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DOCKET NO. 050-0331 DATE Apel1 15.1983 C04PIITED BY Matt Andersen TELEPH0tE 319-851-7308 OPERATING STATUS 4
: 1. Unit Name        Ouane Arnold Energy Center
: 2. Reporting Period                    March. 1983
: 3. Licensed Thermal Power 04Wt):                    1656
: 84. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 565 (Turbine Rattna)
: 5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):                  538
: 6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 545
: 7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net NWe): 515                                                                                                    -
: 8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since the Last Report, Give Reasons
!      9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if Any (Net MWe):                                                                                              __
: 10. Reasons For Restrictions, if Any:
This Month                Yr-to-Date              Cumu lative
: 11. Hours in Reporting Period                                                          744,0                  2160.0                  71544.0
: 12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical                                                  0.0                  1010.7                51267.0
: 13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours                                                        0.0                          0.0                      0.0
!    14. Hours Generator On-Line                                                              0.0                  1010.7                49945.9
: 15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours                                                          0.0                          0.0                      0.0
: 16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated 04WH)                                                  0.0              1194016.8              61567456.0
: 17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                              0.0                410045.0              20624 % 2.0
: 18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)                                                0.0                380160.6              19294433.0
: 19. Unit Service Factor                                                                  0.0%                    46.8%                    69.8%
: 20. Unit Availability Factor                                                              0.0%                    46.8%                    69.8%
: 21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net)                                                  0.0%                    34.2%                    52.4%
: 22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)                                                  0.0%                    32.7%                    50.1%
: 23. Unit Forced Out, age Rate                                                            0.0                          0.0                  17.5
: 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):
Ref uelino commenced on February 11, 1983
: 25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: April 25,1983
      ' Turbine Rating: 565.7 MWe Generator Rating: 663.5 04VA) x .90 (Power Factor) = 597 MWe 8304210053 830415                                                                                                                              (9/77)
PDR ADOCK 05000331 R                                  PDR
    ,                                          AVERAGE DAILY LNIT POWER LEVEL            DOCKET NO. 050-0331 LNIT Duane Arnold Energy Center DATE April 15, 1983 COMPLETED BY Matt Andersen i                                                                                        TELEPHONE 319-851-7308 MONTH      March, 1983 DAY          AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL                                  DAY    AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL 1
(MWe-Net)                                                                    (MWe-Net) 1                      0                                              17                          0 2                      0                                                18                        0 3                      0                                              19                          0 4
4                      0                                              20                          0 3                      0                                              21                          0 6                      0                                              22                          0 7                      0                                              23                          0 8                      0                                              24                          0 9                      0                                              25                          0 10                        0                                              26                          0 11                        0                                              27                          0 l  12                        0                                              28                          0 1
13                        0'                                              29                          0 14                        0            ,
30                          0 13                        0                                              31                          0 16                        0 C
1NSTRUCTlONS On this format, list the average dally unit power level In MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.
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Docket No. 055-0331 Unit Duane Arnold Energy Ctr Date April 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Andersen Telephone 319-851-7308
        .                    REFUELING INFORMATION
: 1. Name of facility.
A. Duane Arnol d Energy Center
: 2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.
A. Fall, 1984 (Note - current refueling outage will extend through Apr i l 25, 1983)
: 3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.
A. April 25, 1983
: 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical spe ci f i cat ion change or other license amendment?
Yes, current outage requires approvst of two pending amendments: RTS-147 on the reload license and RTS-146 on load case avoldance.
: 5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting Information.
All outstanding amendments and supporting Information has been submitted.
: 6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.
: 7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) In the core and (b) In the spent fuel storage pool.
A. a) 368    b) 576  (On 3/31/83 refueling was In progress.
Number shown represents totals at conclusion of refueling on 4/9/83)
: 8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase In licensed storage capacity that has be e n requested or Is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.
A. 2050
: 9. T he projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.
A. 1998
Docket No. 050-0331 Unit hane Arnold E n e r'a y Centor Date April 15, 1983 MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE                                Comp leted by Matt Anderpen Telephone 319-851-7308 DATE                SYSTEM                                COMPONENT                              DESCRIPTION 3/5/83    CRD                              CRDs 30-27, 26-03, 26-15, 06-23,        Rebulld of tube and rod assemblies 38-27, 34-27, 14-35, 18-23, 26-23,      (17 CRDs) 38-31, 02-27, 18-11, 26-07, 06-19, 18-15, 10-19 a n d 22-35 3/7/83    CRD                              B l a d e s 18- 15, 10-23, 18-31, 26-15, Blade changeouts 26-31, and 34-23
, 3/8/83    Nuclear Instrumentation          LPRM s 24-09, 08-25, 08-33, 16-41,      LPRM changeouts 16-33, and 32-25 I
3/11/83    CRD                              CRD s 26-15 & 30-27                      Overtravel alarms when being withdrawn; 26-13 rebuilt & Installed, 30-27 (bent t u be & rod) rep l aced with spare - repairs pending 3/19/83    SGTS                              " A" C harcoa l Bed                      Replaced with new charcoal (degradation due to smoke from minor torus fire on-3/10/83) 3/24/83    SGTS                              "B" Charcoal Bed                        Replaced with new charcoal      R 0 83-011
pending) 3/28/83    SBDG                              Diesel Generator 1G-21                  Annual Inspection performed including
.                                                                                        LER 81-015 Inspection of Journals 3/31/83    SBDG                              Diesel Generator 1G-31                  Annual Inspection performed including LER 81-016 I n s pe ct ion of Journals 1
Docket No. 055-0331 e                                                      Unit Duane Arnold Energy Ctr
  ,                                                              Date April 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Andersen Telephone 319-851-7308 NARRATIVE
OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 3-1-83  1558 Commenced defueling-reactor.
3-4-83  1535 Fuel movement from reactor to spent fuel pool complete.
3-5-83  CRD maintenance commenced. 17 CRDs scheduled for repairs.
3-7-83  CRD blade changeout initiated for the following blades: 18-15, 10-23, 18-31, 26-15, 2 6-31 a nd 3 4-23.
3-8-83  LPRM changeouts 24-09, 08-25, 08-33, 16-41, an d 32-25.
3-10-83 2345 Minor fire reported Inside the torus during construction activities.
3-11-83 River Water Supply System pumps IP-1178 and 1P-117D declared inoperative (2/11/83) when ASME allowables were exceeded.
RO Report 83-005 3-20-83 Maintenance on CRD drives completed.
3-22-83 Two SRVs found to have s etp oi n ts conservatively below setpoints specified In tech sp ec.
3-23-83 Identifled one repatrable pipe weld crack in RWCU system (outside containment Isolation valves).      Plpe replacement in progress.
3  "A" & "B" RPS to MG set breakers failed to trip during surveillance 3-25-83 testing. These non-safety related breakers are bei ng removed this outage and replaced with safety grade EPAs.
3-24-83 "B" RPS MG set returned to service.
3-24-83 "B" Standby Gas train charcoal found saturated with water.      Charcoal was replaced with new charcoal and design of overhead fire protection system changed (A train operable since last inspection of B traln).
RO Report 83-011 Pending 3-26-83 Engineering evaluation of deficiencies i denti fied during February Inspection of safety related snubbers identified 4 Inoperative and 4 Indeterminate as to opera bi l ity.
RO Report Pending}}

Latest revision as of 11:16, 20 May 2020

Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1983
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1983
From: Mary Anderson
Shared Package
ML20073L533 List:
NUDOCS 8304210053
Download: ML20073L538 (6)




DOCKET NO. 050-0331 DATE Apel1 15.1983 C04PIITED BY Matt Andersen TELEPH0tE 319-851-7308 OPERATING STATUS 4


1. Unit Name Ouane Arnold Energy Center
2. Reporting Period March. 1983
3. Licensed Thermal Power 04Wt): 1656
84. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 565 (Turbine Rattna)
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 538
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 545
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net NWe): 515 -
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since the Last Report, Give Reasons

! 9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if Any (Net MWe): __

10. Reasons For Restrictions, if Any:

This Month Yr-to-Date Cumu lative

11. Hours in Reporting Period 744,0 2160.0 71544.0
12. Number of Hours Reactor Was Critical 0.0 1010.7 51267.0
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0

! 14. Hours Generator On-Line 0.0 1010.7 49945.9

15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0.0 0.0 0.0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated 04WH) 0.0 1194016.8 61567456.0
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 410045.0 20624 % 2.0
18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) 0.0 380160.6 19294433.0
19. Unit Service Factor 0.0% 46.8% 69.8%
20. Unit Availability Factor 0.0% 46.8% 69.8%
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 0.0% 34.2% 52.4%
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 0.0% 32.7% 50.1%
23. Unit Forced Out, age Rate 0.0 0.0 17.5
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date, and Duration of Each):

Ref uelino commenced on February 11, 1983

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: April 25,1983

' Turbine Rating: 565.7 MWe Generator Rating: 663.5 04VA) x .90 (Power Factor) = 597 MWe 8304210053 830415 (9/77)

PDR ADOCK 05000331 R PDR



(MWe-Net) (MWe-Net) 1 0 17 0 2 0 18 0 3 0 19 0 4

4 0 20 0 3 0 21 0 6 0 22 0 7 0 23 0 8 0 24 0 9 0 25 0 10 0 26 0 11 0 27 0 l 12 0 28 0 1

13 0' 29 0 14 0 ,

30 0 13 0 31 0 16 0 C

1NSTRUCTlONS On this format, list the average dally unit power level In MWe-Net for each day in the reporting month. Compute to the nearest whole megawatt.

j (9/77)

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Docket No. 055-0331 Unit Duane Arnold Energy Ctr Date April 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Andersen Telephone 319-851-7308


1. Name of facility.

A. Duane Arnol d Energy Center

2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown.

A. Fall, 1984 (Note - current refueling outage will extend through Apr i l 25, 1983)

3. Scheduled date for restart following refueling.

A. April 25, 1983

4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical spe ci f i cat ion change or other license amendment?

Yes, current outage requires approvst of two pending amendments: RTS-147 on the reload license and RTS-146 on load case avoldance.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting Information.

All outstanding amendments and supporting Information has been submitted.

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures.


7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) In the core and (b) In the spent fuel storage pool.

A. a) 368 b) 576 (On 3/31/83 refueling was In progress.

Number shown represents totals at conclusion of refueling on 4/9/83)

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase In licensed storage capacity that has be e n requested or Is planned, in number of fuel assemblies.

A. 2050

9. T he projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity.

A. 1998

Docket No. 050-0331 Unit hane Arnold E n e r'a y Centor Date April 15, 1983 MAJOR SAFETY RELATED MAINTENANCE Comp leted by Matt Anderpen Telephone 319-851-7308 DATE SYSTEM COMPONENT DESCRIPTION 3/5/83 CRD CRDs 30-27, 26-03, 26-15, 06-23, Rebulld of tube and rod assemblies 38-27, 34-27, 14-35, 18-23, 26-23, (17 CRDs) 38-31, 02-27, 18-11, 26-07, 06-19, 18-15, 10-19 a n d 22-35 3/7/83 CRD B l a d e s 18- 15, 10-23, 18-31, 26-15, Blade changeouts 26-31, and 34-23

, 3/8/83 Nuclear Instrumentation LPRM s 24-09, 08-25, 08-33, 16-41, LPRM changeouts 16-33, and 32-25 I

3/11/83 CRD CRD s 26-15 & 30-27 Overtravel alarms when being withdrawn; 26-13 rebuilt & Installed, 30-27 (bent t u be & rod) rep l aced with spare - repairs pending 3/19/83 SGTS " A" C harcoa l Bed Replaced with new charcoal (degradation due to smoke from minor torus fire on-3/10/83) 3/24/83 SGTS "B" Charcoal Bed Replaced with new charcoal R 0 83-011


pending) 3/28/83 SBDG Diesel Generator 1G-21 Annual Inspection performed including

. LER 81-015 Inspection of Journals 3/31/83 SBDG Diesel Generator 1G-31 Annual Inspection performed including LER 81-016 I n s pe ct ion of Journals 1


Docket No. 055-0331 e Unit Duane Arnold Energy Ctr

, Date April 15, 1983 Completed by Matt Andersen Telephone 319-851-7308 NARRATIVE


OF OPERATING EXPERIENCE 3-1-83 1558 Commenced defueling-reactor.

3-4-83 1535 Fuel movement from reactor to spent fuel pool complete.

3-5-83 CRD maintenance commenced. 17 CRDs scheduled for repairs.

3-7-83 CRD blade changeout initiated for the following blades: 18-15, 10-23, 18-31, 26-15, 2 6-31 a nd 3 4-23.

3-8-83 LPRM changeouts 24-09, 08-25, 08-33, 16-41, an d 32-25.

3-10-83 2345 Minor fire reported Inside the torus during construction activities.

3-11-83 River Water Supply System pumps IP-1178 and 1P-117D declared inoperative (2/11/83) when ASME allowables were exceeded.

RO Report 83-005 3-20-83 Maintenance on CRD drives completed.

3-22-83 Two SRVs found to have s etp oi n ts conservatively below setpoints specified In tech sp ec.

3-23-83 Identifled one repatrable pipe weld crack in RWCU system (outside containment Isolation valves). Plpe replacement in progress.

3 "A" & "B" RPS to MG set breakers failed to trip during surveillance 3-25-83 testing. These non-safety related breakers are bei ng removed this outage and replaced with safety grade EPAs.

3-24-83 "B" RPS MG set returned to service.

3-24-83 "B" Standby Gas train charcoal found saturated with water. Charcoal was replaced with new charcoal and design of overhead fire protection system changed (A train operable since last inspection of B traln).

RO Report 83-011 Pending 3-26-83 Engineering evaluation of deficiencies i denti fied during February Inspection of safety related snubbers identified 4 Inoperative and 4 Indeterminate as to opera bi l ity.

RO Report Pending