORGANIzATION.                    .43 FIGURE3        OPERATIONS    SUPPORT    CENTER    ORGANIzATION.                  .44 FIGURE4        EMl?RGENCY    OPERATIONS      FACll.1TY  ORGANizATION.            .45 FIGURE5        JOINTINFORMATION          CENTERORGANIzATION                          .46 FIGURE6        ONSITE/OFFSITE    EMERGENCY      ORGANIzATION    INTERFACI  .    .47
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN        REVISION  69                    PAGE7 OF383 TABLEOFCONTENTS SECTION                                                                    PAGE FIGlJRE7    STATE    COUNTY& I.OCAl      EMERGENCY    OPERATIONS  Cl(NTI?R ORGANIzATION.                                                    .48 FIGlJRE 8  NOTll  ICATION  Al,ERT Nl?TWORK  (NAN).                        .64 FICiURE 9  NAN NOTlFICATION        FLOW.                                    .65 IIGl!RE 10 COMMUNICATIONS          IEADINGTO PROTliCTIVE    ACTION RECOMMENDATION        (PAR)                                    .66 TABIE 3      EMERGENCYRESPONSE          FACIIITYCOMMUNICATIONS.              .79 FIGlJRE II  POPUl.ATION    EVACUATION      ROUTESECTIONS  AND EVACUATION ROUTING.                                                        103 FlGURE12    DEMOGRAPilYWITlilN Till? PI,UME EXPOSURE        PATIIWAY EMERGENCY      PI.ANNINGzONE                                    104 FIGURE13    SITEEXCIUSIONAREABOUNDARY            AND PROPERTY    BOUNDARY. 106 FIGURE14    INGESTION    EXPOSURE    PATIlWAY EMERGENCY      PI.ANNING70NE 107 FIGURI? 15  RECEPTION    AND CARECENTliRS.                                108 FIGlJRE 16  PROMPTNOTlFICATION          SYSTEMSIRIEN IOCATIONS.              109 APPENDICES APPENDIXA ClASSll    ICATION  GUIDANCEAND EAITECIINICAI,      BASIS
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION      69                            PAGE8OF383 INTRODUCTION Palo Verde  Nuclear    (ienerating Station      (PVNCiS)  isajointly-owned  three-unit  Pressurized Water Reactor  (PWR)    power  station  operated    byArizona  Public Service  (APS). Thestation    islocated  in Maricopa  County,    South ot'Wintersburg,      Arizona.
THEPVNGSEMERGENCY                            PLAN:
* Describes    the organization  formed andfacilities      availabletomanage    emergency    situations;
* Classifies    emergencies    according toseverity      ofconsequences;
* Dellnes  andassigns    responsibilities    for emergency  response  actions;
* Outlines    courses ofaction    andprotective measures tomitigate      theconsequences    ofan accident    andtosafeguard      station  personnel and the  public;
* Presents  ageneral  post-emergency      plan andorganization  torestore  the  plant toa normal operating    status;
* Dellnes  methods    andprocesses      toinform  the public.
Theaccidents  which    might  occur  atPVNGSare        analyzed inChapter 15ofthe      PVNGSUFSARin terms ofseverity    ofconsequence.      TheIndependent      Spent Fuel Storage Installation    (ISFSI),which isstationary andcentrally      located  within  the  PVNGSexclusion    area boundary, is    analyzed inthe Cask  UFSARandsatisfies        the requirements    for off-normal  radiologicaldose. The PVNGS UFSAR analyzed  accidents    reflectthe  design  characteristics ofa Pressurized  Water  Reactor (PWR) and      are addressed  byPVNGSlimergency            Operating    Procedures  (liOPs) andlimergency      Plan Implementing Procedures  (EPlPs). Postulated  events  concerning  the  ISISIareencompassed      bythescheme of EAlsdesignated      for PVNGS.
1.0DEFINITIONS              AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.1DEFINITIONS Thefollowing      aredefinitions    oftermscommonly      used  inthis Emergency      Plan.
An instrumentation    system  designed    todetect  abnormal  arearadiation levels  andactivate corresponding  station  alarms.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE9 OF383 Assessment    Actions Areactions  performed    during orafter  anincident,    toobtain andprocess    information necessary  to determine  the character  andmagnitude    ofthe  incidentandtoimplement      specine  emergency measures.
CDEis  the dose  equivalent toorgansortissues        ofreferencethatwill  bereceived  from  anintake of radioactive  material  byan individual during    the  50-year periodfollowing  theintake.
CEDEisthe    sumofthe      products of the  weighting          applicable 11tctors          toeach ofthe  body organs  or tissues that areirradiated  andthe  CDE to  these  organsortissues.
Controlled  Area An area  outside  ofthe  Restricted Area  but inside the Site Boundary  access that eanbelimited    by the licensee  for anyreason.
Corrective  Actions Measures  taken  toterminate  anemergency      situation atornearthe  source  ofthe problem.
TheCounty    EOCislocated    atthe  Maricopa    County  Department  ofEmergency Management (MCDifM)    IIeadquarters  at5630  E.McDowell        Road,P hoenix,Arizona,  and is the primary point through  which  the C hairman,  Maricopa    County    Board ofSupervisors/designeeexercises coordination  over  county  emergency    response  actionsconducted  within  thel?P7.
M DDEis    the dose  equivalent  atatissue  depth  ofIem(1000    mg/cm2),    which applies  toexternal whole-body    exposure.
Ilose EguivalentiDE.1 DEisthe    product  ofthe  absorbed  dose  intissue,  qualityfactorandall  othernecessary  modifying factors atthe  location  ofinterest. Theunits    ofdose  equivalentarethe  remandSievert    (Sv).
M EDEis  the sumofthe      products ofthe  dose  equivalent toeach  organ  ortissue anda weighting    factor applicable  toeach  ofthe  bodyorgans  ortissues    thatareirradiated.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE10OF383 EAl.s are  theplant-specific      indications, conditions  orinstrument  readings    thatareutilized  to classifyemergency    conditionsdenned        inthe PVNGSEmergency        Plan.
Theindividuals  within thePVNGS organization            designated torespond    toanemergency.
Exclusion  AreaBoundary An area  surrounding  the  reactor  inwhich the  reactor  licenseehas  the authority  todetermine    all activities,including  exclusion      or removal ofpersonnel    andproperty    from    thearea.
h Theagreed  upondata    that  isprovided    toanoffsite  agency toaid  inthe  protective action  decision-making  process  that  isconducted      bythe  ORO.
EulLP.a.ttigipatipn Fullparticipation  whenused        inconjunction  with  emergency preparedness      exercisesfor a particular sitemeansappropriate      offsite    local andState authorities andlicensee personnel physically      and actively take part intesting    their integrated capability  toadequately assess andrespond      toan accident  ata commercial      nuclear  power        Iull plant. participation includes testing major    observable portions  ofthe onsite  andoffsite    emergency  plans  andmobilization    of State, localand  licensee personnel  andother  resources      insufficient numbers  toverify the  capability to respond tothe accident  scenario.
IIostileAction An acttowards  a nuclear    power    plant oritspersonnel  thatincludes  the useofviolent  force to destroy equipment,    take  hostages,    and/or intimidates the licensee  toachieve    anend.This  includes attackbyair,  land,  orwaterusing        guns, explosives,  projectiles, vehicles,    orother devices  used to deliverdestructive  force. Other  acts that satisfythe  overallintent maybeincluded.      IIostile action should notbeconstrued      toinclude    acts ofcivildisobedience  orfelonious      actsthatare notpart  ofa concerted  attack onthe    nuclear    power  plant.Nonterrorist-based    EAlsshould      beused  toaddress such activities,(e.g., violent    acts between  individuals  inthe owner  controlled  area).
A complex  designed  andconstructed        fortheinterim  storageofspent    nuclear  fuel andother radioactive materials  associated      with spent fuel storage. ThePVNGSISFSI          islocated approximately  605feet    northeast    ofthe PVNGSPower      PlantProtected    Area.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PlAN          REVISION      69                          PAGE11OF383 Initial Notification Therequired      15-minute      notincation  madebythe    utilitytothe  designated  offsite  agencies.
TheIP7isthe        fifty-mile    radius area (Figure 14), centered    onthe  verticalaxis ofthe  Unit  2 Containment      Building    for which protective  actions  for the  general population,  flirmers, dairy farmers. ranchers,      food  processors  anddistributors  are planned.
hip.lailt Thearea  located      within  the  connnes ofthe  PVNGSPower        Plant Protected Area.
M Combined      PVNGS/state/county          function; located  at600North    Verrado  Way,    Building  A,Buckeye, Arizona. TheJICisresponsible            for issuingnews  information  during  anAlert  orhigher    level emergency    classineation.
M An individual    licensed    under  10CFRpart    55tooperate    and control PVNGS.
Thecollection      ofonsite    programs  andprocedures    which  prescribes how PVNGS      iscontrolled, operated,  maintained,        andtested  tomeetthe  requirements    ofapplicablelicenses,  standards,  codes, andguides. It establishes    effective  management    practices.
Offsite Anyposition      orarea    notlocated    withinthe confines  ofthe  Site Boundary.
Offsite  Relocation      Area Thelocation    where    contaminated    PVNGSevacuees      aredecontaminated,    which  islocated  atthe Buckeye  Airport.
Theemergency        Offsite  Response    Organization  for state andlocal  governments    described  inthe Offsite Imergency        Response    Plan  forthePalo  Verde  Nuclear  Generating  Station.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN                REVISION69                            PAGE12OF383 TheOffsite  Emergency  Response      Plan  for  PaloVerde  Nuclear  Generating  Station istheState  of Arizonal Maricopa County      Plan  for governmental    response  toemergencies    atPVNGS. ThePlan setsforth  speciHe responsibilities    andprocedures local for  s tate,      andnon-governmental organizationsresponsible    for  o  ffsiteemergency    operations and  protection ofthe  affected population.
Theemergency      response positions onshift      asdesignated  inTable    I,Minimum  ShiftStaffing  for Emergencies. Typically, positions required byplant        technicalspeci0cations,  fire protection program,  securityplan andthe      radiological  emergency    plandesignated  torespond  intheinitial phase ofanemergency.
Onsite Anyposition    orarea  located    within  the confinesof  the  SiteBoundary.
Theaugmented      PVNGSemergency          response  organizationused tostaff    the Technical Support Center, Operations  Support Emergency Center,                Operations  Facility, JointInformation Center,  etc.
Table I,Minimum      Shift Staffing    for Emergencies    denotes  the required  augmented  positions.
OwnerControlled      Area Thearea  owned  bythe  licensee    andlocated    within the conGnes    ofthe SiteBoundary asshown      in Figure 13. Site Exclusion  AreaBoundary          andProperty    Boundary.
Pa.rtlaLParticipation Partialparticipation  whenused      inconjunction    with emergency    preparedness exercisesfor a particular site means  appropriate    offsite  authorities shall  actively  takepartinthe  exercise sufficient totestdirection  andcontrol    functions;  i.e.,(.a) protective  action  decisionmaking  related to emergency    actionlevels, and(b)    communication      capabilities amongaffected    Stateandlocal authorities andthe  licensee.
P1MLP!3!E!1LLi.E Theboundary    enclosing the    area ownedbythe      licensee  andcorresponding  tothe  SiteBoundary.
ThePlume    Exposure  Pathway      EPzisthe      ten-mileradius  area, centered onthe  vertical axis  ofthe Unit 2 Containment    Building,    forwhich    protectiveactions areplanned.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE13OF383 Persons  forwhomprotective        actions arebeing, orwould    be,implemented.
An instrumentation    system    designed  todetectabnormal    radiation  levels inprocess      andeffluent pathways,  andtoactivate      appropriate  alarms.
Protective  Actions Emergency    measures    takento avoid orreduce    radiation  dose. These  commonly      include  sheltering, evacuation,  andprophylaxis.
M Theprojected    dosetoindividuals      that would warrant  consideration  ofprotective    action  againstan accidental release  ofradioactive    material.
Pfotected  AteatsLLPM An area,located    within  the  PVNGSl?xclusion    Area  Boundary    encompassed    byphysical    barriers andtowhich    access  iscontrolled    per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGS Power Plant          Protected    Areaand the ISFSI  Protected  Area  are  twoProtected  Areas    locatedwithin the PVNGS Owner          Controlled Area.
RecoveryActions Arepost-emergency      actions  torestore the station toanormal    operating  condition.
Restricted  Area An area  access  towhich    isimited    bythelicensee  for the  purpose  ofprotecting    individuals  against undue  risksfrom  exposure  toradiation  andradioactive  materials.
Site Boundary Theboundary      ofa reactor  sitebeyond  which the  land  orproperty  isnotowned,leased.        orotherwise controlled bythe    licensee.
TheState  EOCislocated      atthe  DEMAlleadquarters    andisthe    primary point  through    which the Governor/designee    exercises    overall controlandcoordination      ofgovernmental    offsite  emergency response  operations.
M TheTOCisco-located        with  the State EOC.TheTOCisthe        offsite location that  provides  foroverall control  ofradiological  technical  operations.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69              PAGE14OF383 TEDE  is thesumofthe    Deep-Dose  Equivalent  (for    exposures) external        CEDE(for andthe      internal exposures).
UnrestrictedArea Anarea  access towhich,  isneither limited  norcontrolledlicensee.
bythe Vital Area An area  withinthePVNGSPower PlantProtected          encompassed Area        byadditional physical barriersandtowhich    access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55. Vital        equipment contain areas considered  vital tothe  operationofthe  plant.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION        69                  PAGE15OF383 1.2 ABBREVIATIONS The following  are abbreviations ofterms    commonly  used atPVNGS.
ADEM          -
Arizona  Division    ofEmergency    Management AzD1IS        -
(Arizona)  Department      ofllealth Services ADV          -
Atmospheric DumpValve APS          -
Arizona  Public  Service  Company ASU          -
Arizona  State  University BOP          -
Balance  ofPlant BPD          -
Buckeye  Police  Department CDE          -
Committed Dose        Equivalent CEDE          -
Committed    Effective    DoseEquivalent CEDMCS        -
Control  Element    Drive Mechanism        System Control CEO          -
Chief    Executive  Officer ClT          -
Core  Exit Thermocouple CFR          -
Codeof1ederal        Regulations CNO          -
Chief    Nuclear  Ofilcer CR            -
Control  Room CR            -
Condition  Report CRS          -
Control  RoomSupervisor CTMT          -
Containment DDE          -
Deep-Dose    Equivalent DE            -
DoseEquivalent DEMA          -
(Arizona)  Department      ofEmergency          Affairs andMilitary DIIS          -
Department    ofIIomeland      Security DOE          -
Department    ofEnergy DPS          -
(Arizona)  Department      ofPublic Safety EAI          -
Emergency    Action    Ievel EAS          -
Emergency    Alert  System EC            -
1mergency    Coordinator EDE          -
Effective DoseEquivalent
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN            REVISION69                              PAGE16OF383 EDG      -
Emergency      Diesel  Generator EMT      -
Emergency      Medical  Technician ENS      -
limergency    Notification  System EOC      -
Emergency      Operations  Center EOD      -
Emergency      Operations  Director EOl      -
Emergency      Operations  Facility EOP      -
Emergency      Operating  Procedure EPA      -
Environmental      Protection  Agency EPABX    -
lilectronic  Private Automatic    Branch Exchange IPD      -
Electronic Personal    Dosimeter EPIP    -
Emergency      Plan  Implementing    Procedure EP/      -
limergency    Planning zone ERDS    -
Emergency      ResponseData System ERFDADS  -
limergency    Response    Facility Data Acquisition & Display System ERF      -
Emergency      Response    Facility ERO      -
Imergency      Response  Organization ESF      -
Ingineered    Safety  Features FEMA    -
Federal    Emergency  Management    Agency FPS      -
Fire  Protection  System FSS      -
Fire  Suppression    System FTS      -
Federal    Telecommunications      System FW1.B    -
Feed-water    1.ine Break GPM      -
Gallons    perMinute IIP      -
IIealth    Physics IIPN    -
llealth    Physics  Network HPSI    -
Iligh  Pressure  Safety  Injection I& C    -
Instrumentation      andControl INPO    -
Institute  ofNuclear  Power    Operations IP/      -
Ingestion    Pathway  zone ISFSI    -
Independent    Spent  Fuel  Storage  Installation
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PIAN          REVISION    69                      PAGE17OF383 JiC      -
Joint Information  Center JPIP    -
Joint Public  Information Procedure KI      -
Potassium    lodide I.AN    -
Local  AreaNetwork I.CO    -
I.imiting  Condition  for Operation I.OAF    -
Loss  ofAllFeed IOCA    -
Loss  ofCoolant    Accident I.PSI    -
I ow  Pressure  Safety Injection I.WR    -
1ight  Water  Reactor MCDEM    -
Maricopa County    Department ofEmergency    Management MCPI    -
ManagementCounterpart MCSO    -
Maricopa    CountySheriffs Office MSLB    -
MainSteam      Line Break NAN      -
Notification  AlertNetwork NATM    -
Nuclear  Administrative  andTechnical Manual NOAA    -
National  Oceanic  andAtmosphericAdministration NRC      -
Nuclear  Regulatory  Commission NSSS    -
Nuclear  Steam  Supply  System NWS      -
National  Weather  Service OBE      -
Operating  Basis  Earthquake ODCM    -
Offsite  Dose  Calculation Manual OSC      -
Operations  Support  Center PAD      -
Protective  Action Decision PAG      -
Protective  Action  Guide PAR      -
Protective  Action Recommendation PASP    -
Preplanned    Alternate Sampling Program PBX      -
Private  Branch  Exchange PI      -
Plant Information PIO      -
Public  Information  Officer PMCI    -
Protective  Measures  Counterpart Link
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN          REVISION69                          PAGE18OF383 PSIG    -
Pounds  PerSquare      InchGauge PVAR    -
Palo  Verde  Action    Request PVNGS    -
Palo  Verde  Nuclear    Generating  Station PWR      -
Pressurized    Water    Reactor QSPDS    -
Qualified    Safety  Parameter  Display System RAC      -
Radiological    Assessment    Coordinator RACOMM  -
Radiological    Assessment    Communicator RCS      -
Reactor  Coolant    System REAT    -
Radiological    limergency    AssistanceTeam RFAT    -
Radiological    Field Assessment    Team RMS      -
Radiation    Monitoring    System RP      -
Radiation    Protection RPC      -
Radiological    Protection Coordinator RPM      -
Radiation    Protection  Monitor RPS      -
Reactor  Protection    System RSCl,    -
Reactor  Safety  Counterpart    1,ink RSP      -
Remote    Shutdown      Panel RVIMS    -
Reactor  Vessel  1,evel Monitoring  System SGTR    -
Steam  Generator    TubeRupture SIM      -
(Control  Room)    Simulator SPDS    -
Safety  Parameter    Display  System SM      -
Shift Manager STA      -
Shift Technical    Advisor STSC    -
Satellite Technical    Support  Center SWMS    -
Site WorkManagement        System TEDE    -
Total  Effective  Dose  Equivalent Tl.D    -
Thermoluminescent        Dosimeter TOC      -
Technical    Operations  Center TSC      -
Technical    Support    Center UFSAR    -
Updated    Final  Safety  Analysis  Report
PVNGS EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION69                              PAGE19OF383 UPS          -
Uninterruptible    Power  Supply VOlP/SAT      -
Voice    OverInternet  Protocol  Satellite Back-up 2.0SCOPE    AND      APPLICABILITY This  Emergency    Plan  isapplicable  toPVNGS.      Specifle  procedures  toimplement    the EmergencyPlan arelisted        inSection Emergency 13.0,              Plan Implementing    Procedures.
There  are also  various  supporting  andcomplementing        emergency  plans,  including thoseof Federal  Agencies,    the State ofArizonaand      Maricopa  County.
OF THE PVNGS                        EMERGENCY              PLAN TheEmergency      Plan  isdesigned    to adhere toNuclear      Regulatory Commission    (NRC) emergency  planning    regulations  andguidelines applicable tocommercial        nuclear power stations.TheEmergency        Plan  isbased upon NRC and      Federal  Emergency  Management Agency  (1EMA)guidance        ascontained    in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-l,            Revision  1, "Criteria forPreparation    andEvaluation    ofRadiological Emergency Response        Plans and Preparedness    in Support  of Nuclear  Power  P lants", and  EPA guidance  as  contained in EPA400-R-92-001,        "Manual    ofProtective  Action  Guides and Protective Actions    for Nuclear  Incidents"    October,    1991Radiological    emergency planning for    the PVNGShas been  coordinated    with  state andlocal  emergency    response  agencies.
TheState  ofArizona    andlocal    government  agencies  whomaybeinvolved inemergency response  operations    areaware    ofthe emergency    response  measures  described  inthe PVNGSEmergency          Plan  andareadvised    ofchanges    ormodifications  tothese measures resulting from  plan  reviews,  audits, drillsand/or  exercises  along  with changes to Regulatory  guidance.
Both  the Offsite  Emergency      Response  Plan  for PVNGSandthe        PVNGSEmergencyPlan contain  clear-cut  dellnitions  ofareas  ofauthority  andresponsibility. TheDEMA, acting under  thedirection    andauthority    ofthe  Governor,  isresponsible  foroverall  coordination ofoffsite governmental      emergency    operations. ThePVNGSEmergency          Organization  is responsible  for  onsite  emergency    operations  andfor  providing  timelyandaccurate  plant status information    tooffsite  emergency    authorities. TheArizona    Department    ofIIealth Services  (AzDIIS)    has  been  assigned technical  (radiological)  responsibility for governmental    response    within  Arizona. Emergency      operations  withinthe  Plume  Exposure Pathway  EP/arethe      responsibility  ofMaricopa    County.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            Pl,AN          REVISION69                              PAGE20OF383 4.0  ORGAN1zATIONAL                    CONTROLOFEMERGENCIES Inthe  event  ofanemergency.      the normal  station operational            is organization supplemented with  anorganization      specificallydesigned  torespond  toemergency            Depending situations.
onthe severity ofthe      emergency,  the  Emergency  Organization  mayconsistofanon-shift emergency    response organization, orof      anaugmented    emergency          organization.
response This  section  describes  the  On-shift, Onsite  andOffsite Emergency    Organizations.
4.1NORMAl,          ORGANizATIONS TheIxecutive      Vice  President & Chief    Nuclear Ofilcer,reports  tothe          &
APSPresident Chief  Ixecutive    Officer.The Executive Vice      President & Chief  NuclearOfilcer hasthe overall  responsibility    andauthority for  the operation andtechnical  supportofPVNGS.
TheExecutive      Vice  President & Chief Nuclear Officer    andthe  nuclearorganization have the  overall  responsibility    andauthority toensure that  all activitiesassociated withAPS' nuclear  facilities arecarried    outwith  the highest standards of safety andensuring the station  isoperated    inaccordance    with  (lAW) the licenses granted  bytheNRC,the Technical    Specifications,    andthe  requirements and commitments      stated intheUFSAR.
Theonsite    station  organization  isdivided  into fourmain  groups  which      tothe report Executive    Vice  President  & Chief  Nuclear  Officer.
Each  group  isdivided    into subordinate  departments andsections. Thefour  groups areas follows:
* Nuclear  Site  Operations a    Regulatory    Affairs  Oversight andPerformance    Improvement
* Operations    Support
* Engineering 4.2TlIEEMERGENCYRESPONSE                        ORGANIzATION
[Ref. INPOIERI,l13-10,            Recommendation      5g,IER1.2  11-39, Recommendation 31 TheEmergency        Response    Organization  (ERO)  consists ofpersonnel        inthe staffing Control  Room/STSC,Operations          Support  Center (OSC),  Technical            (TSC),
Center Support Imergency      Operations    Iacility (EOF)  andthe  Joint Information  Center(JIC).
ThePVNGSEROissupported              bydesignated    facilities asdescribed  inSection 7.0, Emergency      Facilities  andEquipment. Theon-shift  emergency    responseorganization is augmented    atdeclaration    ofanAlert  orhigher  emergency  classification level.
PVNGS EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION69                              PAGE21OF383 Inthe  event  a member    ofthe EROminimum      staff  becomes  incapacitated oris  otherwise unavailable,    theyshall  bereplaced  assoonasreasonably      possible. Operating  unit  staff who are      IROmembers      aregoverned  byPVNGSTechnical        Speci0cation  5.2 andits exceptions.
4.2.1    ON-SillFT      EMERGENCY        ORGANIzATION PaloVerde Nuclear    Generating  Station  on-shift emergency  organization  is sufficient to permit the  required mitigation  response andeffectively    implement    the Emergency Plan asrequired in10CI        R50Appendix    E.
Table  Iofthe  Emergency  Plan renects  the resultsofthe Palo  Verde  On-Shift Emergency    Response Organization    Staffing  andCapabilities  analysis asrequired by10CIR 50Appendix E. The Palo            Verde    On-ShiftEmergency    Response Organization    Staf0ng andCapabilities analysis    isretained asCorrespondence
                #090-05063    (RCTSAI  4164598).
TheOn-shift    Emergency  Organization  (Figure  l)consists  ofthe following positions:
4.2.I.1Emergency          Coordinator    (EC)
[Ref. INPO    IERII    13-10,  Recommendation      5i1 Theaffected  unitShift  Manager    (SM) ordesignee initially assumes      the responsibilitiesof the  ECand responsible direction and is            for coordination  ofthe response. Members  ofthe  normal shift organization assume  emergency  positions  tocarry outactions  asdescribed below.
TheEChas    the responsibility  andauthority  toimmediately and unilaterallyinitiateemergency    actions.including  providing  notification andProtective  Action  Recommendations      (PAR)  togovernmental agencies responsible  for implementing  offsiteemergency    measures.
TheECisalso    responsible  for  communication    ofplant status and radiological conditions  including  doseprojection results asappropriate.
Procedures  provide  for accelerated  calls andverbal  notification  tothe NRCusing    the Emergency    Notification  System  (ENS)  ofSecurity-based  events considered  tobeacredible    imminent  threat  orIlostile Action.
Theaffected  unitShift  Manager    mayberelieved    asECbyanother qualified EC.AtanAlert      orhigher  emergency  classi0cation level,  the ECdirects  the Security  Director  toinitiatecallouts tothe  IROin
PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN              REVISION    69                          PAGE22OF383 accordance    with the associated    implementing  procedure. Uponarrival ofthe designated    EC-TSC,the      EC-STSC  conducts    abriefingandis relieved asthe    Emergency  Coordinator.
Atthe onset    ofanincident,    the  EChas  the following    responsibilities:
a  Notitleationofoffsite    emergency    response    agencies andoffsite emergency      organizations  (non-delegable  duty  untilrelievedby EOD)
* Making      protectiveaction  recommendations      asnecessary  tooffsite emergency      response agencies    (non-delegable    duty until      by relieved EOD) a  Classilleation    ofemergency events(non-delegable)
* Determination    ofthe  necessityfor  site evacuation a  Authorizationfor emergency workers          toexceed    10CFR20 exposure    limits a  Activation    ofonsite and offsite EROorganizationslor        analertor higher  emergency  classification  level 4.2.I.2Control  RoomSupervisor TheControl      RoomSupervisor      (CRS) located in    the unit controlrooms, reportstothe    EC.TheCRSperforms        initial assessment andevaluation ofanyabnormal      oremergency      conditions.After the ECdeclaresan emergency,    the CRSmaintains      thenormal  dutiesof directing the Nuclear  Operators    andassisting    theEC.
4.2.I.3FireTeam TheFire  Team(minimum      of5 individuals)    reports  tothe CRSand is maintained    onsite atalltimes. TheI.eader  ofFire  Protection Department    isresponsible  for  ensuring sufficient  members  ofthe Fire TeamareEmergency        Medical    Technician  (EMT)    qualified and available  atall  times.
4.2.I.4FireTeamAdvisor TheFire  TeamAdvisor      isa Iicensed  Nuclear    Operator  thatsupports theFire Teamduring      a fire. TheFire  TeamAdvisor      should haveno collateral  duties thatinterfere  with theability  tosupport  the FireTeam.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN          REVISION69                                PAGE23OF383  Control    RoomOperators TheControl    RoomOperators        reporttothe CRSandconduct      thesafe andproper    operation  ofthe  unitatalltimes,andrespond    toemergency conditions,  asnecessary.  Radiation    Monitoring    Technician The Radiation    Monitoring    Technician  reports tothe  Radiation Protection  Monitor  (RPM)    andestablishes a response      inthe area Radiation  Monitoring    office  andconducts  in-plant  area surveysas necessary.
4.2.I.7RadiationProtection          Monitor  (RPM)
TheRadiation    Protection  Monitor  (RPM)  isanANSI3.1      Senior Radiation  ProtectionTechnician      thatresponds  tothe  STSCandreports tothe  EC.TheRPMconducts offsite dose        calculations  until relieved.
TheRPMauthorizes        exposures  upto 10CFR20I      imits,recommends potassium    iodide  administration to theECand    directs  in-plant, onsite andoffsite  Radiation    MonitoringTeams.
4.2.I.8STSCCommunicator TheSTSCCommunicator            isfilled byanAuxiliary Operator. Upon direction  from the the I C,    STSCCommunicatormakes the        Initial l                    Notifications  tostate  andlocal  agencies andnotifications tothe  ERO.
4.2.I.9  Emergency    Notification    System  (ENS)  Communicator TheENSCommunicator            isfilledbyanindividual    knowledgeable of the plant  (e.g.,RO,SRO,STA,previously          licensed individual, etc.)
and keeps  anopenline    ofcommunications    with the  NRC, asrequested. This communicator    should  nothave  anyother  E-Plan  collateralduties(or other  duties that  interfere with  thecommunicator    function). Security    Director TheSecurity    Director  initially reportstotheShift  Manager/EC  andthen reports  tothe ECinthe      TSC.TheSecurity    Director    (assumedbythe on-shift  Security Section  Ieader)  providesfor continued  personnel accountability,  site  access  control andrequests  offsite  emergency assistance,  upondirection    from  theEC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN              REVISION69                                PAGE24OF383  Security    Force TheSecurity      Force reports tolocations asdirected      bythe  Security Director    andassists  inperforming  assigned  duties.
4.2.I.12  Shift  Manager TheShift    Manager    isalso theEC-STSC    until  relieved  bythe EC-TSC.
Following    turnover,  the Shift Manager  reports    tothe  EC.TheShift Manager performsinitial        classification anddeclaration        ofan emergency,      maintains control ofunit  operations,    andmitigates  accident conditions.
4.2.I.13  Shift  Technical    Advisor TheShift    Technical Advisor (STA)    responds    tothe  Control  Roomor STSCofthe        affected unit andreports  tothe    EC.Theaffected      unitSTA advises  the  EConactivities that impactthe      safe  operation  ofthe unit, andindependently      verillesemergency  classilleations,    astime  permits.
Forevents    classified  asanAlert or higher emergency classification level,  the affected  unit  STAactivates ERDS.
4.2.I.14  Shift  Technical    Advisor  (Unaffected  Unit)
Theunaffected      unit STAassesses    coredamage, and provides electrical andmechanical      technical  support      relievedby the TSC. TheSTA until also  monitors    various  data displays throughout    the course of  the emergency      andprovides    assistance tothe Control      Room personnel.
4.2.I.15  Technicians Technicians    report tothe  ECandif  necessary,    maybeassigned    to Emergency      Repair  orSurvey  teams. TheChemistry        Technicians, Maintenance      Technicians  (Mechanics,  Electrical,    Instrument and Control)    respond  tothe  OSCfor  assignment.  Operations      Advisor TheOperations      Advisor  responds  tothe STSCandreports        tothe EC.
TheOperations      Advisor  provides  technical  andoperational    adviceto the  EC-STSC.      Following  TSCactivation,  the  Operations  Advisor maintains    the  flow ofinformation    between  the  EC-TSC    andControl Room.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN          REVISION69                                PAGE25OF383  Survey/Environmental      Teams A Survey/Environmental      Teamis113rmed  andresponds    tothe  OSC, upon  request from  theRadiation Protection Monitor    (RPM). Theteam performs  radiological monitoring  activitiesandatleast    onemember    of the teamis  a Radiation  ProtectionTechnician.
4.2.I.18  Emergency    Repair  Teams The Emergency      Repair Teamconducts  repairs  andmayconsist      of Chemistry  andMaintenance Technicians,    Plant  Operators  anda Radiation  Protection  Technician  andreports  tothe  EC.
TheTSCOrganization    (Figure 2) is located onsiteandconsists    ofthe  following positions.        CoordinatorTSC      (EC-TSC)
TheEC-TSCresponds        totheTSC and is  responsible    fordirection  and coordination  ofthe  onsiteEmergency Organization.        Coordinator    (EC) Technical  Assistant Thel?C    Technical  Assistantresponds tothe  TSC and reports tothe      EC.
TheECTechnical        Assistantmakes announcements over the        Site Evacuation  andPublic    Address systems as directed  by the  EC-TSC.
TheECTechnical        Assistanthas nocounterpart  inthe  on-shift Emergency    Organization.        Manager TheMaintenance      Manager  responds tothe TSCandreports        tothe EC.
TheMaintenance      Manager  coordinatesthe  repair  anddamage      control forall  plantsystems  anddirects the emergency    response  activitiesof the Emergency    Repair  Teams. TheMaintenance      Manager  directs  the OSCManager      toform  anddispatch anyteamthat      isrequired  and maintains  communication    withthe OSCconcerning      repair teamefforts.      Manager TheEngineering      Manager  responds tothe  TSCandreports        tothe EC.
TheEngineering      Manager  directssystems  analysis,  engineering,
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE26OF383 establishes  contact with  the NSSSvendor    andarchitect      engineer  to discuss  issues.technical  status ofthe  plant asneeded. TheEngineering Manager    directsanyprocedure    development    asrequired    bythe emergency    andmaintains    liaison with the Engineering      Director    inthe EOF.  Mechanical    Engineer The Mechanical      Engineer  responds  tothe TSCandreports        tothe Engineering    Manager. TheMechanical    Engineer    assumes    the  dutiesof Technical    Support Mechanical    from  theSTAinthe      STSCandprovides mechanical    engineering analyses.  OperationsManager TheOperations      Manager  responds tothe  TSCandreports          tothe  EC.
TheOperations      Manager follows proceduresthat        the  Control    Roomis using,  andkeeps    the ECinformed ofthe    operational    impact    ofevents in progress. TheOperations    Manager receives technical      andoperational input  from  theOperations  Advisor  and maintains the    now    of information    between  theTSCandControl Room.      Protection  Coordinator TheRadiation    Protection  Coordinator  (RPC)responds tothe          TSCand reports  tothe E C. The  RPC  provides  overall  control  and  direction  of inplant  monitoring  teamsand    radiological controls. The Radiation Protection  Coordinator  relieves the  RPMofthese      responsibilities. The RPCmaintains      communications      with theRadiation    Protection Group Iead,  the  RPM(prior    toCommand      andControl    transfer)  andthe Radiological    Assessment  Coordinator  inthe  EOF.TheRPCis responsible  for recommending    waystoreduce      the  radiological consequences    ofthe  event  with the support  ofEngineering.      Director TheSecurity    Director  responds  tothe  TSCandreports        tothe    EC.The on-shift  Security Section  I.eader  assumes the  duties  andresponsibilitie asthe  Security  Director. TheSecurity    Director  requests  emergency offsite assistance  upon  direction  ofthe ECanddirects      the  onsite security  force inthe  areas ofpersonnel  accountability,    access    control, sitesecurity,  evacuation,  medical  transportation,  andpersonnel      and equipment    security  control.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE27OF383  Reactor    Analyst TheReactor    Analyst  responds  tothe  TSCandreports      tothe Engineering    Manager. TheReactor      Analyst  assumes  responsibilities from  the STA.TheReactor      Analyst    performs  detailed  analyses ofcore physics  andheat  transfer  parameters    toassess  reactor  core  statusandto evaluate the  integrity  offuel  cladding.  Radiation    Protection  Support    Technician The Radiation  Protection  Support    Technician    responds  tothe  TSCand reports to  theRadiation    Protection  Coordinator. TheRadiation Protection Support    Technician performs      habitability  surveys  ofthe TSC.  Administrative    Staff TheAdministrative      Staff responds tothe      TSCand    assists  the TSC Emergency    Organization  in all matters requiring    clerical  support.  Chemistry    Coordinator TheChemistry    Coordinator    responds    to the TSC and    reports tothe Engineering    Manager. TheChemistry      Coordinator  provides analysis andevaluation    ofcoolant    samples    andair  samples toaid      in determination  ofreactor  core  conditions    andrelease potentials, and provides  chemical  analyses  for evaluation    ofplant  systems.  ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator          responds    tothe  TSCandreports        tothe Emergency    Coordinator  Technical    Assistant. TheERFCommunicator maintains  communications    with  the  ERFCommunicators          intheOSC, EOFand    JiC. This  position  also monitors    ERFDADS      data  displayed through  Pl,provides  information    tothe  Emergency    Coordinator Technical    Assistant  regarding  the  overall  emergency    activities and maintains  PlantStatus  electronic  media  display    and/or  statusboards.  Electrical  Engineer TheElectrical  Engineer    responds  tothe  TSCandreports        tothe Engineering    Manager. TheElectrical    Engineer  provides    electrical engineering  analyses  andassumes      the duties ofTechnical      Support Electrical  from the  STAinthe      STSC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN          REVISION69                            PAGE28OF383 TheENSCommunicator        responds  tothe  TSCandreports    tothe Operations  Manager. TheENSCommunicator          maintains continuous phone  communications  with  theNRC, when    requested.concerning operationalevents andreactor    plantstatus. TheENSCommunicator monitors ERDS.
4.2.3OSCORGANIzATION TheOSCOrganization  (Figure3)islocated    onsiteandconsists  ofthefollowing positions. OSCManager TheOSCManager responds tothe        STSClor    a briefing andreports    to the EC.Iollowing  the briefing,  theOSCManager    responds  totheSC, O
coordinates  available resources    andupondirection  from  the Maintenance  Manager  inthe TSC. assembles anddispatches        emergency teams.    Protection GroupLead TheRadiation  Protection Group    Leadreports  totheOSCManager      and provides  overall controlanddirection  ofin-plant monitoring teamsand radiological controls. Repairs  Coordinator TheRepairs  Coordinator  ensures  thatMaintenance  Technicians  and Repair  Teams  aredispatched    atthedirection  oftheOSCManager. The Repairs  Coordinator reports  tothe OSCManager.    Teams Teamsareformed    if emergency    repairoperations  arenecessary. The teamsmayconsist  ofChemistry    Technicians,  Maintenance  Technicians (Mechanical  Electrical,Instrumentation  andControl),  orRadiation Protection  Technicianasrequired    toaddress  conditionsandPlant Operators.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN          REVISION69                          PAGE29OF383 Driver TheRFATDriver      responds tothe RFATvehicles  andserves    asadriver for the  RFATvehicle.  Radiation  Protection  Technicians Radiation  Protection            respond Technicians        totheOSCandreport    tothe Radiation  Protection  GroupLead. Asrequired, the RPTechnicians  may be assigned toRepair    orSurvey/Environmental Teams.  Chemistry  Technicians ChemistryTechnicians respond    tothe  OSCandreport    tothe Radiation Protection Group Iend.Asrequired      ChemistryTechnicians  maybe assigned  toRepair or Survey Teams,  ortoconduct sampling  activities. Mechanics  respond  totheOSC and report tothe Repairs  Coordinator.
Mechanics  maybeassigned    torepair teams asneeded.  Electricians Electricians respond  totheOSCandreportto the Repairs    Coordinator.
Electricians maybeassigned    torepair  teamsasneeded. I&CTechnicians l&CTechnicians    respond tothe OSCandreport  tothe  Repairs Coordinator. l&CTechnicians  maybeassigned  to repair teams as needed. ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator        responds tothe  OSCandreports  tothe  OSC Manager. TheERFCommunicator      maintainscommunications    withhis counterparts inthe  TSC,IOF,and    JIC,and provides information  tothe OSCManager    regarding  theoverall emergency activities. Administrative  Staff TheAdministrative    Staffresponds tothe OSCandassists  the  OSC Emergency  Organization  inall matters          elerical requiring      support.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    Pl,AN            REVISION69                                    PAGE30OF383 4.2.4EOFORGANIzATION TheEOFEmergency        Organization    isillustrated  inFigure 4.Theinteritices between theOnsite    andOffsite    Emergency      Organizations areshown    inFigure      6.  EmergencyOperations              Director TheEmergency Operations              Director  (EOD)  isincommand      of emergency      operations    andisresponsible    for:
e  Overall    coordination    ofonsite    andoffsite emergency    functions.
a  Interilicing    with  federal/state/county    emergency    response  agencies.
* Communication          ofplant    status  updatesandradiological      release  data includingdose projection          results  asappropriate  toNRC, State/County EOCs, TOC,and                JICpersonnel.
a  Notilleation    ofstate and county agencies        concerning    recommended protective    actions.
* Directs    administrative,technical, andlogistical        support  tostation emergency      operations.
e  Ensuring      continuity  ofemergency organization resources.
a  Establishing      a recovery    organization when appropriate.
Uponthe      assumption    ofthis  position. theEOD accepts    from  the  EC-STSC,the      following    non-delegable      offsite organizational responsibilities:
e  Notification    ofoffsite    emergency      management    agencies.
e  Making      protective  action  recommendations    asnecessary    to  offsite emergency      management        agencies.      Emergency      Operations      Director TheAssistant      Emergency      Operations    Director(AEOD)    responds    tothe EOFandreports        tothe  EODtoassist      with duties andresponsibilities      as assigned.        Assessment      Coordinator TheRadiological        Assessment      Coordinator  responds    tothe  EOFand reports  tothe    EOD.TheRadiological            Assessment  Coordinator    is the principal    liaison  ofthe  emergency      response organization    with  the AzDIIS.      TheRadiological        Assessment    Coordinator    receives  and
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN            REVISION69                              PAGE31OF383 evaluates  dose  projection information  from  the  EOFStafT  andprovides protective  action  recommendations    tothe EOD.  Engineering    Director TheEngineering      Director responds  tothe EOFandreports      tothe  EOD.
TheEngineeringDirector        evaluates projected  occurrences,  coordinates engineering    analysis  withthe  TSC,recommends    corrective  actions  and ensures the  equipment  status  board isupdated.      Manager TheSecurity    Manager  responds  totheEOFandreports      tothe  EOD.
TheSecurity    Manager provides          security overall        support  and coordinates  closely with the          Director Security          inthe TSC.TheSecurity Manager    also provides support  tofacilitatearrivalsofoffsite  personnel.  ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator          responds tothe  EOFandreports      tothe Engineering    Director. TheERFCommunicator        maintains communications      with  hiscounterparts in theTSC. OSC,andJIC.        This position  also  monitors  ERFDADS      datadisplayed through provides PI, information    tothe  Engineering  Directorregarding the    overall emergency    activities andmaintains  Plant Status boards.      Assessment  Communicator TheRadiological      Assessment  Communicator    responds  tothe EOF and reports  tothe  Radiological  Assessment  Coordinator. TheRadiological Assessment    Communicator    communicates    with radiological  assessment personnel    atthe  TSCanddirects    theactivities ofthe onsite/offsite Survey/Environmental      Teams.          IIealthPhysicist TheDoseAssessment        Ilealth  Physicist responds  tothe  EOFandreports tothe  Radiological    Assessment  Coordinator  toperform  radiological dose  projections  andother  calculations orevaluations    asdirected.  Administrative      Staff TheAdministrative      Staffassists theEmergency    Organization    inall matters  requiring  clericalandlogistical support.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN              REVISION69                            PAGE32OF383  IlPN  Communicator TheHPNCommunicator            responds tothe EOFandreports    tothe Radiological      Assessment  Coordinator. TheIIPN  Communicator    will maintain    anopen    line with theNRCupon    request.  NANCommunicator The  NANCommunicator responds            totheEOFandreports    tothe AEOD. TheNAN Communicator          makes  offsite notifications once the EOI isactivated and        relieves theSTSCCommunicator      ofthis responsibility.  Information      Services  (IS) Manager TheInformationServices Manager responds          tothe EOFandreports      to the AEOD.TheInformation Services Manager          ensures  that IT equipment      located  inthe EOF remains ingood  working  order and provides    assistance    toEOFpersonnel with  ITequipment  operation whenneeded.  RFATTeam TheRFATTeams            respond  totheRFATvehicle  parking  area andreport tothe  Radiological      Assessment  Communicator  in theEOF.  Offsite  Technical      Representative TheOffsite      Technical    Representativerespondstothe  State EOC in Phoenix    andreports      tothe AEOD.TheOffsite  Technical Representative      interfaces with stateresponse agency  personnelat the State EOC,provides        up-to-dateinformation onplant  status,and clarifies  howplant      systems operate, viabrienngsandface-to-face contact  with    EOCstaff.
4.2.5JICORGANI7,ATION TheJiCOrganization      (I igure  5)islocated      andconsists offsite            ofthe  following positions.  JICManager TheJiCManager          isthe PVNGSrepresentative  that oversees  public information      activities atthe JICincluding preparation ofmedia
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN            REVISION69                              PAGE33OF383 statements,  media    briellngs andthe  flow  ofinformation  tothe Rumor Control  Unit. TheJICManager      approves    thetechnical content  of media  statements    andcoordinates  through  stateandcounty  for any additional  support    needed inthe JIC,  toinclude  Access  andFunctional Needs/Multicultural      services.  Spokesperson      Coordinator The Spokesperson        Coordinator isthe  PVNCiS  representative  inthe flC who coordinates      the  Spokespersons  andadvises  andprepares  materials forthe Palo Verde      Spokespersoninthe    preparation  for media  briellngs.    Verde    Spokesperson ThePalo    Verde    Spokesperson  isthe  representative  within the JIC organization    authorized  tospeak about  actual emergency  conditions at PVNGS. TheERFCommunicator            istheJIC Palo Verderepresentative that provides  anynecessary      technicalexplanations  tothe  JICManager  and the Palo  Verde    Spokesperson. TheJICERF Communicator interfaces with the  ERFCommunicator        inthe  EOF.The ERF Communicator, maintains  communications      with his counterparts in the  TSC,OSC,and EOF,andprovides        information tothe  JICSpokesperson Coordinator andthe  Palo  Verde    Spokesperson  regarding  theoverall emergency activities.          Coordinator TheResearch/Writing        Coordinator develops  public information material  for  the  JIC. Uponfinalization  ofmedia  statements, the Research/Writing      Coordinator distributes  printed copies inthe  JIC, auditorium,    andtothe    DEMArepresentative    whoisresponsible    for distribution  tothe  media.            Inquiry TheRumorControl/Public          Inquiry isoperated  bythe  Arizona Public Service  Customer      Care  Center(CCC)    Operators  andaugments    State Public  Inquiry  andRumorControl      initiatives.CCCOperators    provide information    from  approved  media statements  transmitted tothe  CCC from  the JIC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE34OF383        Video/Photo    Coordinator TheVideo/Photo      Coordinator  operates    audio/video  equipment    atthe JIC,including    the EECAuditorium.      TheVideo/Photo          Coordinator maintains  copies  ofmedia  briefings  for    archives.
4.3NON-1,1CENSEE            SUPPORT Support  from  outside  PVNGS      consists oflocal  service  companies,      institutions  agencies, INPO,and      contractor  support.
4.3.1IOCAISERVICES                  SUPPORT Inemergency      situations, PVNGS    mayneed      supplementary      assistance  from  outside companies      andservice    agencies. Such  assistance    mayinclude    transportation    of injured  and/or  contaminatedpersonnel, medical          treatment    andhospital    facilities for station  personnel,    andfire  suppression  assistance.
4.3.2CONTRACTSUPPORT Contract    support  mayinclude    theNuclear  Steam Supply System          (NSSS)  supplier, the  Architect  Engineer,    dosimetry,  laboratory  contractors,    anddecontamination andradwaste      disposal  ilrms. PVNGShas    arranged for selected contract        support ilrms  toprovide    this  assistance upon  request.
4.4COORDINATIONWITH PARTICIPATING                            GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Foracomplete      discussion    ofauthority,  assigned  responsibilities,    capabilities,  and activation  andcommunication          arrangements  refer  tothe  Offsite  EmergencyResponse Plan for Palo  Verde    Nuclear    Generating  Station. PVNGSpersonnel          coordinate    emergency operations    with  state/ county    government  Emergency    Operations    Centers. Thestate, county,  andcity    Emergency      Operations  Center  Organization        isshown  inFigure    7.
Safeguards    andsecurity    teamresponse    are described  inthe      PVNGSSecurity      Plan andits implementing      procedures.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE35OF383 4.4.1STATEOF ARIzONA TheGovernor      ofthe    State  ofArizona  isresponsible    for  stategovernment operations. Thegovernor's        decision authority  isassumed      bya successor inhis/her absence in  accordance      with the succession  stipulated    inthe Arizona  Revised Statutes. Title  26,Chapter      2,Article  I Ileads  ofstate    departments  andagencies are responsible for    the  accomplishment    ofemergency        andrecovery  tasksassigned bythe governor orhis/her        authorized  representative.
Inadditionto    the support    outlined inthe  I.etters ofAgreement,      the Offsite Emergency    Response Plan      for Palo Verde  Nuclear    Generating    Stationprovidesfor the  following  support    functions  for PVNGSinthe        event  ofanemergency  fromthe indicated  agencies. Also,  mutual aid  compacts  andagreements      between  theState andother    government      and private entities defined    inthe    Offsite Emergency Response    Plan  multiply    theresources available toPVNGS          inanemergency.      Arizona    Departmentof      Emergency    andMilitary      Affairs TheArizona        Department  ofEmergency andMilitary          Affairs(DEMA) isassigned    tocoordinate  the cooperative    effort ofall  non-technical governmental      agencies, includingthe Federal government, Arizona State government      andits political subdivisions,    andprovides  the necessary    direction  and control of state  personnel  and  equipmentfor offsite response    actions during radiological      emergencies. Itisreferred tointhe    Offsite  Emergency    Response    Plan    forPVNGS asthe Operations      Directorate.
4.4.I.2      Arizona    Division    ofEmergency    Management TheArizona        Division ofEmergency      Management      (ADEM)  isa division  ofthe    DEMAandis      located  onthe      Papago  Military Reservation      at5636  East McDowell    Road,Phoenix,      Arizona. The Director,  ADEM, provides      advice andassistance      tothe  governor concerning      emergency  preparedness,  operations    andrecovery. The director  isresponsible    for coordinating    the  emergency  planning, operations    andrecovery    effortsofstate    agencies  andpolitical subdivisions    onthe  governor's  behalf. Thedirector    isthe designated Policy  Chief    foroffsite government    response    toa radiologicalincident atPVNGS.
ADEMreceives          Initial Notillcations  from    PVNGSandcoordinates    the collection,    analysis  anddissemination    ofinformation    during anincident atthe  Palo    Verde  Nuclear  Generating  Station    (PVNGS). This      is process
PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN            REVISION69                                    PAGE36OF383 conducted    inconsort      with  the PVNGS,Maricopa        County  Dept. of Emergency    Management        (MCDEM),Arizona        Department    ofllealth Services  (AzDilS)      andother      federal,state,local,  TribalNation    and volunteer  agencies.
ADEM coordinates          with  AzDIIS    andMCDEMtoensure        monitoring    of evacuees    for possible    radioactive    contamination  andsupervision      and monitoring    ofanydecontamination          efforts.ADEMoversees        requests for and  coordination      offederal    technicalsupport  andexchanges      offield data and accident    assessment      information with  PVNGS.
An emergency      classification    ornotification mayrequire    governmental orprivatesector emergency organizations            tocommit    resources  toonsite atthe  requestof the PVNGS. Emergency              resources  mayinclude,      but arenotlimited      to, law  enforcement,    firefighting.medical  support      and ground  orair  services. Assistance        mayberequested    from  other  state govemments      andprivate sector resources instates          adjoining  Arizona.
These  resources    mayinclude medical capabilities, emergency            response equipment,    andemergency          response personnel. The    state Emergency Operations    Center    (EOC)    PolicyChief orthe    Arizona  Department      of Health  Services    (AzDilS)      Technical Operations    Director will  initiate requests. Arizona    Department        ofIIealth    Services TheDirector,    Arizona    Department      ofllealth Services ( A7Di    lS)  is responsible  for  providing    technical  support inresponseto a radiological incident  andprovides      protective    actionrecommendationsto the SEOC Policy  Group  andGovernor/designee.        TheAzDIIS      Directordesignates a Technical  Operations      Director  tocoordinate  public  health  support, response,  andrecovery        operations  forAzDIIS    staff. Arizona  statutes require  that the  Emergency      Response  Plan bebinding    onother governmental    agencies      andtherefore,  Section  10.0  does notlist  separate letters ofagreement      with  all agencies.
A7DilS    isthe  agency    with  primary  offsite responsibility  for  carrying outradiological      emergency      assessment actions,  coordinating  the technical  offsite  agency    response  andproviding  protective  action recommendations        tothe    Governor/designee. Itisreferred  tointhe Offsite  Emergency      Response      Plan forPVNGSasthe      Technical Operations  Center,    the  Radiological    Emergency    Assistance  Team Center,  andthe    Radiological      Emergency  Assistance  Team1ab.
PVNGS EMERGENCY  Pl,AN            REVISION69                                PAGE37OF383 AzDHSprovides            for collection andanalysis  ofdata from  theplant, Held  radiation    surveys  andsample  collection. AzDHSrepresentatives share  information      with EOFstaff  regarding  Geld teamlocations, field data  andprotective      actiondecisions  andcollects  datatoassess the accident,    project    dose andproject  plume. PVNGSprovides    AzDHS j                    with  Follow    UpNotifications      andinfl>rmation  concerning  plant conditions    during    declared emergencies.
AzDHS      lield  monitors    conduct  radiation  surveys todetermine  ambient radiation    levels,  track the plume  andcollect  environmental  and il)odstuff  samples for    analysis  anddispatches  a mobile laboratory to Buckeye      Airport during    the emergency    (plume) phase for rapid evaluationof air samples.
AzDIIS      conducts "just-in-time"    radiological          andprovides training equipment      for alternate personnel prior    tobeing deployed  inresponse toa HAB incident.      Department        ofPublic  Safety TheDepartment          ofPublic  Safety  (DPS) provides law  enforcement support    for  ADEMandMCSO.DPSalso serves asthe                24-hour point of contact    for  the State  ofArizona  inthe  event of anemergency  atthe PVNGS.
4.4.2MARICOPACOUNTY Maricopa Countyis the  only  county    within the10-mile  Plume  Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning zone. Portions    offour other  counties  (La  Paz,Pinal,Yuma,  and Yavapai) areincluded inthe  50-mile    Ingestion Exposure  Pathway  EPX.TheChairman of theMaricopa County  Board  ofSupervisors      isresponsible  for decisionmaking  atthe county    Maricopa level.        County    Department    andAgency      directorsareresponsible  forthe ofemergency accomplishments                andrecovery    tasks assigned    bythe DirectorofMCDEM.        County      Department    ofEmergency    Management TheDirector,      Maricopa    County  Department    ofEmergency Management        (MCDEM)      provides  technical  andprofessional  input to the  Maricopa    County    Administrative  Officer concerning planning, response    andrecovery      activitiesinthe  event ofanemergency. The director    isalso  responsible  for  thecoordination  ofemergency  planning, response    andrecovery      activitieswith  other  Maricopa County  agencies aswell    asmunicipal      entities.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN              REVISION        69                            PAGE38OF383 Maricopa      County      Department    ofEmergency      Management      receives l                    Initial  Notifications ofemergency        measures, from  PVNGSandprovides public  warning, for reception the implementation andcare    center operation.  MaricopaCounty            Sheriff's  Office TheMaricopaCounty            Sherift's  Office    (MCSO)  receives    Initial Notilleations      from    PVNGSona24-hour            basis.TheMaricopa        County Sheriff's  Office    (MCSO)      performs    the    Emergency  Public  Warning (alerting andpublic        information),  evacuation    control  andreentry,    public protective    action    implementation,      reception  andcare    center  security  and support    (KI  transport    andimpound      security), just  intime    radiological training  andsupport      state agriculturaloperations      offood    control.
MCSOprovides          coordinated    onsite/offsite  direction  andcontrol    in accordance      with  the  Maricopa County Emergency            Operations    Plan (EOP). TheEOPauthorizes the Sheriff torequest              assistance  whenan incident    isbeyond      the ability of the Ofilee toresolve      andworks    under the  Incident  Command      System    (ICS) when responding toPVNGS Hostile    Action    Based  (I-IAB)  incidents.
MCSOis        responsible    for  the initial andon-going      assessment    ofthe situation  todetermine      if terrorism  isinvolved or responsible for      the IIABincident.        Ifandwhenthis        determination    is made. the    Iederal Bureau    ofInvestigation      (I Bl) will  benotified.
4.4.3FEDERAl, GOVERNMENT      Regulatory      Commission      (NRC)
TheNRCisresponsible              for licensing    andregulating    nuclear  facilities andmaterials.      These    responsibilities    include protecting    the public health    andsafety,      protecting the  environment,    andprotecting      and safeguarding      materials    andnuclear    plants  inthe interest  ofnational security. TheNRCIncident          Response      Plan objectives  aretoprovide      for protection    from  the  effects  ofradiological    incidents  that  mayoccur      at licensed    facilities  orwhich    involve  licensed  materials. Inaddition    to fulfilling  its regulatory    responsibilities,    it isexpected    that  the NRCwill provide    technical    assistance  andrecommendations.
TheNRCactsasthe              lead  federal  agency    regarding  technical  matters during    anuclear    incident,  with the  Chairman    ofthe    Commission      asthe
PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN              REVISION69                                    PAGE39OF383 senior    NRCauthority    for all response    aspects. TheChairman    can transfer    control ofemergency      response    activities  whendeemed appropriate.
Incident    Response  Centers  have  been  established    ateach ofthe  four NRCregional      offices andatNRCIleadquarters            tocentralize  and coordinate    NRC'semergency        response. Each  NRCRegion      isprepared tosend    a teamofqualitled    specialists    toanaccident    scene. ForSite Area and      General  Emergencies,    a NRCRegion          IVsite teamis  expected to be dispatched toPVNGS          with  arrival  infour  toeight hours  following notifleation. Oft1cespace,  telephones,    andother    equipment  isprovided tor  NRC personncI atthe      T SC,  EOFandJiC.      Emergency    Management        Agency      (FEMA)
Bythe      National  Response  Framework,      FEMAis      responsible  for the overall    coordination  of a multi-agency      Federal  response  toasignitleant radiological    incident.The primary role      ofFEMAistosupport        the  states bycoordinating      the deliveryof federal non-technical        assistance. FEMA coordinates    state andtribal  requests  forfederal assistance,    identifying which    federal agency  canbest    address specific needs.      Ifdeemed necessary,    FEMA    will establish  a nearby    Federal  ResponseCenter    from which    it willmanage  its assistance  activities.          ofEnergy    (DOE)
TheDOEhas        agreed  toprovide    radiological    assistance upon request, andhas      radiological monitoring    equipment      andpersonnel resources that itcanassemble      anddispatch    tothe  scene    ofa radiological  incident.
Following      a radiological incident,    DOEoperates      asoutlined  inthe Federal    Radiological  Monitoring      andAssessment      Plan (FRMAP).DOE hasthe    responsibility toestablish    the Federal    Radiological  Monitoring andAssessment        Center  (FRMAC),which          would  provide comprehensive      post-accident  radiological    monitoring  andassessment.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN                  REVISION        69                        PAGE40OF383        Bureau      ofInvestigation    (FBI)
Support      from    the FBIisavailable    through    its statutoryresponsibility, based    inPublic    Iaw andthe    UScode,    andthrough  a memorandum    of understandingfor          cooperation  with  the  NRC.Notification  totheFBIof emergencies in        which    they  would  have    aninterestwill bethrough  the provisions ofthe        PVNGSSecurity        Plan,  orbythe  NRC.  National      Weather      Service  (NWS)
NWS      provides    meteorological    information    during emergency situations,    ifrequired. Data available  will includeexisting  and forecasted      wind directions,    wind  speeds,  andambient  airtemperatures.              Protection    Agency    (EPA)
TheEPAcanassistwith field              radiologica;    monitoring, sampling, and nonplant      related  recovery and  reentry  guidance.
4.5INSTITUTE  OF NUCLEARPOWEROPERATIONS                              (INPO)
INPOaids nuclear utilities  inobtaining    resources  beyond their usual    capabilitiesduring recoveryfromanemergency.        Asoneofits        roles.
INPOwill assist affected utilities  by applyingtheresources    ofthe  nuclear    industry  tomeetthe    needs of anemergency.
4.61,ETTERS OF AGREEMENT(IOAs) ofAgreement I.etters            (1OAs)      are notnecessary    with  federal  andstate agencies thatare required legally      torespond      toanemergency;        however. agreements  arenecessary if an agencyisexpected toprovide      assistance    notrequired  bylaw. Written agreements have beendeveloped which    establish    the  extent  ofoperations    between  PVNGSandother organizations support              which    have  anemergency      response    roleconsistentwith  this plan.
Theseagreements identify    the  emergency      measures  tobeprovided. the mutually accepted criteria forimplementation,      andthe    arrangements    for exchange    ofinformation. PVNGS hasobtained1OAswith      private  contractors    andothers  whoprovide    emergency  support services.
I.OAs,asa minimum,          state that  the cooperating  organization  willprovide their normalservicesinsupport    ofanemergency          atPVNGS.Ietters      ofAgreement    are inSection referenced            10andthe      actual  letters aremaintained    onGle.
PVNGS          EMERGENCY            PlAN                        REVISION        69                          PAGE41OF383
            .NIAJOR nit Shared          Site Site  Staffing FLN( TIONAl AREA POSIIlON/FL N(TIONTITIE Staffing/l        Staffing            .lotals Shift  Nianager      Emergency        Coordinator        I                                    3 Control    RoomSupervisor                                  l                                    3 Plant  Operations  and      Contiol    RoomOperators                                  2                                    6 Assessment      of          Iire  TeamAdvisor                                                            I                I Operational    Aspects      Auxiliary    Operators                                    4                                    12 Radiation      ProtectionMonitor                                              I                I Shift  Technical      Advisor                                                2                  2 STSCCommunicator                (Covered  by        SeeAO abov e
Notifications                Affected Unit)
Communications ENSCommunicator                                                                I                I Cheniistry      Technician      (OSC)                                      2                2 Electrical    Technician        (OSC)                                        3                3 Niechanical        Technician (OSC)                                          2                  2 I&CTechnician          (OSC)                                                  I                I RFATDriv          er(Water      ResFacility)                                  l                I Support  Staff              Radiation      Protection    Technician    (USC)                            3                  3 Radiation      Monitoring        Technician                                  I                I RMcrRPTechnician                  (OSC)                                        I                I SuneyQualified          Position      (OSC)                                1                  1 Security    Section    I.eaderDirector      (TSC)                          1                  1 (not  committed      toarmed      response)
Iire Suppression            Plant  Fire  Department.        Emergency    Medical Rescue    Operations and    Technicians        (Atleast    2 Fire  Team                                5                  5 FirstAid                    Niembers      areEMTqualified)
Site Access    Controland Plant    Security
                                                .                                                    Staffine  '
per  Staffing  per Personnel    Accountabihty                                                                                      Plan Security  Plan Security TOTAl S                          8/l'nit
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I'ES 120 NIINl:TES Emeruency      Direction and        IEuereenev      Coordinator      (TSC)                              l                  l Control                            Euereenev        O)erations      Dir(EOF)                            I                  I Technical      SuortElectrical        (TSC)                          1                  1 Plant  System    Engineerine      Technical      Su)ort      Mechanical  (TSC)                        1                  1 Repair  andCorrective              Reactor      Analyst  (TSC)                                          l                  l Actions                                                                                          6 Immediate                6 Radiation      Protection      Technicians                    During  Normal Protective    Actions              (OSL ..
I liours Eauineerine      Director    (EOF)                                  I                  I Communications                    NAN Communicator              (EOF)                                  I                  l Offsite  Support 45Minutes Fire                                          Fire Suppression                  Ottsite          Department from  time    of.
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Ambulance                                          45Minutes Aid                                                                                              from  time    of.
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PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN        REVISION                  69                                  PAGE42OF383 CONTROLROOM/STSC EMERGENCY COORDINATOP (FC)
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PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN          REVISION69                          PAGE44OF383 OPERATIONS              SUPPORTCENTER(OSC)
OSCMariatjei ERF                  Adnunistrative Communicator                Support RadProtection                              Repairs GroupLead                                Coordinator
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PVNGS    EMERGENCY              Pl,AN          REVISION69            PAGE45OF383 EMERGENCY                        OPERATIONS            FACILITY(EOF)
EMERGENCY OPERATlONS DIRECTOR Radio:ogical                                            Assist  Emergency Secunty Assessment        Engineeing Directc Operations    Director Manager Coordinator OcseAssessment                  ERF Hea?th  Physiast          Communicator                      Administrative Staff HPN Communicator NAN Communicator Radiological Assessment Communicater
                                                                            !SManager j        RFATTeams j u..................*
Offsite  Technical Representative FIGtRE4              EMERGENCY      OPERATIONS FACILITYORGAN1zATION
PVNGS          EMERGENCY  PlAN          REVISION69                PAGE46OF383 JOINT INFORMATION                CENTER(JIC)
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PVNGS  EMERGENCY    PlAN        REVISION        69                        PAGE47OF383 I
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!                                                                                      I i                                                                                      I i                                                                                      I L----------------------------------g FIGilRE6 ONSITE/OFFSITE      EMERGENCY              ORGANIzATIONINTERFACE
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    PlAN    REVISION69                  PAGE48OF383 overnor o Arizona SEOCPolicy      Chief AzDHSDirector                                AzDA Director Policy  Group HEOC                                        Agriculture Command  Center l
1 Technical Operations Operations Director                            MaricopaCounty Plans Technical      - -                  --
MCEOC OperationsCenter        Logistics MCSOEOR RFATForward          Finance & Admin City ofBuckeye RFATCenter AzDHSEOF Liaison FlGl!RE7 STATE,COlINTY& 1,OCAI EMERGENCY    OPERATIONS    CENTER ORGANizATION
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE49OF383 5.0  EMERGENCY              CONDITIONSAND CLASSIFICATIONS 5.1  EN1ERGENCY            CONDITIONS Emergency    classification    isdivided  into four    classification  levels. Emergency    Action I.evels (EALs),    based    onindications  available    inthe control    roomandcorrelated    tothe emergency    classilleations,    areprovided  tothe    operator.
TheEAlswere discussed andagreed              upon  byPalo    Verde    andstate  andcounty governmental    authorities,    andapprovedbythe        NRC. EAl    s arereviewed    with the State andlocal  governmental authorities        onanannual      basis.
PVNGShas        andmaintainsthe capability toassess,          classify,    anddeclare  anemergency condition  within    15minutes    after the availability  ofindications    toplant  operators  that  an EAl. has  been  exceeded.      Uponidentincation ofthe      appropriate    emergency    classiBeation level the emergency        condition  will be promptly declared.
Thefour  emergency        classificationlevels  are described in    the  following sections:
EllERGENCYCl,ASSIFICATION1,EVEl,DESCRIPTIONS There  arethree    considerations    related toemergency      elassification    levels. These are:
l)Thepotential        impact  onradiological  safety,  either asknown      now  orascanbe reasonably    projected:
2)Howlar        the  plant    isbeyond  itspredeGned      design, safety,  andoperating  envelopes;    and 3)Whether      ornotconditions      thatthreaten  health  areexpected      tobeconfined    to within the site boundary.
TheTCsdeal      explicitly    withradiological  safety    impact  byescalating    from  levels corresponding    toreleases    within regulatory    limits toreleases    beyond  EPAProtective Action  Guideline      (PAG)    plume exposure    levels.
M Events  areinprogress        orhave  occurred  which    indicate apotential    degradation  ofthelevel ofsafety  ofthe    plant    orindicate  a security  threat  tofacility  protection  has been  initiated.
No releases  ofradioactive      material requiring    offsiteresponse    ormonitoring  areexpected unless  further  degradation      ofsafety  systems    occurs.
PVNGS EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION      69                          PAGE50OF383 ALERT Events  areinprogress  orhave  occurred  which  involve  anactual              substantial orpotential degradation of  thelevelofsafety    ofthe plant ora security  event      involves that      probable  life threatening  risktositepersonnel  ordamage    tosite equipment    becauseof IIOSTIl I ACTION.      Anyreleases areexpected    tobelimited  tosmall  fractions oftheEPAPAG exposure levels.
Events  areinprogress orhaveoccurred      which  involve  actual  orlikelymajor titiluresof plant  functions needed for protection of  thepublic  orIIOSTII      E ACTIONthat  results in intentional  damage  ormalicious acts:I)    toward  sitepersonnel    orequipment thatcould lead  tothe  likelyfailureofor; 2) that preventeffective    access  to,equipment needed  forthe protection  ofthe public.Anyreleases arenotexpected        toresult  inexposurelevels which exceed    EPAPAGexposure      levels  beyond the  site boundary.
M Events  areinprogress  orhave  occurred  which involve actual    orIMMINENTsubstantial core  degradation  ormelting  with  potentialfor loss of containment    integrity orIIOSTllE ACTIONthat      resultsinanactual    loss ofphysical  control of  the        Releases facility.      canbe reasonably  expected  toexceed  EPAPAGexposure        levels offsite for morethan  the immediate    sitearea.
Thesite    specificimplementation    ofthe guidance  wasapproved      bytheNRCina safety evaluation  dated September  8,2016    andincorporated    into Appendix  A ofthe PVNGS Emergency    Plan Revision 59andinthe      Emergency    Preparedness    Implementing Procedures.
Palo  Verde  Generating Station's  Emergency  Classification  andEmergency    Action  I.evel (EAl.)  scheme  isbased onthe  U.S. Nuclear  Regulatory    Commission  (NRC)  Amendment No.198toRenewed        FacilityOperating    Iicense  No.NPF-41,Amendment        No.198to Renewed    IacilityOperating  Iicense  No.NPI-5IandAmendment            No.198toRenewed Facility  Operating 1.icense No.NPF-74      forthe  Palo Verde  Generating        Units Station,      1,2, and3.respectively. Theamendments      consist ofchanges    tothe  emergency actionlevel (EAI.)  scheme  inresponse  toa Palo  Verde  Generating  Station  application dated October 9,2015,    assupplemented  byletter  dated  May12,2016.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION69                    PAGE51OF383 Theamendments revised    Palo  Verde  Generating Station's EAL scheme based  onthe Nuclear  Energy  Institute (NEI)  guidance documentNI?l    Revision 99-01.      5,"Development of Emergency  Action Levels  forNon-Passive        toonebased Reactors,"        onNEl99-01, Revision  6.NEI99-01,  Revision  6,which wasendorsedbytheNRCbyletter  dated March 28,2013 (Agency-wide    Documents    AccessandManagement System Package  Accession No.MI 13091A209).
6.0EMERGENCY            MEASURES This section establishesthe methodology  ofemergency      andisthe response      basis forthe EPIPs whichdefine the emergency actions tobetaken  during          Emergency anemergency.            measures followasequential process which contains the        definable following      elements:
* Event  Assessment
* Classification andDeclaration
* Notification
* Mobilization
* Consequence  Assessment
* Protective Actions
* Corrective Actions 6.1EVENTASSESSMENT Initial recognitionofemergency  conditionsshouldnormally occurintheControl  Room.
Emergency    conditionsmaybeindicated  by      instrument alarms,        readings orreports to the Control  Room. The  Control Room  Supervisor (CRS) provide should      initial evaluation of the indicatorsandnotify  the Shift Manager (SM).TheSMevaluates theconditions against the established EALstodetermine    ifanEAIhas been reached orexceeded.
6.2CI,ASSIFICATION AND DECI,ARATION An emergency    shallbeclassitled anddeclarediftheSM 11nds thata specificEALhas been  reached.exceeded, orif the SMdetermines that isimminent it        thatthespecific EAL set-point willbereached  orexceeded.
Whenthe    SMdeclares  anemergency    totheControlRoompersonnel,anannouncement will bemadeover    theunit public address      andthe system.      other ControlRoomsand Security will benotilled.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION69                            PAGE52OF383 Forthose    abnormal    situations  potentially  involving  morethan  oneunit,the Unit1SMis responsible    for  initiallyclassifying    anddeclaring  the emergency andassuming the position of IC.Exceptions are      considered      for selected  security events.
6.3NOTIFICATION Initial Notifications    aremade    tostate  andlocal  agencies  andtheNRCinaccordance  with establishedprocedures. Theprocedures            include  ameansofmessage    verification.
The l        InitialNotifications declaration tostate  andcounty oftheemergency. TheNotifleation agencies  aremadewithin Alert Network 15minutes (NAN) isa ofthe communications        linkfor notitleations    tooffsite  agencies.        8and9).
(Figures Thelicensee      shall notify the NRC      immediately  afternotification ofthe appropriate State orlocal  agencies    andnotlaterthan one hour              the after  time  the licensee declaresoneofthe Emergency      Classes.
InitialNotillcation    ofstate andcounty      agencies  consists  ofthe        mutually following        agreed toinformation:
e  Plant  identification a Emergency        Classification  (or  termination)
* Date    andTimeofClassification            (ortermination) a Current      Emergency    Action    I.evel
* Wind      speed    anddirection a Authentication
* Current      release  status
* Protective      Actions  Recommendations        (if any)
Follow  UpNotifications      areprovided      tothe    predesignated offsite agency. Thedata transmitted    ismutually    agreed  upon    andused    forthe purpose ofaidinginthedecision-making    process    thattakes place    offsite.
6.4MOHll,IzATION Theemergency        organization  for  anUnusual      Eventconsists ofnormalshiftpersonnel.
Augmentation      ofthis organization      mayoccur    atthediscretionoftheEC.During  normal station  work    hours, notilleation    ofonsite  EROmayoccur      viaPAannouncement, emergency      evacuation  system    and/or  mobile  devices.
During  off-hours,    notification  ofEROisaccomplished                    the byactivating  automated callout system. A manual    system  isalso    available  if theautomated  systemisnotavailable.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION        69                    PAGE53OF383 ForanUnusual        Event  classification,  on-shift  personnel  respondtotheemergency      andthe event is    directed  from  the  affected unit  Control  Room/  STSC. Command    ofthe    situation remains there      with the  on-shift  Emergency    Coordinator  (EC)untiltermination/recovery      or reclassification    toahigher    level emergency      occurs. Foreventsaffecting all three  units, command        andcontrol  isinUnit    1 APS/Palo      Verde  Communications provides    media interface during anUnusual          Event.
Inthe    event  of an Alert orhigher    classification  level, the      ECorders on-shift            the activation ofthe    TSC,OSC, EOF, andJIC.          Theonsite      EROis    directed bythe EC-TSC. TheEODin the  EOFprovides      overall coordination    ofthe  event anddirection oftheERO.
6.5CONSEQUENCE              ASSESSMENT Assessment      actions will  continue throughout      the emergency. Continued  assessment      may result  inreclassification  ofthe  emergency    andalteration  ofemergency response    actions.
Priority    will begiven  tocontinuing    assessment    actions thatresult in:
* Protective    Action Recommendations        for the health and safety ofthe  general    public a    Protective    Actions  for onsite personnel
* Maintaining      control ofthe  plant a    Resolving    anemergency      situation
* Corrective    actions toreduce    the consequences    ofanemergency 6.5.1      Assessment    Action    for Control    ofPlant  Operations Theexistence    ofanyemergency        condition  causes  increased monitoring    ofControl Roominstrumentation        tomonitor    trends  ofappropriateparameters,  particularly    the indicated  values  that  triggered  the  emergency    andthosethatmayberelated.
Additional  monitoring    equipment    maybeused            the toassess  nature  ofthe emergency    condition. A Safety    Parameter  Display System (SPDS)  display    console isinthe  Control  Roomandisaccessible          toControl  Roompersonnel.
6.5.2Environmental            Assessment      forProtection    oftheIlealth& Safety    ofthePublic PVNGShas      the  responsibility  toperform    a preliminaryassessment  ofthe  offsite consequences    ofanincident.      Environmental    AssessmentforProtection    ofthe Health  andSafety  ofthe  Public  isperformed    byPVNGSusing  twomethods:
a    DoseAssessment a    Environmental    Surveys
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PiAN            REVISION69                                    PAGE54OF383 Dose  Assessment    isperformed    bytrained      personnel    usingcomputer    generated dose  projections  orother  approved    methodologies        based onplant  parameters and/or  site eftluent  release  data. Theinitial    assessment    will beperformed    within    30 minutes of    thedeclaration  ofanyemergency          classification. liPIP's  provide recommendations        for protective  action  recommendations      whenindicated    bydose assessment    results.
Environmental      Surveyswill    beinitiated      asa minimum      following  the  declaration  of Alert  orhigher. An Environmental Teamwill                bedeployed    within  30minutes    to support    these surveys. Environmental        Teamsmeasure        dose  rate readings  andnoble gasandiodineconcentrations.
PVNGSmaintains        fully equipped and      dedicated    vehicles tosupport    Environmental Teams. Air monitoringequipment has          the  capability    todetect under    field conditions. radioiodine  concentrations    inair  aslow      asI-7microcuries    per cubic centimeter.
PVNGSdeploys        Survey  Teams    offsite  at least until  AzDHShas      mobilized  its Radiological    Emergency    Assistance    Team (REAT). Approximately            three(3)  hours isestimated    for REATdeployment.          Iong-term    offsite assessments and    dose  tothe public  (ingestion  pathway    EPz)    arethe    responsibility    ofAzDilSandsupported            by Federal    resources.
Radiological    data developed    byeither    ofthese  techniques is used toassess appropriateness    ofClassification    andProtective      Action  Recommendations.
Environmental      assessment    issupported      bya permanent      meteorological  installation which  continuously    indicates  andrecords      wind  speed    direction  andtemperature differentials. Meteorological    data  maybeobtained          from the National    Weather Service. This system    isdescribed    insection    7.3.1    I 6.5.3In-plant    Radiological    Controls During    the course  ofanemergency,        elevated  radiation  orcontamination      levels  may beexperienced.      It maythen    benecessary      toimpose      additional radiological  controls beyond    the controls  established  bythe    normal    in-plant  radiological  controls program.
In-plant    radiological  controls  inanemergency        situation  maydiffer    from  normal radiological    control  activities inthe    following    aspects:
* Maintaining    strict  access control    into  affected    plantareas
          =    Availability  anduseofaugmented          dosimetry
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PlAN              REVISION69                                PAGE55OF383
* Additional      useofportable    radiation  monitoring    devices. particularly high range monitoring      devices,  il3rmonitoring  contamination    andarea  radiation levels a  Increased      availabilityanduseofprotective      clothing  andrespiratory  devices
* Increased air    sampling  for the purpose    oflimiting  the number ofpersons subject    toexposure a  Increased      whole  body counting  andother    bio-assays Initialassessment      ofthe need  tor in-plant    radiological controls maybebased  on plantreadings, RMS readings,in-plant          EPDreadings      andsystem  status reports.
Additional    information  concerning in-plant    radiological  conditions  maybegained during  the  debriefing    ofpersonnel deployed    with  Emergency    Repair  andSurvey Teams.
6.5.4Reactor  CoreDamage        Assessment Initialassessment      ofthe status of the reactor  core  isperformed  bythe  STA.Initial assessment    ofcore  conditions  isbased on readings ofControl      Room instrumentation    andassessment    ofSPDS data.
PriortoTSCactivation,        the STAinthe    STSC    provides  additional capabilityfor assessment    ofreactor  core damage.
Whenthe    TSCisactivated,      the Reactor  Analyst  assesses core conditions  underthe direction  ofthe    Engineering  Manager. Information    isobtained fromthe  SPDSand criticalparameter      values from  ERFDADS.
Palo Verde's    Core  Damage  Assessment    program  wasdeveloped    based onthe Combustion      Engineering  Owners    Group  Task Development 4 67,                ofthe Comprehensive      Procedure  Guidelines  for  CoreDamage    Assessment.
6.6CORRECTIVEACTIONS PVNGSprocedures      contain  stepsfor preventive    and/or corrective  actionstoavoid  or mitigate serious consequences      ofanincident. These  steps are  contained in  AOP, EOP, and other  procedures.
plant 6.7PROTECTIVE      ACTIONS ofprotective A range                actions  has been  developed    foremergency    workersandthe  public.
Theguidelines for  emergency    workers  are consistent  with  E PA  emergency andworker lifesaving activity  protective    actionguides.
PVNGS EMERGENCY              PlAN          REVISION      69                            PAGE56OF383 Protective    actions  areemergency      measures  taken  during    andafter  anemergency      sothat onsite personnel      andthe  general    public are alerted andactions      areinitiated  flarthe protection    oftheir  healthandsafety. Protective  actions  areinitiated    if radiation  orairborne radioactivity    levels  exceed predetermined    values orwhensituations        threaten  the health andsafety ofonsite        personnel  orthe  general  public.
Theresponsibility for      thedetermination    ofProtective    Actions    forWorkers    andthe General    Public is implemented    asfollows:
* Protective    actions for onsite personnel    andvisitors    arethe    responsibility  ofthe PVNGSEmergency          Coordinator.
* Protective    Actions  forEmergency Workers      operating    under  the State  orCounty Emergency      Plan  aretheresponsibility ofthe    AzDIIS.      Measures    for  the protection  of these    Emergency    Workers  are detailed  inthe  Offsite    Emergency    Response    Plan for PVNGS.
* Protective    Measures  for the  General Public are    directed  bythe  Governor    ofArizona andimplemented        byMaricopa    County. It is the  responsibility    ofPVNGStoprovide Protective    Action  Recommendations      forthe Evacuation and/or      Shelter  ofthe  General Public    within  theI0Mile  EP7inaddition      to a recommendation        for  Potassium  lodide whenappropriate.      PVNGSincoordination        with the State ofArizona        (ADEM    and AzDIIS)      along  withMaricopa    County  have  formulated    a protective action    strategy consistent    with  the guidance  contained  within  "NDRE(i      0654,  Supplement 3,Criteria for  Preparation    andEvaluation    ofRadiological    Emergency      Response Plans    and Preparedness      inSupport  ofNuclear    Power  P lants,  (inidance    for Protective Action Strategies,    November  201I.  ''
Measures      for the  protection ofthe    general public  aredetailed      inthe Offsite  Emergency Response      Plan  for  PVNGS.
6.7.1PROTECTIVEACTIONFORONSITEPERSONNEl, Protective    actions foronsite  personnel  mayinclude      alerting,  personnel  assembly, accountability,    andevacuation    aswell  assecurity    procedures,    access  control, monitoring    anddecontamination.      Protective  actions  mayalso    betaken    for onsite personnel    foremergencies    such as11res or natural    disasters  where    personnel  safety isthreatened.
6.7.I.1Ilostile      Action Onsiteprotection  ofemployees    during    ahostile  action  involves a combination  ofrestricted  movement, movementtosafe              locations, and siteevacuation    depending  onthe    nature  ofthe  hostile  event and advance warning. Site procedures    provide    specifle actions  totake duringhostile    actionbased  events.
PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN              REVISION69                              PAGE57OF383 Unit  personnel    are alertedbyanaudible    signal andanannouncement over  the unit  public  addresssystem. Site personnel  arealerted by activation  ofanaudible    signal followed  bypublic  address  system announcements.        Evacuation/accountability  isassured  inhigh noise workareas      bythe  useofaudible  alarms,  flashing  lights, and/or administrative    measures.
The PVNGS        Site Warning Siren/Public  Address  System        of consists electronic  sirenswith  four distinct sounds:  (I) assembly signal,(2) evacuation    signal. (3) firesignal, and(4)  all-clearsignal.These signals areintroduced prior toinitial    site access  andareavailable  ona phone recording. The emergency    signal  canbeactivated    from  the Control Room,and      the TSC. Personnel    assembly    ismandatory atthe    Site Area  Emergency  orhigher level  classification. Assembly  of site personnel outside  ofthe  Protected Areas    isaccomplished    byall  personnel reporting todesignated assembly    areas. Assembly  maybeinitiated atanytime      site management        deems  i t appropriate  for personnel safety  reasons.Inthe case  ofahostile    actionthreatorevent. designated assembly points  will beannounced        via thePublic Address  System. The designated assembly points  mayinclude    onsiteassembly    points oroffsite mustering points.
Assembly      mayalso    beused  asa tool  toinitiate  theTwo-Man  Rule during    Security  events.
6.7.I.4Accountability Personnel    accountability  within the  Protected  Areais mandatory  atthe Site  Area  Emergency. Accountability  maybeinitiated    atother timesat the  discretion  ofthe  ECtosupport    worker  safety.
Accountability      ofpersonnel  within  theProtected  Areas  isaccomplished within  30minutes    ofthe declaration  ofSite  AreaEmergency    orhigher, andmaintained      continuously  thereafter. using  ProtectedArea(s) boundary    access  controlasdescribed    inthe  PVNGSSecurity    Plan.If there  arestation    personnelwhoareunaccounted        for,the Unit Evacuation      System  andsitewide  page  areused  tolocate them. or,in extreme    cases  (fire,toxicgasrelease,  exp:osions,  structuraldamage,
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE58OF383 trained etc.),          search  andrescue    personnel  aredeployed    tosearch  forand assistthe  missing    personnel.  Evacuation Thedecision    toevacuate      non-essential  personnel  ismadebythe    l?C.
Nonessential    personnel    mustbeevacuated      inthe event  ofa Site Area Emergency      orGeneral    Emergency. Ilowever. incertain  situations it may bedesirable      toevacuate    earliertoenhance    worker  protection.
6.7.I.6Security    andAccess        Control PVNGS Security        personnel  atSecurity  Access  Control  Pointsare instructed  to admit  only  emergencypersonnel      anddesignated  County, StateandNRC personnel. Special          onsite  security measures  have  been developed    tofacilitate rapid access    byemergency    response  personnel.
Incase ofa Securitycontingency eventsuch              asa direct armed attack, Security's  response    actions may beprimarilyfocused        onthe  Security event andtake    precedence    over emergency    response  duties.
6.7.I.7Monitoring        andDecontamination Personnel    aremonitored      forcontamination    atthe SecurityAccess Points asthey    depart  the  Power  Plant Protected Area byportal monitors. Personnel    located  outside the  Power Plant Protected Area    are monitored    asrequired    byradiological    conditions.If decontamination    of personnel  isrequired,    they  aredecontaminated      bytrained personnel.
Onsite emergency      personnel    aremonitored    forcontamination attheir respective  emergency      stations. Decontamination    ofonsite  emergency personnel  isconducted      atonsite decontamination    facilities.      Equipment      andSupplies A variety  ofprotective      equipment  isavailable  onsite tominimize radiological  exposures,    contamination  problems  andGrefighting hazards.
6.7.I.8.1    Respiratory      Protection  Equipment Respiratory    protection equipment    includes  full face  canister respirators,  self-contained  breathing  apparatus  andair-fed respirators. Radiation  Protection  personnel  determine  when the useofrespiratory      protection  equipment  isappropriate
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE59OF383 andselect    the correct  type ofequipment    for conditions expected    tobeencountered.    Protective    Clothing Protective  clothing  ismaintained    onsite for routineuseand is available  for  useduring  emergencies.    Thyroid    Blocking  Agent Thel?C    isthe only  individual  whomayauthorize      the voluntary  useofpotassium      iodide  (Kl) for emergency personnel. The    EC-TSC    authorizes  the useofKIwith  the advice of  the Radiation  Protection  Coordinator. Theuseof Klis based onthe      potential for  r      oronthe elease,        magnitude ofanactual    release,  ofiodine. Klisdistributed  to emergency workers when        itsuseisauthorized.    Emergency      Dosimetry Dosimetry    islocatedin close proximity toall      emergency centers  andavailable    forissue toemergency personnel      as necessary    byRadiation    Protection personnel.
6.7.2OFFSITEPROTECTIVEACTIONS Protective Actions    for the  General  Public  inresponse    toradiolouical emereencies include sheltering  orevacuation  of the        and public issuance the            ofPotassium lodide basedonconsideration  ofthe    relative benefits ofeach    action. Theaction which affords thehigher    level ofdose    avoidance,    whenoffsite    doses areexpected to exceedProtective  Action Guides,  ispreferred. Ilowever. other        suchas litctors duration.
release          mobilization  time oradverse    weather    areimportant considerationsaffecting offsite  protective  action recommendations. Evacuation sections route        andevacuation      routing  areshown    inF:gure  11 It  isthe ofPVNGStomakeProtective responsibility                                  Action  Recommendations,    the Governorofthe    StateofArizona    tomakeProtective      Action  Decisions  and MaricopaCounty    toimplement    the Protective  Action    Decision. The communications  flow path  associated  with  Protective  Action  Recommendations    is illustrated inFigure    10.
Thecurrentlivacuation  TimeEstimate      isused toassist  informulating  protective bythe actions      offsite authorities. PVNGShas      perfl>rmed    anEvacuation  Time asrequired Estimate            by10CFR50,      Appendix    1 PVNGSwill
                                                              .                estimate EP7
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PlAN          REVISION69                                    PAGE60OF383 permanent  resident population  changes    during  the years between    decennial censuses  using U.S.Census    Bureau  data. State  andlocal  government      population data  isused ifavailable.These  estimates  shall  occur  nomorethan      365days    apart andthe  resultsprovided tostate  andlocal  emergency      management      agencies  for factoring into protectiveactions  asneeded. 1.icensees  shallmaintain    these estimates availablefor  NRCinspection      during  the  periodbetween    censuses  and shall submit these  estimates  tothe NRCwith      anyupdated    ETEs. Ifatanytime during the decennial period,  the population  increases    sothat the  ETEfor    the2-mile zoneor5-mile zone, includingall    affected  ERPAs,orfor      the  entire  EP/,increases by25percent or 30minutes, whichever        isless,  for  the scenario  with  the longest ETE,the  ETEanalysis will  beupdated    toreflect    the  impact ofthat    population increase.      Actions    fortheGeneral      Public Thebasis  fordeveloping    andproviding Protective        Action Recommendations      isEPA-400,    "Manual ofProtective        Action  Guides andProtective  Actions  For Nuclear Incidents." Protective        action recommendations    forthe general public consider      the  time  required  fi>r notificationofoffsite  authorities,  for public alerting  andfor implementation  of protective  actions. in  thecase  o  facore  melt situation,evacuation  ofatleast  a two-mile radius around      the  plantsite andatleast  five miles  downwind      for affected sectors    isrecommended.
A Shelter recommendation      maybemadebythe State for            impediments toevacuation. A Shelter  recommendation        maybemade bythe        station if release conditions  dictate.Governmental        officials will also beadvised toconsider the  useofPotassium      lodide  (Kl) asa protective measure.
Whenevacuation      isordered,  the  Offsite  Emergency    Response Plan for Palo Verde  Nuclear  Generating  Station    provides,  asa minimum, for evacuation by22.5    degree  sectors  considering  first  the  sector  inwhich thecentral axis ofthe  plume  islocated    andthen  the  adjacent  sector on each side.Implementation    ofprotective    actions 11)r the  general  public  is described inthe  Offsite  Emergency      Response  Plan  for Palo  Verde Nuclear  Generating  Station. Timeestimates      forevacuation    within the Plume  Exposure  Pathway  Emergency      Planning  zone    aremaintained    in the Bles ofEmergency    Preparedness    Department. Thedemography within  thePlume  Exposure  Pathway    isshown  inFigure    12.
Offsite authorities receive animmediate        notification  11)r:
* Change  inemergency    elassincation a  Change  inthe  release status
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PlAN            REVISION69                            PAGE61OF383
                        =    Change  inProtective Action  Recommendations
* Change  inthe  ProtectiveAction  zone 6.7.3 CONTAMINATION            CONTROLMEASURES    Plant  Site Specine  area  limits havebeen  established  forcontrol ofcontamination within the  PVNGSflicility. Thebasis    fortheselimits isthat contamination    shall becontrolled  sothat  hazardstopersonnel    are minimized    andcompliance with    personnel  exposure limits        and (internal external) isassured. Asnecessary,      Contamination Areas  areestablished andposted. Details ofcontamination control      measures  foronsite personnel  and equipment are  contained  inthePVNGSRadiation Protection  Program.    Offsite Criteria  andmeasures    forcontamination          inoffsite control          areas are detailed  inthe  Offsite Imergency Response Plan    for  Palo Verde Nuclear  Generating  Station.
6.8AIDTO AFFECTEDPERSONNEL 6.8.1EllERGENCYPERSONNELDOSECRITERIA Emergency  workers  carry  electronicalarming  dosimetersinaddition to Thermoluminescent    Dosimeters  (Tl.Ds). Dosimeters  arereadatintervals dependent upon    radiation levels inaccordance    with PVNGSNuclear Administrative  andTechnical    Manual  Procedures. Inadditiontoself-readout capability,the  dosimeters  arecapable  ofalarming    ondose ordose  rate.
Emergency  dosimetry    isprovided ona24-hour      basisbyRadiation  Protection personnel. Every  effort ismadetominimize    emergency  worker doses  throughthe useofprotective  equipment    andsupplies  andbyminimizing    exposure    time.
Emergency  exposures    above administrative  guidelines areauthorized  bythe Radiation Protection  Monitor  (RPM), Radiation    Protection Coordinator  ortheEC.
TheRPMorRadiation        ProtectionCoordinator    mayauthorize exposures    uptothe 10CFR20limits,      andthe  ECauthorizes  exposures  above 10CFR20limits,    in accordance  with  procedures. Emergency  worker  dosecriteria arebased    onthree categoriesofactions:  sampling  under accident            lifesaving conditions,          actions,and corrective/protective  actions.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE62OF383 TheECisnotified      ofaccidental  oremergency    dose inexcess  ofoccupational limits. Decisions  toaccept  doses  inexcess    ofoccupational limits  inlife-saving situations are  ona voluntary    basis.
6.8.2 DECONTAMINATION              AND FIRSTAID Provisions  exist toassist personnel    whoareinjured    andwhohave      received high radiation doses, orwhohave        been  contaminated. Decontamination    materials and portable first aid  kits areavailable  atstrategic  locationsthroughout    thestation and offsite. There are personnel trained    inGrst  aidanddecontamination    procedures. In addition,  onsite decontamination    areas  equipped with decontamination    facilities, supplies,  andother specialized equipment        arelocatednear the access  control  point ontheI40    ft.elevation in the  Auxiliary Building  ofeach unit. Personnel  found  to beexternally  contaminated are decontaminated.      Where  contamination    oflarge, open    wounds  is involved, personnel are    transportedtoBanner    University Medical Center  orBanner  Estrella Medical    Center. Contaminated  PVNGSevacuees        are decontaminated    atthe  Offsite  Relocation    Area.Waste  fluids andwastes  from decontamination    ofpersonnel    ormaterial are collected and  handled  asradioactive wastes  inaccordance    with  the PVNGSNuclear Administrative        andTechnical Manual,    except  atthe offsite  relocation where radioactive wastes area,                            arehandled under guidance the            of AzDIIS.
6.8.3MEDICAI, TRANSPORTATION Injured/externally  contaminated    personnel    whorequire  medical attention are transported  toBanner    University  Medical  Center orBanner  Estrella Medical Center  byanavailable    onsite  oroffsite  air orground ambulance.
6.8.4MEDICAITREATMENT Letters  ofagreement    fortreating  externally  contaminated patients  existfor Banner University  Medical  Center  andBanner      EstrellaMedical Center.
Treatment    ofindividuals  injured  mayoccur    attheonsite medical    facility during normal  working  hours  orbyEMTqualified        personnel onweekends    orbackshift.
Serious  injuries mayrequire    thepatient  tobetransferred tothe  nearest offsite treatment  facilityappropriate    tothe  injury.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION 69                PAGE63OF383 6.9 MEDIA      REIATIONS Provisions  for media    relations during the courseofanemergency        inthe aredetailed  Joint Public Information    Procedure.WhenanUnusual Eventisdeclared, newsmedia relations areconducted fromAPS/PaloVerde                    Atthe Communications.        orhigher Alert classification level, the  Joint        Center Information  isactivated at600North    Way, Verrado Building                                    with A, Buckeye, Arizona, inaccordance  theguidelines oftheJoint Public Information    Procedure. ThePublicInquiry Centeratthe StateEOCandtheRumor Control    Center attheAPS Customer Care Centerrespondtopublic inquiries.
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN      REVISION69                PAGE64OF383 PVNGS Umt1                Umt2 Room Control              Control Room.=
STSC                STSC Umt3 EOF                                Room Control SISC DPS                              MCSO DEMA                MCDEM GOVERNMENT ORGANIzATIONS FIGURE8  NOTIFICATIONAl,ERT NETWORK(NAN)
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN        REVISION    69                  PAGE65OF383 NORMALWORKINGHOURS PVNGS DPS            DEMA            MCDEM        MCSO Dinrict  AzDHS      Director        Director OnScene Commander    Dutc        and            and      Conunander 05cer    Operational      Operational Response        Response Agencies              &
BPD OFF-Dm HOURS PUJGS DPS                        MCSO DEMA        A2DHS              MCDEM Duty        Duty                Duty Omeer      O5cer                OEcer BPD FIGURE9      NANNOTIFICATIONFLOW
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PlAN      REVISION          69                            PAGE660F383 Onshit                                                  Onsite    andOsite Organization                                                        Organization activated                                                        activated CONTROl. ROOM                                                          pop (STSC) l    -  -
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NOl//:l('AlloN V/ANAN L                          j FIGURE10 COMMUNICATIONS                  1,EADING TO PROTECTIVE              ACTION RECOMMENDATION                (PAR)
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE67OF383 7.0  EMERGENCY                FACILITIES          AND EQUIPMENT This section    describes  emergency  response  facilities,onsiteandoiTsite communications system  links,    assessment    equipment  andfacilities. 11rst aid andmedical  facilities,  anddamage controlequipment.
7.1EMERGENCY              CENTERS 7.1.1    CONTRO1        ROOM    (CR)
TheCRisinthe Control Building          onthe  140-foot levelandis  designed    tobe habitable  duringDesign Basis      Accidents. The which CR,        includes    the  Shift Manager's contains full office,              plant  instrumentation, ERFDADS/SPDS,          a Qualified    SPDS  display. and communication    linksasdescribed    in Table  3and Section  7.2, andtechnicaldrawings. Protective breathing    apparatus,    emergency radiological  monitoring  equipment,  andprotective clothing  arestored      inthe emergency      kitoutside the  CR.
7.1.2REMOTESllUTDOWNPANEl ROOM                              (RSP)
An emergency      requiring  the evacuation  ofthe CR results inshutdown        controlfrom the  RSP.TheRSPhas        tworedundant    andindependent setsofplant      controls. Each redundant  control  area hasits  own Radio    Console and administratively      dedicated phone  line. aswell  asEPAl3X    telephone  andsound-powered phone asdescribed        in Table  3andSection    7.2.
Itprovides    directtechnical  support  tothe CRpersonnel  inthe  areas  of:
                    =    Engineering  andtechnical  analytical  support
                    =    Reactor  analyticalsupport
                    =    Radiological  analytical  support An ERFDADS/SPDS          display  andvarious    communications  equipment,      as described    inTable  3 andSection    7.2,areavailable inthe STSC.
7.1.4OPERATIONS              SUPPORT      CENTER(OSC)
TheOSCisthe      entire 140'  level ofthe Auxiliary Building  andOperations      Support Building  ofeach  unit.Emergency      equipment  required isstored  inemergency    kits inthe  OSC.TheOSCalso          includes  the Radiation Protection area  which    provides a
decontamination      facility,a fixed  radiological counting facility, andaccess    tothe
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69                          PAGE68OF383 station's  radiation  protection records andforms. TheOSCserves  asthe point of origin  for Environmental    Teams  andRepair  Teams. Variouscommunications links, asdescribed    inTable  3andSection  7.2, areavailableinthe OSC.
Inthe  event  theOSCbecomes        uninhabitable, anunaffected  OSCmaybeused unit as an alternate OSC.
TheTSCis the      II)cal point 113ronsite emergency  operations    directing andft)r      and assisting  the Control  Roomduring    unitemergency  conditions.
Keystation management      andtechnical personnel arestationed    atthe TSCduringthe emergency    toprovide  the guidance  required  foraccidenttermination and mitigation.
TheTSCisstaffed        andactivated during anAlert,  Site AreaEmergency,orGeneral Emergency    andislocated    belowgrade immediately southwest  ofBldg. "D"inside the Protected  Area.
TheTSCiscentrally        located  within tenminutes walking time fromtheCRofeach ofthe  three  Palo Verde  units. Thefunctionspertl)rmed inthe TSCinclude:
* Manage    onsite  emergency  response
* Direct  in-plant  radiological protection activities
* Direct  emergency    maintenance
* Direct  personnel  accountability andsite  security e  Coordinate    safety  andhazards  controlthrough  the Control Room and the Onsite  Fire Dept.
a  Perform    engineering  andtechnical  analyses for control roomsupport a  Perfl3rm  reactor  analyses  for controlroomsupport e  Provide    I& C technical  support
* Coordinate  computer    technical support
* Provide    chemistry  technical support TheTSChasERFDADS/SPDS                computer  terminals, which    CRparameters display il)reach  unit,the  Radiation  Monitoring  System  (RMS),  thestation meteorological system,  andother  parameters. Capability existsinthe TSCtorapidlyretrieve plant documents,    drawings,  procedures  andplans. TheTSC(when  activated) isthe central  location  11)r thereceipt andanalysis  ofin-plant radiological monitoring data. TheTSChasvarious        communications    links        asdescribed available          inTable 3
PVNGS EMERGENCY        Pl,AN            REVISION69                                    PAGE69OF383 andSection      7.2. TheTSChas      shielding  andventilation        toensure  habitability tollowing    design  basis accidents.
TheTSCcontains        anarea  with  a microwave      andrefrigerator,    conference    room,an emergency      supply  storage area,  andanarea      reserved    for NRCpersonnel.      TheTSC contains equipment required        ll>r emergency      response. TheTSCisalso        equipped with an airborne radiation      monitor.
Inthe  event  theTSCbecomes        uninhabitable,        the  TSCcommand      function    will operate  outof the affected unit's      STSC(Unit          I,if multiple units  areimpacted)    and the support    staff will berelocated toanOSC.
TheEOFislocated          approximately    20miles    east    ofPVNGSat600North            Verrado WayBuilding        A, Buckeye,  Arizona.
TheEOFis        the focal  point flarcoordination      ofonsite    andoffsite  emergency response    activities. Management      andtechnical personnel assigned            tothe  EOFare responsible    for protective  action  recommendations,          liaisonwith  offsite governmental      organizations  andresponse      flicilities,    andoverall  coordination    ofthe Emergency      Organization.
TheEOFhasspace          allocated  for  housing  emergency        personnel and    space  forNRC, FEMAandstate/county          emergency    personnel.      TheEOFhas various communications      links  available  asdescribed        inTable    3andSection 7.2.      TheEOF isstaffed    andactivated    flaranAlert    orhigher      level  emergency  classineation. The EOFalso      hasERFDADS        data displayed    through      PIcomputer  capability. The capability    exists inthe  EOFtorapidly      retrieve      plant documents,    drawings, procedures    andplans.
7.I.7A1,TERNATIVE            FACII,ITY TheEEC-EOF          isdesignated  asthe  Alternative        Facility forstaging  ofERO personnel. inthe event  ofa Security    orIlostile      Action Based  threat  orevent. The EEC-EOF      mayalso    serve asa re-location    area      for TSCandOSCpersonnel.          The Alternative    Facility has the capability  tocommunicate          with the Control    Room, Security  andthe    EOF. TheEOlmayalso          beused        asanAlternate    facility  for any event  where    siteaccess  isnotpossible    i.e. Beyond      Design  Bases  External  Event (BDBEE)      orFI.EX    event.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN        REVISION    69                          PAGE70OF383 7.I.8JOINTINFORMATIONCENTER(JIC)
TheJIC,located      at600North Verrado  Way,    Building A.Buckeye,      Arizona    serves asthe  primary    point fordissemination ofinformation    tothe  newsmedia representatives    foranAlertorhigher  emergency    classification  level.
Provision    ismadeatthe JICtoallow  media  personnel  tocommunicate      with  their base facilities. State,countyandfederal  agency    officialsshare  office space  with the staff at  the JIC.
Thecommunications      links available atthe  JICaredescribed    inTable  3andSection 7.2.
7.I.9PALOVERDEAND APS            EXTERNAI      COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTVIENTS Palo  Verde    Communications and APS External Communications are        responsible for developing    mediastatementsand coordinating    media  briefings  during  Unusual Event  elassifications.AtAlertandhigher classitleation    level, the JICassumes      the responsibility    forthis function.
AtAlert  or Site Area Emergency classifications involving    non-radiological events, Palo Verde Communications        will work  with  the JICtocoordinate      plant visits andbriefings. PaloVerde Communications        is equipped    with  EPABX telephones andfax  machines for onsite and    offsite communications.
STATEEMERGENCY 7.I.10                          OPERATIONS        CENTER(STATE            EOC)
TheState      liOC istheprimarypoint from  which  the Governor/designee    exercises overall  coordination ofoffsite emergency    response  operations  through the ADEM.
TheState      liOC        atADEMIIeadquarters islocated                        inPhoenix    at5636  East McDowell      Road.      ofthe Staffing    State  EOCconsists    ofauthorized  representatives of:
* Office    ofthe Governor
* Arizona    DepartmentofEmergency  andMilitary    Affairs (DEMA)
* Arizona    DivisionofEmergency  Management      (ADEM) a    Arizona    DepartmentofIIealth Services  (AzDIIS)
* Arizona    DepartmentofPublic Safety  (AzDPS)
* Arizona    DepartmentofTransportation  (ADOT)
* Arizona    DepartmentofEconomic  Security    (AzDES)
* Maricopa    CountyDepartment ofEmergency      Management    (MCDEM)
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          Pl,AN            REVISION69                                  PAGE71OF383
* PVNGS(Utility      Technical  Representative)
* Others  (as  notified/required).
PVNGS      communications      links  with  ADEM are    described  inTable    3.
7.I.11 TilE    MARICOPA          COLNTY EMERGENCY                OPERATIONS          CENTER (EOC)
TheMaricopa        County  EOCisthe      focal  point  ofthe  local government    emergency response    activity. Itislocated  at5630    E.McDowell      Road,  Phoenix. Emergency response    actions of the  Maricopa County        Sheriff'sIIealth Offlee,          Department    and Department      ofTransportation, together      with  emergency    response  actions  of volunteer    agencies,  are coordinated    bytheMCDEMatthe            County  EOC.
COMMUNICATIONS 7.2                            SYSTEMS ThePVNGS      communications      system  isdesigned toensure      the reliable, timely  flow  of information  andaction      directivesbetween    all parties designated and    empowered    to mitinate emereencies.      Toensure  the  reliabilityof the communications        systems,  the following  provisions    have  been designed    into these systems:
* Redundancy
* Alternative  radio    communications
* Telephone  ring  downcircuits    (voice  anddata)    tooffsite  emergency    organizations,  to preclude  delays  duetosystem      overload
* Routine  useofmanyofthe        systems,  which  lowers  the  probability  of undetected system  failures Communication    systems    aretested  atthe  frequency    specitled  by10CFR50Appendix E, asa minimum. Onsite    emergency  telephone    lines aredivided  amongthree    onsite  EPABX switches. Each  EPABXswitch        isprovided    with  a backup    battery for reliability.
This system  will  function  during emergencies      asit  does during  normal  operations.
Telephones    have  the  capability  oftrunk    access  (via local provider)  and  the  APSowned privatecommunications        system  which  provides  direct dial  capabilities tothe  entire  APS voice system  via the  company    owned  private  communications      system. ThePVNGS telephone  EPABXSystems        through  which  all PVNGStelephone        calls pass, areequipped with uninterruptible    power  supplies  (battery  chargers  andbatteries)  anddedicated      priority switching  toensure  the  reliability ofthe    telephone  system. ThePVNGSIPABXsarethe primary links  for PVNGSphones.        There    arealso  administratively  dedicated  lines  forthe CR.STSC,TSC, EOF,andOSC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY          Pl,AN          REVISION69                              PAGE72OF383 TheCR,TSC,andOSCeach              have  dedicated  phone linesthatcanbeused  toconnect between any    twoofthe    facilities.
Inaddition,  each ofthese lacilitiescanusethese dedicated lines    toconnect  tothe  following  dedicated phones for the      EOFpositions:
* Radiological  AssessmentCoordinatorEnvironmental                Assessment  Iine
* Radiological  Assessment    CoordinatorControl          RoomLine
* Engineering    Director                          Technical 1.ine
* EngineeringDirector                              OSCIine
* Radiological  Assessment    Communicator        TSCIine Each  ofthe  phones  onthe dedicated lines  also  functionsasa normal  in-plantPVNGS phone. These    linesarediscussed inmore detail    inthe applicable subsections thatfollow.
TheEC/EODLine,          Maintenance  Iine, and Radiological Iine  areadministratively dedicated  lines  that arealso availablefor use inanemergencyand        arediscussed  inthe subsections    that follow. Thephones  listed below consist ofsingle  lineandmulti-line phones. Themultiline    phones  areequipped  with a power failline  anda PBXline.
7.2.1CONTROl, ROOM1,INE TheControl    Room1ine    has adedicated  primaryline providing communications links  with conference  capability  between  theControl Room, the  TSC,the  Unit STSC,the    EOF,the  OSC,andthe    RSP.
7.2.2ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT                          1,INE TheEnvironmental      Assessment  Iine  has adedicated primary  andbackup line providing  communications    links with  conferencecapability  between the TSC, EOF.the    Control  Roomandthe      RSP.
7.2.3    EC/EODIINE TheEC/EODline        has aseparate  dedicated primary  linewith  conference capability amongthe      EOF,TSC,the    Unit, andthe  RSP.
This  line provides  a communications    linkbetween  theECs. Italsopermits three-wayconversations      between  the  EC-TSC,  EODandthe    Shift  Manager.
PVNGS EMERGENCY      P1AN        REVISION        69                        PAGE73OF383 7.2.4EOFLINE TheEOFLine      hasadedicated  primary    line providing  communications  links with conference  eapability between  the  EOF,the  Control  Roomthe    TSC,the  Unit STSC,    theOSC,andthe  RSP.
7.2.5MAINTENANCE        CONTROILINE TheMaintenance    Control Line  has  a dedicated primary  lineproviding a communications    linkwithconference      capabilitybetween  the TSC,OSC, Control Room,andRSP.
7.2.6OSC1,INE TheOSC1ine      hasanadministratively    dedicated primary  line providing communications    linkswithconference capability between      the OSC,the  Control Room,the    TSC,the  UnitSTSC,    the  EOF,  andthe  RSP.
7.2.7RADIOLOGICALLINE TheRadiological    Linehasadedicated      primary line providing communications links  with conferencecapability  between    the RP Office. TSC,the    Unit.
STSC,the OSC, and    theRSP.
7.2.8STSCLINE TheSTSCLine      has adedicated  primary    lineproviding  communication  linkswith conference  capability between  the  U nitSTSC. t heC  ontrolRoom, the  TSC, the EOF.the    OSC.andthe  RSP.
7.2.9TECHNICALLINE TheTechnical    Iine hasadedicated    primary      providing line          communications  links with  conference          between capability            the TSC,the  Unit  STSC. the  EOF,the RSP, andthe  Control Room.
TSCIINE 7.2.10 TheTSCLine    has anadministratively    dedicated primary  lineproviding communications    linkswithconference      capabilitybetween  the TSC,the  EOF,the Control  Room,the  UnitSTSC,the      OSC,andthe    RSP.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69                              PAGE74OF383 7.2.11REMOTESIIUTDOWN                  PANEL(RSP)        LINE TheRSPLine        has  anadministratively    dedicated  primary lineproviding communications        links with  conference  capability  between the TSC,theEOF,the Control    Room,the    Unit  STSC,andthe      OSC.
TheNRC        ENS  isa Federal    Telecommunications System      (FTS) telephone that connects    PVNGS    with the  NRClleadquarters      Operations  Center.NRC IIeadquartershas thecapability topatch          intheRegion    IVofficeonthisline.
Itisto beused    forreporting emergencies. Commercial          telephonelinesareavailable as backup    communications.      Transmittal  ofoperations  related data should beonthis system. Thepurpose      ofthis line is  toprovide reliable communicationswiththe NRC.TheENSphones            arelocated ateach      Unit the andthe STSC,    T SC,      EOF.
7.2.13NRCHEALTH PHYSICS                  NETWORK        (HPN)
TheNRCIIPN        isa Federal    Telecommunications      System (FTS) telephone that connects    PVNGSwith      the  NRCIIeadquarters Operations Center.      TheIIPN is designed    toprovide  health  physics  andenvironmental information tothe NRCin the event  ofanemergency.      Other  commercial  telephone lines areavailable as backup    communications.      The  IIPN    phones arelocated  inboththe TSCandEOF.
TheNRChasadata          link available    aspart ofthe  FTSnetworkin the EOl andTSC.
Thelines    aretested  byPVNGSandmaintained            bythe  NRC.
7.2.15NRCMANAGEMENTCOUNTERPART                            IINK(MCPI,)
TheMCPLisadedicated            NRCcommunication        linkbetween theNRCintheIOF, TSCandNRCIleadquarters            personnel. Thelines            byPVNGSand aretested maintained    bythe    NRC.
7.2.16NRCPROTECTIVEMEASURES                        COUNTERPART        IINK(PMCI    )
ThePMCIisadedicated              NRCcommunication        linkbetween theNRCinthe  EOF.
TSC. andNRCHeadquarters          personnel. Thelines  are      byPVNGSand tested maintained    bythe    NRC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY      Pl,AN        REVISION    69                          PAGE75OF383 NRCREACTOR 7.2.17                  SAFETYCOUNTERPART                  LINK(RSCL)
TheRSCLisadedicated        NRCcommunication          linkbetween theNRCinthe    EOF, TSC,andNRC1leadquarters        personnel. Thelines    aretestedbyPVNGSand maintained  bytheNRC.
7.2.18 EOD/CEO      (FIBEROPTIC)
TheEOD/CEO      circuitis        optic a fiber    link  between    the EOl/JICandthe    APS Executive1 loor Corporate.
7.2.19 NOTlFICATION      ALERT      NETWORK          (NAN)
NAN is          thatprovides a communications a system                                    link fromtheUnit  STSCs  and EOFtoDEMA, MCDEM, MCSO andDPS.
NAN'sprimary    function  istoprovide acommunications        link fornotificationsto offsite agencies.Inthe  event ofNAN    failure,    a channel ontheAPSCorporate l            radio  system orthecommercial    phone lines is    used tomakeInitialNotifications.
OPERATIONS 7.2.20                #1(VOIP/SAT)
TheOperations  #1circuit  isa VOIP/SAT      ring-down  line with connectionsto DEMA, EOF,Unit    STSCsandthe      TSC.
OPERATIONS 7.2.21                #2(VOIP/SAT)
TheOperations  #2circuit  isa VOIP/SAT      ring-down  line with connections  to DEMA, the    EOF,Simulators    andthe  TSC.
OPERATIONS 7.2.22                #3(VOlP/SAT)
TheOperations  #3eircuit  isa VOlP/SAT      ring-down  line with connections  to DEMA, the    EOF,STSCs    andthe  TSC.
OPERATIONS 7.2.23                #4(VOlP/SAT)
TheOperations  #4circuit  isa VOlP/SAT      ring-down  line with connections  to l)EMA,the    EOF,STSCs,    andthe  TSC.
PUBLICINFORMATIONRING-DOWNCIRCUIT#1 7.2.24 ThePl#1circuit  isanintercom    link from    the  EOFtothe    JlC.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION69                                      PAGE76OF383 7.2.25PUBLICINFORMATION                  RING-DOWN        CIRCUIT#2 ThePI#2eircuit      isanintercom    linkbetween  the  EOFtothe          JIC.
7.2.26 CELLUI      AR PHONE ERO    Responders    assigned  toeach  STSC. theTSC,andthe          EOFhave        acompany provided  cellular  phone  toprovide  anadditional  independent          line of communication.      Inaddition,  each  STSC,the    TSC.andthe          EOFhave        a cellular phone  toprovide    anadditional independent      lineofcommunication.
7.2.27 FACSIMII      E TRANSMISSION Facsimile  transmission    provides  "hard  copy"  communications            to:
* TSC(through      PVNGSEPABX) e    EOF e    Ring-down      Facsimile  Machine  Circuits #1(Fiber    Optic)      and#2(llardwire) linkthe  EOF,TSC,STSCs,        JIC, DEMA,    andAPSCorporate                Offices.
7.2.28 PVNGSRADIOSYSTEM PVNGSoperates        a trunked  radio system,  withseparate      talkgroups        available  for departments    such  asOperations,    Security,  FireProtection,      Radiation      Protection, Emergency      Preparedness,  the  Water  Resources  facility,  etc. This system includes base  station  consoles  atvarious  locations  andemergency        flicilities    throughout    the site. Someofthe      radios  used  during emergencies    areportable          radios atvarious site locations,  mobile    radios inthe  RFATvehicles,    andbase      station      consoles atthe TSC,EOF,Unit        OSCs,Unit,    andUnit  Control  Rooms.      PVNGSFire          Protection also  maintains    radios that areused  tocontact  the air  ambulance          service  toprovide landing  instructions.
7.2.29 TELEPIIONE          RINGDOWNCIRCUITS These  voice  circuits  serve asaprimary    communications        link    for  providing technical  inflarmation  tooffsite  agencies,  public information        communications,        and the communication      ofprotective  action  recommendations        tooffsite      authorities.
7.2.30 RADIOLOGICALEMERGENCY                      ASSISTANCE          TEAM (REAT)              RADIO SYSTEM TheAPSCorporate        800MII7Radio        system  provides    a communications            link between  the  State  andState    deployed  field monitoring      teams.      Field  monitoring information    will  betransmitted  over  the  radiosystem. TheState's        EOl
PVNGS EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION69                              PAGE77OF383 representative  has access  tothe  800M1Izradio  system    from the  EOF.1lardcopy ofdata  istransmitted  via  FAX from    the EOFtoRl?AT    Forward.
7.2.31 MOBILE        DEVlCES Mobile    devices areprovided    tokey  members  ofthe  emergency    response organization. This provides  a reliablemeans  ofcontact  with  keymembers  24hours aday, 7 days a week.
7.2.32 AREA PAGING          SYSTEM Thearea    pagingsystem    provides  a reliable means  ofnotifying    andproviding instructions  topersonnel. Access    tothis systemisthrough    the l?PABX  system telephones    byuseofdedicated numbers.
7.2.33 ALARMS Audible    alarms areaquick    andeffective means ofcommunicatingemergency warnings. Thealarm  systems  aredescribed inthe followingsections.      Emergency    Evacuation    Alarm System/Public    Address  System/Area Paging  System TheEmergency      Site livacuationAlarm  System consists of  pole-mounted  electronic  outdoor  warning sirens.They arelocatedoutside each power  block  andareprovided  toalert  personnel within the securityboundaries    ofPVNGS.These    sirens areinitiated froma siren command  module    ineach  unit'scontrolroom. A microphone is provided topermit    announcements  over this  system.
Accountability/evacuation    isassuredinhigh  noise workareas (>95 dB) byuseofaudible    alarms,  flashing lightsand/or  administrative measures.
ThePublic  Address  (PA)  System consistsofsirens  andspeakers that servetoalert  personnel  within a unitarea. TheEmergency      Evacuation Alarm  System  consoles  inthe controlroomsareused      tosend announcements    tothe  PA system. Telephones    located  inside and outside ofthe  power  block mayalso send  announcements        PA tothe system. ThePublic    Address  Systemalso has  voice  capability using microphone  ineach  control    andiscross-connected unit,                        tothe Area Paging System    topermit  site-wideannouncements.
There are distinct  signalsprovided forassembly,  evacuation, Breand all-clear.
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PlAN            REVISION69                                    PAGE78OF383 NATIONALOCEANICAND ATMOSPHERIC 7.2.34                                                        ADMINISTRATION (NOAA)    WEATHERBROADCASTS Weather  broadcasts  canbemonitored        for "weather  alert" information      atCR,TSC and EOF.
7.2.35 AUTOMATED        CALLOUT An automated  callout system    isused  tocall  outemergency        response  personnel.
Thesystem can alsobeactivated        from  anytouch    tonetelephone      with  offsite access capability.The servers are  located  offsite  attwodifferent  remote      locations andcan place multiple calls simultaneously. Telephone      numbers  tobecontacted        and notification messages are pre-programmed          onthe  system. lfproper acknowledgment    doesnot  occur,  the system    periodicallyredials    the number.
7.2.36 ADDITIONALOFFSITECOMMUNICATION                            LINKS Communication      Links inAddition      to Those    DescribedAbove        Include:
          =  Public Infl>rmation Unlisted    Dial-up  Telephone CircuitDEMAtoJiC e  Ilighspeed  internet connections    -
JIC a  Public Infl>rmation Unlisted    Dedicated    Dial-up Facsimile Machine        Circuit #2  -
* PVNGSEmergency        Alert    System  (EAS)  Ring-downTelephone Circuit          -
hardwire  from  MCDEMandMCSOtoAM Broadcast                    Station KTAR and      to FM Broadcast    Station KPKX
          =  Public Information  Unlisted    Dedicated    Dial-up Telephones      -
JIC (4 general circuits)
* Public Information  Unlisted,    Receive-only    Telephone  Circuits    -
JIC(6 circuits
* Public Infl)rmation Media      Dial-up Telephone    Circuits -
JIC(30  circuits) a  Unlisted Dedicated  Dial-up    Facsimile  -
DEMA(EOC)        toMCDEM
* Public Infl)rmation Unlisted    Dial-up  Telephone  Circuit    -
JICtoMCDEM a  DEMABusiness      Dial-up  Telephone    -
DEMAgeneral      use(24  circuits),  DEMA Public Inquiry  (3circuits)
* Public Infl>rmation Unlisted    Dial-Up    Facsimile Machine      Circuit -
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PIAN      REVISION69                              PAGE79OF383 Facility                                Communication      andDataLinks EOFIine            Maintenance    Iine OSCIine                RSPline Control Room      STSCLine                                Technical  Iine    TSCI.ine Radio      Station Base      ENS                  ERFDADS              Fax Control  RoomI.ineEnvironmental  Line ECI.ine              EOFIine OSCI.ine          Radiolouical  line  Technical  Iine    TSC    I.ine SISL.
NAN Line RSP line                                O)s!l              O)s//3 Cellular  Phone    ERFDADS              Fax                  Radio      Station Base Control Room Iine Environmental    IineSTSCIine              EOFIine Maintenance  Line OSCIine                Radioloeical  I.ine EC/EODLine Technical  I.ine    RSPl.ine            ENS
.fechnical Support                    O)snI Oas  f;2          O)srt3 Lenter O3s:4              Radio    BaseStation IIPN                LAN (NRC)
MCPL(NRC)          PMCL (NRC)            RSCL(NRC)            IRFDADS Fax                Cellular  Phone Operations  SupportControl  RoomLine EOF Line              Maintenance    I.ineSTSCIine Center            Radioloeical l.ine                      TSCLine              RPSLine Control  RoomIine Environmental  I,ine ECEODLine          OSCI.ine STSCLine                                Technical  Line    TSCIine RSPLine            IIPN(NRC)            ENS(NRC)            IAN Emergency                                                                        EOD/CEO    I.ine Operation  IacilityMCPI.    (NRC)    PMCI.    (NRC)      RSCI  (NRC)
NAN Iine          O3s//I                O)s :/2            O)s//3 O3s!:4            Public    Info//I    Public  Info /:2    Cellular  Phone ERFDADS    via PI  Fax                  Radio  Base Station REATRadio Joint  Information WDUO &            Ph        WC          Ph      M'o  !2    N Lenter EOFIine Remote  Shutdown onhO 0001 ne      n    ronnwntal  ne              ne    Sound-powered Panel                                                                            )hone Maintenance  I.ineOSCI.ine              Radiological  line STSC I.ine Technical  I.ine TSC1.ine                Radio BaseStation NAN Line          O3st/l                O3s!/2              O3s t/3 DEMA O3s//4            Fax                  REATRadio            RadioBase Station DPS                NAN I.ine          Radio    BaseStation MCDEM              NAN Iine          Radio    BaseStation MCSO              NAN Iine          Radio    BaseStation TABI,E 3    EMERGENCY      RESPONSE        FACII,iTYCOMMUNICATIONS
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE80OF383 7.3ASSESSMENT          EQLIPMENT This                    onsiteoffsite sectiondescribes and                  facilities andmonitoring    equipment    used  for initial  andcontinuing assessment.
7.3.1    ONSITE    SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Onsite equipment  isdescribed    below.    GEOPlIYSICAL          DATA M
ThePVNGS      meteorology    atmospheric    transport  anddiffusion assessment  program    has  been  established using  the  guidance of NUREG-0654and        Regulatory    Guide  1.23,Rev. 0.ThePVNGS meteorological  tower  has  the followinginstrumentation:      temperature, differentialtemperature (between top        andbottom    sensors),
precipitation  dewpoint,wind speed. andwind          direction. Display  of meteorological  indications  is available inthe  Control  Roomon ERFDADS.METdata          isavailable inthe    TSC,the    Units  STSC,andthe EOF.Inthe    event  the PVNGSmeteorological monitoring system            is unavailable, National    Weather    Service broadcasts canbemonitored from the  Control  Rooms,EOF,andTSC.Meteorological              data  canbe obtained  from  the  National  Weather    Servicein the event that  PVNGS instrumentation  isinsufncient    oroutofservice    during anemergency.
W Information  isobtained    from  passive  andactive  instruments giving absolute peak  ground    acceleration    inthreemutually    orthogonal directions.Thesystem      determines    whether operating  basis orsafe shutdown  maximum      accelerations    areexceeded  inanyofthree directions.Recorded    information    isavailableinthe  Unit  IControl Room.
TheRadiation    Monitoring    System    isdivided into  three basicgroups of detector systems.
PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN            REVISION        69                          PAGE81OF383 Process  monitors    provide  information    toControl  Roomoperators      to assure  proper  functional    performance    ofthe  monitored    system,  provide flirthe  early  detection  of  radioactive  leakage    intonon-radioactive systems,  provide    continuous    remote  i ndication  and recording  of airborneradioactivity      levels inareas  where  personnel    have routine access, and  provide    a means  ofprocess    sample    collection.
M The  Eftluent    Monitoring    System    provides continuous    sampling, recording and indications      ofgaseous    activity  levels and, asa minimum, provides  continuous    representative    sampling  ofparticulate  and radioiodine  activity  levelsatprincipal    eftluent  discharge  points, provides  for  monitoring,    alarm  a nnunciation,  andautomatic    closure  of the gaseous  wastedischarge valve        tomaintain    releases  from the  waste gasdecay    tanks  belowODCM          limits,provides    radiation level indication  andalarm    annunciation    toControl    Roomoperators      whenever Technical    Specification    limits are approached or    exceeded,  and provides  ameansfor      collection  of samples for  laboratory  analyses  at eflluent  points.
M Thearea    monitoring    system  immediately    notifies plant personnel entering  orworking    innon-radiation    orlow-radiation areas of abnormally    high    orincreasing    radiation  levels  toprevent inadvertent overexposure,    andinforms    Control    RoomOperators      ofthe occurrence andlocation    ofabnormal      radiation  levelincreases  innon-radiation or low-radiation    areas.
SYSTEMMONITORS 7.3.I.3 These  monitors    detect  and/or  control  problems    within  plantsystems  and include  pressure  detectors,  heat  detectors, heat  risedetectors,  orsimilar devices  designed    tomonitor  plant  parameters. Manyofthese      detectors arecapable    ofinitiating    control  actions toprevent    andmitigate    damage orrelease  ofradioactive      material.
PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE82OF383            SYSTEM TheFire    Protection  System  (FPS)  andFire  Suppression  System  (FSS) detect,  contain, andextinguish    tires inthe  unit. TheFPSfor  each  unit hasmonitoring,    detection, alarm,  suppression,  andextinguishing facilities specilleally selected  toprotect  the  area orequipment    from damagebyGre.      A computer    terminal isprovided    inthe Control Room ofeach    unitfor incoming  FPS/FSS    alarms  (including  identification of affected areas  andsuppression    actions initiated  bythe  FSSsystem).
7.3.I.5RADIOACTIVITY          ANALYSIS I.iquid  samples are  drawn  inthe  individual  Units  via theNuclear Sampling    System. A built-insample    bombisineach        primarysample sink. Containment  air samples are  taken  via  Containment  AirMonitor XJSQBRU000I**INTCPM.
Grab  samples  aredrawnand diluted asnecessary,                procedural utilizing direction  tominimize    operator dose. Thegrab      samples  areanalyzed  in the  radiochemistry  laboratory  via a gamma    energy  analytical detector SyStem.
Inthe  event the affected  unit cannot  perform theanalysis, backup analysis  isdone  i n one  of the  unaffected  units. The Arizona Department ofIIealth  Services is equipped  todoisotopic    analysis asanoffsite backup    toPVNGScapabilities.
7.3.I.6PORTABLESltRVEYINSTRltMENTS These  instruments  provide  flexibilityandbackup      capability for radiation  measurements    inareas  notserved    byinstalled  monitors, or where    installedmonitors  maybeinoperative.                  FACILITY      DATAACQlISITION AND DISPl,AY SYSTEM(ERFDADS)
TheERFDADSprovides          a centralized  location  within  theCRfor display  ofplant  parameters  from  which  the  safety statusofoperations canbeassessed.
Displays  ofdata,  including  graphical  displays,  available ondemand include  plant temperatures,  pressures, andflow    rates; equipment and valve  status,i.e.,on,off, open,  closed;  process  andarea  RMSreadings; meteorology    system  data;  andin-core  parameters.
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE83OF383 Inaddition    tothe above  parameters,  the SPDSportion    ofERFDADS contains  a graphical  display which  provides  immediate    indicationof deviation  from  safe operating  values. Fromthis  display,  additional specific  data  conceming  the  system  inquestion  isaccessed    ondemand.
TheERFDADSisdesigned            toinclude    thedata acquisition    system requirements ofNUREG-0696.          ERFDADS      displays  are  availableat each  Unit Control  Room,each      Unit STSCandthe      TSC.ERFDADS displays are  available inthe  EOFvia    PIdisplays.
TheQSPDS isdesigned toprovide            indications todetect  the  approach to,the  existence of, and  the recovery  from  inadequate  core  cooling.It also  provides  a minimum setofseismically        qualiGed  parameters  from which  abnormal  plant operating conditions    maybequickly      assessed.          RESPONSE        DATA    SYSTEM(ERDS)
TheERDSisadirect        electronic transmission system    toNRC Operations    Center. Thesystem    isintended toprovide    tothe  NRC,ona near  real-time  basis, selected  parameters from plant    computer    systems whose  values  indicate thecondition    ofthe plant during anemergency condition  ofAlert  orhigher. ERDSis    testedquarterly toverify    system availability  andoperability.
Anyhardware      orsoftware  changes  that  affectthe transmitted    data points  identified inthe  ERDSdata      point  library,mustbesubmitted to the  NRCwithin    30days  after changes    arecompleted. IIardware  or software  changes  that could  affect the  transmission  ll>rmat  and computer    communication    protocol  tothe  ERDSmustbeprovidedto the NRCassoonaspracticable          andatleast    30days  prior  tothe modification.
7.3.2OFFSITESYSTEMSAND EQUIPMENT TheOffsite Dose  Calculation  Manual  (ODCM)      refers tothe  location  ofthe radiological environmental            monitoring  sampling  stations, aswell  as Thermoluminescent Dosimeter  (TI  D)stations. Environmental    samples  routinely collected andanalyzed    include: water, vegetation,  fl>odproducts  andmilk. Backup andcross-checkenvironmental  surveillance  areperformed    byA/.DIIS.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE84OF383 7.4PROTECTIVE            FACILITIES      AND EQUIPMENT Control    Roomshielding      andventilation  allow  personnel  habitability during  Design  Basis Accident    conditions. TheTSChas        shielding  andventilation    similartothe  CR Ilar habitability    during  anincident. Communications        equipment,  respiratory  protection equipment      andprotective clothing      areavailable    in, ornear  the CR, STSC,TSC,and        OSC.
Portableradiation monitoring instrumentation            islocated  near  theunit RPIslands.
7.5FIRSTAID MEDICAI                FACILITIES A 11rst  aid treatment  center  ismaintained onsite. Inaddition,  anEMSresponse      kitis maintained    inthe  Fire  Brigade lockers in  the140-foot    corridor  building. Firstaid treatment    ofinjured  individuals  is administered    bytrained  personnel. Advanced    medical care,if    required,  isobtained    bytransporting the    individuals  toanoffsite  medical  facility.
7.6DAMAGECONTROLEQUIPMENT                            AND    SUPPLIES Fire  hose  stations,  extinguishers  andhydrants are strategically located      throughout  the station    foruseinfire. PVNGSmaintains        self-contained  breathing apparatus    storage areas throughout    station  tobeused    for firefighting,  entry into airborne radioactivity  areas, or entry  into  toxic  gasareas.
7.7PROMPTNOTIFICATION                    SIRENSYSTEM PVNGSmaintains          the  Prompt  Alert  andNotification    Systems  asapproved byFEMAin the  PVNGSAlert        andNotitleation    System            FEMA (ANS) 350Report.
ThePrompt      Notifleation    SirenSystem  consists  ofhigh  sound  output sirens located throughout    the  10-mile  Plume  Exposure    Pathway    Emergency    Planning  zone. Its operation isatthe    discretion  ofthe    stateandcounty    governmental    agencies  responsible  for notification    andalerting    ofthe public. This  system    alerts the  people within  the10-mile EP7tomonitor        radio orTV emergency        broadcasts    forspecific  information  regardingthe situation    atPVNGSand/or        protective  actions. This  system  is operated  from anyofthe    four control    point locations:
* Maricopa    County    Emergency    Operations    Center
* Arizona    Department      ofPublic  Safety
* Maricopa    County    Sheriff's Office
* Building    "E"(maintenance      andtesting  only)
Normally      thesirens  areactivated    from  the Maricopa    County  Emergency  Operations Center    orfrom    the Maricopa    County  Sheriff's  Office. Thesystem    istested periodically  to ensure    its readiness.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE85OF383 Inthe        ofa failure event            ofthe Prompt    Notification System, a FEMAapproved        backup notification  method  isavailable andisimplemented      byOffsite    Response  Organizations.
8.0MAINTAINING              EMERGENCY              PREPAREDNESS 8.1 ORGANIzATIONAL            PREPAREDNESS Theemergency preparedness program          consists  of(1) EROtraining,  (2) drills and exercises,  and(3) regular emergency plan      review  andevaluation    bypersonnel    and management.
8.1.1      TRAINING TheEmergency    Response Training    Program  ensures  that  personnel  whoareinthe emergency response  organization    arefamiliar with the    contents andresponses  in Emergency the            Plan andassociated implementing procedures.        TheEmergency Preparedness Manager  isresponsible forensuring that      the Emergency    Response TrainingProgram  meetsthe    requirements  ofthePlan.
Personnelassigned  keyduties    inthe  Emergency  Response    Organization  receive training initial      andannual  continuing    training.
Newpersonnel  orexisting  EROmembers        assignedto fill anEROposition      in whichthey have  notpreviously    qualified, complete initial and continuing  training for thatposition.
Emergency  Preparedness  Training    isdeveloped using  a process similar tothat describedwithin the Nuclear    Training  DepartmentAdministrativeProcedures or approved other          training program    guidance.
Asnecessary, additional continuing    trainingofindividuals  should  beconducted whensignillcant changes  tothe  Emergency    Preparedness  Program  occurs as determined    the by Emergency          Preparedness  Manager  and  theN uclear  Training l)epartment1.eader.
TheEmergency    Response  Training    Program  includes  specifictraining  and where indicates.      applicable,  qualification  requirements    forkeymembers    ofthe Emergency  Organization.
Evaluatedtraining drillsandevolutions      providefor critiques  inorder  toidentify weakordeficient  areas. Weaknesses      ordellciencies that  areidentified  are corrected.
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PIAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE86OF383 Trainingforthe  Emergency      Preparedness  Staff iscompleted    inaccordance    with Emergency Preparedness      Department    processes.  Site  Access  Training    forEmergency        Preparedness Personnel  requiring    unescorted  access  into  theProtected    Area(s) receive  general    instructions  onthe Emergency      Plan  prior  toreceiving unescorted  access. Reinforcement  ofthe    actions totake    inthe eventof an emergency      are  conveyed  throughout    the    via year      periodic updates (e.g.. department meetings,      electronic  display  signs,  posters and security  badge    information  cards).
8.I.I.2  Specialized    Training    for KeyEmergency        Organization    Personnel Specialized    training  isprovided annually      tokeypersonnel    involvedin emergency    response actions. This    special    trainingincludes  instruction andreview    inthe    technical and  practicalaspects    ofemergency      response actions.
Inaddition  totraining,    drillsand exercises are    conducted    todevelop andmaintain      emergency      responseskills. Specialized training    for designated  EROposition        categories is  listed below.
Ikganinition Initial  training  toprovide    forclassification  andnotification processes andrequirements.        Continuing  training  toprovide program/procedure/equipment          change    andindustry    events updates.
Shift  Personnel Initial  training  toprovide    accident identilleation,  appropriate    procedural responses  andsupport      organization activity    oncriteria. Continuing training  provides    program/procedure/equipment      change      andindustry events  updates.
Initial  training  toprovide    foremergency      radiological  monitoring procedures,    techniques    andemergency      communications.      Continuing training  toprovide      program/procedure/equipment        change    andindustry events  updates.
PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN              REVISION      69                              PAGE87OF383 Fire    Control  Teams  (Fire  Brigades)    PVNGSutilizes        a fulltime  onsite Fire    Department. Fire  personnel    aretrained    intire  andmedical emergency      response    in accordance      with the  Fire Protection  Program.
Additionally. they      areprovided      training radiological in basic                  control concepts. Continuing        training  toprovide    program/procedure/equip change and      industry  events  updates.
M Initial  training  provides    for emergency    radiological    andindustrial safety,communications.          Continuing      training  toprovide program/procedure/equipment            change  andindustry      events  updates.
First    AidandRescue        Teams PVNGSutilizes        a full  time  onsite Fire  Department.      Fire  personnel  are trained    infire  andmedical emergency response              inaccordance      withthe Fire    Protection  Program. Additionally,    they  are  provided    training  in basic    radiological control    concepts. Continuing    Training  toprovide program/procedure/equipment            change andindustryevents          updates.
M Initial  training  ofmedical      support    personnel in addition toFire Department      personnel  provided    with  basic  radiological    control concepts. Onsite medical    staff,  excluding    administrative    support personnel,      receives training    similar  incontent    tothatwhich is      provided tooffsite    hospitals. Continuing      Training    toprovide program/procedure/equipment            change  andindustry      events  updates.
Someheadquarters        support    personnel    respond    tothe  Joint Information Center. These  personnel    receive          training initial          prior  toqualilleation.
Continuing      training  isprovided      onanannual      basis.
Security      Personnel Imergency        response  training  isincorporated      into  the  initialMember    of the  Security    Force training    received    bynewsecurity        force members during    initial qualifications. Additional    initial  training  isprovided  to Security    members  assigned    tostaff    positions  within    theEmergency Response      Facilitiesinsupport      ofEmergency        Preparedness. The additional    training includes    lines  ofcommunication        with  offsite support
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PIAN              REVISION      69                            PAGE88OF383 organizations    aswell  aslogisticssupport. Continuing    training  to provide    program/procedure/equipment        change    andindustry  events updates.
8.I.I.3      Training    forParticipating    Agencies Radiological    orientation  trainingprogram    ismadeavailable      tooffsite support    organizationsandemergency        services  personnel. Additional training  isavailable  upon  request andmayinclude        but arenotlimited to:
* Basic  Radiation  Protection
                              =  Concept  ofOperations
* PVNGS    Overview TheOffsite      Response Organization      isresponsible    for maintaining offsite  training records.
8.1.2EXERCISES PVNGSconducts          drillsandexercises    overa wide    range  ofaccident  conditions  that tests  a major  portion  ofthe  basic  elements existing  within  the  emergency    plan and supporting  organizations. Exercises  shalltest the  adequacy of    timing  andcontent ofimplementing        procedures  andmethods. test  emergency equipment and communications        networks,  test the publicnotification    system,  and ensurethat emergency    organization    personnel  arefamiliar  with their  duties.
Thescenarios      for the drills andexercises  arediverse    andinclude    a wide spectrum ofradiological    conditions  andevents  including  hostile  actions. Thescenarios used overthe    eight-year  cycle  will besufBciently  varied  toensure    thatessentially all of the  emergency    action  levels areincluded  inperformance      enhancing  drills or exercises. Tothe    extent  practical, initiating conditions    andfailed  equipment  should bevaried    tominimize    preconditioning    ofthe emergency      response  organization.
Nomorethan        oneEAL should      beshared  with  the previous  exercise  oranypractice drill  orexercise  leading  uptothe  biennial exercise. Drill  scenarios  should  notbe used    foranybiennial    exercise  within twoyears. Tothe    extent  practical,scenario should    beheld  inconildence    from  the participating  EROteammembers          until after the  exercise. While  anEROteammaybeaware              ofthe  nature  ofthe  upcoming drills  (i.e.
hostile  action  based  exercise).the specific  elements    ofthe  drill should be held    inconfidence  andthe    initiatingevent varied  sothe    sameconditions    arenot used    fromthe  practice  toevaluated  exercise.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PIAN                REVISION69                                PAGE89OF383 Joint  participation    exercises    between    PVNGSandthe    olTsite  response  agencies are conducted    toensure      the  appropriate    integrationofthe  emergency    plans  and identify  areas  ofweakness        andopportunities    forimprovement.      A post  drill or exercise critique      isconducted      toaid  inthe identification ofweaknesses      and improvement      opportunities.      Consistent  withNRCandFEMAregulation,            a full participation    exercise      isconducted    onceevery  twoyears. PVNGS,the      State of Arizona    (ADEM and        AzDIIS)    andMaricopa      County  will jointly  exercise their emergency      plans. Thefull      participation  biennialexercise  isevaluated    bythe NRC andFEMA and isused              indetermining      reasonableassurance    that PVNGSandthe supporting    offsite emergency        plans  canprotect  the health  andsafety    ofthe public, plant  staff andemergency workers.Thebiennial              exercises  arevaried    overthe eight-year    period    (starting with    the  year ofthe  Grst hostile action  exercise in2015) toinclude    the  following:
a    Ilostile  action    directed  atthe  plant  site involving  the integration  ofoffsite resources    with    onsite  response:    (See RCTSAl 2831902      andcontact    Reg.
Affairs  for  anychange      tothiscommitment.)
* An initial  classification    of, orrapid escalation to,a Site    Area  Emergency  or General    Emergency:
* No radiological      release  oranunplanned    minimal  radiological  release that requires  the  site  todeclare    a Site  AreaEmergency,    but  does  notrequire declaration    ofa General      Emergency.
* Ingestion    Pathway      Exercise PVNGSwill        submit    the  scenario  used  for the biennial  exercise to theNRCin accordance    with    10CI    R50.4  sixty  (60) daysbefore  itsuseina full scale biennial exercise. Thescenario        will beheld    inconfidence  until after the  exercise is completed. PVNGSwill        maintain    adequate  records  todemonstrate    theexercises andscenarios      used    over  the eight-year    exercisecycle.
Each    biennial  exercise    conducted    byPVNGSwill      include  the opportunity  to demonstrate      the  following    keyskills:
* Timely    classification    ofevents:
* Timely    notincation      ofoffsite  authorities:
* Assessment      ofradiological      releases  onsiteandoffsite:
* Development        ofprotective    action  recommendations:
* Dissemination      ofinformation      tothe  public via media  channels:
* Engineering      assessment,    repair  plan development,  andrepair    ofcritical equipment      under    emergency    conditions:
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PlAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE90OF383 a  Mitigative  action  implementation:
          =  Protection  ofworkers    during  emergency    response,    including    medical    care:
a  Response    tooperational    transients while  implementing        the emergency    plan:
* Coordination      with offsiteresponse  organizations.
Each biennial    exercise  atPVNGS    will include  the  following      elements  ata minimum:
* Eventclassification.
* Timely  notification  ofoffsite authorities.
* PARdevelopment (development ofPARsinvolving                    public  evacuation  or sheltering  isrequired only inexercisesthat      include  a General    Emergency).
* Radiological    assessment.
* Shift staff  response  toaccident transients orother      events    that meetEAIcriteria while  implementing      the emergency  plan.
a  EROresponse        andERFactivationfollowing declaredemergencies.
a  Integration    oflicensee  response  with  OROs    toinclude briefings,      coordination ofworker    protection,  and, asappropriateto the    scenario,    coordination  ofpublic protective  actions,  radiological release  monitoring,    andoffsite    response    tothe site.
* Communications        thatsupport  response  between    onsite and offsiteERFs.
a  Dissemination      ofinformation  tothe  public  via  media    channels and    press brienngs.
          =  Development      andimplementation    ofradiological    orphysical      protection (i.e., in response  tohostile  action) protective  actions  for  onsite    workers  asappropriate tothe  scenario.
a  Operational    andengineering    assessment  ofaccident      sequences.
e  Accident    mitigation  through  the simulated  repair  ofequipment.
o This    mustinclude    mechanical,  electrical, and/or    instrumentation      and control  activities.
o Thescenario        should bedesigned  toallow    somerepairs      tobesuccessful,    but mustprovide      theopportunity  todemonstrate    mitigation    planning  andrepair execution.
* Radiological    control activitiesmustsupport    somerepair      teams.
Inaddition  tothe    biennial exercise, PVNGSconducts        apartial    scale  off  year exercise that  involves    anintegrated  testing ofthe  keyemergency        response facilities.Theoff    year exercise mayalso    bea full  scale  exercise    notevaluated    by
PVNGS EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE91OF383 FEMAorNRC.During                  the  offyear exercise, the  offsiteresponse    organization  will beencouraged        toparticipate      inorder tomaintain    keyEROskills      between  the onsite    andotTsite      organization.
The principal      functional    areas  ofemergency    response  include  activities  such as management        andcoordination        ofemergency  response,  accident    assessment,  event classilleation,    notification ofoffsite      authorities, andassessment      ofonsite    and offsite impact      ofradiological releases,      protective    actionrecommendation development,        protective    action  decision making,    plant system  repair  andmitigative action    implementation.
During      routine drills,  activation  ofall ofthe PVNGSemergency            response  facilities (Technical      Support    Center (TSC), Operations      Support  Center  (OSC),    andthe Emergency        Operations    Facility (EOF)) would    notbenecessary,      PVNGSmayuse these    drills  forthe  opportunity to consider accident      management      strategies, supervised operating staff inall instruction,                          participating facilities    would  have  the opportunity      toresolve    problems    (successpaths)rather    than have    controllers intervene,      andthe    drills mayfocus    onthe onsite exercise    training  objectives  inlieu ofabroader        set.
ThePVNGSEROshall                  beprovided    the opportunity    todevelop andmaintain        key emergency                    skills  in response response following    to the            scenario    elements  during the  conduct      ofbiennial    exercises  over the course  ofthe eight-year exercise    cycle:
          =    Response      tohostile    action,  including interface  with IIEAs.
o Ilostile      action    scenarios    should realistically  include collateral    damage that mayoccur      (e.g., loss  ofoffsite power  andloss  ofuseofcertain onsite facilities andareas).
o Engineering          assessment,    repair plan development,    andsimulatedrepair of critical equipment      damaged  byhostile  action  afterthe  active    attack,but before  the  site  isfully  secured byI.I.EAs.
o Prioritization        ofrepair    teamdispatch  andprotection    inthe  aftermath  of hostile  action  through    coordination with  sitesecurity  andI.I.EAs    to determine    whenthe      site issecure enough    toallow  limited    movementof personnel.
* Response      toonescenario        withnoradiological    releaseoranunplanned        minimal radiological    release  that  does notrequire  evacuation  orsheltering      ofthe public.
          =    Response      toscenarios      with  radiological releases  thatrequire  evacuation  and/or sheltering    ofthe    public.
a    Response      toa scenario      thatbegins with a Site  AreaEmergency        orGeneral Emergency,      or  escalates  rapidly (within 30  minutes)  toa  Site  Area  Emergency orGeneral      Emergency.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE92OF383 e  Thesuccessful    simulated    repair ofsimulated  damaged    equipment  toprevent or mitigate  core damage,    reactor  pressure boundary and/or loss,      containment    loss.
          =  Demonstration of    the  ability  tomitigate  anaccident  caused byhostile    action or other            through initiators,          the  simulated  useofequipment. procedures,  and strategies developed    incompliance    with  10CFR50.54(hh)(    1)and10CFR 50.155.
AllPVNGS      EROteams(not        necessarily  each individual) shallbeprovided    the opportunity    todevelop  andmaintain      keyemergency    response  skills within  the scope  oftheir duties during    each  exercise cycle.Additionally, the ERO(not necessarily  each ERO team)      shall  beprovided    opportunity the            todemonstrate  key skills inresponseto the following scenario        elements  indrillsorexercises    during each  exercise  cycle.Drills areconsidered tobeperformance-enhancing experiences drills, functional drills, (exercises,                            tabletop drills, mini-drills,      that etc.)
reasonably    simulate the  interactions  between appropriate  ERFsand/or    individuals that would    beexpected  tooccur during emergencies.
a  Allfunctions    ineach  ERF(e.g.,  all ERFs that are responsible for  dose assessment    perform  those  duties  inresponse toa radiologicalrelease).
a  Useofalternative    facilities  tostage theERO forrapid    activation during  hostile action.
a  Real-time    staffingoffacilities    during off-hours(i.e.. 6:00 p.m.to4:00    a.m.).
Somedrills    orexercises    should  beunannounced.
* Providing    medical care    for  injured.contaminated  personnel (every twoyears).
* Response    toessentially    I00percent    ofinitiating conditions identitled    inthesite emergency    plan implementing      procedure  forclassification ofemergencies.
e  Response    toactual  industry    event  sequences appropriate  forthe  nuclear plant technology    (e.g.,BWRorPWR).
a  Alllicensee    EROteamsmustbeprovided            theopportunity  todemonstrate key skills  within the scope  oftheir  duties.
          =  Useofprocedures      developed      inresponse  toanaircraft  threatandin compliance    with  10CFR50.54(hh)(        I).
* Useofthe    strategies  associated  with  10CFR50.155    tomitigate  spent  fuelpool damage    scenarios  (all strategies,  such  asmakeup,  spray, andleakage    control, but  notevery    variation  ofagiven    strategy).
          =  Useofthe    strategies  associated  with  10CFR 50.155    tomitigate  reactor accidents  andmaintain    containment    (7strategies for pressurized  water  reactors, but  notevery    variation  ofagiven    strategy).
Following    exercises anddrills,    a critiqueisheld toidentify  deficiencies,  weakness, andimprovement      opportunities. Deficiencies  andweaknesses  willbecorrected    and
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE93OF383 improvement      opportunities  will beincorporated      asdeemed    appropriate  bythe Emergency      Preparedness    Manager. Critiques  shall  usethe  Palo  Verde  Condition Reporting    process  for  capturing  items  identified  during  drillsandexercises.
Remedial    exercises    will berequired    ifthe emergency    plan isnotsatisfactorily tested  duringthe    biennial  exercise,  such that NRC, inconsultation      with  FEMA, cannot    ilndreasonable    assurance    that adequate  protective measures    canbetaken    in the  event  ofa radiological emergency.        Theextent    ofstate andcounty    participation inremedial    exercises    mustbesufficient    toshow    that appropriate  corrective measures    have  been  taken  regarding  the elements    ofthe plan  notproperly    testedin the  previous  exercise.
8.I.3DRIIIS Drills  for the emergency    organization    areconducted    periodically  totest  response andfamiliarity    with  implementing    procedures  and  methods,  totest  emergency equipment,    andtoensure      that members of    the emergencyorganization      arefamiliar with  their  duties anddevelop    andmaintain keyskills.
Instructional    emergency    drillsareconducted as scheduled, with        emphasis    placed upon    orderly  implementation      ofactivities  prescribed within the    Emergency      Plan andits    implementing    procedures.
Drill  performance    iscritiqued  bythe    emergency    response organization    involved andpersonnel      acting  as drillcontrollers  who  may    offeron-the-spot  corrections  to erroneous    performance. Each  controller  is assigned  a specificarea forevaluation andreceives    written    drillinstructions. Written  evaluations  ofdrill performance are provided    toappropriate    management      personnel. Follow-up  action  isthen taken by the  responsible    Department    I.eaders  toupgrade    areas  where  shortcomings are noted:  they  report  their  progress  tothe  Emergency    Preparedness    Manager.
Following    all drills, adrill controller  critique isheld  andall  aspects  ofdrill performance      arediscussed. AII  significant  deficiencies  areincorporated    into  action items  andtasked    tothe  affected  department.
Certain    drills(i.e., fire, andmedical    emergency),    andtests  (i.e..communications andnotification),    arecoordinated      with  offsiteparticipating  agencies. The Emergency      Preparedness    Manager    hasoverall  responsibility  for  meeting  all drill requirements. Specific  tasks maybedelegated      tooperating    departments.
Communications        links  andnotification    procedures    with offsite state andcounty agencies    aretested  periodically  using  asimulated    emergency    message  transmitted offsite    forsubsequent    fan-out  alerting  bystate/county    authorities. NRC
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION69                                PAGE94OF383 communications        links  aretested  inaccordance    with  10CFR50,Appendix      E.
Communications        tests  also evaluate  the understanding      ofthecontent  ofthe messages.
Fire drills    areconducted      inaccordance  with    the Fire  ProtectionProgram  and PVNGS      UpdatedFinal      Safety  Analysis  Report    (UFSAR).
Ilealth  Physics  (IIP)  Drills areconducted    semi-annually,    andmaybeinconnection with    exercises orEnvironmental        Monitoring    Drills. These drillsinvolve response to,and    analysis of,    simulated elevated  radioactivity    inairborne samples  anddirect radiation    measurements      inthe  plant.
Medical    EmergencyDrills with        Offsite Medical    Facilitiesinvolving  treatment  ofa simulated      externally  contaminated    person  are  conducted  annually  with provision for  participation  byanoffsite ground orair        ambulance.
Environmental      Monitoring    Drills are conducted annually      forboth  onsiteand offsite  Environmental      Teampersonnel. These drills        includecollection  andanalysis ofappropriate                media, sample e.g.,            vegetation,    soil, and air, communications,    and record    keeping. Since    PVNGSislocated      in a desert area  andthere  arenonearby bodies    of  water, liquid  environmental    samples are notcollected oranalyzed        during Radiological      Monitoring    orIIealth  Physics    drills. These drillsarecoordinated    with offsite  organizations    where  appropriate.
8.I.4SCENARIOS Drill  andexercise    scenarios  arewritten  toallow    acertain amount of free play  for decision    making. Controllers    areinstructed    atpre-drill  andpre-exercise briefings astowhich      portions    ofthe  scenario  permit  free  play  andwhich  portions require strong    controller  management.      TheEmergency        Preparedness  Manager  is responsible    for overall  drill andexercise    control.
ORGANizATIONFORMAINTAININGEMERGENCYPREPAREDNESS 8.2 TheExecutive    Vice  President    Nuclear  & Chief  Nuclear    Of11cer hasoverall  responsibility andauthority  for allnuclear    activities, including  emergency      response planning. The Emergency    Preparedness    Manager    has  been assigned    the  responsibilitytodevelop  and maintain a coordinated    PVNGS,Iederal,        State, andlocal    government  emergency preparedness  program. TheEmergency        Preparedness    Manager  participates  inmeetings, seminars,andconferences        that areaimed    atmaintaining    acurrent  andaccurate  Emergency andcurrent Plan,              knowledge      ofregulations  andguidelines.      TheEmergency    Preparedness Manager  isresponsible    for  the  Emergency    Plan,  andimplements      Plan revisions and updates.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN                REVISION    69                          PAGE95OF383 8.3REVIEW AND UPDATINGOF TllEEMERGENCY                                PLAN The Emergency      Plan  isreviewed      annually andupdated    asneeded. Theupdate    takes into account  changes identified      bydrills  andexercises. TheEmergency      Preparedness    Manager maintains  documentation      substantiating  the annual  review.Special  attention  isdevoted to reviewing    PVNGS/governmental          agency  interfaces, updating ofTsite  response  agreements.
maintaining effective communication          channels, and,ona quarterly    basis,  ensuring  up-to-date  contact and notification    lists. liaisonwith  state andlocal  agencies    ensures  uniform updating. Independent    audits/reviews    byindividuals  whohave    nodirect    responsibility for the  implementationof the Emergency          Preparedness    Program  areconducted      atleastonce every  24months    usingthe performance-based        option  permitted by10CFR50,Appendix Eand10CFR50.54(t),            ormore frequently whennecessary        tomeetthese      regulations.
TheEmergency      Preparedness      Manager is  responsible for  ensuring  that  EPIPs  areupdated andrevised    asnecessary.
Emergency    Plan  revisions    andchanges    are conducted    inaccordance  with  PVNGS Administrative    Policies    andProcedures. Plan changes will  bereviewed      for anyreduction ineffectiveness    per10CFR50.54          (q).
Therevised    Emergency      Plan  andprocedures  are handled in  accordance    with  document control  procedures. Changes      tothe  Emergency  Plan  andprocedures areapproved        bythe Emergency    Preparedness      Manager,    ordesignated  alternate, a nd  transmitted    tothe Executive    Vice  President    Nuclear    andChief  Nuclear  Ofilecr,and to the    OffsiteSafety Review    Committee. Changes    tothe  Emergency  Plan  shallbesubmitted tothe      NRCwithin 30days    ofsuch  changes.
8.4MAINTENANCEAND INVENTORYOF EMERGENCYEQUIPMENT                                              AND SUPPl,1ES Quarterly  inspections  ofthe    operational readiness  ofemergency    equipment    andsupplies areconducted    byPVNGS.Deficiencies          noted during  inspections  arecorrected. Theuseof inspection  procedures    with  checklists  andfollow-up    actions ensures  that  equipment  is ready  foruse. Sufficient  reserves  ofinstruments/equipment    aremaintained      toreplace those  undergoing  calibration    orrepair. Calibration  ofequipment    isconducted    atintervals setforth  inthe  UFSAR.Inaddition,          planned useofcommunications.        first aid, firefighting, andradiation    measuring    equipment    during scheduled  drills further  ensures  the availability andoperability    ofemergency        equipment.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN                REVISION    69                        PAGE96OF383 9.0  RECOVERY Recovery    operations  include    long    termpost-emergency    efforts thatfollow a major  incident.
These operations are    performed      bystation  personnel,  contract expertsandspecialists,  and qualified engineers under      the direction  ofthe recovery  organization. Post-accident  recovery actions  aredesigned toidentify        the  extentofplant damage. prepare  specific plans  and programs    forstation repairand      restoration, implement    recovery  plansandprograms,    and return  the plant  to a normal operating status.
Thefollowing    plant  status  conditions    serveasgeneral    guidelines fordecisions  onthe  initiation ofpost-emergency      recovery    efforts:
a  Radiation  levels  arestable    ordecreasing with  time
* Releases  ofradioactive      materials to the environment    have  ceased orarecontrolled    within permissible    license  limits
* Fire  orsimilar  emergency      conditions  nolonger constitute a hazard  tothe  plant orstation personnel a  Measures    have  been    successfully            tocorrect orcompensate instituted                          tormalfunctioning equipment.
Based  onconsideration      ofthese  criteria,aswell  asother  pertinent items,the  EODdetermines whentoactivate      the  recovery    organization. Manpower    andequipment resources supporting the individual  functional    segments    oftherecovery organization    may vary according tothe severity  ofdamage    andspecille      situational needs.
Intering  into recovery    will notnecessarily    resultinde-escalation    ofthe emergency classification  inthat,  the  loss ofa tission  product barrier maynotberecoverable until recovery  iscomplete. Entering    into  recoverydenotes  the plant isstable andfurther degradation  isunlikely.      Repair  andrestoration  ofplant  systems  willbeneeded  tofully  exit the recovery  phase.
9.1RECOVERYORGANIzATION Theresponsibilities      andfunctions    ofthe Recovery    Organization  Managers  are summarized      asfollows:
* TheRecovery      Manager    has  overallcorporate  responsibility for restoring  thestation to a normal  operating    configuration.
* TheStation    Operations      Manager  manages  day-to-day  inplantoperations  and, during recovery,  isresponsible      for  ensuringthat repairs andmodifications    optimize  post-recovery  plant  operational      effectivenessandsafety.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PIAN            REVISION69                                PAGE97OF383
* TheNuclear        Support    Manager    ll>cusesnecessary  engineering,  design,  andconstruction resources onthose          aspects ofplant    recovery  requiring  redesign,  modification,    ornew construction;      directs  andcoordinates    NSSSandBalance-of-        Plant  (BOP)    engineering and construction/repair        work.
* The Radiological          Services Manager    develops  plans andprocedures    toprocess    and control liquid. gaseous,        andsolid  wastes  tominimize    adverse effects  onthe    health and safety of the public and        station  recovery personnel. In addition, the Radiological Services Manager coordinates the            activitiesofstaff  Radiological  Engineers    and radiation      protection  personnel engaged    inwastetreatment      operations.
* TheTechnicalSupport Manager provides                analyses,  plans,  schedules, andprocedures indirect      support  of plant operations.
* TheQuality        Assurance Manager assures      that  the overall  conduct  ofrecovery operations      ispertl)rmed  in accordance with    corporate  policyandrules  andregulations governing      activities  which  affect public health    andsafety.
* ThePlanning/Scheduling            Manager prepares plans      andschedules,    andtracks/expedites recovery      operations.
* TheAdministrative/I.ogistics          Managersupplies administrative.      logistic, communications,          andpersonnel    support il)r the recovery operation.
* PVNGSCommunications              coordinates  the  flowof media information concerning recovery      operations.
9.2RECOVERYEXPOSURE                    CONTROI, TheRecovery        Manager,    via the Recovery  Organization,    isresponsible for  evaluating the advisability    of initiating  recovery  andreentry. Infl)rmation  onexisting  conditions, interviews    with  employees    evacuated    duringthe  emergency,  regulatoryexposure guidelines,    andcounsel      from  recognized  experts  are u sed t oII)rmulatedecisions onreentry andrecovery.
During  recovery      operations,  actions  arepreplanned    tolimit  exposures. Access      toareas is controlled    andexposure      topersonnel  documented. Estimates  oftotal population    dose  are available  if anyreleases    arerequired    oroccur  during  recovery  operations.
9.3RE-ENTRY Ifa site evacuation      isordered,  re-entry  tothe site  iscontrolled  inaccordance    with established    procedures. Respiratory  protection  equipment,    protective clothing,    andthyroid blocking  agent    aremaintained    onsite  it)rthe useofindividuals    remaining  orarriving onsite beft)re,    during,  orafter the  emergency.
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE98OF383 10.0 AGREEMENT                LETTERS This section    lists the entities with which  written agreements aremaintained    referring tothe concept  ofoperations developed        between    Federal,    andlocal State,        agencies    andother  support organizations      having anemergency      response    role withinthe EPX. Written  agreements    are maintained in the files    ofthe  Emergency    Preparedness Department. Thebasis  ofthe agreements    listed  below:
* 1,etter  ofAgreement      from National      Weather  Service (NWS),Weather        Forecast Office  (WFO)
TheNWSprovides          general weather forecasts,        weather severe        andnood      warnings, transport  anddispersion    plume forecasts,    andlocalizedweather  il>recasts. TheNWSalso provides    broadcasts  oftonealarmed andencoded      public emergency    messages    onNOAA Weather    Radio. ifavailable,  a meteorologist will bedetailed tothe  Arizona    Emergency Operations    Center  (EOC)    orMaricopa County EOCorthe      PV EOfandWFOPhoenix will coordinate    with  Department  ofEnergy meteorologists assigned    tothe  Federal Radiological    Monitoring    Assessment    Center (FRMAC) tosupport    the  state, county  and PVNGSemergency          efforts.
* Letter  ofAgreement      fromInstitute    ofNuclear  Power Operations      (INPO)
Coordinates      technical information  from    PVtothenuclear industry and    government agencies,    coordinates  the procurement    andshippingofequipment andsupplies,locates personnel    with technical  expertise. facilitatesindustryvendor and commercial      supplier support,  obtains  technical  information    andoperatingexperience  on plant components    and systems,    andprovides    anINPOliaison      tofacilitate interface.
* Westinghouse      Electric  Company,    11C Emergency    Response    Plan,  Revision  6 Westinghouse      Electric Company    IIC Emergency    Response  Plan  outlines how Westinghouse      will respond  should  PVNGSrequest    theirsupport  during  anemergency.
* Ietter  ofAgreement      fromBanner      IIealth Banner  Health    isanonprofit    corporation    that operatesBanner  Istrella  Medical    Center (Bil/BEMC)      and  Banner  University  Medical  CenterPhoenix  (Bil/BUMCP).      Under  the agreement      with Banner  IIealth, Bll/BEMC    andBll/BUMCP    provide  hospital  treatment for victims    ofradiological    andhazardous    materials incidentsincluding    contaminated individuals    from  PVNGS, maintains      response capacity asasupport  facility,  andmakes appropriate    personnel  available  for training andparticipation inmedical    drills  and exercises.
* Letter  ofAgreement      fromCity    ofPhoenix    FireDepartment Provides    fire suppression,    Emergency    MedicalServices (EMS),  Ilazardous  Materials (llAzMAT)        andother  technical  services  whenrequested attheir discretion  andmaintains
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION69                                PAGE99OF383 a contingency inplace        toprovide  services  for  >24hours    ifnecessary.Phoenix  Fire Department    coordinates      the  valley-wide  Fire  Department  Automatic  AidAgreement.
* 1etter  ofAgreement fromAirEvaeair                  ambulance    service AirEvac    provides    transportation for  victims  ofradiological  materialsaccidents including contaminated    individuals    andmakes    appropriate    personnel  availablefor trainingand participation in medical      drillsandexercises.
* Ietter  ofAgreement          from  Native  air ambulance      service Native  American      AirAmbulance provides          transportation  for victimsofradiological materials  accidents    including  contaminated    individuals  andmakes  appropriate personnel available  fortraining    andparticipation inmedical        drillsandexercises.
a Ietter  ofAgreement          fromTonopah      Valley    Fire  District Tonopah    Valley    Fire  District  providesback-up fire      protection,haz-mat decontamination assistance,  masscasualty        Emergency    Medical System (EMS),      wildland firesuppression andtechnical    rescue    assistance  toPVNGS.      The initial response includes a Basic Life Support  (BLS)    fire  engine  and/or  a BLSsquad      with atleast2 persons. Tonopah  also allows  storage  ofPVNGSfirefighting          resources  atTonopah fire  station341
* Ietter  oftnderstanding          fromSalt  River    Project SRPagrees    tohave      SRPpersonnel    assigned    tothe  PVswitchyard for>5days    site access training andprovide        SRPemployees      with  site evacuation  andemergency planning info.
10.1OFFSITEEMERGENCYRESPONSE                            PLAN FORPALOVERDE NUCLEAR GENERATINGSTATION Inaddition  tothe    support    outlined  inthe  Letters  ofAgreement,    theOffsite Emergency Response    Plan  for  Palo  Verde  Nuclear  Generating    Stationprovides forthe following support  functions    for  PVNGSinthe      event  ofanemergency      fromthe indicated agencies.
Also,  mutual  aid  compacts      andagreements      between    theStateandother  government  and private  entities  dellned    inthe  Offsite  Emergency      Response  Plan multiply theresources available  toPVNGSin          anemergency.
10.I.1  TheMaricopa          County  Sheriff's  Office  (MCSO)    performs  thefollowing:
Emergency      Public  Warning:
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE100OF383 Wheninitial  notilleation  is a Site  Area Emergency  orGeneral  Emergency.
a  Warning    message    preparation a  Activation  ofsiren  system
* Dissemination    ofwarning    using  theEASand/or  Media Alert System a  Implementation      ofprotective    actions  required if
* Backup  Route    AlertingbyMCSOresponse        vehicles Denial ofentry  into evacuated    areas  andpatrolevacuated  areas todetermine effectiveness.
Control ofevacuee    and access trafficoncounty    andfilrm  roads isthe  responsibility ofMCSO, which      coordinates  with Arizona Department    ofPublic  Safety    (AXDPS) it)r trafflemovementfrom        county/farm    roads tostate  highways andtoInterstate-MCSOwill
: 10.            provide    securitywithin the  evacuated area.
Based onthe  location  ofthe  Reception and Care Center(s) (RCC),    MCSO,A7 DPSorlocal    jurisdiction  lawenforcement will provide RCCsecurity        andcrowd controlasnecessary.
MCSOorlocal      lawenli>rcement      will provide temporary  impound security      for contaminated  vehicles  andpersonal    effects while theRCC is  operational.
MCSOwill    transport    Kltodesignated      ReceptionandCareCenters.
MCSOandA7 DPSmayassist              the  A7 Department  ofAgriculture in  enfl)rcing produce andfood    project  check  points  andembargos.
MCSOconducts      "just-in-time"  radiological training  andprovides equipment li>r alternatepersonnel    prior  tobeing    deployedinresponse  toa Ilostile Action    Based event.
MCSOprovides      coordinated    onsite/offsitedirection andcontrol  inaccordance      with theMaricopa    County    Emergency      OperationsPlan (EOP). TheEOPauthorizes        the Sherifftorequest    assistance  whenanincident    isbeyond  theability ofthe    Ofilee  to resolve andworks    under  the Incident  Command  System  (ICS) whenresponding        to PVNGS1lostile    Action    Based  (IIAB)  incidents.
MCSOisresponsible        li>rthe  initial andon-going assessment  ofthe  situation  to determine  ifterrorism    isinvolved    orresponsible ti>rtheIIABincident. 1fandwhen thisdetermination    ismade. the Federal  Bureau ofInvestigation  (FBI)  will  be notified.
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PIAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE101OF383 DPSprovides 10.I.2                traffic  controlon portions      ofevacuation      routes    comprising      state highways    andmaintains      denial ofreentry      into evacuated      areas.
MCSO andA7 DPSwill          jointlycoordinate    access  tothe    boundaries    ofthe evacuated  area  based  onwhether  the  access  points  areoncounty/farm          roads or state highways orInterstate-10.
TheAz DPS RemoteMobile          Investigation    Unit  (RMU)      canworkincontaminated areas  and is available  for24-hour  use.
10.I.3 TheState    ofArizona    provides  thefollowing      support    toPVNGSinan emergency:
Monitoring  ofevacuees for possible      radioactive  contamination      andsupervision      and monitoring  ofanydecontamination        effort.
Requests  for andcoordination  of  federal  technical support.
Exchanges    field  data andaccident  assessment    information    with    PVNGSfrom        Field Monitors.
Anyelassification      ornotificationmayrequiregovernmental orprivate                sector emergency    organizations  tocommit    resources  onsite at the    requestof    the  Ilicility.
Emergency    resources  may include,  but  arenotlimited law to,      enforcement, firefighting. medical    supportandground      orair  services.Assistance maybe requested  from  other  stategovernments    andprivate    sector  resources    instates adjoining  Arizona. Theseresources  mayinclude      medical    capabilities,    emergency response  equipment,    andemergency    response  personnel. TheState Emergency Operations  Center    PolicyChief (EOC    PC)  orTechnical      Operations    Director (TOD)    will initiate  requests.
TheArizona    Department    ofIIealth  Services  (AzDIIS)    provides      for collectionand analysis  ofdata  from  the plant,field  radiation  surveys  andsample        collection.
A7DIIS    representatives  shareinformation      with EOfstaff      regarding    fleld  team locations,  11eld data  andprotective  action  decisions  andcollects      data  toassess    the accident. project  dose  andproject  plume.
AzDIISAeld      monitors  conduct radiation    surveys  todetermine      ambient    radiation levels, track the  plume  andcollect  environmental      andfoodstuff      samples    for analysis  anddispatches    a mobile laboratory    toBuckeye      Airport  during  the emergency    (plume)    phase forrapid  evaluation    ofair  samples.
DEMAcoordinates        thecollection, analysis  anddissemination        ofinformation during  anincident    atPVNGS. This  process    isconducted      inconsort    with  the
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION69                                  PAGE102      OF383 PVNGS,MCDEM, AzDIIS                  andother    federal    state,      Tribal local,      Nation  and volunteer  agencies.
ForIIABincidents      where    Offsite    Response    Organizations  (ORO)  receive pre-incident  intelligenceinformation,        applicable  OROswill      contact thePVNGS Security Central    Alarm    Station    orSecurity    Director.
General  response  capabilitiesfor      a IIABincident        areasfollows:
a    PVNGS:    Armory;    pre-established      unit  locations:  personnel a    MCSO:SWAT        Teams;      armored    vehicles;    personnel
              =    A7 DPS:    SWAT    Teams;      armament asnecessary;          helicopterandExed  wing aircraft e    National  Guard/  Military:    ground forces    andaircraft  asnecessary a    AzDIIS    conducts  "just-in-time"      radiological    training andprovides  equipment for alternate personnel      prior  to being deployed in      response  toa HAB incident.
10.I.4Maricopa    County    provides      thefollowing      support:
* Emergency    Public  Warning a    Warning  message    preparation e    Activation  ofsiren    systems a    Dissemination    ofEASwarning          messages
* Provides  direction  andcontrol      for  county  level  activities
* Installation  ofevacuation      route  signs  oncounty      andfarm  roads and installation ofbarricades  andsigns      for  entry  control  ofevacuated    areas.
a    Coordinates    RCCoperations        andregisters    evacuees.
* Thecounty    directs thyroid    protection  operations    for county  emergency workers.
11.0  REFERENCED          INTERFACINGEMERGENCYPLANS e      ofArizona/Maricopa State                      County    Offsite  Emergency      Response    PlanPVNGS e  National Response    Framework,    Third    Edition
PVNGS        EMERGENCY                                PlAN                                                                  REVISION69                                                                                                                                PAGE103OF383 12.0 MAPS 1
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15.1  DOSEASSESSMENT          MODEl, PVNGSuses  asite-specific    versionoftheURIdose assessment computer software. The TheURIsoftware    meetsthe    requirementsofNURIG 0654,Appendix    2,anduses a straight-line Gaussian    model    nearthe    point release  andthe 1.agrangian-Gaussian model lorfurther distances. Calculations  canbeperformedusing multiple  releasepoints or accident types  from  multiple    units.
PVNGS EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION69                                  PAGEI1IOF383 Fuel  inventory  isbased    onthe  isotopes  recommended      inNUREG1228        Source  Term Estimation  During    Incident    Response  toSevere    Nuclear  Power    PlantAccidents  andthe light water  reactor  core  isotope  specific  inventories    inNUREG1940        RASCAl4:
Description  ofModels      andMethods,      adjusted  for the site-specitle  core thermal  power.
Dose conversion      factors  arebased    onICRP26/30        except  that thyroid doses  are adjusted tochild CDE Thyroid doses.
TheURIdose      assessment      software  isdesigned    to:
* Estimate  source  terms    based  onhigh    range  Containment      radiation monitors,  effluent process  radiation    monitors,    andsteamline      radiation  monitors  under  anticipated accident  conditions.
a  Estimate  source  termsusing alternate monitors          ordefault  values whenthe    primary instruments    areoff-scaleor inoperable.
      =  Estimate  source    terms    based  on grab sample results      andback-calculation    using  field monitoring    teamdata.
a  Estimate  atmospheric      effluent  transport and diffusion    during  andimmediately following  anaccidental      airborne  radioactive  release using    actualorestimated meteorology.
a  Adjust  atmospheric      diffusion  rates  based  onatmospheric stability.
* Report  plume    dimensions,    position,  andPlume      Exposure Duration    (Release  duration
          + Plume  travel  time).
* Calculate  TEDE,Child        Thyroid  Committed    Dose  Equivalent,  committed  EDEfrom inhalation,  external    EDEdue      toplume    exposure. andexposure to ground deposition atvarious  downwind      locations.
a  Calculate  deposition    dose  estimates  atvarious    downwind    locations at 96 hours.
      =  Report  maximum        peak  exposure  rate  andcommitted      dose  atthe Site Boundary,  2 miles,  5miles,    and10miles      for TEDE.Child      Thyroid  Committed    Dose  Equivalent, external  EDE,and      ground    deposition.
* Report  effluent  release    rate data  andplume    ground  level  airborne concentration.
e  URIprovides      graphical      representation  ofexceeded    PAGsingiven      sectors based  on radiological  data. Actual    Protective  Action  Recommendations      arederived  from Emergency      Plan  Implementing      Procedures.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION69              PAGE112OF383 16.0 CROSS        REFERENCE TO NUREG0654 Cross reference  between    NUREG-0654      andthePaloVerde Nuclear    Station (ienerating Emergency    Plan.
A.        Assignment    ofResponsibility(Organization    Control)
A.l.a Section 4.2,4.3,        4.4,  4.5.
4.6 A.1.b Section 4.0 A.1.e Figure      1,2, 3, 4,5,6,7 A.1.d Section    4.2.1  1,, A.1.eSection      4.2.1,  Figure 9, Table 1 A.2.a N/A A.2.b N/A A.3 Section        10.0. 10.1 A.4 Section      4.2,,    Table 1 B.        Onsite  Emergency        Organization B.1 Section      4.l. 4.2 B.2 Section      4.2.1  1 B.3 Section      4.2.1  1,, B.4 Section,, B.5 Section      4.2, Figure      1,2,3,4,5,Table 1 B.6 Section      4.2, 4.3,  4.4,  Figure1,2,3,4,5,6 B.7 Section      4.2.
B.7.a Section,, B.7.b Section    9 B.7.c Section B.7.dSection      4.2.5,  18.1, B.8 Section      4.5, 4.6& 10.0 B.9 Section      4.3.1,  6.8.3,    6.8.4,10.0 C.        Emergency    Response      Support andResources C.l.a Section    4.2.1  1,, C.l.bSection      4.4.3 C.1.c Section    7.1 & 7.2,    Table  3 C.2.a N/A C.2.b Section
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      PlAN            REVISION69        PAGE113OF383 C.3    Section C.4    Section  4.5,4.6, 10.0 D.      Emergency    Classification  System D.1    Appendix  A D.2    Appendix  A D.3    N/A D.4    N/A E.      Notification  Methods    andProcedures E.1    Section  6.3,Figure  8, 9 E.2    Section  4.2,6.4 E.3    Section  1 1,6.3 E.4 Section      1 1,, 6.3 E.4.a Section,6.3 E.4.b Section,6.3 E.4.c Section    4.4.l.3,6.3 E.4.dSection,6.3 E.4.eSection,6.3 li.4.f  Section E.4.gSection    4.4.l.3,6.3 E.4.h Section E.4.i Section,6.3 1.4.j Section,6.3 E.4.k Section    4.4.l.3.6.3 li.4.1  Section,6.3 E.4.m Section li.4.nSection li.5 N/A E.6 Section      6.7.2,7.7, 10.1  1,10.1.4 E.7 Section      10.1.1,10.1.4 F.      Emergency    Communications F.1.a Section, 7.2.19,      Figure 7.2.29,            3 8,9,Table F.1.b Section    7.2,7.2.20. 7.2.21, 7.2.22, 7.2.23Table 3
F.I.cSection    7.2,7.2.12, 7.2.13
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        Pl,AN          REVISION69    PAGE114OF383 1.1.d    Section 7.2,  Table  3 F.l.e    Section 4.2,  6.3,6.4, 7.2.31, 7.2.35 F.l.f    Section  7.2, 7.2.12, 7.2.13, 7.2.28 F.2      Section  7.2 F.3      Section  7.2. 8.1.3 G.        Public  Education    andInformation G.1      Section  18.4 G.2      Section  18.4 G.3.aSection      7.1.8, 18.2 G.3.b Section      7.1.8, 18.2 G.4.a Section,  18.3, 1igure 5 G.4.bSection,  18.3, Figure 5 G.4.c,    6.9, 18.3, Figure  5 G.5 18.4 II. Emergency          Facilities andEquipment 11.1 Section      7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5 11.2 Section      7.1.6 II.3 N/A 11.4 Section      6.3, 6.4,Table  1 H.5.a Section      7.3.1  1 11.5.b    Section, 11.5.cSection II.5.d    Section II.6.aSection 11.6.bSection      7.3.2 I-1.6.c  Section H.7 Section        7.3.2 11.8 Section      6.5.2, 7.3.I.1 II.9 Section      7.1.4, 7.4, 14.0 11.10Section      8.4 II.1  1 Section    14.0 11.12 Section,,        6.5.2,,  7.1.6 1.Accident  Assessment
PVNGS      EMERGENCY      PlAN        REVISION69              PAGE115OF383 1.1      Appendix  A I.2      Section, 1.3.a    Section 15.0 1.3.b    Section 15.0 I.4 Section 15.0 I.5 Section, 6.5.2,    7.11,7.1.3, 7.1.5,      1,, 7.3.1 7.1.6,        7.3.l.9 1.6 Section      15.0 1.7 Section      6.5.2 1.8 Section      6.5.2,15.0 1.9 Section      6.5.2 I.10 Section    6.5.2,15.0 1.1 1    N/A J.      Protective  Response J.1.a Section    6.7, 7.2.33 J.1.b Section    6.7, 7.2.33 J.1.e Section    6.7.1,7.2.33 J.1.dSection    6.7.1,7.2.33 J.2 Section,12igure11 J.3      Section        6.8.2, J.4 Section            6.8.2, J.5 Section,, J.6.a Section            9.3, J.6.b Section
9.3 J.6.c Section, 9.3 J.7 Section      6.3, 6.7.2,Iigures8,9,10 J.8 Section      6.7.2 J.9 N/A J.10.aSection    6.8.2,7.3.2,Figure 11,Figure 12,Figure 15 J.10.b  Section Figure 12 J.10.cSection    7.7, Iigure 16 J.10.dN/A J.10.eN/A J.10.f  N/A
PVNGS      EMERGENCY      Pl,AN        REVISION  69 PAGE116OF383 J.10.g  N/A J.10.h  N/A J.10.i  N/A J.10.j N/A J.10.k  N/A J.10.1N/A J.10.mSection  6.7.2, J.1 1    N/A J.12 N/A K.      Radiological Exposure Control K.1.a Section  6.7,  6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.l.bSection  6.7,  6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.l.c Section  6.7,  6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.1.dSection  6.7,  6.8.2, 7.5 K.1.e Section  6.7,, 6.8.2 K.1.fSection  6.7,  6.8.3 K.l.gSection  6.7,  6.8.4, 7.5 K.2 Section    6.5.3, 6.8.1 K.3.aSection  6.5.3,,  6.81,6.7.1.S.4 K.3.bSection  6.8.1 K.4 N/A K.5.a Section  6.8.1, 6.8.2 K.5.bSection  6.8.2 K.6.a Section K.6.b Section K.6.c Section 9.0 K.7 6.8.2 I.      Medical andPublic    IIealth Support I.1 Section    6.8.2, 6.8.3,  6.8.4 l2      Section 6.8.2, 6.8.4. 7.5 I3      N/A 1.4      Section 6.8.3
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN        REVISION69          PAGE117OF383 M.      Recovery    andReentry  Planning        Operations andPost-Accident M.l    Section  9.0,    9.2, 9.1,  9.3 M.2    Section 9.1 M.3    Section 9.1 M.4    Section 9.2 N.      Exercises    and Drills N.1.a Section    8.1.2 N.1.b Section    8 1.2 N.2.a Section    8.1.3 N.2.bSection      8.1.3 N.2.c Section    8.1.3 N.2.d Section    8.1.3 N.2.e.1 Section  8.1.3 N.2.e.2 N/A N.3.a Section    8.1.2,      8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.bSection      8.1.2,      8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.cSection      8.1.2,      8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.d Section    8.1.2,      8.1.4 8 1.3, N.3.eSection      8.1.2,      8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.1 Section    8.1.2,      8.1.4 8.1.3, N.4 Section      8.1.2,      8 1.4 8.1.3, N.5 Section      8.I.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4 O.      Radiological    Emergency      Training
0.1 Section      8.11 O.1.a Section    8.1l.3 0.1.b N/A 0.2 Section      8.11,8.11.2, 0.3 Section      8.1l.2 O.4 Section      8.1l 0.4.a Section    8.1l.2 0.4.b Section    8.1l.2 0.4.c Section    8.11.2 0.4.dSection      8.1l.2
PVNGS      EMERGENCY      PlAN        REVISION69                PAGE118OF383 O.4.e    Section 8.11.2 0.4.f    Section 8.11.2 0.4.g    Section 8.1 1.3 0.4.h Section 8.1    1.2 0.4.iSection 8.11.2 O.4.jSection 8.1 L.2 0.5 Section      8.1 1 P.                                            Development, Responsibility for thePlanning Effort:        Periodic Review and Distribution  ofEmergency Plans P.1 Section      8.1l P.2 Section      8.2 P.3 Section      8.2 P.4 Section      8.3 P.5 Section      8.3 P.6 Section      11.0 P.7 Section      13.0 P.8 Section      16.0,Table ofContents P.9 Section      8.3 P.10 Section      8.3 17.0  CORPORATEEMERGENCYSUPPORT TheEODwill      requestandcoordinaterequired support.
Thepurpose  ofthis section istobriefly summarize  responsibilities, the          operation and staffingofthe PaloVerde Communications,APSExternal Communications Department andthe  JointinformationCenter    A detailed (JIC).      Joint  Information Public      Procedure is provided.
18.2  ACTIVATIONANDOPERATION Thepurpose  ofthe Palo Verde              APSExternal Communications,        Communications Department andthe  JICistoprovide information about        atPVNGStothe anemergency
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN              REVISION69                              PAGE119OF383 newsmedia  andthe  general    public. AtanUnusual    Event,  Palo Verde  Communications andAPSExternal    Communications      Department    provide  the  media  interface for the site.
AtanAlert  orhigher  classilleation  level,the  JICisactivated    andassumes    responsibility for thepublic information  function.
18.3 STAFFING    AND IOCATION Palo Verde Communications        Department  personnel  arelocated    atPVNGSandthe      APS External Communications      Departmentpersonnel      arelocated  atthe  APSCorporate IIeadquarters,400  N. 5thStreet,Phoenix,    Az.
TheJICislocated    at600 North VerradoWay,        Buckeye,    Az.TheJICstaffconsists      of APS/PVNGS    andgovernment public information andsupport              personnel. PVNGS coordinates andreleases  inti)rmation  with government authorities. Each  principal organization represented  atthe  JIC has a designated spokesperson      that  hasaccess toall necessary information. JICprocedures are designed toallow          the timely  exchange  of information amongspokespersons.
PUBlICINFORMATIONAND EDUCATION 18.4 PVNGS,DEMA, AzDHS, andMCDEMjointly                    conducts    publicinformation    seminars andmeetings  asneeded    orrequested    with local  groups within the  10-mile  EP7.Local groups maybeinvited    toparticipate    indrills andexercises to maintain emergency preparedness and  to testspecific    segments  ofemergency      plans and procedures that  are affected by,ormayaffect,      10-mile  EPzresidents.
PVNGS,along    with  State ofArizona    andMaricopa    County,    jointlyprepare and  release, public information materials    toresidents  ofthe10-mile      EP7. Using  postoffice distributionmethods  that ensure    maximum  distribution,  the public information material issentouttoresidents    within  the  10-mile EPXannually.      Thepublic    information material outlines insimple    terms,the  station's various  classifications  ofemergencies, summarizes  the emergency      plan  developed  tosafeguard    the  general public, reviews appropriateprotective  actions  including  Potassium    lodide  (KI), andidentifies  public emergency  alertstations. Theinformation    also  contains  material  onradiation,  contacts for additionalinformation  andameansfor      advising  governmental    authorities  about special needsofresidents    ofthe    EP7.
Emergency  andprotective    information  isalso  provided  tothe  transient  population within the PVNGSIO-mile      EP7. Information  isposted  insurrounding    establishments  thatmay include butisnotlimited    tolocal          businesses, stores,            schools,  churches,  post ofl1ces, truck      andrecreational stops,                    vehicle parks.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION69                                    PAGE120    OF383 An annual    media  dayis  jointly  conducted    between    PVNCiS      andOfTsiteAgencies  in order  toinform  media  personnel    with  PVNCiS emergency        preparednessandresponse, basic nuclear  power    plantoperation,      basicradiation  protection,    andthe means  to disseminate  public  emergency    information.
19.0  DEVELOPMENTAL                REFERENCES 1    10CFR50.47(B)      "Emergency    Plans"
: 2. 10CFR50.54(q), "Conditions          ofIicenses,"    Emergency        Plans
: 3. APPENDIXETO 10CFR PART 50"EmergencyPlanning                              andPreparedness  for Production  andlltilization Facilities,"
: 4. NLJRE(i      0578,TMl-2    1essonsLearned Task        Force:    Status    ReportandShort-Term Recommendations:      July, 1979
: 5. NLJRECi      0737,Clarif  icationofTMIAction        Plan Requirements:        November,  1980
: 6. 10CFR20,Standards          for Protection    againstRadiation
: 7. 10CFR50,Domestic          licensing    ofProduction  and  l!tilization    Facilities
: 8. Nl!RI    G-0654  /FEMA-REP-1,Revision            1"Criteria    for Preparation andEvaluation    of Radiological  Emergency    Response      PlansandPreparedness in Support ofNuclear        Power Plants"
: 9. NLJRE(i      0654,Supplement    3,Criteria    forPreparation    andEvaluation ofRadiological 1mergency    Response  Plans  andPreparedness      inSupport        ofNuclearPower Plants, Guidance    forProtective  Action    Strategies, November        201)  "
: 10. EPA400-R-92-001,        Manual  ofProtective    Action Guides        andProtectiveActions  for Nuclear  Incidents: October,  1991 11 Reg. Guide  1.97, Revision  2,instrumentation      for 1.ight-Water-Cooled      Nuclear  Power Plants toAssess  Plant  andEnvirons      Conditions During      andFollowing  anAccident; December,    1980 12.NllREG-0696,      Functional  Criteria    for 1mergency  Response                1981 Facilities, 13.NlJREG/CR      7002,  Criteria for  Development    ofEvacuation        TimeEstimate  Studies, published  inNovember    2011
: 14. NLJREG1394,      Emergency    Response      DataSystem  (ERDS)        Implementation, Revision 1, June  1991  andthe  relatedGeneric      Ietter9301,Emergency          ResponseData  System Test Program,  March  3,1993
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          P1AN                REVISION69                                PAGE121      OF383 15.NRCRegulatory          Issue  Summary      2005 02Clarifying    the Process    for Making    Emergency Plan  Changes,    February2005  14,
: 16. Regulatory  Guide    I.219,    Guidance    onMaking    Changes  toEmergency      Plans  forNuclear Power  Reactors.
17.NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, "Interim    StaffGuidance    -
Emergency    Planning    for  Nuclear Power Plants
: 18. NRCInformation          13ulletin    2005-02,  Emergency    Preparedness  andResponse      forSecurity Based  Events 19.Nuclear      Energy  Institute (NEl) 99-01,      Revision  6,"Methodology      for Development  of Emergency    Action    1evels,"    endorsed bythe    ll.S. Nuclear  Regulatory    Commission (NRCorthe      Commission)by letter dated          March    28,2013  (Thaggard,    M.,iJ.S. Nuclear Regulatory  Commission,        letter to Susan Perkins-Grew,    Nuclear    Energy    Institute,"ll.S.
Nuclear    Regulatory    Commission Review and ndorsementI              of NEl  99-01,  Revision6, dated  November,    2012    (TACNo.D92368)," dated            March  28,2013.    [ADAMS Accession    No.MLl2346A463J.
: 20. NRCletter      dated  September      8,2017,  PaloVerde Nuclear Generating        Station,  l!nits I,2, and3 Issuance      ofAmendments          toRevise  Emergency    Action Ievels    toa Scheme    Ilased onNuclear    Energy    institute  NEl99-01,    Revision  6 (CAC NOS.MI6803,            MF6804  and MI6805. This  letter  provided    Amendment    No.198torenewed FacilityOperating I.icense  No.NPF-41,      Amendment        No.198toRenewed        Facility Operating      I,icense No.
NPF-51    andAmendment          No.198toRenewed          FacilityOperating I.icense No.      NPF-74 for the  Palo Verde    Nuclear    Generating    Station, lJnits I,2,and    3, respectively. The amendments      consist    orchanges      tothe emergency    action level  (EAl.) scheme including the NRCapproved        Safety    Evaluation 21 10CFR50.I55,          "Mitigation      ofbeyond-design-basis      events"
PVNGS EMERGENCY      PlAN      REVISION69              OF383 PAGE122 Appendix A Classification  Guidance  andEALTechnical Basis
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              Pl,AN            REVISION  69                PAGE123 OF383 APPENDIX            A CIASSl    FICATIONGUIDANCEAND EAITECIINICAL              BASIS TABI,E    OFCONTENTS SECTION                                                                                PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE.                                                                                .3 2.0 DISCUSSION                                                                              .3 2.1 Background                                                                            .3 2.2 Fission        ProductBarriers.                                                        .4 2.3 Fission        Product  Barrier Classification  Criteria                            .4 2.4 EALOrganization                                                                        .5 2.5 Technical          Bases Information.                                                .7 2.6 Operating          ModeApplicability (ref. 4.1.6)                                    .8 3.0 GUIDANCEON MAKINGEMI?RGENCY                            CIASSlFICATIONS.                  .9 3.1 General          Considerations                                                      .9 3.2 Classification        Methodology                                                    .11
                                                                              .14 4.1 Developmental                                                                        .14 5.0 DEFINITIONS,ABBREVIATIONS                        & ACRONYMS.                          .15 5.1 Definitions          (ref.
4.11except      asnoted)                                    .15 5.2 Abbreviations/Acronyms                                                              .20 6.0 PVNGS-TO-NEl-99-01                Rev. 6,EAl,CROSS-REFERENCE                        .23 7.0 ATTACllMENTS.                                                                          .26 Attachment  I Emergency Action  1evel  Technical Bases.                      .27 Category.R.-        Abnormal    RadRelease/Rad    Effluent                          .27 Cateeory  E Independent Spent    Fuel        Installation Storage          (ISFSI)            .67 Category.t    -
Cold Shutdown    /Refueling  SystemMalfunction.                .70 Category  11 llazards andOther    Conditions Affectine PlantSafety.          108 Categoryji  -
Systems  Malfunction.                                            149 Cateeorv  F Fission Product  Barrier  Deeradation.                          198 Attachment  2 Fission Product  Barrier  Loss/PotentialIoss      andBases.
Matrix          .203 Attachment  3 Safe Operation    & Shutdown    RoomsTables  R-2& ll-2 Bases.      .256 Attachment  4 Palo Verde  Safety  System    Iist.                              .260 2of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY              PlAN                REVISION69                        PAGE124OF383 PURPOSE Thisdocument providesanexplanation                  andrationale    each filr    Emergency  Action  Ievel  (EAl  )
includedin the EAL Upgrade              Project  fl>rPalo Verde  NuclearGenerating  Station (PVNGS).
Decision-makers    responsible        for  implementation    ofEP-0901, Classifications, mayusethis document    asa technical reference insupport            ofEAl interpretation. This information  mayassist the Emergency    Coordinator      inmaking classifications,particularly      those  involvingjudgment    ormultiple events. Thebasis    inti)rmation      mayalso    beuseful  intraining andfor  explaining event  classifications tooffsite  officials.
Theexpectation    isthat    emergency classifleations        aretobemadeassoonasconditions        arepresent andrecognizable      for  the c lassitleation,    butwithin15minutes  orless  inallcases  ofconditions present. Useofthis      document      for  assistance is notintended todelay  theemergency  classification.
Because    the infl)rmation    ina basis    document can affect emergency classillcation  decision-making (e.g.. the Emergency      Coordinator      refers  toitduring anevent), the NRCstaff  expects  that changesto the basis  document    will  beevaluated        inaccordance with the provisions of10CFR50.54(q).
===2.1 Background===
EAlsarethe      plant-specille      indications,    conditions orinstrument readngs that areutilized    to classify  emergency    conditions      defined    inthePVNGSEmergency      Plan.
In1992,    the NRCendorsed          NUMARC/NESP-007,            Methodology  forDevelopment  oflimergency Action  I.evels.asanalternative          toNUREG-0654        EAlguidance.
NEl99-01    (NUMARC/NESP-007),                Revisions  4 and5,were  subsequently  issued flarindustry implementation. Enhancements          over  earlierrevisions included:
a  Consolidating        the  system    malfunction  initiating conditions  andexample  emergency action  levels  which    address    conditions thatmaybepostulated  tooccur  during  plant shutdown      conditions.
* Initiating    conditions    andexample    emergency  actionlevels that fullyaddress  conditions that maybepostulated            tooccur  atpermanently  Defueled  StationsandIndependent    Spent Fuel  Storage    Installations    (ISFSls).
a  Simplifying    the    flssion  product  barrier EAlthreshold  fora Site Area Emergency.
Subsequently. Revision    6ofNEl99-01            incorporated resolutions tonumerous    implementation    issues including  the NRCl?Al        Frequently      Asked  Questions  (FAQs). Using  NEl99-01,  Revision  6, 3of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE125      OF383 Methodology    for the  Development    ofEmergency    Action  Levels  for Non-Passive    Reactors, November    2012  (ref. 4.1.1 L PVNGSconducted        anEAL implementation        upgrade  project  that produced  the EAl.sdiscussed      herein.
2.2 Fission    Product    Barriers Fission  product  barrier thresholds    represent  threats tothe defense  indepth    design  concept  that precludes  the releaseof radioactive      fission products  tothe environment. This  concept  relies on multiple  physical  barriers, any oneofwhich.        ifmaintained  intact, precludes    the release  of significant  amountsofradioactive fission products        tothe environment.
Manyofthe    EAlsderived      from  the NEl methodology      arefission  product    barrier threshold  based.
That  is,the conditions  that define  the EAl sarebased    uponthresholds    that  represent  the lossor potential loss ofoneormoreofthe          three 11ssion product barriers.  "I.oss"  and"Potential    I.oss" signify  the relative damage    andthreat  ofdamage tothe    barrier. A "Ioss"    threshold    means  the barrier nolonger  assures  containment    ofradioactive materials. A "Potential      Loss"  threshold  implies anincreased  probability  ofbarrier    lossanddecreased certainty ofmaintaining          thebarrier.
Theprimary    Assion    product barriers  are:
A. Fuel  ClaEl'C.J. TheFCBarrier      consists  ofthe cladding  material  that contains  the fuel pellets.
B. W                                    TheRCSBarrier      includes the    RCS  primary  side andits connections  uptoandincluding        the pressurizer safety  andrelief valves    andother connections  up  to and  including the  primary  isolation  valves.
C.ContainmenUC).M            D TheCTMTBarrier        includes  the  containment    building and connections  uptoandincluding        the outermost containment    isolation  valves. This barrier alsoincludes  the main    steam,  feedwater  andblowdown      lineextensions    outsidethe containment  building    uptoandincluding      theoutermost    secondary    side  isolationvalve.
Containment    Barrier  thresholds  areused  ascriteria for  escalation  ofthe  emergency classification  level (ECL)    from  Alert toa Site AreaEmergency        ora General  limergency 2.3 Fission    Product    Barrier    Classification  Criteria Thefollowing    criteria  arethe  bases  forevent  classificationrelated  tofission  product    barrier loss  or potential loss:
Anyloss  oranypotential    loss  ofeither  Fuel  Clad  orRCSbarrier 4 of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION69                                  PAGE126        OF383 Site Area Emereeney Ioss or  potential  loss  ofanytwobarriers LL11eraLEnggg11c1 I.oss ofanytwo      barriers  andloss orpotential  loss ofthe  third  barrier 2.4 EAL Organization ThePVNGSEAIschemeincludes the                following  features:
* Division    ofthe    EALsetinto  three  broad groups:
o EALsapplicable      undera.ny  plant operating  modesThis  -
group  would      bereviewed bythe  EAL-useranytimeemergency        classification is      considered.
o EAl.s      applicableonlyunder    hotoperating modesThis    -
group  would    only be reviewed  bytheEAL-user    whenthe plant isin1 Power-Operation,    2 Startup, 3 -
IlotStandby  or4 Ilot Shutdown  mode.
o IAl.s      applicableonly  under  cold operating  modes        -
Thisgroup  would    only be reviewed  bytheEAI-user    whenthe  plant  isin5    -
Cold Shutdown,      6 Refueling or Defueled  mode.
Thepurpose    ofthe  groups  istoavoid  review  ofhot condition    EAI.s    when the plant is    ina cold condition  andavoid      review ofcold  condition  EAlswhenthe        plant      isina hot condition. This approach  significantly    minimizesthe  totalnumber  ofEAlsthat        mustbereviewed bythe          userfor a given  plant condition,    reduces user  reading  burden thereby, and,                facilitatestimelyidentification of the EAl. that  applies  tothe emergency.
* Within    each  group. assignment  ofEALstocategories      andsubcategories:
Category  andsubcategory      titles areselected    torepresent  conditions        thatare operationally significant  tothe  EAI.-user. ThePVNGSEAI categories          arealigned        toand  represent    theNII99-01"Recognition      Categories."  Subcategories  are used  inthe  PVNGSscheme          asnecessary    tofurther divide  the EAIsofa category      into  logical sets ofpossible  emergency        classification  thresholds. The PVNGSEAl.        categories  andsubcategories  arelisted below.
PVNGS      EMERGENCY      PlAN        REVISION69                      PAGE127OF383 EAL Groups, Categories andSubcategories EAlGroup/Category                            EAl Subcategory M
R Abnormal Rad Levels/Rad  liffluent 1 Radiological Eftluent 2 Irradiated FuelEvent 3 Area Radiation Levels II Ilazards andOtherConditions  Affecting  1 Security Plant  Safety                              2 Seismic Event 3 Natural orTechnological  Ilazard 4 -
Fire 5 -
IlazardousGas 6 -
ControlRoomEvacuation 7 -
EmergencyCoordinator    .ludgment E ISFSI 1 Confinement Boundary HotConditions:
S System Malfunction                      1 Ioss ofEmergency AC Power 2 Ioss of Vital DCPower 3 Iossof Control RoomIndications 4 RCSActivity 5 RCSIeakage 6 RPSFailure 7 IossofCommunications 8 Containment Failure 9 Ilazardous EventAffecting  Safety Systems F 1ission ProductBarrier Degradation None ColdConditions:
C Cold Shutdown/Refueling  System        1 RCSLevel Malfunction                                  2 IossofEmergency AC Power 3 RCSTemperature 4 Loss ofVital DCPower 5 Loss ofCommunications 6 Ilazardous EventAffecting  Safety Systems Theprimary    tool fordetermining  the emergencyclassification  isthe level    l?Al. Classification Matrix. Theuserofthe 1Al. Classification  may(but Matrix        isnotrequiredto)  consultthel?Al.
Technical  BasesDocument  inordertoobtainadditional informationconcerning  the EAlsunder classificationconsideration. Theusershould consult Section 3.0 andAttachments  1& 2ofthis document    forsuchinformation.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION69                          PAGE128    OF383 2.5  Technical  Bases    Information EAltechnical bases      are providedinAttachment    1for each  EAIaccording  (Any, Ilot,Cold), EAl    eategory (R, C,1I, S,E andF)    andEAlsubcategory. A summary explanation  of each category and subcategory    isgiven  atthe beginning  ofthe technical basesdiscussions ofthe EALsincludedin the category. Foreach      EAL,the  following  information isprovided:
CatWD'1stlerA        [ille W
initiating.conditiotula Site-specille description  ofthegeneric IC given  inNEl99-01. Rev. 6.
M Each  EAL is    assigned  a unique        tosupport accurate communication ofthe identifier                                        emergency classification  toonsite  andoffsite personnel. Fourcharacters define  eachEAL identifier:
1 First  character        Corresponds (letter):          tothe  EAIcategory asdescribedabove    (R,C,II,    S,E orF) 2.Second    character  (letter):
Theemergency    elassification(G,  S,A orU)
G = General    Emergency S= Site  AreaEmergency A = Alert U = Unusual    Event 3.Third    character          Subcategory (number):              number  within the  givencategory.
Subcategories  are sequentially  numbered  beginning  with  the number  one(1). If        does acategory    nothave a subcategory,    thischaracter isassigned  thenumber    one(1).
: 4. Fourth    character  (number):Thenumerical    sequence  ofthe  EAL withintheEAL subcategory. Ifthe subcategoryhas only  oneEAL, it  isgiven  the number one(1).
W Unusual  Event  (U). Alert    Site (A),    AreaEmergency    (S) orGeneral  Emergency (G) h Exact  wording  oftheEAl,asit  appears  intheEAl Classif    ication Matrix 7of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION69                            PAGE129OF383 Oneor    more  ofthe  following  plant operating conditions  comprise  themodetowhich  each EAI is applicable:    I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,4 -
IlotShutdown,5 Cold Shutdown. Refueling, 6 -
DEF  -
Defueled,  orAny.    (See Section2.6 for  operating modedellnitions)
IftheEALwording        contains a dellned  term,the    dellnitionofthe termis        inthis included    section.
These  dellnitions  canalso be found inSection    5.1 Basis:
A basis  section  that provides  PVNGS-relevant      information concerning  theEAIaswell  asa description  ofthe  rationale for theEAL  as provided    inNEl99-01. Rev. 6.
W Site-specific  source documentation    from whichthe      EAL  isderived 2.6 Operating        ModeApplicability    (ref. 4.1.6)
REACTIVI      FY      %  RATED          COI.DIEG MODE                  TITI.E                CONDITION            TilERMAI.      TIMPERATURE (kerr)          POWER""              (oF)
I          PowerOperation                  > 0.99                > 5              N/A 2          Startup                          > 0.99                <5                N/A 3            Standby Ilot                            < 0.99                N/A              > 350 4              Shutdown Ilot          0"                < 0.99                N/A        350> Tcom > 210 5          ColdShutdown  d"              < 0.99                N/A              5 210 6          Refueling'd N/A                N/A              N/A (a)  Excluding  decay  heat.
(b)  All reactor vessel  head closurebolts  fully  tensioned.
(c) Oneormorereactor      vesselhead  elosure    bolts lessthanfullytensioned.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION69                              PAGE130OF383
: 7. Defueled Allfuel assemblies have    been  removed    from  Containment    andplaced    inthespent fuelpit  andthe SFPtransfer canal gatevalve      isclosed.
Themodeineffect atthe      time  that anevent    orcondition    occurred,  andprior toanyplant    oroperator response, isthe  m ode  thatdetermines    whether or not  an  IC is applicable. Ifa nevent o rcondition occurs, andresults  in a mode change      bell>rethe emergency    is declared,  the emergency  classilleation level isstill based  onthe mode that    existed  atthe time  that the event  orconditionwasinitiated  (and notwhenit  wasdeclared).Once a different modeisreached,            anyneweventorcondition,      not relatedtothe  original  event  orcondition,    requiring emergency    classificationshould beevaluated against the ICsandEALsapplicable tothe          operating mode    atthe  time  ofthe newevent  or condition. Forevents    that occur  inCold Shutdown orRefueling,        escalation isvia EAlsthat    are applicable inthe  Cold  Shutdown  orRefueling modes, evenif        HotShutdown    (or a higher  mode)  is entered during  the  subsequent  plant  response. In particular,  the  tission product barrierEAIsare applicable only  toevents  that initiate  inthe Hot Shutdown mode      orhigher.
3.0 GUIDANCEONMAKINGEMERGENCYCI                                ASSIFICATIONS 3.1General    Considerations Whenmaking    anemergency      elassification,  the Emergency    Coordinator  mustconsider  all infl>rmation having  a bearing  on the  proper              of assessmentanInitiating Condition (IC).        This    includes theEmergency    Action  I.evel(EAl    )plus  the a ssociated Operating Applicability, Mode                Notes  and theinfl3rming basis  information. Inthe  Recognition  Category    Fmatrices.EALs arebased      onloss  or potentialloss ofFission    Product  Barrier  Thresholds.
3.1IClassification    Timeliness NRCregulations    require  the licensee  toestablish andmaintain    the  capabilitytoassess, classify and declare anemergency      condition  within  15minutes  after  theavailability  ofindications toplant operators thatanemergency      action  level hasbeen  exceeded    andtopromptly    declare the  emergency condition assoonaspossible      ilallowing  identification  ofthe  appropriate  emergency  classification level.TheNRCstaff      hasprovided    guidance  onimplementing      this requirement  inNSIR/DPR-lSG-01,Interim  Staff  Guidance,  Emergency    Planning  for  Nuclear  Power    Plants (ref.4.I.9).
Whenassessing    anEAI that    specitles  a time duration  for  the off-normal  condition,the "clock"  for theEAl time  duration    runs concurrently    with the emergency    classificationprocess "clock."
3.I.2 Valid Indications AIIemergency    classification  assessments    shall bebased    upon  valid  indications,reportsor conditions. A valid  indication, report,  orcondition, isonethat    hasbeen  verifiedthrough  appropriate 9 of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION69                              PAGE131OF383 means  suchthat    there  isnodoubt    regarding  the indicator's  operability, the condition's existence,  or thereport's accuracy. For      example,    verification could  beaccomplished    through aninstrument channel check,  response onrelated      orredundant    indicators,  ordirect  observation byplant  personnel.
Thevalidation ofindications should        becompleted    inamanner      thatsupports timely emergency declaration.
3.1.3 Imminent    Conditions ForICsandEAIsthat          have a stipulated    timeduration  (e.g., 15minutes,  30minutes,        the etc.),
Emergency    Coordinator    should not wait    untilthe applicable  time  haselapsed,but  should declare  the event assoonasit    isdetermined that the      condition has    exceeded,  orwilllikelyexceed,  the applicable  time. Ifanongoing      radiological  releaseis  detected  andthe  release starttime is unknown, itshould  beassumed    that the  releaseduration specified inthe      IC/EAl  hasbeen  e xceeded, absent data tothe  contrary.
3.1.4 Planned  vs.Unplanned      Events A planned    work  activity  that results  inanexpected    event  orcondition which  meetsorexceeds      an EAl. does  notwarrant    anemergency      declaration  provided that: 1)    theactivityproceeds  asplanned and2)the    plant remains    within  the  limits  imposed  bythe    operating license. Such  activities include planned  workto manipulate, test,                repair,  maintain  ormodify    a system orcomponent. Inthese      cases, the controls  associated  with  the  planning,  preparation  andexecution of thework      will ensure  that compliance    ismaintained    with  all aspects operating provided of the            license          thatt he activity proceeds  and concludes    as expected. Events  or conditions    of this typemay  be subject tothe reporting  requirements    of10CFR50.72              4.1.4).
3.1.5 Classincation  Based    onAnalysis Theassessment    ofsomeEAIsis        based    onthe  results ofanalyses    that arenecessary  toascertain whether  a specific EAl threshold      has  been  exceeded    (e.g.,dose  assessments, chemistry  sampling, RCSleak    ratecalculation,  etc.). Forthese    EAIs,the    EAlwording      orthe associated  basis discussion  willidentify  the necessary    analysis. Inthese  cases, the15-minute  declaration period startswith  theavailability  ofthe  analysis  resultsthat showthe    threshold tobeexceeded    (i.e.,thisis the time  that the EAl information      isfirst  available). TheNRCexpects      licensees toestablish  the capability  toinitiate andcomplete      EAl-related    analyses  within  a reasonableperiod  oftime  (e.g.,
maintain  the necessary  expertise  on-shift).
3.1.6 Emergency    Coordinator    Judgment While  the  EAl.s  have  been  developed    toaddress  a full  spectrum  ofpossibleevents  andconditions which  maywarrant    emergency      classification,  aprovision    for classificationbased  on operator/management      experience    andjudgment      isstill necessary. TheNEl99-01    EAlscheme 10of262
PVNGS        EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION69                                PAGE132OF383 provides    the EmergencyCoordinator            with  the ability toclassify  events    andconditions    based upon judgment      usingEAI.s      that areconsistent      with  the  Emergency  Classification    Level  (ECL) definitions    (refer toCategory        II). TheImergency      Coordinator  will  need  todetermine  ifthe effects orconsequences ofthe          event    orcondition    reasonably    meetorexceed      a particular  EC1definition. A similar  provision    isincorporated inthe        Fission  Product  Barrier Tables;    judgment    maybeused    to determine    the  status  ofa fissionproduct      barrier.
3.2 Classification          Methodology Tomakeanemergency              classitleation,    the  user  will compare  aneventorcondition              the (i.e.,  relevant plant    indications    andreports)    to an EAI (s)  anddetermine      ifthe EALhasbeen        metorexceeded.
Theevaluation        ofanIAl mustbeconsistent with                the relatedOperating      ModeApplicability    and Notes. IfanEAI hasbeen          metorexceeded,        the associated ICis    likewise    met,the  emergency classification    process    "clock"    starts  andthe ECL mustbedeclared          inaccordance      with plant procedures      nolater    than fifteen    minutes  after the process "clock"    started.
Whenassessing          anEALthat        specitles  a time  duration forthe  off-normal condition,      the "elock" for the  EAltime      duration  runs    concurrently    with  the  emergency  elassification    process  "clock."For  a full discussion    ofthis  timing    requirement,  refer  toNSIR/DPR-ISG-01          (ref.4.I.9).
3.2.1  Classilleation    ofMultiple      Events andConditions Whenmultiple        emergency      events    orconditions  arepresent,  the userwill identify all    metor exceeded      EAl  s. The  highest    applicable  ECL  identitled  isdeclared. For  example:
* If anAlert    IAl. anda Site      Area Imergency      EAIaremet,whether          at one  unitorattwo differenta Site units,          AreaEmergency      should  bedeclared.
There    isno"additive"      effect    from    multiple EAl.s  meeting  the sameECL.Forexample:
* IftwoAlert      EAlsare        met,whether    atoneunit    orattwodifferent      units. anAlert should be declared.
Related    guidance    concerning    classification  ofrapidly    escalating events    orconditions    isprovided in Regulatory      Issue  Summary      (RIS)    2007-02,  Clarification  ofNRCGuidance        for  Emergency Notifications    During    Ouicidv    Changing    Events  (ref. 4.I.2).
3.2.2  Consideration      ofModeChanges          During  Classification Themodeineffect            atthe  time    that  aneventorcondition      occurred  andprior    toanyplant  oroperator response,    isthe  modethat    determines    whether    ornotanICis    applicable.      aneventorcondition If occurs    andresults      ina modechange        before  the emergency    isdeclared,    the emergency  classification level  isstill based    onthe  modethat        existedatthe  time  that theeventorcondition        wasinitiated (and IIof262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN                REVISION    69                          PAGE133OF383 not  when  itwasdeclared). Oncea different    modeisreached,        anyneweventorcondition,        not related tothe original event  orcondition,      requiringemergency      classification  shouldbeevaluated against the ICsandEAIsapplicable        tothe  operating  modeatthe        time ofthe  neweventor condition.
Forevents  thatoccur in  Cold  Shutdown    orRefueling,  escalation    isvia  EAl.s thatareapplicable  in the  Cold Shutdown or Refueling modes,        evenifIlot  Shutdown      (or ahigher  mode) isentered  during the  subsequent plant response. Inparticular,the    fission product    barrier  EAl.s areapplicable  onlyto events  thatinitiateintheIlot Shutdown modeorhigher.
3.2.3  Classil1cationofImminent    Conditions Although  EAI,sprovide  specille  thresholds,  the Emergency Coordinator          mustremain alert  toevents orconditions  thatcould  lead  tomeetingor exceeding anEAIwithin              a relativelyshortperiod  of time      achange (i.e.,        inthe  ECLisIMMINENT).          If,inthe  judgment    ofthe    Emergency Coordinator, meeting  anEALis    IMMINENT,      the emergency classification      should  bemadeasif    the EALhas been  met.While  applicable  toall  ECLs,    thisapproach is    particularly  important  atthehigher emergency  classification levels  since  it provides additional    timefor    implementation of  protective measures.
3.2.4  Emergency  Classification  Ievel  Upgrading  andDowngrading An ECLmaybedowngraded            whenthe    event orcondition    that  meetsthe highest ICand    EAIno longer  existsand  other site-specific  downgrading    requirements downgrading the are met. If                  ECIis deemed    appropriate,the newECLwould          thenbebased    ona lower      applicable IC(s) and  EAL(s).
TheECImayalso        simply  be  terminated.
Asnoted    above, guidance  concerning    classification ofrapidly    escalating  eventsorconditions  is provided  inRIS2007-02    (ref. 4.I.2).
3.2.5  Classit1cationofShort-I  ived  Events Event-based  ICsandIAlsdefine        a variety  ofspecine    occurrences    that  have potential oractual safety  significance.Bytheir    nature, someofthese    events    maybeshort-lived      and,thus,over  before the  emergency  classification  assessment    canbecompleted.      If anevent    occurs  thatmeetsorexceeds anEAL,the    associated ECLmustbedeclared          regardless  ofits  continued            atthe presence      time  of declaration. Examples  ofsuch    events  include  anearthquake      ora failure  ofthe      protection reactor system  toautomatically  trip the reactor  followed  bya successful      manual  trip.
3.2.6  ClassificationofTransient  Conditions Manyofthe    ICsand/or  EALsemploy      time-based  criteria. These    criteria willrequirethat the IC/EAI    conditions bepresent    fora defined    period oftime    before    anemergency    declaration  is I2of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION69                                    PAGE134OF383 warranted. Incases  where  notime-based  criterion  isspecified,    itisrecognized    that  sometransient conditions    maycause    anEAltobemet for        abrief  period    oftime  (e.g.,a fewseconds      toa few minutes). The following    guidance should  beapplied    tothe    classilleationofthese    conditions.
Ininstanceswhere    anEAl isbriefly        met during  anexpected (normal) plant    response,  anemergency        declaration isnotwarranted        provided that associated  systems  andcomponents    areoperating      asexpected  andoperator      actions  are performed    inaccordance with procedures.
Ifan operator  takes prompt    manualaction toaddress acondition          andthe  action    issuccessful    incorrecting the condition  prior  tothe  emergency declaration,    then  the  applicable EALis    notconsidered      metand the associated  emergency    declarationis not required. Forillustrative    purposes,      consider  the following    example:
AnATWSoccurs        andthe  high  pressureECCS systems fiiil        toautomatically      start. Reactor vessel level  rapidly decreases andthe    plant enters aninadequate core        cooling  condition  (a potential loss  ofboth the fuel clad  andRCSbarriers). Ifanoperator            manually    starts  ahigh pressure  ECCSsystem    inaccordance    with  anEOP step andclears        the  inadequate    core cooling condition  priortoanemergency        declaration,  then the classification    should  bebased onthe  ATWSonly.
Itisimportant    tostress  thatthe15-minute    emergency      elassification assessment      period (process clock)  isnota"grace    period" during  which  aclassification    maybedelayed to allow the performance    ofa corrective    actionthat would    obviate  the  need toclassify  the event. Emergency classification  assessments    mustbedeliberate    andtimely,      with noundue    delays.The provision discussed    above  addresses  onlythose  rapidly  evolving    situationswhenanoperatoris able totake          a successful  corrective  action    tothe prior      Emergency      Coordinator    completing    the  review and steps necessary    tomake    the emergency  declaration. This  provision    isincluded  toensure      thatany public protective  actions  resulting from the  emergency    classification  aretruly  warranted      bythe  plant conditions.
3.2.7  After-the-Fact  Discovery ofanEmergency        Event    orCondition Insomecases,anEAImaybemetbut                the emergency      classificationwasnotmade          atthe  time ofthe event  orcondition. This  situation canoccur    whenpersonnel        discover that  aneventorcondition existed  which  metanEAl.,    but noemergency      wasdeclared      andthe event  orcondition    nolonger exists  atthe  time  ofdiscovery. This  maybeduetothe          event  orcondit:on  notbeing      recognized    at the time  oranerror    thatwasmadeinthe      emergency      classification  process.
Inthese    cases,noemergency      declaration  iswarranted;      however,  theguidance      contained    in NUREG-1022        (ref. 4.I.3) isapplicable. Specifically,    the  event should  bereported      tothe  NRCin 13of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PIAN        REVISION69                                PAGE135OF383 accordance    with 10CFR50.72      (ref.4.1.4)within    onehour  ofthe discovery  oftheundeclared event orcondition. Thelicensee    shouldalsonotify  appropriate    Stateandlocal  agencies inaccordance with  the agreed  uponarrangements.
3.2.8  Retraction  ofanEmergency Declaration Guidance    onthe  retraction of  anemergency  declaration    reportedtothe  NRCis    discussed in NUREG-1022        (ref. 4.I.3).
4.1 Developmental 4.I1 NEl99-01,          Revision6,Methodologyfi>r    the  Developinent ofEinergency  Action Levels forNon-Passive      Reactors,ADAMS      Accession  Number  MI12326A805.
4.I.2RIS2007-02,                      ofNRC (inidance Clarification                    fi>r Emergency  Notifications during Ouickly  Changing    Events,February  2, 2007.
4.l.3    NUREG-1022,        EventReporting  Guidelines:    10 CFR 50.72  and50.73 4.I.410CFR50.72,            Inunediate Notification    Requirements  fi>r Operating  Nuclear  Power Reactors 4.I.510CFR50.73,            LicenseEvent Report    Systein 4.I.6    Technical    SpecificationsTable  II-1,  Modes 4.I.7Procedure        40EP-9EOl0,  LM-Containinent      Evacuation andClosure. Appendix  249 4.I.8    Procedure  Writers  Manual PVNGSPlant        Procedure  Writers Manual 4.I.9NSIR/DPR-ISG-01,          Interim StaffGuidance,      Emergency  I'lanning  fi>r Nuclear  Power Plants 4.110 PVNGSEmergency              Plan 4.111 Procedure          40DP-9//30,  Reduced    Inventory    Operations 4.112 Procedure          20DP-0SK49,  Security  Integrated  Response  Plan  (Proprietary Infi>rmation) 4.2 Implementing 4.2.1 Procedure,          IP-O901, Classifications l4of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE136      OF383 4.2.2    PVNGS-TO-NEl      99-01,  Rev. 6,EALCROSS-REFERENCE 4.2.3      PVNGSEAL Matrix 5.0 DEFINITIONS,        ABBREVIATIONS            & ACRONYMS 5.1 Definitions (ref. 4.I.1except    asnoted)
Selected  terms used inInitiating Condition and    Emergency  Action Ievel  statements  aresetinall capital letters (e.g.,
AlI CAPS). Thesewords        aredefined  termsthat have  specille meanings  as used  inthis  document. Thedellnitions ofthese    terms  areprovided below.
Alert Events  areinprogress,  orhave    occurred, which involve anactual  orpotential  substantial degradation  ofthe level ofsafety  ofthe  plant or a security eventthat involves  probable    life threatening  risktositepersonnel  ordamage    tosite equipment because    ofhostileaction. Any releases  areexpected  tobesmall    fractions oftheEPA Protective Action      Guideline  exposure  levels.
Confinement    Boundary Thebarrier(s)  between spent    fuel andthe  environment  oncethe spent fuel  isprocessed    for dry storage. Asrelated tothe  PVNGSISI    Sl,ConGnement      Boundary is defined asthe  Transportable Storage  Canister (TSC)  for  theNAC-UMSandNAC-MAGNASTOR storage systems.
Containment    Closure Theprocedurally    defined  actionstaken tosecure    containment andits associated structures,  systems andcomponents    asa functional  barriertoAssion    product releaseunder  shutdown conditions.
Asapplied    toPVNGS,Containment      Closure  isestablished  whenthe  requirements  ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0,    1.M-Containment    Evacuation  andClosure,    Appendix 249,  forcontainmentclosure aremet(ref. 4.1.7).
Emergency    Action 1,evel A pre-determined. site-specine,  observable  threshold  for anInitiatingCondition  that,  whenmetor exceeded,    placestheplant  ina given emergency    classificationlevel.
Emergency    Classification    Ievel Oneofa setofnames      ortitles  established bythe  USNuclear  Regulatory    Commission      (NRC) for grouping    off-normalevents    orconditions according  to(I)  potentialoractual  effects  or consequences,  and(2)  resulting  onsiteandoffsite  response  actions.Theemergency      classification levels, inascending  order  ofseverity, are: Unusual  Event  (UE).Alert, Site Area Emergency    (SAE) andGeneral    Emergency  (GE).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PlAN            REVISION69                            PAGE137OF383 EPA    PAGs Environment      Protection    Agency  Protective  Action  Guidelines.TheEPAPAGsareexpressed          in terms  of dose commitment.          IRemTEDEor5 RemCDEThyroid.              Actual  orprojected  offsite exposures excess i n          of  the E PAPAGs    requires  PVNGStorecommend        protective  actions  forthe general  public  to  offsite  planningagencies.
Explosion A rapid,  violent    andeatastrophic fliilureofapiece        ofequipment  duetocombustion,    chemical reaction  oroverpressurization. A release ofsteam(from            high  energy lines orcomponents)    oran electrical component        fliilure(caused byshort  circuits, grounding. arcing, etc.) should  not automatically    beconsidered      anexplosion. Such    events  require a post-event  inspection  todetermine ifthe  attributes  ofanexplosion      arepresent.
Faulted Thetermapplied        toa steamgenerator      that  has a steam orfeedwater leak    onthe  secondary  sideof sufficient  size  tocause    anuncontrolled  drop  insteam generator pressure    orthe steamgenerator    to become  completely      depressurized.
Fire Combustion      characterized    byheat  andlight. Sources  ofsmoke  such as slipping drive  beltsor overheated    electrical  equipment  donotconstitute    fires.
Observationof name is    preferredbut  is NOTrequired      iflarge    quantitiesofsmoke    andheat  areobserved.
Fission  Product      Barrier    Threshold A pre-determined,      site-specific,  observable  threshold  indicatingthe loss orpotential  loss  ofa fission product  barrier.
Flooding A condition    where    wateris  entering a roomorarea          than faster    installedequipment    iscapable  of removal. resulting    ina rise  ofwaterlevel    within the  roomorarea.
General    Emergency Events  areinprogress        orhave  occurred  which  involve  actual orimminent    substantial core degradation    ormelting      with potential for  lossofcontainment            orhostile integrity          actions  thatresult inanactual      loss ofphysical    control ofthe    facility.Releases canbereasonably    expected  toexceed EPAProtective        Action    Guideline exposure    levels offsite for  morethan  the  immediate  site area.
Ilostage A person(s)    held  asleverage    againstthe  station toensure  that demands  will  bemetbythe    station.
PVNGS        EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION69                                PAGE138OF383 IIostile    Action Anact toward PVNGSorits            personnel  that includes  the useofviolent      force todestroy  equipment, take    hostages and/or intimidate    the licensee  toachieve  anend. This  includes  attack    air, by land.      or water    using guns,  explosives,  projectiles, vehicles,  orother    devices  used  todeliver  destructive force. Other  acts that satisfy theoverall  intent may  be  included. IIostile action  should  notbe construed    toinclude acts ofcivil  disobedience    orfelonious    actsthat  are  notpart  ofaconcerted attack    onPVNGS.Non-terrorism-based          EAIsshould      beused    toaddress    such  activities  (i.e., this mayinclude      violent  actsbetween  individuals  inthe  owner  controlled  area).
IIostile    Force Oneormoreindividuals          whoareengaged inadetermined assault,            overtly  orbystealth    and deception,    equipped  with  suitableweapons capable ofkilling,        maiming,    orcausing    destruction.
Imminent Thetrajectory      ofevents  orconditions  is such  that an I(Al. will  bemetwithin      a relatively  short period    oftime    regardless  ofmitigation  orcorrective actions.
Personnel    access  toaroomorarea      ishindered    toanextent    that extraordinary    measures    are necessary    tofacilitate  entry  ofpersonnel  intothe  affected  room/area    (e.g., requiring use    of protective    equipment,    such  asSCBAs,  that  isnotroutinely    employed).
Independent        Spent  Fuel Storage  Installation  (ISFSI)
A complex      that  isdesigned    andconstructed  for  the interim  storage  ofspent  nuclear fuel and    other radioactive    materials  associated with  spent  fuel storage.
Initiating    Condition    (10)
An eventorcondition        that alignswith  the deGnition  ofoneofthe      four  emergency    classification levels    byvirtue  ofthe  potential oractual  effects orconsequences.
Intrusion Theactofentering        without  authorization. Discovery  ofa bombinaspecified          area  isindication  of intrusion    into  that area bya hostile  force.
Maintain Take    appropriate  action  tohold the value  ofanidentified    parameter    within  speciGed  limits.
PVNGS        EMERGENCY                PlAN          REVISION69                        PAGE139OF383 Projectile Anobject      directed      toward    aNuclear  Power  Plant that could  cause concern    for itscontinued operability,    reliability. orpersonnel    safety.
Plant    orISFSI      Protected      Area Anarea.      located    within the    PVNCiSExclusion    AreaBoundary,  encompassed    byphysical    barriers andtowhich        access    is controlled  per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGSPower          Plant Protected    Area  and the ISFSI    Protected      Area are two Protected Areas  locatedwithin the  PVNGSOWNER CONTROlIEDAREA(ref 4. I10)
RCSIntact TheRCSshould            beconsidered        intactwhen theRCS pressure boundary    isinitsnormal    condition for the  cold  shutdown        modeofoperation(e.g., nofreezeseals    ornozzle  dams. pressurizer    manway andsafeties      installed).
Reduced      Inventory Plant  condition      whenfuel        isinthe  reactor    andReactor vessel          Coolant    System level  isless  than  or equal  tothe    111foot      elevation    (ref.
Refueling      Pathway Thereactor      refueling      pool,  fuel storage poolandfueltransfercanal  comprise the refueling  pathway.
Ruptured Thecondition        ofa steamgenerator        inwhich  primary-to-secondary leakage    of sufficient is magnitude      torequire      a safety  injection.
Restore Take  the  appropriate      action  required toreturnthe    ofanidentified value                  parameter tothe    applicable limits.
Safety    System A system      required      for  safe plant  operation,cooling downthe  plant and/or  placingit inthe  cold shutdown      condition.      including    theECCS.These  aretypicallysystems    classinedassafety    related  (as defined    in10CIR 50.2).
Those    structures,      systems    andcomponents        arerelied that      upon  toremain    functional during  and following    design    basis  events    toassure:
1)Theintegrity            ofthe  reactor coolant      boundary:
pressure 18of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION69                            PAGE140OF383
: 2) Thecapabilitytoshut          downthe    reactor  andmaintain    it ina safeshutdown    condition;
: 3)  The capability    toprevent    ormitigate    the consequences    ofaccidents  which  could  result in potential  offsiteexposures.
Security  Owner    Controlled    Area(SOCA)
An area  encompassed by physical barriers          towhich  access iscontrolled. (ref 4.I12).
Security  Condition Anysecurity    event  aslisted  in the approved security      contingency  planthatconstitutes  a threat/compromise    tosite  security. threat/risk tosite  personnel,  ora potential degradation  tothe level ofsafety    ofthe plant. A security condition does      notinvolve    a hostile action.
SiteAreaEmergency Events  areinprogress      orhave  occurred    whichinvolve actualorlikely      major  failuresofplant functions  needed    forprotection    ofthe  public  orhostile actions that  resultinintentional  damage or malicious  acts:  (I)toward    sitepersonnel    orequipment that could lead    tothe likely  failureofor:(2) thatprevent  effective  access  toequipment      needed  for the protection ofthe  public. Anyreleases  are notexpected    toresult  inexposure    levels  which  exceed  EPAProtective Action    Guidelines  exposure levels beyond    thesite boundary.
SiteBoundary Theboundary      ofa reactor  sitebeyond  which    theland  orproperty  isnotowned,  leased. orotherwise controlled  bythe    licensee  (ref.4.I10).
lnisolable An open  orbreached    system  line  thatcannot    beisolated,  remotely  orlocally.
Unplanned A parameter    change  oranevent    that isnotI)    the result ofanintended    evolution  or2)  anexpected plant response    toa transient. Thecause    ofthe  parameter  change    oreventmaybeknown        or unknown.
Unusual  Event Ivents  areinprogress      orhave  occurred    which  indicate a potential  degradation inthe  level ofsafety oftheplant  orindicate    a security  threat tofacility protection  has  been initiated.No releases  of radioactive  material  requiring  offsite  response  ormonitoring    areexpected unless  further degradation  ofsafety  systems  occurs.
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION69                          PAGE141OF383 Valid An indication,    report,orcondition,    isconsidered  tobevalid whenit    isverified  by(1)  aninstrument channelcheck.      or(2) indications  onrelated orredundant indicators,or(3)  bydirect  observation    by plant personnel,    such that doubt  relatedtothe            operability.
indicator's          the condition's  existence,  or the  report's  accuracy  isremoved. Implicit    inthis definition isthe  need  for timely  assessment.
Visible  Damage Damage    toa componentor structure that    isreadily          without observable        measurements,      testing, or analysis. Thevisual    impactof the damage is            tocause sufficient    concern    regarding  the  operability  or reliability  ofthe  affectedcomponent    orstructure.
5.2 Abbreviations/Acronyms OF                                                                                    Degrees  Fahrenheit o
Degrees AC                                                                                    .Alternating  Current AOP                                                                    .AbnormalOperating        Procedure ATWS                                                            .Anticipated    Transient  Without  Scram CET                                                                            Core  Exit  Thermocouple CDE                                                                          Committed  Dose    Equivalent ClR                                                                        Code  ofFederal Regulations CR                                                                                          .Control  Room CSFST                                                            Critical    Safety Function  Status  Tree CTMT                                                                                          Containment DBA                                                                              .Design    BasisAccident DC                                                                                          .Direct  Current DEF                                                                                                Defueled DG                                                                                      .Diesel  Generator EAl.                                                                          .Emergency    Action  I.evel ECCS                                                                  Emergency    Core  Cooling    System ECl.                                                                    .Emergency    Classification  Ievel EOC                                                                      .Emergency    Operations    Center EOl                                                                    .Emergency    Operations    Facility 20of262
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN    REVISION    69                          PAGE142OF383 EOP                                                    .Emergency      Operating  Procedure EPA                                                  Environmental      Protection  Agency EPABX                                  Electronic Private    Automatic    Branch  Exchange ERG                                                    .Emergency    Response  Guideline EPIP                                        .Emergency    Plan  Implementing    Procedure ESF                                                            .lingineered Safety  Feature ESW                                                              Emergency  Service  Water FAA                                                    .Federal  Aviation  Administration FBI                                                      Federal  Bureau  ofInvestigation FEMA                                        Federal  Emergency      Management    Agency GE                                                                    General  Emergency IC                                                                      InitiatingCondition IPEEE                Individual Plant Examination  ofExternal Events      (Generic  Ietter  88-20)
Keff                                          Effective    Neutron    Multiplication  Factor ICO                                                    .Limiting    Condition ofOperation 1,ER                                                              .Licensee Event    Report IOCA                                                            Loss of  CoolantAccident LWR                                                                    Iight WaterReactor MPC                        Maximum Permissible  Concentration/Multi-Purpose        Canister mR, mRem, mrem, mREM                                    milli-Roentgen    Equivalent  Man MSL                                                                      MainSteam    Line MW                                                                                Megawatt NEl                                                              .Nuclear Energy  Institute NESP                                          National    Environmental    Studies  Project NPP                                                                  .Nuclear Power    Plant NRC                                                    Nuclear    Regulatory Commission NSSS                                                      Nuclear    Steam  Supply    System NORAD                                  NorthAmerican      Aerospace    Defense  Command (NO)UE                                                    .NotiBeation    ofUnusual    Event OBE                                                            Operating  Basis Earthquake 21of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY PlAN      REVISION    69                      PAGE143OF383 OCA                                                          Owner    Controlled Area ODCM                                              Offsite  Dose  Calculation  Manual ORO                                                  .OtTsite Response    Organization OSC                                                        Operations    Support  Center PA                                                                      Protected  Area PAG                                                      Protective  Action  Guideline PPS                                                          .Plant  Protection  System PRA/PSA              Probabilistic RiskAssessment/Probabilistic    Safety  Assessment PWR                                                        Pressurized  Water  Reactor PSIG                                                  Pounds  per  Square  Inch Gauge R                                                                              .Roentgen RCC                                                          Reactor  Control  Console RCS                                                          Reactor    Coolant  System Rem,rem,REM                                                Roentgen    Equivalent  Man RepCET                                    Representative    Core  Exit Thermocouple RETS                                  Radiological Efiluent  Technical    Specif ications RFAT                                          Radiological    1ieldAssessment      Team R(P)V                                                      .Reactor  (Pressure)  Vessel RVI.IS                                    .Reactor Vessel  1.evelIndicating    System RVIMS                                    .Reactor Vessel  1.evel  Monitoring  System RWI,IS                                    Refueling  Water  I.evel  Indicating System RWT                                                  .Refueling  Water    StorageTank SAR                                                            Safety  Analysis  Report SBO                                                                    Station  Blackout SBOG                                                      Station  Blackout  Generator SCBA                                          .Self-Contained    Breathing    Apparatus SG                                                                    Steam  Generator SI                                                                    .Safety  Injection SIAS                                            Safety    Injection Actuation  System SOCA                                              Security  Owner    Controlled Area 22of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    PlAN      REVISION      69                  PAGE144OF383 SPDS                                                      Safety ParameterDisplay System SRO                                                              Senior ReactorOperator STSC                                                    .Satellite TechnicalSupport Center SUT                                                                        Transformer Startup TEDE                                                            Effective Total      DoseEquivalent TOAF                                                                  TopofActiveFuel TSC                                                            .Technical    Center Support UlSAR                                                Updated  FinalSafety Analysis Report WOG                                                          .Westinghouse Owners Group 6.0 PVNGS-TO-NEl-99-01 Rev.6,EAl,  CROSS-REFERENCE This cross-reference isprovided        association and tofacilitate                location ofaPVNGSEAl.within  the NEl99-01IC/EALidentification scheme. Furtherinformation regarding  the development ofthe PVNGSEALsbased  ontheNElguidance  canbefound in theEALComparisonMatrix.
PVNGS                                  NEl 99-01,  Rev.6 EAI                          10                        Example EAI RUl1                        AUI                            1,2 RUl.2                      AUl                              3 RU2.1                      AU2                              1 RAl 1                      AAl                              1 RAl.2                      AAl                              2 RA1.3                      AAl                              2 RAl.3                      AAl                              3 RA2.1                      AA2                              1 RA2.2                      AA2                              2 RA2.3                      AA2                              3 RA3.I                      AA3                              1 RA3.2                      AA3                              2 RSl.1                        ASI                            1 RSl.2                        ASI                            2 23of262
PVNGS EMERGENCY  PlAN REVISION69          PAGE1450F383 PVNGS                          Rev.6 NEl99-01, EAL              IC            ExampleEAL RSl.3            ASl                3 RS2.1            AS2                1 RGl l            AGl                1 RGl.2            AGl                2 RGl.3            AGl                3 RG2.1            AG2                1 CUl1            CUl                  1 Cl)l.2          cut                2 CU2.1            CU2                  1 CU3.1            CU3                  1 Cll3.2          CU3                  2 CU4.1            CU4                  1 CU5.1            CU5                1 23 CAl 1          CAl                  l CAl.2          CAl                  2 CA2.1          CA2                  'l CA3.1            CA3                1,2 CA6.1            CA6                1 CSll            CSl                3 CGI 1            CGl                2 FAl1            FAl                  1 FSl1            FSl                  1 1:G1 1          FGl                  l llUl1            llUl              l2 3 HU2.1            IlU2                1 HU3.1            1lU3                1 11U3.2          IIU3                2 24of262
PVNGS EMERGENCY    PlAN REVISION 69          PAGE146OF383 PVNGS                            Rev.6 NEl99-01, EAL              1C              ExampleEAL HU3.3              HU3                  3 IlU3.4            IlU3                4 HU4.1            11U4                1 IlU4.2            IIU4                2 IlU4.3            IlU4                3 HU4.4            IIU4                4 HU7.1            HU7                  1 llAl  1          HAl                1,2 HA5.1            HA5                  1 IlA6.1          llA6                1 IIA7.1          llA7                  1 IlSl l          llSl                  1 llS6.1          llS6                1 HS7.1            HS7                  1 IlG7.1          HG7                  1 SUll            SUI                  1 SU3.1            SU2                  1 SU4.1            SU3                  1 SU4.2            SU3                  2 SU5.1            SU4                1.23 SU6.1            SU5                  1 SU6.2            SU5                  2 SU7.1          SU6                1,2.3 sus.1          SU7                l2 SAl 1          SAl                  1 SA3.1            SA2                  1 SA6.1            SA5                  1 25of262
PVNGS EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69                      PAGE147OF383 PVNGS                                NEl99-01,  Rev.
6 EAL                      IC                      Example EAI SA9.1                    SA9                          1 SSI.1                      SSI                          1 SS2.1                      SS8                          1 SS6.1                      SS5                          1 SG11                      SG1                          1 SG1.2                    SGS                          1 EUl.1                    EUl                          1 7.0ATTACIIMENTS Attachment 1 Emergency Action Ievel Technical Bases Attachment 2 Fission Barrier Product    1.oss/Potential I.oss Matrix andBasis 3 Safe Attachment
                      & Shutdown Operation        RoomsTables    R-2 & 1l-2Bases Attachment 4 Palo Verde    System Safety    1ist 26of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN              REVISION        69                  PAGE148OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases EAl,Group: ANY (EAIs    inthiscategory    are  applicable  toanyplantcondition,  hotorcold.)
ManyEAlsarebasedon actual orpotential          degradation          product of11ssion      barriers  because ofthe potential elevated        for offsite radioactivity    release. Radioactivity    through release        degradation of product fission      barriersisnotalways apparent via          non-radiological symptoms. Therefore,  direct indication ofelevatedradiological effluents orarea        radiationlevels are appropriate  symptoms    for emergency classification.
Atlower      abnormal levels,          radioactivity  releases maybeindicative    ofa failureofcontainment systemsorprecursorstomoresignificant      releases. Athigher    release rates.offsite radiological conditions mayresultwhich    require  offsite  protective actions. Elevated area radiation levels inplant mayalso beindicativeofthe  failure  ofcontainmentsystems orpreclude      access  toplant vital equipmentnecessarytoensure  plant  safety.
Eventsofthiscategorypertain  tothe    following    subcategories:
I Radiologicallifiluent l)irect indication ofeffluent  radiation  monitoring    systems provides arapid assessment mechanism todeterminereleases inexcess  ofelassifiable      limits. Projectedoffsite doses, actual offsite field measurementsormeasured    release rates  via  sampling  indicatedoses ordose  rates above classifiable limits.
: 2. Irradiated FuelEvent Conditionsindicative ofa loss  ofadequate      shielding  ordamage  toirradiatedfuel maypreclude access      plant tovital    areas  orresult  inradiological      releasesthat    emergency warrant            classilleation.
: 3. Area RadiationI.evels Sustainedgeneral area radiation  levels  which    maypreclude    access toareasrequiring  continuous occupancy also warrant emergency    classification.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN                REVISION            69                                    PAGE149OF383 ATTACIIMENT                  I EAl,Technical          Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad              Efi1uent Subcategory:                I-Radiological    Effluent initiatingCondition:      Release    ofgaseous    radioactivity            > 2times        the  ODCMlimits        for  60 minutes    orlonger EAL:
RUl.1          Unusual  Event Reading  onanyTable    R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column                              "UE"for  > 60minutes (Notes  l.2.3)
Note1 TheEntergency  ('oordinatorshoulddeclare  theevent      pronaptly    upondetermining        that    time linlit hasbeen exceeded.orwill      beexceeded.
likely Note2:Ifan ongoing  release iscetected  andthe  release start  time  is unknown.          assumethat  the  release duration    has exceededthe  specified time  limit.
Note3:Iftheeftluent  flow pastaneffluent  monitor  isknown      tohave    stopped. indicating        that  the    path release  is isolated.
the  e  ffluent monitor  readingis  no longer  VALlD      for  c lassification    purposes.
Table  R-1 Effluent          Monitoring          Classification Thresholds Release  Point              Monitor                GE                      SAE                    Alert            UE Plant Vent  I.ow            RL-I43 Ch I I.04E-02        I.22E-03 p(1/ce Plant Vent  Iligh          Rlf-144 ('l1  I 1.04E00                  1.04E-01 p(1/ce                  p(iec FuelBuilding  Low          Rit-145(bl,                                                                          l.13E-02 p(i/ce Rl.i-I46Ch I 3.50E+00              3.50E-01 p(iec,.
p( Fuel Building  High T 50E01 Rl!-I46 Ch2 p(i/ce ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
None 28of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION    69                        PAGE150OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases Basis:
Thecolumn"UE"      gaseous    releasevalues  inTable  R-Irepresent    twotimes    theappropriate      ODCM releaseratelimits  associated with    thespecified  monitors    (ref.I,2).
This ICaddresses  apotential decrease inthe    level ofsafety    ofthe  plantasindicated  bya lowlevel radiologicalrelease  that  exceeds regulatory  commitments      for anextended  period  oftime      (e.g.,an uncontrolled release). Itincludes any gaseous radiological monitored release,            orunmonitored.
Nuclear power  plants  incorporatedesign features intended      tocontrol  the release ofradioactive effluentstothe  environment. Further,there areadministrative    controls  established  toprevent unintentionalreleases  andtocontrol    andmonitor intentional releases.      Theoccurrence      ofan extended, uncontrolled    radioactive  release tothe environment    isindicative  ofdegradation      inthese featuresand/or controls.
Radiological effluent  EAIsarealso      included  toprovide a basis for    classifyingevents    and conditionsthat cannotbereadily      orappropriately  classified on the        ofplant basis        conditions      alone.
Theinclusion  ofboth    plant  condition andradiological    eflluent  EAl,s  morefully  addresses      the spectrumpossible of            accident  events andconditions.
Classificationbased  oneffluent  monitor  readings assumes    thatarelease path tothe    environmentis established.Ifthe  effluent  flow past anef0uent  monitor    isknown    tohave stopped due    toactions    to isolate the release  path,  then  theeffluent monitor reading    isnolonger  validfor classification purposes.
Releases should  notbeprorated      oraveraged. Forexample,      a release  exceeding  4 times    release limitsfor30minutes    does  notmeetthe  EAI..
This EAI addresses    normally    occurring continuous  radioactivity    releasesfrom  monitored      gaseous effluentpathways.
Escalationofthe  emergency      classi0cation levelwould    bevia  ICRAI PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Offsite  Dose  Calculation    Manual  Palo  Verde Nuclear    Generating  Station Units  1,2and3
: 2. I.etter102-05894-DCM/CJS,        Dated  9/l5/08, PVNGSUnits        I,2,3,andISFSI      Docket    Nos. 50-528, 50-529,  50-530,  and72-44    Proposed  PVNGSEmergency            PlanChange  toImplement      NEl 99-01, Revision    5, Emergency    Action  Ievels (I Attachment Al,s)                IRadiological    Calculations
: 3. NEl  99-01. AUI 29of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION          69                      PAGE151OF383 ATTACIIMENT              I EAlTechnical          Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadLevels/Rad            EfiTuent Subcategory:                I-Radiological  Effluent initiating Condition:      Release    ofgascous    radioactivity      greater than2timestheODCMlimits for  60minutes    orlonger.
RUl.2            Unusual  Event Sample  analysis  for a gaseous  release  indicates    aconcentration orrelease        > 2 x ODCMlimits rate for 60minutes
    >                (Notes 1,2)
NoteI Thelimergency    Coordinator should declare the event  promptly  upon determining that time limit has been exceeded. orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:Ifanongoing    release iscetected andthe  release start  time is unknown. assumethat the    duration release      has exceeded the  specitled time  limit.
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
This ICaddresses    a potential  decrease  inthe  level  ofsafety    ofthe plantasindicatedbya lowlevel radiological release  thatexceeds  regulatory  commitments          foranextended  periodoftime (e.g., an uncontrolled release). Itincludes  anygaseous      radiological      release, monitoredorunmonitored, including  those  for which aradioactivity    discharge      permit  isnormally  prepared.
Nuclear power  plants  incorporate  design  features      intended    tocontrol therelease ofradioactive efiluents tothe  environment. Further, there  areadministrative        controlsestablished toprevent unintentional releases  andtocontrol    andmonitor        intentional  releases.
Theoccurrence ofan extended  uncontrolled  radioactive  release  tothe    environment      isindicativeofdegradation inthese featuresand/or  controls.
Radiological  effluent  EAlsarealso      included  toprovide      a basis  for classifying eventsand conditions that cannot  bereadily  orappropriately        classified  onthe  basisofplant conditions alone.
Theinclusion  ofboth  plant condition    andradiological        effluent  EALsmorefully  addresses the spectrumpossible of            accident  events  andconditions.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          Pl,AN              REVISION  69              PAGE152  OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I EAlTechnicalBases Releases should notbeprorated      oraveraged. Forexample,      exceeding a release          release 4times limitsfor 30 minutes does  notmeetthe        EAl This EAladdresses    uncontrolled      gaseous  releases that are      bysample detected    analyses or environmental  surveys, particularly      onunmonitored  pathways.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    elassifleation  levelwouldbevia ICRAl PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1.Offsite  DoseCalculation      ManualPalo      Venle      Generating Nuclear        Station  1,2and3 Units
: 2. NEI99-01. AUI 31of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION              69                                PAGE153OF383 ATTACIIMENT                  I EAl,Technical            Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad                Efi1uent Subcategory:                I -
Radiological    EiTIuent initiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous    radioactivity            resulting      inoffsite  dose  greater  than 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid                              CDE EAL:
RAl.1          Alert Reading  onanyTable      R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column                              "AI.ERT"    for    > 15minutes (Notes  1,2.3,4)
NoteI TheEmergency    Coordinator  shoulddeclare  the event        promptly    upon        determiningthat  timelimit has  been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:lfan ongoing  release iscetected  andthe  releasestart      time  isunknown.          assume that the        duration release          has exceededthe          time specilled      limit.
Note3:Iftheeffluent  flowpastaneffluent monitor  isknowntohave            stopped. indicating      that  the      path release    is the isolated. e  ftluent monitor  reading longer is  no        VAllD        for  classification    purposes.
Note4:Ihepre-calculated  eflluent monitorvalues  presented      inEAls RA1.        l RSl .1andRGl.1
                                                                                        .                    should beused    for emergency  classitlcation assessments until  theresults        from a dose    assessment using actual        meteorology  are available.
Table R-1 Effluent          Monitor            Classification          Thresholds Release  Point              Monitor              GE                      SAE                  Alert              UE Plant VentIow Rij-l43Ch I I.04E-02        l.22E-03 p(i ec p( i/ec Plant Vent  liigh            Rl!-144Ch I        1.04E        00          1.04E-01
                                                        ;tt i/ce            p(icc,.
FuelBuilding  Iow Rl!-I45(h1 1.13E-02 pl1/CC Rl!-146Ch I 3.50E        +00      3.50E-01 FuelBuilding  Iligh s(      .
icc          p(iec 3.50E0 1 Rl!-I46Ch2          p(i/ce ModeApplicability:
All 32of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE154OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 EAl,Technical    Bases Definition(s):
None Basis:
This  EAl address    gaseous radioactivity  releases, that  forwhatever    reason,  cause  effluentradiation monitor  readings  corresponding  tosite  boundary  doses  that exceed    either:
* 10mRemTEDE
* 50mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn      "Al.ERT"    gaseous  etfluentrelease  values  inTable    R-1correspond      toealculateddoses of1%(10%ofthe        SAEthresholds)    ofthe EPA  Protective Action    Guidelines    (TEDE  orCDE Thyroid)  (ref. 1).
This  ICaddresses    arelease  ofgaseous  radioactivity that results in  projected    oractual  offsite doses greater  than  orequal  tol%ofthe    EPAProtective    Action Guides (PAGs). It          includes both monitored    andun-monitored      releases. Releases ofthis  magnitude    represent    anactual  orpotential substantial  degradation  ofthe  level ofsafety  ofthe  plant  asindicated bya radiological release      that significantly  exceeds  regulatory limits  (e.g.,
a signitleant  uncontrolled      release).
Radiological    eflluent EAIsarealso      included toprovide  abasis    for elassifying    events and conditions  that cannot  bereadily  orappropriately  classified  onthe  basis  ofplant conditions alone.
Theinclusion    ofboth  plant condition  andradiological  effluent  EAlsmorefully addresses the spectrum  ofpossible    accident events  andconditions.
TheTEDEdose        issetat1%ofthe      EPAPAGof1,000        mremwhile      the  50mremthyroid CDE was established    inconsideration  ofthe1:5    ratio ofthe  EPAPAGfor        TEDEand        thyroid  CDE.
Classification  based  oneffluent  monitor  readings assumes    that  arelease    path tothe  environmentis established. lfthe effluent  flowpast  aneffluent monitor  isknown    tohave    stopped  duetoactionsto isolate  the release path, then  theeffluent  monitor reading    isnolonger      valid  for classification purposes.
Escalation  ofthe emergency    classificationlevel would    bevia  ICRSI 33of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          Pl,AN      REVISION69              PAGE155OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I IAl Technical Bases PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
l 1.etter102-05894-DCM/CJS,      Dated    PVN(iS 9/l5/08,      1,2,3,andISFSI Units          Docket Nos.
50-528,50-529, 50-530, ami72-44,          PVNGS Proposed            Plan Emergency        toImplenient Change      NEl 99-01, Revision5, Emergency Action      (EAIs)
Ievels            IRactiological Attaclunent      Calculations
: 2. NEI99-01    AA I 34of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION        69                    PAGE156      OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAl,Technical        Bases Category:                    R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efi1uent Subcategory:                I-Radiological  Effluent Initiating Condition:        Release  ofgaseous      radioactivity  resultinginoffsitedose greater  than 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid                    CDE EAL:
RAl.2            Alert Dose  assessment    using actual  meteorology    indicates    doses > 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid CDEatorbeyond        the SITEBOUNDARY            (Note    4)
Note4:Thepre-calculated  effluentmonitor values presented in      s RAl.LRSl1andRGl.I l?Al                    should beused  for emergency  classification assessments  untilthe  results from a dose        using assessment        meteorology actual          are available.
All Definition(s):
SITEBOUNDARY Theboundary ofa reactor    site  beyond  which theland orproperty is  not owned. leased, orotherwise    controlled  bythe    licensee.
This ICaddresses    a releaseofgaseous      radioactivity    thatresults inprojectedoractualoffsite doses greaterthan  orequal    toI%ofthe    EPAProtective        Action  Guides (PAGs). It includes  both monitored  andun-monitored        releases. Releases    ofthis  magnitude  representanactual  orpotential substantial degradation    ofthe  l evel of          of safety plant the        as indicatedby radiological a            releasethat significantlyexceeds    regulatory  limits  (e.g.,a significant    uncontrolled release).
Radiological  efAuent    EAIsarealso      included    toprovide    abasis  forclassifyingevents  and conditions that cannot    bereadily  orappropriately        classifiedonthe basis ofplantconditions  alone.
Theinclusion  ofboth          condition plant            andradiological        effluentEAIsmorefully  addresses  the spectrum  ofpossible    accident  events andconditions.
TheTEDEdose        issetat1%ofthe      EPAPAGof1,000            mremwhile  the50mremthyroid      CDEwas established inconsideration    ofthe1:5    ratio ofthe      EPAPAGfor    TEDEand    thyroid CDE.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classineation  level    would  bevia  ICRSI 35of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      Pl,AN    REVISION69    PAGE157OF383 ATTACIIMENTI IAl Technical Bases PVNGS Basis Reference(s):
l  Procedure EP-0903,        Assessment Accident
: 2. NEI99-01AA I 36of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE158OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efiluent Subcategory:                I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous  radioactivity  resulting  inoffsite dose greater  than10 mrem    TEDEor50mremthyroid          CDE EAL:
RAl.3          Alert Field surveyresults    indicate  EITllER of the  following atorbeyond        the  SITEBOUNDARY:
a Closed    window    dose  rates> 10mR/hr expected tocontinue          for > 60minutes
* Analyses    offield survey  samples indicate thyroid CDE 50mremfor
                                                                      >                60minutes  of inhalation.
(Notes  I.2)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator  shoulddeclare the eventpromptly  upon determining  that timelimithas been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:Ifanongoing  releaseiscetectedandthe releasestarttimeisunknown    assume      the that releasedurationhas exceededthe  specifiedtime  limit.
All Definition(s):
SITEBOUNDARY Theboundary ofa reactor  sitebeyond  which  the  land orproperty is not owned,leased,  orotherwise      controlledbythe  licensee.
Procedure  EP-0904    ERWERF      ActivationandOperation,      provides  guidance    foremergency  orpost-accident radiological  environmental  monitoring  (ref. I).
This ICaddresses    a release ofgaseous  orradioactivity  that  results inprojected  oractual offsite doses greaterthan    orequal  toI% ofthe    EPAProtective    Action  Guides    (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored  andun-monitored        releases.
Releases  ofthis  magnitude    represent  anactual orpotential substantialdegradation    ofthe  levelofsafety ofthe  plant  asindicated    bya radiological  release that significantly exceeds    regulatory  limits(e.g.,a signillcant  uncontrolled    release).
Radiological effluent  EAlsarealso    included  toprovide  a basis  for classifying  events and conditions thatcannot    bereadily  orappropriately    classified onthe  basis  ofplant conditions  alone.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          Pl,AN              REVISION  69              PAGE159OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAlTechnical Bases Theinclusion  ofboth  plant  condition    andradiological      EALsmorefully eflluent        addresses the spectrum  of possible accident events      andconditions.
TheTEDEdoseis set at1%ofthe              EPAPAGof1,000      mremwhile            CDEwas 50mremthyroid the established  inconsideration oftheI:5        ratio    EPAPAGfor ofthe          TEDEandthyroid CDE.
Escalation  ofthe  emergency    classification        would level    beviaICRSI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1.Procedure    liP-0904,    l?RO/1?RF    Activation  andOperation
: 2. NEI99-01. AA l 38of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION              69                                PAGE160OF383 ATTACIIMENT                  I EAlTechnical            Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad                Efi1uent Subcategory:                I -
Radiological    EiTIuent initiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous    radioactivity            resulting      inoffsite  dose  greater  than 100mremTEDEor500mremthyroid                                    CDE EAL:
RSl.1          Site  AreaEmergency Reading  onanyTable      R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column                              "SAE"for    > 15minutes    (Notes      I, 2.3,4)
NoteI TheEmergency    Coordinator  shoulddeclare  the event        promptly    upon        determiningthat  timelimit has  been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:lfan ongoing  release iscetected  andthe  releasestart      time  isunknown.          assume that the        duration release          has exceededthe          time specilled      limit.
Note3:Iftheeffluent  flowpastaneffluent monitor  isknowntohave            stopped. indicating      that  the      path release    is the isolated. e  ftluent monitor  reading longer is  no        VAllD        for  classification    purposes.
Note4:Ihepre-calculated  eflluent monitorvalues  presented      inEAls RA1.        l RSl .1andRGl.1
                                                                                        .                    should beused    for emergency  classitlcation assessments until  theresults        from a dose    assessment using actual        meteorology  are available.
Table R-1 Effluent          Monitor            Classification          Thresholds Release  Point              Monitor              GE                      SAE                  Alert              UE Plant VentIow Rij-l43Ch I I.04E-02        l.22E-03 p(i ec p( i/ec Plant Vent  liigh            Rl!-144Ch I        1.04E        00          1.04E-01
                                                        ;tt i/ce            p(icc,.
FuelBuilding  Iow Rl!-I45(h1 1.13E-02 pl1/CC Rl!-146Ch I 3.50E        +00      3.50E-01 FuelBuilding  Iligh s(      .
icc          p(iec 3.50E0 1 Rl!-I46Ch2          p(i/ce ModeApplicability:
All 39of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION    69                          PAGE161OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAl,Technical    Bases Definition(s):
None Basis:
This  EAl address    gaseous radioactivity      releases,that for whatever  reason,    cause effluent radiation monitor  readings  corresponding    tosite  boundary  doses  that exceed  either:
* 100mRemTEDE
* 500mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn      "SAE"gaseous      effluent  release value in  Table  R-Icorresponds      tocalculated doses of 10%ofthe      EPAProtective    Action Guidelines (TEDE orCDEThyroid)              (ref. 1).
This  ICaddresses    arelease  ofgaseous    radioactivity that results inprojected      oractualoffsite doses greater  than  orequal  to10%ofthe    EPAProtective      Action Guides (PAGs).        Itincludes both monitored    andun-monitored      releases. Releases  ofthis  magnitude are    associatedwith  the  failure of plant  systems  needed  for the  protection  ofthe public.
Radiological    eftluent EAlsarealso      included  toprovide    a basis  for classifying  events and conditions  that cannot  bereadily  orappropriately    classified  onthe  basis of plant conditions alone.
Theinclusion    ofboth    plant condition  andradiological    effluent  EAl.s  more fully addresses the spectrum    ofpossible  accident  events  andconditions.
TheTEDEdose        issetat10%ofthe        EPAPAGof1,000          mremwhile      the  500mremthyroid CDE wasestablished    inconsideration  ofthe1:5    ratioofthe  EPAPAGfor        TEDEandthyroid CDE.
Classification  based  oneffluent  monitor    readings assumes    that a release  path  totheenvironment  is established. Ifthe effluent  flow past  anefiluent  monitor  isknown    tohave    stopped duetoactions to isolate  the release path, then  the effluent    monitorreading    isnolonger    valid  forclassification purposes.
Escalation  ofthe  emergency    classilleation  levelwould    bevia  ICRGl PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 Ietter    102-05894-DCM/CJS,      Dated    9/15/08,PVN(iS    Units 1,2,3,and/SFSI      Docket  Nos. 50-528,50-529,    50-530,  and72-44    Proposed    PVN(iS    Emergency    Plan    Change  tolinplement  NEl 99-01,  Revision  5, Etnergency  Action    Ievels (EAls)  Attaclunent  I  Radiological  Calculations
: 2. NEl99-01,      ASl 40of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION        69                    PAGE162OF383 ATTACIIMENT            1 EAl,Technical        Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efiluent Subcategory:                l-Radiological  Effluent InitiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous      radioactivity  resultinginoffsitedose  greater    than 100mremTEDEor500mremthyroid                    CDE EAL:
RSl.2          Site  AreaEmergency Dose  assessment    usingactual  meteorology    indicates    doses > 100mremTEDEor500mrem thyroid CDEatorbeyond      the  SITEBOL    JNDARY        (Note 4)
Note4:Thepre-calculated  eflluentmonitor values presented in    liALsRAl.I.RSl.1andRGl.1  should  beused    for emergency classification assessments  untilthe  results from a dose        using assessment    actualmeteorology      are available.
All Definition(s):
SITEBOLJNDARY Theboundary ofareactor      site  beyond  which theland or property    isnot owned,leased,  orotherwise    controlled  bythelicensee.
This lCaddresses    a releaseofgaseous      radioactivity    thatresults inprojectedoractual    offsite doses greater thanorequal    to10%ofthe    EPAProtective        Action  Guides (PAGs). Itincludes  both monitored  andun-monitored      releases. Releases    ofthis  magnitude  areassociated with  the  failure of plant systemsneeded      for the  protection  ofthe    public.
Radiological effluent  EAlsarealso      included    toprovide    a basis forclassifyingevents    and conditions thatcannot    bereadily  orappropriately        classifiedonthe basis ofplant conditions      alone.
Theinclusion ofboth      plant condition    andradiological        ef0uent EAIsmorefully    addresses      the spectrum  ofpossible    accident  events andconditions.
TheTEDEdose      issetat10%oftheEPAPAGof1,000                    mremwhile  the 500mremthyroid          CDE wasestablished  inconsideration    ofthe1:5    ratio    ofthe  EPAPAGfor    TEDEandthyroid        CDE.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classilleation level    would  bevia  ICRG1.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      Pl,AN    REVISION69    PAGE163OF383 ATTACIIMENTI IAl Technical Bases PVNGS Basis Reference(s):
l  Procedure EP-0903,        Assessment Accident
: 2. NEI99-01ASI 42of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                            PAGE164OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efi1uent Subcategory:                I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous  radioactivity  resulting  inoffsite  dosegreater  than100 mrem    TEDEor500mremthyroid            CDE EAL:
RS1.3          Site  AreaEmergency Field surveyresults    indicate EITlIER of thefollowing atorbeyond            the  SITEBOUNDARY:
a Closed    window  dose    rates> 100 mR/hr expected tocontinue          for > 60minutes
* Analyses    offield survey  samples indicate thyroid CDE 500  >        mremfor  60minutes  of inhalation.
(Notes  I.2)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordimitor should declarethe eventpromptly  upon determining  thattime limithas been exceeded.
orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:Ifanongoing        iscetected release          andthe release    time start    isunknown    assume      the that      duration release      has exceeded the  specified time  limit.
All Definition(s):
SITEBOUNDARYTheboundary ofa reactor  site beyond    which  the  land  orpropertyis not owned leased, orotherwise    controlled  bythe licensee.
Procedure  EP-0904    EROGRFActivation      andOperation,      provides  guidance    il>r emergency  orpost-accident radiological  environmental  monitoring  (ref. I).
This ICaddresses    a releaseofgaseous    radioactivity  that results  inprojected    oractualoffsite doses greater thanorequal    to10%ofthe    EPAProtective    Action    Guides  (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored  andun-monitored      releases.Releases  ofthis  magnitude    areassociated    withthe  failure of plant systemsneeded    forthe  protectionofthe  public.
Radiological effluent  EAI.s  arealso  included  toprovide  a basis  for classifying        and events conditions thatcannot    bereadily  orappropriately  classified  onthe  basis  ofplant conditions  alone.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN                REVISION 69              PAGE165OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I EAlTechnicalBases Theinclusion  ofboth  plant condition      andradiological    EALsmorefully eflluent        addresses the spectrum  of possible accident events      andconditions.
TheTliDE    doseis set at10%ofthe        EPAPACi    ofI,000 mremwhile              CDE 500mremthyroid the wasestablished  inconsideration ofthe1:5            ofthe ratio  EPAPACiforTEDEandthyroid CDE Escalation  ofthe  emergency    classification        would level  beviaICR(il.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1.Procedure    liP-0904,  liRO/liRF      Activation  andOperation
: 2. NEI99-01    ASI 44of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION              69                                PAGE166OF383 ATTACIIMENT                  1 EAlTechnical            Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad                Efiluent Subcategory:                l -
Radiological    EiTluent InitiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous    radioactivity            resulting      inoffsite  dose  greaterthan 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000                      mremthyroid            CDE EAL:
RGl.1          General  Emergency Reading  onanyTable      R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column                              "GE"for  > 15minutes    (Notes        1, 2.3,4)
NoteI TheEmergency    Coordinator  should declare  the event        promptly    upon      determining that  time limit has been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:lfan ongoing  release iscetected  andthe  releasestart      time  isunknown.          assume that the      duration release        has exceededthe          time specilled      limit.
Note3:Iftheeftluent  flowpastaneffluent monitor  isknowntohave            stopped. indicating      that  the      path release  is the isolated. e  ffluent monitor  reading longer is  no        VAllD        for  classification    purposes.
Note4:Ihepre-calculated  efiluent monitor values  presented      inEAls RA1.        1.RSl .1andRG1.1should        beused      for emergency  classification assessmentsuntil  theresults        from a dose    assessment using actual      meteorology    are available.
Table R-1 Effluent          Monitor            Classification          Thresholds Release  Point              Monitor              GE                      SAE                  Alert            UE Plant VentIow Ch 1 Ril-143                                                            1.04E-02        1.22E-03 p(i ec p(    1/ec Plant Vent  Iligh                  Ch 1 Rl!-144            1.04E        00          1.04E-01 itt 1/ce            p(1cc,.
FuelBuilding  Iow (h1 Rt!-145  ,
1.13E-02 pl1/CC Ch 1 Rt!-146 3.50E      +00        3.50E-01 p(iec plicc FuelBuilding  IIigh 3.50E0 I Ch2 Rl!-146              p(1/ce ModeApplicability:
All 45of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION    69                          PAGE167OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical    Bases Definition(s):
None Basis:
This  EAl address  gaseous radioactivity    releases,that for whatever  reason,    cause effluent radiation monitor  readings corresponding  tosite  boundary  doses  that exceed  either:
* I000  mRemTEDE
* 5000  mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn      "GE"gaseous    efiluent release values in  Table  R-Icorrespond      tocalculated  doses of 100"4  ofthe  EPAProtective  Action  Guidelines (TEDE orCDEThyroid)            (ref. I).
This  ICaddresses  arelease  ofgaseous  radioactivity that results inprojected      oractualoffsite doses greater  than  orequal  tothe  EPAProtective    Action Guides (  PAGs). It  includes  bothmonitored  and un-monitored    releases.Releases ofthis              will magnituderequire implementation ofprotective              actions for the  public.
Radiological    eftluentEAlsarealso      included toprovide  a basis  for classifying  events and conditions  that cannot bereadily orappropriately    classified  onthe  basis of plant conditions alone.
Theinclusion    ofboth  plant condition  andradiological  effluent  EAl.s  more fully addresses the spectrum    ofpossible  accident events  andconditions.
TheTEDEdose        issetatthe  EPAPAGof1,000        mremwhile      the 5,000  mremthyroid CDE was established    inconsideration ofthe1:5    ratioofthe  EPAPAGfor      TEDEandthyroid        CDE.
Classification  based oneffluent monitor    readings assumes    that a release  path  totheenvironment  is established. Iftheeffluent  llowpast  aneflluent  monitor  isknown    tohave    stopped duetoactions to isolate  the releasepath, then  theeffluent  monitor  reading  isnolonger    valid  forclassification purposes.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
I I.etter    102-05894-DCM/CJS,    Dated    9/I5/08, PVNGSUnits      I,2,3,andISFSI      Docket  Nos. 5()-
528,50-529,    50-530,  and72-44    Proposed  PVNGSEmergency        Plan    Change  tolinplement  NEl 99-01,  Revision 5, Einergency  Action  Levels (EALs)  Attaclunent  I  Radiological  Calculations
: 2. NEI    99-01,  AGI 46of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION        69                      PAGE168OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical        Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efi1uent Subcategory:              I-Radiological  Effluent initiatingCondition:      Release  ofgaseous      radioactivity  resultinginoffsite dose    greater than 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000                mremthyroid  CDE EAL:
RGl.2          General  Emergency Dose  assessment    usingactual  meteorology    indicates doses    > 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000          mrem thyroid CDEatorbeyond      the  SITEBOUNDARY              (Note 4)
Note4:Thepre-calculated eflluent monitorvalues presented in    liALsRAl.I.RSl.1 andRGl.1  should beused  for emergency  classification assessments  untilthe  results from a doseassessmentusingactual meteorology are available.
All Definition(s):
E BOliNDARYTheboundary S/'/                -
ofa reactor    site  beyond  which  theland or property  isnotowned, leased,orothenvise    controlled bythe  licensee.
This ICaddresses    a release ofgaseous      radioactivity    thatresults inpro;ectedoractualoffsite doses greaterthan orequal    tothe    PA I Protective        Action      Guides  (PAGs). Itincludes  both  monitored  and un-monitored releases. Releases  ofthis  magnitude      willrequire implementation  ofprotective actions forthe public.
Radiological efiluent  EALsarealso    included    toprovide    a basis forclassifying events  and conditions thatcannotbereadily    orappropriately        classifiedonthe basis ofplant  conditions    alone.
Theinclusion  ofboth    plant condition    andradiological        ef0uent EALsmorefully    addresses    the spectrum  ofpossible  accident  events andconditions.
TheTEDEdose      issetatthe    EPAPAGofI,000          mremwhile    the 5,000mremthyroid      CDEwas establishedinconsideration    ofthe  1:5 ratio ofthe      IPA PAGfor    TEDEand    thyroid    CDE.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN    REVISION69    PAGE169OF383 ATTACIIMENTI Technical l?Al      Bases PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
l  Procedure EP-0903  AccidentAssessment
: 2. NIil 99-0LAG I 48of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE170OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad        Efi1uent Subcategory:                I-Radiological  Effluent initiatingCondition:        Release  ofgaseous    radioactivity  resulting  inoffsite dosegreater  than 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000            mremthyroid        CDE EAL:
RGl.3          General  Emergency Field surveyresults    indicate EITllER of thefollowing atorbeyond            the  SITEBOUNDARY:
a Closed    window  dose  rates > 1,000 mR/hr expected tocontinue            il)r
                                                                                      > 60minutes
* Analyses    offield survey  samples  indicate thyroid CDE      >  5,000    mremflar 60minutes    of inhalation.
(Notes  I.2)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinatorshoulddeclare the eventpromptly  upon  determining  that time limithas been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note2:Ifanongoing        iscetected release          andthe  release    time start    isunknown    assume      the that      duration release      has exceededthe  specified time  limit.
All Definition(s):
SITEBOUNDARYTheboundary ofa reactor  site beyond    which  the  land orpropertyis not owned.
leased,orotherwise    controlled bythe  licensee.
Procedure  EP-0904. ERO/ERF    Activation  andOperation,      provides  guidance    liar emergency  orpost-accident radiological  environmental  monitoring    (ref. I).
This ICaddresses    a releaseofgaseous    radioactivity  that results  inprojected    oractual offsite doses greaterthan orequal    tothe EPAProtective      Action  Guides    (PAGs). Itincludes    monitored both          and un-monitored releases. Releases  ofthis  magnitude  will require    implementation    ofprotective  actions forthe public.
Radiological eftluent  EAl.s  arealso  included  toprovide  a basis  It>r classifying      and events conditions thatcannot    bereadily  orappropriately    classified  onthe    basis  ofplantconditions  alone.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION 69            PAGE171OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I EAlTechnical Bases Theinclusion ofboth    plant          andradiological condition                    EALsmorefully effluent        addresses the spectrum  of possible accidentevents andconditions.
TheTEDEdoseis set atthe        EPAPAGofI,000    mremwhilethe            CDEwas mremthyroid 5,000 established inconsideration oftheI:5    ratio oftheEPAPAGforTEDEandthyroid CDE.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Procedure    EP-0904,    ERO/ERF Activation  andOperation
: 2. NEI  99-01,  AGI 50of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION        69                    PAGE172OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical        Bases Category:                R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad      Efi1uent Subcategory:              2 Irradiated Fuel  Event initiatingCondition:      UNPLANNED          loss  ofwaterlevel    above          fuel irradiated EAl,:
RU2.1          Unusual  Event UNPIANN1iDwaterlevel            dropin the REFUElING        PATllWAY asindicated    bylowwaterlevel alarm (PCN-E02)    orlevelindication (installed plant      indicator/camera orRWI,IS)
AND UNPIANNEDalert        alarm  onanyofthe    following    corresponding  radiation monitors:
    = RU-16    Containment      Operating Level  Area
    = RU-17    Incore Instrument    Area (when  installed)
* RU-19    NewFuel  Area a RU-31    Spent Fuel Pool    Area
* RU-33    Refueling Machine      Area (when    installed)
All Definition(s):
UN/'/ANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat      isnot1)  the      ofanintended result              evolution  or 2)anexpected  plant  response    toa transient. Thecause    ofthe  parameterchange  orevent  may  be known  orunknown.
REFUELING    PATlIWAY-    Thereactor      refueling  pool,  fuel storage poolandfuel  transfer eanal comprise  therefueling  pathway.
Thelowwaterlevel      alarminthis    EAl,refers  tothe  Fuel  Pool  lowlevelalarm (procedure 40Al-9PCOI. Fuel  PoolCooling      andCleanup    I.ocal  Alarm  Panel PCN-EO2 Responses)    (ref. I).
I)uring thefuel  transferphase    ofrefueling operations,  the  fuel      eanal transfer  isnormally    in communication    with thefuel    storagepool andthe    refueling pool  inthe Containment  isin communication    with thefuel    transfercanal whenthe    fuel transfer    isopen.
tube      A lowering    inwater level inthe fuel S FP,      transfer  eanal orrefueling  pool  istherefore  sensedbythe SFPlowlevel      alarm.
(ref.I 2).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE173OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases TheSFP is locally monitored inthe        Fuel  I3uilding  byLevel  indicators  PCN-LIT-3/5  onPCNEO2.
These  levelindicating    transmitters also  initiatelocal panel  alarms via  levelswitches  PCN-I      SHL-3/PCN-1  SI-5on low andlowlowSFPlevel                respectively. Thealarms    arealso located  onPCNE02 andannunciate    a general Control Roomalarm          onwindow    "FUELPOOICLGSYSTRBI                  "
indicating analarm    isin on the  local panel.
Level  isalso indicated    inthe Control Roomvisually      via  digitalcamera    feedandinthe    back    panel areaonpanel    PCN-E015      bya digital levelindicator.This    Control  Roomindication    does    nothave associated annunciation.
Technical  Specillcation    1C03.7.14    (ref. 3) requires atleast  23ft ofwaterabove    the  Fuel    Storage Pool storage  racks. Technical    Specilleation I CO 3.9.6(ref. 4)requires  atleast 23ft  ofwaterabove theReactor  Vessel    Hange  inthe  refueling  pool. During refueling, this    maintains sufficient    water level inthe fuel transfer    canal, refueling  pool  andSFP toretainiodine      Assion product  activity    inthe water  inthe eventofa fuel    handling  accident.
Thelisted  radiation  monitors  arethose  expected    toseeincreased arearadiationlevels      asa result    ofa lossofRElUElINGPATlIWAYinventory                    (ref. 2).Increasing radiation indications onthese monitors  inthe  absence    ofindications  ofdecreasing    REFUElING PATllWAY            level are    not classinable under  this  EAl TheAlert
                              .            alarms  aresetvery  low(3X normal background) andwould promptly  alert operators    ofany  increase  inarea  radiation  (ref.5).
Whenthe  spent  fuel  pool  andreactor  cavity  areconnected,  there could  existthe possibility    of uncovering  irradiated  fuel. Therefore,  this EAl is  applicable  forconditions  inwhich irradiated fuel isbeing  transferred  toandfrom    the reactor  vessel  andspent  fuelpool.
This ICaddresses    adecrease    inwaterlevel    above  irradiated fuelsufficient tocause  elevated radiation levels. This  condition  could  bea precursor  toamoreserious      eventandis  also    indicative  of a minor  lossinthe  ability  tocontrol  radiation  levels within the plant. Itistherefore apotential degradation  inthe  level  ofsafety  ofthe  plant.
A waterlevel  decrease    will  beprimarily  determined  byindications  from  availablelevel instrumentation. Other    sources  oflevel  indications  mayinclude  reports  from plant personnel      (e.g.,
from  a refueling crew)    orvideo  camera  observations  (ifavailable). A significant  drop  inthe    water level mayalso  cause  anincrease    inthe  radiation  levelsofadjacent  areas  thatcanbedetected        by monitors  inthose  locations.
Theeffects  ofplanned      evolutions  should  beconsidered. Iorexample,    a refuelingbridge      area radiation monitor  reading  mayincrease    duetoplanned    evolutions such  aslifting ofthe    reactor 52of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION      69              PAGE174OF383 ATTACl    lMENT1 l?Al  Technical  Bases vesselhead  or movement      ofa fuel    assembly. Note  that    EAL isapplicable this          only incases where theelevated reading    isduetoanunplanned            loss ofwaterlevel.
A drop inwater  level  above  irradiatedfuel    within    the          maybeclassified vessel reactor              inaccordance with Recognition  Category    C duringthe      Cold  Shutdown  andRefueling modes.
IEscalationofthe  emergency    classification    level  would  beviaICRA2.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Procedure  40Al-9PC01,        /:uel  Pool  Cooling  andCleanup  LocalAlarm  PCN-EO2 Panel Responses 2.Procedure  40AO-97723.        Loss    ofSFPLevel orCooling 3.Technical  Speci  Acation  1.CO.7.14, 3        Fuel  Storage Pool WaterLeve/
: 4. Technical  Specification    ICO    3.9.6,  RefitelingWater Level Fuel Assemblies
: 5. Design  Basis  ManualRadiation Monitoring    System
: 6. NIll 99-01,  AU2 53of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                        PAGE175OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I I?Al, TechnicalBases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad    Efi1uent Subcategory:              2 Irradiated Fuel  Event Initiating Condition:      Significant  lowering  ofwater  level above,  ordamage    to,irradiated fuel EAl,:
RA2.1            Alert Uncovery  ofirradiated  fucI    inthe REFUEI.ING    PATIIWAY ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
REFUELING    PATHWAYThereactor refueling pool.fuel storage  poolandfuel  transfer canal comprise  the refueling  pathway.
This ICaddresses          that events        have caused  imminent oractual  damage to anirradiated fuel assembly,  ora significant lowering    ofwaterlevel  withinthe  spent  fuelpool. These events  present radiological safety  challenges  toplant personnel  andareprecursors    toa release ofradioactivity to the environment. Assuch. they  represent anactual  orpotential  substantial degradation  ofthe level ofsafety  ofthe  plant.
This EAI. applies  toirradiated  fuelthatislicensed    drystorage for              uptothe  point thatthe loaded storage cask issealed. Once      sealed.damage  toa loadedcask  causing  loss  ofthe CONIINEMENT BOUNDARY      isclassilled  inaccordance    with  ICEUI.1 Escalation ofthe  emergency      would bebased  oneither Recognition    Category  R orC ICs.
This l?AI. escalates  fromRU2.I      inthatthe  lossoflevel,inthe  affected portion ofthe  REFUIIING PATIIWAY,is      ofsufficient    magnitude tohave  resultedinuncovery    ofirradiated  fuel.indications ofirradiated fuel  uncovery  mayinclude      direct orindirectvisual  observation  (e.g., reports from personnel  orcamera    images),    aswell assignillcant changes  inwaterandradiation            orother levels, plant parameters. Computational    aidsmayalso    beused (e.g., a boil-offcurve). Classification ofan event using this  EAI. should    bebased  onthe  totality ofavailable    indications,reports  and observations.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN                REVISION69                PAGE176OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I EAl,Technical Bases While  anarea radiation monitor      could  detectanincrease ina dose  duetoa lowering rate            ofwater level insome portion ofthe    REFUElING          PATIIWAY,the reading maynotbeareliable indication ofwhether  ornot the fuel  isactually    uncovered.Tothedegree      readings possible,    should be considered  incombination with      other    available indications ofinventory loss.
A drop  inwaterlevel  above  irradiated    fuelwithin the reactorvessel maybeclassified inaccordance Recognition  Category  C during    theCold                      modes.
andRefueling Shutdown Escalation ofthe  emergency    classification  level  bevia would    ICRSI PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Procedure  40AO-97723.        Loss  ofSFPLevel orCooling
: 2. NEl99-01. AA2 55of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION      69                PAGE177OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad      Efiluent Subcategory:              2 Irradiated Fuel  Event initiatingCondition:      Significant  lowering  ofwater    level    ordamage above,                  fuel to,irradiated EAl,:
RA2.2          Alert Damage  toirradiated  fuelresulting ina release of              from radioactivity  thefuel        by asindicated high alarm onanyofthe    lollowing:
a RlJ-16    Containment    OperatingI evel Area
* RU-I7    Incore Instrument    Area (when installed) a RU-19    NewFuel  Area
    = RU-31    Spent Fuel Pool    Area
    = Rlf-33    Refueling Machine    Area(when  installed) e RU-37/38      Containment    PurgeExhaust  Area
* RU-I43    Plant Vent a RU-145    Fuel Building    Vent ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
Thespecilled radiation  monitors    arethose expected  toseeincreasearearadiation levels asa result ofdamage  toirradiated  fuel  (ref. I,2).
This ICaddresses    eventsthat  have caused actual damage    toanirradiated assembly, fuel      ora significantlowering  ofwaterlevel    withinthe  spent fuel  pool.
These          radiological present events safetychallenges  toplantpersonnel    andareprecursors              ofradioactivity toa release          tothe environment. Assuch. they represent  anactual  orpotential          degradation substantial      ofthe level of safetyofthe plant.
This IAl applies    toirradiated  fuel that islicensed  for  dry      uptothe storage    point that  loaded the storage caskissealed. Oncesealed,    damage  toa loaded    caskcausing loss  CONUlNI ofthe        Ml NT BOUNDARY      is  classifiedinaccordance  with  EUII 56of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION      69              PAGE178  OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 EAl,Technical  Bases Escalation of  theemergency    would    bebased    oneitherRecognition CategoryR orC ICs.
This EAl. addresses a releaseofradioactive          materialcausedbymechanical damagetoirradiated fuel.Damaging    events  may include      the  dropping, bumping          ofanassembly, orbinding          ordropping a
heavy  load ontoanassembly. A rise        inreadings  onradiationmonitors should beconsidered in conjunction  with  in-plant reports orobservations ofa potential      damaging fuel      event(e.g.,
a litel handling  accident).
Escalation  ofthe  emergency    classilleation    level would  beviaICRSI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Design    Basis  ManualRadiation Monitoring  System 2.Procedure    40AO-9//22.      Fuel  Damage
: 3. NEl  99-01,  AA2 57of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION  69                      PAGE179OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAl,TechnicalBases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory:              2 Irradiated Fuel Event Initiating Condition:      Significant    loweringofwaterlevelabove, ordamage    to,irradiated  fuel EAl,:
RA2.3            Alert Spent fuel pool  level 5 125ft.  (1evel 2)
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
IorPVNGS, I.evel      2,which    corresponds to10ft.above thetopof the fuelracks  inthe  SFP(9ft.
based oninstrument    indication  margin), isanindicatedlevel of125ft. (ref. 2).
This ICaddresses    eventsthat  have caused imminentoractualdamage  toan irradiated fuel assembly,  ora signincant  lowering    ofwaterlevel withinthespent luelpool. These events present radiological safety  challenges  toplant personnelandareprecursors toa release  of radioactivity  to the environment. Assuch, they    representanactualorpotential substantial degradation of the    level ofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    would  bebased oneitherRecognition Category  R orC ICs. Spent fuel pool waterlevel    atthisvalue  iswithin  thelowerendofthe levelrange necessary    toprevent significant dose  consequences    from directgamma  radiation topersonnel  performing    operations  in the vicinityofthe    spentfuel  pool.This condition      a significant reflects          lossofspent    fuel pool  water inventory  andthus    it isalso  a precursor        ofthe toa loss    ability toadequately  cool  the irradiated  fuel assembles  stored  inthepool.
PVNGS EMERGENCY          Pl,AN      REVISION69            PAGE180OF383 ATTACIIMENTI Technical l?Al      Bases PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
102-06728. dated l 1.etter                  JulyII.2013.
to fi>rldditional Inforntation fi>r Request                            the          Integrated ITNGSOverall    Plan inResponse to March12,2012, Conunission    OrderModifiing Iicense Regard with    toReliable I:uel Spent Ievel Pool    Instrumentation  (OrderNumberEA-12-051) 2.livaluation 4512970
: 3. NIEI 99-01  AA2 59of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION  69                      PAGE181      OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAl,Technical Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory:                2 Irradiated IuelEvent Initiating Condition:      Spent  fuel  pool  levelatthetopofthe fuel  racks EAl,:
RS2.1            Site AreaEmergency Spent fuel pool  level 5 I16ft. (I,evel  3)
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
liorPVNGS, Ievel      3.which    corresponds  to0 ft.abovethetopof the fuel racks  inthe SIP,is  an indicated level ofI16ft.  (includes  a Ift.IO  inchesinstrument indication  error margin)  (ref.2).
This EAl. addresses  a signincant  loss ofspent  fuelpoolinventory controland makeup capability leading toIMMINENTfuel        damage. This condition      major entails      failures ofplant functions needed forprotection ofthe    publicandthus      warrant a SiteAreaEmergency    declaration.
Itisrecognized    that thisICwould    likely notbemetuntil    after well      another  SiteArea  Emergency  IC wasmet;however,      itisincluded  toprovide  classification diversity.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    classification levelwould beviaICRGIorRG2.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Letter  102-06728,    datedJuly  11,2013    andAdams  Accession#13199A033,      Response  toRecptest fi>r Infi>rmation Additional                fi>r the  I TNGS  Overall          Plan Integrated Response i n        to March  12, 2012 Conunission    Order  Modifiing    License with RegardtoReliable  Spent  Fuel Pool  Level Instrumentation    (OrderNumber      EA-12-051) 2.Evaluation  4512970 3.NEI99-01. AS2 60of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION        69                    PAGE182    OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical        Bases Category:                    R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad      Efi1uent Subcategory:                2 Irradiated Fuel    Event Initiating Condition:        Spent  fuel  pool  level  cannot  berestoredtoatleast the topofthe  fuel racks for  60minutes      orlonger EAL:
RG2.1            General  Emergency Spent fuel pool  level  cannot  berestored toatleast      I16ft.(1evel3)for> 60minutes    (Note  I-)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator  should declare the event            determining promptlyupon          thattime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill  likelybeexceeded.
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
ForPVNGS, I.evel      3,which    corresponds  to0 ft. above thetopofthefuel racks in theSFP,  isan indicated level ofI16ft.    (includes  a Ift.IO  inches    instrumentindication error  margin) (ref.2).
This EAI addresses      a significant loss  ofspent    fuel  pool inventory controlandmakeupcapability leading toa prolonged    uncovery  ofspent    fuel. This  condition will leadtofuel  damage  and a radiological release  tothe environment.
Itisrecognized    that thisICwould    likely  notbemetuntil      well after another General  Emergency IC wasmet;however,      itisincluded  toprovide    elassification  diversity.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 1etter  102-06728. dated  July 11,2013    andAdamsAccession      #13199A033,    Response  toRequest fi>rAdditional    Infi>rmation  fi>r the  PVNGS      Overall  IntegratedPlaninResponse    toMarch  12, 2012  Conunission    Order    Modifiing  Iicense    with Regard toReliable Spent  Fuel  PoolI.evel Instrumentation    (Order  Nmnher    EA-12-051)
: 2. Evaluation  4512970 3.NEI99-01,      AG2 61of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION    69                  PAGE183    OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAl,Technical Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad  EfiTuent Subcategory:              3 AreaRadiation I,evels initiating Condition:      Radiation levels thatIMPEDEaccess  toequipment  necessary for normal plant operations, cooldown  orshutdown EAL:
RA3.1            Alert Doserates  > 15mR/hr    inEITIlERof the following    areas:
a Control    Room
* Central    Alarm Station  (CAS) (bysurvey)
AII Definition(s):
None Basis:
Areas  thatmeetthis    threshold  includetheControl Roomand  the      Alarm Station (CAS).
Central                        The Radiation  Monitoring  System    monitorstheControl Roomfor  area radiation(ref. I).If unavailable local radiation surveys  canbeperformed. TheCASisincluded  inthis because of its' EAl importance  to permitting  access  toareasrequired to    safe assure  plant operations.
There  isnopermanently    installed  CASarea  radiationmonitorthat maybeused    toassess this EAI.
threshold. Therefore  this threshold  mustbeassessed  vialocalradiation survey  for theCAS(ref. I).
This ICaddresses    elevatedradiation  levels incertain plant        suf0cient rooms/areas          topreclude  or impede  personnel    fromperforming    actions necessary tomaintain normalplant  operation,orto perform  a normal  plantcooldown    andshutdown. Assuch, it        anactual represents        orpotential substantial degradation  ofthelevel    ofsafety ofthe      TheEmergency plant.            Coordinator  should consider the cause    oftheincreased  radiation levels anddetermineif another ICmaybeapplicable.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    classification levelwould bevia Recognition Category  R,C orF ICs.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        Pl,AN    REVISION 69    PAGE184OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
l DesignBasis Manuai  -
Radiation      System Monitoring
: 2. NEI99-01AA3 63of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE185OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad    EfiTuent Subcategory:              3 AreaRadiation Ievels initiatingCondition:      Radiation levels        IMPEDEaccess that                  toequipmentnecessary    fornormal plant operations, cooldown      orshutdown EAL:
RA3.2            Alert An UNPLANNED        eventresults  inradiation levels  that prohibit orIMPEDEaccess    toanyTable R-2rooms(Note      5)
Note5:lftheequipment  inthelisted  roomwasalreadyinoperable orout-of-sen ice before the eventoccurred. thenno emergency  classilleation iswarranted Table    R-2 Safe      Operation  &  Shutdown    Rooms Room                                        ModeApplicability Control  Building  10011. ClassDCEquipment      RoomC                      4,5 Control  Building  100ft. ClassDCEquipment      RoomD                      4,5 ModeApplicability:
4 Ilot Shutdown,    5 Cold Shutdown Definition(s):
/UPEDE(D)    -
Personnel  access    toa roomorarea    ishindered  toanextent that extraordinary measures  arenecessary  tofacilitate  entry  ofpersonnel  intothe affectedroom/area (e.g.,requiring useofprotective    equipment,    suchas SCBAs,    thatisnotroutinely    employed).
UNPIANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat      isnotI)  the      ofanintended result              evolutionor 2)anexpected    plant response    toa transient. Thecause  ofthe  parameterchangeorevent    maybe known  orunknown.
Ifthe equipment    inthe listed  roomwasalready    inoperable, orout-of-service,before  the event occurred, then noemergency        shouldbedeclared  since  theevent  willhave noadverse  impact beyond    already that          allowed    byTechnical  Specifications atthe  time oftheevent.
Thelist ofplant  rooms  with  entry-related  modeapplicability  identified      those specify      rooms  that contain equipment    whichrequire    a manual/local  action asspecified  inoperatingprocedures  used  for 64of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION    69                        PAGE186        OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I IAl Technical  Bases normal plant  operation,  cooldown    andshutdown. Roomsorareas    inwhich    actions  ofa contingent oremergency nature would        beperformed      (e.g.,
anaction toaddress    anoff-normal      oremergency condition suchas emergency repairs,        corrective measures  oremergency      operations)    arenot included. Inaddition, the list    specifiesthe    plantmode(s)  during  which  entry  would    berequired    for each room(ref. 1).
This ICaddresses    elevatedradiation levels      incertainplant rooms/areas    sufficient  topreclude    or impede personnel    from  perti3rming    actions necessary  tomaintain  normal  plant  operation,    orto perform a normal    plant  cooldownand shutdown. Assuch,          itrepresents  anactual    orpotential substantial degradation    ofthe  level of safety ofthe  plant.
TheEmergency        Coordinator      should consider the  cause  ofthe  increased  radiation levels and  determine  if another  ICmaybeapplicable.
ForRA3.2,    anAlert  declaration    iswarranted  ifentry into the affected  room/area    is, ormaybe, procedurally  required  during  the  plant  operating mode in effectatthe    time  ofthe  elevated  radiation levels.
Theemergency        classification  isnotcontingent upon whether entry      isactually      necessary  at thetime ofthe  increased  radiation  levels. Access  shouldbe considered asimpeded          if  extraordinary measures  are  necessary  tofacilitate  entry  ofpersonnel  intothe affected room/area(e.g.,        installing temporary  shielding,    requiring  useofnon-routine      protectiveequipment,    requesting anextension        in dose limits  beyond  normal    administrative    limits).
Anemergency    declaration    is notwarranted    ifanyofthe  following  conditions  apply:
* Theplant    isinanoperating      modedifferent    thanthe modespecified      for the affected room/area    (i.e.,entry  i snot required  duringoperating the          mode  in  effect  at the time of    the elevated  radiation  levels). Forexample,    the plantisinModeIwhenthe            radiation  increase occurs    andthe    procedures    used  fornormal  operation,cooldown    andshutdowndo not require  entry  into the  affected  roomuntil  Mode4.
* Theincreased      radiation  levels  area result ofa planned  activity that  includes  compensatory measures    which  address    the temporary  inaccessibilityofaroomorarea        (e.g.,  radiography, spent  filter or  resin transfer,  etc.).
* Theaction      for which    room/area    entry isrequired isofanadministrative      orrecord    keeping nature  (e.g.. normal    rounds  orroutine  inspections).
* Theaccess      control  measures    areofaconservative    orprecautionary      nature  andwould      not actually  prevent  orimpede    a required  action.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classineation  levelwould  bevia  Recognition    Category      R,C orU ICs.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PIAN        REVISION  69              PAGE187OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I EALTechnical  Bases NOTE:  EAL  RA3.2modeapplicability    hasbeenlimited  applicable tothe        modes      in identined Table R-2  SafeOperation & Shutdown  Rooms/Areas.        operating Ifduetoplant procedure orplant  conngurationchanges,  applicable the      plant modesspecified inTable R-2arechanged, acorresponding change  toAttachment 3'Safe      & Shutdown Operation Areas  Tables R-2 & II-2 Bases' andtoEAL RA3.2modeapplicability isrequired.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
1 Attachment 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown Areas    R-3& I-i-2 Tables      Bases 2.NEl 99-01, AA3 66of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION  69                PAGE188  OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I IAl Technical Bases EAlGroup: ANY    (EAIs  inthis  category areapplicabletoanyplant      hot condition, orcold.)
An independentspent fuel storage installation  (ISFSI)isa complex  isdesigned that        andconstructed fortheinterim storage  of spent nuclear fuel  andother radioactive materials associated with spent fuel      A significantamount ofthe storage.                                        material radioactive      contained  a canister within      must escape  packaging its          andenterthe environment for    theretobea significant        effect environmental resulting from anaccident    involving the dry  storageofspent nuclear fuel.
A Notification ofUnusual    Event  is declared onthe  basisofthe        ofanevent occurrence      ofsufficient magnitude thata loaded  cask  conGnementboundary is    damaged orviolated.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN            REVISION    69                      PAGE189OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EALTechnical    Bases Category:                ISI SI Subcategory:              Confinement      Boundary initiatingCondition:      Damage toa loaded      caskCONFINEMENT          BOUNDARY EAl,:
EUl.1          Unusual  Event Damage  toa loaded  canisterCON1    INEMENT    BOUNDARYasindicated          byanon-contact radiationreading    onthesurface  ofa loaded spent fuel cask  greaterthan  anyTable  E-1dose  limit.
Table  E-1Concrete  CaskDose        I,imits NAC-UMS(Casks          1-152)                  NAC-MAGNASTOR            (Casks > 153) 100mrem/hr    (y+ q)onthe    side ofthe      -
10mrem/hr    (q)  onthe  verticalconcrete cask                                                surfaces 100mrem/hr    (y+ q)onthe    topofthe  cask  -
240 mrem/hr      (y)onthe  verticalconcrete 200mrem/hr    (y q)atthe
                      +          airinlets or          surtlices outlets                                          -
900mrem/hr      (y+ q)onthe  topsurface ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
CONFINEMEAT        BOUNDARYThebarrier(s) between  spent    fuel andthe  environment  once the spent fuelprocessed is            fordry  storage.related As        to  theP VNGS    ISFSL  Conlinement  Boundary  is defined asthe Transportable  Storage  Canister (TSC)    for the  NAC-UMSandNAC-MAGNASTOR storage systems.
A complex  that isdesigned andconstructed  for  theinterimstorage  ofspent nuclear  fuel  andother  radioactive materials associated with  spent fuelstorage.
ThePVNGS    ISFSI    utilizes the NAC-UMS      andNAC-MAGNASTOR            dryspent  fuelstorage system for dryspent fuel  storage.Serial  numbers  areembossed  inthe    side ofeach  concrete  cask aswell as printedonthe  metallic  labelplate  affixed toeach cask. NAC-UMSserial      numbers  areI-152.
NAC-MAGNASTOR                numbers serial          are153  andgreater. Thesystem    consists ofa Transportable Storage Canister  (TSC)  andconcrete    VerticalConcrete  Cask    (VCC). TheTSCisthe 68of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE190    OF383 ATTACHMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases CONFINEMENT        BOUNDARY.        TheTSCiswelded          anddesigned  toprovide confinement ofall radionuclides under  normal, off-normal    andaccident    conditions  (ref.1,2,and3).
Confinement  boundary is  dellned asthe      barrier(s) between  areas containingradioactivesubstances andthe  environment. Therefl3re,    damage    toa continement    boundary mustbea confirmed  physical breach between  the spent fuel andthe    environment for    the  TSC.
Thevalues  shown  represent  2times the    limits  specitled inthe  respectiveISFSI Certificateof Compliance  (CofC)Technical      Specification    for radiation  externaltoa loaded TSCfor  a NAC-UMSorNAC-MAGNASTORcanister (ref.                      I,2)
This ICaddresses  anevent  that  results  indamage tothe    CONIINEMENTBOUNDARYofa storage cask containing  spent  fuel.It appliesto irradiated fuel    thatisheensed for dry storage beginning  atthe point  that the  loaded  storage  cask is sealed. Theissues  ofconcern  arethecreation ofa potential oractual  release  pathtothe    environment, degradation    ofoneormorefuel    assemblies duetoenvironmental    factors  andconfiguration    changes which couldcause    challenges inremoving the cask orfuel from  storage.
Theexistence  of'damage"    isdetermined    byradiological    survey.The ISFSI C ofC technical specification multiple  of"2times,"    which    isalso used  inRecognition Category R ICRUl,isused here todistinguish  between  non-emergency      andemergency      conditions.The emphasis for this classilleationisthe  degradation  inthe  level  ofsafety  ofthe  spentfuelcaskand notthe  magnitudeof the associated dose  ordose  rate. Itisrecognized    that inthe  case ofextremedamage toa loaded cask, the factthatthe  "on-contact"  dose    rate limitisexceeded    maybedeterminedbased on measurement  ofa dose  rate atsomedistance      from  the cask.
Security-related events  for ISFSIs  are  covered  under  ICsIIUI  andHA1.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I l!SNRC    Certificate ofCompliancefi>r      NACInternational's    l!MSSpent  l'uelStorage CasksNo.
1015,  Amendment    5 ,Appendix  A,Technical    Specifications  fi>r the NAC-liMS  System
: 2. liSNRC    Certificate ofCompliancefi>r      NACInternational's    MAGNASTOR    Spent Fuel Storage Casks  No.103lAmendment        7,Appendix    A.Technical    Specifications  the fi>r  MAGNASTOR system.
: 3. NEI99-01,    E-HUI 69of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN                  REVISION  69                        PAGE191OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAlTechnical    Bases EAlGroup:  Cold  Conditions      (RCS    temperature  5 2100F); EAI.s  inthis category    areapplicable onlyin  one  ormorecold        operating modes.
CategoryC EAIsaredirectly associated with          coldshutdown  orrefueling  system    safety  functions.
Given thevariability ofplant configurations (e.g.,    systems  out-ol-service  for maintenance, containmentopen, reduced    AC power redundancy, time        since shutdown)  during  these  periods,  the consequencesofanygiven      initiating    event  canvarygreatly. Forexample    a loss  ofdecay    heat removalcapability that  occurs  attheend ofanextended outage        hasless  significance    than a similar lossoccurringduring  the  ilrst  weekafter shutdown. Compounding these        events  isthe    likelihood thatinstrumentation necessary    for  assessment may also  beinoperable. Thecold    shutdown    and refueling system  malfunction    EAIsarebasedon performance capability          tothe  extent  possible  with given consideration      toRCSintegrity,        containmentclosure and    fuelclad  integrity  for  the applicable operatingmodes  (5Cold Shutdown,      6 Refueling, D Defueled).
Theevents ofthis category  pertain    tothe    following subcategories:
I RCS1.evel RCSwaterlevel  isdirectly  related    tothe        ofadequate status          core  cooling and,  therefore,    fuel  clad integrity.
: 2. IossofEmergency      AC Power I.ossofemergency  plant  electrical    power    cancompromise  plant  safety system  operability    including decay heatremoval andemergency cooling  core          systems which    may necessary be              to  ensure 11ssion productbarrierintegrity. This    category    includes    ofonsite loss          andoffsite  power    sources    for4.16KV AC emergency  buses.
: 3. RCSfemp.erature Uncontrolledorinadvertent    temperature                increases orpressure          areindicative  ofapotential      loss  of safetyfunctions.
: 4. IossofVital  DCPower Iossofemergency  plant  electrical    power    cancompromise  plant  safety system  operability    including decay heatremoval andemergency          core    cooling systems which    maybenecessary      toensure    ilssion 70of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PIAN            REVISION      69            PAGE192 OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I Technical l?Al,            Bases productbarrier  integrity. Thiscategory  includes  loss        toordegraded ofpower        voltage onthe125V DCvital buses.
5.Ioss  ofCommunications Certain events    that  degrade plant operatorability    toeffectively communicate with essential personnelwithin    orexternal to theplant    warrant  emergency  classification.
Certain hazardous      natural  andtechnological events mayresult          damage invisible  toordegraded performance    ofsafety    systemswarranting classification.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION          69                          PAGE193      OF383 ATTACIIMENT              I l?AL  Technical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling          System      Maltimetion Subcategory:                l RCSLevel initiating Condition:      UNPLANNl?D          loss  ofRCSinventory              for15minutes  orlonger EAl,:
CUl.1            Unusual  Event UNPLANNl?D        loss ofreactor  coolant  results  inRCSwaterlevel            lessthan a required lower  limit for 15minutes
    >              (Notes 1,10)
Note 1 TheEmergency    (oordimitor  shoulddeclare the  event  promptlyupon      determiningthattimelimit hasbeen exceeded. orwill      beexceeded.
likely Note10: Variations inRCSboron    concentration.
temperature and    Containment      Temperaturefrom thoseused inRWLIS calibrationwillinduceindication        Refer errors.      toOperator    .-issistance  l'rogram      Spretalsheet.xls.
Ril'l.IN ModeApplicability:
5 Cold
  -      Shutdown,    6 Refueling Definition(s):
UNPIANNEDA parameter change  oraneventthat        isnotI)the              of an intended evolution result                          or 2)anexpected    plant  response    toa transient. Thecause      ofthe      parameter  change or event maybe known  orunknown.
With  the plant inCold    Shutdown,    RCSwaterlevel          isnormally        maintained above  thepartial drain condition of10%pressurizer        level(II7ft. RWI.IS      W.R.)    (ref. 1).IIowever, ifRCSlevel    isbeing controlled below  the  pressurizer  partial drain  setpoint,  orif    level  isbeing maintained  ina designated band  inthe reactor  vesselitisthe  inability  tomaintain      level    above    the lowendofthe    designated control band duetoa loss    ofinventory    resulting    from  aleak      inthe  RCSthat  isthe  concern.
With  the plant inRefueling  mode. RCSwaterlevel          isnormally        maintained atorabove  the  reactor vessel 0ange  (Technical  Specification    ICO3.9.6        requires  atleast    23ft.ofwaterabove    the  topof the reactor vessel  flange intherefueling    pool    during    refueling      operations) (ref.2).
Procedure  400P-97716,      RCSDrain      Operations,      provides    direction    regarding variationsinRCS boron  concentration. temperature  andContainment          Temperature        fromthose  used  inRWI IS calibration will  induce  indication  errors. which    areaddressed        byacontrolled    program, Operator Assistance  Program    RWI,IS    Spreadsheet.xis    (ref. I).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE194OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EALTechnical      Bases This 10addresses the  inability  torestoreandmaintain    waterlevel    toa required  minimum      level(or thelower limit ofa level  band),  ora lossofthe  ability  tomonitor    RCSlevel    concurrent  with indicationsofcoolant leakage. Either    ofthese  conditions  isconsidered    tobea potential    degradation ofthe  levelofsafety of theplant.
Refueling evolutions that decrease    RCSwaterinventory      are  carefully  planned  andcontrolled. An UNPLANNED      event that results in waterlevel  decreasing    below    a procedurally  required    limit warrantsthe  declaration ofanUnusual Event      duetothe    reduced  waterinventory    that  isavailable  to keep thecore  covered.
This EAL recognizes  that the  minimumrequired RCSlevel          canchange    several times  during    the course ofa refueling outage  asdifferent plant configurations    andsystem      lineupsareimplemented.
This EAL ismet ifthe  minimum          specified for the level,                  current  plant  conditions,  cannotbe maintained  for 15minutes  orlonger. Theminimum level is      typicallyspecitled    inthe applicable operatingprocedure  butmaybespecilled      inanothercontrolling document.
The15-minute    threshold duration  allowssufficient  time  for prompt    operator  actions torestore  and maintain the  expectedwaterlevel. Thiscriterion excludes    transient  conditions  causing  a brief lowering ofwaterlevel.
Continued  loss ofRCSinventory      mayresult  inescalation  tothe  Alert  emergency  classification level via either  ICCA1orCA3.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure    400P-9//  I6, RCSDrain    Operations 2.Technical    Specilleation LCO3.9.b,  Refueling  Water  LevelFuel        Assemblies 3.NEI99-01,    CUI 73of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION  69                  PAGE195  OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I Technical I?Al,        Bases Category:                C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory:              l RCSLevel InitiatingCondition:      UNPIANNl?Dloss      ofRCSinventory  for      orlonger 15minutes EAl,:
CUl.2          Unusual  Event RCSlevel  cannot    bemonitored AND EITIlER
* UNPl.ANNIED    increase inanyTable C-1 sump/tank level        ofRCSinventory duetoloss a  Visual  observationofUNISOl    ABLE RCS leakage TableC-1    Sunns/Tanks a  ContainmentSumps
                                    =  ReactorCavitySump a  Auxiliary Building  Sumps a  CVCSHoldup  Tank a  ReactorDrainTank a  RefuelingWater Tank e  EtuimentDrain  Tank ModeApplicability:
5 Cold Shutdown,    6 Refueling Definition(s):
An open orbreached  systemlinethatcannot  beisolated. orlocally.
remotely liNPLANNEDA parameter changeoraneventthat isnotl)the  result ofanintended      or evolution 2)anexpected  plant  response  toa transient.
Thecause ofthe          change parameter  oreventmaybe known  orunknown.
InCold  Shutdown    mode,the  RCSwill        beintact normally        andstandardRCSlevel monitoring meansareavailable.
Inthe  Refuelmode,the    RCSis  notintactandreactorvessel levelmaybemonitored bydifferent means,including    the abilitytomonitor    visually.
level 74of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN                REVISION      69                    PAGE196OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAlTechnical      Bases Inthis EAL,  allwaterlevel    indication    isunavailable  andthe RCSinventory    loss mustbedetected byindirectleakage indications (Table          C-1). Level  increases mustbeevaluated    against  other potential sources of leakage such      ascooling    watersources  insidethe containment  toensure  theyare indicative  ofRCSleakage. If      the  make-up    ratetothe  RCSunexplainably    rises above  the preestablished  rate,a loss ofRCSinventory            maybeoccurring    even  ifthe source ofthe  leakage cannot beimmediately      identitled. Visual  observation  ofsigniilcant leakagefrom  systems  connected tothe RCSthat    cannot  beisolated could also        beindicative  ofa loss ofRCSinventory    (ref. 1,2).
This lCaddresses  the  inability    torestore andmaintain      waterlevel  toa required minimum    level (or thelower    limit ofa level  band),    ora loss ofthe  ability  tomonitor  RCSlevel  concurrent  with indications  ofcoolant  leakage.      Either  ofthese conditions is considered  tobeapotential    degradation ofthe  level ofsafety ofthe    plant.
Refueling  evolutions that  decrease      RCSwaterinventory are      carefullyplanned  andcontrolled. An UNPIANNEDevent          that  results  inwaterlevel    decreasing below a procedurallyrequired      limit warrants the  declaration  ofanUnusual        Event  duetothereduced waterinventory      thatisavailable to keep the core  covered.
This EAl. addresses acondition      where    allmeans  todetermine  level have been  lost.Inthis condition,  operators maydetermine          that aninventory    lossisoccurring by observing changes    in sumpand/or    tanklevels    (Table    C-1). Sumpand/or    tank  levelchanges  must be evaluated  against other potential sources  ofwaterDowtoensure            they  areindicative ofleakage from theRCS.
Continued      ofRCSinventory loss                      mayresult    inescalation  tothe Alert emergencyclassification level viaeither ICCA1orCA3.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Procedure    40AO-9//O2,        Excessive    RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure    400P-9//16,        RCSDrain      Operations
: 3. NEl99-01. CU1 75of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION  69                    PAGE197OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I Technical l?Al,        Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/RefuelingSystem  Malftmetion Subcategory:                l RCSIevel initiatingCondition:        I,oss  ofRCSinventory EAl,:
CAl.1          Alert loss ofRCSinventory      asindicated byRCSlevel  < 101ft.6 in.
5 Cold
  -      Shutdown,    6 Refueling Definition(s):
None Basis:
RCSwaterlevel,    asindicated    onRWI.IS  narrowrange(RCN-l.I-752A or RCN-IR-752),      of101ft 6 in.,corresponds  to2 inches    abovethe RCSliotI.egcenterline andisthe lowest level  for continued operation  ornormal    shutdowncooling(SDC) (ref.
Theinability  torestore  andmaintain  level    reaching after      thissetpointinfers  a failure ofthe  RCS barrier.
This ICaddresses    conditions    that          toa loss areprecursors      ofthe ability toadequately    coolirradiated fuel a precursor (i.e.,            toachallenge    tothefuel  barrier).
clad      This  condition represents  apotential substantialreduction  inthe  level  ofplantsafety.
Iorthis liAIa lowering
            ,              ofRCSwaterlevel    below101ft.6 in. indicatesthat  operator actions  have notbeen  successful  inrestoring  andmaintainingRCSwaterlevel. Theheat-up    rate ofthe coolant will increaseasthe    available  water        isreduced.
inventory        A continuingdecrease    inwaterlevel  will lead tocore uncovery.
Although  related, this  I?Al isconcerned  withthelossofRCSinventory    andnotthe    potential concurrent effects  onsystems    neededfordecayheat removal (e.g., lossofa Decay        Removal IIeat suction point).An increase    inRCStemperature  causedbya loss  ofdecay heat  removal  capability  is evaluated under  ICCA3.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN      REVISION69              PAGE198OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases IfRCSwater                      then level continuestolower,  escalation toSite          would AreaEmergency  bevia IC CSI PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I Procedure 400P-9//,  l6, RCSDrain Operations 99-01.
: 2. NIII      CAl 77of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE199  OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                    C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System Malftmetion Subcategory:                l RCSI,evel initiating Condition:        I,oss ofRCSinventory EAl:
CAl.2            Alert RCSlevel  cannot    bemonitoredfor 2 15minutes (Note      I)
* UNPI.ANNI        D increase inanyTable C-1 Sump/Tanklevel        duetoa loss ofRCS inventory a  Visual    observationofUNISOIABIERCS          leakage Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator should declare theeventpromptly  upondetermining that time limit has been exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
TableC-1 Sum3s/Tanks e Containment  Sumps
* Reactor  Cavity  Sump a Auxiliary  Building    Sumps e CVCSIloldup      Tank
* Reactor  Drain  Tank
* Refueling  Water  Tank a Et ui.mentDrain    Tank ModeApplicability:
5 Cold Shutdown,    6 Refueling Definition(s):
(/N/SO/JB/E      -
An open  orbreached  system linethat  cannot  beisolated,  remotelyorlocally.
(IN/'/ANNED    -
A parameter    changeoranevent  that  isnotI)  the result ofanintendedevolution or 2)anexpected    plant  response  toa transient.
Thecause  ofthe  parameter  change  oreventmaybe known  orunknown.
InCold  Shutdown    modethe    RCSwill normally beintact    andstandard  RCSlevel  monitoring meansareavailable.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION  69                          PAGE200OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical  Bases Inthe Refuel  mode,      the RCSisnotintact    andRCSlevel    maybemonitored      bydilTerent  means, including the ability    tomonitor  levelvisually.
Inthis EAl,all  RCS water      level indication  would beunavailable    for greater than  15minutes and theRCSinventory        loss must bedetected    byindirectleakage  indications (Table  C-l). Ievel increases mustbeevaluated against other        potentialsources  ofleakage    such ascooling  watersources insidethe containment      toensure they are  indicativeofRCSleakage.      Ifthemake-up    ratetotheRCS unexplainably  rises    above  thepre-established rate, a loss  ofRCSinventory      maybeoccurring    even ifthe source  oftheleakage      cannotbe immediately    identined. Visual observation  ofsignificant leakage from  systems      connected  tothe RCS that  cannot  beisolated  could also  beindicative ofa loss ofRCSinventory      (ref. 1.2).
This ICaddresses      conditions  that areprecursors to a loss  ofthe ability  toadequately  cool irradiated fuel(i.e.,a precursor    toa challenge  tothe  fuel clad barrier). This condition  represents a potential substantial  reduction    inthe level ofplant  safety.
Iorthis IAL,the      inability  tomonitor  RCSlevel  maybecaused byinstrumentation and/or        power orwaterlevel failures,                  dropping below    therange ofavailableinstrumentation. Ifwaterlevel      cannot bemonitored,  operators    maydetermine    thataninventory  loss isoccurring byobservingchanges      in sumpand/or    tank  levels. Sumpand/or      tank levelchanges  mustbeevaluated against other      potential sources ofwaternow        toensure  they are  indicative ofleakage    from the  RCS.
The15-minute    duration    for theloss oflevel  indication waschosen    because  itis half ofthe EAl.
duration specified    inICCSI Ifthe RCSinventory        level continues tolower,  then escalation  toSite  AreaEmergencywould bevia ICCSI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure    40AO-9//O2,        Excessive  RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure    400P-97/      I6. RCSDrain    Operations
: 3. NEI99-01. CAl 79of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE201OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling  System  Malftmetion Subcategory:                l RCSIevel initiating Condition:      I,oss  ofRCSinventory    affectingcore decay    heatremovalcapability EAl,:
CSl.1            Site AreaEmergency RCSlevel  cannot    bemonitoredfor > 30minutes (Note      I)
AND Coreuncovery      isindicated  byanyofthe following:
e  UNPl.ANNEl)      increase  inanyTableC-1 sump/tank level    ofsufGcient  magnitude to indicate  core  uncovery a  RU-33    > 9,000  mR/hr  (when installed) e  Erratic  l?xcore  Monitor  indication NoteI TheImergency    Coordinator should    the declare  eventpromptly upon determining  that  limit time  hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
TableC-1        Sumas/Tanks e  Containment    Sumps e  Reactor  Cavity  Sump
                                      =  Auxiliary  Building Sumps e  CVCSIloldup    Tank
* Reactor  Drain  Tank
* Refueling  Water Tank a  E ui3ment    DrainTank ModeApplicability:
5 Cold
  -      Shutdown,    6 Reflieling Definition(s):
UVPLANNEDA parameter changeoraneventthat    isnotl)theresult    ofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected    plant  response                Thecause toa transient.          ofthe parameter    change      maybe orevent known  orunknown.
InCold  Shutdown    mode,the  RCSwill  normally  beintact andstandard    RCSlevel monitoring means  areavailable.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION        69                        PAGE202OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 EAl,Technical      Bases Inthe Refueling    mode,the  RCSisnotintact      andRPVlevel        maybemonitored      bydiiTerent    means, including the ability tomonitor    level visually.
Thebottom    ofthe RW1,lS indication is99'7" If        level  lowers  less  than99'7"then    level  would  not beable  tobemonitored. IfRW1.IS is      notinservice      then  whenRVLMSis< 21% plenum                level (Detector #8)  level would not beable  tobemonitored.
Inthis EAl-all    RCSwaterlevel indication would        beunavailable      for greaterthan  30minutes    and theRCSinventory      lossmustbedetected byindirect        leakage  indications  (Table C-1). Ievel increases mustbeevaluated      againstother potential sources      ofleakage    suchascooling    water  sources insidethe containment    toensure  they are indicative ofRCSleakage.          ifthemake-up    rate tothe  RCS unexplainably  rises above  the pre-established rate, a loss    ofRCSinventory      maybeoccurring        even ifthe source  ofthe  leakage cannot  beimmediately identined. Visual          observation ofsignificant leakage from  systems  connected  tothe  RCSthat    cannot  beisolatedcould    also beindicative    ofa loss ofRCSinventory      (ref.1,2).
Sumportank      level increases should  beofa magnitude        that correlates toa volume    sufficient  to indicate fuel has  been  uncovered  oruncovery    isimminent.
TheReactor    Vessel  inventory loss maybedetected        bythe  refuelingmachine area      radiation  monitor orerratic Excore    Monitor indication.
Aswaterlevel    inthe  reactorvessel  lowers,  the  dose  rate  above  the  corewillrise. The dose    rate due tothis core  shine  should result inup-scaled  (10,000    mR/hr)    refueling  machine  area radiation monitor  (RU-33)    indication.A threshold    value  of90%ofscale        hasbeen  selected  asan on-scale indicator (ref. 3,4).
Post-TMI  accident  studiesindicated  that  theinstalled    PWRnuclear      instrumentation will  operate erraticallywhenthe    core isuncovered  andthat    this should  beused    asatool for making  such determinations  (ref. 5).
This ICaddresses    a signincant andprolonged    loss  ofreactor    vessel/RCS  inventory  control  and makeup  capability  leading toIMMINENTfuel          damage. Thelost    inventorymaybeduetoa RCS component    fililure,a lossofconfiguration    control  orprolonged    boiling  ofreactor  coolant. These conditions          major entail failures        of plant  functions  needed    for protection  ofthe  public  andthus warrant a Site  AreaEmergency      declaration.
Iollowing  anextended    lossofcore  decay  heat  removal    andinventory    makeup,  decay  heat  will cause reactor  coolant  boiling anda further  reduction    inreactor  vessel        lfRCSlevel level.              cannot  be restored,fuel  damage    isprobable.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE203OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases The30-minute    criterion    istiedtoa readily  recognizable    event    time start          the (i.e.,  totallossofability tomonitor  level) andallows      sufficient time  tomonitor,  assess andcorrelate  reactor andplant conditions todetermine if      coreuncovery  hasactually    occurred  (i.e.,
toaccount  for      accident various progression  andinstrumentation uncertainties). It      also  allows suffleient  timeforperformance  of actionstoterminate      leakage, recover inventory    control/makeup    equipment  and/orrestorelevel monitoring.
Theinability  tomonitor      RCSlevel may becaused        byinstrumentation  and/or power  failures, or water level dropping      below the range ofavailable    instrumentation. If waterlevel cannot be monitored. operators    maydeterminethat an inventory loss        is occurring  byobserving  changes  in sumpand/or  tank  levels. Sumpand/or    tank level changes mustbeevaluated      against other potential sourcesofwaterilow        toensure  they  areindicative ofleakagefrom      the RCS.
This EALaddresses        concems  raised  byGeneric    Letter 88-17, Loss ofDecayIIeat    Removal,SECY 91-283.Evaluation      ofShutdown    andLowPower      Risk Issues, NUREG-1449,    Shutdown  andLow-Power Operation    atConunercial    Nuclear  Power    Plantsin the United States,  andNUMARC91-06.
Guidelines for Industr    y Actions  toAssess  Shutdown    Management.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    classineation  level  would  bevia  ICCG IorRGI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Procedure    40AO-97702,        Excessive  RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure    400P-9//      I6,RCSDrain    Operations
: 3. UFSARTable        I1.5-1. Continuous  Process    andEfiluent  Radiation Monitoring
: 4. UlSARSection          1I., Refueling  Area  Monitor
: 5. Nuclear  Safety  Analysis  Center  (NSAC  ),1980,  Analysis  of~lhreeMile  Island-Unit 2 Accident, NSAC-I
: 6. NEl99-01,    CSI 82of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE204OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System Mallunction Subcategory:                l RCSIevel initiatingCondition:        IossofRCSinventory          affectingfuelclad integrity  with containment challenged EAL:
CGl.1          General  Emergency RCSlevel  cannot    bemonitored      for2 30 minutes    (Note 1)
AND Core  uncovery  isindicated    byanyofthe  following:
* UNPLANNED          increase    inanyTable    C-1 sump/tank level  ofsufficient  magnitude    to indicate  core  uncovery
* RU-33    > 9,000  mR/hr    (when  installed)
* Erratic  Excore  Monitor    indication AND AnyContainment      Challenge    indication,Table  C-2 Note1 Thelimergency  Coordinator  should declarethe eventpromptly upon determining that  time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note6:lfCONTAINMENT      Cl.0StjRIE  isre-established prior toexceedingthe30-minute  timelimit declaration ofa GeneralEmergency  isnotrequired.
Table C-1        Sum s/Tanks
* Containment    Sumps
* Reactor  Cavity  Sump
* Auxiliary  Building  Sumps
* CVCSIloldup    Tank
* Reactor  Drain Tank
* RefuelingTank Water
* EtuiamentDrain    Tank Table    C-2 Containment        Challence  Indications
* CONTAINMENT            CI.OSURE      notestablished  (Note  6)
* Containment      hydrogen  concentration 2 4.9%
* Unalanned      riseincontainment    aressure 83of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION    69                    PAGE205OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases ModeApplicability:
5 Cold
  -    Shutdown,    6 Refueling Definition(s):
CON1AINAIENT        CLOSl IRE Theprocedurally dellned actionstaken tosecurecontainment andits associatedstructures. systems    and components    asa functionalbarrier          product toilssion      release under shutdown    conditions.
Asapplied  toPVNGS,Containment Closure is            establishedwhen  the requirements ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0. LM-Containment        Evacuation  and Closure,  Appendix for 249,    containment closure aremet.
(INPLANNED A parameter change oranevent  that  isnotI)the  resultofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected    plant  response    toa transient. Thecause ofthe  parameter change  orevent  maybe known  orunknown.
InCold  Shutdown    mode,the    RCSwill  normally  beintact  andstandard RCSlevel  monitoring meansareavailable.
Inthe Refueling    mode,the    RCSisnotintact      andRPVlevel  maybemonitored bydifferent means, including the ability tomonitor      levelvisually.
Thebottom  ofthe    RWI ISindication    is99'7" Iflevel    lowersless than 99'7"then level would not beable tobemonitored.      IfRWI ISis    notinservice    then whenRVIMS is    < 2I% plenum level (Detector #8) level  would    notbeable    tobemonitored.
Inthis EAI., all  RCSwaterlevel      indication  would beunavailable  for greaterthan 30minutes  and the RCSinventory    loss  mustbedetected      byindirect  leakageindications (TableC-1). Ievel increasesmustbeevaluated        against  other  potentialsources ofleakage  such ascooling watersources insidethe containment      toensure  theyareindicative    ofRCSleakage. Ifthemake-up  ratetothe RCS unexplainably  rises  above  the  pre-established      a loss rate,      ofRCSinventory    maybeoccurring  even if thesource oftheleakage      cannot  beimmediately    identitled.
Visual  observation ofsignificant leakage from  systems    connected  tothe  RCSthat  cannot  beisolated could alsobeindicativeofa loss ofRCSinventory      (ref. 1,2).
Sumportank    level increases  should  beofa magnitude    thatcorrelates toa volumesufficientto indicatefuel has  been  uncovered  oruncovery    isimminent.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE206OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases TheReactor  Vessel  inventoryloss    maybedetected    bythe    refueling  machine    area radiation monitor orerraticExcore  Monitor    indication.
Aswaterlevel  inthe reactor vessel      lowers. the dose  rate  above  the core  will  rise.Thedose    ratedue tothiscore  shine should result in    up-scaled  (10,000 mR/hr)    refueling  machine    area  radiation monitor (RU-33)  indication. A threshold value  of90%ofscale        hasbeen    selected  asanon-scale indicator(ref.3,4).
Post-TMI  accident  studies  indicate that the installedPWRnuclear        instrumentation      will operate erraticallywhenthe    core  isuncovered and thatthis    should    beused  asatool    for making    such determinations  (ref. 5).
Three conditions  are  associated    with achallenge  to Containment      integrity:
1.CONTAINMENT            CLOSURE      notestablished The status ofContainment        closure istracked ifplant  conditions    change  that could raise the  risk of a 11ssion product    release  asa result  ofa loss ofdecay    heat  removal  (ref. 6).Ifcontainmentclosure is      re-established    prior to exceeding    the 30minute      core uncovery  time  limit  then escalation toGEwould          notoccur.
: 2. Containment      hydrogen    > 4.9% The4.9%
hydrogen    concentration    threshold  represents  the IIydrogen    Recombiners      Function  FailureIndication    (ref. I1)  and is theacceptance    criteria for the PVNCiS    Safety    Function  Status Check    for IOCA, Containment Combustible Gas Control  (ref.7,  8,10,). PVNGSis      equipped with    a Ilydrogen  ControlSystem (IICS) which serves tolimit  orreduce    combustible  gasconcentrations      inthe  containment. The HCSis    an engineered  safety    feature with  redundant  hydrogen    recombiners,    hydrogen    mixing system, hydrogen  monitoring      subsystem    anda backup    hydrogen    purge  subsystem. TheIICS is designed  tomaintain      the  containment  hydrogen      concentration    below  4%byvolume (ref. 8).
Twocontainment        hydrogen  monitors  have a range    of0%to ICM(ref.        8,9). Since  the hydrogen  monitoring      system  maybeoutofservice        inModes    5 and alternative 6,              means  of determining  hydrogen      concentration  mayberequired        ifthe  Emergency      Coordinator  believes conditions  exist  that  maycause    hydrogen generation    inside containment.
3.UNPIANNEDrise              incontainment    pressure -
Anunplanned      pressure    riseincontainment while  incold  shutdown    orrefueling  modes  canthreaten    Containment      Closure  capability  and thus containment    potentially  cannot  berelied  upon    asabarrier    tofission  product  release.
This ICaddresses    the inability  torestore  andmaintain      reactor vessel  level above    the topofactive fuelwith containment    challenged. This  c onditionrepresents    actual or  IMMINENT      substantial core degradation ormelting    with  potential for  lossofcontainment      integrity. Releases  canbereasonably expected toexceed    EPAPAGexposure            levelsoffsite for  morethan    the  immediate    site area.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION        69                          PAGE207OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical        Bases Following  an extended    lossofcore    decay    heat  removal  andinventory      makeup,  decay  heat will cause reactor coolant  boiling anda further      reduction    inreactor  vessel  level. IfRCSlevel    cannot be restored, fueldamage    isprobable.
With  CONTAINMENT CIOSURE                notestablished,      there  isa high  potential  fora direct  and unmonitored  release  ofradioactivity tothe      environment.      IfCONTAINMENT            ClOSUREis reestablished prior  toexceeding the30-minute time            limit, then  declaration  ofaGeneral    Emergency isnotrequired.
Theexistence  ofanexplosive    mixture means, ata minimum,            that the  containment    atmospheric hydrogen  concentration    issufficient  tosupport a hydrogen burn          (i.e.,atthe  lower deflagration limit).A hydrogen    burn willraise  containment      pressure and    could result    incollateral equipment damage  leading toa loss  ofcontainment      integrity. Ittherefore  represents    a challenge  to Containment  integrity.
Inthe early stages  ofa core  uncovery    event. it isunlikely that hydrogen buildup        duetoacore uncovery  could  result  inanexplosive    gasmixture      incontainment. lfall      installed hydrogen    gas monitors  areout-of-service  during    anevent    leading  tofuel  cladding damage, it    maynotbepossible toobtain  acontainment    hydrogen    gasconcentration      reading  asambient conditions within        the containment  will  preclude  personnel    access. During    periods  wheninstalled containment hydrogen gasmonitors  are out-of-service,    operators  mayusethe      other  listed indications  toassesswhether    or notcontainment    ischallenged.
The30-minute    criterion  istied  toa readily    recognizable    event  start time  (i.e.,thetotal lossofability tomonitor  level)  andallows  sufncient    time  tomonitor,    assess  andcorrelate    reactor and plant conditions todetermine    ifcore  uncovery    has actually  occurred    (i.e..toaccount    for various accident progression  andinstrumentation      uncertainties).      also It    allows  sufficient  time  forperformance of actions toterminate    leakage, recover    inventory    control/makeup      equipment    and/or restore  level monitoring.
Theinability  tomonitor    RCSlevel    maybecaused        byinstrumentation      and/or  power  failures,or waterlevel  dropping    below the  range  ofavailable      instrumentation. lfwaterlevel    cannot  be monitored,  operators  maydetermine      that  aninventory    loss  isoccurring    byobserving    changes  in sumpand/or  tank  levels. Sumpand/or      tank  level  changes  mustbeevaluated        against  other potential sources ofwaterflow    toensure    they  are indicative    of  leakage  from  t he R  CS.
This EAl. addresses  concerns  raised  byGeneric      Ietter 88-I  7,Loss  ofDecay    fleat Removal;  SECY 91-283, Evaluation    ofShualown      andIowPower          Risk Issues;  NUREG-1449,Shualown            andLow-86of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION    69                    PAGE208OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical  Bases PowerOperation    at Commercial      Nuclear    PowerPlants  inthe  United      andNUMARC91-06, States:
Guidelinesfi>r Industry  Actions  toAssess    Shutdown Manageinent.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure  40AO-9//02.        Excessive  RCSIeakrate 2.Procedure  400P-97/I6, RCS Drain          Operations 3.UFSARTable        I1.5-l,  Continuous    Process andEfiluent    Radiation  Monitoring
: 4. UFSARSection      I I.5.2.I.5.4,  Refueling  AreaMonitor
: 5. Nuclear  Safety  Analysis    Center(NSAC),    1980, Analysis    of'Ihree  Mile Island Unit2Accident, NSAC-1
: 6. Procedure  40EP-9EOl0,      IM-Containment    Evacuation    andClosure,    Appendix249
: 7. Procedure  40DP-9AP08,      /,oss ofCoolantAccident Technical Guideline
: 8. UFSARSection      I .2.4.2, Additional    PVNGSEngineered Safety        Features
: 9. UFSARTable      6.2.5-l,  Combustible    GasControl System DesignParameters
: 10. Procedure 40EP-9EO03,      /oss  of  Coolant Accident 1I Nuclear  Fuel  Management      Analysis    CalculationTA-13-C00-2000-001,      EOPSetpoint Document 12.NEI99-01,    CGI 87of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE209OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System    Malftmetion Subcategory:                2 Ioss ofEmergency    AC Power initiating Condition:      Ioss    ofall but oneAC power      source  toemergency    busesfor 15minutes orlonger EAL:
CU2.1            Unusual  Event AC power  capability,  Table    C-3,toemergency 4.16KV      buses  PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4reducedto a single power  source  for2 15minutes (Note I)
AND Anyadditional    single power    source      will result inloss failure                  ofall  ACpower    toSAFETY SYSTEMS Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator  should declaretheeventpromptly  upon  determining  that  limit time  hasbeen exceeded. orwill      beexceeded.
likely Table  C-3 AC Power        Sources Offsite:
* SUT(normal)
* SUT(alternate)
* SBOG    #1(if already  aligned)
* SBOG#2 (if aligned) already Onsite:
* DGB ModeApplicability:
5 Cold Shutdown,    6 Refueling, D Defueled Definition(s):
requiredfor safe plant  operation,  cooling    downtheplant and/or placing itinthe  cold  shutdown              including condition,          the ECCS. These  aretypicallysystems classined assafety-related  (as    defined in10 Cl R  50.2):
Those  structures,  systems andcomponents      that arerelied  upontoremain                during functional  and following design  basis  events  toassure:
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE210OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical      Bases 1)The  integrity    ofthe  reactor  coolant  pressure  boundary; 2)Thecapability        toshut  downthe    reactor  andmaintain    itina safe shutdown    condition; 3)Thecapability        toprevent ormitigate    the    consequences    ofaccidents  which  could  result in potential  offsite  exposures.
Ioremergency    classification  purposes,  "capability"    means  that anAC power    source  isavailable  to andcapable  ofpowering      theemergency    bus(es) within    15 whether min,          ornotthe    buses are currentlypowered      from  it.
Thecondition    indicated    bythis  EAl isthedegradation ofthe          offsite andonsite  power  sources  such thatanyadditional    single  failure  would  result  in a loss ofall  AC power  tothe  emergency    buses.
4.I6KV  buses  PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4      are the  emergency    (essential) buses. PBA-S03    supplies power  toTrain  A safety    related  loads andPBB-S04      supplies power toTrain    B safety  related loads.
Each  bushastwo normal        sources  ofoffsite power. Each  source is  fromoneofthree      13.8 KV Startup Transformers      (SUT) normal via  i ts      and    alternative  ESF  Service Transformer    NBN-X03    and thealternate supply    toPBB-SO4      orNBN-X04.      Transformer    NBN-X03    isthe  normal  supply  tobus PBA-S03  andthe    alternate  supply  toPBB-SO4;      Transformer    NBN-X04 isthenormalsupply        tobus PBB-SO4  andthe    alternate  supply  toPBA-S03      (ref. I).
Inaddition. PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4      each  have  anemergency      diesel generator(DG A & IXiB) which  supply  electrical  power  tothe  busautomatically    inthe    eventthat the preferred  source becomes  unavailable      (ref.1).
Additional alternate    offsiteAC power    sources  arethe  tworedundant      13.8KV  SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG      #1& SBOG#2).        Ilowever,    these sources  canonly  becredited  ifalready aligned, thatis,capable  ofpowering      oneormoreemergency          buswithin    15minutes. Each  SBOGisratedat approximately  3.4  MW andcansupply        the shutdown    SAFETYSYSTEMloads            inModes    5.6 and Defueled.
This coldcondition      EAL isequivalent    tothe  hot    condition  EAL SAII This ICdescribes    asignificant  degradation  ofoffsite    andonsite  AC power    sources  such thatany additionalsingle    titilure would  result  ina loss  ofall  AC power    toSAFI  TY SYSTEMS.        Inthis condition,the  sole  AC power    source  maybepowering        one,ormorethan      one,train  ofsafety related equipment.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION        69                          PAGE21IOF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical      Bases Wheninthe cold shutdown, refueling.      ordefueled    mode,  this condition    isnotclassilled asanAlert becauseofthe increased time    availabletorestore    another power    source  toservice.Additional time isavailable due to the reduced core    decay  heat  load andthe  lower  temperatures  andpressures in variousplantsystems. Thus, when  inthese  modes,    this condition    isconsidered  tobea potential degradationofthe  level of safety ofthe  plant.
An "ACpower    source"  isasource recognized inAOPsandEOPandcapable                  ofsupplying required power toanessential    bus. Some examples ofthis      condition  arepresented    below.
* A loss ofall  offsite power  with a concurrent    failureofall  but  oneemergency    powersource (e.g.,anonsite    diesel generator).
a  A loss ofall  offsite power  andloss  ofall emergency power        sources  (e.g.,
onsite diesel generators)  with  asingle  trainofemergency buses being        fed from  anSBOG.
* A loss ofemergency      power  sources  (e.g.,  onsitediesel generators)    with      train a single  of emergency    buses  being  fedfrom  anoffsite    power  source.
Iifteenminutes  wasselected    asa threshold  toexclude    transient  or momentary    losses ofpower.
Thesubsequent  loss  ofthe  remaining  single power    source would    escalate  the eventtoanAlertin accordancewith  ICCA2.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 Drawing  13-E-MAA-001        MainSingle    Line    Diagram
: 2. lflSAR  Section  8.3.1,  AC Power  Systems 3.Procedure  40AO-97712        Degradecl  Electrical    Power
: 4. (11SARSection      1.2.I0.3.9. Alternate AC Power      System
: 5. NEI99-01,  ClJ2 90of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION        69                      PAGE212OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling        System Malftmetion Subcategory:                2 I.oss ofEmergency      AC Power Initiating Condition:      Iossofall    offsite andall    onsite  AC power toemergency    buses  for I5 minutes orlonger EAL:
CA2.1            Alert I.ossofall  offsite  andall onsite  AC power  capability    toemergency  4.16KV  buses PBA-S03    and PBB-SO4    for2 15minutes      (Note I)
Note1:TheEmergency    Coordinator should      theevent declare          promptly                that upondetermining  time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill  likely beexceeded.
5 Cold Shutdown,    6 Refueling D Defueled Basis:
Foremergency    classification  purposes, "capability"  meansthat    anAC power sourceis  available  to andcapable  ofpowering    the    emergency  bus(es) within    15min,  whetheror not thebuses  are currently powered    fromit.
4.16KV  buses  PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4      arethe emergency        (essential) buses. PBA-S03  supplies power  toTrain  A safety related  loads andPBB-SO4      supplies  powertoTrain  B safetyrelated loads.
Each  bushastwonormal      sources  ofoffsite power. Each    source isfromoneofthree    13.8 KV Startup Transformers    (SUT)    via itsnormal  andalternative      ESFServiceTransformer  NBN-X03      or NBN-X04. Transformer    NBN-X03isthe      normal    supply  tobusPBA-S03    andthe alternate  supply to PBB-S04:  Transformer    NBN-X04isthe      normal  supply    tobus  PBB-SO4 andthe  alternate  supply  to PBA-S03  (ref. 1).
Inaddition. PBA-S03    andPBB-S04    each  have anemergency        diesel generator  (DCi A & D(iB) which  supply electrical  power    tothebusautomatically      inthe  eventthat the  preferred source becomes  unavailable  (ref.1).
Additional  alternate  offsiteAC power    sources include,  but            to,the notlimited      tworedundant 13.8KV  SBOgasturbine      generators  (SBOCi  #I& SBOCi        #2).IIowever,these sources canonly    be credited ifalready    aligned, that    capable is,        ofpowering      oneormoreemergency      buswithin    I5 91of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN                REVISION    69                  PAGE213OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases minutes. Each SBOG      israted    atapproximately    3.4  MW andcansupply    theshutdownSAFETY SYSTEMloads      inModes 5,6 andDefueled.
This cold condition  EAl    is equivalent tothe      hot condition loss ofall      AC power offsite      EAISSII This ICaddresses    a total loss ofAC power            compromises that              the performance ofallSAFETY SYSTEMS    requiring  electric power including those        necessary for emergencycorecooling, containment  heat  removal/pressure      control,  spent fuel heatremoval  andtheultimate heatsink.
Wheninthe    cold  shutdown. refueling. or defueled mode,      thiscondition  notclassined is          asa Site AreaEmergency    because    ofthe  increased time available torestore    anemergency bustoservice.
Additional time  isavailable    duetothe      reduced core decay  heat  loadandthelower          and temperatures pressures invarious    plant  systems. Thus,    when in these modes      condition this              anactual represents orpotential substantial  degradation    ofthe        of safety ofthe level                plant.
Fifteenminutes  wasselected      asa threshold      toexcludetransient ormomentary power  losses.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classification    levelwould  bevia IC  CSI orRSI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Drawing    13-E-MAA-00I        . MainSingle      LineDiagram
: 2. UFSARSection        8.3.1,  AC Power    Systems
: 3. Procedure  40AO-9//        I2,  Degraded      Electrical Power
: 4. UFSARSection Alternate    AC Power  System 5.NEI99-01,    CA2 92of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION  69                      PAGE214OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 EAlTechnical  Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling  System Maltimetion Subcategory:              3 RCSTemperature InitiatingCondition:      UNPIANNEDincrease        inRCStemperature EAl,:
CU3.1          Unusual  Event UNPLANNEDincrease        inRCStemperature    to> 210oF ModeApplicability:
5 Cold
  -      Shutdown,  6 Reilieling ModeApplicability:
UNPLANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat is not 1) the resultofanintended  evolution or 2)anexpected  plant  response    toa transient.
Thecause ofthe parameter change  orevent  maybe known  orunknown.
Several instruments  arecapable    ofprovidingindicationofRCStemperature with respecttothe Technical Specification  cold  shutdown temperaturelimit (210oF,ref. These include cold 1).                  leg (Tem)  temperature  indications. hotleg (Thot)temperature indicationswithRCPs running, Cl(Ts andSDC1leat    Exchanger    inlet  temperatureindications (ref. 2,3).
Ilowever, ifShutdown    Cooling  (SDC)  Ilow      then islost,    the normal temperatureelements used to monitor  RCStemperature    arenotaccurate            ofRCStemperature.
indicators                  TheCliTs    are the design instruments for  these conditions. Forsomeperiods oftime  theCETsmaynotbeavailable. The current practices concerning    determiningtimetoboilcan  beusedi  n  e the valuation oftheseEAl.s.
Without  CETindication    andwith    a lossofSDCflow  the  following gcidanceshould  beused (ref.
a  Usethe  predetermined    "time toboil"dataforevaluating these EAI.s.This  approachreflects the relatively  small numerical  difference between  the typicalTechnicalSpecilleationcold shutdown    temperature    limitof2100F andthe boiling temperatureofRCSwaterwith    the plantMode5or6.
in 93of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION      69                          PAGE215OF383 ATTACllMENT        1 EAl,Technical    Bases
  =    Alternately,  the  Control  RoomstaiT    mayusea procedure      oruser  aid  todetermine  whenRCS temperature    will  likely  exceed    210oF given  the actual  plantconditions    (e.g..using  a heat-up curve).
This ICaddresses      anUNPl.ANNED            increaseinRCStemperature      above    the Technical Specification  cold  shutdown    temperature    limitandrepresents    apotential    degradation  ofthelevel  of of safety plant.
the          Ifthe R CS    is not  intactand CONTAINMENT          Cl.OSURE      i snotestablished during this  event,  the Emergency Coordinator        should  also refer toICCA3.
A momentary      UNPlANNEDexcursion above the                Technical  Specification  cold shutdown temperature    limit  whenthe  heat  removal function is    available  doesnotwarrant      aclassification.
This EAl,involves      a loss ofdecay      heat removal capability,  oranaddition      ofheat  tothe  RCSin excess ofthat    which  cancurrently      beremoved,    such that reactor coolant    temperature  cannot  be maintained    below  the cold  shutdown      temperature  limit specified in Technical    Specilleations.
During  this  condition,  there  isnoimmediate      threat  offueldamage    because the    core decay  heat load hasbeen  reduced    since the cessation    ofpower  operation.
During  anoutage,    the level inthe    reactor  vessel will  normally  bemaintained atorabove        the reactor vessel flange. Refueling  evolutions    that lower water  level below  thereactor    vessel flange are carefully  planned    andcontrolled. A loss  offorced  decay  heat removal  atreduced inventory may resultinarapid      increaseinreactor    coolant temperature    depending  onthe    time after shutdown.
Escalation  toAlert  would  bevia    ICCAlbased      onaninventory      lossorICCA3based        on exceeding plant configuration-specillc      time criteria.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 Technical      Specifications    Table    11-1, Modes
: 2. Procedure    400P-9//O3      , Reactor    Startup
: 3. Procedure    40ST-9RC01,      RCSandPressurier          IIeatup andCooldown        Rates
: 4. Safety  Analysis  Operational    Data    Book
: 5. NEl99-01,      CU3 94of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION    69                  PAGE216OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System Malftmetion Subcategory:                3 RCSTemperature InitiatingCondition:        UNPIANNEDincrease          inRCStemperature EAl,:
CU3.2          Unusual  Event 1.ossofall RCStemperature        and RCS  levelindicationfor 2 I5minutes (Note 1)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator should declare the eventpromptly upon          that determining  time limithasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
5 Cold Shutdown. 6-Reft:eling Definition(s):
None Basis:
Several instruments    arecapable  ofproviding  indicationofRCStemperature with respect tothe Technical Specification  cold  shutdown  temperature  limit (210oF,ref. These include cold 1).                    leg (Teow)temperature    indications, hot leg (Thot)  temperatureindications with RCPs running, CETs andSDC1leat    Exchanger    inlet  temperature  indications(ref.
Several instruments    arecapable  ofproviding  indicationofRCSlevel including pressurizer  level, RWlIS,RVl,MS andlocal        monitor    (gauge  glass) (ref.4).
This EAl. addresses    theinability  todetermine    RCStemperature andlevel andrepresents  apotential degradation ofthe    levelofsafety  ofthe  plant. If theRCSis notintactandCONTAINMENT ClOSUREisnotestablished          during this  event, the EmergencyCoordinator should also refer  toIC CA3.
This EAl. reflects  a condition  where there  has been            loss a signincant  ofinstrumentation  capability necessary tomonitor    RCSconditions    andoperators  wouldbeunable tomonitor  keyparameters necessary toassure    coredecay    heatremoval. During  this        there condition,    isnoimmediate    threat  of fueldamage  because    thecore  decay  heat  load hasbeen  reducedsincethecessation ofpower operation.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION  69            PAGE217OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I l?Al,  Technical Bases Iifteenminutes wasselected      asa threshold  toexclude transient          ofindication.
losses ormomentary Escalation  toAlert    would  bevia ICCAlbased    onaninventoryorICCA3based loss        onexceeding plant configuration-speci0c    timecriteria.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 Technical      SpecificationTable I 1- l Modes 2.Procedure      400P-9/103,    Reactor Startup
: 3. Procedure    40ST-9RC01,    RUSand Pressurier Heatup  andCooldown Rates
: 4. Procedure    400P-9//    Ib RCSDrain Operations
: 5. Nl?I  99-01,    CU3 96of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION    69                            PAGE218OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical  Bases Category:                C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System  Malftmetion Subcategory:              3 RCSTemperature initiatingCondition:      Inability tomaintainplant incold  shutdown EAl,:
CA3.1          Alert UNPIANNEDincrease        inRCStemperature  to> 2100F    for> Table  C-4duration      (Note  1)
OR UNPl.ANNED      RCSpressure    increase
                                      > 10psia (This  criteriondoes    notapply    during    water-solid plant conditions)
Note1:TheEmergency  Coordimitorshould declare the eventpromptly  upon determining  thattime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwilllikely beexceeded.
Table  C-4: IIeat-u    DurationThresholds CONTAINMENT R(S Statues CI,OSURE    Status                    IIcat-up  Duration Intact(but not REDUCED                                      N/A                                60 minutes.*
INVENTORY Notintact                                  Established                          20minutes.*
OR REDUCED      INVENTORY                  NotEstablished                            0 minutes.
* Iran RCSheat    removalsystem  isinoperationwithin  this time  frame  andRCStemperature        is beine reduced,  theE AI isnot  anlicable.
5-Cold  Shutdown,  6-Refeeling Definition(s):
COALilNMENT        CLOSl iRE-Theprocedurally  denned    actions  taken  tosecure    containment  andits associatedstructures. systems  andcomponents asa functional  barrier  tofission    product  release under shutdown    conditions.
Asapplied  toPVNGS,Containment      Closureisestablished  whenthe    requirements    ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0,    I.M-Containment  EvacuationandClosure,    Appendix  249,for    containment    closure aremet.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE219OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases UNPLANNED      . A parameter change      oraneventthat      isnot1)    the result ofanintended    evolution  or 2)anexpected  plant response toa transient.      Thecause    ofthe  parameter  change  orevent  maybe known  orunknown.
Plant condition  whenfuel    isinthe    reactor vessel  andReactor    Coolant System  levelisless  than  or  equal tothe  1IIfoot    elevation.
Several instruments  arecapable      ofproviding indication ofRCStemperature            with  respecttothe Technical  SpeciAcation  cold  shutdown temperature      limit (2100F,  ref. I). These  include cold  leg (Teou) temperature  indications,    hotleg  (Tst) temperature    indications  with    RCPsrunning,    CETsand SDCIIeat  Exchanger    inlet  temperature  indications        2, (ref. 3).
However,  if Shutdown    Cooling    (SDC)  flow  islost, then  the  normal  temperature    elements  used  to monitor  RCStemperature      arenotaccurate    indicatorsof    RCS temperature.      TheCETsare    the design instruments for these  conditions. Forsomeperiods      oftime the CETs maynotbeavailable.          The current practices concerning    determining  time  toboil  canbeused the  in    evaluationofthese    EAI.s.
Without  CETindication    and    with a loss  ofSDC      flow the following  guidance should    beused  (ref.
    =  Usethe  predetermined      "time toboil"    data  forevaluating    these  EAI.s. This approachreflects therelatively  small  numerical  difference    between  the  typical Technical Specilleation    cold shutdown  temperature    limitof2100F    andthe  boiling  temperature    ofRCS water with    the plantin Mode    5 or  6.
* Alternately, the Control    Roomstaff    mayusea procedure        oruser  aid  todetermine when RCS temperature  will likely  exceed  2100F    given  the  actual  plant conditions  (e.g.,usinga heat-up curve).
RCSpressure  instruments      RCAPI-103,    RCC-PI-105,    RCD-PI-106      andRCB-PI-104      arecapable  of measuring  pressure  toless    than  10psia  (ref. 3).
This  ICaddresses  conditions    involving  a loss  ofdecay    heat  removal  capability  oranaddition    of heat tothe RCS excess in        ofthat    which  cancurrently    beremoved. Either  condition represents  an actualpotential or          substantial    degradation  of  the  l    of evel  safety plant.
of the A momentary  UNPIANNID excursion            above    the Technical    Specincation    coldshutdown temperature limit  whenthe      heat removal  function  isavailable  does  notwarrant    aclassineation.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION        69                      PAGE220OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAl,Technical      Bases TheRCS Ileat-up    DurationThresholds      table  addresses  anincrease  inRCStemperature when CONTAINMENT        ClOSt    JREisestablished    but  theRCSisnotintact.      orRCSinventoryisreduced (e.g.,mid-loopoperation). The20-minute    criterion  wasincluded    toal:ow  timefor      action operator    to addressthe temperature    increase.
TheRCS1leat-up      Duration    Thresholds  table  also  addresses anincrease    inRCStemperature with theRCSintact. Thestatus    of CONTAINMENT            ClOSlJRE    isnotcrucial    inthis condition sincethe intactRCSisproviding      a highpressure barriertoa fission      product  release. The60-minutetime frame should allow  sufficient  time to address the    temperature  increase  withouta substantial degradation inplant    safety.
Finally,inthe case  where  there  isanincrease in RCS temperature, the        RCSisnotintactorisat reduced inventory  andCONTAINMENT            Cl,OSlJRE      isnotestablished,noheat-up    duration is allowed (i.e..
0 minutes). This  isbecause  1)  the evaporated reactor  coolant              directly maybereleased intothecontainment    atmosphere    andsubsequently      tothe environment. and          is 2)therereduced reactorcoolant inventory    above  the topofirradiated    fuel.
TheRCSpressure      increase  threshold  provides  a pressure-based  indication  ofRCSheat-upinthe absence ofRCStemperature        monitoring  capability.
Escalationofthe  emergency      classincation  level  would  bevia  ICCSIor RSl PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 Technical  Specincation      Table  1 1-1,Modes
: 2. Procedure  400P-9//O3,        Reactor  Startup 3.Procedure  40ST-9RC01,        RCSandPressurier        /leatup andCooldown      Rates
: 4. Safety Analysis    Operational    Data  Book 5.NEl99-01,    CA3 99of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE221OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling        System Malftmetion Subcategory:              4 Ioss ofVital    DCPower initiatingCondition:        I,oss  ofVital  DCpower      for 15minutes orlonger EAl,:
CU4.1          Unusual  Event Indicated voltage  is< I12VDCon      vital  DCbuses    requiredbyTechnicalSpecifications  lor > 15 minutes  (Note  l)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordimuor  shoulddeclare the event  promptlyupondetermining that time  limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
5 Cold Shutdown,    6-Refueling Definition(s):
None Basis:
Thepurpose  ofthis    EAl. istorecognize      a lossofDCpower      compromisingthe ability tomonitor andcontrol the  removal  ordecay  heat  during  cold  shutdown  orrefueling operations. This EAl is intended tobeanticipatory    inasmuchasthe        operating  crewmaynothave  necessary indication  and controlofequipment    needed    torespond    tothe loss.
Thevital  DCbuses    arethe  following    125VDCClass        IEbuses  (ref.
Train A:                                Train B:
* PKA-M41
* PKB-M42
                    . PKC-M43
* PKD-M44 There arefour,  60cell,  lead-calcium  storage  batteries  (PKA-Fl  1,PKC-I13,PKB-Fl2      and PKDFl4)  thatsupplement    the  output ofthe  battery  chargers.They      DCpower supply            tothe distributionbuses  whenAC power      tothe    chargers  islostorwhentransientloads  exceed  the capacity ofthe battery  chargers  (ref.1).
All fourofthe125VDC      buses  supply  inverters  for 120VAC    PNbus power aswell    ascontrol power for varioussafety  related systems. Each    battery isdesigned  tohavesufficientstored  energy to 100of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION      69                        PAGE222OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases supplythe required  emergency      loads  for 120minutes    following  a loss  ofAC power  tothechargers (ref.2).
Minimum  DCbus voltage isI12VDC(ref.            3).
This EAL isthe  cold condition    equivalent  ofthehotcondition      loss  ofDCpower    EALSS2.1 This ICaddresses  a loss ofvital DC    power which    compromises    theability    tomonitor andcontrol operable SAFETYSYSTEMS when the              plant  isinthe  cold  shutdown    orrefuelingmode.Inthese modes, the core  decay  heat  load  has been significantly    reduced  andcoolant    systemtemperatures andpressures  arelower;  these  conditions  increase the  time  available    torestore    DCbusto a vital service.Thus, this condition    isconsidered to beapotential degradation        ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant.
As used inthis  EAL,"required"      means  the vital DC buses  necessary    tosupport        ofthe operation    in-service,oroperable,  train  ortrains  ofSAFETYSYSTEM            equipment.      Forexample, if    A is Train out-of-service(inoperable)    for  scheduled  outage  maintenance    workandTrain      B isin-service (operable),then  a lossofVital    DCpower      affecting  Train B would require the            ofan declaration Unusual Event. A loss ofVital    DCpower      toTrain  A would  not warrant    anemergency classification.
Fifteenminutes  wasselected    asa threshold    toexclude  transient ormomentary    power losses.
Depending  upon  theevent,  escalation    ofthe  emergency  classification        would bevia level          ICCAIor CA3,oranICinRecognition          Category    R.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Drawing    01-E-PKA-0Ol      , MainSingle    Iine  Diagram  125V  DC Class    IE and12001CVital Inst Power  Systent
: 2. UlSARSection      8.3.2,  DCPower      Systems 3.Calculation  01-EC-PK-D207,      DC Battery    Siing  andMinintum      Voltage 4.NEl99-01,    CU4 101of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION    69                PAGE223OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 IAl,Technical    Bases Category:                C Cold Shutdown/Refueling    System  Malfunction Subcategory:              5 I.oss ofCommunications InitiatingCondition:      1,oss  ofall onsite oroffsite communicationscapabilities EAl,:
CU5.1          Unusual Event 1.ossofall Table    C-5onsite communication    methods OR 1oss ofall Table    C-5Offsite Response  Organization  (ORO)              methods communication OR Loss ofall Table    C-5NRCcommunication      methods TableC-5      Communication Methods System                              Onsite      ORO      NRC PBX                                                          X          X        X Plant Page                                                  X Two-Way  Radio                                              X FTS(ENS)                                                                          X Telephone  Ringdown    Circuits (NAN)                                    X Cellular Phones                                                          X        X ModeApplicability:
5 Cold Shutdown,    6-Refceling, D Defueled Definition(s):
None Basis:
Onsite        andNRCcommunications offsite                              include  oneormoreofthe      listed systems  inTable C-5 (ref.1.2).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                    PAGE224OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EALTechnical    Bases L PBX Onsiteemergency    telephone  lines are  divided  amongthree      EPABXswitches.
onsite                    Each  EPABX switchisprovided with abackup battery        for reliability.
This system will function during emergencies asit      doesduringnormal operations. Telephones    have thecapabilityoftrunk    access (via local  provider)  andtheAPSownedprivate    communications system which  provides  directdial capabilities tothe  entireAPSvoice system  via  the  company owned private communications      system. ThePVNCiS    telephoneEPABXSystems      through    which  all PVNCiS  telephone  calls pass areequipped withuninterruptible power    supplies (battery    chargers andbatteries)anddedicated    priority  switching  toensurethe          ofthe reliability    telephone    system. The PVN(iS  EPABXsarethe        primary  links forPVNCiS phones.There  arealso  administratively dedicatedlines  for the CR.STSC,TSC,EOFand OSC.
2.Plant(Area)  Paging Thearea paging  system  provides  a reliable  meansofnotifying and providing instructions    toonsite personnel.Access  tothis  system  isthrough    theEPABXsystem telephones byuseofdedicated numbers.
3.Two-Way    Radios PVNCiS  operates  a trunked  radio system,  with        talk separate        available for departments such groups asOperations, Security,  Fire Protection,  Radiation            Emergency Protection.          Preparedness, the    Water Reclamation  Facility. etc.This system    includes  basestationconsoles atvarious  locations and emergency  facilities throughout  the site. Someofthe    radiosusedduring emergenciesare portable radiosatvarious  site  locations,mobile    radios  inthe RIAT vehiclesandbase  station  consoles atthe TSC, EOF,Unit    OSCs,Unit    STSCsandUnit        ControlRooms. PVNCiS  FireProtection    also maintainsradios  that  are used tocontact    the  airambulance service toprovide  landing    instructions.
TheNRCEmergency        Notification  System    (ENS)  isanFTStelephone used  for ofilcial communications  with  NRCHeadquarters.      TheNRCIIeadquarters  has the capability  topatch    into theNRCRegional      offices. Theprimary    purpose  ofthis phone istoprovide  a reliable  method    for the initial notification ofthe  NRCandtomaintain        continuous communications with  the  NRCafter initial notification. ENStelephones      are  located inthe ControlRoom. TSCandEOF.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                            PAGE225OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical    Bases 5.Telephone    Ringdown      Circuits  (NAN)
These  voice circuits serve asa primary        communications    link    providing for            technical information  to offsiteagencies,public information communicationsandthe                  communication    ofprotective  action recommendations      tooffsite  authorities.
6.Cellular  Phones Each  STSC,the    TSCandEOFhave a cellular phone            toprovide    additional    independent  lines  of communication.
This EAI isthe    cold  condition  equivalent of  the hot  conditionEAlSU7.1 This ICaddresses    a signilleant  loss  ofonsiteoroffsite  communications        capabilities. While  nota directchallenge  toplant    orpersonncI    safety, thisevent    warrants  prompt    notifications  toOROsand theNRC.
This ICshould    beassessed    only  whenextraordinary      meansare being utilizedtomake communications      possible  (e.g.,
useofnon-plant,    privately    owned equipment,      relaying  ofonsite information  via  individuals  ormultiple    radio transmission      points, individuals  being  sent tooffsite locations, etc.).
Thefirst  EAl. condition    addresses    a totalloss ofthe    communications        methods  used  insupport  of routine plant operations.
Thesecond    EAI. condition  addresses    a total lossofthe    communications        methods  used to notify all OROsofanemergency          declaration. TheOROsreferred      tohere  arethe    State  andMaricopa County EOCs.
Thethird  condition  addresses  atotal        ofthe loss    communications        methods    used tonotify  the NRC of anemergency    declaration.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I PVNGSEmergency            Plan, Section    7.2Communications      Systems
: 2. UFSARSection        9.5.2,  Communication      Systems 3.NEl99-01,      CU5 104of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE226OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                  C Cold Shutdown/Refueling      System  Maltimetion Subcategory:                6 Ilazardous Event  Affecting  Safety  Systems Initiating Condition:      Ilazardous    event affecting  a SAFETYSYSTEMneeded      forthecurrent operating    mode EAL:
CA6.1            Alert Theoccurrence    ofanyTable        C-6hazardous event AND EITIIER
* Event  damage    has caused    indications of degraded performance in  atleast onetrainofa SAFETYSYSTEMneeded              for the current  operating mode
      = The  event    has caused    VISlBLE  DAMAGE to a SAFETY SYSTEMcomponent            or structure  needed  for    the currentoperating  mode Table C-6 Ilazardous        Events
* Seismic event  (earthquake) a  Internal orexternal    FlOODINGevent
* winds Iligh      ortornado  strike
* EXPl.OSION a  Other events  with  similar  hazard characteristics  asdetermined  bythe  Shift Manager ModeApplicability:
5 Cold Shutdown,    6 Reflicling Definition(s):
EXPLOS/ON-      A rapid. violent    andcatastrophic          ofa piece failure            ofequipment duetocombustion.
chemical  reaction  oroverpressurization. A release  ofsteam(from      high    lines energy orcomponents) oranelectrical  component    failure  (caused byshort    circuits,grounding, arcing, should etc.)    not automatically beconsidered        anexplosion. Such    events require apost-event        todetermine inspection if  theattributesofanexplosion        arepresent.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION    69                          PAGE227OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EALTechnical    Bases F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources  ofsmoke    such  asslipping drivebelts oroverheated electrical equipmentdonotconstitute            Gres. Observation  ofDame      ispreferred butis NOTrequiredif large quantities ofsmoke            andheat  are observed.
F/.OOD/NGA condition where waterisentering aroomorarea      titsterthan          equipment installed          is capable  ofremoval,  resulting in  a rise  ofwaterlevel  within  theroomorarea.
SAFE'/T  SYSTEMA systemrequired for safeplant operation,  cooling  downthe    plantand/or placing  itinthecold    shutdown  condition,    including the  ECCS. These  are typically  systems classified assafety-related    (asdefined in 10CFR50.2):
Those  structures, systems      andcomponentsthat        arerelied  upon toremain    functional  duringand following  designbasis    events  toassure:
(1)Theintegrity  ofthe    reactor  coolant    pressure boundary; (2)Thecapability  toshut    downthe    reactor  andmaintainit in a safeshutdown condition; (3)Thecapability  toprevent    ormitigate    theconsequences    ofaccidents  whichcould    resultin potential offsite exposures.
F/SIBIE  DAMAGE Damage toacomponent        orstructure  thatisreadily observable without measurements,  testing,  oranalysis. Thevisual    impact ofthe  damage    issufficient tocauseconcern regarding  the operability  orreliability    ofthe affectedcomponent    orstructure.
Refer  toAttachment    4 for a listofPalo    Verde  SAFETYSYTEMS(ref.          5).
This ICaddresses  a hazardous    eventthat    causes  damage  toa SAFETYSYSTEM, ora structure containing  SAFETYSYSTEMcomponents,                needed  for  thecurrent operating    mode. This condition significantlyreduces    the  margin  toa loss  orpotential  loss  ofa fission product    barrier andtherefore represents anactual  orpotential  substantial    degradation  ofthe level ofsafety    ofthe plant.
Thefirst  conditional  addresses  damage      toa SAFETYSYSTEMtrain          that isinservice/operation since indicationsfor    itwill bereadily    available. Theindications  ofdegraded      performance should  be signi0cant  enough  tocause  concern    regarding  the operability orreliability  ofthe  SAFETY SYSTEMtrain.
Thesecond  conditional    addresses  damage    toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent                thatisnotin service/operation orreadily    apparent    through  indications  alone,ortoa structure    containing 106of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE228OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical    Bases SAFETY  SYSTEM      components. Operators  will makethis  determination based  onthetotality of available event  and damage report    information. This  isintendedtobea brief  assessment not lengthy analysis orquantification ofthe requiring                                            damage.
* Thesignificance ofseismic events      arediscussed  under EAl IIU2.I.            7Cl4A, Annunciator SEISMIC    OCCURRENCE        will  illuminateif the seismic instrument detects      motion ground inexcess  oftheseismic EVI NT trigger      threshold  (ref.1).
* Internal  FIOODINGmaybe caused byevents              suchascomponent  failures,equipment misalignment,    oroutage  activity mishaps.
a  Iligh  winds  inexcess  ofdesign  (105 mph) ortornado    strikescancause  significant structural damage    (ref. 4).
a  Areas  containing  functions  andsystems  required  forsafe shutdown  ofthe  plant are identitled  byfire area  (ref.2).
a  An explosion    thatdegrades  the performance    ofa SAFETY SYSTEM train      orvisibly damages    a SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent            orstructure  would beclassilled  under thisEAl.
a  This  cold  condition EAIisequivalent    tothe  hot condition EAl. SA9.I Escalationofthe  emergency    classilleationlevel would  bevia ICCSIorRSI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure    40AO-9772    1 Acts
                            ,    ofNature
: 2. UFSARTable Quality 3-2.I,        Classification  ofStructures,  Systems andComponents
: 3. l!FSAR  Section, Offsite  Flood Design  Considerations
: 4. UFSARSection      2.3.I.2.3. Extreme    Winds 5.Attachment    4 -
Palo Verde  Safety  Systems
: 6. NEl 99-01,  CA6 107of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                      PAGE229OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases EAlGroup:    ANY  (EAI  sinthis  category  areapplicable  toanyplant    condition,hotorcold.).
IIazards arenon-plant. system-related    events that candirectly  orindirectly        plant affect    operation, reactor plantsafety orpersonnel safety.
I Security Unauthorized  entry attempts  into  the Plant Protected Area,  bombthreats,    sabotageattempts  and actual securitycompromises    threatening  loss orphysical  control ofthe    plant.
2.Seismic  Event Natural events such asearthquakes      have potential to cause plant  structure  orequipment  damage  of sufficientmagnitude  tothreaten  personnel  orplantsafety.
3.W Other natural andnon-naturally    occurring  events  that  cancause damage toplant    facilities include tornados. FIOODING, hazardous        material releases  andevents  restricting  site accesswarranting classification.
4.Iire Fires canpose  significant hazards  topersonnel  andreactor  safety. Appropriatefor classilleation  are tireswithin the Plant  Protected  Area  orwhich  mayaffect    operability  ofequipment needed for  safe shutdown 5.Ilazardous  Gas Toxic. corrosive,asphyxiant  orilammable      gasleaks  canaffect norma)    plantoperations orpreclude access toplant areas required  tosafely  shutdown    the plant.
6.Control  RoomEvacuation Events thatareindicative  ofloss  ofControl  Roomhabitability. Ifthe  Control Roommustbe evacuated, additional  support  for monitoring  andcontrolling  plant  functions  isnecessary  through theemergency  response  facilities.
7.m TheEAl,sdefined    inother  categories  specify the predetermined  symptoms    oreventsthat  are indicativeofemergency    orpotential  emergency    conditions  andthus    warrant classification. While 108of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN          REVISION 69            PAGE230OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases these EALs have been    developed  toaddress  full the        ofpossible spectrum              conditions emergency which  maywarrant classillcation andsubsequent    implementation          Plan, Emergency ofthe          a provision for classilleation    ofemergenciesbased                  experience onoperator/management    andjudgment isstillnecessary.The EAI.s of    this categoryprovide the        Coordinator Emergency      thelatitude to classityemergency    conditions  consistent with theestablished classilleation criteria based upon Emergency  Coordinatorjudgment.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION      69                      PAGE231OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I l?Al, Technical  Bases Category:                  II Ilazards Subcategory:                I Security Initiating Condition:      ConArmed      SECURITY      CONDITION      orthreat EAl,:
Ill1.1          t!nusual Event A SECURITY      CONDITION      that  does  notinvolve  a IIOSTIl  E ACTIONasreported      bythe Security Shift  Supervision OR Notincation  ofa credible  security    threat directed atthe  site OR A validated  notincation  from  the  NRCproviding      information  ofanaircraft threat ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
SECURI7    YCONDI770N-      Anysecurity      event  aslisted inthe  approvedsecurity contingency    plan thatconstitutes  a threat/compromise    tosite  security,  threat/risktosite personnel. or a potential degradation  tothe        ofsafety level          ofthe  plant. A security condition doesnotinvolve a hostile action.
//GS/7/E  WC/70N An acttoward PVNGS    orits personnel  thatincludesthe  useofviolent force to destroy equipment,        hostages take          and/or  intimidate  the  l icensee to achievean  end.This  includes attackbyair,  land,  orwaterusing    guns,  explosives,  projectiles,        orother vehicles,        devices  used to deliverdestructive        Other force.      acts  that satisfy  theoverall  intentmaybeincluded. Ilostile  action should notbeconstrued    toinclude    acts  ofcivil  disobedience  orfeloniousacts  that arenotpart    ofa concerted  attack  onPVNGS.Non-terrorism-based            EAl,sshould  beused toaddress  such  activities this (i.e.,    mayinclude    violent acts  between  individuals  inthe ownercontrolled  area).
This EAL isbased      onthePVNGS      Security  Plan,  7'raining  aiuIQualificationPlan,Safi>guartis Contingency  Plan    andIndependent    Spent Fuel  Storage  InstallationSecurity Prograin  (ref. l).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION        69                          PAGE232OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical        Bases This ICaddresses events    that  pose  a threat  toplant  personnel    orSAFETYSYSTEMequipment                and thusrepresent a potential degradationin      the  level ofplant    safety. Security  events  which    donotmeet oneofthese  EAI s are adequately addressed        bythe    requirements  of10CFR73.71          or10CIR 50.72.
Security events assessed asIlOSTII.E ACTIONS              are classifiable  under    ICsllA  landIISI Timely andaccurate    communications      between    the  Security  Shift Supervision  andthe    Control  Room isessentialfor proper  classification  ofasecurity-related event.      Classitleation  ofthese    events  will appropriate initiate            threat-related notifications      toplant  personnel  andOffsite    Response Organizations.
Security plans andterminology      arebased on theguidance provided          byNEI03-12,        Te/nplate    the for Security Plan, Training  andQualification      Plan,  Safeguards    Contingency    Plan andIndependent Spent l'uelStorage  Installation    Security  Prograin.
Thefirst threshold references    the Security  Shift  Supervision    because these  are the  individuals trainedtoconfirm  that  a security  eventis  occurring    orhas occurred. Training      onsecurity    event confirmation  andclassi0cation      iscontrolled  duetothe    nature of Safeguards and10CFR2.39 information.
Thesecond  threshold  addresses    thereceipt  ofa credible    security threat. The credibility    ofthe  threat isassessed inaccordance    with  the PVNGSSecurity        Plan.
Thethird  threshold addresses    the threat from  the  impact  ofanaircraft    ontheplant. TheNRC IIeadquarters Operations  Ofl1cer    (1I00)  will  communicate      tothe  licensee  if thethreat involves an aircraft.
Thestatus  andsize    ofthe  plane mayalso      beprovided    byNORADthroughthe NRC.
Validation ofthe  threat  isperformed    inaccordance      with  the  PVNGSSecurity      Plan    (ref. 1).
Emergency  plans andimplementing        procedures    arepublic    documents;    therefore, EALsshould not incorporate Security-sensitive    information. This  includes  information    that maybeadvantageousto a potentialadversary  such  asthe    particulars  concerning    a specille threat  orthreat location. Security-sensitiveinformation  should    becontained    innon-public      documents    such  asthe  PVNGSSecurity Plan (ref.1).
Escalation ofthe emergency      classi0cation  level  would  bevia  ICIIA  I PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I.PVNGSSecurity      Plan. Training  andQualification      Plan,  Safeguards    Contingency    Plan  and Independent  Spent  I'uel  Storage Installation    Security  Prograin  (Safeguards) 2.NEl99-01,    IIUl II1of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                    PAGE233OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases Category:                  II Ilazards Subcategory:                I Security initiating Condition:      Ilostileaction within  theSECURFI    Y OWNERCONTROlIEDAREA orairborne attack  threat  within  30minutes EAL:
IIAl.1          Alert A IlOSTILE    ACTIONisoccurringor has occurred within          the SEClRITYOWNER CONTROIIEDAREAasreported              by the Security Shift  Supervision OR A validated  notincation  from  NRCofanaircraft    attack  threatwithin  30minutes ofthe  site ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
ilOSTll.E  ACTION An acttoward PVNGS    orits  personnel  thatincludes the useofviolent    force todestroy  equipment,    takehostages  and/or intimidate  the licenseetoachieve anend. This includes attackby  air,land,  orwater using  guns,explosives,  projectiles,orother devices used vehicles,                        to deliverdestructive    force.Other  actsthatsatisfy  the overall intentmaybeincluded. Ilostile action should notbeconstrued      toinclude  actsofcivil disobedience    orfelonious  actsthatare not part  ofa concerted  attack  on PVNGS.      Non-terrorism-based  EAl,sshould  beused    toaddresssuch activities this (i.e.,    mayinclude    violent    b acts etween individuals    intheo wner c          area).
ontrolled SECURITY    OWNERCONTROIIID AREA An area        -
encompassed    byphysical barriers towhich access iscontrolled.
This ICaddresses    the occurrence  ofa IIOSTIIE    ACTIONwithin    the  SECURITYOWNER CONTROl.I.ED      AREAornotification    ofanaircraft    attack threat.
This  eventwill require rapid response  andassistance  duetothe    possibilityofthe  attack progressing  tothePIANT PROTECTED      AREA, orthe      needtoprepare the  plant  andstaff for          aircraft a potential        impact.
Timely  andaccurate    communications    between  the  Security  ShiftSupervision andthe  Control    Room isessential for proper  class:ficationofa security-related  event(ref. 1).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE234OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 EAlTechnical      Bases Securityplans andterminology arebased            onthe  guidance    provided  byNEl03-12,    Template    for the Security Plan, Training    andQualification      Plan, Safeguards    Contingency    PlanandIndependent Spent Fuel  Storage  Installation    Security  Program.
Astime  andconditions      allow. these events  require  a heightened  state  ofreadinessbythe    plant staff andimplementation      ofonsite protective measures        (e.g., evacuation,  dispersalorsheltering). The Alert declaration  will also  heighten the  awareness ofOffsite    Response    Organizations  (OROs),
allowing them  tobebetter      prepared should it  benecessary    toconsider    further actions.
This ICdoes    notapply    toincidents    that are accidental  events, acts  ofcivil disobedience,  or otherwise  are nota IIOSTll        E ACTION perpetrated bya IlOSTILE            FORCE. Examples    include the crash ofasmall    aircraft,  shots  from  hunters, physical disputes  between    employees,  etc. Reporting  of these types ofevents    isadequately      addressed  by other EAls,orthe      requirements  of10CFR73.71 or10CFR50.72.
TheGrst  threshold  isapplicable      foranyHOSTILE        ACTION    occurring,  orthathasoccurred,    inthe SECURITYOWNERCONTROlIEDAREA.This                              includes  any  action directed against  anISFSI thatislocated  outside  the  PIANT PROTECTED          AREA.
Thesecond    threshold  addresses    the threat from  the  impact  ofanaircraft onthe  plant  andthe anticipated arrival  time  iswithin    30minutes. Theintent    ofthis EAlisto ensure that    threat-related notifications aremadeina timely          manner  sothat  plant  personnel  andOROs are ina heightened stateofreadiness. This  EA1. ismetwhenthe    threat-related  information  hasbeen validated  in accordance  with security    procedures.
TheNRCIleadquarters          Operations  Officer  (HOO)    will communicate    tothe licensee ifthe threat involves anaircraft. Thestatus      andsize  ofthe  plane  maybeprovided      byNORADthroughthe NRC.
Insomecases,    itmaynotbereadily        apparent  if anaircraft  impact  within  theSECURF1    Y OWNER CONTROLIEDAREAwasintentional                    (i.e.,
a IIOSTlLE      ACTION). Itisexpected,  although  not certain,that  notification  byanappropriate      Federal  agency  tothe  site would elarifythis  point. Inthis case, theappropriate    federal    agency  isintended  tobe  NORAD,    FBI,  FAAorNRC.Theemergency declaration,  including  onebased      onother  ICs/EAlshould s,        notbeunduly    delayed  while  awaiting notification bya Federal      agency.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                PAGE235OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases Emergency    plans  andimplementing procedures      arepublic          therefore documents;      EAlsshould not incorporateSecurity-sensitive  information.      This includes  information maybeadvantageous that            toa potential adversary, such asthe  particulars    concerning  a specille threat          Security-location.
orthreat sensitive information  should becontained      innon-public    documents such    PVNGSSecurity asthe Plan (ref. 1).
Escalation  ofthe  emergency classif1eation level    would    beviaICIISl.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 PlNGSSecurity        Plan,  Training and Qualification Plan,    Sufi>guards      Plan Contingency aiul Independent      SpentFuel  Storage  Installation  Security Program (Safi>guards)
: 2. NEI  99-01,    IIA l I14of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN                REVISION  69                          PAGE236OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 EAl,Technical  Bases Category:                  II Ilazards Subcategory:                l Security Initiating Condition:      IlostileAction      within thePLANTPROTECTED                AREA EAl,:
HSl.1            Site AreaEmergency A IIOSTll.E  ACTIONisoccurring          or has occurredwithin    the  PlANTPROTECTED          ARlA as reported bythe    SecurityShift    Supervision ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
IIOSTll,I  ACTION An acttoward PVNGSorits    personnel    that ine:udes  the useofviolent  il)rce todestroy  equipment. takehostages    and/or          the intimidate    licensee toachieve anend.      This includes attackby  air,land,  orwaterusing    guns,            projectiles, explosives,              vehicles,  orother  devicesused  to deliverdestructive    force.
Other      actsthat  satisfy theoverall    intent  may be included. Hostile  action should notbeconstrued    toinclude    acts  ofcivildisobedience  orfelonious acts that    arenotpart  ofa concerted  attack  onPVNGS.      Non-terrorism-based  EAl.s  should    beused    toaddress such activities this (i.e.,    mayinclude    violent  acts  between  individualsinthe  ownercontrolled area).
located within the  PVNGSExclusion        Area Boundary, encompassed  byphysical  barriers    andtowhich  access iscontrolled      per10CFR73.55.The PVNGS Plant Protected  Area  andthe SIProtected I SI              Areaare twoProtected              located Areas        withinthe PVNGSOWNERCONTROl1ED AREA.
This ICaddresses    the occurrence    ofa HOSTILEACTIONwithin              the  PROTECTED    AREA.This event will require  rapidresponse    andassistance  duetothe    possibility    for damage  toplant equipment.
Timely  andaccurate    communications        between theSecurity  Shift  Supervision  andthe  Control  Room isessential for proper  class:fication  ofasecurity-related  event    (ref. 1).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PlAN        REVISION      69                            PAGE237OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases Securityplans andterminology arebased        onthe  guidance  provided  byNEl03-12,      Template    the fi>r SecurityPlan,  Training    andOualification  Plan, Safeguards    Contingency    Plan    andIndependent Spent I'uelStorage    Installation  SecurityProgram.
Astime  andconditions      allow. theseevents require  a heightened  state  ofreadiness    bythe  plantstaff andimplementation      ofonsite protective measures      (e.g.,
evacuation,    dispersal  orsheltering).
The SiteAreaEmergency        declaration  willmobilizeOffsite    Response  Organization      (ORO) resourcesand have them  available  todevelop and implement public      protective  actions  inthe    unlikely event that theattack issuccessful    inimpairing multiple safety    functions.
This ICdoes  notapply    toa IlOSTILE    ACTION    directed atanISFSI      PROTECTED        AREA located outsidethe  PlANT PROTECTED            AREA; such anattackshould        beassessed      usingICHAI It  also does notapply  toincidents      thatareaccidentalevents, acts  ofcivil  disobedience,    orotherwise are nota HOSTILE    ACTIONperpetrated        bya HOSTILE FORCE. Examples              include  the crashofa small aircraft,shots  from    hunters,physicaldisputes  between employees,      etc. Reporting ofthese types ofevents  isadequately      addressedbyother  EALs,or the requirements of10CFR73.71            or10 ClR 50.72.
Emergency  plans  andimplementing      procedures  are  public documents;    therefore,    EAIsshould  not incorporate Security-sensitive      information.This  includes  information that may beadvantageous toa potentialadversary,    such  asthe  particulars concerning    aspecific  threat  or threat location. Security-sensitiveinformation    should    becontained innon-public    documents    such  asthe PVNGS Security Plan (ref.I).
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 PVNGS    Security    Plan,    TrainingandOualification    Plan, Safeguards    Contingency    Plan and Independent  Spent    Fuel    StorageInstallationSecurity  Prograin    (Safi>guards)
: 2. NEI99-01,    IISI I16of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION    69                      PAGE238OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I l?Al,  Technical Bases Category:                  II Ilazards Subcategory:              2 Seismic Event initiating Condition:      Seismic event  greater  than OBl?levels EAl,:
IIU2.1          Unusual  Event Seismic  event  > OBEasindicated    on Control  PanelA-J-SMN-COl ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
Iive Iorce  Balance    Accelerometer  unitsareinstalled withinUnitI structures  andoneisinstalled        in the Free Field area  south ofUnit    1 Peak  ground motion    acceleration of0.10g  horizontalorvertical isthe  Operating  Basis liarthquake for PVNGS(ref.      I).OBEis  detected andanalyzed  byFree Iield Accelerometer      Sensor  #6 (AJSMNXT0006)        only.
Annunciator  7Cl4A,SElSMIC        OCCURRENCE,will      illuminate ifthe    seismic instrument    detects ground  motion  inexcess ofthe    seismicEVENTtrigger            (ref.
threshold      1,2).
Unit  IControl  Panel  A-J-SMN-COI    provides  bothredl(VINT andyellow      "OBE"I.ED      indications (ref.I,2). Peak  acceleration  levels canalso  bedetermined usingthe  graphic  user interface  display screen (ref.4).
Procedure  40AO-97721. Acts  ofNature. provides  theguidance should    the OBEearthquake threshold beexceeded    andanyrequired  response (ref.
actions  3.4).
Toavoid  inappropriate  emergency  classification resulting fromspurious    actuation ofthe  seismic instrumentation  orfelt motion  notattributable toseismicactivity, anoffsite    agency  (USGS, National  Iarthquake    Information Center) canconfirm      anearthquake that                hasoccurred  inthe  area  of the plant.Such  confirmation    shouldnot,however,  preclude atimely  emergency    declaration    based onreceipt  ofthe  OBEalarm. TheNEICcanbecontacted    bycalling the  number  listed  inprocedure I17of262
PVNGS        EMERGENCY            PIAN                REVISION      69                      PAGE239OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases 40AO-9zz21        Select  option      #1andinform      the analyst  youwish  toconfirm  recent  seismic  activity inthe    vicinity of PVNGS.        lfrequested,    provide  the analyst  with the following  PVNGSUnit        I coordinates:    33" 23' 23"north        latitude,  I12"  5l'43"westlongitude    (ret. 5).Alternatively,  near  real-time    seismic  activity can beaccessed via          the NEICwebsite: This    ICaddresses    a seismic event that      results  inaccelerations  atthe plant sitegreater than  those specined    for anOperating      Basis Earthquake (OBE).          An earthquake  greater than  anOBEbut      less than    a Safe  Shutdown    Earthquake(SSE) should have            nosignificant impact  onsafety-related systems,    structures  andcomponents,however, sometime                mayberequired    for the plant staff  to ascertain    the actual  post-event    conditionof the plant(e.g.,      performs  walk-downs  andpost-event inspections). Given  the time      necessary  toperform walk-downs and      inspections  andfully  understand anyimpacts.      this  event  represents      apotential  degradation  ofthe  levelofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Event    verification    with external    sources  should  notbe necessary during    orfollowing  anOBE.
Earthquakes      ofthis  magnitude      should  bereadily  felt byonsite personnel andrecognized      asa seismic    event  (e.g., lateral  accelerations    inexcess  of0.10g).The Shift ManagerorEmergency Coordinator      mayseek    external    verincation    ifdeemed    appropriate (e.g.. a calltothe  lJSGS,    check internet    newssources,    etc.);  however,    the verification  action  mustnot preclude a timely  emergency declaration.
Depending      upon  the  plant  modeatthe      time  ofthe event,  escalation ofthe  emergency  elassification level  would    bevia  ICCA6orSA9.
PVNGSBasis          Reference(s):
I UlSARSection  ,    Operating    Basis  Earthquakes 2.Procedure        40Al-9RK7C.          Panel  CO7C    Alarm  Response  7Cl4A  Seismic  Occurrence
: 3. Procedure      40AO-9772        1 Acts
                                      ,      ofNature
: 4. Procedure      79IS-9SM01      ,
Analysis  of Seismic  Event 5.UlSARTable            2.1-1,  Containment      Building  Centerlines
: 6. NEl99-01,        Ill12 II8of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION    69                      PAGE240OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical  Bases Category:                  II Ilazards Subcategory:              3 Natural orTechnology  Ilazard initiating Condition:      Ilazardous      event EAl:
IIU3.1          tnusual  Event A tornado  strike  withinthe    Pl.ANT  PROTI  CTEDAREA ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
PLAATPROTECTED          AREA An area, located withinthe PVNGS              AreaBoundary, IExclusion encompassed  byphysical  barriers      andtowhich  access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGS Plant Protected  Area  andthe    ISFSI  Protected Area aretwoProtected Areaslocated    withinthe PVNGSOWNERCONTROlIED AREA.
Response  actions  associated    with  a tornadoonsite isprovided  inprocedure40AO-97721,    Acts  of Nature  (ref.I).
Ifdamage  isconfirmed  visually    orbyother  in-plantindications,  the eventmaybeescalated toan Alert under EAl. CA6.1  orSA9.1 A tornado  striking  (touching  down)  within the PIANTPROTECTED          AREAwarrants  declaration ofanUnusual    Event  regardless    ofthe measured  wind speed  atthe  meteorologicaltower.A tornado isdefined  asa violently rotating      column of air incontact with  the ground extendingthe and          from base  ofa thunderstorm.
This  ICaddresses    hazardous    events  thatareconsidered  torepresent  a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe  plant.
EAI. IIU3.1 addresses  a tornado      striking(touching down)  within  the PI.ANT PROTECTED AREA.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classification levelwould bebased    on ICsinRecognition Categories R,I S orC.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            Pl,AN    REVISION 69    PAGE241OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases PVNGS Basis Reference(s):
l  Procedure 40AO-97721        ActsofNature
: 2. ifFSAR  Section 2.3.I.2.3,          Winds Extreme
: 3. NEl99-01    IIlf3 120of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION  69                        PAGE242OF383 ATTACIIMENT    1 EAl,Technical Bases Category:                    II Ilazards andOther ConditionsAffecting  Plant  Safety Subcategory:                3 Natural orTechnology Ilazard Initiating Condition:        Ilazardous  event EAl,:
11U3.2          tnusual    Event Internal roomorarea      Fl.OODING of a magnitude sufficient    torequire  manual    orautomatic electricalisolation    ofa SAlliTYSYSTEM component needed          for  thecurrent  operatingmode ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
FLOOD/NG A condition where    waterisentering a roomor area faster  than  installedequipmentis capable ofremoval.      resulting    ina rise ofwaterlevelwithinthe room orarea.
for required  safeplantoperation.cooling down the          and/or plant placing itinthe  cold  shutdown              including condition,      theECCS. These are typically systems classifiedassafety-related    (as    definedin10CFR50.2):
Those  structures,  systems  andcomponents          arerelied that        upon toremain    functional  during and following design  basis  events      toassure:
(1)Theintegrity    ofthe  reactor      coolant      boundary:
pressure (2)Thecapability      toshut downthe      reactorandmaintainitina safe  shutdown  condition; (3)Thecapability      toprevent      ormitigate the consequencesofaccidents  which  could resultin potentialoffsite    exposures.
This ICaddresses    hazardous            that events  areconsideredtorepresent  a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe    plant.
This EAl. addresses    Fl.OODING        ofa building roomorarea  that results inoperators  isolating power  toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent                duetowater levelorother  wetting  concerns.
Classineation  isalso    required    ifthe waterlevelorrelatedwetting causes  anautomatic            ofa isolation SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent                  fromits power source(e.g.a breaker  orrelay  trip).
Towarrant 121of262
PVNGS          EMERGENCY        Pl,AN            REVlSION69              PAGE243OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 IAl Technical Bases classilleation,    operability  oftheaffected          mustberequired component          byTechnical Specilleations for  the    current operating  mode.
Escalation      ofthe emergency  elassifleation  level would      onICsinRecognition bebased            Categories R,I S orC PVNGSHasis          Reference(s):
1 NEl99-01IIU3 122of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN                REVISION  69                        PAGE244OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical  Bases Category:                II Ilazards andOther  Conditions  Affecting  Plant Safety Subcategory:              3 Natural orTechnology  IIazard initiatingCondition:      Ilazardous    event EAl,:
HU3.3          Unusual Event Movement  ofpersonnel  within    the Pl,ANT    PROTECTED      AREA isIMPEDEDduetoanoffsite event involving  hazardous    materials (e.g., anoffsitechemical  spill  ortoxic gasrelease)
All Definition(s):
/MPEDE(D)    -
Personnelaccess    toa roomorarea    ishindered toanextent    that extraordinary measures  arenecessary  tolacilitate  entry  ofpersonnel into the affected room/area (e.g., requiring useofprotective  equipment      suchasSCBAs,that    isnotroutinely employed).
PLANTPROTECTED        AREA An area, locatedwithin the PVNGSExclusion AreaBoundary, encompassed    byphysicalbarriers    andtowhich    access is controlled  per10 CFR 73.55. ThePVNGS Plant Protected Areaandthe      ISFSI Protected  AreaaretwoProtected      Areas located within the PVNGSOWNERCONTROIIEDAREA.
Asused  here,  the term"offsite"  ismeanttobeareas    external  tothe  PVNGSPl,ANT PROTECTED AREA.
This ICaddresses    hazardous    eventsthat  areconsidered torepresent    a potentialdegradationofthe level ofsafety ofthe  plant.
This EAI.addresses  a hazardous    materials  eventoriginating  atanoffsite  location  andofsufficient magnitude  toimpede  themovementofpersonnel        within the  PI.ANTPROTECTED        AREA.
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classificationlevelwould bebased    onICs  inRecognition  Categories R.F,S orC.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I NEl  99-01,  IlU3 123of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN                REVISION      69                    PAGE245OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                II Ilazards andOther    Conditions AffectingPlant Safety Subcategory:              3 Natural orTechnology      IIazard initiatingCondition:      Ilazardous      event EAl,:
HU3.4          Unusual  Event A hazardous  event  that results  in onsite  conditions            toprohibit sufficient        the plant  staff from accessing the site  viapersonal  vehicles  (Note    7)
Note7:ThisEAl.does  notapply  toroutine traffleimpediments  suchasfog. ice.
snow. orvehicle breakdowns  or accidents.
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
This ICaddresses    hazardous    events that  areconsidered              a potential degradation ofthe torepresent level ofsafetyofthe  plant.
This EAI addresses    a hazardous  event    that causes    anonsiteimpediment tovehicle  movement      and significantenough    toprohibit  theplant  staff from  accessing thesite using personal  vehicles.
Examples  ofsuch    aneventinclude    site  FIOODINGcaused        bya hurricane,heavy  rains, up-river waterreleases, damfailure,  etc.,  oranonsite      train derailment blockingtheaccess  road.
This notintended  apply    toroutine    impediments    such      snow,ice.
asfog.          orvehicle breakdowns  oraccidents,  but    rather tomoresignificant      conditions such asthe  IIurricane  Andrew strikeonTurkey    Point in1992,    the flooding    around    theCooper      during Station        the Midwest    floods of1993,  orthe  flooding around    Ft. Calhoun    Station  in201I Escalationofthe  emergency      classification  level  would  bebased  onICsinRecognition    Categories R.F.SorC.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I.NII99-01.      IlU3 124of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION      69                        PAGE246OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  II Ilazards andOther    Conditions Affecting    Plant Safety Subcategory:              4 Fire Initiating Condition:      FIREpotentially    degrading  thelevel  ofsafety    oftheplant EAl,:
HU4.1            Unusual Event A FIREisnotextinguished        within 15 minutes of  anyofthe  following    IIREdetectionindications (Note  I):
* Report  from thefleld  (i.e-visual observation)
* Receipt  ofmultiple (more  than  1)f1re alarms orindications a  Field verificationofa single    firealarm AND TheFIREislocated      within  anyTable  ll-1 area Note1:TheEmergency    Coordimitor should declare the eventpromptlyupon  determining  that  limit time  hasbeen exceeded.
orwill likely beexceeded.
Table  H-1 Fire      Areas
* Containment e  Auxiliary  13uilding a  Control Building e  Diesel Generator  Building
                                =  Diesel Generator  Fuel OilStorage    Tanks a  Fuel Building a  Main  Steam  Support  Structure
* Refueling  Water  T ank e  Essential Spray  PondSystem e  Condensate  Storaue  Tank ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
F/RE Combustion characterized  byheat  andlight. Sources ofsmoke      such asslipping  belts drive oroverheated  electricalequipment    donotconstitute    fires.
Observation      offlame ispreferred butis NOTrequired    iflarge  quantities  ofsmoke  andheat    areobserved.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                        PAGE247OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases Basis:
The15minute    requirement    begins  with a crediblenotification that a Bre  isoccurring,  orreceipt    of multiple validfire detection system    alarms orfield validation ofa single  fire  alarm.Thealarm      isto bevalidated using  available Control Roomindications      oralarms  toprove    that  itisnotspurious,    or byreports from  the field. Actual Beld  reports mustbemade    within the15minute      time limit  ora classification mustbemade.
Table    Fire II-1    Areas  arebasedon UFSAR Table        3.2-I Quality Classineation    ofStructures, Systems  andComponents.      Table ll-I Fire Areasinclude  those structures  containing  functions    and systems required  for  safe  shutdown  ofthe plant (SAI ETYSYSTEMS)          (ref. I).
This ICaddresses  the  magnitude  andextentof FIRES that    maybeindicative      ofa potential degradationofthe  level  ofsafety ofthe  plant.
ForEAI. IIU4.1  the intent  ofthe 15-minute  durationis to size the FIREandtodiscriminate        against small FIRIS that  are  readily extineuished  (e.g.,smoldering waste paper    basket). Inaddition  to alarms, otherindications    ofa  FIRE  could bea drop Gre i n    main pressure, automatic    activation    ofa suppressionsystem,    etc.
Uponreceipt, operators    will takeprompt  actions toconfirm  thevalidity of aninitial  fire  alarm, indication, orreport. ForEAl. assessment  purposes, the  emergency  declaration  clockstarts  atthe time thattheinitial  multiple  alarms,  indication, orreport wasreceived    andnot the timethat    a subsequent verification    action wasperformed. Ifonly a single indication  isavailable tothe    Control Roomstaff, the  emergency    declaration clock      atthe starts      time a tield  report isgiven that validates theexistence.Similarly,    theHre duration  clock  alsostartsatthe time  ofreceipt  oftheinitial multiple alarms,  indication  orreport.
Depending  uponthe    plant  modeatthe  time  ofthe event, escalation  ofthe  emergency  classification level wouldbevia    ICCA6orSA9.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I UFSARTable      3.2-l,  Quality Classification  ofStructures, Systems    andComponents
: 2. NEl99-01. IIU4 I26of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN                REVISION      69                        PAGE248OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                II Ilazards andOther    Conditions    Affecting  PlantSafety Subcategory:              4 Fire initiating Condition:    FIREpotentially        degrading    the  level ofsafety  oftheplant EAl,:
HU4.2            Unusual Event Receipt  ofa single  fire alarm    (i.e.,  no other indications ofa IIRE)
AND Thefire  alarm  isindicating  a FIREwithin      any  Table  II-1  area AND Theexistence    ofa FIREisnotverified        within  30 minutes ofalarm      receipt(Note I)
Note1:TheEmergency    Coordinator should        the declare    eventpromptly  upon determining that timelimit hasbeen exceeded.
orwill likely beexceeded.
Table H-1 Fire        Areas a    Containment e    Auxiliary  Building a    Control  Building a    Diesel  Generator  Building a    Diesel  Generator  Fuel  Oil  Storage  Tanks
* Fuel  Building a    Main    Steam  Support  Structure a    Refueling  Water  Tank a    Essential  Spray  Pond  System a    Condensate    Storaue  Tank ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
FIRE Combustion characterized      byheat andlight. Sources    ofsmoke    such asslippingdrive belts oroverheated  electricalequipment      donotconstitute    fires. Observation    offlame ispreferred but is NOTrequired    iflarge  quantities    ofsmoke  andheat    are observed.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE249OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases Basis:
The30minute requirement begins    uponreceipt  ofa single valid  lire detectionsystem    alarm. The alarm istobevalidated using available  Control  Roomindications    oralarms toprove  that  itisnot spurious,orbyreports from thelield. Actual  field reportsmustbemade    within  the 30minute    time limitora classificationmust bemade.lf    a ilreisverifiedtobeoccurring  byfield  report, classilleation shallbemadebased onEAlIIU4.1 Table H-1Fire Areas  are based on UFSAR    Table  3.2-1 Quality  Classilleation ofStructures, Systems andComponents. Table ll-1 Fire Areas include  those          containing structures            functions and systems required for safeshutdown  ofthe plant (SAl  ETY SYSTEMS)      (ref. I).
This ICaddresses  the magnitude andextent    of FIRES that maybeindicative    ofa potential degradationofthe  level ofsafety ofthe  plant.
This EAL addresses  receipt ofa single  llrealarm  andthe existence ofa FIREisnotverilled      (i.e.,
proved ordisproved)  within 30-minutes  ofthe  alarm. Upon receipt, operators will take  prompt actionstoconfirm  the validityofa single  flrealarm. ForEAL assessment purposes,the      30-minute clock      atthe starts    time  thatthe initial alarm  wasreceived  andnotthe time that  a subsequent verification action wasperformed.
A singlefirealarm. absent otherindication(s)  ofa FIRE,maybeindicative of equipment failure        or a spuriousactivation andnotanactual    FIRE. Forthis  reason,          timeis allowed toverify additional thevalidityofthe  alarm. The30-minute    period isa reasonable  amountoftime  todetermine if  an actualFIREexists;  however. afterthat time  andabsent  information  tothe contrary, it is assumed thatanactual FIREisinprogress.
Ifanactual FIREisverified  bya report  from the      then field,    IIU4.1  isimmediately  applicable and theemergency  mustbedeclared    if the FIREisnotextinguished      within15-minutes  ofthe  report.If thealarm isverilled tobedue  toanequipment    failureora spurious  activationandthis    veriflcation occurs within30-minutes  ofthe receipt  ofthe a larm,then this EALis  notapplicable  andno emergency  declaration iswarranted.
Appendix  R to10CFR50,states    inpart:
Criterion 3of Appendix  A tothis  partspecifies that 'Structures, systents aiul  components important tosafety  shallhe designed  andlocated  tominimize. consistent with  other  safety requirements. the p robabilityand  effectof fires and  explosions.'
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PIAN            REVISION      69                      PAGE250OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I IAl Technical    Bases When    considering    the  effi>cts of:fire, thosesystems  associated  withachieving  aini inaintaining      safe shutdown    conditions  assuinenu(  jor tinportancetosafi>tyhecause dantage totheincan      lead tocore    dainage  resulting f)om  lossofcoolant  through hoil-off Because      firemay    afi>ct safi>shutdown    systems  andbecause    theloss offimction ofsystems used    tomitigatethe      consequences    ofdesign hasis  accidents  under post-fireconditions does notperseimpact          public safety, the  need tolimit fire damage  tosystems required toachieve andmaintain        safi>shutdown  conditions  isgreater  than  theneedtolimitfire damage tothose systems      required  tomitigate the consequences      of design      accidents.
hasis Inaddition,  Appendix      R to10CFR50,requires, amongother                          the considerations,  useofI-hour 11re barriers for  the  enclosure  ofeable    andequipment andassociated non-safety      circuitsofone redundant  train  (G.2.c). Asused    inllU4.2,  the30-minutes  toverify  a singlealarm iswell within thisworst-ease      I-hour  time period.
Depending    upon    the  plant  modeatthe    time  ofthe event, escalation  ofthe emergency  classification level would    bevia  ICCA6orSA9.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
I UFSARTable          3.2-l,  Quality  Classification ofStructures,  Systems and  Components 2.NEI99-01,        IlU4 129of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION        69                      PAGE251OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EALTechnical      Bases Category:                    II Ilazards andOther      ConditionsAffecting  PlantSafety Subcategory:                4-Fire initiating Condition:        FIREpotentially      degrading  thelevel ofsafety  ofthe  plant EAl,:
HU4.3            Unusual  Event A FIREwithin      the PLANTPROTECTED              AREAorISFSI      PROTECTED      AREA not extinguished  within    60minutes  ofthe  initial report,  alarm  orindication  (Note  I)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordimuor shoulddeclare the  event  promptlyupondetermining thattimelimithasbeen exceeded.
orwill  likely beexceeded.
All Definition(s):
F/RE Combustion characterized byheat    andlight. Sources  ofsmoke such asslipping    drive  belts oroverheated  electrical  equipment donotconstitute        fires.
Observation of flame is  preferred  butis NOTrequired    if  large quantitiesofsmoke      andheat    areobserved.
A complex that is  designed andconstructed    for  theinterim storage  ofspent    nuclear  fuelandother  radioactivematerials associated with  spent  fuelstorage.
PLAATorISFSI      PROTECTED      AREA An area,located within thePVNGSExclusion      Area Boundary,  encompassed      byphysical  barriers    andtowhich    accessiscontrolled  per10CFR73.55.
ThePVNGSPlant        Protected  Areaandthe      ISFSI  Protected Area are two Protected  Areas    located within  thePVNGSOWNERCONTROLLED                      AREA.
This ICaddresses    the magnitude  andextent      ofIIRESthat    maybeindicative    ofa potential degradation  of the  l    of evel safety plant.
of the Inaddition  toa FIREaddressed      byEAL HU4.IorHU4.2,a FIREwithin                thePLANT PROTECTED      AREAnotextinguished        within  60-minutes  mayalso  potentially  degrade the      of level plant safety.This  basis extends toa FIREoccurring        within the ISFSI  PROTECTED    AREA.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN    REVlSION  69            PAGE252OF383 ATTACIIMENT  1 IAl TechnicalBases Depending  upon  theplantmodeatthe timeofthe    escalation event,    ofthe    classification emergency level wouldbe    via ICCA6orSA9.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 NII99-01      IIU4 131of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION  69                          PAGE253OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 EAl,Technical  Bases Category:                  II Ilazards andOther  Conditions Affecting  Plant  Safety Subcategory:                4 Fire Initiating Condition:      FIREpotentially      degrading the levelofsafety  ofthe  plant EAl,:
HU4.4            Unusual  Event A FIREwithin      the PlANT PROTECTED          AREAorISI    SlPROTECTED        ARl?Athat    requires firellghtingsupport    byanoffsite  fire response agency  toextinguish ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
FIRE Combustion characterized  byheat    andlight.Sources of smoke such    asslipping  drive  belts oroverheated  electrical equipment    donotconstitute  fires.Observation  ofGame    ispreferred  butis NOTrequired    iflarge  quantities  ofsmoke    andheat areobserved.
INDEPENDENT        SPENTFUElSTORAGE              INSTAl  IATION(ISFSI): A complex that          isdesigned andconstructed    for  theinterim  storage ofspent  nuclear fuelandother  radioactive  materials associated with  spent  fuelstorage.
PI.ANT  orISFSI    PROTECTED        AREA An area, located within the  PVNGSExclusion Area Boundary. encompassed    byphysical    barriers andtowhich  access  is controlled  per10CFR 73.55.
ThePVNGSPlant        Protected  Areaandthe    ISFSI Protected Area aretwoProtected      Areaslocated within  thePVNGSOWNERCONTROLLED                    AREA.
This ICaddresses    the magnitude  andextent    ofFIRES  that maybeindicative      ofa potential degradation  ofthe    levelofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Ifa FIREwithin    the  PlANT orISFSI      PROTl?CTED    AR1iAisofsufficient      size  torequire  a response  byanoffsite    Grefighting  agency    (e.g.,
a localtownFire  Department),    thenthe level of plant safetyispotentially  degraded. Thedispatch  ofanoffsite firefighting  agency  tothe  site requires anemergency      declaration  only  ifit isneeded toactively  support  firefighting efforts because  the ilre isbeyond  the  capability  oftheOnsite Fire Department  toextinguish. Declaration is 132of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          Pl,AN    REVISION  69              PAGE254OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I IAl TechnicalBases notnecessary  ifthe  agency      areplaced resources    onstand-by.orsupporting postextinguishment recovery orinvestigation  actions.
Depending    upon the plant modeatthe timeofthe    escalation event,      ofthe    classification emergency level would  bevia  IC CA6 orSA9.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I NEI99-01. IIU4 133of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN              REVISION      69                        PAGE255OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  II Ilazards andOther Conditions    Affecting    PlantSafety Subcategory:                5-Ilazardous      Gases initiating Condition:      Gaseous    release IMPl?DING    access  toequipment    necessaryfor  normal plant operations, cooldown      orshutdown EAL:
IIA5.1          Alert Release  ofatoxic. corrosive. asphyxiant  or0ammable gasinto        anyTable  II-2rooms AND Entry into the  roomis  prohibited  orIMPEDED    (.Note  5)
Note5:Ifthe equipment  inthelisted roomwasalready inoperable orout-of-service  before eventoccurred, the              thenno emergency              iswarranted.
classification Table  II-2 Safe    Operation    & Shutdown        Rooms Room                                            ModeApplicability Control  Building    100ft.
Class    DCEquipment    RoomC                                  4,5 Control  Building    100ft.
Class    DCEquipment    RoomD                                  4.5 ModeApplicability:
4 Ilot Shutdown. 5 Cold Shutdown Definition(s):
/MPEDE(D)    -
Personnel  access    toaroomorarea    ishindered  toanextent    thatextraordinary measures  arenecessary    tofacilitate  entry  ofpersonnel      the into    affected  room/area(e.g.,requiring useofprotective    equipment,    such  as SCBAs,  that isnotroutinely      employed).
Ifthe equipment    inthe  listed roomwasalready    inoperable,  orout-of-service,    beforethe event occurred, then  noemergency      should  bedeclared since  theevent    will  havenoadverse impact beyond  that already  allowed  byTechnical  Speci0cations  atthe    time  oftheevent.
Thelist ofplant    roomswith  entry-related    modeapplicability    identified  specify those rooms  that contain equipment    whichrequire    a manual/local action  asspecined      inoperatingprocedures  used  for normal  plant operation,  couldown    andshutdown. Roomsorareas          inwhichactions ofacontingent oremergency    nature  would beperformed      (.e.g.,
anaction  toaddress      anoff-normaloremergency 134of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION        69                          PAGE256OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I IAL Technical        Bases condition such asemergency        repairs,  corrective  measures    oremergency        operations) arenot included. Inaddition,      the    specifies list          the plant  mode(s)    during  which  entry would berequired    for each roomorarea      (ref. I).
This ICaddresses      anevent involving a release      ofa hazardous      gasthat    precludes orimpedes      access toequipment  necessaryto maintain normal          plant  operation,    orrequired    fora normal plant  cooldown andshutdown. This    condition represents    anactual    orpotential    substantial  degradation ofthe    level ofsafety ofthe  plant.
An Alert declaration    iswarranted  ifentry    intothe  affected  room/area    :s, ormaybe,procedurally required during  the  plant operating  mode    in effect  atthe    time ofthe  gaseous  release.Theemergency classificationisnotcontingent      upon  whether  entry    isactuallynecessary      atthe timeofthe    release.
Evaluation  ofthe  ICandEALdonotrequire            atmospheric      sampling; it    only requires the  Emergency Coordinator's judgment        thatthegasconcentration        in the affected room/area      issufficient  topreclude orsignificantly  impede      procedurally  required    access. This judgment    maybebased    ona variety    of factors including  anexisting    jobhazard    analysis,  report  ofill effects onpersonnel,advice      from  a subject matter expert    oroperating  experience    with  the  sameorsimilar hazards. Access        should  be considered  asimpeded        extraordinary if                measures    are  necessary    tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel    into theaffected  room/area      (e.g.,requiring  useofprotective      equipment,    such asSCBAs, that      isnot routinely employed).
An emergency  declaration      isnotwarranted      ifanyofthe      following  conditionsapply:
* Theplant    isinanoperating      modedifferent      than  the modespecified      fortheaffected room/area    (i.e., entryisnotrequired    during    the operating    modeineffect    atthe  time ofthe gaseous  release). Forexample,    the plant  isinModeIwhenthe              gaseous release  occurs  and theprocedures      used fornormal    operation,    cooldown    andshutdown      donotrequire    entry into theaffected    roomuntil  Mode4.
* Thegasrelease        isaplanned  activity  that  includes  compensatory      measures which    address  the temporary    inaccessibility ofaroomorarea          (e.g.,  fire suppression    systemtesting).
* Theaction      for  which room/area    entry  isrequired    isofanadministrative      orrecord    keeping nature(e.g.,    normal  rounds  orroutine    inspections).
* Theaccess      control  measures  areofaconservative        orprecautionary      natureandwould      not actually  prevent    orimpede  a required    action.
An asphyxiant  is  a gascapable    ofreducing    the  Icvel  ofoxygen      inthe  body  todangerous    levels.
Mostcommonly,      asphyxiants    work  bymerely      displacing    air  inanenclosed    environment. This 135of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY                PlAN                REVISION  69                  PAGE257OF383 ATTACIIMENT    1 EAl,TechnicalBases reducesthe  concentration        ofoxygen        below  normal the      levelofaround 19%,whichcanleadto breathing difficulties,      unconsciousness        orevendeath.
This EAl. does    not  apply  tofirellghting      activities thatautomatically ormanually      a ilre activate suppression    system    in an  area.
IEscalationofthe      emergency      classification  levelwould bevia Recognition      R,C orF ICs.
Category NOTE:EAl.        IIA5.1    modeapplicability has        been limited totheapplicablemodesidentified in Table      II-2  Safe  Operation      & Shutdown Rooms/Areas. If duetoplant operating procedure orplant        contiguration      changes, the applicable plant modesspecifiedinTable I1-2are changed,        acorresponding        changeto Attachment 3'Safe  Operation & Shutdown Areas Tables        R-2& I1-2    Bases'    andtol?AI IIA5 mode applicability isrequired.
PVNGSBasis          Reference(s):
1 Attachment        3 Safe Operation      & Shutdown  AreasTables R-3& ll-2 Bases
: 2. N1il 99-01,      IIA5 136of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION      69                    PAGE258OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                  II Ilazards andOther    Conditions Affecting Plant  Safety Subcategory:              6 Control RoomEvacuation initiating Condition:      Control Room      evacuation          intransfer resulting        ofplant    control  toalternate locations EAL:
IIA6.1          Alert An event  hasresulted  inplant  control  being transferred  fromthe Control Roomtothe        Remote Shutdown  Panel  (RSP)
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheControl  RoomSupervisor        (CRS)  determines  ifthe  ControlRoomis uninhabitable andrequires evacuation. Control    Roominhabitability    maybecaused      byfire, densesmoke,    noxious fumes,  bomb threatinoradjacent    totheControl    Room,orother      life threatening conditions.
Procedure  40AO-9//    I8Sinitdown    Outside  the Control  Rooin.provides the  instructions  for bringing the unit  toMode5,Cold      Shutdown,    ifthe  Control Roomhas been  determinedto be uninhabitable  for  anyreason    otherthan  Gre (Ref. 1).
Procedure  40AO-9//    I9Control    Rooin  Fire, provides  theinstructions for bringing    the unitto Mode5,Cold    Shutdown. ifthe  Control  Roomhas    been  determined tobeuninhabitable      duetoa fire (Ref. 2).
Inabilitytoestablish  plantcontrol  from  outside the  Control Roomescalates  this  event  toa Site Area Emergency  per IIS6.
EAI,      I This ICaddresses    anevacuation  ofthe  Control  Roomthat    results intransfer  ofplant    controlto alternate locations  outside the  Control  Room. Theloss    ofthe    tocontrol ability          the  plant from the Control Roomis    considered    tobeapotential  substantial  degradation inthe  level  ofplant  safety.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION    69              PAGE259OF383 ATTACllMENT    1 Technical l?Al,        Bases Following a Control  Roomevacuation,      control      plant ofthe  will        toalternate betransferred    shutdown locations.The necessity tocontrol  aplant    shutdown fromoutside theControl Room,inaddition to responding tothe event that  required  the evacuation ofthe    Room.
Control  will    challenges present      to plant operatorsand other on-shift  personnel. Activationofthe l?ROandemergency response facilities willassist in responding  tothese    challenges.
Escalation ofthe  emergency classifleation    level  would beviaICIIS6.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
l Procedure  40AO-97718.      Shutdown Outside the    Control Rooin 2.Procedure  40AO-97719.      Control  Rooin Fire
: 3. NI?l 99-01. IIA6 138of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                      PAGE260OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical  Bases Category:                  II Ilazards andOther  ConditionsAffecting    Plant Safety Subcategory:                6-- Control  RoomEvacuation Initiating Condition:      Inability tocontrol  akey  safetyfunction from    outside the Control Room EAl,:
IIS6.1          Site AreaEmergency An event  has resulted  inplantcontrol  being transferred fromthe Control    Roomtothe    Remote Shutdown  Panel  (RSP)
AND Control  ofanyofthe      following keysafetyfunctions isnotre-establishedwithin        15minutes (Note  1):
* Reactivity    Control (Modes    1,2and  3only) a  CoreIIeat    Removal a  RCSHeat      Removal Note1 TheEmergency    Coordinator should  declare the eventpromptly upondetermining  that time limithasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown,    5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheControl  RoomSupervisor      (CRS)    determines  iftheControlRoomis        uninhabitable andrequires evacuation. Control    Roominhabitability  maybecaused    by dense Gre,        smoke, noxious        bomb fumes, threat inoradjacent    tothe Control orother Room,              threatening life          conditions.
Procedure  40AO-9//      l8,Shutdown    Outside the Control Room,provides      the instructions for tripping theunit  andmaintaining  RCSinventory    andliot Shutdown  conditions  from  outsidethe Control Roomduetoreasons        other  thanfire( 1).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN          REVISION      69                          PAGE261OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Procedure  40AO-97719,        Control  RoomFire,  provides  the  instructions  for tripping  theunit and maintaining RCS    inventory  andIlot  Shutdown  conditions  from    outside  the Control    Roomduetoa fire(Ref. 2).
Theintent  ofthis  EAL is tocapture events    inwhich  control  ofthe  plant  cannot  bereestablished    ina timely manner. The15minute timefor        transferstarts whenthe    Control  Roomisevacuated      (when CRSleaves    the Control    Room,  not when procedures  40AO-97718      or40AO-97719        areentered).
Thetime  interval  isbased    onhow quickly control  mustbereestablished        without  core  uncovery and/or core damage. Thedetermination ofwhether ornotcontrol          isestablished    from  outside the Control Roomis    based  onEmergency Coordinator judgment.        TheEmergency      Coordinator    is expected  tomake    a reasonable. informedjudgment that    control  ofthe  plant from  outside the Control Roomcannot      beestablished  withinthe 15minute interval.
Oncethe  Control  Roomis    evacuated. the objective is toestablish control    ofimportant    plant equipment  andmaintain      knowledge  ofimportant  plant parameters    ina timely    manner. Primary emphasis  should  beplaced    oncomponents  andinstruments that supply protection          forand information  about  safety  functions.Typically, these safety  functions are    reactivity  control (ability to shutdown  the reactor  andmaintain    it shutdown),  RCSinventory (ability tocool        the  core) and secondary  heat  removal    (ability tomaintain a heat sink).
This ICaddresses    anevacuation    ofthe Control  Roomthat    results  intransfer ofplantcontrol    to alternate locations  andthe    control ofa keysafety  function cannot    bereestablished ina timely manner. Thefailure    togain  control ofa keysafety  function  following    a transfer of plant control  to alternate locations  isa precursor  toachallenge  tooneormorefission        product  barriers within a relativelyshort  period  oftime.
Thedetermination      ofwhether    ornot"control"  isestablished  atthe  remote  safe shutdown    location(s) isbased onEmergency        Coordinator  judgment. TheEmergency        Coordinator    isexpected  tomake a reasonable,  informed  judgment    within 15minutes  whether  ornotthe    operating  staff  hascontrol  of keysafety  functions    from  the  remote safeshutdown    location(.s).
Escalation ofthe  emergency      classineationlevel would  bevia    ICFGIorCGI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure    40AO-97718.        Shutdown  Outside  tlieControl  Room
: 2. Procedure  40AO-97719,Control        RoomFire 3.NEl99-01,      IIS6 140of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                  PAGE262OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical        Bases Category:                    II Ilazards andOther    Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory:                7-Emergency      Coordinator    Judgment initiating Condition:        Other    conditions  exist that inthejudgment ofthe Emergency      Coordinator warrant    declarationofa UE EAL:
IIU7.1          Unusual    Event Other conditions    existwhich  inthejudgment ofthe      Emergency  Coordinatorindicate  that  events areinprogress    orhave    occurred  which indicate a potential            ofthe degradation      level  ofsafety  of the plant orindicate    a security  threattoflicility protection has been        Noreleases initiated.              of radioactive material    requiring  offsite response or monitoring    areexpectedunless  further degradation  ofsafety    systems    occurs.
All Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheImergency      Coordinator    isthe  designated  onsiteindividualhavingtheresponsibility    and authority forimplementing    the    P lNGS  Emergency    Plan  (ref.
I).TheOperations Shift Manager (SM)  i nitially acts  i n the c apacity  of theE  mergency    Coordinator andtakes actions  asoutlined inthe Emergency  Plan  implementing      procedures  (ref. 2).Ifrequired bythe emergency  classification  orif deemed  appropriate    bythe Emergency    Coordinator,    emergency        personnel response            arenotified and instructed toreport    totheiremergency    response  locations. Inthis      the manner. individual    usuallyin charge ofactivities    inthe Control    Roomis  responsible    for initiating thenecessary  emergency response  but Plant    Management      isexpected    tomanage  theemergencyresponse assoonas available todosoinanticipation        ofthe possible  wide-ranging  responsibilities associated    with managing  a major    emergency.
This ICaddresses    unanticipated    conditions  notaddressed            elsewhere explicitly        but  that  warrant declaration ofanemergency        because conditions    existwhich            bythe arebelieved      Emergency Coordinator  to11ill  under  the  emergency  classification  level description foranUnusual      Event.
PVNGS EMERGENCY      Pl,AN    REVISION  69            PAGE263OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I Technical liAl        Bases PVNGSBasis Reference(s):
l /TNGSEmergency  Plan. Section  Emergency 4.2.II,        Coordinator
: 2. Pl'NGS Emergence            4.2.I Plan,Section  12,Shift Manager
: 3. NI(I 99-01IIU7 142of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE264OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                    II Ilazards andOther    ConditionsAffecting  PlantSafety Subcategory:                7-Emergency      Coordinator  Judgment initiating Condition:        Other    conditions exist thatinthejudgment  ofthe  Emergency  Coordinator warrant    declarationofanAlert EAL:
IIA7.1          Alert Other conditions    existwhich  inthejudgment ofthe    Emergency Coordinator,    indicate thatevents areinprogress    orhave    occurred  which involve anactual  orpotential  substantial degradation    of the levelofsafety    ofthe plant  orasecurity event that involvesprobable  lifethreatening  risk  to sitepersonnel  ordamage    tosite  equipment  because ofIlOSTII.E ACTION.      Anyreleases  are expected  tobelimited    tosmall    fractionsoftheEPA Protective Action    Guideline exposure  levels.
All Definition(s):
//OSTILE  RT/ON An acttoward PVNGSorits    personnel that includes theuse  ofviolent  force to destroy equipment,    take hostages  and/or intimidate thelicenseetoachieve an end. This    includes attackbyair,  land,  orwater  using    guns,explosives,  projectiles, vehicles,  orother devices used    to deliverdestructive    force. Other  actsthatsatisfy  theoverallintent maybeincluded. Ilostile action should notbeconstrued      toinclude        ofcivil acts        disobedienceorfelonious  acts thatare not part  ofa concerted attack  onPVNGS.      Non-terrorism-based    EAl.sshould beused    toaddress such activities this (i.e.. mayinclude      violent acts  between individuals inthe owner  controlled  area).
TheEmergency      Coordinator    isthe  designated onsite individual having  the responsibilityand authority forimplementing      the  Pl'NGS Emergency    l'lan(ref.I).
TheOperations    Shift Manager (SM)  initiallyacts  inthe capacity  ofthe Emergency    Coordinatorandtakes    actions asoutlined    inthe Emergency  Plan  implementing      procedures (ref. 2).Ifrequiredbythe  emergency  classification  orif deemed  appropriate      bytheEmergency    Coordinator,  emergency response  personnel  arenotified    and instructed toreport    totheiremergency    response  locations.
Inthis manner,the    individual usually  in charge ofactivities    inthe Control    Roomis  responsible forinitiating the necessary emergency response, but Plant    Management      isexpected  tomanage  theemergency    response  assoon  as available todosoinanticipation        ofthe possible  wide-ranging responsibilities associated with managing  a major    emergency.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION  69              PAGE265OF383 ATTACllMENT  1 IAl,Technical Bases This ICaddresses  unanticipated    conditions          explicitly notaddressed      elsewhere butthat warrant declarationof an emergency because      conditions exist which        bythe arebelieved Emergency Coordinator to11111under the    emergency  classification description level      for anAlert.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Pl'NGS    Emergency    Plan,  Section 4.2.1 1,ImergencyCoordinator 2.Pl'NGS    Emergency    Plan, Section, Shift Manager 3.NII  99-01,  IIA7 144of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION      69                    PAGE266OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                    II Ilazards andOther    Conditions AffectingPlant Safety Subcategory:                  7-Emergency      Coordinator  Judgment Initiating Condition:        Other    conditions exist that inthejudgment ofthe  Emergency    Coordinator warrant    declarationofa Site  AreaEmergency EAL:
IIS7.1          Site  AreaEmergency Other conditions    exist which  inthejudgment ofthe      Emergency Coordinator  indicate that  events areinprogress    orhave    occurred    which involve actual  orlikely major illilures ofplant  functions needed  for protection    ofthe  public orIIOSTII.E ACTION that            inintentional results              damage      or malicious  acts.  (1)toward    site  personnel orequipment that  could leadtothe  likelyfailure  ofor, (2) thatprevent  effective  access    toequipment  needed for  the        ofthe protection      public. Any releases arenotexpected      toresult    inexposure  levels which exceed EPAProtective    Action Guideline  exposure      levelsbeyond    thesiteboundary ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
//OST/LE  E T/ON An acttoward PVNGSorits    personnel thatincludesthe use of violent  force  to destroy equipment,    take hostages    and/or intimidate  thelicenseetoachieve anend. This includes attackbyair,  land,  orwaterusing      guns, explosives,  projectiles, vehicles, orother  devices used      to deliverdestructive    force. Other    actsthatsatisfy  the overall    maybeincluded.
intent                Hostile action should notbeconstrued      toinclude    actsofcivil  disobedience  orfeloniousacts thatare  not part ofa concerted attack  onPVNGS.        Non-terrorism-based    EAIsshould  beused toaddress  such  activities this (i.e.,    mayinclude      violent acts  between individuals  inthe ownercontrolled  area).
TheEmergency      Coordinator      isthe designated  onsite individualhaving the responsibility and authority forimplementing      the    PVNGSEmergency        Plan (ref. TheOperations 1).                Shift Manager (SM)  initiallyacts  inthe  capacity  ofthe Emergency    Coordinatorandtakes  actions asoutlined      inthe Imergency  Plan  implementing      procedures (ref. 2). Ifrequiredbythe emergency  elassification    orif deemed  appropriate      bythe Emergency    Coordinator,  emergency response personnel  arenotified      and instructedtoreport    totheir emergency    response  locations. Inthismanner, the individual  usually    in charge ofactivities    inthe Control    Roomis  responsible  for initiating the necessary emergency response, butPlant    Management      isexpected  tomanage  the emergency response  assoon  as 145of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION    69              PAGE267OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical  Bases available to  dosoinanticipation ofthe    possible wide-rangingresponsibilities  with associated managing    a major emergency.
This ICaddresses unanticipated conditions      notaddressedexplicitly elsewhere but that warrant declaration  ofanemergency because conditions      existwhich        bythe arebelieved  Emergency Coordinator  to11111under the emergency    classification  description level        a Site for    AreaEmergency.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Pl'NGS    Emergenci    Plan, Section 4.2.1 1ImergencyCoordinator 2./TNGSEmergency          Plan. Section4.2.1 12Shift  Manager
: 3. NEI  99-01,  IIA7 146of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE268OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                    II IIazards andOther    Conditions  Affecting  Plant Safety Subcategory:                7-Emergency    Coordinator    Judgment Initiating Condition:        Other  conditions  exist which  inthe  judgment  oftheEmergency Coordinator  warrant  declaration  ofa General    Emergency EAL:
IlG7.1          General  Emergency Other conditions    existwhich  inthejudgment ofthe      Emergency  Coordinator  indicate that  events areinprogress    orhave  occurred  which involve actual    orIMMINENTsubstantial        core degradation  ormelting  with  potential forloss ofcontainment      integrity orIlOSTII.E  ACTION that resultsinanactual    loss ofphysical  control ofthe  facility.Releases  canbereasonably expected  toexceed      EPAProtective  Action  Guideline  exposure  levels offsitefor morethan    the immediate  site area ModeApplicability:
All Definition(s):
//OSTII.E  ACTION An acttoward PVNGSorits      personnel  that includes the useof  violent  force to destroy equipment,    takehostages  an&or  intimidate  the licensee toachieve  an end. Thisincludes attack by air, land,  orwater  using  guns, explosives,    projectiles,vehicles, orother devices used    to deliver destructive  force.Other  acts thatsatisfy the  overall intent may  beincluded. Hostile  action should notbeconstrued      toinclude  acts ofcivil disobedience    orfelonious  acts that arenot part ofa concerted attack  onPVNGS.      Non-terrorism-based    EAl,sshould    beused  toaddress  suchactivities this (i.e.,    mayinclude      violent acts between  individuals  inthe  owner  controlled area).
/MM/NENT Thetrajectory ofevents  orconditions    issuch that anEAl. willbemetwithin    a relativelyshort  period  oftime  regardless ofmitigation    orcorrective  actions.
TheEmergency      Coordinator    isthe  designated  onsite  individual having  the responsibility  and authority for  implementing  the  PVNGSEmergency        Plan (ref. I).
TheOperations    Shift Manager (SM)  initially acts  inthe capacity  ofthe  Emergency    Coordinator  andtakes  actions asoutlined    inthe Imergency  Plan  implementing    procedures  (ref. 2). Ifrequired  bythe  emergency  elassification orif deemed  appropriate    bythe Emergency    Coordinator,    emergency  response  personnel  arenotified    and instructed toreport    totheiremergency    response  locations. Inthis  manner,  the individual  usually in charge ofactivities    inthe Control  Roomis  responsible    forinitiating the necessary  emergency 147of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION      69                PAGE269OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAlTechnical    Bases response, but Plant Management      isexpected  tomanage  the emergencyresponse assoonas availabletodo so inanticipation    ofthe  possible    wide-ranging responsibilities associated with managing  a major emergency.
Releasescanreasonably beexpected toexceed            EPAPAGplume          levels exposure  outside theSite Boundary.
This ICaddresses  unanticipated conditions notaddressed    explicitly elsewhere but that warrant declaration ofanemergency      because conditions    exist which arebelieved bytheEmergency Coordinator  to11111under  the emergency  classification leveldescription for a General Emergency.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 Pl'NGS    Emergency  Plan,  Section  4.2.1 IEmergency Coordinator 2.Pl'NGS    Emergency Section Plan, Manager 3.NEl99-01,    IIA7 148of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                      PAGE270OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I IAl,Technical    Bases EAlGroup:    Ilot Conditions  (RCS    temperature  > 2IO"F):  EAIsinthis    category  areapplicable  only inone or more hot    operating  modes.
Numerous  system-related equipment failure      events  thatwarrant  emergency  classification  have  been identitledinthis  category. They may pose      actual orpotential  threats toplantsafety.
Theevents  ofthis  category  pertain  to  thefollowing subcategories:
1 [alss ofEn1ergacilcIAClown Ioss ofemergency    electrical  power    cancompromise plant      safety system  operability  including decay  heatremoval  andemergency      core  cooling systems which    maybenecessary      toensure  fission product barrier  integrity.This  category    includes loss of onsite and  offsitesources    for4.16KV    AC emergency  buses.
2.I.oss ofVital  DC Power I.ossofemergency    electrical  power    cancompromise      plant safety system operability    including decay  heatremoval  andemergency      core  cooling  systems  which  maybe necessary      toensure  Assion product barrier  integrity.This  category    includes loss ofvital  plant 125VDC power      sources.
3.I.oss ofControl  RoomIndications Certain events  thatdegrade  plant  operator  ability toeffectively  assess  plant conditions  within the plant warrant emergency    classilleation. 1osses  ofindicators  areinthis  subcategory.
4.RCSActivity I)uring normal  operation,  reactor  coolant  fission product activity isvery  low.Small    concentrations offission products  inthe  coolant  areprimarily    from  the fissionoftrampuranium        inthe fuelclad  or minor  perforations inthe  clad  itself. Anysigni0cant    increase  from  these base-line  levels (2%5%-
clad failures)isindicative  offuel  failures andiscovered    under  the  FissionProduct    Barrier Degradation  category. Ilowever,  lesser  amountsofclad    damage  mayresult  incoolant    activity exceeding Technical  Specification    limits. These  fission products  will  beeirculated  with the reactor coolant andcanbedetected      bycoolant    sampling.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION          69                          PAGE271OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I IAl,Technical      Bases 5.h Thereactorvessel provides a volume      forthe coolant    that covers  the  reactor core. Thereactor pressurevesseland associated pressure    piping (reactor    coolant  system)    together provide  a barrierto limitthereleaseofradioactive material    should  the  reactor  fuel clad  integrity  fail.Excessive  RCS leakagegreaterthan Technical    Specineation    limits  indicates  potential    pipe cracks  that may propagatetoanextent  threatening  fuel RCSandcontainment clad,                              integrity.
6.RPSFailure This subcategoryincludes  events  related tofailure ofthe      Reactor    Protection  System    (RPS)  to andcomplete initiate            reactor  trips. Inthe plant licensing basis,    postulated    failures ofthe  RPSto complete areactortrip  comprise    aspecineset ofanalyzed events          referred  toasAnticipated TransientWithout Seram    (ATWS)    events. ForEAl elassification,        however,    ATWSisintended      to meananytrip  failureevent  that  does  notachieve  reactor  shutdown.      IfRPSactuation      fails toassure shutdown.
reactor          positive  control  ofreactivity  is atrisk and couldcause        a threat tofuel  clad,RCS andcontainment  integrity.
ofCommunications 7.1.oss Certaineventsthat degrade  plant  operator  ability  toeffectively    communicate      with essential personnelwithin orexternal  tothe  plant warrant  emergency      classification.
8.Containment  Failure Failure ofcontainment    isolation  capability (under    conditions  inwhich      the containment    isnot currently challenged)  warrants  emergency    classincation. Failure  ofcontainment      pressure control capability alsowarrants  emergency    classification.
Variousnaturalandtechnological      events  thatresult  indegraded    plant    safetysystem    performanceor signincantvisibledamage    warrant  emergency  classification    under  this  subcategory.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN                REVISION          69                    PAGE272OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I l?Al, Technical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:                I I.oss ofEmergency          AC Power initiating Condition:      Iossofall        offsite AC power      capability  toemergencybusesfor 15minutes orlonger EAL:
SUl.1            Unusual  Event Ioss ofall  offsite  AC power    capability,  Table  S-1,    toemergency  4.16KV busesPBA-S03 and PBB-SO4    for 15minutes
              >                  (Note I)
NoteI TheEmergency    Coordinator  should  declarethe event  promptly                that upondetermining  time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill      beexceeded.
likely Table    S-1 AC Power            Sources Offsite:
* SUT(normal) a    SUT(alternate)
* SBOCi      #1AND SB0(i#2(if          already aligned)
a D(i      A
* DCi      B ModeApplicability:
I Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,    4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
The4.16KV    AC System    provides    the    power  requirements      foroperation andsafe shutdown ofthe plant.Theessential    switchgear    arebuses    PBA-S03      andPBB-S04      (ref.
Thecondition  indicated  bythis    EAl,is    the degradation    ofall offsite AC powersourcessuchthat anyonly  onsite  AC power  capability    exists for  15minutes      orlonger.
4.16KV  buses  PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4          arethe  emergency      (essential) buses.
PBA-S03supplies power  toTrain  A safety  related  loads  andPBB-SO4      supplies  power        B safety toTrain      related loads.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE273OF383 ATTACHMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Each  bus has two normal    sources ofolTsite  power. Each  source isfrom  oneofthree  13.8KV Startup Transil>rmers  (SUT)  via its normal  andalternative    ESFService  Transformer  NBN-X03  or NBN-X04. Transformer    NBN-X03 is  the  normal  supply  tobusPBA-S03      andthe  alternate supply to PBB-SO4;  Transformer    NBN-X04    isthe  normal  supply  tobus  PBB-S04    andthe        supply alternate      to PBA-S03    (ref. 1).
Additional  alternate  offsiteAC power sources    arethe  tworedundant    13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG      #1& SBOG #2). However, these      sources  canonly  becredited ifalreadyaligned, thatis.capable  ofpowering    oneormore emergency bus      within 15minutes. TheSBOGscanonly      be credited ifthey  arerunning  inparallel since theyarenotrated    tosupply  all theSAFETYSYSTEM loads.
PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4      each have anonsite  emergency    dieselgenerator  (DGA & DG B)which supply electrical  power  tothe busautomatically    in the event thatthe  preferred source becomes unavailable  (ref. l).
This ICaddresses    a prolonged  lossofoffsite  power. Theloss of offsite power  sources renders the plant morevulnerable    toa complete loss  ofpower  toACemergency buses. This      condition represents a potential  reduction inthe level  ofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Foremergency    classificatinn purposes,  "capability"  means  thatanoffsite AC power source(s)  is available tothe  emergency  buses,whether  ornotthe    buses arepowered  from it.
Fifteen minutes  wasselected  asa threshold  toexclude  transientormomentary    losses ofoffsite power.
Escalation ofthe  emergency  classification level would  bevia  ICSAl PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Drawing      13-E-MAA-001,    Main Single  Iine  Diagram
: 2. UFSARSection        8.3.1,AC Power  Systems 3.Procedure    40AO-97712,    Degraded  Electrical Power
: 4. UFSARSection,Alternate  AC Power    System
: 5. NEI99-01,      SUI 152of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE274OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:                I I.oss ofEmergency    AC Power initiating Condition:      Ioss  ofallbutoneACpower        source  toemergency  busesfor15minutes orlonger EAL:
SA1.1            Alert AC power  capability,  Table  S-1,toemergency 4.16KV      buses  PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4reducedto a single power  source    2 15minutes (Note 1) lor AND Anyadditional    singlepower    sourcefailurewill result inloss  ofall AC power  toSAFETY SYSTEMS Note1:TheEmergency    Coordinator  should    the declare  eventpromptly  upon determining that time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill  likely beexceeded.
TableS-1 AC Power          Sources Offsite:
e    SUT(normal)
* SUT(alternate) a    SBOG#1AND SBOG#2(if          already aligned)
a    DGA e    DGB ModeApplicability:
I Power Operation,    2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  3 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
required for safe plant  operation,  cooling  downtheplant and/or placing itinthe  cold  shutdown  condition,including  the ECCS.These    aretypicallysystems classilledassafety-related  (as  definedin10CFR50.2):
Those  structures,  systems  andcomponents    that arerelied  upontoremain  functional during andfollowing    design  basiseventstoassure:
l)Theintegrity    ofthe        coolant reactor      pressure  boundary; 153of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                      PAGE275OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases
: 2)  The capability      toshut  downthe  reactor  andmaintain    it ina safeshutdown    condition; 3)The    capability    toprevent    ormitigate the consequences    ofaccidents  which  could result  in potential  offsite  exposures.
Foremergency      classification    purposes,  "capability"means    thatanAC power    source  isavailable to andcapable    ofpowering        theemergency    bus(es) within  15 whether min,          ornotthe    buses are currently  powered    from    it.
The4.16KV      AC System        provides  thepower requirements for    operation  andsafe  shutdown  ofthe plant.Theessential      switchgear    arebusesPBA-S03 andPBB-SO4            (ref.1).
Thecondition    indicated    bythis  EAL isthe  degradation  ofthe  offsite andonsite  power    sources such thatanyadditional      single    failurewould  resultina loss ofall  ACpower    tothe emergency    buses.
4.16KV  buses  PBA-S03        andPBB-SO4      arethe emergency (essential) buses. PBA-S03    supplies power  toTrain    A safety    related loads  andPBB-SO4    supplies power toTrain  B safety  relatedloads.
Each  b us has  two  normal    sources of  offsitepower. Each source  is from  oneof  three  13.8 KV Startup Transformers      (SUT)    via normal i ts      andalternative    ESl  Service Transformer    NBN-X03    or NBN-X04. Transformer      NBN-X03    isthe  normal  supply  to  bus PBA-S03  and  the  a        supply lternate        to PBB-S04:    Transformer      NBN-X04      isthe normal  supply  tobusPBB-SO4and thealternate supply          to PBA-S03    (ref. I).
Inaddition,  PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4        each have anemergency      diesel  generator (DG A & DG B) which  supply  electrical    power  tothe    busautomatically  inthe  event  thatthepreferredsource becomes    unavailable    (ref. I).
Additional  alternate  offsite  ACpower      sources arethe  tworedundant    13.8KV  SBOgasturbine generators  (SBOG      #I& SBOG#2).          Ilowever,these  sources canonly    becredited  if alreadyaligned, thatis.capable    ofpowering      oneormoreemergency        buswithin  15minutes. TheSBOGscanonly        be credited if they  arerunning      inparallel  sincethey arenotrated    tosupp':y allthe  SAFETYSYSTEM loads.
Ifthe capability  ofa second      source  ofemergency    buspower    isnotrestored  within    15minutes,  an Alert isdeclared    under    this  EAl..
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                          PAGE276OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I IAl Technical  Bases This ICdescribes a significant degradation  ofoffsite andonsite    AC power          such sources  thatany additional single failure would  result ina loss  ofallAC power      toSAFITY SYSTEMS.      Inthis condition,thesole AC powersource      maybepowering    one,ormorethan                ofsafety one,train      related equipment. This  IC provides anescalation    path  from ICSlf  l An "ACpower    source"is a source recognized inAOPsandEOPsandcapable                ofsupplying requiredpower  toanemergency bus.Someexamples          ofthis  condition    arepresentedbelow.
* A loss ofall  offsitepowerwith a concurrent    failureofall  but oneemergency  powersource (e.g.,anonsite  dieselgenerator).
* A loss ofall  offsitepower  andlossof all emergency power        sources    (e.g.,
onsite diesel generators) with  a single train  ofemergency buses being      back-fed    from theunit main generator.
* A loss ofemergency    power  sources  (e.g.,onsitediesel generators)      with    train a single  of emergency  buses  being fed from  anoffsite power  source.
Fifteenminutes  wasselected  asa threshold  toexclude  transient  or momentary    losses ofpower.
Escalationofthe  emergency  classification  level would bevia    ICSSI PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Drawing    13-E-MAA-001    , MainSingle    Iine  Diagram
: 2. if FSARSection    8.3.I, AC Power    Systems 3.Procedure  40AO-97712,    Degraded    ElectricalPower
: 4. if FSARSection    I., Alternate  AC Power  System
: 5. NEI99-01,    SAI 155of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION        69                  PAGE277OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 EAl,Technical    Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                1-I.oss ofEmergency      AC Power Initiating Condition:        1,ossofall offsite power    andall  onsiteAC powertoemergency  buses    for 15minutes orlonger EAL:
SSl.1            Site AreaEmergency I.ossofall  offsite  andall onsite AC power  capability    toemergency  4.16KV buses  PBA-S03    and Pl313-S04  li)r 2 15minutes      (Note1)
Note1:TheEmergency    Coordinatorshould    theevent declare        promptly              that upondeterminingtime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill  likely beexceeded.
1 Power Operation,    2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,    4 IlotShutdown Definition(s):
None Ilasis:
Foremergency    classification  purposes,"capability"  means      anACpower that          source isavailable to andcapable  ofpowering    the emergency  bus(es) within    15min,whether  ornotthebuses are currently powered    from it.
The4.16KV    AC System      provides the power requirements      for        andsafe operation      shutdownof    the plant.Theessential    switchgear arebuses PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4    (ref.
4.16KV  buses  PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4    aretheemergency        (essential) buses.PBA-S03  supplies power  toTrain  A safety  related loads andPBB-SO4      supplies  powertoTrainB safety related loads.
Each  bushas  twonormal    sources ofoffsitepower. Each    sourceisfromoneofthree  13.8KV Startup Transii)rmers  (SUT)  viaits normalandalternative      ESFServiceTransfi)rmer NBN-X03    or NBN-X04. Transformer    NBN-X03    isthenormal    supply  to busPBA-S03 and alternate the          supply  to PBB-SO4;  Transii)rmer    NBN-X04  isthe normal  supply    tobusPBB-SO4  andthe alternatesupply    to PBA-S03  (ref. 1).
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION        69                      PAGE278OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Inaddition,    PBA-S03      andPBB-S04    each have    anemergency    dieselgenerator  (DGA & DG B) which  supply electrical    power  tothebusautomatically      inthe  event thatthe preferredsource becomes    unavailable    (ref.1).
Additional    alternateoffsite AC power    sources  include,  but notlimited to,the  tworedundant 13.8KV    SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG          #1& SBOG#2).        llowever, these sourcescanonly be credited  ifalready    aligned,that is,capable ofpowering      oneormoreemergency      buswithin15 minutes. TheSBOGscanonlybe credited ifthey              arerunning  inparallelsince  they arenotrated to supply  all the SAIETYSYSTEMloads Theinterval    begins    whenboth    offsite and  onsite  ACpower    capabilityarelost.
This ICaddresses        a total loss  ofAC power  that compromises      the performance  ofallSAFETY SYSTEMS        requiring  electric power including  those necessary  for emergency  corecooling, containment    heat  removal/pressure  control, spent  fuel heat removal and  the ultimateheatsink.
In addition,  Assion  product  barrier monitoring  capabilitiesmay bedegraded under      theseconditions.
This ICrepresents      acondition  thatinvolves actual  orlikely major failures ofplant functions needed forthe  protection    ofthe public.
Fifteen  minutes    wasselected    asa threshold  toexclude    transient ormomentary    power losses.
Iscalation    ofthe  emergency  classification level  would  bevia  ICsRG1,IGI    or SGl.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 Drawing      13-E-MAA-001      , MainSingle  Line  Diagram
: 2. UFSARSection          8.3.1,AC Power  Systems 3.Procedure      40AO-9//12,      Degraded  Electrical  Power
: 4. UFSARSection, AlternateAC Power      System
: 5. Procedure      401(P-9EO08,    Blackout
: 6. NI?I  99-01,    SSI 157of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION    69                    PAGE279OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical  Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                I I.oss ofEmergency  AC Power initiating Condition:        Prolonged      lossofall offsite andall  onsiteACpower  toemergency    buses EAl,:
SGl.1            General  Emergency 1.oss ofalloffsite  andall onsiteAC power capability toemergency        4.16KV  busesPBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 AND EITIlER e Restoration    ofatleast    oneemergency bus in< 4 hour    isnotlikely(Note I) a RepCETreading        > 1200"F Note I TheEmergency    Coordinator  should      the declare                                time eventpromptly upondeterminingthat  limithasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
I Power Operation. 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
This EAL isindicated    bythe    extended  loss  offsite ofall        andonsite  ACpower  capability to 4.16KV emergency  buses  PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4      either forgreater  then thePVNGSStation  Blackout (SBO)  coping  analysis  time      (4hrs.) (ref.
8)orthathasresulted  inindicationsofan actual  loss of adequate  core cooling  (Rep  CET 1200>      01)(ref.
6, 7).
Foremergency    classification    purposes, "capability" meansthat    anAC power  source is available  to andcapable  of powering  the    emergency  bus(es),
whethernotthe or      buses currently are          powered from  it.
The4.16KV    AC System    provides    the  powerrequirements  foroperationandsafe shutdown    ofthe plant.Theessential    switchgear    arebuses  PBA-S03andPBB-SO4          1).
4.16KV  buses  PBA-S03    andPBB-SO4        arethe emergency              buses.
(essential)      PBA-S03  supplies power  toTrain  A safety  related    loads andPBB-SO4  supplies  power toTrain B safety related loads.
Each  bushastwo normal      sources    ofoffsite power.Each    source isfromoneofthree  13.8  KV 158of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION      69                            PAGE280OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases StartupTransformers (SUT)    viaitsnormal  andalternative  ESFService      Transformer        NBN-X03    or NBN-X04.Transil)rmer NBN-X03        isthe normal  supply  tobusPBA-S03        andthe    alternate  supply to PBB-SO4;Transil)rmer    NBN-X04 is  thenormal  supply  tobusPBB-SO4        andthe    alternate  supply to PBA-S03  (ref. 1).
Inaddition, PBA-S03    and PBB-SO4  each have anemergency      diesel  generator    (DGA & DGB) which supply  electricalpower to thebusautomatically inthe    event  that the  preferred    source becomes  unavailable  (ref. I).
Additional alternate offsite AC power sources include,but    nolimited    to,the    tworedundant      13.8KV SBOgasturbine    generators (SBOG  #1& SBOG #2). TheSBOGs        canonly    becredited    ifthey  are running inparallel  since they arenotratedto supply all  the SAFETYSYSTEMloads.
RepCET(Representative      Core  ExitTemperature) is a ealculated    temperature      value  generated  by theQualitled  SafetyParameter  Display System  (QSPDS). TheQSPDS            CETprocessing        function generates a representative  temperaturebased ona statistical analysis ofthermocouples monitoring thereactor coolant  temperature atthe topofselected  fuel  assemblies.
This ICaddresses  a prolonged  lossofall power sources  toAC emergency buses.          A loss  ofall  AC power  compromises  the  perfl)rmanceofall SAFETYSYSTEMS            requiring    electric power    including those necessary  11)r emergency  core cooling,containment    heat removal/pressure        control,spent    fuel heatremoval  andthe  ultimate heat sink.A prolonged  loss  ofthese  buses  will lead toa loss    ofoneor morefission  product  barriers.Inaddition, ilssionproduct  barrier  momtoring      capabilities  maybe degraded under  theseconditions.
TheEALshould      require declarationofaGeneral  Emergency    prior  tomeeting      the thresholds    forIC FGl This  will  allow additional time forimplementation    ofoffsite  protective    actions.
Escalation ofthe  emergency  classificationfrom SiteArea    Emergency    will  occur  if it isprojected thatpower  cannot  berestored  toatleast oneACemergency        busbythe      endofthe      analyzed    station blackout coping  period. Beyond thistime. plant responses  andeventtrajectory        aresubject    togreater uncertainty andthere  is anincreased  likelihood ofchallenges    tomultiple    tission  product  barriers.
Theestimate  for restoring atleastoneemergency  busshould    bebased    ona realistic      appraisal ofthe situation.Mitigation actions  witha lowprobability  ofsuccess    should  notbeused        asa basis  for delaying a classification upgrade. Thegoal  istomaximize    the time  available    toprepare    for and implement. protective actions fl)r the public.
TheEAl will    also require a General Emergency  declaration    ifthe  loss  ofAC power        results in parameters that  indicate aninabilitytoadequately  remove    decay  heat  from    the  core.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            Pl,AN            REVISION  69            PAGE281OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I IAl Technical Bases PVNGS Basis Reference(s):
l  Drawingl3-E-MAA-001            MainSingle    Line  Diagram
: 2. l!FSAR    Section 8.3.I    AC Power    Systems
: 3. liOP  Setpoint  Document    TA-13-C00-2000-001 4.40AO-977      I2,Degraclect Electrical Power
: 5. ljFSAR    Section Alternate    AC Power  System
: 6. Procedure    40DP-9APl3,      Blackout    Technical (inicleline
: 7. Procedure    401?P-9EO09.      Functional  Recoverv
: 8. CoreDamage        Assessment    l!serManual
: 9. Evaluation    4578373. Station  Blackout Coping Analysisfi>r Margin  Coverv toCore 10.NEI99-01      SGI 160of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION        69                          PAGE282OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                  I Ioss ofEmergency    AC Power initiating Condition:        I,oss  ofall emergency AC andvital        DCpower      sourcesfor15minutes  or longer EAL:
SGl.2            General  Emergency I.ossofall offsite  andall  onsite  AC power  capability  toemergency        4.16KV  busesPBA-S03 andPBB-S04      for  2 15minutes AND I.ossof125VDCpower          based    onbatterybusvoltage    indications    < I12VDConboth      vital DCbuses    PKA-M4land      PKB-M42      for2 15minutes    (Note    l)
Note 1 TheImergency    Coordinator  should    the declare  eventpromptly    upon  determining  that time  hasbeen limit exceeded.orwill  likelybeexceeded.
I Power Operation,    2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
This EAIisindicated      bythe    lossofalloffsiteandonsite    emergency      ACpower    capabilityto 4.16KV  emergency      buses PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4    for greater  than  15minutes  incombination with degraded  vitalDCpower      voltage. This EAI. addresses    operating    experience  from theMarch  201I accident atFukushima    Daiichi.
Foremergency    classification    purposes,"capability"  means  that  anAC power      sourceisavailable to andcapable  ofpowering    the    emergency bus(es)within    15 whether min,              ornotthebuses are currently powered    from i t.
The4.16KV    ACSystem      provides    the power requirements    for  operation    andsafeshutdown  ofthe plant.Theessential    switchgear  arebuses PBA-S03      andPBB-SO4      (ref. 1).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE283OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases The4.16KV buses PBA-S03andPBB-SO4            arethe  emergency    (essential) buses.
PBA-S03  supplies power  toTrain A safety related    loadsandPBB-SO4      supplies power  toTrain  B safety related loads.
Each  bushastwo normal sources      ofoffsite power. Each  source isfrom  oneofthree13.8  KV Startup Transil)rmers  (SUT) via  itsnormal  andalternative    ESFService    Transil3rmer NBN-X03  or NBN-X04. Transfl3rmer NBN-X03      isthe normal  supply  tobus PBA-S03    andthealternatesupply to PBB-SO4;  Transil3rmer  NBN-X04    isthe normal  supply  tobusPBBS04      andthe        supply alternate    to PBA-S03    (ref. I).
Inaddition,  PBA-S03    andPBB-S04 each have    anemergency      dieselgenerator  (DGA & DGB) which  supply  electricalpower  tothebus automatically    inthe event that  thepreferred source becomes  unavailable  (ref.l).IIowever, these sources can    only becredited  if already aligned, that is, power  oneormoreemergency        buswithin  15 minutes.
Additional  alternate  offsiteAC power  sources include,  butnotlimited    to,thetworedundant 13.8KV  SBOgasturbine      generators (SBOG    #1& SBOG #2). llowever, these            canonly sources        be credited ifalready  aligned, thatis,capable ofpoweringone or more emergency buswithin          15 minutes. TheSBOGscanonly          becredited if they  are running in parallel since they are notratedto supply all the  SAFETYSYSTEMloads.
Thevital  DCbuses    arethe  II)llowing125VDCClass        IEbuses  (ref.6):
Train A:                            Train  B:
                      . PKA-M41
* PKB-M42
                      . PKC-M43
* PKD-M44 Forthis  EAl credit  isonly  taken forbuses  PKA-M41andPKB-M42            asthesearetheTrain A and Train B buses    thatprovide safety system  control  power.
There arefour,    60cell, lead-calcium storage  batteries  (PKA-Fl  1,PKC-Fl3,PKB-Fl2    and PKDFl4)    that  supplement  the output ofthe  battery  chargers. They  supply  DCpower  tothe distribution buses  whenACpower      tothe  chargers  islost orwhentransient    loadsexceed the capacity ofthe  battery chargers (ref.6).
Allfour  ofthe  125VDC    buses supply inverters  for 120VACPNbuspower          aswellascontrol power it)r various  safety  related systems. Each  battery isdesigned  tohave  sufficient stored energy  to supply the required  emergency  loads for 120minutes    following a loss  ofACpower  tothe  chargers (ref.7).
Minimum    DCbus    voltage isI12VDC(ref. 8).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION    69                        PAGE284OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases This 10addresses a concurrent andprolonged            lossofboth  emergency  AC andVital DCpower. A lossofall emergency      AC power    compromises    the performance  ofall SAFETYSYSTEMS requiringelectric power including those        necessary for emergency  core  cooling,containment heat removal/pressure  control,  spentfuel    heat removal  andthe  ultimate heat sink. A loss    DC ofvital power compromises      the ability tomonitor    andcontrol  SAFETYSYSTEMS.          A sustained lossof both emergency    AC andvital DCpowerwill            leadtomultiple  challenges  toAssionproduct barriers.
Fifteenminutes  wasselected      as a threshold toexclude    transient ormomentary    powerlosses.
The 15-minute  emergency      declarationclock begins atthe      point whenboth    EAI thresholdsaremet.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Drawing    13-E-MAA-00I          MainSingle    Line Diagram
: 2. UFSARSection        8.3.I AC Power      Systems 3.Procedure    40AO-9zzl2,        Degraded    ElectricalPower
: 4. UFSARSection Alternate    AC Power  System 5.Procedure    40DP-9APl3,        Blackout  Technical  Guideline
: 6. Drawing  01-E-PKA-001,        Main  S ingle Line  Diagram  125V  DC  Class  IE and120VAC Vital Inst Power  8.'vste/n
: 7. UFSARSection        8.3.2, DCPower      Systems
: 8. Calculation  01-EC-PK-0207        DC,Hattery    Sicing andMinimum    Voltage
: 9. NEI99-01,    SGS 163of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION        69                    PAGE285OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I l?Al  Technical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:                2-I.oss ofVital  DCPower initiatingCondition:        I,ossofall vitalDCpower        for15minutes  orlonger EAl,:
SS2.1          Site  AreaEmergency 1oss of125VDCpower          basedon battery bus    voltage  indications < I12VDConboth  vitalDC buses PKA-M4land      PKB-M42for 15 minutes (Note
                                      >                        I)
Note1 TheImergency    Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event  promptlyupondetermining thattime limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likelybeexceeded.
I Power Operation,  2 Startup.
3 Ilot Standby,    4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Thevital  DCbuses    arethe  following  125VDCClass        IEbuses  (ref.
Train A:                              Train B:
                      . PKA-M41                              a PKB-M42
                      . PKC-M43
* PKD-M44 Forthis EAL credit    isonly  takenfor buses  PKA-M41andPKB-M42            asthesearetheTrain A and Train B buses that  provide  safety system  control    power.
There arefour,  60cell,  lead-calcium storage  batteries  (PKA-I  I1,PKC-Fl3, PKB-Fl2 and PKDFl4)  thatsupplement    the output  ofthe  battery  chargers. They  supplyDCpower  tothe distributionbuses  whenAC power    tothe  chargers    islost orwhentransient loads exceedthe capacity ofthe battery  chargers  (ref. l).
Allfour ofthe125VDC        buses supply  inverters  for  120VACPNbuspower      aswellascontrolpower for varioussafety  related  systems.Each  battery  is  designed tohave  sufficient stored energy to supply the required  emergency  loads  for120minutes      following a lossofAC power tothechargers (ref.2).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN                REVISION    69                    PAGE286OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical Bases Minimum  DC  busvoltage  is112VDC(ref.        3).
This ICaddresses a lossofvital    DCpower      which compromises    theability tomonitorandcontrol SAFETYSYSTEMS. Inmodesabove                  ColdShutdown,  this condition involvesa major failure of plant functionsneeded for the  protection ofthe  public.
Fifteenminutes  wasselected  as  a threshold  toexclude transient  ormomentary    losses.
power Escalationofthe  emergency    classification  levelwould  bevia  ICsRG1,FGIorSGI.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Drawing    01-E-PKA-OOl  . Main    SingleIine Diagram 125    I IX'ClassIE anct120VACIital Inst Power  S ystem
: 2. UFSARSection    8.3.2, DCPower        Systems 3.Calculation  01-EC-PK-D207      DC Batterv    Sizinganct Mininnon I'o!tage
: 4. NEI  99-01, SS8 165of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION          69                  PAGE287OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical        Bases Category:                S System Malfunction Subcategory:              3-I.oss  ofControl      RoomIndications initiatingCondition:      UNPIANNEDloss            ofControl    Roomindications  for15minutesorlonger EAl,:
SU3.1          Unusual  Event An UNPl.ANNED        eventresultsin the inability tomonitor      oneormoreTable  S-2parameters from  withinthe  Control Roomfor 15 minutes (Note
                                      >                        I)
Note1 TheEmergency    Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event  promptlyupondeterminingthat time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
Note11:Downeomer        instruments flow        arealso  credited forauxiliary feed flowindication.
Table  S-2 SafetySystem              Parameters
* Reactor    power
* RCSlevel
* RCSpressure a  CETtemperature
* I.evel inatleast    oneS/G a  Auxiliary  feed    flow    toatleastoneS/G (Note  1I)
I Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,    4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
//NI'IANNED    -
A parameter  change  oraneventthat        isnotl)the  result ofanintended evolutionor 2)anexpected  plant  response  toa transient. Thecause      ofthe parameter changeoreventmaybe knownorunknown.
SAFETYSYSTEMparameters            listed inTable    S-2aremonitored      inthe      Roomthrough Control            a combination ofhard    controlpanel indicators  aswell      ascomputer  based information systems.The Plant Computer  serves asaredundant    compensatory        indicatorwhich  maybeutilized inlieuof normal  Control  Roomindicators    (ref. I,2).
Downcomer  ilow    instruments arealso  credited    for auxiliary  feed ilow indication.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION      69                            PAGE288OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      13ases This  ICaddresses the  diffleulty  associated      with monitoring    normal    plantconditions    without  the ability toobtain SAFETY      SYSTEMparameters            from  within  the Control  Room. This condition  isa precursor toa more signilleant event    andrepresents      a potential    degradation  inthe    levelofsafety    of theplant.
Asused  inthis"inability  tomonitor"        means  that  values    Ilaroneormoreofthe      listed parameters cannot bedetermined      fromwithin        the Control  Room. This  situation would  require  a loss ofall  ofthe Control Roomsources        11)rthe    given parameter(s). Forexample,    the  reactor power    level cannot  bedetermined  from  anyanalog,      digital  andrecorder      source  within the  Control  Room.
An eventinvolving  a loss  ofplant  indications,    annunciators    and/or  display systems    isevaluated    in accordance  with 10CFR50.72      (and  associated guidance in        NUREG-IO22)todetermine          ifanNRC event  report isrequired. Theeventwould          bereported ifit    signillcantly impaired      the capability  to perform emergency  assessments. Inparticular,    emergency      assessments    necessary    toimplement abnormal  operating procedures,    emergency      operating procedures and        emergency    plan implementing procedures addressing  emergency    classification,      accident assessment,      orprotective    action decision-making.
This  EAl isfocused  ona selected    subset    ofplant  parameters    associated with  the  keysafety functionsofreactivity  control,  core  cooling    andRCSheat      removal. The loss of  the  abilityto determine  oneormoreofthese        parameters      from  within  the  Control    Room is considered tobemore significantthan simply  a reportable  condition. Inaddition,    if all indication  sources    foroneormore ofthe  listed parameters  are then lost,        the  ability  todetermine      the values  ofother SAFETY SYSTEMparameters      maybeimpacted          aswell. Iorexample.      ifthe  value for reactor vessel level cannot  bedetermined  from  the  indications    andrecorders    ona main      control board,  theSPDS orthe plant computer. theavailability  ofother    parameter    values  maybecompromised          aswell.
Fifteen minutes wasselected  asa threshold        toexclude    transient  ormomentary      losses  ofindication.
Escalation ofthe emergency    classification      level would  bevia    ICSA3.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I UFSARSection      7.5, Safety-Related      1)isplay  Instrumentation
: 2. UFSARSection    I8.I.D.2,  Plant  Safety    Parameter  Display    System
: 3. NEl99-01,    SU2 167of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION      69                            PAGE289OF383 ATTACIIMENT            1 EAlTechnical      Bases Category:                S System Malfunction Subcategory:              3-I.oss  ofControl    RoomIndications InitiatingCondition:      UNPIANNEDloss          ofControl    Roomindications        for        orlonger 15minutes with a significanttransient    inprogress EAL:
SA3.1          Alert An UNPLANNED        eventresults inthe inability tomonitor      oneormoreTable        S-2parameters from within the  Control Roomfor 15 minutes (Note
                                      >                    1)
AND Anysignificant  transient isinprogress. TableS-3 Note1:TheEmergency    Coordimitor should declare the  eventpromptly  upon determining      time that  limit hasbeen exceeded,orwill    beexceeded.
likely Note11:Downcomer    flow instruments arealso credited for auxiliary  feed llow indication.
Table  S-2 Safety      SystemParameters
* Reactor    power
                              = RCS    level
* RCSpressure a  CETtemperature
* I.evel  inatleast  oneS/G a  Auxiliary  feed  Gowtoatleast        oneS/G (Note  11)
Table  S-3 Sionificant        Transients
* Reactor    trip
* Runback    > 25%thermal      power
* Electrical  load  rejection  >  25%electrical load
* Reactor    power  cutback a ECCS    actuation ModeApplicability:
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 HotStandby, 4 Ilot Shutdown 168of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE290OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical      Bases Definition(s):
UNPIANNED        -
A parameter change    oranevent    that  isnotI)    theresult ofanintended  evolution or 2)anexpected    plant response toa transient. Thecause    ofthe  parameter  change orevent  maybe known    orunknown.
SAFETYSYSTEMparameters listed inTable                S-2aremonitored        inthe  Control Roomthrough    a combination    ofhard  control  panel indicators aswell    ascomputer    based  information  systems. The Plant  Computer    serves asa redundant compensatory        indicator  which maybeutilized    inlieu of normal  Control  Roomindicators    (ref. I,2).
Downeomer      flow  instruments arealso  credited  for auxiliary    feedflow  indication.
Signillcant  transients  arelistedinTable    S-3andinclude response toautomatic        ormanually  initiated ftmetions  such asreactor    trips, runbacks    involving  greater  than 25%thermal    power  change, electrical  load rejections  orgreater  than  25%full    electrical load. reactor power  cutbacks  orECCS (SI) injection  actuations.
This  ICaddresses    the difficultyassociated    with monitoring    rapidlychanging plant  conditions during  a transient without  theability toobtain  SAFETYSYSTEMparameters from                withinthe Control  Room.During      this condition,  the margin  toa potential    fissionproduct barrier challenge is reduced. Itthus  represents  apotential  substantial  degradation    inthe level ofsafety ofthe  plant.
Asused    inthis  EAl., an"inability  tomonitor"    means    that  values for oneormoreof the listed parameters    cannot  bedetermined    from  within  the Control    Room. This  situationwouldrequire a loss ofall  ofthe  Control  Roomsources    for the  given  parameter(s). Forexample,    thereactor power level cannot  bedetermined    from  anyanalog,    digitalandrecorder      source within  the Control Room.
An eventinvolving      a loss  ofplant indications,  annunciators    and/or display  systems  isevaluated in accordance    with  10CFR50.72    (and  associated  guidance    inNUREG-I022)      todetermine  ifanNRC eventreport    isrequired. Theeventwould      bereported    ifit  significantly impaired  the capabilityto perform  emergency    assessments. Inparticular,  emergency      assessments  necessary  toimplement abnormal    operating  procedures,  emergency      operating  procedures  andemergency    plan  implementing procedures    addressing  emergency  classification,  accident    assessment, orprotective  action decision-making.
This  EAI isfocused      ona selected  subset  ofplant  parameters    associated with  thekeysafety functions  ofreactivity  control,core  heat  removal  andRCSheat      removal. Theloss  ofthe abilityto determine  oneormoreofthese        parameters    from  within    the Control Roomis    considered  tobemore 169of262
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PIAN                REVISION      69                  PAGE291OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases significant  than  simply a reportable        condition. Inaddition,  if allindication  for sources oneormore ofthe  listed parameters are      lost,  then    the abilitytodetermine    the values    SAFl?TY ofother SYSTI?M      parameters    maybeimpacted            aswell. Forexample,    if thevalue for    vessel reactor  level cannot  bedetermined from the          indicationsand      recorders ona main  control  the board,  SPDSorthe plant  computer,    the  availability    ofother    parameter    valuesmaybecompromised  aswell.
Fifteen  minutes  wasselected      as  a threshold toexclude      transient ormomentary    ofindication.
losses Escalation    ofthe  emergency      classification    levelwould  bevia  ICsFSIorICRSI PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
I if  FSARSection        7.5, Safety-Related        Display Instrumentation
: 2. if  FSARSection        I8.I.D.2,    Plant  Safety  Parameter  DisplaySystem 3.NEl      99-01,  SA2 I70of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION    69                      PAGE292OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I IAL Technical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:              4-RCSActivity Initiating Condition:      Reactor coolant    activitygreaterthan  Technical Specification  allowable limits EAL:
SU4.1            Unusual  Event Letdown  Monitor    RU-155D    reading >  high  alarm ModeApplicability:
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 -
IlotShutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
A reading  onthe  I.etdown  Monitor    RU-I55D    > high alarm isindicative ofcoolant activity inexcess ofthe Technical    Specification  RCSactivity    limits(ref2).
1, This ICaddresses            coolant a reactor          activity valuethat exceeds anallowable  limit specilled in Technical  Specifications. This  condition  is a precursor toamoresignificant  event and represents  a potential degradation  ofthe  levelofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    classitleation level would  bevia ICsFAIorthe    RecognitionCategory R ICs.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Technical  Specification  3.4.17,  RCSSpecific  Activity
: 2. Calculation    13-NC-CII-31    1,Letdown  Line  PRMDose    Rates 3.NEI99-01,      SU3 I71of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION      69                    PAGE293OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:              4-RCSActivity Initiating Condition:      Reactor coolant activity  greaterthanTechnical  Specilleation  allowable limits EAL:
SU4.2            Unusual  Event Sample  analysis  indicatesRCSactivity > Technical              I.CO Specification    3.4.17 limits ModeApplicability:
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4  -
IlotShutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Thespecific  iodine          islimited activity          toeither< 60pCi/gm    DoseEquivalent I-13I  ors1.0  pCi/gm DoseEquivalent    I-131 for48hrcontinuous
                            >                  period. ThespecificXe-133 activity is limited  to 5 550pCi/gm    DoseEquivalent    XE-133  for48brcontinuous
                                            >                  period.Entry into Condition C of I.CO  3.4.17 meetsthe    intent ofthisEAI.(ref2).
1, This ICaddresses            coolant a reactor              value activity    that  exceedsanallowable  limitspecilled in Technical  Specifications. This  conditionisaprecursor    toa moresigni0cant event andrepresents a potential degradation  ofthe      ofsafety level        ofthe  plant.
Escalation ofthe  emergency    classification level would  beviaICsFAIorthe    Recognition  Category R ICs.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Technical  Specification  3.4.I7,  RCSSpecific Activity 2.Procedure    40AO-9//22,      FuelDamage
: 3. NEI99-01,    SU3 I72of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN          REVISION      69                        PAGE294OF383 ATTACIIMENT        1 EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                5-RCSLeakage Initiating Condition:        RCSleakage    for 15minutes    orlonger EAl,:
SU5.1            Unusual    Event RCSunidentified      orpressure  boundary leakage > 10gpmfor        > 15minutes OR RCSidentitled    leakage  > 25gpmfor    > 15 minutes OR Reactor  coolant  leakage  toa location  outside containment    > 25gpmfor        > 15minutes (Note  1)
Note1 TheImergency    (oordinator shoulddeclaretheeventpromptly  upon  determining  that time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill  likelybeexceeded.
I Power Operation,    2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Manual  orcomputer-based      methods  ofperforming  anRCSinventory        balance arenormally used to determine  RCSleakage.      ERFDADS      isthe preferred  method  ofcalculating    RCSleak rate.When ERFDADSsoftware        isnotavailable,  procedural  guidance  isavailable    toperform thebackup  and manual  RCSinventory      balance  (ref.1,4,5,6).
Identitledleakage    includes:
* Leakage    such asthat  from pumpseals  orvalve    packing  (except    reactor    pump(RCP) coolant seal water    injection orleakoff),  thatiscaptured  andconducted      tocollection systems  ora sumporcollecting      tank  (leakage intoanintact  Reactor  Drain  Tankis  also considered identitled  leakage),  or 173of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE295OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical      Bases
  =  Leakage    intothecontainment  atmosphere    Iromsources  that areboth    specifically located and known  either nottointerfere  with the  operation  ofleakage detection    systems  ornottobe pressure boundary  leakage,  or a  RCSleakagethrough a steamgenerator        tothe  secondary  system  (ref. 2).
Unidentitled leakage  isallleakage  (except  RCPseal    water  injectionorleakoff)  that  isnotidentified leakage (ref.2).
Pressure 13oundary  leakageisleakage (except SGleakage)      through a nonisolable  fault  inanRCS component  body,  pipe orvessel wall,          wall (ref. 2)
Reactor coolant  leakage outside ofthe  containment    that isnotconsidered    identined  orunidentified leakage perTechnical  Specifications. Iorexample: leakage via    interfacing  systems  such  asRCSto theNuclear  Cooling  Water System,  Essential  Cooling Water System,Safety      Injection  System,  or systems directly that          seeRCSpressure    outside containment  such as Chemical    & Volume    Control System, Nuclear  Sampling  system Residual a nd            IIeatRemoval system    (when shutdown in the cooling mode)  (ref. 3,4).
Palo Verde specific  operating experience  isthat  a High  Pressure Seal Cooler (HPSC)leak      tothe Nuclear Cooling    Water(NC)  System  mustbeisolated    tocontainment  within  15minutesof discovery duetothe    locationofthe  NCsystem    expansion  tankandpotential dose concerns onthe Auxiliary Building  roof.
This ICaddresses    RCSleakage  which  maybea precursor      toa more  significant  event. In this case, RCSleakage  hasbeen  detected andoperators,    following  applicableprocedures,  have  been unable to promptly isolate  the leak.
This  condition  isconsidered  tobeapotential  degradation    ofthelevel of safetyofthe  plant.
TheGrst  andsecond    EAl.conditions  arefocused    ona loss  ofmassfrom    the  RCSdue    to "unidentified leakage," "pressure  boundary  leakage"  or"identified leakage"    (asthese  leakage types aredefined inthe  plantTechnical  Specincations). Thethird  condition addresses  anRCSmassloss causedbyanUNISOIABIE leak          through  aninterfacing  system. These  conditions  thus  apply to leakage into the containment,  asecondary-side    system  (e.g.,steamgenerator    tube leakage)  ora locationoutside  ofcontainment.
Theleak  rate values  for each  condition  wereselected    because they areusually    observable  with normal Control  Roomindications. I.esser values  typically requiretime-consuming      calculations to determine (e.g., a massbalance  calculation). TheGrst  condition uses  a lower  value that reflectsthe greatersignificance  ofunidentined  orpressure  boundary  leakage.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION    69                    PAGE296OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAlTechnical    Bases Therelease  ofmass from    the RCSduetothe        as-designed/expected  operation      valve ofa relief    does notwarrantan emergency classification.An emergency            classilleation    berequired would        if a mass lossiscaused  by a relief valve  that  isnotfunctioning    asdesigned/expected (e.g.,
a relief valve sticksopen andthe line    ilowcannot    beisolated).
The15-minute  threshold duration    allows  sufficienttime  for  prompt      actions operator    toisolate the leakage, ifpossible.
Escalation ofthe emergency    classification    level  wouldbevia    ICs ofRecognition      R orF.
Category PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Procedure  40ST-9RCO2,    ERFDADS        (Preferred) Calculation  ofRCSWaterIm:entory 2.Technical  Specification,  l Definitions 1,
: 3. UFSARSection Intersystem,                I.eakage
: 4. Procedure  40AO-9//02.      Excessive    RCSIeakrate
: 5. Procedure  40ST-9RC05,    Manual      Calculation  ofRCS Water Inventory 6.Procedure  40ST-9RC08,    GAP(Backup)        Calculation  ofRCS Water Inventory
: 7. NEl99-01,  SU4 I75of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION      69                        PAGE297OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EALTechnical      Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                6-RPSFailure initiating Condition:        Automatic  ormanual    tripfails toshut    downthe  reactor EAl,:
SU6.1            Unusual  Event An automatic  trip  didnotshut  down thereactor asindicated      byreactor  power > 5%after  any RPSsetpoint  isexceeded AND A subsequent  automatic  trip  ormanual  tripaction takenatthe      reactorcontrolconsoles  (B05  or B0l)issuccessful      inshutting  downthe  reactor as indicated byreactor    power  5 5%  (Note  8)
Note8:A nlanual trip  action isanyoperator action.
orsetofactions, which causes  thecontrol rodstoberapidly inserted into the coreanddoes  notinclude manually  drivingin control rodsarinaplementationofboron injection strategies.
1 Power Operation Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheArst  condition    ofthis EAL identitles  the need  tocease  critical  reactoroperations byactuation ofthe automatic    Reactor  Protection  System (RPS)  trip  function. A reactortripautomatically is initiatedbythe  RPSwhencertain      continuously  monitored                exceed parameters predetermined setpoints (ref.1,4).
Following  a successful  reactor  trip, rapid insertion ofthe  control  rodsoccurs. Nuclear  power promptly  drops  toa fraction  ofthe original power    level andthen    decays toa levelseveral  decades lesswith  a negative  startuprate. Thereactor  power  drop  continues    untilreactorpower  reaches the point atwhich  the    influence  ofsource neutrons  onreactor  power        tobeobservable.
starts                  A predictable post-trip  response  from anautomatic    reactor trip signal  should therefore consistofa prompt  drop inreactor  power    assensed bythe  nuclear  instrumentation  anda lowering  ofpower  into the source range. Iorthe  purpose  ofemergency    classineation  a successful triphasoccurred  when I76of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION      69                            PAGE298OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAl,Technical        Bases there issufficient    rodinsertion  from  the  trip  ofRPStobring        the reactor    power  toorbelow        the Power  Operation      Mode threshold  of5%(ref.      2).
5%rated  power    is the Power  Operationmodethreshold.            Below  5%,plant      response  will  besimilar tothat observed    during a normal shutdown.Nuclear          instrumentation      canbeused    todetermine        if reactorpower    isgreaterthan 5% power(ref.          1,2).
Iorthe  purposes    ofemergency classitleation,      successful    manual  trip  actions  arethose    which    canbe quickly peril3rmed      from the reactor control consoles(B05          orB01). Reactor    shutdown    achieved    by useofother    trip actions  donotconstitute a successful manual          trip (ref. 3).
Following  anyautomatic      RPStrip  signal,  procedure 40EP-9EO01,          Standard      Post Trip    Actions    (ref.
3)prescribes    insertion  ofredundant  manual    trip signals toback    upthe    automatic  RPStrip      function andensure    reactor  shutdown  isachieved    ifReactivity Control acceptancecriteria          are  notmet.Even ifthe first subsequent    manual  trip signal  inserts  all control rods  tothe    full-in  position  immediately afterthe initial  failure ofthe  automatic  trip, the  lowest  level of classification    thatmustbedeclared isanUnusual      Event.
Inthe eventthat    the  operator identines  a reactor  trip isimminentand initiates a successful            manual reactortrip  before  the automatic  RPStrip    setpoint  isreached,    nodeclaration is      required.The successful  manual    trip ofthe reactor before    it reaches  its  automatic  tripsetpoint orreactor        trip signalscaused      byinstrumentation    channel  failures  (without  exceeding    anRPS trip setpoint) donot leadtoa potential      fissionproduct  barrier  loss  andarethus      notclassinable      under this EAI    .
IIowever,  ifsubsequent      manual  reactor  trip actions    fail toreduce  reactor    power  to or below 5%,the event escalates    tothe  Alert under EAl. SA6.I Ifbyprocedure.      operator  actions  include  the  initiation ofanimmediate        manual  trip  following receiptofanautomatic        trip signal andthere    arenocIcar      indications  that  the  automatic    trip  failed (such asatime      delay  following indications  that  atrip  setpoint  was  exceeded),    itmaybedifficultto determine  if the  reactor  wasshut  downbecause      ofautomatic    trip ormanual      actions. lfa subsequent review ofthe    trip  actuation  indications  reveals  that the  automatic  trip  did  notcause  the  reactor    tobe shutdown,    then  consideration  should begiven      toevaluating    the fuel  for potential  damage      andthe reporting requirements      of50.72  should  beconsidered      for  thetransient    event.
This ICaddresses      a failureoftheRPStoinitiate        orcomplete    anautomatic        ormanual    reactor    trip thatresults  in areactor  shutdown  andeither    asubsequent      operator  manual      action taken  atthe reactorcontrol    consoles  oranautomatic    trip  is successful    inshutting    down    the r eactor. This  event  is a precursor  toamoresignificant      condition  andthus    represents  a potential    degradation    ofthe    level ofsafety ofthe    plant.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN                REVISION      69                            PAGE299OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical    Bases Following the failure onanautomatic            reactor    trip.
operators  will  promptly    initiate  manual  actions at the reactor control  consoles toshutdown          the          (e.g.,
reactor initiate      amanual      reactor  trip). Ifthese manual  actionsare successful inshutting            downthe    reactor, core  heat  generation    will quickly  fall to a level within  thecapabilities      ofthe  plant's    decay heatremoval    systems.
Ifaninitial  manual    reactor trip is    unsuccessful,    operators will  promptly    take  manual    action  at another  location(s)  onthe  reactor    control consoles    toshutdown    the reactor  (e.g.,  initiatea manual reactor trip)using  a different    switch). Depending upon      several    111ctors.the  initial  orsubsequent effort tomanually    trip  the  reactor,or a concurrent      plantcondition,  maylead      tothe    generation  ofan automatic  reactor  trip signal. If  a subsequent manual orautomatic        trip  issuccessful    inshutting downthe  reactor. core  heat  generation    will quickly  falltoa level  within  the  capabilities  ofthe plant's decay  heat  removal    systems.
A manual  action  atthe  reactor    control  consoles  isany operator action,    orsetofactions,      which causes  thecontrol  rods  toberapidly      inserted  intothecore (e.g., initiatinga manual        reactor  trip).
This  action does  notinclude    manually    driving  incontrolrods orimplementation ofboron              injection strategies.Actions    taken  atback-panels      orother    locations within the    ControlRoom,oranylocation outside the Control    Room,are        notconsidered      tobe"at the  reactor control consoles."
Theplant  response    tothe  failure  ofanautomatic      ormanual  reactor  trip will varybased      upon  several factors including  the  reactor  power    level  prior  tothe event,  availability  of the condenser, performance  ofmitigation      equipment      andactions,    other concurrent    plant  conditions,    etc. If subsequent  operator  manual    actions    taken  atthe  reactorcontrol  conso:cs  arealso unsuccessful in shutting downthe    reactor. then    the emergency      classificationlevel  will  escalate    toan Alert via  IC SA6.Depending      upon  the  plant  response,    escalation isalso  possible  via ICIA1 Absent the plant conditions  needed  tomeeteither        ICSA6orFA1,anUnusual              Event  declaration      isappropriate for this event.
Should  a reactor  trip signal  begenerated      asa result  ofplant  work(e.g.,    RPSsetpoint      testing), or instrument  Illilure the  following      classincation    guidance should    beapplied.
* lfthe signal  causes    aplant    transient    thatshould have  included  anautomatic      reactor  trip and theRPSfails      toautomatically      shutdown    thereactor. then  this  ICandthe      EAIsare applicable  andshould      beevaluated.
* Ifthe signal  does  notcause      a plant  transient andthe  trip  failure isdetermined      through  other means(e.g.,    assessment      oftest  results),  then thisICandthe      EAl.s  are  notapplicable    andno classification  iswarranted.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            Pl,AN        REVISION 69          PAGE300OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?AlTechnical Bases PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
l  Technical Specification    3.3.I , Reactor      h:vstent Protection  (RPS)        Operating Instruntentation 2.Technical  Specification    Table    -lModes I.I,
: 3. Procedure 40I(P-9I?O01    , Standard PostTrip Actions
: 4. l!FSAR  Section,  TripBases
: 5. Nl?I99-01  Stf5 I79of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION        69                      PAGE301OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EALTechnical        Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                  6-RPSFailure initiating Condition:        Automatic  ormanual      trip  fails toshut  downthe  reactor EAl,:
SU6.2            Unusual    Event A manual  trip did  notshut  down the  reactor  asindicated    byreactor  pmver  > 5%after  anymanual tripaction wasinitiated AND A subsequent  automatic    trip  ormanual  tripaction  takenatthe            control reactor      consolesor(B05 B0l)issuccessful      inshutting  downthe    reactor as  indicated  byreactor  power  5 5%(Note    8)
Note8:A nlanual trip  actionisanyoperatoraction. orsetofactions, which causes the control rodstoberapidly inserted into the core anddoes  notinclude  manually drivingin control rodsarinaplementationofboron injection strategies.
1 Power Operation Definition(s):
None Basis:
This EALaddresses      a failure  ofamanually    initiated trip  inthe  absenceofhaving  exceeded an automatic  RPStrip    setpoint andasubsequent      automatic    or manual  tripsuccessful is            inshutting downthe  reactor  (ref. 1).
Following  asuccessful    reactor  trip.
rapid  insertion ofthe    control  rodsoccurs. Nuclear  power promptly  drops  toa fraction    ofthe original  power  level  andthen    decays toa levelseveral  decades lesswith  a negative  startup rate. Thereactor    power    drop  continues  until reactor power  reaches the point atwhich  the    influence  ofsource neutrons  on reactor    power        tobeobservable.
starts                  A predictable post-trip  response  from anautomatic    reactor  trip signal should therefore consist ofa prompt  drop inreactor    power    assensed  bythe    nuclear    instrumentation anda lowering    ofpower  into the source range. Forthe  purpose  ofemergency      classitleation  a successful triphas occurred  when there issufficient  rodinsertion    from the  manual  trip  tobring  the        power reactor      toorbelow    the Power  Operation    Modethreshold      levelof5%(ref. 2).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PlAN            REVISION          69                        PAGE302OF383 ATTACIIMENT              1 EAl,Technical          Bases 5%rated power isthe        Power  Operation    modethreshold.          Below  5%,plant  response    willbesimilar tothat observed    during a normal    shutdown. Nuclear      instrumentation  eanbeused    todetermine    if reactor power  is greater  than 5% power      (ref. 1,2).
Forthe  purposes    ofemergency classification, successful              manual  trip actions  arethose  which  canbe quickly performed    fromthe reactor control      consoles      (1305    orB01). Reactor  shutdown    achieved  by useofother  trip  actions  donot constitute a successful        manual    trip(ref.3).
Following  the  failure  ofanymanual trip signal, procedure            40EP-9EO01,  Standard  Post Trip Actions (ref.3).prescribes    insertion  ofredundant manual trip          signals  toback  upthe  RPStrip    function and ensure reactor  shutdown    isachieved  ifReactivity Controlacceptance          criteria are notmet.Even      ifa subsequent  automatic    tripsignalorthe    ilrstsubsequent manual          tripsignal inserts  all controlrods  to the full-inposition  immediately    after the  initial fliilure ofthe    manual  trip,the lowest  levelof classification that  mustbedeclared      isanUnusualEvent (ref.3).
Ifboth subsequent    automatic  andsubsequent      manual      reactor  tripactions inthe Control  Roomfail    to reduce reactor  power    below 5 5%following      a tililure  ofaninitial manual trip,    the  event escalates  to anAlert  under  EAl SA6.1 This ICaddresses    a tililure ofthe RPStoinitiate        orcomplete      anautomatic ormanualreactor      trip thatresults  inareactor    shutdown  andeither      a subsequent        operatormanual action taken    atthe reactor control  consoles    oranautomatic    trip issuccessful        inshuttingdown the reactor. This  eventis a precursor  toamoresignificant      condition    andthus      represents  a potential degradation  ofthe  level ofsafety  ofthe  plant.
Following  the failure    onanautomatic    reactor    trip,  operators    willpromptly  initiate manual actions at thereactor  control  consoles  toshutdown    the  reactor    (e.g.,  initiate amanual  reactor  trip).Ifthese manual  actions  aresuccessful    inshutting    downthe        reactor,  coreheat generation  will  quickly fall to a levelwithin  the  capabilities oftheplant's      decay    heat  removal  systems.
Ifaninitial  manual    reactor  tripisunsuccessful,      operators      willpromptly  take manual    actionat another location(s)    onthe  reactorcontrol    consoles      toshutdown    the reactor (e.g.,initiate a manual reactor trip) using  adifferent  switch). Depending        uponseveral the factors,    initialorsubsequent efforttomanually      the  r      oraconcurrent eactor,                  plant    condition,  maylead  tothe  generation  ofan automatic  reactor  trip  signal.lfa subsequent      manual      orautomatic    tripissuccessful    inshutting downthe  r eactor,  core  heatgeneration  will  quickly      fall toa level  within the capabilities  ofthe plant'sdecay  heat  removal  systems.
A manual  action  atthe  reactorcontrol  consoles    isanyoperator        action,orsetofactions,    which causes the control    rods  toberapidly  inserted    into    the core    (e.g.,
initiating a manual    reactor trip).
PVNGS      EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION      69                      PAGE303OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases This action  does  notinclude    manually    driving incontrol    rodsorimplementation    ofboron  injection strategies. Actions takenatback-panels          orother  locations  within the Control Room,oranylocation outside  the Control Room      arenotconsidered      tobe"at    the reactorcontrol  consoles."
Theplant    response  to the failure ofanautomatic        ormanual    reactortripwill vary  based upon    several factors  including  thereactor    power level    priortothe  event,  availability ofthe  condenser, performance    ofmitigationequipment andactions,            other concurrent plant  conditions, etc.If subsequent  operator  manual    actions taken atthe    reactor  controlconso:es  arealso  unsuccessful  in shutting  downthe    reactor,  then  the emergency classification level    will escalate toanAlert    via  IC SA6.Depending      uponthe    plant  response. escalation  isalso  possible via ICIAl Absent    the  plant conditions  needed  tomeeteither      ICSA6or FAl, anUnusual        Event  declaration  isappropriate    for thisevent.
Should  a reactor tripsignal  begenerated      asa result of plant work(e.g.,  RPSsetpoint    testing)  or instrument  failure,the  following    classification guidance should beapplied.
Ifthe signal  causes  a plant  transient    thatshould  have  included  an automatic reactor  trip andthe      RPS failstoautomatically    shutdown      the reactor,then  thisICandthe EAl.s areapplicableandshould          be evaluated.
Ifthe signal  does  notcause    aplant    transient andthe    trip failureisdetermined  through  other  means (e.g..assessment    oftest  resultsL    then this ICandthe    EAlsarenotapplicable      and  noclassilleation iswarranted.
PVNGSBasis        Reference(s):
1 Technical      Specilleation  3.3.1. Reactor Protection  8:vstem (RPS)  Instrumentation    Operating 2.Technical      Specification  Table    I.1-1,Modes 3.Procedure      4OEP-9EOO    I Standard
                                ,              PostTrip  Actions
: 4. UFSARSection,  Trip  Bases
: 5. NEI99-01.      SU5 I82of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION    69                        PAGE304OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I IAL Technical    Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory                  3- RPSFailure Initiating Condition:        Automatic    ormanual    tripfailstoshut    downthe  reactor    andsubsequent manual    actions taken  atthe reactor  control consoles  arenotsuccessful      in shutting  downthe  reactor EAI:
SA6.1            Alert An automatic  ormanual    trip  fails toshut  down  the reactor  asindicated  byreactor    power > 5%
AND Manual  tripactions  taken atthe  reactor controlconsoles (B05      orB0l) arenotsuccessful      in shutting downthe      reactorasindicated  byreactor  power  >  5%(Note    8)
Note8:A manual  trip      isanyoperator action              action,orsetofactions.which causes thecontrol rods  toberapidly insetted into the coreanddoes  notinclude manuallydrivingincontrol rodsarin1plementation ofhoron injection strategies.
1 Power Operation Definition(s):
None Basis:
This EAL addresses      anyautomatic    ormanual    reactortrip signal  thatfails toshut    downthe  reactor followed  bya subsequent    manual    tripthat failstoshut  downthe    reactortoanextent      the reactor    is producing  significant  power  (ref. I,4).
Following  a successful  reactor  trip,rapid insertionofthe  control  rods occurs. Nuclear    power promptly  drops  toa fraction  ofthe  original power  level andthen    decays toa level    severaldecades lesswith  anegative    startuprate. Thereactor  power  drop  continues  untilreactor  power  reaches  the point atwhich  the    influence  ofsource  neutrons  onreactor  power  startstobeobservable. A predictable post-trip  response  from  anautomatic    reactor trip signal  should therefore  consistofa prompt  drop inreactor    power  assensed  bythe  nuclear instrumentation  anda lowering    ofpower      into the source range. Forthe  purpose    ofemergency    classification a successful  trip has  occurred when I83of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION    69                        PAGE305OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EAl,Technical    Bases there issufficient    rodinsertion  from  the  manual triptobring    thereactor power  toorbelow      5%
5%rated  power    is the  Power  Operationmode    threshold. Below  5%,plant  response    will  besimilar tothat observed    during a normal shutdown.Nuclear        instrumentation  canbeused      todetermine    if reactorpower    isgreaterthan 5% power        (1,2).
Forthe  purposes    ofemergency classineation,      successful  manual  tripactions arethose    which  canbe quickly performed      from  the reactor control consoles(B05    orB01). Reactorshutdown      achieved  by useofother    trip actions  donotconstitute a successful manual      trip(ref.3).
Escalation  ofthis  event  toa Site  Area  Emergency  wouldbeunder      EAlSS6.1    orEmergency Coordinator    judgment.
This ICaddresses      a failure  ofthe  RPStoinitiate  orcomplete anautomatic    ormanual      reactor  trip thatresults  ina reactor    shutdown  andsubsequent  operator  manual actions  taken  atthe  reactor control consoles    toshutdown    the reactor  arealsounsuccessful. This condition represents      anactual orpotential  substantial    degradation  ofthe  levelofsafety  ofthe plant. An emergency declaration        is required evenif    the  reactor  issubsequently  shutdown  byanaction taken awayfrom          the  reactor control consoles    since  thisevent  entails a significantfailure  oftheRPS.
A manual  action    atthe  reactor control console  isanyoperator    action.orset of actions, which      causes thecontrol  rods  toberapidly      inserted into thecore (e.g., initiatinga manual  reactor    trip).This action does  notinclude    manually  driving  incontrolrods  orimplementation  ofboron injection strategies. If  this action(s)  is unsuccessful,  operators would  immediately  pursue    additional    manual actions atlocations    awayfrom    the reactor  controlconsole  (e.g.,locallyopening    breakers). Actions taken atback    panels    orother  locations  within theControl oranylocation Room,                      outside  the Control Room,arenotconsidered          tobe"atthe    reactorcontrol  console."
Theplant  response    tothe  failure ofanautomatic    ormanual    reactor tripwillvary    based  uponseveral factorsincluding    the  reactor power  level  prior tothe  event. availabilityofthe  c ondenser, performance    ofmitigation    equipment  and  actions, other  concurrent  plantconditions,    etc. Ifthe failuretoshut    downthe      reactor isprolonged  enough  tocause    achallenge tothe  core  cooling  or RCSheat    removal      safety functions, the  emergency  classification  levelwill escalate  toa Site  Area Emergency    via  ICSS6. Depending  upon  plantresponses  andsymptoms. escalation    isalso  possible via IC Absent FSI              the plant conditions  needed  tomeeteither    IC or anAlert SS6    FSl,              declaration    is appropriate  for  this  event.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN              REVISION  69              PAGE306OF383 ATTACIIMENT  I liAITechnical Bases Itisrecognized  that plant  responses    orsymptoms      require mayalso          declaration anAlert      in accordancewith    theRecognition Category        F ICs:        ICandEAIareincluded this however,                  toensure a timely emergency    declaration.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Technical    Specillcation    3.3.1 ,            8vstem Reactor Trip    ( S)Instrtunentation RI 2.Technical    Specilleation    Table I 1-1,  Modes 3.Procedure    401(P-9IfO01    , Standard PostTrip  Actions
: 4. UlSARSection Trip,          Bases 5.N1II  99-01, SA5 IS5of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION  69              PAGE307OF383 ATTACIIMENT    I EAlTechnical  Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:              2-RPSFailure initiatingCondition:      Inability toshut  downthe  reactor    achallenge causing        tocore cooling or RCS heat  removal EAL:
SS6.1          Site  AreaEmergency An automatic  ormanual    trip      toshut fliils      down  the    asindicated reactor      byreactor power  > 5%
AND All  actions toshut    downthe  reactor                          byreactor arenotsuccessful asindicated      power > 5%
AND EITIlER a RepCET> 12000F
      = RCSsubcooling      < 24"F ModeApplicability:
1 Power Operation Definition(s):
None Basis:
This  EAI addresses    thefollowing:
a  Anyautomatic    reactor tripsignal  (ref.        byamanual 1)followed        trip thatiltils toshut  down thereactor  toanextent  thereactor  isproducing    in energyexcessoftheheatload forwhich thesafety  systems weredesigned    (EAI  SA6.1)and a  Indications  thateither corecooling  isextremely challenged orheatremovalisextremely challenged.
Thecombination    offailures  ofboth front line andbackupprotection    tofunction systems        inresponse toa plant transient,  alongwith  thecontinued            ofheat.
production    poses      threat a direct  tothe  Fuel Clad  andRCSbarriers.
Reactor  shutdown    achieved byuseofother    tripactions      inprocedure specified        40EP-9EO0l, Standard  Post Trip  Actions, (suchasopening    NGN-1.03B2andNGN-L10B2 supplybreakers, I86of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE308OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases emergency boration      ormanually    driving control  rods) arealso credited  asa successful    manual  trip provided reactor    power can  bereduced    toorbelow    5%before  indications  ofanextreme      challenge toeithercore    cooling orheat    removal  exist(ref. 2,3).
5%rated  power    isthe  Power  Operation  modethreshold.      Below 5%,plant    response    will besimilar tothatobserved    duringa normal    shutdown. Nuclear    instrumentation canbeused      todetermine  if reactorpower    isgreater  than 5 % power.
Indication ofcontinuing      core cooling  degradation    ismanifested byCETsarereading          greaterthan 12000F.
RepCET(Representative        Core  Exit  Temperature)    isacalculatedtemperature    value  generated  by theQualified    Safety  Parameter  Display  System (QSPDS). The      QSPDS    CETprocessing      function generates a representative    temperature  based  onastatistical analysis ofthermocouples        monitoring thereactor  coolant    temperature  atthe  topofselected fuel assemblies.
Indication ofinability    toadequately    remove  heat  from theRCS is  manifested    byRCSsubcooling
< 24"F. (ref. 4).
This ICaddresses      a failure ofthe  RPStoinitiate    orcomplete  anautomatic ormanual        reactortrip thatresults ina reactor    shutdown,    allsubsequent    operator actionstomanually shutdown the        reactor areunsuccessful    andcontinued    power  generation    ischallengingthe capability  toadequately remove heat from the    core and/or  the RCS.This    condition  will lead tofueldamage    ifadditional  mitigation actionsareunsuccessful      andthus  warrants  the declaration  ofa Site AreaEmergency.
Insomeinstances,      theemergency    classineation  resulting fromthis IC/EAL    maybehigher than that resultingfrom    anassessment    ofthe  plantresponses    andsymptoms  against  the Recognition Category  I ICs/EALs. This  isappropriate  inthat  the Recognition Category    F ICs/EAls    donot addressthe  additional  threat  posed  bya failure  toshut downthe  reactor. Theinclusion      ofthis IC andEAI. ensures    the timely  declaration ofa Site    AreaEmergency    inresponse    toprolonged    failure toshutdown    the  reactor.
Escalation ofthe    emergency  classification level  would  bevia ICRGIorFGl.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          Pl,AN        REVISION 69          PAGE309OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?AlTechnical Bases PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
l Technical Specilleation  3.3.1, ReactorTripSystem  Instrumentation (RTS) 2.Technical Specilleation  Table  1I-1Modes
: 3. Procedure401(P-91(O01,  Standard Post TripActions
: 4. Procedure401iP-91iO09,  Iunctional Recovery
: 5. NEI99-01,  SS5 I88of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN            REVISION      69              PAGE310OF383 ATTACIIMENT      1 IAl,Technical    Bases Category:                S System Malfunction Subcategory:              7-IossofCommunications InitiatingCondition:      1,oss  ofall onsiteoroffsite              capabilities communications EAl,:
SU7.1          Unusual  Event 1oss ofall Table    S-4onsitecommunication    methods OR 1.ossofall Table    S-4Offsite Response  Organization  (ORO) communication methods OR Loss ofall Table    S-4NRCcommunication      methods Table  S-4    Communication Methods System                              Onsite    ORO      NRC PBX                                                          X        X        X Plant Page                                                  X Two-Way  Radio                                              X FTS(ENS)                                                                        X Telephone  Ringdown    Circuits (NAN)                                  X Cellular Phones                                                        X        X ModeApplicability:
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Onsite        andNRCcommunications offsite                            include  oneormoreofthe      listed systems  inTable S-4 (ref.1.2).
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                        PAGE31IOF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAl,Technical  Bases
: 1. PBX Onsite emergency    telephone    linesare divided  amongthree  onsite  EPABXswitches.        Each EPABXswitch  is provided    with a backup  battery forreliability.
Thissystem will  lunction  during emergencies asit  doesduring  normal    operations. Telephones havethecapability  oftrunk access (via  local  provider) andthe  APSownedprivate communications  system    which provides direct  dialcapabilitiestothe  entire  APSvoice    system viathe company    owned    private communications    system.ThePVNGStelephone          EPABX Systemsthrough  which    all PVNGS telephone calls  pass,areequipped    with  uninterruptible powersupplies  (battery  chargers and batteries) and dedicated priority  switching  toensure  the reliability ofthe  telephone    system.ThePVNGS EPABXs arethe          primary    linksfor PVNGS phones.
There  arealso    administratively dedicated lines forthe CR,STSC,TSC, EOFandOSC.
: 2. Plant JA.rea)Paging Theareapaging  system    provides  a reliablemeansofnotifying  andproviding      instructions to personnel.
onsite            Access  tothis system  isthrough  theEPABX    system    telephonesbyuseof dedicated numbers.
: 3. Two-Wav  Radios PVNGSoperates    a trunked  radio system, with  separatetalk groups  available  fordepartments suchasOperations,    Security,  FireProtection, RadiationProtection,  Emergency    Preparedness, theWaterReclamation      Facility,etc.This system  includesbase  station  consolesat various locations andemergency        facilities throughout  the    Someofthe site.            radios  used during emergenciesare  portable    radiosatvarious  sitelocations, mobile  radios    inthe  RFATvehicles andbasestation  consoles    atthe TSC,EOF,Unit    OSCs,  Unit  STSCsandUnit        Control  Rooms.
PVNGSFire  Protection    also  maintains radios  that are used tocontact  the  air ambulance  service toprovidelanding    instructions.
: 4. ITi (JiNS)
TheNRCEmergency        Notification System  (ENS)  isanFTStelephone      used  forofficial communications  with  NRClleadquarters. TheNRCIIeadquarters      has  the  capability topatch into theNRCRegional        offices.Theprimary    purpose ofthis phone  istoprovide    a reliable methodfor the initial  notification ofthe  NRCandtomaintain      continuous    communications    with theNRCafter  initial  notification.ENS  telephones arelocated  inthe  Control TSCand Room, EOF.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION        69                          PAGE312OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I EAlTechnical      Bases 5.M These voice  circuits  serve  asa primary  communications        link for providing    technical information tooffsite agencies,  public information communications        andthe  communication      ofprotective actionrecommendations        tooffsiteauthorities.
: 6. Cellular Phones EachSTSC,the    TSCandEOF      have  acellularphone      toprovide  additional  independent  linesof communication.
This EAI isthe  hot  condition  equivalentof the coldconditionEAICil5.1 This ICaddresses  a signilleant  lossofonsite  oroffsite  communications      capabilities. While  nota directchallenge toplant  orpersonncI  safety,this event    warrants  prompt    notifications  toOROsand theNRC.
This ICshould  beassessed    only whenextraordinary      meansare being utilizedtomake communications  possible  (e.g.,useofnon-plant,  privately    owned equipment,    relaying  ofonsite informationvia  individuals    ormultiple radio transmission      points,individuals  being  sent tooffsite locations, etc.).
ThefirstEAl. condition  addresses  a totalloss ofthe    communications      methods  used  insupport  of routineplantoperations.
Thesecond  EAI. condition  addresses a totalloss ofthe    communications      methods  used to notify all OROsofanemergency        declaration.TheOROsreferred        tohere  arethe  State  andMaricopa County EOCs.
Thethirdcondition    addresses  atotalloss ofthe communications        methods    used tonotify  the NRC of anemergency  declaration.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 PVNGSPlant      Rutliological  Emergemy    Response    Plan  (RERP),  Section  7.2 2.llFSAR    Section  9.5.2, Communication    Systems 3.NEl99-01,    Sil6 191of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN          REVISION      69                          PAGE313OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I IAl Technical  Bases Category:                    S System Malfunction Subcategory:                  8-Containment    Failure Initiating Condition:        Failuretoisolate  containment  orloss  ofcontainment    pressure    control.
SU8.1            tinusual    Event EITIIER:
e Anypenetration        isnotclosed when  required  within 15minutes      ofa VAlIDisolation signal (Note I)
* Containment    pressure  > 8.5 psig with<  4350  gpmContainment Sprav          flow  for> 15 minutes (Note I)
Note1:Thel?mergency    Coordinator  shoulddeclare the eventpromptly upon  determining  that time  limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill  likely beexceeded.
1 Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
FA/JD An indication, report, orcondition, isconsidered  tohevalid      whenit  isverified by(1)    an instrument  channel or(2) check,          indicationsonrelated  orredundant      indicators,or(3)by direct observation  byplant  personnel,    such    doubt that      related tothe  indicator's    operability, thecondition's existence, orthe  report's  accuracy  is removed. Implicitin this dellnition    istheneedor f  timely assessment.
Containment  isolations    areinitiated  bythe Containment  Isolation  Actuation    System    (CIAS),  Safety Injection Actuation  Signal  (SIAS),  MainSteam    IsolationSignal  (MSIS)      andContainment    Spray Actuation  Signal  (CSAS)    (ref. I,2).
TheContainment      Spray  System  consists oftwoseparate  trains  ofequal    capacity,each  capable  of meeting  thedesign  bases  requirement. Iachtrain  includesacontainment        spraypump,    spray headers,  nozzles. valves  andpiping. Therefueling  waterstorage  tank  (RWT)    supplies  borated  water tothe  Containment    Spray  System  during the injection phase  ofoperation.      Inthe recirculation  mode 192of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION    69                            PAGE314OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAl,Technical    Bases ofoperation, Containment    Spray  pumpsuction    istransferred    from  the  RWTtothe      Containment sumps  (ref.3).
TheContainmentpressure high-high setpoint        (8.5  psig) isthe    pressure  atwhich    the Containment Spray  equipment  should actuate    andbegin  performing  its  function    (ref. 4).Consistent    with  the design requirement,  "one full trainofdepressurization      equipment"      istherefore    defined  tobethe availability ofonetrain  ofContainment Spray      providing    a minimum      of4350  gpmspray      ilow (ref.
5).I.PSI  cross-ticcan be  credited  provided  the a lignment    can  be made    w ithin the  15  minute threshold. Iflessthan this equipment isoperating and      Containment      pressure    isabove    the actuation setpoint, the threshold ismet.
This EAl. addressesa failure  ofoneormore containment penetrationstoautomatically                  isolate (close) whenrequired    byanactuation            It also addresses aneventthat signal.                                      results  inhigh containment  pressure with  aconcurrent          ofcontainment pressure failure                              control  systems. Absent challenges  toanother  fission  product  barrier, either  condition    represents    potential  degradation  ofthe level ofsafety  ofthe plant.
Forthe  first condition, the  containment    isolation signal mustbe generated asthe          result onan offnormal/  accident condition    (e.g., asafetyinjection  orhigh    containment    pressure): a failure resulting  from testingormaintenance      does notwarrant    classification. The determination          of containment  andpenetration    statusisolated ornotisolated      -
should    be made in  accordance with theappropriate  criteriacontained  inthe  plantAOPsandEOPs.          The15-minute criterion isincluded toallow  operatorstime  tomanually      isolate the required  penetrations,      ifpossible. The second condition  addresses a condition    where  containment  pressure    isgreater  than the  setpoint atwhich containment  energy (heat)  removal    systemsaredesigned      toautomatically    actuate  and less than one fulltrain ofequipment  iscapable    ofoperating  per  design. The15-    minute  criterion  isincluded to allow operators  time tomanually    start equipment  that maynothave        automatically    started, if possible. Theinability  tostart  therequired  equipment    indicates    that containment    heat removal/depressurization    systems  (e.g.,containment    sprays)    are either  lost orperforming      ina degraded  manner.
This eventwould  escalate  toa Site  AreaEmergency      inaccordance      with  ICFSlif    there werea concurrent  loss orpotential  loss  ofeither  theFuel  Clad  orRCS      fission  product  barriers.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I ljlSARSection      6.2.l.5.3.8,  Containment  Purge  System
: 2. ljFSAR Section    6.2.4,  Containment    Isolation System
: 3. ljFSAR  Section 6.2.2,  Containment        Removal Ileat          System
: 4. l jFSAR  Table 7.3-1  1A,ESIAS Setpoints      andMargins      toActuation 193of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      Pl,AN    REVISION 69    PAGE315OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases
: 5. Procedure 40EP-9EO01  Standard PostTrip Actions
: b. NEI99-01. Sl!7 194of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PlAN              REVISION        69                  PAGE316OF383 ATTACIIMENT          1 l?Al, Technical    Bases Category:                  S System Malfunction Subcategory:              9-Ilazardous    Event  Affecting  Safety Systems Initiating Condition:      Ilazardous    eventaffecting    a SAlETYSYSTEMneeded      forthecurrent operating    mode EAL:
SA9.1            Alert Theoccurrence    ofanyTable    S-5hazardous event AND EITIIER:
* Event    damage  has  caused  indications of degraded performance in    atleast onetrainofa SAFETYSYSTEMneeded              forthe current  operating mode a Theevent        eaused has        VISIBI.E  DAMAGEto a SAFETY SYSTEMcomponent              or structure  needed for  the current operating  mode Table  S-5      Ilazardous  Events
                                =  Seismic  event  (earthquake) a  Internalorexternal    Fl.OODING      event
* Iligh  winds  ortornado    strike a  FIRE
                                =  EXPI.OSION e  Other  events with  similar  hazard characteristics  asdetermined  bythe  Shift Manager ModeApplicability:
I Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,  4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
EXPLOS/ON-      A rapid,  violent  andcatastrophic    failure ofapiece  ofequipmentduetocombustion, chemical  reaction  oroverpressurization. A release  ofsteam(from    highenergylines orcomponents) oranelectrical  component  failure (caused  byshort  circuits, grounding,  arcing,  should etc.)    not automatically beconsidered      anexplosion. Such    events  requirea post-eventinspection todetermine if theattributes ofanexplosion    arepresent.
PVNGS      EMERGENCY            PIAN              REVISION      69                        PAGE317OF383 ATTACIIMENT        I EALTechnical    Bases F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke    such  asslippingdrivebelts oroverheated electrical equipmentdonotconstitute              Gres. Observation  ofDame    ispreferred butis NOTrequiredif large quantities ofsmoke              andheat  are observed.
F/.OOD/NGA condition where waterisentering aroomorarea      titsterthan          equipment installed        is capable  ofremoval,    resulting in  a rise  ofwaterlevel    within the  roomorarea.
SAFETY    SYSTEMA systemrequired for safe plant  operation,  cooling downthe  plantand/or placing  it inthe  cold  shutdown  condition,    including the  ECCS. These  are  typicallysystems classified  assafety-related    (asdefined in 10CFR50.2):
Those  structures, systems    andcomponentsthat        arerelied  upon  toremain    functional during and following  design  basis  events toassure:
(l)Theintegrity      ofthe reactor    coolant pressure  boundary; (2) Thecapability      toshut downthe      reactor  andmaintain it  ina safe  shutdown condition; (3) Thecapability      toprevent    ormitigate  the consequences    of accidents  which couldresultin potential  offsite exposures.
F/SIBIE    DAMAGE Damage-toacomponent        orstructure  that  isreadily observable without measurements,    testing,  oranalysis. Thevisual    impact  ofthe damage  issufficient tocauseconcern regarding  the  operability  orreliability    ofthe affected  component  orstructure.
Refer  toAttachment      4 for      ofPalo a list          Verde  SAFETYSYSTEMS          (ref. 5)
This ICaddresses    a hazardous    eventthat    causes  damage  toa SAlETYSYSTEM, ora structure containing  SAFETYSYSTEMcomponents,                  needed    forthecurrent  operating  mode. Thiscondition significantly  reduces    the  margin  toa loss    orpotential  lossofa fission  product  barrier andtherefore represents  anactual    orpotential  substantial    degradation  ofthe  levelofsafety    oftheplant.
Thefirst  condition  addresses  damage    toa SAFETYSYSTEMtrain            that  isinservice/operationsince indications  for  itwill  bereadily  available. Theindications  ofdegraded    performance  shouldbe signi0cant  enough    tocause  concern    regarding  the operability orreliability  ofthe SAFETY SYSTEMtrain.
Thesecond    condition    addresses  damage      toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent                thatisnotin service/operation  orreadily    apparent  through  indications  alone,  ortoa structure  containing 196of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                    PAGE318OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases SAFETY  SYSTEM    components. Operators  will makethis  determination based    onthetotality of available event  and damage report    information. This          tobea briefassessment isintended                      not lengthy analysis orquantification ofthe requiring                                          damage.
* Thesignilleance ofseismic events      arediscussed  underEAl IllJ2.I.Annunciator 7Cl4A, SEISMIC    OCCURRENCE        will  illuminateif the seismicinstrumentdetects      motion ground inexcess  oftheseismic EVI NT trigger    threshold  (ref.
* Internal FIOODINGmaybe caused byevents              suchascomponent failures, equipment misalignment,  oroutage  activity mishaps.
a  Iligh  winds  inexcess  ofdesign  (105 mph) ortornado  strikes cancause    significant structural damage  (ref. 4).
a  Areas  containing  functions  andsystems  required  forsafeshutdown ofthe  plant are identitled byfire area  (ref.2).
a  An explosion  thatdegrades  the performance    ofaSAFETY SYSTEM train      orvisibly damages  a SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent            orstructure would beclassilled  under thisEAl.
Escalationofthe  emergency    classificationlevel would  beviaICFSIor RSl.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 Procedure  40AO-97721    , ActsofNature 2.ifFSAR  Table  3-2.1,Quality Classilleation  ofStructures, SystemsandComponents 3.ifFSAR  Section, Offsite  Flood Design  Considerations 4.ifFSAR  Section  2.3.I.2.3. Extreme    Winds 5.Attachment  4 Palo Verde  Safety  Systems
: 6. NEl99-01,  SA9 197of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE319OF383 ATTACIIMENT            I IAL Technical      13ases EALGroup:  Ilot Conditions      (RCS  temperature  > 210"F):    EALsinthis    category  areapplicable    only inone or more hot      operating  modes.
EAI.s inthis category    represent  threatstothe  defense  indepth    design  concept  that precludes    the releaseofhighly  radioactive fission products tothe      environment.      This  concept  reliesonmultiple physicalbarriersanyoneofwhich, ifmaintained intact,            precludes    the release  ofsignificant  amounts ofradioactiveEssion  products    tothe environment. Theprimary          fissionproduct  barriers  are:
A. Buell'lad  10)TheIuel        Clad11arrier consists  ofthe    cladding  material that contains    the fuel pellets.
: 13.                                    TheRCS 13arrier includes the        RCSprimary    side  andits connections  uptoandincluding      the pressurizer safety and      reliefvalves  andother connections  uptoandincluding      the primary  isolation    valves.
C.ContainmentiC.FMD            TheContainment    l3arrier  includes thecontainment      building  and connections  uptoandincluding      the outermost    containment isolation valves.      This  barrier alsoincludes  the  main    steam,feedwater  andblowdown        lineextensions outside    the containment  building    uptoandincluding    the  outermost    secondary side isolation valve.
Containment  13arrier  thresholds areused  ascriteria    for escalation  of the ECI from      Alert toa Site AreaEmergency          oraGeneral  Emergency.
TheEALsinthis    category  require  evaluation  ofthe  loss  andpotential    loss thresholds listed in    the Essionproduct  barrier  matrix  ofTable  F-1(Attachment      2).  "Loss"    and"Potential  Loss"  signify  the damage relative        andthreat    ofdamage    tothe  barrier. "Loss"    means    thebarrier  nolonger  assures containmentofradioactive    materials.  "Potential  1.oss"  meansintegrity      ofthe  barrieristhreatened andcould belost  if conditions    continue todegrade. Thenumber        ofbarriers  that arelost  or potentially lost andthe    following  criteriadetermine  the  appropriate    emergency  classification    level:
Anyloss  oranypotential      lossofeither  Fuel  Clad    orRCS M
Iossorpotential    loss  ofany two harriers General  limesenos Iossofany  two barriers    andloss  orpotential    loss  ofthird  barrier l98of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PlAN              REVISION        69                    PAGE320OF383 ATTACIIMENT          I EAlTechnical      Bases Thelogic used for  emergency classification      based  onilssion  product      monitoring barrier            should renectthe following    considerations:
* TheFuelClad Barrier andthe            RCSBarrier    areweighted    moreheavily than  the  Containment Barrier.
a  Unusual    Event  ICsassociated with      RCSandFuel        Clad Barriersareaddressed    under System Malfunction    ICs.
* Foraccident    conditions    involving  a radiological    release,evaluationofthe  fission product barrier  thresholds  will  need  tobe performed      inconjunction  with doseassessments    toensure correct  andtimely    escalation    oftheemergency classification. Forexample,        anevaluation  of the  fission  product  barrier  thresholds  may result in    a SiteArea Emergency  classification while    adose  assessment    mayindicate    thatan EAl. for    General  Emergency  ICRG1has      been exceeded.
a  Thefission    product  barrier  thresholds  specifled  within a scheme renect plant-specific PVNGSdesign        andoperating      characteristics.
* Asused    inthis  category,    the termRCSleakage        encompassesnot just those  types defined  in Technical    Specifleations    but  alsoincludes  the  loss ofRCSmassto any location- inside    the containment. aninterfacing    system,  oroutside    ofthe  containment.The release ofliquid  or steammassfrom        the  RCSduetothe      as-designed/expected              of a relief valve operation                  isnot considered    tobeRCSleakage.
* Atthe    Site Area1mergency        level,EAIusers      should  maintain cognizance ofhow far present  conditions  are  from  meeting  athreshold    that would requireaGeneral    Emergency declaration. For example,    ifthe  1uel Clad  andRCSfission      productbarriers  werebothlost, then  there  should  befrequent      assessments  ofcontainment              inventory radioactive          and integrity. Alternatively,    if both  theFuel  Clad    andRCSfission    productbarriers  were potentially    lost,the  Emergency      Coordinator    would    havemoreassurance  that  there wasno immediate    need  toescalate    toaGeneral      Emergency.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION    69                      PAGE321OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I l?Al Technical Bases Category:                  Iission Product  Barrier Degradation Subcategory:                N/A initiating Condition:      Anyloss  oranypotential loss ofeitherFuel  Clad orRCS EAl,:
FAl.1            Alert Anyloss  oranypotential      of either Fuel loss              Clad orRCS(Table    F-1)
I Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Fuel Clad, RCSand    Containment comprise  the fissionproductbarriers. Table I-I(Attachment    2) liststhefission  product  barrier thresholds, bases andreferences.
Atthe  Alert classification      Fuel level,    Clad andRCSbarriers  areweightedmore heavily than        the Containment  barrier. Unlike theContainment loss barrier,    orpotential  loss ofeither the  Iuel  Clad or RCSbarrier  mayresult    intherelocation ofradioactive materialsordegradation  of core cooling capability.Note      the that      orpotential loss          loss ofContainment  barrier  incombinationwith lossor potential lossofeither  Fuel CladorRCSbarrier    resultsindeclaration  ofaSiteArea  limergency under EAl.ISlI PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 NEl99-01,      FA1 200of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN        REVISION      69                        PAGE322OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I EAlTechnical    Bases Category:                    Iission Product Barrier  Degradation Subcategory:                N/A initiatingCondition:        I,oss orpotential loss ofanytwobarriers EAl,:
FSl.1          Site  AreaEmergency 1.oss orpotential  lossofanytwo barriers (Table  F-1)
I Power Operation,    2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Fuel      RCSand Clad,            Containment comprise  the fission product barriers. Table I-I(Attachment    2) liststhe fissionproduct    barrier thresholds,bases andreferences.
Atthe  SiteArea  Emergency    classification level,each  barrierisweighted    equally. A Site  Area Emergency  istherefore    appropriateforanycombination  ofthe  following  conditions:
* Onebarrier    loss anda second barrierloss      lossloss)
(i.e.,  -
* Onebarrier    loss anda second barrierpotential    (i.e.,
loss      losspotential loss)
* Onebarrier  potential    andasecond loss            barrier potentialloss        potential (i.e.,          losspotential loss)
Atthe  SiteAreaEmergency      classification level,the ability todynamically    assess  the proximity  of present conditions  with        tothe respect    threshold for a General  Emergency    isimportant. Forexample.
the existenceofFuel    Clad  andRCSBarrier  loss thresholds  inaddition  tooffsite  dose assessments would  requirecontinual    assessments ofradioactive inventory  andContainment      integrity in anticipationofreaching    aGeneralEmergency    classification.Alternatively,  if both  Fuel Cladand RCSpotential  loss  thresholds existed,theI mergency  Coordinator  would greater have          assurance thatescalation toa General    Emergency  isless imminent.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,    FSI 201of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION    69                      PAGE323OF383 ATTACIIMENT      I I?Al, Technical Bases Category:                  Iission Product Barrier Degradation Subcategory:                N/A InitiatingCondition:        I,ossofanytwobarriers    andloss  orpotentialloss  ofthirdbarrier EAl,:
FGl.1          General  Emergency 1oss  ofanytwobarriers AND 1.oss orpotential  loss ofthird barrier (Table  F-l )
I Power Operation,  2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):
None Basis:
Fuel      RCSandContainment Clad,                        comprise  the fissionproduct barriers.
Table  F-I(Attachment 2) liststhe fissionproduct  barrier thresholds, bases  andreferences.
Atthe  General  Emergency    classificationlevel each barrierisweighted equally. A General Imergency  istherefore    appropriate  for anycombination    ofthe  following conditions:
a  1ossofFuel    Clad, RCSandContainment      barriers a      ofFuel 1.oss        Clad andRCSbarriers    with potentialloss ofContainment  barrier a      ofRCSandContainment I.oss                          barriers with potentialloss ofFuelClad  barrier a  IossofFuel    Clad andContainment    barrierswith potential    ofRCSbarrier loss PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I NEI99-01,    FSI 202of262
PVNGS        EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION    69                      PAGE324OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Fission  Product  Barrier Loss/Potential Loss  Matrix  andBases Introduction Table    F-1lists the threshold conditions  that dellne theIossandPotential    Loss  ofthe  three    11ssion product    barriers (Fuel Clad, Reactor  Coolant  SystemandContainment). Thetable  isstructured      so that  each  ofthe threebarriers occupies adjacent  columns.Each  fission  product barrier column      is further  divided  into twocolumns;    onefor      thresholds 1.oss        andonefor      Potential Iossthresholds.
Theilrst    column  ofthe  table(to the leftofthe  FuelCladIosscolumn)      lists the  categories    (types)  of tission  product  barrier thresholds. The lission productbarrier categories    are:
A. RCSorSGTube          Leakage B. Inadequate    Heat  Removal C. CTMTRadiation        /RCSActivity D.CTMTIntegrity        orBypass E. Emergency      Coordinator  Judgment Each  category  occupies  arowinTable    F-Ithus  formingamatrix dellned bythe      categories. The intersection  ofeach  rowwith  each  Ioss/PotentialIosscolumn forms acell    inwhich    oneormore fission  product  barrier thresholds  appear. lfNEl99-01  doesnotdefine a threshold for    a barrier Ioss/Potential    Ioss,the  cellisleft blank, shaded orotherwise indicated  asnothaving    a threshold associated    with  it.
Thresholds    areassigned  sequential numbers  withineachIossandPotential    Ioss column beginning with  number  one. Inthis  manner,  a threshold canbeidentified byits  category title and number. For example,    the firstFuel Clad  barrier IossinCategory  C would  beassigned    "FCIossC.I," the        third Containment      barrier Potential  IossinCategory  D wouldbeassigned      "CTMTP-Loss      D.3,"    etc.
If  a cell inTable  F-Icontains  morethan  onenumbered  threshold,  each  ofthe numbered      thresholds, if e xceeded,  signifles a IossorPotential    Iossofthe barrier.
Itis  notnecessary  toexceed      all ofthe thresholds    ina category  before  declaring abarrierLoss/Potential Ioss.
Subdivision    ofTable  F-Ibycategory    facilitates association ofplant    conditions  tothe  applicable fission  product  barrier Loss andPotential    Iossthresholds.
This  structure  promotes  a systematic approach    toassessing  the classificationstatusofthe      product fission        barriers.
Whenequipped        with  knowledge  ofplant  conditions relatedtothe  fission product  barriers,  the  EAl  -
user  first scans downthe    category  column  ofTable locates F-I,        the  likelycategory  andthen      reads across    the f issionproduct  barrierI ossandPotential  I.oss thresholds  in thatcategorydetermine to              if a threshold    has been  exceeded. Ifa threshold hasnotbeen exceeded. theEAI-user    proceeds    tothe nextlikely    category  andcontinues    review  ofthethresholdsinthe  newcategory.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PIAN            REVISION    69                  PAGE325OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Iission  Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss MatrixandBases lfthe EAL-user      determines    thatanythreshold  hasbeen          bydefinition, exceeded,            thebarrier islost or potentially  lost  -
even if  multiple  thresholdsinthe  samebarrier column            only areexceeded,  thatone barrierislost  or potentially    lost.TheEAl-user    mustexamine  eachofthe three    product fission barrierstodetermine ifother barrier        thresholds inthe categoryarelostorpotentially lost.
For example,    itcontainment radiation is      sufficientlyhigh,      ofthe a I.oss    FuelClad andRCSbarriersand a Potential  Loss    ofthe  Containment          canoccur.
barrier          BarrierIossesandPotential I.osses arethen applied tothe    criterion  given in EAl s FGI1,FSl.1      andFAI.1todetermine  theappropriate emergency    classifleation.
Inthe remainder      ofthis  Attachment.the Fuel Clad    barrierthreshold basesappear            by followed first, theRCSbarrier        andfinally  the Containment  barrier thresholdbases.Ineach barrier, thebases are given according      category  Iossfollowed    bycategory Potential I.oss beginningwithCategory A,
then B, E.
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PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN    REVISION69            PAGE327OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Fission  Barrier Product  1oss/Potential Matrix I.oss  andBases Barrier:              Fuel Clad Category:              A.RCSorSGTubeI,eakage DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 206of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION    69                    PAGE328OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential  Loss  MatrixandBases Barrier:              IuelClad Category:            A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage DegradationThreat:    Potential Loss Threshold:
I RVLMS< 21%plenum(Detector #8)
None Basis:
21%plenum  onRVLMS(Detector      #8)istheminimum    RVLMS              above indication  TopofActive Fuel (TOAF)which  correspondsto4 in.above the fuel alignment      andisthe plate      last indication of inventorycontrol (ref.1,2).
This reading indicatesareduction  inreactor vessel waterlevelsuffleient  toallowthe onsetofheat-inducedcladdingdamage.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
1 Procedure 400P-9zzl  6 RCSDrain    Operations,  Appendix    M
: 2. NuclearFuel Management  Analysis Calculation  /A-13-C00-2000-001,  EOP Setpoint Document
: 3. NEI99-01, RCSorSGTubeIeakage      Fuel Clad  Potential IossI.A 207of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN        REVISION    69                      PAGE329OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Iission      Barrier Product      1oss/PotentialI.oss Matrix  andBases Barrier:                IuelClad Category:                B.InadequateHeat Removal Degradation Threat:      Ioss Threshold:
I RepCETs> 1200      "F Definition(s):
None Basis:
Core    Themlocouples Exit                    area component of Inadequate Core
(.CETs)                                  Cooling  Instrumentation and provideanindirect  indication offuelcladtemperature by measuring the  temperature  ofthe reactor coolantthatleaves  thecoreregion.
Although cladrupture due tohigh  temperature is notexpected forCETreadings  less than  t the hreshold, temperatures ofthis magnitude signal    signiileant superheatingofthe        coolant reactor    andcoreuncovery  (ref. 1).
This readingindicates          within temperatures    thecore aresufficient toenuse significant superheating ofreactorcoolant.
RepCET(Representative    CoreExitTemperature) isa calculated temperature value generated by theQualilledSafety          Display Parameter      System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS    CETprocessing function generatesa representative          based temperature    ona statistical analysis ofthermoeouples monitoring thereactorcoolant temperatureatthetopofselected fuel assemblies.
PVNGSHasis  Reference(s):
1 UFSARAppendix      I8B.System 80Generic Inadequate  Core  Cooling  Instrumentation
: 2. NEI99-01,  Inadequate      Removal Ileat      Fuel Clad Ioss 2.A 208of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE330OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 Iission Product  Barrier1oss/Potential  IossMatrix    andBases Barrier:                  Iuel Clad Category:                  B.Inadequate  Ileat Removal Degradation  Threat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
I RepCETs> 700"F Definition(s):
None Basis:
Core    Themlocouples Exit                (.CETs)  area component of Inadequate Core      CoolingInstrumentation  and provideanindirect    indicationoffuel  clad temperature by measuring the    temperatureofthe  reactor coolantthatleaves  thecore  region. IfRepCETsindicate 700oF subcooling has
                                                          >                        beenlost for at leastsomeregions  ofthe  core (ref. 700oF 1).              asacondition representing apotential qualifies                                        lossof the fuel clad barrier.
This readingindicates  a reduction  inreactorvesselwaterlevel  sufilcient  toallow the onset ofheat-induced cladding damage.
RepCET(Representative    Core  Exit  Temperature) isa calculated temperature  value generated by theQualilledSafety    Parameter Display  System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS      CETprocessing function generatesa representative  temperature  based ona statisticalanalysis  ofthermocouples monitoring thereactorcoolant  temperature  atthe  topofselected fuel assemblies.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I UFSARAppendix        I8B. System  80Generic  Inadequate  Core Cooling  Instrumentation
: 2. NEl99-01,  Inadequate  lleat Removal  Fuel CladPotential  1.oss  2.A 209of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION  69                        PAGE331OF383 ATTACIIMENT  2 Iission Product  Barrier  1oss/Potential Loss    Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Iuel Clad Category:              B.Inadequate    IleatRemoval DegradationThreat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
: 2. RCSheat removal  cannot be established AND RCSsubcooling  < 24oF Definition(s):
None Basis:
Incombinationwith  RCSPotential  1.oss B.I. meeting thisthreshold    resultsina Site    Area Emergency.
Thesteamgenerators  (SGs)  provide  the normal  meansofheat  transfer from the    RCStothe      main condenserandultimate  heat sink.Procedure    40EP-9EO03, Loss  ofCoolant  Accident,    requires maintenanceofRCSheat    removal  atall times during a I.OCA. OnceRCSpressure andtemperature arereduced,RCSheat  removal  canbeprovided    byShutdown  Cooling    (SDC)system. Once        the SDCsystem  isplaced  inservice. the SGheat      capability sink        isnolonger    necessary (ref. I).
IfRCSsubcooling  approaches  24oF,  the  margin tosuperheated  conditions  isbeing    reduced.
Followinganuncomplicated  reactor  trip,subcoolingmargin  should  be excess in        of50ol Subcoolingmargin  greaterthan24oF  ensures  thetluid surrounding    thecore  issufficiently    cooled andprovidesmarginreestablishing for                SI flow should subcooling    deteriorate when now SI      is secured.Voidsmayexist  insomeparts    ofthe RCS(e.g.,
Reactor    Vessel  head)  but  are permissible aslongascore heat  removal ismaintained    (ref.
2).RCSsubcooling      isdetermined    using appropriate CET(naturalcirculation) orThm  (forced  circulation) temperature  indications. Upper    head subcoolingindication should notbeused.
Thecombination ofthe  threshold conditions  indicates thatRCSheat      removal  isunder    extreme This challenge. threshold  addresses  loss offunctionsrequired for  hot  shutdown  with  the reactor  at pressureandtemperature  andthus  a potential loss oftheFuel  Clad  barrier. This  isalso  a potential lossoftheRCSbarrier  andtherefore  results  inatleast a Site AreaEmergency.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY              PlAN              REVISION  69              PAGE332OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Fission  Product    Barrier  1oss/Potential Matrix I.oss    andBases This condition      indicates  anextreme      challenge      ability tothe          RCSheat toremove      using the steam generators  (i.e., loss of  aneffective    secondary-side heat sink).
This condition      apotential represents lossofthe    Iuel Clad Barrier. Inaccordance          with      there liOPs,              accident maybeunusual    conditions during which      operators  intentionally    reduce  theheat removalcapability ofthe steamgenerators; during these    conditions,  classilleation    using        isnotwarranted.
threshold PVNGSBasis          Reference(s):
1 Procedure        40EP-91iO03,      /.oss  of Coolant  Accident 2.Procedure        401iP-9EO09,      l:unctional  Recoverv 3.N1il  99-01,      Inadequate    Ileat  Removal  Fuel  Clad 1oss2.B 211of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION    69                          PAGE333OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 IissionProduct BarrierIoss/Potential  Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                luelClad Category:                C.CTMTRadiation/RCS      Activity Degradation Threat:      I,oss Threshold:
I Containment  radiationRU-148  > 2.IE+05 mR/hr  ORRU-149        > 2.4E+05    mR/hr Definition(s):
None Basis:
Thespecified containment  radiationmonitor readings (ref. 1)  indicate  the  releaseofreactor  coolant, with elevated activity  indicative offuel damage,  intothe Containment.      Thereading    isderived assuming theinstantaneous releaseanddispersal  ofthe reactor  coolant noble    gasandiodine inventoryassociated  withaconcentration of300pCi/ce    dose equivalent      I-131 into  theContainment atmosphere with containment sprays operating. Thevalues    arebased oncalculated readings      lifteen minutesaftershutdown. Reactorcoolant concentrations  ofthis  magnitude    areseveral  times  larger than  maximum the          concentrations(including iodine spiking)  allowed  within Technical andaretherefore Specilleations                indicative offuel  damage  (approximately 2-5% cladfailure depending oncore  inventoryandRCSvolume).
Monitors used forthis  ilssion product barrier loss threshold  arethe  Containment    Iligh  Range RadiationMonitors  RU-148 andRU-149    (ref.I).
Theradiation monitor  reading corresponds  toaninstantaneous      release  ofall  reactor  coolantmass intothecontainment,  assumingthatreactor coolant  activity                      dose equals pCi/gm equivalentI-300 131Reactor  coolant        above activity    thislevel isgreater than    thatexpected    foriodine  spikesand correspondstoanapproximate  range  of2%to5%fuel    clad    damage. Since  this condition  indicates thata signilleant amountoffuel  claddamage  has  occurred. itrepresents  a lossofthe  FuelClad Barrier.
Theradiationmonitor  reading inthis  threshold ishigher  than  thatspecilled  forRCSBarrier    Ioss thresholdC.lsince  itindicates a Ioss ofboth the  FuelClad    Barrier  andthe    RCSBarrier. Note that a
combination ofthe  twomonitorreadings  appropriately escalates  the  ECItoa Site    Areal?mergency.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        Pl,AN      REVISION69            PAGE334OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission  ProductBarrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
/.Calculation  13-NC-7Y-216.              ofContainnient Determination            fomIligh Activities    Radiation Monitors
: 2. NI.I99-01. CTMT    Radiation  /RCSActivity Iuel Clad  3.A I.oss 213of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION    69                    PAGE335OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 IissionProduct  Barrier  1oss/Potential Loss  Matrix andBases Barrier:                  Fuel Clad Category:                C.CTMTRadiation/RCS        Activity Degradation  Threat:      I,oss Threshold:
: 2. Doseequivalent    I-131coolant  activity > 300pCi/gm Definition(s):
None Basis:
DoseEquivalent  lodine (DEI)  isdetermined    byprocedure  74ST-9RCO2    ReactorCoolant  System SpecificActivitySurveillance  Test  (ref. l).
Elevated reactorcoolant  activityrepresents  a potentialdegradation  inthelevelofsafety  ofthe  plant andapotential  precursor ofmoreserious      problems.Thethreshold dose equivalent I-131 concentration iswell  abovethat expected    foriodinespikes  andcorresponds toabout  2%to5%fuel claddamage. Since      condition this          indicates thata significant amountof fuel clad damage  has occurred, it represents  a loss ofthe    Fuel  Clad Barrier(ref. 2).
This thresholdindicates    RCSradioactivity that                    concentration  is      than greater  300 pCi/gm dose equivalent I-131 Reactor  coolant  activity  abovethis level isgreater  thanthat expected for  iodine spikes andcorresponds  toanapproximate      rangeof2%to5%fuel        claddamage. Since this condition indicatesthata significantamountoffuel      claddamage  has  o ccurred, it representsa lossof the Iuel Clad  Barrier.
Itisrecognized that  samplecollection  andanalysis  ofreactor  coolant withhighlyelevated  activity levels couldrequire        hours several        tocomplete. Nonetheless,  a              threshold sample-related included is asa backup  toother  indications.
There  isnoPotential  Iossthreshold  associated with RCSActivity/Containment    Radiation.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Procedure  74ST-9RCO2. Reactor  Coolant  System  Specific  ActivitySurveillance Test
: 2. NEI99-01,  CTMTRadiation      /RCSActivity    Fuel Clad  1oss  3.B 214of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE336OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:                  Clad I:uel Category:            C.CTMTRadiation/RCS  Activity DegradationThreat:    Potential Loss Threshold:
None 215of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69            PAGE337OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Iission  Barrier Product  Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:                Clad Iuel Category:            C.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 216of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE338OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:                  Clad I:uel Category:            C.CTMTIntegrity  orBypass DegradationThreat:    Potential Loss Threshold:
None 2I7of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION    69                          PAGE339OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 FissionProduct Barrier1oss/Potential Loss  Matrix    andBases Barrier:                Iuel  Clad Category:              I Emergency
                          .          Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat:      Ioss Threshold:
I Anycondition    intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator    that  indicates loss ofthe  Fuel Cladbarrier Definition(s):
None Basis:
Emergency Coordinator judgment  threshold addresses any other factors    relevant  todetermining    if theFuelClad barrier islost. Such              should include imminent barrier a determination                                    degradation, monitoring barrier          capability  anddominantaccident sequences.
a  imminent barrier deeradation exists ifthe degradation  will likely occur within  relatively shortperiod  oftime based ona projectionofcurrent  safety  system  performance. Theterm "imminent"  refers torecognition oftheinability toreach  safety  function acceptance    criteria beforecompletion  ofall  checks.
* Barriermonitorine  capabilityisdecreasedifthere  isa loss orlack    ofreliable indicators.
Thisassessment  should instrumentation include              operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation andconsideration ofoffsitemonitoring  results.
* W                            leadtodegradation  ofall  fission  product  barriers andlikely entrytothe  EOPs.TheEmergency  Coordinator  should  bemindful    ofthe  Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout)  andATWSEALstoassure        timely  emergency    classiGcation  declarations.
This        addresses threshold        anyother  factors thataretobeused    bytheEmergency        Coordinator    in determining whether  theFuel  Cladbarrier islost.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,  limergency  Director Judgment Fuel Clad  Ioss6.A 2I8of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PlAN          REVISION    69                          PAGE340OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 FissionProduct  Barrier1oss/Potential  Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Iuel  Clad Category:              E.Emergency    Coordinator  Judgment DegradationThreat:      Potential Loss Threshold:
I Anycondition    intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator      that  indicates potential  loss  of theFuel Clad  barrier Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheEmergency  Coordinator  judgment  thresholdaddresses anyother      11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Fuel Clad barrier is potentially lost.Such a determination should include      imminent  barrier degradation, barrier monitoring  capability anddominant    accident sequences.
a  imminentbarrier deeradation  existsifthedegradation    will likely occur within  relatively short period  oftime based ona projection ofcurrent    safety system  performance. Theterm "imminent"  refers torecognition  ofthe inability toreach  safety  function acceptance    criteria completion before          ofall  checks.
* Barrier monitorine  capability isdecreased ifthere  isa lossorlack    ofreliable indicators.
This assessment  should instrumentation include                  operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsideration  ofoffsite monitoring    results.
* W                            leadtodegradation    ofall  fission  product  barriers andlikely tothe entry      EOPs.TheEmergency    Coordinator  should  bemindful    ofthe  Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout)  andATWSEALstoassure          timely  emergency    classiGcation  declarations.
This        addresses threshold        anyother  factors thataretobeused      bytheEmergency        Coordinator    in determining whether  theFuel  Clad barrier ispotentially  lost. TheEmergency        Coordinator  should alsoconsider whether  ornottodeclare  the barrierpotentially  lostinthe  event  that barrier status cannot bemonitored.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,  Emergency  Director  Judgment  Potential Iuel  Clad  Loss  6A 219of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION      69                        PAGE341OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Iission Product  Barrier 1oss/Potential  IossMatrix    andBases Barrier:                  Reactor Coolant System Category:                A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation  Threat:    I,oss Threshold:
I An automatic    ormanual ECCS (SIAS) actuation    required byEITllER:
* UNISOI.ABI.E      RCSleakage a SGtube    RUPTURE Definition(s):
UNISO/J  R/E An open orbreached  systemline that cannot beisolated,  remotely  orlocally.
RUPTliREThecondition ofasteamgenerator    inwhich primary-to-secondary      leakage  isof sufficient magnitude    torequirea safetyinjection.
This threshold isbased  onanUNISOl.ABI    l?RCSleak    ofsufficient size torequireanautomatic      or manual actuation  ofthe  Emergency  Core Cooling System  (ECCS). This condition  clearly represents a lossofthe  RCSBarrier.
This threshold isapplicable tounidentitledandpressure  boundary  leakage,  aswell as identified leakage. applicable Iti  s also            toUNISOLABLE      RCS  leakage through  an interfacing system. The massloss maybeinto    anylocation-containment, inside              tothe  secondary-side    (i.e.,
steam generator leakage) tube          or outsideof containment.
A steamgenerator    withprimary-to-secondary leakage  ofsufficient  magnitude    torequire  a safety injectionisconsidered  tobeRUPTURED.      a RUPTURED If                steamgenerator    isalsoEAUl.TED outsideofcontainment,  the declarationescalatestoaSite  Area  Emergency    since the Containment Barrier1.oss threshold  1.Awill alsobemet.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Procedure  40EP-9EO01,    Reactor  Trip 2.Procedure  40EP-9EO03,    Loss of Coolant Accident 3.Procedure  40EP-9EO04,    Steam  Generator Tube  Rupture 4.NEl  99-01,  RCSorSGTubeI.eakage    Reactor  Coolant  System  Ioss  1.A 220of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE342OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 IissionProduct    Barrier 1oss/Potential  Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Reactor  Coolant  System Category:                A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation Threat:      Potential    Loss Threshold:
I With  letdown          operation ofthe isolated.                standby  charging  pumpisrequired    byEITlIER:
* UNISOl    .ABI .ERCSleakage a SGtube    leakage Definition(s):
UN/S0/ABLE    -
An open  orbreached    systemline that cannot  beisolated,  remotely orlocally.
This threshold isbased  onthe inability  tomaintain  liquid inventory within    theRCSbynormal operationofthe  Chemical  andVolume      Control System  (CVCS). The CVCS includes        three  charging pumps: twocharging  pumps  arenormally    operating  with  a flow  capacity of  ~44gpmeach      ora total of88gpm(ref. 1).Approximately    10gpmofcharging      flow  bypasses the RCS due    toleakage through theRCPseals:  thus,the normal    charging lineup  delivers  88gpm 10 gpm = 78gpm(ref.
I).A thirdcharging  pumpbeing  required  with letdown  isolated  isindicative of a substantial RCS leak.
Ifthe standbycharging  pumpisstarted    inresponse  todecreasing    pressurizer  leveland following ofletdown isolation          and/or theleak    pressurizerlevel canbesubsequently      maintained  with just two charging pumps,  thisthreshold isnotexceeded.
This threshold isbased  onanUNISOLABLERCSleak              that results inthe  inabilitytomaintain pressurizerlevel withinspecilled  limits byoperation  ofanormally    used  charging  (makeup)  pump, butanECCS(SI)    actuationhas notoccurred. Thethreshold    ismetwhenanoperating        procedure, or operatingcrewsupervision. directs      astandby that        charging    (makeup)  pumpbeplaced      inservice to restoreandmaintain  pressurizerlevel  following appropriate    system  isolation.
This        isapplicable threshold            tounidentitled  andpressure    boundary    leakage, aswell  asidentitled leakage.Itisalso applicable toUNISOLABI      E RCSleakage      through  aninterfacing  system. The massloss maybeinto    anylocation  -
inside containment,    tothe  secondary-side  (i.e.,
steam generatortubeleakage)  oroutside  ofcontainment.
PVNGS      EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION  69              PAGE343OF383 ATTACIIMENT  2 Fission  Product  BarrierIoss/Potential Matrix I.oss  and13ases lfa leaking steam generator isalso    FAULTEDoutside  ofcontainmem, the        escalates declaration  toa Site AreaEmergency since      the Containment  13arrier Iossthreshold 1.Awill also bemet.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I UFSARSection        9.3.4, Chemical  andVolume  Control System 2.Procedure    40EP-9EO01,    Reactor  Trip 3.Procedure    40EP-9EG01,Standard Post      TripActions
: 4. Procedure    40EP-9EO03,    Loss of Coolant Accident
: 5. Procedure    40EP-9EO04,    SteamGenerator Tube  Rupture
: 6. NEl    99-01, RCSorSGTubeIcakage Reactor Coolant            Potential System      I.oss l.A 222of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION      69                      PAGE344OF383 ATTACIIMENT          2 Iission Product  Barrier  Ioss/Potential    Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Reactor    Coolant    System Category:              A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation Threat:    Potential    Loss Threshold:
: 2. Pressurized thermalshock  transient    inexcess  ofthe  upper  (2000F) subcooling P/Tlimit  (Note 9)
AND RCSpressure  isrising Note9:A pressurized thermal shock transient  isdet1nedas  an UNPLANNED      overecoling transient which      RCS causes togobelow temperature          500"F Definition(s):
UNPIANNED A parameter change  oranevent      that  isnotI) the resultofanintended    evolutionor 2)anexpected plant  response toa transient. Thecause    ofthe  parameter  changeorevent  maybe known  orunknown.
The"PotentialLoss"  thresholdis  defined  bythe  upper  subcooling  P/Tlimitin combination with increasingRCSpressure  which    indicates  anextreme    challenge  tothe  RCSbarrier due to pressurized thermal  shocktransient.  (ref. 1, 3).
2, A pressurized thermal  shock transient  isdefined    asanunplanned      overcooling transient which causes RCStemperature  togobelow      5000F  (ref. 4).
This        indicates condition        anextreme    challenge  tothe    integrityofthe    RCSpressure boundary    dueto pressurized thermal  shockatransient thatcauses    rapid  RCScooldown    while the RCSisinMode 3orhigher hot (i.e.,    andpressurized).
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
I Procedure  40EP-9EO05,    Ercess  Steam    Dematul 2.Procedure 40EP-9EOO9,    Functional    Recovery
: 3. Procedure40EP-9EOl0,    Standarcl    Appetulices  Attachinent  2 Figures 4.Procedure 40DP-9API7,    Standard    Appendices    Technical  Guideline
: 5. NEI99-01,  RCSorSGTubeIeakage            Reactor  Coolant    System  PotentialLossI.B 223of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69            PAGE345OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Iission    Barrier Product  Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:                    Coolant Reactor    System Category:            B.Inadequate Removal IIeat DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 224of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE346OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Iission  Product  Barrier  1oss/Potential Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                  Reactor  Coolant  System Category:                B.Inadequate    Heat Removal Degradation Threat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
I RCSheat  removal    cannot be established AND RCSsubcooling    < 24oF Definition(s):
None Basis:
Incombination with  IC Potential  Ioss  B.1,  meeting  threshold resultsin this                    a Site  Area Emergency.
Thesteamgenerators    (SGs)  provide  the normal  means ofheat transfer from the  RCStothe      main condenser andultimate  heat sink.Procedure    40EP-9EO03,  Loss  ofCoolant  Accident,    requires maintenance ofRCSheat    removal  atall times duringa I.OCA. OnceRCSpressure andtemperature arereduced,RCSheat    removal  canbeprovided    byShutdown  Cooling  (SDC). Once the    SDCis placedin service,the  SGheat  sink  capability  isnolongernecessary    (ref.1).
IfRCSsubcooling  approaches  24oF,  the  margin tosuperheated  conditions  isbeing  reduced.
Following anuncomplicated    reactor  trip,subcooling margin  should  be excess in        of5001 Subcooling margin  greater than24oF  ensures  thetluid surrounding    thecore issufficiently    cooled andprovides marginreestablishing for                SI flow shouldsubcooling  deterioratewhen now SI      is secured.Voids mayexist    insomeparts    ofthe RCS(e.g.,Reactor  Vessel  head) but  are permissible aslongascore heat  removal  ismaintained    (ref.
2).RCSsubcooling    isdetermined    using appropriate CETorThoi  temperature  indications. Upper  head subcooling indication  should notbeused.
Thecombination  ofthese  conditions  indicates  theultimateheat sink  functionisunder    extreme challenge.Thisthreshold  addresses  loss offunctions required for hotshutdown    with  the reactor  at pressureandtemperature    andthus  apotential  lossoftheFuel  Clad  barrier.This  is  alsoapotential lossofthe RCSbarrier  andtherefore  results  inatleast a Site AreaEmergency.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY                PIAN              REVISION      69              PAGE347OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Iission    Product    Barrier Ioss/Potential LossMatrix and13ases This condition    indicates    anextreme      challenge  tothe  ability toremoveRCSheatusingthesteam generators  (i.e., loss of  aneffective      secondary-side  heatsink).
Thiscondition      apotential represents lossofthe    RCS 13arrier. Inaccordance with            EOPs,there  maybeunusual accident conditions during which  operators    intentionally      reduce  the  heatremoval  capability ofthe steam        during generators:
these conditions,    classil1cation    using  threshold  isnotwarranted.
Meeting  this    threshold    results in a Site  Area  Emergency    because  threshold this      isidentical toFuel Clad  13arrier  Potential  Loss    threshold  B.2; both will  bemet.Thiscondition    a Site warrants    Area Emergency      declaration    because    inadequate RCSheat      removal      infuel mayresult    heat-upsufficient todamage    the  cladding    andincreaseRCS pressure tothe        pointwhere masswillbelostfromthe system.
PVNGSBasis          Reference(s):
1 Procedure        40EP-9EO03      ,  Loss  ofCoolant  Accident 2.Procedure        40EP-9EOO9,        Functional  Recoven
: 3. NEI  99-01,    Inadequate      Ileat  Removal  RCSIoss    2.B 226of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION    69                        PAGE348OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 IissionProduct BarrierIoss/Potential  Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Reactor Coolant System Category:                C.CTMTRadiation/RCS      Activity Degradation Threat:      Loss Threshold:
I Containment  radiationRU-148  > 5.0E+04mR/hr    ORRU-I49        > 5.6E+04  mR/hr Definition(s):
None Basis:
Containmentradiation  monitor readings greaterthan the specilled values    (ref.1)indicatethe release ofreactorcoolant tothe  Containment. Thereadings  assume the    instantaneous  releaseanddispersal ofthe      coolant reactor        noblegasandiodine  inventory associated with    normal operating concentrations (i.e., withinTechnical Specifications) intothe Containment      atmosphere.Because of thevery highfuel clad integrity, only small amountsofnoble      gases would bedissolved  inthe primary coolant.
Thereadings are derived assuming  theinstantaneous  release anddispersal of thereactorcoolant noble gasandiodine  inventory associated with a concentration  of60pCi/gm dose equivalent I-131 intotheContainment  atmosphere with containment  sprays  operating. Thevalues are based on calculatedreadings  fifteen minutes  aftershutdown.
Monitors usedfor this fission product barrier lossthreshold  arethe    Containment  IlighRange RadiationMonitors  RU-148 andRU-149    (ref.l).
Theradiationmonitor  readingcorresponds toaninstantaneous    release  ofall      coolant reactor        mass intothecontainment,  assuming thatreactorcoolant  activity equals  Technical  Specilleation allowablelimits.This  valueislower than thatspecified for  F uel Clad  B arrier Iossthreshold C.l since it indicatesa loss oftheRCSBarrier  only.
There isnoPotential      threshold 1.oss        associatedwith  RCSActivity      /Containment  Radiation.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I Calculation  13-NC-zY-2I6    Determination  ofContainment    Activities fiom IlighRadiation Monitors 2.NEI99-01,  CTMTRadiation    /RCSActivity  RCS1oss    3.A 227of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE349OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:              Reactor  Coolant System Category:            C.CTMTRadiation/RCS  Activity DegradationThreat:    Potential  Loss Threshold:
None 228of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69            PAGE350OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Fission    Barrier Product  Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:                    Coolant Reactor    System Category:            D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 229of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE351OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:              Reactor  Coolant System Category:            D.CTMTIntegrity  orBypass DegradationThreat:    Potential  Loss Threshold:
None 230of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION    69                          PAGE352OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 IissionProduct Barrier1oss/Potential  Loss Matrix    andBases Barrier:                Reactor Coolant System Category:                I Emergency
                          .          Coordinator  Judgment Degradation Threat:      Loss Threshold:
I Anycondition    intheopinion oftheEmergency Coordinator    that  indicates loss ofthe  RCS barrier Definition(s):
None Basis:
Emergency Coordinator  judgment  thresholdaddresses any other factors    relevant  todetermining    if theRCSbarrier  islost.Such  a determination should include imminent      barrier degradation,  barrier monitoringcapability anddominant  accidentsequences.
a  imminent  barrier deeradation exists ifthe degradation  will likely occur within  relatively shortperiod  oftime based ona projectionofcurrent  safety system  performance. Theterm "imminent"    refers torecognition oftheinability  toreach safety  function acceptance    criteria before completion  ofall  checks.
* Barriermonitorine  capabilityisdecreasedifthere  isa lossorlack    ofreliable indicators.
Thisassessment  should instrumentation include                operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation  andconsideration ofoffsitemonitoring  results.
* W                            leadtodegradation  ofall fission  product  barriers andlikely entrytothe    EOPs.TheEmergency  Coordinator  should  bemindful    ofthe  Loss ofAC power (StationBlackout)  andATWSEALstoassure        timely  emergency    classification declarations.
This        addresses threshold          anyother        that factors  maybeused      bytheEmergency        Coordinator  in determiningwhether  theRCSBarrier  islost.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,  Emergency  Director Judgment RCSLoss    6.A 231of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION    69                          PAGE353OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 IissionProduct  Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Reactor  CoolantSystem Category:              E.Emergency    Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
I Anycondition    intheopinion of  theEmergency Coordinator    that  indicates potential  loss  of RCSbarrier the Definition(s):
None Basis:
Emergency Coordinator judgment    threshold addresses any other factors  relevant  todetermining    if theRCSbarrier ispotentially  lost.Such adeterminationshould include imminent        barrier degradation, barrier monitoring  capability anddominant  accident sequences.
a  M                            existsifthedegradation  will likely occur within    relatively shortperiod  oftime based ona projection ofcurrent  safety system  performance. Theterm "imminent"  refers torecognition  ofthe inability toreach  safety  function acceptance    criteria beforecompletion  ofall  checks.
* Barrjer monitorjng  capability isdecreasedifthere isa loss orlack    ofreliable indicators.
Thisassessment  should instrumentation include                operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation andconsideration  ofoffsitemonitoring  results.
* W                            leadtodegradation  ofall  fission  product  barriers andlikely entrytothe  EOPs.TheEmergency    Coordinator should  bemindful    ofthe  Loss  ofAC power (Station Blackout)  andATWSEALstoassure        timely  emergency    classification declarations.
This        addresses threshold        anyother        that factors    maybeused    bytheEmergency        Coordinator  in determining whether  theRCSBarrier    ispotentially lost.TheEmergency      Coordinator  should    also considerwhetherornottodeclare    thebarrier potentiallylost inthe  event  that barrier status cannot bemonitored.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
1.NEl99-01,  Emergency  Director  Judgment  RCSLoss  6.A 232of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN          REVISION      69                        PAGE354OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 FissionProductBarrier  1oss/Potential  IossMatrix    andBases Barrier:                    Containment Category:                    A.RCSorSGTubeI,eakage Degradation    Threat:      I,oss Threshold:
I A leaking    orRUPTURED      SG  isFAUITED      outside  ofcontainment Definition(s):
/GR//  ED Thetermapplied
      '/  -
toa steam generator that  has  a steamorfeedwater      leak  onthe secondary side  ofsufficient  sizetocause anuncontrolled drop      insteamgenerator    pressure  orthe steamgenerator    tobecome  completely depressurized.
RUPTUREDThecondition ofa steamgenerator    inwhich  primary-to-secondary      leakage  isof sufficient magnitude      torequirea safety injection.
This threshold  addresses  a leakingorRUPTURED        Steam Generator (SG) that    isalso FAUITED outsideofcontainment.      Thecondition  ofthe whether S G,          leaking  or  RUPTURED,      isdetermined      in accordance  with  the  thresholdsforRCSBarrier    Potential I.oss A.IandI.oss A.I. respectively. This conditionrepresents    a bypassofthe containment    barrier.
FAUI.TED    isadefined    termwithin the NEl99-01      methodology:  this determination is not necessarily dependent    upon entry ordiagnostic into,                stepswithin,  anEOP.For      example, ifthe pressureina steamgenerator      isdecreasing  uncontrollably  (part  ofthe  FAUlTEDdefinition) and theIAUI.TED      steamgenerator  isolationprocedure    isnotentered  because    EOPuser  rules  are dictating                  of implementation procedure another            to address  a higher  priority condition,  the  s team generatorisstill  considered  FAUITEDfor    emergency    elassineation  purposes.
TheFAUI.TED        criterionestablishesanappropriate    lower bound  onthe  size ofa steamrelease    that mayrequire  anemergency      classineation.
Steam    releasesofthis  size  arereadily  observable    with normal Control    Roomindications. Thelower  bound      this for    aspect  ofthe  containment  barrier  is analogous tothe    lower bound criteriaspecined  inICSU4for      the fuel clad  barrier(i.e.,RCSactivity values)andICSU5for        theRCSbarrier  (i.e.,RCSleak    rate values).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN          REVISION      69                          PAGE355OF383 ATTACHMENT          2 Fission  Product Barrier Ioss/Potential    1.oss Matrix    andBases This threshold  also  applies  toprolonged  steamreleases    necessitated    byoperational  considerations such astheforced steaming ofa leaking        orRUPTURED        steamgenerator        directly toatmosphere      to cooldown    the plant. These type  ofcondition    willresult ina significant    andsustained  release    of radioactive  steamto the environment (and      are  thussimilar  toa FAUl,TED condition).        Theinability toisolate  the  steamflow without anadverse      effect onplant  cooldown      meetsthe  intentofaloss    of containment.
Steam  releases  associated  withthe expected operation    ofa SGAtmospheric          DumpValve(s)      donot meetthe  intent  ofthis threshold. Such releases mayoccur      intermittently    for a shortperiod    oftime following  a reactor  trip asoperators  process through emergency        operating    procedures tobring    the plant toastable    condition  andprepare  toinitiate a plant  cooldown. This    includestheinitial cooldown    to5400F    toisolate the ruptured  SG using Atmospheric      DumpValves      directed  inthe SGTREOP.Steam          releases  associated with  the unexpected operation      ofavalve  (e.g.,astuck-open safety valve)  domeetthis    threshold.
Following  anSGtube    leak  orrupture, there  maybeminor radiological releases        through  a secondary-side    system  component    (e.g.,air ejectors, glad  seal exhausters,    valve packing,  steam traps, terry turbine  exhaust,  etc.).These  types  ofreleases  donot constitute a loss    orpotential    loss of containment    but  should beevaluated  using  the  Recognition  Category    R ICs.
TheECLsresulting      from    primary-to-secondary  (P-to-S)  leakage,  with    orwithout asteam    release from  the FAUITED SG,aresummarized            below.
Affected    SGisFAUlTED Outside    ofContainment?
P-to-S 1,eakRate                                Yes                          No 1,ess than  orequal  to25gpm                  Noclassification              Noclassification Greater than  23gpm
                                  -                        Unusual    Iventper            Unusual  Event    per SU5. I                    SU5.1 Requires    operation  ofthe  standby chargingSite        AreaEmergency      '
AlertperFAI I (makeup)    pump(  RCSBarrier    Potential Loss) perFSI1 Requires  anautomatic    ormanual  ECCS(SIAS)        Site Area  Emergency Alert            perFAII actuation  (RC8Barrier Loss)                    perFSI1 There  isnoPotential    Iossthreshold    associated  with RCSorSGTubeLeakage.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE356OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
l Procedure 40EP-9EO01 Reactor
                          ,        Trip
: 2. Procedure40EP-9EO01    , StainlardPost TripActions
: 3. Procedure40I(P-91?O03,    /.ossofCoolant Accident
: 4. Procedure401(P-91(Ol0                Deinand Excess Steain
: 5. Procedure40I?P-91?O04. Stearn Generator TubeRupture
: 6. NII99-01  RCSorSGTube I.eakage Containment I.oss I.A 235of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN        REVISION 69            PAGE357OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:              Containment Category:            A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage DegradationThreat:    Potential Loss Threshold:
None 236of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69            PAGE358OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission  Barrier Product  Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:              Containment Category:            B.Inadequate Removal IIeat DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 237of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION          69                        PAGE359OF383 ATTACIIMENT            2 FissionProduct  Barrier  1oss/Potential      Loss Matrix  andBases Barrier:                  Containment Category:                B.Inadequate    Ileat  Removal Degradation  Threat:      Potential Loss Threshold:
I RepCETs> 12000F AND Functional recovery procedure  not  effective      within 15minutes  (Note    I)
NoteI TheEmergency  Coordinator shoulddeclarethe  event  promptly upondetermining  that time limithas been exceeded.
orwill  likely beexceeded.
None Basis:
CoreExit  Thermocouples  (CETs)  are a component        ofInadequate  Core Cooling      Instrumentation  and provideanindirect    indication offuel clad  temperature      bymeasuring  the temperature      ofthe  reactor coolantthat leaves the coreregion. Although    clad    rupture duetohigh  temperature    isnotexpected CETreadings fl)r              less thanthethreshold,  temperatures      ofthis  magnitude  signal significant superheatingofthe          coolant reactor        andcore    uncovery      (ref. 1).
The15minute  threshold  startswhenoperators      begin    taking procedurally  directed  functional recovery actions.
IfCETreadings  aregreater than  1.200oF  (ref. l),  the Fuel Clad barrier  isalso  lost.
RepCET(Representative    Core  Exit Temperature)        isacalculated  temperature    value  generated  by theQualilled Safety  ParameterDisplay  System    (QSPDS). TheQSPDS      CETprocessing        function generatesa representative temperature  based  onastatistical    analysisofthermocouples        monitoring thereactor coolant temperature atthe  topofselected        fuelassemblies.
This conditionrepresents  anIMMINENTcore          melt    sequence  which. if notcorrected,    could  lead to vesselfliilure andanincreased    potential  for containment      fliilure.
Iorthis  condition    tooccur,  there mustalready  have  been a lossofthe  RCSBarrier        andthe  Fuel Clad Barrier. Ifimplementation    ofa procedure(s)torestore  adequate  core cooling    isnoteffective    (successful)  within    15minutes,    it is 238of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION    69                      PAGE360OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 Fission Product  Barrier  1oss/Potential IossMatrix  andBases assumedthat theevent    trajectory will  likely leadtocore  melting  andasubsequent  challengeofthe Containment Barrier.
Therestorationprocedure is    considered "effective"    ifcore exit  thermocouple readingsardecreasing and/orifreactor vessel level is increasing. Whether    ornotthe  procedure(s) willbeeffectiveshould beapparent within    15minutes. The1mergency        Coordinator  should  escalatetheemergency classilleation level  assoonas itisdetermined that      theprocedure(s)  will notbeeffective.
Severe accidentanalyses  (e.g.,NUREG-1      150) have  concluded  thatfunction          procedures restoration canarrestcoredegradation    ina significant fraction ofcore    damage  scenarios,andthat the likelihoodofcontainment    failureisverysmall inthese    events. Given      it this, isappropriateto provide 15minutes    beyond  the required  entry point todetermineif  procedural actionscanreverse thecore meltsequence.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 UFSARAppendix        1SB. System    80Generic  Inadequate  Core  Cooling Instrumentation 2.Procedure  40EP-9EOO9,      Functional  Recoverv
: 3. NEl99-01,  Inadequate    lleatRemoval    Containment  Potential Loss  2.A 239of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY    Pl,AN    REVISION69            PAGE361OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission  Barrier Product  Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases Barrier:              Containment Category:            C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity DegradationThreat:    I,oss Threshold:
None 240of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      PlAN            REVISION    69                        PAGE362OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 FissionProduct  BarrierIoss/PotentialLoss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:                C.CTMTRadiation/RCS        Activity Degradation Threat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
I Containment  radiationRU-148    > 6.8E+06mR/hr  OR RU-149    > 7.8E+06    mR/hr Definition(s):
None Basis:
Containment radiation monitor readings        than the values shown greater                      (ref. 1)indicate  significant fueldamage well inexcess  ofthat  requiredforloss ofthe RCS barrier  andthe  Fuel  Clad  barrier.
Thereading isderived  assuming  the  instantaneousrelease and dispersal ofthe    reactorcoolant  noble gasandiodine inventory  associated  with 20%clad  failureintothe Containment    atmosphere    with containmentsprays  operating.
Thevalues    arebased  oncalculatedreadings fifteenminutes        after shutdown.
Thereadings arehigher  thanthat  specified forFuel Clad barrier IossC.Iand RCS barrierLoss C.l Containment  radiationreadings  atorabove  the Containment  barrier Potential Iossthreshold, therefore,signify a loss oftwo fission  productbarriersandPotential  Loss  ofa third, indicating the need toupgrade the  emergency classification toa General  Emergency.
Monitors usedfor this      product fission        barrierlossthreshold  arethe Containment    Iligh Range Radiation Monitors  RU-148 andRU-149          l).
Theradiationmonitor  readingcorresponds  toaninstantaneous  release ofall  reactor coolant  mass intothe containment, assuming that  20%ofthe  fuel cladding hasfailed. This  level offliel  clad failureiswell above    that used todetermine  the relatedFuel Clad  Barrier Loss  andRCSBarrier      Loss thresholds.
NUREG-1228,Source    Estimations  During Incident Response  toSevere  Nuclear  Power  Plant Accidents,indicates thefuelclad  failure mustbegreater  than approximately    20%inorder      forthere tobea major release  ofradioactivity requiringoffsiteprotective actions. Forthis  condition  toexist, there mustalready have been a loss  ofthe RCSBarrier  andthe  Fuel  Clad Barrier. istherefore It 241of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY        Pl,AN            REVISION  69            PAGE363OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Fission Product Barrier    Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss  andBases prudentto treat this conditionasapotential    loss ofcontainment would which  then      ECL escalate the toa General Emergency.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
1 Calculation    13-NC-7Y  -216, Determination    ofContainment Activities  Radiation Iligh from Monitors
: 2. NEI99-01,    CTMTRadiation /RCSActivity                Potential Containment      3.A I.oss 242of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN            REVISION      69                        PAGE364OF383 ATTACIIMENT          2 FissionProduct  Barrier  Ioss/Potential  Loss  Matrix andBases Barrier:                    Containment Category:                  D.CTMTIntegrity      orBypass Degradation  Threat:        Loss Threshold:
I Containment              is required isolation AND EITIlER
    =  Containment    integrity has  been lost basedon Emergency        Coordinator  judgment
    =  UNISOLABLE        pathway  from  Containment    tothe    environment  exists Definition(s):
UN/SOLABLEAn open orbreached    system  line that cannot    beisolated. remotely orlocally.
Containment  isolations  areinitiated  bythe  Containment    Isolation Actuation  System  (CIAS)  in response toa high    containment  pressure  signal orlowpressurizerpressure belowthe          SIASsetpoint (ref.I,2).
A penetration isconsidered    isolated  with atleast onecontainment      isolationvalve closed. This  may include a check    valveifthere isnoindication    that ithasfailed    toclose.
These  thresholds  addressa situation  where  containment  isolation  isrequired andoneof two conditions exists  asdiscussed  below. Users arereminded    that  theremaybeaccident    and release conditions thatsimultaneously    meetboth    bulleted thresholds.
FirstThreshold  -
Containment  integrity has  been  lost,i.e., the  actualcontainment  atmospheric    leak ratelikely exceeds    that associated  with allowable  leakage  (or  sometimes          toasdesign referred leakage). Following    therelease ofRCSmassinto        containment,    containment pressure  will fluctuate based  onavariety    of factors; a loss  ofcontainment    integrity  condition  may(or  maynot)  be accompanied  bya noticeable    drop  incontainment    pressure. Recognizing    theinherent difficulties  in determining a containment    leak  rate during  accident  conditions. itisexpected  thatthe  Emergency Coordinator will    assessthisthreshold  using judgment    andwith    dueconsideration given  tocurrent plant conditions  andavailable  operational  andradiological      data (e.g.containment  pressure, readings onradiation    monitors  outside  containment. operating    statusofcontainment  pressure control equipment,    etc.).
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION      69                        PAGE365OF383 ATTACIIMENT        2 Iission Product Barrier1oss/Potential  IossMatrix  andBases Refer tothe middle piping  runofFigure  1.Two simplilled    examples  areprovided. Oneis    leakage from  apenetration andthe  other isleakage from  anin-service  system  valve. Depending      upon radiationmonitor locations and  sensitivities,theleakage  could  bedetected    byanyofthe      four monitors depictedin the figure.
Another  example  wouldbe a lossorpotential    lossofthe  RCSbarrier    andthe  simultaneous occurrence  oftwo FAULTED locations ona steamgenerator          where  onefault  islocated    inside containment  (e.g.,
ona steamor feedwater line)    andthe  other outside  ofcontainment.      Inthis case, theassociated  steamline  providesa pathway for  the containment  atmosphere    toescape    toanarea outside thecontainment.
Following  the  leakage ofRCSmassinto    containment  anda rise  incontainment      pressure,  there may beminor  radiological  releasesassociated withallowable (design)containment        leakage  through various penetrations  orsystem  components. These releases donotconstitute      a loss  orpotential  loss ofcontainment    but should beevaluated  using  theRecognition  Category R ICs.
Second  Threshold  -
Conditions aresuch  that there  isanUNISOl ABl.E pathway          for the migration ofradioactive  material from thecontainment  atmosphere  tothe environment. Asused    here, the  term "environment"    includes the atmosphere ofaroomorarea,      outside the containment,      that may,  in turn,communicate    with the outside-the-plant atmosphere  (e.g.,through discharge of      a ventilation system oratmospheric    leakage).Depending  upon  avariety  offactors, this condition    mayormaynot beaccompanied    bya noticeable  drop incontainment    pressure.
Refer tothe  toppiping  runofFigure  1 Inthis  simplified example,  the inboard    and outboard isolationvalves  remained  open afteracontainment    isolationwasrequired    (i.e., containment isolationwasnotsuccessful). There isnowanUNISOI        ABIE pathway      from  the  containment    tothe environment.
Theexistence    ofa illterisnotconsidered  inthe  threshold  assessment. Filters donotremove      fission product noble  gases. Inaddition,a illter could  become  ineffective  duetoiodine      and/or  particulate loading beyond    design limits retention (i.e.,        ability hasbeen  exceeded)  orwater    saturation  from steam/high  humidity  intherelease stream.
Ieakage  between  twointerfacing  liquidsystems,  byitself,  does notmeetthis    threshold. There  must bearelease  involved  toatmosphere  orinto  another  plant structure outside  ofContainment.
Refer tothe  bottom  piping runofFigure  1 Inthis  simplified example,  leakage    inanRCPseal cooler isallowing  radioactive material toenter  the  AuxiliaryBuilding. The  radioactivity    would  be detected bythe  Process  Monitor. Ifthere isnoleakage  from  the closed  water  cooling    system  tothe Auxiliary Building  oratmosphere,  then nothreshold  has been  met.
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                PAGE366OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential 1.oss MatrixandBases Following  the leakage  ofRCSmassinto      containment  anda riseincontainment    there pressure,may beminor  radiological  releases associated  with  allowablecontainment leakage through various penetrations  orsystem components.      Minor  releases mayalso  occur ifacontainment isolation valve(s) fails  toclose but the  containment atmosphere    escapes toanenclosed    These system.
releasesdonotconstitute alossorpotential        loss ofcontainment  butshould        using beevaluated the Recognition    Category  R ICs.
Thestatus  ofthe  containmentbarrier    during  aneventinvolving                  leakage tube steamgenerator      is assessed using  Loss  Threshold  A.I PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I UFSARSection          6.2.I.5.3.8,Containment Purge System
: 2. UFSARSection Containment 6.2.4,              Isolation System 3.NEI  99-01,    CTMTIntegrity    orBypass    Containment  Loss 4.A 245of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PlAN          REVISION  69                    PAGE367OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Fission      Barrier Product      1oss/PotentialLoss Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:              D.CTMTIntegrity    orBypass DegradationThreat:      Loss Threshold:
: 2. Indications              outside  ofContainment Definition(s):
None Basis:
Procedure40AO-9zz02,    ExcessiveRCSLeakrate, (.ref. 1)                    toidentify provides instructions            and a IOCAoutside isolate                ofthecontainment. PotentialRCS leak pathways outside containment include(ref.
* NuclearCooling  System(such  asRCPhigh  pressureseal cooler toNCsystem)
* SafetyInjection
* Chemical & Volume    Control
* RCSsample    lines Palo Verdespecific operatingexperience isthata IlighPressure Seal Cooler (IIPSC) leak    tothe NuclearCooling (NC)
Water      System  must be isolatedtocontainment  within 15  minutes    of discoverydueto the  l ocation ofthe NCsystem  expansion tank andpotentialdose  concerns  onthe AuxiliaryBuilding  roof.
RCSIeakage Outside ofContainment RCSIeakRate                              Yes                      No Iessthan  orequalto25gpm                Noclassification        Noclassification Greater  than25gpm                  Unusual  Event  per    Unusual    Event per SU5.1                    SU5.1 Requiresoperation  ofthestandby chargingSite    Area Emergenev 'Alert
perFAI I (makeup)pump(    RCSBarrierPotential  Loss)        per F Sl1 Requiresanautomatic  ormanual ECCS(SIAS)      SiteAreaEmergency  -
Alert  perFAI.1 actuation (RCSBarrierI.oss)                per FSI.1 246of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION        69                        PAGE368OF383 ATTACIIMENT          2 Iission  Product Barrier    Loss/Potential    Loss  Matrix  andBases Containment    sump,  temperature. pressure    and/or  radiation levels  will increase  ifreactor  coolant massisleaking into the      containment. If    these parameters    have  notincreased,    then  thereactor coolant  massmay be leaking outside      ofcontainment        (i.e.,
a containment    bypass  sequence).
Increases  insump.temperature. pressure,        flow  and/or  radiation level readings  outside  ofthe containment    mayindicate that the    RCSmassisbeing            lostoutside  ofcontainment.
Unexpected    elevated  readings and alarms onradiation          monitors  with detectors  outside  containment should  becorroborated    with  other available  indicationstoconGrm        that the source    isa loss ofRCS massoutside    ofcontainment. Ifthe fuel cladbarrier      hasnotbeen    lost,radiation  monitor    readings outside ofcontainment      maynotincrease significantly: however,          other unexpected      changes  insump levels, area  temperatures    orpressures,  flow rates,  etc. should besuf0cient    todetermine      ifRCSmass isbeing  lost  outside ofthe  containment.
Refer  tothe  middle  piping  runofFigure      I Inthissimplined example,a leak          hasoccurred    ata reducer  ona pipe  carrying  reactor coolant    inthe  Auxiliary  Building. Depending    upon  radiation monitor  locations  andsensitivities,  the  leakage    could  bedetected byanyofthe        four monitors depicted  inthe  figure  andcause  threshold    D.1tobemetaswell.
Refer  tothe  bottom  piping  runofFigure      I Inthis  simplified  example,  leakage in    anRCPseal cooler  isallowing  radioactive  material  toenter    theAuxiliary  Building and thenatmosphere. The radioactivity  would  bedetected    bythe  Process    Monitor. If the  Nuclear  Cooling System (NC)      pump developed    a leakthat  allowed  steamAvater    toleak    toatmosphere,    then this  threshold  ismet.
Toensure    proper escalation    ofthe emergency      classification,  the RCSleakage      outside of containment    mustberelated    tothe  massloss    that  iscausing  the  RCSIossand/or        Potential Loss threshold  A.1tobemet.
PVNGSBasis      Reference(s):
I Procedure    40AO-9/102.      Excessive    RCSI.eakrate
: 2. Procedure    40EP-9E003,      /ossof  Coolant    Accident 3.NEl99-01,      CTMTIntegrity      orBypass    Containment      1oss 247of262
PVNGS            EMERGENCY                  PIAN                      REVISION                      69                                                              PAGE369OF383 ATTACIIMENT                                  2 Fission          Product          Barrier    1oss/Potential                      Loss      Matrix                andBases Figure          1:Containment                    Integrity                orBypass                Examples vfb) nushM Am.n,..
                                                                                  !Effluent l Monitor l
fori Inside                                                                                                  Vent                                NH"'*
Containment                                                              l..........Q                                                                        ,-
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                                                    ,/                                                                                        Auhoine ff
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uoenvalve                                      Openvalve                                                                                                N  Punip Cooling i
RCP Seal Cooling 248of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION  69                      PAGE370OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Loss  Matrix andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:              D.CTMTIntegrity  orBypass Degradation Threat:    Potential  Loss Threshold:
I Containment  pressure> 60 psig Definition(s):
None Basis:
60psig isthecontainment design  pressure  1).
lfcontainmentpressure exceeds  the design      there exists a potentialtolose pressure,                            Containment the Toreach Barrier.        this    there level,    mustbeaninadequate                          anextended core cooling condition for periodoftime:therefore,the RCSandFuel  Cladbarrierswould already belost. Thus.
this threshold isa discriminatorbetweena Site AreaEmergency andGeneral    Emergency  sincethere isnowa potentialtolosethe  third barrier.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
1 UFSARSection            Containment l.2.I2.1,          Building 2.NEl99-01,  CTMTIntegrity  orBypass Containment Potential  Ioss 4.A 249of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN            REVISION      69                          PAGE371OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 FissionProduct  Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                  Containment Category:                D.CTMTIntegrity      orBypass Degradation  Threat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
: 2. Containment  hydrogenconcentration    > 4.9%
None Basis:
Following a design  basis accident,  hydrogen  gasmay be generated inside      the  containment  by reactionssuch aszirconium  metal  with water,corrosion of materials ofconstruction      andradiolysis ofaqueous solution  inthecore andsump.    (ref.
PVNGSisequipped      withaContainment    IIydrogen  Control (IIP)  system  which    serves  tolimit or reduce combustible  gasconcentrations  inthe  Containment. TheIlP system isanengineered          safety featurewith redundant  hydrogen  recombiners,  hydrogen  mixing  system,  hydrogen monitoring subsystem anda backup    hydrogen  purge subsystem. TheIIP  system    isdesigned tomaintainthe Containment  hydrogen  concentration  below  4%byvolume    (ref. 1.2). IlP system  operation is prescribedbyEOPsif    Containment  hydrogen  concentration  should  reach  0.7%by volume (minimum  detectable)  (ref.
ThePVNGSSafety      FunctionStatus  Check  for1,OCA,  Containment    Combustible    GasControl (procedure40EP-9EO03,    LossofCoolant    Accident), uses 4.9%asanacceptance        criterion, which representsthe Ilydrogen  Recombiner    Function Failure  Indication. This  value  should not  be exceeded ifthe hydrogen  recombiners  areoperating  asdesired.
Ifthe PotentialIossthreshold  isreached    orexceeded,  the primary  means  ofcontrolling Containment  hydrogen  concentration  musthave  failed toperform  its design  function  orhas otherwisebeen  inadequate  inmitigating  the hydrogen  generation  rate. Foreither  case, continued hydrogen production  mayyield  a flammable  hydrogen  concentration  andaconsequent        threat to Containment  integrity.
Togenerate such  levels ofcombustible    gas,    ofthe loss      IuelClad  andRCSbarriers        musthave occurred.With  the  Potential Ioss  ofthe  containment  barrier,the threshold    hydrogen  concentration, therefore.
will likely  warrantdeclaration  ofa General  Emergency.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY              PIAN        REVISION      69                PAGE372OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Iission    ProductBarrier Ioss/PotentialLoss  Matrix andBases Two Containment hydrogen monitor        indicators(IlPA-Al-9 andHPB-Al-10) with      of0%to a range 10%provide indication onControl        RoomPanel    BO2(ref.2).
Theexistence  ofan    explosive  mixture means. ata minimum,  thatthe        atmospheric containment hydrogen  concentration issufficient    tosupport  a hydrogen burn (e.g.
atthe    deflagration lower limit).
A hydrogen    burnwill raise containment pressure  andcould  result        equipment incollateral damage leading  toa loss    ofcontainment integrity. therefore It              apotential represents          ofthe loss Containment  Barrier.
PVNGSBasis    Reference(s):
1 UFSARSection        6.2.5,  Combustible Gas  Control  inContainment
: 2. Design  Basis ManualHPContainmentIIydrogen Control System 3.Procedure  40DP-9APl4,        Functional Technical Guideline.
Recovery                    Section 15.0Containment Combustible    GasControl
: 4. NEI 99-01,  CTMTIntegrity        orBypass  Containment Potential Loss4.B 251of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY        PIAN              REVISION  69                      PAGE373OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 Fission Product  Barrier  Ioss/PotentialLoss  Matrix andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:                D.CTMTIntegrity        orBypass DegradationThreat:      Potential  Loss Threshold:
: 3. Containment pressure  > 8.5 psig  with  < 4350 gpmContainment    Spray flow for2 15minutes (Note1)
Note1 Thelimergency Coordinator should declare theeventpromptlyupondeterminingthattimelimit hasbeen orwill exceeded.      likely beexceeded.
None Basis:
TheContainment  Spray  System  consists  oftwoseparate trains of equal capacity,each  capable  of meetingthedesign  basesrequirement. Each  trainincludesacontainment spray  pump,    spray headers,nozzles, valves  andpiping. Therefueling    waterstorage  tank (RWT) suppliesborated    water tothe Containment  Spray System  during    the        phase injection      ofoperation. In thereeirculation mode ofoperation, Containment    Spray  pumpsuetion    istransferred from the RWT to theContainment sumps (ref.
TheContainment  pressure  high-high  setpoint  (8.5psig) isthe  pressure  atwhich theContainment Spray equipmentshould  actuate andbegin    performingits ftmetion (rer.2).Consistent  with the designrequirement,  "one full train  ofdepressurization  equipment"    isthereforedefined  tobe the ofonetrain availability          ofContainment      Spray providingaminimum    of4350  gpmspray      Ilow(ref.
3).Iflessthan this equipment  isoperating    andContainment    pressure isabove the actuation  setpoint, thethreshold ismet.
This threshold describes  acondition  where  containmentpressure  isgreaterthan the setpoint  at which containment  energy (heat) removal    systems aredesigned  toautomatically  actuate  andless than onefull    of trainequipment      iscapable    ofoperatingper design. The15-minute  criterion is includedtoallowoperators  time  tomanually        equipment start          that maynothave  automatically ifpossible.
started,          Thisthreshold  represents  a potential loss  ofcontainment  in that containment heatremoval/depressurization  systems  (e.g., containment sprays but notincluding containment venting          areeither strategies)        lost orperforming    ina degraded  manner.
PVNGS EMERGENCY        PIAN          REVISION 69            PAGE374OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product  Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix I.oss  andBases PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I lfFSARSection    6.2.2,Containment lleatRemovalSystem
: 2. l!FSARTable 7.3-1IA. IfSFAS Setpoints andMargins toActuation
: 3. Procedure 40I(P-9EOOl    , Starulant Post Trip Actions
: 4. NEI99-01,CTMTIntegrity orBypass                Potential Containment        4.C 1.oss 253of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN        REVISION    69                          PAGE375OF383 ATTACIIMENT      2 FissionProductBarrier1oss/Potential  Loss  Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:              I Emergency
                          .          Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat:      I,oss Threshold:
I Anycondition  inthe opinion oftheEmergency Coordinator    that  indicates loss ofthe Containmentbarrier Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheEmergency  Coordinator  judgment thresholdaddresses anyother      11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Primary Containment    barrier islost.
Such adetermination should include      imminent    barrier degradation, barrier monitoring capability anddominant    accident sequences.
a  imminentbarrier deeradationexists ifthedegradation    will likely occur within  relatively short period  oftime basedona projectionofcurrent  safety system  performance. Theterm "imminent"  refers torecognitionoftheinability toreach  safety  function acceptance    criteria completion before          ofall checks.
* Barrier monitorine  capability isdecreasedifthere  isa loss orlack    ofreliable indicators.
This assessment  should instrumentation include              operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsiderationofoffsitemonitoring    results.
* W                          leadtodegradation  ofall  fission  product  barriers andlikely tothe entry      EOPs.TheEmergency  Coordinator  should  bemindful    ofthe  Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout)  andATWSEALstoassure      timely  emergency    classification declarations.
This        addresses threshold        anyother      that factors  maybeused      bytheEmergency        Coordinator  in determining whether  theContainment Barrier islost.
PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,  limergency  Director Judgment PCIoss6.A 254of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION  69                          PAGE376OF383 ATTACIIMENT    2 FissionProduct  BarrierIoss/PotentialLoss Matrix  andBases Barrier:                Containment Category:              E.Emergency    CoordinatorJudgment DegradationThreat:      Potential Loss Threshold:
I Anycondition    intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator  that  indicates potential  loss  of theContainment  barrier Definition(s):
None Basis:
TheEmergency  Coordinator  judgment          addresses anyother threshold                      11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Primary Containment  barrier ispotentially lost.Such a determination      should include imminent      degradation.
barrier            barriermonitoring capabilityand dominant accident      sequences.
a  imminentbarrier deeradation  exists ifthedegradation will likely occur within    relatively short period  oftime based ona projectionofcurrent  safety system  performance. Theterm "imminent"  refers torecognition  oftheinabilitytoreach safety  function acceptance    criteria completion before          ofall  checks.
* Barrier monitorine  capability isdecreased ifthere isa loss orlack    ofreliable indicators.
This assessment  should instrumentation include              operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsideration  ofoffsite monitoring  results.
* W                            leadtodegradation ofall fission  product  barriers andlikely tothe entry      EOPs.TheEmergency    Coordinator should bemindful      ofthe  Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure        timely emergency    classification declarations.
This        addresses threshold        anyother  factors thatmaybeused  bytheEmergency        Coordinator  in determining whether  theContainment  Barrier ispotentiallylost.TheEmergency        Coordinator should    consider also        whether ornottodeclare thebarrier potentially  lost inthe  event  that barrier status    bemonitored.
cannot PVNGSBasis  Reference(s):
I NEl99-01,  Emergency  Director  Judgment PCPotential Loss  6.A 255of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PlAN            REVISION        69                          PAGE377OF383 ATTACIIMENT          3 Safe  Operation    & Shutdown  RoomsTables          R-2& H-2Bases
NEl99-01,  Revision 6 ICs    AA3andIlA5      prescribe  declaration      ofanAlert  based  onimpeded access torooms  or areas (due  toeither  area  radiation  levels  orhazardous      gasconcentrations)    where equipment  necessaryfor normal plant      operations, cooldown      orshutdown      islocated. These  areasare intended tobeplant    operating mode dependent.Specifically          the  Developers  Notes  ForAA3and HA5states:
The'site-specific  list ofplant rooms    orareas    with entn-related    modeapplicability identified' should  specifj  those rooms  orareas    that contain  equipment    which  require  a manual/local    action  asspecifiedin operating proceduresused            fi>r normal  plant  operation, cooldown    andshutdown. Do notinclude rooms orareas            inwhich  actions  ofa  contingent or emergency    naturewould    beperfi>rmed(e.g., anactiontoaddress            ano[f-normal    or emergency    condition  such  asemergency    repairs,  corrective    measures    oremergency operations). Inaddition,  the  list should  specifi' the plant mode(s)      during  which  entrv would berequired    fi>reach  roomorarea.
Thelist  should  notinclude    roomsorareas    fi>r  which  entry  isrequired solely    toperfi>rm actions ofanadministrative      orrecord  keeping    nature(e.g., normal rounds        orroutine inspections).
Further,asspecified    inICHA5:
Thelist  need  notinclude    the  Control  Roomifadequate        engineered  safety/design  features areinplace    topreclude    a Control  Roomevacuation        duetothe    release  ofahazardous gas.
Such fi>atures  may    include, but arenotlimited      to,capability  todraw    airfiom    multiple air intakes atdiffi>rent  andseparate    locations, inner  andouteratmospheric          boundaries, or the capability  toacquire    andmaintain    positive pressure    within  the Control  Roomenvelope.
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PlAN          REVISION      69                      PAGE378OF383 ATTACIIMENT        3 Safe Operation & Shutdown    RoomsTables    R-2& II-2  Bases PVNGSTable    R-2and11-2      Bases A reviewofstation  operating  procedures  identified the          modedependent following                    in-plantactions andassociatedareas  that arerequired  for normal  plant  operation, cooldown    orshutdown:
Location-Modes    -
Modes    -
Safe Shutdown    Area/Room      1,2                              3,4 or5 IPSIPumps  A andB              SDC    Equipment.                Shut  DownCooling          (SDC)
Noentryrequired                -
Noenny      required Inventory    ControlEquipment    Inventory      Control  Equipment Noentryrequired Reactivity      Control.
Noentry required Containment Spray    Pumps  A Containment      Pressure Control  Shut  DownCooling          (SDC) andB                                -
Noenny    required            -
Noenny      required InventoryControl        Equipment No  entry  required Reactivity      Control.
No  entry  required IlPSI Pumps A andB              Inventory    Control  Equipment. Inventory      Control Equipment.
Noentry    required            -
No  entry  required Reactivity  Control. Reactivity Control.
Noentry required              -
Noently required Aux.BIdg  120WestElectrical      Electrical  Power.              Electrical    Power.
Room Penetration                          -
Noenny    required            -
No  enny    required Aux.BIdg  100East    Electrical  Electrical  Power.              Electrical    Power.
Room Penetration                          -
Noenny    required            -
Noentryrequired Cooling Essential          Water        Support    Equipment  for      Support    Equipment    for Pumps                            IIabitability  Control,          IIabitability    Control, Containment    Temperature,      Containment      Temperature, Control    andShutdown          Control    andShutdown Cooling                          Cooling Noentry required              -
Noentry required ControlBuilding  100foot Electrical          Power.              Electrical    Power.
4160 ClassSwitchgear    Room        -
Noenny    required            -
Ennyrequired        toaccess A&B                                                                      die  DCequipntent    Rooins C andD Modes-4and5 257of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION        69                PAGE379OF383 ATTACIIMENT          3 Safe Operation& Shutdown        RoomsTables R-2& H-2Bases 1,ocation  -
Modes      -
Modes  -
Safe Shutdown      Area/Room      1,2                              3,4 or5 Control  Building  100 foot      Electrical    Power.              Electrical Power.
Class  DCEquipment Rooms            -
Noenny      required            -
Noentry  required A& B Control  Building  100foot      Electrical    Power.              Electrical Power.
Class  DCEquipment      Rooms      -
Noentryrequired                -
Energize 1.TOP  Isolation C& D                                                                  Valves  for SDC.Procedure 400P-9zz23.      Modes4and 5
Emergency    Diesel  Generators  Electrical    Power.              Electrical Power.
A&B                                  -
Noentry      required            -
Noentry required Emergency    Diesel  Generators  Electrical    Power.              Electrical Power.
DayTank      Rooms                  -
Noentrv      required            -
Noentn'  required EDGBuilding      IIVACRoom      -
Noentry required                -
Noenny    required Control  Building  160ft        -
Noenny      required          -
Noentryrequired Electrical  Cable  Spreading Control  Building  120ft        -
Noenny      required          -
No ennyrequired EIcetrical  Cable  Spreading Control  Building  80ft        -
Noenny      required          -
Noenny required Essential  Chiller  Rooms Control  Building  Battery Noenny required          -
Noenny    required Rooms B C andD A,
Turbine  Building  Elevations  -
Noenny      required          -
Noentry required MainSteam    Support  Structure-Noenny      required          -
Noenny    required I40,120  and100foot elevations Aux.Feedwater      PumpRoom Steam          Generator      Ileat    Steam  Generator    Heat A andB                            Removal                            Removal Noenny      required          -
Noenny    required Spray  Pond  PumpRooms      A  Support      Equipment    for    Support  Equipment  for andB                              IIabitability    Control          IIabitabilityControl Containment        Temperature,  Containment    Temperature, ControlShutdown and                  ControlShutdown and Cooling                            Cooling Noenny        required            Noenny    required 258of262
PVNGS    EMERGENCY      PIAN          REVISION        69              PAGE380OF383 ATTACIIMENT        3 Safe  Operation& Shutdown  RoomsTables    R-2& ll-2 Bases Table R-2 & 11-2Results Tabic  R-2& II-2 Safe    Operating    & ShutdownRooms Room                                  ModeApplicability Control        100 ft. Class DCEquipment Building                            RoomC                      4.5 Control        100ft.Class DC Equipment RoomD Building                                                        4,5 I Procedure 400P-9//O5,    PowerOperations
: 2. Procedure400P-9//23,    OntageGOP
: 3. Procedure400P-9//10,    Mode3toMode 5 Operations
: 4. Procedure400P-9SI01,    ShutdownCooling Initiation 259of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            PIAN            REVISION      69                    PAGE381OF383 ATTACIIMENT          4 Palo  Verde    Safety  System SafetySystem A system required  for  safeplant  operation,  cooling  downthe  plant      placing and/or    itinthe cold shutdown  condition. including the  ECCS. These    aretypically  systems        assafety classified    related (as definedin10CFR50.2):
Those structures, systems    and components      that arerelied  upon toremain  functional during and following design  basis  events  toassure:
I)Theintegrity    ofthe  reactor coolant  pressure  boundary; 2)Thecapability      toshut  downthe    reactor  and maintain  itina safe shutdown condition; 3)Thecapability      toprevent  ormitigate      theconsequences    ofaccidentswhich couldresult  in potential offsite  exposures.
TheSAFITY SYSTIMSincluded              inthis  dennition  are those included tosatisfy CriteriaI,2or3 of10CUR50.36(c)(2)(ii).      Systems  included    bythis dennition are:
W a  Containment    Building
* Auxiliary  Building a  Diesel  Building a  Fuel  Building
* Spray  Pond a  Control  Building
* MainSteam    Support    Structure  ModeI-4      andMode5 whensteamgenerators    arerequired per Technical  Specifications Modes1-4
* Reactor  Coolant    System  (RC)
* Safety  Injection  (SI)
* Refueling  Water    Tank
* Containment    Air1ocks
* Containment    Isolation  Valves-  except    whenthe  penetration  isisolated andoutofservice.
* Containment    Spray  System  (SI)  Modes    1-3andMode4 385psia
* MainSteam    Safety  Valves  (SG)  ModesI-3 260of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY          PIAN          REVISION  69                  PAGE382OF383 ATTACIIMENT  4 PaloVerde Safety System
* Main  Steam  Isolation  Valves  (SG) ModeIandModes    2-4exceptwhenelosed and deactivated
* Main    Feedwater Isolation Valves    (SG)ModeI-4 except  whenclosed anddeactivated or isolated  byanother valve
* Atmospherie    Dump Valves (SG)    ModesI-3, Mode4 whenSteam            arerelied Generators    on for heat  removal
* Auxiliary  Feedwater    System (AF) Modes      Mode4 whenSteam 1-3,                          arerelied Generators      on for heat  removal
* Condensate    Storage  Tank  (CT)Modes 1-3, Mode4 whenSteam            arerelied Generators    onfor heat  removal
* Essential  Cooling  Water  System (EW)
* Essential  Chill Water  System  (EC)
* Essential  Spray  Pond  System  (SP)
* Ultimate    lleatSink  (SP)
* Control  RoomEssential      Filtration andVentilation (IU)
* Engineered    Safety  Ieatures  PumpRoomExhaust  Cleanup (IIF)
* Diesel  Generators  (DG)
* Diesel  Fuel Oil  System  (DF)
* DCSources    (PK)
* Class  Battery Chargers  (PK)
* Class  Instrument  Invertors  (PN)
* Distribution  Systems  (PB,PG,Pll,  PKandPN)
* Shutdown    Cooling  System  (SI)Mode4
* Reactor    Protection  System  (RPS)
* Engineered    Safety  Features  ActuationSystem(ESFAS)
* Balance    ofPlant  Engineered    Safety      Actuation Features        System (BOP-ESFAS)
* Reactor  Coolant  System  (RC)
* Shutdown    Cooling  System  (SI)
* Diesel  Generators  (DG)  Normally only        required onetrain        byTS
* Diesel  Fuel Oil System    (DF)  Normallyonlyonetrain  requiredbyTS
* DCSources    (PK)    Normally  onlyonetrainrequiredbyTS
* Class  Battery Chargers  (PK)  Normallyonlyonetrain required byTS
* Class  Instrument  Invertors  (PN)Normally onlyonetrain requiredbyTS 261of262
PVNGS  EMERGENCY            Pl,AN          REVISION 69            PAGE383OF383 ATTACIIMENT 4 Palo VerdeSafety System
* Distribution    Systems    (PB,PG,PilPKandPN)    Normally only          byTS required onetrain
* ControlRoom        Essential FiltrationandVentilation (IIJ)
* Essential    Cooling  Water System    (EW)      supporting Train(s)            Cooling Shutdown
* Essential    Spray Pond System    (SP)      supporting Train(s)            Cooling Shutdown        DG and/or a  Ultimate    Heat                            Shutdown Sink (SP) Train(s) supporting              DG and/or Cooling 262of262
Enclosure 2 Summary ofthe10 CFR50.54(q) Analysis of EmergencyPlanRevision 69
Description            ofChanges Revision      69ofPalo          Verde      Generating          StationEmergency    Plan Revision 69    ofPalo  Verde    Generating          Station      Emergency    Planinvolves the implementation      oftheUnified        Rascal    Interface      for  dose  assessmentandclarification of protective  actions  recommendation              andclarification          ofnotifications (initial and follow upnotificationto      what  agency).
: 1. 10CFR50.47(b)(1)      Assignment          ofResponsibility        isinvolved  thechanges with          tofollow upnotification      (offsite agencies involved).                Section,,,,  Figure  8,Figure 9,andSection            ofEPlan.
: 2. 10CFR    50.47(b)(5)  Notification        Methods      andProcedures    isinvolved withtheclarification ofinitial  andfollow-up    notifications.      Definitions    inEPlan. Section 1.1,      andSection 6.3ofEPlan.
: 3. 10CFR50.47(b)(8)      -
EmergencyFacility andEquipment isinvolved              intheimplementation oftheUnified    Rascal    Interface    doseassessment                  Section process.      15ofEPlan.
: 4. 10CFR50.47(b)(9)      -
Accident      Assessment          isinvolved intheimplementation ofthe Unified  Rascal  Interface    doseassessment process. Section              15ofEPlan.
: 5. 10CFR50.47(b)(10)        -
Protective      Responseis involved inthe                ofwording clarification    in theprotective    action  section      along    with  theimplementation    oftheUnified RascalInterface doseassessment      process.      Section    ofEPlan.}}

Revision as of 13:08, 9 September 2021

Generation Station, Units 1, 2, 3 and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation - Emergency Plan, Revision 69
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 04/09/2021
From: Shields C
Arizona Public Service Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
102-08254 - CS/lh
Download: ML21099A272 (387)


10 CFR50.54(q) 10 CFR50,Appendix E 102-08254 April 9, 2021 CS/lh [aj P.O.

vereenerating Box52034 station Phoenix,Az 85072 MailStation7868 Tel: 623-393-3525 ATTN Document Control Desk U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC20555-0001



PaloVerdeNuclear Generation Station (PVNGS)

Units 1,2,and3 and Independent SpentFuelStorage Installation Docket Nos.50-528,50-529,50-530 and72-44 License Nos.NPF-41,NPF-51 andNPF-74 PVNGSEmergencyPlan, Revision 69 Pursuant to10CFR50.54(q) and10CFR50Appendix E,Section V,Arizona Public Service Company(APS) isforwarding a copyofthePVNGS Emergency Plan, Revision 69,effective March 30,2021,andsummaries ofthe10CFR50.54(q) analyses for this plan revisionAPS hasevaluated thechanges incorporated inthis revision, and determined thechanges donot reduce theeffectiveness oftheEmergency Plan andthePlan continues tocomply with the standards of10CFR50.47(b) andtherequirements ofAppendix E to10CFR50.

Inaccordance with10CFR50.4(b), copies arebeing forwardedto the NRCRegion IV Administrator andtheResident Inspector. No commitments arebeing made totheNRCby this letter.Should youhaveanyquestion regarding thissubmittal, please contact me at (480) 737-5876.

Sincerely, Shields, Shields, Charlotte cD'93'r'@"esd89")

( ) Date:

Charlotte DN:cn=Shields, (205896) 2021.04.0907:19:22

-07'00' Charlotte Shields Emergency Preparedness Manager CS/Ih cc:S.A.MorrisNRCRegion IVRegional Administrator M.S.HaireNRCBranch Chief ofResponse Coordination C.A.PeabodyNRCSenior Resident Inspector forPVNGS PVNGS Emergency Plan, Revision 69 Summaryofthe10CFR50.54(q)

Analysis ofEmergency Plan Revision 69

Enclosure 1

PVNGS Emergency Plan,Revision 69

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGEIOF383 Revision 69 signed Digitally byAlvarado Mayra (211332)

Alvarado, Origlilator:

. . Mayra (11332) DN:cn Alvarado, Date:2021.03.25 Mayra 17:09:18 (211332) 07'00' byWilliams, ToddB(205663)

Williams r Todd Digitally signed DN:cn=Williams, ToddB(205563)

Reason: Ihave reviewed this document iteViCWor: Date: 2021.03.25 19:38:45 -07'00' ds, Shields,CharlotteDziogit8""6')signed by Shie Charlotte DN:cn=Shields, Charlotte (z05896)

Approval: Date: 2021.03.25 21:20:52 -07'00' Effective Date: M


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE3OF383 Description ofChanges Page(s) Description AlI ChangedRevision 68toRevision 69throughout 3 Updated Description ofChanges 10 Added definitionflar Follow UpNotification 11 Added definition II)r Initial Notilleation 23 Capitalized definedterm Initial Notification andadded "notifications to"for clarity 35 Capitalized defined term Initial Notification anddeleted reference tofollow for u> elarity 37 Replaced "additional information" with "Follow UpNotifications" clarity fl)r 38 Capitalized defined term -

Initial Notification anddeleted reference tofollow u)for clarity 38 Capitalized defined term -

Initial Notification anddeleted reference tofollow u)for elarity 52 Rewritten tocapitalize Initial Notification(s)" andreplace "warning points" with "auencies" 52 Added newparagraph for Follow Up Notitleations 60 Added clarity ll>rShelter recommendations made bythe state orthe station.

75 Capitalized defined term Initial Notilleation I10 Changed Raddose toUnifled RASCAIInterface (URI)

I10 Changed Raddose toURI I10-1 Il Added the Dose Assessment model descriptor ilarURI 11I Changed Raddose toURI I1I Changed 60' bullet from expected arrival time atvariousdownwind distances toPlume Ex osure Duration (Release duration + Plume travel time) 11I Changed 7d' bullet from Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent to Child Thyroid Committed DoseEtuivalent III Changed 80' bullet from calculate deposition estimates atvarious downwind locations tocalculate deposition dose estimates atvarious downwind locations at96hours.

11I Changed 90' bullet from Report maximum integrated values andrates atthe Site Boundary, 2 miles, 5 miles, and10miles forTEDE,Thyroid Committed DoseEquivalent, external EDE,andground deposition toReport maximum peak exposure rate andcommitted dose atthe SiteBoundary, 2 miles, 5miles, andI0miles forT EDE, Child Thyroid Committed DoseEquivalent, external EDE,and eround de7osition

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE4 OF383 Page(s) Description I1I ChangedIlthbullet from provides Raddose Protective Action Recommendations basedonradiological Protective Actual data. Action Recommendations arederived from Plan Imergency Implementing Procedures toURIprovides graphical representation PAGsin ofexceeded given sectors based data.

onradiological Protective Actual Action Recommendations arederived from Plan 12.mergencyImplementing Procedures I13 Added reference Section l 1asanadditional toE.3andE.4









PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE8OF383 INTRODUCTION Palo Verde Nuclear (ienerating Station (PVNCiS) isajointly-owned three-unit Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) power station operated byArizona Public Service (APS). Thestation islocated in Maricopa County, South ot'Wintersburg, Arizona.


  • Describes the organization formed andfacilities availabletomanage emergency situations;
  • Classifies emergencies according toseverity ofconsequences;
  • Dellnes andassigns responsibilities for emergency response actions;
  • Outlines courses ofaction andprotective measures tomitigate theconsequences ofan accident andtosafeguard station personnel and the public;
  • Presents ageneral post-emergency plan andorganization torestore the plant toa normal operating status;
  • Dellnes methods andprocesses toinform the public.

Theaccidents which might occur atPVNGSare analyzed inChapter 15ofthe PVNGSUFSARin terms ofseverity ofconsequence. TheIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI),which isstationary andcentrally located within the PVNGSexclusion area boundary, is analyzed inthe Cask UFSARandsatisfies the requirements for off-normal radiologicaldose. The PVNGS UFSAR analyzed accidents reflectthe design characteristics ofa Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) and are addressed byPVNGSlimergency Operating Procedures (liOPs) andlimergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPlPs). Postulated events concerning the ISISIareencompassed bythescheme of EAlsdesignated for PVNGS.

1.0DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.1DEFINITIONS Thefollowing aredefinitions oftermscommonly used inthis Emergency Plan.

An instrumentation system designed todetect abnormal arearadiation levels andactivate corresponding station alarms.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE9 OF383 Assessment Actions Areactions performed during orafter anincident, toobtain andprocess information necessary to determine the character andmagnitude ofthe incidentandtoimplement specine emergency measures.

CDEis the dose equivalent toorgansortissues ofreferencethatwill bereceived from anintake of radioactive material byan individual during the 50-year periodfollowing theintake.

CEDEisthe sumofthe products of the weighting applicable 11tctors toeach ofthe body organs or tissues that areirradiated andthe CDE to these organsortissues.

Controlled Area An area outside ofthe Restricted Area but inside the Site Boundary access that eanbelimited by the licensee for anyreason.

Corrective Actions Measures taken toterminate anemergency situation atornearthe source ofthe problem.

TheCounty EOCislocated atthe Maricopa County Department ofEmergency Management (MCDifM) IIeadquarters at5630 E.McDowell Road,P hoenix,Arizona, and is the primary point through which the C hairman, Maricopa County Board ofSupervisors/designeeexercises coordination over county emergency response actionsconducted within thel?P7.

M DDEis the dose equivalent atatissue depth ofIem(1000 mg/cm2), which applies toexternal whole-body exposure.

Ilose EguivalentiDE.1 DEisthe product ofthe absorbed dose intissue, qualityfactorandall othernecessary modifying factors atthe location ofinterest. Theunits ofdose equivalentarethe remandSievert (Sv).

M EDEis the sumofthe products ofthe dose equivalent toeach organ ortissue anda weighting factor applicable toeach ofthe bodyorgans ortissues thatareirradiated.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE10OF383 EAl.s are theplant-specific indications, conditions orinstrument readings thatareutilized to classifyemergency conditionsdenned inthe PVNGSEmergency Plan.

Theindividuals within thePVNGS organization designated torespond toanemergency.

Exclusion AreaBoundary An area surrounding the reactor inwhich the reactor licenseehas the authority todetermine all activities,including exclusion or removal ofpersonnel andproperty from thearea.

h Theagreed upondata that isprovided toanoffsite agency toaid inthe protective action decision-making process that isconducted bythe ORO.

EulLP.a.ttigipatipn Fullparticipation whenused inconjunction with emergency preparedness exercisesfor a particular sitemeansappropriate offsite local andState authorities andlicensee personnel physically and actively take part intesting their integrated capability toadequately assess andrespond toan accident ata commercial nuclear power Iull plant. participation includes testing major observable portions ofthe onsite andoffsite emergency plans andmobilization of State, localand licensee personnel andother resources insufficient numbers toverify the capability to respond tothe accident scenario.

IIostileAction An acttowards a nuclear power plant oritspersonnel thatincludes the useofviolent force to destroy equipment, take hostages, and/or intimidates the licensee toachieve anend.This includes attackbyair, land, orwaterusing guns, explosives, projectiles, vehicles, orother devices used to deliverdestructive force. Other acts that satisfythe overallintent maybeincluded. IIostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude acts ofcivildisobedience orfelonious actsthatare notpart ofa concerted attack onthe nuclear power plant.Nonterrorist-based EAlsshould beused toaddress such activities,(e.g., violent acts between individuals inthe owner controlled area).

A complex designed andconstructed fortheinterim storageofspent nuclear fuel andother radioactive materials associated with spent fuel storage. ThePVNGSISFSI islocated approximately 605feet northeast ofthe PVNGSPower PlantProtected Area.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE11OF383 Initial Notification Therequired 15-minute notincation madebythe utilitytothe designated offsite agencies.

TheIP7isthe fifty-mile radius area (Figure 14), centered onthe verticalaxis ofthe Unit 2 Containment Building for which protective actions for the general population, flirmers, dairy farmers. ranchers, food processors anddistributors are planned.

hip.lailt Thearea located within the connnes ofthe PVNGSPower Plant Protected Area.

M Combined PVNGS/state/county function; located at600North Verrado Way, Building A,Buckeye, Arizona. TheJICisresponsible for issuingnews information during anAlert orhigher level emergency classineation.

M An individual licensed under 10CFRpart 55tooperate and control PVNGS.

Thecollection ofonsite programs andprocedures which prescribes how PVNGS iscontrolled, operated, maintained, andtested tomeetthe requirements ofapplicablelicenses, standards, codes, andguides. It establishes effective management practices.

Offsite Anyposition orarea notlocated withinthe confines ofthe Site Boundary.

Offsite Relocation Area Thelocation where contaminated PVNGSevacuees aredecontaminated, which islocated atthe Buckeye Airport.

Theemergency Offsite Response Organization for state andlocal governments described inthe Offsite Imergency Response Plan forthePalo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE12OF383 TheOffsite Emergency Response Plan for PaloVerde Nuclear Generating Station istheState of Arizonal Maricopa County Plan for governmental response toemergencies atPVNGS. ThePlan setsforth speciHe responsibilities andprocedures local for s tate, andnon-governmental organizationsresponsible for o ffsiteemergency operations and protection ofthe affected population.

Theemergency response positions onshift asdesignated inTable I,Minimum ShiftStaffing for Emergencies. Typically, positions required byplant technicalspeci0cations, fire protection program, securityplan andthe radiological emergency plandesignated torespond intheinitial phase ofanemergency.

Onsite Anyposition orarea located within the confinesof the SiteBoundary.

Theaugmented PVNGSemergency response organizationused tostaff the Technical Support Center, Operations Support Emergency Center, Operations Facility, JointInformation Center, etc.

Table I,Minimum Shift Staffing for Emergencies denotes the required augmented positions.

OwnerControlled Area Thearea owned bythe licensee andlocated within the conGnes ofthe SiteBoundary asshown in Figure 13. Site Exclusion AreaBoundary andProperty Boundary.

Pa.rtlaLParticipation Partialparticipation whenused inconjunction with emergency preparedness exercisesfor a particular site means appropriate offsite authorities shall actively takepartinthe exercise sufficient totestdirection andcontrol functions; i.e.,(.a) protective action decisionmaking related to emergency actionlevels, and(b) communication capabilities amongaffected Stateandlocal authorities andthe licensee.

P1MLP!3!E!1LLi.E Theboundary enclosing the area ownedbythe licensee andcorresponding tothe SiteBoundary.

ThePlume Exposure Pathway EPzisthe ten-mileradius area, centered onthe vertical axis ofthe Unit 2 Containment Building, forwhich protectiveactions areplanned.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE13OF383 Persons forwhomprotective actions arebeing, orwould be,implemented.

An instrumentation system designed todetectabnormal radiation levels inprocess andeffluent pathways, andtoactivate appropriate alarms.

Protective Actions Emergency measures takento avoid orreduce radiation dose. These commonly include sheltering, evacuation, andprophylaxis.

M Theprojected dosetoindividuals that would warrant consideration ofprotective action againstan accidental release ofradioactive material.

Pfotected AteatsLLPM An area,located within the PVNGSl?xclusion Area Boundary encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGS Power Plant Protected Areaand the ISFSI Protected Area are twoProtected Areas locatedwithin the PVNGS Owner Controlled Area.

RecoveryActions Arepost-emergency actions torestore the station toanormal operating condition.

Restricted Area An area access towhich isimited bythelicensee for the purpose ofprotecting individuals against undue risksfrom exposure toradiation andradioactive materials.

Site Boundary Theboundary ofa reactor sitebeyond which the land orproperty isnotowned,leased. orotherwise controlled bythe licensee.

TheState EOCislocated atthe DEMAlleadquarters andisthe primary point through which the Governor/designee exercises overall controlandcoordination ofgovernmental offsite emergency response operations.

M TheTOCisco-located with the State EOC.TheTOCisthe offsite location that provides foroverall control ofradiological technical operations.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE14OF383 TEDE is thesumofthe Deep-Dose Equivalent (for exposures) external CEDE(for andthe internal exposures).

UnrestrictedArea Anarea access towhich, isneither limited norcontrolledlicensee.

bythe Vital Area An area withinthePVNGSPower PlantProtected encompassed Area byadditional physical barriersandtowhich access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55. Vital equipment contain areas considered vital tothe operationofthe plant.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE15OF383 1.2 ABBREVIATIONS The following are abbreviations ofterms commonly used atPVNGS.


Arizona Division ofEmergency Management AzD1IS -

(Arizona) Department ofllealth Services ADV -

Atmospheric DumpValve APS -

Arizona Public Service Company ASU -

Arizona State University BOP -

Balance ofPlant BPD -

Buckeye Police Department CDE -

Committed Dose Equivalent CEDE -

Committed Effective DoseEquivalent CEDMCS -

Control Element Drive Mechanism System Control CEO -

Chief Executive Officer ClT -

Core Exit Thermocouple CFR -

Codeof1ederal Regulations CNO -

Chief Nuclear Ofilcer CR -

Control Room CR -

Condition Report CRS -

Control RoomSupervisor CTMT -

Containment DDE -

Deep-Dose Equivalent DE -

DoseEquivalent DEMA -

(Arizona) Department ofEmergency Affairs andMilitary DIIS -

Department ofIIomeland Security DOE -

Department ofEnergy DPS -

(Arizona) Department ofPublic Safety EAI -

Emergency Action Ievel EAS -

Emergency Alert System EC -

1mergency Coordinator EDE -

Effective DoseEquivalent


Emergency Diesel Generator EMT -

Emergency Medical Technician ENS -

limergency Notification System EOC -

Emergency Operations Center EOD -

Emergency Operations Director EOl -

Emergency Operations Facility EOP -

Emergency Operating Procedure EPA -

Environmental Protection Agency EPABX -

lilectronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange IPD -

Electronic Personal Dosimeter EPIP -

Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure EP/ -

limergency Planning zone ERDS -

Emergency ResponseData System ERFDADS -

limergency Response Facility Data Acquisition & Display System ERF -

Emergency Response Facility ERO -

Imergency Response Organization ESF -

Ingineered Safety Features FEMA -

Federal Emergency Management Agency FPS -

Fire Protection System FSS -

Fire Suppression System FTS -

Federal Telecommunications System FW1.B -

Feed-water 1.ine Break GPM -

Gallons perMinute IIP -

IIealth Physics IIPN -

llealth Physics Network HPSI -

Iligh Pressure Safety Injection I& C -

Instrumentation andControl INPO -

Institute ofNuclear Power Operations IP/ -

Ingestion Pathway zone ISFSI -

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation


Joint Information Center JPIP -

Joint Public Information Procedure KI -

Potassium lodide I.AN -

Local AreaNetwork I.CO -

I.imiting Condition for Operation I.OAF -

Loss ofAllFeed IOCA -

Loss ofCoolant Accident I.PSI -

I ow Pressure Safety Injection I.WR -

1ight Water Reactor MCDEM -

Maricopa County Department ofEmergency Management MCPI -

ManagementCounterpart MCSO -

Maricopa CountySheriffs Office MSLB -

MainSteam Line Break NAN -

Notification AlertNetwork NATM -

Nuclear Administrative andTechnical Manual NOAA -

National Oceanic andAtmosphericAdministration NRC -

Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSSS -

Nuclear Steam Supply System NWS -

National Weather Service OBE -

Operating Basis Earthquake ODCM -

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual OSC -

Operations Support Center PAD -

Protective Action Decision PAG -

Protective Action Guide PAR -

Protective Action Recommendation PASP -

Preplanned Alternate Sampling Program PBX -

Private Branch Exchange PI -

Plant Information PIO -

Public Information Officer PMCI -

Protective Measures Counterpart Link


Pounds PerSquare InchGauge PVAR -

Palo Verde Action Request PVNGS -

Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station PWR -

Pressurized Water Reactor QSPDS -

Qualified Safety Parameter Display System RAC -

Radiological Assessment Coordinator RACOMM -

Radiological Assessment Communicator RCS -

Reactor Coolant System REAT -

Radiological limergency AssistanceTeam RFAT -

Radiological Field Assessment Team RMS -

Radiation Monitoring System RP -

Radiation Protection RPC -

Radiological Protection Coordinator RPM -

Radiation Protection Monitor RPS -

Reactor Protection System RSCl, -

Reactor Safety Counterpart 1,ink RSP -

Remote Shutdown Panel RVIMS -

Reactor Vessel 1,evel Monitoring System SGTR -

Steam Generator TubeRupture SIM -

(Control Room) Simulator SPDS -

Safety Parameter Display System SM -

Shift Manager STA -

Shift Technical Advisor STSC -

Satellite Technical Support Center SWMS -

Site WorkManagement System TEDE -

Total Effective Dose Equivalent Tl.D -

Thermoluminescent Dosimeter TOC -

Technical Operations Center TSC -

Technical Support Center UFSAR -

Updated Final Safety Analysis Report


Uninterruptible Power Supply VOlP/SAT -

Voice OverInternet Protocol Satellite Back-up 2.0SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY This Emergency Plan isapplicable toPVNGS. Specifle procedures toimplement the EmergencyPlan arelisted inSection Emergency 13.0, Plan Implementing Procedures.

There are also various supporting andcomplementing emergency plans, including thoseof Federal Agencies, the State ofArizonaand Maricopa County.



OF THE PVNGS EMERGENCY PLAN TheEmergency Plan isdesigned to adhere toNuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) emergency planning regulations andguidelines applicable tocommercial nuclear power stations.TheEmergency Plan isbased upon NRC and Federal Emergency Management Agency (1EMA)guidance ascontained in NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-l, Revision 1, "Criteria forPreparation andEvaluation ofRadiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power P lants", and EPA guidance as contained in EPA400-R-92-001, "Manual ofProtective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents" October, 1991Radiological emergency planning for the PVNGShas been coordinated with state andlocal emergency response agencies.

TheState ofArizona andlocal government agencies whomaybeinvolved inemergency response operations areaware ofthe emergency response measures described inthe PVNGSEmergency Plan andareadvised ofchanges ormodifications tothese measures resulting from plan reviews, audits, drillsand/or exercises along with changes to Regulatory guidance.

Both the Offsite Emergency Response Plan for PVNGSandthe PVNGSEmergencyPlan contain clear-cut dellnitions ofareas ofauthority andresponsibility. TheDEMA, acting under thedirection andauthority ofthe Governor, isresponsible foroverall coordination ofoffsite governmental emergency operations. ThePVNGSEmergency Organization is responsible for onsite emergency operations andfor providing timelyandaccurate plant status information tooffsite emergency authorities. TheArizona Department ofIIealth Services (AzDIIS) has been assigned technical (radiological) responsibility for governmental response within Arizona. Emergency operations withinthe Plume Exposure Pathway EP/arethe responsibility ofMaricopa County.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE20OF383 4.0 ORGAN1zATIONAL CONTROLOFEMERGENCIES Inthe event ofanemergency. the normal station operational is organization supplemented with anorganization specificallydesigned torespond toemergency Depending situations.

onthe severity ofthe emergency, the Emergency Organization mayconsistofanon-shift emergency response organization, orof anaugmented emergency organization.

response This section describes the On-shift, Onsite andOffsite Emergency Organizations.

4.1NORMAl, ORGANizATIONS TheIxecutive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Ofilcer,reports tothe &

APSPresident Chief Ixecutive Officer.The Executive Vice President & Chief NuclearOfilcer hasthe overall responsibility andauthority for the operation andtechnical supportofPVNGS.

TheExecutive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer andthe nuclearorganization have the overall responsibility andauthority toensure that all activitiesassociated withAPS' nuclear facilities arecarried outwith the highest standards of safety andensuring the station isoperated inaccordance with (lAW) the licenses granted bytheNRC,the Technical Specifications, andthe requirements and commitments stated intheUFSAR.

Theonsite station organization isdivided into fourmain groups which tothe report Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer.

Each group isdivided into subordinate departments andsections. Thefour groups areas follows:

  • Nuclear Site Operations a Regulatory Affairs Oversight andPerformance Improvement
  • Operations Support

[Ref. INPOIERI,l13-10, Recommendation 5g,IER1.2 11-39, Recommendation 31 TheEmergency Response Organization (ERO) consists ofpersonnel inthe staffing Control Room/STSC,Operations Support Center (OSC), Technical (TSC),

Center Support Imergency Operations Iacility (EOF) andthe Joint Information Center(JIC).

ThePVNGSEROissupported bydesignated facilities asdescribed inSection 7.0, Emergency Facilities andEquipment. Theon-shift emergency responseorganization is augmented atdeclaration ofanAlert orhigher emergency classification level.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE21OF383 Inthe event a member ofthe EROminimum staff becomes incapacitated oris otherwise unavailable, theyshall bereplaced assoonasreasonably possible. Operating unit staff who are IROmembers aregoverned byPVNGSTechnical Speci0cation 5.2 andits exceptions.

4.2.1 ON-SillFT EMERGENCY ORGANIzATION PaloVerde Nuclear Generating Station on-shift emergency organization is sufficient to permit the required mitigation response andeffectively implement the Emergency Plan asrequired in10CI R50Appendix E.

Table Iofthe Emergency Plan renects the resultsofthe Palo Verde On-Shift Emergency Response Organization Staffing andCapabilities analysis asrequired by10CIR 50Appendix E. The Palo Verde On-ShiftEmergency Response Organization Staf0ng andCapabilities analysis isretained asCorrespondence

  1. 090-05063 (RCTSAI 4164598).

TheOn-shift Emergency Organization (Figure l)consists ofthe following positions:

4.2.I.1Emergency Coordinator (EC)

[Ref. INPO IERII 13-10, Recommendation 5i1 Theaffected unitShift Manager (SM) ordesignee initially assumes the responsibilitiesof the ECand responsible direction and is for coordination ofthe response. Members ofthe normal shift organization assume emergency positions tocarry outactions asdescribed below.

TheEChas the responsibility andauthority toimmediately and unilaterallyinitiateemergency actions.including providing notification andProtective Action Recommendations (PAR) togovernmental agencies responsible for implementing offsiteemergency measures.

TheECisalso responsible for communication ofplant status and radiological conditions including doseprojection results asappropriate.

Procedures provide for accelerated calls andverbal notification tothe NRCusing the Emergency Notification System (ENS) ofSecurity-based events considered tobeacredible imminent threat orIlostile Action.

Theaffected unitShift Manager mayberelieved asECbyanother qualified EC.AtanAlert orhigher emergency classi0cation level, the ECdirects the Security Director toinitiatecallouts tothe IROin

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE22OF383 accordance with the associated implementing procedure. Uponarrival ofthe designated EC-TSC,the EC-STSC conducts abriefingandis relieved asthe Emergency Coordinator.

Atthe onset ofanincident, the EChas the following responsibilities:

a Notitleationofoffsite emergency response agencies andoffsite emergency organizations (non-delegable duty untilrelievedby EOD)

  • Making protectiveaction recommendations asnecessary tooffsite emergency response agencies (non-delegable duty until by relieved EOD) a Classilleation ofemergency events(non-delegable)
  • Determination ofthe necessityfor site evacuation a Authorizationfor emergency workers toexceed 10CFR20 exposure limits a Activation ofonsite and offsite EROorganizationslor analertor higher emergency classification level 4.2.I.2Control RoomSupervisor TheControl RoomSupervisor (CRS) located in the unit controlrooms, reportstothe EC.TheCRSperforms initial assessment andevaluation ofanyabnormal oremergency conditions.After the ECdeclaresan emergency, the CRSmaintains thenormal dutiesof directing the Nuclear Operators andassisting theEC.

4.2.I.3FireTeam TheFire Team(minimum of5 individuals) reports tothe CRSand is maintained onsite atalltimes. TheI.eader ofFire Protection Department isresponsible for ensuring sufficient members ofthe Fire TeamareEmergency Medical Technician (EMT) qualified and available atall times.

4.2.I.4FireTeamAdvisor TheFire TeamAdvisor isa Iicensed Nuclear Operator thatsupports theFire Teamduring a fire. TheFire TeamAdvisor should haveno collateral duties thatinterfere with theability tosupport the FireTeam.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE23OF383 Control RoomOperators TheControl RoomOperators reporttothe CRSandconduct thesafe andproper operation ofthe unitatalltimes,andrespond toemergency conditions, asnecessary. Radiation Monitoring Technician The Radiation Monitoring Technician reports tothe Radiation Protection Monitor (RPM) andestablishes a response inthe area Radiation Monitoring office andconducts in-plant area surveysas necessary.

4.2.I.7RadiationProtection Monitor (RPM)

TheRadiation Protection Monitor (RPM) isanANSI3.1 Senior Radiation ProtectionTechnician thatresponds tothe STSCandreports tothe EC.TheRPMconducts offsite dose calculations until relieved.

TheRPMauthorizes exposures upto 10CFR20I imits,recommends potassium iodide administration to theECand directs in-plant, onsite andoffsite Radiation MonitoringTeams.

4.2.I.8STSCCommunicator TheSTSCCommunicator isfilled byanAuxiliary Operator. Upon direction from the the I C, STSCCommunicatormakes the Initial l Notifications tostate andlocal agencies andnotifications tothe ERO.

4.2.I.9 Emergency Notification System (ENS) Communicator TheENSCommunicator isfilledbyanindividual knowledgeable of the plant (e.g.,RO,SRO,STA,previously licensed individual, etc.)

and keeps anopenline ofcommunications with the NRC, asrequested. This communicator should nothave anyother E-Plan collateralduties(or other duties that interfere with thecommunicator function). Security Director TheSecurity Director initially reportstotheShift Manager/EC andthen reports tothe ECinthe TSC.TheSecurity Director (assumedbythe on-shift Security Section Ieader) providesfor continued personnel accountability, site access control andrequests offsite emergency assistance, upondirection from theEC.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE24OF383 Security Force TheSecurity Force reports tolocations asdirected bythe Security Director andassists inperforming assigned duties.

4.2.I.12 Shift Manager TheShift Manager isalso theEC-STSC until relieved bythe EC-TSC.

Following turnover, the Shift Manager reports tothe EC.TheShift Manager performsinitial classification anddeclaration ofan emergency, maintains control ofunit operations, andmitigates accident conditions.

4.2.I.13 Shift Technical Advisor TheShift Technical Advisor (STA) responds tothe Control Roomor STSCofthe affected unit andreports tothe EC.Theaffected unitSTA advises the EConactivities that impactthe safe operation ofthe unit, andindependently verillesemergency classilleations, astime permits.

Forevents classified asanAlert or higher emergency classification level, the affected unit STAactivates ERDS.

4.2.I.14 Shift Technical Advisor (Unaffected Unit)

Theunaffected unit STAassesses coredamage, and provides electrical andmechanical technical support relievedby the TSC. TheSTA until also monitors various data displays throughout the course of the emergency andprovides assistance tothe Control Room personnel.

4.2.I.15 Technicians Technicians report tothe ECandif necessary, maybeassigned to Emergency Repair orSurvey teams. TheChemistry Technicians, Maintenance Technicians (Mechanics, Electrical, Instrument and Control) respond tothe OSCfor assignment. Operations Advisor TheOperations Advisor responds tothe STSCandreports tothe EC.

TheOperations Advisor provides technical andoperational adviceto the EC-STSC. Following TSCactivation, the Operations Advisor maintains the flow ofinformation between the EC-TSC andControl Room.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE25OF383 Survey/Environmental Teams A Survey/Environmental Teamis113rmed andresponds tothe OSC, upon request from theRadiation Protection Monitor (RPM). Theteam performs radiological monitoring activitiesandatleast onemember of the teamis a Radiation ProtectionTechnician.

4.2.I.18 Emergency Repair Teams The Emergency Repair Teamconducts repairs andmayconsist of Chemistry andMaintenance Technicians, Plant Operators anda Radiation Protection Technician andreports tothe EC.


TheTSCOrganization (Figure 2) is located onsiteandconsists ofthe following positions. CoordinatorTSC (EC-TSC)

TheEC-TSCresponds totheTSC and is responsible fordirection and coordination ofthe onsiteEmergency Organization. Coordinator (EC) Technical Assistant Thel?C Technical Assistantresponds tothe TSC and reports tothe EC.

TheECTechnical Assistantmakes announcements over the Site Evacuation andPublic Address systems as directed by the EC-TSC.

TheECTechnical Assistanthas nocounterpart inthe on-shift Emergency Organization. Manager TheMaintenance Manager responds tothe TSCandreports tothe EC.

TheMaintenance Manager coordinatesthe repair anddamage control forall plantsystems anddirects the emergency response activitiesof the Emergency Repair Teams. TheMaintenance Manager directs the OSCManager toform anddispatch anyteamthat isrequired and maintains communication withthe OSCconcerning repair teamefforts. Manager TheEngineering Manager responds tothe TSCandreports tothe EC.

TheEngineering Manager directssystems analysis, engineering,

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE26OF383 establishes contact with the NSSSvendor andarchitect engineer to discuss issues.technical status ofthe plant asneeded. TheEngineering Manager directsanyprocedure development asrequired bythe emergency andmaintains liaison with the Engineering Director inthe EOF. Mechanical Engineer The Mechanical Engineer responds tothe TSCandreports tothe Engineering Manager. TheMechanical Engineer assumes the dutiesof Technical Support Mechanical from theSTAinthe STSCandprovides mechanical engineering analyses. OperationsManager TheOperations Manager responds tothe TSCandreports tothe EC.

TheOperations Manager follows proceduresthat the Control Roomis using, andkeeps the ECinformed ofthe operational impact ofevents in progress. TheOperations Manager receives technical andoperational input from theOperations Advisor and maintains the now of information between theTSCandControl Room. Protection Coordinator TheRadiation Protection Coordinator (RPC)responds tothe TSCand reports tothe E C. The RPC provides overall control and direction of inplant monitoring teamsand radiological controls. The Radiation Protection Coordinator relieves the RPMofthese responsibilities. The RPCmaintains communications with theRadiation Protection Group Iead, the RPM(prior toCommand andControl transfer) andthe Radiological Assessment Coordinator inthe EOF.TheRPCis responsible for recommending waystoreduce the radiological consequences ofthe event with the support ofEngineering. Director TheSecurity Director responds tothe TSCandreports tothe EC.The on-shift Security Section I.eader assumes the duties andresponsibilitie asthe Security Director. TheSecurity Director requests emergency offsite assistance upon direction ofthe ECanddirects the onsite security force inthe areas ofpersonnel accountability, access control, sitesecurity, evacuation, medical transportation, andpersonnel and equipment security control.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE27OF383 Reactor Analyst TheReactor Analyst responds tothe TSCandreports tothe Engineering Manager. TheReactor Analyst assumes responsibilities from the STA.TheReactor Analyst performs detailed analyses ofcore physics andheat transfer parameters toassess reactor core statusandto evaluate the integrity offuel cladding. Radiation Protection Support Technician The Radiation Protection Support Technician responds tothe TSCand reports to theRadiation Protection Coordinator. TheRadiation Protection Support Technician performs habitability surveys ofthe TSC. Administrative Staff TheAdministrative Staff responds tothe TSCand assists the TSC Emergency Organization in all matters requiring clerical support. Chemistry Coordinator TheChemistry Coordinator responds to the TSC and reports tothe Engineering Manager. TheChemistry Coordinator provides analysis andevaluation ofcoolant samples andair samples toaid in determination ofreactor core conditions andrelease potentials, and provides chemical analyses for evaluation ofplant systems. ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator responds tothe TSCandreports tothe Emergency Coordinator Technical Assistant. TheERFCommunicator maintains communications with the ERFCommunicators intheOSC, EOFand JiC. This position also monitors ERFDADS data displayed through Pl,provides information tothe Emergency Coordinator Technical Assistant regarding the overall emergency activities and maintains PlantStatus electronic media display and/or statusboards. Electrical Engineer TheElectrical Engineer responds tothe TSCandreports tothe Engineering Manager. TheElectrical Engineer provides electrical engineering analyses andassumes the duties ofTechnical Support Electrical from the STAinthe STSC.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE28OF383 TheENSCommunicator responds tothe TSCandreports tothe Operations Manager. TheENSCommunicator maintains continuous phone communications with theNRC, when requested.concerning operationalevents andreactor plantstatus. TheENSCommunicator monitors ERDS.

4.2.3OSCORGANIzATION TheOSCOrganization (Figure3)islocated onsiteandconsists ofthefollowing positions. OSCManager TheOSCManager responds tothe STSClor a briefing andreports to the EC.Iollowing the briefing, theOSCManager responds totheSC, O

coordinates available resources andupondirection from the Maintenance Manager inthe TSC. assembles anddispatches emergency teams. Protection GroupLead TheRadiation Protection Group Leadreports totheOSCManager and provides overall controlanddirection ofin-plant monitoring teamsand radiological controls. Repairs Coordinator TheRepairs Coordinator ensures thatMaintenance Technicians and Repair Teams aredispatched atthedirection oftheOSCManager. The Repairs Coordinator reports tothe OSCManager. Teams Teamsareformed if emergency repairoperations arenecessary. The teamsmayconsist ofChemistry Technicians, Maintenance Technicians (Mechanical Electrical,Instrumentation andControl), orRadiation Protection Technicianasrequired toaddress conditionsandPlant Operators.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE29OF383 Driver TheRFATDriver responds tothe RFATvehicles andserves asadriver for the RFATvehicle. Radiation Protection Technicians Radiation Protection respond Technicians totheOSCandreport tothe Radiation Protection GroupLead. Asrequired, the RPTechnicians may be assigned toRepair orSurvey/Environmental Teams. Chemistry Technicians ChemistryTechnicians respond tothe OSCandreport tothe Radiation Protection Group Iend.Asrequired ChemistryTechnicians maybe assigned toRepair or Survey Teams, ortoconduct sampling activities. Mechanics respond totheOSC and report tothe Repairs Coordinator.

Mechanics maybeassigned torepair teams asneeded. Electricians Electricians respond totheOSCandreportto the Repairs Coordinator.

Electricians maybeassigned torepair teamsasneeded. I&CTechnicians l&CTechnicians respond tothe OSCandreport tothe Repairs Coordinator. l&CTechnicians maybeassigned to repair teams as needed. ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator responds tothe OSCandreports tothe OSC Manager. TheERFCommunicator maintainscommunications withhis counterparts inthe TSC,IOF,and JIC,and provides information tothe OSCManager regarding theoverall emergency activities. Administrative Staff TheAdministrative Staffresponds tothe OSCandassists the OSC Emergency Organization inall matters elerical requiring support.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE30OF383 4.2.4EOFORGANIzATION TheEOFEmergency Organization isillustrated inFigure 4.Theinteritices between theOnsite andOffsite Emergency Organizations areshown inFigure 6. EmergencyOperations Director TheEmergency Operations Director (EOD) isincommand of emergency operations andisresponsible for:

e Overall coordination ofonsite andoffsite emergency functions.

a Interilicing with federal/state/county emergency response agencies.

  • Communication ofplant status updatesandradiological release data includingdose projection results asappropriate toNRC, State/County EOCs, TOC,and JICpersonnel.

a Notilleation ofstate and county agencies concerning recommended protective actions.

  • Directs administrative,technical, andlogistical support tostation emergency operations.

e Ensuring continuity ofemergency organization resources.

a Establishing a recovery organization when appropriate.

Uponthe assumption ofthis position. theEOD accepts from the EC-STSC,the following non-delegable offsite organizational responsibilities:

e Notification ofoffsite emergency management agencies.

e Making protective action recommendations asnecessary to offsite emergency management agencies. Emergency Operations Director TheAssistant Emergency Operations Director(AEOD) responds tothe EOFandreports tothe EODtoassist with duties andresponsibilities as assigned. Assessment Coordinator TheRadiological Assessment Coordinator responds tothe EOFand reports tothe EOD.TheRadiological Assessment Coordinator is the principal liaison ofthe emergency response organization with the AzDIIS. TheRadiological Assessment Coordinator receives and

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE31OF383 evaluates dose projection information from the EOFStafT andprovides protective action recommendations tothe EOD. Engineering Director TheEngineering Director responds tothe EOFandreports tothe EOD.

TheEngineeringDirector evaluates projected occurrences, coordinates engineering analysis withthe TSC,recommends corrective actions and ensures the equipment status board isupdated. Manager TheSecurity Manager responds totheEOFandreports tothe EOD.

TheSecurity Manager provides security overall support and coordinates closely with the Director Security inthe TSC.TheSecurity Manager also provides support tofacilitatearrivalsofoffsite personnel. ERFCommunicator TheERFCommunicator responds tothe EOFandreports tothe Engineering Director. TheERFCommunicator maintains communications with hiscounterparts in theTSC. OSC,andJIC. This position also monitors ERFDADS datadisplayed through provides PI, information tothe Engineering Directorregarding the overall emergency activities andmaintains Plant Status boards. Assessment Communicator TheRadiological Assessment Communicator responds tothe EOF and reports tothe Radiological Assessment Coordinator. TheRadiological Assessment Communicator communicates with radiological assessment personnel atthe TSCanddirects theactivities ofthe onsite/offsite Survey/Environmental Teams. IIealthPhysicist TheDoseAssessment Ilealth Physicist responds tothe EOFandreports tothe Radiological Assessment Coordinator toperform radiological dose projections andother calculations orevaluations asdirected. Administrative Staff TheAdministrative Staffassists theEmergency Organization inall matters requiring clericalandlogistical support.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE32OF383 IlPN Communicator TheHPNCommunicator responds tothe EOFandreports tothe Radiological Assessment Coordinator. TheIIPN Communicator will maintain anopen line with theNRCupon request. NANCommunicator The NANCommunicator responds totheEOFandreports tothe AEOD. TheNAN Communicator makes offsite notifications once the EOI isactivated and relieves theSTSCCommunicator ofthis responsibility. Information Services (IS) Manager TheInformationServices Manager responds tothe EOFandreports to the AEOD.TheInformation Services Manager ensures that IT equipment located inthe EOF remains ingood working order and provides assistance toEOFpersonnel with ITequipment operation whenneeded. RFATTeam TheRFATTeams respond totheRFATvehicle parking area andreport tothe Radiological Assessment Communicator in theEOF. Offsite Technical Representative TheOffsite Technical Representativerespondstothe State EOC in Phoenix andreports tothe AEOD.TheOffsite Technical Representative interfaces with stateresponse agency personnelat the State EOC,provides up-to-dateinformation onplant status,and clarifies howplant systems operate, viabrienngsandface-to-face contact with EOCstaff.

4.2.5JICORGANI7,ATION TheJiCOrganization (I igure 5)islocated andconsists offsite ofthe following positions. JICManager TheJiCManager isthe PVNGSrepresentative that oversees public information activities atthe JICincluding preparation ofmedia

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE33OF383 statements, media briellngs andthe flow ofinformation tothe Rumor Control Unit. TheJICManager approves thetechnical content of media statements andcoordinates through stateandcounty for any additional support needed inthe JIC, toinclude Access andFunctional Needs/Multicultural services. Spokesperson Coordinator The Spokesperson Coordinator isthe PVNCiS representative inthe flC who coordinates the Spokespersons andadvises andprepares materials forthe Palo Verde Spokespersoninthe preparation for media briellngs. Verde Spokesperson ThePalo Verde Spokesperson isthe representative within the JIC organization authorized tospeak about actual emergency conditions at PVNGS. TheERFCommunicator istheJIC Palo Verderepresentative that provides anynecessary technicalexplanations tothe JICManager and the Palo Verde Spokesperson. TheJICERF Communicator interfaces with the ERFCommunicator inthe EOF.The ERF Communicator, maintains communications with his counterparts in the TSC,OSC,and EOF,andprovides information tothe JICSpokesperson Coordinator andthe Palo Verde Spokesperson regarding theoverall emergency activities. Coordinator TheResearch/Writing Coordinator develops public information material for the JIC. Uponfinalization ofmedia statements, the Research/Writing Coordinator distributes printed copies inthe JIC, auditorium, andtothe DEMArepresentative whoisresponsible for distribution tothe media. Inquiry TheRumorControl/Public Inquiry isoperated bythe Arizona Public Service Customer Care Center(CCC) Operators andaugments State Public Inquiry andRumorControl initiatives.CCCOperators provide information from approved media statements transmitted tothe CCC from the JIC.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE34OF383 Video/Photo Coordinator TheVideo/Photo Coordinator operates audio/video equipment atthe JIC,including the EECAuditorium. TheVideo/Photo Coordinator maintains copies ofmedia briefings for archives.

4.3NON-1,1CENSEE SUPPORT Support from outside PVNGS consists oflocal service companies, institutions agencies, INPO,and contractor support.

4.3.1IOCAISERVICES SUPPORT Inemergency situations, PVNGS mayneed supplementary assistance from outside companies andservice agencies. Such assistance mayinclude transportation of injured and/or contaminatedpersonnel, medical treatment andhospital facilities for station personnel, andfire suppression assistance.

4.3.2CONTRACTSUPPORT Contract support mayinclude theNuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) supplier, the Architect Engineer, dosimetry, laboratory contractors, anddecontamination andradwaste disposal ilrms. PVNGShas arranged for selected contract support ilrms toprovide this assistance upon request.

4.4COORDINATIONWITH PARTICIPATING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Foracomplete discussion ofauthority, assigned responsibilities, capabilities, and activation andcommunication arrangements refer tothe Offsite EmergencyResponse Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. PVNGSpersonnel coordinate emergency operations with state/ county government Emergency Operations Centers. Thestate, county, andcity Emergency Operations Center Organization isshown inFigure 7.

Safeguards andsecurity teamresponse are described inthe PVNGSSecurity Plan andits implementing procedures.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE35OF383 4.4.1STATEOF ARIzONA TheGovernor ofthe State ofArizona isresponsible for stategovernment operations. Thegovernor's decision authority isassumed bya successor inhis/her absence in accordance with the succession stipulated inthe Arizona Revised Statutes. Title 26,Chapter 2,Article I Ileads ofstate departments andagencies are responsible for the accomplishment ofemergency andrecovery tasksassigned bythe governor orhis/her authorized representative.

Inadditionto the support outlined inthe I.etters ofAgreement, the Offsite Emergency Response Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Stationprovidesfor the following support functions for PVNGSinthe event ofanemergency fromthe indicated agencies. Also, mutual aid compacts andagreements between theState andother government and private entities defined inthe Offsite Emergency Response Plan multiply theresources available toPVNGS inanemergency. Arizona Departmentof Emergency andMilitary Affairs TheArizona Department ofEmergency andMilitary Affairs(DEMA) isassigned tocoordinate the cooperative effort ofall non-technical governmental agencies, includingthe Federal government, Arizona State government andits political subdivisions, andprovides the necessary direction and control of state personnel and equipmentfor offsite response actions during radiological emergencies. Itisreferred tointhe Offsite Emergency Response Plan forPVNGS asthe Operations Directorate.

4.4.I.2 Arizona Division ofEmergency Management TheArizona Division ofEmergency Management (ADEM) isa division ofthe DEMAandis located onthe Papago Military Reservation at5636 East McDowell Road,Phoenix, Arizona. The Director, ADEM, provides advice andassistance tothe governor concerning emergency preparedness, operations andrecovery. The director isresponsible for coordinating the emergency planning, operations andrecovery effortsofstate agencies andpolitical subdivisions onthe governor's behalf. Thedirector isthe designated Policy Chief foroffsite government response toa radiologicalincident atPVNGS.

ADEMreceives Initial Notillcations from PVNGSandcoordinates the collection, analysis anddissemination ofinformation during anincident atthe Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (PVNGS). This is process

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE36OF383 conducted inconsort with the PVNGS,Maricopa County Dept. of Emergency Management (MCDEM),Arizona Department ofllealth Services (AzDilS) andother federal,state,local, TribalNation and volunteer agencies.

ADEM coordinates with AzDIIS andMCDEMtoensure monitoring of evacuees for possible radioactive contamination andsupervision and monitoring ofanydecontamination efforts.ADEMoversees requests for and coordination offederal technicalsupport andexchanges offield data and accident assessment information with PVNGS.

An emergency classification ornotification mayrequire governmental orprivatesector emergency organizations tocommit resources toonsite atthe requestof the PVNGS. Emergency resources mayinclude, but arenotlimited to, law enforcement, firefighting.medical support and ground orair services. Assistance mayberequested from other state govemments andprivate sector resources instates adjoining Arizona.

These resources mayinclude medical capabilities, emergency response equipment, andemergency response personnel. The state Emergency Operations Center (EOC) PolicyChief orthe Arizona Department of Health Services (AzDilS) Technical Operations Director will initiate requests. Arizona Department ofIIealth Services TheDirector, Arizona Department ofllealth Services ( A7Di lS) is responsible for providing technical support inresponseto a radiological incident andprovides protective actionrecommendationsto the SEOC Policy Group andGovernor/designee. TheAzDIIS Directordesignates a Technical Operations Director tocoordinate public health support, response, andrecovery operations forAzDIIS staff. Arizona statutes require that the Emergency Response Plan bebinding onother governmental agencies andtherefore, Section 10.0 does notlist separate letters ofagreement with all agencies.

A7DilS isthe agency with primary offsite responsibility for carrying outradiological emergency assessment actions, coordinating the technical offsite agency response andproviding protective action recommendations tothe Governor/designee. Itisreferred tointhe Offsite Emergency Response Plan forPVNGSasthe Technical Operations Center, the Radiological Emergency Assistance Team Center, andthe Radiological Emergency Assistance Team1ab.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE37OF383 AzDHSprovides for collection andanalysis ofdata from theplant, Held radiation surveys andsample collection. AzDHSrepresentatives share information with EOFstaff regarding Geld teamlocations, field data andprotective actiondecisions andcollects datatoassess the accident, project dose andproject plume. PVNGSprovides AzDHS j with Follow UpNotifications andinfl>rmation concerning plant conditions during declared emergencies.

AzDHS lield monitors conduct radiation surveys todetermine ambient radiation levels, track the plume andcollect environmental and il)odstuff samples for analysis anddispatches a mobile laboratory to Buckeye Airport during the emergency (plume) phase for rapid evaluationof air samples.

AzDIIS conducts "just-in-time" radiological andprovides training equipment for alternate personnel prior tobeing deployed inresponse toa HAB incident. Department ofPublic Safety TheDepartment ofPublic Safety (DPS) provides law enforcement support for ADEMandMCSO.DPSalso serves asthe 24-hour point of contact for the State ofArizona inthe event of anemergency atthe PVNGS.

4.4.2MARICOPACOUNTY Maricopa Countyis the only county within the10-mile Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning zone. Portions offour other counties (La Paz,Pinal,Yuma, and Yavapai) areincluded inthe 50-mile Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPX.TheChairman of theMaricopa County Board ofSupervisors isresponsible for decisionmaking atthe county Maricopa level. County Department andAgency directorsareresponsible forthe ofemergency accomplishments andrecovery tasks assigned bythe DirectorofMCDEM. County Department ofEmergency Management TheDirector, Maricopa County Department ofEmergency Management (MCDEM) provides technical andprofessional input to the Maricopa County Administrative Officer concerning planning, response andrecovery activitiesinthe event ofanemergency. The director isalso responsible for thecoordination ofemergency planning, response andrecovery activitieswith other Maricopa County agencies aswell asmunicipal entities.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE38OF383 Maricopa County Department ofEmergency Management receives l Initial Notifications ofemergency measures, from PVNGSandprovides public warning, for reception the implementation andcare center operation. MaricopaCounty Sheriff's Office TheMaricopaCounty Sherift's Office (MCSO) receives Initial Notilleations from PVNGSona24-hour basis.TheMaricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) performs the Emergency Public Warning (alerting andpublic information), evacuation control andreentry, public protective action implementation, reception andcare center security and support (KI transport andimpound security), just intime radiological training andsupport state agriculturaloperations offood control.

MCSOprovides coordinated onsite/offsite direction andcontrol in accordance with the Maricopa County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). TheEOPauthorizes the Sheriff torequest assistance whenan incident isbeyond the ability of the Ofilee toresolve andworks under the Incident Command System (ICS) when responding toPVNGS Hostile Action Based (I-IAB) incidents.

MCSOis responsible for the initial andon-going assessment ofthe situation todetermine if terrorism isinvolved or responsible for the IIABincident. Ifandwhenthis determination is made. the Iederal Bureau ofInvestigation (I Bl) will benotified.

4.4.3FEDERAl, GOVERNMENT Regulatory Commission (NRC)

TheNRCisresponsible for licensing andregulating nuclear facilities andmaterials. These responsibilities include protecting the public health andsafety, protecting the environment, andprotecting and safeguarding materials andnuclear plants inthe interest ofnational security. TheNRCIncident Response Plan objectives aretoprovide for protection from the effects ofradiological incidents that mayoccur at licensed facilities orwhich involve licensed materials. Inaddition to fulfilling its regulatory responsibilities, it isexpected that the NRCwill provide technical assistance andrecommendations.

TheNRCactsasthe lead federal agency regarding technical matters during anuclear incident, with the Chairman ofthe Commission asthe

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE39OF383 senior NRCauthority for all response aspects. TheChairman can transfer control ofemergency response activities whendeemed appropriate.

Incident Response Centers have been established ateach ofthe four NRCregional offices andatNRCIleadquarters tocentralize and coordinate NRC'semergency response. Each NRCRegion isprepared tosend a teamofqualitled specialists toanaccident scene. ForSite Area and General Emergencies, a NRCRegion IVsite teamis expected to be dispatched toPVNGS with arrival infour toeight hours following notifleation. Oft1cespace, telephones, andother equipment isprovided tor NRC personncI atthe T SC, EOFandJiC. Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Bythe National Response Framework, FEMAis responsible for the overall coordination of a multi-agency Federal response toasignitleant radiological incident.The primary role ofFEMAistosupport the states bycoordinating the deliveryof federal non-technical assistance. FEMA coordinates state andtribal requests forfederal assistance, identifying which federal agency canbest address specific needs. Ifdeemed necessary, FEMA will establish a nearby Federal ResponseCenter from which it willmanage its assistance activities. ofEnergy (DOE)

TheDOEhas agreed toprovide radiological assistance upon request, andhas radiological monitoring equipment andpersonnel resources that itcanassemble anddispatch tothe scene ofa radiological incident.

Following a radiological incident, DOEoperates asoutlined inthe Federal Radiological Monitoring andAssessment Plan (FRMAP).DOE hasthe responsibility toestablish the Federal Radiological Monitoring andAssessment Center (FRMAC),which would provide comprehensive post-accident radiological monitoring andassessment.


Support from the FBIisavailable through its statutoryresponsibility, based inPublic Iaw andthe UScode, andthrough a memorandum of understandingfor cooperation with the NRC.Notification totheFBIof emergencies in which they would have aninterestwill bethrough the provisions ofthe PVNGSSecurity Plan, orbythe NRC. National Weather Service (NWS)

NWS provides meteorological information during emergency situations, ifrequired. Data available will includeexisting and forecasted wind directions, wind speeds, andambient airtemperatures. Protection Agency (EPA)

TheEPAcanassistwith field radiologica; monitoring, sampling, and nonplant related recovery and reentry guidance.


INPOaids nuclear utilities inobtaining resources beyond their usual capabilitiesduring recoveryfromanemergency. Asoneofits roles.

INPOwill assist affected utilities by applyingtheresources ofthe nuclear industry tomeetthe needs of anemergency.

4.61,ETTERS OF AGREEMENT(IOAs) ofAgreement I.etters (1OAs) are notnecessary with federal andstate agencies thatare required legally torespond toanemergency; however. agreements arenecessary if an agencyisexpected toprovide assistance notrequired bylaw. Written agreements have beendeveloped which establish the extent ofoperations between PVNGSandother organizations support which have anemergency response roleconsistentwith this plan.

Theseagreements identify the emergency measures tobeprovided. the mutually accepted criteria forimplementation, andthe arrangements for exchange ofinformation. PVNGS hasobtained1OAswith private contractors andothers whoprovide emergency support services.

I.OAs,asa minimum, state that the cooperating organization willprovide their normalservicesinsupport ofanemergency atPVNGS.Ietters ofAgreement are inSection referenced 10andthe actual letters aremaintained onGle.


.NIAJOR nit Shared Site Site Staffing FLN( TIONAl AREA POSIIlON/FL N(TIONTITIE Staffing/l Staffing .lotals Shift Nianager Emergency Coordinator I 3 Control RoomSupervisor l 3 Plant Operations and Contiol RoomOperators 2 6 Assessment of Iire TeamAdvisor I I Operational Aspects Auxiliary Operators 4 12 Radiation ProtectionMonitor I I Shift Technical Advisor 2 2 STSCCommunicator (Covered by SeeAO abov e

Notifications Affected Unit)

Communications ENSCommunicator I I Cheniistry Technician (OSC) 2 2 Electrical Technician (OSC) 3 3 Niechanical Technician (OSC) 2 2 I&CTechnician (OSC) I I RFATDriv er(Water ResFacility) l I Support Staff Radiation Protection Technician (USC) 3 3 Radiation Monitoring Technician I I RMcrRPTechnician (OSC) I I SuneyQualified Position (OSC) 1 1 Security Section I.eaderDirector (TSC) 1 1 (not committed toarmed response)

Iire Suppression Plant Fire Department. Emergency Medical Rescue Operations and Technicians (Atleast 2 Fire Team 5 5 FirstAid Niembers areEMTqualified)

Site Access Controland Plant Security

. Staffine '

per Staffing per Personnel Accountabihty Plan Security Plan Security TOTAl S 8/l'nit

= 24 26 Shared Total 50 AUGMENTATIONSTAFFING NormalIlours OffIlours NIajor Functional Position litle ON SIIII/I.60 NIINI Area .. ,

I'ES 120 NIINl:TES Emeruency Direction and IEuereenev Coordinator (TSC) l l Control Euereenev O)erations Dir(EOF) I I Technical SuortElectrical (TSC) 1 1 Plant System Engineerine Technical Su)ort Mechanical (TSC) 1 1 Repair andCorrective Reactor Analyst (TSC) l l Actions 6 Immediate 6 Radiation Protection Technicians During Normal Protective Actions (OSL ..

I liours Eauineerine Director (EOF) I I Communications NAN Communicator (EOF) I l Offsite Support 45Minutes Fire Fire Suppression Ottsite Department from time of.

rec uest Offsite Support Rescue Operations andFirst Offsite.

Ambulance 45Minutes Aid from time of.



Conro. Roorn Urm Snift Radalion GTT Seconty Dnectoa Gotwrv>3or T.rm>cal Advisor Protection Monlo' Cornmunicator1 .  :

j....--.3 CR Opeiators j Rad+abon l j Manitoring  ;

! Teennician : Conunumcator ...................

FireT*>arr l L....--....-J . ........,

Radiation j ope,ation Aww

Monitonog Toms Gl.ift Te.1u,iw Aivisor itjraaffected Jniti l MC Managerj t

.......3 j

Peraa T.:ans l DashedboxdenotesPositions notphysically locatedultheCR Augnwr,'ed traEra FIGURE1 ONSIIIFT EMERGENCY ORGANIzATION

G i Engineer M MT

ocrc1rar l OGC Reacto

.. ............, on-,a Repen Teams * ,



OSCMariatjei ERF Adnunistrative Communicator Support RadProtection Repairs GroupLead Coordinator

> 4 RPTechnicians Mochanice Chemistry Evectricians Technicans I& C Technicans

i. TeamMembers.

Ropmir asneeded q




EMERGENCY OPERATlONS DIRECTOR Radio:ogical Assist Emergency Secunty Assessment Engineeing Directc Operations Director Manager Coordinator OcseAssessment ERF Hea?th Physiast Communicator Administrative Staff HPN Communicator NAN Communicator Radiological Assessment Communicater

!SManager j RFATTeams j u..................*



Manage atC f 4 4 -

V deo hoto Research/

Wr;trg .

Coordinaor ocrdanator I l

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l ao Verde l Spokesperson 5po6espersor Coo-dinator I l I l l I m Communcator l 5tate 5pokesperson I l I l I C, l Spo6esperson I l I I I Oher l Spokespersons N - - - - -





@ I I



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FACILITY l I I I I L---------------- I

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! I i I i I L----------------------------------g FIGilRE6 ONSITE/OFFSITE EMERGENCY ORGANIzATIONINTERFACE

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE48OF383 overnor o Arizona SEOCPolicy Chief AzDHSDirector AzDA Director Policy Group HEOC Agriculture Command Center l

1 Technical Operations Operations Director MaricopaCounty Plans Technical - - --

MCEOC OperationsCenter Logistics MCSOEOR RFATForward Finance & Admin City ofBuckeye RFATCenter AzDHSEOF Liaison FlGl!RE7 STATE,COlINTY& 1,OCAI EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER ORGANizATION

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE49OF383 5.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONSAND CLASSIFICATIONS 5.1 EN1ERGENCY CONDITIONS Emergency classification isdivided into four classification levels. Emergency Action I.evels (EALs), based onindications available inthe control roomandcorrelated tothe emergency classilleations, areprovided tothe operator.

TheEAlswere discussed andagreed upon byPalo Verde andstate andcounty governmental authorities, andapprovedbythe NRC. EAl s arereviewed with the State andlocal governmental authorities onanannual basis.

PVNGShas andmaintainsthe capability toassess, classify, anddeclare anemergency condition within 15minutes after the availability ofindications toplant operators that an EAl. has been exceeded. Uponidentincation ofthe appropriate emergency classiBeation level the emergency condition will be promptly declared.

Thefour emergency classificationlevels are described in the following sections:

EllERGENCYCl,ASSIFICATION1,EVEl,DESCRIPTIONS There arethree considerations related toemergency elassification levels. These are:

l)Thepotential impact onradiological safety, either asknown now orascanbe reasonably projected:

2)Howlar the plant isbeyond itspredeGned design, safety, andoperating envelopes; and 3)Whether ornotconditions thatthreaten health areexpected tobeconfined to within the site boundary.

TheTCsdeal explicitly withradiological safety impact byescalating from levels corresponding toreleases within regulatory limits toreleases beyond EPAProtective Action Guideline (PAG) plume exposure levels.

M Events areinprogress orhave occurred which indicate apotential degradation ofthelevel ofsafety ofthe plant orindicate a security threat tofacility protection has been initiated.

No releases ofradioactive material requiring offsiteresponse ormonitoring areexpected unless further degradation ofsafety systems occurs.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE50OF383 ALERT Events areinprogress orhave occurred which involve anactual substantial orpotential degradation of thelevelofsafety ofthe plant ora security event involves that probable life threatening risktositepersonnel ordamage tosite equipment becauseof IIOSTIl I ACTION. Anyreleases areexpected tobelimited tosmall fractions oftheEPAPAG exposure levels.

Events areinprogress orhaveoccurred which involve actual orlikelymajor titiluresof plant functions needed for protection of thepublic orIIOSTII E ACTIONthat results in intentional damage ormalicious acts:I) toward sitepersonnel orequipment thatcould lead tothe likelyfailureofor; 2) that preventeffective access to,equipment needed forthe protection ofthe public.Anyreleases arenotexpected toresult inexposurelevels which exceed EPAPAGexposure levels beyond the site boundary.

M Events areinprogress orhave occurred which involve actual orIMMINENTsubstantial core degradation ormelting with potentialfor loss of containment integrity orIIOSTllE ACTIONthat resultsinanactual loss ofphysical control of the Releases facility. canbe reasonably expected toexceed EPAPAGexposure levels offsite for morethan the immediate sitearea.



Thesite specificimplementation ofthe guidance wasapproved bytheNRCina safety evaluation dated September 8,2016 andincorporated into Appendix A ofthe PVNGS Emergency Plan Revision 59andinthe Emergency Preparedness Implementing Procedures.

Palo Verde Generating Station's Emergency Classification andEmergency Action I.evel (EAl.) scheme isbased onthe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Amendment No.198toRenewed FacilityOperating Iicense No.NPF-41,Amendment No.198to Renewed IacilityOperating Iicense No.NPI-5IandAmendment No.198toRenewed Facility Operating 1.icense No.NPF-74 forthe Palo Verde Generating Units Station, 1,2, and3.respectively. Theamendments consist ofchanges tothe emergency actionlevel (EAI.) scheme inresponse toa Palo Verde Generating Station application dated October 9,2015, assupplemented byletter dated May12,2016.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE51OF383 Theamendments revised Palo Verde Generating Station's EAL scheme based onthe Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) guidance documentNI?l Revision 99-01. 5,"Development of Emergency Action Levels forNon-Passive toonebased Reactors," onNEl99-01, Revision 6.NEI99-01, Revision 6,which wasendorsedbytheNRCbyletter dated March 28,2013 (Agency-wide Documents AccessandManagement System Package Accession No.MI 13091A209).

6.0EMERGENCY MEASURES This section establishesthe methodology ofemergency andisthe response basis forthe EPIPs whichdefine the emergency actions tobetaken during Emergency anemergency. measures followasequential process which contains the definable following elements:

  • Event Assessment
  • Classification andDeclaration
  • Notification
  • Mobilization
  • Consequence Assessment
  • Protective Actions
  • Corrective Actions 6.1EVENTASSESSMENT Initial recognitionofemergency conditionsshouldnormally occurintheControl Room.

Emergency conditionsmaybeindicated by instrument alarms, readings orreports to the Control Room. The Control Room Supervisor (CRS) provide should initial evaluation of the indicatorsandnotify the Shift Manager (SM).TheSMevaluates theconditions against the established EALstodetermine ifanEAIhas been reached orexceeded.

6.2CI,ASSIFICATION AND DECI,ARATION An emergency shallbeclassitled anddeclarediftheSM 11nds thata specificEALhas been reached.exceeded, orif the SMdetermines that isimminent it thatthespecific EAL set-point willbereached orexceeded.

Whenthe SMdeclares anemergency totheControlRoompersonnel,anannouncement will bemadeover theunit public address andthe system. other ControlRoomsand Security will benotilled.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE52OF383 Forthose abnormal situations potentially involving morethan oneunit,the Unit1SMis responsible for initiallyclassifying anddeclaring the emergency andassuming the position of IC.Exceptions are considered for selected security events.

6.3NOTIFICATION Initial Notifications aremade tostate andlocal agencies andtheNRCinaccordance with establishedprocedures. Theprocedures include ameansofmessage verification.

The l InitialNotifications declaration tostate andcounty oftheemergency. TheNotifleation agencies aremadewithin Alert Network 15minutes (NAN) isa ofthe communications linkfor notitleations tooffsite agencies. 8and9).

(Figures Thelicensee shall notify the NRC immediately afternotification ofthe appropriate State orlocal agencies andnotlaterthan one hour the after time the licensee declaresoneofthe Emergency Classes.

InitialNotillcation ofstate andcounty agencies consists ofthe mutually following agreed toinformation:

e Plant identification a Emergency Classification (or termination)

  • Date andTimeofClassification (ortermination) a Current Emergency Action I.evel
  • Wind speed anddirection a Authentication
  • Current release status
  • Protective Actions Recommendations (if any)

Follow UpNotifications areprovided tothe predesignated offsite agency. Thedata transmitted ismutually agreed upon andused forthe purpose ofaidinginthedecision-making process thattakes place offsite.

6.4MOHll,IzATION Theemergency organization for anUnusual Eventconsists ofnormalshiftpersonnel.

Augmentation ofthis organization mayoccur atthediscretionoftheEC.During normal station work hours, notilleation ofonsite EROmayoccur viaPAannouncement, emergency evacuation system and/or mobile devices.

During off-hours, notification ofEROisaccomplished the byactivating automated callout system. A manual system isalso available if theautomated systemisnotavailable.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE53OF383 ForanUnusual Event classification, on-shift personnel respondtotheemergency andthe event is directed from the affected unit Control Room/ STSC. Command ofthe situation remains there with the on-shift Emergency Coordinator (EC)untiltermination/recovery or reclassification toahigher level emergency occurs. Foreventsaffecting all three units, command andcontrol isinUnit 1 APS/Palo Verde Communications provides media interface during anUnusual Event.

Inthe event of an Alert orhigher classification level, the ECorders on-shift the activation ofthe TSC,OSC, EOF, andJIC. Theonsite EROis directed bythe EC-TSC. TheEODin the EOFprovides overall coordination ofthe event anddirection oftheERO.

6.5CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT Assessment actions will continue throughout the emergency. Continued assessment may result inreclassification ofthe emergency andalteration ofemergency response actions.

Priority will begiven tocontinuing assessment actions thatresult in:

  • Protective Action Recommendations for the health and safety ofthe general public a Protective Actions for onsite personnel
  • Maintaining control ofthe plant a Resolving anemergency situation
  • Corrective actions toreduce the consequences ofanemergency 6.5.1 Assessment Action for Control ofPlant Operations Theexistence ofanyemergency condition causes increased monitoring ofControl Roominstrumentation tomonitor trends ofappropriateparameters, particularly the indicated values that triggered the emergency andthosethatmayberelated.

Additional monitoring equipment maybeused the toassess nature ofthe emergency condition. A Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) display console isinthe Control Roomandisaccessible toControl Roompersonnel.

6.5.2Environmental Assessment forProtection oftheIlealth& Safety ofthePublic PVNGShas the responsibility toperform a preliminaryassessment ofthe offsite consequences ofanincident. Environmental AssessmentforProtection ofthe Health andSafety ofthe Public isperformed byPVNGSusing twomethods:

a DoseAssessment a Environmental Surveys

PVNGS EMERGENCY PiAN REVISION69 PAGE54OF383 Dose Assessment isperformed bytrained personnel usingcomputer generated dose projections orother approved methodologies based onplant parameters and/or site eftluent release data. Theinitial assessment will beperformed within 30 minutes of thedeclaration ofanyemergency classification. liPIP's provide recommendations for protective action recommendations whenindicated bydose assessment results.

Environmental Surveyswill beinitiated asa minimum following the declaration of Alert orhigher. An Environmental Teamwill bedeployed within 30minutes to support these surveys. Environmental Teamsmeasure dose rate readings andnoble gasandiodineconcentrations.

PVNGSmaintains fully equipped and dedicated vehicles tosupport Environmental Teams. Air monitoringequipment has the capability todetect under field conditions. radioiodine concentrations inair aslow asI-7microcuries per cubic centimeter.

PVNGSdeploys Survey Teams offsite at least until AzDHShas mobilized its Radiological Emergency Assistance Team (REAT). Approximately three(3) hours isestimated for REATdeployment. Iong-term offsite assessments and dose tothe public (ingestion pathway EPz) arethe responsibility ofAzDilSandsupported by Federal resources.

Radiological data developed byeither ofthese techniques is used toassess appropriateness ofClassification andProtective Action Recommendations.

Environmental assessment issupported bya permanent meteorological installation which continuously indicates andrecords wind speed direction andtemperature differentials. Meteorological data maybeobtained from the National Weather Service. This system isdescribed insection 7.3.1 I 6.5.3In-plant Radiological Controls During the course ofanemergency, elevated radiation orcontamination levels may beexperienced. It maythen benecessary toimpose additional radiological controls beyond the controls established bythe normal in-plant radiological controls program.

In-plant radiological controls inanemergency situation maydiffer from normal radiological control activities inthe following aspects:

  • Maintaining strict access control into affected plantareas

= Availability anduseofaugmented dosimetry


  • Additional useofportable radiation monitoring devices. particularly high range monitoring devices, il3rmonitoring contamination andarea radiation levels a Increased availabilityanduseofprotective clothing andrespiratory devices
  • Increased air sampling for the purpose oflimiting the number ofpersons subject toexposure a Increased whole body counting andother bio-assays Initialassessment ofthe need tor in-plant radiological controls maybebased on plantreadings, RMS readings,in-plant EPDreadings andsystem status reports.

Additional information concerning in-plant radiological conditions maybegained during the debriefing ofpersonnel deployed with Emergency Repair andSurvey Teams.

6.5.4Reactor CoreDamage Assessment Initialassessment ofthe status of the reactor core isperformed bythe STA.Initial assessment ofcore conditions isbased on readings ofControl Room instrumentation andassessment ofSPDS data.

PriortoTSCactivation, the STAinthe STSC provides additional capabilityfor assessment ofreactor core damage.

Whenthe TSCisactivated, the Reactor Analyst assesses core conditions underthe direction ofthe Engineering Manager. Information isobtained fromthe SPDSand criticalparameter values from ERFDADS.

Palo Verde's Core Damage Assessment program wasdeveloped based onthe Combustion Engineering Owners Group Task Development 4 67, ofthe Comprehensive Procedure Guidelines for CoreDamage Assessment.

6.6CORRECTIVEACTIONS PVNGSprocedures contain stepsfor preventive and/or corrective actionstoavoid or mitigate serious consequences ofanincident. These steps are contained in AOP, EOP, and other procedures.

plant 6.7PROTECTIVE ACTIONS ofprotective A range actions has been developed foremergency workersandthe public.

Theguidelines for emergency workers are consistent with E PA emergency andworker lifesaving activity protective actionguides.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE56OF383 Protective actions areemergency measures taken during andafter anemergency sothat onsite personnel andthe general public are alerted andactions areinitiated flarthe protection oftheir healthandsafety. Protective actions areinitiated if radiation orairborne radioactivity levels exceed predetermined values orwhensituations threaten the health andsafety ofonsite personnel orthe general public.

Theresponsibility for thedetermination ofProtective Actions forWorkers andthe General Public is implemented asfollows:

  • Protective actions for onsite personnel andvisitors arethe responsibility ofthe PVNGSEmergency Coordinator.
  • Protective Actions forEmergency Workers operating under the State orCounty Emergency Plan aretheresponsibility ofthe AzDIIS. Measures for the protection of these Emergency Workers are detailed inthe Offsite Emergency Response Plan for PVNGS.
  • Protective Measures for the General Public are directed bythe Governor ofArizona andimplemented byMaricopa County. It is the responsibility ofPVNGStoprovide Protective Action Recommendations forthe Evacuation and/or Shelter ofthe General Public within theI0Mile EP7inaddition to a recommendation for Potassium lodide whenappropriate. PVNGSincoordination with the State ofArizona (ADEM and AzDIIS) along withMaricopa County have formulated a protective action strategy consistent with the guidance contained within "NDRE(i 0654, Supplement 3,Criteria for Preparation andEvaluation ofRadiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness inSupport ofNuclear Power P lants, (inidance for Protective Action Strategies, November 201I.

Measures for the protection ofthe general public aredetailed inthe Offsite Emergency Response Plan for PVNGS.

6.7.1PROTECTIVEACTIONFORONSITEPERSONNEl, Protective actions foronsite personnel mayinclude alerting, personnel assembly, accountability, andevacuation aswell assecurity procedures, access control, monitoring anddecontamination. Protective actions mayalso betaken for onsite personnel foremergencies such as11res or natural disasters where personnel safety isthreatened.

6.7.I.1Ilostile Action Onsiteprotection ofemployees during ahostile action involves a combination ofrestricted movement, movementtosafe locations, and siteevacuation depending onthe nature ofthe hostile event and advance warning. Site procedures provide specifle actions totake duringhostile actionbased events.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE57OF383 Unit personnel are alertedbyanaudible signal andanannouncement over the unit public addresssystem. Site personnel arealerted by activation ofanaudible signal followed bypublic address system announcements. Evacuation/accountability isassured inhigh noise workareas bythe useofaudible alarms, flashing lights, and/or administrative measures.

The PVNGS Site Warning Siren/Public Address System of consists electronic sirenswith four distinct sounds: (I) assembly signal,(2) evacuation signal. (3) firesignal, and(4) all-clearsignal.These signals areintroduced prior toinitial site access andareavailable ona phone recording. The emergency signal canbeactivated from the Control Room,and the TSC. Personnel assembly ismandatory atthe Site Area Emergency orhigher level classification. Assembly of site personnel outside ofthe Protected Areas isaccomplished byall personnel reporting todesignated assembly areas. Assembly maybeinitiated atanytime site management deems i t appropriate for personnel safety reasons.Inthe case ofahostile actionthreatorevent. designated assembly points will beannounced via thePublic Address System. The designated assembly points mayinclude onsiteassembly points oroffsite mustering points.

Assembly mayalso beused asa tool toinitiate theTwo-Man Rule during Security events.

6.7.I.4Accountability Personnel accountability within the Protected Areais mandatory atthe Site Area Emergency. Accountability maybeinitiated atother timesat the discretion ofthe ECtosupport worker safety.

Accountability ofpersonnel within theProtected Areas isaccomplished within 30minutes ofthe declaration ofSite AreaEmergency orhigher, andmaintained continuously thereafter. using ProtectedArea(s) boundary access controlasdescribed inthe PVNGSSecurity Plan.If there arestation personnelwhoareunaccounted for,the Unit Evacuation System andsitewide page areused tolocate them. or,in extreme cases (fire,toxicgasrelease, exp:osions, structuraldamage,

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE58OF383 trained etc.), search andrescue personnel aredeployed tosearch forand assistthe missing personnel. Evacuation Thedecision toevacuate non-essential personnel ismadebythe l?C.

Nonessential personnel mustbeevacuated inthe event ofa Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency. Ilowever. incertain situations it may bedesirable toevacuate earliertoenhance worker protection.

6.7.I.6Security andAccess Control PVNGS Security personnel atSecurity Access Control Pointsare instructed to admit only emergencypersonnel anddesignated County, StateandNRC personnel. Special onsite security measures have been developed tofacilitate rapid access byemergency response personnel.

Incase ofa Securitycontingency eventsuch asa direct armed attack, Security's response actions may beprimarilyfocused onthe Security event andtake precedence over emergency response duties.

6.7.I.7Monitoring andDecontamination Personnel aremonitored forcontamination atthe SecurityAccess Points asthey depart the Power Plant Protected Area byportal monitors. Personnel located outside the Power Plant Protected Area are monitored asrequired byradiological conditions.If decontamination of personnel isrequired, they aredecontaminated bytrained personnel.

Onsite emergency personnel aremonitored forcontamination attheir respective emergency stations. Decontamination ofonsite emergency personnel isconducted atonsite decontamination facilities. Equipment andSupplies A variety ofprotective equipment isavailable onsite tominimize radiological exposures, contamination problems andGrefighting hazards.

6.7.I.8.1 Respiratory Protection Equipment Respiratory protection equipment includes full face canister respirators, self-contained breathing apparatus andair-fed respirators. Radiation Protection personnel determine when the useofrespiratory protection equipment isappropriate

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE59OF383 andselect the correct type ofequipment for conditions expected tobeencountered. Protective Clothing Protective clothing ismaintained onsite for routineuseand is available for useduring emergencies. Thyroid Blocking Agent Thel?C isthe only individual whomayauthorize the voluntary useofpotassium iodide (Kl) for emergency personnel. The EC-TSC authorizes the useofKIwith the advice of the Radiation Protection Coordinator. Theuseof Klis based onthe potential for r oronthe elease, magnitude ofanactual release, ofiodine. Klisdistributed to emergency workers when itsuseisauthorized. Emergency Dosimetry Dosimetry islocatedin close proximity toall emergency centers andavailable forissue toemergency personnel as necessary byRadiation Protection personnel.

6.7.2OFFSITEPROTECTIVEACTIONS Protective Actions for the General Public inresponse toradiolouical emereencies include sheltering orevacuation of the and public issuance the ofPotassium lodide basedonconsideration ofthe relative benefits ofeach action. Theaction which affords thehigher level ofdose avoidance, whenoffsite doses areexpected to exceedProtective Action Guides, ispreferred. Ilowever. other suchas litctors duration.

release mobilization time oradverse weather areimportant considerationsaffecting offsite protective action recommendations. Evacuation sections route andevacuation routing areshown inF:gure 11 It isthe ofPVNGStomakeProtective responsibility Action Recommendations, the Governorofthe StateofArizona tomakeProtective Action Decisions and MaricopaCounty toimplement the Protective Action Decision. The communications flow path associated with Protective Action Recommendations is illustrated inFigure 10.

Thecurrentlivacuation TimeEstimate isused toassist informulating protective bythe actions offsite authorities. PVNGShas perfl>rmed anEvacuation Time asrequired Estimate by10CFR50, Appendix 1 PVNGSwill

. estimate EP7

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE60OF383 permanent resident population changes during the years between decennial censuses using U.S.Census Bureau data. State andlocal government population data isused ifavailable.These estimates shall occur nomorethan 365days apart andthe resultsprovided tostate andlocal emergency management agencies for factoring into protectiveactions asneeded. 1.icensees shallmaintain these estimates availablefor NRCinspection during the periodbetween censuses and shall submit these estimates tothe NRCwith anyupdated ETEs. Ifatanytime during the decennial period, the population increases sothat the ETEfor the2-mile zoneor5-mile zone, includingall affected ERPAs,orfor the entire EP/,increases by25percent or 30minutes, whichever isless, for the scenario with the longest ETE,the ETEanalysis will beupdated toreflect the impact ofthat population increase. Actions fortheGeneral Public Thebasis fordeveloping andproviding Protective Action Recommendations isEPA-400, "Manual ofProtective Action Guides andProtective Actions For Nuclear Incidents." Protective action recommendations forthe general public consider the time required fi>r notificationofoffsite authorities, for public alerting andfor implementation of protective actions. in thecase o facore melt situation,evacuation ofatleast a two-mile radius around the plantsite andatleast five miles downwind for affected sectors isrecommended.

A Shelter recommendation maybemadebythe State for impediments toevacuation. A Shelter recommendation maybemade bythe station if release conditions dictate.Governmental officials will also beadvised toconsider the useofPotassium lodide (Kl) asa protective measure.

Whenevacuation isordered, the Offsite Emergency Response Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station provides, asa minimum, for evacuation by22.5 degree sectors considering first the sector inwhich thecentral axis ofthe plume islocated andthen the adjacent sector on each side.Implementation ofprotective actions 11)r the general public is described inthe Offsite Emergency Response Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station. Timeestimates forevacuation within the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning zone aremaintained in the Bles ofEmergency Preparedness Department. Thedemography within thePlume Exposure Pathway isshown inFigure 12.

Offsite authorities receive animmediate notification 11)r:

  • Change inemergency elassincation a Change inthe release status


= Change inProtective Action Recommendations

  • Change inthe ProtectiveAction zone 6.7.3 CONTAMINATION CONTROLMEASURES Plant Site Specine area limits havebeen established forcontrol ofcontamination within the PVNGSflicility. Thebasis fortheselimits isthat contamination shall becontrolled sothat hazardstopersonnel are minimized andcompliance with personnel exposure limits and (internal external) isassured. Asnecessary, Contamination Areas areestablished andposted. Details ofcontamination control measures foronsite personnel and equipment are contained inthePVNGSRadiation Protection Program. Offsite Criteria andmeasures forcontamination inoffsite control areas are detailed inthe Offsite Imergency Response Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

6.8AIDTO AFFECTEDPERSONNEL 6.8.1EllERGENCYPERSONNELDOSECRITERIA Emergency workers carry electronicalarming dosimetersinaddition to Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (Tl.Ds). Dosimeters arereadatintervals dependent upon radiation levels inaccordance with PVNGSNuclear Administrative andTechnical Manual Procedures. Inadditiontoself-readout capability,the dosimeters arecapable ofalarming ondose ordose rate.

Emergency dosimetry isprovided ona24-hour basisbyRadiation Protection personnel. Every effort ismadetominimize emergency worker doses throughthe useofprotective equipment andsupplies andbyminimizing exposure time.

Emergency exposures above administrative guidelines areauthorized bythe Radiation Protection Monitor (RPM), Radiation Protection Coordinator ortheEC.

TheRPMorRadiation ProtectionCoordinator mayauthorize exposures uptothe 10CFR20limits, andthe ECauthorizes exposures above 10CFR20limits, in accordance with procedures. Emergency worker dosecriteria arebased onthree categoriesofactions: sampling under accident lifesaving conditions, actions,and corrective/protective actions.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE62OF383 TheECisnotified ofaccidental oremergency dose inexcess ofoccupational limits. Decisions toaccept doses inexcess ofoccupational limits inlife-saving situations are ona voluntary basis.

6.8.2 DECONTAMINATION AND FIRSTAID Provisions exist toassist personnel whoareinjured andwhohave received high radiation doses, orwhohave been contaminated. Decontamination materials and portable first aid kits areavailable atstrategic locationsthroughout thestation and offsite. There are personnel trained inGrst aidanddecontamination procedures. In addition, onsite decontamination areas equipped with decontamination facilities, supplies, andother specialized equipment arelocatednear the access control point ontheI40 ft.elevation in the Auxiliary Building ofeach unit. Personnel found to beexternally contaminated are decontaminated. Where contamination oflarge, open wounds is involved, personnel are transportedtoBanner University Medical Center orBanner Estrella Medical Center. Contaminated PVNGSevacuees are decontaminated atthe Offsite Relocation Area.Waste fluids andwastes from decontamination ofpersonnel ormaterial are collected and handled asradioactive wastes inaccordance with the PVNGSNuclear Administrative andTechnical Manual, except atthe offsite relocation where radioactive wastes area, arehandled under guidance the of AzDIIS.

6.8.3MEDICAI, TRANSPORTATION Injured/externally contaminated personnel whorequire medical attention are transported toBanner University Medical Center orBanner Estrella Medical Center byanavailable onsite oroffsite air orground ambulance.

6.8.4MEDICAITREATMENT Letters ofagreement fortreating externally contaminated patients existfor Banner University Medical Center andBanner EstrellaMedical Center.

Treatment ofindividuals injured mayoccur attheonsite medical facility during normal working hours orbyEMTqualified personnel onweekends orbackshift.

Serious injuries mayrequire thepatient tobetransferred tothe nearest offsite treatment facilityappropriate tothe injury.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE63OF383 6.9 MEDIA REIATIONS Provisions for media relations during the courseofanemergency inthe aredetailed Joint Public Information Procedure.WhenanUnusual Eventisdeclared, newsmedia relations areconducted fromAPS/PaloVerde Atthe Communications. orhigher Alert classification level, the Joint Center Information isactivated at600North Way, Verrado Building with A, Buckeye, Arizona, inaccordance theguidelines oftheJoint Public Information Procedure. ThePublicInquiry Centeratthe StateEOCandtheRumor Control Center attheAPS Customer Care Centerrespondtopublic inquiries.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE64OF383 PVNGS Umt1 Umt2 Room Control Control Room.=


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE65OF383 NORMALWORKINGHOURS PVNGS DPS DEMA MCDEM MCSO Dinrict AzDHS Director Director OnScene Commander Dutc and and Conunander 05cer Operational Operational Response Response Agencies &



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PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE67OF383 7.0 EMERGENCY FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT This section describes emergency response facilities,onsiteandoiTsite communications system links, assessment equipment andfacilities. 11rst aid andmedical facilities, anddamage controlequipment.


TheCRisinthe Control Building onthe 140-foot levelandis designed tobe habitable duringDesign Basis Accidents. The which CR, includes the Shift Manager's contains full office, plant instrumentation, ERFDADS/SPDS, a Qualified SPDS display. and communication linksasdescribed in Table 3and Section 7.2, andtechnicaldrawings. Protective breathing apparatus, emergency radiological monitoring equipment, andprotective clothing arestored inthe emergency kitoutside the CR.


An emergency requiring the evacuation ofthe CR results inshutdown controlfrom the RSP.TheRSPhas tworedundant andindependent setsofplant controls. Each redundant control area hasits own Radio Console and administratively dedicated phone line. aswell asEPAl3X telephone andsound-powered phone asdescribed in Table 3andSection 7.2.


Itprovides directtechnical support tothe CRpersonnel inthe areas of:

= Engineering andtechnical analytical support

= Reactor analyticalsupport

= Radiological analytical support An ERFDADS/SPDS display andvarious communications equipment, as described inTable 3 andSection 7.2,areavailable inthe STSC.


TheOSCisthe entire 140' level ofthe Auxiliary Building andOperations Support Building ofeach unit.Emergency equipment required isstored inemergency kits inthe OSC.TheOSCalso includes the Radiation Protection area which provides a

decontamination facility,a fixed radiological counting facility, andaccess tothe

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE68OF383 station's radiation protection records andforms. TheOSCserves asthe point of origin for Environmental Teams andRepair Teams. Variouscommunications links, asdescribed inTable 3andSection 7.2, areavailableinthe OSC.

Inthe event theOSCbecomes uninhabitable, anunaffected OSCmaybeused unit as an alternate OSC.


TheTSCis the II)cal point 113ronsite emergency operations directing andft)r and assisting the Control Roomduring unitemergency conditions.

Keystation management andtechnical personnel arestationed atthe TSCduringthe emergency toprovide the guidance required foraccidenttermination and mitigation.

TheTSCisstaffed andactivated during anAlert, Site AreaEmergency,orGeneral Emergency andislocated belowgrade immediately southwest ofBldg. "D"inside the Protected Area.

TheTSCiscentrally located within tenminutes walking time fromtheCRofeach ofthe three Palo Verde units. Thefunctionspertl)rmed inthe TSCinclude:

  • Manage onsite emergency response
  • Direct in-plant radiological protection activities
  • Direct emergency maintenance
  • Direct personnel accountability andsite security e Coordinate safety andhazards controlthrough the Control Room and the Onsite Fire Dept.

a Perform engineering andtechnical analyses for control roomsupport a Perfl3rm reactor analyses for controlroomsupport e Provide I& C technical support

  • Coordinate computer technical support
  • Provide chemistry technical support TheTSChasERFDADS/SPDS computer terminals, which CRparameters display il)reach unit,the Radiation Monitoring System (RMS), thestation meteorological system, andother parameters. Capability existsinthe TSCtorapidlyretrieve plant documents, drawings, procedures andplans. TheTSC(when activated) isthe central location 11)r thereceipt andanalysis ofin-plant radiological monitoring data. TheTSChasvarious communications links asdescribed available inTable 3

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE69OF383 andSection 7.2. TheTSChas shielding andventilation toensure habitability tollowing design basis accidents.

TheTSCcontains anarea with a microwave andrefrigerator, conference room,an emergency supply storage area, andanarea reserved for NRCpersonnel. TheTSC contains equipment required ll>r emergency response. TheTSCisalso equipped with an airborne radiation monitor.

Inthe event theTSCbecomes uninhabitable, the TSCcommand function will operate outof the affected unit's STSC(Unit I,if multiple units areimpacted) and the support staff will berelocated toanOSC.


TheEOFislocated approximately 20miles east ofPVNGSat600North Verrado WayBuilding A, Buckeye, Arizona.

TheEOFis the focal point flarcoordination ofonsite andoffsite emergency response activities. Management andtechnical personnel assigned tothe EOFare responsible for protective action recommendations, liaisonwith offsite governmental organizations andresponse flicilities, andoverall coordination ofthe Emergency Organization.

TheEOFhasspace allocated for housing emergency personnel and space forNRC, FEMAandstate/county emergency personnel. TheEOFhas various communications links available asdescribed inTable 3andSection 7.2. TheEOF isstaffed andactivated flaranAlert orhigher level emergency classineation. The EOFalso hasERFDADS data displayed through PIcomputer capability. The capability exists inthe EOFtorapidly retrieve plant documents, drawings, procedures andplans.

7.I.7A1,TERNATIVE FACII,ITY TheEEC-EOF isdesignated asthe Alternative Facility forstaging ofERO personnel. inthe event ofa Security orIlostile Action Based threat orevent. The EEC-EOF mayalso serve asa re-location area for TSCandOSCpersonnel. The Alternative Facility has the capability tocommunicate with the Control Room, Security andthe EOF. TheEOlmayalso beused asanAlternate facility for any event where siteaccess isnotpossible i.e. Beyond Design Bases External Event (BDBEE) orFI.EX event.


TheJIC,located at600North Verrado Way, Building A.Buckeye, Arizona serves asthe primary point fordissemination ofinformation tothe newsmedia representatives foranAlertorhigher emergency classification level.

Provision ismadeatthe JICtoallow media personnel tocommunicate with their base facilities. State,countyandfederal agency officialsshare office space with the staff at the JIC.

Thecommunications links available atthe JICaredescribed inTable 3andSection 7.2.

7.I.9PALOVERDEAND APS EXTERNAI COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTVIENTS Palo Verde Communications and APS External Communications are responsible for developing mediastatementsand coordinating media briefings during Unusual Event elassifications.AtAlertandhigher classitleation level, the JICassumes the responsibility forthis function.

AtAlert or Site Area Emergency classifications involving non-radiological events, Palo Verde Communications will work with the JICtocoordinate plant visits andbriefings. PaloVerde Communications is equipped with EPABX telephones andfax machines for onsite and offsite communications.


TheState liOC istheprimarypoint from which the Governor/designee exercises overall coordination ofoffsite emergency response operations through the ADEM.

TheState liOC atADEMIIeadquarters islocated inPhoenix at5636 East McDowell Road. ofthe Staffing State EOCconsists ofauthorized representatives of:

  • Office ofthe Governor
  • Arizona DepartmentofEmergency andMilitary Affairs (DEMA)
  • Arizona DivisionofEmergency Management (ADEM) a Arizona DepartmentofIIealth Services (AzDIIS)
  • Arizona DepartmentofPublic Safety (AzDPS)
  • Arizona DepartmentofTransportation (ADOT)
  • Arizona DepartmentofEconomic Security (AzDES)
  • Maricopa CountyDepartment ofEmergency Management (MCDEM)


  • PVNGS(Utility Technical Representative)
  • Others (as notified/required).

PVNGS communications links with ADEM are described inTable 3.


TheMaricopa County EOCisthe focal point ofthe local government emergency response activity. Itislocated at5630 E.McDowell Road, Phoenix. Emergency response actions of the Maricopa County Sheriff'sIIealth Offlee, Department and Department ofTransportation, together with emergency response actions of volunteer agencies, are coordinated bytheMCDEMatthe County EOC.

COMMUNICATIONS 7.2 SYSTEMS ThePVNGS communications system isdesigned toensure the reliable, timely flow of information andaction directivesbetween all parties designated and empowered to mitinate emereencies. Toensure the reliabilityof the communications systems, the following provisions have been designed into these systems:

  • Redundancy
  • Alternative radio communications
  • Telephone ring downcircuits (voice anddata) tooffsite emergency organizations, to preclude delays duetosystem overload
  • Routine useofmanyofthe systems, which lowers the probability of undetected system failures Communication systems aretested atthe frequency specitled by10CFR50Appendix E, asa minimum. Onsite emergency telephone lines aredivided amongthree onsite EPABX switches. Each EPABXswitch isprovided with a backup battery for reliability.

This system will function during emergencies asit does during normal operations.

Telephones have the capability oftrunk access (via local provider) and the APSowned privatecommunications system which provides direct dial capabilities tothe entire APS voice system via the company owned private communications system. ThePVNGS telephone EPABXSystems through which all PVNGStelephone calls pass, areequipped with uninterruptible power supplies (battery chargers andbatteries) anddedicated priority switching toensure the reliability ofthe telephone system. ThePVNGSIPABXsarethe primary links for PVNGSphones. There arealso administratively dedicated lines forthe CR.STSC,TSC, EOF,andOSC.

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE72OF383 TheCR,TSC,andOSCeach have dedicated phone linesthatcanbeused toconnect between any twoofthe facilities.

Inaddition, each ofthese lacilitiescanusethese dedicated lines toconnect tothe following dedicated phones for the EOFpositions:


  • Radiological AssessmentCoordinatorEnvironmental Assessment Iine
  • Radiological Assessment CoordinatorControl RoomLine
  • Engineering Director Technical 1.ine
  • EngineeringDirector OSCIine
  • Radiological Assessment Communicator TSCIine Each ofthe phones onthe dedicated lines also functionsasa normal in-plantPVNGS phone. These linesarediscussed inmore detail inthe applicable subsections thatfollow.

TheEC/EODLine, Maintenance Iine, and Radiological Iine areadministratively dedicated lines that arealso availablefor use inanemergencyand arediscussed inthe subsections that follow. Thephones listed below consist ofsingle lineandmulti-line phones. Themultiline phones areequipped with a power failline anda PBXline.

7.2.1CONTROl, ROOM1,INE TheControl Room1ine has adedicated primaryline providing communications links with conference capability between theControl Room, the TSC,the Unit STSC,the EOF,the OSC,andthe RSP.

7.2.2ENVIRONMENTALASSESSMENT 1,INE TheEnvironmental Assessment Iine has adedicated primary andbackup line providing communications links with conferencecapability between the TSC, EOF.the Control Roomandthe RSP.

7.2.3 EC/EODIINE TheEC/EODline has aseparate dedicated primary linewith conference capability amongthe EOF,TSC,the Unit, andthe RSP.

This line provides a communications linkbetween theECs. Italsopermits three-wayconversations between the EC-TSC, EODandthe Shift Manager.

PVNGS EMERGENCY P1AN REVISION 69 PAGE73OF383 7.2.4EOFLINE TheEOFLine hasadedicated primary line providing communications links with conference eapability between the EOF,the Control Roomthe TSC,the Unit STSC, theOSC,andthe RSP.

7.2.5MAINTENANCE CONTROILINE TheMaintenance Control Line has a dedicated primary lineproviding a communications linkwithconference capabilitybetween the TSC,OSC, Control Room,andRSP.

7.2.6OSC1,INE TheOSC1ine hasanadministratively dedicated primary line providing communications linkswithconference capability between the OSC,the Control Room,the TSC,the UnitSTSC, the EOF, andthe RSP.

7.2.7RADIOLOGICALLINE TheRadiological Linehasadedicated primary line providing communications links with conferencecapability between the RP Office. TSC,the Unit.

STSC,the OSC, and theRSP.

7.2.8STSCLINE TheSTSCLine has adedicated primary lineproviding communication linkswith conference capability between the U nitSTSC. t heC ontrolRoom, the TSC, the EOF.the OSC.andthe RSP.

7.2.9TECHNICALLINE TheTechnical Iine hasadedicated primary providing line communications links with conference between capability the TSC,the Unit STSC. the EOF,the RSP, andthe Control Room.

TSCIINE 7.2.10 TheTSCLine has anadministratively dedicated primary lineproviding communications linkswithconference capabilitybetween the TSC,the EOF,the Control Room,the UnitSTSC,the OSC,andthe RSP.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE74OF383 7.2.11REMOTESIIUTDOWN PANEL(RSP) LINE TheRSPLine has anadministratively dedicated primary lineproviding communications links with conference capability between the TSC,theEOF,the Control Room,the Unit STSC,andthe OSC.


TheNRC ENS isa Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) telephone that connects PVNGS with the NRClleadquarters Operations Center.NRC IIeadquartershas thecapability topatch intheRegion IVofficeonthisline.

Itisto beused forreporting emergencies. Commercial telephonelinesareavailable as backup communications. Transmittal ofoperations related data should beonthis system. Thepurpose ofthis line is toprovide reliable communicationswiththe NRC.TheENSphones arelocated ateach Unit the andthe STSC, T SC, EOF.


TheNRCIIPN isa Federal Telecommunications System (FTS) telephone that connects PVNGSwith the NRCIIeadquarters Operations Center. TheIIPN is designed toprovide health physics andenvironmental information tothe NRCin the event ofanemergency. Other commercial telephone lines areavailable as backup communications. The IIPN phones arelocated inboththe TSCandEOF.


TheNRChasadata link available aspart ofthe FTSnetworkin the EOl andTSC.

Thelines aretested byPVNGSandmaintained bythe NRC.


TheMCPLisadedicated NRCcommunication linkbetween theNRCintheIOF, TSCandNRCIleadquarters personnel. Thelines byPVNGSand aretested maintained bythe NRC.


ThePMCIisadedicated NRCcommunication linkbetween theNRCinthe EOF.

TSC. andNRCHeadquarters personnel. Thelines are byPVNGSand tested maintained bythe NRC.


TheRSCLisadedicated NRCcommunication linkbetween theNRCinthe EOF, TSC,andNRC1leadquarters personnel. Thelines aretestedbyPVNGSand maintained bytheNRC.


TheEOD/CEO circuitis optic a fiber link between the EOl/JICandthe APS Executive1 loor Corporate.


NAN is thatprovides a communications a system link fromtheUnit STSCs and EOFtoDEMA, MCDEM, MCSO andDPS.

NAN'sprimary function istoprovide acommunications link fornotificationsto offsite agencies.Inthe event ofNAN failure, a channel ontheAPSCorporate l radio system orthecommercial phone lines is used tomakeInitialNotifications.


TheOperations #1circuit isa VOIP/SAT ring-down line with connectionsto DEMA, EOF,Unit STSCsandthe TSC.


TheOperations #2circuit isa VOIP/SAT ring-down line with connections to DEMA, the EOF,Simulators andthe TSC.


TheOperations #3eircuit isa VOlP/SAT ring-down line with connections to DEMA, the EOF,STSCs andthe TSC.


TheOperations #4circuit isa VOlP/SAT ring-down line with connections to l)EMA,the EOF,STSCs, andthe TSC.

PUBLICINFORMATIONRING-DOWNCIRCUIT#1 7.2.24 ThePl#1circuit isanintercom link from the EOFtothe JlC.


7.2.26 CELLUI AR PHONE ERO Responders assigned toeach STSC. theTSC,andthe EOFhave acompany provided cellular phone toprovide anadditional independent line of communication. Inaddition, each STSC,the TSC.andthe EOFhave a cellular phone toprovide anadditional independent lineofcommunication.

7.2.27 FACSIMII E TRANSMISSION Facsimile transmission provides "hard copy" communications to:

  • TSC(through PVNGSEPABX) e EOF e Ring-down Facsimile Machine Circuits #1(Fiber Optic) and#2(llardwire) linkthe EOF,TSC,STSCs, JIC, DEMA, andAPSCorporate Offices.

7.2.28 PVNGSRADIOSYSTEM PVNGSoperates a trunked radio system, withseparate talkgroups available for departments such asOperations, Security, FireProtection, Radiation Protection, Emergency Preparedness, the Water Resources facility, etc. This system includes base station consoles atvarious locations andemergency flicilities throughout the site. Someofthe radios used during emergencies areportable radios atvarious site locations, mobile radios inthe RFATvehicles, andbase station consoles atthe TSC,EOF,Unit OSCs,Unit, andUnit Control Rooms. PVNGSFire Protection also maintains radios that areused tocontact the air ambulance service toprovide landing instructions.

7.2.29 TELEPIIONE RINGDOWNCIRCUITS These voice circuits serve asaprimary communications link for providing technical inflarmation tooffsite agencies, public information communications, and the communication ofprotective action recommendations tooffsite authorities.

7.2.30 RADIOLOGICALEMERGENCY ASSISTANCE TEAM (REAT) RADIO SYSTEM TheAPSCorporate 800MII7Radio system provides a communications link between the State andState deployed field monitoring teams. Field monitoring information will betransmitted over the radiosystem. TheState's EOl

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE77OF383 representative has access tothe 800M1Izradio system from the EOF.1lardcopy ofdata istransmitted via FAX from the EOFtoRl?AT Forward.

7.2.31 MOBILE DEVlCES Mobile devices areprovided tokey members ofthe emergency response organization. This provides a reliablemeans ofcontact with keymembers 24hours aday, 7 days a week.

7.2.32 AREA PAGING SYSTEM Thearea pagingsystem provides a reliable means ofnotifying andproviding instructions topersonnel. Access tothis systemisthrough the l?PABX system telephones byuseofdedicated numbers.

7.2.33 ALARMS Audible alarms areaquick andeffective means ofcommunicatingemergency warnings. Thealarm systems aredescribed inthe followingsections. Emergency Evacuation Alarm System/Public Address System/Area Paging System TheEmergency Site livacuationAlarm System consists of pole-mounted electronic outdoor warning sirens.They arelocatedoutside each power block andareprovided toalert personnel within the securityboundaries ofPVNGS.These sirens areinitiated froma siren command module ineach unit'scontrolroom. A microphone is provided topermit announcements over this system.

Accountability/evacuation isassuredinhigh noise workareas (>95 dB) byuseofaudible alarms, flashing lightsand/or administrative measures.

ThePublic Address (PA) System consistsofsirens andspeakers that servetoalert personnel within a unitarea. TheEmergency Evacuation Alarm System consoles inthe controlroomsareused tosend announcements tothe PA system. Telephones located inside and outside ofthe power block mayalso send announcements PA tothe system. ThePublic Address Systemalso has voice capability using microphone ineach control andiscross-connected unit, tothe Area Paging System topermit site-wideannouncements.

There are distinct signalsprovided forassembly, evacuation, Breand all-clear.


7.2.35 AUTOMATED CALLOUT An automated callout system isused tocall outemergency response personnel.

Thesystem can alsobeactivated from anytouch tonetelephone with offsite access capability.The servers are located offsite attwodifferent remote locations andcan place multiple calls simultaneously. Telephone numbers tobecontacted and notification messages are pre-programmed onthe system. lfproper acknowledgment doesnot occur, the system periodicallyredials the number.

7.2.36 ADDITIONALOFFSITECOMMUNICATION LINKS Communication Links inAddition to Those DescribedAbove Include:

= Public Infl>rmation Unlisted Dial-up Telephone CircuitDEMAtoJiC e Ilighspeed internet connections -

JIC a Public Infl>rmation Unlisted Dedicated Dial-up Facsimile Machine Circuit #2 -


  • PVNGSEmergency Alert System (EAS) Ring-downTelephone Circuit -

hardwire from MCDEMandMCSOtoAM Broadcast Station KTAR and to FM Broadcast Station KPKX

= Public Information Unlisted Dedicated Dial-up Telephones -

JIC (4 general circuits)

  • Public Information Unlisted, Receive-only Telephone Circuits -

JIC(6 circuits

  • Public Infl)rmation Media Dial-up Telephone Circuits -

JIC(30 circuits) a Unlisted Dedicated Dial-up Facsimile -


  • Public Infl)rmation Unlisted Dial-up Telephone Circuit -

JICtoMCDEM a DEMABusiness Dial-up Telephone -

DEMAgeneral use(24 circuits), DEMA Public Inquiry (3circuits)

  • Public Infl>rmation Unlisted Dial-Up Facsimile Machine Circuit -


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE79OF383 Facility Communication andDataLinks EOFIine Maintenance Iine OSCIine RSPline Control Room STSCLine Technical Iine TSCI.ine Radio Station Base ENS ERFDADS Fax Control RoomI.ineEnvironmental Line ECI.ine EOFIine OSCI.ine Radiolouical line Technical Iine TSC I.ine SISL.

NAN Line RSP line O)s!l O)s//3 Cellular Phone ERFDADS Fax Radio Station Base Control Room Iine Environmental IineSTSCIine EOFIine Maintenance Line OSCIine Radioloeical I.ine EC/EODLine Technical I.ine RSPl.ine ENS

.fechnical Support O)snI Oas f;2 O)srt3 Lenter O3s:4 Radio BaseStation IIPN LAN (NRC)

MCPL(NRC) PMCL (NRC) RSCL(NRC) IRFDADS Fax Cellular Phone Operations SupportControl RoomLine EOF Line Maintenance I.ineSTSCIine Center Radioloeical l.ine TSCLine RPSLine Control RoomIine Environmental I,ine ECEODLine OSCI.ine STSCLine Technical Line TSCIine RSPLine IIPN(NRC) ENS(NRC) IAN Emergency EOD/CEO I.ine Operation IacilityMCPI. (NRC) PMCI. (NRC) RSCI (NRC)

NAN Iine O3s//I O)s :/2 O)s//3 O3s!:4 Public Info//I Public Info /:2 Cellular Phone ERFDADS via PI Fax Radio Base Station REATRadio Joint Information WDUO & Ph WC Ph M'o !2 N Lenter EOFIine Remote Shutdown onhO 0001 ne n ronnwntal ne ne Sound-powered Panel )hone Maintenance I.ineOSCI.ine Radiological line STSC I.ine Technical I.ine TSC1.ine Radio BaseStation NAN Line O3st/l O3s!/2 O3s t/3 DEMA O3s//4 Fax REATRadio RadioBase Station DPS NAN I.ine Radio BaseStation MCDEM NAN Iine Radio BaseStation MCSO NAN Iine Radio BaseStation TABI,E 3 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACII,iTYCOMMUNICATIONS

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE80OF383 7.3ASSESSMENT EQLIPMENT This onsiteoffsite sectiondescribes and facilities andmonitoring equipment used for initial andcontinuing assessment.

7.3.1 ONSITE SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT Onsite equipment isdescribed below. GEOPlIYSICAL DATA M

ThePVNGS meteorology atmospheric transport anddiffusion assessment program has been established using the guidance of NUREG-0654and Regulatory Guide 1.23,Rev. 0.ThePVNGS meteorological tower has the followinginstrumentation: temperature, differentialtemperature (between top andbottom sensors),

precipitation dewpoint,wind speed. andwind direction. Display of meteorological indications is available inthe Control Roomon ERFDADS.METdata isavailable inthe TSC,the Units STSC,andthe EOF.Inthe event the PVNGSmeteorological monitoring system is unavailable, National Weather Service broadcasts canbemonitored from the Control Rooms,EOF,andTSC.Meteorological data canbe obtained from the National Weather Servicein the event that PVNGS instrumentation isinsufncient oroutofservice during anemergency.

W Information isobtained from passive andactive instruments giving absolute peak ground acceleration inthreemutually orthogonal directions.Thesystem determines whether operating basis orsafe shutdown maximum accelerations areexceeded inanyofthree directions.Recorded information isavailableinthe Unit IControl Room.


TheRadiation Monitoring System isdivided into three basicgroups of detector systems.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE81OF383 Process monitors provide information toControl Roomoperators to assure proper functional performance ofthe monitored system, provide flirthe early detection of radioactive leakage intonon-radioactive systems, provide continuous remote i ndication and recording of airborneradioactivity levels inareas where personnel have routine access, and provide a means ofprocess sample collection.

M The Eftluent Monitoring System provides continuous sampling, recording and indications ofgaseous activity levels and, asa minimum, provides continuous representative sampling ofparticulate and radioiodine activity levelsatprincipal eftluent discharge points, provides for monitoring, alarm a nnunciation, andautomatic closure of the gaseous wastedischarge valve tomaintain releases from the waste gasdecay tanks belowODCM limits,provides radiation level indication andalarm annunciation toControl Roomoperators whenever Technical Specification limits are approached or exceeded, and provides ameansfor collection of samples for laboratory analyses at eflluent points.

M Thearea monitoring system immediately notifies plant personnel entering orworking innon-radiation orlow-radiation areas of abnormally high orincreasing radiation levels toprevent inadvertent overexposure, andinforms Control RoomOperators ofthe occurrence andlocation ofabnormal radiation levelincreases innon-radiation or low-radiation areas.

SYSTEMMONITORS 7.3.I.3 These monitors detect and/or control problems within plantsystems and include pressure detectors, heat detectors, heat risedetectors, orsimilar devices designed tomonitor plant parameters. Manyofthese detectors arecapable ofinitiating control actions toprevent andmitigate damage orrelease ofradioactive material.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE82OF383 SYSTEM TheFire Protection System (FPS) andFire Suppression System (FSS) detect, contain, andextinguish tires inthe unit. TheFPSfor each unit hasmonitoring, detection, alarm, suppression, andextinguishing facilities specilleally selected toprotect the area orequipment from damagebyGre. A computer terminal isprovided inthe Control Room ofeach unitfor incoming FPS/FSS alarms (including identification of affected areas andsuppression actions initiated bythe FSSsystem).

7.3.I.5RADIOACTIVITY ANALYSIS I.iquid samples are drawn inthe individual Units via theNuclear Sampling System. A built-insample bombisineach primarysample sink. Containment air samples are taken via Containment AirMonitor XJSQBRU000I**INTCPM.

Grab samples aredrawnand diluted asnecessary, procedural utilizing direction tominimize operator dose. Thegrab samples areanalyzed in the radiochemistry laboratory via a gamma energy analytical detector SyStem.

Inthe event the affected unit cannot perform theanalysis, backup analysis isdone i n one of the unaffected units. The Arizona Department ofIIealth Services is equipped todoisotopic analysis asanoffsite backup toPVNGScapabilities.

7.3.I.6PORTABLESltRVEYINSTRltMENTS These instruments provide flexibilityandbackup capability for radiation measurements inareas notserved byinstalled monitors, or where installedmonitors maybeinoperative. FACILITY DATAACQlISITION AND DISPl,AY SYSTEM(ERFDADS)

TheERFDADSprovides a centralized location within theCRfor display ofplant parameters from which the safety statusofoperations canbeassessed.

Displays ofdata, including graphical displays, available ondemand include plant temperatures, pressures, andflow rates; equipment and valve status,i.e.,on,off, open, closed; process andarea RMSreadings; meteorology system data; andin-core parameters.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE83OF383 Inaddition tothe above parameters, the SPDSportion ofERFDADS contains a graphical display which provides immediate indicationof deviation from safe operating values. Fromthis display, additional specific data conceming the system inquestion isaccessed ondemand.

TheERFDADSisdesigned toinclude thedata acquisition system requirements ofNUREG-0696. ERFDADS displays are availableat each Unit Control Room,each Unit STSCandthe TSC.ERFDADS displays are available inthe EOFvia PIdisplays.


TheQSPDS isdesigned toprovide indications todetect the approach to,the existence of, and the recovery from inadequate core cooling.It also provides a minimum setofseismically qualiGed parameters from which abnormal plant operating conditions maybequickly assessed. RESPONSE DATA SYSTEM(ERDS)

TheERDSisadirect electronic transmission system toNRC Operations Center. Thesystem isintended toprovide tothe NRC,ona near real-time basis, selected parameters from plant computer systems whose values indicate thecondition ofthe plant during anemergency condition ofAlert orhigher. ERDSis testedquarterly toverify system availability andoperability.

Anyhardware orsoftware changes that affectthe transmitted data points identified inthe ERDSdata point library,mustbesubmitted to the NRCwithin 30days after changes arecompleted. IIardware or software changes that could affect the transmission ll>rmat and computer communication protocol tothe ERDSmustbeprovidedto the NRCassoonaspracticable andatleast 30days prior tothe modification.

7.3.2OFFSITESYSTEMSAND EQUIPMENT TheOffsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) refers tothe location ofthe radiological environmental monitoring sampling stations, aswell as Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TI D)stations. Environmental samples routinely collected andanalyzed include: water, vegetation, fl>odproducts andmilk. Backup andcross-checkenvironmental surveillance areperformed byA/.DIIS.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE84OF383 7.4PROTECTIVE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Control Roomshielding andventilation allow personnel habitability during Design Basis Accident conditions. TheTSChas shielding andventilation similartothe CR Ilar habitability during anincident. Communications equipment, respiratory protection equipment andprotective clothing areavailable in, ornear the CR, STSC,TSC,and OSC.

Portableradiation monitoring instrumentation islocated near theunit RPIslands.

7.5FIRSTAID MEDICAI FACILITIES A 11rst aid treatment center ismaintained onsite. Inaddition, anEMSresponse kitis maintained inthe Fire Brigade lockers in the140-foot corridor building. Firstaid treatment ofinjured individuals is administered bytrained personnel. Advanced medical care,if required, isobtained bytransporting the individuals toanoffsite medical facility.

7.6DAMAGECONTROLEQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Fire hose stations, extinguishers andhydrants are strategically located throughout the station foruseinfire. PVNGSmaintains self-contained breathing apparatus storage areas throughout station tobeused for firefighting, entry into airborne radioactivity areas, or entry into toxic gasareas.

7.7PROMPTNOTIFICATION SIRENSYSTEM PVNGSmaintains the Prompt Alert andNotification Systems asapproved byFEMAin the PVNGSAlert andNotitleation System FEMA (ANS) 350Report.

ThePrompt Notifleation SirenSystem consists ofhigh sound output sirens located throughout the 10-mile Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning zone. Its operation isatthe discretion ofthe stateandcounty governmental agencies responsible for notification andalerting ofthe public. This system alerts the people within the10-mile EP7tomonitor radio orTV emergency broadcasts forspecific information regardingthe situation atPVNGSand/or protective actions. This system is operated from anyofthe four control point locations:

  • Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center
  • Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
  • Building "E"(maintenance andtesting only)

Normally thesirens areactivated from the Maricopa County Emergency Operations Center orfrom the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Thesystem istested periodically to ensure its readiness.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE85OF383 Inthe ofa failure event ofthe Prompt Notification System, a FEMAapproved backup notification method isavailable andisimplemented byOffsite Response Organizations.

8.0MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 8.1 ORGANIzATIONAL PREPAREDNESS Theemergency preparedness program consists of(1) EROtraining, (2) drills and exercises, and(3) regular emergency plan review andevaluation bypersonnel and management.

8.1.1 TRAINING TheEmergency Response Training Program ensures that personnel whoareinthe emergency response organization arefamiliar with the contents andresponses in Emergency the Plan andassociated implementing procedures. TheEmergency Preparedness Manager isresponsible forensuring that the Emergency Response TrainingProgram meetsthe requirements ofthePlan.

Personnelassigned keyduties inthe Emergency Response Organization receive training initial andannual continuing training.

Newpersonnel orexisting EROmembers assignedto fill anEROposition in whichthey have notpreviously qualified, complete initial and continuing training for thatposition.

Emergency Preparedness Training isdeveloped using a process similar tothat describedwithin the Nuclear Training DepartmentAdministrativeProcedures or approved other training program guidance.

Asnecessary, additional continuing trainingofindividuals should beconducted whensignillcant changes tothe Emergency Preparedness Program occurs as determined the by Emergency Preparedness Manager and theN uclear Training l)epartment1.eader.

TheEmergency Response Training Program includes specifictraining and where indicates. applicable, qualification requirements forkeymembers ofthe Emergency Organization.

Evaluatedtraining drillsandevolutions providefor critiques inorder toidentify weakordeficient areas. Weaknesses ordellciencies that areidentified are corrected.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE86OF383 Trainingforthe Emergency Preparedness Staff iscompleted inaccordance with Emergency Preparedness Department processes. Site Access Training forEmergency Preparedness Personnel requiring unescorted access into theProtected Area(s) receive general instructions onthe Emergency Plan prior toreceiving unescorted access. Reinforcement ofthe actions totake inthe eventof an emergency are conveyed throughout the via year periodic updates (e.g.. department meetings, electronic display signs, posters and security badge information cards).

8.I.I.2 Specialized Training for KeyEmergency Organization Personnel Specialized training isprovided annually tokeypersonnel involvedin emergency response actions. This special trainingincludes instruction andreview inthe technical and practicalaspects ofemergency response actions.

Inaddition totraining, drillsand exercises are conducted todevelop andmaintain emergency responseskills. Specialized training for designated EROposition categories is listed below.

Ikganinition Initial training toprovide forclassification andnotification processes andrequirements. Continuing training toprovide program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

Shift Personnel Initial training toprovide accident identilleation, appropriate procedural responses andsupport organization activity oncriteria. Continuing training provides program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

Initial training toprovide foremergency radiological monitoring procedures, techniques andemergency communications. Continuing training toprovide program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE87OF383 Fire Control Teams (Fire Brigades) PVNGSutilizes a fulltime onsite Fire Department. Fire personnel aretrained intire andmedical emergency response in accordance with the Fire Protection Program.

Additionally. they areprovided training radiological in basic control concepts. Continuing training toprovide program/procedure/equip change and industry events updates.

M Initial training provides for emergency radiological andindustrial safety,communications. Continuing training toprovide program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

First AidandRescue Teams PVNGSutilizes a full time onsite Fire Department. Fire personnel are trained infire andmedical emergency response inaccordance withthe Fire Protection Program. Additionally, they are provided training in basic radiological control concepts. Continuing Training toprovide program/procedure/equipment change andindustryevents updates.

M Initial training ofmedical support personnel in addition toFire Department personnel provided with basic radiological control concepts. Onsite medical staff, excluding administrative support personnel, receives training similar incontent tothatwhich is provided tooffsite hospitals. Continuing Training toprovide program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

Someheadquarters support personnel respond tothe Joint Information Center. These personnel receive training initial prior toqualilleation.

Continuing training isprovided onanannual basis.

Security Personnel Imergency response training isincorporated into the initialMember of the Security Force training received bynewsecurity force members during initial qualifications. Additional initial training isprovided to Security members assigned tostaff positions within theEmergency Response Facilitiesinsupport ofEmergency Preparedness. The additional training includes lines ofcommunication with offsite support

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE88OF383 organizations aswell aslogisticssupport. Continuing training to provide program/procedure/equipment change andindustry events updates.

8.I.I.3 Training forParticipating Agencies Radiological orientation trainingprogram ismadeavailable tooffsite support organizationsandemergency services personnel. Additional training isavailable upon request andmayinclude but arenotlimited to:

  • Basic Radiation Protection

= Concept ofOperations

  • PVNGS Overview TheOffsite Response Organization isresponsible for maintaining offsite training records.

8.1.2EXERCISES PVNGSconducts drillsandexercises overa wide range ofaccident conditions that tests a major portion ofthe basic elements existing within the emergency plan and supporting organizations. Exercises shalltest the adequacy of timing andcontent ofimplementing procedures andmethods. test emergency equipment and communications networks, test the publicnotification system, and ensurethat emergency organization personnel arefamiliar with their duties.

Thescenarios for the drills andexercises arediverse andinclude a wide spectrum ofradiological conditions andevents including hostile actions. Thescenarios used overthe eight-year cycle will besufBciently varied toensure thatessentially all of the emergency action levels areincluded inperformance enhancing drills or exercises. Tothe extent practical, initiating conditions andfailed equipment should bevaried tominimize preconditioning ofthe emergency response organization.

Nomorethan oneEAL should beshared with the previous exercise oranypractice drill orexercise leading uptothe biennial exercise. Drill scenarios should notbe used foranybiennial exercise within twoyears. Tothe extent practical,scenario should beheld inconildence from the participating EROteammembers until after the exercise. While anEROteammaybeaware ofthe nature ofthe upcoming drills (i.e.

hostile action based exercise).the specific elements ofthe drill should be held inconfidence andthe initiatingevent varied sothe sameconditions arenot used fromthe practice toevaluated exercise.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE89OF383 Joint participation exercises between PVNGSandthe olTsite response agencies are conducted toensure the appropriate integrationofthe emergency plans and identify areas ofweakness andopportunities forimprovement. A post drill or exercise critique isconducted toaid inthe identification ofweaknesses and improvement opportunities. Consistent withNRCandFEMAregulation, a full participation exercise isconducted onceevery twoyears. PVNGS,the State of Arizona (ADEM and AzDIIS) andMaricopa County will jointly exercise their emergency plans. Thefull participation biennialexercise isevaluated bythe NRC andFEMA and isused indetermining reasonableassurance that PVNGSandthe supporting offsite emergency plans canprotect the health andsafety ofthe public, plant staff andemergency workers.Thebiennial exercises arevaried overthe eight-year period (starting with the year ofthe Grst hostile action exercise in2015) toinclude the following:

a Ilostile action directed atthe plant site involving the integration ofoffsite resources with onsite response: (See RCTSAl 2831902 andcontact Reg.

Affairs for anychange tothiscommitment.)

  • An initial classification of, orrapid escalation to,a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency:
  • No radiological release oranunplanned minimal radiological release that requires the site todeclare a Site AreaEmergency, but does notrequire declaration ofa General Emergency.
  • Ingestion Pathway Exercise PVNGSwill submit the scenario used for the biennial exercise to theNRCin accordance with 10CI R50.4 sixty (60) daysbefore itsuseina full scale biennial exercise. Thescenario will beheld inconfidence until after the exercise is completed. PVNGSwill maintain adequate records todemonstrate theexercises andscenarios used over the eight-year exercisecycle.

Each biennial exercise conducted byPVNGSwill include the opportunity to demonstrate the following keyskills:

  • Timely classification ofevents:
  • Timely notincation ofoffsite authorities:
  • Assessment ofradiological releases onsiteandoffsite:
  • Development ofprotective action recommendations:
  • Dissemination ofinformation tothe public via media channels:
  • Engineering assessment, repair plan development, andrepair ofcritical equipment under emergency conditions:

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE90OF383 a Mitigative action implementation:

= Protection ofworkers during emergency response, including medical care:

a Response tooperational transients while implementing the emergency plan:

  • Coordination with offsiteresponse organizations.

Each biennial exercise atPVNGS will include the following elements ata minimum:

  • Eventclassification.
  • Timely notification ofoffsite authorities.
  • PARdevelopment (development ofPARsinvolving public evacuation or sheltering isrequired only inexercisesthat include a General Emergency).
  • Radiological assessment.
  • Shift staff response toaccident transients orother events that meetEAIcriteria while implementing the emergency plan.

a EROresponse andERFactivationfollowing declaredemergencies.

a Integration oflicensee response with OROs toinclude briefings, coordination ofworker protection, and, asappropriateto the scenario, coordination ofpublic protective actions, radiological release monitoring, andoffsite response tothe site.

  • Communications thatsupport response between onsite and offsiteERFs.

a Dissemination ofinformation tothe public via media channels and press brienngs.

= Development andimplementation ofradiological orphysical protection (i.e., in response tohostile action) protective actions for onsite workers asappropriate tothe scenario.

a Operational andengineering assessment ofaccident sequences.

e Accident mitigation through the simulated repair ofequipment.

o This mustinclude mechanical, electrical, and/or instrumentation and control activities.

o Thescenario should bedesigned toallow somerepairs tobesuccessful, but mustprovide theopportunity todemonstrate mitigation planning andrepair execution.

  • Radiological control activitiesmustsupport somerepair teams.

Inaddition tothe biennial exercise, PVNGSconducts apartial scale off year exercise that involves anintegrated testing ofthe keyemergency response facilities.Theoff year exercise mayalso bea full scale exercise notevaluated by

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE91OF383 FEMAorNRC.During the offyear exercise, the offsiteresponse organization will beencouraged toparticipate inorder tomaintain keyEROskills between the onsite andotTsite organization.

The principal functional areas ofemergency response include activities such as management andcoordination ofemergency response, accident assessment, event classilleation, notification ofoffsite authorities, andassessment ofonsite and offsite impact ofradiological releases, protective actionrecommendation development, protective action decision making, plant system repair andmitigative action implementation.

During routine drills, activation ofall ofthe PVNGSemergency response facilities (Technical Support Center (TSC), Operations Support Center (OSC), andthe Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)) would notbenecessary, PVNGSmayuse these drills forthe opportunity to consider accident management strategies, supervised operating staff inall instruction, participating facilities would have the opportunity toresolve problems (successpaths)rather than have controllers intervene, andthe drills mayfocus onthe onsite exercise training objectives inlieu ofabroader set.

ThePVNGSEROshall beprovided the opportunity todevelop andmaintain key emergency skills in response response following to the scenario elements during the conduct ofbiennial exercises over the course ofthe eight-year exercise cycle:

= Response tohostile action, including interface with IIEAs.

o Ilostile action scenarios should realistically include collateral damage that mayoccur (e.g., loss ofoffsite power andloss ofuseofcertain onsite facilities andareas).

o Engineering assessment, repair plan development, andsimulatedrepair of critical equipment damaged byhostile action afterthe active attack,but before the site isfully secured byI.I.EAs.

o Prioritization ofrepair teamdispatch andprotection inthe aftermath of hostile action through coordination with sitesecurity andI.I.EAs to determine whenthe site issecure enough toallow limited movementof personnel.

  • Response toonescenario withnoradiological releaseoranunplanned minimal radiological release that does notrequire evacuation orsheltering ofthe public.

= Response toscenarios with radiological releases thatrequire evacuation and/or sheltering ofthe public.

a Response toa scenario thatbegins with a Site AreaEmergency orGeneral Emergency, or escalates rapidly (within 30 minutes) toa Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE92OF383 e Thesuccessful simulated repair ofsimulated damaged equipment toprevent or mitigate core damage, reactor pressure boundary and/or loss, containment loss.

= Demonstration of the ability tomitigate anaccident caused byhostile action or other through initiators, the simulated useofequipment. procedures, and strategies developed incompliance with 10CFR50.54(hh)( 1)and10CFR 50.155.

AllPVNGS EROteams(not necessarily each individual) shallbeprovided the opportunity todevelop andmaintain keyemergency response skills within the scope oftheir duties during each exercise cycle.Additionally, the ERO(not necessarily each ERO team) shall beprovided opportunity the todemonstrate key skills inresponseto the following scenario elements indrillsorexercises during each exercise cycle.Drills areconsidered tobeperformance-enhancing experiences drills, functional drills, (exercises, tabletop drills, mini-drills, that etc.)

reasonably simulate the interactions between appropriate ERFsand/or individuals that would beexpected tooccur during emergencies.

a Allfunctions ineach ERF(e.g., all ERFs that are responsible for dose assessment perform those duties inresponse toa radiologicalrelease).

a Useofalternative facilities tostage theERO forrapid activation during hostile action.

a Real-time staffingoffacilities during off-hours(i.e.. 6:00 p.m.to4:00 a.m.).

Somedrills orexercises should beunannounced.

  • Providing medical care for injured.contaminated personnel (every twoyears).
  • Response toessentially I00percent ofinitiating conditions identitled inthesite emergency plan implementing procedure forclassification ofemergencies.

e Response toactual industry event sequences appropriate forthe nuclear plant technology (e.g.,BWRorPWR).

a Alllicensee EROteamsmustbeprovided theopportunity todemonstrate key skills within the scope oftheir duties.

= Useofprocedures developed inresponse toanaircraft threatandin compliance with 10CFR50.54(hh)( I).

  • Useofthe strategies associated with 10CFR50.155 tomitigate spent fuelpool damage scenarios (all strategies, such asmakeup, spray, andleakage control, but notevery variation ofagiven strategy).

= Useofthe strategies associated with 10CFR 50.155 tomitigate reactor accidents andmaintain containment (7strategies for pressurized water reactors, but notevery variation ofagiven strategy).

Following exercises anddrills, a critiqueisheld toidentify deficiencies, weakness, andimprovement opportunities. Deficiencies andweaknesses willbecorrected and

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE93OF383 improvement opportunities will beincorporated asdeemed appropriate bythe Emergency Preparedness Manager. Critiques shall usethe Palo Verde Condition Reporting process for capturing items identified during drillsandexercises.

Remedial exercises will berequired ifthe emergency plan isnotsatisfactorily tested duringthe biennial exercise, such that NRC, inconsultation with FEMA, cannot ilndreasonable assurance that adequate protective measures canbetaken in the event ofa radiological emergency. Theextent ofstate andcounty participation inremedial exercises mustbesufficient toshow that appropriate corrective measures have been taken regarding the elements ofthe plan notproperly testedin the previous exercise.

8.I.3DRIIIS Drills for the emergency organization areconducted periodically totest response andfamiliarity with implementing procedures and methods, totest emergency equipment, andtoensure that members of the emergencyorganization arefamiliar with their duties anddevelop andmaintain keyskills.

Instructional emergency drillsareconducted as scheduled, with emphasis placed upon orderly implementation ofactivities prescribed within the Emergency Plan andits implementing procedures.

Drill performance iscritiqued bythe emergency response organization involved andpersonnel acting as drillcontrollers who may offeron-the-spot corrections to erroneous performance. Each controller is assigned a specificarea forevaluation andreceives written drillinstructions. Written evaluations ofdrill performance are provided toappropriate management personnel. Follow-up action isthen taken by the responsible Department I.eaders toupgrade areas where shortcomings are noted: they report their progress tothe Emergency Preparedness Manager.

Following all drills, adrill controller critique isheld andall aspects ofdrill performance arediscussed. AII significant deficiencies areincorporated into action items andtasked tothe affected department.

Certain drills(i.e., fire, andmedical emergency), andtests (i.e..communications andnotification), arecoordinated with offsiteparticipating agencies. The Emergency Preparedness Manager hasoverall responsibility for meeting all drill requirements. Specific tasks maybedelegated tooperating departments.

Communications links andnotification procedures with offsite state andcounty agencies aretested periodically using asimulated emergency message transmitted offsite forsubsequent fan-out alerting bystate/county authorities. NRC

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE94OF383 communications links aretested inaccordance with 10CFR50,Appendix E.

Communications tests also evaluate the understanding ofthecontent ofthe messages.

Fire drills areconducted inaccordance with the Fire ProtectionProgram and PVNGS UpdatedFinal Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR).

Ilealth Physics (IIP) Drills areconducted semi-annually, andmaybeinconnection with exercises orEnvironmental Monitoring Drills. These drillsinvolve response to,and analysis of, simulated elevated radioactivity inairborne samples anddirect radiation measurements inthe plant.

Medical EmergencyDrills with Offsite Medical Facilitiesinvolving treatment ofa simulated externally contaminated person are conducted annually with provision for participation byanoffsite ground orair ambulance.

Environmental Monitoring Drills are conducted annually forboth onsiteand offsite Environmental Teampersonnel. These drills includecollection andanalysis ofappropriate media, sample e.g., vegetation, soil, and air, communications, and record keeping. Since PVNGSislocated in a desert area andthere arenonearby bodies of water, liquid environmental samples are notcollected oranalyzed during Radiological Monitoring orIIealth Physics drills. These drillsarecoordinated with offsite organizations where appropriate.

8.I.4SCENARIOS Drill andexercise scenarios arewritten toallow acertain amount of free play for decision making. Controllers areinstructed atpre-drill andpre-exercise briefings astowhich portions ofthe scenario permit free play andwhich portions require strong controller management. TheEmergency Preparedness Manager is responsible for overall drill andexercise control.

ORGANizATIONFORMAINTAININGEMERGENCYPREPAREDNESS 8.2 TheExecutive Vice President Nuclear & Chief Nuclear Of11cer hasoverall responsibility andauthority for allnuclear activities, including emergency response planning. The Emergency Preparedness Manager has been assigned the responsibilitytodevelop and maintain a coordinated PVNGS,Iederal, State, andlocal government emergency preparedness program. TheEmergency Preparedness Manager participates inmeetings, seminars,andconferences that areaimed atmaintaining acurrent andaccurate Emergency andcurrent Plan, knowledge ofregulations andguidelines. TheEmergency Preparedness Manager isresponsible for the Emergency Plan, andimplements Plan revisions and updates.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE95OF383 8.3REVIEW AND UPDATINGOF TllEEMERGENCY PLAN The Emergency Plan isreviewed annually andupdated asneeded. Theupdate takes into account changes identified bydrills andexercises. TheEmergency Preparedness Manager maintains documentation substantiating the annual review.Special attention isdevoted to reviewing PVNGS/governmental agency interfaces, updating ofTsite response agreements.

maintaining effective communication channels, and,ona quarterly basis, ensuring up-to-date contact and notification lists. liaisonwith state andlocal agencies ensures uniform updating. Independent audits/reviews byindividuals whohave nodirect responsibility for the implementationof the Emergency Preparedness Program areconducted atleastonce every 24months usingthe performance-based option permitted by10CFR50,Appendix Eand10CFR50.54(t), ormore frequently whennecessary tomeetthese regulations.

TheEmergency Preparedness Manager is responsible for ensuring that EPIPs areupdated andrevised asnecessary.

Emergency Plan revisions andchanges are conducted inaccordance with PVNGS Administrative Policies andProcedures. Plan changes will bereviewed for anyreduction ineffectiveness per10CFR50.54 (q).

Therevised Emergency Plan andprocedures are handled in accordance with document control procedures. Changes tothe Emergency Plan andprocedures areapproved bythe Emergency Preparedness Manager, ordesignated alternate, a nd transmitted tothe Executive Vice President Nuclear andChief Nuclear Ofilecr,and to the OffsiteSafety Review Committee. Changes tothe Emergency Plan shallbesubmitted tothe NRCwithin 30days ofsuch changes.

8.4MAINTENANCEAND INVENTORYOF EMERGENCYEQUIPMENT AND SUPPl,1ES Quarterly inspections ofthe operational readiness ofemergency equipment andsupplies areconducted byPVNGS.Deficiencies noted during inspections arecorrected. Theuseof inspection procedures with checklists andfollow-up actions ensures that equipment is ready foruse. Sufficient reserves ofinstruments/equipment aremaintained toreplace those undergoing calibration orrepair. Calibration ofequipment isconducted atintervals setforth inthe UFSAR.Inaddition, planned useofcommunications. first aid, firefighting, andradiation measuring equipment during scheduled drills further ensures the availability andoperability ofemergency equipment.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE96OF383 9.0 RECOVERY Recovery operations include long termpost-emergency efforts thatfollow a major incident.

These operations are performed bystation personnel, contract expertsandspecialists, and qualified engineers under the direction ofthe recovery organization. Post-accident recovery actions aredesigned toidentify the extentofplant damage. prepare specific plans and programs forstation repairand restoration, implement recovery plansandprograms, and return the plant to a normal operating status.

Thefollowing plant status conditions serveasgeneral guidelines fordecisions onthe initiation ofpost-emergency recovery efforts:

a Radiation levels arestable ordecreasing with time

  • Releases ofradioactive materials to the environment have ceased orarecontrolled within permissible license limits
  • Fire orsimilar emergency conditions nolonger constitute a hazard tothe plant orstation personnel a Measures have been successfully tocorrect orcompensate instituted tormalfunctioning equipment.

Based onconsideration ofthese criteria,aswell asother pertinent items,the EODdetermines whentoactivate the recovery organization. Manpower andequipment resources supporting the individual functional segments oftherecovery organization may vary according tothe severity ofdamage andspecille situational needs.

Intering into recovery will notnecessarily resultinde-escalation ofthe emergency classification inthat, the loss ofa tission product barrier maynotberecoverable until recovery iscomplete. Entering into recoverydenotes the plant isstable andfurther degradation isunlikely. Repair andrestoration ofplant systems willbeneeded tofully exit the recovery phase.

9.1RECOVERYORGANIzATION Theresponsibilities andfunctions ofthe Recovery Organization Managers are summarized asfollows:

  • TheRecovery Manager has overallcorporate responsibility for restoring thestation to a normal operating configuration.
  • TheStation Operations Manager manages day-to-day inplantoperations and, during recovery, isresponsible for ensuringthat repairs andmodifications optimize post-recovery plant operational effectivenessandsafety.


  • TheNuclear Support Manager ll>cusesnecessary engineering, design, andconstruction resources onthose aspects ofplant recovery requiring redesign, modification, ornew construction; directs andcoordinates NSSSandBalance-of- Plant (BOP) engineering and construction/repair work.
  • The Radiological Services Manager develops plans andprocedures toprocess and control liquid. gaseous, andsolid wastes tominimize adverse effects onthe health and safety of the public and station recovery personnel. In addition, the Radiological Services Manager coordinates the activitiesofstaff Radiological Engineers and radiation protection personnel engaged inwastetreatment operations.
  • TheTechnicalSupport Manager provides analyses, plans, schedules, andprocedures indirect support of plant operations.
  • TheQuality Assurance Manager assures that the overall conduct ofrecovery operations ispertl)rmed in accordance with corporate policyandrules andregulations governing activities which affect public health andsafety.
  • ThePlanning/Scheduling Manager prepares plans andschedules, andtracks/expedites recovery operations.
  • TheAdministrative/I.ogistics Managersupplies administrative. logistic, communications, andpersonnel support il)r the recovery operation.
  • PVNGSCommunications coordinates the flowof media information concerning recovery operations.

9.2RECOVERYEXPOSURE CONTROI, TheRecovery Manager, via the Recovery Organization, isresponsible for evaluating the advisability of initiating recovery andreentry. Infl)rmation onexisting conditions, interviews with employees evacuated duringthe emergency, regulatoryexposure guidelines, andcounsel from recognized experts are u sed t oII)rmulatedecisions onreentry andrecovery.

During recovery operations, actions arepreplanned tolimit exposures. Access toareas is controlled andexposure topersonnel documented. Estimates oftotal population dose are available if anyreleases arerequired oroccur during recovery operations.

9.3RE-ENTRY Ifa site evacuation isordered, re-entry tothe site iscontrolled inaccordance with established procedures. Respiratory protection equipment, protective clothing, andthyroid blocking agent aremaintained onsite it)rthe useofindividuals remaining orarriving onsite beft)re, during, orafter the emergency.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE98OF383 10.0 AGREEMENT LETTERS This section lists the entities with which written agreements aremaintained referring tothe concept ofoperations developed between Federal, andlocal State, agencies andother support organizations having anemergency response role withinthe EPX. Written agreements are maintained in the files ofthe Emergency Preparedness Department. Thebasis ofthe agreements listed below:

  • 1,etter ofAgreement from National Weather Service (NWS),Weather Forecast Office (WFO)

TheNWSprovides general weather forecasts, weather severe andnood warnings, transport anddispersion plume forecasts, andlocalizedweather il>recasts. TheNWSalso provides broadcasts oftonealarmed andencoded public emergency messages onNOAA Weather Radio. ifavailable, a meteorologist will bedetailed tothe Arizona Emergency Operations Center (EOC) orMaricopa County EOCorthe PV EOfandWFOPhoenix will coordinate with Department ofEnergy meteorologists assigned tothe Federal Radiological Monitoring Assessment Center (FRMAC) tosupport the state, county and PVNGSemergency efforts.

  • Letter ofAgreement fromInstitute ofNuclear Power Operations (INPO)

Coordinates technical information from PVtothenuclear industry and government agencies, coordinates the procurement andshippingofequipment andsupplies,locates personnel with technical expertise. facilitatesindustryvendor and commercial supplier support, obtains technical information andoperatingexperience on plant components and systems, andprovides anINPOliaison tofacilitate interface.

  • Westinghouse Electric Company, 11C Emergency Response Plan, Revision 6 Westinghouse Electric Company IIC Emergency Response Plan outlines how Westinghouse will respond should PVNGSrequest theirsupport during anemergency.
  • Ietter ofAgreement fromBanner IIealth Banner Health isanonprofit corporation that operatesBanner Istrella Medical Center (Bil/BEMC) and Banner University Medical CenterPhoenix (Bil/BUMCP). Under the agreement with Banner IIealth, Bll/BEMC andBll/BUMCP provide hospital treatment for victims ofradiological andhazardous materials incidentsincluding contaminated individuals from PVNGS, maintains response capacity asasupport facility, andmakes appropriate personnel available for training andparticipation inmedical drills and exercises.
  • Letter ofAgreement fromCity ofPhoenix FireDepartment Provides fire suppression, Emergency MedicalServices (EMS), Ilazardous Materials (llAzMAT) andother technical services whenrequested attheir discretion andmaintains

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE99OF383 a contingency inplace toprovide services for >24hours ifnecessary.Phoenix Fire Department coordinates the valley-wide Fire Department Automatic AidAgreement.

  • 1etter ofAgreement fromAirEvaeair ambulance service AirEvac provides transportation for victims ofradiological materialsaccidents including contaminated individuals andmakes appropriate personnel availablefor trainingand participation in medical drillsandexercises.
  • Ietter ofAgreement from Native air ambulance service Native American AirAmbulance provides transportation for victimsofradiological materials accidents including contaminated individuals andmakes appropriate personnel available fortraining andparticipation inmedical drillsandexercises.

a Ietter ofAgreement fromTonopah Valley Fire District Tonopah Valley Fire District providesback-up fire protection,haz-mat decontamination assistance, masscasualty Emergency Medical System (EMS), wildland firesuppression andtechnical rescue assistance toPVNGS. The initial response includes a Basic Life Support (BLS) fire engine and/or a BLSsquad with atleast2 persons. Tonopah also allows storage ofPVNGSfirefighting resources atTonopah fire station341

  • Ietter oftnderstanding fromSalt River Project SRPagrees tohave SRPpersonnel assigned tothe PVswitchyard for>5days site access training andprovide SRPemployees with site evacuation andemergency planning info.

10.1OFFSITEEMERGENCYRESPONSE PLAN FORPALOVERDE NUCLEAR GENERATINGSTATION Inaddition tothe support outlined inthe Letters ofAgreement, theOffsite Emergency Response Plan for Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Stationprovides forthe following support functions for PVNGSinthe event ofanemergency fromthe indicated agencies.

Also, mutual aid compacts andagreements between theStateandother government and private entities dellned inthe Offsite Emergency Response Plan multiply theresources available toPVNGSin anemergency.

10.I.1 TheMaricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) performs thefollowing:

Emergency Public Warning:

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE100OF383 Wheninitial notilleation is a Site Area Emergency orGeneral Emergency.

a Warning message preparation a Activation ofsiren system

  • Dissemination ofwarning using theEASand/or Media Alert System a Implementation ofprotective actions required if
  • Backup Route AlertingbyMCSOresponse vehicles Denial ofentry into evacuated areas andpatrolevacuated areas todetermine effectiveness.

Control ofevacuee and access trafficoncounty andfilrm roads isthe responsibility ofMCSO, which coordinates with Arizona Department ofPublic Safety (AXDPS) it)r trafflemovementfrom county/farm roads tostate highways andtoInterstate-MCSOwill

10. provide securitywithin the evacuated area.

Based onthe location ofthe Reception and Care Center(s) (RCC), MCSO,A7 DPSorlocal jurisdiction lawenforcement will provide RCCsecurity andcrowd controlasnecessary.

MCSOorlocal lawenli>rcement will provide temporary impound security for contaminated vehicles andpersonal effects while theRCC is operational.

MCSOwill transport Kltodesignated ReceptionandCareCenters.

MCSOandA7 DPSmayassist the A7 Department ofAgriculture in enfl)rcing produce andfood project check points andembargos.

MCSOconducts "just-in-time" radiological training andprovides equipment li>r alternatepersonnel prior tobeing deployedinresponse toa Ilostile Action Based event.

MCSOprovides coordinated onsite/offsitedirection andcontrol inaccordance with theMaricopa County Emergency OperationsPlan (EOP). TheEOPauthorizes the Sherifftorequest assistance whenanincident isbeyond theability ofthe Ofilee to resolve andworks under the Incident Command System (ICS) whenresponding to PVNGS1lostile Action Based (IIAB) incidents.

MCSOisresponsible li>rthe initial andon-going assessment ofthe situation to determine ifterrorism isinvolved orresponsible ti>rtheIIABincident. 1fandwhen thisdetermination ismade. the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI) will be notified.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE101OF383 DPSprovides 10.I.2 traffic controlon portions ofevacuation routes comprising state highways andmaintains denial ofreentry into evacuated areas.

MCSO andA7 DPSwill jointlycoordinate access tothe boundaries ofthe evacuated area based onwhether the access points areoncounty/farm roads or state highways orInterstate-10.

TheAz DPS RemoteMobile Investigation Unit (RMU) canworkincontaminated areas and is available for24-hour use.

10.I.3 TheState ofArizona provides thefollowing support toPVNGSinan emergency:

Monitoring ofevacuees for possible radioactive contamination andsupervision and monitoring ofanydecontamination effort.

Requests for andcoordination of federal technical support.

Exchanges field data andaccident assessment information with PVNGSfrom Field Monitors.

Anyelassification ornotificationmayrequiregovernmental orprivate sector emergency organizations tocommit resources onsite at the requestof the Ilicility.

Emergency resources may include, but arenotlimited law to, enforcement, firefighting. medical supportandground orair services.Assistance maybe requested from other stategovernments andprivate sector resources instates adjoining Arizona. Theseresources mayinclude medical capabilities, emergency response equipment, andemergency response personnel. TheState Emergency Operations Center PolicyChief (EOC PC) orTechnical Operations Director (TOD) will initiate requests.

TheArizona Department ofIIealth Services (AzDIIS) provides for collectionand analysis ofdata from the plant,field radiation surveys andsample collection.

A7DIIS representatives shareinformation with EOfstaff regarding fleld team locations, 11eld data andprotective action decisions andcollects data toassess the accident. project dose andproject plume.

AzDIISAeld monitors conduct radiation surveys todetermine ambient radiation levels, track the plume andcollect environmental andfoodstuff samples for analysis anddispatches a mobile laboratory toBuckeye Airport during the emergency (plume) phase forrapid evaluation ofair samples.

DEMAcoordinates thecollection, analysis anddissemination ofinformation during anincident atPVNGS. This process isconducted inconsort with the

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE102 OF383 PVNGS,MCDEM, AzDIIS andother federal state, Tribal local, Nation and volunteer agencies.

ForIIABincidents where Offsite Response Organizations (ORO) receive pre-incident intelligenceinformation, applicable OROswill contact thePVNGS Security Central Alarm Station orSecurity Director.

General response capabilitiesfor a IIABincident areasfollows:

a PVNGS: Armory; pre-established unit locations: personnel a MCSO:SWAT Teams; armored vehicles; personnel

= A7 DPS: SWAT Teams; armament asnecessary; helicopterandExed wing aircraft e National Guard/ Military: ground forces andaircraft asnecessary a AzDIIS conducts "just-in-time" radiological training andprovides equipment for alternate personnel prior to being deployed in response toa HAB incident.

10.I.4Maricopa County provides thefollowing support:

  • Emergency Public Warning a Warning message preparation e Activation ofsiren systems a Dissemination ofEASwarning messages
  • Provides direction andcontrol for county level activities
  • Installation ofevacuation route signs oncounty andfarm roads and installation ofbarricades andsigns for entry control ofevacuated areas.

a Coordinates RCCoperations andregisters evacuees.

  • Thecounty directs thyroid protection operations for county emergency workers.

11.0 REFERENCED INTERFACINGEMERGENCYPLANS e ofArizona/Maricopa State County Offsite Emergency Response PlanPVNGS e National Response Framework, Third Edition


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PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE110OF383 13.0 EMERGENCY PLAN IMPLEMENTINGPROCEDURES Designator Title Plan Section EP-0900 EROPosition Checklists 4 EP-0901 Emergency Classification 5,6 EP-0902 Notification 6,7 EP-0903 Accident Assessment 67 EP-0904 ERO/ERF Activation andOperation 4.7 EP-0905 Protective Actions 6,15 EP-0906 Termination and Recovery 5,9 40AO-97724 Deliberate Acts Against PVNGS 6 14.0 IDENTIFICATION OF EMERGENCY KITSBY GENERAL CATEGORY Medical lInits TSC Offsite Facility' (1-3)

Kit EquipmentOSC STSC RFA'IAmbulance 1lospitals Near

, . EOF Evacuation RP Decon Island Protective X X X X Equipment Communications X X Equipment X X X Radiological Monitoring X X Equipment ljmergency 5upplies X X X X X X 15.0 ACCIDENTDOSEPROJECTIONAND SOURCETERM ESTIMATION Themethod usedfor dose projection atPVNGSis the UnifiedRASCALInterface (URI) computer softwareprogram, which runso nseveral computersthroughout thep lant.

15.1 DOSEASSESSMENT MODEl, PVNGSuses asite-specific versionoftheURIdose assessment computer software. The TheURIsoftware meetsthe requirementsofNURIG 0654,Appendix 2,anduses a straight-line Gaussian model nearthe point release andthe 1.agrangian-Gaussian model lorfurther distances. Calculations canbeperformedusing multiple releasepoints or accident types from multiple units.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGEI1IOF383 Fuel inventory isbased onthe isotopes recommended inNUREG1228 Source Term Estimation During Incident Response toSevere Nuclear Power PlantAccidents andthe light water reactor core isotope specific inventories inNUREG1940 RASCAl4:

Description ofModels andMethods, adjusted for the site-specitle core thermal power.

Dose conversion factors arebased onICRP26/30 except that thyroid doses are adjusted tochild CDE Thyroid doses.

TheURIdose assessment software isdesigned to:

  • Estimate source terms based onhigh range Containment radiation monitors, effluent process radiation monitors, andsteamline radiation monitors under anticipated accident conditions.

a Estimate source termsusing alternate monitors ordefault values whenthe primary instruments areoff-scaleor inoperable.

= Estimate source terms based on grab sample results andback-calculation using field monitoring teamdata.

a Estimate atmospheric effluent transport and diffusion during andimmediately following anaccidental airborne radioactive release using actualorestimated meteorology.

a Adjust atmospheric diffusion rates based onatmospheric stability.

  • Report plume dimensions, position, andPlume Exposure Duration (Release duration

+ Plume travel time).

  • Calculate TEDE,Child Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent, committed EDEfrom inhalation, external EDEdue toplume exposure. andexposure to ground deposition atvarious downwind locations.

a Calculate deposition dose estimates atvarious downwind locations at 96 hours0.00111 days <br />0.0267 hours <br />1.587302e-4 weeks <br />3.6528e-5 months <br />.

= Report maximum peak exposure rate andcommitted dose atthe Site Boundary, 2 miles, 5miles, and10miles for TEDE.Child Thyroid Committed Dose Equivalent, external EDE,and ground deposition.

  • Report effluent release rate data andplume ground level airborne concentration.

e URIprovides graphical representation ofexceeded PAGsingiven sectors based on radiological data. Actual Protective Action Recommendations arederived from Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE112OF383 16.0 CROSS REFERENCE TO NUREG0654 Cross reference between NUREG-0654 andthePaloVerde Nuclear Station (ienerating Emergency Plan.

A. Assignment ofResponsibility(Organization Control)

A.l.a Section 4.2,4.3, 4.4, 4.5.

4.6 A.1.b Section 4.0 A.1.e Figure 1,2, 3, 4,5,6,7 A.1.d Section 4.2.1 1,, A.1.eSection 4.2.1, Figure 9, Table 1 A.2.a N/A A.2.b N/A A.3 Section 10.0. 10.1 A.4 Section 4.2,, Table 1 B. Onsite Emergency Organization B.1 Section 4.l. 4.2 B.2 Section 4.2.1 1 B.3 Section 4.2.1 1,, B.4 Section,, B.5 Section 4.2, Figure 1,2,3,4,5,Table 1 B.6 Section 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, Figure1,2,3,4,5,6 B.7 Section 4.2.

B.7.a Section,, B.7.b Section 9 B.7.c Section B.7.dSection 4.2.5, 18.1, B.8 Section 4.5, 4.6& 10.0 B.9 Section 4.3.1, 6.8.3, 6.8.4,10.0 C. Emergency Response Support andResources C.l.a Section 4.2.1 1,, C.l.bSection 4.4.3 C.1.c Section 7.1 & 7.2, Table 3 C.2.a N/A C.2.b Section

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE113OF383 C.3 Section C.4 Section 4.5,4.6, 10.0 D. Emergency Classification System D.1 Appendix A D.2 Appendix A D.3 N/A D.4 N/A E. Notification Methods andProcedures E.1 Section 6.3,Figure 8, 9 E.2 Section 4.2,6.4 E.3 Section 1 1,6.3 E.4 Section 1 1,, 6.3 E.4.a Section,6.3 E.4.b Section,6.3 E.4.c Section 4.4.l.3,6.3 E.4.dSection,6.3 E.4.eSection,6.3 li.4.f Section E.4.gSection 4.4.l.3,6.3 E.4.h Section E.4.i Section,6.3 1.4.j Section,6.3 E.4.k Section 4.4.l.3.6.3 li.4.1 Section,6.3 E.4.m Section li.4.nSection li.5 N/A E.6 Section 6.7.2,7.7, 10.1 1,10.1.4 E.7 Section 10.1.1,10.1.4 F. Emergency Communications F.1.a Section, 7.2.19, Figure 7.2.29, 3 8,9,Table F.1.b Section 7.2,7.2.20. 7.2.21, 7.2.22, 7.2.23Table 3

F.I.cSection 7.2,7.2.12, 7.2.13

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE114OF383 1.1.d Section 7.2, Table 3 F.l.e Section 4.2, 6.3,6.4, 7.2.31, 7.2.35 F.l.f Section 7.2, 7.2.12, 7.2.13, 7.2.28 F.2 Section 7.2 F.3 Section 7.2. 8.1.3 G. Public Education andInformation G.1 Section 18.4 G.2 Section 18.4 G.3.aSection 7.1.8, 18.2 G.3.b Section 7.1.8, 18.2 G.4.a Section, 18.3, 1igure 5 G.4.bSection, 18.3, Figure 5 G.4.c, 6.9, 18.3, Figure 5 G.5 18.4 II. Emergency Facilities andEquipment 11.1 Section 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5 11.2 Section 7.1.6 II.3 N/A 11.4 Section 6.3, 6.4,Table 1 H.5.a Section 7.3.1 1 11.5.b Section, 11.5.cSection II.5.d Section II.6.aSection 11.6.bSection 7.3.2 I-1.6.c Section H.7 Section 7.3.2 11.8 Section 6.5.2, 7.3.I.1 II.9 Section 7.1.4, 7.4, 14.0 11.10Section 8.4 II.1 1 Section 14.0 11.12 Section,, 6.5.2,, 7.1.6 1.Accident Assessment

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE115OF383 1.1 Appendix A I.2 Section, 1.3.a Section 15.0 1.3.b Section 15.0 I.4 Section 15.0 I.5 Section, 6.5.2, 7.11,7.1.3, 7.1.5, 1,, 7.3.1 7.1.6, 7.3.l.9 1.6 Section 15.0 1.7 Section 6.5.2 1.8 Section 6.5.2,15.0 1.9 Section 6.5.2 I.10 Section 6.5.2,15.0 1.1 1 N/A J. Protective Response J.1.a Section 6.7, 7.2.33 J.1.b Section 6.7, 7.2.33 J.1.e Section 6.7.1,7.2.33 J.1.dSection 6.7.1,7.2.33 J.2 Section,12igure11 J.3 Section 6.8.2, J.4 Section 6.8.2, J.5 Section,, J.6.a Section 9.3, J.6.b Section

9.3 J.6.c Section, 9.3 J.7 Section 6.3, 6.7.2,Iigures8,9,10 J.8 Section 6.7.2 J.9 N/A J.10.aSection 6.8.2,7.3.2,Figure 11,Figure 12,Figure 15 J.10.b Section Figure 12 J.10.cSection 7.7, Iigure 16 J.10.dN/A J.10.eN/A J.10.f N/A

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE116OF383 J.10.g N/A J.10.h N/A J.10.i N/A J.10.j N/A J.10.k N/A J.10.1N/A J.10.mSection 6.7.2, J.1 1 N/A J.12 N/A K. Radiological Exposure Control K.1.a Section 6.7, 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.l.bSection 6.7, 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.l.c Section 6.7, 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 K.1.dSection 6.7, 6.8.2, 7.5 K.1.e Section 6.7,, 6.8.2 K.1.fSection 6.7, 6.8.3 K.l.gSection 6.7, 6.8.4, 7.5 K.2 Section 6.5.3, 6.8.1 K.3.aSection 6.5.3,, 6.81,6.7.1.S.4 K.3.bSection 6.8.1 K.4 N/A K.5.a Section 6.8.1, 6.8.2 K.5.bSection 6.8.2 K.6.a Section K.6.b Section K.6.c Section 9.0 K.7 6.8.2 I. Medical andPublic IIealth Support I.1 Section 6.8.2, 6.8.3, 6.8.4 l2 Section 6.8.2, 6.8.4. 7.5 I3 N/A 1.4 Section 6.8.3

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE117OF383 M. Recovery andReentry Planning Operations andPost-Accident M.l Section 9.0, 9.2, 9.1, 9.3 M.2 Section 9.1 M.3 Section 9.1 M.4 Section 9.2 N. Exercises and Drills N.1.a Section 8.1.2 N.1.b Section 8 1.2 N.2.a Section 8.1.3 N.2.bSection 8.1.3 N.2.c Section 8.1.3 N.2.d Section 8.1.3 N.2.e.1 Section 8.1.3 N.2.e.2 N/A N.3.a Section 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.bSection 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.cSection 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.d Section 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8 1.3, N.3.eSection 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8.1.3, N.3.1 Section 8.1.2, 8.1.4 8.1.3, N.4 Section 8.1.2, 8 1.4 8.1.3, N.5 Section 8.I.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4 O. Radiological Emergency Training


0.1 Section 8.11 O.1.a Section 8.1l.3 0.1.b N/A 0.2 Section 8.11,8.11.2, 0.3 Section 8.1l.2 O.4 Section 8.1l 0.4.a Section 8.1l.2 0.4.b Section 8.1l.2 0.4.c Section 8.11.2 0.4.dSection 8.1l.2

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE118OF383 O.4.e Section 8.11.2 0.4.f Section 8.11.2 0.4.g Section 8.1 1.3 0.4.h Section 8.1 1.2 0.4.iSection 8.11.2 O.4.jSection 8.1 L.2 0.5 Section 8.1 1 P. Development, Responsibility for thePlanning Effort: Periodic Review and Distribution ofEmergency Plans P.1 Section 8.1l P.2 Section 8.2 P.3 Section 8.2 P.4 Section 8.3 P.5 Section 8.3 P.6 Section 11.0 P.7 Section 13.0 P.8 Section 16.0,Table ofContents P.9 Section 8.3 P.10 Section 8.3 17.0 CORPORATEEMERGENCYSUPPORT TheEODwill requestandcoordinaterequired support.



Thepurpose ofthis section istobriefly summarize responsibilities, the operation and staffingofthe PaloVerde Communications,APSExternal Communications Department andthe JointinformationCenter A detailed (JIC). Joint Information Public Procedure is provided.

18.2 ACTIVATIONANDOPERATION Thepurpose ofthe Palo Verde APSExternal Communications, Communications Department andthe JICistoprovide information about atPVNGStothe anemergency

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE119OF383 newsmedia andthe general public. AtanUnusual Event, Palo Verde Communications andAPSExternal Communications Department provide the media interface for the site.

AtanAlert orhigher classilleation level,the JICisactivated andassumes responsibility for thepublic information function.

18.3 STAFFING AND IOCATION Palo Verde Communications Department personnel arelocated atPVNGSandthe APS External Communications Departmentpersonnel arelocated atthe APSCorporate IIeadquarters,400 N. 5thStreet,Phoenix, Az.

TheJICislocated at600 North VerradoWay, Buckeye, Az.TheJICstaffconsists of APS/PVNGS andgovernment public information andsupport personnel. PVNGS coordinates andreleases inti)rmation with government authorities. Each principal organization represented atthe JIC has a designated spokesperson that hasaccess toall necessary information. JICprocedures are designed toallow the timely exchange of information amongspokespersons.

PUBlICINFORMATIONAND EDUCATION 18.4 PVNGS,DEMA, AzDHS, andMCDEMjointly conducts publicinformation seminars andmeetings asneeded orrequested with local groups within the 10-mile EP7.Local groups maybeinvited toparticipate indrills andexercises to maintain emergency preparedness and to testspecific segments ofemergency plans and procedures that are affected by,ormayaffect, 10-mile EPzresidents.

PVNGS,along with State ofArizona andMaricopa County, jointlyprepare and release, public information materials toresidents ofthe10-mile EP7. Using postoffice distributionmethods that ensure maximum distribution, the public information material issentouttoresidents within the 10-mile EPXannually. Thepublic information material outlines insimple terms,the station's various classifications ofemergencies, summarizes the emergency plan developed tosafeguard the general public, reviews appropriateprotective actions including Potassium lodide (KI), andidentifies public emergency alertstations. Theinformation also contains material onradiation, contacts for additionalinformation andameansfor advising governmental authorities about special needsofresidents ofthe EP7.

Emergency andprotective information isalso provided tothe transient population within the PVNGSIO-mile EP7. Information isposted insurrounding establishments thatmay include butisnotlimited tolocal businesses, stores, schools, churches, post ofl1ces, truck andrecreational stops, vehicle parks.

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE120 OF383 An annual media dayis jointly conducted between PVNCiS andOfTsiteAgencies in order toinform media personnel with PVNCiS emergency preparednessandresponse, basic nuclear power plantoperation, basicradiation protection, andthe means to disseminate public emergency information.

19.0 DEVELOPMENTAL REFERENCES 1 10CFR50.47(B) "Emergency Plans"

2. 10CFR50.54(q), "Conditions ofIicenses," Emergency Plans
3. APPENDIXETO 10CFR PART 50"EmergencyPlanning andPreparedness for Production andlltilization Facilities,"
4. NLJRE(i 0578,TMl-2 1essonsLearned Task Force: Status ReportandShort-Term Recommendations: July, 1979
5. NLJRECi 0737,Clarif icationofTMIAction Plan Requirements: November, 1980
6. 10CFR20,Standards for Protection againstRadiation
7. 10CFR50,Domestic licensing ofProduction and l!tilization Facilities
8. Nl!RI G-0654 /FEMA-REP-1,Revision 1"Criteria for Preparation andEvaluation of Radiological Emergency Response PlansandPreparedness in Support ofNuclear Power Plants"
9. NLJRE(i 0654,Supplement 3,Criteria forPreparation andEvaluation ofRadiological 1mergency Response Plans andPreparedness inSupport ofNuclearPower Plants, Guidance forProtective Action Strategies, November 201) "
10. EPA400-R-92-001, Manual ofProtective Action Guides andProtectiveActions for Nuclear Incidents: October, 1991 11 Reg. Guide 1.97, Revision 2,instrumentation for 1.ight-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants toAssess Plant andEnvirons Conditions During andFollowing anAccident; December, 1980 12.NllREG-0696, Functional Criteria for 1mergency Response 1981 Facilities, 13.NlJREG/CR 7002, Criteria for Development ofEvacuation TimeEstimate Studies, published inNovember 2011
14. NLJREG1394, Emergency Response DataSystem (ERDS) Implementation, Revision 1, June 1991 andthe relatedGeneric Ietter9301,Emergency ResponseData System Test Program, March 3,1993

PVNGS EMERGENCY P1AN REVISION69 PAGE121 OF383 15.NRCRegulatory Issue Summary 2005 02Clarifying the Process for Making Emergency Plan Changes, February2005 14,

16. Regulatory Guide I.219, Guidance onMaking Changes toEmergency Plans forNuclear Power Reactors.

17.NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, "Interim StaffGuidance -

Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants

18. NRCInformation 13ulletin 2005-02, Emergency Preparedness andResponse forSecurity Based Events 19.Nuclear Energy Institute (NEl) 99-01, Revision 6,"Methodology for Development of Emergency Action 1evels," endorsed bythe ll.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRCorthe Commission)by letter dated March 28,2013 (Thaggard, M.,iJ.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, letter to Susan Perkins-Grew, Nuclear Energy Institute,"ll.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Review and ndorsementI of NEl 99-01, Revision6, dated November, 2012 (TACNo.D92368)," dated March 28,2013. [ADAMS Accession No.MLl2346A463J.

20. NRCletter dated September 8,2017, PaloVerde Nuclear Generating Station, l!nits I,2, and3 Issuance ofAmendments toRevise Emergency Action Ievels toa Scheme Ilased onNuclear Energy institute NEl99-01, Revision 6 (CAC NOS.MI6803, MF6804 and MI6805. This letter provided Amendment No.198torenewed FacilityOperating I.icense No.NPF-41, Amendment No.198toRenewed Facility Operating I,icense No.

NPF-51 andAmendment No.198toRenewed FacilityOperating I.icense No. NPF-74 for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, lJnits I,2,and 3, respectively. The amendments consist orchanges tothe emergency action level (EAl.) scheme including the NRCapproved Safety Evaluation 21 10CFR50.I55, "Mitigation ofbeyond-design-basis events"

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 OF383 PAGE122 Appendix A Classification Guidance andEALTechnical Basis

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE123 OF383 APPENDIX A CIASSl FICATIONGUIDANCEAND EAITECIINICAL BASIS TABI,E OFCONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE. .3 2.0 DISCUSSION .3 2.1 Background .3 2.2 Fission ProductBarriers. .4 2.3 Fission Product Barrier Classification Criteria .4 2.4 EALOrganization .5 2.5 Technical Bases Information. .7 2.6 Operating ModeApplicability (ref. 4.1.6) .8 3.0 GUIDANCEON MAKINGEMI?RGENCY CIASSlFICATIONS. .9 3.1 General Considerations .9 3.2 Classification Methodology .11


.14 4.1 Developmental .14 5.0 DEFINITIONS,ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS. .15 5.1 Definitions (ref.

4.11except asnoted) .15 5.2 Abbreviations/Acronyms .20 6.0 PVNGS-TO-NEl-99-01 Rev. 6,EAl,CROSS-REFERENCE .23 7.0 ATTACllMENTS. .26 Attachment I Emergency Action 1evel Technical Bases. .27 Category.R.- Abnormal RadRelease/Rad Effluent .27 Cateeory E Independent Spent Fuel Installation Storage (ISFSI) .67 Category.t -

Cold Shutdown /Refueling SystemMalfunction. .70 Category 11 llazards andOther Conditions Affectine PlantSafety. 108 Categoryji -

Systems Malfunction. 149 Cateeorv F Fission Product Barrier Deeradation. 198 Attachment 2 Fission Product Barrier Loss/PotentialIoss andBases.

Matrix .203 Attachment 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown RoomsTables R-2& ll-2 Bases. .256 Attachment 4 Palo Verde Safety System Iist. .260 2of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE124OF383 PURPOSE Thisdocument providesanexplanation andrationale each filr Emergency Action Ievel (EAl )

includedin the EAL Upgrade Project fl>rPalo Verde NuclearGenerating Station (PVNGS).

Decision-makers responsible for implementation ofEP-0901, Classifications, mayusethis document asa technical reference insupport ofEAl interpretation. This information mayassist the Emergency Coordinator inmaking classifications,particularly those involvingjudgment ormultiple events. Thebasis inti)rmation mayalso beuseful intraining andfor explaining event classifications tooffsite officials.

Theexpectation isthat emergency classifleations aretobemadeassoonasconditions arepresent andrecognizable for the c lassitleation, butwithin15minutes orless inallcases ofconditions present. Useofthis document for assistance is notintended todelay theemergency classification.

Because the infl)rmation ina basis document can affect emergency classillcation decision-making (e.g.. the Emergency Coordinator refers toitduring anevent), the NRCstaff expects that changesto the basis document will beevaluated inaccordance with the provisions of10CFR50.54(q).


2.1 Background

EAlsarethe plant-specille indications, conditions orinstrument readngs that areutilized to classify emergency conditions defined inthePVNGSEmergency Plan.

In1992, the NRCendorsed NUMARC/NESP-007, Methodology forDevelopment oflimergency Action I.evels.asanalternative toNUREG-0654 EAlguidance.

NEl99-01 (NUMARC/NESP-007), Revisions 4 and5,were subsequently issued flarindustry implementation. Enhancements over earlierrevisions included:

a Consolidating the system malfunction initiating conditions andexample emergency action levels which address conditions thatmaybepostulated tooccur during plant shutdown conditions.

  • Initiating conditions andexample emergency actionlevels that fullyaddress conditions that maybepostulated tooccur atpermanently Defueled StationsandIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSls).

a Simplifying the flssion product barrier EAlthreshold fora Site Area Emergency.

Subsequently. Revision 6ofNEl99-01 incorporated resolutions tonumerous implementation issues including the NRCl?Al Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Using NEl99-01, Revision 6, 3of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE125 OF383 Methodology for the Development ofEmergency Action Levels for Non-Passive Reactors, November 2012 (ref. 4.1.1 L PVNGSconducted anEAL implementation upgrade project that produced the EAl.sdiscussed herein.

2.2 Fission Product Barriers Fission product barrier thresholds represent threats tothe defense indepth design concept that precludes the releaseof radioactive fission products tothe environment. This concept relies on multiple physical barriers, any oneofwhich. ifmaintained intact, precludes the release of significant amountsofradioactive fission products tothe environment.

Manyofthe EAlsderived from the NEl methodology arefission product barrier threshold based.

That is,the conditions that define the EAl sarebased uponthresholds that represent the lossor potential loss ofoneormoreofthe three 11ssion product barriers. "I.oss" and"Potential I.oss" signify the relative damage andthreat ofdamage tothe barrier. A "Ioss" threshold means the barrier nolonger assures containment ofradioactive materials. A "Potential Loss" threshold implies anincreased probability ofbarrier lossanddecreased certainty ofmaintaining thebarrier.

Theprimary Assion product barriers are:

A. Fuel ClaEl'C.J. TheFCBarrier consists ofthe cladding material that contains the fuel pellets.

B. W TheRCSBarrier includes the RCS primary side andits connections uptoandincluding the pressurizer safety andrelief valves andother connections up to and including the primary isolation valves.

C.ContainmenUC).M D TheCTMTBarrier includes the containment building and connections uptoandincluding the outermost containment isolation valves. This barrier alsoincludes the main steam, feedwater andblowdown lineextensions outsidethe containment building uptoandincluding theoutermost secondary side isolationvalve.

Containment Barrier thresholds areused ascriteria for escalation ofthe emergency classification level (ECL) from Alert toa Site AreaEmergency ora General limergency 2.3 Fission Product Barrier Classification Criteria Thefollowing criteria arethe bases forevent classificationrelated tofission product barrier loss or potential loss:


Anyloss oranypotential loss ofeither Fuel Clad orRCSbarrier 4 of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE126 OF383 Site Area Emereeney Ioss or potential loss ofanytwobarriers LL11eraLEnggg11c1 I.oss ofanytwo barriers andloss orpotential loss ofthe third barrier 2.4 EAL Organization ThePVNGSEAIschemeincludes the following features:

o EALsapplicable undera.ny plant operating modesThis -

group would bereviewed bythe EAL-useranytimeemergency classification is considered.

o EAl.s applicableonlyunder hotoperating modesThis -

group would only be reviewed bytheEAL-user whenthe plant isin1 Power-Operation, 2 Startup, 3 -

IlotStandby or4 Ilot Shutdown mode.

o IAl.s applicableonly under cold operating modes -

Thisgroup would only be reviewed bytheEAI-user whenthe plant isin5 -

Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling or Defueled mode.

Thepurpose ofthe groups istoavoid review ofhot condition EAI.s when the plant is ina cold condition andavoid review ofcold condition EAlswhenthe plant isina hot condition. This approach significantly minimizesthe totalnumber ofEAlsthat mustbereviewed bythe userfor a given plant condition, reduces user reading burden thereby, and, facilitatestimelyidentification of the EAl. that applies tothe emergency.

  • Within each group. assignment ofEALstocategories andsubcategories:

Category andsubcategory titles areselected torepresent conditions thatare operationally significant tothe EAI.-user. ThePVNGSEAI categories arealigned toand represent theNII99-01"Recognition Categories." Subcategories are used inthe PVNGSscheme asnecessary tofurther divide the EAIsofa category into logical sets ofpossible emergency classification thresholds. The PVNGSEAl. categories andsubcategories arelisted below.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE127OF383 EAL Groups, Categories andSubcategories EAlGroup/Category EAl Subcategory M

R Abnormal Rad Levels/Rad liffluent 1 Radiological Eftluent 2 Irradiated FuelEvent 3 Area Radiation Levels II Ilazards andOtherConditions Affecting 1 Security Plant Safety 2 Seismic Event 3 Natural orTechnological Ilazard 4 -

Fire 5 -

IlazardousGas 6 -

ControlRoomEvacuation 7 -

EmergencyCoordinator .ludgment E ISFSI 1 Confinement Boundary HotConditions:

S System Malfunction 1 Ioss ofEmergency AC Power 2 Ioss of Vital DCPower 3 Iossof Control RoomIndications 4 RCSActivity 5 RCSIeakage 6 RPSFailure 7 IossofCommunications 8 Containment Failure 9 Ilazardous EventAffecting Safety Systems F 1ission ProductBarrier Degradation None ColdConditions:

C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System 1 RCSLevel Malfunction 2 IossofEmergency AC Power 3 RCSTemperature 4 Loss ofVital DCPower 5 Loss ofCommunications 6 Ilazardous EventAffecting Safety Systems Theprimary tool fordetermining the emergencyclassification isthe level l?Al. Classification Matrix. Theuserofthe 1Al. Classification may(but Matrix isnotrequiredto) consultthel?Al.

Technical BasesDocument inordertoobtainadditional informationconcerning the EAlsunder classificationconsideration. Theusershould consult Section 3.0 andAttachments 1& 2ofthis document forsuchinformation.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE128 OF383 2.5 Technical Bases Information EAltechnical bases are providedinAttachment 1for each EAIaccording (Any, Ilot,Cold), EAl eategory (R, C,1I, S,E andF) andEAlsubcategory. A summary explanation of each category and subcategory isgiven atthe beginning ofthe technical basesdiscussions ofthe EALsincludedin the category. Foreach EAL,the following information isprovided:

CatWD'1stlerA [ille W

initiating.conditiotula Site-specille description ofthegeneric IC given inNEl99-01. Rev. 6.

M Each EAL is assigned a unique tosupport accurate communication ofthe identifier emergency classification toonsite andoffsite personnel. Fourcharacters define eachEAL identifier:

1 First character Corresponds (letter): tothe EAIcategory asdescribedabove (R,C,II, S,E orF) 2.Second character (letter):

Theemergency elassification(G, S,A orU)

G = General Emergency S= Site AreaEmergency A = Alert U = Unusual Event 3.Third character Subcategory (number): number within the givencategory.

Subcategories are sequentially numbered beginning with the number one(1). If does acategory nothave a subcategory, thischaracter isassigned thenumber one(1).

4. Fourth character (number):Thenumerical sequence ofthe EAL withintheEAL subcategory. Ifthe subcategoryhas only oneEAL, it isgiven the number one(1).

W Unusual Event (U). Alert Site (A), AreaEmergency (S) orGeneral Emergency (G) h Exact wording oftheEAl,asit appears intheEAl Classif ication Matrix 7of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE129OF383 Oneor more ofthe following plant operating conditions comprise themodetowhich each EAI is applicable: I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby,4 -

IlotShutdown,5 Cold Shutdown. Refueling, 6 -


Defueled, orAny. (See Section2.6 for operating modedellnitions)


IftheEALwording contains a dellned term,the dellnitionofthe termis inthis included section.

These dellnitions canalso be found inSection 5.1 Basis:

A basis section that provides PVNGS-relevant information concerning theEAIaswell asa description ofthe rationale for theEAL as provided inNEl99-01. Rev. 6.

W Site-specific source documentation from whichthe EAL isderived 2.6 Operating ModeApplicability (ref. 4.1.6)


I PowerOperation > 0.99 > 5 N/A 2 Startup > 0.99 <5 N/A 3 Standby Ilot < 0.99 N/A > 350 4 Shutdown Ilot 0" < 0.99 N/A 350> Tcom > 210 5 ColdShutdown d" < 0.99 N/A 5 210 6 Refueling'd N/A N/A N/A (a) Excluding decay heat.

(b) All reactor vessel head closurebolts fully tensioned.

(c) Oneormorereactor vesselhead elosure bolts lessthanfullytensioned.



7. Defueled Allfuel assemblies have been removed from Containment andplaced inthespent fuelpit andthe SFPtransfer canal gatevalve isclosed.

Themodeineffect atthe time that anevent orcondition occurred, andprior toanyplant oroperator response, isthe m ode thatdetermines whether or not an IC is applicable. Ifa nevent o rcondition occurs, andresults in a mode change bell>rethe emergency is declared, the emergency classilleation level isstill based onthe mode that existed atthe time that the event orconditionwasinitiated (and notwhenit wasdeclared).Once a different modeisreached, anyneweventorcondition, not relatedtothe original event orcondition, requiring emergency classificationshould beevaluated against the ICsandEALsapplicable tothe operating mode atthe time ofthe newevent or condition. Forevents that occur inCold Shutdown orRefueling, escalation isvia EAlsthat are applicable inthe Cold Shutdown orRefueling modes, evenif HotShutdown (or a higher mode) is entered during the subsequent plant response. In particular, the tission product barrierEAIsare applicable only toevents that initiate inthe Hot Shutdown mode orhigher.

3.0 GUIDANCEONMAKINGEMERGENCYCI ASSIFICATIONS 3.1General Considerations Whenmaking anemergency elassification, the Emergency Coordinator mustconsider all infl>rmation having a bearing on the proper of assessmentanInitiating Condition (IC). This includes theEmergency Action I.evel(EAl )plus the a ssociated Operating Applicability, Mode Notes and theinfl3rming basis information. Inthe Recognition Category Fmatrices.EALs arebased onloss or potentialloss ofFission Product Barrier Thresholds.

3.1IClassification Timeliness NRCregulations require the licensee toestablish andmaintain the capabilitytoassess, classify and declare anemergency condition within 15minutes after theavailability ofindications toplant operators thatanemergency action level hasbeen exceeded andtopromptly declare the emergency condition assoonaspossible ilallowing identification ofthe appropriate emergency classification level.TheNRCstaff hasprovided guidance onimplementing this requirement inNSIR/DPR-lSG-01,Interim Staff Guidance, Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants (ref.4.I.9).

Whenassessing anEAI that specitles a time duration for the off-normal condition,the "clock" for theEAl time duration runs concurrently with the emergency classificationprocess "clock."

3.I.2 Valid Indications AIIemergency classification assessments shall bebased upon valid indications,reportsor conditions. A valid indication, report, orcondition, isonethat hasbeen verifiedthrough appropriate 9 of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE131OF383 means suchthat there isnodoubt regarding the indicator's operability, the condition's existence, or thereport's accuracy. For example, verification could beaccomplished through aninstrument channel check, response onrelated orredundant indicators, ordirect observation byplant personnel.

Thevalidation ofindications should becompleted inamanner thatsupports timely emergency declaration.

3.1.3 Imminent Conditions ForICsandEAIsthat have a stipulated timeduration (e.g., 15minutes, 30minutes, the etc.),

Emergency Coordinator should not wait untilthe applicable time haselapsed,but should declare the event assoonasit isdetermined that the condition has exceeded, orwilllikelyexceed, the applicable time. Ifanongoing radiological releaseis detected andthe release starttime is unknown, itshould beassumed that the releaseduration specified inthe IC/EAl hasbeen e xceeded, absent data tothe contrary.

3.1.4 Planned vs.Unplanned Events A planned work activity that results inanexpected event orcondition which meetsorexceeds an EAl. does notwarrant anemergency declaration provided that: 1) theactivityproceeds asplanned and2)the plant remains within the limits imposed bythe operating license. Such activities include planned workto manipulate, test, repair, maintain ormodify a system orcomponent. Inthese cases, the controls associated with the planning, preparation andexecution of thework will ensure that compliance ismaintained with all aspects operating provided of the license thatt he activity proceeds and concludes as expected. Events or conditions of this typemay be subject tothe reporting requirements of10CFR50.72 4.1.4).


3.1.5 Classincation Based onAnalysis Theassessment ofsomeEAIsis based onthe results ofanalyses that arenecessary toascertain whether a specific EAl threshold has been exceeded (e.g.,dose assessments, chemistry sampling, RCSleak ratecalculation, etc.). Forthese EAIs,the EAlwording orthe associated basis discussion willidentify the necessary analysis. Inthese cases, the15-minute declaration period startswith theavailability ofthe analysis resultsthat showthe threshold tobeexceeded (i.e.,thisis the time that the EAl information isfirst available). TheNRCexpects licensees toestablish the capability toinitiate andcomplete EAl-related analyses within a reasonableperiod oftime (e.g.,

maintain the necessary expertise on-shift).

3.1.6 Emergency Coordinator Judgment While the EAl.s have been developed toaddress a full spectrum ofpossibleevents andconditions which maywarrant emergency classification, aprovision for classificationbased on operator/management experience andjudgment isstill necessary. TheNEl99-01 EAlscheme 10of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE132OF383 provides the EmergencyCoordinator with the ability toclassify events andconditions based upon judgment usingEAI.s that areconsistent with the Emergency Classification Level (ECL) definitions (refer toCategory II). TheImergency Coordinator will need todetermine ifthe effects orconsequences ofthe event orcondition reasonably meetorexceed a particular EC1definition. A similar provision isincorporated inthe Fission Product Barrier Tables; judgment maybeused to determine the status ofa fissionproduct barrier.

3.2 Classification Methodology Tomakeanemergency classitleation, the user will compare aneventorcondition the (i.e., relevant plant indications andreports) to an EAI (s) anddetermine ifthe EALhasbeen metorexceeded.

Theevaluation ofanIAl mustbeconsistent with the relatedOperating ModeApplicability and Notes. IfanEAI hasbeen metorexceeded, the associated ICis likewise met,the emergency classification process "clock" starts andthe ECL mustbedeclared inaccordance with plant procedures nolater than fifteen minutes after the process "clock" started.

Whenassessing anEALthat specitles a time duration forthe off-normal condition, the "elock" for the EAltime duration runs concurrently with the emergency elassification process "clock."For a full discussion ofthis timing requirement, refer toNSIR/DPR-ISG-01 (ref.4.I.9).

3.2.1 Classilleation ofMultiple Events andConditions Whenmultiple emergency events orconditions arepresent, the userwill identify all metor exceeded EAl s. The highest applicable ECL identitled isdeclared. For example:

  • If anAlert IAl. anda Site Area Imergency EAIaremet,whether at one unitorattwo differenta Site units, AreaEmergency should bedeclared.

There isno"additive" effect from multiple EAl.s meeting the sameECL.Forexample:

  • IftwoAlert EAlsare met,whether atoneunit orattwodifferent units. anAlert should be declared.

Related guidance concerning classification ofrapidly escalating events orconditions isprovided in Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2007-02, Clarification ofNRCGuidance for Emergency Notifications During Ouicidv Changing Events (ref. 4.I.2).

3.2.2 Consideration ofModeChanges During Classification Themodeineffect atthe time that aneventorcondition occurred andprior toanyplant oroperator response, isthe modethat determines whether ornotanICis applicable. aneventorcondition If occurs andresults ina modechange before the emergency isdeclared, the emergency classification level isstill based onthe modethat existedatthe time that theeventorcondition wasinitiated (and IIof262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE133OF383 not when itwasdeclared). Oncea different modeisreached, anyneweventorcondition, not related tothe original event orcondition, requiringemergency classification shouldbeevaluated against the ICsandEAIsapplicable tothe operating modeatthe time ofthe neweventor condition.

Forevents thatoccur in Cold Shutdown orRefueling, escalation isvia EAl.s thatareapplicable in the Cold Shutdown or Refueling modes, evenifIlot Shutdown (or ahigher mode) isentered during the subsequent plant response. Inparticular,the fission product barrier EAl.s areapplicable onlyto events thatinitiateintheIlot Shutdown modeorhigher.

3.2.3 Classil1cationofImminent Conditions Although EAI,sprovide specille thresholds, the Emergency Coordinator mustremain alert toevents orconditions thatcould lead tomeetingor exceeding anEAIwithin a relativelyshortperiod of time achange (i.e., inthe ECLisIMMINENT). If,inthe judgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator, meeting anEALis IMMINENT, the emergency classification should bemadeasif the EALhas been met.While applicable toall ECLs, thisapproach is particularly important atthehigher emergency classification levels since it provides additional timefor implementation of protective measures.

3.2.4 Emergency Classification Ievel Upgrading andDowngrading An ECLmaybedowngraded whenthe event orcondition that meetsthe highest ICand EAIno longer existsand other site-specific downgrading requirements downgrading the are met. If ECIis deemed appropriate,the newECLwould thenbebased ona lower applicable IC(s) and EAL(s).

TheECImayalso simply be terminated.

Asnoted above, guidance concerning classification ofrapidly escalating eventsorconditions is provided inRIS2007-02 (ref. 4.I.2).

3.2.5 Classit1cationofShort-I ived Events Event-based ICsandIAlsdefine a variety ofspecine occurrences that have potential oractual safety significance.Bytheir nature, someofthese events maybeshort-lived and,thus,over before the emergency classification assessment canbecompleted. If anevent occurs thatmeetsorexceeds anEAL,the associated ECLmustbedeclared regardless ofits continued atthe presence time of declaration. Examples ofsuch events include anearthquake ora failure ofthe protection reactor system toautomatically trip the reactor followed bya successful manual trip.

3.2.6 ClassificationofTransient Conditions Manyofthe ICsand/or EALsemploy time-based criteria. These criteria willrequirethat the IC/EAI conditions bepresent fora defined period oftime before anemergency declaration is I2of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE134OF383 warranted. Incases where notime-based criterion isspecified, itisrecognized that sometransient conditions maycause anEAltobemet for abrief period oftime (e.g.,a fewseconds toa few minutes). The following guidance should beapplied tothe classilleationofthese conditions.

Ininstanceswhere anEAl isbriefly met during anexpected (normal) plant response, anemergency declaration isnotwarranted provided that associated systems andcomponents areoperating asexpected andoperator actions are performed inaccordance with procedures.

Ifan operator takes prompt manualaction toaddress acondition andthe action issuccessful incorrecting the condition prior tothe emergency declaration, then the applicable EALis notconsidered metand the associated emergency declarationis not required. Forillustrative purposes, consider the following example:

AnATWSoccurs andthe high pressureECCS systems fiiil toautomatically start. Reactor vessel level rapidly decreases andthe plant enters aninadequate core cooling condition (a potential loss ofboth the fuel clad andRCSbarriers). Ifanoperator manually starts ahigh pressure ECCSsystem inaccordance with anEOP step andclears the inadequate core cooling condition priortoanemergency declaration, then the classification should bebased onthe ATWSonly.

Itisimportant tostress thatthe15-minute emergency elassification assessment period (process clock) isnota"grace period" during which aclassification maybedelayed to allow the performance ofa corrective actionthat would obviate the need toclassify the event. Emergency classification assessments mustbedeliberate andtimely, with noundue delays.The provision discussed above addresses onlythose rapidly evolving situationswhenanoperatoris able totake a successful corrective action tothe prior Emergency Coordinator completing the review and steps necessary tomake the emergency declaration. This provision isincluded toensure thatany public protective actions resulting from the emergency classification aretruly warranted bythe plant conditions.

3.2.7 After-the-Fact Discovery ofanEmergency Event orCondition Insomecases,anEAImaybemetbut the emergency classificationwasnotmade atthe time ofthe event orcondition. This situation canoccur whenpersonnel discover that aneventorcondition existed which metanEAl., but noemergency wasdeclared andthe event orcondition nolonger exists atthe time ofdiscovery. This maybeduetothe event orcondit:on notbeing recognized at the time oranerror thatwasmadeinthe emergency classification process.

Inthese cases,noemergency declaration iswarranted; however, theguidance contained in NUREG-1022 (ref. 4.I.3) isapplicable. Specifically, the event should bereported tothe NRCin 13of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE135OF383 accordance with 10CFR50.72 (ref.4.1.4)within onehour ofthe discovery oftheundeclared event orcondition. Thelicensee shouldalsonotify appropriate Stateandlocal agencies inaccordance with the agreed uponarrangements.

3.2.8 Retraction ofanEmergency Declaration Guidance onthe retraction of anemergency declaration reportedtothe NRCis discussed in NUREG-1022 (ref. 4.I.3).


4.1 Developmental 4.I1 NEl99-01, Revision6,Methodologyfi>r the Developinent ofEinergency Action Levels forNon-Passive Reactors,ADAMS Accession Number MI12326A805.

4.I.2RIS2007-02, ofNRC (inidance Clarification fi>r Emergency Notifications during Ouickly Changing Events,February 2, 2007.

4.l.3 NUREG-1022, EventReporting Guidelines: 10 CFR 50.72 and50.73 4.I.410CFR50.72, Inunediate Notification Requirements fi>r Operating Nuclear Power Reactors 4.I.510CFR50.73, LicenseEvent Report Systein 4.I.6 Technical SpecificationsTable II-1, Modes 4.I.7Procedure 40EP-9EOl0, LM-Containinent Evacuation andClosure. Appendix 249 4.I.8 Procedure Writers Manual PVNGSPlant Procedure Writers Manual 4.I.9NSIR/DPR-ISG-01, Interim StaffGuidance, Emergency I'lanning fi>r Nuclear Power Plants 4.110 PVNGSEmergency Plan 4.111 Procedure 40DP-9//30, Reduced Inventory Operations 4.112 Procedure 20DP-0SK49, Security Integrated Response Plan (Proprietary Infi>rmation) 4.2 Implementing 4.2.1 Procedure, IP-O901, Classifications l4of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE136 OF383 4.2.2 PVNGS-TO-NEl 99-01, Rev. 6,EALCROSS-REFERENCE 4.2.3 PVNGSEAL Matrix 5.0 DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS 5.1 Definitions (ref. 4.I.1except asnoted)

Selected terms used inInitiating Condition and Emergency Action Ievel statements aresetinall capital letters (e.g.,

AlI CAPS). Thesewords aredefined termsthat have specille meanings as used inthis document. Thedellnitions ofthese terms areprovided below.

Alert Events areinprogress, orhave occurred, which involve anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant or a security eventthat involves probable life threatening risktositepersonnel ordamage tosite equipment because ofhostileaction. Any releases areexpected tobesmall fractions oftheEPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels.

Confinement Boundary Thebarrier(s) between spent fuel andthe environment oncethe spent fuel isprocessed for dry storage. Asrelated tothe PVNGSISI Sl,ConGnement Boundary is defined asthe Transportable Storage Canister (TSC) for theNAC-UMSandNAC-MAGNASTOR storage systems.

Containment Closure Theprocedurally defined actionstaken tosecure containment andits associated structures, systems andcomponents asa functional barriertoAssion product releaseunder shutdown conditions.

Asapplied toPVNGS,Containment Closure isestablished whenthe requirements ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0, 1.M-Containment Evacuation andClosure, Appendix 249, forcontainmentclosure aremet(ref. 4.1.7).

Emergency Action 1,evel A pre-determined. site-specine, observable threshold for anInitiatingCondition that, whenmetor exceeded, placestheplant ina given emergency classificationlevel.

Emergency Classification Ievel Oneofa setofnames ortitles established bythe USNuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for grouping off-normalevents orconditions according to(I) potentialoractual effects or consequences, and(2) resulting onsiteandoffsite response actions.Theemergency classification levels, inascending order ofseverity, are: Unusual Event (UE).Alert, Site Area Emergency (SAE) andGeneral Emergency (GE).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE137OF383 EPA PAGs Environment Protection Agency Protective Action Guidelines.TheEPAPAGsareexpressed in terms of dose commitment. IRemTEDEor5 RemCDEThyroid. Actual orprojected offsite exposures excess i n of the E PAPAGs requires PVNGStorecommend protective actions forthe general public to offsite planningagencies.

Explosion A rapid, violent andeatastrophic fliilureofapiece ofequipment duetocombustion, chemical reaction oroverpressurization. A release ofsteam(from high energy lines orcomponents) oran electrical component fliilure(caused byshort circuits, grounding. arcing, etc.) should not automatically beconsidered anexplosion. Such events require a post-event inspection todetermine ifthe attributes ofanexplosion arepresent.

Faulted Thetermapplied toa steamgenerator that has a steam orfeedwater leak onthe secondary sideof sufficient size tocause anuncontrolled drop insteam generator pressure orthe steamgenerator to become completely depressurized.

Fire Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such as slipping drive beltsor overheated electrical equipment donotconstitute fires.

Observationof name is preferredbut is NOTrequired iflarge quantitiesofsmoke andheat areobserved.

Fission Product Barrier Threshold A pre-determined, site-specific, observable threshold indicatingthe loss orpotential loss ofa fission product barrier.

Flooding A condition where wateris entering a roomorarea than faster installedequipment iscapable of removal. resulting ina rise ofwaterlevel within the roomorarea.

General Emergency Events areinprogress orhave occurred which involve actual orimminent substantial core degradation ormelting with potential for lossofcontainment orhostile integrity actions thatresult inanactual loss ofphysical control ofthe facility.Releases canbereasonably expected toexceed EPAProtective Action Guideline exposure levels offsite for morethan the immediate site area.

Ilostage A person(s) held asleverage againstthe station toensure that demands will bemetbythe station.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE138OF383 IIostile Action Anact toward PVNGSorits personnel that includes the useofviolent force todestroy equipment, take hostages and/or intimidate the licensee toachieve anend. This includes attack air, by land. or water using guns, explosives, projectiles, vehicles, orother devices used todeliver destructive force. Other acts that satisfy theoverall intent may be included. IIostile action should notbe construed toinclude acts ofcivil disobedience orfelonious actsthat are notpart ofaconcerted attack onPVNGS.Non-terrorism-based EAIsshould beused toaddress such activities (i.e., this mayinclude violent actsbetween individuals inthe owner controlled area).

IIostile Force Oneormoreindividuals whoareengaged inadetermined assault, overtly orbystealth and deception, equipped with suitableweapons capable ofkilling, maiming, orcausing destruction.

Imminent Thetrajectory ofevents orconditions is such that an I(Al. will bemetwithin a relatively short period oftime regardless ofmitigation orcorrective actions.


Personnel access toaroomorarea ishindered toanextent that extraordinary measures are necessary tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel intothe affected room/area (e.g., requiring use of protective equipment, such asSCBAs, that isnotroutinely employed).

Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

A complex that isdesigned andconstructed for the interim storage ofspent nuclear fuel and other radioactive materials associated with spent fuel storage.

Initiating Condition (10)

An eventorcondition that alignswith the deGnition ofoneofthe four emergency classification levels byvirtue ofthe potential oractual effects orconsequences.

Intrusion Theactofentering without authorization. Discovery ofa bombinaspecified area isindication of intrusion into that area bya hostile force.

Maintain Take appropriate action tohold the value ofanidentified parameter within speciGed limits.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE139OF383 Projectile Anobject directed toward aNuclear Power Plant that could cause concern for itscontinued operability, reliability. orpersonnel safety.

Plant orISFSI Protected Area Anarea. located within the PVNCiSExclusion AreaBoundary, encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich access is controlled per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGSPower Plant Protected Area and the ISFSI Protected Area are two Protected Areas locatedwithin the PVNGSOWNER CONTROlIEDAREA(ref 4. I10)

RCSIntact TheRCSshould beconsidered intactwhen theRCS pressure boundary isinitsnormal condition for the cold shutdown modeofoperation(e.g., nofreezeseals ornozzle dams. pressurizer manway andsafeties installed).

Reduced Inventory Plant condition whenfuel isinthe reactor andReactor vessel Coolant System level isless than or equal tothe 111foot elevation (ref.


Refueling Pathway Thereactor refueling pool, fuel storage poolandfueltransfercanal comprise the refueling pathway.

Ruptured Thecondition ofa steamgenerator inwhich primary-to-secondary leakage of sufficient is magnitude torequire a safety injection.

Restore Take the appropriate action required toreturnthe ofanidentified value parameter tothe applicable limits.

Safety System A system required for safe plant operation,cooling downthe plant and/or placingit inthe cold shutdown condition. including theECCS.These aretypicallysystems classinedassafety related (as defined in10CIR 50.2).

Those structures, systems andcomponents arerelied that upon toremain functional during and following design basis events toassure:

1)Theintegrity ofthe reactor coolant boundary:

pressure 18of262


2) Thecapabilitytoshut downthe reactor andmaintain it ina safeshutdown condition;
3) The capability toprevent ormitigate the consequences ofaccidents which could result in potential offsiteexposures.

Security Owner Controlled Area(SOCA)

An area encompassed by physical barriers towhich access iscontrolled. (ref 4.I12).

Security Condition Anysecurity event aslisted in the approved security contingency planthatconstitutes a threat/compromise tosite security. threat/risk tosite personnel, ora potential degradation tothe level ofsafety ofthe plant. A security condition does notinvolve a hostile action.

SiteAreaEmergency Events areinprogress orhave occurred whichinvolve actualorlikely major failuresofplant functions needed forprotection ofthe public orhostile actions that resultinintentional damage or malicious acts: (I)toward sitepersonnel orequipment that could lead tothe likely failureofor:(2) thatprevent effective access toequipment needed for the protection ofthe public. Anyreleases are notexpected toresult inexposure levels which exceed EPAProtective Action Guidelines exposure levels beyond thesite boundary.

SiteBoundary Theboundary ofa reactor sitebeyond which theland orproperty isnotowned, leased. orotherwise controlled bythe licensee (ref.4.I10).

lnisolable An open orbreached system line thatcannot beisolated, remotely orlocally.

Unplanned A parameter change oranevent that isnotI) the result ofanintended evolution or2) anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter change oreventmaybeknown or unknown.

Unusual Event Ivents areinprogress orhave occurred which indicate a potential degradation inthe level ofsafety oftheplant orindicate a security threat tofacility protection has been initiated.No releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response ormonitoring areexpected unless further degradation ofsafety systems occurs.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE141OF383 Valid An indication, report,orcondition, isconsidered tobevalid whenit isverified by(1) aninstrument channelcheck. or(2) indications onrelated orredundant indicators,or(3) bydirect observation by plant personnel, such that doubt relatedtothe operability.

indicator's the condition's existence, or the report's accuracy isremoved. Implicit inthis definition isthe need for timely assessment.

Visible Damage Damage toa componentor structure that isreadily without observable measurements, testing, or analysis. Thevisual impactof the damage is tocause sufficient concern regarding the operability or reliability ofthe affectedcomponent orstructure.

5.2 Abbreviations/Acronyms OF Degrees Fahrenheit o

Degrees AC .Alternating Current AOP .AbnormalOperating Procedure ATWS .Anticipated Transient Without Scram CET Core Exit Thermocouple CDE Committed Dose Equivalent ClR Code ofFederal Regulations CR .Control Room CSFST Critical Safety Function Status Tree CTMT Containment DBA .Design BasisAccident DC .Direct Current DEF Defueled DG .Diesel Generator EAl. .Emergency Action I.evel ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECl. .Emergency Classification Ievel EOC .Emergency Operations Center EOl .Emergency Operations Facility 20of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE142OF383 EOP .Emergency Operating Procedure EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPABX Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange ERG .Emergency Response Guideline EPIP .Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure ESF .lingineered Safety Feature ESW Emergency Service Water FAA .Federal Aviation Administration FBI Federal Bureau ofInvestigation FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency GE General Emergency IC InitiatingCondition IPEEE Individual Plant Examination ofExternal Events (Generic Ietter 88-20)

Keff Effective Neutron Multiplication Factor ICO .Limiting Condition ofOperation 1,ER .Licensee Event Report IOCA Loss of CoolantAccident LWR Iight WaterReactor MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration/Multi-Purpose Canister mR, mRem, mrem, mREM milli-Roentgen Equivalent Man MSL MainSteam Line MW Megawatt NEl .Nuclear Energy Institute NESP National Environmental Studies Project NPP .Nuclear Power Plant NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSSS Nuclear Steam Supply System NORAD NorthAmerican Aerospace Defense Command (NO)UE .NotiBeation ofUnusual Event OBE Operating Basis Earthquake 21of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE143OF383 OCA Owner Controlled Area ODCM Offsite Dose Calculation Manual ORO .OtTsite Response Organization OSC Operations Support Center PA Protected Area PAG Protective Action Guideline PPS .Plant Protection System PRA/PSA Probabilistic RiskAssessment/Probabilistic Safety Assessment PWR Pressurized Water Reactor PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge R .Roentgen RCC Reactor Control Console RCS Reactor Coolant System Rem,rem,REM Roentgen Equivalent Man RepCET Representative Core Exit Thermocouple RETS Radiological Efiluent Technical Specif ications RFAT Radiological 1ieldAssessment Team R(P)V .Reactor (Pressure) Vessel RVI.IS .Reactor Vessel 1.evelIndicating System RVIMS .Reactor Vessel 1.evel Monitoring System RWI,IS Refueling Water I.evel Indicating System RWT .Refueling Water StorageTank SAR Safety Analysis Report SBO Station Blackout SBOG Station Blackout Generator SCBA .Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus SG Steam Generator SI .Safety Injection SIAS Safety Injection Actuation System SOCA Security Owner Controlled Area 22of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE144OF383 SPDS Safety ParameterDisplay System SRO Senior ReactorOperator STSC .Satellite TechnicalSupport Center SUT Transformer Startup TEDE Effective Total DoseEquivalent TOAF TopofActiveFuel TSC .Technical Center Support UlSAR Updated FinalSafety Analysis Report WOG .Westinghouse Owners Group 6.0 PVNGS-TO-NEl-99-01 Rev.6,EAl, CROSS-REFERENCE This cross-reference isprovided association and tofacilitate location ofaPVNGSEAl.within the NEl99-01IC/EALidentification scheme. Furtherinformation regarding the development ofthe PVNGSEALsbased ontheNElguidance canbefound in theEALComparisonMatrix.

PVNGS NEl 99-01, Rev.6 EAI 10 Example EAI RUl1 AUI 1,2 RUl.2 AUl 3 RU2.1 AU2 1 RAl 1 AAl 1 RAl.2 AAl 2 RA1.3 AAl 2 RAl.3 AAl 3 RA2.1 AA2 1 RA2.2 AA2 2 RA2.3 AA2 3 RA3.I AA3 1 RA3.2 AA3 2 RSl.1 ASI 1 RSl.2 ASI 2 23of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION69 PAGE1450F383 PVNGS Rev.6 NEl99-01, EAL IC ExampleEAL RSl.3 ASl 3 RS2.1 AS2 1 RGl l AGl 1 RGl.2 AGl 2 RGl.3 AGl 3 RG2.1 AG2 1 CUl1 CUl 1 Cl)l.2 cut 2 CU2.1 CU2 1 CU3.1 CU3 1 Cll3.2 CU3 2 CU4.1 CU4 1 CU5.1 CU5 1 23 CAl 1 CAl l CAl.2 CAl 2 CA2.1 CA2 'l CA3.1 CA3 1,2 CA6.1 CA6 1 CSll CSl 3 CGI 1 CGl 2 FAl1 FAl 1 FSl1 FSl 1 1:G1 1 FGl l llUl1 llUl l2 3 HU2.1 IlU2 1 HU3.1 1lU3 1 11U3.2 IIU3 2 24of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE146OF383 PVNGS Rev.6 NEl99-01, EAL 1C ExampleEAL HU3.3 HU3 3 IlU3.4 IlU3 4 HU4.1 11U4 1 IlU4.2 IIU4 2 IlU4.3 IlU4 3 HU4.4 IIU4 4 HU7.1 HU7 1 llAl 1 HAl 1,2 HA5.1 HA5 1 IlA6.1 llA6 1 IIA7.1 llA7 1 IlSl l llSl 1 llS6.1 llS6 1 HS7.1 HS7 1 IlG7.1 HG7 1 SUll SUI 1 SU3.1 SU2 1 SU4.1 SU3 1 SU4.2 SU3 2 SU5.1 SU4 1.23 SU6.1 SU5 1 SU6.2 SU5 2 SU7.1 SU6 1,2.3 sus.1 SU7 l2 SAl 1 SAl 1 SA3.1 SA2 1 SA6.1 SA5 1 25of262


6 EAL IC Example EAI SA9.1 SA9 1 SSI.1 SSI 1 SS2.1 SS8 1 SS6.1 SS5 1 SG11 SG1 1 SG1.2 SGS 1 EUl.1 EUl 1 7.0ATTACIIMENTS Attachment 1 Emergency Action Ievel Technical Bases Attachment 2 Fission Barrier Product 1.oss/Potential I.oss Matrix andBasis 3 Safe Attachment

& Shutdown Operation RoomsTables R-2 & 1l-2Bases Attachment 4 Palo Verde System Safety 1ist 26of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE148OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases EAl,Group: ANY (EAIs inthiscategory are applicable toanyplantcondition, hotorcold.)

ManyEAlsarebasedon actual orpotential degradation product of11ssion barriers because ofthe potential elevated for offsite radioactivity release. Radioactivity through release degradation of product fission barriersisnotalways apparent via non-radiological symptoms. Therefore, direct indication ofelevatedradiological effluents orarea radiationlevels are appropriate symptoms for emergency classification.

Atlower abnormal levels, radioactivity releases maybeindicative ofa failureofcontainment systemsorprecursorstomoresignificant releases. Athigher release rates.offsite radiological conditions mayresultwhich require offsite protective actions. Elevated area radiation levels inplant mayalso beindicativeofthe failure ofcontainmentsystems orpreclude access toplant vital equipmentnecessarytoensure plant safety.

Eventsofthiscategorypertain tothe following subcategories:

I Radiologicallifiluent l)irect indication ofeffluent radiation monitoring systems provides arapid assessment mechanism todeterminereleases inexcess ofelassifiable limits. Projectedoffsite doses, actual offsite field measurementsormeasured release rates via sampling indicatedoses ordose rates above classifiable limits.

2. Irradiated FuelEvent Conditionsindicative ofa loss ofadequate shielding ordamage toirradiatedfuel maypreclude access plant tovital areas orresult inradiological releasesthat emergency warrant classilleation.
3. Area RadiationI.evels Sustainedgeneral area radiation levels which maypreclude access toareasrequiring continuous occupancy also warrant emergency classification.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE149OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity > 2times the ODCMlimits for 60 minutes orlonger EAL:

RUl.1 Unusual Event Reading onanyTable R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column "UE"for > 60minutes (Notes l.2.3)

Note1 TheEntergency ('oordinatorshoulddeclare theevent pronaptly upondetermining that time linlit hasbeen exceeded.orwill beexceeded.

likely Note2:Ifan ongoing release iscetected andthe release start time is unknown. assumethat the release duration has exceededthe specified time limit.

Note3:Iftheeftluent flow pastaneffluent monitor isknown tohave stopped. indicating that the path release is isolated.

the e ffluent monitor readingis no longer VALlD for c lassification purposes.

Table R-1 Effluent Monitoring Classification Thresholds Release Point Monitor GE SAE Alert UE Plant Vent I.ow RL-I43 Ch I I.04E-02 I.22E-03 p(1/ce Plant Vent Iligh Rlf-144 ('l1 I 1.04E00 1.04E-01 p(1/ce p(iec FuelBuilding Low Rit-145(bl, l.13E-02 p(i/ce Rl.i-I46Ch I 3.50E+00 3.50E-01 p(iec,.

p( Fuel Building High T 50E01 Rl!-I46 Ch2 p(i/ce ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

None 28of262


Thecolumn"UE" gaseous releasevalues inTable R-Irepresent twotimes theappropriate ODCM releaseratelimits associated with thespecified monitors (ref.I,2).

This ICaddresses apotential decrease inthe level ofsafety ofthe plantasindicated bya lowlevel radiologicalrelease that exceeds regulatory commitments for anextended period oftime (e.g.,an uncontrolled release). Itincludes any gaseous radiological monitored release, orunmonitored.

Nuclear power plants incorporatedesign features intended tocontrol the release ofradioactive effluentstothe environment. Further,there areadministrative controls established toprevent unintentionalreleases andtocontrol andmonitor intentional releases. Theoccurrence ofan extended, uncontrolled radioactive release tothe environment isindicative ofdegradation inthese featuresand/or controls.

Radiological effluent EAIsarealso included toprovide a basis for classifyingevents and conditionsthat cannotbereadily orappropriately classified on the ofplant basis conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological eflluent EAl,s morefully addresses the spectrumpossible of accident events andconditions.

Classificationbased oneffluent monitor readings assumes thatarelease path tothe environmentis established.Ifthe effluent flow past anef0uent monitor isknown tohave stopped due toactions to isolate the release path, then theeffluent monitor reading isnolonger validfor classification purposes.

Releases should notbeprorated oraveraged. Forexample, a release exceeding 4 times release limitsfor30minutes does notmeetthe EAI..

This EAI addresses normally occurring continuous radioactivity releasesfrom monitored gaseous effluentpathways.

Escalationofthe emergency classi0cation levelwould bevia ICRAI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1,2and3

2. I.etter102-05894-DCM/CJS, Dated 9/l5/08, PVNGSUnits I,2,3,andISFSI Docket Nos. 50-528, 50-529, 50-530, and72-44 Proposed PVNGSEmergency PlanChange toImplement NEl 99-01, Revision 5, Emergency Action Ievels (I Attachment Al,s) IRadiological Calculations
3. NEl 99-01. AUI 29of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE151OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadLevels/Rad EfiTuent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiating Condition: Release ofgascous radioactivity greater than2timestheODCMlimits for 60minutes orlonger.


RUl.2 Unusual Event Sample analysis for a gaseous release indicates aconcentration orrelease > 2 x ODCMlimits rate for 60minutes

> (Notes 1,2)

NoteI Thelimergency Coordinator should declare the event promptly upon determining that time limit has been exceeded. orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:Ifanongoing release iscetected andthe release start time is unknown. assumethat the duration release has exceeded the specitled time limit.


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

This ICaddresses a potential decrease inthe level ofsafety ofthe plantasindicatedbya lowlevel radiological release thatexceeds regulatory commitments foranextended periodoftime (e.g., an uncontrolled release). Itincludes anygaseous radiological release, monitoredorunmonitored, including those for which aradioactivity discharge permit isnormally prepared.

Nuclear power plants incorporate design features intended tocontrol therelease ofradioactive efiluents tothe environment. Further, there areadministrative controlsestablished toprevent unintentional releases andtocontrol andmonitor intentional releases.

Theoccurrence ofan extended uncontrolled radioactive release tothe environment isindicativeofdegradation inthese featuresand/or controls.

Radiological effluent EAlsarealso included toprovide a basis for classifying eventsand conditions that cannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basisofplant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological effluent EALsmorefully addresses the spectrumpossible of accident events andconditions.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE152 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnicalBases Releases should notbeprorated oraveraged. Forexample, exceeding a release release 4times limitsfor 30 minutes does notmeetthe EAl This EAladdresses uncontrolled gaseous releases that are bysample detected analyses or environmental surveys, particularly onunmonitored pathways.

Escalation ofthe emergency elassifleation levelwouldbevia ICRAl PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1.Offsite DoseCalculation ManualPalo Venle Generating Nuclear Station 1,2and3 Units

2. NEI99-01. AUI 31of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE153OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I -

Radiological EiTIuent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dose greater than 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RAl.1 Alert Reading onanyTable R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column "AI.ERT" for > 15minutes (Notes 1,2.3,4)

NoteI TheEmergency Coordinator shoulddeclare the event promptly upon determiningthat timelimit has been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:lfan ongoing release iscetected andthe releasestart time isunknown. assume that the duration release has exceededthe time specilled limit.

Note3:Iftheeffluent flowpastaneffluent monitor isknowntohave stopped. indicating that the path release is the isolated. e ftluent monitor reading longer is no VAllD for classification purposes.

Note4:Ihepre-calculated eflluent monitorvalues presented inEAls RA1. l RSl .1andRGl.1

. should beused for emergency classitlcation assessments until theresults from a dose assessment using actual meteorology are available.

Table R-1 Effluent Monitor Classification Thresholds Release Point Monitor GE SAE Alert UE Plant VentIow Rij-l43Ch I I.04E-02 l.22E-03 p(i ec p( i/ec Plant Vent liigh Rl!-144Ch I 1.04E 00 1.04E-01

tt i/ce p(icc,.

FuelBuilding Iow Rl!-I45(h1 1.13E-02 pl1/CC Rl!-146Ch I 3.50E +00 3.50E-01 FuelBuilding Iligh s( .

icc p(iec 3.50E0 1 Rl!-I46Ch2 p(i/ce ModeApplicability:

All 32of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE154OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAl address gaseous radioactivity releases, that forwhatever reason, cause effluentradiation monitor readings corresponding tosite boundary doses that exceed either:

  • 10mRemTEDE
  • 50mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn "Al.ERT" gaseous etfluentrelease values inTable R-1correspond toealculateddoses of1%(10%ofthe SAEthresholds) ofthe EPA Protective Action Guidelines (TEDE orCDE Thyroid) (ref. 1).

This ICaddresses arelease ofgaseous radioactivity that results in projected oractual offsite doses greater than orequal tol%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). It includes both monitored andun-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude represent anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant asindicated bya radiological release that significantly exceeds regulatory limits (e.g.,

a signitleant uncontrolled release).

Radiological eflluent EAIsarealso included toprovide abasis for elassifying events and conditions that cannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis ofplant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological effluent EAlsmorefully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetat1%ofthe EPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile the 50mremthyroid CDE was established inconsideration ofthe1:5 ratio ofthe EPAPAGfor TEDEand thyroid CDE.

Classification based oneffluent monitor readings assumes that arelease path tothe environmentis established. lfthe effluent flowpast aneffluent monitor isknown tohave stopped duetoactionsto isolate the release path, then theeffluent monitor reading isnolonger valid for classification purposes.

Escalation ofthe emergency classificationlevel would bevia ICRSI 33of262


l 1.etter102-05894-DCM/CJS, Dated PVN(iS 9/l5/08, 1,2,3,andISFSI Units Docket Nos.

50-528,50-529, 50-530, ami72-44, PVNGS Proposed Plan Emergency toImplenient Change NEl 99-01, Revision5, Emergency Action (EAIs)

Ievels IRactiological Attaclunent Calculations

2. NEI99-01 AA I 34of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE156 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent Initiating Condition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resultinginoffsitedose greater than 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RAl.2 Alert Dose assessment using actual meteorology indicates doses > 10mremTEDEor50mremthyroid CDEatorbeyond the SITEBOUNDARY (Note 4)

Note4:Thepre-calculated effluentmonitor values presented in s RAl.LRSl1andRGl.I l?Al should beused for emergency classification assessments untilthe results from a dose using assessment meteorology actual are available.


All Definition(s):

SITEBOUNDARY Theboundary ofa reactor site beyond which theland orproperty is not owned. leased, orotherwise controlled bythe licensee.


This ICaddresses a releaseofgaseous radioactivity thatresults inprojectedoractualoffsite doses greaterthan orequal toI%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). It includes both monitored andun-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude representanactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe l evel of of safety plant the as indicatedby radiological a releasethat significantlyexceeds regulatory limits (e.g.,a significant uncontrolled release).

Radiological efAuent EAIsarealso included toprovide abasis forclassifyingevents and conditions that cannot bereadily orappropriately classifiedonthe basis ofplantconditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth condition plant andradiological effluentEAIsmorefully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetat1%ofthe EPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile the50mremthyroid CDEwas established inconsideration ofthe1:5 ratio ofthe EPAPAGfor TEDEand thyroid CDE.

Escalation ofthe emergency classineation level would bevia ICRSI 35of262


l Procedure EP-0903, Assessment Accident

2. NEI99-01AA I 36of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE158OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efiluent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dose greater than10 mrem TEDEor50mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RAl.3 Alert Field surveyresults indicate EITllER of the following atorbeyond the SITEBOUNDARY:

a Closed window dose rates> 10mR/hr expected tocontinue for > 60minutes

  • Analyses offield survey samples indicate thyroid CDE 50mremfor

> 60minutes of inhalation.

(Notes I.2)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator shoulddeclare the eventpromptly upon determining that timelimithas been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:Ifanongoing releaseiscetectedandthe releasestarttimeisunknown assume the that releasedurationhas exceededthe specifiedtime limit.


All Definition(s):

SITEBOUNDARY Theboundary ofa reactor sitebeyond which the land orproperty is not owned,leased, orotherwise controlledbythe licensee.


Procedure EP-0904 ERWERF ActivationandOperation, provides guidance foremergency orpost-accident radiological environmental monitoring (ref. I).

This ICaddresses a release ofgaseous orradioactivity that results inprojected oractual offsite doses greaterthan orequal toI% ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored andun-monitored releases.

Releases ofthis magnitude represent anactual orpotential substantialdegradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant asindicated bya radiological release that significantly exceeds regulatory limits(e.g.,a signillcant uncontrolled release).

Radiological effluent EAlsarealso included toprovide a basis for classifying events and conditions thatcannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis ofplant conditions alone.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE159OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological EALsmorefully eflluent addresses the spectrum of possible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdoseis set at1%ofthe EPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile CDEwas 50mremthyroid the established inconsideration oftheI:5 ratio EPAPAGfor ofthe TEDEandthyroid CDE.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification would level beviaICRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1.Procedure liP-0904, l?RO/1?RF Activation andOperation

2. NEI99-01. AA l 38of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE160OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I -

Radiological EiTIuent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dose greater than 100mremTEDEor500mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RSl.1 Site AreaEmergency Reading onanyTable R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column "SAE"for > 15minutes (Notes I, 2.3,4)

NoteI TheEmergency Coordinator shoulddeclare the event promptly upon determiningthat timelimit has been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:lfan ongoing release iscetected andthe releasestart time isunknown. assume that the duration release has exceededthe time specilled limit.

Note3:Iftheeffluent flowpastaneffluent monitor isknowntohave stopped. indicating that the path release is the isolated. e ftluent monitor reading longer is no VAllD for classification purposes.

Note4:Ihepre-calculated eflluent monitorvalues presented inEAls RA1. l RSl .1andRGl.1

. should beused for emergency classitlcation assessments until theresults from a dose assessment using actual meteorology are available.

Table R-1 Effluent Monitor Classification Thresholds Release Point Monitor GE SAE Alert UE Plant VentIow Rij-l43Ch I I.04E-02 l.22E-03 p(i ec p( i/ec Plant Vent liigh Rl!-144Ch I 1.04E 00 1.04E-01

tt i/ce p(icc,.

FuelBuilding Iow Rl!-I45(h1 1.13E-02 pl1/CC Rl!-146Ch I 3.50E +00 3.50E-01 FuelBuilding Iligh s( .

icc p(iec 3.50E0 1 Rl!-I46Ch2 p(i/ce ModeApplicability:

All 39of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE161OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAl address gaseous radioactivity releases,that for whatever reason, cause effluent radiation monitor readings corresponding tosite boundary doses that exceed either:

  • 100mRemTEDE
  • 500mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn "SAE"gaseous effluent release value in Table R-Icorresponds tocalculated doses of 10%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guidelines (TEDE orCDEThyroid) (ref. 1).

This ICaddresses arelease ofgaseous radioactivity that results inprojected oractualoffsite doses greater than orequal to10%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored andun-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude are associatedwith the failure of plant systems needed for the protection ofthe public.

Radiological eftluent EAlsarealso included toprovide a basis for classifying events and conditions that cannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis of plant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological effluent EAl.s more fully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetat10%ofthe EPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile the 500mremthyroid CDE wasestablished inconsideration ofthe1:5 ratioofthe EPAPAGfor TEDEandthyroid CDE.

Classification based oneffluent monitor readings assumes that a release path totheenvironment is established. Ifthe effluent flow past anefiluent monitor isknown tohave stopped duetoactions to isolate the release path, then the effluent monitorreading isnolonger valid forclassification purposes.

Escalation ofthe emergency classilleation levelwould bevia ICRGl PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Ietter 102-05894-DCM/CJS, Dated 9/15/08,PVN(iS Units 1,2,3,and/SFSI Docket Nos. 50-528,50-529, 50-530, and72-44 Proposed PVN(iS Emergency Plan Change tolinplement NEl 99-01, Revision 5, Etnergency Action Ievels (EAls) Attaclunent I Radiological Calculations

2. NEl99-01, ASl 40of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE162OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efiluent Subcategory: l-Radiological Effluent InitiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resultinginoffsitedose greater than 100mremTEDEor500mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RSl.2 Site AreaEmergency Dose assessment usingactual meteorology indicates doses > 100mremTEDEor500mrem thyroid CDEatorbeyond the SITEBOL JNDARY (Note 4)

Note4:Thepre-calculated eflluentmonitor values presented in liALsRAl.I.RSl.1andRGl.1 should beused for emergency classification assessments untilthe results from a dose using assessment actualmeteorology are available.


All Definition(s):

SITEBOLJNDARY Theboundary ofareactor site beyond which theland or property isnot owned,leased, orotherwise controlled bythelicensee.


This lCaddresses a releaseofgaseous radioactivity thatresults inprojectedoractual offsite doses greater thanorequal to10%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored andun-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude areassociated with the failure of plant systemsneeded for the protection ofthe public.

Radiological effluent EAlsarealso included toprovide a basis forclassifyingevents and conditions thatcannot bereadily orappropriately classifiedonthe basis ofplant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological ef0uent EAIsmorefully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetat10%oftheEPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile the 500mremthyroid CDE wasestablished inconsideration ofthe1:5 ratio ofthe EPAPAGfor TEDEandthyroid CDE.

Escalation ofthe emergency classilleation level would bevia ICRG1.



l Procedure EP-0903, Assessment Accident

2. NEI99-01ASI 42of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE164OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dosegreater than100 mrem TEDEor500mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RS1.3 Site AreaEmergency Field surveyresults indicate EITlIER of thefollowing atorbeyond the SITEBOUNDARY:

a Closed window dose rates> 100 mR/hr expected tocontinue for > 60minutes

  • Analyses offield survey samples indicate thyroid CDE 500 > mremfor 60minutes of inhalation.

(Notes I.2)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordimitor should declarethe eventpromptly upon determining thattime limithas been exceeded.

orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:Ifanongoing iscetected release andthe release time start isunknown assume the that duration release has exceeded the specified time limit.


All Definition(s):

SITEBOUNDARYTheboundary ofa reactor site beyond which the land orpropertyis not owned leased, orotherwise controlled bythe licensee.


Procedure EP-0904 EROGRFActivation andOperation, provides guidance il>r emergency orpost-accident radiological environmental monitoring (ref. I).

This ICaddresses a releaseofgaseous radioactivity that results inprojected oractualoffsite doses greater thanorequal to10%ofthe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored andun-monitored releases.Releases ofthis magnitude areassociated withthe failure of plant systemsneeded forthe protectionofthe public.

Radiological effluent EAI.s arealso included toprovide a basis for classifying and events conditions thatcannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis ofplant conditions alone.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE165OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnicalBases Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological EALsmorefully eflluent addresses the spectrum of possible accident events andconditions.

TheTliDE doseis set at10%ofthe EPAPACi ofI,000 mremwhile CDE 500mremthyroid the wasestablished inconsideration ofthe1:5 ofthe ratio EPAPACiforTEDEandthyroid CDE Escalation ofthe emergency classification would level beviaICR(il.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1.Procedure liP-0904, liRO/liRF Activation andOperation

2. NEI99-01 ASI 44of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE166OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efiluent Subcategory: l -

Radiological EiTluent InitiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dose greaterthan 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000 mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RGl.1 General Emergency Reading onanyTable R-1ef0uentradiation monitor> column "GE"for > 15minutes (Notes 1, 2.3,4)

NoteI TheEmergency Coordinator should declare the event promptly upon determining that time limit has been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:lfan ongoing release iscetected andthe releasestart time isunknown. assume that the duration release has exceededthe time specilled limit.

Note3:Iftheeftluent flowpastaneffluent monitor isknowntohave stopped. indicating that the path release is the isolated. e ffluent monitor reading longer is no VAllD for classification purposes.

Note4:Ihepre-calculated efiluent monitor values presented inEAls RA1. 1.RSl .1andRG1.1should beused for emergency classification assessmentsuntil theresults from a dose assessment using actual meteorology are available.

Table R-1 Effluent Monitor Classification Thresholds Release Point Monitor GE SAE Alert UE Plant VentIow Ch 1 Ril-143 1.04E-02 1.22E-03 p(i ec p( 1/ec Plant Vent Iligh Ch 1 Rl!-144 1.04E 00 1.04E-01 itt 1/ce p(1cc,.

FuelBuilding Iow (h1 Rt!-145 ,

1.13E-02 pl1/CC Ch 1 Rt!-146 3.50E +00 3.50E-01 p(iec plicc FuelBuilding IIigh 3.50E0 I Ch2 Rl!-146 p(1/ce ModeApplicability:

All 45of262


None Basis:

This EAl address gaseous radioactivity releases,that for whatever reason, cause effluent radiation monitor readings corresponding tosite boundary doses that exceed either:

  • I000 mRemTEDE
  • 5000 mRemCDEThyroid Thecolumn "GE"gaseous efiluent release values in Table R-Icorrespond tocalculated doses of 100"4 ofthe EPAProtective Action Guidelines (TEDE orCDEThyroid) (ref. I).

This ICaddresses arelease ofgaseous radioactivity that results inprojected oractualoffsite doses greater than orequal tothe EPAProtective Action Guides ( PAGs). It includes bothmonitored and un-monitored releases.Releases ofthis will magnituderequire implementation ofprotective actions for the public.

Radiological eftluentEAlsarealso included toprovide a basis for classifying events and conditions that cannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis of plant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological effluent EAl.s more fully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetatthe EPAPAGof1,000 mremwhile the 5,000 mremthyroid CDE was established inconsideration ofthe1:5 ratioofthe EPAPAGfor TEDEandthyroid CDE.

Classification based oneffluent monitor readings assumes that a release path totheenvironment is established. Iftheeffluent llowpast aneflluent monitor isknown tohave stopped duetoactions to isolate the releasepath, then theeffluent monitor reading isnolonger valid forclassification purposes.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I I.etter 102-05894-DCM/CJS, Dated 9/I5/08, PVNGSUnits I,2,3,andISFSI Docket Nos. 5()-

528,50-529, 50-530, and72-44 Proposed PVNGSEmergency Plan Change tolinplement NEl 99-01, Revision 5, Einergency Action Levels (EALs) Attaclunent I Radiological Calculations

2. NEI 99-01, AGI 46of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE168OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resultinginoffsite dose greater than 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000 mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RGl.2 General Emergency Dose assessment usingactual meteorology indicates doses > 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000 mrem thyroid CDEatorbeyond the SITEBOUNDARY (Note 4)

Note4:Thepre-calculated eflluent monitorvalues presented in liALsRAl.I.RSl.1 andRGl.1 should beused for emergency classification assessments untilthe results from a doseassessmentusingactual meteorology are available.


All Definition(s):

E BOliNDARYTheboundary S/'/ -

ofa reactor site beyond which theland or property isnotowned, leased,orothenvise controlled bythe licensee.


This ICaddresses a release ofgaseous radioactivity thatresults inpro;ectedoractualoffsite doses greaterthan orequal tothe PA I Protective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes both monitored and un-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude willrequire implementation ofprotective actions forthe public.

Radiological efiluent EALsarealso included toprovide a basis forclassifying events and conditions thatcannotbereadily orappropriately classifiedonthe basis ofplant conditions alone.

Theinclusion ofboth plant condition andradiological ef0uent EALsmorefully addresses the spectrum ofpossible accident events andconditions.

TheTEDEdose issetatthe EPAPAGofI,000 mremwhile the 5,000mremthyroid CDEwas establishedinconsideration ofthe 1:5 ratio ofthe IPA PAGfor TEDEand thyroid CDE.



l Procedure EP-0903 AccidentAssessment

2. NIil 99-0LAG I 48of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE170OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: I-Radiological Effluent initiatingCondition: Release ofgaseous radioactivity resulting inoffsite dosegreater than 1,000 mremTEDEor5,000 mremthyroid CDE EAL:

RGl.3 General Emergency Field surveyresults indicate EITllER of thefollowing atorbeyond the SITEBOUNDARY:

a Closed window dose rates > 1,000 mR/hr expected tocontinue il)r

> 60minutes

  • Analyses offield survey samples indicate thyroid CDE > 5,000 mremflar 60minutes of inhalation.

(Notes I.2)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordinatorshoulddeclare the eventpromptly upon determining that time limithas been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note2:Ifanongoing iscetected release andthe release time start isunknown assume the that duration release has exceededthe specified time limit.


All Definition(s):

SITEBOUNDARYTheboundary ofa reactor site beyond which the land orpropertyis not owned.

leased,orotherwise controlled bythe licensee.


Procedure EP-0904. ERO/ERF Activation andOperation, provides guidance liar emergency orpost-accident radiological environmental monitoring (ref. I).

This ICaddresses a releaseofgaseous radioactivity that results inprojected oractual offsite doses greaterthan orequal tothe EPAProtective Action Guides (PAGs). Itincludes monitored both and un-monitored releases. Releases ofthis magnitude will require implementation ofprotective actions forthe public.

Radiological eftluent EAl.s arealso included toprovide a basis It>r classifying and events conditions thatcannot bereadily orappropriately classified onthe basis ofplantconditions alone.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE171OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Theinclusion ofboth plant andradiological condition EALsmorefully effluent addresses the spectrum of possible accidentevents andconditions.

TheTEDEdoseis set atthe EPAPAGofI,000 mremwhilethe CDEwas mremthyroid 5,000 established inconsideration oftheI:5 ratio oftheEPAPAGforTEDEandthyroid CDE.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure EP-0904, ERO/ERF Activation andOperation

2. NEI 99-01, AGI 50of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE172OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated Fuel Event initiatingCondition: UNPLANNED loss ofwaterlevel above fuel irradiated EAl,:

RU2.1 Unusual Event UNPIANN1iDwaterlevel dropin the REFUElING PATllWAY asindicated bylowwaterlevel alarm (PCN-E02) orlevelindication (installed plant indicator/camera orRWI,IS)

AND UNPIANNEDalert alarm onanyofthe following corresponding radiation monitors:

= RU-16 Containment Operating Level Area

= RU-17 Incore Instrument Area (when installed)

  • RU-19 NewFuel Area a RU-31 Spent Fuel Pool Area
  • RU-33 Refueling Machine Area (when installed)


All Definition(s):

UN/'/ANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat isnot1) the ofanintended result evolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameterchange orevent may be known orunknown.

REFUELING PATlIWAY- Thereactor refueling pool, fuel storage poolandfuel transfer eanal comprise therefueling pathway.


Thelowwaterlevel alarminthis EAl,refers tothe Fuel Pool lowlevelalarm (procedure 40Al-9PCOI. Fuel PoolCooling andCleanup I.ocal Alarm Panel PCN-EO2 Responses) (ref. I).

I)uring thefuel transferphase ofrefueling operations, the fuel eanal transfer isnormally in communication with thefuel storagepool andthe refueling pool inthe Containment isin communication with thefuel transfercanal whenthe fuel transfer isopen.

tube A lowering inwater level inthe fuel S FP, transfer eanal orrefueling pool istherefore sensedbythe SFPlowlevel alarm.

(ref.I 2).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE173OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases TheSFP is locally monitored inthe Fuel I3uilding byLevel indicators PCN-LIT-3/5 onPCNEO2.

These levelindicating transmitters also initiatelocal panel alarms via levelswitches PCN-I SHL-3/PCN-1 SI-5on low andlowlowSFPlevel respectively. Thealarms arealso located onPCNE02 andannunciate a general Control Roomalarm onwindow "FUELPOOICLGSYSTRBI "

indicating analarm isin on the local panel.

Level isalso indicated inthe Control Roomvisually via digitalcamera feedandinthe back panel areaonpanel PCN-E015 bya digital levelindicator.This Control Roomindication does nothave associated annunciation.

Technical Specillcation 1C03.7.14 (ref. 3) requires atleast 23ft ofwaterabove the Fuel Storage Pool storage racks. Technical Specilleation I CO 3.9.6(ref. 4)requires atleast 23ft ofwaterabove theReactor Vessel Hange inthe refueling pool. During refueling, this maintains sufficient water level inthe fuel transfer canal, refueling pool andSFP toretainiodine Assion product activity inthe water inthe eventofa fuel handling accident.

Thelisted radiation monitors arethose expected toseeincreased arearadiationlevels asa result ofa lossofRElUElINGPATlIWAYinventory (ref. 2).Increasing radiation indications onthese monitors inthe absence ofindications ofdecreasing REFUElING PATllWAY level are not classinable under this EAl TheAlert

. alarms aresetvery low(3X normal background) andwould promptly alert operators ofany increase inarea radiation (ref.5).

Whenthe spent fuel pool andreactor cavity areconnected, there could existthe possibility of uncovering irradiated fuel. Therefore, this EAl is applicable forconditions inwhich irradiated fuel isbeing transferred toandfrom the reactor vessel andspent fuelpool.

This ICaddresses adecrease inwaterlevel above irradiated fuelsufficient tocause elevated radiation levels. This condition could bea precursor toamoreserious eventandis also indicative of a minor lossinthe ability tocontrol radiation levels within the plant. Itistherefore apotential degradation inthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

A waterlevel decrease will beprimarily determined byindications from availablelevel instrumentation. Other sources oflevel indications mayinclude reports from plant personnel (e.g.,

from a refueling crew) orvideo camera observations (ifavailable). A significant drop inthe water level mayalso cause anincrease inthe radiation levelsofadjacent areas thatcanbedetected by monitors inthose locations.

Theeffects ofplanned evolutions should beconsidered. Iorexample, a refuelingbridge area radiation monitor reading mayincrease duetoplanned evolutions such aslifting ofthe reactor 52of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE174OF383 ATTACl lMENT1 l?Al Technical Bases vesselhead or movement ofa fuel assembly. Note that EAL isapplicable this only incases where theelevated reading isduetoanunplanned loss ofwaterlevel.

A drop inwater level above irradiatedfuel within the maybeclassified vessel reactor inaccordance with Recognition Category C duringthe Cold Shutdown andRefueling modes.

IEscalationofthe emergency classification level would beviaICRA2.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40Al-9PC01, /:uel Pool Cooling andCleanup LocalAlarm PCN-EO2 Panel Responses 2.Procedure 40AO-97723. Loss ofSFPLevel orCooling 3.Technical Speci Acation 1.CO.7.14, 3 Fuel Storage Pool WaterLeve/

4. Technical Specification ICO 3.9.6, RefitelingWater Level Fuel Assemblies
5. Design Basis ManualRadiation Monitoring System
6. NIll 99-01, AU2 53of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE175OF383 ATTACIIMENT I I?Al, TechnicalBases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated Fuel Event Initiating Condition: Significant lowering ofwater level above, ordamage to,irradiated fuel EAl,:

RA2.1 Alert Uncovery ofirradiated fucI inthe REFUEI.ING PATIIWAY ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

REFUELING PATHWAYThereactor refueling pool.fuel storage poolandfuel transfer canal comprise the refueling pathway.


This ICaddresses that events have caused imminent oractual damage to anirradiated fuel assembly, ora significant lowering ofwaterlevel withinthe spent fuelpool. These events present radiological safety challenges toplant personnel andareprecursors toa release ofradioactivity to the environment. Assuch. they represent anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

This EAI. applies toirradiated fuelthatislicensed drystorage for uptothe point thatthe loaded storage cask issealed. Once sealed.damage toa loadedcask causing loss ofthe CONIINEMENT BOUNDARY isclassilled inaccordance with ICEUI.1 Escalation ofthe emergency would bebased oneither Recognition Category R orC ICs.

This l?AI. escalates fromRU2.I inthatthe lossoflevel,inthe affected portion ofthe REFUIIING PATIIWAY,is ofsufficient magnitude tohave resultedinuncovery ofirradiated fuel.indications ofirradiated fuel uncovery mayinclude direct orindirectvisual observation (e.g., reports from personnel orcamera images), aswell assignillcant changes inwaterandradiation orother levels, plant parameters. Computational aidsmayalso beused (e.g., a boil-offcurve). Classification ofan event using this EAI. should bebased onthe totality ofavailable indications,reports and observations.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE176OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases While anarea radiation monitor could detectanincrease ina dose duetoa lowering rate ofwater level insome portion ofthe REFUElING PATIIWAY,the reading maynotbeareliable indication ofwhether ornot the fuel isactually uncovered.Tothedegree readings possible, should be considered incombination with other available indications ofinventory loss.

A drop inwaterlevel above irradiated fuelwithin the reactorvessel maybeclassified inaccordance Recognition Category C during theCold modes.

andRefueling Shutdown Escalation ofthe emergency classification level bevia would ICRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-97723. Loss ofSFPLevel orCooling

2. NEl99-01. AA2 55of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE177OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efiluent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated Fuel Event initiatingCondition: Significant lowering ofwater level ordamage above, fuel to,irradiated EAl,:

RA2.2 Alert Damage toirradiated fuelresulting ina release of from radioactivity thefuel by asindicated high alarm onanyofthe lollowing:

a RlJ-16 Containment OperatingI evel Area

  • RU-I7 Incore Instrument Area (when installed) a RU-19 NewFuel Area

= RU-31 Spent Fuel Pool Area

= Rlf-33 Refueling Machine Area(when installed) e RU-37/38 Containment PurgeExhaust Area

  • RU-I43 Plant Vent a RU-145 Fuel Building Vent ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

None Basis:

Thespecilled radiation monitors arethose expected toseeincreasearearadiation levels asa result ofdamage toirradiated fuel (ref. I,2).

This ICaddresses eventsthat have caused actual damage toanirradiated assembly, fuel ora significantlowering ofwaterlevel withinthe spent fuel pool.

These radiological present events safetychallenges toplantpersonnel andareprecursors ofradioactivity toa release tothe environment. Assuch. they represent anactual orpotential degradation substantial ofthe level of safetyofthe plant.

This IAl applies toirradiated fuel that islicensed for dry uptothe storage point that loaded the storage caskissealed. Oncesealed, damage toa loaded caskcausing loss CONUlNI ofthe Ml NT BOUNDARY is classifiedinaccordance with EUII 56of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE178 OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Escalation of theemergency would bebased oneitherRecognition CategoryR orC ICs.

This EAl. addresses a releaseofradioactive materialcausedbymechanical damagetoirradiated fuel.Damaging events may include the dropping, bumping ofanassembly, orbinding ordropping a

heavy load ontoanassembly. A rise inreadings onradiationmonitors should beconsidered in conjunction with in-plant reports orobservations ofa potential damaging fuel event(e.g.,

a litel handling accident).

Escalation ofthe emergency classilleation level would beviaICRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Design Basis ManualRadiation Monitoring System 2.Procedure 40AO-9//22. Fuel Damage

3. NEl 99-01, AA2 57of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE179OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,TechnicalBases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated Fuel Event Initiating Condition: Significant loweringofwaterlevelabove, ordamage to,irradiated fuel EAl,:

RA2.3 Alert Spent fuel pool level 5 125ft. (1evel 2)


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

IorPVNGS, I.evel 2,which corresponds to10ft.above thetopof the fuelracks inthe SFP(9ft.

based oninstrument indication margin), isanindicatedlevel of125ft. (ref. 2).

This ICaddresses eventsthat have caused imminentoractualdamage toan irradiated fuel assembly, ora signincant lowering ofwaterlevel withinthespent luelpool. These events present radiological safety challenges toplant personnelandareprecursors toa release of radioactivity to the environment. Assuch, they representanactualorpotential substantial degradation of the level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Escalation ofthe emergency would bebased oneitherRecognition Category R orC ICs. Spent fuel pool waterlevel atthisvalue iswithin thelowerendofthe levelrange necessary toprevent significant dose consequences from directgamma radiation topersonnel performing operations in the vicinityofthe spentfuel pool.This condition a significant reflects lossofspent fuel pool water inventory andthus it isalso a precursor ofthe toa loss ability toadequately cool the irradiated fuel assembles stored inthepool.



102-06728. dated l 1.etter JulyII.2013.


  1. l3199A033.


to fi>rldditional Inforntation fi>r Request the Integrated ITNGSOverall Plan inResponse to March12,2012, Conunission OrderModifiing Iicense Regard with toReliable I:uel Spent Ievel Pool Instrumentation (OrderNumberEA-12-051) 2.livaluation 4512970

3. NIEI 99-01 AA2 59of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE181 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated IuelEvent Initiating Condition: Spent fuel pool levelatthetopofthe fuel racks EAl,:

RS2.1 Site AreaEmergency Spent fuel pool level 5 I16ft. (I,evel 3)


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

liorPVNGS, Ievel 3.which corresponds to0 ft.abovethetopof the fuel racks inthe SIP,is an indicated level ofI16ft. (includes a Ift.IO inchesinstrument indication error margin) (ref.2).

This EAl. addresses a signincant loss ofspent fuelpoolinventory controland makeup capability leading toIMMINENTfuel damage. This condition major entails failures ofplant functions needed forprotection ofthe publicandthus warrant a SiteAreaEmergency declaration.

Itisrecognized that thisICwould likely notbemetuntil after well another SiteArea Emergency IC wasmet;however, itisincluded toprovide classification diversity.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification levelwould beviaICRGIorRG2.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Letter 102-06728, datedJuly 11,2013 andAdams Accession#13199A033, Response toRecptest fi>r Infi>rmation Additional fi>r the I TNGS Overall Plan Integrated Response i n to March 12, 2012 Conunission Order Modifiing License with RegardtoReliable Spent Fuel Pool Level Instrumentation (OrderNumber EA-12-051) 2.Evaluation 4512970 3.NEI99-01. AS2 60of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE182 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad Efi1uent Subcategory: 2 Irradiated Fuel Event Initiating Condition: Spent fuel pool level cannot berestoredtoatleast the topofthe fuel racks for 60minutes orlonger EAL:

RG2.1 General Emergency Spent fuel pool level cannot berestored toatleast I16ft.(1evel3)for> 60minutes (Note I-)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator should declare the event determining promptlyupon thattime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill likelybeexceeded.


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

ForPVNGS, I.evel 3,which corresponds to0 ft. above thetopofthefuel racks in theSFP, isan indicated level ofI16ft. (includes a Ift.IO inches instrumentindication error margin) (ref.2).

This EAI addresses a significant loss ofspent fuel pool inventory controlandmakeupcapability leading toa prolonged uncovery ofspent fuel. This condition will leadtofuel damage and a radiological release tothe environment.

Itisrecognized that thisICwould likely notbemetuntil well after another General Emergency IC wasmet;however, itisincluded toprovide elassification diversity.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 1etter 102-06728. dated July 11,2013 andAdamsAccession #13199A033, Response toRequest fi>rAdditional Infi>rmation fi>r the PVNGS Overall IntegratedPlaninResponse toMarch 12, 2012 Conunission Order Modifiing Iicense with Regard toReliable Spent Fuel PoolI.evel Instrumentation (Order Nmnher EA-12-051)

2. Evaluation 4512970 3.NEI99-01, AG2 61of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE183 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad EfiTuent Subcategory: 3 AreaRadiation I,evels initiating Condition: Radiation levels thatIMPEDEaccess toequipment necessary for normal plant operations, cooldown orshutdown EAL:

RA3.1 Alert Doserates > 15mR/hr inEITIlERof the following areas:

a Control Room

  • Central Alarm Station (CAS) (bysurvey)


AII Definition(s):

None Basis:

Areas thatmeetthis threshold includetheControl Roomand the Alarm Station (CAS).

Central The Radiation Monitoring System monitorstheControl Roomfor area radiation(ref. I).If unavailable local radiation surveys canbeperformed. TheCASisincluded inthis because of its' EAl importance to permitting access toareasrequired to safe assure plant operations.

There isnopermanently installed CASarea radiationmonitorthat maybeused toassess this EAI.

threshold. Therefore this threshold mustbeassessed vialocalradiation survey for theCAS(ref. I).

This ICaddresses elevatedradiation levels incertain plant suf0cient rooms/areas topreclude or impede personnel fromperforming actions necessary tomaintain normalplant operation,orto perform a normal plantcooldown andshutdown. Assuch, it anactual represents orpotential substantial degradation ofthelevel ofsafety ofthe TheEmergency plant. Coordinator should consider the cause oftheincreased radiation levels anddetermineif another ICmaybeapplicable.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification levelwould bevia Recognition Category R,C orF ICs.



l DesignBasis Manuai -

Radiation System Monitoring

2. NEI99-01AA3 63of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE185OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: R Abnormal RadIevels/Rad EfiTuent Subcategory: 3 AreaRadiation Ievels initiatingCondition: Radiation levels IMPEDEaccess that toequipmentnecessary fornormal plant operations, cooldown orshutdown EAL:

RA3.2 Alert An UNPLANNED eventresults inradiation levels that prohibit orIMPEDEaccess toanyTable R-2rooms(Note 5)

Note5:lftheequipment inthelisted roomwasalreadyinoperable orout-of-sen ice before the eventoccurred. thenno emergency classilleation iswarranted Table R-2 Safe Operation & Shutdown Rooms Room ModeApplicability Control Building 10011. ClassDCEquipment RoomC 4,5 Control Building 100ft. ClassDCEquipment RoomD 4,5 ModeApplicability:

4 Ilot Shutdown, 5 Cold Shutdown Definition(s):


Personnel access toa roomorarea ishindered toanextent that extraordinary measures arenecessary tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel intothe affectedroom/area (e.g.,requiring useofprotective equipment, suchas SCBAs, thatisnotroutinely employed).

UNPIANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat isnotI) the ofanintended result evolutionor 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameterchangeorevent maybe known orunknown.


Ifthe equipment inthe listed roomwasalready inoperable, orout-of-service,before the event occurred, then noemergency shouldbedeclared since theevent willhave noadverse impact beyond already that allowed byTechnical Specifications atthe time oftheevent.

Thelist ofplant rooms with entry-related modeapplicability identified those specify rooms that contain equipment whichrequire a manual/local action asspecified inoperatingprocedures used for 64of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE186 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases normal plant operation, cooldown andshutdown. Roomsorareas inwhich actions ofa contingent oremergency nature would beperformed (e.g.,

anaction toaddress anoff-normal oremergency condition suchas emergency repairs, corrective measures oremergency operations) arenot included. Inaddition, the list specifiesthe plantmode(s) during which entry would berequired for each room(ref. 1).

This ICaddresses elevatedradiation levels incertainplant rooms/areas sufficient topreclude or impede personnel from perti3rming actions necessary tomaintain normal plant operation, orto perform a normal plant cooldownand shutdown. Assuch, itrepresents anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level of safety ofthe plant.

TheEmergency Coordinator should consider the cause ofthe increased radiation levels and determine if another ICmaybeapplicable.

ForRA3.2, anAlert declaration iswarranted ifentry into the affected room/area is, ormaybe, procedurally required during the plant operating mode in effectatthe time ofthe elevated radiation levels.

Theemergency classification isnotcontingent upon whether entry isactually necessary at thetime ofthe increased radiation levels. Access shouldbe considered asimpeded if extraordinary measures are necessary tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel intothe affected room/area(e.g., installing temporary shielding, requiring useofnon-routine protectiveequipment, requesting anextension in dose limits beyond normal administrative limits).

Anemergency declaration is notwarranted ifanyofthe following conditions apply:

  • Theplant isinanoperating modedifferent thanthe modespecified for the affected room/area (i.e.,entry i snot required duringoperating the mode in effect at the time of the elevated radiation levels). Forexample, the plantisinModeIwhenthe radiation increase occurs andthe procedures used fornormal operation,cooldown andshutdowndo not require entry into the affected roomuntil Mode4.
  • Theincreased radiation levels area result ofa planned activity that includes compensatory measures which address the temporary inaccessibilityofaroomorarea (e.g., radiography, spent filter or resin transfer, etc.).
  • Theaction for which room/area entry isrequired isofanadministrative orrecord keeping nature (e.g.. normal rounds orroutine inspections).
  • Theaccess control measures areofaconservative orprecautionary nature andwould not actually prevent orimpede a required action.

Escalation ofthe emergency classineation levelwould bevia Recognition Category R,C orU ICs.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE187OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases NOTE: EAL RA3.2modeapplicability hasbeenlimited applicable tothe modes in identined Table R-2 SafeOperation & Shutdown Rooms/Areas. operating Ifduetoplant procedure orplant conngurationchanges, applicable the plant modesspecified inTable R-2arechanged, acorresponding change toAttachment 3'Safe & Shutdown Operation Areas Tables R-2 & II-2 Bases' andtoEAL RA3.2modeapplicability isrequired.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Attachment 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown Areas R-3& I-i-2 Tables Bases 2.NEl 99-01, AA3 66of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE188 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases EAlGroup: ANY (EAIs inthis category areapplicabletoanyplant hot condition, orcold.)

An independentspent fuel storage installation (ISFSI)isa complex isdesigned that andconstructed fortheinterim storage of spent nuclear fuel andother radioactive materials associated with spent fuel A significantamount ofthe storage. material radioactive contained a canister within must escape packaging its andenterthe environment for theretobea significant effect environmental resulting from anaccident involving the dry storageofspent nuclear fuel.

A Notification ofUnusual Event is declared onthe basisofthe ofanevent occurrence ofsufficient magnitude thata loaded cask conGnementboundary is damaged orviolated.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE189OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases Category: ISI SI Subcategory: Confinement Boundary initiatingCondition: Damage toa loaded caskCONFINEMENT BOUNDARY EAl,:

EUl.1 Unusual Event Damage toa loaded canisterCON1 INEMENT BOUNDARYasindicated byanon-contact radiationreading onthesurface ofa loaded spent fuel cask greaterthan anyTable E-1dose limit.

Table E-1Concrete CaskDose I,imits NAC-UMS(Casks 1-152) NAC-MAGNASTOR (Casks > 153) 100mrem/hr (y+ q)onthe side ofthe -

10mrem/hr (q) onthe verticalconcrete cask surfaces 100mrem/hr (y+ q)onthe topofthe cask -

240 mrem/hr (y)onthe verticalconcrete 200mrem/hr (y q)atthe

+ airinlets or surtlices outlets -

900mrem/hr (y+ q)onthe topsurface ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

CONFINEMEAT BOUNDARYThebarrier(s) between spent fuel andthe environment once the spent fuelprocessed is fordry storage.related As to theP VNGS ISFSL Conlinement Boundary is defined asthe Transportable Storage Canister (TSC) for the NAC-UMSandNAC-MAGNASTOR storage systems.


A complex that isdesigned andconstructed for theinterimstorage ofspent nuclear fuel andother radioactive materials associated with spent fuelstorage.


ThePVNGS ISFSI utilizes the NAC-UMS andNAC-MAGNASTOR dryspent fuelstorage system for dryspent fuel storage.Serial numbers areembossed inthe side ofeach concrete cask aswell as printedonthe metallic labelplate affixed toeach cask. NAC-UMSserial numbers areI-152.

NAC-MAGNASTOR numbers serial are153 andgreater. Thesystem consists ofa Transportable Storage Canister (TSC) andconcrete VerticalConcrete Cask (VCC). TheTSCisthe 68of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE190 OF383 ATTACHMENT I EAlTechnical Bases CONFINEMENT BOUNDARY. TheTSCiswelded anddesigned toprovide confinement ofall radionuclides under normal, off-normal andaccident conditions (ref.1,2,and3).

Confinement boundary is dellned asthe barrier(s) between areas containingradioactivesubstances andthe environment. Therefl3re, damage toa continement boundary mustbea confirmed physical breach between the spent fuel andthe environment for the TSC.

Thevalues shown represent 2times the limits specitled inthe respectiveISFSI Certificateof Compliance (CofC)Technical Specification for radiation externaltoa loaded TSCfor a NAC-UMSorNAC-MAGNASTORcanister (ref. I,2)

This ICaddresses anevent that results indamage tothe CONIINEMENTBOUNDARYofa storage cask containing spent fuel.It appliesto irradiated fuel thatisheensed for dry storage beginning atthe point that the loaded storage cask is sealed. Theissues ofconcern arethecreation ofa potential oractual release pathtothe environment, degradation ofoneormorefuel assemblies duetoenvironmental factors andconfiguration changes which couldcause challenges inremoving the cask orfuel from storage.

Theexistence of'damage" isdetermined byradiological survey.The ISFSI C ofC technical specification multiple of"2times," which isalso used inRecognition Category R ICRUl,isused here todistinguish between non-emergency andemergency conditions.The emphasis for this classilleationisthe degradation inthe level ofsafety ofthe spentfuelcaskand notthe magnitudeof the associated dose ordose rate. Itisrecognized that inthe case ofextremedamage toa loaded cask, the factthatthe "on-contact" dose rate limitisexceeded maybedeterminedbased on measurement ofa dose rate atsomedistance from the cask.

Security-related events for ISFSIs are covered under ICsIIUI andHA1.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I l!SNRC Certificate ofCompliancefi>r NACInternational's l!MSSpent l'uelStorage CasksNo.

1015, Amendment 5 ,Appendix A,Technical Specifications fi>r the NAC-liMS System

2. liSNRC Certificate ofCompliancefi>r NACInternational's MAGNASTOR Spent Fuel Storage Casks No.103lAmendment 7,Appendix A.Technical Specifications the fi>r MAGNASTOR system.
3. NEI99-01, E-HUI 69of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE191OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases EAlGroup: Cold Conditions (RCS temperature 5 2100F); EAI.s inthis category areapplicable onlyin one ormorecold operating modes.

CategoryC EAIsaredirectly associated with coldshutdown orrefueling system safety functions.

Given thevariability ofplant configurations (e.g., systems out-ol-service for maintenance, containmentopen, reduced AC power redundancy, time since shutdown) during these periods, the consequencesofanygiven initiating event canvarygreatly. Forexample a loss ofdecay heat removalcapability that occurs attheend ofanextended outage hasless significance than a similar lossoccurringduring the ilrst weekafter shutdown. Compounding these events isthe likelihood thatinstrumentation necessary for assessment may also beinoperable. Thecold shutdown and refueling system malfunction EAIsarebasedon performance capability tothe extent possible with given consideration toRCSintegrity, containmentclosure and fuelclad integrity for the applicable operatingmodes (5Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling, D Defueled).

Theevents ofthis category pertain tothe following subcategories:

I RCS1.evel RCSwaterlevel isdirectly related tothe ofadequate status core cooling and, therefore, fuel clad integrity.

2. IossofEmergency AC Power I.ossofemergency plant electrical power cancompromise plant safety system operability including decay heatremoval andemergency cooling core systems which may necessary be to ensure 11ssion productbarrierintegrity. This category includes ofonsite loss andoffsite power sources for4.16KV AC emergency buses.
3. RCSfemp.erature Uncontrolledorinadvertent temperature increases orpressure areindicative ofapotential loss of safetyfunctions.
4. IossofVital DCPower Iossofemergency plant electrical power cancompromise plant safety system operability including decay heatremoval andemergency core cooling systems which maybenecessary toensure ilssion 70of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE192 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I Technical l?Al, Bases productbarrier integrity. Thiscategory includes loss toordegraded ofpower voltage onthe125V DCvital buses.

5.Ioss ofCommunications Certain events that degrade plant operatorability toeffectively communicate with essential personnelwithin orexternal to theplant warrant emergency classification.


Certain hazardous natural andtechnological events mayresult damage invisible toordegraded performance ofsafety systemswarranting classification.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE193 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?AL Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Maltimetion Subcategory: l RCSLevel initiating Condition: UNPLANNl?D loss ofRCSinventory for15minutes orlonger EAl,:

CUl.1 Unusual Event UNPLANNl?D loss ofreactor coolant results inRCSwaterlevel lessthan a required lower limit for 15minutes

> (Notes 1,10)

Note 1 TheEmergency (oordimitor shoulddeclare the event promptlyupon determiningthattimelimit hasbeen exceeded. orwill beexceeded.

likely Note10: Variations inRCSboron concentration.

temperature and Containment Temperaturefrom thoseused inRWLIS calibrationwillinduceindication Refer errors. toOperator .-issistance l'rogram Spretalsheet.xls.

Ril'l.IN ModeApplicability:

5 Cold

- Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):

UNPIANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat isnotI)the of an intended evolution result or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter change or event maybe known orunknown.


With the plant inCold Shutdown, RCSwaterlevel isnormally maintained above thepartial drain condition of10%pressurizer level(II7ft. RWI.IS W.R.) (ref. 1).IIowever, ifRCSlevel isbeing controlled below the pressurizer partial drain setpoint, orif level isbeing maintained ina designated band inthe reactor vesselitisthe inability tomaintain level above the lowendofthe designated control band duetoa loss ofinventory resulting from aleak inthe RCSthat isthe concern.

With the plant inRefueling mode. RCSwaterlevel isnormally maintained atorabove the reactor vessel 0ange (Technical Specification ICO3.9.6 requires atleast 23ft.ofwaterabove the topof the reactor vessel flange intherefueling pool during refueling operations) (ref.2).

Procedure 400P-97716, RCSDrain Operations, provides direction regarding variationsinRCS boron concentration. temperature andContainment Temperature fromthose used inRWI IS calibration will induce indication errors. which areaddressed byacontrolled program, Operator Assistance Program RWI,IS Spreadsheet.xis (ref. I).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE194OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases This 10addresses the inability torestoreandmaintain waterlevel toa required minimum level(or thelower limit ofa level band), ora lossofthe ability tomonitor RCSlevel concurrent with indicationsofcoolant leakage. Either ofthese conditions isconsidered tobea potential degradation ofthe levelofsafety of theplant.

Refueling evolutions that decrease RCSwaterinventory are carefully planned andcontrolled. An UNPLANNED event that results in waterlevel decreasing below a procedurally required limit warrantsthe declaration ofanUnusual Event duetothe reduced waterinventory that isavailable to keep thecore covered.

This EAL recognizes that the minimumrequired RCSlevel canchange several times during the course ofa refueling outage asdifferent plant configurations andsystem lineupsareimplemented.

This EAL ismet ifthe minimum specified for the level, current plant conditions, cannotbe maintained for 15minutes orlonger. Theminimum level is typicallyspecitled inthe applicable operatingprocedure butmaybespecilled inanothercontrolling document.

The15-minute threshold duration allowssufficient time for prompt operator actions torestore and maintain the expectedwaterlevel. Thiscriterion excludes transient conditions causing a brief lowering ofwaterlevel.

Continued loss ofRCSinventory mayresult inescalation tothe Alert emergency classification level via either ICCA1orCA3.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 400P-9// I6, RCSDrain Operations 2.Technical Specilleation LCO3.9.b, Refueling Water LevelFuel Assemblies 3.NEI99-01, CUI 73of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE195 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I Technical I?Al, Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: l RCSLevel InitiatingCondition: UNPIANNl?Dloss ofRCSinventory for orlonger 15minutes EAl,:

CUl.2 Unusual Event RCSlevel cannot bemonitored AND EITIlER

  • UNPl.ANNIED increase inanyTable C-1 sump/tank level ofRCSinventory duetoloss a Visual observationofUNISOl ABLE RCS leakage TableC-1 Sunns/Tanks a ContainmentSumps

= ReactorCavitySump a Auxiliary Building Sumps a CVCSHoldup Tank a ReactorDrainTank a RefuelingWater Tank e EtuimentDrain Tank ModeApplicability:

5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):


An open orbreached systemlinethatcannot beisolated. orlocally.

remotely liNPLANNEDA parameter changeoraneventthat isnotl)the result ofanintended or evolution 2)anexpected plant response toa transient.

Thecause ofthe change parameter oreventmaybe known orunknown.


InCold Shutdown mode,the RCSwill beintact normally andstandardRCSlevel monitoring meansareavailable.

Inthe Refuelmode,the RCSis notintactandreactorvessel levelmaybemonitored bydifferent means,including the abilitytomonitor visually.

level 74of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE196OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Inthis EAL, allwaterlevel indication isunavailable andthe RCSinventory loss mustbedetected byindirectleakage indications (Table C-1). Level increases mustbeevaluated against other potential sources of leakage such ascooling watersources insidethe containment toensure theyare indicative ofRCSleakage. If the make-up ratetothe RCSunexplainably rises above the preestablished rate,a loss ofRCSinventory maybeoccurring even ifthe source ofthe leakage cannot beimmediately identitled. Visual observation ofsigniilcant leakagefrom systems connected tothe RCSthat cannot beisolated could also beindicative ofa loss ofRCSinventory (ref. 1,2).

This lCaddresses the inability torestore andmaintain waterlevel toa required minimum level (or thelower limit ofa level band), ora loss ofthe ability tomonitor RCSlevel concurrent with indications ofcoolant leakage. Either ofthese conditions is considered tobeapotential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Refueling evolutions that decrease RCSwaterinventory are carefullyplanned andcontrolled. An UNPIANNEDevent that results inwaterlevel decreasing below a procedurallyrequired limit warrants the declaration ofanUnusual Event duetothereduced waterinventory thatisavailable to keep the core covered.

This EAl. addresses acondition where allmeans todetermine level have been lost.Inthis condition, operators maydetermine that aninventory lossisoccurring by observing changes in sumpand/or tanklevels (Table C-1). Sumpand/or tank levelchanges must be evaluated against other potential sources ofwaterDowtoensure they areindicative ofleakage from theRCS.

Continued ofRCSinventory loss mayresult inescalation tothe Alert emergencyclassification level viaeither ICCA1orCA3.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40AO-9//O2, Excessive RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure 400P-9//16, RCSDrain Operations

3. NEl99-01. CU1 75of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE197OF383 ATTACIIMENT I Technical l?Al, Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/RefuelingSystem Malftmetion Subcategory: l RCSIevel initiatingCondition: I,oss ofRCSinventory EAl,:

CAl.1 Alert loss ofRCSinventory asindicated byRCSlevel < 101ft.6 in.



5 Cold

- Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):

None Basis:

RCSwaterlevel, asindicated onRWI.IS narrowrange(RCN-l.I-752A or RCN-IR-752), of101ft 6 in.,corresponds to2 inches abovethe RCSliotI.egcenterline andisthe lowest level for continued operation ornormal shutdowncooling(SDC) (ref.


Theinability torestore andmaintain level reaching after thissetpointinfers a failure ofthe RCS barrier.

This ICaddresses conditions that toa loss areprecursors ofthe ability toadequately coolirradiated fuel a precursor (i.e., toachallenge tothefuel barrier).

clad This condition represents apotential substantialreduction inthe level ofplantsafety.

Iorthis liAIa lowering

, ofRCSwaterlevel below101ft.6 in. indicatesthat operator actions have notbeen successful inrestoring andmaintainingRCSwaterlevel. Theheat-up rate ofthe coolant will increaseasthe available water isreduced.

inventory A continuingdecrease inwaterlevel will lead tocore uncovery.

Although related, this I?Al isconcerned withthelossofRCSinventory andnotthe potential concurrent effects onsystems neededfordecayheat removal (e.g., lossofa Decay Removal IIeat suction point).An increase inRCStemperature causedbya loss ofdecay heat removal capability is evaluated under ICCA3.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE198OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases IfRCSwater then level continuestolower, escalation toSite would AreaEmergency bevia IC CSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 400P-9//, l6, RCSDrain Operations 99-01.

2. NIII CAl 77of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE199 OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: l RCSI,evel initiating Condition: I,oss ofRCSinventory EAl:

CAl.2 Alert RCSlevel cannot bemonitoredfor 2 15minutes (Note I)


  • UNPI.ANNI D increase inanyTable C-1 Sump/Tanklevel duetoa loss ofRCS inventory a Visual observationofUNISOIABIERCS leakage Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator should declare theeventpromptly upondetermining that time limit has been exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

TableC-1 Sum3s/Tanks e Containment Sumps

  • Reactor Cavity Sump a Auxiliary Building Sumps e CVCSIloldup Tank
  • Reactor Drain Tank
  • Refueling Water Tank a Et ui.mentDrain Tank ModeApplicability:

5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):

(/N/SO/JB/E -

An open orbreached system linethat cannot beisolated, remotelyorlocally.


A parameter changeoranevent that isnotI) the result ofanintendedevolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient.

Thecause ofthe parameter change oreventmaybe known orunknown.


InCold Shutdown modethe RCSwill normally beintact andstandard RCSlevel monitoring meansareavailable.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE200OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Inthe Refuel mode, the RCSisnotintact andRCSlevel maybemonitored bydilTerent means, including the ability tomonitor levelvisually.

Inthis EAl,all RCS water level indication would beunavailable for greater than 15minutes and theRCSinventory loss must bedetected byindirectleakage indications (Table C-l). Ievel increases mustbeevaluated against other potentialsources ofleakage such ascooling watersources insidethe containment toensure they are indicativeofRCSleakage. Ifthemake-up ratetotheRCS unexplainably rises above thepre-established rate, a loss ofRCSinventory maybeoccurring even ifthe source oftheleakage cannotbe immediately identined. Visual observation ofsignificant leakage from systems connected tothe RCS that cannot beisolated could also beindicative ofa loss ofRCSinventory (ref. 1.2).

This ICaddresses conditions that areprecursors to a loss ofthe ability toadequately cool irradiated fuel(i.e.,a precursor toa challenge tothe fuel clad barrier). This condition represents a potential substantial reduction inthe level ofplant safety.

Iorthis IAL,the inability tomonitor RCSlevel maybecaused byinstrumentation and/or power orwaterlevel failures, dropping below therange ofavailableinstrumentation. Ifwaterlevel cannot bemonitored, operators maydetermine thataninventory loss isoccurring byobservingchanges in sumpand/or tank levels. Sumpand/or tank levelchanges mustbeevaluated against other potential sources ofwaternow toensure they are indicative ofleakage from the RCS.

The15-minute duration for theloss oflevel indication waschosen because itis half ofthe EAl.

duration specified inICCSI Ifthe RCSinventory level continues tolower, then escalation toSite AreaEmergencywould bevia ICCSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-9//O2, Excessive RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure 400P-97/ I6. RCSDrain Operations

3. NEI99-01. CAl 79of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE201OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: l RCSIevel initiating Condition: I,oss ofRCSinventory affectingcore decay heatremovalcapability EAl,:

CSl.1 Site AreaEmergency RCSlevel cannot bemonitoredfor > 30minutes (Note I)

AND Coreuncovery isindicated byanyofthe following:

e UNPl.ANNEl) increase inanyTableC-1 sump/tank level ofsufGcient magnitude to indicate core uncovery a RU-33 > 9,000 mR/hr (when installed) e Erratic l?xcore Monitor indication NoteI TheImergency Coordinator should the declare eventpromptly upon determining that limit time hasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

TableC-1 Sumas/Tanks e Containment Sumps e Reactor Cavity Sump

= Auxiliary Building Sumps e CVCSIloldup Tank

  • Reactor Drain Tank
  • Refueling Water Tank a E ui3ment DrainTank ModeApplicability:

5 Cold

- Shutdown, 6 Reflieling Definition(s):

UVPLANNEDA parameter changeoraneventthat isnotl)theresult ofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected plant response Thecause toa transient. ofthe parameter change maybe orevent known orunknown.


InCold Shutdown mode,the RCSwill normally beintact andstandard RCSlevel monitoring means areavailable.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE202OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Inthe Refueling mode,the RCSisnotintact andRPVlevel maybemonitored bydiiTerent means, including the ability tomonitor level visually.

Thebottom ofthe RW1,lS indication is99'7" If level lowers less than99'7"then level would not beable tobemonitored. IfRW1.IS is notinservice then whenRVLMSis< 21% plenum level (Detector #8) level would not beable tobemonitored.

Inthis EAl-all RCSwaterlevel indication would beunavailable for greaterthan 30minutes and theRCSinventory lossmustbedetected byindirect leakage indications (Table C-1). Ievel increases mustbeevaluated againstother potential sources ofleakage suchascooling water sources insidethe containment toensure they are indicative ofRCSleakage. ifthemake-up rate tothe RCS unexplainably rises above the pre-established rate, a loss ofRCSinventory maybeoccurring even ifthe source ofthe leakage cannot beimmediately identined. Visual observation ofsignificant leakage from systems connected tothe RCSthat cannot beisolatedcould also beindicative ofa loss ofRCSinventory (ref.1,2).

Sumportank level increases should beofa magnitude that correlates toa volume sufficient to indicate fuel has been uncovered oruncovery isimminent.

TheReactor Vessel inventory loss maybedetected bythe refuelingmachine area radiation monitor orerratic Excore Monitor indication.

Aswaterlevel inthe reactorvessel lowers, the dose rate above the corewillrise. The dose rate due tothis core shine should result inup-scaled (10,000 mR/hr) refueling machine area radiation monitor (RU-33) indication.A threshold value of90%ofscale hasbeen selected asan on-scale indicator (ref. 3,4).

Post-TMI accident studiesindicated that theinstalled PWRnuclear instrumentation will operate erraticallywhenthe core isuncovered andthat this should beused asatool for making such determinations (ref. 5).

This ICaddresses a signincant andprolonged loss ofreactor vessel/RCS inventory control and makeup capability leading toIMMINENTfuel damage. Thelost inventorymaybeduetoa RCS component fililure,a lossofconfiguration control orprolonged boiling ofreactor coolant. These conditions major entail failures of plant functions needed for protection ofthe public andthus warrant a Site AreaEmergency declaration.

Iollowing anextended lossofcore decay heat removal andinventory makeup, decay heat will cause reactor coolant boiling anda further reduction inreactor vessel lfRCSlevel level. cannot be restored,fuel damage isprobable.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE203OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases The30-minute criterion istiedtoa readily recognizable event time start the (i.e., totallossofability tomonitor level) andallows sufficient time tomonitor, assess andcorrelate reactor andplant conditions todetermine if coreuncovery hasactually occurred (i.e.,

toaccount for accident various progression andinstrumentation uncertainties). It also allows suffleient timeforperformance of actionstoterminate leakage, recover inventory control/makeup equipment and/orrestorelevel monitoring.

Theinability tomonitor RCSlevel may becaused byinstrumentation and/or power failures, or water level dropping below the range ofavailable instrumentation. If waterlevel cannot be monitored. operators maydeterminethat an inventory loss is occurring byobserving changes in sumpand/or tank levels. Sumpand/or tank level changes mustbeevaluated against other potential sourcesofwaterilow toensure they areindicative ofleakagefrom the RCS.

This EALaddresses concems raised byGeneric Letter 88-17, Loss ofDecayIIeat Removal,SECY 91-283.Evaluation ofShutdown andLowPower Risk Issues, NUREG-1449, Shutdown andLow-Power Operation atConunercial Nuclear Power Plantsin the United States, andNUMARC91-06.

Guidelines for Industr y Actions toAssess Shutdown Management.

Escalation ofthe emergency classineation level would bevia ICCG IorRGI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40AO-97702, Excessive RCSLeakrate 2.Procedure 400P-9// I6,RCSDrain Operations

3. UFSARTable I1.5-1. Continuous Process andEfiluent Radiation Monitoring
4. UlSARSection 1I., Refueling Area Monitor
5. Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC ),1980, Analysis of~lhreeMile Island-Unit 2 Accident, NSAC-I
6. NEl99-01, CSI 82of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE204OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Mallunction Subcategory: l RCSIevel initiatingCondition: IossofRCSinventory affectingfuelclad integrity with containment challenged EAL:

CGl.1 General Emergency RCSlevel cannot bemonitored for2 30 minutes (Note 1)

AND Core uncovery isindicated byanyofthe following:

  • UNPLANNED increase inanyTable C-1 sump/tank level ofsufficient magnitude to indicate core uncovery
  • RU-33 > 9,000 mR/hr (when installed)
  • Erratic Excore Monitor indication AND AnyContainment Challenge indication,Table C-2 Note1 Thelimergency Coordinator should declarethe eventpromptly upon determining that time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note6:lfCONTAINMENT Cl.0StjRIE isre-established prior toexceedingthe30-minute timelimit declaration ofa GeneralEmergency isnotrequired.

Table C-1 Sum s/Tanks

  • CVCSIloldup Tank
  • Reactor Drain Tank
  • RefuelingTank Water
  • EtuiamentDrain Tank Table C-2 Containment Challence Indications
  • CONTAINMENT CI.OSURE notestablished (Note 6)
  • Containment hydrogen concentration 2 4.9%
  • Unalanned riseincontainment aressure 83of262


5 Cold

- Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):

CON1AINAIENT CLOSl IRE Theprocedurally dellned actionstaken tosecurecontainment andits associatedstructures. systems and components asa functionalbarrier product toilssion release under shutdown conditions.

Asapplied toPVNGS,Containment Closure is establishedwhen the requirements ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0. LM-Containment Evacuation and Closure, Appendix for 249, containment closure aremet.

(INPLANNED A parameter change oranevent that isnotI)the resultofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter change orevent maybe known orunknown.


InCold Shutdown mode,the RCSwill normally beintact andstandard RCSlevel monitoring meansareavailable.

Inthe Refueling mode,the RCSisnotintact andRPVlevel maybemonitored bydifferent means, including the ability tomonitor levelvisually.

Thebottom ofthe RWI ISindication is99'7" Iflevel lowersless than 99'7"then level would not beable tobemonitored. IfRWI ISis notinservice then whenRVIMS is < 2I% plenum level (Detector #8) level would notbeable tobemonitored.

Inthis EAI., all RCSwaterlevel indication would beunavailable for greaterthan 30minutes and the RCSinventory loss mustbedetected byindirect leakageindications (TableC-1). Ievel increasesmustbeevaluated against other potentialsources ofleakage such ascooling watersources insidethe containment toensure theyareindicative ofRCSleakage. Ifthemake-up ratetothe RCS unexplainably rises above the pre-established a loss rate, ofRCSinventory maybeoccurring even if thesource oftheleakage cannot beimmediately identitled.

Visual observation ofsignificant leakage from systems connected tothe RCSthat cannot beisolated could alsobeindicativeofa loss ofRCSinventory (ref. 1,2).

Sumportank level increases should beofa magnitude thatcorrelates toa volumesufficientto indicatefuel has been uncovered oruncovery isimminent.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE206OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases TheReactor Vessel inventoryloss maybedetected bythe refueling machine area radiation monitor orerraticExcore Monitor indication.

Aswaterlevel inthe reactor vessel lowers. the dose rate above the core will rise.Thedose ratedue tothiscore shine should result in up-scaled (10,000 mR/hr) refueling machine area radiation monitor (RU-33) indication. A threshold value of90%ofscale hasbeen selected asanon-scale indicator(ref.3,4).

Post-TMI accident studies indicate that the installedPWRnuclear instrumentation will operate erraticallywhenthe core isuncovered and thatthis should beused asatool for making such determinations (ref. 5).

Three conditions are associated with achallenge to Containment integrity:

1.CONTAINMENT CLOSURE notestablished The status ofContainment closure istracked ifplant conditions change that could raise the risk of a 11ssion product release asa result ofa loss ofdecay heat removal (ref. 6).Ifcontainmentclosure is re-established prior to exceeding the 30minute core uncovery time limit then escalation toGEwould notoccur.

2. Containment hydrogen > 4.9% The4.9%

hydrogen concentration threshold represents the IIydrogen Recombiners Function FailureIndication (ref. I1) and is theacceptance criteria for the PVNCiS Safety Function Status Check for IOCA, Containment Combustible Gas Control (ref.7, 8,10,). PVNGSis equipped with a Ilydrogen ControlSystem (IICS) which serves tolimit orreduce combustible gasconcentrations inthe containment. The HCSis an engineered safety feature with redundant hydrogen recombiners, hydrogen mixing system, hydrogen monitoring subsystem anda backup hydrogen purge subsystem. TheIICS is designed tomaintain the containment hydrogen concentration below 4%byvolume (ref. 8).

Twocontainment hydrogen monitors have a range of0%to ICM(ref. 8,9). Since the hydrogen monitoring system maybeoutofservice inModes 5 and alternative 6, means of determining hydrogen concentration mayberequired ifthe Emergency Coordinator believes conditions exist that maycause hydrogen generation inside containment.

3.UNPIANNEDrise incontainment pressure -

Anunplanned pressure riseincontainment while incold shutdown orrefueling modes canthreaten Containment Closure capability and thus containment potentially cannot berelied upon asabarrier tofission product release.

This ICaddresses the inability torestore andmaintain reactor vessel level above the topofactive fuelwith containment challenged. This c onditionrepresents actual or IMMINENT substantial core degradation ormelting with potential for lossofcontainment integrity. Releases canbereasonably expected toexceed EPAPAGexposure levelsoffsite for morethan the immediate site area.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE207OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Following an extended lossofcore decay heat removal andinventory makeup, decay heat will cause reactor coolant boiling anda further reduction inreactor vessel level. IfRCSlevel cannot be restored, fueldamage isprobable.

With CONTAINMENT CIOSURE notestablished, there isa high potential fora direct and unmonitored release ofradioactivity tothe environment. IfCONTAINMENT ClOSUREis reestablished prior toexceeding the30-minute time limit, then declaration ofaGeneral Emergency isnotrequired.

Theexistence ofanexplosive mixture means, ata minimum, that the containment atmospheric hydrogen concentration issufficient tosupport a hydrogen burn (i.e.,atthe lower deflagration limit).A hydrogen burn willraise containment pressure and could result incollateral equipment damage leading toa loss ofcontainment integrity. Ittherefore represents a challenge to Containment integrity.

Inthe early stages ofa core uncovery event. it isunlikely that hydrogen buildup duetoacore uncovery could result inanexplosive gasmixture incontainment. lfall installed hydrogen gas monitors areout-of-service during anevent leading tofuel cladding damage, it maynotbepossible toobtain acontainment hydrogen gasconcentration reading asambient conditions within the containment will preclude personnel access. During periods wheninstalled containment hydrogen gasmonitors are out-of-service, operators mayusethe other listed indications toassesswhether or notcontainment ischallenged.

The30-minute criterion istied toa readily recognizable event start time (i.e.,thetotal lossofability tomonitor level) andallows sufncient time tomonitor, assess andcorrelate reactor and plant conditions todetermine ifcore uncovery has actually occurred (i.e..toaccount for various accident progression andinstrumentation uncertainties). also It allows sufficient time forperformance of actions toterminate leakage, recover inventory control/makeup equipment and/or restore level monitoring.

Theinability tomonitor RCSlevel maybecaused byinstrumentation and/or power failures,or waterlevel dropping below the range ofavailable instrumentation. lfwaterlevel cannot be monitored, operators maydetermine that aninventory loss isoccurring byobserving changes in sumpand/or tank levels. Sumpand/or tank level changes mustbeevaluated against other potential sources ofwaterflow toensure they are indicative of leakage from t he R CS.

This EAl. addresses concerns raised byGeneric Ietter 88-I 7,Loss ofDecay fleat Removal; SECY 91-283, Evaluation ofShualown andIowPower Risk Issues; NUREG-1449,Shualown andLow-86of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE208OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases PowerOperation at Commercial Nuclear PowerPlants inthe United andNUMARC91-06, States:

Guidelinesfi>r Industry Actions toAssess Shutdown Manageinent.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-9//02. Excessive RCSIeakrate 2.Procedure 400P-97/I6, RCS Drain Operations 3.UFSARTable I1.5-l, Continuous Process andEfiluent Radiation Monitoring

4. UFSARSection I I.5.2.I.5.4, Refueling AreaMonitor
5. Nuclear Safety Analysis Center(NSAC), 1980, Analysis of'Ihree Mile Island Unit2Accident, NSAC-1
6. Procedure 40EP-9EOl0, IM-Containment Evacuation andClosure, Appendix249
7. Procedure 40DP-9AP08, /,oss ofCoolantAccident Technical Guideline
8. UFSARSection I .2.4.2, Additional PVNGSEngineered Safety Features
9. UFSARTable 6.2.5-l, Combustible GasControl System DesignParameters
10. Procedure 40EP-9EO03, /oss of Coolant Accident 1I Nuclear Fuel Management Analysis CalculationTA-13-C00-2000-001, EOPSetpoint Document 12.NEI99-01, CGI 87of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE209OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: 2 Ioss ofEmergency AC Power initiating Condition: Ioss ofall but oneAC power source toemergency busesfor 15minutes orlonger EAL:

CU2.1 Unusual Event AC power capability, Table C-3,toemergency 4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4reducedto a single power source for2 15minutes (Note I)

AND Anyadditional single power source will result inloss failure ofall ACpower toSAFETY SYSTEMS Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator should declaretheeventpromptly upon determining that limit time hasbeen exceeded. orwill beexceeded.

likely Table C-3 AC Power Sources Offsite:

  • SBOG #1(if already aligned)
  • SBOG#2 (if aligned) already Onsite:


  • DGB ModeApplicability:

5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling, D Defueled Definition(s):


requiredfor safe plant operation, cooling downtheplant and/or placing itinthe cold shutdown including condition, the ECCS. These aretypicallysystems classined assafety-related (as defined in10 Cl R 50.2):

Those structures, systems andcomponents that arerelied upontoremain during functional and following design basis events toassure:


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE210OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases 1)The integrity ofthe reactor coolant pressure boundary; 2)Thecapability toshut downthe reactor andmaintain itina safe shutdown condition; 3)Thecapability toprevent ormitigate the consequences ofaccidents which could result in potential offsite exposures.


Ioremergency classification purposes, "capability" means that anAC power source isavailable to andcapable ofpowering theemergency bus(es) within 15 whether min, ornotthe buses are currentlypowered from it.

Thecondition indicated bythis EAl isthedegradation ofthe offsite andonsite power sources such thatanyadditional single failure would result in a loss ofall AC power tothe emergency buses.

4.I6KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 are the emergency (essential) buses. PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-S04 supplies power toTrain B safety related loads.

Each bushastwo normal sources ofoffsite power. Each source is fromoneofthree 13.8 KV Startup Transformers (SUT) normal via i ts and alternative ESF Service Transformer NBN-X03 and thealternate supply toPBB-SO4 orNBN-X04. Transformer NBN-X03 isthe normal supply tobus PBA-S03 andthe alternate supply toPBB-SO4; Transformer NBN-X04 isthenormalsupply tobus PBB-SO4 andthe alternate supply toPBA-S03 (ref. I).

Inaddition. PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 each have anemergency diesel generator(DG A & IXiB) which supply electrical power tothe busautomatically inthe eventthat the preferred source becomes unavailable (ref.1).

Additional alternate offsiteAC power sources arethe tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #1& SBOG#2). Ilowever, these sources canonly becredited ifalready aligned, thatis,capable ofpowering oneormoreemergency buswithin 15minutes. Each SBOGisratedat approximately 3.4 MW andcansupply the shutdown SAFETYSYSTEMloads inModes 5.6 and Defueled.

This coldcondition EAL isequivalent tothe hot condition EAL SAII This ICdescribes asignificant degradation ofoffsite andonsite AC power sources such thatany additionalsingle titilure would result ina loss ofall AC power toSAFI TY SYSTEMS. Inthis condition,the sole AC power source maybepowering one,ormorethan one,train ofsafety related equipment.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE21IOF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Wheninthe cold shutdown, refueling. ordefueled mode, this condition isnotclassilled asanAlert becauseofthe increased time availabletorestore another power source toservice.Additional time isavailable due to the reduced core decay heat load andthe lower temperatures andpressures in variousplantsystems. Thus, when inthese modes, this condition isconsidered tobea potential degradationofthe level of safety ofthe plant.

An "ACpower source" isasource recognized inAOPsandEOPandcapable ofsupplying required power toanessential bus. Some examples ofthis condition arepresented below.

  • A loss ofall offsite power with a concurrent failureofall but oneemergency powersource (e.g.,anonsite diesel generator).

a A loss ofall offsite power andloss ofall emergency power sources (e.g.,

onsite diesel generators) with asingle trainofemergency buses being fed from anSBOG.

  • A loss ofemergency power sources (e.g., onsitediesel generators) with train a single of emergency buses being fedfrom anoffsite power source.

Iifteenminutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient or momentary losses ofpower.

Thesubsequent loss ofthe remaining single power source would escalate the eventtoanAlertin accordancewith ICCA2.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Drawing 13-E-MAA-001 MainSingle Line Diagram

2. lflSAR Section 8.3.1, AC Power Systems 3.Procedure 40AO-97712 Degradecl Electrical Power
4. (11SARSection 1.2.I0.3.9. Alternate AC Power System
5. NEI99-01, ClJ2 90of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE212OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: 2 I.oss ofEmergency AC Power Initiating Condition: Iossofall offsite andall onsite AC power toemergency buses for I5 minutes orlonger EAL:

CA2.1 Alert I.ossofall offsite andall onsite AC power capability toemergency 4.16KV buses PBA-S03 and PBB-SO4 for2 15minutes (Note I)

Note1:TheEmergency Coordinator should theevent declare promptly that upondetermining time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill likely beexceeded.


5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling D Defueled Basis:

Foremergency classification purposes, "capability" meansthat anAC power sourceis available to andcapable ofpowering the emergency bus(es) within 15min, whetheror not thebuses are currently powered fromit.

4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 arethe emergency (essential) buses. PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-SO4 supplies powertoTrain B safetyrelated loads.

Each bushastwonormal sources ofoffsite power. Each source isfromoneofthree 13.8 KV Startup Transformers (SUT) via itsnormal andalternative ESFServiceTransformer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04. Transformer NBN-X03isthe normal supply tobusPBA-S03 andthe alternate supply to PBB-S04: Transformer NBN-X04isthe normal supply tobus PBB-SO4 andthe alternate supply to PBA-S03 (ref. 1).

Inaddition. PBA-S03 andPBB-S04 each have anemergency diesel generator (DCi A & D(iB) which supply electrical power tothebusautomatically inthe eventthat the preferred source becomes unavailable (ref.1).

Additional alternate offsiteAC power sources include, but to,the notlimited tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOCi #I& SBOCi #2).IIowever,these sources canonly be credited ifalready aligned, that capable is, ofpowering oneormoreemergency buswithin I5 91of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE213OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases minutes. Each SBOG israted atapproximately 3.4 MW andcansupply theshutdownSAFETY SYSTEMloads inModes 5,6 andDefueled.

This cold condition EAl is equivalent tothe hot condition loss ofall AC power offsite EAISSII This ICaddresses a total loss ofAC power compromises that the performance ofallSAFETY SYSTEMS requiring electric power including those necessary for emergencycorecooling, containment heat removal/pressure control, spent fuel heatremoval andtheultimate heatsink.

Wheninthe cold shutdown. refueling. or defueled mode, thiscondition notclassined is asa Site AreaEmergency because ofthe increased time available torestore anemergency bustoservice.

Additional time isavailable duetothe reduced core decay heat loadandthelower and temperatures pressures invarious plant systems. Thus, when in these modes condition this anactual represents orpotential substantial degradation ofthe of safety ofthe level plant.

Fifteenminutes wasselected asa threshold toexcludetransient ormomentary power losses.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification levelwould bevia IC CSI orRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Drawing 13-E-MAA-00I . MainSingle LineDiagram

2. UFSARSection 8.3.1, AC Power Systems
3. Procedure 40AO-9// I2, Degraded Electrical Power
4. UFSARSection Alternate AC Power System 5.NEI99-01, CA2 92of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE214OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Maltimetion Subcategory: 3 RCSTemperature InitiatingCondition: UNPIANNEDincrease inRCStemperature EAl,:

CU3.1 Unusual Event UNPLANNEDincrease inRCStemperature to> 210oF ModeApplicability:

5 Cold

- Shutdown, 6 Reilieling ModeApplicability:

UNPLANNEDA parameter change oraneventthat is not 1) the resultofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient.

Thecause ofthe parameter change orevent maybe known orunknown.


Several instruments arecapable ofprovidingindicationofRCStemperature with respecttothe Technical Specification cold shutdown temperaturelimit (210oF,ref. These include cold 1). leg (Tem) temperature indications. hotleg (Thot)temperature indicationswithRCPs running, Cl(Ts andSDC1leat Exchanger inlet temperatureindications (ref. 2,3).

Ilowever, ifShutdown Cooling (SDC) Ilow then islost, the normal temperatureelements used to monitor RCStemperature arenotaccurate ofRCStemperature.

indicators TheCliTs are the design instruments for these conditions. Forsomeperiods oftime theCETsmaynotbeavailable. The current practices concerning determiningtimetoboilcan beusedi n e the valuation oftheseEAl.s.

Without CETindication andwith a lossofSDCflow the following gcidanceshould beused (ref.


a Usethe predetermined "time toboil"dataforevaluating these EAI.s.This approachreflects the relatively small numerical difference between the typicalTechnicalSpecilleationcold shutdown temperature limitof2100F andthe boiling temperatureofRCSwaterwith the plantMode5or6.

in 93of262


= Alternately, the Control RoomstaiT mayusea procedure oruser aid todetermine whenRCS temperature will likely exceed 210oF given the actual plantconditions (e.g..using a heat-up curve).

This ICaddresses anUNPl.ANNED increaseinRCStemperature above the Technical Specification cold shutdown temperature limitandrepresents apotential degradation ofthelevel of of safety plant.

the Ifthe R CS is not intactand CONTAINMENT Cl.OSURE i snotestablished during this event, the Emergency Coordinator should also refer toICCA3.

A momentary UNPlANNEDexcursion above the Technical Specification cold shutdown temperature limit whenthe heat removal function is available doesnotwarrant aclassification.

This EAl,involves a loss ofdecay heat removal capability, oranaddition ofheat tothe RCSin excess ofthat which cancurrently beremoved, such that reactor coolant temperature cannot be maintained below the cold shutdown temperature limit specified in Technical Specilleations.

During this condition, there isnoimmediate threat offueldamage because the core decay heat load hasbeen reduced since the cessation ofpower operation.

During anoutage, the level inthe reactor vessel will normally bemaintained atorabove the reactor vessel flange. Refueling evolutions that lower water level below thereactor vessel flange are carefully planned andcontrolled. A loss offorced decay heat removal atreduced inventory may resultinarapid increaseinreactor coolant temperature depending onthe time after shutdown.

Escalation toAlert would bevia ICCAlbased onaninventory lossorICCA3based on exceeding plant configuration-specillc time criteria.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Technical Specifications Table 11-1, Modes

2. Procedure 400P-9//O3 , Reactor Startup
3. Procedure 40ST-9RC01, RCSandPressurier IIeatup andCooldown Rates
4. Safety Analysis Operational Data Book
5. NEl99-01, CU3 94of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE216OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: 3 RCSTemperature InitiatingCondition: UNPIANNEDincrease inRCStemperature EAl,:

CU3.2 Unusual Event 1.ossofall RCStemperature and RCS levelindicationfor 2 I5minutes (Note 1)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator should declare the eventpromptly upon that determining time limithasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.


5 Cold Shutdown. 6-Reft:eling Definition(s):

None Basis:

Several instruments arecapable ofproviding indicationofRCStemperature with respect tothe Technical Specification cold shutdown temperature limit (210oF,ref. These include cold 1). leg (Teow)temperature indications, hot leg (Thot) temperatureindications with RCPs running, CETs andSDC1leat Exchanger inlet temperature indications(ref.


Several instruments arecapable ofproviding indicationofRCSlevel including pressurizer level, RWlIS,RVl,MS andlocal monitor (gauge glass) (ref.4).

This EAl. addresses theinability todetermine RCStemperature andlevel andrepresents apotential degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant. If theRCSis notintactandCONTAINMENT ClOSUREisnotestablished during this event, the EmergencyCoordinator should also refer toIC CA3.

This EAl. reflects a condition where there has been loss a signincant ofinstrumentation capability necessary tomonitor RCSconditions andoperators wouldbeunable tomonitor keyparameters necessary toassure coredecay heatremoval. During this there condition, isnoimmediate threat of fueldamage because thecore decay heat load hasbeen reducedsincethecessation ofpower operation.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE217OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al, Technical Bases Iifteenminutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient ofindication.

losses ormomentary Escalation toAlert would bevia ICCAlbased onaninventoryorICCA3based loss onexceeding plant configuration-speci0c timecriteria.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Technical SpecificationTable I 1- l Modes 2.Procedure 400P-9/103, Reactor Startup

3. Procedure 40ST-9RC01, RUSand Pressurier Heatup andCooldown Rates
4. Procedure 400P-9// Ib RCSDrain Operations
5. Nl?I 99-01, CU3 96of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE218OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: 3 RCSTemperature initiatingCondition: Inability tomaintainplant incold shutdown EAl,:

CA3.1 Alert UNPIANNEDincrease inRCStemperature to> 2100F for> Table C-4duration (Note 1)

OR UNPl.ANNED RCSpressure increase

> 10psia (This criteriondoes notapply during water-solid plant conditions)

Note1:TheEmergency Coordimitorshould declare the eventpromptly upon determining thattime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwilllikely beexceeded.

Table C-4: IIeat-u DurationThresholds CONTAINMENT R(S Statues CI,OSURE Status IIcat-up Duration Intact(but not REDUCED N/A 60 minutes.*

INVENTORY Notintact Established 20minutes.*

OR REDUCED INVENTORY NotEstablished 0 minutes.

  • Iran RCSheat removalsystem isinoperationwithin this time frame andRCStemperature is beine reduced, theE AI isnot anlicable.


5-Cold Shutdown, 6-Refeeling Definition(s):

COALilNMENT CLOSl iRE-Theprocedurally denned actions taken tosecure containment andits associatedstructures. systems andcomponents asa functional barrier tofission product release under shutdown conditions.

Asapplied toPVNGS,Containment Closureisestablished whenthe requirements ofprocedure 40EP-9EOl0, I.M-Containment EvacuationandClosure, Appendix 249,for containment closure aremet.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE219OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases UNPLANNED . A parameter change oraneventthat isnot1) the result ofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter change orevent maybe known orunknown.


Plant condition whenfuel isinthe reactor vessel andReactor Coolant System levelisless than or equal tothe 1IIfoot elevation.


Several instruments arecapable ofproviding indication ofRCStemperature with respecttothe Technical SpeciAcation cold shutdown temperature limit (2100F, ref. I). These include cold leg (Teou) temperature indications, hotleg (Tst) temperature indications with RCPsrunning, CETsand SDCIIeat Exchanger inlet temperature indications 2, (ref. 3).

However, if Shutdown Cooling (SDC) flow islost, then the normal temperature elements used to monitor RCStemperature arenotaccurate indicatorsof RCS temperature. TheCETsare the design instruments for these conditions. Forsomeperiods oftime the CETs maynotbeavailable. The current practices concerning determining time toboil canbeused the in evaluationofthese EAI.s.

Without CETindication and with a loss ofSDC flow the following guidance should beused (ref.


= Usethe predetermined "time toboil" data forevaluating these EAI.s. This approachreflects therelatively small numerical difference between the typical Technical Specilleation cold shutdown temperature limitof2100F andthe boiling temperature ofRCS water with the plantin Mode 5 or 6.

  • Alternately, the Control Roomstaff mayusea procedure oruser aid todetermine when RCS temperature will likely exceed 2100F given the actual plant conditions (e.g.,usinga heat-up curve).

RCSpressure instruments RCAPI-103, RCC-PI-105, RCD-PI-106 andRCB-PI-104 arecapable of measuring pressure toless than 10psia (ref. 3).

This ICaddresses conditions involving a loss ofdecay heat removal capability oranaddition of heat tothe RCS excess in ofthat which cancurrently beremoved. Either condition represents an actualpotential or substantial degradation of the l of evel safety plant.

of the A momentary UNPIANNID excursion above the Technical Specincation coldshutdown temperature limit whenthe heat removal function isavailable does notwarrant aclassineation.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE220OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases TheRCS Ileat-up DurationThresholds table addresses anincrease inRCStemperature when CONTAINMENT ClOSt JREisestablished but theRCSisnotintact. orRCSinventoryisreduced (e.g.,mid-loopoperation). The20-minute criterion wasincluded toal:ow timefor action operator to addressthe temperature increase.

TheRCS1leat-up Duration Thresholds table also addresses anincrease inRCStemperature with theRCSintact. Thestatus of CONTAINMENT ClOSlJRE isnotcrucial inthis condition sincethe intactRCSisproviding a highpressure barriertoa fission product release. The60-minutetime frame should allow sufficient time to address the temperature increase withouta substantial degradation inplant safety.

Finally,inthe case where there isanincrease in RCS temperature, the RCSisnotintactorisat reduced inventory andCONTAINMENT Cl,OSlJRE isnotestablished,noheat-up duration is allowed (i.e..

0 minutes). This isbecause 1) the evaporated reactor coolant directly maybereleased intothecontainment atmosphere andsubsequently tothe environment. and is 2)therereduced reactorcoolant inventory above the topofirradiated fuel.

TheRCSpressure increase threshold provides a pressure-based indication ofRCSheat-upinthe absence ofRCStemperature monitoring capability.

Escalationofthe emergency classincation level would bevia ICCSIor RSl PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Technical Specincation Table 1 1-1,Modes

2. Procedure 400P-9//O3, Reactor Startup 3.Procedure 40ST-9RC01, RCSandPressurier /leatup andCooldown Rates
4. Safety Analysis Operational Data Book 5.NEl99-01, CA3 99of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE221OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malftmetion Subcategory: 4 Ioss ofVital DCPower initiatingCondition: I,oss ofVital DCpower for 15minutes orlonger EAl,:

CU4.1 Unusual Event Indicated voltage is< I12VDCon vital DCbuses requiredbyTechnicalSpecifications lor > 15 minutes (Note l)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event promptlyupondetermining that time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.


5 Cold Shutdown, 6-Refueling Definition(s):

None Basis:

Thepurpose ofthis EAl. istorecognize a lossofDCpower compromisingthe ability tomonitor andcontrol the removal ordecay heat during cold shutdown orrefueling operations. This EAl is intended tobeanticipatory inasmuchasthe operating crewmaynothave necessary indication and controlofequipment needed torespond tothe loss.

Thevital DCbuses arethe following 125VDCClass IEbuses (ref.


Train A: Train B:

  • PKA-M41
  • PKB-M42

. PKC-M43

  • PKD-M44 There arefour, 60cell, lead-calcium storage batteries (PKA-Fl 1,PKC-I13,PKB-Fl2 and PKDFl4) thatsupplement the output ofthe battery chargers.They DCpower supply tothe distributionbuses whenAC power tothe chargers islostorwhentransientloads exceed the capacity ofthe battery chargers (ref.1).

All fourofthe125VDC buses supply inverters for 120VAC PNbus power aswell ascontrol power for varioussafety related systems. Each battery isdesigned tohavesufficientstored energy to 100of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE222OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases supplythe required emergency loads for 120minutes following a loss ofAC power tothechargers (ref.2).

Minimum DCbus voltage isI12VDC(ref. 3).

This EAL isthe cold condition equivalent ofthehotcondition loss ofDCpower EALSS2.1 This ICaddresses a loss ofvital DC power which compromises theability tomonitor andcontrol operable SAFETYSYSTEMS when the plant isinthe cold shutdown orrefuelingmode.Inthese modes, the core decay heat load has been significantly reduced andcoolant systemtemperatures andpressures arelower; these conditions increase the time available torestore DCbusto a vital service.Thus, this condition isconsidered to beapotential degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant.

As used inthis EAL,"required" means the vital DC buses necessary tosupport ofthe operation in-service,oroperable, train ortrains ofSAFETYSYSTEM equipment. Forexample, if A is Train out-of-service(inoperable) for scheduled outage maintenance workandTrain B isin-service (operable),then a lossofVital DCpower affecting Train B would require the ofan declaration Unusual Event. A loss ofVital DCpower toTrain A would not warrant anemergency classification.

Fifteenminutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient ormomentary power losses.

Depending upon theevent, escalation ofthe emergency classification would bevia level ICCAIor CA3,oranICinRecognition Category R.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Drawing 01-E-PKA-0Ol , MainSingle Iine Diagram 125V DC Class IE and12001CVital Inst Power Systent

2. UlSARSection 8.3.2, DCPower Systems 3.Calculation 01-EC-PK-D207, DC Battery Siing andMinintum Voltage 4.NEl99-01, CU4 101of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE223OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 IAl,Technical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Malfunction Subcategory: 5 I.oss ofCommunications InitiatingCondition: 1,oss ofall onsite oroffsite communicationscapabilities EAl,:

CU5.1 Unusual Event 1.ossofall Table C-5onsite communication methods OR 1oss ofall Table C-5Offsite Response Organization (ORO) methods communication OR Loss ofall Table C-5NRCcommunication methods TableC-5 Communication Methods System Onsite ORO NRC PBX X X X Plant Page X Two-Way Radio X FTS(ENS) X Telephone Ringdown Circuits (NAN) X Cellular Phones X X ModeApplicability:

5 Cold Shutdown, 6-Refceling, D Defueled Definition(s):

None Basis:

Onsite andNRCcommunications offsite include oneormoreofthe listed systems inTable C-5 (ref.1.2).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE224OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases L PBX Onsiteemergency telephone lines are divided amongthree EPABXswitches.

onsite Each EPABX switchisprovided with abackup battery for reliability.

This system will function during emergencies asit doesduringnormal operations. Telephones have thecapabilityoftrunk access (via local provider) andtheAPSownedprivate communications system which provides directdial capabilities tothe entireAPSvoice system via the company owned private communications system. ThePVNCiS telephoneEPABXSystems through which all PVNCiS telephone calls pass areequipped withuninterruptible power supplies (battery chargers andbatteries)anddedicated priority switching toensurethe ofthe reliability telephone system. The PVN(iS EPABXsarethe primary links forPVNCiS phones.There arealso administratively dedicatedlines for the CR.STSC,TSC,EOFand OSC.

2.Plant(Area) Paging Thearea paging system provides a reliable meansofnotifying and providing instructions toonsite personnel.Access tothis system isthrough theEPABXsystem telephones byuseofdedicated numbers.

3.Two-Way Radios PVNCiS operates a trunked radio system, with talk separate available for departments such groups asOperations, Security, Fire Protection, Radiation Emergency Protection. Preparedness, the Water Reclamation Facility. etc.This system includes basestationconsoles atvarious locations and emergency facilities throughout the site. Someofthe radiosusedduring emergenciesare portable radiosatvarious site locations,mobile radios inthe RIAT vehiclesandbase station consoles atthe TSC, EOF,Unit OSCs,Unit STSCsandUnit ControlRooms. PVNCiS FireProtection also maintainsradios that are used tocontact the airambulance service toprovide landing instructions.


TheNRCEmergency Notification System (ENS) isanFTStelephone used for ofilcial communications with NRCHeadquarters. TheNRCIIeadquarters has the capability topatch into theNRCRegional offices. Theprimary purpose ofthis phone istoprovide a reliable method for the initial notification ofthe NRCandtomaintain continuous communications with the NRCafter initial notification. ENStelephones are located inthe ControlRoom. TSCandEOF.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE225OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases 5.Telephone Ringdown Circuits (NAN)

These voice circuits serve asa primary communications link providing for technical information to offsiteagencies,public information communicationsandthe communication ofprotective action recommendations tooffsite authorities.

6.Cellular Phones Each STSC,the TSCandEOFhave a cellular phone toprovide additional independent lines of communication.

This EAI isthe cold condition equivalent of the hot conditionEAlSU7.1 This ICaddresses a signilleant loss ofonsiteoroffsite communications capabilities. While nota directchallenge toplant orpersonncI safety, thisevent warrants prompt notifications toOROsand theNRC.

This ICshould beassessed only whenextraordinary meansare being utilizedtomake communications possible (e.g.,

useofnon-plant, privately owned equipment, relaying ofonsite information via individuals ormultiple radio transmission points, individuals being sent tooffsite locations, etc.).

Thefirst EAl. condition addresses a totalloss ofthe communications methods used insupport of routine plant operations.

Thesecond EAI. condition addresses a total lossofthe communications methods used to notify all OROsofanemergency declaration. TheOROsreferred tohere arethe State andMaricopa County EOCs.

Thethird condition addresses atotal ofthe loss communications methods used tonotify the NRC of anemergency declaration.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I PVNGSEmergency Plan, Section 7.2Communications Systems

2. UFSARSection 9.5.2, Communication Systems 3.NEl99-01, CU5 104of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE226OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Category: C Cold Shutdown/Refueling System Maltimetion Subcategory: 6 Ilazardous Event Affecting Safety Systems Initiating Condition: Ilazardous event affecting a SAFETYSYSTEMneeded forthecurrent operating mode EAL:

CA6.1 Alert Theoccurrence ofanyTable C-6hazardous event AND EITIIER

  • Event damage has caused indications of degraded performance in atleast onetrainofa SAFETYSYSTEMneeded for the current operating mode

= The event has caused VISlBLE DAMAGE to a SAFETY SYSTEMcomponent or structure needed for the currentoperating mode Table C-6 Ilazardous Events

  • Seismic event (earthquake) a Internal orexternal FlOODINGevent
  • winds Iligh ortornado strike
  • FIRE
  • EXPl.OSION a Other events with similar hazard characteristics asdetermined bythe Shift Manager ModeApplicability:

5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Reflicling Definition(s):

EXPLOS/ON- A rapid. violent andcatastrophic ofa piece failure ofequipment duetocombustion.

chemical reaction oroverpressurization. A release ofsteam(from high lines energy orcomponents) oranelectrical component failure (caused byshort circuits,grounding, arcing, should etc.) not automatically beconsidered anexplosion. Such events require apost-event todetermine inspection if theattributesofanexplosion arepresent.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE227OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such asslipping drivebelts oroverheated electrical equipmentdonotconstitute Gres. Observation ofDame ispreferred butis NOTrequiredif large quantities ofsmoke andheat are observed.

F/.OOD/NGA condition where waterisentering aroomorarea titsterthan equipment installed is capable ofremoval, resulting in a rise ofwaterlevel within theroomorarea.

SAFE'/T SYSTEMA systemrequired for safeplant operation, cooling downthe plantand/or placing itinthecold shutdown condition, including the ECCS. These are typically systems classified assafety-related (asdefined in 10CFR50.2):

Those structures, systems andcomponentsthat arerelied upon toremain functional duringand following designbasis events toassure:

(1)Theintegrity ofthe reactor coolant pressure boundary; (2)Thecapability toshut downthe reactor andmaintainit in a safeshutdown condition; (3)Thecapability toprevent ormitigate theconsequences ofaccidents whichcould resultin potential offsite exposures.

F/SIBIE DAMAGE Damage toacomponent orstructure thatisreadily observable without measurements, testing, oranalysis. Thevisual impact ofthe damage issufficient tocauseconcern regarding the operability orreliability ofthe affectedcomponent orstructure.


Refer toAttachment 4 for a listofPalo Verde SAFETYSYTEMS(ref. 5).

This ICaddresses a hazardous eventthat causes damage toa SAFETYSYSTEM, ora structure containing SAFETYSYSTEMcomponents, needed for thecurrent operating mode. This condition significantlyreduces the margin toa loss orpotential loss ofa fission product barrier andtherefore represents anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Thefirst conditional addresses damage toa SAFETYSYSTEMtrain that isinservice/operation since indicationsfor itwill bereadily available. Theindications ofdegraded performance should be signi0cant enough tocause concern regarding the operability orreliability ofthe SAFETY SYSTEMtrain.

Thesecond conditional addresses damage toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent thatisnotin service/operation orreadily apparent through indications alone,ortoa structure containing 106of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE228OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases SAFETY SYSTEM components. Operators will makethis determination based onthetotality of available event and damage report information. This isintendedtobea brief assessment not lengthy analysis orquantification ofthe requiring damage.

  • Thesignificance ofseismic events arediscussed under EAl IIU2.I. 7Cl4A, Annunciator SEISMIC OCCURRENCE will illuminateif the seismic instrument detects motion ground inexcess oftheseismic EVI NT trigger threshold (ref.1).
  • Internal FIOODINGmaybe caused byevents suchascomponent failures,equipment misalignment, oroutage activity mishaps.

a Iligh winds inexcess ofdesign (105 mph) ortornado strikescancause significant structural damage (ref. 4).

a Areas containing functions andsystems required forsafe shutdown ofthe plant are identitled byfire area (ref.2).

a An explosion thatdegrades the performance ofa SAFETY SYSTEM train orvisibly damages a SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent orstructure would beclassilled under thisEAl.

a This cold condition EAIisequivalent tothe hot condition EAl. SA9.I Escalationofthe emergency classilleationlevel would bevia ICCSIorRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-9772 1 Acts

, ofNature

2. UFSARTable Quality 3-2.I, Classification ofStructures, Systems andComponents
3. l!FSAR Section, Offsite Flood Design Considerations
4. UFSARSection 2.3.I.2.3. Extreme Winds 5.Attachment 4 -

Palo Verde Safety Systems

6. NEl 99-01, CA6 107of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE229OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases EAlGroup: ANY (EAI sinthis category areapplicable toanyplant condition,hotorcold.).

IIazards arenon-plant. system-related events that candirectly orindirectly plant affect operation, reactor plantsafety orpersonnel safety.

I Security Unauthorized entry attempts into the Plant Protected Area, bombthreats, sabotageattempts and actual securitycompromises threatening loss orphysical control ofthe plant.

2.Seismic Event Natural events such asearthquakes have potential to cause plant structure orequipment damage of sufficientmagnitude tothreaten personnel orplantsafety.

3.W Other natural andnon-naturally occurring events that cancause damage toplant facilities include tornados. FIOODING, hazardous material releases andevents restricting site accesswarranting classification.

4.Iire Fires canpose significant hazards topersonnel andreactor safety. Appropriatefor classilleation are tireswithin the Plant Protected Area orwhich mayaffect operability ofequipment needed for safe shutdown 5.Ilazardous Gas Toxic. corrosive,asphyxiant orilammable gasleaks canaffect norma) plantoperations orpreclude access toplant areas required tosafely shutdown the plant.

6.Control RoomEvacuation Events thatareindicative ofloss ofControl Roomhabitability. Ifthe Control Roommustbe evacuated, additional support for monitoring andcontrolling plant functions isnecessary through theemergency response facilities.

7.m TheEAl,sdefined inother categories specify the predetermined symptoms oreventsthat are indicativeofemergency orpotential emergency conditions andthus warrant classification. While 108of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE230OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases these EALs have been developed toaddress full the ofpossible spectrum conditions emergency which maywarrant classillcation andsubsequent implementation Plan, Emergency ofthe a provision for classilleation ofemergenciesbased experience onoperator/management andjudgment isstillnecessary.The EAI.s of this categoryprovide the Coordinator Emergency thelatitude to classityemergency conditions consistent with theestablished classilleation criteria based upon Emergency Coordinatorjudgment.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE231OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al, Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards Subcategory: I Security Initiating Condition: ConArmed SECURITY CONDITION orthreat EAl,:

Ill1.1 t!nusual Event A SECURITY CONDITION that does notinvolve a IIOSTIl E ACTIONasreported bythe Security Shift Supervision OR Notincation ofa credible security threat directed atthe site OR A validated notincation from the NRCproviding information ofanaircraft threat ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

SECURI7 YCONDI770N- Anysecurity event aslisted inthe approvedsecurity contingency plan thatconstitutes a threat/compromise tosite security, threat/risktosite personnel. or a potential degradation tothe ofsafety level ofthe plant. A security condition doesnotinvolve a hostile action.

//GS/7/E WC/70N An acttoward PVNGS orits personnel thatincludesthe useofviolent force to destroy equipment, hostages take and/or intimidate the l icensee to achievean end.This includes attackbyair, land, orwaterusing guns, explosives, projectiles, orother vehicles, devices used to deliverdestructive Other force. acts that satisfy theoverall intentmaybeincluded. Ilostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude acts ofcivil disobedience orfeloniousacts that arenotpart ofa concerted attack onPVNGS.Non-terrorism-based EAl,sshould beused toaddress such activities this (i.e., mayinclude violent acts between individuals inthe ownercontrolled area).


This EAL isbased onthePVNGS Security Plan, 7'raining aiuIQualificationPlan,Safi>guartis Contingency Plan andIndependent Spent Fuel Storage InstallationSecurity Prograin (ref. l).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE232OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases This ICaddresses events that pose a threat toplant personnel orSAFETYSYSTEMequipment and thusrepresent a potential degradationin the level ofplant safety. Security events which donotmeet oneofthese EAI s are adequately addressed bythe requirements of10CFR73.71 or10CIR 50.72.

Security events assessed asIlOSTII.E ACTIONS are classifiable under ICsllA landIISI Timely andaccurate communications between the Security Shift Supervision andthe Control Room isessentialfor proper classification ofasecurity-related event. Classitleation ofthese events will appropriate initiate threat-related notifications toplant personnel andOffsite Response Organizations.

Security plans andterminology arebased on theguidance provided byNEI03-12, Te/nplate the for Security Plan, Training andQualification Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan andIndependent Spent l'uelStorage Installation Security Prograin.

Thefirst threshold references the Security Shift Supervision because these are the individuals trainedtoconfirm that a security eventis occurring orhas occurred. Training onsecurity event confirmation andclassi0cation iscontrolled duetothe nature of Safeguards and10CFR2.39 information.

Thesecond threshold addresses thereceipt ofa credible security threat. The credibility ofthe threat isassessed inaccordance with the PVNGSSecurity Plan.

Thethird threshold addresses the threat from the impact ofanaircraft ontheplant. TheNRC IIeadquarters Operations Ofl1cer (1I00) will communicate tothe licensee if thethreat involves an aircraft.

Thestatus andsize ofthe plane mayalso beprovided byNORADthroughthe NRC.

Validation ofthe threat isperformed inaccordance with the PVNGSSecurity Plan (ref. 1).

Emergency plans andimplementing procedures arepublic documents; therefore, EALsshould not incorporate Security-sensitive information. This includes information that maybeadvantageousto a potentialadversary such asthe particulars concerning a specille threat orthreat location. Security-sensitiveinformation should becontained innon-public documents such asthe PVNGSSecurity Plan (ref.1).

Escalation ofthe emergency classi0cation level would bevia ICIIA I PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I.PVNGSSecurity Plan. Training andQualification Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan and Independent Spent I'uel Storage Installation Security Prograin (Safeguards) 2.NEl99-01, IIUl II1of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE233OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards Subcategory: I Security initiating Condition: Ilostileaction within theSECURFI Y OWNERCONTROlIEDAREA orairborne attack threat within 30minutes EAL:

IIAl.1 Alert A IlOSTILE ACTIONisoccurringor has occurred within the SEClRITYOWNER CONTROIIEDAREAasreported by the Security Shift Supervision OR A validated notincation from NRCofanaircraft attack threatwithin 30minutes ofthe site ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

ilOSTll.E ACTION An acttoward PVNGS orits personnel thatincludes the useofviolent force todestroy equipment, takehostages and/or intimidate the licenseetoachieve anend. This includes attackby air,land, orwater using guns,explosives, projectiles,orother devices used vehicles, to deliverdestructive force.Other actsthatsatisfy the overall intentmaybeincluded. Ilostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude actsofcivil disobedience orfelonious actsthatare not part ofa concerted attack on PVNGS. Non-terrorism-based EAl,sshould beused toaddresssuch activities this (i.e., mayinclude violent b acts etween individuals intheo wner c area).


encompassed byphysical barriers towhich access iscontrolled.


This ICaddresses the occurrence ofa IIOSTIIE ACTIONwithin the SECURITYOWNER CONTROl.I.ED AREAornotification ofanaircraft attack threat.

This eventwill require rapid response andassistance duetothe possibilityofthe attack progressing tothePIANT PROTECTED AREA, orthe needtoprepare the plant andstaff for aircraft a potential impact.

Timely andaccurate communications between the Security ShiftSupervision andthe Control Room isessential for proper class:ficationofa security-related event(ref. 1).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE234OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Securityplans andterminology arebased onthe guidance provided byNEl03-12, Template for the Security Plan, Training andQualification Plan, Safeguards Contingency PlanandIndependent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Security Program.

Astime andconditions allow. these events require a heightened state ofreadinessbythe plant staff andimplementation ofonsite protective measures (e.g., evacuation, dispersalorsheltering). The Alert declaration will also heighten the awareness ofOffsite Response Organizations (OROs),

allowing them tobebetter prepared should it benecessary toconsider further actions.

This ICdoes notapply toincidents that are accidental events, acts ofcivil disobedience, or otherwise are nota IIOSTll E ACTION perpetrated bya IlOSTILE FORCE. Examples include the crash ofasmall aircraft, shots from hunters, physical disputes between employees, etc. Reporting of these types ofevents isadequately addressed by other EAls,orthe requirements of10CFR73.71 or10CFR50.72.

TheGrst threshold isapplicable foranyHOSTILE ACTION occurring, orthathasoccurred, inthe SECURITYOWNERCONTROlIEDAREA.This includes any action directed against anISFSI thatislocated outside the PIANT PROTECTED AREA.

Thesecond threshold addresses the threat from the impact ofanaircraft onthe plant andthe anticipated arrival time iswithin 30minutes. Theintent ofthis EAlisto ensure that threat-related notifications aremadeina timely manner sothat plant personnel andOROs are ina heightened stateofreadiness. This EA1. ismetwhenthe threat-related information hasbeen validated in accordance with security procedures.

TheNRCIleadquarters Operations Officer (HOO) will communicate tothe licensee ifthe threat involves anaircraft. Thestatus andsize ofthe plane maybeprovided byNORADthroughthe NRC.

Insomecases, itmaynotbereadily apparent if anaircraft impact within theSECURF1 Y OWNER CONTROLIEDAREAwasintentional (i.e.,

a IIOSTlLE ACTION). Itisexpected, although not certain,that notification byanappropriate Federal agency tothe site would elarifythis point. Inthis case, theappropriate federal agency isintended tobe NORAD, FBI, FAAorNRC.Theemergency declaration, including onebased onother ICs/EAlshould s, notbeunduly delayed while awaiting notification bya Federal agency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE235OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Emergency plans andimplementing procedures arepublic therefore documents; EAlsshould not incorporateSecurity-sensitive information. This includes information maybeadvantageous that toa potential adversary, such asthe particulars concerning a specille threat Security-location.

orthreat sensitive information should becontained innon-public documents such PVNGSSecurity asthe Plan (ref. 1).

Escalation ofthe emergency classif1eation level would beviaICIISl.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 PlNGSSecurity Plan, Training and Qualification Plan, Sufi>guards Plan Contingency aiul Independent SpentFuel Storage Installation Security Program (Safi>guards)

2. NEI 99-01, IIA l I14of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE236OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards Subcategory: l Security Initiating Condition: IlostileAction within thePLANTPROTECTED AREA EAl,:

HSl.1 Site AreaEmergency A IIOSTll.E ACTIONisoccurring or has occurredwithin the PlANTPROTECTED ARlA as reported bythe SecurityShift Supervision ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

IIOSTll,I ACTION An acttoward PVNGSorits personnel that ine:udes the useofviolent il)rce todestroy equipment. takehostages and/or the intimidate licensee toachieve anend. This includes attackby air,land, orwaterusing guns, projectiles, explosives, vehicles, orother devicesused to deliverdestructive force.

Other actsthat satisfy theoverall intent may be included. Hostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude acts ofcivildisobedience orfelonious acts that arenotpart ofa concerted attack onPVNGS. Non-terrorism-based EAl.s should beused toaddress such activities this (i.e., mayinclude violent acts between individualsinthe ownercontrolled area).


located within the PVNGSExclusion Area Boundary, encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55.The PVNGS Plant Protected Area andthe SIProtected I SI Areaare twoProtected located Areas withinthe PVNGSOWNERCONTROl1ED AREA.


This ICaddresses the occurrence ofa HOSTILEACTIONwithin the PROTECTED AREA.This event will require rapidresponse andassistance duetothe possibility for damage toplant equipment.

Timely andaccurate communications between theSecurity Shift Supervision andthe Control Room isessential for proper class:fication ofasecurity-related event (ref. 1).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE237OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Securityplans andterminology arebased onthe guidance provided byNEl03-12, Template the fi>r SecurityPlan, Training andOualification Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan andIndependent Spent I'uelStorage Installation SecurityProgram.

Astime andconditions allow. theseevents require a heightened state ofreadiness bythe plantstaff andimplementation ofonsite protective measures (e.g.,

evacuation, dispersal orsheltering).

The SiteAreaEmergency declaration willmobilizeOffsite Response Organization (ORO) resourcesand have them available todevelop and implement public protective actions inthe unlikely event that theattack issuccessful inimpairing multiple safety functions.

This ICdoes notapply toa IlOSTILE ACTION directed atanISFSI PROTECTED AREA located outsidethe PlANT PROTECTED AREA; such anattackshould beassessed usingICHAI It also does notapply toincidents thatareaccidentalevents, acts ofcivil disobedience, orotherwise are nota HOSTILE ACTIONperpetrated bya HOSTILE FORCE. Examples include the crashofa small aircraft,shots from hunters,physicaldisputes between employees, etc. Reporting ofthese types ofevents isadequately addressedbyother EALs,or the requirements of10CFR73.71 or10 ClR 50.72.

Emergency plans andimplementing procedures are public documents; therefore, EAIsshould not incorporate Security-sensitive information.This includes information that may beadvantageous toa potentialadversary, such asthe particulars concerning aspecific threat or threat location. Security-sensitiveinformation should becontained innon-public documents such asthe PVNGS Security Plan (ref.I).

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 PVNGS Security Plan, TrainingandOualification Plan, Safeguards Contingency Plan and Independent Spent Fuel StorageInstallationSecurity Prograin (Safi>guards)

2. NEI99-01, IISI I16of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE238OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al, Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards Subcategory: 2 Seismic Event initiating Condition: Seismic event greater than OBl?levels EAl,:

IIU2.1 Unusual Event Seismic event > OBEasindicated on Control PanelA-J-SMN-COl ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

None Basis:

Iive Iorce Balance Accelerometer unitsareinstalled withinUnitI structures andoneisinstalled in the Free Field area south ofUnit 1 Peak ground motion acceleration of0.10g horizontalorvertical isthe Operating Basis liarthquake for PVNGS(ref. I).OBEis detected andanalyzed byFree Iield Accelerometer Sensor #6 (AJSMNXT0006) only.

Annunciator 7Cl4A,SElSMIC OCCURRENCE,will illuminate ifthe seismic instrument detects ground motion inexcess ofthe seismicEVENTtrigger (ref.

threshold 1,2).

Unit IControl Panel A-J-SMN-COI provides bothredl(VINT andyellow "OBE"I.ED indications (ref.I,2). Peak acceleration levels canalso bedetermined usingthe graphic user interface display screen (ref.4).

Procedure 40AO-97721. Acts ofNature. provides theguidance should the OBEearthquake threshold beexceeded andanyrequired response (ref.

actions 3.4).

Toavoid inappropriate emergency classification resulting fromspurious actuation ofthe seismic instrumentation orfelt motion notattributable toseismicactivity, anoffsite agency (USGS, National Iarthquake Information Center) canconfirm anearthquake that hasoccurred inthe area of the plant.Such confirmation shouldnot,however, preclude atimely emergency declaration based onreceipt ofthe OBEalarm. TheNEICcanbecontacted bycalling the number listed inprocedure I17of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE239OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases 40AO-9zz21 Select option #1andinform the analyst youwish toconfirm recent seismic activity inthe vicinity of PVNGS. lfrequested, provide the analyst with the following PVNGSUnit I coordinates: 33" 23' 23"north latitude, I12" 5l'43"westlongitude (ret. 5).Alternatively, near real-time seismic activity can beaccessed via the NEICwebsite: This ICaddresses a seismic event that results inaccelerations atthe plant sitegreater than those specined for anOperating Basis Earthquake (OBE). An earthquake greater than anOBEbut less than a Safe Shutdown Earthquake(SSE) should have nosignificant impact onsafety-related systems, structures andcomponents,however, sometime mayberequired for the plant staff to ascertain the actual post-event conditionof the plant(e.g., performs walk-downs andpost-event inspections). Given the time necessary toperform walk-downs and inspections andfully understand anyimpacts. this event represents apotential degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant.

Event verification with external sources should notbe necessary during orfollowing anOBE.

Earthquakes ofthis magnitude should bereadily felt byonsite personnel andrecognized asa seismic event (e.g., lateral accelerations inexcess of0.10g).The Shift ManagerorEmergency Coordinator mayseek external verincation ifdeemed appropriate (e.g.. a calltothe lJSGS, check internet newssources, etc.); however, the verification action mustnot preclude a timely emergency declaration.

Depending upon the plant modeatthe time ofthe event, escalation ofthe emergency elassification level would bevia ICCA6orSA9.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UlSARSection, Operating Basis Earthquakes 2.Procedure 40Al-9RK7C. Panel CO7C Alarm Response 7Cl4A Seismic Occurrence

3. Procedure 40AO-9772 1 Acts

, ofNature

4. Procedure 79IS-9SM01 ,

Analysis of Seismic Event 5.UlSARTable 2.1-1, Containment Building Centerlines

6. NEl99-01, Ill12 II8of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE240OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards Subcategory: 3 Natural orTechnology Ilazard initiating Condition: Ilazardous event EAl:

IIU3.1 tnusual Event A tornado strike withinthe Pl.ANT PROTI CTEDAREA ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

PLAATPROTECTED AREA An area, located withinthe PVNGS AreaBoundary, IExclusion encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich access iscontrolled per10CFR73.55. ThePVNGS Plant Protected Area andthe ISFSI Protected Area aretwoProtected Areaslocated withinthe PVNGSOWNERCONTROlIED AREA.


Response actions associated with a tornadoonsite isprovided inprocedure40AO-97721, Acts of Nature (ref.I).

Ifdamage isconfirmed visually orbyother in-plantindications, the eventmaybeescalated toan Alert under EAl. CA6.1 orSA9.1 A tornado striking (touching down) within the PIANTPROTECTED AREAwarrants declaration ofanUnusual Event regardless ofthe measured wind speed atthe meteorologicaltower.A tornado isdefined asa violently rotating column of air incontact with the ground extendingthe and from base ofa thunderstorm.

This ICaddresses hazardous events thatareconsidered torepresent a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

EAI. IIU3.1 addresses a tornado striking(touching down) within the PI.ANT PROTECTED AREA.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification levelwould bebased on ICsinRecognition Categories R,I S orC.



l Procedure 40AO-97721 ActsofNature

2. ifFSAR Section 2.3.I.2.3, Winds Extreme
3. NEl99-01 IIlf3 120of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE242OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther ConditionsAffecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 3 Natural orTechnology Ilazard Initiating Condition: Ilazardous event EAl,:

11U3.2 tnusual Event Internal roomorarea Fl.OODING of a magnitude sufficient torequire manual orautomatic electricalisolation ofa SAlliTYSYSTEM component needed for thecurrent operatingmode ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

FLOOD/NG A condition where waterisentering a roomor area faster than installedequipmentis capable ofremoval. resulting ina rise ofwaterlevelwithinthe room orarea.


for required safeplantoperation.cooling down the and/or plant placing itinthe cold shutdown including condition, theECCS. These are typically systems classifiedassafety-related (as definedin10CFR50.2):

Those structures, systems andcomponents arerelied that upon toremain functional during and following design basis events toassure:

(1)Theintegrity ofthe reactor coolant boundary:

pressure (2)Thecapability toshut downthe reactorandmaintainitina safe shutdown condition; (3)Thecapability toprevent ormitigate the consequencesofaccidents which could resultin potentialoffsite exposures.


This ICaddresses hazardous that events areconsideredtorepresent a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

This EAl. addresses Fl.OODING ofa building roomorarea that results inoperators isolating power toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent duetowater levelorother wetting concerns.

Classineation isalso required ifthe waterlevelorrelatedwetting causes anautomatic ofa isolation SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent fromits power source(e.g.a breaker orrelay trip).

Towarrant 121of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVlSION69 PAGE243OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 IAl Technical Bases classilleation, operability oftheaffected mustberequired component byTechnical Specilleations for the current operating mode.

Escalation ofthe emergency elassifleation level would onICsinRecognition bebased Categories R,I S orC PVNGSHasis Reference(s):

1 NEl99-01IIU3 122of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE244OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 3 Natural orTechnology IIazard initiatingCondition: Ilazardous event EAl,:

HU3.3 Unusual Event Movement ofpersonnel within the Pl,ANT PROTECTED AREA isIMPEDEDduetoanoffsite event involving hazardous materials (e.g., anoffsitechemical spill ortoxic gasrelease)


All Definition(s):


Personnelaccess toa roomorarea ishindered toanextent that extraordinary measures arenecessary tolacilitate entry ofpersonnel into the affected room/area (e.g., requiring useofprotective equipment suchasSCBAs,that isnotroutinely employed).

PLANTPROTECTED AREA An area, locatedwithin the PVNGSExclusion AreaBoundary, encompassed byphysicalbarriers andtowhich access is controlled per10 CFR 73.55. ThePVNGS Plant Protected Areaandthe ISFSI Protected AreaaretwoProtected Areas located within the PVNGSOWNERCONTROIIEDAREA.


Asused here, the term"offsite" ismeanttobeareas external tothe PVNGSPl,ANT PROTECTED AREA.

This ICaddresses hazardous eventsthat areconsidered torepresent a potentialdegradationofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

This EAI.addresses a hazardous materials eventoriginating atanoffsite location andofsufficient magnitude toimpede themovementofpersonnel within the PI.ANTPROTECTED AREA.

Escalation ofthe emergency classificationlevelwould bebased onICs inRecognition Categories R.F,S orC.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl 99-01, IlU3 123of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE245OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions AffectingPlant Safety Subcategory: 3 Natural orTechnology IIazard initiatingCondition: Ilazardous event EAl,:

HU3.4 Unusual Event A hazardous event that results in onsite conditions toprohibit sufficient the plant staff from accessing the site viapersonal vehicles (Note 7)

Note7:ThisEAl.does notapply toroutine traffleimpediments suchasfog. ice.

snow. orvehicle breakdowns or accidents.


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

This ICaddresses hazardous events that areconsidered a potential degradation ofthe torepresent level ofsafetyofthe plant.

This EAI addresses a hazardous event that causes anonsiteimpediment tovehicle movement and significantenough toprohibit theplant staff from accessing thesite using personal vehicles.

Examples ofsuch aneventinclude site FIOODINGcaused bya hurricane,heavy rains, up-river waterreleases, damfailure, etc., oranonsite train derailment blockingtheaccess road.

This notintended apply toroutine impediments such snow,ice.

asfog. orvehicle breakdowns oraccidents, but rather tomoresignificant conditions such asthe IIurricane Andrew strikeonTurkey Point in1992, the flooding around theCooper during Station the Midwest floods of1993, orthe flooding around Ft. Calhoun Station in201I Escalationofthe emergency classification level would bebased onICsinRecognition Categories R.F.SorC.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I.NII99-01. IlU3 124of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE246OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 4 Fire Initiating Condition: FIREpotentially degrading thelevel ofsafety oftheplant EAl,:

HU4.1 Unusual Event A FIREisnotextinguished within 15 minutes of anyofthe following IIREdetectionindications (Note I):

  • Report from thefleld (i.e-visual observation)
  • Receipt ofmultiple (more than 1)f1re alarms orindications a Field verificationofa single firealarm AND TheFIREislocated within anyTable ll-1 area Note1:TheEmergency Coordimitor should declare the eventpromptlyupon determining that limit time hasbeen exceeded.

orwill likely beexceeded.

Table H-1 Fire Areas

  • Containment e Auxiliary 13uilding a Control Building e Diesel Generator Building

= Diesel Generator Fuel OilStorage Tanks a Fuel Building a Main Steam Support Structure

  • Refueling Water T ank e Essential Spray PondSystem e Condensate Storaue Tank ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such asslipping belts drive oroverheated electricalequipment donotconstitute fires.

Observation offlame ispreferred butis NOTrequired iflarge quantities ofsmoke andheat areobserved.



The15minute requirement begins with a crediblenotification that a Bre isoccurring, orreceipt of multiple validfire detection system alarms orfield validation ofa single fire alarm.Thealarm isto bevalidated using available Control Roomindications oralarms toprove that itisnotspurious, or byreports from the field. Actual Beld reports mustbemade within the15minute time limit ora classification mustbemade.

Table Fire II-1 Areas arebasedon UFSAR Table 3.2-I Quality Classineation ofStructures, Systems andComponents. Table ll-I Fire Areasinclude those structures containing functions and systems required for safe shutdown ofthe plant (SAI ETYSYSTEMS) (ref. I).

This ICaddresses the magnitude andextentof FIRES that maybeindicative ofa potential degradationofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

ForEAI. IIU4.1 the intent ofthe 15-minute durationis to size the FIREandtodiscriminate against small FIRIS that are readily extineuished (e.g.,smoldering waste paper basket). Inaddition to alarms, otherindications ofa FIRE could bea drop Gre i n main pressure, automatic activation ofa suppressionsystem, etc.

Uponreceipt, operators will takeprompt actions toconfirm thevalidity of aninitial fire alarm, indication, orreport. ForEAl. assessment purposes, the emergency declaration clockstarts atthe time thattheinitial multiple alarms, indication, orreport wasreceived andnot the timethat a subsequent verification action wasperformed. Ifonly a single indication isavailable tothe Control Roomstaff, the emergency declaration clock atthe starts time a tield report isgiven that validates theexistence.Similarly, theHre duration clock alsostartsatthe time ofreceipt oftheinitial multiple alarms, indication orreport.

Depending uponthe plant modeatthe time ofthe event, escalation ofthe emergency classification level wouldbevia ICCA6orSA9.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARTable 3.2-l, Quality Classification ofStructures, Systems andComponents

2. NEl99-01. IIU4 I26of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE248OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting PlantSafety Subcategory: 4 Fire initiating Condition: FIREpotentially degrading the level ofsafety oftheplant EAl,:

HU4.2 Unusual Event Receipt ofa single fire alarm (i.e., no other indications ofa IIRE)

AND Thefire alarm isindicating a FIREwithin any Table II-1 area AND Theexistence ofa FIREisnotverified within 30 minutes ofalarm receipt(Note I)

Note1:TheEmergency Coordinator should the declare eventpromptly upon determining that timelimit hasbeen exceeded.

orwill likely beexceeded.

Table H-1 Fire Areas a Containment e Auxiliary Building a Control Building a Diesel Generator Building a Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Storage Tanks

  • Fuel Building a Main Steam Support Structure a Refueling Water Tank a Essential Spray Pond System a Condensate Storaue Tank ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

FIRE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such asslippingdrive belts oroverheated electricalequipment donotconstitute fires. Observation offlame ispreferred but is NOTrequired iflarge quantities ofsmoke andheat are observed.



The30minute requirement begins uponreceipt ofa single valid lire detectionsystem alarm. The alarm istobevalidated using available Control Roomindications oralarms toprove that itisnot spurious,orbyreports from thelield. Actual field reportsmustbemade within the 30minute time limitora classificationmust bemade.lf a ilreisverifiedtobeoccurring byfield report, classilleation shallbemadebased onEAlIIU4.1 Table H-1Fire Areas are based on UFSAR Table 3.2-1 Quality Classilleation ofStructures, Systems andComponents. Table ll-1 Fire Areas include those containing structures functions and systems required for safeshutdown ofthe plant (SAl ETY SYSTEMS) (ref. I).

This ICaddresses the magnitude andextent of FIRES that maybeindicative ofa potential degradationofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

This EAL addresses receipt ofa single llrealarm andthe existence ofa FIREisnotverilled (i.e.,

proved ordisproved) within 30-minutes ofthe alarm. Upon receipt, operators will take prompt actionstoconfirm the validityofa single flrealarm. ForEAL assessment purposes,the 30-minute clock atthe starts time thatthe initial alarm wasreceived andnotthe time that a subsequent verification action wasperformed.

A singlefirealarm. absent otherindication(s) ofa FIRE,maybeindicative of equipment failure or a spuriousactivation andnotanactual FIRE. Forthis reason, timeis allowed toverify additional thevalidityofthe alarm. The30-minute period isa reasonable amountoftime todetermine if an actualFIREexists; however. afterthat time andabsent information tothe contrary, it is assumed thatanactual FIREisinprogress.

Ifanactual FIREisverified bya report from the then field, IIU4.1 isimmediately applicable and theemergency mustbedeclared if the FIREisnotextinguished within15-minutes ofthe report.If thealarm isverilled tobedue toanequipment failureora spurious activationandthis veriflcation occurs within30-minutes ofthe receipt ofthe a larm,then this EALis notapplicable andno emergency declaration iswarranted.

Appendix R to10CFR50,states inpart:

Criterion 3of Appendix A tothis partspecifies that 'Structures, systents aiul components important tosafety shallhe designed andlocated tominimize. consistent with other safety requirements. the p robabilityand effectof fires and explosions.'


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE250OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases When considering the effi>cts of:fire, thosesystems associated withachieving aini inaintaining safe shutdown conditions assuinenu( jor tinportancetosafi>tyhecause dantage totheincan lead tocore dainage resulting f)om lossofcoolant through hoil-off Because firemay afi>ct safi>shutdown systems andbecause theloss offimction ofsystems used tomitigatethe consequences ofdesign hasis accidents under post-fireconditions does notperseimpact public safety, the need tolimit fire damage tosystems required toachieve andmaintain safi>shutdown conditions isgreater than theneedtolimitfire damage tothose systems required tomitigate the consequences of design accidents.

hasis Inaddition, Appendix R to10CFR50,requires, amongother the considerations, useofI-hour 11re barriers for the enclosure ofeable andequipment andassociated non-safety circuitsofone redundant train (G.2.c). Asused inllU4.2, the30-minutes toverify a singlealarm iswell within thisworst-ease I-hour time period.

Depending upon the plant modeatthe time ofthe event, escalation ofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICCA6orSA9.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARTable 3.2-l, Quality Classification ofStructures, Systems and Components 2.NEI99-01, IlU4 129of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE251OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther ConditionsAffecting PlantSafety Subcategory: 4-Fire initiating Condition: FIREpotentially degrading thelevel ofsafety ofthe plant EAl,:

HU4.3 Unusual Event A FIREwithin the PLANTPROTECTED AREAorISFSI PROTECTED AREA not extinguished within 60minutes ofthe initial report, alarm orindication (Note I)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event promptlyupondetermining thattimelimithasbeen exceeded.

orwill likely beexceeded.


All Definition(s):

F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such asslipping drive belts oroverheated electrical equipment donotconstitute fires.

Observation of flame is preferred butis NOTrequired if large quantitiesofsmoke andheat areobserved.


A complex that is designed andconstructed for theinterim storage ofspent nuclear fuelandother radioactivematerials associated with spent fuelstorage.

PLAATorISFSI PROTECTED AREA An area,located within thePVNGSExclusion Area Boundary, encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich accessiscontrolled per10CFR73.55.

ThePVNGSPlant Protected Areaandthe ISFSI Protected Area are two Protected Areas located within thePVNGSOWNERCONTROLLED AREA.


This ICaddresses the magnitude andextent ofIIRESthat maybeindicative ofa potential degradation of the l of evel safety plant.

of the Inaddition toa FIREaddressed byEAL HU4.IorHU4.2,a FIREwithin thePLANT PROTECTED AREAnotextinguished within 60-minutes mayalso potentially degrade the of level plant safety.This basis extends toa FIREoccurring within the ISFSI PROTECTED AREA.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVlSION 69 PAGE252OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 IAl TechnicalBases Depending upon theplantmodeatthe timeofthe escalation event, ofthe classification emergency level wouldbe via ICCA6orSA9.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 NII99-01 IIU4 131of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE253OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 4 Fire Initiating Condition: FIREpotentially degrading the levelofsafety ofthe plant EAl,:

HU4.4 Unusual Event A FIREwithin the PlANT PROTECTED AREAorISI SlPROTECTED ARl?Athat requires firellghtingsupport byanoffsite fire response agency toextinguish ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

FIRE Combustion characterized byheat andlight.Sources of smoke such asslipping drive belts oroverheated electrical equipment donotconstitute fires.Observation ofGame ispreferred butis NOTrequired iflarge quantities ofsmoke andheat areobserved.

INDEPENDENT SPENTFUElSTORAGE INSTAl IATION(ISFSI): A complex that isdesigned andconstructed for theinterim storage ofspent nuclear fuelandother radioactive materials associated with spent fuelstorage.

PI.ANT orISFSI PROTECTED AREA An area, located within the PVNGSExclusion Area Boundary. encompassed byphysical barriers andtowhich access is controlled per10CFR 73.55.

ThePVNGSPlant Protected Areaandthe ISFSI Protected Area aretwoProtected Areaslocated within thePVNGSOWNERCONTROLLED AREA.


This ICaddresses the magnitude andextent ofFIRES that maybeindicative ofa potential degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant.

Ifa FIREwithin the PlANT orISFSI PROTl?CTED AR1iAisofsufficient size torequire a response byanoffsite Grefighting agency (e.g.,

a localtownFire Department), thenthe level of plant safetyispotentially degraded. Thedispatch ofanoffsite firefighting agency tothe site requires anemergency declaration only ifit isneeded toactively support firefighting efforts because the ilre isbeyond the capability oftheOnsite Fire Department toextinguish. Declaration is 132of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE254OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl TechnicalBases notnecessary ifthe agency areplaced resources onstand-by.orsupporting postextinguishment recovery orinvestigation actions.

Depending upon the plant modeatthe timeofthe escalation event, ofthe classification emergency level would bevia IC CA6 orSA9.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEI99-01. IIU4 133of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE255OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting PlantSafety Subcategory: 5-Ilazardous Gases initiating Condition: Gaseous release IMPl?DING access toequipment necessaryfor normal plant operations, cooldown orshutdown EAL:

IIA5.1 Alert Release ofatoxic. corrosive. asphyxiant or0ammable gasinto anyTable II-2rooms AND Entry into the roomis prohibited orIMPEDED (.Note 5)

Note5:Ifthe equipment inthelisted roomwasalready inoperable orout-of-service before eventoccurred, the thenno emergency iswarranted.

classification Table II-2 Safe Operation & Shutdown Rooms Room ModeApplicability Control Building 100ft.

Class DCEquipment RoomC 4,5 Control Building 100ft.

Class DCEquipment RoomD 4.5 ModeApplicability:

4 Ilot Shutdown. 5 Cold Shutdown Definition(s):


Personnel access toaroomorarea ishindered toanextent thatextraordinary measures arenecessary tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel the into affected room/area(e.g.,requiring useofprotective equipment, such as SCBAs, that isnotroutinely employed).


Ifthe equipment inthe listed roomwasalready inoperable, orout-of-service, beforethe event occurred, then noemergency should bedeclared since theevent will havenoadverse impact beyond that already allowed byTechnical Speci0cations atthe time oftheevent.

Thelist ofplant roomswith entry-related modeapplicability identified specify those rooms that contain equipment whichrequire a manual/local action asspecined inoperatingprocedures used for normal plant operation, couldown andshutdown. Roomsorareas inwhichactions ofacontingent oremergency nature would beperformed (.e.g.,

anaction toaddress anoff-normaloremergency 134of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE256OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAL Technical Bases condition such asemergency repairs, corrective measures oremergency operations) arenot included. Inaddition, the specifies list the plant mode(s) during which entry would berequired for each roomorarea (ref. I).

This ICaddresses anevent involving a release ofa hazardous gasthat precludes orimpedes access toequipment necessaryto maintain normal plant operation, orrequired fora normal plant cooldown andshutdown. This condition represents anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

An Alert declaration iswarranted ifentry intothe affected room/area :s, ormaybe,procedurally required during the plant operating mode in effect atthe time ofthe gaseous release.Theemergency classificationisnotcontingent upon whether entry isactuallynecessary atthe timeofthe release.

Evaluation ofthe ICandEALdonotrequire atmospheric sampling; it only requires the Emergency Coordinator's judgment thatthegasconcentration in the affected room/area issufficient topreclude orsignificantly impede procedurally required access. This judgment maybebased ona variety of factors including anexisting jobhazard analysis, report ofill effects onpersonnel,advice from a subject matter expert oroperating experience with the sameorsimilar hazards. Access should be considered asimpeded extraordinary if measures are necessary tofacilitate entry ofpersonnel into theaffected room/area (e.g.,requiring useofprotective equipment, such asSCBAs, that isnot routinely employed).

An emergency declaration isnotwarranted ifanyofthe following conditionsapply:

  • Theplant isinanoperating modedifferent than the modespecified fortheaffected room/area (i.e., entryisnotrequired during the operating modeineffect atthe time ofthe gaseous release). Forexample, the plant isinModeIwhenthe gaseous release occurs and theprocedures used fornormal operation, cooldown andshutdown donotrequire entry into theaffected roomuntil Mode4.
  • Thegasrelease isaplanned activity that includes compensatory measures which address the temporary inaccessibility ofaroomorarea (e.g., fire suppression systemtesting).
  • Theaction for which room/area entry isrequired isofanadministrative orrecord keeping nature(e.g., normal rounds orroutine inspections).
  • Theaccess control measures areofaconservative orprecautionary natureandwould not actually prevent orimpede a required action.

An asphyxiant is a gascapable ofreducing the Icvel ofoxygen inthe body todangerous levels.

Mostcommonly, asphyxiants work bymerely displacing air inanenclosed environment. This 135of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE257OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,TechnicalBases reducesthe concentration ofoxygen below normal the levelofaround 19%,whichcanleadto breathing difficulties, unconsciousness orevendeath.

This EAl. does not apply tofirellghting activities thatautomatically ormanually a ilre activate suppression system in an area.

IEscalationofthe emergency classification levelwould bevia Recognition R,C orF ICs.

Category NOTE:EAl. IIA5.1 modeapplicability has been limited totheapplicablemodesidentified in Table II-2 Safe Operation & Shutdown Rooms/Areas. If duetoplant operating procedure orplant contiguration changes, the applicable plant modesspecifiedinTable I1-2are changed, acorresponding changeto Attachment 3'Safe Operation & Shutdown Areas Tables R-2& I1-2 Bases' andtol?AI IIA5 mode applicability isrequired.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Attachment 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown AreasTables R-3& ll-2 Bases

2. N1il 99-01, IIA5 136of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE258OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 6 Control RoomEvacuation initiating Condition: Control Room evacuation intransfer resulting ofplant control toalternate locations EAL:

IIA6.1 Alert An event hasresulted inplant control being transferred fromthe Control Roomtothe Remote Shutdown Panel (RSP)


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheControl RoomSupervisor (CRS) determines ifthe ControlRoomis uninhabitable andrequires evacuation. Control Roominhabitability maybecaused byfire, densesmoke, noxious fumes, bomb threatinoradjacent totheControl Room,orother life threatening conditions.

Procedure 40AO-9// I8Sinitdown Outside the Control Rooin.provides the instructions for bringing the unit toMode5,Cold Shutdown, ifthe Control Roomhas been determinedto be uninhabitable for anyreason otherthan Gre (Ref. 1).

Procedure 40AO-9// I9Control Rooin Fire, provides theinstructions for bringing the unitto Mode5,Cold Shutdown. ifthe Control Roomhas been determined tobeuninhabitable duetoa fire (Ref. 2).

Inabilitytoestablish plantcontrol from outside the Control Roomescalates this event toa Site Area Emergency per IIS6.

EAI, I This ICaddresses anevacuation ofthe Control Roomthat results intransfer ofplant controlto alternate locations outside the Control Room. Theloss ofthe tocontrol ability the plant from the Control Roomis considered tobeapotential substantial degradation inthe level ofplant safety.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE259OF383 ATTACllMENT 1 Technical l?Al, Bases Following a Control Roomevacuation, control plant ofthe will toalternate betransferred shutdown locations.The necessity tocontrol aplant shutdown fromoutside theControl Room,inaddition to responding tothe event that required the evacuation ofthe Room.

Control will challenges present to plant operatorsand other on-shift personnel. Activationofthe l?ROandemergency response facilities willassist in responding tothese challenges.

Escalation ofthe emergency classifleation level would beviaICIIS6.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

l Procedure 40AO-97718. Shutdown Outside the Control Rooin 2.Procedure 40AO-97719. Control Rooin Fire

3. NI?l 99-01. IIA6 138of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE260OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther ConditionsAffecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 6-- Control RoomEvacuation Initiating Condition: Inability tocontrol akey safetyfunction from outside the Control Room EAl,:

IIS6.1 Site AreaEmergency An event has resulted inplantcontrol being transferred fromthe Control Roomtothe Remote Shutdown Panel (RSP)

AND Control ofanyofthe following keysafetyfunctions isnotre-establishedwithin 15minutes (Note 1):

  • Reactivity Control (Modes 1,2and 3only) a CoreIIeat Removal a RCSHeat Removal Note1 TheEmergency Coordinator should declare the eventpromptly upondetermining that time limithasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.


1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown, 5 Cold Shutdown, 6 Refueling Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheControl RoomSupervisor (CRS) determines iftheControlRoomis uninhabitable andrequires evacuation. Control Roominhabitability maybecaused by dense Gre, smoke, noxious bomb fumes, threat inoradjacent tothe Control orother Room, threatening life conditions.

Procedure 40AO-9// l8,Shutdown Outside the Control Room,provides the instructions for tripping theunit andmaintaining RCSinventory andliot Shutdown conditions from outsidethe Control Roomduetoreasons other thanfire( 1).



PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE261OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Procedure 40AO-97719, Control RoomFire, provides the instructions for tripping theunit and maintaining RCS inventory andIlot Shutdown conditions from outside the Control Roomduetoa fire(Ref. 2).

Theintent ofthis EAL is tocapture events inwhich control ofthe plant cannot bereestablished ina timely manner. The15minute timefor transferstarts whenthe Control Roomisevacuated (when CRSleaves the Control Room, not when procedures 40AO-97718 or40AO-97719 areentered).

Thetime interval isbased onhow quickly control mustbereestablished without core uncovery and/or core damage. Thedetermination ofwhether ornotcontrol isestablished from outside the Control Roomis based onEmergency Coordinator judgment. TheEmergency Coordinator is expected tomake a reasonable. informedjudgment that control ofthe plant from outside the Control Roomcannot beestablished withinthe 15minute interval.

Oncethe Control Roomis evacuated. the objective is toestablish control ofimportant plant equipment andmaintain knowledge ofimportant plant parameters ina timely manner. Primary emphasis should beplaced oncomponents andinstruments that supply protection forand information about safety functions.Typically, these safety functions are reactivity control (ability to shutdown the reactor andmaintain it shutdown), RCSinventory (ability tocool the core) and secondary heat removal (ability tomaintain a heat sink).

This ICaddresses anevacuation ofthe Control Roomthat results intransfer ofplantcontrol to alternate locations andthe control ofa keysafety function cannot bereestablished ina timely manner. Thefailure togain control ofa keysafety function following a transfer of plant control to alternate locations isa precursor toachallenge tooneormorefission product barriers within a relativelyshort period oftime.

Thedetermination ofwhether ornot"control" isestablished atthe remote safe shutdown location(s) isbased onEmergency Coordinator judgment. TheEmergency Coordinator isexpected tomake a reasonable, informed judgment within 15minutes whether ornotthe operating staff hascontrol of keysafety functions from the remote safeshutdown location(.s).

Escalation ofthe emergency classineationlevel would bevia ICFGIorCGI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-97718. Shutdown Outside tlieControl Room

2. Procedure 40AO-97719,Control RoomFire 3.NEl99-01, IIS6 140of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE262OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 7-Emergency Coordinator Judgment initiating Condition: Other conditions exist that inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator warrant declarationofa UE EAL:

IIU7.1 Unusual Event Other conditions existwhich inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinatorindicate that events areinprogress orhave occurred which indicate a potential ofthe degradation level ofsafety of the plant orindicate a security threattoflicility protection has been Noreleases initiated. of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring areexpectedunless further degradation ofsafety systems occurs.


All Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheImergency Coordinator isthe designated onsiteindividualhavingtheresponsibility and authority forimplementing the P lNGS Emergency Plan (ref.

I).TheOperations Shift Manager (SM) i nitially acts i n the c apacity of theE mergency Coordinator andtakes actions asoutlined inthe Emergency Plan implementing procedures (ref. 2).Ifrequired bythe emergency classification orif deemed appropriate bythe Emergency Coordinator, emergency personnel response arenotified and instructed toreport totheiremergency response locations. Inthis the manner. individual usuallyin charge ofactivities inthe Control Roomis responsible for initiating thenecessary emergency response but Plant Management isexpected tomanage theemergencyresponse assoonas available todosoinanticipation ofthe possible wide-ranging responsibilities associated with managing a major emergency.

This ICaddresses unanticipated conditions notaddressed elsewhere explicitly but that warrant declaration ofanemergency because conditions existwhich bythe arebelieved Emergency Coordinator to11ill under the emergency classification level description foranUnusual Event.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE263OF383 ATTACIIMENT I Technical liAl Bases PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

l /TNGSEmergency Plan. Section Emergency 4.2.II, Coordinator

2. Pl'NGS Emergence 4.2.I Plan,Section 12,Shift Manager
3. NI(I 99-01IIU7 142of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE264OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther ConditionsAffecting PlantSafety Subcategory: 7-Emergency Coordinator Judgment initiating Condition: Other conditions exist thatinthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator warrant declarationofanAlert EAL:

IIA7.1 Alert Other conditions existwhich inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator, indicate thatevents areinprogress orhave occurred which involve anactual orpotential substantial degradation of the levelofsafety ofthe plant orasecurity event that involvesprobable lifethreatening risk to sitepersonnel ordamage tosite equipment because ofIlOSTII.E ACTION. Anyreleases are expected tobelimited tosmall fractionsoftheEPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels.


All Definition(s):

//OSTILE RT/ON An acttoward PVNGSorits personnel that includes theuse ofviolent force to destroy equipment, take hostages and/or intimidate thelicenseetoachieve an end. This includes attackbyair, land, orwater using guns,explosives, projectiles, vehicles, orother devices used to deliverdestructive force. Other actsthatsatisfy theoverallintent maybeincluded. Ilostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude ofcivil acts disobedienceorfelonious acts thatare not part ofa concerted attack onPVNGS. Non-terrorism-based EAl.sshould beused toaddress such activities this (i.e.. mayinclude violent acts between individuals inthe owner controlled area).


TheEmergency Coordinator isthe designated onsite individual having the responsibilityand authority forimplementing the Pl'NGS Emergency l'lan(ref.I).

TheOperations Shift Manager (SM) initiallyacts inthe capacity ofthe Emergency Coordinatorandtakes actions asoutlined inthe Emergency Plan implementing procedures (ref. 2).Ifrequiredbythe emergency classification orif deemed appropriate bytheEmergency Coordinator, emergency response personnel arenotified and instructed toreport totheiremergency response locations.

Inthis manner,the individual usually in charge ofactivities inthe Control Roomis responsible forinitiating the necessary emergency response, but Plant Management isexpected tomanage theemergency response assoon as available todosoinanticipation ofthe possible wide-ranging responsibilities associated with managing a major emergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE265OF383 ATTACllMENT 1 IAl,Technical Bases This ICaddresses unanticipated conditions explicitly notaddressed elsewhere butthat warrant declarationof an emergency because conditions exist which bythe arebelieved Emergency Coordinator to11111under the emergency classification description level for anAlert.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Pl'NGS Emergency Plan, Section 4.2.1 1,ImergencyCoordinator 2.Pl'NGS Emergency Plan, Section, Shift Manager 3.NII 99-01, IIA7 144of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE266OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: II Ilazards andOther Conditions AffectingPlant Safety Subcategory: 7-Emergency Coordinator Judgment Initiating Condition: Other conditions exist that inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator warrant declarationofa Site AreaEmergency EAL:

IIS7.1 Site AreaEmergency Other conditions exist which inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator indicate that events areinprogress orhave occurred which involve actual orlikely major illilures ofplant functions needed for protection ofthe public orIIOSTII.E ACTION that inintentional results damage or malicious acts. (1)toward site personnel orequipment that could leadtothe likelyfailure ofor, (2) thatprevent effective access toequipment needed for the ofthe protection public. Any releases arenotexpected toresult inexposure levels which exceed EPAProtective Action Guideline exposure levelsbeyond thesiteboundary ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

//OST/LE E T/ON An acttoward PVNGSorits personnel thatincludesthe use of violent force to destroy equipment, take hostages and/or intimidate thelicenseetoachieve anend. This includes attackbyair, land, orwaterusing guns, explosives, projectiles, vehicles, orother devices used to deliverdestructive force. Other actsthatsatisfy the overall maybeincluded.

intent Hostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude actsofcivil disobedience orfeloniousacts thatare not part ofa concerted attack onPVNGS. Non-terrorism-based EAIsshould beused toaddress such activities this (i.e., mayinclude violent acts between individuals inthe ownercontrolled area).


TheEmergency Coordinator isthe designated onsite individualhaving the responsibility and authority forimplementing the PVNGSEmergency Plan (ref. TheOperations 1). Shift Manager (SM) initiallyacts inthe capacity ofthe Emergency Coordinatorandtakes actions asoutlined inthe Imergency Plan implementing procedures (ref. 2). Ifrequiredbythe emergency elassification orif deemed appropriate bythe Emergency Coordinator, emergency response personnel arenotified and instructedtoreport totheir emergency response locations. Inthismanner, the individual usually in charge ofactivities inthe Control Roomis responsible for initiating the necessary emergency response, butPlant Management isexpected tomanage the emergency response assoon as 145of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE267OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases available to dosoinanticipation ofthe possible wide-rangingresponsibilities with associated managing a major emergency.

This ICaddresses unanticipated conditions notaddressedexplicitly elsewhere but that warrant declaration ofanemergency because conditions existwhich bythe arebelieved Emergency Coordinator to11111under the emergency classification description level a Site for AreaEmergency.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Pl'NGS Emergenci Plan, Section 4.2.1 1ImergencyCoordinator 2./TNGSEmergency Plan. Section4.2.1 12Shift Manager

3. NEI 99-01, IIA7 146of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE268OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: II IIazards andOther Conditions Affecting Plant Safety Subcategory: 7-Emergency Coordinator Judgment Initiating Condition: Other conditions exist which inthe judgment oftheEmergency Coordinator warrant declaration ofa General Emergency EAL:

IlG7.1 General Emergency Other conditions existwhich inthejudgment ofthe Emergency Coordinator indicate that events areinprogress orhave occurred which involve actual orIMMINENTsubstantial core degradation ormelting with potential forloss ofcontainment integrity orIlOSTII.E ACTION that resultsinanactual loss ofphysical control ofthe facility.Releases canbereasonably expected toexceed EPAProtective Action Guideline exposure levels offsitefor morethan the immediate site area ModeApplicability:

All Definition(s):

//OSTII.E ACTION An acttoward PVNGSorits personnel that includes the useof violent force to destroy equipment, takehostages an&or intimidate the licensee toachieve an end. Thisincludes attack by air, land, orwater using guns, explosives, projectiles,vehicles, orother devices used to deliver destructive force.Other acts thatsatisfy the overall intent may beincluded. Hostile action should notbeconstrued toinclude acts ofcivil disobedience orfelonious acts that arenot part ofa concerted attack onPVNGS. Non-terrorism-based EAl,sshould beused toaddress suchactivities this (i.e., mayinclude violent acts between individuals inthe owner controlled area).

/MM/NENT Thetrajectory ofevents orconditions issuch that anEAl. willbemetwithin a relativelyshort period oftime regardless ofmitigation orcorrective actions.


TheEmergency Coordinator isthe designated onsite individual having the responsibility and authority for implementing the PVNGSEmergency Plan (ref. I).

TheOperations Shift Manager (SM) initially acts inthe capacity ofthe Emergency Coordinator andtakes actions asoutlined inthe Imergency Plan implementing procedures (ref. 2). Ifrequired bythe emergency elassification orif deemed appropriate bythe Emergency Coordinator, emergency response personnel arenotified and instructed toreport totheiremergency response locations. Inthis manner, the individual usually in charge ofactivities inthe Control Roomis responsible forinitiating the necessary emergency 147of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE269OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases response, but Plant Management isexpected tomanage the emergencyresponse assoonas availabletodo so inanticipation ofthe possible wide-ranging responsibilities associated with managing a major emergency.

Releasescanreasonably beexpected toexceed EPAPAGplume levels exposure outside theSite Boundary.

This ICaddresses unanticipated conditions notaddressed explicitly elsewhere but that warrant declaration ofanemergency because conditions exist which arebelieved bytheEmergency Coordinator to11111under the emergency classification leveldescription for a General Emergency.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Pl'NGS Emergency Plan, Section 4.2.1 IEmergency Coordinator 2.Pl'NGS Emergency Section Plan, Manager 3.NEl99-01, IIA7 148of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE270OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl,Technical Bases EAlGroup: Ilot Conditions (RCS temperature > 2IO"F): EAIsinthis category areapplicable only inone or more hot operating modes.

Numerous system-related equipment failure events thatwarrant emergency classification have been identitledinthis category. They may pose actual orpotential threats toplantsafety.

Theevents ofthis category pertain to thefollowing subcategories:

1 [alss ofEn1ergacilcIAClown Ioss ofemergency electrical power cancompromise plant safety system operability including decay heatremoval andemergency core cooling systems which maybenecessary toensure fission product barrier integrity.This category includes loss of onsite and offsitesources for4.16KV AC emergency buses.

2.I.oss ofVital DC Power I.ossofemergency electrical power cancompromise plant safety system operability including decay heatremoval andemergency core cooling systems which maybe necessary toensure Assion product barrier integrity.This category includes loss ofvital plant 125VDC power sources.

3.I.oss ofControl RoomIndications Certain events thatdegrade plant operator ability toeffectively assess plant conditions within the plant warrant emergency classilleation. 1osses ofindicators areinthis subcategory.

4.RCSActivity I)uring normal operation, reactor coolant fission product activity isvery low.Small concentrations offission products inthe coolant areprimarily from the fissionoftrampuranium inthe fuelclad or minor perforations inthe clad itself. Anysigni0cant increase from these base-line levels (2%5%-

clad failures)isindicative offuel failures andiscovered under the FissionProduct Barrier Degradation category. Ilowever, lesser amountsofclad damage mayresult incoolant activity exceeding Technical Specification limits. These fission products will beeirculated with the reactor coolant andcanbedetected bycoolant sampling.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE271OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl,Technical Bases 5.h Thereactorvessel provides a volume forthe coolant that covers the reactor core. Thereactor pressurevesseland associated pressure piping (reactor coolant system) together provide a barrierto limitthereleaseofradioactive material should the reactor fuel clad integrity fail.Excessive RCS leakagegreaterthan Technical Specineation limits indicates potential pipe cracks that may propagatetoanextent threatening fuel RCSandcontainment clad, integrity.

6.RPSFailure This subcategoryincludes events related tofailure ofthe Reactor Protection System (RPS) to andcomplete initiate reactor trips. Inthe plant licensing basis, postulated failures ofthe RPSto complete areactortrip comprise aspecineset ofanalyzed events referred toasAnticipated TransientWithout Seram (ATWS) events. ForEAl elassification, however, ATWSisintended to meananytrip failureevent that does notachieve reactor shutdown. IfRPSactuation fails toassure shutdown.

reactor positive control ofreactivity is atrisk and couldcause a threat tofuel clad,RCS andcontainment integrity.

ofCommunications 7.1.oss Certaineventsthat degrade plant operator ability toeffectively communicate with essential personnelwithin orexternal tothe plant warrant emergency classification.

8.Containment Failure Failure ofcontainment isolation capability (under conditions inwhich the containment isnot currently challenged) warrants emergency classincation. Failure ofcontainment pressure control capability alsowarrants emergency classification.


Variousnaturalandtechnological events thatresult indegraded plant safetysystem performanceor signincantvisibledamage warrant emergency classification under this subcategory.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE272OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al, Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: I I.oss ofEmergency AC Power initiating Condition: Iossofall offsite AC power capability toemergencybusesfor 15minutes orlonger EAL:

SUl.1 Unusual Event Ioss ofall offsite AC power capability, Table S-1, toemergency 4.16KV busesPBA-S03 and PBB-SO4 for 15minutes

> (Note I)

NoteI TheEmergency Coordinator should declarethe event promptly that upondetermining time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill beexceeded.

likely Table S-1 AC Power Sources Offsite:

  • SBOCi #1AND SB0(i#2(if already aligned)


a D(i A

  • DCi B ModeApplicability:

I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

The4.16KV AC System provides the power requirements foroperation andsafe shutdown ofthe plant.Theessential switchgear arebuses PBA-S03 andPBB-S04 (ref.


Thecondition indicated bythis EAl,is the degradation ofall offsite AC powersourcessuchthat anyonly onsite AC power capability exists for 15minutes orlonger.

4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 arethe emergency (essential) buses.

PBA-S03supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-SO4 supplies power B safety toTrain related loads.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE273OF383 ATTACHMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Each bus has two normal sources ofolTsite power. Each source isfrom oneofthree 13.8KV Startup Transil>rmers (SUT) via its normal andalternative ESFService Transformer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04. Transformer NBN-X03 is the normal supply tobusPBA-S03 andthe alternate supply to PBB-SO4; Transformer NBN-X04 isthe normal supply tobus PBB-S04 andthe supply alternate to PBA-S03 (ref. 1).

Additional alternate offsiteAC power sources arethe tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #1& SBOG #2). However, these sources canonly becredited ifalreadyaligned, thatis.capable ofpowering oneormore emergency bus within 15minutes. TheSBOGscanonly be credited ifthey arerunning inparallel since theyarenotrated tosupply all theSAFETYSYSTEM loads.

PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 each have anonsite emergency dieselgenerator (DGA & DG B)which supply electrical power tothe busautomatically in the event thatthe preferred source becomes unavailable (ref. l).

This ICaddresses a prolonged lossofoffsite power. Theloss of offsite power sources renders the plant morevulnerable toa complete loss ofpower toACemergency buses. This condition represents a potential reduction inthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Foremergency classificatinn purposes, "capability" means thatanoffsite AC power source(s) is available tothe emergency buses,whether ornotthe buses arepowered from it.

Fifteen minutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transientormomentary losses ofoffsite power.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICSAl PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Drawing 13-E-MAA-001, Main Single Iine Diagram

2. UFSARSection 8.3.1,AC Power Systems 3.Procedure 40AO-97712, Degraded Electrical Power
4. UFSARSection,Alternate AC Power System
5. NEI99-01, SUI 152of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE274OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: I I.oss ofEmergency AC Power initiating Condition: Ioss ofallbutoneACpower source toemergency busesfor15minutes orlonger EAL:

SA1.1 Alert AC power capability, Table S-1,toemergency 4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4reducedto a single power source 2 15minutes (Note 1) lor AND Anyadditional singlepower sourcefailurewill result inloss ofall AC power toSAFETY SYSTEMS Note1:TheEmergency Coordinator should the declare eventpromptly upon determining that time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill likely beexceeded.

TableS-1 AC Power Sources Offsite:

e SUT(normal)

  • SUT(alternate) a SBOG#1AND SBOG#2(if already aligned)


a DGA e DGB ModeApplicability:

I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 3 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):


required for safe plant operation, cooling downtheplant and/or placing itinthe cold shutdown condition,including the ECCS.These aretypicallysystems classilledassafety-related (as definedin10CFR50.2):

Those structures, systems andcomponents that arerelied upontoremain functional during andfollowing design basiseventstoassure:

l)Theintegrity ofthe coolant reactor pressure boundary; 153of262


2) The capability toshut downthe reactor andmaintain it ina safeshutdown condition; 3)The capability toprevent ormitigate the consequences ofaccidents which could result in potential offsite exposures.


Foremergency classification purposes, "capability"means thatanAC power source isavailable to andcapable ofpowering theemergency bus(es) within 15 whether min, ornotthe buses are currently powered from it.

The4.16KV AC System provides thepower requirements for operation andsafe shutdown ofthe plant.Theessential switchgear arebusesPBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 (ref.1).

Thecondition indicated bythis EAL isthe degradation ofthe offsite andonsite power sources such thatanyadditional single failurewould resultina loss ofall ACpower tothe emergency buses.

4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 arethe emergency (essential) buses. PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-SO4 supplies power toTrain B safety relatedloads.

Each b us has two normal sources of offsitepower. Each source is from oneof three 13.8 KV Startup Transformers (SUT) via normal i ts andalternative ESl Service Transformer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04. Transformer NBN-X03 isthe normal supply to bus PBA-S03 and the a supply lternate to PBB-S04: Transformer NBN-X04 isthe normal supply tobusPBB-SO4and thealternate supply to PBA-S03 (ref. I).

Inaddition, PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 each have anemergency diesel generator (DG A & DG B) which supply electrical power tothe busautomatically inthe event thatthepreferredsource becomes unavailable (ref. I).

Additional alternate offsite ACpower sources arethe tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #I& SBOG#2). Ilowever,these sources canonly becredited if alreadyaligned, thatis.capable ofpowering oneormoreemergency buswithin 15minutes. TheSBOGscanonly be credited if they arerunning inparallel sincethey arenotrated tosupp':y allthe SAFETYSYSTEM loads.

Ifthe capability ofa second source ofemergency buspower isnotrestored within 15minutes, an Alert isdeclared under this EAl..


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE276OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases This ICdescribes a significant degradation ofoffsite andonsite AC power such sources thatany additional single failure would result ina loss ofallAC power toSAFITY SYSTEMS. Inthis condition,thesole AC powersource maybepowering one,ormorethan ofsafety one,train related equipment. This IC provides anescalation path from ICSlf l An "ACpower source"is a source recognized inAOPsandEOPsandcapable ofsupplying requiredpower toanemergency bus.Someexamples ofthis condition arepresentedbelow.

  • A loss ofall offsitepowerwith a concurrent failureofall but oneemergency powersource (e.g.,anonsite dieselgenerator).
  • A loss ofall offsitepower andlossof all emergency power sources (e.g.,

onsite diesel generators) with a single train ofemergency buses being back-fed from theunit main generator.

  • A loss ofemergency power sources (e.g.,onsitediesel generators) with train a single of emergency buses being fed from anoffsite power source.

Fifteenminutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient or momentary losses ofpower.

Escalationofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICSSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Drawing 13-E-MAA-001 , MainSingle Iine Diagram

2. if FSARSection 8.3.I, AC Power Systems 3.Procedure 40AO-97712, Degraded ElectricalPower
4. if FSARSection I., Alternate AC Power System
5. NEI99-01, SAI 155of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE277OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 1-I.oss ofEmergency AC Power Initiating Condition: 1,ossofall offsite power andall onsiteAC powertoemergency buses for 15minutes orlonger EAL:

SSl.1 Site AreaEmergency I.ossofall offsite andall onsite AC power capability toemergency 4.16KV buses PBA-S03 and Pl313-S04 li)r 2 15minutes (Note1)

Note1:TheEmergency Coordinatorshould theevent declare promptly that upondeterminingtime limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill likely beexceeded.


1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 IlotShutdown Definition(s):

None Ilasis:

Foremergency classification purposes,"capability" means anACpower that source isavailable to andcapable ofpowering the emergency bus(es) within 15min,whether ornotthebuses are currently powered from it.

The4.16KV AC System provides the power requirements for andsafe operation shutdownof the plant.Theessential switchgear arebuses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 (ref.


4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 aretheemergency (essential) buses.PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-SO4 supplies powertoTrainB safety related loads.

Each bushas twonormal sources ofoffsitepower. Each sourceisfromoneofthree 13.8KV Startup Transii)rmers (SUT) viaits normalandalternative ESFServiceTransfi)rmer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04. Transformer NBN-X03 isthenormal supply to busPBA-S03 and alternate the supply to PBB-SO4; Transii)rmer NBN-X04 isthe normal supply tobusPBB-SO4 andthe alternatesupply to PBA-S03 (ref. 1).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE278OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Inaddition, PBA-S03 andPBB-S04 each have anemergency dieselgenerator (DGA & DG B) which supply electrical power tothebusautomatically inthe event thatthe preferredsource becomes unavailable (ref.1).

Additional alternateoffsite AC power sources include, but notlimited to,the tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #1& SBOG#2). llowever, these sourcescanonly be credited ifalready aligned,that is,capable ofpowering oneormoreemergency buswithin15 minutes. TheSBOGscanonlybe credited ifthey arerunning inparallelsince they arenotrated to supply all the SAIETYSYSTEMloads Theinterval begins whenboth offsite and onsite ACpower capabilityarelost.

This ICaddresses a total loss ofAC power that compromises the performance ofallSAFETY SYSTEMS requiring electric power including those necessary for emergency corecooling, containment heat removal/pressure control, spent fuel heat removal and the ultimateheatsink.

In addition, Assion product barrier monitoring capabilitiesmay bedegraded under theseconditions.

This ICrepresents acondition thatinvolves actual orlikely major failures ofplant functions needed forthe protection ofthe public.

Fifteen minutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient ormomentary power losses.

Iscalation ofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICsRG1,IGI or SGl.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Drawing 13-E-MAA-001 , MainSingle Line Diagram

2. UFSARSection 8.3.1,AC Power Systems 3.Procedure 40AO-9//12, Degraded Electrical Power
4. UFSARSection, AlternateAC Power System
5. Procedure 401(P-9EO08, Blackout
6. NI?I 99-01, SSI 157of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE279OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: I I.oss ofEmergency AC Power initiating Condition: Prolonged lossofall offsite andall onsiteACpower toemergency buses EAl,:

SGl.1 General Emergency 1.oss ofalloffsite andall onsiteAC power capability toemergency 4.16KV busesPBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 AND EITIlER e Restoration ofatleast oneemergency bus in< 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> isnotlikely(Note I) a RepCETreading > 1200"F Note I TheEmergency Coordinator should the declare time eventpromptly upondeterminingthat limithasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.


I Power Operation. 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAL isindicated bythe extended loss offsite ofall andonsite ACpower capability to 4.16KV emergency buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 either forgreater then thePVNGSStation Blackout (SBO) coping analysis time (4hrs.) (ref.

8)orthathasresulted inindicationsofan actual loss of adequate core cooling (Rep CET 1200> 01)(ref.

6, 7).

Foremergency classification purposes, "capability" meansthat anAC power source is available to andcapable of powering the emergency bus(es),

whethernotthe or buses currently are powered from it.

The4.16KV AC System provides the powerrequirements foroperationandsafe shutdown ofthe plant.Theessential switchgear arebuses PBA-S03andPBB-SO4 1).


4.16KV buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 arethe emergency buses.

(essential) PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loads andPBB-SO4 supplies power toTrain B safety related loads.

Each bushastwo normal sources ofoffsite power.Each source isfromoneofthree 13.8 KV 158of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE280OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases StartupTransformers (SUT) viaitsnormal andalternative ESFService Transformer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04.Transil)rmer NBN-X03 isthe normal supply tobusPBA-S03 andthe alternate supply to PBB-SO4;Transil)rmer NBN-X04 is thenormal supply tobusPBB-SO4 andthe alternate supply to PBA-S03 (ref. 1).

Inaddition, PBA-S03 and PBB-SO4 each have anemergency diesel generator (DGA & DGB) which supply electricalpower to thebusautomatically inthe event that the preferred source becomes unavailable (ref. I).

Additional alternate offsite AC power sources include,but nolimited to,the tworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #1& SBOG #2). TheSBOGs canonly becredited ifthey are running inparallel since they arenotratedto supply all the SAFETYSYSTEMloads.

RepCET(Representative Core ExitTemperature) is a ealculated temperature value generated by theQualitled SafetyParameter Display System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS CETprocessing function generates a representative temperaturebased ona statistical analysis ofthermocouples monitoring thereactor coolant temperature atthe topofselected fuel assemblies.

This ICaddresses a prolonged lossofall power sources toAC emergency buses. A loss ofall AC power compromises the perfl)rmanceofall SAFETYSYSTEMS requiring electric power including those necessary 11)r emergency core cooling,containment heat removal/pressure control,spent fuel heatremoval andthe ultimate heat sink.A prolonged loss ofthese buses will lead toa loss ofoneor morefission product barriers.Inaddition, ilssionproduct barrier momtoring capabilities maybe degraded under theseconditions.

TheEALshould require declarationofaGeneral Emergency prior tomeeting the thresholds forIC FGl This will allow additional time forimplementation ofoffsite protective actions.

Escalation ofthe emergency classificationfrom SiteArea Emergency will occur if it isprojected thatpower cannot berestored toatleast oneACemergency busbythe endofthe analyzed station blackout coping period. Beyond thistime. plant responses andeventtrajectory aresubject togreater uncertainty andthere is anincreased likelihood ofchallenges tomultiple tission product barriers.

Theestimate for restoring atleastoneemergency busshould bebased ona realistic appraisal ofthe situation.Mitigation actions witha lowprobability ofsuccess should notbeused asa basis for delaying a classification upgrade. Thegoal istomaximize the time available toprepare for and implement. protective actions fl)r the public.

TheEAl will also require a General Emergency declaration ifthe loss ofAC power results in parameters that indicate aninabilitytoadequately remove decay heat from the core.



l Drawingl3-E-MAA-001 MainSingle Line Diagram

2. l!FSAR Section 8.3.I AC Power Systems
3. liOP Setpoint Document TA-13-C00-2000-001 4.40AO-977 I2,Degraclect Electrical Power
5. ljFSAR Section Alternate AC Power System
6. Procedure 40DP-9APl3, Blackout Technical (inicleline
7. Procedure 401?P-9EO09. Functional Recoverv
8. CoreDamage Assessment l!serManual
9. Evaluation 4578373. Station Blackout Coping Analysisfi>r Margin Coverv toCore 10.NEI99-01 SGI 160of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE282OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: I Ioss ofEmergency AC Power initiating Condition: I,oss ofall emergency AC andvital DCpower sourcesfor15minutes or longer EAL:

SGl.2 General Emergency I.ossofall offsite andall onsite AC power capability toemergency 4.16KV busesPBA-S03 andPBB-S04 for 2 15minutes AND I.ossof125VDCpower based onbatterybusvoltage indications < I12VDConboth vital DCbuses PKA-M4land PKB-M42 for2 15minutes (Note l)

Note 1 TheImergency Coordinator should the declare eventpromptly upon determining that time hasbeen limit exceeded.orwill likelybeexceeded.


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAIisindicated bythe lossofalloffsiteandonsite emergency ACpower capabilityto 4.16KV emergency buses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 for greater than 15minutes incombination with degraded vitalDCpower voltage. This EAI. addresses operating experience from theMarch 201I accident atFukushima Daiichi.

Foremergency classification purposes,"capability" means that anAC power sourceisavailable to andcapable ofpowering the emergency bus(es)within 15 whether min, ornotthebuses are currently powered from i t.

The4.16KV ACSystem provides the power requirements for operation andsafeshutdown ofthe plant.Theessential switchgear arebuses PBA-S03 andPBB-SO4 (ref. 1).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE283OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases The4.16KV buses PBA-S03andPBB-SO4 arethe emergency (essential) buses.

PBA-S03 supplies power toTrain A safety related loadsandPBB-SO4 supplies power toTrain B safety related loads.

Each bushastwo normal sources ofoffsite power. Each source isfrom oneofthree13.8 KV Startup Transil)rmers (SUT) via itsnormal andalternative ESFService Transil3rmer NBN-X03 or NBN-X04. Transfl3rmer NBN-X03 isthe normal supply tobus PBA-S03 andthealternatesupply to PBB-SO4; Transil3rmer NBN-X04 isthe normal supply tobusPBBS04 andthe supply alternate to PBA-S03 (ref. I).

Inaddition, PBA-S03 andPBB-S04 each have anemergency dieselgenerator (DGA & DGB) which supply electricalpower tothebus automatically inthe event that thepreferred source becomes unavailable (ref.l).IIowever, these sources can only becredited if already aligned, that is, power oneormoreemergency buswithin 15 minutes.

Additional alternate offsiteAC power sources include, butnotlimited to,thetworedundant 13.8KV SBOgasturbine generators (SBOG #1& SBOG #2). llowever, these canonly sources be credited ifalready aligned, thatis,capable ofpoweringone or more emergency buswithin 15 minutes. TheSBOGscanonly becredited if they are running in parallel since they are notratedto supply all the SAFETYSYSTEMloads.

Thevital DCbuses arethe II)llowing125VDCClass IEbuses (ref.6):

Train A: Train B:

. PKA-M41

  • PKB-M42

. PKC-M43

  • PKD-M44 Forthis EAl credit isonly taken forbuses PKA-M41andPKB-M42 asthesearetheTrain A and Train B buses thatprovide safety system control power.

There arefour, 60cell, lead-calcium storage batteries (PKA-Fl 1,PKC-Fl3,PKB-Fl2 and PKDFl4) that supplement the output ofthe battery chargers. They supply DCpower tothe distribution buses whenACpower tothe chargers islost orwhentransient loadsexceed the capacity ofthe battery chargers (ref.6).

Allfour ofthe 125VDC buses supply inverters for 120VACPNbuspower aswellascontrol power it)r various safety related systems. Each battery isdesigned tohave sufficient stored energy to supply the required emergency loads for 120minutes following a loss ofACpower tothe chargers (ref.7).

Minimum DCbus voltage isI12VDC(ref. 8).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE284OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases This 10addresses a concurrent andprolonged lossofboth emergency AC andVital DCpower. A lossofall emergency AC power compromises the performance ofall SAFETYSYSTEMS requiringelectric power including those necessary for emergency core cooling,containment heat removal/pressure control, spentfuel heat removal andthe ultimate heat sink. A loss DC ofvital power compromises the ability tomonitor andcontrol SAFETYSYSTEMS. A sustained lossof both emergency AC andvital DCpowerwill leadtomultiple challenges toAssionproduct barriers.

Fifteenminutes wasselected as a threshold toexclude transient ormomentary powerlosses.

The 15-minute emergency declarationclock begins atthe point whenboth EAI thresholdsaremet.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Drawing 13-E-MAA-00I MainSingle Line Diagram

2. UFSARSection 8.3.I AC Power Systems 3.Procedure 40AO-9zzl2, Degraded ElectricalPower
4. UFSARSection Alternate AC Power System 5.Procedure 40DP-9APl3, Blackout Technical Guideline
6. Drawing 01-E-PKA-001, Main S ingle Line Diagram 125V DC Class IE and120VAC Vital Inst Power 8.'vste/n
7. UFSARSection 8.3.2, DCPower Systems
8. Calculation 01-EC-PK-0207 DC,Hattery Sicing andMinimum Voltage
9. NEI99-01, SGS 163of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE285OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 2-I.oss ofVital DCPower initiatingCondition: I,ossofall vitalDCpower for15minutes orlonger EAl,:

SS2.1 Site AreaEmergency 1oss of125VDCpower basedon battery bus voltage indications < I12VDConboth vitalDC buses PKA-M4land PKB-M42for 15 minutes (Note

> I)

Note1 TheImergency Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event promptlyupondetermining thattime limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill likelybeexceeded.


I Power Operation, 2 Startup.

3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Thevital DCbuses arethe following 125VDCClass IEbuses (ref.


Train A: Train B:

. PKA-M41 a PKB-M42

. PKC-M43

  • PKD-M44 Forthis EAL credit isonly takenfor buses PKA-M41andPKB-M42 asthesearetheTrain A and Train B buses that provide safety system control power.

There arefour, 60cell, lead-calcium storage batteries (PKA-I I1,PKC-Fl3, PKB-Fl2 and PKDFl4) thatsupplement the output ofthe battery chargers. They supplyDCpower tothe distributionbuses whenAC power tothe chargers islost orwhentransient loads exceedthe capacity ofthe battery chargers (ref. l).

Allfour ofthe125VDC buses supply inverters for 120VACPNbuspower aswellascontrolpower for varioussafety related systems.Each battery is designed tohave sufficient stored energy to supply the required emergency loads for120minutes following a lossofAC power tothechargers (ref.2).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE286OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Minimum DC busvoltage is112VDC(ref. 3).

This ICaddresses a lossofvital DCpower which compromises theability tomonitorandcontrol SAFETYSYSTEMS. Inmodesabove ColdShutdown, this condition involvesa major failure of plant functionsneeded for the protection ofthe public.

Fifteenminutes wasselected as a threshold toexclude transient ormomentary losses.

power Escalationofthe emergency classification levelwould bevia ICsRG1,FGIorSGI.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Drawing 01-E-PKA-OOl . Main SingleIine Diagram 125 I IX'ClassIE anct120VACIital Inst Power S ystem

2. UFSARSection 8.3.2, DCPower Systems 3.Calculation 01-EC-PK-D207 DC Batterv Sizinganct Mininnon I'o!tage
4. NEI 99-01, SS8 165of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE287OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 3-I.oss ofControl RoomIndications initiatingCondition: UNPIANNEDloss ofControl Roomindications for15minutesorlonger EAl,:

SU3.1 Unusual Event An UNPl.ANNED eventresultsin the inability tomonitor oneormoreTable S-2parameters from withinthe Control Roomfor 15 minutes (Note

> I)

Note1 TheEmergency Coordimuor shoulddeclare the event promptlyupondeterminingthat time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.

Note11:Downeomer instruments flow arealso credited forauxiliary feed flowindication.

Table S-2 SafetySystem Parameters

  • Reactor power
  • RCSlevel
  • RCSpressure a CETtemperature
  • I.evel inatleast oneS/G a Auxiliary feed flow toatleastoneS/G (Note 1I)


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):


A parameter change oraneventthat isnotl)the result ofanintended evolutionor 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter changeoreventmaybe knownorunknown.


SAFETYSYSTEMparameters listed inTable S-2aremonitored inthe Roomthrough Control a combination ofhard controlpanel indicators aswell ascomputer based information systems.The Plant Computer serves asaredundant compensatory indicatorwhich maybeutilized inlieuof normal Control Roomindicators (ref. I,2).

Downcomer ilow instruments arealso credited for auxiliary feed ilow indication.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE288OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical 13ases This ICaddresses the diffleulty associated with monitoring normal plantconditions without the ability toobtain SAFETY SYSTEMparameters from within the Control Room. This condition isa precursor toa more signilleant event andrepresents a potential degradation inthe levelofsafety of theplant.

Asused inthis"inability tomonitor" means that values Ilaroneormoreofthe listed parameters cannot bedetermined fromwithin the Control Room. This situation would require a loss ofall ofthe Control Roomsources 11)rthe given parameter(s). Forexample, the reactor power level cannot bedetermined from anyanalog, digital andrecorder source within the Control Room.

An eventinvolving a loss ofplant indications, annunciators and/or display systems isevaluated in accordance with 10CFR50.72 (and associated guidance in NUREG-IO22)todetermine ifanNRC event report isrequired. Theeventwould bereported ifit signillcantly impaired the capability to perform emergency assessments. Inparticular, emergency assessments necessary toimplement abnormal operating procedures, emergency operating procedures and emergency plan implementing procedures addressing emergency classification, accident assessment, orprotective action decision-making.

This EAl isfocused ona selected subset ofplant parameters associated with the keysafety functionsofreactivity control, core cooling andRCSheat removal. The loss of the abilityto determine oneormoreofthese parameters from within the Control Room is considered tobemore significantthan simply a reportable condition. Inaddition, if all indication sources foroneormore ofthe listed parameters are then lost, the ability todetermine the values ofother SAFETY SYSTEMparameters maybeimpacted aswell. Iorexample. ifthe value for reactor vessel level cannot bedetermined from the indications andrecorders ona main control board, theSPDS orthe plant computer. theavailability ofother parameter values maybecompromised aswell.

Fifteen minutes wasselected asa threshold toexclude transient ormomentary losses ofindication.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICSA3.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARSection 7.5, Safety-Related 1)isplay Instrumentation

2. UFSARSection I8.I.D.2, Plant Safety Parameter Display System
3. NEl99-01, SU2 167of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE289OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 3-I.oss ofControl RoomIndications InitiatingCondition: UNPIANNEDloss ofControl Roomindications for orlonger 15minutes with a significanttransient inprogress EAL:

SA3.1 Alert An UNPLANNED eventresults inthe inability tomonitor oneormoreTable S-2parameters from within the Control Roomfor 15 minutes (Note

> 1)

AND Anysignificant transient isinprogress. TableS-3 Note1:TheEmergency Coordimitor should declare the eventpromptly upon determining time that limit hasbeen exceeded,orwill beexceeded.

likely Note11:Downcomer flow instruments arealso credited for auxiliary feed llow indication.

Table S-2 Safety SystemParameters

  • Reactor power

= RCS level

  • RCSpressure a CETtemperature
  • I.evel inatleast oneS/G a Auxiliary feed Gowtoatleast oneS/G (Note 11)

Table S-3 Sionificant Transients

  • Reactor trip
  • Runback > 25%thermal power
  • Electrical load rejection > 25%electrical load
  • Reactor power cutback a ECCS actuation ModeApplicability:

1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 HotStandby, 4 Ilot Shutdown 168of262



A parameter change oranevent that isnotI) theresult ofanintended evolution or 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter change orevent maybe known orunknown.


SAFETYSYSTEMparameters listed inTable S-2aremonitored inthe Control Roomthrough a combination ofhard control panel indicators aswell ascomputer based information systems. The Plant Computer serves asa redundant compensatory indicator which maybeutilized inlieu of normal Control Roomindicators (ref. I,2).

Downeomer flow instruments arealso credited for auxiliary feedflow indication.

Signillcant transients arelistedinTable S-3andinclude response toautomatic ormanually initiated ftmetions such asreactor trips, runbacks involving greater than 25%thermal power change, electrical load rejections orgreater than 25%full electrical load. reactor power cutbacks orECCS (SI) injection actuations.

This ICaddresses the difficultyassociated with monitoring rapidlychanging plant conditions during a transient without theability toobtain SAFETYSYSTEMparameters from withinthe Control Room.During this condition, the margin toa potential fissionproduct barrier challenge is reduced. Itthus represents apotential substantial degradation inthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Asused inthis EAl., an"inability tomonitor" means that values for oneormoreof the listed parameters cannot bedetermined from within the Control Room. This situationwouldrequire a loss ofall ofthe Control Roomsources for the given parameter(s). Forexample, thereactor power level cannot bedetermined from anyanalog, digitalandrecorder source within the Control Room.

An eventinvolving a loss ofplant indications, annunciators and/or display systems isevaluated in accordance with 10CFR50.72 (and associated guidance inNUREG-I022) todetermine ifanNRC eventreport isrequired. Theeventwould bereported ifit significantly impaired the capabilityto perform emergency assessments. Inparticular, emergency assessments necessary toimplement abnormal operating procedures, emergency operating procedures andemergency plan implementing procedures addressing emergency classification, accident assessment, orprotective action decision-making.

This EAI isfocused ona selected subset ofplant parameters associated with thekeysafety functions ofreactivity control,core heat removal andRCSheat removal. Theloss ofthe abilityto determine oneormoreofthese parameters from within the Control Roomis considered tobemore 169of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE291OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases significant than simply a reportable condition. Inaddition, if allindication for sources oneormore ofthe listed parameters are lost, then the abilitytodetermine the values SAFl?TY ofother SYSTI?M parameters maybeimpacted aswell. Forexample, if thevalue for vessel reactor level cannot bedetermined from the indicationsand recorders ona main control the board, SPDSorthe plant computer, the availability ofother parameter valuesmaybecompromised aswell.

Fifteen minutes wasselected as a threshold toexclude transient ormomentary ofindication.

losses Escalation ofthe emergency classification levelwould bevia ICsFSIorICRSI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I if FSARSection 7.5, Safety-Related Display Instrumentation

2. if FSARSection I8.I.D.2, Plant Safety Parameter DisplaySystem 3.NEl 99-01, SA2 I70of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE292OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAL Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 4-RCSActivity Initiating Condition: Reactor coolant activitygreaterthan Technical Specification allowable limits EAL:

SU4.1 Unusual Event Letdown Monitor RU-155D reading > high alarm ModeApplicability:

1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 -

IlotShutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

A reading onthe I.etdown Monitor RU-I55D > high alarm isindicative ofcoolant activity inexcess ofthe Technical Specification RCSactivity limits(ref2).

1, This ICaddresses coolant a reactor activity valuethat exceeds anallowable limit specilled in Technical Specifications. This condition is a precursor toamoresignificant event and represents a potential degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant.

Escalation ofthe emergency classitleation level would bevia ICsFAIorthe RecognitionCategory R ICs.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Technical Specification 3.4.17, RCSSpecific Activity

2. Calculation 13-NC-CII-31 1,Letdown Line PRMDose Rates 3.NEI99-01, SU3 I71of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE293OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 4-RCSActivity Initiating Condition: Reactor coolant activity greaterthanTechnical Specilleation allowable limits EAL:

SU4.2 Unusual Event Sample analysis indicatesRCSactivity > Technical I.CO Specification 3.4.17 limits ModeApplicability:

1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 -

IlotShutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Thespecific iodine islimited activity toeither< 60pCi/gm DoseEquivalent I-13I ors1.0 pCi/gm DoseEquivalent I-131 for48hrcontinuous

> period. ThespecificXe-133 activity is limited to 5 550pCi/gm DoseEquivalent XE-133 for48brcontinuous

> period.Entry into Condition C of I.CO 3.4.17 meetsthe intent ofthisEAI.(ref2).

1, This ICaddresses coolant a reactor value activity that exceedsanallowable limitspecilled in Technical Specifications. This conditionisaprecursor toa moresigni0cant event andrepresents a potential degradation ofthe ofsafety level ofthe plant.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification level would beviaICsFAIorthe Recognition Category R ICs.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Technical Specification 3.4.I7, RCSSpecific Activity 2.Procedure 40AO-9//22, FuelDamage

3. NEI99-01, SU3 I72of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE294OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 5-RCSLeakage Initiating Condition: RCSleakage for 15minutes orlonger EAl,:

SU5.1 Unusual Event RCSunidentified orpressure boundary leakage > 10gpmfor > 15minutes OR RCSidentitled leakage > 25gpmfor > 15 minutes OR Reactor coolant leakage toa location outside containment > 25gpmfor > 15minutes (Note 1)

Note1 TheImergency (oordinator shoulddeclaretheeventpromptly upon determining that time limit hasbeen exceeded. orwill likelybeexceeded.


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Manual orcomputer-based methods ofperforming anRCSinventory balance arenormally used to determine RCSleakage. ERFDADS isthe preferred method ofcalculating RCSleak rate.When ERFDADSsoftware isnotavailable, procedural guidance isavailable toperform thebackup and manual RCSinventory balance (ref.1,4,5,6).

Identitledleakage includes:

  • Leakage such asthat from pumpseals orvalve packing (except reactor pump(RCP) coolant seal water injection orleakoff), thatiscaptured andconducted tocollection systems ora sumporcollecting tank (leakage intoanintact Reactor Drain Tankis also considered identitled leakage), or 173of262


= Leakage intothecontainment atmosphere Iromsources that areboth specifically located and known either nottointerfere with the operation ofleakage detection systems ornottobe pressure boundary leakage, or a RCSleakagethrough a steamgenerator tothe secondary system (ref. 2).

Unidentitled leakage isallleakage (except RCPseal water injectionorleakoff) that isnotidentified leakage (ref.2).

Pressure 13oundary leakageisleakage (except SGleakage) through a nonisolable fault inanRCS component body, pipe orvessel wall, wall (ref. 2)

Reactor coolant leakage outside ofthe containment that isnotconsidered identined orunidentified leakage perTechnical Specifications. Iorexample: leakage via interfacing systems such asRCSto theNuclear Cooling Water System, Essential Cooling Water System,Safety Injection System, or systems directly that seeRCSpressure outside containment such as Chemical & Volume Control System, Nuclear Sampling system Residual a nd IIeatRemoval system (when shutdown in the cooling mode) (ref. 3,4).

Palo Verde specific operating experience isthat a High Pressure Seal Cooler (HPSC)leak tothe Nuclear Cooling Water(NC) System mustbeisolated tocontainment within 15minutesof discovery duetothe locationofthe NCsystem expansion tankandpotential dose concerns onthe Auxiliary Building roof.

This ICaddresses RCSleakage which maybea precursor toa more significant event. In this case, RCSleakage hasbeen detected andoperators, following applicableprocedures, have been unable to promptly isolate the leak.

This condition isconsidered tobeapotential degradation ofthelevel of safetyofthe plant.

TheGrst andsecond EAl.conditions arefocused ona loss ofmassfrom the RCSdue to "unidentified leakage," "pressure boundary leakage" or"identified leakage" (asthese leakage types aredefined inthe plantTechnical Specincations). Thethird condition addresses anRCSmassloss causedbyanUNISOIABIE leak through aninterfacing system. These conditions thus apply to leakage into the containment, asecondary-side system (e.g.,steamgenerator tube leakage) ora locationoutside ofcontainment.

Theleak rate values for each condition wereselected because they areusually observable with normal Control Roomindications. I.esser values typically requiretime-consuming calculations to determine (e.g., a massbalance calculation). TheGrst condition uses a lower value that reflectsthe greatersignificance ofunidentined orpressure boundary leakage.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE296OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Therelease ofmass from the RCSduetothe as-designed/expected operation valve ofa relief does notwarrantan emergency classification.An emergency classilleation berequired would if a mass lossiscaused by a relief valve that isnotfunctioning asdesigned/expected (e.g.,

a relief valve sticksopen andthe line ilowcannot beisolated).

The15-minute threshold duration allows sufficienttime for prompt actions operator toisolate the leakage, ifpossible.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification level wouldbevia ICs ofRecognition R orF.

Category PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40ST-9RCO2, ERFDADS (Preferred) Calculation ofRCSWaterIm:entory 2.Technical Specification, l Definitions 1,

3. UFSARSection Intersystem, I.eakage
4. Procedure 40AO-9//02. Excessive RCSIeakrate
5. Procedure 40ST-9RC05, Manual Calculation ofRCS Water Inventory 6.Procedure 40ST-9RC08, GAP(Backup) Calculation ofRCS Water Inventory
7. NEl99-01, SU4 I75of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE297OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 6-RPSFailure initiating Condition: Automatic ormanual tripfails toshut downthe reactor EAl,:

SU6.1 Unusual Event An automatic trip didnotshut down thereactor asindicated byreactor power > 5%after any RPSsetpoint isexceeded AND A subsequent automatic trip ormanual tripaction takenatthe reactorcontrolconsoles (B05 or B0l)issuccessful inshutting downthe reactor as indicated byreactor power 5 5% (Note 8)

Note8:A nlanual trip action isanyoperator action.

orsetofactions, which causes thecontrol rodstoberapidly inserted into the coreanddoes notinclude manually drivingin control rodsarinaplementationofboron injection strategies.


1 Power Operation Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheArst condition ofthis EAL identitles the need tocease critical reactoroperations byactuation ofthe automatic Reactor Protection System (RPS) trip function. A reactortripautomatically is initiatedbythe RPSwhencertain continuously monitored exceed parameters predetermined setpoints (ref.1,4).

Following a successful reactor trip, rapid insertion ofthe control rodsoccurs. Nuclear power promptly drops toa fraction ofthe original power level andthen decays toa levelseveral decades lesswith a negative startuprate. Thereactor power drop continues untilreactorpower reaches the point atwhich the influence ofsource neutrons onreactor power tobeobservable.

starts A predictable post-trip response from anautomatic reactor trip signal should therefore consistofa prompt drop inreactor power assensed bythe nuclear instrumentation anda lowering ofpower into the source range. Iorthe purpose ofemergency classineation a successful triphasoccurred when I76of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE298OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases there issufficient rodinsertion from the trip ofRPStobring the reactor power toorbelow the Power Operation Mode threshold of5%(ref. 2).

5%rated power is the Power Operationmodethreshold. Below 5%,plant response will besimilar tothat observed during a normal shutdown.Nuclear instrumentation canbeused todetermine if reactorpower isgreaterthan 5% power(ref. 1,2).

Iorthe purposes ofemergency classitleation, successful manual trip actions arethose which canbe quickly peril3rmed from the reactor control consoles(B05 orB01). Reactor shutdown achieved by useofother trip actions donotconstitute a successful manual trip (ref. 3).

Following anyautomatic RPStrip signal, procedure 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions (ref.

3)prescribes insertion ofredundant manual trip signals toback upthe automatic RPStrip function andensure reactor shutdown isachieved ifReactivity Control acceptancecriteria are notmet.Even ifthe first subsequent manual trip signal inserts all control rods tothe full-in position immediately afterthe initial failure ofthe automatic trip, the lowest level of classification thatmustbedeclared isanUnusual Event.

Inthe eventthat the operator identines a reactor trip isimminentand initiates a successful manual reactortrip before the automatic RPStrip setpoint isreached, nodeclaration is required.The successful manual trip ofthe reactor before it reaches its automatic tripsetpoint orreactor trip signalscaused byinstrumentation channel failures (without exceeding anRPS trip setpoint) donot leadtoa potential fissionproduct barrier loss andarethus notclassinable under this EAI .

IIowever, ifsubsequent manual reactor trip actions fail toreduce reactor power to or below 5%,the event escalates tothe Alert under EAl. SA6.I Ifbyprocedure. operator actions include the initiation ofanimmediate manual trip following receiptofanautomatic trip signal andthere arenocIcar indications that the automatic trip failed (such asatime delay following indications that atrip setpoint was exceeded), itmaybedifficultto determine if the reactor wasshut downbecause ofautomatic trip ormanual actions. lfa subsequent review ofthe trip actuation indications reveals that the automatic trip did notcause the reactor tobe shutdown, then consideration should begiven toevaluating the fuel for potential damage andthe reporting requirements of50.72 should beconsidered for thetransient event.

This ICaddresses a failureoftheRPStoinitiate orcomplete anautomatic ormanual reactor trip thatresults in areactor shutdown andeither asubsequent operator manual action taken atthe reactorcontrol consoles oranautomatic trip is successful inshutting down the r eactor. This event is a precursor toamoresignificant condition andthus represents a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE299OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases Following the failure onanautomatic reactor trip.

operators will promptly initiate manual actions at the reactor control consoles toshutdown the (e.g.,

reactor initiate amanual reactor trip). Ifthese manual actionsare successful inshutting downthe reactor, core heat generation will quickly fall to a level within thecapabilities ofthe plant's decay heatremoval systems.

Ifaninitial manual reactor trip is unsuccessful, operators will promptly take manual action at another location(s) onthe reactor control consoles toshutdown the reactor (e.g., initiatea manual reactor trip)using a different switch). Depending upon several 111ctors.the initial orsubsequent effort tomanually trip the reactor,or a concurrent plantcondition, maylead tothe generation ofan automatic reactor trip signal. If a subsequent manual orautomatic trip issuccessful inshutting downthe reactor. core heat generation will quickly falltoa level within the capabilities ofthe plant's decay heat removal systems.

A manual action atthe reactor control consoles isany operator action, orsetofactions, which causes thecontrol rods toberapidly inserted intothecore (e.g., initiatinga manual reactor trip).

This action does notinclude manually driving incontrolrods orimplementation ofboron injection strategies.Actions taken atback-panels orother locations within the ControlRoom,oranylocation outside the Control Room,are notconsidered tobe"at the reactor control consoles."

Theplant response tothe failure ofanautomatic ormanual reactor trip will varybased upon several factors including the reactor power level prior tothe event, availability of the condenser, performance ofmitigation equipment andactions, other concurrent plant conditions, etc. If subsequent operator manual actions taken atthe reactorcontrol conso:cs arealso unsuccessful in shutting downthe reactor. then the emergency classificationlevel will escalate toan Alert via IC SA6.Depending upon the plant response, escalation isalso possible via ICIA1 Absent the plant conditions needed tomeeteither ICSA6orFA1,anUnusual Event declaration isappropriate for this event.

Should a reactor trip signal begenerated asa result ofplant work(e.g., RPSsetpoint testing), or instrument Illilure the following classincation guidance should beapplied.

  • lfthe signal causes aplant transient thatshould have included anautomatic reactor trip and theRPSfails toautomatically shutdown thereactor. then this ICandthe EAIsare applicable andshould beevaluated.
  • Ifthe signal does notcause a plant transient andthe trip failure isdetermined through other means(e.g., assessment oftest results), then thisICandthe EAl.s are notapplicable andno classification iswarranted.



l Technical Specification 3.3.I , Reactor h:vstent Protection (RPS) Operating Instruntentation 2.Technical Specification Table -lModes I.I,

3. Procedure 40I(P-9I?O01 , Standard PostTrip Actions
4. l!FSAR Section, TripBases
5. Nl?I99-01 Stf5 I79of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE301OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 6-RPSFailure initiating Condition: Automatic ormanual trip fails toshut downthe reactor EAl,:

SU6.2 Unusual Event A manual trip did notshut down the reactor asindicated byreactor pmver > 5%after anymanual tripaction wasinitiated AND A subsequent automatic trip ormanual tripaction takenatthe control reactor consolesor(B05 B0l)issuccessful inshutting downthe reactor as indicated byreactor power 5 5%(Note 8)

Note8:A nlanual trip actionisanyoperatoraction. orsetofactions, which causes the control rodstoberapidly inserted into the core anddoes notinclude manually drivingin control rodsarinaplementationofboron injection strategies.


1 Power Operation Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EALaddresses a failure ofamanually initiated trip inthe absenceofhaving exceeded an automatic RPStrip setpoint andasubsequent automatic or manual tripsuccessful is inshutting downthe reactor (ref. 1).

Following asuccessful reactor trip.

rapid insertion ofthe control rodsoccurs. Nuclear power promptly drops toa fraction ofthe original power level andthen decays toa levelseveral decades lesswith a negative startup rate. Thereactor power drop continues until reactor power reaches the point atwhich the influence ofsource neutrons on reactor power tobeobservable.

starts A predictable post-trip response from anautomatic reactor trip signal should therefore consist ofa prompt drop inreactor power assensed bythe nuclear instrumentation anda lowering ofpower into the source range. Forthe purpose ofemergency classitleation a successful triphas occurred when there issufficient rodinsertion from the manual trip tobring the power reactor toorbelow the Power Operation Modethreshold levelof5%(ref. 2).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE302OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 EAl,Technical Bases 5%rated power isthe Power Operation modethreshold. Below 5%,plant response willbesimilar tothat observed during a normal shutdown. Nuclear instrumentation eanbeused todetermine if reactor power is greater than 5% power (ref. 1,2).

Forthe purposes ofemergency classification, successful manual trip actions arethose which canbe quickly performed fromthe reactor control consoles (1305 orB01). Reactor shutdown achieved by useofother trip actions donot constitute a successful manual trip(ref.3).

Following the failure ofanymanual trip signal, procedure 40EP-9EO01, Standard Post Trip Actions (ref.3).prescribes insertion ofredundant manual trip signals toback upthe RPStrip function and ensure reactor shutdown isachieved ifReactivity Controlacceptance criteria are notmet.Even ifa subsequent automatic tripsignalorthe ilrstsubsequent manual tripsignal inserts all controlrods to the full-inposition immediately after the initial fliilure ofthe manual trip,the lowest levelof classification that mustbedeclared isanUnusualEvent (ref.3).

Ifboth subsequent automatic andsubsequent manual reactor tripactions inthe Control Roomfail to reduce reactor power below 5 5%following a tililure ofaninitial manual trip, the event escalates to anAlert under EAl SA6.1 This ICaddresses a tililure ofthe RPStoinitiate orcomplete anautomatic ormanualreactor trip thatresults inareactor shutdown andeither a subsequent operatormanual action taken atthe reactor control consoles oranautomatic trip issuccessful inshuttingdown the reactor. This eventis a precursor toamoresignificant condition andthus represents a potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Following the failure onanautomatic reactor trip, operators willpromptly initiate manual actions at thereactor control consoles toshutdown the reactor (e.g., initiate amanual reactor trip).Ifthese manual actions aresuccessful inshutting downthe reactor, coreheat generation will quickly fall to a levelwithin the capabilities oftheplant's decay heat removal systems.

Ifaninitial manual reactor tripisunsuccessful, operators willpromptly take manual actionat another location(s) onthe reactorcontrol consoles toshutdown the reactor (e.g.,initiate a manual reactor trip) using adifferent switch). Depending uponseveral the factors, initialorsubsequent efforttomanually the r oraconcurrent eactor, plant condition, maylead tothe generation ofan automatic reactor trip signal.lfa subsequent manual orautomatic tripissuccessful inshutting downthe r eactor, core heatgeneration will quickly fall toa level within the capabilities ofthe plant'sdecay heat removal systems.

A manual action atthe reactorcontrol consoles isanyoperator action,orsetofactions, which causes the control rods toberapidly inserted into the core (e.g.,

initiating a manual reactor trip).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE303OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases This action does notinclude manually driving incontrol rodsorimplementation ofboron injection strategies. Actions takenatback-panels orother locations within the Control Room,oranylocation outside the Control Room arenotconsidered tobe"at the reactorcontrol consoles."

Theplant response to the failure ofanautomatic ormanual reactortripwill vary based upon several factors including thereactor power level priortothe event, availability ofthe condenser, performance ofmitigationequipment andactions, other concurrent plant conditions, etc.If subsequent operator manual actions taken atthe reactor controlconso:es arealso unsuccessful in shutting downthe reactor, then the emergency classification level will escalate toanAlert via IC SA6.Depending uponthe plant response. escalation isalso possible via ICIAl Absent the plant conditions needed tomeeteither ICSA6or FAl, anUnusual Event declaration isappropriate for thisevent.

Should a reactor tripsignal begenerated asa result of plant work(e.g., RPSsetpoint testing) or instrument failure,the following classification guidance should beapplied.

Ifthe signal causes a plant transient thatshould have included an automatic reactor trip andthe RPS failstoautomatically shutdown the reactor,then thisICandthe EAl.s areapplicableandshould be evaluated.

Ifthe signal does notcause aplant transient andthe trip failureisdetermined through other means (e.g..assessment oftest resultsL then this ICandthe EAlsarenotapplicable and noclassilleation iswarranted.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Technical Specilleation 3.3.1. Reactor Protection 8:vstem (RPS) Instrumentation Operating 2.Technical Specification Table I.1-1,Modes 3.Procedure 4OEP-9EOO I Standard

, PostTrip Actions

4. UFSARSection, Trip Bases
5. NEI99-01. SU5 I82of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE304OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAL Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory 3- RPSFailure Initiating Condition: Automatic ormanual tripfailstoshut downthe reactor andsubsequent manual actions taken atthe reactor control consoles arenotsuccessful in shutting downthe reactor EAI:

SA6.1 Alert An automatic ormanual trip fails toshut down the reactor asindicated byreactor power > 5%

AND Manual tripactions taken atthe reactor controlconsoles (B05 orB0l) arenotsuccessful in shutting downthe reactorasindicated byreactor power > 5%(Note 8)

Note8:A manual trip isanyoperator action action,orsetofactions.which causes thecontrol rods toberapidly insetted into the coreanddoes notinclude manuallydrivingincontrol rodsarin1plementation ofhoron injection strategies.


1 Power Operation Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAL addresses anyautomatic ormanual reactortrip signal thatfails toshut downthe reactor followed bya subsequent manual tripthat failstoshut downthe reactortoanextent the reactor is producing significant power (ref. I,4).

Following a successful reactor trip,rapid insertionofthe control rods occurs. Nuclear power promptly drops toa fraction ofthe original power level andthen decays toa level severaldecades lesswith anegative startuprate. Thereactor power drop continues untilreactor power reaches the point atwhich the influence ofsource neutrons onreactor power startstobeobservable. A predictable post-trip response from anautomatic reactor trip signal should therefore consistofa prompt drop inreactor power assensed bythe nuclear instrumentation anda lowering ofpower into the source range. Forthe purpose ofemergency classification a successful trip has occurred when I83of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE305OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases there issufficient rodinsertion from the manual triptobring thereactor power toorbelow 5%


5%rated power is the Power Operationmode threshold. Below 5%,plant response will besimilar tothat observed during a normal shutdown.Nuclear instrumentation canbeused todetermine if reactorpower isgreaterthan 5% power (1,2).

Forthe purposes ofemergency classineation, successful manual tripactions arethose which canbe quickly performed from the reactor control consoles(B05 orB01). Reactorshutdown achieved by useofother trip actions donotconstitute a successful manual trip(ref.3).

Escalation ofthis event toa Site Area Emergency wouldbeunder EAlSS6.1 orEmergency Coordinator judgment.

This ICaddresses a failure ofthe RPStoinitiate orcomplete anautomatic ormanual reactor trip thatresults ina reactor shutdown andsubsequent operator manual actions taken atthe reactor control consoles toshutdown the reactor arealsounsuccessful. This condition represents anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe levelofsafety ofthe plant. An emergency declaration is required evenif the reactor issubsequently shutdown byanaction taken awayfrom the reactor control consoles since thisevent entails a significantfailure oftheRPS.

A manual action atthe reactor control console isanyoperator action.orset of actions, which causes thecontrol rods toberapidly inserted into thecore (e.g., initiatinga manual reactor trip).This action does notinclude manually driving incontrolrods orimplementation ofboron injection strategies. If this action(s) is unsuccessful, operators would immediately pursue additional manual actions atlocations awayfrom the reactor controlconsole (e.g.,locallyopening breakers). Actions taken atback panels orother locations within theControl oranylocation Room, outside the Control Room,arenotconsidered tobe"atthe reactorcontrol console."

Theplant response tothe failure ofanautomatic ormanual reactor tripwillvary based uponseveral factorsincluding the reactor power level prior tothe event. availabilityofthe c ondenser, performance ofmitigation equipment and actions, other concurrent plantconditions, etc. Ifthe failuretoshut downthe reactor isprolonged enough tocause achallenge tothe core cooling or RCSheat removal safety functions, the emergency classification levelwill escalate toa Site Area Emergency via ICSS6. Depending upon plantresponses andsymptoms. escalation isalso possible via IC Absent FSI the plant conditions needed tomeeteither IC or anAlert SS6 FSl, declaration is appropriate for this event.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE306OF383 ATTACIIMENT I liAITechnical Bases Itisrecognized that plant responses orsymptoms require mayalso declaration anAlert in accordancewith theRecognition Category F ICs: ICandEAIareincluded this however, toensure a timely emergency declaration.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Technical Specillcation 3.3.1 , 8vstem Reactor Trip ( S)Instrtunentation RI 2.Technical Specilleation Table I 1-1, Modes 3.Procedure 401(P-9IfO01 , Standard PostTrip Actions

4. UlSARSection Trip, Bases 5.N1II 99-01, SA5 IS5of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE307OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 2-RPSFailure initiatingCondition: Inability toshut downthe reactor achallenge causing tocore cooling or RCS heat removal EAL:

SS6.1 Site AreaEmergency An automatic ormanual trip toshut fliils down the asindicated reactor byreactor power > 5%

AND All actions toshut downthe reactor byreactor arenotsuccessful asindicated power > 5%

AND EITIlER a RepCET> 12000F

= RCSsubcooling < 24"F ModeApplicability:

1 Power Operation Definition(s):

None Basis:

This EAI addresses thefollowing:

a Anyautomatic reactor tripsignal (ref. byamanual 1)followed trip thatiltils toshut down thereactor toanextent thereactor isproducing in energyexcessoftheheatload forwhich thesafety systems weredesigned (EAI SA6.1)and a Indications thateither corecooling isextremely challenged orheatremovalisextremely challenged.

Thecombination offailures ofboth front line andbackupprotection tofunction systems inresponse toa plant transient, alongwith thecontinued ofheat.

production poses threat a direct tothe Fuel Clad andRCSbarriers.

Reactor shutdown achieved byuseofother tripactions inprocedure specified 40EP-9EO0l, Standard Post Trip Actions, (suchasopening NGN-1.03B2andNGN-L10B2 supplybreakers, I86of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE308OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases emergency boration ormanually driving control rods) arealso credited asa successful manual trip provided reactor power can bereduced toorbelow 5%before indications ofanextreme challenge toeithercore cooling orheat removal exist(ref. 2,3).

5%rated power isthe Power Operation modethreshold. Below 5%,plant response will besimilar tothatobserved duringa normal shutdown. Nuclear instrumentation canbeused todetermine if reactorpower isgreater than 5 % power.

Indication ofcontinuing core cooling degradation ismanifested byCETsarereading greaterthan 12000F.

RepCET(Representative Core Exit Temperature) isacalculatedtemperature value generated by theQualified Safety Parameter Display System (QSPDS). The QSPDS CETprocessing function generates a representative temperature based onastatistical analysis ofthermocouples monitoring thereactor coolant temperature atthe topofselected fuel assemblies.

Indication ofinability toadequately remove heat from theRCS is manifested byRCSsubcooling

< 24"F. (ref. 4).

This ICaddresses a failure ofthe RPStoinitiate orcomplete anautomatic ormanual reactortrip thatresults ina reactor shutdown, allsubsequent operator actionstomanually shutdown the reactor areunsuccessful andcontinued power generation ischallengingthe capability toadequately remove heat from the core and/or the RCS.This condition will lead tofueldamage ifadditional mitigation actionsareunsuccessful andthus warrants the declaration ofa Site AreaEmergency.

Insomeinstances, theemergency classineation resulting fromthis IC/EAL maybehigher than that resultingfrom anassessment ofthe plantresponses andsymptoms against the Recognition Category I ICs/EALs. This isappropriate inthat the Recognition Category F ICs/EAls donot addressthe additional threat posed bya failure toshut downthe reactor. Theinclusion ofthis IC andEAI. ensures the timely declaration ofa Site AreaEmergency inresponse toprolonged failure toshutdown the reactor.

Escalation ofthe emergency classification level would bevia ICRGIorFGl.



l Technical Specilleation 3.3.1, ReactorTripSystem Instrumentation (RTS) 2.Technical Specilleation Table 1I-1Modes

3. Procedure401(P-91(O01, Standard Post TripActions
4. Procedure401iP-91iO09, Iunctional Recovery
5. NEI99-01, SS5 I88of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE310OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 IAl,Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 7-IossofCommunications InitiatingCondition: 1,oss ofall onsiteoroffsite capabilities communications EAl,:

SU7.1 Unusual Event 1oss ofall Table S-4onsitecommunication methods OR 1.ossofall Table S-4Offsite Response Organization (ORO) communication methods OR Loss ofall Table S-4NRCcommunication methods Table S-4 Communication Methods System Onsite ORO NRC PBX X X X Plant Page X Two-Way Radio X FTS(ENS) X Telephone Ringdown Circuits (NAN) X Cellular Phones X X ModeApplicability:

1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Onsite andNRCcommunications offsite include oneormoreofthe listed systems inTable S-4 (ref.1.2).



1. PBX Onsite emergency telephone linesare divided amongthree onsite EPABXswitches. Each EPABXswitch is provided with a backup battery forreliability.

Thissystem will lunction during emergencies asit doesduring normal operations. Telephones havethecapability oftrunk access (via local provider) andthe APSownedprivate communications system which provides direct dialcapabilitiestothe entire APSvoice system viathe company owned private communications system.ThePVNGStelephone EPABX Systemsthrough which all PVNGS telephone calls pass,areequipped with uninterruptible powersupplies (battery chargers and batteries) and dedicated priority switching toensure the reliability ofthe telephone system.ThePVNGS EPABXs arethe primary linksfor PVNGS phones.

There arealso administratively dedicated lines forthe CR,STSC,TSC, EOFandOSC.

2. Plant JA.rea)Paging Theareapaging system provides a reliablemeansofnotifying andproviding instructions to personnel.

onsite Access tothis system isthrough theEPABX system telephonesbyuseof dedicated numbers.

3. Two-Wav Radios PVNGSoperates a trunked radio system, with separatetalk groups available fordepartments suchasOperations, Security, FireProtection, RadiationProtection, Emergency Preparedness, theWaterReclamation Facility,etc.This system includesbase station consolesat various locations andemergency facilities throughout the Someofthe site. radios used during emergenciesare portable radiosatvarious sitelocations, mobile radios inthe RFATvehicles andbasestation consoles atthe TSC,EOF,Unit OSCs, Unit STSCsandUnit Control Rooms.

PVNGSFire Protection also maintains radios that are used tocontact the air ambulance service toprovidelanding instructions.

4. ITi (JiNS)

TheNRCEmergency Notification System (ENS) isanFTStelephone used forofficial communications with NRClleadquarters. TheNRCIIeadquarters has the capability topatch into theNRCRegional offices.Theprimary purpose ofthis phone istoprovide a reliable methodfor the initial notification ofthe NRCandtomaintain continuous communications with theNRCafter initial notification.ENS telephones arelocated inthe Control TSCand Room, EOF.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE312OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases 5.M These voice circuits serve asa primary communications link for providing technical information tooffsite agencies, public information communications andthe communication ofprotective actionrecommendations tooffsiteauthorities.

6. Cellular Phones EachSTSC,the TSCandEOF have acellularphone toprovide additional independent linesof communication.

This EAI isthe hot condition equivalentof the coldconditionEAICil5.1 This ICaddresses a signilleant lossofonsite oroffsite communications capabilities. While nota directchallenge toplant orpersonncI safety,this event warrants prompt notifications toOROsand theNRC.

This ICshould beassessed only whenextraordinary meansare being utilizedtomake communications possible (e.g.,useofnon-plant, privately owned equipment, relaying ofonsite informationvia individuals ormultiple radio transmission points,individuals being sent tooffsite locations, etc.).

ThefirstEAl. condition addresses a totalloss ofthe communications methods used insupport of routineplantoperations.

Thesecond EAI. condition addresses a totalloss ofthe communications methods used to notify all OROsofanemergency declaration.TheOROsreferred tohere arethe State andMaricopa County EOCs.

Thethirdcondition addresses atotalloss ofthe communications methods used tonotify the NRC of anemergency declaration.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 PVNGSPlant Rutliological Emergemy Response Plan (RERP), Section 7.2 2.llFSAR Section 9.5.2, Communication Systems 3.NEl99-01, Sil6 191of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE313OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAl Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 8-Containment Failure Initiating Condition: Failuretoisolate containment orloss ofcontainment pressure control.


SU8.1 tinusual Event EITIIER:

e Anypenetration isnotclosed when required within 15minutes ofa VAlIDisolation signal (Note I)

  • Containment pressure > 8.5 psig with< 4350 gpmContainment Sprav flow for> 15 minutes (Note I)

Note1:Thel?mergency Coordinator shoulddeclare the eventpromptly upon determining that time limit hasbeen exceeded.orwill likely beexceeded.


1 Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

FA/JD An indication, report, orcondition, isconsidered tohevalid whenit isverified by(1) an instrument channel or(2) check, indicationsonrelated orredundant indicators,or(3)by direct observation byplant personnel, such doubt that related tothe indicator's operability, thecondition's existence, orthe report's accuracy is removed. Implicitin this dellnition istheneedor f timely assessment.


Containment isolations areinitiated bythe Containment Isolation Actuation System (CIAS), Safety Injection Actuation Signal (SIAS), MainSteam IsolationSignal (MSIS) andContainment Spray Actuation Signal (CSAS) (ref. I,2).

TheContainment Spray System consists oftwoseparate trains ofequal capacity,each capable of meeting thedesign bases requirement. Iachtrain includesacontainment spraypump, spray headers, nozzles. valves andpiping. Therefueling waterstorage tank (RWT) supplies borated water tothe Containment Spray System during the injection phase ofoperation. Inthe recirculation mode 192of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE314OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAl,Technical Bases ofoperation, Containment Spray pumpsuction istransferred from the RWTtothe Containment sumps (ref.3).

TheContainmentpressure high-high setpoint (8.5 psig) isthe pressure atwhich the Containment Spray equipment should actuate andbegin performing its function (ref. 4).Consistent with the design requirement, "one full trainofdepressurization equipment" istherefore defined tobethe availability ofonetrain ofContainment Spray providing a minimum of4350 gpmspray ilow (ref.

5).I.PSI cross-ticcan be credited provided the a lignment can be made w ithin the 15 minute threshold. Iflessthan this equipment isoperating and Containment pressure isabove the actuation setpoint, the threshold ismet.

This EAl. addressesa failure ofoneormore containment penetrationstoautomatically isolate (close) whenrequired byanactuation It also addresses aneventthat signal. results inhigh containment pressure with aconcurrent ofcontainment pressure failure control systems. Absent challenges toanother fission product barrier, either condition represents potential degradation ofthe level ofsafety ofthe plant.

Forthe first condition, the containment isolation signal mustbe generated asthe result onan offnormal/ accident condition (e.g., asafetyinjection orhigh containment pressure): a failure resulting from testingormaintenance does notwarrant classification. The determination of containment andpenetration statusisolated ornotisolated -

should be made in accordance with theappropriate criteriacontained inthe plantAOPsandEOPs. The15-minute criterion isincluded toallow operatorstime tomanually isolate the required penetrations, ifpossible. The second condition addresses a condition where containment pressure isgreater than the setpoint atwhich containment energy (heat) removal systemsaredesigned toautomatically actuate and less than one fulltrain ofequipment iscapable ofoperating per design. The15- minute criterion isincluded to allow operators time tomanually start equipment that maynothave automatically started, if possible. Theinability tostart therequired equipment indicates that containment heat removal/depressurization systems (e.g.,containment sprays) are either lost orperforming ina degraded manner.

This eventwould escalate toa Site AreaEmergency inaccordance with ICFSlif there werea concurrent loss orpotential loss ofeither theFuel Clad orRCS fission product barriers.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I ljlSARSection 6.2.l.5.3.8, Containment Purge System

2. ljFSAR Section 6.2.4, Containment Isolation System
3. ljFSAR Section 6.2.2, Containment Removal Ileat System
4. l jFSAR Table 7.3-1 1A,ESIAS Setpoints andMargins toActuation 193of262


5. Procedure 40EP-9EO01 Standard PostTrip Actions
b. NEI99-01. Sl!7 194of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE316OF383 ATTACIIMENT 1 l?Al, Technical Bases Category: S System Malfunction Subcategory: 9-Ilazardous Event Affecting Safety Systems Initiating Condition: Ilazardous eventaffecting a SAlETYSYSTEMneeded forthecurrent operating mode EAL:

SA9.1 Alert Theoccurrence ofanyTable S-5hazardous event AND EITIIER:

  • Event damage has caused indications of degraded performance in atleast onetrainofa SAFETYSYSTEMneeded forthe current operating mode a Theevent eaused has VISIBI.E DAMAGEto a SAFETY SYSTEMcomponent or structure needed for the current operating mode Table S-5 Ilazardous Events

= Seismic event (earthquake) a Internalorexternal Fl.OODING event

  • Iligh winds ortornado strike a FIRE

= EXPI.OSION e Other events with similar hazard characteristics asdetermined bythe Shift Manager ModeApplicability:

I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

EXPLOS/ON- A rapid, violent andcatastrophic failure ofapiece ofequipmentduetocombustion, chemical reaction oroverpressurization. A release ofsteam(from highenergylines orcomponents) oranelectrical component failure (caused byshort circuits, grounding, arcing, should etc.) not automatically beconsidered anexplosion. Such events requirea post-eventinspection todetermine if theattributes ofanexplosion arepresent.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE317OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EALTechnical Bases F/RE Combustion characterized byheat andlight. Sources ofsmoke such asslippingdrivebelts oroverheated electrical equipmentdonotconstitute Gres. Observation ofDame ispreferred butis NOTrequiredif large quantities ofsmoke andheat are observed.

F/.OOD/NGA condition where waterisentering aroomorarea titsterthan equipment installed is capable ofremoval, resulting in a rise ofwaterlevel within the roomorarea.

SAFETY SYSTEMA systemrequired for safe plant operation, cooling downthe plantand/or placing it inthe cold shutdown condition, including the ECCS. These are typicallysystems classified assafety-related (asdefined in 10CFR50.2):

Those structures, systems andcomponentsthat arerelied upon toremain functional during and following design basis events toassure:

(l)Theintegrity ofthe reactor coolant pressure boundary; (2) Thecapability toshut downthe reactor andmaintain it ina safe shutdown condition; (3) Thecapability toprevent ormitigate the consequences of accidents which couldresultin potential offsite exposures.

F/SIBIE DAMAGE Damage-toacomponent orstructure that isreadily observable without measurements, testing, oranalysis. Thevisual impact ofthe damage issufficient tocauseconcern regarding the operability orreliability ofthe affected component orstructure.


Refer toAttachment 4 for ofPalo a list Verde SAFETYSYSTEMS (ref. 5)

This ICaddresses a hazardous eventthat causes damage toa SAlETYSYSTEM, ora structure containing SAFETYSYSTEMcomponents, needed forthecurrent operating mode. Thiscondition significantly reduces the margin toa loss orpotential lossofa fission product barrier andtherefore represents anactual orpotential substantial degradation ofthe levelofsafety oftheplant.

Thefirst condition addresses damage toa SAFETYSYSTEMtrain that isinservice/operationsince indications for itwill bereadily available. Theindications ofdegraded performance shouldbe signi0cant enough tocause concern regarding the operability orreliability ofthe SAFETY SYSTEMtrain.

Thesecond condition addresses damage toa SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent thatisnotin service/operation orreadily apparent through indications alone, ortoa structure containing 196of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE318OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases SAFETY SYSTEM components. Operators will makethis determination based onthetotality of available event and damage report information. This tobea briefassessment isintended not lengthy analysis orquantification ofthe requiring damage.

  • Thesignilleance ofseismic events arediscussed underEAl IllJ2.I.Annunciator 7Cl4A, SEISMIC OCCURRENCE will illuminateif the seismicinstrumentdetects motion ground inexcess oftheseismic EVI NT trigger threshold (ref.


  • Internal FIOODINGmaybe caused byevents suchascomponent failures, equipment misalignment, oroutage activity mishaps.

a Iligh winds inexcess ofdesign (105 mph) ortornado strikes cancause significant structural damage (ref. 4).

a Areas containing functions andsystems required forsafeshutdown ofthe plant are identitled byfire area (ref.2).

a An explosion thatdegrades the performance ofaSAFETY SYSTEM train orvisibly damages a SAFETYSYSTEMcomponent orstructure would beclassilled under thisEAl.

Escalationofthe emergency classificationlevel would beviaICFSIor RSl.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40AO-97721 , ActsofNature 2.ifFSAR Table 3-2.1,Quality Classilleation ofStructures, SystemsandComponents 3.ifFSAR Section, Offsite Flood Design Considerations 4.ifFSAR Section 2.3.I.2.3. Extreme Winds 5.Attachment 4 Palo Verde Safety Systems

6. NEl99-01, SA9 197of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE319OF383 ATTACIIMENT I IAL Technical 13ases EALGroup: Ilot Conditions (RCS temperature > 210"F): EALsinthis category areapplicable only inone or more hot operating modes.

EAI.s inthis category represent threatstothe defense indepth design concept that precludes the releaseofhighly radioactive fission products tothe environment. This concept reliesonmultiple physicalbarriersanyoneofwhich, ifmaintained intact, precludes the release ofsignificant amounts ofradioactiveEssion products tothe environment. Theprimary fissionproduct barriers are:

A. Buell'lad 10)TheIuel Clad11arrier consists ofthe cladding material that contains the fuel pellets.


13. TheRCS 13arrier includes the RCSprimary side andits connections uptoandincluding the pressurizer safety and reliefvalves andother connections uptoandincluding the primary isolation valves.

C.ContainmentiC.FMD TheContainment l3arrier includes thecontainment building and connections uptoandincluding the outermost containment isolation valves. This barrier alsoincludes the main steam,feedwater andblowdown lineextensions outside the containment building uptoandincluding the outermost secondary side isolation valve.

Containment 13arrier thresholds areused ascriteria for escalation of the ECI from Alert toa Site AreaEmergency oraGeneral Emergency.

TheEALsinthis category require evaluation ofthe loss andpotential loss thresholds listed in the Essionproduct barrier matrix ofTable F-1(Attachment 2). "Loss" and"Potential Loss" signify the damage relative andthreat ofdamage tothe barrier. "Loss" means thebarrier nolonger assures containmentofradioactive materials. "Potential 1.oss" meansintegrity ofthe barrieristhreatened andcould belost if conditions continue todegrade. Thenumber ofbarriers that arelost or potentially lost andthe following criteriadetermine the appropriate emergency classification level:


Anyloss oranypotential lossofeither Fuel Clad orRCS M

Iossorpotential loss ofany two harriers General limesenos Iossofany two barriers andloss orpotential loss ofthird barrier l98of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE320OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Thelogic used for emergency classification based onilssion product monitoring barrier should renectthe following considerations:

  • TheFuelClad Barrier andthe RCSBarrier areweighted moreheavily than the Containment Barrier.

a Unusual Event ICsassociated with RCSandFuel Clad Barriersareaddressed under System Malfunction ICs.

  • Foraccident conditions involving a radiological release,evaluationofthe fission product barrier thresholds will need tobe performed inconjunction with doseassessments toensure correct andtimely escalation oftheemergency classification. Forexample, anevaluation of the fission product barrier thresholds may result in a SiteArea Emergency classification while adose assessment mayindicate thatan EAl. for General Emergency ICRG1has been exceeded.

a Thefission product barrier thresholds specifled within a scheme renect plant-specific PVNGSdesign andoperating characteristics.

  • Asused inthis category, the termRCSleakage encompassesnot just those types defined in Technical Specifleations but alsoincludes the loss ofRCSmassto any location- inside the containment. aninterfacing system, oroutside ofthe containment.The release ofliquid or steammassfrom the RCSduetothe as-designed/expected of a relief valve operation isnot considered tobeRCSleakage.
  • Atthe Site Area1mergency level,EAIusers should maintain cognizance ofhow far present conditions are from meeting athreshold that would requireaGeneral Emergency declaration. For example, ifthe 1uel Clad andRCSfission productbarriers werebothlost, then there should befrequent assessments ofcontainment inventory radioactive and integrity. Alternatively, if both theFuel Clad andRCSfission productbarriers were potentially lost,the Emergency Coordinator would havemoreassurance that there wasno immediate need toescalate toaGeneral Emergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE321OF383 ATTACIIMENT I l?Al Technical Bases Category: Iission Product Barrier Degradation Subcategory: N/A initiating Condition: Anyloss oranypotential loss ofeitherFuel Clad orRCS EAl,:

FAl.1 Alert Anyloss oranypotential of either Fuel loss Clad orRCS(Table F-1)


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Fuel Clad, RCSand Containment comprise the fissionproductbarriers. Table I-I(Attachment 2) liststhefission product barrier thresholds, bases andreferences.

Atthe Alert classification Fuel level, Clad andRCSbarriers areweightedmore heavily than the Containment barrier. Unlike theContainment loss barrier, orpotential loss ofeither the Iuel Clad or RCSbarrier mayresult intherelocation ofradioactive materialsordegradation of core cooling capability.Note the that orpotential loss loss ofContainment barrier incombinationwith lossor potential lossofeither Fuel CladorRCSbarrier resultsindeclaration ofaSiteArea limergency under EAl.ISlI PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 NEl99-01, FA1 200of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE322OF383 ATTACIIMENT I EAlTechnical Bases Category: Iission Product Barrier Degradation Subcategory: N/A initiatingCondition: I,oss orpotential loss ofanytwobarriers EAl,:

FSl.1 Site AreaEmergency 1.oss orpotential lossofanytwo barriers (Table F-1)


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Fuel RCSand Clad, Containment comprise the fission product barriers. Table I-I(Attachment 2) liststhe fissionproduct barrier thresholds,bases andreferences.

Atthe SiteArea Emergency classification level,each barrierisweighted equally. A Site Area Emergency istherefore appropriateforanycombination ofthe following conditions:

  • Onebarrier loss anda second barrierloss lossloss)

(i.e., -

  • Onebarrier loss anda second barrierpotential (i.e.,

loss losspotential loss)

  • Onebarrier potential andasecond loss barrier potentialloss potential (i.e., losspotential loss)

Atthe SiteAreaEmergency classification level,the ability todynamically assess the proximity of present conditions with tothe respect threshold for a General Emergency isimportant. Forexample.

the existenceofFuel Clad andRCSBarrier loss thresholds inaddition tooffsite dose assessments would requirecontinual assessments ofradioactive inventory andContainment integrity in anticipationofreaching aGeneralEmergency classification.Alternatively, if both Fuel Cladand RCSpotential loss thresholds existed,theI mergency Coordinator would greater have assurance thatescalation toa General Emergency isless imminent.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, FSI 201of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE323OF383 ATTACIIMENT I I?Al, Technical Bases Category: Iission Product Barrier Degradation Subcategory: N/A InitiatingCondition: I,ossofanytwobarriers andloss orpotentialloss ofthirdbarrier EAl,:

FGl.1 General Emergency 1oss ofanytwobarriers AND 1.oss orpotential loss ofthird barrier (Table F-l )


I Power Operation, 2 Startup, 3 Ilot Standby, 4 Ilot Shutdown Definition(s):

None Basis:

Fuel RCSandContainment Clad, comprise the fissionproduct barriers.

Table F-I(Attachment 2) liststhe fissionproduct barrier thresholds, bases andreferences.

Atthe General Emergency classificationlevel each barrierisweighted equally. A General Imergency istherefore appropriate for anycombination ofthe following conditions:

a 1ossofFuel Clad, RCSandContainment barriers a ofFuel 1.oss Clad andRCSbarriers with potentialloss ofContainment barrier a ofRCSandContainment I.oss barriers with potentialloss ofFuelClad barrier a IossofFuel Clad andContainment barrierswith potential ofRCSbarrier loss PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEI99-01, FSI 202of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE324OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Loss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Introduction Table F-1lists the threshold conditions that dellne theIossandPotential Loss ofthe three 11ssion product barriers (Fuel Clad, Reactor Coolant SystemandContainment). Thetable isstructured so that each ofthe threebarriers occupies adjacent columns.Each fission product barrier column is further divided into twocolumns; onefor thresholds 1.oss andonefor Potential Iossthresholds.

Theilrst column ofthe table(to the leftofthe FuelCladIosscolumn) lists the categories (types) of tission product barrier thresholds. The lission productbarrier categories are:

A. RCSorSGTube Leakage B. Inadequate Heat Removal C. CTMTRadiation /RCSActivity D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass E. Emergency Coordinator Judgment Each category occupies arowinTable F-Ithus formingamatrix dellned bythe categories. The intersection ofeach rowwith each Ioss/PotentialIosscolumn forms acell inwhich oneormore fission product barrier thresholds appear. lfNEl99-01 doesnotdefine a threshold for a barrier Ioss/Potential Ioss,the cellisleft blank, shaded orotherwise indicated asnothaving a threshold associated with it.

Thresholds areassigned sequential numbers withineachIossandPotential Ioss column beginning with number one. Inthis manner, a threshold canbeidentified byits category title and number. For example, the firstFuel Clad barrier IossinCategory C would beassigned "FCIossC.I," the third Containment barrier Potential IossinCategory D wouldbeassigned "CTMTP-Loss D.3," etc.

If a cell inTable F-Icontains morethan onenumbered threshold, each ofthe numbered thresholds, if e xceeded, signifles a IossorPotential Iossofthe barrier.

Itis notnecessary toexceed all ofthe thresholds ina category before declaring abarrierLoss/Potential Ioss.

Subdivision ofTable F-Ibycategory facilitates association ofplant conditions tothe applicable fission product barrier Loss andPotential Iossthresholds.

This structure promotes a systematic approach toassessing the classificationstatusofthe product fission barriers.

Whenequipped with knowledge ofplant conditions relatedtothe fission product barriers, the EAl -

user first scans downthe category column ofTable locates F-I, the likelycategory andthen reads across the f issionproduct barrierI ossandPotential I.oss thresholds in thatcategorydetermine to if a threshold has been exceeded. Ifa threshold hasnotbeen exceeded. theEAI-user proceeds tothe nextlikely category andcontinues review ofthethresholdsinthe newcategory.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE325OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss MatrixandBases lfthe EAL-user determines thatanythreshold hasbeen bydefinition, exceeded, thebarrier islost or potentially lost -

even if multiple thresholdsinthe samebarrier column only areexceeded, thatone barrierislost or potentially lost.TheEAl-user mustexamine eachofthe three product fission barrierstodetermine ifother barrier thresholds inthe categoryarelostorpotentially lost.

For example, itcontainment radiation is sufficientlyhigh, ofthe a I.oss FuelClad andRCSbarriersand a Potential Loss ofthe Containment canoccur.

barrier BarrierIossesandPotential I.osses arethen applied tothe criterion given in EAl s FGI1,FSl.1 andFAI.1todetermine theappropriate emergency classifleation.

Inthe remainder ofthis Attachment.the Fuel Clad barrierthreshold basesappear by followed first, theRCSbarrier andfinally the Containment barrier thresholdbases.Ineach barrier, thebases are given according category Iossfollowed bycategory Potential I.oss beginningwithCategory A,

then B, E.


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PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION69 PAGE327OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Fission Barrier Product 1oss/Potential Matrix I.oss andBases Barrier: Fuel Clad Category: A.RCSorSGTubeI,eakage DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 206of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE328OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Loss MatrixandBases Barrier: IuelClad Category: A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I RVLMS< 21%plenum(Detector #8)


None Basis:

21%plenum onRVLMS(Detector #8)istheminimum RVLMS above indication TopofActive Fuel (TOAF)which correspondsto4 in.above the fuel alignment andisthe plate last indication of inventorycontrol (ref.1,2).

This reading indicatesareduction inreactor vessel waterlevelsuffleient toallowthe onsetofheat-inducedcladdingdamage.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 400P-9zzl 6 RCSDrain Operations, Appendix M

2. NuclearFuel Management Analysis Calculation /A-13-C00-2000-001, EOP Setpoint Document
3. NEI99-01, RCSorSGTubeIeakage Fuel Clad Potential IossI.A 207of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE329OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Barrier Product 1oss/PotentialI.oss Matrix andBases Barrier: IuelClad Category: B.InadequateHeat Removal Degradation Threat: Ioss Threshold:

I RepCETs> 1200 "F Definition(s):

None Basis:

Core Themlocouples Exit area component of Inadequate Core

(.CETs) Cooling Instrumentation and provideanindirect indication offuelcladtemperature by measuring the temperature ofthe reactor coolantthatleaves thecoreregion.

Although cladrupture due tohigh temperature is notexpected forCETreadings less than t the hreshold, temperatures ofthis magnitude signal signiileant superheatingofthe coolant reactor andcoreuncovery (ref. 1).

This readingindicates within temperatures thecore aresufficient toenuse significant superheating ofreactorcoolant.

RepCET(Representative CoreExitTemperature) isa calculated temperature value generated by theQualilledSafety Display Parameter System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS CETprocessing function generatesa representative based temperature ona statistical analysis ofthermoeouples monitoring thereactorcoolant temperatureatthetopofselected fuel assemblies.

PVNGSHasis Reference(s):

1 UFSARAppendix I8B.System 80Generic Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation

2. NEI99-01, Inadequate Removal Ileat Fuel Clad Ioss 2.A 208of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE330OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier1oss/Potential IossMatrix andBases Barrier: Iuel Clad Category: B.Inadequate Ileat Removal Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I RepCETs> 700"F Definition(s):

None Basis:

Core Themlocouples Exit (.CETs) area component of Inadequate Core CoolingInstrumentation and provideanindirect indicationoffuel clad temperature by measuring the temperatureofthe reactor coolantthatleaves thecore region. IfRepCETsindicate 700oF subcooling has

> beenlost for at leastsomeregions ofthe core (ref. 700oF 1). asacondition representing apotential qualifies lossof the fuel clad barrier.

This readingindicates a reduction inreactorvesselwaterlevel sufilcient toallow the onset ofheat-induced cladding damage.

RepCET(Representative Core Exit Temperature) isa calculated temperature value generated by theQualilledSafety Parameter Display System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS CETprocessing function generatesa representative temperature based ona statisticalanalysis ofthermocouples monitoring thereactorcoolant temperature atthe topofselected fuel assemblies.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARAppendix I8B. System 80Generic Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation

2. NEl99-01, Inadequate lleat Removal Fuel CladPotential 1.oss 2.A 209of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE331OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Iuel Clad Category: B.Inadequate IleatRemoval DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

2. RCSheat removal cannot be established AND RCSsubcooling < 24oF Definition(s):

None Basis:

Incombinationwith RCSPotential 1.oss B.I. meeting thisthreshold resultsina Site Area Emergency.

Thesteamgenerators (SGs) provide the normal meansofheat transfer from the RCStothe main condenserandultimate heat sink.Procedure 40EP-9EO03, Loss ofCoolant Accident, requires maintenanceofRCSheat removal atall times during a I.OCA. OnceRCSpressure andtemperature arereduced,RCSheat removal canbeprovided byShutdown Cooling (SDC)system. Once the SDCsystem isplaced inservice. the SGheat capability sink isnolonger necessary (ref. I).

IfRCSsubcooling approaches 24oF, the margin tosuperheated conditions isbeing reduced.

Followinganuncomplicated reactor trip,subcoolingmargin should be excess in of50ol Subcoolingmargin greaterthan24oF ensures thetluid surrounding thecore issufficiently cooled andprovidesmarginreestablishing for SI flow should subcooling deteriorate when now SI is secured.Voidsmayexist insomeparts ofthe RCS(e.g.,

Reactor Vessel head) but are permissible aslongascore heat removal ismaintained (ref.

2).RCSsubcooling isdetermined using appropriate CET(naturalcirculation) orThm (forced circulation) temperature indications. Upper head subcoolingindication should notbeused.

Thecombination ofthe threshold conditions indicates thatRCSheat removal isunder extreme This challenge. threshold addresses loss offunctionsrequired for hot shutdown with the reactor at pressureandtemperature andthus a potential loss oftheFuel Clad barrier. This isalso a potential lossoftheRCSbarrier andtherefore results inatleast a Site AreaEmergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE332OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Matrix I.oss andBases This condition indicates anextreme challenge ability tothe RCSheat toremove using the steam generators (i.e., loss of aneffective secondary-side heat sink).

This condition apotential represents lossofthe Iuel Clad Barrier. Inaccordance with there liOPs, accident maybeunusual conditions during which operators intentionally reduce theheat removalcapability ofthe steamgenerators; during these conditions, classilleation using isnotwarranted.

threshold PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40EP-91iO03, /.oss of Coolant Accident 2.Procedure 401iP-9EO09, l:unctional Recoverv 3.N1il 99-01, Inadequate Ileat Removal Fuel Clad 1oss2.B 211of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE333OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct BarrierIoss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: luelClad Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity Degradation Threat: I,oss Threshold:

I Containment radiationRU-148 > 2.IE+05 mR/hr ORRU-149 > 2.4E+05 mR/hr Definition(s):

None Basis:

Thespecified containment radiationmonitor readings (ref. 1) indicate the releaseofreactor coolant, with elevated activity indicative offuel damage, intothe Containment. Thereading isderived assuming theinstantaneous releaseanddispersal ofthe reactor coolant noble gasandiodine inventoryassociated withaconcentration of300pCi/ce dose equivalent I-131 into theContainment atmosphere with containment sprays operating. Thevalues arebased oncalculated readings lifteen minutesaftershutdown. Reactorcoolant concentrations ofthis magnitude areseveral times larger than maximum the concentrations(including iodine spiking) allowed within Technical andaretherefore Specilleations indicative offuel damage (approximately 2-5% cladfailure depending oncore inventoryandRCSvolume).

Monitors used forthis ilssion product barrier loss threshold arethe Containment Iligh Range RadiationMonitors RU-148 andRU-149 (ref.I).

Theradiation monitor reading corresponds toaninstantaneous release ofall reactor coolantmass intothecontainment, assumingthatreactor coolant activity dose equals pCi/gm equivalentI-300 131Reactor coolant above activity thislevel isgreater than thatexpected foriodine spikesand correspondstoanapproximate range of2%to5%fuel clad damage. Since this condition indicates thata signilleant amountoffuel claddamage has occurred. itrepresents a lossofthe FuelClad Barrier.

Theradiationmonitor reading inthis threshold ishigher than thatspecilled forRCSBarrier Ioss thresholdC.lsince itindicates a Ioss ofboth the FuelClad Barrier andthe RCSBarrier. Note that a

combination ofthe twomonitorreadings appropriately escalates the ECItoa Site Areal?mergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE334OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission ProductBarrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

/.Calculation 13-NC-7Y-216. ofContainnient Determination fomIligh Activities Radiation Monitors

2. NI.I99-01. CTMT Radiation /RCSActivity Iuel Clad 3.A I.oss 213of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE335OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Fuel Clad Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity Degradation Threat: I,oss Threshold:

2. Doseequivalent I-131coolant activity > 300pCi/gm Definition(s):

None Basis:

DoseEquivalent lodine (DEI) isdetermined byprocedure 74ST-9RCO2 ReactorCoolant System SpecificActivitySurveillance Test (ref. l).

Elevated reactorcoolant activityrepresents a potentialdegradation inthelevelofsafety ofthe plant andapotential precursor ofmoreserious problems.Thethreshold dose equivalent I-131 concentration iswell abovethat expected foriodinespikes andcorresponds toabout 2%to5%fuel claddamage. Since condition this indicates thata significant amountof fuel clad damage has occurred, it represents a loss ofthe Fuel Clad Barrier(ref. 2).

This thresholdindicates RCSradioactivity that concentration is than greater 300 pCi/gm dose equivalent I-131 Reactor coolant activity abovethis level isgreater thanthat expected for iodine spikes andcorresponds toanapproximate rangeof2%to5%fuel claddamage. Since this condition indicatesthata significantamountoffuel claddamage has o ccurred, it representsa lossof the Iuel Clad Barrier.

Itisrecognized that samplecollection andanalysis ofreactor coolant withhighlyelevated activity levels couldrequire hours several tocomplete. Nonetheless, a threshold sample-related included is asa backup toother indications.

There isnoPotential Iossthreshold associated with RCSActivity/Containment Radiation.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 74ST-9RCO2. Reactor Coolant System Specific ActivitySurveillance Test

2. NEI99-01, CTMTRadiation /RCSActivity Fuel Clad 1oss 3.B 214of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE336OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Clad I:uel Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

None 215of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE337OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Iission Barrier Product Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Clad Iuel Category: C.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 216of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE338OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Clad I:uel Category: C.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

None 2I7of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE339OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct Barrier1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Iuel Clad Category: I Emergency

. Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat: Ioss Threshold:

I Anycondition intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator that indicates loss ofthe Fuel Cladbarrier Definition(s):

None Basis:

Emergency Coordinator judgment threshold addresses any other factors relevant todetermining if theFuelClad barrier islost. Such should include imminent barrier a determination degradation, monitoring barrier capability anddominantaccident sequences.

a imminent barrier deeradation exists ifthe degradation will likely occur within relatively shortperiod oftime based ona projectionofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognition oftheinability toreach safety function acceptance criteria beforecompletion ofall checks.

  • Barriermonitorine capabilityisdecreasedifthere isa loss orlack ofreliable indicators.

Thisassessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation andconsideration ofoffsitemonitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely entrytothe EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classiGcation declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother factors thataretobeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determining whether theFuel Cladbarrier islost.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, limergency Director Judgment Fuel Clad Ioss6.A 2I8of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE340OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct Barrier1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Iuel Clad Category: E.Emergency Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I Anycondition intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator that indicates potential loss of theFuel Clad barrier Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheEmergency Coordinator judgment thresholdaddresses anyother 11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Fuel Clad barrier is potentially lost.Such a determination should include imminent barrier degradation, barrier monitoring capability anddominant accident sequences.

a imminentbarrier deeradation existsifthedegradation will likely occur within relatively short period oftime based ona projection ofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognition ofthe inability toreach safety function acceptance criteria completion before ofall checks.

  • Barrier monitorine capability isdecreased ifthere isa lossorlack ofreliable indicators.

This assessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsideration ofoffsite monitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely tothe entry EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classiGcation declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother factors thataretobeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determining whether theFuel Clad barrier ispotentially lost. TheEmergency Coordinator should alsoconsider whether ornottodeclare the barrierpotentially lostinthe event that barrier status cannot bemonitored.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, Emergency Director Judgment Potential Iuel Clad Loss 6A 219of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE341OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential IossMatrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation Threat: I,oss Threshold:

I An automatic ormanual ECCS (SIAS) actuation required byEITllER:

  • UNISOI.ABI.E RCSleakage a SGtube RUPTURE Definition(s):

UNISO/J R/E An open orbreached systemline that cannot beisolated, remotely orlocally.

RUPTliREThecondition ofasteamgenerator inwhich primary-to-secondary leakage isof sufficient magnitude torequirea safetyinjection.


This threshold isbased onanUNISOl.ABI l?RCSleak ofsufficient size torequireanautomatic or manual actuation ofthe Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS). This condition clearly represents a lossofthe RCSBarrier.

This threshold isapplicable tounidentitledandpressure boundary leakage, aswell as identified leakage. applicable Iti s also toUNISOLABLE RCS leakage through an interfacing system. The massloss maybeinto anylocation-containment, inside tothe secondary-side (i.e.,

steam generator leakage) tube or outsideof containment.

A steamgenerator withprimary-to-secondary leakage ofsufficient magnitude torequire a safety injectionisconsidered tobeRUPTURED. a RUPTURED If steamgenerator isalsoEAUl.TED outsideofcontainment, the declarationescalatestoaSite Area Emergency since the Containment Barrier1.oss threshold 1.Awill alsobemet.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40EP-9EO01, Reactor Trip 2.Procedure 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident 3.Procedure 40EP-9EO04, Steam Generator Tube Rupture 4.NEl 99-01, RCSorSGTubeI.eakage Reactor Coolant System Ioss 1.A 220of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE342OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I With letdown operation ofthe isolated. standby charging pumpisrequired byEITlIER:

  • UNISOl .ABI .ERCSleakage a SGtube leakage Definition(s):


An open orbreached systemline that cannot beisolated, remotely orlocally.


This threshold isbased onthe inability tomaintain liquid inventory within theRCSbynormal operationofthe Chemical andVolume Control System (CVCS). The CVCS includes three charging pumps: twocharging pumps arenormally operating with a flow capacity of ~44gpmeach ora total of88gpm(ref. 1).Approximately 10gpmofcharging flow bypasses the RCS due toleakage through theRCPseals: thus,the normal charging lineup delivers 88gpm 10 gpm = 78gpm(ref.

I).A thirdcharging pumpbeing required with letdown isolated isindicative of a substantial RCS leak.

Ifthe standbycharging pumpisstarted inresponse todecreasing pressurizer leveland following ofletdown isolation and/or theleak pressurizerlevel canbesubsequently maintained with just two charging pumps, thisthreshold isnotexceeded.

This threshold isbased onanUNISOLABLERCSleak that results inthe inabilitytomaintain pressurizerlevel withinspecilled limits byoperation ofanormally used charging (makeup) pump, butanECCS(SI) actuationhas notoccurred. Thethreshold ismetwhenanoperating procedure, or operatingcrewsupervision. directs astandby that charging (makeup) pumpbeplaced inservice to restoreandmaintain pressurizerlevel following appropriate system isolation.

This isapplicable threshold tounidentitled andpressure boundary leakage, aswell asidentitled leakage.Itisalso applicable toUNISOLABI E RCSleakage through aninterfacing system. The massloss maybeinto anylocation -

inside containment, tothe secondary-side (i.e.,

steam generatortubeleakage) oroutside ofcontainment.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE343OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product BarrierIoss/Potential Matrix I.oss and13ases lfa leaking steam generator isalso FAULTEDoutside ofcontainmem, the escalates declaration toa Site AreaEmergency since the Containment 13arrier Iossthreshold 1.Awill also bemet.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARSection 9.3.4, Chemical andVolume Control System 2.Procedure 40EP-9EO01, Reactor Trip 3.Procedure 40EP-9EG01,Standard Post TripActions

4. Procedure 40EP-9EO03, Loss of Coolant Accident
5. Procedure 40EP-9EO04, SteamGenerator Tube Rupture
6. NEl 99-01, RCSorSGTubeIcakage Reactor Coolant Potential System I.oss l.A 222of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE344OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

2. Pressurized thermalshock transient inexcess ofthe upper (2000F) subcooling P/Tlimit (Note 9)

AND RCSpressure isrising Note9:A pressurized thermal shock transient isdet1nedas an UNPLANNED overecoling transient which RCS causes togobelow temperature 500"F Definition(s):

UNPIANNED A parameter change oranevent that isnotI) the resultofanintended evolutionor 2)anexpected plant response toa transient. Thecause ofthe parameter changeorevent maybe known orunknown.


The"PotentialLoss" thresholdis defined bythe upper subcooling P/Tlimitin combination with increasingRCSpressure which indicates anextreme challenge tothe RCSbarrier due to pressurized thermal shocktransient. (ref. 1, 3).

2, A pressurized thermal shock transient isdefined asanunplanned overcooling transient which causes RCStemperature togobelow 5000F (ref. 4).

This indicates condition anextreme challenge tothe integrityofthe RCSpressure boundary dueto pressurized thermal shockatransient thatcauses rapid RCScooldown while the RCSisinMode 3orhigher hot (i.e., andpressurized).

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40EP-9EO05, Ercess Steam Dematul 2.Procedure 40EP-9EOO9, Functional Recovery

3. Procedure40EP-9EOl0, Standarcl Appetulices Attachinent 2 Figures 4.Procedure 40DP-9API7, Standard Appendices Technical Guideline
5. NEI99-01, RCSorSGTubeIeakage Reactor Coolant System PotentialLossI.B 223of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE345OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Iission Barrier Product Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Coolant Reactor System Category: B.Inadequate Removal IIeat DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 224of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE346OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: B.Inadequate Heat Removal Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I RCSheat removal cannot be established AND RCSsubcooling < 24oF Definition(s):

None Basis:

Incombination with IC Potential Ioss B.1, meeting threshold resultsin this a Site Area Emergency.

Thesteamgenerators (SGs) provide the normal means ofheat transfer from the RCStothe main condenser andultimate heat sink.Procedure 40EP-9EO03, Loss ofCoolant Accident, requires maintenance ofRCSheat removal atall times duringa I.OCA. OnceRCSpressure andtemperature arereduced,RCSheat removal canbeprovided byShutdown Cooling (SDC). Once the SDCis placedin service,the SGheat sink capability isnolongernecessary (ref.1).

IfRCSsubcooling approaches 24oF, the margin tosuperheated conditions isbeing reduced.

Following anuncomplicated reactor trip,subcooling margin should be excess in of5001 Subcooling margin greater than24oF ensures thetluid surrounding thecore issufficiently cooled andprovides marginreestablishing for SI flow shouldsubcooling deterioratewhen now SI is secured.Voids mayexist insomeparts ofthe RCS(e.g.,Reactor Vessel head) but are permissible aslongascore heat removal ismaintained (ref.

2).RCSsubcooling isdetermined using appropriate CETorThoi temperature indications. Upper head subcooling indication should notbeused.

Thecombination ofthese conditions indicates theultimateheat sink functionisunder extreme challenge.Thisthreshold addresses loss offunctions required for hotshutdown with the reactor at pressureandtemperature andthus apotential lossoftheFuel Clad barrier.This is alsoapotential lossofthe RCSbarrier andtherefore results inatleast a Site AreaEmergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE347OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential LossMatrix and13ases This condition indicates anextreme challenge tothe ability toremoveRCSheatusingthesteam generators (i.e., loss of aneffective secondary-side heatsink).

Thiscondition apotential represents lossofthe RCS 13arrier. Inaccordance with EOPs,there maybeunusual accident conditions during which operators intentionally reduce the heatremoval capability ofthe steam during generators:

these conditions, classil1cation using threshold isnotwarranted.

Meeting this threshold results in a Site Area Emergency because threshold this isidentical toFuel Clad 13arrier Potential Loss threshold B.2; both will bemet.Thiscondition a Site warrants Area Emergency declaration because inadequate RCSheat removal infuel mayresult heat-upsufficient todamage the cladding andincreaseRCS pressure tothe pointwhere masswillbelostfromthe system.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Procedure 40EP-9EO03 , Loss ofCoolant Accident 2.Procedure 40EP-9EOO9, Functional Recoven

3. NEI 99-01, Inadequate Ileat Removal RCSIoss 2.B 226of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE348OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct BarrierIoss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity Degradation Threat: Loss Threshold:

I Containment radiationRU-148 > 5.0E+04mR/hr ORRU-I49 > 5.6E+04 mR/hr Definition(s):

None Basis:

Containmentradiation monitor readings greaterthan the specilled values (ref.1)indicatethe release ofreactorcoolant tothe Containment. Thereadings assume the instantaneous releaseanddispersal ofthe coolant reactor noblegasandiodine inventory associated with normal operating concentrations (i.e., withinTechnical Specifications) intothe Containment atmosphere.Because of thevery highfuel clad integrity, only small amountsofnoble gases would bedissolved inthe primary coolant.

Thereadings are derived assuming theinstantaneous release anddispersal of thereactorcoolant noble gasandiodine inventory associated with a concentration of60pCi/gm dose equivalent I-131 intotheContainment atmosphere with containment sprays operating. Thevalues are based on calculatedreadings fifteen minutes aftershutdown.

Monitors usedfor this fission product barrier lossthreshold arethe Containment IlighRange RadiationMonitors RU-148 andRU-149 (ref.l).

Theradiationmonitor readingcorresponds toaninstantaneous release ofall coolant reactor mass intothecontainment, assuming thatreactorcoolant activity equals Technical Specilleation allowablelimits.This valueislower than thatspecified for F uel Clad B arrier Iossthreshold C.l since it indicatesa loss oftheRCSBarrier only.

There isnoPotential threshold 1.oss associatedwith RCSActivity /Containment Radiation.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Calculation 13-NC-zY-2I6 Determination ofContainment Activities fiom IlighRadiation Monitors 2.NEI99-01, CTMTRadiation /RCSActivity RCS1oss 3.A 227of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE349OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

None 228of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE350OF383 ATTACIIMENT2 Fission Barrier Product Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Coolant Reactor System Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 229of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE351OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

None 230of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE352OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct Barrier1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor Coolant System Category: I Emergency

. Coordinator Judgment Degradation Threat: Loss Threshold:

I Anycondition intheopinion oftheEmergency Coordinator that indicates loss ofthe RCS barrier Definition(s):

None Basis:

Emergency Coordinator judgment thresholdaddresses any other factors relevant todetermining if theRCSbarrier islost.Such a determination should include imminent barrier degradation, barrier monitoringcapability anddominant accidentsequences.

a imminent barrier deeradation exists ifthe degradation will likely occur within relatively shortperiod oftime based ona projectionofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognition oftheinability toreach safety function acceptance criteria before completion ofall checks.

  • Barriermonitorine capabilityisdecreasedifthere isa lossorlack ofreliable indicators.

Thisassessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation andconsideration ofoffsitemonitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely entrytothe EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (StationBlackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classification declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother that factors maybeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determiningwhether theRCSBarrier islost.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, Emergency Director Judgment RCSLoss 6.A 231of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE353OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 IissionProduct Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Reactor CoolantSystem Category: E.Emergency Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I Anycondition intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator that indicates potential loss of RCSbarrier the Definition(s):

None Basis:

Emergency Coordinator judgment threshold addresses any other factors relevant todetermining if theRCSbarrier ispotentially lost.Such adeterminationshould include imminent barrier degradation, barrier monitoring capability anddominant accident sequences.

a M existsifthedegradation will likely occur within relatively shortperiod oftime based ona projection ofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognition ofthe inability toreach safety function acceptance criteria beforecompletion ofall checks.

  • Barrjer monitorjng capability isdecreasedifthere isa loss orlack ofreliable indicators.

Thisassessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentation andconsideration ofoffsitemonitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely entrytothe EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classification declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother that factors maybeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determining whether theRCSBarrier ispotentially lost.TheEmergency Coordinator should also considerwhetherornottodeclare thebarrier potentiallylost inthe event that barrier status cannot bemonitored.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1.NEl99-01, Emergency Director Judgment RCSLoss 6.A 232of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE354OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProductBarrier 1oss/Potential IossMatrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: A.RCSorSGTubeI,eakage Degradation Threat: I,oss Threshold:

I A leaking orRUPTURED SG isFAUITED outside ofcontainment Definition(s):

/GR// ED Thetermapplied

'/ -

toa steam generator that has a steamorfeedwater leak onthe secondary side ofsufficient sizetocause anuncontrolled drop insteamgenerator pressure orthe steamgenerator tobecome completely depressurized.

RUPTUREDThecondition ofa steamgenerator inwhich primary-to-secondary leakage isof sufficient magnitude torequirea safety injection.


This threshold addresses a leakingorRUPTURED Steam Generator (SG) that isalso FAUITED outsideofcontainment. Thecondition ofthe whether S G, leaking or RUPTURED, isdetermined in accordance with the thresholdsforRCSBarrier Potential I.oss A.IandI.oss A.I. respectively. This conditionrepresents a bypassofthe containment barrier.

FAUI.TED isadefined termwithin the NEl99-01 methodology: this determination is not necessarily dependent upon entry ordiagnostic into, stepswithin, anEOP.For example, ifthe pressureina steamgenerator isdecreasing uncontrollably (part ofthe FAUlTEDdefinition) and theIAUI.TED steamgenerator isolationprocedure isnotentered because EOPuser rules are dictating of implementation procedure another to address a higher priority condition, the s team generatorisstill considered FAUITEDfor emergency elassineation purposes.

TheFAUI.TED criterionestablishesanappropriate lower bound onthe size ofa steamrelease that mayrequire anemergency classineation.

Steam releasesofthis size arereadily observable with normal Control Roomindications. Thelower bound this for aspect ofthe containment barrier is analogous tothe lower bound criteriaspecined inICSU4for the fuel clad barrier(i.e.,RCSactivity values)andICSU5for theRCSbarrier (i.e.,RCSleak rate values).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE355OF383 ATTACHMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential 1.oss Matrix andBases This threshold also applies toprolonged steamreleases necessitated byoperational considerations such astheforced steaming ofa leaking orRUPTURED steamgenerator directly toatmosphere to cooldown the plant. These type ofcondition willresult ina significant andsustained release of radioactive steamto the environment (and are thussimilar toa FAUl,TED condition). Theinability toisolate the steamflow without anadverse effect onplant cooldown meetsthe intentofaloss of containment.

Steam releases associated withthe expected operation ofa SGAtmospheric DumpValve(s) donot meetthe intent ofthis threshold. Such releases mayoccur intermittently for a shortperiod oftime following a reactor trip asoperators process through emergency operating procedures tobring the plant toastable condition andprepare toinitiate a plant cooldown. This includestheinitial cooldown to5400F toisolate the ruptured SG using Atmospheric DumpValves directed inthe SGTREOP.Steam releases associated with the unexpected operation ofavalve (e.g.,astuck-open safety valve) domeetthis threshold.

Following anSGtube leak orrupture, there maybeminor radiological releases through a secondary-side system component (e.g.,air ejectors, glad seal exhausters, valve packing, steam traps, terry turbine exhaust, etc.).These types ofreleases donot constitute a loss orpotential loss of containment but should beevaluated using the Recognition Category R ICs.

TheECLsresulting from primary-to-secondary (P-to-S) leakage, with orwithout asteam release from the FAUITED SG,aresummarized below.

Affected SGisFAUlTED Outside ofContainment?

P-to-S 1,eakRate Yes No 1,ess than orequal to25gpm Noclassification Noclassification Greater than 23gpm

- Unusual Iventper Unusual Event per SU5. I SU5.1 Requires operation ofthe standby chargingSite AreaEmergency '

AlertperFAI I (makeup) pump( RCSBarrier Potential Loss) perFSI1 Requires anautomatic ormanual ECCS(SIAS) Site Area Emergency Alert perFAII actuation (RC8Barrier Loss) perFSI1 There isnoPotential Iossthreshold associated with RCSorSGTubeLeakage.


PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE356OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

l Procedure 40EP-9EO01 Reactor

, Trip

2. Procedure40EP-9EO01 , StainlardPost TripActions
3. Procedure40I(P-91?O03, /.ossofCoolant Accident
4. Procedure401(P-91(Ol0 Deinand Excess Steain
5. Procedure40I?P-91?O04. Stearn Generator TubeRupture
6. NII99-01 RCSorSGTube I.eakage Containment I.oss I.A 235of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE357OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Containment Category: A.RCSorSGTubeIeakage DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

None 236of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE358OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Barrier Product Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Containment Category: B.Inadequate Removal IIeat DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 237of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE359OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: B.Inadequate Ileat Removal Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I RepCETs> 12000F AND Functional recovery procedure not effective within 15minutes (Note I)

NoteI TheEmergency Coordinator shoulddeclarethe event promptly upondetermining that time limithas been exceeded.

orwill likely beexceeded.


None Basis:

CoreExit Thermocouples (CETs) are a component ofInadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation and provideanindirect indication offuel clad temperature bymeasuring the temperature ofthe reactor coolantthat leaves the coreregion. Although clad rupture duetohigh temperature isnotexpected CETreadings fl)r less thanthethreshold, temperatures ofthis magnitude signal significant superheatingofthe coolant reactor andcore uncovery (ref. 1).

The15minute threshold startswhenoperators begin taking procedurally directed functional recovery actions.

IfCETreadings aregreater than 1.200oF (ref. l), the Fuel Clad barrier isalso lost.

RepCET(Representative Core Exit Temperature) isacalculated temperature value generated by theQualilled Safety ParameterDisplay System (QSPDS). TheQSPDS CETprocessing function generatesa representative temperature based onastatistical analysisofthermocouples monitoring thereactor coolant temperature atthe topofselected fuelassemblies.

This conditionrepresents anIMMINENTcore melt sequence which. if notcorrected, could lead to vesselfliilure andanincreased potential for containment fliilure.

Iorthis condition tooccur, there mustalready have been a lossofthe RCSBarrier andthe Fuel Clad Barrier. Ifimplementation ofa procedure(s)torestore adequate core cooling isnoteffective (successful) within 15minutes, it is 238of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE360OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential IossMatrix andBases assumedthat theevent trajectory will likely leadtocore melting andasubsequent challengeofthe Containment Barrier.

Therestorationprocedure is considered "effective" ifcore exit thermocouple readingsardecreasing and/orifreactor vessel level is increasing. Whether ornotthe procedure(s) willbeeffectiveshould beapparent within 15minutes. The1mergency Coordinator should escalatetheemergency classilleation level assoonas itisdetermined that theprocedure(s) will notbeeffective.

Severe accidentanalyses (e.g.,NUREG-1 150) have concluded thatfunction procedures restoration canarrestcoredegradation ina significant fraction ofcore damage scenarios,andthat the likelihoodofcontainment failureisverysmall inthese events. Given it this, isappropriateto provide 15minutes beyond the required entry point todetermineif procedural actionscanreverse thecore meltsequence.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 UFSARAppendix 1SB. System 80Generic Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation 2.Procedure 40EP-9EOO9, Functional Recoverv

3. NEl99-01, Inadequate lleatRemoval Containment Potential Loss 2.A 239of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION69 PAGE361OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Barrier Product Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases Barrier: Containment Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

None 240of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE362OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct BarrierIoss/PotentialLoss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: C.CTMTRadiation/RCS Activity Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I Containment radiationRU-148 > 6.8E+06mR/hr OR RU-149 > 7.8E+06 mR/hr Definition(s):

None Basis:

Containment radiation monitor readings than the values shown greater (ref. 1)indicate significant fueldamage well inexcess ofthat requiredforloss ofthe RCS barrier andthe Fuel Clad barrier.

Thereading isderived assuming the instantaneousrelease and dispersal ofthe reactorcoolant noble gasandiodine inventory associated with 20%clad failureintothe Containment atmosphere with containmentsprays operating.

Thevalues arebased oncalculatedreadings fifteenminutes after shutdown.

Thereadings arehigher thanthat specified forFuel Clad barrier IossC.Iand RCS barrierLoss C.l Containment radiationreadings atorabove the Containment barrier Potential Iossthreshold, therefore,signify a loss oftwo fission productbarriersandPotential Loss ofa third, indicating the need toupgrade the emergency classification toa General Emergency.

Monitors usedfor this product fission barrierlossthreshold arethe Containment Iligh Range Radiation Monitors RU-148 andRU-149 l).


Theradiationmonitor readingcorresponds toaninstantaneous release ofall reactor coolant mass intothe containment, assuming that 20%ofthe fuel cladding hasfailed. This level offliel clad failureiswell above that used todetermine the relatedFuel Clad Barrier Loss andRCSBarrier Loss thresholds.

NUREG-1228,Source Estimations During Incident Response toSevere Nuclear Power Plant Accidents,indicates thefuelclad failure mustbegreater than approximately 20%inorder forthere tobea major release ofradioactivity requiringoffsiteprotective actions. Forthis condition toexist, there mustalready have been a loss ofthe RCSBarrier andthe Fuel Clad Barrier. istherefore It 241of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY Pl,AN REVISION 69 PAGE363OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix 1.oss andBases prudentto treat this conditionasapotential loss ofcontainment would which then ECL escalate the toa General Emergency.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 Calculation 13-NC-7Y -216, Determination ofContainment Activities Radiation Iligh from Monitors

2. NEI99-01, CTMTRadiation /RCSActivity Potential Containment 3.A I.oss 242of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE364OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct Barrier Ioss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass Degradation Threat: Loss Threshold:

I Containment is required isolation AND EITIlER

= Containment integrity has been lost basedon Emergency Coordinator judgment

= UNISOLABLE pathway from Containment tothe environment exists Definition(s):

UN/SOLABLEAn open orbreached system line that cannot beisolated. remotely orlocally.


Containment isolations areinitiated bythe Containment Isolation Actuation System (CIAS) in response toa high containment pressure signal orlowpressurizerpressure belowthe SIASsetpoint (ref.I,2).

A penetration isconsidered isolated with atleast onecontainment isolationvalve closed. This may include a check valveifthere isnoindication that ithasfailed toclose.

These thresholds addressa situation where containment isolation isrequired andoneof two conditions exists asdiscussed below. Users arereminded that theremaybeaccident and release conditions thatsimultaneously meetboth bulleted thresholds.

FirstThreshold -

Containment integrity has been lost,i.e., the actualcontainment atmospheric leak ratelikely exceeds that associated with allowable leakage (or sometimes toasdesign referred leakage). Following therelease ofRCSmassinto containment, containment pressure will fluctuate based onavariety of factors; a loss ofcontainment integrity condition may(or maynot) be accompanied bya noticeable drop incontainment pressure. Recognizing theinherent difficulties in determining a containment leak rate during accident conditions. itisexpected thatthe Emergency Coordinator will assessthisthreshold using judgment andwith dueconsideration given tocurrent plant conditions andavailable operational andradiological data (e.g.containment pressure, readings onradiation monitors outside containment. operating statusofcontainment pressure control equipment, etc.).


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE365OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier1oss/Potential IossMatrix andBases Refer tothe middle piping runofFigure 1.Two simplilled examples areprovided. Oneis leakage from apenetration andthe other isleakage from anin-service system valve. Depending upon radiationmonitor locations and sensitivities,theleakage could bedetected byanyofthe four monitors depictedin the figure.

Another example wouldbe a lossorpotential lossofthe RCSbarrier andthe simultaneous occurrence oftwo FAULTED locations ona steamgenerator where onefault islocated inside containment (e.g.,

ona steamor feedwater line) andthe other outside ofcontainment. Inthis case, theassociated steamline providesa pathway for the containment atmosphere toescape toanarea outside thecontainment.

Following the leakage ofRCSmassinto containment anda rise incontainment pressure, there may beminor radiological releasesassociated withallowable (design)containment leakage through various penetrations orsystem components. These releases donotconstitute a loss orpotential loss ofcontainment but should beevaluated using theRecognition Category R ICs.

Second Threshold -

Conditions aresuch that there isanUNISOl ABl.E pathway for the migration ofradioactive material from thecontainment atmosphere tothe environment. Asused here, the term "environment" includes the atmosphere ofaroomorarea, outside the containment, that may, in turn,communicate with the outside-the-plant atmosphere (e.g.,through discharge of a ventilation system oratmospheric leakage).Depending upon avariety offactors, this condition mayormaynot beaccompanied bya noticeable drop incontainment pressure.

Refer tothe toppiping runofFigure 1 Inthis simplified example, the inboard and outboard isolationvalves remained open afteracontainment isolationwasrequired (i.e., containment isolationwasnotsuccessful). There isnowanUNISOI ABIE pathway from the containment tothe environment.

Theexistence ofa illterisnotconsidered inthe threshold assessment. Filters donotremove fission product noble gases. Inaddition,a illter could become ineffective duetoiodine and/or particulate loading beyond design limits retention (i.e., ability hasbeen exceeded) orwater saturation from steam/high humidity intherelease stream.

Ieakage between twointerfacing liquidsystems, byitself, does notmeetthis threshold. There must bearelease involved toatmosphere orinto another plant structure outside ofContainment.

Refer tothe bottom piping runofFigure 1 Inthis simplified example, leakage inanRCPseal cooler isallowing radioactive material toenter the AuxiliaryBuilding. The radioactivity would be detected bythe Process Monitor. Ifthere isnoleakage from the closed water cooling system tothe Auxiliary Building oratmosphere, then nothreshold has been met.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE366OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential 1.oss MatrixandBases Following the leakage ofRCSmassinto containment anda riseincontainment there pressure,may beminor radiological releases associated with allowablecontainment leakage through various penetrations orsystem components. Minor releases mayalso occur ifacontainment isolation valve(s) fails toclose but the containment atmosphere escapes toanenclosed These system.

releasesdonotconstitute alossorpotential loss ofcontainment butshould using beevaluated the Recognition Category R ICs.

Thestatus ofthe containmentbarrier during aneventinvolving leakage tube steamgenerator is assessed using Loss Threshold A.I PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I UFSARSection 6.2.I.5.3.8,Containment Purge System

2. UFSARSection Containment 6.2.4, Isolation System 3.NEI 99-01, CTMTIntegrity orBypass Containment Loss 4.A 245of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE367OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Barrier Product 1oss/PotentialLoss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: Loss Threshold:


2. Indications outside ofContainment Definition(s):

None Basis:

Procedure40AO-9zz02, ExcessiveRCSLeakrate, (.ref. 1) toidentify provides instructions and a IOCAoutside isolate ofthecontainment. PotentialRCS leak pathways outside containment include(ref.


  • NuclearCooling System(such asRCPhigh pressureseal cooler toNCsystem)
  • SafetyInjection
  • Chemical & Volume Control
  • RCSsample lines Palo Verdespecific operatingexperience isthata IlighPressure Seal Cooler (IIPSC) leak tothe NuclearCooling (NC)

Water System must be isolatedtocontainment within 15 minutes of discoverydueto the l ocation ofthe NCsystem expansion tank andpotentialdose concerns onthe AuxiliaryBuilding roof.

RCSIeakage Outside ofContainment RCSIeakRate Yes No Iessthan orequalto25gpm Noclassification Noclassification Greater than25gpm Unusual Event per Unusual Event per SU5.1 SU5.1 Requiresoperation ofthestandby chargingSite Area Emergenev 'Alert


perFAI I (makeup)pump( RCSBarrierPotential Loss) per F Sl1 Requiresanautomatic ormanual ECCS(SIAS) SiteAreaEmergency -

Alert perFAI.1 actuation (RCSBarrierI.oss) per FSI.1 246of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE368OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission Product Barrier Loss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Containment sump, temperature. pressure and/or radiation levels will increase ifreactor coolant massisleaking into the containment. If these parameters have notincreased, then thereactor coolant massmay be leaking outside ofcontainment (i.e.,

a containment bypass sequence).

Increases insump.temperature. pressure, flow and/or radiation level readings outside ofthe containment mayindicate that the RCSmassisbeing lostoutside ofcontainment.

Unexpected elevated readings and alarms onradiation monitors with detectors outside containment should becorroborated with other available indicationstoconGrm that the source isa loss ofRCS massoutside ofcontainment. Ifthe fuel cladbarrier hasnotbeen lost,radiation monitor readings outside ofcontainment maynotincrease significantly: however, other unexpected changes insump levels, area temperatures orpressures, flow rates, etc. should besuf0cient todetermine ifRCSmass isbeing lost outside ofthe containment.

Refer tothe middle piping runofFigure I Inthissimplined example,a leak hasoccurred ata reducer ona pipe carrying reactor coolant inthe Auxiliary Building. Depending upon radiation monitor locations andsensitivities, the leakage could bedetected byanyofthe four monitors depicted inthe figure andcause threshold D.1tobemetaswell.

Refer tothe bottom piping runofFigure I Inthis simplified example, leakage in anRCPseal cooler isallowing radioactive material toenter theAuxiliary Building and thenatmosphere. The radioactivity would bedetected bythe Process Monitor. If the Nuclear Cooling System (NC) pump developed a leakthat allowed steamAvater toleak toatmosphere, then this threshold ismet.

Toensure proper escalation ofthe emergency classification, the RCSleakage outside of containment mustberelated tothe massloss that iscausing the RCSIossand/or Potential Loss threshold A.1tobemet.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I Procedure 40AO-9/102. Excessive RCSI.eakrate

2. Procedure 40EP-9E003, /ossof Coolant Accident 3.NEl99-01, CTMTIntegrity orBypass Containment 1oss 247of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE369OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Figure 1:Containment Integrity orBypass Examples vfb) nushM Am.n,..


!Effluent l Monitor l

fori Inside Vent NH"'*

Containment l..........Q ,-

Damper j'.(l.j.j..'j -

di 101t01 Openvalve Open valve D.itupel 1' Penetration # f A Th-h" f

,/ Auhoine ff


W .-, - . ...

.1,....,....,.,.:-,..,.,.,., o O om


,- 3;d2jI1.111:Q.

D.2 j

i-Thushcad- A
.. -.- -. ..,:..:.:.,:oe-:-ro-::


k':2 Openealve # Upell '1ti'e RR

. 1sk.m ::.:

1 * .wtol. AB1 1ho,sh.d . . . .

Interface leakage 3, ,..........,


,v' '

n-.n.-rn.m :Process  !

h ,/'


rn.h.ath.n  : Monitor

) ". . . . . . . . . .

l...Q Closed

.:c:..:.- .:.:..-..:..:.: ....:..: .:::.;;.:.:.:.:.:.:. .. .

uoenvalve Openvalve N Punip Cooling i

RCP Seal Cooling 248of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE370OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I Containment pressure> 60 psig Definition(s):

None Basis:

60psig isthecontainment design pressure 1).


lfcontainmentpressure exceeds the design there exists a potentialtolose pressure, Containment the Toreach Barrier. this there level, mustbeaninadequate anextended core cooling condition for periodoftime:therefore,the RCSandFuel Cladbarrierswould already belost. Thus.

this threshold isa discriminatorbetweena Site AreaEmergency andGeneral Emergency sincethere isnowa potentialtolosethe third barrier.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 UFSARSection Containment l.2.I2.1, Building 2.NEl99-01, CTMTIntegrity orBypass Containment Potential Ioss 4.A 249of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE371OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct Barrier 1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass Degradation Threat: Potential Loss Threshold:

2. Containment hydrogenconcentration > 4.9%


None Basis:

Following a design basis accident, hydrogen gasmay be generated inside the containment by reactionssuch aszirconium metal with water,corrosion of materials ofconstruction andradiolysis ofaqueous solution inthecore andsump. (ref.


PVNGSisequipped withaContainment IIydrogen Control (IIP) system which serves tolimit or reduce combustible gasconcentrations inthe Containment. TheIlP system isanengineered safety featurewith redundant hydrogen recombiners, hydrogen mixing system, hydrogen monitoring subsystem anda backup hydrogen purge subsystem. TheIIP system isdesigned tomaintainthe Containment hydrogen concentration below 4%byvolume (ref. 1.2). IlP system operation is prescribedbyEOPsif Containment hydrogen concentration should reach 0.7%by volume (minimum detectable) (ref.


ThePVNGSSafety FunctionStatus Check for1,OCA, Containment Combustible GasControl (procedure40EP-9EO03, LossofCoolant Accident), uses 4.9%asanacceptance criterion, which representsthe Ilydrogen Recombiner Function Failure Indication. This value should not be exceeded ifthe hydrogen recombiners areoperating asdesired.

Ifthe PotentialIossthreshold isreached orexceeded, the primary means ofcontrolling Containment hydrogen concentration musthave failed toperform its design function orhas otherwisebeen inadequate inmitigating the hydrogen generation rate. Foreither case, continued hydrogen production mayyield a flammable hydrogen concentration andaconsequent threat to Containment integrity.

Togenerate such levels ofcombustible gas, ofthe loss IuelClad andRCSbarriers musthave occurred.With the Potential Ioss ofthe containment barrier,the threshold hydrogen concentration, therefore.

will likely warrantdeclaration ofa General Emergency.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE372OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Iission ProductBarrier Ioss/PotentialLoss Matrix andBases Two Containment hydrogen monitor indicators(IlPA-Al-9 andHPB-Al-10) with of0%to a range 10%provide indication onControl RoomPanel BO2(ref.2).

Theexistence ofan explosive mixture means. ata minimum, thatthe atmospheric containment hydrogen concentration issufficient tosupport a hydrogen burn (e.g.

atthe deflagration lower limit).

A hydrogen burnwill raise containment pressure andcould result equipment incollateral damage leading toa loss ofcontainment integrity. therefore It apotential represents ofthe loss Containment Barrier.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

1 UFSARSection 6.2.5, Combustible Gas Control inContainment

2. Design Basis ManualHPContainmentIIydrogen Control System 3.Procedure 40DP-9APl4, Functional Technical Guideline.

Recovery Section 15.0Containment Combustible GasControl

4. NEI 99-01, CTMTIntegrity orBypass Containment Potential Loss4.B 251of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE373OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/PotentialLoss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: D.CTMTIntegrity orBypass DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

3. Containment pressure > 8.5 psig with < 4350 gpmContainment Spray flow for2 15minutes (Note1)

Note1 Thelimergency Coordinator should declare theeventpromptlyupondeterminingthattimelimit hasbeen orwill exceeded. likely beexceeded.


None Basis:

TheContainment Spray System consists oftwoseparate trains of equal capacity,each capable of meetingthedesign basesrequirement. Each trainincludesacontainment spray pump, spray headers,nozzles, valves andpiping. Therefueling waterstorage tank (RWT) suppliesborated water tothe Containment Spray System during the phase injection ofoperation. In thereeirculation mode ofoperation, Containment Spray pumpsuetion istransferred from the RWT to theContainment sumps (ref.


TheContainment pressure high-high setpoint (8.5psig) isthe pressure atwhich theContainment Spray equipmentshould actuate andbegin performingits ftmetion (rer.2).Consistent with the designrequirement, "one full train ofdepressurization equipment" isthereforedefined tobe the ofonetrain availability ofContainment Spray providingaminimum of4350 gpmspray Ilow(ref.

3).Iflessthan this equipment isoperating andContainment pressure isabove the actuation setpoint, thethreshold ismet.

This threshold describes acondition where containmentpressure isgreaterthan the setpoint at which containment energy (heat) removal systems aredesigned toautomatically actuate andless than onefull of trainequipment iscapable ofoperatingper design. The15-minute criterion is includedtoallowoperators time tomanually equipment start that maynothave automatically ifpossible.

started, Thisthreshold represents a potential loss ofcontainment in that containment heatremoval/depressurization systems (e.g., containment sprays but notincluding containment venting areeither strategies) lost orperforming ina degraded manner.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE374OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 Fission Product Barrier Ioss/Potential Matrix I.oss andBases PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I lfFSARSection 6.2.2,Containment lleatRemovalSystem

2. l!FSARTable 7.3-1IA. IfSFAS Setpoints andMargins toActuation
3. Procedure 40I(P-9EOOl , Starulant Post Trip Actions
4. NEI99-01,CTMTIntegrity orBypass Potential Containment 4.C 1.oss 253of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE375OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProductBarrier1oss/Potential Loss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: I Emergency

. Coordinator Judgment DegradationThreat: I,oss Threshold:

I Anycondition inthe opinion oftheEmergency Coordinator that indicates loss ofthe Containmentbarrier Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheEmergency Coordinator judgment thresholdaddresses anyother 11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Primary Containment barrier islost.

Such adetermination should include imminent barrier degradation, barrier monitoring capability anddominant accident sequences.

a imminentbarrier deeradationexists ifthedegradation will likely occur within relatively short period oftime basedona projectionofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognitionoftheinability toreach safety function acceptance criteria completion before ofall checks.

  • Barrier monitorine capability isdecreasedifthere isa loss orlack ofreliable indicators.

This assessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsiderationofoffsitemonitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely tothe entry EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classification declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother that factors maybeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determining whether theContainment Barrier islost.

PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, limergency Director Judgment PCIoss6.A 254of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE376OF383 ATTACIIMENT 2 FissionProduct BarrierIoss/PotentialLoss Matrix andBases Barrier: Containment Category: E.Emergency CoordinatorJudgment DegradationThreat: Potential Loss Threshold:

I Anycondition intheopinion of theEmergency Coordinator that indicates potential loss of theContainment barrier Definition(s):

None Basis:

TheEmergency Coordinator judgment addresses anyother threshold 11ictors relevant todetermining ifthe Primary Containment barrier ispotentially lost.Such a determination should include imminent degradation.

barrier barriermonitoring capabilityand dominant accident sequences.

a imminentbarrier deeradation exists ifthedegradation will likely occur within relatively short period oftime based ona projectionofcurrent safety system performance. Theterm "imminent" refers torecognition oftheinabilitytoreach safety function acceptance criteria completion before ofall checks.

  • Barrier monitorine capability isdecreased ifthere isa loss orlack ofreliable indicators.

This assessment should instrumentation include operability readings from portable concerns, instrumentationandconsideration ofoffsite monitoring results.

  • W leadtodegradation ofall fission product barriers andlikely tothe entry EOPs.TheEmergency Coordinator should bemindful ofthe Loss ofAC power (Station Blackout) andATWSEALstoassure timely emergency classification declarations.

This addresses threshold anyother factors thatmaybeused bytheEmergency Coordinator in determining whether theContainment Barrier ispotentiallylost.TheEmergency Coordinator should consider also whether ornottodeclare thebarrier potentially lost inthe event that barrier status bemonitored.

cannot PVNGSBasis Reference(s):

I NEl99-01, Emergency Director Judgment PCPotential Loss 6.A 255of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE377OF383 ATTACIIMENT 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown RoomsTables R-2& H-2Bases


NEl99-01, Revision 6 ICs AA3andIlA5 prescribe declaration ofanAlert based onimpeded access torooms or areas (due toeither area radiation levels orhazardous gasconcentrations) where equipment necessaryfor normal plant operations, cooldown orshutdown islocated. These areasare intended tobeplant operating mode dependent.Specifically the Developers Notes ForAA3and HA5states:

The'site-specific list ofplant rooms orareas with entn-related modeapplicability identified' should specifj those rooms orareas that contain equipment which require a manual/local action asspecifiedin operating proceduresused fi>r normal plant operation, cooldown andshutdown. Do notinclude rooms orareas inwhich actions ofa contingent or emergency naturewould beperfi>rmed(e.g., anactiontoaddress ano[f-normal or emergency condition such asemergency repairs, corrective measures oremergency operations). Inaddition, the list should specifi' the plant mode(s) during which entrv would berequired fi>reach roomorarea.

Thelist should notinclude roomsorareas fi>r which entry isrequired solely toperfi>rm actions ofanadministrative orrecord keeping nature(e.g., normal rounds orroutine inspections).

Further,asspecified inICHA5:

Thelist need notinclude the Control Roomifadequate engineered safety/design features areinplace topreclude a Control Roomevacuation duetothe release ofahazardous gas.

Such fi>atures may include, but arenotlimited to,capability todraw airfiom multiple air intakes atdiffi>rent andseparate locations, inner andouteratmospheric boundaries, or the capability toacquire andmaintain positive pressure within the Control Roomenvelope.


PVNGS EMERGENCY PlAN REVISION 69 PAGE378OF383 ATTACIIMENT 3 Safe Operation & Shutdown RoomsTables R-2& II-2 Bases PVNGSTable R-2and11-2 Bases A reviewofstation operating procedures identified the modedependent following in-plantactions andassociatedareas that arerequired for normal plant operation, cooldown orshutdown:

Location-Modes -

Modes -

Safe Shutdown Area/Room 1,2 3,4 or5 IPSIPumps A andB SDC Equipment. Shut DownCooling (SDC)

Noentryrequired -

Noenny required Inventory ControlEquipment Inventory Control Equipment Noentryrequired Reactivity Control.

Noentry required Containment Spray Pumps A Containment Pressure Control Shut DownCooling (SDC) andB -

Noenny required -

Noenny required InventoryControl Equipment No entry required Reactivity Control.

No entry required IlPSI Pumps A andB Inventory Control Equipment. Inventory Control Equipment.

Noentry required -

No entry required Reactivity Control. Reactivity Control.

Noentry required -

Noently required Aux.BIdg 120WestElectrical Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

Room Penetration -

Noenny required -

No enny required Aux.BIdg 100East Electrical Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

Room Penetration -

Noenny required -

Noentryrequired Cooling Essential Water Support Equipment for Support Equipment for Pumps IIabitability Control, IIabitability Control, Containment Temperature, Containment Temperature, Control andShutdown Control andShutdown Cooling Cooling Noentry required -

Noentry required ControlBuilding 100foot Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

4160 ClassSwitchgear Room -

Noenny required -

Ennyrequired toaccess A&B die DCequipntent Rooins C andD Modes-4and5 257of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE379OF383 ATTACIIMENT 3 Safe Operation& Shutdown RoomsTables R-2& H-2Bases 1,ocation -

Modes -

Modes -

Safe Shutdown Area/Room 1,2 3,4 or5 Control Building 100 foot Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

Class DCEquipment Rooms -

Noenny required -

Noentry required A& B Control Building 100foot Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

Class DCEquipment Rooms -

Noentryrequired -

Energize 1.TOP Isolation C& D Valves for SDC.Procedure 400P-9zz23. Modes4and 5

Emergency Diesel Generators Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

A&B -

Noentry required -

Noentry required Emergency Diesel Generators Electrical Power. Electrical Power.

DayTank Rooms -

Noentrv required -

Noentn' required EDGBuilding IIVACRoom -

Noentry required -

Noenny required Control Building 160ft -

Noenny required -

Noentryrequired Electrical Cable Spreading Control Building 120ft -

Noenny required -

No ennyrequired EIcetrical Cable Spreading Control Building 80ft -

Noenny required -

Noenny required Essential Chiller Rooms Control Building Battery Noenny required -

Noenny required Rooms B C andD A,

Turbine Building Elevations -

Noenny required -

Noentry required MainSteam Support Structure-Noenny required -

Noenny required I40,120 and100foot elevations Aux.Feedwater PumpRoom Steam Generator Ileat Steam Generator Heat A andB Removal Removal Noenny required -

Noenny required Spray Pond PumpRooms A Support Equipment for Support Equipment for andB IIabitability Control IIabitabilityControl Containment Temperature, Containment Temperature, ControlShutdown and ControlShutdown and Cooling Cooling Noenny required Noenny required 258of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE380OF383 ATTACIIMENT 3 Safe Operation& Shutdown RoomsTables R-2& ll-2 Bases Table R-2 & 11-2Results Tabic R-2& II-2 Safe Operating & ShutdownRooms Room ModeApplicability Control 100 ft. Class DCEquipment Building RoomC 4.5 Control 100ft.Class DC Equipment RoomD Building 4,5 I Procedure 400P-9//O5, PowerOperations

2. Procedure400P-9//23, OntageGOP
3. Procedure400P-9//10, Mode3toMode 5 Operations
4. Procedure400P-9SI01, ShutdownCooling Initiation 259of262

PVNGS EMERGENCY PIAN REVISION 69 PAGE381OF383 ATTACIIMENT 4 Palo Verde Safety System SafetySystem A system required for safeplant operation, cooling downthe plant placing and/or itinthe cold shutdown condition. including the ECCS. These aretypically systems assafety classified related (as definedin10CFR50.2):

Those structures, systems and components that arerelied upon toremain functional during and following design basis events toassure:

I)Theintegrity ofthe reactor coolant pressure boundary; 2)Thecapability toshut downthe reactor and maintain itina safe shutdown condition; 3)Thecapability toprevent ormitigate theconsequences ofaccidentswhich couldresult in potential offsite exposures.

TheSAFITY SYSTIMSincluded inthis dennition are those included tosatisfy CriteriaI,2or3 of10CUR50.36(c)(2)(ii). Systems included bythis dennition are:

W a Containment Building

  • Auxiliary Building a Diesel Building a Fuel Building
  • Spray Pond a Control Building
  • MainSteam Support Structure ModeI-4 andMode5 whensteamgenerators arerequired per Technical Specifications Modes1-4
  • Reactor Coolant System (RC)
  • Safety Injection (SI)
  • Refueling Water Tank
  • Containment Air1ocks
  • Containment Isolation Valves- except whenthe penetration isisolated andoutofservice.
  • Containment Spray System (SI) Modes 1-3andMode4 385psia
  • MainSteam Safety Valves (SG) ModesI-3 260of262


  • Main Steam Isolation Valves (SG) ModeIandModes 2-4exceptwhenelosed and deactivated
  • Main Feedwater Isolation Valves (SG)ModeI-4 except whenclosed anddeactivated or isolated byanother valve
  • Atmospherie Dump Valves (SG) ModesI-3, Mode4 whenSteam arerelied Generators on for heat removal
  • Auxiliary Feedwater System (AF) Modes Mode4 whenSteam 1-3, arerelied Generators on for heat removal
  • Condensate Storage Tank (CT)Modes 1-3, Mode4 whenSteam arerelied Generators onfor heat removal
  • Essential Cooling Water System (EW)
  • Essential Chill Water System (EC)
  • Essential Spray Pond System (SP)
  • Ultimate lleatSink (SP)
  • Control RoomEssential Filtration andVentilation (IU)
  • Engineered Safety Ieatures PumpRoomExhaust Cleanup (IIF)
  • Diesel Generators (DG)
  • Diesel Fuel Oil System (DF)
  • DCSources (PK)
  • Class Battery Chargers (PK)
  • Class Instrument Invertors (PN)
  • Distribution Systems (PB,PG,Pll, PKandPN)
  • Shutdown Cooling System (SI)Mode4
  • Reactor Protection System (RPS)
  • Engineered Safety Features ActuationSystem(ESFAS)
  • Balance ofPlant Engineered Safety Actuation Features System (BOP-ESFAS)


  • Reactor Coolant System (RC)
  • Shutdown Cooling System (SI)
  • Diesel Generators (DG) Normally only required onetrain byTS
  • Diesel Fuel Oil System (DF) Normallyonlyonetrain requiredbyTS
  • DCSources (PK) Normally onlyonetrainrequiredbyTS
  • Class Battery Chargers (PK) Normallyonlyonetrain required byTS
  • Class Instrument Invertors (PN)Normally onlyonetrain requiredbyTS 261of262


  • Distribution Systems (PB,PG,PilPKandPN) Normally only byTS required onetrain
  • ControlRoom Essential FiltrationandVentilation (IIJ)
  • Essential Cooling Water System (EW) supporting Train(s) Cooling Shutdown
  • Essential Spray Pond System (SP) supporting Train(s) Cooling Shutdown DG and/or a Ultimate Heat Shutdown Sink (SP) Train(s) supporting DG and/or Cooling 262of262

Enclosure 2 Summary ofthe10 CFR50.54(q) Analysis of EmergencyPlanRevision 69

Description ofChanges Revision 69ofPalo Verde Generating StationEmergency Plan Revision 69 ofPalo Verde Generating Station Emergency Planinvolves the implementation oftheUnified Rascal Interface for dose assessmentandclarification of protective actions recommendation andclarification ofnotifications (initial and follow upnotificationto what agency).

1. 10CFR50.47(b)(1) Assignment ofResponsibility isinvolved thechanges with tofollow upnotification (offsite agencies involved). Section,,,, Figure 8,Figure 9,andSection ofEPlan.
2. 10CFR 50.47(b)(5) Notification Methods andProcedures isinvolved withtheclarification ofinitial andfollow-up notifications. Definitions inEPlan. Section 1.1, andSection 6.3ofEPlan.
3. 10CFR50.47(b)(8) -

EmergencyFacility andEquipment isinvolved intheimplementation oftheUnified Rascal Interface doseassessment Section process. 15ofEPlan.

4. 10CFR50.47(b)(9) -

Accident Assessment isinvolved intheimplementation ofthe Unified Rascal Interface doseassessment process. Section 15ofEPlan.

5. 10CFR50.47(b)(10) -

Protective Responseis involved inthe ofwording clarification in theprotective action section along with theimplementation oftheUnified RascalInterface doseassessment process. Section ofEPlan.