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| number = ML11271A025
| number = ML11271A025
| issue date = 09/26/2011
| issue date = 09/26/2011
| title = Virgil C. Summer, Unit 1, Response to Request for Additional Information (TAC No. ME6093), License Amendment Request for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing
| title = Response to Request for Additional Information (TAC No. ME6093), License Amendment Request for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing
| author name = Gatlin T D
| author name = Gatlin T
| author affiliation = South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
| author affiliation = South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
| addressee name =  
| addressee name =  
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| document type = Letter
| document type = Letter
| page count = 59
| page count = 59
| project = TAC:ME6093
| stage = Response to RAI
{{#Wiki_filter:Thomas D. Gatlin Vice President,Nuclear Operations 803.345.4342 September 26, 2011 A SCANA COMPANY U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001
==Dear Sir / Madam:==
License Amendment Request For Slave Relay Surveillance Testing This letter provides South Carolina Electric & Gas Company's (SCE&G) response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) documented by NRC letter dated August 11, 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML11207A239) regarding the VCSNS License Amendment Request (LAR) for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing. The proposed request would revise TS Table 4.3-2 for the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation to allow the surveillance frequency to be expanded from quarterly to every 18 months or refueling for the specific Westinghouse type AR relays used as Solid-State Protection System slave relays or auxiliary relays. Responses to the requested information are provided in Attachment 1.
Should you have questions, please contact Mr. Bruce L. Thompson at (803) 931-5042.
I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on                                                Thomas D. Gatlin JG/TDG/wm : Responses to RAI c:    K. B. Marsh                W. M. Cherry                                          P. Ledbetter S. A. Byrne                V. M. McCree                                          NSRC J. B. Archie                R. E. Martin                                          RTS (CR-04-02961)
N. S. Cams                  NRC Resident Inspector                                File      (813.20)
J. H. Hamilton              K. M. Sutton                                          PRSF (RC-11-0145)
R. J. White                S. J. Threatt Virgil C.Summer Station. Post Office Box 88. Jenkinsville, SC .29065- T(803) 345-5209                      j
License Amendment Request For Slave Relay Surveillance Testing By letter dated April 18, 2011 (Agency wide Documents Access and Management System, Accession No. ML11109A113), South Carolina Electric and Gas Company submitted a license amendment request for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review that would revise the Technical Specifications (TSs), for the Virgil C.
Summer Nuclear Station, Unit No.1. The changes would revise TS Table 4.3-2 for the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation to allow the surveillance frequency to be expanded from quarterly to every 18 months or refueling for the specific Westinghouse type AR relays used as Solid-State Protection System (SSPS) slave relays or auxiliary relays. The following questions were developed as a result of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff's review of the License Amendment Request (LAR) for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing based on Westinghouse topical report WCAP-13877-P-A, Revision 2, "Reliability Assessment of Westinghouse Type AR Relays Used as SSPS (Solid-State Protection System) Slave Relays."
: 1. In Section 4.1 of the License Amendment Request (LAR) the licensee explains the applicabilityof WCAP-13877-P-A to VCSNS. In it, the licensee states that the SSPS slave relays and auxiliaryrelays used at VCSNS are Westinghouse AR440 or AR880 relays and that the SSPS cabinets housing these relays were purchasedfrom Westinghouse Electric Corporationand installedduring construction.
However, in Section 4.2 of the LAR, the licensee states that VCSNS utilizes Westinghouse supplied Cutler Hammer type AR relays. In Section 4.3.3, the licensee states that VCSNS utilizes Westinghouse suppliedpart number AR440ARY, Cutler Hammer 4-pole type AR relays.
Finally, in TS Table 4.3-2, "EngineeredSafety FeatureActuation System InstrumentationSurveillance Requirements", the licensee is proposing to add note (3) which states that replacementrelays other than Westinghouse type AR or reconciledCutler-Hammerrelays will require further analysis and NRC approvalto maintain the establishedfrequency.
: a. The AR440ARY CutlerHammer 4-pole type AR relay is not covered in the WCAP-13877-P-A analysis. Please provide justificationas to why this type of relay, and any other type of relay used at VCSNS that is within the scope of the LAR, is consideredacceptable for use and why the licensee believes a surveillance extension for these types of relays is appropriate.In your justification,provide a functional description
Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC- 11-0145 Page 2 of 5 comparing the proposedrelays to the ones identifiedin the approved topical report.
[VCSNS Response]
Westinghouse AR relays are AR440ARY Cutler-Hammer relays that are dedicated for 1 E Safety Related applications under the Westinghouse 10CFR50 Appendix B program for the nuclear industry. Per the specification sheets the part numbering scheme are the same except for the "Y" designation.
Westinghouse uses the "Y" to indicate a safety related component.
WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0, "Description Of The Type AR Relay Product Line" and Appendix A "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" covers the catalog numbering and suffix codes associated with the relays. Reference Enclosure A, "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" for the best available copy available. The relays reflected within the License Amendment Request submitted by VCSNS reflected the specific relays out of the AR family of components. Reference Enclosure B, Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer."
The basic type of AR relay consist of a coil assembly and a contact assembly.
The first two letters "AR" are the designator for Alternating Current (AC) devices and the use of "ARD" represents a Direct Current (DC) device. VCSNS ESFAS relays are Alternating Current types that are consistent with the AC Coil Assembly discussed within the WCAP. The three digit numbers represent the number of poles and the pole configuration as either Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). AR relays, in general, are either 4 or 6 pole. VCSNS ESFAS relays are a four (4) pole with a configuration of four (4) NO and zero (0)
NC therefore representing AR440. The suffix code, after the three digit numbers, reflects the coil voltage and the type of contact cartridge terminals. The "A" suffix represents 110/120 Volts AC and 50/60 hertz (Hz) while the "R" represents a screw terminal for ring connectors or a "C" representing a clamp terminal.
VCSNS ESFAS relays are 110/120 Volts AC and 50/60 hertz (Hz) and utilize a screw terminal therefore are designated as "AR440AR." VCSNS ESFAS relays are safety related therefore AR440ARY and AR440AR do represent the same commercial component.
The AR relays are supplied with accessories that are also discussed within WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0, "Description Of The Type AR Relay Product Line." The adder block provides four additional poles and is functionally identical to the contact assembly in that it is constructed with a cover, cross bar and set of contacts. The adder block assembly has the catalog number of ARA40. With the adder block the AR440 relays are converted to an 8 pole component and are designated as an AR880 (AR440 plus ARA40). As discussed within the WACP, "An AR880 relay is an AR440 relay equipped with an adder block, which is an additional four-pole contact assembly." An additional accessory is the Latching Attachment (ARLA) that performs a locking function to prevent reactivation without additional actions performed to reset the relay.
Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Page 3 of 5
: b. Please describe what types of SSPS slave and auxiliary relays (i.e.
Westinghouse AR440, AR880, Cutler-HammerAR440ARY, or others) are being used at VCSNS. Please specify which type of relay is being used for each of the following functional units describedin TS Table 4.3-2, "EngineeredSafety FeatureActuation System Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements":
L Safety Injection, Reactor Trip, FeedwaterIsolation, Control Room Isolation, Start Diesel Generators,Containment Cooling Fansand Essential Service Water ii. ReactorBuilding Spray iii. ContainmentIsolation, Phase "A" Isolation iv. ContainmentIsolation, Phase "B"Isolation
: v. ContainmentIsolation, Purge and Exhaust Isolation vi. Steam Line Isolation vii. Turbine Trip and FeedwaterIsolation viii. Emergency Feedwater ix. Automatic Switchover to ContainmentSump
[VCSNS Response]
As stated in the response 1.a., WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0 and Appendix A, covers the numbering and suffix codes associated with the relays.
The relays reflected within the License Amendment Request show the specific relays in the AR family of components. The scope of the WCAP is for the Westinghouse type AR relay when used in the SSPS slave relay application and several configurations (e.g., type AR440, with or without the ARLA latch attachment) and the two operating modes (normally energized (NE) or normally deenergized (ND)). As stated within the LAR section 4.2 the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. The AR relays installed from construction were manufactured by Cutler-Hammer with the catalog numbering scheme of AR440AR. Cutler-Hammer became part of Eaton Corporation in 1978 and Westinghouse sold its Distribution and Control Business Unit to Eaton in 1994. Westinghouse procures commercially manufactured AR relays from Cutler-Hammer and dedicates them for 1 E Safety Related applications under the Westinghouse 10CFR50 Appendix B program. Reference Enclosure B (Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer) and Eaton's Website at The correlation of slave relays to their function and catalog number is provided within Enclosure C.
Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 Page 4 of 5
: c. Please identify when the relays not covered in WCAP-13877-P-A were installedat VCSNS. What are the operationalhistory and failure rates for these types of relays?
[VCSNS Response]
As stated in the response 1.a. and 1.b., the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. These relays are manufactured by Cutler-Hammer and are covered by WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2. Within the LAR section 4.3.2, VCSNS has identified one safety related relay failure that occurred in 1996 due to slave relay K613 not resetting properly. The concern was that the configuration would not unlatch on demand after the relay actuation.
The immediate action was an "accept as is" based on the proper function on the second attempt of unlatching. The cause was proposed to be the result of mechanical binding in the ARLA (Mechanical Latching Attachment with 120 Volt AC Coil) latching mechanism. Relay K613 latching assembly was replaced with a spare during the rework disposition. There have been no other safety related failures since this occurrence. Therefore the failures experienced at VCSNS are encompassed with the failures described within WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2 section 7.0, "Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Results," section 9.0, "Failure Experience," and section 10.0 "Conclusions of FMEA."
: d. Please submit the data sheets for the SSPS slave and auxiliaryrelays being used at VCSNS which are not covered in WCAP-13877-P-A.
[VCSNS Response]
As stated in the response 1 .c. the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. These relays are manufactured by Cutler-Hammer and are covered by WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2. Due to the poor clarity of WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, Appendix A "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" a copy of Eaton AWARD Series specification sheets has been provided within Enclosure D. Cutler-Hammer became part of Eaton Corporation in 1978.
Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Page 5 of 5
: e. Pleaseexplain what is meant by the term "reconciledCutler-Hammer relay".
[VCSNS Response]
The proposed Technical Specification Table 4.3-2 notation and Technical Specification Bases 3/4.3.1 utilizes the term "reconciled Cutler-Hammer relay."
This term was added to ensure that, if ever needed, only a suitable replacement is identified and to ensure the consistency of the frequency change. The term reconciled is used in the context of making or to become consistent and/or compatible. Westinghouse has its own reconciliation process dedicating the AR relays from Cutler-Hammer as 1E Safety related components and will typically identify suitable replacements through its 10CFR50 Appendix B program.
Reference Enclosure B, Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer.
: 2. Please provide a summary of the contact loadinganalysis results for the SSPS slave and auxiliaryrelays, as well as a descriptionof how the analysis was performed.
[VCSNS Response]
The slave relay contact loading review was performed under the VCSNS Corrective Action Program with the results provided within Enclosure E and Enclosure F. The data was compiled from site and vendor drawings with analysis of applicable vendor data. Each set of contacts were reviewed for the specific action required, the device that was actuated, and the applied load. Enclosure E provides the function, relay identifier, and specific loaded device for each contact.
Where specific current, Voltage (VA), or Wattage data was not available, current was calculated with Voltage equals Current times Resistance methodology. The final assessment of whether the contact rating was acceptable for the load to be interrupted is summarized within Enclosure F. The table provides a correlation of the function, relay identifier to the component current rating and estimated load for each contact. The determination is provided in the column labeled "OK?".
Note that one potential entry in this column is "Yes-N/A-non-interrupt". This entry is used when the contact action on a signal is to close (ie. Complete the circuit, not interrupt the current flow in the circuit.)
Document Control Desk A CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure A Type AR Relay Data Sheets (pages from WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, Appendix A)
Page 1 of 3
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Page 2 of 3
Document Control Desk A CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 49                                    INDUSTRIAL CONTROL RELAYS Types AR 600 Volt AC, ARD 600 Volt Dc Convertible Contacts ft.r PW.?e      DT" n OVAPtU                                        This                        AN      ofW      Tr Fe?  An fth
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Document Control Desk B CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure B Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer" Page 1 of 2
Document Control Desk B CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Letter LTR-EMPE-1 1-209, addressed to Mr. Martin of the NRC, has been issued by Westinghouse.
Page 2 of 2
Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure C Correlation Of Slave Relays To Function and Catalog Number Page 1 of 4
Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay    Slave Relay Function              Catalog Number AR440AR K601            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K602            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K603            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K604            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K605            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K606            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K607            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K608            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K609            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K610            Spare                            ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K611            Safety Injection                  ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K612            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K613            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K614            Containment Isolation Phase A    ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K615            Containment Ventilation Isolation ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K616            Main Steam Isolation              ARA40AR ARLA K617            Spare                            AR440AR
_________________________________ART Page 2 of 4
Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay  Slave Relay Function                    Catalog Number AR440AR K618          Containment Isolation Phase B            ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K619          Containment Isolation Phase B            ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR Feedwater Valves (SG Hi-Hi)              ARA40AR K620 AR440AR Turbine Trip/Main Feed Pumps            ARA40AR K621 AR440AR K622          EFP Lo Suction Pressure                  ARA40AR ART AR440AR K623          Main Steam Isolation                    ARA40AR ARLA K624          Spare                                    AR440AR ART AR440AR K625          Containment Isolation Phase B            ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR EFP Lo Suction Pressure                  ART K626                                                  ART AR440AR RCP Underfrequency Trip                  ARA40AR K627 AR440AR Pressure Relief Block                    AR44AR K628                                                  ARA40AR AR440AR SR High Flux at Shutdown Block (P-11)    ARA40AR K629 ARA40AR RWST Lo Lo Level                        AR440AR K630                                                  ARA40AR K631          Lo Lo Tavg Steam Dump Interlock          AR440AR K632          RWST Lo Lo Level                        AR440AR ARA40AR K633          Motor Driven EFW Pump                    AR440AR AR440AR Turbine Driven EFW Pump                  ARA40AR K634 K635          Spare                                    AR440AR AR440AR K636          Lo Lo Tavg Reactor Trip and FW Isolation ARA40AR ARLA K637          Spare                                    AR440AR ART K638          Spare                                    AR440AR K639          Spare                                    AR440AR K640          Spare                                    AR440AR K641          Spare                                    AR440AR K642          Spare                                    AR440AR Page 3 of 4
Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay  Slave Relay Function                        Catalog Number AR440AR K643          Containment Isolation Phase A                ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K644          RB Spray Actuation                          ARA40AR ARLA K645          RB Spray                                    AR440AR ARLA K646          Spare                                        AR440AR AR440AR K647          SI "latched SI"                            ARA40AR ARLA K648          SG Hi-Hi Level                              AR440AR ARA40AR AR440AR K649          SG Hi-Hi Level                              ARA40AR ARLA Specification Table        Specification Table Catalog Number        Description              Enclosure A                Enclosure D AR/ARD Relays              49-121 AR440AR              Relay, 4 NO and4 pole, 0 NCcontacts  Contact Contact Cartridges          49-124 Ratings            49-125 Coil Voltage Table ARA40AR              Pole Adder                Four Pole Top Deck          49-123 Adder Mechanical Latch          ARML, Permanent ARLA                  Attachment with 120      Magnetic Latch              49-127 Volt Coil                                          I                    I ART                  Solid State Timer        ART Solid State Timer      49-128 Page 4 of 4
Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure D Eaton AR/ARD Series Specification Sheets Page 1 of 5
Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 LT'.N                                            Coto          Reas            Tier 49,8 March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Control AR/ARD Series -                          Technical Data and Specifications Convertible Contact                      Table 49-121. Specifications C ontact Rlatings-00VVAC CartriddeNEMIAAS00 Industrial Control                                                                                        IMaximum VA Votts  ii-      Maidmmn Current coIt.          Mate          Break            Make 120              10            60            16                7200                720 240              10 10*            30      15    3is              7200 17200                720 70 480 600              10            12              1,2            7200                720 OC CalridgaNEMAP0 VoltS            Maxmrmn current                                Maximum VA SConL        I Make or Break                    Make or Break AR 4-Paoe            AR -Pole        125            i                110                              138 250                              0.55                            138 500                              0,20                            138 Product Description                        tReslstiveRating                                                CI I Power  Raqutlrats The APSARD relays are electromecharn      125V1 C: 3A                                                      AC: 98 VA open, 14 VAclosed ical convertible contact relays, AR      250V DC5  1.5A                                                  DC: 14 waits open, 250V max.
relays are AC devices and the ARD is      voltage                        IAR Relas            ~            MID Relays for DC applications.
Pickup Voltage    (mwx            85%                            66 Drotbo    Voltaega Imn.)          60%
Vottage max.)                  1110%                              110%
Application Description Type AR and ARD relays are designed      Options for use on machine tools, process        Table 49-122. Options lines, conveyors and similar automatic and semi-automatic equipment.            Description                                                                    Sufti        Adder Convartlibl Contacts                                                            U)
Operation                                ARand ARD relays listed are supplied with NO contacts which are easily converted to NC. Ifboth NO and NC poaes are required, order byCatalog AR relays are available in either 4- or  Number, Example: 4-pole relay with lrO and 3NC contacts, order AR413A.
6-pole configurations, AR relays are      Screw Terminasa                                                                a easily converted to 8 or 10 poles sim-    For ring-type connectors, add Suffix R to the Catalog Number. Example; ply by adding a 4-pole deck. In addi-    AR420AFL Overapplng Conltacts                                                            s ors2 W tion, mechanical latch and solid-state NO contact doses before corresponding NC contact oe*s - supplied as timer attachments are available with      NO/NC sets of two cartridges. Insert letters alter relay type designation In 4- and 6-pole relays.                    listed Catalog Number. Example: AR402AS. Specify the number of sets require*. 8 fto one set and 82 for two sets, Contacts are convertible from NO to NC, to provide any combination          0 Consult Customer Support Center for ava~labilty.
desired upto a maximum of 10. For the ARD, the number of poles cannot Accessories exceed four NC in any pole configura-    Four-Pole Top Deck Adder                                a Screw terminals for ring connectors tion. Wide spacing of contacts simpli-
* Increases contact                                          available; to order add Suffix R to fies installation, contact testing and      capacity from four/six                                  Catalog Number listed below.
maintenance. Contacts are electrlcally      poles to eight/ten and mechanically isolated from each                                                              Table 49-123. Feer-Pole Top Deck Adder poles.
other. Overlap contacts are also avail-                                                          No.      Contacts able in one or two sets. These contacts
                                            " Mounts on topof                                        Poleof    NO NC Blank          Catalog Nutib IItles Price uS. S ]
basic relay using                                      g        0c N; Ca should be mounted in the center pole                                      Four-PoleTop three screws.
positions. AC and DC contact car-                                          Deck Adder            Wit Gaiv AC Cartidgas tridges should not be used in the same  " Will not interfere with                                4        2    0    2        ARA20 relay.                                      wiring, testing or con-                                        4    0    0        ARA40 vertible cartridges.
With 600V OCCartidges Standards and Certifications                                                                      4        2 4
0 0
2 0
    " UL File No. E19223
    " CSA File No. LF139402-6, LR54517 and LR54520 DizauctS'mbal ...._                    -..I .1CDt CA081020DIE                                For more information visit wwwmeatmceom Page 2 of 5
Document Control Desk  D CR-04-02961 RC- 11-0145 EA,.TN March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Contro]
Product Selection When Ordering Specify                                  a  If a coil voltage other than listed is 0 Catalog Number of Basic Relay with                      required, select the Suffix Code 120/60, 110/50 AC coil from ARIARD                    from the Coil Voltage table below Relays table.                                        and substitute it for the last letter in the Catalog Number. Example:
AR64V for a 110/60 AC coil.
Table 49-124. ARWARDRelays Number      Contacts                          AR GO0VAC Relays            ARD 600o DC Relays of Pale                                        120/60.110150 AC Coel      120 DC Cell Spaces      NO        NC      Blank          Catalog          Price    Catalog          Price Cav*Ites      Number            U.S. s    Numbe            Us, $
4          0        0        4              AR4A                        ARD4S 2        0        2              AR420A                      ARD420S 4        a        a              AR440A                      ARD4_0_
6          0        0        a              ARSA                        ARD6S 4        a        2              ARS*40A 6        0        0              AR060A                      ARD6609 8 *JV      6        0        2              AR860A                      ARD86SG*O 8        0        0              AR880A                      ARD880S 10          10        0        0              A1OR01A                    ARD10100S
      --) Will not accept top-mounted latch or timers, 4'VContact Customer Support Center for availability.
Table 49-125. Coil Voltage Table ARlCos                                                        ARD Calls Volts AC            Hz                  SuffIx Code          Volts DC          ] Suflx Code 12                60                  F                    12                  D 24                60                  I                    24                  L 48                60                  G                    48                  M 110                60                  V                    95                  a 110/120              60/60                A                    120                  S 208                  60                  B                    130                  U 220/240              50/60                W                    240                  T 277                  60                  C 380/440              60/60                H 440/480              50/60                x 550                  60                  o 550/600              50/60                E m      Table 49-126. Contact Cartridges - 600V IType TermInal                            IStandard Contact Cartridge I Overlap Contact Cartridge      i Catalog NUtmberI          Price U'. S,    CUtalog Number            Prlice U.S,$S AC Cartridges With Clamp Terminals                      ARC                          AROC With Screw Terminals                      ARCR                          AROCR DC Cartridges With Clamp Terminals                      ARDC                          ARDOC With Screw Terminals                      ARDOC                        ARDOCR
* Standard cartridges are sold In cartons of four cartridges. Catalog Number is for single cartridge.
        /1 Overlap contact cartridges are sold In sets of two cartridges. Catalog Number is for sets of two.
Dimensions........... ..... _... Page 49-84 DisooutSymbl ........... ...... 1CDI For more information visit www                                      CA08102001E Page 3 of 5
Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 FIT.N                                                      I IT Cotrl      elys            imrs498 March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Converlible Contact Industrial Control Table 49-128. Solid-Stale Timer Vols    Time        ON                          OFF Catalog Numbar                                              Delay        Delay                        Delay ARML Permanent                                              Se¢ocs      catalog            Prie      Catelo=      Price Mlagnet Latch AR/ARD  Rea ysfor                                                        Number            U.S.      Number      U.s. S AC        0.1 -30    AFrT-ON                      ART-OF AC      300-60      AIT- 01B                    ART-OF8 OC      0.1 -30    ARTMMON                      ARTO-OF Permanent Magnet Latch By energizing the relay coil, the latch attachment "sets"              Solid-State Tiner ElectricalRatings (when the base relays armature/crossbar assembly has closed) holding the relay ON, even after the relay coil has            " Input been de-energized. The clearing coil on the latch is ener-                z3 120V AC, 110%, 50160 Hz gized to release the armature/crossbar assembly.                          3 120, 48, 24V DC, :10%
    "  Field mountable to four and six pole
* Power Required: AC, DC: 2 VA max.
    "  Latch plunger is adjustable                                          " Contact Ratings: AC, 0.2A inductive
    "  Latch coil continuously rated                                          a Inrush: 1.3A max.
    "  Unlatching power requirements
                                                                            " DC will switch 4, 8 and 10-pole ARD relays
* Open gap: 24 VA 48V DC: 0.26A
* Closed gap: 7 VA
* 24V DC: 0.SA
* Burden: 4 watts AC, 6 watts DC Table 49-127. Permanent Magnet Latch                                    " Repeatability Carol"                              a2 AC +/-_2%w/10% voltage variation +/-7.5% and 15% tem-Operating volts ForACCoeaol Circuits Call M Number Pri u.sPc          ]            perature variation l DC *1% w/10% voltage variation and 15"C temperature 24                60                ArItU                                  variation 48                60              AFIqL                            Specifications 120                60M0O            ARMLA 240                60.Ms            ARMLW                            " Ambient Temp, Range: -20" to 701C For DCCorerol Circuits
                                                                            " Duty Cycle
                                                                    ..1 24                                  ARIMILL                              a AC, DC: 150 operations/minute max.
48                                  ARMLM 120                                  ARMLS                            " Reset Time ART and ARTO 240                -                ARMILT                              " ON Delay ART: 50 ms max.
Reference Information                                                      " ON Delay ARTD: 100 me independent of time setting a ART, ARTD: IL 14510, IL 14485                                              and duty cycle l OFF Delay: instantaneous Qtlog Number                                  ?
              -        /,    ART Sold-State                                                        ARSS Sur"g S&ppre "or for AR Relays Surge Suppressor
* Mounts in contact cavity of AR relays Solid-State Timer                                                      " Limits high transient voltages resulting from de-
* Mounts on basic four- or six-pole relay using two screws                energizing relay coil or other electromechanical devices
    " Has one NO solid-state contact
* Protects sensitive instruments and solid-state devices
* ON delay or OFF delay applications                                    a 120V AC max. not used on DC
    " Will switch 120V AC and DC coils                                      a For noise suppression, see Catalog Number SS-56 starter mounted surge suppressor.
    " ARTD is field convertible to 24 or 48V DC Table 49-12D. Surge Suppressor Catalog                              Prdce Iue                                I u=s Diff*FISIOM.. I rI I ...
                                                                                                                            - I - ýý......
                                                                                                                                          - P39Q49_84 Discoont Symbol ........              lCul CA0o102001E                                    For more information visit wwwealtoncom Page 4 of 5
Document Control Desk  D CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 onro        Reas              Ter-                                                                    FkT.N March 20O ARIARO Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Control Dimensions and Enclosures 1
1,44 03&6).0
                                                "                                      J_ 2,55 .4 . of Mounting o Mounting Slots of
* of Mounting                162.1)      S.1      forw
: 42) for 0.164 Screws          42) or164 Screws                        0.14 Screws End View. 4- and 6-Pole                    Side View. 4-Pole                      Side View. 6-Pol Figure 49-117.4- and i-Pole with 4-Pole Adder, Solid-State Timer and Mechanical Latch Approximate Dimensions in Inches (mrm)
Table 49-130 4- and 6-Pole with 4-Pole Adder, Solid-State Tiner and Mechanical Latch Roby                  Approximate Dimenslons in Inches 4mm)
Catalog              A                      B                      C                    0 Number                4-, 6-Polo Relays      Relay Adder          1Reey withi Timor      Ilelay with Lotch AMI                  1.0 3.5      .4)          4.944125.5j            e.0 (1052.4:
3            .354162.3)
ARI      463 11.6)              6,0 12.4)            17&08(1"93              7,45 '( 89.2)
                                                              .566(143.8) 1 050 283 (71.9)-,--l1                                                          .10)4.0) 4741.7214;7;                      1.72(43.7)
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Document Control Desk  E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure E VCSNS Slave Relay Contact Function Review Page 1 of 21
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              "*"                                  C-H Type M 6    Close            Relay          Relay (D26 XVG01 611 B      FW62BX        MB)              None            None          None (0                                    C-H Type M Close            Relay          Relay (026 (0    XVGO1611C                      MB)              None                          None Energize                        AR880AR          Energize                      AR880AR Relay I    I Relay    SIA-Al
                      - -- d . .....
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    .2 c'J 0
-    U (0 00
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XPN6020                                          XPN6025 r.0  TSC                                              TSC Computer PT                                      Computer PT SDIO00                                            SD1O01 Page 2 of 21
Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0          ts c
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    -                    Device        Load      Load Device      Device        Load        Load Device 0
U.    -
Open Valve    42-0 MCC                    Open Valve    42-0 MCC XVG08801A    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter XVG08801B    Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter 6      Open Valve    42-0 MCC                    Open Valve    42-0 MCC XVG08808A    Relay Coil    Size 2 Starter XVG08808B    Relay Coil  Size 2 Starter rc      Close Valve  42-C MCC                    Close Valve  42-C MCC XVG08107      Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter XVG08108      Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter
: 0)  SClose Valve    42-C MCC                    Open Valve    42-0 MCC LVC001 15C    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter LVC001 15D    Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter oJ 0
: o. M            Open Valve    42-0 MCC                    Close Valve  42-C MCC
              -      LVC001 15B    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter LVC001 15E    Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter
              -      None          None          None          None          None        None Close                                      Close Dampers                                    Dampers XDP0035A,                                  XDP0035B, 99A, 103B,                                99B, 103A, 129, 39B,                                  96, 98, 39A, 112A, and                                  112B, and 100A. Open                                1O0B. Open Dampers                                    Dampers XDP0113A,    AH141X        C-H Type M    XDP0113B,    AH142X      C-H Type M 120A.        Relay Coil    Relay          120B, and 131 Relay Coil  Relay Close                                      Close 7      Dampers                                    Dampers XDP0021A,    AH143X        C-H Type M    XDP0021A,    AH144X      C-H Type M 133A, 234A    Relay Coil    Relay          133A, 234A    Relay Coil  Relay C.,,
None          None          None          None          None        None
                ,    Open  Valve XVG08808C    42-0 MCC Relay Coil    Size 2 Starter None          None        None co      Block Open r-      Valve        42-C MCC XVG08808C    Relay Coil    Size 2 Starter None          None        None 0c      None          None          None          None          None        None 7      Open Valve    42-0 MCC                    Open Valve    42-0 MCC XVG03108A    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter XVG03108C    Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter
(,b    Operate Valve 42-0 or 42-C                Operate Valve 42-0 or 42-C XVG03109A    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter XVG03109C    Relay Coil  Size 1 Starter Close                                      Close co      Dampers                                    Dampers 7      XDP0021 B,                                XDP0021 B, t      133B, and    AH145X        C-H Type M    133B, and    AH146X      C-H Type M 234B          Relay Coil    Relay          234B          Relay Coil  Relay Close 7      Dampers XDP00152      SI-AH182      C-H Type M    Close Damper  SI-AH183    C-H Type M I and 155      Relay Coil    Relay          XDPOO153      Relay Coil  Relay Page 3 of 21
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                      .            Train A          Train A        Train A        Train B        Train B                Train B 0                  Device            Load      Load Device        Device          Load                Load Device U-        0 IL      C        I Solenoid                                        Solenoid
                      -        Close Valve      XVTO8149A-      Asco            Close Valve    XVT08152-          Asco XVT08149A        20B-CS          NP8316A54V    XVT08152        20A-CS              NP8316A54V Solenoid                                        Solenoid
                      '        Close Valve      XVT08149B-      Asco          Close Valve      XVT08860-          Asco XVT08149B        20B-CS          NP8316A54V    XVT08860        20A-SI            NP8316A54V Solenoid                                        Solenoid
                    ,co        Close Valve      XVT08149C-      Asco          Close Valve      XVT08880-          Asco
                      --      XVTO8149C        208-CS          NP8316A54V    XVT08880        20A-SI            NP8316A54V C    Vl          Solenoid                                        Solenoid 0                  7          Close Valve      XVT08871-      Asco          Close Valve      XVT08961 -        Asco
* XVT08871        20A-SI          NP8316A54V    XVT08961        20A-SI            NP8316A54V CE                7
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                    -          None              None            None            None            None                None 7                            Solenoid Vie                                    Solenoid VIv h      Close            XVG06066-      Asco            Close          XVG06067-          Asco XVG06066          208-HR          NP8316A54V      XVG06067        20B-HR              NP8316A54V Solenoid VIv        PART#V1 05-204-7                                                                            XVX06054-          1, Agastat Close          HR, 20X-            E7012PD001, C-None              None            None            XVG06054        HR31, HR31X        H Type M Solenoid Vlv                                    Solenoid VIv
                      -        Close            XVD08047-      Asco            Close          XVD08033-          Asco XVD08047          20A-RC          NP8316A54V      XVD08033        20A-RC              NP8316A54V
                                              *- i                                                Solenoid Vlv CO*                                                        Close          XVD08028-          Asco None              None            None            XVD08028        20A-RC              NP8316A54V 0 ISolenoid                          Vlv  Asco r4. Close                  XVG00503A-      NP8320A185 XVG00503A        20A-BD          V              None            None                None V              Solenoid Vlv<"                                            . 7 Close            XVD07170-      ASCO#206-
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.E=                  7-*-        VG51            Solenoid Valve                                          Solenoid Valve
                        -      Close            XVD07126-      Asco            Close          XVD07150-          Asco 0                            XVD07126 tJ            ,                ~20A-WL
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                        -- ' XVG07503              Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter  XVG07504        Relay Coil          Size 1 Starter Page 4 of 21
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: u.          to Close        42-C MCC                      Close        42-C MCC XVTO8112    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter XVT08100    Relay Coil    Size 1 Starter Safeguards              1/2                Safeguards Test Cabinet  '            Potter/BrumfeT                            Potter/Brumfield TrainA                      Id MDR 66-4    Train B            I'      MDR 66-4 Solenoid CP,              Valve XVT-N    Close        02662A-20A-    Asco
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                  ' Close Damper XDP0110A-      NPEF830012    Close Damper XDP0110B-    Asco XDP011OA    20A            3VF            XDP011OB    20A          NPEF8300123VF o  Start SI/CHG                              Start Sl/CHG co CD      0        Pump        62 Swgr Relay  Agastat 7012  Pump        62 Swgr Relay (0
XPPO043A    Coil          PBL            XPP0043B    Coil          Agastat 7012 PBL
                  " Start SI/CHG                              Start SI/CHG 6  Pump        62 Swgr Relay  Agastat 7012  Pump        62 Swgr Relay
_"  XPPO043C    Coil          PBL            XPP0043C    Coil          Agastat 7012 PBL Open                                      Open Dampers                                    Dampers XDP0071A                                  XDP0071 B and                                        and XDP0072A,                                  XDP0072B, co  Close Damper AH328X        C-H Type M    Close Damper AH329X        C-H Type M XDP0073A    Relay Cc                      XDP0073B Energize SI                                Energize SI 7x Latch Relay                                Latch Relay K647 in                                    K647 in XPN701 0                                  XPN7020 Page 5 of 21
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IL        0 N
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Page 6 of 21
Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0        -
* Train A      Train A        Train A      Train B      Train B        Train B Device        Load      Load Device    Device          Load      Load Device U.      -0      _  _    _      _      _      _    _      _      _
Cq None        None          None        None          None        None IL  None        None          None        None          None        None None        None          None        None          None        None 0o None        None          None        None                      None Close Solenoid Vive  Asco Close                                    XVT03165                  Asco XVT03164-      NP8320A185 XVT03164                                and                        NP8320A185V C      7'                20A-SW        V            V\rrAv,4Io U CD                                    Asco Close Damper NP8320A188 XDP0045 C&#xfd;)
Close        20A-SW      Asco XDP01 06      XVT03169-    NP8320A188V 20A-SW Open        42-0 MCC                    Open          42-0 MCC XVG3108B    Relay Coil                  XVG03108D    Relay Coil Operate      42-0 or 42-C                Open or Close 42-0 or 42-C Io XVG3109B    Relay Coil                  XVG03109D    Relay Coil 1-4 UJ-N kU~to IV1U),
C-H (D26                                Agastat cN  Close                      MB), Agastat Close                      E7012PD001, XVX09356B                                XVX09357 E7012PD001                              Target Rock 97A Solenoid Valve.
C-H (D26                                C-H (D26 MB),
MB), Agastat Close                      Agastat Close                      E7012PD001,  XVX09365B                  E7012PD001, XVX09364B                                                          Target Rock 97A Target Rock 97A Solenoid                            Solenoid Valve C-H (D26                                C-H (D26 MB),
MB), Agastat Close                      Agastat Close                      E7012PDO01,  XVX09365C                  E7012PD001, XVX09364C Target Rock                            Target Rock 97A 97A Solenoid                            Solenoid Valve 0                                                                                    C-H (D26 MB),
Agastat Close        ROCK, PART 7    None        None          None                                    E7012PD001, CM                                                  XVX09398A    #1032110                                                                                          Target Rock 97A 5-1-S Solenoid Valve C-H (026 MB),
C,,1                                                                    Agastat Close 0                None        None          None        XVX09398C E7012PD001, 0
Target Rock 97A Solenoid Valve C-H (D26                                C-H (D26 MB),
MB), Agastat Close                      Agastat Close                      E7012PD00 1, XVX09387                  E7012PD001, XVX09356A                                                          Target Rock 97A Target Rock 97A Solenoid                            Solenoid Valve C-H (D26                                C-H (026 MB),
MB), Agastat Close                      Agastat Co  Close                      E7012PD001,  XVX09339                  E7012PD001, Lb  XVX09341 Target Rock                            Target Rock 97A 97A Solenoid                            Solenoid Valve Close                      ASCO#206-    Close                      ASCO#206-381 -
XVD06242A                  381-3RVF    XVX06242B                  3RVF Page 7 of 21
Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 r_
: 0)  0        Train A    Train A      Train A      Train B        Train B          Train B
          .w  0o        Device      Load      Load Device      Device          Load        Load Device LL 0
Close                                Close 3                        NP8321A5V NP8321A5V XVA0931 1A Close                          NP8321A5V N      Close NP8321A5V    XVA09312B XVA09312A None      None          None        None            None            None Asco Close Asco                        **                  8320A188V, Close                                XVG00503A, C                                            NP8320A188                                  Asco
.0                  XVG00503B V
Clo0se    3B, XVG0053C  *        *Asco NP8320A488V, 0
                                                                                *i*        C-H (D26 MB),
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              ,z      None      None          None        None            None            None 0          co 0
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        ~      0 U.        0 Asco                                            Asco N      Close Valve  AH245X            NP83166SE,    Close Valve    AH246X            NP83166SE, C-H XVB00001A    Relay Coil        C-H Type M    XVB00001 B      Relay Coil      Type M Relay Relay (D26                                      (D26 MB)
Asco                                            Asco Close Valve  AH247X            NP83166SE,    Close Valve    AH248X            NP83166SE, C-H
            ,.Relay    XVB00002A    Relay Coil        C-H Type(D26M  XVB00002B      Relay Coil      Type
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                    , None          None        None            None        None      None 7  None          None        None            None        None      None 0)
Input to                                  Input to P/O Universal                          P/O Universal Safeguards                                Safeguards Card                                    Card Logic                                    Logic Cq)
Safeguards                                Safeguards Potter/Brumfie                        PotterBrumfield Test Cabinet                              Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4                            MDR 66-4 Train A                                  Train B 00  Close None        None      None XVG09568 0  Close        42-C MCC                    Close        42-C MCC
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CO Close C.)                                                        None        None      None XVG09600 TSC                                      TSC 7~  Computer                                  Computer Point CD 1002                            Point CD1003 CD None          None        None          None        None      None CO r7 None          None        None          None        None      None
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.0 Trip CC                    C-H Type M    Trip CC 0                              _    _Type _M  Booster Pump            C-H Type M 01    Booster Pump
: 7)                            Relay          B                      Relay A
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Safeguards                                      Safeguards Potter/Brumfie I Test                            Potter/Brumfield Test Cabinet                                          Cabinet Id MDR 66-4B                                    MDR 66-4 Train A 6
Close          Solenoid FCV-  Asco            Close          Solenoid FCV-  Asco IFV00488      00488-20A      NP8316A54V      IFV00488        00488-20B      N P8316A54V a)
O  Close          Relay          C-H Type M Cu ~.                                                                          None            None d)  XVG01 611 A    FW61 BX        Relay (D26      None 0                                      MB)
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None          None            None            None CIL Safeguards                                      Safeguards Potter/Brumfie Test Cabinet                                    Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4B Train A Trip Main None          None            None            Feedwater Pump A NnTrip                                              Main      DC Relay Coil None          None            None            Feedwater      for Relay Pump B          XTBT CD Ea
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Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 (U  U)
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Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)
DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure F VCSNS Slave Relay Contact Loading Review Page 1 of 18
Document Control Desk  F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C
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            "  0 c*  Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes DC Coil
                *-  Open to De-energize    Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes e5  AC Coil S Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4W  - 139.2 mA      Yes rN  DC Coil
                  ,  Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes o6  DC Coil
          * ;D  2  Open to De-energize C-                  Open to                1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
          .S      -  DC Coil 7    Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes 2  DC Coil Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes o?  DC Coil
                    " Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    96 VA Open 14 VAYes N    Coil                                              closed
                  -  None                  None                      None                    Yes
                  ,  None                  None                      None                    Yes 0  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    8W- 64 mA              Yes N4  Relay 0
7    None                  None                      None                    Yes CM
      .2        7    Close to complete      N/A                        N/A                    Yes-N/A-non 7    circuit                                                                  interrupt 7    Open to De-energize    Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes
                &#xfd;2  AC Coil
                &#xfd;-  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    17.5 mA                Yes-N/A-non 6    Coil                                                                      interrupt Close to complete                                                        Yes - N/A - non circuit                1.10 amps or 138 VA        N/A                    interrupt Page 2 of 18
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LL              0 CM Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                Yes - N/A - non Coil                                                                    interrupt It  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    438 VA                Yes - N/A - non C6  Coil                                                                    interrupt c,  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                Yes - N/A - non i.. Coil                                                                    interrupt o  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                Yes - N/A - non
  >- 2              d)  Coil                                                                    interrupt
        --              Close to Energize  AC Mk 60            7200 VA  245 VA                Yes - N/A - non Coil                    ae    amps or                                  interrupt 7    None                  None                      None                  Yes 7    Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes 2  DC Coil 7  Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes DC Coil
                    *,  None                  None                      None                  Yes IT  Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    438 VA                Yes - N/A - non o'  Coil                                                                    interrupt p  Open to De-energize    Break 720 VA              438 VA                Yes r- AC Coil None                  None                      None                  Yes 200
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                      &#xfd;2  DC Coil
                        , Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    155 VA inrush - 22 VA  Yes - N/A - non Coil                                              sealed                interrupt Page 3 of 18
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C            -)
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                  -    DC Coil
* Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4W-139.2mA          Yes S DC Coil Open C to De-energize        1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes 0
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                  .      circuit                                                                      interrupt 0
7      None                    None                      None                    Yes 7  Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
                  &#xfd;2    DC Coil 00    Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        0.5 amps                Yes DC Coils e,    Open to De-energize      1.10ampsorl38VA            17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
                  -    DC Coils o *- Open DC Coil to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes cp    Open to De-energize      1.10 am ps or 138 VA      17.4 W -139.2 mA        Yes N-    DC Coil op    Open to De-energize DC Coil                  1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 3. AYes o      Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        35.1 W                  Yes 6      DC Coil C                Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W -139.2 mA        Yes 0              d6    DC Coil 0
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                      $ Open Dc Coil to De-energize eergz        1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes S  Coil D
Close  to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  interrupt Yes  -N/A -non
                  *o    Close to Energize      AC Mk 60 ams or 7200 VA      245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non LI    Coil                        ae 6                                            interrupt o    Close to Energize      AC                                                    Yes - N/A - non R-    Coil                      Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  interrupt Page 4 of 18
Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145
    .;-                          Contact C- on    Action-U Aion      Slave Relay Current Rating  Load Current Interrupt      OK?
c      )                  on Signal N      Close to Energize    AC                                                    Yes - N/A - non CoilMake                      60 amps or 7200 VA  245 VA                  interrupt Open to De-energize      Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes c  AC Coil co    Close to Energize    DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes - N/A - non
                      --    Coil                                                                        interrupt 0
  %o                        Close to Energize    DC                                                    Yes - N/A - non 0                        C                        1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA
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None                    None                      None                    Yes oc 7 None                    None                      None                    Yes Nne                    None                      None                    Yes N    None                    None                      None                    Yes c6    None                    None                      None                    Yes Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes N-    DC Coil o    Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        35.1 W - 280.8 mA      Yes 6      DC Coil 2>,._o co  c*
* Close to Energize    DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        8W-64mA                Yes - N/A - non o          Coil                                                                        interrupt CClose C(                  to Energize  DC 110apor38VA                8W- 64 mA              Yes -N/A -non
                      -    Close to Energize    DC                  V        8W 6    m              Yes-N/A-non C'    Coil                    1laprl8A8                      64Ainterrupt 7      Open to De-energize      1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes
                    &#xfd;2    DC Coil
                    ,--    Close to Energize    DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        6 W - 48 mA            Yes-N/A-non Coil                                                                        interrupt Page 5 of 18
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: 0.      :
* Contact Action ct      Action    Slave Relay Current Rating  Load Current Interrupt      OK?
a                  on Signal IL        0 04    Close to Energize    DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        N/A                    Yes - N/A - non Coil                                                                        interrupt Open to De-Energize      Break 720 VA              438 VA                  Yes co    AC Coil cp r    Open DC Coilto De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        35.1 W - 280.8 mA      Yes 0
7    None                    None                      None                    Yes 0) aCn            C\j 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes 7 None                    None                      None                    Yes SClose to Energize      AC M 60            70VA      NAYes                      -N/A -non t2    Coil                      ae    ap    rinterrupt 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes 0  c'j N    None                    None                      None                    Yes "7    None                    None                      None                    Yes None "7 ", None                    None                      None                    Yes None                      None                    Yes None                    None                      None                    Yes CC CC            None                    None                      None                    Yes 57    None                    None                      None                    Yes 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes o co None                          None                      None                    Yes 7    None                        Po None                      None                    Yes I-Page 6 of 18
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r-    M con              Signal 0
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                '    None                  None                      None                    Yes "6      None                  None                      None                    Yes co)
                ,    None                  None                      None                    Yes 0
* None                  None                      None                    Yes 0M
          *6          Open to De-energize    138 VA                    34.8W                  Yes st          DC Coil Open to De-energize    138 VA                    17.4 W                  Yes 6      DC Coil Close to Energize AC                                                      Yes - N/A - non
              *'      Colos toEnrgzMake Coil                        60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    interrupt 00    Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/Anon Coil                                                                      interrupt N      Open to De-energize    138 VA                    8 W and 13.2 W and 370  Yes DC coils                                          mA (47 W)
Open to De-energize                              8 W and 13.2 W and 370  Yes DC coils              138 VA                    mA (47 W)
DC cpnoils  eeri                                8 Wand 13.2 W and 370  Ye
              %,      Open to De-energize    138 VA                    8 W and 13.2 W and 370  Yes C    0      d)    DC coils                                          mA (47 W)
E            C11    Open to De-energize                              8 W and 13.2 W and 370 o D    e      138 VA                                            Yes o                  DC coils                                          mA (47 W)
    -e    $
Open to De-energize    138 VA                          and 13.2W and 370  Yes 0            *,2    DC coils                                          mA (47 W) 7      Open to De-energize    138 VA                    8 W and 13.2 W and 370  Yes
                &#xfd;2    DC coil                                          mA (47 W)
T, Open to De-energize    138 VA                    8Wad1.        ad30    Yes Lo    DC coil                                          mA (47 W) 7      Open to De-energize    138 VA                    35.1 W                  Yes r      DC coil Page 7 of 18
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: u.          M 0c t00
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C,    Open to De-energize    138 VA                    17.4 W                  Yes DC coil
                      -  Open to De-energize    138 VA                    17.4W                  Yes c    DC coil cc          S None                  None                      None                    Yes
  .0                      Open to De-energize
                      -                          138 VA                    60.2 W                  Yes 0                      DC coil 4)
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E=            h 7      None                  None                      None                    Yes C
0 tO
* Open to De-energize    138 VA                    8Wand 13.2 W and 370
* DC coils                                          mA (47 W)
Open to De-energize    138                        17.4W                  Yes
                  &#xfd;2    DC coil Open to De-energize    138 VA                    0.33 amp + 0.064 amp +  Yes 1DCcoil                                    0.106=0.5 amp Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non Coil                                                                      interrupt None                  None                      None                    Yes
                      ,  None                  None                      None                    Yes
  .9              0 None                  None                      None                    Yes 0
      <C\1 7    None                  None                      None                    Yes E
7-    None                  None                      None                    Yes co 7      None                  None                      None                    Yes Page 8 of 18
Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0          -5 Contact Action  Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt      OK?
on Signal U.-
C,      Open to De-energize  138 VA                    17.4 W + 13.2 W        Yes DC coils Open to De-energize  138 VA                    17.4W + 13.2W          Yes co      DC coil o0    "=r*  o      TSC Computer Pt.
CD1012              1.10 amps or 138 VA        N/A                    Yes  - N/A - non interrupt
    .S          '7      None                None                      None                  Yes Cq 00          7      None                None                      None                  Yes 0-    Cs2
                '7 7      None                None                      None                  Yes Co N-to7    None                None                      None                  Yes "T      None                None                      None                  Yes C14    None                None                      None                  Yes S Open to De-energize  Bek          o                                      e S AC Coil              Bek6amps or720 VA          0.38 ampsYe OpncoiDles DC                iz 1.10 amps or 138 VA        33.4 W (0.267 Amps)    Yes 0
0co          6      Ope toiD-eeriz      1.10 amps or 138 VA        33.4 W (0.267 Amps)    Yes
      >n                                    N                          Non                    Yes-N/A-non 1.10 ampsorl138 VA        N/Ainerp ieu
                '7      None                None                      None                  Yes CD
                  ,7  None                None                      None                  Yes in OetNone              None                      None                  Yes c&#xfd;    None                None                      None                  Yes
                'T C0)
None                None                      None                  Yes M                      co
                .      None                None                      None                  Yes CD
                '7    None                None                      None                  Yes 0)
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            **              Contact Action          Slave Relay Current Rating  Load Current Interrupt      OK?
S  0 on Signal c'  Close to complete            Make60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non circuit                                                                          interrupt Open to De-energize AC                            Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes c'  AC Coil______                                  ____
o0              co  Close Coi to Energize          AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/Ainerp                Yes - N/A - non
* r-  Coil                                                                            interrupt 0
2*m"            o    Close to Energize          AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non CID  d    Coil                                                                            interrupt E        &#xfd;.    &#xfd;2  Close to Energize          AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/Anon I    Coil                                                                            interrupt C
0                T  TSC Computer Point            1.10 amps or 138 VA        N/A                    Yes - N/A - non
                    -2  CD1002                                                                          interrupt co
                  '7  None                          None                      None                    Yes 7    None                          None                      None                    Yes cj  Close to Energize          AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non Coil                                                                            interrupt
                  '-,  Close to Energize          AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non 6    Coil                                                                            interrupt 4  None                          None                      None                    Yes
  *4              0  Open to De-energize                                      155 VA inrush - 22 VA Open t                        Break 720 VA                                      Yes
_Am            o*  AC Coil                                                  sealed
  -E                  NoeNn                                                    Nne 0    None                          None                      None                    Yes o              '7  None                          None                      None                    Yes oco
                  '7 u')  None                          None                      None                    Yes CD
                  'T,  None                          None                      None                    Yes c,  Open to De-energize          1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
                    -  DC Coil Open to De-energize          Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes cr  AC Coil ap  Open to De-energize
                  "-  DC Coil                      1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
          >        o
                  -T  Open O      to tD De-energize ni            1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes
      >          6    DC Coil CM C\1 Open to De-energize
* DC Coil 7      pnt      eeegz            1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed m        Yes Open C to De-energize            1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes
                  &#xfd;2CD O DCpeCoil n to D e -e n e rg iz e1    . 0 a p or 1 8 V1        3 2 W s l eY 16  DC Coil                      11    mp r18V              32Wsae                  e s O-  Close to complete            N/A                        N/A                    Yes
                    -  circuit Page 10 of 18
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M      tM          Contact Co-ta Action      Slave Relay Current Rating  Load Current Interrupt      OK?
r-                E              on Signal U.          0 C,      None                    None                      None                    Yes Open to De-energize o    AC Coil                Break 6 amps or 720VA      0.38 amps              Yes co      Close to Energize    DC                            Inrush 21.6W            Yes - N/A - non Coil                            pinterrupt M b* C,                    Close to Energize    DC 1. 10 Amps or 138 VA      N/A                    Yes - N/A - non
  .* E                  o    Coil                                                                      interrupt M~-      N S"Close                          to Energize  DC                                                    Yes - N/A - non
                        --    Coil1.                    10 Amps or 138 VA      N/A Coilinterrupt I-7    None                    None                      None                    Yes Co Close to Energize    DC                                                    Yes - N/A - non Lb      Coil                    1.10 Amps or 138 VA        N/A                    interrupt co
                      '7 C-      None                    None                      None                    Yes (D      Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A                    Yes - N/A - non
                        -    Coil                                                                      interrupt
                      ,1A- Close to Energize      AC                                                    Yes - N/A - non
        .                                              Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    N/A SCoilinterrupt iii      o OD      None                    None                      None                    Yes 0
7'7 0)
None                    None                      None                    Yes
                          ,    None                    None                      None                    Yes
                        .-    Open to De-energize C0    AC Coil                Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes op    Open  to De-energize DC Coils                1.10 amps or 138 VA        33.4 W (0.267 Amps)    Yes
    .                        Open to De-energize 0
u      O Coils DC    t    -      i    1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W                  Yes
      >)              ,;-    Open to De-energize Op    to                1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W                  Yes
                            ~2 DC Coils 7      OpnCoils C            eeri      1. 10 amps or 138 VA      17.4 W                  Yes
                        '7    None                    None                      None                    Yes co
                        '7    None                    None P      1                None                    Yes Page 11 of 18
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c            C    "            on Signal U.          0
                        '    None                  None                      None                    Yes None                  None                      None                    Yes U)          ,  co u      ,    None                  None                      None                    Yes Co 7        None                  None                      None                    Yes Open to De-energize  Break 720 VA or 6 amps    155 VA inrush - 22 VA  Yes AC Coil                                          sealed None                  None                      None                    Yes co o      None                  None                      None                    Yes 0u o                          None                  None                      None                    Yes E              d          None                  None                      None                    Yes
                          ,  None                  None                      None                    Yes
                      &#xfd;2 CO 7        None                  None                      None                    Yes T-7~    None                  None.                      None                    Yes 2N Close to Energize CMake AC 60 amps or 7200 VA  N/A Yes - N/A - non ce*            Coil                                                                    interrupt a) j"&"                        None                  None                      None                    Yes U. C            N        _
uJ.            v          None                  None                      None                    Yes 0n            0 o            7        None                  None                      None                    Yes N    Close to Energize  DC              138 VA        168 W inrush - 13.2 W  Yes - N/A - non
                    -        Coil                  1.10 amps or              sealed                  interrupt Open to De-energize co      AC Coil              Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes 00    Close to Energize  DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        168 W inrush - 13.2 W  Yes - N/A - non N      Coil                                            sealed                  interrupt a)
                    "7-,-    Close to Energize  DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA        168 W inrush - 13.2 W  Yes - N/A - non r  dM      Coil                                            sealed                  interrupt
    "                        None                  None                      None                    Yes I.
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                        -    coil                                              closed                  interrupt close to Energize C                    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA Mk6coil                    N/A                    Yes  - N/A - non interrupt co      oi c    None                    None                      None                    Yes Close C
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* TE*  None                    None                      None                    Yes IL 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes Co co 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes None                    None                      None                    Yes None                    None                      None                    Yes None                    None                      None                    Yes
          .*c                  Op~en toue-energize    Break 6 amps or 720 VA    14 VA                  Yes
                          -  AC Coil le        None                    None                      None                    Yes x0 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes J=    o        o co 7e    None                    None                      None                    Yes X0                  None                    None                      None                    Yes Ce1          c      N o    Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non coil_                                                                      interrupt S Open to Dc-energize    Bek6ap          r70V        7V                        e Cl
                        ')    None AC    Coil              None Bek6ap          r70V      None 7V                    Yese co g None                    None                      None                    Yes 7'    None                    None                      None                    Yes U-) -j 0                  None                    None                      None                    Yes I-co 7      None                    None                      None                    Yes co 7      None                    None                      None                    Yes
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  > S                    None                    None                      None                    Yes (U_,
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    "E 0
* None                    None                      None                    Yes cli  Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non Coils                                                                      interrupt None                    None                      None                    Yes
                      ,z  None                    None                      None                    Yes 00 C-    None                    None                      None                    Yes 0          t &#xfd;2    CilsMake Coils                        60 amps or 7200 VA  245 VAinerp            interrupt
                        . Close to Energize    AC                                                    Yes - N/A - non co 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes Coils1                    0ap    r13    A8            -6m                interrupt
                    -i-  Close to Energize      NCoe                      NmYes                          - NA -
Cose N                      Noneto                    NEonergYesN
                      *,    CColoetEnrie        C 1.10 ampsorl138 VA8W-64mYe-N/-no
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                    ,I-  Coils                                              35.1 W for Valve        interrupt
                    ,It  Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non C6    Coil                                                                      interrupt co    Close to Energize    AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non Coil                                                                      interrupt 0.
  >                  o    Open=toe-energize      1.10amsor 138 VA          13.2 W sealed          Yes (Ld.                DC Coil M*
C    ,    Open to De-energize (D          Coi1.10                    amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes e        DC Coil
                    '7    None                    None                      None                    Yes to 7    None                    None                      None                    Yes Page 14 of 18
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rr      -  0 o                  on Signal
* None                  None                      None                    Yes 0.0.
0      o U      -u    d        Open AC  CoiIto De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes
                    --        None                  None                      None                    Yes 7
: 0)        None                  None                      None                    Yes sj Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W -139.2 mA        Yes
                    -        DC Coil
                    '-        Open to De-energize    Break 6 amps or 720 VA    0.38 amps              Yes co        AC Coil co        Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes
                        . DC Coil
            .*      o        Open to De-energize V'
* Oe to                  1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes 00        d        DC Coil Open to De-energize
  >O                          pr*                e 1.10 amps or 138 VA        17.4 W - 139.2 mA      Yes i        DC Coil Open to De-energize        amps or 138 VA
                    &#xfd;2        DC Coil Open to De-energize    1.10 amps or 138 VA        13.2 W sealed          Yes DC Coil Close to complete      1.10 amps or 138 VA      N/A                    Yes - N/A - non circuit                                                                  interrupt
                      ,      None                  None                      None                    Yes o,        None                  None                      None                    Yes co 0.
                      , 7, None None                  None None                      None None                    Yes Yes 7-      None                  None                      None                    Yes Ne
                      ,      None                  None                      None                    Yes None                  None                      None                    Yes 00 c  7        None                  None                      None                    Yes CL        00 h      4      None                  None                      None                    Yes
                    &          oeNneNn                                                                  e 0
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      .        o            None                None                      None                    Yes (0        o co 0
7      None                None                      None                    Yes o      None                None                      None                    Yes
                      ',    None                None                      None                    Yes N-7      None                None                      None                    Yes None                None                      None                    Yes
* None                None                      None                    Yes CL    w
                          ,  None                None                      None                    Yes cc4
          *,  CD C,
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                      ",L    None                None                      None                    Yes 0
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E      None                None                      None                    Yes 7    None                None                      None                    Yes oe        nerze  Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VAYes 1
N-    Coil                                                                  interrupt "o                  o    Open to De-energize                            96 VA Open 14 VAYe U) <
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                    -        Coil                  1.10 amps or 138 VA        8W- 64 mA              interrupt V      Close to Energize  AC Make 60          7200 VA  245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non C6        Coil                            amps or                                  interrupt cp        Open to De-energize    Break 6 amps or 720 VA    96 VA Open 14 VA        Yes
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                    '7        None                  None                      None                    Yes N        Close to complete                                                        Yes - N/A - non 0              "        circuit                1.10 amps or 138 VA        N/A                    interrupt O    c6        None                  None                      None                    Yes T,      None                  None                      None                    Yes C0L 7,        None                  None                      None                    Yes CL N    None                  None                      None                    Yes 0.0 u}" *    '7o.&deg;    None None                  None None                      None None                    Yes Yes
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                    *-L      coil                                                                      interrupt
                    ,It      Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non co      Coils                                                                    interrupt 00      Close to Energize      Mk60apor70VA              NAYes                        - N/A - non r-.      Resistive AC Load                                                        interrupt C) 7        None                  None                      None                    Yes to              Close to Energize  AC                                                    Yes - N/A - non Cn .*        d              Coils    Closeto EnrgizeAC  MakegYe1-7N/f-60 amps or 7200 VA  245 VA                  interrupt    no m- Close to Energize  AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA    245 VA                  Yes - N/A - non Coils                                                                    interrupt Close to Energize  AC    e                                              Yes RelayMae6amso720V                                8W-64mYs co
                    '7      None                  None                      None                    Yes P      7
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Latest revision as of 23:10, 6 February 2020

Response to Request for Additional Information (TAC No. ME6093), License Amendment Request for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/26/2011
From: Gatlin T
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC ME6093
Download: ML11271A025 (59)


Thomas D. Gatlin Vice President,Nuclear Operations 803.345.4342 September 26, 2011 A SCANA COMPANY U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001

Dear Sir / Madam:



License Amendment Request For Slave Relay Surveillance Testing This letter provides South Carolina Electric & Gas Company's (SCE&G) response to the Request for Additional Information (RAI) documented by NRC letter dated August 11, 2011 (ADAMS Accession No. ML11207A239) regarding the VCSNS License Amendment Request (LAR) for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing. The proposed request would revise TS Table 4.3-2 for the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation to allow the surveillance frequency to be expanded from quarterly to every 18 months or refueling for the specific Westinghouse type AR relays used as Solid-State Protection System slave relays or auxiliary relays. Responses to the requested information are provided in Attachment 1.

Should you have questions, please contact Mr. Bruce L. Thompson at (803) 931-5042.

I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on Thomas D. Gatlin JG/TDG/wm : Responses to RAI c: K. B. Marsh W. M. Cherry P. Ledbetter S. A. Byrne V. M. McCree NSRC J. B. Archie R. E. Martin RTS (CR-04-02961)

N. S. Cams NRC Resident Inspector File (813.20)

J. H. Hamilton K. M. Sutton PRSF (RC-11-0145)

R. J. White S. J. Threatt Virgil C.Summer Station. Post Office Box 88. Jenkinsville, SC .29065- T(803) 345-5209 j


License Amendment Request For Slave Relay Surveillance Testing By letter dated April 18, 2011 (Agency wide Documents Access and Management System, Accession No. ML11109A113), South Carolina Electric and Gas Company submitted a license amendment request for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review that would revise the Technical Specifications (TSs), for the Virgil C.

Summer Nuclear Station, Unit No.1. The changes would revise TS Table 4.3-2 for the Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation to allow the surveillance frequency to be expanded from quarterly to every 18 months or refueling for the specific Westinghouse type AR relays used as Solid-State Protection System (SSPS) slave relays or auxiliary relays. The following questions were developed as a result of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff's review of the License Amendment Request (LAR) for Slave Relay Surveillance Testing based on Westinghouse topical report WCAP-13877-P-A, Revision 2, "Reliability Assessment of Westinghouse Type AR Relays Used as SSPS (Solid-State Protection System) Slave Relays."

1. In Section 4.1 of the License Amendment Request (LAR) the licensee explains the applicabilityof WCAP-13877-P-A to VCSNS. In it, the licensee states that the SSPS slave relays and auxiliaryrelays used at VCSNS are Westinghouse AR440 or AR880 relays and that the SSPS cabinets housing these relays were purchasedfrom Westinghouse Electric Corporationand installedduring construction.

However, in Section 4.2 of the LAR, the licensee states that VCSNS utilizes Westinghouse supplied Cutler Hammer type AR relays. In Section 4.3.3, the licensee states that VCSNS utilizes Westinghouse suppliedpart number AR440ARY, Cutler Hammer 4-pole type AR relays.

Finally, in TS Table 4.3-2, "EngineeredSafety FeatureActuation System InstrumentationSurveillance Requirements", the licensee is proposing to add note (3) which states that replacementrelays other than Westinghouse type AR or reconciledCutler-Hammerrelays will require further analysis and NRC approvalto maintain the establishedfrequency.

a. The AR440ARY CutlerHammer 4-pole type AR relay is not covered in the WCAP-13877-P-A analysis. Please provide justificationas to why this type of relay, and any other type of relay used at VCSNS that is within the scope of the LAR, is consideredacceptable for use and why the licensee believes a surveillance extension for these types of relays is appropriate.In your justification,provide a functional description

Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC- 11-0145 Page 2 of 5 comparing the proposedrelays to the ones identifiedin the approved topical report.

[VCSNS Response]

Westinghouse AR relays are AR440ARY Cutler-Hammer relays that are dedicated for 1 E Safety Related applications under the Westinghouse 10CFR50 Appendix B program for the nuclear industry. Per the specification sheets the part numbering scheme are the same except for the "Y" designation.

Westinghouse uses the "Y" to indicate a safety related component.

WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0, "Description Of The Type AR Relay Product Line" and Appendix A "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" covers the catalog numbering and suffix codes associated with the relays. Reference Enclosure A, "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" for the best available copy available. The relays reflected within the License Amendment Request submitted by VCSNS reflected the specific relays out of the AR family of components. Reference Enclosure B, Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer."

The basic type of AR relay consist of a coil assembly and a contact assembly.

The first two letters "AR" are the designator for Alternating Current (AC) devices and the use of "ARD" represents a Direct Current (DC) device. VCSNS ESFAS relays are Alternating Current types that are consistent with the AC Coil Assembly discussed within the WCAP. The three digit numbers represent the number of poles and the pole configuration as either Normally Open (NO) or Normally Closed (NC). AR relays, in general, are either 4 or 6 pole. VCSNS ESFAS relays are a four (4) pole with a configuration of four (4) NO and zero (0)

NC therefore representing AR440. The suffix code, after the three digit numbers, reflects the coil voltage and the type of contact cartridge terminals. The "A" suffix represents 110/120 Volts AC and 50/60 hertz (Hz) while the "R" represents a screw terminal for ring connectors or a "C" representing a clamp terminal.

VCSNS ESFAS relays are 110/120 Volts AC and 50/60 hertz (Hz) and utilize a screw terminal therefore are designated as "AR440AR." VCSNS ESFAS relays are safety related therefore AR440ARY and AR440AR do represent the same commercial component.

The AR relays are supplied with accessories that are also discussed within WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0, "Description Of The Type AR Relay Product Line." The adder block provides four additional poles and is functionally identical to the contact assembly in that it is constructed with a cover, cross bar and set of contacts. The adder block assembly has the catalog number of ARA40. With the adder block the AR440 relays are converted to an 8 pole component and are designated as an AR880 (AR440 plus ARA40). As discussed within the WACP, "An AR880 relay is an AR440 relay equipped with an adder block, which is an additional four-pole contact assembly." An additional accessory is the Latching Attachment (ARLA) that performs a locking function to prevent reactivation without additional actions performed to reset the relay.

Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Page 3 of 5

b. Please describe what types of SSPS slave and auxiliary relays (i.e.

Westinghouse AR440, AR880, Cutler-HammerAR440ARY, or others) are being used at VCSNS. Please specify which type of relay is being used for each of the following functional units describedin TS Table 4.3-2, "EngineeredSafety FeatureActuation System Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements":

L Safety Injection, Reactor Trip, FeedwaterIsolation, Control Room Isolation, Start Diesel Generators,Containment Cooling Fansand Essential Service Water ii. ReactorBuilding Spray iii. ContainmentIsolation, Phase "A" Isolation iv. ContainmentIsolation, Phase "B"Isolation

v. ContainmentIsolation, Purge and Exhaust Isolation vi. Steam Line Isolation vii. Turbine Trip and FeedwaterIsolation viii. Emergency Feedwater ix. Automatic Switchover to ContainmentSump

[VCSNS Response]

As stated in the response 1.a., WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, section 4.0 and Appendix A, covers the numbering and suffix codes associated with the relays.

The relays reflected within the License Amendment Request show the specific relays in the AR family of components. The scope of the WCAP is for the Westinghouse type AR relay when used in the SSPS slave relay application and several configurations (e.g., type AR440, with or without the ARLA latch attachment) and the two operating modes (normally energized (NE) or normally deenergized (ND)). As stated within the LAR section 4.2 the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. The AR relays installed from construction were manufactured by Cutler-Hammer with the catalog numbering scheme of AR440AR. Cutler-Hammer became part of Eaton Corporation in 1978 and Westinghouse sold its Distribution and Control Business Unit to Eaton in 1994. Westinghouse procures commercially manufactured AR relays from Cutler-Hammer and dedicates them for 1 E Safety Related applications under the Westinghouse 10CFR50 Appendix B program. Reference Enclosure B (Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer) and Eaton's Website at The correlation of slave relays to their function and catalog number is provided within Enclosure C.

Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 Page 4 of 5

c. Please identify when the relays not covered in WCAP-13877-P-A were installedat VCSNS. What are the operationalhistory and failure rates for these types of relays?

[VCSNS Response]

As stated in the response 1.a. and 1.b., the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. These relays are manufactured by Cutler-Hammer and are covered by WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2. Within the LAR section 4.3.2, VCSNS has identified one safety related relay failure that occurred in 1996 due to slave relay K613 not resetting properly. The concern was that the configuration would not unlatch on demand after the relay actuation.

The immediate action was an "accept as is" based on the proper function on the second attempt of unlatching. The cause was proposed to be the result of mechanical binding in the ARLA (Mechanical Latching Attachment with 120 Volt AC Coil) latching mechanism. Relay K613 latching assembly was replaced with a spare during the rework disposition. There have been no other safety related failures since this occurrence. Therefore the failures experienced at VCSNS are encompassed with the failures described within WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2 section 7.0, "Failure Modes and Effects Analysis Results," section 9.0, "Failure Experience," and section 10.0 "Conclusions of FMEA."

d. Please submit the data sheets for the SSPS slave and auxiliaryrelays being used at VCSNS which are not covered in WCAP-13877-P-A.

[VCSNS Response]

As stated in the response 1 .c. the SSPS cabinet safety related slave relays are Westinghouse supplied AR relays. These relays are manufactured by Cutler-Hammer and are covered by WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2. Due to the poor clarity of WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, Appendix A "Type AR Relay Data Sheets" a copy of Eaton AWARD Series specification sheets has been provided within Enclosure D. Cutler-Hammer became part of Eaton Corporation in 1978.

Document Control Desk CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Page 5 of 5

e. Pleaseexplain what is meant by the term "reconciledCutler-Hammer relay".

[VCSNS Response]

The proposed Technical Specification Table 4.3-2 notation and Technical Specification Bases 3/4.3.1 utilizes the term "reconciled Cutler-Hammer relay."

This term was added to ensure that, if ever needed, only a suitable replacement is identified and to ensure the consistency of the frequency change. The term reconciled is used in the context of making or to become consistent and/or compatible. Westinghouse has its own reconciliation process dedicating the AR relays from Cutler-Hammer as 1E Safety related components and will typically identify suitable replacements through its 10CFR50 Appendix B program.

Reference Enclosure B, Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer.

2. Please provide a summary of the contact loadinganalysis results for the SSPS slave and auxiliaryrelays, as well as a descriptionof how the analysis was performed.

[VCSNS Response]

The slave relay contact loading review was performed under the VCSNS Corrective Action Program with the results provided within Enclosure E and Enclosure F. The data was compiled from site and vendor drawings with analysis of applicable vendor data. Each set of contacts were reviewed for the specific action required, the device that was actuated, and the applied load. Enclosure E provides the function, relay identifier, and specific loaded device for each contact.

Where specific current, Voltage (VA), or Wattage data was not available, current was calculated with Voltage equals Current times Resistance methodology. The final assessment of whether the contact rating was acceptable for the load to be interrupted is summarized within Enclosure F. The table provides a correlation of the function, relay identifier to the component current rating and estimated load for each contact. The determination is provided in the column labeled "OK?".

Note that one potential entry in this column is "Yes-N/A-non-interrupt". This entry is used when the contact action on a signal is to close (ie. Complete the circuit, not interrupt the current flow in the circuit.)

Document Control Desk A CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure A Type AR Relay Data Sheets (pages from WCAP-1 3877-P-A, Revision 2, Appendix A)

Page 1 of 3

Document Control Desk A CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 2 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL RELAYS Types AR 600 Volt Ac, ARD 600 Volt Dc, Convertible Contacts M1 Vol oeb Id~ A M MOh

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Page 2 of 3

Document Control Desk A CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 49 INDUSTRIAL CONTROL RELAYS Types AR 600 Volt AC, ARD 600 Volt Dc Convertible Contacts ft.r PW.?e DT" n OVAPtU This AN ofW Tr Fe? An fth

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Document Control Desk B CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure B Westinghouse letter "Correlation of Westinghouse AR Relays to Cutler-Hammer" Page 1 of 2

Document Control Desk B CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Letter LTR-EMPE-1 1-209, addressed to Mr. Martin of the NRC, has been issued by Westinghouse.

Page 2 of 2

Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure C Correlation Of Slave Relays To Function and Catalog Number Page 1 of 4

Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay Slave Relay Function Catalog Number AR440AR K601 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K602 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K603 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K604 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K605 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K606 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K607 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K608 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K609 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K610 Spare ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K611 Safety Injection ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K612 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K613 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K614 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K615 Containment Ventilation Isolation ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K616 Main Steam Isolation ARA40AR ARLA K617 Spare AR440AR

_________________________________ART Page 2 of 4

Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay Slave Relay Function Catalog Number AR440AR K618 Containment Isolation Phase B ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K619 Containment Isolation Phase B ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR Feedwater Valves (SG Hi-Hi) ARA40AR K620 AR440AR Turbine Trip/Main Feed Pumps ARA40AR K621 AR440AR K622 EFP Lo Suction Pressure ARA40AR ART AR440AR K623 Main Steam Isolation ARA40AR ARLA K624 Spare AR440AR ART AR440AR K625 Containment Isolation Phase B ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR EFP Lo Suction Pressure ART K626 ART AR440AR RCP Underfrequency Trip ARA40AR K627 AR440AR Pressure Relief Block AR44AR K628 ARA40AR AR440AR SR High Flux at Shutdown Block (P-11) ARA40AR K629 ARA40AR RWST Lo Lo Level AR440AR K630 ARA40AR K631 Lo Lo Tavg Steam Dump Interlock AR440AR K632 RWST Lo Lo Level AR440AR ARA40AR K633 Motor Driven EFW Pump AR440AR AR440AR Turbine Driven EFW Pump ARA40AR K634 K635 Spare AR440AR AR440AR K636 Lo Lo Tavg Reactor Trip and FW Isolation ARA40AR ARLA K637 Spare AR440AR ART K638 Spare AR440AR K639 Spare AR440AR K640 Spare AR440AR K641 Spare AR440AR K642 Spare AR440AR Page 3 of 4

Document Control Desk C CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Slave Relay Slave Relay Function Catalog Number AR440AR K643 Containment Isolation Phase A ARA40AR ARLA AR440AR K644 RB Spray Actuation ARA40AR ARLA K645 RB Spray AR440AR ARLA K646 Spare AR440AR AR440AR K647 SI "latched SI" ARA40AR ARLA K648 SG Hi-Hi Level AR440AR ARA40AR AR440AR K649 SG Hi-Hi Level ARA40AR ARLA Specification Table Specification Table Catalog Number Description Enclosure A Enclosure D AR/ARD Relays49-121 AR440AR Relay, 4 NO and4 pole, 0 NCcontacts Contact Contact Cartridges49-124 Ratings49-125 Coil Voltage Table ARA40AR Pole Adder Four Pole Top Deck 49-123 Adder Mechanical Latch ARML, Permanent ARLA Attachment with 120 Magnetic Latch 49-127 Volt Coil I I ART Solid State Timer ART Solid State Timer 49-128 Page 4 of 4

Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure D Eaton AR/ARD Series Specification Sheets Page 1 of 5

Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 LT'.N Coto Reas Tier 49,8 March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Control AR/ARD Series - Technical Data and Specifications Convertible Contact Table 49-121. Specifications C ontact Rlatings-00VVAC CartriddeNEMIAAS00 Industrial Control IMaximum VA Votts ii- Maidmmn Current coIt. Mate Break Make 120 10 60 16 7200 720 240 10 10* 30 15 3is 7200 17200 720 70 480 600 10 12 1,2 7200 720 OC CalridgaNEMAP0 VoltS Maxmrmn current Maximum VA SConL I Make or Break Make or Break AR 4-Paoe AR -Pole 125 i 110 138 250 0.55 138 500 0,20 138 Product Description tReslstiveRating CI I Power Raqutlrats The APSARD relays are electromecharn 125V1 C: 3A AC: 98 VA open, 14 VAclosed ical convertible contact relays, AR 250V DC5 1.5A DC: 14 waits open, 250V max.

relays are AC devices and the ARD is voltage IAR Relas ~ MID Relays for DC applications.

Pickup Voltage (mwx 85% 66 Drotbo Voltaega Imn.) 60%

Vottage max.) 1110% 110%

Application Description Type AR and ARD relays are designed Options for use on machine tools, process Table 49-122. Options lines, conveyors and similar automatic and semi-automatic equipment. Description Sufti Adder Convartlibl Contacts U)

Operation ARand ARD relays listed are supplied with NO contacts which are easily converted to NC. Ifboth NO and NC poaes are required, order byCatalog AR relays are available in either 4- or Number, Example: 4-pole relay with lrO and 3NC contacts, order AR413A.

6-pole configurations, AR relays are Screw Terminasa a easily converted to 8 or 10 poles sim- For ring-type connectors, add Suffix R to the Catalog Number. Example; ply by adding a 4-pole deck. In addi- AR420AFL Overapplng Conltacts s ors2 W tion, mechanical latch and solid-state NO contact doses before corresponding NC contact oe*s - supplied as timer attachments are available with NO/NC sets of two cartridges. Insert letters alter relay type designation In 4- and 6-pole relays. listed Catalog Number. Example: AR402AS. Specify the number of sets require*. 8 fto one set and 82 for two sets, Contacts are convertible from NO to NC, to provide any combination 0 Consult Customer Support Center for ava~labilty.

desired upto a maximum of 10. For the ARD, the number of poles cannot Accessories exceed four NC in any pole configura- Four-Pole Top Deck Adder a Screw terminals for ring connectors tion. Wide spacing of contacts simpli-

  • Increases contact available; to order add Suffix R to fies installation, contact testing and capacity from four/six Catalog Number listed below.

maintenance. Contacts are electrlcally poles to eight/ten and mechanically isolated from each Table 49-123. Feer-Pole Top Deck Adder poles.

other. Overlap contacts are also avail- No. Contacts able in one or two sets. These contacts

" Mounts on topof Poleof NO NC Blank Catalog Nutib IItles Price uS. S ]

basic relay using g 0c N; Ca should be mounted in the center pole Four-PoleTop three screws.

positions. AC and DC contact car- Deck Adder Wit Gaiv AC Cartidgas tridges should not be used in the same " Will not interfere with 4 2 0 2 ARA20 relay. wiring, testing or con- 4 0 0 ARA40 vertible cartridges.

With 600V OCCartidges Standards and Certifications 4 2 4

0 0

2 0


" UL File No. E19223

" CSA File No. LF139402-6, LR54517 and LR54520 DizauctS'mbal ...._ -..I .1CDt CA081020DIE For more information visit wwwmeatmceom Page 2 of 5

Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC- 11-0145 EA,.TN March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Contro]

Product Selection When Ordering Specify a If a coil voltage other than listed is 0 Catalog Number of Basic Relay with required, select the Suffix Code 120/60, 110/50 AC coil from ARIARD from the Coil Voltage table below Relays table. and substitute it for the last letter in the Catalog Number. Example:

AR64V for a 110/60 AC coil.

Table 49-124. ARWARDRelays Number Contacts AR GO0VAC Relays ARD 600o DC Relays of Pale 120/60.110150 AC Coel 120 DC Cell Spaces NO NC Blank Catalog Price Catalog Price Cav*Ites Number U.S. s Numbe Us, $

4 0 0 4 AR4A ARD4S 2 0 2 AR420A ARD420S 4 a a AR440A ARD4_0_

6 0 0 a ARSA ARD6S 4 a 2 ARS*40A 6 0 0 AR060A ARD6609 8 *JV 6 0 2 AR860A ARD86SG*O 8 0 0 AR880A ARD880S 10 10 0 0 A1OR01A ARD10100S

--) Will not accept top-mounted latch or timers, 4'VContact Customer Support Center for availability.

Table 49-125. Coil Voltage Table ARlCos ARD Calls Volts AC Hz SuffIx Code Volts DC ] Suflx Code 12 60 F 12 D 24 60 I 24 L 48 60 G 48 M 110 60 V 95 a 110/120 60/60 A 120 S 208 60 B 130 U 220/240 50/60 W 240 T 277 60 C 380/440 60/60 H 440/480 50/60 x 550 60 o 550/600 50/60 E m Table 49-126. Contact Cartridges - 600V IType TermInal IStandard Contact Cartridge I Overlap Contact Cartridge i Catalog NUtmberI Price U'. S, CUtalog Number Prlice U.S,$S AC Cartridges With Clamp Terminals ARC AROC With Screw Terminals ARCR AROCR DC Cartridges With Clamp Terminals ARDC ARDOC With Screw Terminals ARDOC ARDOCR

  • Standard cartridges are sold In cartons of four cartridges. Catalog Number is for single cartridge.

/1 Overlap contact cartridges are sold In sets of two cartridges. Catalog Number is for sets of two.

Dimensions........... ..... _... Page 49-84 DisooutSymbl ........... ...... 1CDI For more information visit www CA08102001E Page 3 of 5

Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 FIT.N I IT Cotrl elys imrs498 March 2009 AR/ARD Series - Converlible Contact Industrial Control Table 49-128. Solid-Stale Timer Vols Time ON OFF Catalog Numbar Delay Delay Delay ARML Permanent Se¢ocs catalog Prie Catelo= Price Mlagnet Latch AR/ARD Rea ysfor Number U.S. Number U.s. S AC 0.1 -30 AFrT-ON ART-OF AC 300-60 AIT- 01B ART-OF8 OC 0.1 -30 ARTMMON ARTO-OF Permanent Magnet Latch By energizing the relay coil, the latch attachment "sets" Solid-State Tiner ElectricalRatings (when the base relays armature/crossbar assembly has closed) holding the relay ON, even after the relay coil has " Input been de-energized. The clearing coil on the latch is ener- z3 120V AC, 110%, 50160 Hz gized to release the armature/crossbar assembly. 3 120, 48, 24V DC, :10%

" Field mountable to four and six pole

  • Power Required: AC, DC: 2 VA max.

" Latch plunger is adjustable " Contact Ratings: AC, 0.2A inductive

" Latch coil continuously rated a Inrush: 1.3A max.

" Unlatching power requirements

" DC will switch 4, 8 and 10-pole ARD relays

  • Open gap: 24 VA 48V DC: 0.26A
  • Closed gap: 7 VA
  • Burden: 4 watts AC, 6 watts DC Table 49-127. Permanent Magnet Latch " Repeatability Carol" a2 AC +/-_2%w/10% voltage variation +/-7.5% and 15% tem-Operating volts ForACCoeaol Circuits Call M Number Pri u.sPc ] perature variation l DC *1% w/10% voltage variation and 15"C temperature 24 60 ArItU variation 48 60 AFIqL Specifications 120 60M0O ARMLA 240 60.Ms ARMLW " Ambient Temp, Range: -20" to 701C For DCCorerol Circuits

" Duty Cycle

..1 24 ARIMILL a AC, DC: 150 operations/minute max.

48 ARMLM 120 ARMLS " Reset Time ART and ARTO 240 - ARMILT " ON Delay ART: 50 ms max.

Reference Information " ON Delay ARTD: 100 me independent of time setting a ART, ARTD: IL 14510, IL 14485 and duty cycle l OFF Delay: instantaneous Qtlog Number  ?

- /, ART Sold-State ARSS Sur"g S&ppre "or for AR Relays Surge Suppressor

  • Mounts in contact cavity of AR relays Solid-State Timer " Limits high transient voltages resulting from de-
  • Mounts on basic four- or six-pole relay using two screws energizing relay coil or other electromechanical devices

" Has one NO solid-state contact

  • Protects sensitive instruments and solid-state devices
  • ON delay or OFF delay applications a 120V AC max. not used on DC

" Will switch 120V AC and DC coils a For noise suppression, see Catalog Number SS-56 starter mounted surge suppressor.

" ARTD is field convertible to 24 or 48V DC Table 49-12D. Surge Suppressor Catalog Prdce Iue I u=s Diff*FISIOM.. I rI I ...

- I - ýý......

- P39Q49_84 Discoont Symbol ........ lCul CA0o102001E For more information visit wwwealtoncom Page 4 of 5

Document Control Desk D CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 onro Reas Ter- FkT.N March 20O ARIARO Series - Convertible Contact Industrial Control Dimensions and Enclosures 1

1,44 03&6).0

" J_ 2,55 .4 . of Mounting o Mounting Slots of

  • of Mounting 162.1) S.1 forw
42) for 0.164 Screws 42) or164 Screws 0.14 Screws End View. 4- and 6-Pole Side View. 4-Pole Side View. 6-Pol Figure 49-117.4- and i-Pole with 4-Pole Adder, Solid-State Timer and Mechanical Latch Approximate Dimensions in Inches (mrm)

Table 49-130 4- and 6-Pole with 4-Pole Adder, Solid-State Tiner and Mechanical Latch Roby Approximate Dimenslons in Inches 4mm)

Catalog A B C 0 Number 4-, 6-Polo Relays Relay Adder 1Reey withi Timor Ilelay with Lotch AMI 1.0 3.5 .4) 4.944125.5j e.0 (1052.4:

3 .354162.3)

ARI 463 11.6) 6,0 12.4) 17&08(1"93 7,45 '( 89.2)

.566(143.8) 1 050 283 (71.9)-,--l1 .10)4.0) 4741.7214;7; 1.72(43.7)

KO 1(O r )

4r Mtg. Holes (3*

1167.4) 114.3)


0.38 x0.549.7 x12.1)

Conduilt (2 Top, 2 Bottom) ~I 1 (09 442.9) J, - -

-3,3 458&9) figure 49-118. Enclosures -- NEMA I for OF, OFDAl!and DFRD-- Approxidiateillmensions in Inches (mnm)

Table 49-131. Enclosures - NEMA Ifo BF. BFD, AR, ARD CIstleo Poles Dimension A In Iches (mm)

Number NEMA I Reletswitbot Atllachmmets IF, AR, ARD All 5.34 4135A)

SFO 4-_ 5.34 '135.8) oM, 112  ?.971202A4)

Role"widh Artechmero I -F, AR, ARD All 7,97 (202.4)

For more information visit CAG810301E Page 5 of 5

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure E VCSNS Slave Relay Contact Function Review Page 1 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 r- M Mn Train DeviceA Train LoadA Train Load A Device Train B Device Train B Train B Load Load Device U0 U.

Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00478 NP8316A54V IFV00478 N P8316A54V Safeguards Safeguards Test Cabinet Potter/Brumfie Test Cabinet Potter/Brumfield CO)

Train A Id MDR 66-4 Train B MDR 66-4 Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00488 00488-20A N P8316A54V IFV00488 00488-20B NP8316A54V o C-H Type M 7 Close Relay Relay (D26

-0 0 XVG01611A FW61 BX MB) None None None (0

cOJ 7 Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00498 00498-20A NP8316A54V IFV00498 00498-20B NP8316A54V

"*" C-H Type M 6 Close Relay Relay (D26 XVG01 611 B FW62BX MB) None None None (0 C-H Type M Close Relay Relay (026 (0 XVGO1611C MB) None None Energize AR880AR Energize AR880AR Relay I I Relay SIA-Al

- -- d . .....

Relay Coil Relay SIB-B1 Coil C'J None None None None None None IT1 None None None None CO Energize Energize Relay TD1 in Agastat Relay TD1 in XPN7011 2412AE XPN7021 Agastat 2412AE C None None


.2 c'J 0

- U (0 00


A210 Card A210 Card Test Cabinet Test Cabinet Train A . . ... . i Train B Start SI Load Potter/Brumfie Start SI Load Lh Sequence A 120 VAC Id KUP1IAW1 Sequence B 120 VAC Potter/Brumfield Train Relay through through Line Train Relay through KUPIlAI1.

XPN6020 XPN6025 r.0 TSC TSC Computer PT Computer PT SDIO00 SD1O01 Page 2 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 ts c

  • Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

- Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device 0

U. -

Open Valve 42-0 MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC XVG08801A Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG08801B Relay Coil Size 1 Starter 6 Open Valve 42-0 MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC XVG08808A Relay Coil Size 2 Starter XVG08808B Relay Coil Size 2 Starter rc Close Valve 42-C MCC Close Valve 42-C MCC XVG08107 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG08108 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter

0) SClose Valve 42-C MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC LVC001 15C Relay Coil Size 1 Starter LVC001 15D Relay Coil Size 1 Starter oJ 0
o. M Open Valve 42-0 MCC Close Valve 42-C MCC

- LVC001 15B Relay Coil Size 1 Starter LVC001 15E Relay Coil Size 1 Starter

- None None None None None None Close Close Dampers Dampers XDP0035A, XDP0035B, 99A, 103B, 99B, 103A, 129, 39B, 96, 98, 39A, 112A, and 112B, and 100A. Open 1O0B. Open Dampers Dampers XDP0113A, AH141X C-H Type M XDP0113B, AH142X C-H Type M 120A. Relay Coil Relay 120B, and 131 Relay Coil Relay Close Close 7 Dampers Dampers XDP0021A, AH143X C-H Type M XDP0021A, AH144X C-H Type M 133A, 234A Relay Coil Relay 133A, 234A Relay Coil Relay C.,,

None None None None None None

, Open Valve XVG08808C 42-0 MCC Relay Coil Size 2 Starter None None None co Block Open r- Valve 42-C MCC XVG08808C Relay Coil Size 2 Starter None None None 0c None None None None None None 7 Open Valve 42-0 MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC XVG03108A Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG03108C Relay Coil Size 1 Starter

(,b Operate Valve 42-0 or 42-C Operate Valve 42-0 or 42-C XVG03109A Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG03109C Relay Coil Size 1 Starter Close Close co Dampers Dampers 7 XDP0021 B, XDP0021 B, t 133B, and AH145X C-H Type M 133B, and AH146X C-H Type M 234B Relay Coil Relay 234B Relay Coil Relay Close 7 Dampers XDP00152 SI-AH182 C-H Type M Close Damper SI-AH183 C-H Type M I and 155 Relay Coil Relay XDPOO153 Relay Coil Relay Page 3 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 c 4 0 >.. -0

. Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B 0 Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device U- 0 IL C I Solenoid Solenoid

- Close Valve XVTO8149A- Asco Close Valve XVT08152- Asco XVT08149A 20B-CS NP8316A54V XVT08152 20A-CS NP8316A54V Solenoid Solenoid

' Close Valve XVT08149B- Asco Close Valve XVT08860- Asco XVT08149B 20B-CS NP8316A54V XVT08860 20A-SI NP8316A54V Solenoid Solenoid

,co Close Valve XVT08149C- Asco Close Valve XVT08880- Asco

-- XVTO8149C 208-CS NP8316A54V XVT08880 20A-SI NP8316A54V C Vl Solenoid Solenoid 0 7 Close Valve XVT08871- Asco Close Valve XVT08961 - Asco


= . Computer Pt Computer Pt "i CD1000 CD1001 E


- None None None None None None 7 Solenoid Vie Solenoid VIv h Close XVG06066- Asco Close XVG06067- Asco XVG06066 208-HR NP8316A54V XVG06067 20B-HR NP8316A54V Solenoid VIv PART#V1 05-204-7 XVX06054- 1, Agastat Close HR, 20X- E7012PD001, C-None None None XVG06054 HR31, HR31X H Type M Solenoid Vlv Solenoid VIv

- Close XVD08047- Asco Close XVD08033- Asco XVD08047 20A-RC NP8316A54V XVD08033 20A-RC NP8316A54V

  • - i Solenoid Vlv CO* Close XVD08028- Asco None None None XVD08028 20A-RC NP8316A54V 0 ISolenoid Vlv Asco r4. Close XVG00503A- NP8320A185 XVG00503A 20A-BD V None None None V Solenoid Vlv<" . 7 Close XVD07170- ASCO#206-

. XVD07170 20-WL 381-3RVF d) C2Close XVD07136- Asco oXVD07136 20A-WL NP8316A54V E

.E= 7-*- VG51 Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve

- Close XVD07126- Asco Close XVD07150- Asco 0 XVD07126 tJ , ~20A-WL

~~~~~~SolenoidNP8316A54V XVD07150 . .... 20A-WL..- i* i"i ;. NP8316A54V XVG00503C

  • I ~Valve 20A-BD V Asco  ?; *  ! ',

-- Close 42-C MCC

  • _**[XVG06797 Rea Ci Size 1 Starter 7o Close 42-C MCC Close 42-C MCC

-- ' XVG07501 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG07502 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter 7, Close 42-C MCC Close 42-C MCC

-- ' XVG07503 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVG07504 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter Page 4 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C U)

- Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

u. to Close 42-C MCC Close 42-C MCC XVTO8112 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter XVT08100 Relay Coil Size 1 Starter Safeguards 1/2 Safeguards Test Cabinet ' Potter/BrumfeT Potter/Brumfield TrainA Id MDR 66-4 Train B I' MDR 66-4 Solenoid CP, Valve XVT-N Close 02662A-20A- Asco

.0 XVT02662A IA NP8316A56V None None None "4 Solenoid o 0 Solenoid ASCO Valve XVT-

' 6d Close Valve XVT- NP8320A195 Close 02662B-20A- Asco

'- XVT02660 02660-20A-IA V XVT02662B IA NP8316A56V E==- od (LC-o _- None None None None None None C,r b None None None None None None CD None None None None None None

- None None None None None None Ný None None None None None None C0, None None None None None None Start DG A C-H Type M Start DG B C-H Type M (XEGO001A) ESS Relay (XEGO001B) ESS Relay Solenoid Solenoid Valve Asco Valve

' Close Damper XDP0110A- NPEF830012 Close Damper XDP0110B- Asco XDP011OA 20A 3VF XDP011OB 20A NPEF8300123VF o Start SI/CHG Start Sl/CHG co CD 0 Pump 62 Swgr Relay Agastat 7012 Pump 62 Swgr Relay (0

XPPO043A Coil PBL XPP0043B Coil Agastat 7012 PBL

" Start SI/CHG Start SI/CHG 6 Pump 62 Swgr Relay Agastat 7012 Pump 62 Swgr Relay

_" XPPO043C Coil PBL XPP0043C Coil Agastat 7012 PBL Open Open Dampers Dampers XDP0071A XDP0071 B and and XDP0072A, XDP0072B, co Close Damper AH328X C-H Type M Close Damper AH329X C-H Type M XDP0073A Relay Cc XDP0073B Energize SI Energize SI 7x Latch Relay Latch Relay K647 in K647 in XPN701 0 XPN7020 Page 5 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 r_

0 ',

cc C) Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device 0

IL 0 N

Trip DG A Trip DG B Breaker 52 Trip Coil Breaker 52 Trip Coil Block Closure Block Closure Valve 42-C MCC Valve 42-C MCC XVGO8808A Relav Coil Size 2 Starter XVG08808B Relay Coil Size 2 Starter Solenoid Valve Asco Solenoid Close Damper XDP0111A- NPEF830012 Close Damper Valve Asco XDPO111A 20A 3VF XDP0111B XDPO111-20A NPEF8300123VF 0


.~ .2 0) 0~

.- U CD None None None None None None

~'U, None None None None None None None None None None None 20YAH194 >4 20YAH195 t6 Close Damper MCC Relay *K

-* Close Damper MCC Relay XDPO233A Coil ___ ___ XDPO233B

--- Coil NO None None None None None None 4 4 + +

Ný None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 0

C o~. 0 None None None None None None a)- (0 None None None None None None C~j None None None None None None None None None None None None aO R*

None None None None None None None None. --

Page 6 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 -


  • Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device U. -0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Cq None None None None None None IL None None None None None None None None None None None None 0o None None None None None Close Solenoid Vive Asco Close XVT03165 Asco XVT03164- NP8320A185 XVT03164 and NP8320A185V C 7' 20A-SW V V\rrAv,4Io U CD Asco Close Damper NP8320A188 XDP0045 Cý)

Close 20A-SW Asco XDP01 06 XVT03169- NP8320A188V 20A-SW Open 42-0 MCC Open 42-0 MCC XVG3108B Relay Coil XVG03108D Relay Coil Operate 42-0 or 42-C Open or Close 42-0 or 42-C Io XVG3109B Relay Coil XVG03109D Relay Coil 1-4 UJ-N kU~to IV1U),

C-H (D26 Agastat cN Close MB), Agastat Close E7012PD001, XVX09356B XVX09357 E7012PD001 Target Rock 97A Solenoid Valve.

C-H (D26 C-H (D26 MB),

MB), Agastat Close Agastat Close E7012PD001, XVX09365B E7012PD001, XVX09364B Target Rock 97A Target Rock 97A Solenoid Solenoid Valve C-H (D26 C-H (D26 MB),

MB), Agastat Close Agastat Close E7012PDO01, XVX09365C E7012PD001, XVX09364C Target Rock Target Rock 97A 97A Solenoid Solenoid Valve 0 C-H (D26 MB),


Agastat Close ROCK, PART 7 None None None E7012PD001, CM XVX09398A #1032110 Target Rock 97A 5-1-S Solenoid Valve C-H (026 MB),

C,,1 Agastat Close 0 None None None XVX09398C E7012PD001, 0

Target Rock 97A Solenoid Valve C-H (D26 C-H (D26 MB),

MB), Agastat Close Agastat Close E7012PD00 1, XVX09387 E7012PD001, XVX09356A Target Rock 97A Target Rock 97A Solenoid Solenoid Valve C-H (D26 C-H (026 MB),

MB), Agastat Close Agastat Co Close E7012PD001, XVX09339 E7012PD001, Lb XVX09341 Target Rock Target Rock 97A 97A Solenoid Solenoid Valve Close ASCO#206- Close ASCO#206-381 -

XVD06242A 381-3RVF XVX06242B 3RVF Page 7 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 r_


0) 0 Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

.w 0o Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device LL 0

Close Close 3 NP8321A5V NP8321A5V XVA0931 1A Close NP8321A5V N Close NP8321A5V XVA09312B XVA09312A None None None None None None Asco Close Asco ** 8320A188V, Close XVG00503A, C NP8320A188 Asco

.0 XVG00503B V

Clo0se 3B, XVG0053C * *Asco NP8320A488V, 0


  • i* C-H (D26 MB),

NP8320A188V cc E-c) Co cmJ None None None None None None Q

0 Close Agastat

,I* None None None XVX0398BE7012PD001, XVX0398BTarget

    • 1 Rock Solenoid 97A Valve 70 U) Close "****'IAsco Close XVG06056 XVG06057 Open 42-0 MCC, NP8316A54V 22 Close None None None XVG06050A c, Open Open 42-0 MCC XVG03002A XVG03002B Relay Coil None None None None None None

,z None None None None None None 0 co 0

7 None None None None None None E

(L (0 CDJ N7 None None None None None None CU 0-7'IT None None None None None None

'7 None None None None None None U.) 11 co 7

iN 1 None None None None None None Page 8 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C 0 0 t;-

_ Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B c Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

~ 0 U. 0 Asco Asco N Close Valve AH245X NP83166SE, Close Valve AH246X NP83166SE, C-H XVB00001A Relay Coil C-H Type M XVB00001 B Relay Coil Type M Relay Relay (D26 (D26 MB)


Asco Asco Close Valve AH247X NP83166SE, Close Valve AH248X NP83166SE, C-H

,.Relay XVB00002A Relay Coil C-H Type(D26M XVB00002B Relay Coil Type

((2 2 MBRelay B

.0 -MB)

T ComputerPt Compter

> O CD1012 *, :'*Point CD1 013 **:


  • None None None None None None o '7 None None None None None None o T 07 None None None None None None CO 7, None None None None None None

- None None None None None None

, None None None None None None Saeuad Safeguards I SaTestuCabinet,,Potter/Brumfie Seguards ,, Potter/Brumfield Test Cabinet IstCabinet Train A Id MR,66-4 Train B 4i Solenoid Solenoid XVM02801A- XVM02801A-O20D, Atwood Morril Close 20A, Atwood Morril XVM0280 C A XVM02801A- Solenoid valve XVM02801A XVM02801A- Solenoid valve C-20E, C-2233-A 20B, 2233-A XVM02801 A- XVM02801 A-20F 20C Solenoid Solenoid C. XVM02801 B- XVM02801 B-

  • n°*

° Close 20D, Atwood Morril Close 20A. Atwood Morril

  • * &- XM0201B XVM02801 B-20E, Solenoid valve C-2233-A XM20B XVM02801 B-20B, Solenoid valve C-2233-A XVM02801 B- XVM02801 B-20F 20C

', Computer Pt.  ;* *TSC Computer Pt.


'7 None None None None None None CD

'7 None None None None None None 00 7 None None None None None None Page 9 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 > t" Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

" 0 Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

,,.( C0 o

CMJ None None None None None None None None None None None None 0

(0, 0.


, None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None 0)

Input to Input to P/O Universal P/O Universal Safeguards Safeguards Card Card Logic Logic Cq)

Safeguards Safeguards Potter/Brumfie PotterBrumfield Test Cabinet Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4 MDR 66-4 Train A Train B 00 Close None None None XVG09568 0 Close 42-C MCC Close 42-C MCC

-0 XVG09605 Relay Coil XVG09606 Relay Coil 0O (0

CO Close C.) None None None XVG09600 TSC TSC 7~ Computer Computer Point CD 1002 Point CD1003 CD None None None None None None CO r7 None None None None None None

.1-I-I c'J Close 42-C MCC Close 42-C MCC XVK01633A Relay Coil XVK01 633B Relay Coil Close 42-CMCC None None None c XVK01633C Relay Coil cP None None None None None None

.0 Trip CC C-H Type M Trip CC 0 _ _Type _M Booster Pump C-H Type M 01 Booster Pump

7) Relay B Relay A

Cu None None None None None None 0

None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None CO 7 None None None None None None Page 10 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 T

0 M M Train A Train A Train A Train B I Train B Train B U- cc 0 Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00478 00478-20A NP8316A54V IFV00478 00478-20B N P8316A54V V,

Safeguards Safeguards Potter/Brumfie I Test Potter/Brumfield Test Cabinet Cabinet Id MDR 66-4B MDR 66-4 Train A 6

Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00488 00488-20A NP8316A54V IFV00488 00488-20B N P8316A54V a)

O Close Relay C-H Type M Cu ~. None None d) XVG01 611 A FW61 BX Relay (D26 None 0 MB)

CD 7 Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco a)  ; IFV00498 00498-20A NP8316A54V IFV00498 00498-20B NP8316A54V a)

U-Close Relay C-H Type M

- XVG01611B FW62BX Relay (D26 None None None I MB) I CD C-H Type M Lb Close Relay Relay (D26 None None None XVG01611C FW63BX KAI0:1 CO Input to Input to 7 Safeguards A405 Card Safeguards Loaic Logic

______ - 4 N

None None None None CIL Safeguards Safeguards Potter/Brumfie Test Cabinet Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4B Train A Trip Main None None None Feedwater Pump A NnTrip Main DC Relay Coil None None None Feedwater for Relay Pump B XTBT CD Ea

(~L N* Trip Main DC Relay Coil None None None Feedwater for Relay U..

- Pump C XTCT C'I None None None None None None DC Relay Coil DC Relay Coil Trip Main for Relay ip for Relay Turbine TTRX Turbine fo ea "2 KT902 None None None None None None Page 11 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 (U U)

Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B r-U. Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device L) 0 c, Open Valve 42-0 MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC

- XVG01001A Relay Coil XVG01001B Relay Coil S0 *- Open Valve 42-0 MCC Open Valve 42-0 MCC co XVG01008 Relay Coil XVG01002 Relay Coil Nd 0

1O ', None None None None None None None None None None None None

.4. .4. 4 4 4 04 None None None None None None Safeguards Safeguards Potter/Brumfie Potter/Brumfield Test Cabinet Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4 MDR 66-4 Train A Train B Solenoid Solenoid Valves Valves XVM02801 C- XVM02801 C-Atwood Morril Atwood Morril Close 20D, Close 20A, Solenoid valve Solenoid valve C-XVM02801 C XVM02801 C- XVM02801 C XVM02801 C-C-2233-A 2233-A 20E, 20B, XVM02801 C- XVM02801 C-20F 20C 0.

0 Solenoid Asco Solenoid Solenoid Asco Solenoid E U N C4 7 Close Valve Valve Close Valve Valve

0) XVM02869A XVM2869A- NP8316A54V XVM02869A XVM2869A- NP8316A54V 20A 20A Solenoid Asco Solenoid Solenoid Asco Solenoid

- Close Valve a le Close Valve a le XVM02869B XVM2869A- NP831 6A54V - NP831 6A54V NP365V XVM02869B XV286A PA1A4 20A 20A Solenoid Asco Solenoid Close Solenoid Asco Solenoid Cloe XValve Valve Valve Close Valve XVM02869C XVM2869A- NP8316A54V XVM02869C XVM2869A- NP8316A54V 20A 20A to 7 None None None None None None

,p2 00

7. None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 0Q 7 None None None None None None NNone Page 12 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 C ()

oTrain A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

, w , Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

,, 0 Trip CC Relay C-H Type M Trip CC Relay C-H Type M

. Booster Pump K625CX1 Relay Booster Pump K625cX1 Relay C ._ C C0 None None None None None None cO None None None None None None

.i-0 7 None None None None None None cer 0- E 7 None None None None None None 7e None None None None None None LU 0 cý Open Valve 42-0 MCC

  • Open Valve 42-0 MCC ,;i:

w "XVG01037A Relay Coil iXVG01 037B Relay Coil o ' None None None None None None N-ILO CO None None None None None None 0 7Q None None None None None None TeNon Noniet NontrBufe Noes Noneet None.

2, Trip Reactor Relay coil for C-H Type M Trip Reactor Relay coil for C-H Type M Coolant PP A K627XA RelyB) 2 Coolant PP A K627XB Relay (D26 MB)

,T Safeguards PotrBufe Safeguards I otrBrmil Train A Train B Iotdrmil cp Trip Reactor Relay coil for C-H Type M Ti eco ea olfr CHTp

> -Coolant PP B K627YA Relay (D26 TripoRantor K2YcolDorRelay C- 2TpMB CC) ~~~~~~~~~~MB) CoatP 67B Rly(2 B LLC-H Type M

= D Trip Reactor Relay coil for Trip Reactor Relay coil for C-H Type M o-7" Relay (D26

0) Coolant PP C K627ZA M)Coolant PP C K627ZB Relay (D26 MB)

MB 0

None None None None None None 7O"T None None None None None None (0

7Te None co None None None None None Page 13 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C

o > -

" Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B c Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

u. 0 P11 Isolation P11A-AX1 AR880AR P11 Isolation P11B-BX1 AR880AR Relay Relay Relay Coil Relay Coil Open 42-0 MCC Open 42-0 MCC 6 XVG08808A Relay Coil XVG08808B Relay Coil

, None None None None None None

,,.eoe 0 Open 42-0 MCC*?!**'"'°*

8 None 4 oO Nn None None None 3 Fad XVG08808C Relay Coil None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None 0o None None None None None None None None None None None None

', None None None None None None co Allows Interposing Allows Interposing AR4 0 , blocking RB Ieroi AR440 blocking RB eAR440 Evac Alarm Relay Evac Alarm Relay 7 None None None None None None X N E - None None None None None None SNone None None None None None None None None None None None to T--

7 None None None None None None Page 14 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 o

Cw 0= >, -t5) cc cr- Train A Device Tran A T Load rain A Load Device Train B Device Train B Load Train B Load Device

u. C0 0 CM Open 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter Open 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter

'- XVG08811A Relay Coil XVG0881 1B Relay Coil Block Auto Block Auto 42-0 MCC

' Open of Relay C Open of Relay Coil XVG03001A XVG03001B

, None None None None None None 00

' -) None None None None None None Coj

'* None None None None None None None None None None None None Io

_o2 7 None None None None None None C,J Steam Dump Relays SB7A1 C-H AR880AR Steam Dump Relays SB7B1 C-H AR880AR o - Control and SB7A2 Control and SB7B2 0Co 7, None None None None None None 0

CM 07- Steam8Dump None Relays None Coi1 None XVGAR80A8812B None um Relays None Coil None C A88A

' ~None None None None None None

> None None None None None None

>' None None None None None None o, None None None None None None

-J* XVG3004A Relay Coil XVG3004B Relay Coil Sz tre co "T Open 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter

- XVG3005A Relay Coil XVG3005B Relay Coil


-6 None None None None None None None None None None None None I-Page 15 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145

.o >, -

a Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device S 0 U. 0 04 Starts MDEFW 62 Relay coil Agsa 7012 Agastat 02 Starts MDEFW 62 wrRl 6 Swgr Relay Agastat 7012 PBL

  • MEWeyCi PBL PupCoil Pump A Pump B

> pnC-H Type M

-6 E

a. None None None nelay Opeay IFV03541 Relay coFNne one4oneRelay EF36B1 C-H Type M o Noe on Open C-H Type M 00NnNone N on FV03551 Relay IEF36B31 Relay o Open C-H Type M None None None FV03531 Relay EF341 Solenoid Solenoid Open Valve Asco 206-381- Valve Asco 206-38 1-N IFV02030 IFV02030-20A 7RVU, C-H Open IFV02030- 7RVU, C-H Type and Relay Type M Relay 20AB and M Relay 2030AX Relay 2030BX Open~- Oe 42-0 20MC MCC Size 1 Starter Open Oe420MC 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter co XVG02802A Relay Coil XVG2802B Relay Coil None None None Open 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter XVG02813 Relay Coil
0. r- N
  • 0.

-- x *. o Open Relay EF81C-H Type M None None None

  • o 1FV03546 EF81 Relay 1.Relay EF39B31 None None None

- Open C-H Type M 6 IFV03556 Relay Open Relay EF37B1 C-H Type M None None None IFV03536 Relay 7 None None None None None None (0

co 7- None None None None None None

, None None None None None None 0

o. *- Safeguards Safeguards
  • . :i Safeguards 4 Potter/Brumfie e aPotter/Brumfield

-Test CabineId MDR 66-4 Test Cabinet MDR 66-4

-L is, Train A Train MD R6B6

%oE 5, E None None None None None None CA 7 None None None None None None 0)

Page 16 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 C w 0 >.

~-U cu Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

-di Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device

u. M 00 cm Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco IFV00478 00478-20A NP8316A54V IFV00478 00478-20B NP8316A54V Safeguards Potter/Brumfie Safeguards Cabinet urfi l Test Cabinet Id MDR 66-4 Test Cabinet MDR 66-4 Train A Train B C Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco 1FV00488 I- 00488-20A NP8316A54V IFV00488 00488-20B NP8316A54V CsRaC-H Type M
0. od XVG0161oA FW61RBX Relay (026 None None None MB)

(0 -

C\1_ _ __ _ _

>)* (0 " Close Solenoid FCV- Asco Close Solenoid FCV- Asco

- IFV00498 00498-20A NP8316A54V IFV00498 00498-20B NP8316A54V C-H TypeM o5 Close XVG01611B Relay FW62BX Relay (D26 None None None

~MB) MB C-H TypeM Close Relay Relay (D26 None None None u2 XVG01 611 C FW63BX MB)

Input toto 7 Safeguards

  • A405 Card Safeguards . . w. A405 Card

- LogicLoi None None None None None None S* None None None None None None c, None None None None None None co "T None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None a)

None None None None None None op, None None None None None None Cfl U) 00 " None None None None None None

-, None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None

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7; None None None None None None Page 17 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 Cw o >%

c-0 Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

" ý Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device L 0 uN N Non e Non e Non e Non e Non e

  • , None None None None None None 0 None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None 0*-

None None None None None None SNone None None None None None

, None None None None None None 03 7 None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None P, None None None None None None 7o* None None None None None None CQ None None None None None None SNone None None None None None

', None None None None None None o Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter XVG03003A Relay Coil XVG03003B Relay Coil

.0i 0 _*- o Safeguards K644 Safeguards K644  ;

d6 Test Cab A Test Cab B O~c 0 None None None None None None V

N I c6 None None None None None None o7 None None None None None None (0

'7 None None None None None None Page 18 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C T

.2 >. 0 Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B C Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device U. 404 CMJ Start Spray Agastat 7012 Start Spray 62 Relay coil 62 Relay coil Agastat 7012 PBL Pump A PBL Pump B

-. 4- .4 4 Open 42-0 MCC Open 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter Size 1 Starter XVG03001 A Relay Coil XVG03001 B Relay Coil

-4 +

Safeguards Safeguards C? Test Cab A Test Cab B r-0 TSC TSC Computer Pt. Computer Pt.


CD1008 CD1009 Y.

C', None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Safeguards P/O Universal Safeguards P/O Universal Test Cabinet Test Cabinet Card Card Train A Train B coJ CU None None None None None None LO CT CU , None None None None None None CD, 0

7 None None None None None None oY*

None None None None None None None None None None None None U/)

None None None None None None 7 None None None None None None Page 19 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0-0 w ti Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B

- Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device LL 0 cj Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter XVG0881 1A Relay Coil XVG0881 1 B Relay Coil

  • ,Open~- Oe 42-0 20MOMCC Size 1 Starter Open Oe420MO 42-0 MCC Size 1 Starter c' XVG08812A Relay Coil XVG08812B Relay Coil gý SI Reset Light S ee ih co 0

- None None None None None None Z.2.-o *.. - ____

(uwi Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter Open 42-0 MOO Size 1 Starter

- XVG3004A Relay Coil XVG3004B Relay Coil Open 42-0 MCC Open 42-0 MCC 7 Size 1 Starter Size 1 Starter

'2 XVG3005A Relay Coil XVG3005B Relay Coil C0 Energize Energize 7 Relay TD1 in Relay TD in t XPN7011 XP72 00 7 None None None None None None 0N None None None None None None

'~None None None None None None co P, None None None None None None Solenoid Close Valves C IFVO3321, IFV03321 - Asco Close Solenoid Asco

> 7 20A, Valve IFV03321-20B

>M x !L F031 FV3331, 2IFV03331- NP8316A54V IFV03321 NP8316A54V (D and IFV03341 20A, and IFV03341-20A N OeSolenoid

-L None None None Close Valve IFV03331 FV03331-20B NP8316A54V OlseSolenoid 7 None None None Close Valve IFV03341 -20B NP8316A54V 7 None None None None None None Ne

7. None None None None None None Page 20 of 21

Document Control Desk E CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C


_= Train A Train A Train A Train B Train B Train B Device Load Load Device Device Load Load Device S0 U.C M None None None None None None

, None None None None None None

, None None None None None None

.LX Solenoid I- "C o Close eValves IFV03321, IFV03321- sSolenoid Asco 0 0A,331 1FV21 Cos Valve Ac 6 IFV03331, an IV331 IFV03331- NP8316A54V IFVFV0332 V IFV03321-20B NP8316A54V and FV03341 20A, and IFV03341-20A IM CM oeni N N Close Solenoid Asco 5 - None None None 1FV0I3FV0-206 Valve N P831 6A54V I-

  • IFV03331-20B Close Solenoid Asco 7 None None None Close Valve IFV03341 -206 NP8316A54V (0

7 None None None None None None (0

cO None 7T None None None None None Page 21 of 21

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 VIRGIL C. SUMMER NUCLEAR STATION (VCSNS)

DOCKET NO. 50/395 OPERATING LICENSE NO. NPF-12 Enclosure F VCSNS Slave Relay Contact Loading Review Page 1 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C

.o0 >. w C

Contact Action C on Signal Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

" 0 c* Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes DC Coil

  • - Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes e5 AC Coil S Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4W - 139.2 mA Yes rN DC Coil

, Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes o6 DC Coil

  • ;D 2 Open to De-energize C- Open to 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

.S - DC Coil 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes 2 DC Coil Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes o? DC Coil

" Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 96 VA Open 14 VAYes N Coil closed

- None None None Yes

, None None None Yes 0 Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 8W- 64 mA Yes N4 Relay 0

7 None None None Yes CM

.2 7 Close to complete N/A N/A Yes-N/A-non 7 circuit interrupt 7 Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes

ý2 AC Coil

ý- Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 17.5 mA Yes-N/A-non 6 Coil interrupt Close to complete Yes - N/A - non circuit 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A interrupt Page 2 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 o-

  • .0 w Contact Action Cttco Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

c, on Signal u.

LL 0 CM Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non Coil interrupt It Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 438 VA Yes - N/A - non C6 Coil interrupt c, Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non i.. Coil interrupt o Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non

>- 2 d) Coil interrupt

-- Close to Energize AC Mk 60 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non Coil ae amps or interrupt 7 None None None Yes 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes 2 DC Coil 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes DC Coil

  • , None None None Yes IT Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 438 VA Yes - N/A - non o' Coil interrupt p Open to De-energize Break 720 VA 438 VA Yes r- AC Coil None None None Yes 200

'a M. eJ., cn"E*

  • Cloilt Coil negz Close to Energize AC AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes -N/A -non interrupt ierrupt Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes-N/A-non 2 Coil interrupt 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes

ý2 DC Coil

, Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 155 VA inrush - 22 VA Yes - N/A - non Coil sealed interrupt Page 3 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145 0

C -)

.0 >.Contact Action t C on Aion Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

-on Signal c, Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

- DC Coil

  • Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4W-139.2mA Yes S DC Coil Open C to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes 0
  • " DC Coil 0 o Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

_ DC Coil E 7 Close to complete 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non

. circuit interrupt 0

7 None None None Yes 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

ý2 DC Coil 00 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 0.5 amps Yes DC Coils e, Open to De-energize 1.10ampsorl38VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

- DC Coils o *- Open DC Coil to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes cp Open to De-energize 1.10 am ps or 138 VA 17.4 W -139.2 mA Yes N- DC Coil op Open to De-energize DC Coil 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 3. AYes o Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 35.1 W Yes 6 DC Coil C Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W -139.2 mA Yes 0 d6 DC Coil 0

  • o* *cli Open to De-energize Open toi De-e1. 10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes S DC Coil 0 )

$ Open Dc Coil to De-energize eergz 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes S Coil D

Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA interrupt Yes -N/A -non

  • o Close to Energize AC Mk 60 ams or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non LI Coil ae 6 interrupt o Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non R- Coil Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA interrupt Page 4 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-1 1-0145

.;- Contact C- on Action-U Aion Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

c ) on Signal N Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non CoilMake 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA interrupt Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes c AC Coil co Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes - N/A - non

-- Coil interrupt 0

%o Close to Energize DC Yes - N/A - non 0 C 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA

_ <D Coil interrupt Ow ( None None None Yes 0

None None None Yes oc 7 None None None Yes Nne None None Yes N None None None Yes c6 None None None Yes Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes N- DC Coil o Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 35.1 W - 280.8 mA Yes 6 DC Coil 2>,._o co c*

  • Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 8W-64mA Yes - N/A - non o Coil interrupt CClose C( to Energize DC 110apor38VA 8W- 64 mA Yes -N/A -non

- Close to Energize DC V 8W 6 m Yes-N/A-non C' Coil 1laprl8A8 64Ainterrupt 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes

ý2 DC Coil

,-- Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 6 W - 48 mA Yes-N/A-non Coil interrupt Page 5 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C (a

0.  :
  • Contact Action ct Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

a on Signal IL 0 04 Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non Coil interrupt Open to De-Energize Break 720 VA 438 VA Yes co AC Coil cp r Open DC Coilto De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 35.1 W - 280.8 mA Yes 0

7 None None None Yes 0) aCn C\j 7 None None None Yes 7 None None None Yes SClose to Energize AC M 60 70VA NAYes -N/A -non t2 Coil ae ap rinterrupt 7 None None None Yes 0 c'j N None None None Yes "7 None None None Yes None "7 ", None None None Yes None None Yes None None None Yes CC CC None None None Yes 57 None None None Yes 7 None None None Yes o co None None None Yes 7 None Po None None Yes I-Page 6 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 f.2 Contact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

r- M con Signal 0

U. ro

' None None None Yes "6 None None None Yes co)

, None None None Yes 0

  • None None None Yes 0M
  • 6 Open to De-energize 138 VA 34.8W Yes st DC Coil Open to De-energize 138 VA 17.4 W Yes 6 DC Coil Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non
  • ' Colos toEnrgzMake Coil 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A interrupt 00 Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/Anon Coil interrupt N Open to De-energize 138 VA 8 W and 13.2 W and 370 Yes DC coils mA (47 W)

Open to De-energize 8 W and 13.2 W and 370 Yes DC coils 138 VA mA (47 W)

DC cpnoils eeri 8 Wand 13.2 W and 370 Ye

%, Open to De-energize 138 VA 8 W and 13.2 W and 370 Yes C 0 d) DC coils mA (47 W)

E C11 Open to De-energize 8 W and 13.2 W and 370 o D e 138 VA Yes o DC coils mA (47 W)

-e $

Open to De-energize 138 VA and 13.2W and 370 Yes 0 *,2 DC coils mA (47 W) 7 Open to De-energize 138 VA 8 W and 13.2 W and 370 Yes

ý2 DC coil mA (47 W)

T, Open to De-energize 138 VA 8Wad1. ad30 Yes Lo DC coil mA (47 W) 7 Open to De-energize 138 VA 35.1 W Yes r DC coil Page 7 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145

.0 -5

  • M Contact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

Z on Signal U-

u. M 0c t00

_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __o_ _ _

C, Open to De-energize 138 VA 17.4 W Yes DC coil

- Open to De-energize 138 VA 17.4W Yes c DC coil cc S None None None Yes

.0 Open to De-energize

- 138 VA 60.2 W Yes 0 DC coil 4)

(0 N~

E= h 7 None None None Yes C

0 tO

  • Open to De-energize 138 VA 8Wand 13.2 W and 370
  • DC coils mA (47 W)

Open to De-energize 138 17.4W Yes

ý2 DC coil Open to De-energize 138 VA 0.33 amp + 0.064 amp + Yes 1DCcoil 0.106=0.5 amp Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non Coil interrupt None None None Yes

, None None None Yes

.9 0 None None None Yes 0

<C\1 7 None None None Yes E

7- None None None Yes co 7 None None None Yes Page 8 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 -5 Contact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

on Signal U.-

C, Open to De-energize 138 VA 17.4 W + 13.2 W Yes DC coils Open to De-energize 138 VA 17.4W + 13.2W Yes co DC coil o0 "=r* o TSC Computer Pt.

CD1012 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non interrupt

.S '7 None None None Yes Cq 00 7 None None None Yes 0- Cs2

'7 7 None None None Yes Co N-to7 None None None Yes "T None None None Yes C14 None None None Yes S Open to De-energize Bek o e S AC Coil Bek6amps or720 VA 0.38 ampsYe OpncoiDles DC iz 1.10 amps or 138 VA 33.4 W (0.267 Amps) Yes 0

0co 6 Ope toiD-eeriz 1.10 amps or 138 VA 33.4 W (0.267 Amps) Yes

>n N Non Yes-N/A-non 1.10 ampsorl138 VA N/Ainerp ieu

'7 None None None Yes CD

,7 None None None Yes in OetNone None None Yes cý None None None Yes

'T C0)

None None None Yes M co

. None None None Yes CD

'7 None None None Yes 0)

Page 9 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145

.2 w: t5 Contc Aciona

    • Contact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

S 0 on Signal c' Close to complete Make60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non circuit interrupt Open to De-energize AC Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes c' AC Coil______ ____

o0 co Close Coi to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/Ainerp Yes - N/A - non

  • r- Coil interrupt 0

2*m" o Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non CID d Coil interrupt E ý. ý2 Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/Anon I Coil interrupt C

0 T TSC Computer Point 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non

-2 CD1002 interrupt co

'7 None None None Yes 7 None None None Yes cj Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non Coil interrupt

'-, Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non 6 Coil interrupt 4 None None None Yes


  • 4 0 Open to De-energize 155 VA inrush - 22 VA Open t Break 720 VA Yes

_Am o* AC Coil sealed

-E NoeNn Nne 0 None None None Yes o '7 None None None Yes oco

'7 u') None None None Yes CD

'T, None None None Yes c, Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

- DC Coil Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes cr AC Coil ap Open to De-energize

"- DC Coil 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes


> o

-T Open O to tD De-energize ni 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes

> 6 DC Coil CM C\1 Open to De-energize

  • DC Coil 7 pnt eeegz 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed m Yes Open C to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes

ý2CD O DCpeCoil n to D e -e n e rg iz e1 . 0 a p or 1 8 V1 3 2 W s l eY 16 DC Coil 11 mp r18V 32Wsae e s O- Close to complete N/A N/A Yes

- circuit Page 10 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 >

M tM Contact Co-ta Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

r- E on Signal U. 0 C, None None None Yes Open to De-energize o AC Coil Break 6 amps or 720VA 0.38 amps Yes co Close to Energize DC Inrush 21.6W Yes - N/A - non Coil pinterrupt M b* C, Close to Energize DC 1. 10 Amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non

.* E o Coil interrupt M~- N S"Close to Energize DC Yes - N/A - non

-- Coil1. 10 Amps or 138 VA N/A Coilinterrupt I-7 None None None Yes Co Close to Energize DC Yes - N/A - non Lb Coil 1.10 Amps or 138 VA N/A interrupt co

'7 C- None None None Yes (D Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non

- Coil interrupt

,1A- Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non

. Make 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A SCoilinterrupt iii o OD None None None Yes 0

7'7 0)

None None None Yes

, None None None Yes

.- Open to De-energize C0 AC Coil Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes op Open to De-energize DC Coils 1.10 amps or 138 VA 33.4 W (0.267 Amps) Yes

. Open to De-energize 0

u O Coils DC t - i 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W Yes

>) ,;- Open to De-energize Op to 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W Yes

~2 DC Coils 7 OpnCoils C eeri 1. 10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W Yes

'7 None None None Yes co

'7 None None P 1 None Yes Page 11 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 o -

'= (0

  • Contact Cna Action AcSlave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

c C " on Signal U. 0

' None None None Yes None None None Yes U) , co u , None None None Yes Co 7 None None None Yes Open to De-energize Break 720 VA or 6 amps 155 VA inrush - 22 VA Yes AC Coil sealed None None None Yes co o None None None Yes 0u o None None None Yes E d None None None Yes

, None None None Yes

ý2 CO 7 None None None Yes T-7~ None None. None Yes 2N Close to Energize CMake AC 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non ce* Coil interrupt a) j"&" None None None Yes U. C N _

uJ. v None None None Yes 0n 0 o 7 None None None Yes N Close to Energize DC 138 VA 168 W inrush - 13.2 W Yes - N/A - non

- Coil 1.10 amps or sealed interrupt Open to De-energize co AC Coil Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes 00 Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 168 W inrush - 13.2 W Yes - N/A - non N Coil sealed interrupt a)

"7-,- Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 168 W inrush - 13.2 W Yes - N/A - non r dM Coil sealed interrupt

" None None None Yes I.

cc 7ý2 None None None Yes CD 7T None None None Yes Ln 00 7 None None None Yes Page 12 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145

  • 0-5 . - Contact Action ona Aiona Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

n- o on Signal N Close to Energize Coil iz AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 98 VA open - 14 VA coe Yes nerp - N/A - non

- coil closed interrupt close to Energize C AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA Mk6coil N/A Yes - N/A - non interrupt co oi c None None None Yes Close C

06 -ciMakeCoil to Energize AC 60 amps or 7200 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non interrupt

  • TE* None None None Yes IL 7 None None None Yes Co co 7 None None None Yes None None None Yes None None None Yes None None None Yes

.*c Op~en toue-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 14 VA Yes

- AC Coil le None None None Yes x0 7 None None None Yes J= o o co 7e None None None Yes X0 None None None Yes Ce1 c N o Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non coil_ interrupt S Open to Dc-energize Bek6ap r70V 7V e Cl

') None AC Coil None Bek6ap r70V None 7V Yese co g None None None Yes 7' None None None Yes U-) -j 0 None None None Yes I-co 7 None None None Yes co 7 None None None Yes

'T ~~ag 13n ofn 18e e 7P None None None Yes

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 C Uw

"-o > -

t5* Contacto SgaAction con Aion Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

u. U A" Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non o

o0- Coils Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 182 VA interrupt O0)

> S None None None Yes (U_,

oE= co None None None Yes oa)

"E 0

  • None None None Yes cli Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non Coils interrupt None None None Yes

,z None None None Yes 00 C- None None None Yes 0 t ý2 CilsMake Coils 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VAinerp interrupt

. Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non co 7 None None None Yes Coils1 0ap r13 A8 -6m interrupt

-i- Close to Energize NCoe NmYes - NA -

Cose N Noneto NEonergYesN

  • , CColoetEnrie C 1.10 ampsorl138 VA8W-64mYe-N/-no

-1 S Coi Openton e-energizeene 10 amps orl138VA 13.24mA intederrp Yes a, Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes 0 DC Coil C Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes 6 DC Coil c\j Close to Energize DC 1.10 amps or 138 VA 168 W inrush for Relay Yes - N/A - non

,I- Coils 35.1 W for Valve interrupt

,It Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non C6 Coil interrupt co Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non Coil interrupt 0.

> o Open=toe-energize 1.10amsor 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes (Ld. DC Coil M*

C , Open to De-energize (D Coi1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes e DC Coil

'7 None None None Yes to 7 None None None Yes Page 14 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 0 -

2 >. Za Contact Action 2on C Aion Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

rr - 0 o on Signal

  • None None None Yes 0.0.

0 o U -u d Open AC CoiIto De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes

-- None None None Yes 7

0) None None None Yes sj Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W -139.2 mA Yes

- DC Coil

'- Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 0.38 amps Yes co AC Coil co Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

. DC Coil

.* o Open to De-energize V'

  • Oe to 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes 00 d DC Coil Open to De-energize

>O pr* e 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes i DC Coil Open to De-energize amps or 138 VA

ý2 DC Coil Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 13.2 W sealed Yes DC Coil Close to complete 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A Yes - N/A - non circuit interrupt

, None None None Yes o, None None None Yes co 0.

, 7, None None None None None None Yes Yes 7- None None None Yes Ne

, None None None Yes None None None Yes 00 c 7 None None None Yes CL 00 h 4 None None None Yes

& oeNneNn e 0

None None None Yes Page 15 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 (I) o >. - otctAto

"- is Contact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

a -

C 0

on Signal U. .

None None None Yes

. o None None None Yes (0 o co 0

7 None None None Yes o None None None Yes

', None None None Yes N-7 None None None Yes None None None Yes

  • None None None Yes CL w

, None None None Yes cc4

  • , CD C,

N-None None None Yes

",L None None None Yes 0

OD None None None Yes 0)

E None None None Yes 7 None None None Yes oe nerze Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VAYes 1

N- Coil interrupt "o o Open to De-energize 96 VA Open 14 VAYe U) <


  • o*T AC Coil Break 6amps or720 VAYe closed CO 7 CNoneto Non Non Yes-N/-no 0 , None None None Yes oC

'T None None None Yes U) 0)

T None None None Yes Page 16 of 18

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145

  • 0 5 Contact Action t5 ontc Aion Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

r- - 0o on Signal N Close to Energize DC Yes - N/A - non

- Coil 1.10 amps or 138 VA 8W- 64 mA interrupt V Close to Energize AC Make 60 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non C6 Coil amps or interrupt cp Open to De-energize Break 6 amps or 720 VA 96 VA Open 14 VA Yes

~- AC Coil Bra mso 2 A closedYe 0

o6 TSCD1 Computer 0 Pt. 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/Ainerp Yes - N/A - non

~ -- CDNone 10 None None Yes nerp 7 None None None Yes

'7 None None None Yes U3 cO r0

'7 None None None Yes N Close to complete Yes - N/A - non 0 " circuit 1.10 amps or 138 VA N/A interrupt O c6 None None None Yes T, None None None Yes C0L 7, None None None Yes CL N None None None Yes 0.0 u}" * '7o.° None None None None None None Yes Yes

  • c, None None None Yes C"! Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non
  • -L coil interrupt

,It Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non co Coils interrupt 00 Close to Energize Mk60apor70VA NAYes - N/A - non r-. Resistive AC Load interrupt C) 7 None None None Yes to Close to Energize AC Yes - N/A - non Cn .* d Coils Closeto EnrgizeAC MakegYe1-7N/f-60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA interrupt no m- Close to Energize AC Make 60 amps or 7200 VA 245 VA Yes - N/A - non Coils interrupt Close to Energize AC e Yes RelayMae6amso720V 8W-64mYs co

'7 None None None Yes P 7

Document Control Desk F CR-04-02961 RC-11-0145 a- w o "-,

SContact Action Slave Relay Current Rating Load Current Interrupt OK?

C)- on Signal

u. S0 1U

, None None None Yes None None None Yes

, None None None Yes S

Open to De-energize 17.4 W x 3 - 139.2 mA x 6 DC-Coils e 1.10 amps or 138 VA 3 = 417.6 mA (0.42 Yes d~ DOoilsamps)

  • 2 open to De-energize 1.10 ampsor 18A 17.4 W -139.2 mA Yes
  • DC Coils 7 Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes c2 DC Coils Co t" None None None Yes

'-r None None None Yes None None None Yes None None None Yes

,q-f None None None Yes 17.4 W x 3 - 139.2 mAx S Open to De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 3 = 417.6 mA (0.42 Yes

' I- DC Coils amps) 0 S1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes


  • DC Coils Opento De-energize 1.10 amps or 138 VA 17.4 W - 139.2 mA Yes

ý2 DC Coils (D

7 None None None Yes to N- None None None Yes Page 18 of 18